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The Hogwarts Halloween Ball went on that night, and Harry and Ginny attended as Harry had promised, but with Ginny still being weak from the battle, they didn't stay long, but the party lasted all night.

Harry simply left with Ginny to the Burrow, along with the rest of the Weasleys.  Mainly it was for two reasons, as he explained to them upon leaving the Great Hall.

"Look, we're exhausted, and we need the rest.  I also need some interference run for us so we can get that rest."  Harry pleaded with Molly.

Molly simply smiled and gave them both a hug.  "Go rest.  Right now, I think if you asked to become Minister of Magic you'd get it.  If we tell people you're out of circulation to get some rest, they'll let you get some rest.  Especially if *I* tell them, in the way only a mother can."

"Thanks, Mum." they both said gratefully, then disapparated to the Burrow.  They headed to Ginny's room, closed, locked, and silenced the door, and promptly fell asleep in each other's arms.  The rest of the Weasleys did the same, with Hermione sleeping with Ron.

The celebration lasted a full week.

The Daily Prophet was working overtime to keep up with the news, and the reports were coming in from all over the wizarding world.  Harry and Ginny were inundated with owls, all bearing well-wishes and thanks from all over the world.  Fred and George took over the task of dealing with the owls, and Ron and Hermione took charge of sorting out the mail.

On November 2nd Harry and Ginny finally began to sort through the Daily Prophets first.  The mail could wait.  Over breakfast they began to catch up on things.  The November 1st special edition of the Prophet covered the details of the duel in detail, including the fact that Harry had revealed his marriage to Ginny.  That drew some eyebrows from Arthur and Molly, but Harry had explained that it was necessary for the wills, just in case, which satisfied them.

It was that day's edition that drew their attention now.

Potions Professor Pardoned, to Return to Hogwarts, to be honored

Severus Snape, the Hogwarts Potions Professor, was pardoned by the Minister of Magic today of charges of the murder of Albus Dumbledore and of being a Death Eater.  Evidence of his innocence was presented by the portrait of Albus Dumbledore himself, where he revealed that he had arranged with Snape to end his life should the time come, and that Snape actually had Dumbledore's consent to kill him, so no murder actually happened.  Dumbledore also explained that Snape was not a Death Eater but was a spy working for the Order of the Phoenix.

Snape, previously fired by the Hogwarts Board of Governors has been reinstated as full professor at the school and will return to teaching next year.  Current Potions Professor Horace Slughorn announced his retirement effective at the end of the year, happy to return to private life once again.

In related news, while working under cover for the Order of the Phoenix, Snape, aided by Fred, George, and Hermione Weasley, and Ginerva Potter, developed a ground-breaking cure for Lycanthropy.  Examinations of the first three test patients, incarcerated Death Eater Fenrir Greyback and Order of the Phoenix members Remus Lupin and Bill Weasley, both victims of Greyback, reveal them fully cured.  The cure itself has been fully documented and is undergoing analysis at St. Mungo's, but it appears that it works, and the notes of Ginerva Potter as to the mental state of werewolves during transformation, which she documented using a before-unheard-of technique of Legillimency, was most unusual and helpful.  The Wizenmagot has decided that Snape, Potter, and the three Weasleys will receive Special Medical Services to the Wizarding World Awards for their breakthrough, the highest medical award in the wizarding world and equivalent to the Muggle Nobel Prize.  The awards will be presented at a later date.

You-Know-Who's Body Destroyed, Death Easters Executed

The body of You-Know-Who, along with the remains of his Horcruxes, were thrown through the veil at the Department of Mysteries last night.  Following in his wake were fourteen Death Eaters sentenced to death for their roles in the war, believed to be in You-Know-Who's inner circle:  Lucius Malfoy, Anton Dolohov, Walden Macnair, Pansy Parkinson, Gregory Goyle Sr. and Jr., Theodore Nott Sr. and Jr., Vincent Crabbe Sr. and Jr., Fenrir Greyback, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and Augustus Rookwood.  The remaining Death Eaters, some 180 in all, are serving life sentences in Azkaban.

