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A thought for the day from: Peter Britt "To love. Nothing compares and all things pale next to fulfillment of the heart. Few ever truly know it, and some who do, fail to grasp its deepest meaning. The meaning of love is simple; it is life. The very core of our truest selves, our souls/spirits/consciousness exist to love alone. To give it and receive it, this, is where we find the purest reality. Love is surely not what many believe, something to have or to hold, but not to completely nurture. It is only through true giving of ourselves, that we can ever accept the truth of the return of love. Without surrender, there can be no embrace. Love is the culmination of all our senses and perceptions. They become knowledge within, knowing that path which leads to understanding, all, through love. In its absence, nothing may stand the test of time. Without it, we merely exist without true purpose, for we are purposed, to seek it and to embrace its essence. Each day, the truth moves closer if, our hearts are open, and our eyes are clear." ©2008 Peter Britt Krystal Vision Publishing

Peter Britt's new tattoo!!

For my new friends who did not get to see this, if you're interested :) Sharing my new tattoo with those I know. My tattoo is designed with Japanese Kanji symbols. Looking at your screen, on the right, the characters means "Spiritual Journey". On the left, it means "Warrior". On the bottom, is something that suggests in some way, the Japanese cradle of life holding it together. I chose this, because it has a deeper meaning to me and is within myself who, and what I am. Oh yes, it is on my left arm. Anyway, just sharing. I think they did a great job and I am quite happy :) Peter Britt pb2
Did you know you can get Peter Britt ringtones? yes you can. All the tracks from Peter's CD, That's What Living's for are available on myxertones.com, just follow the link and YOU can have Peter Britt ringing with you every day! http://www.myxertones.com/get/artist/1620562/
A thought for the day from: Peter Britt "And a night overcast draws to a close with no redemption of this soul. Once again, the dark swallows me into its breast with its nefarious ways and vexes this mind. none see the whole man, for they do not look. Eyes blinded by their own unceasing platitudes, only in the end to find truth in honesty of heart. The end, clearly ahead mine awaits. The shadow beckons, the cold draws near and I know not, peace. Long for it I must and to aspire with it in oneness, my tears fall for. This face, covered in the passion of a soul discarded, a spirit broken." ©2008 Peter Britt Krystal Vision Publishing
Well here I go again with a shameless advertisement about my book. Hey, someone has to sell them, right! Peter Britt's book, "ALL THAT I AM, I THINK!" is critically acclaimed as (The Woman's Nightstand Companion) they say there is a good reason for that. I suggest you find out and let me know what you think. Easy to do, click a link BUT.....If you would like an autographed copy, you need to use the links BELOW the photo. If you use the first link above the photo, the book comes straight from my publisher. So what are you waiting for? I'm ready and so are the books! Thanks to all my wonderful friends and fans for you fabulous support. Peter Britt Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!


"A quote of the heart from Peter Britt" "The passionate wings of a woman have I found shelter under. Paradise eludes me no longer, for I have been taken there and given completeness of mind, body and soul. I know the heavens in her eyes and I can sing the song of her heart. She has taken the lyrics that are my soul and set them to the music of passion within her. She has released my desires to the night, taken them and returned them to me ten thousand fold. I am one with the night and the music of life once more." EXCERPTS FROM CHAPT 5 ( PASSION ) Passion in itself is a magical thing. Passion does not harbor any selfish feelings. It can't. That's not what it is and certainly not what is fulfilling. Your fulfillment comes from your partner wanting to please you that same way. It is a mutually giving experience. It certainly should be too. Why would two people want to share themselves with each other, but not want to bring their partner to the highest peaks? To give your partner excessive, luscious ecstasy that is pleasure of immense proportions in and of itself, here is where you will find those peaks. To make them feel lost in another dimension of raging, powerful, thundering, crashing and gargantuan heights which they've never even imagined before. To give your partner the most pleasurable rapture filled experience one human being could possibly conjure up or has to offer another. Man, that one would be hard to top eh! Still, personally when I'm making love to a woman, I mean my wife I certainly give it 1000%, every-single-time! Hehehe To me, there is nothing more exciting than pleasing a woman beyond her wildest dreams. This is what I mean; if you're going to do something do it right! You see, to please your partner in such a way that they are for that time, completely yours, lost within your eyes, your arms, your touch, you have to give, give, give! So, what's the problem? Giving is a magnificent pleasure. Trust me and give it a try! Hehehe I'll end this here with a thought that sums it all up for me in a short description. Laying her head on my shoulder, snuggling close and just talking as we drift off to sleep, nothing can match that moment of happiness. Nothing can compare with that piece of time stolen together in which love was completely given and returned. The most genuine and truest expression of passion is the one, which closes, in a complete reversal of it. That is to say, an exceptional feeling of peace and tranquility is achieved. Just as true and uninhibited passion brings tidal waves of thunderous, torrid, explosive and mind numbing ecstasy with it, so does the receding of it bring a closeness and peace unrivaled. "No greater moments of ecstasy have I known, than those following the splendorous rapture of making love with passion at its zenith. Only then, could I ever know real peace. Only then could I feel true serenity, genuine completeness of mind, body and soul. All these things, she gives me from the truest moments of passion. No greater gift of togetherness, could she ever give me. No greater gift, could I ever return to her. No other way, could we show each other paradise.
Ok, lets get right down to it! You have a boyfriend, a husband or perhaps a friend who is desperately in need of understanding women. Well, you need only get Peter Britt's book, "All That I Am, I Think!" and have them read it. You will be amazed at the available potential for understanding and realizing, JUST what a woman needs and wants. Perhaps most importantly, HOW a woman should be treated, and WHY! All That I Am, I Think! is critically acclaimed as "The Woman's Nightstand Companion". Don't hesitate, click the link and get yours on the way today! I sell my book thus far through my own marketing efforts. Thus far, 482 people have purchased the book with 100% absolute satisfaction, as well as reports back from those who have purchased it stating they only WISH their respective partners would read it. Find ut for yourself today and thanks for all the wonderful support. :) Peter Britt Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!


