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Chapter two the battle

It was a desolate morning with the sun hiding behind a blanket of clouds hovering the horizon looking like they could engulf the earth. Inuyasha and his friends awoke with the sound of trees rustling in the distance and an erie familiar stench in the air that made them all shake with an uneasiness that disaster was coming. “I smell a demon nearby and it carries Narakus scent,” exclaimed Inuyasha. Miroku and Sango agreed as the rose to their feet. Feeling her heart almost jumping out of her chest, “I sense a jewel shard and its getting closer” in a whisper of a voice from Kagome (who is just starting to get over larenjitus). Kirara transforms and Sango and Miroku jump on in a flight to see what this demon could be. Kagome and Shippo get onto Inuyashas back so they could keep up with the gang. Inuyasha thinking “Maybe this time I will find Naraku.”M Up ahead in the distance they see a demon, standing about three stories in the sky, eyes so evil that you could easily mistake him for the devil himself, he had dark brown fur that covered his body completely, horns that came out from the top of his head all they way down to his tail, claws that looked sharp as knives and were as long as a tall tree. He smelled like a skunk that had just released his poison as if to keep predators away only it was worse. Inuyasha set Kagome and Shippo down in a safe distance from the creature. Miroku jumped off of Kirara onto the ground beside Inuyasha. They all held their noses in disgust of the fowl odor that crept through the air. Sango hollers “He is headed for a small village just beyond the trees. We need to stop him before he gets to close.” “ Okay Miroku lets take him down. It shouldn’t be a problem. Hmm. Stay back Kagome.” Pronounces Inuyasha in his usual cocky voice. Inyasha runs in front of the giant beast as if to attack him and asks him “whats your problem demon?” “My name is Nominosukune and I am taking this land as my own. If you leave now I may let you live.” Barked the large reincarnated demon. “That is what u think.” Inuyasha stammered as he jumped up and yelled “WINDSCAR”. The wind force around the blade whirreled and hissed through the air and the ground till it made a direct hit to Nominosukune. As the dust and the flames settled allowing the smoke to clear, everyone looked oh to surprised to see that Nominosukune was still standing. With mimicking laughter in his voice, Nominosukune with a simple wave of his hand as to brush a butterfly away, knocked Inuyasha far away from where he stood, slamming him forcefully to the ground. Nominosukune said “ Was that supposed to hurt or were you just trying to tickle me to death.” You can’t hurt me I am like no other u have seen.” Miroku in a heeded warn voice “Another one of Narakus reincarnations no doubt. See the spider mark imbedded in his back.” Inuyasha rises to his feet alittle shaken up realizing that this reincarnation is a lot bigger and much stronger than what they have dealed with in the past. “Wheres Naraku you wanna be demon” states Inuyasha as he goes after Nominosukune again only to be flung across the sky once again like it was no effort for the strange reincarnation of Naraku for the second time. “Inuyasha” Kagome yells in a strained whisper of concern for his safety. Sango “ He is too big and powerful. We need to do something different if we r going to try and stop this creature before he reaches the village.” Meanwhile Sesshomoru and Sesshome finally arrive to were Jaken and Rin have been waiting until his return. “My lord” screeches Jaken “what has taken you so long sire. We have been awaiting for almost two weeks for your return.” “I am so happy to see you Lord Sesshomoru” announces Rin looking at the half demon with strange confused eyes “Who may I ask is she Lord Sesshomoru.” Asks Rin in a low voice as she were afraid of annoying him with the question. In an instance Sesshomoru turned around and stated in a low annoyed voice “Naraku”. Smelling his stinch in the air not so very far away. “Stay here Sesshome, Jaken and Rin will stay here with you. I have to do something. I will be right back.” With a nervous look in her eye Sesshome nods her head in agreement. Sesshomoru takes off in the direction of where Inuyasha and his friends are unbeknownst to him that this is just another one of Narakus reincarnations. Sesshome looks on as he leaves wandering where he is going and if he is returning. She hangs her head in a bowed position, sighs and faces towards where Jaken and Rin are standing. As Sesshomoru continues to get closer he notices the sent of his younger brother Inuyasha and his companions. Thinking to himself Sesshomoru in him mind dares Inuyasha to interfere again. He plans on killing Naraku for good this time. The sound of the battle rings in his ears as he sees the giant beast that stands taller then the treetops. “An incarnation, how predictable, Naraku” Sesshomoru says to himself. “The coward, but this