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Subliminal's blog: "Subliminal Lies"

created on 03/10/2007  |  http://fubar.com/subliminal-lies/b63258
Since the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in most public schools anymore Because the word "God" is mentioned.... A kid in Arizona wrote the attached School prayer. I liked it. ~~~~~~~~~ Now I sit me down in school Where praying is against the rule For this great nation under God Finds mention of Him very odd. If Scripture now the class recites, It violates the Bill of Rights. And anytime my head I bow, Becomes a Federal matter now. Our hair can be purple, orange or green, That's no offense; it's a freedom scene. The law is specific, the law is precise. Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice. For praying in a public hall Might offend someone with no faith at all. In silence alone we must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the state. We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks, And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks. They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible. To quote the Good Book makes me liable. We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King. It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong, We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong. We can get our condoms and birth controls, Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles. But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, No word of God must reach this crowd. It's scary here I must confess, When chaos reigns the school's a mess. So, Lord, this silent plea I make: Should I be shot; My soul please take! Amen ~~~~~~~~ If you aren't ashamed to do this, please pass this on. Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father." People are stupid, it's part of the contract. They are small-minded, and they are nitwits, but they are entitled the freedom to write this drivel. Sad as it may be to some of you, I am repulsed by this poem, for a handful of reasons. ONE. the chances that a child wrote this are slim to none, not that it's oh-so-intelligent, but it is well-structured, as far as high school poetry writing, and no, I'm not saying a high school student wrote this. I'm saying that some ah-dult wrote this, and is attributing it to a child, which is all the more horrendous. They are using the innocent eyes of a child, and using the inherent human nature to go "awwwww... a kid... let's read it, and pay attention to every word of it" So yes, I do feel sorry for this "child", even if it is imaginary. Sorry that such nonsense is being attributed to him. Sure, children believe in God, it's in their nature to believe in something big and imaginary. Hell, "God is an imaginary friend for adults." (yes, that was cribbed from the book The Big Bounce, and I fucking like the line, because it is Oh-So-TRUE) Now, allow me to make something abundantly clear -- I am not condemning faith, I do understand that people need to have faith in some omniscient, omnipotent being. We're terrified creatures that want no control over our lives and thoughts, I understand that, and as a matter of fact, I have no problem with anyone who has faith. Faith, my friends, is one thing, and Religion is another. Religion has waged wars, drawn more blood than a vampire, and on the subject of vampires, those lovely little priests that we have, with their bloody dogma, sink their twin fangs of guilt into the necks of their flock, sucking the very essence of life from them. Now, listen closely to this next bit, while they do have the freedom to practice their religion freely, and have their faith freely, we do have the freedom to tell them to go straight to hell, and remind them of two things from the constitution, ONE is the freedom of religious beliefs, and TWO, here's the fun one that seems to have been all but forgotten – the separation of CHURCH AND STATE! Public schools are a state organization, owned and funded and operated by the state, and while our federal government are bible pounding theocrats, it does not mean that we all are, and there are some free thinking individuals, even in grade school, that should not be inundated with all this Holier-Than-Thou-Under-God nonsense. We may very jolly well be the minority, BUT, look at all the backward bending this country does for minorities. It is kind of nice, fuck, look at the non-smokers, they were a minority twenty years ago or so when all public places went non-smoking. Hell, my friends, I remember a time when the mall had smoking sections inside! Inside, right there in front of the major department stores. It was beautiful! Oh how nice it was to be five years old. Too bad I bloody missed out on it. But, I digress… The fact of the matter is, I'm glad that school prayer and the pledge of allegiance have been subsequently banned from the world of academia. However, there are more steps that should be taken, like religion taken out of society. Let's just try that, for a generation or two. Let us strike down all the churches, let us start firebombing, and see what happens. They love to castigate us for being "different" so, let's return their favour ten-fold, let us set them on fire. Let us crucify them like their Christ. Hell, I won't deny it, Christ had some fair ideas, but religion botched it all up. Jesus spoke of Peace, Love, and Understanding. Spoke of acceptance. And what does religion speak of? Perhaps condemnation, hatred and murder. Sure, there's that whole eye-for-an-eye thing, but isn't that so Old Testament? I mean, seriously – just take a look at it, throughout history; World War II, The Salem Witch Trials, September Eleventh, The Crusades, the Inquisitions, The War in Iraq II: The Sequel for Blood, Oil and Proving Junior's Cock is Bigger than Daddy's et al. More blood spilt in the