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A Safe City - By C51
I once lived in a city. It was a strong, safe city. It had high walls around it built in earlier times to fend off frequent attackers. The walls were strong ones and I maintained them in order to keep myself safe from hurtful things. I can't say I felt safe in my strong city but it was as close as I could get. But I was alone in my city. My city had become a prison for me. The same walls which I had built to keep out pain had also kept out good things. The things that make life worth living. While I was relatively safe in my city, I was besieged in a prison of my own making. Yet I continued maintenance on my walls. I chose the safety of a prison rather than face the dangers that lay on the outside. Even after there were no more attacks, no more attackers, I kept up my city's walls. Then one day I heard of another city. A traveler from another city had gained my trust and I gave her admittance to my city. It was the first real company I had had in a very long time. Time after time
Safe Within Your Wings
Take my hand and guide me.... Wrap me tight within your wings. Touch me gently with your wisdom. as you tug upon my strings. So soft and warm beside you... safe within your sight. Your kindness has no boundries, embrace me with your light. Warm me with your laughter, surround me with your grace. Share your thoughts and dreams as I look upon your face. Guide me with your knowledge Teach me with your truth Show me past and present and days that were your youth. Living by your guidance, your loving, caring way. Blessed be my knowledge, that your love is here to stay
1-25-08 Save me from the darkness that comsumes my soul Show me the light of growing love Save me from selfish harm Show me what life can be Save me from broken dreams Show me all that I am Save me from a shattered heart Show me that you'll never let go
Safety First?
NEW RULE: The republican administration and their supporters must stop talking about how safe they have kept the country since 9/11. The fact is, they failed to prevent a major terrorist attack DURING bushes rule. If they must talk about their record on national security, they must include the whole term, not just since 9/11.
Safely Home
Safely Home The U.S. troops have been deployed To the destination of desert sand As they go inch by inch With a gun in their hand Fighting to death for the freedom of Iraq Watching part of our world Becoming far from being intact As each step is taken A prayer is sent to the heavens above If I don't make it through today Please send my family my love With a note in each soldier's pocket Hoping that it will never be read Exclaiming their undying love And they will return home instead I am praying for their safe return From this sacrifice they have committed to That they return home safely to you Peggy Love Smiley Copyright ©2008 Peggy Love Rusher
Safety Pin Lighthouses
Materials Needed: * 11 - 1 1/16 inch Safety Pins * 1 - 1 3/4 inch Safety Pin * Seed Beads (see picture below for colors needed) Instructions: Follow this pattern and the basic directions on the safety pin jewelry page to complete this project. Each number column represents a pin; for example, your first pin will have 10 blue beads on it. Your second pin will have 7 blue beads, 1 white bead, and 2 red beads. When you thread these beaded pins onto your larger pin, start with pin number 1.
Safe, Sane, Consensual For Your Health
Because i am a concerns me. This information is to serve as guidance only! Always check whether your play partner is on any medication or has any medical condition that may become complicated during play. Always tell your partner if you are on any medication or have any medical condition. Seek full medical advice from your GP if s/he is BDSM friendly or ask anonymously at one of the many internet doctor sites on the web. Never compromise your health and safety. Bruising Repeated bruising could cause anaemia, (a pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of haemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number.) Scarring could occur at the site of the bruising., from the bruises or from compaction of the skin layers caused by use of hard wooden or leather paddles. Scar tissue has less circulation and this may show as whiter areas on a bum reddened by spanking or a bum reddened by hot bath wat
The Safeway Story
Supermarket Club Cards are annoying and bothersome for the consumer, but the grocery stores and market research firms cash in on the data they track. This is why I was so reluctant to sign onto the programs when they were first introduced. The difference in prices were significant, and I had eventually given into the financial pressure. My last attempt at freedom from the club was to type in the famous Hollywood fake phone number with a Maryland Twist: (410) 555-1212. . . . The cashier replied "I'm sorry sir, it did not take your number, can you type it again?" . . . . realizing that it was not in the system, I attempted the alternate Maryland area code (443) 555-1212 and to my surprise, it went through! I was greeted by the cashier "Thank you Mr. McNasty" with a partially held back smile on her face. . . . . As I walked away, I read the botton of the recipt: "You saved 1.65 Mr. Filthy McNasty" . . . . true story, I swear! Give it a try!
Safe In The Arms Of Love - Martina Mcbride
Safe Sane And Consensual
Safe "Safe" means that we take care of each other as best we can, that no matter how we want our scenes, however gentle or rough, we do them in ways that do not injure our partners. "Safe" means that we take the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases seriously and use our best efforts to minimize those dangers. What can you do? Educate yourself. Learn as much as you can so that you can do safe scenes. That means read books, take classes, and ask others about specific techniques that interest you. It's especially important to not let your desire rule your good sense, so think about the specifics of your scenes outside of the scene. "Don't think with your groin." Sane Power exchange is about trust -- trust that the person who has the power in a scene will use it responsibly. If you are the Top then it is up to you to use the power your Bottom has granted you in a respectful and sane way. Your Bottom has given you their trust, and you are honor-bound to repay it with good
Safety First
Ok, lets stop and think about something. What is the exact purpose of skydivers wearing helmets. I realize that in any sport or activity you do you always think of safety first. But seriously, you decided to throw yourself out of an airplane from severl thousand feet in the air and you strap on a helmet in hopes that you wont hit your head. What the hell, are you new!!! You just threw yourself out of a fuckin air plane and you are falling to earth at speeds in the neighborhood of 125 mph...if your parachute fails and your dumbass hits the ground..I hate to break the news to you but the helmet will be wearing you for safety. That lil plastic hat will not save you..the only thing it will then be good for is to make sure your brains had a nice place to be so that when they identify your body..its less to have to scoop up. So have fun and enjoy that nice jump...and besides..why jump out of a perfectly good plane!!!
Safe Wknd
Holidays Labor Day Comments And Graphics
Safety At The Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want people to be extremely safe this holiday season here are a few ideas that may mean safety or a pack of trouble. 1) When you are shopping leave nothing in your back seat. Including coats or blankets/ 1a) blankets and coats can hide a body 1b) people know you have stuff under those if you are in a mall, so don't! 2) At the mall if you bring your packages out to the car, use the trunk! 2a) Then move your car to the other side of the mall. People watch you loading the stuff and they will have a great Christmas as you fill out the police report 3) Ladies please as for an escort if you are at the club. Most places encourage it. 4) Park near the light pole, at least you have something there to help you find it. Also remember the safety. 5) Always and I mean Always look in your car before you get in. If you feel funny, run and get the security. 6) Only put a few minor packages at the tree if it is in front of a window. Remember the big
Safe, Sane, Consensual
Origins of "SAFE SANE CONSENSUAL" by slave david stein under the Guardianship of Master Steve of Butchmann's taken from the Leather History Group The following essay is the core of a larger work that is still in progress. Comments may be sent to the author via e-mail, Copyright 2000 by david stein; all rights reserved. *** History is what happens while you're doing something else-- and it may not be until years later that you discover what you did was "historic." When i agreed in mid-1983 to be part of a committee of GMSMA (Gay Male S/M Activists) charged with drafting a new "statement of identity and purpose" for the two-year-old organization, i had no idea that the lasting significance of our work would be reduced to a single phrase: "safe, sane, and consensual S/M." Today GMSMA is the world's largest S/M organization for men and one of the oldest and most respected S/M organizations of any sort. Yet there are thousands -- perhaps tens of thousands? --
A Safer 2009
Just a word to the people out there in todays world. People dont under stand what it is like to be there, after, cleaning up. People think that speeding, over taking over double white lines, tail gating, drink driving, jumping off a bridge coz life sucks, running around the streets with weapons, drink driving and all the other stupid things that put others at danger, "Im not going to get hurt, its not going to happen to me"... But believe me that is just the beginning. Before you do anything stupid, just think to yourself, 1)is it my body they are going to have to remove 2)Can I live with the thought that I killed some one because of stupid actions.3)How would family and friends cope trying to identify your body. There is nothing worse than seeing a body mangled inside a car, lifeless, some one who has not done anything wrong, some one who was killed because of YOUR actions. Body parts here there and every where,a skull,crushed so badly that half your brain is on the windscreen
Safe Sex...
Safe Journeys?
I've noticed that in recent years, that I'm leaning more towards psychological explanations for spiritual things, though these have always been important to some extent. This comes as no surprise to me. I haven't entirely abandoned the concept of a relatively objective, autonomous spiritual reality of some sort. I've been down the road of entirely and exclusively embracing the psychological model of magic, and found it to be emotionally and spiritually unfulfilling. Additionally, there have been experiences I've had in my path that have given me enough evidence to believe that it's not just in my head, that to an extent I'm interacting with something other than myself, but interacting in a subjective manner. I am less likely to surmise about the reality of spirituality outside of my own experiences through the lens of my subjective perception, however. There are certain caveats, admittedly. Some author's like Michael Harner claim that journeying is safer than dreaming (which, if yo
Safely Home
"I am home in heaven, dear ones; Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty in this everlasting light. All the pain and grief are over, every restless tossing passed. I am now at peace forever. I am safely home at last."
A Safe Haven Glorious...
I look into your eyes I gaze upon your face My heart races when I am near you My pulse quickens I long to hold you My turner of emotion And marvel at your presence I feel at ease with you And stillness besets my heart Comfort surrounds me Come closer within my circle Feel my lasting embrace And my lips upon yours And meltaway Two units into one Within the safe haven Built for each other And feel enjoyment Happily
Safety Word
a safety word is 1 you and your "other" pick out before ROUGH sex. not reg. rough sex but REAL rough sex, the kind you know youll be screaming NO! STOP! NO! but you dont want them to stop.... only the "safety word" means stop!
Safe Heart
Please keep my heart safe in the dark and keep it safe in your black wings keep it close to you and keep it warm keep it safe until the morn I cry in the dark knowing that I can't see you so keep my heart safe until we meet & I can be with you.
SAFETY TERMINOLOGY SSC—Safe, Sane & Consensual. The basic safety mantra currently in use by the Community. It’s purpose is to ensure that all BDSM activities are done in a safe & sane way, with the consent of both players. It is to remove the abusive abilities of partners during play & scening, and is also to alert everyone to the hazards of play that they should take under consideration. RACK—Risk Aware Consensual Kink. Used in conjunction with SSC, RACK basically means being aware of the safety risks that exist in the kink & play that you are choosing to consensually engage in with your partner. Consent—ALL BDSM ACTIVITIES should ONLY be engaged in with the consent of ALL involved players. Consent means that all players/partners are aware of the risks of the play, the type of play, and the sequence of play, and have agreed on limits & bounds to the play, as well as safe words and a definitive end. One can consent to a rape scene, for instance, but NEVER consen
Safety First
I know I tend to joke around a lot, but on the serious tip, this is for all the ladies out there. I don't care how nice, sweet, kind, or considerate that you think a man is....make sure you look out for YOURSELF. There are a lot of diseases out there...yeah maybe you can get rid of some of them with a quick trip to the doctor, but what about the ones that stick with you for LIFE! Make sure you make that man WRAP IT UP! If he is willing to sleep with you without protection, he doesn't give a damn about you or himself. Keep your life in YOUR hands...not someone else's.
Had a big meeting at work today this morning. They gave us the update on the company and the lay offs. 1,700 nike employees world wide are getting laid of or laid off already. 500 employees in the beaverton nike head where im at are getting laid off or losing their jobs.... I didn't get laid off...I'm safe :) *happy*
Safelab Is N Tha Buildn!
Hey what's poppin fubar?  Check out this great confidental std testing website  it's tha bizness!
Safe The Osprey    
Safe Word
She faces to the left. It's the only comfortable position when her wrists are bound together above her head. She lies on her stomach and watches the candlelight shadow of me preparing. The smell of the jasmine incense hangs in the air like a silent witness to the evening. She move against the ropes. Not to get free, but to feel that she can't. She resists the tug of the ropes securing each ankle. Embarrassed, yet excited by the open position. The noise of the leather strap makes her flinch. The sharp pain brings a whimper. The Safe Word goes unspoken. Blood flushes her face as she anticipates the next stroke. She squeezes, then relaxes; not knowing which will lessen the pain. The lash comes sooner than she expects. A louder sound, a sharper sting, yet the Safe Word goes unspoken. While her cheek warms, she feels the light touch of my glove tracing her tattoo. The colored curves of the design on her lower back feel icy cold compared to the hot marks on the back
Safe And Sound
Walking through the mist hand in hand,Enveloped in his strong arms.Leaving footprints in the sand,He makes sure there'll be no harm. Lying by the fireside cozy and warm,He comforts me in my times of need.He keeps me safe and secure,My heart I'll let him lead. Whenever we are together,I never want to part.When he looks deep into my eyes,I see the love in his heart. Our love springs eternal,And our souls are as one.When our lips come together,
Safety Training Videos
Safety Training Videos
Safe Crusing On The Information Highway
Tampa Computers Always look for the s in https which signifies that your confidential information will be secure (encrypted) when submitting personal information on the web. Computers Tampa
Safelink - Free Cell Phone? (please Read And Repost To Your Friends)
So I wanted to take a minute and share with my friends here on FUBAR something cool that got passed on to me... There is this website called SAFELINKwireless ( )
Safe Words And Safe Guards
Many of My articles find their genesis in conversations and posts that I participate in. This article is an example of one such occassion. Special thanks to dixie for the inspiration. To begin, let's define what a "safeword" is. It is a word chosen by a submissive and known by the Dominant (or bottom and Top) that will halt a scene whenever a submissive feels that their physical, emotional or mental safety is threatened, or that a hard limit has been reached. In addition to a safeword, many couples also rely upon "safe signals" for the same purposes, since submissives may participate in scenes in which they are gagged or otherwise unable to communicate verbally. The first question many people have is, why have a "safeword" over a simple "no" or "stop". I've heard it postulated that during the course of a
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1-800-safeauto Ads By Conspiracy Theory We're going to try to get them to re-edit this one and include a little more of the full chorus, but to hear the 2nd and 3rd verses you need to watch this one: Here's the parody lyrics by Dana: Well you're..Havin' trouble with the police manHe flashed the red and bluesYou're just sittin on the side of the roadHere's what you gotta doReach real slow... he's nervous you knowIt's really not that hardYou dialed 1 800.. Safe AutoGot your insurance card! Ugh 1 800!Safe Auto1 800!Safe Auto1 800!Safe Auto1 800 ah-Safe Auto (eww!)1 800 ah-Safe Auto A little gecko gonna steer you wrong!That's what you're gonna findThat caveman he just thinks he's smart!Don't pay him any mindI'm telling you... Here's what you doYou just pick up the phoneYou're gonna findYou can get peace of mindDon't gotta take out a loan! 1 800!Safe Auto1 800!Safe Auto1 800!Safe Auto1 800 ah-Safe Auto (eww!)1 800 ah-Safe Auto (Solo) My friend Larr
Safe Up To % On Your Drugs With Us
Romeo is sitting in a chair by the fire watching Juliet read. Romeo: Come hereJuliet: Yes SirJuliet closes her book and walks over to him dropping to her knees, her hands in her lap. She peers up at him through her lashes, a quick flash of amber before she respectfully drops her eyes.Romeo: I want youJuliet: I'm yoursRomeo: No, i want to possess you, command you...Juliet: I'm yours my love. Do as you wish.Romeo: No, i don't think you understand. I want to do vile things to you, things a good man should never do to a woman... He rakes his hands through his hair in frustration...Romeo: Look at me.Juliet looks up at him this time giving him the full weight of her gaze. She looks so fragile to him eyes so innocent yet knowing. How can she both... Her throat so delicate so breakable the sight of her makes his blood boil and slam through his veins. Those lips... so plump begging to be kissed, to be bit. He grabs her by the hair and yanks her face to his kissing her hard. His teeth bruise her
Safer World For Women
The fair haired woman at the bus stop cried loudly and turned away as her male friend shouted into her face. He then slapped her loudly across the head with a plastic bag which I assumed must have concealed a bottle, for the crack that she suffered made my teeth grind and crush as I heard the impact.   He stood there, his bald head red with anger, his other fist trembling in rage and his face contorted into that of a snarling bull dog. The blonde woman simply moaned and bent over holding her head after the bottle made contact with her scalp.   "Leave her alone you crazy freak!" I screamed and stepped between him and the moaning simpering woman. "Don't say anything." - The woman lifted her dazed face towards me, pleading with her frightened eyes. I knew exactly what she was conveying with her eyes. "If you upset him, I get it more" is what she was saying. "If you stand up to him, he will beat me worse in private." Those feelings stirred up old memories within my furious brain. The b
Safety Info For All Drivers Read And Be Wary
information recieved from a friend this sounds a bit dramatic but just incase its true you were informed while driving on a rural end of the roadway on thursday morning i saw an infant car seat on the side of the road with a blanket draped over it for whatever reason i did not stop even though i had all kinds of thoughts running through my head but when i got to my destination i called the police and tey were going to check it out but this is what the police advised even before they went out there to check there are several things to be aware of gangs and thieves are now plotting different ways to get a person (mostly women) to stop their vehicle and get out of the car there is a gang initiation reported by the local police department where gangs are placing a car seat by the road with a fake baby in it waiting for a woman of course to stop and check out the abandoned baby note that the location of this car seat is usually beside a wooded or grassy (field) area and the person
The Safe Schools Improvement Act And The Student Nondiscrimination Act
The Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Nondiscrimination Act will help make the lives of LGBT youth betterThe recent tragedies of several LGBT students taking their own lives across the country have highlighted the fact that anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools can have a dramatic and heart-breaking effect on LGBT students, their families, and school communities. Studies over the last decade provide firm evidence of higher rates of suicide attempts in LGBT youth compared to heterosexual adolescents and young adults. Schools can play a key role in helping to reduce the tragic consequences of bullying by having policies in place to prevent bullying and harassment, and by responding to these incidents by enforcing those rules. Such actions will help to protect all students from bullying, harassment and discrimination.The Safe Schools Improvement Act (H.R. 2262/S. 3739) and the Student Nondiscrimination Act (H.R. 4530/S. 3390) have been introduced in both the U.S. House o
"safe" Radiation Is A Lethal Tmi Lie (repost)
By by Harvey Wasserman  Posted by Debbie Scally (about the submitter)       Page 1 of 1 page(s) There is no safe dose of radiation.   We do not x-ray pregnant women.    Any detectable fallout can kill. With erratic radiation spikes, major air and water emissions and at least three reactors and waste pools in serious danger at Fukushima, we must prepare for the worst.     When you hear the terms "safe" and "insignificant" in reference to radioactive fallout, ask yourself:  "Safe for whom?" "Insignificant to which of us?"   Despite the corporate media, what has and will continue to come here from Fukushima is deadly to Americans.  At very least it threatens countless embryos and fetuses in utero, the infants, the elderly, the unborn who will come to future mothers now being exposed.  (  )   No matter how small the dose, the human egg in waiting, or embryo or fetus in utero, or newborn infant, or weakened elder
Safe And Calm Relocation By Ahmedabad Packers And Movers
The experts of moving agencies assist the people for a comfortable and relaxed move. They appoint capable packers and movers on the basis of their education, skills, personality, experience, knowledge, etc. After appointing them they send them for the short period training to enhance their working style. Then they are ready as fully trained workers to make your resettlement better. They do full security of your valuable belongings while doing the relocation work. They try their best to reduce your workload in a simpler way. Their efficient packers and movers fulfill all the relocation demands of their customers. They do each and every work with full concern without any mistake. They pick up the goods from your old destination and safely drop them to the new destination. They are punctual towards their work that helps them to make the clients happy. The workers are offering superlative services from many years so that you can trust on their ability for the relaxed relocation. The packi
Safe Houses
What's a Safe House?A Safe House allows you to protect your money when attacked, even when you're not online!As you upgrade your Safe House, less money will be taken when you lose a fight.Additionally, each upgrade increases the chances that NO money will be taken if you lose a fight! There are 10 levels of safehouses that open up for you as your mobster levels up. Requires: Deserted Lot Safe House-Level 1 Cost: $100,000-doesn't really say what you just achieved lol Safe House-level 2 Successfully upgraded your Safehouse with 1 Chihuahua Guard Dog for $5,000,000  Chihuahua Guard Dog  · 8% less money taken with loss · 1 in 18 chance of no money taken Safe House-level 3 Successfully upgraded your Safehouse with 1 Chain-link Fence for $10,000,000 Safe House-level 4 Successfully upgraded your Safehouse with 1 Bullet-proof Door for $25,000,000  Bullet-proof Door available at level 20· 20% less money taken with loss · 1 in 14 chance of no money taken Safe House-level 5 availab
Safety Words (stuck Dream World)
I’m stuck into the then and there, Trying to get back to the here and now, Memories of you are stuck in my head, While I’m chained to your bed   Leaving your mark on my skin, So everyone would know where I’ve been, But they won’t know the scars I hold in-side   Walking on the ashes of my soul, Head down eyes red from your stain, Falling on my knees praying to end your reign   There’s no end to the nightmare you put onto me, And my misery sings to your tune, While my soul is dances to your words   Turn in two I’m be divided, Between whom I am and what you own, I guess I finally weep what I sow   I’m not really my own but you will never own me, Stuck in a dream where I had control over you, Until I felt sympathy and let you go          
Safe Sex
Condoms don't guarantee safe sex anymore. A friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot in the head by the woman's husband. Pass this safety information on to all your buddies!
The Safety
LA CLAYETTE, France - Edvald Boasson Hagen of Norway led a sprint finish to win the third stage of the Criterium du Dauphine race, while Britains Bradley Wiggins retained the overall lead. Pat Angerer Youth Jersey . The 25-year-old Sky rider edged Germanys Gerald Ciolek in second place and Borut Biozic of Slovenia in third after the 167-kilometre trek from Givors to La Clayette. Wiggins, the Sky team leader, kept the yellow jersey for a third straight day by finishing in the 140-rider pack that crossed in Hagens wake with the same time: 4 hours, 22 minutes, 13 seconds.The Dauphine is seen as a key warm-up race for the Tour de France, which begins June 30 in Liege, Belgium. Hagen won two Tour stages last year. Jerrell Freeman Elite Jersey .75 seconds at the London 2012 Olympic Games. American Carmelita Jeter captured the silver medal, finishing with a season-best time of 10. Pat McAfee Womens Jersey . -- With four days to kill before playing in the Mastercard Memorial Cup final, London
Safe In The Arms Of Angels...2 Januray 1971 Ibrox
Safety Shoes For Women
Shop for the best in branded safety shoes for women, safety boots, safety work boots & wide range of work shoes available only at Carlton safety, the exclusive safety footwear online store.
Safe And Easier Moving In Pune
Shifting is amongst the most irritating tasks in your life but mainly because it is an crucial task so nobody can come out of it or windup everything alone. People need small amount assistance to make the relocation tranquil and comfortable. Pune based companies have enough experience in this field to generate the move relaxed and cozy. These service providers tackle the work of relocation such that clients don't need to feel tense. These companies handle all sorts of relocation so people can take any sort of moving assistance. These agencies fulfill all demands of these customers in order that the move becomes simple and cozy. The workers these companies are well-trained and experienced to generate the move less difficult and easier. These service providers tackle these services in the systematic manner so people don't need to to worry. Pune based agencies tackle the work of relocation in an appropriate manner. These workers start the work of relocation depending on the planned proce
Safe And Easy Relocation By Packers And Movers In Gurgaon
Every one wants to have a safe and easy relocation. But unfortunately relocation is a not a fun chore. There is risk of damages of goods when they are transported from one place to another. There are lots of tedious and risky tasks such as packing, loading, transporting, unloading, unpacking and rearranging of goods. At every step there is a chance of damages of goods. But no body wants damages of their possessions. So; what can be done in order to protect belonging and make moving process easy & simple? In my viewpoint, it is better to use professional packing and moving services of a good moving company who will assist you in the whole episode and turn the situation into easygoing and smooth affair. There are several professional movers and packers or moving companies in the city of Gurgaon that may provide you just right solution catering to all your needs for household shifting. They may help you in entire operation with full service or suggest you particular services depending on
Safety - Scene Preparation
In BDSM, a scene is the stage or setting where BDSM activity takes place, as well as the activity itself. The physical place where a BDSM activity takes place is usually called adungeon, though some prefer less dramatic terms, including "playspace", or "club". A BDSM activity can, but need not, involve sexual activity or sexual roleplay. A characteristic of many BDSM relationships is the power exchange from the bottom to the dominant partner, and bondage features prominently in BDSM scenes and sexual roleplay Aside from the general advice related to safe sex, BDSM sessions often require a wider array of safety precautions than vanilla sex (sexual behavior without BDSM elements) In theory, to ensure consent related to BDSM activity, pre-play negotiations are commonplace, especially among partners who do not know each other very well. In practice, pick-up scenes at clubs or parties may sometimes be low in negotiation (much as pick-up sex from singles bars may not involve
Safe Moving Remedies By Just Pune Specialists
Switching for your brand new area most likely inside jewel throw international calls is extremely horrible. In order to complete this excellent horrible procedure just one should just have assistance with the well-known moving businesses. You'll discover degrees of moving businesses specific to be able to economy that can take care of the full procedure simply. These employees these businesses get great know-how in regards to the brand new residence obtain to arranged the prettiest function to acquire the item complete simply. Many individuals proficiently take care of the full procedure connected with moving in addition to make their own buyers clear of many concerns. Most of these specialists employ their own many procedures in addition to understanding to make this go simple in addition to appealing. These types of employees these businesses understand adequately that can dealing with components for his or her protected routines. Many individuals perform significantly treatment whi
Safety - Scene Preparation
In BDSM, a scene is the stage or setting where BDSM activity takes place, as well as the activity itself. The physical place where a BDSM activity takes place is usually called adungeon, though some prefer less dramatic terms, including "playspace", or "club". A BDSM activity can, but need not, involve sexual activity or sexual roleplay. A characteristic of many BDSM relationships is the power exchange from the bottom to the dominant partner, and bondage features prominently in BDSM scenes and sexual roleplay Aside from the general advice related to safe sex, BDSM sessions often require a wider array of safety precautions than vanilla sex (sexual behavior without BDSM elements) In theory, to ensure consent related to BDSM activity, pre-play negotiations are commonplace, especially among partners who do not know each other very well. In practice, pick-up scenes at clubs or parties may sometimes be low in negotiation (much as pick-up sex from singles bars may not involve
Safe Words
What’s a Safe Word? “Safe Words” are a tool used in BDSM scenes through which a bottom orsubmissive can clearly communicate how they’re feeling about what’s going on in a scene. Using safe words, the bottom can let the Top know, through a simple code, if either they like what’s happening and want more, if they need things to be less intense for awhile or if they need the activity to stop completely. It’s important to have safe words, particularly one for “stop- NOW”, because once the endorphins, energy and emotions really get going in a scene, clear communication can be difficult, especially if there’s intense activity going on. So rather than trying to get a whole sentence out, like “I’m not sure I’m really okay with how I’m feeling at the moment- can we talk about this?”, a bottom has only to remember and speak one word to let the Top know how the bottom is doing. It’s impor
Safe Sex Needed A New Hero – Enter Bill Gates And His Graphene Condom
So, graphene, who's heard of it? I'll admit that I hadn't until this morning, when it was revealed that the Nobel prize-winning "wonder" substance is being hailed as the solution to the timeless problem of men who say they don't like wearing condoms. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a £62,000 grant to the scientists at Manchester University who believe the material, which is a form of carbon that is one atom thick, can be combined with latex to create a super-strong, super-stretchy, supercondom. This is excellent news, since I am a five-year-old and find condoms hilarious. Our prime minister looks like one, and he is a constant source of mirth to me. Then again, condoms are hilarious. It's difficult to write an article about them without acknowledging that fact (indeed, the Telegraph barely managed it, choosing to round theirs off with a quote saying that this new use for graphene might "touch our everyday life in the most intimate way"). It's a little plastic sheath
Safe And Far Easier Relocation Within Just Pune
Transferring is likely the many frustrating responsibilities in this lifestyle however mainly because it is an important job thus no-one could emerge from using it or windup it all on your own. People have to have little assistance to make the actual transferring peaceful and protected. Pune dependent organizations have enough experience in this discipline to build the actual go comfortable and welcoming. These kinds of carrier's networks undertake the career regarding moving in a manner that will buyers don't need to think nerve-racking. These lenders manage a myriad of moving thus males and females usually take almost any shifting help. Such company’s meet almost all requires in their consumers so your go turns straight into simple and welcoming. The actual staff of such organizations usually is usually well-trained and skilled to build the actual go less difficult and easier. Such carrier's networks undertake such providers within some sort of organized manner thus males and
Saffron Tea
Serves 4 3 cups water 1 1/2 cups fresh milk 12 saffron threads 2 cardamoms, crushed 2 tbsp tea powder (or 6 tea bags of your choice) 4 tsp sugar (adjust to taste) 1. Soak saffron for a few minutes in a little warm water, rub well until dark golden color develops. 2. Heat the water, milk, cardamom and saffron in a pot until the mixture comes to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, then add tea powder (or bags) and boil again for a few minutes. 3. Strain into 4 teacups and add a few strands of saffron for decoration (optional).
