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Agent Provocateur Adds Diamond Dust To Its Fragrance
Agent Provocateur is known for its glamorous persona, corsets to die for and lovely body range. Their best selling perfume has just been pimped up as well, with particles of real diamonds being added to its fragrance. The particles make the jazzed up bottle have a lovely shimmery look, and they leave a luminous glow when spritzed on the skin. They've even included a tiny diamond drop that hangs from the bottle's clasp and it's presented in a gorgeous pink display box. It will retails for £52 from 2008 and I know a couple of devotees who are counting down the days! Related: Agent Provocateur strips off for their new Strip Fragrance real diamond dust been infused to make the skin look luminous
Crossing Your Borders
Crossing Your Borders My soul awaits at your border My body stands at the line One leg raised ready to cross Praying our hearts align In another age To win a maiden so fair Knights would brave battle Into opponents eyes they stare A token usually given To a knight of choice Worn like a badge of honor On his heart his maiden’s voice As swords and shields splinter Maidens cover their eyes Praying their knight stands To come claim his prize If my feet cross your borders Would I win this day? Would you imagine me The knight in this fray? My leg now crosses the edge Fear takes hold of my spine Could I approach this beauty? Would I be pushed back across this line?
Shower The People You Love
I Have A Proposition For All My Friends.....
Hi everyone! So here's the thing: I'm about 150k from leveling to disciple. I'll be gone tonight and won't be back until Sunday. So this is where I need all your help. I'll be activating my auto 11 TODAY [Friday] at 4 p.m. eastern. Please stop my page and rate some stuff, even if it's just a couple of pics, anything is greatly appreciated. This next part is really important: please get your friends to visit my page! I won't be here to do that myself. Also, if you could get bombers to come to my page, I would really love that. Anyway, that's the favor I'm asking from my friends. If you don't want to do it, fine. But I would really appreciate it. I'll see you all again on Sunday! :-D
Close Your Eyes--james Taylor And Carly Simon
My First Experience With Speed Dating
Hope you enjoy the read Last night I arrive at the destination, nervous with excitement, maybe anticipation, with my heart pounding rapidly wondering “what am I about to walk in to?” Luckily, I had one of my sidekicks with me for back up Kudos to the locale I must say very “Posh” atmosphere, which is important. I have no idea why I had horrible visions of a hole in the wall joint, cold, dark & Musty with black lights to set the ambience, with the pungent smell of the partying the night before. Boy, was I totally mistaken. The hostess showed us the way into the lounge. The lounge had comfortable chairs with tables for you and your date. You have your own private table with your first "date". You'll spend the first few minutes listening to an amusing spiel and an explanation on how the evening works. I spent anywhere from 3 to 6 minutes per date discussing interests, the usual stuff to see if there is some type of connection or spark.."Wow, he is handsome" I thought
He's So Fine--the Chiffons
Traffic is a fascinating dream image. If traveling is required in a dream, it is often central to resolving the dream story. Consequently, the traffic and whether it cooperates with or hinders the dreamer's achievement is important. Since most everyone encounters traffic everyday, dreams concerning traffic reflect the extent to which your environment cooperates with or hinders your goals. These dreams may be indications that more patience, more self-assertion, or more creativity is needed to reach your goals. Of course, to dream of traffic can also mean that you were simply stuck in it all that day and you need to work out the frustration in a dream. Did the traffic cause you to miss an important appointment?
Idiots sex guide 1. Intercourse doesn't happen on a highway. 2. There is no need for dice in role playing. 3. Eating Mexican food is not the cause of gonorrhea. 4. If the woman engages in oral sex first, it's not called a head start. 5. If she says she's into "bondage," don't try and show her your financial portfolio. 6. You can lie down during a one-night stand. 7. Making out doesn't mean getting your money's worth. 8. Only sleep with someone you love or can say you love without smirking. 9. When a woman talks about waiting for the "right time," she's not referring to a commercial break. 10. Sex is like "The Club" - accept no substitutes.
Tribute To Native Americans
If I Ever Get Arrested For Killing Someone
^^ i am showing that to the jury i was and will always do the right thing regardless of rules laws and popular opinion
Living in the agonizing pain of your memory, not knowing what is to become of this. The floor painted red, a shiny mirror in my hands.
My Panties Are Up For Auction
Panties Up For AuctionPlease Bid Click on the Picture Above to Bid On Them
Tink 57k From Level 22
Still Miss You...
To this day when I kiss her I taste you To this day when I lie next to her I smell you To this day when I hold her tight I feel you To this day when I make love to her I am in you To this day when I wander near you all I see is that stone That cold heartless piece of granite That desperately wanton crap with your name on it I lie next to you and still I can hear your tears I hold that cold granite and I can’t feel you I hold that plastic flowers from your grave and still I miss you.
I am still trying to get myself a Spotlight, before I level. I have been keeping a log of all donations thus far. I will be Blinging the person that donates the most to "the cause". lol May not be much, but it's what I can offer. I just really want to Spot. Any and all help is appreciated.
Information & How To Ask For Help
If you've seen the examples and templates in my folders, then read on ahead. If you haven't, it would probably help both of us if you would before reading further. I'll keep things simple. Yes I can make Bullys. Yes I can provide images as long as you give me an idea of what you're looking for. I can also use images you provide if you have them. Yes I can make SOME animations. If you've looked in my folders, you should have an idea of what I can or cannot do. Yes I can make images for auctions. Including matching images for a matching bully. Yes I can make wallpapers and backgrounds for Profiles and Lounges. No I cannot and will not do coding for Lounges. No I will not show you how to make bullys. But I may post another blog on that in the future. No I cannot and will not do the coding for your peofile. If you want me to make something for you, send me a private message. Please try and make it as detailed as possible. If it's a bully, tell me what the bully is for.
Do you hear me? Talking to you Across the water Across the deep blue ocean Under the open sky Oh my, baby I'm trying Boy I hear you in my dreams I feel your whisper across the sea I keep you with me in my heart You make it easier when life gets hard Lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Ohhhohhhohhhohhohhohhhohh They don't know how long it takes Waiting for a love like this Every time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kiss I'll wait for you, I promise you I will Lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday And so I'm sailing through the sea To an island where we'll meet You'll hear the music fill the air I'll put a flower in your hair Though the breezes through the trees Move so pr
Something Sweet
Wife asks husband 'tell me something sweet'. Husband says 'ur pussy tastes better than all ur friends'. Oddly enough she wasnt happy....
Evanescence "sweet Sacrifice"
Evanescence "bring Me To Life"
Evanescence "my Immortal"
The Rectum Stretcher
A woman was flying down the road yesterday 10 miles over the limit. She passed over a bridge only to find a cop with a radar gun on the other side waiting. The cop pulled her over,walked up to the car & with that classic smirk we all know and love asked, What's your hurry? To which she replied, I'm late for work. The cop said, what do u do? Im a rectum stretcher, she said. The cop stammered, "A what? A rectum stretcher? And just what does a rectum Stretcher do?"Well, she said, I start by inserting one finger, then work my way up to Two fingers then three then four then with my whole hand in. I work from side to side until I can get both hands in & then I Slowly but surely stretch, until its bout 6 feet wide. And just what the hell do u do with a 6 foot ass hole? he asked. You give him a radar gun and park him behind a bridge..." Traffic Ticket $95.00 Court Cost 45.00 The Look on Cop's Face PRICELESS
Another Day Another Blog
Ok, so my last blog went over like a lead balloon. I thought it was hilarious. And very true to form, for MY cats anyway. I get that I'm not one of your more "popular" bloggers or mummers for that matter. So, I suppose I will just continue on writing stupid, inane, and sometimes actually humorous blogs in the vague hopes that someone out in the land of Fu, or even the interwebz, is reading my drivel. And maybe even crackin a smile or three. It just makes me feel a tad significant to type them out and click submit. K thanks carry on Please, no applause is necessary :P my font is pink, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with me
Evanescence "everybody's Fool"
Red Hat Society Rules...
Yesterday I did my monthly weigh in and measurements at the gym. I wasn't too happy that I only lost 2 lbs in a month and a couple inches on certain parts of my body. I know that I'm mostly doing weights there and I need to do more cardio. I need to go out and walk more. I've only done that a couple times this month. I was just hoping that I would of seen some more improvement. I always go to the gym 3 days a week. Even if it's only 45 minutes there, including stretching. I guess I'll have to push myself more. I do watch what I eat. Every now and then I'll spoil myself with something. Not a crime to treat yourself with something. Right? Today at work, I was stuck working with all guys and all day they just blabbed about how they liked this one girl at work and this girl and that girl. And you know what they all have in common? They're skinny. I still don't get why some guys drool all over this one chick and she's a total bitch. She thinks she's the african version of Paris Hi
Sektor Gaza- Durak
Life/health Changes
Down from a pack a day to 3 cigs a day and starting the Herbal Magic weight loss program. Just signed up and joined today. In 3 months I'll be thinner than ever and ripped for my T.V. series.
Thats Whats Up
im bored as fuck. seriously. i sang on the live radio today. it was great. i saw "i love you man" in the the theatre. also great im bored as fuck. not great. i added a few new friends tonight, a few have bewbage. that is great. i updated my music player. thats great i recently added AWESOME vids to my stash. thats great my birthday is monday. the jury is still out on that one. thats all for now. if your reading this you must be bored too. im very unintersting.
BLACKICE - HEAD GREETER ?ÐJ ßla©kiçe27?Head Greeter & Angel @ Exotic Dreams@ fubar KIMMY - GREETER ?KIMMY? UFCGirl816~Head Promtr/Exotic Angel@Exotic Dreams~BOAT'S BEYOTCH~@ fubar TALLSTONE - GREETER tallstoneGREETER@EXOTIC DREAMS@ fubar CHIPPER - GREETER CHIPPER~10k=100rates by hand, PM4$~BOMBER BLOG UP & RUNNING@ fubar ANDUTCH - GREETER Andutch Greeter @ Exotic Dreams owned and owner of sweetdesire@ fubar SPECIAL ED - GREETER SpEcIaL ED exotic greeter@ fubar NIKKIE - GREETER
The Love I Found In You
THREE DAYS GRACE "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rathe
KEEPER OF THE KEY - CHIEF GUARDIAN Keeper of the Key™*CHIEF GUARDIAN@EXOTIC DREAMS*FU-ENGAGED TO ALPHABITCH*MEMBER OF T?IF@ fubar BUDMAN - ASST. CHIEF GUARDIAN BUDMAN - ASST. CHIEF GUARDIAN@ fubar VERY EVIL - GUARDIAN ÐJ†Vêrÿ Évî£ Ðêmøñ† Guardian @ Exotic Dreams Owned by Hazel forever@ fubar JD - GUARDIAN ~DJ_JD~ @ *Guardian @ Exotic & DJ @ After Dark*@ fubar DEMON - GUARDIAN Demon guardian @ exotic dreams and fu-bf too cool waters@ fubar PUFFZ - GUARDIAN *BEWBS*GUARDIAN@EXOTIC ♥TIMBERWOLF'S FUWIFEY♥smokes stalker♦OWNED BY PIERCED
Waiting For Tonight--j Lo
Women's Rules For Women On Dealing With Men
I just new there was some kinda training going on... Women's Rules For Women on Dealing With Men 1.Do not say what you mean. Ever. 2.Be ambigious. Always. 3.Cry. Cry often. Tell them it's their fault. 4.Bring things up that were said, done, or thought years, months, or weeks ago. Get mad when they don't remember. 5.Make them apologize for everything. 6.Stash feminine products in their backpacks and in their books as cute reminders that you were thinking of them. 7.Gossip. Gossip about everything that walks. 8.Play Alanis Morissette's "You Outta Know," loud. Look at them. Smile. 9.Look them in the eye and start laughing. 10.Cry. 11.Get mad at them for everything. 12.Discuss your period in front of them. Watch them squirm. 13.Hold grudges. 14.Demand to be e-mailed. Often. Whine when they don't comply. 15.When complimented, make sure to be paranoid. Take nothing at face value. 16.Use daddy as a weapon. Tell them about his gun collection, his quick trig
More Of My Feelings
The only person that you can depend on is yourself.... the only person that can make you happy is yourself. I am happy by myself, it's just always good to have someone to share that happiness with.... Why can't everybody be honest? If you don't want to be with me because I'm too much to handle, cause I'm annoying, or even if it's just because I'm not what you're looking for, why can't you just tell me that? It screws with peoples heads when you tell them that it's not them..... who else could it be? I've got goals, dreams, aspirations that I will live up to.... I don't have to make anyone happy but myself... I just wish that one person I encounter, just one, would except me for who I am. I refuse to change for anyone, I don't give a shit if you hate me, but I think that I am at least owed an explanation. Instead of being ignored..... I have the utmost respect for you, I admire you, I've tried to honor you, it's a pity that I wasn't given the same. I will be a soldier soon, fight
Exit 2 Exile Dj Battle Results
Dj Po`Boyz won with 6 votes Miss got 3 votes Dark got 3 votes and last but not least Lucky got 3 votes Congrats to all Dj`s I think you`re all awesome and much love to you all This was made for Po to display His achievement:
Naming Children
Thia has been inspired by Zilch at Scarborough faire--- my b day is 420 hint hint-- and we could see the man there anyhoo. Be careful what you name your children... If you are considerin go outside and pretend you are calling them in, Do you hear anyone laughing. Are u laughing? Here are some exanmples thanks in part 2 zilch-- no give him the whole thing Eventually you will yell at your children, even the most patient ppl do it admit it And there you are... "Chase stop running". "Hurry up Patience get in that car now" The best one Zilch caught "Chastity do not put that in your nouth, Please for your kid'a sake watch out what you name them Help us help u w/ your children. Parents who trust us to mind the kids
What Is Wrong With Me????
Ok I gusee I will start here. And that is that I am a kindhearted, loveing preson. I am always trying to help out others in one way or an other. I would give the shirt off of my own back if someone needed it. I sit and listion to somw proublems that teens have with there parents. The reaso for that is cause some of the teens say , That there own paents will not take the time to hear them.And yet people wornder why our young are always out getting into trouble. Now that I am a single person looking for that Mr. Right. Men are after me for just one thing. All that thay want fromn me is just to have ciber sex. Thay arent into a long turm realtionship just an over night stay or what we call a one night stand. Dont get me wrong. I am into sex . But with the right person. So now you tell me is there somethignwrong with me??????
People Around Me
This is in life, not on here just to clarify... So I have a few friends who keeps telling me we need to get together more often. So then when Iam in town I will call them saying Iam in town do you wanna go do something? ALWAYS all I get is Iam busy today. I ask well what are you doing can I tag along? It's always no. I used to always help them with stuff, doesn't matter what it is. So then today, after they said they were oh so wayyy to busy to see me, I see them in the coffee shop sitting around and chatting. I walk in, and they all suddenly get up to leave. Now I didn't say anything to them then, but should I? Why the hell is ok for people to make fun at my expense? Make jokes about me, how I look, etc, and them not expect me to get upset over it? Ya sure a few jokes whatever.. But an every day thing? So when I finally speak up and say ok you guys you know enough is enough, another friend is like you know you are way to sensitive. It is only a joke. Now, is it? After these joke
i am far from being pretty or sexy,but what is best about me is i have a good heart,i may be rough on the out side but smooth on the inside,everyone can judge me for who they think i am but the truth is no one knows the real me,so think about this as you judge me,you are no better then i,we are one of the same kind,i am not dumb or blind i use my eyes and hands like you,the only diffrence about you and i is the way we may be pretty,you may be cute.but i have something over you,i like just being me
Fairy Names
Your fairy is called Feather SnowwebShe is a cleansing force and a peace-bringer.She lives in high places where the clouds meet the earth.She is only seen in the mist of an early morning.She wears pale blue like the sky. She has delicate pale blue wings like a cicada.Get your free fairy name here!
Stupid Encounter #3
bugsy33: its not there lol ->bugsy33: just press enter bugsy33: i got a bar it lets me write in it but not send it ->bugsy33: did you not find the bar to type in, in catacones bugsy33: i think im on the internet so ya ->bugsy33: internet exsplorer bugsy33: wats i e im still new lol ->bugsy33: are you on I.e. ->bugsy33: hey bugsy33: why cant i chat
Stupid Encounter 4 (read Bottom To Top)
->real10inch01: you coulda been like hey whats up... not do you like masterbation... I can see why your single... noob real10inch01: i liked your looked real10inch01: no i dont ->real10inch01: what you think I'm whore? sorry I'm sar more intellegent for this question go read a book real10inch01: HA here baby real10inch01: lol ->real10inch01: You into getting shot? real10inch01: u into it ->real10inch01: http:... real10inch01: u into masturbation real10inch01@ fubar
Stupid Encounter #5 (read Bottom To Top Its A Sb)
thomas1210: ok ->thomas1210: no... i want to know why you want my yahoo thomas1210: yor e-mail address ->thomas1210: ok what? you wanna dj? thomas1210: ok ->thomas1210: first are you asking for it cause you wanna dj or for what? thomas1210: what is it ->thomas1210: of corse thomas1210: do you have a e-mail address at yahoo ->thomas1210: hey
C51's Stupid Encounters #7
OK SO HERES THE DEAL I DECIDED BECAUSE THERE ARE JUST WAY TO MANY STUPID PEOPLE IN THE WORLD TODAY THAT I WOULD OFFICIALLY START MY VERY OWN BOOK WITH ALL THE STUPID CONVOS I RECEIVE... SO PLZZZZ READ UP AND STAY IN SCHOOL SO YOU DON'T BECOME A VICTIM OF A HIT... (AND YES I'M VERY FOREWARD) ~*~*~*~**YAHOO CONVO*~*~*~*~ noeldodd_knd: so are u single? BUZZ!!! noeldodd_knd: ?? DJ C51 GIRL: NAH UGH... SERIOUSLY ME SINGLE? noeldodd_knd: wat are u or aren't you? DJ C51 GIRL: NO noeldodd_knd: no u aren't single? DJ C51 GIRL: NOT TO BE ALL STUCK UP... BUT THE ONLY CHICKS THAT ARE SINGLE THESE DAY SEEM TO BE FAT WITH BUTTER FACES... AM I WRONG? noeldodd_knd: thats so fucked up noeldodd_knd: so u are single then DJ C51 GIRL: NO IM NOT SINGLE noeldodd_knd: well he must be one lucky man to have such a gorges woman DJ C51 GIRL: THANKS noeldodd_knd: yep any time
Round 2
I log in, and this little window pops up. It has a heart on it, stating with what seems like forced optimism "You have a new message in your Personals Inbox!". Following the link leads to ruminating upon my guidelines. Yeah, just nobody was paying any attention to them! Seven new messages might result in one of interest (on a very good day..) as most of these men did not seem to grasp the concept of age, preferences as to children, the basics of english composition or (the most baffling) they did not post a photo. Spectacular managed to fulfil all of my general wishes. Bonus, he was cute. Very. Beaming blue eyes and a devilish grin. Correspondance ensued, my machinery of doubt began to kick in. I knew the man was intelligent, his very education and career path made that obvious. Something about our conversations seemed to fall a bit flat, but is it fair to condemn someone that isn't necessarily comfortable making idle banter via modem? Handsome, good job, loves dogs, right age, neve
I need advice from my friends, guys as well as ladies. What do you think of a guy you are kind of dating on the internet but have never met in person but he thinks he owns you and tells you to do as he says and to "obey" him. Mind you there are no rings on my finger and we have not met but have been talking since September 19 2008. He does not want me talking to other guys and is upset because im on fubar. we talk on yahoo and he calls, he has seen me on webcam but I have not seen him.
What Street Sign Are You?
You Are CURVES AHEAD When you're confronted with a problem, you take it on immediately - but with your eyes wide open. You deal with stress well. You take things as they come, and you don't panic. In fact, you often enjoy challenging situations. Difficulty makes you feel alive. You are alert and observant. You notice every twist and turn in the road. What Street Sign Are You?
What Scent Candle Should You Light?
You Should Light a Green Tea Candle You are calm yet energetic. You take good care of yourself, and you have a lot of endurance. Like most people, you have a hectic life. But unlike others, you try to have as many moments of peace as possible. You're the type of person who's witty and insightful. You're secure with yourself, and you often have a hilarious take on life. You are expressive and apt to talk quite a bit. However, you're able to kick back and listen too. What Scent Candle Should You Light?
Thought For 3/21
We don't see things as they are, We see things as we are..
What Body Of Water Are You?
You Are an Ocean You are impressive and fascinating. People are drawn to your glory. You are a profound and passionate person. You are boundless in your power. You have a philosophical and poetic soul. You take a lot of time to reflect. You are mysterious and captivating. You are too deep for anyone to figure out. What Body of Water Are You?
Why I Wouldn't Be Answer To My Mumm...
