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*today Is Better*
Ryan's gonna be ok. Thanx everyone for the love and support. Wal-Mart has saved the day again folks. I almost busted out in a full blown tribal when I saw it I had to buy it. "Q Is For Queen. The A-Z Of Queen Volume 1" Talk about geek out. I freakin had it open before I got to my car. It's been so long sine I've heard "Fat Bottomed Girls" I was giggling like a school girl the whole way home. Not to mention it's a CD/DVD special. *creams* Today has also been awesome cuz I got paid $251.97 for working 20 hours last week. HA!! Neener Neener! You wish you had overtime and holiday pay like me. Not to mention I got $37 of it for working 2 1/2 hours on Friday. And now . . . TO THE GUITAR HERO!!!!!!
right now i'm just sitting home doing nothing really interesting, pretty boring right now.
Today At Taco Bell
Here's a great example of how stupid some people are. Today I was trying to give my order at the local Taco Bell's drive-up. Here is how it went, as best I can remember it: Employee: "Welcome to Taco Bell. How are you today?" Okay, first of all, how is my state of being relevant to this transaction? One thing should be obvious, which is that I'm hungry -- and that's all that matters, not that it's any of her concern. But I replied evenly with, "I'm well enough thanks. Would you like to take my order?" Employee: "Yes sir, go ahead." Me: "Okay, first I'd like six soft tacos. Make three with beef, and the rest with chicken. And please make the three with chicken without salsa." As always, I had enunciated this quite clearly so that there couldn't possibly be any misunderstanding. Employee: "That was three beef soft tacos and what else?" Hmmm...apparently I was mistaken. Me: "I said, three beef and three with chicken, and don't put salsa on the chicken." Clear enough? No.
Today And Stuff
Today I got ready for tomorrow night's events. Hubby's work is having their winter ball....basically a Christmas party. An excuse to dress up like you're going to a prom, too. Which is fun for a change. I got a manicure and pedicure today, which is something I normally never do. My son got in trouble twice at school today that resulted in two phone calls home, one referral, and one detention. I am not pleased with him at the moment. I need a night out...tomorrow should be fun. Tonight we made a trip to Edwards and hubby got a cigar..I also got some small cigars called Acid Cigars which smell exactly like Edge City in Five Points...if you've been there, you know the smell I speak of. Not quite incense, but a mix of cloth, leather, and incense...that's a good way to describe it. Still having fun on here-checking out some of the lounges tonight.
Well, I said the wrong thing, at the wrong time. It was taken wrong. And, Andrew broke up with me. If i'm that disposable, I guess it's... life. I sat at work bawling, then sat in the bathroom, with blood all over me, ccuuzz I'm cool and cut myself when I'm upset. Which all my friends know about already but still... the point is, it happened. I'm hurting more right now than I can even describe. SO, I'm not going to try. I needed to blog some, get it out. I'm going to go drink, and go to sleep. And when I wake up, I'll cry again. Life happens. I don't even know what to do right now....
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Craig's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page!
Today's Mess
So today i am at ease. i have finally gotten a hold of Casey yesterday and got the scoop of what all is going on. and well when it comes to him and i nothing has changed. which is a relief on my part. but i wasn't really worried about that i was mainly concerned that i didn't get talk to him and i had the feeling like something was wrong and just didn't know what. I guess he was having one of those days where everything just wasn't going right and he thought i didn't want to talk to him either. boy did he learn otherwise when i finally got a hold of his ass. I told him exactly how i felt that day about it too. i think he feels kind of bad about not calling me but at least he knows that i am that connected to him to where i can tell when something isn't going right for him. so when i talked to him yesterday i told him that i was going to do everything in my power to make him laugh. but the funny thing is i guess i subconsciously did in a way. i got locked out of my car while i was at w
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store! Click banner to enter lounge
Today's The Day
Today is the day I find out what the baby is. My doctors appointment is at 1pm. As soon as I get back, I will let everyone know. I am sooo excited. WOO HOO!!!
Today's Train
Whats a Tuesday Train? This weeks Train: babygirl: One of my favorite mummers from back when they when fun! Always quick with a kind word & endless supply of smiles with her comments! PEE-JAY: I got to meet Pee-Jay when she responded to a "Help Wanted" ad for my paper, I got to really know & luv her after I canceled it. I found she had not only a he
Todays Tuesday Train :)
-Awesome tune above for train scrolling- Whats a Tuesday Train? This weeks Train: babygirl: One of my favorite mummers from back when they when fun! Always quick with a kind word & endless supply of smiles with her comments! PEE-JAY: I got to meet Pee-Jay when she responded to a "Help Wanted" ad for my paper, I got to really know & luv her after I canceled
Ok welp. Me and the hubby got into another fight tonight. he sent me a text telling me "f**K you, im coming home to get my stuff and stayin in the barracks". i said ok. he came home, and went straight to his computer. after about two hours, i went in there and was like can you take a few mins away from your computer to talk about this. I basically told him how i felt he told me pretty much what he wanted to tell me ( i know there was more, he just didn't wanna say it) so i flat out told him, if u want a divorce then speak up, i wasn't gonna live my life, fighting, miserable and crying all the time. that he needed to let me know what he wanted. He looked @ me and went back to his computer. and i walked out. sorry just wanted to rant
Today I was weighed at the doctor and I weigh 97 lbs. So my weight is in control :) All I need to do is get myself toned. Get More at I hope one day we can be married :X
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests hi me up on yahoo at brokendownbravery
Today I Am Pimping Out ×,.·´¨'°÷·..§ Zêrð §..·÷°'¨´·.,×'
×,.·´¨'°÷·..§ Zêrð §..·÷°'¨´·.,×' Is A Great Guy And I Wou Love it So Much If you Added Him He Is Sweet And A Cutie To Boot!!!!!! So Feel Free To Add him!
Today 12/6/07
Thanx 4 all that have become Members in the last few days:) We have 18 members in just a little over 2 days so I think we're doing pretty good. I will be putting in daily updates for you in this blog so be sure to check it out. Ok, first of all a few reminders, Please make sure to add Member of Dylon's Divas to you profile name. My assistants and I will be checking and if you don't know who they are, check my profile(All the Divas are on there). Make sure to rate/fan/add all the Divas, You are all very special women so let's make sure we all get to know one another. Oh, I need your help as well, please help me maintain the site and help me level up cuz I need more picture space for the Divas...Just come in and rate me so that I can get more pics..hehe...I hate asking but I wanna make sure we have room for all the Divas, cuz we will be getting more soon;) And for my last thing for today, A Special Diva Shout out to Diva Mcdreamy for all her help with the ID Badges and Diva Pics!!! So m
My hororscope.... You're often telling other people how it is -- or how it should be -- but today, you need to turn the tables. Try not to say as much and really listen to everyone of any importance in your life. WOW..... seriously???? of all things.... WOW....
Todays Awards
i just got a certificate, and coin from the secretary of the army. boy was there dressed and dressed dudes in the area guarding him
Today I Am Pimping Out Miss Dissocia
Miss Dissocia Is So Dam Beautiful And So Sweet you Would Be Very Happy that you Added Her So Mke Sure you Check Her Out And Rate Fan And Add Her!!!! thank you Ksses To you All!!!! Jamie
Today! Please Help In My Giveaway, Need Lots Of Comments, Ty To All Who Has Been Helping And Will :)
MARK IS ON HIS WAY TO VISIT… BUT I CAN’T WAIT -- HAVE A NOONER WITH ME? (Well OK, just another Fu-bucks give-away…. But still -- could be fun!!) So here’s the deal… TODAY ONLY DURING MY NOON HAPPY HOUR (That’s 12/7 at 12 PM Pacific Time, 3 PM Eastern time) Pick someone out of my give-away folder (pick any person… including yourself if you’re a contestant!!). Give them 100 comments. I’ll give YOU 10,000 Fu-bucks. YEAH, that’s right… 100 bucks per comment. It’s a good deal… and you know you aren’t getting any work done anyway, right? SO COME ON… You’ll be helping someone else AND getting Fu-bucks too. Few simple rules • No NSFW comments are to be left. • You must private message me once you have completed the 100 comments. Let me know WHICH pic you chose. And I will promptly send you 10,000 Fu-bucks. DO NOT SHOUT ME please. • YES, you can do this multiple times during the hour… no maximum. Just um, be fast about it,
today could be the best day of your life its up to you to make it tat way
Today I Am Pimping Out Psychocat1
psychocat1 She Is Awesome And Very Beautiful!!!!! you Should Be honnred To Add Rate And Fan Her!!! So please Go Check Her out!!!!!! Kisses And Hug's! Jamie
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Craig's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page!
