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Watch Out For This Guy
He's ripping people's pics without permission. He ripped 19 of my best friend's pics. Without her permission. She just noticed it. And she's not happy about it. The guy's name is mo. He's got all her pics in a folder titled "ripped pics". Any advice on getting him to remove the pics and to stop ripping them is welcomed.
I began my daily run as usual. It was warmer today, perfect for being outside. I headed out to the park to pick up the nature trail that winds through the woods in the center of the park. Today is a perfect day to try and see some wildlife. The breeze is soft and gentle as it drifts over me, cooling my sweat and making me smile. The trail isn't crowded yet, thank goodness. It was nice to have the park to myself. There's movement up ahead. I hope it's a deer, I love watching them. Picking up my speed a bit, I run towards the movement I caught. Nope, no deer. I slow down my pace again. Wait. There is something there though. I slow down more and peer through the trees. It's two people. Oh well, so much for being alone out here. Then I look closer. The man has the woman backed up to a tree. I can see his hands roaming all over her body. Her arms are around his neck, her lips pressing frantically against his. Wow. I move into the woods a bit further, careful not to make any noise. I kneel d
Watching The World Go Bye
Sitting and watching the world go by, makes you feel like you need to sigh, working and sleeping is what i do, wishing i could have someone too, to hold you and to show you i care, to have you and for you to know im there, to care and share my heart everyday, to respect and honor you each and every day, you will be my dreams when i sleep at night, your eyes and your beauty are a wonderful sight, charm, witt, beauty and grace, will take our hearts to such a beautiful place, hope we find each other soon, i know when we meet our hearts will be in tune, the sight of the one meant to be, will be my life filling happiness to see, so take your time finding me, we will take things slow and see if its meant to be, so open your hearts and your mind, and one day true love is what you shall find........
Watch Closely Now
Watch Me
Take a seat & watch me take a leak on everything you speak~ Ur fake & weak, I'de ask for round 3..but it might take him a week~ This nigga's mad cuz I put his smoke out faster than an ashtray~ This bastard hasta pay, he must be coked out cuz his ass is gay~ I stash away cash & AK's when trouble-knocks at the front door~ I'll be tha last to say, "Today I had ta blast double-glock cuz he wants war~ Matta fact, I'll just grab a sack - fuck AK's, I'll attack wit a mac 10~ You wuz gone, you didn't respond in 8 ur back again?~ I'll crack ur chin, strictly reppin a weapon - Ima master on this sicc stage~ Blastin this big gauge, you'll be gone in 60 seconds faster than Nick Cage~ (movie) It happens all the time, rappers try to come here, thinkin they ruthless~ But tha truth is...I'm leavin this fool toothless - even his crew is useless~
~watchin Swingers~
had my status set to ~watchin SWINGERS~ some vapid trollop assumed that meant i was viewing webcams.
Watch This!
Watch This!
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Watch Me Shake My Booty Enjoy lmao
Watch Me (1996)
Watching the horrors evolve into beauty wanting for the beauty to come into my soul listen to the echoes as they race through my mind this is the embarrassment of life Allowing them to be seen wanting to have them torn from my soul raped over and over this is the insanity of being alive Touching words with spoiled thought seeing the visions with pure eyes smelling the satisfaction of my breath this is the obstacle of feeling Caressing the feeling of pain remembering the tears never cried loving the thought of suicide this is the life of insanity Hearing the silence of spirits screaming envisioning the mist of life tasting the stench of life all around this is the life in death My world has crashed through the floor the road to hell has been lit forever now I see the light and I am not alone this is the miracle of friendship Envelop the pain in my head decide whether your strong wish for it to end this is the sanity of suicide Divide the world i
Watching Snails
Every now & again I do play........ Yesterday was 1 of those days..... I went to the Wedding.... While there, I was people watching.. Little, did I know I was being observed as well. I was watching some children on a rope swing... When the Host of the Party approached me.. He startled me.. I guess I was too absorbed in watching the children, I did not notice him watching me..... He said.... " Would you like to swing?" yea..right I thought... Then I did not give him a second to re-nigg!!!! heheheee!!!... I said if you push me I will swing!!!! !!!! Next thing I know he is leading me across to the swing....Humm, How do I get myself into these messes!!! I say to him: That's not safe for Me.. It will not hold Me!!! I am too Heavy for that!! It's to low to the ground for me!!! He shakes his head Laughing at me !! & then ties another knot under the swing to bring it up higher..LOL!!! Oh MY GOD....& turns to look at me ... NOW... I have to figure how to get my fat A__!! Up
Watch Ron Paul On The Presidential Debate Online Live Now
Watch Ron Paul on the Presidential Debate Online Live NOW Body:
Watch Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas, Renee
Watch Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas, Renee Zellweger, Kevin Spacey, Winona Ryder, Ed Norton, Whoopi Goldberg, Ming Na, Benicio Del Toro and Kathy Bates state their Declaration of Independence. Watch the video their homepage at: HYPERLINK "" In Liberty, Restore The Republic, 4 E. Ogden Ave #125, Westmont, Illinois 60559
Watch Me
She'd sent him an envelope, by messenger, to the office .In it she'd enclosed the name of a hotel, a room number and a note that said 7 0'clock , knock 3 times. She was there already. She'd lit a few candles, put his favorite CD's in the player ,his favorite beer was iced down. She'd ordered extra pillows from housekeeping, turned down the bed and positioned a chair at the foot of it. She'd taken a nice long bath and applied her favorite lotion all over, putting on this little jade number that was cut to her hips,had a slit up the front to her breast, which were covered with a stretch of lace and spaghetti straps holding it up it also had matching bikini panties. Now all she needed was his knock and there it was 7 0'clock on the dot. She turned on the music, picked up a beer ,looked through the peep hole just to make sure it was him, it was. She opened the door and let him in. After putting the Do Not Disturb sign on the door,he shut and locked it . She then turned to him, p
Watch For Another Slow Speed Chase O.J. Simpson's bail set at $125,000 By KEN RITTER, Associated Press Writer 29 minutes ago A judge set bail Wednesday at $125,000 for O.J. Simpson in connection with the armed robbery of sports memorabilia collectors at a Las Vegas hotel. His attorney later said he expected the former football star to be released within hours and return to Florida. Simpson, standing in court in a blue jail uniform and handcuffs, furrowed his brow as the judge read the list of charges against him. He answered quietly in a hoarse voice and nodded as Justice of the Peace Joe Bonaventure Jr. laid out restrictions for his release, including surrendering his passport to his attorney and having no contact with co-defendants or potential witnesses. Simpson did not enter a plea. Unlike his arraignment over a decade ago in the 1994 killings of his ex-wife and her friend Ron Goldman, when Simpson declared he was "absolutely 100 perc
Watch This!!
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Watch It! I Dare You...
Watching Eyes
Passion rising wild and free Watching eyes that are watching me Strong and commanding Fire and ice in your touch I'm a slave to sensations Born of love and of lust You set me adrift In an orgasmic sea My mind starts to wander I am lost in a haze Steadily drifting With pleasure unrestrained Your touch unrelenting You fade from my sight In pounding succession Your lust is my plight Again and again My body is thrown Over a sensory cliff As I'm claimed as your own Racked by your fury Devoured by your love Trembling beneath you As you tower above I am no longer watching Eyes watching me But I know you're are gazing Jubilantly at me I can feel you
Watch Out For This Lady, Nothing But Trouble, Needs To Go Admit Herself
twisted, tragic, dull life@ fubar I have had nothing but problems with this lady, stalking me, adding all my friends, she will stop at nothing to try to cause BS drama, if she were closer id go kick her ass, it all started over some guy that was speaking to her and I at the same time, which he thought he was playing us both, I was the smart one, I knew what he was all about, so that was done and over for me, then she contacts me again, he was trying to talk to me again, but I wasnt giving him the time of day. Now she comes to my page, says nothing, but I go to her page and theres several of my family list and friends on her page, Hmmmm put 2 and 2 together, someone has no life and is trying to cause BS between me and my friends. People like this need to be on meds, need to be put away. I know ive had it with her, I confronted her about adding alot of my friends, of course she denies it, but wont stop emailing me with her crazy off the wall lies and actions. There are over 1 million
Watch This Before It's Taken Off The Web
Bravo.....a brilliant speech by a brilliant woman.. Open the attached website to hear one impressive woman. Here is a powerful and amazing statement on Al Jazeera television. The woman is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from LosAngeles. I would suggest watching it ASAP because I don't know how long the link will be active. This filmclip should be shown around the world repeatedly!
Watch It Bitches!!!!
Alien VideoAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Watching People
I have been watching people latley and watching thier behavior. I find it interesting that there are people who love their signifigant other to death and would do anything for them and the other would do anything for them in return. Then there are the others that stay with their partner because of kids or what not, and then there are others that say they are going to leave them and dont or find someway to keep them around. It is very confusing sometimes. I also see a person that is in love and then something happens and things were done about it, and then that person moves on and someone new comes along but they still have feelings for the other person and are torn between people. Crazy!!!
Watch Out Ladies!
watch out for a guy that goes my chubby chaser! i chatted with him a little bit and now he thinks i'm his girlfriend and he won't leave me alone. i had to block him because he wouldn't stop leaving comments for guys to leave me alone because i'm his girl! he's scary and gross so be careful!
~ Watch What Your Doing When Ridin ~
hehe i liked this Movie, oh and a note Ladies don't be driving with them pretty feet and toes on the dash or out the window :)~~~~
Watchin Movie Lmfao
Watch Out For This Guy
I would never down rate anyone! I dont care what the pic is or whatever, it's not cool, this guy is freshmeat with one pic. I give everyone a 10 and my fanily members 11's. Just watch out for this guy. here is his id! bloody drunk, lol mina FOR THE DOWNRATERS!
Watch My Peanuts Friends Tonight!!
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie BrownTuesday, October 30 at 8/7c In the 1966 half-hour animated special It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, The PEANUTS gang celebrates Halloween, with Linus hoping that, finally, he will be visited by The Great Pumpkin, while Charlie Brown is invited to a Halloween party. PEANUTS focuses on the anxieties and joys of childhood as expressed by an ensemble cast of children who often seem wise beyond their years. Among them are the lovable Charlie Brown, who perseveres despite continuous failure; the philosophical, blanket-carrying Linus; the fussbudget Lucy, who dispenses psychological advice for a nickel from behind a concession stand; and toy-piano virtuoso Schroeder. Central to the comic strip is Charlie Brown's dog, Snoopy, who first stood on his hind legs in 1958 and became extremely popular for his imaginative adventures as a number of characters.
Watch Me Morph Into Trent Reznor
Watcher Needs Some Love
The Watcher needs 50,000 comments for a happy hour reward. Please show him some love. I know it will be returned.
Watch Out World. . .
I am headed to Minneapolis! I am leaving the 14th of this month and start work the 15th. I am really excited; it is going to be so much fun. I am not going to stay there permanently. I'm only going to be down there till the first of the year, but I am going to make the most of it!
Watching Others Eat
Watching Others Eat The act of eating can be very telling in a dream, or it can simply stand for basic survival. Did you acquire your food in the normal manner or in some unusual way? Is the food recognizable to you or is it something you've never had? Watching others eat may reflect a deficit concerning your own material or emotional needs. This may be from a pity-party perspective or from the view that others are gluttonous. In this case, it is worth it to ask who you are watching eat and why haven't they invited you to join. What style of eating is prevalent in the dream? Grotesque gorging and gluttony may indicate excess in your life or the relationship you share with other eaters. Is the food consumed with great ritual and sacred decorum? This may indicate a sense of providence or divine guidance in an aspect of life.
Watch Out For Her
Guys, she's only using you, so don't fall for her lies. Popsicle Gurl is a compulsive liar and said she used me a while back, and now she says she's gonna pay ME back? Wow, so karma only works in one direction? Let me tell you, she smokes and buys weed every chance she gets, she'll dance naked for you on cam, telling you she trusts you, and she's been declared legally insane. So who are you gonna believe? Yeah, guys, this one's a keeper...if you're a cop.
It was cold that night, so I stayed inside my car. The window rolled up, heater blasting on my face and neck. I watched two buses pull into the station. The inside of them lit dimly, passengers hurrying to grab their bags and depart. I took in each face and wondered where they had just come from. Were they home at last? Visiting family? How far had they come? I watched a man hurry down the steps of the bus. His right shoulder dipped from the heft of his bag and his eyes scanned the parking lot quickly. His urgency interested me, and so I kept my eyes on him. He lifted his arm and looked at his watch, his eyes peering into the dark lot once more before he sat on a metal bench that I imagined must have been quite cold and uncomfortable. Families hugged as sisters and aunties climbed into the waiting bus. I smiled softly at a couple who argued over the window seat. My eyes kept going back to the man. He sat with his elbows leaning slightly on his knees, staring out. His
The Watcher's Contest Starts Tonight
contest starts tonight at 11pm est 10pm cst or 8pm pst link will not be active until 11pm est tonight Must add host before you can comment *♥SÚLŦRY™♥*ÇÈõ õҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ. Co Owner Razzles Night Club@ fubar heres some info on the contest Are you the sexiest Man on Fubar? Want to find out for sure? Join the contest and find out. Great prizes!!!! Starts November 17th and end December 1st. 1st place 3 month vip or 1 month blast *First to 35,000 comments wins 2nd place 7 day blast *First to 15,000 comments wins 3rd place 3 day blast *First to 10,000 comments wins! To Enter Rules *Must Rate,Fan and Add host in order to Bomb. *No Harassing other Contestants or the Hosts. *No Drama of any kind. *Must have at least 100 comments a day to stay in the contest
Watch Her Tears
Watching her eyes, a little boy asked his mother, 'Why are you crying?' 'Because I'm a woman,' she told him... 'I don't understand,' he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, 'And you never will.' Later the little boy asked his father, 'Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?' 'All women cry for no reason,' was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, 'God, why do women cry so easily?' God said 'When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave her the sensitiv
Watch Her Tears
Watching her eyes, a little boy asked his mother, 'Why are you crying?' 'Because I'm a woman,' she told him... 'I don't understand,' he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, 'And you never will.' Later the little boy asked his father, 'Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?' 'All women cry for no reason,' was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, 'God, why do women cry so easily?' God said 'When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave her the sensitiv
Watch The Dragon!
11/26/07 Dear Readers: 2008 will be here soon enough and I am working very hard to finish my 2008 Moon Power. I started back in June and I already seen so many of them unfolding already. This nasty Dragon's Tail promises to be full of surprises and deadly to many famous people. Once terminated this book will be loaded with daily, monthly, personal and Universal guidance. I am sure many of you have downloaded the FREE 2007 Moon Power and got a taste of what 2007 was all about when you read your personal forecast and natal characteristics. I am still receiving tons of support from people totally amazed by the accuracy of my work in a book designed to guide the public at large. Because of my free offer on Coast-To-Coast appearances this book went to millions of people worldwide and many of them do not know that Moon Power is NOT available anymore in hard cover. Meantime I will make it available by Ebook only. Many people are used to use my guidance months in adva
Watch Out I Will Get You
Watch It Suzy!
Suzy be nimble, Suzy be quick Suzy jump over the 'Kreator' stick If I must 'fly' before I wake I pray for the next soul that he may take And if I cry another tear... I pray to the Lord that it is someone sincere. If I die before I wake - Kill Kreators soul for the next one he may take...
i just watched a movie called blad its an awsume movie but what i like about it is the swords that he weilds its better then a gun u fight with houner and knowladge, when u fight with a sword ur fighting for houner ur fighting for the truth ur fighting for freedom ur fighting for love ur fighting for all kinds of things and mainly to stay alive to me i rather die by a sword then by a gun, a gun is one shot one kill but at least with a sword u have a fighting chance to prove ur self to stay alive, and i like the way the sameri fought in those days the swords was made with houner and such feelings and u had to know how to weild one to use one, there long smooth and not always easy to use but at least u dies by the sword not by a gun that people use every day, some use it to kill for no reasone or over drugs even childreans lifes have been taken over stupied shit like that, so ya i like swords better at least, to some this may be dumb but if u really think of it what would u rather, b
Watch Out For Her
her name is sheri from mantica and she is a evil crewl person i will post a pic when i get a chance
Watch Out For This Guy!
Just wanted to give all of you on here a fair warning of people to watch out for here on Fubar. FOR YOU WOMEN!! THIS GUY HAS AT LEAST 3 PROFILES ON HERE! Please watch out for him. He's the type of guy your parents always warned you about. Trust me. It's one thing to call us women hot or sexy or whatever, but he takes it way past what he should and gets pissed if you tell him to quit. These are the only 2 profiles I can link because he's blocked me on the 3rd. JUST ANOTHER MAN@ fubar Ohio State #1 LSU #2 Jan 7th 2008 **** SBG Bombers***@ fubar Please watch out for him, he's a major creep and we need to put him in his place!
as i lie here tossing in my bed, lost in my fears, remembering what you said and i'm trying to hide the truth within, a mask of myself shows its face again still i lie here time and time again, will you deny me when we meet again, and i feel like i'm falling further everyday but i know that your there watching over me and i feel like i'm drowning, waves crashing over me but i know that your love will set me free when i find truth where i've found it time before as i search for your whole i'm finding so much more and i'm trying to be more like you, i'm denying myself and pulling my heart in two and i feel like i'm falling further everyday but i know that your there watching over me and i feel like i'm drowning, waves crashing over me but i know that your love will set me free
Wat Can I Say . . . . . . . . . . . Lmao
ok so say ur sittin there mindin ur own damn business and some person walks up to u female if ur male and male if ur female and there fine as fuck! but ur either married or in a relationship and they said to u that "they wanted to fuck and ok i can understand that if ur wit someone or married but its just a one time thing" here is my question would u do it or would u say no now keep in mind that u haven't had sexy for about 2 weeks and ur really horny wat would u do better yet would u say it could be more then a one time thing?
Watch Me Dance!
This is pretty kewl! I am a Elf dancing around! Watch me boogie!
Watch Out For That Tree
A state trooper pulls over a car on a lonely back road and approaches the driver. "Sir, is there a reason you're weaving all over the road?" The driver replies, "Oh officer, thank goodness you're here! I almost had an accident. I looked up and there was a tree right in front of me. I swerved to the left and there was another tree in front of me. I swerved to the right and there was another tree in front of me!" Reaching through the side window to the rearview mirror, the officer says, "Sir, that's your air freshener."
The Watcher's Happy Hour
Hey Everyone! The Watcher is having a Happy Hour Friday 12-14 at 9 pm cst, 7pm pst, 10 pm est. Lets rock this Happy Hour and help him get to his next level Insider.
