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Home Remedies- LMAO

Home Remedies- LMAO- Body: AMAZINGLY SIMPLE HOME REMEDIES 1. If you are choking on an ice cube simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself. 2. Avoid cutting yourself slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop. 3. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink. 4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer. 5. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. 6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough. 7. You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape. 8. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. Daily Thought: SOME PEOPLE ARE LIKE SLINKIES. NOT REALLY GOOD FOR ANYTHING, BUT THEY BRING A SMILE TO YOUR FACE WHEN PUSHED DOWN THE STAIRS


A REAL MAN Body: WHAT IS A REAL MAN? 1.) A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his family first. 2.) A REAL MAN RAISES HIS KIDS, not JUST out of pocket either. 3.) A REAL MAN supports his woman to develop herself. 4.) A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN. 5.) A REAL MAN doesn't Break Promises. 6.) A REAL MAN calls you beautiful, not hot & sexy. 8.) A REAL MAN CALLS YOU on a daily basis - NO MATTER HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS. 9.) A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about you or what his friends think of you. 10.) A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with you & won't get sick of you. 11.) A REAL MAN comes over just to watch movies with you. 12.) A REAL MAN kisses you on the forehead just because. 13.) A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real. 14.) A REAL MAN should be treated like one. 15.) A REAL MAN doesn't ask questions when you say you need something....him, sex, money, or a bed to sleep in. 16.) A REAL MAN lets others know How He Feels About you. 17.) A REAL MAN doesn't play games!!!!!!!!!!! 18.) A REAL MAN doesn't leave you to go and hang out with his friends if he hasn't seen you in a week and then call you at 4 in the morning because he needs some loving. 19.) A REAL MAN doesn't deny you. 20.) A REAL MAN doesn't just think about sex. 21.) A REAL MAN Doesn't Judge the book by the cover. 22.) A REAL MAN wouldn't use his friendship card to get what he wants. 23.) A REAL MAN knows the difference between a REAL WOMAN and a random girl. 24.) A REAL MAN won't degrade a woman with words nor will he ever put his hands on her in anger. 25.) A REAL MAN sends you flowers Just Because. All females repost this if you agree. All males repost this if you're A REAL MAN

Never Been Asked.

Never Been Asked. 1. First thing you wash in the shower? my hair 2. What color is your favorite hoodie? blue 3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? no 4.Do you plan outfits? sometimes 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? like shit 7. Do you say aim or a-i-m? aim I guess 8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having last night? No comment 10. What are you craving right now? sleep 11. Do you floss? yes 12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? cabbage rolls 15. Would you dance to the taco song? I don't know the taco song.. 16. Have you ever counted to 1,000? yes 17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? both Where the hell did you put 18 & 19. …? 20. Have you ever met a celebrity? yes 21. Do you like cottage cheese? yes 22. What are you listening to right now? sponge bob 23. How many countries have you visited? 1 mexico 24. Are your parents strict? no 25. Would you go sky diving? no 26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? sure 27. Would you throw potatoes at him? prolly not 28. Is there anything sparkly in the room you’re in? just Tamera 30. Do you rent movies often? yes 31. Who sits in behind you in your math class? don't take math 34. Can you count backwards from 74? if I wanted to 35. Who are you going to be with tonight? depends on if I'm admitted into the hospital or not.. 36. Brown or white eggs? ?? Aren't they the same? 38. Ever been on a train? yes 39. Ever been in love? yep 40. Do you have a cell-phone? yep 43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? probably trying to figure out what the hell to do with my kids if I get admitted to the hospital.. 45. Ever have cream puffs? yes 46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? yes 47. What was the last question you asked? What the hell am I going to do with my kids.. 48. What was the last CD you bought? idk 49. Boys or girls? men.. 50. What is your bus number for school? whatever bus that showed up I got on it..never looked at the numbers. 51. Is your hair curly? no, wavy 52. Last time you cried? a couple of days ago 53. Ever walked into a wall? yeah 55. Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? nope 57. Favorite time of the year? fall 58. Favorite color? hunter green 60. Do you have any tattoos? yes 61. The next person you’ll hold hands with… will it mean anything? IDK 62. Do you sleep with the TV on? No 63. Where was your default picture taken at? My bathroom 65. Do you like your life right now? sorta 67. What is your favorite animal? cats mine 69. Do you have good vision? sorta 70. Can you hula hoop? use to 71. Could you ever forgive a cheater? yes 72. Do you have a job? yes 74. What are you wearing? clothes 76. Have you ever crawled through a window? lol..yes 77. Can you handle the truth? yes 78. What was the most recent thing you bought? tennis shoes for my son 79. How often do you talk on the phone? every day 81. Do you hate/dislike more than 3 people? no 83. Are you sarcastic? me? never 84. Have you ever slapped someone? yes 85. Do looks matter? a little 86. Do you use chap stick? yes 87. Are you too forgiving? no 88. Do you own something from Hot Topic? yes 89. Do you own a gun? no 90. Have you made a prank phone call? yes 91. Have you ever been in a castle? no 92. Do you like your hair? sometimes 93. Do you like yourself? yes 94. Are you emotional? yes 96. When was the last time you talked on aim? 8 years ago 97. Did you meet anybody new today? no 98. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? Tamera

