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The 60 Rules of Horrorpunk by Kurt Andersen 1.) Religiously watch Horror movies. 2.) Be a "Fiend". 3.) Be a "Ghoul". 4.) Change your name to something spooky (Danzig, Sid Terror, Wednesday 13, Evil Presely). 5.) Never use the word "Spooky". 6.) Watch and throughly enjoy "Plan 9 From Outer Space". 7.) Use Whoas as much as possible in your music. 8.) Have at least one song thats about Zombies contain the word Zombie, Dead, or Undead. 9.) Refer to graves, graveyards, or cemetarys as much as possible. There "Fiendish". 10.) You know what you need? some skull gloves. 11.) You know what those gloves cold use? Some spikes. 12.) Always refer to your band as either: Evil, Pure evil, the most evil, evilist, fiendish, or ghoulish band ever. 13.) Make sure at LEAST one member of your band has his face painted like a skull or a Zombie. 14.) All members of your band are required to have Devil Locks. If they dont know what that is, kill them immedietly (Or kick them out of the band, either one). 15.) Never gain popularity (cult or otherwise) until 10 years after your band has broken up. 16.) After gaining popularity, refrom with only one old member and tour using the same name of your "popular" band. 17.) Make sure your logo contains an creepy looking skull or some variation of the Fiend Skull. 18.) Make a skeleton shirt using only a black long sleeve shirt and White Out. 19.) Make a band website but never update it. 20.) Never keep the same drummer, instead frequently hire new ones and fire them for redicules reasons. 21.) Your not using enough Whoas! 22.) Pick out a creepy 1950's style horror movie font for you to write you band name in. 23.) Use green and purple for shading as much as possible. 24.) Spikes, spikes, spikes!! 25.) Only use BC Rich guitars, they're both Ghoulish AND Fiendish. 26.) Break a guitar or bass every show. 27.) Get a job soley to buy new equipment. 28.) Frequently attack your crowd, bash at least one person in the head with your guitar. 29.) Get banned from San Fransico. 30.) Write multiple songs about killing teenage girls and how much you enjoyed it. 31.) Make sure your drummer gets kidnapped for 6 months while touring. 32.) Whhhooooaaaahhh!!! 33.) Make sure every photo is at a graveyard, or you playing live. 34.) Why isnt there any blood in your show? MORE BLOOD!!! 35.) Everytime you play live, have an old zombie movie play in the background. 36.) Kill a cow and use its backbone on your leather jacket. 37.) Frequently State in public that Jerry Only should have just let the Misfits die. 138.) Put a number in one of your songs or album covers. This insures that fiends will refer to it for years to come. 39.) Frequently whine that Balzac should tour the U.S. 40.) Make sure you have a side project or album title that has the name of a misfits song on it. 41.) Don't speak, it you have to, grumble incoherently. 42.) Make sure your band has little or no muscial talent. 43.) Wear boots: If possible, put spikes on them. 44.) Chains: Not only a great accessory, but good for attacking the crowd. 44.) Tour every single day for months on end, stop only to record an album. 45.) Go to London to tour but instead get thrown in jail. Write a song about it. 46.) Open up your own club. 47.) Get it shut down only a couple years after it opened due to payment issues, noise and voilence complants. 48.) Release self made EP's only, then compile them into two or three cds and give the cd's diffrent names then the EP's. 49.) When thinking of lyrics, cd titles, band names etc. Remember, EVERYTHING comes from outer space. 50.) Make your own record lable, be sure to name it after an old horror movie or horror punk song. 51.) Make sure your album covers contains any combination of the following: Zombies, Demons, Skulls, Vampires and half naked women. 52.) Remember, Everyday is Holloween!! 53.) If you want your band to be happy together and last long, don't be like Danzig. 54.) When writing lyrics, if you come to a writers block refer to rule #7. 55.) If your browsing for cds and see one from Germany, Get it. 56.) Frequently point out that the Nekromantix and Mad Sin are Psychobilly and not Horror-Punk. 57.) Also at every possible moment, point out the diffrence between Psychobilly and Horror-Punk. 58.) Punk Rock Is UNDEAD!! 59.) When throwing a party, see rule #1. 60.) You mean you sat here a read all this when you could be watching zombies massacre each other!? For shame, fooorrr shhhaaaammmmeee!!!
Nightmare Before Christmas original poem It was late one fall in Halloweenland, and the air had quite a chill. Against the moon a skeleton sat, alone upon a hill. He was tall and thin with a bat bow tie; Jack Skellington was his name. He was tired and bored in Halloweenland "I'm sick of the scaring, the terror, the fright. I'm tired of being something that goes bump in the night. I'm bored with leering my horrible glances, And my feet hurt from dancing those skeleton dances. I don't like graveyards, and I need something new. There must be more to life than just yelling, 'Boo!'" Then out from a grave, with a curl and a twist, Came a whimpering, whining, spectral mist. It was a little ghost dog, with a faint little bark, And a jack-o'-lantern nose that glowed in the dark. It was Jack's dog, Zero, the best friend he had, But Jack hardly noticed, which made Zero sad. All that night and through the next day, Jack wandered and walked. He was filled with dismay. Then deep in the forest, just before night, Jack came upon an amazing sight. Not twenty feet from the spot where he stood Were three massive doorways carved in wood. He stood before them, completely in awe, His gaze transfixed by one special door. Entranced and excited, with a slight sense of worry, Jack opened the door to a white, windy flurry. Jack didn't know it, but he'd fallen down In the middle of a place called Christmas Town! Immersed in the light, Jack was no longer haunted. He had finally found the feeling he wanted. And so that his friends wouldn't think him a liar, He took the present filled stockings that hung by the fire. He took candy and toys that were stacked on the shelves And a picture of Santa with all of his elves. He took lights and ornaments and the star from the tree, And from the Christmas Town sign, he took the big letter C. He picked up everything that sparkled or glowed. He even picked up a handful of snow. He grabbed it all, and without being seen, He took it all back to Halloween. Back in Halloween a group of Jack's peers Stared in amazement at his Christmas souvenires. For this wondrous vision none were prepared. Most were excited, though a few were quite scared! For the next few days, while it lightninged and thundered, Jack sat alone and obsessively wondered. "Why is it they get to spread laughter and cheer While we stalk the graveyards, spreading panic and fear? Well, I could be Santa, and I could spread cheer! Why does he get to do it year after year?" Outraged by injustice, Jack thought and he thought. Then he got an idea. "Yes. . .yes. . .why not!" In Christmas Town, Santa was making some toys When through the din he heard a soft noise. He answered the door, and to his surprise, He saw weird little creatures in strange disguise. They were altogether ugly and rather petite. As