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The Mind Of A killer

The Mind of a Killer: First let me offer my sincere condolences to the families affected by the Virginia Tech dramatic shooting. May God bless the souls of all the victims that suffered this awful tragedy. On Monday April 16th 2007 a gunman massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. I can only hope for the millions of people involved in the fields of mental health, criminology, psychology, psychiatry, law enforcement, and community leaders to read my work. May they be able to acknowledge "The Universal Code" in action. Furthering one's cosmic consciousness can only sharpen the perception and anticipate the action of a potential killer as to avoid another terrible tragedy. Erudite men from all ages understood the Universal Clock and dwelt with the Universal Mind accordingly and as Porphyry wrote, "He is happy who having learned the scheme of his nativity and knowing his guardian angel, becomes liberated from Fate." A modern infantile science still challenges the opulent life of illustrious men's spiritual findings who have made history. "Perhaps there is a pattern in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself "- Plato. The enemy is an oversized educated ego, a weak UCI, religious poisoning, fear of ridicule or plain mental stupidity. They refuse to conceive what can't be seen, touched or analyzed just yet still may exist. Stubbornness and repudiation for spiritual growth to move forward belongs to donkeys, not to refined minds. I will now attempt to denunciate the UCI and actions of serial killer Cho Seung-Hu and how the "Cosmic Code" stirred this lost soul to perform such an awful act. Cho was born January 18, 1984 in Seoul, South Korea and for an educated Astropsychologist his UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) depict all the ingredients of a psychotic killer. Planet Sign - House Sun - 27 Capricorn12 (1) - Personality - Head of the goat - Planning - Structure - Engineering - Snobbism - Accomplishments. Soul's Purpose: The soul wants to make an impact and gather a position of respect in society. Capricorn is a feminine, introverted sign, meticulous and will do all he can (positively or negatively in this case) to climb the ladder of recognition in society. This is a karmic sign chosen subconsciously by the Christians as the head of the devil to represents manipulation, greed, planning, political power and all accomplished people (Presidents/CEO/FCO/Colonels/Snobs/Royalties). This sign rules England, the English hierarchy, classical music, poetry and any and all forms of imposing structures. This is a winter sign regulated by the month of January and there are no fruits on the tree this season. This symbolizes hardship and a long struggle in the subject's life to get recognition and reach a solid position on the top of the mountain. The cold, the wind, the treacherous terrain and the snow represent the imposed challenges. Moon - 20 Cancer 47 (7) Partnerships, emotional response to life under the jurisdiction of the moon's fluctuations. Home and family: Cho was a very emotional person facing the world as a feminine, shy water sign. The hidden moon is in Libra which is a sign concerned with justice and harmony. Cho was constantly unbalanced by the pressure and bully's treatments he suffered. Long before he boiled over, Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked when he was a schoolboy in the Washington suburbs, former classmates say. Furthermore the South Korean immigrant almost never opened his mouth and would ignore attempts to strike up a conversation. Note also that Cho inherited five water signs (feminine/introvert/shyness) in his chart elements making up for the 42 % of his celestial femininity. Past 50% in the water element would induce homosexuality and a natural attraction to males. Cho was highly aware and respectful of his own family but much too shy to "request" a constant need for nurturing. Note also that Cho was born in a Gibbous Moon Phase (waning/negative) and the moon was also waning and Gibbous on the day of the massacre. The moon plays an important part of his emotional response to life and was responsible for his depression. Uneducated Psychologists or Psychiatrists can only bring more confusion and depression to the soul by prescribing dangerous drugs. In many cases the drugs itself fuels the chemically poisoned mind to act drastically or erratically by inducing suicidal or criminal thoughts to the subject. Mercury - 03 Capricorn 24 (1) The Mind, the thoughts, Critical thinking, General Communication. Mental process: Cho's mental aptitudes were constructive, planned and detailed oriented. A drive for academic accomplishments stirred him to study a structured form of art or poetry. Mercury (The Messenger of the Gods in Greek mythology) is located once again in an introverted feminine sign. The negative attention his accent attracted