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alucard's blog: "my story"

created on 06/02/2009  |  http://fubar.com/my-story/b297970

my story

 HELLS                                                                              TRAITOR
By Michael d.  Futhey Jr.
The time is 2:30 a.m. a night club on Washington street in down town St. Louis is closing a young girl comes out and stumbling around in a drunken state of mind decides to drive home the only problem is that her car is a few blocks away. In the drunken state that she is in she decides to take a shortcut through the alley.  As she is walking down the alleyway all she sees is nothing but abandon building and spray paint that makes a gang symbol. She keeps walking and as she is walking the alley seems to get darker and darker. Till it gets so dark that she cant see her hand in front of her face. She rummages through her purse for a lighter or something to light the path in front of her. Need a light lady? a mysterious man voice says. With that headlights from a car turns on in front of her she starts to run the other way but another set of headlights from another car turns on and blocks her way four guys start to come towards her. You looking for a good time lady? One of the men says while eyeing her out. And with that he hits her on the head with a gun. Well boy lets party. The man says as he rips her clothes off all the men look in amazement with there grease up body filthy blood cover hand as they start to stare at her like fresh meat. But before they could have their way with her a demented laugh come from the shadows of the alley T-dogg go check it out the leader of the group says to one of his henchmen. With that the trusty henchman goes in the shadow of the alley with his gun ready to fire a few seconds later a ghastly scream is heard. You get that motherfucker dog. The leader says. And with an answer out of the shadow with his henchman head rolling toward them. In a state of panic the rest of the men look into the shadowy depths of the alley and then green glowing eyes appear. Lets waste that motherfucker! the leader of the rapist says. And with that the all start to shoot at the shadowy figure as the figure gets closer they start to see it in its true form and wings come out of the creature back and jumps on one of the cars and into the light .to show what he is a gargoyle 7ft. tall green glowing eyes and tribal war paint covering his body with long blood red hair and giant bat like wings. No now the party can start. The creature says. With that one of the henchmen runs toward to the creature with a switchblade and tries to stab the creature but all that did was chip the creature stone body and the knife would slowly falling to pieces it would shatter in two million pieces leaving only the handle in the henchmen hand the henchman looks at the creatures face the creature smiles showing his beast like teeth and says my turn dumb fuck with that the creature punches a hole through the guys head. Another guys follows that tries to jumping roundhouse kick to the creature he but the only thing he get is the bones in his foot break into. Pieces here let me show you my powers the creature says as a green glowing fire forms around him and   starts to form chains with hooks and they lung into the guys body and rips the guys soul out in front of him to see and then tears it in to four pieces.  The last henchman runs like hell to get away but the creature summon a demon like and the creature pet chases  .the guy down ripping the guys heart out of him and then there was one the creature says to the leader the leader of the rapist looks at the creature in fear so much fear that he pisses and shits in his pants. The creature flies up into the air toward the leader picking him up and carrying him a hundred feet in the air what are why are you doing this the guy says while the creature has him I am hear to get rid of the sins of the earth and now its time for you to pay for all that you did to your victims and their families. the creature say as he grab the guy by the legs and rips him down in half from leg to leg dropping him from a hundred feet in the air. With that the creature flew back to the girl who looks like she just saw a ghost and the creature say are you alright you should have been more careful. the girl look at him and screams from the top of her lungs and sprays him with mace and run like hell hey Logan when your done from wiping the mace out of yours face pick up a 6 pack of beer. The voice in Logan earpiece say to him Ill be back at sunrise Logan responds to the voice. Let me guess you need some alone time? the voice says to Logan, Besides you shouldnt be drinking on the job Kurt. Logan says before he rips the earpiece from out of his ear, and then flies away and lands on top of the arch. This is where Logan goes to remember how old he truly is he was around during the medieval days he remembers being brought up in a Celtic druid   temple. He remembers being asleep and awoken again during the war in Iraq when American troop found the temple he slumbered in a rock bonded with steel vessel with Celtic and under the Celtic writing it was translated in Hebrew transcript unfortunately on of the soldiers did not understand what was written on the shell that let the beast be in peaceful slumber or he would have known it said a warning that said he who opens this shell shall lose his life as a sacrifice his life to let out the evil that fights evil. But due to the curiosity of one soldier he brushes his hand on the shell, which broke the seal that let the gargoyle come out of his peaceful slumber which made the demonic creature angry for he thought that he would sleep till Armageddon and die peacefully, and just like the ancient transcript said he sinks his stone like claws into the one that has awoken him and throw the wounded man through a wall and fully walks out of the chamber. Logan looks around and sees a troop of humans with guns pointed at him. Logan screams in anger and ask why they have awakened him.  The troop starts firing all their ammo at him but it doesn't even hurt him. The leader of   the troop. Call to headquarters.