Okay so the question was would you rather your husband/wife be with one specific or a bunch of different people, IF you two agreed to swing during your marriage. This is something I've thought about my entire life, knowing I have a super healthy sex drive. IF me AND my Husband had that agreement I would want my other love and his other lover to love us enough to respect us and stay with only us. Yes keep it in the circle. Why? First, diseases easier to keep up on testing if you don't have to go through 20 or 30 different people if/when you pop up with something. Second, whether or not I am there with my Husband or him with me I'd want the lovers to be able to come and go as they please. And yes his lover and my lover would be allowed to hook up too so it'd be a great deal. But, most of all I'd be happy knowing that she cared for him as much as I did. I'd even allow the others to live with us. But, that's been through an entire life of thinking and a lot of maturity that I'v
What's Your Life's Mission?
You Are the Leader You are inspiring and uplifting. You bring out the best in people, through both nurturing and challenging them. You always can see the big picture in life. You are very philosophical and deeply spiritual. You understand people, and you can look at their lives objectively. You can help others grow and heal. People feel comforted by your presence. You help them gain perspective on their lives. What's Your Life's Mission?
Easter Playmates Auction!
Heart Broken
why did I ever let you back into my life when I knew you would just break my heart again. I love you more then anything and I don't use that word lightly. I sit there and cry for you every night. If you truly loved me you would never make me suffer this much. I promised myself I would never let you back in after everything, but here I am again. what do I do to make this all go away. I love you so much it has destroyed what I have left of me.....
Sektor Gaza- Vosstavshie Iz Ada
Russian war in Afghanistan
Face Book... And Myspace
Yes, I have heard they are goin to collaborate. So... if you ever need to talk to me outside of fubar, just come on Myface BUAH HA HA Fooled you.... and this offer is only for the ladies.. sorry Guys.
I'm In Another Auction...take Me As Your Slave!!!
The List Part 2
M.A.C. Cosmetics, 1-800-387-6707; Magick Botanicals, 1-800-237-0674; The Magic of Aloe, 1-800-257-7770; Maine Shave, 207-353-5080; Makeup Junky Cosmetics, 1-866-723-6865; *Malcolm's Miracle, Malibu Sun Products, 1-800-421-7314 *Marcal Paper Mills, 201-796-4000; Marché Image Corp., 1-800-753-9980; Marie-Véronique Skin Therapy, 510-486-9792; Marilyn Miglin Institute, 1-800-662-1120; Mary Kay, 1-800-MARYKAY; *Masada, 1-800-368-8811; Mastey de Paris, 1-800-6-MASTEY; *Max Green Alchemy, 415-863-4155; MBeze, 715-297-8642; MD Formulations, 1-800-451-3940; Meadowlake Farm, *Meadow View Garden, 1-800-499-7037; www.m
Help Me Oracle Today - A11s On - Perks For Heavy Raters- 50k For 250 Folder Bombs In Hh!
HEY FRIENDS AND FAMILY!! AUTO 11s ON! I am Oracle Bound!!! Hope we can take each other to Great Places TODAY! ***AUTO 11s ON!*** All Love RETURNED! 250 Folders For BOMBERS! ATTN BOMBERS: 50K for BOMBING a 250 in HAPPY HOUR! HEAVY RATERS will be Bombed, Blinged, Shitfaced or Spanked! (SETTING OFF CHERRY BOMB LATER TODAY!) Enjoy 58 points a pic rate in Happy Hour! Let's all Help Each other! CLICK QUEENY's PIC Below to GO TO HER PAGE Much love to my Friends and Family and Bada Bing! You guys are THE BEST! QUEENY ~ BADA BING Godmother ~n~ Boss Lady~ MEGA Points, Getting Buzzed, BOMBS and Bling!... Its an offer you cant refuse! ...LMAO.. TY everyone!! Hope you'll send some love today! ***TY TO all that Make Bada Bing Lounge such an Awesome Place to Be!*** ***Click Either Dove to Party With the Family at Bada Bing Lounge! **
Lost In Love
Lost In Love - Air Supply
Lucky Charm Winners..thx All 4 Makin My 1st Auction A Success!! & Fun :)
Thx To All Who Entered...What A Fun Auction All Because Of U!! & The Winners are.... MySpace Music Playlist at The Winner's of the "Who's Ur Lucky Charm??" : First Prize Winner: 65 Credit Bling Pk...500 K...Sh*tfaced Daily By Me 4 Mth....Winner with 1391 Rates sO FrESH __[diAMond dAveS gUrL xox ][[[
P!nk-it's All Ur Fault
Every time you look at me I forget to breathe Now can't you see? How I like how you make me feel. When I act this way, you're the one to blame. Oh no. You should be careful what you're wishing for You make me lose all my self-control. Don't you know. What I need what I needed from you What I want what I want you to do You make me feel this way inside my heart its all your fault What you do when it's already done I want more I can't get enough You make me feel this way you are the one, it's all your fault. Oh yeah You've only got yourself to blame Baby ooh ooh It's all,it's all, it's all your fault Every time that you try to play so innocent You're not so innocent (no no) But you got me right right where I want to be Oh can't you tell you can blame yourself You know exactly what to do and say I don't know how much more I can take (oh you know) What I need what I needed from you What I want what I want you to do You make me feel this way inside my heart, it
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
nothings gonna stop us now -
Spring Whim
Mzcuffed 80s
Join the One and Only Mz.Cuffed!!! CLICK A PIC TO GET IN HERE!!
Hannibal Rising My Immortal
Say It Right
Say It Right - Nelly Furtado
pussycat dolls - buttons - pussycat dolls
My Few Owners Updated 3-21-09
Hey all check out my sexy fu owners . The first one is Kitten . The second one is dj foxy The the third is Kerigirl4u and the fourth is BrandiCakez The fith and newest is Tracy (Shadowleveler). Make sure you show them lots of fu love . there are all sweethearts and the best friends anyone can have . so hit up there pages and rate , fan and add and bomb there pics . they deserve it . Thank you in advance . ♥Kitten♥ ♠Dirty Deeds Radio♠ ♣Owned by Yakuza♣@ fubar ÐJ fÖ×¥ ~ ÖWñÈR Öf RÈLÈñ†Lȧ§ RÄÐÌÖ ~ ÖWñÈРߥ ÐJ †ÄZMÄñ ~@ fubar Kerigirl4you~Playmate@Forbidden/Exotic Dreams@ fubar =*BrandiCakez*=*Owned by Tiger*=*Head Greeter @ Misfits Hangout*=*RR Member*=@ fubar TRÄÇ¥ {§håÐðw Lêvêlêr †êåm LêåÐêr}þrðµÐl¥ ÖwñêРߥ ~♡~§ÚMMÈR~ & ÐJ~mmðµ§ê~Promoter @ ddr@ fubar
A Pledge
When Abraham asked Eliezer to swear fidelity, he told him/her to "place your hand upon my thigh." This was an ancient custom, not some bizarre kink of Abraham's. When taking an oath to a Master, a slave would place his/her hand upon the Master's thigh near the testicles. Then he/she would swear to honor his Master's will. ~ Master Alan
Your Choice
"You are no one's slave, dog, slut, or sub until you give them that right. Only you can give it. No one can take or assume it without your permission." --Jack Rinella
The Legend Of Crazy Horse--full Version
Bdsm Quotes
"The eye of the master will do more work than both his hands." - Benjamin Franklin "It's the submissives that show to others what type of Dom owns them." - Anonymous "Submissives need to be told what to do. Slaves need to do what they are told." - Unknown The Master is an artist , His slave the clay, with the whip He will shape her , with humility He will mold her, Some will admire her, But only the Master, not even the slave, will know her true beauty, for her true beauty lies in her love for her Master. -J. Yednak- "You don't love a slave because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because You love her." -Unknown "A slave's life is mostly composed of patience and study. Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their owner's character, so that they can more completely and seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right manner." - Laura Antoniou
I Believe In You And Me
Careless Whisper
I feel so unsure as I take your hand an lead you to the dance floor. As the music dies something in your eyes Calls to mind a silver screen and all its sad goodbyes. I'm never gonna dance again cause guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool. I should have known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I'd been given. So I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you. Time can never mend the careless whispers of a good friend. To the heart and mind ignorance is kind. There's no comfort in the truth pain is all you'll find. I'm never gonna dance again cause guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool. I should have known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I'd been given. So I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you. Tonight the music seems so loud I wish that we could lose this crowd. Maybe it's better this way
Headbangers Ball March 27 @ Devils Playground
Friday, March 27 8pm-2am ps: thank you charmy for the new theme nite
What Kind Of Empath Are You
You Scored as ShamanYou are a Shamanic Empath. You are at one with nature and can speak with animal/plant life. Your powers come from the Sun & the Moon, and the elements. The weather moves with your mind and all of nature is at your beck and call. (from The Book of Storms by Jad Alexander at Precog 100% Universal 100% Healer
I'm A Lil Bit Country [train]
I'm A Lil Bit Country! As with every other train out there - drama will NOT be tolerated! 1. Fan each person below. 2. Rate their profile. (If you have rated their profile recently - rate one of their pictures) 3. Leave them a comment telling them you are riding this train. **You DO NOT need to add each person as a friend** When you have rated everyone message aGEM4life to be added to the list and for your tag to be made. Rate this folder of pics to receive your personal tag. Start with this one (and continue until the end of folder)... Your Host: Willie - Proud Owner of aGEM4life Maker of the Tags: ♊aGEM4life♊ [SinnersFamily-SBG-SpankersClub] ProudlyOwnedByWillie ~Wife of Ike~ The Riders: 1. Ladydy 2. HersheyK
Choices That Are Made
I just joined the community of people having some of their pictures marked NSFW. These pictures did not show anything that one could not see at the local mall or bar. Someone made a choice to report these pictures, instead of moving on to a different page or engaging me in a conversation about why they found these to be NSFW. I respect everyone's right to choose. But, when they force their morals upon others, they are no longer exercising their right of choice. But instead they are subjecting others to follow them, acting as kings/queens, rulers over the little people who know not what they want. While rating photos, I have seen some pictures that were reported as NSFW and did not see why they were, while on other pages I have seen photos that showed a lot more not reported. All I am really trying to say is this, If you are rating someones photos and you come across something you find offensive. Click off that page and then block them. Do not immediately report the ph
Mixalot Radio
I will make this blog entry short and sweet because i really don't have the time to make it long. Any staff that wants to be staff in the lounge needs to do there part to help make the lounge. If not then you can be replaced. The lounge has ben dead for the last few nights and i have no said anything. The things that strikes me the wrong way is i pay for a server so everyone can enjoy having music when they come in. If no one comes in it is a waste to pay for the stream. People have ben occupied by other things and i understand that. People have a life and i understand that too. Either you wanna help or you dont.
Rising Match
Jokes That Can Be Told In Church
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, 'Why is the bride dressed in white?'' The mother replied, 'Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life.' The child thought about this for a moment then said, 'So why is the groom wearing black?' ~~~~~~~~~~ Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, 'My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50.' The second boy says, 'That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100.' The third boy says, 'I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~ An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, 'They wouldn't ta
A Day In The Life Of An Addiction
9:50 AM Wake up use bathroom 9;52 AM Get dressed 10:15 AM Take roomie to pck up check 10;30 AM Take her to bank 10:40 AM Take her to WAWA 10;43 AM Drop her off at work 10:45 AM Go to Food Lion get food 11:08 AM Get back home start dishes 11:30 AM Start cookin brunch 12:05 PM Leave to pickup brothers friend to take her to work 12:30 PM Leave where she is staying to head to her work 12;50 PM Drop her off and head to store to get kids batteries and while im there a few odds and ends 1:30 PM Get home just in time for nephew to arrive to be baby sitted WOW A REPRIEVE........................... 3:30 PM Take something to my roomie at work 3:40 PM Take kids to Game Stop 3:50 PM Go by ABC store for friend 4:15 PM Get back home wait for sister to come get nephew OH WOW REPRIEVE #2............ 6:20 PM Grab daughter and go to take a CD to someone for him 6:40 PM Stop and get the kids so

Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
War Casulties - Keep Remembering Them!
Remember why they are there...remember what they do...remember them ! Latest: March 16, 2009 - An Australian soldier (21) was killed after a firefight with 20 Taliban insurgents near a village 12 kilometres north of Tarin Kowt in Oruzgan province. March 20, 2009 - Four Canadian ISAF soldiers were killed by two separate improvised explosive devices (IED)
I Could Not Finish My Bout Me
I was born moon. I am all that embodies that.I am interested in Music first and foremost.I tell it like it is and make it a point not to lie...but sometimes we all lie in the sound...but that's another day. i have the super power of being liked by many but few staying around for the whole show.I did not live a conventional life but i have stories.. stories i would like to tell because deep inside I am a writer waiting to change your life with a tell tale heart. I was crossed between the lights of the city and the country all my life which also makes for a two sided tale.I was thinking about my interests and while the list is very long i may start it.I do not fall into a genre I am just me.So because i like leopard print, old cars, and wanna have all of Mike Ness on a plate.. I am not a rockabilly chick. While all the loves of my life listened to metal as did I ,does not make me a metal head either. There is nothing better than the country.. bad weather.. bonfires.. tail gate parties..m
This Sucks...
I've come to the conclusion that there is no one for me. It makes me sick with envy to see how head over heels in love with one another every here is with each other. Everyone's fu-married to, or taken by the "greatest person in the world". It's kinda like how it goes in the real world, everyone else is always so happy and has such great lives, and i'm always alone. Shit no one here would give me the time of day, let alone talk to me or visit my page. Well atleast no one that i would want to talk to would. I guess it's my own damn fault for being picky. Ya gotta be though, otherwise you only waste time and effort on people you don't really want to talk to just cause you're being nice. There's alot of people in life that i regret ever getting involved with just cause i was being nice, therefor ya gotta be picky. The problem is any of the people i actually want to get to know want nothing to do with me, cause they're being picky too. I feel like a waste, I know i'm not very attractive,
My Night Last Night!
So...i made it a good night for my girl browneyes aka Nicole! We both got mad drunk and had a blast. What is sad is that I can't remember shit! I remember some things haha! I remember kissing Nicole and almost getting a fight with this jerk who called me a Sicilian! that is a big no no haha! I was so freakin drunk but had a damn blast
Bully 4 Lounge
Tired of boring lounges? Want a new home where everyone is family and its always entertaining? Just Click The Pic Below & Come Check Us Out!!! You Know You Want To!!! Coming soon: Employee and Addict of the month.Theme Nights.Trivia for prizes.Karaoke Nights.Bad Habitz Radio - We didn't create sin, we just corrupted it.Also Stop By The Owners Page!!!*CÿzyCpl* Owners of Bad Habitz Radio Tired of boring lounges? Want a new home where everyone is family and its always entertaining? Just Click The Pic Below & Come Check Us Out!!! You Know You Want To!!! Coming soon: Employee and Addict of the month.Theme Nights.Trivia f
Bed Of Roses--bon Jovi
Gay Flag Colors
Colors of the Rainbow Flag: The original flag had eight stripes from top to bottom: pink (sexuality), red (life), orange (healing), yellow (sunlight), green (nature), turquoise (magic), indigo/blue (serenity), and violet (spirit). Within a year, the flag had shed two of its stripes—pink and violet. According to Gilbert, they "ran out of pink dye." The violet stripe was later taken out to create an even number of stripes on the flag. Since, many variations of the flag have been created. For instance, a black stripe is added to some symbolizing those lost to AIDS. There are also variations to represent bisexual people, bears and others.
My 2nd Blog
It was brought to my attention that my 1st blog was a downer.This blog is better.On the plus side of things I'm due for promotion at any moment,my wife n I got an awesome little house,our marriage is great and my daughter gets awesome grades in school.Life isn't all bad I just tend to dwell on the negative.
Medievel Auction Hosted By Magic
MySpace Music Playlist at CLICK on ANY pic U would like to BID or Rate...
Auto 11
I recently had my first auto 11 running. I know this is just a "Game", but someone spent hard earned money to try to help me level. I try to help everyone I can level when I see they need help. Only 5 people actually took advantage of my autos and helped me. I belong to a "family" on here and I try my hardest to see who has autos and who needs help. It is disturbing that I got no help and the autos were a wast of my friends money. This is a stupid blog but I needed to vent about this!!!
Ron Silver
Actor Ron Silver, who won a Tony Award as a take-no-prisoners Hollywood producer in David Mamet's "Speed-the-Plow" and did a political about-face from loyal Democrat to Republican activist after the Sept. 11 attacks, died Sunday at the age of 62. "Ron Silver died peacefully in his sleep with his family around him early Sunday morning" in New York City, said Robin Bronk, executive director of the Creative Coalition, which Silver helped found. "He had been fighting esophageal cancer for two years." Silver, an Emmy nominee for a recurring role as a slick strategist for liberal President Jed Bartlet on "The West Wing," had a long history of balancing acting with left-leaning social and political causes. But after the 2001 terrorist attacks, longtime Democrat Silver turned heads in Hollywood with outspoken support of President George W. Bush over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Silver spoke at the 2004 Republican National Convention, bega n referring to himself as a "9/11
A Letter To My One And Only Love
Sam, how I love thee. You are blood red dressed beauty that I longed for. You’re the red, pink, black loving Dark Lady that I dream of every night. I think of your sweet body, your mind and soul when I dream. I see you, I feel you, and I can smell you, taste you, and hear you in my dream every night. If only you were close to me right now, I’d be a very happy dark soul. When I was alone, I felt unloved, uncared for, like I was trash. But being in love with you….it’s quite the opposite. I feel loved. I feel cared for. Like never before. As I write this to you, my heart knows that you’re the one for me. The right now for me. We were meant to be. I feel that truth every day. I feel so much better knowing that you have a soul like mine on your mind every day and night. Your dark knight that you dream of every night like most girls do. This I find rather cute and sweet out of you anyway. I know are love is more like Shadow and Amy Rose. But then again…I think of you as Amy as you think of m
Easter Bunnies Up For Auction
Hello everyone. How you all doin? Great I hope. Just fine here. I am thinking of having an auction for easter. But first I need some bunnys to auction off. I you are interested in being auctioned off then privated message me with a list of what you offer and what pic to use. The contest will open on March 28 and end on Easter. Lets have a great time and a fun auction.
You tell me you love me? You say I am what you live for? How can such lies be spewed forth so easily? Every word from your mouth is a falsehood. A corruption of god and man. There is no love. No empathy. No emotion. You are a lifeless soul. Living in an even deader world. Your touch is a curse. Your voice makes me sick. Your eyes are unfilled voids. Your heart is coal to all emotion. Every time you look at me. Your gaze tears my heart asunder. Your kisses are poison. The very reflection of you makes me recoil. You have caused all this. No other. This pain belongs only to your mark.
You Know Ya Waaaanna
Java (thats me) on air for my very first set with JFL radio today at 2pm est!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL ROCK ALL THE TIME on the number 2 most listened to radio station on itunes and the best fricken station on the net!! Come have a listen and let me know what ya think...Rockin out with Java 2pm est!!!!! Is there a better way to spend a lazy sunday afternoon? I think not!!
Classy And Sots Certificate
Lyrics So Many Things Macka B
So many things I got to do, so many things I got to do, I gotta,gotta do, I gotta,gotta do gotta do, gotta do, gotta do, gotta do I gotta, gotta. Gotta keep my sanity, gotta face reality. Gotta find my destiny, gotta know my history. Gotta keep my dignity, gotta feed my family. Gotta praise his majesty, gotta give thanks to the I in me. Gotta keep my head up high, gotta reach out for the sky. Gotta know the reasons why ,gotta get my piece of that pie. Gotta try to tell no lie, gotta keep an eagle eye. Gotta go to zion I, gotta give thanks to the I in I Gotta do some good today, gotta walk in a righteous way. Gotta hear what the father say, gotta, gotta, pray every day. Gotta work to get my pay, gotta rest on sabbath day. Gotta never go astray , gotta give thanks then I am o.k. Gotta go for excellence, gotta show magnificence. Gotta flow with the elements, gotta work with common sense. Gotta make the people see, gotta be the best that I can be . Gotta show humility, g
Show Some Mad Love
Lets show him some mad FU love… Lets try and get him leveled i know i have a lot of friends on my list go and show him some love and some rates please hplp1978 ~`RR Member`~&~Mgr @ JENNYS ROOM~@ fubar THIS PIMPOUT IS IMPORTANT TO ME SO ANY WAY YOU CAN HELP AT ALL WILL BE MUCH APREACAITED… THIS PIMP OUT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO YOU BY…. Queen ICE COLD Mistress Nassy V4mpir3 Bytch@ fubar
A Safe Haven Glorious...
I look into your eyes I gaze upon your face My heart races when I am near you My pulse quickens I long to hold you My turner of emotion And marvel at your presence I feel at ease with you And stillness besets my heart Comfort surrounds me Come closer within my circle Feel my lasting embrace And my lips upon yours And meltaway Two units into one Within the safe haven Built for each other And feel enjoyment Happily
The Beatles - Baby It's You
Moms In Group Therapy
A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children. "You all have obsessions," he observed. To the first mother, Mary, he said, "You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy." He turned to the second Mom, Ann: "Your obsession is with money. Again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny." He turned to the third Mom, Joyce: "Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy." At this point, the fourth mother, Kathy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand, and whispered, "Come on, Dick, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. Let's pick up Peter and Willy from school and go get dinner.
