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Have A Safe And Happy Fourth
COOL MySpace Comments
Have A Good Weekend Sweeties
Free Comment Codes Free Comment Codes hugs..Lorie
Have You Ever Asked The Simple Question....
I find it amusing that people automatically put the label "liberal" on anyone protesting the war. But, have you ever stopped and asked "what war are they protesting about?" Well, folks, it ain't the war in Afghanistan. Yes, remember that one? You know, where we went in, hit Al Qaida training centers, threw the Taliban out, and basically fought a war against terrorists.... And where we still have a hell of a lot of troops on the ground. You ever wonder WHY no one is protesting that war? The simple truth is that everything that we said was there actually was. Terrorist training camps, Bin Ladin's place of residence, everything... INCLUDING GOVERNMENT SUPPORT. Okay, granted, we have not yet run Bin Ladin to ground yet, but we could if there were the resources available. Now, let us look at the OTHER war. The one that has been going on for a shorter time and yet has produced 4 times as many casualties. Iraq, President Bush said there were weapons of Mass Destruc
Have A Lovely Weekend...
Have A Lovely Sunday....
Have U Ever Seen Frozen Sea?
Have You Ever?
Have you ever stayed with someone Because they made you feel more sane? All their insecurities Made your own seem plain? Someone of a lesser mind Who believes that they are wise So you talk in simpler terms And allow them to advise? Have you ever stayed with someone Because you felt they needed you? And everybody needs someone So what else can you do? One who asks you struggle with them While you're ripping at your seams Someone who can see your fate - Who tells you all your hopes and dreams? Have you ever stayed with someone Who broke you just to meet their goal? When, just to get along with them, You had to throw away your soul? Have you ever ran from someone Who let you be just who you are? Who even when you ran away They never seemed that far? Have you ever ran from someone When you knew how much they cared Cause things so good aren't meant to last And so you never dared? Someone who, their thoughtfulness, You thought a waste on you
Have You Voted Yet For Dying Regret In The Battle Of The Cherrytap Bands?
I think all that is needed is is a thumbs up/down and maybe a comment if possible! click here: As always, thanks for your support! Dying Regret has signed up for a battle of the bands contest being hosted by SDMF~PanterA Rawks~ Seductive Pleasures Owner@ CherryTAPShe is very cool, so please show her some love! Let her know we appreciate that she supports unsigned music! Kudos! This contest is going on through the 22nd, so there is plenty of time to vote....but, we did start a day late, so please follow the link below to access the page to vote for Dying Regret...from there you can navigate out to the other bands in her stash...give 'em a listen! click here: As always, thanks for your support! :)
Have To Remove
If anyone is removed from my friend list for what seems like no reason...I am only removing people that add stash after stash to the tune of 20 or more one after another. cause i get tired of hearing it
Have To Remove
If anyone is removed from my friend list for what seems like no reason...I am only removing people that add stash after stash to the tune of 20 or more one after another. cause i get tired of hearing it. I don't get stash anyway. I mean really who gives a shit about what videos you like..How about spending more time on taking pictures of yourself rather than posting a thousand pictures of some model you think people want to see...if i wanna see models i'll go to a model site.
Have You Ever......
started a book that was so good that you read 7 chapters in a matter of an hour? neither have i. until last night.   From Publishers WeeklySmart-mouthed Eve Levine, a witch with a reputation for breaking the rules, may be dead, but as she proves in this overstuffed paranormal romance (a follow-up to Industrial Magic), she can still raise hell in the hereafter—which, in this case, is a curiously ordinary dimension in which ghosts like Eve and her also deceased former lover, a sorcerer named Kris, can bicker, have sex and use their paranormal powers. The Fates, three elusive sisters, are the rulers of this otherworldly dimension, and they have a job for Eve. If she can defeat a demonic Nix who's wreaking havoc in the human realm by inducing people to kill, she'll earn her wings—literally. The catch: she can't capture the Nix without the powers that angelhood affords. Eve surmounts this hurdle by teaming up with a hunky and humanlike angel named Trsiel, but her quest, which is
Have A Great Week.............
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Have We Been Taxed Enough?
Tax time... At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end! Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he's fed. Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule. Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think. Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then Tax his tears. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his a.. Tax all he has Then let him know That you won't be done Till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and sore. Then tax his coffin , Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid. Put these words upon his tomb, " Taxes drove me to my doom..." When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax. Accounts Rec
Have You Ever....
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most? Saying something and wishing you hadn't? or Saying nothing and wishing you had? I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them. If you do, they might break your heart...if you don't, you might break theirs. Have u ever decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? Your heart decides whom it likes and whom it doesn't. You can't tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own........when you least suspect it, or even when you don't want it to. Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was too afraid to let you ? Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all. Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to
Have A Drink On Me........
Fuck you, Fuck this, Fuck that, Fuck me, Fuck them, Fuck it.
Have A Great Weekend...repost Please For Lev
Well, this may be the last you hear from me for a couple of days. Unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow, so probably won't be online for long, before I have to leave for work. I normally don't work on Sat. and this wasn't the best weekend, with us going to Indy. So, as soon as I get off work at 2...and hopefully sooner, then I have to come right home, and pack for the weekend. We're hoping to be on the road by 5. So, once I get home from work, I'm just not sure if I'll have the time to drop in and write, so thought I'd do it now. We'll be home late Monday, so it will probably be Tues. morning before I get back in. Earth Angels...I've got a little over 8,000 to go, before I reach that 20,000 mark. I don't really think I'll have that many points between now and the time I get back, but if someone see'se hit that 20,000 ...please let Gail know... It would be GREAT to be leveled when I got back!!! ;-D Hope you all have a safe, and happy weekend!
Have A Great Saturday Cherrytap Friends And Family
good morning sweet
Haven't Been On In Awhile
Last night was the first night in a long time that i have been on.i took a much needed vacation from everything.I'm now back and can't wait to catch up with all of you..take care
Have We Forgotten
u know i admit that i have forgotten some of my friends on here and i feel like crap 4 it. and i apologize 4 it. but i know im not the only one either. their r people i have been friends with since i got on here and since they have been on here, but it seems that i have gone 2 their page rated all their stash and photos but have they returned the favor, of course not. i have had friends on here that have and i am thankful 4 them. it just seems that some people r forgotten on here. so if u have friends that u havent talked 2 on here n a while or rated their stuff and u have the time plese do so i know they will b thankful 4 it. nad let them know that u havent forgotten about them. yall have a great day.
Have A Webcam
Will not do nudes, but have a web cam!!
Have A Good Day
May all my friends here have a wonderful day. i am having a great one. A little hot where i am but i like it. may you all enjoy the weather and sun no matter where you live. may god bless you all
Have You Fanned Me?
So I have about 500+ Friends who haven't fanned me. Why don't you? I'll even play a nice song for you. And here's a nice picture for you too.
Have U Ever!?
Have u ever taken nsfw pics?
Haven't Changed Everything I See
They still award cherry points (z?) for profile comments...
Have You Ever.....
Have you ever sat there and thought about your life and wondered what was next? I've been doing that a whole hell of a lot lately. My life isn't exactly where I would like it to be and I know I have taken that out on a lot of people that don't really deserve it. To them, and you know who you are, I m truly sorry. I find myself wanting so much more from life then what I have right now but I am at a loss for how to get there. Maybe working and going to school will help me get to where I need to be. I only pray it isn't at the sacrifice of others. I'm in a new relationship with a woman that I really care for but we haven't had as much time together as I know she would like. I'm hoping that once the work and school schedule get straightened out that we will be on track to where I would like us to be. Bear with me know I got nothing but love and respect for you! I guess that is the end of me rambling right now. Thanks for letting me get it all out!! XOXOXOXOXOXOX :) M
Have A Great Weekend
Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz †
Have I Gone Completely Bonkers??!!
Have you gone bonkers? I took this quiz- Have you gone bonkers?My Result Was: You still have some sanity left and haven't gone completely bonkers as yet. Take this quiz- Have you gone bonkers? More Myspace Quizzes on lots of topics. WELL THATS A RELIEF LOL!!!!
Have A Little Faith In Me!!!!
Have a Little Faith in Me lyrics by Mandy Moore. When the road gets dark And you can no longer see Just let my love throw a spark And have a little faith in me And when the tears you cry Are all you can believe Just give these loving arms a try And have a little faith in me And Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me [ Have a Little Faith in Me lyrics found on ] When your secret heart Cannot speak so easily Come here darlin' From a whisper start To have a little faith in me And when your back's against the wall Just turn around and you will see I will catch, I will catch your fall baby Just have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me
Have You Seen My Pills?
A teenage boy asks his granny "Have you seen my pills, they were labelled LSD?" Granny: "Fuck the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?"
Have I Really Lost You ?
you know i cant sleep when i see you mad, i know you wish i didn`t lie,but i had , if you come back to me i would be so glad, i am sitting here feeling so sad , i told you secrets that nobody knows, i guess thats how some things go , now i pissed you off and you tell me no, are you going to find another beau, i am sorry i made you hurt , you know i have sunk lower than dirt, i use my words and sometimes i am so curt, honey,when you hurt you know i hurt , i sit and write feeling alot like shit, why don't you just kick and come hit, maybe even bury me it a pit, i lied,but i didn`t mean to do it , you see i wanted to be the guy i really am not, my words get twisted and my throat in a knot, cut my wrists maybe the blood wont clot, not being around you reminds me of what i forgot, forgot to say i`m sorry, forgot to say i need you , forgot to say i want you , forgot to say i care for you , forgot to say please don't go , forgot to say i cant live without you , some many things i didn`t say,
Have U Ever?
Have u ever liked someone so much to where it hurts when they don't answer your phone calls or to where when u talk to them your heart starts beating really fast and u dont konw what to say and when they get ready to ask u a question u answer it before they are even finished with question? Have u ever hated someone so much where u just don't want to see them happy or u hated them so much that u never wanna see or talk to them ever in ur whole time? Have u ever cried urself to sleep to where u forget what time u went to bed or to where when u wake up the next day or later on u remember a nitemare of u drowning or falling off a bridge? Have u ever loved someone so much to where no matter what they do to u, u cold never hate them, u could cry yourself to sleep everynite no matter how mean they are to u, and u could cry urself to sleep everynite no matter how mean they are to u, and u could like them foreveror u love them so much that when ur with this person u never wanna leave and uwish
Have You Noticed...
Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place, man? There's such balance in nature. -George Carlin
Have A Plan
Have a plan If you don't have a plan, random circumstances will make one for you. And you probably won't like it much. Decide what you would like and go for it. Success is no more complicated than that. The energy and time you spend can either bring you toward your dreams or it can keep you in the service of someone else's dream. Choose to follow your own dreams. Explore your own most deeply held values and purposes. Decide precisely how you would like your world and your life to be. The most dismal failures are not caused by the inability to reach a goal. Those failures are the result of not having a clear enough and meaningful enough goal. Know exactly where you intend to go, and you're much more likely to get there. Have a plan, follow it with persistence, and enjoy being where you sincerely choose to be. -- Ralph Marston -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright ©2007 Ralph S. Marston, Jr
Have You Ever...!
From T121XY 1. Ate Crocodile? Crikey, no!! 2. Slept in a different bed? of course 3. Made out in a movie theatre? *grin* that is fun!! 4. made out with 2 different people in one night? yup. A whore I tell ya, Im a friggen whore!! 5. Thought your cousin was hot? Not that I can recall. 6. Been in love? Sure 7. Slept? ummm. yeah..... 8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? Yes, not all its cracked up to be. Though maybe I should try again. Any volunteers? ;) 9. Gone over the speed limit? And have the ticket to prove it 10. Painted your room? In high school I painted my room bright bright pink. (my poor parents) 11. Drove a car? yes 12. Danced in front of your mirror? Rock on!! yes! 13. Gotten a hickey? oh yes... in many places *grin* 14. Been dumped? Yup. Crushed. 15. Stole money from a friend? Never. 16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? In college I think I did this.
Have I Lived A Good Life?
Hey everyone, I got to thinking yesterday, that with all the stuff i have going on in my life, as to whether I have lived a good life or not. This was brought about by watching movies like Saving Private Ryam, Courage Under Fire, and Men of Honor. Now don't get me wrong I have no regrets about the things I have done in my life, but Have I lived up to what ever standard there is for me to live up to? How do we know if we live up to this unseen standard? I have been very depressed lately, cause day by day it becomes one day closer to my kids leaving with their mother, but i cherish every day i spend time with them. If anyone thinks they can help please send me a message, this will boggle my mind for a while
Have You Thanked A Soldier Lately?
br />You stay up for 16 hours.He stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes days or weeks without running water.You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.You complain about how hot it is.He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.He doesn't get to eat today.Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes. H
Have I Ever Mentioned How I Hate People?
Yeah, some ppl suck, especially online.. I hate online drama, and people who say shit to make themselves appear to be what they are not. I am the same here as in real life, and I usually assume that is how others are. We all have had at least one situation where they have been misunderstood or had their reputations sullied by assholes.. Now, I hate sounding like a whiny victim here, but seriously.. WTF?? At least I haven't had anything like that happen here at CT. Whew! Thanks for not being assholes, everyone!
Have You Ever Been This Tired?
Have You Ever Been This Tired?
Have We Really Gone Back To The 1950s? Fiesta Bowl star Ian Johnson says he's hired wedding security because of racist threats July 25, 2007 BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- The Boise State running back who scored the winning points in the Fiesta Bowl, then proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend on national television, says he has hired security for their wedding because of racial threats. Ian Johnson, who is black, and Chrissy Popadics, who is white, are due to be married Saturday in Boise. ADVERTISEMENT Since his Jan. 1 proposal, Johnson said, he has received phone calls, letters and some personal threats from people who object to their marriage plans. "You take it for what it is -- the less educated, the less willing to change," Johnson, 21, of San Dimas, Calif., told the Idaho Statesman for its Tuesday editions. "But we're not acting like we're naive to all the stuff that's going on. We know what's been said. We're going to
Have A Great Weekend
Just wanted to wish you all a happy fun filled weekend take care and be safe.
Have A Minture .. Lets Help Booboo !!!
Oh come on . ya know you wanna .. I promise it wont hurt and will only take a few .. Just Rate and leave a Cheery Comment .. :) Lets call it your good deed for the day .. *HUGS*
Havent Been Here
I havent on much these few days, as i started my new job on friday and just really havent felt like being here. After working on the computer for work i just feel like i need break. To my friend you know who are i tired calling you the last days and got no answer but i will keep trying miss talking to you. Going to bed now as i have work in the morning. I will again then. Bye for now!! Thanks for being my friend :)
Have You Received Any Love Today? :-)
Sometimes it's not about the love we get. It's about the love we give out. Have you ever waken up and just wished people just cared a little more? Showered each other with gifts, gave shouts, comments, drinks and whistles just because? If you ever wondered if there's a place right here where it happens. If you haven't felt to love today, then look here... The place for love is right here in Fubar. We even have onsite priests if you want to get married here, hehehe, kidding. Seriously, though, I just wanted to spread a little love your way... Here it goes: Showing love once, twice... okay, the 3rd times the charm: No matter what troubles befall you, know that whever you go, you are loved! Love pimpout brought to you by: ~/~Sassy Laurie~/~Please fan, rate, sign Guestbook ~MEMBER OF THE SYNDICATE~@ fubar Please support: Stangunderground
Have A Look See
Hi and good morning, I have posted a bulletin on this very same topic. Here is a link, to prove "somewhat" that our own government has planned 9/11 from the beginning. This is a rather vivid video, please, do not let your younger children watch it. I have researched wars, an conspiracy theories, and my questions always take me to this particular sight. Whether or not you want to believe this, that is up to you.... BUT, keep an open mind, an watch these few videos.. if not for me, then for the millions who have died for you from Korean war to now. (You may have to paste the link) Here is your link: Thank you Please tell as many as possible
Have A Great Week
TO All My Friends... I just wanted yall to know.. that i got a lot goin on thats why i aint been around But i will be back and i will post again you all take care and have a great week!! Love you Wendy
Have Found On Youtube At Least A Partial Recording (maybe Some Movements Missing, Not Sure, Checking)
of what happens right now to be my favorite work by Beethoven (his quartet for strings in C-sharp minor, written a year before he died), and one of my favorite pieces. (Almost my favorite piece...) I first heard it in my father's record collection of the complete Beethoven quartets performed by the Fine Arts Quartet, I think, but I first heard it - listened?... was taken?... when I was in a record store and they broadcast Leonard Bernstein's recording of a full-string-orchestra arrangement of the piece over their speakers... If your system can play MIDIs, I made one of the first movement here -
Havent Been On
Sorry I haven't been on the past week or so. I was without internet and phone. Let's just say that was one long week.
