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Working Things Out For Me!
Life could seem alot better but it aint. James and I are talking and working out some stuff that needed to be talked about. We found out earlier today that someone had messed with our camp as well as our things back at camp. I had some very important papers in a book-bag out there and that really has me hot. If I find out that Mariah had anything to do with it being slashed, No one is gonna stop me from beating her ass. Bair and I are doing well. We are still waiting on housing to give us a place to stay and all, But hopefully it ownt be much longer. Its just a matter of time now because I was in the systemt year for to get a place but things have changed. So we only have to wait on an apartment to coome open! So hopefully it will be soon enough that it comes around.
Welcome Home Pt. 1
You call me while I am at work asking me to tell you when I am going to be home. I tell you that I am on my way and I should be there in about 15 minutes or so. You ask me to hurry home. I find the most direct route to get there and when I get home I find there is a note taped to the front door. I take the note and read it. My dear husband, Our son is at a friends house and will be gone into the evening. Please join me upstairs. I know you have had a difficult past few days at work and you need to relax. Your Loving Wife, Ashley I enter our home and take off my work boots. I know you are upstairs, but I first take the time to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I take my time drinking it. I know that I am making you wait. I enjoy knowing that I am increasing the anticipation. After I am finished I make my way upstairs. I Listen for sounds as to where you are. I hear the faint sound of water running so I know you are in the shower. I step into our spacious bath
• A man is forbidden from buying drinks for more than three people other than himself at any one period during the day. • Clark County: An ordinance makes bringing a concealable fire arm into the county illegal unless it is registered with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. In order to register a handgun, however, it must be brought in to the police station. Furthermore, you may not register a gun on the weekends, but the police may prosecute you at that time. • Elko: Everyone walking the streets is required to wear a mask. • Eureka: Men who wear moustaches are forbidden from kissing women. • In Eureka, Nevada men who have mustaches are forbidden from kissing women. • In Las Vegas, Nevada: It's against the law to pawn your dentures. • In Las Vegas you can bet on any team--except The University of Nevada at Las Vegas. • In Nevada sex without a condom is considered illegal. • In Nevada until the 1960s it was illegal to sell liquor at religious camp meetings, within a h
Hating This
To everyone that i have met and are friends with I love you! I'm cancelling my account and not gonna be getting another one. You will all me missed greatly. If anyone wants to find me i'll be on yahoo and also myspace. samschewy2 on yahoo. You will all be missed greatly except for a few ppl. You know who you are... I have had fun and met some great ppl. I just can't take anymore drama and dont need it in my life right now. Too many more important things to get accomplished in my life with my kids and myself. ~Jessica~
This Man
The man below is a very generous man he has a selfless heart and is kind to all...Go show him mad fulove :) Also he is trying to get spotlight so any thing you can donate to him would be great :) LoneWolf {H&L Bombers Founder}}@ fubar
2 Much
is there such thing as 2 much texts and 2 much pixz and 2 much comments from ppl that give it 2 u is that condsier stalking or not givin u breathing room??? hmmmm......
Prelude & Entries 1 & 2
Prelude Good morning! Just a note to check in. I know you are busy with the kids and school so I do not expect to hear back any time soon, but just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and you are missed. Hope you are doing okay and I do hope to see you soon. Her initial reply: And are we ready for the weekend? I bet you can't wait to get outside and freeze your (butt) off! I know I would love to stay home by the fire. I guess I will be bringing homework with me, I have so much to do. Anyway, just checking in to see if you were ready for the weekend's events (whatever they may be):) Talk to you then, bye.! Oh yes, I am ready, have been for a couple of years...oh, sorry, wrong topic. Entry 1 On a brisk fall afternoon a long sought out voice calls out of the piney woods. A tall stranger turns to the sound. Immediately, the voice is recognized, his pulse quickens as two and a half years of longing surge through his mind. Quickly he approaches the petite r
First Day Of Work
Well tomorrow is my first day of work at Coca-Cola for the summer. Luckily they called me right after I took a nap so I will have trouble getting to sleep in order to get up at 5am to be clocked in by 6am. Great... you bastards. The best part about this job is that its hard, back breaking manual labor. Its a nice reminder of why I went to school and blew all that money getting a degree... so I don't spend my whole life doing a shitty job like this. Bedtime... later.
All I Wanted
All I Wanted All I wanted was someone to love, Always asking my Lord above. I asked for courage to do what’s right, On my knees I’d pray every night. My skies were dark & sad, Lies & deceit were all I’d ever had. I knew I had to stop & just be still, I had to heal & accept God’s will. I prayed & prayed for God to show me the way, So my stormy nights could turn into sunny days. He blessed me with a man so awesome & true, When I looked up from my prayer, he walked into view. His eyes are so gentle & kind, God has sent me the man I thought I’d never find. I love this man with all my heart, He’s my perfect match & I know we’ll never be apart. He loves me so much & I’m proud to say, He brings out the best of me, in every way. Thank you God for hearing my plea, Without this man, I wouldn’t be me. Now I have this man to truly love, Sent to me…..from my Lord above. To: My husband Ramon Diaz …..with love Written By: Lynn Diaz May 2008
Kissed a ghost today, its cold lips were just as I recall, yet lacking flame. Its heat had leaked through eyes in salty drips The taste gone: apologies and blame. Its eyes, no longer brown but now turned white From blindness cultivated to conceal. They do not know my name, or wake to sight, Because we both can feel this isn't real. Yet Love is so alluring still when dead. It lies so that it simply seems it sleeps. Just waiting for the Prince to bow his head, Bestow his kiss, that stirs in the deep. Gina 2005
Naughty Boy 420 Needs Your Help To Level Him Up To 22
naughty boy 420 needs your help to level him up on level 22.He has 3,013 to go till next level.So can you all show him some fu-love to his page please.Here's his pic link for it.He would like that alot. ~~naughty boy 420~~@ fubar
for thirty years at night sleep did elude me past terrors and traumas pursued me i get terrified when the sun goes down trapped in my own head no one around now things are starting to change my whole world to be rearranged a new love a lighter heart a new life mine to start fell asleep and awoke in the night shocked myself first time no fright im sleeping at night now just a lil more wondering if your the one who slammed that door cant wait to sleep with you i wonder what its like to sleep a whole night through
Innocence Lost
a child no more a woman who hides from terrifying memories trapped inside the walls are broken and the waters run free i think i will tell you a lil of me of innocence lost in a single thrust i cried out stop they we must a child no more a woman who hides i cant let me feel you inside a year of hell my mind lay broken things that happened not to be spoken a tree split wide my legs held so im not yet 6 dont hurt me so im older now and i have survived you say ive lived but havent i died 30 years have come and gone i have survived for i am strong im learning slowly to live and laugh walking through the shadows of my past days at the beach or hours at a park are slowly chasing away nightmare and the dark a grandbabies giggle a smile in the sun they stole my innocence but they never won
Military Supporter~greeter @ Soldiers Playground
Deadbeat Payer ? Roxy entered a Giveaway to win a months VIP or 7 Day Blast. She pays for her own VIP's but its she wanted 7 day a blast. She needed 14,500 comments which were gotten..last comment on May 9th and 14,505 Comments ...she still has not received her 7 Day if ya hear of Military Supporter holding a contest...DO NOT ENTER UNTIL SHE MAES IT RIGHT WITH ROXY, Matter of fact leave a comment and ask her why she has not paid up, DO NOT DOWNRATE just leave a comment on her profile publicly why she has not paid her debt, Here is the screenshot below. A Level 26 Should Know Better. heres her link. Military Supporter~Greeter @ Soldiers Playground 2~@ fubar
Zionism And Judaism Aren't The Same Thing? You Decide
Zionism and Judaism aren't the same thing? you decide
Some Guys Really Suck!
Forgive me, for I am still a wee bit under the weather...and embracing my inner bitchness at the moment...but some men just really suck here. For instance, I have this one guy...texascounts something or other, who blocked me because I didn't answer his 4 shout questions with 3.5 seconds... Even if I wanted to answer them, with my incredible lightening-fast typing fingers and my 90+wpm speed, I still wouldn't of met his psychotic deadline...probably better that way anyways...but still...are people really that stupid...??? Or there are some other men, or perhaps I should say boys rather, who try to hit me up in multiple places if they can't get a response from one place. All I have to say, is if I don't message you back...there is a reason...and the reason is most likely, I'm busy or not in the chatty kathy mood...isn't that what the yahoo invisible status is all about anyways? If I don't want to talk to you, trust me, I'm woman enough to let you know. Do people on FUBAR k
Am I the only one who likes wearing his iPod headphones round his neck when he doesn't have them in, cos out of the corner of his eye it looks like he is wearing a tiny stethoscope round his neck like doctors do, and he can pretend he is in 'Greys Anatomy' or something?
He Was My Best Friend.
"As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin." I use to never give this quote a second thought until that night. How one person can sit there and say they are your best friend but cause you to cry is beyond me. All i did was be there for him and help him when he asked and i got yelled at for honest opinions. I'm sorry that i couldnt tell him what
Vampire's Kiss
Eternity beckons drawing me closer to Feast from me and I’ll give my soul to you Take my pain, sedate my fate, and keep life at bay I await your gift…in this place I cannot stay. I’ll walk with you down cold dark halls Always building up our walls We’ll be together forever still I’ll live no more against my will Your eyes they bleed tears of pain I weep for an end to your self disdain You condemn the blessed and eternal bliss Drink from me, just one kiss Give me what I ask, I’m begging, pleading Save me from this painful needing With you I’ll travel to Hell and back Praying for the day my heart turns black
My Day
My Day Sometimes I just don't think it pays to get out of bed, ugggghhhhh. I know you guys don't know it, but I have been really struggling with alot of personal issues lately, I wish someone could explain to me why I always seem to attract men, that seem to really want to be with me, be around me and then just POOF!, they are gone without so much as a good bye. It has really been weighing on me lately. So day before yesterday I was finally starting to get past this a little, then I wake up yesterday, lol....should have just stayed in bed. First I go outside to my car and discover someone has been in my car! It's not that they took anything of value, lol, actually it's pretty funny what they did take...a case of bottled water, 12 empty cd cases, lmao, I wish I could have seen their faces when they discovered the cases were empty, lmao. Anyway, its not what they took, it's that they were in my car, i feel violated. Then I had to go to my bank, change accounts because I am
Ooc: Introduction
Hello all, I am trying something new (for me anyway). As some of you may be aware, I am a fan of roleplaying games in general. I used to be way active and occassionally own a game rulebook and create characters to potentially portray if I ever get involved in a game. This section will include character sheets for various characters, In-Character letters I write, etc. Should be an interesting experiment. Mainly an ecuse to actually use this blog function as I suck at keeping daily journals. Anyway, here goes...
Fu-snobs Or Just Fu-careful
So i tried to be nice and friendly and leave comments on peoples pages, only to be told I dont have permission!! Why do that I ask? What can people leave you that is soo horrible? Why not approve the comments first? Explain this to me if you can.
What Is Gonna Happen Next
Alright I am at a spot where I am so confused and don't know what to do. I have been offered the best job, with benefits and a very excellent salary and good hours, and all, I had plans to stay around Kingsland, but I haven't even been back in 2 months, I don't have anyone to answer to, so it is basically what ever I want, I started dating someone a couple weeks ago and already feel used, I am not ready for a relationship with someone that doesn't treat me like I should be treated, it seems as if every time I find a new boyfriend, he uses me for money, I pay the tab everywhere we go, every time we have something planned something special, when I go to pick him up he is drunk, I am talking drunk drunk! I was invited to a special company dinner with the company that wants me to go to work with them and that happened, so I went all alone and he shows his behind. Like five other times we had dinner dates with my family, sister and brother and ditto the same thing happens! WHY do I always
No More Drama.
like drama? no? yes?
Please Check Out This Social Action/charitable Web Site
Ashleydoodle invites you to SocialVibe
Just The Facts
Jealous People On Here.
Why the hell do people have to be stupid? I thought this was an over 18 site. Was I mistaken? There are some jealous ass people on here that are going through other peoples pictures (my bff for one) and marking them nsfw just because they are good pics, absolutely no nudity in alot of the ones they marked. If you are that insecure, you are on the wrong site. Go back to myspace IDIOTS!!!
New Pic And Skins For The Dream Team
DREAM TEAM GOT NEW PIC AND SKIN FOR ALL TO GET! We Are Seeking A Few Good Men & Women To Join Us...So If You Have Team Spirit And Would Love To Make Some Great Friends Come Check THANK YOU FOR THE PIC PEEK-A-BOO
Re: Ventura Fears 'we Did 9/11 To Ourselves'
RE: Ventura Fears 'We Did 9/11 To Ourselves' ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 21 May 2008, 19:12 Ventura Fears 'We Did 9/11 To Ourselves' Former Governor Jesse Ventura went further in his 9/11 skepticism than ever before today when he told the Howard Stern Show of his fear that elements of the U.S. government carried out the attack, stating, "I hate to fear....that we possibly did it to ourselves." http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/may2008/052108_ventura_fears. htm
More New Lol
so yeah we have more new hires at work....i'mnot even why though....i would guess they're gonna be cashiers maybe for me i've been sort of cross training a lil bit...being a cashier and sort of an fls but not so much...just helping ppl at the self checkout when the other cashiers were too busy....i work the food court and is never busy so yeah... i wouldn't mind being a'd be better then just standing at the food ocurt doing nothing idk i might talk to the managers about having soem days as a cashier...
My Fubar Career
Sometimes I wonder when I will finally leave this site. I just started, but to be sure, I can't possibly stay friends with everyone that I meet, nor can I make good on every hope and wish that I have for my friends, or myself with my friends. Points had, comments made, flirting exhausted, pictures took, it all will end sometime. I wonder when it does will this be something I'll look back on and want to remember as a good experience. Perhaps after all the feelings have been hurt things will be better than they were. Maybe I'll have met that special someone, or perhaps I'll have wished I never tried. This site is loaded with people that in appearance I despise for the most part. They are vain, arrongant, and rather loathesome. They symbolize the mere manifestation of egoism, and sensory pleasure for their own desires, and own ends. What have I to do with the likes of these men?
EVANESCENCE LYRICS "October" I can't run anymore, I fall before you, Here I am, I have nothing left, Though I've tried to forget, You're all that I am, Take me home, I'm through fighting it, Broken, Lifeless, I give up, You're my only strength, Without you, I can't go on, Anymore, Ever again. My only hope, (All the times I've tried) My only peace, (To walk away from you) My only joy, My only strength, (I fall into your abounding grace) My only power, My only life, (And love is where I am) My only love. I can't run anymore, I give myself to you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, In all my bitterness, I ignored, All that's real and true, All I need is you, When night falls on me, I'll not close my eyes, I'm too alive, And you're too strong, I can't lie anymore, I fall down before you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My only hope, (All the times I've tried) My only peace, (To walk away from you) My only joy, My only strength, (I fall into your abou
Anxiety And Depression
Is Any Of This Familiar To You? I have been through anxiety and depression though I am doing well now. Whenever you go through this hell you can always relate to others who are suffering, you want them to know they are not alone and if you find an answer as I did you share it. Life is so rough with poor finances, terrorism etc. and many people are hurting. This program worked for me and now I am asking you to think about the following questions Finding yourself in the hospital's ER because you thought you were having a heart attack only to be told later it was anxiety? Fearing you might stop breathing because your chest feels tight and your breathing erratic? Afraid to drive because the idea of getting stuck in traffic, on a bridge or at red lights scares you? Continually nervous and afraid you might lose control or go insane? Struggling daily with anxious thoughts that will not stop? Feeling uncomfortable in enclosed spaces such as supermarkets, cinemas, public t
Chevelle-the Clincher
Chevelle - The Clincher -
Queen Of The South 2-3 Rangers
Queen of the South 2-3 Rangers By Clive Lindsay Kris Boyd opened the scoring at Hampden Kris Boyd emerged from the shadows to become Rangers' hero as they ended brave Queen of the South's hopes of winning their first Scottish Cup final. Boyd fired home a superb free-kick and DaMarcus Beasley slotted in a second as Rangers eased ahead by half-time. However, the biggest shock in cup final history looked on the cards when Stevie Tosh forced the ball home and Jim Thomson headed in an equaliser. But Boyd, so often left on the bench this season, rose to head the winner. And Rangers, playing their 68th game of an arduous season, limped home to ensure their 32nd Scottish Cup final triumph - their first in five years. Rangers manager Walter Smith had made four changes in an attempt to freshen up a side that were playing their fourth game in eight days. MY SPORT: DEBATE Complete neutral here, but think Rangers deserve their cup double Matt_Utd_FC
Lycan Pride Warriors
Calling all Bombers!!! Calling all Bombers !!! Are you tired of bombing familys that dont bomb eachother?? Tired of Bombing one member all the time?? Tired of being treated Like a second class Bomber?? Well Look no further We are the bombing Family for you The Owner Of Lycan Pride Warriors Welcomes you to stop on by and check out one of the most Loyal Bombing Familys On fubar WE WANT YOU!!!!!!!! ***CLICK ON THE LINK AND CHECK US OUT*** Lycan Pride Warriors (Under New Management)@ fubar"
Your Sacrifice!
We walked among the crosses Where our fallen soldiers lay. And listened to the bugle As taps began to play. The Chaplin led a prayer We stood with heads bowed low. And I thought of fallen comrades I had known so long ago. They came from every city Across this fertile land. That we might live in freedom. They lie here 'neath the sand. I felt a little guilty My sacrifice was small. I only lost a little time But these men lost their all. Now the services are over For this Memorial Day. To the names upon these crosses I just want to say, Thanks for what you've given No one could ask for more. May you rest with God in heaven From now through evermore.
Almost There
Well I have a layover in Iceland right now on my way back to the states. I have finally escaped from the cursed lands. Well not much time left but I thought I would put an update in.
As Requested
How many times must I ignore you, before you see how much I care but you care so much you hurt that one to be so not to think that it would hurt now the girl is numb the feeling is gone she has trouble believing anything he says now she cant say how she feels just too negative to say the things she wants now the girl has someone on her shoulder is that right to be saying, criticism is constructive but it can be taken as an insult. not meant so meant only for improvement. why cant you see that
My Sister And Baby In Accident This Afternoon.
I was scared s***less It happened so fast... but they seem to be ok Sis and I had Frog and Little One with us. We had just bought Frog a new bike from the Target in Visalia and were walking to the car when we realized we were in the wrong lane of parking. I was helping Frog roll the bike over the row of bushes separating the parking lanes and Sis was manuvering Little One through when he decided to start running. Sis ran after him and I starting running to. We saw the tuck comiong and at first thought "surely he will see them" and then I suddenly realized he hadn't. I think Sis realized it too and she wrapped herself around Little One while the truck hit them. I saw my baby and my sister go down! I was so scarred...then they both sat up and my heart started beating again. The driver of the truck stopped because he realized he hit someone. They hadn't been speeding...they just simply didn't seem Sis and Little One coming. I guess at first they thought it was just Sis but the
Dedication To Our Soldiers - We Will Never Forget!
Dedication to our soldiers. ..----------------- Original Message --------------From: Alex the GreatDate: Jan 31, 2006 11:51 AMMy name is Alex H. Rollf. I am stationed at Ft. Myer VA. at Arlington National Cemetary. B co. 1/3 inf. The Old Guard. My job is to go to funerals for those who have fallen or served. My brother is in the Marines Stationed at 29 palms CA. He has served 2 tours in Iraq and thanks to our lord he has come home to his wife and family safely. Another friend A.J., who is also in the Marines, has been 3 times. On his third tour he was shot in the leg and hit with an RPG. After a little time in the hospital he reluctantly came back home to CA. We are all very proud of what we do and few know better than those who have served. Some have served on the front lines and others have served at home honoring those who did serve on the front. I have shown your page to as many people who will look I love what you have done and the bullitens you post give me dail
Very Tiny Octupie
i've been cavorting with very tiny octupie floating in green liquid surrounded by emerald faeries the view was quite nice, but my paper was rice and my drawings just floated away i've got pictures i yell as i hold out my cell its details are not that bad but the seahorse of course who had no remorse has taken only snaps of his tale so here i sit typing this spit wondering why try just to prevail its not that i'm blue i mean look i have you and with you i surely cant fail i look at your smile every once and a while i reach out my hand and wave high but time it has not actions are more with a thought so it drops back down to my thigh so here i am a bit tired and grim after a night of swirls i prevail yet tiny octupie, they wont say goodbye they just kiss and spin happy and pale are they pink? are they blue? are they aqua maroo? none of this makes sense to my mind thought its fun to create right nonsense not hate my days have not at all been that bad blahze
Carmen Electra
Help Me Win A Sholorship
go vote on my pic so i can win some money for college
Calling All Sexy People!!
I Thought He Was A Real Friend
I thought you were a friend of mine and was ok with me. You showed me late last night, just how wrong I could be. You knew I had a man, even though you did not believe it was true. You forced yourself to think there was more then there ever could really be. You made a choice and hurt your friend, destroying all that trust. Now I must say goodbye to one I though was true. I am glad you stopped when you did and did not push the issue, hurting me even further and passing the point of no return. I will never play the fool again and trust someone like you. It's over, said and done. I hide you from my site.
