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Miss Mandy RLGFFM2 iamdickhead DO NOT OWN's blog: "Daily Thoughts"

created on 05/17/2019  |  http://fubar.com/daily-thoughts/b371365  |  2 followers

Friday Evenin Thoughts

Hey guys, I know its been awhile since Ive written anything, Ive been pretty busy here lately, BUT lets rewind back to last Friday, I went to work like every other friday, but the MAN that I have completely fallen for picked me up afterwards. What was planned to be only a short couple hour visit ended up being an over night visit. He picked me up and I got my hug, i dont know who was shakin more. I just melted.. He just held me so tight, like we have been missing each other our entire lives. Yall no joke, it felt like time stood still.. It literally felt like a dream, so we sat in the park by the lake.. I sat between his legs and he just held me..and we talked. Everything feels so perfect with him, we sat there for awhile and he kissed me... goodness.. 

A little while longer we ended up going to dinner and we talked, I knew our time was coming to an end so i was just trying to soak up every second with him, he asked me what was wrong and i replied with I just wanted to cuddle.. SO he made it happen. He held me for what felt like forever. non stop smiling, kissing and cuddles. I would not change a thing. I have waited my whole life for someone like him. I got to fall asleep in his arms and it was everything that we have talked about. Waking up next to him was equally amazing. He had to take off early that morning, but i cherish every second that we had together. I think i only slept 2 hours if that. He has no idea how much he means to me. He has brought so much peace and happiness into my life. I dont know, its just almost too good to be true sometimes, which scares the shit out of me honestly. Ive never felt like this ever in my entire life....

Im not exaggerating, he literally is everything I have ever dreamed about. Is our situation perfect? No. but theres room for us to grow and eventually be where we need to. If its meant to be it will be right?  So fast forward to this friday... Its completely different than last friday lol, Im sitting in my living room, thinking about last friday, listening to music, drinking some wine and about to eat hot wings... When Im alone its when I think the most, which we all know isnt healthy for me lol. But i wanted to write because I havent in awhile. If you have taken the time to read this, I appreciate it. 


Until next time.. xoxo


Saturday Afternoon

Hey guys hows it goin? Its been a pretty good day today for me. Woke up early and got the kids some donuts for a surprise :) and came home and cleaned the house up a little bit. Really just relaxed most of the afternoon and watched some TV which i rarely do. Ive been in a weird mood the past couple of days. Im hoping it passes soon. ANYWAY~ I had the most amazing conversation with the man I love last night.. 2 hours and some odd minutes of nothing but laughing and talking. Im tellin ya, loving him is soo easy. He is unlike anyone else I have ever talked to or dated. I dont know it just feels right, which brings me to my next topic... The last guy I talked to on here..

Im just honestly tired of being asked questions and we have some mutual friends that like to cause some drama or go and run and tell him everything I post.. (im slowly deleting them) but in the mean time I DO NOT care what R3CKLESS is doing, i dont care what he has to say about me and i dont care if hes telling different stories than what actually happened between us. I usually dont blast my shit but im just truly sick of it. Okay so him and I started talking in late May just as friends, and then we decided take it a bit further in late June, all the while not putting a label on us. Which was fine at first. No I love yous, nothing crazy, just talked as friends and flirted on Fubar. Well about the middle of july we had our first "fight" he cut things off because some guys were flirting on me (keep in mind I WAS NOT entertaining it) it sucked but it was whatever, so we started talking again and He told me I had to prove to him pretty much that I wasnt a whore... That I was serious.. Okay so this boy had my phone number since like the 2nd week we started talking, wouldnt call me or anything, but rubbing it in my face that he was talking to other girls that he talked to on fubar.. (Im really patient i swear) AND tellin me he loved me.. okay so if you love someone that usually means you want to take it to the next level? maybe comit to that person? NO he didnt want to, he would not label me as his girlfriend and that bothered me ALOT.. if he was telling me he loved me, and telling me that he wanted to be with me then what was the big deal. so the more i thought about it the more i just felt like it wasnt right for me.. so I cut things off (and he didnt even fight it) so that proved some shit to me.. and got accused of talking to someone else, He just wasnt nice to me end of story. So then I felt bad... anyone that truly knows me knows that I hate when anyone is upset with me. SO me being the nice person I am decided to apologize but wanted to remain friends... But he would fuck with my emotions, telling me he was going to ask me to be his gf, he talked to his mom about me.. Feeding me all this bullshit to practically make me feel like shit.. I mean to a point i did but at the same time I was just over it.. He was my friend... in all honesty thats all he ever was.. He didnt want me but he didnt want anyone else to have me either, all while feeding all you guys half ass bull shit.. hes drama.He would play some of you girls against me just to get me pissed off.. telling me that yall were flirting with him and I better watch myself... Im too old for that highschool shit. For you ladies that are harassing me, and stalking my shit, theres the story. He has made the statement that I am saying the same shit to the new guy that I did him... R3CKLESS and I didnt even talk half as much so I dont know where hes getting that.

