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7166137's blog: "Leveling"

created on 10/06/2015  |  http://fubar.com/leveling/b364905  |  24 followers

Rock Star Fame (Level 66)

Adding a preface: Mine can't be the only example, it's only what I did to get it. Anyone level 67 or above should be able to give you some insight into it. At least if they're nice (see my blog about that)

This one can only be performed while at level 66, it cannot be done early. A little setup is always good. I will start be explaining how I went about it late January 2017.

I was aslo going for the achievement Double Trouble, which is to get in the top ten points for the day, AND top ten in LIKES for guys. This achievement has been removed as a level requirement, but can still be completed if you are level 66 or higher.

I had two maybe three happy hours on the day I attempted, plus I had the last happy hour the day prior. I had a Rock Star, Boomerang and FAMP already running as such:

11:00PM 11:15PM 11:30PM 11:45PM 12:00AM 12:15AM 12:30AM 12:45AM 1:00AM 1:15AM 1:30AM 1:45AM 2:00AM 2:15AM 2:30AM
            BIG BANG          
        RESET   RESET       RESET       RESET

With the star running at Fubar Reset, EVERY Like and Rate counted toward my goal, so my goal was easy to see. I started a Big Bang 30 minutes into the day. Each green RESET indicates when people could rate my profile again. When the Star and Boomerang ended, I repeated it almost exactly. Since I was going for the most likes, I also threw in a Likenado 2 hours into some of the Rock Stars. I don't remember how long it took to complete. Remember I was also going for top ten in points, so I had to run powerups to coincide with that. Since I record that, it was both Likenado and Cherry Bomb, which had been going for the entire weekend. I am good a bombing, but I hate doing them, but I did quite a few that day. Before you try to "Correct" me, I did not include the RESETS that happened at the beginning of this schedule, because they are for the prior day.

Now, if you are going for it, your starting inventory should be based on how many profile rates you get on an average day. To find this, from your home page (I use Hotness style) and find your stats. Click View All. Not hard to find, and you can actually see anyone's stats as long as you can view their profile

These are my stats for today (so far) and the previous seven days. The days with higher rates were days I ran powerups, so I use my average of the other days (not today) to come up with just under 400. The lower your average is when you don't run, means it will take more powerups to complete this. Note these are whole day stats, not stats for each powerup.

Choosing a day to go for it can be helpful if the bonus is for Boomerangs or for Profile rates.

I can't possibly guess how much of each anyone will need to accomplish this, but I would have for myself the following:

3 Rock Stars
3 Boomerangs
3 FAMPlifiers
Possibly a few Big Bangs.

Take note of your exact rate count at the beginning. The Rock Stars will bring in enough likes because people most often use Tool Tips after you start a new powerup. Tool Tips can be used to LIKE any time LIKES are reset, but for RATES, only ONCE per day. Human nature is generally lazy so you can reset RATES all day long and almost always get more likes. I have received more than 1500 likes on days when I reset RATES all day long, but you must have a Rock Star Running for the RATES to count.

Click this line to read my blog about TOOL TIPS.

Start a Star and a Boomeran at the same time. To get more RATES Resets, you can see the schedule I used above to get several RESETS. Do NOT start the FAMP at the same time, try to start it 25 to 35 minutes after a Boomerang, so you get a RESET both when it starts, and when it ends. Your family will like you when you do it this way.
If you want to use Big Bangs, instead of FAMPS, some think that works better because people have to come to your page to leave a profile comment. You can like I did above, start one about an hour after the FAMP, or you could run it insteadof the FAMP. You can use one, two and even THREE Big Bangs with one Boomerang, but if you do this, do not run a FAMP or you won't get all the resets. Instead of going into all of it here, I already have a blog describing RATES resets. You can click here to read that.

I had a friend today ask me, about one hour into going for this, if I thought today would be a good time. She had a STAR and a BOOMY running, and it was too late to have a FAMP be usabie to its fullest extent, so I told her to just let this ride, get plenty of shares, and see how it goes. She told me her number of rates before starting the first star, so we had a goal number. As the powerups wound down, her total rates were about 590 not including those before the first star. This was the middle of a Sunday, so it was really good. She had told me that she had in her arsenal, another Star, Boomerang, plus a FAMP and a Big Bang. I told her she can get it today.

When the 2nd Star and Boomerang were lit off, I told her to start the FAMP about 25 to 35 minutes later. She ended up starting a little later than I would have liked, but with a Big Bang also ready, it was still good. About the time she started the FAMP, she had less than 250 rates to go. As described earlier, the LIKES take care of themselves. I then told her to run the Big Bang about one hour into the FAMP. At that point, there was just under 100 rates to go. At about 35 minutes into the Big Bang, she reached the goal number with no achievement, but we watched them come in. We were off by only 5, so with 23 minutes to go on the Big Bang, with a reset when it ends, and another reset when the FAMP ends, she reached Level 67.

I got permission to include her story in this. I am usually available to go over any of this, but please try to contact me before you start. I might not be fully available to work with you on this.

This goes out to those who get to the 60's levels and don't have enough achievements completed to level up. If they only knew they could do them in their spare time on here, getting to the upper echelon of levels can be faster, and much less frustrating.