they opened their sacks, they yelled, "Trick or treat!" Then a confused Santa was shoved into a sack And taken to Halloween to see mastermind Jack. In Halloween everyone gathered once more, For they'd never seen a Santa before And as they cautiously gazed at this strange old man, Jack related to Santa his masterful plan: "My dear Mr. Claus, I think it's a crime That you've got to be Santa all of the time! But now I will give presents, and I will spread cheer. We're changing places I'm Santa this year. It is I who will say Merry Christmas to you! So you may lie in my coffin, creak doors, and yell, 'Boo!' And please, Mr. Claus, don't think ill of my plan. For I'll do the best Santa job that I can." And though Jack and his friends thought they'd do a good job, Their idea of Christmas was still quite macabre. They were packed up and ready on Christmas Eve day When Jack hitched his reindeer to his sleek coffin sleigh, But on Christmas Eve as they were about to begin, A Halloween fog slowly rolled in. Jack said, "We can't leave; this fog's just too thick. There will be no Christmas, and I can't be St. Nick." Then a small glowing light pierced through the fog. What could it be?. . .It was Zero, Jack's dog! Jack said, "Zero, with your nose so bright, Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" And to be so needed was Zero's great dream, So he joyously flew to the head of the team. And as the skeletal sleigh started its ghostly flight, Jack cackled, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" 'Twas the nightmare before Christmas, and all though the house, Not a creature was peaceful, not even a mouse. The stockings all hung by the chimney with care, When opened that morning would cause quite a scare! The children, all nestled so snug in their beds, Would have nightmares of monsters and skeleton heads. The moon that hung over the new-fallen snow Cast an eerie pall over the city below, And Santa Claus's laughter now sounded like groans, And the jingling bells like chattering bones. And what to their wondering eyes should appear, But a coffin sleigh with skeleton deer. And a skeletal driver so ugly and sick They knew in a moment, this can't be St. Nick! From house to house, with a true sense of joy, Jack happily issued each present and toy. From rooftop to rooftop he jumped and he skipped, Leaving presents that seemed to be straight from a crypt! Unaware that the world was in panic and fear, Jack merrily spread his own brand of cheer. He visited the house of Susie and Dave; They got a Gumby and Pokey from the grave. Then on to the home of little Jane Neeman; She got a baby doll possessed by a demon. A monstrous train with tentacle tracks, A ghoulish puppet wielding an ax, A man eating plant disguised as a wreath, And a vampire teddy bear with very sharp teeth. There were screams of terror, but Jack didn't hear it, He was much too involved with his own Christmas spirit! Jack finally looked down from his dark, starry frights And saw the commotion, the noise, and the light. "Why, they're celebrating, it looks like such fun! They're thanking me for the good job that I've done." But what he thought were fireworks meant as goodwill Were bullets and missiles intended to kill. Then amidst the barrage of artillery fire, Jack urged Zero to go higher and higher. And away they all flew like the storm of a thistle, Until they were hit by a well guided missile. And as they fell on the cemetery, way out of sight, Was heard, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night." Jack pulled himself up on a large stone cross, And from there he reviewed his incredible loss. "I thought I could be Santa, I had such belief" Jack was confused and filled with great grief. Not knowing where to turn, he looked toward the sky, Then he slumped on the grave and he started to cry. And as Zero and Jack lay crumpled on the ground, They suddenly heard a familiar sound. "My dear Jack," said Santa, "I applaud your intent. I know wreaking such havoc was not what you meant. And so you are sad and feeling quite blue, But taking over Christmas was the wrong thing to do. I hope you realize Halloween's the right place for you. There's a lot more, Jack, that I'd like to say, But now I must hurry, for it's almost Christmas day." Then he jumped in his sleigh, and with a wink of an eye, He said, "Merry Christmas," and he bid them good bye. Back home, Jack was sad, but then, like a dream, Santa brought Christmas to the land of Halloween. the end Poem copyright Tim Burton

Awesome Night!!

Wow was I ever blown away last night!! It was my first time ever seeing Rancid in concert and it fuckin' rocked!! It was at the Koolhaus in Toronto and the line-up moved pretty darned smoothly. The only things that concerned the security guards were the chains on my wallet, though they did check my bag there was nothing to concern them, hell I was even carrying a disposable camera. So after coat checks I waited in a line (if you could call it a line, more like a swarm of people in front of a small merch table...lol) anyhow when I got my chance I bought a Rancid picture disc (Time Won't Wait) for $10. After that it was time to go in before a local Toronto band started the show off. They played for about half an hour (LOL....they even sang one song from Gogol Bordello). Next on the line-up was The Planet Smashers. A really awesome ska band and got us into the mood by singing an Operation Ivy song. They were on stage for about 45 minutes. Then the time came for Rancid to rock the house. They blew the roof off the club. To actually see them playing live made the night. To see Matt play bass was a bassists dream, kudos go to him cause there's no way in hell that I could ever play upstroke with a pick. He was a damn good singer too!! Tim got the crowd going with his fucking kickass vocals and guitar playing, I never even realized he was a lefty until last night's show. Fuck the energy he put out made you feel like everyone was your family. Us punks stick together is the vibe I could feel all night. Lars was also another one to get the crowd pumped last night too!! His singing was truely a dream and his guitar playing melded so well with Tim's. He got Matt and Tim to sing some old Op-Ivy songs just because....lol. Well Rancid played for about an hour or so and I was loving every damn minute of it. When they got off stage we started chanting for them to come back and give us an oncore. At some point we thought they wouldn't but then all of a sudden there comes Tim and Matt on acoustic guitars while Lars still played his electric. What an awesome end to a show or so I thought. When the lights came on I thought Rancid would be doing a meet and greet but lo and behold there was none. So in line I waited to get my coat from coat check. And guess whose standing infront of me, some skinheads, garrrrrr!!!! Man was I tempted to kick them but my bf wouldn't let me!! Anyhow, finally got my coat and headed outside. It was already midnight and I was ready to head home. But my bf was determined to get an autograph and pic with Tim. So we waited around the tour bus. Unfortunately Tim didn't show but Lars did. He's such a sweetheart!!<3<3 I got my picture disc signed by Lars, a great big hug from Lars and three pics with him!!! What a fucking awesome night!!!