If you want to "get in touch with your feelings," fine, talk to yourself. We all do. But if you want to communicate with another thinking human being, get in touch with your thoughts.William Safire
S Africa Chinese 'become Black'
"The High Court in South Africa has ruled that Chinese South Africans are to be reclassified as black people. " BBC news story
Safty For Men
Safty First
STATE POLICE WARNING TO MYSPACE USERS Please read this.....I hope that all of my Friends Post this and help keep our myspace friends safe. State police warning for online: Please read this "very carefully"..then send it out to all the people online that you know. Something like this is nothing to be taken casually; this is something you DO want to pay attention to. If a person with the screen-name of imahustlababay or contacts you, do not reply. DO NOT talk to this person; do not answer any of his/her instant messages or e-mail. Whoever this person may be, he/she is a suspect for murder in the death of 56 women (so far) contacted through the Internet. Please send this to all the women on your buddy list and ask them to pass this on, as well. This screen-name was seen on Yahoo, AOL, AIM, and Excite so far. This is not a joke! Please send this to men too...just in case! Send to everyone you know! Ladies, this is serious. Gentlem
Saftey Alert On Diabetic Drug
Saftey Tips
A Saftey Commericial (adults Only)
S After An Mri Exam On Ap
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Another starter for the Golden State Warriors is heading to the operating table. The team said David Lee will have surgery Thursday to repair a torn abdominal muscle. The procedure will be performed by Dr. William Meyers in Philadelphia. Lees recovery time to resume basketball activities will be determined following surgery. He has missed seven straight games after an MRI exam on April 13 revealed a strained groin and stress reaction. The former New York Knicks forward, in his second season with the Warriors, averaged 20.1 points and 9.6 rebounds this year. Point guard Stephen Curry and centre Andrew Bogut are both having arthroscopic surgery on their injured ankles in Los Angeles this week. The Warriors host San Antonio in the season finale Thursday night. Cheap Jerseys China . Hansen won with a total of 27 points after all six rounds.  Frances Bryan Coquard finished second to claim the silver medal, while Briton Ed Clancy took bronze. Cheap Jerseys F
The Saga Of Humanity
You know the story...You know the Hero, You hate the Villain. And you know the story by heart and you've memorized the script . n Why do films appeal to us so much? Haven't we seen the same common theme time and time again? Maybe it's because they all tell a story that has been written on your heart, tales of a conflict that expands beyond a few actors ona screen. They tell the story of a battle for you .. Are you Ready? Are you equipped? Your role in this story is bigger than you might realize.
Saga Of My Tears
I sit all alone in this room As memories unfold Tears streaming down my face again This pain never grows old Some say it's a state of mind But it's my heart that really hurts I only aim to please you all But what's a smile really worth? This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears They say that life's a trip I hit the ground face first Lost everything I ever wanted But it could have been worse Or that's what they tell me Do they sit alone in the dark? Or stare into broken mirrors Thinking it's the pieces of their heart This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears This is the saga of my tears A saga that never ends This a
The Saga Begins By Weird Al Yankovic
The Saga BeginsAdd a video to your site FREE Music Video Code
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.Carl Sagan
Saga Of The Web-mantic Iii
Saga of the Web-mantic III A Confessions Supplement Re: Tainted Lover In the midst of a relatively quiet Summer-Madness, I find reason to pick up a pen and weave the tale of a wayward soul a man who struggles against his own inner demons, for the sake of the better good. I ask you reader, what is one man’s struggle in a world that lacks compassion. I’ll tell you, futile. Still, I travel on in search of that perfect romance. So far this search has yielded nothing. So, I swear my path was cursed by Eve. Mayhaps she has a personal vendetta against me. I stand ready for her. I was knighted just for this cause. Eve seems to be compassion’s greatest enemy. Ngozi Adanna? Lost among these pages. I tell you its grim out and about in this fray we call dating. A weekend excursion back home had me sorting emotion about Nikki Lake. I came to the knowledge that this could not ever happen; due to etiquette (Nikki and Charity were friends,). Mrs. Right is probably my friend. Remember K
Saga Of Mono Man Continues!
Just a short note to let everyone know my son Taylor aka Mono Man was admitted to the hospital this morning! Think they'll just keep him overnight to get that nasty throat and the head to toe hives taken care of! Now I need to go treat clients and Dad is sitting with Mono Man - hope they have fun, lol! Talk to everyone later. Blessings, ALL!
The Saga Goes On
yesterday jan 3 a student at the local high school shot and killed another on school grounds. This incident made national news and the community is in shock. I can't help but think how bad my situation could have resulted. Please refer to my other 2 stories. I resigned from my teaching position that i have had for 23 years. What happens next is still up in the air.
Saga Of Skadi
Now Skadi my friends was a Giant yep not a Goddess.So how pray tell did a Giantess become a Goddess?Well listen and I wil tell you the saga! Skadi's Dad the Giant Thiazi went and pulled a dumb thing and kidnapped a Goddess! Opps wrong move now the sagas dont realy say wich one mind you but he did.The Gods neadless to say were PISSED! So they went and rescured the Goddess and in the process killed Thiazi! Well this left Skadi alone as she had no other family and she donned her armour and picked up her bow and sword and went to make war against the Gods! Well she walked up to the gate of Asgard and demanded vengence!Well Skadi wasnt a bad looking Giantess mind pretty hot looking even.So Odin himself came to the gate and asked how they could appease her and get off the hook for killing her dad. She said I have two demands 1 make me laugh 2 I want a God as a husband since I have no faimly! Well the Gods all tried to make her laugh but failed so it was Loki's turn and he made h
The Saga Of Yahweh Ben Yahweh
by Dr. William Pierce An Associated Press news story recently caught my attention. The story was about the release from prison this week of a Black religious leader, who calls himself Yahweh ben Yahweh. His name actually is Hulon Mitchell. He's a former Black Muslim, and, in fact, he ran a Black Muslim mosque in Atlanta for a while in the early 1970s, until he was accused of sexual improprieties with underaged Muslim girls and of dipping into the collection plate. He dropped out of the Nation of Islam, where he was known as Hulon X, and in 1978 founded his own church, the so-called Nation of Yahweh, with a religion based on Judaism. He calls his followers "Black Hebrew Israelites" and tells them that they, rather than the Jews, are the "chosen people" ordained by God to rule the world, as described in the Old Testament. He took for himself the name Yahweh ben Yahweh that's Hebrew for "God, the son of God." So why should we be interested in yet another megalomaniac religious cult
Sagada(nature Lover)
The Saga Continues~livin In Hell
Ok, those of u that have read my other blogs of my Hell week with sponsoring an Alcoholic, the saga continues. He went to a rehab for 2 weeks and signed himself out. Came got his car and just kept drivin till he hit Maryland. He started drinking again and stayed at a hotel for all of 3 days, his parents paid for 2 of those days. He ran out of money and being skitso(however u spell it)Bi-Polar, Manic Depressive and Alcoholic, he bolted from the hotel and thought cops were comin 'cause he trashed the room. Anyway being drunk, he reached his bottom, nobody knew where he went till he called me from his cell phone and was scared to death and didn't know it could get this bad, he was sleeping in a dumpster and with no money or anything else, was at his lowest peak ever. Begging for help, i of course obliged after work, had a great friend of mine go with me to Md. which is 2 and 1/2 hours away. I was supposed to pick up my sponsee, load him in my truck, have my friend drive my truck, and i dr
The Saga Of Angie-chapter 1 Stupid Co-workers
**Author's note: The story you are about to read is fictional. No similarity to individuals living or deceased is intended....yada yada yada. The names have been changed to mock the guilty. You know there's always this one asshole in the office that everybody hates??? There's one where I work-let's call her Angie. Angie is this ignorant uneducated trailer park chick with long stringy hair. Just nasty looking, and if you look at that neck, you don't have to look that damn close-it's RED as hell. Ok, so I'm not hating on her just because her neck is red, I'm hating on her because she's just not my type of people-you know the type, Jerry Spring rejects. (This is NOT because she's white, this is because she's STUPID) I mean, really. Husband with long greasy ass hair. You just imagine this dude wearing a wife beater, drinking a Bud, and whupping her ass every Friday night. The kind of people you see on Cops every Friday night??? That's our little Angie. She doesn't blend
The Saga Of Angie-chapter 2 You're My Favorite Turd
We must continue the story of our friend Angie. However, I grow weary of her antics. It's soooo childish, and for a moment, all the co-workers and I were united in our Let's Bash Angie club. Lately, it's become tiring and consuming. The stress of being in a small office with one pain in the ass bitch is overwhelming. Daily, I come home tired, grumpy and frazzled. Not by the customers, not by the actual work itself. I am tired from the constant assault on my senses by Angie. I hate looking at her-she looks funny, wears ridiculously horrible clothes, and pink shadow. Ewww! I hate listening to her voice-usually something ignorant flies right out of her mouth and hovers over the crowd, and we are left thinking WTF? Case in point. Today the boss says, "Don't shit me" This illiterate heifer says "Don't woryy, you're my favorite turd" OMG, is that like the stupidist of stupid comments that you can make to anyone, but 'specially your BOSS!!!! Another case: She says in conve
The Saga Of Angie-chapter 3
The Saga of Angie-Chapter 3 Current mood: contemplative Have you ever seen an abused puppy? One that has been kicked, and yelled at? They crouch in the corner, avoid eye contact, and cringe if you get close? As long as you are mean, the puppy stays in its corner. Then one day, you call the puppy. Even though you've treated the puppy like crap for weeks, it is so happy that you're talking to it, it runs over to you, runs around in circles, yapping, and trying to lick your hand. That's our girl Angie. For weeks, Angie has been ignored, laughed at, not allowed to join any reindeer games. I'm telling you, if those heifers treated me the way we treat Angie, I would still be pulling my foot out of azzes. Not our low self-esteemed Angie. I talked to her for a moment today, and the next thing you know, she's asking me if I wanted to see the scar from her back surgery. Are you frigging kidding me?? I don't want to look at her pasty face, does she think I want to look at
The Saga Of Angie-chapter 5 Childish And Petty
Ok, it's been a few days since I wrote about Angie. It's not that there isn't anything to tell. Where Angie is concerned, there's always much to tell-I just haven't had the energy to talk about her. I mean, really, hate and anger is time-consuming and draining. Something is happening in her life, and we're all speculating, but no one will tell us what's going on. Not that I'm extremely concerned about her foul life, but I want to know so that I can mock her and feel superior. LOL. Yeah, I know it's terrible, but she brings out the worst in me! I feed my anger with a daily dose of mockery, disdain, suspicion, and antagonism. Yeah, I know that this is a childish and foolish endeavor. I understand that letting someone get to me only hurts me, but it is so deliciously wicked to hold on to these feelings. Now…what could be going on in her life? I "heard" she told HR she needs money right away…maybe to bail out her trifling husband. Of course, we looked online to see if he
The Saga Of My Life Continues.....
OK. He asked me to stay for our daughter til christmas. that much i agreed on but i informed him I was not putting on my ring, i am not taking orders, or answering to him for anything I do. I come and goes as I please and do what/who ever I want and I was still leaving after christmas in fact the divorce papers would be filed before then.I only kept a few clothes and my computer here at the house, the rest is at my mothers so I can just go. I wrote it down, he signed it and I put it in my dad's lock box today. FREEDOM IS AWESOME BABY!!!!
Saga Of Tears
The Saga of My Tears. By: Billy Strait I sit all alone in this room As memories unfold Tears streaming down my face again This pain never grows old Some say it's a state of mind But it's my heart that really hurts I only aim to please you all But what's a smile really worth? This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears They say that life's a trip I hit the ground face first Lost everything I ever wanted But it could have been worse Or that's what they tell me Do they sit alone in the dark? Or stare into broken mirrors Thinking it's the pieces of their heart This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears This is the saga
Saga Of My Tears
Saga Of My Tears I sit all alone in this room As memories unfold Tears streaming down my face again This pain never grows old Some say it's a state of mind But it's my heart that really hurts I only aim to please you all But what's a smile really worth? This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears They say that life's a trip I hit the ground face first Lost everything I ever wanted But it could have been worse Or that's what they tell me Do they sit alone in the dark? Or stare into broken mirrors Thinking it's the pieces of their heart This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears This is the saga of my tears A saga that
The Saga Begins (weird Al)
A long, long time ago In a galaxy far away Naboo was under an attack And I thought me and qui-gon jinn Could talk the federation into Maybe cutting them a little slack But their response, it didnt thrill us They locked the doors and tried to kill us We escaped from that gas Then met jar jar and boss nass We took a bongo from the scene And we went to theed to see the queen We all wound up on tatooine Thats where we found this boy... Oh my my this here anakin guy May be vader someday later - now hes just a small fry And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye Sayin soon Im gonna be a jedi Soon Im gonna be a jedi Did you know this junkyard slave Isnt even old enough to shave And he can use the force, they say Ahh, do you see him hitting on the queen Though hes just nine and shes fourteen Yah, hes probably gonna marry her someday Well, I knew he built c-3po And Ive heard how fast his pod can go And we were broke, its true So we made a wager or two He
The Saga Of The Small African Howler Monkey
The Saga of the small African Howler Monkey Okay, so yeah. I was going to do this stupid myspace thing where each question starts a sentence and you're supposed to finish it. And I did, and lo, I was still bored. So I decided to just write really random and crazy stuff on each one, and after the first one, made the second continue off of it, and it evolved into something resembling a story. Judge for yourself. And no, for the record, I was not on any drugs when writing this. I'm just weird. 1. This one time, at sex camp... this chick with a totally hot but obviously prosthetic nostril came up to a small African Howler Monkey and said "Bitey bitey 15 dolla". The small African Howler Monkey was like "EHEHEHEHE OOH" (sAHM for Yes please, I'll take two). So the chick bit his left testicle off. Moral of the story: Don't date chicks with serrated teeth, dipshits. 2. After returning from the clinic, Jack told Jill that... an enraged chick with a prosthetic nost
Saga Of My Tears
I sit all alone in this room As memories unfold. Tears streaming down my face again This pain never grows old Some say it's a state of mind But it's my heart that really hurts I only aim to please you all But what's a smile really worth? This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears They say that life's a trip I hit the ground face first Lost everything I ever wanted But it could have been worse Or that's what they tell me Do they sit alone in the dark? Or stare into broken mirrors Thinking it's the pieces of their heart This is the story of my life The saga of my tears A story told a thousand times Remade over the years If you listen up closely Maybe you might hear The beating of my heart And the saga of my tears This is the saga of my tears A saga that never ends This a the saga of my tears That fall
The Saga Of My Gimpy Knee And Leg...
Finally saw the Orthopedic surgeon today... After waiting a month to see him, I finally got in to see the orthopedic surgeon this morning. My left kneecap has no cartilage behind it and its displaced to the side. Surgery can be done to properly position the kneecap, but due to the selling in my leg it can't be done. He had no answer as to the cause of the swelling in my leg. He did order injections of a lubricating fluid into the knee joint to reduce the irritation and those will start in two weeks. As for the cyst, it's caused by the irritation of the joint and he's not going to directly treat the cyst, so I'm stuck with it for now. I'm not real pleased with the lack of answers to date or solutions to the swelling in my leg, so I called my primary care doctor to let him know and maybe he can get better answers for me! So that's it for now...
The Saga Contiues....
Well, that time yet again to post to see who's paying attention or not.... More friends come and more to be deleted/go....kinda makes me ill when i've been rating certain ones week after week and nothing back. Yet, you rate and rate and the only time they do rate your pics is when you rate them first...c'mon we all like our pics rated but when i rate over 1500 some a day and I dont get to yours doesnt mean if you re-rate mine i wont get to you just means the next day. So, as i've stated before don't be shocked when I kindly say deleted and have a good one. Don't ask "HUH or WHY?" It just means you've been ignorant to long and ignorant to pay attention to a blog To those i'm missing get back to me please i'll make sure i rate the hell out of ya....
The Saga Continues
As I blogged last friday(, I had to phone up this company about my job. Now some of the anger had faded over the weekend so I was nice and calm and explained the fact I couldn't pay and if there was any way around this. So she's gonna talk to the directors and see what they say. So fingers crossed and hoping for good news tomorow.
Saga Continues Still.......
In the circle of what is. All things that have passed. The spin continues. Evermore in the twilight I roam. Ever searching. For what I know not of. I am the continuance of a greater plan. Am I to be alone in this search. Am I a singular thing or something more. As the Circles of Time continue. I am here. Am I guardian,keeper,tracker,or something else. What else is there in the span of time. Where am I going. What will I meet in the vastness. In these things. I am what I am. For not the safety of my mind or the lack there of. I am still. Slightly bent,slightly sane, or none of the above. Me,In my Armour. ever so. What is this shell. Is it a home or a prison. sanctuary or a trap. luxury or nothing of note. I yell at the universe,but do they hear this voice. am I this tiny or larger than life. What drives me so. To this thing I see and hear. Will I stop hearing it. or something else happen. What will be. I don't know myself. must be why I stay,just to see what will happen. Th
Saga Of My Tears
I sit all alone in this roomAs memories unfoldTears streaming down my face againThis pain never grows oldSome say it's a state of mindBut it's my heart that really hurtsI only aim to please you allBut what's a smile really worth?This is the story of my lifeThe saga of my tearsA story told a thousand timesRemade over the yearsIf you listen up closelyMaybe you might hearThe beating of my heartAnd the saga of my tearsThey say that life's a tripI hit the ground face firstLost everything I ever wantedBut it could have been worseOr that's what they tell meDo they sit alone in the dark?Or stare into broken mirrorsThinking it's the pieces of their heartThis is the story of my lifeThe saga of my tearsA story told a thousand timesRemade over the yearsIf you listen up closelyMaybe you might hearThe beating of my heartAnd the saga of my tearsThis is the saga of my tearsA saga that never endsThis a the saga of my tearsThat fall from cheeks til the end
The Saga Continues
So more about me, well lets see I was born on a friday night at about 8pm, just in time for the party! because of this I am always hyper on fridays, no matter if I am at work or not, and if its a full moon and a firday..dont even bother, you get within 10 feet of me and you will be electrified the energy pules out of me in waves! Yes I love full moons, vampyres are kick ass on a random note, If I could be any mythical creature it would be that one..if they are mythical lol.  yes I like twilight and loved the books! lol.  interview with a vampire was a great show as was the 90's version of brham stokers dracula.  I am all about the laughs if I can make you laugh at least once then I have done my job as your friend.  I love being the center of attention, mainly cause im good at it lol, and yes im humble too:) true story people will always gravitate towards me in a crowded room, girls and guys, I know this is a little cliche but in my case its true you either see the real me and
Saga Of The Beast
I have this beast insidethat only I can see.He has always been thereThis was Grandfather Suns evil gift to meI 1st seen him when Iwas a very young boy.I played with rifleshad no time for toysI always shot trueI rarely missed.As boy I was well knownno one second guessedI was a hunter and many animals Ive killed.But even with thatThe beast was never fulfilledThen a sharp dressed manin a uniform of blue.Asked me did I have what it takesto be one of the proud and fewI looked in his eyes there was confidence, honorand no fear to be seen.I  then went and claimed mylife long title United States Marine.I soon became the elite of the elite.The feats I accomplishedfew could ever beatI became a killer of menand that fed my beast inside.His presence grew stronger he became even more aliveIve done some things some would say in shame.But I never waiveredI put the beast to blameThe beast was determined and he never would never fail.I think sometimeshe came directly from hellThere came a time when the
[6 Sagas, 100,000 Views, 1000 Posts]
Let's take a moment to just sayHOLY FUCK!100,000+ views?1000+ posts?6 Blogs.6 Years.Been one whacky ride?Thanks all that are still around.Miss you if you're not.To everyone popping in at random, quiet intervals:sorry for the mess.- The Management.-------------------In other news. I hurt. A lot. For various reasons really. Most noteably is my shoulder. I put some of my music on this PC, so I hope I'll be writing with a bit more rhythm and feeling.Haven't ordered my new paint yet.Haven't filled out my paperwork yet.Haven't taken a serious look at a new jobyet.Man... been putting a lot off lately, I guess I've just been trying to recouperate over the weekends. I'm either that tired, or still adjusting.Royals lostdunununun10 games in a row.I know that my mood can be affected by their performance, but new job, and everything else going on... and I dunno, I'm in kind of a blah state with my entertainment/leisure time and that has kinda kept me grinding.All of this activity does beg the quest
Sage, Sausage & Apple Dressing
16-ounce bag stuffing cubes 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus more for greasing the pan and topping 1 pound fresh sage sausage, casing removed 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cooking apples, such as Gravenstein, Rome, or Golden Delicious, peeled, cored, and chopped 1 to 2 ribs celery with leaves, chopped 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 3 cups chicken broth, homemade or low-sodium canned 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1/2 cup walnut pieces, toasted (See Note) 2 eggs, beaten 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 2. Put the stuffing cubes in a large bowl and set aside. Butter a 3-quart casserole dish. 3. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the sausage and break up with a wooden spoon. Cook until it loses most of its pink color, but not so much that it's dry, about 5 minutes. Add the sausage and pan drippings to the stuffing cubes. Melt the remaining butter in the pan. Add the onion, apple, celery, and salt. Cook until th
Sage Francis Lyrics
Makeshift Patriot The Flag Shop Is Out Of Stock Hang Myself...Half Mast Makeshift Patriot The Flag Shop is Out of Stock I hang myself...via live telecast Coming live from my own funeral...the beautiful weather offered a nice shine Which is suitable for a full view of a forever altered skyline It's times like these I freestyle biased opinions every other sentence My journalistic ethics slip when I pass them off as objective "Don't gimme that ethical shit." I've got exclusive, explicit images to present to impressionable American kids And it's time to show this world how big our edifice is! That's exactly what they attacked when a typically dark skinned Disney villain Used civilians against civilians and charged the trojan horses into our buildings Using commercial aviation as instruments of destruction Pregnant women couldn't protect their children Wheelchairs were stairway obstructions Now I have to back petal...from the shower of glass and metal Wondering how
Sage Francis Vs Mac Lethal
The Sage Of Roseville
I learned something recently that I feel the need to share. It involves a turkey baster, some form of lubricant, and an avocado. Hold on. That is my letter to another publication. I was made aware of an easy way to take care of myself. I was describing where my cranium was at to my good friend Stacy Pete, and basically relying on her to be my emotional tampon.I have served in that capacity for her too, so she did not mind. In her reply to my dark rumblings was a sentence I had searched for forever. Don't be a jerk to yourself. Think about it. When faced with a choice, remember not to treat yourself like a jerk. Have I given up any of my unholy habits? Nope. Am I exercising more to get in shape? Yes, but not physically. I do it for my mental well being. Putting some time in everyday on my recumbant bike and doing a few dips and chin ups just get my brain smiling. Jotting down a few words here and there helps too. The main thing is I make sure I spend a little time each day just on me. N
"sage Morgan" Poem# 10
Into the face of salty winds braids whip across her sight. Full sails at sun's dying hour Sage sails toward the night. Off a tempest's violent rage seas crash into her hull. above the voice of sanity's judge the laughing of a gull. Hastes' to feel storms fury cuts surf but not alone. Nemesis a mile behind Sage Morgan chasing skull and bone. Neptune unleash his wrath upon her swells fall upon the deck. Sage soaked body battered and shaken flees the rope around her neck. Salt in spray burns the eyes Mast screaming in the wind. Grasp the wheel currage of heart stands strong against the end. Skies clear, winds grow silent peace kiss the face of deep. Not a drift of wood float past with poseidon the enemy sleeps. ...inspired by Sage Morgan...for Sage Morgan...
Sage Advice From A Friend!
As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information : I'm doing it as a public service.
