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We'll Go No More A-roving
So, we'll go no more a-roving ...So late into the night, Though the heart be still as loving, ...And the moon be still as bright. For the sword outwears its sheath, ...And the soul wears out the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe ...And love itself have rest. Though the night was made for loving, ...And the day returns too soon, Yet we'll go no more a-roving ...By the light of the moon. by George Gordon, Lord Byron
Well Damnit...
I don't who the hell I pissed off but some one decided that my first profile deserved to be deleted. It would be LOVELY if someone from support could possibly give a better response than the generic BS but whatever. Seriously though... I wanna cry.
We'll Make You See Death (
A harrowing account from a man the CIA handed over to Jordan -- smuggled from prison on tiny paper -- exposes U.S. complicity in torture. Photo provided by Human Rights Watch A message written by Ali al-Hajj al-Sharqawi, smuggled from prison, describing Sharqawi's torture by Jordanian intelligence. April 10, 2008 | On a recent trip to Amman, Jordan, during a visit to the home of someone who had been detained by the Jordanian intelligence service in 2002, I was given two very thin strips of paper covered with Arabic writing and marked with a thumbprint. Curled up into a tight spiral, they were no bigger than the cap of a pen. My contact, who had smuggled the papers out of intelligence detention a few years previously, told me that the message therein had been written by a prisoner who had been detained with him. He said it gave a detailed account of that person's experiences. That evening, in my hotel room, an Egyptian colleague translated the text, word for word. Stu
well..... the list is now finished..... way cut down.... so yay to all who stay.... i needs love lol..... and a smoke... always with the cigarettes sheesh...... *walks outside to smoke*
Well, It's Happened!
I'M A FU-FIGHTER! Hahahaha... I love it. :D
Well Officer....
Officer, this is how the fight started... I rear-ended the car in front of me. I admit that. It was my fault. So, we both pull over to the side of the road, and slowly the driver of the car I hit gets out of his car. . . and you know how you just-get-sooo-stressed... and life... Sometimes, life seems, suddenly funny? Well, the driver of the car I hit is a DWARF! He gets out of his car and I get out of my car. He is frowning and scowling and he storms over to me. Right up close at me he looks up in my face and says, 'I AM NOT HAPPY!' And I don't know what possessed me, officer, but I look down at him and I said, 'Well, if you're not Happy -- which one are you?' .........and that's when the fight started.
Well First Cunt On Fuabr
~Kaly~aka ~Blondie~ should be known as aka cunt or bitch.....and heres why... ~Kaly~aka ...: Ok let me get this on your LEVEL ..cuz I have a four year degree....FUCK YOU..and I dont need your lying ass ..there are enuff of those. ->~Kaly~aka ...: now its you whom doesnt know me.....try and argument more your i spoke truth and you took it that i would have cybered in a flash ....if thats how you feel i wont be able to change that and for a third time...SORRY I BOTHERED YOU ... ~Kaly~aka ...: You are a would have cyber sexed inna min...just save it. I rather honestly...just say you wanted to get off...and youre sorry...or keep going. ->~Kaly~aka ...: whatever not like most guys and i woud rather be honest then a fake so if thats enough to damn me then so be it again sorry i bothered you ~Kaly~aka ...: THAT IS WHAT I READ...most guys do not first meeting ...esp..say..Im HONRY AND HAVE NO dont even know me.. ->~Kaly~aka ...: an
Well Wat Den
well den peep this its been a minute but i am talken to this chick and my mind is always on her and always has been might have lost focus for a minute but itll b aight ya feel me anyhow i am talken to someone that dont make me not single ya feel me i aint hallen at no one but this chick and if all works out well ya heard me anyway i am detailing cars again ill come to you or you to me i am cheapest in town swear it!!anyhow its friday and i am too excited about tomorrow cuz we going racing ya heard norwalk yall ya heard well hit me up b ez
Well Come On...
Well Its About That Time Of Year Again Something Imporant To Me !!!!!!!!!
Hello all This blog is my yearly blog of anything important. Well its that time of year again and yes its warrant time. Well I was born and raised in the state of NJ. Iam trying to pay child support and I was told by my X that they are going to be sending out a warrant for my arrest again. I know that Iam trying to find a job but its a Pain in the Ass when they suspend your license and reg for your car. I know why they do it but it makes it harder for me to get a job amd live and do what i have to do for my kids. Now i know guys in the state that are more behind than lam and it sucks that i cant find a job and trust me I have been looking. I need to get everyone off my back and I don't know who is worse the bill collectors or my mom. I love my kids to death and it kills me everyday that i cant give them what they want when they want it. I get reminded how much lam not a good father because I cant do for my self let alone 2 kids and the pressure I put on myself and ever
Well Its Funny To Me....
Well I Went To Bed A Fu-king And Got Up A Godmother!! Wow!
I made this music player at Well I went to bed a FuKing and got up a Godmother!! WOW! What a shock and didnt even have my coffee yet! I want to thank everyone who rated me last nite and helped me to accomplish this milestone. I couldn't have done it without your help and I deeply appreciate it. There was such an overwhelming response that I am afraid many of you were pushed off my bar tab and I have no way of sending luv back to you, but bless ya for what you did. I tried to rate back as many as I saw on the bar tab as I believe in helping people who go out of their way to help me. So many of you were strangers but I hope not any more. Special thanks to Jus'Me who has been giving me all her 11's for weeks to help me level up. Micki Blue Eyes is another dear friend who made a bully for me after I left Fubar and stayed up rating me until she maxed. Red Wing Hunny and Sassy (friends also) did their best too and I appreciate all they did. Oh there are s
I was planning on deleting myspace here but my bro found me so I am keeping it up here. Trying to get him on fubar now...lmao. I kno I havent been on here bloggin that much....just alot of things have been going on. I am still going thru a couple of things now, but I am hoping that by the end of June things will be settled. If not then I have wasted alot of tears on things. Things that I wish to write on here I cant. I have alot of emotions right now going thru my skull that I cant write them here for fear of others seeing. So I have done the next best thing....kept them inside. But I kno I am gonna burst. Trying to keep my cool tho...its all I can do. We all kno how I am...well a few here anyway...I have to write to get my emotions out. And right now I cant...altho I am to the point where I should and just say fuk it all. Writing in the blogs was my stress I have to hold shit in. I cant say what I want to say...just to get it out there an off my ches
If you had 1 wish to get the ULTIMATE Mother's Day gift {or give}, what would it be? Mommies...I know the ULTIMATE would be peace and quiet LOL, think of that special something you would really want.
WARNING! This sexy hot beauty can cause addiction!,,they say that i have a killer body... i am good at pleasing men who are gentle to me. i would love to offer my sweet cheery pie to them... want to have some? let us have much tasting of my sweet cheery pie..check out my profile add me in my messenger i am waiting you ok...kisess kisses..
Well It Sucks
Where to begin? Lets just say love is the greatest most enjoyable miserable thing ANYONE can experience. Growing up I thought I loved this girl. Then there was another. Then another. I later realized that wasnt love for that girl; it was love for the attention; the togetherness. Then, in hopes of finding that one that I don't feel the same about; feel more than that togetherness, feel something special I met my now Ex wife. I'll admit she broke my heart. Not just for me but for my son when she left me. For the fact ultimately he would have to choose a parent; a side. I NEVER wanted that for my son, and STILL feel terrible his mother would do this to him or I. Well, I'm divorced now, back in the dating scene. Problem is I meet many very nice women.... for a while. Then something clicks and they all keep turning out the same. Tell me I'm a great, good looking guy, a good dad but there's always that BUT. . . So I write this in hopes that all of you reading even tho
Well Update
Well The Bikes Gone!
Yep finally sold it, just have to finish paying my brother for his bike and then he will be happy LOL. Must get around to posting a pic of the new bike sometime. At the moment just keeping myself busy reading about cheetah templates and working on some python code.
Well Its Not Just A Daydream If You Decide To Make It Your Life
i've been pondering myself a lot lately - the usual stuff... who am i, what is my purpose, where am i going in life.. i'm sure everybody does it, but being a virgo girl with a virgo moon rising i know i do it a lot more than the norm. i don't find it suprising at all that i am in this state of self discovery - it's pretty much to be expected of me after the year i've had. a big part of my pondering lingers on my age.. i am sometimes baffled when i mention my grandson Caleb in conversation with people and they stop and stare at me and finally ask how old i am. i'm 44. what a freaking concept. i sure as hell don't feel 44. i'm told i don't *look* 44, and i know for certain i don't act 44. i feel more like maybe early to mid 30's most of the time - and then other times i feel ageless. last night at dinner tim took a picture of me with his cell phone and when i looked at it i couldn't help but realize i had pretty collar bones. not the hints of them that started to s
Well.... I Am Happy, He Makes Me Truly Happy
I moved out and moved on. I left my ex. And now I am with the one I have been truly involved with. I moved in with him about a month and a half ago. We are not just playing house here folks, we are truly a couple now. So when you see my crush and you see his crush on here, well it ain't no crush... it is reality. We are now able to do what our ultraego here says without any questions or hesitations. Well, enough said... see you all laterz!!
Well Was Expected
1 Celtic 38 58 89 2 Rangers 38 51 86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Motherwell 38 4 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Aberdeen 38 -8 53 5 Dundee Utd 38 6 52 6 Hibernian 38 4 52 7 Falkirk 38 -4 49 8 Hearts 38 -8 48 9 Inverness CT 38 -11 43 10 St Mirren 38 -28 41 11 Kilmarnock 38 -13 40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Gretna 38 -51 13 WAS EXPECTED WHEN YOUR CHEAT BY REFS THAT FIX GAMES AND A FOOTBALL LG MAKES YOU PLAY 7 GAMES IN 2 WEEKS WHAITCH 1 GAME WAS DEFO FIXST FUCK THE SFA
Well Wishes!
To all my friends! I am bbq'ing today!! me by and Come and have a drink and some good eats!! Love you! Diana!! Call first if you feel funny, you have the number!
Well, I'm starting my online chemistry class today, and I've still to see anything from the professor in my inbox containing a syllabus, instructions, or even just a quick "sorry, I'll have it up tomorrow" even. I don't want my first class in 4 years to start off this way, with me in limbo about how things should be... I'm scared, nervous, and very anxious about this online school thing, but I had to take the classes online for I'll be in Cancun the week of finals, and I can't miss them. I'm also stressed about a great many things in my life aside from college. Business is down so badly that it's going on over a week since I should've been paid...I'm still here cuz it's my family's business and I feel I've an obligation to stay to help my 75-year old dad. But money is so tight, and I'm running out of my savings. Why not get another job? Because this is the only job that will accomodate the schedule I have to have in the fall to go to school at the college for nursing. I'll be a
Well, it is official.. May 30th I will be moving back in with my dad's place.. Eeek!!! The great financial reason is making me do it. Lizzard will be moving back in with his mom's . I really don't know how that is going to work out. I still have a little ways of go . Looking through stuff as to what I am going to keep... or not.. Never known we have collected so much crap through out the years.. That's a big EEEEEEEEEEk!!! Lmao So if you do not see me on as much as in the next few days.. I have not forgotten my friends.. Love all my peeps ( Yes, I said peeps :P) Hopefully, I won't be at my dad's more than a year.. I like my own coming and goings. :D But living with all the people and animals Already there My dad, his wife... my niece.. a cat,a dog(my puppy forever Phoebe{loves) and a guinea pig... Bringin with me.... my fat cat.. and my 2 guinea pigs. Oh and it looks like I will be taking care of allll of the animals because ..well that's a long story
Well Ok...
Well I heard from Ty - He is fine. Now before anyone else gets the bright idea to delete their account - add me to myspace so I don't lose you!!! :D
Well Lessons Learned
Lessons learned once more I thought I could trust but guess what that aint gonna happen agian... well well life is to short agian for me to worry about things. Wrecked my car and alot of shit my life is heading back down once agian.. will i pick it up yes i always do. But I will never trust again.
Well, here it is, 3 weeks since she said that she was leaving, and I am in the same spot I was in 3 weeks ago. Lost, confused, and feeling so alone. For the last 3 weeks, she has been telling me she would make sure I got to spend time with the kids. She would get them to me, she would have them at the airport when I get off the plane, and all of this other stuff, now she is saying she is going to try. I love her, but she keeps pushing me towards the edge a bit more and more. She wonders why I am so against her moving so far from me. I know now why she wants to move so far from me. That way she can hold something else against me. I keep getting hurt, and she keeps saying but I thought you wanted to be my friend. Well, friends don't do what she keeps doing to me. I try to talk to her, and she shuts me down, she dodges questions. She keeps saying she doesn't avoid the questions, but she does. Last night, I mentioned that I am scared to death of what is coming down
Well Shit
well I had a hell of a surprise today. not a bad one. a friend of mine from my past showed up on my doorstep. this girl has taken my for an emotional roller coaster ride. let me explain. back in the day we were really great friends. when I wasn't at work and she wasn't at school or off doing family shit we were always together. I don't think we did anything with out the other known. and then her family hit a rough patch and she was haven a hard time with dealing with it all. and I was trying to be a good friend and do anything I could to help her get thru it. as a good friend would do. and well things just seemed to keep getting harder and harder for her. and I understand that. well there was a misunderstanding one day. she came over and I could tell she was in a bad way. and so I wanted to just be here for her and comfort her and be there for her. and well things getting taken out of portion. and so I went to work the next day and in my gut I had a bad feeling about
Well, We're On A Roll, 3-days In A Row!
...I came home from a rather medium day, (it certainly wasn't rare, and it definately wasn't well done), to come to the land of FU, only to get a message from the powers that be at Fu-support telling me a picture in my profile was found to be NSFW and offensive ... it's the one with the female shaking/rocking back and forth in the tub ... SOME COCK-TARD, SOME FU-TWAT, MARKED IT NSFW ... it isn't as bad as some other shit I seen out there on peoples NON nsfw profiles, but I don't go belly-aching to the man standing in the corner, working the controls from behind the curtain ... I am really beginning to see more and more fucking sissy's on here, pouring out their tears because something they see or read offends them ... IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE, THERE ARE A MINIMUM OF THREE OPTIONS FOR YA, 1 - CLICK THE BACK ARROW IN THE LEFT CORNER OF YOUR BROWSER. 2 - CLICK THE RED 'X' IN THE RIGHT CORNER OF YOUR BROWSER. 3 - TURN YOUR PC OFF AND GO BACK TO BED AND SUCK YOUR THUMB.
tomorrow is Richards day off work and its just suppose to be a him and i day. i think it will unless the stupid bitch starts texting him...then i am gonna be pissed. he says they are just friends but when she send him a text message every 5 seconds it pisses me off. even when he dont write her back she sends him messages until he writes back. she still likes him and he said he still like her but he wasnt gonna leave me for her. i just wish she would get over him cause he is MINE.
Well Here We Go Again
Well I think I'm about ready to just give up. Apparently I'm not what anybody is looking for. For those of you who read this I'm not throwing myself a pity party, I've just come to the realization that I have nothing to offer the opposite sex. I know I sound like I'm whining and I really don't care what anyone thinks anymore. I'm sick of keeping everything inside. I know I haven't had the worst life but things sure haven't gone good for me very often in the last decade.
Well Well...
Well, some of you got something shoved Somewhere about my attempt to have fun. But you got your wishes. I'm appealing, of course. We'll see... As for the people I didn't get their prize to, I'm sorry. I made an abreviated list of your sn's on a piece of paper, thinking I could use the comments for my mumm as a guide. But since I don't have access to it now, I can't know who I left off at and so forth.
Well I Am Thinking On Close My Fubar Account
well i am thinking on close my fubar account date: 2008-06-13 16:42:13 well this sit has brought me friends and so much more..I met my wonderful girlfriend on here and got rid of my old p.o.s. i m going to be closing my account since the only thing keeping this sight going is retards with pointless mumms and pervs wanting to see cock and twat pics. don't get me started on the countles underage people who are here for points and whoring themselves out..its not a mature sight for adults its a xxx site for was fun i am going to go back to that way i can block the mindless apes and share my artwork..if u want to hit me up sometime ask for my myspace page..til than deuces
Well Im A Dad
Ya i found out im going to be a dadyy so im kinda freaked out about everything
Well painted passion You rightly suspect Impersonation The dumbing down of love Jaded in anger Love underwhelms you No box of chocolates Whichever way you fall No, no I'll get this I want to treat you You're still not famous And you haven't struck it rich Underachieving 'Cause no one's receiving This tunnel vision It's turning out all wrong And if I tell you Lover alone without love What will happen Lover alone without love Will you miss him? Lover alone without, without love
Well I Have Been Commited Now...
Well peeps, this Geek has gone and done it... I have booked myself into a Health Spa for a couple of days, should be an interesting experience if nothing else. Just will have to remember to take a good book with me.... just in case :)
Well, I Just Wasted 5000 And Got Flamed By Everyone
Ya know... I get about 4 messages A DAY asking me about being a medic, and the army... and I thought id do a solid and put a mumm out there seeing if people wouldn entertain the idea of ever being a medic... and if they did...and if they had any questions, they could send me a message. I mean Im not a recruiter, nothng like that. just trying to be a nice steer some minds in a posative direction... and what do i get.. WAAA WAAA WAA.... people telling me Im advertising something. wishing that I get killed in mortar attacks. and general wa wa wa shit. are you kidding me today. people are just hyper-hostile end BLOGRANT
Well, I'm Still Alive...
yup, that's right... wrecked my car... well this dumb bitch slammed on her brakes, i was about 4-5 lengths behind her precious little prius, so i slammed on mine, she went off into the median... my tired caught and sent me under an 18 wheeler, then it spit me out back across the fast lane and i flipped then landed on the hood of the car behind me.... then ended up on my wheels. the troopers said if i wouldn't have landed on the car behind me that i would for sure be dead... ty sean... muah! whatta ride dude... lemme tell you, i thought for sure i was gonna die, and i ended up with garnet in her crate on top of me and i opened my door looked down and there was my purse... contents all down the road... shards of mirror and glass stuck all around me on the seats and dash and i got a cut above my eye, bruised my elbow, knee, shoulder and the mouthpiece i have for my teeth cut the roof of my mouth right behind my teeth and somehow or another i hit my nose cause damn it hurts...
Well, Times For Me Are About To Change
Hello once again. I wanted to talk to you all today about what has recently happened to me. Just last week, I had a job interview with an insurance company called Combined. Now, I did not know what I was applying to, until I got the interview. At first, I thought it would be just an office job working at one of their offices. But, as the interviewing process happened, there were four parts to the interview I might add, I realized I ran into what it looks like a blessing. I saw I found myself in a wonderful opportunity; a job that is going to be my last job ever, and a job that is IBO friendly as well. The job I will be doing is going to our customers, picking up payments, extending their plans, and even selling new plans to them. This insurance company really caters more to huge companies and businesses, but also have some personal plans for people as well. I am very grateful for landing something like this, being that I have been wanting to get a better job for the past few m
Well It All Works Out In The End...
well for all to know... I am moving in with Nikki... I just got a job as a manager at Dunkin Doughnuts... and Nikki said I can move in with her... I was on the verge of breaking down and Nikki saved my life once again... she said she loved me and is showing it through actions the answer to my newest poem... my prayers are answered and I was sent an angel... named Nichole... and I could not ask for more... *smiles* I leave this week before thursday... so I won't be back for a while... but thats okay I will return sometime in the future... Its been good thank you for all my friends on here all the support and advice.... It helped a lot.. this is my last blog for awhile... see you all later... and again Thank all of you for everything Robert
Well There's Good News And Bad News....
The bad news...the same type of bone infection (osteomylitis) that they amputated my other toe for, was found in another toe. The good news is, I finally got someone to look beyond the surface wound on my toe and take an x-ray. And they found it early enough that they think they can treat it with out surgery. So as of now I don't need to be in the hospital. Which means y'all are stuck with me!!! Is that good news or bad news?? LOL
Well Then.
Autumns allergic to the sun now. Ain't that about a bitch.
Well Hey!
Hey everyone! I hope yall are doin great and havin a wonderful summer! Its rainin here today so were stuck inside so fig I would get online really fast to say hey! Things are still pretty crazy here but I guess thats to be expected with the kids bein outta school. We have been pretty busy doin alot of things, tonite my son has an advancement program for cubscouts. He's gonna be gettin his Tiger cub badge. Hes also been workin on gettin some electives done so he can earn some beads but he cant receive any of those until he gets his tiger cub rank. He went campin a couple weeks ago and got to do so many things! He was so excited when his picture was put on the front page of the news paper!! We are gettin ready to start workin on a few projects, the boys are gonna make some cards and then we are gonna take them up to the hospital and pass them out to some of the people that dont have anyone there with them. My father-n-law and them are doin good. So far the levee has held and the wate
Well, Well
nothing happened today. absolutely nothing.
Well, The Week On Insurance Training
This past week was almost like being in college again, only more cramming. As any of you didn’t know, I was hand picked to go up to Glenview, IL to get trained to become a licensed Insurance Agent, or they would like to call them “Producers.” Let me tell you, this past week was nuts. First off, the Sunday I was coming up to Glenview from Kankakee was not too bad, until reaching around 65th St. on the Dan Ryan and it was a complete standstill on the road. I mean, seriously, it looked like rush hour, at it was Sunday! Then, after getting off the expressway, I used some bogus directions I got from Goggle maps and got for an hour! Word of advice, do not ever use Goggle maps. I was suppose to be there between the times of 5:00 to 7:00, and I didn’t show up until about ten minutes before nine at night. I thought I wasn’t going to be able to check in, but in good faith, the times didn’t matter and I got to go into my hotel room. Also, I had a roommate, he was pretty cool, an older g
Well I Might Be Gooing Back To Texas
Well this morning I found out my ex husbands wife is getting transfered to Ft.Hood Texas.I just started dating a wonderful guy.Now I feel like i am getting screwed.She told me I dont have to live my life around them.I am not living my life around them I am living for my Girls.Now I am sitting here crying cause everytime i find someone that makes me happy I lose them.I don't know what to do..I love my girls and I cant stand to be away from them.I grew up without my mom and dad in my life it was hard.I cant do that to my girls! But now I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot.Cause I care alot about the man in my life.