name of Religion than any other reason in history. Throughout all human history. Hell, let's look on a smaller scale – the crucifixion of Christ, gay-bashing, nigger-burning, the President who screamed that the Irish (Catholics) should not be allowed to enter the US, the more recent rash of Islamic persecution, and their own retaliation and instigation, but really – the retaliation is justified. All these atrocities are perpetrated by God-fearing white people. That I'll admit, most of it is white-power, but hey – not all of it. A lot of it is, "Look, our God has a bigger dick than your God." Ninety percent of it is religious based, plain and simple, case - fucking – closed! "Oh! Queers are against God! Let us wrap them in stigma and refuse them simple liberties like marriage or adoption! Let us drag them behind our gas-guzzling 4X4 trucks! Let's KILL them because GOD said they're BAD!" My friends, my friends – the individuals who wrote the bible, wrote it two thousand years ago, times they have a-changed. Our intelligence, I thought has increased, and our ability to accept things has increased. Stars used to be the holes to heaven, and now… what are they? What have they been proven to be? Well, stars, which are burning balls of gas, like our sun, which symbolizes a handful of things. One, it symbolizes the knowledge that we are not the only breed in the universe. Two, it helps disprove and divorce the theory of creationism. So let me ask, let me wonder – HOW THE HELL CAN THESE PEOPLE STILL BELIEVE GOD CREATED EVERYTHING IN SEVEN DAYS?! I'm being serious – how could they possibly still have any notion that that is at all possible? It makes my brain hurt to think about it. It really does. Just, seriously, crassly – what the fuck? But yes, back to this poem… all apologies for going on a tangent, and a warning now – it won't be the last. But let me tackle this stanza by stanza. This great nation under God… Okay… No. Firstly, God, in all fairness, is a construct, not a deity. At least in the words "One nation under God…" Okay, never mind, I can't find a way to defend it. It should be stricken from our money, and from the new license plates in Indiana. Granted, they say In God we Thrust… oops, Trust, and are oddly, enough, not considered a Specialized Plate. Not like the Kids First or Environmental Plate. These plates also have a tacky rendition of the Amerikan flag as part of the background. However, I have heard that the ACLU is going after the state for that one, that they are being sold at the same price as the standard plate. When I first saw them, I'll admit, I cried. Not in pride, but in anger, fear, and sadness – as they were so plentiful on the road, I had the fear that they were the new standard plate, and I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I would have paid the extra twenty dollars or so for one of the Environmental plates. Why? Because In God We Trust does go against my personal ethics, and it goes against what I believe to be a matter of law; once again, that pesky Separation of Church and State. Actually, nevermind, I'm not going to attack every stanza, because most of them are pretty passive or just annoying, so I'm going to berate certain lines, like this lovely gem right here… We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen, And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King. It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong, We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong. Last things first – right and wrong is a matter of LAW not Morality. Not church mandate. What is right and what is wrong? Murder is wrong. Rape is wrong. The abuse of animals of any species (including homosapien). Embezzlement is wrong. And the list goes on forever and forever, without once mentioning the Ten Commandments. Okay, murder is in the Ten Commandments, Thou shall not kill. Okay, that one is in there, but it is also a logical federal law. And then we get into the pregnant Prom Queen and the asshole who knocked her up. Well, now, if contraceptives weren't so blatantly discouraged with those religious zealots, and abortions were not all but illegal, if people were not being killed going into abortion clinics, maybe they wouldn't be pregnant, maybe we would not be an overpopulated nation of parasites, maybe, just maybe, the parents that treat their children like cult objects, inconveniences, or just plain punching bags wouldn't have those children to be hating so terribly. Let's think about it. If abortion was not one step away from outright murder in the publics eyes, these sad little girls would realize that their freedom of choice was not a vicious and tyrannous thing. They would be able to walk into the local health clinic and be able to live perfectly normal adolescent lives. Sure, maybe children shouldn't be fucking at such a young age, but I have this to say about that. ONE, maybe the parents should be fucking parents and actually teach them why they shouldn't. Maybe explain to them that children are spawned from the act of fucking. Maybe just teach them that, and remind them that having a child is responsibility and not just a past time. Maybe actually be parents, and not treat them like a past time or a pain in the ass. Maybe educate them as to the real inconvenience of having a child, and explaining to them that having a child while sixteen years of age is one of, if not the stupidest thing a child can do. They can get the kicks of fucking; that's fine, but remind them that condoms, diaphragms, and birth control are not just kinky sex-toys. Maybe let them know that it is okay not to have a child before they reach the age of eighteen. I mean, seriously. These religious people do three contradicting things, one is hate unwed, pregnant teenagers, two is loath abortions and birth control and consider them a slight against god, and