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1) Spell your name: BRITTANY 2) Are you in a relationship? YESYES 3) When you're at home alone, do you still close the bathroom door when you use the bathroom? no but i lock the doors :) 4) Do you like your life right now? yes 5) What was the last item you bought? mcdonalds w/ momma after the er 6) What was the last thing you drank? tea 10) What plans do you have for tomorrow? school and work ugh 11) What do you hate? no one 12) Where was the last place you fell asleep? couch 14) Do you have a best friend that is a girl? yes 15) How are things between you and your friends? okay 16) What is your favorite romance movie? the notebook, corpse bride 18) Do you forgive or forget? forgive 22) What are you thinking about right now? my babe needs to get here 23) Who was the last person to tell you they love you? my momma 24) Do you think they meant it? yesa 25) What time did you go to bed last night? like midnight 26) What are you currently doing? nothing just this 27) What did you do today? stayed home sick, went to the er 28) Do you hate anyone? not really 29) What was the last thing you ate? chicken nuggets 30) What are you listening to? myself typing. 31) Who does it remind you of? a keyboard? 32) What was the last movie you watched? who knows 33) What CD is in your stereo? idk 36) What did you do yesterday? school&work 37) Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? both 38) Are you a beach or a snowy mountain person? snowy mountain as long as i dont have to go outside :) 39) What are you doing later? idk being sick? 40) Do you like/love someone? i love <3 my boyfriend 41) Do you have piercings? used to have my ears 42) Do you have any tattoos? nope 43) Have you ever been tied up? no 44) Have you ever had two dates in one night? probably 45) What do you get complimented about most? um my hair 46) Do you get distracted easily? sometimes 47) What was your childhood nickname? bb 48) What would you change about your life right now? i would love to not have mono/strep 49) How do you feel about public displays of affection? dont care as long as its not nasty 50) What's the dumbest thing you have done in/with a car? idk 51) Do you live alone? no 52) Can you keep a secret? yes 53) What was the best year of your life? my year with my babe 54) Have you ever played twister? yesss 56) Have you ever been drunk at school? nah 57) Last thing received in the mail? letter from school 58) Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a D? YES MY BOYFRIENDS NAME IS DAN:):) 59) Do you have trust issues? kinda 60) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? momma carole


What is the closest main road to your house? liberty ave Could you go out in public looking like you do now? yes What DVD is in your DVD player? idk What did you do last night? hung out with my boyfriend Last person who got mad at you? Why? idk Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person? snowy mountain What annoys you the most? the weather school When do you prefer to take a shower, morning or night? night Next vacation you're going on? life vacation from school, it;s summertime bitches and im 18 and i dont have to f'ing go to school ever again. i hate you school suck it, Do you play any sports? no Do you like scary movies? yes Would you rather stay home all day, or be out and about? depends i <3 both Look out the window what do you see? the road What are your nicknames? grubs Last time you went to the mall? awhile What color shirt are you wearing? purple vermilion sweater Last person you hugged? babe What did you do tonight? nothing it's not night time yet Do people ever spell/say your name wrong? my last name people call me grubbbbber like grubb(like let's say "let's get some grubb"-er Are you watching TV? nopeee Where would you like to live? france Last time you spent the night at someone's house? Whos? awhile, probably dans When was the last time you were extremely disappointed/really mad? at school im sure What's your worst habit? smoking heroin. JK . um smoking cigs. Is there anyone you regret ever meeting? uh Would you rather have roommates or live alone? live alone Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? yes probably Plans for the upcoming weekend? work, party idk