We'll Begin Eternity
We'll Begin Eternity by LateNiteFantasy© Away from you, my heart knows only misery True and utter devotion, you are so dear to me Beloved, when apart....I feel such deep despair Wanting to hold you, show you how I care Endless longing burns within my soul Only you can fix this, only you can make me whole In your hands, uncontrollably I'm bound Realest love, realest pain....suddenly, swiftly found Your own heart, what I strive to posess I will give you everything, never any less Sweet lover, let me destroy your doubts and fears Hold you softly forever, kiss away your tears I beckon you beloved, bring your heart to me I'll tear down those walls around your heart, I'll try to make you see I will give you a love , that will forever endure For this emptiness inside me....only you have the cure. Your very essense, enticing to say the least The only thing imaginable to soothe this savage beast So wrap your arms around me, and say tha
Well Wth
After many weeks of fighting what i know. I have came to the conclusion i'm leaving. This is not.."Please Cubby stay"....This is not a cry for attention. Those who know me well know i have been forcing it. Ya i love comments, ya i love making people smile. But its been gone for weeks. Yes i have thought this through. Why am i bothering writing this? Well, when your a Godfather, you cant delete. You must beg. So i have, and my page will be gone any day now. So i wanted to say bye, and thanks to the people who made this place fun. I had a ball, and will always remember what Fubar meant. You guys were a huge part of my life for a year and half. And i thank you. Cheers to you. Cheers to Fubar. I'm not drunk, so this is real. See you all on the flipside. :D xoxoxo
Well, What Do You Think? Is There?
Well So Far Im Ok
Ok well this is whats goin on in the next few days I may lose my cable, and internet. Will be on as much as possible. Will use it till its not on anymore. Will be back as soon as I figure it out though. While in my absence if you can show some love to my owner I would greatly appreciate. Not sure how many of you read these things. But thank you
Well I Went Back To The Doctor Today
had the surgery last thursday but been really sick and not online much. i finally went back to the doctor today. she, the doctor, thinks i have something wrong with either my liver or pancreas or both. she put me on some nausua meds that make me sleep all the time, will find out the results of the test tomorrow and will maybe know more. i had had some "things" show up about a month ago and didn't go to the doctor, well maybe i should have. like they say hind sight is better than forsight. just to let everyone know i wont be online much til this is better, will try to jump on each day long enough to give my "owners" their 11s and answer my mail, photo comments and such i will try to repay when i am better. right now i am trying to get well and spend time with my little sons. yes i am having problems dealing right now, my dad died from liver cancer so everyone plz give me a prayer this isnt that, i got to sons to raise.
Well Guys.
Well hello guys Im gonna be gone for more likely a month because I had bills that needed to be paid, so I did, and forgot to pay the cable/internet. So please dont delete me and show me lots of love, I will be able to check it once in awhile so if I dont get back to you right away then dont get mad.I will just not as fast as usual. So guys please help me out while Im gone... Love my owner since I may not be on and cant myself. I will upload pics when I can with my phone. Well I will miss my real frieds.. LOve you guys....
Well i had never heard about fubar until a casting call for the models of fubar posted on model mayhem. I hope they consider me or I get it! i can be the new face of fubar!! tell me what you think!
Well Im New To Fubar Put There It Goes
THINK PINK FLOYD is the tri-state's most popular Pink Floyd tribute show. july26TH SWEENY'S SALOON 13639 Philmont Ave. cross st.busleton ave phila pa 19116 ******************************* people really enjoy the music of Pink Floyd. Their music was magical, epic, psychedelic with awesome musicianship and bizarre imagery in the lyrics. THE ULITIMATE PINK FLOYD TRIBUTE BAND MORE INFO AT ----------- WWW.THINKPINKFLOYD.COM ******** *************************. next up; kenstock july 5th Ken & Renee’s house 500 E Maple Ave Langhorne, 19047 215 868 3854 10$ - AUG 9th(cancelled) sept 20 (cancelled) - Sept 6th beef beer and THINK PINK (all ages) North Penn VFW 676 2519 Jenkintown Road Glenside, PA 19038 ******but tickets online - OCT 4th Walsh's Tavern 63 York Rd Warminster, PA 18974-4501 Phone: (215) 675-0149 - OCT 18th SWEENY'S SALOON 13639 Philmont Ave
since most people don't read my bulletins: CLICK HERE TO READ IT.
Well It Is
I just wanted to take a moment to thank those who stopped by and showed my page here on Fubar some love for my birthday. if you want - send love to my myspace page as well: thanks again
Well This Weekend...
was the best fuckin weekend ever!!! went camping, smooked some and then i went skinny dipping....tsk tsk shame shame lol
Well That's New.
apparently my page is THEE spot to post your fucking lounge link. anyone else wanna use my profile to advertise their shit?! anyone?!
well bald hunk you have been coming to my profil for awhile i have not had any complaints but yours,just because i wont talk to you,well hun you need too take a prozack and wait in line.and if you dont think im worth it then stay off my page and delete me as a friend!i dont need the dramma
Well Its Been Awhile Since I Blog Lol
Well hello everyone I been busy paying high fuel price's almost 5.00 a gal.. I also went through a few relationshps also. It would be nice if I can find a special someone to accept my carrier and me for who I am still single and getting older lol. No kids either so anyway's for my fans and friends I will try to rate your pics but my Blackeberry can do so much. Well I will blog some more later take care u all
Well This Is Kinda Funny!! Lol :)
Waking Up for Church One Sunday morning, a mother went in to wake her son and tell him it was time to get ready for church, to which he replied, "I'm not going." "Why not?" she asked. I'll give you two good reasons," he said. "One, they don't like me, and two, I don't like them." His mother replied, "I'll give YOU two good reasons why YOU SHOULD go to church. (1) You're 59 years old, and (2) you're the pastor!" The Picnic A Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Priest met at the town's annual 4th of July picnic. Old friends, they began their usual banter. "This baked ham is really delicious," the priest teased the rabbi. "You really ought to try it. I know it's against your religion, but I can't understand why such a wonderful food should be forbidden! You don't know what you're missing. You just haven't lived until you've tried Mrs. Hall's prized Virginia Baked Ham. Tell me, Rabbi, when are you going to break down and try it?" The rabbi looked at the priest with a big grin, and
Well Hmm
It seems that i was removed from someone's friends list because i don't agree with him about something stupid and trivial.. basically that person is pissed that I didn't defend him when someone "messed with" a picture he made.. it was trivial and i told him he should not be so angry about something so tiny... it was a picture... deal with it.. people mess with other people's pictures ALL THE TIME. I have stuck by friends through a lot of things but i am very open with my opinions on things and if you don't like that TOUGH COOKIES! I won't be pissed off about something that I think is funny just because you are. its not like it was the ONLY copy of the picture ffs.... If anyone else has to remove me for that.. then please feel free too... I will not cuddle you and say "ohh i am soo sorry the big bad wo/man messed with you... let me yell at him...." I am not that type of person. if it was something really offensive then YES i would have said something.. but it wasn
Well Would You?
Just a collection of some of my artwork, old and new. Do you think any of it is worth buying?
Well Lubed Humor
I must confess when I see Kentucky abbreviated in headlines or titles it makes me giggle, i.e.; KY Thief gets 20 years Obama to speak in KY Toyota to boost production at KY plant
Well Well Looks Like Bush Was Right About Iraq After All In Case You All Have Not Heard The News.
We found 500 tons of yellowcake uranium in Iraq and it was just moved to Canada. Anyone with half a brain knows that this means old Saddam was working on a nuke program. We also found centrifuges. Yep for the brain dead and the "Bush Lied" people out there. Yellow Cake Uranium and centrifuges spell Nuclear Weapons Program. It also means that Joseph Wilson and Valleys Plame also LIED because this Uranium came from Nigeria Just like Bush said in his 2005 State of the Union Address. Here is the MSNBC link for all of you people who hate Fox News. Another from CNN. One from Asia. 160225&sid=1b4d7c3606d0e88d173a65cf7d2955b0 The LA Times world/la-fg-cake6-2008jul06,0,4296828.story Basically what The Democrats said Before the war, before they decided to use the war for political gain, was tru
Well Shit
In my last blog entry in Feb I wrote that I was feeling sick. Well turns out it was because I'm pregnant. I am due in October so I dont have much longer to go. I've just recently moved back to Cookeville and gotten a new apartment. I keep forgetting about fubar, because I'm just so damn busy getting my shit together. Dont worry though, I still come and go once in a while. Leave some love
Well Is It??
U Got Me Hot As Hell - Americas Most Wanted
Well Would U?
Well... That's Just Great.
It's been a few hours since these children watched 28 Days Later. Why are they wandering around acting like zombies, yelling "ZOMBIE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ....i must start monitoring what they watch lol
Well I Feel Used
me and my ex where together for a year and i found out he had cheated on me throughout the whole thing....bla to men!!!! im totaly off them.....untill i go out on saturday with bridey.....SPOON!
Well Hi!
*Again i've been sucked into the world of the internet. YAY! Well im new so i'll be kinda shy at first. But that wont last long.. *smirk*
A Well-loved Yard
Well This Is It...
Well Im leaving Ft Bragg in an hr to fly out. Thought I was leaving last night but that didnt happen cause I was still in processing pretty late. Today I was issued my gear and still have no clue what unit I will be with or what I will be doing. Im off of here till I dont know when so later all. Jon
"wells Fargo Calling...
about your mortgage application... then again, maybe not. Just give me your cellphone number... give me a copy of your investment account info on your job... oh, you have outside investments too?... give me a clean copy of the documents for that! Yeh, and while you're at it, i want a copy of your kids birth certificates and marriage license. Say... do you have a count of your last bank statements... both banks?./.. and okay, I'm gonna need to run a credit check.... that'll cost $35.00." Here they all are.. everything you asked for... and no, I told you I am a single woman... a widow. When can I expect to hear from you... I don't want to lose my option for buying that house at $6000 Mr. Patton... I gave you copies of everything except my exhusband's pictures! I already drew out plans for rehabbing it!" He winds out a really slow... "well, I can't promise, what's your name?.... well, anyway, WELLS FARGO is a respectable institution. Give me a call in two weeks." That wa
Well Come To This
As many might know i have bipolar they classified it as bipolar 1 and 2 so actually a 3,well today i was staying with my mother her boyfriends mother wanted me to pay rent even though they pay her already but wanted money from me which i don't have. So in my lost mind set i left packed all my belongings and went to my wife's,I moved out couple months and with bipolar i afraid with my kids.I have a real great wife/friend she tries so hard to be my friend I just can't see anything anymore i have so many racing thoughts and can't stop. All i want to be happy and now seems i have lost that. If you know me you know i am a nice guy i try to be everyone's friend,put my personal things aside and care for other people. i really just want to be happy in life well i guess that isn't gonna happen:( I just wish i could go back in my mind and fine peace. But there is no peace in my mind it's all over the place nothing is what it seems to me anymore. If people new how my mind works th
We’ll Marry Each Other As Often As Needed
Come to California,” I said. ?“I will if you marry me,” Ira replied. This was two days before I was leaving for Los Angeles for work, and a week after same-sex marriage had been legalized there, making it reciprocally legal in New York State, where we live. “No,” I told him bluntly. “Not now.” He didn’t take offense. “Whatever,” he said. There are plenty of reasons not to tie the knot. Like many men, I had always been in fierce and firm command of them all. First off, as someone who had been a defensive single most of my adult life, I still believe that solitude makes you a deeper person, not a lesser one. So I felt kind of guilty for being in a couple. Then there’s the fact that marriage often lasts about as long as a Botox injection. And what is marriage anyway but (if I may be so pretentious) a hetero-normative institution that clumsily mixes property and the State with the divine and ethereal ideals of love? For years, Ira and I had mocked the idea that gay people wanted
Well Im Here.....
Well I got here in Iraq ok. At this moment Im in limbo waiting for the rest of my squad to show up from different places from the US and Germany. I know what I'll be doing and actually know some of the guys I'll be working with. Some are Navy Seals and others are from other Special Ops Units from within the Army. My time on here is limited as when I leave here I wont have any access to the internet for weeks at a time till we are flown back to the rear once every 2-3 weeks. This place seems to have gotten better since the last time I was here. At least now I know that I will be coming to the rear to recoup where as before I had no clue. I thought I would be training soldiers on the new weapons that are being moved into the field but I was wrong. Wishful thinking I guess. I dont know exactly when I leave here but I know its within hrs so till next time. Take Care Jon
Well, It's A Start. . . .
LPGA to require all players speak English Published: August 26, 2008 Print this Page E-mail Article ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The LPGA Tour boasts players from all over the world, and it wants all of them to be able to speak English. The LPGA will require players to speak English starting in 2009, with players who have been LPGA members for two years facing suspension if they can't pass an oral evaluation of English skills. The rule is effective immediately for new players. "Why now? Athletes now have more responsibilities and we want to help their professional development," deputy commissioner Libba Galloway told The Associated Press. "There are more fans, more media and more sponsors. We want to help our athletes as best we can succeed off the golf course as well as on it." The tour held a mandatory meeting with South Koreans last Wednesday at the Safeway Classic to inform them of the new policy, which was first reported by Golfweek magazine. There are 121 internat
Well I'm F**ked
Went out to get in the car and go take care of somethings, turned the key the motor made a bad noise and blowed up. I can't afford to fix it or replace it, so I just don't know what to do, god I hate my fucking life
Well Dammit
Fuckin shit!!! my man was supposed to come back in town tomorrow, but thankx to that Fay bitch he's been out of work because of rain, and they gotta catch up, DAMMIT!!!! I haz to wait another week to get some, ya know, grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus I was gonna get a car from one of his friends that is going back to Mexico for family reasons(no, he wasn't deported), damn, so IDK if Im gonna get it or not now:( Im losing my mind, this out of town work gets on my nerves but oh well, at least he's makin money, Im just used to him coming back in town every 2 or 3 weeks, not a month and a half!!!! Sorry, just needed to rant a lil bit. Hugs ♥
Well, The Weekend Has Started!!
Well the weekend has started!!!!! Yiippiiee!!!! We have made it to the weekend yet again, Don't really know why I am so excited for the weekend for we don't have any plans to (or the money)to go any where or do any thing, just sitting around being goofing and trying to find something to do. Yea I know, it's a lame weekend but to be honest, since I've settled down and started a family I much rather be at home with my family on the weekends or out doing something with them. But any way, just the ramblings of a long haired country boy. :-)
ok so i am tired... tired of what ya ask? Tired of everything! But hell I'm just gonna keep on being me. Eventually people realize what a good girl I am and then it's too late. I will keep moving forward and keep on being who I am regardless. I am done with games. If you are serious about wanting a good woman in your life then you should be willing to talk to them. Communication is the key. Most people don't get that though and they fear the fact that I am intelligent. I wish for once a guy would just pay attention to my intelligence rather than my looks. I may not be the best looking woman ever but damnit I am not ugly. Anyways... sorry just letting off steam.
Well Then
so i've noticed a trend, for the last week everywhere i've been i've bumped into someone, male and female both that have recently been cheated on. am i the only one that thinks this is a sad state of things?? since when did our world become a land of lie, cheat, and steal? didn't that go out with the dark ages? i guess i'm not really suprised, just dissapointed. i'm worried about how far this are gonna go, are relationships as we know them a thing of the past? is it all just about random humping now? if so, maybe i'm glad i don't partake in it all. why on earth would i want to be with a woman that was with whoever last night, and what's his face the night before. maybe i'm just trying to vent for those people that are too frustrated to do it properly, and who's to blame them. this whole "being a slut is cool" phase has got to end somewhere. i just hope it does while i'm still young enough to enjoy it.
Just sitting here hanging out, listening to some music, and it dawned on me. I have one more Monday left in theater. One more Monday. I have 8 days and I get on that blessing, that sweet bird of freedom. After a year, I have done a lot, seen a lot, and been through a bit. I have learned a lot as well. One of these days I'm going to reflect back and summarize the past year. For now, just know I have enjoyed it, am enjoying it, am looking forward to getting back stateside, but at the same time, am going to miss being here. I am going to miss the desert. Not the sandstorms, lack of beer, or being on Camp Arifjail, but I have made some outstanding friends and had some fun. Now, I'm back to sorting out stuff to be packed, carried, or mailed.
Well Would U? I Believe There Is A Space To Reply Below...
If We Had Sex....GAME. don't be scared. you never know who really wants to do you! (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out). 1. Would you be in control? 2. Would you whisper in my ear? 3. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? 4. Would you say my name? 5. Would you go down on me? 6. Would you let me give you a hickie? 7. How many rounds would we go? 8. What would you wanna do afterwards? 9. Would you take off all your clothes then take mine off slowly? 10. Would you lick and bite me all over? 11. Would you like to play or get straight to the point? 12. Would you want me to take my time? 13. Would you want me to go fast or slow? 14. Where would you wanna "do it"? 15. Would you be loud or quiet? 16. Would you mind if i licked you? 17. Would you do it today? 18. Would you do it tomorrow? 19. Would you call me in the morning? 20. Are you going to re-post these so I can answer them for you? Repost as "If we had s
Well What Can I Say?
You Are Smores Unusual and unconventional, you make your strange ways work for you. You've got personality - no one's denying that! What Dessert Are You Most Like?
I'm still afraid that some people on here don't get the fact that smokin is my 1 crutch . I like it n it also has medical uses (for me ) but I would smoke anyway . at least I'm not out drunk driving ........
Well....atleast Theres Some Good News?....
so my sisters getting married on a chic. which is fine with its gonna be cool i guess. headn up there with an old fu friend sun morn and will prolly talk bout lotsa stupid shit. haha..... n e way....on the shittier side of things.......its been 15 days without mom and it really sucks. ...its just not the same without her. ....yeasterday dad gave me her bandana's.... the ones she wore when she did her garden and yard work....or did her house stuff...... and it kinda got to seems like everyday is getting harder...and i know it will be the opposite someday....but 4 now...its getn worse....which does in fact suck!. but i'll survive....somehow i made it this far...but i know th@....i made it this far only because of her. rp
Well Let's See
I know another one...this is a give away...I couldn't resist! I will do most of the bombing myself........but ...Would ya, Could ya....puuuuuhlease....Just one rate AND a comment or two...bomb if ya want;) But not necessary any help is appreciated! Thanks so much! Don't forget to A/F/R the host! simply click the pic below u know how to do it
Well, Here I Am!
yeah, i'm new here. looks like i'm gonna have fun here- i've gotten lots of comments and stuff. :D i spent today doing too much housework. grad school really whoops my ass, i swear. i spend all day at school and work and come home, and before i know it the apartment's a wreck. bleh. then i spend all weekend cleaning. when do i get a vacation? lol oh well. here i am, feel free to stop by, say hi, tell me to stop whining about my life, ha ha.
Well May Be Not So But Oh Well
Right ok well this blog has been posted as a bulletin on myspace but so you all know why I appear to be such a lazy person on the pc, I will say it here - feel free to say what you wanna cos you know me I dont give a monkeys. JULY 9 2008 out drinkin, got drunk, came home, fell asleep, got up for toilet, never reached toilet, fell down step broke leg. Pretty serious break as well - bone came through the skin. Ended up in Luton and Dunstable hospital for two weeks, had plate and pins in leg. Now stuck in wheelchair, leg looks like a match stick, cant walk on it in fact can only walk with crutches or frame (omg no!) Gotta go back on the 20th OCtober to hospital to get it checked out and hopefully get told I can start walking - cos guess what, Im actually gettng really bored sat in front of pc all day and not being able to go out and spend money!!! But there is a compromise, I buy online!!!!!!!!!! OK so now you know why I appear to be a lazy person, plus codeine pain kill
Here it is Friday afternoon and I have no plans for the weekend!!! =( Under NORMAL circumstances I would be out "partying" with my friends... However... I'm taking a different route this weekend... I've decided to stay home and be a "good girl"... We will see how well that works!!! I'll let you know!!! HAHA!!!
Ok Im really here today...where are you?
Well Why Can't We Party Naked!
As someone here knows, I love to be naked! I am a nudist, single, sadly, because I've found not too many women like being nude. Why is that? I go to a local nudist resort where there are all kinds of people who love the lifestyle. Now I ask you....why can't I find a woman to be in my life that likes being naked? Unfortunately, we Canadians are a prudish bunch except for a small minority including myself. There is nothing wrong with being one with nature.....and wouldn't it be great to go to a naked bar? The Title!
Ok here goes my first blog. Dont mind my english, cuz i only learned at school. Last night i had a strange encounter here on fubar. I was browsing pictures till i saw this hansome looking guy. Rated him, made comments about his looks and invited him as a friend. He applied immediately. After that he kept telling me to read his blogs, so i would get to know him. So i did. The blogs were full of things he had experienced in life. Bad things. Child abuse, meeting bad people, failed in relationships, u name it. He had seen it all and knew all about life. Still he puts pictures on his profile that are, in my eyes, put there to lure girls. Earlier blogs contain texts such as: im here to look for real love, as soon as i find it im outta fubar and off my computer. Now theres the fact he has a girlfriend in the meantime but is still here! But, that is, he says, only for the real friends, the friends that matter. Well boy, put ur nude and provocative pictures in an album only
Well Then
93k to go... Italian Chef@ fubar just saying....
Well Isn't This Nice!
So my Friend Chelle invites me, and already I have loads of things in my comments, and lovely people to talk to. And many hot women and handsome guys abound as far as I can tell. Anyway, thank you all for welcoming me.
Well Worth Any American’s Time - Enjoy... Knocked Up..booo! Lol
Yup exactly what all you guys wanna knocked no more sexy pics from cuz i dont think pregnancy is all that sexy :) haha so hence the reason for the status message about canceling my account..i dunno if i will yet or not...but this is also why i havnt added many new pics...i honestly just dont feel like it now...but i actually do know some decent people on here and its nice chatting with them :) so i dunno...ill think about canceling...we'll see..but some of you i still wanna talk to :) hehe your not all silly pervs who just wanna see boobies :) hehe..oh wait..yes you are...what was i but at least some of you know how to talk about things besides the those are the ones i like talking to :P anyways..just thouhgt id throw this out there..hehe lets see the reactions and how many of u run from my profile :)
Well I Am Up For Auction....
if you wish to own the evil one....i employ you to go to this page and bid on me. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE ;) How much am i worth?
Well Can You?
Can You Feel The Beat? Are you aware of your heartbeat? In moments of reflection and meditation, I can become so aware of my heartbeat, ba-boom, ba-boom, and it pumps blood throughout my body. Often as I sit quietly my heartbeat can begin to rock my body. Now not to confuse this with comfort rocking, this is when i am sitting quietly most of the time leaning forward, my body can rock with my heartbeats. Do I have such a heart that is so strong that it can do that? Is it a large heart capable of moving a person? I wonder. Tonight on the way home, as I sat in traffic, my back pressed back against the seat, I felt it moving me. I looked down and literally saw my body moving from the beat of my heart. It looked very surreal, but more importantly, I felt it. I imagined the movement inside of my chest, keeping rhythm with the movement I saw on the outside. Hearts break, they heal, are given and taken...but to feel one beat, aware of your own inside, is something magica
Well Things Have Happened
Order in for del tinne swords. Got a grail for my cooking at Southmarch. Moot was terrible but it looks like our Hocktide will be a camping event and have equestrian activides. I made a new drink and my amori negray was a hit. Will pay bills this week and try to get the computers upgraded.