incarnation will tell me where he is or he will die.” Sesshomoru thought as he draws his sword and goes near the demon. “Sesshomoru I don’t need your help or presence, go away this one is mine.” Hollers Inuyasha in a tired and untamed voice. “Where is Naraku. Tell me now demon.” Sesshomoru proclaims. “Or perish just like Naraku will.” Naraku contemplating on his next move, sits on the floor inside his castle with one knee up and his arm resting on it as though it were the arm of a recliner. Naraku watches what he thinks is amusing through the mirror that Kana holds. “Ahh Sesshomoru now that you have made your appearance your body will be mine,” Naraku thinking aloudly, “I will have your demonic powers and it will enhance mine by far.” Kagura stammers…; as she holds her fan over her chest as to protect her heart that isn’t even there, “You have tried once before and failed. Do you really want to be embarrassed by trying it again.” “Only because Inuyasha interfered, he exclaims glaring at Kagura as though rays could shoot out of his eyes and kill her right on the spot for saying such a thing, but it won’t happen again.” “Kagura go their and then follow Sesshomoru. I want to know where he has been and want he is doing. So I can plan to take my new body.” Kagura stood and bowed before him, acknowledging Narakus order. “As you wish, Naraku.” She takes a feather from her hair and in a whirlwind disappears. “Your strong I will give ya that,” Inuyasha tells Nominosukune in a bound to strike at the demon once again, “but just like everyother demon your going down.” Sesshomoru leaps into the air with Tokijin to strike the demon as well but gets thrown backward only to land on his side in a cloud of dust. Inuyasha as well gets tossed aside like a ragdoll. Sango uses her hariaikotsu, but it forged right back at her and knocks her and Kirara out of the sky and onto the ground. Miroku rushes to her side. “Are u alright?” he asks her with worry in his eyes. Looking at the demon he takes off the beads that control the power to his hand. “Wind tunnel.” Shouts Miroku. But to no avail it is useless only sucking everything surrounding the demon. Kagome even gives it a try with her sacred arrow and fails not even putting a scratch on the ferocious beast. “The jewel,” Kagome announces with Shippo attached to her shoulder in fear for his life, “it is in his chest, his heart, I can see it.” “He carries multiple shards, not just one, aim for his heart Inuyasha.” As reguested Inuyasha aims for his heart, but still nothing. The demon then decides to end it all with some magic powers that he has been hiding. Venomous saliva seeps through his mouth as a ray of tremendous red light forges from it unto all of them. They jump out of the way only to be blown back from the impact from the blast. They slowly rise to their feet. “Oh so that is your secret weapon, huh, not very powerful to me though. Bet you can’t try that again.” Inuyasha tells Nominosukune in a sarcastic voice. Annoyed the beasty looking demon tries it again. Just the opportunity Inuyasha was looking for. In that instant the demon forces his power Inuyasha calls upon his backlash wave. Therefore destroying Nominosukune. In the clearing of the smoke and dust they see the forged shards of the jewel laying on the ground where he stood. Before they can get to it Narakus’ bees grabs it and flies away. They can’t get to the bees before they flee from site. “Damn.” Inuyasha blurts out. “Once again Naraku escapes with the jewel. Damn him!” Inuyasha says as he turns to everyone making sure that they are all okay. Inuyasha and the gang go over to the village to make sure all the people are ok and are invited to stay for dinner and a place to sleep for the night and rest after a fierce battle. Unknown to Sesshomoru, Kagura with Narakus orders follows him to spy see where and what he is up to…………
It was clear evening when Sesshomoru returned to where he left Seashore with Jake and Ran. They were sitting around a small fire that Jake had prepared for them. Still covered in her cloak that her wolf father gave her she looked up with a sigh of relief on her face to see that Sesshomoru had returned safely from wherever he had gone. Rin with a gleam of excitement in her eyes welcomed his return. “Lord Sesshomoru, I am glad you are back.” “My lord was you successful in defeating Naraku although I wish you took me with I could have helped you.” Stated Jaken. Sesshome just sat quietly feeling a presence close by but unsure what it could be. She looked around to see if she could see what she was feeling. But she saw nothing. Kagura hiding behind some trees watching them sternly curious as to who the person hidden under the cloak could be. “Sesshomoru insisted that everyone get some sleep because they were to go on a journey in the morning. He sat beside Sesshome close to the fire and looked up into the darkness of the sky only lit by the fullness of the moon and stars. Kagura looks away thinking to herself that Naraku would be interested in