 They trapped Logan in the temple till more forces could come their aid leaving the one that awaken cause they    thought he was dead but Logan sensed   his heart beat. Logan picks the body up. Holding the wounded man in mid-air by his neck. Why did you awaken me. wasnt trying to just curious on the writing egg. If your going to kill me get it over with I wont fight I deserve to die for my ignorance and curiosity. The wound man said to Logan.
 Logan is shocked and amazed with what the man said. What is your name human?   , Logan said, My name is Kurt, Private Kurt Kilbourne. The wounded man says Looking Logan in the eye awaiting his verdict from the creature. You will not die by hands I see you meant no harm, you are an innocence you shall live. Logan says as he puts him down. With that Kurts radio goes off with a message from the reinforcements asking Kurt are you in there if you still are alive report on your status.  Logan looks around to see where the voice is coming from. Kurt answers to the radio Im alright it was just a misunderstanding we just caught it off guard sir.  Logan looks at the radio in amazement and asks is that how you capture the souls of the dead? You must have been out for along time mind giving me a hand to out side. Kurt says to Logan trying to stop the bleeding from his injuries.  With that Logan forms a smirk and laughs and picks Kurt up holding him like he was a newborn and spreads his wings out. Hold on Ill have you out of here in no time. Logan says to Kurt. With that Logan spreads his wings out and leaps into the air and glide out of the building through a hole   from the top of the temple. Flies twenty feet in the air and lands.
 When Logan lands a troop of soldiers surrounds Logan guns ready to fire missile launchers and cannons from tanks all aimed at Logan. your Weapons wont affect me but it will kill this mortal that I have carried out. The general take a close look and see Kurt bleeding and bones sticking out pail as if he is about to die. Hold your fire men! the general say to the troops. But before he could say that one of the tanks fire a missile at Logan. All the other men watch as the missile is heading towards forward to Logan. Knowing that there is nothing that no one can do but watch the tragic destruction and the death of one of their brother at arms great tragic death.   Green fire comes out of Logans eyes make a green shell around himself and Kurt. Forms a force field protecting him and Kurt.
 Each and every soldier jaws drop in amazement. The general     phones into the higher rankings  I think we found something more than a weapon of mass destruction cause this one walks and is alive.  Here is a protector he should still be alive. Kurt is sent to a mash unit to heal up. And sent back to the states one of few wanting to go back home only because he wanted to see wrestling event Christmas in Iraq event. Their he is notified that he will be taken care of with a new job requested by new boss and will be taken care of by his new boss and a new surgery was done where he had new blood and a different kind of blood put into his body. When Kurt asks what kind of blood they gave him directions to an underground base where he will find out more.
 We now join Kurt. As   he drives into East St. Louis, where the city trying to find the Location to his new job. The directions that was sent to   his e-mail .he looks towards the destination spot and there he see a old probably one of the first churches in St. Louis that is no longer used probably for any human to go in. But yet he goes in. Hello anyone here? Kurt hollers in to the church. There is no answer to his call How odd does this look like probably the only white guy entering a broken down church in East St. Louis? He says to himself as he looks around and sees nothing but trash and broken down building. Kurt enters the church that looks like it will collapse under him. The building is so dark that he cannot see his own hand in front of him. Kurt searches his bag for something that would light his way. Kurt finds himself a flashlight. Kurt turns the flashlight on.
