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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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Cancun Experience

6/24/2007 Dear Readers; My trip to Cancun was simply incredible and the people I met there were indeed beautiful and highly spiritual. Of course traveling during a “Supernova Window” always bring about delays and like everyone else on the move, Mercury retrograde messed up my traveling. The beauty of possessing “Cosmic Consciousness” not only prepared me for the inconveniences but also allowed me not to stress and let the universe do its thing. Upon my arrival I was lead to my suite right on top of the Oasis Palm Beach luxurious hotel and after a well anticipated shower I took a couple of shot of exotic Cancun’s beaches. IMPORTANT NOTE:If you want to see all the great pictures you must sign up for the free newsletter. Click here Sad enough my good friend and famous actor Gary called me from Dallas confirming his inaptitude to make it to the event because of some of the movie electronic equipment failure forcing him to redo some of the scripted scenes. Gary told me how wonderful my new book “Beyond The Secret” really is and submitted another copy to his producer in anticipation to turn it into a movie of my crazy life. I met with some old faithful students and some really attractive, intelligent spiritual Ladies from many areas of the United States all sharing their gifts and values to the group. I had a blast teaching the “Universal Code” rules, doing some readings and my “Nostradamus Cabalistic Healing” presentation was a total hit. The hotel was packed from people from the entire world and I made many friends from musicians from the UK to some French sports figures enjoying Cancun exotic lifestyle. After my two presentations I finally were able to enjoy the Caribbean Sea and swam for hours into the Sunset enjoying a well deserved but short holiday. The next day we took a trip to the pyramids, one of my dearest wishes finally came true, as I wanted to stand at the highest point on the old structure. The park rangers of course forbid this dangerous stunt, but I wanted to regenerate all my chakras right on the center of the vortex and that is the ONLY way to do so. I politely asked out tour guide if I could stand on the pyramid and he innocently said, “But of course Dr. Turi” not knowing that I would take his words textually. I was totally amazed when I saw for the first time this humongous mystical structure lost in the thick jungle. What really bothered me is the thousands of people climbing the pyramid with their shoes on, it’s a total disrespect to the departed spirits to do so and doing so during those days may very well cost your life. I simply flew right on those stairs right to the top without stopping once, wondering where the strength for me to do so came from? Many people were astounded to see me flying by while catching up their breath. Sad enough some barbwire stopped me to reach the very top and bunches of people were there looking at the endless jungle treetops. I knew the center of the vortex was above and just a few dangerous feet away, I cautiously ignored the warning signs and began to ascend from the back of the pyramid. A couple of weathered rock gave away under my weight and crashed down, I was praying the spirits to spare my life and give me the strength to make it all the way to the top, and I did! WHAT A FEELING! I could see for miles right above the jungle canopy feeling the cool wind rushing all over me. I gave my respects to the departed souls of all the ingenious builders, including the slaves who met with their death doing the work and all the High Priests performing sacred rituals. I knew I had to demand forgiveness to disturb them but I know I was the only one bare foot and I felt both acceptance and safety in the spirit. I faced south, North, East and finally west letting the incredible magical flux of the pyramid flowing through my body recharging all my chakras. I made my way all the way back to a furious tour guide telling me how lucky I was not to be escorted out with a fine by a Park Ranger. Well the waxing Moon protected me and I knew it but I am not exactly proud for the risks and danger of falling and killing myself but I could not control the force in me ordering me to do so. You may also look at the aura all around me in a previous picture taken barefoot on another pyramid and see my shinning aura replenishing my chakras then. Click here We previously visited different sites and enjoyed them all but THIS was IT! We drove back to Cancun and sleep like a rock that night. My trip was cut short due to a taping for the Discovery channel in San Antonio Texas, I had to get up at 4.00 AM then transfer to the airport then I flew to Houston, changed plane and arrived in San Antonio around 11.30 AM. Michelle picked me up from the airport and took me to the taping location where the entire crew was waiting for me. I was introduced to everyone and undergo 30 minutes in the hands of the Make Up artist. The show took place at the National Park Service at San Antonio oldest “Mission Conception”. The church is the oldest structure in the city standing for over 250 years; it was a religious center were missionaries (following the Ceteral Bull of the Pope) taught Catholic Spain to the Native American Indians of South Texas. During those days the “Coahuiltecans” were rich in their own natural traditions and were people of survival, in harsh harmony with their rough environment. The arrival of Europeans brought devastating diseases and irreversible changes destroying American Indian lifeways. Ironically the Mission living and use of the land offered a chance for survival, which the Spaniards seized. I was offered a tour of the Mission and was brought back in time; I enjoyed it all and strongly recommend anyone of you to check this old mission. I was driven back by Michelle to one of the finest Hotel in San Antonio named “Hotel Contessa” by the “River Walk”. I really enjoyed my stay and enjoyed a well-deserved rest and fabulous diner. I am on my way to France from July 14 to the 29th then to the island of Corsica, then New Caledonia thus if you need any service order ASAP so I can take care of you before my trip. Finally my genius Webmaster Alan made my last television show available for all of you to enjoy. Click here Sharing emails ----- Original Message ----- From: jg///.com Subject: right again!! FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUE., WED. — JUNE 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27: RULERS — Venus (Passion/love) and Pluto (Death/drama/sex): Environment: Many mother earth supporters will march to be heard by government officials and they will succeed in their requests to save the environment. Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 7:17 am - Last night, the U.S. Senate passed an energy bill that would greatly improve the fuel economy of our nation's cars for the first time since 1975 -- cutting America's oil dependence and global warming pollution in the process. By a 65 to 27 vote, the Senate adopted a measure that would require cars, trucks and sport-utility vehicles to get 35 miles per gallon by 2020 -- compared with a paltry 25 miles per gallon today. It was a stunning setback for the auto companies, who fought tooth and nail against an energy bill that will drag America out of our gas guzzling past and into a more energy efficient future. And what a historic moment for millions of us who have worked so hard -- for so many years -- to break the automakers' stranglehold on Washington for the sake of a healthier planet. ----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Subject: UFO sighting http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23401615-details/'Mile-wide+UFO'+spotted+by+British+airline+pilot/article.do Sent to you because Moon Power says we would see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: es//om Subject: Re: NASA KARMA Greetings Dr. Turi, I rec'd your book recently Beyond the Secret and when I held it after opening the package with both hands I felt a charge of energy. Thanks again! Yet the most powerful experience came Monday 6-18-07 between 6:00pm & 6:15pm PST. My wife was waiting for me outside and was looking skyward as I locked the house. Never the less as I came outside on a bright sunny California day she asked me, "What bird fly so high and keeps changing formation" as she looked skyward. Immediately I looked up and seen a UFO which appeared white in color resembling a round aspirin darting across the sky. I have seen them before and can tell there UFO's by there elliptical movement while racing across the sky. Yet the most amazing event I ever seen was watching multiple UFO's moving in the opposite direction of the one I saw constantly changing formation multiple times for what seemed an eternity. The ships would look like they would hit each other yet never did and went into circular formations, a ziz zag formations, a straight line and other symmetrical alignments constantly and never the same! It was so amazing and clear to see my wife kept saying every time they changed formation. "look they're changing formation." Truly amazing!!!!! Later as they finally just faded away we were driving together and I asked my wife I wonder how many ships were their...She said 12. I got it! Ever since I started the pursuit of astro-psychology I realized the importance of the number 12. You are the only person I have shared this with and I would greatly appreciate any insight you can share on this amazing event and reality. i was born March 15 in a town called Neptune, NJ. Thanks Dr. Turi!!!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: Jane Hello Dr. Turi, I heard you on Coast to Coast with George Noory the other night and I was amazed at how fast your time with him went by.? The show was great and you were so interesting to listen to as always. ? I first heard you on C2C a year ago and have been a student and ardent follower ever since.? Your accuracy rate is incredible, but now that I have been studying Astropsychology, your predictions all make sense to me.? I fully support you in your efforts to bring us all closer to the light.? You definitely are going against the current every day, yet you keep on cranking it.? You are on the threshold of becoming very famous.? All I can say is finally!!! Take care my friend, Jane ----- Original Message ----- From: Becca Dear Dr Turi! I just received our big package of readings and your book also! Thanking you so much for being True to Your Word, I in this lifetime have not had the privilege to experience very many people who told me they would do something I requested and They actually took care of my request on time! Your are a breath of fresh air in my world, and when my husband comes home next week, we will look forward to learning and exploring your package for ourselves and our children, and especially the Cartography package! Have a wonderful seminar in the islands, and again, please put me on your list for your next major class, and notify my when you have your dates lined up. Joyfully Appreciated! Safe Journey's! Becca and Family in Georgia ----- Original Message ----- From: Carmela Dr. Turi, Thank you for all your e-mails, Moon Power Book and your great energy. I am planning a trip to Arizona in two weeks...full moon/birthday trip! I am from L.A and my boyfriend and I never been to Sedona. I know you are a busy man, but if you can recommend a place....what would it be? Love and light, Carmela P.S You gave me a reading a year ago over the phone during a radio show. You are the BEST! ----- Original Message ----- From: LOUIS, ONCE AGAIN YOU WERE RIGHT, I TOOK MY SON JOHN TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK THIS PAST TUESDAY, AND THE CASH REGISTER WAS HAVING PROBLEMS WITH ADMISSIONS, THE RIDES WERE SHUT DOWN TWICE DUE TO THUNDERSTORMS WITH LIGHTING, AND THE ARCADE FACILITY LOST POWER, NOT A GOOD DAY TO VISIT SIX FLAGS. I TOLD MY SON, ITS BECAUSE OF MERCURY RETROGRADE, "SUPERNOVA