Today Is A Bad And It Shows
I held the knife so close to my heart. Like a foolish child I sat and I cried, Didn't realize what I had done, what I had tried. Tears mixed with blood, falling slowly to the ground. Covered in blood, pulled myself up, in tears scribed: "To those who don't care, to those who can't see, Never Give up always thrive to be free." Didn't know how many people would later cry. "Tried to be free, yet I see this isn't the way." Friend at the door, ran as fast as she could. Too weak to say I'm sorry, otherwise I would. In tears, looked at the blue sad day. When you come and see this pool of blood and me, This isn't the way my life was meant to be. ************************************************ Mixing and matching, Twisting and turning, Hoping and praying, Dreaming and considering, Never knowing yet always knowing, Wanting to, yet not wanting to, Mixing my heart, Matching my soul to yours, Twisting fate with the flick of the wrist, Turning my life over, Hoping tha
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today I Listen Punk Music
i am happy today i listen a punk!!!!!!!! punk never death!! go go go revolution!!! the world is diferent only need a punk music and ur dreams! go go go revolutions!! bye problems, bye stupid president, bye all bad ppl i love music, i love punk! sex pistols, polla records, skape, the ramones, etc!!!!go go go punk!!!
Today's Horoscope -- So True!
Daily Horoscope: Leo For December 9,2007 You have little patience for small minds today and anyone who is consumed with pettiness will feel at least a little disdain coming from your direction. Try to spread it around, though!
Today I Am Pimping Out Faberfrench!!!!!!!!!
faberfrench Is A Very Sexy And Sweet Guy! (Hey Lady's e Loves BBW's) So Do yourself A Favore And Add Him Rate Him And Maybe Even Fan Him!!!! Have Fun With this One Lady's He Is A Good One To Have On Your List!!!!! Kisses And Hug's
Today I Met A Great New Friend
imikimi - Customize Your World Today I met a great new friend Who new me right away It was funny how she understood All I had to say She listened to my problems She listened to my dreams We talked about love and life She's been there too, it seems I never once felt judged by her She new just how I felt She seemed just to accept me And all the problems I dealt She didn't interrupt me Or need her to say She just listened very patiently And didn't go away I wanted her to understand How much this meant to me I hope we'll be together As friends Always and forever Copyright ©2007 Christine Knouse
Ill be gone today My son has testing to do at Childrens in Columbus. show me some love ! xox
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store!
today was a pain in the ass for me persoanally..i dislike the christmaas season anyway but heck today was a particularly bad one after a night with no sleep all because my sister is getting married at the weekend to a guy who is an arse...and really believes himself to be a bad ass all because he reacons that he wasa marine...what a lying sack of puke...i have friends who are marines and i know that its all a load of crap...but anyway that is not the ereason for the blog..this is just me letting of steam i guess. I have a friend who was going to come and fly from the state side to come and visit me inthe uk but er ex husband soon put a dampenier on that as he decided that she couldn't bring the kids and he wasn't going to have them over the hiolidays all because he is a controlling sack of you know i am fed up and the gut wuill not talk to you doesn't it..isn't that always the case with control freaks and bullies..they will not face up to someone that they can
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is My Birthday
Today is my birthday !! I am 24 I turned 24 a 12:30 or 12:35 am. I'd love if I got a blast or something of the sort !! Just for my birthday !!
So IE is acting wonky so I'm trying to use mozilla... but I don't really like it. I'm going as far as trying to get IE7- which I wanted to wait to do for a long long time. I need to update yahoo messenger too. Probably not a horrible idea but I don't like change. Oh well. Work went well today. Fairly short but longer than 2 hours which is always nice. Oh does anyone know if my bookmarks will automatically transfer over to IE7? I miss my bookmarks. :( OH! And I'm still waiting for the answer... am I going to get one or should I take being ignored as a no?
Today Ranked 109
Today's Rank - 109 First time I ever Ranked Thanks to Johnnydevil for getting me the screen shot. Go show him some Love. He is the Best friend to have. Johnnydevil@ fubar
~ Today Is My Birthday ~
~finally got my freedom from outside influences controlling and preventing myself to be the complete slave i am instinctively for myMaster, even though He has patiently waited with me all these 4+ years now,,,,,,now He can come and move me, His property, in with Him in O/our apartment in Michigan to forever be with Him@His feet where i thrive and belong,,thank You myMaster for loving and wanting me as one of Yours in Your life and heart,,,,,,Your myEverything,,,,,,,,,~ Your deeply devoted slavegirl, tallyssinae[R]
Todays Horoscope..
You're in a good position to get your way with the boss or that one cutie -- but only if you can wait them out! Your patience is far from legendary, but you can pull it off if you really want to. Ok so I am bored today.. So I look at this.. and think about it.. HMMMM I dont have patience.. Never have.. That could explain so much about me as a person.. I try to be patient.. but it just seem to work..
Today In Native American History
14 December 1985 Wilma Mankiller became the first Native American woman to become Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Her photo posted in Native American Photos.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
i dont want to go to work but i guess i will dont have a choice
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST if you wanna get in a request.. message the screen name bunnirockradio on Skype Yahoo IM and AOL IM or email me 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Horoscope
Daily Overview for December 18, 2007 Provided by Daily Extended Forecast Quickie: Spend less time with your nose in work, and more time with your head in the clouds. Go figure I am at work.. WORKING LOL
Has been fun! If you call getting accused of being stupid, getting told your useless, and getting told your getting sued as being fun....then it's been a blast. I really do love my job tho.... Random thought for the day....... I'm STARVIN MARVIN!!!
Today 12/19
Okay...I had a nice long visit with one of my good friends...(anonymous) and after i slept...I woke up (haha astounding I know) but I mumm'd now I do that occasionally, but this morning it was personal. Aside from the silly comments about smoking was a very decent response. seems I let my independant side think for me. Thing is I need my friends. All of them and i push so very hard to shut everyone out in order to preserve my appearance of confidence..which some can tell you isn't much to speak of sometimes. I am strong and resiliant but I am as fragile as a very thin that would be handwashed only and handled with extreme care. Me and my analogies..sigh so i open the access portal a bit...only gifts made for me or made for others will be open photo albums as well as my default. I have a issue with the if people could see me thru them and somehow effect me. Sometimes i wonder if I am a bit too sensitive and sometimes I think it is
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store!
sorry i couldnt flirt,comment or rate pics or mumms today...was very busy at work...hope u all had a good hump day
Todays Looser
2007-12-19 14:03:45 hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii how are u...........i wanna sex....u? u r to want web cam fucck love each ohter...u web cam? come noww Thinkin this guy might needs a new approach. Sheeesh Come on....its spelt out loud and clear on my profile.... I dont cam and dont cyber.... before you make an ass of yourself read...
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST
Today Now
if you watch this video show called Today Now these two ass hole's talk show host where makeing fun of this kid because he when in pool with his t-shit on. he did want to show his size of him self and mom and dad let him be on show and sat there while he was degraded and did nothing or come to his aid and defend him
Well I went to Agusta if anyone didn't know thats the Capitol of Maine. Had to get my moms windshield fixed, because on the way to work wensday a huge rock hit the window. Then we went out for dinner. and Went to clairs so I could get my mom her nose studs for christmas. She got 6 packs for 18 dollars. they are having good sales right now for stuff. Then we came home and I didn't realize I left my cell phone at the house. I had 5 text messages, 2 missed calls and 1 voice mail. And most of them where from my boyfriend. I think he kinda got freaked out when I didn't answer or something I'm not sure.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
My heart was broken today. Have you ever loved someone enough to let them go because if they return to you it was meant to be. I desire the deepest love a man can give. I want him to by passed his heart and love me from his soul. I want him to be my everything. I want him and I to be able to commit to each other full. Everything I have and everything I inspire to be I want to share with someone special. I want him to be the center of my world. I have so much love to give. Love is the center of my world rather I am with someone or not. But, it's always nice to have someone to share that love with. I have been in love before and it is the greastest feeling in the world. It's not the sex factor. It's the companionship that you miss the most. Simple things like them asking "How was your day"? Just having them home to talk to about anything and everything. Love is so important to me.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777
Recap for today: Walmart sucks. Fucking bitches not wanting to return stuff that is absolutely returnable. Dumb fucks. But then I got to hang out with Jeremy. He was putting in hardwood floors at his trailer. So right now I'm covered in sawdust. Arg.. we're deciding what to have for supper and I'm hunnngggrrrryyy. Anyways I don't remember what else I was going to write about so this is it for now...
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to join us!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at World Rock Radio Yes, the best station on the net will be here today and tomorrow to ROCK YOUR CHRISTMAS! Come in and join us
Today :)
If I left today would you notice ? If I left today would you wave goodbye ? If I left today would you wonder why ? If I left today would you walk me to the place ? If I left today would you wipe the tears from my face ? If I left today would you shed a tear ? If I left today would you tell me I had nothing to fear ? would you ?