 Right when he turns it on there he sees a gargoyle statue. Kurt hops back in a state of shock. He notices that it is just a statue. He takes a closer at the statue and says You are one of the most ugly motherfuckers I have seen since I came back from Iraq. Kurt turns around took look at his surroundings. You are not one to talk. A mysterious but familiar voice says to Kurt. Kurt traces the voice back to the statue. Kurt takes a closer look at the statue. All of a sudden the eyes open on the statue. Showing nothing but green lights coming out of the statue. The statue starts to move and come to life. Kurt remembers what brought him out of the war. The painful experiment that they done to him before he was discharge, and got out of the hellish war he was in.
 So I didnt have a nervous breakdown. It wasnt a dream? Kurt says out loud Yeah I thought I would try to say sorry by offering you a job as my weapons maker/ tech support/ info man. Logan says to Kurt. Do I have to kill anyone, cause I was kind of hoping not to be in the killing business any more. Kurt asks Logan. Dont worry all you have to do is learn about every demon out there and come up with some kind of weapon that will help me kill them and teach me how to use this demonic devise that you humans call a computer. Logan explains to Kurt. What do I get out of it? Kurt asks Logan hoping it helps him survive. Room, food, knowledge, and flexible hours and free Internet. Logan responds. Kurt takes a minute to think about the offer. Kurt looks at Logan and says, You got a deal Well then should I take you to the headquarters? Logan asks Kurt You mean this isnt it? Kurt asks while wondering why he made him come here. Fuck no not this shithole. Logan says. Know we take to the present day.
After saving the girl and getting sprayed with mace. Logan flew up and looks at the city he protects from evil. The sun is raising Logan swoops down from the top of the arch and shape shift into human form. And walks to a bus stop to catch a bus. And heads home to south St. Louis.
A house that looks like a college frat team lives in and never left. Two bedrooms. One room, as a library for the entire book for every demon, relic, entity, and the history of Logan dating back before the bible. A room for computer and a tool bench for Kurt to make weapon for Logan and a bed for those long nights of that Logan the hunts for the evil that last more than one night. The basement that Logan calls his private quarters which has three room on heavily secure that he calls his private bar where he drinks and smoke cigars which he goes to after fighting crime and demons every night. One room for him to sleep and recharge his powers and regains his sanity after the hectic night. And one room. which is, like a living room but with shelves full of wrestling tape Kung fu movies, comic books and video games.
When the Taxi arrives to headquarters Logan walks out still in human form. The next door 17 kid name Jeremiah goes up to Logan asking Can you buy me a pack of smoke. Logan looks at him and says can you ever be normal. And throw a pack of cigarettes right between the eyes of the weird kid. The kid pick up the pack and notices that they where open and landed in a puddle which wets all the cigarettes when the kid looks at Logan. He notices Logan is walking inside and says. I got the new poke Mon card series. Logan hollers back For the Love of god get laid
When Logan walks in the first thing he hears is Kurt saying did you save some of that pepper spray for the tacos. Logan give him the look of death and says I will be down stairs do not bother me unless a riot breaks out or if bush gets kicked out. you know that smoking is bad for you, Kurt says to Logan Its bad for you but not for me, and it is also bad for you if I quit smoking Logan replies. With that Logan goes down to his domain and falls a sleep and as he falls a sleep in the dark drafty quarter he slowly turns back to his true form of a 75 ft muscular gray stone like body with hair that look like it has been bathed and died in blood, tribal tattoos of ancient tribes from all around the world tribes of warriors that have been forgotten through time and by the tribes dying out. When Logan is sleeping the tattoos glow green from the spell from the Celtic druid that raise him that help him heal, the worst of the injury the brighter they glow. When the night falls Kurt buzzes him to wake him up. Hey we got a problem that the government