"A quote of the heart from Peter Britt" "The passionate wings of a woman have I found shelter under. Paradise eludes me no longer, for I have been taken there and given completeness of mind, body and soul. I know the heavens in her eyes and I can sing the song of her heart. She has taken the lyrics that are my soul and set them to the music of passion within her. She has released my desires to the night, taken them and returned them to me ten thousand fold. I am one with the night and the music of life once more." EXCERPTS FROM CHAPT 5 ( PASSION ) Passion in itself is a magical thing. Passion does not harbor any selfish feelings. It can't. That's not what it is and certainly not what is fulfilling. Your fulfillment comes from your partner wanting to please you that same way. It is a mutually giving experience. It certainly should be too. Why would two people want to share themselves with each other, but not want to bring their partner to the highest peaks? To give your partner excessive, luscious ecstasy that is pleasure of immense proportions in and of itself, here is where you will find those peaks. To make them feel lost in another dimension of raging, powerful, thundering, crashing and gargantuan heights which they've never even imagined before. To give your partner the most pleasurable rapture filled experience one human being could possibly conjure up or has to offer another. Man, that one would be hard to top eh! Still, personally when I'm making love to a woman, I mean my wife I certainly give it 1000%, every-single-time! Hehehe To me, there is nothing more exciting than pleasing a woman beyond her wildest dreams. This is what I mean; if you're going to do something do it right! You see, to please your partner in such a way that they are for that time, completely yours, lost within your eyes, your arms, your touch, you have to give, give, give! So, what's the problem? Giving is a magnificent pleasure. Trust me and give it a try! Hehehe I'll end this here with a thought that sums it all up for me in a short description. Laying her head on my shoulder, snuggling close and just talking as we drift off to sleep, nothing can match that moment of happiness. Nothing can compare with that piece of time stolen together in which love was completely given and returned. The most genuine and truest expression of passion is the one, which closes, in a complete reversal of it. That is to say, an exceptional feeling of peace and tranquility is achieved. Just as true and uninhibited passion brings tidal waves of thunderous, torrid, explosive and mind numbing ecstasy with it, so does the receding of it bring a closeness and peace unrivaled. "No greater moments of ecstasy have I known, than those following the splendorous rapture of making love with passion at its zenith. Only then, could I ever know real peace. Only then could I feel true serenity, genuine completeness of mind, body and soul. All these things, she gives me from the truest moments of passion. No greater gift of togetherness, could she ever give me. No greater gift, could I ever return to her. No other way, could we show each other paradise.

What a woman wants!!!

If you would like your boyfriend or husband to gain a better understanding of "what" a woman really is, "who" she really is and, how a woman should be treated, you owe it to yourself to get thema copy of Peter Britt's book "All That I Am, I Think!". The book contains some very insightful information regarding women and a woman's importance in the world, as well as her incalculable value to herself and others. Don't take my word for it, get a copy for your significant other today!! Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!