The Feast of Vultures

The Feast of Vultures ~Voltaireine de Cleyre~ Behold, behold, How a man is grown! A cry hurled high 'gainst a scaffold's joist! The Voice o Defiance - the loud, wild Voice! Whirled Through the world, A smoke-wreath curled (Breath 'round hot kisses) around a fire! See! the ground hisses With red-streaming blood-clots of long-frozen ire, Waked by the flyin Wild voice as it passes; Groaning and crying, The surge of the masses Rolls and flashes With thunderous roar - Seams and lashes The livid shore - Seams and lashes and crunches and beats, And drags a ragged wail to its howling retreats! Swift, swift, swift, 'Thwart the boold-rain's fall, Through the fire-shot rigt Of the broken wall, The prophet-crying The storm-song sighing, Flies - and grom under Night's lifted pall, Swarming, menace ten million darts, Uplifting fragments of human shards! Ah, white teeth chatter, And dumb jaws fall, While winged fires scatter Till gloom gulfs all Save the boom of the cannon that storm the forts That the people bombard with their comrades' hearts; "Vengeance! Vengeance!" the voices scream, And the vulture pinions whirl and stream! "Knife for knife, as ye long have dealt; The edge ye whetted for us to be felt, Ye chopper o necks, on your own, on your own! Bare it, Coward! On, Prophet, on!" Behold how high Rolls a prison cry! (As the three anarchist martyrs, August Vailant, Emile Henry and Sante Geronimo Caserio [European exemplars of "propoganda of the deed"] were led to their several executions, a voice from the prison cried loudly, "vive l'anarchie!" Through watch and ward the cry escaped, and no man owned the voice, but the cry is still resounding through the world.)

My Celtic Tree Sign

The Ash was a sacred chieftain tree, believed to "court the flash" since it was prone to be struck by lightning. The wood of the Ash was thought to be enchanted and was used by the Druids to fashion wands and spears. Its twigs were placed in circles as a protection from snakes, while witches would use the timber as handles for their broomsticks. Children would be passed through the branches of an Ash in order that they might be protected and to cure them from illness. Ash leaves were placed under pillows to induce prophetic dreams or placed in bowls of water to ward off ailments. The Celts believed that the Ash originated in the Great Deep or the Undersea Land of Tethys. It belongs to the trilogy of sacred Irish trees (the other two being the Oak and the Hawthorn) and is said to offer particular protection from death by drowning. The seeds of the Ash have long been used in love divination. If the seeds did not appear on a certain tree, then its owner was thought to have been unlucky in love or a future venture would be unsuccessful. In Northern England, it was once believed that if a woman placed an Ash leaf in her left shoe, then she would be fortunate enough to immediately meet her future spouse. In Greece, the Ash was sacred to the Sea God Poseidon and in Ancient Wales and Ireland, oars were made of this wood. The shade of this tree is said to be harmful to plants because its roots will strangle other roots. The Ash of the Ogham alphabet is the Cosmic Ash, also known as the World Tree. It appeared in Norse mythology as Yggdrasil, the Tree of Odin (or Woden) who hung upside-down from its branches in order to gain enlightenment into the secrets of the Runes. Gwydion, the Celtic equivalent of this Norse God, was known to choose the thick, strong twigs of the Ash for his wands and was renowned for his magical abilities. The Ash has roots which deeply penetrate the soil, souring the ground and making it difficult for other vegetation to grow beneath it. The wood of the Ash is tough and pliable and often used in weaver's beams. This tree was indicative of the linking between the inner and outer worlds. In Norse legend, it was an Ash which spanned the Universe...with its roots in Hel and its boughs supporting the Heavens and Earth at its center. In Celtic lore, the Ash connected the three circles of existence...Abred, Gwynedd and Ceugant...which may be interpreted as the Past, the Present and the Future, or as Confusion, Balance and Creative Force. There was no hell in Celtic beliefs...only continual rebirth as passage was made from circle to circle until the Land of the Blessed was finally reached. The Common Ash is a large, deciduous shade tree with grey-brown bark furrowed in diamond patterns. A major tree of the lowland forests in much of Europe (together with the Oak and the Beech), it can grow to 130 feet in height on open sites, with a broad crown reminiscent of the American Elm. The Ash was and still is an important timber tree and traditional material for the handle of a witch's besom. The Common Ash is occasionally cultivated in North America and similar native Ash species are widely grown as street trees. The Ash is a member of the Olive family. The Ash is a tenacious tree, such that it is not unusual for a singular branch to begin to sprout from one tiny point on the bark of an otherwise dead trunk.
There are two distinct types of Ash individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks.
The "new moon" Ash individual tends to be more impulsive and demonstrative when it comes to emotional relationships. Although he or she may appear apprehensive, hiding beneath the surface is an immensely spontaneous person. The "full moon" Ash individual tend to be a natural exhibitionist who responds to situations with great generosity of spirit. This may be considered by some as a certain gullibility or naivete, but this apparent weakness is just that...merely apparent. In truth, it is the outward display of a humble spirit...a rare and much-coveted quality.
In general, all Ash individuals tend to have duality in their natures. On one side, they are artistic with an aura of vulnerability...on the other side, they are quite pragmatic. Being compassionate and sensitive, they understand the baser elements of humankind, as well as the spiritual aspect. The compassion of Ash individuals also extends to the animal kingdom and they have an innate ability to relieve suffering, both by physical nursing and the power of prayer. The faith of the Ash is rarely orthodox in a religious sense, but they are highly intuitive individuals, often possessing a strong deeper sense of spiritual matters. Ash people are highly adaptable and, despite a frail appearance, can recover from almost any emotional blow. On the negative side, theose governed by the Ash frequently experience trouble when handling the more mundane practicalities of everyday living. Often easily influenced by others, the Ash individual can be low on self-confidence and may become isolated.
Ash people have a creative genuis for making money but frequently fail to carry a project or idea through to its completion. As children, they require careful direction in order to learn how to use their talents to the fullest potential. Possessed of a somewhat mystical quality, Ash individuals are drawn to fantasy worlds. They adore the theater and movies, frequently blessed with beautiful singing voices although their preference is to work behind the scenes. They are also usually attracted to the ocean...or any other body of water...sometimes with fascination and sometimes with fear. There is no compromise for the vulnerable Ash individual where water is concerned...it will be one or the other. The career of the Ash person should never involve a routine which is too strict. The arts are a good choice but, because of the compassionate nature of these individuals, they are often drawn to the medical field and are good at organizing charitable functions.
Ash individuals are quick-witted, spontaneous and gregarious. They possess a lively curiosity and are intelligent, persuasive speakers. Being enthusiastic, inquisitive and communicative, Ash people love engaging in discussions about new ideas and projects. They are gentle individuals and, though easily hurt, are able to cope well with the negative in addition to the positive. They make for kind and considerate friends, ideal sweethearts and caring parents. Being romantics and dreamers, Ash individuals frequently appear to have one foot in the "Land of the Sidhe" and strive constantly to keep order in their lives. On the negative side, Ash people possess a nebulous quality which can lead to an inability to cope with the practicalities of everyday living. They are also easily influenced by others and have a hypersensitive nature which can undermine their self-confidence and ambitions. It is important for Ash people to focus their mental abilities or they are inclined to become nervous and irritable.