The Watch
Today our navy has given most of the pomp and circumstance, the honors, traditions, and ceremonies back to history…time does not give us the freedom to do these things from the past…but, we still have to stop all engines, lay about smartly, and drop anchor to pay homage to one of our shipmates going ashore. To honor the years served, the guidance, the leadership, the friendship and the expertise that this shipmate has freely given. This sailor has stood the watch While some of us were in our bunks at night This sailor stood the watch While some of us were in school learning our trade This shipmate stood the watch Yes.. even before some of us were born into this world This shipmate stood the watch In those years when the storm clouds of war were seen brewing on the horizon of history This shipmate stood the watch Many times he would cast an eye ashore and see his family standing there Needing his guidance and help Needing that hand to hold during those hard times But he still stood the
Watch For This Member, Whats Up With Guys When U Dont Want Them, Bam They Put U Down
*~* dj *~* kurléê *~*@ fubar Be careful of this user, hes all nice, until u turn him down, once he knew I wasnt giving him the time of day he called me easy etc... Watch how he makes it clear, I never replied to his messages, well wouldnt that tell him something??? Went from this....... *~* dj *~...: im just saying that i have tried talking to you ALOT, on here, on im...and you never seem to wanna return a message...but your gonna sit there and tell me you hav called me and i havent returned a call to you...we have had GOOD conversations on here...and i have told you that it would be nice to meet you and what not, and you never seem to want to do that....if your not any kind of interested, thats fine...just say so... ->~*Huggable...: omfg listen to urself if it makes u feel better to blame me, go right ahead *~* dj *~...: your right, i havent met you, cuz with all the talk we have had on here, your not interested in doing so....even though it would be nice to meet y
Watch Over Our Troops
Sexy Comments Galore!
Watch Us Girl Rock!!!! Lmao
Get your own at
Watch Out For Your Photos
apparently at the rate things are going, everything you put up that's funny in any way is going to be flagged. And that means people like me will be forced to go to a site that actually allows some level of humor. For example, this morning, one of my pics, a FAKE picture of a FAKE drug with MISSPELLED profanities was flagged. Wow, anyone need a hobby? So should I just go ahead and put ALL of my funny pics in an NSFW folder and beat them to it?
Pure Seduction , nails screeching down his back ,teeth dragging along his neck Intensity - the heat of a passion - now you feel the cold that soaks your skin Punctured Life running though out you , A sense never sought before the night of desires Quenching a thirst for upmost anything or should we say anyone The pure seduction that is intensity to have seduced another for your indulgence to create life in your veins - pumping through you cold- dead heart now burns a fire Flames always will be a fatality with the road taken but only a few of you will ever know this lustful heat Some choose to be what you are ; other's choose not to be but you are in our nightmares , sweet , precious dreams walking us to a darkness untold of - If only to be you for a day To only know what runs through that mind of yours , to feel the love you do for life , your eyes are not cold but trusting Overswept I am by you - or is it underswept by tempting human souls as myself N
Watching You Die
its sooo sad i wish i didnt know it was coming bcause it makes it so much harder to be around you. talking about your treatment and all the shit youve done to fix it and have it keep coming back sucks especially because theres only one other treatment they have to give you when the ones your on stop working.youve tought me so much thank you for everything grandma
Watch Me
no name to claim no fame to frame no way to go no icy woah
Watch This Playlist On Credit Card Debt
If you have more credit card and other unsecured debt than you want or can stand, educate yourself about the battle with credit card companies by watching our playlist of videos: Things You Need to Know About the Battle with Credit Card Companies Call Roger at 941-320-0818 for help! or email back a phone number where Roger can reach you!
Watch This...
Watch Me Morph
Watch your thoughts they become words Watch your words they become action Watch your action they become habits Watch your habits they become your character Watch your character it becomes your destiny. The past few weeks I have seen this happen even with myself. I let thought i was having come out in a mum. I was hurt, I felt I wasn't beingtold the truth and the person in question wasn't helping set the record straight so I was left to my thoughts and those thoughts became actions and those actions...well I CHOICE not to make it a habit. Yes I was attacked for the mum. Did i do right by the mum. Only God knows. I was attacked for my faith. Like the Devil likes to do to God's children. No I didn't do what God wanted me to do but God takes care of His children. Will I do something like this again. I can't answer that casue I am not sure. The lesson I learned...people will beleive what they want and there is NOTHING any one can do other
Watching The Wheels
Watch Who Your Talking To
I am writing this blog because of some stupid comments that were said between two people. I don't know all the details and I no longer care. Anyone who ever wishes a soldier to die while in country is wrong. It pisses me the fuck off that people don't think sometimes that that has already or may actually happen to the individual. Everyday we go outside the wire and place ourselves in harms way for the good of our family, friends and country, most of the time it is a very thankless job but that is ok because we know its for a good cause. I have buried many brothers because they gave their life on behalf of people who will never know their names and more than like give a fuck less who they were. So when I hear or read anyone that wishes the death of a soldier it strikes a cord and I will not be fu-friends with anyone who makes said statements. To everyone else, if you read this and agree hit me up if you give less than a fuck thats fine too, but if anyone wants to say some really
Watch Me Do Me!!!
Watch It
Watch Me
Watch Me i know u don’t believe me when i say I’m done u don’t think i'll ever be gone u take my presence for granted I’m like a puppet, and u've got the strings i've been ur fool for oh so long much longer then i ever intended i've bent over backwards for you i've killed myself and come back to life all for u just to hit me in the face with your lies, your misleading ways your "unintentional" way of "leading me on" tell me dear, how would u feel if i told u i loved u then spent every night with another, telling them the same bullshit i fed to u? would stand for that? would u put up with that type of disseat just because u "love" me? when one loves another there shouldn't be anything u have to “put up" with you wont ever feel love the way it was intended to feel. you are unable to love someone the way that they deserve to be and soon enough every one u love will be gone i once would defend you but I’m done being in denial there is no excuse for you.
Watch The Road
Watch Out For This
Hockey Chick (2/5/2008 9:35:37 PM): childish? no so much...i gave up, stepped away from this bs...and told u to take set ur fubar to limit contact...i don't *shruggs* but i am the childish one??? hrrrmmm...not... kingrod01 (2/5/2008 9:35:57 PM): yes you are kingrod01 (2/5/2008 9:35:58 PM): btw Hockey Chick (2/5/2008 9:36:15 PM): i don't care what names u call me..*shruggs* kingrod01 (2/5/2008 9:36:19 PM): when you have at work on your online status... thats why you didn't get info from me... common sense there Hockey Chick (2/5/2008 9:36:23 PM): whatever makes u feel better kingrod01 (2/5/2008 9:36:59 PM): i see some serious mental issues here big time kingrod01 (2/5/2008 9:37:20 PM): your friends as well especially when then leave a message and block me afterwards... cowards i see Hockey Chick (2/5/2008 9:37:21 PM): wow...yeah for you kingrod01 (2/5/2008 9:37:25 PM): but i don't play games Hockey Chick (2/5/2008 9:37:30 PM): they were blocked first
Watching Scotty Grow
Watch Out People.......
watch out people, theres a girl on here that likes to take people pics and put them on here page, she had 10 off my pics on here page, and she told me that she had copied them before my ex chazz , made the private, her name isSweet~n~Wet.
Watch Out People....
Watching The Day
WATCHING THE DAY The sun begins to rise As the moon drifts down Towards the sea Submerged for a day Ready to begin another night The rays begin to warm the day Touching and caressing Easing over the ground, the trees The buildings brace for the heat That will begin the day ahead People emerge from the slumber of the moon To begin a day with the sun The streets are slowly filling Cars gaining momentum, Buses stopping and starting People walking to and fro The working day begins with pace As the sun heats, the traffic quickens The pulse of the city has awoken Gambling on a day is a common ritual Watching from my window The day passes slowly But for those below the day may never end.
Watch Out Mo'fos
There's a Chance You Could Be Violent Overall, you're a pretty chill person - and you have a good handle on your emotions. Sometimes your anger gets the best of you, and end up regretting how you act. Try to curb your temper more often. It only has to get out of control once to do some damage. Could You Be Violent?
Watch This Space...
I have to apologize as I haven't been as Johnny-on-the-spot as I'd hoped with these but I will soon be posting more of my FuOwned friends. So watch for more of these soon -
Watch Out For This Asshole
Watch this asshole especially if your female. He is stealing womens pics and the low rating. mrnobody@ fubar (repost of original by 'Stone Cold -aka- "Snake Eye's Radio Security" Belleza's DORK' on '2008-03-18 02:01:37')
Watch Out For Her She Is Nothing But Drama
watch out for this person she is fake and nothing but drama and if she tries to contact u and say diff ask her why she only has one pic and no salutes and she will tell u she dont know how to work her scanner and she will offer to send it to u so u can do it and if u say ok here is my address she will say she dont want to write it down she is nothing but trouble i just want to warn people thanks for taking the time to read this here is her fubar page
Watch Out For This Assclown!!!!
Watching You Fall - Savatage
There In the dark There¹s a child and she¹s waiting Lost in the maze of a fait accompli Is it a crime to be just hesitating While we¹re pretending that we never see On a TV mounted on the wall From this distance I can see it all And I¹ve been out here Watching you Watching you fall Is there a trick to the art of not feeling Safe in our world while another¹s child bleeds Praying that God won¹t demand a redealing Of cards we have held and pretend you don¹t need On a TV mounted on the wall From this distance I can see it all And I¹ve been out here Watching you Watching you fall Better not think about it In time we¹ll start to doubt it Christ has risen Keep him hidden God forbid he sees It¹s not that we lack the vision Only just a quick decision Who will blame us Rules restrain us It¹s all in history So close my eyes and pretend I am sleeping Avoiding the chance that you¹ll visit my dreams On a TV mounted on the wall From this distance I can see it all And
Watch A Movie Called Loving Lulu >>
with patrick Swayzee and Melanie Griffith , It will help to understand my answer on a friends Mum Of cheatin...per mis quis tittle of mum. Hugs diama
Watch Out For This Guy He Is A Down Rater
Watch This Lady
Jesus is in the car, all things are possible: Watch this 92 year old lady:
Watch For Motorcycles
I am reposting this off a friends page whose son was injured in a bad motorcycle wreck....Hugs and blessings to u both... BIKERS For all who Know Motorcycle Riders I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant. But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children. But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me,
The Watcher
It's Happy Hour!! Come Join The Fun!! The Watcher Is Hosting Happy Hour Today At 5:00 pm CST. (8:00 pm EDT) He Was A Level 24 When His Profile Got Deleted. He's Trying To Rebuild And Get Back Where He Should Be. Please Stop By His Page And Show Him Lots Of Love!! ~~The Watcher~~Shadow Leveler~~@ fubar
Watch Out.....
Watch The Sunset From Google Earth 4.3
There's a new beta version of Google Earth available which features revamped navigation controls and some slick new layers like 3-D photo-realistic buildings in major cities and time-lapse views of sunsets and sunrises. Also new in Google Earth 4.3 is access to the street view movies found in Google Maps. Just click any of the camera icons and the familiar street view window will pop up. The new navigation controls take some getting used to, but once you have the hang of it they offer considerable more control over panning and tilting. Also handy is the new “North” button which quickly orients your current view by rotating until north is at the top. The sunrise and sunset movies are also quite impressive. Just fly to a location you’d like to see and click the “sun” button in the toolbar. That will bring up a small timeline graphic and you can either hit play or drag the timeline slider to watch the day unfold. Google Earth 4.3 is still a beta and certain features appear to
Watching Movies Online
The quality is hit and miss, but most I've watched are pretty good, just some have so many parts to it. Today I watched Prom Night and Street Kings and they are still in the theaters or just released in the theaters. Hope you enjoy!
Watching The Brothel
Watching The Brothel Two Irishmen were sitting at a pub having beer and watching the brothel across the street. They saw a Baptist minister walk into the brothel, and one of them said, "Aye, 'tis a shame to see a man of the cloth goin' bad." A bit later, they saw a Rabbi enter the brothel, and the other Irishman said, "Aye, 'tis a shame to see that the Jews are fallin' victim to temptation as well." Then they see a Catholic priest enter the brothel, and one of the Irishmen said, "What a terrible pity ... one of the girls must be dying'."
Watch Out For This Bitch
Watch It!!!
I got up early this morning, per usual, then laid back down and I had a dream about Mac N Cheese and brenDUH!!! I know its Lessie Thursday and all, but it wasn't a bad girl dream *giggling* have a great day! P.S where are my snapvine calls?
Watch What You Say It May Come Back To Haunt
so... earlier this week i had announced i was "killing off family" i meant it. but i didn't mean real life family. Jay... i'll miss your grumpy snarl, wit and wisdom. noone could ever cultivate mushies like you did, bud and other stuff. you stinkin hippie. i'll miss your crazy big fat suspenders (you said theyre not braces) lol you're back with your bonnie now and forever. sleep well
The Watcher Is In The Hospital & Needs Help With A Contest Tonight.
The Watcher Is In A 2 Hour Bombing Shoot Out Tonight. He Needs His Family And Friends Help. He Was Admitted Into The Hospital This Afternoon For Chest Pains And Will Not Be Able To Work On His Own Contest. He Is Planning On Giving The 1st Place Prize To Another Fu As A Surprise (If He Wins It). All Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated. The Contest Starts At 6 PM Fu-Time, 8 PM Central, and 9 PM EST. Below Is His Contest Link.
Watch Those Buttons
One day John decides to invite Mark on a trip on his private jet. Whilst on this luxury aeroplane Mark asks where the toilet is. John shows him and says to him "inside there are 3 buttons, whatever you do don't press the third one." Mark proceeds to the toilet and does his business. Whilst sitting on the toilet he presses the first button. Suddenly his privates are cleaned thoroughly. He enjoys this and presses the second button. Dryers appear and dry his privates. He is intrigued to find out what button 3 does, so he pushes it. The next thing Mark sees is John staring at him....."what happened?" Mark asks shakily. "Well you pressed the third button and now you are in hospital." "Why do my privates hurt so bad?" Mark asked anxiously..John replies "Well you activated the automatic tampon remover."
Watch The Clip.
Watch the clip. People have raised questions about the report's accuracy because the claims are not backed by another source, only the "promise" that a Time Magazine report is set to confirm the rumor. Until such a report emerges many have reserved judgment or outright dismissed the story as a hoax. What is documented, as the story underscores, is the fact that TELUS' wireless web package allows only restricted pay-per-view access to a selection of corporate and news websites. This is the model that the post-2012 Internet would be based on. People have noted that the authors of the video seem to be more concerned about getting people to subscribe to their You Tube account than fighting for net neutrality by prominently featuring an attractive woman who isn't shy about showing her cleavage. The vast majority of the other You Tube videos hosted on the same account consist of bizarre avante-garde satire skits on behalf of the same people featured in the Internet freedom cl
Watch These Catholic Girls Get Schooled
Watching Her Dreams
Watching Her Dreams Sticky in the tangle of limbs, lying too alive in the crack between bed and wall, elbow in back. Her breaths butterfly wingbeats, spidery lashes flutter the night's wishes and passions past her eyes. Full lips parted, a bit of crust on the corner; sweet Jesus we sweat. She shifts with "Hardly a fair shake" and I wonder who she dreams of. If I stop thought I'll sleep. The effort awakens me. It's day; the sun rose in an eyeblink. She shifts- asked, says she didn't dream.
The Watcher...contest Ends July 9th @ Noon Fubar Time
Watch Out For Scam Artists!!!!
Please repost this!!! Like everyone, I was contacted by a man on fubar. I willingly gave him my Yahoo ID.... He claims to be with a company called Chally Company. A branch of the usa well care foundation. He wants to AND THESE ARE HIS EXACT WORDS.... you know i told you that people here likes our goods, some agents also working for the foundation,,,,,,,, will have to send me the goods to my house in state,,,,,,,,, but you know i am not in state now, so i need someone to collect the goods for me..and i will send a courrier pick up to pick them up from the person, after i do the label and you paste it on the goods box Now, through out this conversation, he was "moved" so now he needs my assistance. We all know any real company would have these things taken care of, and not need their employees to hustle people from online to move their goods. Once confronted he began telling me he was not the owner of that email address Which is He stated
Watch New Movies Free
WALL-EVersion 1 works real well, a little fuzzy, there is a 5 min cartoon before movie starts. "WALL-E" Genre: Comedy / Animation / Family / Romance / Sci-Fi Release: 2008 July Rtg: 9/10 (2427 votes) HANCOCKFull movie Version 4 says 5min preview, d/l veoh and you can watch the whole thing. "Hancock" Genre: Action / Fantasy / Comedy / Drama Release: 2008 July Rtg:
Watch This Tornado Form
Watch What You Say
One evening, while thinking I was being funny, I said to my wife "Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in Slim Fast. Maybe it would take an inch or 2 off of your butt!"! My wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn't let such a comment go unrewarded. The next morning I took a pair of underwear out of my drawer, "What is this?" I said to myself as a little dust cloud appeared when I shook them out. "Connie", I hollered into the bathroom, "Why did you put talcum powder in my underwear?" She replied..... It's not talcum powder, it's Miracle Grow!"
Watch The Video Here; Written Transcript Follows:
Watch You
watch you. Your eyes and lips in perfect cadence as you tell the stout waiter with too much oil in his hair Everything is fine- Great, in fact. You blink. I think how wonderful it would be to build a nest for myself there, in your eyelashes, and at any given moment I could roll over and dive into those hazel tempests, gladly writhing and drowning forever. Better than this, I long to be that small breath you take between your last sentence and your next. Effortless, unnoticed, but totally necessary. That could be me. I hear you. Soft-spoken words of roads with known directions, and questions ending in periods in that familiar, peculiar way you ask them. Sweet sound. I’m found Wondering how I could possibly niche myself there in the slope of your ear, to whisper my timbres of reassurances and promises that last beyond forever. Better than this, I long to be that small breath you take between your last sentence and your next. Effortless, unnotic
Watch And Discuss
a href="">Check out this video: JACK BOIZ ..Add to My Profile | More Videos ~THIS IS NOT SPAM AT ALL~ What’s up this boi P.C. THA GREAT! Look i don't know what type of music you listen to or what you might be listening to at the moment but i just wanted to tell you that on JULY 15th i'll be releasing my first WORLD WIDE album courtesy SHO NO MERCY RECORDS/TAKE OVA MANAGEMENT.During spring break i sold over 3,000 promo copies of the cd just to see what people think and say about the little time i spent in the studio.Of course i got some bad comments but more good!The bad comments mostly come from people who wanted to hear the same ol stuff and nothin new but all the good comments came from people who wanted to hear something new and not the same ol same ol stuff!The good mostly out weighted the bad,which kinda mad me feel good and gave me confidence besides the confidence i already built u
Watch And Discuss
a href="">Check out this video: JACK BOIZ ..Add to My Profile | More Videos ~THIS IS NOT SPAM AT ALL~ What’s up this boi P.C. THA GREAT! Look i don't know what type of music you listen to or what you might be listening to at the moment but i just wanted to tell you that on JULY 15th i'll be releasing my first WORLD WIDE album courtesy SHO NO MERCY RECORDS/TAKE OVA MANAGEMENT.During spring break i sold over 3,000 promo copies of the cd just to see what people think and say about the little time i spent in the studio.Of course i got some bad comments but more good!The bad comments mostly come from people who wanted to hear the same ol stuff and nothin new but all the good comments came from people who wanted to hear something new and not the same ol same ol stuff!The good mostly out weighted the bad,which kinda mad me feel good and gave me confidence besides the confidence i already built u
Watch Very Closely
Watch very closely what the other hand's doing for it is paying Paul. President Bush has shuffled military benefits. 4-12-03
Watch This
Watching Clouds
A sublime refrain re-affirming the divine in Heaven's grandeur; Cotton-candy explosions of pastels fading away. 9-1-03
Watch Free Movies Online
Hi everyone, How would you like to be able to watch movies online for free any time you want. I mean new releases, and classics. If so I have a great site that you will love. I've been watching all the new movies that have been coming out, and I never have to pay a dime. If you would like access to this site please signup for my free Pay Pal Money Market Account by using the link at the bottom, and sending $5.00 your email address, and site request to If you already have a Pay Pal account just send $5.00 your email address and site request and I will send you an instant link to the site as soon as I recieve your response. Thanks for your business and I am sure that you will be using this site for years to come. P.S. You must have broadbrand internet service.