Have To Do
Sorry their are somethings that I have to do today, drop paper work off at the school, go to the bank and get Alex a work permit n Marion. I'll be back for HAPPY HOUR.
Have I Missed My Chance?
I think I've missed my chance to ever find a woman, I've now been single for 6 years. I tried to follow my dreams and in doing so I believe I've missed my chance. Every woman I meet is either married, psyco or has been in a relationship for a long time. I now believe I'm destin to be alone forever. This artist is going to die alone
Have A Great Weekened Ya
have a great weekened ya
Have To Let Go......
Chasing the memories away Inside I die with the waking of each day Haunting memories... Random thoughts Running away from all the good things in my life Pulling the bad in closer The weight on my chest is getting heavy Wishing the pain would just go away It's getting harder to breathe I wish you could just leave Leave my thoughts and my dreams My cheeks stained with tears I can still taste them after all these years Trying to sugar coat the truth Hiding the scars of my wasted youth Years of being lied to and used Chasing myself trying to find out who I am Always changing the plan Can't seem to keep in touch Still being in love with you is making this tough But I have to let you go
Have A Great Saturday Fubar Friends And Family
Get More at
Have Ya Noticed?
It's Saturday, as usual, I'm not doing anything with my weekend except watching TV. I'd just sat through the original 1971 version of "Shaft", with Richard Roundtree, when the channel surfing began. If you've read through my other blogs, you'd know of my disdain for modern television. This thought process has led me to my current rambling. I'm not sure if it's just me or if I'm just overly cynical about television producers, creators, writers, station heads or anything else like that. It seems that the better technology gets, the more things that can be done with computer graphics, the worse television shows get. For example: Sheer boredom forced me to stop on the Sci-Fi channel while a lovely little home video called "Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill". Picture if you will something like the "Resident Evil" movies only taking place wild west ghost town. The hitch is that the zombies are all lead by a single cowboy zombie. Enter the fodder for the murderous rampage tha
Havent Felt Like This In Years...
du·plic·i·ty /duˈplɪsɪti, Pronunciation[doo-plis-i-tee, dyoo-] –noun, plural -ties for 1. 1. deceitfulness in speech or conduct; speaking or acting in two different ways concerning the same matter with intent to deceive; double-dealing. 2. a twofold or double state or quality. n. pl. du·plic·i·ties Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. An instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing. The quality or state of being twofold or double. duplicity 1433, from M.Fr. duplicite, from L.L. duplicitatem (nom. duplicitas) "doubleness," in M.L. "ambiguity," from duplex (gen. duplicis) "twofold." The notion is of being "double" in one's conduct duplicity noun 1. a fraudulent or duplicitous representation [syn: fraudulence] 2. acting in bad faith; deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another Main Entry: du·plic·i·ty Pronunciation: dü-'pli-s&-tE, dyü- Function: nou
Have You Had Your Smoke For The Day???
Have Anice Trip, Cya Next Fall...
/" target="_blank">Hot Myspace Comments / /" target="_blank">Myspace Graphics
Have A Good Day, Fu's!
...just droppin in to say goodmorning, before taking off for work in about 15 mins. Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day! Take care Fu's!
Have You Got Da Ballz???
Just sat here bored and started thinking as i some times do about society and how we react to certain things and shit .....and i came up with a few SOCIAL EXPERIMENTS !!!that you could try out for yourselves, at a family gathering .i.e. weddings, Party's, Funerals, or when your on a bus, train etc...OR anywhere where there is enough peepz to get a good reaction!!MY LIST OF SOCIAL EXPERIMENTZ... 1..Nice to meet you, I've got cancer. Nothing makes people feel more awkward than a cancer patient. And better yet, almost nobody has the balls to call you out on it. You had better be able to talk the talk. At least what kind of treatment you are on. 2..Let me tell you about my legal troubles with a 15 year old girl/boy. Again. Very, very uncomfortable topic. Make sure you tell them that she/he loves you so much, she/he waited for you till you were out of jail. Now you're back happily committing statutory rape again. For added spice, substitute the girl/boy for a young Asian boy/gi
Have A Little Empowerment, Yay
Sparkling grey, Through my own veins. Any more than a whisper, Any sudden movement of my heart. And I know, I know I'll have to watch them pass away Just get through this day Give up your way, you could be anything, Give up my way, and lose myself, not today That's too much guilt to pay Sickened in the sun You dare tell me you love me But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that way You're just so pretty in your pain Give up my way, and I could be anything I'll make my own way Without your senseless hate... hate... hate... hate. So run, run, run And hate me, if it feels good. I can't hear your screams anymore You lied to me But I'm older now And I'm not buying baby Demanding my response Don't bother breaking the door down I found my way out And you'll never hurt me again.
Have You?
Have you ever just had one of those days when you feel lost and confused not sure whats going on?Then out of nowhere you see something thats been there every day and all of a sudden it makes sense and that lost and confused feeling just goes away. It just goes to show life is like a roller coaster some times your up some times your down and some times your just out of control and all ya can do is hang on for the ride and see where ya go next!
Have You Heard This Before By Anyone...?
You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink ? Or this ; you can plant a seed but will it grow.? What im trying to say is , Im trying to help others in here with real needs , and religion to feed their souls , bodies / Im also trying to help medically some that need to get some feed back ; Cause I do have a degree in Medical.. Im trying to give some web sites to look for your ailments and treatments , and for finaiancial aide to those who need to know what ever to look. All states are differenet . So go to Human, Health resources Department in your area or call First call for help in the Phone Book. for your State. There is social security departments too that offer disability and social security benifits to those eligible and Medicade / medicare ... medical insurance to some..
Have 30,333 To Level
I NEED SOME HELP TO LEVEL UP HERE NEED 30,333 FuBar WIFE Of ChicaTgurl ~~Lady TxCowGirl@ fubar
Have You Ever?
Have you ever gotten into a arguement with someone that is just off their fucking rocker. That everything they say is a lie and way off base? I used to have a best friend who turned into a crackhead and recently just got back in touch with me. She said it was to apologize but at the same time actually admits to nothing really. And every hurt that she did to me when I say well you did this she just comes off with some lie. I am ranting here. I know I can't win this. And I guess I just thought someday she might really need to realize what she did. I don't think that day has come. I probably shouldn't hold my breath for it. I am just so pissed that our friendship ended like that and she choose drugs over me and her family. She says she is clean now and I believe that but everything else just seems like excuse after excuse. I know people will say just let it go get over it and so on. I guess I supressed my pain over the past couple of years. She is off her gosh damn rocker and I can't chan
Have Fun
A big what's up to my family and friends. I hope you all enjoy yourselves this weekend,just be careful. I'll drink a few for you, just return the favor lol. TTYL ---Mike---
Have You Ever.....
I have maybe three favorite songs but one sticks out... And when I hear it I think of one person?? Have you ever loved someone so much you given all for?? Well I have and when I look back at that I know it was worth it all. I don't regret any of it. And because of it I am a better person. Sometimes in life you have to have walk into the dark so you can walk into the light. And when you get a call saying they are gone it changes everything. But you have the memories of them in youre heart and every night you know they are looking down on you as you sleep. But somehow you know it is okay even though they are no longer walking this earth. You remember the last thing they said to you and the last thing you did with them. And your greatful.
Have You
Alright skin and tissue donations don't always go to burn victims and those needing skin graphing. The ones that are not used for that go to cosmetics, such as plumping up wrinkles and enlarging penises.
Have I Ever Told You
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have A Little Faith -- John Hiatt
Have A Beautiful Day
from C&T Stash Club--Seejaykaygee--
Have A Great Week - This Is Hot
Have A Great Week Ct Peeps!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Have A Good Weekend Fubar Peeps.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Have To Go To Profile
You erally need to listen to these two songs I added on my playlist in my profile..too funny..LOL
Haven't Been Here In Awhile!
Wow, last time I logged in it was CT, what My life has been so f'ing crazy, I finally moved out on my own and filed for that divorce from asshole I had been talking about for so damn long :-) YAY me!!! So I just thought I'd check in with all my old buddies on here and see what was up! Like I said it's been about 3 months too long since I have been here... Missed ya'll!! ~Gina
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you, that as I have sat in silence, that sometimes I can hear a heart beating with mine? Have I ever told you, that when you speak to me through lines and words, I imagine your voice whispering in my ear with every word you write? Have I ever told you. that I wait each day, for just an hour or two or just a second out of time, to feel as close to you as I can? Have I ever told you, how many times there have been, that I ached for you, ached so badly for you that I have sat and cried? Have i ever told you, about the times I have reached out to touch your name, on the cold screen before me, just wishing I could reach out and touch you? Have i ever told you, that after the first time I heard your voice those hundreds of miles away, that I sat up all night remembering the conversation in my mind? Have I ever told you, that I would give up everything I have for just one night, to be able to lay near you,to hear you breathe,to watch your chest rise and fall to know you
Have Fun
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Have You Ever?
Have you ever felt alone in a crowded room? Have you ever wanted to scream at the top of your lungs? Have you ever decided just screw it all? Have you ever wanted to be honest, but didn't because you didn't want others to think that you were complaining? Have you ever felt like a stranger when with friends? Have you ever wanted someone, and felt as if that person thinks you're not worth anything? Have you ever just wanted to give up and stop trying but don't know how? Have you decided that if any one was nice to you, it would be out of guilt, not because they wanted to be? Have you felt as if you will always be alone? Have you felt as if you are just the means to an end and have decided to accept this and be done with it? Guess what...answer 'yes' to any of these and you would have spent a short amount in my life. And I'm jaded to the point that I will no longer fight this life. It's mine. Accept this and move on. I have.
Have Some Self Respect
Well, I'm not gonna say ive done everything in the best manner. Ive been down the road where i've compromised myself. But what really annoys me is when people act like whores, plaster themselves all over other people and then demand respect. WTF. What is the point of doing things then having to hide them? If you want to have respect, you have to respect yourself. The first thing you need to do is act like a respectful person. Don't get trashed and sleep with every one of your male/female friends. Dont have a threesome. Keep your fat ass covered women, just because you got your fat flabby tits hanging out doesnt mean youre sexy. Men, take off those fucking beer goggles. There's nothing wrong with a tramp, as long as she admits to being a tramp. Dont expect to have anything meaningful as far as a relationship if you dont admit to who you really are.
Have A Great Weekend
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you, that as I have sat in silence, that sometimes I can hear a heart beating with mine? Have I ever told you, that when you speak to me through lines and words, I imagine your voice whispering in my ear with every word you write? Have I ever told you. that I wait each day, for just an hour or two or just a second out of time, to feel as close to you as I can? Have I ever told you, how many times there have been, that I ached for you, ached so badly for you that I have sat and cried? Have i ever told you, about the times I have reached out to touch your name, on the cold screen before me, just wishing I could reach out and touch you? Have i ever told you, that after the first time I heard your voice those hundreds of miles away, that I sat up all night remembering the conversation in my mind? Have I ever told you, that I would give up everything I have for just one night, to be able to lay near you,to hear you breathe,to watch your chest rise and fall to know you
Have A Great Sunday Yall
Havein A Lil Fun :)
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little
Have I Ever
I didnt write this, its been floating around the internet for a while now, i just like it and wanted to share. Have I Ever Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your
Have A Good One!
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Have A Whacky, Wonderful, Wet And Wild Wednesday
Cool Myspace Comments
Have No Idea
It's 9:15, i just got home from taking my sister to work and i'm debating on whether or not I should go back to sleep... gotta work at 4. ugh i hate it. Okay well i think i'm going back to sleep for a couple hours... Leave love!
Have U Felt It????
a question to everyone im askin is have u ever felt like ... like enuff isnt enuff? almost like u just cant get enuff of something that its makes ur whole body and ur mind goes into a state of confusion. i feel this. i feel this every day. maybe im going crazy. maybe insane is the logical answer. let me explain what in talkin about. i will be sitting here. my mine wanders to the thought of a special person in my life. this is when everything happens. this is something i think of every day, all day. thinkin about wat im gonna say. thinkin about wat im gonna do. wondering wat she will say, wat she will do back. wondering when she will be here, and when she will leave. hopeing our time together will keep her interested and hopeing she will never leave. wishing her day has been a good one and if t hasnt wat i can do to take her mind off the problems of everyday life. thinkin i failed if i cant put a smile on her face when shes sad. making her laff when shes mad or keepin her happy for
Have A Good Evening!
OK, I've had about enough for today. Heading home now sweeties. Talk to ya all tomorrow. Have a good night and Happy Hump Day!!!!
Have You Done Something Kind Today?
Commit a Random Act of Kindness Daily Inspiration Dr. John H. Sklare, Ed.D Monday, August 20, 2007 I did something the other day that gave me a great idea to suggest to all of you. Let me briefly explain. I had just arrived at my accountant’s office to drop off some papers, only to find one parking spot available in front of the building. This is one of those big office buildings that has a large parking garage in the rear but also has a few highly sought after metered spaces conveniently placed in front of the building. As these are usually taken, I was excited to see the open space upon my arrival, and opted for it since I was going to be in and out very quickly. As I got out of my car and was preparing to put a quarter in the meter, I noticed that a police officer was checking the meters and walking my way. I also noticed that the meter for the car parked in front of me had run out and was showing red. So what did I do? I reached into my pocket a
Have I Ever Told You...
Have I ever told you... Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes, I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. that I wondered if this was dream Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that I would give everything up, just for one night to be able to lay near you, to feel your chest rise and fall with each breath you take,just to know that you are real? Hav
Have A Twisted, Tied-up, Thirsty Thursday
Cool Myspace Comments
Have You Ever
sadly enough i have done some of there things.... goes to show that im immature.. but try some they are so much fun.. but if i havent done it one of my friends has.. 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Electronics to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, " 'Code 3' in housewares".... and see what happens. 5. Go the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?" 9. Look right into the security camera & use it as a mirror, and pick y
Have A God Gone Day.
A dog had followed his owner to school. His owner was a fourth grader at a public elementary school. However, when the bell rang, the dog sidled inside the building and made it all the way to the child's classroom before a teacher noticed and shoo'ed him outside, closing the door behind him. The dog sat down, whimpered and stared at the closed doors. Then God appeared beside the dog, patted his head, and said, "Don't feel bad fella'.... they won't let ME in either."
Have A Wild One!
Everyone enjoy your weekend! I'll most likely hang out with my sister which will be nice considering I haven't seen her since Sunday. you guys rule. see you all on Monday. xoxox
Have A Heart And Read
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: KaYlA aNn aka Bunny Date: Aug 24, 2007 2:20 PM Cause some dont get that chance........... SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to spill my milk at dinner last night. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to play with my dolls that long. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to trip over your shoes in the middle of the floor. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to be a mistake.. why can't i eat?SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to pee in my pants yesterday. SORRY MOMMY && DADDY.i didn't mean to cry when my bath water was too hot.
Have A Great Weekend Everyone!!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Have an awesome weekend everyone! :D Much love...Jen xoxoxoxox
Have I Ever
Have I Ever Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the fi rst time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it
Have U Been To My Profile Lately? Check It Out, New Pics,blogs,etc........
Have You Noticed...
Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place? There’s such balance in nature. ~George Carlin
Have You Ever...
Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff? ~George Carlin
Have A Good Day!
