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What Dates #2 and #3 Mean To A Man Crystal, if you want to understand exactly how to make a man feel that "magic" feeling of ATTRACTION for you that is more than skin deep and creates an effortless and easy EMOTIONAL CONNECTION that allows your relationship to THRIVE and LAST, then you should check out this special article I posted online right here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/NALA/?cid=MZZZVQ&lid=1&ll=1 Crystal - how's it going? Do you ever feel frustrated that men don't know what they want when it comes to love and relationships? Even when you and a man are already physical, affectionate, and having an amazing time together? What's going on here? Are men really this clueless and frustrated? In case you haven't figured this one out for yourself, here's an important piece of info about how men can be when it comes to "dating" and relationships... A man can be DOING all the things that say he's interested and wants more with you... but be FEELING like HE'S NOT READY or wanting more in terms of a RELATIONSHIP at the same time. Crazy, right? It's enough to drive a woman mad. And what's worse... a man can DO all kinds of things with you from hang out to take things to a sexual level... but he won't COMMUNICATE about what he's really FEELING. At least not until after the fact. (After he decides things aren't "working" and he's not ready for a serious relationship) Ever had a man get close to you and spend lots of time with you... but then he couldn't get a word out about how he was feeling and what he wanted? If you know what I'm talking about here, then you know that not so great feeling you get when you're sharing an amazing connection with the man in your life but... Out of nowhere he does a complete 180 and tells you he doesn't like your situation or something really important about YOU. And he's already made up his mind to LEAVE. Arrghhhhhh! Frustrating, right? You didn't even get the chance to know or talk about what was going on inside his head. How in the world did he think things were supposed to end up working? Were you supposed to read his mind!? As a woman, I get that it must feel IMPOSSIBLE sometimes to get close to a man and have a real relationship. Well, it's not. Tons of other women like you have gone from where you are now to having an easy time communicating with the man in their life and growing from that UNCERTAIN area of the first few dates to a loving and secure relationship. I've helped tons of women create that "shift" in their dating life or their relationship that now PREVENTS these frustrating things from happening with a man. And now I want to share some real-world insights with you about how men think... and how to make things with that right man work for you. For the quickest way to get to the bottom of the patterns you have with men that are keeping you from really connecting and having a man feel like he can open up to you and share a great relationship with you... you need to download my eBook "Catch Him & Keep Him" right now. You can download my eBook below and be reading it in just a few minutes. And if you download it right now, I'll send you out 3 incredible audio interviews on CD that I guarantee will open your eyes and your heart, to how to bring the right man and the kind of LOVE you want into your life very quickly. These are 3 FREE bonuses I'll give you just for checking out my eBook right now, and are yours to keep and learn from no matter what. (These 3 CD's are some of my very best materials and include me sharing with 3 best-selling experts amazing tips and insights you MUST KNOW if you want things to LAST with a man. Plus, you can listen to these CD's at home or in your car at any time.) So don't wait. Download my eBook and I'll ship you 3 of my very best CD's for you to try free. Transform your love life and the quality of the experiences you have with a man right here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/eBook/?cid=MZZZVQ&lid=2&ll=1 WHY MEN DON'T CALL AGAIN AFTER GREAT DATES I probably don't have to tell you that men do this "suddenly pulling away" thing in all different situations from "casual" dating to committed relationships. And they do it without warning, and for what seems like no good reason at all. How many times have you gone on a first or second date with a man and had an absolutely fantastic time... And you were sure he was going to call and felt as strongly about you as you did him... You had both laughed and found so many things you had in common... You felt relaxed and confident, and you BOTH had a good time flirting and getting to know one another. Best of all, that magic chemistry you can only share with the right kind of guy was there. And it was INTENSE. When you went home after being with him, you were 100% SURE he would call and ask you out again. He had even said "I'll call you" as he left. But then a few days went by... and nothing. Several days later, after you had wondered about him more than you'd like to admit... you came to the realization that he was NEVER going to CALL. What's the deal here!? Why did he act like it was such a great date... and even say that he'd call you later, when he obviously didn't plan on it? Did he lie simply because it was easier in the moment and he didn't want to hurt your feelings? And was there something strange going on inside HIM he didn't want to share, show you, or be honest about? Or was there something else? Something you missed that he saw in YOU? Was