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The Power Of Pluto

Hello Readers: A few years ago one of my student called me and said “Dr. Turi I have learned much more in your Astropsychology crash course by mail than seven years in college”. It is obvious that this wiser soul realized the limitation of his rigid education had enough of killing people with drugs. He is an exception though…because the majority of practicing psychologist’s ego out there will hinder spiritual growth and the majority of them will not take a chance to raise their cosmic consciousness to the working of “The Universal Code”. Others young souls will almost immediately deny anything involving what they can only perceive as the “occult” and hastily lump me with Miss Cleo’s deceiving endeavor. This attitude is the blurring ingredient constricting the mind to logic and many will miss the very spiritual essence of what really produced not only the Virginia Tech Massacre but also all past and future terrible events. Again as mentioned in my numerous newsletters, a weak UCI will not allow any scientists (or young souls) to honor the very word of “science” and thoughtfully explore Astropsychology therapeutic values. Why would a bunch of morons doubt thousands of years of deep metaphysical wisdom used by many disappeared civilizations and by many erudite men that made history is a mystery to me? Modern science is barely ONE hundred years old while this rare wisdom I am trying to rekindle is ageless, this tells you more about the low mental capacity and huge ego of any scientists debunking astrology or metaphysics. Moronism seems to plague the elites of academic field I may add. Well unlike donkeys, with education, tolerance and patience the rest of us can and will change their mind, so there is still hope for all scientists out there. I wonder where common sense has gone with the human race? Some will watch a movie “The Secret” day after day getting the jump-start they need to keep going mentally to reach their wishes. All the while doing nothing else than to seat, dream and being lost and in denial state of mind. For every action there is an equal reaction and that is the law of opposite and many people out there should ACT instead of sitting down swallowing tons of over processed foods and drinking pops building fat while watching TV. Time to wake up people and accept the facts, realize your limitation and STOP dreaming or hoping for the Secret or Jesus (or any of the 875 different denominations out there) to bring it all to you. The worse thing that you can do for yourself is to hope for a better life and do NOTHING unusual to change it. Neither the secret nor Jesus will save you from ignorance and your inner fears. Only YOU but that is if you decide to take a chance on yourself, get an education and most of all stop procrastinating. Let me give you some solid examples on how to improve your life and be successful. First come clear of what you want. Your subconscious does not know the difference between your fears of your wishes and because the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts may be you should educate yourself on the subject. I am not asking you to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist like me or master all the secret of your subconscious but do some work and invest in some of my DVD/CD and my new book “Beyond The Secret”, this would be a good start. START something, anything; it will open the door of a billion miles of happiness…"Beyond The Secret" will indeed open the "Stargate" of your own miraculous divinity and offer you the wisdom to lead a safe and productive life. Sometimes I feel like offering the winning numbers of the lottery to people and still some wont take no chances…Call it total numbness of the spirit and pure idiocy because unless you try something new you ain’t gonna change anything in your life. Order Here Second what is it you don’t like about YOUSELF and act upon it…OK your obese and no one loves you? You hate looking at yourself” great you are in the right track for if you don’t care about your looks you are in serious trouble and this mean you already gave up. Stop loving food and start exercising, soon you will see a change in the mirror and most of all, your friends will notice the new you and that’s where it all starts. Their encouragement will be the best reward you can hope for and this is where you go for it and DEMAND more of those changes. Dogs and cats are great too (I have 4 pets) but they are substitute for real love from humans so find out what’s wrong with you and enjoy your pets like I do, as pets only. What? You love kissing but no one wants to kiss you? May be you should stop smoking because its stinks and guess what no one like kissing an astray. May be you should also invest on getting a better smile and visit your dentist? Do you really need me to tell you the truth? Of course not you already know what to do