Getting Even With Mr Hitler
Not That Funny
The Ring Japanese Prank
Bettie Page Collage
Set to "Venus in Furs" by the Velvet Underground. Enjoy.
June 11th
I had fun here on fubar and I've gottent o know a lot of people on here, but I gotta roll, I kinda got tired of the whole thing, I mean it's the internet, it's supposed toi be fun, so i shouldn't have to read about my actual life on here should I? Or how this person who doesn't know me hate me, and how I did this or that, sh*t's too stressing, so I'm chucking the dueces June 11th, that gives people who don't know me and things like that time to actually get to know me. So yeah, it's been fun, but I'm moving that day as well and i may as well start off with a clean slate right? So yeah people, get at me and know it was extra fun on fubar, I'd recommend it...
Bettie Page - Naughty & Nice
Love the song in this one: "Bleed All Over Me" by Wicked Wisdom. Enjoy.
When Death Comes
Born with death in your eyes yet you exist with them blind. But don’t worry death will follow you, waiting.. waiting.. for you to take that final breath A must needed release for a tired body In a world of nameless faces ,wandering dreams and vile temptations are those who can’t wait to step into a shallow grave Suffering and denial spill from your mouth like an orgasmic release. Flawed expectations saddened with delight, seeming more tragic by the realization that your precious world is cold. as Death finally came...
Lol Even A Lil One Knows !!
A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was. Tears formed in his eyes as he thought about her seeing the wonders. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her to see what work of God had captured her attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. "Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked. "They're mating," her father replied. "What do you call the spider on top?" she asked. "That's a Dad dy Longlegs," her father answered. "So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked. As his heart soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question he replied "No dear. Both of them are Daddy Longlegs." The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment, then took her foot and stomped them flat, saying "Well, we're not having any of that brokeback mountain shit in our garden." Brings a tear to your
Heart I know you're going through a lot right now Trying my best not to bring you down Can't help but feel the way I do You mean the world to me I'd do anything to help you through There are a million things I can say But words can't describe how I feel But I still try, I still write to this day Being without you is like losing the will to live No metaphors, I love you My heart is all I can give I wanna tell the world But my fears keep me from climbing high Wishing I was strong an confident But when you tell me you love me I'm completely content Just know no matter what you do This heart that beats inside of me It beats only for you
The Bastard Fairies-we're All Going To Hell (official Video)
Too all those "Happy Peppy People" That think their shit doesn't STINK!!!!!!
Here Is Our First Member Who Needs Assistance Plz
~SunShiNe_in_ShaDoWs~@ fubar she only has 1967 to go for level. Thank you!
> > >A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door. > >The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in > >the pouring rain, is asking for a push. > > > >'Not a chance,' says the husband, 'it is 3:00 in the morning!' He slams > >the door and returns to bed. > > > >'Who was that?' asked his wife. > > > >'Just some drunk guy asking for a push,' he answers. > > > >'Did you help him?' she asks. > > > >'No, I did not, it is 3:00 in the morning and it is pouring rain out > >there!' > > > >'Well, you have a short memory,' says his wife. 'Can't you remember about > >three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think > >you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!' > > > >The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding > >rain. > > > >He calls out into the dark, 'Hello, are you still there?' > > > >'Yes,' comes back the answer. > > > >'Do you sti
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. — Anonymous
Have A Husband Or Boyfiend Stationed Overseas?
I'm running a special for those with husbands or boyfriends in the military stationed overseas. I'm offering a discounted rate of $50 per hour for photo sessions so you can get affordable and professional photoshoots done so that you can send pictures to your loved ones. I've had requests to do everything from pin-up style photos, sexy photos in military uniforms and flags, and regular portrait photos. I'm also offering free digital copies of the images (with my logo) at either 800 pixels wide or 800 pixels tall. This special also includes free photo editing. My prices for larger digital images with no logo or physical prints (pictures in your hands) are quite competitive as well. Please feel free to sample my work at my website. The sample below shows the maximum width and height of the free digital images:
Empty Eyes
Forgotten she lays deep within the bryer discarded and lost among entangled thorns awaiting eternity to consume her desire as from her a still beating heart was torn filling the silence with her tormented screams while darkness did leave its taint upon her soul then nightmares come and vanquish the dream she will fall without end to embrace oblivion below then a deafening whisper comes out of the night and no solace was to be found within this voice with frozen tears falling one by one out of sight as there are faint dark applause as the wicked rejoice her eyes turn grey as she denies the vision and pale blue does become the shade of her skin veins fill with ice and by a black heart she s driven as more & more is her essence stained by sin to crave infinite silence & be that which is not muttering so many unclean wishes with her frozen breath there is no answer that for so long she has sought and now of herself there is nothing left but she arose
Stupit Is As Stupid Does!!
Body: I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to repost this as many times as you can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media it! A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they imagine that America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves. Pause a moment, reflect back. These events are actual events from history.. They really happened!!! Do you remember? 1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40. 2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40. 3. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40. 4. During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40. 5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up
This Was Just Tooooooo Funny Not To Share Lmaoo
Will You Rate This For Me?
Rate & comment this picture for me! If you do 500 comments I'll bling you! thanks :)
Contest Dream Team Need Help
Come Buy Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> '$h¥ /þrðmð†êr@ VîþË®§ ÐøLLHÕû§ê DJ~Terry~ 'AuburnGirl ;)r/l GF 2 blueeyedirish,Man~ ÐJ £ïrêÐrågðñ >Öwñêr ð£ ~†êåzêr§~< £µ-hµ§ßåñÐ †ð ÐJ §ñððkïê & ÐJ Ämßêr£ïrê FOOOKEE/GrEeTeR@VIPER'S DOLLHOUSE »-(¯`v´¯)-»Thè Ñøtø®íøú$ P•Ø•P MíLìtîa'$ ßéªutïfûl¤Ðï$ªstêr™»-(¯`v´¯)-»
Lusting You Is Out Of Sight
would like to Go to town Who cares if we Tear your gown Kiss your body Up and down Lick the pink Then lick the brown Turn you over On your knees Spread them wider Will you please Touch clit lightly Gently tease Bigger buzz than Baiting bees Sliding closer Turn your head Re-position On the bed Whispered dirty Words are said Fingers follow Where tongue led Words are honey On your tongue When you’re horny I’m well hung Sweetest song You’ve ever sung You could suck An iron lung Naked, on the Cold cold ground Grasp your butt then push and pound In and out And round and round Moans, sighs, groans Love every sound Use your tongue Now wet your lips Feel your nipples Touch their tips Lick your opening Quick small sips Drive it deeper Use my hips Run my fingers Through your hair Push it harder Right in there Pleasure’s growing You can’t bear The gentlest touch Around your rear Make it
Whats Up Everybody
Whats going on im back on
This Is What I Wanna Be When I Grow Up
object width="425" height="355">
Mad Tv, Sluts And The City
Mad Tv, Oprah
Mad Tv, Public School House Rock
Golden Flame
Golden Flame CUM see lots of sweet wet pussy lips and extra large 40DDD tits. I am a BBW dressed in a sexy yellow nightie just for you. Spreading my thick legs so you can CUM and see everything very clear. There are around 70 photos in this set, 1834 total photos and 11 video clips on your members SEXtion. I now have 10 very hot videos on SCVideos. CUM check out the newest ones: Sexy Wet Flame, Taking a HOT Load, and Balloon Banging. If you want a custom set or video done just for you let me know. I all-ways enjoy fan mail. It gets me so wet. As always let me know what you want to see more of. XOXO Love XOXO Exotic Flame -- Hugs and Kisses Exotic Flame
You're The Inspiration By Chicago
Youre The Inspiration - Chicago
This section despite my choice of name is meant to describe in detail, and examine what is the case, and how it is not or does correlate to what it ought to be. For instance I spoke about free will and examined the words linguistically, e.g. normative, dialectically, and perhaps a little etymologically, looking for their derivation. The last might be how the term 'free' predicates the subject 'will', and their relationship.
Thought This Was Funny...says It All
Army Wedding Vows If the Army wanted you to have a wife, it would have issued you one. Dear family and friend, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and the Department of the Army to witness this exchange of vows and to see the love that these dedicated, loving people have for one another. I, ______________________________________ , take (who was once referred to as the 'dependent'), as your Family Member, to dwell together in so far as the Department of the Army will permit?" "Wilt thou love her, comfort her via the Postal Service or over the telephone, make sure she knows where the commissary, PX, clinic and the church are and what time she is scheduled to use the laundry room the day she arrives, wherever you are stationed?" "Wilt thou attempt to tell her more than 24 hours in advance that you will be leaving for two weeks, beginning the next morning? This especially applies to the years you will live in a foreign country!" "Wilt thou, , take this soldier
Dj Pj Writes In The Tub
Please turn to pages 52 - 55 to read my article on SuperStack and then pages 62 -65 to view my write-up on Someday Merry!
Not Much Going On.
well as the headline says not much going on today. I didn't get on to do this shit last night cuz I was just to wore down. I had to change my clutch in my car yesterday. and well it went really smooth but still it's a lot of work. I got it all done in under 6 hours. would have been done sooner but had to wait for a friend to bring my part from his work. so I had an hour or so to kill in the middle there. as far as the rest of things not really much going on. work was dead tonight. which was a good thing. not money wise but I really didn't feel like being busy today. well that's about all I got for now. I'm about to go to bed. YES me in bed b4 day light. LOL tell next time kiddy's. keep it real. peace out bitch.
Welfare Poem
Welfare Poem - ... I cross ocean, poor and broke, Take bus, see employment folk. Nice man treat me good in there, Say I need to see welfare. Welfare say, 'You come no more, We send cash right to your door.' Welfare checks, they make you wealthy, Medicaid it keep you healthy! By and by, I get plenty money, Thanks to you, American dummy. Write to friends in motherland, Tell them 'come fast as you can.' They come in turbans and Ford trucks, I buy big house with welfare bucks They come here, we live together, More welfare checks, it gets better! Fourteen families, they moving in, But neighbor's patience wearing thin. Fin ally, white guy moves away, Now I buy his house, and then I say, 'Find more aliens for house to rent.' And in the yard I put a tent. Send for family they just trash, But they, too, dr
i am entered into a contest and must be the first one to reach 30,000 comments and i need all yalls helpso you will need to go and rate fan and add this person who is holding the contest in order to comment bomb me so please go and rate fan and add him so i can win ...much love and trhasnks to those who do it Love Hells Vampyric Angel THIS IS THE GUYS NAME WHO IS HOLDING THE CONTEST ♥♥♥♥ ♥§è×ý ßåbý ßlµè Êýè$ ™©*****CAPTAIN of the Confederate Bombers**** ****SHADOW LEVELER YOU CAN EITHER LOVE ME OR HATE ME THE CHOICE IS ALL YOURS **** fu owned by ♪♫♥♥Teresa♥♥b this is the guys link to his page plz help me...THE CONTEST STARTS ON THURSDAY OF NEXT WEEK AT 12 NOON CENTRAL TIME
060508 Fluffy Starr Blog
Night Ramblings..... Skankalicious profile, dude! So this is something everyone has noticed, I'm sure, but nobody really says it out loud. Is it wrong to say it? Is it "politically incorrect"? Or so much a part of our culture that it goes unnoticed? Anyways, whatever, but what do you girls think of getting friend requests and comments from "skank collectors?" You know the kind. They have all these naked chicks showing their uhhh....stuff. Stuff they got from God, and stuff they got from the doctor's scalpel. Whatever the case, they're showing it. And they're showing it all. Do these guys think they're page is impressive? Manly? Cool? What? News flash: it's gross, dude. Totally effin' gross. Hello? Do you think you'll get a date? "Oh you display women like pieces of meat... I want to go out with you! You're so cool!" (Am I feminist? No, I am a HUMANIST.) I remember one friend I had a few years ago. Let's call her "Tammy". And Tammy had this boyfriend... Let's call him "Sean". Anyw
Why Couples Don't Have Sex!!
Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your mother would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in
Bueno Pues...
It's odd to pretend everything is all right, when my house is surrounded by sadness after the death of my Great Uncle Harry. He was a great man, and one of my granpa's favorite children. He was always smart and kind. He made some really odd jokes to make sure I was always smiling. The last time I saw the man was not to long ago at my Uncle Raul's wedding. There to ensure I wasn't dying of boredom (he knows I'm not fond of my dad's family memebers to much when they drank) he stayed sober and played games with me, we dances, and just joked. It reminded me when I was little... when we first met at my Great Aunt Lily's wedding. He was always nice and always got me random little things. Today is his funeral. It's weird; death. This is the first funeral I'll attend. I'm glad he's being buried here. If I had to go to Nicaragua for his burial, I think I'd probably lose it. I'm still trying to cope with my grandfather's death (from mom's side). Whose funeral, I've never been able to attend a
What Do The Contents Of Your Refrigerator Say About You?
What Your Fridge Says About You You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times. You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver. You don't tend to be a very adventurous person, but you do surprise everyone now and then. You have a bit of a wild side. You try to be responsible, but you don't always succeed. Your heart is in the right place though. You are likely to be married - and very busy. What Do the Contents of Your Refrigerator Say About You?
I Miss You
Only You
Only you by Me My Heart lost in this soup of life Wandering endlessly in the night Guided only by a single light Gleaming from your soul Is a passion to bestow And a love that will make me whole
Thank You All..from Us
Healing Prayer
Mother teach me how to heal The feelings inside of me; Teach me how to respect all life With burgeoning humility. Show me the path away from abuse, Where everything sings life, Where heartache is just a memory Of ancient, human strife. Let my spirit be healed Until dying holds no fear, Where rebirth is welcomed, Bringing me joyous tears. These are the things that I desire, For I want truly to know, The pathways and healing passage Through the dark night of the soul.
Some Help
Most Empaths, find themselves at the center of almost any group, they are leaders, teachers, they make good speakers, and can do all these things and more, with considerable talent, however, there is a Dark side to empathy, that one must be aware of, especially in relationships. Some things to consider for any relationship, but doubly so, if one or both of you, are Empaths. Moody: Be prepared to be considered moody, and "emotional" by most partners. Because, quite frankly, we often are. But, realize, that most of the "moods" we find ourselves in, are very often, not our own. Even for those feelings that are our own, be aware, we tend to feel them much more intently than your average person. "It has been said that if the emotional depth of an Empath were suddenly dumped into the body of another, the other party, might well be institutionalized from the shock." For us, to love or to hate is not just a word, it can be an emotional storm, so expect more of a response, positive or negat
It's My Life, Don't You Forget!
so my life has just recently gone through a series of serious changes. 1. my divorce 2. my breakup 3. my new found self. well, that is how i started to write this blog. life has been a blurr lately. i have been distracted and off course for a few months. that has all now changed. my head is back in the game and i am well on my way to a much more successful self and life. i now am on my own. in my own place with my own stuff. no one to tell me anything at all. my own rules. no husband. no boyfriend. nothing. just me and soon my little satsu (my cat) i am very excited about this new step. i am going to be able to have all of my pre-married bedroom furniture which is kick ass. why? bc i picked it out of course. i get to make this my own spot in the world and not worry if it is too girly, or too military or whatever.. my house! my rules! finally! i am doing everything i can to take care of only worries currently are me, myself, and i. yes i know... how selfish but i g
Ok My Friends Time For Round 2 Get It Before I Am Gone
this is my secnd auction i hope you show me love and support.So go bid what ya waitin for own me that's right own my 6"2 big teddy bear body go for it!!!
Naughty Or Nice U Choose
THE AUCTION IS OFFICIALLY OPEN! Click a folder and find your favorite...or two...and make them all yours! You might be surprised who is the naughty folder and who is in the nice folder. (Ok, no surprise my is in the naughty folder.look for miss bitch aka momma2b lol) the Naughty folder is NSFW you will need to send an add request to see it. PebblesinAZ@ fubar
If Ya Want To Feel The BOOM, Click 2 Join Us In The ROOM!! Come Check Out The Boom Boom Room Lounge... Great People, Great Tunes, Great Times...
Bs 4 Da Weekend In June
i didn't know if i was going to curse in this blog or not so i just did nsfw. I am giving someone a break at work so i was bored.. so if you are reading this hoping for something WOW...nah.. not wow today just some stuff i say over and over.. i almost kicked shannon's dog in the face this morning.. the fucker likes to lick feet.. stupid animal. anywho idk why you buy a dog and just dump it on your wife.. than on top of it not have her live with you. bizarre ass people.. anywho she was putting me down on text messages the other day when she found out dad was gonna help me buy th eother 2 tires for my vehicle. im like you do the same shit. she don't pay for half the stuff i do. im defintely gonna have to alter some bills though.. get rid of my cell phone. i'll probabley have to do that this week just to get it over with since im broke anyway. just a lot of bills came up at the same time and i had to buy tires and pay a speeding ticket. going 70 in a 55 and its 170$ wtf?
Plz Help Before Vip Runs Out
My vip runs out in 7 days im not asking anyone to buy me one i just been trying to level for months and it would be awesome if i leveled before my vip ran out ill give all love back i promise i always do ♥DJ Pebbles♥@ fubar
True Lies??????????
Pimping Out
Come help these friends level, u know they would do the same 4 u n it doesn't take much, so come show them sum well deserved love! AngelFire 9,196 Points to go to Idol! Dj DragonEagle 11,734 Points to go to Henchman! Carolvision 13,421 Points to go to Minion! Aris Dragonheart 17,655 Points to go to Bad Fu! Toni 21,787 Points to go to Assassin! Dj Grim Kitty 22,876 Points to go to Idol! Dj Wyldone 64,630 Points to go to Henchman! Lordess Bitch
Lullabies Of The Lost
I walk alone; stand by myself, Shut my mouth and scream for help, I feel so lost, but what can I do? Someone stole my memory, but I’ve forgotten who, I don’t understand what I’m doing; I can’t comprehend what I feel, I can’t separate the blur between my world and what’s real, I know that I’m dieing, torn and broken inside, So till this is over Ill set my heart aside, Ill pretend to keep breathing inside my pretend self, Walk away from ridicule; try to maintain my mental health, Ignore the daggers through my soul and the razors in my skin, Try to act mainstream and keep my conscience locked within, Ill act like I’m normal and try to forget, But I cant see how I can manage to do that yet, I try to stop myself but reality tears through, I would try harder but the end of me is due, I’m wandering aimlessly inside my own head, Tell me, would you cry if I was dead? Poem by Schweigsame.Seele
Dj Fag A Lieing Cheating Whore
satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:25:36 PM): satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:25:39 PM): im back satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:25:44 PM): satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:32:38 PM): dude u need leave ami alone Chad Furman (6/16/2008 4:32:51 PM): who the fuck u talking about satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:32:58 PM): satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:33:03 PM): omfg u dumm Chad Furman (6/16/2008 4:33:10 PM): speak english satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:33:18 PM): lmaooo i eat dinner then i finshe this when i get back Chad Furman (6/16/2008 4:33:34 PM): i will be gone bitch who the fuck u talking about Chad Furman (6/16/2008 4:34:13 PM): who ami Chad Furman (6/16/2008 4:39:56 PM): is it one sexy mama satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:52:27 PM): yes satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:52:32 PM): leave her alone satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:52:57 PM): whats ur problem hasent she aske to leave her alone satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:53:11 PM): bake the fuck off her satan stoned (6/16/2008 4:53:25 PM): she dont waant to talk or have anythi
Boycott Grocieries And Gas
Grocieries and gas prices are out of line. And thier prices only seem to go up. I can't live like this. But yet theres nothing that I seem to be able to do about it . I am going out of my mind.
Fast As You Can...
A warning for the next one... "I let the beast in too soon, I don't know how to live Without my hand on his throat; I fight him always and still Oh darling, it's so sweet, you think you know how crazy How crazy I am You say you don't spook easy, you won't go, but I know And I pray that you will Fast as you can, baby run free yourself of me Fast as you can I may be soft in your palm but I'll soon grow Hungry for a fight, and I will not let you win My pretty mouth will frame the phrases that will Disprove your faith in man So if you catch me trying to find my way into your Heart from under your skin Fast as you can, baby scratch me out, free yourself Fast as you can" _________________________________________________________ -REL
Silent Eyes
I always look behind me for I feel someone is there I feel his eyes all over me but I can’t see him anywhere. I can smell his anger locked so deep inside his soul He had to feel the power and so, my life, he stole. I can taste the warmth and sweetness of the blood he took from me But the scars upon my spirit are the wounds I can’t set free. I still feel the stinging touch of all those pleading tears and death lay gently beside me and brought to me, this lasting fear. For now, I feel I’m nothing my shattered pieces on the floor Once I knew a trusted world now I have nothing to live for. Darkness feels so evil now and still I am searching for the light And throughout life’s misery one day I will win this fight.
Trike Car
I Lost My Change
Did you ever lose your change in a coke machine or some other machine like that? And then you're pissed off because you stuck all this change in there and you didn't get anything. Well that's how people are sometimes. You keep feeding your emotional quarters into them and you don't get you're damn emotional Coke. Then you bang on the machine and you push the coin return button and still nothing. It sucks.