seriously affected his ego. "Once, in English class, the teacher had the students read aloud, and when it was Cho's turn, he just looked down in silence," Davids recalled. Finally, after the teacher threatened him with an F for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded "like he had something in his mouth," Davids said. I teach my students that a certain give away of a strong Capricorn is his deep, cavernous sound but the ignorant teacher, like 99% of his professional mates do not possess Cosmic Consciousness and failed in assesses sing Cho's mental capacity. Note also that: famous radio host show "Art Bell" was born with a Dragon's Tail in Capricorn and one can only appreciate his deep "radio voice". "As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, `Go back to China,'" Davids said. A solid plan was set in motion then to make sure Cho would get back at his enemies and gain fame in the process. This mercurial position strives for mental accomplishments and recognition, and led Cho to send NBC a video of himself between the first and second attack on campus. In the often-incoherent video, the 23-year-old Cho portrayed himself as persecuted and rants about rich kids. Not understanding "The Universal Code" brought this tragedy where universal ignorance resulted in the death of 32 people. I seriously hope that Astropsychology will be taught and accepted as a solid discipline in ALL our colleges and Universities. Unless Astropsychology becomes an indispensable part of the curriculums do not expect any of your children to be safe in any accredited schools. Let's hope the educated responsible will read my work and acknowledge this fact. With this knowledge, they need to take the appropriate measures to improve the safety and education of all the children of tomorrow. Billions of tax dollars have been wrongly invested in fruitless research and dogmatic, dangerous religious teachings. I can only hope to finally attract enough attention and support to build my own Astropsychology schools and eliminate ignorance by creating a crowd of "Teachers of Teachers". Those teachers of light will in turn make an impact to the educational system and bring safety, love and respect to all the children of tomorrow. Venus - 20 Sagittarius 39 (12) Love principle, inspiration, stimulation. Love: Sadly for Cho, Venus the "Goddess of Love" rides his Dragon's Tail (negative) and is found in his subconscious 12th house. This position denounces an imaginary girlfriend named "Jelly," who was a supermodel in his deceived mind. I teach my students this position breeds people who are in love with love, deceived in all affairs of the heart, or attract secret love affairs. Note also this house is ruled by Neptune "The Lord of Deception" and ruler of the seas in Greek Mythology. See how the Neptunian deceiving water-energy created Cho's imaginary lover "Jelly". It's all about energy. But how can anyone understand the archetypal realm of consciousness of creative forces in the subconscious accurately, without the considered necessary education? I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist and my new book "Beyond The Secret" has so much to offer to the reader pertaining to the subconscious and its interaction with "The Universal Code". Mars - 03 Scorpio 32 (11) Action, Competitiveness, Aggressivity, Sarcasm. Drive principle: I also teach my students the location of Mars in the UCI depicts where danger or accidents will enter the subject's life. Mars is called in Greek Mythology "The Lord of War" and translates in this dense physical world as the Army, Navy, ammunition, weaponry, guns etc. Mars (the red planet) depicts also the color of the blood and rules the animal kingdom, natural weaponry (fangs/claws) and how they treat themselves in the wild. Mars in a man's chart represent his masculinity and how he will perform with the opposite sex. Mars in a female chart represent the type of man she is subconsciously looking for. Note also while I am at it that; famous writer John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women from Venus" is a student and a client of mine. In Cho's chart, this dangerous planet is negatively located in the 11th house. This area rules groups, (classmates) friends and wishes. Cho's twisted, violence-filled writings and menacing, uncommunicative demeanor had disturbed professors and students so much that he was removed from one English class and was repeatedly urged to get counseling. With women Cho became a Scorpio and wherever this sign is located, sex, death, control, and the police will enter your life. Two roommates from a previous year told CNN in an interview that Cho "stalked" three different women and that one of them was so "freaked out by his behavior" that she called the police on him. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto (death/drama/the police/sex) and it is the most fixed sign of the zodiac. Combined with Mars (action/weapons/war/blood) the recipe is set for disaster. One troubling play Cho wrote called, "Richard McBeef," was about a 13-year-old who accuses his stepfather of trying to molest him. The teenage character in the play smiles as he throws darts at his stepfather's picture, saying, "I hate him. Must kill Dick. Dick must die. You don't think I can kill you?" Cho's roommates said they didn't think they could have done anything differently to reach out to Cho and change what had happened and that is a false statement in my world. "Never ever take the Plutonic intonation and affliction lightly because this essence of this energy is REVENGE and the subject will follow through any and all planned actions. Again I can only hope the world to swiftly understand the depth and importance of my message, and for someone in position to help me in my mission to raise this world's cosmic consciousness. My books "And God Created the Stars" or "The Power of the Dragon" have so much to offer society and could literally save so many lives. "Ignorance is evil, knowledge is power." My students relate this axiom to me after graduation once they become proficient Astropsychologists. Pamela Blake a dedicated psychiatrist at Memorial Hermann NW Hospital in Houston, calls Cho's writing chilling, scary and disturbing. She should investigate my work and make good use of it by assessing correctly Cho's UCI. Jupiter - 29 Sagittarius 41 (12) Higher education, colleges, Universities, religions, foreigners. The codification of thoughts: Once more Cho was born with Jupiter on his Dragon's Tail (negative manifestation). Jupiter is called ion Greek Mythology 'The Great Benefic". Jupiter's placement in the chart depicts protection and academic aptitudes, connection with foreigners, and life on foreign ground, higher education, success and growth. Because this planet is located on the Dragon's Tail most of Jupiter's enormous power will be geared the wrong way. In Cho's case the Jupiterian energy repels foreigners and all foreign ground. It has a malicious dynamic affect in colleges, universities, teachers and students at large. Jupiter happens to be the largest celestial body in our solar system and so can reward the soul for his "academic" accomplishments in a HUGE way, and in foreign lands. This simply translates to the incredible negative shocking news broadcast worldwide. Incidentally Jupiter rules also religious books such as the bible, the Koran and depicts why subconsciously Cho used the words "Ismail Ax". Like the young souls born in January such as Mel Gibson (see his movie about Christ), and Casssius Clay turning into Muslim Ali, the Pisces/Neptunian mind is concerned with biblical terms and religions. Capricorn is also prone to chemical addictions as seen with the famous radio host Rush Limbaugh's dilemma. There is no doubt in my mind that Cho's religious celestial inclinations played an important part of his meaningful research for his complicated life to justify his dreadful act and eliminate tremendous guilt. Saturn - 15 Scorpio 13 (11) Career, public standing, structure, accomplishments. Fear Principle: Saturn is called in Greek Mythology "The Great Malefic", its placement in the 11th house of friends and wishes in Scorpio (Secrets) made him a silent power-freak denouncing his fear of losing control and the (?) name he chose to be called. Saturn's location represents also the career drive and in the sign of Scorpio (death/drama) the stars have spoken their undiluted truth once more. Saturn is a karmic cold planet and always induces limitation and secretiveness making Cho antisocial and a loner. Uranus -12 Sagittarius 02 (12) Shocking, ingenious, weird, electronics. Sudden release of energy: Uranus is called in Greek Mythology "The Lord of the Sky" and rules all that is unconventional and futuristic. It rules NASA, UFOs, technology, television, new Age matters, video games etc. Cho was again born with this eccentric planet on his Dragon's Tail (negative manifestation) and part of the five planets or a very negative stellium. Jupiter (expansion/foreign lands/Universities) rules the sign of Sagittarius and with Uranus indeed depicts the sudden release of nefarious energy (explosions) of the fired guns against the students in the Campus of Virginia Tech. Uranus is also located in the secretive, deceiving subconscious 12th house and like a time bomb: exploded, shocking everyone. Here is a memo of my quatrain posted on my website (http://www.drturi.com/) and my premonition during those days, note also that I gave this window on Coast-To-Coast radio. http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2007/03/22.html *"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." ~Albert Einstein* For those of you who purchased 2007 Moon Power simply open it to page 186. Here is another sample of my book, make sure to check my regular quatrains on my site. Environment: On a sad note, keep in mind that Uranus rules explosions, earthquakes