and what’s wrong but you are NOT listening to YOU! Can’t afford it the dentist or an education or what ever? NONSENSE, don’t find excuses just now and set your goals and your subconscious will bring you the money to do so. Mean business and find another job, show the universe you MEAN business and the magic will knock at your door…you will read much more on how the most incredible wishes happened in my life and in such an unsuspected miraculous way when you read my book. With “Beyond The Secret” you will understand the power you were born with and how to tap on the “Universal Code” to get things done because a single DVD will never do it. You may as well pray Jesus and ask him (or bet on the secret?) to make you win the lottery because the majority of people are in terrible denial with religions too hoping for their deities to the hard work. Nonsense wake up, you are a god in training on this dense physical world and you need no one but YOU. The power is yours if you DEMAND it and willing to learn, it is your divine right to know and use the Universal Laws at your advantage. You want more money or a better job? Guess what I guarantee you that your subconscious ALREADY sent you the people and the opportunities but YOU either did not see it or decided to ignore it and that is where you failed. Imagine with any of those opportunities and where you would be right now had you work diligently and dedicated yourself to your goal? So what are your excuses? No time, no money, someone did it already, it wont work, WHAT EVER…you know you are wrong and you don’t need me to tell you so because you CAN NOT lie to yourself. Only 6 months ago I dedicated myself to finish a book started 15 years ago, I gave a good look at myself and eliminated all my excuses. I stopped going out and having fun for weeks at the time and worked my butt off. I did not watch TV or play as hard as I do now for sure. All along I was visualizing the end project and the cover of my new book “Beyond The Secret”. Yes indeed the law of attraction brought me the right people to produce it and I even sold my boat to make sure I could pay the dedicated hard working gifted people and all costs involving making and producing this book. Nothing was in my way and yesterday finally and for the first time ever I saw the FIRST copy of my new book. Imagine how I felt? The project is DONE, its here, its real and orders are poring left and right and that is what I am talking about the REWARD and its accompanying feeling of being allowed by the Universe to CREATE something that will help all of you in the long run. Like a mother, you must become pregnant and realize you are giving life to a project that will take off on its own in time. This book, project, child, idea, business has a soul and has a fate (like a person) and may very well become famous. You gave life; you are a GOD the “Universal Code” took over your creation and may turn it into a best seller, a movie or anything completely outside of your wildest expectations… But you must use your creative gifts, and as a God the option is given to you to so do and collect all the benefit at the end. See me as the obvious example and remember I had NOTHING at all, totally destitute when I came to the US in 1984. I already have so many orders and I want to thank all of you for your trust in my work. This book will ready for shipping soon, if you ordered your signed copy you won’t have to wait too long. Order this book NOW and be one of the first to read my biography and uncover “The Universal Code”. My new book talks about the Draconic Law and how the Dragon Head and Tail afflicts generations. As a matter of fact there is more power in your Dragon alone than the complexity of any readings you ever done and FYI (like Nostradamus) I am the ONLY Astrophile alive today who works with the Dragon. I have decided to share a little of his power on your children in this newsletter. Following the Virginia Tech Massacre I received quite a lot of requests from parents concerned with this awful growing dilemma. Kid killing other kids in our colleges and universities seems to be routine nowadays and an army or traditionally “educated” mental workers from all levels of research are giving you answers based upon they own limited perception of such an awful act. Anything from an unstable or abuse upbringing to inherited psychological problem (yes hereditary problem of one of the parents seem to be a plausible answer to this infantile science). The sad reality is that; and I can assure it too, like 99% of the world’s population Psychologists and psychiatrists alike do not possess cosmic consciousness. Those “doctors” can only trust their traditional education and hastily and unwisely prescribe one of the many nefarious drugs (antidepressants) available to an addicted and badly informed society. Rest assured this treatment will indeed make the situation much worse for their patients in the long run. Now enjoy some of my findings involving the planet Pluto affecting the generations of the past, present and future. Pluto's impact on Generations: Past — Present — Future Pluto in Gemini: “The hypnotized Generation” Indeed, Pluto is a dramatic planet and its impact on generations is obvious for those blessed with the knowledge of the stars. For good or for worse, the people and leaders of this Era were born with this affliction. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 and Pluto (power) was located in the sign of Gemini (communication) from 1883 until 1913. Wherever the planet Pluto is located by sign and house in your chart, a sense of power and regeneration will be offered to you. Thus, using his well-known, inborn "hypnotic sound power," it was easy for Hitler, in his numerous "Plutonic" speeches, to persuade the wise German population to go to war against the rest of the world. Pluto in Cancer: "The Wasted Baby Generation" the immediate generations to suffer Hitler’s manipulation were the young German soldiers and everybody else around the world born between 1913 and 1937 with Pluto (death) in Cancer (family). Thus, the "invaders" and all of the war's victims were the result of an awful Pluto disturbing the basic security principle, homes, families and indeed can be associated with the First and Second World Wars, into the sad historically "Wasted Baby Generation." The entire world and its security (Cancer) were shattered between both deadly (Pluto) World Wars, and millions of children from many different ethnic groups met with their fate. Pluto in Leo: "The Baby Boom Generation" When Pluto moved from Cancer (security/home) to Leo (love/life) from 1938 to 1957, the world experienced a re-birth of its population. Responding subconsciously to the power of the stars, the unaware masses called the phenomenon "The Baby Boom Generation." Leo (Sun) rules love, the arts, freedom, and the 50's and 60's were good examples of the love and freedom-oriented attitudes with hippie music and drugs (Wood stock) that plagued this generation. Pluto rules sex, and Leo children became a free, sexually oriented generation. Jimmy Hendrix's fate (sex, drugs, rock-and-roll), is a good example of a personal Pluto in Leo that ultimately got the best of him. Pluto in Virgo: "The Baby Buster Generation" Pluto then moved to the puritanical sign of Virgo (health) from 1957 to 1976, and this generation is next to take governmental power. This generation is fanatic about nature, perfection, work and health. Smokers have already suffered the impact of this "Baby Buster Generation," as this generation must upgrade health and perfection in our society. Unlike Leo (life) Virgo is dry and sterile, thus fewer babies were produced during this era. Since Pluto entered the sign of Virgo, facilities for health programs and exercising boomed to satisfy a generation that craves fitness. The health businesses (body/mind/tools) have started and are still booming with Pluto in Virgo. This generation is banning smokers from restaurants and public places (and they voted the 40-cent tobacco tax increase), and more rigid health oriented regulations are ahead of us. Note-This section and its predictions were written and published in the 1995 Moon Power edition. On a more positive note, this age group will fight hard to preserve nature, animals and the remainder of the rain forest. Many powerful computers and microchips developed by this generation as experienced in Operation Desert Storm, are deadly accurate. Their ideal is very pure in thought and action, but this generation must guard against Pluto's (fanaticism) subtle power for "perfection." If the power of Pluto in Virgo is exaggerated, it becomes as deadly as the poison they try so hard to avoid. Many of these souls will lose their lives by being too concerned with health (anorexia, hypochondria), turning rapidly to vegetarian diets, thus upsetting their naturally weak digestive tracts. They must understand that cats and dogs were born with strong claws and long, sharp teeth to tear apart raw flesh as intended by nature, while cows, horses, lambs, etc. are herbivores and were designed by God with flat teeth and three stomachs to eat only "salad." They are none of those. They are omnivorous and must eat meat as a vigilant balance for their sensitive metabolism. Some souls who are overwhelmed by Pluto are overly crazy for carbohydrates. They are also protein paranoid. Some starve themselves after 6:00 p.m. Others take their heart rates much too seriously, some have a penchant for pain, and more are victims of the fat-burning syndrome. Worst of all for women is the weight lifting dilemma. It is, genetically speaking, impossible for a woman to take on a man's physical power, and no matter how hard they try; they will never look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Because of the inborn critical attitude and a strong desire for health