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Open Mic. Night Venom of Hate Stuck in my head Infecting me Twisted and dirty Hated Digging your claws into me You can’t let me go No, no Not this again Staring into me Caught in the pools of my soul Digging into me So much deeper It couldn’t feel better Tearing at my flesh Ripping me Away from me Until you find what you seek Staring into me Caught in the pools of my soul Digging unto nadir of my filth Tearing at my flesh Hooks like talons buried in my soul Scratching at my mind Pulling at the darkness of my soul Drawing me hither I’ll never bleed for you To be the feast for your roaming demons Searching Seeking me out Lying in wait I pray you search harder Seek me farther My sin awaits your service Forsaken knowledge on the breath of my tongue Scarring me from within Never to return From the far side of normal The worms of your filth Wiggling around in my gut You’re the filthy little maggots devouring my soul With your eminent touch With the breath of what must be Loving my suffering Wanting it to be yours Craving the agony of the flesh You’re so unable to emulate Loving the hate in my eyes Turning your soul to black Like demons breeding In this dark sepulcher Controlling me Controlling you Contorting us inside these prison walls Defeating Forsaken I’ll devour you all Wasting them unto nothingness Leaving only the venom of your hate To sear the wounds of victimhood In the eyes of the innocent With the pleasure of our twisted agony Is it your own weakness you hate? The petty differences Compared to mine? How can it matter so much When the scars left behind are the same? Our world divided Our children to be left behind Left with nothing substantial to hold As our hate divides us Our hope can bind us Look into my soul once more To find the truth you seek Young and old dying alike In the maelstroms Of celestial ire When the venom of hate Awakens into our lives And the demons of apathetic ignorance Dominate our hearts and minds Then there’s nothing left to find Twisted Race What violent creatures we are What sick thoughts we think Twisting lies into truth Cutting each other Smiling all the while Pretending everything is as right as rain, And never see the damage done. Intercity streets Children playing Where crack is sold A drive by or two Streets Run red They run red with the lives of our own flesh Wasting away into nothingness Sacred institutions thrown away Forever blown into the wind Never to be seen again in the turbulent eyes Of our pups Pain an important part of life When hate replaces love in our souls What truly twisted creatures we are If only for a while Before our time is nigh Is there any hope for the future? When we’re so willing to undo our children With our ignorant rhetoric Before they even have a chance to create their own undoing On theses torturous streets Twisted Twisted inside I’m all fucked by the shit you put me through Would you even care if I told you That I was dying inside Or would you just walk away like so many times before To join the sheep in line for the butcher’s hand? So what if I was bleeding in the streets You brought me into Would you stop and try to save me Or just walk on by pretending that I wasn’t even there With the dead eyes of one who’s lived too hard? If I told you how much I loved you once Would you hear me out Or just tell me to get fucked Ripping out what’s left of my pathetic soul Leaving me empty like so many times Before that innocence was stolen Only to be replaced with your filthy little monkeys Sent to dig out my soul treasure? I build these walls of my own so you couldn’t inside Sitting here in the prison of my mind I wither further for your twisted pleasure Pleasures of the flesh Your dirty sins of the soul Can you even hear my cries anymore? Have you even been listening to us? Your progeny of mindless indifference Crying out for penance A return to a beloved innocence What the fuck does it matter anymore? Our lives are wasting away From within these streets we call home And you don’t even give a damn For the ones you’ve condemned to this eternal Sheol Chained here by all of your filthy maggots of self loathing Twisted inside again Ripped apart inside for nothing more than your twisted enjoyment We’re all fucked up inside from the shit you gave us But you can’t see that And neither do I forevermore So now I’m one of you The sheep in line for the butcher’s hand The last moment A twinge of pain eats it way through my body The light begins to falter in my eyes a feeling of peace overcomes me in a flash I feel a rush of love as my soul begins to ascend to new and more heavenly heights only that my body may rest in the peacefulness of the dust in which it now lays. Teaching the Blind to See When teaching the blind to see you must show him the man who can’t stand and still learned to walk. When teaching the blind to see you must show him who is def and mute, but has heard the truth and found wisdom. When teaching the blind to see show him the dead man who lived a long life, but was never really ever alive. When teaching the blind to see introduce him to the mother on welfare who was rich beyond you wildest imaginings. When teaching the blind to see show him the monk gave every thing he had and became a beggar so that he would do well in the next wold. Show him the man who had eyes that worked but refused to see the world around him Show the man that who could see the flowers, the deer, the morning dew, the burning sun, the then and the now, but refused him self. Then give him a mirror so that he can see himself for who he is and find out