Physical Goal: To realize that actions echo in the cosmos as a stone cast into a pond creates ripples. Awareness of self and the world are interconnected and the effect of actions warrants careful consideration.
Mental Goal: To learn that problems and questions are not exclusive to an individual...others also ponder. It is necessary to regard the question in a wider context and learn to ask opinions.
Spiritual Goal: To become aware that all things are connected...to balance individual need with that of the Earth.
Amergin Verse: "I am a Wind on a Deep Lake"
Ogham Association: Nuinn
Polarity: Feminine
Color: Green
Class: Chieftain
Letter Character: "N"
Month: March...the fifth month in the Celtic Ogham and named for Mars, the Roman God of War and Agriculture. To the Celts, this was the time of "Alban Eiler" or "Lady Day," associated with fertility rites. March also celebrated the Vernal Equinox and the First Day of Spring. The Celtic people believed that Hares (sacred to the Moon Goddess) came to chase away the Spririts of Winter during this month. Hares were native to the British Isles and later associated with Easter as the "Rabbit who hides the eggs." March foretold of a need to be aware of the inner and outer worlds and the fine balance between the two. To marry in this month is said to bring both joy and sadness.
Alias: "Moon of Waters"
Magickal Properties: Prosperity, Protection and Healing
Some Famous Ash People: Jane Austen, Drew Barrymore, Albert Einstein, Michaelangelo, John Travolta and George Washington
Gemstone: The Ash gemstone is Coral, also known as the "Forest of the Sea." It is formed from an animal skeleton and thus, is not a true gemstone, but an ocean jewel. One of the most ancient of gem materials, Coral has been used for adornment since prehistoric times. Coral inlays and ornaments have been found in Celtic tombs from the Iron Age. Coral has a history of religious significance, being one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures while in China, it was said that the Altar of the Sun was fashioned from Red Coral. It is said to possess the mystical property which builds an emotional foundation and was often used as a powerful talisman to stop the flow of bleeding, afford protection from evil spirits and ward off hurricanes. In Greek Mythology, when Perseus set the head of Medea on branches near the seashore, the blood which dripped was gathered by the Sea Nymphs and planted in the Sea to grow into Coral. This stone is also believed to protect children, cure madness and bestow wisdom upon those who wear it. Legend states that an amulet of Coral will turn chalky-white when encountering sickness. Once holding a special value for sailors and travelers, it was thought to possess the power of allowing the safe crossing of rivers and seas. Through the ages, Coral has been used extensively as a cure for almost every ailment, from staunching bleeding wounds to curing insanity.
Flower: The flower of the Ash is the Wood Anemone, a member of the Buttercup family. This flower is sometimes referred to as the "Woodland Ghost" because it can often be found on sites which were once covered by ancient woodlands. Blooms usually first appear in March, preferring wooded areas and meadows and it is said that the Wood Anemone never blossoms earlier than March 16 and never later than April 22. The Egyptians held the Anemone as the emblem of sickness and to the Chinese, it was the "Flower of Death." According to one Greek legend, Anemos (the Wind) sent his namesakes, the Anemones, in the earliest Spring days as the heralds of his coming...yet another states that the blooms sprang from the tears of Aphrodite as she wandered the woodlands weeping for the death of Adonis. In Palestine, the Anemone was thought to have grown beneath the cross of Jesus and for many years, the flower was believed to carry diseases. In Europe it was once customary to hold one's breath while travelling through a field of Anemones, the belief being that even the air which surrounded them would be poisonous. In ancient times, herbalists would recommend application of various parts of the Anemone for headache, agues and rheumatic gout.
Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Ash is the planet Neptune ("Lir"), Roman Lord of the Sea.
Deity: The Ash deity is Gwyddion, son of the Goddess Don. In Welsh Mythology, the Children of Don were the deities who represented the Sky and the people of Cymru referred to the Milky Way as the "Castle of Gwyddion." Magician, storyteller and trickster, Gwyddion was very wise, particularly in music magick, and once rescued Llew (his nephew) by singing an enchantment. Often referred to as a "Master of Illusion," Gwyddion was a helper of humankind and a warrior against the greedy and small-minded. He supported the cultural arts and learning, and attempted to stamp-out ignorance. For these endeavors, Gwyddion is sometimes called the "Druid of the Gods." Gwyddion and his brothers fought in the Battle of the Trees to ensure that the Dog, Deer and Lapwing which Gwyddion had taken from Annwn could remain on Earth. His last foray into the Otherworld resulted in Pigs (sacred to many Goddesses) being brought to humankind.
The Adder - The Adder was symbolic of wisdom and spiritual energy. Snakes have long been associated with wisdom, reincarnation and cunning. Druids often carried an amulet called gloine nathair or serpent glass, which they stated was formed from the egg of an Adder, but is thought today to have actually been made of blown glass.
The Seagull or Common Tern - Although this sea bird does not figure in Celtic legend, it is connected to Lir, the Sea-God and, like many other birds, was considered to be a messenger from the Otherworlds.
The Sea Horse - An important figure in Celtic mythology, the Sea Horse often depicted significant connections with the Otherworlds, as symbolized by the fish tail. It was believed that The Sea Horse invited an individual to travel on a journey of discovery. It was also representative of confidence and grace. Many Celtic cultures regarded this creature as a baby Dragon.
February 19-February 28/29: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Pine, whose motto is "Father of Wisdom" or "The Particular." Pine individuals are very robust and active, and also tend to be cautious, provident and hard-working people. They are idealists, being trustworthy and practical by nature. They love agreeable company and know how to make life comfortable without being selfish...if Pine individuals have a benefit, it will almost always reflect on those around them. They make for good companions, though not always overly-friendly to those they do not know. Pine people fall in love easily, but with a passion which is prone to burn out quickly. They have a tendency to give up without much struggle and may suffer many disappointments in life.