and volcanoes. He may also decide to throw a tornado or produce violent explosions. Let's hope he won't. RESULTS: An explosion rockets the Iraqi Parliament in Baghdad. My quatrain for the exact day was - (Terror Future Power Challenged). Killer Tornadoes spotted in Texas Louisiana, Arkansas. My quatrain for the exact day was (Surprise Power To Kill) . Wildfire brings destruction to Beverly Hills. My quatrain for the exact day was ((Wind, Fire Water Boil) . Guerrero, Mexico April 12 - 6.0 earthquake (Quake) Northeaster slams East Coast. My quatrain for the exact day was (Wind, Fire Water Boil) Thai flash flood sweeps scores over waterfalls kill scores. My quatrain for the exact day was (Surprise Power To Kill). Lastly read what Moon Power read and my quatrain about the dramatic news involving the latest massacre at Virginia Tech. Famous Personalities: Much will be done for children during this trend, but the negative tendency could touch some of them. Let's hope I am wrong, I hate to say anything drastic about the children. Sadly enough, Uranus or Pluto couldn't care a bit about my personal feelings and will do whatever pleases them. Events: Under Uranus' surprising incredible news tends to take place. Gunman 23-year-old senior English major kills 32 people! My site and quatrain for these days were - (Shocking News - Surprise Power to Kill). Now take the time to read my quatrain and realize why it is so important to acknowledge and respect the Universal Laws. As mentioned before event if you have your Moon Power copy, make sure to read my quatrain to further understanding of the current celestial energy. CURRENT NEGATIVE DRAGON WINDOW APRIL +12th 2007 (+)Cosmos/Nuke/Weird/Surprises/Explosions/Shocking/Quakes/Volcanoe/Tornadoes/NASA/Aeronautics. Mountains Earth Tremble Wind, Fire Water Boil Surprise Power To Kill Terror Future Power Challenged Written by Dr. Turi 4/7/07DRAGON EYE Massacre at Virginia Tech (Shocking News - Surprise Power To Kill) Uranus rules shocking news and Pluto in Sagittarius clearly depict my premonitions of the latest drama that took place at Virginia Tech. Be smart get the book and "anticipate" and be cautious during those windows. "Ignorance is Evil, Knowledge is power" if you do not respect the "Universal Code" be aware of the upcoming heavy penalty! Neptune - 29 Sagittarius 58 (12) Deception, Religion, Imagination, Drugs, the Arts. Martyrdom: The nebulous planet Neptune rules all religions, deities and its martyrs such as Jesus suffering and dying on the cross to save mankind. Incidentally the entire Middle East region and its 3 youngest and deadliest religions are under the jurisdiction of Neptune. Neptune rules also poisoning such as oil and chemicals, confined areas such as churches synagogues, asylums, hospitals, jails, mental institutions, etc. Cho's video show rails against wealth and debauchery, and portrays himself as a defender of the weak and voicing admiration for the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. Neptune's deceiving religious energy adds to the Jupiterian minister-like speech. "You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and tortured my conscience," said Cho. He also mentioned the name of Jesus speaking directly to the camera. "Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," says Cho, who came to the U.S. in 1992 and whose parents worked at a dry cleaner sin suburban Washington. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust funds weren't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything." "You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," a snarling Cho says on video. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off." Pluto - 02 Scorpio 02 (11) Drama, Terrorism, Death, Sex, Power. The Death Wish Generation. I wrote intensely about this deadly generation in my book entitled "The Power Of The Dragon". - Pluto then inhabited, from 1983 until 1995, his own daredevil sign of Scorpio. Those very young and wild children have already made dramatic news by executing each other and murdering adults and classmates for any reason. Our society is witnessing "The Dramatic Death Wish Generation" in action. They are strong-willed, unwavering in thought and action, immensely emotional and totally fearless in front of death. Pluto (sex) is making them very active sexually at an early age, and they will also look for a mixture of sex, crime and drugs to survive their harsh young lives. At the tender age of 12 years many of those children have already experienced the use of drugs and sex and some others have committed repellent murders. The passion for self-discovery is extreme and if left without legitimate spiritual food, the worst can only happen to many of these children. They will not react to dogma and common religious teachings, as they "naturally" understand the motivation behind the manifestation. The miserably failing psychological field won't be of any help in the