that it was me all along. SAVE THOSE THINGS ETERNAL Closing my eyes to the world A red sky reins, and black rain falls, soot covered trees sway in the silent wind. Desire and lust fill the soul, compassion fails in the hearts of men. It breaks my heart to see that man cares no longer for all of those things eternal. Acts of evil so common in these troubled times, I find myself so very baffled by the evil acts of once good men, as the cries of our lost innocents fills my ears. Oh, my dear lord when will you give us your mercies, and save us from the evil in our own hearts, and save all of those things eternal. The Hate That Blinds Us Old men stand around on the corners In tattered rags Huddled around burn barrels Fires blazing but hearts dulled to a tarnished chill By the cruel worlds that they have for so long perceived They’re unwilling or can’t see that they have paved Their own way to this, their little corner of hell. A baby’s hungrily crying for his mother’s love Not knowing she doesn’t really give a damn Not understanding she’s to busy with her own shit, Smoking her life away in another pipe Condemned to be trapped with that goddamned monkey on her back Twisting her own arm She sells herself away, With her soul already sold There’s nothing left to sell but her dignity And when the infanticide comes All the boy has is himself to save His only hope is to beat his way out of this shit-filled world and make his own And never look at what he’s left behind Because we’re all guilty as fucking sin When hate is the commonplace And vice is the flavor of the day They say that hate breeds hate but it’s all a fucking lie Because we’re our own source of hate When we hate ourselves We hate every thing around us And in the end we’re the only ones Who can end the massacre of the innocent Shots are fired There’s no one left to blame but you and me When our heart and lung are as black as coal And we’ve sold our dignity with our soul With eyes that blaze forevermore My fire consumes you And all that surrounds us So remember where it came from Know that I didn’t see the hate that consumed your soul I wasn’t there when you took it in When I turned it away But I’m sure as hell here now To stay The Fallen Angel I called you queen Hailed at your feet Led along on bended knee Their bloody trail marking my path To heaven Into this hell Find myself With no value to call my own No faith, hope, or substance Left as smoke From the flameless fires Of the void An empty shadow Of what could have been Formless I float in the hollow Of shattered egos And sinful souls caught in webs Of their own design A cell in the hell of my own creation Blinded by my love for you To have led me so far Into this eternal pit Home of the nephlim Home of the demon army Home to me Is there ever to be an escape for me Or am I lost in an eternity of emptiness Desolation in defoliation Where fallen angel dream Where I must pay For the sins of my pleasure and apathy? Lodge Sitting in the medicine circle fire burning the coldness away burning new life into my empty soul countless generations awaiting me tying these prayer ties I learn patience, and humility as I prepare to make my sacrifice for the healing of others unconcerned for my own needs I leave my life to the will of the creator standing there preparing to enter the lodge I think of all the people who have it so much worse and I’m thankful for all that I have all that I’ve lost the lessons learned the lessons yet to come still afraid humbled by the people around me I bow at the entrance my head touching the ground crawling I enter the womb of mother earth once more once more I commune with my brother and sisters seek guidance, and healing for our selves but sacrificing for everyone else. Florida Morning Lightning flashes at the first strike of dawn Clouds obscure the blue-gray sky. The sun breaks through the horizon rays of sun light crashing all around into a sea of shadows. The sun She pokes her hallowed head through the early morning clouds spilling her soft yellow light out onto the world exposing the dark shadow of the human soul in the early morning light. Frogs croak, and crickets whisper in the tall dewy grass. Dew twinkles on the grass and trees like fallen stars that landed with the early morning light. Blue Herons spread the great wings set to take flight over their homes down in the glade of glory; saw grass swaying in the early morning wind. Just another beautiful Florida morning! When will you rise You push your cart down my street and eat last nights garbage from my trash but how can I feel pity for you when my own belly stays so empty all the time. I work all day long down in the mines and over at the mill just to feed my family so how can I feel pity for you when you don’t even try to help your self. I see you and your just another lost soul in a world full of demons and wolves looking for lunch looking for people like you to prey on people that have lost faith in themselves but can see past them selves. So stay in this your hell if you wish you created it but don’t ask me to feel sorry for you when all you have is all you wanted when happiness was your and all you had to do was take it but you were to blind to see it for what it was THE NEEDLE FALLS Sticking this dirty needle into my arm death rushes her hateful hand over my body. Stinking . I can feel her vile filth filling me, over coming me. Death comes and the needle fall to the floor; one last prayer muttered and I’m gone. Lotus Trapped in this cage but who can set me free not you then who; me. FREEDOM'S RAIN Out from behind the gates of hell, the rain falls on my