 With their experiment When they found your book they copied one of your summoning spell and summoned something into someone that was in military federal prison and then started experiment on him, the suddenly made him go insane until finally its host fell in to a coma but his brain activity was off the charts as if he was in battle. Then he awoken, but when he awoken he was not himself he started going by another name speaking in tongues, went into delusional sate saying he is the entity of death where ever he sees he will destroy until finally he escaped and killed everyone on the base and hid but now there are signs of him here like the killing in tower grove park. And now they want you to clean up their mess. Kurt tells Logan. What the fuck do I look like to them their mother fucken made, I mean shit they made the mess they should clean their own fucken mess. Logan says in anger. Then all of a sudden a newsbreak appears on TV. They is a gang war it looks like in the back of me sound of people getting killed and in the middle of the park a fire broke out. The police are holding back trying to secure the area but they are not entering until backup arrives. Well I guess Ill have to go and fix the problem Logan say as he starts to walk out Before you go I have a weapon for you to try out on it is a spell bomb that you have to put inside of the entities body it has a remote cause you want to get as far as possible cause fire sphere and it is green fire which should kill the hosted body which should kill the entity as well to Kurt says as he throws Logan a clear pipe bomb with glowing green liquid in it. Thanks for the gift Ill use it as a last resort though. Logan says as he takes off. To fight the mad man that is killing people in tower grove. Logan lands in the middle of tower grove fire surrounds him the sounds of people in pain and dying painfully, the smell of burning flesh, Logan looks through the fire and smoke to see if anyone needs to be saved, but all he sees are people hung by organ wrapped around their neck like if their organs where slimy red nooses. He looks on the ground and sees a baby carriage on fire. Don't you like what I've done here look at the pretty decorations. The mysterious voice says as if it brought world piece. Show your self you fuckin bastard I will in good time, but why do you fight for a breed that wont let you live a normal life you know what lets test your skills shall we the mysterious voice says.  All of a sudden the mysterious voice shows himself like a shadow all black with white pattern and red eyes you ready to fight a god. The entity says to Logan all of the sudden the entity hand turns into a spear stretching towards Logan but instead of stabbing him it grabs him and throws him through a brick wall. Logan Lands on King highway where there are people gathers around watching the chaos as if it was a movies. Logan rises people Look at him as if he was the devil himself. Logan shakes the rubble off a all fight a real test for me lately Ive been bored fighting human people start taking pictures to catch Logan in his true form and hoping to sell to paper for the next headline in news papers and magazine. This is going to be a long night. Logan says under breath Hey Logan I found out he turn in to his true form and is called coma. Kurt says through the earpiece to Logan thank for the belated new Kurt. Logan says back to Kurt. Logan leaps into the air and flies at a fast towards Coma Now where talking come on you piece of shit lets fight Coma says as he eggs Logan on. All of a sudden giant bolts of lighting came out of Comas body and firing towards Logan Hitting Logan and throwing him 10 feet into the air and back down to the ground again. You are even more worse than the filthy humans you protect Coma says to Logan. Logan rises back up. Logan summons his sword out his body. Lets fight bitch, Logan says to Coma having enough of the cheap shots.