I hope The day of everybody gets a stroke good
Have A Great Night Fubar Lovers :)
Good Night Comments at Good Night Comments at Everyone have an awesome night!! Much Love...xoxoxox Jen
Have I Ever Told You
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me I imagine your voice whispering into my ear?Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation wanting only an hour or two just a second in space and time to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that I would give everything up just for one night to be able to lay near you to feel your chest rise and fall with each breath you take just to know that you are real? Have I ever told you that I dream of you often I dream of you reaching out and touching my hand simply to let me know that you are there and everything is okay What I have with you is worth it. It is worth every lonely night every tear I cry from missing you, and the pain I feel from not having you close. It is worth it because you are my one and only. When I picture myself years from now, I see only you. No matter how painful
Have A Beer
Have a beer! I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. --Frank Sinatra The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober. --William Butler Yeats An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools. --Ernest Hemingway Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. --Ernest Hemingway Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time. -Catherine Zandonella Non-Drinker: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. --Ambrose Bierce Reality is an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol. --Anonymous Drinking provides a beautiful excuse to pursue the one activity that truly gives me pleasure, hooking up with fat hairy girls. --Timothy Walsh A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her. --Anonymous What contemptible s
Have You Seen Ronald Mcdonald??? What happened to Ronald? Statue of beloved fast-food icon stolen from Gridley restaurant By Robert LaHue/Appeal-Democrat August 28, 2007 - 11:10PM It’s not every day Gridley-Biggs police announce an arrest warrant for the Hamburglar. But in a particularly quarter-pounder-with-cheesy crime, the Ronald McDonald statue inside the play area of the Gridley McDonald’s was pilfered, leaving Happy Meals a little less happy. “I don’t know what anyone would do with Ronald,” Assistant Chief Brian Cook said Tuesday. Cook said the department was having a little fun with the incident, issuing a press release noting Ronald was last seen in large red shoes, bright red hair and red nose. But Cook also noted there was a crime and significant monetary damages. The value of the Ronald statue is reported to be $1,800, well over the $400 limit for the incident to be considered grand theft, Coo
Have You Seen Ronald Mcdonald??? What happened to Ronald? Statue of beloved fast-food icon stolen from Gridley restaurant By Robert LaHue/Appeal-Democrat August 28, 2007 - 11:10PM It’s not every day Gridley-Biggs police announce an arrest warrant for the Hamburglar. But in a particularly quarter-pounder-with-cheesy crime, the Ronald McDonald statue inside the play area of the Gridley McDonald’s was pilfered, leaving Happy Meals a little less happy. “I don’t know what anyone would do with Ronald,” Assistant Chief Brian Cook said Tuesday. Cook said the department was having a little fun with the incident, issuing a press release noting Ronald was last seen in large red shoes, bright red hair and red nose. But Cook also noted there was a crime and significant monetary damages. The value of the Ronald statue is reported to be $1,800, well over the $400 limit for the incident to be considered grand theft, Coo
Have You Ever Seen A Fart
A little boy blows up a baseball sized balloon and starts flicking it all around the house with his finger. His mother tells him to stop it as he's liable to break something, but the boy continues. "Johnny!" Mom screams. "Knock it off." You're going to break something. He stops and eventually Mom leaves for a short trip to the shopping center. Johnny starts up with the balloon again after his mom has left for the store. He gives it one last flick and it lands in the toilet where he leaves it. Mom comes in and while putting away the grocery gets the urge. A diarrhea run. She can hardly make it to the toilet in time and SPLASH, out it comes. When she's finished, she looks down and can't believe what she's seeing. She's not sure what this big brown thing is in the toilet! She calls her doctor. The doctor is baffled as she describes the situation, but he assures her he'll be over shortly to examine everything. When he arrives she leads him to the bath room
Have The House To Myself For 3 Whole Days
hoping to get a lot accomplished over the next 3 days with the kids not here means i can actually start working on packing up things and sorting early in the day instead of waiting until they're awake. With any luck will have cabinets and closets sorted through and things i want to keep and stuff i want to get rid of. so I won't be on much this weekend. will be bombing 6 contests and working on helping mish reach godmother. Keep fingers crossed body cooperates. Want to start getting ready to be able to leave hubby have GOT to get this done
Have You Forgotten?
A horrible tragedy occured at 8:46 Tuesday Morning September 11, 2001. There were 4 planes hijacked by terrorists. A senseless act of cowardness. American Airlines Flight 11, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. There were 92 people aboard, including 9 flight attendants and 2 pilots. At 9:03 a.m., United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower, carrying 65 people, including 7 flight attendants and 2 pilots.
Have You Ever ? Traveled Yet To No Where At All ?
Have you ever spent time alone , or walked a far distance , to find you just went in a circle. You eneded up no where .Yet you did get somewhere . Your mind let you go to another place in time; So you did travel around. This happens to me alot , but well im just a bit lost. yet I do figure all out some times ,and my fears and doubts are no more .cause Ive been blessed by my Lord. hugds diana
Have Mercy Upon Me
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to the multitude of Your tender mercy and loving-kindness blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly [and repeatedly] from my iniquity and guilt and cleanse me and make me wholly pure from my sin! Psalm 51:1-2 (Read all of Psalm 51) Amplified Bible Have a Jesus Filled Day!God Bless!
Have A Labor Film Festival!
If you haven't seen John Sayles "Matewan" and Herbert Biberman's "Salt of the Earth"...have yourself a Mine Labor Film Fest, in honor of the non-union miners who died tragically last month. Matewan, released exactly 20 years ago, is a fictionalized version of the latter period (c. 1920) of the West Virginia coal wars, but Sayles worked hard to use music (even creating some authentic-sounding "period" music) and Haskell Wexler's incomparable cinematography to make a moving, gritty portrait of solidarity and betrayal. Key to the story is the gradual cohesion of the native appalachian miners and the Italians and African-Americans brought in undermine the strikers. The movie includes stars like James Earl Jones, Mary McDonnell and Chris Cooper along with other Sayles regulars like David Strathairn, Gordon Clapp, and his partner-producer Maggie Renzi. Sayles paid homage to "Salt of the Earth" in "Return of the Secaucus Seven"--the scene in the jail where they start chanting "we want t
Have You Ever...
Have you ever noticed that the only people who wear jogging suits are well over 200 pounds and obviously never jog…unless a buffet is in sight?
Have You Forgootten
Have You Forgotten
Have A Crush On Me ???
Crush this person!Get your own CrushTag!
Have You Noticed
The anonymous gift feature is gone. And weeds are gone too lol
Have U Been In Iraq Too Long?
You know you've been in Iraq too long when... # When mortars land near your compound and you roll over in bed and think "still way off, I got another 5 minutes" # When you start humming with the Arabic song playing on the radio on the shuttle bus # Every woman that reports to your unit starts looking attractive # Every guy that reports to your unit starts looking attractive # You walk an extra 6 blocks to eat at the KBR (contractor run) dining facility to have the exact same food they are serving in your dining facility because you think it tastes better # You actually volunteer for convoy security duty because you still haven't seen the country yet # You start picturing your wife in traditional Arab dress # The contractors have more fire power than the military combat units. (This is true) # You take the time to add your lines to this list # You've spent $200 dollars at Haji mart on DVDs buying Basic Instinct, 9 and ½ weeks, and Body of Evidence just f
Have You Ever....
Conversations pass our ears. Fear wanders through the words. Is it over now? I want to break every clock. I want to make sure the hands of time, never move again. Amazing how our lives have turned out. Ending up with hurting the worst, the only ones we have ever loved. We hear the lies. They say only the good will die young. I imagine our debut. Sparkling lights | Marquee blazing our names Wearing a white knight Black ties matching the eyes. This is just another death by misadventure. Needles and lovers collapse on our empty hands. We are killing ourselves over time. A fashion statement suicide flow. They keep giving us sighs they think we need to see. Never knowing we stopped watching long ago. I sit and pray. For the single wish of being your last first kiss | Forever. By the look in her face and the lack of rings. Words lost their meanings long ago. Where does one start. To pick up all the pieces | Of my gasoline heart. Burning pic
Havent Been On Alot Lately Due To Surgery!
Sorry to all my friends and fans and family members out there! Im not ignoring you all or neglecting you! I recently as in Friday August 31 under went and unexpected or actually rather more quickly schedule than expected hysterectomy. I came home on the second which was a Sunday and Im doing good still lots of pain. But Im doing good! Its been exactly one week to day since I had it and every one keeps telling me that Im pushing it because Im back up on my feet and runnin here and there as i usually did picking up my god daughter and playing with her like nothing happened. Though I am very much feeling it to day and kind of regreting it. I guess its relaxation tomorow like my hubby has asked me kindly to do since I came home from the hospital on Sunday (the 2nd). So far he hasnt made me and keeps telling me he dont want to have to make me cause he know im not one to sit still but he will if he has to...LOL He will to! Thats why I love him he takes care of me he was there throu
Have A Nice Day
DOWN RATERS BEWARE … you reap what you sow here … go ahead down rate me all you want … but to belittle salutes and/or pics of support that’s just not right … I don’t ask that you believe as I do … but I was raised that if you can’t say anything good don’t say anything at all … oh and please don’t get all pissy when we come to you to show you some luv in return … THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY
Have To Post This It Is So Funny!
Visit www.hostdrjack.comHost Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE!
'have You Forgotten??? ©jÏÏtåñå' Shows Her Love
Budweiser's Tribute to 9-11 This hurts to watch... it's powerful This has hard images... it will take you back 1966 - 2001 World Trade Centers Remembering 911 DAMN GOOD Sept 11th Video Remember 9/11 911 The Rescuers - Please Remember. Music by LeAnn Rimes
Have We Forgotten?
Darryl Worley - Have You Forgotten I hear people saying we don't need this war I say there's some things worth fighting for What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in Before you start preaching Let me ask you this my friend CHORUS 1 Have you forgotten how it felt that day To see your homeland under fire And her people blown away? Have you forgotten when those towers fell? We had neighbors still inside Going through a living hell And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden Have you forgotten? They took all the footage off my T.V. Said it's too disturbing for you and me It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say If it was up to me I'd show it every day Some say this country's just out looking for a fight After 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right CHORUS 1 Have you forgotten how it felt that day To see your homeland under fire And her people blo
Have You Forgotten
I hear people saying we don't need this war I say there's some things worth fighting for What about our freedom and this piece of ground? We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in Before you start preaching Let me ask you this my friend CHORUS 1 Have you forgotten how it felt that day To see your homeland under fire And her people blown away? Have you forgotten when those towers fell? We had neighbors still inside Going through a living hell And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout Bin Laden Have you forgotten? They took all the footage off my T.V. Said it's too disturbing for you and me It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say If it was up to me I'd show it every day Some say this country's just out looking for a fight Well after 9/11 man I'd have to say right. Chorus Have you forgotten, how it felt that day? To see your homeland under fire And her people blown away Have you forgotten when those
Have Great Afternoon.all ; Hugs
Profile Graphics -
Have A Great Night Everyone!!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Have an awesome night everyone!! Much love....xoxoxox Jen
Have Fun!
Have A Cool Ass Weekend
Profile Graphics -
Have You Ever Wondered?
Have You Ever Wondered... Why does the sun lighten our hair, but darken our skin? Why can't women put on mascara with their mouths closed? Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"? Why is "abbreviated" such a long word? Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes????? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?! Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the o
Have You Eva?
Have You Ever Been through those days Were your blood runs cold And you hate with passion But it becomes more than a phase Three sixty five Evil blurs your lenses Takes over your life But you dont give a fuck You dont want to see with your own eyes Have You Ever Been judged unfairly And just let these wolves judge at will Because silence is golden Little do they know That Silver can kill Fuck everything they say Let them spit lies from thier lips Because you know whats real Your not blind to the facts Soon the blood of truth will be spilled Have You Ever? Have You Ever?
Have You Ever Seen The Rain - Ccr
Have You Got To Be Kidding Me
ok just recently a 23 year old woman was escorted off a South West Airlines flight for waring a miniskirt, tank top and sweater. here is the video from CNN you judge for yourself if she should have been removed from the plane.
Have This Friend Who Is Having A Baby
i have this really good friend of mine. we have been friends forever and she is due in 6 weeks. now i dont what it is but i cant stand it that she is having one. i think what it is that i dont like it that she is having sexs. i know that sounds mean but we have been friends forever now.
Have To Re-do Them Later
fubar still fu-ed up. have to add later. wont take the codes. ass hat bouncer comes up and wont enter codes..
Have You??
have you experienced a time in your life when you felt so empty for no reason? Have you ever felt so down but you just can't tell why? Have you ever felt like the world suddenly spins around you and your caught in the middle going nowhere? Weird isn't it? But thats the beauty of being human... it's knowing that there is a purpose for each existence and whatever that maybe...its also the reason why we still wake up breathin' each morning... to discover the missing piece of the puzzle that will make our lives complete...
Have A Very Nice And Pretty Pic For You All Here Women
Haven't Been This Excited Since The 1st Batman!
Have You Ever Been So Hurt...?
Ok, I have a question for all of you. and I want HONEST TO GOD ANSWERS. First off, let me start with this. Have you ever been so hurt by everyone, and so angry with everyone, and so disturbed and confused with everyone and everything crashing down in your life, and are so tired of crying, that you just turn into stone? Thats where I am right now. For those that dont know me, or much about me, you're in for a real treat. Here I am. 22 years old. Moved from California to be with my sister out here in Florida, to keep her fucking psychotic ex boyfriend away, and to make sure she doesnt do anything stupid between July 3 (when I moved out here) to October 11th, when she'll be 18. Because my mom and sister weren't able to keep their apartment because with only one income my mom couldnt keep up with the $1300 a month rent on this bomb ass apartment, they had to move in to my Grandmas house. My grandma lives in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house. And before I came along, there was my grand
Have You?
have you ever wanted someone? So that you weren't alone. Who would be with you. Someone to hold, who would give you a warm feeling inside, who would hold you back. Someone to cuddle with when you're alone. Who keeps you close in times of sorrow. Someone with whom you lose yourself, that when you found yourself again, You just want to get lost again Someone where heaven is but a kiss away Someone to lay your head on when tired. Who'd run her fingers through your hair so you feel calm. Some one to play with when you're bored. I have. I still do. I still want someone, so that I'm not alone. Someone to be with. Someone..... to love.
Have A Great Week.
imikimi - Customize Your World
Have You Ever Driven Without A License?
1. Have you ever driven without a license? mhm 2. Have you ever talked to someone when THEY were high? yes, its fun...if i am not high 3. How many people do you hate? 1...2...3....ALL xD 4. do you like to workout? LOL whats that? 5. I just noticed question 5 was missing. whatever.... yes 6. If so how many push ups can you do? i can eat a whole box of pushup pops xD hahhaaha 7. Do you know how to cook? DUH! 8. Can you do anything with your tongue? mhmmmmmmmmmm ^_____^ 9. Whats your favorite flower? none 10. Any plans for this weekend? nah 13. How many red lights have you ran? none 15. What phrase or word do you say all the time? "are you kidding?" i say a lot lately lol 16. Have you ever cut your own hair? i DO! 17. What is your favorite song? lots 18. Washing cars..hate it? yes 19. What do you look for in the perfect guy/girl? >.> 20. Has your view on someone you know changed recently? maybe 21. If you could be a chara
Have A Gr8 Day Everyone
have a gr8 day everyone
Have You Ever?
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you would die to have it? For over two years now I have wanted to go into the military. I have tooken the asvab test twice now and havent scored high enough. I want to go into the military to better myself and not to be broke all the time dammit:P The path that im taken is not the life I wanna live. So yeah I decided to try and take the asvab one more time. Went and talked to a army recruiter last week and got some info from him. Also went to the library and got books to start studying. Friends that thought they knew me have no clue what I have been up too and probably dont wanna know. I have hit rock bottom and know what I need to do to get back on top....
Have You Ever
Have you ever met someone that at first was a real good friend and then the more you talk the more you like that person. Each day brings laughter and fun and this person makes you look forward to waking up each day. This person supports you and is beautiful inside and out. They have a great outlook on life and is everything you ever wanted in a partner. Then all the sudden reality hits and you realize way too late that you are in love madly and deeply and that person is not available for you?
Have A Great Day
imikimi - Customize Your World
Haven't Heard This Song In Awhile
I randomly heard this song earlier today; it always makes me feel better... give it a whirl if you haven't heard it, it's called "Everybody's Free." Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99 If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you imagine. Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in y
Have A Good Day!
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Have ?
Have you ever wondered, how bees take nectar and make it into honey, How trees are made into paper, and paper into money. How your body makes you sneeze, And how we can feel, but can't see a breeze. How the sun is so far away, yet we feel the heat, How we can be so full and in a short while we need to eat. How our brains function, and we just get up and walk, How are tongue is what allows us to talk. How a little bird knows how to fly when it leaves the nest, How our bodies are so active, and suddenly we need to rest. How we lay down at night, and put ourselves to sleep, How dreams are allowed in our minds to creep. How part of the brain says sleep, go on out, How the other part of the brain tells our organs to move about. How our emotions are stirred and we can cry, How we suddenly become happy and the tears are dried. How we seem to be 'oh so fine,' And instantly we can be half out of our mind. How one day you have a friend, and one day you don't, How sometimes peo
Have You Ever
Brandy LyricsHave You Ever? Lyrics
Have You Ever?