New users reach Level 49 needing only points then have to sit and wait for the likes. I have a blog to describe ways to get more likes:

Lazy Likes Blog

After that, it's needing to be bombed. Believe it or not, a lot of people will bomb people at levels 50 and 59 if you just ask. There are now a lot of users who went through these levels and remember, so read this blog to find out some cool ideas how to get people to bomb you.

Level 50 and 59 Blog

In the mean time, there will be a point that you get to Level 54 and need to polish bling worth 50 or more credits. More polishing at Level 55 and then polishing bling worth 100 credits at Level 56. You can do these before you get to these levels. I have a blog that shows all but the newest 100 credit blings and a video link that describes a technique I used to find them myself in profiles that don't lock their polishing because they are inactive.

High Value Polish Blog

Level 57 has a requirement called Double Bang, and the description can be confusing, so I have an old blog that walks you through it. I have since added a video that shows me getting the 50% Big Bang bonus from two people running big bangs.

Level 57 Blog

Double Bang Video

Reaching Level 60 brings the requirement to complete 150 achievements. Level 61 needs to complete 200 Achievements and earn Newbie Bomber. I have a very in depth blog about running Cherry Bombs, and a total of seven videos. Four of these videos are live action with me bombing.

Cherry Bomb Blog

Cherry Bomb Setup Video #1 - For more experienced bombers

Cherry Bomb Setup #2 - Designed for first timers and those with less experience

Cherry Bomb Setup #3 - More things to consider when setting up to bomb

Live Cherry Bomb Video #1 - This one is me earning the Happy Hour Inferno achievement, for more experienced bombers.

Live Cherry Bomb Video #2 - I go more into the start of a Cherry Bomb for the beginner/amateur

Live Cherry Bomb Video #3 - Mid way through the bomb in video #2

Live Cherry Bomb Video #4 - Last few minutes of the bomb above

Level 62, you need to complete 225 achievements. Level 63, you need to complete 275 achievements. There are a lot of achievements that can be done while you're waiting for the lazy likes to come in. Some of them are time consuming, but don't have a time limit. Some are quick and easy, some take a little work.

Vote on 10 Band Battles. It's the biggest points even when there's no bonus.

Vote on 1,000 band Songs in 24 hours. More ambitious, find band's HERE. Every genre can be found except polka and marching band.

Drink Achievements:
Send a Round of Drinks to Newbies every day.  Seven days in a row is one achievement. Many achievements for sending just a few of each of the three drinks available
Ask for drinks from others.
1000 Kegs (VIP Only can send),
500 Glasses of wine,
200 Coolers of Beer,
100 H2O.
1056 Fuweisers in six hours is FOUR total achievements.
And while you're at it, ask for 1000 condoms. None of these has a time limit other than the 1056 Fuweisers.
Gift 1000 Fuiness. No time limit.

Like Achievements:
Like 10 newbies in 1 day.
Like 100 newbies in 1 day.
Like 1,000 newbies in 1 day.
Like 1,000 people in 24 hours. Newbies count toward this, why not get both for doing one thing?
Like 2,000 people in 24 hours. While you're at it, you're half way to this one, so get a little ambitious and get this done too.
Like 250 Profiles in 15 minutes. Note the achievement is spelled LIke.

Like 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 and 1000 people you inviited. The more you have, the faster this will go.

Rating Achievements: While you're liking people, rate them too. Very efficient.
Rate 10 newbies an 11 in 1 day.
Rate 100 newbies an 11 in 1 day.
Rate 1,000 newbies an 11 in 1 day.
Rate a 100 users an 11 in 1 day. Newbies count, get two achievements at the same time.
Rate a 1000 users an 11 in 1 day. Again, newbies count.
Rate 2500 users an 11 in 1 day. If you want to get ambitious.
Rate 5000 users profiles. No time limit, will eventually accumulate like the lazy likes do.
Rate 10,000 NEW profiles. Also, these will accumulate
Rate 100 Profiles in 15 minutes. You may need to do this one by itself, but not hard at all to do.
Rate 1000 people a day for 7 days. You have to make sure to not miss a day or it starts over.
Rate 25 members while their Big Red is active. Find active Big Reds Here. Most run in the evenings, but they can be at any time.
Rate 50 members while their Big Red is active. Starts back out at zero.
Rate 100 members while their Big Red is active.
Rate 250 members while their Big Red is active.
Rate 500 members while their Big Red is active.
Rate 1000 members while their Big Red is active.

Rate 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500 and 1000 profiles of people you inviited. The more you have, the faster this will go.

Photo Achievements:
Rate 100 photos.
Rate 1000 photos.
Rate 5000 photos.
Upload 10 new photos.
Tag somebody in one of your photos.
Get yourself tagged in somebody else's photo
Receive 100X photo ratings in a single day.
Receive 500X photo ratings in a single day.
Receive 1000X photo ratings in a single day.
Receive 5000X photo ratings in a single day. You need to have a lot of photos and need a lot of people to help.
Receive 10000X photo ratings in a single day. Again, a lot of photos needed but very doable.
Rate 10,000 Photos in 24 hours. This is called Old School
Have 1 photo rated 10X in a single day.
Have 1 photo rated 100X in a single day.