Alright folks...heading to Ohio tonight. Be in Springfield after about 10. Ugh!
I Did It!!!
I finally got the hood of my clit pierced!!! WOOHOO!
Cryptic Morbidity
As I lay you down, To your cryptic death You feel the bone crushing cold, From my icy breath You suffer helplessly, And drown in your despair The smell of warm formaldehide, Soon thickly fills the air As I drain you of your life & soul, And you're fighting off lividity, Your tomb awaits, dressed in gold... And cryptic morbidity I'll fill your body with pain, And seal your empty eyed fate I'll rip you limb from limb, So the world can see my hate The incandescent glow of your slowly rotting flesh, Reminds me of the peril my morbidity has left As I drain you of your life & soul, Waiting for lividity Your tomb awaits, dressed in gold... And cryptic morbidity As I rape you bloody rotten corpse, You see I feel no shame But this is all just a part of my wicked little game The hatred I feel for you is here, As the end is soon to come Cryptic morbidity is lurking near, And for you there's no return
The Strange People You Run Into Here
Levi aka 'Mo_Hottie' be careful what you say to this peep. he has no sense of humor what so ever aka 'Mo_Hottie' i commented on one of those funny gifs about "i rated you and added you doesnt mean i want to fuck you" my comment was "thats a hell of a note and how much you went after me" all in a joke. later in my shout he says "i dont know you" "i never talked to you" i respond with "i was just making funny comment to your funny default profile. you dont seem to have a sense of humor " which he respond with a block now i noticed that he removed his funny profile pic Now isnt that strange the profile has been deleted... i guess you just have to watch out for this face
Update On Merci And Baby
I come to you all with such heart wrenching news Merci and Fireman185 have asked me the GodMother of their unborn baby daughter Keira Lynn to let you all know Merci delivered the baby last nightshe was only 21 weeks and I am sad to say she did not survive due to her not being big enough...I can not sit here and go into details I just wanted to let you all know what was going on please do not message Merci or Chuck right now as I am forseing all the questions and concerns for the both of them...Merci and Chuck I love you...and I am here for you both.
My Update
I have lost 34.5 lbs in 6 weeks and I am very happy. :-)
Stupid Men...
Okay, so as you get on Fubar here and start building points you click on everyone's profile and as a woman all these men start sending friends requests and messages back to you. Only on ocassion do I send a friends request. I'm really looking for the rates for points and already have some pretty special people in my life that keep me busy so I'm not looking to add to the dating schedule. There was someone that lived close by that recently started sending me messages which was fine. They wanted to meet sometime and I said maybe but wouldn't the woman in her bra on your profile mind that (2 pictures up one of him and one of the woman in the bra)? He deletes the picture and says it is someone that he thought was cute...hmm. So he sends a few more messages but no real chatting going on and definitely no committment to meet (I just don't do that people until I can check you out the best I can- it's not a safe world). So with no committment to meet, no real conversation ever taking pla
Useless Shit.
I just cleared out a bunch of old blogs that meant less than shit to me, but now its not showing my new blogs that I posted just now. CUT THE SHIT FUBAR.
Drunk Driving Marines
Well today I am leaving on my trip home. Most of it is gonna be fun but I do have some business to handle. I will be taking lots of pictures and having a blast. On Saturday we are going to see Stevie Wonder at the taste of chicago..WOOT WOOT. Leave me love while I am gone and look for trip pics next week. Take care to all my fubar friends.
I want to speak words I want to speak words that mean something I want to speak words that make you stop and think Words that Heal Relieve Soothe Ignite Excite I want to speak words that you ingest, digest, regurgitate, then digest again Words that will still ring true hundreds of years from now I want to spit syllables as sharp as daggers that could kill if I aimed them right I want to speak volumes I want to say something so profound that the world is changed in an instant I want to speak words that part seas and make mountains fall I want to speak words that transcend time and break language barriers I want to speak words that I want to speak words I want to speak I want ... To be heard.
This Weekend
Hey guys just letting everyone know that this weekend and next week i will not be on very brother in law is comming home from the Air Force and im gonna be spending time with him and his family...i will most likely be on here at night or when their off visiting her side of the family...i hope everyone will stop by and continue to show my pg some fubar lovin...and i will return the love and messages as soon as i also in a auction so come and bid on me ...the place to do ur bidding is in another blog it gives a link for u to follow.....yall all have fun and take care...
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I hate to think to hard. :) 2. I can't wait for my Shannon to move here. 3. I can turn my tongue upside down. 4. I can't remember my original hair color. 5. My Daughters are my Best Friends now. 6. I Love my Tatts and want alot more. 7. I'm not self conscious 8. I spell horrible (see above) 9. I've always been swinger curious 10. I hate cute. Bounty Hunter Ash Rev Sherry Mel Yeah, this sucks, but its interesting. *huggles*
Requim For The Masses
Requiem For The Masses - The Association
Tag Your It!!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. only child 2. I am afraid of spiders 3. I love someone I can't have.... 4. I love watching movies 5. I love Coke(the soda) 6. I can't stand to be around people 7. I am very happy with my life!!! 8. I'm going bald 9. Tattooed women drive me crazy 10. I love woman who are pierced..... I tag....... Lyric LSD's Shell Celestial Sweetheart Can't Sleep Clowns will eat me One Hott Lette
I Have Been Tagged
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.I'm an excellent cook 2. I lose myself in music to the point hours go by 3.I have anxiety attacks around large crowds 4. I'm discusted with my body most of the time 5. When I love, I love will all that is me 6. I'm an animal lover 7. I was born in Berlin Germany & have dual citizenship 8. I love spoiling my friends 9. Family & Friends are very important to me 10. *CENSORED* LOL Tagged by..AngelDawnKris
So I Finally Grew A Pair...
and got on a rollercoaster today. totally loved it. must do it again lol.
Tag You It
Instructions..... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blogwith 15 weird things,facts, or haits about yourself. At the end you chose at least 10 people to be tagged,listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that say"you're it!" on that persons profile ans ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.I am very loyal 2.I dislike dishonesty 3.I Love My family 4.I don't like bees 5.I hate Brussel sprouts 6. I love good food 7.I Love to cook 8.I'm really a big softy 9.I Love to be in Love 10.I hate cheaters!! 11.I hate dirty dishes 12.I HATE MOWING THE LAWN!!! 13. I Love roller coasters 14.I can't put up with people who don't know how to do their JOB 15. I'm in Love with 2 Women I TAGGED: RuBy TNK SEXISANDI PHOENIX SICILIANCHICK ELIZABETH HARLEY DIVA WITCHY WOMEN CHEVYLAY1957 NO REGRETS
If The Word Fuck Offends You Don't Read
Finally writing another fucking blog entry out of sheer boredom. If you don't feel like reading a fucking rant. Stop now!! So fuck you if you feel like you wasted part of your life by reading this. You were fucking fore warned. If you are offended by the word fuck or any variation of said word. Don't read on either. There with the fucking disclaimers out of the fucking way. Before you ask: No you won't get any words of wisdom and quite possibly may be dumber after reading this. Cause all that is running through my mind right now is how I can get in as many fucks into this fucking post before I get the fuck done. Fuck this is boring the hell out of me already so I can't fucking believe the reader is fucking any to impressed with this fucking bullshit of a entry so all I have to say is FUCK THIS FUCKING POST AND I AM FUCKING PISSED OFF. Not fucking worth continuing with this fucking shit so until fucking a later post. Remember...............FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ramblings Of A Woman In The Crowd... it goes..for those of you that don't know me...I am mandi...I am a medical assistant and work for a medical group that does disability exams and we see regular patients as well....As I set here and ponder upon life I stop and think...Is this what I expected out of life...I married young and it has been about everybody else in my life except me...It's time to take control of my life and claim it for myself... I would like to take the time to thank a couple of people on here for being great friends...and thank you to the new friends...I have met some pretty interesting people on here and I have really enjoyed their company and phone calls...I know this isn't like the other blogs...Some leave funny blogs some leave crazy blogs...this is the ramblings of a woman in the crowd...I have noticed some crazy things going on in this world...I was setting alone with my two boys one day in walmart in McDonalds...the boys wanted happy meals so I allowed them to have I set t
Dont Need You No More
dont we all get lost once and a while its just are we stronge enough i have to dig deep into myself to find the strength sometimes i feel i have no support and i'm alone sometimes i just sit in my melancholy state sit and listen to the music to put me in a deeper trance to bring me out in a hopefully happier state or maybe not i do gather joy for just listening to sad songs amazing sad songs does act to cheer me up find myself on hip hop station mostly love songs to cheer me up plzzzzzzzzzzzz take a bow sometimes i do desire to see my love bleeding
CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you're too busy to talk to them for a week. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after years, and will happily carry on the same conversation you were having last time you met. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Never ask for food. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. So true....I never have any rice crispies around the house or brownie mixes any more LOL CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. And Mrs. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...we screwed up...but man that was fun!" CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS: Cry with you CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. FIRE
The Brotherhood
"THE BROTHERHOOD" Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven God went missing for seven days. Eventually, Michael the Archangel found him. He inquired of God, "Where were you?" God breathed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds. "Look son, look what I'm making!" Archangel Michael looked puzzled and asked, "What are they?" God replied, "It's a special person, but I'm putting respect for Life into them. I've named them FireFighters and there's going to be a balance between everything They do. For example, there's Career and Volunteers. Career is going to be paid and stay at their stations for hours and hours till replacements come, and Volunteers will be wakened in the middle of the night to perform a job few others want or can do.But paid or volunteer you can see the thin red line that joins them. Now look over here I've put a contingent of Medics and EMT's in the line to watch their backs and treat any injuries that occur
Come feel the vibes in DeCkSdRuMsNRoCkNRoLl, Click pic to join us!!
Paybacks A B!tch 2
Go F/A/R all of these Fu's and leave them a comment that say Paybacks are a bitch! lol In this case I think it's a good thing!excellentluv~@ fubar~sensual-breeze~shadow leveler@ fubar"Master" of Desires@ fubarButterflyMajic@ fubarDj. Tesha-Rl Gf/Fu Wife/Owned By Franklin-Greeter at club Illusions..@ fubarLucie in the Sky@ fubarŞếΧΫ SŦA@ fubar♥ ReDnEcK AnGeL ♥
Where Are The Cattle?
If y'all knew where I lived, you'd know that I am in wine country. If you knew that, you might think I penned this piece as I observed the vineyards in my neck of the woods, but this piece actually came to mind as I was gettin' down the road to a rodeo on the California coast - I was driving through Napa. I remember a day when cattle were common in the area - and it made me long for days gone by. The title of this poem is "Where are the Cattle", but I have always liked my alternative title better: "Sour Grapes". You can call it by whichever tickles your fancy the most. Anyhow, enough of my natter and on with the poem... Where Are the Cattle? Where are all the cattle? The hands tall in the saddle? Where have all the big ranches gone? If you'd look you'd be knowin', There's vineyards a growin' 'Bout grapes, I just can't write no song. - Bob (this was penned in 2003)
True Friends
place not the trust in those who plays the games draw on the power of true friendship friends forever stress not true friends are at hand be not afraid if there be loss due to games they be not true friends and were never yours they do not deserve such friendship that you have
What makes us strive to have forbidden in our lives so we constantly try not be smitten. With a goal to control the emotions of a soul unrestricted yet somehow it is written. Finding excuse after excuse to fight and shake loose when denied that we can not forget it. Accept what you feel but realize that still if you want let it be so and give it, your all you may fall but stop and get called cause its to late to hide your deepest intention. Random chance prevents not the concept which leaves us baffled, cause the heart is king reguardless of everything in the end it will always win the raffle. Most commonly honestly when we can't have, told no and we laugh. hold over our minds that our hearts has no power, understand when i say we can't shake desire. so accept it, regret it, life is nothing if you let it, control and descide where you how you live and grow. Accept what you want when want it odds are in your favor if side it with it and don't play games thinkin if you lie you can have w Could Save The Woman You Love
A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts: 1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed . They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair . Women with short hair are not common targets. 2) The second thing men look for is clothing . They will look for women who's clothing is easy to remove quickly . Many of them carry scissors around specifically to cut clothing. 3) They also look for women on their cell phone , searching through their purse, or doing other activities while walking because they are off-guard and can be easily overpowered. 4) Men are most likely to attack &rape in the early morning, between 5: 00a.m. and 8:30a.m. 5) The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is grocery store parking lot
Trouble With Haters!
What is up with all the haters on this site? So many people think its funny to give out '1's, leave nasty comments on mumms, etc. Then when I block them, they send their friends after me! If they don't like me, WHY do they care if I block them?
Do You Have Feelings Of Inadequacy?
Do You Have Feelings of Inadequacy? Do You Have Feelings of Inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Tequila®. Tequila® is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Tequila® can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Tequila® almost immediately, and with a regimen of regular doses, you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past, and you will discover many talents you never knew you had.Stop hiding and start living, with Tequila®. Tequila® may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Tequila®. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are
My Lyrics
darkness falls away from my heart, loneliness is meant for me from the start, i dream alone in this wasted land, can't fit, in everyones head is in the sand, i wake alone for a journey to no where, i try to keep sane through God and prayer, he has made me whole through his love, he comes to me in morning like a pure white dove, leave all behind, try to find, someone who is kind, no one around, no one to be found, no one to keep me on the ground been an eternity since i looked back, i stare forward something is in my track, a part of me was left behind, i pick a new piece and try to bind, no direction or plan to go about this, my life has been layed out and now i miss, they way you lay your day on me so i can pray, thought you would stay today but im kept at bay, no one around, no one to be found, no one to keep me on the ground my tears run out, my heart burns hot, my fears come about, my soul begins to rot, inner war of love and hate, i
My Goofy Friends On The 4th Of July 2008
You must be Retarded to try this at home
The Other Side
Charm Of A Smile
Charm of a Smile by Me Just to see your smile lights my way Distance will never to keep us apart And into your arms is where I want to stay Having you hold me with that loving glare Keeping me close to your heart And me showing you how much I care Hearing your sweet voice whispering my name Reminds me how I felt from the start And feelings for you will alway stay the same
My Auction
Hey y'all im in an auction and could really do with some help please click in the pic and rate me and maybe bid to own me Ta Dave a href="" target=_blank>
My Mind Is Playing Tricks On Me
Even though this is not the original song, this is some freestyle version...I just so love this..I cant even say why, but let me tell you what this song reminds me off...and I know its not the song itself, its the time it reminds me off... I think of problem free times, no financial issues...going out and party, didnt do much drinking, yeah I worked, but I just moved out my parents house, my first own place...worked for the government so the money was on time and pretty when I hear it, it makes me think of the times where you almost as free as a bird or something..even though, of course I didnt feel that way fall in love, you learn yourself on a whole new level, and thats not always easy..and so on...I know all this has nothing to do with the song itself, but its the stuff that it reminds me off when I hear this beat...good ole times...but would I want to go back there? way... ok well enjoy the song, maybe you know the song, maybe it reminds you on s
Finally, Someone Has Cleared This Up ,,(lmao)
For centuries, Hindu women have worn a dot on their foreheads. Most of us have naively thought this was connected with tradition or religion, but the Indian Embassy in Washington , D.C. has recently revealed the true story. When a Hindu woman gets married, she brings a dowry into the union. On her wedding night, the husband scratches off the dot to see whether he has won a convenience store, a gas station, a donut shop or a motel in the United States . If nothing is there , he must take a job in India answering telephones giving us technical advice.
well, when a person goes through a tough time, they know who their real friends are....I recently went through a down spell and my true friends helped me tough it out. You guys know who you are...big hugs and kisses to you!
First Auction
Over The Valley
When his life was soon coming to an end, Babe Ruth found himself confined to a hospital room, a man alone and at the end of his path, inexorably dying of throat cancer. One day his physician came to check on him and found the baseball giant wandering aimlessly about his room. When the doctor asked him where he was going Ruth's reply was, "I'm going over the valley." Many no doubt ascribed Ruth's words as the those of someone in pre-mortem delirium, too doped up on laudanum to make any real sense. But I tend to think - nay, I truly BELIEVE - that Babe Ruth had a moment of clarity and saw something which we the living cannot possibly see. Something which only the near-dead can be open minded enough to glimpse in the distance. But I am not here tonight to wax philosophic on death and all matters pertaining to whatever lies beyond that dark cloth. Instead, I am just going to casually report a bit of news, an occurrence, a happening, a ripple in the stream of my life that is now p
Pretty Please With Whipped Cream And Cherries On Top?
My friend here has been trying to level for quite some time now. Help him out please. xoxoxox pip1966@ fubar
Lisa Loeb - Stay
you say I only hear what I want to. you say I talk so all the time so. and I thought what I felt was simple, and I thought that I don't belong, and now that I am leaving, now I know that I did something wrong 'cause I missed you. yeah, I missed you. and you say I only hear what I want to: I don't listen hard, I don't pay attention to the distance that you're running or to anyone, anywhere, I don't understand if you really care, I'm only hearing negative: no, no, no. so I turned the radio on, I turned the radio up, and this woman was singing my song: the lover's in love, and the other's run away, the lover is crying 'cause the other won't stay. some of us hover when we weep for the other who was dying since the day they were born. well, this is not that: I think that I'm throwing, but I'm thrown. and I thought I'd live forever, but now I'm not so sure. you try to tell me that I'm clever, but that won't take me anyhow, or anywhere with you. you said
Sandwhiches..?? Hmmm ;-)
A little girl and a little boy attended the same school and became friends. Everyday they would sit together and eat lunch. They discovered that they both brought chicken sandwiches every day! This went on through the 4th and 5th grades. One day he noticed that her sandwich wasn't a chicken sandwich. He said "Hey, how come you're not eating chicken any more?" She said " I love it but I have to stop eating it." "Why?" he asked. She pointed to her lap and said " Cause I'm starting to grow little feathers down there." "Let me see " he said. "Okay" and she pulled up her skirt. He looked and said "That's right! You are,you better not eat any more chicken." He kept eating his chicken sandwiches until one day he brought peanut butter. He said to the little girl, "I have to stop eating chicken sandwiches, I'm starting to get feathers down there too." She asked if she could look, so he pulled down his pants for her. She said "Oh my God its too late for you! You've already got
this stuff makes me lol so hard.
Come Join Chocolate Bunny
I Made It
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY My Fu- Husband and Very Good Friend is celebrating his 1 Year anniversary on Fubar...So i would like all my friends and family to go show him the same love hes has shown me and many others here ....He returns it many times over...So you know what to do hit the link and let his azz have it as hard as you guys can ...HE LIKES IT LIKE THAT ~*~ÐJ-Ñ_ß_K~FÚ-må®®îèd ² ÐJ-BLÚʥʧ~gm@paradise bay lounge~*~@ fubar MUCH LOVE TO YOU BABY AND ALL FUBAR TOOOO....... This pimp-out made by ??DjBlueyes ??Fu/wife2DjNbK (GM@ AcesUp) Fu/ownedbyReb,MemberofDowntownBomb@ fubar (repost of original by '♫♫DjBlueyes ♫♫Fu/wife2DjNbK (GM@ AcesUp) Fu/ownedbyReb,MemberofDowntownBomb' on '2008-07-11 12:25:19')
I Might B Without Net
Me & my gf are splitting up. she pulled a fast 1 over me & got the house with a lease acouple of days ago. since i'm not on the lease, she can kick me out 2day even though i have a phone & net bill saying that i have been here 4 awhile. so i might have 2 get a cheap motel or something until i can afford 2 get my own place. i think she's doing me pretty dirty after i took care of her 4 @least 6 months when she can't even work. if this is the last time 4 awhile that i get 2 talki 2 any of u, i'll miss ya'll & i will ttyl. ASAP so pls keep showing me luv until then. i'll return it when i get back xoxox i'm VERY SAD NOW
My Dog Brandy Rip 7/10/08
Need Help Leveling Up?