The new guy in my life is absolutely amazing, Hes so generous, he cares, he doesnt try to make me jealous on purpose, and anytime a girl comes at him in anyway that might seem inappropriate he tells me, hes even went as far to send me screen shots (AND I DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR THEM) just to make sure I believe him. We talk on the phone almost daily and he knows more about me in this short amount of time than anyone else has even thought about. He makes me laugh, hasnt made me cry (except for when he sent me flowers) and that was just because it was so unexpected. I am 100% myself with him, and he accepts me.. I literally could probably talk about him for hours.. It just feels right So theres my rant for today. I am just over this bullshit Even tho hes blocked on everything some of you bitches still feed it to him.. Feed him this one..


Thanks for reading... Until next time.. xoxo

Wednesday Thoughts

Hey guys, hows it going? If you read my blog last night, thank you! Those of you that commented or messaged me, I truly appreciate your kind words. It meant alot to me. So lets talk about my day at work, I worked until 4 today and I only had 10 kiddos, it was pretty awesome, We did a bunch of singing and dancing and played outside, I love my job. Im a little nervous about tomorrow, I have an IEP meeting. Its a pretty big deal. Im hoping I can get this little booger the help he needs to progress and grow the rest of the year. So like i said, I worked until 4 so I called my boyfriend on my lunch break (thats so weird.. I have a boyfriend) LOL anyway so he always answers the phone so fucking sweet. I dont know everything he does is perfect. Literally have prayed my whole life for this man. So we talk and talk and we have some of the best conversations even when we get to talk for a short time. Its never anything short of amazing. Theres a good chance he wont have service tonight and he warned me that I might not hear from him later... Yall dont know how much that meant to me... Instead of me worrying all night... He gave me a heads up. He really is the best. So later on once i get home he sends me this voice clip. It just melts my heart... Im completely in love with this man.. Okay so thats enough mushy junk (I just cant help it)

So earlier today I was asked if I thought I would ever get married again, and I was so quick to say no. The more I thought about it during nap time, the more i thought about changing my answer.. Its still a no, but i honestly think if I have found the right person, and I knew they wanted to be committed to just me for the rest of our lives... I think i would think about it. I was talking to my coworker about it and she looked at me funny when I told her I didnt plan on getting married again. I have went thru too much heartbreak in the past few years, everything from verbal, emotional to physical abuse. (ill save some of those stories for another time) So I dont want to put myself in a position where those things could happen to me again, I dont want to set myself up for another failed marriage. I dont know. I would just have to know that this guy really loved me and really wanted to marry me. So what are your guys thoughts on marriage? Are you married? ever been through a divorce? Engaged? Lets talk..

Thanks for checkin out this entry!

Until next time.. xoxo

Mason Isaiah

Okay so most of you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it is also something that hits home with me. October is also pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. In april of 2007 I gave birth to a little boy. During my whole pregnancy I had several problems and when I would have ultra sounds it seemed like they always found something new that was wrong. I didnt have any amniotic fluid, which was causing my babys lungs to not develop, on top of other things. One of the Doctors wanted me to have an abortion. I couldnt live with myself had I went thru an abortion, (Not throwing shade at anyone) it just wasnt an option for me at that point. So anyway it was almost my due date and I had been told that there were slim chances that my baby was going to live. 

