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Raven's blog: "Writings"

created on 07/23/2007  |  http://fubar.com/writings/b106392

One Year Day Four

Day Four Exhaustion was kind to Jess and she fell into a deep sleep not very long after Kat left her. Her dreams were dictated by the frustrated state in which she remained, however. Her body replayed the previous day's events in her head, writhing as it remembered mouths sucking at her nipples and hands holding her down and spreading her legs. This time she pleaded with Aidan to let Jon continue, to let him fuck her while he watched if it meant her release. She closed her eyes when Jon pulled away as he had before. When she opened them again Kat's eyes met hers. Jess felt soft bare flesh against her breasts and Kat leaned down to kiss her slowly. Jess returned it eagerly, fighting with bound hands to touch her. A moment later Kat broke the kiss and silky tresses tickled Jess's ribs as the woman on top her lifted up and shifted forward. Kat offered her breast and Jess parted her lips impatient to feel the hard nipple against her tongue, and woke suddenly. Jess was breathless and could feel strands of hair sticking to her neck. She blinked several times trying to clear the fog from her mind and get her bearings, and she was instantly aware that she could not close her legs. "Looks like I wouldn't mind being in your dreams, love." Kat said kneeling in front of her with a hand on either thigh holding her legs apart. She moved her right hand and slid her thumb across the swollen lips of her sex several times. "And you are enjoying this a great deal aren't you." Jess's cheeks turned crimson and she tried to bury her face in the carpet wishing she could crawl under a rock and die. "Why are you ashamed?" Kat asked as she leaned over and removed the cuffs allowing Jess to lie completely on her back. "You have the potential to make a very good slave." Jess didn't know why she shouldn't be ashamed as wanton as she felt. She was an unwilling captive, yet she gave into whatever they wanted as easily as any slut. She should be fighting, but she could merely beg for release. She stared up at the ceiling without answering. "Come on." Kat said patting the inside of her thigh. "A cold swim would do you good." Jess perked up, the thought of cold water dousing at least some of her desire a welcome relief. She got to all fours and followed her leash down the carpeted hall to the bathroom. After stopping there they continued out a white door to a warm humid glass enclosed area. The floor was rough stone and tropical trees and plants were placed beautifully throughout the room. The sound of water falling drew your attention to one end of the stone pool that dominated the center of the space. Kat removed her leash and motioned to the blue water. "Jump in, do some laps, and work off some of that energy. It'll help." Jess heeded the suggestion, though she was confused as to why the housekeeper would give her any relief when she was the main cause of her anguish as it was. Thankfully the water was cool and with every lap she took her lust waned a little further. She didn't bother keeping count of how many, choosing instead to go until she could simply swim no more. Jess climbed back out of the pool a little unsteady and Kat immediately came to her with a towel. "Feel better?" "Yes." Jess answered still trying to catch her breath. She could finally feel more than just the throbbing emptiness longing to be filled. "I'm glad. It's likely to be the only break you get today." The housekeeper said as she toweled off her hair. "What do you mean?" Jess asked as Kat moved to her front and dried her face. Jess couldn't help but notice every little thing about the woman. She was about an inch shorter and the sunlight playing in her hair illuminated the most beautiful red highlights. She had beautiful curves and Jess was dying to know what it would be like to kiss her neck, her breasts, even what she might taste like. "To be blunt, I believe Aidan wishes to make you suffer for some time." Kat answered as she continued drying her. "Lay down please." "Why?" Jess asked timidly, the apprehension of spending another day in her heightened condition taking hold of her. "Hmmm, the way you're going you'll spend the rest of your year begging for relief." Jess jumped when she heard Aidan's voice. "I would suggest you do what she says and never let me hear you ask why again." Aidan said as he walked into her field of vision. He leaned against one of the trees and watched as Jess lay down on the rough stones. Pretty Kat adored distressing his little pets, especially if someone was watching, and Aidan utterly adored her for it. He watched her dropped the towel on the ground between Jess's legs and kneel down on it. Jess's body tensed, desperately trying to hold still as Kat's soft fingers spread her apart. "Don't speak." Kat warned her quietly before she proceeded. Kat moved slowly, obviously delighting in Jess's misery, as she teased the entrance, outlining it, then sliding up to circle the little throbbing nub nestled above so slowly Jess was sure she was going to scream. She caught her lip between her teeth as Kat closed her eyes and concentrated the tip of her tongue directly under the little hood. Jess's muscles tensed, starting from her thighs, as her body once again neared the climax