32 Questions!

32 Questions! Body: 32/thanks again Patty Body: 1. Who is in the room with you? My two girls and my sister 2. Who is the last person to text you? I don't text 3. Whose house did you last go to? Carols 4. Who was the last person you told you love them? Husband -THE WHATS- 5. What was the last thing you ate? Hershey Chocolate 6. What was the last thing you did? Checked emails 7. What color pants are you wearing? Mauve 8. What is the closest item near you that is blue? My sisters socks 9. What are you wearing on your feet? Bare Feet right now ! 10. What instant messaging service do you use? Mostly myspace IM or MSN 11. What is your favorite website? Myspace or Tony Stewart.com 12. What is your favorite pair of shoes? My white and black flip flops 13. What do you wear more, jeans or sweatpants? Jeans 14. What is the last movie watched? SAW 15. What do you currently hear right now? The tv -THE WHENS- 16. When is your birthday? March 21 17.When did you last go to the mall? a few months ago 18. When did you last buy a new pair of pants? a month ago 19. When did you last take a shower? i dont take showers i take baths -THE WHERES- 20. Where is your favorite place to be? a friends house! 21. Where is your phone? Right next to me on the computer desk! 22. Where is your mom? About a hr away from me! 23. Where do you sleep? Either living room where i crash by tv or in our bedroom 24. Where do you shop the most? Walmart 25. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Walmart 26. Where in your house are you? My living room! 27. Where was your default MySpace picture taken? I got it off a website -THE WHY'S- 28. Why did you fall in love with the one you love or have loved? We had alot of things in common, plus he is the sweetest man i know! 29. Why does, basically, half the world have myspace? Because it's supposed to be the IN thing 30. Why did you pick your MySpace user name It's my name 31. Why did you pick your background? I like the color and the quote it had on it but i am going to change it soon! 32. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? He was going to work!
Body: All you have to do is mark bands that you enjoy. Then add them up and repost as "I like ___ out of 100 bands." ALTERNATIVE: [] Breaking Benjamin [] Paramore [] The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus [] Linkin Park [] The Academy Is... [x ] Coldplay ] Three Days Grace [] Yellowcard [] 30 Seconds to Mars [] Rise Against TOTAL SO FAR= 1 COUNTRY: [x ] Rascal Flatts [] Carrie Underwood [x] Leanne Rhymes [ x] Garth Brooks [ ] Dixie Chicks [X ] Kenny Chesney [X ] Tim McGraw []Faith Hill [ ] Shania Twain TOTAL SO FAR= 6 EMO: [] Hawthorne Heights []Panic! At The Disco [] From First to Last [] Senses Fail [] Underoath [ ] Something Corporate [ ] Hit The Lights [] Silverstein [ ] Dear Whoever [] Chiodos TOTAL SO FAR= 6 INDIE: [ ] The Hush Sound [ ] Eisley [ ]forever the sickest kids [] Death Cab for Cutie [] Dashboard Confessional [] The Killers [] Yeah Yeah Yeahs [ ] Hot Hot Heat [] Gym Class Heroes [ ] Franz Ferdinand [] Modest Mouse [] maroon 5 [ ] scene asthetic TOTAL SO FAR= 6 METAL: [] Slipknot [] System of a Down [ ] Disturbed [x] Metallica [x] Guns n' Roses [] Lamb of God ] Slayer [ ] Hatebreed [ ] Killswitch Engage [] Avenged Sevenfold [ ] CKY TOTAL SO FAR= 8 POP: [ ] Teddy Geiger [ ] Ashlee Simpson [x] Kelly Clarkson [ ] Jesse McCartney [x] Avril Lavigne [x] Pink [] Natasha Bedingfield [ ] Mcfly [ ] Will Young TOTAL SO FAR: 11 POWERPOP/PUNK: [] Hellogoodbye [] Cute is What We Aim for [] The Click Five [] Fall Out Boy [] Good Charlotte [x]Bowling for Soup ] Relient K. [] Simple Plan TOTAL SO FAR= 12 RAP: [ ] Ying Yang Twins [ ] Paul Wall [] 2pac [ ] Jamie Foxx [ ] Ludacris [ ] Lil' Jon [ ] Outkast [ ] 50 Cent [ ] slim thug [ ] three 6 mafia TOTAL SO FAR= 12 SKA: [ ] Rancid [ ] The Aquabats [] Sublime [ ] No Doubt [ ] Madness [ ] Mustard Plug TOTAL SO FAR=12 ROCK: [] Taking Back Sunday [] All American Rejects [] Motion City Soundtrack [ ] Angels and Airwaves [x] Evanescence [x] My Chemical Romance [ ] Drowning Pool [x] Green Day [] Blink 182 TOTAL SO FAR= 15 CLASSIC ROCK: [] The Beatles [x ] Led Zeppelin [] Black Sabbath [x ] The Rolling Stones [] The Who [ ] Pink Floyd [x ] Meat Loaf [x] Queen [x ] Van Halen [x] Poison [x] AC-DC [x ]Journey TOTAL= 23 repost as "i like __ out of 100 bands