three is hating queers. Let us just take a look at this. First off, one and two go together. They do. If they gave these children the option to terminate the pregnancy of an unwanted and unloved spawn, then maybe there would be less of them running around. Now, I'm not saying that abortion should be used as birth control, and I'm not going to spew forth my personal politics just yet, but also with the use of contraceptives, there wouldn't be as many, because let's face it: children are fucking, and they always have. I've heard stories about the fifties – it happened then, it just wasn't as talked about. Plain and simple, case – fucking – closed. NOW, onto the queers. WHO ARE GOING TO HAVE LESS ABORTIONS, AND SUBSEQUENTLY HAVE LESS TEENAGE PREGNANCY THAN FUCKING QUEERS?! Answer me that, please? Just answer me that. I'm bloody curious. Okay, now look – sex is a perfectly natural act, nothing wrong with it in and of itself, it's about enjoying yourself. I know that's not a popular stance, but that's what it is. It's about two things: recreation and procreation. It's about getting off. It's about having fun. Such is life, but that's neither here nor there. Take a look at it. I know everyone here has had sex, or at least really fucking want to, no pun intended, so what's the problem with it? What's this stigma that surrounds it? God, himself (for sake of argument), created us to have sex. To procreate, to fuck as much as humanly possible. So, maybe, we're saying that he fucked up? Think about that. These totalitarian, conservative, right-wing motherfuckers scream that sex is vile and dirty and wrong. WRONG! BUT! This god that they love and adore and worship and believe to be infallible, designed us to fuck. That, as well as their drug-stance, is just a tad fucking hypocritical. Therein proving yet another fault in the religious belief structure. NOW comes the stanza bringing up condoms and birth control, free at school – well, I have a few things to say about that, in and of itself, but I want to segue nicely, so here we go now. These people complaining about teen pregnancy, also complain about contraceptives being readily available? Quoi? This makes no sense to me. None, whatsoever. It really does just boggle my mind. I can't let it go. It really does make my brain go all dissonant, trying to figure out the logic… oh wait, logic does not apply in religion, or the real-world for that matter. So here we go now. Thanks to President Furburger, abstinence is the best form of birth control taught in schools. WHAT? Yeah, I read, just yesterday, the former surgeon general (who probably got fired for being too scientific, or too logical, or too reasonable), stated that Bush's only idea for birth control to be taught in school IS FUCKING ABSTINENCE! (Now, that's just a smidge ironic, isn't it?) But seriously, where did this child grow up? With the fucking Amish? Wait, maybe that explains everything – totally removed from current society, fixated on their own morality… BUT, I have respect for the Amish – THEY KEEP TO THEMSELVES! And, of course, he had(has) that pesky coke problem, and alcohol, and to the best of my knowledge, the Amish are pretty much straight-edge. And by the by, I was not being sarcastic when I stated that I like the Amish, because they keep to themselves, they believe what they believe, and they pay no mind to the jokes at their expense. And I do bitch-slap anyone who makes fun of the Amish. They respect their beliefs, and don't feel the need to preach. They get two thumbs up from me. Oh, and last fall when someone opened fire in an Amish school, they embraced the family of the killer, they practiced that old Christian belief in forgiveness. They didn't get bitter, they didn't get frightened to the point of freezing up. They took a day in memoriam and went about their lives, and they didn't play the media whores like those fucks at Virginia Tech… nor did they canonize their killer, but he may not have been as much of a fuck up. Hell, I don't recall venting on this properly, BUT! The cat that shot up Virginia Tech A, was a psychopath who should've been shipped back home a year before for stalking a couple of girls, yes he was a psychopath, but also, B, he had a messianic complex. He wanted to be martyred, and by blasting his face into every home with his idiotic ranting, was made just that. He got just what he wanted. Sad, isn't it? But it doesn't end there… this interesting Judeo-Christian country victimized the victims, as they did with the whole September Eleventh horseshit. Look here, I will bet dollars to doughnuts that these people who sported their ribbons of "sympathy" and went to the memorials didn't give a good goddamn about the people killed. I'd bet half a million dollars on it. Especially on the whole September Eleventh shit. Yeah, it was a great tragedy, and sure it sucked, but two things, A, it was well-fucking-deserved. We, as a country needed to be knocked down a peg or two on that ladder of supremacy we stand so loftily upon. We want to believe that we are always right, and we can do no wrong. EHHH! No. We're fuck-ups just like any other country in the world, and, check this one out – we've outstretched our reach (much like the Roman Empire). We think it is our job to police the globe. Quoi? I don't think so. I really don't, and President Furburger should pay some mind to the fact that most of the world, A, hates us, and B, doesn't want or need our culture. He wants to give them freedom the way we have it. What? Okay, lookie here, just take a quick look, we fought for our freedom. We wanted it bad enough we went against the supreme military force in the world, the British Army. Sure, they weren't too bright, they wore red like hunters where orange, and they walked in straight lines. Made 'em easy to kill, and fairly easy to defeat, but, nonetheless, we