Wicked Hip Hop Beat!!
Just A Matter Of Time
thinking every day how things will be the next time the sun comes up and wondering will it be better or worse ? we cant always make things happen the way we want but hell we sure can try ! even tring becomes hard to do ,your self confidence becomes low and your self worth is even lower ,the pain isnt physical but emotional it most cerntenly is , we cant or at least we feel we cant do anything bout what is going on in our lives inside we scream out at our selves wanting things to get better but it seems that we become lost and cant find our way around and just when you think things cant get anyworse THEY DO ! the darkness sets in and there is no way of seeing any light from anyone or anything..... we ask our selves what the hell is going on in our heads? why are we going through this shit?! why cant we make it stop? and why cant we do it NOW ?! now look i know im no different that anyone of you that may read this but just as you im not sure what to do and DAMN THIS SHIT HURTS
Damn, I Been Used, How Sick Is That?
Yanno something, it's gonna be really hard not to name names while I'm writing this blog. But yanno something, I was used by a so called friend. They bought me a one month vip, which I worked for, I gave them most of the 11's from the vip, which was part of the deal. I get told a couple weeks in that when the one month ran out, that I was going to get a three month vip no questions asked. Well my vip has ran out, so I send a private message to this person, only to have them ignore me and act like they don't see a word I'm saying to them. I personally think it's bullshit. So all that tells me is that all this person wanted was the rates so they could oracle quicker. That is personally the lamest thing I've personally ever heard of. If they waned the rates that bad all they had to do was ask. I have no problem helping others, but when you stab me in the back I am going to make your life a living hell on this site. I personally hope they read this and see what an ass they look l
Pirate Bitch!
Ninja Pirate Quiz »'s fun quizzes! ~ Barack Obama's IQ ~ Honeymoon Sweepstakes ~ The Dumb Test ~ Quizzes | Movie Trivia & Movie Quizzes | Dumb MySpace Quotes
Well, I found out early Saturday morning that a good buddy of mine's father has cancer, and it's like a shitload of diff kinds throughout his body, affecting damn near every organ from the chest down. I went to school with this guy's son, minor hockey as well as softball, along with hanging out with him for years now. He's one of my best friends on or offline, and he's one of the funniest fuckers you could imagine, at least until he gets that one shot too many of rum into him. His dad was one of those guys who thought nothing of driving to hocket practice or ball games, always employed young guys from the area to work on his Xmas trees during the fall and early winter, and is just one of the best guys all around you're ever going to meet. I went home early yesterday morning because they're saying that he may only have weeks to months left to live, and I had to be there for my friend. There is a chance I won't be in the dandiest of moods for awhile, but I'll try to be all perky f
Lovely To See You Again
The Story In Your Eyes
My 45th Trip Around The Sun
I kept very quiet this week. My 45th trip around the sun Most of the men in my family dont live past their 45th trip around the sun. This is a time of many thoughts. I kept to myself wondering what I should do Then I thought I have not regretted anything that I have done up to this point in my life and if I would go today I would go happy. So I am not going to change a thing. This is the winter of my life and now I can be at peace in knowing the other 3 seasons were great.
Blow Jobs, Your Thoughts
when a woman goes down on a man its called a blow job. lets face it, is there really any blowing going on there, ehhhhhhhhh minimal to none. Lots of sucking, licking, stoking and an occasional spitting. but not much blowing. the whole term blow job is like saying im gonna park my car in the drive way, or im gonna drive my car on the park way, it just doesnt make any sense. i think we should just simply call it a SUCK JOB. may not flow as well as its predesessor . but i think this new no nonsense term makes the self explanitory gesture a better fit, open discussion
When Down Is Up
Things can happen in the strangest of ways... some of you know about what people call a near death experience... that is when you offically die but a medic restores you right away, some people recall a vision during that time about a tunnel of light -etc. The vision is so realistic it can often transform their whole life from that moment on. Many visions happen during such circumstances, often called revelations or enlightenment. Black Elk ( native American ) had his vision when he was very sick and in a fever, he kept it a secret but finally told the tribal medicene man and was told that his vision qualifed him to become a holy man of the tribe (aka medicene man) and many years later his stories became the foundation for some of the beliefs held by Native Americans in this generation. Fasting for many days can also bring one close to near death and generate a vision, much like the one Jesus experienced when fasting in the isolated desert. In some kinds of meditation
When You Feel You Have No One.
Its been a while since a man has hurt me, and the one that hurt me last night I never thought would. But then again I guess that's always how I feel. I tend to trust everyone, even when I know I shouldn't. I've always felt that everyone is good deep down, and that you should look to the future and not the past, but is there a point when you should take into consideration how they were in the past? I guess I did see him slipping back into his old ways slowly, I just hope that his being drunk and treating me the way he did last night isn't going to be how he's going to be from now on. I do care for him and have been proud of all that he's accomplished while he's been here, but if he's going to continue to drink I don't think I can be his friend anymore. I don't drop friends, I've never just stopped being friends with someone. So when do you say that something that happened was bad enough to end a friendship you've always held close to you? Right now I'm hurt and mad, and can't beli
More On My Mom
its about 10 pm ,my dad is sleeping on the couch next to my moms bed in the living room.i go outside to smoke.when i do i walk by my moms bed,she is sleeping at this time but as i walk by i stop and see if she is still breathing.such a little thing we all take for granted ,but i stop and watch to see if the blanket is moving up and down with her inhale and exhale.i dont sleep well at nite any more, so every time i come out of my bedroom i check on my mom.when she first got back from the hospital the hospis said she would not last 10 days,well they where wrong.its 10 days today.she is doing as well as can be for some-one that is die-ing. she is eating soft foods and drinking water so each day she eats and drinks means two more days of living.i cant cry in front of my mom because it mite bring her down or make her give i find myself going outside alot falling apart then sucking it up putting myself back together going back in the house and giving my mom a smile,thankful that she is
Stupid Choices Jazz Time And Public Crappers
Isn't it a shame that Maximum Overdrive movie did't have like a killer elevator door or a murderous vibrator or some shit like that I remember seeing that movie looking at every big rig i passed going okay motherfucker stay parked stay parked it was over all a pretty cheesy movie but somehow the idea intrigued me So listening to the god awful music they play at work this fucking moronic DJ gets on and says "That was some old dead dirty fucker performing some song nobody in their right mind gives two shits about funny story about that song is he composed it while taking a shit in new york subway train liquored up on mad dog 20 20 you gotta ask yourself was that great or was that great?" what the fuck is it with people that they are going to ask you a question seeming like they are giving you a choice when in fact they are asking you the same shit twice and not even asking it like the same way differently hell no same way two times what a douche bag it makes me wonder if these are th
Hot Gimmick Squared Introduction.
I got bored, so I decided to write a fan fiction based on my love of the Manga Hot Gimmick. However I did not like the ending, along with some people, I wished Hatsumi had ended up with Shinogu instead of Ryoki. So this is a continuation of the Hot Gimmick Alternative Novel, Hot Gimmick S. I don't own Hot Gimmick rights, this is just something I'm doing to pass the time.
Better Cam~benrum~weee
if U watch closely(33rd sec) buddy gets pic of us...lmao weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemush mush mush
30 Things Your Pizza Guy Will Not Tell You...
******13 Things Your Pizza Guy Won't Tell You****** 1. My other line is ringing, so choose the toppings before you call. Remember: It's a pizza, not a lifetime commitment. 2. We know when kids are prank-calling us. They can't mask their voices very well. The smart ones block the phone number. The dumb ones don't. 3. If I drop your pizza on the way, sometimes I'll shake the box to get the cheese to slide back on right. 4. Patience, please. It takes about 20 minutes to go from raw dough to fully baked pizza. And then I have to drive to your house. 5. In some neighborhoods, a kid getting out of a car with a pizza in his hands is like screaming, "Rob me! I have cash!" That's why we won't deliver to some neighborhoods. 6. When you see me drenched and shivering in the rain, it's not nice to close the door in my face while you search for some quarters in the sofa cushions. 7. When you open the door, please hang up your cell phone or put it down. It's basic etiquette. 8
Spammer For Hydaway 2
For Those That Don't Know :p
My comp took a crap on me about a week ago. recently I figured out the error code on the LED's Some thing about a bad video card, oh joy :D -_- sarcasm aside, I'm on my friend's comp .. he lacked a HDD and my HDD was fine ... so, I slipped it in .. but he's chosen to sale it ... Nokaveli < Add That Shit! Let's frag some n00bs on Halo 3 :D or Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Online City
Ok yanno I was thinkin back on about a year or two ago about Myspace. There is a site called and during that time everyone who had a Myspace page that used the vampirefreaks email got deleted. The owner of VF also had a myspace on there so what he did he got some kind of petition against Myspace and all the users plus him miraculously got their pages back...instantly so there is an undo feature. So what I am thinkin is alot of members I have come across here has stated that they want to have the option of bein on both sites as well as any other that may be out there. Nobody has the right to delete or ban your account free or not UNLESS you are repeatedly breakin set rules for that site which in Fubars TOS it mentions no where in there that Fubar is THE only site you are allowed to be a part of. Hell even Tom has a Fubar account I heard. Anyway I feel like whether your account was free or not paid for by you or given as a gift bling pack or not ETC he should be forced
Cherrybomb Needs You!
The one and only Cherrybomb™ needs YOUR help staying RED! ~ Cherrybomb™ ~ Click On Any Of Claire's HOT Pictures And Rate, Rate, Rate! Show Cherrybomb LOTS of Love with Lots of profile and picture rates! ~ Cherrybomb™ ~ Cherrybomb will have AUTO 11s running so get your 60 points per picture rate! Come On FU!!! Let's Keep Cherrybomb Red! ~ Cherrybomb™ This public service announcement brought to you by: ღTulsa's Angelღ
Love's True Power It has been written the smallest amount of love Is greater than any amount of fear. Hate is fear. You are love And I exist to remind you how very brave you are... No matter what they told me Or did to harm me and inflict pain In ultimate reality Their actions were done to themselves For we are all part of each other And one day they will feel that pain. And no this will be not to avenge. Consider this, Does the light socket Punish the person who put their finger into it... Negativity even to the level of evil Only amounts to a shadow cast... by a living thing. One revelation of truth is equivalent to a thousand lies. No matter how many people abandoned me in my lifetime They were no match for just one individual who chose to stay No matter how many people prejudged me You understand The angry mob who carried hate like torches Invading my safety You give m
I Never Thought It Would Happen
I thought I would never find a woman who would love me for me. One who would not critize my looks or my size. She is so beautiful inside and out. She is fun to be with. I can spend my just texting or iming her all day. She brightens my day everyday. I have to thank my hubby for introducing us. Without him I would have never know that someone like her existed. I value ever minute I can get with her. I want to thank her for loving me for the way I am.
The Gilligan's Island Sins Detailed
Some people have it in their heads that Gilligan's Island was represenative of the Seven Deadly Sins (I'm one of them) but people have different interpetations of who represents what. For people who know me in the Realworld, they have heard what I am about to type, but for all of you in the Fu-World, here's my who's who of the Seven Deadly Sins and why. 1)Pride (The Professor) - For a guy who can recharge batteries with sea water, make a muscle-powered washing machine and even radiation suits, he sure couldn't build a boat or anything else to get them off the island. It seems to me that he has a little too much Pride in his intelligence. 2)Greed (Mr. Howell) - Quite obviously the easiest pick. Money rules his world. He was going to swim back when he thought he was going to lose his fortune. On an island where surviving is more valuable than paper, he still put cash as his priority. He's Greed personified. 3)Lust (Ginger) - Another Obvious pick, but due to the censors you have
Wife Solves Problem
When I was married 30 years, I took a look at my wife one day and said, "Honey, 30 years ago, we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10 inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 25 year old blonde. Now, we have a nice house, nice car, big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 55 year old woman. It seems to me that you are not holding up your side of things." My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 25 year old blonde, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed, and watching a 10 inch b & w TV..! Aren't older women great! They really know how to solve your mid-life crisis...
Someone To Love
i just want to say a few things about the word is all fake and does a women say she loves you and turn around and bring another man home right in front of your eyes....and still have the balls to say i love you give me a kiss and hug...tells you she will call you later and ends up sleeping with the other guy... the one i am talking about is on this site and she knows who i am talking about...i have been in and out of her life for two years or so but it has been my worse two years that i have dated a women...i have been with some wrong women in my life but this one takes the cake and i can say i am done with it love is not worth the heartaches that comes with it because when you fall in love they use it as a love stinks i'll just start a new 4 f club thing...
It Guidelines For End Users
1. When a tech support person says he's coming right over, log out and go for coffee. It's no problem for us to remember 2700 network passwords. 2. When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling trophies and Popsicle art. We don't have a life, and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours. 3. When a tech support person sends you an e-mail with high importance, delete it at once. We're probably just testing out the public groups. 4. When a tech support person is eating lunch at his desk, walk right in and spill your guts out and expect him to respond immediately. We exist only to serve and are always ready to think about fixing computers. 5. When a tech support person is at the water cooler or outside having a smoke, ask him a computer question. The only reason why we drink water or smoke at all is to ferret out all those users who don't have email
A Woman’s Random Thoughts
Skinny people piss me off! Especially when the say things like, “You know sometimes I forget to eat.” Now, I have forgotten my address, my mother’s maiden name, and my keys. But I’ve never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat. A friend of mine confused her valium with her birth control pills. She had 14 kids, but she doesn’t give a damn. They ;keep telling us to get in touch with our bodies. Mine isn’t all that communicative but I heard from it the other day after I said, “Body, how’d you like to go th the six o’clock class in vigorous toning?” Clear as a bell my body said, “listen bitch. . . do it and die.” The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing (and then they marry him.) I( read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are eating too much, smokingtoo much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That is my idea of a perfect day. I know what Victoria’s secret i
Because Your My Friend
When you are sad,………….I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the scum sucking bastard/bitch who made you sad. When you are scared,……… I will laugh at you and tease you about it every chance I get. When you are worried,………I will tell you how much worse it could be and to quit complaining. When you are confused,……..I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass. When you are sick………I will hold your hair while you pay homage to the porcelain God. When you fall……I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass. This is my oath……………I pledge till the end. Why you may ask?…………..Because you’re my friend.
Support Our Troops
As a 36 year old guy who can't be in the service is proud to support our troops deployed by playing mil sim airsoft and helping with the cause, The Wounded Warrior Project. I, as well as other mil sim players are doing what we can to help and support our troops by donating money to this very important project. My wife tells me that if I could be a solider, I would be a good dang soldier. Which I replied, if I only could be a good dang soldier. My heart goes out to those of you who either has a soldier deployed or a wounded warrior. Thank you!
A Dream From Afar
On the breath of the wind, From the grip of the stars, You flew into my life Like a dream from afar In the depths of my darkness, Your heart bled fluid light A gentle voice reached out And held me all through the night My soul has been warmed By the fire in your eyes In my dreams we are one And our love never dies I never thought I'd find a heart So beautiful and true I never knew a dream so sweet Until that dream was you.
Seven Kinds Of Sex
SEVEN KINDS OF SEX Results of a recent research show that there are 7 kinds of sex. The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex.. * This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone, and you both have sex until you are blue in the face. The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. * This is when you have been with your partner for a short time, and you are so needy you will have sex anywhere, even in the kitchen. The 3rd kind of sex is called: Bedroom Sex. * This is when you have been with your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine, and you usually have sex only in your bedroom. The 4th kind of sex is called: Hallway Sex * This is when you have been with your partner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say 'screw you.' The 5th kind of sex is called: Religious Sex. * Which means you get Nun in the morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at night. (Very Popular) The 6th kind is called Courtroom Sex. * This is when you cannot s
Rescue This Damsel In Distress
ღJuicyFruit69(Bi)OwnersMagicღMzBelleღOwnsBuckeyeBabe/SilentLizard/DarthTater@ fubar
25 Miles--edwin Starr
You Made Me Feel ....
i thought you savage you thought me uncaring desire has a mind of its own as passion ignites enemies become lovers your hands so strong upon me warm and gentle as they seek a desperate quake begins within me i stand vulnerable and weak no longer can i fight you you imprison my heart my resistence torn ashunder i see only you now in my thoughts and dreams your voice shatters my mind calling me to you i will constantly come running though you arent mine shame i have not a trace your open arms are my safe haven now i cherish this feeling you stirred deep within me my love for you grows stronger each day forgotten are the reasons my heart cried out wild in my chest now beating to rhythm you set there dont abandon me now dont break through my walls to make me feel this only to shy from me now abandon your fears as i have enter the wild become one with me now
Who's That Lady--isley Brothers
Living For The Love Of You--isley Brothers
Daddys Girl
you would think daddys greatest treasure would be a rough and ready lil boy just like him but its not its all sugar and spice a perfect lil angel in his eyes thats right daddys greatest treasure will always be no matter how old how far they go away is his baby girl for in his eyes she will always be his sweet lil angel
Heheheh Got A Mole?
A papa mole, a mama mole, and a baby mole all live together in a little mole hole. One day, papa mole sticks his head out of the hole, sniffs the air and said, 'Yum! I smell maple syrup!' The mama mole sticks her head out of the hole, sniffs the air and said, 'Oh, Yum! I smell honey!' Now baby mole is trying to stick his head out of the hole to sniff the air, but can't because the bigger moles are in the way. This makes him whine, 'Geez, all I can smell is.... MOL-ASSES!
whether spoken on a phone face to face in a crazy chat room your brain my tell you this isnt reality but your heart becomes treacherous when words become involved it seems to win over your brain alot words are a double edged sword they can cut even the most solid person you would be lying to yourself to say it dont do you get mad the phone chuck it across a room do you find yourself yelling at the pc screen admit it i know i have given the screen the bird alot hefting it out the window late one night that was me words can lend you the support you need on your darkest days can be the warmth you need the laugh you never thought would come again the saving grace when you felt you were condemned for being you the light at the end of the tunnel when you felt you reached your wits end there are times when those words touch your heart enrich your soul enrapture you till common sense leaves you find yourself craving them dying when you dont get t
Check This Out-she Has Auto's And Bombable Pics:)
SEXUPURPROFILE.COM My 2 year Fu-Anniversary is coming up on March 30th,and I am trying to get closer to Oracle:)I am running Auto's which are still on for 3 hours or so,so please drop by and rate a few pics to help me on my way to Oracle!I always try and return the love as well-all love is appreciated!Much Love and Respect to everyone who has been and is continuing to help me!Love Ya'll! So Click on my pic and Love me hard i like it:)and I love back:)AUTOS ON!!I have 4 big folders of 250 pics that are waiting to be Bombed:) This Pimpout Brought To Fubar By:JoAnna
Im In A Auction
OWN ME FOR 30 DAYS See my auction poster below for my offer.Bidding ends Tuesday March 24th. Show a Dream some love.
In a few months, It will be three years for us. It has been hard. It has been troubling and painful. But today, now, and in the future Life with you is better than ever! We have a daughter, a beautiful daughter, And now we are on our way to number two! A growing family, A love growing stronger. Who could have asked for anything better? My life is golden, I am happy as ever! If I were granted once wish, I wish for nothing at all! The reason is this; I have everything that I have ever wanted and needed and that is all!
Dont Tell Me You're Sorry Cuz You're Not When You Know You're Only Sorry You Got Caught [:
So, to everyone who wants to know the whole story, here it is. As you all know, me and timmy have been dating for like a month now. Been "talking" for 3 months, and been "best friends" for over a year. Last night, i was talking to my friend, n he mentions to me that his girlfriend knows Timmy. So, me n her get to talking, n she starts telling me all this shit about RACHEL. Now, you guys that know me and know the whole story about rachel, you know why i flipped. For those of you that dont, timmy told me that rachel was his best friend of 8 years and nothing more. Well, his friend tells me that rachel is actually his girlfriend but he claims his ex....and that they live and sleep together. He told me he's sorry he fucked up but he didnt tell me b/c he didnt want this to happen. Well, if you didnt want it to happen, should've been upfront with me & told me the truth from the beginning! & then, i get an email from his ex fiancee saying that he is definately a playa, and that he cheated on
What's Going On?
