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I'm In A Giveaway For A 3 Month VIP I Wanted To See If Any Of My Friends Would Stop By And Leave A Few Comments I Will Return The Favor.Thanks For Stopping By And Looking At My Blog Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated. Here Is My Link To The Giveaway tn_4082413968.jpg Thanks Again Everyone.
1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto! The blockage will be almost instantly removed. 2. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away. 3. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by simply using the sink. 4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer. 5. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. 6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough. 7. Have a bad toothache? Smash your thumb with a hammer and you will forget all about the toothache. 8. Sometimes, we just need to remember what the rules of life really are: You only need two tools - WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does,use the duct tape. 9. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. 10. Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom. Thoughts for the day: If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You get another chance. Be really nice to your family and friends; you never know when you might need them to empty your bedpan. SOME PEOPLE ARE LIKE SLINKIES. . . . . THEY ARE NOT REALLY GOOD FOR ANYTHING .BUT........ ..THEY STILL BRING A SMILE TO YOUR FACE -WHEN YOU PUSH THEM DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS. I THOUGHT THIS WAS FUNNY HOPE YOU ENJOY IT.
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Get More at COMMENTYOU.com To My Global Bomber Family I Want To Say Thank You For Your Kind Words And For Your Support During This Difficult Time I Have Been Going Through You All Are The Best I Send Love And Hugs To You. To Anyone That Views This That Isn't A Member Of Our Family Check Us Out We Are A Family That Helps Others But More Than That We Are A Family That Truely Cares For One Another We Are Here To Help In Contest And Giveaways But More Than That We Are Here For Each Other Just To Talk If You Need A Friend This Is Truely A Great Family If You Like Give Us A Chance And You Can Really Make Some Awesome Friends. Again I Want To Thank My Bomber Family For Caring And For Being There For Me The Global Bombers And Family Rock Hugs To You All If You Are Interested In Joining Our Family Just Click On The Link Check Us Out Read The Rules And Let One Of The Founders Know Hope To See Ya There!!!!!! This Is The Owner Of Our Group The Global Bombers

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Its A Kentucky Thang

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Glitter Text I Thought This Was Cute I Hope You Enjoy This There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 live in Kentucky. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Kentucky plus a couple no one's seen before. If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites. Onced and twiced are words. It is not a shopping cart; it is a buggy. People actually grow and eat okra. Fixinto is one word. There is no such thing as "lunch." There is only dinner and then there is supper. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar! Backards and forwards means "I know everything about you." DJeet? is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?" You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them. YOU KNOW YOU'RE FROM Kentucky IF: You measure distance in minutes. You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day. You use "fix" as a verb. Example: "I'm fixing to go to the store." All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. You know what a "DAWG" is. You carry jumper cables in your car . . . for your OWN car. You only own four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday. You find 100 degrees Fahrenheit "a little warm." You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas. Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as"goin' Wal-martin" or off to "Wally World." You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good pinto-bean weather. A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or coke . . . it's a Pop, regardless of brand or flavor. Example: "What kinda pop you want?" Fried catfish is the other white meat. We don't need no stinking driver's ed . . . if our mama says we can drive, we can drive. "It's a Kentucky Thang" if ur truely a Kentuckian You understand these jokes and forward them to your friends from Kentucky (and those who just wish they were). Not EVERYONE can be a Kentuckian, it's an art form and a gift from God
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
Today Is The Anniversary Of My Little Girl Mary's Death On This Day Alot Of Folks Play April Fool's Jokes On People And Have Alot Of Fun. But For Me And My Family It's A Sad Time. We Miss Our Angel So Much We Remember The Good Times We Had With Her.How Much She Had Grown And Learned In Her 15 Months On This Earth.She Was A Very Special Little Girl Who Touches So Many Hearts.She Was A Mama's Girl And On Days Like Today I Want So Much To Hold Her In My Arms And Never Let Go. But I No I Can't Do That So I Hold Her So Close In My Heart.It's Not The Same But It Helps To Dull The Pain.On This Day If You Have Kids Hold Them Close Let Them No How Special They Are Tell Them You Love Them Cause You Never No There May Come A Day When You Can't Do That Anymore. I Hope You Never Have To Go Through That. But Just In Case Hold Them Close Show Them You Love Them. Do It For The Kids Do It For Me And My Angel. To All My Dear Friends I Want You To No I Love You All And I Care About You All To. Each One Of You Are Very Special To Me Please Keep Me In Your Prayers Today God Bless You All.