Have you ever been kissed? I mean really kissed? Treated as though you're a delicious dessert to be savoured... Lips hovering over your throat; hot breath making all your hairs stand on end with the anticipation of being touched. Then finally the fleeting touch of soft skin against yours, a tongue tasting you, and then it's gone again. Only to reappear lower down... hands caressing your back, softly, but surely. Those hands know where they want to go, but for now they decently remain on your back, shoulders, in your hair, tugging it so your throat is exposed. Teeth graze your skin. You feel as though you're sinking into an abyss. If you were standing, your knees would buckle. Lust takes over, you seek the lips that are torturing you so, and capture them with yours. Teeth, tongues, lips, clashing, mingling, gasping. You're so aroused your juices are flowing freely. And yet you're fully clothed. This is strictly over the clothes foreplay, and yet you want it. You desperately want t
Have A Gr8 Weekend
have a gr8 weekend
Have A Great Day ...
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Have You Ever Had Trouble With This Site
have you ever had trouble with this site
Have Found The Fake
Ok, I found the fake and it is disgusting what some will do for kicks on here, please accept my appologies for some asshole and know some people have no life and look to create hate. Friends, do what you feel is right. Keith SexyBeyotch@ fubar
Have Ya?
Ever had one of those days when you have to click about 5 times for a link to work, and then you get some page won't load message and it makes you want to throw your computer at the TV because you pay good money for hundreds of channels with not A DAMN THING worth watching on it? No mater how you sit, you cross both legs, you put one on an ottoman, you put both on th floor but you can't get comfortable, and when you do you get an itch in the middle of your back that you can't reach so you walk to a doorway and rub up and down like a bear. Ever just want to sell everything and fly to Mexico and pat some senorita's soft ass while, wait, gulping margaritas? OK, cool, I was just asking. :)
"have It Your Way"
Slowly I close my eyes And I see the way Things are suppose to be I see a world of beautiful Bright colors To some, it just never seems to bother The fact that the colors Are all so bright! When you get to the point To where you have no idea of What to do Just close your eyes and dream of A world made just for you A world where the skies are always blue And never grey Upon this day I am gladly to say You can always have it your way!
Have A Freaky Friday Everyone
have a freaky friday everyone
Have A Rocky Weekeend Everyone
have a rocky weekeend everyone
Have A Good Weekend Hugss
Ok guys, this truly is freaky, the Phone literally rang as soon as I read The last word of this email!!!!! I am taking the bait - What do I have to lose right? Hope it works! Supposedly The Phone Will Ring Right After You Do This. Just read the little stories and Think of a wish as you scroll all The way to the bottom. There is A message there - then make your Wish. No attachment on this one. ! Stories I'm 13 years old, and I wished That my dad would come home from The army, because he'd been having Problems with his heart and right Leg It was 2:53 p .m.. When I made My wish. At 3: 07 PM. (14 minutes Later), the doorbell rang, and There my Dad was, luggage and all!! I'm Katie and I'm 20 and I'v
Have A Great Weekend
Have A Great One
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Have A Giggle Or Two .... Guys Get Over It
WOMAN'S PERFECT BREAKFAST She's sitting at the table with her gourmet coffee. Her son is on the cover of the Wheaties box. Her daughter is on the cover of Business Week. Her boyfriend is on the cover of Playgirl. And her husband is on the back of the milk carton. WOMEN'S REVENGE "Cash, check or charge?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet, I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. So, do you always carry your TV remote?" I asked. "No," she replied, "but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally." UNDERSTANDING WOMEN (A MAN'S PERSPECTIVE) I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid o
Have A Smoke
Have You Ever?
H@v3 Y0u 3v3r L0v3d S0m3b0dy S0 Much 1+ M@d3 Y0u Cry? H@v3 Y0u 3v3r N33d3d S0m3+h1ng S0 B@d +h@+ Y0u C@n+ Sl33p @+ N1gh+? H@v3 Y0u 3v3r +h0ugh+ @b0u+ +h3s3 +h1ngs? +3ll +h3 p3rs0n y0u f@ll1ng 4 h0w y0u f33l H@v3 3v3r Y0u 3v3r?
Have A Great Day All
Top Weekdays Comments Graphics
Have A Friend
i have this friend that i talk to all the time. he is a very nice guy and i enjoy talking to him alot. but i am a little confused i guess. we have a wonderful relationship here online. the only thing is it that we dont really talk anymore we both are so busy it seems like. i mean i take care of 2 kids as most of you already know and now work is a mad house it is possible that im going to be working a 12 tomorrow and he is working a 12 tomorrow. but it wil be at night that he works. i dont know if we are going to have time to talk to eachother or not. i guess that is something that we will have to figure out. maybe it wont be as bad as im thinking it will be at all. well it was on my mind so i thought id share it. well i better go. if you have anything to add or whatever fill free to comment on it.
Have You Eva Loved Someone So Much.......
have you ever loved some one so much that you just cant let them go...but then you know its for ur good...but at the same time ur just thinking you have to be with that person and you just cant let them go....its so hard for me 2 make my desion on what i should do ok hears the storie my boifriend of 2 years is doing drugs and drinking alot he always calling me high and talkng shit but then i love him so much but i cant handel this shit anymore im tired of his drug addition ive tryed to help him ive even tried to make him to go a clinic so they can help him he acts like he wants do to it but then he turns and says well baby imma do good and take care of you and get a job and things like that so he really does want to do good for him self but then again he is not doing anything about it he just keeps on with those drugs.....and i just dont know what to do anymore so anybody with good advice or thinks they can help....plzz comment and tell me! thank you xoxo chelsea
Have A Great Day :)
Its thursday everyone have a great day one more day and the weekends here!!!, and to the ones I chat on here with in illusions radio have a great day hugs and kisses to you nice women in there muahzzzzzz, ttyl peeps.
Have You Noticed At Starbucks Lately??
The more complicated the Starbucks >> order, the bigger the >> asshole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a >> "decaf grande >> half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, >> gingerbread >> cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one >> sweet-n'-Low, and one >> NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge asshole. >>
Have You Ever Made Real Love?
Have you ever really made love to the one person you love? no not is not love sex is sex, lust is wanting to have sex. The love im talkin about comes from the heart, to look into your lovers eyes, even cry before them and say you deeply love them, to hold them in your arms and never let go! to kiss them deeply like you mean it. Think how long it has been to yourself that you have felt like that. Didnt it feel great? and to be loved like that too, to hold someone in your arms, to love and be loved, think about how long its been, so many people justwant these one night stands and get laid then run off and stuff, not realizing what they are missing in actually loving someone. i do miss it.
Have You(1989)
Have you ever loved somebody so much that it hurts??? Have you ever loved somebody so much that you cant sleep??? Have you ever loved somebody that didn't no that you exist??? Have you ever loved somebody who don't feel the same??? Have you ever loved somebody who's in love with another person?? Have you ever loved some body who don't even no you love them so very much?? Have you ever...
Have A Bbq
I love fridays! Every friday I fire up the grill and cook up something that once had a face. I hope ya'll have a great weekend and BAR-B-QUE!!!
Have A Good One :d
Have A Great Sunday
MySpace Comments & MySpace Layouts
Have A Good One!
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Have A Safe Holloween
Have U Visited My Lounge Loveoflilith666 Lately??
If you have not been to our lounge recently, you're missing out! Click this link to visit us in LoveOfLilith666: -the management
A Have A Question For Just The Men!!
This question is not meant to be NSFW at don't someone freak out! This is a real question......I asked my boyfriend last night and his reply was..."are you taking a survey?" So I said....well maybe I should? So here ya go! In a perfect world/ often would you want to have sex? I know life can be busy sometimes, so I know saying..."all day, every day..." is not a realistic answer! So think about it and leave me a comment! Just trying to get into a guys head.......:D
Have You Thanked A Soldier 2day
When a soldier comes home, he finds it listen to his son whine about being bored. keep a straight face when people complain about be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work. be understanding when a co-worker complains about a bad night's sleep. be silent when people pray to God for a new car. control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower. …to be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of be grateful that he fights for the freedom of speech.
Have A Good One
Touch the Darkness @
Have U Checked Out Tag World .com
no being off line it has people who are not rude and u can have all the pages you want on ur main page even adult pages
Have A Great Day To All My Fubar Friends
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Have You Joined?if Not Do!!!!!
Have A Nice Weekend
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Have You Ever Wondered??
why we all go thru the things we do just to get to the final destination?? have you ever wondered what a blind person really sees in their hearts??? have you ever wondered if someone comes into your life what that reason was to begin with? so many wonders that have no other reason but to say hummmmm..
Have You Ever..
..gotten into an accident with a UFO and those little green bastids wouldn't give up their insurance information.. and they pointed and laughed at the dent in your fender.. and then took off with the food you JUST got at McDonald's.. leaving you with a 'wtf just happened' look on your face? Yeah.. me neither. That would be weird. Oh, look! A penny.
Have You Ever Been The Minority In Your Own Country?
well, i got to experience that twice twice yesterday at a friend's wedding and at the reception! it was a Mexican wedding so of course there were more Mexicans there than Americans so that was the first sign of awkwardness! second, they were all Catholic and i'm Baptist so that felt weird! let's just say that i couldn't tell what was a Mexican tradition or a Catholic tradition. i was told it would be bi-lingual but i didn't understand the english words well since the priest had a Russian accent! at the reception, i felt like all eyes were on me but not only cuz i was the only white girl there for a long time but because i was the only one not dancing to their Mexican music. i told them that i didn't wanna make a fool in front of myself and they eventually left me along but i still felt left out. not many of them spoke english so that was tough too. i did manage to learn that the drinking age in Mexico is 9 :D all the signs posted were in Spanish but it was the basics that i learn
Have No Idea.....
I feel like I'm about to jump out of my skin- like I should be somewhere else doing something else- out of this job, out of this town. My senses are buzzing and I feel something must be done. Before I begin breaking things. I get the sense I should be running the show, that I should be part of something bigger either of my own creation or as part of a collaberation. All I know is that all my life, I have been shackled by my insecurities about what people think about my weight and my odd personality, and now I am ready to say fuck them all and go for it. I will start with the image, show people how beautiful I truly am, then cultivate from there. Yeah, some may be saying, "Aren't you a little old for such foolishness? Isn't it a little too late?" My response to both: Fuck you! It's never too late if your will is strong and your passion is great. Age is relative- you're as old as you feel and I feel half of my true age. Matter of fact, I feel bloody well
Have Youever Felt Like Goin Away
Have A Wicked Hollows Eve Everyone
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Have You Ever...
Have you ever just felt unwanted or unneeded in a friendship? Have you felt when the person enters the room you instantly dont feel like you belong there. Have you ever felt close yet so far away in a friendship? Have you felt more distant than close when you are in a room together? Have you felt like just giving up and moving on? Have you felt that you will never be able to fix it? Have you felt lost in words when they talk to you, mostly because your stunned they gave you a time of day? Have you felt like telling them to fuck off if they cant get their act together? Have you felt that would be the hardest thing to do? Have you felt that maybe it should be done? Have you felt that when you came to see them, you came for them, yet your not accepted by them but only by the rest of the family? Have you ever felt why bother? I feel alienated by you.... ^..^
Have A Good One!!
Sorry wont be around till later today...I actually got tp go to work..UGH!! Hope You all have A Great Day!! *MUAH*!!!! ~Dee
Have A Gr8 Weekend Everyone
have a gr8 weekend everyone
Have You Ever Yell At Your Hubby
have you ever yell at your hubby
Have A Nice Sunday
New Comment GraphicsSexi Graphics
Have A Heart And Pray For Her
she needs ur prayers now more then ever shes so sick poor baby.....the doc put her on meds im hopping she will do fine on em but if u could take a min out ur time 2 say a small prayer for her its not like im askin much and not like its for me its for her she needs all the prayers she can have a heart and keep her in ur prayers plz and thanks.....and thanks for all my friends and family thats been there for me and my sis and family to say thanks 2 steve for the comment he left me in my shout box ur a true friend just wanted 2 say thank that ment alot.....
Have Link Now... It Is For 6 Hours
I will repay the love............ thanks all~
Haven't Released Any Steam Lately
Have A Special Night
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Have To Include Brian
Brian: Hola, me llamo es Brian ... Nosotros queremos ir con ustedes.. uhhhh ... Bellboy (Spanish): Hey, that was pretty good, except when you said "me llamo es Brian," you don't need the "es," just me llamo Brian. Brian: Oh, oh you speak English! Bellboy (sigh): No, just that first speech and this one explaining it. Brian: You .... you're kidding me, right? Bellboy (Spanish): Que? Peter: So did your therapist figure out what the problem was? Brian: Yeah. He thinks I'm in love. Peter: Oh my can talk! Brian: Hey, barkeep, whose leg do you have to hump to get a dry martini around here?
Have You Been Told Today Just How Much!!!
Guess who's birthday it is!!! Stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday!! Don't be shy and come say hi!! A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand...and touches your heart. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in our heart. Side by side or miles apart, good friends are always close to the heart. Lots of love ... now and forever ... xox DJ Butterfly Warrior ~ K.O.P.E.~ Hell Hound @ Guardians of Hell
Have You Been Told Today Just How Much!!
Guess who's birthday it is!!! Stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday!! Don't be shy and come say hi!! A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand...and touches your heart. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in our heart. Side by side or miles apart, good friends are always close to the heart. Lots of love ... now and forever ... xox DJ Butterfly Warrior ~ K.O.P.E.~ Hell Hound @ Guardians of Hell
Have You Ever...
have you ever felt so hopeless that no one and nothing can cheer you up? have you ever had something you held so close to your heart ripped away? have you ever thought you had met that special someone but then ruined it with stupid things? i have, it really sucks... what about you?
Have A Good Day
New Comment GraphicsSexi Graphics
Have Spicific Direction
Know your desires If you could snap your fingers and make the life of your dreams instantly appear, exactly what would that life look like? While you're working so diligently to move forward, do you have a clear and detailed definition of where you intend to go? An essential part of achieving what you desire is to know exactly what it is. Unfortunately, the people and events in your world often discourage and dissuade you from seriously considering your own ideas for what life at its best can be. If you're not diligent about exploring and clarifying your own authentic desires, the world will impose its pre-packaged, shallow and empty desires upon your life. This can leave you frustrated, discouraged and unfulfilled as you strive to work toward goals that have no real meaning for you. On a regular basis, allow your desires to come bubbling to the surface, so you can more fully understand them and connect with them. Enjoy the fact that there are things for which you truly long, a
Have A Shot On Me
a href="" target="_blank"> pick your poison and have a shot on me this weekend........but do it safe.....wanna see ya back on monday :)
Have A Good One
Hey all my friends and family, Hope you all have a wonderful friday....I wont be here gonna go sing a tune or two and hang out with my buds here..........If ya party be safe....If ya stay home be good or good at it hehehe love ya all.
Have Fun
New Comment GraphicsSexi Graphics
Have Some Things On My Chest..
Well since wednesday night. My life has been nothing but hell. Started with my ex. and continued on through out the night and still hasn't stopped yet.. Just when u think things are going better for you.. Its like your right back at square one.. I will be honest the last 2 night i have done nothing but cry.. For once i want someone to show me how the truely feel.. Yeah u can say how u feel. but once in awhile u need to show it.. I dont care what time it is. if my boyfriend needs me i am going to go see him. Even if i have to work the next day, or i was already sleeping. Because once i care for someone they get all i can have. I give more than 100% in my relationships. Sometimes you just want someone to think about you before they put their friends ahead of u. yeah u may have been friends with them for awhile but damn.. there is a time when u can say not tonight.. And dont tell her u told someone u couldn't go because u already had plans especially when she sits there and tells you to
Have I Ever?
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have You Ever
have you ever cared for someone who didnt care for you that you would give the world to see her dreams come true but the more you care for her the worse she makes you feel the more you think of her the more you cry yourself to sleep thats how I am right now I care for someone who makes me feel like I dont amount to a thing that no matter what I do or say its never good enough it hurts so bad
Have You Ever Got Down Rated ?
have you ever got down rated ?
Have You Ever...?
.... just sat on a cold windy beach for an hour or so, looking at the sea? Until this weekend, I'd never done that. Holy Island, on the Northumbrian coast of England, really is the most peaceful place on earth.