understanding and motivation behind the upcoming killer generation. Unless the old science of Astrology is reinstated, (Astropsychology) in our colleges and universities, there will be either no understanding or therapeutic healing measures available for these children. A few years from now, once in power, indeed, this unyielding generation has the awful potential to destroy the world with the use of irreversible atomic weapons. God's implacable Universal Rules have been broken and ignored for too long and a serious penalty is awaiting mankind. There is no room for ignorance at any level of consciousness. All the sympathy in the world for the victims of the school shooting won't stop this ugly problem. The people of the world lament on the American culture that would breed such people and so many awful tragedies. That is NOT the problem or the answer, and it will happen again. The educational, psychological, police and government systems and the church are all loosing the battle. Soon you will soon watch the breaking-down of our young society if nothing is done to help this generation of killers. Scientists from all levels out there are mesmerized and baffled by the awful event that took place on March 25th, 1998 in JONESBORO, Arkansas and April 16th, 2007. Unless those educated "mental snobs" cast aside their fear of the ridicule (fueling their academically oriented ignorance and their mental snootiness) they will not be able to even get closer to fix the problem. If you are one of them, you might have to challenge your precious books, pass the limitations of your rational mind and realize that the higher truths have never been printed by your kind. Time to look above your head; in the Universal Mind and master the Universal Code if you have any hope, whatsoever, to provide serious help to this " Death Wish Generation. "School Shootings? Note the dates please! Monday April 16th 2007 a gunman massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. April 20, 1999. As many as 25 students and a teacher died in a Colorado's school attack! Mars, the red planet of blood, war, danger and guns, rules the month of April. Hitler was born in April and Germany is an Aries country. That specific dreadful day was carefully planned by the young killers as it marks Hitler's birthday. Incidentally like Cho, both teens are also part of the "Death Wish Generation" and in this case both kids were born like Hitler with a Dragon's Tail (negative) in Capricorn (politics, planning). It is obvious in my work that those two souls previously died in the name and memory of Hitler and wasted their young lives. Note: Stone, sheriff of Jefferson County, said he believed the two suspects died of self-inflicted wounds in an apparent "suicide mission." Dragon's Head -13 Gemini 38 (6) Duality, Dual Personality. Cho's Dragon's Head is located in the dual sign of Gemini; Mercury or "The Lord Of The Thieves" in Greek Mythology rules this sign. This Dragon supports any and all forms of printed information and rules all broadcasting industry making the soul famous through the media. O.J. Simpson and POW Jessica Lynch share the same Dragon and all made international news for good or for worse. This Dragon rules transportation, radio, writing, and always imposed a duality in the affairs of the subject. O.J. Simpson killed 2 people, had many police cars following him, he had 2 judgments 2 or 4 attorneys (Gemini Head) to save his tail, 2 people died etc. "Wilder recalled high school teachers trying to get Cho to participate, but "he would only shrug his shoulders or he'd give like two-word responses, and I think it just got to the point where teachers just gave up because they realized he wasn't going to come out of the shell he was in, so they just kind of passed him over for the most part as time went on." In Cho's case his writings and videos were dual and 32 victims denounces the dual number imposed by the hidden scheme of things at the end, further reinforcing my theory. Had Cho dealt with any of my students or an educated Astropsychologist, the wall of ignorance would have been broken and the regeneration principle would have healed Cho's intellectual UCI affliction. This entire process would have saved the lives of all the victims and eliminate the pull of the Dragon's Tail. Dragon's Tail - 13 Sagittarius 38 (12) Education, the codification of Thoughts, Universities, Colleges, Books, Libraries. General Education: Let me refresh your memory by pointing out that Pluto (death/drama/terrorism) is still going through the sign of Sagittarius (education/colleges/Universities). Undoubtedly and obviously this depicts the state of this world where religion, philosophy general education is undergoing an overhaul. People like me will point out something other than what science or religion wants you to believe. Never forget that "whatever is accepted by the majority does not make it true" because there is a BIG difference between education