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
Courtesy of SparkleTags.com
My Sweet Mary 11/12/99-4/01/2001 Mommy Loves You Sweetheart
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TOP Angels Comment Graphics and Images Friends I know you are probably sick & tired of these child abuse bulletins, but think about this for a minute, If you're sick of hearing it how much more are the kids TIRED OF FEELING IT, HEARING IT, and LIVING IT DAILY!! the83f6023.jpgthe83f6023.jpgthe83f6023.jpgthe83f6023.jpg Remember this to: thShowLetter1.gifthShowLetter1.gif What do you like seeing more? This: yougotmale-1.gifthHappyboymarch302006.jpg Or this: thChildAbusedBone.jpgthPicture33.jpg Plzz will you ALL USE THE TAG BELOW AS YOUR PRIMARY PIC ALL MONTH image.php?u=180080&i=3486060627&tn=1 TO SHOW THAT YOU GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THESE KIDS, and you wanna be a part of the solution ENDING CHILD ABUSE BE THE WAY OUT FOR THE KIDS SO THIS: ISN'T THE ONLY WAY OUT the83f6023.jpgPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketthe83f6023.jpg THE CHOICE IS YOURS I KNOW MINE!!! WE ALL SAY WE LOVE KIDS I'M ASKING YOU TO PROVE IT!!! If you can't help out the kids THEN TO EVERYONE READING THIS DON'T YOU EVER ASK ME TO HELP YOU W/A CONTEST AGAIN !!!!
Music Video Codes by VideoCure
ORIGINALLY POSTED BY ROSIE newhairstyleandcolor2.jpg IN MEMORY OF McCAYLA & ALL THE LITTLE McCAYLA'S OUT THERE!! stopchildabusebeads.gifMcCayla.jpgstopchildabusebeads.gif
This Sweet Lady Is Trying To Win A Blast Come And Help Her Out Please She Only Needs 25000 To Get Her Blast Please Help If You Can Drop In And Leave Her A Few Comments Thanks She Only Has Till May 31 To Get The Rest Of The Comments She Needs image.php?u=159310&i=1859344329&tn=1
sexy & romantic glitter graphics myspace code sexy images
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
Hello my name is Angel Dean, I am 25 years old and I live in Indiana and this is my story. It all began in the fall of 1998. I was 16 years old and not a care in the world but, all of that was about to change. In a conversation with my mom I said, "Mom I have a hard spot under my right lung" the next thing I knew I was at deaconess hospital getting a cat scan. I remember what happened next the next thing like it was yesterday. The doctor that read my results told me and my mom that I needed to go to Indianapolis right away. He also informed us about the very large mass that he had detected on my scan. Well as it turned out when we got to Indy we met DR. Crawford in pediatrics. He confirmed that he had never seen anything like this before in his life, so we were sent to another doctor then another and another, and still none of them had ever seen anything quiet like my case. On November 1, 1998 the Doctors performed an angiogram to make sure this mass did not involve my aorta artery, the artery main artery of the heart, and thank goodness it did not but, what it did show is that I needed surgery FAST!!! Then on November 15, 1998 we received a call from Dr Fredrick Rescorla a pediatric surgeon at Riley Hospital in Indy. He made it very clear that we needed to get to Indy as soon as possible to discuss surgery options. He asked my mom how soon we could get there and parents had me there the very next day which was great because he had already set up the surgery for November 17, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. We left on the 16th to begin our trip. My whole family came with me which consisted of my parents and my younger sister Krystal and my even younger brother Donald. We arrived at Riley Hospital at about 12:45 on the 17th. I registered with the office, had an IV started in my arm and was wheeled away heading to what was said to be a four hour surgery that ended up being close to 18 hours. I really don’t remember much of anything for the first few days after that only what my mom tells me. She stayed at the hospital with me the whole time. I had a number of procedures done while in the hospital some of which I do remember and hoped that I would never have again. I was in the hospital on my 17th birthday (December 1) and remember it very well because I thought I was going to get to come home, but unfortunately my blood levels dropped again, I had a fever, and was shocked to notice my skin was oozing yellow stuff and I was extremely jaundice. I was then wheeled right back into surgery for a nicked bile duct which was fixed by having a stint placed in the duct