there something YOU DID or said that was the REAL REASON he didn't feel compelled to see you again? If you're like a LOT of single women, this sort of thing where a man never calls or makes plans with you again has not only happened to you once, but it's happened to you a few times. You've spent time with a man who seemed like he could have been great "relationship material", and who showed all the signs of wanting to grow close to you and get to know you better... But when push came to shove he PULLED AWAY for what seemed like no good reason at all. And he was never available to you to talk about it or tell you why. Which means... for all the times this has happened to you, a part of you has NEVER learned anything about WHY these things keep happening to you. Part of you simply feels like you're "cursed" when it comes to love... and that things just aren't fated to work out for you with true love. But, if you're like lots of women I've talked to and helped, then part of you has also made up your own "stories" for WHY these things happened to try and make yourself feel better. Stories like: -"He wasn't that great anyway." -"It wasn't really meant to be." -"You'll find someone better." -"It was his loss." Recognize any of these? The reality is that we often make up these "stories" in our lives when we let our FEAR of what the REAL TRUTH about us might be keep us from looking for and finding out who and what we really are... and how others see us. So let me ask you... What if a man who you really and truly liked and connected with was willing to tell you THE TRUTH about why he really never called you again? Would you be able to listen to him with an open mind and an open heart? Would you be able to believe him? And would you be willing to do anything about it if what he said was honest and real? See, lots of women know they aren't getting the "whole story" from a man... but on a deeper level they aren't OPEN to hearing his reason WHY because of the PAIN that could come from it. And it's this FEAR of being hurt or feeling unloved or unappreciated that pushes them to both create a less painful "story"... and try and get over it and forget about the situation as quickly as possible. It's ironic isn't it - the very thing that can keep you from learning, growing, and creating what you want is often your own unwillingness to hear the REAL STORY about yourself from another persons perspective. (A man's in this case) Considering this, here's the real question for you... What if there was a real reason why a man didn't call to ask you out again? Like that he REALLY WAS interested in you... but something else got in the way of him being able to see you and feel comfortable with you. If this was the case, and knowing what this mistake was could help you avoid ever making the same mistake again... wouldn't you want to know what it was? What if it was something you were doing on an unconscious level that you couldn't even see about yourself that was causing you to lose a great OPPORTUNITY to start an incredible connection with a great guy? What if it was you who blew it because of some small misunderstanding or "glitch" going on inside you that is so EASY TO FIX that you'll wonder why it was ever a problem for you in the first place? There's something I need you to understand right now... If there is something you might be doing to get in your own way, odds are that you are 100% UNAWARE of what that thing is, and what's causing it. After all, the reason you don't know what's getting in your way in the first place is because the mistake you're making is something that happens completely UNCONSCIOUSLY. Don't believe me yet? I'll explain how it works like this... I'm sure you've seen it where a girlfriend of yours went on a date with a guy she really liked... and she was completely intent on things really working out with him - even though they had only been getting to know each other for a very short while. But the more you saw how your girlfriend was thinking about and approaching the whole situation, the more that part of you knew that the man she was dating would instantly lose interest when he picked up on how she was thinking and feeling. (UNCERTAIN and INSECURE) And guess what happened? Exactly... The man did pick up on it, and he stopped calling and making plans with her all of a sudden. It was over. And she was devastated. You tried to talk to her about it. But you knew that there was something that your girlfriend just couldn't see about herself that had made this guy get that weird awkward "Eeeewwww" feeling when he was around her that had pushed him away. Even you would have been turned off by this kind of thing in someone you had started dating. And even though you tried to hint at what you saw and explain it to your girlfriend... she just wasn't having anything to do with the fact that how SHE was thinking and acting was the reason he lost interest. Instead, she was FIXATED on HIM. Here's the thing... We all have our own "blind spots" - things that we do in our lives that WORK AGAINST US that we can't see for ourselves... but that are obvious to others when they look at our lives from the outside. I'm going to suggest to you that if you're having some of the same problems and frustrations over and over with men as you're dating or in relationships...then what's important is NOT the belief you might have about how men are so messed up and don't "get it". What's important is you getting to the bottom of YOUR PART in these situations that are keeping you from