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>1. MAKE YOUR BED. This isn't about being a clean freak. It's a small ritual that can help create a calm environment for you in your bedroom -- and a soothing bedroom is part of "sleep hygiene" -- little habits that can help you sleep better. Do it first thing in the morning, and you've got one less thing to worry about for the rest of the day.

>2. HAVE A NUTRITIOUS SNACK.   Before you head out the door in the morning, prep a healthy snack to take with you. Ideas include fruit, unsalted nuts, and low-fat cheese or yogurt. Try to keep something nutritious in your car or bag for times when you feel your energy waning.

>3. DECLUTTER.   From stray papers to scattered coffee mugs, clutter can make you lose focus and curb productivity. Declutter your outer environment and you may feel more organized and better able to concentrate on the task at hand.

>4. MUSIC CAN HELP.   Several studies have found that listening to music can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and boost mood. The right music has the power to change your attitude.

>5. AROMATHERAPHY.   For a quick de-stressing trick, turn to an underrated sense -- your sense of smell. Japanese researchers found that linalool; a substance found in lemons, may turn down the classic "flight-or-fight" stress response. Not into lemons? Try basil, juniper, or lavender -- those scents have also been found to lower stress.

>6. STRETCH.   No need to put on your yoga pants or get all bendy. Just a few easy moves will do. Stretch your arms overhead. Raise and lower your shoulders a couple of times. Stretch your legs as you lean your torso against a wall. Be gentle, so you don't overdo it.  Stretching can help improve your circulation and flexibility, and may help ease the tight muscles that come with stress.

>7. TURN OFF YOUR ELECTRONICS.   Take a little break, already, from all your gadgets. Staring at computer screens and electronics all day long can zap your energy and encourage inactivity. So log off -- of everything -- every now and then. This is especially important to allow you to unwind and relax before bed. Just because the world is on, 24-7, you don't have to be!

>8. PRIORITIZE.   Give yourself permission to admit that you can't do everything, all at once. Instead, you can nibble away at your to-do list, and feel more satisfied, by setting some priorities. So make a list, figure out what really matters, what can wait, and what you can skip. Work your way down the list, handling your top priorities first.

>>Take five minutes and try one of these simple ways to lower stress, boost your mood, and get more energy.<<
Good luck and Feel wonderful, My Friends ! Muah!!!!!



~Consistent or Prolonged Eye Contact: Try to notice multiple glances and are they sustained (multiple seconds)

~Open Body Language: With more than 70% of communication being non-verbal, it's important to pay attention to how they are positioned and behaving.

~Laughter: A tell-tale sign of approval, liking, and often times attraction, laughter is harder to misinterpret and is a universally positive indicator to be aware of.

~Multiple Compliments: Pay attention to compliments. Each compliment adds to the likelihood of an attraction.

~Touch: The ultimate indicator of interest. When it comes to this sign of attraction, any touch is a good touch. Touching someone is personal, intimate, and meaningful.

**Don't forget to keep in mind your location and environment. The context in which these signs take place can drastically affect the meaning and value of them

~Good Luck and may you find the Happiness that you deserve. Muah!!!!!!


*****Characteristics of being in LOVE*****

~~ Most people can divide love into three categories: physical love, or lust; attraction, or romantic love; and long-term attachment, or true love. What you're feeling could be one of these, or all three simultaneously.

*You Want Them Physically~
That's the lust type of love, which is a craving for sex and physical contact. At this stage of love, you may feel similar to how you would feel if you did an opiate drug, as the brain releases hormones that are similar to a natural form of heroin.
*It's in the Eyes~
When you look at someone you love, your pupils dilate so you can see more of them. This, in turn, lets in more light and can make the room appear brighter. So, if things get brighter whenever your romantic interest walks into the room.
*You Can't Stop Thinking About Them~
When you're at the romantic or attraction stage of love, your brain activates areas involved with social cognition and emotion, which in turn releases hormones like oxytocin, adrenaline and vasopressin. This in turn causes symptoms like increased energy and obsessively thinking about this person.
*Your Partner Feels Like Home~
While lust and romantic love may feel great, these stages of love can also be unstable. The last stage of love, long-term attachment, is what many may call "true love is characterized by feelings of calm, security, social comfort and emotional union."

~~~ "Love is not static. Feelings of love come and go just like feelings of sadness or happiness. It is commitment that does not waver."

*Much Love and Valentine Kisses Muah, Muah, Muah!~ Babydoll