"A quote of the heart from Peter Britt" "The passionate wings of a woman have I found shelter under. Paradise eludes me no longer, for I have been taken there and given completeness of mind, body and soul. I know the heavens in her eyes and I can sing the song of her heart. She has taken the lyrics that are my soul and set them to the music of passion within her. She has released my desires to the night, taken them and returned them to me ten thousand fold. I am one with the night and the music of life once more." EXCERPTS FROM CHAPT 5 ( PASSION ) Passion in itself is a magical thing. Passion does not harbor any selfish feelings. It can't. That's not what it is and certainly not what is fulfilling. Your fulfillment comes from your partner wanting to please you that same way. It is a mutually giving experience. It certainly should be too. Why would two people want to share themselves with each other, but not want to bring their partner to the highest peaks? To give your partner excessive, luscious ecstasy that is pleasure of immense proportions in and of itself, here is where you will find those peaks. To make them feel lost in another dimension of raging, powerful, thundering, crashing and gargantuan heights which they've never even imagined before. To give your partner the most pleasurable rapture filled experience one human being could possibly conjure up or has to offer another. Man, that one would be hard to top eh! Still, personally when I'm making love to a woman, I mean my wife I certainly give it 1000%, every-single-time! Hehehe To me, there is nothing more exciting than pleasing a woman beyond her wildest dreams. This is what I mean; if you're going to do something do it right! You see, to please your partner in such a way that they are for that time, completely yours, lost within your eyes, your arms, your touch, you have to give, give, give! So, what's the problem? Giving is a magnificent pleasure. Trust me and give it a try! Hehehe I'll end this here with a thought that sums it all up for me in a short description. Laying her head on my shoulder, snuggling close and just talking as we drift off to sleep, nothing can match that moment of happiness. Nothing can compare with that piece of time stolen together in which love was completely given and returned. The most genuine and truest expression of passion is the one, which closes, in a complete reversal of it. That is to say, an exceptional feeling of peace and tranquility is achieved. Just as true and uninhibited passion brings tidal waves of thunderous, torrid, explosive and mind numbing ecstasy with it, so does the receding of it bring a closeness and peace unrivaled. "No greater moments of ecstasy have I known, than those following the splendorous rapture of making love with passion at its zenith. Only then, could I ever know real peace. Only then could I feel true serenity, genuine completeness of mind, body and soul. All these things, she gives me from the truest moments of passion. No greater gift of togetherness, could she ever give me. No greater gift, could I ever return to her. No other way, could we show each other paradise.
I am giving away a FREE Peter Britt CD with every hardcover copy of my book "All That I Am, I Think!" in April. Why? Because I want to get my book known. So why not help get it to the best seller level, it's going there. Be sure to order your book from the link BELOW the photo or I won't get your book order and your book will not be autograhed. I won't even know it was ordered. I think you will love the book, and the CD. Read some excerpts from the book below the links. Thanks very much for reading this. Now go get your book and FREE CD! Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!


"A quote of the heart from Peter Britt" "The passionate wings of a woman have I found shelter under. Paradise eludes me no longer, for I have been taken there and given completeness of mind, body and soul. I know the heavens in her eyes and I can sing the song of her heart. She has taken the lyrics that are my soul and set them to the music of passion within her. She has released my desires to the night, taken them and returned them to me ten thousand fold. I am one with the night and the music of life once more." EXCERPTS FROM CHAPT 5 ( PASSION ) Passion in itself is a magical thing. Passion does not harbor any selfish feelings. It can't. That's not what it is and certainly not what is fulfilling. Your fulfillment comes from your partner wanting to please you that same way. It is a mutually giving experience. It certainly should be too. Why would two people want to share themselves with each other, but not want to bring their partner to the highest peaks? To give your partner excessive, luscious ecstasy that is pleasure of immense proportions in and of itself, here is where you will find those peaks. To make them feel lost in another dimension of raging, powerful, thundering, crashing and gargantuan heights which they've never even imagined before. To give your partner the most pleasurable rapture filled experience one human being could possibly conjure up or has to offer another. Man, that one would be hard to top eh! Still, personally when I'm making love to a woman, I mean my wife I certainly give it 1000%, every-single-time! Hehehe To me, there is nothing more exciting than pleasing a woman beyond her wildest dreams. This is what I mean; if you're going to do something do it right! You see, to please your partner in such a way that they are for that time, completely yours, lost within your eyes, your arms, your touch, you have to give, give, give! So, what's the problem? Giving is a magnificent pleasure. Trust me and give it a try! Hehehe I'll end this here with a thought that sums it all up for me in a short description. Laying her head on my shoulder, snuggling close and just talking as we drift off to sleep, nothing can match that moment of happiness. Nothing can compare with that piece of time stolen together in which love was completely given and returned. The most genuine and truest expression of passion is the one, which closes, in a complete reversal of it. That is to say, an exceptional feeling of peace and tranquility is achieved. Just as true and uninhibited passion brings tidal waves of thunderous, torrid, explosive and mind numbing ecstasy with it, so does the receding of it bring a closeness and peace unrivaled. "No greater moments of ecstasy have I known, than those following the splendorous rapture of making love with passion at its zenith. Only then, could I ever know real peace. Only then could I feel true serenity, genuine completeness of mind, body and soul. All these things, she gives me from the truest moments of passion. No greater gift of togetherness, could she ever give me. No greater gift, could I ever return to her. No other way, could we show each other paradise.
I am giving away a FREE Peter Britt CD with every hardcover copy of my book "All That I Am, I Think!" in April. Why? Because I want to get my book known. So why not help get it to the best seller level, it's going there. Be sure to order your book from the link BELOW the photo or I won't get your book order and your book will not be autograhed. I won't even know it was ordered. I think you will love the book, and the CD. Read some excerpts from the book below the links. Thanks very much for reading this. Now go get your book and FREE CD! Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!