Mobile Achievements:
Log in to the Official fubar App from an Android phone or tablet.
Log in to the Official fubar App from an iPhone/iPad.
Rate 1,000 of someone's photos inside fubar's Mobile App. You'll find this so easy that you could do the Old School 10,000 in a day using this method too.

Poke Achievements:
There are several for poking up to 5000 total times, and Newbies up to 10,000 total times. You can poke up to 500 times per day and you can poke one person over and over, they only see the last time you poked them. I recommend that you find a newbie each day and poke them until you get to the daily limit. Three weeks time, you get NINE achievements.
Get Poked by your Fubar Crush. Can't find somebody to crush then ask them to poke you because they'll think you have the hots for them? Find me and I'll take care of it.
Get poked by others in one day. Getting both 10 and 100 aren't so bad, but the 1000 is extremely difficult because it's for different users. Most wise people don't even attempt the 1000, but 100 is reasonable.

Poke 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 people you invited. Ths can be done in one day if you have invited just one person.

Polishing Achievements:
There are THIRTEEN achievements for polishing Limited Edition. When you finish one, the next one starts at zero. Most people stop when they get to 500 because the numbers go on up to 50,000, but these have no time limit, so if you polish some every day, you eventually accomplish them all. Surprisingly, as of February 19, 2017, 11 months after these achievements were rolled out, only 173 people completed them all, and only 297 completed the first twelve.
Have 100 of your bling polished during your HH.
Have 500 of your bling polished during your HH. These two add up, so if you run a fubucks Happy Hour enough times, you just might get these done at little cost.
Polish 69 Love Monsters
Polish 50 Skeletons
Polish 10, 25 and 100 Ponies. Most of these can be searched out, and there are a lot of inactive or unlocked, many others are set to friends only, so for all polishing achievements, if they're locked, try friend requesting them so you can polish. Like/Rate always when you polish, but be aware there are people who lock them down because of polish hogs, or they have their big ticket bling reserved for close friends. Sometimes, if you ask a user if they keep their bling saved for someone, they might talk to you and maybe let you get them a few times to help you out, especially if you're not one of the polish hogs. People block users ONLY for polishing reasons. Some are blocked if you don't polish enough, if you don't rate and like, or even if you have your bling locked. We're supposed to be adults here, but sometimes this goes back to school age kids playing in the same sandbox, very childish in my 

Invited friend joins fubar. If you can find a friend, relative, or co-worker, get one to join using the INVITE in the top right, and that's one achievement. Another one for 3 and for 10.

Miscellaneous Achievements: Some of these are so incredibly easy. I list only the ones that are zero out of pocket cost.
Get 1,000 or more Fans.
First to leave a newbie a profile comment.
Request 1,000 newbies as friends. They DON'T HAVE to accept.
Become friends with a newbie.
Blast on fubar. Just one for 10 million fubucks
Run 10 new blasts.
Get 10 comments on a blast.
Get 50 comments on a blast.
Get 100 comments on a blast.
Leave a comment on 100 different blast.
Leave a comment on 1000 different blast.
Fan 1000 fubar members.
Fan 5000 fubar members.
Fan 5,000 *new* people. Two achievements at the same time. Not Newbies
Fan 10000 fubar members.
Receive over 500 profile views in a day.
Receive over 1,000 profile views in a day.
Receive over 5,000 profile views in a day.
Add 1 Video.
Add 25 Videos.
Add 250 Videos.
Add 500 Videos.
Win a Lottery. 
Get the 5-stack bonus from interacting with a member who has a big bang activated. See my Double Bang video above and do FIVE instead of TWO.


Lazy Likes

Levels 49, 5156 and now level 58 need the Lazy Likes 1k, 2k3k, and 5k espectively. These achievements cannot even start until the level is reached.
Everyone above these levels can work on them, and they are already counting. Some have completed them. Almost 4 weeks after their inception, I find people who didn't know about these leveling changes, and didn't even know they could level up.

When you complete Levels 49 and 58, the next levels require to be Cherry Bombed many times by others. I wrote a little how to go about that in this Blog.

Some pointers on how to get more Lazy Likes. As usual, they are not in order of importance, but they will all help.

ONE: Expect to give a lot more likes than you will receive. That means give a lot of them.

TWO: Run a BLAST. You will be more visible. Free  ones are one per week and 10 million fubucks is chump change. (Not to be derogatory to the chumps out there). Make your blast say something creative. If you can't be creative, at least ask for the likes and specify to like you, not just your blast.

THREE: Unhide your Profile. Go to MY then Settings, and make your profile viewable to everyone. Go back and hide after you get the likes.

FOUR: Have more NEW friends. Sitting around wondering why you have 3,000 friends and only get so few likes. Did you go out and like every single one of your friends? Maybe if you have less than 50 and want to keep your circle tight, but if that's the case, expect these likes to take weeks to complete. The following are good to start with. FAN them too.

- Everyone at the top levels. We want more friends and FANs on our lists, benefits both
- Everyone who runs powerup bling. Even if you can't afford to run them yourself 
- Guy especially, friend other guys. Get over any phobias you have, guys who help each other on here get farther, period

FIVE: Like EVERY blast that's running. Like and Rate everyone who is running a blast, not just the Blast itself

SIX: RATE ELEVENS! Everybody gets 500 11 ratings per day, and if you run out, ASK for them to be reset. One of my biggest pet peeves, if I see a 10 rating in my feed, and go to their page, see they rated only a handful of profiles, I'll gently remind them that I'll be happy to reset their 11's if they run out. Use them LIBERALLY!