and intelligence. As a rule we are all under the jurisdiction of the stars and mostly stuck on the Dragon's Tail nefarious pull. What Cho's Dragon Tail in Sagittarius wanted was to do was to TEACH the world in a big and nasty way, and it all happened as such. Now the question is, will the commanding educational administration put a lid on another lost soul's dramatic cry for help? Will the scholastic system accept its own limitations, wake up and be responsible and allow Astropsychology to finally become a part of the educational curriculum? For now the entire educational system is to blame and soon enough another lost soul will act drastically and kill more innocent students. How many students must die before doing the right thing? But one can only relate to my expertise. Because of Cho' education, experiences and UCI, much work needs to be done with our relationship to the Divine. Science and religion is not the answer to such a dilemma, never been, never will. I can only hope that my new book "Beyond The Secret" will shed new light on the fragile human psyche and that my own cry to help the children of the future is finally heard by a society drowning in its own spiritual ignorance. "We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives." Albert Einstein Listen and enjoy my last show. Its all about the stars and the subconscious. Please pass on this forecast to ALL your friends AND TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK ALL THE NEW PICTURES I ADDED ON MYSPACE Check ALL my close Friends You are also invited to my live TV show if you are in Tucson - JUNE 2ND 2007. From 6:00 To 7:00 PM, 124 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson Arizona, 85701 "The Cutting Hedge TV with Jim Roger celebrates its 100 Guests and guess what? I was their first guest back in March 13th, 2003 and I have the honor to be their 100th guest on June 2nd, 2007. I will be talking about "The Universal Code" and introduce my new book 'Beyond The Secret." Tune in that day on the Internet at: Watch the show If you want to be part of the Live audience please email Jim to reserve your seat at: ufoshows@yahoo.com 'Beyond The Secret' is the Golden Key to the Universe, uncovering the human creative powers stemming from the depth of his Subconscious Mind and its mystifying correlation to " The Universal Code". Man is at the firmament of realizing his Celestial Identity and revolutionizing his Divinity. 'Beyond The Secret' is a sure ticket to Cosmic Consciousness and the invaluable potential to unlock man's resourcefulness. This book divulges an atypical wisdom about unforgiving Universal Laws that will ultimately bring your wildest dreams. Stay informed sign up for my FREE newsletter Sign up its FREE and Read If YOU already signed up and you are NOT receiving your newsletters please add us to your Email Address Book or Safe List to ensure the delivery of this newsletter to your inbox. Thousands of newsletters are sent once or twice a month all over the world and a few hundred regularly come back rejected by many of the subscribers' anti spam ISP protective systems (especially AOL and Hotmail) or mailboxes that are full. To get around this, make sure there is room in your mailbox and make sure to set your mail to accept Dr.Turi@cox.net Visit Coast To Coast website and read my predictions for April 12. Read IMPORTANT NOTE To those of you wanting to meet us in Cancun for my lecture on "Beyond The Secret". I will also do a separate hypnotic show late in the evening in the hotel where I will put the entire audience in a light hypnotic trance. Indeed perfect to channel your subconscious creative forces and really relax in the process. Join us and Gary Busey in Cancun June 18th - 25th 2007 and let's have some serious fun. SpiritualExperienceFlyer.jpg
Learn All About The Rest Of The Secret Here
You are strongly advised to get in touch with Gina via email at treeoc333@yahoo.com or by telephone at (479) 754 - 8273 ASAP. Understand that Cancun is a lecture on the Secret not a course. If you are interested in future course in Hawaii or Sedona please call us at 602-265-7667 or email us at dr.turi@cox.net to reserve your seat. Join us in San Jose, California May 26th & 27th 2007 and enjoy incredible speakers. Be There Join us again in San Jose, California August 25th & 27th 2007 where Dr. Turi will talk about "The Rest Of The Secret" and bring the audience to a light hypnotic trance. Be There Once more knowing the location of your Dragon by house and sign could save you lots of trouble, get the book "The Power Of The Dragon" and find out for yourself. Books Listen to my last radio show about "The Secret" April 18, 2007 - Radio For those of you who subscribe to "The After Dark" newsletter there is an interview scheduled to be published in May 2007 with Dr. Turi. " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." Dr. Turi Blessings to all
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