I Posted a mumm a few days ago asking anyone if they could help me level up or get a spotlight. Well i deleted the mumm and i bookmarked a couple peoples pages to remember to go back and rate all their pics. Don't think i have forgotten about you people. Im working on it slowly to rate all your pics. Between School and having to study its taking me some time. I also keep running out of rates for the day, they really need to get rid of that feature...UGH! lol anyway if anyone else wants me to help and doesn't mind waiting a bit, feel free to add your name on here and ask. Ill do my best to get to everyone. It would also be nice if anyone who left a comment on my mumm to leave a comment here so i can make sure i do make a stop by your page. Thanks Toodles -Michelle
First Challenge
Okay Bad Girls..As Most Of You Know Tulsa's Angel Is Going To Be In Alaska For 10 Days.. She Is 1,064,169 From Disciple.. Let's Get Her There Before She Gets Back..We Can Get Her There And On Her Way To Prophet ...So Let's Get This Done A.S.A.P. She Would Do It For Any Of The Bad Girls As Well As For Me.. So Let's Do This Bad Girls. Tulsa's Angel~ Club FAR Team LOVE Cpt/Sarge's Bad Girl/25 to Life/Owned by TX Camaro Nut@ fubar
Blah Blah Blah.. You're A Dirty Whore
Ok, now that I have your attention I just wanted to update all my peeps in the land of fu.. on the goings on in my life. First of all.. at the end of May i met someone. He is .. amazing.. We actually work together and have known each other since March, but nothing happened until then. Its good.. he makes me happy so far.. and time will tell eh? Secondly, I got a new job. At the same place but it takes more time and less time.. if that makes sense. More thinking time, less time 'at the office'. I love it. The fat raise helps too. And lastly.. On Wednesday the 25th of June I had to leave work early for illness. I went right to the doctor and blah blah I had/have kidney stones. THEY SUCKKKKKKKKK SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad! ZOMG.. it was awful times 400. So that Friday I went in for surgery. Recovery was fantastic and I loved not being in pain. THEN This past Monday I had a problem with the stint they put inside my kidney, so I had emergency surgery for that. Yea that sucked even wors
Nope Not A Gothy Chick
Goth Quiz by Fun Quizzes! MySpace quizes | Love Quiz | Fun quizzes
Hey This Is My Last Blog Ever On Fubar
THIS IS JUST TO SAY TOALL MY FRIENDS ON MY LIST AND FAMILY MEMBERS THT THIS WILL BE THT TIM I EVE CME ON THE WEBSTE WAN THX U FROM THE BOTTOM OFMY HEART AND ILL CHERISH UR FRIENDSHIP FOREVER WITH ME I KNOW SOME FRIENDS O MY LIST WILL NOT GETTHE CHANCE TO SEE THIS BUT PLEASE TELL THEM WHY AND THT I HAVE LEFT ITS FOR MY OWN REASONS THT IM LEAVING THIS FINE SITE FO THOSE OF U THT HAE ME ON MSN HERES MY ADDY> ad me if u want Fr Thos ofu Heres My Yahoo Addy please feel free to add me :)bye to lll thx u fr the love and friendship tht u hav showin me ths video will show tht u are my friends for ever and ever and nothing will change tht thx all and bye bye xoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoox
A New Site About Me And My Career
This is the link to a page about my work created by my manager, Robert Baird. BAM! Baird Artists Management - SANTINI: The Dark Master of Escape Source: BAM! Baird Artists Management repesenting SANTINI: The Dark Master of Escape
Want 100 11's?
I have a great friend that wants to get spotlight for her birthday which is Friday. She needs lots of help. So I am asking if you can help her. It doesn't matter if its 1000 or 100,000. Most people want something for helping so here it is.... I don't have a lot to offer because I am not buying a HH, VIP or bling. But I can offer my 11's. Whoever gives Imagine the most in fubucks through Wednesday night will get 100 11's(if you have 100 pics that are not nsfw). If the person giving the most gives over 500,000 I will give 3 days of 100 11's (providing you have enough pics not nsfw). I know its not a lot to offer, but I am just looking to help a friend. If you don't have fubucks to send her, just fan, rate, and add her. She is a great person! Thanks!
I Am Drawn To You
I am drawn to you, irresistibly I am, like a moth to flame. I can not hide the passions which rage wild within my heart. 4-2-03
Watch Very Closely
Watch very closely what the other hand's doing for it is paying Paul. President Bush has shuffled military benefits. 4-12-03
To All Those I Love
To all those I love and all those I've yet to love, I dedicate this. If there was but enough time, I'm sure I could love you all. 4-22-03
Self Inflated Fool
Self inflated fool! Can ye but condemn thyself? Is this your penance? Destiny is kind to those who sacrifice in her name. 4-25-03
Drink To Be Stupid
Drink to be stupid, to make a fool of yourself so that you stand out, however brief, from the herd... which is doing just the same. 4-26-03
An Impassive Face
An impassive face, that with which I greet the world, hides in truth behind such amusements and laughter far beyond mere expression. 4-26-03
The Sky And The Earth
The Sky and the Earth, All-Father over his Bride - Bi-polarity - A dream of Gods in union, the Yin and the Yang combined. 5-14-03
I Know My Bots
Created by OnePlusYou
Old Glory
On a field of blue, five by six and four by five stars to represent fifty sovereign entities held together by consensus. 9-13-03
The King Is A Fink!
The King is a fink! The Emperor is naked! His mighty manhood a flaccid financial fraud, is but a visible joke! 11-20-03
Love Of My Life
Love of My Life © By TRISHA Like the stars in the sky, I am calling to you. From the heavens above, I am looking for you. In the depths of my soul, I will live and breathe for you. Sadness dwells inside you; You have nothing to fear, for I am next to you. I can feel your sadness; Let me be sad for you, so you will feel love once again. Worry not about life, let me worry for you. You should always love life, for it is a part of you. I'll be there when you fall, to catch you and say I Love You...
For Shame!
For shame! Fleecing the flock! This is theft! How can they? Are crystal cathedrals required by God? 9-21-02
Fictions Forgotten
Fictions forgotten, legends we no longer need, fill our memory. What will the Gods remember when we have forgotten them? 11-4-02
Tremulous Pleasures
Tremulous pleasures tracing up and down your thighs. Tangible treasures lie naked before my eyes... I rise when I hear your sigh. 11-10-02
Such A Pretty Girl
Such a pretty girl... I wish I had the courage I need to tell her. But I wonder, what's the use when I know I'll do nothing. 12-12-02
We Shall Not Let Kings
We shall not let Kings, a disease swept from our shores, rise from the ashes, the trash heap of history to control again free men. 1-29-03
My Newest Baby!
So.... as some of you noticed, I was gone for a while... I had my baby a month early. She was born July 6, and was 6lbs 3oz & 20inches long. I apologize to you all that loved the prego pictures! HAHA I'm not looking prego anymore, and it's now been 11 days since I had her. She is currently still in the NICU since she was so early (actually considered a preemie) but she's doing better. At first she was great, then she was having issues trying to breathe since her lungs were not fully developed, so they lacked the fluid inside of them that keeps them from sticking together when she exhaled. After a couple days on a CPAP machine, she got off of it and breathing fine on her own! Then, her red blood cells levels jumped up, and she ended up with jaundice, for all of 24 hours I think, since they put her under the bili light and then all was good so she's finally off the light. Now she's just a feeder/grower... as my favorite nurse of hers referred to her as.... meaning she's just in
Hey You, Pretty Girl
Hey you, pretty girl, step away from that fat man and come over here... come give me some attention and take my mind off the day. 2-12-03
No Armageddon
No Armageddon is worth the glory to be in trump'd fantasy. Think before you slaughter kids in an Old Testament way. 2-19-03
Still Waters Run Deep
Still waters run deep; my case is no exception. I am nothing new, but what grows deep 'neath tese depths is that which is yet unseen. 3-2-03
Heeeeeyyy. I'm sitting at Jeffs house explaining Fubar to him. I'm showing him the whole nine yards. I'm having a great time right now, and a little bit buzzed. Anyways, take it easy everyone.
Fat Sonny's Auction Update!!!
Come own me for 1 month..Higher bids get more but please no vip bids...also if u cant bid please at least rate this pic i could win a blingpack.TY waiting for a new owner..MUAAAHZ!
A Short Life
A once thought cherished life seemed full with hope and promise now hits a ditch and never recovers. I fall fast lose breath and all sense of thought. Tears replace smiles, years to days. my heart being crushed under just a few words. It seems all around me days way before they should and now i will join that company at 28 years 9 months and 3 days.I don't complain about the pain not complaining about death but have have learned to accept. I worry bout those around me and how i will miss them so. But i will not make my last 2 weeks a burden to them as they have only given me happiness. I thank you all for what you done you know who you are. And say goodbye so the pain can start now and end sooner. I miss you all deeply and know i care but i have to go and ask you all to take care.
WOMAN'S PERFECT BREAKFAST She's sitting at the table with her gourmet coffee. Her son is on the cover of the Wheaties box. Her daughter is on the cover of Business Week Her boyfriend is on the cover of Playgirl. And her husband is on the back of the milk carton. keep reading-they get better!!! WOMEN'S REVENGE "Cash, check or charge?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet , I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. "So, do you always carry your TV remote?" I asked. "No," she replied, "but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally." UNDERSTANDING WOMEN (A MAN'S PERSPECTIVE) I know I'm not going to understand women. I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair o
Fubarian Love?
Strangely enough it seems to be a simple task, yet a very risky one to fall in love in such a way as Fubar may present. Even if it is possible at all to call the strongest feelings we may get about another person on here actually love. I don't really feel like the circumstances that we are in when we sign in here at Fubar are or can consist of the same things we get when we meet someone face to face. The girls have this one though. Women on here are idolized as if they really have something to offer aside from some skimpy photos of themselves, and a bad smoking habit. I see that the fellas certainly encourage this behavior, as now these people are actually paying to see photos of these women. What fools. I never would pay someone to see a photo of them naked. Are you kidding me? On Fubar it seems love, or feelings about someone are easily dismissed. For instance you fall in 'love' on Fubar, and by those same conditions you can lose that person just as easily.
I Feel Like A Kid On Christmas!
I'm still very excited that my babies are on their way to me. Like seriously excited, it sucked being away from them for a week. And then tomorrow I get to hang out with Ruby and all day Saturday too. oh and i have a favor to ask. i know you all are getting sick of seeing this, but if she levels I'll stop. 63K AWAY FROM FU-KING A LITTLE HELP PLEASE! Ruby Cairo ETid, LP, FuGF of Persia@ fubar Handlebars - Flobots
What The Hell Is This?
You know a recent friend of mine was hurt by a man and you know what i think of that!? I think that he is one insecure son of a bitch and I also think that he has it in his mind that if a woman doesn't do what he want's her to do when e want's her to do it he'll go insane. I think that this guy want's to control the woman and doesn't care how he does it. That disgusts me and I think he should be labeled as a "bitch". I don't know maybe you can tell me what you think of that! "ALL WOMEN DESERVE TO BE TREATED WITH THE UP MOST RESPECT"
Wanna Own Me?
Dont Read This
depression is slapping me in the face i force and struggle to push out a poem seems harder than pushing out a small head and body from my vagina after the big struggle getting it out nobody wants to read it is cause it is worst than i think nobody wants to read a stinker depression sets in more and more with each ticking minutes i post and sit and wait often hitting refresh to see responses nothing in bartab cause nobody comments finally page reloads nope nobody notices i'm here
Depression Can Take A Vacation
i know depression has its grip not the same depression i felt this i never felt before but still its depression now i feel i riding tis out a new high on the pill-popping mixing it with the pillpopping animal changes the aspect i feel on this like tis feel the head separetes and the rolls around in the clouds clouds like marshmallows so soft and flowy floating along do this flow bettter while i high up the numbing feelings comes over the body yet the head is fully aware where its at floating above the decap'd body ha
Rain Is Another Emotion
i love the rain i wish it would rain all the time i miss the rain in the Philippines the rain is warm easily sit in the rain for in the rain i can hid my tears no one to know no one to feel sad cause i'm feeling sad
Ensign: The Limits Of Forgiveness
All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. Isaiah 18:3 AN ENSIGN ON THE MOUNTAINS 25 July 2008 I'd originally written this Ensign two years ago (in fact, the date on it IS July 21, 2006 -- two years and four days ago), and while I can NEVER exhaust the Word of God for devotional material, certain issues just keep coming up. Issues that, if we're not willing to overcome them, will never let us move forward in our lives and be the people God has called us to be. One issue, one that creeps up more and more in our world today, is our unwillingness to forget the past; whether in our families or between our houses (read:nations and neighbors), we can be unwilling to look at people where they are NOW and remember some past offense. I'm guilty of this too, and I need to learn no limits all the time. "Then came Pet
Im Torn And Need Help
My so called "Best Friend" and I recently had a conflict. Here's where it all started... My best friend since kindergarten and his wife got in a really bad motorcycle wreck. She is in ICU in critical condition. He is up and moving around, but cant do much for himself. Him and I had done our thing years ago. Waay before they got together and got married. Well he called me to his house to help him. I had no idea what he needed. He needed a bath, clean clothes, and something to eat. And im the only woman he feels comfortable with in that area. So I helped him take a bath, put medicine on his wounds, helped him put on clean clothes, washed laundry for him, and cooked him something to eat. Harmless right? So my friend finds out about this and this is what she says... +13046124089 (6:03:22 PM): dont understand what you could do that curt couldnt +13046124089 (6:03:41 PM): i cant believe you kim +13046124089 (6:04:04 PM): no i didnt say nothing other then icant believe you +13
Got Out
Finally got out of the house, mostly cause i was called into work, besides the point, but got out and saw dark knight. Great flick, got some pizza, got some.... well didn't get some but would have been nice,lol.
I see them before me I know they are real They whisper to me I feel their will They taunt and tease They poke and prod They want They need Do I have it to give....?
What Kind Of Woman Are You ??
Bulletin: A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape... but A woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape... A strong woman isn't afraid of anything... but A woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear... A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her... but A woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone... A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future... A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them... A strong woman walks sure footedly... but A woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls... A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face... but A woman of strength wears grace... A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey... but A woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong... by 2006 by Luke Easter & Dee Cheeks
Bull Shit People!!!
Ok, so I've decided that people in general have taken a turn for the worse.... What happened to the good old days when people actually meant what they said?! Has society just become about creating factious statements to please or piss off everyone?! What kind of a world are we living in when you cant even have a conversation without doubting what the other person is telling you?! HELLO? Is the truth really that taboo?
$20 Gift Auction By Cali Rain
$20 gift auction wants to help her friend raise fubucks to get a spotlight for his Birthday LoneWolf92 {H&L Bombers Founder}}@ fubar So she is auctioning off any $20.00 fubar gift of your choice which would include one of the following: 25 Gift Blingpack 7 Day Blast 1 Month VIP Bidding will start at 1.5 milion fubucks and the closing bid must be recieved by Thu, July 31 at 9:00 pm (pst) click the pic below to place your bid Thanks for all the luv!!! Cali Rain@ fubar This bulletin has been brought to you by Blue Whore®
One day God was looking down at earth and saw all of the misbehaving that was going on. So he called one of his angels to go to Earth for a time. When he returned, the angel told God, 'Yes, it is bad on Earth; 9 5% are mis behaving and only 5% are not.' God thought for a moment and said, 'Maybe I had better send down another angel to get a second opinion' So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time too. When the angel returned he went to God and said, 'Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5% are be ing good.' God was not pleased. So he decided to e-mail the 5% who were good, because he wanted to encourage them, give them a little something to help them keep going. Do you know what the e-mail said? No? Okay, just checking. I didn't get one either...
Blessings We May Not Recognize
1. If you own a Bible, you are abundantly blessed - about 1/3 of the world does not have access to one. 2. If you wake up each morning with more health than illness, you are blessed to rise and shine, to live and to serve in a new day. 3. If you have anyone on the planet, just one person that loves you and listens to you; count this as a blessing. 4. If you can freely attend a church meeting without fear, then you are more blessed than over 1/3 of the world. 5. If you have a yearning in your heart to parent a child, you are blessed because you still desire what you cannot see. 6. If you pray today or any day, you are blessed because you believe in God's willingness to hear your prayer. 7. If you pray for someone else, you are blessed because you want to help others also. 8. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep; all at the same time; you are rich in this world; 9. If you have a brother or sister
Phantasm At Hollywood Forever
That's right. August 10th here in Hollywood they will be showing Phantasm at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery projected on the side of a mausoleum. Creepiness will abound. Plus you can bang someone on a tombstone afterwards. A win-win situation!
Dirty Lil Coinslot
I spent a good part of the morning rolling spare change and came out with about $200 dollars worth. Already having it rolled, marked with my address and phone number the store manager told me that they don't take change in that form and that is what they have the coinstar machine for (which charges 4 cents on the dollar for "charity"). I even offered to count it out for them that way they could see that i wasn't ripping them off, but the answer was still no...... Ughhh this is retarted, i think that the whole idea of getting charged to spend your money is completely stupid and not a good way to build customer morale. But i guess that is the reason i am not a big time business owner who doesn't have to care about losing a customer.
Harem By Sarah Brightman
Harem - Sara Brightman
Into The Twilight Sky
Into the twilight sky amidst the mourning stars the lonely moon sleeps and weeps her light in my heart My only love she keeps and my only light, is she the darkness she well knows that grows within the soul of me and bleeding from her light dissolving in the sea my undying dreams of you and do you still dream of me? Does gloom still roll like thunder where your heart beat used to be? for in this gloom, I wonder if you're as sad as me the moon, she keeps my love for she will always be the same soft light on you that too shines down upon me
The Man Will.
something happened inside of me today. i moved in an unusally big way. as the tears run down my cheeks i write. the man will want to learn me everyday. the man will know . . . there will always be some that look better, but none, not a one, that will be better . . . . for him. the man will feel me from far away and breathe me in when i am near. the man will . . . he will. LoVE/2008
GO «WikdClownz69» Juggalo Mafia™© West-CοasT ĜeИeЯa£@ fubarSHOW WIKDCLOWNZ69 SOME LOVE HE HELLA ROCKS!!!!
Air It Out???
.............why do people air thier sex life out on the internet to a bunch of strangers ........IN MUMMS ...knowing damn well that nobody is going to say anything nice?? then they get pissed off about it! .....i .....i don't get it oh yeah...........OOGA BOOGA
More Poems
SHOW ME THE MORNING show me the morning with it's stilled quiet share with me the transition from dark to light wake me with angel kisses warm me with eager arms together we'll face the new day and weather any coming storms so snuggle close and listen to the morning's silent start as you rest your ear to my chest and listen to my beating heart know each time it beats is a part of life I give to you for your kindness and love are my dreams all come true and to all the tomorrow's that shall be born at sunrise I pray, please let me wake looking into your beautiful eyes Taking a walk far, far from you It's all that I can really do To try and keep these eyes dry Before I go, please tell me why Last night was something special to me But in the morning you just set me free Yesterday you let me hold onto your heart But then today you've pulled us both apart From something special that we both shared From a love that was full of hope and care
If I Have Any Friends Left
I am now an arbonne consultant, they are really great products for men, women, and even kids of all ages. If you are interested pease stop by my page and sign the guestbook. I will get in touch and and can get you information or even a free sample to try out. thank you
I Am In My First Auction
Hey friends and fu's your old pal here to let you know that i am in my very first auction Please click on the pic below to rate and put your bid in (i don't mind just fubuck bids at all) Blue Whore® now this is the chance to become my first owner so you better act quick. Auction closes on Sunday, Aug.10th at 12 midnight(est) this is what i am offering to my owner: "owned by" in title 100 11's a week for a month during HH's 1 pimpout bully a week for a month all stash voted and other pics rated during HH's 1 pimpout bully for up to 3 friends 1 add a friend tag 2 sfw salutes (lol) yahoo im add 1 credit bling a week for a month (3 credit for any bids with a 3 month Vip or equivalent) Buzz meter full Will help to level a friend within 20k of leveling Bid Breakdowns Thank you for all your help!!!
I went to Sturgis bike Rally on Saturday and got home Tuesday night. I had a great time. I will post pictures soon
Lost Words Of A Fallen...
Do you remember the first time you met that special someone? I do. it was in a time of termoil and strife in my life. In a commanding word she made me feel so welcome. She took pitty on a broken and insane man. she made me feel so good. To me she was an angel heaven sent. I look upon her with so much admiration. she is a beauty unspoken, true, and caring. but as of late, I have become distant... I look to her with such a feeling I wish I would have just left behind. I do not wish to be a burdon nore a hinderance. yes I admire her, but thats all I can truely do. Hearing her words, makes me weak. I wish i could just bow down before her and lay before her all I have locked away within my soul. but a man I am not... I am still a small and unsignificate creature. I have no right to speak of such in anyway or meens. but at least in my dreams, she is still there. I must forgo these feelings and let her
Lets Get My Baby Leveled
HEY YALL LETS HELP MY BABY LEVEL TO NINJA SHE HAS 5,993 ALL LOVE WILL BE RETURNED SHES A GREAT FRIEND TO HAVE IF U AINT HER FRIEND GO ADD,RATE,AND FAN HER AND TELL HER SMOKIE SENT U ~£îl Ç~Fµ Wîƒè&R£ GF Tº §mºkîè~Ǻ Øwñè®@Çlµb Vèlº¢î†ý~Mèmbè® Øƒ Rå†îñg Rèvºlµ†îºñ~@ fubar THIS PIMPOUT IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Smokie Fu Hubby&RL BF To Lil C/Owner Of Club Velocity/Member Of Rating Revolution/DJ@Club Paradize@ fubar REPOST OFTEN!!!!!!!
Little Johnny Jokes
Little Johnny comes home from school one day and asks his mother what "shit" meant. Thinking fast she replied "food on the table". Next day he comes home and asks his mother what does "son of a bitch" mean. Again, thinking fast again she says "It's a priest". Next day he comes home a asks what does "fuckin'" mean. She says it means "getting dressed". That same night a priest was coming over for dinner. Johnny is just finished setting the table when he hears the doorbell ring. He yells "got it". He opens the door and says "Hey son of a bitch, shits on the table and mom and dad are upstairs fuckin'".
