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Naughty Quiz
According to experts, I am : 56% NaughtyTake the Naughty Quiz at
A Naughty Little Poem??
A NAUGHTY LITTLE POEM?? I'm sure you can imagine As plain as you can be The place is Picadilly The player He and She She whispered "Will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times. And said it can be sore." Then finally contented Laid back and relaxed a bit Quickly and readily he bent over her And then he started it It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been quite a size "Calm yourself," he whispered His face was filled with a grin "Try and open a bit wider So I can get it in". "It's coming now,"he whispered. "I know."she cried in a bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I am having this.." And with final effort She gave a frightened shout. He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite con
A Naughty Little Poem
She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore." It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. "Calm yourself" he whispered "His face filled with a grin "Try and open wider So I can get it in." "It's coming now" he whispered "I know" she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I'm having this." And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said "I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while." Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind!!
Naughty Nursery Rhymes
Mary had a little lamb Her father shot it dead. Now it goes to school with her, between two chunks of bread. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, her clothes all tattered and torn. It wasn't the spider that crept beside her, But Little Boy Blue and his horn. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the kings men, said "F*ck him, He's only an egg. Georgie Porgy pudding and pie. Kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play, He kissed them too, cause he was gay. Jack and Jill Went up the hill to have some hanky panky. Silly Jill forgot her pill And now there's little Franky. Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard to fetch her poor dog a bone. When she bent over Rover took over, And gave her a bone of his own. Little Boy Blew. Hey. He needed the money. Mary had a little skirt with splits right up the sides and every time that Mary walked the boys could see her thighs M
Naughty Poll Thingy - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a foursome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watched
Naughty Neighbor
Karen had lived in her new apartment for about a week when she began seeing the girl next door. The girl was tall and slender but still had curves. Her breasts were large and full, and her ass was round and tight. Karen had been friendly with her neighbor, and found out that her neighbor's name was Rayona. It wasn't long before the two girls were spending lots of time together and discussing their secrets. It was a Friday night, and there wasn't anything to do. Karen was feeling horny but had had no luck at the parties and bars meeting guys. She decided to head homa at about ten and figured she would hear moans coming from Rayona's place like every weekend. When she got home she didn't hear moans so she decided to go over to Rayona's. Karen knocked on the door and Rayona answered it weraing only a tight white tanktop with no bra and black lace panties. Karen's face blushed and she mumbled "sorry..i'll go", but Rayona just laughed and pulled Karen into her place. Karen was still f
The Naughty Sex Survey
Sent this as a bulletin but they fall away so quickly thought I'd do it as a blog. Feel free to post you answers and send them off to friends, or just link your friends to this blog so they can answer here. Copy the questions and add your own answers, I've started off with mine... ------------------------------------------------- 1. Ever been to a strip club? = Hell yeah! I'm 35 and spent 5 years sailing round the world ffs. 2. Ever been to a bar? Duh....... 3. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? Physically picked up and thrown out the door once too... 4. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? See Q3 5. Kissed someone of the same sex? No tongues.... 6. Thrown up from drinking too much? Not for at least a couple of months 7. Had sex in a car? Yes. Alway have to christen a new car. Hmm not done this one yet come to think of it honey.......... 8. Had sex in a park? Yes. Back of her mini was too cramped and the possibilty of being caug
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bi-Curious 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?1-5 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Regular Panties 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Not yet, but I would 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Not yet, but I would 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?No, never 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?No,
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?Over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given someone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?1-5 6. What is your pubic hair style?Trimmed neatly 7. What kind of underwear do you wear?Boxer Briefs 8. Have you ever taken, or been in, naked photos?Both taken and been in them 9. Have you ever been to a nude beach, or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 10. Do you watch porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 11. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?No, neither 12. How large are you...ya know, in the pants?About 7 inches 13. Have you ever expirimented with another man?No, I'm straight as can be 14. What is your favorite sexual position?Anything that gets me off 15. Are you circumcised?Yes I am 16. What gets you off fastest?Intercourse 17. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 18. Ha
Naughty Male Contest: Vote For Me Please =)
Please vote for me; I'm sure you'll enjoy the view: here Kisses Nice Boy
Naughty Poem
A Naughty Little Poem She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore." It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. "Calm yourself" he whispered "His face filled with a grin "Try and open wider So I can get it in." "It's coming now" he whispered "I know" she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I'm having this." And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said "I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while." Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind!!
A Naughty Survey - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?21-23 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?5-10 6. What is your pubic hair style?Landing strip, a little hair still there 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Nothing At All 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Not yet, but I would 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?No, I'm straight as can be 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Yes, been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?No, never 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?No, neithe
Naughty Pics
I have opens my naughty pics upto everyone for the next 24 hours, please come and look,comment & vote, more will be added soon, message me if theres anything you'd like to see GG
Naughty X-mas Eve
'Twas the night before Xmas and all through the house The whole damn family was drunk as a louse Grandma and Grandpa were singing a song And the kid was in bed flogging his dong Ma, home from the cat house, and me out of jail Had just crawled into bed for a nice piece of tail When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter I jumped out of bed to see what was the matter Away to the window I flew like a flash Threw open the shutters and fell on my ass The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow Gave a whore-house-like luster to the objects below When what to my blood shot eyes should appear But a rusty old sleigh and two mangy reindeer With a little old driver a pounding his dick I knew in a moment, it must be Saint Nick Slower than snails his reindeer they came He bitched and he swore as he called them by name Now Dancer, now Prancer, up over the walls Quick now, damn it, or I'll cut out your balls. Then up to the roof he stumbled and fell And
Naughty Horoscope--i'm A Cancer And It's So True
Sex horoscope Virgo- August 23 to September 23 This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will.they love to make their partner happy. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! they are very sexual people. usually always horny.!!!Some Virgos WANT to be pun
Naughty Horoscope - I Am Taurus An It Is True
Sex horoscope Virgo- August 23 to September 23 This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will.they love to make their partner happy. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! they are very sexual people. usually always horny.!!!Some Virgos WANT to be pun
Naughty Or Nice
photo hosting
Naughty Or Nice
You Were Nice This Year! You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list. You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year. Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good. Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight? Were You Naughty or Nice This Year?
Naughty Or Nice
You Were Nice This Year! You're an uber-perfect person who is on the top of Santa's list. You probably didn't even *think* any naughty thoughts this year. Unless you're a Mormon, you've probably been a little too good. Is that extra candy cane worth being a sweetheart for 365 days straight? Were You Naughty or Nice This Year?
Naughty Or Nice?
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! your Naughty! wild thing! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Horoscopes...i Am A Scorpio
VIRGO: This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will.they love to make their partner happy. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! they are very sexual people. usually always horny.!!!Some Virgos WANT to be punished. They will do naughty things to be caug
Naughty Pics
I have many request to see my naughty pics. I keep my naughty pics closed when I am not here.(even tho it looks like i may be here) If my screen name says Im sleeping or Im at work, my naughty pics are probably closed off. If it says im in the shower or just my name, they are probably on. So for all my friends who want to see them, just keep checking back :o)~ I just dont like them open 24/7. Also, Please rate and comment. Ive had many say "your so hot, can i see your naughty pics" and then when I open them they look at them without rating at all. ***HUGS AND KISSES AND ALL THAT SHIT*** lOVE, MaryBerry
Naughty Horoscope
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) "Ever heard the saying "Been there. Done that?" chances are it came from a Gemini. They are always changing...they are the eternal Chameleon. You never know who you are fucking that day. They have had sex. A lot of sex. Probably because they are in a constant state of flux...always looking for the new high. The biggest turn on for a Gemini is: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Here is just a smattering of places that I know Geminis have fucked: In the elevator of the moseleum of Forest Lawn Cemetary DURING A FUNERAL. Wine cellars in nightclubs. Vip Areas of Theatres. Public Parks. The 18th Hole of a private golf course. In the center of a race track just as the flag was going up. On various Gym equipment at numerous health spas. A football stadium during the SuperBowl. A Balcony railing at Mardis Gras in the French Quarter...just to name a few. If it's shiny...they will want it. They are big on DRAMA so be prepared for them to set the mood for sex no matter
Naughty Twas The Night Before Xmas
Twas the night before Christmas, and God was it neat, The kids were both gone, and my wife was in heat. The doors were all bolted, and the phone off the hook, It was time for some nooky, by hook or by crook. Mama in her teddy, and I in the nude, Had just hit the bedroom and reached for the lube. When out on the lawn there arose such a cry, That I lost my boner and poor Mama went dry. Up to the window I sprang like an elf, Tore back the shade while she played with herself. The moon on the crest of the snowman we built, Showed a broom up his ass, clean up to the hilt. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a rusty old sleigh and 8 mangy reindeer. With a fat little driver half out of his sled, A sock in his ear, and a bra on his head. Sure as I'm speaking, he was as high as a kite, And he yelled to his team, but it didn't sound right. Whoa Shithead, whoa Asshole, whoa Stupid, whoa Putz, Either slow down this rig or I'll cut off your nuts.
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?27-29 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?10-15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Landing strip, a little hair still there 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?No, not for me 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Not that far, just kissing 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Yes, taken them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a foursome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watched others
Naughty Or Nice?
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! your Naughty! wild thing! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Application
naughty application Body: 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 19. Anal yes/no? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will u have sex with a stranger for me?(with pics) 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? See who will fill this out and resend it....I will
Naughtiest Christmas Pic On Ct !!
Have You Been Naughty? Ok people! Its that time again! The first contest I did was such a success that I have decided to have another one!! This one is the Naughtiest Christmas Pic on CT !! So get your pic to me A.S.A.P and lets see who thinks you've been naughty or if they think your just nice!! Are you the NAUGHTIEST on CT?? Enter now to find out!! The contest will start on Thursday and run until Saturday. Its going to be based on comments only!! So get all your friends to comment bomb the hell out of your pic!! You will have 48 hours to show everyone on Cherrytap just how Naughty you are!! Click on my link below to enter the contest now. Or send me a message letting me know the link to the pic you want to use so I can rip it. Make sure to add me so you can recieve bulletins regaurding the contest as I post them. Good Luck and lets get this party going!!! ~ Pain Is My Passion ~ ~Pain Is My Passion~ ** Paradise Radios Owner** ~ Rock Star Kings Wife~@ Cher
Naughty Pics
Well i for one get immense pleasure taking "naughty pics" of my wife and I,as well as viewing other's.I am definately a self proffessed voyeur and know many out there are the same.So why is it that many women who enjoy looking at other people's candid photo's are so shy about admitting they like to look.Is it so taboo that there is a need to hide such an innocent indulgence?
Naughty Or Nice?
You Were a Little Naughty This Year! While you're not likely to greet Santa with sucker punch... He's still not too jolly about coming to your house. You might get a small token from Mr. Claus Like some detox pills for your liver. Were You Naughty or Nice This Year?
Damn kid. MILF & Ruby know what I'm talking about. Milf, MOTORCYCLE. Ruby.......... MOTORCYCLE.
Naughty Collection
POEM 1 I like your style I like your class but most of all i like your ass POEM 2 I'm a cool girl, in a cool town it takes a real mother fucker to put me down POEM 3 Kissing is a habit Fucking is a game Guys get all the pleasure Girls get all the pain The guy says i love you You believe its true But when your tummy starts to swell, He says 'to hell with you' 10 minutes of pleasure 9 months in pain 3 days in hospital A baby without a name The baby is a bastard The mother is a whore This never wouldn't have happened If the rubber wouldn't have torn POEM 4 Guys are like roses, Watch out for the pricks POEM 5 Smoke a smoke Not a butt Fuck a virgin Not a slut. POEM 6 Sex is bad Sex is a sin Sins are forgiven Sostick it in. POEM 7 Holy mother, full of grace Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face Bless his hair that tends to curl Keep him safe from all the girls Bless his arms that are so strong Keep his hands where they belong Bless his dick
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLICATION SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naught Or Nice
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Naughty Horoscopes
Naughty Horoscopes VIRGO: This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will.they love to make their partner happy. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! they are very sexual people. usually always horny.!!!Some Virgos WANT to be punished. They will d
Naughty Or Nice
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Naughy Or Nice..
Have you been naughty or nice? If you would like to be placed in my new albums, one labled naughty and the other labled nice... Let me know which pic and which lable Naught or nice... I will take requests now..until tomorrow afternoon. Then the person who can prove in comments they are the nicest or very naughty will receive a gift from the CT shop. The one who is the Naughtiest by Friday will receive An official Cherry Tap Keg The one who is the Nicest by Friday will receive A Romantic Vacation This is all in fun so I hope you enjoy.. Remember let me know Which folder you want in and which pic you want to use. Merry Christmas/Feliz Navidad Dark Princess ~Dark Princess RedMex~@ CherryTAP
Naughty Or Nice?
You Were Mostly Nice This Year! Sure, you had your naughty moments... but guess what? Santa was probably sleeping when you were living it up. As far as he's concerned, you've been on your best behavior. So cross your fingers, and you might score good presents. Were You Naughty or Nice This Year?
Naughty Or Nice ??
HAVE YOU BEEN NAUGHTY OR NICE THIS YEAR? CHECK YOURSELF AGAINST SANTA'S HANDY CHART !! NICE: 1. Giving Santa some cookies 2. Calling your Mom 3. Getting Dad's slippers for him 4. Opening a door for a woman 5. Bake cookies for the less fortunate 6. Helping an old lady across the street 7. Taking chicken soup to a sick friend 8. Making a donation to a charity NAUGHTY: 1. Giving Santa some bourbon 2. Calling your mom collect 3. Telling Dad to get his own damn slippers 4. Opening a door for a woman, then sneaking a peek at her butt 5. Play hooky with the less fortunate 6. Crossing in front of an old lady in the street 7. Giving avian flu to a sick friend 8. Making a donation to Tom Delay NAUGHTIEST: 1. Giving Santa the finger 2. Calling your mom for phone sex 3. Leaving a steaming present in Dad's slippers 4. Opening a door for a woman, then demanding sex in return 5. Make dookie on the less fortunate 6. Giving an old lady a piggyback ride in the middle of a
Naughty Cartoons
Let me know what you think of them I like to hear comments so I can add more or take them off.
