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Notes to Ponder

1. does god hate iraqis, if so is he ok with us killing so many? 2. if we leave iraq will we stop being free? 3. did saddam want to take our freedoms? 4. saddam was in the proces of taking only euros for his oil...and NOT the doller. 5. saddam was pumping to much oil, (makes it cheaper) so the oil companies wrote up the draft to invade iraq before 9/11 6. iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.. 7. only 4 of the 19 hijackers were from afghanistan, 15 were from saudi arabia 8. does god approve of killing? 9. hitler was protecting the germans from the comunists, same way bush protects us from terrorists. 10. our phones are tapped, our email is spy'd on, we are the suspects.. thats not freedom. 11. Did Jesus, as a human being, really walk upon the earth? 12. Why are there so many similarities between the ancient Egyptian religion and Christianity today? 13. Why does our government tell us that the twin towers were destroyed by airplanes hitting them, when they were constructed in a manner that would prevent simply planes from taking them down? 14. The jet fuel in an airplane does not burn hot enough to melt the steal beams that supported the twin towers, yet at the bottom of both buildings they found molten metal pools....how come? does god hate iraqis, if so is he ok with us killing so many? NO; GOD hates No One;) Greed often drive MENS desires--like EVE=meaning pleasure---People seek pleasure in killing other people---people seek pleasure in attaining territories and More money;) However, those same people will PAY for their BAD deeds...seen or unseen--in this life or the next life... 2. if we leave iraq will we stop being free? NO...people are always free; the mind is a hostage of this or that...Military was intended to protect and defend weaker states---at times, WAR IS necessary... 3. did saddam want to take our freedoms? NO, Bushy's dad started the mutual relationship with the Iraqis during his office term...we funded military training in exchange for unspoken benefits for our cabinet officials...nearly twenty years ago... 4. saddam was in the proces of taking only euros for his oil...and NOT the doller. True---the unspoken is MORE important and revelent than the media...This IS also spoken to cripple various religious beleifs--in (some books of revelation)--God is coming--when the Anti-Christ rises in the Middle East and one currency governs all nations...bullshit to oppress weak minds...the interpretations vary by association...people will destroy the planet NOT God...people are driven by negative characteristics not by "God or the PERFECT Son of Man"... 5. saddam was pumping to much oil, (makes it cheaper) so the oil companies wrote up the draft to invade iraq before 9/11..True...this was simmering to take place during daddy's office... 6. iraq had nothing to do with 9/11..True; Republican officials own most the the gas companies; Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, etc... 7. only 4 of the 19 hijackers were from afghanistan, 15 were from saudi arabia...True 8. does god approve of killing? Yes...the body always dies but the soul will live on to accomplish other tasks...Some souls will be "ghost--spirits" until they are authorized to "live" again...Even while physically dead their "spirit" will remind the "living" of God; creator of the Universe...Son of Man...People canNot kill themself without His authorization...True...I know hundreds of people who should be dead by suicide attempts BUT survived through a form of miracle(s)...to share the experience with atheist...other "spirits" are used as "angels" or comfort during someone's tribulations...always Used to remind the "living" of God...God resides in people---people are fulfilled once "Holy" Truth takes over their life...regardless of religion...God is our ONLY judge... He cannot tend to every human being so HE will dispatch people to work on His behalf... 9. hitler was protecting the germans from the comunists, same way bush protects us from terrorists. Great concept...Bush and Hitler can both be placed under the same deceiving category...They are both ruthless killers... 10. our phones are tapped, our email is spy'd on, we are the suspects.. thats not freedom. That is selectively true...necessary When people are doing BAD deeds to other people...people ALWAYS pay for their wrong doings. Worrying will drive people insane IF we constantly worry about this and that...Focus is Needed to add prosperity to enrich your life and share whatever you choose with other people...Every one is contributing something in the world...Even Bush and Hitler have "saved" people too...seen or unseen...the dynamics could take a lifetime to comprehend... 