 So you want to go toe to toe with me. Coma says. But I have a sword of my own you pathetic demon Coma say forming a demonic sword made out of his arm. Both Logan and coma run towards each other in a ring surrounded by fire. Both Logan and Coma fighting each other like a sword fight saw in movies. Logan then flies towards Coma getting a hit. When Logan looks back Comas arm falls off his body. Logan lands thinking he got the better hand until coma turns around facing Logan and Comas arm leaps back onto Coma. Logan's jaw drops in amazement.  Hey Logan how is it going killed him yet? Kurt says through the earpiece. No not yet but he is getting on my nerves. Logan responds. Logan then decides to Flies into the air hoping Coma would follow him so then no one would get hurt or see them. So you want to have a air fight then we shall Coma says as he forms wings flying up into the air at fast speeds towards Logan and wrapping his body around Logan trying to kill him by suffocating him inside of comas body but as he does Logan plants the bomb inside of comas body and leaves the body of coma and flying away from coma. Coma turns around and charges at Logan this time Logan grabs him and power bombs Coma to the ground The difference between you and me is, you have a bomb in you and I have the detonator. Logan says to coma What the fuck does that mean Coma says as he looks down and notices a blinking light coming from inside of him. Coma looks up at Logan noticing Logan has his thumb on the Detonator. Then BOOM!!! The bomb goes off ripping Coma from inside and out melting his body and then turns the remains into fumes. Their goes the most sadistic mother fucker around. And you know I think that is not the Last I may hear of him. Logan says to himself. As he Flies off some news cameramen are taping him.
 As Logan goes flying off back to his headquarters the press is already reporting the sighting and blaming the massacre all on Logan calling him demonic killer from hell and helicopters of swat and news follow him and the wild chase begins swat chases him all around the skies and reporters are following the action as close as they can get Hey Logan smile cause you are on fox 2 news. Kurt says through the ear piece of Logan No shit Sherlock what the fuck do you expect me do! Logan responds to Kurt Well they are also blaming you for what coma did, Kurt says to Logan What the fuck I saved their lives and they blame me for that shit Logan says in anger to Kurt hating to be accused for something so vicious that he did not do. Survivor start coming out of the park and sure enough the press has a lot to ask. The survivors tell the press what happened but the police choppers and news choppers still chase Logan. Logan then decides to out maneuver the choppers by making a sharp left turn right when the chopper turns the police helicopter engines turns off and starts to fall. Logan turns around Oh shit better save them before they blame me the hellish creature Logan chases the helicopter before it  crashes into the ground killing a whole street of people Logan catches the helicopter and grabs it form the bottom of the helicopter the new copter catches the whole rescuing on tape. Logan then gets rid of the news copter by lifting up a sewer lid and going down the sewer and then pops up a mile away from his last sighting and as he comes out changing into his human from. He then walks home. When he gets there the next door is sitting on his front porch what do you want jerky? Logan asks the nuisance I was wondering if I could have a cigarette jerky asks Logan yeah sure here you go. Logan says as he throws Jerky a cigarette. Jerky lights up the cigarette and right when he light the end of the cigarette it blows up in his face. Very funny now I wont tell you about the girl I did last night Jerky says to Logan hopping Logan will give him a real cigarette. Logan stops turns around and says what that you accidentally popped a hole in the doll so you had to burry it in your backyard, How did you know that Jerky say. You really need to get a life. Logan says as he enters his house. You should really be nice to neighbors, Kurt says to Logan. I am I didn't kill him know did I. Kurt pause the stereo that is playing KORN by the way it is your day off and I got to tickets to G.C.W.Kurt Says to Logan.