Could you imagine how scared I was? I cant even put it into words. I gave birth to my 5 lb 8 oz baby boy April 12 2007. He lived a short 1 hour and 15 minutes. He was diagnosed with Potters Syndrome. I held him the entire time and cried. No one knows the hurt and the pain that i have went thru since that day. But i have an angel baby. Theres not one single day that he doesnt cross my mind.

So October isnt all about saving the boobies, its about awarness of our babies that arent on this earth any longer. <3

Sorry this one is a little more sad than my normal posts, Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Until next time.. xoxo

Saturday Night Thoughts

Hey yall, I hope everyone has had a pretty good Saturday, I have literally been busy since 6:30 this morning.. I just got home... Took a two hour road trip to Cincinatti to get some stuff from my EX husband :) love the sound of that, and we stopped at Jungle Jims (if ya dont know, google it. Its amazing) anyway we spent like an hour and a half in the store. My kids got a free concert... by me... I rocked out some music... Anyway lets talk about the guy I have been talking to... YES we are still talking and lets rewind back to earlier this week when he had flowers delivered to my workplace.... He takes so much time getting to know me and what I like. I honestly have never had someone take the time to just make me happy and he does...  Not even my ex loved me this way. Who I am with him... is how i have always wanted to things to be.. hes so fucking thoughtful guys.. he talks to me like im a person and not a piece of garbage. We have actual conversations and when we talk on the phone, its endless laughing and smiles. He has not missed a beat when it comes to me and its honestly all I have ever wanted my whole life.. I pray (which i rarely do) but i pray that i never lose this feeling, I have prayed for a man like him. He came into my life when I was at one of my lowest points.  Anyway I know Im annoying but I really love him.

Well thats all I have in me for tonight, Im exhausted. 

Until next time...xoxo

Its been awhile

Hey guys, long time no entry, lol. I have been in the middle of nowhere with little service barely had enough to rate a few of ya daily. Some coworkers and myself rented a double cabin in the woods to relax for a few days, it was amazing. It was super cozy, fireplace, hot tub, surrounded by woods. I will totally be going back there, it was beautiful. We spent most of friday morning hiking, caves and waterfalls. it was really beautiful. I didnt want to come home this morning, it was def bittersweet. However, it was nice to take a shower in my own house and just be in my own home in general. 

The guy I am talking to is still pretty amazing, so amazing that I think were gonna try to meet up sometime next month, hes super busy so im not getting my hopes up but..... The thought of being able to wrap my arms around him makes me super excited. Him and I have been talking pretty much non stop, it just blows my mind that I have found someone that matches my personality so well. Oh and Ive got to hear that voice of his... let me tell ya... hes worth melting for. So far hes everything ive ever needed and wanted in a guy. Happy feels so fucking good. 

I have tomorrow off as well, so a nice 4 day weekend is just what i needed to relax and get myself reset. I hope everyone is having a fantastic day. LETS GO COWBOYS!!

Until next time... XOXO

Whats on my mind?

Okay so its Tuesday, and Im still talking to the super cute guy, its a streak i think. I didnt even think guys like him existed. Honest to God.. Hes perfect. Looks, personality, smile.. omg that smile. We talk about everything. The best part is hes equally interested in me. THAT NEVER HAPPENS!! I cant help but think this is finally the right one, and trust me I know its early, but i feel like i have known him my whole life. I can be myself, Im not nervous, well maybe a little, but he makes me feel so comfortable. He actually makes an effort to get to know me, and its amazing. Im really happy guys. Its almost too good to be true. I crave him in every aspect, Its just wonderful. Im smitten.

When its right, its right and good lord does it feel perfect, it feels so right.