My Celtic Tree Sign

The Ash was a sacred chieftain tree, believed to "court the flash" since it was prone to be struck by lightning. The wood of the Ash was thought to be enchanted and was used by the Druids to fashion wands and spears. Its twigs were placed in circles as a protection from snakes, while witches would use the timber as handles for their broomsticks. Children would be passed through the branches of an Ash in order that they might be protected and to cure them from illness. Ash leaves were placed under pillows to induce prophetic dreams or placed in bowls of water to ward off ailments. The Celts believed that the Ash originated in the Great Deep or the Undersea Land of Tethys. It belongs to the trilogy of sacred Irish trees (the other two being the Oak and the Hawthorn) and is said to offer particular protection from death by drowning. The seeds of the Ash have long been used in love divination. If the seeds did not appear on a certain tree, then its owner was thought to have been unlucky in love or a future venture would be unsuccessful. In Northern England, it was once believed that if a woman placed an Ash leaf in her left shoe, then she would be fortunate enough to immediately meet her future spouse. In Greece, the Ash was sacred to the Sea God Poseidon and in Ancient Wales and Ireland, oars were made of this wood. The shade of this tree is said to be harmful to plants because its roots will strangle other roots. The Ash of the Ogham alphabet is the Cosmic Ash, also known as the World Tree. It appeared in Norse mythology as Yggdrasil, the Tree of Odin (or Woden) who hung upside-down from its branches in order to gain enlightenment into the secrets of the Runes. Gwydion, the Celtic equivalent of this Norse God, was known to choose the thick, strong twigs of the Ash for his wands and was renowned for his magical abilities. The Ash has roots which deeply penetrate the soil, souring the ground and making it difficult for other vegetation to grow beneath it. The wood of the Ash is tough and pliable and often used in weaver's beams. This tree was indicative of the linking between the inner and outer worlds. In Norse legend, it was an Ash which spanned the Universe...with its roots in Hel and its boughs supporting the Heavens and Earth at its center. In Celtic lore, the Ash connected the three circles of existence...Abred, Gwynedd and Ceugant...which may be interpreted as the Past, the Present and the Future, or as Confusion, Balance and Creative Force. There was no hell in Celtic beliefs...only continual rebirth as passage was made from circle to circle until the Land of the Blessed was finally reached. The Common Ash is a large, deciduous shade tree with grey-brown bark furrowed in diamond patterns. A major tree of the lowland forests in much of Europe (together with the Oak and the Beech), it can grow to 130 feet in height on open sites, with a broad crown reminiscent of the American Elm. The Ash was and still is an important timber tree and traditional material for the handle of a witch's besom. The Common Ash is occasionally cultivated in North America and similar native Ash species are widely grown as street trees. The Ash is a member of the Olive family. The Ash is a tenacious tree, such that it is not unusual for a singular branch to begin to sprout from one tiny point on the bark of an otherwise dead trunk.
There are two distinct types of Ash individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks.
The "new moon" Ash individual tends to be more impulsive and demonstrative when it comes to emotional relationships. Although he or she may appear apprehensive, hiding beneath the surface is an immensely spontaneous person. The "full moon" Ash individual tend to be a natural exhibitionist who responds to situations with great generosity of spirit. This may be considered by some as a certain gullibility or naivete, but this apparent weakness is just that...merely apparent. In truth, it is the outward display of a humble spirit...a rare and much-coveted quality.
In general, all Ash individuals tend to have duality in their natures. On one side, they are artistic with an aura of vulnerability...on the other side, they are quite pragmatic. Being compassionate and sensitive, they understand the baser elements of humankind, as well as the spiritual aspect. The compassion of Ash individuals also extends to the animal kingdom and they have an innate ability to relieve suffering, both by physical nursing and the power of prayer. The faith of the Ash is rarely orthodox in a religious sense, but they are highly intuitive individuals, often possessing a strong deeper sense of spiritual matters. Ash people are highly adaptable and, despite a frail appearance, can recover from almost any emotional blow. On the negative side, theose governed by the Ash frequently experience trouble when handling the more mundane practicalities of everyday living. Often easily influenced by others, the Ash individual can be low on self-confidence and may become isolated.
Ash people have a creative genuis for making money but frequently fail to carry a project or idea through to its completion. As children, they require careful direction in order to learn how to use their talents to the fullest potential. Possessed of a somewhat mystical quality, Ash individuals are drawn to fantasy worlds. They adore the theater and movies, frequently blessed with beautiful singing voices although their preference is to work behind the scenes. They are also usually attracted to the ocean...or any other body of water...sometimes with fascination and sometimes with fear. There is no compromise for the vulnerable Ash individual where water is concerned...it will be one or the other. The career of the Ash person should never involve a routine which is too strict. The arts are a good choice but, because of the compassionate nature of these individuals, they are often drawn to the medical field and are good at organizing charitable functions.
Ash individuals are quick-witted, spontaneous and gregarious. They possess a lively curiosity and are intelligent, persuasive speakers. Being enthusiastic, inquisitive and communicative, Ash people love engaging in discussions about new ideas and projects. They are gentle individuals and, though easily hurt, are able to cope well with the negative in addition to the positive. They make for kind and considerate friends, ideal sweethearts and caring parents. Being romantics and dreamers, Ash individuals frequently appear to have one foot in the "Land of the Sidhe" and strive constantly to keep order in their lives. On the negative side, Ash people possess a nebulous quality which can lead to an inability to cope with the practicalities of everyday living. They are also easily influenced by others and have a hypersensitive nature which can undermine their self-confidence and ambitions. It is important for Ash people to focus their mental abilities or they are inclined to become nervous and irritable.
Physical Goal: To realize that actions echo in the cosmos as a stone cast into a pond creates ripples. Awareness of self and the world are interconnected and the effect of actions warrants careful consideration.
Mental Goal: To learn that problems and questions are not exclusive to an individual...others also ponder. It is necessary to regard the question in a wider context and learn to ask opinions.
Spiritual Goal: To become aware that all things are connected...to balance individual need with that of the Earth.
Amergin Verse: "I am a Wind on a Deep Lake"
Ogham Association: Nuinn
Polarity: Feminine
Color: Green
Class: Chieftain
Letter Character: "N"
Month: March...the fifth month in the Celtic Ogham and named for Mars, the Roman God of War and Agriculture. To the Celts, this was the time of "Alban Eiler" or "Lady Day," associated with fertility rites. March also celebrated the Vernal Equinox and the First Day of Spring. The Celtic people believed that Hares (sacred to the Moon Goddess) came to chase away the Spririts of Winter during this month. Hares were native to the British Isles and later associated with Easter as the "Rabbit who hides the eggs." March foretold of a need to be aware of the inner and outer worlds and the fine balance between the two. To marry in this month is said to bring both joy and sadness.
