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Depois do prazer

Tô fazendo amor com outra pessoa

Mas meu coração, vai ser pra sempre seu

O que o corpo faz a alma perdoa

Tanta solidão, quase me elouqueceu

Vou falar que é amorVou jurar que é paixão

E dizer o que eu sinto com todo carinho

Pensando em você

Vou fazer o que for e com toda emoção

A verdade é que eu minto, que eu vivo sozinho

Não sei te esquecer

E depois acabou, ilusão que eu criei

Emoção foi embora e a gente só pede pro tempo correr

Já não sei quem me amou

Que será que eu falei?

Dá pra ver nessa hora que o amor só se mede

Depois do prazer


Fica dentro do meu peito

Sempre uma saudade 

Só pensando no teu jeito

Eu amo de verdade

E quando desejo vem

É teu nome que eu chamo

Posso até gostar de alguém

Mas é você que eu amo


Vou falar que é amor

Vou jurar que é paixão

E dizer o que eu sinto com todo carinho

Pensando em você

Vou fazer o que for e com toda emoção

A verdade é que eu minto, que eu vivo sozinho

Não sei te esquecer

E depois acabou, ilusão que eu criei

Emoção foi embora e a gente só pede pro tempo correr

Já não sei quem me amou

Que será que eu falei?

Dá pra ver nessa hora que o amor só se mede

Depois do prazer

The sun beating on my skin reminded me of you

I remembered how once we were

For a brief second I was happy again


I wondered

Do I ever cross your mind

You are always on mine

Do you ever dream of me

You are often in mine


It is just too bad we fell apart

I thought we were meant to be

Forever was what I thought


I wonder where you are

I have all of our pictures

The pieces are in a box

Good show

How I wish you would call


I will be here

If you need me sooner than later don’t worry I am still here

If you miss me just turn around


I am still the same person, I haven’t changed

I am not in the clouds as you might have heard

I have always missed you and longed to hear your voice


If you haven’t forgotten me don’t worry I feel the same

Where there once were flames you will certainly find heat

I still love you


I have always thought of you

I have never forgotten you


Whenever you feel lonely

You need love or a friend

You can count on me to comfort you


Whenever you are in doubt

Your heart troubled with worries

Don’t ever forget you have me


Count on me through thick or thin

If one day you realize that you need love

And it is me you want

I will be here

If I must confess

If I must confess:

I drink too much coffee

I really don’t care for team sports

I might have been unfaithful

I don’t play well with others

I don’t like jewelry



No one loves you as I do

You might not care


If I must confess:

I never go to bed at the same time

I don’t like to floss

I don’t remember the last time I cried

I love grey skies


Nothing has been easy in my life

You know that

You know me enough

Without you, life is bland


Sometimes I get tired of all this

Every day is Groundhog Day

I have never forgotten you

Loving you is inevitable


I have always known

When you are going to criticize

Start with yourself

Situations changes

It is not always a bad thing

There is hope

You don’t have to say it

I have always known

You ……

I will find a way

Tracie M: not, what i hate and have rold you is how people mcome into my life, act like they care and rthen djisappear, and what to know why i get upset

spartukus03: this is how I look at it Tracie. I approach you and talk to you, attempt to talk you at a later time and get the perception that you are busy or don't want to talk to me at the moment so I just let you be and sort of wait for you to contact me... months later when you haven't contacted me I try to say hello again...... but if you categorize me as one of those people who come in your life pretend to care and then disappear... that is too bad because that isn't me.... and since those people bother you and I am in that category I will be sure not to do it again

Tracie M: reality is i dont leave my house and i dont talk to anyone anymore, so that is fine, you r better off that way forgetting you ever talked tome, i am not worth a poen ny

spartukus03: that is certainly not the case Tracie... I don't talk to you because I am better off talking to you, it isn't because I want something from you. I talk to yo because I simply have enjoyed talking to you... and the only reason I mentioned I think I should stop altogether is because you seemed to have categorized me in the group of people who come in, pretend to care, then leave... I don't think that is me specially if you stop to think when was the last time you wrote me or text me or contacted me compared to how often I have tried to contact you..... but since I am in the category of people who bother you then i don't want to bother you

Tracie M: then dont because i have nithing to offer anyoine

spartukus03: that is what I am trying to say

spartukus03: I don't care what you have to offer

Tracie M: ok,hen it is simple

spartukus03: it has never been about what you have to offer

Tracie M: i have nothing to offer period

spartukus03: don't you think that there might be people out there who aren't out to get things from others?

