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Proper way to cook meat

The proper way to prepare and cook great meat! 1. First of all one must choose a great piece of meat to start out with. It must be of the proper size, weight and texture, as well as to be plumped with the right combination of fat and muscle... too lean is no good and too much fat is no good either. It helps to pick up and feel the piece of meat and feel the texture of it, really feel it... once you become accustomed at picking out a good piece of meat, you will be able to tell right away if you've got a great piece of meat in your hands just from the feel of it, and you'll be able to tell if it will make the grade when it gets heated up and hot... lol 2. Now once you have decided that you have picked out a great piece of meat to start out with... the next step is very important... it's called the preparation! One should not rush and just throw a great piece of meat into the oven or fire. One should properly prepare it for the cooking, otherwise you may very well ruin what could have otherwise been a great piece of meat! Now depending on what kind of meat you are preparing, there may be slightly different ways to prepare it, but with most meats you usually want to start out with some kind of rub... the ingredients you choose to use as the rub will vary from one piece of meat to another, but pick the right ingredients carefully... and then you must use your hands to gently, but firmly rub all those spices into the meat... you need to knead those spices deeply into the meat... don't be shy and take your time, the more you rub it in, the better this meat will be once you put it in the fire or oven... you should know when you have thoroughly and successfully rubbed the spices in correctly as the texture of the meat will feel much differently and even the color and smell will let you know you're ready to move onto the next step. The remaining step in the preparation of good meat is one a lot of people will skip because they don't realize how much of a difference it makes in how a great cut of meat turns out. This next step is to apply a liquid substance in order to seal in the juices in that great piece of meat. Here again, depending on the specific kind of meat you are preparing, the exact liquid may vary, but the whole point is you need to liberally apply the liquid all over every bit of the surface of the meat. You must once again use those hands to thoroughly work that liquid all over the meat, kneading the meat as you rub the liquid in is a must. You will probably feel the juices internally in the meat as you rub the liquid onto it, and this is normal, and you want to actually bring the juices as close to the surface as you can without piercing the meat surface and having the juices running out of the meat... at this point, we are simply building up and and locking in those juices. With practice you will find the best technique to use to properly rub in the liquid... but in general it is usually best to run your hands up and down the length of the meat and to go with the natural shape and texture of the meat... and as with the spice rub, you will be able to tell from the feel and texture of the meat when you have properly prepared it and it is READY for the oven or fire! in a nut shell, the meat should now be glistening and will probably have a distinct red tint to it and there will be no doubt that it is plump and firm and you can just feel all those juices are locked in there and ready to be heated up! 3. Ok, so now you have properly prepare the meat for cooking, you have rubbed in both the spices and the liquid to a point where you can just tell it is ready to be shoved into the oven or fire. Now it is highly critical that you have the temperature of the over or fire just right. If one needs to play with and adjust the temperature of the oven prior to inserting the meat, then make sure you do so and take your time with this step... because if the temp is either too cold, or too hot when the meat is inserted, it just will not cum out right in the long run... so by all means, play with the controls and knobs and find just the right combination that gets that oven heated up to just the perfect temp! With experience one doesn't even need a thermometer to judge when the oven is at the right temp... most will be able to tell simply by placing their finger into the oven and feeling the overall temp, and will know when it's the proper temp for receiving the meat. Once this temp is reached, you simply insert the meat into the oven. Once you do this, you will normally want to just take your time in cooking it. A slow cooking process is almost always going to produce a better and tastier piece of meat... keep that oven temp pretty constant and steady and just allow that meat to cook slowly. you will find the meat will firm up nicely as it cooks, yet you know the juices are building up slowly and nicely and are going to be mouth watering when it's time to sample the meat. One will want to turn the meat over several times while the meat is cooking... and it almost goes without saying that you should take small samples of the meat as it's cooking to be able to see if it's done and ready to eat. As the meat gets closer to being done, it will start to have the juices run out of it... and one should by all means take these juices onto their fingers and sample how they taste. As these juices are starting to flow out of the meat, it is always a good idea to use the natural juices that are flowing into the oven to continue to recoat and cover the meat, so as to help lock in the deep juices, as the final result will be much better this way. The key is to bring those juices to the surface, yet keep them locked in too, so that once you remove the cut of meat and are ready to taste it, it will literally explode with flavor and and the juices will literally fill your mouth with a taste unlike anything you have ever tasted! 4. Ok now to the last part... experience will tell you when this great piece of meat is fully cooked and is ready to be taken out and enjoyed. When you have decided that the meat is properly cooked and ready to be eaten, it is always best to eat the meat when it is fresh out of the oven and still hot as can be... so don't be shy, once you have decided to pop this great piece of meat out of the oven and have it, just dig right in... feel the great texture of the meat, feel how hot and tasty it is, and feel how the juices you have went to all the trouble of sealing in and bringing to the surface feels as the juice from the meat explodes in your mouth... I think you will agree that when you take a great piece of meat to start out with, properly prepare it in every way, cook it in the oven to the perfect texture and temp, and until the juices are flowing out of it... and then you finally get to taste and devour the end result... you will agree there is nothing better than a properly prepared and cooked piece of meat... lol So anyone up for BBQ?