Alias: "Moon of Waters"
Magickal Properties: Prosperity, Protection and Healing
Some Famous Ash People: Jane Austen, Drew Barrymore, Albert Einstein, Michaelangelo, John Travolta and George Washington
Gemstone: The Ash gemstone is Coral, also known as the "Forest of the Sea." It is formed from an animal skeleton and thus, is not a true gemstone, but an ocean jewel. One of the most ancient of gem materials, Coral has been used for adornment since prehistoric times. Coral inlays and ornaments have been found in Celtic tombs from the Iron Age. Coral has a history of religious significance, being one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures while in China, it was said that the Altar of the Sun was fashioned from Red Coral. It is said to possess the mystical property which builds an emotional foundation and was often used as a powerful talisman to stop the flow of bleeding, afford protection from evil spirits and ward off hurricanes. In Greek Mythology, when Perseus set the head of Medea on branches near the seashore, the blood which dripped was gathered by the Sea Nymphs and planted in the Sea to grow into Coral. This stone is also believed to protect children, cure madness and bestow wisdom upon those who wear it. Legend states that an amulet of Coral will turn chalky-white when encountering sickness. Once holding a special value for sailors and travelers, it was thought to possess the power of allowing the safe crossing of rivers and seas. Through the ages, Coral has been used extensively as a cure for almost every ailment, from staunching bleeding wounds to curing insanity.
Flower: The flower of the Ash is the Wood Anemone, a member of the Buttercup family. This flower is sometimes referred to as the "Woodland Ghost" because it can often be found on sites which were once covered by ancient woodlands. Blooms usually first appear in March, preferring wooded areas and meadows and it is said that the Wood Anemone never blossoms earlier than March 16 and never later than April 22. The Egyptians held the Anemone as the emblem of sickness and to the Chinese, it was the "Flower of Death." According to one Greek legend, Anemos (the Wind) sent his namesakes, the Anemones, in the earliest Spring days as the heralds of his coming...yet another states that the blooms sprang from the tears of Aphrodite as she wandered the woodlands weeping for the death of Adonis. In Palestine, the Anemone was thought to have grown beneath the cross of Jesus and for many years, the flower was believed to carry diseases. In Europe it was once customary to hold one's breath while travelling through a field of Anemones, the belief being that even the air which surrounded them would be poisonous. In ancient times, herbalists would recommend application of various parts of the Anemone for headache, agues and rheumatic gout.
Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Ash is the planet Neptune ("Lir"), Roman Lord of the Sea.
Deity: The Ash deity is Gwyddion, son of the Goddess Don. In Welsh Mythology, the Children of Don were the deities who represented the Sky and the people of Cymru referred to the Milky Way as the "Castle of Gwyddion." Magician, storyteller and trickster, Gwyddion was very wise, particularly in music magick, and once rescued Llew (his nephew) by singing an enchantment. Often referred to as a "Master of Illusion," Gwyddion was a helper of humankind and a warrior against the greedy and small-minded. He supported the cultural arts and learning, and attempted to stamp-out ignorance. For these endeavors, Gwyddion is sometimes called the "Druid of the Gods." Gwyddion and his brothers fought in the Battle of the Trees to ensure that the Dog, Deer and Lapwing which Gwyddion had taken from Annwn could remain on Earth. His last foray into the Otherworld resulted in Pigs (sacred to many Goddesses) being brought to humankind.
The Adder - The Adder was symbolic of wisdom and spiritual energy. Snakes have long been associated with wisdom, reincarnation and cunning. Druids often carried an amulet called gloine nathair or serpent glass, which they stated was formed from the egg of an Adder, but is thought today to have actually been made of blown glass.
The Seagull or Common Tern - Although this sea bird does not figure in Celtic legend, it is connected to Lir, the Sea-God and, like many other birds, was considered to be a messenger from the Otherworlds.
The Sea Horse - An important figure in Celtic mythology, the Sea Horse often depicted significant connections with the Otherworlds, as symbolized by the fish tail. It was believed that The Sea Horse invited an individual to travel on a journey of discovery. It was also representative of confidence and grace. Many Celtic cultures regarded this creature as a baby Dragon.
February 19-February 28/29: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Pine, whose motto is "Father of Wisdom" or "The Particular." Pine individuals are very robust and active, and also tend to be cautious, provident and hard-working people. They are idealists, being trustworthy and practical by nature. They love agreeable company and know how to make life comfortable without being selfish...if Pine individuals have a benefit, it will almost always reflect on those around them. They make for good companions, though not always overly-friendly to those they do not know. Pine people fall in love easily, but with a passion which is prone to burn out quickly. They have a tendency to give up without much struggle and may suffer many disappointments in life.

◊The Bell Witch◊

◊The Bell Witch◊
The malicious entity that plagued a Tennessee farmhouse in 1817 ended in the only known murder by a poltergeist. The problems began when John Bell saw a strange animal in his cornfield dissolve into thin air. Soon, the family heard scratching at the doors and windows, then gnawing sounds started coming from inside the house. Within a year, the presence began speaking and threatened to kill John. The fame of the "Bell Witch" spread, and even Andrew Jackson came to dispel the spirit. Nothing worked. John Bell was beaten so mercilessly by the presence that his tongue swelled and he could barely eat. A doctor prescribed a tonic, but the witch bragged it poisoned it. "I've got him this time," it bellowed, "He’ll never get up." John went into a coma and died on December 21, 1820. Then, the witch promised to return to wreck havoc on John’s descendents, and it plagued the Bell family again in 1827, 1852, 1861, 1935, 1977, and 1988. Today, the apparition of a demon woman and eerie balls of light are seen gliding over the Bell farm, and the so-called Bell Witch Cave near the family cemetery is haunted by chains rattling and inhuman screams. See more details on the Bell Witch case at the official Bell Witch website. A new Bell Witch DVD is available that chronicles the entire case.
Located in sleepy Adams, Tennessee is the former location of the John Bell Farm, one of the most famous haunted spots in American History. This sinister case involved spectral creatures, disembodied voices, poltergeist activity and even resulted in the death of John Bell. . .all at the hands of the infamous Bell Witch.The Bell Witch Haunting is one of the strangest and most well-documented hauntings in American history, and for good reason. It stands out in several areas of paranormal research, and includes many features not ordinarily present in classic haunting activity. As such, this particular haunting deserves a very close look by anyone serious about seeking out and visiting haunted places.
Blankets were pulled from beds, family members were kicked and scratched and their hair pulled. Particularly tormented was a 12-year-old Betsy Bell, who was slapped, pinched, bruised and stuck with pins. At first, John Bell was determined to keep the events secret, but soon confided in a friend , who then formed an investigative committee. John Bell's friends soon learned that the strange force in the house had an eerie intelligence. It soon found a voice and from that day on. . .was seldom silent.
The spirit identified itself as the "witch" of Kate Batts, a neighbors of the Bell's, with whom John had experienced bad business dealings over some purchased slaves. "Kate" as the local people began calling her, made daily appearances in the Bell home, wreaking havoc on everyone there. People all over the area of soon learned of the witch and she made appearances, in sounds and voices, all over Robertson County.
The ghost became so famous that even General Andrew Jackson decided to visit. He too experienced the antics of the witch and his carriage wheels refused to turn until the witch decided to let them.
