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sooooooooooo veryyyyyyyyy fucking bored my baby aint on, mybros gf aint on damn someone fuckin talk to me here lol. if u wanna tlk on yahoo pm me at asoldierswhitetiger


finally get to go out somewhere lol...mmy goofy ass friends wont tell me where...uh oh...is tht a good thing? lol well i love u charlie and ill be back laterzzzz proly 12-130

thru the week

Marine Poems 4 He is packing all his bags now, It's so painful to have to see, Just take a deep breath, Because its not just hurting me, It's also breaking his heart, This is showing in his eyes, Just take a deep breath, And stand closely by his side. But we're running out of time now, Still "I love you's" left to say, Just take a deep breath, For goodbye is on its way. I am feeling really queasy, With my tears it's bound to show, Just take a deep breath, It is time for him to go. Inside I am feeling panic, My soul wants him to stay, Just take a deep breath, And watch him walk away. My heart has gone with him now, To support through good intentions, Just take a deep breath my love, And complete your many missions. I love my MARINE and I am very proud, No matter how long he's gone, I take a deep breath every day, And continue to stay strong. When my Baby goes to work He's always dressed in green.He has to be because you see He's a United States Marine.My baby is so very strong He's also very brave.So when I fall and skin my knees it's my baby's arms I crave.When in this world there is trouble My Baby will be on the scene.He will be because you see He's a United States Marine.When my Baby has to go away To protect some far off land, I will wait and pray To again hold my Baby's hand. My Baby will tell me stories About all the things he's seen,While he was protecting freedom As a United States Marine! Some people think we came from hell, other think we should all go there. Then there are the wise ones who are glad we are around. So what does it take to be a Marine? I admit, you have to be a bit foolish, a little daring, somewhat adventurous, looking for a challenge and according to most parents-crazy. Why? Because we are special. We train differently, we act differently, we think like no others, we take chances where others never would, we do more with less, We are overflowing with pride. We wear our uniform with pride, we hold our heads up high with pride and our families are proud of us. Our country respects us, there are those who are not fond of us and the enemy fear us. So, unless you've been a Marine, no one really understands us or what it takes to be a Marine. We are damn proud to be called "Marine". You can find a former Marine in all walks of life. People say we're dummies, stupid, crazy, obnoxious, animals. They just don't know. I have met former Marines who are lawyers, doctor, artists, police captains, business owners and just about any profession you can imagine. And every former Marine I have met is just as proud now as when they were in the Corps. Our ways in life and in combat are unconventional, unlike others, daring foolish or rude at times, impetuous, usually tough but always successful. We have been called, "America's 911". We know how to "take it" and we know how to "dish it out". We have gone through boot camp or OCS and became sensitive, caring and loving. Sensitive to what people say about us, caring for our fellow Marine and loving our Corps and country. The men and women of the Marine Corps are highly motivated and held in high esteem by those who love us, hate us and fear us. We have an ego the size of Texas and a history to back it up. No one can ever take that away from us because we have earned it. When you join the Marine Corps, it's because you want to be a Marine. I know. Over the past century, we have been looked down upon, insulted, spat on, rejected, degraded, used, abused, exploited and taken advantage of. We love it! We can take it; that's what makes us a Marine. This special treatment. We are respected and admired by other countries yet not in some social circles in our country. That is just fine because we shall be here, prepared to fight when our country needs us again. And we ask for nothing. That's what it takes to be a Marine. Gen. George S. Patton could not have said it any better when he said, "The highest obligation and privilege of citizenship it that of bearing arms for one's country." If it weren't for these crazy, foolhardy, vulgar, wild, gutsy, braggarts who joined the Marine Corps, we would not have a country, a free country. A free country that allows others to call us names. We have protected this country and died for you. Thank you for that honor. By Martin E. Shapiro-RVN 1965/66, 1st Bn., 9th Marine Loving a Marine is not always play, Loving him deeply is a high price to pay. It's being alone with nothing to hold, It's being young, but feeling old. It's loving him whisper his love for you, It's whispering back, you love him too. There's always a kiss and a promise for more, As his ship slowly glides away from the shore. Reluctantly, painfully, letting him go, While you're dying inside from wanting him so. Watching him leave with eyes filled with tears, Standing alone with your hopes, dreams, and fears. It's sending a letter with the