and perfection, those natural "puritans" will not find someone good enough for them and many will end up alone in the game of love. Pluto in Libra: "The Gang Generation." From October 5, 1971 until November 6, 1983, dramatic Pluto (death) moved into the sign of Libra (partnerships). Traditionally Libra rules the 7th house, associations, open enemies, partners and the day-to-day people entering your life. This nefarious combination created a form of regular open-death manifestations as shown by the infamous, daily drive-by shootings. Born with Pluto (death) in Libra (others), those children are willing to die for their inner Plutonic sense of justice (scales) imposed by their partners (gang members). Constantly influenced (bullied) by Pluto or more ferocious souls, they must give in to their high sense of justice for the group. This righteous "die for you/die for me" attitude is now in full operation in our present society and has created "The unbalanced Aggressive Gang Generation." If not for survival or money, then respect, power and justice belong to the group (no matter what), and Pluto is the subtle force behind gang activity. The Plutonic rough initiation principle (beating) is a form of love/hate/submission, a participation and respect found within the sign of Libra in the declaration of peace or war. Then, the ruthless test for security, love, hate, respect and deadly commitment to others (Libra) in the group (gang) has been established. Contrary to what is commonly believed, and to the amazement of psychologists, many children of the gang generation have had perfect upbringings and many are from middle and upper class families. Early environment plays an important part in how these souls will react to others. If the upbringing happens to be rough and difficult, these Plutonic souls may become the imposing bullies. Negative members of this generation are in constant need of a dramatic regeneration principle-taking place within a group constantly involved in war with others. To those born with Pluto in Libra, it is also a sure indication of a strong inner sense of justice owed to the group for good or for bad. This Pluto (death) generation in Libra (the law) will savagely fight their enemy (authority figures) and other gangs without any fear or regard for the deadly consequences. This problem with the police force has already started and will keep dangerously growing, making some parts of the cities unsafe for the common citizen. This sad situation will continue swelling to a dangerous size and will force the government to take drastic measures. The year 1998 will be a memorable year, as strong efforts will be made to avoid the breaking down of our society. In the process, many youths and numerous police officers' lives will be wasted. Pluto in Scorpio: "The Death Wish Generation" Pluto then inhabited, from 1983 until 1995, his own daredevil sign of Scorpio. Those very young and wild children have already made dramatic news by executing each other and murdering adults for any reason. Such as in Rachula, Missouri on December 28, 1994, an off-duty police officer had been shot to death by his girlfriend's 9-year-old grandson. The child was born with Pluto in Scorpio on his Dragon's Tail (negative). Many of those "kids" have been reported killing adults for money to buy drugs and guns at the tender age of 10 years. Again in May 1997 a brutal slaying follows a beer drinking in Central Park, New York. Two teen-agers stabbed a real estate agent at least 30 times and tried to chop off his hands so police couldn't use fingerprints to identify him before dumping him in a lake in Central Park. Perpetrators, Daphne Abdela, 15, and her boyfriend, 15-year-old Christopher Vasquez, "gutted the body so it would sink." Both of those young souls are from the dramatic Pluto generation, "The Death Wish Generation." More than previous degrading generations, these children need constant spiritual regeneration and a good reason to be alive. Note - So far in the United States the "Death Wish Generation" generation produced 700 murderers age 15 or younger in 1995, many of them raised in environments that included abuse, neglect and violence. However, youth violence is neither new nor confined to the United States. Again, this “Death Wish Generation” is to be taken seriously when threatening to kill others. Their deep and passionate Scorpion nature is so intense that it is practically impossible for them not to follow up by drastic criminal actions. Chances are that none of the army of traditionally educated psychologists will be able to understand the deep motive of the boys. Millions of questions will be asked to the two young souls. But nobody, even the boys, will really grasp the deep motivation produced by vengeful, fixed and passionate Scorpio. Again, unless Astro-Psychology is reestablished in our school system, this type of drama will become current news in the years ahead. Breaking