John Bell fell victim to bouts of strange illness, to which "Kate" claimed responsibility. While he was sick in bed, the spirit cursed and prodded him, never allowing him to rest. One day, he went to bed and never recovered. He was found senseless in his bed one morning and a strange bottle was found nearby. Bell's breath smelled of the black liquid in the bottle, so a drop of it was placed on the tongue of a cat. . .the animal dropped dead. John Bell soon followed suit and "Kate" screamed in triumph. She even made her presence known at his funeral, laughing, cursing and singing as the poor man was buried.
"Kate" didn't vanish immediately after the death of her proclaimed enemy though. She stayed around, threatening Betsy Bell to not marry the man that she truly loved, Joshua Gardner. The witch would never say why, but she did allow the girl to later marry the local schoolteacher, Richard Powell. "Kate" soon left the family but promised to return in seven years. She did come back and plagued the family again for two weeks. Before departing, she appeared at the home of John Bell Jr. and made a number of predictions that Bell recorded. The warning proved true, reflecting the Civil War and the later World Wars of the next century. "Kate" said that she would return again 107 years later, in 1935, but the year came and went without incident.
Who was the Bell Witch? Was she really a ghost, who claimed to be connected to a living person? Or did the resentment and the hatred of the real Kate Batts create an entity of it's own? Or could the haunting have been poltergeist activity linked to Betsy Bell? No one will ever know for sure. . .but whoever, or whatever, the Bell Witch was, many believe that she has never left Adams, Tennessee at all.
Written by my friend Kat (who is the owner and webmanager for A Mommy's World) go check out her site www.a-mommys-world.com
ODYSSEY OF THE DEVIL HORNS Who is responsible for bringing metal’s famous hand signal to the tribe? ~ By STEVE APPLEFORD ~ devilhorns_story.gif i.jpgt is called the mano cornuto, the horned hand, with index finger and pinkie raised proudly as the sign of the beast, ready for an unholy wave to your favorite demon king. The Horns of Cernunnos. The woolly Goat of Mendes. And the edifice of Scaccia Scalogna, source of the ancient code to defeat the “evil eye” and its power to wilt the fruit on trees and the mojo of men. Or, it means nothing at all – nothing beyond the international greeting to heavy metal ecstasy, aimed at all the flawed rock gods with their Marshall amps and electric guitars. It is there that the horns still carry some tribal significance, and where the local monster metal fest might carry a giant foam-rubber facsimile of the horned hand to be waved from across the arena, as harmless as a pillow. Satan must miss the attention. It had been his for centuries, used with conviction just in the last generation by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey himself. To Wiccans, the raised fingers were like antenna to receive a jolt from the mighty and mysterious Goddess. The sign still worries evangelists, but it truly belongs to rock now, as a declaration of love and testosterone in the presence of Ozzy or Metallica or the next speed-metal band to plug in onstage. It is a valentine between rock star and superfan. Singer Rob Halford has no idea where it came from, and he probably picked it up from the audience. But it provides a big moment every night onstage with the reunited Judas Priest, right in the middle of “Painkiller,” as the band drifts into a passage of lengthy metal-guitar riffing. That’s when Halford steps up to the edge of the stage. “I throw a metal-god pose and put my horns in the air, and the crowd goes fucking ballistic,” Halford says. “It’s like holding up the NBA trophy. It’s a unifying moment. People go, ‘Oh, my god, look what he’s doing – that’s me!’ It’s a moment of recognition.” But its source in rock is a mystery. And it has grown into a subject of uninformed debate in parking lots and online. Gene Simmons of KISS wrote in his 2002 autobiography that it was his accidental invention, the inadvertent gesture of a great man, repeated at concerts and picked up by fans. Not likely. Former Black Sabbath shouter Ronnie James Dio also takes the credit, first raising the horns before joining the band in 1978. And he’s expressed alarm over the image of Britney Spears fans raising the sign at concerts by the dancing diva of lip-synched pop. The truth is elusive. One Internet gadfly calling himself Physical Discomfort writes of Dio, “Hell no he didn’t pioneer the devils hands thing!” Then he insists that a live photograph inside the 1972 album Black Sabbath Vol. 4 reveals Ozzy and fans throwing the goat into the air. A potential revelation … so I dig out my buried copy, searching for a moment of pure cartoonish evil, a possible crossroads where heavy metal’s flirtation with the Satanic and ridiculous began. And there it is: peace signs. The hippie dream, and not a demon’s head anywhere. The time has come for a survey, and first on the list is Dave Grohl. The Foo Fighters frontman and Nirvana drummer is in town to conduct his own headbanger paradise on a Hollywood soundstage, where he’s shooting a video for his metal side-project Probot, sitting in with Motörhead’s Lemmy Kilmister and 70 models from SuicideGirls.com. Between takes, Grohl poses for a magazine photographer. The man is a kind of redheaded, Mephisto-looking hipster, who begs Grohl to flash him “the goat” again and again. He refuses. Grohl’s roots are in both metal and punk rock, where, if used at all, the horns tend to be wielded ironically. I ask later where he first saw the mano cornuto. “Honestly, probably at a Black Flag show, which doesn’t make sense. But you’d have the fucking burnouts that would come to see Black Flag after rippin’ Sabbath in the parking lot for a good half-hour.” Later, I ask Lemmy the same thing, noting the casual claims of Gene Simmons. “Well, he would, wouldn’t he?” Lemmy remarks. “He is so eeevilll. Come on, gimme a fucking break.” Lars Ulrich of Metallica has no doubt at all: “That’s got to be Ronnie James Dio. I remember Rainbow used to play in Denmark about every half-hour, so I used to go see it every half-hour. And Ronnie James Dio did a lot of that. Back in ’75, ’76, ’77, it was all about Rainbow and Black Sabbath and Thin Lizzy.” In a separate interview, singer-guitarist James Hetfield, answers, “I think Dio.” Then he goes on, with a smile: “I think Spider-Man originally. It’s also ‘I love you’ in sign language. I don’t know, I think it’s ‘Two more songs!’ – you know.” One could make the pilgrimage to the medieval Italian hill town of Barga, Tuscany, and the carved visage of the Scaccia Scalogna, an ancient face set right into the wall along the Via di Mezzo. Locals in search of better luck and divine intervention travel to the cragged, alien face to press their horned hands right into the statue’s eyes. Which takes the demon salute into the realm of Moe Howard of the Three Stooges, who enjoyed ending conversations with a pair of fingers in the eyes of his closest associates. Even President George Bush has raised horns to the sky, suggesting all kinds of possible conspiracies and connections, entangled in Skull & Bones and star chambers. More likely, Bush is signaling his piety to the Texas Longhorns, gridiron warriors for the University of Texas, where a football-crazy male cheerleader named Harley Clark first raised the “hook ’em horns” signal at a 1955 pep rally. Clark is a retired state judge now, and definitely no Satanist. Dio remembers the gesture from his Italian grandmother in New York, making a sign to ward off the “evil eye.” He does not claim to have invented it, but says he brought it to the metal masses as far back as his days in Rainbow, before replacing Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath in 1978. When VH1 weighed in this year with 100 Most Metal Moments, No. 