Naughty - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?21-23 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given someone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?1-5 6. What is your pubic hair style?Trimmed neatly 7. What kind of underwear do you wear?Boxers 8. Have you ever taken, or been in, naked photos?Never done either 9. Have you ever been to a nude beach, or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 10. Do you watch porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 11. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?No, neither 12. How large are you...ya know, in the pants?About 7 inches 13. Have you ever expirimented with another man?No, I'm straight as can be 14. What is your favorite sexual position?Doggie style 15. Are you circumcised?Yes I am 16. What gets you off fastest?Intercourse 17. How often do you masturbate?Maybe once a month 18. Have you ever had multiple part
~~naughty Outnumber Nice In New Survey~~
In a University of Minnesota survey designed to determine who is naughty and who is nice, the naughty outnumbered the nice by a whopping three-to-one margin, the University of Minnesota revealed today. The survey, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, showed that 70% of Americans identify themselves as naughty while only 22% identify themselves as nice, with 8% defining themselves as “other.” According to the survey, Democrats were twice as likely as Republicans to admit that they were naughty, while Republicans were more likely to claim that they had been nice, only later to be found out to have been naughty. Davis Logsdon, who supervised the survey for the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, said that the rise of the naughty, along with the steady decline of the nice, can be attributed to two major factors. “The Internet has spread naughtiness at a rate that few of us could have anticipated,” Mr. Logdson said. “Also,
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?Once a day 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Nope, never 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?No, I'm straight as can be 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Yes, taken them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?No, never 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Yes, a nude beach 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?No, neither 18. Spit or swallow?Swal
Naughty Thoughts
Naughty Thoughts Slipping in between the sheets Where your warmness I desire to meet Your hot hard nakedness Awaits my quaking wetness I am closer to you Only desiring to make you quiver too Deep inside my soul Loving you will make me whole To feel your need and taste your body's seed Hold me, touch me slow, kiss me there Make me shiver with your mouth everywhere Liquid fire burns in my womanhood Damn no one said it would be this good Deep and deeper Harder and Harder Take me to that higher plain Where our love will burst into flames Thrust into me like you are dying Faster and faster there is no more denying
Naughty Horoscopes I Am A Taurus
Aries (March 21- April-19) LIVES for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also likes to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries...If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say 'No' too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries Idea of Heaven Is: Participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVES to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a Violet Wand before it was popular. They are also Sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is designer colored nylon rope in their favorite color. They live to tease and tor
Naughty Nights
NAUGHTY NIGHTS Oh, the thought of me and you alone It drives me wild all night long Just the thought of the things we'd do Or the things I'd do to you Off goes the shirt, Rolling in the dirt, Skin against skin, Moaning begins Smothered in whipped cream, Like a flawless dream, The possibilities are endless, And our nights are sleepless Snap that whip a little bit harder, Because it drives me wild, And say those words, just one more time, Because you know I want you to be mine. Now it's time to move to the floor, Because it's better against the door. Just knowing it's naughty makes it good, Like time spent with you should. Now it's time to bring out the leather, And while you're at it, bring the hand tether, Tie you up, make you scream, Licking off all the whipped cream. I don't wanna stop, Because you're so hot, So don't think about morning, It won't come without warning. Now I'll be the nurse, Then roles will reverse. But now it's time for
Naughty Horoscope
Aries (March 21- April-19) LIVES for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also likes to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries...If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say 'No' too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries Idea of Heaven Is: Participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVES to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a Violet Wand before it was popular. They are also Sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is designer colored nylon rope in their favorite color. They live to tease and tor
Naughty Nurse
Naughty Application
naughty application Body: 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 19. Anal yes/no? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will u have sex with a stranger for me?(with pics) 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? See who will fill this out and resend it....I will
Naughty Poll
table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="375" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: verdana,arial,sans; color: 000000; background: FFFFFF; border: 2px solid 3F0844;"> - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Landing strip, a little hair still there 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Regular Panties 8. Have you ever had anal sex?No, not for me 9. What is your favorite position?Girl on top, I like to be in control 10. How often do you masturbate?Maybe once a month 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, just as a gag 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?No, I'm straight as can be 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had mult
Naughty Horoscopes
GIGGLES WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS II WAS LIKE WOW ITS SO TRUE ON MANY LEVELS! Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) -- MY favorite sluts are Aquarius. Why? Because if you don't expect anything in return, you won't be disappointed. Sounds easy, huh? They will get under your skin though, so beware. It's easy to be hurt by an Aquarius because they don't want you to know what they are thinking. If they are silent but you are in the room with them...chances are they are in heavy thought. But don't worry, chances are they are thinking about you...and fifteen other things. Water bearers look at sex like it is a form of recess. They can turn you on by simply walking in the room. They are the Rain Man of the Zodiac. They give too much of themselves to others that don't give a shit...then get shy to those that care about them. Go figure. They like kinky. They are easy going. To them, it's a learning experience. Male Aquarians like to tease and live life in a fantasy world. Female Aquarians can't mas
Naughty Horoscope
Body: NAUGHTY HOROSCOPES!!! Gemini (May 21 - June 21) -- Ever heard the saying "Been there. Done that?" chances are it came from a Gemini. They are always changing...they are the eternal Chameleon. You never who you are fucking that day. They have had sex. A lot of sex. Probably because they are in a constant state of flux...always looking for the new high. The biggest turn on for a Gemini is: LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION. Here is just a smattering of places that I know Geminis have fucked: In the elevator of the moseleum of Forest Lawn Cemetary DURING A FUNERAL. Wine cellars in nightclubs. Vip Areas of Theatres. Public Parks. The 18th Hole of a private golf course. In the center of a race track just as the flag was going up. On various Gym equipment at numerous health spas. A football stadium during the SuperBowl. A Balcony railing at Mardis Gras in the French Quarter...just to name a few. If it's shiny...they will want it. They are big on DRAMA so be prepared for them to set th
Naughty Girl 3some
I'm feeling a little, my man, smile at me. You know how horny I get when I'm buzzing. Looking on the opposite side of me, you wink at our companion. She's someone new to me. You brought her home tonight. She is a visitor from out of town; business with your company has brought her here. You invited her to join us for dinner...and I'm not sure what else. She is beautiful. Her name is Denise. She has spellbinding green eyes, and gorgeous auburn hair. I find myself staring at her longer than I should, my gaze sometimes dropping to her chest...she looks like a D cup! My curiousity is aroused. You know I have a thing for women...we know we will explore this, but not sure when... I also study her long legs... she is taller than I; at 5'2" I am short. She towers over me, and appears to be only a few inchest shorter than you, who stands six feet tall. I smile sexily at you, several drinks going to my head. I'm not sure how many I've had, but I am not completely drunk. Our
Naughty Application
naughty application Body: Body: SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOP
Naughty Application
SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EV
Naughty Adult Survey
Naughty Adult Survey - Be honest. If you aren't honest then what is the point? Fill it out and re-post as a bulletin. Have fun. 1) Ever been to a strip club? no 2) Ever been to a bar? hell yea 3) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? no 4) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? yep 5) Kissed someone of the same sex? No 6) Thrown up from drinking too much? yup 7) Had sex in a car? yep 8) Had sex at the beach? yup 9) Had sex in a movie theater? no 10) Had sex in a bathroom? yep 11) Had sex at work? no 12) Have you ever been in an "adult" store? no 13) Bought something from an adult store? yep 14) Have you spent over $100.00 in one visit to the adult store? no 16) Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? yep 17) Have you been caught having sex? no 18) Are your breasts real? yes 19) Have you ever kissed a stranger? no 20) Does anyone have naughty pics of you? no 21)
Naughty Riddles
Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again. Q. What's a mixed feeling? A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. Q. What's the height of conceit? A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name. Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick! Q.Why is divorce so expensive? A. Because it's worth it! Q. What is a Yankee? A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They both like a tight seal. Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common? A. Their balls are just for decoration. Q.What is the difference between "ooooooh"an
Naughty Survey Repost!
subject: NAUGHTY SURVEY (repost) date: 2007-01-17 09:54:52 Naughty Adult Survey - Be honest. If you aren't honest then what is the point? Fill it out and re-post as a bulletin. Have fun. 1) Ever been to a strip club? yes 2) Ever been to a bar? yes 3) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? yes 4) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? yes 5) Kissed someone of the same sex? yes 6) Thrown up from drinking too much? yes 7) Had sex in a car? yes 8) Had sex at the beach? yes 9) Had sex in a movie theater? yes 10) Had sex in a bathroom? yes 11) Had sex at work? no 12) Have you ever been in an "adult" store? 11) ever bought something from an adult store? Yes 14) Have you spent over $100.00 in one visit to the adult store? yes 16) Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? yes 17) Have you been caught having sex? yes 18) Are your breasts real? yes 19) Have you ever kissed a s
Brought to you by Dragonfly Graphix
Naughty Horoscopes
I'm a Pisces....what are you?????? Taurus (April 20 - May 20) --Don't tease them. It will only piss them off. Taureans are realists. If you say that you are horny: Prepare to be fu**ed. Taureans are heavy indulger's, though. All forms of indulgence: Sex-drugs-wine-food...whatever their vice may be: they simply cannot get enough. They do not believe in moderation. They will fu** until they are sore. Taurus likes to have sex just for the sake of having sex. What they lack in originality, they make up for in stamina and endurance. they may not be into bondage, okay? But they WILL lick you until you have at least three orgasms or until you pass out...whichever comes first. Taurus uses their tongue for everything...and I mean that. They love to lick people in whipped cream, alcohol, chocolate, flesh and candy???Bring it on! Caution: They are looking for a relationship so be kind to them. They also have a BIG wet thing for scent. Sometimes they don't want a lover to bathe
Naughty & Dirty
Spank me baby I've been bad I'm the best you ever had Make me beg for your stuff c'mon girl, you like it rough I'll give it hard all night long If you want, bring a friend along I'll rock her, too we'll all have fun Fuck and suck, until the rising sun I will be your fucking King Cum on, lover, and experience everything
Naughty Survey - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 5 6. What is your pubic hair style?Landing strip, a little hair still there 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Regular Panties 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Nope, never 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?No, I'm straight as can be 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Never done either 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?No, never 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having
Naughty Naughty
Hi All Please visit my website Secure and discreet XXXXXXXX
Naughty But Funny
Subject: Naughty but Funny The 3 tragedies in a man's life: 1- life sucks 2- job sucks 3- Wife does NOT! -------------------------------------------------------------------- A man is dying of cancer. His son: "Dad why you keep telling people you're dying of AIDS??". Answer: "So that when I die, no one will dare screw your mother."-------------------------------------------------------------------- "I am your Doctor. sorry to inform you that you have a brain problem. Your brain is in 2 parts... Left and right. The left part has nothing right in it, and the right has nothing left in it" -------------------------------------------------------------------- YESTERDAY NEWS: A nun jogging in the park was raped. TODAY'S NEWS: Hundreds of nuns are jogging in the park! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Question "Why is a waist called a waist?" Answer: "Because anything above the penis and below the tits is a waste"
Naughty App
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON Body: NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON Body: fill out and send back to me 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)?: 4. Do you think i'm hot?; 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to do it? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Yes SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YO
Naughty Pole - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?24-26 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?10-15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watched others
Naughty Questions You Might Wanna Know
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 19. Anal yes/no? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25.sexual ACT that you enjoy the most?: 26.have you ever used BONDAGE?: whips and CHAINS excite you?: 28.does it turn you on when your partner DRESSES up
Naughty Or Nice????
1)Ever been to a strip club? Yes 2)Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? No 3)Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? NOPE I CAN HANDLE MY OWN LOL 4)Kissed someone of the same sex? MANY TIMES WITH MANY DIFFERENT WOMEN SUCH AS MY DAUGHTER, MOM, GRAMMA, NIECES,ECT. YOU GET THE PICTURE LOL 5)Thrown up from drinking too much? Yes 6)Thrown up on someone during sex? No 7)Had sex in a car? Yes 8)Had sex on a pool table? Yes 9)Had sex in a movie theater? NO 10)Had sex in a bathroom? Yes 11)Had sex at work? NO 12)Have you ever been in an "adult" store? Yes 13)Have you ever purchased items from an adult store? Yes 14)Have you spent over $100.00 in one visit to the adult store? No 15)Is there someone you wished you never had sex with? No 16)Is there someone you wish you could have had sex with? Yes 17)Have you ever had a threesome? No 18)Are your breasts real? Yes 19)Have you ever kissed a stranger?
Naughty Or Nice?
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! your Naughty! wild thing! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?27-29 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Not yet, but I would 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both
Naughty App:
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to orgasm? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! TiTLE iT "NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON
Naughty Application
Tell me ALLLLL about what you're thinking. ;) > 1. Your Name: > > 2. Age: > > 3. Favorite position(s)? > > 4. Do you think i'm hot? > > 5. Would you have sex with me? > > 6. lights on or off? > > 7. Would you have to be drunk? > > 8. Would you take a shower with me? > > 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? > > 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? > > 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? > > 12. Condom or skin? > > 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? > > 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? > > 15. Have sex on the first date? > > 16. Would you kiss me during sex? > > 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? > > 18. Three sum? > > 20. How many times would you like to orgasm? > > 21. Would you use me as a booty call? > > 22. Do you like foreplay? > > 23. What is foreplay to you? > > 24. Can we take pictures of the act? > > 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Survey
Tell me ALLLLL about what you're thinking. ;) > 1. Your Name: > > 2. Age: > > 3. Favorite position(s)? > > 4. Do you think i'm hot? > > 5. Would you have sex with me? > > 6. lights on or off? > > 7. Would you have to be drunk? > > 8. Would you take a shower with me? > > 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? > > 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? > > 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? > > 12. Condom or skin? > > 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? > > 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? > > 15. Have sex on the first date? > > 16. Would you kiss me during sex? > > 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? > > 18. Three sum? > > 20. How many times would you like to orgasm? > > 21. Would you use me as a booty call? > > 22. Do you like foreplay? > > 23. What is foreplay to you? > > 24. Can we take pictures of the act? > > 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naught Picture Offer!!!
Okay, I would really like to win one of the contests that I'm in, so I am offering something special and rare. I will offer a naughty picture of me that I will not take until the contest is over. It will go to the person(s) that helps out the most during this contest. I'm in a Valentine's Day contest. Think I'm the cutest? sweetest? nicest? Why don't you come vote for me? Do you have anything better to do? Just click the picture to vote and comment. Commenting/voting ends February 13th @ 11:59 pm Please repost this for me. I usually only do one bulletin for a contest, but it's been recommeneded to me to do another one. I don't beg, but I would really appreciate your votes / comments. Thank you! Rebekah For those of you that put up new items frequently, you know I always rate/vote right away if I am on. Would you please help me out this time?
I put my hand on your stocking, I was movin' nice and slow Let my fingers do the walking, and there ain't far to go Don't tell me "I don't wanna be a girl like that" Do you wanna see a grown man cry? You don't wanna be a girl like that Baby this could be the first time (this could be the first time) Naughty naughty, loud and bawdy, t-t-t-t-tease me Take it easy, hug and squeeze A naughty naughty, naughty, I'm a naughty naughty guy Bedroom eyes, they undress me, take me, cut me to the bone Lace and satin pressed against me, should we call a chaperone Don't tell me "I don't wanna be a girl like that" Do you wanna see a grown man cry You don't wanna be a girl like that Baby this could be the first time (this could be the first time) Naughty naughty, cute and horny, t-t-t-t-tease me Take it easy, hug and squeeze me, love outta line With your hair hung down, and your dress ridin' high And your eyes burning hot like the sun Kiss me hard, squeeze me tight, gonna
Naughty Or Nice? Gee, I Guess I'm Nicer Than I Thought!!