face; life starts anew and all is forgiven. Out in the trees I sit, and with a cat at my feet and a deer licks the back of my neck. Out of the rain walks the sun, across the sandy beach; black stars draw to the light. And out from behind the bars of that dark prison I walk into my freedom, and the light of God filters in. A struggle in hopelessness Pushing my shopping cart down lonely street In the lonely town of nowhere with everything I own But that ain’t much to speak of and Of what I do have the only thing that isn’t garbage Are my books battered and torn as they are? Nothing good to eat All there ever is; is shit I eat out of the trash for breakfast Lunch is garbage too, And for dinner still more garbage For every damn meal I eat from these damn cans From the out side my life seams empty But I know that I have some purpose Though what it is I can’t begin to say So I keep on moving Doing my best to keep my belly full and my hopes high. I came into this world riding high With a monkey on my back Not the same one as the one on my mothers back But not any different either. When my innocence lost and my soul sold I fought on failing often but kept on fighting And fighting some more until I finally learned how to survive Pushing on and on But the monkey is still there Always there and The yoke around my neck is getting tighter And tighter as the years and days pass me by Awaking now to the fact that you just can’t Escape your destiny no matter how hard you try And fight as we may it always there And this so it seams is my destiny To struggle everyday for mere survival So I push this cart My home and I live my life For as little as it may be worth And roaming form town to town And state to state Free to do my own thing but trapped In the grasp of the monkey my mother gave me Upon my entrance into this life and that is still strapped to my back But in the end my soul still lost in the murky tides of the river that is life And yet my spirit remains unbroken And I so still struggle on and like everyone else, the struggle will never be over Not until we take our place in heaven or hell or what ever comes for us in the next life. The Darkness Returned Darkness return to me Hate fills my soul once again Blackening my heart To leave me only the night “Violence comfort me” My prayer As the hate I’ve held for so long Spreads consuming all in its path Devastating Destroying all beauty in the world Walking about in the shadows Moving openly in the sepulcher of another soul-chilling night In the hate-filled world That I have poisoned Spreading the vile filth Born within demented minds Eating away the fabric of society With the dirty little maggots of hate And deviant pleasures of the flesh Until all is laid to waste And the demons from within are roaming free Enslaving you and the rest of humanity Guided to the bloodbath So they’ll devour you like cattle Hope for you is lost in this world But in the end you were hopeless Worthless just likes the rest of humanity Nothing more than food for the taking Flesh for the breaking So what was the point to your life? You were never anything more than a slave To masters that you will never know A god who in his ignominy has forsaken you Leaving you to the demonic parasites that drain your soul And chew the cud of your flesh Wounds Black blood drips from gaping wounds Vile little worms of your hate digging into me Burrowing deep into my soul My protective walls lie in ruins Torn down Gripping my heart with dirty little hands Squeeze your venom through me Ripping into me You tore me apart Flesh hardening As it rots in the hot sun Where you left me naked Hurting for the entire world to see You left me wanting Hungry A fire burning in my soul With nothing to quench it You told me how much you loved me But your words were empty yet again Lies and empty promises To feed a pain that would later appear to come from nowhere With such force as to knock me down for good The venom of self-loathing consuming everything That was pure and good in me Leaving me cold and empty Wounded and festering A blight on the world Rotted and wasted Nothing but an empty carcass Hollowed by time’s Withering decay Worlds Away On the edge of a knife As I slither along the edge you Cut me open But you just can’t kill me Shed this shell Flesh lying around my feet Naked and alone For all the world to see My heart in your hands Unable to release what’s left of this life Wounds so deep they penetrate into the soul Relishing in my agony Your venom quenches the thirst for filth Hate fills my empty belly As I pray for the darkness to come and take me For the knife to cut just a little deeper Just waiting for the hammer to fall For the bullet to strike Wanting the black fish of death to come for me Oh so ready to be devoured by the darkness And have the pain of this life taken away One last time Holy Wars Dark desires in the night Fill the void Empty soul Maggots churning in rotted flesh In the garden of the dead Foul creatures of hell Beating leathery wings in their breast Feeding on hidden sins Claws Razor sharp Tear at the shell To reveal the truth Of the madness within Break away the shell To bring out the flesh Awaken to the suffering The beautiful agony Of heaven’s holy genocide Dig in deeper Devouring the souls of the innocent To vomit out your hate With unjust cause To find away back into you’re sanctimonious holy wars Where infanticides Regicides And genocides are there for the taking But when your babies are burning And you’ve nailed their turbans to their shattered souls Will you be the martyr To suffer unto me The faith that has failed you?