* * *

November 3rd

"Harry? Ginny?  Some special friends to see you," Molly poked her head into the drawing room, now no longer the War Room.  Harry and Ginny looked up to see Remus and Tonks in the doorway, holding hands, glowing with excitement.  They got up to meet them and was swept up in a huge hug.

"Congratulations, you newlyweds!  We never had a chance to say that before!" said Ginny.

"There's more than that, Ginny," Tonks said knowingly.  Ginny just looked at her a second, then squealed and hugged her.


"First night."

Harry looked at the women, then it dawned on his what they were talking about.  He clapped Lupin on the shoulder.  "Congratulations, Moony!"

Lupin looked at them.  "You'll be godparents?"

Ginny answered for them.  "Of course.  That makes two now."

"Two?" asked Tonks, surprised.

Harry grinned.  "Yep.  Ron and Hermione, too."

* * *

Vernon Dursley and Dudley unloaded their trunks from the limousine at Number Four Privet Drive, and hauled them inside.  Petunia Dursley got out of the limousine and George drove it away.

Looking at Petunia, sitting on the lawn, was a black and red greyhound, with white circles around green eyes and a lightning-bolt-shaped patch of white fur on the black head.  She moved to shoo it off her lawn, but then it changed, and Harry Potter stood looking at her.  He beckoned, and they moved to the side, out of sight.  There, they hugged.

"All right, Aunt Petunia?"  Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry.  I'm glad it's over," she replied.  "America is a huge place to tour and we had a marvelous time, but it is good to come home."

"It's over here as well, and all is well," Harry replied.  "Ginny and I are to be formally married soon.  We'd like you to be there for it."

"That red-haired girl who told me off?  She's just like Lily was."  She smiled.  "I'd like that, Harry."

"One more thing," he said.  He handed her Ginny's coin.  "Take this.  If you ever need anything, simply look at the coin, press on it, and say my name."

She took it with tears in her eyes.  "Thank you, Harry."

They hugged again, then he disapparated with a crack.

* * *

November 30th

The Great Hall was filled to capacity with students, the Ministry, and wizards and witches.  Cornelius Fudge rose and addressed the overflow crowd.

"Thank you all for being here.  Today we honor the heroes of the war, who brought us the final victory over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  We also honor some brilliant wizards and witches for their advanced medical breakthrough in developing a cure for Lycanthropy."

"First, we honor our heroes.  Please step forward:  Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Severus Snape, Ginerva Potter, and last but certainly not least, Harry Potter."

The five made their way forward.

"To each of you, for your selfless service in defeating the Dark Lord, the Wizenmagot awards you Orders of Merlin, First Class.  To Harry Potter, for saving our world, we owe a special thanks.  Harry, to you we owe everything, and we are eternally in your debt."

The Hall erupted in applause.

"Next, we honor those who have made our world a better place.  Hermione Weasley, please step forward."

Hermione came forward and joined the group.  Harry took a step back.

"To each of you, for your brilliant and remarkable breakthrough in curing Lycanthropy, we award you the Special Medical Services to the Wizarding World.  Congratulations, and thank you all."

Again the Hall erupted in applause.

Fudge left the podium and the ceremony broke down into a modest reception.

Harry quietly slipped out a side door and headed to his office.

* * *

Back in the Great Hall a lone red-haired figure entered, looked around nervously, and made his way forward.  He went unnoticed until he reached his objective, a group of similarly-coiffed people.

"Mum? Dad?" Percy Weasley quietly said.

Molly and Arthur turned around at the voice, and looked at their son in shock.  Ginny, Ron, the twins, Bill, and Charlie all resembled a school of red-haired fish, with eyes wide and mouths open.

Molly quavered, "Percy?"

