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The Hunt


Roman watched the room for signs of healthy prey. The dance floor was packed and all the couches in the lavish mansion were full of party goers enjoying their drinks and exchanging small talk. The men of the room were either showing off the beauty of their wives and the jewelry they had bought them that cost six figures or more or trying to entice the hookers in the mix with more than just their wallets. The latter still confused Roman, if all they needed to do was give the women money then why not just hand it over straight away? The women in the party weren't stupid they could easily see through the flashy smile and read between the cheesy pick-up lines that the men tried to use on them. Were they hoping for a discount maybe?

Roman had little interest in the call girls present at the party, money wasn't something he had in unlimited supply and most of them charged enough to buy a used car. Besides, why bother with the hunt if your prey was all too willing to wander into your trap? He wanted a genuine challenge a beautiful woman who had to be lured into his trap with something other than a fat wallet.

As he walked through the groups of people he said occasional greetings and stopped to listen in on the occasional conversation. Most of the people were talking about their jobs, corporate executives like these didn't seem to know about anything else and he found it difficult to listen for any length of time. After several minutes of aimless wandering the one he was seeking finally caught his eye.

The fact that she was included in this group of elitists astonished him, her body type was perfect with wide hips, ample buttocks and large breasts that threatened to burst free from the corset she was wearing at any second. A sheer scarf was draped over her forearms and across her back and a long skirt flowed down from the waistband of the corset. Her hair was extremely short, golden in hue, but her eyes were what caught his attention. Large and beautiful a man could stare deep into this woman's eyes and become lost in a sea of emotions and thoughts. Any man, aside from Roman anyway, could hunt forever and never meet prey like this creature. She was perfect in every detail and lost in a sea of pomp and circumstance making it easy for him to slip up next to her without being noticed.

"Beautiful evening isn't it?" he asked quietly.

"Huh?" she spun around startled by his sudden appearance. "Oh yes, nice." She said without feeling.

"You seem distracted anything I can help you with?" he asked politely.

"I had a man around here somewhere. As usual he seems to have found better company then me to spend his time with." Her irritation was plainly audible in her voice but he found it hard to read her expression. Her facial features suddenly became plain betraying nothing.

"Like you I am alone for the moment. My companion has found it easier to mingle in this crowd than I have."






"Two peas in a pod, you and me I guess. Come on, I need a smoke and to vent." The woman hooked her arm into Roman's when he offered it and the two of them traveled through the gargantuan mansion to find a balcony that overlooked the grounds where they could be alone. Upon further inspection Roman realized that the corset she was wearing was cinched so tightly her waist was about half as wide as it should have been.

"Been corset training long?" he asked as she lit up a cigarette.

"About three years, why?" she responded raising a querying eyebrow.

"I couldn't help but notice how tight your waist is underneath that thing. I'm impressed." He said smiling. She blew out a length of gray smoke and smiled back.

"Thank you, it’s nice to hear a genuine compliment." She held out one gloved hand. "My name's Alicia, what's yours?"

"Roman. And if you call me Sir I'll end our acquaintance by pushing you over the edge of the balcony." He said shaking her hand.

She chuckled softly and took a drag on her cigarette. "Fair enough. So, are you married?" she asked examining him. Roman began to get the impression she was sizing him up for something, his attempts to get close to this fabulous animal were working like a charm.

"Not at the moment." He answered.

"Divorced?" she asked cocking her head to one side.

"No, widowed actually. Poor thing died in her sleep several years ago." He left out the fact that he had been holding a pillow over her face at the time.

"Oh I'm sorry. That sounds horrible."

"Waking up next to a corpse was quite a shock but we move on. It isn't fair to those we love to dwell on their passing for too long I feel."

"That's very strong of you. I'm with someone myself obviously but I'm not sure for how long." She turned away from Roman to look out into the night sky. "I love him very much but this being left alone is starting to get to me. I know how important his job is and all but it’s tough to be second string to the man who I want to spend the rest of my life with." She sighed deeply and Roman moved in close to wrap his arms around her in a soft embrace. She leaned back to rest her head on his shoulder.

"I just wish I could come first more often like at these damn parties. I've been here for three hours and I've seen my husband for all of about thirty minutes. I've spent more time with his damn receptionist than I have with him." Alicia complained.






"It sounds very difficult for you." Roman soothed her.

"You have no idea. I'll bet your woman never left you to her co-workers whenever she had more important things to talk about."

"We weren't exactly high society if you know what I mean? Most of the people here make in a day or two what I make in a year." He sighed.