stamp upside down, To a far away love, in a far away town. It's going to church, to kneal and to pray, And really meaning the things that you say. Days go by - no mail for a spell, You wait for some word to hear that he is well. Then a letter arrives and you're given in, To open this letter and read with a grin. Yes, he is well and misses you so, And filled with the love you wanted to know. Weeks are like months, and months like years, You wait for the day you'll have no more fears. Days go by slowly - how many have passed? Then suddenly you realize it's here at last! Yes loving a Marine isn't much fun, But it's worth the price when the battle is won. And remember he is thnking of you every day, He's sad, he's lonely, while so far away. So love him and miss him and hold your head high, Be strong and have faith - wipe that tear from your eye. Your man is a Marine, like those who have gone before, It's a high price to pay for loving a Marine! They Don't get how we can be so Young and Wait around on that one Person, Theyre the ones that say we're missing out on all the fun in life, But what these people dont know is what "FuN" is to us, To us, Fun is opening each letter from your far away loved one, Fun is hearing their voice say I miss You, I love You, I can't wait to come home, Fun is Dreaming of them knowing theyre dreaming of You too, Fun to us is Waiting, Always being faithful and Patient Because it is Always Worth the Wait, Fun is seeing them for the first time in Months and falling in love all over again, Fun to us is Being Proud of your Military Loved one for only you know their sacrafices and devotions , Fun to us is loving someone and having them love you back in a way that no one will understand or know But the People who knowingly chose the "FuN" Path in Life. Being a girlfriend of a Marine is not the great as it may seem. You spend many nights all alone waiting by the phone. You never know when you get to see him next you never know what might happen next. You want him home with you every night so he can hold you close and tight. And tell you that everything will be alright. Loving my Marine, Is not an easy task.I write a million letters, But I rarely get few back.It’s not that he’s not lov’in me, Or thinking of me much,it’s not that he just doesn’t care, Or that he is too tough.The Corps it keeps him busy, Each day and many nights.“I want to see you”, but we can’t, He doesn’t have that right.He goes where they tell him, Be it far from home,Knowing that I miss him, And that I’m home alone.He calls at every chance he gets, Says “I love you so,I can’t talk long, we’re not secured, Babe, I’ve got to go.”And then at night I lay in bed Tired, cold, alone,I dream of better times to com eWhen he’ll be safely home.One thing that I’ve figured out, And not so far along- is that the Marine Corps teaches even Girlfriends to be strong.I pray to God to give me greatnessIn my heart to see, The difference between duty And his endless love for me. He’s rough and tough and everything,A great Marine should be, But when the day is done you see-He’s the same ‘ole Victor to me. So when he goes to lay his headIn those barracks, in that bed, Give him strength to carry on,When all is dark and hope is gone. Tonight in bed, I close my eyes,A candle lit at my bedside, Ipray that as we’re far apartHe’ll know the feelings in my heart. In the words of the Corps,“Faith, Honor and True” My Marine,My love is all for you Everynight I dream of your face and that i'm in your tight embrace Holding me throughout the night without a fear in sight But for now that is just a dream because you are a united states marine You have to be far away and here I have to stay Everyday my love grows for you and I long for the day to say "I do" When we can finally be together and start our life forever But until that day in my bed I will lay And dream of your handsome face. i close my eyes And I see your face; Time nor distance could ever erase. I sift through our memories, Kept in mind and heart. For I know, these alone Will keep us close while we're apart. Letting my thoughts wander I hear your voice and feel your touch; Remembering all the little things you do To make me love you so much. As I drift off to sleep, I whisper to the one above To please watch over you: My Heart, My Life, My only Love......... Today I heard your voice behind me And turned to you with a smile. Can't believe I misplaced that sound, Even though it's been a while. Yesterday I laughed out loud And turned to tell you why. Too late, I remembered the truth, As a tear came to my eye. Even now I see your face And feel your arms holding me tight. Yet your shadow flees at my touch For I am alone tonight. Someday I'll turn and you'll be there. Your smile - your face - will be real I'll put my arms around you and know- This is the way love was meant to feel. The distance seems so far And like it will never end Yet no matter how many oceans away No matter how many hours apart No matter how many days till I see you again You are always near my heart Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on the defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat some people spend their whole lives wondering if they made a difference. Marines don't have that problem.