creating what you want - YOUR BLIND SPOTS. That way, you never have to wonder again. AND... best of all, you can start making LOVE come together and work for you in your life. Wouldn't it be great to be able to have a connection with a man effortlessly grow into a deeper relationship? And have that deeper relationship quickly grow into something SECURE and LASTING not because it had to be... but because a man was just that wild about you and had to be with you and stay with you? THE SURE-FIRE WAY TO GET THE RIGHT MAN "HOOKED" ON THE FIRST FEW DATES Let me ask you... What are those things that even your best friends see in you and try to tell you, but you just don't listen to or believe about yourself? What are the things that are true about how you end up acting when you get close to a man and you lose your composure? I want to tell you that you aren't alone when it comes to feeling this way and having "blind spots". And what's more, I recently visited with a remarkable friend of mine who hears stories like yours ALL THE TIME in her line of work... and I'm confident that if you're single, or in a new relationship where a man keeps pulling away, then she can help you turn things around almost instantly. Her name is Julie Ferman... and a week or so ago I sat down and interviewed her for all of her best insights and tips for women. Julie told me that a most of her new clients consistently weren't getting past date number 2 or 3 with guys they really like. And they had NO IDEA why. The men just didn't seem to want to follow up and explore things with them... So they come to her for help and advice. So you know... Julie is a professional dating coach and matchmaker, and has been running a wildly successful business in California where she has connected tons of couples into solid relationships and marriages. Julie shared with me that she's responsible for bringing together literally thousands of long term lasting relationships and marriages. But many years ago, before she met her husband, she spent a lot of time going out on dates that didn't work and went nowhere. So not only has she "been there, done that" as far as blind dates and meeting men through dating services and online, but she has literally seen it all through her work with her single clients as a dating coach and matchmaker. Bottom line - Julie knows the real secrets behind WHAT MEN THINK when they do or don't call back... and how the things you do on a date will determine this. She also can tell you clearly what's going on when a man "goes silent" after a great date. She's heard all the stories, and she knows how small misunderstandings can often turn into huge disappointments and missed connections - and how to avoid all this as a smart single woman. Beyond knowing what women experience when dating, and how men think and respond... Julie has developed a set of fantastic tips and techniques that she shares with her clients about what to do on first dates, and what to say on the phone and in person, so that a man will not only "say" he'll call... but you can be sure he'll really do it! She even shares some stories of what happens when you've done everything right and you STILL don't hear back from the man... and you'll be surprised at how you can turn this sort of disappointment into a FUTURE OPPORTUNITY that sparks his interest and makes you unique and even more interesting to a man. I learned so much interviewing Julie that I decided that I needed to release the interview we did and share it as soon as possible. So I've made Julie as the next guest expert in my monthly "Interviews With Dating And Relationship Experts" series. Julie covered some incredible topics and tips about making first dates successful and relaxed, making the RIGHT impression, and making that transition from just "getting to know you" dating to a monogamous, intimate relationship as smooth (and anxiety-free) as possible. Here are some of the amazing insights that Julie revealed during our interview: -The one thing most men complain MOST about when they first start to date a woman they hit it off with (know this and never again blow your chance with the right guy) -A big conversation "faux pas" that literally DEFLATES a man and makes him think you aren't fun to be around. Learn how to avoid doing this so a man will be open to learning MORE about you and not get turned off because he thinks you're "high maintenance" -Exactly how to tell a man what you really want from him or the relationship that not only INTRIGUES and ENGAGES him to WANT to talk to you, but creates the kind of playful energy that allows for more open and honest communication -Exactly what to say on the phone to SET UP the 1st, 2nd or 3rd date in a way that takes the pressure off the man and allows YOU more freedom and less worry waiting and wondering if he's going to call -Specific "scripts" of what to say when approaching the often embarrassing subjects of "safe sex" and "monogamy" before you decide to get intimate with a man -An important tip about when to answer your cell phone and when to let it ring on to voicemail that could LITERALLY save you from scaring away Mr. Right before you get to know each other -Two powerful tips on how to EASILY and QUICKLY connect with a lot of attractive single guys in your area if you're NOT into online dating -A specific way of communicating on the phone either before you go on a first date with a man or in the beginning stages of dating... so he pegs you as fun, mature and "together" -Two easy and stress-free ways to meet