Have You
have you ever been so far from something or some one that you love that it just plain hurts ? have you even been touched so deeply in your life by some one that you will never forget it? have you even felt such a great sadness that you felt there was no happiness left? have you ever felt so utterly and completely loved and cherished that you never thought it would ever happen to you?
Have You Ever Felt
Have you ever felt so in love with someone but cant say the word to them ...Ever time you see that person or speak to them your heart will race 100 miles pr hr they take your breath away you wanna tell them so much you love them but your scared to do so as you dont wanna scare them off ...some day you might be able to say I Love You untill then you are just holding it in so deep but you wanna let it out but its hard as you have told some many you love them but did they really love you back ...
Have A Great Weekend!!!
Hulllooooo fubar!!!! Just writing a blog to wish you all a GREAT weekend. I will probably will not be around much this weekend. Why? Same thing as last weekend...I am working till close tonight and coming home and going straight to bed because I am working an all day shift tomorrow and an all day shift on saturday and have to be up bright and early on Sunday. I am going to be one tired chicka. So...I'm sorry I won't be arouund to shoot the shit with all my favorite fubarians, calls!! Have a great thursday and an awesome weekend for me. Please have a few drinks for me!! Also, don't forget to show my overworked ass some love while I am gone!!! *MUAH*
Have A Gr8 Weekend Everyone
have a gr8 weekend everyone
Have A Great Weekend!
Sorry it's short but have fun!
Haven't Been Around
Hey all I haven't been around lately as I was in the process of moving from Tennessee to Las Vegas. But I will try and get back on here more often now that I am pretty much settle in now. Check Out a New Alternative adult only network and promote yourself. Always Free
Have You Today
Just wanted to know if anyone has gave Thanks to the Military forces Today, Its Free Comments & Graphics Codes
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have Motor Home, Will Travel The Us
Fiancially secure male looking for that special someone to travel the US in a class A 36 foot motor home. Winter in Texas and AZ and then to the Northwest for the spring and then accross to the East Coast for the fall. Any age or family situation concidered. The person I am looking is honest, caring, fun loving and has vest for life. They must like being pamper with massages and candle light dinners, dancing, walks on the beach. Looking for a single woman any age or with one child. Let me know why you would make a great companion. Must be comfortable going to upscale resorts, taking a boat cruise or going to a nude beach or hot spring. Hope to hear from you. Larry
Havent Decided Yet
i might be deleting my fubar account... havent decided yet... tired of all the drama i am getting from my family and my sons father... its to damn fuckin hard to keep up with lounges while being sick and trying to watch a baby... now if i had help here during the day that would be different... i will keep ya'll posted on my decision
Have You Been Lying?
Have Some Fiath...
The more time I spend with you it seems the harded in love I fall and I'm not sure that's a good thing Not so sure at all... I look into your eyes and try to feel what's in your soul Sitting here with you... Wishing I could make you whole. If it's a shoulder you need to cry on you know that mine is yours I'll give you my everything Ingesting every word I'd cut my heart out just for you if it would somehow ease your pain I'd trade you my happiness for all your guilt and shame. I know you've been through some shit baby I wish I could make it all go away Just have some faith Trust in me and it'll get better with each passing day
Haven Of The Inevitable!!!
Have A Good One :d
Have A Gr8 Weekend Everyone
have a gr8 weekend everyone
Have You Found This Guy Cos I Did Im Lucky!
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.
Have Your Kleenex Ready For This One..
This was sent to me through E-mail and I thought I should Share this.. I sat Erik in a high chair and noticed everyone was quietly sitting and talking. Suddenly, Erik squealed with glee and said, "Hi." He pounded his fat baby hands on the high chair tray. His eyes were crinkled in laughter and his mouth was bared in a toothless grin, as he wriggled and giggled with merriment. I looked around and saw the source of his merriment. It was a man whose pants were baggy with a zipper at half-mast and his toes poked out of would-be shoes. His shirt was dirty and his hair was uncombed and unwashed. His whiskers were too short to be called a beard and his nose was so varicose it looked like a road map. We were too far from him to smell, but I was sure he smelled. His hands waved and flapped on loose wrists. "Hi there, baby. Hi there, big boy. I see ya, buster," the man said to Erik. My husband and I exchanged looks, "What do we do?" Erik continued to laugh and answer, "Hi"
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have A Great Holiday.
Hope you all have a great and safe holiday. Send me love when you can. I'm still somewhat taking a vacation from fubar, if any of you want to join me in the online games that have been keeping me away from here, I will post the links to join me. Or you can just go to them cause I get some points for mugging you or biting you or whatever, lol. Love you all and will be back more after I take care of stuff. nuttinbuttsexxy This one is my Pimp Slap link, just in case you want to be Pimp Slapped, lol.
Have You Ever
Have you ever felt like you just couldnt do it anymore? I am not talking about life, I am talking about love. Last night was very very hard on me. I wont go into details but my boyfriend did something that hurt me emotionally very badly. He did realize it and did apologize and thats fine, but when I figured what he did I went off. I didnt stop and think before I said things. I called him every name in the book and said alot of negative things that I didnt mean but they were out of rage at the moment. I have been practicing for the past year to use I statements, I long ago learned just how bad using you statements hurt because they were always pulled on me. Last night I went back to the you statements. I did tell him after stuff calmed down that next time I am here he better do what ever it takes to keep me here or I cant do it anymore. This emotional roller coaster is tearing me up and I swear I will have a breakdown if it continues. I love him with all my heart obviously, this is my s
Have To Go
my battery is going dead and my recharge cord doesnt seem to be responding. so i have to go to the desktop. once you go to a lap top you never go back. unless things malfuction.
Have A Great Day
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have You Ever.....
Have you ever been mad because yoou cant understand things? Your right there and then you get smacked in the face and a 180 happens and now your losing it. You keep running forward but all your doing is making it worse. Just like quick sand the more you move the worse it gets. Your so confused and pissed off you get mad at it all. Curious as heck. WHAT JUST HAPPENED? WHY THIS? WHAT DID I DO? All of these questions and more. Your so drowned by what you see and what you her that you just lose it. Let the curious take control get mad and go into asshole mode. I dont know what to do or say. You tell me....
Have U Seen Her?
From: FINDSTACYPETERSON Date: 23 Nov 2007, 02:26 A Beautiful Young Mother Of Two Devoted To Making Her Children's Lives Happy Children Always Came First, No Matter What She Treated Every Child As If They Were Her Own Her Children Went With Her Wherever She Went Her Children Are What Brought Her HappinessCassandra Her Beloved Sister Believes Something Has Happened To HerAnd Is Determined To Find HerCassandra Wont Stop Searching Until Her Sister Is Brought Home
Have A Gr8 Weekend
have a gr8 weekend everyone
Have Fun With This One
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Have A Sinfull One
New Comment GraphicsSexi Graphics
Havent Came Up With A Title. Yet Help Anyone?
His hands were rough, as if hewn from huge lumps of stone, but she could remember her surprise at the gentleness of his touch. The way her hands would disappear in his grasp. He made her feel safe, protected, he kept the world at bay. But now he was gone, three weeks ago, she felt exposed, she felt eyes upon her from every corner. She felt alone. Why hadn't she kept her mouth shut? Why didn't she know when to stop? It was such a little thing. A little insignificant thing. But she'd kept pushing, kept pressing. His hands were the first to be strangers. Her skin missed his touch. The words that used to sooth her, caress her, make everything alright, they soon dried up. It reached a stage where they would barely look at each other, both just as stubborn, the silence could go on for days. Why then was it a surprise when one day he just wasn't there? Her first thought was relief. Then came the guilt. The missed opportunities to make it all better.
"have You Ever"
Feel their Pain....... Have we ever looked at a woman?, really looked? Have we ever thought of a woman? Take, Look at a woman....What do you see, besides the obvious. Wanna know what I see? Too bad, I'm gonna tell you anyway. I see, as you, all the physical things, like icing on the cake, right look beyond that, if your smart enough to. I see a human being that is STRONG. Not in the sense of lifting things maybe, but strong willed, dedicated to her beliefs, whatever they may be. POWERFUL. A woman with conviction can accomplish any fucking thing she wants to. Men on the other hand, lose interest to quickly, myself included. if I can't have or do it now, then the hell with it. With conviction, a woman will exhaust every avenue to achieve her goal. SMART, hah, I wouldn't get into a pissin fight with them. Hands down, they win. All in all guys, were screwed....unless you admit it, which most men would never do, "I'm a man, I'm tough and smart"....yah righ
Have A Beter Chance At Spotlight
have you ever wanted spotlight but no idea how to win it ?... don't got the fubucks (see other blog). Im just giving tips/advice here for how too have a beter chance at the spotlight. if you don't know what spotlight is see the help bibble for fubar. First off you will want a set amount of fubucks that you wanna bid. next you should check the spotlight, figure out usaual ammount its been going for for each set date. as some days it will be cheap (for example on sundays). other times like thanks giving it will be outrageously high. Now that we know the above.. and your familliar with spotligt, know the amount you want to bid and you think your ready. try to hold out on biddin untill 11:50PST (pacific standard time) (aka FU-time) Make a note of the bid amount that you have done. Now that we have placed a bid... at 11:55pst check back on spotlight, click bid again ya know like you did earlyer to make first bid. check what the current bid is at, look and check with y
Have You
Have you ever seen a bird fly with it's wings spread wide? Was it sky blue in color? How high did you see it fly? Have you ever tasted a snowflake, with it's points all a glitter? Was it's taste sweet as sugar, or so sour it was bitter? Have you ever smelled a rose, with the petals covered in dew? Was the fragrance sweet and pure or was it destroyed by you? Have you ever felt the gentle mist falling softly on your face? Like the touch of butterfly kisses Have you truly felt the mist? Have you ever heard the lonesome cry, of a sorrowful, lonely, tortured soul? Was the cry like the Irish banshee's, Did you ever hear my vanquished soul?
Have Yourself A Merry Little X-mas
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas lyrics by The Crypt Keeper (Creaking The Crypt Keeper gate) Guard: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Merry Christmas you lunatics (Laughing) (Creaking free lyrics gate) Guard: Merry The Crypt Keeper lyrics Christmas Kapalski Kapalski: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas lyrics here's your Christmas (Creaking The Crypt Keeper Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas lyrics gate) Crypt Keeper: Have yourself a merry The Crypt Keeper Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas song lyrics little Christmas Guard: The Crypt Keeper Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas music lyrics Merry Christmas McCray Crypt The Crypt Keeper Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas mp3 download Keeper: let your hart be light Guard: McCray, The Crypt Keeper you alright? McCray? Crypt Keeper: From now on our troubles will be out Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas of sight Guard: McCray! lyrics
Have A Gr8 Weekend Everyone
have a gr8 weekend everyone
Have A Good One Guys!
have a fantabulous weekend. and i'll leave ya with this thought: My sister called me at work to see if I was drunk because I told her I was listening to Nas. LOL!
Have You
Have you ever seen a bird fly with it's wings spread wide? Was it sky blue in color? How high did you see it fly? Have you ever tasted a snowflake, with it's points all a glitter? Was it's taste sweet as sugar, or so sour it was bitter? Have you ever smelled a rose, with the petals covered in dew? Was the fragrance sweet and pure or was it destroyed by you? Have you ever felt the gentle mist falling softly on your face? Like the touch of butterfly kisses Have you truly felt the mist? Have you ever heard the lonesome cry, of a sorrowful, lonely, tortured soul? Was the cry like the Irish banshee's, Did you ever hear my vanquished soul?
Have I Met Her??????????
Have Children? Grandchildren?? Or Know Of Someone Who Does??? If So, Do I Ever Have A Website For You!
Have Children? Grandchildren?? Or know of someone who does??? If so, do I ever have a website for you! Hi! I'm Stephen Hall from Teatcket, Cape Cod ,Massachusetts! Cape Cod, Massachusetts??? Wow! I am a Magic Kids Distributor. Magic Kids sells quality name-brand children's clothes at up to 90% off of retail prices! 90%??? Wow! They've been in business since before the internet and have done well. Dresses for as little as $2.32, boys and girls five-pocket denim jeans for as low as $4.50. $4.50? Wow! In fact that's a Double WowWow! The prices are so low that they're practically giving the stuff away! You don't have to look anywhere else, this childrens clothing is the lowest priced anywhere! Anywhere??? Yes! ( bet you thought I was going to say Wow, didn't you?) Didn't You??? Wow! Here's the link: The discount code is MK43323. Log in, then enter the code. It's that easy. Then you'll receive promotional em
Have You
you never talk to me ... only to her you never look at me.... only at her i feel alone, lost, and missing i feel invisible, scared, and hurt i cry at night thinking that you are thinking of her i cry cause if we do get close, i think you say im sorry to her i cry cause its the only way i have to let my feeling out i wounder if i did the right think so many years ago i wonder if im the person i was so many years ago or have you changed me into something you hate have you changed me into something you need to kill have you changed me into YOU...
Have A Great Day 2day....
Have Another Problem
ok i have another problem. that i know noone can fix but is ok. thought i would share it anyway. i have another friend who is not talking to me and i dont know why. that is the part that is bothering me, i havent done anything to him at all and i would of thought i did he would of told me what i did. so i dont know if it should bother me that he is ignoring me or not. well maybe ill find out what is up with it. if i dont oh well. it was on my mind just thought i wuld share.
Have You Ever Wondered?
Have you ever wondered, how bees take nectar and make it into honey, How trees are made into paper, and paper into money. How your body makes you sneeze, And how we can feel, but can't see a breeze. How the sun is so far away, yet we feel the heat, How we can be so full and in a short while we need to eat. How our brains function, and we just get up and walk, How are tongue is what allows us to talk. How a little bird knows how to fly when it leaves the nest, How our bodies are so active, and suddenly we need to rest. How we lay down at night, and put ourselves to sleep, How dreams are allowed in our minds to creep. How part of the brain says sleep, go on out, How the other part of the brain tells our organs to move about. How our emotions are stirred and we can cry, How we suddenly become happy and the tears are dried. How we seem to be 'oh so fine,' And instantly we can be half out of our mind. How one day you have a friend, and one day you don't, How sometimes peo
Have No Fear
Schools out Schools out teachers let the students out! but ... have no fear I can drink more beer!!!! yayyyy lol
Have You Ever Noticed
Have you ever noticed that evertime you try to gain something that is important to you, it seems to just slip through your fingers at the last moment.... That shit happens to me alot. And, I know it happens to acouple of you too.. (looking at Bishop) That really irks me... Its like your in quicksand... the more you fight for air the more you sink into the bullshit. I mean granted, I am the first to say "If you fight for something that you want, you'll value it 100 times more" But Damn... I really think God is a cock teasing Whore... Some of the shit she or he dangles in front of us to make us look like fools, it's just maddening... Just wish we could get a small break.... something small.... like a million bucks...hehehehe wouldn't that be nice.... party at my place maybe...
Have A Point For Wearing A Hat Not Just Because..
Hats, today’s missive is about hats. Why we wear them, some that look excellent and come on what are you thinking…Ok before I get too far Good Morning and how ya doing? I am good, other then the fact some people don a hat for no other reason then to be cool or think they are. Case in point: If you wear a hat to be cool at least wear a hat that fits, ok? I mean wearing a hat two sizes too big, is just stupid. Makes you look gansta and you aint! I had to throw in aint for the gansta bit. It is last year and out of here forget the look it is not working. Ok here is another peeve and I should change this missive to things about people who wear hats that piss me off. If the bill of the hat is flat… take the dang thing off and make it round. Nothing bites my bullet more then a flat bill of a hat on a person wearing it sideways…it aint working! There is that aint again…Nothing peeves my but more then someone using the word aint because it aint a word! Wow, I best climb down on the soap box, I
Have A Coke And A Smile!
This ad is only offensive if you're NOT handicapped! hehehehehehehe
Have Not Cried So Hard In A Long Time.. Keep The Name Of The Man That Did This In The Forefront!!!!