Unpopular Ideas Of Our Times
Unpopular ideas of the times There are several serious, and heated debates that have been discussed throughout the last twenty or so years, and are only seeing their support, or denial through the blind eye of quantity. It has been often said to me that my work is merely in vain, that though it may aim at truth, it does not have a fit, or prepared audenience with which to garnish it with. Still I press on, for matters of fact, and the way things 'ought' to be are independent of the mind that percieves them. Certainly I hope that physics will not be found to be merely a description of some complex pretending on our parts about an external world described objectively. And so too of ethics. It is my aim here to describe several of the debates that have kept our wheels turning until one side is found to have had more votes than the other to resolve an issue. Essentially an ad populum of sorts. But the condition of the voter is my utmost problem with this
Dear Blog, Today I got on and met plenty of people. The people are very kind and pretty. love, Lular ------------------------------------- I dont know what to really write about but ok. So I cut my finger nails too short and I need a hair cut bad! BAD! Also anybody know of any virginia photographers? I need`th work. Waiting tables only helps so much. Bleh I`ll blog again another time.
Aw I Love Her!
I'm on the phone with my lovely Ms. Stina and she has decided for my bday she is getting me tickets for a show I really want to go too and she will get her ticket either at the show or wait outside for me until the show is done. she's gonna get some luvin' for that. =]
There’s Nothing Worse Than Half-dead Racht
That line from "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" regarding a Klingon delicacy of spasming serpent worms -- I guess you HAVE to be a Klingon to appreciate that! -- comes to mind because (1) I asked for that at McDonald’s when I was ordering for the kids and I when I really didn’t feel like cooking and remarked to my sister-in-law Margaret who works there that they probably had it and (2) I wanted to do violence to someone whom I’ve never contemplated it against before – my boss, Ray. He came to check out the paint job I’d done last week on the office where I work and his criticisms, while low-key unlike those of his assistant manager (and son, it’s a family small business) Erik, hurt more. Small stains I’d tried to get out of the carpet were still there but barely visible despite my best efforts. One section I thought he’d said DON’T paint he insisted on me painting left a bad taste in my mouth and me in a bad mood. My weekend’s going to be spent repainting the inside and using ev
Sad Destiny
you took me in your arms that night promising me eternity for life you told me all the sweet words just right then ripped away my heart like a knife Down into the cold unknown out of my mind broken down soul the blackest love you've ever shown so here i sit eyes black as coal fool me again you midnight lover trick or truth should you dare for now i hold the whitest cover sin and paradise now will i bare shameful, deceteful, hateful spite now through revenge shall i make it right
Stand Alone
Hold my hand up high Watch the rain flow through my palm step into the sleep of faith watch as i despair, waken by thunder I stand alone facing my fears driving my knees to the ground force my bones to talk The shadder faith feels more like determination , then a burden\ blood runs through ducts and valleys creepy it's way to souless being i can't feel anymore bones have talk to much
My Fubar Wedding
I guess I am suppose to let everyone know what we want for wedding presents. We will take candles, food, cold showers (just for the days when I can't be there for him), a cape for him, plenty of booze, massage oil, handcuffs, a vacation for the honeymoon, a car, and maybe the trailer so we have something to live in...
Life Suck
the only good thing about next week is that i get to see my friend Corey cause i havent seen him in 3 years but other then that its going going to blow i truly dont have to see my most of my family next, i know i cant deal with there shit this year, im already having a hared time dealing with the my grandma's death, i would have been able to deal with them this year but im not due to the fact that the one person i was counting on being there with me just broke my heart by dumping me
Life's Got A Meaning
I'm the voice inside your room I'm the mind that bends the spoon I'm the toe that dips into water of life I'm the hand that combs your hair I'm the touch that takes you there Then in your heart's despair I'm gone As there's a new day that has come Dance in the light till the summer's done Life's got a meaning It's healing The pain you are feeling inside I'm the sun that's in your sky I'm the star that's burning bright I'm the strength that gives you the reason to fight I'm the blood that fills your heart I'm the hand which hails the start Then in your heart's despair I'm gone. Life's got a meaning It's healing The pain you are feeling inside
Indian Stuffed French Toast
So I was talking to a coworker of mine who, coincidentally, first gave me the idea of making little pita pizzas, and told him about the recipe I tried a few weeks back. So he's like "pesto? There's an Indian version of that called green chutney." And I was like "oh really?" And he goes "yeah, my wife makes stuffed French toast with it." So I had to try it. And now you have to try it. I made them last night, and seriously, they look disgusting, but they taste awesome. Green Chutney: I made extra and froze it, but if you only want to make enough for the toast, adjust the amount of stuff you use. This made about a cup and a half. 2 bunches cilantro (I used parsley cause I'm a rebel) 1 bunch mint (I used dill, cause, well, you know) some serrano chiles (I used two, but I'm a wuss about spicy things. Although, two gave just about no heat, so use like four?) bunch of scallion greens (just greens) 3 tbs lime juice salt & pepper 1 tsp sugar First, put the serranos a
My Silence Is ...
... deafening. If you haven't already noticed these days I haven't said too much. But really what is it that I have to say? What is it I hope to gain? What is it really that I want? Truth of the matter is that I don't really know. I have been alone for some time now and I see nothing changing that. Across the tides of life, I know that Tiffany is doing good and part of me is glad for that. I know I squandered something there but there is nothing now that can change that destiny. Nothing. And why is that? I have been too busy once again in my battles. Yea, no need to comment more on that one is there? If truth be told, I really am tired of the fights. Some days I feel like I am stronger, and some ... well you know it just is a struggle to get out of bed. I often wonder why the events of the last three and a half years have brought me to this? What is it that I am suppose to do? I really don't know. To those friends that I hardly talk to, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hav
Welcome To My Own Hell
My Midget Lmaooooo
Im In A Auction Tongiht In Twisted Wonderland
PLEASE JOIN US AT TWISTED WONDERLAND!!! (repost of original by 'š™ sTaRr ™š' on '2008-08-13 16:11:46') (repost of original by '*Buckeye Babe *FuBomber*/ *Manager& Head Promotor @ Daddy's Playpen * FuOwned by TheOne & Kgurl' on '2008-08-13 16:16:40')
Come Play With Us In Hell
=== 'Á¢è Øwñè® å† Thè Ðèmºñ'$ ¶låý G®ºµñd' wrote the following at '2008-08-12 10:45:18'.. > > === '/¤t=demonsplayground.gif" target="_blank"> > > > > > > > > *Takin Music Request* >
I Need 10,000 Comments!!
Hey everyone can ya help me out i'm in a contest. I need 10,000 comments to get a 1 month VIP... here's the link: Licks and nibbles!!!
First Auction Please Read And Join!!
THE STAKES ARE HIGH IN HIGH VOLTAGE FIRST AUCTION starts Aug. 18th @ 12pm central time all entrys must be made by Aug. 17th to get it. Ends Sept. 1st @ 12pm Central Time. 20k to enter.. send pic and offerings in a pm to me.. any questions they can go to Virtigo or myself.. i want at least 15 ppl to start !! !!! MEET YOUR AUCTION HOTESS ÐjFållèñÁñgèl @ High Voltage~ Owned by Mr.Bubblz~@ fubar MEET YOUR CO-HOST VIRTIGO : ÐJ Vî®tîgº Øwñè® Øƒ High Voltage & High Voltage Radio@ fubar Click anywhere on the pic SO COME CHECK OUT THIS HOT NEW LOUNGE WITH SEXY DJ'S AND HOT MEMBERS!!!! WE ARE ALSO HIRING ALL STAFF IF INTERESTED PLZ GET A HOLD OF ONE OF THE OWNERS OR STAFF MEMBERS (repost of original by 'ÐjFållèñÁñgèl @ High Voltage~ Owned by Mr.Bubbl
Leave Out All The Rest-linkin Park
I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared But no one would listen, 'cause no one else cared After my dreaming, I woke with this fear What am I leaving when I'm done here? So if you're asking me, I want you to know When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest, don't be afraid I've taken my beating, I've shared what I made I'm strong on the surface, not all the way through I've never been perfect, but neither have you So if you're asking me, I want you to know When my time comes, forget the wrong that I've done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest Forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and sav
Were In Hell !!!!
i think this is hell the life we live in because what in life can you get used to they say that hell is reppitition whatever you want you cant have if every time you reach for milk its spoiled you won't want milk if everytime you want cheese you get cheese mold eventually you wont want cheese its hell what are you going to starve to death your already dead your in hell here is worst then there i cant think of anything i cant get used to exept for what we are living now your emotions torn in a million different dirrections at once yor woried that your kids wont make it into college is your frig working is the car going to get you to work and back the gas prices are to hi to go any where the government dont care that your on your second morgage and goin to lose your house this is hell what in life can you get used to nothing cause as soon as you do it changes to something worse life sucks but we can all make it better by changing the way we look at it just my theory WE ARE HERE TO HAVE
Would You?
Need something to do? fill this out for me, leave it as a comment here, or scared to share your answers, msg me the answers ;) what would you do if I? 1. I made a move on u: 2. I kissed you: 3. I lived next door to you: 4. I started smoking: 5. I asked you on a date: 6. I was hospitalized: 7. I ran away from home: 8. I got into a fight and you weren't there? 9. I asked u to have sex 10. i asked u out? ::WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MY:: 9. Personality: 10. Eyes: 11. Hair: 12. Body: ::WOULD YOU:: 13. Be my friend? 14. Keep a secret if I told you one? 15. Hold my hand? 16. Go on a date with me? 17. Keep in touch? 18. Try and solve my problems? 19. Love me? 20. Date me? ::HAVE YOU EVER:: 21. Lied to make me feel better? 22. Wanted to kiss me? 23. Wanted to kill me? 24. Broke my heart? 25. Kept something important from me? 26. Wanted to do me ? ::AND MORE:: 27. Who are you? 28. Are we friends? 29. When and how did we meet? 30. Describe me
Addiction I see you here, Each day to day, You rise above us all, You rise so powerfully. I remember it all, Your side eyed glances, Your crooked smile, Your bright eyes. All of that, Comes back to me, All returns, To the source. Too bad, You see, You will never be, Like me. But it's alright, I will still fight, You're my cigarette on a cold morning, You're my addiction.
Omg Im Up For Auction
Cyote Ugly Soundtrack- Your Unbelievable - hey guys im up for auction... Yupp u heard it im up for auction if you wanna own me with this once in a life time chance then go bid on me....... click my pic to bid on me
Sometimes in life, we walk down paths that lead us in the wrong direction somehow. And when we find out that, that's happened, we try to turn around in the middle of that path, and get caught up SIDEWAYS--- unable to go forward to where we were going, or back, to where we had been before. In MOST cases, we're able,(As Humans) to figure out how to get "Un-Stuck" and continue on our journey, to wherever it was we were going in the first place. But--- there are some, who can NEVER quite get turned back around the right way, and end up going thru life with no direction or destinations. Sadly enough, our society renders those people "Un-fit" or a "Burden", and either puts them in a Prison somewhere, or a Mental Institution for "Safe -Keeping",until they are "FIXED". Isn't that what our society does to lost dogs,stray cats, or wild animals who've wondered in from their natural habitat?-- Makes me wonder, if "Whoever's In Charge" & "Makes the Rules" isn't turned a little "Sideways" themselve
When A Guy Misses You
When a girl is mean to you after a break-up she wants you back but she is too scared she'll get hurt and knows you're gone forever! when you catch a girl glancing at you, she wants you to look back and smile When a girl bumps into your arm, while walking with you she wants you to hold her hand When she wants a hug she will just stand there When u break a girls heart she still feels it when you run into each other 3 years later When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind.. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply,, When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds, she is not fine at all When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are playing games When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever When a girl says she can't live without you, she has made u
When Girls Are Drunk!!!
WHEN GIRLS ARE DRUNK.. 1. They have absolutely no idea where their purse, cell phone, camera & car keys are. 2. They believe that dancing with their arms overhead and wiggling their butt while yelling "WOO-HOO!" is truly the sexiest dance move around. 3. They've suddenly decided they want to kick someones ass and honestly believe they could do it. 4. In their last trip to pee, they realize that they now look more like a homeless hooker that the goddess they were just four hours before. 5. They drop therr 3:00 a.m. sub sandwich on the floor that they're eating even though they're not the least bit hungry, pick it up and carry on eating it. 6. They start crying and telling everone they see that they love you soooo much. 7. They get extremely excited and jump up and down everytime a new song plays because "OH MY GOD! I LOVE THIS SONG & IT'S MY FAVORITE EVER!!!!" 8. They've found a deeper/spiritual side to the geek sitting next to them. 9. The urge to take off articles of clo
The Internet
Wanna Be A Model?
i am an agent for one of he largest webcam sites there is. i am looking to recruit new talent to work from home and make their own hours. LADIES only please. 18+ please send an email to with a couple of pictures and i will get you started asap. serious opportunity to make over 1500 a week!!!
Come Check It Out
Live For Today
You live for today like there is no tomorrow u live for tomorrow like there is no today u live ur life like its the end of time because u always want to capture the last moments u may have so if u love someone love them like there is no tomorrow becuase it ma not be so live like tomorrow never comes and live like today doesnt exist and love hard like u have never loved because u might miss out on someone special. The Poet aka Kyle
Cue John Williams Theme Music
Last Saturday after Martha and I both came home from work, we had a date night. My calling it that when we were in Oak Park Theater watching “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” with my arm around her seemed to startle Martha a bit, but once she got into the movie, she had a great time! Martha even tried to scare me a couple of times when someone leapt out of the darkness, but I’m cleverer than that, I think. Considering the last time I was in a theatre to see an Indiana Jones movie was with my dad to see “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” nineteen years ago (that’s also the span of time between the two films themselves; in that time, our favorite whip-toting and fedora-wearing archeologist has been a colonel in the OSS, taught at college, gotten older and has family – hey, see the film!), I was amazed at how well the movie stayed true to its roots. Set in 1957, nothing there feels grafted or stereotypical, and I was amazed at some of the humor flowing from and
My Thoughts For The Day
Life Fucking Sux.. no matter how much u try and get ahead it never happens. theres always somthing that knocks ya back down. I am jus in a fucking sucky ass mood... life is jus all bullshit. Im tired of being treated like an outcast. or a freak. I am tired of ppl thinking jus cause i am big i must be a WHORE!!!!!!!!! yall are wrong so if u are messing me to get ur rocks off go the fuck away.. yes i know this is an adult site but still... im here for friends.. maybe more but never jus a fuck buddie.......... SIMPLE AS THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok im over it now *Dueces*
Quizzes by
U Have To See This
I'm tired. I'm collapsing more than ever now. My back twitches are fucking annoying, among many other things. Autumn had another seizure. Jeff and I don't have our plans finalized, but we should have plans soon. Everything is looking pretty crappy right now. I think I'm turning into an alcoholic. Looking for a miracle to happen so I can stop worrying about everything. I also want a hug. I feel bad for abandoning the internet, but I just can't muster the energy to deal with it. Sorry for not being here for you guys. I was usually the person who always would be.
Come Play With Me
Erotic Excape (NSFW)~Sexuly Explict Pics on guest book~ Erotic Encounter Nightly come chrck it out i promise u'll like it! sign the guest book on the bottom of the page
The Cinderella Complex
Why you should dump the Prince Charming fantasy. by Cerina, all rights reserved and exclusively held by Submissive Loving I would like to briefly address a situation I have observed among many submissive women and find a tad unsettling. It is, The Cinderella Complex. You remember her, don't you? She had a terrible life of oppression and poverty until the Prince swooped her up onto his white horse and they rode off into the sunset together where they would live happily ever after and she would never know another problem for as long as she lived. The handsome Prince would take all responsibilities off of her shoulders, make all the boogiemen go away, and only asked for her love and adoration in return. The Cinderella Complex is a mind state where someone believes that if the right "One" comes into their life, all of their problems will disappear. How does this tie into dominance and submission? It does not. I understand the allure for women who see themselves as life's victims t
My bestfriend,my shinning star, My guiding light,my beating heart. My bleeding soul,you seem so far apart. My tender touch,My sobering kiss, My loving hand,to which i miss. My crying shoulder,My smiling face, My warm caress,My warm embrace. My silky blanket,My bouncy bed, My loving fingers,As you stroke my head. My fluffy cloud,My bright blue sky My guardian angel,which never dies. My shining sun.My cup of tea But theres one thing missing,and thats your arms wrapped around me.
New Life
Well people i must say that my life is like getting crazy it really is now, i just find myself reinlisting in the army for another 6 years, yea it was a good idea at one point in time but now i am sitting here thing was it a real good idea. Well to heck with it, there are times in life when you just try so hard to do what is right but sometimes no matter what you do, it just don't work out all that good. Really why is that, its like no matter what you do some kind of way you fuck it up. Right now, i am just sitting here to find out what do i really want to do? If anybody can help me out then please give me a hand.
Pharmaecopia - Mudvayne
Pharmaecopia lyrics Does your god come in a capsule, To sedate you tear the walls down, Headless prison cannibals chew, to consume you bring the alien, Halcium and morphine, 5-methoxy-n, n-dimethyltryptamine, Psilocybin, mescaline, aspirin, histomine, Brushite, darvaset, valium, caffeine, cannabis, and LSD, Ayahuasca, harmine give it all to me I want it These are just a few of my favorite things [X 2] Trisolam and zanex, serotonin, mdma, ibogaine, dopeamine, Tetra-hydro-chloride, atenolol, Amanita muscaria, Boric oxide, arrabinitol, psilocin, and flamizine, Cylotec and harmaline Give it all to me I want it Does your god come in a capsule to sedate you, Tear the walls down, headless prison, Cannibals chew to consume you, Bring the alien You can't kill me, I'm already dead Inside my hole, Inside my head, We just beg for any way to be sedated, It's all about escaping, Numb to me, Numb body from this hell, I can feel them pushing, I can feel them
Bowl Shaking Earthquakes Of Doubt And Remore, Assail Him, Impail Him With Monster Truck Force
So its been 3 weeks since terra has left and of course the teenage vagina that is my mind has spent so much time just asking myself over and over again if I did enough, if I said enough and all of that. I know she loves me and I know that she knows I love her but still this part of me has to question and wonder if I spent enough time with her while she was here. True I did take her to work a lot more than I planned with bringing her up there about 4 times a week instead of one.. and while she was there I did ignore a lot of my job to spend time with her in the back room so there was some "us" time I created where I didn't originally plan to have any. I hope she had a good time camping since it was her first time. I know that it wasn't the best situation with the offer ofthe camper being taken away due to the presence of someone there who wasn't originally scheduled to be there.. a big thank you to the step mom on that one. Still she had the sleeping bag and I had the air mat
Why Do You Hurt Me So......
Why? Why do people think that words don't hurt? Hurtful words are emotional scars that never heal. People really need to think before they speak sometimes. Think about what you want to say, BEFORE it comes out wrong. Because no matter what, name calling does hurt. Rejection hurts too. To be told that you're not good enough, or you're missing something just hurts. I just don't understand it sometimes. I am a good person. I have a big heart and will help anyone that i can. So why do people turn shit around and try and use it against me. And that's just not right. If i confide in you about something, you do not go and try and use it against me. And another thing, don't tell me what you think i want to hear to get what you want. I am a human being. I have feelings too. I bleed just like everyone else. People make mistakes. Everybody does. And you have to learn from them. I have. And i still am. Nobody is perfect. I am my own person. I am a somebody. I have my own opinions and my
Regarding Spotlight
I Would Like To Ask All Sarge's Bad Girls To Remember The Day That I Get Spotlight To Mention It In Your Status..As Of Now I'm Working For Labor Day Sept 1st Spotlight..So Be Sure To Check With Me And Keep An Eye Out For When I Get Spotlight. Thanks
Sweet Caroline...neil Diamond Lol
Where it began, I can't begin to know when But then I know it's growing strong Oh, wasn't the spring, whooo And spring became the summer Who'd believe you'd come along Hands, touching hands, reaching out Touching me, touching you Oh, sweet Caroline Good times never seem so good I've been inclined to believe it never would And now I, I look at the night, whooo And it don't seem so lonely We fill it up with only two, oh And when I hurt Hurting runs off my shoulder How can I hurt when holding you Oh, one, touching one, reaching out Touching me, touching you Oh, sweet Caroline Good times never seem so good Oh I've been inclined to believe it never would Ohhh, sweet Caroline, good times never seem so good Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
To Those Who Are Saying Shit
i dont know why ppl are saying i deleted Smokie account i never touched his not like that. i would not do anything like my friends they should know me better then that.if you believe it go to hell
When Is A Relationship Really Over?