it had been consistently denied. "You do not have permission little one." Aidan said appearing at her side and affectionately stroking her hair. Jess didn't argue. She did her best to focus on something, anything but Kat. It was a battle she was sure she would lose, but her tormentor stopped just short of her threshold. She stared up at the glass ceiling as her body shuddered, tears slipping from the corners eyes caused by the unrequited fire burning within her. He was pleased. It was a small start, but a start none the less. "You did well, pet." He said, kissing her damp forehead. Jess spent the next few hours in quiet contemplation. She felt numb as she sat at Aidan's feet eating her bowl of fruit. Aidan and Kat chatted but Jess barely heard them while she tried to come to terms with the battle inside her. She wanted this. It was why she had come. She wanted to be bound, controlled, and used for the amusement of one. But he intended to give her to others. He already had. She shivered and felt the heat burning in her cheeks when she thought of the day before. She wanted Aidan to give her back to them, and she wanted to die for even thinking it. He noticed the blush on Jess's cheeks as she stared at the floor and knew immediately what occupied her mind. He couldn't help but smile when he thought her at the hands of Jon and his cohorts. She needed to say it though. "What are you thinking of, pet?" Jess wouldn't have looked up at him even if she could have. She would have remained quiet if it was an option. "Ummmm…nothing…sir." She quietly answered after a moment, praying to herself that it would be enough. He stared at her without saying a word, actually giving her the chance to correct herself, but she stayed silent. "I don't tolerate lying." His tone was calm. She tried to think of something that would suffice for she could not bear to tell him the truth. "Ummmm…earlier, sir." She said in barely a whisper. She had already hung herself. While he was not fond of corporal punishment, it was very difficult to come up with an alternative for such infractions. He was curious just how far she would go, however. "What about earlier? And speak clearly. It's nothing to be ashamed of." Somehow the simple instruction only made her blush worse, and she had no clue how she was going to speak clearly. "When Kat had me lay down." She got the words out as quickly as she could. "More slowly; tell me how it felt." He propped his elbow on the counter he sat at and rested his cheek on his fist as he observed her. She took a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Her mouth was dry as she tried to think of the words she might have written. They seemed impossible to say. "It was warm." She said as slowly as she could. "Go on." He said encouragingly. "And don't leave anything to my imagination. I want to hear everything." She would have begged him to let her remain silent, but he seemed adept at thinking up ways to make the situation worse if she refused to follow through. Having Kat there to listen as she recounted their newest little game with her seemed as bad as it could get, but she dared not tempt fate. "Her tongue felt warm and soft on my clit." She winced and took another deep breath, flushing more so now than she had in the entire time she'd been there. She locked her eyes on the ground as she started to continue. "I wish…" "Look at Kat. Tell her how much you enjoyed it." Aidan said as he thought about how useful her little lie had turned out. She would still need to be reminded that lying was never allowed however. She looked at Aidan first, trying to find some way to convince him not to make her do this. He didn't have the smile on his face she expected, he just nodded towards cat and she reluctantly followed his gaze. "I enjoyed it very much." She said flatly as she fought to keep her gaze on the woman that peered down at her from across the counter. Aidan sighed heavily. "Tell her what you enjoyed." He said with a hint of aggravation. "And I am not telling you to say this to humiliate you. I just want you to tell her the truth. It is true is it not pet?" It was which only made it worse. The numbness from earlier had worn off and recollections of the previous seventy-two hours were driving her mad again. "I enjoyed the way you your tongue felt inside me very much and I want you to do it again." It sounded just awful to her but she figured if she didn't get as detailed as possible he'd make her say it again. Aidan nodded then dropped down from the stool. "Very good girl." He smiled as he grabbed a handful of her shoulder length hair and started walking forward. She got to all fours and followed him quickly to keep up. She was at a complete loss as to what was going on. "I think we'll start with 10." Ten what?!? She managed to keep the question to herself however. "Care to tell me what you were really thinking about?" He asked as he pulled her though the den and down another hall. "I told you, Sir!" How could he go through all that and still think she was lying? "Fifteen." As was common there was no emotion in his voice She felt her heart quicken as she realized he must be referring to some form of punishment. Her suspicions were confirmed when he opened the door they stopped at. "It wasn't Kat, it was Jon and the interns!" She nearly yelled it as soon as she saw the polished black "X" looming