December 4th, 2007, Jessica Sherwood had to do something no mother should ever have to do.At 2:29 pm Jessica made a very tough, but the right decision to take her little 3 month old daughter off life support.In memory of little London Marie, i thought id start a little forward..Jessica had a message that i want every one to know..This is what jessica said:IF NE ONE HAS KIDS MAKE SURE U KEEP THEM WIT U THE WHOLE TIME DNT GIVE THEM TO NE ONE THAT U DNT TRUST..... TRUST ME I THOUGHT I TRUSTED JOSH..... BUT NOW AS OF 12-4-07 AT 2:29AM SHE IS GONE.... MY ONE AND ONLY BABY....... AND HE IS GUNNA PAY FOR EVER EVEN IF HE GETS OUTTA JAIL SCOTT FREE HE WILL BE DEAD NO MATTER WAT......... TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND THAT KNO LONDON I AM VERY ANGRY AND UPSET I LOST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE MY BABY GIRL.... SHE DIED ON HER 3MONTH BDAY........SHE HAD 6 FRACTURED RIBS..... BOTH OF HER LEGS WERE FRACTURED.... AND HER BRAIN WAS SO DAMANAGED THAT IF SHE WERE TO LIVE SHE WOULD BE A VEGETABLE.... SO I DID WAT WAS RI
Have A Good 1 12/07
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Have You Ever
HAVE YOU EVER Sometimes It's wrong to walk away Though you think it's over Knowing there's so much more to say Suddenly the moment's gone And all your dreams are upside down And you just want to change the way The world goes round Tell me Have you ever loved and lost somebody Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry Can't you see That's the way I feel about you and me baby Have you ever felt your heart was breaking Looking down the road you should be taking I should know 'Cause I loved and lost The day I let you go Can't help but think that this is wrong We should be together Back in your arms where I belong Now I finally realise It was forever that I found I'd give it all to change The way the world goes round Tell me Have you ever loved and lost somebody Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry Can't you see That's the way I feel about you and me baby Have you ever felt your heart was breaking Looking down the
Have Some Holiday Cheer
When it asks for your name, just put in your first name. Watch it all and you'll find out why. Make sure you have the sound on - something to put a smile on your face! Merry Christmas and all the best to you in the New Year!!!
Have I?
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. …and so I sat and cried?
Have Yourself A Merry Little Yuletide
Tune: "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane Have yourself a merry little Yuletide Let your heart be light From now on our troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Yuletide Make the Sabbat gay From now on our troubles will be miles away. Chorus: Here we are as in olden days Happy golden days of yore Faithful friends who are dear to us Gather near to us once more. Through the years we all will be together If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough And have yourself a merry little Yuletide now.
Have You Seen It Yet?
Grillz Folder   Word.
Have You Ever?
Have you ever Ran into a persitant stranger that doesn't give up? I have.. Have you ever ran into a person's who words make you stop an think? I have.. Have you ever ran into someone that makes you smile? I have.. Have you ever ran into someone who wants to stand by your side while y ou work on your dreams? I have.. You ever run into someone that just feels right for you? I have.. Have you ever ran into someone who could be the right one for you an you push them away? I have.. Have you ever not opened up to lettin someone in? I have.. Have you ever got the feelin your soulmate is right in front of you an you walk away? I have.. Have you evr missed that one that could of been? I do...
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas *twisted Sister*
Music Video: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by (Twisted Sister) Music Video Code by Video Code Zone
Have U Ever?
Have u ever liked someone sooo much, that u just couldnt tell them? have u ever had a sleepless night because u couldnt stop thinking about them? have u ever felt so lonely that u cried urself to sleep? have u ever lost someone u loved and prayed every night for them to return? if u have ever felt like this then send this to everyone on ur list and wit in one week someone u love will tell u how they feel. if u dont send this u will never fall in love again
Have A Good One:d
Visit www.hostdrjack.comCLICK HERE!
Have A New Job!
Well it has been about 2 weeks now that I got fired from my old job and now I have a new one. I knew I would get something soon and didn't worry about a thing unlike everyone around me. I have the confidence to do anything I need to do to get the job done. That is why I never worry about anything. I always see the good in everything. Well now that all is well I am going to celebrate.
Have You Ever?
have you ever been teased by someone,that you got the hots for,it damn near drives you out of your mind?Well,I have,and it is torture.And they call us females teases!BS!Grrrrrrrrrrrr,it is driving me up the wall!I dont think I can take this much longer.So I'm just gonna FUCK...take a cold shower,and not look at your damn pic!No,I wont,much as I want to!Not going to give you the satisfaction!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!SO fucking frustrating!
Have You Ever Wondered?
Why is it that when you meet someone from online that appears to be the perfect person, turns out not to be? How can you just sit there and not do anything? This is the part where people get sick of the moo poo! Post more later!
Have U Ever Let A Wonderful Chance Pass U By?
Ok..about a year and a half ago I met this wonderful guy..I swear to fucking god to this day I love him alot...I would do any fucking thing to be with him...we flirted back and forth alot and accually talked about meeting up (I live in VT and him in CA) We planned to met up in the summer and we ended up fading apart and I ended up getting with my current bf and hes been thru 2 other girls...I just today started talking to him again..and it made me realize, We both still care about each other but we could of saved what we almost had..sometimes I really do think Id rather be with him then my current bf...He still cares greatly about me and when I told him how my current bf treats me he was like protective and was all like give me that fuckers address..I really love him idk what to do..Does anyone else think that I should just say fuck it and move on..or should i keep thinking one day we might have a chance of being togeather?
Have A Great Christmas!!!
I Would Like To Wish All My Fubar Friends A Very Merry Christmas And The Best Wishes In The New Year!!! DizzyLizzy~~OWNED by The Crazy Tax Cat~~*FU-BOMBERS*~~@ fubar
Have A Good Christmas
Merry Christmas thank you Mike, Bill, Ryan, Dave, Tiffany, Alan, Eric, Frank, Al, Peter, Rosalind, Derek and all the Bouncers and the entire fubar Family! love it
Have A Great Holidyas
Have You Ever
Have You Ever [ Chorus: ] Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right? Have you ever? Have you ever? Have you ever been in love Been in love so bad You'd do anything To make them understand? Have you ever had someone Steal your heart away? You'd give anything To make them feel the same? Have you ever searched for words To get you in their heart But you don't know what to say And you don't know where to start? [ Chorus: ] Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right? Have you ever? Have you ever found the one You've dreamed of all your life? Do just about anything To look into their eyes? Have you finally found the one [ Lyrics fou
Have You Been There?
Many times I search the web to find a decent man. Well all I seem to get is someone who can't come to me or I can't go to them. All I wanted was a friend but that friendship turned to love, then I wanted to go there and couldn't. Oh man that hurts. Well that's my life right now. I feel I can't find someone close to home cause there already taken, I search far to find my mate and when I do, well,I'm way to far. What can I do? OH before you start saying stuff, I believe a man should find his lady, I am a lady in waiting. Take care. Eve.
Have Scammers Come To Fubar
Ok, so here how it goes: this morning, during happy hour, i was out trolling the new members looking for a fresh victim to R/F/A. I found someone who looked interesting so I did the Fubar dance. After I left her profile to move on the shout box went insane. It was her. We exchange the usual idle chit chat, then things got a little naughty.Her first mistake was she told me I, the old wolf, was sexy. I'm a lot of things:I'm lewd, crude, socially unacceptable, and meaner than a snake, but I am not or never have been sexy. It just aint happenin!!!! Just when she said that the hair on the back of my neck stood up, awaiting the inevitable pitch. I wasnt disappointed. Her pitch was that she wanted me to whip out my VISA card and get her set up on certain sites so she could show off her body. My reward: all the nude pics of her I could handle.Whoa, whoa, back up the horse, sister!!! I'm 52 yrs old. I have seen and been with a naked woman in those years. In fact, many naked women.
Have Had Enough (rant & Rave-forewarned)
I finally got some decent sleep, more than 5 hours last night. But it was helped with 1 1/2 pills of Valium. I been in crappy mood since before my birthday. I hate this time of year and all the friggin people wishing 'Happy This" or "Merry That" I shouldn't rely on others for happiness, this I know. I love phone calls. I love profile comments. I love people responding to my IM's. I'm getting better at responding and since I'm crappy about it. I make photo salutes. I feel so damned unappreciated. I sound needy, I sound whiney. You know what? Don't really care at this point and time. I Need High Ceilings!
Have You Ever Really Known You Were In Love?
I love you all, sometimes said in a cliche way, I think; almost an afterthought, maybe a duty. But it is true, in my heart I love each of you as God dwells in my heart, that I can't help. Some of you have profound ideas, some creative words and art. Others have a beauty outside matched by their tender heart. Regardless though, you touch my life profoundly and I am grateful for the way you brighten my days. My life would be significantly lessened in quality without you and in this new year my hope is we share laughs, loves and tears at times. That is after all what friends are for isn't it? But one can love, and love deeply, without being in love. This is the lesson God reveals in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus the Christ. What is the difference, you may ask? Walk with me if you will thru the posts in this blog that I write today. Some of you have walked alongside me for these past months, commented at a change you heard in me as November gave way to Advent
Have You Ever?
have u ever felt like... like your life is going places you dont want it to... like you have no control over your life... like noone is on ur side... like there is NOONE else out there like you... like you are hiding... like everyone is looking at you... but not seeing you... like you have to put on a different face around people... like everyone is making fun of you... pointing... laughing... like you are a ball of rage... with a nice exterior... like you want to hit something... but something is someone... like everyone has someone else but you... like you are friends with everyone... but noones (close) friend like you are just the "friend"... like no matter how hard you try you will never b the guy in the shining armor... like no matter how hard you try u will never get the girl of ur dreams... like everyone else is getting what they want... and u get whats left over... Like ugh! well your NOT alone!
Have You Heard Of Transam Associates?
I was looking for yet another job, and thought something like online transcription or data entry sounded like just the ticket. I searched and found an ad for, and their medical transcriptionist program. I took the initial test, and they suggested I chat with their online live chat person, and that I could submit my application online, as well. All this sounded great, like just what I was seeking, until we got to the point where you have to buy their software (to the tune of about $450) and I began to wonder if this company is just a scam? I don't know how to determine this for certain, so I'm reluctant to try to scrape up even the down payment to purchase this stupid software. The point of getting another job was to MAKE money, NOT spend it! Yet, I do understand that sometimes an investment is required in order to make money, as well. My question comes down to this: Have you heard of this company, and are they for real or is it a scam? I've rea
"have A Great Day"
For Friends and Family. Out of nowhere,really out of the blue a butterfly has come with a delivery for you Flying day and night to give you a special kiss filled with love, happiness,and a lot of bliss A kiss is just her own unique way... so you know you are loved and have a great day!
Have Someone Who Needs Our Help To Level
Have A Good New Years Eve
Have A Terrific Thursday!
Fubar's been freezing up & my morning computer time is at an end. I hope to swing by everyone later but with the kids still out of school, just forgive me please. I hope everyone has a terrific Thursday! The end of the 1st week in January 2008 is almost at an end & I pray each of you have had a wonderful week. Much love to all! ~*~XOXO~*~Lizzy~*~ Free Comments & Graphics
Have You Ever
Have you ever been around someone and just couldn't think? Have you ever been around someone lips, soft as a rose's pink? Have you ever been around someone heart as vast as the open sea? Have you ever been around someone together forever you wish to be? Have you ever been around someone into their eyes you gaze? Have you ever been around someone piercing the soul like the sun's rays? Have you ever been around someone and chose to run and hide? Have you ever been around someone scared of what feelings are inside? Have you ever.........
Have I Ever?
Have I Ever Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some ne
Have You Ever
have you ever just wanted to cry? to take on all your hurt all at once, to take off this mask you wear and show the world you really aren’t that strong at all. have you ever just wanted to love? everyone that ever hated you. to say your sorry when you did nothing wrong. have you ever just wanted to feel? feel love that’s overwhelming that shakes you to your core. the perfection most strive for but never achieve. when its right in front of you but you cant have it. have you ever just wanted to scream? to tell the world everything, all your lies and secrets, if only just once. have you ever wanted to fall? just to hurt, just to sleep to make everything stop. have you ever just wanted to bleed? to cleanse the soul of imperfection, to bare the truth for all to see, to show how fucked up you really are. have you ever just wanted to lose? to show them all that you aren’t perfect. to spit the logic back in the faces of those who told you that you would succeed. have you e
Have A Good One
More Sexy Comments & GraphicsI hope you have a great and lazy saturday,Ms Shauny32
Have You Ever...
Have you ever wanted someone to really look at you... someone who melts your soul with his stare... reading your mind… Caressing your very soul... someone who could know your wants and needs... feel your hunger... your skin drenched with desire... a simple glance that ignites you completely… soo much so that you want to fall into his arms… then and there... to live in the moment... drunk with passion... captivated simply by desire. Where you feel your soul has been taken and every part of your being is just that "taken" and you don't want it back because the feeling is so intense it drives you even further... Well have you?
Have You Heard Of This?????
"The dark side of the rainbow effect" I heard about this today and was shocked because I have seen "The Wizard of Oz" and listened to "Dark Side of the Moon" many many times. But I have never tried the two things together. It seems that if you watch "The Wizard of Oz" with the sound down and start "Dark side of the moon" the cd by Pink Floyd at the proper moment. Which I am told is by the 3rd roar of the MGM lion. That the movie and the music perfectly sync up. The music swells and falls with the movements of the characters. When the scarecrow flops around in the grass Floyd is singing "The lunatic is on the grass" and the thumping heart beats at the end of dark side come just as Dorothy puts her head to the tin man's chest to hear his heart beat. There are over 100 such instances where the music and the movie go hand in hand. I am very curious to try this and I have been told it is quite awesome to watch... Am I the only one who has never heard of this. I mean in colle
Have A Great Day
have a nice day have you ever heard the expression"kill them with kindness"? how the fuck does that work? if it does it would have to be extremely slow. if you want something slow go with some poison:cyanide,belladonna,or nightshade. otherwise use a brick or even a nice hatchet now, am i the only one who see's some people as the atypical stripper type? they are all look at through a safety glass, but doesn't touch, even as they dragg random people upon the stage with them, whomever that happens to be for the moment.nope, not attention whores at all.granted they might not even know what they are doing, but since when has stupidity been an excuse?Granted im not the best people person;im arrogant,cynical, and generally emotionally detached.hell, love me, hate me neither really matter to me. it doesnt affect who i am or even in the slightest how i live my life.most likely if i do not know you, im most likely im completely indifferent to you. so in closing,if you think that your opinion
Have A Nice Day
Have fun forever u do in life, and be good at it.
Have U Been Here???
Have You Ever?
Have you ever wanted something so bad that you could taste it? Wanted something to just work out because you knew in your heart that you were good for that something.? It happens all the time... and It was no different for her. she had become very wanting of her Master that whenever there was an invitation for a meeting or to serve him she got so excited that she would literally loose her breath. She even had dreams of being on her knees in a cage at the foot of his bed awaiting his command and waiting there so patiently. She laid there in her cage listening to her master breath so softly hoping that one day she could be there next to him feeling his breath on her neck his body next to hers... She noticed that he was stirring and his feet touched the floor and he walked over to her cage. He said to her.. good morning my slut... how are you this morning? She promptly answered... I am fine Master and how about yourself? He opened the cage, took her by the hand and walked her over to his
Have You Ever Felt Lost Then Found?
well I was lost , I am now found ; It was God ;My Lord ;My Saviour and I jump for joy ever time I think about this which is always in my life and on my mind. hugs all... We are nevr alone long as God is with us .. diana
Have A Heart
HAVE A HEART Close to the door he paused to stand As he took his class ring off her hand All who were watching did not speak As a silent tear ran down his cheek And through his mind the memories ran Of the moments they walked and laughed in the sand But now her eyes were so terribly cold For he would never again have her to hold They watched in silence as he bent near And whispered the words...... "I LOVE YOU" in her ear He touched her face and started to cry As he put on his ring and wanted to die And just then the wind began to blow As they lowered her casket into the snow.... This is what happens to man alive...... .....When friends let friends..... drink and drive
Have You Ever!
Have you ever been around someone and just couldn't think? Have you ever been around someone lips, soft as a rose's pink? Have you ever been around someone heart as vast as the open sea? Have you ever been around someone together forever you wish to be? Have you ever been around someone into their eyes you gaze? Have you ever been around someone piercing the soul like the sun's rays? Have you ever been around someon and choose to run and hide? Have you ever been around someon scared of what feelings are inside? Have you ever.....
Have U Ever Missed Someone Soo Much?
I miss my daddy...:( I want to see him and my stepmommy Jenni. I am most definately going to see them this summer..i cant see myself going another year without seeing them...I love you daddy and Jenny!!!