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to join us!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at World Rock Radio Yes, the best station on the net will be here today and tomorrow to ROCK YOUR CHRISTMAS! Come in and join us
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00pm EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at wiccakitty2002 Click banner to visit Cougar's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store! Click banner to enter lounge
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00pm EST Click banner to enter lounge World Rock Radio, the place to ROCK & PARTY is hosting a Pre-Anniversary party to get ya revved up for the big night! DJ EVIL will be giving away 200,000 fubux tonight! Everyone in the lounge has a chance to win something!! Some come hang out with us, meet some new friends, yak with some old ones & win some fubux!!! *Random drawings will be held during the hours of 10pm until 2am EST. Players have the chance of winning 25 to 10,000 fubux each. Players may win more than once. Players must be present in the lounge if their name is called and will have 10 seconds to respond in the lounge* 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evi
Today's Pimpout!
fireforeman 20-05 'Rate Spanker'&'Spirit Leveler'@ fubar Patches O'Houlihan - Club FAR@ fubar
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store! Click banner to enter lounge
Today's Youth
How to deal with today's youth. I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes. We decided to grab a bite at the food court. I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager had spiked hair in all different colours: green, red, orange, and blue. My dad kept staring at him. The teenager would look and find him staring every time. When the teenager had enough, he sarcastically asked, "What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?" Knowing my Dad would have a good one, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not choke on his answer. And in classic style he did not bat an eye in his response. "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son."
today was a good day i met a few new people onhere and this site rocks i have invited many of my friends and i hope they all join me too
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today's Quote
Here's today's quote: The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become. Chew on that a while. I'm out
What we have is real And what I give you is real So lost we are in time All that we are is here All we ever were, it’s here right now Dreams can come true You and I will still come true Don’t forget all the tears And don’t forget the dreams once made All you have, is now, the present that I gave So close your eyes Close those star filled eyes You were made for so much more than this You are so much more than this The stars collided and made you The most amazing light died for you The sun awaits to see your eyes And when it does the angels cry Hold my hand and let it go It’s ok to let it go No one is around but you and I now A breath a dream a fear of death and what it means I am here for you now, I am here for you now It’s time, right now I never thought it would be right now ……
Today's Quote
The real prolem is not whether machines think but whether people do. Digest that one.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Total
I RUN OUTTA EVERYTHING. WE R 1461 AHEAD RIGHT NOW SO YOU all ROCK. Comments: 13300 TYASVM we gonna do this ya'll. Hippie
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store!
Today's Pentacostal Evangel - Dec, 30 2007
During my vacation to see family in Missouri, my parents brought home this Christian magazine and I started to read this one article called "2007 - A Look Back" in the Dec 30, 07 issue of TPE: Today's Pentacostal Evangel. I sent this on 1-06-07 to the magazine and one of the writers of a section of this article who is a lawyer and I'm waiting for a response. Some of it has many facts I have stated in previous blogs, including a new section stating that there are actually 7 days of creation, and not 6, because the chronology in the Bible is textually incorrect. .............. God is not responsible for human suffering. The human ego (false self-image) is. God does not have a plan or intention and make choices for us or we would cease to have free will. You cannot earn a "free" gift that was given out of unconditional love by earning it by meeting conditions or it ceases to be a gift and to be unconditional. Christianity cannot bring peace by bringing prophecies about the Arm
Today I See...
There's another sad song on the radio. I wait for it to end, but it goes so slow. I feel the words in my veins, they know my story. And, still, I think of you. The pain is familiar, I've been here before. I knew my way around once, but don't anymore. Every tear has its reason for falling down my face. And, still, I think of you. There are so many things behind this smile, that you will never know. And I've waited long enough for you, but now it's time to go. My mind is drowned in hopelessness, another sleepless night. And, still, I think of you. I've got my suitcase of memories, I'm ready to be on my way. Maybe I'll see you again, another day. Got all my broken dreams to guide me, I'm ready to go. And, still, I think of you. I promised myself that I wouldn't turn back. But it was the strength you gave me, I forgot to pack. I have second thoughts, I'm so confused. And, still, I think of you. I turn one last time, to meet your stare. And you tell me that yo
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is The Day
Ello. Todays the day i look for a third job... but i'm thinking about putting it off til tomorrow.. I don't have to work the rest of the day today so i just wanna relax before I got all crazy working three jobs. Anywho, I was thinking about ranting a little there, but it might be to earl for that.. no one wants to hear reanting before 10am... i know i don't :P So yea, that's all.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today's Crap From Me
No matter how you slice it, it's still baloney. simple enough There was a young fellow named Bliss Whose sex life was strangely amiss, For even with Venus His recalcitrant penis Would never do better than t h i s . Jokes I'm dating a homeless woman. It was much easier to talk her into staying over. Why is it a mistake to date a necrophiliac? He just wants you for your body. I think you've been punished enough. :)
Today's Love Quote "It's a lot easier to admit you are angry than to admit you are hurt." --Source Unknown
The wind is blowing My hands full of dirt, The sky’s so clear and blue. The earth entombs me, In its’ lavish existence. This very moment in time, I feel alive, well, satisfied. Everything around me breaths.. Peace is my savior today. I look around, And I’m thankful. Consumed in the moment.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004
Today Sucks
Seems like my bestest friends are all having tough times and to top it off..... I tried to open the tuna packet I brought for lunch and now I am wearing it! I want to go back to bed.
Today's Crap From Me
Here we go: If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average. If you didn't like that, then here: A friend is a person who does his knocking before he enters instead of after he leaves. Now, some beautiful poetry: There once was a lady from Arden Who sucked off a man in a garden He said, "My dear Flo, Where does it go?" And she said, "(swallowing hard)I Beg your pardon?" And here's a corny joke for you to part with: She was a lovely girl. Our courtship was fast and furious - I was fast and she was furious. ok ok one more joke: The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy. That's it for today. Take a bite, chew, and swallow.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST
Today's Rank
1/11/08 Today is the first time I had a rank.....#531. Surprised the heck out of me....LOL Just wanted to document it in a blog I guess... I know .....Stupid huh? But how many people can say that they have a ranking.....yeah, I know probably quite a few. whatever........ Have a great day and thanks for taking the time to read my blogs. 1/27/08 Ranked #509 a little better than a couple of weeks ago.
Visit www.hostdrjack.comCLICK HERE! Visit www.hostdrjack.comCLICK HERE!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page! Click banner to visit the World Rock Radio logo store!
Pleasure is a Journey WE ALL accept an Delightful way of sayin\"life\".. Mine is that way,Ive experienced More than Ive wished too, Enjoyed more than i should have.. an Laughed or *Smiled* More times than I can count...... This Journey is Rough,had momments too.... Life is like Wings you cutt them off you fall. so catch up.....:p I fly Fast.. An Dreams are My opening to Eternal~Bliss...... Keep them Together an on Strong ,,DONT Fall. Words of Wisdom,,Due to Knowledge gained... ~AnglRos~ *Can you accept yours..tell me...
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todayt Is My _day!!
Hey ppl today is my 21st B-day please show me some love I'll like a 7, 30 day blast And maybe a HH if u wanna show me that much love But if u don't just send me something lol and alot of comments toooo!!!!!!
Todays Agenda....
Today Is The Day
There are plenty of blogs out there. And I'll be the one to be honest right now, I have not read one yet. I just figured I'd write some things down and let others read REAL things for just one second. Life has its ups and downs of course but I'll be another first to tell you this reap what you sew. If You feel like life's not fair, get over it.....You make it what it is. bottom line, if you try to live a good life, then you will have a good life. Something to look back ona nd always rememebr that you didn't sulk or whine. Everyone does it. I am that kind of human being, that used to sulk and whine but here recently I've realized I have found life to be something of a gift. I think that I'll always remember that people are people. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone gets what they give. Kharma people! It's a beauty.!! Anywho..I love poetry and I hope to find some good ones on here. Thanks a bunch! ♥ shell
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST
To Dave..
You know over the years people come, people go.. As A father,we expect our children look after us when we get old and grey..but sometimes we get cheated,when there ill and vulnerable wanting to change places.. anything to make it safe for them..wishing that you can carry the pain for them just to clean another day to watch em smile..but it never happens.. All I ask of you, is to show him a lot of love to dave he needs right now,show him that he is in you're prayers tonight,I know how it feels to lose some one and wouldn't wish this on anyone Crazydave FU Owned by Summer - Brit Bomber 6@ fubar Im soo sorry to hear of this dave,your in our prayers tonight.
today my life felt like it was eroding beneith my feet, the pain and the bordem of the day was so distressing I could have shot myself in the brain and killed millions and millions of braincells and I would have enjoyed it aswell mostly I could and would have give myself the most horrific death in the entire world it would be worse than Jack the ripper the famous killer I mean the day was utterly annoying
Today's Funnies...
Comment BuddyMySpace CommentsComment BuddyMySpace CommentsComment BuddyMySpace Comments
Today Wisdom For All From Me!!