"A quote of the heart from Peter Britt" "The passionate wings of a woman have I found shelter under. Paradise eludes me no longer, for I have been taken there and given completeness of mind, body and soul. I know the heavens in her eyes and I can sing the song of her heart. She has taken the lyrics that are my soul and set them to the music of passion within her. She has released my desires to the night, taken them and returned them to me ten thousand fold. I am one with the night and the music of life once more." EXCERPTS FROM CHAPT 5 ( PASSION ) Passion in itself is a magical thing. Passion does not harbor any selfish feelings. It can't. That's not what it is and certainly not what is fulfilling. Your fulfillment comes from your partner wanting to please you that same way. It is a mutually giving experience. It certainly should be too. Why would two people want to share themselves with each other, but not want to bring their partner to the highest peaks? To give your partner excessive, luscious ecstasy that is pleasure of immense proportions in and of itself, here is where you will find those peaks. To make them feel lost in another dimension of raging, powerful, thundering, crashing and gargantuan heights which they've never even imagined before. To give your partner the most pleasurable rapture filled experience one human being could possibly conjure up or has to offer another. Man, that one would be hard to top eh! Still, personally when I'm making love to a woman, I mean my wife I certainly give it 1000%, every-single-time! Hehehe To me, there is nothing more exciting than pleasing a woman beyond her wildest dreams. This is what I mean; if you're going to do something do it right! You see, to please your partner in such a way that they are for that time, completely yours, lost within your eyes, your arms, your touch, you have to give, give, give! So, what's the problem? Giving is a magnificent pleasure. Trust me and give it a try! Hehehe I'll end this here with a thought that sums it all up for me in a short description. Laying her head on my shoulder, snuggling close and just talking as we drift off to sleep, nothing can match that moment of happiness. Nothing can compare with that piece of time stolen together in which love was completely given and returned. The most genuine and truest expression of passion is the one, which closes, in a complete reversal of it. That is to say, an exceptional feeling of peace and tranquility is achieved. Just as true and uninhibited passion brings tidal waves of thunderous, torrid, explosive and mind numbing ecstasy with it, so does the receding of it bring a closeness and peace unrivaled. "No greater moments of ecstasy have I known, than those following the splendorous rapture of making love with passion at its zenith. Only then, could I ever know real peace. Only then could I feel true serenity, genuine completeness of mind, body and soul. All these things, she gives me from the truest moments of passion. No greater gift of togetherness, could she ever give me. No greater gift, could I ever return to her. No other way, could we show each other paradise.
Inviting all to take the Peter Britt book challenge. What is the challenge you query? The challenge, is to get a copy of Peter Britt's book, "All That I Am, I think!" in your hot little hands as fast as you can! The book has been critically acclaimed as "The Woman's Nightstand Companion". No, it isn't obscene, nor is it sleezy in any way. It is in fact, insightful into the psychology of a woman's mind. Understanding and thoughtful in regards to how a woman should be, and deserves to be treated. Lots more too. You will learn a lot about Peter Britt in the book and laugh your butt off, too hopefully. So, click something below and get yours today! Click here for Peter's publisher book store Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Click this link to order the Hard Cover book. $24.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in Hard Cover

Click this link to order the paperback book. $19.99 shipping included

Click here to order All That I Am, I Think! in paperback

Just click the cdbaby logo to buy That's What Living's For by Peter Britt

But Peter Britt's CD, just click here!
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