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The night was cold and rainy, he looked out towards the sea, “Marcus, its time for us to find new hunting grounds. These souls are no longer fun to apprehend. I need live victims, my appetite for the hunt grows and these animals are not worthy of my time.” he coldly stated as the people left the Carnivale grounds, “ Have we been here for to long, Man?” Marcus smiled, his silver gray hair matted down by the storm, and pulled out a blunt from his pocket, “Soul, you have gotten tiered of the last twenty places we have been, there is nothing to quenching your thirst, Man. Here take a hit of this 420 and you might feel better.” Soul took a long drag from it and let the smoke slowly stream out of his mouth and flow up to the Heavens. As he thought of his next move, Samantha came to join them, she took the blunt from Soul and took her own drag, “So what’s up boys?,” she stated as she placed her hand into Soul’s pocket, Soul stared at her and with harsh cold words he yelled,” First, I did not ask you here. Second, NEVER NEVER take anything from me. And lastly,” pulling her hand out of there,” when I want something I will Tell you!” he flinged her hand so hard that it made her fall onto the muddy ground. As he walked away the ground let off steam with each of his steps, Samantha looked at Marcus small tears welled up in her eyes and she tried to talk, but the quivering of her mouth made it very hard, Marcus held out his hand and smiled at her, “ You know better to try something like that when his board.” Marcus stated as he helped her up. Samantha’s dress was totally covered but mud, sticks, leaves and litter dropped by the Carnivale goers. Soul grabbed Fourteen by the collar and whispered, “My wagon in twenty minutes, don’t worry about what your wearing it will not be on long. Bring the whip and chains, you’ll be paying for an other’s discretion.” he then bite her hard on her neck drawing some blood, Fourteen whimpered but stood still as she does every time. He then walked over to Samantha’s wagon and opened the door making it slam, Kennedy was in there, for she and Samantha were Lovers, “Kennedy tell that bitch of Samantha that she will not see me this night and for the next two weeks. She has to learn what she did was wrong. Tell her to get ready because in six hours I will call all out to show them exactly what I do to my pets when they fuck with me!” he yelled and then turned around and slammed the door behind him. Soul made it to his wagon, Fourteen was there kneeling in the middle with the whip and chains neatly place before her, her hair was done up because she know that when he was this mad he wanted nothing to get in his way. Soul grabbed one of the chairs, finding to worn place where he always placed them, he latched it to the hook that was there, he then hooked the other chain to the other post. He then when to his night stand and pulled out two leather wrist cuffs, he walked over to Fourteen and with one fluid movement he grabbed her hair and pulled it tight, he then placed her head between his knees with her face towards the floor, he then grabbed one arm and harshly pulled it back to place the leather cuff, it bit deep into her skin cutting and letting the blood flow out, the dark burgundy fluid made its way down her arm to her elbow. He let that arm go and with the same cruelness he did her other arm, Fourteen’s pain was only known by the tears that surged from her eyes. When he was finished he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards the chains, he latched the cuffs to the chain, pick up the whip and struck her hard ripping the shirt she was wearing. Once more the whip came with the same force, this time tearing he flesh, the burgundy fluid now flowed from the gashes on her back and the ones on her wrist still flowed covering her arms completely. She stood there with out a word, she wanted to yell but could not just like her children her voice was gone. All she could do was stand there and remember the crime she did against them, taking them to the point of no return, but unlike them who have found rest she would not until the Carnivale decided. This when on for five hours, her body nothing more than a bloody mess, “You will clean up my wagon and make leave of yourself once you are done.” he barked at her. Fourteen looked up and whispered, “Ye, Master.” her body now repairing the damage slowly, he walked out towards the impudent’s wagon. He then stomped over to Samantha’s wagon, with one quick move her grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to the old tree stump in the middle of the wagon circle. “ ALL OF YOU OUT HERE NOW!!!” he yelled. Without a word all came out of there wagons and encircle him. “Its time for this little brat to know the Master’s wrath!” he stated clearly so all could hear, he picked her up by the throat and torso raised her well above his head and slammed her down on the stump, everyone could hear the crack of her bones as they hit it. He was long from done with her, taking a blade out of his boot, he cut open her chest, he then pulled out her heart and stomped on it turning it into nothing more that mush. She yelled throughout this whole phase, the tearing out of her heart did not kill her for