Watching Others Eat
The act of eating can be very telling in a dream, or it can simply stand for basic survival. Did you acquire your food in the normal manner or in some unusual way? Is the food recognizable to you or is it something you've never had? Watching others eat may reflect a deficit concerning your own material or emotional needs. This may be from a pity-party perspective or from the view that others are gluttonous. In this case, it is worth it to ask who you are watching eat and why haven't they invited you to join. What style of eating is prevalent in the dream? Grotesque gorging and gluttony may indicate excess in your life or the relationship you share with other eaters. Is the food consumed with great ritual and sacred decorum? This may indicate a sense of providence or divine guidance in an aspect of life.
Watchya Know?
Okay, new thought here, after doing this for a while this is kind of the Doctors pop quiz. After listening to the many variations of relationship woes, many lasting for years or short time, it is now quiz time. What do you really know about your b/f, g/f, fiancee, spouse, s/o? Can you really name 10 things about them or even better yet 10 things that you know about them that they either don't know themselves or don't think you know? Need a hint to start? Okay, what is their favorite song to slow dance to? Could you go to a store and buy something for them and it be the right size? What is their shoe size? Should I continue? Wish I could hear the comments that make you all think, but really, are they your best friend or not? Just my 2 cents.
Watch & Tell Me What You Think
Watch 'is Here, Its A Video
Watching Her Dreams
Sticky in the tangle of limbs, lying too alive in the crack between bed and wall, elbow in back. Her breaths butterfly wingbeats, spidery lashes flutter the night's wishes and passions past her eyes. Full lips parted, a bit of crust on the corner; sweet Jesus we sweat. She shifts with "Hardly a fair shake" and I wonder who she dreams of. If I stop thought I'll sleep. The effort awakens me. It's day; the sun rose in an eyeblink. She shifts- asked, says she didn't dream.
Watchdog Tallies Pressure On Activists At Olympics
Media monitor Reporters Without Borders said Friday at least 47 foreign pro-Tibetan activists have been expelled and 22 foreign journalists detained or manhandled by police or other authorities during the Beijing Olympics. Among those detained were two American video bloggers sentenced to 10-day prison terms for “disrupting public order,” a statement from the group said. It said at least 50 Beijing-based human rights activists have been detained, harassed or forced to leave the capital. The Paris-based group spearheaded protests calling for increased freedom of expression in China ahead of the Olympics. The group’s leader, Robert Menard, said Chinese authorities’ pledges “about media freedom and the right to protest were an illusion.” Beijing Public Security Bureau spokesman Wang Wenjie declined to comment, saying it did not have an overall figure of foreign activists deported and journalists detained during the Summer Games. Reference:
Watch This
Watching Over You
I know he's watching over you, Just like he always did. You remember all those times, From when you were a kid. Watched you as you rode your bike, He even pushed you on the swing. Watched with pride when you went to Prom, And when on your finger went a wedding ring. I know he watches you even now, Though he seems so far away. Think of him quite often, He hears the sweet things you say.
Watch For Bikers
BIKERS For all who know motorcycle riders I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant. But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children. But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But, you
Watching The Wheels - John Lennon
Watching the Wheelsby John Lennon People say Im crazy doing what Im doing Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin When I say that Im o.k. well they look at me kind of strange Surely youre not happy now you no longer play the game People say Im lazy dreaming my life away Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me When I tell them that Im doing fine watching shadows on the wall Dont you miss the big time boy youre no longer on the ball Im just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding on the merry-go-round I just had to let it go Ah, people asking questions lost in confusion Well I tell them theres no problem, only solutions Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if Ive lost my mind I tell them theres no hurry Im just sitting here doing time Im just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding
Watch The Movie Trailer For Save The Brave
Watch The Trailer:
Watch Out For This Guy
Watch What U Pray For And How U Ask 4 It
Addict name Carlton with 53 days Clean & Sober I like 2 Thank the God of my overstandin 2 allow me another opportunity 2 do his will not mine. This Is the process I have 2 achieve and I strive everyday, down 2 the ticks in between the tocks 2 do on a light 2 darkness basis (those of u that are lost morning 2 night). Anyhow, when I looked at what I have achieved I definitely have 2 say thank you 2 God. Cuz u see I was a ruthless character, who auditioned lames 4 my big apple rawkus. Most times when I was torturing those claimin they street certified and official were nothing but run of the mill paper weight clowns, I really and truly felt they deserved what the hell they asked 4, me! A nigga with a cunning and demonic disease that was like semore, on little shop of horrors, hollerin out feed me. So in return what ever u had, might as well shared, cuz I had it now. I was like really resembling the shit I didn’t like Stupidity, cuz I knew betta. O, how the days have a way of
Watch And Reply
What is your Honest opinions you be the judge.....
Watch Out 4 Him!
This creep has a happy hour today at 7pm fubar time, so thought before people head to his page to give him some fu-luv, you should read all about him ... PukinDog143!!**Read my profile and try rating!!! Here is a blog to read with screen shots as proof of what he has been upto ... click here You will also see on that blog a conversation we had to show how he speaks to people as well. As many people know, when you're on your way to the next level, your page and bar tab go crazy, and it is so hard to keep up and even rate everyone back. Most don't mind this and are just happy to help you out and get their share of the points, but not him. He did rate my stuff but was then complaining a few hours later about me not rating his pics back, which I thought I had, I must of been getting him mixed up with someone else I returned the rates too. I had re-rated his profile and given him a bling for his help though. He has done the same to a friend of mine too. He got a bling off of
Watch And Learn!!!
Watch Harold And Kumar Escape From Guatanamo Bay(very Very Funny Movie)
Watch This: Sfw 70's Porn!
ok..maybe not "sfw"....but still hillarious!
Watch Out Ladies
Share with your sisters, daughters, nieces, mothers, and female friends. This Incident has been confirmed. In Katy , TX A man came over and offered his services as a painter to a female putting gas in her car and left his card. She said no,but accepted his card out of kindness and got in the car. The man then got into a car driven by another gentleman. As the lady left the service station, she saw the men following her out of the station at the same time. Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the window and realized that the odor was on her hand; the same hand which accepted the card from the gentleman at the gas station. She then noticed the men were immediately behind her and she felt she needed to do something at that moment. She drove into the first driveway and began to honk her horn repeatedly to ask for help. The men drove away but the lady still felt pretty bad for several minutes afte
The Watcher Needs Lots Of Loving!
My dear brother, The Watcher, seems to feel that BooBoo and I are conspiring against him. Well I guess he is right. He is so good at dishing out love to all of Fubar, so let's see how good he is at receiving it! Please stop by his page and shower him with lots of love!! WATCHER Vice President of GIT ~R~DONE & PROUD MEMBER OF THE CONFEDREATE BOMBERS And Shadow lev@ fubar
Watch Out
Watch Out He'z A Flirt!!
Hey Fu'z Its The One And Only Dj BabyBoy!! He Is Always Pimpn Ppl Out Tryin To Help Out As Much As He Can.. So Letz Go ♥ Him Up!! Rate,Fan,Add,BLING THE HELL OUTTA HIM HardCore Fu Style!!! :) :::ClicK:::HeRe:::Wht:::R:::U:::WaiTinG:::4::: $Dj' BABY BOY${D.S.C}O.GPimp of the Pu$$cat Playmates Owned by ~CynzDreams ~&Naughty by Nature@ fubar :::PimPd:::WiT:::♥:::By::: ☆})i({☆@ fubar
Watch If U Dare To Accept The Real Emotions U Will Feel And Make A Difference
the following video was posted in victorias stash, this is a real portral of man kinds DARK cruel reactions and portral... there is graphic images that when u watch u ask ur self.. "how can any one be so cruel" simple... it is a real and accurate emotion and reaction that MANY people have within each and every one of us..and some..not many choose to act on this ... now... instead of sitting there and saying oh this is inhuman... do u dare to really take a look at ur self and then turn and look around u and make a simple and SMALL difference in YOUR CORNER OF YOUR WORLD... get involved w ur local animal shelter...local battered womans shelter.. local homeless shelter.... it dosent take much...
The Watcher Is In A Contest. First Place Winner Will Receive An Auto-11 Bling Contest Starts November 20th At 9:00 AM Eastern And Will Last For One Week. Comments Count As 1 Point And Rates Count As 3 Points. Please If You Can't Leave A Few Comments, Stop By And At Least Rate It For the Watcher. Any And All Help Will Be Greatly Appreciated. Thank You For Taking The Time To Read This Bulletin And Thank You For Helping The Watcher. This Pimpout Bulletin Has Been Brought To You By : ~CONFEDERATE BOMBER FAMILY OF FUBAR ™©~@ fubar (repost of original by '~CONFEDERATE BOMBER FAMILY OF FUBAR ™©~' on '2008-11-20 08:36:40')
Watch Out For This Guy
there is a guy going around asking really stupid questions and being an ass. plz show support and if he comes across your page or tries to talk to you tell him to fuck off or whatever you can. and if you are curious about the questions hes asking think of them as the ones you all hate being asked and what not. hugs and kisses to all my friends and family and especially to the one who brought this jackass to my attention you know who you are. here is your link.... texascountrysinger23@ fubar
Watch Out! Moron *talking*
read it bottom up!! khomatoser: what about in the bathroom or in your car? you can park somewhere private. khomatoser: you'll WANT to make time babe... I enjoy doing the *talking* khomatoser: LOl... yeah hours from now! ->khomatoser: when i get home, i should khomatoser: oh really? well where/when will you have adequate privacy over the phone babe? ->khomatoser: i won't get home for a couple of hours khomatoser: hmmm... that might work. Will you have privacy over the phone at home? ->khomatoser: about 30 min or so khomatoser: bummer babe... how much longer? ->khomatoser: not right now...i'm working, but i'll be off soon khomatoser: honestly, I could care less for the phone, with the exception if its for something like this. Can you get privacy over the phone there? ->khomatoser: i'm here. i just don't usually talk on the phone much khomatoser: still with me babe? khomatoser: I wouldnt say so if it werent so. ->khomatoser
Wat Cum Up With Next
this is a cool site an new to this but it looks fun an has my attention. which tats hard to do! i had a sweet lady to invite to tis sit an i owe her! thank you NELLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch This.
Watch Out For Scammers
The Watch
The is read at all Navy retirements ceremonies. Note: The number of years are read differently depending on how many years the member served. The Watch For twenty years, This sailor has stood the watch While some of us were in our bunks at night, This sailor stood the watch While some of us were in school learning our trade, This shipmate stood the watch Yes...even before some of us were born into this world, This shipmate stood the watch In those years when the storm clouds of war were seen brewing on the horizon of history, This shipmate stood the watch Many times he would cast an eye ashore and see his family standing there, Needing his guidance and help, Needing that hand to hold during those hard times, But he still stood the watch He stood the watch for twenty years, He stood the watch so that we, our families, And our fellow countrymen could sleep soundly in safety, Each and every night, Knowing that a sailor stood the watch Today we are her
Watching The Sun Rise Again...
Maybe this whole, not being able to sleep thing has it's perks. The days seems to be blending in together. And I get silly. I get moments where, I can actually lay my head down and sleep for, say, seven hours. But, that happens like once a week. Sleeping pills I might take when I really feel sick from not sleeping. I don't want to be dependent on a pil, it's just not my style. I mean I used to be able to sleep on my own, what happened? Everyone asks me why I can't sleep, like I have an answer, if I did have an answer, don't you think I would have solved this problem? One day bleeds into the next, but I function. I make it, it's like you'd never even know. Hopefully, I'll get my sleep back. If not, well, there will me more writing like this at 8AM after I stayed up all fucking night.
Watchmen Movie Gets The Go-ahead
"Superhero movie Watchmen will be released as planned on 6 March after two Hollywood studios resolved a legal dispute over copyright. 20th Century Fox blocked the $130m (£87m) Warner Bros movie claiming it had held the film rights since 1986." Source : Haha!! Relief.
Watch This...
Watch Zeitgeist!
Please as an American citizen, please go to ZEITGEISTMOVIE.COM and watch this movie or DL it. It will change your life. Just for a glimpse of what this is about, google: WTC 7 and see if that sparks your interest. Also if you wanna see more, DL Loose Change, it is similar. BG
Watch Out For This Member, She's Nothing But Trouble
· Julieag33 "FU-... just checked you out! 1 hr ago Anyone that knows me, knows I wouldn't even make a blog like this, but this so called woman, has caused so much drama and problems between me and Dale, she lives in KY, 4 kids, but lives on the net, causing problems in my life and god knows who elses, in my opinion she needs to get a fukin life, get off the pc spend time with her kids and clean her house, she defines the term "white trash" I have several screen shots of her stalking my page, several emails from her lieing etc...its really disgusting, for her being 33, having 4 kids, but lives on a website stalking me, just proves she needs to seek sum mental help, I'm the nicest person, but if this person lived close to me, I'd have to kick her azz sideways lol I've been on fubar almost 3 yrs now and this b!tch has been the worst, whats funny is she is a newer member, no salute, makes one wonder......I am a good judge of character and just looking at her pics, she looks ill and lik
Watch It
Watch Out - Down Rater On The Loose
Beware of this guy, he's giving 1's Semper_Fi_Joe@ fubar · Semper_Fi_Joe rated your photo a '1'! 3 mins ago
Watching People Play Video Games
Have you ever noticed when you see some one playing video games they trash talk the tv? Its really funny some times
Watch Bird Shakes His Tailfeather Like Never Before
Watchmen Oon Imax going to see Watchmen on IMAX today just wanted to rub it in Neener neener neener
I finally saw Watchmen and loved it. I'm normally an insane literalist when it comes to movie adaptations, but in this case I think that the cuts and small changes that Snyder made streamlined and, dare I say, improved the story. I even think that the movie ending might be better then the original. Then again, I was never a big fan of the squid. I always thought that it was a bit cheesy and didn't really fit in with the rest of the book. If you've read the book and, for some reason, haven't seen it ... go now (or the next showing). If you haven't read the book ... read it now an then go to the next showing. An absolute must see.
"Who watches the WATCHMEN?!?" Ehhh, I wish I didn't. Quickly rewind to the 80's... Alan Moore writes a "ground-breaking" comic mini-series for DC comics. It was "criticaly acclaimed" and has MANY re-publications... Now, fast-forward to NOW. WATCHMEN gets made into a feature film. It gets the same reviews as the book (despite the fact it's author HATES the flick). That being said, I think they made the comic book come to life. There were scenes in the movie that were shot EXACTLY like frames from the book. ...that's about the only redeeming quality I found. BOTTOM LINE: If you're a fan of the comic, go see it. If not, rent the DVD if you're curious. It's 2 hours and 42 minutes, so ask yourself... do you really want to be without a "PAUSE" button during this?!? WATCHMEN on
Watch My A$$ Shake
Emily Needs your help! She's going on a walk, and as MUCH as you'd like to be behind her, wondering if fries go with that .... hmmmm ... Look ..... She's got a Kidney Foundation Walk a Thon coming up! This is a charity that is VERY close to her heart. Not as sexy nor fun as Bewbs, but there is still a GREAT need. You CAN get behind her, and um, ...... help her out. Click the pic below to hit her Kidney Walk page. Who knows, maybe she'll post a pic or two .... yeah, I DO like shakes !!! mmHmm Catch her act here: Emily O' IMAX ☆ THE IMAX EXPERIENCE ~ see more, hear more, feel more ☆@ fubar   Made with Love by Tappinit ... uh huh, yup yup ... wrote it blind since i cant see it on the Bar .. miss u all!!
Watch Out For This Guy He Is A Downrater
I dont know what this guy problem is but he started downrateing my stuff for no reason so watch out for him.
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Watching My Heart Die
Watching My Heart Die I am alone now in my misery All the love I have rotting in the dark With so much more left to give Now my eyes have lost their spark I was not your first choice I am not even on that list Instead of kissing my love It is death I have kissed Your happiness is my loss As this silence deteriorates my life I scream but you do not hear My feelings only cause more strife Each tear I shed is another moment away from you Look away My Love don’t watch me cry I will just lay next to your picture Watching My Heart Die
or go here or
Watch Out For This One
I am going to make this short and to the point! Beware of this one! She said she was Single and then once I had Blinged her twice, her fiance came to my page and thanked me for looking out for her! This one is a con-artist, she got me for two Bling and she should have been real, instead of lying like she did! I try to be as honest as I possibly can be and I would not feed someone a bunch of shit to get something out of them, that just isn't cool but hey, she will not be the last to pull a scam like that! Lisa Babe
Watching Others Eat
The act of eating can be very telling in a dream, or it can simply stand for basic survival. Did you acquire your food in the normal manner or in some unusual way? Is the food recognizable to you or is it something you've never had? Watching others eat may reflect a deficit concerning your own material or emotional needs. This may be from a pity-party perspective or from the view that others are gluttonous. In this case, it is worth it to ask who you are watching eat and why haven't they invited you to join. What style of eating is prevalent in the dream? Grotesque gorging and gluttony may indicate excess in your life or the relationship you share with other eaters. Is the food consumed with great ritual and sacred decorum? This may indicate a sense of providence or divine guidance in an aspect of life.
i liked it, not alot else i can say. it was made from a comic book, so if you arent into that then you may not want to see it. if you like comics, action or blue penis, this movie is for you,.   it was pretty close to the book, book was better but they usually are. its a group of heroes who are retired more or less and its about them kinda getting back into the swing of things after sitting out for a bit. check it out but be warned, its 2.5 hours long.   ( o )( o )( o )                 3 bewbs
Watching Over You
Watching Over You © By Portorican PrincessSo as you shiver in the cold and the dark,Look into the fire and see in its spark-My eyeWatching over youAs you walk in the wind's whistling claws,Listen past the howling of the wolf's jaws.My songComes to youAnd when you're lost in trackless snow,Look up high above the eagles go.My starShines for youIn deep, dark mine or on crumbling peak,Hear the words of Love I speak.My thoughtsAre with youYou are not forsakenYour are not forgottenThe North cannot swallow youThe snow cannot bury youI will come for youEverything will get warmerAnd the gods will smileBut oh, my love, guard yourself well-All this may not happen for a long, long while.
Watch Out!
My friends who know me well, know that me showing anger is about as likely as Florida getting snow in July.  Or the Cubs winning the World Series.  Or the Mets not choking and losing the NL East to the Phillies (thats for Brandi and Ari lol). Today, after growing frustration with my business partner, I had a mini meltdown. :)  Between the 2 calls, I think I dropped the F bomb at least a dozen times... hung up on him.. and threw the phone lol.  And it was a well deserved meltdown too. But for me to show it?  Watch out! It is actually quite a breakthrough for me.  After my divorce, I went through therapy for awhile. (It's been a LONG time.. so I am quite sane now actually lol... I think)  I had so much bottled up inside, so much hurt, so much anger.  And I had kept it inside so long, I forgot how to show it.  My therapist wanted me to go home, take a baseball bat and beat on the bed to help me find a way to release anger.  I've had friends try to get me  to scream or yell about the th
Watch Out Ladies   If you want to know if the guy you are dating is a former scumbag, this is the site for you. Check it out, just enter his name or nickname in the search engine. You won't be disappointed.
Watch Out For This Guy......