3 was Dio’s use of the gesture as the universal signal for heavy metal. “It’s nice to have been able to create something that’s going to last for a long time and be credited for it,” says Dio. “But I’m sure some guy named Og invented it 25,000 years ago.” And it belongs today in the hands of a deadly serious rocker, he argues, not the Top 40. “Going to see someone in a bustier doesn’t seem to make any sense when they raise that sign up there. And they get it wrong. There’s a way to do it. You have to lean into it and have a certain facial expression.” For Dio, the sign “puts an exclamation point and a period to what you’re doing. I don’t do it for frivolous reasons. It was a natural thing for me to do. And perhaps it looks theatrical now because it’s overused, even by myself.” But Dio was not the first rock musician to raise the horns high. It’s not the devil’s sign to everyone. It is also the password to the Mothership, the P-Funk juggernaut first launched at the beginning of the ’70s. George Clinton and Bootsy Collins have been trading the “P-Funk sign” ever since, a kind of sci-fi-funk interpretation of the old Vulcan “live long and prosper” greeting from Star Trek’s Mr. Spock. A friend arranges a meeting with Clinton. I hand him a photograph of Dio making the hand signal, and tell him this is the man (or one of them) credited with bringing it to rock. Clinton stares at the picture for a long, silent minute, breathing heavily. Another minute passes. He’s never heard of Ronnie James Dio. It’s the P-Funk sign, man. The mystery continues. Then I mention Simmons, and Clinton smiles. “He should know better,” he says with a laugh. KISS and Parliament-Funkadelic were both on Casablanca Records in the ’70s. “Our costumes were made at the same place,” he adds. “And we had ours made there first!”

What Fiend Grrl Means

You entered: Fiend Grrl There are 9 letters in your name. Those 9 letters total to 57 There are 2 vowels and 7 consonants in your name. Your number is: 3 The characteristics of #3 are: Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living. The expression or destiny for #3: An Expression of 3 produces a quest for destiny with words along a variety of lines that may include writing, speaking, singing, acting or teaching; our entertainers, writers, litigators, teachers, salesmen, and composers. You also have the destiny to sell yourself or sell just about any product that comes along. You are imaginative in your presentation, and you may have creative talents in the arts, although these are more likely to be latent. You are an optimistic person that seems ever enthusiastic about life and living. You are friendly, loving and social, and people like you because you are charming and such a good conversationalist. Your ability to communicate may often inspire others. It is your role in life to inspire and motivate; to raise the spirits of those around you. The negative side of number 3 Expression is superficiality. You may tend to scatter your forces and simply be too easygoing. It is advisable for the negative 3 to avoid dwelling on trivial matters, especially gossip. Your Soul Urge number is: 5 A Soul Urge number of 5 means: The 5 soul urge or motivation would like to follow a life of freedom, excitement, adventure and unexpected happening. The idea of travel and freedom to roam intrigues you. You are very much the adventurer at heart. Not particularly concerned about your future or about getting ahead, you can seem superficial and unmotivated. In a positive sense, the energies of the number 5 make you very adaptable and versatile. You have a natural resourcefulness and enthusiasm that may mark you as a progressive with a good mind and active imagination. You seem to have a natural inclination to be a pace-setter. You are attracted to the unusual and the fast paced. You may be overly restless and impatient at times. You may dislike the routine work that you are engaged in, and tend to jump from activity to activity, without ever finishing anything. You may have difficulty with responsibility. You don't want to be tied down to a relationship, and it may be hard to commit to one person. Your Inner Dream number is: 7 An Inner Dream number of 7 means: You dream of having the opportunity to read, study, and shut yourself off from worldly distractions. You can see yourself as a teacher, mystic, or ecclesiastic, spending your life in the pursuit of knowledge and learning.

What Grave Baby Means

You entered: Grave Baby There are 9 letters in your name. Those 9 letters total to 38 There are 3 vowels and 6 consonants in your name. Your number is: 11 The characteristics of #11 are: High spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer. The expression or destiny for #11: Your Expression number is 11. The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It is associated with idealistic concepts and rather spiritual issues. Accordingly, it is a number with potentials that are somewhat more difficult to live up to. You have the capacity to be inspirational, and the ability to lead merely by your own example. An inborn inner strength and awareness can make you an excellent teacher, social worker, philosopher, or advisor. No matter what area of work you pursue, you are very aware and sensitive to the highest sense of your environment. Your intuition is very strong; in fact, many psychic people and those involved in occult studies have the number 11 expression. You possess a good mind with keen analytical ability. Because of this you can probably succeed in most lines of work, however, you will do better and be happier outside of the business world. Oddly enough, even here you generally succeed, owing to your often original and unusual approach. Nonetheless, you are more content working with your ideals, rather than dollars and cents. The positive aspect of the number 11 expression is an always idealistic attitude. Your thinking is long term, and you are able to grasp the far-reaching effects of actions and plans. You are disappointed by the shortsighted views of many of your contemporaries. You are deeply concerned and supportive of art, music, or of beauty in any form. The negative attitudes associated with the number 11 expression include a continuous sense of nervous tension; you may be too sensitive and temperamental. You tend to dream a lot and may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality sometimes become intermingled and you are sometimes very impractical. You tend to want to spread the illumination of your knowledge to others irrespective of their desire or need. Your Soul Urge number is: 7 A Soul Urge number of 7 means: With a number 7 Soul Urge you are very fond of reading, and retreating to periods of being alone and away from the disruptions of the outer world. You like to dream and develop you idealistic understandings, to study and analyze, to gain knowledge and wisdom. You may be too laid back and withdrawn to really succeed in the business world, and you will be much more comfortable in circumstances that are tolerant of your reserve, your analytical approach, and your desire to use your mind rather than your physical being. You are very timid around people that you don't know very well, so much so at times that casual conversation and social situations can be strained. You tend to repress your emotions to the extend that some people have a good bit of difficult understanding you. You tend to be very selective with friends and you don't easily adapt to new environments or to new people very quickly. The negative traits of the 7 include becoming too much the introvert and isolated from others. Your Inner Dream number is: 4 An Inner Dream number of 4 means: You dream of being a very solid citizen that people can depend upon. You strive for organization and predictable order. You want to be recognized as a person with a plan and the discipline to make that plan work like clockwork.
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