Well He Did It
well im going to an aunt once more!!! Phillip and his bitch of a girlfriend Britteny will be having a kid!! can you believe it??? well im still having a hard time with it myself so yeah
Well Damn, No Visit From Santa
You Were A Little Devil This Year You Were 95% Naughty, 5% Nice Not only are you on Santa's naughty list... You kind of scare him - and all the reindeer. So you won't have a full stocking. You couldn't care less! Were You a Naughty Girl or Nice Girl this Year?
Well...the Job In The Last Blog Ended Up Being Already Filled... the next great hope Seasonal Work during the tax season at the tax places? we'll see... stay tuned for further updates!
Well Well Well.....
so I not sure WTF happen but, you wont talk to me! so I am going to write a blog.... I am really down lately and have been going though a really rough spot... in a real need of a freind to talk so maybe by posting a blog people will get where I am coming from when I figure it out I'll let you know! I thought I was able to handle this but, not sure how to deal with things anymore. I only hope for good things for people I don't wish ill or harm on anyone I really wish they would feel at least the same towards me! look I am broke beyond broke.... I did that to myself not ever saying NONONONONO FUCK NO! see that where I get myself in so much trouble. I want to make everyone elses life sooooooooo easy for them always getting them out of a bind while putting myself in a huge one! WTF? then I get my feelings destroyed! no one even sees it! I really do love you guys but, I don't like you very much right now at all! I am in so much pain in so many ways ............I cry myself to sleep m
Well Spoken Words?
21 is the new 52
I just dont get why ppll dont give rate and fan back, not coz i do really care about my level, but , if they cant give back, why the keep add u??? I just own some one , and she dident even said thank u.... Its rude isent it ???
Well Where To Start.
its been a good year so far and there is alot to be thankful for. for starter my family, especially my cousin preacher billy for puttin my up for a month while in guatemala. the towns folks of joyobaj for acceptin this gringo and for allowin me to be apart of there community. i am thankful for my buddy matt goin to amsterdam with me, without him i might still be there.. maybe i shouldn't be thankful for that. lol. also thankful for my nieghbors and keepin me workin without ever having to leave the lake. nice when ya don;t have to go more then a mile to go to work.. and lastly i am thankful for all the awesome peeps i have met on here in the last year!!! hope everyone is as thankful as i am and that you all have a grate thanksgiving day meal with friends and family!!!
Well I Guess I Have A Strange Mind!
If you can read this, you have a strange mind too Can you raed tihs? Olny 75 plepoe can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The ph aonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Well Wishes
{blick}@ fubar Blick or Brain Ninja NGUNS has pneumonia and is in the hospital. She sent me a message from her phone to my yahoo and said she is having to drag oxygen with her to go to the bathroom and is using half of her normal lung power.. keep her in your thoughts please if you have messages i will pass them along for you
Well Do You?
If U love me................leave me a message If U like me.................leave a comment If U wanna date me....... leave your number If U wanna marry me....leave a "will you marry me?" message If U think i'm cute.................leave a comment on one of my pics If U wanna make out with me...................tell me in a message If U care about me ....................leave a caring message If U hate me ....................why are you reading this? REPOST AND SEE HOW MANY MESSAGES/COMMENTS U GET
Well I Aint The Best......i Aint The Worst...
Well i aint the best......I aint the worst...A bit shy and kinda a workaholic,Drink to much, smoke to much, like to dance with a pretty girl, play poker, Seems Like i'm good for bout five years of good lovin and Pornstar sex and then things seem to go to hell. So if your lookin for some trouble come on my way!!!
Well I Never!!!
- Now....Don't delete this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the first and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
Well I Never Knew That!!
Don't know if it is all true but it is........................................... VERY INTERESTING STUFF In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have 'the rule of thumb. ------------------------------------------- Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled 'Gentlemen Only....Ladies Forbidden'...and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. ------------------------------------------- The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. ------------------------------------------- Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S. Treasury. ------------------------------------------ Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. ------------------------------------------- Coca-Cola was originally green. ---------------
1. Your Name: 2. Age : 3. Dick/Boob Size: 4. Favorite position (s) ? 5. Do you think i'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Would u have a 3-some with me? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave you my email? 26. Who would be in control? 27. Would you pull my hair? 28. Would you let me pull yours? 29.
Well Said
Dominance is protective magic that penetrates layers of our existence Those who choose to acknowledge and adore it's essence, will humble themselves to it's passionate fury Those who choose to ignore it, will become insane as their flesh cries in it's absence Those who are addicted to the kiss of the whip, are never the same...and their flesh cries in it's absence
We'll Meet Again
We'll meet again don't know where don't know when but I know we'll meet again some sunny day Keep smilin' thru just like you always do 'til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away And will you please say hello to the folks that I know Tell'em that I won't be long and they'll be happy to know that when you saw me go I was singing this song We'll meet again don't know where don't know when But I know we'll meet again Some sunny day [spoken] yeah we'll meet again I don't know where I don't know when but I do know that we'll meet again some sunny day [spoken] So honey keep smilin' thru just like you always do 'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away! I LOVE YOU!
Well Is It?
How does one go about believing in faith...believing in the Lord. How can he let bad things happen to those that do their best in life. Isn't he supposed to watch over us and help us along our way. These are some of the things I don't understand. Is it fair that there are murderers and rapists that commit crime after crime and are not punished. Is it fair that there are people that will rob and commit heinous acts against another human. Is it fair that those that stay true to themselves and do good things for humanity get fucked over in the end. Is it fair to take someone from us that sacrificed himself his entire life to make others lives easier. I'm losing my faith again Rest in peace Tim 1974-2008
Well Don-cha Know?
Well Then........
hmmmm.....lets see i met a dude 5yrs became really great friends with him even fell in love but some crap happened and we both went our ways while he was out of my life this other dude came along kind of cool guy to joke around with and talk to whatever ya know anywho he developed feelings and fell in love thats what he says and hes wanting me to feel the same way and i honestly cant do that i have even explained to him and a few of my friends why i CAN NOT ALLOW myself to develop feelings for someone or even fall for someone and they completely understand i can not help how someone feels about me but damn it i sure wish ppl would stop trying to force me to do something that i dont want to do and i seriously wish some would just keep their effin mouths shut when they clearly dont know an effin thing that is going on or being said and no i am not happy right now havent been happy for awhile but i REALLY WISH SOME PPL WOULD STOP
Well Hopefully We Will Get There
So i have mentioned that my little brother joined the army. im sooooooooo proud of him. we finally got the offical date of when he is graduating and that is Jan 15th. I have to travel to Oaklahoma to see him graduate and well i need help to get there from my Fu-Friends/family. Where to start im broke and work at wally world and im not sure i can take the time off and afford to go. so if u have it in ur heart help a gurl out message me for more info if you can.if you cant i understand if you can it would be the best christmas gift ever!!! Thanks!!!
Well Damn!!!!
Using your mouth Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mouth. You are incredibly sensual, a great kisser and a seductive lover. You drive all of your partners crazy with your mouth. Take this quiz at
Well Maybe That Helps???
Well hell, i'm not the only one. It makes me feel all cuddly and pink. Do certain people make you feel like you are living in the X-files or a Daisy Blue wonderland???.
Well, Guess What
I have decided to finish the story, I did finish it on my myspace page, but then when things got really crazy for me, I deleted the whole page. So now, I will be working on the ending, again. There is a few people on here that have met me and know me, for those who don't I promise to keep the passion alive!
Well Then
Alison needs just 11 profile rates to reach 75,000 rates. Alison@ fubar Give her a profile rate? Thanks. :D
Well I Never!!
People never cease to amaze me................. Ok thats all TaTa
Well New Year Same Troubles
Well same ol chit here no job no money and going nuts selling stuff to stay a-float!!! Come-on O'Bama shift it in to high gear do as you said ....... Oh well kids are fine sorta bored with same crap to do, chase chickens and go nowhere but school kinda sucks for them too. Hopefully things change soon I need a drink for REAL!! And no money to buy one... LOL oh well... I just found out a good friend and girl I worked with just passed on!!!! She was a kick-ass biker chick, I plan on posting a pic of her may she REST IN PEACE with GOD... Gonna miss you Sandy!!! Well enough pissing and moaning I hope all you's had a good Year's start. I think declaring Marshall Law and an hostile take over would be a good Start. And By-the-by F credit Card companies while at it.. Laters all....
Well Look At
This is about as self serving as I get...sometimes :D Thanks everyone. New Blog this week, stay tuned :D
I hope Casey Anthony dies in a fire.
Well, At Least He Wasn't A Pervert =/
It started in a MuMM...he wouldn't approve my comment but sure came to my shout box. In my comment I'd asked, in a sarcastic tone.."you're a male and your name is Jen?". Here's what followed.~~JEN~~420: i m sorry repost if u like ->~~JEN~~420: I'm not calling you anything. You won't even accept my comment on your MuMM. ~~JEN~~420: my name has not concern here.... u can call me juice if u like ->~~JEN~~420: I know your name has numbers on it, I'm not stupid..but seriously...Jen? What's your real name? ~~JEN~~420: i male...screenname is Jen420...I'm not even going back to post my original comment..the moment has passed. Ugh. And really, Juice???
Well Sorry All I Aint Been Around Here Much
well just thought i would stop in see how everyone was doing i aint been in fubar in awhile so yea been busy with the grandbaby and the kids elgin is like to freaking boring so ive been hanging out with kids alot and ready to change that lol i whant some fun i posted alot of new recent pic's on here things here well there going good got a daughter graduating this yr and another one next yr graduating so also been busy with alot of that stuff just aint had time so i will try to pop in a few times a week and say hi to everyone and you can always find me in tagged and myspace well hope all is doing good and hope to catch up later ....
Well, I Can Dream Can’t I?
When I look at you…I start to dream….. You make me remember walking hand in hand Along the beach and bare feet in the sand I dream of making a home again With a woman who holds my heart Tightly in her hands I dream of love again I dream of evenings spent Cuddling under a blanket Watching the fire burning in the fireplace. Seeing the light flicker off her face I dream of night time rituals Of brushing her hair before she sleeps Amazed at how much love I feel As I dream of this I dream of a thousand kisses and hugs Of making love in every room Of laying on a blanket Looking at the moon When I look at you…I start to dream… I see a face, blurred in my dream Do I dream of you?? Well I can dream can’t I?
Well Fuck It
aside from the girls whoring themselves out.. which is getting kinda annoying i mean ok you want attention but have a little class about it at least... nothing wrong with nudity even from the ones i'd rather gouge my eyes out then see naked but don't sell yourself like a prositute for attention... no matter what you look like that is very unflattering this site also offers the fine services of bouncers who are more worried about me posting a pic of a girl in panties then a woman calling a porn star's 2 year old daughter an ugly whore or something along those lines... i think everyone on here needs to get their priorities in check... or be feed a bullet cause as with what i have seen most of you would be better left out of the genepool... rant over that is all go back to whatever it is you were doing
Well The Depression Is Now
second day alone sad doubtful any real love will come my way oh well alas
happy hallmark day yep, it's the day of the Psychotic Armed Cherub; discharging what's most likely an unlicensed weapon into unsuspecting couples who were minding their own friggin business. Miss BabyLove
Well, I Got My Answer.....thank God!
So I had been pining and kinda waitin' around for THIS guy..... ~wicked klownz Juggalizo~~Jann'z Thuggish Teddybear~~@ fubar my ex Mike, to come around and talk to me about whether or not we could resolve any issues between us. I gave him two weeks just like a good friend of mine said to do, then I thought "You know what? Fuck this. I need some closure." I know I needed that extra shove over the edge of saying "I am DONE." and washing my hands of it. I got off work at 6am. I was gonna drive to Wal-Mart to grab some NyQuil cuz yes, I am sick AGAIN....this weather is fuckin me up....anyways, I got to the exit I was SUPPOSED to take and I got to thinkin all the "what-ifs" in my head and I just kept goin....I drove to his house because I had some weird feeling that TODAY I was finally gonna get my answer. I mean, I pretty much HAVE moved on, but there was STILL a small part of me that wondered "Just what IF?" so as I kept driving, I was crying thinking, "what if there was some b
Well Life For Me Now 02/20/09
well i am 14 weeks pregnant with twins. lucky me!. i have no clue how i am gonna do it but it will get done. um lets see got a new apartment, still going to college, um thats about it. love ya'll
Well, Well, Well........
Now that I am done with this LEEP procedure I'm having alot of damn pain in my stomach/pussy although before leaving the doctors office he had given me some killer ass pain meds like I was talking about before in another blog but damn these things fuck me up's HYDROCODONE/APAP 7.5/500MG'S tabs which is a generic brand for LORTAB'S, taking that with my XANAX makes me feel like I'm om cloud 9... (TEE HEE) ahhh anyways I have been having alot of discharge which is normoal I guess but I see him in 5 weeks... Oh another thing is John had cancelled our vaction which really pissed me off I was so looking forward to going to the AZTAR which is a HOTEL& CASINO all in one but anyways I just hope that he'll make up his mind and think about it some more before it's to late, oh also I'm going to be getting some new glasses on TUES can not WAIT I'm so damn happy about that... Well guys thank you so very much for everything you've done for me in this time of need I'm just hoping that
im my final check still hasnt come and the labor department has done all they can and now im gonna have to waste MORE time taking them to court over my check.... can my life get anymore fucking difficult
Well Thisis Mostly Accurate. :p
Global Personality Test Results Stability (40%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Orderliness (50%) medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun. Extraversion (76%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity. Take Free Global Personality Testpersonality tests by
Well, He Asked...
Bottom to top. You know the deal.. My Shoutbox ->Hunky_Guy_UK: No. They are my sister's. She lets me borrow them from time to time. Hunky_Guy_UK: hi, are they yours?
I won't be on all weekend again. I'm going to my friends house. I haven't seen her in months. So yeah. If you have my cell number, text me. I don't know if I'll be able to answer fast, but I will answer. :) Love you all!! Time for me to get ready for work. I'll probably be late =/
Well.. Bid on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it ends tonight!
Well Ok....
I have had fun on here, but I am afraid its over... I will be deleting my account soon. I have met some really awesome people on here, and you know who you are. But I am just tired of this sight and the rest of the people on here. People take things way to seriously and need to realize its just a website. Thank you for all the fun and I will miss you all. xoxo
Well Aren't I Observant?!
I just noticed that the blog backgrounds are no longer red! this is teh awesome jus sayin :P
Well Poo!
Out of sight, out of mind I guess. I had 9 crushes, now I'm down to 6. I feel so unloved! *sob*
my luck is bad a friend lost to some jokes missy am sorry if you read this understand i was just joking around nothing more
ok so I check this thing about once or twice a month...I have so much going on and there are things that I have to do and I'm usually not on here... I am on facebook more look me up there. Yes my name really is if you can find me and want to then please just send a message here and I will try to check more often so that I can get you added. if you end up sending a message, leave me your name and email address so that I can find you on facebook and add you that way... OK thanks. (Oh and some new for anyone that may still like me as a friend or care or whatever, big news for my life: I got engaged in January, My son lost his first tooth, and I am almost completely done with school, had a really promising interview today(3-18-09) and I'm happy and not onthe computer much at all other than to do homework.)...that's my life in a nutshell right now. ok thanks again, Jennifer
Well, Where Have I Been?
Hey ppl im back from being not quite dead Im full time college now *sigh* been sick for 4 weeks straight. -_-
My hair is now mostly blonde. I went in for highlights and a trim. Ended up with most of my hair blonde and a cut. Neither are really drastic though, so that's good I suppose. It was funny though because the lady at the salon was telling me that the blonde wouldn't really take well at first because I had red/orange undertones to my hair. That it would end up looking strawberry blonde. I tried to tell her that I'd had highlights before and it always goes blonde, lol. I was right...go me! I'm going back down to NC next weekend. This should be fun. Hopefully I'll be able to meet a few of my friends that are from around there :) It would be really nice.
Well Bullfuckingshit!
So I WAS going to North Carolina this weekend. I've taken the days off and everything. Me and my cousin were going there and now she sends me a text saying she can't go...she has to work. So I'm gonna be stuck here. Ugh. I wonder how much a plane ticket would
Well Some Of Use Are Crazy And Some Of Use Are Really You Know Not Crazy But We Act It!
Ok let me start by sayen I will call you My drug of choice! I am sorry i be came that other person! you may never belave nor forgive me but I still want to be the daddy of that butiful child that was made by us and I am sorry you can never say it was a slip in judgement! Cause I love you and I know some where in you you still love me and i am sorry i have the same problem as the other family member ! I am sorry it came out to late that I am manic!!!!!! its not something i was ok with sayen but guess what i ant hiden nomore i have no shame ! I am sorry i lost you! please dont take my baby too!
Well I Never!!!!!
5 random things "I have never........"   Traveled anywhere I would need a passport.Swam with dolphins.Been fully understood.Wanted to meet my birth mother.Cheated on anyone   play if ya want
Well A Little Better
Well today was a bit better.  Last night I went and looked at a 1994 Ranger.  Its a beautiful truck.  The guy said if it hasnt sold by Monday he will call and let me know and maybe hold it for me when I get my money released on Tuesday.   The man that I love still will not talk to me.  I went out and got this little makeover, but it didnt do any good.  Being abandoned sucks.   My children are now feeling the effects of him abandoning us.  My son has issues anyways getting close to anyone.  he was starting to get close to Charles.  Now he feels abandoned all over again.  Hes been inconsolable for days now.  I think the damage is really done.  I dont think anyone is going to be able to reach him now.  
Well Its About Time.....
so the last few days have been pretty frikn sweeet....   theres nothin like soooo glad im back home...its been almost 1 year since i left here.......  but it looks like ima be here for a yeah.......its bout fikn time.         rp
Well It Looks Like.......
Well it certainly looks like I'm single again.  Damn this is going to be a long road to get over.  I need some time.  I love my now ex with all my heart.  I wish we didnt have to part.  If you all know that Kid Rock song  Im a low life, that kind of describes him.  Well at least because Im so hurt it does.  I dont think Im ever going to find "the one".  I guess I never learn.  All I do is make mistakes.  I guess after I spend my time alone re evaluating what happened , maybe Ill see where Im screwing up.  I just wish I could find that "good" man.  I guess there arent any left out in this world.
Well Would You?
Well, There's A Well Sought Out Plan.
Let's take a dumbshit, make a fubar profile without a picture, follow a link from another webpage, and be added without knowing it to the links friends list, therefore getting the one person in the world that's not too excited about you, pissed off, cause their friend is "pissed off" at them for not knowing who I am. Great. Oops, I did it again. Man i just wanted to check this site out, didn't know it would stir up a cauldron of issues and irritated people, jeezus. I think I apologized too much though, but it was an honest mistake really. Meh, oh well.
If I told you my heart was in your hand, would you crush it like the rest? Would you tear my spirit wide open and make me believe it's for the best? If I told you that you're my everything, would that mean anything to you? Or would you discard me when you're bored, because that's what they all do. If I kissed you softly on the cheek, would a smile come to your face? Or would you blow it off like they did, just another time, another place. If my fingers sweetly entwined with yours, would your heart skip a beat? Or will you pull away leaving me broken at your feet. If I stared into your eyes, would you stare back at me? Or would you turn your head away so I would let you be. If I fell asleep in your arms, would you hold me all through the night? Or would you push me away and roll forever out of sight? If I told you that I loved you, would you honestly say it back? Or run away from me, showing morals is what you lack?
Well Isn't That Some Fucking Bullshit!!!
Well isn't this some bullshit. Now you have to have refferals to get past level 28.'s fucked up. I'm in the support lounge now, and belive it or not....I'm getting answers.   They are saying you need 25 total referrals to get past level 28. Saying that it's always been like that. I've never heard of that before. I'm pretty sure that my friends that are past that level do NOT have 25 refferals. Now I have to check. [runs off for a few] Okay, so maybe he does have tons of referrals. Hrmm...I now know I will not get past level 28. There is no way I'm going to be able to get as many people to join now that I have already. Shit, I don't even know who most of those people are.
how many people on fubar are from newzealand and who is from wellington?  
Well...that's That!
Originally posted on tagged Mar 26, 2009, 12:46 am The packing is almost done...The room is my own...So why the hell do I feel so fucking empty??? Good question...I wish I had an answer...*sigh*
its 320 am here...and im just kinda wakin up. ...gotta leave for stagecoach tonite...should be pretty interesting this year....the linup isnt as good as it has been in the past. but hopefully it will be good. .. the reserve seating is expensive as all hell, which means ppl th@ want reserve seating are going to pay...reserve stng. starts @ 299...and can get up to 799 per,,.the die hard country fans are pretty well screwed if they want a decent seat for the main stage....haha....and th@s where i come in. k...ttylfkrs RP
Well Its Over
its over.  i got to meet my fubar friends.  i had fun.  there will be pics up in everyones profiles soon.  would i do this agian?  sure.  there is one thing i wish i could change about it... but you can't change the past.  the one thing that was the best was meeting KY!!  we hit it off in person just like we did here on fu.  she is great.  i hope we can hang out again.  it really was cool to see that all the people i have grown to love are real people.  it really is to bad it had to end.  maybe someday..  who knows!
Well... Well... Well....
where do i begin???? I look at myself today..... and im a perfect example of someone changing over time..... ive been thru things most people would never dream about having to go thru..... ive done things most people wouldnt have thought bout doing.... but with the things ive gone thru.... it came down to, you have to do what you have to do to survive... having a fucked up family and past.... most my life i had to do everything on my own, and survive on my own.... no im not saying im the only one whos gone thru that situation and i can sympathise with people who have... what bothers me the most is when someone from your past who knew you and how you USED to be... and they say they have changed.... "found God" why they cant take the time and the chance to see the person i have changed to be and become..... no im not phased by how anyone from my past looks at me.... thats not what makes me who i am today.... yeah the shit ive been thru is what has made me the person i am today.... my
I am going to be deleting my Fubar account its just because I really dont have alot of time any more. but if you value are friendship leave me an e mail and i will give you my e mail Phone # so we can still keep in touch. it has been a blast I enjoyed our time you guys are great.     Much Love to you all  Don Dago
[sigh] I had this great blog planned out. Now it's all kind of changed. I mean I don't guess it's bad, but yanno....not what I really wanted to write about. I ran a bomb last night with me having no Auto-11s. That's fine. Surprisingly I got bombed back a hell of a lot more than I do when I bomb with autos on. Weird. One chick without autos told me if I bombed her she'd bling me. I never got the bling, lol. That's fine. I really didn't care. The only thing that bothered me was that while bombing someone....I refreshed to reset the time and I clicked on the wrong album and bombed a very small folder and only got like 3k points, lol. My mistake. I can't remember who it was or I'd probably send them a message, lol. Yeah, I'm nice like that sometimes. Something I noticed this morning. Before I bombed I didn't even have 1 million FuBucks. Now I have just over 3 million. I've NEVER gotten that many fubucks after a bombing. Odd. I thought maybe I wasn't paying attention to my messages and so
Well Its Of Those Days Where Im Looking At Her Pic Again- Poem
Well it's one of days again where im looking at a picture of Ding. Recalling her smiles, her eyes, the she speak I realized even before she went to heaven she already had open wings. She has morals, a kind hurt heart, brilliant mind, the heart of Jesus. She's was everyDING. Even today you're the reason I get up for and stay up in the dark. You stay on my mind at night but you were my light you are my spark. If you were here beside me. I'd give you hugs and a kisses, But since you're with Jesus. I'll tenderly reminisce it. Some folks may need to write. others need a final good by. Many spend a long time grieving, and can't do much but cry. Remember that song mom use to sing to us, our favorite lullaby. We'll I've written the song for you because I know you'll like it a little better with a little more style. My nature could cause me to grieve away for hours. I could run to the cemetery with oodles of flowers. You're the reason I get up, brush my teeth, and use the showers.I know it seem
Well I Am Here
Well I am here thanks to a friend lets see where it goes shall we
Well Had To Pop The Blog Cherry Somehow!