Randy the Vampire... jerk is going around & stealing pictures. Don't bother downrating him, just block him right away...try to do it when he's not online since he'll be able to get to them before you can block him. There's nothing you can do but set your profile to "friend's only" & mark your folders the same.Just a head's up so he doesn't get yours, too! Brenda
2 Watch You Leave...
To Watch You Leaving . . .is to know such pain, it's jagged edges tearing into my soul. As a stake from the garden tears into the warm, dark earth.To Watch You Leaving . . .knowing all the while that never again will I fit myself, warm with sleep, against your solid back.Nor hear your steady breathing. Or feel the beating of your heart.To Watch You Leaving . . .aware in every moment of every day that my dreams, my future; once tied with silken ribbons to yours, will never come to be.And the mornings once so silent and hopeful, us gazing at the mountains and so gently awaiting forever - are now but small pieces of my past.To Watch You Leaving . . .your heart a tight fist of anger and your dry eyes betraying nothing of you. I cry for both of us, my love, because you will not.To Watch You Leaving . . .is to know that I've lost my place on this earth. My station. My heart's home. That I will wander, forever a nomad. Alone and afraid. And in my troubled dreams watch you leave, again and aga
Watch Over You
Watch Over YouLeaves are on the groundFall has comeBlue skies turning greyLike my loveI tried to carry youAnd make you wholeBut it was never enoughI must go Who is gonna save youWhen I'm gone?And who'll watch over youWhen I'm gone?You say you care for meBut hide it wellHow can you love someoneAnd not yourself?And when I'm goneWho will break your fall?Who will you blame?I can't go onAnd let you lose it allIt's more than I can takeWho'll ease your pain?Ease your painWho is gonna save you when I'm gone?Who'll watch over you?Who will give you strength when you're not strong.Who'll watch over you when I've gone away?Snow is on the groundWinters comeYou long to hear my voiceBut I'm long gone
Watch Out For Him He Will Scam U
watch out for this fucking guy he scammed a good friend of mine and now she is out of alot of fubucks buecause of this jerk   Little Angel AKA Michelle,OWNED BY KAT1114 SHADOW LEVAL:this fucking jerk scamed me out of 6 mill told me he would send me a 65 credit bling pack, i sent the fubucks but he didnt sent the bling pack 
To watch and witness all our thoughts and to believe in them through acting out, either in a positive way or in a negative manner can only help us as we grow inwardly to allow our minds to dwell on what is of value to us and what is valueless; which is your goal? For one you see as means; the other, end. And one must serve the other and lead to its predominance.Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; It becomes your destiny.
Watch It There Are Petite Nudes...
since that is all people care about anyway
Watch Your Usb's
It seems some have influnace a sexy greek geek of mine to become a nun... THis is a tragidy to man(and woman) kind. If this person continues to uncorup people whom will I play with .. Whom will I talk about tub rubbing with, or coke can cocks? who will i ask if this bra looks good with or with out panties?... Who will be my Greek Goddess of Perversion? .... It is my soul purpose to put a stop to this madness at once.... I will snap ubs's if i must.        *shuns!*
Watch Out For The Username Archlight Here On Fubar
ok this is a warning to all woman and men look out for the name Archlight he is a fake and likes to use woman he is a freeloader that moved here 4 months ago and likes to drink ALOT he has nothing in Michigan or NY so dont let him fool you. As far as sex goes well ladies I think he likes MEN
Watch It I Hope You Like
Watching My Heartbeat Slow (palindrome)
Watching My Heartbeat Slow   Crawling further away from me My eyes blacken in the pain watching you My skin withers as it freezes Sirens scream slicing the night’s silence Machines monitor my slow demise As my chariot races to save me I watch the line begin to flatten Watching My Heartbeat Slow I watch the line begin to flatten As my chariot races to save me Machines monitor my slow demise Sirens scream slicing the night’s silence
Watching It Fall Apart?
ok, so I'm not one who will normally share my family's business...but this one has me shaken and I'm jsut not sure how to wrap my head around it. My parents, who have been married for almost 29 years have a 50/50 chance of divorcing. I'm just not sure how to handle this. I mean, wow. And it's all over fucking money! They're going to throw away 29 years together over the almighty fucking dollar.   Now, the reasonable part of me knows that they will work this out. Hell, they've been through a whole hell of a lot worse. But the daughter sude of me wants to rail and scream and throw myself on the floor and have a hissy fit. There are my parents!!! It's one thing for my own marriage to fall apart, but something different when I look at their marriage, watched them for 28 years pull through so much.   I mean I pictured my own marriage after theirs. Yeah, they fought and argued, but they ALWAYS worked through it. I just don't know what to think and feel about all of this.   Anyone readi
Watch Your Savior Die
Welcome to my world, let me show you aroundI been found to be funny but don't you call me a clownMy name is Lucifer, I was once cast downBut now I'm back in the flesh and now I'm takin' my crownAnd I'm payin' your Gods back for all the pain that I've feltEternal darkness and damnation is all I've gotten for myselfAnd when you're in the dark ten thousand years you hold a grudgeSo through possession of the flesh, I'm gonna be the judgeOf your Christ, your savior, your Godsend prophetAnd you can hold your crucifix but you can't stop thisI'm on a mission to destroy your GodsAnd through the doctrines of the damned shall all mankind rotYeah, and now that I'm here tell me what you want to doShall you pray to your savior or take my hand and let me lead youI'll bleed you like you were the King of the JewsCrucify the punk of God masturbating to the museNow that I'm here all your saviors dieWhen they look into my eyes they're gonna die die die die die dieOpen up your ears I can smell your fearsMa
Watchmen Movie Review
Check out my review of The Watchmen at -
Watch And Laugh
Watch Me Bleed
Watch Me Bleed By: Lady Ember   Do you want to watch me bleed? See the pain released from me? Leave this life of insanity? Or is it just your darkest dream?   Losing you I thought I'd die you don't know the weeks I cried you told me you'd love me an eternity wish you would.. have just killed me.   Do you want to watch me bleed? See the pain released from me? Leave this life of insanity? Or is it just your darkest dream?   I live in silent screaming pain a sense of love I will never regain am I destined to be alone? to wade through this darkness on my own?  
Watch Or For This Girl this girl is on here begging for money for rent she is telling everyone her baby daddy died and left her with little money she already used it all and is behind on rent several months and she dont have a job and CYFD is already involved and she dont wanna loose her baby well a real WOMAN would do anything for her child but yet she is on the internet begging for money to pay rent instead of getting off her ass and getting a job. if she can afford internet how in the hell can she not afford to pay rent.
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Watch Out For This Jerk He Treats Women Like S***
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Watch And Win From 9-2 Thru 9-5
Ok here we go...... From now thru 9-5 which is my Birthday, I'm holding a contest for pic rates.   It's easy and free and everyone wins!! Please note, I'm doing this to try and level for my birthday and nothing more. Its not a flashy contest for bling or cash offers or anything else.  Just for fun, love and fubucks! Several times throughout each day, I will hold a small timed contest (10 MINUTES), it's easy all you have to do it RATE!!  Rate as many pics you can in 10 minutes and win. THERE IS ONE BIG LUCKY WINNER EACH CONTEST THAT WILL WIN $50,000 FOR THE MOST PICS RATED DURING THE CONTEST. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!! WHAT DO YOU WIN? Well its easy, for every pic rate you give me, i give you 2 rates.  ex: you rate me 10 x = I rate you 20 x WHAT IF YOU HAVE ALREADY
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Watching The Goonies...survey
Who is the first person on your top?- mikeDo you think your ex has moved on and is now happier with another person?- Yes but he still insist he misses me Was your last kiss, standing up, sitting down, or laying down?- I think in my carAre you happy with the choices you've made?- Some, but I dont really regret anythingWhen's the last time someone of the opposite sex told you they miss you?- TodayAre you excited for anything?- YesDo you hate the last person you kissed?- In a way hate is a strong word but I dont like him very much at the moment.You're stuck in an elevator with one of your worst enemies, what do you do?- Try to make amends.Will this weekend be a good one?- No, they never areDo you have a friend that is a complete and total flirt around everyone?- Usually Im the flirt but I dont ever take it far. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?- Not sureLast person you talked to on the phone?- Evan What'd you talk about?- ninjas having buttsex, and movies, and
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Watch And Be Enthralled!!!! Wtf         wrong wrong wrong!!!!
Watching The Sun Rise
watching the sun rise this morning i wondered where my life is going what am i doing , is it all worth it, trying to make a difference in someones life can be a vary hard task to accomplish, so i just be myself rock out maake people laugh and listen to what people have to say. i look beside me and theres noone there on either side of me. im all alone. is it by choice? sercumstances, bad dissisions, well i have learned alot in my life time. i treat people like i want to be treated and most times it works out sometimes i see myself as an easy target but i get past that and do my best not to be taken advantave of and i dont take advantage of anyone else. sometimes i look for love but its out os lonlyness at times. no one likes to be alone but sometimes alone is good. so as i look to the morning sky i see that there is a new day new people to meet and love to be found will it be for me or will love just be what it always has been for me ..never worth the pain that it makes me feel  when i
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Watch As Holly Takes A Large Five Inch Vibrator Deep In Her Ass
You watched my key strokes and what did I tell you my Critic? Run. There is no place beyond the wheel. Bye.  
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Watch Out For These Plants!!!
It's possible that poinsettias get the bummest rap in all of the plant world. They've got a bad-girl reputation as deadly beauties, but is the ubiquitous holiday plant actually toxic? About 70 percent of the population will answer yes, and although every year there is a bumper crop of stories explaining otherwise–the myth persists. In reality, ingestion of excessive poinsettia may produce only mild to moderate gastrointestinal tract irritation, which can include drooling and vomiting–kind of like drinking too much brandy-spiked eggnog? The poor poinsettia, so misunderstood… It all started back in the early part of the 20th century when the two-year-old child of a U.S. Army officer was alleged to have died from consuming a poinsettia leaf. As these things have a habit of doing, the toxic potential of poinsettia has become highly exaggerated–and many a cat-keeper now treat poinsettias as persona non grata (or, as the case may be, poinsettia non grata) in their ho
Watch!!! Watch theis video and rate and I'll be able to be on TV!!
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Watch This
A C-130 Hercules cargo plane was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by. The jet jockey decided to show off. The fighter jock told the C-130 pilot, 'watch this!' and promptly went into a barrel roll followed by a steep climb. He then finished with a sonic boom as he broke thesound barrier. The F-16 pilot asked the C-130 pilot what he thought of that? The C-130 pilot said, 'That was impressive, but watch this!' The C-130 droned along for about 5 minutes and then the C-130 pilot came back on and said: 'What did you think of that?' Puzzled, the F-16 pilot asked, 'What the heck did you do?' The C-130 pilot chuckled. 'I stood up, stretched my legs, walked to the back, went to the bathroom, then got a cup of coffee and a cinnamon bun.' 
Watch Out
I'm sorry, so sorryI'm sorry, so sorryI'm sorry, so sorry"I'm sorry to sound so cold about this, but, what I needed to have is an experience with the person. Possess them in ways I wanted. I had to evict them from their human bodies."Watch out this Demoness will find youWatch out she could be right behind youWatch out she will bind and confine youI promise that I'll be the last one that you see as you bleedWatch out this Demoness will find youWatch out she could be right behind youWatch out she will bind and confine youI promise that I'll be the last one that you see as you bleedI'm back again stronger than ever and much deadlierDominating my victims, leaving corpses dismemberedYou'll never meet a bitch so sick, so wicked and vicious like meDeath is an art and I'm the artist painting this gory sceneI kill you sensuously, I take your soul as you bleedI touch myself, cum on my fingers as you still try to breathePlease, don't underestimate cause I'm a broadI'll leave you castrated and che
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IRB Junior World Championship 2010 New Zealand vs South Africa Semi Finals - IRB Junior World Championships Estadio El Coloso del Parque, Rosario, Argentina Match scheduled: Play Date: 17-06-2010 Play Time: from 19:30 until 21:45 GMT/UTC/UK
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Watch Phat Booty Videos
Watching The Reds-go-round
Some of you won't care about this, some of you might.  I just happened to find it interesting... well moreso amusing in a LOL way As of late, I have noticed quite a "shift" in families here.  I happen to care.  Not so much because I play the game so much anymore but because it's the s.o.s. and the same people screwing you ie. making you think one thing and doing another. Simply, just open your eyes, look in all the "reds" familes and you will see who the sell outs are... they all have the same "reds" in their familes. WHY? you ask? SO THEY CAN STAY RED because I guess it makes them feel all good inside being red even though SOME claim it makes no difference to them anymore. Let's also talk about a few "lime greens".  How quickly some forget or simply don't even know.  At least 2 of those greens that are keeping that color daily were people that chose the mumm area to hang their fu hats in and most of you should know what that means... if you don't, go in there and get educated.  Th
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A Watch Permits Resistance--the Omega Seamaster James Bond
  Have you ever seen 007? Have you ever heard of James Bond? I know the answer must be yes! Then, you should have noticed the watch in this motion pictures everyone knows and loves. Yes, that’s the omega seamaster watches_Omega Seamaster James bond watch_omega watches. There have been lots of gratifying termonoligies to describe the Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean, we are going to just say it’s brilliant. If you want to swim with the fishes then this is preferrred, it is effective at 600M depths. Add this together with simple yet perfect looks and we now have ourselves a need to have watch. A coaxial chronograph will cause the watch to go tick tock all the while the face is being shielded from scratches by the sapphire crystal face. The durability of the straps materials, which comprise, rubber, stainless steel, red gold and leather, is second to none. The main colors of the wristwatch are a brilliant combo of bright orange, black and silver. The lead character, James Bond,
Watching Over You
shadow of eternity is watching the depth of allwhen the end comes we all will knowone way or another we all know it's comingwe just don't want to realize itwalking the fine line between life and eternity is what we are doinglooking for the truth of our exsistence is what we look forwatching time go by so rapidly just wonderingthe shadow of eternity knows when it'll be herewatching us make fouls of ourselves as we wonder aroundlike little ants going here and there with our thoughts on our mindwithout a care in the world we just wonder aroundwatching the time slip passed us so muchas we look for answers we can not findwe keep looking untill we can find them
She is intent on the computer - sitting at her desk, her back to the door.  Music softly flows around her as she taps away on the keyboard, unaware of the erotic pain and dark pleasure awaiting her...  Work has consumed her and she has neglected her Master for too long...    Master watches quietly, a silent predator patiently waiting for the right moment to attack his soft prey...  The bedroom is ready and waiting for his little whore - it has been ready for a while and she has not presented herself to him - and his patience is at an end...  He knows she needs to relax but also knows how stubborn she can be when there is work calling...    He waits until she saves her work, watching her stand and stretch tiredly - she has been so intent that she is unaware that he has arrived.  He enjoys watching her - dressed in a tank top and comfortable, loose skirt - it will be easy enough to strip her naked and expose her soft flesh to his dark desires.  He retreats to the shadows of the bedro
Watch This
Watch the full episode of VH1 Classic's That Metal Show featuring an interview with former Pantera frontman, Philip Anselmo. Watch Full Episodes Online at VH1 Original TV Show. Copy and Paste
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  Welcome to Our website provides you only the best quality Japanese replica watches, like Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches_ replica Ulysse Nardin watches_ Ulysse Nardin watches at reasonable price. You can always find automatic mechanism watches such as a chronograph or a calendar timepiece chosen among a squat range of watches developed according to the company’s initiatory ideas – Michelangelo Chronograph, Chronograph Monopulsant Ltd. Edition, Marine Chronograph, Chronometre Maxi Marine, Ludovico Perpetual, Marine Chronometre Blue Wave, Sonata, and manifold further models. Read our instructional articles about prime* Japanese replica watches to make the legal decision as for purchasing the cut out for watch. Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches_ replica Ulysse Nardin watches_ Ulysse Nardin watches have unveiled its dilatory version of the Portobello Series with a flaxen casing. The VIP Champleve face hasn’t been altered, illustrating the combat of that n
Watching You By Melissa Etheridge
That's a good question Why am I standing out here alone I guess I don't know enough to come in from the rain I was watching your window From here below I think I just might stay here all day Cause I gotta do something If I can't love you I don't want to love you If I can't hold you I don't want to be thinking of you And if you don't want me I don't want to want you And if you won't see me I don't know what to do But oh keep watching you Until I see right through Oh I keep watching you You could throw me down a cigarette I smoked my last one quite a while ago No, I gave it to the man that swore he had no need You know sometimes if I listen real close I can hear the dark side of the moon And there's always yesterday's Times if I care to read And I gotta do something If I can't love you I don't want to love you If I can't hold you I don't want to be thinking of you And if you don't want me I don't want to want you And if you won't see me
Watch: Christian Mob Surrounds Muslim Man Outside The White House (repost)
Posted on 03.4.11 By Stephen C. Webster Categories: Activism Conservative media and particularly Fox News has been keen in months past to gin up stories about Islamic tribal laws being implemented across the United States. While this is in fact not happening anywhere in the US, it has become a point of intense concern to some religious fundamentalist Christians, who take the media spin seriously. In this video, a group of anti-Muslim protesters take their concerns about Sharia law to the White House, only to find a Muslim man in prayer. They begin shouting, insulting him and cursing Islam, and one man even threatens his life. Later, as the Muslim man bowed again in prayer, the protesters begin praying back at him, uttering Christian chants in response. At the end, a woman who claimed to have spent years in the Middle East informed the protesters that while they mocked him, the man had prayed in Arabic that each of their families be blessed. This video was published to Y
Watch Over You
Did a few recordings with the phone Sunday night at the Alterbridge show. As phones go, they dont do so well with high decibel input sound as their wittle microphones are limited in bandwidth. But, they were selling audio of the show recorded straight out the board, and so I stuck around after to purchase one. The audio is clean, but however you cant really hear the crowd because its an internal recording. Soooo...I tried tonight syncing the audio recording with the video and its existing audio track, and after much nudging and cussing, I finally got it to line up perfect and adjusted the levels. So now with the 2 overlayed you can can hear the cleanliness of the "out the board" recording and can also  hear the crowd from the phone recording. Thats me "woooooo" right at at 1:20 hahahaa. Anyway, awesome tune, I just wish i had zoomed in a lil more before I started recording (one of the few gripes Ive had with the EVO). Enjoy :)  
Watch Puss In Boots Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Puss in Boots [EXTRACT]Puss in Boots was a very enjoyable and loveable film that will grab the hearts of kids and adults who have grown to love this little hero. The storyline follows Puss on an adventure to find the magic beans so they can unleash a beanstalk that will lead him to riches and the golden egg, and with the help of Humpty Dumpty and Kitty Softpaws, they will go to extreme lengths to get it. The plot seemed so simple but I actually found it to be pretty brilliant, they describe our heros childhood and backstory and the whole film felt original using a character we know and love and bringing in new characters that we get to know about, unlike the increasingly boring Shrek sequels, Puss in Boots has the story that kids and parents will fall in love with and a great deal of friendship is taught and near the end actually
Watch Puss In Boots Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Puss in Boots [EXTRACT]Puss in Boots was a very enjoyable and loveable film that will grab the hearts of kids and adults who have grown to love this little hero. The storyline follows Puss on an adventure to find the magic beans so they can unleash a beanstalk that will lead him to riches and the golden egg, and with the help of Humpty Dumpty and Kitty Softpaws, they will go to extreme lengths to get it. The plot seemed so simple but I actually found it to be pretty brilliant, they describe our heros childhood and backstory and the whole film felt original using a character we know and love and bringing in new characters that we get to know about, unlike the increasingly boring Shrek sequels, Puss in Boots has the story that kids and parents will fall in love with and a great deal of friendship is taught and near the end actually
Watch Paranormal Activity 3 Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Paranormal Activity 3 [EXTRACT]#EANF# Paranormal Activity 3 [EXTRACT]#EANF#[EXTRACT]#EANF#
Watch In Time Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   In Time [EXTRACT]Exactly as bad as you think it's going to be, but frustratingly so because the premise is kind of awesome. At the end of the day, it's a fun movie - much in the same vein as The Adjustment Bureau - worth watching for a brainless night in with your equally-good-humored main squeeze.   On the even brighter side : the trailers for upcoming movies were pretty awesome. I've started a countdown for Mission Impossible 4.  In Time [EXTRACT]Exactly as bad as you think it's going to be, but frustratingly so because the premise is kind of awesome. At the end of the day, it's a fun movie - much in the same vein as The Adjustment Bureau - worth watching for a brainless night in with your equally-good-humored main squeeze.   On the even brighter side : the trailers for upcoming movies were pretty awesome. I've started a co
Watch Footloose Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Footloose [EXTRACT]I haven't seen the original! That being said, this remake is quite dandy. Kenny Wormald is a very charismatic and virile dancer, and Julianne Hough - one of the best professionals on "Dancing With the Stars" - shows an impressive acting range, making Ariel more wild and troubled than in the original (so I've heard).  Footloose [EXTRACT]I haven't seen the original! That being said, this remake is quite dandy. Kenny Wormald is a very charismatic and virile dancer, and Julianne Hough - one of the best professionals on "Dancing With the Stars" - shows an impressive acting range, making Ariel more wild and troubled than in the original (so I've heard). [EXTRACT]Pretty much the same movie as the original in 1984 but brought up to date with the music and technology being used by the characters. The edginess of the ori
Watch The Rum Diary Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   The Rum Diary [EXTRACT]An alcoholic journalist goes to Puerto Rico and encounters unscrupulous real estate developers and bottomless mini-bars. From Hunter S. Thompson's semi-autobiographical novel, with Johnny Depp once again playing a (subdued) version of the gonzo journalist, in a script with a few decent set pieces that ultimately goes nowhere. Should have been titled "Mild Concern and Dislike in San Juan."  The Rum Diary [EXTRACT]An alcoholic journalist goes to Puerto Rico and encounters unscrupulous real estate developers and bottomless mini-bars. From Hunter S. Thompson's semi-autobiographical novel, with Johnny Depp once again playing a (subdued) version of the gonzo journalist, in a script with a few decent set pieces that ultimately goes nowhere. Should have been titled "Mild Concern and Dislike in San Juan." [EXTRACT]W
Watch Real Steel Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Real Steel [EXTRACT]#EANF# Real Steel [EXTRACT]#EANF#[EXTRACT]#EANF#
Watch The Three Musketeers Movile Online Free (2011)
Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   Watch the full Movie Here -->   The Three Musketeers [EXTRACT]An ultra-stylish re-vamp of the classic tale Alexander Dumas tale. It`s less Opera and more Rock and Roll. Director, Paul W.S Anderson has crafted a brilliant and very cool new take on the story of good vs. evil, honor, and brotherhood with his fresh and sharp directing style. I loved it. A wickedly funny and action-packed adventure that never stops until the very end. It`s loaded with dazzling sword-play, amazing special effects, great humor and wonderful characters. A heart-pounding, exhilerating and spectacular thrill-ride. The action and laughs are non-stop as well as the suspense. A smart, wild, fresh and thrilling movie thats a great slice of tremendous entertainment. The best Musketeers adventure in years. An unforgettable adrenaline-rush of a roller-coaster ride. A stunning all-star cast. Log
Watching Me
Why do you watch me? Stalk my profile like an animal watches its prey. Why does it matter what I say or what I do? We shared a moment. You spoke of an encounter, a brief moment in time. Talking as if I would have ever forgotten anything about that time. There was no reason to forget except now I think you only asked to boost your own ego.