A lusting desire A fatal Kiss An addictive look with a loving twist An exciting Beat A racing heart An imaginable world that could only be a thought a desired touch The passionate nights A never ending love that dances throw their hearts
A Glimpse In My Heart
Whereever you are right now I've been thinking of you all day Thoughts of you won't go away Been missing you so much more Than you will ever know Been listening to music And writing a lot Whereever you are right now My heart you took with you I found a song today It explained quite clear What I fear and what I long for I wonder if you even miss me When we are not together When I cannot hear your voice Or feel your touch Your kisses and hugs I remember how they feel in my dreams When I wake up and cannot see your face When I look around and your not here When all I feel next to me is empty space I miss you more than words can expess Thoughts of you won't stray from my mind Wherever you are is where I wish to be Although we are apart The smile in my heart continues strong It is that burning flame That open door That every second Makes me love you more
I cry for reasons I no longer understand While laying in my bed With so much running throw my head. Questions just no longer have answers I'm lost in this life I can no longer understand Where do you go When nothing seems right anymore It's just a lost tear With lost emotions That seem to hold meaning.
Want Bombed But Dont Have 11's Read How
If you want bombed and don't have 11's, it is really easy. Rate two of my bomb folders while have 11's on and leave a few comments on pics in them...(helps with the bouncer) and then comment on this blog and when i bomb later tonight or tomorrow. I will bomb you. Oh and you must have a folder with 250 pics in it for me to bomb. happy rating... Kasper
Giving Up Or Holding On
So I can't decide what I need to do. There is this man who I don't really like but I like him cause we do fun stuff together and hes an ok person. Well things began getting seriouser than I want. I don't know if I should just let him go or keep him around for the fun stuff. This is more a mumm than a blog but I was just wondering...
Two Sides Of Manic Depression
Two sides... I'm shaking, I'm breaking, I'm falling apart. I've lost my soul, my spirit, maybe even my heart. I'm crying, I'm dying to reach out to you. I need you to know what I'm going through. I have two sides, a down and an up. By the time I've explained you'll have heard enough. I'm manic, but don't panic, this is when I'm most fun. But I'm also more reckless, I may hurt someone. I'm not the kind of person to get into fights, it's just that when I'm up i forget wrong from right. Now sedate me, vegetate me, try to bring me down. But you're not able to keep me stable, so you drag me down into the ground. No I'm depressed, I can not rest, because I am so sad. But I'll try to act normal so no one will know, but it really is that bad. I'm a friendly person to talk to, but there are things I'll never tell you... thoughts that I'll keep tucked away deep inside my mind. Now that you have met me, I pray you won't forget me. And would you like to help me
Whats Obvious But Most Are Oblivious To...
Relationship is based on friendship, admiration & approval of each others wishes. Lack of regard for each other and hope is going to shape into dejection than this can slowly grow into loathing. I am aware of all my partner’s weakness but we should be able to bear some bad qualities. Share and persuade interests, values and desires to prolong each other identity. Respecting each others estimation by giving adequate time to demonstrate ideas explicitly. Don’t criticize each other among public & try to forget and ignore mistakes. Living in matching standards & life style which counterpart your personality & enhance your relationship. Cultivate your relationship with respect to acceptable path for both. Mutual respect with Love will only structure lasting sturdy respectable relationship.
For My Baby Girl Lexy Loo Loo
Holding my world on my shoulders... for my daughter I'm holding my world on my shoulders, it's up to me to not let it fall. Sometimes I almost lose my balance, It is a lot of pressure after all. It's my job to do all the thinking, It;s my job to plan ahead. It's my job to make the world safer, I'm so tired I feel like I'm dead. Most of the time I'm stuck working, but today I just wanna play. I'm holding my world on my shoulders because she says she can see her world better that way.
The Sound Of Abuse
The sound of abuse Dishes breaking, his fists are shaking. The children are crying, but mother's denying. Father's yelling, but no one is telling about the sound of abuse from behind the door. The baby is sleeping, mother is weeping. Brother is screaming while father is gleaming. Sister is crying as father is trying to force her into sex once more. You hear the screams, you hear the shouts, you hear the abuse, now there is no doubt. You hear the yelling and are finally telling about the sound of abuse from behind the door. Now brother's crying while testifying, sister's in the loony bin. Baby's dead and mothers head feels as if it's caving in. But the sound of abuse from behind the door will not be heard there anymore.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive . You lie a great deal. On the other hand you are inclined to be careless and impractical causing you to make the same mistakes repeatedly. Everyone thinks you are stupid. Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) You have a vivid imagination and often think you are being followed. You have a minor influence over your associates and people resent you for flaunting what you mistake as power. You lack confidence and are a dipshit. Aries (March 21 – April 19) You are the pioneer type and hold people in contempt. You are quick tempered, impatient and scornful of advise. You are an asshole. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) You are practical and persistant.You have a dogged determination to work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a damned communist. Gemini ( May 21 - June 21) You are a quick and intelligent thinker.People like you because you're bisexual. However, you
Little Help For My Friend Kanan To Godfather Plz Help!
End Of Week 1
end of week 1 saturday was hard. went to barbers point to train in firefighting and water rescue. on the way there we past the governor's house and saw diamond head way off in the distance. Had a bus driver that was a militant Hawaiian national. pissed off about the pollution in pearl harbor by the military and the overthrow of the Hawaiian empire years ago. got to see a double rainbow, one was really strong and i could see both ends clearly. and saw another double on the way back put on the whole fire suit and just about boiled alive... without being anywhere near the fire. when we went to fight the fire i had to do it blind because the breather mask did not have room for my glasses. that was interesting. we also put out an "electrical" fire with a co2 extinguisher... boring. the water rescue was in the pool and that was cold when we had to get out. learned to get in the raft a few different ways and how to flip it the right way if it was upside down. The dinner that night sucked
Please Help Me Help My Sister Out!
I am willing to pay fubucks if some one can please get my sister supergurl one of the following: A) VIP willing to pay 2 million fubucks B) Auto 11 willing to pay 3 million fubucks C) Cherry Bomb willing to pay 3 million fubucks Here is her link: ŠÚþ£®gürì~Co-Owner of Candy Kisses ~Member of The Pegasus Project@ fubar If you do get her one of these options private message me or shout box me and I will send payment. Thank you Goofy Gurl
Historical Application
Steinberg needs a job, and has no qualms about inventing the necessary qualifications to get it. He reasons that once he finds work, he will impress the boss so much that everything will be forgiven. After a successful initial interview with the Encyclopedia of American History, he is called back to meet the Sales Manager. "You say you have experience selling books?" the manager asks. "Oh yes, lots of it," replies Steinberg "And you say you have a master's in American history from the University of Michigan?" the manager asks. "That is correct," replies Steinberg. "American history is my field of study." "Well, then," says the sales manager. "With these qualifications, as soon as I can complete this form, we can get you started in our firm." While the sales manager is making a few notations, Steinberg, obviously pleased with himself, begins to look around the room. Steinberg notices pictures of Washington and Lincoln on the wall. Pointing to the portraits, Stein
A Study In Poetry: Men Vs Women
A Woman’s Poem Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man who’s not a creep. One who’s handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long. One who thinks before he speaks. One who’ll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he’s gainfully employed; and when I spend won’t be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door. Rubs my back and wants to do more. Oh send me a man who loves my mind; not another that worships my behind. I pray that this man will love me to no end; and always be my bestest friend. - - - A Man’s Poem I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with great boobs who owns a liquor store next to a golf course. A chick who loves to send me fishing and drinking. And doesn’t care that my poems don’t rhyme.
Why Bother...
ya know i try and learn from last mistakes and try and give ppl the benefit of the doubt for what.....why bother why not just be me the one who dont trust you for shit who sees you for what you are and who can just take each day in stride...instead i absorb everything and try and change the person i am mold myself into a better person whom is capable of many levels and dimentions. and yet again to no fail... i get the same thing ppl i cant trust nore who want to be trusted...why is it one person...any one can stand up and be noticed for being something that is outside the box of societies norm and be themselves. a trully unique and amazing person. without the influences of todays standards!
Faktor 2
Rules Of Engadgement
RULE 1) approch the woman with ease and smiles RULE 2) say hello RULE 3) dont be like the joker comeing up behind them, bending them over, and rapping them with music RULE4)reach out with your right hand and greet your self to the other person RUL5)dont be like the joker reaching your hand out with 100$ bill and asking for a one night date more rules will be on the way for "rules of engadgement"
The Morning
Heat is in your eyes Lightning in your touch Unadulterated passion released And I've never felt so much Hands are on my body Your lips are on my skin Making sure there's no resistance When you're ready to come in And deep with my body Something stirs in my heart Warning me to be careful That you don't tear me apart But regardless of this warning I drag your pants away Caught up in the moment Believing everything you say I let your mouth trail kisses Making new paths to trace Relishing the morning When I wake up to your face
Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy to buy, But sweet people are difficult to find Life ends when you stop dreaming, Hope ends when you stop believing, Love ends when you stop caring, Friendship ends when you stop sharing. So share this with whom ever. To love without condition, To talk without intention, To give without reason, And to care without expectation is the heart of a true friend... Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
Penthouse Pet Contest Vote For Me Please
this is my frist contest and i would really like to get as many votes as i can so please vote for me to be your penthouse pet for the month of april i promise you i'll make you proud so come on and vote for me!!!!!
Being A Virgin Is Not A "bad" Thing
When did being a virgin become such a horrible thing? I mean just because someone chooses to wait til they find love doesn't mean that they are a freak or some kind of conquest to be had. I don't think it should be seen as such a big issue. Personally, I don't go around spouting off or preaching about choosing to wait til I find someone that I love or condeming those that choose to have sex. So I don't see why people automatically assume I am continueally going to be abstinant because of fear or waiting til marriage, or that something is wrong with me because I choose at this time not to have sex. And I don't understand why guys see it as a huge issue. I mean most men look at it as oh shes a virgin, I gotta get into her pants, or they see me as someone who won't put out so I am not worth the effort. And then there are the men that hear virgin and start treating me like I am this breakable thing that they need to protect. And further more, it's not some precious thing that is too impo
Something To Be Proud Of
Made thought the first week of school with flying colors here are the results Grade Report: COM/140 Grade Summary (Week 1) Total Percentage: 100% Your Total Score: 10 Total Possible Score: 10 Week1 Possible Score Your Score CheckPoint: Final Project Topic 10.0 10.0 Comment: Please see your IF for attached feedback. Discussion Questions 10.0 -- Comment: Not yet graded Participation 10.0 -- Comment: Not yet graded Week 1 Subtotal : 10 10 Cumulative Week 1 Subtotal : 10 10 Week 1 Feedback:
One Of My Poems
If you could see the pain in my eyes or hear me cry those somber tears would you use your arms to comfort me or use your gentle touch to calm my fears You have gone down your own troubled road and found it easier just to move and roam makes me wonder if you would let me in your heart or ever be able to feel that I am your home
Please Help My Sweet Sexy Friend Mz. Iowa Level Up !!
PLEASE HELP THIS SEXY FU LEVEL !!! Meet Mz. Iowa... This girl is awesome.. She is just 200K from Disciple and could use some serious help.. She is an amazing girl in need of some amazing people to help her out.. You KNOW what to do.. Go show her some serious fu-luvinz.... Fan her.. Rate her... Add her .. Bling her.. Bomb Her.. Blast her and let's get her leveled up !!! (¯`☆-Mz. Iowa-☆´¯) Fubar's Dirty Dozen ☆ Fu-owned by The Big Mike This Pimpout brought to you by the one... the only... ΤhΣ ßîg ΜîκΣ ™.. Fu Owned By HIS Pet & Carolvision63
Take me down, 6 underground the ground beneath your feet. Laid out low, nothing to go Nowhere a way to meet. I've got a head full of drought down here, so faroff losing out, round here Overground, watch this space, I'm open to falling from grace. Calm me down, bring it round too way high off your street. I can see like nothing else, for me you're better than I want to be Don't think cos I understand, I care Don't think cos we're talking we're friends. Overground, watch this space I'm open to falling from grace. Talk me down, safe and sound too strung up for sleep Wear me out, scream and shout I Swear my time is never cheap I fake my life like I've lived too much I take whatever you're givin, not enough Overground, watch this space I'm open to falling from grace -Sneaker Pimps
Right About Now...
I'm walking out in a force ten gale birds thrown around, bullets for hail the roof is pulling off by its fingernails your voice is rattling on my window sill yesterday's headlines blown by the wind yesterday's people end up scatterbrain any fool can easy pick a hole i only wish i could fall in a moving target in a firing range somewhere I'm not scatterbrain somewhere I'm not scatterbrain lightning fuse, power cut scatterbrain
Auto 11 Party! Help Me Prophet!
Little Miss Can't Be Wrong But...
She can be fake...Ouch on this one, click the link to see... Click for a good blow out..
Why you being a dickhead for? Stop being a dickhead Why you being a dickhead for? You're just fucking up situations Why you being a dickhead for? Stop being a dickhead Why you being a dickhead for? You're just fucking up situations Shiny floor, slippery feet Lights are dim, my eyes can't meet The reflection that turns my images Upside down so I can't see Think you know everything You really don't know nothing I wish that you were more intelligent So you could see that what you are doing is So shitty, to me Thirty five, People couldn't count, On two hands the amount of times you made me stop, Stop and think why are you being such a dickhead for? Stop being a dickhead, Why you being a dickhead for? You're just fucking up situations, Why you being a dickhead for? Stop being a dickhead, Why you being a dickhead for? You're just fucking up situations Stop, don't show, just have a think before you... Wil you, stop, now don't show, just have a think be
One Casket Left..
One Casket Left One casket left I'm ready now to die away and bury myself into my own grave tonight. My Prayer's are gone my hope has gone my life has wasted away into nothing but more Whiskey drinking my Faith has never seen the Light of Day and now my breath begins to slow down. I'm empty inside again and tired of crying I'm lost and trying to hold close onto a new sympathetic tear that never will give me the time of day but that was never going to happen as tonight I saw my Angel's finally taking my Halo's back home. All in a Death Row the graves open wide for me with not even a flower to cover my Soul when it is laid to rest asleep forever by the Priest who never gave a damn about me. The tears I cry are forever and yet you laugh because you don't understand where I come from besides the endless numbness of the empty bottle that tried one too many times to forget that I was already lost.
My B-day Gift Collections.. Things Tht I Like'
this corner is absolutely hand off!! these are my gifts collections, those things that i received from friends over the years during my birthdays.. i love crystal , aside from bags and blouses and jeans... i love collecting stuff made of glass and small figurines... so one one is allowed to even get closer to this,,, lol'..
Everything About You
[Verse 1:] There's a place in your heart where nobody's been. Take me there. Things nobody knows, not even your friends. Take me there. Tell me about your momma, your daddy, your home town, show me around. I wanna see it all, don't leave anything out. [Chorus:] I wanna know, everything about you. And I wanna go, down every road you've been. Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live, where you keep the rest of your life hid. I wanna know the girl behind that pretty stare. Take me there. [Verse 2:] Your first real kiss, your first ture love, you were scared. Show me where. You learned about life, spent your summer nights, without a care. [Take Me There lyrics on] Take me there. I wanna roll down mainstreet and backroads like you did when you were a kid. What makes you who you are, tell me what your story is. [Chorus 2x:] I wanna know, everything about you. And I wanna go, down every road you've been. Where your hopes and dreams
Shopping Remote
"Cash, check or charge?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet, I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. "So, do you always carry your TV remote?" I asked. "No," she replied, "but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the worst thing I could do to him legally."
What About Love--heart
Needs Points
Come Get Corrupted
Come get Corrupted!Just Click The Pic Below!!!& Come Check Us Out!!!You Know You Want To!!! Also Stop By The Owners Page!!!Cяzy Lil Rawker ☢ Owner of Bad Habitz Radio Come get Corrupted!Just Click The Pic Below!!!& Come Check Us Out!!!You Know You Want To!!! Also
Every time I close my eyes, your face is all I see, it keeps me in a funnel cloud of pain and misery... the words I hear don't mean a thing, they don't come from your heart, each time we talk I realize how far we are apart... I've cried at least a thousand tears, you never even knew, I thought the feelings that we shared were of a love come true... No matter where you are tonight, wherever you may be, whoever you are holding tight, I wish that it was me...
Rantings Of A Bipolar Episode...please Try To Follow
How Adam Got Eve:)
Adam was hanging around the garden of Eden feeling very lonely. So, God asked him, 'What's wrong with you?' Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, 'This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash them for you She will always agree with every decision you make and she will not nag you, and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will praise you! She will bear your children. and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. 'She will NEVER have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it.' Adam asked God, 'What will a woman like this cost?' 'An arm and a leg.' Then Adam asked, 'What can I get
Thoughts For Today........................
Advice for the day: If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children." Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job, but if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house. Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, the day before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp. My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, "Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim." A study in the Washington Post says that women have bet
Something Silly........................
You can't read this and stay in a bad mood! 1. How Do You Catch a Unique Rabbit? Unique Up On It. 2. How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit? Tame Way. 3. How Do Crazy People Go Through The Forest ? They Take The Psycho Path 4. How Do You Get Holy Water? You Boil The Hell Out Of It 5. What Do Fish Say When They Hit a Concrete Wall? Dam! 6.. What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long? Polaroid's 7. What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work? A Stick 8. What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours? Nacho Cheese . 9. What Do You Call Santa's Helpers? Subordinate Clauses. 10. What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand? Quattro Sinko. 11. What Do You Get From a Pampered Cow? Spoiled Milk. 12. What Do You Get When You Cross a Snowman With a Vampire? Frostbite. 13. What Lies At The Bottom Of The Ocean And Twitches? A Nervous Wreck. 14. What's The Difference Between Roast Beef And Pea Soup? Anyone Can Roast Beef. 16. Why Do Gorillas Have Big Nostrils? Becau
Does Any One Know?
I found out about 3 years ago that I have a younger sister that is in her early 20's, around the louisville, ky area, and her name is Megan Whalen. I could have spelled the name wrong but that's how it sounds. If anyone knows of anyone that could be that person then please let me know. I would love to meet her or at least talk to her to let her know that even though we knew nothing of eachother and our dad can be a prick that we are still family and thats all that counts. Thanks for reading....
What Should I Use This Ticker 4
i just dont know what 2 do w/it any suggestions
Proper Beer Temperature
Drinking Beer at the Proper Temperature For the true and discriminating aficionados, a glass of the finest beer should only be partaken if it is the correct temperature. The subtle nuance of the melded grains..... the fragile and fleeting taste of the brewers art.... can only be truly appreciated if that golden elixir is properly chilled. To this end, advanced studies candidates in the Graduate Engineering Department of The Ohio State University have developed an easy-to-use, fully portable Beer Temperature Tester, which very accurately determines whether the beverage is acceptably chilled or not. To test the beer, simply insert the tester into the glass THE BEER ON THE LEFT IS THE CORRECT TEMPERATURE
reality, fubar is a game and a popularity contest that is over run with drama. i am now choosing to surround myself only with fun and supportive people here. i am sure i will start deleting those "friends" that never talk to me or never rate me or anything. there is no need to have 5 million friends on here. i would rather have a tight smaller group of people that talk to each other and help each other out when they need it. could be with rates, leveling or life. i have too many better things to do than deal with drama that a select few cause. lets keep it real on here
no one knows me now, fear consumes my heart, feelings flood my soul, breaking me apart, It's not my time, you can't save me, I'm just a lock without a key... I don't know how to heal, there's nothing you can take, until then I'll wear a mask, my happiness I fake...
Prevent Sexual Abuse
Something For Those Who Feel Themselves Lost
Remember and try to remind yourself... Hope is found where we expect it the least. Love is in the air and thus is invisible but it is in fact there. Take the time to stop and breathe it in. And courage is a thing that most often comes to the weakest when they need it the most. - Steve Santini
Pride And Joy--stevie Ray
Figured You Out--nickelback Live
Im The Beholder Of Beaut
People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves. Salma Hayek
Far Away--nickelback
Just Hangin Around The Sprint Store While I Got My Phone Replaced
Since I Was Called One Today
You Are 72% Sociopath The good news is that you're devastatingly charming. The bad news? You mostly use those charms for evil! Are You A Sociopath?
Eleanor Rigby
Warehouse Worker (not Me)
king in a hot warehouse out behind a big store.The place iz like a cavern and yet have no assistantz.Dont want any fuccing assistantz.I like 2 spend my dayz alone out there. Well,not alwayz alone.Sometimez,Marie,20,the boss'z daughter,comez out 2 visit me.She'z A pretty ghetto puerto rican gurl with long brn hair with bigg tittiez bigg apple booty and soft juicy lipz.She iz working in the store during the summer. And Marie alwayz volunteerz when someone haz 2 go out 2 the warehouse and get something.I can usually see her from the door,running from the store in the afternoon heat.She stopz at the warehouse door and lookz at me while I sit there on a big crate.I usually have my shirt off.Marie lovez 2 see my chest. "We need some more _____" And then she will tell me whatever it iz they need in the store.It iz my job 2 load up a few of the itemz on a little trucc and drive it 2 the bacc of the store,where the boyz in white shirtz and tiez take them off the trucc and carry them in for
Idiots With Guns & Armored Trucks, Inc.