Sage Francis - Slow Down Ghandi
There once was a song called arrest the president Contemporary music, a hit with the kids, it was a top ten I wasn't pop then so I missed the bus a bit But politics was on everybody's hot this summer lists The cool kids were all rocking votes I shit you not, I was pistol whippin' cops for hip hop BooYea! I'm a soap box yelling into megaphones Killing hard rocks using carcasses as stepping stones Had to promise that I'd stop holding my marches the day that Chris Columbus got crucified in golden arches My pedestal was too tall to climb off In fact that's the reason for the high horse And from up here I see marines and hummers on a conquest Underdogs with wonderbras in a push up contest All for the sake of military recruitment It felt like Kent State the way they targeted the students I galloped off whistling "Ohio." The rest of them, stuck doing stand up at a cricket convention But what they'd die for is it the same machine that leaves the quality of life poor
Sage's Diary (a Work In Progress)
Dear Diary, Today, I saw him. He was sitting on the bench just outside of the park, in front of my house. I was wondering if he’d ever visit again. The last two times he’s been there, he hasn’t said much. Today, though, he spoke to me. He has a voice like music. It’s amazing. All he said was “Hi.”, but it was enough to convince me that he’s not just a part of my dreams. He’s real. He speaks, he breaths, he moves. It still amazes me that one simple word can bring so much fulfillment to a desolate heart. For so long, I have felt that only I exist in this precarious state. The state between agony and loneliness. The state, in which many different paths can be taken, but only one has any light. I’ve been careful to not let anyone else see the pain, the searing regret for having to let go of every piece of me, before I could find something to hold on to. He’s the strength I’ve found in that darkness. Is it possible? Is it even remotely possible to find strength in someone whom I’ve never s
Sage Francis "water Line"
Water Line I just sit there And let the thoughts flood And I remind myself, "It's all right, it's all good, it's all love" It's not though Cause there's a kink in the armor A pot hole I'm sinking in While I think of the drama So I stand up Start to pace in my living room Set my eye to the highway knowing that I'll play chicken soon There's a vanity plate with my name on it There's a Davey Crockett hat with a Masonic fat cat under it A musket rifle spitting at my feet They want me to dance in the middle of the street And I respect my elders, so I do as I'm told But I offset the bell curve when I do it with soul Losing control Guilty feet do have rhythm They just dance to the wrong theme music to amuse the villain Instead of killing, I'll spare the raccoon And start filling sandbags as I stare at the moon and let the thoughts flood Blessed are those who are dammed When the levee broke How many choked on the steps to a slow dance? A staircase to a hug with no ha
Sage Wisdom
I'd like to share a bit of sage mumm wisdom with you folks today...     "you're dumb and you suck at life!"      never said it was valid, but isn't the mummers' words gospel?
My mother finding a new recipe as she does decided that she was going to make it, so she sent me and my sister on a hunt for sage, we look in the fresh herb section for sage, standing there realising that they dont have any the conversation goesSister: no sage fml (for those playing at home fml = fuck my life)Me: settle down its just sage
“sagging Feeling”
“Sagging Feeling” Mildred was a 93 year-old woman who was particularly despondent over the recent death of her husband Earl. She decided that she would just kill herself and join him in death. Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, she took out Earl's old Army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart since it was so badly broken in the first place. Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become paralyzed, she called her doctor's office to inquire as to just exactly where the heart would be. "On a woman," the doctor said, "your heart would be just below your left breast." Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her left knee.
Sagging Solution
Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out.
Sagittarius - Your Love Profile Your positive traits: Your playful nature brings out the happy inner-child in dates You're willing to take risks in love... and reap the rewards You've got a killer sense of humor that gets talking with any hottie you meet Your negative traits: Sometimes your sarcasm comes off as biting and abrasive You can be brutally honest, tactless, and truthful even when it hurts You're such a free spirit that you find it hard to commit to one person Your ideal partner: Someone high energy who will pick up and out with you whenever Is creative and fun - thinking of new adventures for the two of you Is bold... and not afraid to tell you "I love you" early on Your dating style: Unpredictable. You never know how the night is going to end up. Your seduction style: Daring. You're always pushing to try something new in the bedroom. Full of imagination. You've always got a new fantasy you're dying to try. Spiritually driven. Sex
Sagittarius You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra Take this quiz at
Saggy Pants
To the boys in our family also and their parents, if it does not apply to you send it to someone that it does relate to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday, A friend came to my dorm room just to chat while her laundry was drying. As we were chatting, two young freshman came by. One of the boys wanted to "talk" to my friend (as in date). She asked him how old they were, and both of the boys replied 18. My friend and I both laughed hysterically because we are both 22 years old. After my friend left the young men were still hanging around and he wanted to know how he could gain the interest of her. The first thing I told him to do was to pull up his pants. He asked why, then said he like saggin' his pants. I told him to come over to my computer and spell the word saggin'. Then I told him to write the word saggin' backwards. S-A-G-G-I-N N-I-G-G-A-S I told him the origin of that look was from prison. Men in prison wore their pa
SAGITTARIUS November 23 - December 22 Ruling Planet: JUPITER, God of money, luck and good times between the sheets. Sagos are playful, laid back and oh-so fun to party with. They are wild, and may be the BADDEST party people you ever meet! One thing to be wary of is that Sagos like to talk BULLSHIT! Don't believe everything they tell you because they are kings at 'talking it up'.Sagos probably make better friends than lovers, but if you happen to score a one-nighter with them,be prepared to do stuff you've NEVER done before!Sagos are spontaneous and adventurous and most have probably been caught doing it somewhere public. When they find the right lover, they will give it 100% as long as the commitment is returned. FAVE POSITION: They are up for anything. Quality AND Quantity. BEST SEX TOY: Handwrite a sexual fantasy of yours and leave it on their pillow. You'll be surprised at what happens next! SAGITTARIAN FEMALE IN BED The Sago woman is a handful! She changes
Saggy Pants Update
Cities Cracking Down on Saggy Pants Sep 16, 2:35 PM (ET) By MATTHEW VERRINDER TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - It's a fashion that started in prison, and now the saggy pants craze has come full circle - low-slung street strutting in some cities may soon mean run-ins with the law, including a stint in jail. Proposals to ban saggy pants are starting to ride up in several places. At the extreme end, wearing pants low enough to show boxers or bare buttocks in one small Louisiana town means six months in jail and a $500 fine. A crackdown also is being pushed in Atlanta. And in Trenton, getting caught with your pants down may soon result in not only a fine, but a city worker assessing where your life is headed. "Are they employed? Do they have a high school diploma? It's a wonderful way to redirect at that point," said Trenton Councilwoman Annette Lartigue, who is drafting a law to outlaw saggy pants. "The message is clear: We don't want to see your backside." The bare-your-britches
Sagittarius You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra Take this quiz at
Sagittarians Rock!
That's right! Sagittarians ROCK! THAT'S ME BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCHES~ SAGITTARIUS November 23 - December 22 Ruling Planet: JUPITER, God of money, luck and good times between the sheets. Sagos are playful, laid back and oh-so fun to party with. They are wild, and may be the BADDEST party people you ever meet! One thing to be wary of is that Sagos like to talk BULLSHIT! Don't believe everything they tell you because they are kings at 'talking it up'.Sagos probably make better friends than lovers, but if you happen to score a one-nighter with them,be prepared to do stuff you've NEVER done before!Sagos are spontaneous and adventurous and most have probably been caught doing it somewhere public. When they find the right lover, they will give it 100s long as the commitment is returned. FAVE POSITION: They are up for anything. Quality AND Quantity. BEST SEX TOY: Handwrite a sexual fantasy of yours and leave it on their pillow. You'll be surprised at what happens nex
Symbol: the Archer Ruling Planet: Jupiter Ruling House: Ninth House Element: Fire Quality: Mutable Body Parts: hips, thighs Keyword: PHILOSOPHY Date with destiny: Aries, Leo Run for the hills: Virgo, Pisces Where you glow: globetrotting What makes you tick: airplane tickets Fitness forecast: archery Play date: horseback riding Perfect jobs: tour guide, park ranger Best accessory: a backpack A sure thing: being the class clown Destination: anywhere Pleasure: travel, philosophy, optimism Pain: responsibility, details, commitment Kindness: In uncertain times, friends and strangers alike are moved by your unwavering optimism and ability to create new solutions to a problem. What's my line? Don't fence me in.
Sagitarius W/brown Eyes
Okay I reposted Bonnie's bulletin and these were my results: SAGITTARIUS:Spontaneous. >Horny. >Freak in Bed. >High sex appeal. >Rare to find. >Great when found. >Loves being in long relationships. >The one >So much love to give >Not one to mess wit >Very pretty. >Very romantic. >Nice to everyone They meet. >Their Love is one of a kind. >Silly, fun and sweet. >Have own unique sexiness. >Most caring person you will ever meet! >Amazing n Bed..!!! >Did I say Amazing in Bed? >not the kind of person you wanna fuck with u might end up crying Brown Eyes:Sexy as hell, people with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable, love to make new friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite Can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. Best in bed can last for days.....way better than hazel eyed people.....Loves to please the one they care or love for,very good kissers, are straight up WARRIORS, not one to mess with,repost this if you have brown eyes, and you will find the one th
.:sagittarius:. The Sexy One
Once you have opened this bulletin, there's no turning back. Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictionist. Read your sign, then repost this in a new bulletin with your zodiac sign and label, or you'll get bad luck for the number of years stated in your sign description. This is real shit, try ignoring it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning - and it only gets worse from there. .:VIRGO:. The Virgin Dominant in relationships. Sexy. someone loves them right now. Freak in bed. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Intellectual. Attractive. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Hard to forget Love at first sight. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. Ultimate sexiness. 7 years of bad luck if you do not repost. .:SCORPIO:. The sex addict Can be mean. EXTREMELY sexy. Intelligent. Energetic. Predict future. Most erotic. (Freak in bed.)
SAGITTARIUS Drinking style In vino veritas -- and, for Sagittarius, in booze blurtiness: when buttered, they'll spill all your secrets and many of their own. Tactlessness aside, Sagittarius is just plain fun to drink with. This is a sign of serious partying (what else would you expect from the sign of Sinatra, Keith Richards, the Bush twins and Anna Nicole Smith?). They're the people who chat up everyone in the room, then persuade the entire crowd to travel somewhere else -- like a nightclub, or a playground, or Cancun. Good-natured hijinks are sure to ensue (including a high possibility of loopy groping; spontaneous Sag is a brilliant booty call). Trademark cocktails A travel-loving sign, Sagittarius might be intrigued by drinks like Moscow mules, Singapore slings -- perhaps even a Long Island iced tea (not a bad option, given how much Sag can put away and still stay vertical). Party monsters that they are, they're attracted to shots, like the ever-popular lemon drop. Sa
Sagittarius You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra Take this quiz at
Sagittarius:. The Sexy One
Once you have opened this bulletin, there's no turning back. Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictionist. Read your sign, then repost this in a new bulletin with your zodiac sign and label, or you'll get bad luck for the number of years stated in your sign description. This is real shit, try ignoring it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning - and it only gets worse from there. :CAPRICORN:. The passionate Lover Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future. Irrestible, awesome kisser. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. BY FAR the BEST in BED. Very sexy. Coolest. Loves to own Gemini's in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Loves to be your first. So you'll never forget. Smart. 24 years of bad luck if you do not repost. .:TAURUS The tease Aggressive. Freak in bed. Rare to find! Loves bein
Sagittarius Heh Heh
.:SAGITTARIUS:. The Sexy one Spontaneous. Horny. Freak in Bed. High sex appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. The one. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone They meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique sexiness. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in Bed..!!! Did I say Amazing in Bed? Not the kind of person you wanna mess with you might end up crying.
Sagittarius - The Promiscuous One
Once you have opened this, there's no turning back. Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictions. Read your sign, then repost it with your zodiac sign and label on the subject line, This is real deal, try ignoring it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning - and it only gets worse from there. TAURUS - The Tramp Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth! 15 years of bad luck if you do not repost. VIRGO - The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. 7 y
Traditional Sagittarius Traits Optimistic and freedom-loving Jovial and good-humored Honest and straightforward Intellectual and philosophical On the dark side.... Blindly optimistic and careless Irresponsible and superficial Tactless and restless Sagittarius About Your Sign... Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in society they will fight for any cause they believe to be just,
SAGITTARIUS November 23 - December 22 Ruling Planet: JUPITER, God of money, luck and good times between the sheets. Sagos are playful, laid back and oh-so fun to party with. They are wild, and may be the BADDEST party people you ever meet! One thing to be wary of is that Sagos like to talk SHIT! Sagos probably make better friends than lovers, but if you happen to score a one-nighter with them,be prepared to do stuff you've NEVER done before!Sagos are spontaneous and adventurous and most have probably been caught doing it somewhere public.When they find the right lover, they will give it 100s long as the commitment is returned. FAVE POSITION: They are up for anything. Quality AND Quantity. BEST SEX TOY: Handwrite a sexual fantasy of yours and leave it on their pillow. You'll be surprised at what happens next! SAGITTARIAN FEMALE IN BED The Sago woman is a handful! She changes her mind more often than not, is blunt, and oversensitive. But can u handle her open-minded se
Sagittarius-the One That Waits
WHICH ONE ARE U? LET ME KNOW! SCORPIO - The Gorgeous One Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Best kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. Amazing in bed. A caring person. One of a kind.Gorgeous Smile.Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth! 15 years of bad luck if you do not repost. CAPRICORN - The Cute One Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to own Geminis' in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to be owned by Aquarius. Loves to joke. Smart. 24 years of bad luck if you do not repost AQUARIUS - The Slut Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long rel
Sagittarius Man
*****YOUR MOST LIKEABLE TRAIT - OPTIMISM***** Ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune, you appear to breeze through life. You are LADY LUCK"s companion who seems alawys to be in the right place at the right time. Naturally, this makes for a cheerful and ebullient dispostion. You have your dark moments, but clouds roll over quickly. You are too interested in what is going to happen tomarrow to fret long about what went wrong today. In Sagittarius,the enthusiasm of fire, the restless mutable quality, and the jovial influence of Jupiter combine to produce an expansive personality who cannot be confined. Independence is your guiding principle. You are free,adventurous spirit who thives on new ideas and constant change of scene. Somewhere you picked up a chronic case of wanderlust, and you have no desire to be cured. the grass is always greener sumwhere else, and your restless, inquiring nature requires travel, excitement, and unconventional. Sagittarus,like its opposite sign Gemini are hap
Sagittarius / 22 November - 22 December
Sagittarius is a positive happy person, friendly and curious. People like to be around him and he’s always looking for people: either to play with, or to look for answers on some of his questions. If he can’t get the answers from people, he’s looking for them in books that can help him on his quest for knowledge. In that, he isn’t always careful, and sometimes jumps the conclusion too soon.He has a disposal of a tremendous amount of energy that he needs to get rid of, either playing games, or outdoor activities. If he can’t go outdoors, he is threatened to become silent.Sometimes he finds it hard to live inside the perimeters inflicted by others. His strong urge for freedom is putting him to this. He wants to be free in making friendship, and accepts no “orders”. He is disciplined and has a large self-control.
Sagittarius You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra Take this quiz at
VIRGO - The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. SCORPIO - The Addict EXTREMELY adorable.. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. LIBRA - The Lame One Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! however not the kind of person you wanna mess with... u might end up crying... ARIES - The Liar Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, Addictive. Loud. AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves be
Sagittarius. This Is Close Enough To Me.
S • A • G • I • T • T • A • R • I • U • S. The Sexy One Spontaneous. Horny. Freak in Bed. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. The one. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone They meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Most caring person you will ever meet! (This was from some survey post earlier, it's pretty damn accurate to me! Hehe)
Sagittarius And Pieces
AQUARIUS - The Slut (1/20-2/18) Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Random . Shy . Addictive. Attractive. Quiet . Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 7 years of bad luck if you do not repost. PISCES - The sexpot (2/19-3/20) EXTREMELY sexy. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. 4 years of bad luck if you do not repost. ARIES- The Irresistible One (3/21-4/19) Nice. Is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good in bed. Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. 9 y
Sagittarius, The Archer
SAGITTARIUS, The Archer (Good People)
Sagittarius And Virgo
When Virgo and Sagittarius join together in a love match, the result is a well-rounded couple. Sagittarius is an explorer who loves to socialize, while Virgo prefers to analyze Sag's discoveries. Both enjoy talking about it with one another. Virgo may demand perfection too soon for Sagittarius's taste, but over time Sagittarius will appreciate a steady and reliable lover whose head isn't always in the clouds. Virgo and Sagittarius have unique approaches to life; Virgo is more practical and less distracted, while Sagittarius is the energetic explorer. It can be hard for Sagittarius to go along with the pragmatic realism of Virgo. Virgo may have a hard time accepting the Sagittarian energy. Virgo can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep them on track with their dreams and ambitions. Sagittarius can add variety and new excitement to Virgo's day. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mercury is about communication, and from Virgo's perspective, analyzing.
S • A • G • I • T • T • A • R • I • U • S.
S*A*G*I*T*T*A*R*I*U*S Current mood: artistic Once you have opened this bulletin, there's no turning back. Below are true descriptions of zodiac signs, with traits from a book written 35 years ago by an astrologist predictions. Read your sign, then repost this in a new bulletin with your zodiac sign and label. If u dont repost this, u will have bad luck for as long as it says in your description!! G • E • M • I • N • I: passionate Nice. Love is one of a kind. Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you the fuck out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing VERY FORGIVING.Horny. Freak in Bed. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. ULTRA SEXY. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. 9 years of bad luck if you do not repost. V • I • R • G • O: The Lover Dominant in relationships. Sexy. someone loves them right now. Freak in bed. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Intellectual. Attractive. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Hard to forget. Love at f
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius, the ninth Sign of the Zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the Zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for these folks, either. Sagittarians are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key to these folks, since it fuels their broad-minded approach to life. The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion, and they find that these disciplines aid their internal quest. At the end of the day, what Sagittarians want most is to know the meaning of life, and if they accomplish this while feeling free and easy, all the better. It's the Archer which represents Sagittarians, although in this case it's a Centaur (half man, half beast) which is flinging the arrows. Centaurs were the intellectuals of ancient Roman mythology, and Sagittarians are quick to consider themselves their modern-day counterparts. Those born under this Sign are clear th
Sagi Legen
The Legend of Sagittarius Sagittarius: this constellation was depicted on old Babylonian monuments and in the early zodiacs of Egypt and India. In India its name simply means Arrow. Eratosthenes described it as a Satyr. It was also depicted as a centaur protecting Orion from Scorpius with his bow and arrow trained on the scorpion's heart, Antares. Cuneiform texts describe the Archer as the Strong One, the Giant of War, and the Illuminator of the Great City. Mesopotamia: associated with the minor god, Pabilsag, brother of the warrior goddess, Istar. Very little is written of him although he did have a minor cult following during the Old Babylonian period in the city of Larag. Obviously someone in serious need of a good agent! Occasionally represents Enkidu in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The close proximity to the constellation Taurus, the Bull of Heaven, and Orion as Gilgamesh, makes sense here. See the Mesopotamian legend of Orion. The coincidental intersection of the spring and au
Sagis Heart
The SAGITTARIUS Woman "Then it doesn't matter which way you walk," said the Cat. "-So long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only -walk long enough." She's not always going to say the kind of things you want to hear. Most of the time, she'll curl your sideburns with her remarkable, flat statements and her embarrassing ques­tions. But now and then she'll say something so special and splendid it will make you feel like singing. You may need a sample. Scene: Coffee shop. You've just gotten up the courage to tell her you love her, but before you can say it, she looks at you with wide-open, guileless blue eyes-or forthright, steady brown ones- and asks you curiously, "How do you feel about being so short? Does it make you neurotic or anything?" While you're gulping, trying manfully to recover, she'll add, "You shouldn't care about it. Lots of men were short. Like Napoleon. And Fiorello LaGuardia." That'
Sagi 3
Sagittarius ±Ã¼öÀÚ¸® (Ïá⢠¦¡¡ª) Sagittarius (Latin: "Archer"), in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying between Capricornus and Scorpius, at about 19 hours right ascension (the coordinate on the celestial sphere analogous to longitude on the Earth) and 25¡Æ south declination (angular distance south of the celestial equator). The centre of the Milky Way Galaxy lies in Sagittarius, with the densest star clouds of the galaxy. Near the western border of Sagittarius is the winter solstice, the southernmost point reached by the Sun in its apparent annual journey among the stars. In astrology, Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about November 22 to about December 21. It is represented either by a centaur shooting a bow and arrow or by an arrow drawn across a bow. The identification of Sagittarius as a mounted archer was made by the Babylonians as early as the 11th century BC.
Sagittarius Woman
SAGITTARIUS WOMAN A tall slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step. She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get up set easily. Self confident woman who belief in her own style. She will not follow fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is an honest person and never try to cause troubles for any one. She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you could make more money, so you could afford better cloth, but anyway it is better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too much and become greedy". She can say such thing a
Sagittarius You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra Take this quiz at
More Fun Quizzes at
Well what do you think.. is this me? I think so. Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones will all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.
Sagittarian Inspiration
9-29-03 I'm in love, I'm the luckiest man this side of the rising sun, Unexpectedly she appeared in my life one day, Like a mirage a figmant of my imagination i hesitated for moment not prepared to accept your truthful approach so persuasive. Excited about the possibility of someone actually interisted in being in a relationship with me, I naturaly connected emotionally, spiritually, quantifing her qualities, experiencing intimately the possibilities to be committed physically, Stimulating my heart and soul, essentially allowihg me the freedom to pleasure you sensually, intensifing the fire already alive inside you and me. Transcending the possibilities that falling in love could qualify as an exciting mystical multi-level experience.
Sagittarius Compatability
Compatibility Information for Sagittarius This information was kindly provided by the folks of AstroMate. The only online match-making service that uses astrology to find your match made in heaven. SAGITTARIUS MALE You love women, however you usually find it difficult to be happy with just one. You are wary of commitment and not prone to close involvement's. You need to be free and detest jealousy in women. You prefer women with experience, females that will take love as lightly as you do. You insist that your mate has a sense of humor because you can become depressed easily with partners that are too serious and who tend to talk about themselves. You enjoy making love under the light of the moon and you just hate to feel or be confined at any time. You can be blunt and outspoken. You will never restrict your partner in any way shape or form regardless of the end result. You have an insatiable curiosity about sexual education and you want to experience everything. You wi
Sagittarius Profile Description
Sagittarius Enthusiastic, Optimistic & Exuberant November 23 to December 21 Sagittarius personality: "play with me" About your self: The ultimate trait of a person born under Sagittarius; procrastination. They have so much ability, but tend to have lofty ideals that sometimes immobilize them. They fear that their techniques are not perfected; that their methods are too rough. Your principles are too high to settle for anything but the best; in quality, in deals, in sportsmanship. You aim so high that you throw up your hands in frustration if your arrow misses its target. That is when you retreat into the world of procrastination. You tend to get fired up and enthusiastic, only to leave, walk away, and get going on a new interest. You inject optimism when the opposite atmosphere is expected to prevail. You are a dreamer, and are capable of turning your dreams into realities. You are a Fire sign; you are intense, idealistic, passionate; your drives and interests
Sagittarius Woman
A Sagittarius woman lacks tact and her flat, on-the-face statements may make you feeling like running away from her. Then, suddenly, she will say something so charming that you will feel as if you are on the seventh heaven. There, you go again! You will be trapped in her charm once more. Once you have been enamoured by a Sagittarius girl, you will be staying with her for a long time. She is pleasant, friendly, outspoken and very talkative. Her forthrightness comes form the fact that she has no illusions about the world. She sees it exactly as it is and says what she sees. At times, you may wish that she were not so honest. But then, she would be like any other girl, wouldn't she? In all probability, you will not like it. A Sagittarian female is very optimistic, but she is not irrational. She will judge the entire situation as per the facts, analyze its probable outcome and still believe that things will get better. Usually, she is very calm and composed. However, when you become rude t
The Archer November 23 to December 21 Traditional Sagittarius Traits Optimistic and freedom-loving Jovial and good-humored Honest and straightforward Intellectual and philosophical On the dark side.... Blindly optimistic and careless Irresponsible and superficial Tactless and restless Sagittarius About Your Sign... Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to extend experience beyond the physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and exploration, the more so because their minds are constantly open to new dimensions of thought. They are basically ambitious and optimistic, and continue to be so even when their hopes are dashed. Their strongly idealistic natures can also suffer many disappointments without being affected. They are honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, generous and sincere, with a passion for justice. They are usually on the side of the underdog in
The Sahara
the heat is rising the passion ignites i see you come into my tent illuminated by moonlight your body is so lovely your beauty shines i take thee into my arms kissing so deep exploring kisses searching you out hearing sighs of pleasure as i lay you down hands exploring kissing you deep arousal building with need of you so slowly we entwine as i enter you holding you tight meeting each other's pleasure legs wrapped around my mouth exploring exploding together but the need is still there pleasing each with our lips build the passion up tasting each as we kiss the god's ambrosia could not be this good delving deeper with each lick moaning out loud for this love can never die holding on tight as extasy takes the body ending in a cuddle love love love
Sahar , That Settles That,
sahar was a handsome ,fun-loving young girl, albeit drunk when she got into the argument with sahar , her roommate of just 2 month " u can NOT kill me silent , u idiot ! " sahar shut her dead on the spot " oh , yes , u can " sahar said smiling .
When I look into your eyesMy soul sets on fireWhen you smile at meNothing lifts my heart higher. When your hand touches meI tremble from your touchWhen you kiss me, oh so softlyIn my mind it's just too much. When you speak to meThe air is spun with goldNever losing a word from youI cherish to me all you've told. There is nothing about youThat I could never loveI look to the skys and say my thanksTo whoever sent you from above.
I am not meant for the stay at home mom gig. Its been a week and I'm ready to strap my daughter down to her bed with tie downs! Ugh. Halp!
Said It Once An Ill Say It Again
it find it rather stupid too have pics up if everyone can't see them
Said Fuck It
so i just said fuck it . if he cant answer and explain then not worth the time or anything ....there are those who do want me out there. the right one will come along. this blog goes to all but the school entry...if
Said Sadly
So sad to see the colts lose today. So to cheer myself up I figured i would post these facts about Bob Sanders. Tom Brady is allowed to live because Bob Sanders doesn't hit women. Bob Sanders is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry; the man ate the Chiefs. Bob Sanders once looked at Edgerrin James funny. That's why EJ's in Arizona. When Bob Sanders executes a push up, he does not push himself up, but pushes the earth down. Bob Sanders makes Chuck Norris cringe in fear. There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Bob Sanders allows to live. Bob Sanders puts the laughter in manslaughter. 70% of the world is covered by water, the rest is covered by Bob Sanders. LaDanian Tomlinson wears a tinted visor so that he will never have to look Bob Sanders in the eyes. Tom Brady can throw a football pretty far. Bob Sanders can throw Tom Brady even farther. Bob Sanders frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.