Watch What You Do, It Can Come Back To Haunt You
I know its been a couple of years since I last made a blog entry. Since something that happend recently, I knew I needed to share my feelings with ong this.   In my experience with life there are a few rules that if your a true friend you never break and one was broken comming from some1 I trusted. When it comes to friendship one rule is if a friend is a friend of some1 you dont like you repsect that even if you dont like that person. Let me explain, thers a friend who had probs with a real close friend of mine who is a fu sister and this so called friend decided to make me choose between her n my fu sister. After she told me this I not only told her that shes making me feel like I am getting stuck between the 2 and that was not a wise choice. The moral of the story  is that this so called friends crossed the line and was blocked from everything. be vareful of what you say to others, it will bite you hard.  Stright from the heart
Watch Out For Username Daddydick
He steals pics and posts them on his page. He did it to me. Here is his URL so you know who I mean.
Watching Myself
I was watching myself today. I noticed something that confused me. I was a lot happier and in an allover better mood. Stupid people pissed me off less, and I brushed off all the negative things that happened. So I started wondering why. Obviously, it's uncharacteristic of me not to be annoyed by stupid people. I may usually be in a good mood, but I was borderline giddy! I thought hard, and I think I figured out why. Last night I had an intelligent conversation with somebody that lasted hours. I haven't been able to do that for a very long time. I realized that I crave to socialize with people of the same mindset. Growing up, I could just talk to my dad. Nowadays, however, he's busy working three jobs and I am scared to bother him. As a result, it is increasingly difficult to find someone who thinks similarly to me and I become an easily upset person.  This conversation was exactly what I needed to become the old me, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Stress increases by the
Watching The Game
i spent last night at mum and dads as i do.. i had to print up some stuff scan some stuff after i wrestled with that and finally got my shit together i sat down to watch some ghost whisperer with the family in this perticular episode there was a message left on a guys of his girlfriend who made it look like she was drowning herself in fact she didnt but as they were playing the message we were talking about how this phone amazingly works underwater and my sister in her infinate wisdom makes a comment about what the boyfriend would say if he picked up the call... "oh sorry honey i cant come right now im watching the game"   had me in hysterics... i know probably a had to be there thing but i thought id share it the best i could
Watch This Space!
 OK So these blogs are entitled "The General Rantings & Ravings Of A Scottish Lunatic." Which in effect should in theory talk for itself right? You'd think  so right? These posts are in general just going to be my views on certain aspects of things I see, hear, or read. You never know I might even do some video blogs! *Le Gasp!* But yeah some will be funny, some serious, and some you'll think "wtf is this chick on seriously? Is she like deluded? Honestly folks I'm NOT deluded... Well depends on the actual day LOL!  Anyways, just wanted to jump in there and say watch this space for the fun life and the General Rantings & Ravings Of A Scottish Lunatic!  More to come! VERY Soon! Till then I leave you with everyones favourite cartoon Granny!                                                                                                               
Sam didn't mean to drink so much cranberry schnapps and end up dancing around her apartment in her underwear to Joan Jett that night. She also didn't mean to see the light on in the building next door, and she definitely didn't mean to notice The Boy.She also didn't intend on buying a two hundred dollar pair of binoculars with high quality multicoated lenses, extra eye relief, and water resistance, either, but sometimes impulses make a person do strange things.There was a time when Sam thought that she wasn't cut out to be a voyeur. She was curious at heart, sure, but she would always avert her eyes when strangers did anything even remotely worth paying attention to. She was scared to be caught watching, although if she was honest with herself, she couldn't explain why that was so frightening.This time, though, she wasn't afraid of The Boy catching her, partly because she wanted him to and partly because it was then she realized she was so damn good at being inconspicuous.It wasn't lik
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Watching Us Die Tonight
Back against the wall, What the fuck just happened? Don't you cry, We've been here before. Bring it on, Taking action. No more lies. I'm not gonna blame this on you I know I gave it all I got. No, I'm not gonna blame this on you, I'll tell you that it's not your fault. But honestly, you're killing me. I'm sick of us wasting time, I took your heart, I tore it apart, Watching us die tonight. Take me for a fool, What the Hell were you thinking? All this time, Now I have to choose. 'Cause I'm done, No more faking, Let me out. Honestly, I'm sick of wasting my time, You took my heart, Tore it apart, Watching us die tonight.
Watch This Space
The Darkside is having an upcoming auction!! Thats right!! The Darkside will be Auctioning off staff and anyone who is willing so... ~~Keep an eye out for upcoming details~~
Watching Trees....
Watching Trees ---- I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees.memories of the trees,watching you, watching me.I stand alone in the coldof an old, cold train station.It was cold in the snow,wind did blow, all alone.It's about dreams, oh this feeling.forgotten memories, oh this feeling.I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees.It's a fool who doesn't see,what I see watching trees.It's about dreams, oh this feeling.forgotten memories, oh this feeling.It's about dreams, oh this feeling.forgotten memories, oh this feeling.I want to be, in a tree,watching you, watching trees.memories of the trees,watching you, watching me.I stand alone in the coldof an old, cold train station.
Watch This. Share This. Get Excited And Mad . Then Share This Again. I Did.
WATCH THIS. SHARE THIS. GET EXCITED AND MAD .  THEN SHARE THIS AGAIN.       IDIOT 1 1 week ago This comment has received too many negative votes Beautiful the one problem is at the end when people are reminded they must fight. for it shall b a difficult fight to bring about change but most things that are worth doing are difficult still beautiful wish that at the very half the people could see hear and understand this Reply ·  11SHADY113 minutes ago with all due respect..FIGHT! Action it is long over due. 'the problem' is nobody wants to be the first to act. We have the resources and technology to reach every human alive. Change is inevitable! it is the most natural thing to ever be understood by mankind. Change your mind!! that is not too difficult for you is it? "the very half the people" is that the half you are on? because i want to remind you all to FIGHT! are you mad now? Good then you are
Watch Out!!!
So there is this guy on here who is 27 in supposely catholic in goes to church twice a week. I thought he was a friend. He calls disabled people with disablilites mental. He doesn't respect them or anything. Well guess what buddy god will get u n so will Karama lol. Wanna know who it is sb me ty:)    sincerely urs sassy:) 
Watch Out Ladies:)
Watching Porn With Your Partner
Watching Porn with Your Partner! When watching a porno with yor partner. Always make shure you both pick out the video. It is important so both partners are comfortable watching it with each other. Never be affraid to open up to what your into, odds are your partner may be into it too. You can also imatate what you saw.And in the process of selecting a video. Always have a open mind. Same rule applys with videos you cant judge a book by it''s cover. It is important to never to pressure your partner to select a video. Respect for each person is the key. Also when your watching the video respect your partner and agknowledge they are still there and more important than the video.
Watch Out For These 2 Gals
                        Due to Fubar rules i cant put their names in this blog but if you want them SB me and will give you there names ,                         theres two sluts they  go around on fu become your friend One treats you nice until she gets tired of using you ,the other one seeks out men once she finds one she buys him thing like  fu marriage blings and vips  moves in with you  marries u in rl or jus lives with you till she finds a new man on fu than moves on.  Do not trust either of these two women they will both play you than get tired of you and move on if you want there names SB me . Also they make fake accounts to try an make you look bad if they stop liking you and the first one will play childish games use ur name similar pics and tell friends that you did something an send them after you so watch out for them both.                                                                                                  Angel Tigress                       
Watch Out For People Like This "lina"
2:15pm more To LINA: would you please cherry bomb me   cancel Chat 2:16pm more To Tattoo...: would you please cherry bomb me   cancel Chat 2:26pm more To LINA: I shitfaced you would you please cherry bomb me. Do you know how to use the bomb? just wondering?   cancel Chat 2:26pm reply
Watch For A Good Time (laugh) leave a comment on what u thought
Watch A thing To keep track of You know what? I reject a clock A formula It gives a skewed perspective One that does not Align with me I respect how a clock works because I took one apart AND FIXED IT At 13
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Watch Anime Online
What's Anime and Watch Anime Online Welcome to New Anime Series, the best Anime site that brings you pleasure and enjoyment in the love for anime. What is anime? First of all, let’s talk about our focused content here. What is anime? In fact, “anime” is an abbreviation in the Japanese pronunciation of the “animation”, the genre of anime. According to Wikipedia, “Anime is an art form, specifically animation, which includes all genres that can be found in cinema, but it can be mistakenly classified as a genre. In Japan, the term anime refers to all forms of animation from around the world. English-language dictionaries define anime as "a Japanese style of motion-picture animation" or as "a style of animation developed in Japan.”” It is kind of a complicated and academic definition of “anime”. In our own opinion, anime is an art form of animation created by the Japanese that has been well captivating the heart of t
Watch my muscles over come An onslaught Watch my brain over come An onslaught Watch my body Listen to me Because I listen to it I am called a braggart and a psychopath I am neither and will not suffer Those accusations They come from very weak people I tried to be a coach I won't do that any more I won't PUSH To MAKE sure that other people Keep up with me I will leave you in the dust In your insolence In your pride I am no longer interested In the travails of others They do what they do I do what I do The sun shines on both of us the same We just PERCEIVE it differently I use the energy If you don't then you are an idiot Wanting to sacrifice yourself As if that is honorable in itself I disagree I strengthen myself every day I don't show my wounds like you do Like Monty Python Begging for alms Legs gone because you cut them off yourself I HEAL my wounds by cleaning them out To clean you must recognize & accept the danger Denial is a powerful drug Th
Watch You Bleed
I'd give anything just to cut you free. I'd give blood just to watch you, (Just to watch you) BLEED! I see through you and all your lies. You are everything that I despise. You won't take shit when you leave. What the hell do you want from me? I'm over it, so over it, this is goodbye! I'd give anything just to cut you free. I'd give blood just to make you, Just to watch you BLEED! I know you better then you do. I'm to fucking blame, so are you. It won't kill me to watch you leave. What the fuck do you want from me? I'm over it, so over it, this is goodbye. I'd give anything just to cut you free. I'd give blood just to make you, Just to watch you BLEED! (Just to make you, Just to watch you) (Just to make you, Just to watch you) BLEED I'd give anything, just to cut you free. I'd give blood, just to make you, Just to watch you BLEED! I'd give anything, just to cut you free. I'd give blood, just to make you, Just to watch you BLEED! I'd give anything, just to cut you free. I'd give blood,
Wat 2 Do Wat 2 Do
ok people check this new here and stuff so im so fuckin lost write now. ok i dont even noe wat the hell 2 put in this blog thingy......
Wat Da Fuck!
im saw something dat made me upset, i dont kno weather i should confront this person n b like wat da fuck or jes 4get about it. i kno u guys wod have 2 kno more of wat im talkin about 2 really understand, if u really wnt 2 kno wat im talkin about jes send me a private msg n then il let u kno.
Wat Does It Take To Get A Response In Bloggs?
Im tryin to see wat does it take to get responses on here, im takin a break from makin mums.. comments? Questions? sound offs? Complaints? Let me hear'em
Wat Do You Think
a href="">Check out this video: JACK BOIZ ..Add to My Profile | More Videos ~THIS IS NOT SPAM AT ALL~ What’s up this boi P.C. THA GREAT! Look i don't know what type of music you listen to or what you might be listening to at the moment but i just wanted to tell you that on JULY 15th i'll be releasing my first WORLD WIDE album courtesy SHO NO MERCY RECORDS/TAKE OVA MANAGEMENT.During spring break i sold over 3,000 promo copies of the cd just to see what people think and say about the little time i spent in the studio.Of course i got some bad comments but more good!The bad comments mostly come from people who wanted to hear the same ol stuff and nothin new but all the good comments came from people who wanted to hear something new and not the same ol same ol stuff!The good mostly out weighted the bad,which kinda mad me feel good and gave me confidence besides the confidence i already built u
Wat Do U Think Of It?
there's a pic in my gallery. i'm thinkin about gettin it tattoo'd on my tricep. wat u think?
Wat Do U Think
i am glad that i am going too be a daddy in 6 n a half months with my baby mama jess.
Wat Do U Do When Ur Life Is Gone
Wat Do U Think About Him?
ok i want to know waht everyone thinks about a good friend of mine i think he is sweet kind smart tall and sexy and always knows how to make me luagh he is #2 in my fam and here is his link  MNewb: I'm back Promoter @ Concrete Rose">@ fubar let me know wat u think 
Wat Do U Do Wen Love Is Lost
wat would u do my love is lost life life is not the same for me evryday i look and look but its no were to be found . wat would u do
Wat Do U Think Of Me?
Wat Do U Think Of Me? 1. Idiot 2.Funny 3.Fit 4.Marry Ya 5.EWW 6.Hate You 7.Text Me 8.Luv Ya 9.Bloody Insane 10.Nutter 11.Stupid 12.Uncontrollable
Wat Do You See?
People look at a stripper..and that's just what they see...a nice body..a pretty face..but they don't really see her at all...they don't allow themselves to see wat she is truly about...they don't see why she is there....maybe she is working her way through college...has a bad past...made some decisions she's not proud of and has to be there....she knows how the people see her..and that's how she makes her money....but that is also why she doesn't date the customers....because she wants someone to REALLY see her...people see what they allow themselves to..wat is easiest to see..not wat they truly are...and that is sad to me
It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli bacteria found in feces, in other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop! HOWEVER, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, vodka, beer or other liquors) because alcohol has to go through a distillation process of boiling, filtering and fermenting. So, WATER = POOP WINE = HEALTH Free yourself of Poop, drink WINE!!! It is better to drink wine and talk shit than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information, I am doing it as a public service. Have a nice day...
so everyone who wants to send me a message just post here
Water by Malteser © Her fingers drew little circles in the water of the fountain as she watched the white and golden fish swim leisurely around under the surface. They didn't seem to mind the cold of this early spring day. This small public square was so typical of London and looked its best with the budding crocuses and snowdrops so fresh in the dappled afternoon sunlight. She checked her watch. It was time, and she felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. Despite their intimacy and desire for each other expressed so freely on their journeys together, when he had asked to meet the next time their overnight stays coincided, it had felt scary and exciting all at once, a big step. At the same time, it had not been a difficult decision to agree to meet. Their encounters so far had only left her longing for more. His arms slipped around her waist, chin on her shoulder, and she felt his warm breath on her cheek as he spoke. 'You're on time, and so am I! I couldn't wait!' S
right. whatever. so, tangerine-lime-flavored water is THE SHIT!!!! i love it. you must try it.
Water Restrictions In Australia
As you may or may not know we are in the worst drought in Australian history where i am we are in level 4 which means 150 litres per person per day no hosing of pathways or washing cars that is done by bucket & gardens to be watered by grey water now we are all doing this well i am anyway & yet the local councils dont do anything about recycling water know it costs but what comes first money or survival , luckily our council is going to do a desalination plant due in march next year but the other part of the coast coming under gosford does bugger all sitting on their hands yet still putting through highrise developments which have double toilets bathrooms etc this is stupid as there is not much water here left at all. Do councils have any brains at all you tell me!!
Walking through the forest we come to a small opening in to our right. You tell me to close my eyes and take my hand. I can hear water running and smell the wonderful clean scents of the forest and water mixing together. We come to a stop and you whisper into my ear to open my eyes. I am almost overcome by the beauty. There infront of me was a beautiful waterfall falling gracefully into the lagoon beneath it. You take my hand and guide me to the edge of the water. Realizing I have nothing for the occasion you start to pull my shirt over my head. I blush but then I finish taking the rest of my clothes off as you follow suit. You gentely grab my hand and we head to the water together. You get into the water first and sweetly hold your hand out for mine. I step in along with you and we mold together as we are looking for warmth upon entering the beautiful lagoon. Feeling the spray from the falls mist caressing my nude body. We stand there just kissing for awhile. Then you hold me
Water Girl.