she was one of the many undead, just as he walked away her heart disappeared and the cut in her chest repaired itself, her heart began to beat one more, “Do Not make me mad once more pet, or next time I will tear you limb by limb!” he stated as he walked back toward his wagon and Fourteen who was just getting out her torched. Samantha’s bones reformed and she got up and walked to her wagon, the once cold hearted seductress who use to play with men heart was now the one who was having her heart torn from her ever body. Soul makes his way back to his wagon, he pulls out a smoke from his pocket with his left hand and with his right a golden lighter with the letters engraved on them “RIP”, what a sense of humor Marcus has and how those letters mock him. Only if he could find true rest then all he did would have meant something. With a single fluid movement he light the lighter and brought both the cigarette and the lighter to his scarlet lips, he inhaled and the flame disappeared into the end of the cigarette. Pulling the lighter and smoke away from his lips the smoke swirled above his head like a halo, he gave and wicked chuckle. “Look like these are the only type of halos I will very have.” He made it to his wagon the lights where out and that’s how he expected it to be Fourteen should have felt the place like new, she knew the trick by now. He opened the door and the aroma of his favorite incense filled his lungs, memories of the first place he smelled this perfume came back in a flood. It was Egypt through the reign of Nefratiti, many thought her husband was the ruler but all he was a pawn in her plans. Now there was a woman that knew just how to please a man, the night he spent in her chamber, and not talking about how to run the world. He hit his head on the top cabinet and that brought him back to the here and now. He held his smoke in his mouth as he removed everything from his pockets and placed them on his counter. He removed his shirt and this muscular build of a man stood there in front of the full length mirror on the back of his bedroom door, his skin as white as sheet. He pulled out the cigarette from his mouth and spoke out load, “Even looking like the living dead and the women come to me like flies to honey.” “Don’t make yourself out to be more that you are, little Bro!” came from behind the door, Soul knew the voice from the first letter. “Marcus, man what the hell are you doing here? Didn’t you go into town to have a little fun?”, Soul stated as the door opened and this man about the same height as him walked out. “Well, Bro I came back with some news that might interest you.”, he gave Soul that smirk that told him that Marcus was planning something truly evil, “ I over heard someone in the bar tonight talking about a place where evil rules…… How did he put it? Oh, yes his words where exactly, ‘Hay un lugar era reglas y reinados malvados de la oscuridad’ I think that’s how he said it, but you know my Spanish is all not that good young one.” he walked over to Soul’s bar and pulled out a bottle of scotch out with a glass. “There is a place were evil rules and darkness reigns,” Soul whispered in a low malicious way, “Do tell me more Man, I must know all.” he stated as he walked over to the table and grabbed a seat. Marcus walked the bottle over and pored himself a glass and handed the bottle to Soul, “Well from what I could make out, its on the Old Continent, and there has been much talk about daemon, were-creatures, vampyres, and other things that go bum in the night.” Soul’s eyes where like a child in a candy store, “Then there might be something worth my hunt??” he said almost drooling. “There might little Bro.” Marcus grinned. “When can we leave, The Carnivale must give them a show they will not forget.” Soul acted as thought he just came in his pants. “I have not seen you like this in many eons, Bro,” Marcus stated, “Its good to see that your hunger still grows with the notion of true quarry. I shall go tomorrow to the agency and make the preparations. If that is to your liking, or shall we wait until next month” , Marcus knew the answer, but he love to fuck with Soul. “Unless you want me to grab you and make you into a pretzel, You will do it first thing in the morning,” Soul’s eyes became as cold as ice, “You do know I will not sleep until we are there?” “Ye, that is what I was expecting.” He stated coldly and walked out of Soul wagon. Soul laid awake all night thinks over what Marcus told him, What fun would he find? What kind of soul would be there for the picking? His raven hair sprawled out over his pillow, he stared out into space his thoughts racing all over. How could a place like this be kept from his sight for so long, the day light began to creep through the curtains. The silver light streamed through the break of the curtain, it made all the dust dance in Soul’s sight. It was just after 6 in the morning, Soul could not stand it, his thrust for blood and power drove him nuts. He got up and got dressed, he was going with Marcus to the Exporting License Office. He wanted to know the minute when the trip was to begin. Soul opened his door and the sun shown full and bright, “Oh evil star in the day light sky not even you can piss me off today.” Soul almost hummed. He made it to