Percy looked down and his face flushed.  "I was wrong, completely and utterly wrong about everything.  I'm sorry."

Fred looked at him.  "Would you say you were an utter git and a stupid prat?"

Percy nodded, tears in his eyes.  "Yes, I was an utter git and a stupid prat."

Fred considered that, then extended his hand.  "Good enough for me."  Surprised, Percy shook it

"Oh, Percy!"  Molly burst into tears and hugged her prodigal son.  Then Arthur joined them.

"What made you see sense, Perce?" asked George.

"A lot of things, but I had to stay away until now.  I was spying for Dumbledore in the Ministry and had to keep it a secret," Percy replied.  "I decided against Dumbledore's wishes that the best thing to do was to sever family ties.  I was dead wrong, and he was dead right.  I've been passing information on to Kingsley in the Order for over two years."

Percy turned to his father and said in a low voice, "Dad, Fudge is utterly corrupt, and I can prove it."  Arthur looked at him in surprise.

"What good will that do now?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think if I expose him, he's headed for Azkaban.  I gave Dumbledore the information a long time ago."  Percy's voice dropped lower.  "I think Harry knows already, but I don't know how."

"Well, keep an eye on things at the Ministry as before," replied Ginny.  "If I know my husband, something is going to happen there soon.  He mentioned something to Dobby about advocating for the centaurs and goblins, but I'm not sure."

"All right," he replied.  "Wait a minute.  Husband?  You and Harry?  When?"

"Technically last July.  Publicly October 30th, but the formal ceremony is in the future.  We kept it secret to not alert Voldemort," Ginny replied.

"I've been out of touch lately, I guess.  I had no idea," said Percy.  "I knew Ron and Bill had the double wedding, though, and I would have been there, but I didn't want to blow it."

"Then you also don't know that you're going to be an uncle soon," Charlie replied.  "Icky Wonniekins has been busy."  He grinned, and Ron flushed at the mention of the hated nickname.

"Well, congratulations, Ron and Hermione.  All my best."

* * *

December 1st

Harry once again arrived at the Ministry, but this time he was not alone.  With him was Bane, the Goblin chieftain, and Dobby carrying a Pensieve.  They made their way together to the Wizenmagot chamber, then entered.  Proceedings were underway, but Harry, having been alerted by Arthur as to the agenda, had timed his arrival perfectly.

"Is there any item of business that any of the public wishes to discuss?" Fudge was asking.  Percy was sitting by, dutifully taking notes.

Harry raised his voice.  "I would speak, Minister."

Surprised, Fudge looked down at Harry.  "Normally a guest wishing to address the Wizenmagot needs a sponsor on the Wizenmagot.  Who will sponsor Mr. Potter?"  Every hand in the room save two went up.  "Well, that takes care of that formality.  Proceed, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you, Minister.  Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizenmagot, the past three years have seen difficult times, and while the focus of that difficult time has been vanquished, it is past time to address an issue that if left unaddressed, will cause another difficult time.

"You see with me three individuals.  First, I introduce Dobby, the only free elf in the wizarding world.  He is employed by me but is not my servant; he is paid.  He is my equal and my friend.  Second, I introduce, Bane, head of the centaurs that inhabit the forest at Hogwarts.  Third, I introduce the Goblin chieftain and head of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.  They have accompanied me in a sign of solidarity.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for centuries human witches and wizards have treated sentient non-human magical beings in our world with disdain, condescension, and at time outright hostility.  Goblin rebellions have happened because of this, and recently the centaurs were very close to open warfare with the wizarding world.  Voldemort himself recruited dark creatures to his cause with the promise of better treatment for them, and largely as a result of their treatment by us, they joined him.

"We can never completely defeat evil, but we can keep it driven back.  A close friend once told me a famous American quote, 'We must hang together, or surely we will hang separately.'  That holds true for unity among witches and wizards, but it also holds true for unity among all magical beings of our world, human and not.