Tracie M: i just want to be out of this world, plain and simple

spartukus03: who simply enjoy engaging other people, sharing ideas, and experiences?

spartukus03: you want to be out of this world huh? that is a real shame

Tracie M: now really, i have been doing alot ofmthinking nand nthat is my goal, just getting my anumals a place to live,

spartukus03: that is just too bad, but if you have your mind made up, who am I to try to change it

spartukus03: after all, you don't think I actually care so anything I say will be in vain

Tracie M: you cant, a peraon can only hadnle so much pain and huet and i hit myine

spartukus03: no, a person can endure so much more... no one has ever died from a broken heart

spartukus03: people have given up because of a broken heart

spartukus03: or because of the pain and hurt you are talking about

spartukus03: but that is because they gave up

spartukus03: I suppose I just think differently


spartukus03: yeah I gathered that, and that is why I think it is shame, and why I won't try to change your mind....

spartukus03: but I will tell you that if you need me I am here for you as much as possible and have always been

spartukus03: you just never reached out

Tracie M: i have tried for 2 yrs, and veryone think i can just stop hburtong, how fucking funny that is, if life was that easy, we wouldnt all be running around hating each other m0re and more, but for me, i try and try and try and ni just keep getting hurt no matter what approach i take, i am just over no skleeping, no eatong, not caring, cant even get out of bed, and so many tears, life isnt suppose to gurt like this

Tracie M: and i am tird of talking about it, it fixes nothing

Tracie M: becuaae you had a woman, and as much as i could have fucked with that, i didnt

spartukus03: you are a better person then that

Tracie M: yes i am, and that is why i qm akone

Tracie M: becuase no one wants a good woman

Tracie M: they want drama,games, and whatever else, i stipped trying to figure it out a long time ago why i get to pay for being a good woman

spartukus03: because you are a good person and a good woman, men have taken advatage of that... it isn't your fault


spartukus03: when some one is happy with who they are they don't need some one else to make themselves feel better..... maybe you just need some time off be alone... maybe away from men altogether

spartukus03: I don't want to make it seem like I know the answers

spartukus03: God knows I don't

spartukus03: and I would never offend you in that way by assuming I know what is wrong or that I know how you feel

spartukus03: I simply don't

spartukus03: but there is one thing I believe to be true

spartukus03: and that is where there is a will there is a way

spartukus03: if your will is to end your life... you will do that

spartukus03: if your will is to live life

spartukus03: you will do that too

spartukus03: if your will is to stop hurting, and feeling all this pain... you will find the way to do that

spartukus03: you said you have tried it in many different ways

spartukus03: but tell me something

spartukus03: have you tried being alone?

spartukus03: or simply being away from men

spartukus03: because to me (from the little I know) men are the cause of most of your pain



spartukus03: I am sure it is not

Tracie M: i still have needs, and i stilll want to be held and kissed and toiuched

spartukus03: I understand that

spartukus03: but those needs you have are temporarely fulfilled by men who don't care

spartukus03: and that in the long run hurt you more

spartukus03: I bet they hurt you more now then the pain you feel by being alone or not having those needs you speak of fulfilled

Tracie M: no worries, it wont wver hapopen again

spartukus03: I am afraid the reason it won't happen again isn't because things got better

spartukus03: but you have made up your mind

spartukus03: for what it is worth, some guy that you never really met actually cared, and enjoyed your company even if just over the internet

spartukus03: I hope you find the peace, and happiness you search

Tracie M: there is no peace on this earth, and dont worry, you will forget my name very soon,

spartukus03: I beg to differ in all counts

spartukus03: There is peace on this earth

spartukus03: I do worry

Tracie M: then you will have agood nlife, mine is doine

spartukus03: and I will never forget you or your name

Tracie M: will please do, because you cant help me

spartukus03: I know that

spartukus03: I already told you

spartukus03: I just wanted you to know that at one point in your life you did meet some one who cared

spartukus03: who noticed what was happening from a far

spartukus03: and just shared some sentiments with you

spartukus03: learned from knowing you

spartukus03: and

spartukus03: took your advises in matter he felt you knew more about life then he did

spartukus03: there Tracie you touched the life of one person in this earth... you are free to go


9 years ago

Before the world changed

That night was dreamy-perfect...

that it was but even more amazing is that

 that night was real

it isn't something we dreamed up

something we fantasized about

it actually happened

I am more complete

more alive for having lived that night

looking back

I wanted you. I wanted you to know we could have been perfect. We had all the right qualities. We looked perfect from a far, when you looked closely we fell apart.

You said I stopped caring, you could not be further from the truth. I cared than and I care still. In reality we were not who we thought we were. Yet I love you.

You took my strength turned it into greed, shallow dreams, selfishness and made it my weakness. You throw my weakness on my face. I loved you because I thought you were the same.

You said I hurt you, I never intended to do so. To you that was worse than intentionally doing it. I guess you saw it as if I did not care enough to see that the things I did hurt you. You deliberately took stabs at me and hurt me often going after things I trusted you with, things you knew would hurt me. I do not know what is worse.