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! your Naughty! wild thing! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Idea
So i got an idea for a sayin that is naughty for men masturbating...shooting the
Naughty Application
Naughty Application -just between you and me 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 26. Whats Your Phone nu
Eve clenched her legs together and dug her teeth into her fist. She fell against the wall and squeezed her eyes shut. It was hard not to be blinded by the pleasurable betrayal her body was experiencing. She unwillingly opened her eyes. She had to get out of here as soon as possible. She tried to fight it off and stumbled off the school grounds, into the dense vegetation, shutting out the rest of the world. In a patch of bright sunlight, she collapsed and breathed a sigh of relief. Her entire body dripped with salty sweat, beading along her brow and trickling down the nape of her sensitive neck. Her schoolgirl's uniform clung to her shapely body, barely covering her taut and firm bottom. Eve leaned against a tree and flicked her skirt up over her hips, exposing her sopping wet, white cotton panties. With two quick twists of her fingers the flimsy side strings came undone, exposing her most intimate parts, pouting and sparkling with juices. She watched, fascinated as her clit swelled
The Naughty Application
MY NAUGHTY APPLICATION (repost) date: 2007-02-06 13:46:48 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to orgasm? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOS
Naughty Poll
tr> - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?Over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given someone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?10-15 6. What is your pubic hair style?All natural 7. What kind of underwear do you wear?Boxer Briefs 8. Have you ever taken, or been in, naked photos?Both taken and been in them 9. Have you ever been to a nude beach, or nudist area?Yes, a nude beach 10. Do you watch porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 11. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watched others and been watched 12. How large are you...ya know, in the pants?About 6 inches 13. Have you ever expirimented with another man?Yes I have 14. What is your favorite sexual position?Anything that gets me off 15. Are you circumcised?Yes I am 16. What gets you off fastest?Blow job 17. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I
Naughty Application (thanks To Miss Behavior)
♠ C Diddy ♠ Slightly Used and Abused ♠ Sweetest Guy On CT ♠@ CherryTAP Please take the application, fill it out and send it back as soon as you can! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to y
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?27-29 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Girl on top, I like to be in control 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, an all out orgy 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Of course, I go to nudist events all the time 17. Have you ever watched oth
Naughty Application
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEN
Naughty Application
1. Your Name:Deborah 2. Age:old enuff to know better too young to resist 3. Favorite position (s) ?any 4. Do you think i'm hot?yes 5. Would you have sex with me?if you weren't married hell yes 6. lights on or off?on 7. Would you have to be drunk?no want to remember all of it 8. Would you take a shower with me? yes 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me?can't admit that you married 10. Would you leave after or stay the night?stay might have to wake you up with a long deep kiss in just the right spot if u know what i mean 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards?of course might have 2nds 3rds and 4th or more 12. Condom or skin?skin 13. Do you give Oral pleasures?slurp slurp 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures?mmmmmmmmmm 15. Have sex on the first date?shouldn't admit but been known to 16. Would you kiss me during sex?yes even after u gave me head 17. Do you think I would be good in bed?excellent 18. Three sum?depends who with
The Naughty App
1. Your Name: > > > 2. Age: > > > 3. Favorite position (s)? > > > 4. Do you think i'm hot? > > > 5. Would you have sex with me? > > > 6. lights on or off? > > > 7. Would you have to be drunk? > > > 8. Would you take a shower with me? > > > 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? > > > 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? > > > 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? > > > 12. Condom or skin? > > > 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? > > > 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? > > > 15. Have sex on the first date? > > > 16. Would you kiss me during sex? > > > 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? > > > 18. Three sum? > > > 20. How many times would you like to cum? > > > 21. Would you use me as a booty call? > > > 21. Can I use you as a booty call? > > > 22. Do you like fore play? > > > 23. What is fore play to you? > > > 24. Can we take pictures of the a
She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore." It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. "Calm yourself" he whispered "His face filled with a grin "Try and open wider So I can get it in." "It's coming now" he whispered "I know" she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I'm having this." And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said "I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while." Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind!!
Naughty Quiz
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? 2. Do they know it? 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend’s list? 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? 6. What is your favorite position? 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? 8. Give or receive oral? 9. Kinky or sneaky? 10. Loud or quiet? 11. Ruff of soft? 12. Foreplay or not? 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? 14. Spank or be spanked? 15. Condoms or not? 16. Masturbate or not? 17. Role-playing or not? 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this?
A Naughty Quiz
I filled in all the questions myself, but feel free to reply and let me know your answers (to me) if you like! 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? yes 2. Do they know it? some 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend’s list? yes 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? depends on my mood 5. Have you ever had a 3 some? yes 6. What is your favorite position? missionary & doggy 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? N/A 8. Give or receive oral? both 9. Kinky or sneaky? hehehe ... both 10. Loud or quiet? usually loud 11. Ruff of soft? depends on the mood 12. Foreplay or not? yes, please 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? yes 14. Spank or be spanked? be spanked 15. Condoms or not? I'm married so I don't have to worry about that anymore 16. Masturbate or not? yes 17. Role-playing or not? some 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this? what do you think?
Naughty Quiz...tell The Truth..yeah Right
> > . Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? oh yes > > 2. Do they know it? yes > > 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend’s list? Not yet > > 4. Do you like making love or having hot sex?Depends on the person > > 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? yes > > 6. What is your favorite position?Save a horse ride a cowboy or Spank me make me yours. > > 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? Well he is cute > > 8. Give or receive oral? Give never had the other > > 9. Kinky or sneaky? both > > 10. Loud or quiet? depends > > 11. Ruff of soft? both > > 12. Foreplay or not? hell yeah foreplay > > 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? both > > 14. Spank or be spanked? be spanked > > 15. Condoms or not? depends > > 16. Masturbate or not? what the hell > > 17. Role-playing or not? aim to please my man > > 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this? > Not really but here it goes...
Naughty Survey (very Naughty)
Oh WIMSEY ????? 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? Shit yeah! 2. Do they know it? Shit Yeah!! 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend’s list? Soon 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? Both - Depends on my mood 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? Yes 6. What is your favorite position? Lying on my side, from behind. 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? I don't remember who posted this first! 8. Give or receive oral? GIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! 9. Kinky or sneaky? Kinky 10. Loud or quiet? Quite a vocal Bitch I am. 11. Ruff of soft? Depends on my mood, but moreso prefer ruff . . . 12. Foreplay or not? Shit Yeah! 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? Nothing that draws blood . . . 14. Spank or be spanked? Either or 15. Condoms or not? If it is monogamous, most certainly without. 16. Masturbate or not? TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Buy stock in Duracell people! 17. Role-playi
Naughty Or Nice
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! your Naughty! wild thing! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Quiz!
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? yes quite a few! 2. Do they know it? don't think they do! 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend’s list? nope 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? making love 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? nope but would definately try! 6. What is your favorite position? don't know 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? ....sure! :P 8. Give or receive oral? haven't recieved yet but gave twice! 9. Kinky or sneaky? kinky 10. Loud or quiet? a little of both! 11. Ruff of soft? a little of both 12. Foreplay or not? foreplay 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? sure both 14. Spank or be spanked? love it! to give and recieve 15. Condoms or not? definately a condom don't feel like being a single mom! 16. Masturbate or not? masturbate yes! 17. Role-playing or not? role-playing is fun! :) 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this? definately!
Naughty Survey
Damn, guess Cindee wants me to answer this as well. :) OK, here we go, babe. 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? Um, yeah. Duh! 2. Do they know it? I'm not known for my subtlety. That said, they're all, like, frickin' across the country or married so what good do they do me? :) 3. Have you had sex with anyone on your friends list? Yes. Only one, though, I think. If you asked me over on myspace, it'd be three. 4. Do you like making love or having hot sex? It really does depend on my mood. Sometimes a slow build is nice. Sometimes hot and fast is. 5. Have your ever had a threesome? Of sorts. But not the hot kind you're envisioning. I'm monogamous with women. 6. What is your favorite position? Missionary. So sue me. I like a guy's weight on me. 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? I think we both lean towards guys too much. :) Plus, she has a guy. 8. Give or receive oral? Receive. I giv
Naughty Quiz
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? yes! 2. Do they know it? no? 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend¡¯s list? not yet 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? both 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? not yet 6. What is your favorite position? any as long as I am having sex! 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? yes 8. Give or receive oral? both, but love to give! 9. Kinky or sneaky? both 10. Loud or quiet? loud 11. Ruff of soft? both 12. Foreplay or not? lots! 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? bite 14. Spank or be spanked? spanked 15. Condoms or not? not 16. Masturbate or not? 3 times a day! 17. Role-playing or not? of course 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this? just did!
Naughty Quiz
Naughty Quiz 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? YEP 2. Do they know it? YEP 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend¡¯s list? NO 4. Do you like making love or having hott sex? BOTH 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? YES 6. What is your favorite position? LETS SEE 69, DOGGIE 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? NO 8. Give or receive oral? BOTH.. HAVE TO GIVE TO GET 9. Kinky or sneaky? BOTH 10. Loud or quiet? LOUD 11. Ruff of soft? RUFF 12. Foreplay or not? FOREPLAY 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? BITTEN 14. Spank or be spanked? SPANKED 15. Condoms or not? NO NO NO 16. Masturbate or not? MASTURBATE... 17. Role-playing or not? HELL YEAH ROLE-PLAYING 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this? O YEAH
Naughty Application
Fill out this out app and send it back to me. I wanna see what everyone would write. And I'll fill it out and send it back to ya if you do. 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures o
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLICATION 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position(s): 4. Do you think I'm hot: 5. Would you have sex with me: 6. Lights on or off: 7. Would you have to be drunk to have sex with me: 8. Would you take a shower with me: 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me: 10. Would you leave after or stay the night : 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards: 12. Condom or skin: 13. Do you give Oral pleasures: 14. Do you like to recieve Oral pleasures : 15. Have sex on the first date: 16. Would you kiss me during sex: 17. Do you think I would be good in bed: 18. Three sum: 20. How many times would you like to cum: 21. Would you use me as a booty call: 22. Do you like fore play: 23. What is fore play to you: 24. Can we take pictures of the act: 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you: REPLY THIS TO MY INBOX THEN REPOST THIS & SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiE
Naughty Girl
Naughty Girl So how was your day? he asks me. I reply It was ok. Nothing very eventful happened. hmmm, it looks like something are alittle flushed. What have you been doing? See something on Cherrytap again that got you all heated? He asks. stumbling because he can see so much about me and it is alittle uncomfortable and terrifying that he can read me so well Umm nothing much I just was looking at some pics..I reply Yeah and were they naked pics? hmm have you been a naughty girl? he asks I did see some sexy pics today and yes they turned me that so bad? No he replies but what did you do when you saw these sexy pics? he asks me Did you touch yourself? Did you play with that sweet pussy of yours? Were you a naughty girl? I think you were. Come over here as he draws me over to him. I am not sure what he has in mind. Am I in trouble? for just looking at someone else's yummy parts? He grabs my butt and pulls me toward him. And grinds his - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?21-23 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?No Answer 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Sort of tried to 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watc
Naughty But Nice
1. Sex is best in the morning, afternoon, or night? um, all of the above. 2. What side of the bed do you sleep on? depends on where i end up. i'm kinda wild in bed! not like that, *wink* 3. Pork, Beef, or Chicken? well considering i LOVE to eat, i like pork, beef and chicken. 4. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? probably. if i'm throwing up then that means that i'm HEAVILY intoxicated and i won't remember it the next day anyways. 5. What leg do you put in pants first when putting them on? i guess my right. 6. Candles or Incense? candles. 7. Do you dance when no one is watching? oh my do i? and absolutely love it. watch comes the robot. 8. Did you play doctor when you were little? well i like having control of the stethoscope. 9. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? why do you ask? 10. Stove top cooking or microwave? stove top biatches. and i looooove to cook. 11. Would you rather your car or
Naughty Pix
Naughty Girl
Naughty Girl "Hi there. What are you doing?" "Being naughty." I said. "Naughty?" He questioned. "How are you being naughty?" "I am playing with my toy." I had a smile in my voice. "Really? Hmm... that gives me ideas." "Ideas huh? Care to put them to good use?" "Yes. I think I will." He said. "I will be there in a hour, ok?" "Ok." I agreed "Bye." "Bye." I hung up the phone. I greeted him at the door with the usual kiss. Then he went to use the bathroom. I sat on the couch waiting anxiously for him to come out. When he did, he walked over to me, sat down and gave me a wicked smile. "You have been naughty?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Naughty girls get punished." I looked sharply at him, searching his face for a sign of humor. There was none. My mouth went dry at the thought. "I think you need to be taught a lesson." He said removing his shoes. "I do need to be punished." I said. "Are you going to punish me?" I was all for playing this game.
Naughty Pics
Naughty Application
> NAUGHTY APPLICATION > Body: NAUGHTY APPLICATION > Body: fill out and send back to me > > > 1. Your Name: > > 2. Age: > > 3. Favorite position (s)? > > 4. Do you think I'm hot? > > 5. Would you have sex with me? > > 6. lights on or off? > > 7. Would you have to be drunk? > > 8. Would you take a shower with me? > > 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? > > 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? > > 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? > > 12. Condom or skin? > > 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? > > 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? > > 15. Have sex on the first date? > > 16. Would you kiss me during sex? > > 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? > > 18. Three sum? > > 20. How many times would you like to do it? > > 21. Would you use me as a booty call? > > 22. Do you like fore play? > > 23. What is fore play to you? > > 24. Can we take pictures of the act? > > 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out fo
Naughty, Naughty
One day a man came home from work to find his wife crying hysterically in the kitchen. "What's wrong dearest??" asked the confused husband. "Oh darling," sobbed the wife, "I was cleaning little Suzie's room when I found whips, handcuffs and chains under her bedm, along with a very erotic porn magazine! What ever are we going to do???" "Well," replied the man... "I guess a spanking is out of the question?"
Naughty Application
SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! DON'T BE SHY! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPO
Naughy App
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act?
Naughty Girl!
Every one has a dirty little secret, don't deny it. I know I do, and I am ready to share it with you! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved being the center of attention. As I've grown older, it has turned into a fetish of mine. I LOVE being watched doing all sorts of naughty things! So I've gotten a cam and taken to the net and would LOVE to perform for you! It's not quite free, although not very much, and I'll make sure it's worth your every penny. I'm not shy and definitly have a BIG imagination. So if your ready for some sexy fun, cum see me! I'll give you a show you won't soon forget! or, message me on Yahoo at passionate_Jadore
Naughty Riddles
Q.What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A: A cherry float. Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? A: 1 US leader Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat it - we're closed. Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties? A: To find a tight seal. Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Q: What's the speed limit of sex? A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around. Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box? A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie to me!" Q: Why is air a lot like sex? A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any. Q: What's another name for pickled bread? A: Dill-dough. Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy? A: She's withholding evidence. Q: What's the difference between light and hard? A: You can sleep with a light on. Q: Why is sex like a bridge game? A: You don't need a part
Naughty Riddles
Q.What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A: A cherry float. ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? A: 1 US leader ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat it - we're closed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties? A: To find a tight seal. ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What's the speed limit of sex? A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box? A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie to me!" ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Why is air a lot like sex? A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any. ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: What's another name for pickled bread? A: Dill-dough. ~~~~~~~~~~ Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy? A: She's withholding evidence.