Chicken Shit hypocrit

This gal with a profile name of Kr8zy really pissed me off with her childishness and her hypocrisy to such an extinct I really felt like I had to write about this one! So basically we had started to chat and what is funny about the whole thing is that when we first started chatting she went on and on telling me about what a great friend she was to her friends on here.... but in any event we did chat a whole lot one evening and yes, our conversation got VERY mutually sexual too, but that wasn't all it was, at first it was just regular talk, but none the less, that one night it did turn very sexual too! So anyway, after that, for many days I would try shouting her when I saw her on line and was active just to say hi.... nothing sexual what so ever just making attempts at saying hi. Well, after many days in a row of trying to say hi when I knew she was active and on line, and her never answering my shouts, I finally told her in the shout box that since it was clear she just was going to ignore my shouts and we aren't going to chat anyway, that I went ahead and took her off my friends list and wished her the best. Now anyone that has taken the time to read my main page "about me" section, I lay it out there very clearly that I'm not going to waste my time on friends on here that aren't also willing to waste their time with me too... and I say it's nothing personal, you may be a great person, but if you aren't going to give me the time of day. I'll never find that out anyway, so I'm simply going to choose to move on if that's that case, so don't get mad about it, because I'm telling you that's how I am right up front.... that was the case with her! And isn't it funny that she had not seen or had time to respond to any of my attempts at just saying hi to her, yet this shout message she did get and responded to? lol So when I told her I had taken her off my friends list, she first said it's best since I was expecting all of her time (which is ridicules, but that's what she said)! Then I simply said no problem, I wish her the best, but I don't think me simply expecting a friend to respond and say hi back at least some was out of line with the norm at all and if she was interested in my feelings about the friends I choose she should read my blog about that. Well, then she proceeded to block me where she knew I couldn't respond back, and then sent me this shout..... Kr8zy ~ *...: Nope I know what you wanted and I couldnt spend EVERY MINUTE getting you off so you got bored thats ok Im not hear to be someones TRSASH there is enuff women on here for that...I have far too many friends that want to sit and have fun and laugh which is fine for me... Good Luck ... Now that shout message is totally ridicules.... first off, except for that one night in which she was as big of an instigator in initiating the sex talk as I was.... telling me how horny she was, perving on all my naughty pics just as I was her's, etc, I had not tried to talk sexual with her what so ever, had ONLY tried to say hi a few times over several days.... so for her to say I was wanting her to spend every minute getting me off is as far fucking out there as it can possibly get! And then for her to accuse me of only wanting trash on here and how she's not like that, when in fact she was jumping all over the sex talk we had that night every bit, if not more than me.... also makes her the biggest damn hypocrite I've seen on here.... then add to that, the fact she says that stupid, untrue shit knowing I'm blocked and can't even respond to it, also makes her a low life chicken shit on top of it all! Oh, and lets top this all off with the fact she's a married woman too, that I doubt her husband really knows what she does on here, although she told me he does and he's cool with it! So yes, this woman pissed me off big time with her childishness, her lies, her hypocrisy, and her downright arrogance in trying to act like she's better than me when in fact she's nothing more than the biggest lair and coward I've had the dishonor to meet on here! So, besides the fact I'm obviously venting about this because this hypocrite pissed me off so much with her chicken shit actions and comments.... don't you think I have a right to be upset with this kind of person?