11. Did Jesus, as a human being, really walk upon the earth? YES...he's an example of the "Perfect Man"---Son of (ManKind)...a "Holy Spirit" of "Divine Power"....You or I could attain His characteristics UPON (Purity) in the "heart"...The average Man is driven by "spirits" of greed, enny, murder, theft, lust, resentments, idol of some sort (the Godfather, Mafia, a superStar, etc...not a "Holy spirit" which gives "life" to those in your path...people kill each other will negative actions, negative intentions, and negative communication...the opposite of Jesus; anti Christ...not like Jesus...every country has a "Holy Spirit" to remind THAT country of GOD; creator of the universe and earth...the name varies upon language and interpretation...Anything negative is a RED flag; deceit...Do whatever you Honor as Good; at times, to the physical death... 12. Why are there so many similarities between the ancient egyptian religion and christanity today? ALL Religion(s) are similiar...the practice is what varies...(his) "loving" religion MAY be "violent" to me ...everyone MUST determine their decisions by their Truth...praying to God; creator of the Universe helps guide ANY Man to a fulfilling state of existence...Count your "blessings" people are "living" far worse than you or I....people are experiencing Karma from other lives too..."save my soul and make me whole"...actually changes your life experience AND creates levels of HONOR for your next life...Favor...some African's souls' are white people today. some White souls' were African in another life...tatoos can be signs of other life experiences...an unknown connection to this or that...a soul of a Viking are commonly Raider fans...a soul of a Gypsy are commonly in the "Rainbow communities or Renaisannse(spelling??) communities"...soldiers were commonly a soldier in another life too...pirates are robbing docks to this day..ON and ON--you never know---some people do know---It takes a "pure" heart to understand your life and soul experience...Always collectively contributing SOMETHING in your world and other people's world too; regardless of your a(ware)ness...Certain cities or countries are MORE appealing than others for specific soul reasons...People believe whatever religion; "way of life" they choose; your free will...I never dream of living in North Carolina BUT a "calling" pulled me here for specific reasons...NOTHING is a coincidence...People are perfect exactly where they are...anything can change in a blink of an eye; moment to moment...depending on who (one) is praying to??? What you are willing to do? What are you willing to sacrifice to be a better human being among civilization? People share Nothing and want everything Good...most anti-Holy dispositions blow dirt into the air...I always tell my mom, you better be nice to Eastern Asians; you may be one in your next life;););) God is in ALL people---negative mannerisms; immorality--- are examples too...Honorable characteristics are rewarding...regardless of your position in the moment... 13. Why does our government tell us that the twin towers were destroyed by airplanes hitting them, when they were constructed in a manner that would prevent simply planes from taking them down? Form(s) of (Deceit) is convenient to justify negative intentions...television, altogether, can destroy a life experience...most people are watching the wrong channel...spend your time however you choose... 14. The jet fuel in an airplane does not burn hot enough to melt the steal beams that supported the twin towers, yet at the bottom of both buildings they found molten metal pools....how come? The entire situation was bullshit...that's why the USA is in a recession and borrowing capitol from countries we nearly destroyed in past connections...Focus on whatever you choose is Good...I get frustrated trying to justify negative characteristics...Men rarely fight for Truth anymore...a "silenced voice" for one reason or another...or caught up IN chasing pictures... To me, Jesus is just another name for the SUN. We see it everyday, it comes in the heavens, he has a crown of thorns. He makes the plants grow, he makes us grow, he fights set every night and fails, yet wins in the morning. On December 21st he dies, as he reaches his lowest point in the hemisphere, and he remains dead for 3 days, and on the dec. 25th, he rises one degree, thereby resurrections. The bible is just one giant book of astrology. Just about everything it says, points to astrology. There are NO historical documents that state for a fact that Jesus ever walked this earth. Jesus had 12 disciples..... In the Hebrew scriptures, there are numerous counts of 12 brothers, or 12 this or that.....there are 12 signs, in the zodiac. There are 12 animals according the Chinese culture. We will enter a new age when the time comes, yet the bible claims we will have a new world.....the interpreters of the bible mistook aeon as world, and not age, as it was meant to