What the fuck is G.C.W. Logan asks Kurt Global championship wrestling and the main event have the champion Beast he will probably be a legend of our time. Kurt says to Logan. Kurt hand him a picture of the wrestler the beast. Logan looks at the picture he sees a face that is familiar but cant put his finger.  Kurt looks at Logan and says, Is everything alright? Yeah the wrestler looks familiar but its probably just my mind playing tricks on me. Logan says. Lets go to the loop to get some supplies. Meanwhile a wrestler named beast gets ready for his match tonight he enters the place where his match is talks to the promoters the doctors and the other wrestlers one of the trainers walk up to him and says I know you have had a long family trees of wrestlers, hell I have had a couple bouts with your father he would be proud of if he was hear to see you carry on the tradition of your family. Thank you I just wish I knew him a little bit better never really seen him The beast says as he walks away in the back of his mind is that he wants no one to know is that he has been around since the dawn of time he is an immortal just like Logan he can never die he looks at his gift as both a curse because he sees everyone that he had cared about pass before his eyes but he has been wrestling since the very beginning of wrestling in the coliseum or Rome as gladiator the only trouble he has know is coming up with a new identity he has faced Logan before and he will never forget that day  thinking that Logan was evil walking on his people scared grounds think he was trying to take the book of Kane which his tribe was sworn to protect from everyone never getting in the cave not even them from going in. He is the only one of his tribe left. The only things this immortal knows to do and that is to fight sure know it is not real what it use to be but the pain is still there, but not as painful as it was back in ancient Rome in the coliseum. Meanwhile in the Delmar loop Logan and Kurt are shopping for clothes food and music for Kurt to listen to when he is doing his research. Logan walks around seeing how humans interact with each other he sees a street profits talking about hell coming to earth and demons from hell & how he seen Satan in tower groves with his glowing green eyes and demonic wing. Logan then realizing that the man is talking about Logan. In Logan is not surprised about being recognized as a demon from hell. Logan just shrugs it off  the he passes an electronic store with a window display of TVs all on different channels but the same topic the appearance of Logan when he was fighting coma and congressmen saying that Logan needs to be stopped of his vigilante before more people get hurt and the armed force should look for him and either kill him or bring him in for research. After a couple of hours Logan meet back up with Kurt and they go get tickets for the global championship wrestling and to pass the time the go to their local roughneck bar for beer and liquor to make the time pass. They get to the arena to watch the most violent hardcore wrestling in the history of wrestling by the time the main event sow the ring is basically painted red with blood of the match and a couple of loose teeth are swept out of the ring before the main event. First comes in the champion at 62 ft and at 250lbs from the depths of hell THE BEAST and his opponent jackal. This match is a no holds bar barb wire, steel cell 60 minute iron man match for the GCW world heavyweight belt. The ring announcer says to the crowd Logan and Kurt got front row seats watching the most gruesome match made in mankind for 49 minute later we see both contenders suffering from severe fatigue and open wounds still bleeding. The battle gets to the top of the cell beast wraps Jackal around in barb wire and throws jackal through the top of the cell, but the roof of the cell caves in and beast get impaled through the ring post of the main ring the crowd goes silent for they know no human can survive from it but after a few minute of being clinically dead the crowd is shocked to see the beast moving again the champion uses his own strength to pull himself off of the ring post, in the mind of the beast the entity coma enters his body realizing the this is no ordinary human but one with the power of immortality. The beast realizes that something is trying to take over his body all the beast can do now is warn others to run. At this point Logan realizes something bad is about to happen. The beast yells fire so then everyone in the building leaves. The crowd starts to runs in fear and panic running over other stepping on one another stepping over others just trying to get out of the arena while everyone is in panic Logan turns to his true form getting ready for the battle the beast sees Logan and says its been a centuries since I seen u listen something possessed my body I only have enough power to speak on my own free will help me.  All of a sudden the beast spears Logan into the turnbuckle he speared him so hard that the wrestling ring moves an inch Logan is only stunned for a second. When Logan comes to he opens his eye, all he sees is the beast charging at him doing a body splash. Logan falls to the mat picks himself up and says Fine you want have a match you get a match but it will be a hardcore anything goes last man standing match.
Logan gets up gets ready for the beast next move. The beast tries to spear Logan again, but Logan reverses it to a spinning German suplex the beast flies out of the ring and onto the outside of the ring. The beast rises up grabs a chair runs back into the ring throw the chair to Logan. Logan grabs the chair the beast dropkicks the chair into Logan face.