So why not with a survey thingie....ported from myspace. lol What are your initials?RDG...yeah, try saying that 5 times fast What is your favor..ite thing..​ to wear?look in a Hot Topic window...there you go Last thing.. you ate?Cinna-toast with cream cheeseName one thing.. that scare..s you?being alone....emo, i know I say Shotgun, you say:MINES!Who was the last person other than you in your bed?no idea.... What were you doing.. at 7:00am?waking up....kindaLast person you hugged?My Drew-drewDoes anyone you know want to date you?not that i think...but others seem to think differently. doesn't really matter. When was your last encounter with the police?when they were escourting me out of jail...good times.Have you ever driven without a license?nope, i haven't drove in about a year. The last place you went out to dinner?Taco Bell...with myself. Do you like your name?it's grown on me. What time of the day is it?mid-day....10-ish Who/What made you angry today?me.Baseball or
Well Here I Am
I am an artist, first and foremost, if you can look at the world and think "oh its stupid"... then I probably dont want much to do with you.   that being said, go check out my artwork at Maybe im not the best, maybe im the worst, but I do it because it makes me happy to create something
Well Duh
budget cure: Marijuana taxes?In this desperate economy, some argue that legalizing and taxing marijuana could plug multibillion-dollar holes in federal and state coffers.Rate this ArticleClick on one of the stars below to rate this article from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) LowThank you for rating.HighAverage rating: 4.34 from 10597 usersE-mail us your comments on this article View all top-rated articlesBy John Dyer, MSN MoneyDaniel Stein says the salvation of U.S. taxpayers could be marijuana. As Washington breaks the bank on Wall Street bailouts, President Barack Obama's stimulus package and other spend-now, pay-later measures, most observers agree that politicians will eventually need to increase revenue or cut spending to cover the federal government's debts. Stein believes Washington could begin to balance its books now if politicians would take a serious look at his industry. The owner of two retail outlets that he claims generate $1 million in revenue annually, Stein says he pays
Wellington And Rain
I have loved being here in Wellington though it rained nonstop for days on end which meant I stayed in my room until show time. I really hate that I never got to go around Wellington and doing stuff, I never ate down at the water front, I never went up the cable car, all the things I have done before. It just rained and made me quite depressed lying in the dark in my hotel room. The shows have been going great guns and the festival people look after you so well. Dan Crozier finally got me a phone I could use (it wasn't his job to get me phone but he is awesome) but the phone is all smashed in on the screen and it looks like it was lifted from a rape crime scene. There might be blood splatters on it, BUT it works and that's the main thing.I have hardly seen hide or hair of Blanket Man the famous Wellington street hobo. Even he got out of the rain. I miss him in a strange way.The San Francisco Bath House (which isn't a gay sauna) is a wonderful venue and Ziggy and his crew make everyone
Well I Am Back Online
after alot of hassle and drama i am finaly back online
Well, Here I Go.......
Friday May 29th. My wedding day. Sitting here nervous as hell and hoping today goes off without any troubles or glitches. Today is gonna be one of the oddest yet happiest days of my life.
Well, I Did It........
Well, it's done and over with. Christine Dagmar Stille is now officially Christine Dagmar Zeleniak. Yep.I got married.In real life.Not Fu-Married even though that is fine for other people and I commend them for that. I'll have pics soon for you after we get them back.   Thanks.
Well Duh....
Your result for The Are you Dominant or submissive Test... The submissive one You scored ### Based on these results, we can see that you're submissive. You dont sacrifice your own desires for your partner, but you certainly put your partner's needs before your own, and you are relatively obedient. Take The Are you Dominant or submissive Test at HelloQuizzy
Well Im New To This "fubar" Thing..any Advice!
well a friend sent me an invite and a virtual drink, so i thought i would check it out. well at first it was alittle different, but i think i will get the hang of it. well anyone out there wanna lend some advice it would be nice. take care all.   plain jane
Well, Poop.
I just don't draw anymore.  It's been since March since I have drawn a lick.  No bueno. Tattoo Artist friends keep askin me for custom drawings for clients, hopefully that will strike something up for me, the burnin desire to draw again.  There's a cream for that too, and apparently I applied it generously to my artisan rash...
Well, I Mean It
Stay with me Stay with me to let me see the wind blowing wordsTo see the rain a fallen poetryStay with me to keep my heart aliveTo make it flourish into poemsStay with me, you made me change my mindYou made me love this lifeStay with me, because of you, I wrote this world a poemAnd posted on my doorI made it wait for me at  the front doorStay with me, stay with me, stay with meI might been waiting for you since I was bornI might been looking for you since I was bornWithout your eyes I wouldn’t stayWouldn’t be hereI swear to your eyes, I wouldn’t stayStay with me, because you made me change my mindYou made me like this lifeStay with me, stay with me, and please stay with meStay with me because I will burn my life under your feetWill burn it a sacrifice for your loveAnd my years, my life, I will steal it if It last longI will steal it and increase yoursTo live longer than I will,Stay with me, because you made me love this lifeYou made me keep it waiting for me At my fro
Well Paint My Face Yellow And Call Me A Banana!?!
Yeah Been one of those days.   Had a blast from my past sort of slap me in the face today... No need to go into the VERY long and convoluted drama filled story. All I can say is that it brought back some very painful memories. But it also brought with it some glimmer of hope. Just a glimmer, but a glimmer nonetheless. It's been 10 years. Yeah 10 long years. But time is closing in. Wish me good thoughts.   I'm gonna need it.
Well Friends Are To Be Friends So They Say Hmmmm
Well Hell
So I am thinking I must smell bad! Not that anyone could verify this :P I am being ignored! I know it is a tragedy!!! So what? Should I beg? I think I would for you ;) maybe if you stop ignoring me I can :P   *those who have no clue what this is regarding ignore itLOL*
Well I Got The Job
i went to an interview on monday and i got the job, and now the next step is to get my own place or to have a roommate, and i have something on my record that will provent me from getting a place with some people, but i dont know what i should do though
Well Then
When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together. Their placement gives the relationship an intense karmic bond. The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties. Usually, this couple will stay away from crowds; they aren't too inclined to go to parties or dances, but alone they can form a very fulfilling union. Virgo and Scorpio enjoy working together toward acquisition: Virgo wants order and Scorpio wants power. Both of these Signs are about resources, including inheritances and property. This couple is very service-oriented and known to be dependable. They like to lend a hand to a friend or to the community. Additionally, Virgo can be withdrawn -- while Scorpio is more opaque and outgoing. Because of disparity, both Signs can learn from one another if they can agree to meet halfway. Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This combination is very heated, thanks to Pl
Well Isnt That Clever
I just noticed I am at the level labeled "psycho" on this thing. I have to laugh. I am on my way to the store, I have some things I am going to try to return cause I cant use them (got them before I ran out of funds without realizing my family as well has turned on me so yeah Im getting real hungry and bisquick by itself is little solace) Why it is nobody has proved willing to hire me all these months when Ive been applying for everything availiable, surely I would be capable of working as a janitor even but no. I just dont get it, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Im out there daily since october I must have put out thousands of copies of my resume, for every job offered online and off. What does this society that demands I obey its laws expect me to do when it refuses me work to afford the necessities of life? and then to look me in the eye knowing I have cancer and tell me I should "get a job with health benefits"? seriously, its so utterly paradoxical, isnt a society a social co
1. I kind of lied. This isn't my last one..but only because of my number 2. 2. See Van, I told you I was mean. Even if it's just a little.   54% Mean Your half mean half nice!
Well It's The First Fubar Blog
Well its my first blog here on fubar and I have to say so far I like fubar so much more than any these other social sites which are just bland and blend all in together. Anyway so yeah I'm a 21 year old male, I'm about 5'6" and 140lbs, hazel eyes and auburn brown hair. I work a lot ;( I mean like 50 hour weeks, but you know, work play and play hard. but yeah I don't really feel like filling anything else out right now, guess I'll just have to add more later, peace out everybody
Well That Sucks.
1. My phone died at some point yesterday evening. 2. I finally remember to charge it at about 5 this evening. 3. I decided to take a nap when I charged my phone. 4. I should NEVER take a nap that late in the evening. 5. I dreamed about moving and ice cream. 6. I still feel tired.
Well Lol
well i guess i am figurin this stuff out i am know a grasshopper so thats a good thing. I still confuses me from time to time but dial up make it as slow a greased owl _ u fill it in.
Well, I'm Unemployed, Ya.
I worked a job that I loved...a lot of hours sometimes, but I loved it.  I also lost that job 4 days ago.  I was told that there was an overall "reduction in workforce," and unfortunately, there were 3 others in our 2 local branches that lost their jobs as well.  Yeah, I spent the first 2 days on the couch going through kleenex like air, but I think this morning I have a fresh perspective on things.  Maybe this is the time to finish my RN, maybe even go on for a Bachelors' or Masters' degree?  I even thought about a degree in Emergency Management.  Not sure...but I guess in looking at it now, it's more of an opportunity.  I'm going to get my printer working and submit some stories for never know.  I guess I just wanted to make sure you all knew...when one door closes, another opens.  Never look at it as an ending, but a new beginning.  I've marked this as NSFW because, well, let's face it...this is Fubar after all, there will be some assmunch that will inevitably leave
Well This Should Be Interesting...
Do you hide when Jehovah witnesses knock on your door?I invite them in to witness the weekly goat sacrificeTell me about your dancing style?an epileptic being electrocutedDo you have any family traditions?ummm...does sodomy count?Honestly, do you laugh when people trip for no reason?Doesn't everyone?What is your most used cuss word?dirty cocksucker? Do you think it looks silly when people wear socks with sandals? they should be shot or sterilized. How many speeding tickets have you talked your way out of?A few.If you wake up late, is the rest of your day ruined?I wake up late, I kill people.Which side of the bed do you sleep on?Left side, under the mattress.Name the seven dwarf'sNO!When you bend over, can you touch your toes?Last time I was asked to touch my toes....*shudders*What kind of drunk are you?evil, but in a fun way.What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to overcome?There are way, way too many to name hereHow do you feel about rainy days?Dancing and sex should alw
I posted a video of Jorma Kaukonen playing "Hesitation Blues" on Facebook the other day. Since then I've been learning to finger pick it myself. So today I'm leaving the thrift store and I see a guy playing for tips in front of the tobacco shop. I approach him while he tunes up. He has short gray hair, thick-lensed wire rim glasses, and long, smoke stained teeth shooting out of his mouth in various directions. I nod hello as I drop a dollar in his opened guitar case and squat beside him. He nods back and starts finger picking "Hesitation Blues." Now, I attach no significant meaning to any of this, other than whatever meaning lies inherent in the experience itself. But f*ck-me-runnin, does anyone else find this a bit odd?
We'll C Whos Stronger
so, for the most of you all i'm just some random girl you would like to get to kno, or just use me for rating on the other hand there are a few of you that know a lot about my personal life or have a little knowing. Last night was the first time in my life i think i just randomly stood up on my own 2 feet and said what was on my mind. I'm sitting at home with my son while his dad is with another girl, up until 30 mins before he left me he wanted to be with me and have everything to do with me. He left because of a stupid fight... but needless to say. there is only a few things i can do, and i gave him 2 hours to get back to me on it. either he wants to be with me and work through everything or he needs to just let me go and stop saying he loves me cuz he has a pretty fucked up way of showing it. I have bent over backwards for this boy and yet it doesnt matter he still runs back to the bitch... i mean this girl isnt even cute.... shes freakin stupid... and it comes down to the fact i'll
Well Its Here
thats right today is the day i leave for florida....i wont be on til sometime wednesday or thursday....i leave at 920 tonite and i get in around 430 wednesday afternoon   luv me and stuffs
Well Im Here
i made it ok even though we were 2 hours late getting in....its stormy and humid and crappy here but i will make do...but im ok and doing good...will be on later maybe if i dont pass the fuck out :)
Well Thats It
No job offers, no friends, family or even well wishers. I am homeless. I may or may not be back online in the future I dont know. I can still theoretically go to the library here so maybe I will check in from time to time. Most likely though i will be slowly starving to death somewhere out there cause thats America land of snobbery exclusionism and greed. Keep in mind, I have yet to feel the pangs of hunger per se so I may yet devolve into a beastial state and start cutting up yuppie shitheads to take their money, I see nothing wrong with it as the governement as yet refuses to help me in any way itself, its too busy giving handouts to illegal aliens and people too lazy to work. Its messed up, all I wanted was a job and that is asking too much from the snobs up here in seattle...I dont look good enough to be worthy of life. I really think what with the way things are in this country set up exclusively for the benefit of the wealthy elite they should just legalize killing the poor, at l
Well Said Grandma!!!....
Lulu was a prostitute. One day there was a raid. All the prostituteswere lined up outside the police station as they took them in one byone.As Lulu stood in line, she saw her Grandma coming down the street andwas so ashamed. Grandma didn't know her occupation.Grandma stopped to say hi, and asked what the line was for.Lulu, saving face, said that the police were giving away fresh Orangesto those waiting..Grandma said wonderful, she loved oranges and got at the end of theline.When the policeman got to the end and saw her, he was amazed.He said "How the heck do you do this at your age?"She said "I just take out my teeth, rip the skin back and suck' em dry!"The policeman fainted.  
Okay this is the situation i am in. I am living with my grandparents and trying to better my life and myself. I have been asked numerous times what I want to do and what i want out of life. I know what some of my plans are but how can you make any plans if you dont know what the future holds for you? I know i want my family to accept the person i am with for today and tomarrow and the near present future for who he is. I know that my life needs some improvement and i am thinking of going back to school. I know that some of what I want will never happen.I know what i need to do, and that is to get things straight so i can go out and get my own apartment and deal with life. But also i just got a bunch of bills taken care of too, so i am just thinking what is it that i really want in my life. I know i want LOVE and HAPPINESS and to be able to pay for bills and then be able to have more money so i can go and still take care of my other needs and wants. I know in the future i want to have
Well Crap!!!!
My girl and I were out running around doing errands, and I heard that noise we "men" are familiar with ... That annoying noise called the "Power Steering whinning"... Well I always carry extra fluids with me in the trunk such as oil, power sterring fluid, and of course cant be with out trans fluis, and brake fluid.. So I reached under the dash and "popped" the hood latch and walked around and opened the hood to check out the power steering reservior.. And it was fine but I noticed everywhere a slight film of oil, I looked at the oil dipstick still was about half a quart low well within the the safe level... I looked closer and I said to Joy, " WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" wheres the oil cap!? I looked around the engine comparment didnt see it anywhere, I looked at Joy and said What did you do with the oil cap, I further commented and said "I know I put it back, I'm to anal to forget it"... Joy said " I dont touch the oil cap, Master...laughing, then she added, infact I dont go anywhere
im in love he runs from me.   im in love i chase him away.   im in love too drunk to   finish this   go fuckin   figure - lmao    
Well I Guess This Is Growing Up
Maybe it is just me, but there seems to be a trend going on.. Maybe I am just paranoid.. Or maybe just maybe it is time to cut some strings and let some things go. I am fully aware of being guilty on all accounts of not making regular contact with some people. It is crazy to think that I still have relationships with people from my childhood, I am a quarter of a century in age yet can name friends from two decades ago that I still can say hi too. Yet at the same time the pain of ones that will not say hi back. Is it me? Did I do something wrong? Or is it just time to grow up? Here we are miles apart living different life styles, yet I can not help but feel like I wronged you. Was it because I left you behind? Was it abandonment? Did I fail you? Do I no longer have something to offer you? I have been left and it sucks to think someone apart of your life will not be around to enjoy good times with you the way it used to be. However I could not be more proud of what they have become and a
My son decided to join band.   Not really sure how I feel about it.   Hes 10 and he chose the French horn.    
Well I'm Back Again
Well it's been almost two years since the X-wife and I had gone our seperate ways. It's the best thing she ever did for me. 
Well Tell Me If You Would Like To Join Me
So let's see...It's a lazy summer evening as we lie in the hammock in the back yard, the crickets are chirping, a soft breeze is blowing as we take in the scent of the last of the honeysuckle...Your feeling a little restless and suggest a ride through the woods, a little four-wheeling along with some star gazing. I grab the new sleeping bag I had recently purchased and toss it into the bed of the truck. Off we snuggle up close to me (your hand in its favorite lap) , the windows are down and the air rushes in with all the sweet scents of summer. I tell you how sexy you look! Sometimes I can only look at you and thank god for putting you in my life..But here we are a quick left on a dirt road and we turn onto another packed dirt road...we drive to a clearing...I park the truck and turn on the radio I have that devillishly hansome grin on my face..we step out of the truck and climb back into the bed.We spred out the sleeping bag and lie on our backs looking at the s
Well Duh
An American tourist asks a Newfoundlander: "Why do Scuba Divers always fall backwards off their boats into the water?"To which the Newfoundlander replies:   "If they fell forwards they'd still be in the fuckin' boat."
Well Just Great
I went online a while ago to find a new doctor because mine had transferred to a new place a while ago, but my card wouldn't work. I emailed the place to see what was up with that and they said I didn't have account there or whatever anymore. So I asked Rich if he knew how to sign on into that shit and he was able to get through and when I looked at his claims, I wasn't a dependant anymore. So aparrently, I hadn't had insurance for a long while....good thing I didn't get hurt or real sick...But I needed to find a doctor so I can get more medication and stuff. I had already talked to my manager on Sat or Sun to help me get signed up for my own benefits, since we're getting divorced, there's no reason for him to be paying for mine anymore...well back then since I don't seem to have it anymore. So we'll get that taken care of soon. I just really wanted to get more pills and a check up. I check the mail and find out I have a collection fee of 50 bucks to a phone company...a phone line th
Well ... It's Been A Minute
it's been a minute since my last blog 'eh? Well, here's a lil' something for your visual receptive things and thought processor unit   Windows 7   Blam   Microsoft finally did something right! This is exactly what Vista should've been Personally I was catious and Partitioned 10GB's of my HDD to try it out Ya' know .. just in case I did'nt like it   But shit, it's cash son and I am not disappoint   I'll probably be installing it onto my entire HDD when I'm not lazy and back my shit up lol   But I think most of you would like it .. well ... tech/comp savvy types at least almost reminds me of Linux .. Hmmmm ..   Oh well .. shit's cash ..   On a personal note, I got the Ultimate ... slightly tweaked version .. Tiny7   Want it? Want to Partition? Not sure how? Ask me and I'll guide you through it :) But it's really worth the money if you want to buy a legit copy *insert eye roll*   lol   'eh ...   See ya' around Fu-People
well put it this way. theres a boy and a girl and the boy and girl like each other, but the girl has a another person already. they say they are happy with them but at the same time unhappy with them. so the two start to date but he cant walk her to her car, talk to her outside of their meeting place and only see eachother on 2 days of the week while not talking the other days. what would you say the boy should do in this type of situation. the boy sees something in this girl but is unsure of what. so should the boy hold out and see how it goes for a while and hope it gets better or should this guy say fuck it early and call it quits and return to his same old boring life.
Well, I Did It Finally
After thinking it numerous times and laughing and wondering I finally went to baby jesus's page...and sent a marriage request ERROR: this users permissions don't allow you to send them a fuMarriage proposal. That was the question I had at the moment. Thinking he probably has it restricted who can send him proposals, I would test it then decide from there my next move( s). *shrugs* Now I know lol and I'll have to find some other way to amuze myself around here now...
Well Im not really around here much anymore. Fubar has lost its appeal to me. Friends that I used talk to all the time have either moved on with their lives and arent on the site anymore, or just dont talk to me anymore. I spend more time with my kids and in the real life, and dont find the need to sit on the site for countless hours anymore. Hopefully next school year I will be attending school to get my LPN and moving into the career that I want to be in. Real life has more value to me now instead of trying to life in a fantasy world I guess. But for those that would like to keep in touch, send me a message and you might get my yim lol not promising though. And those that already have my yim, send me a message once in a while if you feel like talking. Other than that....Have fun.
Well I Have Some Native American Blood In My Family Tree. And It Is Also A Big Part Of My Spirituality.
My screen name is what my Great Uncle Cyrus called me when i was very young. He was 3/4 Cherokee and a Tribal Medicine Elder. And Story Teller as well. And ne had a major influence on my life back then and he still does to this day. He is one of my spirit guides. He helped me to overcome my abusive child hood at the hands of a very step-dad. With out his help I would not be alive today. So this is my way of honoring is memory. And for helping me to become the person I am now. A far different person then my tormentor wanted me to be.
Well Now...
I am not proud of myself for a lot of things. Especially lately, the past six months. Secrets that I wish I could share, but can't. I haven't quite yet gone into hating myself but am pretty close. Time for change, and heading there but slowly. What a journey life is...I learn more and more about myself and lately it's not always for the better lol. Time to really sink back into all the stuff I used to love doing. Painting, trying new things, reading...studying, skating, toboganning(sp?) and much more. I will learn to love myself in whatever way I can achieve that. That is just one goal. The rest I can't say either because...well, I just cant For the little I do have, I am grateful. Right now, that and my kids are what I have to motivate me so it's about time I get off my ass and start living! Wish me luck!
Well Time Too Take It Too The Chop Shop Again......fridays Bulletin!