When is a relationship really over? Can anyone give me the answer? Is it over when you walk away and say I'm done with this crap or is it when you just know that it will never work out? I am in a state of confusion and frusteration right now over a relationship issue. You think you're in love with someone and then you break up. You try to move on, but then out of the blue the person that you are still trying to get over shows up. And everything that you are trying to put at the back of your mind, to get over the situation, comes rushing back to you in a flood of emotions. Then you tell yourself "What the hell are you thinking? You know you shouldn't but yet you want to." Gosh! I wish this whole relationship think would be easier. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Just wanting to send out a Pimp out Blog for my wonderful owner STARCHASER Come and show him some love. starchaser@ fubar
My Computer Is Dead
Not sure how much I can be on. Am trying to use my daughters ancient dinosaur but it takes forever to get one page to come up. So, leave your love and I hope you dont forget about me til Im able to come back. Love you all MUAH!!!
Which One Are You
CAPRICORN - THE SEXY ONE (12/22-1/19) Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Sweet. Loud. Loyal. Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please.Loves to smile.Beautiful laugh.Patient.Cautious.Bit of naughty.The one and only. AQUARIUS - THE ONE U CAN'T TOUCH (1/20-2/18) Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Attractive. Loud. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. PISCES - THE SEX ADDICT (2/19-3/20) Adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. Always get what they want. Very Attractive. Easy going. RARE Find. GOOD when found. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. NOT one to mess with. ARIES - THE PLAYER (3/21-4/19) Nice. Love is one of a kind. G
Autism Awareness Train - (please See Agem4 Life To Be Sure You Have The Most Updated List)
Awareness Train This is a cause I hold very dear to my heart. I would love to get as many people on this awareness train as we can get. SO I'm tossing in an EXTRA bonus. Every 25th person that joins THIS train (and rates the awareness folder) will receive a 1 credit bling from me (my choice & will be given during a happy hour). Numbers will be based on the order the fumail comes in. ***Supporter #100 will receive TWO 3 credit blings (1 from myself and 1 from Heartt65). Autism Awareness Pictures must be rated and fumail must be sent to me in order to qualify for the blings!*** You know the routine. Rate/Fan and Add each of the following people listed below. Please DO NOT just accept the persons friend request...visit their page, rate and fan them back and leave them a comment. When you have rated everyone message me (aGEM4life) to be added to the list. Rate my Autism Awareness folder to receive your personal Proudly Showing Awareness tag. Start with this one... Th
Would You Want Her To Be A Part Of A Person Who Runs Our Country? To rebut rumors, Palin says daughter, 17, pregnant By Steve Holland 25 minutes ago The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child. Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said. "We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us," the Palins' statement said. "Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow
When Angels Cry ;; Poem
Lil Wil- My Dougie
More Of Me
Name:: Jennifer Birthday: 02-05-1978 Birthplace: St.Cloud, MN Current Location:: Cincinnati,OH Eye Color:: Brown Hair Color: Dark Brown Right Handed or Left Handed:: Right, But Can write Left If I Wanna Your Heritage: German/Irish/French/Swedish The Shoes You Wore Today:: Sandals Your Weakness: Not sayin People Use That Against Ya Your Fears: 2 Many 2 Mention Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Stay Stress Free LOL Dogs or Cats: Cats, but I do like Dogs If they don't jump Thoughts First Waking Up: I Sigh & Pray 4 A OK Day Your Best Physical Feature: I Like Myself Even The Not So Great Features Your Bedtime: 1 a.m. Your Most Missed Memory: My Teenage Partying Yrs Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi MacDonalds or Burger King: If I have to choose McD's Single or Group Dates: Either Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Lemon Ice Tea Sweet Chocolate or Vanilla: Both Cappuccino or Coffee: Both but Vanilla Flavor Only Do you Smoke:: Yes I do but not as much as I used to!
The Bar
Nightmares, Make Them Stop
Nightmares, make them go away... As I sit here at my computer.. I sit here and think about the last few nights. I try to sleep... I don't want to... Is it work? Is it my bills? Is it the food i have eaten today? What the heck is it, why can't i sleep? I clutch my pillow for another night...... I am asleep, only to awake to my tears or my sweat..... Why? From 1989 till now, I guess i have been bad to people.. I always think the opposite.. Its your fault!!!!!!! I can't trust you.. Hell I can't trust me.. But I beg of you.... Get out of my dreams!!!!! I wanna be happy once again... No more!!!!! So as I think about going to sleep tonight, I flinch... Will they be there? The ones i hurt? The ones I lied to, the ones that I couldn't trust.. Why because of me... Just do me a favor, Kharma leave me alone... Let me be. Let me be happy.. Hasn't everyone done someone wrong.. Hasn't everyone lied to their parents? Their Lovers? It was just a lil lie.... Oh but w
It's the feeling you feel for another, Not as strong as love, But just as deadly, For it destroys and create all at one time. Is it a love for a thing or a person, Or is it a hate for a thing or a person. Its color starts as the purest white, Then it goes to a light pink, To a glorious rosy pink, Then to a deep red, And in the end it goes to the darkest black. I see the purest red roses, When I am deeply in love, But when hate takes over my passion, I can see nothing, For there is only darkness in the black. When passion is upon me, I can smell the sweetest fragrance, But when hate is my passion, I can smell the pit fires of Hell. When passion comes upon me, I can hear the angelic choirs singing to me, But when my passion turns to hate, I can hear the demons of Hell laughing at me. I see passion, When I see the girl I love, I see hate, When I see the homeless and the dying. I feel joy, happiness, and total exhilaration, I feel warm and cold,
Random Fact About Me
i'm a little OCD. but not like totally out there. seriously, the things i'm OCD about are weird. like for example, my CD collection is in alphabetical/chronological order. it has to be or it bothers me. DVD's alphabetical as well. also, it unnerves that i have 304 friends on here. i have to have either a number ending in "5" or "0". swear to god. i don't know, just how i am. yeah i'm weird but ya know what? so is everyone else. fuck you! hahahahahahaha
i love boobies. they make me smile. boobs are the only thing that can make a baby and 60 yearold man act the same way. this blog is a tribute to all the beautiful boobs in the world
1 John 3: 1, 2
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”
Game Mix
Tag 6
Have You Checked This Free Music Site Out?? WOW
Seem So Small....
So small /Carrie Underwood What you got if you ain't got love the kind that you just want to give away its okay to open up go ahead and let the light shine through I know it's hard on a rainy day you want to shut the world out and just be left alone but don't run out on your faith 'cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand and what you've been up there searching for forever is in your hands when you figure out love is all that matters after all it sure makes everything else seem so small it's so easy to get lost inside a problem that seems so big at the time it's like a river thats so wide it swallows you whole while you siting 'round thinking 'bout what you can't change and worrying about all the wrong things time's flying by moving so fast you better make it count 'cause you cant get it back sometimes that mountain you've been climbing is just a grain of sand and what you've been up there searching for forever is in
Deleting Account
Ok i have about 766,000 fubucks. I am seriously thinking about deleting this account. So , what do you think i should do with it, fu-pal it to a new random stranger or divide it up among friends/ family?
Birthday Randomness
So I was born on March 19, 1984. Here are some events that took place on my birthday with the corresponding year. 1279 - A Mongolian victory in the Battle of Yamen ends the Song Dynasty in China. 1687 - Explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle, searching for the mouth of the Mississippi River, is murdered by his own men. 1861 - The First Taranaki War ends in New Zealand. 1863 - The SS Georgiana, said to have been the most powerful Confederate cruiser, is destroyed on her maiden voyage with a cargo of munitions, medicines and merchandise then valued at over $1,000,000. The wreck was discovered on the same day and month, exactly 102 years later by then teenage diver and pioneer underwater archaeologist E. Lee Spence. 1865 - American Civil War: The Battle of Bentonville begins. By the end of the battle two days later, Confederate forces had retreated from Four Oaks, North Carolina. 1915 - Pluto is photographed for the first time but is not recognized as a planet.
Survey Says..
105 Facts About You 1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT Ring? Well i bought it so sure? 2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? 3 1/2 years 3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? Carbombs from miss hahs! 4. EVER DROPPED A CELL PHONE? who hasnt? 5. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? its been a few weeks lol 6. THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON? Beer? 7. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? pineapple 8. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? smile, eyes,dimples (if existant) 9. ONE FAVORITE SONG? Welcome home by Coheed and Cambria 10. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? In rochester, in a crappy apartment with an awesome roomate 11. HIGH SCHOOL YOU ATTENDED: My house haha (homeschool) 12. CELL PHONE SERVICE PROVIDER: Cricket ew. 13. FAVORITE MALL STORE: Gamestop ,Rue 21, does the food court count? ;) 14. LONGEST JOB YOU HAD: Current, Bodycote 15. DO YOU OWN A PAIR OF DICE? nope 16. DO YOU PRANK CALL PEOPLE?: not so much anymore. 17. LAST WEDDING YOU ATTENDED: A Friends 18
Licensed Procreation - My Wish
Why can't they license Parenting. What is wrong with this world when so many parents are busy playing the role of a friend to their children. You are a parent and a parent first. You set the rules, the boundaries and the limits. That is your role. To be respected and admired, even if not liked by your children. Parents putting their daughters on Contraception at 15, Parents questioning if they should let their kids roll with those that don't know the rules ..... This makes me so sad. How will your children learn if you don't show them the best way. Just because you may have had a certain teaching does not mean you cannot offer your child a better alternative. I am so afraid for my own children for having to grow with the kids of these parents. Yet I know that with my strength, even as a single Mother, I will do whatever it takes to make sure their choices are better than mine and others' that precede them. Get your heads out of your asses, and if you have ki
Unable To Trust - Relationships
So a couple years back there was this girl I was really into and one night a group of my friends and I are at a party. This girl I was into was also there. So we start talking really hitting it off well. As the night goes on we are drinking heavily and just having a good time. So later on she needs a ride home and I offer to take her. We leave the party and head to her place. We get to her place and she asks me to come in. We have a couple drinks and things start to get interesting. As the night went on this got a bit hazy for us. Pretty much in the morning, I wake up see the time and had to leave because I had to head to work. A couple days later cops come knocking on my door and arrest me for a something I didn't even do: date rape. They say that the girl I was with a couple nights ago called the cops and stated I raped her. I just shocked and ... words just can't describe how I felt. So I stayed locked up for a couple days and then was released. Officers informed me charges were
In A Different Time
To hold you one more time To kiss your lips and say you're mine To feel your heart with mine Beating as in one time If in a different time We could know such happiness In a different life We could conquer all sadness To ask you to be mine On bended knee with perfect rhyme Take your hand in mine And meld your soul with mine If in a different time We could know such happiness In a different life We could conquer all sadness It will never be All I want and all I dream I will ne'er be free Of this gift you've given me If in a different time We could know such happiness In a different life We could conquer all sadness
Fine Print: In ode to PolskiCherry and Throatfawk, may their profiles forever RIP
Good Ole Rebel
"Stories" I found a line and then it grew I found myself still thinking of you I felt so empty and now I'm fine But still it's burning, when will you be mine? [Chorus:] Too much of the same stories in our lives I think it's time for change, don't you? Too much of the same stories in our lives (I think it's time for us to walk away from here) Stories in our lives, we keep them all inside [x2] Look at me still in your mind Our memories so intertwined Well you broke through and found your way And so did I no need to stay The same old picture, tried and true Been through there, let's look for something new Too much of the same stories in our lives I think it's time for change, don't you? Too much of the same stories in our lives (I think it's time for us to walk away from here) [Chorus] Do you remember lying on the beach so late at night Do you remember running through the sprinklers that night Do you remember all the songs that I have wrote for you,
Last Poem Came Easy
tis came easy why is tat usually been fightin da words out ma head tis been a bad year i think some i dont remember been back on antidepressants fightin ma mind of headaches tis summer been worst ever weeks no poems spilled lost da edge not pretending to be back even larry da xanax popper was here wit comment larry i know da xanax feelings even da head wont clear tongue da meds n pretend to be sane tat may not work here yet ready to go right now painkillers too many can kill cannot tell da truth maybe i wished for no more while breath i cant catch scare was i no longer wanted tat no longer do i wish for death i became scare to think of again i push da edge not really a desire no
this guy is disrespecting me because i wont let him see my nudes and he just called me a slut! so go show him the love that he needs! ~~mr fu king~~@ fubar
Pick Out Your Model !!! Wink
Dont forget Free to sign up !!!! Help me out all i get credit when you sign up lol
Even though we are far apart today, It's never far apart enough to change our love. I carry you with me every where I go Because our hearts and our souls are one. We breathe the same air, We drink the same water, And we even think the same thoughts Even when we are not together. Even though we are far apart today, It's never far apart enough to keep our loving From growing for one another. I miss you..
Nice And Tight
Love to here those comments!!!
Unknown Soldier-breaking Benjamin
Borderline, Dead inside. I don't mind, Falling to pieces. Count me in, Violent, Let's begin. Feeding the sickness. How do I simplify, Dislocate, The enemy is on the way. [Chorus] Show me what it's like To dream in black and white, So I can leave this world tonight. Full of fear, Everclear. I'll be here, Fighting forever. Curious, Venemous, You'll find me Climbing to heaven. Never mind, Turn back time. You'll be fine, I will get left behind. [Chorus] Show me what it's like to Dream in black and white, So I can leave this world tonight. Holding on too tight. Breathe the breath of life, So I can leave this world behind. It only hurts just once. They're only broken bones. Hide the hate inside. [Chorus] Show me what it's like to Dream in black and white, So I can leave this world tonight. Holding on too tight. Breathe the breath of life, So I can leave this world behind.
What's Your Inner Flaw
What flaw lies within you that people just hate?HatredNo one messes with you, my dear. You are quick to defend youself, no questions asked. There are loads of people who would earn billions just to breathe down your neck without you flicking them off. Just because you can be an asshole half the time doesn't mean there is pure evil in your heart.How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Where You Can Own My Videos For Yourself...
You can Own ANY Of my Amatuer Adult Videos Featuring me and All the Hotties at HBC Productions..Featuring BBW Fetish and Roleplay,Girl On Girl,Fucking,Sucking,Playing and MORE all Starring BBW Lita Moonsinger.. Be sure and Stop by Clips4Sale stire so You can see EVERYTHING I've Been Doing Lately!! Own All of my Videos yourself by visiting My Clips4sale page at Also stop by my Brand NEW Clips4Sale Image Store too!!
leave me messages =].... commets wel wat ever you want.. be back on laterz =]
Plz Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets Dance.
Let's Do a dance A Dance to death Death of romance Romance and love Love of another Another never to hold To hold never more Nevermore to dance The dance of romance It's time to dance again To find the right partner For the tango of love We start with a step n a twirl Pain travels up you leg As a few feet are stepped on It's nothing personal that's just the way it goes Around an around we go Tired of going through partners But sooner or latter I'll find the one An the dance will end With a passionate kiss.
New Toy Pics
If U've Dated Me Dont Bother Reading......
Ok now I know most people think I am eithier a.) obsessive b.) just a girl that likes drama or c.) has serious issues.....but honestly I am the farthest from that....I am not tring to change anyones mind though because it feels pointless. once someones mind is made up there is a very slim possibility of even trying to change it. The reason I find it pointless for anyone that has dated me to read this is because I really could careless what they have to say about it and if u have dated me dont message me about this because honestly u are just wasting ur time and mine. I love to date, I love to flirt, and I love having new relationships, but after a short time I always end up making up excuses just so I dont have to be around them anymore. I have used all the excuses in the book....I am not ready for a relationship, I am just going through alot right now, I like u but I just feel like we are more friends, and I am having problems. Like take for instance one of my ex's
Art Compilation
have a few websites just ask :-)
Woman - النساء
النساء مخلوقــات عجيبــة If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman لو قبلتها , تكون رجلاً غير محتــرم If you don't, you are not a man ولو لم تقبلها, تكون لست رجلاً If you praise her, she thinks you are lying إذا مدحتهــا تعتقــد أنـــك كـــــذاب If you don't, you are good for nothing وإذا لم تمدح
Writers Block
I could climb over mountains and shout at the stars, pick up boulders and bend metal bars and be left soaking in my own perspiration, but I won't, do to my lack of inspiration. I could help mankind through math and science, bolster their resolve and teach self-reliance. If only I had such an inclination, but I won't, do to my lack of inspiration. I could write songs about love, the wind or the rain, pointing out mans wickedness, troubles and pain, telling you about the heavens and divine creation, but I won't, do to my lack of inspiration
Polish Divorce
A Polish man moved to the United States and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him. The lawyer said getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances and asked him the following questions: Have you any grounds? Yes, an acre and half and nice little home. I mean what is the foundation of this case? It made of concrete. I don't think you understand. Do either of you have a real grudge? No, we have carport and not need one. I mean, what are your relations like? All my relations still in Poland. Is there any infidelity in your marriage? We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player. Does your wife beat you up? No, I am always up before her. Why do you want this divorce? She going to kill me. What makes you think so? She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom.
Welcome To The Void
All your rights seem like wrongs Your world so black and white Is all life really sacred? You seem repulsed by the sight Humanity torn apart Where do homeless sleep tonight Your plan for recovery leaps To death on unfriendly streets We've all played our part damned us all from the start Running forward in the dark To welcome the void Sanity has a price tag Medicine costs more than life Still scales weigh prescriptions Where will the money come from? The state won't cut the checks Only our throats There is no safety net For when we need it the most We've all played our part damned us all from the start Running forward in the dark To welcome the void You would keep us in pain As if we want your drugs Still you smash primates heads Plunge fingers inside So science to explain Mammals are coldblooded here A quiet death you feel To welcome the void We've all played our part damned us all from the start Running forward in the dark To welcome the vo
My Lounge Hang Outs
imikimi - Customize Your World
Peoples Feelings
Ok so here goes. There is a point and time to realize that people really do have feelings. There are a few people out there that I do really care about. One of those hurt me greatly and you know who you are. You really should consider people around you, their feelings as well. You shouldnt lie to them, cheat them, or overall be a jerk to them. Sometimes the return attention is what you wanted. And those of you know who I love dearly and I dont mean "luv" I mean love. I dont usually write blogs but this time I think it was necessary. I will not be on much for the time being, give some of you that care or dont care a time to think about what you have done. I do have a life outside of the computer and will be tending to that. Thank you and have a nice day and if you are one that fucked with feelings thank you and fuck off. Love always (*smile*) Pieces
Thank You For Help With The Spotlight!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU NOTHING TOO FANCY JUST A HUGE THANKYOU TO ALL OF YOU THAT HELPED ME GET THE SPOTLIGHT. I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU. DON'T BE SURPRISED IF YOU SEE ME SNEAKING ON YOUR PAGE OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS TO RETURN THE LOVE!!!!!! Yeahmon™Shadow Leveler Co-Leader{Keeper of Yeahmons Angels}PLEASE READ PROFILE@ fubar Fu-King Anodyne@ fubar HD Petes Ultra Classic@ fubar Kat1114 {SHADOW LEVELERS} Owned by YEAHMON, Owner of Yeahmon, Scartlett, Blueeyes, Farscapecat & Ama@ fubar ~ Shadow Leveler Team Leader~ Passionman71~R/L Hubby To Farscapecat~ &~Proudly owned by~ Anna~@ fubar ♥BooBoo♥ Founder of Shadow Levelers.Owned By Scarlett, Sarcastk1, Eternally owned by Ga@ fubar SARCASTK1 {SHADOW LEVELER} Owned by Thcknluvit@ fubar Tracy {Shadow Leveler }Yeahmons Angels
Steps To Being A Civilian Again
13 Steps to Recovery/Integration for Soldiers becoming civi Body: 13 Steps to Recovery/Integration for Soldiers becoming civilians. 1. Admit: "I was in the Army; I have a problem." This is the first step to recovery... 2. Speech: Time should never begin with a zero or end in a hundred, it is not 0430 or 1400; it is 4:30 in the morning (AKA God-awful early). Words like latrine, overhead, fourth point of contact, bunk, and "PT" will get you weird looks; bathroom, ceiling, and workout... get used to it. "Fuck" cannot be used to -replace whatever word you can't think of right now, try "um". Grunting is not talking. Nobody knows what "hooah" means. Admit it: you don't even know what it really means. It's a phone, not a radio; do not use words like roger, say again, send it and conversations on a phone do not end in "out" People will not know what you are talking about if you tell them you are coming from Fort Huachuca with the platoon or that you spent a deploymen
Not Such A Nice Girl Not Too Bright Either.
WASILLA, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin lives by the maxim that all politics is local, not to mention personal. So when there was a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency. Ms. Havemeister was one of at least five schoolmates Ms. Palin hired, often at salaries far exceeding their private sector wages. When Ms. Palin had to cut her first state budget, she avoided the legion of frustrated legislators and mayors. Instead, she huddled with her budget director and her husband, Todd, an oil field worker who is not a state employee, and vetoed millions of dollars of legislative projects. And four months ago, a Wasilla blogger, Sherry Whitstine, who chronicles the governor’s career with an astringent eye, answered her phone to hear an ass
Oh No! Julies Sexy/cleavage Pix Are Gone... Why?
Ok so a few of you have asked why I took those pictures down.. Well the reason is, I am talking to someone and just figured it would be best. I have plenty of other pictures up. look at those shit, comment em if you want... But the others are gone!
Get Paid To Chat!