Have You Ever
Have you ever felt like nothing can be right? Or liek you are never meant to be happy? Or to meet that 1 person that you have been waiting to meet for your whole life? My friends just left, and i realized i am so sad inside, as soon as they walked out the door i started to cry....really what is wrong with me? I'm not happy with me, at all, nothing about me i am happy with...idk, i'm thinking about deleting my fubar and myspace and whatever other account i have that i forgot about...i dont know, i need to find me, who i am, i now part of me is a sarcastic cunt, due to every guy i have had in my life, i dont let peopel get close and when i do think they are getting close i push them away....i dont want to hurt because if i hurt my kids hurt, but thats just the thing, i'm hurting myself in the long run, and it sucks....but i honestly dont know how to change it...i dont like change...hate it actually...just like i hate...well nevermind....god why ami writing this? i dont have a
Have You Ever...
1. Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? Yes...believe it or not. 2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons? Sit on the front porch and flick them into the yard. 3. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? Whatever my sister was listening to. 4. What is the best thing about your job? The fact that I don't have one. 5. Do you wish cell phone etiquette was required in class? Oh yeah, especially when I'm trying to concentrate and someone's phone goes off. 6. Where are you going on your next vacation? Oregon. 7. Are you a fan of piercings and/or tattoos? Um, not big on pain. 8. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? Old 9. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? No 10. If you could be an animal what would you be? White tiger...Grrrr 11. What state/country are you from? Illinois 12. Tell us about the last conversation/s you had? Just me and Crystal talking online about stuff. 13. Where do yo
Have You Ever...>>>done This Ever
In the name of love have you made such dumb mistakes and not made sence ? As if your mind isnt there a thinking ? Your lost suspended in time some where .. Yet your right here.. You make no sence at all..>Saying things that come out wrong with a wrong meaning..> Such things causes hardship throught the relationship. It should be so easy to love someone ..But yet so hard to think and do and act right. If you never have known love at all before.Have you ever been worried that love will stop ?..Yet that guy is saying , no it wont, im here ,ill never leave you..Have you ever had a guy say, why you always making me prove myself to you ? I couldn,t comprehend this .It didnt register to me ,I was doing such a thing. Unconscious I was, ( not thinking )not knowing ,I was scaring love away . Yet I was for_warned many a time and it didn,t sink in.. Till one day , he took a break to think things thru..... Yet he is back now ; We are learning lots about each other ; Im being patient too...Wer
Have A Nice Day
Hi guys!!!!! Happy Chat day!!!!!
Have A Great Week
More Sexy Comments & Graphics
Have U Ever
have you ever reached out to some one you did not know have you ever lost all control have you ever thought you meet that speisel somene only to find out you did not know have you every thought true love was going to last only to find a dark black past have you ever gave all your trust to find out they throw it in the dust have you ever takein time to see beind the mask and into there past and hope what you feel will still last have you every decided to stay even though you just want to run away have you ever felt a pain in your heart the second you were apart have u ever loved some one more when they wlked back throw the door what im tring to say is have you love someone even though there far away but true question here is do they love you this way too
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have A Life Besides The Fu
Am not going to be on fubar as much as I have seemed to gotten addicted to this site and am on it way to much.I will be on maybe once or twice a week just to check friend requests and messages.If anyone really needs to get in touch with me I will be checking my yahoo email at least once a day..fantasiablondie2000..I am getting back into my fitness and since spring is right around the corner I will be doing more outdoor things and not on the computer as much..I do love my fubar friends but need to get my life back..LOL..anyway much love to all and lots of kisses to all my friends.Will add more pics from time to time and post profile comments to some of my fav people on here...Later everyone...Tammy
Have You Ever Been Moved
We touch the lives of others in ways we often never know. People sometimes come into our personal world for fleeting moments and can leave us forever changed. We have more power to create or to destroy than we can imagine. We can leave things or individuals better or worse than we found them. A look, a word, a gesture has tremendous impact and frequently we blither along through our existence unaware of the mighty power that our communication wields...has anyone ever moved you or touched you.. Ive met a few in my life that have. My dad for one..whom i dident grow up with..but the few times i met him..he left me changed for the better..has any one ever inspired you?,if so in what way?
Haven't Been Here In A While
Hey yall, Ima in Afghanistan and haven't been on the FU in a while. I posted this on my Myspace, but hell, why not post it here. This is called "fallen" 'If I told you how much I loved you Would you turn your back on me Would you run into the hills, run so far I could never see I could never let you know Hide these feelings deep inside And push you away, never let you even get close to me ~I have fallen, I will let you go I will not, be that man you will see In my bottle will be the tears that are left in me N I've fallen...In love I must let go~ I can see you dancing.. in my head N hear those words you whispered in that bed But this love.. I must let it go If I told you how much I I loved you Would you run..Turn your back on me ~I have fallen, I will let you go I will not, be that man you will see In my bottle, lay the tears that are left in me Fallen....Your love I will let go~ It hurts to much, I've got to hide Run from myself, while im still alive I jus
Have A Great Time A Board
Have You Ever....
....been in love?
Have U Ever!
Have you ever been in love Been in love so bad You'd do anything To make them understand Have you ever had someone Steal your heart away You'd give anything To make them feel the same Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart But you don't know what to say And you don't know where to start Have you ever found the one You dreamed of all your life You'd do just about anything To look into their eyes Have you finally found the one You've given your heart to Only to find that one Won't give their heart to you Have you ever closed your eyes and dreamed that they were there And all you can do is wait For the day when they will care Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry Have you ever needed somethin' so bad you can't sleep at night Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right Have you ever What do I gotta do to get you in my arms, Baby What do I gotta say to get to your heart To make you understand How
Have You Ever......
Have you ever loved so much that you found every waking thougt about them? Only to realize that your dreams involve them some how? I have.... His name is Lee, he is a truck driver. I puush guys away so hard that I push and push until they can't take anymore.
Have You Looked At My Pixxx And Vids Yet?
Cum on over and join me for a bit of fun. Free pics, vids, and cams. Cum on, you know you wanna! Hehehe h tt p : // benslancer (dot)rude (dot) com Dark Gable
Have A Heart And Please Rate My Pic For This Contest
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have A Great Week Fubar Pals
Very Sexy Comments & Graphics
Have You Seen These?
Have you seen these photo effects? Ever thought hey I want one of those...well here is your chance! I will make which ever one you want for just $1000 fubucks each! Also my good friend PebblesinAZ is trying for Spotlight and anyone that donates $10000 or more to help her out I will make one for your for free... on top of what she will be doing for the people who help her. She is making TY salutes and pimping out the people who are helping her! So for your photo effects go to: And decide which #effect you want and either fupal the fubucks to me with the number of effect you want and a link to the photo you want me to use or if you want to help PebblesinAZ get her spotlight send her the Fubucks and tell her I sent you and she will let me know to contact you to find out which one you want. ~PebblesinAZ~AKA QueenSlut!~ OwN3d by Domking123~@ fubar This bulletin brought to you by ~*TinkerbellMN84 Member of Downtow
Have A Heart And Please Rate My Pic For This Contest
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have A Heart And Please Rate My Pic For This Contest
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have A Heart And Please Rate My Pic For Contest
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have You Ever Seen A Fire Rainbow?
Have A Heart And Please Rate My Pic For Contest
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have A Good One
New Comment Graphics - Top Graphics
Have A Heart And Rate Ma Pic For Valentines
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have You?
I have learned from recent events that something so precious can be broken, ran away, or forgotten. Since I was little I was a tool torn between two parents fighting each other. I was always in the shadows to those around me. My words and thoughts were never listened to, but yet completely ignored and thrown in the wind. As I grew older, things never changed: family fighting got worse, and "friends" did their fair share. Counting everything since I was 8 yrs. old; I have been used, beaten, sexually abused, and lets not forget the most harmful..mentally stabbed. Yeah, it was not easy..but I am here..staying strong and living each day. And not till recently did I feel alive. I can not say I did not have a few good times between those painful experiences..but they never lasted long enough to forget the pain. Revenge and hatred are deep down inside wanting to go full force on all those who have pained me in the past..yet I have never even gotten in a fight..i looked for the best in myself
Have A Blessed Week
MyHotCommentsHave a blessed week and always walk with God you cannot lose God bless Lisa
Have A Heart, Please Rate Ma Pic!
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have You Ever
have you ever lived my life? spent one minute in my shoes? if you haven't then tell me why you judge me as you do? have you ever woken up in the morning wondering if this was last day on earth? have you ever left your house? unsure if you'd return? have you ever seen your friend get shot outside his favorite store? have you ever seen a friend die from drugs he never used beofore? have you ever sat beneath the stars hoping god will hear? have you ever seen your friend drive away after way too
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have You Fu-barred Your Bouncer Today?
I've recently had the pleasure of interacting with a very decent guy who also happens to be a Bouncer. A friend of mine who has had some trouble navigating fubar and understanding some of it's requirements spoke to me this morning. She raved about a very nice man, Sgt. Tex, who went out of his way to answer her questions and make her feel welcome here. He didn't have to go out of his way. He could have answered whatever question she had and moved on, but he took the time to recognize that she is a person and made her feel special because he truly made her his only priority at that point in time. I've held a similar job on a different site and all too often you get slammed for the bad aspects of the job and never acknowledged for the good that you do. The bouncers are easy to make fun of and pick on, but if you can then the next time you see a bouncer take a second, say hello and thank them for the great job they do in keeping fubar a fun and enjoyable place to be. Sgt Tex, my ha
Have To Try This :p
DON'T CHEAT! Draw a pig. Yes, that's right. On a blank piece of paper draw a pig. Then scroll down and read the Interpretation of your pig!! Draw your pig first! And don't look at the next part until you are done! It won't be fun if you look first. Now if you're done...start to scroll down..... YOU'RE CHEATING!! DRAW THE FRIGGIN' PIG!!! The pig serves as a useful test of the personality traits of the drawer. If the pig is drawn: Toward the top of the paper, you are positive and optimistic. Toward the middle, you are a realist. Toward the bottom, you are pessimistic, and have a tendency to behave negatively. Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates. (birthdays, etc.) Facing right, you are innovative and active, but don't have a strong sense of family, nor do you remember dates. Facing front (looking at you), you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither f
Have You Had ?
Have you had the flu yet this year? I hate being sick and that ole flu got a hold of me and still will not let go.I am a little better or at least my bones don't hurt as bad as they did. I am the type of person that can usually get a hold on things when I get sick but I have to say this flu has kicked my ass.Going back to bed now even if this entry sucks.I have received a few emails of concern and that this was the best way to answer them all. For my baby S, I have missed you and I hope your V-Day was pleasant and exciting for you.Don't be mad at me for to long (pouts) I need pity right now I am Loves you baby.
Have A Heart, Please Rate Ma Pic!
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
Have U Ever Felt ....
Have you ever felt that the world was closing in on u? Felt like no matter what u do u just can't get out of the rut u r in? My husband just went back to work in California while me & the kids r in Oklahoma ... my car is trying to break down & i have only the money from my job ... I know that we are working to make things better but it so seems like things are against us ... I just feel as if i dunno what to do when there's no money to take care of things when they break down or just stop working ... i guess basically i feel helpless ... but i do go on. I just wanted to write so ... if u r reading this thx for reading my whining rant...
Have You Met Her Yet?
Hey there friends! I still have no idea how to make these things fancy so I am just going to lay it out. Stephanie Lynn@ fubar This is Stephanie Lynn. The most generous woman on fubar. You have had to see her hosting Happy Hours. She has the very best giveaways and contests you will find anywhere on here. It's much easier to be informed on these fun events if you are friends with her. Well, she really wants to make some new friends on here and I would love for you to tell her that I sent you. Read this blog for complete details. What I am asking as your friend on here is that you drop by Steph's page, rate (10 or 11), fan and add (tell her Miss Heartbreaker sent you please). She is 100% real and is really well worth the 10 seconds it will take to make her your friend. You will NOT be disappointed. *You must be a level 7 or above with an approved salute for her to accept your request as to prevent those that may make false accounts
Have You Ever
Have I Ever
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have You Ever
Have You Got A Heart/shamrock Or Otherwise On?
I'd love more heart on's me. Would you like to have a heart on me? Do you have a heart on for me? Well show me dont tell me. Get to this lovely ladies page & get your heart on for me! Purchase your annonymous valentines heart for me. Today while she is running this killer speacial! Information in her blogs. & here she is now! Heartistic Soul@ fubar This annoyance & want of your heart on's, brought to you by:
Have A Laugh On Me
>VERY INTERESTING STUFF > > > > > > > > >In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to >beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have >'the rule of thumb' > > > > > > > > > > > >------------------------------------------- > > > > > > > > > > > >Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled >'Gentlemen Only..Ladies Forbidden'...and thus the word GOLF entered >into the English language. > > > > > > > > > > > >------------------------------------------- > > > > > > > > > > > >The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred >and Wilma Flintstone. > > > > > > > > > > > >------------------------------------------- > > > > > > > > > > > >Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S . Treasury. > > > > > > > > > > > >------------------------------------------- > > > > > > > > >
Have A Drink On Me
Have You Ever...
This is the feeling i get around this wonderfull woman. I love you with all my heart Hope. You're simply perfect. To really love a woman To understand her You gotta know her deep inside Hear every thought See every dream And give her wings when she wants to fly And when you find yourself Lying helpless in her arms You know you really love a woman When you love a woman You tell her that she’s really wanted When you love a woman You tell her that she’s the one She needs somebody To tell her that it’s gonna last forever So tell me have you ever really Really really ever loved a woman To really love a woman Let her hold you Do you know how she needs to be touched ? You gotta breath her Really taste her To you can feel her in your blood Then when you can see your unborn children in her eyes You know you really love a woman When you love a woman You tell her that she’s really wanted When you love a woman You tell her that she’s the one She needs som
Have You Ever Lost Love????
For those of you... who like me might have ever lost the love of your life to another for reasons unknow, heres a little number from a time gone by. Sometimes unconditional love might just not be just enough.
Have You Been Good?
Well pets, I have been gone for 4 days and have returned safe and sound. A bit sunburned and wind blown from the weathering elements that I was subjected to, but it was an eventful trip to say the least. I am rested now, and even though still a bit wishing I had a vacation to recover from My vacation, I needed to tend to business as it were. Although I did spend several ours a day wondering weather My 'pets' were behaving themselves as they had been instructed? We will see! I have some wonderfully devious idea's on how to punish, and reward for those that deserve them. But now comes the fun part....! I want each everyone of you who had directions from Me while I was gone to write Me a report and tell Me what inticing activities, thoughts, fantasies that you had while you were on restriction (or not on restriction). Details! Does your pathetic cock get hard while thinking about writing Me? Do you wish to touch it and please yourself? Don't you dare deny me the pleasure of
Have You Ever..
had so much bad stuff happen to you that you don't remember what it was like to be without that pain? I have. Sometimes I try remembering what it was like back then but when it's all I've known for this long, it's difficult to go back to that place. It's funny, though.. 'cause no matter how much pain I'm in, I couldn't be happier. Thanks for that, babe. ♥ I don't feel sorry for myself at all because I believe those things have helped shape me into the person I am now. Pain makes us stronger. I was just thinking with my fingers? This probably won't make sense to anyone but that's alright. I needed to write it down. =] (oh ps. I'll be gone for a week or two. I won't elaborate on that.. but after, I'm moving!)
Have I Ever Told You?
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have Anyone Had This On This Site
welll i know im not the only women on here and i know certianly that im smarter to fall for it but wondering if you men are having fun messing with womens minds , sample talking to many guys on here all of a sudden they ask me to marry them , i think wow there nice wonder if they could be the one how are thease words so easy to say and how is it so easy to play games with women like you do you know some of us on here are good people and derserve not to be treated like women not like where still in high school please stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have A Drink On Me!
Hello gang! Just wanted 2 take a moment 2 create my first blog~ Nothing earth-shattering, not the greatest blog you might ever read! But just a smile & thank you 4 all the adds, drinks, and being the best bunch of bar buds a guy and his spoted dog could ask 4! For that, i say cheers from the bottom of my heart, and the bottom of the bottle as well ~ So drink up, be merry, and Happy St. Patty's 2 all :) Silky ~
Have You Ever....