fought for our freedom. We started the Revolutionary War, we did. Sure, we asked the French for help, but the French did not start our Revolutionary War, and dear Sir, they did not ask for our help in their freedom. Ol' Saddam, he was a bastard and a dictator, but he was able to keep the peace in his country, for the most part. Sure, he killed a few thousand people, but he did it to set an example. Death is a consequence. And finally, it is not our place to fight their war for them. If they wanted freedom so fucking bad, they'd have started it themselves and asked for our help, got it? And now, B… hell, I forgot. But, what it did do was spawn this false patriotism. This horseshit flag-flying. These people who had lost all faith in their country, had no desire to be associated with Amerika, are now flying their flags and praising god for saving their asses, and not letting them on those planes. Self-serving horseshit, and maybe that's why it bothers me so, the self-serving nature of it. Thanking God their lives were saved. Bollocks! Maybe, maybe… you know, I'll make a small confession to you. I'm a keen observer of the human breed, especially Amerika as a whole. Six years ago, we had almost all but obliterated Holy Mother Church. Sure, they were there, but it wasn't everywhere, like it is now. Now, it's just depressing. My significant other gets emails everyday, all focusing on the love of God, whatever. Praying to be saved. What the fuck? We'd almost reached a place where peace could reign. Mister Clinton didn't, from what I recall, really mention the God word anywhere, and we were not in a single War. Sure, we helped out Somalia and the like, but those were police actions, and it was requested, but things were almost at peace. Then we get this new nitwit, and he fucks it all up. He goes bombing two nations (totally unrelated to the actual terrorists) of brown people with a different God, and rocks the boat. Tell me it's not about the Islamic belief structure, that that isn't what he's really wanting to squash beneath the cogs of his big machine. They're not Christians, so they are bad! That's really the whole bitch here, it's a lot like racism or sexism or any other ism, unfortunately, it doesn't have it's own –ism yet. The old theory, circa Cross-burning in the front yard, if it ain't white, it ain't right. Well, tell me, what kind of nonsense is that? How small minded?! Seriously now, I just don't get it. We've reached a place where everything is televised, blacks and women are free to vote, mexican's jump the border every second of every day, but, we have a problem if someone happens to be Muslim? Or maybe even Buddhist? Or how about even Satanic, Wiccan, Druid, Atheist, Nihilist, or any other offshoot of new-age religion? Jesus, I remember back in high school, I used to be made fun of for some similar reason, (they all believed I was a satan-worshiping, cat killing, child crucifying Satanist… and I'll tell you a happy little secret, I read Anton LaVey, and I did claim Satanism, and if I were forced to claim a religion now, that is where I'd go, because he believed in none of that shit. He chose the title of Satanism to completely oppose Holy Mother Church, not because he worshiped the devil. HE WORSHIPED THE HUMAN MIND, BODY AND SOUL! It was humanist philosophy. Period. End of story. Case – fucking – closed.) but, I forgive them. I'm a forgiving person like that, and unlike them, I'm accepting, and I feel that holding a grudge is bloody pointless. Eye for an eye is an outmoded idea that totally needs to be vanquished. We are in Amerika to have freedoms, those of religion and speech and the right to pound the bible if we so desire. And I am expressing that right, right now. I am, I am standing on my pulpit and pounding my bible of acceptance and love and forgiveness and open mindedness. I am not attacking church or faith or even religion as a whole, I'm attacking small-minded stupidity. Stupidity is the number one sin in Satanism, and the number one sin for my own personal belief structure, or lack thereof. Stupidity and being blind to differences. We are not always right, the human breed is fallible. God, himself, may not be. I have no belief in God, because I, personally, cannot believe that some invisible man is shaking his fist from the heavens. It just doesn't seem feasible to me. Sure, I have more faith in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny than I do in an invisible deity. But, let's rationalize that for a moment. If God lives in us all, sure, it's possible; I see as more of an energy force, but whatever, why cannot the spirits of Santa and the Easter Bunny live in the hearts and souls of parents? Who's to say? I don't know, because they're all intangible, and I cannot wrap my head around intangibilities. Love is an intangible, and it took me a long time to find any faith in it, but there is a chemical reaction in the brain that I have felt, which helps me believe in love. God, Santa, nor the Easter Bunny have any irrefutable evidence of support, so if you're going to thump your bible the way you tend to do, believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny with as much faith and leave me the fuck alone with it! It's not your place to save me, it's God's, and if he doesn't see fit to save me, then that's his call and not yours. I'm not judging God; I'm judging the hypocrites who spew their faith in my direction. Those individuals who preach to me that if I'm not saved, I'm going straight to hell; well, so be it; let me live in peace and suffer the consequences. It's my choice. It's my freedom, as it is your freedom to believe in an invisible man shaking his fist from the clouds. That is your choice, and I've made mine. Plain and simple, case – fucking – closed. Case – fucking - closed!
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