SEVEN: Like, Rate 11 whomever is in the Happy Hour, and leave a simple Hello or more as a profile comment.

EIGHT: Like, Rate 11 All Active Powerups, specifically:

- Rock Stars, they want likes. Likes beget likes. Somebody running a STAR likes you back you get two lazy likes
- Likenados, they like BACK! And if they are running a STAR as well, you will get TWO likes back when you like them. Somebody running both likes you directly, you get FOUR Lazy likes. I tested this.
- Famplifiers. When you rate them, everyone in their family will see in their feed you rated them an 11 (even if you rate 10 but let's not revisit that, shall we?) and they might just come around and at least like you.

NINE: Be Yourself. Remove LIKE From the beginning of your name, and maybe add it to the end of your name.

TEN: Update your status. Make up something clever and eye catching, but in conjunction with number FOUR above, the only people who see your status updates are your friends.

ELEVEN: Have a SALUTE. Some people will ignore anyone without one.

TWELVE: Have a friendly looking profile photo of yourself. Switch it out once in a while. For some on here, having only photos of cartoons and none of a human being, is a sign of a possible fake account.

THIRTEEN: Ask people to SHARE you. And while you're at it, SHARE out other people needing what you need.

FOURTEEN: Like and Rate 11 all the most active people from the previous day. They get there by going to a lot of different profiles, and rating and liking a lot of people. Thank you air, for this idea, it sounds great.

Note that NOT ONE of these costs a single credit. 

Level 50 and 59

I never thought I would write for this level. The bombing is covered in my PowerUp Blog, but with the change on January 5, 2017, people need to be bombed 25 times to get from level 50 to 51.

I also have another blog where I pose ideas to change some other levels. These are from a player, not corporate perspective.

A little history about the levels that require bombing now:

Level 26 you needed to be bombed five times.
Level 36 you needed to run a Bomb.
Level 50 you needed to run a Bomb and earn Cherry Ignitor and bomb 90 albums, could be done early.
Level 56 you needed to Bomb and earn Cherry Inferno and bomb 116 albums. Could be done early.
Level 59 you had to earn the achievement "Air Power" or be in the top ten bombers, which is based on points, not on how much bombing you do.
Level 61 you have to earn NooB Bomber or bomb a total of 50 new users. This can be done before you get to Level 61.
Level 63 you had to earn Happy Hour Cherry Inferno, which takes a total of THREE happy Hours and THREE Cherry Bombs. You earn Happy Hour Cherry Melt (60) on the first, Happy Hour Cherry Ignitor (90) on the second, and the Inferno (116) on the third. These can be done before you get to Level 63.

Change ONE - Fall 2015
Removal of all requirements other than points, for levels 20 through 29. Level 36 (and most of the other levels) to being bombed five times. Level 46 was added to run a Bomb OR run Auto 11.

Change TWO - Spring 2016
Level 59 changed to being Bombed 75 Times. Level 60 was changed to being Bombed 100 Times. These both are cumulative. They both may be achieved early. Level 56 Cherry Inferno Requirement removed.

Change THREE - October 2016
Removal of all requirements, other than points, up to and through Level 48. Eventually people got to Level 59 and had been bombed very few times. 

Change FOUR - January 5, 2017
Level 50 is now getting Bomb Shelter or being bombed 25 times, after reaching Level 50, and no requirements at all to run a bomb all the way to Level 61. These people now have to figure out who is going to bomb them. It will take asking nicely.

Change FIVE - January 6, 2017
Level 59 - Changed to obtain the achievement: Take Cover, get bombed 50 times after reaching Level 59.
Level 63
- Removed requirement for the Happy Hour Inferno 

There are some things to know about asking people to bomb you. These are not in any particular order of significance.

If the bonus happens to be for bombing, and that usually happens one or more times per week. Running an Auto 11 will attract bombers because it doubles points for them and for you.

Don't have your profile viewable to friends only. If you put an obstical to getting to your photos, that will keep some away.

Have a SALUTE. There are people who ignore anyone without one.

Rate/Like/Fan/Friend anyone you are going to ask to bomb you

Rate/Like and Comment on their profile photo. Something simple, but it will be seen. Thank you to a new friend Emma who thought that one on her own and told me about it.

People who are bombing will have their own strategies. You can ask anyone you want and just hope for the best

If someone is bombing using the mobile app, they will not even see their Shout Box, and won't be able to respond to any requests

Read the status of the bomber. If it says to put your LINK in their Shout Box, then put your ALBUM link in it. Your profile link is already there with your clicable link. To get to your album link, Click MY then Photos. It will then list your photos in your default album. Click the first one, then click Default which will then take you to your public default album. The address at the top of your browser has what you want to copy/paste into the Shout Box.

Have at least one photo in your default album. If a bomber is looking for an album to bomb, make it as easy as possible for them to get to it.