Well Gee, Thanks Vf. -rolls Eyes-
Now I'm fucking GLAD null got banned by jet.     Anyway, Null posted this as a blog:     ""Big is not beautiful. "Curves" are not sexy. There is nothing appealing about rolls. I'm beyond sick of all these revolting cults centered around glorifying obesity and trying to make fat women feel like they're worth anything.Models are thin. Actresses are thin. Cheerleaders are thin. Even cartoon characters are thin, unless their obesity is related to a plot point trying to show that "it's what's on the inside that counts" or some similar idiocy. In no culture in history has obesity been considered attractive in the least. No one loves fat bitches.You're not curvy, you're fat. You're not a BBW, there's no such thing. You're a lazy, disgusting, androgynous mass of rolls and you should be ashamed of yourself. "180 lbs of sexy" does not exist - it never has, and it never will. While I'm not necessarily saying that fat women are less than women who actually look good, I am saying that they n
Well This Makes Me Think Of This Song, We All Have To Be Like This, Male And Female, They Need To Make This Females To Sing It About The Men.
that will be a good remix for them to do.
Well Time In Colorado Is Coming To A Close
we've lived in craig co. for over 2 yrs but times have come crashing down on us so we have no choice but to roll back to pennsylvania to live and maybe find jobs.the wife needs back surgery on a fucked up disk and shit and she really doesn't trust these hillbilly doctors out here to do it so she'd rather find a quack in pittsburgh to cut her back open.she hurt it a few yrs ago but lived with it but now its just to damn to live with.she's hasn't worked since xmas 09 and i got fired so we b fucked on funds to live.i tried for unemployment but got screwed on that too,so its back to pennsylvania we roll to live with my inlaws in my house(ya i know that's going to b fucked up) hurry up spring summer so i can hang on my patio when its nice out.oh well we roll out of colorado on march 16,2010.the wife is flying home,father in law and i r driving a uhaul and towing my van back so i will be offline a few days and won't be in pittsburgh till 18th or 19th depends if we stop in illinois to see rel
Well, I Was But I Wasn't...
Originally I was going to write some nasty blog about the usual set of sleaze that patrols this site, like a nasty person in yet another NSFW Auction with her tampon string hanging out, but I thought it better not to say what I was going to. I probably would have gotten in trouble again. Anyways, hope you all have a good week!
Well Done
  Suffocation wrapped around my neck Tearing the flesh at my throat I found myself a total wreck As I began to choke This panick stricken heart of mine It fought for a way out Struggling, it pounded much harder each time But your lies, they kept shoving it down Spoken I love yous And kisses like stars Blinded me from the truth Should've known from the start But you played the game so well my Luv I might have never known  
Well His Surgery Was Today
Anthony's surgery was today and I was a mess.  I can't eat, I can't sleep and I couldn't study for a test.  I sent him a text this morning telling him I was thinking of him.  I have lost 4 lbs in the last 6 days because I can hardly eat.  He is deeply depressed over all his health problems.  The last conversation we had keeps replaying in my mind.  He barely talked.  He kept telling me over and over again how sorry he was.  He was breathing so hard and loud that I asked him what was wrong with him.  I am hurting so bad and its not because he did anything to me.  I don't know how I am supposed to deal with this.  Its killing me that he is in so much pain. How do I deal with this.
Well Well.. Here I Go Again With My Escapades
I am about to pick up and move to somewhere I've never been, with only 1/6 of my things, a knot in my stomach and a haze of confusion over my eyes. I understand my logic partially, emotionally, mentally and conciously but my rational side is screaming at me "what the fuck are you doing??!?!?!?!?!"
Well Do You!!!
Do you ever feel like you're experiencing a powerful and terrifying shift in your fundamental consciousness? Do you ever have thoughts that horrify you? Oh, dear God, was that me who just thought that evil thought? Do you ever open your eyes in the morning and wonder if you're the same person who went to sleep the night before? Do you ever think, "Aw, screw it. Why do I even try? What's the point? Everything always goes to hell anyway." Do you ever wonder if the guy bringing you your soup hates your guts because he has to wait on you and pretend to be pleasant all the while knowing in his heart that he's a better man than you and his current servile status is final proof of an unjust universe? Do you ever think, "People are only nice to me because they want something?" Do you ever think, "I'm only being nice to this person because I want something?" Well, the reason I bring all this up is to reassure you that I don't. Just thought you'd like to know... although I can't help but
Well Holy Sh!t My 1st Luv/heartbreak Contacted Me Today
well holy sh!t My 1st Luv/heartbreak contacted me today , he totally ripped out my heart left me so manytimes in worst ways,hell even gave away my bunny to another chick lol i gave him everything from paying all bills, selling everything i had,car, etc etc ... stupid i know but i was 18 and dumb ! anyhow he contacts me today and mentions how I broke him how he couldnt even date again for 2 years and hes dead serons he all like i loved u like alot and you ripped me apart ITs just ironic i suppose how when someones hurting u u dont relize what ur doing to them too I suppose in alot of first love/heartbrakes in young love u both hurt each other alot and not realize it I remeber so much about him till this day i guess i always will and seems he remember even more about me .... I mean were done forever we been for years now.... We are friends tho and will always be.... which for most is hard o do after that so yer all im basically saying is im shocked to find out today how bad i hu
Well How Do You Like That
CoMmAwAnaLeiYa Engaged to Lisa came by to polish my bling. However, the user hasn't given me permission to view their profile. WTF kind of shit is that?
Well Hey Hey Hey!
So. I miss you! I haven't forgotten about you. I still think of you, and think you're super rad. How have you been? Things are splitting apart for me- think of An American Werewolf in London. Painfully transforming, hopefully into something cool- like a werewolf. Where wolf? There wolf. Toy Story 3 is amazing and I cried.   So many changes to Fubar, I feel like an old person trying to figure out Facebook. "Like me? What's this? POINTS? This isn't Super Mario Bros!" (Yes I know we always had a point system, I'm just saying- now it calculates everything in your face, like a show-offy smart kid in class!) Haha, still getting blank friends requests- some thing never change. I am currently reading Kingsblood Royal by Sinclair Lewis. If you haven't read him you oughta, he was wicked ahead of his time and darkly funny. My copy is from 1947 and was about $4 in an antique store in Utah, so- awesome! Oh, and the book is great. :) A good new comic series out right now is I-Zombie, by
well my b/f has to work doubles at a bar tonight so no fireworks :( i ate 1/2 a bar and drank a drink and that only lasted me a couple hours of feling good for alittle bit... im stuck at my mom's b/f house and they went to bed early and i have no transportation ...   but .... on the brightside i just recieved 100$ and decided to use some of it to go get hammerd with watever life and my friends throw at me tomorrow :) woot woot .... at this very moment i am working on a very difficult braclet that has x patterns weaved into it ... black and green :) will post up pics later if interested ... im a start selling them ... hopefully earning enough money to get more of my essentials like panties ( b/c my dog ate them all ) , some shorts , a belt , food for my ferret ruffus, and anything else i decide i need that day :) Whishing i was high right now ... maybe then i could go to sleep ... but thats not happening :P but that wasn't me complaining not at all i like being up at night ... nobody
Well it took me over three years, but I finally got a profile that reached 24 without it being jumped on by admin   *does a dance*
Wells Fargo Fails
I had a phone interview this morning at 9am with a Nga Nguyen from Wells Fargo, and at 9am I was not on the phone with anyone, come 9:02am I had a gentleman call from a different company who I was on the phone with for a few minutes and at 9:07 Nga called me left a voice mail on my phone telling me good bye.  Because she was 7 minutes late to the interview I can't talk to her about the job.  What a bitch!This does show why I wouldn't want to work for Wells Fargo, you are on time but they (the company) are running late.  I hate people who aren't on time for things it has to be one of my biggest pet peeves.  You say you are going to be there at 9 you be there at 9, not 9:01.  GrrrrWell I have a face to face interview today at 5pm so lets hope that goes a lot better, even though it is in a so so neighborhood and at a house.  But I'm keeping my mind open and having good outlooks on everything.P.S.  Last time I was in a Wells Fargo bank I picked up one of their deposit slips and it was in S
Well It's Goodish Stuff
I have a date tomorrow. He wanted me to decide on stuff to do so I gave him option: blues bar, wildlife fundraiser in the historic Corey district, Weird Al Yankovic, or dinner and a movie. he didn't choose Weird Al so he's not getting any on the first date. I also think he might be married because calling me seems to be an issue. That's why i called theis blog goodish.   My cousin's friend jeremy called me though. my cousin said he was over weight. i don't remember him because I was impaired. he sounds fat on the phone. like he might have a mouthful of chicken or something. But I like dating fat guys. Dating fat guys means unlimited, guilt free carbs on dates. fuck yea to not having to pretend I like plain salad. I haven't updated anything else because i don't want to talk about it. But I like you. isn't that enough?
Well... :)
I haven't been on much to invest any time into my friendships here, and for that I apologize. Been trying to get my life back on track lately. I reapplied for college, I start next month. Strictly online, I'm doing this as best I can. I will have two jobs starting next week as well. I need the money. And I've been trying to invest time in my relationship with Matt because some things got complicated when his friend decided to be a lying bitch. Fact is, I love this boy. I have since the first time I met him and I don't plan on anything changing that. Our parents are meeting on Saturday and Sunday Matt and I are going out of town together. I'm excited for the great great weekend we will have. :)   Well, Sorry again for everything and i love you all :)
Well, I Can Dream…can’t I?
WELL, I CAN DREAM…CAN’T I? When I look at you…I start to dream…..You make me remember walking hand in handAlong the beach and bare footed in the sand.I dream of making a home againWith a woman who holds my heartTightly and tenderly in her handsI dream of love again.I dream of long evenings spent Cuddling together under a blanket Watching the fire burning in the fireplaceSeeing the light flicker off of her face.I dream of night time rituals Of brushing her hair before she sleepsAmazed at how much love I feel As I dream of this.I dream of a thousand kisses and hugsOf making love in every roomOf laying on a soft blanket Under the stars gazing at the moon.When I look at you…I start to dream…I see a face, it is blurred in my dreamTell me, do I dream of you??Well, I can dream can’t I?By Scott A. Scherer  
where the fuck did it go?
Well This Poem Is Also Dedicated To The Best Girl In My Life Even Though She Doesnt Know It
girls what can i guy do i know guys you can like a girl but she doesnt like you back To dream, how to dream?if your the one to dream of,.To love, but how to love?if you're the one to love,.to dream amongst dream,to love against love,if you chose a precious one,with a distance to reach,A distance of a land the sky,the unreachable stars and the moon,to rain or to shine,for me it has no difference,.In this world,everything is different,there are never the same,even two becomes one,.My life and to dream of you,How could it be,....or it is just the reality of,..a dream amongst dream,to hope amongst hope,to wish amongst wish,!.. 
Well Past Is Past.....
It seems like your happy but your not ,why there is people having such a joy if they saw you suffering ?they want you to be unhappy becoz of your someone past,which is so unfair .u know that u can conquer it,but how if those people keep on entering your life and pull down.sometimes u feel sorry for yourself and have a regret ,why you enter to your  someones life ,which is he have a lot of experience in past.but ur already there in the ground where u standing at u can do nothing but to face it ."please to those people let them happy ! you dont have the right to judge them .someones said that it just a mistake on the past so why they dont let them happy?just face your own life please not the life for others...
Well Fuck Me......
Here I thought my back was getting better.  75% less pain & able to  swim laps again & even ride my bike,  No tennis though. So thought okay maybe  I overreacted & it was just a pulled muscle taking time to heal.... Well I got the results of the MRI today  & T11-12 level-Normal     T12-L1 level: Normal     L1-2 level Disc desiccation w/ small anterior endplate osteophytes. Circumferential disc bulge.    L2-3 level: Disc desiccation w/ small anterior endplate osteophytes. Minimal  Circumferential disc bulge.    L3-4 level: Disc desiccation w/ small anterior endplate osteophytes. No significant central canal  stenosis.                     Mild Neuroforaminal stenosis bilaterally..Facet joint capsular hypertrophy.                     No significant central canal  stenosis.  Mild Neuroforaminal stenosis bilaterally.    L4-5 level: Disc desiccation.   Circumferential disc bulge. Facet joint capsular hypertrophy.              No significant central canal  stenosis.  Mild Neurofo
Hey Future, is he in there?  
Well Shit.
My laptop is running so slow. I'm not sure what's going on. I thought maybe it was because I had so many other things running, but nope. No more than I normally do and it generally runs fine. Anyway, it's Random Gift give random people gifts and have some fun. Make sure you give something to a stranger and let them know it's for random gift else is this thing going to spread? ....and to think, some people thought I'd forget
Well, Maybe I Do Have A Heart.
I'm reading a book that should be required reading for everyone. Unfortunately, it really can only be read when you're able to accept it, so maybe everyone should be given it when they're born, and they will decide when it's time. I lost some people that meant the world to me, recently, and so I've been hit with the reality that it's time to pick this up.    In any case, I learned something tonight. I tend to leave relationships. I always do, actually. I just get so bored, and annoyed, and end up disregarding/rejecting them. I mean, is it my fault? Am I flawed? Are they? Are we just not a good match?    "The basic need to fuse with another person so as to transcend the prison of one's separateness is closely realted to another specifically human desire, that to know the "secret of man"."   I've always fancied myself a puzzle master. I want to know the depths of man. I want to really know you, your secrets, your being. I know that man is unfathomably deep, the further I dig, the
We'll Be Closing In A Few Minutes
I gave my son Jeffrey’s words top billing yesterday, so it seemed appropriate to use my daughter Sarah’s words today.  She said this when she and her brother were playing at a Lego (that is a trademark, by the way, so use the capital in that adaptation of the Danish phrase for “play well”) table at Prairie Federal Credit Union for the kids; actually, it’s the preschoolers’ version Duplo.  Martha and I both overheard Sarah say this and figured she either got it from a store she’d been in or I opined from the Minot Public Library that announces this up to fifteen minutes before closing.  When we asked her why she said it, Sarah remarked she didn’t remember saying this and we didn’t press her on it.  Sarah even put the building blocks away and told us Jeffrey wouldn’t help her, which he didn’t.  It’s the way he said “no way” that makes it hard to punish him.   I’m a little embarrassed that I forgot
Well Alrighty Then!!!!!
Congratulations! Your happy hour was a great success: lots of people gave lots of love.You collected 6,644,135 bonus points as Happy Hour sponsor. Cheers!337 members leveled up during your happy hour:I ll have to do that agan sometime......Thanks for all the points and congrats to whom all that leveled......
"well I Have Lost You"
Well, I have lost you and I lost you fairly In my own way and with my full consent say what you will, kings in autumn rarely went to their deaths more proud than this one went Some nights of apprehension and hot weeping I will confess but that's permitted me, day dried my eyes, I was not one for keeping rubbed in a caged A wing that would be free. If I had loved you less or played you slyly I might have held you for a summer more. But at the cost of words I value highly and so such summer as the one before should I out live this angish and men do I shall have only good to say for you..
Well Awwwrighty Then...
I was meant to attend a meeting arvo to ascertain whether a pending site visit was required. Instead as Im typing in my other blog, I get the mail saying to parlay that and can I leave today. So change of plans. Ive got about an hour n half to pack, shower, shave, shoot off and shag ass. Looks like I'm gonna huff down some lunch in Va Beach, and by 4 I'll be sippin drinks at the HieneyHole in Atlanta, and when I sit down for dinner, I will once again, be in California. At least another lil break from the winter weary. So I better get my ass in gear. :s  I will holla tonight I reckon.
Well Here I Go
It's been asked about why I cover my hair, or wear a hat.  It's simple and complicated at the same time.   If you haven't read my profile ... a little low down here.  I am Traditional/Conservative Jew.  I believe in being covered and mosdestly clothed.  Especially in a public area.  When I am with one person or family then I am not wearing a hat or scarf.   It is both personal and religious.  I prefer for that one to see me in the way he wants to.  Though he will know me and know that I am beautiful when I am covered for him.  I do believe when I can be accepted this way, then the natural course of things can happen.  and everyone can be happy.   xoxo Maia
A Well Worn Path...
Well Written Police Report
Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buy in Augusta, Georgia, told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta, on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket... When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door. Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back; the injury did not appear to be severe. After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment. The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw...injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine. Now that was a well w
Well Now...
I landscaped around my porch...looks pretty effin god I am worn out Had a good weight loss this week..3.8 pounds... I will be worth lookin at in no time   walking a 5k for charity sunday...wish me luck
[well Timed Explosions]
Alright, so I'm a bit volatile, we've established this I think in other posts. *scratches his scruff* I even shaved off my beard a couple weeks ago. Decided I like the scruff better than a chin.     Alright- let's just pretend Fubar didn't kill my lengthy post about Bangbang chicken (which I think is finalized now)   Phase 0: One whole chicken: (The night before)   I stewed a small stewing chicken in 3 leaves of cabbage, enough water to cover (with boullion), 2 spring onions, 1/3 a jalapeno, 2 tbs soy sauce, and an orange half Then I set the chicken and stock aside, and once chilled I stripped the bird of all meat and set the meat aside   Phase 0.5: Sauce: (can be done ahead of time) You'll require (per person) 3 tbs soysauce 2 tbs peanut butter or sesame paste 1 tbs sesame oil 1 tbs red rice vinegar 1 tbs honey (or other your preferred sweetener)   Mix vigorously and set aside   Phase 1: Side dish, get a pot get some rice or some rice noodles... prepare acc
Well, This Is Lame.
So, really. I come onto Fubar. Lots a nice people. But I'm kinda sick of the virtual world. Sometimes, a person needs reality. I want reality to be on my side for once as opposed to the virtual world. So maybe I do suck at life. anyway. i hate you online... even though I'm soo much cooler... =/
Well Shit
well since someone insisted that i care what people think i'll admit it... probably the only time that is accurate is when i'm called a liar... i don't like being accused of lying i don't lie i find it pointless and beneath me... i don't care if people like me or not if you're questioning if that includes you yes it really does friend or not your opinions don't really matter... anyway.. i don't lie to get women into bed(Seriously i rarely even try in the first place) and i don't exaggerate to impress(your opinion = nothing) and  i'm honest even if it gets me into trouble.... why lower myself? it is a part of my own self worth... one of the very few things i hold as important... and one of the reason i talk so much shit about religion i view them necessary because people are weak... but a lie even if for a good reason is still a lie   *notes about killing gingers and things of that nature don't count as lying as it's not my fault people can't grasp the concept of a joke **also i reta
Well Isnt This Interesting..
after 5 or 6 some years im back on fubar! who would have known?? ive been through alot since i was here last.. went from being young 20's and working in retail, to starting a career to only watch it fall to the ground(thanks to the housing market) went to a good job and was going to figure a way to make that career only for me to fall on my face again by it outsourcing the entire building to china.. to being back in retail, 3 major relationships later(in the middle of a breakup now) and trying to relax and keep my anxiety down.. man.. wtf? lol
Well What Is A Blog.
UMMMMMMM am i thick decause i dont know. what is a blog....?
We'll Stay Together
That summer brezz, I can still rember. It didn't blow cold at all. We were just too far away from anything to ever fall. The music played as we went around and around all that day. The night got clear, so we looked to the stars, before they could turn away. I'll always rember just the way it was, things were small as we were above. Everything was normal for teenage love. The fairiss wheel went around and around, all the lights flashing all so bright. Just the two of us holding eachother threw the night. We just smiled and starred into eachothers eyes. We'll stay together, our love will never die. Now I just hope she'll stay with me. We'll stay together just wait and see. Oh we'll stay together, just wait and see. Oh we'll stay together, she'll stay here with me. That summer brezz, I can still rember. It didn't blow cold at all. We were just too far away from anything, to ever fall. Oh we'll stay together, just wait and see. Oh we'll stay together, she'll stay here with me. Oh w
Since a few folks have hit me up elsewhere to find out what's going on I'd figure I may as well put up a blog...   Yes, I'll be away from here for a while. The fiance has serious insecurities about me being on here so I will be taking a break until he gets his head out of his ass and realizes I'm one of the good ones. Until then...those that know me best know where to find me :)
Well-organized Resettlement In Coimbatore
While relocating towards the new destination people feel really very stressful. The entire process of packing and moving create the tedious and pathetic situations that make people confused. They can’t able to plan that from where they have to start the puzzling process of resettlement. At this point of time they need help of some expert people who complete the entire task as soon as possible. The packing and moving companies are available in the market to make your resettlement easier and smoother. You can take their help to make the process of moving effortless. They offer you all essential services to make all types of shifting conditions as smoother as possible. The talented packers and movers of these agencies used all important method to complete the process of shifting successfully. They make the accurate plan according to that they start working as per the rules and regulation of the companies. They never go beyond their limits as they know it may harm to the image of th
Well Look Here :)
I think random shit. I have considered starting a series of online dark comics with a antiheroine/vigilante as the main character.   Now without getting into specifics and having someone steal my shit ... here is a preview of quotes I will use in my storyline:   "Be yourself, someone will appreciate you for who you are. Especially as parts in a commercial freezer."   "Vibrantly Violent doesn't even begin to express to you how beautifully I would carve you."   "I'd love to see how the blood flows out of your eyesocket, after I stab it with a fucking key" "I'd scalp you alive and pull your wig back, but you already look like Wednesday Addams."
"well Hello There, Imagine You Being Here This Time Of Night"
You come home after a day at work, you walk in the house and put your things down. You walk down the hall to the bedroom, ready to get out of those slacks & heels. Ready for a hot relaxing shower. You notice the bedroom door slightly cracked, and a light flickering, you walk in and see candles light all around the room, everything is dark other than the candle lights, and still you see no one. You begin taking off your blouse, then you slip out of your bra, letting your breast free as you massage them, Ummm... you look and feel so good. Feeling like someone is watching, you look around the one is there but you, all alone. As you begin to take off your slacks, from behind you feel someone touch you, I grab you carefully by your hair and whisper....”take them off slowly, but leave the heels on”. My voice sounds familiar, but still I’m still holding you where you can’t see my face. In some freakish sick twisted way, you love every secon
Well Said Said Rep Allen West!
Marines that urinated on Taliban dead? Here is what Rep. Allen West said ...Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army Lieutenant Colonel, sends THE WEEKLY STANDARD an email commenting on the Marines' video, and has given us permission to publish it.“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.“All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter o
Well We Might Be Moving Again
My mom ain't doing so great..... She has high cholesterol and hypothyroidism but on top of all this. The doctor called her and set up an appointment just to talk about a pap smear result.  Now normally my doctors have just told me over the phone it's all good so I'm kind of nervous. Also she has blood in her stool........for a person that's 70 IT ISN'T GOOD.   I'm gonna talk to my husband tonight about moving back up north to be with her permanently.  The older she is getting, the more worried I get and I REFUSE TO LET HER GO TO A NURSING HOME!!!!   She is my mother and I will take care of her no matter what.