LET ME PLASE U ur body looks so good i can't help but to touch it starting by rubing ur back working my way up to ur neck do u feel that i'm hiting ur spot kissing ur neck now slowly movein my hand to ur chest feelin ur beautiful breast my kisses go to where my hands are as then feel my other hand move into ur thighs as i feel the wetness i move my fringers to hit ur g-spot as my head migreats down inbetween ur legs i start kissing ur lips and suck ur clit as ur moans get louder and i hear u say "i'm cuming" i bring my body up kissing every part of u while ur bodies still shakeing i then i slowly put it in still kissing u and ur body as i go deeper and deeper and deeper working it like u like it and holding u close till u climax again and again and when u had all u can take i hold u till u fall a sleep
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?18-20 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Nope, never have 5. How many sexual partners have you had?10-15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Nothing At All 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Not that far, just kissing 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Yes, been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Nope, not my thing 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?No, neither 18. S
1. Your Name:? 2. Age:? 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Have sex on the first date? 15. Would you kiss me during sex? 16. Do you think I would be good in bed? 17. Three sum? 18. How many times would you like to cum? 19. Would you use me as a booty call? 20. Do you like fore play? 21. What is fore play to you? 22. Can we take pictures of the act?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY " Application just between you and me 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Little Sundae For Me..
I would love to insert a cherry between some lovely thighs. followed by whip cream ample amount inside. then some orange-vanilla ice cream to make a dream delight then with no spoon or utensils eat it out icecream first aand slurp down the whippcream with the tip of my tongue bring out the cherry while bringing her to an orgasmic scream. if you are near my area code(361)and interested in such drop me a message, I am a horney old onery cuss truly wanting to have some fun.
Naughty Little Sundae For Me..
I would love to insert a cherry between some lovely thighs. followed by whip cream ample amount inside. then some orange-vanilla ice cream to make a dream delight then with no spoon or utensils eat it out icecream first aand slurp down the whippcream with the tip of my tongue bring out the cherry while bringing her to an orgasmic scream. if you are near my area code(361)and interested in such drop me a message, I am a horney old onery cuss truly wanting to have some fun.
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY " Application just between you and me 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Look for
Naughty App
NAUGHTY " Application just between you and me 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Survey
naughty application Body: NAUGHTY APPLICATION fill out and send back to me 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)?: 4. Do you think i'm hot?: 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to do it? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFR
Naughty Horoscopes, Which One Are You? Lol
WARNING: THESE HOROSCOPES ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR THE KIDDIES!!! Aries (March 21-April 19) LIVES for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also likes to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries...If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say 'No' too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries Idea of Heaven Is: Participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVES to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a Violet Wand before it was popular. They are also Sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is
Naughty Riddles
Naughty Riddles Q.What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A: A cherry float. Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? A: 1 US leader Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat it - we're closed. ,Br> Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties? A: To find a tight seal. Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Q: What's the speed limit of sex? A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around. Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box? A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie to me!" Q: Why is air a lot like sex? A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any. Q: What's another name for pickled bread? A: Dill-dough. Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy? A: She's withholding evidence. Q: What's the difference between light and hard? A: You can sleep with a light on. Q: Why is sex like a bridge game?
Naughty Girl
Naughty By Nature
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: your Naughty! wild thing! You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind. Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughy Ones
ok put my naughty pix in the all me folder
Naughty Horoscope...i'm An's Almost Totally
ARIES(March 21 -April 19) - lives for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also likes to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries...If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say 'No' too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries Idea of Heaven Is: Participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVES to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a Violet Wand before it was popular. They are also Sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is designer colored nylon rope in their favorite color. They live to tease and to
Naughty Abc's
ABC SongSee more like this on
Naughty Pics Of Me;)
I posted my salute pics today, and was really impressed by how quickly they were dealt with:) I will be posting here regularly, both NSFW and 'normal clothed' pics lol, we post our dirtiest pics in the site that is linked below, ITS COMPLETELY FREE(TO LOOK AT PICS AND TAKE PART) you won't be able to view the video's as they are for preemie members, but you can still take part in chat, on the forums etc...and look at all the naughty pics:) we got around 500 pics between us, as well as the ones we got here, be warned these ones are DEFINATELY NSFW..........;)Just thought it would be silly to have to upload all the same pics again to cherry when they are readily available for free, so i'll be posting on BOTH sites from now on....although i have to say, i am beginning to favour cherrytap as non-preemies are limited to 25 pm's a day on the other site, and i kinda like this going around leaving love all over the place, its hot!lol MY PICS:) MY HUBBY'S PICS(mostly of me)
Naughty Guys And Gals
Hey everyone!! Well here I am hoping yall will go to my rude space link on my profile and sign up!! Yep I am promoting my rude space again LOL. It's free so what are yall waiting for??? I will be uploading some new content very soon ( new naughty pics and vids) for you all to enjoy. Those of you who have Rude already will agree that it's an awesome site. Sign up today and start watching naughty vids, pics and yes even live house and group shows all for free.
Naughty Or Nice
Are You Naughty or Nice? (pics) AngelicYou haven't a bad bone in your body. So congradutions, you're a good girl, but you also have the adventurous sense of a snail. Don't be afraid to break out of your comfort zone once in a while.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
A Naughty Poem
aughty Little Poem She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore." It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. "Calm yourself" he whispered "His face filled with a grin "Try and open wider So I can get it in." "It's coming now" he whispered "I know" she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I'm having this." And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said "I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while." Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind!! Copyrig
Naughty Little Girls. - Comments
Naughtypoll! - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?5-10 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Nothing At All 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watched others and
Naughty Pics?
any of u guys have any naughty pics? im horny as hell and would love to see some naughty pics!!
Naughty Application
naughty application 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS!
A Naughty Application:
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS!
Naughty But Cute
NAUGHTY But Cute Q: What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A: A cherry float. Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? A: 1 US leader Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat it - we're closed. Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties? A: To find a tight seal. Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It's a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Q: What's the speed limit of sex? A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around. Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box? A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face and moaning "Lie to me!" Q: Why is air a lot like sex? A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any. Q: What's another name for pickled bread? A: Dill-dough. Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy? A: She's withholding evidence. Q: What's the difference between light and hard? A: You can sleep with a light on. Q: Wh
Naughty Application
1. Would you have sex with me? Answer: 2. What positions would u want to b in? Answer: 3. Would u suck/lick me ? Answer: 4. Would u sex me hard? Answer: 5. Would u have sex with me the first night u met me? Answer: 6. Would u let me pull your hair while i did you? Answer: 7. Would u do me in the shower? Answer: 8.Would u hancuff me or tie me up to the bed and then do me? Answer: 9. Would u have 3-some with me? Answer: 10. What about me makes u want to have sex with me? Answer: 11. Would u talk dirty to me while we sexed? Answer: 12. Where would you do me? Answer: 13. Would u do me in front of people? Answer: 14. Would u do me again and again? Answer: 15. Would u do me in the rain? Answer: 16. Would u mind if we did it like a porn star? Answer: 17. Would u have phone sex with me? Answer: 18. Would u cheat on me? Answer: 20. If I gave u my heart would you love it or let it go? Answer: 21. Would you do me once a
1. Your Name:? 2. Age:? 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Have sex on the first date? 15. Would you kiss me during sex? 16. Do you think I would be good in bed? 17. Three sum? 18. How many times would you like to cum? 19. Would you use me as a booty call? 20. Do you like fore play? 21. What is fore play to you? 22. Can we take pictures of the act?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Who's Brave Enough to do this? 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. Lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: your Naughty! wild thing! You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind. Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Best one will get a reply...... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Best and hottest one will get a reply...... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Boy
NAUGHTY BOY by IAK Night falls. A dim candle light flickers by the open window, a soft breeze from the ocean's shore below, the smell of roses along the path to the house. His hands touched the petals of the delicate flowers as he came to the window, his eyes searching the room for his Mistress. Before he could whisper her name, he could hear her humming in the bathroom and soon the sweet scent of lavender danced through the dark room, her favorite bath salts. He climbed over the window sill and made himself known with the clicking of his heels on the hardwood floor. The humming stopped. He peered into the steamy bathroom only to see an empty tub full of bubbles and candles lining it. His interest was peaked as he moved closer to the tub, only trying to imagine her in it. As he stood quietly, his hands tickling the water, he suddenly felt Her presence. All at once she pushed herself against his back, her wet, naked flesh taunting his body as he straightened up. She pulled a
Naughty Pictures
I don't understand why people think that they can just look at my naughty pictures when I don't even know them. I friend you without even knowing you so that I may be able to create a real friendship with you... You don't say a word and then you just think you should get to look at my nudes? I think not. Listen up. If you want to see my bits, then spend the time to earn my trust. Otherwise, move it along. I'm sure there are other folks on CT that will give you what you want.
Naughty App
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Best one will get a reply...... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BO
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Best one will get a reply...... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BO
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ** you will get a reply!!** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Morning Story Part 1!!
I get up and thought just another day. So I hoped in the shower and started to wash my hair!! As I do this I wonder if they'll be at the coffee shop this morning or not. So I get out of the shower and start to dry myself off. As I do I think of them and what they did on their last visit. I remember it very well, she was wearing a red dress and he was wearing lose fitting jeans and a open shirt. They had took their table off to the side, I went over there and they order what they always did,tea for her,and a black coffee for him. I came back and to my delight I got a show. His hand was going up her left thigh and she was opening for him. So I gave them their order and I came back to get the order of another group of people,two girls siting in a booth to the left of me. One had her hand on the others right arm,it seemed that day everyone had sex on the mind. So I was about to go on break when the man with the open shirt asked me to come over,so I went to see what was on his mind.When I g
Naughty Poll Quiz - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bisexual 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?No Answer 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Boy Shorts 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a foursome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Both watched others
98% Naughty
According to experts, I am : 98% NaughtyTake the Naughty Quiz at
Naughtty Questions....
outrageosly dirty questions WAT WOULD U DO? do guys like a noisy woman in da bed? is it a good quality for a person to be a freak? are threesomes too freaky? would role play be a bad addition? wat is tha best love~making position? how about them fuq faces? is pulling hair to barbaric? rough or soft? rap or r&b while doin tha nasty? strawberries?whip cream?and or candy? twisted freak?bonafied freak?or not at all? finger in tha booty? dildo?if toss da salad,or get urz tossed?lol that ass?or that kitty? would u make a flick? ass or boobies? train wreck or none!?hah!ha!ha! deez questions too freaky?trust i could go further!
Naughty Girls
Naughty Story Part 2
Just my luck I thought as I answered the phone,just when the movie was geting to the good part. I said hello,lucky me it was my boss. "Sorry to bother you, but tomrrow as you know my partner is coming to check on the shop, could you cover for me? I'm needed else where." "Sure ,just as long as I get paid." He laughed at me and said you will no doubt,then he hung up on me. Good I thought and went back to watching my movie, it was geting to the best part where she was about to be pulled out of the shower by her ex-lover. The next morning after geting out of my shower,I was looking at my outfits. What to wear,all I know about the partner was that she was very picky. So I looked and thought what will it be, the tight sky blue shirt with the black jeans or maybe the soft baby blue dress that was held up only by my breast. I hate picking out my outfits. Well looking outside it looked like it was going to be another sticky summer day, so the dress would be more comfy. So I slipped it on an
Naughty Application
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS!
Naughty Or Nice?
my body always aches with the anticipation of which is you. i want to sense your movements in the air. how my body trembles with thoughts of you. my breath begins to grow quicker, deeper. where would you touch me first? heart beating faster. will you kiss my lips, slid your hand along my body. make me shiver, make me ache with your pleasure. slide your hand up my inner thigh. making me wet with the thought, nipples growing hard, the thought of your mouth, tongue and teeth pulling on them. please dont be gentle, thats not what i want. dont be afraid to pull my hair, order me around, tell me what to do. spank me, throw me down, it makes my flesh grow hotter and hotter. where are you when i need you, where are you when i want you so bad. leaving me thinking about you, wanting you. but you arent here, only in my dreams not in the flesh. i am a lady but i use this word in my head. yes i want you hard and fast and now. i want you in the bed on the floor. fuck me now. rip off my clothes, p
Naughty Trainnnnnnnn!!!!!!
Naughty Trainnnnnnnn!!!!!! Roses r red, nuts r brown, skirts r up, pants r down, body 2 body, skin 2 skin, motor's runnin,lets begin. Send to 10 ppl and see if u get it back that means someone wants to GET NAUGHTY WITH YOU. If I don't get this back I guess ur not my friend. if u have a lot of luv 4 someone.....copy and send to ur whole friend list and in 5 mins ur true love will call or im you. da naughty train - if u get it ur cute...u get it twice ur a hottie...u get it 3 times ur sexy...
Naughty Or Nice Quiz
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: your Naughty! wild thing! You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind. Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Story 2
A woman is looking in the mirror as a man approaches her, she turns to look at him with love and wanting in her eyes. He sees her beauty and the wanting look and he kisses her softly on the lips. Her body aches for more, and he feels it in her trembling lips. He lightly touches her waist and pulls her to him. She flows to him, and he puts his arms around her waist, and kisses her on the lips. Her lips are filled with passion, and fire. He kisses her more deeply and gently carresses her back. He slowly glides his hands over her back and neck, pulling her body closer to him. She freely gives in to the passion and fire that is burning inside her, and lets him have his way with her. He gently places her on the bed, with her beautiful body sprawled out and ready for him to take her to extreme pleasures and senses. He slowly glides his hands up and down her beautiful body, tempting and teasing her with each swipe of his hand. She arches her back into his touch wanting and needi
Naughty Application
Copy it..paste it in a private message & sendi to me with ur answers this should be interesting NAUGHTY APPLICATION" Plz send your answer to my message inbox 1. Do you ever think of me and touch yourself?: 2. Would you let me do "Anything" I want to you: 3. Favorite position (s)?: 4. Do you want me?: 5. Do you want to have sex with me?: 6. lights on or off?: 7. Would you have to be drunk?: 8. Would you give me oral sex in the shower?: 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me?: 10. Would you leave after or stay the night?: 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards?: 12. Condom or skin?: 13. Do you want to give me Oral pleasures?: 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures?: 15. Have sex on the first date?: 16. Would you kiss me during sex?: 17. Do you think I would be good in bed?: 18. Threesome?: 20. How many times would you like to cum?: 21. Would you use me as a booty call?: 21. Can I use you as a booty
Naughty Behavior = Naughty Rewards
Whats that you say MISTRESS BETHIE?!??!?!? You are looking for naughty boys and girls to punish?!!?!?!? If We vote for yo uin the Betti Page look~a~like contesr we will get what wedeserve!! Where do We sighn up???? CLICK THIS PIC TO VOTE FOR BETHIE PAGE! WOW!!! You really do look like Bettie MISTRESS BETHIE!!! WE"RE NOT WORTHY!!!!! Brought to yo uby the letter "P", the number "26" and MISS REDNECK!!!! redneck7705*PLEASE FAN ME BEFORE YOU ADD ME!!!!!!!!*@ CherryTAP Music Video Codes By Music
Naughty Application"
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? fill out and reply
Naughty Application!
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty App
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? COmment with your answers, cant wait!!! Ill even return the
Naughty Application"
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK T
Naughty Horoscopes
**Naughty Horoscopes** Aries (March 21 - April 19) LIVES for head massages. ANY part of their head: Lips, Eyelids, Eyes, Tongue, you name it! Aries also likes to fuck in public places during business hours. You need to be open minded with an Aries...If you don't feel like being duct taped to a wall and beaten with live ferrets: Tell Them. Be warned! IF you don't want to be kinky, don't be with an Aries. If you say 'No' too often to them you may lose them as a lover forever. Aries Idea of Heaven Is: Participating in live sex shows for money. Having their favorite human toy win first place in a pony boy/girl race. Fucking as an art form on display in a gallery. They secretly crave to be strippers or Annie Sprinkle. Aries LIVES to be jealous...they also like to coordinate other people fucking. Secretly desire to be fluffers. Aries owned a Violet Wand before it was popular. They are also Sadists. The best gift to give an Aries is designer colored nylon rope in their favorite color
Naughty Schoolgirl Night
Naughty App
"NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST
Naughty Survey
"NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Let's see just how naughty my friends are.... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you
Naughty App.
"NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Let's see just how naughty my friends are.... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 19. How many times would you like to cum? 20. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE
Naughty Needs/ Pleasure Dealer At Your Service!
Ok, as tantalizingly naughty as the subject sounds, it's not exactly what you think. What I AM is a woman who happens to sell some of the most awesome sensual and sexual "aids" "toys" and all items of a naughty but fun nature! Some of you know me, most of you don't... but don't let that stop you from perusing my site and seeing if anything tickles your fancy! I have items for all good (or bad) boys and girls. My site is: Most people understand this business as the "Pleasure Parties" that women hold. I am taking this at a whole new angle! Sure if you want to hold a party let me know! But I want to make this as easy and convenient for everyone as possible. My site is completely functional, which means while browsing my store if you see something you want you CAN purchase it! Orders are received within 7-10 days after purchase, but most arrive MUCH quicker than that! My products make excellent gifts or just hog all the goodies for yourself!
Naughty Application
well hello well lets see what can i say about me ok well im 24 ~5'5~ have 2 great children ages 6 and 4 IM NOT MARRIED AND NOT REALLY LOOKING WHAT IM HERE FOR IS FRIENDS!!! MY BEST FEATURES ARE MY SMILE AND MY AZZ ....ILMAO Just One Wish If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you. NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Best one will get a reply...... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do yo
Naughty Poll - Male
1. How old are you? 2. What is your sexual orientation? 3. Have you ever given someone oral sex? 4. Have you ever received oral sex? 5. How many sexual partners have you had? 6. What is your pubic hair style? 7. What kind of underwear do you wear? 8. Have you ever taken, or been in, naked photos? 9. Have you ever been to a nude beach, or nudist area? 10. Do you watch porn? 11. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex? 12. How large are you...ya know, in the pants? 13. Have you ever expirimented with another man? 14. What is your favorite sexual position? 15. Are you circumcised? 16. What gets you off fastest? 17. How often do you masturbate? 18. Have you ever had multiple partners at once? 19. Have you ever paid for sex? 20. When did you lose your virginity? And the stats that go with the poll: 1.1 How old are you? 18-20 35608 36 % 21-23 16457 17 % 24-26 12457 13 % 27-29 9203 9 % Over
Naughty Poll - Female
1. How old are you? 2. What is your sexual orientation? 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex? 4. Have you ever received oral sex? 5. How many sexual partners have you had? 6. What is your pubic hair style? 7. What is your choice of underwear style? 8. Have you ever had anal sex? 9. What is your favorite position? 10. How often do you masturbate? 11. Have you ever kissed a girl? 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl? 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos? 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once? 15. Have you watched porn? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area? 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex? 18. Spit or swallow? 19. Have you ever had an orgasm? 20. Do you own any sex toys? And the stats that go with the poll: 1.1 How old are you? 18-20 45003 47 % 21-23 19017 20 % 24-26 12317 13 % 27-29 7532 8 % over 30 11753 12 % 1.2 What is yo
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" Best and hottest one will get a reply...... 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers.....
Wanna know more about my NAUGHTY side come look at me here
Wanna know more about my NAUGHTY side come look at me here
A Naughty Story For My Feet & I....
Ken had always had a fascination with women. Not in a sick and perverted way, but in a admiring and loving way. He thought there was nothing more beautiful than a woman that took care of herself and had self-confidence. From her shiny hair, silky soft skin, luscious lips, curvy hips, tight stomach, down to her shapely legs. Including, of course, her well manicured and pedicured nails. However, as much as he loved beautiful women, there was one part of a woman's body that he had only recently begun to really appreciate. That was the feet. He had always thought of feet as nasty and off limits. That was until he was watching a porno one night and saw a beautiful woman give a guy a foot job. She stroked his cock using nothing but her pretty little feet. Up and down his shaft, and rubbing the tip with the soles of her feet. She also rubbed the balls of her feet over his balls as her toes ran across the base of his cock. Ken found himself so aroused by this that he literally could not con
"naughty Application"
"NAUGHTY APPLICATION" 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers.....
Naughty Horoscopes
Virgo- August 23 to September 23 This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will.they love to make their partner happy. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! they are very sexual people. usually always horny.!!!Some Virgos WANT to be punished. They will
So, now that I'm single, I came across a rather difficult situation last night. Having found someone's secret stash of goodies on their profile here on Cherry Tap, I felt the need for a little satisfaction. That was hard to come by seeing as how there was no one at home. So today, I went to 52 Weeks and bought myself a handsome dildo. It is quite the cute little penis... well.. not little, that's for sure. Its one of those very realistic kind, with the rubber skin so it feels real. A vibrator too of course, with adjustable speeds. I've been sucking on it like a lollie pop since I got it. Quite sad. In fact, I've named him Enrique Might take some more naughty NSFW kind of pics with him... hmm.... Just thought I would share in my glee
Naughty Or Nice?
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: your Naughty! wild thing! You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind. Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Pics
Ya so I just uploaded the dirty pics...well 4 of them. If anyone likes and wants me to upload more I will. Just thought it would be nice to have my own little NSFW folder. =)
Naught Ap.
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
APPLiCATiON ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Do you like anal pleasures? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MAN
Naughty (sex) Application
TOTALLY Hypothetical! Just have fun! ;-) ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position(s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot/pretty/sexy/attractive? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. Lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Do you like anal pleasures? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out f
Naughty Survey
Got this from my friend "LickSuckLick" (Love the name....LOL) 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think i'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you
Naughty Poll
Take the Naughty poll Quiz ......... "Click here" 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?5-10 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Regular Panties 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Sort of tried to 9. What is your favorite position?Doggie style 10. How often do you masturbate?About once a week 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, just as a gag 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Not that far, just kissing 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, of course. Who hasn't? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watc
Naughty Application
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Would you be romantic? 13. Do you give Oral ? 14. Do you like to receive Oral ? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. How many times would you make me cum? 22. Would you use me as a booty call? 23. Can I use you as a booty call? 24. Do you like foreplay? 25. What is foreplay to you? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND- REPOST THIS! TITLE IT "NAUGHTY APPLICA
The Naughty Poll
1.1) How old are you? 18-20 21-23 24-26 [x]27-29 over 30 1.2) What is your sexual orientation? Straight [x] Bisexual Bi-Curious Lesbian 1.3) Have you ever given somone oral sex? [x] Sure I have Nope, never 1.4) Have you ever received oral sex? [x] Yes, of course Nope, never have 1.5) How many sexual partners have you had? None, I'm a virgin [x] 1-5 5-10 10-15 More than 15 No Answer 1.6) What is your pubic hair style? [x] Shaved bald, nice and clean Landing strip, a little hair still there All natural, no shaving for me 1.7) What is your choice of underwear style? [x] Thong [x] Boy Shorts Regular Panties Nothing At All 1.8) Have you ever had anal sex? [x] Yes I have No, not for me Sort of tried to 1.9) What is your favorite position? Good old m
Naughty Video
For those who asked to see the video ad I made for my erotic story site the link is here. Warning it is adult content.
Naughty Survey Lol
1. What is the 1st thing you notice on the opposite sex? face, eyes 2. What is your favorite body part on the opposite sex? hmm shoulders.. 3. What 1st drew you to your current bf/gf? he is a sweetheart 4. When did you first start liking the opposite sex? idk 15 5. Who was your fist true love? Will 6. (women) What is your bra size? 34C 7. (men) Have you ever measured your penis? 8. When did you lose your virginity? 19 9. Did you enjoy your 1st sexual experience? it hurt lol 10. (women...or gay men) Biggest penis you've ever had? 10 inches 11. Ever make out with someone of the same sex? yes 12. Are you straight, bi or gay? straight 13. Do you remember your 1st orgasm? yes 14. Do you prefer aggressive or passive partners? depends on my mood lol 15. Are you aggressive or passive? aggressive grr :P 16. Ever been tied up? nah 17. Ever have a 3sum? nope 18. Ever participate in an orgy? no lol 19. Do you like oral sex? YES! a. give? yes
Naughty Survey Lol
1. What is the 1st thing you notice on the opposite sex? face, eyes 2. What is your favorite body part on the opposite sex? hmm shoulders.. 3. What 1st drew you to your current bf/gf? he is a sweetheart 4. When did you first start liking the opposite sex? idk 15 5. Who was your fist true love? Will 6. (women) What is your bra size? 34C 7. (men) Have you ever measured your penis? 8. When did you lose your virginity? 19 9. Did you enjoy your 1st sexual experience? it hurt lol 10. (women...or gay men) Biggest penis you've ever had? 10 inches 11. Ever make out with someone of the same sex? yes 12. Are you straight, bi or gay? straight 13. Do you remember your 1st orgasm? yes 14. Do you prefer aggressive or passive partners? depends on my mood lol 15. Are you aggressive or passive? aggressive grr :P 16. Ever been tied up? nah 17. Ever have a 3sum? nope 18. Ever participate in an orgy? no lol 19. Do you like oral sex? YES! a. give? yes
Naughty Application
APPLiCATiON ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Do you like anal pleasures? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers.....
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Straight 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?10-15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Boy Shorts 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Yes I have 9. What is your favorite position?Girl on top, I like to be in control 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Nope, never 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?No, I'm straight as can be 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?No, never 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?
Naughty & Nice
Naughty Questions
if you wanna answer this feel free and just send it to my cherrymail and i will answer and send it back to you 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? 2. Do they know it? 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend¡¯s list? 4. Do you like making love or having hot sex? 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? 6. What is your favorite position? 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? 8. Give or receive oral? 9. Kinky or sneaky? 10. Loud or quiet? 11. Ruff of soft? 12. Foreplay or not? 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? 14. Spank or be spanked? 15. Condoms or not? 16. Masturbate or not? 17. Role-playing or not? 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this?
Naughty Pics
im opening my naughty pics for a bit so ya'll can see em and rate em so show me some luv!!!! kisses
Naughty Or Nice?
Naughty or nice!?!?Horned Angel!Your a lil bad but u know when 2 turn it off and be classy! Your not afraid 2 be a lil wild..but ur not drinking and doing drugs every night!! Good job!How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Naughty Or Nice?
Naughty or nice!?!?Horned Angel!Your a lil bad but u know when 2 turn it off and be classy! Your not afraid 2 be a lil wild..but ur not drinking and doing drugs every night!! Good job!How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Naughty Or Nice?
Naughty or nice!?!?Horned Angel!Your a lil bad but u know when 2 turn it off and be classy! Your not afraid 2 be a lil wild..but ur not drinking and doing drugs every night!! Good job!How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Naughty Questions
1). What is a four-letter word that ends with "ing" and means the same as intercourse? 2). What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has only two of? 3). What can you find in a man’s pants that is about six inches long, has a head on it, and that women love so much that they often blow it? 4). What word starts with f and ends with u-c-k? 5). Name five words that are each four letters long, end in u-n-t, one of which is a word for a woman? 6). What four letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you can’t get one you can use your hands? 7). What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and can make a girl fat? . What four-letter word ends in i-t and is found on the bottom of birdcages? 9). What is it that all men have one of; it’s longer on some men than on others; the pope doesn’t use his; and a man gives it to his wife after they’re married? Scroll Down for answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Naughty Horoscopes
Virgo- August 23 to September 23 This is the MOST confused sign on the planet. This sign is pretty realistic: No Frills. They love to fuck in showers not because it's kinky...but because of hygenic reasons...they are big into sanitary issues. Every Virgo I have ever met has issues...always going back to hygiene. They have to arrange time in their busy scheduals to have sex...But when a reservation is made...You had better be there on time, if not a little early. With flowers. And Clean. Virgos want to make their partner happy. That's it. USUALLY. You will always get a freaky Virgo. Even so, they will TRY to get YOU to cum. And if they can't make you cum, they will buy someone or something that will.they love to make their partner happy. Yes you read that right. They LIVE to masturbate...whether its you rubbing them, them rubbing you...them rubbing against your fox fur coat...whatever! they are very sexual people. usually always horny.!!!Some Virgos WANT to be punished. They will
Naughty Story!
The Waves and the Pounding............... We were all sitting around the campfire on the beach as the sun was just starting to set into the sky. I had taken my wet bathing suit off, and to my surprise forgot to bring panties for under my skirt. I sat on the bench with my legs closely guarded. When I looked up across the fire, I could see that he was staring at me again. We had flirted and played with each other all day, and I could see from the look in his eyes he wanted me bad. There were several people sitting around the fire, but all seemed to be engaging in conversation or just enjoying a cold beer. As I licked my lips, I slowly spread my legs letting him see my secret. It was as if his eyes were frozen on me and couldn't move. When he finally did break his stare he looked at me and smile with this huge grin. I could tell by the bulge in his pants, that he liked what he saw very much. As it got cooler he slipped a blanket across his lap and motioned for me to come over. I had bare
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLICATION" CUT AND PASTE AND REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm hot? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13.Threesome? 14. Would you use me as a booty call? Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEND ANSWER IN A PRIVITE MESSAGE.
SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND- REPOST THIS! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. If we already have would you have sex with me again? 7. What would you like to do to me? 8. Would we have sex in the shower with me? 9. How often do you think about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Where is your fantasy place to have sex? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you masturbate? 20. Do you think of me while you masturbate? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. What turns you on? 23. Do you like fore play? 24. What is fore play to you? 25. Can we take pictures of the act? 26. Would you have sex with me even if your in rela
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Phone number: 4. Favorite position (s)? 5. Do you think I'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 20. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Can I use you as a booty call? 23. Do you like fore play? 24. What is foreplay to you? 25. Can we take pictures of the act? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application (repost)
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
The Naughty Night Before Christmas
The Naughty Night Before Christmas 'Twas the night before Xmas and all through the house The whole damn family was drunk as a louse Grandma and Grandpa were singing a song And the kid was in bed flogging his dong Ma, home from the cat house, and me out of jail Had just crawled into bed for a nice piece of tail When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter I jumped out of bed to see what was the matter Away to the window I flew like a flash Threw open the shutters and fell on my ass The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow Gave a whore-house-like luster to the objects below When what to my blood shot eyes should appear But a rusty old sleigh and two mangy reindeer With a little old driver a pounding his dick I knew in a moment, it must be Saint Nick Slower than snails his reindeer they came He bitched and he swore as he called them by name Now Dancer, now Prancer, up over the walls Quick now, damn it, or I'll cut out your balls. Then u
Naught Or Nice Quiz
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: your Naughty! wild thing! You were born to be bad. Naughty by nature, you've tried everything at least once and aren't afraid to get your hands - or the rest of you - dirty when opportunity knocks. Whether that means plotting for advancement at work or toying with somebody's affections, you're willing to break the rules. As long as you're having a laugh and getting ahead, anything goes. And it is fun to defy convention every once in a while, but you're walking a bit of a tightrope. Every so often, try listening to that little angel on your shoulder who keeps saying "no!" - it's okay to be nice sometimes. In the meantime, keep being bad and enjoy yourself. Just don't throw caution entirely to the wind. Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Quiz
SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND- REPOST THIS! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. If we already have would you have sex with me again? 7. What would you like to do to me? 8. Would we have sex in the shower with me? 9. How often do you think about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Where is your fantasy place to have sex? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you masturbate? 20. Do you think of me while you masturbate? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. What turns you on? 23. Do you like fore play? 24. What is fore play to you? 25. Can we take pictures of the act? 26. Would you have sex with me even if your in rela
Naughty & Nice Crew
this is leveling family come join us tell naughty chic i sent u ....~NAUGHTY CHIC~ NAUGHTY & NICE CREW (OWNER)@ fubar ty
100% Naught
ClicK for Preview and code Put the code in your "Music" section of your profile.