to stop the leakage and a drain tube was placed inside the stint that went to the outside of my body. After that was repaired by Dr. Stewart Sherman I was fixed again! I thought, things went fine the next few weeks and I was sent home in late December. The following year meant lots of scans, having blood drawn, and tests, tests, tests. In January of 1999 I started throwing up huge amounts of blood huge meaning globs and globs of blood and back to the hospital I went. I had developed esphogeal varices from having 85% of my liver removed the pressure inside my body was so strong it began causing other major problems. Not knowing what they (the doctors) were dealing with the department of defense was notified of my soccer ball size tumor, they studied and studied it until the well they confirmed it was Synovial Cell Carcinoma and I was the only person in the whole wide world to be diagnosed with this disease. Fast forward to the year 2006 December I'm feeling really weird and confused and actually started my episodes of throwing up the large quantities of blood. After feeling this way for some time and then throwing up the blood I told my mom. I then threw up really bad one night and into the morning and my boyfriend had to call an ambulance to our apartment and have me rushed to the hospital. After some tests I was told I had some stomach ulcers. I had my usual rounds of blood work and tests done at this time. The scan results came back and revealed that the cancer that had successfully been removed and been gone for about 8 years, is back, only it is not by itself. Then doctors told me that I have three tumors on my liver and they are all of different types of cancer, one in which they have not seen very much of if any cases of it at all, it’s still being researched. So today is January 22, 2007 I'm sit in room at Indiana University/Purdue University Hospital waiting for news to start CEMO or move forward to the liver transplant ASAP. I know my transplant is coming but my doctors really don't know what to do first for the simple fact that it is a very big operation and that all the means to getting this done the most tactful way are taking into thought. I am just waiting for them to tell me when and how long I may have to wait for my surgery. There is a whole lot more to my story, enough for me to write a book actually but I just wanted to share the basic information with you to better understand this website and what its purpose is. This whole experience has effected my life in a way that I can’t quiet explain. I know for the road ahead that I must keep my spirits high, think good positive things and always remember that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger mind, body, and spirit wise. God would have not have dealt me this card in life if he knew that I couldn’t make it threw a stronger better person. I would like to take the time to thank you for visiting my site and learning a little about me. www.angelinneed.com and it's in our newspaper http://www.courierpress.com/news/2007/feb/23/angels-cancer-is-family-fight/ Angel In Need

My Heart My Life

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Butterfly Kisses "I'll lend to you for a little time, A child of mine," God said, "For you to love while she lives And mourn for when she's dead." "It may be six or seven years Or twenty-two or three, But will you till I call her back, Take care of her for me?" "She'll bring her charms to gladden you And should her stay be brief, You'll have these precious memories To comfort you through grief." "I cannot promise she will stay Since all from earth return. But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn." "I've looked this world over, In my search for teachers true. In the crowds of this great land, I have selected you." "Now will you give her all your love Not think the labor vain, Nor hate me when I come to call To take her back again?" It seems to me I heard them say, "Dear Lord, thy will be done. For all the joys a child shall bring, The risk of grief we'll run." "We'll shelter her with tenderness, We'll love her while we may, And for the happiness we've known Forever grateful stay." "And should the angels call for her Much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes And try to understand." © Edgar A. Guest I Also Had Another Baby Her Name Was Amy Lynn But I Never Got To See Or Hold Her But Forever She Is In My Heart.I Thank God For My Daughter Danielle That He Has Allowed Me To Keep.