What kind of Anime Girl are you? You are a Water Girl! You are calm and relaxed for your age. Everybody asks you for advice, and you have many friends. You hang out around water a lot, and met many of your best friends there! The ocean is your favorite vacation spot because it is deep and a rich blue. You have a great personality, you would be a great girlfriend! Keep on giving advice and meeting new people! Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
The Water Bearer
A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my fla
The Water Flows And The Steam Builds
HE washes up and they sit down to dinner. Steak, Potatoes, and Salad. After dinner he heads for the bathroom to shower, she heads down stairs to gather the laundry. She Walks into the laundry room and the sweet smell of erotic passion fills her nose. Instantly she is moist. She hurries to gather the laundry and all but sprints up the stairs to catch him before he finishes in the shower. She is in the door just as the water starts. She throws the laundry on the bed and barrels into the washroom to find him just stripping down. She closes the door behind her, turns and as she turns he has her pinned against the door in a deep passioante kiss. The water flows and the steam Builds. He picks her up by her hips and gently tosses her onto the counter. She has none of this, Pushes him back by his chest, drops to her knees and takes him, full length in her mouth. Bobbing slowly as she works his engorged manhood, he moans. Gently Pullin
The Water Fall
the water falls down the drains down the dam and you listen to the water fall and the wind blowing through the air. you walk down the path of the water fall and you run into some one that you have no clue who it is and you see them as in a blur and you wonder who that is your trying to look at but you never figure it out...and you walk closer to them and they fade away and away till there not there no more and then as you get to the water fall there is the person again but still a blur and then they walk close to you and you start fading away till you see the person still in a blur but you can see nothing else besides the blur person and the water fall and then you jump in the water and come out and your put back together and you walk closer and closer to the blur and you see it go in the water fall and the water turns differnt colors all at once and you figure it out....what is was a color blur and the blur was the color waterfall... and this makes no since but oh well.
Crystal waters.. reflect only truth Mirrors lie and tear away youth Photographs forget memories pass the makeup you've caked on water will surpass Clean the ridges tighten the blows remember the reasons Forget the blows Justification has no feeling when the water's ice cold
The Water Carrier
The Water Carrier January 21 to February 19 Traditional Aquarian Traits Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent and intellectual On the dark side.... Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached
Water Vs Beer. Plz Read
Water vs. Beer > >WATER >It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water >each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 >kilo of Escherichia coli bacteria found in feces, in other words, we >are consuming >1 kilo of poop. > >BEER >We do not run that risk when drinking beer (or rum, whiskey, vodka, >wine, or other liquors) because alcohol has to go through a >distillation process of boiling, filtering and fermenting. > > WATER = Poop > BEER = HEALTH > > FREE YOURSELF OF POOP ... DRINK BEER It is better >to drink beer and talk shit than it is to drink water and be full of >shit. > >There is no need to thank me for this valuable information, I am doing >it as a public service and because I have a kind heart. < Back
Water Please!!!
Silly But Funny A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghanistan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he walked towards the image, only to find a little old Jewish man sitting at a card table with a bunch of neckties laid out on it. The Arab asked, "I'm dying of thirst, can I have some water?" The Jew replied, "I don't have any water, but why don't you buy a tie? They are only $150. Here's one that goes very nicely with your robes." The Arab shouted, "I don't want an overpriced tie, you idiot, I need water!" The Jew replied "OK, don't buy my ties. But to show you what a nice guy I am, I'll tell you that over that hill, about four miles is a nice restaurant. They have all the water you need." The Arab begrudgingly thanked him, then staggered away towards the hill and eventually disappeared. Four hours later the Arab came crawling back to where the Jewish man was sitting behind his card table. The Jew sai
Water Makes Things Grow
a href="/">HOT Myspace Layouts
Water Vs. Wine
WATER It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of E-coli bacteria found in feces, in other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. WINE We do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, vodka, beer or other liquors) because alcohol has to go through a distillation (a process of boiling & filtering) and fermenting. WATER = Poop WINE = HEALTH FREE YOURSELF OF POOP ... DRINK WINE It is better to drink wine and talk shit than it is to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information, I am doing it as a public service and because I have a kind heart.
Water's Beauty
Water Intoxication—not A Runner's High
Water intoxication—not a runner's high - Brief Article Running & FitNews, August, 2000 If you run for a very long time--racing or training--water may not be your best choice for avoiding dehydration, especially in hot weather. Drinking water without electrolytes can lead to dilution of normal blood sodium concentration. Without the proper amount of sodium, as the blood system absorbs extra water, excess fluid can build up in the brain and lungs. The condition is hyponatremia and the consequences can be fatal (see Running & FitNews, September, 1999). Known fondly as "water intoxication," runners can develop brain swelling and serious amounts of fluid accumulation in the lungs. When this happens, oxygen is not transported into the bloodstream efficiently, and you can become short of breath, nauseated, and disoriented. The problem is more common in female runners. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston studied the development
Waters Edge ( Poem)
Here I sit On the river bank listening to the wind as it blows through the weeping willows. Here I sit on the river banks Watchign the current pass the waterstones. Waitng for soemthing in the cold. On these banks I sit alone recalling the days that have long ago gone. On the river bank I wait for more, but still in its emptiness I sit alone. Will she come? Will I die? Will the seasons pass and lose me in ice? Will the love arise to draw me out? To give me new life with clear wide eyes? I can not say all I can do is wait Pretend a dream of her coming to me. To hold me to love me to sheild my heart. to comfort my love in the dark. The Waters pass the seasons change. The wind grow cool, and I sit as though I am chained. The snow begins to fall it builds up a wall. soon there is nothing but true closing dark. The lights in my head they fade away. Where am I going? I am lost to ........
Water Runs Dry ~ Boyz Ii Men
Wait Don’t wait for the water Wait Don’t wait for the water We don’t even talk anymore And we don’t even know what we argue about Don’t even say I love you no more ’cause saying how we feel is no longer allowed Some people will work things out And some just don’t know how to change Chorus: Let’s don’t wait till the water runs dry We might watch our whole lives pass us by Let’s don’t wait till the water runs dry We’ll make the biggest mistake of our lives Don’t do it baby Now they can see the tears in our eyes But we deny the pain that lies deep in our hearts Well maybe that’s a pain we can’t hide ’cause everybody knows that we’re both torn apart Why do we hurt each other Why do we push love away Chorus Don’t do it baby Don’t do it baby Wait Watch Don’t wait for the water Wait Don’t wait Some people will work things out And some just don’t know how to change Chorus Wait Don’t do it baby Wait Don’t do it baby Wait Watch W
Water Lights.
Water Lights Balcony.
The Water's Edge
By The Water's Edge I Kissed You,In My Arms I Promised You I'd Missed You.! Lips wetted eagerly awaited this moment so sheltered in my arms You fingers on the back of my neck hair rising from chills of excitement feelings flowing. In our own bubble You pray it last forever simmering in my charming embrace by the chilly waterside.
Waters Of Lust...
I'm lying there, my skin against the grass, my fingers trailing in the water. I scoop up a handful of the cool liquid and let it trickle into my mouth, The remaining droplets trailing down my throat to find sanctuary within my breasts. The sensation of being touched……..the feeling of being caressed. My eyelids close softly as my fingers play lightly with the moisture there My mind drifts to thoughts of another touching….another hand The nipples of my breast begin to respond….to pucker as the air Kisses them softly with such tender care……. Another scoop of water …. let it find a path of it's own…. Rippling across my stomach muscles… finding a home, Swirling around to the indention made when I was born. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I yearn for something more. A sharp intake of breath, as cold water makes it's way down 'tween my thighs My legs slowly part to allow it access to my full, pouting lips, Flowing 'tween them to my tiny pearl…. a bud that has been asleep M
my cherry
Water Makes You Pee
I joined this six week fat loss program at goodlife gym. It's where you have a personal trainer for hour an hour 3 times a week for six weeks who makes you do resistance training but more engaged. then you do carido for half an hour after. You also have to drink shit loads of water, as in each week the amount goes up and it's ridiculous amounts and everyone's like 'you're going to die if you drink that much water" but anyways. You also get this meal plan for the six weeks and you have your breakfast lunch and dinner and three snacks during the day and it tells you exactly what to each and how much and stuff. i'm only on day two so i mean, it's fine so far :P i really like food *tear* oh well. i'll keep posting about this to see how my results go. not that anyone cares :P MAOW!
The Water-nix
A little brother and sister were once playing by a well, and while they were thus playing, they both fell in. A water-nixie lived down below, who said, now I have got you, now you shall work hard for me, and carried them off with her. She gave the girl dirty tangled flax to spin, and she had to fetch water in a bucket with a hole in it, and the boy had to hew down a tree with a blunt axe, and they got nothing to eat but dumplings as hard as stones. Then at last the children became so impatient, that they waited until one sunday, when the nixie was at church, and ran away. But when church was over, the nixie saw that the birds were flown, and followed them with great strides. The children saw her from afar, and the girl threw a brush behind her which formed an immense hill of bristles, with thousands and thousands of spikes, over which the nixie was forced to scramble with great difficulty, at last, however, she got over. When the children saw this, the boy threw behind him a comb
The Water Of Life
There was once a king who had an illness, and no one believed that he would come out of it with his life. He had three sons who were much distressed about it, and went down into the palace-garden and wept. There they met an old man who inquired as to the cause of their grief. They told him that their father was so ill that he would most certainly die, for nothing seemed to cure him. Then the old man said, "I know of one more remedy, and that is the water of life. If he drinks of it he will become well again, but it is hard to find." The eldest said, "I will manage to find it." And went to the sick king, and begged to be allowed to go forth in search of the water of life, for that alone could save him. "No," said the king, "the danger of it is too great. I would rather die." But he begged so long that the king consented. The prince thought in his heart, "If I bring the water, then I shall be best beloved of my father, and shall inherit the kingdom." So he set out, and when he had rid
Water Creature, Moi?
A mermaid is also known as a Nix or Nixie... You scored as Mermaid. Mermaid: Mermaids are also known as Sirens. These creatures were beautiful women who tricked sailors into becoming completely entranced by their haunting voices and found death soon after. Not all stories of Mermaids are about gentle loving sea people. They are mystical, magical, and extremely dangerous. They have a way about them that brings anyone they are around to seem enchanted. They are very mysterious creatures and to meet one... Would mean certain Death. Let the song of the Sea fill your soul, for you are a Mermaid.Mermaid100%Demon59%WereWolf42%Faerie42%Angel42%Dragon8%What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with
The Waterfall
I sneak up close behind you, It's almost reaching noon, I kiss your neck just gently, Someone will come home soon. You place your hands on my breasts, And gently push me against the wall, Pull off my clothes in a rush, I watch them as they fall. You take your hands in mine, As you lead me to your bed, Take off your clothes and lay me down, I gently stroke and caress your head. You slowly explore your new wonderland, The mountains, the cave, the waterfall, I close my eyes and let you, Wanting you to touch me all. Soon enough I lose control, Need to feel you inside me, Guide you in and pull you close, We're one, connected we finally be. I rock against you slowly, As you push inside me deeper, The feelings getting intense, This memory is a keeper. You gently start to kiss me, And I moan softly in your mouth, I can feel the feeling growing, A feeling coming from down south. I grind against you harder, As the waterfall starts to flow, Our waters m
Water Vs. Wine
It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of Poop. However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or whiskey beer, vodka or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. WATER = Poop WINE = HEALTH Therefore: It is better to drink wine and talk stupid than to drink water and be full of crap. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information; I am doing it as a public service.
Water Or Coke?
Water or Coke? I could not believe this..... Very interesting WATER 1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population.) #2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger. #3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%. #4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study. #5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. #6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. #7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. #8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%., and one is 50%
-=[ Water Girls ]=-
Harry looked around to see if anyone was looking, and said out loud to himself, "Good, the coast is clear," and then quickly from under his coat he produced a half liter bottle filled with a colorless that appeared to be water, but in reality was a powerful sexual stimulant!!! What Harry did next, was to lift the cover on the water filtration plant's inlet injector, and dump the entire contents of the bottle inside!!! He watched for a few seconds, replaced the cover, and calmly went back to his job of quality control foreman at the Smallville water plant!!! He figured that it would take about twenty four hours for the town to be saturated with his aphrodisiac, he could hardly wait!!! The next day, Harry sat down in the cafeteria, and watched with interest as his fellow employees ate their lunches. He noticed that at least two or three women had taken water from faucet over the sink and mumbled to himself, "Jesus, Marilyn just took a drink of water!!!" The reason for his e
She slowly walks down the sandy white beach Gazing out across the glistening water The sounds of waves crashing against the rocks Send slight chills up her spine Coming across a secluded area She saunters over to a cascading waterfall She leans upon the speckled rocks just enough to feel The sensation of spray coming from the waterfall The droplets drip down off of her delicate face Trailing down between her lush soft mounds of flesh. Her long auburn tresses blow freely in the warm winds Her dark chocolate eyes seem to mesmerize all who stare into them Eyes are that of a child, dancing with innocence She looks down at the pool of fresh water with a warm and gentle face Reaching a hand up, she slowly unbuttons the front of her long flowing dress Opening it up to reveal her tight black bathing suit hugging her every curves Sliding it over her bare shoulders as she lets it slide down her silky smooth legs Dropping it to her feet upon the sand She slowly walks
Water Vs Coke
This was emailed to me & I just could not believe this..... Very interesting! So is it True or False? WATER #1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. (Likely applies to half the world population.) #2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak That it is mistaken for hunger, that's why so many people tend to over eat. #3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%. #4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs For almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study. #5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. #6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of Water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain For up to 80% of sufferers. #7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term Memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on The computer screen or on a printed page. #8. Drinking 5 glasses o
Water Filled
The blonde said,"Doctor,I think my breasts are filled with water." "Water!"the doctor replied."what makes you think that?" "whenever anyone presses them my pussy gets wet,"she answered.
Watering The Bush
(Originally Posted on August 21, 2006)So, are you one of the people that thinks that Shrubya's administration didn't do enough for Katrina victims?  If so, you might want to take part in this activity/protest.Basically, you send a bottle of water to the White House from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.Of course, this'd be particularly interesting with the thoughts of liquid-based terrorism in the air.So again, I neither condone nor condemn this activity...tag: activism, politics, revenge, terrorism-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Ave Satanas!
Water Vs Wine
In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink one liter of water each day, at the end of the year we will have absorbed more than one kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli), the bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming one kilo of Poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, or other liquor), because wine goes through the purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.
Water Conservation
There are over 6.5 Billion people on earth. If each persons body is 2/3 water and all the water on earth today is the same water that was here a million years ago, I say ...CONSERVE WATER... ...PROMOTE ABORTION!!
Watever Is All I Have To Say About U
like what the f*** one person i know and really love to hate.....ur fucked in the head man ....u need to stop harassing people and get a life ..ur a loser if all u cando is call someones house and irritate the fuck out of them .....ur a low life tramp get a clue ok ..cuz noone likes u at all ....
I just spend a few days out in the desert, and my body is functioning in prime form. Everything I drank was absorbed almost instantly, all the food I ate was burned off and I’ve been sleeping well for the past couple days I’ve been home. Something about a blazing sun and blistering heat throws your insides into overdrive and you feel…good. I would drink a bottle of water, and aside from quenching my thirst and aiding in keeping my body cool, I could feel it absorb and be used up. Still right now, two days later, I have a 1.5 Liter of Evian at my desk and every drink is being absorbed. And on the first day, I was sweating and by the end of the day I felt like scum. But my body must have flushed out all the toxins because the next day I sweat just as much (if not more) and I didn’t feel as grimy. On top of a second-layer tan, my skin got really soft. And my allergies…*POOF* Gone. What am I getting at? Go out to the desert with your spirit guide and spend two days list
My run was good despite the rain. as i enter the house i call your name. no answer as i walk through the house heading for the bathroom. i glance at the clock and realize you would have left for work by now. i shed my wet cloths as i walk leaving them on the floor throughout the house. down to my bra and panties i open the bathroom door anticipating a long, hot shower to warm me. i am surprised to find the room filled with steam and to hear the shower running. "are you..." my question is cut off by a soft, silk scarf being tied around my head, blindfolding me. i am startled and raise my hands to pull it away when you capture my hands in yours. i feel your lips against my ear as you whisper " was the run??" followed by your tongue softly probing my ear. i shiver and my nipples harden immediatly..rubbing against my bra. i hear your deep chuckle as your fingers slip inside the material, tracing, pulling making them harder still. with one motion you pull the bra over my head.
Water Balloons
well today was my little brothers b-day party. it turned out to be a preaty good party. about 30 people showed up thats good considering that we a are 4 hours away from our family. his little freinds from across the street came along with alot of other kids he had alot of fun. the party lasted about 5 hours. i dont think that he has ever ran around and played so much in hs life. we had a huge water balloon fight i think the adults had more fun with that than the kids. lol a freind of mine ended up getting atacked held down and sprayed with the hose i got sun burt so bad on my back that i can barely wear a shirt it hurts so bad i do that every freakin year i need to get some sun block it was stress full in the middle of it trying to control and entertain 15 kids under 10 but over all it was a pretty good day i needed a good day after the way that i have been fealing its nice to act like a little kid everyonce in a while
...::About Me::...
~~water Preservation Program~~
Water Fight From Hell
Imagine this if you will a water fight but not with little water guns but with the full fury and might of the gods. Im talking about useing the systems the our great firemen use to save homes and peoples lives. the fun that could be had with the much power HAHAHAHAHa yeah it would be great
Water Fountains
Teen: Toilet Water Cleaner Than Fountain Posted: Jun. 11 4:43 p.m. NORTH BEND, Ore. — Middle School student Kyleray Katherman had a hunch something was amiss with the school's drinking fountain water. And right he was. For an English assignment, he tested the bacteria content at four water fountains and one toilet to challenge a ban on students from bringing bottled water to class. It seems some were using it to sneak in alcohol. Guess which was cleaner? It wasn't the water fountains. He then asked students where they would prefer to get their water. That wasn't the fountains, either. Classmates, teachers, administrators and board members said they had no idea. Katherman attends the Oregon Coast Technology School that operates at North Bend Middle School with a focus on infusing technology into all areas of study. Katherman, 13, used Q-tips and petri dishes, swabbing the spigots of four fountains and sampling one toilet, dunking the cotton in the bowl's center
Water Please
You ever make a decission that you regret? And we always say, "no regrets". I finally have one. Where I do regret a decission I made. I elected this year to eleviate a little extra BS from my life this year by turning over the Tuesday night softball team that I have been on for 16 years to a friend. I basically got sick of all the running around to get money and signatures. And then worry about who was going to be there and who was not. And we pretty much have the same team as we did last year. Less one player who does not play every week, only when deemed needed. Last nigt, I have to say that I suffered through the most disgusting loss in a softball game in my 20+ years of playing the sport. It is not like we were out hit. Or even out played. We were just pretty much dumb. I guess when they say a team takes on the personality of their manager. It is true. Because we are probably the nicest group of idiots you could ever imagine. So through some bad positioning dec
'on tap' my ass. i havent been here all day...but whatever. so. the kids had to be woken up at 1. *laughs* perfectly ok with me...cuz that just meant i didnt have to listen to 'when are we going' all morning...muahahahaha. cuz believe you me...there was no way on God's green earth i was spending 8 hours at a water park in 109 degrees. no please. so we went from 3 to close. and lemme tell ya... theres nothing like running up the hills at the water park to show a 30 sumthin that they're out of shape...well ish anyway... guess ive been spending so much time on my back n arms...i forgot all about those 2 things that hold me up called legs...thats ok tho...cuz they got a work out today. and i also suppose that low impact cardio...otherwise known as swimming doesnt work all the muscles the house of they SAYS it *flips them off* i think theres something wrong with my brain. which is better...sifted elsewhere. im exhausted..and i have last minute packing to do
MUSIC VIDEO CODES By TLC Waterfalls music video code
walking a path of beauty with such peacefullness to the waterfall the green leaves of trees rustling in the wind a deer spooked by a noise runs for safety you faintly begin to hear water crashing upon stone as you move closer smiles on the faces of passers ascending down brings a smile to you of anticipation without realizing you've walked more than a mile across the bridge, your goal standing in front you are completely awstruck tiny goose bumps form while sprinkles of water touch you the power of the water smashing down wind brushes your hair back ever so slightly your eyes close you feel as one the water, the wind, the noise fully awake, only mentally asleep in your mind you believe here i am always free at the waterfall.