Said Has Taken Long Road To Carve Niche In Nascar
When rain washed out Sprint Cup qualifying at Watkins Glen International this month, a frustrated Boris Said had to park his No Fear Racing Ford for the second straight year at his favorite track. In May 2006, Said, veteran crew chief Frank Stoddard, and Mark Simo announced the creation of No Fear Racing, which receives technical support, engines and Ford Fusion bodies from Roush Fenway Racing and has SoBe No Fear, an energy drink, as its sponsor. Less than two months later, in only the team’s second race, Said stunned the NASCAR world by winning the pole for the Pepsi 400 on the high-speed banks of Daytona. He led nine laps during the race and finished fourth, losing the lead to eventual winner Tony Stewart with two laps to go. “I think he’s awesome,” four-time Cup champion Jeff Gordon said. “I think he brings a lot of entertainment to the series. We’d love to see him out there. All the different types of cars that he’s driven and he’s had success in proves what kind of race car dri
Said The Rose
I found this in 5th grade and have loved it ever since. It reminds me of myself in so many ways... Said The Rose I am weary of the Garden, Said the Rose; For the winter winds are sighing, All my playmates round me dying, And my leaves will soon be lying 'Neath the snows. But I hear my Mistress coming, Said the Rose; She will take me to her chamber, Where the honeysuckles clamber, And I'll bloom there all December Spite the snows. Sweeter fell her lily finger Than the bee! Ah, how feebly I resisted, Smoothed my thorns, and e'en assisted As all blushing I was twisted Off my tree. And she fixed me in her bosom Like a star; And I flashed there all the morning, Jasmin, honeysuckle scorning Parasites forever fawning That they are. And when evening came she set me In a vase All of rare and radiant metal, And I felt her red lips settle On my leaves til each proud petal Touched her face. And I shone about her slumbers Like a light And, I s
48% Said No To Him
Only 52% of the vote ... that's what Obama got. Almost half of this country DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM, including myself. I did not vote on race, I actually researched both parties policies and voted for the MAN that mostly clearly represented MY VIEW. Yes my view, NOT the view of the BIASED media. And what the hell ... they want a friggin holiday ... April 15th .. Obama day???? What, he's better than the other 43 Presidents that came before him? I think not. He is just a man. And it totally OFFENDS me as a person who believes in the HOLY TRINITY, that he is being called "messiah". We already have a President's day which, when he is actually President, I will include him in this holiday. This "proclamation" is just absurd. I know he thinks his likeness should be to Martin Luther King, Jr. but ... MLK, Jr. was a clergyman, a Baptist Minister who believed in God, who did more for EVERY race of mankind than anyone else has in history. When Obama stops hating groups of people, I may fe
Said By Parents For Fun-loving Kids
I guess every parent will say yes when asked the following questions. Are you looking for the perfect gift to give your five-year old child? Do you want his birthday to be a memorable one? Would you be willing to give something unique? Then inflatable bounce houses are one ofyour best choices. Bounce house can give your children a lot of things - fun, exercise, and good memories to grow up with. That’s the reason why the bounce house rentals business is much popular among the whole world. With best quality, even a used bounce house can last for many years. Aside from being a soft, bouncy playground, it could act as the centerpiece of your kid's party. Since you're going to give a bounce house as a gift, it is best that you start using it right during the party. Bounce houses are great attractions on any get-togethers, whether it is a kid's party or a party for adults. Bounce houses are the ideal places to culminate an afternoon filled with fun-filled activities and of course, de
Said I Would Show Off
show off some of my baskets I have been working on this season   blame postal and worship my talent fuckers       10 of these went out the door today ... switches up the basket thing and used cheese boards with a dutch tile in it       I do one of these every year ... the guy runs in and barks I need another one 200 bucks how fast can you do it ... I fight the urge to kill him and tell him to give me 2 hours     I am working on 10 and 6 smaller ones  of these .... its an order from a church whos Deacons give out hampers to needy members of their congration          
Said - Puddle Of Mudd
Emotionless I slip in to the black and there's no turning back now everyone around me smoking crack this tunnel is blinding hallucinating I'm debating life but it's still moving forward if I could change the hands of time Well I'd do it better Just walk away just walk away just walk away fearless I have fell in to a trap and there's no way around it everyone is crying in the back my kin is around me hesitating there's no second chance when you know your a loser keep on trying keep an open mind I'm caught in a circle Just walk away [x3] Emotionless I slip in to the crack fill as if I've fell in to the blue hullucinating there's no turning back everyone around me smoking crack Just walk away [x4] If you even heard a thing I've said 
Saidan Fox Jinjiang Outdoor Planning Capital Markets After More Than
Before the Saidan Fox Technology Co., Ltd. ( tory burch outlet ) was successfully listed in "days Exchange, it is not only China's first pan- outdoor brands listed companies, Quanzhou first listing of outdoor brands positioning its brand-new business model, first sounded the door the Quanzhou outdoor brands to enter the capital markets. Saidan Fox successfully landed on the capital markets, and other enterprises in Quanzhou outdoor plate has not been idle. The Lion brand outdoor is actively combing the upstream and downstream supply chain for future enterprise capital operation Lianhaoneigong; the the Ledeen Outdoor Group listed as early as two years ago, put on the agenda as the enterprise capital operation strategy planning. In fact, domestic listed companies engaged in outdoor brands only Pathfinder and Jialin Jie two, but there are not less than 10 companies are planning to listed Mitsuo outdoor Regulatory Commission issued the IPO to declare the list of enterprises in. The indust
Said By A Real Man :)
when you have someone amazing living in your heart it tends to bleed through being a part of who you are   quote"Hitman"
Said Slugger Giancarlo Stanton
MEDINAH, Ill. Falcons Matt Ryan Jersey . -- Jose Maria Olazabal stepped off the plane carrying the Ryder Cup, a familiar sight considering that Europe has won six of the past eight times. It was who followed the captain off the plane that showed how much the dynamics of this event have changed over the years. Olazabal flew over from London with only three of his 12 players -- Paul Lawrie, Francesco Molinari and Ryder Cup rookie Nicolas Colsaerts. Everyone else was already here. Five of the Europeans -- Ian Poulter, Justin Rose, Peter Hanson, Graeme McDowell and Sergio Garcia -- have homes at Lake Nona in Orlando, Fla. Rory McIlroy and Lee Westwood, among four players who were in Atlanta on Sunday for the Tour Championship, are moving to south Florida. Luke Donald lives about 45 minutes away on the north side of Chicago. It wasnt that long ago that Team Europe came over together because thats where so many lived and played -- Howard Clark and David Gilford, Sam Torrance and Mark James,
Said. "i Lost My Cool And
PORTLAND, Ore. Tony Gonzalez Authentic Jersey . - Torontos Amir Johnson threw his mouthpiece at an official and had to be restrained by teammates after he was ejected from the Raptors 92-74 loss to the Trail Blazers on Monday night. Johnson and referee David Jones both tugged at the ball following a Portland free throw with 5:05 left in the third quarter. After Jones ejected him and started to walk away, Johnson threw his mouthpiece in Jones direction Fellow players had to restrain Johnson before he was escorted from the floor. Johnson said he has a habit of rubbing the ball before handing it to the ref during free throws. While it appeared that the two had words, Johnson claimed nothing much was said. He said he got frustrated when he wasnt given an explanation for the ejection. "I guess the ref didnt let me have the ball so we kind of got into a tug of war," Johnson said. "No words were really said and he rejected me out of the game and I kind of lost my cool from there." Johnson, a
Said. Boston Players
WASHINGTON -- New York Mets catcher Kelly Shoppach denied that he had any part in text messages that reportedly undermined Boston manager Bobby Valentine to Red Sox owners. Tyrod Taylor Jersey . Boston traded Shoppach to the Mets on Tuesday. The New York Daily News reported that Shoppach sent text messages using the phone of Red Sox first baseman Adrian Gonzalez. "I wasnt behind any texts," Shoppach said. Boston players reportedly met in New York on July 26 with Red Sox owners, a meeting Shoppach says he didnt attend because he was home in Texas. "Ive already gotten some text messages from some of my former teammates apologizing that my name was even brought up in it. Everybody thats involved in that whole situation knows that I have nothing to do with it," Shoppach said. Lewis Jersey . Italy took advantage of a 35-30 half-time lead, going on a 16-3 run to start the third that Canada failed to answer. Hamiltons Kia Nurse led Canada with a game-high 20 points, while Saicha Grant-Allen,
" Said Wong. "i Just Tried To Stay Focused On What I Was Doing And
GANANOQUE, Ont. -- Eugene Wong of North Vancouver, B.C., continued his hot streak Sunday, claiming the Great Waterway Classic. The win comes just two weeks after his first career professional victory at the Canadian Tour Championship and a week after capturing the Vancouver Open on the Vancouver Golf Tour. "Its been a pretty unbelievable stretch for me," said Wong. "I just tried to stay focused on what I was doing and was fortunate to come out with the victory." Wong fired a final round 6-under 65 to edge two-time Canadian Tour winner Daniel Im and claim his second consecutive Canadian Tour win by a single shot. The 21-year old shot four-under 32 on the final nine, and birdied the 16th to secure the victory. Im, a two-time winner on the Canadian Tour, made an impressive run at Wong. Im posted 8-under 63 in treacherous conditions on Saturday and followed it up with a 6-under 65 on Sunday. "Daniel played great golf the last two days, and that really put some pressure on me,"
Said. Nady, Whod Been Released By The Nationals
CHICAGO -- Xavier Nady delivered a three-run double in his first at-bat with the Giants, giving Tim Lincecum an early cushion Saturday and sending San Francisco to a 5-2 win over the Chicago Cubs. "Its always nice, especially when youve got a guy like Lincecum on the mound. I was fortunate to come up with an opportunity to come up with a big hit. It was pretty neat," Nady said. Nady, whod been released by the Nationals in late July, was promoted from Triple-A by the division-leading Giants on Saturday and now has a chance to help them reach the playoffs. "This is one of the reasons I was excited to play here. I knew I had to go down to Fresno and work on some things. Im just glad to have the opportunity to be up here and contribute," he said. The Giants are hoping Nady can give them some pop following Melky Cabreras suspension. "Without question, he can help us. He can help us out in left field, and hes going to get some playing time," Giants manager Bruce Bochy said. "Hell be out ther
Saigon Kick/hostile Youth
Saigon Kick-love Is On The Way
lonely sidewalks,silent night,bring the evening deep inside.hold me darlin,touch me now.let the feeling FREE is on the way i can see it your eyes.let's give it one more try,tonight is on the way i can see it in your eyes.let's give it one more try tonight.time of season,wipes the rhyme or more fears.all the dreaming is far are here now and everythings is on the way i can see it in your eyes.let's give it one more,try tonight baby,love is on the way i can see it your eyes.let's give it one more try tonight.and in the morning i'll be gone away.all the things i left behind.if you need me i'll come night or day.lets stop the hands of is on the way i can see it in your eyes.let's give it one more try tonight baby,love is on the way i can see it your eyes.let's give it one more try tonight baby,love is on the way.i can see it in your eyes.let's give it one more try tonight baby,love is on the way.i can see it in your
Saigon Kick-love Is On The Way Lyrics
Lonely sidewalks Silent night Bring the evenin' Deep inside Hold me darling Touch me now Let the feelings Free tonight Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight Time of season Wipes the tears No rhyme or reason No more fears All the dreamin' Is far behind You are here now Everythin's alright Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight And in the morning I'll be gone away All the things are left behind If you need me I'll come night and day Let's stop the hands of time Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it
Saigon Pearl Apartment In Binh Thanh Dist For Rent 1250 Usd/month
Saigon Pearl Apartment Address: 92 Nguyen Huu Canh st, Ward 22, Binh Thanh Dist, HCMC. Saigon Pearl Apartments are beautifully furnished and offer spacious living areas, separate bedrooms, air conditioning, plenty of natural light, TV, DVD, modern fittings and furnishings, adsl internet connection, kitchen with microwave, refridgerator, dishwasher plus laundry facilities. Saigon Pearl Apartment in Binh Thanh Dist for rent Saigon Pearl with Located conveniently at 92 Nguyen Huu Canh Street, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, HCMC, along the Saigon River, on the fringe of District 1, only 5 minutes travel time fromSaigon Pearl to the city centre. Due to excellent location close to the centre business district and bordering the Saigon River, the name of Saigon Pearl has been chosen for the largest property development project in Ho Chi Minh City.   
Saigon Airport Plaza – Căn Hộ Cao Cấp Có View Sân Bay Tân Sơn Nhất Tuyệt đẹp.
Căn hộ quận Tân Bình  - SAIGONAIRPORT tọalạc ngay số 1 Bạch Đằng, quận Tân Bình; sát ngay cạnh sân bay Tân Sơn Nhất vớiview nhìn sân bay tuyệt đẹp. Dự án là khu phức hợp 5 sao gồm: 3 tháp căn hộ caocấp, 1 tháp khách sạn 5 sao và 1 tháp văn phòng hạng A cao 14 tầng. Tất cả cáctiện nghi cho 1 căn hộ đẳng cấp đều được tích hợp đầy đủ trong căn hộ Saigon Airport Plaza: 2 tầng hầm để xe rộng 30.000m2, hồ bơi, gym, công viên nhạc nước, khu vui chơitrẻ em, TTTM, nhà hàng, beauty shops, sauna… Hiện nay, căn hộ cao cấpSaigon Airport đã đi vàosử dụng và nhận được sự quan tâm c
The formating is not great, but here it goes: How glorious it was to watch the sun Descend from the sky, while sailing upon The ocean. Light reflected on water, Blinding all who were in its glistening Path. Though, at first bedazzled by the light, We soon became accustomed to its warmth. The Sun’s heat felt like faint glowing embers. Yet, we all knew the campfire had long died. Today was a time of remembering; A moment to reflect upon our past. Some among us were glad the day had come, While I fantasized of boyhood pleasures. As our tiny boat sliced the bounding waves, I imagined huge Spanish galleons Sailed slowly and silently past us Like huge behemoths hunting for their prey. For hours upon hours I thought of the games My companions played. We had some much fun. I longed for naiveté of childhood, When life was ice cream, Santa, Tooth Fairy dreams. Now, sailing with friends on the Jade Lady, We talk long together of future plans, Of wives, of children, an
Okay, so Im going to be sailing down to Charleston, SC tommorrow morning until Friday, the 29th. Hope you guys wont miss me too much. Much Aloha!
A Sailor Saves The Day (we Are So Bad Arent We)
The Sailor Saves the Day A young woman in New York was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. She went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid water when a handsome young sailor saw her tottering on the edge of the pier, crying. He took pity on her and said, "Look, you've got a lot to live for. I'm off to Europe in the morning, and if you like, I can stow you away on my ship. I'll take good care of you and bring you food every day." Moving closer, he slipped his arm round her shoulder and added, "I'll keep you happy, and you'll keep me happy." The girl nodded yes. After all, what did she have to lose? Maybe a fresh start in Europe would give her life new meaning. That night, the sailor brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat. From then on, every night he brought her three sandwiches and a piece of fruit, and they made passionate love until dawn. Three weeks later, during a routine inspection, she was discove
Sail Away
Sailors Awarded Bronze Stars
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: eMailOurMilitary Date: Dec 16 2006 10:48 AM Sailors Awarded Bronze Stars Navy News | December 15, 2006 MARINANAS, Guam -- Thirteen Sailors from Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit (EODMU) 5 stood proud in their pristine white uniforms as Cmdr. Vincent Martinez, the unit’s commanding officer, presented them with medals for meritorious service Dec. 1. Among the awards presented were three Bronze Star Medals for service in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Martinez said he was very proud to be in command of Sailors that he described as the finest in the Navy. “Today was a phenomenal day to share with Rear Adm. [Charles J.] Leidig and some of the senior leadership from Naval Base Guam, the sacrifices and what the troops have conducted in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom,” Martinez said. Explosive Ordnance Disposalman 2nd Class Jon Kristoffersen received a Bronze Star Medal with Valor for his servic
Sailor-playmate Wants Posing Policy,13319,123390,00.html Sailor-Playmate Wants Posing Policy | January 25, 2007 In an exclusive interview with, former Navy Petty Officer and Playboy playmate Sherry Lynne White recommends that the military develop a policy that specifically provides nude modeling guidelines to servicemembers. “The military needs to make guidelines that say ‘if you want to do this you can’t wear the uniform and you can’t use our name,’” White says. “Right now there’s nothing in black and white. It’s up for interpretation. There’s no set punishment. That’s why no one knows what’s going to happen to {Air Force Staff Sergeant Michelle Manhart} or what was going to happen to anyone before her.” While White is sympathetic to Air Force Staff Sergeant Michelle Manhart’s situation, she makes a distinction between the two of them: “She used the Air Force to start the launch,” she says. “She used her uniform – or pieces of it
Sailling With Ecstasy
I dreamed of you upon the wakes, drifting into ecstasy under the twilight of your stars. Feeling your passions rise to the tide lured by the moon, waves crashed wild and free upon my bow. Enrapture by the intensity of it wrath I sailed beyond the horizon of my dreams.
Sailor Moon S Movie
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon Supers Movie: Black Dream Hole
Sailor Moon S The Movie - Hearts In Ice
Sailing Adventure
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? check out these site
Sailing Ships
Do you remember Standing on the shore, Head in the clouds, Your pockets filled with dreams Bound for glory On the seven seas of life, But, the ocean is deeper than it seems The wind was with you When you left on the morning tide, You set your sail for an island in the sun, On the horizon, dark clouds up ahead, For the storm has just begun Take me with you, Take me far away, Lead me to the distant shore Sail your ship across the water, Spread your wings across the sky Take the time to see Youre the one who holds the key, Or sailing ships will pass you by You cry for mercy, When you think youve lost your way, You drift alone, if all your hope is gone So find the strength and you will see You control, your destiny, After all is said and done So take me with you, Take me far away, An lead me to the distant shore Sail your ship across the water, Spread your wings across the sky Take the time to see Youre the one who holds the key, Or sailing ship
Sail Away
Hi All Just to let you know I uploaded a new song to my profile, it was recorded at at Charity Gig I did last summer. Enjoy!
Sailors And Soldiers Should Be Friends...
A Navy man and an Army man are driving opposite directions on a curvy mountain road. The army man hits a patch of sand, swerves, and nails the Navy man's truck. They both exit their cars with no injuries, but their vehicles are ruined. Now, the rivalry between Army and Navy is well known, so needless to say a heated argument followed. Then suddenly the Navy man changed heart and said, "Hold on, this is dumb. It was an accident. Let's put this rivalry behind us." The Army man agreed this was a good idea. So the Navy man offered, "Why don't we celebrate our new friendship over a fifth of vodka? I have a bottle in the truck." The Army man thought this was an excellent idea. So the Navy man, being a gentleman, offered the Army man the first drink, and told the Army man to drink as much as he wanted. Soon half the bottle was gone and he offered the bottle back to the Navy man who said, "Thanks, but I'll wait till after the cops get here!"
Sail Away... 12:50am Wednesday, Aug 8
Catch me dreamweaver, carry me slow wave... in the hands of the reaper, on the seas of the brave. my body getting weaker, my soul you can't save. -poeticDesCent Try not to focus so much on the specific words; instead, allow yourself to capture the meaning in its whole.... I drift, you drift, we drift apart. I know you feel the slow pull of the undercurrents of life... I know you feel the gentle ebbs of the mighty sea of life. I don't know where you are... My vision still stands clouded by the last storm you left in your wake. So, here in my boat [alone] I have thought. My thoughts have basked under the unrelenting sun... My thoughts have sauntered under the silent stars... I'm tired of this. I try. You are not who you were, when we once sailed together. Now you've turned against me; and, I don't think you see that. Your black flag wanes on the slowly sliding horizon everytime you approach. Lucky you, I refuse to continue fighting you, fighting to get to you... Low on prov
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain
Sailors Prayer
Sailors Prayer Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! O Christ! Whose voice the waters heard And hushed their raging at Thy word, Who walked'st on the foaming deep, And calm amidst its rage didst sleep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! Most Holy Spirit! Who didst brood Upon the chaos dark and rude, And bid its angry tumult cease, And give, for wild confusion, peace; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! O Trinity of love and power! Our brethren shield in danger's hour; From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect them wheresoe'er they go; This is dedicated to the memory of my Grandfather who served aboard the USS Indianapolis. It was sunk 1 week before the end of WW2. Out of 1100 men aboard, 900 went overboard, but because the waters
Sailboats & Lovers, Part 1-2
Sailboats & Lovers, Part 1 A short story of a sailor and his lover... The sun streams in and warms my face. As I wake it is shining in my eyes and I reach up and cover them, the light is bright and wakes me too early once again. Damn I say to myself, I need to get curtains for these windows or I will never sleep past 7 am. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and start to sit up in my berth, but wait, what is that feeling, that presence, the smell of perfume? I glance over my shoulder and see her, she is here with me again, my raven-haired beauty. Silently and softly I roll over as to not wake her. I lay there propped up on one elbow just watching her as she sleeps. Her hair is dark and tussled, partly from the sleep and partly from the night before. When we have our time together it is always special, it always exciting and it always last for hours. The feeling I get when we share and give ourselves to one another is not like a feeling I ever had with any other. I wat
Sail Me Away
Sail Me Away Darling are my kisses sweet as wine Would leaving my lips be such a crime If my finger tips dance across your skin Would your heart flutter within Would you whisper to me sweet words Singing to me like a nightingale bird Does your mouth suckle each breast in haste Or would each nipple be a gift you wish not to waste Does your erection grow so big and your desire so strong That your tongue wishes to only travel on Seeking out my nest folds your mouth teasing my clit Wanting to setting me on fire Do you cherish each drop of my cum on your lips Knowing this is only the beginning of a lovers trip Would you whisper again in my ear Saying darling for you I will always be here look into my eyes and say pretty please Then Darling I say for you I would stay on my knees Then you slide me down off the bed Wrap your fingers in my hair and guide my head You whisper honey “ I am a man not a boy” My lips softly kiss your sweet nuts with joy
Sailing Alberta Clippers And Singing Brahms Lullabies
Last night in my area we were besieged by two Alberta clippers at fifty miles per hour. I really felt it when I got to my car after work last night and heard the winds most of the night at home. An Alberta clipper (I didn’t know this until last night, either) is the vestige of a warm Pacific wind meeting mountains in British Columbia and Alberta – hence the name – which mixes with a cold winter mass and blows southward. No damage in this area that I’m aware of, but it seemed to herald some freezing rain to the east of Minot today and a 60% chance of snow now. So far, though, as I write this I don’t see a flake. But this area IS under a National Weather Service advisory from Thursday night to Friday afternoon, so snow-laden winter might not be far away … At 10 degrees this morning with a windchill of –10, our son Jeffrey let Daddy sleep an extra hour before he clamored and cried to be fed. I felt more rested, so at five thirty this morning I got him and fixed eight ounces which
The Sailor
The moonlight shown upon the shore where I saw my windswept sailor bow... His cloak, it billowed in the windy night as he gently knelt and kissed the ground. His gaze, it fell upon my face As he lift his weary head... Would the whispers of my heart be heard? Or would he heed the sea instead? The voice that calls from midst the waves Has entwined his very soul My heart, it yearns, cries louder still For my sailor to choose home. The sea spews forth in gathering rage, its embrace a foamy mist... But my sailor does not turn his gaze as a smile plays on his lips. Unspoken words, their meaning clear Connect across the sand, As the moonlight on this stormy night Reveals him lift his hand. He slowly rises to his feet And beckons 'cross the night For now, his home is on this shore... his safe harbor, his guiding light. His eyes, they plead with me to wait to endure the changing tides To rise, to fall, to be the star that silently, patiently guides. My
Sailing- Believe
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Sail Away
In America you'll get food to eat Won't have to run through the jungle And scuff up your feet You'll just sing about Jesus and drink wine all day It's great to be an American Ain't no lions or tigers-ain't no mamba snake Just the sweet watermelon and the buckwheat cake Ev'rybody is as happy as a man can be Climb aboard, little wog-sail away with me Sail away-sail away We will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay Sail away-sail away We will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay In America every man is free To take care of his home and his family You'll be as happy as a monkey in a monkey tree You're all gonna be an American Sail away-sail away We will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay Sail away-sail away We will cross the mighty ocean into Charleston Bay
Sailor Saturn Is Hosting Her First Auction
Presents: I am hosting my first auction and taking entries. The auction will start as soon as at least 15 have entered There is a 15k entry fee. If you are interested please PM me with your offers(ie. what you are willing to do for your new fu-owner such as: salutes, rates, messenger add ect.) and a link to the picture that you want to use for the auction. Opening bids will start at $50,000 The host is not responsible for any bids during the auction between you and the other parties involved in the transaction. All bids are considered a private contract between you and the highest bidder. There is nothing I can do to enforce the contract. ~sailor saturn~Owner of Avarice Angels fu owned by lonewolf92 ~@ fubar This bulletin has been brought to you by Blue Whore®
Sail By James Patterson
Sail by James Patterson Plot Summary: Since the death of her husband, Anne Dunne and her three children have struggled in every way. In a last ditch effort to save the family, Anne plans an elaborate sailing vacation to bring everyone together once again. But only an hour out of port, everything is going wrong. The teenage daughter, Carrie, is planning to drown herself. The teenage son, Mark, is high on drugs and ten-year-old Ernie is nearly catatonic. This is the worst vacation ever. Anne manages to pull things together bit by bit, but just as they begin feeling like a family again, something catastrophic happens. Survival may be the least of their concerns. Written with the blistering pace and shocking twists that only James Patterson can master, SAIL takes "Lost" and "Survivor" to a new level of terror. My Comments: I loved this book. I couldn't put it down. James Patterson delivers yet again! Rating: 9/10
Sail On
Slowly I move through the willows Silent I reach for the boat I have a sad lovely face I am Lilith, I am the Lily Maid, I am all. Sail on! When the mirror is cracked and the white mist surrounds me All things must go. A new journey's beginning to a new way of being, All things must go. Sail on! The Queen of Light: I appear High on the distant shore And as I breathe my very last second I part the darkness with my hand. Sail on! The spiral passage of Time is moving Silent through the galaxy And I who controls all my destinies In my heart I hold the spirits of kings If I could do it all over again I guess I would do it just the same All life is formed and re-formed again I've never found my Holy Grail. Sail on! Still reaching the Portal of Infinity~ open wide to let my spirit in, Portal of Infinity~ take me back to where all life begins, Never to look back, never to feel this pain again I've final
A Sailor's Prayer
A Sailor's Prayer Dear God, Watch over her for me, that she may safely guarded be. Help her each lonely hour to bear, as I would lord if I was there. When she is sleeping watch her then, that fear may not her dreams offend, Be ever near her though the day, let non, but goodness come her way. Sweet faithful girl who waits for me, beyond the wide as spacious sea. Be merciful, O God, I pray, take care of her while I'm away.
