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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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3/16/2007 Hello Readers, It has been quite sometime since my last newsletter. Dr. Turi and I (Samantha) have been extremely busy putting together his new book "The Rest of The Secret". He has been writing non-stop and I have been editing and translating non-stop. This book will also be released in Spanish and discussions of having it made into an audio book have been flying around the table. We would love to read some feedback on these publishing options. This book is chalk full of amazing tales, incredible universal laws, and healing secrets. Even though I have been regaled with many of his unimaginable stories once before, reading them has given me a new love and respect for the man. When one writes his or her history, they have more time to recollect precious moments and feel those long lost emotions, fueling more intense words to describe the once lived movies of their life. I know you will all truly appreciate this book, as I feel it is the realest one he ever wrote. This book should be available soon and you will know the exact date in future newsletters. For the most part, people loved reading about the stars of Brittany Spears. Yes, I know she hasn't contributed anything worthwhile to the world, but aren't you a tad bit curious to know why she is everywhere? I cannot go to a store or click a website without seeing her recently baldhead everywhere. There are amazing progressive events occurring and sad enough, horrible atrocities, but yet we some how are fed more fluff about celebrities. So while we are forced to see Brittany's life, we might as well learn something from it. Besides learning that too much money, drugs, and fame combined with a lack of common sense and humanitarian ambition can lead to path of disaster, what else can we learn? We can learn what influences push these people so we can educate the masses and ourselves on why we feel the way we do. There isn't a better way to control yourself and your fate, than to first 'understand' what Dr. Turi call "The Universal Code". And the only things we're 'standing under' are the stars. As requested, I will be breaking down the stars of the recently discharged astronaut, Lisa Nowak, as simply as I can in one newsletter. As most may know, Lisa was charged with attempted murder on February 5, 2007. She was involved in what the news has described as "a bizarre space love triangle". Lisa was involved in a secret love affair with Naval Commander, William Oefelein, while still married to her husband Richard, a flight controller in Mission Control for NASA. U.S. Air Force Captain, Colleen Shipman, was also romantically involved with Mr. Ofelein, hence where the drama began. Obviously I do not know Ms. Nowak, yet from mere news reports and previous interviews, you can see the stars manifesting as usual. All you have to do is 'google' the name Lisa Nowak and watch a myriad of results appear. I recall watching this for the first time on CNN with Dr. Turi and stating "I bet she's a Taurus!" I ran to the computer and searched her date of birth. Bingo! May 10, 1963, and that's the beauty of being Dr. Turi's student, the ability to read people is amazing.
125075main_nowak_portait_300.jpg Lisa Nowak was born with the following planetary placements:
Sun in Taurus Moon in Sagittarius Mercury in Gemini Mars in Leo Venus in Aries Jupiter in Aries Uranus in Virgo Neptune in Scorpio Saturn in Aquarius Pluto in Virgo Her Natal Dragon's Head in Cancer Her Natal Dragon's Tail in Capricorn Also, to lightly touch on her Progressive Chart: The Universal Dragon's Head is currently in Pisces The Universal Dragon's Tail is currently in Virgo First House (the body, the soul's purpose) is the sign of Taurus (strength, love, stability): Lisa has the Sun (love, children, soul's purpose) in the jealous, possessive, and stubborn sign of Taurus. This makes her love oriented, striving for stability for her love life and her children. She was married for 19 years and has one son and twin daughters. One must also be a very strong, stable individual to become an astronaut. She was also very stubborn and fixed when stalking the competitor (Colleen Shipman) in the affair of her new found love (William Oefelein). Taurus also rules flowers and gardening, Lisa has stated that she enjoys tending to her garden of African Violets in her home. Second House (self-esteem, finances, material possessions) is the sign of Gemini (travel, exploration, mind): Lisa has Mercury (communication, travel, duality) in the sign of Gemini (speaking, writing, education), giving her double mercurial energy. Her prestigious educational travels gave her a great self-esteem boost. She received her income through a very Mercurial company, NASA; she traveled through space, ran communication systems, and explored as she expanded her mind. Before NASA, she worked as