short horror story

The By Two-Thirds Destiny Prologue “We must eliminate two-thirds of the world population before we are forced into infanticide-al cannibalism, or worse. The nearness' and enormity of this state of wretchedness, demand that we be at the leading front of efforts to reduce ourselves to no more then, a total of no more then five billion of the strongest, smartest, and most adaptable individuals world wide. Purging out the race of any undesirability, the era of Eugenic doctorial dominance is now...” Bob Turner orated to a crowed of would be voters. From his place at the center of the twiddle-minded crowed of hopeful democratic-socialist party members, he spouted out the parties newest rhetoric. None of which anyone but he understood, but their lack of understanding didn’t mean anything to them as they praised his ill formed logic with an enthusiasm only the myopic minded could possibly stomach. The lie being different at each level as necessity permeates each rank and file, forcing the evasion of truth, even in the deviation of the lie. Chapter 1 Major Harland stood cast-iron at the heart of his command post. Watching eight computer screens sitting on semi-circled Formica tables. Videos flashed across screens from his platoons in the field, their individual squads, even particular soldiers. Showing countless battles on small screens that could be brought up independently, as needed. From his place he could not only see the entire battle unfolding, second by second in real time, as if he where in the field standing with the teams, commanding each soldier autonomously to maximize the units efficiency through remote centralization. As if being out numbered, out gunned wasn’t enough for the rebels to concede defeat, they were being out maneuvered as well. So much so, it seamed the man issuing orders to the government troops, in their black suits and sky masks, had been reading their own commanders’ thoughts through the course of the battle. Seeing into the future with plenty of advance, avoiding attacks and setting up successful ambushes for each attempted attack. Annihilating the rebels at every turn of the battle. Stomping out the snakes of freedom. The boot in the face of humanity, grinding it into the refuse of “double think.” In many ways the major felt like his childhood idol when he stood here at the helm of a battle. Unmoving, indefatigably standing high on a hill, as unmoving in his focus as “Stonewall” Jackson at his last battle in December 1862, a marveled statuary of unknown bravado. So commanding that enemies of the state often fell before its power merely due to the presence of his exclusive company. Begging to be saved from the slavery of their freedoms. Within a few hours of the first shot, the rebel forces could no longer persevere. Forced to submit to the terms of surrender without concession. Stamped into compliant cattle, chewing the cud of the socialist state. They laid down their arms. Marched out into an open field where they could easily be seen, even as the hours drew into the dead, were the stock succumb to the butchers blade. The Major was driven down to the former veneer of freedoms’ plague, in a residual Korean War, M-151-A1 jeep that had been provided by the state. His driver pulled to a stop, sliding an extra few feet on the blood drenched grass. He stepped from the jeep ignoring the fresh coat blood covering his mirror-shined boots. He stepped up to the line of men, women, and children ranging from infants, to the old and feeble. “Swine,” he thought gaily, “What filth,” as he passed each one standing in front of him cowering, he gauged each individual for their ability to fight. He sorted the elderly, very young, pregnant and mothers with young children from the line. Ordering them into the newly formed line across from the condemned villagers. Sorting those determined to be of fighting age, thus a threat to the state, from those easily manipulated, and re-indoctrinated into the society of mass slavery. The condemned were directed to dig a ditch, into the sand, and pack dirt. Though they knew it was a shallow mass grave, their vile little hands clawed at the soil in complete submission to the Major’s authority. With every handful of sand and dirt scooped from the den of the dead, the denizens of Sandy Hook grew more ashen; with the slow recognition of what was already known subconsciously. Many of them would not survive the night to see the awe-inspiring sun rise to break its head through the clouds at the edge of the world. As dawn’s hour approached the Major grew impatient with the slow pace and impertinence of the conquered insurgents in their efforts to dig their eternal abode. “That’s deep enough, you cretins are moving far too slowly. Kneel facing away from the trench,” the major ordered. His face distorted with dark delight at the quipped belittlement of his victims. The crushed dissenters looked back and forth at one another, the fear, resentment and hopelessness of the moment and their coming mortality suspended in them a quiver didn’t end with the ever-passing moment. While under their breaths they cursed the state, and all its minions. Promising “vengeance even beyond their deaths,” as martyrs for the ideals of freedom, “no matter what the cost upon their souls.” The insurgents genuflected on their coming martyrdom, Kneeling as commended, their loathing for the party growing brighter in their souls, as their hearts grew bleaker with every