She backed away from him a couple steps and turned to study him closely. "How'd you get invited here then?" she asked, confusion clear in her voice. Once again Roman could hear her emotions better than read them, which was starting to set him on edge. Her face remained calm and still and betrayed none of the confusion she seemed to feel.

"I have a good friend who was invited here and asked me to tag along. I had nothing else to do so I agreed." He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged. Alicia chuckled again and took a drag of her cigarette before flicking it over the edge of the balcony.

"Guess it helps to have friends in the right places."

"Or wrong places depending on your point of view." They both laughed.

"This party is boring the shit out of me and I'm horny as hell, let’s bounce." She cocked her head towards the door and they hooked arms before leaving the balcony.

Roman was ecstatic, she had fallen for him hook line and sinker now all he had to do was decide how best to enjoy her before the night was over. He decided to go the romantic route, wine dine and worship her until the moment finally came allowing him to enjoy her to the fullest.

Alicia led Roman by the hand outside and offered to drive him to her place. After they had driven away from the party Roman asked her why she was so willing to cheat on her man.

"He's always buying some hooker for a romp in the sack. He doesn't even bother to hide it so I have my fun once in a while. Its not cheating if he does it first you know?"

Roman was forced to agree although he didn't quite get the logic of her argument. "Do you always meet someone at these parties like you say he does?"

"So many questions all of a sudden, usually but most of the time I'm not in the mood so I just go home early and wait for him to catch up."

"I'm sorry I don't mean to imply anything I'm just curious about how a beautiful woman such as yourself, could be left alone so casually." Roman decided not to ask any further.



"Well as you said earlier you aren't exactly high society so I can't expect you to understand. Let’s just say that most of the women at that party are married only for their looks and how they make the man they're with look. Most of them are cool with it but unfortunately I'm not." She pulled up to a large wrought iron gate and slid a key card through the slot on the driver's side of the vehicle. A loud snap could be heard before the gates starting rolling open and Alicia drove them inside.


It only took a couple of minutes for them to reach the front of the house where a servant was waiting to take the keys to the car.

"Renee you still here this late? I hope Robert is paying you overtime."

"Of course miss." The tall blonde youth responded before eagerly jumping into the expensive sports car. Roman recognized the eagerness to drive the car, which Roman assumed was probably the primary reason she had decided to stay so late. Alicia escorted Roman into the house and led him up to her room on the second floor.

"She stays late because she loves your car." Roman said out of nowhere.

"Who?" Alicia asked caught off-guard.

"Renee, the young girl downstairs who you gave the keys to."

"Why it’s just a car?" she said placing her hands on her hips.

"Not to her." Roman smiled and moved in close to her. Once he got close enough he placed his hands on her hips and looked deep into her eyes. She did the same and for a time neither of them said anything until Alicia broke the silence.

"Come on playboy, let's get some drinks. I'll fuck your brains out soon enough." Holding him by the hand she took him to a small room attached to the main bedroom. It had sparse furniture and seemed to be a lot roomier than it really was, Roman couldn't help but be drawn into the coziness of the room as he sat down on the only loveseat near the back. Alicia walked over to a small wet bar and poured herself a drink.

"Hope you like Pinot Grigio, that's all I have left in any real quantity." She apologized.










"That's fine thank you." He accepted the drink and took a deep swig sloshing the liquid around in his mouth before swallowing and enjoying the sensation that followed. Alicia sat next to him and the two cuddled talking the night away. She told him stories of her travels to this corner of the world or that hot spot in some foreign country and he pretended to be interested. He'd heard many stories like hers before and probably could have filled in many of the details for her. He did his best to tell her about some of his own adventures but had a hard time believing that she was any more interested in his stories than he was in hers. After several minutes and a couple of drinks Roman could tell that Alicia was getting loosened up by the way she leaned against him. He was glad she had decided to get tipsy because it lowered her mental resistance and he could probe her mind bringing up precisely the emotions he wanted.

Alicia stood up and walked back into the main bedroom untying her corset the whole way, Roman followed watching her slowly undress in front of him. When she was nude she lit another cigarette and breathed in deep, slowly she opened her mouth allowing a long plume of smoke to escape from her lips. Roman stood mesmerized by her beauty, her hips were shapely and her thighs were deliciously thick but her tits were fantastic, jutting out at the same time. He couldn't get over her perfection and his luck at finding such a gorgeous animal.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked coyly drawing in another breath of smoke. "It's not like we're going to be caught." She ran a hand in between her thighs as she slowly allowed the cigarette smoke to escape from her lungs. Roman walked over to her and took a fistful of hair tugging backwards forcefully. Alicia hissed in reaction and tensed for a moment but relaxed as he kissed her neck gently starting at the base of her neck and working his way up to her earlobe. Using his mind he intensified his grip on her state of arousal distracting her from what was soon to come. She removed his clothing after placing her cigarette in an ashtray and took his cock into her mouth sucking greedily.