God Mode also can bomb. When you see one, they are limited by points so DO NOT ShitFace, Point Boost, or Give Bling.  They also are able to bomb the same person 60 minutes later, so if you find a good one in a good mood, ask them to get you again.

Run your own BOMB, and BOMB as many other Level 50's as you can. Bomb those who are bombing, many will return the favor.

The higher level the bomber, the more likely they will have a set plan on who they plan to bomb. It doesn't mean they won't bomb someone who asks. If someone is at a lower level, they probably have less experience bombing, and will more likely to be open to receiving ideas as to whom to bomb.

Be nice. If you're asking, ask nicely, and indicate to them that you already R/L/F/A etc..

Level 49

With the recent revamping of levels 48 and below, people are getting to level 49 and not knowing the best way(s) to work on receiving 1,000 likes.

This blog entry will focus primarily on what can be done to get this without using powerups. If you want to do it with powerups, read my blog about that here.

This has always been a ladies game, so guys, you have to work harder.

1. If you are leaving profile comments on people's pages daily and they do the same, those can be counted 100%, it's assumed that at least a like and most times a profile rate comes with them.

2. Having new friends. Count about 10% of your friends that you gained in the past six months. That being said, add more. Fan EVERYone you friend request.

a. Choose higher level people, after all, they already went through this level.

b. Choose those who run powerups such as Rock Stars, Boomerangs, Cherry Bombs etc..

3. Poke newbies. Rate and like them too, friend request some that look friendly. There are additional achievements for all of them.

4. Make a blast, but expect people to click the LIKE button on the blast (they don't count), and not come to your page and like/rate you. In your blast, ask people to not just like/rate you, but to "share" your profile so other people will hit it.

5. Go to every blast, like it.  If their blast indicates that THEY need 1000 likes, note it. Go to each person's profile and like/rate/fan/friend them. If their blast had the 1000 likes on it, SHARE them, you don't need permission. Friend request them and tell them you helped by sharing them. If you don't know how to do a "Share", it's on the left side of their profile below where you fan/friend/own/shitface/pimp etc. Find it.

6. Like a LOT of people. I personally recommend you like all 1000 of both the hottest guys and gals. Kitty suggested adding to like everyone who is pimped out all day.

7. Have a Salute! Biggest thing here, a lot of people simply will not come to you at all without one. It's not hard to make, and it shows that you are a real person.

8. Don't sit back and expect people to just plain find you. If you just make a blast, and your status without going out and interacting, you're not going to get even close. At this point in the game, it's all about interacting and helping others not just insisting that others help you.

9. Do not have your profile viewable to friends only. It's hard to like a profile if they can't see it. Maybe even turn off "requires salute" for the duration.

10. Accept friend requests.......especially if number 9 you have your profile hidden.  FAN them while you're at it.

To the guys, especially, don't dismiss other guys, we have to work harder to get the same things on here. Those who help each other especially get farther on here every time.

I welcome comments to improve on things or to point out other ideas people can come up with to improve this.

My other blog was about getting the most likes, this one will focus on getting the most points using likes. There are Four different bonuses that are good for like points.

If you want more likes. Do NOT hide your profile to Friends Only. People can't or won't like a profile they can't see.

  • Likenado Bonus - Popular because people who like you get a like back from you, and more points.
  • Rock Star Bonus - Better for points but less popular for those who like because they don't get a Like back. Same for Night Stars
  • Likes Bonus - Good because people get more points for liking, and, and with PowerUps running, it increases points for both sides.
  • PowerUps Bonus - By far the best for points. Someone who wants to spend some credits can get one TRILLION points in a day.


Since both Rock (and Night) Stars and Likenados increase points, when going for points, it's better to go for points by starting them both at the same time. Also, the Double Points PowerUp can be very beneficial. Observe this graphic to see how this would work.

When the PowerUps Bonus is in effect, and you run both a Star (5x points) and Likenado (5x points) you get them compounded or 25x points. At 10,000% bonus for that, with a 2X PowerUp running, I was receiving more than 350 Million points per like, and almost 100 Million for each like given back. Add Point Boost Extreme and keeping yourself ShitFaced, adds even more. Get the bonus for any Big Bangs running and increase it 25% beyond that for each one up to 125% for five.

Of course this is the most extreme example. That's why I made the 2nd 2X greyed out, you could also run only one LikeNado with each Rock Star. On September 20, the Bonus was 10,000% For Powerups, and the Number 10 in points got 423,864,943,976 Points. SIX People got more than HALF a Trillion.

Aug 15, the previous time it was the same, I earned my crown. I got about 1.1 Trillion points, but I was 2nd to someone who got almost 1.5 Trillion.

This schedule can be used during any bonus listed above. If you see any of those bonuses active, look at who is running both a Star and a Likenado and ask how many points they are getting for each like.

Actual numbers: On Wednesday, November 2, 2016, the bonus was 5,000% for all power ups.

With a 15% Point Boost extreme, for a rock star alone, each like received was 350,625 points.

With a Likenado Only: 66,300 points for receiving likes plus more for liking back.

With a Star, Likenado and 2X, it was 178,818,750 plus more points for the like back.