What Insanity We; Live, Breathe and Walk Within Our Lives? Quotes from Coco Chanel: "Scheherazade is easy. A little black dress is difficult." Line from Steel Magnolias: "What distinguishes us from the animals is our ability to accessorize." Actually I would disagree with that....animals are always at the best no matter what they look like. So not always accessorizing is best....because humans and animals are not the same, for someone to compare dressing to animals is going complete insane because the two will never be the same. Wisdom from Mark Twain: "Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to." Actually....Mark Twain should had said...”If man was wise as the hooting owl upon nightfall, he would never be lost to why he is always wandering lost within life, while talking from the ass that make no sense to anyone and he is failing too see no one is the same or different, life was created to be union of whole not many.” At time I wonder why I was born into a wor
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777
Today Wisdom
Today is yesterday and tomorrow is today, so why care about them, when all you need is this one brief second of my lips upon yours. Yet today as I brush my lips against yours, I shall say, "Today is just another chapter within chances to achieve your hidden dreams, so why worry of what can't be change today." ©2008 Firestar
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today In Baseball History
Today in baseball history Between the stock market disintegrating today, Super Bowl stuff and very little actual baseball stuff to discuss, I came across this tidbit on Baseball-Reference's TIBH section: 1997 - All-Star first baseman Don Mattingly officially announces his retirement at a media conference in Yankee Stadium. (so long, Sucker) And then this: 2003 - Former Minnesota Twins backup David Ortiz is signed by the Boston Red Sox, where he will start a successful and productive career over the years for coming. (Hello, Redsox Dynasty)
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Lol
well as usual i get to drive all over the damn place yet i always seem to be bored lol i read i watch movies but nothing seems to help one way or the other i end up bored. if i were a scientist i would work on a way to cure boredom lol i know that there is a cure its called sex lol but given my job i cant do that unless i take a woman with me and i dont know of anyone i trust enough to take with me that is single lmao oh well looks like i am just gonna have to deal with it
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprinc
Today Was The Day....
Today !!!!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at johns_angel2007 Click banner to visit Crimson's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
...I did my biology homework, english homework and read most Ive what I need to by monday. I also played Tomb Raider Anniversary for a while. That game can be pretty hard sometimes. Then, tonight(or this morning I guess) I redid my fubar profile's skin, updated all the information and chatted online. By the way my fubar(kinda like myspace for adults) page is Or if your reading this on my fubar profile my myspace is
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Pimpout
Today I am pimping out dj_mr right and darkside266 Both are sweethearts, when they want to be lol. Both good looking, nice guys. Check them out, rate/fan/add
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Mailbag........
In todays mail cooter gets himself this..... i just hope for the love of god this is a scammer who has not really read cooters page. Still beats my normal mail bag of fatty hate. Hello How are You doing and i liked what i read in your profile and pls take a Look at mine ...if it interested in reaching me you can reach me on i am new on here and Looking to meet someone that has dreams and visions and knows what they want in Life and Out of Life well my name is kelly and tell me how do you feel about long distance relationships ? ....hope to hear from you ..kelly
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) Bands Competing Tonight are:
Today Is ...........
January 31: National Cover-Up Day (USA) 1012 - The second coming did not happen. 1492- Nothing happened. You didn't see anything. 1776 - The United States of America was always unquestionably free. 1812 - We had reasonable cause to attack. 1847 - The United States retaliated against a Mexican surprise attack. 1861 - The United States was always united. 1917 - The United States irrefutably wins World War I in late-inning heartstopper. 1945 - The United States irrefutably wins World War II in extra time.Germans claim the ball had not crossed the line.England don't care. 1965 - The United States irrefutably wins the Vietnam War in seven games. 1974- President Nixon finishes out his "optional" term of office. 2001 - Heavy winds cause the World Trade Center towers to weaken. 2003 - The United States irrefutably wins the War in Iraq in a 4-game whitewash. 2005 - It is the policy of this Administration not to discuss ongoing investigations. 2006 - Global Warming?
today sucked my headache wont go away and its lonely here i think i need a bf mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok sleepy time
Todays Funny
If I can find humour in this Russell Peters -- White Canadian Accent most of ya'll can find humour in this LMAO specially my fellow canadians talking to Americans
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is My Big Day
im 28 now so please show me some love
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Ok things are so werid in my life that i don't even understand anymore. So i find myself looking in the mirror to find some source of strenth. I smile to myself and this damn song comes strolling through my mind ,,,,,, If you like pina' coldas,,,,and getting caught in the rain,,,,, I know silly song but hey i bet not u are thinking it too!!!!! lmao!!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today... There was a time when I have lost a valuable thing. My heart still aches.. " A terribly painful event. Pain.. from the remaining painful events after losing a valuable person. But I am still searching. For one who will like me for who i am. Person of my own. And.. I have found that person. But that is a beginning of something more painful. It's painful to be with someone knowing that there's nothing you can do for that person. Watching that person in pain is painful.. So I disappeared from that person. Because i like him, I disappeared. But still.. not being able to see that person is more painful. Not being able to be with that person is more painful. Because I like him...i parted from him. " "You like him, but you're parting from him?" "That is for the sake of his happiness..." "Happiness....what is that?" "Happiness...that is..." "This is your happiness?" "My happiness is here? My happiness is only with that person." "Although it's painful...alt
Today's Joke
Bubba was killed in a house fire and his body was burned beyond recognition. So, the sheriff called in his 2 best friends to i.d. the body. The sheriff asked Jim bob 1st. " Is that Bubba?" Jim bob asked to have the body rolled on its stomach. After carefully checking he says " NOPE that ain't Bubba" Then Cletus was asked to help. " Roll him over" said Cletus. after careful scrutiny he said " NOPE, that ain't Bubba" The sheriff asked Cletus and Jim bob how they could be so sure, Cletus answered " Well, ever'body in town knows Bubba had 2 assholes" "2 assholes!?" asked the sheriff. "yep, ever time we came to the bar people would say " Look here comes Bubba and dem 2 assholes!
yes, there are generally sucky days even in my new paradise. today was one of them. the general suckiness continues. blow me. thank you. good night.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is A Gift...
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, 'Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd.' I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon ) , so I shrugged my shoulders and went on. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, 'Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives'. He looked at me and said, 'Hey thanks!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at doc777_777 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Comment 2 All!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at doc777_777 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
Today's Blast Contest! (has A Winner)
ok be the first one to catch my blast(screen shot & Post to your account) then link me to it...will win a one day blast! I'm shoting for godfather this month and will be giving more away all month! Btw tell your friends to add me for more updates! 504 Bourbon member Mademoiselle wins today's blast! ~*MÅÐëmØï§ëllë ÐÅmnïëllë*~GrëëTëR @ ~504 BØürbØn §TrëëT~@ fubar Show her love, rate, fan add her!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Quote.
Nj Murderess (Cabby): dude im worried about mike Nj Murderess (Cabby): he hasnt been on myspace in six days LaLa: FUCK MIKE Nj Murderess (Cabby): i did dear, thats why im pregnant. don't ask me why, but this humored me.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today's Just Been A Bad Day...
I was supposed to leave for Phoenix this morning to meet my friend Sam. We are having another big storm. As of 6am, my flight was on. I went out to clean up the driveway and fell on the ice. Tore up my knee and bled all over the place (at least I didn't rip my pants). By the time I got back in, my flight had been cancelled. After 2 hours on the phone, I get a new flight and adjust my hotel reservations. I now have a 6am flight out of Boston tomorrow morning. Not a big deal, I can drive there in a few hours. As I hung up from talking to Continental, I realized that I am flying home to Portland. I’d have to get there by 4am, which means leaving home at 2:30am. Also, my truck would be left in Boston for 10 days (and parking is very pricey), not to mention that I would have to get from Portland to Boston to pick it up. Well, I can’t ask a friend to drive me there given the hour that I’d have to leave. So…now I am taking a bus to Boston this afternoon, sleeping overnight at the Bost
Today Is Valetines Day
to day is love day....You well see alot of flowers and cards and candy.....who really need all that ....The one thing I would love to have right now in my arms again are my boys....I have the love of my life in my arms...Boogie is my every thing...