What is an adnexal mass ? what does it have to do with an enlarged uterus?
I haven't been on much because i've been ill. Please read!! Body: I haven't been on much because i've been ill. Please read!! Body: I am haveing problems with my gallbladder and it may be removed next week so i haven;t been on much because i have been so ill... So i'll b back as soon as possible ... Get more @ CherryTagz.com Get more @ CherryTagz.com please keep me in my prayers and i'll b back as soon as i posssile can ....I have been in alot of pain and just want to sleep so ...show me some love while i'm gone be back soon .... Have a great weekend ...Love to you all, Penny (penny20fan...) Get more @ CherryTagz.com
you should enjoy this can you relate sister Being Indian Is feeding anyone and everyone who comes to your door hungry, with whatever you have. Being Indian Is knowing to duck or hide when you see the cops from a mile away, even when you were a kid! Being Indian Is being broke all year long because you try to make every Pow Wow, gathering, and ceremony. Being Indian Is loving frybread and soup. Being Indian Is knowing history started before 1492. Being Indian Is full of acronyms that affect your world (BIA, CDIB, etc) Being Indian Is knowing how to snag and then lie about it. Being Indian is knowing all the quick remedies to get rid of hickies. Being Indian Is playing outside, unsupervised on the REZ til 3:00 am. Being Indian is either borrowing or lending money to your NDN brothers and sisters at least once a week. Being Indian Is having people ask if they can touch your hair or take your picture or how long have your been growing your hair and so on Being Indian is to be asked constantly if you still live in tee-pees or ride horses every where you go. Being Indian is knowing why the REZ car in "Smoke Signals" was funny! Being Indian is knowing why in "Smoke Signals, " the line 'do you have your passports?" is funny! Being Indian is knowing how to barter or trade for things you need and things you don't! Being Indian is having more cousins than trees have leaves. Being Indian is laughing with your friends so much your facial muscles hurt. Being Indian is singing 49 songs using a garbage can for a drum or remembering the days. Being Indian is having the strength to move your family at any given moment, and making it. Being Indian is having a song come to you at the oddest times.A-ho!!! Being Indian is not a part time thing ALL DAY, EVERY DAY! Being Indian Is PRIDE Being Indian is BEAUTIFUL Being Indian is FOREVER So If your NDN and proud of It pass this on!!

knee surgery....:(

I am going to have Arthrosopic Knee Surgery on my right knee medial meniscus tear.....It will be may 18, @1:30pm central time ....I am very nervous bout this so if u dont see me a couple days i;ll b laying on the couch watch television w/ leg (knee) up ....i was just wanting you to know this ..thanks to all my friends ....love to all...,Penny:)
OK i did a google search on this to see if it was REAL and it indeed seems to be valid- there was a contradictory report that claims its all a hoAX BUT AS THE MOM OF A TWO teens im not willing to take that cance! please pass this on- im going to blog it as well even though noone ever looks at them :P ~Temptress~ *************************************************** Body: Department that they have received emails from emergency responder organizations to be on the lookout for a new form of Crystallized Meth, that is targeted at children and to be aware of this new form if called to an emergency involving a child that may have symptoms of drug induction or overdose. They are calling this new form of meth "Strawberry Quick" and it looks like the "Pop Rocks" candy that sizzle in your mouth. In its current form, it is dark pink in color and has a strawberry scent to it. Please advise your children and their friends and other students not to accept candy from strangers as this is obviously an attempt to seduce children into drug use. They also need to be cautious in accepting candy from even friends that may have received it from someone else, thinking it is just candy. I don't want this email to scare anyone, but as a Parent first, Law Enforcement Officer, Coach, Volunteer Firefighter, and friend, I thought it would be best to share this with you, so you can once again talk to your children about the effects of drugs and how easy it could be to take drugs without knowing it, until it is too late. I worry, just as each of you do about kids and drugs and all the problems our kids today are faced with. So please talk with your children about this newest threat to get children addicted to drugs!
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