a Naval Flight Officer, running communications and navigation systems. She also stated in one interview that a few of her hobbies were reading and crossword puzzles, both very Mercurial activities. Note also that NASA being a Mercurial entity is the reason why it suffers tremendously every time they launch a shuttle during mercury retrograde, or as Dr. Turi puts it, a Supernova Window. We already lost 2 shuttles filled with brave crew. When will his predictions be heard and used by NASA, as all they have to do is simply change the launch date. Third House (mind, communication, travel) is the sign of Cancer (home, food, USA): Lisa has the Dragon's Head in this house which makes her strive for these things, usually lucky in these areas, and have karmic lessons to be learned here. Her soul wishes to balance home and travel. The moon rules Cancer, making her mental state fluctuate like the tides of the moon. Although most Taurus souls are good at keeping their composure, they are very emotional deep inside. She was very lucky with affairs dealing with the USA, being a heroine until she let the Plutonic energy get the best of her. In a previous interview she also boasts about having another hobby of gourmet cooking. She has been labeled a dedicated and caring mother and speaks of her family in many of her interviews. Fourth House (home, family, emotions, childhood) is the sign of Leo (love, children, fame): Here Lisa has Mars (drive, aggression, fights, competitive) in the sign of Leo (love, pride, and fame) in her home area. A former classmate stated she was very competitive and driven. She had the drive for love, a family, and fame and built them all. She had fights with her husband and has been reportedly separated since January 2007. Her pride over her lover made her aggressive and drove her to take her opponent down. In a woman's chart, mars also regulates what type of love she needs from a man, in the sign of Leo she needed someone loving, good with children, and had some form of fame on their own, someone she could feel proud of. With William being born in April, that makes him a Leo in his 5th house of love & romance, hence why she had the Mars fueled drive to pursue him and keep him. William's position is also more recognizably prestigious than her husbands. Fifth House (love, fame, pride, creativity, children) is the sign of Virgo (critical, work, health, perfection): Here Lisa has the planets Uranus (space, electronics, friends) and Pluto (death and rebirth, regeneration, drama, sex). She received her spot on the stage through her inspection and testing of the electronics on the shuttle in space, she fell in love with her friend, and co-worker, and reportedly consoled him after the death of his ex-wife. She received her notoriety through the love, sex, and drama that unfolded through her love triangle. After this whole ordeal, she has died to an extent and will be forced to rebirth. Right now the Universal Dragon's Tail is in the sign of Virgo, negatively affecting this area, hence all that occurred. She will be forced to rebuild all within this house. Sixth House (work, health, service to the world) is the sign of Libra (laws, marriage, balance, partnerships): Here you can see Lisa's action of not abiding the law has taken her from her work, destroying her partnership with NASA. Her marriage has been cut since the demands and dramatic ordeal through her work, where she met Oefelein and began the affair. In a previous interview she spoke about the hard to maintain balance between her married life and work life. The Moon was on the Virgo/Libra axis on February 5, 2007 when charges were made and this whole legal ordeal began. Seventh House (partnerships, marriage, how one faces the world) is the sign of Scorpio (sex, drama, death, rebirth, power): Here Lisa has Neptune (deception, guilt, fear, jail) Dr. Turi teaches that you are the opposite of your Sun sign when facing the world. Here you can see her facing the world as a true passionate Scorpio, the mad woman who attempted to kill her lover's new lover. There was deception between all the people involved in their affair. I'm sure she felt guilt all along, and also had fears of losing power or control of her lover. A neighbor reported hearing fighting between Lisa and her husband in November (Scorpio month). Her partnerships with her husband and NASA are broken. She will be forced to rebirth from this ordeal, as she does every time a partnership is broken. This is why I had figured she was a Taurus, as everything she is known for is of Scorpio/Plutonic energy. She could have very easily been one of those wasted astronauts who lost their lives in the name of ignorance. Maybe being discharged even saved her life in the long run, as the chances of NASA sending yet another shuttle off during a Mercury Retrograde are very high. May be her and NASA should own a copy of Dr. Turi impressive Moon Power book and I would strongly recommend you to get it if you don't.