HELLO EVERYONE THIS IS A VERY SPECIAL BLOG I HAVE POSTED TODAY I AM DOING THIS TO HELP A FRIEND GET HIS STORY OUT HIS NAME IS JOHNNY AND HE IS A MEMBER OF CHERRYTAP HE IS A VERY SWEET PERSON THAT I HAD THE PRIVILEGE TO TALK TO TODAY HERE IS HIS STORY... Some notes, comments, and confessions about my Dr. Adkins diet, and life in general. ;o) lol Is this you? Do you post old pictures, afraid to date? Can't hardly move? Depressed? Feel like a blimp? Or maybe... just hate those thunder thighs? Jelly belly?, Maybe even just high blood pressure, and low energy, and slightly overweight? Sugar outta wack, and retain fluid? Read on my friend... cause I love yah, and I want 2 help give your life back to you! I amost died.. til I got up did what i tell you about below. I fought back!!! This is very long people, but if you read it, and DO IT... YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY!!!! (muah!!) I love yah all!!! :o) ~~~ Johnny ~~~ I sit here at 3:30 a.m. consuming 3 boneless chicken breast pieces... 1/2 of a large spaghetti squash, mixed bell pepper, and celery, sweet onion, and carrot chunks, and drinking a huge glass of ice tea., and losing weight like crazy! How you asked? Did I rigorously study the Dr. Adkins diet, and configure the perfect diet? Am I disallusioned, or in denial of reality then? Noperz!!! :oP lol I have had many here, and in the regular world tell me. The diet didn't, or wouldn't work, it was too hard to stay on, or I'm not smart like you on stuff like this, or trying to figgure out what to buy, is just too difficult. Lemme let you in on a little secret my beloved dearies. I... have NO IDEA... what the perfect diet is, and have NEVER read even HALF of doctor Adkins. lol ;o) I HATE TO READ EDUCATIONAL, OR INFORMATIVE BOOKS. MY EYES START TO SHUT, AND MY BRAIN BEGANS TO YAWN!!! LMAO!!! ;oP Let me tell you a lil about me. I am a child at heart, and many say... I'll never grow up. I am somewhat irresponsible, I bore rather quickly with tedious routines, and I am stubborn to the core! lol If it's not fantasy... or fun? SCREW IT!!! That's my motto usually!!! lolz :oP Why does this diet work for me then you ask? It's simple. I didn't COMPLICATE, or OVERTRY anything!! DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!!! hehe ;o) Can't say that enough to yah.... ;o) Here's the secret.... :o) If you are a owner on ANY Doctor Adkins book. Or if you have a download program... ie limewire, imesh, knutella, sharebear... whatever shareware your using... you can usually search "Atkins diet", and download the books n stuff as a adobe pdf, text, or word document for free!!! ;o) "He published several versions of his diet". You can lose all the weight you want, have more energy, and NEVER be hungry... without EVER reading the whole book. I call this the "(Dr. Adkins diet) for the irresponsible, bored easily, and stubborn group". lol ;oP What yah do guys n gals is pick up the book. Thumb through to the carb counter page, and look at the list. If you see things you eat on the no-no list... ie, "high carb content" that is your ONLY job for now, to avoid eating those first off! I had to give up bread, and rice, and noodles. Ahhhh 3 of the main "poor man, dieing with clogged artery staples" lol But I do have good news. If you just CAN'T give up the bread. There are now bakeries that make "carb free bread". The one near me... is called Panara, and the stuff cost over 3 bux a loaf. So I do not miss bread, very often. lol ;oP Use the book, only when U got a question, or need 2 know about a food, if it's not in there, look online. ;o) The first thing to do? Buy a day-um good multi-vitiman. I use "ViTALERT", but One A Day... makes one called "CarbSmart", if yur a 1 a day fan, it is ok to. :o) The reason 4 the vitamin? It help you have more energy=burning fat better=feeling better=good for you any day-um ways... so just DO IT!!! Aight? hehehe ;oP The next... drink as much water as you possibly can!!! Water hydrates, and actually help remove toxins, fat, and body fluid from your body. So it is GOOD STUFF people!!! ;o) Once you give up the no-no's. Here is some of what you can buy without taking a book with you. ALL "MEATS" thas chicken, pork, lamb, frog