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Thru Monday
dont expect me to be online much until monday...maybe even monday. from what i'm being dragged into...or so i HEAR, this will be a weekend my cellphone should be out of my reach at all times. i'm sorry in advance to anyone who gets a drunk dial, but if you wanna know how to tell when i'm drunk, ask me why. my reason will be because either you or me or us are awsome. trust me. i drunk dialed one dude i knew from fubar and every reason i gave was cuz i was awsome. lol! so tonight, i'm going to hang out wit katelin. FIRST i need to get this paper done and hand it in around 5. but yea, me and katelin decided we didnt wanna spend vday in our respective rooms so we're going to her favorite restaurant and go see "step it up 2" cuz she wants to. i have no issue wit this. anything would be better than me driving (that would require me to clean off my car) or me sitting here while my roommate is out with her boytoy. hopefully she wont come back tonight and that will make it 3 night
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at doc777_777 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
A new day. Another foray into the unknown. As is every second. I am at such a loss as to what to do about anything. Almost in a state of mental paralysis. I'll be gone so soon. Don't know how long. Its part of the plan though. But not mine. Will you be there for me? No. I am alone. You tread upon the surface but no one wants in. No one to listen, to touch, to share. Keep searching, keep searching. In vain? Who knows? The clock is ever ticking. But my time is not running out. I have no time. I am eternal. More depressing still. But only for the moment. Things will change, for better and for worse. We are so easily dissatisfied with what we have. We always want more or something else but when we seek it we usually end up with something we didn't want or expect. Then we wish for what we had. If there were Gods watching from above I could certainly imagine them laughing their celestial asses off. But there aren't. Others maybe. I hope someone is laughing atleast. It would be a shame for al
Todays Treats
Monday, February 18 This is a transition day when it is hard to get much done as communicator Mercury ends its retrograde phase. It may take a few days to untangle misunderstandings and to tie up loose ends, but we are ready to move forward again, having fought against a cosmic undertow since last November. Additionally, the Moon enters lively Leo at 1:51 pm EST, enabling us to express our needs, which we may have been keeping quietly to ourselves for the last few days.Aries You might feel more optimistic, but nothing necessarily happens now to support your belief that things are getting better. Nevertheless, your positive attitude can be exactly the catalyst that you need to shift your life into the next gear. Don't be afraid to plan for the future; you'll be there sooner than you think. Taurus You could spend much of this week solving problems that developed over the last couple of weeks. Your frustration begins to dissipate as your efforts quickly reap the desired results, y
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at doc777_777 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 1
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today, Tomorrow And Always He Is There
In sickness or health.. In suffering and pain In storm-laden skies In sunshine and in rain.. GOD IS ALWAYS THERE.. To lighten your way.. And lead you through "darkness" To a much brighter day.. *** The Lord will hear when I call unto him.. Psalms 4:3
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at doc777_777 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
when i logged on and checked ben aka casper's pics i found that he deleted our folder that he had our wedding cert in wtf? he don't even tell me or anything that he is deleting them... jojo heart broken!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
I'm still sick as hell and I'm having some problems dealing with a few things. I'm physically and mentally weak right now. I don't really know what my motivation is by sharing this. But I would rather get it out of my head than to dwell on it.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Spotlight Rigged 2-28-08
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to tune in now! World Rock Radio presents... METAL MONDAY!!! Your favorite METAL MUSIC ALL DAY LONG! Your Hosts: 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page!
Well Today i went out to a hiring center, and it was absolutely horrible. They are extremely slow there and they make fun of the people they are job placing. What the hell man, how can people be this retarded, they work in a building for some time so they should know that the walls are paper thin so they should know that the applicants can hear them. I must get my GED asap so I can avoid these places, I feel so low that I'm applying somewhere were I'm surrounded by ex drug users that can't get a job anywhere because they fried their brain cells.
Today Is The Day.
im deleting those that never talk to me or never respond to my comments,im sick of 1 sided friendships,if your reading this then it wont be you,if your not well you wont know ive deleted till its too late...HA! sorry!!
Today Or Tomorrow
Today is today, Tomorrow is tomorrow, Yesterday was the past, Filled with sorrow, For it was a tragic day in mid February, It seemed like yesterday I can clearly remember, I seemed so healthy and grand, Next thing I know I'm in the hospital holding with no one holding my hand. For the cancer had got me and she I fell, As you see I thought I was doing so well, I fought the good fight, But the cancer took all of my might, So remember this, Time goes way to fast, So make the moments last.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to tune in now! World Rock Radio presents... TWO FER TUESDAY!!! DOUBLE SHOTS of YOUR Favorite MUSIC ALL DAY LONG! Your Hosts: 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to tune in now! World Rock Radio presents... WILD WEDNESDAY!!! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT THE DJs WILL PLAY! Your Hosts: 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page!
Today's Blessing
May we begin to identify and understand the meaning of one of the unacknowledged longings within us.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to tune in now! World Rock Radio presents... TRIPLE SHOT THURSDAY!!! Your Hosts: 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Was Hard
i had a really hard time dealing with shit today i held everything for the beginning of the day and then freaked out at the end i sat in my car when i got got home and just started crying i stayed in the fucking car for an hour and just cried i thought id be ok with everything but im not i feel so awful about everything that has gone on in the past couple months
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to tune in now! World Rock Radio presents... FREAKY FRIDAY!!! Your Hosts: 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7 Click banner to visit BratPrince's MySpace page! 2:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today Sucks
today my little sister left the island....Her and her husband are going to Kentucky because that is where he got station at..Me and my sister always had our up's and downs but we was always there for each other and she was there to help me with my babies.I will miss my sister alot and now i have no partner in crime..and that sucks..Love u sis..Miss u always..
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Has Been Ok.
I guess today is a ok day, been in a decent mood, not mass anxiety. My head kinda hurts, ive got a party to attempt to attend[my social anxietys kept me from large gatherings for a while not] but i snapped a few pics of my pink hair, cuz its been pink for weeks now, just havent felt up to takeing any pics. when you feel like shit its hard to wana look pretty for the camera. St pattys day is comming up, for the first time in like 5 or more years the family is gunna finally get together for some cornedbeef and cabbage, itll be somethign nice to look forward to. Normally i spent st pattys day upset because its the day i got the call that my dad was going to die. Then my boytoys birthday is on the 18th, then Aunt donnas birthday at the end of the month. April 1st will be the 5 year aniversary of my dads death. 5 years and its still having such a huge impact on me. I can barely even function this time of year. On a brighter note, April 2nd is my birthday. yay for being 24 i guess?
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
I swear to christ I nearly quit my job this morning. I didn't though. I was scheduled to work at 645 in Springfield. A couple of friends here in town said they'd give me a ride and I was ready to go at 545am. I get a call from Jen telling me that our boss called them and had a change of plans. A store (in another district!) was short 10 people and needed help. Ok, fine. Pisses me off a little but I'm half asleep so fuck it, whatever. Brad has to go to Springfield to get a rental van and then since we'd have to come right back through here they'd stop and get me. They call when they're back in town and confuse the fuck out of me (not that it takes much normally but it's early and slept like shit last night.) My boss calls and clears some stuff up. I'm getting pissier and pissier by the moment because I'm realizing that by the time we get up to this fucking store near KANSAS CITY, we'll probably either be there for only 2 hours- or all fucking day. Brad and Jen get here and I asked
Umm... I get my xbox 360 in the mail tomorrow. Should be fun. playing a game on my friends right now. nothing really new for today
Good morning to you! Well.....I woke up this morning and I started to have a s shitty day :(. Then I get on teh computer. I see a message from my friend JIM... we said hi and blah blah, then I told him I was eating cereal, he asked what kind I was eating, my rersponse was; honey bunches of oats lol. His was something about me eating old womans cereal, that made me laugh out loud it honestly did, well now thanks to my friend JIM...I'm no longer feeling shitty, he made me smile and that's all it takes for me to make my day better. Thank you JIM! *yes i'm a dork!
Today Today I went to Wall-Mart, as many times befor. Something was different, You weren't in the store. Shopping is such a chore, One that I chose not to do no more,, Sad, loney,depressed, your memory lays heavy on my chest. With you,the store held so much to look for. But now,all I do,is look for the door,,, Today I am sad, Yesterday I was sad, Tomorrow, I'll be sad,, Patsy Crow ~ March 21,2004 Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at i_am_the_cypher Click banner to visit Cypher's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today ...i Felt Your Pain....
Today I felt your pain, one that tears at my heart. Stained glass, Cracked and bleeding. Do you know that I bleed for you? A crack....small but spreading, exposing my tears, exposing my fears, baring my soul. Do you feel my heart bleeding? Do you feel my pain? Not with your hands... but with your heart. Do you know my heart bleeds for you
As I walk into today, Yesterday is left behind. All the worries it brought, Slowly ease from my mind. Today is brand new, Full of new hopes and dreams. A new chance to be happy, At least it is for me. Yesterdays sorrows can not hold me back, Todays hopes will pull me through. The only way my day would be better, Is if I get to spend it with you.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
I got a cleavage microdermal done tonite. It literally knocked the breath out of me. (the pressure of it that is) BUT, i fucking LOVE it! So sexy. so expect pics. Fo shO! and not NSFW ones either... just normal pics that inlclude enough cleavage to see it. I dont want a million responses asking where the naked ones are. oh and... i am bored. so talk to me. bc i cant fucking move around too much so i am stuck sitting here. grr....
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
I realised that I`m freakin out. Not a single fuckin guy made a pass on me. NONE. For a whole month. WTF???????????