God’s Universal Law, either by ignorance, deep religious convictions or pure skepticism will not cut it. There is no room for ignorance and the penalty will have to be paid. Rest assured that this Pluto (death) in Scorpio (passion) generation is well suited for investigation, planning and acting upon their threats. Imagine the impact of Pluto in Scorpio on the children of the Middle East, and all other unstable countries (astrology has no barrier). Giving their lives for a deadly purpose, is a way of regenerating themselves and their teachers, governments, religious institutions, and even they don’t know about it. I seriously hope for the well being of our society to start the cleansing and healing process in educating the masses. For too long now, millions of dollars have been and will continue to be poured into wasteful institutions, feeding your children with fear and ignorance. How long will it take mankind to grow out of its own spiritual limitations, I do not really know, but I am aware of the damage it will bring to its own children in the future. I need your serious understanding and strong help here and I can only hope that this publication will bring enough truth and raise enough questions and answers about what it really means to be human. Memo: News report that as many as 27 shots was fired. Four girls and the English teacher Shannon Wright, 32, who shielded a student from the attack, were killed in Tuesday's ambush. Ten others -- nine students and a teacher -- were wounded. Officials at St. Bernards Regional Medical Center in Jonesboro said Kim Candace Porter, whom several students described as the boy's former girlfriend, was among the wounded. Gov. Mike Huckabee offered sympathy for the victims of the school shooting and lamented on a culture that would breed such a tragedy. The dead students were identified as: Natalie Brooks, 12. Paige Ann Herring, 12. Stephanie Johnson, 12. Brittany R. Varner, 11. Well, governor. Mike Huckabee you can offer all the sympathy of the world for the victims of the school shooting, and like millions of others lament on a culture that would breed such a tragedy. That is NOT the answer, as you already know that it will happen over again. You, including the educational, psychological, police and governmental system are losing the battle and will soon watch the breaking down of our young society. Scientists from all levels out there are mesmerized and baffled by the awful events that took place on March 25th, 1998 in JONESBORO, Arkansas. Unless you cast aside your fear of the ridicule fueling your academically oriented ignorance and your mental snobbishness, you will not be able to even get closer to the golden key of true knowledge. You might have to challenge your precious books, pass the limitation of your rational mind and realize that the higher truths were never printed by your kind. It’s time to look above your head; into the Universal Mind, with a different attitude. If you have any hope what so ever, to provide serious help to this “Death Wish Generation.” Vanoven said the 13-year-old also had pulled a knife on another student Monday. Other students said the boy was specifically targeting one of the girls wounded. "He said he was definitely going to shoot Candace because she had broken up with him," sixth-grader Kara Tate, 11, told the Sun. The two boys, wearing camouflage shirts, pants and hats, were caught near the school with handguns and rifles. Investigators said the boys were running in the direction of a white van found about a half-mile away from the school with more guns and ammunition in it. Police impounded the van. Classmate Erica Swindle, 12, said the younger boy owned a gun and went deer hunting often. Again, age doesn’t matter, and makes the situation even more dangerous. The young soul hasn’t yet learned to control the intensity of his desires and his powerful destructive emotions. The incredible passion and deep desires generated by Pluto in Scorpio are somehow unbearable for the soul who has inherited such a celestial legacy. Sending the kids to jail and praying for the souls of the poor victims will not stop future dramas. I seriously hope to be heard before it is too late for all, now and in the future, directly concerned. As imposed by the most powerful planet in Divine Astrology, Pluto (The Lord of Death and Decay) this unaware “Death Wish Generation” regenerates with blood, passion, sex, drama, weapons and murdering others. Let’s hope and confederate with me to pass on a message to those children, their teachers, the Educational system and the Government. No one had to die, but they did, and many more will, in the name of ignorance. Case 3- Again my theory and prediction came true, this time it was to be in April 1998. Unless my message is passed out and understood, more innocent victims will join this mad dance. EDINBORO, Pennsylvania -- Thousands gathered Tuesday to mourn a popular teacher who was shot to death in front of his students at a school dance. John Gillette, a 48-year-old science teacher and former football hero involved in numerous volunteer, church and business projects, was killed Friday when a 14-year-old student Andrew Wurst allegedly opened fire with a .