O.K., SO... Monday night, I was at the group get-together with the Pirates of Reno (Argh, matey). A good time was had by all at Ryan's on Wells Ave. However, I almost didn't make it. I actually thought that for awhile I would have been a *gasp* person of interest to the Sparks P.D. Here's the skinny: I went to the Drive-Thru ATM machines on Oddie Blvd. And sitting there, blocking ALL the ATM Machines (all 4 of 'em, mates), was an Armoured Truck. It was representing a local business that performs cash deliveries/etc. I have agreed to not mention names, as they would find it embarassing. (hehehe) Well, anyways, I pull up, see everything blocked. I see one of the Armored Truck Employees working in the end ATM. So I roll down my window and say "hey, 'bout how long do you plan to be?" He turns around, sees me in my pirate gear, mates. Does a bit of a double take, and asks me "What are YOU supposed to be?" To which I reply"Uh, a Pirate!" out loud (and "DUH!" to myself" This....value
The Moments Ride
i close my eyes as your hands ever so softly run across the crest of my shoulder down my back caressing my breasts making my nipples erect your lips leave mine searching for pleasure you lay me down softly on my back your wet lips go from warm to hot never leaving my skin sucking, licking, grabbing my flesh into your mouth all over my body kissing and loving every inch of me until you find it my passion overflows onto your tongue and u never stop until i WRITHE under your grasp moaning how i can't take any more kissing me gently you reach my neck feels like butterflies dancing across my skin you slowly inject your love into my vein simultaneously ever so gently i caress your as cupping each cheek into my palms i squeeze with every pulse every beat our hearts race to match the rhythm of our bodies moaning and sweating passionately loving holding on to the other our faces express the height of our pleasures you hold me down thrusting and
i found this somewhere and i belivie it is to true... I say, the heart speaks a language the mind can't understand... Trying to reason with emotions... trying to apply logic to love is fruitless and an exercise in futility. If you love someone, it shouldn't matter what they are or aren't. Am I the only one who believes in Hollywood fairy tales or what? Benjamin Button... Now that's LOVE in spite of the tragedy... I say go for it! Life is short, and far too long to spend it living loveless wondering about what could've been...
Help Her Out!!! All It Takes Is 1 Rate!!!
> > > > > > > > > > Come show your favorite BADGIRL some love and support! All she needs is your votes! Help her become The Penthouse Lounge's PET OF THE MONTH! > > Simply click the picture below, and rate her, it's just that simple! Show your Dangerous Curves and SDMF sister all the love you can!! > > Voting starts tonight (3-23-09) and will stop at the end of the month, so rate and re-rate when you can! > > >
Sunny Came Home
Sunny came home to her favorite room. Sunny sat down in the kitchen. She opened a book and a box of tools. Sunny came home with a mission. She says days go by I'm hypnotized I'm walking on a wire. I close my eyes and fly out of my mind Into the Fire. Sunny came home with a list of names She didn't believe in transcendence. It's time for a few small repairs,she says, Sunny came home with a vengeance. She says days go by I don't know why I'm walking on a wire. I close my eyes and fly out of my mind into the fire. Get the kids and bring a sweater, dry is good and wind is better count the years you always knew it strike a match go on and do it. Days go by, I'm hypnotized I'm walking on a wire I close my eyes and fly out of my mind Into the fire, Light the sky and hold on tight the world is burning down She's out there on her own and she's alright... Sunny came home. Sunny came home... -Shawn Colvin
Is Wondering If A Turtle Lost Its Shell, Would It Be Naked Or Homeless?
Is Wondering If A Turtle Lost Its Shell, Would It Be Naked Or Homeless?
Maybe People Will Get The Hint
"Love means never having to say you're sorry." -Erich Segal In the absence of love, there is nothing worth fighting for. -Elijah Wood True love is night jasmine, a diamond in darkness, the heartbeat no cardiologist has ever heard. It is the most common of miracles, fashioned of fleecy clouds -- a handful of stars tossed into the night sky. -Jim Bishop "Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'" -Erich Fromm You know a dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows. And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes. Trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store makes each day a constant battle just to stay between the shores. And I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry. Like a bird upon the wind, these waters are my sky. I'll never reach my destination if I never try, So I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry. Too many times we stand aside and le
Post Secrets
If you've ever visited the site then you know that people send in post cards with their deepest secrets written on them .. Well here is mine , When I was little my mother continually went from bad relationship to bad relationship . Once she dated this guy Named Burl and when my sister and I did something wrong he'd make us stand on our tip toes and reach for the celing ...I know you're thinking wtf Rob what's so bad about that ? well the reaching part wasn't the bad part it was what he'd do when we were reaching that has left me scarred for life . He'd take the wire end of a fly swatter (back in the day they were wire all you to young to remember ) and he'd strike us with it accross the legs and back . One time I went to my Mother about what was going on and she confronted him with me there and he lied about doing it ...the next day he hit me so hard it drew blood accross my legs and back . I will never forgive him for hitting my little sister ... if he
Story Of The Cion
Story Of the Coin - August 22, 2008 Story of the Coin. When I was in combat, because of my specialty, the airmen that that were like me, carried in their pocket their last bullet. This bullet was not for the enemy, if you know what I mean. Capture is not an option, when national security is at question. Although the government will deny the policy, we knew what was expected. I carried a 45 round in my pocket for 17 months for the cause, but after that it was a good luck item for all of us that made it out. The service found out that I carried a live round in my pocket for good luck and they decided that that wasn’t a good idea. So, I was given an Air Force coin to replace the 45 bullet. Wasn’t the same, so I started the Eisenhower dollar transfer program, (EDTP) for those know get a coin. These coins have successfully been passed on for every campaign, since it conception, in 1976. The last I passed on, went with the HMM-163 (REIN) group to IRAQ, everyone in the group made it back. Th
New Sexy Train In Town Called The Sexy Bunny Hop!
I hate spam. And by spam I don't mean the ham byproduct made from smashing a whole pig into a 4"x4" can and letting it sit on a shelf for years on end. I mean the email messages you get trying to get you to buy something, or trick you into something. I don't hate them because they are malicious, I hate them because they are done so poorly. I mean honestly, if you have fallen for some of these things, you seriously need to have your interwebs taken from you and never be allowed on a computer again. I think spam would be more enjoyable if it were written better. Make it entertaining, give people some reason to WANT to open the message. Then you could develop ads to go with it, and you could make a special market just for this. You could make money off of it. AKA COMMERCIALS you pricks. I especially love the ones like "I'm a hot girl, but I lost my email account in a fire, so that's why I'm using this random email address. You can't reply to this email address either...because, i
Silent Scream
Wait, listen, can you here that? There it is again! Somebody screaming so loud they are not heard. When the soul aches so deep that it screams out in pain it usually falls on deaf ears. The kind of emptiness that one feels when they have no one to turn to. Hold on before you say something like well she should have known I would have been there for her. All she had to of done was to ask. Not to say that one should feel bad if they didn't have a relationship with them in that way. But do take a moment to stop and check, is there somebody in your life that if they were hurting you would see it. No I mean really think that though. We all would like to pride ourselves in our level of relationship power. But if we are really honest with ourselves we are just giving polite lip service. So would you see the hurt and then would you know what to do or how to help them? If we were true to what we give our high level of friendship credit for should they really need to ask? Ultimitly we are
No Shit Trust Someone What Is That?
i would tar and feather myself the day i find anyone on this site who is not a LIAR.. SELF ABSORBED ..HIDDEN AGENDAS know what i will not even rant about this fuck it its not worth it you can all fuck yourselves which is surely what one does who just cant quite get enough of themselves.... I can't stand the sight of you. I can't stand what you put me through. Your life's a lie, that will you hide. Is it that terrible being you inside? I can't stand all the thought of you. I can't stand all the things you do. Why do you try, to justify? You are just too scared to be you inside. Let it all go. (x4) Look at you, all I see is a man too afraid to really be. (x2) I can't stand what you put me through. I can't stand even the thought of you. Your secret lies, that you hide. Is it that terrible being you inside? Let it all go. (x4) Look at you, all I see is a man too afraid to really be. (x4) You try so hard to be wanted. False emotions tells you
Driving Myself Crazy
i cant forget you everytime i close my eyes i see your smile and i cant concentrate when all i do is think about you and my heart and soul cryout for you and it doesnt matter what i do i know ive fallen in love with you i cant explain and i wont hold on i'll trust my heart to sink or swim i miss you so much i cant wait to be with you and im driving myself crazy just waiting to be there with you
Home Remidies
Who Knew? Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of Wesson Corn Oil in your cat's or dog's ear... Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing. Kills fleas instantly... Dawn Dishwashing Liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Good-bye fleas. Rainy day cure for dog odor: Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh. Did you know that drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately-without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional pain relievers? Did you know that Colgate Toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns? Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chew
Only One Rate Contest
Please Pray For My Sis Donna Aka Dream Dancer
I returned home this morning to find a message from my sister's neice telling me that Donna had to go to the hospital. All I know right now is that she is safe in the hospital. Please pray for her speedy recovery. I will post more updates when available. Thank you so much. Here is her link on fu: Dream Dancer@ fubar
Someone Lives In You Heart By All 4 One
I'm sure no one's really going to care, but I need to vent even if it's to myself. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who's been kind to me, rated me and blinged me. You all make me feel special. For the last several weeks i've been talking to someone. I love being and feeling loved. Maybe this was stupid on my part, but I fell for her kinda quick. Yea she's on Fu, and no she probably won't read this.. she's too busy dealing with her own things on here and in real life to bother with my page. I've been just fine with all of this until tonight.. when someone asked me how my girlfriend was.. and I actually had to be truthful and say I didn't have one. I don't know why, but that KILLED me. I know this girl cares about me, but I feel like I lack consistancy? I don't know. I know I want to take this slow.. but now I don't know what to do. I want her all to myself.. but I feel like there's something unseen, unheard.. unspoken. In a way, i'm a materialistic person.. I need constant r
Goethe- Erlkonig
Goethe- Erlkonig German : Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind? Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind; Er hat den Knaben wohl in dem Arm, Er faßt ihn sicher, er hält ihn warm. "Mein Sohn, was birgst du so bang dein Gesicht?" "Siehst, Vater, du den Erlkönig nicht? Den Erlenkönig mit Kron und Schweif?" "Mein Sohn, es ist ein Nebelstreif." "Du liebes Kind, komm, geh mit mir! Gar schöne Spiele spiel' ich mit dir; Manch' bunte Blumen sind an dem Strand, Meine Mutter hat manch gülden Gewand." "Mein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht, Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht?" "Sei ruhig, bleib ruhig, mein Kind; In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind." "Willst, feiner Knabe, du mit mir gehen? Meine Töchter sollen dich warten schön; Meine Töchter führen den nächtlichen Reihn, Und wiegen und tanzen und singen dich ein." "Mein Vater, mein Vater, und siehst du nicht dort Erlkönigs Töchter am düstern Ort?" "Mein Sohn, mein Sohn, ich seh es genau: Es scheinen die al
I am waiting on mine salute approval. So i cant use fubar for 100% as yet
i haven't on the site for quite some time, work has been keeping me busy. But now i have more free time again, i am back to wondering why cant i get a girl friend. i have been looking for ages is this not the right place to be lookin. xx Kate
Strike While Im Hot
Thursday, March 26, 2009 Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) The exciting Aries New Moon falls in your 7th House of Partners today, indicating the potential for changing the direction of a current relationship or firing up a new one. This Sun-Moon conjunction is also aligned with your key planet Venus, which brings pleasure into the equation. It may be time to cash in on a previous investment, financial or emotional. Don't think of all the reasons you shouldn't do it; strike while you're feeling hot.
Spotlight 2
just wanted to thank everyone SO much for all the donations i've gotten for spotlight...yall are awesome. i really appreciate every bit of the help. love yall!!
A Lesson In Optimism
John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, 'If I were any better, I would be twins!' He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation. Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, 'I don't get it!' 'You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?' He replied, 'Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood.' Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every
So have u ever noticed that there r some songs u listen to them and u just ball your eyes out its like u cant control it they bring u back to a time and place and u cant control it. I put my my comp on random and omg that just happened it just took me back to a moment I had almost forgoten its strange how those emotions havnt changed its been years but when i hear that song I cry i guess thats y i never listen to it lol
Fakest Person On Fubar
Kanye WestHeartlessMusic Video Codes By Music
Simple Poem With My Blue Eyes
I often wonder why I am alone. I ask myself daily what it is about myself that I hide from others. No real point to these questions for I already have the answer...I am an animal. I rely soley on my instincts to make my decisions when in the company of others. Only through excessive application of intoxicating substances do I manage to beat down the beast within and allow my more intellectual side to surface. The only true crux is that I enjoy the wild abandon my instincts allow me. To view every moment with all of my senses and none of my mind is the greatest high I have ever had. As I write this I come to a liberating conclusion: I will not change and I will live without doubt of my choice. Hopefully, there is someone out there who can keep up with me.
Feb-24-09 Milkshake
milkshake A woman's body and the way she carries it. Ah, shoot, cuz, did you see that chick's milkshake? I mean, the way she was walking with that booty shakin' was so off the hizzy.
My Knees Still Shake .......
may our love for each other  witness many seasons may our faith in one another weather many storms though my dreams are vast as any ocean in you they have been realized how can i thank you for the seemingly simple things things like the pride i feel each time i hear you whisper my name the times you brought a smile to my face the way you capture moonlight in your eyes when i see you smile i am pleased when i make you laugh i am overjoyed when you touch my face it still makes my knees shake i fell in love with your passion  and dark countepart let  me bring  to your life a little more warmth a summer breeze a soft glow let me be the one who fosters the brillance in your life let me be the one  that makes your knees shake  copyright@tamihtalynn
A Love For All Time
A Love For All Time Breathless kisses Burning touches Soft-spoken words of love Urgently spoken words of passion. A man and a woman One complete love Since time began Predestined to be as one. We've been together before In other lifetimes We've fought dragons And have been torn from each others arms Yet our love prevailed. We've walked on this earth many times together Perhaps for a moment Perhaps for years But our heart is one heart And we were meant to be. So when our time on earth Once again comes to a close Have no worries my dear For we will find each other again And again And again. For our love is ageless Eternal A love for all time.
so okay i know i have disappeared for a while but i was having some communication problems with my pc it seemed to never want to get on the iternet and i fixed that!!! i am sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here but it seems that i have finally gotten all the bugs out of my system!!! hopefully all of you have been taking care of yourselves while i have been gone. i am truly sorry for anything that might have happened while i was gone!!!
To my friends who have been there for me and Alex, thank you so very much, we really appreciate it and we love you. For those of you who are only there when it's convenient for you...karma's a bitch right?
For My Babygirl
So, I'm sitting here typing away on your computer while you are in our room sleeping. I also have The Tudors playing in the background. My baby, I love you. I love everything about you. You have been so wonderful and such a pleasure for me. I feel so very safe with you and very much so free. You are such a desirable and desired kitten. I hope you know that. When I came here I felt so unsure of myself. That was so very apparent. You have given me a lot of confidence. I guess I'm writing this to let you know the positive changes you managed to bring about in me in such a short time... I love the way you react to my touch. The look you get on your face that seems to be a look of contentment. I love that slightly wide-eyed look you get when I'm touching you gently...when I'm caressing your face. And, my God, the look on your face when I'm inside of you or right after I've been using my tongue or hands on you...the way you sound just drives me crazy. can imagine the effect it
It's hard to accept, but you can't change the past. You can't go back and manipulate things to the way you wanted them to happen. Because life'd be meaningless and boring and just not worth living. But you can change the future and that's a beautiful thing about life. Yes, you will make mistakes. And yes, you will have bad days - but as long as you let the past go, you'll have such a gorgeous and bright future ahead of you. Knowing that things were meant to happen. Knowing that each day you will learn something so that you keep growing to be a better person. Life is like a rope, twined in all its complexities and yet weaved into one marvelous stream that you have the chance you use something amazing from. So grab hold of it. Rhino
Stolen From Kloverlynn
RULE 1: You opened this; you GOTTA take it RULE 2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks! LAST PERSON YOU.... [1] Who was the last person you texted? Jay [2] You were in the car with? Hubby & kids [3] Went to the mall with? Hubby [4] Person you talked on the phone with? Hubby [5] You messaged/​commented on Fubar? Messaged...some greenie..commented..hubby T/F Only answer with True or False Q:Kissed some one on your top friends? True Q: Been searched By Cops? True Q: Been suspended from school? False Q: Sat on a roof top? True Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? True Q: Broken a bone? False Q: Have shaved your head? False Q: Played a prank on someone? very true Q: Had/have a gym membership? False Q: Shot a gun? False Q: Donated Blood? False WOULD YOU RATHER: [1] Eat or drink? they kinda go together [2] Be seriou
...falling asleep with my head on your chest ...hearing your heart beat ...the way you grab my hand and hold it next to your heart while you are sleeping ...waking up with you ...your sense of humor ...singing with you ...playing with you ...talking to you ...the shy way you tell me your fantasies ...the way i taste on your lips ...the way your hands caress me ...the way you taste ...the way you smell ...watching your face when you are sleeping ...watching your face during sex (it's so expressive lol) ...your eyes ...your lips ...your fuzzy chest and tummy ...YOU
Lol, My Sweet , Companion.. Crunchy Brittle... Makes Me Laugh Makes Me Fat"
my god!!! am bored and i cant resist them!! who likes cashew nuts and pistascio and almonds and walnut and chestnut", can come and join me tonyt.. with fubar almost empty" taste really good! lol.
Oops I Am Giving Up Our
These are things a man will say or do with the true meaning behind them. What He Says: I am not looking for a serious relationship but if it works out then ok..... What Means: I wanna a Booty Call, and it will never get serious cause I will probably ignore you after. (unless it was really good) What He Says: I haven't had it in a Long Time What he means: His wife, GF, or regularly scheduled Booty Call is on vacation, visiting family, or its that time of the month What he says: No one has ever complained What he means: I have never even asked, but havent had alot of call backs What he says: Its big enough What he means: Ive never measured it because I dont like dissapointment What he says: I am a one woman man what he means: I am a one woman man, unless of course your bi then thats ok you can bring your gf too. What he Says: I am a one woman man What he Means: I am good at keeping my women seperated so they never find out What he Says: I love
My Boys!!!!!
All Alone
All Alone Looking out the window, I see cloudy skies, Not a single star shines. A cold air blows, Sends chills upon my spine. I see lights from a distance Creating shadows. All alone I stand by my window Awaiting the light of day...
All I Need
Your love surrounds me like the air that I breathe. Your kiss touches me as gentle as a breeze. Your touch is as tender as that of a child. Your hug is warm, meek, and mild. Each day we grow older and its plain to see, The love that you give me is all that I need.
In Reaction To Their Reactions.
For some weird reason out of no where today, I got eaten alive on my blogs. There were a couple of mixed emotions because you know, some of the comments they left were hurtful, others were wise, some were funny, and some were supportive. I will be entirely honest when I say that I post some blogs purposely to get all these reactions. Not that I would make up a story but I definitely set a specific tone to yield certain reactions. Perfect example would be the entry titled "Married People on Fubar." For that blog, my hypothesis was that I would get a ton of negative response and yield no constructive criticism; Needless to say I was entirely too correct. I also took notice to the spike in my blogs, the comments for my poems are relatively low however the comments that are about life experiences or opinions seem to have quite a high number of comments. For example "Fucking men" has about 15-20 comments and "Someone to Kneel to" has 4 comments. I'm not saying I give a shit or any
Reds Baby Gurl
you know whats crazy is you keep changen your screen name so you can check up on me well guess what i am getten married and yet doing my own thing i have a very well known auto shop and i sell music and shit for cars lets see what else oh my kids will have nothing to do with you incase you havent noticed also you are a hater im asking you to leave me alone or atleast tell me somthing why your stalken me i mean either way you need to be with him and leave me and my family alone for sure you will not now nor ever have this again you hated on my familia and on that note be glad i was in prison for sure but anyway im better then you and im tired of you sweaten my page i have four screen names of yours blocked but its all good so do me a favor phuck off and live your oh so happy life cuz im super happy more then i was with you for sure your a loser and as much as i hate to say it a low life theifing bop feel that and whats crazy is you are tellin people that you are going to have me jumpe
Still Need A Lil Help!
I saw I can reply to my shoutbox. but it is asking me to verify my email. but i dont know how. And I really cant keep up.. I am getting so much stuff so fast this is crazy!