and connect with great single men you and your other single GIRLFRIENDS can take advantage of that will make at least double your odds of finding your right man (and NO, it's not going to a club or a bar together in hopes that an attractive man will come up and ask for your number) -How to get the response you really want from a man when you ask him for something... without giving up your self-respect or manipulating him in any way -Find out the ONE THING about how a man's mind operates that is CRITICAL if you are to be successful in dating or relationships. (Knowing this will virtually guarantee that a man will never feel "put off" or "annoyed" when you ask for something) -How to structure a first date ? what to do and how much time to spend with a man so that you can have a lot of fun without ending up doing something you might regret the next morning but build his level of attraction and interest -What to say at the end of a date if you DIDN'T have chemistry and you don't want to see him again that is graceful and honest, but avoids that awkwardness later when he calls to ask you out again -Should you offer to pay for ANYTHING on a first date? Find out what men are really thinking when the check comes... and how to use that moment as an opportunity to make a great impression (without opening your purse) -3 things to consider BEFORE you sleep with a man you just started dating, so that you don't jump in "too fast" and mess up what could have been a great relationship -FOR NEWLY DIVORCED WOMEN: the best advice on how to jump back into the dating world and how to AVOID the "black hole" of loneliness and desperation so many women feel right after a painful breakup -A NO-BRAINER TIP on exactly what to talk about on a first date with someone you met online so you'll have his attention and make the RIGHT impression from the minute you start talking -Exact words to say very early in the dating process to let a man know you're interested in a serious and long-term committed relationship and not just a "fling"... in a way that won't freak him out and scare him away And a whole lot more... As you can see, Julie shared a huge amount of priceless information and tips in our interview. If you were to sit down and have a private consulting session like this with Julie or another professional matchmaker, I bet you would pay hundreds of dollars. With Julie, it would cost you $495 to be exact. And you still may not get as much out of it in person as you'll get from this amazing interview. Instead of going out and trying to find someone who can jump-start your love life with men and dating... and potentially wasting your time and money... I've done the hard work for you. I found Julie and I recorded this interview for you on CD so you can listen to it when it's convenient for you to listen and learn. Truth be told, I'm so excited for you to hear everything Julie had to say about dating and relationships, here's what I'm going to do... I'm going to release this interview as this month's edition of my "Interviews With Dating & Relationship Experts" series... and I'm going to let you check it out absolutely FREE. No obligations. No questions. No hassles. I simply want to send you this Interview and let you listen, learn, and reap all the benefits because I know it's going to transform your love life once you get your hands on it. But only if you're ready and open to this kind of growth and change in your life. I can't make that decision for you. But if you are ready, then to do my part and help get the power of this Interview in your hands, I'm going to do something special for you... If you let me know you're interested now, I'll ship this Interview to you right away. At no risk, and with no obligation. So not only will I pay for the shipping myself to get this Interview to you... I'll also send you 2 other great interviews for free as well that I know you're going to love. All I ask is that you listen to them and put them to good use in your life... and then I'll ask you to decide after a full month if you love the Interviews, and what you get out of them, and whether you'd want to continue getting a new Interviews like these each month in the future. But of course, as I said there's no obligation. Getting more Interviews in the future as part of my exclusive monthly community is totally your call, and completely optional. In other words... if you wanted to "take advantage" of me here and get this Interview and 2 others absolutely free, then you're free to do so. I'm that confident that you'll truly learn and grow from these and you'll consider being a part of my monthly community of women who learn from and share all the latest insights and tips, and that you'll want to keep having more of the new "awakenings" in your life these Interviews will bring. All you have to do is go here and sign up for my Monthly Interview Series and I'll send you all this for free and see if you love them and would consider sharing more in the future. Get Julie's interview and start your new love life right here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/InterviewSeries/?cid=MZZZVQ&lid=3&ll=1 Here's another question about dating and relationships I get asked a lot... and I'm sure you can relate. Women will come up to me and say, "Christian, all this dating advice is great, but I don't understand why I can't just BE MYSELF and still attract Mr. Right." The answer is, you CAN be yourself, and really you SHOULD be. But how do you know that the way you "are" around a man is the "best" and