"So, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is in that spirit that during the war, just prior to the failed attacks on Azkaban, Hogsmeade, and this Ministry that I negotiated with and secured agreements of neutrality from both the centaurs and the goblins.  As part of that agreement, they agreed to stay out of the war, and I agreed to speak to you today, and to stand with them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizenmagot, I recently made history again, but I'll be the first to tell you I had help.  I'd like to make history one more time, but in this case I'll need your help.

"I come here today to propose a means to ease the tensions between humans and non-human magical beings in our world, by giving the Goblins and the centaurs representation in the Wizenmagot as sitting members.  I would also propose that similar representation be extended for other non-human magical beings should they desire it, and that they be given the representation though Dobby, who as a free elf, is in a unique position to do the job.  I ask this body to carefully consider my words, and understand that I would not be here advocating for this if I did not believe in it myself.  The three individuals who stand with me are my equals and my friends, and to two of them I owe life debts, and I proudly stand with them."

Fudge stood up.  "It is not within the scope of the Ministry to offer seating to these races.  You are aware, Mr. Potter, that both the Goblins and the centaurs have their liaison offices in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.  That is their interface to the Ministry, and I'm sorry, Mr. Potter, but that is how it shall remain."

"I don't think so, Minister," replied Harry.  "Your own racial biases against non-human magical beings are well-known, and they disqualify you from making an impartial decision."  He turned to the assembly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the Minister is determined to deny you your proper deliberative role.  I would request that the Minister recuse himself from this deliberation, or else I shall be forced to present evidence to require it."  He turned back to Fudge.  "Your choice, Minister."

"I will not allow this deliberation to proceed!" Fudge snarled.

"Very well," Harry replied.  "You leave me no choice, then."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please observe the following memory."  He removed a silvery bottle from his robes and dumped the contents into the Pensieve.  Immediately Fudge rose out of the Pensieve, as well as Lucius Malfoy.

"We have an agreement, then, Fudge?" asked Malfoy.  "Ten thousand galleons a month to a private account in exchange for you discrediting Potter and Dumbledore?"

"Agreed, Lucius.  While I do admit the Dark Lord is back, it is politically imprudent for me to admit it, and this arrangement makes it financially imprudent as well," Fudge replied.  "Besides, that blasted Order of the Phoenix keeps showing up the Ministry, and the best way to combat that is to make it look like they are chasing shadows."

"Dolores will send two Dementors to Little Whinging to deal with Potter, but she doesn't know that I know it.  If he uses a Patronus to defend himself, we'll know it and use it as an excuse to expel him, which will further discredit him," Fudge said.  "I'm also going to send her to Hogwarts to make Dumbledore's life a living Hell, and she'll pass on information to me that I can use to discredit him.  I'm already working to have him thrown off the Wizenmagot and removed as Chief Warlock."

"Very good, Cornelius.  I will see to the first transfer," Lucius left without a further word, and the memory ended.

Harry addressed the assembly.  "Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring forth charges of bribery and corruption against Cornelius Fudge.  I offer as evidence the memory just shown, and further corroborating evidence if the Wizenmagot so desires."

Madam Bones spoke.  "Please present your corroborating evidence, Mr. Potter."

"Call witness Percival Weasley."  There was a slight murmur as Percy came forward.  He took two drops of Veritaserum and sat down, then gave his name, age, and position as junior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic.

"You have seen the memory presented just now?"  Harry asked.

"Yes, I have.  It was my memory, delivered to Albus Dumbledore.  I was Disillusioned at the time, so neither Mr. Malfoy nor Minister Fudge saw me," replied Percy.

"Why did you Disillusion yourself?"

"I was under orders from Dumbledore himself as a member of the Order of the Phoenix.  My orders were to spy on the Minister and report suspicious doings."

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley.  Call witness Ragnok."  Percy stepped down.

The goblin came forward and took his seat, then game his name, age, and position as banker at Gringotts.