Come And Get This Sexy Mexica All To Your Self
Auction For Nsfw
I Usually Always Write About Eyes And Their Meaning
Clouded Eyes as i gaze into those heavens I see a soul alight Her Essence dances for me and within i am entranced Before me i see the storm her eyes flash and their meaning is know to me the steel of her warns of danger as the rains threatens to fall within those orbs the clods roll and with a wink my soul is laid bare as a warm rain falls upon me such beauty with eyes of platinum what causes those clouds what brings this rain that threatens to drown me within those unguarded eyes a friend hides truthful and steady to a fault yet i would lose myself in those clouds as the rain ceases and the clouds lighten her gaze enthralls me and i bare my soul how can i find trust so easily within those eyes as they change and soften her storm has moved on and i am left with she and i her friendship beckoning and freely do i fall... tumbling head over heart into those clouded eyes
Gnbrebs 1 Year Fu-anniversary
.COM Hey Everyone-GnbReb"Nick" is Celebrating his 1 year Fu-Anniversary Today:)He is a wonderful Fubar friend and also a fellow member of Our Llama Levelers FamilyDrop by and Congratulate him on his 1 year on Fubar!While doing so Rate/Fan/Add/Bling him!Show him Mad Love!Click on his pic and show him some love:) GnbRebel Slave To MZ.BELLE & Proud Memeber Of Carrie's Bad Boys Club & A Llama Leveler@ fubar imikimi - Customize Your World! .COM Congrats Nick:) This Pimpout Brought to Fubar By:JoAnna
Car Trouble
You're driving down the interstate late at night and see a car off to the side of the road. As you get closer you see a beautiful woman bent over, digging in the trunk of the car. You pull over and climb out of your car. You slowly approach her, taking in the sight of her extremely long legs and her very short skirt. You can feel your jeans growing tight in the crotch area the closer you get. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you need some help?" "Uh, yeah, I had a blow out," the sound of her voice makes your rock hard cock pulse even harder against your zipper. "I can't seem to find my spare or the jack." She bent back over her trunk. You get as close as you can behind her so she could feel your cock pulsing against her gorgeous, tight behind. She let out a soft moan as you pull up the carpet in the trunk to reveal the spare tire and the jack. She starts wiggling her body, grinding that beautiful behind against your cock. You wrap your arms around her wa
Erotic Touch...
A touch of skin soft and slippery, With the hint of hint of sweat. We fought our resistance beneath the cool sheets, As the wind flowed from the window above us. Eyes met briefly and begged for the chance, To abandon all of our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips, Probing gently as if drawing sex, From a deep well of longing and need. Then heated tongues met in the midst, Of hot and quickening breath. And greedily we drank the wine of our lusts. Then intoxicated with those spirits, Our clothes found resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, Until there were no hiding places, For the two glistening and wanting bodies. Hunger revealed in this hot moment. Then skin meshed with skin, As the floor became the stage. You moved atop of me easily, And lowered yourself gently. Kissing me as I was filled with you. As a gasp broke the kiss, Your hands stroked the stray strands, Away from my forehead, then became entangled. Our slow rhythm gave way, To urgent
After The Dance Is Over...
We danced as lovers dance to music only we had heard. A hot beat to which we moved in perfect time, with perfect synch. Unhurried though each driven on, both knowing how the dance would end. We shared the lead as the tempo quickened. You followed me, I followed you, each wanting that conclusion as ageless passion demands its due. Our cries loud as bodies yield, sounds from deep within escaped to alert close neighbors to the simultaneous climax of our dance. The music softened, mellow in its final strains. We curled together our contented bodies, our cries at last subdued, and only now a gentle purring. In this quietness our muffled moans yell out a thousand words of utter joy, in celebration of our dance, in recognition of our love.
Hotter Than Hot
You're sitting around a bonfire with your girlfriend, your friends have just left and the two of you are all by yourself. Your girlfriend kneels in front of you and slides her hand into the leg or your shorts, just barely touching your cock. You slide down in your chair, giving her more access and causing her hand to brush against your cock. She wraps her fingers around your cock and continues to massage it, making you moan with need. You slide your shorts down your hips, dislodging her hand from your cock as your shorts slide down your legs to your ankles. You grab her hand anad put it back on your now rock hard cock and she goes back to stroking it up and down. She bends her head toward it and lightly kisses the tip, causing it to twitch with need. She flicks her tongue across the tip and slides it down the shaft then back up where she wraps her soft wet lips around it and slides it deeply into her mouth. She continues to bob up and down on your cock, sucking harder and bobbing faste
Well as a few of you know. With the way the economy is right now and with only getting 32 hrs or less a week at work. I can't afford to keep my apartment. Therefore, starting tomorrow (March 26th), I will be moving my things out to my dads. His house is just outside of town. He lives in town with my step mom and so he is letting me stay out at his house for $350 a month. He said that he would take care of all of the utilities, water, electric, phone, and all i would have to do is pay him $350 a month. Which will leave me with just two other bills to pay every month. My cell phone bill and my car insurance. Which together will run me about $160-$170.00 a month. And if I get 4 days a week at work then I will be able to save up a good amount of money while staying at my dads. But the downside of living out there is. My dad had the satelite turned off. And he only has dial up if i want to use the internet. But he doesnt want me online alot since he still gets alot of calls there at the
Ok, you're riding an elevator all alone, there's no one else around and the doors open and the woman of your dreams comes on. She gets as close to you as she can, and you look at her funny, not knowin who she is. She slowly grabs your ass as the elevator doors close and you turn toward her, ready to say something. She locks her lips onto yours, not letting you say a word. You pull her close, wrapping your arms around her. You thrust your tongue into her mouth, tryin to swallow her whole. She unbuttons her shirt and lets it slide off her shoulders and pool at her feet. She slowly unbuttons your pants and slides them down your hips to pool at your feet. You break your mouth away from hers and give her a questioning look, before you can speak she holds her finger against your lips, telling you without words not to speak. She pulls your shirt over your head and throws it across the elevator. She runs her hands over your chest, feeling every ripple of muscle along the way.She shoves your bo
You're riding your fourwheeler through the woods with the woman of your dreams sitting behind you. She has her arms wrapped around your waist, holding on tightly, her clasped hands resting on your growing erection. You come to a secluded spot on the trail and you pull off. You kill the engine and pull her around your body and onto your lap. You hungrily lock your lips onto hers, trying to swallow her mouth. She straddles your lap, trying to get her body closer to yours. She starts to thrust her hips against your erection and a moan escapes her mouth. You pull her even closer to you, plastering her body against yours. She continued to thrust her hips against yours, her moans becoming louder and louder. You start pulling her shirt over her head, wanting to get your hands onto her bare flesh. You toss her shirt onto the ground and run your hands over her naked flesh. She reaches back and unhooks her bra, flinging it onto the ground with her shirt. She pulls your shirt over her head, throw
A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, 'Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots, But they only know how to say one thing.' 'What do they say?' the priest inquired. They say, 'Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have some fun?' That's obscene!' the priest exclaimed, Then he thought for a moment. 'You know,' he said, 'I may have a solution to your problem. I have two male talking parrots, Which I have taught to pray and read the Bible. Bring your two parrots over to my house, And we'll put them in the cage with Francis and Peter. My parrots can teach your parrots to praise and worship, And your parrots are sure to stop saying . . That phrase . . In no time.' Thank you,' the woman responded, 'this may very well be the solution.' The next day, She brought her female parrots to the priest's house. As he ushered her in, She saw that his two male parrots Were inside their cage holding rosary beads and
Furniture Showroom
You're the night manager in a furniture store and you're just closing for the night. You send all your employees home so you can do your walk through and the rest of your paperwork and hopefully get home at a decent hour. You start your walk through in the appliance department. You turn off the overhead lights as you walk around. Next you enter the living room furniture area, turning off the TVs as you walk around along with the lamps. You make your way over to the bedroom furniture area. As you make your way around, turning off the lights as you go. You come to the last bedroom arrangement of a canopy bed with black wispy curtains around it. You can see the sillouette of someone on the bed, as you get closer you notice the feminine curves. You call out that the store is closed for the night and she replies back to you in a soft, sultry voice that she's waiting for you. You walk to the side of the bed and pull the curtains off to the side. Your girlfriend is lying in the cente
Hot N Sweaty
You're at your local fitness club, you just got done with a really hard work out and you decide to relax in the sauna. The sauna is empty at that hour so you lie back on the bench and close your eyes. You hear the door open and close but decide it's not worth opening your eyes to see who joined you. Your mind drifts back to the gorgeous woman you were watching while you were working out. She was beautiful, the perfect J-lo ass, big rounded breasts, perky and ready for a little action. You can feel yourself harden and decide you better turn over before it's too obvious to your companion in the room. "Looks like somebody is a bit excited," a smoky feminine voice exclaims. You groan and sit up, ready to apologize but the minute your eyes meet hers all words leave your brain. It was the woman from the gym, wearing nothing but a towel, that thought made your erection grow even harder and begin to throb. She stands up and drops her towel to the floor, coming toward you with desire shining in
Jail Time
You've been arrested for driving under the influence and put into jail until the next morning when you can go before a judge. The good thing is that you are only in a holding cell and are in your own clothes. Then, of course, there's that gorgeous guard who keeps walking past to check on you. You smile as she makes what seems to be her thousandth time past. You stretch out on the concrete slab with the foam mattress on top of it and the thin plastic covered pillow. You close your eyes and try to fall asleep but the lights are too bright and the mattress is too thin. You can hear her keychain jangle as she comes closer to your cell. You hear the rattle of keys hitting the cell bars and think you finally fell asleep and your fantasy is coming true. You open your eyes as she enters the cell. She sits down on the slab beside you and you give her a questioning look. She grabs the front of your shirt and pulls you toward her and locks her lips onto yours. She slides her tongue into y
Just Thinking Too Danged Much, Again
Well, here I am, almost my birthday, and I'm doing thinking. A LOT OF IT! Unfortunately, finances suck, so I can't get a couple of beers and try to get my mind off of it. Things I'm thinking about (in no particular order.) Why did they have to improperly slot me at work so that my replacement shows up when we are so close to deployment, and here I am without a job? Why does what I want seem like it is so far away, but yet so close at times? Why does that email you send when you been drinking seem like it was so right the next morning, but still feel so wrong? Does anyone read this thing? Why is it someone can come into your life, and be gone before you realize it was the best thing? Why can't I get used to being alone every night? Why do I say I need someone in my life, but then push them away when they do? (STUPIDITY!) Why can't I remember how to make cows crap crude oil, I know I found that answer! Is all of this work for a couple of dollars w
he don't but he will she says anything to keep him by her she takes what she gets and she never did flinch so over, and over anyone with any mind would think that's all she gets if you want you can get to know me well we get along so we shouldn't argue and i don't know why but all these feelings cloud up my reasoning so go on, wreck me funny how i carry on and not be taken over i will not roll over on anyone because anyone would stand up on my side you know it's funny how sometimes it don't work out like you want it to no, you never get nothing at all then he tells you it's over don't you hate it when it's over? i guess some things just get lost and it deeply saddens me so let's not argue or it may be over for us.
Let's Go Star-gazing
You and your girlfriend are lying on a blanket in her backyard, looking up at the sky. You're spending more time watching her than the sky. She has the most beautiful smile on her face and her eyes were twinkling like the stars above. You reach out and caress her cheek. She turns and looks at you and you can't help but brush your lips against hers. She wraps her arms around your neck and deepens the kiss. You roll over onto your back, pulling her on top of you. She deepens the kiss even more and starts grinding her pelvis against your already hard cock. You pull her shirt over her head, only breaking your lips away from hers for a second. You reach behind her and unhook her bra, sliding the straps down her arms and tossing it aside. She frantically pushes your t-shirt over your head and tosses it aside. She climbs off of you and pulls your shorts down your legs and tosses them away. You slide her shorts off and toss them away to join the rest of your clothes.
Wings - Emerging Earth Angels March 25, 2009
Here's another posting from Karen Bishop! Enjoy! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings! Welcome! Becoming as free and clear as possible is what our souls are attempting to do, as we continue to prepare for a very new residency in a very new place. And even though many of us may be fairly clear of much that is vibrating lower than we now are, or was holding us down in the past, we still do not yet know exactly where we are going. Here’s the situation and the divine plan, and as always, we are right on track: In mid-summer of 2008 we began to get signs or symptoms that we were done. This manifested as not knowing what we were now supposed to do, feeling worthless and out of place, feeling invisible and not valued or needed, and generally just lost. By October, the dis-connect was very evident and complete for many, and by January of 2009 it was fairly clear that something very new was on the horizon for 2009. January brought in many manifestations of setting up fo
Vote For Me!
There is a contest for Pet of the Month at The Penthouse lounge....... Please come show support and vote for me! How you say!!!!... 1. Go to Tim's profile 2. Find my pic (here is the link) 3. Rate my pic Easy! Done! Thanks soooo much for your help!! Kisses and licks! MeltedGummies!
Boasting Boxes By Alcoholic Poet
  Her eyes on the stairwell. As it rumbled down into the earth. Below where she's always lived. Torn stockings. Cheating up cold legs. For places unseen. Her fingers on the rail. Like a snake. Slithering through tall stalks of when. Ready to poison if. She didn't wake him up. In the bleak of the afterward. A contingency. Reinforces the walls inside her. No windows. No doors. Neither entry nor exit. His fading breath. Thick pillows under her head. Peddling pliant nightmares through the dents in her forehead. I always wake up just before they drive the first nail. I always wake up with the pillows on the floor. And the monster under the bed. I go to the cellar. Because down makes sense. But they're not there. I go to the attic. Because up is a curious logic. I wish to comprehend. No Windows. No Doors. No Entry nor exit. Only through the small holes in this heavy skin.
Flagging Photos... The Life Cycle
Life Cycle of a Photo Report Ever wondered what happens when you report a photo? Ever wondered who's informed of what and when? Here's a little insight. A member finds a photo offensive and clicks the "Report This Photo" link. At this stage, the member has to "confirm" the report by clicking "yes" in the same spot. The photo is submitted to a special "bouncers-only" screen for review. Members do not have access to this screen. Bouncers can see who reported this photo, but the photo's owner can't. It is possible for more than one person to report the same photo and it will be listed here. A bouncer will review the photo and decide whether to force the NSFW flag on the picture, preventing it from being seen in public by non-friends, or "clear" the flag, removing it from the photo queue and effectively leaving it alone. If the picture is flagged NSFW, it is removed from the queue and the member is notified only that it was forced NSFW (but not by who). If the picture is cl
Check This Sh*t Out!!!!
!!!♥Яåîñ♥!!! !!!♥Яåîñ♥!!! DO YOU KNOW THIS SEXY AND SWEET FEMALE BELOW??? IF NOT, YOU NEED TO GO CHECK HER OUT... BC YOUR MISSIN OUT.. So Letz Go ♥ Her Up!! Rate,Fan,Add,♥ THE HELL OUTTA Her HardCore Fu Style!!! Look at this Princess!!!!! How can you not stop by and say HI!!! !!!♥Яåîñ♥!!! †Яåîñ† Slave to Dragonfairy~Owner of WYKD~@ fubar !!!♥Яåîñ♥!!! :::Made W/ Love By $Ðj ßåßý ߺý$
Moving Again Lol
Me and shizzle are moving to Oklahoma where I might be able to get a job. Keep us in your prayers that we have a safe trip up there and that we have enough money too. I'll post another blog when we get there and get settled in. We love you all. ♥
My 1st Auction... Can You Please Spare A Rate...
Rating does help if you're unable to Bid....
Yeah, we get it - You're pregnant. BIG FUCKING DEAL. It's not like you went to school for three years and had to take some excruciating multi-day certification. It's not like you saved a Golden Retriever puppy from getting run over by a bus load of Norwegian tourists. It's not like you cured macular degeneration. YOU SPREAD YOUR LEGS AND TOOK A MAN-MUSTARD INJECTION... Wow. Way to go. I am amazed you made it through such a mentally and physically demanding challenge that probably lasted all of 45 seconds (either natural or lab-grown.) And now we are suppose to fawn all over you. We are suppose to act like it's so incredibly difficult to get pregnant, and that you are now this pristine chalice of life -Something that deserves to be worshiped and adored. Feel sick in the mornings? Do your feet hurt cause they are swelling? Gotta buy new clothes because you are 12 weeks along and have already put on 19 pounds? NOT MY PROBLEM. Do your job like you are suppose to and shut the hell up
So This Is What Its All About...
well....its been a rough 7 months here in MA. and its only going to get harder. The only good thing is th@ work is starting very shortly...and besides th@....its pretty much not the same as things used to be.... things are waaaaay different with mom gone...and dad in the hospital. its almost a matter of time before its just my sister n me left. rp
I Seen You..... Yes You
I mean, come on! It was like 50 paces to the nearest restroom! I sat there in my car wondering what the hell you were up to - you spent at least 2 minutes scurrying around your parked car, looking to see if the coast was clear. I thought you were going to, like, break into someone else's car or something. Then I guessed you thought you were "safe" and hurried to the front of your car, near the third level stairwell, dropped your pants, squatted and WENT TO IT! For Christ's sake, woman! All the time you spent looking out for passing cars so no one would see you crapping like a dog in public, you could have hustled your lazy ass downstairs and into the building and USED THE DAMNED RESTROOM! Sheesh! Anyway - if you're free later, drop me a line. I was never more turned on in my life.
Cover Letter?
What the fuck people! I need a motherfuckin job, and I have a resume that says I am fucking fit to be your goddamn front desk/administrative assistant. I have applied to a ton of jobs on here, and not one of them responded, WHAT THE FUCK?! Cover Letter? Here's my fucking cover letter! Now, I'm really low on money, and I'll suck a dick if I have to...that's right! Got a bear in your backyard that keeps eating your garbage? I'll fight that motherfucker and I'll win! Can any other prospective employee say that?! FUCK NO! What'd you say? You lost your keys? FUCK IT! I'll shoot the goddamn lock off your door with my laser eyes! That's how bad I need a motherfuckin job! Your brother is gay and you're not cool with that? I'll de-gay him with reverse buttsex. Don't believe me?! Then hire me and I'll fucking show you! OBJECTIVE I need a motherfuckin job. SHIT I HAVE DONE -I invented the moon. -Atlantis was around til 1988, but sunk when I shot out of my mom's vagina like a silver
The Final Act
Screeching tires, shattering glass, twisting metal, fiberglass. The scene is set it all goes black, The curtain raised the final act. Sirens raging in the night, sounds of horror, gasps of fright. Intense pain, the smell of blood tearing eyes begin to flood. They pull out our bodies one by one, What is going on, we were only having fun! One of my friends is missing, what did I do? Her scattered belongings everywhere, in the road there lies her shoe. A man is leaning over me and looking in my eyes, "What were you thinking, son"? "Did you really think that you could drive?" He pulled up the sheet still looking in my eyes, "If you'd only called your Mom or Dad, you'd still be alive!" I started to scream, I started to yell; But no one could hear me, no one could tell. They put me in an ambulance; they took me away. The doctor at the hospital exclaimed, "DOA!" My father's in shock, my mother in tears, she collapses in grief, overcome by the fear. They take me to this
What Kind Of Cat I Am Like
You are most like a Chinchilla cat. You're a very calm and peaceful person. You love to be called "cute." People would describe you as a very affectionate person.
The Coming Solar Storm - 2012 Click BELOW for the video on THE END OF THE WORLD in 2012 AD! BOMBSHELL REPORT: YOU'VE GOT 90 SECONDS BEFORE YOU MEET YOUR MAKER ... WHAT WOULD YOU DO? YOU'LL GET A CHANCE TO FIND OUT IN A LITTLE MORE THAN 3 YEARS FROM NOW! THE NEXT MASSIVE SPACE STORM IN THE FORM OF A SOLAR MAXIMUM IS DUE HERE TO WIPE OUT A LARGE PORTION OF EARTH's NEVER-ENDING WARRING POPULATION IN 2012 AD! KISS YOUR XXX GOODBYE! – by Michael Brooks, New Scientist Magazine, Issue 2700, 25 March 2009 IT IS MIDNIGHT on 22 September 2012 and the skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colourful light. Few New Yorkers have seen the aurora this far south but their fascination is short-lived. Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker, then
Deleting My Account
im deleting my account... bye to all the ppl that i may/may not have become friends with!
Smart Redneck
"Hello, is this the FBI?" "Yes. What do you want?" "I'm calling to report about my neighbor Billy Bob Smith! He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood." "Thank you very much for the call, sir." The next day, the FBI agents descend on Billy Bob's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They swore at Billy Bob and left. The phone rings at Billy Bob's house. "Hey, Billy Bob! Did the FBI come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your firewood?" "Yep." "Happy Birthday Buddy."
Please Come To Boston
Wake Up Call--maroon 5
I Have Bad And Good Days/it Isn't You
My Bad Days and Good Days I decided to write some words for my Friends who put up with my bad and good days. I call you sisters brothers, sweet companions. When some friendships for now are expressed only in writing, so much is left out of the other ways we communicate. Some days I have to rest. I work in bursts of energy before they burn out. When the burned out time comes, if I can't get to the keyboard I cannot reach you. How I wish we were telepathic, like these words I would put as much into my thoughts as I could so you would know why and most importantly my silence isn't you. In response to my silence how would you know other than to assume I don't want to speak. That is how most of the world operates and we know all too well where we are not wanted. But I am in the world, not of it. I've felt a silent anger of those who fear they are forgotten And I cry angry tears at me too I fight the rest that would restore, working with an uncooperative body.