Well. This Is... Cheerful.
"Brixham, the third of the Torbay towns, faces Torquay and is at the apex of the southern arm of the bay. It was once a noted fishing port, but it has never experienced the high rates of population growth registered in certain periods by the other Torbay towns, although in the summer season it is always congested with visitors. Brixham's retarded growth, comparitavely speaking, is mainly a consequence of its lack of obvious tourist attractions: no first-class beaches, no delightful promenades or esplanades to saunter along, no pier; the streets narrow and mostly running uphill, and with plenty of mean dwellings. It interests the sightseer principally for its nautical atmosphere and 'quaintness', an example of which is the much photographed Old Coffin House near the the harbour. Its main attraction for the visitor has always been its congested quays and its quayside pubs." An extract from 'Torquay & Paignton - The Making of a Modern Resort' by Henry James Lethbridge.'Mean dwellings', e
Well Today...
is going to be a lazy day for me. I'm off work for the next nine days. YES! I slept late...haven't done that in a long time. Have the house to myself...which means I can blast some Korn. HOO YAH!
We'll Call Her Jane...
Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace... I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience... Jane; We'll just call her that, I haven't caught her "real" name... She works at the gas station that I sometimes grab a coffee or a naked juice from when I'm waiting for my second bus in the morning.  The first day we crossed paths I was going in for a coffee and she was cleaning the counter, I grabbed a napkin and began to clean up the mess from the lid of my travel cup "now, you stop that sweetie!" I turned to see this gorgeous face beaming up with a smile.  "A smile beaming face at a gas station (I thought me self) odd".  "Good Morning" I reply "I can't leave a mess, you just cleaned up a mess!" "I'm very use to it sweetie" she sings back to me...."WOW (I think to myself again) someone who is into customer service as much as I am!!!  We chat a bit more abou
We'll Call Her Jane...
Blessings, Good Fortune, Strength and Peace... I've decided to dedicate a blog to the wonderful people that cross my path for reasons I will not question, but will cherish and remember because I grew from the experience... Jane; We'll just call her that, I haven't caught her "real" name... She works at the gas station that I sometimes grab a coffee or a naked juice from when I'm waiting for my second bus in the morning.  The first day we crossed paths I was going in for a coffee and she was cleaning the counter, I grabbed a napkin and began to clean up the mess from the lid of my travel cup "now, you stop that sweetie!" I turned to see this gorgeous face beaming up with a smile.  "A smile beaming face at a gas station (I thought to myself) odd".  "Good Morning" I reply "I can't leave a mess, you just cleaned up a mess!" "I'm very use to it sweetie" she sings back to me...."WOW (I think to myself again) someone who is into customer service as much as I am!!!  We chat a bit more abou
Well What?
*sigh*   I may be able to afford to choose 50 designs to print off into cards and I don't know where to favorites? your favorites? randoms? Plus, matte or gloss?   meh.... things to ponder
Well I'll Be...
Was reading the news of Andy Griffith passing, and kinda reflecting for a moment at another figure from childhood passing on, reminding of how much time has as well. He was often spotted about the outer banks (coastal carolina islands), and I would see him here n there as a kid. He was pretty much a resident  and actually got his start right down there in the continual running play The Lost Colony, depicting the disappearance of the settlement in Manteo if anyone remembers that from history class. Sidebar..My uncle was VP of one of the iconic boutique shopping meccas there called the Galleon Esplanade, which was booming plaza centered around an actual spanish galleon, so whenever I was with my stepgram down there it was routine to stop in and see him. Alston was very.. I guess what folks call metrosexual now, he was the spitting image of Tony Orlando lmao. He had a killer pad with all the latest of technology, Bang & Olfson audio, nice toys etc, and was involved with beauty pageants
Well. Its Been A Year And A Half
since Ricky left with his mother to Utah... a state where the father has absolutly no rights what so ever.. and I have not seen him since...we talk every once in a while and his mother married again for the third time since the divorce. man that kid has seen alot in 16 yrs.. I think he is happy though.. at least I hope he is.. As for me I have been out of work for a while.. I have nothing and trying to find work is hard.. LOL But I will get there some day.. LOL  I might just start writing here as it makes me feel better..    I am not looking for sympathy.. just an outlet.. I can talk here and if you read it ,, cool.. you understand me a bit better.. if you dont LOL I am doing this for me..    I have no one here.. so I flirt alot.. probably to much.. over stay my welcome when flirted back with.. I have been divorced for a long time and like I said I am alone..  well I will end this little pitty party and get up tommorrow as I always do.. LOl Good night peeps LOL I always wanted to
Hello my lil chik a dees... Update.. I am at the gym 6-7 days a week. I have lost 42 pounds, but I am turning  my body into a leaner, more muscular ass kicking machine. I have been well enough, however, I do miss some of you. Some more than others (h) Seriously, if you wanna get ahold of me, you gotta hit my phone up...either call, text or email. I will post a pic from the gym soon.. mainly cause I want you to see me beating shit up :D
Her heart now healing slowly on the mend. Her heart now searching for a new love to begin. To just hold her Enough it would never be. There's so much deeper Even for my eyes to see. To know her mind and heart Know all her beauty deep and true this is what I would want Only then could I ask to take your heart from you
Well Here Is Some Pics That Were Taken Of Me By Bryan Artist
Her heart now healing slowly on the mend. Her heart now searching for a new love to begin. To just hold her Enough it would never be. There's so much deeper Even for my eyes to see. To know her mind and heart Know all her beauty deep and true this is what I would want Only then could I ask to take your heart from you.
Well Here It Is ....
  Hi again, today is the begining of a long story but for some reason needs to be told in some way shape or form. Its rather messed up at times cuz life is all too often but sometimes ya just help avoid when that run away train just kinda runs yer ass over and drags ya till the next stop and beyond.  I'm gonna tell you about a guy who used to be but has since disappeared and hasn't been seen in quite a long while, heavan (or hell) only knows what happened to him but I'll share what I know of him. He may still walk among us he may not but if ya see him then just smile and be nice  cuz he's been through alot , at least by my standards at least.     When Damian was a child he was growing up in the same house as his grandparents, 2 aunts, sister and his mom who was rarely there cuz she was off doing her own thing and either trying to get a college degree or hook up with some guy and become set for life , either way there weren't too many memories of her till later but we'll get to that. B
Wellcome To Where You Were And Where You Had Already Gone To Earlier Its Not Hell
fUCK IT lETS dO iT. thIS IS fREE?  AND sO fLEETING AND fRAGILE. IMMINENT braindeath no wayt o roam diferinlocason zam zytuasones Litsss maz e Dom,zombyz ot  destorenes Intuix nox Fuck this Lie.
Well Hello Neighbor
I'm in the process of moving, and last night as I was coming out of my place I could see accross the street into my neighbors window with the open shade.  I was transfixed as I watched the shirt come off and I was treated to a view of my neigbor topless.   I suppose if he worked out a little it may have been better. 
Well Known Wholesale Apparel Supplier From China Korean Japan Clothing
  7e-fashion Korea-Japan Garment Co. Ltd is a famous international fashion company. The company was founded in 2007, headquartered in China's garment shrine -- Dongguan South City. It is a combined women's clothing enterprise which is professional engaged in R & D, production, marketing and the official website of company online B2C wholesale platform is The company brings together the nine management center, marketing center, R & D center, brand promotion, information network, logistics and distribution, production management, quality service, and Center for human resources, modern organization management system has a people-oriented, with a clear development, design concept and exquisite production process. The online apparel wholesaler Company has been hailed as the "clothing collection". Most of its clothing design is with brief succinct free combination of multiple series, while showing South Korea fashion it also pursuits of the international trend, fi
Well Then.
Trying to figure this all out.  I wonder what kind of Tequila they use in those shots?
Well I Discovered Yet Another Issue Fibro Brings
for the past couple weeks i have had high blood pressure then i started to get little chest pains well yesterday it was sooooooo bad i went hospital they did ecg i think its called i waited 3 hours to seen then they say your heart rates high go see dr first thing monday so i are a little worried but they did say fibro can do that it can cause pain in chest like heart issue but i felt so dum wasting their time others need drs more than me so i not going to waste their time :) 
Well I'm Sexy ....flirt
I know i can write anything erotic on this site so it will be hard to do this:(
Well-known Long Colorful Louis Vuitton Outlet Scarves
you can expect to appearance and feel most louis vuitton totes Belk February sale and clearance has begunBelk February sale and clearance has begun with great financial savings on all fashions. Featured in Belk sale are sportswear for misses, petites and these days girl by New Directions, Kim Rogers, Alternatives, Ruby Rd., Alfred Dunner and Koret at 30-50% off. Also featured is 60% off Belk whole stock of Belk Silverworks and Danescraft sterling silver jewellery, which includes the extremely popular originality beads, just in time for Valentine Day. As being a bonus, it is possible to print a Louis Vuitton Handbags On Sale coupon for an additional 20% off that is excellent by way of Tuesday, February 9.Also on sale and clearance you are going to locate men designer sportswear, men sportswear from Columbia and Chaps, Saddlebred and Van Heusen sport shirts, males Goldtoe socks, guys outerwear, Saddlebred Performance blazers, suit separates by Jeoffrey Beane and Nautica, dr
Well Fuck You
Seriously. If your girlfriend makes you delete friends that are girls...there's a HUGE issue. If it's not your girlfriend doing it, be a fucking man and just tell me what is going on. I'm a big girl, I'm pretty sure I'd understand.   I'm not in a bad  mood and I need to take a nap. I really think some "men" need to grow balls and get over it.
Well Ain't This Just Special....text To The Ex
When I said I was done? Did you honestly think it was a joke? Evidentially not... So why call me after all this time asking me for another chance? Ugh! The answer was NO then and the answer remains NO! A same person would know when to walk the hell away but then again ... Your not sane are you? Lol... Because of you I no longer feel anything.. Outside of my bodies've killed who I used to be so why do you persist on taking what's left? Oh and you say you love me still... Wtf ever... I don't think I honestly can believe in a fairy tale and I sure as hell could never be with anyone again... I'm too old to play games with you and if I had a heart? You made damn sure it died with you. Please just walk the hell away and forget I ever existed... You did an excellent job of that in our 14 years of marriage.
Well I Think Its Story Time
once a long time ago there was this dude walking and he was just like just kind of humming to him self whem he stumbles on someone singing so he thought well im just look a little an see who it is , so this rather sharp looking dude walks up slowly and peeks around the corner of a really big rock just as he does this female yells behind him and says  HEY MR, DUDE UMM GUY WHAT EVER YOUR NAME IS WATCHYA LOOKING AT ??? he says well , first i need to go shake out my pant leg , then we will talk ok , she female says ok , so the dude goes by the pond and get a ,, umm well a uhh oh right ,,,, bucket of water to rinse out his pants, so he stainding there lower half nakie and , the female comes around and says hey whats taking so lond , wow is that your ,,,,,,,,holy thats sooooo big,,,,,,,,,,,,,, umm she blushes , and says ,,,,,sw , sw,  ,,sword ??, he looks at her and is like , heyyyyyyyyyyy do you mind , oh ,,, wait , yes thats my sword   so he finishes drying his pants by the fire she made h
We Love 2 Play 4 Way!
NC KINKY COUPLE@ LostCherry We are a cpl. looking for other clp. or singles to play with!
We Love 3sums
hey peeps this is a blog 4 all u horny fuckers especially bi femz who like 3sums and eating pussy yummy xxx
We Love Drama.................yay!!!!!! Not!!!!!!
We Lost A Great Friend
DUNCAN...We all miss & love you, you will never be forgotten... Duncan Black~~2/18/80-11/24/06 If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be travelling on, now, cause theres too many places Ive got to see. But, if I stayed here with you, girl, Things just couldnt be the same. cause Im as free as a bird now, And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, I cant change. Bye, bye, its been a sweet love. Though this feeling I cant change. But please dont take it badly, cause lord knows Im to blame. But, if I stayed here with you girl, Things just couldnt be the same. Cause Im as free as a bird now, And this bird youll never change. And this bird you can not change. Lord knows, I cant change. Lord help me, I cant change. Lynyrd Skynyrd, "Free Bird"
We Love What We Do Cause We Are Firefighters
A firefighter's life is one big surprise, Usually he laughs,sometimes he cries, There's always stress, toil and strife, Hoping he's good enough to save just one life. His wife understands when he misses dinner, If he runs out of church, don't think he's a sinner. Answering a call is tops on his list, Regretting each one he's ever missed. He tries and tries, but can't make us see, The happiest men, still work for free. Jumping from bed, fighting the cold, Knowing what to do with out being told. He rushes to the station, jumps on a truck, Depending on skill never on luck. Putting his life on the line for an unknown friend, Hoping and Praying it won't be the end. "The Bravest men in the world" the title is fitting, They all do their best never come close to quitting. Next time you see them, all their lights blinking, Take just a minute, to think what they're thinking. It's a hard job, so show them you care, And help them out with a little prayer.
We Love The Red Wite And Blue
Music Video:AMERICAN SOLDIER (by Toby Keith)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
We Love (outlaw Angel)
We love someone and pray for the same And yet to many it's just a game. We love with our hearts open wide And yet maybe we should hide. We love with all we have to give Because without love we can't live.
We Love....
we love lunch meat yes we do we love lunch meat how about you!!! HAHAHA
Welome To
We Lost Him
we lost a great man today my grand-father passed away we found out a few days ago he was sick for a long time he just did not say anything.he will be missed but at least he is reunited with my grand-mother now may they both rest in peace.
We Love Our Sports
I just wanted to say that I love the fact that my San Jose Sabercats won the Arena Bowl a few weeks ago while I was away. I recorded the whole thing on my DVR and watched it after the game one weekend when I came home from my travels. I don't remember the exact score but it was something like 55 - 33 over the other team. Now I am interested in getting season tickets to the games next season even if San Jose is a 8 hour drive away. They are an exciting team to watch. Next week while we are on vacation in San Jose visiting family members my husband and youngest son are going to see the San Francisco Giants play the Chicago Cubs. We are also going to the watch the San Francisco 49ers play at one of their public training camp days in Santa Clara. As you can see we are a big sports family here. I cannot wait for the NFL season to start now so we can cheer for both of our teams... 49ers and the Seahawks. Yes, I know they play within the same conference but my husband is f
We Lose Them...
A friend whom I saw not too long ago has passed away and I just found out today that she died, and saddened by the fact that no one knew what they could do for her...she kept her illness a what do we as her friends do for her knowing that her family is non existant...She really didn't have much money...she doesn't have insurance....what do we as friends do for her??? If you have any Ideas on what we can do to raise money to bury her...please leave them...Thank You! Please Comment.
We Look We See ; We Think We See ; But Do We ??
What do we really see , is it a reflection , in one s mind Or is it something we dream of. Do we not also need to hear, what goes along with what we actually see. Does all pertain to vision in ones eyes, or just on one hear, at many a time. Do we long to belong thru our vision there of ? O See a vision can be all , or may be really nothing . Some blind be wise, for they see more , efficient than us. My grandfather blind though he was . Had A far better sence to Our God. He felt and heard with true reception and seen a world of love and forgivness. But me as a small chid, knew not what he muttered about. Today ; I do know what he meant . Today I give my Lords word, to all in need , and hope all hear and see , with the preception, that my Grandfather did. and Know my Lords love is all around. He is our Salvation and all; He did sacarafice it all, My grandfather be right, The light be beautiful,yet when you have never
We Love You Sultry
OK, without going into too much personal detail, Sultry is one of the most amazing women on this site. She has recently been handed some very difficult issues to deal with, with both of her parents being critically ill. We are doing everything we can to pull together and show her all the support and love we possibly can! Please stop by and let her know we are all keeping her and her family in our thoughts and prayers, and that our hearts are with her! *♥SÚLŦRY™♥*ÇÈõ õҒ Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ.*Owned by JAK*@ fubar Today...I wish you a day of ordinary miracles A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself. An unexpected phone call from an old friend. The weather to hold as you travel back and forth to run your errands. I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in... The doctors to call and say things will be all right! Your mother to see you, smile, and say "I love you, baby!" Your keys right where you look. I wish you a
We Love Our Booboo :)
THE QUEEN HAS RETURNED. SO LETS GO SHOW HER HOW MUCH WE ALL MISSED HER AND SEND LOTS OF LOVE HER WAY!!!! ♥BooBoo♥ Founder of Shadow Levelers.Owned By Farscapecat & Happy Country Girl@ fubar THIS BULLY BROUGHT YOU BY Passionman71~ Shadow Leveler~Fu-owned by Anna~@ fubar AND LilBamaGirl ~Shadow Leveler~@ fubar (repost of original by 'Passionman71~ Shadow Leveler~Fu-owned by Anna~' on '2008-06-30 19:35:52')
We Love You Love Time!!!!
Yea baby!! We love you time!!! Get in where ya fit in!! Rate Fan & Add each lover! Then message Unbreakable! Make sure you tell them "love you long time!" I'll be making tags daily so rate this pic and comment saying you've rated!! Unbreakable Sweetpeabayba T Iceman Drillindeep ~Phoenix~ Dragon RIder Asian Persuasion missjenene snoopy70 neca717 Vitamin De The Baddest MILF®~
We Love You Long Time Train!
Yea baby!! We love you time!!! Get in where ya fit in!! Rate Fan & Add each lover! Then message Unbreakable! Make sure you tell them "love you long time!" Unbreakable Sweetpeabayba T Iceman Drillindeep ~Phoenix~ Dragon RIder Asian Persuasion missjenene snoopy70 neca717 Vitamin De The Baddest MILF®~ Lucie in the Sky
We Love And Miss You Allie!! R.i.p Sweetheart!!
=== 'Ms. Mona Doll ღ Dangerous Curves Member ღ' wrote the following at '2008-12-31 09:55:20'.. > > It Has Been Brought to My Attention by Allie's Dear Friend Kim (AkA GatorGirl) " all of Allies friends & family are letting balloons go with a lil note Attatched with it @ midnight In Her Loving Memory there are ppl from FL, CT, NYC, CA Participating>>. We All Feel It Would Be A Great End to 2008 By Allowing Allie Not To Be Forgotten... So If You Loved Allie as We All Did Lets All Please Participate.. Dangerous Curves Girls, 2nd Alarm Hotties, Peaguses Project And All Of Allies Friends and Family From Fubar!!! We Love Her And She will Forever Be Embedded In our hearts as the warm wonderful caring young woman that she was!! thanx So Much for taking time to read this and remember our beloved friend and her friends and family!!! Much Luv
We Love This Bar (repost From Dawn)
Trying another vid host service.. if video doesn't start please click the lil play arrow, it might take a sec Free Video Hosting (repost of original by '☆ ♥ Dawn ♥ ☆Fu-Wifey to ♫Rock Candy♫' on '2009-01-16 13:39:34')
We Love This Bar (custom Fubar Video)
We Love &miss Our Fallen Soldier
2005,30-June House Resolution 2305 By: Representative Hatfield of the 177th A RESOLUTION In memory of and honoring the life and service of Sergeant Chad Michael Mercer; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, on June 30, 2005, the State of Georgia lost one of its finest citizens with the death of Sergeant Chad Michael Mercer of Georgia, while serving as a Bradley Fighting Vehicle Commander of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment in Baghdad, Iraq; and WHEREAS, this exceptional individual exhibited outstanding leadership, patriotism, courage, and dedication in his service to this state and nation in the 48th Brigade of the Georgia Army National Guard; and WHEREAS, this young man of 25 years leaves behind his loving wife, Pam; his beloved children, Alanna Taft, Amber Taft, and Gavin Mercer; parents Mack and Dorothy Mercer; parents-in-law Dudley and Carol Cole; brother Adam Mercer; sister Lara Mercer; sister-in-law Rebecca Cole; grandparents Mike and Shirley Junk, Jean Jone
We Love
We Love   We love and we loose.  We love and we choose. We love to regret and we love inside our heads. We love to remember all those moments in September. We love to know it wasn't all in our head. I saw you sitting there as you spoke his nameAnd I saw you laugh as searching straight ahead. We love to alter the things we wish to be. We love the definite of how the day shall be. You love the way my hair feels as you hold on tightI love your breath against my cheek when you begin to speak.I saw you sitting there as you spoke his nameAnd I saw your tears falling as you held me near.They love the way we turn away when nothings left to fearThey love the way we hold on tight with moments at our feet. I saw you sitting there and still you call his nameAnd I feel all the yesterdays that I kneel to him and pray. We love to remember how sweet is his peace. 
We Love Our Sheep
The Sheepdogs Most humans truly are like sheepWanting nothing more than peace to keepTo graze, grow fat and raise their young,Sweet taste of clover on the tongue.Their lives serene upon Life’s farm,They sense no threat nor fear no harm.On verdant meadows, they forage freeWith naught to fear, with naught to flee.They pay their sheepdogs little heedFor there is no threat; there is no need. To the flock, sheepdog’s are mysteries,Roaming watchful round the peripheries.These fang-toothed creatures bark, they roarWith the fetid reek of the carnivore,Too like the wolf of legends told,To be amongst our docile fold.Who needs sheepdogs? What good are they?They have no use, not in this day.Lock them away, out of our sightWe have no need of their fierce might. But sudden in their midst a beastHas come to kill, has come to feastThe wolves attack; they give no warningUpon that calm September morningThey slash and kill with frenzied gleeTheir passive helpless enemyWho had no clue the w
We Love All Humane As Jesus Did.
happy christmas to all humane.
We Lost It All
Welp, Lee's Moving!
I'm so upset because my boyfriend's moving back to our hometown...which is 2 hours away from where I live! :*( So, I'm gonna be up here all alone...I don't know what I'm going to do. It's so freakin weird thinkin about it. But he has to ... he got a job offer that he can't turn down. I'm so upset.
well dammit, i just moved into this apartment and now i have to move AGAIN. ive only been here about two months. All the sudden my landlord decided to pitch a fit about how many people are living here (3) and then proceeded to ask me why i felt the need to run a dormatory. then she turned my air conditioner off and said i should learn to conserve energy, then proceeded to lecture me on good will and how to treat people, then proceeded to ask me the names and occupations of everyone that has ever been to my apartment, as if it were her fucking business. so i said, im sorry but im 21 years old and im not gonna have my fucking neighbors keeping tabs on who comes in and out of my house, tell them if they wanna stalk someone to find someone with the fucking time to be worried about them. SO ANYWAYS> we found a 3 bedroom apt , i have so much shit this sucks so bad, but it will be better since evan is moving in like a week from today =) =) =),
Welp....after Careful Thought...lmao
Welp Looks Like Im On Here Now
and .. go figure started it off right by someone that i thought i was getting closer to .. screw me over men ill never understand them . .they have one they want anoughter younger and younger . who knos if thats it or what it is .. regardless.. you think your gettin somewhere.. starting something . enjoying someone a bit and wham .. a slap in the face sigh ima pout now and stop my bitchin hes obiouslly not worth it
im 10 weeks prego tomorro and so far so good. there are no problems and everything is going as it should. i plan on posting the ultra sound pics when i go get one done so stay tuned also later on in the pregency im going to do a few poles like if its a boy or girl and what month it will be born. so stay tuned for the fun lmao to thouse i care about love you miss you for thouse i dont know have a good day and if i dont like you what the hell are you doing reading this.