You think you know me but you don't. You think you can see me but you can't. Why you ask? I'm the drops of rain. I'm the waves that crash and break. I'm the dew on the leaves in the morning. I'm a shapless body, mind, and spirit. Water is my way I flow I help life grow. I'm her to please my Goddess in her journey. Around the bend down the cliff. To you I seek my way Through the creeks. As tears down your cheeks. I am water.
wen u r thinkin of someone do u wonder if they r thinkin of u as well...the good times and bad times u ever cross their mind if a song comes on that may remind em of u...Lord knows i do, always! seems no matter how much u try 2 block someone from ur mind a song or someone mite say sumthin that reminds me of that certain person...then the flood of memories starts 2 come about! just makes me wonder if i cross ur mind as u do mine...until we meet again!
Waterbed Virgin
What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A Cherry Float
What element do you control?WaterYou are like a calm stream, gentle and yet random, like the twists and turns of a stream. You know how to comfort people, and how to have fun, but too much of both can be dangerous, so watch out.How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Watermelon Slush
watermelon slush.....1 cup ice 3 cups watermelon chunks 2 tablespoons honey, blend all in a blender, makes 2 servings, doc's note, for cancer patients, watermelon seems to be the most tolerated fruit. its light, cool, refreshing and goes down easy
blue colors and tasteless dreams the body is pur, but the soul feels unclean heart weighs heave due to scorpion venom. as high as i climb the void gets deeper move away run it all seems so clever forked tongue conversationalists warn me better two faces, two personalities whats to believe? why trust anything when we're only deceived? sick from lying in this astrological muck falling forever just like a Fish's luck
Water Or Coke?
Water or Coke? WATER 1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. 2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. 3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%. 4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study. 5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. 6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. 7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. 8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. 9. If you have chronic headaches or migraines, suck down a 20oz bottle
Water Bowl
Water Bowl Lyrics Cirque du Soliel (Zumanity) For too long, love seemed like an illusion, its golden promise obscured by reason and confusion. Too often, its favours were thrust upon me. An invasion. An intrusion. Then there was you. A revelation. Forbidden yet familiar, you stood before me, a hand outstretched. Not to give, not to take, but to simply -- caress. We kissed -- a passageway to secrets still unspoken, promises unbroken answers to questions not yet asked. A glimpse of the faces behind our masks. The taste of you burned in my mouth like an ancient truth. And then, as gently as a ghost, you were inside me. Your essence rising in my chest, your heartbeat pulsing beneath my breast. Desire burst from you like a string of flawless pearls. Between my thighs, your hands, guiding me to undiscovered lands treasures -- in the sand pleasures -- never known to man. And as
Water With Head
This man walk's into his apartment and says, "get me a glass of water hun". She says o.k. and gets him it. He drinks it and says man that washes the taste of my mouth. "From what? she asked. He said from your-------she interrupts- "oh I know what you’re talking about, my p*ss". "Well it does have to do with you, but you know what, it's from your sisters p*ss".
Water Falling
I have not sampled midnight from your parted lips, but dream of it - of feeling your soft curls brushing across me like lace curtains. You are the sound of water falling inside-out from the blue blue sky and I am drinking. I am forgetting me in the scent of you, seeing perfect light on your naked skin - we are talking in voiceless motions over the din of our separate yesterdays. © All rights reserved
Water Falling
I have not sampled midnight from your parted lips, but dream of it - of feeling your soft curls brushing across me like lace curtains. You are the sound of water falling inside-out from the blue blue sky and I am drinking. I am forgetting me in the scent of you, seeing perfect light on your naked skin - we are talking in voiceless motions over the din of our separate yesterdays. © All rights reserved
Water Vs. Wine
As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey etc.) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine & talk stupid, than to drink water & be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a publi c service.
Watermelon Gazpacho
Time/Servings Total Time: 45 mins Active Time: 25 mins Makes: 8 servings (about 12 cups) Ingredients For the basil oil: * 1 1/2 cups extra-virgin olive oil * 1 1/2 cups packed basil leaves For the gazpacho: * 3 cups cubed day-old country bread, crust removed * 3 medium garlic cloves, coarsely chopped * 1/4 cup coarsely chopped basil leaves * 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper * 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds * 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt * 3 1/2 cups coarsely chopped tomatoes (about 1 1/2 pounds) * 4 1/2 cups coarsely chopped watermelon (from a piece about 1 1/2 pounds) * 2 small Kirby cucumbers, peeled and coarsely chopped (about 2 2/3 cups) * 1/4 cup coarsely chopped red onion * 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil * 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar For the garnish: * 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper * 1 tablespoon kosher salt * 1/2 cup minced watermelon * 1/2 cup minced Kirby cucumber Instructions
Water Magick
Water Magick _Emotional Ripples:_ Emotions on the rocks? Need a little emotional peace? Try this: What you need: Semi Large bowl of water. What to do: Place the bowl of water on the table. Relax. Imagine your image in the bowl of water. Visualize this for a few minutes. Take your finger and poke it in the waters semi hard, rippling the waters. Say: "The waters cleanse and the waters calm My mind and heart from this emotional storm." Say this over and over again until the water is totally unrippled while visualizing yourself within the water being happy and emotionally balanced. Empty the water bowl out. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ _Droplets of Purity:_ Need a quick cleansing? Well take the perfect opportunity in the shower! What you need: Shower head with running water. What to do: Get in the shower like you normally would but while in the shower relax. Visualize the water coming from your s
WATER Water is the Element of purification, the subconscious mind, love and the emotions. Just as Water is fluid, constantly changing, flowing from one level to another, so too are our emotions in a constant state of flux. Water is the Element of absorption and germination. The subconscious is symbolized by this Element because it is rolling, always moving, like the sea which rests neither night or day. Water magick involves pleasure, friendship, marriage, fertility, happiness, healing, sleep, dreaming, psychic acts, purification, and so on. A ritual of Water usually ends with an object being tossed or placed in or on a body of Water. This is a feminine Element, and its colour is the blue of deep, deep Water. It rules the West and autumn months of the year, when rain showers wash the Earth. The magick of Water is wrought with mirrors, the sea, fog and rain. These, then are the four Elements. A thorough study of them can occupy a lifetime, but these are the ba
Watery Breathless
I didn't want her address, just the insertion into watery breathless legs wrapped around me pushing pulling oh I didn't want her name just the unclothed bubbling over cauldrons of black magic humping heaving having no I didn't need her wanting only giving taking timing it so that our heads rocked backwards just at the same time and the water sloshed at our ankles to our knees and the flood was simultaneous - like a spider on a mirror or a lizard doing push-ups on a hot rock. I didn't want tomorrow just the forever of a fuck in the grave of last night and the caterwauling of the wind between our naked skins. © All rights reserved
Water / Flood
Water is central to the human story. Whether it is the deep, fresh lake, the river that brings life, or the ocean that must claim her dead, water is both friend and enemy at once. When dreams contain this powerful image in any of its forms, understanding the role of the water is essential. Water is a strong symbol in dreams because so often it is the exclamation point of the feelings in the dream. If other objects in a dream are relaxing, a bubbling brook through a meadow is more relaxing. If some symbols generate feelings of fear or anxiety, the tumultuous ocean creates the most anxiety. Water has symbolic, archetypal meaning in that it either provides life, or harbors mystery and danger. This is a reflection of our human experiences with water. In early human history, the hunter-gatherers quickly learned that water was the central ingredient of life. (We die of thirst much more quickly than we starve.) More importantly, to know where the water was meant knowing where the food w
he lays me on my back and lay in between my legs. he starts by licking and sucking on my nipples and squeezing my titties together. he bites the right lightly first, then takes it into his mouth. Well, as much as your mouth can take. i definitely fit in the more than a mouthful category, lol. With each kiss and nibble cases me to arch my back and squirm away a bit. In your pursuit of chasing your erogenous zones above your waist,i feel your hardness travel up my legs and come to rest at my wetness. I knibble on your neck, first the right then the left which elicits a moan from your lips. you slip a hand down to below my waist and get another feel of how wet i am and much more moist i have become since you reached my neck. Inserting your fingers inside me causes you to grab my wrist and keep it still, pressing my palm up against my clit. At this point, you are ready to feel me I've waited long enough and your oozing just enough pre-cum to be ready w/o some sucking.i know u love
Water Conservation
Here in Iraq, water doesn't exactly grow on trees. They ship it in from elsewhere. There is a limited amount of water for showers. To conserve, we are supposed to get in, get wet, turn off the water, use the soap, and then rinse off. Not too hard to understand. The problem is there are assholes who go in and take a 30 minute shower. If you are not one of the first people in when the fill it back with water in the morning, you will be taking a shower with water bottles instead. Maybe I should start calling this blog Rants by LT Ed. I'll try to be more positive from now on. Hey, I can actually get online and post this stuff!
Watering Moon Lounge New Name And Look!
computer crashed and old one will not do plug in's so deleted it
Watermelon Slim: I Got A Problem
Waterfall And ? Love
Water And Wine
As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E.. coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service. "Love People not Things....Use Things not People" JC
Water Frame
Free Photo Decorator Generator
Will you unleash your love on me Let it come down like a waterfall To cascade across my land Because my oasis is dry And it's your passionate love That can moisten the sands Please bring it back to life It has been scorched by false love From those who didn't know how To appreciate this wondrous land Although what you see is wide and barren It awaits the shower of a love like yours One that is unconditional and pure That is in need of open space to explore A love that knows no boundaries I welcome you to stake your claim here And to do with this land as you will I'm opening my deprived land to you Come and spread your love throughout Let your love come down like a waterfall And flow across my world Tell me you will quench my thirst
Water 4 The Health Of It !!
Interesting! Drink water on empty stomach ty Young Body: Interesting! Drink water on empty stomach DRINK WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases. METHOD OF TREATMENT 1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water 2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anyth
Watermelon Crawl
Tracy Byrd Lyrics Tracy Byrd Music CodesMusic Codes by
Waterfront Bar
theres this little dive of a bar down on the waterfront near the docks its frequented by civilian dock workers and naval personel one night the dock workers and the navy guy start in about who has bigger dicks it starts to get a little heated the owner gets concerned about a fight and stuff getting broken in his bar so he suggests comparing they set up 2 tables side bt side the dock workers whip out their dicks and place them on one table the navy guys do the same on the other table just then 2 gay guys walk in one says to the other... look maurice !!! a shmorgashboard !!!!
Watermelon Jam
Watermelon Jam 3 cups granulated sugar 1 1/2 cups finely chopped seeded watermelon (do not puree) 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 package (1.75 ounces) powered fruit pectin 3/4 cup water In large bowl, stir together sugar, watermelon and lemon juice. Set aside for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. In small saucepan, blend fruit pectin and water. Bring mixture to boil over high heat; boil, stirring, for 1 minute. Stir pectin mixture into watermelon mixture. Stir constantly until sugar is dissolved, about 3 minutes. Quickly pour into jars and cover. Let stand at room temperature 24 hours to set. Store jam in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Makes about 4 cups.
The Water Bucket Principle
The Water Bucket Principle Current mood: annoyed Sometime when ou feel that you are going Would leave aon unfillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions And see how they humble your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to your wrist, Pull it out and the hole that's remaining Is a measure of how you'll be missed. You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But stop, and you'll find that in no time It looks quite the same as before
Watermarked , No Trying To Pass Off As Your Own, But Ur Welcome To Use It
Water Vs Wine
WINE vs. WATER > >> As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in >> beer there is freedom, in Water there is bacteria. >> >> In a number of carefully controlled trials, >> scientists have >> demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each >> day, at the end of the >> year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of >> Escherichia coli,(E. coli) - >> bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are >> consuming 1 kilo of >> poop. >> >> However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking >> wine & beer or >> (tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because >> alcohol has to go >> through a purification process of boiling, filtering >> and/or fermenting. >> >> Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health >> >> Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk >> stupid, than to >> drink Water and be full of shit. >> >> There is no need to thank me for this valuable >
Her Keggle muscles pumped me with abandon, riding me like a stallion and with her first muted groan I couldn't hold it any more and shot what I had left in my balls deeply into her just as she let out an incredible groan of pleasure that seemed to last forever. Finally she collapsed, rolling off me onto the blanket. Both completely spent, we lay there for quite a while, enjoying the feelings of a great lay. At some later moment a pang of fright shot through me. Had they heard us? Lifting myself up I peered over the ledge to see Meg and Bud getting dressed and leaving. They seemed in a hurry as they disappeared through the maples. Damn. I thought. What if they'd heard us? Bud and Meg own the orchard next to our little place 40 acres of Christmas trees. We can see their house from ours, about four hundred meters from us. We visit often, crossing the quaint bridge across the stream that separates our properties and lets them share our drive up to the roa
Water is the element most affiliated with magic. Water is where life originates, not just as an abstract concept or in Darwinian theory, but literally for each of us as we emerge from our mother's amniotic sacs. Water is the element of psychic power and intuitive knowledge. Water is a feminine, yin energy. Water spells are conducted in the bathtub and at the seashore. Water spells include those incorporating lunar charged waters, magically charged waters and captured rainwater. Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Water revised The original was good but I felt that some changes needed to be made since the original was written some months back. The changes in my life and emotions that seem to make most people vulnerable are out here for the world to see. It is not written for anyone but the one in the vision. Water The tundra calls my soul with ease, as I take a fridgid breath of air. Wind blows softly by my face, playing delicately with the strands of my hair. Singing to me a lullaby, sent on the wind to soothe my soul. Helping me find solidity on the ice, giving me strength to gain control. Fractured beams of light, shine from a piece of ice in my hand. Water drips from my fingertips, puddling on the place where I stand. I yearn for a love in all it's forms, that I'm afraid I'll never know. I've crossed oceans of fate, to wind up here in the snow. I feel such a poignant love, just beyond my g
In my childish ignorance I had no expectation No prior knowledge Of you Your power Your beauty I wept As I witnessed In one of those moments Where I felt grateful To be alive Water The most powerful Of elements Creating my own waterfall As tears fell from my eyes This wasn't the earth As I knew it It was a higher source This was mystical This was magical As rainbows criss-crossed I was alive At one with your energy I surrendered I was bewitched Never wanting to leave Wishing to stay forever Watching white horses cascade Listening to the thunder No photo could do you justice You had to experience The most awesome sensation That left an imprint on me That will last eternally My spiritual home In Iguassau Falls " one with me." You are a fountain forever unbroken just a river of silver rushing over the luminous peak of my imagination. You are the spring always alive in passion in emotion showering me in a delicious mist while she
The Water
when you walk the beach with the one you love think of those that walked it before you and the love they felt for the one they loved and the way the waves were comeing in that night the mood was set for true love! think about that when you are on the beach with the one you love!!!!!
The Water
It calls to me Today is the fourth day of pouring rain Yet I am trapped Trapped in fear Trapped in a room trapped within my thoughts I seek to wade out into the water until I can breathe again I seek release I seek an end
Water Or Wine ?
This all sounds perfectly logical to me! As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, In beer there is freedom, In water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable informat ion: I'm doing it as a public service
Waterfalls Off Of Molokai
Waterboarding The Terrorists
The Question is, is it torture to make someone uncomfortable by depriving air to them~ without drowning them. Leaving, when you are done interrigation , no physical Scars or any ailments ? Something "every" Special Forces person in the US military is made to endure in training. I say if the guy you have in custody is, joe blow random terrorist under orders- Then NO, dont use waterboarding. But if its a high ranking Terrorist mastermind you've been surveiling for months, and know to be in a leadership role, or delivering intell to or from the leadership Id say "Hell, yea Waterboard his ass !!!" Isnt it torture to you knowing "he has intel - he is not giving", that will result in the death your fellow soldier, CIA opporative, or hundreds to thousands of innocent civillians ? Where are your rights against his mentally torturing you ? By not telling when/where/how your friends will die ? There's a teachable moment here. The oral arguments yesterday
Water Supply
Harry looked around to see if anyone was looking, and said out loud to himself, "Good, the coast is clear," and then quickly from under his coat he produced a half liter bottle filled with a colorless that appeared to be water, but in reality was a powerful sexual stimulant!!! What Harry did next, was to lift the cover on the water filtration plant's inlet injector, and dump the entire contents of the bottle inside!!! He watched for a few seconds, replaced the cover, and calmly went back to his job of quality control foreman at the Smallville water plant!!! He figured that it would take about twenty four hours for the town to be saturated with his aphrodisiac, he could hardly wait!!! The next day, Harry sat down in the cafeteria, and watched with interest as his fellow employees ate their lunches. He noticed that at least two or three women had taken water from faucet over the sink and mumbled to himself, "Jesus, Marilyn just took a drink of water!!!" The reason for his excitement w
Water Falls (an Original Published Poem By Me)
WaterFalls Water falls,from higher places, Down to the lagoon below, Water falling,ever flowing Water always on the go. Waterfalls,are ever changing, Always moving where they're led, Carving done by restless waters, Ending in a river bed. Waterfalls,a gift of nature, Giving power to us all, Waterfalls,a thing of beauty, Thank God that the water falls. Glenn Delbert Carrasquillo Copyright ©2007 Glenn Delbert Carrasquillo
The Waters Edge............