in center of the otherwise empty room. He continued forward stopping only to retrieve the riding crop from the wall to the left of the door. It was the only wall not paneled in mirrors. "What about them?" He grabbed her left arm and lifted her to her feet. "Please no! I'm sorry!" She cried as he pulled her up onto the platform. Aidan pursed his lips, shaking his head. "Eighteen. What about them?" "I…" She had to fight back her tears as he pressed her forward against the cool glossy material of the St. Andrew's cross. "Nineteen." His calm was in perfect opposition to her frantic cries. "…wanted you to give me back to them, Sir." She watched in shock as he pressed her left hand to the grip above her head without cuffing it there. "Wanted or want?" He asked quietly as he repeated the action with her right hand. "Want." She answered through her tears as he moved behind her. "You should not be ashamed." He whispered in her ear as he forced his leg between hers and spread her feet to the width of the base of the cross. The position required her to hold tightly to the grips above her to keep from falling. His slid hands up her belly and covered her breasts while he continued to whisper against her ear. "Hard and eager to be embraced by the lips of those you were born to please." He said tenderly as he let her nipples slip between his fingers. "Even now your heart beats more with anticipation than fear." She could not deny it as he moved his hands back down her body, listening to the pace of her breath intensify the moment he slid his finger along the trembling lips between her thighs. He felt his own control slipping when she pressed her ass back against him in response to the two fingers he thrust into her. "Wet, soft as silk and longing to be filled." His breath came faster as he continued whispering in her ear. "Please, Sir." She pleaded with him, but he withdrew his fingers. "Nothing to be ashamed of." He said, kissing the back of her neck. "But you can not lie." His tone was stern as he stepped to her right. "If you force me to cuff you it will be three times worse." She tightened her hands on the grips above her head, however she was still consumed with his touch and barely expecting the first strike. She screamed and almost lost her grip when the length of the crop left its first mark across the tender flesh of her ass. Tears filled her eyes immediately and she barely steadied herself before the second landed. By the fifth mark that crossed her pale bottom she could no longer control her sobs and she cried freely. She closed her eyes against the vision reflected before her that showed every angry stripe the kiss of the leather left behind. She somehow managed to maintain her fragile hold until she counted 19 in her head, and then collapsed into his arms the moment he told her to let go. She wept against his chest as he stroked her hair. After a moment he lifted her chin so she could see him. "I trust you will not lie to me again." He watched her lower her eyes, wet with the tears she still cried, but, obediently, she said nothing. It was as close to 'no' as she would ever be allowed to get. She buried her head against his chest as soon as he let her chin go. Her breath still came in sharp gasps with the tears she could not control. She should be in ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America at work doing whatever it was she used to do. It was Thursday so tonight would have been drinks with the girls, or maybe just a movie at home, or whatever the hell she wanted to do. Instead she was naked in the arms of a man she'd known for four days. Every movement reignited the streaks of fire he had just left on her, reminding her that she belonged to him now no matter how much she wanted to disbelieve it. She felt him lift her and she wrapped her arms around his neck for security. She did not wonder where he was taking her, it didn't matter anyway. She stood unfettered while he whipped her, laid down without fighting so Kat could molest her while he watched, and cried out shamelessly while his Interns had their way with her for his pleasure, why should she care what she would do for him now. "Ow!!" She jerked and tried lift away from the warmth of the water below her. He held her tight however and she was forced to endure. The heat made her acutely aware of every mark the crop had left and renewed the tears she had almost banished. Pain streaked out from her backside to her fingertips and she could barely sense the cloth that moved across her skin as he bathed her. "It will hurt less tomorrow, but you will sleep easily tonight." Aidan whispered to her while he washed her hair. It seemed impossible to her as she closed her eyes against the colors swirling in her vision from the heat that fed the pitiless lines crisscrossing her backside. The relief was immediate when the cool air replaced the cruel bath he lifted her from. Tension dissipated and she was barely aware of the towel he used to dry her while she reveled in her tiny piece of heaven. He laid her in a bed instead of the carpet in the den, and at once she felt herself surrendering to sweet sleep. This was what he meant. "Thank you." She said it so quietly he barely heard it. He smiled, kissed her cheek and left her to her slumber, though it was hard. She was going to need it.
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