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol. Students described him as a man who lived by a motto of "Anything that is worth doing is worth giving your best." Several former students paid tribute to him at the service, one of them drawing small ripples of laughter when he told a humorous story about Gillette scolding him at football practice. However, the Rev. John Jacquel, a priest at Gillette's church, Our Lady of the Lake, had a more somber message for the mourners. "Why didn't God do something to protect this man from dying?" He asked. "Why did God let that happen? It seems that faithfulness doesn't guarantee you safety or a trouble-free life." Some 3,500 people attended the service in the field house at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, where Gillette's daughter, Abby, is a member of the volleyball team. Wurst, a bespectacled, aloof student who liked dark-themed music and whose nickname was “Satan," faces homicide charges and remained jailed early Tuesday as the youngest person at the Erie County Prison. Two students and a teacher were injured, none seriously, before Wurst was disarmed by a banquet hall owner with a shotgun. Police and friends said Wurst snuck his father's pistol into the dance and had threatened at separate times to make the dance "memorable,” and to kill others and him. He was not taken seriously. State police said they are still trying to determine the boy's motive. Three other school-related shootings since October – in Jonesboro, Arkansas, West Paducah, Kentucky, and Pearl, Mississippi -- left 10 dead and 22 wounded. Mitchell Wright, the widower of a teacher killed in Jonesboro, called Gillette's widow, Debbie, over the weekend with support and advice. His wife Debbie, and his two daughters and a son survive Gillette. Continued: Thus, our society is already witnessing "The Dramatic Death Wish Generation" in action. They are strong-willed, unwavering in thought and action, immensely emotional and totally fearless in front of death. Pluto (sex) is making them very active sexually at an early age, and they will look for a mixture of sex, crime and drugs to survive their harsh young lives. At the tender age of 12 years many of those children have already experienced the use of drugs and sex and some others have committed repellent murders. They are already imposing and displaying their powerful, destructive will on many televised talk shows, where helpless parents complain about their awful behavior. Other much older generations are at bay and baffled, unable to relate to this Plutonic generation. The passion for self-discovery is extreme and if left without legitimate spiritual food, the worst can only happen to many of these children. They will not react to dogma and common religious teachings as they parents do. Those kids subconsciously understand the principle of life and death and the motivation behind all manifestation. They simply lack the regenerative forces produced by the mystical knowledge to deal with their passionate and rebellious nature. The miserably failing psychological field won't be any help understanding the plutonic motivation behind this upcoming killer generation. Unless the old science of Astrology is reinstated, (Astro-Psychology) in our colleges and universities, there will be either no understanding or therapeutic healing measures available for these children. A few years from now once in power this unyielding generation has the awful potential to destroy the world with the use of irreversible atomic weapons. Let’s just hope that the worst elements of this “Death Wish” generation get spiritual guidance quickly, or imperatively auto-destroy themselves, for the sake of all of us. If God’s implacable Universal Rules have been broken and ignored for too long, a serious penalty is awaiting mankind. There is no room for ignorance at any level of consciousness or any other worlds above or below us. Slowly but surely, mankind is witnessing the slow and painful suffocating end of another young generation. Hopefully, our scientists will cast the “ridicule” aside and a solid investigation of "Divine Astrology" will bring it back into the traditional educational system. Only then, the real therapeutic deeds involving Astrology will begin to heal and regenerate the psyches of all of these unquiet spirits. We, the people, in the name of knowledge, love and happiness, still have time to make the change. That’s why I am working fervently to produce this work, for the children of this specific generation. For if they get the right spiritual help, and do rebirth from their own ashes, the incredible potential of this Eagle generation