Today's Tattoos Vs. The Old Day's Tattoos
Only bikers and servicemen had 'em at one time Nowadays "respectable" people have them Hell, Roseanne & Cher have 'em on their behind Poor Man's art collecting is what I call it One tattoo and you'll be addicted to it Some people hate them, yet ask, hey can I have a peek? Beautiful colors + endless designs = each one unique In the past there was infections, if you know what I mean Today's artist's take courses on how to be 100% safe & clean Sure they hurt a little, "but you won't die" Surprise your friends and watch the look in their eyes Wow! You got a tattoo! Maybe I'll get one, too! You reply, Go with me when I get #2 Tattooed people are cool, respectable - peace loving Other words, just like everyone else "except for their artwork" Ours hangs on no wall - it's on our flesh
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Todays Comment 3/24/08
Thank you for all the compliments on the comment I sent out...but...I have too give kudos to Mantis...the guy I own this month for making it for me. He did an awesome job. I love it! Below is his link: ЮägØñ¤†ämë® - Please read profile before adding@ fubar Thanks ROCK!!
Today's Fried Chicken
Today's Fried Chicken Contributed by Katy Caudle, Florence, South Carolina. Serving: Serves: 4 Cook Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes INGREDIENTS: 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts Garlic powder Paprika Pepper 1/2 cup lowfat milk 1 egg white or 1/4 cup egg substitute Flour, as needed Low-calorie vegetable oil spray DIRECTIONS: Cover chicken breasts with plastic wrap. Pound each piece until flattened. Unwrap plastic and sprinkle each breast on both sides with garlic powder, paprika and pepper. Dip in milk mixed with egg white or egg substitute, lightly flour and fry over medium to medium-high heat in a pan coated with low-calorie vegetable spray. Pan fry until golden brown, about 8 minutes per side. NOTE If you love fried chicken but are watching your cholesterol and fat intake these days, try Katy's version of her favorite dish. © 1996 Lifestyle
Today I feel nothing yet I feel everything at once Im not sure what to do Im not sure what to say Your everything to me yet your nothing at all It was supposed to happy yet im so sad Changes come and go yet everythings the same still feel the same if only for one more day
Today's Episode
Well, today's episode went like this: My ex decides to sit on his ass all day and play XBOX, well we got into an argument, and what does he do? He calls me FAT and PUSHES ME. People HERE can call me fat all day long, because it doesn't bother me. But when someone I love, who is supposed to love me, uses it as an insult, it hurts worse than any physical blow you could ever throw at me...THEN he wants to apologize.... Bitch, please... CHECK YO'SELF
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sircru2004 Click banner to visit Cru's MySpace page!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Sucks
i need a stiff drink.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today Is The Last Day Of This Auction So Come On And Bid On Me
I went this morning to try to settle things with someone. I am now home a realizing that some people are just hopeless. I tried. I feel I wasted my time. Life is too god damned short. Why do they not realize that?
Driving along with my daughter, she says momma I have a castle. I responded OH YEAH?! She said yep I asked; Can mommy live in it with you. She replied no, you'll be married... Thought that was too sweet, but I wanted to ask her when is momma gettin married? LOL
Today is beautiful...not only because every day that you wake up is...but because sometimes it takes standing on top of a mountain to remember how insignificant some things are.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today's Thoughts
A man has stepped forward in Texas, claiming to be the love child of JFK, and his beauty queen mother. I don’t find this huge news. I do find it incredible that this hasn’t happened more often. The poster boy for cocksmiths in power, and it was the era of free love, so I’m guessing not many condoms were used in the day. So how did JFK not have a slew of chowder eaters throughtout the US? I’m guessing, despite his Catholicism, there are women who were either paid off, or they did an extensive study in abortion back in the day. His brother, RFK, was no better. But he was shot before he could take a chance at being the horniest president ever. Speaking of Robert Kennedy, there is a theory that there was a second gunman involved in his assassination. I find this hard to believe. When he was shot, it was so jampacked with people, that if there was, someone would have been hit, or he would have been spotted. I love a good conspiracy, especially when they make sense, but this o
Today's Out Of The Womb Report
MINOT, ND – I’m nine months old today! Daddy (I did say “ah, dad” this morning standing in my crib hanging onto the bars as I woke for the second time) loaned me the babyneese translator in his wallet and typed in what I’m saying when I’m not drooling for a few minutes. Nasty habit; I hope I’ll get out of it, but my twelve-year-old cousin Breanna STILL hasn’t! I remember drinking my milk before going to bed (I really like milk, it’s better-tasting than that formula Mom and Dad were giving me for months, but I didn’t have teeth and that’s all I could eat) last night and Dad told me he took me up just as Mom was coming down putting Sarah, my big sister – hey, she’s not that big, only a head taller than me – to bed! Because Dad carries me, I still get to hear the cool lullaby he sings at night. I woke up at five this morning, and I still don’t know why. I was wet and after Dad brought me now and we slept for a bit with Mom and Sarah, who woke up forty-five minutes earlier, he
Today Is Autism Awareness
today is autism awareness day and the 4th is child abuse awareness we have several members that have children with autism so i for 1 am showing my support and dayafter tomorrow i will show my support for child abuse because of losing my 2 this year to child abuse so this is hard 4 me but i prayto get thru it.. thanks...lots of love to the Misfit~Angels family ...laura
well its close to the end of the week time to drink cheers everyone
Today I have: *Worked. *Hung out with a boy. *Had my doctor's appointment. *Had my prenatal class. *Rented Sweeney Todd. Finally. And my reactions: *Only lasted two hours. Not entirely sure it was worth it. *Only lasted about three hours. But it was a lot of fun. I'm not entirely sure about everything though. I overthink everything. *My doctor is awesome. Next appointment in two weeks, and then I go every week. Holy Fuck. *I sat there for two and a half fucking hours to learn shit I already knew. *Holy Fuck... mmmm Johnny Depp. Will probably watch tomorrow. So my plans for tomorrow: *Johnny Depp. As much as possible. *Go to the hospital and pre register before I forget to. *Sleep. As much as possible.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today Is National Child Abuse Day
today is national childabuse day so pleasego to the folder that is 4 child abuse and copy 1 of the tags and use it as ur primary pic today please also the back ground i had 4 our id's has been made private on kimi so i had to make all new id's so they r in the new id folder these i made so they cannot be made private these r my own pics so i can always make them wooo hooo just wish it was that easy to just stop all the abuse in the world then all the babys dieing would stop it just reminds me of my paige every time i see another baby abused and die it does hurt so much to know i have my 4 yr old grandson my god what only know what goes through his little mind on how he was treated along with his sister he lost after losing his mom to abuse too abuse in any form no matter how it is done is uncalled for it just all needs to stop but it never will i guess its gods way of just a little part of ridding the world of over crowdingfunny how things work but guess my paige was sent for a reas
Todays Shocker!
Today I got the ultimate shock from someone that I let become my whole world practically. Yep, I'm single again and not by choice and for what reasons I'm not completely sure of. I'm not looking to get set up with anyone new right now...time heals all so they say. I'm a pretty strong girl and hopefully I can bounce back but for the momment things dont looks so good. As with any break-up we all go through lil cycles of healing...usually shock is 1st, hurt 2nd and pissed 3rd....smooth sailing from the pissed off stage or atleast it use to be. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it and hope you all value what you have with your loved ones because it can be gone within a blink of an eye. Best wishes to all!! Kim
Today's Tornado!
Today's tornado passed right over my house. Luckily it didn't touch down for another three miles. Unfortunately that is where my sister lives. All are fine and just part of a roof gone. Luckily again, my brother-in-law is a house builder. Roof taken care of shortly. As you can tell, the power is finally back on. Mother Nature won a slight battle but I survived the war!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today wores day of my life. Not only did i get left out lunch plans with my family. But somone i care about and love is leaveing to be with there ex tonight. My mom gone to be at my sister house. so anyone talk to me today im me at
Today's Wasteful Chatter`
Today's wasteful chatter. I am not a professional protographer but have been paid well. I love what I do and I strive to constantly do better. I noticed thought that a lot of amateur models bare their stuff here in fubar. Now, I am all for first impressions but let's face it some of these photos are down right nasty. Maybe the model is trying to say, I am a slut- I need sex. Or I am a messy girl - don't look at my background concentrate on my sexy outfit - which does not match. Take the time to seduce. Simply having a sexy outfit does not make you at all sexy. Its your eyes, your face, and your smile... I guess its left to the eye of the beholder. But let me tell you this, I saw a sexy photo of Betty Page - simple. I fell in love.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today's Post Secret
This was from today's Post Secret: I thought that I was the only one that did that!!! :)
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is A Gift
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a
Anoyher day in the trenches. Does it ever get any easier? It seems the harder I work the farther I get behind. I don't know how people can be on here all the time. It really burns me. This is fun sometimes, but it is important to do other things. Get ink, play with some kids yours or someone you know. Kids have not had their dreams crushed by the reality of the real world. Sometimes I think as adults we forget how to let go and just have fun. Smile and have a little fun. All the drama and bullshit will still be there tomorrow.