Welp.. I'm Gonna Drive Today
Yep Yep I didn't let on in my last blog what my fears were. Driving is one of them. So no I dont drive. My hubbie is taking me to my old school's parking lot so I can start learning again. Its been 4 years since the last time. I dont know why it stopped, wish it didn't. So I advise all to get off the roads and sidewalks ;) just kidding. I'm not ready to go on the road yet. So any encouragment?? lol Scared shitless right now ...bahhhh Hey Hey You You! You all Fu-king Rawk!! haha.. sorry avril lavigne song stuck in my head..
Welp Here's The Sknny On My Appt.....
I saw the neuro surg today for my doc appt. He says he can fix my back. I wont be 100% but I will be better then what I am now. He will have to do some fusing of the vertebra though. He said I had to quick smoking ( which I had already signed up to do that and was going to quit in Sept anyway ) and gave me a script for something that will help me out alot, said it was the best there was to stop smoking. I have to have another MRI and then possibley a Mylogram. I havent gotten my hopes up just yet. I have been threw so much when it comes to my back and actually getting something done to fix it. I dont think I could handle this going wrong. But like I said before I'll keep those who wanna know/care updated as I know things.
This is fucking insane he said he would b here yesterday so i cancelled all my pland and waited and waited then nothing. So I finally talked to him and he promised today by noonish. Well noonish came and went and what a shock he still didnt show. He didnt even have the fucking decentcy to call and tell me what was going on. hate ths shit and I cant believe I keep putting up with it. Im fucking finished with ppl everyone is so fake. I just dotn know anymore.
really really glad i have to work tonight... now i won't die from alcohol poison.. so angry... so hurt... edging towards insanity fuck the bullshit gonna go shower and cry now...
Welp Heres My Thinking When Writing...
I love thinking of fantasies, not to mention living them out. My ex-wife had gotten pregnant and I did the right thing and was married to a girl who was mostly boring in bed and things didn't heat up until right around the end. I am enjoying being on here and looking around to find ladies or couples and sending some fantasy ideas out. I guess you could say I have an overactive imagination but, ENJOY! PS- I tend to write things off the top of my head to get a good picture. I will edit them eventually but please excuse the grammer. Also I would put pictures of the members who inspired these but I would have to ask them first to be polite.
Welsh Alphabet
a short: "a" as in "ham", e.g., "mam" long: "a" as in "hard", e.g., "tad" b as in "boy", e.g., "bara" c as in "cat" (never the "s" sound as in "cent"), e.g., "cant" ch a non-English sound as in Scottish "ch" in "loch", e.g., "bach" d as in "dog", e.g., "dros" dd "th" (voiced) as in "the" (never the voiceless "th" sound as in "thin, e.g., "bedd" e short: "e" as in "then", e.g., "pen" long: similar to "e" in "then spoken in a southern drawl, e.g., "hen" f as in "of", e.g., "afal" ff as in "off", e.g., "ffÙl" g as in "god", e.g., "glan" ng as in "long", e.g., "ing" h as in "hat", e.g., "hen" i short: "i" as in "sit", e.g., "inc" long: "ee" as in "seen", e.g., "hir" j as in "jam", e.g., "jar" l as in "lamp", e.g., "lol" ll an aspirated 'l' which does not occur in English, sounded by placing the tongue so as to say 'l' and hissing out of one side of the mouth, e.g., "llan" m as in "man",
Welsh National Anthem (sung)
Welsh Alphabet (thank You Sin)
a short: "a" as in "ham", e.g., "mam" long: "a" as in "hard", e.g., "tad" b as in "boy", e.g., "bara" c as in "cat" (never the "s" sound as in "cent"), e.g., "cant" ch a non-English sound as in Scottish "ch" in "loch", e.g., "bach" d as in "dog", e.g., "dros" dd "th" (voiced) as in "the" (never the voiceless "th" sound as in "thin, e.g., "bedd" e short: "e" as in "then", e.g., "pen" long: similar to "e" in "then spoken in a southern drawl, e.g., "hen" f as in "of", e.g., "afal" ff as in "off", e.g., "ffÙl" g as in "god", e.g., "glan" ng as in "long", e.g., "ing" h as in "hat", e.g., "hen" i short: "i" as in "sit", e.g., "inc" long: "ee" as in "seen", e.g., "hir" j as in "jam", e.g., "jar" l as in "lamp", e.g., "lol" ll an aspirated 'l' which does not occur in English, sounded by placing the tongue so as to say 'l' and hissing out of one side of the mouth, e.g., "llan" m as in "man",
Welsh I've learned that eventhough my Mom was  smart woman, she was completely wrong about our family. For YEARS she "swore" we were from Germany. Her logic was that "Jett" was a German name.....Nope. Here's what I found out::.    "The Jetts are of Welsh ancestry. William Jett, senior, came from Wales with his wife, shortly before the American Revolution, and settled on the Potomac river below Washington city. Heserved his adopted country as a soldier in the Continental army, being under the direct command of General Washington. His son, John Jett, senior, was born and reared in Franklin county, Virginia, and there he was married to Miss Sarah Smith; and from there they removed to Barbour county, near the year 1820, whereMr. Jett died in 1863, and where his son, John Jett, junior, the Otterslide pioneer, was born." I need to see if I can find any records about the American Revolution. I'm drawing a blank on anything else after William Jett. I'm thinking t
I. Inside. Man of the emptiness How many times we've come here before I killed you and brought you back Unable to stand the lonesome feeling You're not the same I can't recreate You taste like yesterday Things sound so familiar Something's new and I can tell it's within you Skull opens out fly the flags of truce The dead man surrenders just like any other would What you took from me You dangle in front of my face Hold it out before me So I beg you for it back please It's almost close enough to taste And I feel my insides break Slit throat Just like you cut off the only thing I'd ever loved Threw it down to the bottom of me Perhaps it held a meaning Maybe it was flying on purpose I can't believe I'm in the same place that I always was You're always right There's just something left... Grab my hand as the door shuts Lead me upwards I wanted you I fucking hate you I taste beauty in my lungs Mental orgasm descend Help
12welve & H Dot... The Bullet Named Fuck You Ep
We Made A Profile Together
WE MADE A PROFILE TOGETHER SO U ALL SHOULD ADD US ON THERE TOO....HERE IS THE LINK... sexy juggalo couple~ dark lotus~@ LostCherry
We May Have Hated As Enemies Ought
by Bryant H. McGill, August of 2004 We may have hated as enemies ought Our people fiercely battles fought And shoved the dagger deep impale With bloodied hands we thrust to hell And with the last strangled breath There was but one nation left And those, their people lifted high The defeated culture left to die Yet now we meet on unsullied ground My ghostly words in your thoughts resound I hold no blame for your people’s deeds I forgave the wrath that secured their needs My only regret, it pains my soul Are the lives my children never knew Their young bright hearts, cut dim and cold Their hopeful futures stilled and through Like you, I loved my children, I treasured every living breath Their memories now a fading vision From which the vivid laughter left When next you look into cherished eyes And know you would instantly give your life You then will know what I did for mine How easily, we each would sacrifice I swore the same things to God above
We May Never Have All The Answers
Sometimes we go through things in life that we may not understand, or know why we have to go through them, But there are reasons for everything that happens in life. weather we will ever know why we have to go through them or not. The important thing is to live life to it's fullest and enjoy life while we can. Life is easy and fun sometimes and other times we need a friend to lean on cuz it is difficult and hard. But we can make it by keeping our heads held high and a smile on our face. And if we just look up and praise God for all the things that are good in our life and ask him to help and guide us and lead us the way he will show us the way we just have to believe in him and let him do his work in our life. He is the greatest friend we have and he will always be there for us when we need a friend in the middle of the night to call on. Our friends are sometimes the most important people in our lives and they are the ones that can influence us and change us. I am glad to know
We Make Our Own Joy Or.......
Make joy Joy is not something you find. It is something you choose to create, to live and to experience. The experience of joy does not in any way deplete the amount of joy available. On the contrary, the experience of joy makes possible even more profound and sustained joy. Some would say that joy is not possible, or not realistic, or not appropriate in certain situations. Yet those very situations are the ones to which joy can bring the most value. Joy requires nothing and gives much. And you have the truly magnificent ability to create joy. Joy is not the result of success. Joy is, in fact, a significant cause of success. Make this day joyful by filling it with joy. The more you choose to experience it, the more joy there will be. -- Ralph Marston
We Made Love
I answered the door and there you were, lightly made up but oh so beautiful. Your smile seemed to light the doorway. “Come in baby, have a seat” I said….and you walked over to the couch and sat down as I got you a glass of wine. “You look very beautiful tonight…” (It made my heart feel so good to see that little smirk), “Well thank you love” you replied. We sat and shared some conversation, and wine….and I realized, your wearing a skirt, my weakness. I noticed your very sexy and shapely legs, adorned with nude tone stockings. I notice a pale area, you skirt seems to have risen a little. A hunger begins to build inside….it seems to have suddenly gotten warmer. A moment of silence arrives, and I lean into you….we share our first kiss. Gentle at first…lips not quite touching, tongues gently dancing with each other. My hand caresses your face. As we end the kiss…I look into your eyes….how beautiful they are, a hint of a smile on you face warms my heart. I prepare the tab
We Made It!!!!
Here this Monday Mike and I will be together for 6 mons we are going to treat ourselves to a Dinner at Damon's restraunt.
We Maybe Moving
Our landlady came by today, and let us know that the bank will be takeing over the house we are renting in 3 days, from today, we can save it by takeing over paymants, and paying $3,620, something we do not have. and then 700 a month after. then house would become ours. this I regret will not happen, so we are now scrambling to pack and get ready to move. Yes my many friends, this sucks, but we have 1 or 2 rabbits to pull, but we do not know if they will work out or not, if they do then at most we will be gone a few days, then back on line, if not then i do not know when we will be back out side of loging on at friend houses. If you do not hear from us, then Thank you for your friendship and we will see you when we can. John-David Mitchell~ dragoncat
We Made It
We made it! We are right now at his cousin's house in N.C. we will be heading to S.C. Wed. morning!!
We Made It
We had a wonderful trip down here. Well 'cept when we stopped to get some sleep and I ended up sick. Everything is going great so far!!
We Make Our World
We make the world in which we liveBy what we gather and what we give,By our daily deeds and the things we say,By what we keep or we cast away.We make our world by the beauty we seeIn a skylark's song or lilac tree,In a butterfly's wing, in the pale moons' rise,And the wonder that lingers in midnight skies.We make our world by the life we lead,By the friends we have, by the books we read,By the compassion we show in the hour of care,By the loads we lift and the love we share.We make our world by the goals we pursue,By the heights we seek and the higher view,By hopes and dreams that reach the sunAnd a will to fight till the heights are won.What is the place in which we dwell,A hut or a palace, a heaven or hellWe gather and scatter, we take and we give,We make our world - and there we live.
We May Have Found Earth 2
The world is abuzz with the discovery of an extrasolar, Earth-like planet around the star Gliese 581 that is relatively close to our Earth at 20 light years away in the constellation Libra. New computer models, from both Earth-based spectroscopy and space mission data, are providing space scientists compelling evidence for a better understanding of planetary atmospheric chemistry. Recent findings suggest a trend of increasing water content in going from Jupiter (depleted in water), to Saturn (less enriched in water than other volatiles), to Uranus and Neptune, which have large water enrichments. "The farther out you go in the solar system, the more water you find," said Fegley. "On the other hand, the terrestrial planets Venus, Earth and Mars have secondary atmospheres formed afterwards by outgassing — heating up the solid material that was accreted and then releasing the volatile compounds from it," Fegley said. "That then formed the earliest atmosphere." "Spectroscopic observ
We May Have Found Earth 2
The world is abuzz with the discovery of an extrasolar, Earth-like planet around the star Gliese 581 that is relatively close to our Earth at 20 light years away in the constellation Libra. New computer models, from both Earth-based spectroscopy and space mission data, are providing space scientists compelling evidence for a better understanding of planetary atmospheric chemistry. Recent findings suggest a trend of increasing water content in going from Jupiter (depleted in water), to Saturn (less enriched in water than other volatiles), to Uranus and Neptune, which have large water enrichments. "The farther out you go in the solar system, the more water you find," said Fegley. "On the other hand, the terrestrial planets Venus, Earth and Mars have secondary atmospheres formed afterwards by outgassing — heating up the solid material that was accreted and then releasing the volatile compounds from it," Fegley said. "That then formed the earliest atmosphere." "Spectroscopic observ
We Made It
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we weren't overweight because WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING! We would leave home in the mo
We Makes Everything Harder Than It Should Be
When did having a relationship become so complicated? It should be simple enough, you love, you care, you feel and you get that in return. We are so caught up in ourselves we fail to notice what is standing right in front of us, maybe we are too scared to accept it? If you have ever loved you understand what I mean when you start to have those feelings again for another and it pushes you away because you don’t want to experience the hurt and the heartache again. Isn’t life all about taking chances? If we never took a chance then we would all be living in this world thinking “what if” or “if only”. I think getting hurt; getting scars, taking chances is what life is all about. Don’t you think Bill Gates was scared to share his idea with the world and what if he had not? Yes someone else would have eventually invented a company but it would not have been called Microsoft and he would be living in this perpetual state of regret, what a sad way to live. I think we are all hoping for that
We Made Some Nominations And Here Is The Results
Robert is going to be First Knight 100% Sunshine is going to be 2'nd Knight and Sweetbear is Bishop Thank you all for your hard work and keep it up and we will keep growing strong with all the effort and support you guys have been giving us. Thank you.
We Malo
We malo law leila tohna baeed... We sebna kol el nas? Ana, ya habibi, hassis be hob gideed. Malini dah el ihsas. We ana hinna ganbi aghla el nas. Ana ganbi ahla el nas. We malo law leila tohna baeed... We sebna kol el nas? Ana, ya habibi, hassis be hob gideed. Malini dah el ihsas. We ana hinna ganbi aghla el nas. Ana ganbi ahla el nas. Habibi leilah taala ninsa feeha elli rah. Taalla gowa hodni we irtah. De leilah tiswa kol el haya. Mali gheirak we lola hobak haeesh le meen? Habibi gaya agmal sineen. We kol mada tihla el haya. Habibi, ilmis eidaya... Ashan asadaq elli ana feeh. Yama kan nifsi aqablak baqali zaman. Khalas we hahlam leih? Mana ana hinna ganbi aghla el nas. Ana ganbi ahla el nas. Habibi, ilmis eidaya... Ashan asadaq elli ana feeh. Yama kan nifsi aqablak baqali zaman. Khalas we hahlam leih? Mana ana hinna ganbi aghla el nas. Ana ganbi ahla el nas. Habibi leilah taala ninsa feeha elli rah. Taalla gowa hodni we irtah. De leilah tis
We Matter
There is reason, there is rhyme. There's a place and a time. We're not alone, not by far. The only limits that we face are those we put in place. There's room for what you seek so please do not be meek. Your thoughts shape the world. Watch as it unfurls.
We May Paint Our Faces
We may paint our faces, we may fuck around. But pussy-ass bitches, here won't be found. My homies stand, behind me all the way. My true family, and forever we'll stay. Don't fuck with me, cause they got my back. Where do YOUR friends go, when they know you can't hack? Do they stay there and help? Fuck no they run. Back to their mommies, while we have our fun. My juggalo family, we don't fuck around. So tell me this now, are you down with the clowns?? send this to ten people and if you get back five your truly down with the clown Clown love
We Marines
I am 233 years of romping, stomping, hell, death, destruction. I am the finest fighting machine the world has ever seen. I was born in a bomb crater. My mother was an M-16 and my Father is the Devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I am a rough looking, roving soldier from the sea. I am cocky, self centered, and overbearing. I do not know the meaning of fear for I am fear itself. I am a green amphibious monster made of blood and guts that arose from the ashes of my enemies, festering on anti-Americans throughout the globe. When ever it may arise and when my time comes, I will die a glorious and grotesque death on the battlefield, giving my life for the Corps, Mom, and Apple Pie. I stole the Eagle from the Air Force, the Anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army. Then on the 7th day, while God rested, I overran His perimeter and took over the Globe and I have been protecting it ever since! I live like a Soldier, talk like a Sailor, and
We Masturbate
Hi there! We Masturbate is a girls only concept, so only female friends for us;), trying to end the taboo about girls and masturbation in a fun way! Using a lot of propaganda! You can also find us at myspace. We use t-shirts, buttons, badges, stickers and others to spread the word! If you want some just go to love wM
We Made It!
Well...             It's been a long time coming, but we finally made it baby! We got to see each other, and it was more than either of us ever dreamed possible! The feeling of your skin against mine was an over-load of mental orgasms. All the feelings, all the pain  we have endured, all the hatred we had for each other, it all just melted away in the blink of an eye at first sight of you. When you walked up to me, it took all I had to keep my knees from buckling and falling to the concrete and worshiping the ground you stepped foot on. For those two days that you were here, my lonely city felt so alive. Everything felt so brand new. Everything had been given new life, simply because you had graced its' presence. Some people can live a lifetime in the blink of an eye, but you and I... we lived it in 2 passion-filled wonderful days. You have consumed my entire being, from the frailty of my heart to the razor wire of my mind. We will struggle. We will lose sight. We will fall. I have t
We Made It Through The Rain
We Made Him An Offer But He Did Not Accept
Sevilla FC have confirmed midfielder Jose Campana is closing in on a move to newly-promoted Premier League side Crystal Palace F.C. for a reported fee of €2million, Sky Sports understands.Wholesale jerseys Campana, 20, was one of many players to impress for Spain at the FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Turkey.The 20-year-old, who made just five league appearances for Sevilla last term, rejected a new deal from the Spanish club prior to agreeing to move to Selhurst Park this summer. Campana is expected to agree terms with Crystal Palace today, with the deal set to be finalised tomorrow following the successful completion of a medical. “We made him an offer but he did not accept. He wanted out,” Sevilla president Jose Maria del Nido told the club’s official website, Wholesale soccer jerseys“We have reached an agreement with Crystal Palace for about €2million plus add-ons and a sell-on fee. “He will travel to England to sign today an
We May
We may Love a wrong personWe may cry over for a wrongperson but One thing is for sureThey give us a chance to findthe Right Person..!
We Met Upon The Internet
We met upon the Internet, A friendship electronic, Expressed alone in words and thoughts, Inevitably platonic. We live too far apart for us To mingle in the flesh, But much more close than family, Our hearts and feelings mesh. Your dear, dear self reveals itself Without a voice or face. We have our own sweet home within Our precious cyberspace.
We Meet Again
i am sitting at my table completely lost in thought as i study the texts in front of me.. as i am so deep in thought i am unaware of the door opening quietly.. it is mid afternoon when most people are at work.... but not you.. you have other plans for today. Like a cat in stealth mode you creep up behind me and grab me lifting me off the chair. i start to scream and you quickly put a hand to my mouth. I try to bite down unaware that its you.. but you like it like that... the not knowing... as it makes you even hornier. You whisper in my ear that if i bite you again you will bite me even harder and to prove your point you bite into the softness of my neck...i go to scream again but know u mean business. Recognising your voice i remain quiet knowing you like this game best of all... "What do u want?" i ask all timid and afraid... "do not speak unless spoken to, do not touch unless told, do not scream unless you want to be given pain" you say... This turns me on as i like it when you are
We Met Upon The Internet
It's the first of the month. For some folks, that means welfare checks and gub'ment cheese. Here at the homefront it always means "Spring & New Things." For your viewing pleasure is the picture below and a short poem to ALL MY FRIENDS here at CherryTap. Enjoy. I am putting my wreath up on the front door NOW! Tee-Hee-Hee We met upon the Internet, A friendship electronic, Expressed alone in words and thoughts, Inevitably platonic. We live too far apart for us To mingle in the flesh, But much more close than family, Our hearts and feelings mesh. Your dear, dear self reveals itself Without a voice or face. We have our own sweet home within Our precious cyberspace.
We Meant For Each Other
We meant for each other honey and you know that,we have the same it!!!perfect..and this relationship is always great and it will last forever.I LOVE YOU
We Met
We met in an odd way But it's okay to me You are what I hoped for I have coped with the feeling of loneleness for way to long For you are my night in shinning armour the one to show me the way
We Men Are Funny Some Times .
Subject: Oil Change Instructions Oil Change Instructions for Women: >> 1) Pull up to Jiffy Lube when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since the >> last oil change. >> 2) Drink a cup of coffee >> 3) 15 minutes later, write a check and leave with a properly >> maintained vehicle. >> >> Money spent: >> Oil Change: $ 20.00 >> Coffee $ 1.00 >> Total: $ 21.00 Oil Change Instructions for Men : >> 1) Wait until Saturday, drive to auto parts store and buy a case of >> oil, oil filter, kitty litter, hand cleaner and a scented tree, write a check >> for $50.00. >> 2) Stop by 7-11 and buy a case of beer, write a check for $20, drive >> home. >> 3) Open a beer and drink it. >> 4) Jack car up. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands. >> 5) Find jack stands under kid's pedal car. >> 6) In frustration, open another beer and drink it. >> 7) Place drain pan under engine. >> 8) Look for 9/16 box end wrench. >> 9) Give up and use crescent wrench. >
We-men Vs. Women~lol
miss U Men Are Hard To Please The problems with GUYS: If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him; If u Don't, he says u are PROUD. If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him; If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG. If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN; If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS. If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE; If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT. If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u; If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?) If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him; If u do!! he says u are CHEAP. If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME; If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him. If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him; If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u. If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED; If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so. If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl; If he SMOKES, he is
We Men And Needing Holiday Help...