Logan falls down. But only for a minute but he quickly gets back up. Logan spears the beast and then picks him up for a belly-to-belly suplex. The beast goes to the top rope and does a hurrcaranna on to Logan. Logan yells out to Kurt to go get ammo Kurt is on his way out of the building when coma notices it coma uses his power to close all the doors. "You think your friend can go home and get what you tried to use on me before well guess again I have full power of the being what you don't seem to understand is I have been around on this godforsaken planet since it was created and been lying in a cave all because of one thing I was to powerful for these waste of flesh humans they thought I was evil but you see I am the very first root of all evil and now they have awoken me and there is no way and no one can stop me, not even you although you are a worthy opponent to bad you have to die ." Coma says to Logan also in the arena we see Kurt going to the back of the operating room where the lever for the barbwire cell that is for the pay per spew .The cell drops around Logan and coma. Now it is sudden death match bitch!" Logan yells to coma. Logan grapples with coma and does three vertical suplex and on the fourth he made it an elevated ddt coma lays there stunned Logan rips a large piece of the barb wire off wraps it over the possessed body That coma is in and starts tugging coma around and swing coma into one of the barbwire walls the beast head rips off. Comas true head takes place one the beast body " rip the rest of my body apart then it will be a handicap match of two on one barbwire cell match " The beast head says to Logan. Logan the chains summons a spell where four green glowing hook chains come out of his body each chain goes through each of the limb of the body of the beast ripping the beasts body away from the entity named coma, Coma true form shows, coma rips the torso of the beast off of his body like as if it was a jacket and throws it against the barb wire wall.
Coma is now stunned and tangled in barbwire. The beast is pulling himself back together each limb mystically forming back together due to the immortality stone that was given to him when he found his whole tribe slaughtered and bloodied he is the last of his kind he is the last kainite and endangered being you can say. But any way the beast climbs up to the top rope, Logan pick the entity coma in power bomb holds coma up in the air and the beast flies into the air with a flying lareit causing coma to lies motionless on the floor of the ring the beast cast a spell that make coma somewhat limited to his power each time coma tries to use one of his powers it wears him down but only for the battle. Logan climb up the barbwire cell rips off the ceiling of the cell and frog splashes from the top of the demonic cell. Coma start to feel the wear and tare of the battle gets back up" you might have beaten me but I have made a new breed or what you might call my offspring they are going to make you feel pain and suffering.
Issue two
  Somewhere else we pop into a suburban county called Maplewood a nice neighborhood only where families feel safe nothing ever goes wrong as we go to Lyle street we see a nice house looks like a nice family house but as we go deeper we see a dark twists of the house a darker side blood splattered hand prints that go down to the sound proof basement a basement where no one can hear you scream flies feed off dead human body parts severed heads one a table we hear a muffled cry of a man screaming in pain he is tied to a table an iv hooked in his body looking at they person that is trotting him a serial killer named pain one of the son of coma he hold in his hand a scalpel and in the other a hammer . Pain slams the hammer in to his victims' chess just breaking the sternum cracked in half down the middle a loud scream comes out of his victims' mouth. Pain puts the scalpel" Silly man don't you know down here in hell no one can here you scream" Pain says laughing while saying it. Pain picks up a hook. Pain sticks the hook under the sternum and slowly moves half of the sternum down, then he takes another hook and puts it on the other half of the sternum the opposite way of the other half. "PLEASE KILL ME STOP JUST KILL ME!" the victim says to his torturer. Pain take the hooks out blood comes out of the holes. Pain bandages up the wound by wrapping the victims' chest with a curtain. Then pain goes up stairs in to the living room and watches the 5 o'clock news on the news "Police and investigators are still looking for the missing person of Scott dickpull he was last seen in the Delmar loop. People said the last saw him walking with a mangled facemask no one is sure about who that person might be" The new anchorperson says "HA it not a mask its just my good looks I've broken a lot of hearts literally I'm not sexiest I kill mean and women you and old the sounds of screams just soothes me.
Back at the arena the Coma disappears in to thin air. The beast goes and runs off, Logan and Kurt decide to go the video game store too buy a xxx-box 420 so the can play master theft arson."Lets hook it up to go online I want to kill the people online Kurt" Logan says to Kurt anxiously waiting to destroying online players from all around the world." What the fuck do I look like your fucking butler." Kurt yells to Logan." I didn't say to make it snappy now did I?" Logan responds to Kurt. Kurt turns on the TV to see the news report that the serial killer pain is watching "            


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