WINDOW". LOUIS, ALSO I AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT NASA, EVERY TIME THEY LAUNCH DURING A SUPERNOVA WINDOW, THEY HAVE PROBLEMS, WHEN WILL THEY "GET IT". LOVE CHERYL FARRELL ----- Original Message ----- From: Jane Dear Dr Turi, If you recall my email to you re wanting to go to Cancun on June 18th I was sad I could not go due to me needing a permanent residence card yet said to myself I am not meant to go as their was too many blockages, a reason for everything, the finances I was expecting to get have still not arrived (delay)Then when I read your newsletter tonight I saw that your trip was going to be shorter than expected and Gary Busey was not able to attend either. I know this would have disappointed me also, in the end the delays do serve a purpose everything is in divine order and we are protected. I am very happy for you that you are doing a taping with the discovery channel although it is not your first congratulations I watch the discovery channel a lot, so I look forward to your show very much. I really do believe in all you do and very grateful for the efforts you put in to your work very admirable I truly believe many doors are beginning to open for you this is a gut instinct I feel so good luck. May gods love and blessings be with you always. Jane ----- Original Message ----- From: Wilhelmina Dear Dr. Turi, I'm so glad that your message was heard on Coast To Coast. You have so much to offer the world. Some of us have to stay up all night to hear you. Best of Luck with your book. I'm so sorry that you had such a tough childhood, but it has contributed to the the gifts you now have. I hope that you will contact Barbara Altman's Front Porch Radio Show. She is on world-wide daily from 10am to 11:45am on WOND Radio 1400. She is also an astrologer and has quite a following. I really hope that you will become a guest on her show. In the meantime, thank you for all that you do for everyone. Best Regards, Wilhelmina ----- Original Message ----- From: Yash Dr. Turi I will appreciate if you will be kind enough to provide how to obtain these the book and the course soft ware, from you. At the same time, I am as well interested to take dragon related prediction course from you. Please make me more aware of the details. No doubt, I am impressed from your credentials; and will like to be your student. Thanks- Yash -St. Catharines, ON Canada ----- Original Message ----- From: Shalisa Good day sir, I heard you on the radio and want to be a student of your astrology. I really want to learn. A person who needs to find myself being able to be in touch with my true spirit soul purpose. Thank you for being there. ----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Dr. Turi Slowly but surely people are getting it....... Hello Dr. Turi ----- Original Message ----- From: Charlene Thank you for taking your time to do my life reading and map info so quickly! The information does FIT me. Being 63,I think most of the career information has pasted by. I have been a successful massage therapist for 20 years. My first job was at the Pointe Resort at South Mountain in Tempe. I am very interested in your healing class, but I have not taken any of your classes. Know a little astrology, but never thought I wanted to learn much more, but you reading for me has increased my interest. As far as you views on religion, mine are the same. I knew as a child in the Baptist Church, there was something very wrong with what they were selling!! When I moved to Denver(under the influence of Uranus)-I see that now—I studied Theosophy and many things metaphysical. Met many interesting people, And lived in the alternative world mostly. Certainly, under the influence of Saturn, in Atlanta things are much more difficult and My sister is crazy!! Religious, addicted to alcohol, and has to have a fish pond in the back yard. Sounds like a Scorpio in Neptune. She did fall in the pond. Let me know more about your healing class. Again, Thank You Charlene http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20070614/sc_livescience/strangethingsdohappenatfullmoon;_ylt=AvRazBqx8WNfihSykU99cnkE1vAI Book Description Beyond the Secret is the fascinating autobiography of Dr. Louis Turi. It recounts his unusual life starting at birth in the Provence region of France, to his life in England and America. His experiences range from tragic to euphoric, mundane and miraculous, all of which have given him great compassion for his fellow humans. He explains metaphysical principles that apply to the different chapters of his life. There is much more in this life than the Law of Attraction. Other laws include metaphysical and cosmological aspects. It is an engaging read you will not be able to set down. When I read this endorsement I was pleased and event though I wrote the book myself anytime I open it I CAN'T put it down and you will agree with us when you read my crazy adventurous life and some of the miracles I experienced. Not to forget the real opportunity to master the "Universal Code" and use the creative forces of your subconscious to bring about all your wishes. Give it a shot I GUARANTEE you will NOT be disappointed with this book. Get your SIGNED copy right now Click here I am taking names for my 5 days future Astropsychology crash course on the Tarot Nostradamus Cabalistic Natural Healings and The Secret in Hawaii or Sedona. There is NO previous astrology knowledge needed and no maths involved and if you took the course by mail this course if FREE for you. Again this course is FREE IF YOU ALREADY TOOK THE COURSE BY MAIL. I am always learning more and all previous students are always welcome to improve their wisdom wherever I will teach. Call 602-265-7667 or email your name and telephone number at dr.turi@cox.net Listen to Dr. Turi archives Click here Join us again in San Jose, California August 25th & 27th 2007 where Dr. Turi will talk about "The Rest Of The Secret" and bring the audience to a light hypnotic trance. Click here Blessings to all Dr. Turi
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