this traveler that now accompanies Sesshomoru, but who is this person or thing wrapped up in that cloak Kagura thinks to herself, there is no scent of anything human, demon, death, life, nothing. In the blink of an eye she disappears in a dust of wind. Sesshome lays her head on Sesshomorus lap and they all sleep soundly for the night. Morning comes in a beautiful ray of sunshine showing over the mountaintops gleaming a warm light over the horizon. Sesshome awake and soaking in the warm from the cool mist of the night takes in a deep breath. She looks over her shoulder to see Sesshomoru standing behind her with a look of concern in his eyes. Wandering what she could be thinking and asking her if she is ok. Looking back around to the sunshine she looks down to the ground and sighs. “Sesshomoru, I am still unclear about most of my past. I know that you are my elder brother and I know I have a twin somewhere, but there are so many unanswered questions.” Sesshome explains turning towards Sesshomoru looking up into his eyes to see if she can find the answers she seeks in them. Looking back at her Sesshomoru answers, “I will tell you everything in due time, but I only want to explain this once so therefore I will explain it to you and your brother together. He may not be too eager to know. We do not get along, however, I will do my best to let you know everything there is.” As they get done with their few words Jaken and Rin awake to find the two of them in deep discussion. Curious to whom the girl is. Rin asks quietly in an unsure voice to Sesshome, “I was wandering who are you. You didn’t speak when we tried to talk to you last night.” Sesshomoru steps in and answers the little girl. “ Her name is Sesshome and she is my younger sister, Inuyashas twin sister.” Jaken looks up with his bottom jaw dropping almost to the ground. Rin smiles, “Wow, really, I didn’t know you had any other family Lord Sesshomoru. That is wonderful. See I knew you weren’t alone.” “Jaken help Rin find some breakfast we aren’t staying long. We will wait for you here.” Sesshomoru commands Jaken. Meanwhile at Narakus castle being informed of the stranger in a white cloak traveling with Sesshomoru. Curiosity intrigues him so much that he tells Kagura to prepare to leave. “This will be my chance to take Sesshomoru as my new body. And whoever the stranger is, it will be interesting to see who or what it is.” In a low toned evil snicker, Naraku and Kagura prepare to leave. Sesshome calls for Ogomu, in the distance she sees a stream flash coming towards her in a speed of light. Feeling like a hurricane passing through, making the limbs from the nearby trees rustle their leaves and Sesshome and Sesshomorus hair whip around their faces, Ogomu lands a few feet beside her. Ogomu rubs his head against her waist as if delighted to see her. Sesshome pets and hugs him to let him know that they r still friends. Sesshomoru stands about arms length behind her deep in thought of everything from the past and what the future will bring. He starts thinking to himself if it was a mistake to bring her here. Did he do it for his own selfish reasons. He thinks, “I care about her too much to let anything happen to her, she is like a daughter to me more than a younger sister.” Sesshome turns to look at him wandering where he could be. Gazing into his face searching for what he could be thinking with such a look of pain in his eyes. She never saw him in such desaray before. Noticing that she is looking at him, he reaches out and touches Sesshome on her shoulder letting her know that everything is okay. Never the one to show emotion, he cracks a somewhat smile at her letting her know that everything was okay. She raises up her arms and wraps them around Sesshomoru. “I am frightened. I don’t know what to expect. The only home I have ever known is gone away from me now. I know there is no turning back for I have to do this.” Sesshome whispered to her elder brother holding on tightly. Sesshomoru petted her head and let her know that everything will be fine and that she will see. The day grew shorter as the sun went down as if to go to bed to rise another day. Sesshome watched as Jaken made a fire for all of them as the night air brought about a chilly mist. Sesshome watched the flames of the fire rise as if they could touch the sky and level out to a nice warm blaze. Rin sat down beside her putting her hands next to the fire as if to warm them up. “Mmm…this feels nice and warm Jaken. Thankyou!” exclaimed Rin. Sesshome just smiled as she continued to gaze in the fire. Sesshomoru sitting down leaning against a tree just a few feet from the fire looks out into the night as if waiting to see something to come. Rin stretches her arms and yawns looking around with tired little eyes. “I am tired. I think I will go to bed now. Goodnight everyone.” Whispers Rin in a groggy voice. Sesshome gets up to help the little girl to make herself a bed. Rin says to her “ I know u don’t say much. But I think you are really nice, especially