be. Interesting point of view(s);) I find; the only problem with Astrology is; it doesn't provide ethics; specific codes of conduct. People can waste their life existence reading pages and basing their characteristics on an idea vs. their Truth....not a viable life with (my) eyes...there's no discovery Or exploring when life is based on an idea...Even 'spiritual' Chinese astrology sites state for (pleasure)...All things are intended to define (your) Truth, define (my) Truth...All the Truth(s) that make up an individual;) Everything works together to meet an individual's destiny or "soul" life experience...Whatever is fulfilling to (one) ;) My fulfilling may not be someone else's fulfilling;) Astrology; Numerology; etc...are tools to consider...Actually, everything is a tool to consider to finalize (one's) Truth...(Great leaders) have consistent values that (ground) their characteristics...followers are manipulated by Anything floating in the airs... Astrology is cool but there's no correction...People carry the same negative characteristics in suitcases among every association. There's alot of Truth about personalities in astrology BUT people canNot base associations on merely astrology...chasing a dead idea with physical and mental limitations...the characteristics and personality can change moment to moment without a solid "heart"---negative mannerisms consume their life to death...literally... A new world also means ( a new way of life; a new way of living ) making an individual's world different while impacting other people's world too...World's are destroyed by "Good"--a world of violence to a world of peace, a world of addiction to a world of being sober, a world of poverty to a world of health, a world of unemployment to a world of employment, a world of boredom to a world of creativity, a world surrounded by whores vs. a world with a Love, a world of greed to a world of sharing, a world of envy to a world of self-acceptance, a world of homelessness to a world with a home, a world of glutton to a world of control, a world of "dead" idols; mere pictures of this or that to a world of (real and sincere) individuals, a world of lying to a world of Truth, a world behind bars to a world of freedom, a world with mental restrictions to a healthy mind, a world of the immorality someone chooses as good but full of deceitful experiences to a world of moral conduct; etc.. negative characteristics are corrected by the "Spirit" of Truth through a greater Source of Energy...I enjoy going with the flow whereever life finds me standing...I either like or dislike the situation...I base my "way of life" on being opened, expressive, exploring, and discovering whatever brings a smile to (my) face...At times, I can help other people smile too...Sometimes, I can make people frown IF I disagree with their request or submission to a negative experience (from my eyes point of view)... tooo much religion...make people insane...I enjoy going with the flow and (exploring) (whatever situation) or (place) (myself)...I'll allow (my) Truth to finalize the conclusion of the (direct)(experience(s). If an individual's world changes they speak with convictions and passion to extend a hand to provide positive options in other people's world too... There's nothing wrong IF people enjoy their life experience AND state of existence;););) To each his own; values and whatever you HONOR as (your) Good... Sometimes, people need to respect other people's life existence from a distance... Expect Nothing from those who believe in SELF; dirt is consistently blown into the air... If you ever notice, people associate Christ with a symbol of a fish. Back prior to Moses climbing that great mountain to receive the 10 commandments, the people worshiped bulls, and when Moses arrived he told the people to destroy those or the life of the Bull for that age was over, and the age of the Ram begun. Post-Noah - The Bull = The Age of Taurus Post Moses - The Ram = The Age of Aires Post Christ - The Fish = The Age of Pisces - The Age we live in In the bible, his disciples asked Jesus, when will be the time for your last passover, and he told them, to look for the man who pours water from a bowl. AKA the water bearer. The next age after the time of Jesus ends = The Water bearer - The Age of Aquarius The day a person is born, the very time, year, there is much that can discerned from an astrological aspect. BUT every aspect must be taken into consideration.....there are simply similar characteristics. From a fishing standpoint - The fish are more likely to bite when the moon is full or if there is no moon, than any other time, the gravitational pull, the way the universe works, all has an effect on all that we do. I agree, that a person who spends all his/her time reading some astrological words, is going to miss much, for there is more to life than just that.