Marine Poems The USMC's Girlfriend Creed I am a Marine Girlfriend. In other words, I have gone through the LDL class of San Diego or Parris Island basic training. I have attempted and completed the Long-Distance Learning sector of Marine Corps boot camp, graduating from Platoon GF, right along with my Devil Dog in his own platoon. I am proud to have earned the title of United States Marine Girlfriend. Along with my Leatherneck, I have suffered, been broke down, and been rebuilt and designed as an entirely new person. I have unleashed a new patriotism to my country and my Corps. Yes, I belong to the Corps because I am committed to my Marine, and he is committed to the Corps. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The Corps is his life and I am his spirit. I have learned the hard way, as he has learned also. Wherever the USMC takes him, I will follow, whether it be in presence or in thought. I will learn as much as possible about the Corps, because this is my duty. And I am always on Active Duty. I will always remain true to the Marine Corps Girlfriend's Core Values, because just as my Marine is always presented under the image of the United States Marine Corps, so I am an example to all Marine girlfriends everywhere.I will always remain faithful: to my Marine, my sisterhood of Marine girlfriends, my Corps, and my country. And when my Marine is called for duty, so I will be also. I will support him at all times and at all costs, support my MC family, and will always remain loyal to the privilege of being the girlfriend of one of "The Few, The Proud." I am a USMC ambassador; for while my Marine retains peace and order in far away lands, I will keep watch over our home land, and always remain honorable, courageous, and committed. I am a United States Marine Girlfriend. Semper Fidelis Everyone hears of the Marine Wife, Her trails, sacrifices, and devoted life. She is strong, she is brave, and she is loving indeed, Standing by her man in his time of need. But what of others in a simular istuation, Who have made being a Marine girlfriend their main occupation? They suffer many of the same trials and many of the same fears Without the secruity of future years. Will there be peace or will there be war? You try to be hopeful but it's hard to ignore. The world seems to be falling apart, When to a Marine you have given your heart. Your love runs too deep to escape from it now. You hope to be together somewhere, somehow, You wonder is it will happen but don't question when. The many heartbreaks and times you did weep When he made promises the Marines could'nt keep But you have learned so much together and come so far. Others warned you not to fall in love but you already are. His job is ever-changing and takes him far away. You think of him always and pray everyday-- For his safety, his courage, and his love for you That he may remain steadfast, loyal, and true. Nothing is sure and nothing is set in stone... Except that he wil leave again and you will be alone, Holding tightly to your dreams of a future together When you will at last be able to say the word "Forever" Tears have become anything but a stranger. They fall freely in sadness, lonliness, and anger. But he will never know because you will never tell. You've learned to his your misery only too well. A few years? That dosen't sound like so long. The letter and phone calls keep your love going strong, Even when they are few and far between, In them, his love for you can clearly be seen. So keep your chin up and a smile on your face. He is protecting your freedom and keeping you safe. His heart is strong and his love is true And don't forget that he is missing you too... It may be difficult for you to understand But dating my son should be something grand You think your father is strict about a boy dating you Think how we feel about you dating one of the select few Moms and dads are by nature cautious They don't want a date that tends to be raucous They want you to focus on one proud fact That when dealing with my Marine you must use tact If you want to date my Marine son than you must know That it might not be just popcorn pizza and a movie show But if it's my Marine Daughter that you want to get to know Then the popcorn and pizza and movie is as far as you shall go My Marine kids are by far the cream of the crop Just ask me about them or ask their pop And above all please you must understand That their primary goal is to defend this land. Their training may make them seem rough and tough But with the right partner they'll seem more like a cream puff And please remember the motto that they live by In war or peace or personal life they honor the motto SEMPER_FI A man trained to serve his country with pride, In his fellow recruits he learned to confide, He trained day and night for twelve weeks straight, Got very little sleep for he was always up late, His boots he shined as black as night, His shirt tucked in so perfectly tight, HIs hiar shorter than freshly cut grass, His eyes, they shine ;like crystal clear glass, Every so often a letter he recieved, From friends and family, in him they believed, After Parris Island, away he was sent, Overseas to Japan is where he went, Suzy is the one he left behind, But this part of his life, he would