Naughty Girl
lyrics - Naughty Girl Lyrics
Naughty Girl
Naughty Girl ( Beyonce Knowles ) I'm feelin sexy I wanna hear you say my name boy If you can reach me You can feel my burning flame I'm feelin kind of n-a-s-t-y I might just take you home with me Baby the minute I feel your energy Your vibe's just taken over me Start feelin so crazy babe I feel the funk coming over me I don't know what's gotten into me The rhythm's got me feelin so crazy babe Tonight I'll be your naughty girl I'm callin all my girls We're gonna turn this party out I know you want my body Tonight I'll be your naughty girl I'm callin all my girls I see you look me up and down And I came to party You're so sexy, tonight I am all yours boy The way your body moves across the floor You got me feelin n-a-s-t-y I might just take you home with me Baby the minute I feel your energy The vibe's just taken over me Start feelin so crazy babe I feel the funk coming over me I don't know what's gotten into me The rhythm's got me feelin so crazy
Naughty Application
Naughty Application JUST BETWEEN US SO BE BRAVE,FILL IT OUT & SEND IT BACK TO 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 19. How many times would you like to cum? 20. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. If you had me alone and all to yourself, what would you do? 25.What your number?
Naughty Application!!
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE
Naughty Or Nice You Tell Me...
naughty application! REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Your age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 19. Number please: SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HA
Naughty Or Nice?
Being Nicer is a bummer but being naughty is much funner! Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
The Naughty Girl
Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at Largest Database of ImagesFor Comments And Profiles at
Naught App
Fill Out This Naughty Application and the favor might be returned for you. Keep in mind it is naughty The Basics Name: Age: Height: Hair: Eyes: What is your....? Favorite Movie: Type of Music: Ideal Date: Do you...... Kiss on the first date: Kiss and Tell: Fuck on the first date: Prefer to give or recieve oral(or both): Would you...... Strip for me: Shower with me: Lay in bed with me: Fuck me: Perform Oral on me: Go out on a date with me: Take me out to see your parents: Kiss me: Repost this so I can do it for you: One Last Thing If you had me alone in a room for one hour, what would you do to me?
Naughty Time
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little cor
Naughty Survey - Thanks `angel`!
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little
Naughty Application
our Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 8a. Are you a top of a bottom? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 19 number please :)..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND - REPOST THIS! TITLE IT-Naughty Application
Naughty Application!!
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me dirty pictures of you? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application!!!
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK T
The Naughty Survey
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little
Naughty Camp Picture
Here is a little preview of all the fun I had at camp. And yes per request...A little more ASS!!!!
Naughty, Naughty, Naughty
Today has been a beautiful I have been talking to a few lets say friends and wow! I'm so glad we really don't go blind from masturbation! Things around fubar are starting to heat up really nicely and I absolutely love it. I have been thinking about what pics to post next; and how revealing they should be. I am totally open to suggestions; so let me know what you think. Well anyways, back to what I was saying before. I'm at work right now and my chair is soaked; it is so nice to have my own office. I was totally taken off guard the last couple of days by some very romantic..very sexual people; and I must say I am very appreciative to say the least. As some may know I am a photographer as well as a veterinary technician. My love for taking pictures has grown up with me. I am looking for a few bright smiles and ambitious bodies to do a few photo shoots. So hit me up with suggestions or ideas. I am a very sporty woman and this shoot will require taking on the elements of natur
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naughty Application...fill It Out And Send It To Me In A Private Message...
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute ? 2. Would you have sex with me ? 3. lights on or off ? 4. Would you have to be drunk ? 5.Would you take a shower with me ? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 19. Number please:
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DON'T BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwords? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naughty Or Nice
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: Your Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! your Naughty! wild thing! Are you Naughty or nice
Naughty Survey
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little corny? 1
Naughty Application
Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17. Would you tell your friends about me?
Naughty Test
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naughty Lil Self
Ache... A slow burning candle...I begin to melt from the heat and passion of this flame. Lighting and warming my soul. As a moth to a flame, I can't resist to touch. Tenderly and softly as I move my hand up the inside of my thighs. Melting into thought and fantasy of you. The flame inside growing hotter. Laying back upon my bed, with my legs spread further. Slipping my hand beneath this panty. Soft like silk or the petal from a rose. The need getting stronger, wishing it were your hands upon me now... One hand caressing my breast, noticing my nipple harden as I allow my fingers to penetrate deep inside. Beginning to bite on my bottom lip, from passionate thoughts of you. The flood gates open and begin to drown as I lose all control. My moans now coming from this deep, starving ache for you... Wondering if you think of me in this way and if you were to happen upon me in this delicate position, would you set me free and release this ache within me... Thoughts and
Naughty Survey
Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naughty Sexual Confessions !!!!!
GIRLS TELL IT ALL.COM PLEASE ORDER OUR NAUGHTY AND UNCENSORED CD NOW ! You will be extremely aroused and totally turned on with what you will hear! Some of the Worlds Sexiest & Gorgeous Women will each Reveal and Expose, describing in explicit detail their deepest sexual pleasures,ultimate erotic desires, secret fantasies, and sexual turn-on's that drives them extremely wild! We secretly go in behind closed doors and capture Super Hot & Uncensored naughty conversations as to what the Hottest Girls Crave and Desire The Most Sexually! Penis Size.. Does size really matter? Their Ultimate Sexual Fantasies! Favorite Sex Positions with Extreme Pleasure! Amazing Oral Sex "Giving and Receiving!" Super Intense Orgasms! Talking Dirty in Bed! Exposing What Really Drives Them Wild The Most In Bed Sexually! AND SOOOO MUCH MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naughty Application Please Fill And Send Back
Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND - REPOST THIS! TITLE IT-Naughty Application
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite sexual position: Do you think I'm cute? Would you have sex with me? lights on or off? Would you have to be drunk? Would you take a shower with me? Have you ever thought about having sex with me? Would you leave after or stay the night? Do you like cuddling afterwards? Condom or skin? Have sex on the first date? Would you kiss me during sex? Do you think I would be good in bed? Scale of 1-10? Would you use me as a booty call? Can I use you as a booty call? Can we take pictures of the act? How long would we have sex? Would you tell your friends about me? Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite sexual position: Do you think I'm cute? Would you have sex with me? lights on or off? Would you have to be drunk? Would you take a shower with me? Have you ever thought about having sex with me? Would you leave after or stay the night? Do you like cuddling afterwards? Condom or skin? Have sex on the first date? Would you kiss me during sex? Do you think I would be good in bed? Scale of 1-10? Would you use me as a booty call? Can I use you as a booty call? Can we take pictures of the act? How long would we have sex? Would you tell your friends about me? Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naughty Poems
Naughty Poems >>>>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sex is evil Evil is sin Sins are forgiven So stick it in. >>>>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Roses are red, Violets are corny, When i think of you Oh baby i get horny, >>>>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I like your style I like your class but most of all i like your ass >>>>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Kissing is a habit Fucking is a game Guys get all the pleasure> Girls get all the pain The guy says i love you You believe its true But when your tummy starts to swell, He says 'to hell with you' 10 minutes of pleasure 9 months in pain 3 days in hospital A baby without a name The baby is a bastard The mother is a whore This never wouldn't have happened If the rubber wouldn't have torn >>>>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Guys are like roses, Watch out for the pricks. >>
A Naughty Poem....hehe
A NAUGHTY POEM A Naughty Little Poem She whispered 'will it hurt me? ' 'Of course not' answered he 'It's a very simple process, You can rely on me.' She said 'I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore.' It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. 'Calm yourself' he whispered 'His face filled with a grin 'Try and open wider So I can get it in.' 'It's coming now' he whispered 'I know' she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said 'I am glad I'm having this.' And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said 'I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while.' Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just y
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU!
Naught Application
***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Do you like anal pleasures? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... Title it "NAUGHTY Applica
Naughty Application
BE BRAVE AND SEND IT BACK TO ME 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7.Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 19. Where would u like my cum to go? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Can I use you as a booty call? 23. Do you like foreplay? 24. What is foreplay to you? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Pixxx
If you would like to view my naughty pix, buy me a blast or a VIP.... THX
Naughty App
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Your age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Do you enjoy Oral sex (giving)? 18.Do you enjoy Oral sex (receiving)? 19.Would you have phone sex with me? 20.Would you tell your friends about me? 21.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 22.Num
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Your age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Do you enjoy Oral sex (giving)? 18.Do you enjoy Oral sex (receiving)? 19.Would you have phone sex with me? 20.Would you tell your friends about me? 21.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 22.Num
The Naughty Application
Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLICATION" CUT AND PASTE AND REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me dirty pictures of you? 26. Will yo
Naughty Secretary
Last week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well waking up on that morning. I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my wife would be pleasant and say, "Happy Birthday!", and possibly have a small present for me. As it turned out, she barely said good morning, let alone " Happy Birthday." I thought... Well, that's marriage for you, but the kids.... They will remember. My kids came bounding down stairs to breakfast and didn't say a word. So when I left for the office, I felt pretty low and somewhat despondent. As I walked into my office, my secretary Jane said, "Good Morning Boss, and by the way Happy Birthday ! " It felt a little better that at least someone had remembered. I worked until one o'clock , when Jane knocked on my door and said, "You know, it's such a beautiful day outside, and it is your Birthday, what do you say we go out to lunch, just you and me." I said, "Thanks, Jane, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Le
Naughty Pics Exposed...
Yeah, I've got the naughties just like everyone else. However, I don't bother to host them anywhere on the net because why? Well, it's simple. I KNOW there are hackers everywhere. Why pay for the porn when you can just hack on the net and get it for free, huh? Why the fuck NOT? I don't host my pics on the net because I don't want just any perv looking at them. I CHOOSE who I want to see what I want them to see. BTW, if everyone else is so worried about these goddamned "pervs", take a look in the mirror honeys! You wouldn't HAVE those pics in the first place if you weren't a friggin perv yourself. So, if you don't want a hacker touching your kitty on his screen or stroking to your cock, DON'T POST IT!!! Simple as that people. Why are we so fucking clueless these days? Anywho, love you all. You make me laugh... sometimes. Have a great day and a great weekend. See ya!
Naughty Naughty
Naughty Quiz
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND - REPOST THIS!
Lips on lips Our tongues softly touch Eyes closed together I want you so much. Hand on your thigh My mouth on Your breast Breathing is getting quicker YOU are the best. Our clothes are off Our hearts are beating fast 69................ God, let this last! Now switching positions We are ever so slow I hold on tight I will never let you go. Movements are hurried I enter You Deeper! Faster! Hard! Oh Yes We Cum! Holding each other Our times alone are few With tears in my eyes I whisper 'I Love You! '
*naughty Girl*
OMG....Did I just walk up on my sister *twisted pixie* getting off? I am telling MOM!! Ewwwww
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Your age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 19. Number please: SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND - REPOST THIS
Naughty Survey
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little
Naughty Survey
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little
Naughty Application
!!!NAUGHTY APPLICATION !!! REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? . 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed?. 13. Would you use another female as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? S
Naughty Application
!!!NAUGHTY APPLICATION !!! REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? . 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed?. 13. Would you use another female as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? S
Naughty Girl
center>Sexy is back, at Sexilicious Graphix! I am a naughty girl, do you want to play? I can arouse your senses, It the most unusual way. Do you want to tie me up? Maybe fuck me from behind. Let me suck your dick, And make it rise. Naught girls are kinky, We like whips and chains. Do you think you can handle this, Because I am hard to tame. Thigh highs and heels, Corset's and bustier's. Tell me your pleasure, so I can make it my endeavor. Oh yes, I am a naughty girl, Here at your beck and call. Come on you sex ass man, Lets get it on Dee Parenti All Rights Reserved
Naughty Application
Naughty Application REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN....... Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute,sexy,hot (ur own word)? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend?
A Naughty Little Poem
She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore." It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. "Calm yourself" he whispered "His face filled with a grin "Try and open wider So I can get it in." "It's coming now" he whispered "I know" she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I'm having this." And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said "I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while." Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind!!
Naughty Application!
Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Questions
Q. What's a mixed feeling? A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. Q. What's the height of conceit? A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name. Q. What's the definition of macho? A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball? A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick! Q.Why is divorce so expensive? A. Because it's worth it! Q. What is a Yankee? A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? A. They both like a tight seal. Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common? A. Their balls are just for decoration. Q.What is the difference between "ooooooh"and "aaaaaaah"? A. About three inches. Q. Whydo Gay men wear ribbed condoms? A. For tract
Naughty Poll - take your own poll! 1. How old are you?over 30 2. What is your sexual orientation?Bi-Curious 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex?Sure I have 4. Have you ever received oral sex?Yes, of course 5. How many sexual partners have you had?More than 15 6. What is your pubic hair style?Shaved bald, nice and clean 7. What is your choice of underwear style?Thong 8. Have you ever had anal sex?Sort of tried to 9. What is your favorite position?Anything that gets me off 10. How often do you masturbate?Whenever I can 11. Have you ever kissed a girl?Yes, for sure 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl?Yes, I sure have 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos?Both taken and been in them 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once?Yes, a threesome 15. Have you watched porn?Yes, and I own some of my own 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area?Nope, I am modest 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex?Bo
A Naughty Little Poem
She whispered "will it hurt me?" "Of course not" answered he "It's a very simple process, You can rely on me." She said "I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore." It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. "Calm yourself" he whispered "His face filled with a grin "Try and open wider So I can get it in." "It's coming now" he whispered "I know" she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said "I am glad I'm having this." And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said "I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while." Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind!!
Naughty Application
Naughty Application JUST BETWEEN US SO BE BRAVE,FILL IT OUT & SEND IT BACK TO 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 19. How many times would you like to cum? 20. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. If you had me alone and all to yourself, what would you do? 25.What your number?