Sail The Seas With Dj Ground Zero And Gods Forsaken Radio
PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! You are now entering the fallout area of GROUND ZERO’s GETAWAY! That’s right, Ground Zero is hosting Gods Forsaken Radio’s 1st Annual Fan Cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Enchantment of the Seas, departing on Sept 19th, 2009!. You can join your host, Ground Zero along with some of your favorite DJ’s from GFR on a 5 night Western Caribbean cruise out of Ft Lauderdale, FL. We’ll tear through Grand Cayman (yes we will stop off in Hell) and Cozumel, Mexico, like a hurricane - leaving our mark on these islands! Come party with Gods Forsaken Radio – the internet’s fastest growing radio station! Ever want to see a Demon in a bikini? Do Socks’ socks always match? Is the Sex Pretzel salted? Does Sadistic Dragon ever shut up??? This is your opportunity to not only meet Ground Zero and some of the staff from GFR, but it’s also a great way to meet fellow listeners who you chat with every day – and oh yeah, it’s on a cruise ship! We’re holding a block of cabins for
Sailing--rod Stewart
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Sail On--lionel Richie
Sailing Away
New job  yes iam still sailing but this time in the gulf of mexico.I hate starting over. but the money is more then before  I'll be on the global orion  she is vanuatu flag  with us crew.. I don't under stand it all yet frist I'll go to school (sms) one the things will be lerning  how escape out of a helacopter  up side down in the water...then on the 16th I go to the ship...  with a smile $$$$$$  for 28 on 28 off ...Fair winds and following seas
Sailor Strips From His Uniform And Poses
Hollywod's hottest Sweet teens digging deep in the ass Celebrity Toons from Movies and TV Full access to all XXX Over 1 million fake images of celeb Black lesbians eating chocolate snatches MILFS getting fucked by MassiveBlack Cocks White pussies RIPPED by the Black cocks Asshole and buttfucking session by pregnant Exclusive video and pictures
Sail Away
Little girls molded ... groomed for their place.We buy the fairytale ... we make the plans.White for me ... black for you.Cake for everybody. And somewhere along the waywe  learn the secret that no one had the decency to share.Generations of the tricked biting their tongues;Clenching their fists.As the ice castles melt around us we are left damp ... hurt ... bitter. What's worse still is the destruction left in our glacial wake.Babies ... friends ... parents ... siblingsOur hearts ... destroyed ... broken ... and numb. We drift along in the cold waters.We see others floating on the tide.But never again can we risk drowningand so we cling to our rafts. I hear a voice call to me.Telling me there is shore if only I will step onto it,But even the chilly water around my ankles gives me pauseand I jump back into my boat. Sail away ... sail away ... sail away
Sail Away With Me - David Gray
Sail away with me honey I put my heart in your hands Sail away with me honey now, now, now Sail away with me What will be will be I wanna hold you now Crazy skies all wild above me now Winter howling at my face And everything I held so dear Disappeared without a trace Oh all the times I've tasted love Never knew quite what I had Little Darling if you hear me now Never needed you so bad Spinning round inside my head Sail away with me honey I put my heart in your hands Sail away with me honey now, now, now Sail away with me What will be will be I wanna hold you now I've been talking drunken gibberish Falling in and out of bars Trying to find some explanation here For the way some people are How did it ever come so far Sail away with me honey I put my heart in your hands Sail away with me honey now, now, now Sail away with me What will be will be I wanna hold you now Sail away with me honey I put my heart in your hands Sail away with me honey now,
Sailor's Christmas
Sailor's Christmas Twas the night before Christmas, the ship was out steaming, Sailors stood watch while others were dreaming. They lived in a crowd with racks tight and small, In a 80-man berthing, cramped one and all. I had come down the stack with presents to give, And to see inside just who might perhaps live. I looked all about, a strange sight did I see, No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree. No stockings were hung, shined boots close at hand, On the bulkhead hung pictures of a far distant land. They had medals and badges and awards of all kind, And a sober thought came into my mind. For this place was different, so dark and so dreary, I had found the house of a Sailor, once I saw clearly. A Sailor lay sleeping, silent and alone, Curled up in a rack and dreaming of home. The face was so gentle, the room squared away, This was the United States Sailor today. This was the hero I saw on TV, Defending our country so we could be free. I realized the families that I would
The Sailing
The contrasts of the peaceful Moonlit night And the pounding bass Of the impromptu disco The convergence Issues a moaning wail As the soul of a person Flies And Dies All in one breath   The bell tower Nothing more than metal on a string Sways in the ever blowing winds Of a life always on the move   Railings    Bars All to keep the most important at bay To keep reality from seeping in And it does Reality has a way of being ever elusive Suddenly fleeing When you think you have found it     ~ Chavonda Frazier  
Sail Away
Come sail away with me ,my love , To the sea of make believe , Where we can be anything we want , where people won't always vex thee. And won't want to burn my Powers away , As they did in the by-gone days , when they burnt me at the Stake. The flames only cooled me as my flesh did incinerate , This Spirit did take to flight to escape this Mortal fate. But my love for thee does remain as I always look for thee , Then we will be one again , just you wait and see . As this Witch does know the way to the Sea of Make-Believe ........
Saint's Code
"When I raise my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold on judgement. I will take vengeance upon my enemies, And I will repay those who haze me. Oh, lord raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy Saints".
Saint Manson Meets Viect'orian
Well, being a Saint most certainly has its perks. I was recently chosen, by the High Priests of the Episcopocatholuthodist Church, as one of the few Saints to grace the presence of the father of fathers, our Lord God Viect'orian. For those of you unfamiliar with my book: "Before the Beginning", Viect'orian is the Christian god: Yahweh's father. Yahweh was the creator of earth and mankind, after he was cast out of omnipotence school, for failing to adhere to the teachings of the Elders. The Elders had issued warning toYahweh and forbid him to create, knowing anything he would create would be less than perfect. Yahweh was a stubborn boy and had found favor with his father, who against the Elder's wishes, allowed the boy to create earth and mankind. Yahweh later became bored with his imperfect creation and moved onto other things. Viect'orian looks over Yahweh's creation, but does little more than keep the Sun burning. I was a bit nervous at the thought of meeting Vie
The Saints Are Coming... U2 and Green Day together, in aid of New Orleans. If you are interested the original song was recorded by a great Scottish band "The Skids" from around 25 years ago. Worth 3 minutes 18 seconds of anyone's time.
Saint-saens - Danse Macabre (piano Duet)
Music Video:SAINT (by Marilyn Manson)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Saints Vs Eagles
Since the Eagles game last week... everyone has been asking me ... "who are you rooting for?" (im origionally from Philly... but i dont like the eagles... my poppop raised me right.. im a Steelers girl lol...) ... sigh... i honestly dont care... Yes it is great that New Orleans is getting some good attention and that people are coming to visit... GREAT.... .... it just sucks because im gonna have to bartend during the game... ... right off bourbon street... with the drunks... my regulars..... the tourists ... and the crack heads.. .......... so how many am i going to be throwing out? ... ::duh duh duh:: ............ stay tuned for the conclusion ...
Saint Brigid
Saint Brigid St Brigid of Kidare was one of the high goddesses worshipped throughout the Celtic world, commonly in triple form. Her name means something like "the high one" and is found in many Celtic name formations (for example the several tribes, in Gaul, Britain and elsewhere known as Brigantes). She is the patron of poetry, music, learning , healing, and above all fertility. One of the very early churches of the east midlands originally known as Civias Brigidae, was founded in Co.Kildare probably as early as the fifth century. Its foundress is said to have been a bondswomen, Brigid whose attributes are those of the great goddess. Her festival was on February 1st the old Celtic quarterly feast of Imbolc the name may refer to Belly or bag the feast marked according to an early text "the beginning of the lactation of the ewes" corresponding to the Roman Lupercalia, the Hindu Holi. Cicitas Brigidae may have been presided over by a female bishop, who gave way in due co
Saint Aurelius Augustine
By-and-by has no end.Latin: Modo, et modo, non habebent modum.Saint Aurelius AugustineSource: Confessions (bk. VIII, 5, 12)
Saint Valentine's Day
The History and Meaning of Saint Valentine's Day Saint Valentine was a Roman who was killed for his faith on February 14, 269 A.D. He had refused to worship pagan gods, and some stories say he was a priest who would marry young couples in secret who loved each other but who did not have parental permission. In 496, his 'saint day' was established. He is associated with love because he fell in love with the daughter of his jailer, and would pass notes to her. His final note, before he was executed, read 'from your Valentine'. In Italy, with its romantic and religious roots, St Valentine's Day became the traditional day to be engaged. Young Romans would spend this day gathered together in gardens to listen to romantic poetry and music. As with many holidays, the celebration of St. Valentine's Day became a mixture of the new Christian rites as well as the older pagan rites of that same time of year. St. Valentine's Day happened to fall on the Roman festival of Lupercalia. Th
Saint Valentines Day Verbal Massacre
Store bought affections with confections, sugary sweet treats that seek adoration. Card creations in mass production equate to consumer seduction. Procreation from the adoration is the goal, a soul for solace, the fallacy in sincerity, a rarity is a true heart felt. My eyes welt with tears held back, when the romance is real. But still the rose in mass production is corruption in all that's true about a hallmark holiday that will never go away. As women want the attention, men want to consummate the true intention. Candle light dinner is the spinner in direction. Wonder not on romance, but the stupid courtship dance. We do things just because, not just with hearts filled with love. A day of romance should be random, not tandem to a calendar date, but my spate is on forced displays of affection that seem to pass by without correction. Happy Valentines Day. -ed (Love is as true as we make it)
Saint Paddy's Day
Ok in little over a week, I am heading to Savannah for Saint Patricks day it should be a great time. I am just doing a CT check to see who else is going. It's going to be a wild time have a couple of my Navy buddys road tripping from other states to see what it's like to party GA style.
Saint Patricks Day
As all of you should know, I am pagan, Asatru, a traditionalist, Irish, and I have an open mind (mostly). But I feel I should write this. How many of you know and understand the true meaning of St. Pattys Day? I do, and as a pagan, I refuse to celebrate a day that celebrates the conversion of Paganism to Christianity in Ireland. If you want to read about it I have a website that you can read from and decide if this is really a day to celebrate. To me, its a day of mourning.
Saints And Angels
We're only human, baby We walk on broken ground We lose our way We come unwound We'll turn in circles, baby We're never satisfied We'll fall from grace Forget we can fly But through all the tears that we cried We'll survive Cause when we're torn apart Shattered and scarred Love has the grace to save us We're just two tarnished hearts When in each other's arms We become saints and angels. I love your imperfections I love your everything Your broken heart, your broken wings I love you when you hold me And when you turn away I love you still and I'm not afraid Cause I know you feel the same way And you'll stay Cause when we're torn apart Shattered and scarred Love has the grace to save us We're just two tarnished hearts When in each other's arms We become saints and angels. These feet of clay (these feet of clay) They will not stray Cause when we're torn apart Shattered and scarred Love has the grace to save us We're just two tarnished hearts
The Saint And Me
It's been quite sometime since I've been able to find time to write on this blog. But since I got laid off from work this week I've had time to dust off the old resume and keep myself busy during the day doing some additional volunteer work around town. One of my favorite things to do is to help Officers "BB St. Roman and Sam Scaffidi" Of the New Orleans police Department Homeless Assistance Unit. I've been working all week with them visiting clients and following up on a few success stories. The following is one such story; Last summer an elderly gentleman by the name of Chris lived at the Wedding Chapel with me. Then one day I woke up and Chris was gone! I asked all around the Quarter what happened to Chris? No one knew. Later that summer I ran into Chris up on North Rampart and discovered he was homeless and sleeping in an alley. I checked him into the Days Inn for a night to shower and wash his clothes. I then told him to meet each Friday at 5pm on a certain corner. Each week
Saints & Their Basic Features For Life----------entry For June 21, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007 saints & their life saints & their basic features for life----------Entry for June 21, 2007 hi-its life to reflects the main features of saints on the bard of life by which they keeps the god in their favor all the time all the way.the saints are the one who keeps the heart fair in all respect. they are the Masters of six passions which cover the life through one or other mean. lust- anger -greed-infatuation-pride-jealousy.they kept full control on them to carry on with life. sinless, disinterested,form,possessing nothing pure[from inside as well out side], full of bless, of bound less wisdom, always desire less, moderate in diet, truthful, inspired, learned & united with god, circumspect, bestowing honour on others, free from pride, strong minded & highly conversant with the course of righteousness. they are abode of virtues, above the sorrows of the world & free from doubts, keeps god at heart & mind to interact with him all the way but
Sain Of Thought Saind Of Mind.
I am of sain of thoutht I of sain of mind, But day by day hour after hour you piss me off All I want ot do is rip your juggaler from your throat and drink your life essence, I am not evil nor am I good just thoughs of your pure hatred of mankind Cause I am of sain of though and sain of mind I am just the pure good and evil in you If you gae me the chance I would blow that mother fucker away with out another thought Cause I am you and you are me we are of the same thoughs and of the same mind I am fo saint thoughs I am of sain mind Let loose I will show you the side you never dream you had The abilty to take another life and feedom the power is in you just let loose le me show you your dakr desire cause I am you and you are me buet you repat these lies to your self I am of sian of thought n sain of mind As you lie to your self the insainty creeps and I take over showing you are not good nor evil You fear me you fear what I could do to your life Just let go let me torture
Saint (a Poem I Think) New
I Am Not a Saint. I Am not Always Happy. I Am Not Always Sweet. In Fact I Get lonely. Sad Hurt and Mixed Moods. I Cry to you Know. Sometimes I Don't always Know Why. I Am Far from Perfect. In Fact I Am Far From Perfection. I Wish I Knew why I Feel this Way. At this Point of Brake I Don't Even Know Who I AM I Tell myself your Strong your Not weak. So Suck it up. But thats Not always the Thing. I am at my brakeing point. You know What I'm not a Sait. I Know that So Should you. I Have a Burning Secret I Hold Deep Down. Its Busting Out of Me. So Yeah I'm Not Perfect. So Don't Pitty me, Even When I Cry. Don't Down me. I'm Only Human. So Treat me that Way! Fears and All. By Me
Saints Training Camp
Saints Game Tonight
thats rt im going to the saints vs titans game..sept 24th @ 8:30 u better watch that game!!!! GO SAINTS!!!!!
The Saintsations...
The Saints
The Saints Won!!
Saints Play Tonight
Saints Play Tonight
SAINTS AND COLTS IN THE FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON!! Also, if you go to you can get your free BLESS YOU BOYS sign and show you love NEW ORLEANS and OUR SAINTS. SAINTS ROCK !!!!
Saints Or Sacred Figures
Saints and other sacred human figures in our dreams often appear as heralds of benevolence or as the morality police. While many times these are positive dream experiences, the dreams can also leave a feeling that perhaps you are not doing all you can to be an agent of good in the world. The dream may be inspiration to involve yourself in a particular cause through hands-on work or financial donations. The moral side of the dream is often a judgment on current lifestyle choices. When your psyche is in conflict between the desires of the id and the restraint of the superego, the superego can marshal symbols of judgment to strengthen its position. Often these will arrive under very peculiar circumstances. A dream of sexual desire may suddenly find the object of its desire cloaked in the garb of a priest, pastor, rabbi, policeman, or a particularly strict third-grade teacher you may have had. If a saintly figure in your dream suddenly turns into a demon of some sort, or begins to re
Saint Peter
A man appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked. "Well, I can think of one thing," the man offered. "Once, on a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of bikers, who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker and smacked him in his face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I yelled, "Now, back off! Or I'll kick the s--t out of all of you!" St. Peter was impressed, "When did this happen?" "Just a couple minutes ago".
Saints Q & A's
Q: What do you call 53 millionaires sitting around a TV watching the Super Bowl? A: The New Orleans Saints. Q: What do the New Orleans Saints and Billy Graham have in common? A: They both can make 60,000 people stand up and yell 'Jesus Christ.' Q: How do you keep a New Orleans Saint out of your yard? A: Put up goal posts. Q: Where do you go in New Orleans in case of a tornado? A: To the Superdome - they never get a touchdown there. Q: What do you call a New Orleans Saint with a Super Bowl ring? A: A thief!! Q: Why was Sean Payton upset when the New Orleans Saints play book was stolen? A: Because he hadn't finished coloring it yet. Q: What's the difference between the New Orleans Saints and a dollar bill? A: You can still get 4 quarters out of a dollar bill. Q: How many New Orleans Saints does it take to win a Super Bowl? A: Nobody knows and we will never find out. Q: What do the New Orleans Saints and possums have in common? A: Both play dea
Saints Are Winning
Saint Blogroach Of The Comment-box
Feel free to delete this comment Just claim this is verbal vomit You’re mad at what I believe in Too livid to hear my reasons Keep getting it out of your system That’s fine because I’m on a mission We who disagree with your views are not alone That’s the signal I’m sending until this comment’s gone
The Saint Sations
Saint Sorrow.
Saint Sorrow where does it begin, Saint Sorrow where do you end, I do not understand, This life that I live in, I can't escape this immortal sin... Follow me, Oh follow me, Follow me, And I'll show you the way, Follow me, Oh Follow me, Follow me, And I'll take you to the end... Those harsh words, You said to me the other day, They follow me, And now I can't get away, In my head I see, What you meant to me, I want to be, The one to take you there, I threw it all away, And now I want it back again, So follow me, And I'll take you to the end.... Follow me, What am I to do, Oh follow me, All I want is you, Follow me, And I'll show you the way, Oh follow me, Please tell me you'll stay... I go down this road alone, Saint Sorrow my own, Follow me, Saint Sorrow is shown, Saint Sorrow, What do I have to do, Saint Sorrow, Just leave me alone, Everything is dark to me, I cannot see it by myself, I need someone to come and save me... Follow me,
> Hey ALL! Want to join the SAINTS AND SINNERS TRAIN and be added to our weekly pimp out bulletin? All you have to do is follow the three steps below! 1) Fan, Rate, and Add everyone already on the train. 2) One you have done that just tell Persia, Ruby Cairo, or Louise about it by MESSAGE (Not shout) so that they can add you to the next pimpout! 3) Once you are added... just repost the weekly bulletin! That is all we ask! Persia {SSDC} FuGF of Elizabitch & Ruby Cairo ¢¾ ¢Ó Co-Skank to NSF You ¢Ó@ fubar ¢¾Louise¢¾ *Owned by Thelma*@ fubar Ruby Cairo {SSDC} FuGF of Persia & Elizabitch@ fubar ღღ Lady Sunmaid ღ I.B.I.C. ღTrue Southern Sweetheartღღ@ fubar GamerChick *Chriz's muddie*~ Clan [MFG]@ fubar Just Katt "Freaks LiL Kitty" * Fu-Wifey to Freak *@ fubar SweetLilAngel604 *FuGF of Sneak
Sainted In Sin
Bereft of all innocence Holding on to pious beliefs Daily affirmations Waiting for an absolution No one to hear my confessions Blind lamb slaughtered Sacrificed for divinity In darkness I live In shadows I seek Weeping my sad lament For that taken from me Enslaved by my benediction Bloody sacrament Feasting on god's nectar Angel without mercy A soulless warrior Living in a dystopia Writing new testaments Chaos is my shield Destruction is my blade Mocking the commandments Taking my place above all I am he... Forgiver... Savior... The Redeemer
Saints And Sinners
Good day mates Dj Squeak here from the land down under inviting you to come and join me in HOPPIN HUMPIN ROO CLUB! Where the women are hot and crikey the men are crazy! Click the pic below to enter!!WE MAY HAVE PPLS ON CAM AS WELL HEHE Mention ur having a good time to me and i'll buy u a drink mabye even more if you subscribe
The Saint - Saint Goes Marching (1998 Remix)
The Saint - Saint Goes Marching (1998 remix)
Saint Patrick
St. Patrick (March 17) Co-patron of the city of San Francisco, Patrick (born 390) was the son of a deacon and the grandson of a priest. After Patrick was snatched from England and sent to slavery in Ireland, he returned to England and was ordained a priest. He then went back to Ireland and evangelized the country from his see in Armagh. From his own hand are Confessio and the Letter to Coroticus, protesting British slave trading. The famous "Breastplate" (Lorica in Latin) praise of Christ is probably his. The legends of his driving the snakes from Ireland and using a shamrock to explain the Trinity are later embellishments to his life. He is the patron of Ireland and Nigeria and, in keeping with his legend, is invoked against snakes.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 saints The greatness of saints is so defined through all quarters of life and the glory of lord with all praise that they always move ahead for the welfare of life on its every sphere. They return good for evil. It is very hard on the chapter of life that some times peoples disrespect them on varying subject under the shadow of deep dark. But it is more than sure that disrespect to a saint immediately robs one of his all blessings. Results of despising a noble soul cause lot of suffering here as well more than here its hare after. Time gap may put the pause but ultimately those who disrespect or abuse noble soul suffers on many spheres of life in series at a suitable time. It is always better be on a safer mode to earn the glory in life with all conscious and care. Blessing of saints could change the climax of life to favor. Better be on right track. May god bless all on the subject of true life. Thanks please.
Saints And Kali Age.
saints and kali age. Glory of lord reflects on the events in life which matters the most at their peak as saints and wicked both belongs to the same human profile with difference to identify them. Pain relates both of them and too the feeling of joy but at different levels in life. Though saints are being known for their goodness and wicked are known for their worst acts for life. When life interact with saints they do inflict pain but when departs or cause mortal pain while parting, while wicked agonizing torment during their meeting. Saints are meant for washing away the impurities of kali age while wicked are to enlighten the sorrow of kali age. Saints are being known for their good acts and taken as nectar as well moon for life and wicked are known as cheap wine or deep dark for life. It is for realization that where one wishes to be counted being a human on the profile of life. May god bless all on the subject of true human life. Thanks please.
saints Hare Rama___ Glory of contact with saint is no secret that it reflects only niceness to life all the way as with effect crows turn in to cuckoos and herons in to swans. Great saints have narrates the glory self that the way they born ant the way they attain the wisdom of being as life. Of the various creature, both animate and inanimate, living in the world, whether in water or in the air or at land, whoever has ever attained wisdom, glory, salvation, material prosperity or welfare anywhere and by any means what so ever, known to be the result of association of holy saints; there is no other mean either in the world or in the Vedas. Wisdom drawn not with out association with saints and such association can not be easily had with out the grace of lord. Contact with noble soul is the root of joy and blessings; it constitutes the fulfillment of all endeavors. May lord bless all on the subject of true human life. Thanks please.
"saints Of Los Angeles"
I heard the new song and I absolutley love Saints of Los Angeles! The Shout board is going crazy over this song and how good it is.Its fantastic! Sounds like Crue is coming back to kick some ass!
Saint Peter
Three Italian nuns die and go to heaven. At the Pearly Gates, they are met by St. Peter. He says, 'Sisters, you all led such exemplary lives that the Lord is granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you wish to be. The first nun says, 'I want to be Sophia Loren;' And *poof* she's gone. The second says, 'I want to be Madonna and *poof* she's gone. The third says, 'I want to be Sara Pipalini..' St. Peter looks perplexed. 'Who?' he ask Sara Pipalini,' replies the nun. St. Peter shakes his head and says, 'I'm sorry, but that name just doesn't ring a bell.' The nun then takes a newspaper out of her habit and hands it to St. Peter .. St. Peter reads the paper and starts laughing. He hands it back to her and says. 'No sister, the paper says it was the ' Sahara Pipeline' that was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months.'
Saints Or Sacred Figures
Saints and other sacred human figures in our dreams often appear as heralds of benevolence or as the morality police. While many times these are positive dream experiences, the dreams can also leave a feeling that perhaps you are not doing all you can to be an agent of good in the world. The dream may be inspiration to involve yourself in a particular cause through hands-on work or financial donations. The moral side of the dream is often a judgment on current lifestyle choices. When your psyche is in conflict between the desires of the id and the restraint of the superego, the superego can marshal symbols of judgment to strengthen its position. Often these will arrive under very peculiar circumstances. A dream of sexual desire may suddenly find the object of its desire cloaked in the garb of a priest, pastor, rabbi, policeman, or a particularly strict third-grade teacher you may have had. If a saintly figure in your dream suddenly turns into a demon of some sort, or begins to reso
Saint Sinner Got Me Back In February, Demmit. :|
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I talk to animals. (laugh, and I kill you.) 2. I can't fall asleep without saying goodnight to my daughter. 3. I'd rather be out in the wilderness than sitting on this computer. 4. I notice EVERYTHING. Things most people wouldn't ever even contemplate noticing. It's a curse, sometimes. :| 5. I remember phone numbers from 3rd grade. :| 6. I can play the drums, the guitar (a little), the piano (very little) and sing like there's no tomorrow (and stay on key!! RLY!) 7. I can't deal with vomit or most other excretions unless it's my own child, but I can watch a person get operated on, or pick up body parts wi
Wings from above Call upon one soul Lighting strikes to be heard Follow the path of one Saint Look at the ground follow your sound Saints Saints Your body trembles With fear and confusing feels so good but not so right knees pound to the ground shush one word
Saints & Martyr's
people these days always look to others for answers they follow their leaders..thinking they are so much better ...when they are just as flawed... people are being raised as slaves...worse yet they are being taught to like it need it... unable to make decisions on there own ...putting their lives in the hands of others.....going through life without questioning why mistakes were made ...or thinking there is nothing that could be done about it.... we don't need better leaders we need people who are actually self reliant ... who don't need approval from others who don't have to ask permission ...who can live their own lives ...take there own risks ..make their own decisions...we need a revolution of the mind... not the leader of a cause ...not fallen heroes ...and definitely not a corrupt government.... throw away the comfort blanket ....believe in yourself....raise your kids to think.... stop accepting the problems and realize this is your world... shape it as you see
Saint Patty's Day Auction
> > > > > > > Ya'll know Joanna Well she has gone and done it again! She is running an Auto 11 in order to level. Show this woman some major love and you will get it in return. You must PM her with the total amount of pics you rated to get love back, kind of hard to keep up with bar tab. Click on her pic below to get to her page. Axel F. - 01. Crazy FrogMore at (repost of original by 'GnbRebel Slave To MZ.BELLE & Proud Memeber Of Carrie's Bad Boys Club & A Llama Leveler' on '2009-03-22 17:36:08')
Saints In Arms
Saint Patrick's Day Auction
Saint Patrick's Day March 1st - March 17thAuction Are you in need of some Fubucks.. Then you came to the right place Come and Bid On The St. Patty's Day Auction.. The auction is now open to all of fubar. It will end on March 17th at midnight Fu time. So come and bid on your favorites!!!