Have you ever been truly blessed enough to meet that special someone that you know God created just for you? Have you ever met that someone that made you feel so special? Have you ever met that someone that every time you hear their voice, you melt, and your legs turn into jello? You know, marriages and relationships don't last as long as they use to. It's too easy for people to get out of. Well I have found the most incredible man ever. And I am so blessed that he loves me so intensely and unconditionally. That is so rare. Jimm is my everything. My love, my best friend, my soul mate, and my forever companion. Yes, we met right here on Fubar. And a lot of people are disbelievers of meeting a true love on the internet. But I'll guarantee you that you can contact me in 30 years, and God willing I'm still alive and he is too, we will still be together and still be in love with each other, more intensely every day that passes. Our love already continues to grow stronger and st
Have U Learned?
An epic adventure known as life filled with happiness served alongside with strife a double edge sword that saves the day but when its all over it takes everything away why do we try why do we pray because in the end we know we have a price to pay should I take two coins to cross the river Styx when I die at the end should I write a letter telling everyone good bye will my body give its last breath and just fade away into the sky is there an easy way out, that won't make me cry I think not, I believe life is harder then we think we make one mistake and it spreads out like ink it stains our souls well our innocence starts to shrink we are all on the brink of our bodies becoming extinct we never know when we will meet our end so what message will you leave, what lesson will you send to those who know you, to the ones who do not will they remember your life, will they know how you fought realize now that Life never ends, it only changes form like how a perfect sunny day
Have I Ever.....
have i ever Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly
Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman ???
To really love a woman To understand her - you gotta know her deep inside Hear every thought - see every dream N' give her wings - when she wants to fly Then when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms Ya know ya really love a woman When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that it's gonna last forever So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woman? To really love a woman Let her hold you - til ya know how she needs to be touched You've gotta breathe her - really taste her Til you can feel her in your blood N' when you can see your unborn children in her eyes Ya know ya really love a woman When you love a woman you tell her that she's really wanted When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together So tell me have you ever really - really really ever loved a woma
Have A Happy Easter!
Have You Fanned Me?
Hi All! Please check to see if you fanned me, I have 1000 friends and about half have fanned me, if it was an oversight please drop by and fan me, I would appreciate it. Love Ya!
Have A Very Blessed And Happy Easter
To all my fubar friends and family i am posting my comments this way to all till I get a different hook up fHappy Easter from NubianGraphics.comor my computer God bless Lisa
Have Some Fun Tonight!
Have You Ever Wondered.....
what it would be like to be a bird for a week? LOL Ok so maybe these meds they have me on right now are really having some serious effects on me, but this really crossed my mind this morning. I was sitting outside swinging...just thinking about the turn of events going on in my life and enjoying the great outdoors. The birds were out chirping, and exploring the first signs of the new spring. Pecking away here...pecking away there. When suddenly I had this brilliant idea that just for one week I would like to be a bird. The life of a bird really can't be that complicated. I would think the hardest part of their life would be trying to find that extra special juicy worm to devour for food. We women spend half of our lives already looking for that extra special man that has that extra special worm attached to his being. And yes, most of us lick around on it, peck at it occasionally and even make attempts to swallow as much of it as possible. So doesn't that already make us "birdlike"?
Havent Been Myself Lately
Just wanted to take the chance to tell all my friends on here that im not ignoring any of you...Things have been crazy this past month and im not feeling like myself lately...I should be up and running love ya's
Have You Seen This Guy?
Didn't know we had someone famous actually hanging out here on fubar. Thanks Steven.
Have You Seen Me?
Have you seen me? Not the face in a pic that blends into an average place can you see the light that shines into the hidden recesses of my existence? My eyes give you passage into the well of my thoughts? The words I write is me Take the time to read there you will see the real me you will have seen me in unguarded moments of introspection and will you see your reflection upon my face? Do you hear the timbre of my voice in words speaking only to you? Has my touch penetrated to the core of your existence? Have you seen me?
Have Fun Everyone
hello you all you can have fun i will not be on as much anymore so you can message me if you want to talk if you want you can delete me from your friends and family i will still check it just i will not hang out on here like i used to
Haven't Been Around
Okay, I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch. My landline is not working so I have not been able to be online everyday. To make things worse, I got sick on Superbowl Sunday and was sick til about the first week in March. I guess the flu was going around and I waited too long to go to the doctor and the night I stopped breathing was what brought me to the advanced urgent care doctor the next day. I am using the public library til I can get my home phone working. What keeps me going is my 5 kids, especially my 3yr old daughter. I started writing a book of the "darndest" things she has been saying. Her latest word is "slammin' or scrammin' eggs" (that's scrambled eggs). Oh, and she has a new brother named "Jack". I have 2 boys and 3 girls and my boys are Christian and Patrick Jr. The most annoying thing she is doing nowadays is repeating the tail-end of EVERYTHING I say. We are at the library right now (3/31/08) and she is filling the double stroller with books while I am trying to work on the
Have You Ever...
Have you ever found a friend That makes your heart glow Someone who is wonderful You feel honored to know Someone to laugh with perhaps even to cry Someone whom you love no matter what they do Someone who looks up to you when you don't know why Someone who just seems to understand you Someone that you think of day and night Someone you pray for as you go to bed Someone who shows up when the time is just right Thoughts of them are always in your head Someone who shares with you all your ups and downs Someone who appears when ever there is a need Someone you share smiles with replacing all your frowns Surely you must know, God planted that seed These seeds God has planted here on earth Were planted deeply in our friend's heart They cannot be measured by earthly worth Only by God's values placed here from the start Value those friendships, honor their decisions Respect their feelings, never make demands Never try to make their dreams y
Have Your Say
HAVE YOUR SAY Thank you for your comments Your comment will shortly be read by the Have Your Say team. If it is selected for publication it would normally appear on the site within the next few hours. Please remember that your name will be published alongside your comment unless there are reasons to protect your identity or we have undertaken to do so. All our pages are permanently searchable by most standard search engines. Your comments may be published on any BBC media. Due to the high volume of emails received by the BBC we cannot guarantee that your comments will be published. If you are sending an idea for a story, we will read all the suggestions we receive and pick a selection to follow up online and on other BBC outlets
Have You Ever ( How Im Feeling Right Now )
Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right Have you ever, have you ever Have you ever been in love Been in love so bad You'd do anything to make them understand Have you ever had someone steal your heart away You'd give anything to make them feel the same Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart But you don't know what to say And you don't know where to start Have you ever found the one You've dreamed of all of your life You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes Have you finally found the one you've given your heart to Only to find that one won't give their heart to you Have you ever closed your eyes and Dreamed that they were there And all you can do is wait for the day when they will care What do I gotta do to get you in my arms baby What do I gotta say to get to your heart To make you under
Have You Ever
Music Video:HAVE YOU EVER (by Brandy)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right Have you ever have you ever Have you ever been in love Been in love so bad You'd do anything to make them understand Have you ever had someone steal your heart away You'd give anything up to make them feel the same Have you ever searched for words to get you in their heart But you don't know what to say And you don't know where to start Have you ever loved somebody so much It's makes you cry Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right Have you ever, have you ever Have you ever found the one You've dreamed of all your life You'd do just about anything to look into their eyes Have you fi
Have You Been In Love
Have You Been In Love, I Have By Elena McDaniel Lee Have you ever really, been in love? Of how your spirits feel like they are flying on the wings of a dove You will know how it feels when you think you can touch the sky And you feel so light that you can ride on the clouds that are passing by You begin to believe that you can touch the stars and the moon And inside your head, you can hear and sing a romantic tune. Your heart is so light; you feel that you can walk on air And people will notice the daydreaming about him, due to you glazed stare. People will see the moon light beams coming from your face And there is no question in your heart, it is love, no guessing, no need to trace And all the time that you spent waiting for that one true love And then he appears, like he was sent to you from somewhere up above But the day before him, when you look back seemed like forever and a day You were waiting a lifetime for him just to hear the magic words he would s
Have You Seen Her?
Where is Foxy at?
Have Great Sex With A Group Of People Every Month!
For those guys and girls who want to reignite the passion in their lives and have an evening of wild sex, you are more than welcome to join our amazing sex parties! We had our first wild sex party on Saturday 29th March 2008. All The girls are fucking hot and horny. The whole scene was totally unforgettable. We've decided to continue hosting our wild parties and are planning more for the major cities in the US and UK. These parties are for fun only, not for profit.
Haven't Been Around Much
As usual, I apologize to my friends especially those on my top friends list and in my family list, for not being around much. The last 2 or 3 months have been stressful and chaotic around here and I've had little time for catching up with my online activities. First, my youngest son had gotten himself into a world of trouble and denied everything when we went to see the magistrate. So he was give a court date. He denied counsel, when the court date rolled around they would NOT proede with the pre-trial until he had counsel. To shorten this: He was provided with counsel. The next pre-trial date was set, two charges were dropped. He was given a $75 fine and 10 hours of community service. In the midst of all of this he was failing to complete his schooling, so I was making calls to his teachers and explaining all of this to them. Now he's trying to catch up on all of the work he's missed and continue with the current work. I've been busy making plans for craft shows and such this
Have You Ever Just Wanted To Dissapear?
Have You Ever!!!
Have you ever seen people having some sort of sex in a moving car?
Have You Heard Of?
Have any of you heard of a sight named
Have You Made A Difference?
If you can't see this please go here... Don't wait. You never know when tomorrow never comes. Let everyone in our life know how important they are to you.
Have We Run Out Of Cheesy Pick Up Lines?
axelq2: whatever occupies your time ->axelq2: thanks for the blog material axelq2: forget it. bye. ->axelq2: wtf?? what does that so for you? axelq2: not trying to get to your husband's dick. did not ask for his size, did I? Ultimately wanted to know if he cums on you at all. ->axelq2: why do men ask me about my husband's dick?? if you're gay, that's cool, but you don't need to act like you're straight just to get to my hubby's dick axelq2: ok, does your husband do that? ->axelq2: I have a husband, not a bf axelq2: bf put his tool between them a lot? ->axelq2: thanks axelq2: nice chest
Have You Lusted 2day
I'm 4 Sale On Here 4 The First Time Ever,Who can Out Bid Who,My Bid Is High,Do you Think You Can Buy Me,Hmm Let's Just See...Here's My Link ,Go At It,I'm Worth The Fight 2 OWN!!
Have You Met My Fu Owner Yet? (april)
Do you have mizotte59 as one of your friends? If you don' should! He is caring, loving and an awesome friend who is always there for you. Let this be your own personal invitation to go check him out and R/F/A this remarkable man!! 'mizotte59' This bulletin brought to you by '♡aGEM4life♡ ~♫♪HockingRadio™'s DJ Gemini♪♫'
Have To Join
hey all you myspacers if u like that you will love this u need to get in on it my friend Denise hooked me up and it is fun fun
Have A History Teacher Explain This----- If They Can.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head Now it gets really weird. Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln . Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln , was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln , was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are composed of fifteen letters. Now hang on to your seat.
The Have Names
They Have Names They have names, these dead, you see on TV, These corpses floating on a desert sea; Awash within the glory they had won, Bloating bodies 'neath the blistering sun, They have names just the same as you and me. We're told they died so that we can be free From the imminent threat of Iraqis. Is there any way to wish this undone? ____________________They have names... Can you imagine the sheer irony Of trying to force a democracy On a people from the end of a gun? Such is the scheme of the Privileged Son As he fosters a homeland tyranny. ____________________They have names...
Have To Say...
Thanx to all my friends and family who has been ratin my stuff and leavin me profile comments, I really do appericate it all!!! But to all the others who NEVER rate nothin, Or leave me profile comments I will be deletin you off my friend list...And won`t be addin you back!!!
Have I Ever Told You
Have I ever told you that if I sit really still and silent, sometimes. I like to think I can hear your heart beating in time with mine? Have I ever told you that when I watch you speak to me through lines and cords, and bytes and ram, I imagine your voice, whispering into my ear? Have I ever told you that I wait out each day in anticipation, wanting only an hour or two, just a second in space and time, to feel close to you? Have I ever told you that there has been times, when I ached for you, ached for you so badly, that the emotions overwhelmed me.. and so I sat and cried? Have I ever told you that sometimes, I will reach out, touching your name on this cold screen before me, wishing I could reach in and pull you to me? Have I ever told you that after the first time I heard the sound of your voice, thousands of miles away, I sat up all night, turning the conversation over and over in my mind, examining it, like some newly discovered s
Have Sex Or Not?
I told my friend that I'm not having sex with men to whom I feel nothing. He asked me if I like him. I said yes. But it's not what I meant. He's a great friend but I'm not sure if I should have sex with him or not.
Have A Happy Birthday
So we have another FU-Birthday today.. And it is Rocker Chic. So let's all go her LOTS AND LOTS OF FU-LOVE TODAY! ~Rocker_Chic~Lollipop Gurlz Club~@ fubar
Have U
Have you ever like someone so much then you thought it was the wrong thing to do?
Haven't Been Around Much
hey ya'll haven't been around a whole hell of a lot but still pop in on occassion. been busy as all get out. between docs lawyers and granbaby (now that he's old enough to be getting into everything ) don't leave a whole lot of time for sitting at the computer. haven't been meaning to be neglectful just life has been kinda full lately . anyway i'm still around so stop by and say hi i do check messages lmao . until then PEACE
Have You Been My Fu-owner??
If You Have Been One Of My Fu-Owners..Leave Me A Comment Here.
Have You Ever
have you ever just wanted to cry? to take on all your hurt all at once, to take off this mask you wear and show the world you really aren’t that strong at all. have you ever just wanted to love? everyone that ever hated you. to say your sorry when you did nothing wrong. have you ever just wanted to feel? feel love that’s overwhelming that shakes you to your core. the perfection most strive for but never achieve. when its right in front of you but you cant have it. have you ever just wanted to scream? to tell the world everything, all your lies and secrets, if only just once. have you ever wanted to fall? just to hurt, just to sleep to make everything stop. have you ever just wanted to bleed? to cleanse the soul of imperfection, to bare the truth for all to see, to show how fucked up you really are. have you ever just wanted to lose? to show them all that you aren’t perfect. to spit the logic back in the faces of those who told you that you would succeed. have you eve
Have A Happy Day
Free Comments & Graphics
Have You Ever Been In Love?
Have you ever been in love I have It's a wonderful amazing, delightful experience I boarded train rode bumpy aeroplane stood in baking sun walked, ran, skipped to his house. I missed breakfast often lunch, supper, forgotten Survived on butterflies living in my tummy How strange and funny Yet, I'd do it again and again without regret I stood in pouring rain Waited by telephone in vain Acted foolishly for a satisfying kiss Wrote words like these Got down on both knees and asked the question Will you?
Have You Ever?
Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time, your life, your heart? Have you ever woke up and wondered why? Have you ever been given a gift and had it snatched away before you could truly enjoy it? Have you ever seen your future, and watch it disappear into nothing but cold blackness? Have you ever been greatful for a moment in time? Have you ever had your heart ache to the point you thought it might shatter? Have you ever cried so much you thought you could drown in your own tears? Have you ever had a dream that you couldn't remember? Have you ever loved someone so hard, that it pushed them away? Have you ever allowed yourself to be pushed away from love? Have you ever been told to smile for what you had? Have you ever been able to? Have you ever looked inside yourself? Have you ever seen your soul? Have you ever known true love? Have you?
Have Leveled
Well it has finally happened. I have leveled and I want to thank all who helped me get there. A special thanks to weldingangel who put me over the top. My debt has now been payed and she has recieved the 100,000 fubucks as promised. Thanks again! THis turned out to be a fun game and might happen again in the future. Keep your eyes open! LOL
Have Fun And Chill In The Lounge
Have Not Been Around
just wanted to say thet i was sorry that i have not been around. The weather plus internet issues, plus school and home life has all been alittle crazy
Have You Heard These Lines Before Lol
Hey baby...mind if I take my pants off? --- --- I love you, you know. --- --- Hey, kitten. How about spending some of your nine lives with me? 0 0 If I let you suck on my tongue, would you be grateful? 5 2 Have you ever played "Spank the brunette"? Want to try? --- 0 Are those lumberjack pants your wearing? They are giving me a wood. --- 0 Do you like whales? Well I have a hump-back at my place. --- 0 You are so fine, I wish I could plant you and grow a hole filed of you! --- 0 You remind me of a championship bass, I don't know whether to mount you or eat you. --- 0 Is your last name Gillette? Because you are the best a man can get. --- 0 I have a six inch tongue and I can breath through my ears. --- 0 Hey baby, as long as I have a face, you'll have a place to sit. --- 0 Hi. Can I domesticate you? --- 0 Hey baby there's a party in my pants and you are invited! --- 0 Can I walk th
Have Fun
Kitten Cannon

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