and dog, if your weird... lol, fish, deer, buffalo, lamb, ham, eggs, bacon, people.. if your a twisted cannible!!! lol... :oP ALL meats are no carb, or like a hot dog, or bologna... low carbs generally. If you are not an egg hater. You Should try to ALWAYS make your first meal of the day. "whatever time that happens to be... lol" Eggs, with some type of meat, and a piece of veggie, of some type. This is not a LAW... but the eggs jump-start your metabolism into fat-burn mode faster, when you start eating. "HIGH PROTIEN, and no carbs!!! HEHEHE ;o) All "BLOCK" cheeses are very low carb "MUNCH AWAY!!" LOLZ ;oP I have found that the processed cheese foods, ie... velveeta, kraft american individual slices, etc... have several carbs per slice... leave em be!!! If you like american, get the hard block, or deli type american. NO MILK, at least not til you lose the weight, aight? It is shyt packed fulla carbs. that applies to "whole milk, 2%, and skim". Fat free... so what? If you start reading labels... MOST "fat free" stuff... has MORE CARBS!!! Ahhhh... the great "health foods lie"... "fat free". You can get big as a house eating fat free, and skim milk products!!! lol :oP YOU CAN USE HALF & HALF, AND HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM IN PLACE OF MILK TO MAKE STUFF THOUGH, AND FOR COFFEE, OR SUGAR FREE PUDDINGS. etc, etc. ;o) Eat a lot of veggies, but not potatoes... potatoes are high in starch. Starch=sugar=carbs. How do I know? Am I an alchemist perhaps, or a great genious mind? HELL NO!!! lmao!! ;oP I looked in book... only when I had a question, or looked up online the things I wanted to know about, and most took 5 minutes, or less!!! ;o) PSSSST!! another lil secret... ;o) "Read the BACK" of "EVERY" packaged item you buy. It's easy to do, and kills the boredom of shopping a lil!! lol ;oP There is a line that says "carbs per serving, or at the top it will say like 4 servings, then each serving has lets say 24 carbs. We are not on a "low fat" diet people.... we are on a "low carb" diet. ;o) So.... your holding a can a "chef boy-r-dee", right? It says 4 servings, at 24 carbs each. "this is a guess, as an example. lol" Then common sense... 24... 4 times = 96 right? Don't mess with it... cause you know well as me, your gonna suck down the whole dam can... "PUT IT BACK PEOPLE!!" lolz ;oP All yah gotta do is buy stuff that is no, or low carb. YOU CAN'T MESS UP... if you DON'T BUY "high carb stuff". hehehe ;o) You can eat your arse off, and lose weight. lol ;o) No "small portions", just say "screw that!!!", to anything that will go over your set amount of carbs for a day. Buy sumthin else. Can you dig it? ;o) It's that Day-um simple dudes n dudettes. hehehehe ;o) "NOTE" The book offers SEVERAL "carb amount" diet options... we... R gonna keep it simple here!!! (If you want to lose weight, and do it fast... the ideal amount of carbs per day, should not exceed 40-50 carbs in a day.) I DO NOT math out my carbs every meal, or day. I simply buy stuff that it is ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE... to go over my chosen daily amount, when I eat. I stay well below 40 carbs, on the average day, and I EAT LARGE PORTIONS, when I have the munchies. lol :oP As you lose weight... you will have more energy, and become more active. For me... my first hint? I went from rolling into the floor painfully to get outta bed, to SPRINGING UP, without a thought!!! ;oD You won't notice at first, but you will BET THAT!!! hehehehe ;o) (muahz!) :o) And it also increases your sex drive... OMG!!!! Take my word for it... OK? rofl!!!! :oP I can hear my "hor(s)mones(ing)" now!!! lolz :oO "blushing". Good news if yur gettin sum, but kinda rough for use alone, but hey... it WILL give you motivation 2 meet someone!!! lmao!!! ;oP As you get near your desired weight/energy level... you can add a few more carbs if you want, just make sure not to add too many, or you will start to gain again! (CARBS=weight gain, and enegry loss) Your body wears itself out... tryin 2 burn em. It's that simple.:o) There is also a lil carb cheat called "fiber" If for instance.. a can of lets say... beans, has a total of 28 carbs per serving, but also has 8 carbs per serving