Monday November 7, 2016: 11,750% Bonus For Likes:

Like somebody (Or a Blast): 30,811 Points

Like somebody running a Star or a LikeNado: 154,051 Points

Like somebody running both: 770,251 Points

If you Run a Star: 814,689 for likes received

If you Run a Likenado: 154,051 Points for likes received and 30,811 Points when the Nado likes them back.

If you run both: 3,851,251 when they like you and then 154,051 when the Nado likes them back.

Friday November 11, 2016: 5,000 Bonus Points for All Power Ups, and 1000% Bonus for members more than 3 years.

Less than 3 years, Rock Star alone: 318,750 points

Less than 3 years. Likenado and Rock Star: 76,404,375 Points receiving likes, 1,175 liking back

More than 3 years,. Rock Star alone: 1,574,625

More than 3 years, Rock Star and Likenado: 401,529,375 Points receiving Likes, and 6,175 for liking back.

I have struggled with how I want to handle the four levels that require likes, SO I eventually came up with the idea on how to get the like for each of the levels and combine the information into one centralized location.

Level 48 requires 500 Likes in 24 Hours. Level 49 requires 1000 Likes in 24 Hours.

Both of these you can have a lot of likes late in the day (before reset) then the same people can like you agan AFTER reset. Both of these can be done by most people without using power-ups, but powerups can be used if you're THAT impatient. 

If you are going for it withOUT power ups:

Having a LOT of friends is a big help, especially if they are new friends and play often.

1. Make your status how many Likes you still need. And update it regularly so your friends see it in the Live Feed.  People read THREE WORDS of status before moving on, so those first three words must grab their attention.

  • 500 LIKES!, 400 More Likes, 100 Likes to Go are all good examples.
  • Not so good examples would be writing a story that ends with what you need. 
  • For this level, I need my friends to come by and like my page.

2. Rate/Like/Fan/Friend everyone who is running a power up. Friend accepting SHOULD get you a like from that person.

3. Rate/Like/Fan/Friend everyone you can find at the top levels working down.

4. Add to the beginning of your name how many Likes you need. 240 LIKES FubarUserName and change that periodically.

5. Most Important! If you want more likes. Do NOT hide your profile to Friends Only. People can't or won't like a profile they can't see.

Level 51 requires 2,500 Likes in a Day. That's from Fubar Reset to Fubar Reset, and not just any 24 hour period.

Level 56 requires 3,000 Likes in a Day. Same as above. It was originally 5,000.

I have only seen two people get the 2,500 likes without using power ups. I also see a LOT of people put either number in their name and don't do anything to try to get it. Likes are easy compared to most things on Fubar, but be reasonable, you have to give people a reason to like your page.

Since 2,500 is only 500 away from 3,000, go for 3,000 likes at level 51. Why have to do this again?

For those who are hell bent on running Powerups for Level 48 and 49, I again strongly recommend you run enough for 2,500 and 3,000 likes, get it all done in one shot. I have seen a few people do this.

I will also write about how to use the Powerups for the most points (Double Deuce and Triple Threat).

The PowerUps, I have written blogs for Rock Star, Night Star, and Likenado so read those if you want to know more.

When going for likes to finish a level (and higher Like achievements as well), you want the ability for people to Like you as many times as possible. All three of these "resets" the ability for people to Like you.

Both Stars, when running, give you two on the like counter when someone clicks your like button. You will notice someone's like total for the day stay at odd numbers or even numbers during this time. Try if you don't belive it.

Likenados also reset the Likes, but when someone clicks your Like Button, you get one like. If you are running either Star with a Likenado, the Star overrides and gives you two likes each. Using only Rock Stars, at Four Hours duration, you would want to activate it first. You can start another Star at any time, and you could get the achievement for running 12 Rock Stars back to back that way. That achievement was created long before the Likenado was even tought up. You can also use the Likenado with the Star to create more Like opportunities. They last only 2 hours, but people get an automatic Like back from you. I would have named it Likerang because of this feature, then create another Powerup that sends a Like to everyone in your Family for 3 hours and call THAT a Likenado, but I digress.

This graphic shows how to get multiple Like Resets using Rock Stars and Likenados, and letting the Rock Stars run out all FOUR Hours.

The 0:00 does not indicate Fubar Reset, but it CAN. It's your reference point from when you start. NOTE: Likenados HAVE to run out. You cannot start a new one before the current run ends. If you are very late starting one, it may be better to let things get back to the original schedule. You can always start a new Rock Star if you  really are going for the high numbers of likes.

This can also be done with ONLY Rock Stars, so you can get the achievments for running 12 in a row. Be sure you don't start ANY other powerup, or that starts over.

Banners are made by many people, some free, some want something in return. They usually aren't needed for up to 3,000 but at 5,000 and beyond, I strongly recommend having one, and plan it ahead of time.

When is the best time to go for the most numbers of likes? What Bonus is the best?

Third best is Likenado Bonus

Second best is Rock Star Bonus (Night Stars have the same bonus as Rock Stars)

and the BEST time to go for most likes is on a LIKE bonus day. I cannot possibly stress this enough. The bonus for a PowerUp is more beneficial to the person running it, than it is the person doing the Likes, so people won't be as encouraged to LIKE as they would with a LIKE bonus because it benefits everyone.