the first wagon to the left of his and heard Elijah and Karvik talking or was it arguing? With these two no one ever knew, and it was great fun to watch. If he did not have to be at Marcus’ wagon before Marcus left he would stop and have some sick fun. Soul walks faster he want to make sure Marcus do not forget. But once he made it to Marcus was gone and so was the carnival car. Soul had no choice but wait. Time passes slowly but Marcus makes it back. The first place he goes to is Soul’s wagon and drinks the thirty year old whiskey, the one Soul treasure that bottle, he won it off of Toshirou, Toshirou thought he was a sly one but Soul taught him that all that could be won could also be lost and now Toshirou’s soul belongs to the Carivale. Marcus knew this would infuriate Soul for he was waiting for the right time to open the bottle. Soul returned from the affairs to find Marcus touching the bottle, Soul runs towards him but is stopped short by two feet by the look in Marcus’ face. “Remember Young One, you might be the Ring Master of the Carivale, but I am the Master of the Carivale itself.” he stated coldly and then tossed an envelope at Soul. Soul caught it and opened it, they were the papers need to let the Carivale go over sea. The date on it was one week from today, the sinister smile crossed Soul’s lips. “Marcus, How did you pull this off? When ever we want to go any where it take a month be for we get the OK and three weeks before we get the paper work.” his eyes now shown a golden glimmer. Marcus took another drink of the whiskey, and looked at Soul, his eyes shown silver the evil of true evil, “Well Young one when you have been in this realm as long as I have you know the ins and outs to make things go your way.” he drank an other drink, “Now go let every one know the News and get things ready we only have a week to get ready.” he barked at Soul. Soul turned and did as he was told, the smile of the cat who ate the canary on his face. The preparations took the whole week, but they where done. The animals were caged and had there proper shots, the performers had there things loaded up in the wagons and they were off to the ship, the trip would take a week, but Soul would go alone by plane he had to know what the carnivale was getting into and he wanted the first fun. Marcus took Soul to the air port, “OK young one don’t have to much fun with out us and do leave a few for us to play with.” he shook his hand and Soul walked off into the steal bird. Pleasure was safe in a cage in the hull of this beast, he could not leave his pet with any one she had a bad temper and he was the only one who could put her at easy. The plane took off and with in nine hours he touches down in BAA Heathrow, Soul gets off and walks towards the baggage claim to pick up the cage holding Pleasure, he opens the cage and Pleasure flies out to land on his shoulder. Soul then walks over to claim his other items from the claim area. Taking his bags he walks out to find a cab, he tells him to take him to the hottest gothic night in town, the cabby answered, “Then you want to go to club Sin’s Delights and been Saturday Night they‘ll have Demon’s Ball, its were all these weirdoes go.” before turn around and looking at Soul, the sight of him nearly gave the cabby a heart attack, he took up the whole back seat, his black sunglasses covered his eyes and the raven on his shoulder made him look like Death Himself. “ Hey Man I am sorry to have said that, this rides on me.” stated the cabby as he pulled away and into traffic. Soul’s eyes stared out into the night as he watched the lights go by, it took almost an hour to get to this Sin's and Soul was pissed by the time he got there, he harshly asked the cabby, “Where’s the nearest Hotel in theses parts?” The cabby answered, “The Radisson Edwardian Heathrow, its about its about five minutes from here.” the cabby said white a chill in his voice. Soul looked at him and smiled his malevolence smile and said to him, “I am going into the Club you are to go get me a room and drop off my luggage there, tell them I will be in once I have found out what I want to know.” he handed the cabby three hundred dollars, “ Don’t double cross me or your soul will be might by nyte’s end.” The cabby drove off to do as he was told. “Well Pleasure its time to get what we came for.” he walked into the club. Soul walks into a dark and smoky room, the music is loud and as Marcus would call it “That Tec-no Crap”. Soul was not happy at all, was this what the creatures of the night had become, the aura of daemons of the night, vampyres, creatures from hell and the mundane humans pretending to be what they are not filled the room. Would he find what he looked for here and would any one know what he was? He nodded to Pleasure and she took off into the rafters, from her eyes he could see the whole room, one of these things must know this place he looks for. He walks over toward the bar, the bar tender a skinny, platinum blond, pale skinned woman that looks like she’s on Death’s door come over and ask him for his order. Soul looked deep into her eyes, those pools of cold ice water, there he saw that soon she would be joining him. “M’Lady would you have something called Absinthe, I have not had that in eons.” he smiled trying