Today's Top Story
9 April 2008 AMERICA, USA -- Last week, a new frontier in medicine was reached when former soldier Nick Chenevert was hit by a car, plummetted off a bridge 30 feet to the ground, and survived to tell the tale. Upon arriving at the hospital, Chenevert was shot in the head by Dr. Wanda Fang, who was simply "not in the mood" to treat his wounds. Wanda speaks out about her decision to shoot Mr. Chenevert: "I saw him being wheeled in, with several limbs broken and a concussion, and I thought, 'damn, this is going to take at least an hour, and I want to get home and watch Scrubs!'" She was highly perplexed by this dilemma for several minutes. Then, the solution hit her: "The other doctors and I could simply kill him! After all, he should have died anyway from such a huge fall, the little creep. So I asked a nurse to bring in a pistol for us, and we blew the little bastard's brains out." Chenevert's body was sanitarily disposed of in a dumpster behind the hospital. "He decide
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST Click banner to tune in now! World Rock Radio is hosting a TOGA PARTY!!! TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! Join Us Saturday, 10:00p
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is....
Goin to be my last day online for sometime, I don't know when i will be back on. those of you who know me, know I will get in touch when I can. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and stays well n my absence. Keep it real and ALWAYS keep it rockin. SDMF Heri, Hodie, Semper, Crazyeyez AKA Jamie
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Was Alright
Today was alright. I had fun talkin to my friends. My mom got on my nerves today but what the fuck that shit is normal.
Toda: April 17th,2008
Yeah. Thats whats up. Today was okay. I did some school shit, Cleaned off the porch, Ugh..Fucked off. That was my day.
Today Was Great
Today was great. I went to hang out with someone... I had lots of fun!!! We went and hung out where I used to spend my summers as a kid. I took the person to where I grew up. I really connected with this person. This person knows who they are. Thanks for today and hope that we can see each other again sometime...
Okay people......... I need help...... Please..... If u talk to me quite a bit, u know some about me hopefully. I've been having some personal issues and I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things........... I need to get back into working out. I have 35 lbs left to lose and I really want to do it by July but I just can't seem to get into it again. I want to but I guess I just feel so down on myself. It really hurts..... I hate the word depressed but that's almost what I want to use about my moods. I guess it is partially because I feel like I am not really desirable in r/l. I'm 5'4" and weigh between 165-170lbs. My hubby has been acting like he doesn't want me and that is why I don't really feel desirable...... Please, someone, help me out here...... I don't know what else to do, so I'm asking for help here......................
Today I read a bulletin that charged that there were simple rules to maintaining a relationship with women. This unfortunately is an impossible task, each person is an individual and no set of “rules” will cover them all or even most for that matter. One of the many “rules” said never ever slap a woman... for those of who have dated certain women you know this to be a bold face lie. I’ve dated women that couldn’t get off with out a good hard slap on the ass (and before some Jack ass says that means I’m doing something wrong means that you are too stuck on yourself to realize that those who do are the only ones doing it right, sex is more than your cock you fucking Tard) and to some even fewer a slap in the face is better. I do not condone violence to the fairer gender but some things may just need to be done. The Only “rule” you can apply to %100 of relationships is a need for empathy. If you can tune into what a lover needs you can make the relationship last as long as you want.
Today Is
April 22: National Try To Assassinate The President Day (United States of America), Mars Day (Mars) 1,200,000,000,000,000,000 BC - The planet Mars is born. 1,199,999,999,999,999,999 BC - The planet Mars loses all its water, all life dies out and the planet turns red. 8000 BC - Mars, The Roman God of War, is born. He is named after the planet. 1189 - Eleanor of Acquatine announces that she would hang her necklace from her nipples, but recinds her decision because "it would shock the children." 1420 - Johannes Gutenberg becomes a father - names firstborn son "Steve". 1468 - The Great Council of the Republic of Venice attempts to curb the power of the Council of Ten by cutting off one of it's fingers. 1609 - Council of Antes declares that peas will henceforth be eaten with a fork. 1882 - First obscene phone call made; crude equipment mandates heavy breathing when careless whispers can not be heard. 1900 - Families all over the world clamor for Jell-O for their just des
Was my day off and I was pretty lazy today....but I tink thats ok sometimes. I hung out with my cousin, DJ TooSExy today and that was lots of fun..but back to work tomorrow.... Only 4 more days until the weekend!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: ROCK ANGEL has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Rock Angel, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme
Well, To make the long story very short. I miscarried. I would go into detail, but I've had to tell so many people today, I just dont feel like going into more details... Adam and I are discussing trying again though. So I'll keep you updated.... Keep us in your prayers
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK:br> ROCK ANGEL has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Rock Angel, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: ROCK ANGEL has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Rock Angel, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004
Today Is April 24, 2008
Am going to start blogging here cause my husband doesn't have and isn't on this site as of yet! ugggggh. He thinks am cheating on him. No am not! Am just looking for friends TRUE HEARTED FRIENDS right now. But, I have lived with an abuser, and am getting my life in gear soon very soon! I worked out at physical therapy today the person who did my therapy today was a guy and he pushed me to do things I didn't think I could do. Am hoping I become strong enough to start being more aggresive when need to be.... so that a MAN can't hurt me again! I can't believe the nerve of some MEN to think we are the weaker SEX and they start taking advantage of us etc. WELL am here to tell ya NO MORE ABUSE For this WOMAN am not going to put up with it NO MORE!! Am not going to be a welcome MAT not more! My husband stole all my stocks about 6 years ago and left me high and dry so to speak, he keeps getting into credit card issues and tries to relay on me to get him out of the messes he gets
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: ROCK ANGEL has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Rock Angel, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
Today Only
Listen, I'm in this ocntest that ends tonight and I really need votes, if you could vote for me, I'd really appreciate it.I need all the comments and votes that I can get. I promised to do a you tube video in my bikini if I win...and we'll know tomorrow! It's the last day to vote for your favorite actors on Massify. They're competing for four principal roles in Perkins'14, a feature film produced and distributed by After Dark Films. It's up to you to choose who makes it to the final screen test in New York. Why should you vote? Because you love movies. Because you support artists and fans choosing the next generation of talent. But mostly because first round voting ends at midnight tonight, so it's your last chance! Your votes will determine which 20 actors move on to the next round for a professional screen test with the production team. Based on these results, the community will then choose the final four. === '
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: ROCK ANGEL has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Rock Angel, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: ROCK ANGEL has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Rock Angel, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: LADY DI has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Lady Di, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today... Finally Here
I know when i say this some of you will laugh; but today is the day i meet my other half. Maitre doux's heart sings to my heart; & if one believes as i do in such a thing, then i have found my soul mate and from HIM never will i part; O/our hearts beat as one.... with my long lost love, for me new life has begun! **************************************************** i am eagerly awaiting 3 o'clock my LOVE.... i cannot wait to be able to reach out and feel YOU there as W/we gaze into each other's be able to breathe YOU in....for O/our lips to enjoy each other's taste...for the warmth of YOUR breath on my neck....mmmmmmm W/we have been waiting so long for this moment in time. i adore YOU MAITRE doux...YOU are my everything.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge WRR PIMPOUT OF THE WEEK: LADY DI has until Sunday at Midnight EST to join the World Rock Radio Lounge for 20,000 fubux!!! If you know Lady Di, make sure you join the lounge & tell her about this bulletin. When she joins before Sunday at Midnight EST and let's us know you sent her, she gets 20,000 fubux & you receive 5000 fubux!!! 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is The Day!!!
Today marks the anniversary of my second year on Fubar. There have been a few bad times on here but the good times far outweigh the bad times. I'm so glad I didn't give up on this site and there have been times when I considered it. Thanks to my wonderful friends who make this so much fun!!!!!
Today Is The Big Day
Ok guys...the big day has is the day when it goes to court, the day the Ex tries to get me out of the house for gonna be a tough one to fight as normally the courts choose to side on the one who has custody of the children, sadly on that one she has me 4 to zip...however, the reason she is taking me to court is by saying I am a violent person and she is in fear of her life, her daughter's life and the lives of my son's, very interesting though that there is no mention of her other son though!!!!!....ok....hands up who thinks or feels I am a violent person!!!!! of you know me and I don't feel that one person can say that I am, so can it be proven.....well there are no records of me ever having been arrested or even spoken to by the police so it is going to be a case of her word against mine and as far as I can see, her case hinges on one thing, the now famouse Laptop incident which should all boils down to owbership of the laptop at the as
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Sometimes we have to forget about yesterday and not concern ourselves with tomorrow, sometimes we have to just focus on today and let the past be the past and let what is to come deal with itself and we just have to enjoy our present moment, because if you think about it today is all we really have.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Damn I hop today is gonna be a better day than yesterday,I felt like worn out ass yesterday maybe I will just be a regular ass today
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at shotdaddy2004 Click banner to visit ShotDaddy's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at docnasty2004 Click banner to visit DocNasty's MySpace page! create & buy custom products at
Today, I had a long frazzling day. I realized today that it doesn't matter who's right or wrong but what people feel. Life gives us bumps and bruises we are judged by how we handle the pain. Today, I am not sure how I am balancing out. I'm stinging and burning and running out of bandages but, I move forward. Barely.... lonely and confused with the urge to touch those who have turned from me... I move forward. Today, is a little better than yest. but, the scrapes are still marking me. I need a friend who understands that fights can be tiresome and no one ever really wins. This is me today.... FRAZZLED
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Well, today was 'mommy day care' with the girls. I kept them home. WE were going to to this thing downtown, but of course, it was wet and cold, so we didn't go. That sucked. I was really looking forward to it. But, instead, tonight Adam and I are going to take the girls out to dinner. Thats at least something they will enjoy. Since, they didn't get to go to the lady bug thing this morning. And, we're going to the Zoo this weekend, so that ought to be fun!! I'm taking them Saturday, or possibly Sunday. Not sure yet on exactly when. But it will be a blast!! Other than that, things are great. Adam doesn't get off work til later today. Like, 430 or so. Only 45 mins later, but still, that sucks major. I dont see him in the mornings anymore because my lazy butt wont wake up at 5a. ALthough, man, sometimes I really mean to... it's just not easy at all lol Other than that, I guess things are going great. Nothing really new either way.