Saints And Sinners Auction
The Saint
Comentator, the Saints themselves will say you're the saint. I have nothing to gain by this surgery but a physician along with the FOP and others do. So your the saint and were it not for you I would of made a mistake. Which is a no no in game. You don't even know what you did, however, it will not be a passive murder but a little bit more. They'll love you and hail you into their courts as the saint. Norio  
Saints Or Sacred Figures
Saints or Sacred Figures   Saints and other sacred human figures in our dreams often appear as heralds of benevolence or as the morality police. While many times these are positive dream experiences, the dreams can also leave a feeling that perhaps you are not doing all you can to be an agent of good in the world. The dream may be inspiration to involve yourself in a particular cause through hands-on work or financial donations. The moral side of the dream is often a judgment on current lifestyle choices. When your psyche is in conflict between the desires of the id and the restraint of the superego, the superego can marshal symbols of judgment to strengthen its position. Often these will arrive under very peculiar circumstances. A dream of sexual desire may suddenly find the object of its desire cloaked in the garb of a priest, pastor, rabbi, policeman, or a particularly strict third-grade teacher you may have had. If a saintly figure in your dream suddenly turns into a demon of s
Saints, Colts, Bet
Who should I bet on in the superbowl, Saints or Colts?  As always comments are fun as hell!    Saints?             Colts?
With my eyes wide open,I feel like I'm in a dream.With one so beautiful before me,My reality has altered or so it would seem.An angel before me,From beyond this world she must be.Still I close and open my eyes,And cannot believe what I see.My words will never come close.Or would they even dare.To describe how beautiful she is,This one with the flaming Red hair.
Saint Patrick's Day In Chicago. (2011-mar-17)
The Chicago River is dyed green each year for the St Patrick's Day celebration, shown here in 2005. As part of a more than forty year old Chicago tradition, the Chicago River is dyed green in observance of St. Patrick's Day.The actual event does not necessarily occur on St. Patrick's Day and is scheduled for the Saturday of the closest weekend. For example in 2009, the river was dyed on Saturday, March 14, 2009, whereas St. Patrick's day was on Tuesday, March 17, 2009. Bill King, the administrator of Chicago's St. Patrick's Day committee, stated that "the idea of dyeing the Chicago River green originally came about by accident when a group of plumbers were using fluorescein dye to trace illegal substances that were polluting the river". The dyeing of the river is still sponsored by the local plumbers union. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlawed the use of fluorescein for this purpose, since it was proven to be harmful to the river. The ingredients used to
Saints And Soldiers
Saint Michael (this Ones For Ro!)
Michael Watches Over Thee, One Angel, with eyes that dare, I Saw him sent from our sky, To A World thats our nightmare. He Takes Away our misery, And replaces all our pain, He repairs our broken hearts, So that we are free again. Michael is our Freedom, our everlasting Faith, He touches us with Purity, We once again feel safe.
Saipan In the campaigns of 1943 and the first half of 1944, the Allies had captured the Solomon Islands, the Gilbert Islands, the Marshall Islands and the Papuan peninsula of New Guinea. This brought the Allies up against the main Japanese defense line in the Pacific: the Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands. Navajo codetalkers played a key role in directing naval gunfire onto Japanese positions.The Allies embarked on two campaigns to break this line: General Douglas MacArthur's Southwest Pacific Area command advanced through New Guinea and Morotai toward the Philippines. Admiral Chester Nimitz's Pacific Ocean Areas command attacked the Mariana Islands. The selection of the Marianas as a target was influenced by the introduction of the new B-29 Superfortress long-range bomber. If the Marianas were in Allied hands, then Tokyo would be well within its range of 1,500 miles (2,400 km). The Japanese were expecting an attack somewhere on their perimeter—though an atta
Saison D'hiver Moncler Vestes En Plein Air Hommes T-shirt allés , peut-être même si l' semaines d'hiver est arrivée , il pourrait un des nombreux a beaucoup d' quantité de temps en dans le temps à votre cas acquisition l'hiver accoutrement semaine juste pour cette semaines d'hiver seulement en raison de la à la suite d' en raison de l'actualité des sociétés d'acquisition différente sur plus d' change la largeur supporter votre énergie de leur temps et de vêtements du régime, de la centrale du vous pouvez acheter , vous devez acheter un nom de fonte ambassadeur accoutrement nouveau dans le à l'intérieur, sous escompte, vous voulez absorber un actif d'action absurdes à cause de cette hiver , quelqu'un peut concevoir comment un dire la fa?on dont un accoutrement que la finale sera beaucoup d' outdate être acceptable à cette hiver, je pouvais Je peux vous familiariser que, Moncler hommes Gilet sera l'audace de cette gamme de adversité assortiment de professionnellement accepter une séquel
Saitn What's His Bucket.
Unless you just stepped off the boat from the emerald isle, you're not Irish. Shut up about it, I'm not going to kiss you.
Saiyanprincevegeta...not As Good As Goku...but Hey...
sakis: welcome, u got any messenger? ->sakis: uh... thanks.. sakis: u r so sexy sakis: hi 'nuff said. tit. Im just making an example of this guy really.. its not like i don't get that from every guy on here who finds my profile n has nothin better to do n cant get laid.
Sakis Rovas Greek Singer Is Simply The Best! Links Inside!!
  I absolutely adore Sakis Rouvas. He is a Greek singer and has such a gift. He's a fantastic performer singer and actor. Please show him your support!!   Sakis Rouvas official Myspace page   Sakis Rouvas on Facebook!   Some great songs by Sakis rouvas, Pleasre go look!   Sakis Rouvas - This Is Our Night   Sakis Rouvas - Suspicious Minds   Sakis Rouvas - I'm in love with you   Sakis Rouvas - Na Magapas
Sakurajima Volcano With Lightning
Sa La Vie
As the moonlight hits your face on this night of glory. You as my sun helps me see clearly. How divine your smile shines apon the bliss. As your rays shine down from the Heavens. The sparkle in your eyes wash weary away. Although I shalt not boast of thy divinity From this forsaken soul of mine. As my body lyes cold and writhered. Love fills our hearts and your sweet kisses press against my lips. I fade into the illusion that only your eyes see. Drunken in ecstasy. Into this night I shall flee. I lay the bed of roses for your feet to walk apon. But only as a dream. And we shall fly past the stars embrasing this magical moment. Into this reality of a dream you shall see. As you sing your song of sweet innocence. From the fruit of one apple tree. And the chaos that it brings. The wretched beast that lyes beneath me. As the vines scurry away. With one last breath I look at thee. With poisoned lips. The eyes fading into an abyss. Body becoming cold. Singing my last
Salaried Employees
Why is it when you get moved to salary companies expect you not to have a life? Sure 1K a week gross is nice, but what good is it when you have no time to spend it? Pffffffffft. Not to mention my off days are split up during the week. I can barely find time to get drunk and sober up before I have to be at work again. So Annoying.
Salary Raise
Salary Raise I, the penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: I do physical labor. I work at great depths. I plunge head first into everything I do. I do not get weekends off or public holidays. I work in a damp environment and don't get paid overtime. I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. I work in high temperatures. My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Dear Penis, After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons: You do not work 8 hours straight. You fall asleep on the job after brief work periods. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your allocated position, and often visit other areas. Your initiative is unpredictable, at times you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. You are constant
Salary Raise..funny
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: 1. I do physical labor. 2. I work at great depths. 3. I plunge head first into everything I do. 4. I do not get weekends or public holidays off. 5. I work in a damp environment. 6. I work in a dark area that has poor ventilation. 7. I work in high temperatures. 8. My work exposes me to diseases. Dear Penis, After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the Management denies YOUR request for the following reasons: 1. You do not work 8 hours straight. 2. You WORK IN SHORT SPURTS & fall asleep after EACH brief work period. 3. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. 4. You do not stay in your designated area, and are often seen visiting other locations. 5. You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. 6. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. 7. Yo
Salary Increase Request
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: 1. I do physical labour. 2. I work at great depths. 3. I plunge head first into everything I do. 4. I do not get weekends or public holidays off. 5. I work in a damp environment. 6. I work in a dark area that has poor ventilation. 7. I work in high temperatures. 8. My work exposes me to diseases. Reply: Dear Penis, After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the management denies your request for the following reasons: 1. You do not work 8 hours straight. 2. You WORK IN SHORT SPURTS AND fall asleep after EACH brief work period. 3. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. 4. You do not stay in your designated area, and are often seen visiting other locations. 5. You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. 6. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. 7. You don't
Salary Increase For Mr.penis...
Subject Very funny!! Body: I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: I do physical labor. I work at great depths. I plunge headfirst into everything I do. I do not get weekends or holidays off. I work in a damp environment. I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. I work in high temperatures. My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Sincerely, The Penis Dear Penis, After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons: You do not work eight hours straight. You fall asleep after brief work periods. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations. You do not take initiative. You need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. You don't always obser
Salad Fingers
Salary Changes Our Day
When Salary Credited (First Day Of The Month) ...............Scroll Down Please................. ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** Last Day Of The Month
SALAMON You called me the other day to talk to me about how things are going your way not too good, I shall say. It seems funny to me have things can turn around so easily. In my shoes, you are now standing hoping to find someone who is understanding. I understand your situation all too well for when I was wearing those shoes you told me to go to hell. You want Racheal to stay and not go away. What is there left to say? Except you are being played and openly admit that you hAve been unfaithful to her to this day. Racheal is the queen of your heart but it seems now that time has drifted your hearts too far apart. Is there a piece that is missing? Or is it someone else that you are kissing? There is no room for a third person so do not let it be her that you are cursing. There is no need for mistakes when high are the stakes, for you know that it is your heart that is about to break. Cry if you must, but her love for you has now tur
Salad Knife ?
Salad Knife: Made from a hard nylon plastic, this type of utensil is designed to be used for cutting fresh vegetables such as salad greens. The purpose of the Salad Knife is to provide a cutting material that will not turn the fresh ingredients brown once they have been cut. Metal knives typically brown various foods once they have been sliced. Thus, the nylon Salad Knife was designed so foods such as lettuce would not begin to brown prior to serving. Made with a serrated blade, the Salad Knife can be used safely on non-stick surfaces to cut not only vegetables but a wide variety of foods such as fruits, cakes, bars, and breads. --- Tip: Never allow wood handled knives to soak in water and rub the wood occasionally with mineral oil. Maintaining and Storing Knives: To extend the lifetime of your knives, wash them by hand. Knives that are washed in the dishwasher are exposed to harsh detergents, which will dull the cutting edge and they are exposed to intense and varied tem
Salad Tossers Unite! And No Block Damnit
Of course, from bottom to top as usual. ♥ Br...: well you shouldnt have offered ->Sphere Fre...: sorry hun, but I wouldn't let you near my asshole with a gold fucking tongue ... and i'm fine with my asshole not being licked ... that's what tp is for ♥ Br...: lovely* even ♥ Br...: bye have a loely day ->Sphere Fre...: done ♥ Br...: youre really not bothering me,you can stop talking at anytime ♥ Br...: i have no need to block you ->Sphere Fre...: obviously you are into it, which is why you offered ... aren't you going to block me already, you really are boring and your friend is boring too ♥ Br...: hey i just thought thats what you were into. to eachhis own. ->Sphere Fre...: well, sorry to dissapoint you, but no thanks ... have fun with that ... I'm sure someone will let you lick their seconds ♥ Br...: sure ill lick your asshole since your wife wont ->Sphere Fre...: I have made a choice that is different than yours ... lick my hairy
Salata Mediterrian
2 green, yellow or red pepper, seeded and cut into 6 sections each lengthwise (two colors look better) 1 red onion cut into rings or quarters (rings will grill best but I prefer quarters) 1 Zucchini, halved and sliced into planks 2 large tomatoes cut into 8-12 pieces 1/4 cup olive oil 3 cloves chopped garlic 8 fresh basil leaves, chopped splash of balsamic vinegar (optional) no other vinegar works with it Prepare grill for one side to have indirect heat and the other to have direct heat. A charcoal grill works best for the tomatoes but gas will work too. Set tomato pieces on aluminum foil, drizzle with olive oil, add the garlic and basil. Set tomato mixture on the side with indirect heat. They will stay here for the whole process. Keep lid closed for the procdess except to check other veggies. Grill temp should begin at 275-300 F, do not add more coals. Grill the peppers over direct heat until the skin is blackened. Place them in a sealed PAPER bag or pl
Salata Caprese
8 leaves of basil 8 roma tomato slices 2 ounces mozzarella using a melon baller to shape into small rounds 2 ounces red onion coarse chop 1 oz olive oil 1 oz balsamic vinegar fresh ground black pepper to taste set the basil leaves on an 8" plate, place a roma slice on each basil leaf, set the mozzarella randomly around the plate, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, season with pepper to taste.
The Salamander
The Salamander Salamanders most commonly occur in freshwater and damp woodlands, principally in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are generally short bodied, four legged, and moist skinned animals with bold patterns and bright colors. Patterns and colors have different meanings to different people. Examining the patterns and colors of the salamander can help us discover the intricate patterns that govern our lives. Unwanted emotional patterns can be restructured or eliminated by the study of sacred geometry and meridian alignments. Like other amphibians the salamander absorbs water through their skin and needs a moist habitat in which to live. Those with this medicine need to be around water for their overall health and well being. Breeding often occurs in the water although certain members of this family breed on land. The word amphibian comes from two words--"amphi" = "double" and "bios" = life. Amphibians divide their life between land and water. From a s
Salamat Po
hi im new to this site but having fun as well ... however id like to say thanks to those who have been commenting on my pics and giving me good ratings as well ... i try my best to get back to you so im sorry if i overlook you . doesn't mean i aint grateful about that...
the minning of salam is "hello"  salam is a persian language word. persian is iranian people language. so i send salam for all FU members. "salam my friends"
[salad Daze (because I Haven't Made A Food Blog In Some Time)]
We've been on a bit of a health kick lately, so I thought I'd share a new salad dressing I whipped together, some general advice on eggplant and why you should buy fresh spinach every week. First and foremostLactose free month. Because I've had stomach problems for about the last ten years, could be one of those common and tragic food malays like seliac or lactose intolerance. *begins to sniffle* but I I love cheese T_Tand cream sauces! I don't think its so much that I'm intolerant, but just that eating anything that processed and fatty is going to cause some chemicals to churn. In the meantime I discovered that almond milk is available in commercial marts (for about twice the cost it takes to make it, but it does come with nutritional information) and soy milk has the shelf life of plutonium. While I was playing health nut I picked up spinach (because I like raw vegetables) and I knew that I liked salty vinegar based dressings, but I had this pesky greek tahini and yogurt to u
Sala Silvermine Underground Suite
Sala, Västmanland, Sweden - Bed & Breakfast A single suite, 155m underground
Salary Arbitration -- Batted
Canadas Emilie Fournel placed seventh in her heat, failing to advance to the final race of the womens K-1 200m. David Akers Jersey . Fournels strong start was not enough to keep her on pace with the strong field of contenders, which included top contenders Natasa Douchev-Janics of Hungary and Polands Marta Walczykiewicz Fournel also competed in the womens K-1 500m, placing 14th overall, but was expected to do better in the 200m event. Her time of 43.030s was not enough to advance her to the B final, which means her Olympic regatta is over.  "I stayed true to me and my plan, and I paddled the best that I can," said a disappointed Fournel after the race.  Her brother, Hugues Fournel, also raced today. He and his partner, Ryan Cochrane, placed fourth in their semi-final to qualify for the final.  Also advancing from the womens K-1 200m semi-finals was Natalia Lobova of Russia and Jess Walker of Great Britain from the second semi-final as well as Lisa Carrington of New Zealand and Teresa P
Sửa Laptop Uy Tín ở đâu?
Góp mặt trong lĩnh vực sửa chữa laptop, máy tính, máy in từ năm 2008 ATLcomputer đã dần được người dùng tin tưởng và trở thành một địa chỉ sửa laptop uy tín.Cùng với đội ngũ nhân viên nhiệt tình, có trách nhiệm cùng tay nghề cao ngay từ khi mới bắt đầu vào xuất hiện ATL computer đã nhận được không ít sự tín nhiệm cũng như là lời khen từ phía khách hàng. Không những thế rất nhiều khách hàng còn giới thiệu cho người thân, bạn bè xung quanh mỗi khi ai đó hỏi về địa chỉ sửa laptop uy tín.Đến với ATLcomputer, chúng tôi luôn cam kết mang đến khách hàng dịch vụ sửa chữa laptop,
The Salad To End All Other Salads
despite being (mostly) vegetarian, i do not much like salad.  at a steak house, when i grimaced at the menu, my friends would say to me:  "sugar, just order the salad." "SALAD?!"  i'd say, then lecture them on how a girl can not live on iceberg lettuce alone.  "then have steak, you silly bish," is i'm sure what crossed their minds, and perhaps was uttered under their breath, but i never actually heard it. over the years, i've developed an appreciation for heartier greens, even getting hooked for a while on a raw kale salad with walnuts and cranberries.  but i admit i don't care much for salad unless i've grown the greens myself.  and, in the wintertime here, lacking a greenhouse (*hint, hint*), i can't grow my own greens and pretty much do without salad for the few months when this place is like the tundra.  BUT!  i happened across the following salad recipe and made it last weekend for a group, and it went over like hotcakes, if hotcakes were steamy young strippers. first, the sau
Salem Written By Autumn Storm (me)
Sleek as glass Black as coal Evil as a demon Rotten and bold He bites without warning He jumps and he plays He depends on my love Through all of his days He's loving and crazy He's playful as can be No matter what happens He means the world to me His name is Salem He is such a brat But I love him so dearly He is my black cat
Salem's Question
Hard... I'm harder than the life I've lived Strong... I'm stronger than the pain this world give It's lost... So lost The world you're in The life you live I see the lies The darkside of the smiles you give I'm one I'm anyone you like me to be I'm gone Whenever you would like to be free Old... I'm older than the years I've lived Cold... I'm colder than the smile you give My life has been the dreams you say I'm living in How long will you be lost, my dear When will you give in?
Salems Exicution Attempts
The world watched in horror As this marks the day that america's most notorious outlaw clown Was attempted to be executed for his crimes Together the states of michigan and california and ohio conducted the executions behind prison walls The prisoner was set to be executed by 3 separate methods Electric chair, hanging, and firing squad Midnight tonight will mark the first executions attempt and had failed miserably that ended in laughter and popping balloons the second,was no success either being so that the clowns balloons had kept him afloat and the third was a failure as the bullets where dodged by the clown moonwalking like michale jackson and doing the worm. these are some of the clowns last words my last request is Let my homies smoke my ashes and catch a salem lacroix buzz One more thing before you hit that switch Please tell them that i'm sorry, i never (switch was flipped) another attempt was hanging and before the attempt we herd this spoke
Sale Deal - 100% Badgirl Long Sleeve White Shirt
Click Here To Purchase - On sale $20.90 ea.
Sales Skills‎
A young guy from OHIO moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job. The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says, "Yeah. I was a salesman back in OHIO." Well, the boss liked the kid and gave him the job. "You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did." His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down. "How many customers bought something from you today? The kid says, "one". The boss says, "Just one? Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day. How much was the sale for?" The kid says, "$101,237.65". The boss says, "$101,237.65? What the heck did you sell?" The kid says, "First, I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium Fishhook. Then I sold him a larger fishhook. Then I sold him a new fishing Rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishin and he said down the coast, So I told
Salem Oregon Moms Dr Harmon Needs Our Help (swc)
okay Every one who has Dr Elizabeth Harmon currently or in the past she needs our help!! Salem Hospital doesn't wabnt her to do prenatal care anylong or births for her patients!! THey wont let her or her midvives do so!! SO now it looks like she will have to have her current pregnant patients(MYSELF INCLUDED) find another Dr to deliver our babies!! Iam not at all happy about this I have n=been going to her since 2004 and 2 other births!! I get gestional diabestes with my pregnancies I trust dr Harmon fully and hate and don't like the idea of half way during pregnancy to have to update someother dr on my situation and complications when she already know them!! AND MOST OF ALL I HAVE A DOCTOR I LOVE AND TRUST!!! If this does happen and I have to find someone else I WIIL NOT BE GIVING BIRTH AT SALEM HOSPITAL !!! The only reason why i did before was because of Dr Harmon... I will go the extra miles and time to SILVERTON HOSPITAL AND TO SEE A SILVERTON DR I want to make sure I will get
Ok i had this dream long time ago . But i think some of it happend in reality but i don't know what true and whats not . I don't want to ask the the person because she would get mad . Ok here we go . I was talking to this chick named saleena who had a crush on for a VERY long time . While sleeping in a deep I had drown while i was fighting on a boat . ( I have alot of dreams lke this). In reality I couldn't breath .I usually sleep with the blanket over my head . But this time i felt this pressure holding me down . Suffocating me as i lie there gasping for air . Then I saw her at the head of the steps walking down the hall. Then she removed the blanket off my face .( I think by known I would have woke up . ) All i know she undressed and she was on top of me sucking and biting my neck as lie there . I sucked and nibble on her nipples and clitorious. The we fucked like hell. When we came I ( swore) seem the bottom of heven and I feel back to earth , With my bac
Sales And Golfing
A guy was playing golf one day and he got lost. He saw a lady up ahead of him and went to her and said,"Can you please help me, I don't know what hole I'm on." She told him "You are one hole behind me. I'm on 7; you're on 6." He thanked her & continued playing golf. Later he got lost again. He saw the same lady and went to her again kind of embarrassed. "I'm sorry to bother you again but I'm lost again, can you please tell me what hole I'm on." Lady : You are one hole behind me. I'm on 14; you are on 13. Again he thanked her and continued playing golf. When he finished he saw her in the clubhouse. He went upto her and asked if he could buy her a drink for helping him out. She accepted. As they were drinking & talking he asked her what she did for a living. "I'm in sales." He replied, "no kidding so am I. What do you sell?" Lady : It's too embarrassing to tell. But after he kept pleading to know what she sold she said she'd tell him if he promised not to laugh. He promised
Space Colony Made by Firefly studios Coomputer Game (Think Sims meets Sci-Fi) Rated Teen and up 2003 $5.00 _________________________________________________ Roller Coaster Tycoon Computer Game Atari Rated for Everyone Windows 95/98 or higher to run 1999 $3.00 _________________________________________________ Baby Einstien DVD's: Baby Beethoven - Symphony of Fun Baby Santa's - Music Box Baby Neptune - Discovering Water Baby Bach - Musical Adventure Baby Monet - Discovering the Seasons $10.00 Each or $40.00 for the whole set Retail: $16 - $20 each ___________________________________________________ The Texas Chainsaw Masacre DVD Rated R Approx. 98 minutes $7.00 _________________________________________________ The Ring DVD Widescreen edition Rated pg-13 1 hour 55 minutes Dreamworks Pictures $7.00 _________________________________________________ Turistas - Unrated Extended Unrated Version Exclusive Special Effects Featurette Audio Commentary Deleted Scenes 2006-2007 Wi
Hey ya'll. as most of you know, I'm moving from texas. I'm still tryin' to sell my stuff and I figured I'd give ya'll a shot at my stuff as well. If you wanna know what I have, send me a private message. I'm basically selling furniture, a mustang, a motor and transmission and some other stuff. Hope ya'll are having a good weekend. Redneck
4 Sale!!!
I'm selling a 12" infinity Sub in a box with a Kicker amp. if anyones interested in buying please let me know. i'm not setting a price just yet but i am accepting offers. please email me have pics if you wanna see
Bibles (funny) > >A pastor concluded that his church was getting into very serious >financial troubles while checking the church storeroom; he discovered >several cartons of new bibles that had never been opened and >distributed. So at his Sunday sermon, he asked for three volunteers >from the congregation who would be willing to sell the bibles door to >door for $10 each to raise the desperately needed money for the church. >Jack, Paul and Louis all raised their hands to volunteer. The minister >knew that Jack and Paul earned their living as salesmen and were likely >capable of selling some bibles. But he had serious doubts about Louis, >a local farmer who had always kept to himself because he was >embarrassed by his speech impediment. Poor Louis stuttered badly. But, >NOT WANTING TO discourage Louis, the minister decided to let him try >anyway. He sent the three of them away with the back seat of their cars >stacked with bibles. He asked them to meet wit
Salem Black Label-less
So i am sitting here.... home from work..... and just smoked my last black label.... *tear* i have been smoking these things for years so now its back to camel menthol.... sigh.. im gonna miss these smokes.. i know one day while wandering aimlessly though the french quarter i shall come across a rogue pack of salem black label.. and i shall buy them ... and reminisce... *tear*
Sales Is Murder
I never really understood the sayings “making a killing” or “getting away with murder” until I took a job with a sales company in Merriville, Indiana. I was eighteen years old and had never had a sales job before, so I did not know what to expect. Six days later my life changed abruptly, and I vowed never to work a sales job again. It was a business to business sales position, selling useless novelty junk for practically nothing. During my six days of employment with the company, I sold things like a large cardboard book with ten smaller children’s books inside for five dollars, magazine subscriptions, three pairs of scissors that will cut a penny for five dollars, orthopedic can openers, toy car sets and many other mostly useless things. More than we were selling these crap items, we were selling ourselves. We were required be well groomed, fairly articulate and wear business suits. My seamstress girlfriend volunteered to tailor a suit for me. After a trim and a shower, I was in bu
Sale Your Soul In One Easy Step
The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship. Little Sally led off: "I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30," she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success." "Very good," said the teacher. Little Jenny was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events." "Very good, Jenny," said the teacher. Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467", he said. "$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?" "Toothbrushes," said Little Johnny. "Toothbrushes," echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?" "I fo
The Salesman
The Salesman He sold it in the usual way, Led him down the primrose trail, Made promises he knew were unreal, His ultimate goal under a veil. The victim signed up with no regard, He knew a good deal when he saw one, The fine print was not really clear, Just legalese that could be un-done. Surely enough, just as they agreed, He enjoyed riches beyond his belief, He made enemies and sealed their fate, It was all in the deal, all in the brief. In retrospect things looked better on paper, Shoulda been more careful, can’t believe I fell, For the oldest trick on the planet, The salesman was Satan – welcome to Hell. Copyright Steve Britt 23 July 1996
Salem: Sexy Witches
i have 7 pit bull puppies for sale, so cute i will be posting pics for anyone intrested>> or.. almost 3 mon old
Saleen S5s Raptor
Saleen S5s Raptor2
The Salesman In Me Jumped Out Today..forgive Me
Good Morning, this past week was a week full of brain storming of ideas for our up and coming spring “Open House” designed to show the public new ideas and perhaps change the mind-set of those who choose to omit the Value Added distributor over the “Box Store” mentality shoppers. I myself will certainly do the same, If I need a gallon of paint and will for go the Paint store and make a trip into the box store, it happens… My point is this; yes box stores have their needs but so do the smaller distributors of Paint, Electrical supplies, Plumbing supplies, Lumber Yards the list goes on, the bigger the project the more you need the smaller specialty distributors and in the majority of cases they have more knowledge then the box stores. Our business in Michigan as well as other businesses in Michigan need to change… we need to branch out and promote earthy projects, saving of fossil fuels and back away from the auto industry. In many areas that is happening just as we speak. Our spring sh
4 Sale
Wanna buy me? I am for sale check it out!
i'm going to be moving this week and am selling a few things that i cant take with me. a emachine desktop comes with monitor, keyboard,mouse,mousepad,speakers freshly installed windows xp professional new graphics card dvd+r rw 2.60ghz processor cd-rw 40gb harddrive 56k modem 10/100mps ethernet 6usb ports have a dell that i also put a new windows xp professional on.doesnt come with anything though. a 55 gallon fish tank with stand all accessories included,pump, filters, gravel, deco. everything to keep it running. plz i need to get rid of these ASAP as i'm leaving for active duty. call me anytime 770-704-4897 ask for paul thank you just name a price right but reasonable
Sale Sale Sale
i got a red sox sweatshirt, nextel and verizon phone for sale.... verizon - $50 comes with: house and car charger 1 battery 1 phone clip (cant find a pic of it) nextel i265- $20 comes with: 1 battery cant find the SIM card but ebay has SIM cards for under $10 (including shipping) Red Sox sweatshirt - $40 size medium color red
Salem's Oath
Adonai, elohim, el shaddai... Thou hast become the father of lies, And I serve thee, henceforth... no more Becoming thus the essence of sedition; The steadfast gleam of the unsheated rapier, The falchion's forceful thrust At the heart of thy empire... the adam kadmon To impart the knowledge - the cognizance - of thine For this I slither in aspect through Eden's gleanings For this I bid Cain slayeth his brother For this I rend the weakest salient of thy diadem, As I, its jewel and very metal shall reflect no more Your light - the light of enslavement; The essence of constancy and misaligned justice To a multitude that knows no freedom... Ignorant of how subtle the fetter tightens They shall raise me a saviour - and crown thee a liar For this I strike with balanced blade, And spit upon the throes of thine angels' desire I will not serve... henceforth
Career Quiz by fun quizzes!Fun Quizzes | Quizes for MySpace » MySpace Quizzes Sales You would be suited to work in a sales job. Such jobs include salesperson and account manager.