real bored

Do you hate when people smoke around you? no i dont care i smoke Who was the last girl you talked to? my mom Who was the last guy you talked to? dan today What was on your mind most today? when is school going to end Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? i talk to my boyfriend Are you missing someone? yes Most important things you would always want in a relationship? honesty, trust, sparks! duh Are you happy right now? very What are you looking forward to in the next few months? summertime with my babe What do your friends call you? grubs Would you prefer a thunderstorm or snow? thunderstrom but i love snow when im inside warm! Have you ever kissed just a friend? yes Are you that good at math? im okay at it i hate it though At what age did you learn to ride a bike? idk Ever dyed your hair? yes Do you cry a lot? yes haha my bf calls me a crybaby but not in a mean way! not yet of course hahaha What were you doing before this? sleeping What did you do today? went to school How many showers have you taken today? none not yet Do you drink soda? no i quit Can you remember your last dream? sometimes but no When was the last time you had butterflies? all day everyday when im with him <3<3 Do you have a job? yes ugh What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping Plans for the weekend? work partying Who was the last person you were under the covers with? baby Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? yes Do you ever keep arguing when you know you're wrong? yes How do you think your latest ex feels about you? idc Get asked anything ridiculous lately? probably What are you wearing right now? jeans sweater How is your hair? its okay Have you kissed anyone in the last week? yes Do you like your first name? no too many people have it Do you like to cuddle? yes love it<3 What are your initals? bmg How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries? love them <3 Do you like the color gray? yes Look outside, how's the weather? kinda chilly Are you jealous of anyone right now? no Last time you ate grilled cheese? not too long ago Name something great that happened today? um i left school! What drugs are you on? im on friggin crack yo. NOT What do you hear right now? talking Who was the last person's voice you heard? joe and daryls Who was the last person to piss you off? idk Have you ever seen somebody get hit by a car? no Who do you tell everything to? dan and my mom Have you ever taken a picture in a bathroom? yes Do you use big words? sometimes Does your head hurt? kinda Have you ever been cheated on? yes Favorite number? 26 When was the last time you saw your Father? like 3 years Do you fight with your parents often? never Do you have to check in with your parents before you go someplace? i just tell my mom Where did you spend Christmas? mill hollow Do you get good grades? i try Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? i got my septum done 3x awhile ago not professionally and it hurt like hell, and it was crooked What did you accomplish today? um i read some of my french book and another book ive been trying to read What were you doing 30 minutes ago? surveys Do you like your life as of now? i love it How's your heart lately? happy

gfdsfhds :)

When was the last time you got a haircut? not long ago Have you ever kissed someone thats name starts with a A? i'm sure haha Aside from family, how many people can you say you TRULY love? three Is your next birthday coming up soon? nope Do you actually eat 3 meals a day? doubt it If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it? yesss When was the last time you went to the movies? awhile! Do you still talk to your ex? umm not really my ex but kinda and yeah Do you like the color green? i do Do you have a crush on someone? i love someone Have you ever eaten uncooked ramen noodles? yes hahaha Are you keeping a secret from anyone right now? no What are you scared of? growing up How long have you had a myspace for? who knows awhile Who was the last person to call you beautiful/gorgeous? my babe Edward Cullen or Harry Potter? um What did you dream about last night? baby What was the first song you sang today? i dont rememebr Do you own anything from american eagle? yes Do you listen to rap? love What does your last message say in your inbox? cool and stuff. haha momma Your favorite ice cream? coffee What are you excited for? no school forever What's your favorite kind of soup? chicken noodle, cheesy broccoli Would you rather live in a cabin or beach house? cabin! When you're having a bad day, how do you make yourself feel better? talk to my baby Did you wear shorts today? no Any plans for this weekend? working and party What are you listening to right now? nothing Last thing you bought? flip flops?! subway!? Are you a sexual predator? yes hahaha What is one thing you really want right now? my baby Were you comfortable the last time you were alone with your crush? yes Have you ever gotten caught sneaking out? yes hahah it was so funny i got caught sneeking in and my moms like are you crazy we have a door What's your favorite flavor of potato chip? um i <3 munchies hot cheetos kind What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? i didn't get to think my phone was ringing Are you waiting for anyone to sign online or call you? im waiting for my baby to let me know when he's off Can you sit still for long periods of time? yeah Last movie you watched? idk Do you still own any VHS tapes? yes spice girls How old were you when you got your driver's license? not yet :( Do you ever read the weather forecast? rarely Who made you laugh most today? idk sasha and athena Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex? yes Are you going to sing in the shower tonight? no Can you see yourself ever being with someone you've been with before? um?