~~~~~COLORS and their MEANINGS~~~~~
*RED is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power.
*ORANGE is the color of social communication and optimism. From a negative color meaning it is also a sign of pessimism and superficiality
*YELLOW is the color of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. However it can also suggest impatience, criticism and cowardice. The color yellow can be anxiety producing as it is fast moving and can cause us to feel agitated.
*GREEN is the color of balance and growth. It can mean both self-reliance as a positive and possessiveness as a negative, among many other meanings.
*BLUE is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity. 
*PURPLE is the color of the imagination. It can be creative and individual or immature and impractical.
*PINK is unconditional love and nurturing. Pink can also be immature, silly and girlish.
*BROWN is a serious, down-to-earth color that relates to security, protection and material wealth.
*SILVER has a feminine energy; it is related to the moon and the ebb and flow of the tides - it is fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious.
*GOLD  is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the color psychology of gold implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance.
*BLACK is the color of the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, creating an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.
*WHITE is color at its most complete and pure, the color of perfection. The color meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.
 Different colors have been used to influence our choices or feelings for many years. The fast food industry uses orange to stimulate appetite. Mental institutions or schools are often fond of the colors light blue or pink for their calming qualities.




In ancient Rome, the month of February symbolized the beginning of spring and was the time of the year when purification and fertility rites were performed. However, exactly who St. Valentine is much more mysterious. In fact, today the Catholic Church recognizes at least three saints who went by the name of Valentine (or Valentinus) who may or may not be tied to the holiday as we know it.

According to one tale, a Saint Valentine who lived during the reign of Claudius II was executed after it was discovered that he was performing marriages clandestinely. (At that time it was illegal for men to wed, because Claudius felt unmarried men made the best soldiers for his army.) Another legend contends that St. Valentine sent the original valentine when he sent a love letter while in prison awaiting execution.

Whatever the story and we'll probably never know â€Valentine was honored at festivals and feasts throughout ancient Rome. At the close of one festival that fell on the 14th, men and women were paired by a lottery system and sent off to live together for one year. Surprisingly, or maybe not, many of these unions resulted in marriage.

Fast forward to the fifteenth century. In England and France, popular belief dictated that birds mate on the 14th of February. Historians and the literati make the connection between this and the ancient practices of Rome, and before you know it, Valentine's Day was resurrected. Combine that with societies penchant for sending handwritten love notes, and much later, printed cards, and pretty soon we were all getting and receiving Valentine's Day greetings.

And there you have it, Valentine's Day. Muah!!!!!



Use with caution...may actually work
*Know what's on the menu? Me-n-u. 
*I'll be Burger King and you be McDonald's. I'll have it my way, and you'll be lovin' it.
*You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall... is in love with me.  
*Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams all night?                                   
*Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?  
*You're like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts.    
*Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you.
*Crap. Something is wrong with my cell phone. {Oh Really. What is that?} Its just that...your numbers not in it.  
*It's a good thing that I have my library card. Why? Because I am totally checking you out!!  
*You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.  
*Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back. 
*Do I know you? Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend.  
*If I received a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.  
*Excuse me, does this rag smell like chloroform to you? 
*Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!  
*Are those space pants? Because your ass is out of this world!  
*People call me John, but you can call me Tonight!  
*See my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute. 
*Say "I bet I can kiss you on the lips without touching you." and kiss her, then tell her you lost the bet.  
*I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.  
*If beauty were time, you'd be eternity. 
*I have a boyfriend. [Guy] I have a pet goldfish. [Girl] What? [Guy] I thought we were talking about things that didn't matter.  
*You are so sweet you could put Hershey's out of business.  
*Excuse me, if I go straight this way, will I be able to reach your heart? 
*Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic ocean, and baby I'm lost at sea!