There also is a special achievement called Night Rider. It became a level requierment when Level 59 was created, and the Night Star Power-up. This is an archived image of a friend's level 60 requirements. Since completing achievements is needed a lot at the high levels, I have made this graphic to explain how Night Rider works, along with how to work the PowerUps to get it.

I got Night Rider before the Likenado came out, and used a lot of Night Stars.

For this achievement, you MUST be running Night Stars. If you wait after Reset before you start the first Night Star, you have FIVE hours to get the 2,500th like. Night Stars can be started at late as 4:59:59AM Fu Time, which means they can run as late as 7:59:59. As long as you get 2,500 likes in a FIVE HOUR period WHILE Night Stars are running, you can get it. I have seen people get it after 7:00 AM Fu Time.

The FIVE HOUR blocks are in 15 minute blocks. As you watch your counter (On the ACHIEVEMENT page, not your Home Page), at 5 Hours, old likes start to fall off, at 15 minute blocks. You can run Likenados to reset, and can run a new Night Star before the current one ends, just like Rock Stars. This graphic shows just one possible method, and the bottom shows three different five hour blocks in which the 2,500 likes must come in. Each block is 15 minutes, and the last Night Star can be 4:59 AM. Likenados started AFTER 5:00 AM can STILL help you finish Night Rider.

There are several experts who can explain this beside me, ask around. And as an after thought, think about this if you're ambitious....start the day with the Night Rider, then go on to work for the 3,000, 5,000 and even 10,000 like achievements.

Now, there is also the best way to get the most points by getting liked.

Level 57

This one isn't so bad, but if you know the tricks for doing the two requirements other than points, you can knock this one out quick.

CHANGE: The requirement for White Knuckler is gone, but I left it for historical perspective. 

The first time you look at your level 57 requirements, you'll see this.

After you polish your first Limited Edition Bling, you can turn on the White Knuckler display to see your progress. Note that it's each hour broken down in 30 minute increments. You don't have to match 30 minutes exactly, but you could polish one at 5:01 AM then the next one at 5:59 AM and they both count. Note, that only one is requiered during each half hour.

A little history about the White Knuckler. When level 55 came out years ago, one of the requirements was the White Knuckler. It was a THIRTY-SIX (36) HOUR THING. When I created this account, I saw this in the future, and couldn't imagine doing it, but people did. When I got to that level, it was reduced to TWELVE (12) Hours. Almost dumb luck, this is NOT an achievement, you cannot do it ahead of time. Fubar did its second change to leveling, by reducing it to SIX (6) Hours, and moving it to a higher level. I had the luck of having to do it again, but after 12, 6 was easy.

It's pretty straight forward, however with the new Limited Edition Polishing Achievements, needing 91,941 to complete them all, there are a lot fewer Limited Edition Bling to polish because (1) people polish whatever they cand find and (2) people lock their own bling polishing to either help their friends, or to play this like a business and trade the privelege of polishing for something else. As of the time I'm writing this, my polishing has been set to all friends for at least 43 days. Bet you won't see an achievement for that.

What if Fubar would create three achievements for White Knuckler and actually earn achievement points? Three Hours would get you 1 AP. Start back out at zero (Fubar's latest thing) Six Hours get your 10 AP. Start out again at zero and Twelve Hours get you 25 AP, then again start out at zero and 36 hours would get you the ultimate White Knuckler and 100 AP. Sound like something to suggest to the powers that be? Oh, and the caveat to this. Any bling you own, or have gifted canNOT be used for these. I like real challenges.

Double Bang is doing the 3 requirements for 2 people running Big Bangs at the same time. To find out how many people are running them, click on SEARCH then choose Big Bang on the left, or go HERE. You might see something like this. There are achievements for doing One, Two and even FIVE at the same time. The one in the middle was about to end, but the other two were still good.

I would open each of these profiles in separate tabs. To show this, I used separate windows so you can see them simultaneously (that's "at the same time" for you in Rio Linda). Note each one has three requirements. Rate Profile, Leave a Profile Comment, and Rate 10 Photos. If you have already done one or more of them, the red X would be replaced with agree Check Mark.

Once you do all three on one profile, the 10 minute bonus of 25% starts counting down. SO I would recommend you work from the bottom up on each. I rate 10 photos on each, then leave a profile comment on each. Then come back to the main profile page to check.

Rate Profile is the quickest, and doing it this way, you get the 25% Bonus (50% for two, or 125% for FIVE) for the whole ten minutes. Rate both profiles (Like is probably good to do too) then refresh. It will show the names of the profiles you got the bonus with, and a reminder to get more to reach the 125% bonus maximum for FIVE Big Bangs.

Now, when you go to any other profile, you will see the bonus running for this. I chose someone who was just completing the requirements for THIS Level, so I thought I would choose him, note his 3,000 likes and a 57 Level.

Cherry Inferno

The Cherry Inferno should always be a goal if you are running a Cherry Bomb. Originally, the requirement was 120 albums, so I was once told, but now it's 116.

Bombing is a precise action. It lasts exactly one hour, and you can bomb one album per user. If you run another bomb, you can bomb anyone again. You can bomb the first album immediately, and after 30 seconds elapses after bombing.

The achievements that come with Cherry Bombing are:

Cherry Melt: 60 album, which is one every sixty seconds. You can earn this only once.