can uplift humanity and the world to its highest and most glorious potential. To all my readers, I need your help to educate the parents first, as the numbers of requests from the concerned parents will make the badly needed changes and save future lives. Start by sending my newsletters to all the people that you know your gesture may help them to grow and perceive my work. My wish is to open my own Astro-Psychology schools if the system is reluctant to make those crucial changes and I need all the help I can get. Any suggestions? Is there someone listening out there? Please do and help me to save the children with education. I need your support. Life is not a game of chance; the Creator did not put us where we would be the sport of circumstances, to be tossed about by a cruel fate, regardless of our efforts to save our world. — George B. Emerson Tune in May 21st from 11 to 12 AM PT for another radio show with Bonnie Coleen Host/Producer, Seeing Beyond Talk Radio Listen to the show Then I am on my way to California, so join us in San Jose, California May 26th & 27th 2007 and enjoy incredible speakers. Be There I will have my new book for sale at my booth, come and say hello. Tune in June 13th from 7:00 to 8:00 PM EST for another radio show with Gregory Norman Host/Producer, "Universal7Radio Listen to the show Sharing emails ----- Original Message ----- From: Jennifer The plate. I have just completed my exams. Exams that I thought I was not capable of doing but I did them and I am satisfied with the work I have produced. Your continuing influence has helped me to stay focused on what’s real and what is a lie. Right now I am at a cross roads and I am not sure if I should go down the same road that I have been before. I am older wiser and more learned. I am weighing up all the options and its not enough. So I a seeking guidance. Thank you for continuing to invest your wisdom in me. Yours gratefully Jennifer ----- Original Message ----- From: Documentary: Hi Doc! Not sure if you remember me...but you asked about helping with your film. I am still willing to help. But I am in need of some help as well, and wondered if you may be able to help with this. I am producing a documentary about drunk driving as experienced through the most innocent victims...children. I am looking for children willing to tell their stories to the camera. They may be victims directly, or they may be affected by a parent or sibling's death or disability caused by a drunk driver. Perhaps a parent drove drunk and is in jail. There are many scenarios, of course, but the point is that I am having a hard time getting MADD to cooperate. Besides, I would like to get the kids from different sources. I am on a tight deadline and am reaching out to everyone for some help. I will give you a special thanks on the credits if you connect me with kids that tell their story. This is a great cause and I am very passionate about this project. Thank you for your time reading this. Hope to hear positive news from you! I do what I can to put my skills to use for a better world. Please email me if you can help at info@sbotelloproductions.com ----- Original Message ----- From: Linda; Wonderful newsletter. I love and believe every word of it. Thank you for it all. By the way, good picture. You're looking young and great. Linda ----- Original Message ----- From: //et> A wonderfully beneficial newsletter, Dr. Turi. I marvel that you can give so much of your busy-life and time to explain so much science in an area where I am least knowledgeable. So I enjoy it immensely. As far as from the spiritual side and the many "laws" that so connect therewith and have to for completion, I am considerably knowledgeable via experiences. Sure wish I could join your "pool party" Sunday, the 20th. If God sends a spaceship to bring me to it, I'll see you then!!! Again, Dr. Turi, thank you for sharing and explaining so very much "moon and star" understanding. Cheers! Jean Loggins ----- Original Message ----- From: Dana///> Keep up the Good work ,Dr. Turi your insights about life and other subjects are both refreshing and at the same time motivational. I am Dana, singer Tara Angel's father, I have written before, thanks for your positive feedback in the past .We try to catch you as much as we can on coast to coast etc.Your newsletter is something I always look forward to receiving in my mailbox. I and Tara angel have been trying to stay aware of the moon phases just like you suggested in a earlier correspondence. We will continue to do music that is positive and without profanity because it is possible to do so and still prosper. We are about to go on summer "vacation" and my daughter and I would just like to say "Hi!"and well wishes from your "family” in the windy city chicago.....Peace... D.Hardin....chicago ,Ill. Check this up - Running the Numbers - An American Self-Portrait Click here
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