Until next time. xoxo


Hey yall, I have so much I want to say but i cant even find the words, no joke. If you read yesterday, you know i have been talking to an amazing guy.. UH-MAZING! He just keeps getting better the more we talk. We literally talked all weekend.. NON STOP. actual conversations, i just cant get over it. Yall, hes perfect. So we talk all the way up until i have to go to bed, and I woke up to the most amazing messages from him... And I get up at 515!! Like he took time out of his morning to message me... and oh my god it was so fucking sweet. Like it had me all teary eyed. I have prayed all my life for a man like him.. someone who is calm and warm natured.. hes so freaking amazing. He takes an interest in getting to know me, and not just the basic whats your favorite color, he asks me what my goals are.. He gets the fact that we are both adults and have lives.. and he understands that I cant text him non stop during the week because we both work... HE UNDERSTANDS!! As im writing this he just text me <3 He cant wait to talk to me later.... My heart literally races whenever I see my phone light up...  This is crazy right, I know it is... but im totally fine with it because it just feels RIGHT. I am so excited to see where this leads. I just have a good feeling about it. 

Okay so let me talk about work, As you all know I teach Prek, and I only teach half days, which is nice because I get off at like 12:30. Tomorrow I might have to teach two classes, just depends if the afternoon teacher comes in or not, (shes sick apparently) The kids were all good for the most part. I had one kid tell me he had watermelons growing in his butt, and I asked him if he had swallowed seeds.. and he said yeah. i cant help but laugh. They really amaze me with what they come up with. Then I had my daily dinosaur and pirate play.. I really honestly just love my job.

Well thats all I have for now, I just really wanted to talk about the cute guy in my phone, because hes all i can think about :) Thank you all for reading.

Until next time xoxo


Okay yall, Miss Mandy has went and done it... caught some feelings, over here feeling some kind of way. I know right... Im crazy we all know that, But here i am.. over here smiling like an idiot pretty much non stop.. all. fucking. day... literally... This boy has asked me questions, lots of questions, random ass questions just to get to know about me... He is the most down to earth guy that I have talked to in a long ass time. I feel like i have known him forever, no lie. ANNNNNND he told me he was crushing first!!! like im not over here one sided.. everything is TWO sided!!! oh my gosh and hes sooooooo cute, a smile that could light up a room, eyes that i could get lost in and that personality.. if there was a definition of human perfection, so far it would be him.. *fingers crossed* "the best things come when you least expect them"

Okay so my Cowboys... What the fuck were they doing in the first 2 quarters? Thank God they got their shit together. This season is gonna be good, for quite a few teams. My kids are hanging out with their grandma for a little while today so I have just relaxed all day. Its been wonderful. Looking forward to my girls trip later this week, We rented a cute little cabin in the woods... OMG thats how horror movies start... 6 women in a cabin in the middle of nowhere... Jesus god.. Well Im still excited. Hot tub, bonfire, lots of food and drinks! Its gonna be a good time. 

Okay well i just wanted to write a little something, I hope yall have had a wonderful weekend and I hope that Monday treats you well.. Until next time. xoxo

Weekend thoughts

Hey yall, thanks for checking out the blog today, I just wanted to write up a few things to get them off my chest because im so overwhelmed with happiness here lately. Big thanks to those of you that have continued to show love even when I have been busy an not too chatty. Let me talk about my birthday for a hot miniute, so I actually went to work and it was wonderful, my boss brought me amish donuts (if yall never had one ya dont know what youre missing) They are the fucking best. My kids sang me happy birthday and it was the cutest damn thing. I left work and went to the mall with my best friend and my mom and they spoiled me, had an amazing lunch at chillis with the strongest drink i have ever had.. it was rough to even try and finish it,, but i did. Got quite a few things from the bookstore... including my Britney Spears POP figure :)  Came home got a shower and hang out with some friend and then slept like a rock... 

Then today i woke up and literally laid in bed for hours... HOURS just talking to this guy.. who is seriously amazing, I know I know... But he has not missed a beat when it comes to talking to me.. He actually asks me questions to get to know me,, HASNT BEEN A CREEP AT ALL!!! its amazing.. hes down to earth and makes me fucking smile ear to ear. we have had such a nice conversation. So anyway finally got my ass up and got dressed, got my nails fixed, because the last place fucked them up. They are so fucking pretty. (purple and orange)

So anyway I came home cooked dinner for my own kids and their friends and then we went outside and played football and croquet. I kicked some serious ass but now Im draggin ass. Its been a great night. Im just genuinely happy. cheesy smile and all. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, seriously yall rock. 


Until next time. XOXO

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