It was Roman's turn to hiss in delight as she blew him where he stood. Her lips provided the perfect amount of pressure and her tongue danced along the length of his shaft driving his own state of arousal through the roof. It made it hard for him to concentrate on her mind and hold her senses in check but he managed as she sucked him to hardness and beyond. Holding her hair he pushed her head back and forth over his cock and she clutched his thighs holding on tightly. The pain of her fingernails digging into his skin nearly drove him over the brink of his arousal and he was barely able to keep from coming into her mouth but only barely, having had enough he pulled her off of him and stood her up.











Embracing her tightly he began kissing her neck again and expanding his control of her mind until she could only feel what he wanted her to feel, that being any sexual stimulation he was trying to provide. Now having total control he picked the spot carefully, the left side of her neck, directly above the large artery that pumped hot fresh blood to the rest of her body. He fondled her tits teasing the nipples to provide extra stimulation to distract her, she responded perfectly moaning and breathing heavily while playing with her own sex distracting even more without even realizing it. Roman chose his chance carefully and right as she was about to orgasm two razor sharp fangs grew in place of his canines and he pushed them through her skin, deep into her flesh to puncture the vital artery that gave her life and now fed him. He grew excited hearing the tissue around her neck tear underneath the pressure of his fangs and when her blood burst from neck into his mouth he became overjoyed, the taste of her life was more intoxicating than any liquor could ever have been and he savored it greedily.

"Oh God Roman, don't stop." She begged not realizing that she was begging him to kill her. He stopped feeding long enough to lay her down on the bed and maintain his control over her mind, without his constant input she would noticed that her neck had been punctured and that she was bleeding to death. Not that it mattered much, she was doomed already but any fighting or panicking on her part would ruin the mood and he intended to make the best of it.

Her blood spilled rapidly from her bite wound forming a pool at the base of neck that soaked into the sheets. Roman pushed his cock into her wet pussy and began fucking her like mad, occasionally leaning over to drink from the fountain of blood spraying from her body. Alicia moaned and clutched him tightly as he fucked her raking her fingernails over his shoulders and back. Roman thrust into her forcefully and rapidly trying to get himself off before she died, he figured she only had another minute or two tops before the blood loss became too much for her body to take.

"Fuck me, fuck me harder, fuck me faster, oh god I'm coming!" she shrieked loudly, her body arched and bucked almost tossing him off her in an impressive display of strength. Roman held on tightly and fucked her even harder and faster feeling his own orgasm build to a fever pitch.

Alicia's body grew still and her breathing slowed until she was rasping long quiet breaths. The blood that was spilling from her neck a covered a large area underneath her body and soaking her hair and turning it red, along with the bedding and occasional spurts of blood from the wound in her neck were fading until they finally stopped along with the woman's breathing.

Without understanding how, Roman came inside the woman he had just killed, quite a feat for a vampire who was little more than a walking corpse. Cleaning himself off and dressing, he made as little noise as possible when leaving the bedroom that had become a tomb. While he was showing him self out, a young female servant approached the door.




"Shhhh." Roman placed one finger over his lips indicating that she should stay silent. "Your mistress is sleeping like the dead. I guess the party wore her out."

"Yes sir. Shall I show you out?"

"I can find the way on my own, thank you." Satisfied in both hunger and feeding Roman entered the night wondering where to find his next prey.

The next morning the same young servant opened the door to Alicia's bedroom to find her lying where Roman had left her, perfectly nude blood still damp on the sheets from where it had spilled from her neck. The stain covered the entire area around Alicia's lifeless body and some of it was even dripping onto the floor. It clung to her pale skin and made the servant gag in horror at the sight. The bite wound was clearly visible in the light and the servant tried to scream but found her voice was failing her. Suddenly, Alicia's eyes opened and she sat up to look at the servant.

"Oh my god Alicia, are you ok?" the young girl ran up to Alicia's side looking her employer up and down. Without word or warning Alicia pulled the young woman's neck to one side and bit through the skin at the base just above her shoulder. The girl screamed in pain as Alicia's fangs tore into her shoulder and she tried to push her away. Alicia released her after drinking her fill and the servant stumbled and fell clutching the wound in her neck that was still bleeding profusely.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She told the wounded girl.

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