Find 'Moon Power' Here
Eighth House (sex, drama, investigation, death, power) is the sign of Sagittarius (publishing, exploring, wide open spaces, wild, freedom) Here Lisa has the Moon (home, family, emotions) and you can see how this drama affected her home. As Dr. Turi teaches, Lisa's hidden moon is also in the dramatic sign of Scorpio bringing more destructive emotions and drama in her life. She also left home behind many times to explore space; she had freedom with her sexual life, and went wild when her power was taken from her. She also did extensive investigative work to find and stalk this woman who threatened her position with her lover. Her drama was published all over the news. Her emotional health is under investigation and it is because of her space travels and stress at home that her emotional state is being questioned. Ninth House (travel, publishing, exploring, learning, teaching) is the sign of Capricorn (government, manipulation, status, career): Here Lisa has her Natal Dragon's Tail which denotes a strong pull towards these affairs, as well as danger and bad luck with these areas. Her focus on her education, travel, and need for freedom and exploring is what broke her family apart. She and her husband split in January (Capricorn month). Being unnaturally lucky with the government, her career has fallen after breaking the law. She had to explore the man with more status. She was driven to have her career that allowed her to be free and explore, and she did have that for quite some time, but she abused her position and fell. Once more knowing the location of your Dragon by house and sign could save you lots of trouble, get the book "The Power Of The Dragon" and find out for yourself.
You Can Find 'Power of the Dragon' Here
Tenth House (career, public standing, structure) is the sign of Aquarius (outer space, friends, groups, electronics, freedom): Here she has Saturn (depression, restrictions, karma, manipulation, government) She made a career with the Aquarian energy and the government, cruising through space, working with groups and friends on the electronic equipment. She received restriction in her career after her dramatic ordeal. She received her karma after she had an affair with Oefelein behind her husband's back, when Oefelein did the same to her shortly after. Wherever one has Saturn, they must be cautious and honest, as the karma principle is extremely strong here. Eleventh House (wishes, friends, groups) is the sign of Pisces (escape, deception, disillusion, subconscious, fear, guilt, religion): Here Lisa can be impractical with her wishes and friends and also deceived by them. Her friend William deceived her into believing that she was his only love. She also had wishes to murder Colleen and probably believed she could get away with it. It's more than quite possible that her subconscious thoughts of fear and guilt lead her to being caught before she could commit the crime. The current Universal Dragon's Head in Pisces is affecting this house, forcing her to re-evaluate former wishes and friends and make changes where necessary, I'm sure she has lost quite a few friends as she already had to disassociate herself from the NASA groups. They are also making a point that she hasn't been the same since some of her friends and colleagues died in the space shuttle Colombia's crash. Twelfth House (how one finds themselves or God, institutions, jail, secret enemies, guilt, fear, illusion, escape) is the sign of Aries (first, leadership, competitive, greedy, fighting) Here she the planets of Venus (love, stability, beauty) and Jupiter (expansion, travel, publishing, freedom, luck). She is also stated as a Roman Catholic and would feel guilt from her adultery, hence why the affair was kept secret for so long, as well as her and her husband's separation. It was also her fears of losing her newly conquered lover that she became aggressive and tried to attack her secret enemy. She may lose her freedom in the process. Her affairs and travel was an escape for her and also a possible disillusionment for her. Wherever Venus is in a woman's chart, it represents the love she has to offer a man, with Lisa's Venus in Aries, she is strong, competitive, and wins her love through bold accomplishments and pure animalistic advances. Even with her Venus in Aries, you can also see the red flushed face, as Venus rules beauty and aesthetics and Aries rules the head and red. She was bailed from jail and allowed to go home. With the planet of luck in this area, she probably won't be getting a serious sentence such as prison and will probably be sent to an easy psychiatric therapy clinic. There is so much more that could be described about this woman through her stars.."as above, so below". All in all, everything happens for a reason. The major lessons in life can be found through the hardships and lowest points, and there's nowhere to go but up when you're at the bottom. The lessons are created through the laws of karma and the dragon is a key reference to understanding one's lessons. It's obvious from looking at Lisa's natal chart and hearing and reading a few news reports that her lesson of balance is home (Cancer) vs. career (Capricorn). Now that she has abused her position at home and in her career, she has had it all "destroyed", so she may rebuild. While facing the bleak future of possibly losing her freedom and the option to enjoy her children, she will undoubtedly take on a new appreciation of what she has at home. Lisa is a very educated competitive person in all-physical affairs involving space, but indeed not enough with "The Universal Code" and the spiritual essence of the stars. As Dr. Turi said so many times "ignorance is evil, knowledge is power" and NASA would certainly never make such a drastic psychological mistake again if they were using Astropsychology.