Good Morning. It’s the Christmas shopping season and being a man I am always looking for that special gift that she never thought I could find for her. Yeah, yeah teddies and panties are way over played. To a man looking at the cosmetology counters is like a kid struggling with math pushed into trigonometry. It is all foreign to us. Oh yeah I can look at Bonnie’s make-up table or Mandy’s and Jax’s bathroom and see various bottles of this and that Tubes of goo and pencils, brushes and devices that look like they should be props in a horror film and purchase those items… but they have them… so I will get bigger ones… that is the thought of we men. We think bigger is better, so we pick up garden sheers in place of tweezers. Oh… and just how many pairs of tweezers do women need? I am sure there has to me a law against having too many… Shouldn’t the Government do a tweeze check? But, those items are not male friendly… I mean give us a task of finding the proper motor oil for a certain tempe
We Met Upon The Internet
We met upon the Internet, A friendship electronic, Expressed alone in words and thoughts, Inevitably platonic. We live too far apart for us To mingle in the flesh, But much more close than family, Our hearts and feelings mesh. Your dear, dear self reveals itself Without a voice or face. We have our own sweet home within Our precious cyberspace.
We Met Upon The Internet
We met upon the Internet, A friendship electronic, Expressed alone in words and thoughts, Inevitably platonic. We live too far apart for us To mingle in the flesh, But much more close than family, Our hearts and feelings mesh. Your dear, dear self reveals itself Without a voice or face. We have our own sweet home within Our precious cyberspace
~we Meet Again~ Part. 1
Cindy was anxious... she wanted everything right for him. She found it difficult, especially cus she was not only happy he was coming... but horny too. She hadn't forgotten the almost overwhelming erotic time she had with Shawn at the park. Then at the dumpster in the alley. But their fun and lust was short, and she had to return home to long island. She of course wanted him to visit... and it took 9 long months, but the whole while it seemed too long. She got a phone call 2 days prior, it was shawn: Shawn: "Yeah hun, hey... I... I'm coming." Cindy: *Chuckles* "What, so soon... you couldn't wait for me to call you?" Shawn: *Laughs* "No, no, I am being good. I mean I'm coming down..." Cindy almost choked on her drink: Cindy: "When?" Shawn: "Two days, the bus is taking me through Albany, New York." Cindy was blown away, she was overwhelmed and excited at the same time. The whole time she had wanted to go see him but life made it difficult. She and he discussed the trip and plans o
~we Meet Again~ Part. 2
The belt dragged down her inner leg, cindy only let out a few sighs... her body still tingling from the touch. She looked down as Shawn ran the belt over her leg and dragged it softly up her side... she smiled and closed her eyes. She felt the sticky juice still on the leather, her brought it up and over her breasts... her nipples and breasts just began to feel sore from his lashing earlier... and her cunt only twitched at the feeling. She felt his body crawl over top her... he relaxed over top of her and ran the belt over her breasts, back and forth. She looked down and saw it brush over her nipples... she chewed her lip and looked up. He smiled and brought the belt around her chest... higher and then unwrapped it: Shawn: "Lift up your head baby..." Cindy did as he asked... he rested the belt across and pulled both ends up... as he pulled up on the belt, it slung under her neck and pulled her head up to him... where he met her lips with a gentle deep kiss. She ran her hands out fro
We Miss You
We miss You In loving memory of landon sanderson It was dark outside, The new day was coming, Thats was a bad time, As I was asleep, I didn't know, What had happened, I lost a great friend, he was coming home from work, He was almost home, He drove to fast, Hnd didn't waer a seatblet, He was a great friend, I miss him so much, If only he wore his seatblet, He mite still be here, He is now a great angle in heven. Alex T Frick
We Miss You
It may take you two minutes to read this, but if you do not take the time to read this you are one of the people this post is talking about. You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. ____________________________________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. ____________________________________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. ____________________________________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. ____________________________________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. ____________________________________________________ You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you. He knows he may not see so
We Miss You.....please Read And Pass Around
It may take you two minutes to read this, but if you do not take the time to read this you are one of the people this post is talking about. You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. ____________________________________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. ____________________________________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. ____________________________________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. ____________________________________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. ____________________________________________________ You talk trash about your "buddies" that are
"we Miss You"
It may take you two minutes to read this, but if you do not take the time to read this you are one of the people this post is talking about. You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. ____________________________________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. ____________________________________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. ____________________________________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. ____________________________________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. ____________________________________________________ You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren'
We Miss You!!
For all our soldiers WE MISS YOU!! It may take you two minutes to read this, but if you do not take the time to read this you are one of the people this post is talking about. You stay up for 16 hours He stays up for days on end. ____________________________________________________ You take a warm shower to help you wake up. He goes days or weeks without running water. ____________________________________________________ You complain of a "headache", and call in sick. He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward. ____________________________________________________ You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends. He still fights for your right to wear that shirt. ____________________________________________________ You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket. He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags. ____________________________________________________ You
We Miss U
on april 7th 2008 Christopher allen Hayes was killed by a drunk driver. At this time that guy is out of jail and had enough nerves to show up at the funeral. I am afraid to say it but I cant forgive him for it. His family have forgave him and he is paying for all the funeral procedures but that just aint enough. He was gonna be a dad in a few months and this guy just dont care it seems. I feel like the lord took my best friend from me and I think they both need to pay.
We Miss You
When you left it hit So sudden it felt like bad dream and it felt Like it was never going to End and it still feels like It won't but we all miss u We miss your laugh and Sense of humor and we Miss how you were always Happy no matter what We also miss how you could Turn our bad days good with Just one smile you made us all Better people and we all miss You Adam and we will never Forget you! Brianna A Beam
We Miss You
Here again, I open my eyes To another day without you They say dont grieve, you're resting in peace Heavens angels guided you through But why did you have to leave so soon There was so much love, left untold From the hundreds of people who miss you Who's hearts you unknowingly did hold My soul, in which you may have felt While traveling to the other side Wants you to know from deep within You were my protection You were my guide The light you gave to brighten my way Burned out, The eve you took your last breath Now alone, I know not where to go Who to trust, or what to believe Why did you have to cheat death One single shot, mixed with destruction Has robbed a gift, a beautiful mind Which experienced a tragedy That challenged what most of us Would never attempt to find We Miss You
We Miss You Jeremy Rip
Man Says Brother Died While Trying To Protect Him WEATHERFORD (CBS 11 News) ¯ Weatherford Police are investigating their first homicide in about four years. As police search for the two suspects behind a deadly shooting, a family mourns the loss of 24-year-old Jeremy Sisk. "He's a great kid, great heart. If you look into his eyes you'd see it," said Kim Parker, Sisk's aunt. His family and friends say he was a gentle soul with a flare for heavy rock and his signature red-afro. Sisk was a guitarist in the local band Skard Soul and passionate about his music and family. It was his devotion to protect his own that would cost Sisk his life. "He was trying to defend his brother, and he got shot," Parker said. "As much as I'd like to kill them myself, I'd rather police lock them up and they live very long lives in bars." Weatherford police suspect Johnny Reed and Guy Evans shot and killed Sisk Tuesday morning. The suspects are believed to be members of the Aryan B
We Miss You Phoenix
as many of you know by reading her last blog. Phoenix just got tired of the drama and was so burned out. I talk to her everyday trying to get her back so in memory Im gonna do a we miss you Phoenix train, Im sure the inventor of naked twister, and wet and wild waterslide would be happy if we got alot of response. So if someone will help me out with a nice bully we can do this I will even do a blast to promote it. I will make her get on to see it. she loves me so she will do it lol thanks for any help you can give me comment if you would like all will help BhamBuggy
We Morn A Legend Da Godfather
We Lost A Legend The Hardest Working Man In Show Biz And That Indeed He Was I Wish I Had A Chance To His Thing Live If Ya A James Brown Fan Or Seen Him Live Or Just Anything Show Ya Luv Leaving Comments Or Feelings.
We Mourn The Passing... (repost)
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when, well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Panadol
We Moved!
Do you find yourself sitting online with nothing to do? Do you sometimes wish there was somewhere to hang out with your wang out? (yea that was cheesey, i dont give a fuck!) Then you need to come by Juggalo Family Radio, where the faygo's always on tap and the bitches are naked!! Click the JFR Banner and join the fun!
We Mourn The Loss Of A Wwe Superstar
I just found out that Chris Benoit and his family was found dead in their home this morning. He will be sadly missed by wrestling fans including myself. His Wife and Son also died this morning. May God bless the Benoit Family, Nancy, Daniel and Chris Benoit. Doc
We Mourn The Loss Of A Great Sacramento, Ca Artist...
William Tuthill, a long-time partner with my gallery, Smith Gallery/K Street Gallery, passed away on Friday, July 13th, 2007. Tuthill was a very close friend to my boss, and things have been a bit saddened around the galleries. I never got the chance to meet him before he lost his battle with cancer, something that I really wanted to do. If you're a fan of Tuthill's work or would like to attend the memorial service is at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 21st, at Arcade Church, 3927 Marconi Ave., Sacramento. My boss just had me do a little memorial website for Tuthill, which you can view at Take a look if you're not familiar, the man was a master watercolorist.
We Moved!!
Hello Tinkerbell here Inviting you to.. Hey! Do you Remember Hydaway Radio? Well We moved!! yes we did! And we also have a NEW name.. Sorta, Its now Called Hydaway's Playhouse! Come check us out You wont be disappointed i can assure you that! So click the link below and come make some new friends, ohh and if your interested in being a Dj just ask any of the staff they can hook you up! experience NOT NEEDED will train!
We Moved Studio 54
We Must Not Stand For This.
My little girl met a new friend, just the other day, on the playground at school between the tires and the swings But she came home with tear-filled eyes, and she said to me "Daddy, Alyssa lies" Well I just brushed it off at first, 'cause I didn't know how much my little girl had been hurt or the things she had seen. I wasn't ready when I said "You can tell me" and she said... "Alyssa lies to the classroom, Alyssa lies everyday at school, Alyssa lies to the teachers as she tries to cover every bruise" My little girl laid her head down that night to go to sleep. As I stepped out the room, I heard her say a prayer so soft and sweet "God bless my mom and my Dad and my new friend, Alyssa *oh*I know she needs you bad Because Alyssa lies to the classroom, Alyssa lies everyday at school, Alyssa lies to the teachers as she tries to cover every bruise" I had the worst night of sleep in years as I tried to think of a way to calm her
We Must Never Forget
I know this only too well, from first hand experience. I will never let this happen to my brothers and sisters who are proudly fighting Bush's illegal blood for oil war. They are only following orders from Washington D.C. and have no voice in the matter. Blame Bush, not our brave troops. This is why my profile picture is my Purple Heart. I have that and a Bronze Star, yet when I came back to the real world, I was spit on, called baby killer, denied a decent job, denied decent housing, denied V.A. health care, denied my right to free speech, and generally I was lost in a hateful and resentful society. To this day, the stigma of being a 2 time Vietnam veteran still follows me. I will never allow this to happen to these troops. NEVER! Randy (aka The Old Geezer) Thank you very much and kudos to Veterans PTSD Portal for bringing this to the attention of America. Please ... REPOST Yahoo news Older vets reach out to younger troops By ELLIOTT MINOR, Associated Press Writ
We Must Stop This Immediately
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Men are from Earth, Women are from Earth. Deal with it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS KIND OF STUFF HAS GOT TO STOP IN OUR COUNTRY! We Must Stop This Immediately! Have you noticed that Stairs are getting steeper. Groceries are heavier. And, everything is farther away. Yesterday I walked to the corner and I was dumbfounded to discover how long our street had become! And people are less considerate now, especially the young ones. They speak in whispers all the time! If you ask them to speak up they just keep repeating themselves, endlessly mouthing the same silent message until they're red in the face! What do they think I am, a lip reader? I also think they are much younger than I was at the same age. On the other hand, people my own age are so much older than I am. I ran into an old friend the other day and she has aged so much that she didn't even recognize me. I got to thinking about the poor dear while I was combing my hair this morni
We Must Fill The Internet With A Demand For The Release Of The 84 Pentagon 911 Tapes.
We must fill the Internet with a Demand for the RELEASE of the 84 Pentagon 911 Tapes. We need a full court Blitz of the Internet, gang. You can use some of the stuff from below or just add your own stuff. Demand The Release Of The 911 Pentagon Plane Crash Tapes ! So What Is The Pentagon Covering Up About The 911 Chash? The 911 Pentagon Tape Witholding is a Conspiracy Fact ! There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the 911 Pentagon tapes would have been released almost 5 years ago. Unbelievable the Bush sheep like followers don't want to see what was on the 911 Pentagon tapes. Now if this had happened under President Gore the Republicans would be demanding the tapes. There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the tapes would have been released almost 5 years ago. In short i
We Must Fill The Internet With A Demand For The Release Of The 84 Pentagon 911 Crash Tapes.
PLEASE REPOST We must fill the Internet with a Demand for the RELEASE of the 84 Pentagon 911 Crash Tapes. We need a full court Blitz of the Internet, gang. You can use some of the stuff from below or just add your own stuff. Demand The Release Of The 911 Pentagon Plane Crash Tapes ! So What Is The Pentagon Covering Up About The 911 Chash? The 911 Pentagon Tape Witholding is a Conspiracy Fact ! There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the 911 Pentagon tapes would have been released almost 5 years ago. Unbelievable the Bush sheep like followers don't want to see what was on the 911 Pentagon tapes. Now if this had happened under President Gore the Republicans would be demanding the tapes. There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the tapes would have been released almos
We Must Fill The Internet With A Demand For The Release Of The 84 Pentagon 911 Tapes.
We must fill the Internet with a Demand for the RELEASE of the 84 Pentagon 911 Tapes. We need a full court Blitz of the Internet, gang. You can use some of the stuff from below or just add your own stuff. Demand The Release Of The 911 Pentagon Plane Crash Tapes ! So What Is The Pentagon Covering Up About The 911 Chash? The 911 Pentagon Tape Witholding is a Conspiracy Fact ! There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the 911 Pentagon tapes would have been released almost 5 years ago. Unbelievable the Bush sheep like followers don't want to see what was on the 911 Pentagon tapes. Now if this had happened under President Gore the Republicans would be demanding the tapes. There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the tapes would have been released almost 5 years ago. In short i
We Must Fill The Internet With A Demand For The Release Of The 84 Pentagon 911 Tapes.
PLEASE REPOST We must fill the Internet with a Demand for the RELEASE of the 84 Pentagon 911 Tapes. We need a full court Blitz of the Internet, gang. You can use some of the stuff from below or just add your own stuff. Demand The Release Of The 911 Pentagon Plane Crash Tapes ! So What Is The Pentagon Covering Up About The 911 Chash? The 911 Pentagon Tape Witholding is a Conspiracy Fact ! There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the 911 Pentagon tapes would have been released almost 5 years ago. Unbelievable the Bush sheep like followers don't want to see what was on the 911 Pentagon tapes. Now if this had happened under President Gore the Republicans would be demanding the tapes. There is a cover up and a conspiracy by the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress and it is a fact, not a theory, other wise the tapes would have been released almost 5 ye
We Must Never Forget Ever!!!!!
please watch this video of Auschwits.. my Best friend went there and at the end of the video he left a card I gave him to put down from my daughters and myself.. we come from a long line of russian jews.. hench my name... I want to share this with you.. please never forget ever! Alexia
We Must And We Will Prevail Over The Evil That Is The Jew
Have we lost our will to take on the oppressive measures being taken against our people on a daily basis? Have we as a race lost all sense to tell truth from fiction? I would love to think that there are still many white men and women in this world who won’t allow their countries to fall further in the hands of a minority on this earth, but I can’t honestly bring myself to such conclusions based on how many countries have lost their rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. If anyone were to look around at the state of the world today, it would not be a pretty sight. The Jews have managed to strip many nations of their right to speak out against the tyranny that they are being place under on a massive scale, hell the Jews have managed to bring Orwell’s book 1984 and it’s thought crimes to life in many nations today. We as a people have been too enthralled with what’s on television and who’s doing what in Hollywood that we have neglected to see what truly is going on i
We Must Fight The Ignorance!!
This man was a decorated veteran who gave his life so we could enjoy the basic freedoms most take for granted.You know the simple things, freedom to speak our minds,get the job of our choice, worship in the church and faith of our choice. I am relieved to know that through the persistance of his widow, the Veterans Administration has allowed something as personally precious as the acknowledgement of faith to be honored. I know my brothers in the military understand this. They live in harms way so we don't have to! For that I can't express my gratitude. To my younger brother, Doug, thank you! Thank you for takingthe time to "read my mind". (The original article follows) Still not accepted as equal! At the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in the small town of Fernley, Nev., there is a wall of brass plaques for local heroes. But one space is blank. There is no memorial for Sgt. Patrick D. Stewart. That's because Stewart was a Wiccan, and the U.S. Department of Vete
We Must Never Give Up
We must never give up, we must always move forward even though the road is tough. We must always remember that life isnt easy. Sometimes we fall short and lose our way but we must never give up. Life is too short live it well. But dont you ever give up. I am always here. Although i am not there to hold you close when you cant seem to find one good reason to keep moving forward. Remember that i will be there to take your hand and lead you to the top. you cannot see me but i am there in your heart. I may not always give you the best advice but i am not here to live your life, but only put a smile on your face and make you laugh. I am not here to take away your pain, but here to be your friend, and relieve the pressure that holds you back, but never give up. I am here for you always and in my dreams i will hold you close. I wish for you the best. Remember that the bad times make you stronger and it will be worth the tears when it is said and done, j
We Must
We must talk until there are no words We must explain until everything is understood We must be honest until nothing is hidden We must listen until everything has been said We must question so that we know why We must be fair so that everyone's basic needs are met If there is no communication there will be no bond there will be no friendship. written by Susan Polis Schutz
We Must Learn To Understand One Another
Conficts always occur It is the resolution of conflicts that human beings stand out Every conflict can and should be calmed by talking about and understanding on another's needs and by acting with compassion to solve the differences This is how all the people should get along This is how we must get along. written by Susan Polis Schutz
We Must Overcome
We must overcome hate We must overcome violence We must overcome greed We must overcome fighting We must overcome cruelty We must overcome all that tears people apart and concentrate on all that brings people together. Susan Polis Schutz
We Must Ban Doctors!
We must ban doctors!!! Let's compare their inherent danger to guns, for example. The number of physicians in the U.S. = 700,000. The number of gun owners in the U.S.= 80,000,000. Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year = 120,000. Accidental deaths caused by guns per year = 1,500. Doctors commit more intentional murders than you may think. (International Herald Tribune.) Although murder is not broken down by occupation ( the AMA wouldn't allow it) some attribute the number of intentional deaths committed by doctors to be as high as 5,000 - 8,000. ( The DEA and the Daily Telegram.) Intentional deaths per year, ALL gun types = +- 10,000. Statistically speaking, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. (All statistics courtesy of the FBI, Bureau of Justice Statistics and health and human services.) Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors befor
We Must Ban Doctors!
We must ban doctors!!! Let's compare their inherent danger to guns, for example. The number of physicians in the U.S. = 700,000. The number of gun owners in the U.S.= 80,000,000. Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year = 120,000. Accidental deaths caused by guns per year = 1,500. Doctors commit more intentional murders than you may think. (International Herald Tribune.) Although murder is not broken down by occupation ( the AMA wouldn't allow it) some attribute the number of intentional deaths committed by doctors to be as high as 5,000 - 8,000. ( The DEA and the Daily Telegram.) Intentional deaths per year, ALL gun types = +- 10,000. Statistically speaking, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. (All statistics courtesy of the FBI, Bureau of Justice Statistics and health and human services.) Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors befor
We Must Stop This Immediately!
We Must Stop This Immediately! Have you noticed that stairs are getting steeper . Groceries are heavier .And, everything is farther away. Yesterday I walked to the corner and Iwas dumbfounded to discover how long our street had become!And, you know, people are less considerate now, especially the young ones..They speak in whispers all the time! If you ask them to speak up theyjust keep repeating themselves, endlessly mouthing the same silent messageuntil they're red in the face! What do they think I am, a lip reader?I also think they are much younger than I was at the same age. On the otherhand, people my own age are so much older than I am. I ran into an oldfriend the other day and she has aged so much that she didn't even recognizeme.I got to thinking about the poor dear while I was combing my hair thismorning, and in doing so, I glanced at my own reflection…well, REALLY NOW -even mirrors are not made the way they used to be!Another thing, everyone drives so fast these days! Yo
We Must Wake Up As A Nation
I do not have much time to explain but our constitutional right are being systematically stripped as we speak. Those of us is a representation for The site is dedicated to awareness about our society and the things that are going on to undermine the very papers that make our flag Holy to us. The preservation of our rights as humans  wrote out unto the CONSTITUTION. We must realize that right now their is a war on us as the populace to keep divided over things like religion, sex, race, sexual preference, "clicks" social groups as well. They use things like flouride in the water to control, and dumb you down knowing there are severe side effects. look it up do not take our word for it.They systematically reguard internet bullshit as the topics of discussion through the media. THEY DO NOT CONTROL THE WEB YET!!!  THEY ARE TRYING TO SHUT IT DOWN HOWEVER... THAIS IS OUR LAST STAND TO STAY TOGETHER. These youtube videos are done by ALEX JONES -  You tube: POLICE STATE 4,&, THE
Wen A Stud Misses U
When a stud bumps into your arm while walking she wants you to hold her hand When a stud wants a hug she will just stand there When u break a stud's heart, she still feels it when u run into each other 3 years later When a stud is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind. When a stud is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a stud looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around. When a stud answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not at all fine. When a stud stares at you, she is wondering why you are so wonderful. When a stud lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a stud says that she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future. When a stud says, "I miss you, " no one in this world can miss you more than that When a stud is mean to you after a breakup she wants you b
Wen A Free Pass To My Website
ok if u no anythin abot cs photoshop u can wen a free one month to my hot website all u got to do is take some pics from no nudes only my tits no pussy pics ok and make a logo sayin my name sweetmelissa wit the pics u pick in send it to ( wit ur name in ur emali the best logo wens the free pass to my web site oo in i will put the logo on my website to if ..for comeing in 1st u get the one month pass 2nd gets 2 hot pics from me in there logo posted on my website to ..well have fun in good luck
A W.E.N.C.H. Woman Entitled To Nights of Continual happiness A Goddess, Empress, Gate Keeper to the Land Of Pleasure and Bliss Golden mane flowing in the breeze As her pressence demands Universal respect One in a million Standing out in a crowd Body perfectly dimensioned, Mind piercing my walls Soul melting, takign control of my own Her soft, yet determined touch weakens me, my legs buckle Heart pounds, Lips moisten Manhood grows and grows, dedicated to her pleasure In deep meadow As the Spring breezes signify that time of year Love and desire abound Our eyes locked in mad embrace Father SUn warms our skin The guardians of the element of WInd Soothe us Mother Earth and the moistness comfort us The Great rite Begins My hands temidly touch and explore her womanliness The Great hunter now timid as a Virgin Oh How she has captivated, tamed me I Love Her, want her, Desire Her My warm full lips slowly envelop her taut hard nipples Holding my hea

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