of "fiber". It's EASY.... carbs 28, minus fiber 8 per serving = 20. So thanks to the "fiber", your carbs per serving just dropped to 20!!! hehehe ;o) The other subject "SUGAR" heh :oX Here's the deal... you won't die!!! lol NO SUGAR!!! lol :oP So don't eat buckets of fruit, you CAN eat fruit... cause it's natural sugar, and in REASONABLE amounts... burns off. Reasonable IS NOT a WHOLE WATERMELON, OR HONEYDEW MELON, OR BAG A ORANGES folks!!! lmao!!! :oP, but "be reasonable", and you can have a lil bit of fruit every day... if U wanna. hehe ;o) Bye-bye candy bars! lol :oP ALL processed sugars.. meaning "not natural" IN the item from "NATURE"... totally screw up the process of FAT BURNING... known as KETOSIS. So leave ALL candy alone... unless you buy sugar free candy, and even then... CHECK the CARBS out, aight? ;o) I can tell you for a fact... When you stop eating candy. You don't miss it within a month that much! ;o) (hugs) Artificial sweeteners I use, for my tea, and other stuff I like sweet, but lets get real... they taste like shyt!! lolz :oO Here is the best one. It is "made (derived)" from sugar, and so far... no lab rats die from it, and it taste ok. lol :oP Same as no candy. In a month, you will not notice the difference. ;o) The one to buy is called "Splenda" Screw packets... too expensive. Fork out about 7 bux, and get the "big resealable bag!" It is the same as 5 lbs, or sugar, and is much cheaper, in the long run. Next.. POP, SODA??? Bye-bye to regular, hello to diet. It shows carbs to. 1 glass of soda will TOTALLY SCREW UP YOUR CARBS FOR THE WHOLE DAY! :oO I dunno about you, but a glass of coke, or pepsi... just aint worth starving all day!!! ROFL!!! :oP There are a few sodas, that you adapt easily to the "strange taste". It is strange... only, cause the cup of sugar per serving your used 2 sucking down... is missing!!! LMAO!!! :oP Here are a few diet that taste ok. (Cherry/Vanilla Dr. Pepper) don't knock em til you try em. lol ;o) (diet Mountain Dew, AND diet Code Red) RULE!! hehe ;o) (diet Dr. Thunder), is ok... wal-mart brand, for us poor folk.. lol (diet Sunkist)... ehhhh a lil too much fake sweet taste 4 me, but you try 4 yourself. ;o) (diet A&W rootbeer) is cool, (Diet Coke, and Coke's ZERO) Are ok. Basically though. The more flavors added in the pop, the less you taste the fake sugar!! lol ;o) So your shopping right? No book, just remember the few above basics. I found I like various types of squash. I bake em in a dutch oven, with my meat! :o) I try, and make lots of new n cool stuff now!! hehehe ;o) This diet is fun, and opens up a chance to try new things!!! :oD Am I a chef? Did I attend cooking serminals? Hell no!!! I make stuff that taste like hell, or I just flat screw up all the time!! :oO :oP I EXPERIMENT, til I make sumthin I like. lol ;o) People... it is so day-um easy. An overgrown kid can do it. Ummm.. proof? I AM DOING IT!!! lolz ;o) Just buy no/low carb stuff, lotsa salads... most salad stuff is low carb, and eat the hell out of meats n cheeses!!! hehehe If anyone wants 2 ask any questions feel free. THIS WORKS people, and it AINT HARD!! hehehehe kisses n hugs :o) NOW!!! ME... BEFORE THE DIET. The unspoken me. My last wiegh-in at the VA med clinic. I was up to 368 lbs. Even at 6'3" that is A LOT. Over 40 lbs of it... was FLUID, around my heart, lungs, and on my legs. I was dying of congestive heart failure. My suger was out of wack, my blood pressure EXPLOSIVE. My feet, and legs painfully, horribly swollen, and fluid burst from them daily. My doctor told me... if the fluid did not come off. I would drown in it basically. My heart would fail. I was taking lasiks in such large quantities... that my ENTIRE body was wracked with convulsions, and cramps, from peeing out all my potassium CONSTANTLY.... STILL, I SWELLED, AND GAINED WEIGHT. I would say that for the past 1 1/2 years.... I gained roughly 15-20 lbs, every 2 months. I did not eat a lot, and was always hungry, and embarressed to even eat. I called myself pig, lardass, fat boy, ugly bastard. I hated the way I looked. I hated my life. I hated me. I have bad lungs as many here know... so I cannot jog, or do vigorous exercise. So.... I got bigger, heavier... every