Good and Bad

No one can change Anyone's mind About Anything...I can control my actions and allow whatever IS taking place. Yes is Yes; No is No... When a person has DIRECT experience with "God" their associations MUST change--people are living "spirits" with a body...example: If I'm constantly around killers eventually my "spirit" will kill too...If I'm around individuals with the opposite belief as mine---One of us Will change...into better or worse...Churches are intended for like-minded individuals...A Church also represents an individual person, not necessarily an actual Church. No one can "save" anyone from immoral ways of life...People don't recall the difference between moral and immoral UNLESS reminded...selective amnesia... (immoral) "Spirit" consumed with ---greed, murder, sloth, lying, glutton, sexual immorality, envy, revenge, jealousy, hoarding (negative mannerisms) that negatively impact other people; humanity...there's is no devil--- wisdom fights knowledge...Every country has their interpretation of a Greater Deity; an individual must seek their own path to "salvation." example: If sexual immorality was so great (Spears would be doing Great---Grandpa Hilton wouldn't have changed the heir(s) of the Hilton Estate) No one can tell anyone what's immoral--every individual is righteous;) Proud and consumed with ego...there are seen and unseen consequences for negative mannerisms...That's the Truth...you are not "saved" by anything when you die or commit suicide either...That's another Truth... People must "save" themself through a religion(way of life; way of living)...People in one's path are merely examples to consider on any given moment... No one has to go to Church to be "saved" people can pray in their room. Churches provide levels of support for the like-minded... an offering/tithes---A Church in Hayward, California---the community visually sees their offering/tithes--the Pastor bought the land around the Church (acres of expensive land)--All kinds of programs to promote healthy "ways of life"-- funded for the members in the community--then they Outreach for others...the area use to be horrifying--NOW it's surrounded by peaceful energy...every human is sincerely smiling with joys and happiness... "Good" is never broke--- an offering can be---fasting--no food; no alcohol; no masturbation; no smoking; no television; no porn type (ill)ustrations...all of these things are diversions from the Truth...most people give NOTHING...so Nothing positive changes in their life either...That's people's Truth...people base their life experience on (never ending pictures) of this or that... An offering at an actual Church--keeps the Church going and positively growing--a "Holy" Minister/Pastor/etc...they MUST feed the community wisdom AND be an example of "Divine Purity"... It's IMPOSSIBLE for a "Saint"; that woman-- to consistently dwell among various "negative mannerisms"--Why? Negative mannerism change a (clean/pure) "spirit"...A distance is necessary...(true) Monks will not be found in nudy bars--same concept... Bottom LINE is ALWAYS--is Life fulfilling--NOT my life--NOT her life--NOT his life--an individual...Will sudden death be faced with fear or honorable peace... Individuals who have personal relationships with "God" know when their time is coming; and fearless of the event... People are like bananas sometimes; peel the surface to get to the roots of negative characteristics. The message will not always be for you but keep going until you hear your message towards your "salvation"; your of Truth." My heart was broken and my selective amnesia was triggered while standing among purity;) True Some Men corrupt Truth for their gain..."God Bless America" WAR on Iraq...the oil his Dad was seeking too was kept a secret...He leaves the Office with a recession... "Sun" can represent the "Light" of Mankind-- the opposite of "Holy"...is an idol--Spears, NBA star, artist(s), porn star, Sean Combs, "the GodFather," so on... A person that beleives their "Powers or life" is from a source other than "God" forget about the name; Jesus---for a second---his characteristics are PERFECT...that's IT...there are specific MORAL commandments...that's IT...no one can judge ANYONE---"God" will judge ALL...
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