If you enjoy chatting why not get paid to do so? Its fun and easy and the best part can make money off of your friends too..just by getting them to sign up. All you need is a Paypal account or Alertpay account to get started and there is no few to join! Sign up now and make money now! the site is If you want to money by clicking ads sign up for these great sites...I've been paid by and do every morning. They are fast and easy, and don't take much of your time!
Over the last few weeks i have spent a ton of time in court. I am in a custidy battle for my little girl . she is only 12 and from the age of 6 to 10 was rapped ... Also abused by her mother.. i wont mention any names or go into great details.. But in the last few weeks i have been told by dfs i should quite my job so i can be there 24/7 to watch over my daughter . spent days in and out of meeting with child serv dfs and other county and state reps..only to end up in court to have a judge tell me that the rap and abuse of my daughter (which took place in the mothers home while she was there) and the mother took part in is not a reason to remove the child from her living arangment.. I just dont understnd it I know longer know where to turn durning this time frame my daughter has been getting theapy and is doing better but after this new she ran away and is now in jdc .. i only want what is best for my kid and i cant see how staying in a home full of abuse is good for anyon
True love comes only once in a lifetime yet it lasts an eternity It has the power to crush someone so deeply while at the same time they know there's no one else in the world they'd rather be with True love will knock down the walls of difficulty to be with that special one It will take your hand and fly over the world into a place where there's no pain, no tears True love will withstand the test of time, forever waiting until its love is returned It never fails, never dies, never lets go of the one they love
Comfortably Numb-pink Floyd
Hello, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone home? Come on Now I hear you're feeling down I can ease your pain Get you on your feet again Relax I'll need some information first Just the basic facts Can you show me where it hurts? There is no pain you are receding A distant ship's smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your lips move But I can't hear what you're saying When I was a child I had a fever My hands felt just like Two balloons Now I've got that feeling once again I can't explain You would not understand This is not how I am I... have become comfortably numb O.K. Just a little pin prick There'll be no more aaaaaaaah! But you may feel a little sick Can you stand up? I do believe it's working Good That'll keep you going through the show Come on It's time to go There is no pain you are receding A distant ship's smoke on the horizon You are only coming through in waves Your l
Rate & Auction Bully, I Need Rates On The Picture Please.........
HI! I am UP for Auction and I really need a Rate on the Auction Picture Please? (repost of original by '™JÁÐʁ™ØWÑÊR & DJ @§WÊÊTWÁTÊR§ LOUNGE & DIRTY DIAMOND CREW*~' on '2008-09-30 20:06:59')
America Got It Wrong!
Its too bad! Yesterday on America's Got Talent they revealed that a crying opera singer is the best new act in America. Now maybe if he stopped crying.. but he is so fake! Too bad! My heart goes out to the real talent.. Nuttin but Strings and Eli Mattson! I say real meaning they aren't fake crying every time they get on stage.. they just impressed people by doing what they do. They are amazing and I can't wait until they aren't under contract from AGT so I can see them live and buy their cds and such!
Many of my friends have been wondering where I went to or what is going on well. I moved to be with ken. And I'm very happy and enjoy the life we are startin. He is the best man I've ever meet by far. He can make my day brighter in a momment. I'm no longer in Tennessee, I'm now in MO an I'm stayin here. So you want to be friends still thats kewl no issues I just moved on with my life. So that's where I am. Love tress
Part 2 Just More Shit I Wanna Get Out...
One more fucking thing when will it be my turn to be happy... everyone else has shitty relationships that work for years wheres mine?... I'm tired of always being the responsible adult in this household i'm tired of TELLING THIRTY YEAR OLD WOMEN WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AN BAD... OR HOW TO RAISE THEIR KIDS OR TO TAKE RESPONSIBLITY FOR THEIR PETS i'm ONLY 22 FOR CRYING OUT FUCKEN LOUD...i never really had a damn normal childhood always taking care of my niece cause why? AGAIN her fully grown mother was out doing other shit instead of taking care of her own DAUGHTER I RAISED THE GIRL AS IF SHE WERE MINE an what for... when she started drinking an doing other shit I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT FUCKING TRIED STOPPING HER AN TELLING HER IT WAS BAD an all i got was i'm not her dad i'm not even her parent.... i'm just tired of all the stress i get from family my family....i want to leave but i have no place to go. whats the point now i'm alone depressed thinking like i always
Queen Of Hearts
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Queen Of Hearts ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ As soon as I can .. I will add all members to the family .. Right now it won't let me at this level .. also .. as soon as I can add more pics .. I will add new tags for new members .. xo Rate,Fan,Add all members, take a few minutes to check out their profiles. Rate the pix in this album and ill get u a tag then send me a msg and I will add you to the train .. Who want's to follow suite ?? hugs n lick
How I Got Here
Hey there. I know what you’re thinking… ”What’s this old fool doing here”? Well, I may be old, but lately I been pretty young in the heart. My great-nephew Alvin has been helping me with my computer projects and deserves a good dose of credit for what you see, but make no doubt about it…I’m the brains behind it. Alvin lives about a mile an a half from me, here in Dunbar, and I hike over to see him nearly every week. For about four years he showed me all about e-mailing and the internet, and all the things you can do & see here. First I thought it was a big old waste of time, but I slowly warmed up to it. Then about four months ago he showed me that My Space place and I was amazed. To think you could go on-line (see, I’ve learned some of the lingo) and meet people from all over the whole damn world was almost unbelievable. Well, right then I knew I had to get me a computer and like they say…I’m “Up and Runnin” over there. Then about a week ago I ran into Jenny Ferguson &
Check Him Out!!!
Ok so being that I like to pimp my friends out when they need help in a contest or need help leveling....I try to do what I can on my end but I can't do it alone so I ask all my friends to drop by this guy's page page and rate his profile,pics anything you can to help him level...also if you can try to place a bid on him so you can own him for a while You can place your bid on this pic and work your way through his profile....his offers are as follows: 1 PERSONAL SALUTE OF MY CHOICE 3 PHONE CALLS PER WEEK AS LONG AS YOU LIVE IN THE U.S. 1 BIG PIMPIN GIFT A WEEK DAILY COMMENTS ON PRO AND PICS DAILY SHITFACE DRINKS INCLUDE OWNED BY "YOUR NAME HERE" He will return all love that is given to him and you can tell him I sent you Just click here and lets see if we can help him out
Wanna Have Me As Your Halloween Date?
Have You Wanted To Date A Bad Girl.. Now Is Your Chance To Date One Of Sarge's Bad Girls. Come Leave Them Your Best Pick Up Line Or Date Idea. They Will Choose Their Favorite Line Or Idea. You Will Get A Minimum Of 100 Rates From The Bad Girl That Chooses You. Here Are The Bad Girls You Can Choose From. HoneyDew's Princess Vamp Morticia Sexy Green Eyes Chaos' Goddess Blueroses Tulsa's Angel Devil's Advocate
10k To Level
[ A LA TIENNE ] § The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it... §@ fubar
Here I Am!!!!! I'm A Bad Ass Bitch!
Hey It's ME RickaChez! Did ya miss me? Well If you did then come see me on cam in Bad Habitz... In there I am A Bad Ass Bitch!
Redemption Of The Lady Allyce; Pt. 1
Redemption of the Lady Allyce By John Pagan 10th of April, Year of our Lord One Thousand One Hundred and Seven My Dear Brother, I realize that it hath been several or more weeks since I hath last updated my journal, when last I wrote I hath only just arrived in Venice from the Holy Lands. I fell ill for several days with the change of my diet and wine, I was not prepared for fresh foods and they departed from me as rapidly as I consumed them. As fortune would have it the woman who had wet nursed you when you were young was summons to care for me, with broths and herbs she soon had me ready enough to travel. To repay her kindness in taking care of me and in honor of her service to our family in years past I left a goodly purse that should hold her over until the new year, I hath considered providing her a pension and wondered if you would make those arrangements with the money lenders in Venice. Traveling only during the day I came onto the Southern Alps in a week's
I didn't know I could love anyone as much as I love you for the sound of your voice, makes all my dreams come true. You walk into a room, and I know you have arrived; my heart skips a beat when you walk up to my side. I hope this kind of magic stays forever between us two, and the whole wide world will know that God sent me you.
How many times have you seen someone you really wanted to meet but was afraid to approach.. thinking there is no way that person would give me the time of day?? Wanting to say Hi.. take them to lunch.. maybe a drink .. a date.. the funny thing is so many times that perosn is sitting all alone thinking someone/ anyone doesn't like them think they are attractive desirable .. all because they come across as confindant and secure.. and it scares people .. so I challange you today take that step .. say hi ask them out., for dinner, lunch, a drink just let them know you think they are cute.. you really might be surprised the result.. give it a chance....
6000 To Level!!!
CoachHottie@ fubar
Do You Talk?....ever???
Albeight, lacking in eloquence, a question proposed to me today that caught me completely off guard and somewhat offended. Although, unprepared to answer, I made a meager attempt to explain my seemingly inability to articulate conversation... My answer left me feeling inadequate at best... It's sooo frustrating for me, I must say, the fact that I am so guarded amongst people to which I feel I have no common ground. My outward exterior advertises a person which I, personally, have nothing in common with. It's what I like to call false pretense. I assume that so much in order to buffer any situation that may make me feel uncomfortable that I get lost in who I really am. It's a defense mechanism I'm sure. It saves me from disappointment, trust issues and all the baggage that goes with. If I can just get through the day without divulging any pertinent information then god willing, I've accomplished the simple fact of not being disappointed. How fucking pathetic. It's one o
Vampire's Kiss
Cold hands on my skin I fight to hold the Scream with in The tighter he holds me the Harder I fight I want to be with him, but this is not right I see love when I look at his face But I don't want to be in this Vampire's embrace as he kisses my neck his teeth Break the Skin I try to fight but I know i cant win He Holds me tighter Now I cant Breath I know I will Die if he chooses to Leave He Lowers My body on to the Ground He whispers my name without making a sound I'm starting to die, I can feel my soul slip One Last time he kisses my lips He Opens his writs and the blood starts to flow He holds my Lips to it and My hunger starts to grow You are mine now forever,he whispers to me Now open your eyes behold what you see Trapped in this body never to age The world is my oyster, I'm star of the stage With you forever, immortal Like this All because of one Vampire's Kiss
My Last Blog
What I Did Today.
This is about what I did today and what I learned today. So let me start out by saying, the internet is seriouz business, yo. Or is it really? We make friends, we lose friends, new FU drama everyday. We all fucking know what I'm talking about. We meet people who are our friends, and then we find out they're our worst enemy. We stalk people online. We bully people online. We play out our insignificant insecurities online. And for what? Internet popularity? I've been busy the last couple of weeks. In that time, I've noticed quite a few of my friends just vanish off my friends list. No big deal. I mean, after all, it is just the internet and it is just people. I've seen backstabbing, I've seen crying, I've seen DRAMA. Hell, I guess the FU-world is still trying to find out of that cuppycake chick is dead or not? For what? Is there a reason to it all? Let me tell you what I've been doing the last couple of weeks. I've been looking my daughter in the face everyday and watching her di
The Politics Of Fucking By (¯`·ÞëÞu®Ãñg€£´¯)~ #1 Of The Venomous Vixens!!
The Politics of Fucking aka 50 Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex. As written by (¯`·ÞëÞu®Ãñg€£´¯)~ #1 of the VENOMOUS VIXENS!! 1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out. 2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing all the time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation. 3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up. 4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault. 5. Expecting
Hells Wrath Tag
notdone yet yall please no rates or comments
What Breed Of Dog Are You?
You Are a Bullmastiff You are confident, reasonable, and very calm. Nothing shakes you up. It's likely that you were a bit wild when you were younger, but you've gotten that out of your system. The only time you get aggressive is when someone tries to threaten or harm you in some way. There's a little bit of wolf underneath all that sheep's clothing! What Breed of Dog Are You?
Sending Me Pass-it-on Comments
If you read my profile it says I hate getting them so if youre a friend have the respect for me not to do it I am sick of getting them!
Start with "Fantasy', then "Imagine", then "Southern Summers", then read "Hooked" starting with Chapter 1 then proceed through each chapter in order so that the story makes sense (there really IS a story line). Thanks!
Recipe For Making Love
dance baby dance sticky sweet candy treat in one hand other hand in the air full of sticky hair dance baby dance rocking horse wiggling momma giggling young and free sticky sweet grinning ear to ear dance baby dance feet barely touching the ground bouncing up and down diaper dragging sticking to the saddle candy flying dance baby dance laughter filling the air grins everywhere happiness unbound no time will be better joy is simple Dance baby Dance Dance for me
I Am Only 19
It has taken me 19 years to find that you can not trust anyone but yourself. The world will not stop for your little tragedy or any amount of grief that you may posses. Stop, take in the moment.....let it go and toughen up. Everyone makes mistakes, you can forgive and not forget. True love is something that will not cause your heart to suffer. People come and people go, hold on to what is important to you but do not put it up on a pedistool. I have learned that life is not something to rush. You do not have to be the best at everything. You can lose a battle once in a while and still win the war. To be wealthy does not mean you just won the megabucks, its simply having friends and family that care enough to share their life with you, to be there for you. People will try to say or do things to bring you lower than themselves. If you believe in yourself than you are invincible.
What I Wouldn't Do
The only thing on my mind Are visions of you. I wonder what your doing And if your thinking of me too. I'm sitting here so lonely, Feeling cold without you here. Wishing I could lay in your arms And whisper in your ear. So I could tell you how I feel, The things I want desperately to say But fear of rejection Seems to always get in my way. I'd do anything to be with you, I'd catch a falling star, I'd give away everything I hold dear to me Just to be right where you are. I'd stand out on the street, In the pouring rain So you wouldn't have to feel One single ounce of pain. I'd embarrass myself in public Just to bring a smile to your face. The memory of you Is one that cannot be erased. I'd take a hundred hits And I'd die a thousand different ways If it meant that you would be happy For the rest of your days. I'd go skydiving without a chute, Sail through the air If I knew that when I hit the ground You'd be the only one who'd care. I'd give you a one long
A Special Thanks
I just want to say thank you to all my friends that have been there for me i have a few of my friends that are on here that have supported me when i was in the army and sent over seas also when i was in the coast guard where it seem like i just been through hell both in Iraq and Alaska i just want to say thank you for everyone that has been there and supporting our troops i still have a few friends that are still there and may everyone come home safe. I want to let everyone know i am planing on moving back to AZ in a week or two i just have too much on my mind and need to get away for a long time maybe then ill start to feel better i just been feeling blue lately with everything that has been going on in my life if and when i go i wont be able to get online or have cell phone service because where ill be going to is 1000 yards from Mexico where service is limited unless i go in to town i will miss my friends and everyone that has been there for me also a special someone i will miss
Do You?
There is a world beyond this pain A wall of fortitude shall stand in vain An abundance of emptiness caves in from each side Standing from the bottom, blinded to the light Do you hear my cry? It is silent Do you see my fear? It is giant I cast off my shield, a heart made of stone Open to you are inflicted scars that you own I want to hide in the sanctuary of your promise But I can’t find my way through the sedentary darkness
i jus got done reading twilight the Stephine Myer series and i was amazed i finally got the quote "Ill b ur Bella if u b my Edward" it made me look at life and the way love is. lol i mean love is so blind and u jus don't c it coming im lookin 4 my Edward and i think i may hav found him, i feel lik i fell in love all over again 4 the first time he makes me feel safe he may not kno it but he has saved my life hes m y hero he makes me feel on top of the world and so much more,but if we dont wrk out well always hav r memories and ill always love him 4 he has saved me i listened 2 the new cw song just a dream and it makes me think of my besties husband who jus got bck from trainin 4 the army theyve been married 4 almost a yr and hav a beautiful babygurl and shes only 17 she took me 2 her homecoming and i saw how she acted w/ out him and i fear shell lose herself if hes killed or moves on. i dont want this 2 happen 2 me i may young but i hav 2 beautiful angels inside of me i wanna give a li
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Just Wondering
Who might still believe... As in priorities, caring, living well, putting the needs of others first, random acts of kindness, life outside of your own little world and how you affect it. Things are changing everywhere and so very quickly. Yesterday, I found out that so many more may lose their jobs. People with young children, some caring for aging parents, others who were barely making it in the first place, but they did their best. Others are struggling with heath concerns, but are caught in the middle. They make just enough to not qualify for any assistance yet can barely afford their basic needs even with three jobs. The political environment is turblent at best. Our grandkids will be reading about how messed up things are when they are in high school someday. The govenment no longer fears its people. Drug use, drinking to escape, kids living and dying on the street or having babies are all at all time highs. The parents who choose medication to help them behave are
Fade To Black
This guy is simply amazing. He's taken numerous popular rock songs, and performs them on the piano, which gives you a completely different perspective of the music itself.
The Art Of Cockblocking
Cockblocker a person who interferes with one's sexual intentions with another person Randy was a cockblocker because he told Jaime that this guy she knew was just using her for sex. As a man, I'm well aware of the ins and outs of cockblocking. Whether it's being done to me, or I'm the one doing it. In truth, I don't particularly like cockblocking anyone. For one thing, it's bad karma. What goes around comes around, and if you're someone who does this a lot, chances are, you'll get yours someday in spades. A common misconception about cockblocking is that it can only be done man to man. Not true. Women can cockblock each other, and to be honest, it probably happens more that was than the traditional guy-to-guy cockblocking. Whenever I go out in a social setting - whether it's a club, party, bar, or whatever, I never do it alone. I always have some friends with me, because who likes doing that shit by themselves? I've noticed though, as I've g
Anyone Want Too Own Me....
I cant make bulletins but im allowed too post blogs..So if you are interested in owning me for a month stop by and check it out. I love too spoil my owners. This is over Nov 1st at 12:00 Fubar time...
A Poem I Found
Storm clouds are gatherin' as I saddle ol' Buck, I'll get that fence mended with speed an' some luck Out here on the prairie, where land meets the sky, the lightnin' can get fierce an' strike too near by Storms come up quick an' ya better seek shelter, rain, sleet, an' hail make ya run helter-skelter Cattle get restless, they sometimes stampede, an' ya need hardened rovers ridin' drag an' the lead Today I'll be watchin' them clouds o're my head 'cause storms on the praire are the worst, it's been said So I pack up my gear, my slicker n' such, slouch hat, an' long coat, hope I won't need 'em much Tie a scarf 'round my neck to keep out the dust case them dirt-devils twirl an' kick up a fuss Its seven miles out, I'll be workin' all day, an' I'd better make haste or there'll be heck to pay The skies turnin' dark, an' clouds are now black as I ease on ol' Buck, he snorts an' rears back Guess he smells trouble out there on the range so we'd best get the
Why I Love The Internet (and Why I Hate It)
I love the Internet because it shows how truly creative the world is. For the longest time (pretty much forever) all we could see of the world (as far as reading goes) was what other people wanted us to see. We now live in the world where we have many diverse opinions. Blogs, forums, and digital cameras! I love that. I hate the Internet because and flaming and e-thugging. Feel like a big person because you said PWND STFU? Oh puleaze. I love the Internet because there is an endless supply of things that amuse me. LOL cats and de Motivational posters top my list. I hate the Internet because it can destroy your life. You act stupid, get drunk and loosy goosy, them BAM! Your naked ass is seen from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. I have read stories about people losing the job of a lifetime just because they had some stupid crap on their social networking page. Watch what you do and what you post. I love the Internet because it is easy to make new friends, find future spouses, find old
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but an entire life to forget them. Have you ever met someone unexpected that just totally catches you off guard? Makes you think about what you're doing and why you're doing it even though that person hasn't said a word about what you're doing? Sometimes someone comes along that just suprises you so much in such a short time. I have always been a guarded person, not wanting to let anyone or anything in....When you have a child however that kinda changes a little at least towards that child and it makes you think about why you are closed off in the first place. I have had the pleasure and pain of knowing some wonderful people in my life, people that I never really gave a chance to let them see who and what I really am and I lost them due to that and to my insecurities. I am tired of living my life wondering why I never gave that person the chance to decide weather who I am is s
As I am struck by your passion my knees grow weak and my lips quiver. As you caress my body with your lips it sends my mind into ecstasy. I dare not move for I am paralyzed with passion. As you massage my breast with you soft masculine hand my heart burns with desire. I dare not move for I am paralyzed with passion. As our bodies intertwine it sends my soul into a blissful world where nothing but love and pleasure exists. As we lye there breathless in each others' arms I could only wish it could have lasted forever. Still, I dare not move for I am paralyzed by our passion.
Ensign: Who Can Be Against Us?