not rewind, For he is now apart of this elite team, An unbeatable group, A US Marine. I am a military girlfriend.I hold no formal recognition with the powers that be.I am at the bottom of the chain. I hold no Military ID card; I am not a "dependent" or parent.The man i love may face unspeakable dangers, and I am at the mercy of those who possess this recognition for news.I understand this and accept this. I am a military girlfriend.I have promised to be here for him upon his return, no matter how long he is away. People may say I am insane for making such a commitment with no quarentees, but i hold onto our promises and have faith that he will come home safe to me. I know full well that my love for him fuels him in the worst of times. I am a military girlfriend.There is no ring on my finger to symbolize our commitment, though I love him no less forit. I hope every day that he will be able to call because a simple 30-second phone call can bring the greatest spectrum of emotions...smiling with tears in my eyes from so much joy and pain. My relationship is based on brief communication where "I love you and I'm okay" speaks more than volumes and gives me the strength to keep going. I am a military girlfriend. I take no moment spent together for granted.I hold onto every touch, caress, kiss, and every word.I have memroized the feel of his skin, his smell, the sound of his voice,and I play it over and over in my head so that I will not forget. I cry myself to sleep some nights because missing him hurts so badle, but wake up the next morning, brush myself off, and start a new day. I am a military girlfriend.The events of the next serveral months hold my life, my love, and my future in the balance.When you watch the news reports, you may turn away and go about your business relatively unaffected.When I watch the news,stories of the war, I do not see nameless soldiers a half a world away.I see individuals who will be forever changed by the wat.News of every casualty causes me physical pain and deep sadness I am a military girlfriend,not a spouse or family member.When you say your prayers for the wives,mothers,and fathers, please dont forget about me too. A Marines Girlfriend what can friends say To comfort me when my Marines gone away I sit by the phone and wait for it to ring Terrified and excited by the news it may bring The phone doesn't ring no cards in the mail Theres no one to help me down this trail The wives have support on every post But where are my friends when I need them the most? Wonderful advice from friends who dont know About loving a man and watching him go "Quit all that moping it cant be that bad" They dont understand how I could be so sad "You have the freedom to do as you choose So why are you trembling as you watch the news?" I close my eyes and fight back the tears Then take a deep breath to calm all my fears My Marine fights for his country and people in need To free from oppression and hatred and greed He fights for their lives yet no one can understand Why I miss his smile and the touch of his hand He chose his career I gave him my heart To have when together and when were apart I had no idea what he'd signed on for Now I long for the day that he'll walk through the door A Marines Girlfriend standing tall A cheerful facade shown to one and all Shoulders back and head held high Refusing to let anyone see me cry I'm filled with honor pride and love Certainly I'm blessed from heaven above I'll find the strength to see it through For in my heart my love is true I honor the vows that I may say Sometime in the future on our wedding day Until that day comes I'll sit here alone Patiently waiting right next to the phone The Government called and took him away But in my heart is where he'll stay I crawl into my bed and turn out the light Close my eyes and pray he's alright For my Marine to far from home For I again sleep alone Her Marine is leaving now, going down the road. She waves and smiles with tears in her eyes. He finally calls and tells a joke. She grins and giggles, with tears rolling down her cheek. He has to go now, he'll call when he can. She chokes out "Ok, I love you too" with tears soaking her pillow. He's finally home, they hug for the first time in ages Both with tears in their eyes. God bless my Marine, and keep his safe for me. Whether in the air,on land or on the sea. God bless my Marine, and bring him safely home, Guide my letters to him, so he won't feel alone. God bless my Marine when I'm not by his side;Please let him know I love him and let him feel my pride. And when he does come home,and better days are seen; I'll always, thank you, God,for blessing my Marine. Dear God, This prayer that I say tonight. Is for my honey who must fight.For you see, he is away from me.Keeping his country safe and free. This is the one that I love, And so I ask you Lord above.Please keep him safe while under way And bring him home to me someday. While he is gone, please hear my prayer. And let him know I will be there,Hoping and praying with some fear. This prayer is not for him alone but for all military far from home.I ask you to keep them safe and sound.On their way to where their way to where their bound.We love these men that are asked to fight. So, keep them safe for us tonight.