being Sesshomorus little sister. I am glad now that I am not the only girl. Goodnight Sesshome and don’t worry about anything Lord Sesshomoru will protect us.” Sesshome just looked down at Rin and smiled as she turned over to go to sleep. Sesshome rises to her feet and turns and looks at the moon. Walking over to the edge of the meadow where they made camp, she stops and stares up at it. With a worried look upon her face, Sesshomoru walks over and asks her what is wrong. Shesshome states. “Look up at the moon Sesshomoru. It is as if though it was bleeding. My father told me it is a sign of danger to come. Something dreadful is about to happen and I don’t know what it is.” She turns and looks at her elder brother. “Don’t worry Sesshome. I would do everything in my power to make sure nothing ever happens to you. You will be safe, trust me…” Sesshomoru tells her. He puts his arm around her and they walk back to where the fire is. They sit and watch the fire as sparks and ashes from the burning wood fly through the air as to try and escape from the flames. Silence filled the air as they lay down for a good night sleep. Suddenly Sesshomoru jumps to his feet noticing a familiar odor heading towards them. “Naraku” Sesshomoru says under his breath quietly as though not to wake the others. But Sesshome also sensed something strange and unusual. She sat up looking at Sesshomoru, a slight twinge of fear seeping through her blood stream making her shake alittle with a hint of uneasiness. Sesshomoru tells Sesshome to stay here and hide. He puts out the fire and Sesshome wakes the others to get under cover from the danger about to arise from the east. Sesshomoru starts to head out to meet Naraku. Jaken is however aminent about leaving with him, but Sesshomoru refuses thinking that it would be better if he stays here to protect Sesshome and Rin letting him know that he was counting on him to do so. Thinking, he sets out to follow the sent “Is it he or just another one of his reincarnations.” No he says to himself it can’t be this scent is too strong to be anything else but him. Sesshome looks on as he leaves and turns to look at the moon. “Is this what the blood was about.” She asks herself. Sesshomoru stops abrubtly to catch a glimpse of Naraku, with Kagura standing by his side. Naraku “ Well Sesshomoru, finally you have decided to drop in. I have been waiting for you, just in time I might add.” “I thought that was your stinch lurking through the air Naraku only this time you won’t escape me.” Sesshomoru tells him. Sesshomoru unsheathes Tokigin and lungs towards Naraku. Naraku blocks his attack. Vine like arms desend from Narakus body and lashes out at Sesshomoru. Sesshomoru cuts through most of them with his sword but is struck by the ones that he didn’t get. Sesshomoru lands hard on the ground below bleeding from his side as the vine like arms are retreats back into Narakus body like a yoyo. With a smirk on his face Naraku therefore lungs towards Sesshomoru. “I told u Sesshomoru I will have your body this time. And no one is here to interfere.” Kagura stands back watching the two as they fight looking around as waiting to expect something or someone. “Sesshomoru came alone, where is that cloaked person or demon or whatever it is, is at.” Kagura says under her breath restless from the waiting and wandering of her mind. Sesshomoru jumps out of the way and thrusts Tokigin towards Naraku only to be blocked again. “What is this, Naraku is much stronger than before, but I will prevail.” Sesshomoru thinks as he makes another attempt to slay Naraku. Narakus vine like arms come out of his body again lashing out at Sesshomoru striking his legs as he tried to evade the attack. Knocked down to the ground and struggling to his feet the blood seemed to be eminent. Sesshome knows the Sesshomoru is in trouble. She can smell his blood. She gets up to leave to go and find him when Jaken attempts to try and stop her from leaving. “No my lady, don’t go, you mustn’t. Lord Sesshomoru said to stay here and for me to protect you and Rin.” Making an effort to grab her arm so she couldn’t leave, Sesshome breaks away with ease for Jaken isn’t strong enough to hold her back. “I am going to help my brother. He is in danger. I can smell his blood. You can stay here and protect Rin.” Sesshome tells Jaken. “Ogomu!” cries out Sesshome loudly. The great beast, hearing her plea flies down as quick as lightening to where she stood. “No matter what happens Jaken. You get Rin out of here. I know there is trouble and Sesshomoru is in deep. Just by the smell of the blood, he needs me.” Sesshome tells Jaken as she climbs upon Ogomu. They fly towards to where Sesshomoru scent is and lands down behind some trees undetected by Naraku and Kagura. The cloak that Sesshome wears hides her scent well. She looks beyond the bushes to see what is going on and to see what she can do to help. Sesshomoru bleeding from the wounds on him lashes out at Naraku with Tokijin not allowing any sign of emotion to show