All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. Isaiah 18:3 AN ENSIGN ON THE MOUNTAINS 31 October 2008 "If Christ be for us, who can be against us?" Paul's rhetorical question in Romans 8:31 is just as easily ours, whether we're talking about a presidential election which will surely affect our future or a personal choice which will surely affect our future. If "choice" is an uncomfortable world because it seems to have been hijacked by the ongoing war of cultures (e.g., "pro-choice"), it's supposed to be. Decisions are made from weighing available alternatives and going with what has the most going for it (or the least against it), and with choices you do the same and then go with what you want anyway. Since we are unlikely to stop ourselves in the future if we proceed now, it's best to make use of every moment of time because it's our to use, a gift of God. We de
The Top Ten Breeches Of Bdsm Etiquette
The Top Ten Breeches of BDSM Etiquette 1.) If it is not yours do not touch!!!! (Touching other people's partners without permission) You would never walk into a supermarket and begin fondling a stranger, would you? Of course not! And yet, it happens often in BDSM clubs and private parties all the time. There are some egotistic Dominants who feel that all submissives - regardless of who might own them - are fair game. These dominants think nothing of approaching a submissive, and not only ordering them about, but helping themselves to the submissive's body. Why do they get away with it? Mostly because newbie submissives don't realize they have the right to tell this rude interloper to go blow. Touching another person without their express permission is not only a rude invasion of privacy and the height of bad BDSM manners, but can also be considered a crime of sexual harassment or sexual assault. So think twice before you help yourself! 2.) Touching other people's to
I Know Me
I know me I’ve always been against violence Against the pain and sufferings Of animals and human beings But lately I’ve noticed a weapon That’s hurts more than a sword More than a gun, or the peeling of the skin A weapon you see but never hold The one you’ve heard, and you’ve told The stench of its smell can bring tears to the eyes Hatred to the confidence Thoughts to the mind They’re looking at me this way Yet I’m looking the other I see only them, and I can’t see the mirror And every now and then if you listen very close You can hear the weapon explode Out the mouths of our friends, or family Even our parents Our society, sometimes the president When will it end? Racism, Judgments, Prejudice and more For than our skin, our house, or our draws People make comments about the people different than themselves When surround by the people just like them But if out of place they wouldn’t dare to comment Knowing of who’s the opponent On my skin which resembles he w
Hard To Choose Life
sat on the leather seat staring at the steering wheel dangling a cigarette life before me life behind me somehow today i cant find me a thought i cant get angry sad regretful mad frustrated exasperated but i have no quarrel with you i prayed and there's nothing you can do sometimes i wonder if i've done all i can do or God's said it's all up to you smokerings swirl ideas and plans twirl while i try to figure it all out this car aint movin cuz my thoughts consumed polluted with self-doubt curses grit sigh spit hands up high robbed of life but i have no quarrel with you blame gets old because i'm old enough to choose even if u win and i lose i made the choice so it's not up to you slams the door turn the keys touch the floor of my street go inside to think more crying is such a bore get some book because my mind needs something to eat make up my mind resolve my life to be fine things will change stop being bitter worr
New Hip Hop And Reggae Mixtape
Click Here For my new Reggae and Hip Hop Mixtape. Be sure to set 0 seconds or no gaps if you burn this to cd. Msg me if you have questions. Maybe ill give you guys a good track list at some point. Maybe not, I'm lazy. If you use this in a lounge. I respectfully ask you just give me a heads up. Thanks, Paul tracklist i may abbreviate a little, or a lot..if you wanna know more, pm or shout me to ask busta rhymes - world go rout trick trick and eminem - who want it jay z - jockin jay z joell ortiz and akon - keep on callin stimulating riddim - va - alaine, ele man, etc movado and jay z - on the rock remix joell ortiz - letter to obama camp and slaine - little story rick ross - boss remix d block etc - fast lane sean paul and sasha - still in love with you sizzla and kim davis - hush fat joe game lil wayne - sayin nuttin remix akon etc - speaker lil wayne - mrs officer nerd - lapdance stickz riddim - va - red rat etc shaggy and akon - whats love
Health Info. Fibromyalgia & Myofascial Pain Syndromes
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and a heightened and painful response to gentle touch (tactile allodynia).[1] While the criteria for such an entity have not yet been thoroughly developed, the recognition that fibromyalgia involves more than just pain has led to the frequent use of the term "fibromyalgia syndrome". It is not contagious, and recent studies suggest that people with fibromyalgia may be genetically predisposed.[2] The disorder is not directly life-threatening. The degree of symptoms may vary greatly from day to day with periods of flares (severe worsening of symptoms) or remission; however, the disorder is generally perceived as non-progressive.[3] The defining symptoms of fibromyalgia are chronic, widespread pain and allodynia. Other symptoms can include moderate to severe fatigue, (allodynia), needle-like tingling of the skin, muscle aches, prolonged muscle spasms, weakness in the limbs, nerve pain, functional bowel
She Won't Cry
You see the pain that lies in her eyes, But, alas, her eyes are dry, She won't cry. No, she won't cry. You see the anger that burns from her gaze, The madness that sets her eyes ablaze, She won't cry. No, she won't cry. You see the fear that closes her eyes, The smile she wears is but a disguise, She won't cry. No, she won't cry. You see the hope that is finally dead, She cannot trust for her heart has been bled, She won't cry. No, she won't cry. You see the love that lies within, But she shall never love again, She won't cry. No, she won't cry. You see death's hand that has glazed her eyes, No one saw her die inside, They won't cry. No, they won't cry.
INSPIRE You say you love my poetry honestly , I write it just for you , You inspire me with all the things you do , With ever word you speak I make a word that rhyhms , And at the end of the day I simply press rewind , You incourage me to be myself and thats rather hard to do , but with everday that passes its some how coming true , I have you to thank for making me see that happiness is something a person really needs , Ever day I talk to you I grow a little happier , except for the other night I thought my world had shattered , I know about the feelings you have cause I have them too , and its really hard to shut them up maybe its something I must do , would that really help you with the things your going though ? The only way to break my heart is to tell me you Love me then say it isnt true , So I beg of you please dont ask me to change these feeling and the things I say
Pretty Cool Or Is It?
Well it seems as though I finally got a book published, not sure if that is a good thing or not, but I think it's pretty awesome nevertheless. Just thought I would share the news with you! And yes, I will send you a copy Rick.
I was just informed this morning that I am unpatriotic. (lol) That I just basically killed someone I love dearly, (lmao) and that by allegiance to him alone I should have voted for McCain. (lmfao) I also was informed I should perhaps not visit a particular home for a while because of my political preference, from someone I thought very highly of. This is bullshit. I don't have to explain to anyone why I voted the way I did. I voted for Obama for my future and for those that I love. I feel that this country needs a true change. Needs a radical change. Needs improvement and that we are all in this together. Why can people not see that? We are all in this together. We are all in this together. We are all in this together. And yet, I am now being told that I just endangered the life of a man that I would give my own life for. I think that pissed me off even more than anything. And, AND, the thing that really makes me laugh about it all is that I got told off by someone WHO
Gotta Be Help Somewhere
ok i dont get it..ex took my 3 boys and wont give em back to me..i have raised my 4 children for 13 years never did anything to endanger them..yet he is the one that has a bunch of girls coming in n out of his place..has maggots in his sink garbage everywhere so i try to get help..i called d.s.s and i dont get any boys want to come live with me.we go to court this month but it seems to long for my kids to have to wait..i have to make it look like everything is ok for my daughters sake even though she misses them just as much as i can i live a normal life without them.i dont get how its all across the news to help kids like this living in this environment and worried about them but when u do call for help they shove u to the bk burner..what is wrong with these people?
For The Women That Blew Smoke Up My A**
Rethink About Men
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't 'be friends'. A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is Don't stay because you think 'it will get better' You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? Always
A Hot Girl
Only Read If You Care....
November 8, 2008 Listen Up Dumbfucks: Most people kill themselves because of a mental condition. This is true in my case too. The condition I suffer from is that I am not normal, I am not like everyone of you "sane" people. I am not normal in the sense that I am not like every other one of you brain-dead zombies. I can think. I can reason intelligently. I can observe and learn from life. I can make my own decisions and follow through on them. And I can do these without any aid from celebrities, T.V., radio or MySpace. Unfortunately, every one of you shit-brained lemmings seem to lack these skills and I can't fucking take it any more. Since everyone else in this world is a fucking retarded drone who revels in their ignorance and unintelligence, I must put an end to my misery. I truly wish I was normal. I wish I could be a fucking retarded sponge like all of you. I wish I could have the same conversations day in and day out about sports, politics and "how about that weather h
Why am I hurting more now that I ever had before? Why does the pain in my heart not subside from the worst loss in my life ? Why does the future in my life seem to look like it will never get better no matter how hard I try to remain postitive about it ? Why can't I face the reality that it is over and let go ? Why do I hold out hope that the only thing that ever mattered to me will someday return to make my life whole again ? Why does this depression get worst day after day ? Why is God making me hurt so bad, have I really done so many terrible things in my life to deserve all this pain ? I hope the answers come soon, because I don't know how much longer I can live my life like this before I have to do something I don't want to do to make the pain go away. God please send some kind of sign to make me understand - WHY ?
Little Ralphy
LITTLE RALPHY ON MATH A teacher asks her class, 'If there are 5 birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?' She calls on little Ralphy. He replies, 'None, they will all fly away with the first gunshot.' The teacher replies, 'The correct answer is 4, but I like your thinking.' Then little RALPHY says, 'I have a question for YOU. There are 3 women sitting on a bench having ice cream: One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?' The teacher, blushing a great deal, replied, 'Well, I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone.' To which Little RALPHY replied, 'The correct answer is 'the one with the wedding ring on,' but I like your thinking.' LITTLE RALPHY ON MATH (Part 2) Little RALPHY returns from school and says he
Only Heaven's Silence For An Answer
Breathing an air Permeated soaked in darkness Emanating from within Resonating like a scream no one can hear I wear this chaos well Though none should save me Desperation keeps me here My need for innocence The place where I began The abyss becomes me I wear this chaos well Are these not words of heresy A venom on my lips a poison My spirit impurity In everything I choose to say With you I stand in hope that God will save us from ourselves Every cry a wasted moment Until another day is lost Even lands we once called home Lie undiscovered and unknown Only heaven's silence for an answer Did our laughter did our tears Have some purpose after all Did we toil in vain in hope That wisdom came from what we'd done Even lands we once called home Lie undiscovered and unknown Only heaven's silence for an answer. If I would shed my skin the layers left But not the lessons learned It would not undo what I have done Or grant forgiveness in some better days
Maddily In Love Tnx 2 Fubar
True Fubar Romance blossomed into real life marriage we met on fubar may 07/07 which turned ito a great friendship so we made arringments to meet 2 months later in r/l. our eyes met and we instantly feel in love , we got married nov 12th 07. its our first year being married and we want to give thanks to fubar and baby j for this beautiful bond of holy matramony that keeps growing stronger everyday. and most of all our great friends on fubar for sticking by us thru this whirlwind of true love. always keep your hearts open cuz yo never know where true love awaits you. Mr * Mrs Knight.
The winds are changing the summer has left again as quickly as it came. It's flowers are all dying with one touch of winters frost bitten lips. The changes of season bring upon the changes of our lives with the fall of every leaf a memoery is made, with the graceful ease of every snowflake there is a part of me that yerns for yesterday. With every new sunrise another spot in my heart is cleared for someone new to come sneaking in like a child in the night .
#!*% This!!!
Sex, Lies And Handwriting...
Sex, Lies and Handwriting is the title of the book of the moment. My impulsive nature usually has me reading at least three books at a time but for now, it's just this one. I heard about it one day while listening to the raunchy antics of my favorite radio hosts, O&A on XM . Of course, their plan was to invite this poor author onto their talk show and belittle her abilities in journalism but to their amazement, and mine, as the listener, found this stuff rather interesting...hmm, so, I went out and bought the book! People facinate me. Why they do things, what they do and how they do it...I just like to sit back and watch. Never a random talker, I reserve my information for those I feel worthy. I don't "get" those that lay it all out on the line in a first meeting...I guess I'm just not very trusting that most people are intelligent enough to "get me" or care for that matter so why waste the time, y'know? So, to find a book that teaches a person how to read other people
Time Is Ticking Away
Time is ticking away I can't believe you are gone. I thought what we had was forever I don't wanna be wrong. You go out with your friends I wish you were here with me. Time is ticking away Where is it that you want to be? I won't be here forever waiting for you to get yourself together. A day will come that I don't want to wait anymore. Time is ticking away My heart is bleeding that you are gone If I wanted to be alone then Why be together? I am stuck in the whirlwind of emotion I want you back I hate you for leaving me Only time will tell....
Something I Wrote
I can feel your touch I can feel your kiss I can feel your heart beating with mine I had you, but somehow I lost you I remember almost every moment The taste of your kiss The smell of your t shirt The way it felt the first time When you said I love you The softness of your voice talking to me But I also remember the end Like it was yesterday I watched you walk away from me The tone of your voice when you said Im done A tear ran down my face at that moment A piece of my heart died right then You so easily replaced me And your response was Im so sorry baby You claimed I do love you and I do care You proved just how much When you walked out of my life I hope you can live with that And the fact you hurt me if you even care at all Its done now, no going back I can say this You made me a stronger person More cautious but stronger All thats left to say is Goodbye, Im begining the next chapter of my life
I Hate Everyone I Hate Everything....
waiting for the time....
Mean But Funny
this is mean but really funny i think this is the comment i was reading like i said its mean but funny as hell too OMG watching her eat is disgusting and embarrassing to watch. I'm sorry, she's like writhing and bouncing around in her chair for food. Good Lord lmao.
Faerys & Tigers!
As we sit under the Moon & Stars, Watching the comets fly overhead, I can't avert my tired eye's from the angel's, Those who fly on Golden Wings. The Faery's flitter about spreading dust, There really is no time for rust, Just Colourfull Orbs bouncing back & forth, No need to be in the cold where there's warmth. Just a big red pulsating Heart, You can't break or shake it this time, My mind is racing like a formula one car, The poison has been injected deep in my soul. You are my aphrodite, My Unicorn,My Tigress, We shall Pounce & Bite hard on all those who defy, Rip the humans to shreds & leave them for dead, Feast upon Milk & Beef. The Tiger's out of his cage, Purring so gently, Growing with the Lionesse's & the Rhinos, Dance with the Gazelles & Swim with the frogs, Let the Animal's loose unto the world!
T3h Skeletons
To Who It May Concern....
This is to someone that will remain nameless on Fubar..... Dude, I seriously don't get you. You are always so unfair to me. There's been numerous times that you would whine to me, complain to me, beg me...tell me not to talk to certain people...etc etc.... I put up with your shit and kept giving you chances. Why?? I don't know, perhaps I have a soft heart or I'm just that type of person to give chances and be able to forgive them. You just didn't get the point when I kept saying No. Then you apolgoize to me, saying that you would do better and not be so I gave you another chance and was willing to get to know you get to know you more....that's why I said yes to you. To get to know you more..the real you... But no, until this morning, I saw the old you again. And if you think that I did that after you sent me that gift, then you are wrong. I had thanked you kindly for that....then I see you went behind my back and pretty much did shit that you would of go
Game - Virtual Buddy - Pointless But Entertaining
PLAY Interactive Buddy Diggy Games
Naughty Application
"!!NAUGHTY APPLICATION !!! Your Name: Age: Location: 1.Favorite position: 2.Do you think I'm cute?. 3.Would you have sex with me? 4.lights on or off? 5.Would you have to be drunk? 6. Would you take a shower with me? 7.Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 8.Would you leave after or stay the night? 9.Do you like cuddling afterwards? 10.Condom or skin? 11.Have sex on the first date? 12.Would you kiss me during sex 13.Do you think I would be good in bed /? 14.Would you use me as a booty call? 15.Can I use you as a booty call? 16.Can we take pictures of the act? 17.How long would we have sex? 18.Would you tell your friends about me? 19.Would you want me for a b/f , g/f or friend? 20. Will you fill this out & send it back to me?" Also < IF YOU HAD ME ALONE, LOCKED UP IN YOUR ROOM FOR A WEEK & I HAD TO DO WHAT EVER YOU WANTED ME TO DO, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH ME? TELL ME IN MY INBOX... CUZ ITS A SECRET
Nsfw Pics
To get to see my NSFW , you must buy me a $20 Bling pack or vip renewal and i will add you to my family. it's as simple as that......but worth it :) I will add more pics, depnding on how generous you are!!!! Bea xoxox
Sick Again
Just thought that I would write & let those who care know where I been. I woke up Thursday with a sore throat & laryngitis. As the day went on I started coughing. I haven't been out of my house since Thursday night. My parents stopped & bought me nytequil & other cold medicine but it didn't help. The only thing it has helped with is making my coughing more bareable. Knowing how my immune system is my parents decide to make a doctor's appointment. Couldn't get in until Monday. I can manage during the day but when night time comes the coughin gets so bad. I say I can manage during the day as long as I don't get hot & no air fresheners,purfume,colgne are sprayed . I'm getting tired so I'm going to try & lay down. Will write again when I have more strength . PLEASE KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED I HAVEN'T CAUGHT THE FLU.
The Past
The past creeps up on us all…usually at some point in someone’s life when it’s not appropriate. The strong ones are able to just shake it off and continue with their lives. Then you have my group of people…the ones who can’t seem to run far enough away from their past…the ones who relive the memories on a daily basis to the point where it fucks up their lives. It’s just not a life I want to live anymore. I said in my previous entry that a hell of a blog was coming up. Well, this is it. My mind is running faster than I can write…and that’s just not a good sign. I’ve been telling myself that I would quit getting into so much detail with my blogs because it pisses a lot of people off…but this is for me. This is my way to get things out on the table and deal with it when the time comes. And unfortunately, that time is coming near. It seems like this past month has been a battle of the exes so to speak…at least from the previous two. The one I haven’t heard from in two dam
Ever do something to prove a point, find out that you're right, and STILL have it blow up in your face?
Roses Have Thorns
Each day i wake up and look at my two beautiful girls and i just feel and know how strong i am and how proud i am of my self know each day i know that i have to be the mother and father of the kids be that selfish bastard decides to walk out on us bc it got to hard on him i mean what the fuck its not he broke his back takin care of thes beautiful kids only gettin 3 hours of sleep each night willing waking up gratly waking up to them in the morning to them to know i created them i mean come on that is the role of a parent right but what ever ya know his loss he left took off he will soon regret what he has lost but i will never look back i will keep looking forward with my two beautiful girls so look out world 3 strong girls are out in this world to rock
A Very Dark Poem/song Lyrics I Just Wrote
“My Little Game” You, the masterpiece in my gallery of screams, You a dangling caricature within my darkest dreams. Your flesh will be my sketchpad, a tapestry of pain, My brush it has nine tails, it leaves a crimson stain. There is no admission fee, to see this display, For you my love are part of it, I like you this way. My painting it sweats and shrieks stretched tight within it’s frame, Some may call this sick but it’s just my little game. Most critics would say “Boring”; no color, no hue But they lie; your hands and feet have turned a lovely blue. And there is also red, not boring at all. It drips down from the nails that pin you to my wall. You see, I’m easily amused, a man of simple needs, For me it’s just the basics... I want a canvas that bleeds. Modern art or abstract, for me that’s just too tame. Because I really like the “old ways” when I play my little game. Copyright 2008 by Steve Santini. All rights reserved
First Stick Your Tongue In Here.....
haywood jablomee so,i got woke up by party people,and now im winding down,there was a spider on my leg earlier,but i smashed it with ease and total disdain for the craftsmanship god put into his tiny creation,and it dawned on me that we all do this and more when we disregard our fellow man,and mistreat others willfully.thankfully i am at a pretty happy point in my life considering all the circumstances that surround me,but then,it reminds me that is the whole point of have confidence in the unseen despite all odds.two out of three questions have been answered,and the third remains unasked,when the curtain lifts and bows dispensed ,one shall remain and one shall be unmasked.i i i i i i i i-such constant narcissism and over focusing on the immediate wants of self,if youre on the internet,you have basic needs met,so all else is wants to a large degree.we have become a giant yogurt culture,a culture of angry,bitter,abused,brainwashed lost souls,walking wounded and heartbroken an
Coyote Coyote – The mind’s eye – Image: lust Wholesome pride In the feasts of its kills. Hunger – The primitive beast unchained Tears at the meat again and again; Gaping jaws, blood red stained. Feral hunter, Serenade the moon - My midnight ghost. 2-18-99
Float Float – Soft rhythms In graceful and tender flesh. A breeze – A gentle kiss Of light and air Brushes… A butterfly swoops past. I dream…
Rosa She smelled like apricots; Ripe - fresh… Her eyes, obsidian disks Floating in milk Almond pools, Framed in auburn silk… Apricots, Fresh and ripe…
When I Left Levi ( My Ex - Was With Him For 26 Months). We Had A Soap Opera Life.
My convo with my ex, this is when we broke up. I left him. This was on 11.17.08 ( he took it a lot better then I thought he would. He always said that he was my soul mate and couldn’t live with out me. Wonder if that was a lie ) Me : It does thanks. My bday was so good that there is no words to describe it, thats how good it was. And i'm doing so much better since you and i are not together. No offense to you, its just the drama is gone, i'm taking care ok ky better and i'm so much happier. So up being only friends and nothing more is perfect. You do realize that you and i will never be together again under any circumstance right? And if you cant deal i'm sorry. Just walk away now and have a good life. Him : wells thats good I plan on moving out of state as soon as most of my bills are paid off. in a couple of years. so i'll probly not be in touch when I leave. Me : I dont want you to keep in touch then or now. I'm moving on with my life. You should to. Him : ok have a

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