Headlines Read: Scandal sparks NASA review CNN - 02/07/07 - NASA Is there any 'lessons to be learned' "You bet!" Dr. Turi said, and he predicted it all! PREDICTION - Amazing technological advances and total restructure ahead for NASA. This prediction was also made on Coast-To-Coast radio 01/01/07 and sent to Lex CTC Webmaster. READ PREDICTIONS HERE
Thank you for reading my newsletter and if you want to email me your feedback please do so at: puertoricanpoet617@yahoo.com
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Join us in San Jose, California May 26th & 27th 2007 and enjoy incredible speakers. Find Out More About Conspiracy Con Here Join us and Gary Busey in Cancun June 18th - 25th 2007 and let's have some serious fun. SpiritualExperienceFlyer.jpg
Learn All About The Rest Of The Secret Here
You are strongly advised to get in touch with Gina via email at treeoc333@yahoo.com or by telephone at (479) 754 - 8273 ASAP. Understand that Cancun is a lecture on the Secret not a course. If you are interested in future course in Hawaii or Sedona please call us at 602-265-7667 or email us at dr.turi@cox.net to reserve your seat. Join us in San Jose, California August 25th & 27th 2007 where Dr. Turi will talk about "The Rest Of The Secret" and bring the audience to a light hypnotic trance. Join All Of Us At The Bay Area UFO Expo
Sharing Emails: ----- Original Message ----- From: Jane I saw the news on Richard Jeni & got chills thinking about Moon Power for this weekend: "Famous Personalities: The world will lose a famous personality under Pluto's command. He may also decide to do it dramatically (assassination). " Truly amazing people think nothing of the planets in their lives......your teachings & awareness are needed in this 21st century. Keep up the great work........ Regards, Jane ----- Original Message ----- From: Wilhelmina Subject: Deadly Tornadoes Dear Dr. Turi, This looks like a very scary and serious time for all the world. Thank you so much forgiving us your valuable insights. They are a great help and I will share your wisdom with others. Best Regards to you and yours, Wilhelmina ----- Original Message ----- From: jan Dr Turi, Your knowledge of the nodes is amazing. I too have been pursuing studies in astrology for 0ver 25 years...it is most fascinating! I agree, many astrologers do not pay enough attention to the nodes their presence, position, etc. I catch you whenever I can on coast to coast with George. Be good jan ----- Original Message ----- From: Heather Dr Turi, You have my total support, as I believe you do everyone a great service including the media if only they would listen, every opportunity I get I forward to the media your predictions... pretty soon the media will have to take more notice of you... bombardment of media is the answer and hopefully your other clients will do so also. We are all here to be of service to others you yourself are of great service to the world so the least we can do is to is be of service to you and then some. May the light always shine on you for the blessings you give to the world. I am not a follower but I am a believer in the work and service you give to us. Wishing you many of Gods blessings and much of his/her love. Sincerely Heather ----- Original Message ----- From: Cheryl Subject: Deadly Tornadoes Dr. Turi Your newsletters are always so much help. I wait every day to hear from you once again. Keep up the great work you do and God will prevail! Many wonderful wish's for you and yours! Cheryl ----- Original Message ----- From: Dawn Dr. Turi In Australia, North Queensland to be precise, a cyclone (started on the 1st Mar) is building in the Coral Sea and is felt it will threaten Mackay and as far down the Coast as Fraser Island. 30 years since the last 'visit' this far south. Weather in Adelaide 40 c =110 f. Sort of unseasonal...... Cyclone building in the West, so we may have one in the east and one in the West, raining like H..l in the middle = floods on the Darling River, Murray River and major tributaries. Bring out the sandbags.. Dawn ----- Original Message ----- From: LL//ol.com Subject: Deadly Tornadoes Hello Dr. Turi, I live in Georgia and this morning a charter bus carrying high school children from Florida rolled off of a Northside Dr. ramp in Atlanta onto I-75 and killed six teenagers and 35 injured I am sad to say. This fit in with your dates. Lavette ----- Original Message ----- From: Jen Subject: The Rest Of The Secret Dearest Dr Turi, I am really looking forward to your expansion on 'The Secret' and learning more about the Laws of Attraction. I'm sending you lots of positive, inspirational creative energy to help with your new book. :) I thought your readers may be interested in the letter my friend sent me after I forwarded your newsletter. (Source: http://abrahamhicks.meetup.com/70/boards/view/viewthread? thread=2283719) The Abraham-Hicks Website: http://www.abraham-hicks.com/ Love, light and bright blessings =)
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