passing moment, by the bitter grip of deaths shadow. Soldier befell upon them dousing, them with a mixture of gasoline and diesel, so that they’d catch fire quickly and burn exquisitely for some time. Once the soldiers finished pouring their juice over the screeching farmers, turn freedom fighters. Two more soldiers loomed, one on each side of the array. Torches burning bright, they each ignited the condemned on their respective flank. As they set the line ablaze, the fated dissenters’ shrieks pierced deeper into the void. Writhing in tortured agony for more then fifteen minutes, before some sergeant shouted for the insurgents to be shot and put out of their misery. The Major stood there disgusted at the lack of fortitude showed by his men, “he would have to make an example of that sergeant.” He pulled his Government Issue .45 caliber pistol from it‘s holster and shot the sergeant in the face. The Sergeant's head exploded in a spray of blood and fatty brain matter, as he fell back into the hole with the dead revolutionaries. “Cover that hole,” the major ordered scowling at the remaining peasants, “and let this be your first and final lesson. We will not tolerate dissent. Much less from spineless jellyfish such as you.” The major’s glower deepened at the women, children and elderly farmers who meekly scrambled to do as they were directed. ‘These measly beasts will be dead within the month,’ the major amused himself, as they began pushing the dirt back over the mass grave of the brave men, and women that gave themselves for their freedom. Even before the hole was completely covered the Major and his men had grown bored, over seeing the villagers left behind to fill-in the void. Barking to get his men’s attention the major ordered his men to fall into marching ranks. The men fell-in as ordered looking forward to cold beers, hot dinners, showers and their beds. In files of two by two, they returned to their field headquarters’ through the carnage and gore, to crack open a few beers and enjoy the feast of their spoils, before beginning their new jobs as occupiers. Chapter 2 Major Harland slumped haphazardly into a decrepit, rusty chair, behind an even more decrepit desk in the center of the Village Square. ‘Damn these cretins, don’t they ever learn. There is no fighting the state, it always wins and all that’s left for them is the pointlessness of martyrdom. This is the inscrutable ignorance one must endure this side of the Mason-Dixon Line,’ the major mused deep within the darkness of his well-fractured mind. A guard piloted three young children dressed in cassock loin clothes, that barely covered their youth. One by one they stepped up on to the foreboding platform, to stand with their deaths around their neck. They awaited the death switch to bring them into the shadowy seplica of eternity beyond the veil twilight. The children’s waited and waited for their moment. Their long blondish hair billowing in the wind. Their eye’s filled with horror, with sorrow for those they must leave until the end, that is the nevermore. There was no salvation except in death, mercy having died ages ago, where the state was concerned. They took their last breath as the switch fell blowing into nothingness the trapdoors that formerly supported their meager mass. Opening up the void, of space below, into which the now swung unencumbered into the nothingness of the dead. The major creaked free of the rusted mass that had been his perch for the evening festivities. He walked around to the stage, upon which life played out its last terrible last comedy. He leaned his back against it, to take it all in, as if by osmosis he could understand the plight of the dead in some novel way, unconsidered. “Kill ten more of these wankers. Decapitate them, place their empty heads on pikes along the paths entering and leaving the village. A reminder to those who come after these vermin, of the severity of thought crimes against the state,” the major spoke closing his cold dead eyes to the horror he’s wrought here again. Chapter 3 A gnarled blackened hand, all charred flesh and bone inched its way from the sandy depths of the mass prison in which it’s dead owner laid rotting for the past three weeks. First one finger, then another creeping, spider quiet, slinking from the hollow. One finger then, one hand after another sought freedom from the memory of the slaughter that was this mass grave of traitorous deeds against the people of this quiet village. A tomb of the innocent, cursed, doomed for all time to the indignantly of an undead existence, without a soul, they must now roam perpetually hungry, even more so then in life. The first of the creatures arose, pulling it’s charred remains free of the cursed earth bed, where is eternity should be met, with a moon of hungry need. The need that should have left it with its last breath yet intolerably followed it into the depths of eternity. “Feed,” it moaned again, softly as if nearly and exhale of the breath it couldn’t have had. Soon a chorus that gave the creatures the breath of the wind, making a breathless whisper a low growl from the depths of hell followed it. The sweet smell of fresh flesh drew them into a small village they had departed this life from. Searching on instincts so basic and primitive that it could only be less then that of even the most simplistic of animal instincts. Seeking out the flesh, so long as it was alive and fresh, they did not care. They descended on their