"Did you establish a private bank account at Lucius Malfoy's direction?"

"I did."

"What were his instructions?"  Harry asked.

"His instructions were to transfer ten thousand galleons from his personal vault into this account at the first of each month, and on the fifteenth of each month a matching sum was to be transferred into the vault of Cornelius Fudge."

"Did the transfers take place and were they recorded?"

"Yes, and they were recorded in this book." Ragnok lifted up a large ledger.

"Thank you, Ragnok."  The goblin stepped down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the evidence is of the bribery is clear," said Harry.  "I ask for your verdict."

Madam Bones spoke again.  "All those finding Minister Fudge guilty of all charges?"  Every hand but two rose.  "All those finding Minister Fudge not guilty of all charges?"  One hand went up: Umbridge.

Madam Bones spoke one more time.  "Minister Fudge, you have been found guilty of bribery and corruption.  As mandated by wizarding law, for such offenses in a position of power you are hereby sentenced to twenty-five years imprisonment in Azkaban, and you are stripped of your office."

The Aurors led Fudge away, and Madam Bones spoke again.

"There is also evidence against Dolores Umbridge here.  Aurors, please remove Madam Umbridge from the room to Azkaban for furher proceedings."  Two more Aurors led a protesting Umbridge away.

"Since the office of Minister of Magic is now vacant, we must select a new Minister before we proceed to Mr. Potter's original proposal.  Please cast your nominations by parchment and deliver them to the secretary."

A few minutes passed as the parchments were written and passed in, then the secretary announced the results.

"For Minister of Magic: Kingsley Shacklebolt, twenty votes; Amelia Bones, twenty-eight votes; Arthur Weasley, fifty-one votes.  The new Minister of Magic, by majority vote, is Arthur Weasley."

Arthur took the chair, as surprised as could be.  "Thank you for your confidence, and I am humbled and surprised.  I shall do my best.  I believe the next item of business was Mr. Potter's proposal?  Is there any discussion on the proposal?"

The room was silent.

"All in favor of Mr. Potter's proposal as made?"  Every hand in the room went up.  "All opposed?" No hands went up.  "The proposal passes.  Dobby, please take your seat with the Wizenmagot.  Bane, you may take the centaur's seat, or you may select a representative."

"Minister Weasley, I select Firenze to take the seat," Bane intoned.

"So noted.  The goblins have the same option," said Arthur.

The goblin chieftain spoke: "We choose Harry Potter."

Harry stepped forward.  "I respectfully decline.  The goblin representative to the Wizenmagot should be a goblin, not a human."

"Ragnok, then."  Ragnok took his seat.

Harry spoke up one last time.  "I thank you for your time and impartial treatment.  I hope it shall continue, and I respectfully take my leave."  He summoned the Pensieve and left the room.

* * *

December 5th

"Harry, Ginny, thank you for seeing me on such short notice," McGonagall began.  "Seeing as the war is over and things are returning to normal, I think it is time to discuss your futures."

"Headmistress, what do you mean?" asked Ginny.

"Ginny, Poppy has talked with me and she has decided that not only are you ready, but are excellently qualified to do so.  She has tendered her retirement effective at the end of the school year, but only on the condition that you succeed her," McGonagall explained.  Then she turned to Harry.

"Harry, I have talked further with the Board of Governors, and they have unanimously agreed.  Right now you could walk into the Ministry and become Minister of Magic or any other post you wanted based just on reputation alone, but I hope you'll consider taking the post of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts permanently, as well as the new Head of Gryffindor House.  As Headmistress I have had difficulty being both, and since you are Gryffindor's Heir, it makes sense."

:Love, can you handle the Infirmary?

:Can you handle Gryffindor House?

Harry looked at Ginny, and she nodded.  "Headmistress, we both accept."

McGonagall smiled broadly.  "I think the Potters will be most welcome and valued additions to the Hogwarts staff and legacy."


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