Good Luck, Muah!!!!!


~~~Stress relief tips~~~

At home or at work
1. Sit still and focus on your breathing. Inhale slowly and deeply for eight seconds, then exhale slowly for eight seconds. Repeat this five or six times. It helps bring more oxygen to the brain.

2. Stretch. With your chin down, slowly roll your head from shoulder to shoulder.

3. Make faces (try imitating Jim Carrey) in a mirror to stretch out tense facial muscles -- and provide a good laugh, too!

4. Be optimistic. Think of ways to turn difficulties into opportunities.

5. Count your blessings. Make a list of everything you're grateful for (and keep it handy for your next bout).

6. Find a stress-free sanctuary. Go to a spot where you can find some peace and privacy, even if it's a bathroom stall.

7. Go for a walk around the block.

8. Visualize. Breathe deeply and think of a place that gives you comfort: a private beach, a garden, a cozy room.

9. Turn off the ringer on your phone.

10. Have a banana. It'll boost your energy and replace potassium, which is depleted quickly during times of distress.

With the kids
11. Cloud-watch. Looking for interesting patterns together will calm you both.

12. Stretch together.

13. Let them brush your hair. While they play, you'll get a scalp massage.

14. Hug.

15. Gently massage your child's shoulders or feet, then let her massage yours.

16. Have a stock of activities that you know will keep your child occupied for a few minutes while you sip some tea.

Its the weekend, finally. Relax and enjoy it. Muah!!!!!



~Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.
~Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.
~While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
Digestive disorders
Insomnia related to stress
Myofascial pain syndrome
Paresthesias and nerve pain
Soft tissue strains or injuries
Sports injuries
Temporomandibular joint pain


~One of the most pleasant scents to increase female libido with aromatherapy, is lavender essential oil. Lavender is known to have the ability to increase blood flow to the genital area. This in turn will promote female sexual response and arousal.

~Vanilla essential oil helps with the production of the female sex hormone, estrogen. When there is more estrogen being produced, it can help increase arousal and increase female libido. With more arousal and more desire will come a more satisfying sexual experience. The Chicago Smell and Taste Research Foundation found that the smell of vanilla was an aphrodisiac for men.

~Patchouli essential oil promotes the female libido, increases sexual response, and also treats male sexual problems.

~The reason that that the scent of chili peppers can increase sexual desire has to do with the power of association. Physical reactions to eating hot chili peppers cause some of the same physical reactions that sex does, such as sweating and increased heart rate. So when you smell the hot peppers, your brain may interpret these scents as sexual.

Ok, so...spicy food and for dessert something that definitely includes vanilla since its a win/win aroma.
I hope to hear feedback on this please. Muah!!!                                                                                                                                                 *****SEX FACTS*****

*You burn about 200 calories during 30 minutes of active sex.
*Sex makes women's hair shinier and their skin glow because of all the extra estrogen it causes them to produce.
*American Jonah Falcon has the world's largest penis at 9.5 inches when flaccid and 13.5 inches when erect.
*The average penis size is 3.5 to 3.7 inches when flaccid and between 5.0-5.7 inches when erect.
*Whales are the owners of the world's largest penises. The biggest recorded whale penis was the 8-footer of a killer whale.
*The world's oldest father (Nanu Ram Jogi) recently fathered his 21st child, at the age of 90. He also admits that he is not certain how many children his series of four wives have borne him - but counts at least 12 sons, 9 daughters and 20 grandchildren.
*Women are more likely to orgasm just before or during their period.
*There are roughly 100 million acts of sexual intercourse each day.
*The Ancient Egyptians used dried crocodile dung as a contraceptive as it has spermicidal properties. How did they discover this?
*Both men and women can have multiple orgasms. But for men to achieve one, their first orgasm must occur without ejaculation and without losing their erection.
*25% of couples over 75 still sexually active.
*Women who have been to university are more likely to engage in anal sex.
*The amount of wet dreams a man is likely to have increases in line with the number of years spent in formal education (which very much includes university I'm sure you'll be glad to know).
*What do humans, fish and porpoises have in common? They all have oral sex.
*70% of men refuse sex during their girlfriends period.
*Apparently on average foreplay lasts 11 to 13 minutes.
*Orgasms are a great way to relieve period pains.
*70% of men in relationships always have an orgasm with their partner whilst only 29% of women do.
*A woman has twice as many nerve endings on her clitoris than men have on their whole penis.
*Believe it or not, people are on average hornier during periods of their life where they are having more sex.
*94% of men say they masturbate, while 80% of women say they do.
*A quarter of penises are slightly bent when erect.
*Under half of men think their penis is too small whereas 85% of women are very satisfied with their partners penis size.
*Weight loss increases the size of a man's penis. For every 35 pounds of fat lost the fat at the base decreases enough to give them an extra inch.

Hope this helps and amuses~ MUAH!!!!!

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