village and former families, with only their hunger for flesh over riding their instinctual need for vengeance against their undignified deaths. The undead mass fell upon the first of the huts like locust on an untended crop, coming through the walls of grass and wet mud with so little effort. It was as if there was no barrier at all. A small child, a little girl screaming, scrambling searched for her mother and father in utter horror at the nightmare that escaped the worst of her dreams. Even as she did, the first of the corpses bit into her tender flesh at the shoulder, letting crimson blood gushed from the wound. The girls’ screams filled the cool night louder cutting into the souls of all who heard her torment, until her throat and innards were wrenched loose from her by a feeding hoard of an undead. Within minutes that first entire family of eleven villagers were dead and nearly completely devoured. As the food supply within the first several hunts began to run dry, having consumed every last scrap of living flesh, pets and all, they began to spread out over the rest of the village. A fog of death over the valley floor, that none could escape, nor hide. Feeding on the surviving villagers as they huddled close together in the corners of their huts, scurrying to find a hiding place, wherever they could find some semblance of shelter. The creatures kept coming for them, only to have their scream of horror snuffed out, as they’re ripped savagely apart and devoured leaving only the pittance of scraps behind. The street ankle deep with blood and gore, thick and viscous so, that the streets ran black in the hollow moonlight. Screams of terror filling the air followed by silence, and more terrible cries of repulse only to be filled once more with the immutable silence of the dead. Chapter 4 Impaled heads, jowls moving in wordless summery of their denied desire, endless in the frivols, herky-jerky attempts at devouring the nothingness within their empty grasp. Gallows denizens, swinging in the breezeless night as if fondled by a hurricane’s wind, driving their swollen, reanimated, soulless masses to break free of their tortured binds. The wicker nooses broke free of their restraints, freeing the bloated children of the dead, too their endless hunger. “Feed us,” they moaned in wordless angst-ridden breaths. Ambling from their perches, broken bones dragging, into the square. Descending on a medley of fresh screaming victims to make their selections. Judging their select ability, for the most part in the simplistic measures of the most primitive of minds, revealing the inhumanity of their needs. The three children of deceased innocence groped blindly through the night hunting their first victims of endless starvation and stranger cravings. “Feed us,” they moaned hoarsely, “feed us.” They grabbed at a screaming woman four months with child ripping her arms from her shoulders, to be devoured “fuck,” she screamed in horrific shock. As her life force gushed in torrent from her writhing tormented cadaver, the final breaths escaping in soundless gasps, her eye sliding into her head to see the world no more. They tore into her, eviscerating her, ripping the child from her womb. The two zombie children fought over the aborted fetus, tearing into tasty morsels to be devoured. It entrails dripping onto its dead mother, the dusty square on which the scene was drawing out. The pied, bloated, undead children devoured the fresh fetus, and mother with complete abandon. Ripping her apart like ravenous dogs under the lunatics’ moon, tearing flesh from bone, entrails from sinew. Leaving not only her carnage, but also her very soul in the grimy square below the fouled fountain, next to their gallows. Before moving down the hill into the settled areas of the once bustling village, to join with their elders even in their living death, to flood in on the cattle cowering, or running about, waiting for the moments end. Chapter 5 The meat-bags devoured all that were of breathing flesh in the parish’s offered. Still famished, the pains of their hunger still burning in them, as the flames had consumed them in the moments leading to their inevitable descent from the realm of the living into the depths of tormented undead. Staggering, dragging themselves by all means of locomotion wantonly managed, they moved though the blood beams, from the lifeless remains of home. Through the woods, down the side of the knoll they took on the offensive, launching a soirée into the military camp settled at the bottom of the tor in a smallish clearing. Bent on feeding the burning hunger, to pass their vengeance on the perpetrators of this their indignity. They rampaged into the camp devouring those they could catch, while taking bullets that occasionally slammed into them through the violence of the chaos, knocking them to the ground. The Stiffs were relentless in their primordial hungers, rising after every round that passed into them, always seeking, searching, for their next object victim. Viscous blood, entrails of the eviscerated, and dismembered living dead, filled the valley commune of the dead and dying. Their desolation ensured, their hunger filled, in a way never anticipated they meandered into the forest, to take their retracted peace. Settling unto the trees and underbrush to haunt the depths of its soul, until the last of the last is claimed in humanities’ quest for self-obliteration.
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