I watched you slowly kill yourself one pill at a time. I watched helplessly. Any thing I said or did was not right, it was not good enough. After all what did I know? I had never been in your shoes. It must have been easy to watch some one you loved deteriorate. Forgive me for not needing those things. Once again, my strength was a source of weakness. It is easy for some one who never tried it to say "just stop" although I never said that.


The other day I saw a girl that reminded me of you. Her skin looked like yours. The scratch marks were visable. I wondered what the scars that once cannot see has done to her soul. She seemed scared and paranoid as if she knew some one was praying on her. She needed her fix. I wanted to approach her but I couldn't.

Not that you are well, you no longer need me. So you curb me and turn my strength into weakness and throw them in my face.

We could have been great. I loved you with all my heart. I hope you take chances in your life, recoop the time you've lost, dance in the rain, find some one you can't live without and never settle for some one you can live with.


Mental Masturbation


I called you yesterday but you didn’t answer,

I wonder where you were; I wonder why didn’t you call?

I am here all alone with nothing going on.

I have to find a cure to this epidemic; Something strong enough to kill the mundane.

I am tired of this mental masturbation; I need something better for my stimulation.


Mental masturbation

It is killing me

If this is the norm

I don’t want to fit it


Today I woke up a little out of it; today I woke up in one of those moods

I turned on the radio to find something good

I got caught up listening that those same corny lyrics

Those lyrics that drives me crazy

They talk about how great they are; without realizing they spit in their plate

Today you are on top, tomorrow you might not


Spinners on your Escalade, grills in your mouth

Ho’s and bitches, money and power

Mental masturbation


To be able to be free you have to learn how to leave the things that trap you in.

You have to understand what trapped you; learn how to walk away

We are all free to do what we want

Don’t be trapped by the mundane

That is not rebellion, its mental masturbation


Start a revolution

Let the world know you have a unique thought

Realize you are a small fish in the vast ocean

There is more to the world then Staten Island


Play Station 3, Xbox

Dungeon and Dragons

MyScape, Facebook, too much hair gel

It is all mental masturbation


I learned that everything changes

The world changes, everything changes

People change; I can change nothing

I change my mind; if I feel like it, if I think it is good for me

I am sick of this mental masturbation


Think for yourself

I don’t need Anderson Cooper, or Bill O’Really

CNN or Fox Networks they are all the same

Oprah, Dr Phill …. Fuck that

Stop, think, analyze

It is mental masturbation


Mental masturbation

It is suffocating me

If this is unique

I don’t want any creativity


What happens tomorrow I don’t know, crystal balls never work on me

I can’t ever do everything the same way, unless I try,

I don’t really try; Try to stimulate my mind

I am not always right, but if you are going to say that, you better be right

I don’t mind the misfortune; a man makes his own luck

Situations change, cease the moment, carpe diem


I live my life my way

Don’t come with your rules, I will break them

I don’t conform to your norms, what is normal?

I just have a different train of thought

You think I am out cast, I think it is bullshit

Life is too short to get caught up in this mental masturbation


I just want to be me

You are the one who doesn’t


I called your yesterday; where did you go?

I wish I could have found it, just to say hi.

I wanted to stimulate my mind.

Life re-starts everyday, so learn how to accept another chance

Laugh at the world, or it will laugh at you

This is masturbation for the brain


A Night with you

I dreamed of this day, where everything was perfect and nothing could go wrong

It was a beautiful mid-summer night

we were in a dark secluded place

   there we stood

the night was beautiful

the stars were plentiful

the fire works were beautiful

there we stared into the night

you were with me


Dinner was amazing

the cozy restaurant was perfect

the pillows made it even more welcoming

as I sat next to you

   the world was perfect

talking to you

enjoying the wine

touching you ever so lightly


He can’t feel the pain

The wounds have turned into scars

the scares make his skin thick and numb to the pain

This makes a man hard

It makes him cold

The world loses its taste Morality, civility is all irrelevant

Can’t feel the pain, do not fit in


The sweltering jungle calls his name, the mosquitoes miss his thick cold blood.

The sky does not let rain pour; there is no reason to, he is not there.

The ground begs for his sweat. The desert is empty without him; it needs him. The dust storms go unnoticed. The sun has no one to bake. The inches of shadows found under a large boulder goes wasted. He is no there.

The cold misses his cold blood. The frigged air has no one to cut and cause blisters. His skin can’t be cracked. The snow can’t melt about him; it can’t blind him with the reflections off of its surface. The morning cold misses the sound of his bone snapping and his joints popping.


He can’t feel the pain

His wounds have turned into scars

The scars have made his skin thick and numb to the pain

He does not feel the pain

Nothing will ever be the same.

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13 years ago
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