Indifference! I’ve found that a whole lot of people on here treat others in that way and seem to think that is just the normal way to treat people and they don’t seem to understand why people like me don’t want those kinds of friends in my life, so I thought I’d just explain my self about this in this blog! What do I mean by people treating other’s with indifference? Well it’s things like when you are chatting with someone on here, and they just stop talking, don’t say bye, or gotta run or anything like that. That’s just rude, it leaves the other person wondering what to hell happened… do you just not want to talk to them, did something happen that you can’t talk, they sit and wonder if the conversation is over, if if that person is mad at them, etc…. in other words, they have no idea what or why that person just stooped talking and took off…. And people like me who actually care about other people, that bothers us and worries us, and it truly is very self centered and rude for you to treat people like that… and most importantly it shows that person you are completely indifferent to them, can’t even give them the simple common courtesy and respect to say good bye…. It shows them that you are completely self centered and wrapped up in ONLY what is on your mind or in your world and you don’t even give their feelings a second thought! I’ve had many people who will also Shout me and I’ll respond right away, yet they never do reply…. Now why in the hell are you going to shout someone and then not even give them a few seconds to respond? The only reason I see why you’d do that is if you are indiffe3rent to whether or not the person you shouted is gong to answer or not and you really had no interest in talking to begin with. So you know what? If you have that indifference and aren’t really interested in chatting to begin with, then don’t be sending them a fucking shout to begin with!!! It is once again just very rude and shows them your disinterest and how self centered you are! This same thing happens to me when IM’ing on yahoo messenger a lot too. Come on folks if you are chatting on line that doesn’t mean it’s OK to just walk out in the middle of a conversation, no more than it would be OK to be talking to someone face to face, and just suddenly turning around and walking off without a word! What other ways do I see that people show they are indifferent to you on here? Another biggie are the many folks I have talked to on here that at times are just all over me wanting to talk, telling me how they want to be friends, and for a time even kind of acting like that really do…. Yet then they will just all of a sudden, stop talking to you when they are on line…. You see them on, yet they just don’t say hi or interact with you hardly at all, even though they had been a lot at one point, and if you question them about it, they will still swear they really want to be friends and it’s just that they are busy a lot and make all kinds of excuses why they are no longer “acting” like a friend any more…. But kind of ironic and funny how they are living the same life they were back at the time they were actually spending some time interacting with you, isn’t it? Yet once they start treating you with indifference, all of a sudden, that same life is just too busy to pay any attention to you! And the most ironic part about those kind of people is that they get so damn mad at me when I tell them that I just don’t want the type of friends in my life that show me no interest, and treat me with complete indifference, and show me that they can’t or don’t want to waste any of their time or attention on me… come on folks, we all get to choose our friends, and why in the hell would I want to choose friends that clearly show me I have no meaning or importance in their lives what so ever and they are completely indifferent to me or what’s going on in my life? Don’t get all offended at me and make me out to be the bad guy if I choose to not be treated that way and don’t want that kind of friendship, it was YOU after all, that chose how you were going to treat me and decided if I held any importance to you, and whether or not you were going to be indifferent towards me or show some concern and share some friendship…. All of your actions and the way you CHOSE to treat me, was your decision, just as it’s my decision to decide what kind of friends I want to waste my time with…. And I’m telling you point blank, I’m going to choose to have friends in my life who also choose to waste some of their life with me as well and can show me they are not completely indifferent to me and can show me some common courtesy and respect… that’s the way I treat my friends, and yes, I expect to be treated the same in return…. So if you don’t treat me this way, I’m simply going to move on and spend my time with those who do.;… it’s as simple as that…. Not bashing you or mad, or anything like that, just simply making a choice in who I spend my time and friendship with….. so don’t get mad at me or blow up on me if you’re treating me that way and I tell you I’m moving on, OK? I just truly treat my friends like they matter to me and am not outright rude and indifferent to them, and simply want friends who treat me in the same way, plain and simple! So, I hope knowing my outlook and how I think friends should treat each other and explaining to you how I simply don’t want friendships in which people treat me with total indifference or clearly show me they have no time in their life for me, or they are just plain rude and can’t show me even simple common courtesy, will let you know where I’m coming from and maybe so many won’t get completely pissed off at me when I do move on from those kinds of friendships! And please folks, if you really don’t have a true interest in being friends, at least be man or woman enough to just admit that, rather than filling people full of bullshit and telling them how you really do want to be friends but just don’t have ANY time to act or show any attention towards the person you are bullshitting and “saying” you want to be friends. It’s really damn simple, no one’s life is ever so busy they can’t make a little time for the people and things that are important to them…. everyone doses make time for what they like to do and what is important to them period! So at least be truthful with folks if you are just making the choice to be indifferent to them and are choosing not to make any time for them, rather than laying on the bullshit about how you really do want to be a friend…. OK? I have many casual friends on here where it’s simply a hit and miss thing and we just flirt a little and say hey now and then, and that is fine, I’m cool with that because not everyone is going to form true friendships, but I just get annoyed with the folks who “act like” or “say” they want a real friendship, yet clearly show me by their actions and indifference that is just not true and is total bullshit! So lets not bullshit each other and just be real, shall we? lol And to close…. Remember to CHOOSE to waste your time with those people who are also CHOOSING to waste their time with you too!
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