month, and swelled up like a grape!!! :oO I gave up on life, after getting my heart broke a few years back. By the time I WOKE UP... and wanted a life again. I was too sick, and unhealthy to have one.... or so I thought then. I had resigned myself to dying alone... swollen up like a grape. Here I sat daily. Posting only the pics from over 2 years ago, and ashamed of everything about me. I was comimg out of a heart break of MANY long years healing. I was lonely, bored, depressed, and just bummed out period. I could hardly get out of bed, and it hurt to even MOVE. This... did not fit my lifestyle before I became inactive, or my personality. I was in a hell... called my body!!! :o( I was lonely. I wanted too meet someone, but feared my appearance, and knew I had to do SOMETHING!!! I remembered years ago trying Dr. Adkins one time, but like so many... after losing a few pounds. I gave up. I made it COMPLICATED, and got frustrated. We in America are CONDITIONED to think ANYTHING, that might WORK, or BENIFIT us in ANY WAY.... HAS TO BE COMPLICATED!! It is soooo "not true" though. As I told you above. It is not. Just use yur noodle, for something besides a hatrack! hehehe ;o) (muah) ;o) and DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!!! hehehe I wanted to change, but at this time... had not faced up to my realities totally. Anyways.... I started talking to women. I was lonely, but I feared my appearance, plus getting my heart broke too much, to ever want to meet them. So I would end up pushing them away, or avoiding them. I started talking to one several months back. She didn't "go away". She reminded me of "how I was", before I let myself get this way. Before my heart got broke... before I became a depressed, swollen, unhealthy... grape. I knew I was still "in there" somewhere... but it took a cool guitar playing girl... to make me think about it, and a lot of "soul searching, and looking in the mirror", to face up to "my reality". Funny thing is. She has no idea... just how much she helped me... just by being her. Someday... I will tell her. :o) (Read my "Airing my dirty laundry" blog, to see what I saw in my mirror the day I looked, through another persons eyes at myself... OH MAN!!! lol) :oO So... I liked this girl anyways, right? It made me think... What if she ever wants to meet me? What if I actually find a girl, and we wanna meet ever... even if not her? Do I want to be seen this way, and what about after we meet? Even if she accepts me.... I like passion, playfulness... doing stuff together... having fun, runnin round... sex!!! lol :oO I can't do it like this!! Where did "I" go? This isn't me!!! HELP!!! LET ME OUT!!!! :oO I woke up.... rather rudely, and looked hard in the mirror. I saw... what I could imagine... others saw. My friends, family, the doctors. I was like OMG!!! I have to help this poor bastard!!! Now!!!! :oO So... I decided to DO SOMETHING about it all. My choice, Dr. Adkins, or the basics, of Dr. Adkins, and riding a 10 speed bike again. If you saw me right now. You would think. He needs to lose a lil belly, but not too shabby. lol ;oP Personally... I don't think I was ever cute... in any kinda way... (blushing), but at least I am looking like the me I remember again!!! :oD If you saw me before, and I told you about now. You wouldn't believe I was the same guy!!! I am below 300 lbs, and dropping FAST!!! My ideal weight is 220-240. I am a large framed, tall man. I expect to achieve that goal in the next 3-6 months!!! :o) When I finally faced up to my fears... GOT OFF MY ASS, and did something. I would say I was well above 380 lbs!!! :oO Now... I see a light at the end of the tunnel. If I don't "get the girl" as they say. At least I will "get me back". :o) Thanks to all who offered me words of encouragement in my "dark days", and one lil guitar girl, who helped me... remember "me". Imma freebird!! Imma rock n roller!!! Imma rebel... without a cause!!! Hell yah!!! Rock on my brothers n sisters!!! ;o) I love all of yah!!! ;oD kisses n hugs to all :o) ~~~ Johnny ~~~ HIS STORY HAS TRUELY INSPIRED ME AND I HOPE IT DOES YOU TO HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY
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