Who Want To Own Me ?
here's the link to bid on me ! DON'T FORGET TO RATE, CAUSE I CAN WIN A BLING !!! all my offer is negociale you can bid and ask for something special ! i will try to give you satisfaction !! THANKS TO ALL BIDDER AND EVERYBODY WHO HELP ME TO WIK THE CONTEST !!! kisses to everyone ! xxx
Dont Know What To Do With Myself
well its official, im about to go insane, i need to get out of this town
I could care less what someone might think that war is not a good idea. Bc i believe in it and it might not be right how it is going but it is for the right thing. They come to us back on 9-11-01. So why shouldn't we do something about it?
A guy is sitting at the bar just staring at his drink for half an hour when this big trouble-making biker steps next to him, grabs his drink, gulps it down in one swig, and then turns to the guy with a menacing stare as if to say, "What'cha gonna do about it? The poor little guy starts crying. "Come on man I was just giving you a hard time," the biker says. "I didn't think you'd CRY. I can't stand to see a man crying." "This is the worst day of my life," says the little guy between sobs. "I can't do anything right. I overslept and was late to an important meeting, so my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car was stolen and I don't have any insurance.I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife in bed with the gardener and my dog bit me. So, I came to this bar trying to work up the courage to put an end to my life, and then you show up and drink the damn poison"!
Im A Quitter
yes yes yes, its true. i have finally made the descision to quit smoking. i went to the dr and got put on chantix. the preescription medicine to help me stop smoking. So for all my friends and family that i love so much, wish me luck.!!!!!!!!!!
Suckyness To The Quadrilinth Power
so i went to renew my CDL med card the other day and they refused to do it because they said my eye sight was getting worse. so what im thinking is if they are getting bad and since its uncorrectable im gonna lose my license all together and be really fucked. my mom said i should go on im gonna give it a shot because if i cant drive its gonna be hard to work and im already seeing double when i drive
i am giving away a free clearwire internet box all activation fees waived please leave me a message with what city and state you are in and i will tell you if that area is covered. if you are not interested but know someone that is please leave me their information.
Ok finally gonna get it done. Years ago while in the Navy I was into piercings, 13 total. Then they became a cliche' so I pulled them all. Kinda miss my nipple studs and the two thru my penis shaft. Well now I want my tatoo. Basic idea is a metal rose on my inner forearm. Rivets and metal plates with a barb wire stem trailing up my arm to encircle my upper arm. Probably gonna get it done in grey since metallic colors fade rather quickly. So I'm asking if any of you creative types feel an urge to sketch out the actual metal flower for me ? Want your art turned into reality ?
How To Mess With Ppl
HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors." Specify that your drive-through order is "TO-GO." If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up." Reply to everything someone says with "that's what you think." Practice making fax and modem noises. Highlight irrelevant information in scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy." Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears and grimacing. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge across the room. Holler random numbers while someone is counting. Adjust the
Listen To My Heart......never Works
Friday, March 27, 2009 Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) The most sensible thing you can do today is to listen to your heart instead of the facts. But this tactic can produce stress that comes from other people's criticism of your choices. Fortunately, your key planet, beautiful Venus, is aligned with the Sun, bestowing an extra dose of cosmic grace upon you now. Engaging in an unpleasant conversation along the way won't be that difficult if you stop worrying about the negative consequences and concentrate on the positive possibilities instead.
Have you ever woke up screaming? Have you ever woke alone? When the walls around you won't stop laughing Where do you go? Sweat seeps in your eyes at night And you realize That no one understands you at all Well I was bound to have a nervous breakdown Should've seen it coming from miles away So I packed my bags and started running My brains been shaking since yesterday But there's only so far that you can run boy There's only so far to leave your problems behind 'cause when the problem's yourself you start thinking No matter how far You'll never leave it behind No one uderstands me at all Now I'm still here with still no clue Of who I am or show I'm supposed to be I know it to you it sounds funny You've got it worked out like it's a fuckin' disease Started asking myself do I fit in? Where I belong Could this really be me? Been feeling downright ugly Tell me is this the way it's supposed to be? So what's the difference? You're doing fine The clock keeps ticki
Havn't had time to think, or even breathe. Havn't had time to laugh or smile,wondering if you will ever see, how it was for us to love a while. Will you remember our love and the times we shared, Will you remember the times when we both cared.  That our hearts together beat as one, or will you just remember when it was done? Our souls were full of life it seemed, but now they fly with broken wings. We lived our lives we gave it all, when things were down we still stood tall. So now into the darkeness our souls will go, alone and without the life we both know.  Fly free into the wind and hang on tight, fly free and fast with all your might! As a new love may come to carry you away, don't forget to remember us someday!  Our wings will mend and again we will stand tall, in hopes we never again will fall! I will love you now as I loved you then, and will love you forever until the end.  With the will of heart and will of grace, into a new life for you to face. A part of me has travel
So Life is actually becoming better for me finally.. Only thing now is I need to find a damn job and well the economy sucks balls right now.. So it's kind of hard to say the least.. Life has been pretty crazy for me lately with the separation and such.. But I am learning to deal with all the bullshit now... I can't wait to get a divorce.. so I can be free to live my life.. I have been so stressed out lately with this whole separation and getting no where with anyone that its stressful.. My short term memory is completely shot from all the stress I have been under.. And it's not a great thing, But I keep telling myself things will get better.. and they will in time.. Finally recovering from a fucked up hand thanks to my dogs lol.. They decided around the 8th of this month when I was drunk to pull me through what little opening i had through the sliding glass door from seeing something outside, it was hella painful.. But its recovering nicely now.. Still a bit tender, I think it
A Fubar Person To Avoid At All Costs
Help My Friend Out Pretty Please
Auto 11's or Cherry Bomb Contest! RATES ONLY! Contest will start Friday, March 20th @ 6:30am Est Time and will end Friday, March 27th @ 12am Est Time. send her a with my name on it and i get 5 extra rates you will get a R/F/A morph •• . .ΜFĸŋ JÇ. . ••. . §ëЯ. . ••. .@ fubar Please R/F/A the lovely host tell her Andrea sent you! HELP ME WIN? just a rate is all i need from ya! its been a long while since i tried a contest and id love a chance at this i will pay 1000$ for the rate just message me ur rate number please for payment remeber to send her any blings ud send me make them a and let her know its for Andrea! ill make you one of these! message me when you send the or your rate number Andr
What's In My Thoughts And Heart Right Now.
Myspace Layouts been in fubar for along time i cannot remeber.. but i wasnt on here for many mons. though, coz i wasnt feeling at home here, i feel like stranger here before.. i was invited by my jewish friend... whom i did not see for decades now, he decided to leave the net after his marriage... i cannot forget the fun that we had on line... we used to chat at late night , go to chat room play with people ... and browse sexy women and men on 360 those were the days"..., yeah he introduce me to fubar before he hit the road as he said, he told me ur going to have fun... at first i wasnt really interested... now , i love fubar and all my friends here... am an addicted fubarian now, i wanted to leave many times, but , my heart ache each time i wanted to do so, aside, i already worked hard on my page.. and all the pictures , and i have spended a real feelings and heart to heart friendship with people here. today , i deleted one precious friend of mine, i have to , i
3/26/09 Dilbert
State Funded Programs
I have a 27 year old brother with special needs. Every day (Monday through Friday)he goes to a State funded day program called Greater Waltham Association for Retarded Citizens or GWARC. It is a great program that gives retarded citizens in Massachusetts a fun place to work so to speak. My brother enjoys going there, if not for anything more than to get out of the house and interact with people. We got a letter today from GWARC stating that Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick has proposed to decrease the State funds to the Department of Developmental Services by $45 million. This is completely outrageous! By doing this, my brother and hundreds of others will lose their jobs. He can not be left at home by himself and if he loses this job, my mother will have to give up her job (she is a preschool teacher)so that she can stay at home with him. This is his idea of balancing the State taking away programs that are NEEDED but allowing the State employees to take home hug
Brad Paisley "online" Absolutely Hilarious!
Man Accused Of Stealing $60 Gas Station Bet
GREENSBURG, Pa. – State police are investigating a weird theft involving a western Pennsylvania gas station attendant who made a $60 bet with a customer. State police are asking for the public's help because they've been unable to solve the crime March 9 at Snooky's Sunoco. Police said a customer walked in and complained about the price of cigarettes at the gas station about 3:20 a.m. that day. The clerk took $60 from his pocket and bet the customer he couldn't find cigarettes cheaper at another store. That's when the customer grabbed the money and ran. Police said they're still looking for that customer. ___ Information from: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,
I Found A Book
I found a book and letters given in truth of heart The poems filled with a rejoicing and soul redeeming emotion The words tasted of sweet wine and candy Like the lips from my memories that once entwined mine own heart Some cards I found as well They recanted emotions from another world A bittersweet relic of a time gone past To hold such a book and letters were an empowerment That change can happen, or for better or worse A meeting of heart and mind I found a book and letters from you...... The Author...Dan
This BAD Boy Needs To Be Spanked HARD!!!! This guy has been one of the most wonderful owners I could ever ask for and deserves WAY more than I do for him! If you have a spare second to add a wonderful friend to your list go by his page plz and add/ fan/ rate him dbo71@ fubar Tell him Squirter Princess sent you *kisses*
F.a.d.d. Train
NEW TRAIN APPROPRIATELY CALLED FADD!!! STANDS FOR FUBARIANS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING!!!!! In 2007, an estimated 12,998 people died in alcohol-impaired traffic crashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater). These deaths constitute 31.7 percent of the 41,059 total traffic fatalities in 2007.     THERE ARE RULES BUT PLZZZ LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO THE OWNERS!!!! $safe_uid_dname@ fubar AND OF COURSE, MY BFF AND FU-WIFEY METAL BABY ^Metal Baby^{CLUB F.A.R. Team Greatness Capt}.Sarge's Bad Girls.Fu Angel.The Click Club. VMV.@ fubar RULEZ ARE THAT: 1.) ALL PIXS IN GirlygirlX's ALBUMS NAMED F.A.D.D. ARE TO BE RATED 10 OR 11'S (10'S ARE JUST FINE). 2.) TO REPOST ALL BULLY(IES) WHEN YOU SEE THEM. 3.) WE HAVE BEEN LAX IN MAKING SURE THAT NEW MEMBERS ARE F/A/R'ED BY THE OLDER MEMBERS, BUT NOT THIS TIME. I WILL ANNOUNCE WHEN A NEW MEMBER JOINS AND PLZZZ F/A/R HER/HIM. 4.) NO DRAMA WILL BE TOLERATED!!! IF THERE APPEARS TO BE A PROBLEM, PLZZZ BRING IT TO MINE OR METAL BABY'S ATTENTIO
The Firm--radioactive
Statistics. Gotta Read This!
Doctors (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000. Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000. (C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services. Now think about this: Guns (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500. (C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188. Statistics courtesy of FBI So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do..' FACT: NOT EVERYONE HAS A GUN, BUT ALMOST EVERYONE HAS AT LEAST ONE DOCTOR. Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!! Out of concern for the public at large, I withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear th
Behind Blue Eyes--the Who
Cancer Benefit
March 23, 2007 4th Annual Purdue Cancer Benefit First off, I want to thank each and every one of you for coming here and joining us for this very special event. If you or someone you know has been affected by cancer, please stand. When I first got the idea for this event, I never dreamed it would be this big and make the impact it has in its still very young life. Honestly, I thought of it as more of a dream than an idea, ideas come to life and dreams, don't. I am currently in my first year at Ivy Tech working towards my associate's degree in Biotechnology, which is a four year program at Purdue. I was not aware of this program until searching through colleges, looking for something I could work into my full time work schedule. My goal, when I am finished, is to have my bachelor's degree from Purdue in Biotechnology through IUPUI. With my degree I want to become involved in cancer research and work on finding treatments that are less harmful to the patient a
Heres One For The "oldies"
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL MY FRIENDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1930's 1940's, 50's, 60's and early 70's ! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us and lived in houses made of asbestos. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese, raw egg products, loads of bacon and processed meat, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes or cervical cancer. Then after that trauma, our baby cots were covered with bright coloured lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets or shoes, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. Take away food was limited to fish and chips, no pizza shops, McDonalds , KFC, Subway or Nandos. Even though all the shops closed at 6.00pm and didn't open on the weekends, somehow we didn't
Silent wisdom consumes me, As I think about my life, As I dream of one sweet love, That I will make my wife. I want to make her happy, Bring smiles upon her face, Run my tongue across her body, Like sweet Venetian lace. Then I'll light some candles, So the room might have some light, And then I'll rub her body, 'til every muscle feels just right. Next I'll run some water, Make it, as hot as it can be, And then climbs in my baby, the last ingredient is me. I'll wash her hair quite softly, Make it as smooth as it can be, And then I scrub her body, From her head down to her knees. Next I think I'll dry her, every inch the eye can see, And then if I am lucky, she'll dry every inch of me. Now the night is almost over, There's only one thing left to do, If I were like any other man, I'd make sweet love to you. But like other men I'm not, And I will never be, That's why, in the end, My sweet love, will be with me.
Motorcycle Accident
Hi everyone, I know it's been close to a year since I've been on Fubar,,and I have missed you all so much This blog is to ask for your prayers. My cousin Robert got in a bad motorcycle accident recently and is in the hospital in ICU. A young boy in a pickup truck with a camper shell pulled out in front of my cousin and when his bike hit the truck it threw him over the camper shell. The top of the camper cut his throat,,windpipe and voice box. There were 2 off duty EMS in the nearby restraunt that saw the accident. They ran out to help,,,my cousin was already dead, no pulse at all. They started CPR and kept him going till the ambulance got there. If they hadn't been there at that moment he would not have made it. I am asking all of you to please send up special prayers for my cousin Robert,,,he really needs them
Love Poems
One wish If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
Within All That There Is
I received this just a few moments ago from a friend via email. Thought I'd share it you all. Enjoy! The Sack Lunches I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight. 'I'm glad I have a good book to read Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought. Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me. I decided to start a conversation... 'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me. 'Petawawa. We'll be there for two weeks for special training, and then we're being deployed to Afghanistan. After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made that sack lunches were available for five dollars. It would be several hours before we reached the east, and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time. As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems
Tear Is Frozen
Like every hope I’ve ever had Like every dream I’ve ever known It was washed away in the tears Tears for better tomorrow From my will to the river To the sea Wash away,fade away Every tear is frozen All the laughter is gone away All life shall end in death When the ice cold snow Has come This time Eternal All has blackened All light has fade away In purity we enter to the light Remembering only what was left For I cannot enslave myself With imaginary words of resurrection For my sins I will ask no forgiveness For my sins They are not to forgive I woke up bathing in the pale silver light Everything was frozen around me All has blackened All light has fade away Sky were covered with black curtain Every tear is frozen which i cry......
The Queen's Birthday Bash Startin @ 730ish Fri-night 3/27 In Bada Bing!
HEY HEY HEY Family and Friends Come On Into BADA BING LOUNGE and Celebrate The QUEEN'S Birthday w/ Us Starting @ 730ish pm est Friday Night! It's Gonna Be 1 Helluva Rockin Good Time! The TGIF Jams Will Be Played Along w/ Some of The QUEEN'S Fav Artists and Also Going To Be Having Some QUEENY Trivia-Will Be Rewarding 100k in Fubucks For The Correct Answers-and Also She Has A 2 Min Delay Before She Can Answer! Also Will Be Doing Some Other Games As Well For Bucks, Bling and Prizes!...So Whatcha Waitin For?...Be Sure To Make BADA BING Your Place To Be Friday Night As Well Celebrate The QUEEN'S Birthday! Hope To See You There! CLICK Any Pic .. Its an OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE!
The Money Masters
The Misery Of My Dying Heart...
The Misery Of My Dying Heart… not even a new love could ever resurrect this cold hearted soul; that lives in pain everyday looking through nothing but the shattered glass as the rain continues to drop down deeper and deeper until his unwanted pulse is coughing up blood again and now that the candle is lit to perfection and ready to drip the thoughts of loneliness away; I sit back with a glass of Whiskey and begin to slip into an unconsciousness as all those wasted out prayers I've prayed over the years seem to get more silent from me and I've come to a point where my lack of faith does me no good anymore; just as wishing on empty promises left themselves to fly back to Heaven where I truly don't belong; the misery of my dying heart is now left for dead before the clouds come up again so now the non existent flowers begin to rise over my own grave and I wait for my own fate to see past all of the mistakes that I have mad
there is not a decent one among you all. Im fed up of being lied to, and treated like a fucking door mat. Im not here to do as your bidding, nor wait on you hand and foot. I have a life, and its mine. Not yours to control. Im not you physical or emotional punch bag. Im not something you can pick up and use. Why isnt there a bloke who could possibly accept me for who i am? Not try and turn me into his fucking mother...
What About Ur Friends
I think people, in general, are way overrated. Trying to make relationships work is draining. Coddling nonsense and bullshit. Holding your tongue so as not to hurt feelings. Dealing with drama and theatrics when you'd rather not. All in the name of maintaining relationships and friendships. I think I'm done. I'm tired and I am done. As much shit as I talk, I'm a softy. I let people walk all over me just to avoid conflict. I hate confrontation. I will let a wrong bitch be wrong, act wrong, and do me wrong and for what? To avoid conflict with someone that will get their ass on their back and go off on me in an instant over something small and stupid? Yeah I'm done. I am tired of having so-called friends. Fairweather bitches. They want you to say what they want to hear. They want you to do what they want to do. As soon as you don't, they wanna take their toys and go home. Well fine then, GO. I am way sick of this shit. Like seriously. Sitting here upset b/c a selfish spoiled brat w
Too Early 4 This Shit!!!!!!!!
It is 7am and I've barely taken my morning piss and already there is drama. How can people piss me off so early in the morning???? Why do you have to use MY car to drop your kids off b/c you let your dirty assed boyfriend take yours to work? WHY? I don't give a damn if he is giving you money. YOU HAVE CHILDREN! THEY COME FIRST! If he stayed his smelly ass in his smelly barracks room that Uncle Sam provides for him, you getting up to take him to work at 4am would not be an issue! Why does he even spend the night over here when he has to be to work so fucking early? Why is he over here in front of your kids? Why did you lie and say he wasn't allowed here anymore b/c it was upsetting your daughter? You are the stupidest most selfish bitch ever and you will rot in hell for how poorly you treat your children. You'd better pray they are forgiving souls that will not hold what you do against you when your dumb ass is old and feeble. If you were my mother you'd be drinking Shug Avery pee on th
Want To Know Why?
last night I had a date. Nice guy, attractive, kinda my type. So why didn't he get lucky? Maybe it was because I was in the mood to be taken,possessed, owned, made to know who I belong to. Now don't get me wrong... no means no, and I love to make love and be treated gently and so sweetly. It's just that sometimes I need to be dominated, to feel a strong hand around my ankle dragging me across the bed, whispering in my ear that I belong to him as he spanks me I love the feel of a strong body trapping me, holding me down his hand wrapped in my hair as he takes me, making sure that I know that I belong to him. sigh...
just posted some new NSFW pix, feel free to peep em,rate em, and commenter em if u want
Can I Have Your ##?????
Name: Number: text messaging (yes or no): picture messaging (yes or no): I dare you to copy and paste this and see how many numbers you get. Repost as: Can i have your #
Grand Opening
Glitter Graphics Okay, so I created a Gay lounge today. No frills atm but I will add content as time allows. But, I will need YOUR help in getting it going!! Any and all suggestions will be taken under consideration. Hell, I may even ask you o be part of the staff! Please help me get The Den off the ground and make it the first and benchmark fo Gay/Lesbian/Bi lounges in the FuBar community! Glitter Graphics
11's And Bombs!
> > I will be activating an auto 11 today @2:00pm EDT (11:00am Futime)!!!!! It will run until Saturday, March 15, 2009, 2:00pm EDT (11:00am PDT)!!!! C'mon over and level up!!!! P.S., I will also be returning some "bomb" love to peeps, going all the way back to the beginning of March. So, my SB will be off so I can concentrate on hitting as many of them as possible!