to hid the fact that his Duetch was very antiquated, she told him that in this bar anything can be found and she pointed to two beings in a dark corner that to the untrained eye looks like they were making out, but Soul knew just what they where doing. He smiled and grabbed the glass she was handing him and just as their hands touch his cell phone goes off, in a smooth liquid movement he pulls it out of his leather trench coat, “Ellos!?” he answered, “You do know she will be part of Our little family?” said a familiar voice on the other end. “Ye’ I did. Her addiction grantees it.” and he hangs up the phone and turns to face the dance floor. He knows he will find what he need, Pleasure’s eyes scan the club and lands on a familiar figure, her raven hair shined even in the dark of the club, her alabaster skin like the whitest snow, Pleasure made out that she was shuffling her cards once more, Pleasure cawed at Soul and he walked over to this figure, “What are you doing here witch? You should be with the Carnivàle.” he stated to her. Without looking up she placed the first of her cards on the table the “Fool” she said, “ An Unexpected event has brought me here, and you better bite your tongue Soul or I will not help you.” she continued to shuffle. Soul sat at the table with her, she placed two cards down the “Death” and “Devil” card, “You will hear of stories of a huge wolf like creature that can kill with a touch.” She drew two more cards the “Three of Swords” and the “Seven of Swords” “There is a war going on that will end in a way none of the combatants can for see.” Now she drew six cards the “Emperor“, “Empress”, “Temperance”, “Star”, “Moon” and the “World” she studies the cards, “ There are six that started and now are more. Of these six, one has become like the Moon herself and is missed. The Emperor and Empress still form a great union, the Temperance can charm any into doing her will with this one you must take care. The Star is known for her ability to keep clam in times of distress and the World is young and still learning, but she shall find what she looks for.” She draws the last three cards the “Tower”, “Five of Pentacles”, and the “Chariot” “What you seek for is in the mountains by a body of water and there is only one road to it. There will be one outside that knows the way.” Soul turns to the door and then back to Synful, but she gone, “That Witch is going to be the death of me one day.” he whistles for Pleasure and she comes like a drat. He walks out of the club and outside there is a black Coach just like the one on Synful’s card. “M’Lord, I wait to take to the Coven.” the man opens the door and Soul gets in, Pleasure flies up into the sky to follow it from behind. The man gets up and whips the horses in to a full pace, the road could be felt. The smooth texture of the asphalt gave way to the roughness of a gravel road. He sat in the Coach watching the open plane turn into a forest, then he hear sounds of battle. What would he find when he got there? He felt the call of the souls, the colors are blinding. Gold, silver, blue, and aaaah crystal, that’s the color he’s been looking. That is the color he can’t resist. His body hurts, he knows why and he in life could not disregard that call. He yells to the coach man, “This is far enough!!!” before the coach man stopped he was out of the coach and ran towards the colors. He comes upon a man dieing, he seemed to have been hurt in some sort of blast, the blood is running from four major cuts and through the gash his bone made on his leg. This man’s aura bled of a light blue, the color of a fine crystal; Soul hungered for it like a drug addict for his fix. Soul bent down to whisper in the man’s ear, “Don’t worry dude, it will not hurt any more.” his face distorted, it became a pale blue with his nose flatting, and his eyes transformed from his moonless black to that of golden cat’s eyes. With the movement of the wynde itself, Soul thrusted his hand into the man’s chest but it did not pierce his chest but melted into it, as if his hand and the man’s chest became one. Soul’s demeanor changed, he became more evil, and his skin turned pale white. The more he drained from the man, the more he wanted. He looked around and saw many more passing away, his hunger grew and he began to hunt. He was so into the hunt that he did not notice that he made it to the field in front of the huge castle, it was a cold and eerie. He walks up to the huge, his hands covered in blood, his skin still the colorless tone of that of his hunt. He runs his hand through his hair and his mannerism changed. From no where the witch’s voice is hear from all four corers, as if the wynde itself was it, “You have found the place of legends and myths you better fix yourself do you want them to think your some vagabond?” with that he took his hand and chanted something under his breath. All the tears, the blood and dirt vanished as if never was. He got closer to the door and found the knocker, he lifted it up high above his head and let it go, and the thunderous strike began its track throughout the hall. Someone was going to hear it but who is the question, he waited with emotionless eyes that stared into the blackness of the night.
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