my fuck black cat, miroku continues to lay on my breast, sctratch and bite them, plus stick his head down my shirt....who the FUCK POSSESSED MY CAT I KNOW WHO...CALLIE, THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMAN ON THE PLANET
A brother is who is always there for you, make you laugh when you are sad, and help you with your problems. You were always there for me, you made me laugh more than i can remember, and helped me with every problem i needed. You may be many years older than me, but you're still a cool, fun, and loving bro. I miss you so much, now that you have moved far away. 9hrs. away from my big bro. is too hard for me to bare. I count the days for when you would visit me, at the calender as i stared. I wonder if you ever miss me as i much as i miss you. I miss the laughs . Most of all I miss you, wayne&millian- my bestfriend my hero my brother
A Sister Like You Someone who will understand Who knows the way I feel In every situation Her concern is very real Someone who has walked my ways Who knows my every need Times when she would see me cry Her heart would nearly bleed Everyone should have a sister Just the way I do Richly blessed is what I am To have a sister like you --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 A Brother Just Like You I just want to let you know You mean the world to me Only a heart as dear as yours Would give so unselfishly The many things you've done All the times that you were there Help me know deep down inside How much you really care Even though I might not say I appreciate all you do Richly blessed is how I feel Having a brother just like you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Today if i died tommorow would you cry today if i died tommorow would you stop and pray if i died tommorow would saying i love you and thank you be to late one day my tommrow will come and before it does i would just like to say your beautifull and iam happy i got to see you smile today ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 One Not one hello not one goodbye both so busy never had time One split second has changed their lives one was killed because the other one ran the stop sign One soul still remains he walks around carrying the pain, of knowing the meaning of time All I want is you, Deep inside of me, With my legs wrapped tightly around you. Your like a fever in my heart and in my soul Running through my blood to the center of my core. I want you; only you To thrill me, to feel me, to chill me To make me, to break me. I want you to feel me up and shake me. I can feel your lips, Your hands... Caressing and arousing, Stroking and teasing me, Softly, gently, and passionately. What vivid images I can't shake. I crave you... I want you... I am moist and hot for you. My desire for you is like a fever in my own private thoughts. Your taste... Your touch... Your smell... Your essence. It burns through me and around me, Filling me up with such craving passionate desires Of wanting you... Needing you... Loving you... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Hold me tight Slip inside of me As I start to get wet Love me kiss me As I start to sweat Touch my nipples And I will sigh Suck them hard so I'll cry Go between my legs for this I remember Play with me for this I will tremble Gentle kisses bear my name This is all part of its game We desire it, we yearn for it We acquire it, we burn for it Hunger is its name Seek me for I will be here Capture it to make it clear Yearn for it, it's in reach Or would you want me to teach? This is not a game Hunger is its name No, it's called Hunger Because... I hunger for your love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 You whisper into my ear Sweet things that make me weak, Then you look into my eyes With your mysterious provocative gaze, Causing you to touch my skin To feel the burning of your flames, Caressing me with a love that is real, Then you kiss me... As I feel your wet eager lips Our hungry tongues indulging in their craving, To feel the poison... Of your blood boiling throughout your soul Sending electrify emotions Stimulating pure intoxication, As your hands flows over me; Touching every curve and every part of me... It seems I move my legs apart automatically, As you lift me on the mystical ride While my body you know I will guide, Just listen to our song Making love all night long, The flames of passion, desire and love Is taking control over us, You put your hands in my breast, As I feel a sensation so exciting, When you kiss my nipples with your eager lips Every time you do that, It gets more and more fulfilling Let me feel those sensations, As I feel you deep inside me Feeling a rage so incredible to resist, As all I want is to let go Of all this love I have in store, You got me twisting... Soaking wet, I feel you as you are pausing deep inside me And then I feel you pull out and pull back in, I moan from pure delight and ecstasy, I get the shivers, But... Is from the fire lit inside my being My body is slippery everywhere, I scream... Please, harder and harder, I call out your name... Crying out in anguished bliss A slight sigh... ''A gasp for air'' This fire is so immense So full of energy and heat, Even water could not quench This fire inside of me, Cause your love... Always will remain Burning there endlessly, Cause you make my erotic senses rise, While you take me higher and higher Than I have ever been In the mystical ride of yours, That I just can't get enough Because without you and your love, There would not be a hot sexual taste in me. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 lover lover with eyes that shine our bodies and heart entertwine sexual position number nine I liked to do moving on making love to you riding ontop of you arching my back tugging gently to hold yourself back between us deep currents of love chemistry is strong making love literally all night long hold me gently so intimately near feeling your face your lips even your ears gliding your hands across my body complete drawing so slow in and out of me pacing yourself you never do stray sexual position number twelve your smooth body I touch my hands roam you too the passion so strong between me and you you take my legs and sit astride my feet on top of your shoulders they do ride watching you move deeper and slower inside of me sensations of love joy and ecstacy sexual position number twelve we unite with feelings that we can't let go looking into your eyes that holds a tender glow All I want is you, Deep inside of me, With my legs wrapped tightly around you. Your like a fever in my heart and in my soul Running through my blood to the center of my core.mmmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 EROTIC KISS Antagonizing pleasure Placed upon my lips Where dreams come true In just one kiss! Sharing an afternoon of ecstasy Closing the door on reality Not even the thickest iceberg Could melt the lust I feel inside! I shed my fears faster than my clothes The anticipation begins to unfold My heart begins to pound faster As you come closer Just one look from your eyes And I become hypnotized A river of sins, to which I concede Just one kiss, caused the undoing of me! Your lips gently pressed against mine A silent submission of tongues intertwined My mouth tenderly pressed against yours My voice trembles as you start to explore Electric shocks as your tongue touches mine An erotic dance of passing time My heart's racing as fast as yours My body's craving for something more! Starving and Craving For an evening Of erotic bliss Where dreams come true In Just One Kiss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 A PASSIONATE KISS A passionate night between me and you I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do. First we can dim the lights and get closer..... No, wait, that's too fast, let's go back and move a little slower. I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet, then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique. Then I'll move right along that little ear of yours... let me move along your chest... oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neck As I move my tounge around and around you start to feel it as I go down slowly and as I kiss your chest your hands go up ...but I'm not finished yet.... I go further down towards your navel... As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss .... Oh, I just wake up to realize it's a dream ! A passionate dream fueled by my deep love for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Dark days become sunny Frigid days become warm, Rainy days become cloudless And lightning got wiped away from the storm. Oceans sing, Rocks cry out, Mountains roar, And tree branches shout. The stars fall Right out of the sky. The moon winks And the sun went dry. All because you said one thing All because you said it true All because you made me smile All because you said I love you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 You lit the flame that burns so strong within me You made my body ache in pure unbridled ecstasy. You took my lonely and cold heart and made it beat No longer am I waiting in the shadows resigned to defeat. You filled me with love and a passionate desire No longer do I hide, frozen and cold inside. But drown with your every touch and every kiss I want to revel in this beautiful pure perfect bliss. Now I reach out and yearn for your burning fire And forever want to breathe and live within this desire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 For You Are the One I would climb the highest mountain, And walk the hottest desert sand, For it is you that I seek. I would cross the widest river, And swim the deepest ocean blue, For it is you I want by my side. You are the one, Who makes me whole, You've captured my heart, And touched my soul. You are the one, Who step in my life, Who gave me power, To do what's right. For you alone, Are my reason to live, For the compassion you show, And the care that you give. You came into my life, And made me complete, For each time I see you, My heart skips a beat. For you define beauty, In both body and mind, Your soft, gentle lips, When they collide with mine. For you are the one, God sent from above, The angel I needed, And whom I do love. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Meet me tonight dear, 'neath the galaxy so bright, summer nights are here; we could fill each hour with bliss, on an evening such as this. I am thinking of you. Praising you, I must, you're the only man I trust, simply set on you! Ever since we met my love my heart has risen above, I am thinking of you. Ah! the song you sing, and the mystery you bring, I love everything, for my soul has taken wing, like the skylark in the spring. I am thinking of you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Gazing at the stars in a dark cold night Uttering sweet words beneath pale moonlight I wish you can see I wish you can hear I wish you can kiss and hold me tight I close my eyes and shed those tears Thinking how far you are from me Then I look above and see the stars How they light, they glitter and sparkle Despite how far they are by sight I find myself smiling as I realize That though distance between us Kept us apart but only in body And never in heart You gave me reason to smile You gave me reason to hope You gave me so much and I can never ask for more And if I have one thing to thank right now That's when you came into my life! --------------------------------------------------------- 27 I never really knew you You were just another friend But when I got to know you, I let my heart unbend. I couldn't help past memories that would only make me cry I had to forget my first love and give love another try So I've fallen in love with you and I'll never let you go I love you more than anyone I just had to let you know And if you ever wonder why I don't know what I'll say But I'll never stop loving you each and every day My feelings for you will never change Just know my feelings are true Just remember one thing I Love You! --------------------------------------------------------------- 28 I love you more than all the stars in the sky. I love you more as each moment passes us by. I love you more with every breath I take. I love you more with each promise we make. I need you like a flower needs the rain. I need you for you can wash away my pain. I need you more each day I need you for you are so wonderful, in every single way. I miss you more than ever now. I miss you because I really need you somehow. I miss you and your touch. I miss you for to me, Your the one in my dreams at night, I want you to caress my lips the way you always do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 I believe that none could love you quite as deeply as I do; And yet I often fail to show the depth of it to you. I vow to do the little things, to show you every day; But one thing or another seems to get into the way. I pledge to be more open, to have courage and be strong; But some how fear takes over and then everything goes wrong. I dream of perfect love for us, and hope that it will be; And yet I end up giving you a less than perfect me. I want to be much more for you, be everything you need. I hope and seek, beg and pray "Change me Lord! ", I plead. You are the only one I want. It is for you I yearn. I guess, my love, there's still so much that I have yet to learn. I cannot give perfection, but this I promise I will do - I will spend my life time learning how to give my love to you.


You always stand tall without fear being shown the life of a marine everyone will know, The love you give to your family and friends the heart once again of a strong man. You stand there proud watching and helping everyone around Never letting fear come over you there you stand watching over us too. Proud and strong a marine will always be putting his job first and then his family. His family will understand that but its hard to believe the way he stands for his country. Never does he let you know the darkness of his past He's been there once and now again how strange it must be to him Letters and phone calls, with all the long waits but all he can think of is that voice or response on the other end Praying and laughing maybe even a cry at the end just remember he'll come home again. Wait there patiently thats all you can do a marines creed will tell you to stand TRUE Dedicated to my brother,that always stands true. Thank You! SUNSHINE ON YOUR SKIN I AM LOOKING AT YOU AGAIN WISHING THIS PICTURE COULD BE TRUE WISHING I COULD BE NEXT TO YOU OVER THERE ALL ALONE BEING A SOLDIER LIKE A GOVT. DRONE HOPING FOR THAT WONDERFUL DAY FOR YOU TO COME HOME SOON I PRAY AND THEN YOU SAY WE CAN BE TOGETHER MAKES ME FEEL AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER WAITING FOR YOUR STRONG EMBRACE TO FEEL YOUR KISS UPON MY FACE ARMS WRAPPED AROUND ME TIGHT AND SNUG GIVING ME THAT IM HOME SAFE HUG TO ENSURE A PEACEFUL REST WRAPPING YOUR ARMS AROUND MY CHEST THIS IS WHERE I LONG TO BE ALONE TOGETHER YOU AND ME Sometimes I feel like I think about you as many times as miles between us When i wake up in the morning, you're already well into your day I wonder and worry about how you're doing, what you're doing, if everything is alright And whenever I get the chance to talk to you, I feel like I don't have enough time to tell you all that I want to say. Just know that I'll always be with you where ever you are And when you're thinking about me, I'm thinking about you too. Even across the miles, we'll be close in thought And remember that I'll always care about and miss you
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