6 Naughty Questions
List them and I will answer. OK, here's the deal, you get to ask me six question, as naughty and daring as you can think up. Send to me, and I'll answer them truthfully. Repost this, and you'll be surprised about what people want to know about you... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Naughty Naughty Girl
It started when I was on the way home from school. I was just standing on the tram, looking out the window. The car was packed, and it was standing room only, but I didn't mind, I liked the view of the city. Watching the trees and houses go by though, I didn't notice the man on the tram behind me. The first sign of him was a sharp, subtle pain in my side, followed by a hand over my mouth. Keep quiet, or I'll cut out your kidney. A crowded tram is a great place to get away with murder. He whispered in my ear, his voice gravely and threatening. It made my knees tremble. My whole body was shaking. I was in the middle of a packed car and no one noticed what was happening to me. He noticed my shaking, quiet now growled in my ear as he gently stroked my cheek. I'm not going to hurt you if you do what I tell you. he assured me, only if you don't. he added as an afterthought. Are you going to shout out? he asked. All I could do was shake my head and cower. Are you going to do wh
***naughty Girl*** ;-)
Come see the new set!! and all the fun videos and pictures of me in action.. and make sure you check out the archives!!! i know youll love it!@!!!*kisses*Syn
Naughty Application
Naughty Application JUST BETWEEN US SO BE BRAVE,FILL IT OUT & SEND IT BACK TO 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 19. How many times would you like to cum? 20. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. If you had me alone and all to yourself, what would you do? 25.What your number?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO
Naughty Application
!!!NAUGHTY APPLICATION !!! REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? . 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed?. 13. Would you use another female as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? S
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO
Naughty Survey
This is what I call.. The Naughty Survey. Simply fill it out and send it to the person who posted this bulletin. Have a naughty time! START 1) Would you slap my ass? 2) Would you slap me in naughty ways? 3) Would you fuck me? 4) How hard? 5) Would you finger me/give me a handjob? 6) Would you eat me out/give me head? 7) [guys answer this] If you were to finger me, how many fingers would you use and how deep in my pussy would you go? 8) [girls answer this] If you were to give me head, would you suck my whole cock and use your tounge or would you not even try it? 9) If we were in a movie theater and I took you to the back where no one was there and started touching you in private places, would you go along with it? 10) If both of us were extremly horny in a public place, would you find somewhere to fuck me or would we just wait til we get home? 11) If I asked you to try something a little different, would you do it even if it seems a little corny? 12) Would you ever consider a 3 sum? 13)
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK T
Naughty Application
Your name: Age: 1.Do you think I'm cute? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. Lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5. Would you take a shower with me? 6. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7. Would you leave after or stay the night? 8. Do you like cuddling afterward? 9. Condom or Skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11. Would you kiss me during sex? 12. Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14. Can I use you as a booty call? 15. Can we take pictures of the act? 16. How long would we have sex? 17. Would you tell your friends about me? 18. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? See how many people send this back to you! Even if you have a bf / gf. Repost this! Title it "naughty application...."
Naughty Application
Don't be afraid, just copy this "Naughty Application" and paste it in a reply to the person who posted this and fill it out. Don't be scared, who knows, maybe they feel the same way, or at least just wanna bang you Your Name: Age: 1. Do you think I'm cute? 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 19.Have you ever fantasized bout me befor
Naughty Application
1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Application
Naughty Application......
1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Application
Naughty Nun
A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you." She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am And have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and Hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could Say or ask that I would find offensive." "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me." She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2, you must be Catholic." The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!" "OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley." The nun fulfills his fantasy, with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying. "My dear child," says the nu n, "why are you crying?"
Naughty Or Nice
Ok I took down all my Naughty Pics a few people e-mailed me to say take new ones so wanted to get some feedback does anyone ever look at the Naughty Pics or should I leave them off?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN........ Your Name: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute ? 2. Would you have sex with me ? 3. lights on or off ? 4. Would you have to be drunk ? 5.Would you take a shower with me ? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Condom or skin? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? 19.Your Number please:
Naughty Thoughts
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 23.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY
Naughty Appication
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Holy mother, full of grace Bless my boyfriend's gorgeous face Bless his hair that tends to curl Keep him away from all other girls Bless his arms that are so strong Put his hands where they belong Bless his dick, the one i sucked Bless the bed, in which we fuck And if my mom happened to walk in Bless the shit I'd be in. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Sex is when a guys information enters a girls communication to increase the population for a younger generation do you get the information... or do you need a demonstration ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Naughty Love Rap
Naughty By Nature
Naughty by Nature She was a sexual freak With bedroom like eyes She was naughty by nature So hot, and so fly She had all the right moves That would dazzle your mind With all the right curves So slender, and fine She wore a hot sexy skirt With a slit down the side And you can see through her blouse Leaving little to hide She'll put heat in your passion And bring hearts to a melt Wearing nylons, and heels And a black garter belt She's a burning desire All wrapped in one girl So much thrill with excitement She is one in this world Such a sexual pleasure That knows how to make love And a wet ball of fire Most men have dreamed of Like dessert on a table She's all yours tonight And you'll soak in her love Till the peak of sunlight
Naughty By Nature
Naughty by Nature She was a sexual freak With bedroom like eyes She was naughty by nature So hot, and so fly She had all the right moves That would dazzle your mind With all the right curves So slender, and fine She wore a hot sexy skirt With a slit down the side And you can see through her blouse Leaving little to hide She'll put heat in your passion And bring hearts to a melt Wearing nylons, and heels And a black garter belt She's a burning desire All wrapped in one girl So much thrill with excitement She is one in this world Such a sexual pleasure That knows how to make love And a wet ball of fire Most men have dreamed of Like dessert on a table She's all yours tonight And you'll soak in her love Till the peak of sunlight
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Pics....
If you suckers thought that by clicking on this blog, you were going to be given a link to my "naughty pics", you're shit out of luck. What you will find in my photo albums, are a few funny pics of me, but mostly respectable headshots. What is wrong with those? I happen to think a classy picture of someones face far more appealing and a hell of alot sexier that a person sprawled spread eagle on a bed. However, I do not condemn people who choose to do that. To each his own. But you wont find them in my photo albums. I've already stated in my profile that I'm not a skinny girl. If you were one of the people asking me to post a "full body shot" move on...You can be "a little T.O.'d because you haven't seen a body shot, yet" (I heart Kip!) I'm not fat, but by no means am I skinny. I happen to think that I look great. And alot of other people do, too. If what you see in my photo albums is not "good enough" than move along.
Naughty Application
Naughty Application Body: REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO Y
Thought this was funny and to tell u the truth I needed a good laugh, so I am sharing it with U!!!! DOGGIE STYLE.... It has been determined that the doggie position is the most common sexual position among married couples..... the husband sits up and begs and the wife rolls over and plays dead... Enjoy Love ya alll Sasselicious!!!!!!
Naughty Application
Name: Sher Age: 41 Favorite Positions? On top or Who do u think is sexy?(someone u personally know)TIM Would u have sex with that person? yes Lights on or off? off Would u have 2 be drunk? no Would u take a shower with them? yes Would you leave after or stay the night? stay the night if i could Do you like cuddling afterwards? yes Condom or skin? Skin Do you give Oral pleasures? yes Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? yes Have sex on the first date? no Would you kiss that person during sex? yes Do you think they would be good in bed? Oh hell yes would u have a three sum with them? HELL NO How many times would u like to cum? as many times as possible Would you use them as a booty call? if he wanted to What is fore play to you? touching, kissing, playing, teasing Do you like fore play? yes Would u take pictures naked? I have Would you make a movie of u and this person having sex? NO What would be the best position f
Naughty Story
I come over to your place to hang out, I knocked on the door and no answer I look in the driveway to make sure your car was there it was. I knocked again but still no answer I tried the door it was unlocked i walked in. I called out your name still no answer I walked room to room as I got closer to the bedroom I can hear the shower running in the bathroom. I opened the door, walked in and slowly stripped my clothes off I can see that you are in the shower so I quietly stepped int the shower with ya, I pressed my body against your back wrapping my arms around you I began kissing your neck working my hands up and down your body. The shower water running down over our bodies,I grab a hold of your hard cock start to stroke it, a moan escapes your mouth i pull away and you turn around facing me, you grabbed a hold of the soap lathered your hands with a kiss you turn me around pulled me up against you. With one hand you run it up and down my arm and around my waist the other begins to ca
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Survey (thanks Ange)
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DON'T BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEN
Naughty Application
1.Your Name: Chris 1. 2.Age: *ahem* old. 3.Favorite position: on the floor, dead like... 4. Do you think I'm cute? as a button, you know... a cute button. 5. Would you have sex with me? if you played your cards right. 6. lights on or off? wrapped in christmas lights. 7. Would you have to be drunk? i wouldn't have to no, but just to make it more challenging. 8.Would you take a shower with me? not with the christmas lights on. 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? maybe. a gentleman never tells, so i guess i can say yes. 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? i'd stay for a week or so, but just until i got my shit together. 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? only with stuffed animals. 14.Condom or skin? leather. 15.Have sex on the first date? fuck yeah, i'm grown. 16.Would you kiss me during sex? on the veranda. 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? you'd be better on the floor. 18. Would you use me as a booty call? i would
Naughty Application.. Lol
Naughty Application... REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPL
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty App
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application!!
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Survey
[b][i]naughty survey[/i][/b] by [url=]pascaltime[/url] [i]when was the last time you did the dirty deed?:[/i] last night [i]was it with someone on your friend list?:[/i] no [i]how was it?:[/i] amazing [i]would you do it again?:[/i] ofcourse [i]is there anyone else on your friend list you would conider?:[/i] yesss [i]do they know?:[/i] prob [i]are they friends with the person you last did it with?:[/i] nope [i]do you make noise during?:[/i] always [i]are you blushing?:[/i] nahh [i]fav postion?:[/i] doggy or on top [i]do you own porn?:[/i] yep [i]whats better a good kisser?or a good lay?:[/i] a little of both [i]what do you wear to bed?:[/i] boxers [i]handcuffs?:[/i] i own them :P [i]video?:[/i] not really [i]do you have a signature move?:[/i] lol, i dunno [i]would you rather be in love with the person you have sex with?:[/i] ye ^^ [i]have you ever had sex with someone and their friends?:[/i] lol, ye
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Quiz
The ULTIMATE NAUGHTY QUIZ! Fill it out and send it to me in a message, and repost to see what people put for you! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Dick/Boob Size: 4. Favorite position (s) ? 5. Do you think i'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Would u have a 3-some with me? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave you my email
Naughty Fun
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Feel free to email Your answers to m
Naughty Quiz
The ULTIMATE NAUGHTY QUIZ! Fill it out and send it to me in a message, and repost to see what people put for you! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. How often do you maturbate? 4. Favorite position (s) ? 5. Do you think i'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Would u have a 3-some with me? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Feel free to email Your answers to me instead of posting them
Naughty Appliction
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Feel free to email Your answers to me
Naughty Horoscopes!
Naughty Horoscopes LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)-- If you F**K up just once with a Leo...That's IT. Don't be expecting them to take you back. They are not willing victims, after all, they CHOSE screwed up? They can UN-Choose you just the same. They live for Menage a Trois...or Qua...or Cinco....anything in a group is okay as long as they are in the middle. Leos also like bubble baths. Once you start with a not think you can just turn their emotions on or off like a switch...they demand satisfaction. NOW. All the stress in the world ends up in the Leo neck...They need neckrubs...they feel like they have the entire weight of the world on their head. If its kinky, a Leo has probably done it..You know Madonna's a LEO, right? She masters the Madonna/Whore/ Goddess thing pretty well, huh? I wonder why? Could it be cause shes a fuckin' LEO? yep. Valmont was probably a Leo. They probably have the movie at home. Get out your furry gloves and faux mink
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Quiz
The ULTIMATE NAUGHTY QUIZ! Fill it out and send it to me in a message, and repost to see what people put for you! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. How often do you maturbate? 4. Favorite position (s) ? 5. Do you think i'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Would u have a 3-some with me? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave
You Were Naughty This Year You Were 75% Naughty, 25% Nice You may not have been good this year... But you sure had a really good time. And nothing from Santa could top that!Were You a Naughty Girl or Nice Girl this Year?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Horoscopes
NAUGHTY HOROSCOPES I'M A SCORPIO,LOL Seduction with ASTROLOGY: ARIES These cowboys or cowgirls are in for the adventure. So never ever be totally available to them. Always keep that mystery going, they need to chase you like a horny hound after a sports car! When you do have them, rub foreheads, massage their scalp, wear read underwear and prepare for marathon sexual episodes! TAURUS If you want a Taurus make sure you know how to cook. They know that good cooks often make sensual lovers. Combine food and fucking as much as you can! Nibbles on the neck, playing vampires, and expensive gifts grab their attention too! Play it rough, allow them to tie you up and possess you. GEMINI If you've got a brilliant story to tell, save it for seducing a Gemini, the more wild and crazy it is, the more exciting it is for that sexy twin. Change your mind, change positions, change everything, and always keep them guessing, their curiosity is their secret we
Naughty Or Nice?
Hey guys , I Love Fubar! I am a outgoing girl , that loves to play. Write me and i will always answer. I work alot , but after work i love to play on the phone yes phone sex :) Email me lets chat or play. Tell me how naughty you really are ... Susan My Favorite Links
The Naughty Quiz
he ULTIMATE NAUGHTY QUIZ! Fill it out and send it to me in a message, and repost to see what people put for you! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. How often do you maturbate? 4. Favorite position (s) ? 5. Do you think i'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Would u have a 3-some with me? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave y
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Feel free to email replies.
Naughty Hehehe
The ULTIMATE NAUGHTY QUIZ! Fill it out and send it to me in a message, and repost to see what people put for you! 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. How often do you maturbate? 4. Favorite position (s) ? 5. Do you think i'm hot? 6. Would you have sex with me? 7. lights on or off? 8. Would you have to be drunk? 9. Would you take a shower with me? 10. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 11. Would you leave after or stay the night? 12. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 13. Condom or skin? 14. Do you give Oral pleasures? 15. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 16. Have sex on the first date? 17. Would you kiss me during sex? 18. Do you think I would be good in bed? 19. Would u have a 3-some with me? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 22. Do you like fore play? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Would you send me nude pics if I gave
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Kisses
The Naughty Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house; Hormones were raging through every friend and spouse. The guys were hung and the women's pussies had no hair In hopes that the smell of sex would fill the air. Some were already sleeping naked in their beds While visions of orgies and threesomes danced in their heads. My wife in her nightie and I in my Santa cap Were getting ready same hot ass to tap. When in the next room arose such a clatter I sprang with a hard-on to see what was the matter. Away through the window flew Bob giving everyone a flash Becky lay on the bed covering in nothing but wax and ash. A candle lay between her large breasts what happened I had to know Bob's lust did throughout the night grow. Then I couldn't believe what my ears were about to hear Becky said she told Bob she wanted to stick the candle in his rear. Which is why Bob ran out of the room so quick Out into the cold freezing his dick. More rapid than a river the laughter ca
Naughty Toilet Stick People
Click to Watch Video
Naughty Application
NOW EVEN IF U HAVE A B/F, IF UR MARRIED, IT DONT MATTER THIS IS FOR LAUGHS AND CURIOSITY... SO GO AHEAD REPOST IT! THEN: REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute: 5. Would you have sex with me: 6. lights on or off: 7. Would you have to be drunk: 8.Would you take a shower with me: 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me: 10.Would you leave after or stay the night: 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards: 14.Condom or skin: 15.Have sex on the first date: 16.Would you kiss me during sex: 17.Do you think I would be good in bed: 18. Would you use me as a booty call: 19.Can I use you as a booty call: 20.Can we take pictures of the act: 21.How long would we have sex: 22.Would you tell your friends about me
Naughty Pics
I have naughty pics for any who are interested, dont know how long they will be up!