from the pain of the wounds in his body that seem to be seeping some kind of poison from the vine like arms that come from Narakus body. Naraku smiling and laughs at him as he blocks the attack once again and retaliating his attack against Sesshomoru. Tokijin is then ripped away from Sesshomorus hand as he is thrusted back by Narakus’ attack on him. In a cloud of dust, Sesshomoru attempts to struggle to his feet and fails. Not realizing that not only was Tokijin knocked out of his hand but the only that keeps him from perishing was also knocked from his side, Tensaiga. Seshomoru comes to his knees looking how far his blade lies from him which is only a few feet from where Sesshome is hiding behind the bushes. Scared and unsure of what to do, Sesshome looks at Sesshomoru and knows that he can’t take much more. “Now I have you Sesshomoru your body will be mine.” Cackling in the most evil way, Naraku starts to go after Sesshomoru. Sesshome frightened did the only thing that came to mind. Running out from behind the bushes, she reaches for and grasps ahold of Tokijin. Sesshome striking out and attacking Naraku before he has a chance to reach Sesshomoru cries out with tears running down her face. “Nooooo!” Naraku caught off guard by Sesshome’s actions was thwarted back just a few feet from Seshome. Sesshomoru barely on his knees looks in horror as he sees Sesshome just a few feet away from Naraku. Sesshome stands their panting from fear. Her cloak still concieling her looks from Naraku. “I don’t know who you are, but you have placed yourself in a situation from which you will not survive.” States Naraku as he lungs towards Sesshome with his vine like tentacles forging themselves from his body attacking Sesshome. Sesshome does all she can to hold him off but she wasn’t strong enough. She was then thrown back so eminsely that the hood of her cloak was knocked off of her head. The dust wasn’t settled enough for Naraku to see. Sesshomoru struggled to get to his feet so he could go be by her side and get her to safety. It was futile for Naraku sent his tentacle arms after him. They forced through his legs and through his arm and wrapped around his body and neck holding him tightly and then binding him to a tree. In pain, Sesshomoru looks over watching Sesshome shakily rise to her feet. Blood streaming from her mouth from the impact, she looked up at to where Naraku had him bound. Then looked towards where Naraku stood. The expression on Narakus face, he was astounded by the sight he was taking in. Kagura looked in misbelief. “What do we have here, a female half demon.” Naraku speaks as the scent of her becomes clear to him now
It was a cold stormy day that seemed to last for eternity. Sesshomoru looking on with an concentrated look upon his face, his eyes looking onward as if he was anxious about something distressful, his hair flowing in the breeze as if tiny hands in the wind were holding it in air playing with it freely. Memories flash back from the past remembering words that his father had said to him. “Is there something I want to protect” he thought to himself over and over again. Remembering how he saw the woman who bore half demon babies. His father’s babies and how she begged Sesshomoru to take one so that maybe one would survive. Thinking back wandering “ Why did I feel like I needed to take one. I didn’t keep her. I gave her away to someone else. Even though I visited often in the beginning.” He had thought to himself with a sigh of disgust for being weak when it came to her. More thoughts came to his brain… “ I remember when I saw her. She was the only one not crying. She looked up at me as to reach me with her eyes. I kneeled down to pick her up. She smiled at me. No one ever smiles at me. I do not even smile. That must be a human trait.” He thought to himself again looking out into the sky that was turning blacker still from the thundering madness of the weather. “I know what I must do. The key lies with her. Neither, Inuyasha or myself can defeat him without her. Not even with the help of his friends. It will take more than just all of us together. How I dread the thought of having to work with him. But I realize I have no choice. Not if I want to defeat Naraku. But I don’t want to take her from the safety of her home. No one can find, her their. She is safe. But I have no choice it is time for her to help. She may never forgive me for keeping these secrets even though she knows some things about her past but not all of it.” So begins the task to get her and bring her back with him. It took three days for Sesshomoru to reach his destination. He stops before a huge mountainside full of tall green pines that seem to reach the sky. White daisies with a touch of gold in the middle to give it that lustering glow. The air smelled so fresh and pure as if nothing has ever defiled the grounds that he walks. The sky blue so blue as if clouds of any kind has ever touched it. This is beautiful place to hope that this will always stay in pleasant harmony of