You asked me once upon a time to take you to my sandy shore to coax and entice your passion in time with the oceans roar. So come with me my baby lets walk to the waters edge so I can hold you in my arms and to you my undying love I pledge. Let me pull you down with me into the wet and frothing surf let me lay you back against a soft, shoreline berth. Feel my arms envelop you and my salty lips descend on yours feel my tongue caressing my hands as they explore. Feel the heat within my mouth as down your body I slide teasing quivering nipples with a flick and still lower my mouth shall glide. ANd as the waves lap at your toes my head bends lower yet to find that sweet and tender spot where your strongest desires I'll whet. I can feel your body stiffen as finally my mouth closes over you I can hear your moans escape your lips as my tongue slides across overdue. You rock your hips against my face as my tongue finds tha
Water Torture
Vienna, Austria, 1944. Ilsa Hoffmeyer knew instinctively that she was in deep trouble. The two men in leather black trench coats had been following her for the better part of two hours now, "They must be Gestapo," she thought to herself!!! She ducked into a small cafe, hoping to find her way out the back into the alley, but her path was blocked by a bunch of old crates up against the rear door, and as she turned around she was standing face to face with her pursuers, two Gestapo agents of Hitler's Third Reich! "Fraulein Hoffmeyer, finally we meet in person," one of the agents offered, "unfortunately for you, it will be a rather unpleasant experience, shall we go now, please!?!" Ilsa was in a daze as the two Nazis led her to a waiting automobile, where she was blind folded and told to be quiet. As one of a handful of under ground agents working for the allies in Austria, Ilsa was a prize catch that the Gestapo hoped they could squeeze for valuable information on the extent of the und
Waterbed Surprise
01-14-08 (water)
M o n d a y You'd think with a name like: That I'd definitely be a "Fisherman" Truth being I LOVE to fish ... Although I haven't fished in 2 years -- which astounds me. I never thought I'd be away from water that long! Maybe ... Ha-Ha, don't worry - I always Catch & Release ~~ Water sports of ANY kind really ... I love to be around water, Having the gulf stream to my left and the ocean to my right was the ONLY thing I enjoyed when I lived in Orlando back in the 80's. Here in Ohio, I'm not without plenty of bodies of water ... Up North I've got the Great Lakes (about 2 hours away) Here locally I'm surrounded by a few nice size lakes too Salt Fork a hugh state park, that boast about the largest man-made *beach in the great state of Ohio. * beach = sand (lol) Senaca Lake Draws more locals than tourist - so
Water Effect
if you want your picture or any picture in water effect let me know thanks (: i can make as many as you want
Water World
Water world, classic Kostner, honestly i like the movie even though it has a shallow plot and the acting sucks. Who can argue with the mean person everyone hates gets a heart and saves the little girl. It kinda reminds me of the "how the grinch stole christmas" (and the deformed bad ass's heart grew three sizes that day). but who knows the way global warming is, we all may learn something from this movie. STOCK UP ON SCUBA GEAR. For those who haven't seen it this post apacolyptic movie follows the travels of a mutant drifter (Kostner) who gets involved in a small group of peoples search for "dry land" as the whole known world is covered in water. The "smokers" also want to find this utopia for themselves and it's basically a race to find and figure out the map, which happens to be a young girl's tatoo. Well overall I would have to say i would give this movie a 3 out of 5 tankards.
Water Cat!!
Crazy Cat loves water.Add to My Profile | More Videos
The Water Bucket Principle
Every one of us in Life Care, Century Park and Life Care at Home is called to a very important mission - taking care of God's children. We should be grateful that He has entrusted us with such great responsibility. None of us, however, is indispensable. For a person to think so is a demonstration of inflated self-worth and arrogance. I like the following poem, written by an unknown author, which addresses this subject: Sometime when you feel that your going Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions And see how they humble your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to your wrist, Pull it out and the hole that's remaining Is a measure of how you'll be missed. You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But stop, and you'll find that in no time It looks quite the same as before. The hope should be that every succeeding generation is better than the last. For the parent, t
I got this from a friend Water-walking (Part1) Peter...walked on the water. Matthew 14:29 NKJV Here are some things you need to know about water-walking: (1) Everybody has a boat. Your boat is whatever gives you your greatest sense of significance and security. It's what you're tempted to put your trust in, especially when life gets stormy. Want to know what your boat is? Your fear will tell you. Ask yourself, "What is it that most produces fear in me - especially when I think of leaving it behind and stepping out in faith?" (2) You must keep your eyes on the Saviour, not the storm. When did Peter sink? When he "saw the wind." We all know what it's like to see the wind, don't we? You begin a new adventure full of hope. Maybe it's a job or a new relationship. Maybe you're trying to succeed in a new venture. At the beginning you're full of faith; it's blue skies; then reality sets in. Setbacks. Opposition. Financial challenges. Life's full of surprises so we should expect it, bu
Water-walking (Part 2) When he saw the wind...he was afraid. Matthew 14:30 NIV The truth about water-walking is: the fear never goes away! If you want to grow, you must go into new territory, and each time you do you'll experience fear. Give up trying to make fear go away! Fear and growth go together; it's a package deal. The decision to grow means choosing between risk and comfort. Each time you get out of the boat you become a little more able to get out the next time. It's not that the fear goes away, you just get used to living with it. You realize that it doesn't have the power to destroy you. On the other hand, every time you choose to stay in the boat rather than heed the call of Christ to "Come," the voice inside you gets a little quieter, until finally you don't hear it at all. Did Peter fail? No. Besides Jesus, he's the only man who ever walked on water. Failure isn't an event, it's just an opinion. It's not what happens to us, but how we think about it. Only Peter knew t
Water Effect
i can make water picture if you want one let me know
A lonely mother gazing out of her window Staring at a son that she just can't touch If at any time he's in a jam She'll be by his side But he doesn't realize he needs her so much But all the praying just ain't helping at all Cause he can't seem to keep himself out of trouble So he goes out and he makes his money the best way he knows how Another body laying cold in the gutter Listen to me Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that You're used to I know that your gonna have it your way Or nothing at all But I think you're moving too fast Little precious has a natural obsession For temptation but he just can't see She gives him loving that his body can't handle But all he can say is baby it's good to me One day he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror But he doesn't recognize his own face His health is fading and he doesn't know why 3 letters took him to his final resting place Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers
The Water Bowl
The water bowl A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?" "This is Heaven, sir," the man answered. "Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked. "Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brou
Water Is Very Powerful
A person can fall ill in the absence of medicine, but what if a person has nectar at home and wanders in search of medicine. Today we are Seeing a similar scene, it can be changed if we wish to. Yes! We have nectar at home but why we are attracted towards the toxic tinned drinks? We consider water to be a mere waste item, but it is nectar in the true sense. We are still not aware of the unlimited significance of water. Very few people know that water is not just plain water; it has power of dissolving poison and also evacuate it from the body. No treatment can be successful without it. Water in the form of medicine Take around 50 to 100 ml of boiled water. Let it cool for some time. Drink it like tea but in drops so that you do not feel it going inside. Spend at least five minutes to finish one cup of water. Drink one cup of hot water every day in the morning on empty stomach, after every meal and in between two meals, at least five to ten times daily. This will cause excess u
Water Effect
i make water effect picture if you want one let me know 1 pick the picture 2 tell me which folder and what the picture is
Water Fall's Of Faith
The Water
The Water It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth. It was a dry season that would bankrupt several farmers before it was through. Every day, my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields. Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water. But severe rationing had cut everyone off. If we didn't see some rain soon...we would lose everything. It was on this day that I learned the true lesson of sharing and witnessed the only miracle I have seen with my own eyes. I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. He wasn't walking with the usual carefree abandon of a youth but with a serious purpose. I could only s
Water Me
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The Waterfall
The first thing he sees when he unlocks his truck is a note taped to the steering wheel. A smile passes over his face. There is only one other person with keys to his truck. He was very ready to go home after his long day at work, but he felt a fluttering of excitement as he read the note. Remember the trail we took into the hills when we had our wonderful picnic last weekend? Go there now, but don’t stop at the clearing, keep going. There will be something from me visible when you have driven far enough. He drove thinking about what she could have planned for them. He was getting more excited by the minute. The tiredness he had felt just a few minutes ago is gone, replaced by anticipation. He kept driving higher and higher into the hills starting to worry that maybe he missed his sign. He had passed the picnic spot about fifteen minutes ago. He saw it then. A big red ribbon was tied to a tree. He looked around and noticed that was the only sign that an
Water Woes Could Mean New Dams
SPOKANE, Wash. - The Western states’ era of massive dam construction — which tamed rivers, swallowed towns, and created irrigated agriculture, cheap hydropower and environmental problems — effectively ended in 1966 with the completion of Glen Canyon Dam. But the region’s booming population and growing fears about climate change have governments once again studying construction of dams to capture more winter rain and spring snowmelt for use in dry summer months. “The West and the Northwest are increasing in population growth like never before,” said John Redding, regional spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in Boise. “How do you quench the thirst of the hungry masses?” Story continues below ↓advertisement The population of the Western states grew nearly 20 percent in the 1990s, to more than 64 million, and continues to swell even as climate change poses new threats to the water supply. Ironically, consideration of new dams comes even as older ones are being t
Waterfall If life cascaded as waterfalls would i dream in vivid colors --> --> if this reverie found a safe harbor would i seek to find a moment of ectasy --> --> as the children play in waters deep and cool could it be everything i said to you --> --> and if i saw a bird as she sang her song would my life last more then a moment long --> --> and i could dance lost in a meditative trance --> --> as the music in ribbons wrap around me and this would be the vision i see --> --> the hidden world that hinders on life and death would my mind splinter and i would lose each breath --> --> or could i breathe with the waters of this fall and notice i am but a grain of sand that this life of mine is so small --> --> and in this place of redemption words lose their meaning and i feel liquid fluid like water as i dance in an endulating movements across the midnight sky --> --> would i mourn part of myself
The Water Horse
The Water Horse - 2008 When a lonely young boy named Angus discovers a large, mysterious egg along the shores of Loch Ness, no one is prepared for what lies within. He soon discovers that the strange, mischievous hatchling inside is none other than the Water Horse. Growing ten times its size every day, Angus finds it increasingly difficult to keep his new friend a secret. Two-time Academy Award nominee Emily Watson (1998, Hillary and Jackie, 1996 Breaking the waves) Alex Etel, Ben Chaplin (the thin red line), David Morrissey (the reaping) and Brian Cox (running with scissors) star in this heart warming tale from director Jay Russell (Tuck everlasting) and written by Robert Nelson Jacobs (Flushed Away). This movie set back in the time of World War II is a great film about friendship. It has some real heart tugging moments and scenes of what it means to be a true friend. The special effects are wonderful and keep to a supporting role in the film. After watching it a f
The Water's Just Fine...
New Rule: If you go swimming in the ocean and a great white shark takes off both your legs in a single strike, the media cannot say you were "bitten" by a shark. There's a big difference between a fire ant and a shark!
Watermelon Cake
This cake looks like a watermelon, but it's flavor will fool you! 1 pkg White Cake Mix 2pkgs cool aid type mix, cherry flavor 1/3 cup chocolate chips 1 cup sugar white frosting green food coloring other ingredients for cake- follow the box (oil, egg) This must be prepared in an oven safe bowl, for instance Pyrex is great! Most glass bowls are not oven safe. Using a bowl makes this cake look most like a watermelon with it's pink color, black dot's and green frosting. Mix together in a mixing bowl, cake mix, drink mix, chocolate chips, and sugar and blend well. Pour into greased oven safe glass bowl. Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes. Check every 5 minutes after 40 minutes have passed to ensure it is not burning. Cool completely before trying to invert and frost! To frost: Mix together green food coloring with white frosting to desired "greenness" then spread over dome shape, then make long slices to make them look like watermelon wedges.
Water Runs Dry
We don't even talk anymore And we don't even know what we argue about Don't even say I love you no more Cause sayin' how we feel is no longer allowed Some people will work things out And some just don't know how to change Water Runs Dry Let's not wait till the water runs dry We might watch our whole lives pass us by Let's not wait till the water runs dry We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives Don't do it baby Now they can see the tears in our eyes But we deny the pain that lies deep in our hearts Well maybe that's a pain we can't hide Cause everybody knows that we're both torn apart Why do we hurt each other Why do we push love away Let's not wait till the water runs dry We might watch our whole lives pass us by Let's not wait till the water runs dry We'll make the biggest mistake of our lives Don't do it baby
Water / Flood
Water is central to the human story. Whether it is the deep, fresh lake, the river that brings life, or the ocean that must claim her dead, water is both friend and enemy at once. When dreams contain this powerful image in any of its forms, understanding the role of the water is essential. Water is a strong symbol in dreams because so often it is the exclamation point of the feelings in the dream. If other objects in a dream are relaxing, a bubbling brook through a meadow is more relaxing. If some symbols generate feelings of fear or anxiety, the tumultuous ocean creates the most anxiety. Water has symbolic, archetypal meaning in that it either provides life, or harbors mystery and danger. This is a reflection of our human experiences with water. In early human history, the hunter-gatherers quickly learned that water was the central ingredient of life. (We die of thirst much more quickly than we starve.) More importantly, to know where the water was meant knowing where the food was
Water, Water Everywhere...
Well, not really... Water is one of our most precious resources. Those that love in the west are starting to know this and we will all find out in the next 20 years. My garden appreciates fresh rainwater all summer long thanks to my rain barrel.... another interesting fact... In 2 minutes in the shower you use as much water as the average African does in a day.
Watermelon Cookies
WATERMELON COOKIES 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 egg 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 3/4 cup white sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1/3 cup butter 1/2 cup shortening 1 T. milk 1 tsp. vanilla extract 3 drops red food coloring 1/3 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 T. water 1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar 3 drops green food coloring Combine flour, baking powder, salt in a small mixing bowl. Beat butter, shortening with an electric mixer at medium speed until fluffy; gradually add sugar, beating well. Stir in egg, milk, vanilla. Gradually add flour mixture to creamed mixture, mixing well. Add a small amount of red food coloring to color dough as desired, beating until blended. Shape dough into a ball; cover chill at least 3 hours. Preheat oven to 375. Divide dough in half; store one portion in refrigerator. Roll remaining portion to 1/4 inch thickness on a lightly floured surface. Cut dough with a 3-inch round cookie cutter, cut circle in half. Place on an
The Watertower
Meet at the Watertower by LateNiteFantasy© I can't tell you now not in the light of day meet my by the watertower tonight after the moon rises from the crapapple tree fast through the woods with only fireflies to light our way along the edge of the creek barb wire in the dark stop by the third oak catch our breath steal a kiss eternal moment then across the field moonlit gleam in a rabbit's eyes when we reach the rock wall we're almost clear crouch down, look back over the top don't speak don't breathe too loud don't let go of my hand look for the path trampled pine needles the big poplar is over the second hill listen for the little stream trickling over the big rock there I'll find the words that I can't tell myself from my knees I will give you my confession your hand in mine gives us that right tomorrow is all that matters
Waterfalls - Literal And Figurative
Waterfalls Through the years, I have enjoyed the journey to, reveled in the vision of, and craved the taste of certain delightful “waterfall” formations. As I consider the “waterfalls” I begin to think of all of the varieties of waterfalls and all of the possible settings. While acknowledging there are a variety of waterfall configurations, short, minimal falls with little or no vertical rise or fall, medium tapered falls cascading ever so slightly towards the earth below, or those falls that stretch from places on high to points down below, these I think of now are full and stout, warm, inviting, and oh, so responsive. As my mind drifts, I get lost in the the setting for “waterfalls”. There are “waterfalls” in this world that are made readily accessible to the viewer, and there are those that are hidden from the public view. There is nothing wrong with stopping to view or enjoy a "waterfall" formation that offers ease of access (assuming that one has the permission o
Water Into Wine
WATER INTO WINE The policeman signals to an car driver to pull over to the side of the road, due to the fact that he appears to be driving erratically. He says to the driver, "You appear to have been drinking!" The driver answers, "No sir, I am just tired." The policeman looks into the car and notices that the driver is a priest! He also notices that there is an empty bottle on the floor. He says to the driver, "What is, or should I say was in this bottle? The driver answers, "Water!" The policeman says, "It is not, it's wine!" The driver looks up to the heavens and says, "Oh Lord, you have done it again!"
I sneak up close behind you, It's almost reaching noon, I kiss your neck just gently, Someone will come home soon. You place your hands on my breasts, And gently push me against the wall, Pull off my clothes in a rush, I watch them as they fall. You take your hands in mine, As you lead me to your bed, Take off your clothes and lay me down, I gently stroke and caress your head. You slowly explore your new wonderland, The mountains, the cave, the waterfall, I close my eyes and let you, Wanting you to touch me all. Soon enough I lose control, Need to feel you inside me, Guide you in and pull you close, We're one, connected we finally be. I rock against you slowly, As you push inside me deeper, The feelings getting intense, This memory is a keeper. You gently start to kiss me, And I moan softly in your mouth, I can feel the feeling growing, A feeling coming from down south. I grind against you harder, As the wat
Water Your Rose
It's utterly amazing. How just a short while ago, You could never get enough, no matter how much you worked,. No matter what was going on, There was always enough time., Now., Hell I'm lucky to get to hear your voice maybe once in 3 weeks. Before it was Hey beautiful, Hey love, Hey Dahling.. Hey something.. Now I'm left with a simple Hey. You blame it on being tired, & with that you tend to distant yourself from others,... But since when did I just become ., Yet another..... Have I become that unnoticable, that unwanted,. That.... easily removable? I know 'cause You've told me... That You used to think about me every min of the day,. Has it become that painful? 'cause I believe.. You don't even think of me at all anymore., I know you told me,. You love me, & It's just the way you are,. But.... This is me, I'm needy,. and I don't like when someone acts one way,.. Then goes to acting another.., This heart is ticking slower.... & When it stops., I doubt you'l
Watermelons May Have Viagra-like Effect .....
Watermelons are favorite summer fruits that are loaded with antioxidants. Previous research touted watermelons as being high in lycopene, an antioxidant associated with heart, prostate, and skin health. Now this sweet treat might be something you serve on Valentine’s Day, too. Researchers at Texas A & M University have found that watermelons have ingredients that deliver a Viagra-like effect to the body’s blood vessels and may increase libido. Besides being high in lycopene, watermelons have been discovered to contain another antioxidant called citrulline. It partners with the amino acid arginine to potentially improve heart health and the immune system, and it may also help with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and perhaps erectile dysfunction. Citrulline helps relax blood vessels, similar to the effect of Viagra. The majority of the citrulline compound is located in the watermelon rind, so plant breeders are working to create varieties that have higher amounts of citrulline in
Water Rush - By Me
As I sit here and remember the ocean I long for the power of Mother Ocean to envelope me And spew me forth upon her surface I crave the thundering whitewater to scare me into action I yearn for the thrill of making split second decisions of Life or death in the bowels of some monster of a wave I long for the satisfaction of being a survivor of those Days of powerful and deadly surf
Water Sign (pisces) Thats Me
Pisces: 19 February - 20 March Sensitive, imaginative, intuitive - but indecisive, changeable and unrealistic too and that's what Pisces is and more. There are two planets specifically associated with the sign, Jupiter and Neptune. Both of these planets lend their energies to expanding the imagination and letting your feelings run free. No wonder the other signs seem dutiful and dull in comparison. Pisces is the sign of the psychic, the healer, the intuitive who is in tune with the synchronicities of the universe. Pisces nature is emotional, sensitive and subjective. Your imagination and intelligence are subtly insightful. The Pisces soul is one of mystery and longing. As mentioned, Pisces is a sign that deeply reflects its ruler, Neptune, the planet of fantasy and illusion, romanticism and phantasmagoria, compassion, sympathy and the supernatural. The Pisces mind is like no other. Like a vast, swirling ocean, the Piscean inner world is a rich tapestry of impressions and se
There in the cascade I found my tranquilty and my mind was able to drift into a sweet serenity where I found your eyes staring back at me piercing my heart through just mere memory This elysian field held my pleasure attentiveness as you crossed your legs from left to righteousness I find myself sensually endearing their smooth touch and encompasing the nights we once had to clutch A state of elated bliss with just one kiss with eyes closed its no longer something i miss There in that elusive moment I hope to recapture I've boarded the enterprise of an extacy so pure

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