Cherry Ignitor: 90 albums, which is 40 seconds per bomb (3600 seconds in an hour divided by 90)

Cherry Inferno: 116 albums, which doing arithmetic, leaves two minutes, or 120 seconds of "play".

NooB Bomber: Bomb albums of 50 NooBs which are people who are on Fubar less than Seven Days.

NooB Inferno: Bomb albums of 116 NooBs. This achievement is cumulative, which means if you got fewer than 116 the first time, the next time you Cherry Bomb, if you bomb NooBs, it will add up, and grant you the achievement when you reach 116 TOTAL newbies.

It is entirely possible that someone who has none of the above achievements, can earn all of them with a single Cherry Bomb.

Happy Hour Melt: Bomb 60 albums during a HH you are running.

Happy Hour Ignitor: Bomb 90 albums during a HH you are running. The 90 doesn't start until after the 60 is complete, so this will require a second Happy Hour and a second Cherry Bomb

Happy Hour Inferno: Bomb 116 albums during a HH you are running. Also, the 116 does not start until the 90 is complete, so this requires a third Happy Hour and a third Cherry Bomb. This achievement is required for level 64.

I cannot do screen captures of the bombing and get a Cherry Inferno, so I won't even try. There is a Youtube Video made by 941 Stud where he explains a lot of this, but it is a few years old, and there have been a few changes.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

I start with a "Clean" boot, and don't open anything not necessary at all, so my computer has as many resources available to run as smooth as possible. Any devices connected by USB are disconnected before the reboot, such as camera or external hard drive.

One thing that is different since these videos were produced, and it can change how you approach this. He explains that "hot" albums are easier to bomb, but he doesn't show you why. After your first album bombing, when you go to the second one (as fast as you can), refresh that page/tab and one of three things will appear at the top.

1. If you have bombed the album with this cherry bomb, it will tell you to hurry and find another.

2. If the album has been bombed by someone else, it will show who that was. You can bomb the album, but without a timer, you will not know when to do so. If you click it early, it will show how many seconds remain, with a countdown toward ZERO. If you wait for the countdown, you will lose three seconds each time.

3. If the album has not been bombed, it will display a countdown like above, and again if you wait for it, you will lose three seconds each time.

My personal experience, is to have several tabs open with prospective albums to be bombed. It is up to you if you want to take care of your family, if you want to hit only NooBs, or be helpful to level 36 people. I open at least FIVE Tabs with albums ready to go, if not more. I keep the left most tab with whatever list I am using, and will open the second tab when I activate.

Upon activation, I press the F-5 Key to refresh (faster than clicking, try it), and bomb that album immediately. I press CTRL-W to close that tab, then F-5 each of the remaining tabs to start the countdown timers. Each time after bombing, I close the tab, and open another. While it's nice to like and rate each user you bomb, it's not required. You can open someone's page, rate/like, then go to their photos if you really want to, but you need to be ready after 30 seconds.

If you are on a page where profiles are displayed, you can "mouse" over the profile pic, and when a popup appears, you will see below the enlarged profile picture, how many photos they have. If you click that, you go straight to their default album, and bypass rate/liking them. You could right click then open in new tab OR you may hold the CTRL key and LEFT CLICK and it will open in a new tab. Try these keyboard shortcuts, you can get things done a lot faster using two hands.

In these videos, he explains the use of a stopwatch. When I run mine, with Windows 7, I would turn on my desktop clock gadget, with second hand, and not have to look away from my monitor to keep time. With Windows 10, there aren't any gadgets, and I could not find any apps that stayed on the desktop that would work well for this, so I created my own. I found what is used to put a clock on your page, then added the rest of the HTML code necessary for it to be a stand-alone website, and saved it on my desktop. I have one small browser window that has  a clock with a second hand, so I can run my bombs and always get 30 second intervals.

To make your own, copy the following code and open "NotePad", and paste.

<html><head></head><body><center><embed src="http://www.mastergreetings.com/generators/Custom-Clock/clock.swf" FlashVars="s=254&h=2&u=http://www.mastergreetings.com/generators/Custom-Clock/&i=1&b=0x000000" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="340" height="340" name="Custom Clock" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="samedomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></embed></center></body></html>

You can change the "width" and "height" to change the size but use the same number to keep it visible. Save it to your desktop. Make it something like Clock.html, and change the file type to "All Files" so it won't force .txt on the end and not work.

Save it to your Desktop. Open a new browser window, then drag and drop that into that window, and the clock with current time will appear. Resize this window and put it off to the side for when you want to run a bomb. This works with any browser you are comfortable with. Note my desktop with only the clock window open.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll try to explain it as best as I can.

Level 47

Level 47 requires among other things, to receive 25 comments on a blast.

To create a blast, click MY, the Blasts. There are only a few limitations on a blast compared to a MuMM. You can't use profanity, and you can't promote anything outside of Fubar. Ask for what you want, or put something to stand out. When your blast becomes active (can happen in a matter of seconds like mine did just now, or a few hours) you will receive a notification message:

To get the blast link use the following image to see where to get it. Simple as  that.

Many people have their comments set to be moderated (they need to be approved) or only friends can comment. It might be a good idea to change your setting to open it up to everyone and not moderate. Here's how.

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