most attractive you? I believe that ALL women have the natural power and ability to be confident, playful and wildly attractive to a man. The problem is that because of the baggage of past bad relationships, hurtful feelings or not understanding how men think makes women SUPPRESS that natural ability to ATTRACT and engage a man in a way where he can't help but want to spend time with her... and want to commit to her. What if you could UNLOCK your natural ability to attract the right man by learning what it is that makes HIM desire to be with you and ONLY you? What if you knew the secrets to how men think and behave, so you could finally relax and BE YOURSELF and draw a man to you without all that "convincing" about how he should be with you? When a man starts telling you "I care about you, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now" it's special man-speak for "I'm not that attracted to you, deep down." Believe me, if a man feels that DEEP EMOTIONAL CONNECTION with you, he won't even worry about what else is going on in his life. He'll want to be around you and want to have something meaningful and long-lasting with you. That's why my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program is the perfect companion to my interview with Julie. After you MEET and start flirting and dating Mr. Right, you'll want to keep him around for the long-haul. You'll want to know not just what to say, but what to do and what to avoid so he won't be able to RESIST you. In fact, if you're not happy with the way your love life is going right now, I HIGHLY urge you to get yourself a copy of BOTH my interview with Julie AND my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program on CD or DVD today. Here are just a couple examples of the things you'll learn in my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program: -How attraction works for MEN... and how to create that GUT LEVEL attraction so that everything else in your relationship will simply FALL INTO PLACE -A sure-fire way to have your man see you as his BEST and ONLY choice in a woman (this is especially crucial to know if your guy has "options" because he's a great catch) -And lots more... If you're ready to learn what triggers deep and real attraction in a man, so you can make the most of meeting Mr. Right, I have exactly what you need to get started. You'll need: 1) A copy of this latest interview I did with Julie Ferman with insights into men's minds when meeting men and dating 2) A copy of my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" CD or DVD program If you're interested in learning how to meet a quality man anywhere, what to say and do to get things started, and how to keep the attraction sizzling... you'll really benefit from everything you'll learn in both my interview with Julie and the "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program. For just a few days this month, I will ship BOTH of these amazing products directly to your door and let you check them out totally risk-free for a full 30 days. And to make it an even sweeter deal, I will pay for the cost of mailing everything to your door for you to try out risk free. If you'd like to receive the interview with Julie and 2 other bonus interviews... all of which are yours to keep even if you decide not to continue receiving more... AND a copy of my powerful and "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program... Click here and get things rolling today: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/NALA/?cid=MZZZVQ&lid=4&ll=1 Try everything for a month to decide if you like it and want to keep working with the materials. If you aren't totally satisfied and don't think it's exactly what you need right now... simply send the "Natural & Lasting Attraction" back to me and you won't have to pay anything. Best of all, the interview with Julie, the 2 bonus interviews are my gift to you for trying things out. Can it get any easier to simply try this out? I don't think so. So go here now before the offer expires at midnight on ______. Don't wait till it's too late. Go here now: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/NALA/?cid=MZZZVQ&lid=5&ll=1 But don't wait too long, because after midnight on ___ the offer ends and the interview with Julie will no longer be available. That's right, the interview won't repeat, it won't be covered in my newsletters and you won't be able to get it after midnight on ___ when you decide you want it after all. I don't want you to miss out on all the fantastic advice and tips Julie shares that makes dating more fun and less hassle. And if you haven't read my e-book yet, make sure you download it right now. My "Catch Him & Keep Him" e-book will give you all the basics you need to know about men when it comes to dating, why men behave the way they do in relationships and what you can do to avoid common mistakes you may be making with men. It's different material than the stuff I cover in my interview with Julie and a base for my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program. You can read it and use the material out of the e-book for 7 days before deciding if you want to keep it and pay for it. It's no risk, just like ALL my products. So download my "Catch Him & Keep Him" eBook now and be reading it in just a few minutes here: http://www.CatchHimKeepHim.com/e/12833/eBook/?cid=MZZZVQ&lid=6&ll=1 I'll talk to you again soon and best of luck in Life and Love, Your Friend, Christian Carter
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