the land. Sesshomoru walks deeper into the mountain. Two demons jump out from the bushes to block his path. “ Lord Sesshomoru; says one of the soldiers” Their long white hair shimmering in the sun features that of a wolf demon. They both kneel before him with respect as if he were a king. Where is Dawgoramu, the leader of the white wolf demon tribe and the man who raised the one Sesshomoru seeks as his own ever since she was brought to years ago, and Sesshome. They rise to their feet…“ My lord, Sesshome has been waiting for your return for so long. She has almost given up hope that you would come back.” This way my lord I will take you to them.” Says the first white wolf demon soldier. As they enter the den, Dawgoramu turns around with such surprise to see the young Lord standing before him. He stands and bows before Sesshomoru. Your little sister will be so pleased to see you my Lord. He raises and offers Sesshomoru a seat. They start to converse over Sesshome and Sesshomorus plans. Off in the distance covered in a white cloak, Sesshome a half dog demon and half human twin sister of Inuyasha, sits down by the mountain pond wading in it as if to cool her down. In an instant, she smells the air and gets a familiar scent. An exspression of the most joy comes over her face and her eyes widen with delight. She gets up and starts to run as if the wind is carrying her by her feet. Faster and faster she goes until she reaches the den were the man the raised her and the man she has known to be her brother that in the past used to visit often except lately got to be less frequent. She stops suddenly looking at Sesshomoru in intense revelations. So many questions running through her head right now about everything that she needs so desperately to know. Tears start to over come her joyous expression and fear sets in. The fear that she thought she would never see him again. In a moment of overwhelming happiness she runs towards him and throws her arms around him wandering why. She holds him so tight as if to never let him go for she may never get to see him again and that maybe the next time he leaves he won’t return. In a moment of compassion he hugs her in return and apologizes for not being here for her. In a painful cry she asks him “ Why did it take you so long to return? I waited and waited and feared the worst had happened to you. I wanted to look for you but father wouldn’t let me. He said it would be too dangerous for me. Before that I slept for many years and I still do not know why that happened to me. You told me there were a lot of things that you needed to tell me. I have no answers. Looking up into his eyes with a sign of relief that he was ok still wandering what he has been doing. Please Sesshomoru I need to know.” Sesshomoru looks down into her eyes and tells her. “That is why I am hear. It is time you knew the truth and it is time that I took you from this place. You have been sheltered from everything for far too long. Some of the stuff she has known but Sesshomoru fills her in on the rest of everything that has been going on. Told her who her real parents were, even though she knew of her father she never really knew of her mother. Why she is there and that she has a brother. A twin brother, one who is half demon like she. With such amazement in her eyes she listen, intensly, to what they have to say. Sesshomoru and Sesshome attempt to leave the den. “Wait!” Exclaims Dawgoramu with a distressful and worried look upon his face. “Take this Sesshome”, he hands her the white cloak.” This will protect you from others picking up your scent. And will protect you mostly from attacks that most demons will try to do. And please be careful.” He looks at Sesshomoru. “She may not be my real daughter, but she always has been in my heart. Protect as if she were your very own. That is all I have to say”. He kisses Sesshome on the forhead and lets her know that she always has a home here. “If anything should go wrong you know where we are. And one more thing”, Dawgoramu whitles and in the distance through the sky an image appears and gets closer with lightening speed. Sesshomoru in an attack stance looks at Dawgoramu and expressionlessly asks what that is. “It is Sesshomes extra protection. Call it also a fast getaway. His name is Ogomu.” Flying down to wear they are a grand looking demon animal with the wings of a bird, the face of a lion, the body and tail of a dragon, and the legs of a horse beautifully designed in a sequence that doesn’t sound pretty but is so beautiful to the eye. “He is a fine creature and Sesshome and Ogomu has known eachother since they were little. Ogomu is the last of his kind. He will be a good companion and protector. I would feel better if he accompanies you on your endeavors.” Sesshomoru agrees hesitantly. They both climb on his back and flies off. Dawgoramu looks on with sadness in his heart. “Be careful my daughter. You will be missed.” A tear falls slowly from his eye………
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