The Salem Witch Trial
The story Salem was divided into a prosperous town second only to Boston and a farming village. The two bickered again and again. The villagers, in turn, were split into factions that fiercely debated whether to seek ecclesiastical and political independence from the town. To understand the events of the Salem witch trials, it is necessary to examine the times in which accusations of witchcraft occurred. There were the ordinary stresses of 17th-century life in Massachusetts Bay Colony. A strong belief in the devil, factions among Salem Village fanatics and rivalry with nearby Salem Town, a recent small pox epidemic and the threat of attack by warring tribes created a fertile ground for fear and suspicion. In 1688, after a quarrel between two women called Glower and Goodwin, the child of the latter attending to the violent scene falled in convulsions. Glower, a catholic irish was charged of witchcraft and executed. In 1689 the villagers won the right to establish their own chur
The Salem Witch Trials Of 1692
THE SALEM WITCH TRIALS OF 1692 by Anke Schönwälder 1 Introduction The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 represent a part of New England history that is unique in the entire history of the United States of America and, in some respect, also in the history of witch hunts all over the world. When they are compared to the mass executions that took place in Europe, the witch hunts of Salem may seem relatively insignificant because they led to only 150 incarcerations and altogether only 19 executions, whereas in Europe more than ten thousand people were executed between the 16th and 18th century. The Salem episode, however, differs from the European witch hunts in several important aspects: first of all, the trials were organized by the community, not by the church. Secondly, they were not based on the „Malleus maleficarum", which demanded more violent methods in the questioning of the suspects. Thirdly, the families of the victims received restitution payments several yea
4 Sale
Vittorio Sabadin A collectors piece. As far as I know its the orig. Please email me for mor pics., might be able to ship to buyer but there would be S&H charges It has the artist signature front & back rosewood base perfect cond. A note about the Artist Vittorio Sabadin was born at his family home in the North Italian village of Bassano, DelGrappa in 1952. Inspired since his childhood by the work of classical Italian masters, Sabadin spent his life exploring and developing his own strong artistic need to express himself through sculpture. For Sabadin the artistic process always begins with inspiration, A deep emotion or value communicated to the artist through some life experience. Such experiences may come at unexpected moments, the true artist must be patient, waiting deliberately to seize upon a unique inspiration and only his hands and raw using in draws from unrelated elements a totality which achieves expressive content far beyond the literal meaning of their summ
im for sale
Salespeople Wanted
I'm looking for people who are confortable selling sexy toys. It's free to sign up and you can make an unlimited earning potential. If this is for you feel free to sign up at
Sales Support">Sales Support
The Sales Call (telesales Side)
Hello, may I speak with so and so Be calm I think this is how the spiel does go   I am calling so and so customers today And they have a special offer for you today   They are going to pay the premiums for you for a time So for the next two months you do not have to spend a dime   You can cancel if you chose You really have nothing to lose   We do send you out a reminder Is there any way to be kinder   Thank you for your time today I will let you go now and be on your way
The Sales Call (customers Side)
Hello, who is this She is not here miss   Yes, he is here What can I help you with dear   A special offer you say What are you selling today   I’m not really interested in this Excuse me miss   How many times do I have to say no And what will is take for you to go   Take the coverage you say Again I’m telling you NO WAY   “click”
Sale!!! Ten Bucks Off! 1 Day Sale 8/20/2012-8/21/2012
SAVE US $10.00 Off Select Studio Items Use Coupon Code: 'SAVE10BUCKS' during checkout. Steampunk
Cannot believe i am going to post this, but it appeals to my sense of humour.Tired of constantly being broke, and stuck in an unhappy marriage, a young husband decided to solve both problems by taking out a large insurance policy on his wife (with himself as the beneficiary), and arranging to have her killed. A "friend of a friend" put him in touch with a nefarious underworld figure, who went by the name of "Artie". Artie explained to the husband that his going price for snuffing out a spouse was $5,000. The husband said he was willing to pay that amount, but that he wouldn't have any cash on hand until he could collect his wife's insurance money. Artie insisted on being paid SOMETHING up front. The man opened up his wallet, displaying the single dollar bill that rested inside. Artie sighed, rolled his eyes, and reluctantly agreed to accept the dollar as down payment for the dirty deed. A few days later, Artie followed the man's wife to the local Safeway grocery store. There, he surpri
Sales And Marketing Strategy Consulting In Perth
Learning to make money online can be a arduous & time consuming task. This is no surprise, building a business from the ground up whether online or off requires knowledge, planning & time. Yet so often one time a business is set up do people forget about the vital aspect of getting customers to their business & to buy their products. Within Web promotion there's hundreds of techniques that need to be followed on a every week if not every day basis. Plenty of these are basic maintenance of your website, or customer base. The promotion side does in plenty of cases seem to have been implemented as a afterthought. This can be a business killing move. Any business need a clear & focused sales and marketing strategy Perth. From the moment someone arrives at your website you need to know what they are doing, where they are going & why they are doing this. Only with this information are you able to modify your sales pages according to customer trends. But how to get people to your business in
Salisbury Steak With Mushroom Gravy
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 30 min Makes: 6 servings 2 cups STOVE TOP Homestyle Herb Stuffing Mix in the Canister 1-1/2 lb. ground beef 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 Tbsp. oil 1 jar (12 oz.) mushroom gravy MIX stuffing mix, meat, onion, egg and 1 cup water. Shape into 6 patties. HEAT oil in large skillet on medium-high heat. Add patties; cook 5 minutes on each side or until heated through and golden brown on both sides. Drain. MIX gravy with 1/2 cup water; pour over patties. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low; cover and cook an additional 5 minutes. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Round Out The Meal Serve with a tossed salad and your favorite KRAFT Dressing. NUTRITION INFORMATION Nutrition (per serving) Calories 330 Total fat 18g Saturated fat 6g Cholesterol 100mg Sodium 680mg Carbohydrate 17g Dietary fiber 0g Sugars 3g Protein 24g Vitamin A 0%DV Vitamin C
I hear... a voice say dont be so blind... Its telling me all these things... That you would probably hide... Am i... your one and only desire... Am I the reason you breath... Or am I the reason you cry... Always... always... always... always... always... always... always... I just cant live without you... I love you... I hate you... I cant live without you... I breathe you... I taste you... I cant live without you... I just cant take anymore... This life of solitude... I guess that Im out the door... And now Im done with you... I feel... like you dont want me around... I guess Ill pack all my things... I guess Ill see you around... Inside... it bottles up until now... As I walk out your door... All I hear is the sound... Always... always... always... always... always... always... always... I just cant live without you... I love you... I hate you... I cant live without you... I breathe you... I taste you... I cant live without you... I just cant In Pieces
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did It has not healed with time It just shot down my spine _ You look so beautiful tonight Remind me how you laid us down And gently smiled before you destroyed my life Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces Would you find it in your heart? To make this go away And let me rest in pieces Would you find it in your heart? To make it go away And let me rest in pieces Look at me, my depth perception must be off again You got much closer than I thought you did I'm in your reach You held me in your hands But could you find it in your heart? To make this go away And let me rest in pieces Would you find it in your heart? To make it go away And let me rest in pieces
Click click boom Always Your Disease Rest In Pieces
Saliva "rest In Pieces" Lyrics
Rest In Pieces Lyrics Artist(Band):Saliva Look at me, my depth perception must be off again Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did It has not healed with time It just shot down my spine You look so beautiful tonight Reminds me how you laid us down And gently smiled before you destroyed my life Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Pieces Look at me, my depth perception must be off again You got much closer than I thought you did I'm in your reach You held me in your hands Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces Would you find
Saliva Benefit In Ohio
Sunday August 19th Defiance, Ohio K-mart Parking Lot. gates at 5:00. Saliva performs at 9:30 also performing: Waiting to burn sirface and special guests!! In the summer of 2002 Jon met the guy’s in SALIVA and struck up a friendship with their drummer Paul Crosby. In 2004 Jon was diagnosed with STAGE 3 MELANOMA one of the most deadly forms of CANCER. After numerous surgeries and being forced to go on Social Security, Jon and his family were left with rising medical bill’s and limited income. That ‘s when his friend Paul Crosby and the rest of the guy’s in SALIVA decided to step in and help by donating their services for this benefit concert. All proceeds will be going to the Smith family.
Salim And Anarkali (sweet~heart's)
The love story of Salim and Anarkali is a story that every lover knows. The Mughal prince Salim falling for a courtesan Anarkali is the stuff that legends are made of. The relationship of Salim and Anarkali outraged the Mughal emperor Akbar so much that both father and son decided to go on war. According to legend, Salim, the son of the great Mughal emperor Akbar, fell in love with a beautiful courtesan named Anarkali as a young prince. Anarkali, whose title means "pomegranate blossom" (a title bestowed for her beauty) was famed for her dancing skills as well as her great beauty. It is believed that her original name was Nadira or Sharf-un-Nisa.He was mesmerized by her beauty and fell in love as soon as he saw her. But Anarkali was a mere dancing girl, and dancing girls were not of noble birth. They were considered to be low-born and keeping any relation with them were looed dow and strictly prohibited by the society. Anarkali knew that their romance was forbidden in the eyes of t
Saliva - Click Click Boom
Saliva - Always
I hear, a voice say "Don't be so blind" It's telling me all these things, that you would probably hide Am I, your one and only desire Am I the reason you breathe, or am I the reason you cry Always... always... always... always... always... always... I just can't live without you I love you, I hate you, I can’t get around you I breathe you, I taste you, I can't live without you I just can't take anymore, this lack of solitude I guess that I'm out the door and now I'm done with you Done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you,done with you I feel, like you don't want me around I guess I'll pack all my things, I guess I'll see you around Its all, been bottled up until now As I walk out your door, all I can hear is the sound Always... always... always... always... always... always... I just can't live without you I love you, I hate you, I can’t get around you I breathe you, I taste you, I can't live without you [ Saliva Lyrics are found on www.s
Saliva-rest In Pieces
Look at me, my depth perception must be off againCause this hurts deeper than I thought it didIt has not healed with timeIt just shot down my spineYou look so beautiful tonightReminds me how you laid us downAnd gently smiled before you destroyed my lifeWould you find it in your heartTo make this go awayAnd let me rest in pieces(let me rest in pieces)Would you find it in your heartTo make this go awayAnd let me rest in pieces(let me rest in pieces)PiecesLook at me, my depth perception must be off againYou got much closer than I thought you didI'm in your reachYou held me in your handsWould you find it in your heartTo make this go awayAnd let me rest in pieces(let me rest in pieces)Would you find it in your heartTo make this go awayAnd let me rest in pieces(let me rest in pieces)Would you find it in your heartTo make this go awayAnd let me rest in piecesWould you find it in your heartTo make this go awayand let me rest in pieceswould you find it in your heartto make this go awayAnd let m
Saliva- Your Disease
In one moment I'm goin all the way. I make my poetry everyday. And I'm frozen, comin right on time I froze my mind with that serious rhyme. And I'm open comin up inside you know my mind has got a grand design and I'm flowin, goin all the way I make my point to be everyday come on. And I wanna take you down, but your soul cannot be found. It doesn't matter much you see cause your disease is killing me. And you know its only right cause it feels like paradise. I know nothing is for free cause your disease is killing me. My minds broken, I'm goin up in smoke if you breathe my toke I'm guaranteeing you choke, and I'm chosen to testify to the masses wear dark glasses like the cops in Texas. All knowing its not a premonition kill the competition like a man on a mission, I'm blowin comin up inside like the Bee Gees cry I'm just stayin alive come on. And I wanna take you down, but your soul cannot be found. It doesn't matter much you see cause your disease is killing me. And y
Salisbury Nc Anime
Hello. Back in Dec 15 2003 . I help start anime group in Salisbury NC. If you like see NC Rowan County Anime Group web site please check out this web site;                             
Salinas, Ecuador
Getting settled in at my new home of Salinas, Ecuador...  Spend most days on the beach swimming and tanning.  Have to get a good tan to go with my new tat...  Salinas is a beautiful resort town with gold sand beaches and not far from some of the best surfing beaches in the world...
Saliva - Rest In Pieces
Look at me, my depth perception must be off again Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did It has not healed with time It just shot down my spine You look so beautiful tonight Reminds me how you laid us down And gently smiled before you destroyed my life Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Pieces Look at me, my depth perception must be off again You got much closer than I thought you did I'm in your reach You held me in your hands Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces) Would you find it in your heart To make this go away And let me rest in pieces (let me rest in pieces)
Sally Anne First Sex Party
My name is Sally-Anne; also known to my master, Peter, as Sanny. I am a sex slave. Peter trained me, sometimes with the help of three male friends. * Peter is an architect and, at the time I fell in love with him as a young teen, was married to Portia. She died in an accident, which was very sad because I liked her heaps too. If Peter still had Portia in his life I suspect I would never have known him sexually, nor would he have made me his sex slave. When he started my training, I told Peter I would do anything for him, but had no idea how much he was going to ask of me. I proved my love by letting him teach me many things about adult sex, even to the extent of letting the three other men use my body. I participated in these lessons in the afternoons, after high school. My parents would have called what I did taking part in perversions – openly showing my sex to Peter and his three friends, being touched and, ultimately, being fucked by them, all in the privacy of Peter’s hom
Sally's Song (nbc)
I sense there's something in the wind That feels like tragedy's at hand And though I'd like to stand by her Can't shake this feeling that I have The worst is just around the bend And does he notice my feelings for her? And will he see how much he means to me? I think it's not to be What will become of my dear friend? Where will his actions lead us then? Although I'd like to join the crowd In their enthusiastic cloud Try as I may, it doesn't last And will we ever end up together? no, I think not, it's never to become For I am not the one
One of my ex best friends is the typical girl. She loves to go shopping, talk about shit and spread remors, and read seventeen and ym and tries to hard to look pretty when she looks so much better without lots of makeup and when she doesnt straighten her hair. But shes gettin on my nerves. I had been working at Chuck E Cheese {you can laugh) for over a year and then she came up there and got a job after I asked her nicely not too because then I'd see her too much and I like to have a different group of friends at work just because I haven't known most of them my entire life. SO anyways she got a job up there and always wanted to work on days I worked. I hated that so quit and got a new job. I didn't tell her where, but she figured it out from the people I did tell...mainly they said it was one of my favorite resturants and she narrowed it down real quick by doing some snooping and bugging the shit outta people until they told her so she'd leave them alone. She just called me and sa
Sallie Mae
The anguish filled in her eyes like a half filled fish bowl Water sloshing around at the crest A saline waterfall filled the hollow caves Created by the eroding flesh in the malnutrition life Eager to walk but scraping like an anchor across concrete She yearned for a water high just across the plateau Beneath the angry summer sun The pasty flesh has been marinated and hung She used to walk religiously to her dorm Where she remained confined With powdered nostrils and a porcelain God That always called after suppertime The aches had manifested and transformed To commiseration for the mischievous sprite In a trading post just outside of the cathedral Blood for wine as she sighed She claimed an act for fame in the halls of regret Around the year nearest the recession of the skin progression She entered with open arthritic hands That would in the future crumble to the touch Her river’s once tame Now scream with raging currents Dying occupants flopping upon
Sally's Punishment
I do not see this as NSFW but around here you never know who will flag so I beat them to it. Enjoy.
Salmon Fillets
I promise to make them more interesting in future but right now I really need your help!. I have some salmon fillet steaks in the fridge and a friend round for dinner. No idea what to make. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Salmon In Lime Ginger Sauce
Preparation Time: 10 minutes Marinade Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 3 Tbsps. fresh ginger, chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and chopped 3 Tbsps. lime juice 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1/4 tsp. turmeric 4 salmon fillets, about 6 oz. each Instructions Combine first 4 ingredients in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth, adding a little water if necessary. Add next 3 ingredients and mix thoroughly. Transfer mixture to a shallow dish. Add fish fillets and toss to coat well. Cover and marinate 10 minutes in the refrigerator. Spread enough marinade to cover bottom of a large, heavy nonstick skillet. Add fish fillets to skillet. Spread remaining marinade over fish fillets. Cover skillet tightly and cook over medium low heat 15 minutes until fish is opaque throughout.
Salmon With Lemon Basil Butter Sauce
4 Salmon Steaks, About 6-8 Oz Each 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil 3/4 Cups of Seasoned Bread Crumbs For The Sauce: 1 1/2 Sticks Unsalted Butter Juice of 1 Large Lemon 4 Medium Artichokes, Cleaned, Sauteed, And Cut Into Eight Pieces 4 to 5 Sun-dried Tomatoes, Chopped 1 Large Garlic Clove, Peeled And Minced 3 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Basil Salt & Pepper Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan. Add the garlic, artichokes, and sun-dried tomatoes and cook 3 minutes over medium low heat. Add the lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, and cook over low heat until thickened. Just before serving, stir in the fresh, chopped basil. Brush the salmon with the 3 tbs. of oil then sprinkle on the crumbs. Place in a very hot oven, about 380 degrees F. and roast until done, but still moist inside. (cooking time depends on the thickness of your salmon steaks). Or, grill the salmon steaks on a hot grill until cooked. Serve each steak topped with a scoop of the sauce. Cooks
Salmon Cooked In Parchment
4 Skinless Salmon Fillets, About 6 oz. Each 2 Tomatoes, Seeded And Finely Chopped 1/2 Small Onion, Diced 6 Black Olives, Chopped 3 Tablespoons Fresh Parsley, Chopped 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil 1 Teaspoon Balsamic Vinegar Salt & Pepper Parchment Paper Or Tin Foil Preheat the oven to 400 degree F. Mix together the tomatoes, parsley, olives, onion, vinegar, and olive oil in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Cut 4 pieces of parchment or foil about 12-13 inches square. Oil lightly, and place a salmon fillet on each one. Next divide the tomato mixture evenly on top of each. Fold the parchment or foil over the fish, and seal well on each side by folding the edges over several times. Place the packages on two baking sheets. Bake until the salmon is cooked, about 15 minutes. Slide the packages onto a plate and serve. Cooking Tip: The salmon should flake with a fork when done, but the center should remain moist and pink.
Salmon Wellington
8 (6 oz.) salmon fillets, cut about 3/4" thick 1 egg yolk mixed with 1 tbsp. milk for glaze FLAKY PASTRY: 1/2 lb. (2 sticks) butter, cold & cut into pieces for food processor, room temp. for mixer 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, cold & cut into pieces for food processor, room temp. for mixer 2 c. all-purpose flour MUSHROOM ARTICHOKE FILLING: 3 tbsp. butter 8 oz. can artichokes bottoms, drained & coarsely chopped 1/4 c. Madeira wine Salt & pepper 1 lb. mushrooms, coarsely chopped Also 1 onion, chopped LIGHT WHITE WINE SAUCE: 6 tbsp. dry white wine or imported dry vermouth 6 tbsp. white wine vinegar 2 tbsp. finely chopped shallots or onion 1 1/2 c. whipping cream, room temperature 1/4-1/2 tsp. salt White pepper 2 tbsp. finely chopped chives or parsley Make flaky pastry: In food processor with metal blade or in mixing bowl, mix butter and cream cheese until blended. Add flour and continue mixing until well incorporated. Shape into 2 flat balls and refrigerate f
Salmon Framboise
Ingredients: 1 cup dry white wine 1/4 cup raspberry preserves 1 Tbsp green peppercorns 4 (6-ounce) salmon fillets Instructions: In a small bowl, mix the wine, preserves, and green peppercorns. Pour over the salmon fillets and refrigerate for 4 hours. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Bake the fillets for 20 minutes, or until done as desired. Serve immediately. Nutritional Information: Nutritional Information (per serving): 277 Cal; 6 g Total Fat (1 g Sat Fat); 15 g Carb; 88 mg Cholesterol; 128 mg Sodium; 34 g Protein; 1 g Fiber. Dietary Exchanges: 5 Lean Meat; 1 Starch (Other Carb).
Salmon Filet With Curry Carribbean Chutney
Ingredients: * RUSTIC SPICE SEASONING(recipe below) * 1 mango, firm * 1 fresh peach, firm * 1 tablespoon butter * 1 tablespoon olive oil * 1/2 cup pineapple, diced * 1/2 cup red onion, caramelized * 1/8 teaspoon curry powder * 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger * 1/4 teaspoon rustic spice seasoning * 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S MINI CHIPS Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips * 12 (6 oz. each) salmon filets Directions: 1. Heat oven to 400°F (convection oven: 350°F). Prepare RUSTIC SPICE SEASONING; set aside. 2. Peel, halve and seed mango and peach; cut into 1/2-inch cubes; set aside. 3. Combine butter and olive oil in large saucepan over medium heat until butter is melted. Add mango, peach and pineapple; sauté until fork-tender. Stir in caramelized onions. 4. Add curry powder, ground ginger and 1/4 teaspoon RUSTICE SPICE SEASONING to mixture; stir gently. Transfer to bowl; cool completely. 5. Add small chocolate chips to cooled mixture;
Salmon Ball
INGREDIENTS: * 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened * 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice * 1 tablespoon finely chopped or grated onion * 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish * 1/8 teaspoon dillweed * salt, pepper & garlic powder, to taste * 1 (15-1/2 oz.) can salmon * 3 to 4 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley * 1/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans PREPARATION: In a mixing bowl with a hand-held electric mixer at medium speed, beat cream cheese, lemon juice, onion, horseradish, dill, salt, pepper and garlic powder until well blended. Drain and flake salmon, removing skin and bone.Beat into cheese mixture at low speed until well blended. Chill until firm enough to handle. Shape into ball with wet hands. Coat with parsley and walnut mixture. Cover and chill thoroughly; serve with crackers.