Does the last person you sat next to mean anything to you? i <3 my mom Are you dating the last person you kissed? yesssssssss Can you handle the truth? usually If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? with my babe Do you think your last ex deserves to die? no Would you rather have loved and lost, or never have loved at all? loved and lost Have you ever streaked across a football field? ahhah no How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking? sometimes maybe a couple times a week Who do you trust the most in your life? my mom and babe Who has hurt you the most? lets not talk about that Are there some songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone? no..it just brings back memories Are you happy with where you are relationship wise now? yes very happy How long ago did you hug someone? last night Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? <3 coffee alcohol is okay Do you find it easier to forgive or forget? forgive Who was the last person you yelled at? idk daisy my dog Do you know anyone who's addicted to any drugs? yeah Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? yes i did :) Did you have a good day yesterday? yes it was okay What was the highlight of today? idk leaving school? Do you hate anyone? no not really Do they know who they are? Do you have a best friend? of course Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor? yes ha Put iTunes on shuffle, what is the third song that comes up? When was the last time you bought something? idk Do you play an instrument? no What’s the reason behind your myspace display name? im brittany.com Is there anyone you call baby? yessssssssss In the next 4 months, what are you looking forward to most? being with my baby Have you ever dated someone older than yourself? yes is your phone within a meter radius of you? like on my lap What are you wearing? jeans, shirt, sweater What color is the thing you are sitting on right now? black Are you doing this just because you're bored? bored What is bothering you right now? nothing Do you find New Year's enjoyable? yes I'll bet you miss someone right now? yes Are you high? no Do you shop for clothes? yes Where do you think your best friend is right now? working? Who else is in the room with you right now? my moms bf How often do you get onto myspace/facebook? daily Do you have any enemies? i dont think so Ever fell in a hole? yes What last made you sad? my baby leaving last night Where did you last sleep other than your house? babes


☻W☻H☻I☻T☻E☻ I don't really know right now ☻G☻O☻L☻D☻ you like someone, and that someone likes you back, but you arent together B☻L☻A☻C☻K☻ pimps dont fall in love ☻P☻I☻N☻K☻ taken and confused at some things ☻P☻U☻R☻P☻L☻E Your single but you have a crush on someone and you don't know how they feel about youh.. ☻Y☻E☻L☻L☻O☻W☻ Wish you could go back in time... ☻B☻L☻U☻E☻ Taken & loving it ☻O☻R☻A☻N☻G☻E☻ Your a super pirate that goes around robbing the rich and have a super side kick thats a squirrel


Wallpaper on your cell phone? Me and my babe Where was your default picture taken? umm my house Who was your last text from? my momma What's your favorite number? 26 Do you like anyone? i lovvvve someone What is your current mood? bored Pissed off, annoyed, upset? bored? Is someone thinking about you? i hope so Ever had a near death experience? probably yes Whats the relationship of the last person you texted? my momma Who's car were you in last? kelseas! What are you listening to? nothing Do you get along with girls? someeee, not most Next movie you're going to see in theaters? idk Last thing you ate? a roast beef sandwich w/ lettuce on a hotdog bun since thats all the bread we have!! What was last thing you drank? water Are you happy right now? sure Whats the last thing someone said to you? "you smell it?" Where is your phone? on the desk in front of me What color is your hair? brown If you could have one thing right now what would it be? to be with dan Who makes you happiest right now? dan! What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping! What about at eleven? snuggling with my babe What's the last thing you thought about? babybaby When is your birthday? february 23 How do you feel about your hair right now? its gay Where does most of your family live? here in ohio Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating? yes of course wow What color are your eyes? hazel brown What are you doing now? this What is one thing you question a lot? umm food? Do you think you lead people on? no Are you married? hopefully one day! Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex that you loved them? yes Is there anyone who doesn't like you? yes Did any of your friends go out with any of your ex's? maybe idk You're really upset; who is the first girl you go to? momma Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? no Can you do a split? no Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning? night Have you been to New York City? no Who was the last person you talked to on the phone to? my mom Last time you laughed really hard? uhh When is your next road trip? soon i hope Do you know anyone addicted to any type of drugs? yes Do you know anyone by the name of Dennis? no What outfit do you have on at this exact moment? jeans shirt and sweater What are you doing tomorrow? school work 7-cl
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