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Hott Graphic I Like
Visit www.hostdrjack.comCLICK HERE!
Naughty Questions
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would like to have sex with? 2. Do they know it? 3. Have you had sex with anyone on you friend¡¯s list? 4. Do you like making love or having hot sex? 5. Have your ever had a 3 some? 6. What is your favorite position? 7. Do you want to have sex with the person who posted this? 8. Give or receive oral? 9. Kinky or sneaky? 10. Loud or quiet? 11. Ruff of soft? 12. Foreplay or not? 13. Do you like to bite or be bitten? 14. Spank or be spanked? 15. Condoms or not? 16. Masturbate or not? 17. Role-playing or not? 18. Are you brave enough to re-post this?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty But Nice
Naughty Application
Tell me ALLLLL about what you're thinking. ;) > 1. Your Name: > > 2. Age: > > 3. Favorite position(s)? > > 4. Do you think i'm hot? > > 5. Would you have sex with me? > > 6. lights on or off? > > 7. Would you have to be drunk? > > 8. Would you take a shower with me? > > 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? > > 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? > > 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? > > 12. Condom or skin? > > 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? > > 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? > > 15. Have sex on the first date? > > 16. Would you kiss me during sex? > > 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? > > 18. Three sum? > > 20. How many times would you like to orgasm? > > 21. Would you use me as a booty call? > > 22. Do you like foreplay? > > 23. What is foreplay to you? > > 24. Can we take pictures of the act? > > 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? > > > SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BAC
Naughty Christmas
Christmas Naughty or Nice List Christmas Naughty or Nice ListYou are on the The Nice List After checking the North Pole database we found you had : 1,574 nice entries 324 naughty entries Check your name on the Christmas Naughty or Nice List at
Naughty Adult Sex Survey
Sex Sex and more Sex TAKE THIS SURVEY! Take this survey if you can openly talk about sex What is it that you absolutely need sexually? Stimulation (foreplay anyone) What is something you have always wanted to try? Threesome What is something you have never done in bed before? Another guy What time of day do you like to have sex? Mornings are great What do you absolutely need to see to turn you on? Im a guy - please How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? 10 sec or less If someone was in the next room while you had sex would it make you nervous or excited? Excited Would it bother you if your bf/gf got naked at a beach or river? Nope Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope What Part of your body are you self-conscious about? My stomach Do you have any sexual regrets? Yes If a lover cheated on you would you take them back? Depends on the situation How Important is sex in your life? I still like it How Important
Naughty Survey
1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? Yes 2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? doesn't matter....when the mood strikes! 3. What side of the bed do you sleep on? in the middle mostly I think, but sometimes on the edge one side or the other 4. Pork, beef, or chicken? depends on the dish 5. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? YES 6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? guess you could say that, if you wanted to get real technical about it 7. Shower or bath? Shower 8. Do you pee in the shower? I Have..NOT if someone else is in there with me..lmao 9. Mexican or Oriental girl? I'm not real sure what this means, so I won't answer this one! 10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? aggressive...but also slowly romantic..thats a hard question to answer.. 11. Do you love someone on your friends list? Yes 12. Do you know all the people on your friends li
Naughty Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Xmas and all through the house The whole damn family was drunk as a louse Grandma and Grandpa were singing a song And the kid was in bed flogging his dong Ma, home from the cat house, and me out of jail Had just crawled into bed for a nice piece of tail When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter I jumped out of bed to see what was the matter Away to the window I flew like a flash Threw open the shutters and fell on my ass The moon on the crest of the new fallen snow Gave a whore-house-like luster to the objects below When what to my blood shot eyes should appear But a rusty old sleigh and two mangy reindeer With a little old driver a pounding his dick I knew in a moment, it must be Saint Nick Slower than snails his reindeer they came He bitched and he swore as he called them by name Now Dancer, now Prancer, up over the walls Quick now, damn it, or I'll cut out your balls. Then up to the roof he stumbled and
Naughty Application
1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Application
Naughty Application
1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Feel free to email Your answers to me instead of posting them here if You like!!
my up and comming lounge: Naughty&Nice click the banner to come in and chat
Naughty Parties"the Bikers Way
HELP WANTED COME WORK WITH THE BEST apply to executioner -EXECUTIONER Owner@Naughty Parties"The Bikers Way"@ fubaror me -
A Naughty Poem
A NAUGHTY POEM A Naughty Little Poem She whispered 'will it hurt me? ' 'Of course not' answered he 'It's a very simple process, You can rely on me.' She said 'I'm very frightened, I've not had this before. My friend has had it five times And said it can be sore.' It was growing rather painful Tears formed in her eyes It was hurting quite a bit now It must have been a size. 'Calm yourself' he whispered 'His face filled with a grin 'Try and open wider So I can get it in.' 'It's coming now' he whispered 'I know' she cried in bliss Feeling it deep within her now She said 'I am glad I'm having this.' And with a final effort She gave a frightened shout He gripped it in anguish And quickly pulled it out. She lay back quite contended Sighed and gave a smile She said 'I'm glad I came now You made it worth my while.' Now if you read this carefully The dentist you will find Is not what you imagined It's just your dirty mind! !
Naughty News Blooper
Naughty News Blooper - Watch more free videos
Naughty Girl Needs A Spanking
Paradise has been a bad girl Please go spank her and leave some comments. She needs all the comments she can get If you leave her 100 comments let me know and I will give you 5,000 Fubucks
Naughty Parties Lounge
come by and join our family . its a great lounge with good music and great people .everyone makes you feel really welcomed there.stop by and check us out and be sure to join us .
Naughty Parties"the Bikers Way"lounge-prizes
> Hell's Angels On WheelsUploaded by BadBoy88 click pic of bike for lounge CHECK OUT GIVEAWAY FOR NEW MEMBERS
Naughty Parties
Hell's Angels On WheelsUploaded by /¤t=money.jpg" target="_blank"> click pic of bike for lounge
Naughty Application
Naught Application
Naughty Application Body: 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 23.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Application
Naughty Or Nice??
According to experts, I am : 64% NaughtyTake the Naughty Quiz at
Naughty Way
Naughty Application
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON" ***Best one will get a reply*** 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Email your answers..... SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO
The Naughty Or Not Quiz
Free Fun Quizzes at
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. LET THE FUN BEGIN...... Oh and when you go to repost just be sure to take all this stuff out in case someone whats to fill this out for you.....have fun!!! Your Name: Age: Favorite position: 1. Do you think I'm cute?. 2. Would you have sex with me? 3. lights on or off? 4. Would you have to be drunk? 5.Would you take a shower with me? 6.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 7.Would you leave after or stay the night? 8.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9.Fingers Only or Tongue 2 Clit? 10. Have sex on the first date? 11.Would you kiss me during sex? 12.Do you think I would be good in bed? 13. Would you use me as a booty call? 14.Can I use you as a booty call? 15.Can we take pictures of the act? 16.How long would we have sex? 17.Would you tell your friends about me? 18.Will you post
Naughty Application
1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4.Do you think I'm cute? 5.Would you have sex with me? 6.Lights on or off? 7.Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16.Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 18.Can we take pictures of the act? 19.How long would we have sex? 20.Would you tell your friends about me? 21.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT "Naughty Application"
Naughty Auction... Come See...
Club Naughty N Nice is having an auction! Come bid on these wonderful people! Bids start at 2500 fubucks. Click the pics to see what each person if offering! The auction will run for two weeks starting January 14th start time is 10am est. and will end January 28th 10am est.! Dave- Shoo shoo- Mullet Hunter- Carnie- Pappa- Duke- FknCrazy- BeetleJuice- JuicyFruit- Sassy- Click the link below to come to Club Naughty N Nice!!
The "naughty Game"
This is called the "NAUGHTY GAME". Copy these questions into an email and send it to me with your answers. I will reciprocate! Be honest! Mark all that apply Would you kiss me? [ ] Hell Yea [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ] already did Would you do me? [ ] In an instant! [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ] you look to sweet to fuck [ ] already did Am I attractive? [ ] Heck no [ ] hot as Hell [ ] Fine [ ] Cute [ ] Okay I think ur pretty [ ] Sexy [ ] Ugly! Do you think im a virgin? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don't know Name one thing you would like to do to me... 3 things you would like to know about me? 1.) 2.) 3.) If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] maybe Would you rather.. [ ] Hook up with me [ ] Cuddle with me [ ] Date me [ ] Marry me [ ] Friends [ ] Do me What kind of underwear are you wearing right now? [ ] boxers [ ] whitie tighties [ ] thongs [ ] g-string [ ] granny panties [ ] boy shorts
Naughty Games!
This is called the "NAUGHTY GAME". Repost this, see how many MESSAGES people give you... Mark all dat apply Would you kiss me? [ ] Hell Yea [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ] already did Would you do me? [ ] In an instant! [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe [ ] you look to sweet to fuck [ ] already did Am I attractive? [ ] Heck no [ ] hot as Hell [ ] Fine [ ] Cute [ ] Okay I think ur pretty [ ] Sexy [ ] Ugly! Do you think im a virgin? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don't know Name one thing you would like to do to me... 3 things you would like to know about me? 1.) 2.) 3.) If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] maybe Would you rather.. [ ] Hook up with me [ ] Cuddle with me [ ] Date me [ ] Marry me [ ] Friends [ ] Do me What kind of underwear are you wearing right now? [ ] boxers [ ] whitie tighties [ ] thongs [ ] g-string [ ] granny panties [ ] boy shorts [ ] none What's ur favorite position? On a scale of
Naughty Quiz
Are you a virgin? (If yes, you're not going to get much out of this).: NO. How old were you when you lost your virginity?: 18. What is your sexual orientation?: BI SEXUAL. Have you ever done anything sexually with someone of the same sex?: YES. Would you?: HELL YES. Would you ever have a threesome?: YES. With someone of the same sex?: YES. When was the last time you had sex?: LOL, HMMM... Have you ever had cyber/phone sex?: YES. Would you ever pay for sex?: FUCK NO. Would you ever have sex for money?: FUCK NO. Have you ever been forced to do something you didn't want to?: NOPE. Would you ever have sex with the person who posted this before you?: I DONT KNOW WHO POSTED THIS, LOL. How many people have you kissed?: HAHAHAHAHA. What do you consider your best physical feature?: MY EYES, ASS, AND BOOBIES! What is your best sex skill?: MMMM, WOULDNT U LIKE TO KNOW, LMAO!!!! What is your favorite position?: DOGGY. What is the
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DON'T BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 01.Your Name: 02.Age: 03.Favorite position: 04.Do you think I'm cute? 05.Would you have sex with me? 06.Lights on or off? 07.Would you have to be drunk? 08.Would you take a shower with me? 09.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16.Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 18.Can we take pictures of the act? 19.How long would we have sex? 20.Would you tell your friends about me? 21.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YO
Naughty Application
Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s) ? 4. Do you think i'm hot? .. 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. shaved or trimed? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to recieve Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss after oral or swallowing? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Three sum. 2 guys/ 2 girls ? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Does size count ? 22. Do you swallow, spit or share ? 23. What is fore play to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND- REPOST THIS! TITLE IT NAUGHTY APPLICATI
Naughty Application
HI, REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty A
we had fucked in the car before but never like this tangled in the backseat flinging our clothes away we fumbled, you grabbing my hips and thrusting into me my head banging into the door you pull me up slide you hand between us "i can't, i can't," i breathe "yes you can" - and i do, the world bursting apart behind my eyelids but when i open them you are staring then pushing me roughly over onto my knees my shoulder a dull ache as it presses into the door - it will hurt for days your hand tight on my thigh hips banging into mine and then i feel you come, smacking my forehead into the window as a final insult but i can only laugh i hear your deep chuckle too as we search for my panties but somehow there is less light because we have fogged all the windows
Whipped cream, wet dreams Sugar's so sweet Red lips, fingertips Spiked heels on my feet You're wishing, body twitching Melting in the palm of my hand Deep moaning and groaning The sweetest sounds from a man Whips, chains Pleasure pains Your desire My gain Bare flesh, full breast Down on hands and knees Wet spot, so hot Tightens to please Erotic, hypnotic You want it, I got it On bottom or top Harder now don't stop Heart bleeding, heavy breathing mmmmm..., feel's so good hip shaking, cunt aching thrust deep and nail me to the wood.
Naughty America
I was just wondering if anyone has heard of "naughty america", I really wanna talk to someone who hopefully has been in them or at least knows more about them lol. If you can help send me an email, if not thanks for reading.
Naughty App
1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12.Condom or skin? 13.Have sex on the first date? 14.Would you kiss me during sex? 15.Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17.Can I use you as a booty call? 19.Can we take pictures of the act? 20.How long would we have sex? 21.Would you tell your friends about me? 22.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. Lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Have sex on the first date? 14. Would you kiss me during sex? 15. Do you think I would be good in bed? 16. Would you use me as a booty call? 17. Can I use you as a booty call? 19. Can we take pictures of the act? 20. How long would we have sex? 21. Would you tell your friends about me? 22. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU
Naughty Applicaion
NAUGHTY APPLiCATiON 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8. Would you take a shower with me? 9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10. Would you leave after or stay the night? 11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 12. Condom or skin? 13. Do you give Oral pleasures? 14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 15. Have sex on the first date? 16. Would you kiss me during sex? 17. Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Threesome? 19.Anal? 20. How many times would you like to cum? 21. Would you use me as a booty call? 21. Can I use you as a booty call? 22. Do you like foreplay? 23. What is foreplay to you? 24. Can we take pictures of the act? 25. What do you think of phone sex? 26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE S
The Naughty Nun
A cabbie picks up a Nun. > > She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome > cab driver won't stop staring at her in the mirror. > > She asks him why he is staring. > He replies: > 'I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you.' > She answers, > 'My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am > and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.' > > 'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have sex with a nun.' > > She responds, > 'Well, let's see what we can do about that: > Firstly, you have to be single, > Secondly, you must be Catholic, > And thirdly, as I have to save my virginity, you will have to enter me from behind.' > > The cab driver is very excited and says, > 'Yes, I'm single, Catholic, and I'm happy to enter you from behind!' > > 'OK' the nun says. 'Pull into the next alley.' > > The nun ful
Naughty Application
REPLY IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS. DONT BE AFRAID. YOU NEVER KNOW WHO WILL REPLY OR WHAT ANSWERS THEY WILL GIVE. EVEN IF YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND OR HUSBAND OR WIFE - REPOST THIS! LET THE FUN BEGIN........ 1.Your Name: 2.Age: 3.Favorite position: 4. Do you think I'm cute? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. lights on or off? 7. Would you have to be drunk? 8.Would you take a shower with me? 9.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 10.Would you leave after or stay the night? 11.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 14.Condom or skin? 15.Have sex on the first date? 16.Would you kiss me during sex? 17.Do you think I would be good in bed? 18. Would you use me as a booty call? 19.Can I use you as a booty call? 20.Can we take pictures of the act? 21.How long would we have sex? 22.Would you tell your friends about me? 29.Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THIS BACK TO YOU! TITLE IT-Naughty Appli
Naughty Story
I wrote an erotic story that got published. samantha's story

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