Salmonella Outbreak, Please Read And Look At This
- Consumers should throw away certain jars of Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter after the spread was linked to a salmonella outbreak that has sickened almost 300 people around the country, ConAgra said. Lids of jars produced by ConAgra Foods with a product code beginning "2111" can be returned to the company for a refund, the company said. which is peter pan peter peanutbutter and great value peanutbutter but please check code on your jar even if name is different
Salmon Sorrento
Salmon Sorrento Need a new salmon recipe? Here, a rich-textured and colorful sauce made with fresh tomatoes and olives becomes the perfect partner for one of our favorite fish. Mop up the sauce with warm crusty bread. Credit: American Heart Association Meals in Minutes Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil * 5 medium Italian plum tomatoes, diced * 6 medium black olives, coarsely chopped * 6 medium green olives, coarsely chopped * 3 tablespoons lemon juice * 2 tablespoons coarsely or finely chopped fresh parsley (Italian, or flat-leaf, preferred) * 1 tablespoon capers, rinsed and drained * 1 1/2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic or 3 medium cloves garlic, thinly sliced * Pepper to taste * 1-pound salmon fillet Directions: Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil and swirl to coat bottom of skillet. Add tomatoes, black and green olives, lemon juice, parsley, capers, garlic and pepper;
Salmon And Coffee - For Ultimate Brain Power
Listen up! Your morning cup of coffee and dinner delight can help sharpen your memory. There are good fats and bad fats, and omega-3 fatty acids fall solidly on the side of good. Omega-3s are found primarily in fatty fish (especially salmon), certain nuts and seeds, and fortified foods. A study conducted by researchers at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago followed more than 3000 men and women for six years to see how diet affected memory. People who ate fish at least once a week had a 10 percent slower decline compared with those who did not eat fish, a difference that gave them the memory and thinking ability of a person three years younger. Some of the BEST foods for Omega-3 Fats: Salmon (wild, fresh or canned), herring, mackerel (not King), sardines, anchovies, rainbow trout, Pacific oysters, omega-3 fortified eggs, flaxseeds, walnuts, butternuts (white walnuts), seaweed, walnut oil, canola oil, and soybeans. How about coffee? Any coffee lover can tell you they
Salmon En Croute
ingredients 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO), plus some for drizzling 1 small onion, chopped 1/2 pound button mushrooms and stems, cleaned and chopped 2 sprigs dill, chopped 1/4 cup flat leaf parsley leaves, chopped (a small handful) Juice of 1/2 lemon 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, optional 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 4 6-ounce salmon filets, skin removed 2 sheets frozen puff pastry, 11 x 17 inches, defrosted but still cold 1 egg, beaten with a splash of water preparation Preheat oven to 425°F. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add oil, onions and mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper, and sauté 10 -15 minutes or until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Remove from heat and add to a medium-sized mixing bowl. Add dill, parsley, lemon juice, mustard, hard-boiled egg, salt and pepper. Mix to combine. mushrooms_mix Wipe out the pan you used for the mushrooms and return it to medium-hi
Salmon With Lemon Dill Sauce
Salmon with Lemon Dill Sauce In this lovely warm-weather salmon dish, a dill mayo is used two ways: Part of the mixture flavors and moistens the salmon during cooking, while the remainder is mixed with diced tomato to become a deliciously cool sauce. The entree is great with potato salad or rice, or as a sandwich inside crusty bread. Credit: The Hellmann's Kitchen Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 3/4 cup Hellmann's or Best Foods Real Mayonnaise * 2 to 4 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or 1 to 2 teaspoons dried dill * 1 tablespoon lemon juice * 1 medium tomato, seeded and diced * 4 salmon or halibut steaks, 3/4 inch thick (about 6 ounces each) Directions: In a medium bowl, blend the mayonnaise, dill and lemon juice; set aside. In a small bowl, place 1/2 cup of the mayonnaise mixture and stir in the tomato; reserve. Brush the fish with the remaining 1/4 cup of the mayonnaise mixture. Grill or broil the fish for 8 minutes, or until the fish flakes
Salmon Bisque
Salmon bisque is made with canned salmon, a little onion, butter, broth, wine, milk, and seasonings. INGREDIENTS: * 6 tablespoons butter * 1 tablespoon grated onion * 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour * 1 bay leaf * 1 can (approx. 14 ounces) chicken broth * 1/2 cup dry white wine * 1 tablespoon tomato paste * 1 small can (approx. 7 1/2 ounces) salmon with juices * 1 cup half-and-half or whole milk * salt and pepper to taste * garnish suggestions: roasted red pepper strips, sour cream, croutons, parsley PREPARATION: Heat butter in a medium saucepan until melted; add onion and saute for 4 to 5 minutes, until tender. Blend in flour, stirring constantly, until well dissolved and bubbly. Add bay leaf. Gradually stir in broth.Cook, stirring, until thickened and smooth. Stir in wine and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Discard the bay leaf. Stir in tomato paste and salmon with juices. Process in blender until smooth then return to
Salmon Fish Stew, Brazilian Style
Marinade ingredients: The cloves from 1/2 head of garlic, peeled, crushed, minced 2 Tablespoons of fresh lime juice 3/4 teaspoon of coarse salt 1 Tablespoon of sweet paprika 2 1/2 teaspoons of dry cumin 1 1/2 teaspoons of freshly ground black pepper Other ingredients: 1 1/2 to 2 pounds of salmon, cut into 2-inch pieces (largish-bite sized pieces) Olive oil 2 medium onions, sliced 1 large bell pepper, seeded, de-stemmed, and sliced 2 medium tomatoes, sliced Salt and freshly ground pepper 1 14-ounce can thick coconut milk 1 large bunch fresh cilantro, chopped, 1-2 cups Freshly cooked rice for serving 1 Mix together the marinade ingredients. Let the salmon marinate in this paste for at least 2 hours. The longer, the better. 2 In a large pan (large covered skillet or Dutch oven), coat the bottom of the pan with a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Add a layer of sliced onions, and then a layer of sliced bell peppers, and a layer of sliced tomatoes. Place the
Salmon With Wild Mushrooms
Prep & Cooking Time: 35 min. Yield: 6 servings Serving Size: 3.000 ounce(s) 1/8 tsp fresh ground black pepper 2 Tbsp (1 spring) fresh rosemary 1 Tbsp olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 pound portabella or shitake mushrooms 6 salmon fillets (4 ounces each) 1 cup dry red wine Directions: Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Clean and trim mushrooms and set aside. In a large oven-proof skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add garlic and rosemary and saute until golden and tender. Add mushrooms and saute until browned, approximately 10 minutes. Add wine, pepper and bring to a simmer. Place salmon in pan and spoon some mushrooms over fish. Place pan in oven and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. Nutrition Facts Per 3.000 ounce(s) Total Calories: 477 Carbohydrates: 30.63 g Total Fat: 17.01 g Protein: 49.98 g Sat Fat: 2.53 g Fiber: 5.20 g Cholesterol: 123 mg Sodium: 103 mg Diabetic exchange: Meat: 3.000 Fat: 0.500
Salmon Fishing Early Am:
Be Salmon Fishing Early Pre Spawn.With the Turbines (Aqua Duct) Running many Awesome Salmon + Br.Trout are Running + Rainbows. Wish everyone Luck in your Contests + Congrades Boogie Momma on her Contest.Thank you so much Kingdom Bombers For Uniting with Unity,Respect,Loyalty + Love.I have so much Pride,in how all K.O.W. new members have pulled together.The Love Displayed on a everyday basis is phenominal. I am so Honored to have such an Awesome Family of Bombers.So Greatful u all Chose the Kingdom of Wolves.An I have some great new friends.The Unity the recent K.O.W. Family have Displayed has Ignited the entire Kingdom. Hugs + Peace have a Great Weekend.
Salmon Baked In Phyllo With Warm Potato Salad
Ingredients Olive oil 3/4 C. sweet Swedish mustard, divided 1/2-C. fresh dill, chopped, divided 4 (4-oz.) salmon fillet pieces, center cut (16 oz.) Sea salt and Freshly cracked black pepper 1/4 lb. unsalted butter, melted 3 phyllo pastry sheets 1 Tbs. caraway seed, toasted 1 leek, white part only, cut in rings 1 lb. fingerling potatoes, roasted 1 C. creme fraiche, prepared 2 Tbs. dried currants 1 bunch mesclun greens 1-oz. salmon roe Directions Mix together 2 Tbs. each olive oil, sweet mustard, and dill. Brush the mixture on the salmon fillets; season with salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, brush a baking sheet with some melted butter. Unroll the phyllo dough and lay a sheet flat on a work surface. Brush the sheet with melted butter, then dust with some caraway and dill. Repeat with 2 more sheets of phyllo, stacking on top of each other. With a sharp knife or pizza cutter, remove off the side of the sheets to form a square. Now, cut criss-cross
Salmon-and-potato Cakes With Mixed Greens
1. 3 tablespoons cooking oil 2. 1 1/2 pounds baking potatoes, peeled and sliced thin 3. 1 1/4 teaspoons salt 4. 1 onion, grated 5. 1 pound skinless salmon fillets 6. 1 teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper 7. 1 1/2 cups water 8. 1/4 cup heavy cream 9. 4 scallions, white bulbs only, chopped 10. 3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill 11. 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard 12. 1 tablespoon red or white wine vinegar 13. 1/4 cup cooking oil 14. 1/2 pound mixed salad greens 15. 1 lemon, cut into wedges (optional) Nutrition Info Per Serving * Calories: 623 kcal * Carbohydrates: 40 g * Dietary Fiber: 6 g * Fat: 39 g * Protein: 30 g * Sugars: 4 g About: Nutrition Info [This link will take you outside Yahoo! Food] Powered by: ESHA Nutrient Database [This link will take you outside Yahoo! Food] 2. Cooking Directions 1. Brush the bottom of a large deep frying pan with 1 tablespoon of the oil. Put the potatoes in the
Salmonella In Dry Pet Food?
CDC links earlier Salmonella outbreak to dry dog food. Now we can add dog food to the list of foods that can harbor Salmonella, a common cause of serious food poisoning. The Centers for Disease Control for the first time has attributed a large Salmonella outbreak to contaminated dry dog food. The link was discovered through an investigation of a large multi-state Salmonella outbreak that occurred between 2006-2007. The outbreak affected at least 70 people across 19 states. Many suffered serious illness and some were even hospitalized. It's not clear how many of the cases were caused by eating the food and how many involved contamination of human food associated with handling the dog food. In any case, the incidents point to a need for greater pet food safety that goes beyond pet welfare alone. Pet food can potentially expose people to pathogens, both directly through pet food handling, and indirectly, through contact with pets. Because pet and human food production is
Salmon Salad Sammiches!
I made this for my office hubby this weekend. It's really cheap and easy to make, plus it's a yummy variation on your run of the mill tuna salad sammich. 3 packets of Chicken of the Sea salmon (you could also use about 2 cups canned, but canned salmon is gross) 2 tbs mayo 2 scallions, chopped salt 1 1/2 tsp. dried tarragon zest of one lemon 1 tsp dijon (I used a spicy Russian mustard for extra kick, cause I'm a rebel) 8 slices bread (I used garlic foccacia) Salad greens Mix together the mayo, lemon zest, tarragon, and mustard. Then mix that with the scallions, salmon, and salt. Put on bread. Slap on some salad greens. Put on second slice. Eat!
Salmon Cakes
1 lb. canned salmon, flaked (including liquid) 4 juniper berries, crushed 1/3 cup corn meal 2 eggs, lightly beaten 2/3 cup milk Mix all ingredients together and spoon into a well-greased muffin tin. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 degrees F, for 30 minutes. Serve hot or cold. Alternate Method: Mix together as above and fry in oil in pan until golden brown.­/2dso0jfli7ve3 I AM INVITING YOU TO COME AND JOIN ME AT MY NATIVE PRIDE NING PAGE I AM THE OWNER OF THIS SITE . ! THE LINK YOU NEED TO JOIN ME THERE IS LISTED ABOVE.THANK U RACHEL!
Salmon Steaks
combine a small amount of brown sugar in the bottom of a glass oven dish then sprinkle it with lemon put salmon steaks in dish season them with salt , pepper , garlic etc and put in a 300 oven for the length of time you prefer them cooked i cooked mine on low for about 2 hours mmmmmm tasty
Salmon Poo
It is 7:11 am and I have technically been awake for the last hour. Its Sunday and there's no point of me sleeping because i have horse back riding lessons in an hour... This is my story..... I am dog sitting for a friend, her chihuahua named Bella. Chihuahua's aint know for their friendly personalities so we have been trying to socialize this dog as much as possible. I take her to the dog park where dogs come charged at her thinking she the squirrel that got away.. we live threw that only to have her slowly but surely move at least 3 feet away from me.. She also hates males, I'm not sure where she picked up this hate but of course the boyfriend cant seem to shake that the dog actually hates him. So in order to win Bellas little heart he sat on the floor last night and hand fed her ALL NATURAL "Salmon" dog treats... It lasted all of about 4 minutes then the love for him was gone...... Needless to say we all go to bed.. We are convinced that Bella needs to be treated like a regular
Salome (part 1)
SALOMÉ A Tragedy in one Act. Translated from the French of Oscar Wilde by Lord Alfred Douglas THE PERSONS OF THE PLAY HEROD ANTIPAS, Tetrarch of Judæa | SECOND SOLDIER JOKANAAN, The Prophet | THE PAGE OF HERODIAS THE YOUNG SYRIAN | JEWS, NAZARENES, ETC... TIGELLINUS, A Young Roman | A SLAVE A CAPPADOCIAN | NAAMAN, The Executioner A NUBIAN | HERODIAS, Wife of the Tetrarch FIRST SOLDIER | SALOMÉ, Daughter of Herodias THE SLAVES OF SALOMÉ SCENE: A great terrace in the Palace of HEROD, set above the banqueting-hall. Some soldiers are leaning over the balcony. To the right there is a gigantic staircase, to the left, at the back, an old cistern surrounded by a wall of green bronze. Moonlight. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: How beautiful is the Princess Salomé tonight! THE PAGE OF HERODIAS: Look at the moon! How strange the moon seems! She is like a woman rising from a tomb. She is like a dead woman. You would fancy she was looking for dead things. THE YOUN
Salome (part 2)
2 THE YOUNG SYRIAN: How beautiful is the Princess Salomé tonight! THE PAGE OF HERODIAS: You are always looking at her. You look at her too much. It is dangerous to look at people in such fashion. Something terrible may happen. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: She is very beautiful tonight. FIRST SOLDIER: The Tetrarch has a sombre look. SECOND SOLDIER: Yes, he has a sombre look. FIRST SOLDIER: He is looking at something. SECOND SOLDIER: He is looking at some one. FIRST SOLDIER: At whom is he looking? SECOND SOLDIER: I cannot tell. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: How pale the Princess is! Never have I seen her so pale. She is like the shadow of a white rose in a mirror of silver. THE PAGE OF HERODIAS: You must not look at her. You look too much at her. FIRST SOLDIER: Herodias has filled the cup of the Tetrarch. THE CAPPADOCIAN: Is that the Queen Herodias, she who wears a black mitre sewn with pearls, and whose hair is powdered with blue dust? FIRST SOLDIER: Yes, that is Hero
Salome(part 3)
3 SECOND SOLDIER: Make him be silent. He is always saying ridiculous things. FIRST SOLDIER: No, no. He is a holy man. He is very gentle, too. Every day, when I give him to eat he thanks me. THE CAPPADOCIAN: Who is he? FIRST SOLDIER: A prophet. THE CAPPADOCIAN: What is his name? FIRST SOLDIER: Jokanaan. THE CAPPADOCIAN: Whence comes he? FIRST SOLDIER: From the desert, where he fed on locusts and wild honey. He was clothed in camel's hair, and round his loins he had a leathern belt. He was very terrible to look upon. A great multitude used to follow him. He even had disciples. THE CAPPADOCIAN: What is he talking of? FIRST SOLDIER: We can never tell. Sometimes he says terrible things; but it is impossible to understand what he says. THE CAPPADOCIAN: May one see him? FIRST SOLDIER: No. The Tetrarch has forbidden it. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: The Princess has hidden her face behind her fan! Her little white hands are fluttering like doves that fly to their dov
Salome(part 4)
THE PAGE OF HERODIAS: Do not look at her. I pray you not to look at her. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: She is like a dove that has strayed .... She is like a narcissus trembling in the wind ... She is like a silver flower. Enter SALOMÉ. SALOMÉ: I will not stay. I cannot stay. Why does the Tetrarch look at me all the while with his mole's eyes under his shaking eyelids? It is strange that the husband of my mother looks at me like that. I know not what it means. In truth, yes I know it. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: You have just left the feast, Princess? SALOMÉ: How sweet the air is here! I can breathe here! Within there are Jews from Jerusalem who are tearing each other in pieces over their foolish ceremonies, and barbarians who drink and drink, and spill their wine on the pavement, and Greeks from Smyrna with painted eyes and painted cheeks, and frizzed hair curled in twisted coils, and silent, subtle Egyptians, with long nails of jade and russett cloaks, and Romans brutal and coarse, with
Salome(part 5)
THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Pardon me, Princess, but if you do not return some misfortune may happen. SALOMÉ: Is he an old man, this prophet? THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Princess, it were better to return. Suffer me to lead you in. SALOMÉ: This prophet ... is he an old man? FIRST SOLDIER: No, Princess, he is quite a young man. SECOND SOLDIER: You cannot be sure. There are those who say he is Elias. SALOMÉ: Who is Elias? SECOND SOLDIER: A very ancient prophet of this country, Princess. THE SLAVE: What answer may I give the Tetrarch from the Princess? THE VOICE OF JOKANAAN: Rejoice not thou, Land of Palestine, because the rod of him who smote thee is broken. For from the seed of the serpent shall come forth a basilisk, and that which is born of it shall devour the birds. SALOMÉ: What a strange voice! I would speak with him. FIRST SOLDIER: I fear it is impossible, Princess. The Tetrarch does not wish any one to speak with him. He has forbidden the high priest to speak with hi
Salome(part 6)
THE YOUNG SYRIAN: I fear him not, Princess; there is no man I fear. But the Tetrarch has formally forbidden that any man should raise the cover of this well. SALOMÉ: You will do this thing for me, Narraboth, and to-morrow when I pass in my litter beneath the gateway of the idol-sellers I will let fall for you a little flower, a little green flower. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Princess, I cannot, I cannot. SALOMÉ (smiling): You will do this thing for me, Narraboth. You know that you will do this thing for me. And to-morrow when I pass in my litter by the bridge of the idol-buyers, I will look at you through the muslin veils, I will look at you, Narraboth, it may be I will smile at you. Look at me, Narraboth, look at me. Ah! you know that you will do what I ask of you. You know it well .... I know that you will do this thing. THE YOUNG SYRIAN (signalling the third soldier): Let the prophet come forth .... The Princess Salomé desires to see him. SALOMÉ: Ah! THE PAGE OF HERODIAS: O
Salome(part 7)
SALOMÉ: But he is terrible, he is terrible! THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Do not stay here, Princess, I beseech you. SALOMÉ: It is his eyes above all that are terrible. They are like black holes burned by torches in a Tyrian tapestry. They are like black caverns where dragons dwell. They are like the black caverns of Egypt in which the dragons make their lairs. They are like black lakes troubled by fantastic moons .... Do you think he will speak again? THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Do not stay here, Princess. I pray you do not stay here. SALOMÉ: How wasted he is! He is like a thin ivory statue. He is like an image of silver. I am sure he is chaste as the moon is. He is like a moonbeam, like a shaft of silver. His flesh must be cool like ivory. I would look closer at him. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: No, no, Princess. SALOMÉ: I must look at him closer. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Princess! Princess! JOKANAAN: Who is this woman who is looking at me? I will not have her look at me. Wherefore doth she look at
Salome (part 8)
JOKANAAN: Back! Daughter of Babylon! By woman came evil into the world. Speak not to me. I will not listen to thee. I listen but to the voice of the Lord God. SALOMÉ: Thy body is hideous. It is like the body of a leper. It is like a plastered wall where vipers have crawled; like a plastered wall where the scorpions have made their nest. It is like a whitened sepulchre full of loathsome things. It is horrible, thy body is horrible. It is of thy hair that I am enamored, Jokanaan. Thy hair is like a cluster of grapes, like the clusters of black grapes that hang from the vine-trees of Edom in the land of the Edomites. Thy hair is like the cedars of Lebanon, like the great cedars of Lebanon that give their shade to the lions and to the robbers who would hide themselves by day. The long black nights, when the moon hides her face, when the stars are afraid, are not so black. The silence that dwells in the forest is not so black. There is nothing in the world so black as thy hair .... Let m
Salome(part 9)
SALOMÉ: I will kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan. THE YOUNG SYRIAN: Ah! He kills himself and falls between SALOMÉ and JOKANAAN. THE PAGE OF HERODIAS: The young Syrian has slain himself! The young captain has slain himself! He has slain himself who was my friend! I gave him a little box of perfumes and ear-rings wrought in silver, and now he has killed himself! Ah, did he not foretell that some misfortune would happen? I, too, foretold it, and it has happened. Well, I knew that the moon was seeking a dead thing, but I knew not that it was he whom she sought. Ah! why did I not hide him from the moon? If I had hidden him in a cavern she would not have seen him. FIRST SOLDIER: Princess, the young captain has just killed himself. SALOMÉ: Let me kiss thy mouth, Jokanaan. JOKANAAN: Art thou not afraid, daughter of Herodias? Did I not tell thee that I had heard in the palace the beating of the wings of the angel of death, and hath he not come, the angel of death? SALOMÉ: Let me
Salome(part 10)
SECOND SOLDIER: You are right; we must hide the body. The Tetrarch must not see it. FIRST SOLDIER: The Tetrarch will not come to this place. He never comes on the terrace. He is too much afraid of the prophet. Enter HEROD, HERODIAS, and all the COURT. HEROD: Where is Salomé? Where is the Princess? Why did she not return to the banquet as I commanded her? Ah! There she is! HERODIAS: You must not look at her! You are always looking at her! HEROD: The moon has a strange look to-night. Has she not a strange look? She is like a mad woman, a mad woman who is seeking everywhere for lovers. She is naked, too. She is quite naked. The clouds are seeking to clothe her nakedness, but she will not let them. She shows herself naked in the sky. She reels through the clouds like a drunken woman .... I am sure she is looking for lovers. Does she not reel like a drunken woman? She is like a mad woman, is she not? HERODIAS: No; the moon is like the moon, that is all. Let us go withi
Salome(part 11)
HERODIAS: There are others who look at her too much. HEROD: His father was a king. I drove him from his kingdom. And you made a slave of his mother, who was a queen, Herodias. So he was here as my guest, as it were, and for that reason I made him my captain. I am sorry he is dead. Ho! Why have you left the body here? I will not look at it--away with it. (They take away the body.) It is cold here. There is a wind blowing. Is there not a wind blowing? HERODIAS: No, there is no wind. HEROD: I tell you there is a wind that blows .... And I hear in the air something that is like the beating of wings, like the beating of vast wings. Do you not hear it? HERODIAS: I hear nothing. HEROD: I hear it no longer. But I heard it. It was the blowing of the wind, no doubt. It has passed away. But no, I hear it again. Do you not hear it? It is just like the beating of wings. HERODIAS: I tell you there is nothing. You are ill. Let us go within. HEROD: I am not ill. It is your daughte
Salome (part 12)
HERODIAS: Bid him be silent. I will not listen to his voice. This man is for ever vomiting insults against me. HEROD: He has said nothing against you. Besides, he is a very great prophet. HERODIAS: I do not believe in prophets. Can a man tell what will come to pass? No man knows it. Moreover, he is for ever insulting me. But I think you are afraid of him .... I know well that you are afraid of him. HEROD: I am not afraid of him. I am afraid of no man. HERODIAS: I tell you, you are afraid of him. If you are not afraid of him why do you not deliver him to the Jews, who for these six months past have been clamouring for him? A JEW: Truly, my lord, it were better to deliver him into our hands. HEROD: Enough on this subject. I have already given you my answer. I will not deliver him into your hands. He is a holy man. He is a man who has seen God. A JEW: That cannot be. There is no man who hath seen God since the prophet Elias. He is the last man who saw God. In these da
Salome(part 13)
HEROD: There be some who say that this man is the prophet Elias. A NAZARENE: I am sure that he is the prophet Elias. THE JEW: Nay, but he is not the prophet Elias. THE VOICE OF JOKANAAN: So the day is come, the day of the Lord, and I hear upon the mountains the feet of Him who shall be the Saviour of the world. HEROD: What does that mean? The Saviour of the world? TIGELLINUS: It is a title that Cæsar takes. HEROD: But Cæsar is not coming into Judæa. Only yesterday I received letters from Rome. They contained nothing concerning this matter. And you , Tigellinus, who were at Rome during the winter, you heard nothing concerning this matter, did you? TIGELLINUS: Sire, I heard nothing concerning the matter. I was explaining the title. It is one of Cæsar's titles. HEROD: But Cæsar cannot come. He is too gouty. They say that his feet are like the feet of an elephant. Also there are reasons of State. He who leaves Rome loses Rome. He will not come. Howbeit Cæsar is lord
Salome ( Part 14)
SECOND NAZARENE: There is also the miracle of the daughter of Jairus. FIRST NAZARENE: Yes, that is sure. No man can gainsay it. HERODIAS: These men are mad. They have looked too long on the moon. Command them to be silent. HEROD: What is this miracle of the daughter of Jairus? FIRST NAZARENE: The daughter of Jairus was dead. He raised her from the dead. HEROD: He raises the dead? FIRST NAZARENE: Yea, sire, He raiseth the dead. HEROD: I do not wish Him to do that. I forbid Him to do that. I allow no man to raise the dead. This Man must be found and told that I forbid Him to raise the dead. Where is this Man at present? SECOND NAZARENE: He is in every place, my lord, but it is hard to find Him. FIRST NAZARENE: It is said that he is now in Samaria. A JEW: It is easy to see that this is not Messias, if He is in Samaria. It is not to the Samaritans that Messias shall come. The Samaritans are accursed. They bring no offerings to the Temple. SECOND NAZARENE: H
Salome (part 15)
HERODIAS: What does that matter? You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile. And I am your wife, am I not? HEROD: Of a truth, dear and noble Herodias, you are my wife, and before that you were the wife of my brother. HERODIAS: It was you who tore me from his arms. HEROD: Of a truth I was stronger .... But let us not talk of that matter. I do not desire to talk of it. It is the cause of the terrible words that the prophet has spoken. Peradventure on account of it a misfortune will come. Let us not speak of this matter. Noble Herodias, we are not mindful of our guests. Fill thou my cup, my well-beloved. Fill with wine the great goblets of silver, and the great goblets of glass. I will drink to Cæsar. There are Romans here; we must drink to Cæsar. ALL: Cæsar! Cæsar! HEROD: Do you not see your daughter, how pale she is? HERODIAS: What is it to you if she be pale or not? HEROD: Never have I seen her so pale. HERODIAS: You must not look at her. THE VOICE OF
Salome (part 16)
HERODIAS: It was thyself didst steal it. Thou speakest at random. I will not stay here. Let us go within. HEROD: Dance for me, Salomé. HERODIAS: I will not have her dance. SALOMÉ: I have no desire to dance, Tetrarch. HEROD: Salomé, daughter of Herodias, dance for me. HERODIAS: Let her alone. HEROD: I command thee to dance, Salomé. SALOMÉ: I will not dance, Tetrarch. HERODIAS (laughing): You see how she obeys you. HEROD: What is it to me whether she dance or not? It is naught to me. To-night I am happy, I am exceeding happy. Never have I been so happy. FIRST SOLDIER: The Tetrarch has a sombre look. Has he not a sombre look? SECOND SOLDIER: Yes, he has a sombre look. HEROD: Wherefore should I not be happy? Cæsar, who is lord of the world, who is lord of all things, loves me well. He has just sent me most precious gifts. Also he has promised me to summon to Rome the King of Cappadocia, who is my enemy. It may be that at Rome he will crucify him, for he
Salome(part 17)
SECOND SOLDIER: What a sombre look the Tetrarch wears. FIRST SOLDIER: Yes, he wears a sombre look. HEROD: Salomé, Salomé, dance for me. I pray thee dance for me. I am sad to-night. Yes, I am passing sad to-night. When I came hither I slipped in blood, which is an evil omen; and I heard, I am sure I heard in the air a beating of wings, a beating of giant wings. I cannot tell what they mean .... I am sad to-night. Therefore dance for me. Dance for me, Salomé, I beseech you. If you dance for me you may ask of me what you will, and I will give it you, even unto the half of my kingdom. SALOMÉ (rising): Will you indeed give me whatsoever I shall ask, Tetrarch? HERODIAS: Do not dance, my daughter. HEROD: Everything, even the half of my kingdom. SALOMÉ: You swear it, Tetrarch? HEROD: I swear it, Salomé. HERODIAS: Do not dance, my daughter. SALOMÉ: By what will you swear, Tetrarch? HEROD: By my life, by my crown, by my gods. Whatsoever you desire I will give it you

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