Jesus 666 Disrespecting Me And Calling Me A C-u-n-t
What do you think about this or how it should have been handled and yes i did block him cuz he went into the lounge. He called me a fuckin C-U-N-T.. how would i should have behaved heh? plus he broke a few rules. i dont allow others to call me anything that can be used as Hatred, it pisses me off. oh and if your wondering this is how i get OVER stuff... by doing this. Next person that does this shit, im reporten EVERYONE, from the 1st to the last! have a nice fuxin day! Btw please note the reason why he went into the lounge in the 1st place is because i BLOCKED HIM. think about it. He has been blocked... ->ڶesus 666 ...: i think your an asshole that the fact that you have a problem with how i do things to my own profile. and i have enough... bye..... ڶesus 666 ...: lol no, you have a problem with me thinking it was funny that you typed out a 10 page letter explaining why you had nothing to say? ->ڶesus 666 ...: you have a problem with me doing my profile the
~ I Want You Now~
I want you now, I don't want to wait My soul has yearned, my heart has ached My body is numb, waiting for your touch For you are the one it wants so much My lips are cold, wanting to taste Everything you are, can not be replaced My eyes are closed, wishing to behold The beauty that you are waiting to unfold Holding my breathe, eager for your scent Every moment without you is pure torment The sweetest song sounds nothing to me Only your voice can set me free From these chains that bind, keeping me lifeless and still You are the only one I'm anxious to feel I have waited so long, I've wanted forever You are the one I've longed to endeavor Soon you'll be near, soon is to long If patience is a virtue, I want to be wrong I'll make you mine, I'll make you need Soon you will know how it feels to be me ~W.H.~ ~2009~
* Cherrybomb™ Is Hosting Hh Saturday At 1 Pm Fu Time! *
The one and only Cherrybomb™ is hosting a Happy Hour Saturday at 1:00 PM FU time! ~ Cherrybomb™ ~ Click On Any Of Claire's HOT Pictures And Rate, Rate, Rate! Show Cherrybomb LOTS of Love with Lots of profile and picture rates! ~ Cherrybomb™ ~ Cherrybomb will have AUTO 11s running so get your 60 points per picture rate! Come On FU!!! Let's Keep Cherrybomb Red! Spank Her During Her Happy Hour And All Day Long! ~ Cherrybomb™ While you are at it, check out the hottest new lounge! This public service announcement brought to you by:
everything by lifehouse Find me here, speak to me I want to feel you, I need to hear you You are the light that's leading me to the place Where I find peace again You are the strength that keeps me walking You are the hope that keeps me trusting You are the life to my soul You are my purpose You're everything And how can I stand here with you And not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this You calm the storms and you give me rest You hold me in your hands You won't let me fall You still my heart and you take my breath away Would you take me in, take me deeper now And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you Would you tell me how could it be any better than this Cause you're all I want, you're all I need You're everything, everything You're all I want You're all I need
At Home
While I was dining out with my children, a man came over to our table, and we started talking. He asked where my kids go to school. I told him we home-schooled them. With a raised eyebrow, he asked if my husband is the sole breadwinner for our family. I said, "No, I also work ... out of our home." Then, noticing our two-month-old son, he mentioned that his daughter had just had a baby, and he wondered what hospital our son was born in. "He was born at home," I answered. The man looked at me, then said, "Wow, you don't get out much, do you?"
A Womans Attempt At Beauty
All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy, > > painless removal - The epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax. > > > > My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, and > > play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my > > > > mind for the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of > > the medicine > > cabinet." So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. > > > > It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you > > just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them > > > > apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair > > right off.... > > No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? > > > > I mean, I'm not a Genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure > > > > this out. > > > > (YA THIN
I Will be leaving for a few days and will not be on here..I am sending all my loves to all my friends and family..I have not forgotten you I have been busy with some family issues and I have also been sick. I will be gone from March 27th to April 4th. I hope everyone a wonderful nine days....So if you are trying to get ahold of me or wondering why I havent hit your page these are the reasons. I have had alot of stress and need to get away for few days. So leave me lots of loves and messages and I will promise to return it all when I get back. Lots of loves to Wholly Larlos and Ms. Bad Kitty..take good care of my Damen.. And to Benjamin...catch up with me soon.. KORY
Toads What
EAT A LIVE TOAD IN THE MORNING AND NOTHING WORSE CAN HAPPEN TO YA ALL DAY.... Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue Forgive your enemies. It messes with their heads What happens if you get scared half to death twice? Vegetarian - that's an old Indian word meaning "lousy hunter" ok now u have some eroneous shit to think about-- keep the cheer ya'll
Friends With Beanefits
Is there any woman on fubar from the albany ny region interested in being friends with benefits
Enslave Your Slut~ Part1
I am 42, President and CEO for the company that I am employed by, well built and sexually frustrated. I am the one that everyone looks to for control and being in charge of everything. Unfortunately this has carried over into the bedroom for my whole life. I have always dreamed of a man with power over me but I had resigned myself to the fact that he does not exist, at least not for me. I was soon to find out that I was so very wrong. In fact, he was far beyond any fantasies I had thought of but dared not share with anyone. The employees are paid, on average, 15% more than others in the same field in this area. They have been complaining about wanting a retirement plan which I had kept a stiff NO on, telling them to budget better. After two years of nagging, I finally gave in and asked one of our wealthier clients his thoughts about which way to go. He gave me the name of a Broker/Financial Planner that had done extremely well for him. He gave me his name and said that he would call
Enslave Your Slut~ Part2
I realize now that part of my enslavement has always been within me, waiting for the right person to be my Master and release me from within the confines that society had placed. I have searched for 42 years to find my Master, the one to unlock my inner most fantasies. Master had been searching for 46 years until he found the perfect slut slave for himself. Part of my transition into becoming his, is how he penetrates my thoughts, body and soul. I feel his power, control and passion. I, in turn, love him with every fiber of my being, living to please him and gain his approval. I do not have to be in charge now and I am grateful to him. I crave his touch, control and love. I can feel him with me everywhere I go, smell his sensuousness and hear his intoxicating voice. My senses are heightened when I am alone and I long to hear from my Master, to know what I am to do to please him. Command me, I am yours. He did not call me, so I will go home now since it is so late. I do not even reme
Enslave Your Slut~ Part3
The phone rang and I could not pick it up fast enough. It was him. He told me to arrange time off the first part of February and I was to meet him at the Don Cesar Hotel in St. Petersburg Beach. Did he actually order me? Even more absurd is the fact that all I could say was to affirm the fact I would do so and without question. My whole body was tingling with excitement and the possibility that I would finally be able to let loose the darker side of my sexuality. He told me he would call to let me know the particulars. He would be attending seminars sponsored by his company and so I would be alone part of the time. He called and told me to be there at 14:00. I asked what type of clothing to bring and he replied, "Casual," he then informed me he would be inspecting my choices of clothing. I felt very nervous but aroused. The time came to pack for the week. What should I bring? Some things were obvious. I only wear thigh highs or stockings with a garter belt, thong panties, or none
Enslave Your Slut~ Part4
Master informed me that He would begin my training now so that i would learn how to pleasure Him or be punished if i did not perform as expected. He instructed me to remain naked and on the bed while He was gone to his seminar. Standing there like an idiot, i did not move fast enough, in fact not at all. The next thing i knew was His hand landing on my ass. The sting brought tears to my eyes and then He told me again to undress. Quickly, i removed all of my clothes and sat on the bed. He grabbed hold of my upper arms and pulled me to Him, kissing me deeply. Then He walked over to the closet and pulled out a bag i did not remember seeing before now. He removed something and walked back over to me and instructed me to lay spread eagle on the bed which i did without hesitation. The thought of my ass being spanked again did not thrill me so of course i complied. The next thing i knew my right wrist was tied to the headboard. i started to fight this but the pain to my ass from His hand,
Major Virus
BIG VIRUS COMING! PLEASE READ & FORWARD! Hi All, I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! I checked Snopes (URL above, and it is for real! Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK,' regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! S
Wf Window
she had wildflowers in her hair and a look in her eyes like she just didn't care i took another look and saw so much more as her soul's window widened she opened up the door i knew she was the one and i knew she was my amore i knew she was the one why did i have to be so wrong to be so sure
Lets Hook Up
30,000 Fubucks Up For Grabs
be the 100th person to join the lounge wether it is walk in on your own or be invited and u can get 30,000 fubucks and if someone invited u pls tell staff the name of whom invited u and they will also get 10,000 fubucks. that is the link to the lounge
Ghost Cat And More You Believe In Ghosts???
?? ghost cat ?? RARE Ghost Hunters Never SEEN Footage Part 1 Ghost Hunters video evidence from multiple episodes Part 2 Ghost Hunters video evidence from multiple episodes Part 3 Ghost Hunters video evidence from multiple episodes Part 4 Ghost Hunters video evidence from multiple episodes
The Touches Of A Man....
My body aches for that kiss that's deep and long. You stop to breathe, but want more of his tongue. His hands travel to find your wet as can be. So he rubs your pussy until you cum in his hand. His muscles rub up against your body making it unbearable but you want to scream. You start to moan and whisper rub faster in his ear.His tongue wraps around your tit sucking them with a twist and a pull you moan much louder. (wishing he was right here now)As his hand enters your ass Your dress goes up and your panties disappear.As his tongue licks around your pussy and his other hand grabs those big tits and squeezing them hard to make you scream. He then reaches for your hands and puts them on your tits and say's play with me. You play with your tits as he spreads your pussy wide open and in he goes with his tongue licking all around teasing your pussy. He loves the way you moan as you beg him to go faster.As he steadily goes slow. His fingers multiples in your ass not
Thanks Me Disciple Please!!!!
Sticky this for 300k fubucks. PM Vamp for payment when done. BuckcherryCrazy BitchMusic Video Codes By Music Please help Vamp Morticia level to Disciple Her link .. VAMP MORTICIA Cherrybomb her! Bing her! Rate her stuff! Hit her page with loads of love! Please repost often so others can help thanks (repost of original by 'MishNumber1 ☂♥ Rate & Fan Or No Add. Crush Me Its Free & I Will Luv On U ✿☆' on '2009-03-27 14:52:35')
To Every Guy....
To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her. To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down. To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. .... To every guy that she cried in front of... To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes..... To every guy that would give his seat up... To every guy that just wants to cuddle. To every
The Ghost Of Laura Michael
The doctors said it was a heart attack, but I knew better. She really died from a broken heart. I was ten years old. That was seven years ago. My father left because of her—the other woman. I didn’t care who she was or how good of a person she claimed to be. I hated her. I’ll always hate her. My name is Robert. That’s all you need to know. I’m what you call a loner. That’s putting it mildly. The only one I ever confide in is my sister Emily. At twenty-four years old, she’s the most clairvoyant person I know. I don’t believe in ghosts, or “spirits,” as she calls them. I stopped believing in them after my father left and my mother died. I had no reason to believe in them. I didn’t want someone watching over my pathetic life, feeling sorry for me. It was not until the day that Laura came into my life that I thought anyone would ever genuinely like me. It was a sunny fall afternoon. I always traveled over to the park after school to collect my thoughts. My fav
Writer's Block
Pen to paper… Pause. Pen to mouth… Pause. Glance around the room… Pause. Wanting to write a masterpiece, But unable to create the perfect beginning. Pausing seems to be so much easier. Listen to the ticking of the clock… Pause. Hum your favorite tune… Pause. Click the pen… Pause. Wanting to write a masterpiece, But unable to create the perfect beginning. Pausing seems to be so much easier.
Test For Auction
For The Most Beautiful Wife In The World
Baby I know there has been a lot of trials we have gone through but, I just want you to know i love you so much and I will everyday do the very best that I can. Here is a picture video for you and I want to share this with the whole world and let everyone know how much I LOVE YOU.
Points For Rates 28-29 March 2009
Hi Folks!! It the Fubar Rating Assistance Program (FRAP) recently enacted by Congress ... 15,000 fubucks per 100 pic rates while my Auto 11's are activated on 28-29 March. Send me a personal message when you are though and let me know how many pics you rated. I will send the bucks within 24 hours or less to you or whoever you want to receive them. Please do not SB me or send progress reports. Thanks, Steve
Oh Just Read It Already
As some of you know, when I was a small child I lived on a farm. We had all kinds of animals, pigs, horses, chickens and goats to name a few. There were two animals that really stand out in my mind. A horse and a chicken. They were the best of friends. They rarely ever left each other's sides. Many times I would look out the window to find the chick perched high on the horses shoulders. One day the horse, who wasn't particularly sure footed, found himself stuck in a bog. We had all gone to town and the poor horse had no one to turn to for help. No one that is, but his best friend the little chick. Of course the chick, seeing his friend in danger, immediately sprang into action. He ran toward the house where sat my father's BMW. Noticing the keys in the ignition the chick quickly grabbed some rope, hopped in the car, started it and drove toward the bog. Back at the bog the horse was suprised but happy to see the chick in the shiny new BMW. The chick quickly tied one end of the rope t
Real Life Drama
For the past week I have been dealing with alot of real life drama. My Son's Girlfriend here and feeding the kids sugar behind my back and trying to take over my house and playing the cry baby bullshit game and feeding my kids sugar in everything they eat and then bitching about how rotten they are. My X is trying to give me orders and demands again and the Kicker. My Closest friend in the world had gone offline about 4 or 5 months ago and no word and another friend telling me things that I had recently found out alot of lies and I am feeling like a major fool and ass over it and trying to apologize and nothing. Plus my Sister has been calling when it's time for me to take the kids to her house for the night so I can go to work. Saying shit like I ruined her life and playing games. She just called screaming at me for it and saying she is not babysitting again tonight and my Son says he don't want to. I am so tired of the games and everything here and even though I hate it h
I Need A Break!
Ok, so here is my latest bitch: I got laid off on 3-10 and now I have to move to a cheaper apt which is out of the area. The good (?) news is, I will be moving closer to my bf. What sucks is, I have to move! I have no job and around 10K to get me thru till I get one. I get 1700 unemployment a month so I will be okay. I somehow doubt anyone will rent to me without a job.. now I have to go to hubby and ask him to co-sign. I dont know exactly where I am moving to, I need to find an area with good schools for the kid.. (Please dont ask about bf helping me, he has not offered although it would make it much easier). At the moment I am all over the map!! Dad, Job, Apartment, Kid, Day CAre, School, Moving -- YIKES!! I am feeling pretty weak and am a bit scared of tackling this next venture on my own.
See If You Can Read This
I cdnuolt blveiee tahr I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i was rdanieg the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. the rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is because the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but thr wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt. have fun with this one.
Something For Our Pimp Daddy
rann: there copy all of that it also centers it on the page
Doing The Bunny Hop [train]
Let's Do The Bunny Hop! As with every other train out there - drama will NOT be tolerated! 1. Fan each person below. 2. Rate their profile. (If you have rated their profile recently - rate one of their pictures) 3. Leave them a comment telling them you are riding this train. When you have rated everyone message aGEM4life to be added to the list and for your tag to be made. Rate this folder of pics to receive your personal tag. Start with this one (and continue until the end of folder)... 1. ♊aGEM4life♊ [SinnersFamily-SBG] Official Stawker of jc9764 Proudly Owned By Willie 2.Willie - Proud Owner of aGEM4life 3. The BULLdaddy 4. HersheyK 5. TROUBLE♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ PROUD ARMY MOM Ƹ̵̡
Brown Eyed Girl
Hey where did we go, Days when the rains came Down in the hollow, Playin' a new game, Laughing and a running hey, hey Skipping and a jumping In the misty morning fog with Our hearts a thumpin' and you My brown eyed girl, You my brown eyed girl. Whatever happened To Tuesday and so slow Going down the old mine With a transistor radio Standing in the sunlight laughing, Hiding behind a rainbow's wall, Slipping and sliding All along the water fall, with you My brown eyed girl, You my brown eyed girl. Do you remember when we used to sing, Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da So hard to find my way, Now that I'm all on my own. I saw you just the other day, My how you have grown, Cast my memory back there, Lord Sometime I'm overcome thinking 'bout Making love in the green grass Behind the stadium with you My brown eyed girl You my brown eyed girl Do you remember when we used to sing Sha la la la la la la la la la la t
The Path Of A Tyrant
Walking around these halls Slowly hearing the heartless laughter Of a million lives lost to the madness Wondering how can someone have so much power Yet she walks in a glorious haze Of a beauty covered in sloth and deceit Observing all these fools honoring someone that has no valor As it praises them only if they are on their knees Family it preaches While in gluttony this monster prevails Slaying those whose eyes are open And giving everyone slowly a piece of her hell As the monster they praise slowly wraps them in their own neglect These lemmings yearn for a higher cause I finally understand that its no longer my place to preach to those who desire to be lost. ** I am free from your mindless hate. I simply fell to your lie that I was family, when in reality I just hated myself for believing you could be true.
Train, Train Good Vs. Evil
Good vs Evil Dragon train u ready to ride? Start here with the dragon folder rate 10/11's and comment on the last picture Rate, Fan and When you send a add request plz state which dragon your on Good Dragon or Evil Dragon. If you already r friends then leave a Good vs. Evil dragon comment. When you complete all the riders, PM me so I may add you to the train, then repost. ~ ? ~NINEMMRUGER~ ?Owner of Brain Perkins~ ? ~@ fubar Brian Perkins Indefinite Owner of "NINEMMRUGER" Owner of ~Dreamgirl~, , Owned@ fubar ~?RedKandy?~2nd Alarm Hottie~Fu-owned by Texas guy@ fubar }i{ LADY~TROUBLE }i{ ~CLUB F.A.R/FU-ANGEL^FLIES W/DRAGONS & RODE THE MERRY-GO-ROUND@ fubar ? Jimette ? ~Rating Revolution~Pegasus Project #7(Fantasia) TL~@ fubar tina married to one hot soldier(Derrick)`fu-married to lost@ fubar ?VipE®×P?..†..***~ ? BuBZ ? ~my girlie@ fubar St. Michael ~Member of Carrie's Bad Azz Boys 4 Life~FADD Member~
Freak Out Or Chill Out Part 2
If you have read my initial "Freak out or Chill out" Blog then you'll know what this is about. I am not kidding when I say the strangest things happen to me. Call it fate, call it Destiny, Call it Divine Intervention. Whatever you call it, it is strange none the less. Thursday, I found out a couple of things, needless to say, it gave me peace of mind in finalizing something I should have done so a long time ago. Walking away from a jacked up situation, that even though it had served it's initial purposes, I let it go longer than I should have. Actually I was just stupid enough to either keep going back to it or keep letting it back in. Either way, it was a vicious cycle much like an addict trying to break the habit only to keep relapsing and abusing. As I was saying, my mind is clear in my choice. The cross over in my work life that the situation resembled had had a change too. As such that while I was finding out these things, transfers came down and I was transferred ou
Need A Good Doctor?
he was injured...
The 2nd American Revolution
Beautiful Lady Needs A Worthy Man
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies, please read, because you may know a gentleman who could fill this request. Gentlemen, I am hoping that I can find a good man, who is worthy of meeting my wonderful friend. She is: * 37 years old * lives in the Manchester, NH area * mother of 2 children * African-American * 5' 4 1/2" * breast cancer survivor (so she's a strong woman) She prefers a man who is: * at least 35 years old * over 6' tall * average to fit build * African-American If you think you are or know a man who would be interested, let me know. Those interested will get contact info, if they are true and sincere.
Being With You--smokey Robinson
Tears Of A Clown--smokey Robinson And The Miracles
Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing
Take Me Home Tonight--eddie Money
Lord Is It Mine--supertramp
A Not-so-private Pc
The personal computer may soon be not-so-private, with the U.S. and some European nations working on laws allowing them access to search the content held on a person's hard drive. President Obama's administration is keeping unusually tight-lipped on the details, which is raising concerns among computer users and liberty activists. Almost everyone today owns a music player and a laptop. But what if the Government decided to allow itself to access these personal devices for no specific reason whatsoever? Read more In extreme secrecy from the public, the Obama administration is hammering out an international copyright treaty with several other countries and the European Union. Under the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), governments will get sweeping new powers to search and seize material thought to be in breach of copyright. While the Obama administration calls these secretive plans a development of “national security,” Richard Stallman, a prominent American s
"promise" For My Lil Dark Star
Promise I will be your Dark Angel, I will hold you, when you cry, and make you soar when your happy. Protect you from the world, and be your cure When everything seems to be against you I shall be there to catch you When the people want you to fall. I shall walk with you, You will never be alone. I shall be your Shield, when the armies try to strike. Carry you further, when your legs cant make the goal you want. I will be your guide When you become lost I will hold you you close when you are afraid. I will shall Cover you, with my wings When you are cold. I will bring a smile to your face When you don't think you can. I will be your the one you will awake to each day. I will be there when you lay to rest. I WILL FOREVER BE WITH YOU! Galvin Knight (c) 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Coldplay-speed Of Sound
The Path
Omg I Can't Believe I Did It Again
Reba Mcentire
Reba McEntire Country Singer / Actor Born: 28 March 1955 Birthplace: McAlester, Oklahoma Best known as: Country singer and sometime actress Reba McEntire first reached the country music charts in 1976, but it wasn't until 1984 that she had hit records in "How Blue" and "Somebody Should Leave." By 1987 she had been named the Country Music Association's Female Vocalist of the Year four times in a row. In the 1990s she continued to tour and record and branched out into television and movie roles. In late 2000 she took over the title role of Annie Oakley in the Broadway show Annie Get Your Gun. Extra credit: McIntire made her motion picture debut in the 1990 film Tremors.

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