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at rockin_rebel65 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at mystic_druid_777 Click banner to visit Mystic's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at bratprince7
Today I Blog
yes today I blog was that not the best blog of all time?
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
First off Im a chef so in the restaurant bussiness Mothers Day is HUGE. I cooked Breakfast and that was just HELL, but we made it through it. Half way through one of my cooks decited he wasnt staying so we had words and it turned into a fight and 3 people had to hold me back and they wanted the cops to come...needless to say he is one of my boys so we patched it up because brothers dont do each other like that. Then the dinner "manager" decited he was playing golf and not comming in. SO I got stuck cooking for 13.5 hours. not fun I was alone for 4 of those hours. And then I was expecting something special to happen today and it diddnt and that just crushed me im just here and mad at the world...And pretty unhappy...
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today May 12th Is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
May 12th is Fibromyalgia Syndrome Awareness Day. I have had this for 18+ years and I can vouch for most of the symptoms especially the pain. I looked up one of the sites listed on here and got a brief list of what it consists of so the next time someone tell you they have it you'll have an idea of what they go through. SYMPTOMS AND ASSOCIATED SYNDROMES Pain - The pain of fibromyalgia has no boundaries. Quite often, the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning and you may hurt more in muscle groups that are used repetitively. People with FMS suffer chronic widespread pain, which can be described as burning, throbbing, shooting, or stabbing, Painful areas often include the upper back, shoulders, neck, the low back, and other areas around the joints. Many people will say, "I hurt all over." Fatigue - This symptom can be mild in some patients and yet incapacitating in others. The fatigue has been described as "brain fatigue" in which patients feel totally drained of energy. Many
Todays News
Today is not one of the best days i have was great news that my soon to be ex got his divorce papers, but it states in there that he is to return out son to me...which right now i have him, and he (my ex) has our 2 small girls...He called me today to let me know he got his papers and that i was sneaky for doing what i am doing but he was suppose to bring my girls to me on sunday he now is saying that he is not going to bring me m y girls back..Hes says seeing i have what i wanted (which is my son) that i am not getting what he has (my girls) Right now i dont know what to do or know how to feel...i miss i girls sooo much...i want nothing more than them to be with me right now...They are 3 years and 6 months...Its hard to get my mind on to anything else...My head hurts, i got a headache, ive cried on and off all day...Have this feeling and know that he is not giving them back...I just miss them soo much...He is also saying that he is now filing a motion to have custody of all 3
Today On World Rock Radio
Click on banner to enter lounge 10:00AM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at sweetnloveable35 Click banner to visit Kazz's MySpace page! 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today's Workout
with Robert kicked my ass. Wraps, MMA gloves, and sparring against his punch pads - drill after drill after drill. Tim was doing low weight, high reps of flys, while I was sparring. Then we switched - 60 total reps of flys. Then Robert stood us both on a line, facing him: He's got me on his left punch pad and Tim on his right. Left knee kick, right knee kick, left extended leg kick, right extended knee kick, one-two jabs, slip, slip and back to the start. This went on for a good two minutes, and then we were back on the weights. three times through this drill. Then we did similar stuff with sparring and weights combination for another ten minutes. After that, we got on the half-dome, stability balls, with a heavy medicine ball. We threw it back and forth ten times at cloase range, and then he backed us up. Did it again and again and again until we were about 20 feet apart. Arms were falling off. . .THEN he got us about ten feet apart again and we threw the ball OVER head b
To Dare Or Not To Dare
Finally, she appears to me. After a long trip, with a stop at Frankfurt, with a departure from Paris at 7am, i after lining at the passport control, i arrive in this airport arrival hall, doors open.. of course , all the ones there are waiting for someone, so during a few seconds, i see all their eyes on me; myself , i scan in the "crowd" (not too crowdy) to find the ONE i expect... she sent me a SMS like "not sure, but i'll probably be at the airport" (it was a saturday and she has a life too...) so, i look around, and yes, i see her : black suit, long hair, shades over her forehead, and THIS smile: no doubt.. i walk slowly to her, smiling, and of course we say "hi" i let her lead me... really tired, i did not sleep the night before (a big party in Paris, and as i needed to be at 6am at airport, best way was to keep going all night long)... she tells me she calls a taxi and for 1st time in my life, i hear her voice , speaking in her language... i don't get a word of it.. she just
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at krayzeecreeme Click banner to visit Cujo's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75
Today Is My Gig Day
hey ppl in the va area and the surrounding areas my band and i will be in martinsville ,va at the club called hurley's bar and grill in martinsville on saturday night the gig will start at 10:00 p.m. if your in the surrounding areas please feel free to come out and enjoy yourself with me and my band as we party the night away with good songs and lot's of real drinks reply to me if you want to know more information
Today Is Bid On Me Day...
Today I Visited Eden
Today I Visited Eden In a distant land long forgotten There is still Life in that Garden Existing in It Yet we are lost from It I went there today A placed called Eden A place where in Him He grew of Himself Life Upon some inner act of Himself Himself being self existent conscious and self existent substance He breathed that substance called Life back into me today I visited Eden A place where the back of all creation resides Where trees are never cut and never die Where the four great rivers run into one Where the sky embraces the sun Where it is never night Yet the moon recieves light from day I saw the Life principle run through all things and become the cause of all things I walked on a beach of white sand White as snow I climbed the highest mountain only to conquere it It was a hill I stood amazed at the sight on top that hill Sight of riches untold I gazed at things to this world are unlawful to utter I heard a strong voice give a command so sweet
I must accept but can't what cannot be. I see you and my heart dissolves in pain. You are not dead, but you are dead to me. What happened to our love's a mystery. I rummage through our empty past in vain. I must accept but can't what cannot be: That someone else now shares your off-hand "we," Now feels your tender tongue all feeling drain . . . You are not dead, but you are dead to me. I cannot lay aside my agony: Again, again I play the same refrain. I must accept but can't what cannot be. And yet I know this tortured ecstasy Is just my way of holding you again. You are not dead, but you are dead to me, And still I cannot bear to set you free, That of our love some remnant might remain. I must accept but can't what cannot be. You are not dead, but you are dead to me.
Today Is My 27th Bday!
today is my 27th bday everyone. I am happy. lol. Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics HAPPY BDAY to myself LMAO
...would have been your first birthday. By now you would have been walking, stumbling clumsily in the pleasing gate that delights all parents. You would have been uttering your first words, your parents marveling at your ever-growing command of language. Day-by-day you would surprise us anew with still more words that you had mastered. I often wonder what your first words would have been… You would have started to eat “people food” and shunned the bottle a bit more each day. I would have savored the image of you eating birthday cake and endearingly smearing frosting all over your mouth and hands. Your hair would have grown longer, fuller and your face would start to reflect the transition from baby to toddler. All of these things I think of every single day…and more. God, but you would have been such a joy in my life! In all of our lives…. You know, I see you in every child’s face, I hear you in their every utterance and in their laughter. My heart breaks eac
Today I Started
Today I started by Me Today I started to love again to see the blue sky to feel the warmth of the sun to touch the softness of the grass to smell the crisp clean air to hear the birds singing Today I started to be me again
Todays Thoughts
Raising Kids today is not just babysitting, it is supporting and communicating with them as much as possible, I guess it wasn’t as difficult and dangerous as it is today. It wasn’t unheard of for our parents to tell us to go out and play and them not be worried about not seeing us for the rest of the day, Times have changed and so must we. Things Like Sexuality, Gothicism and other things our parents flipped over, we must learn to accept and understand our kids. I myself had a rough childhood and was not going to raise my kid like that. The days of the Iron fist across the head had to stop and it did in raising my son. What made it even harder and a learning experience was the fact that in my younger years 16 - 30’s was that I was one of the biggest Homophobes even though there were gays and Bi’s within the family, I would avoid them like the plague. A love for you child should be unconditional and when my son told me he was gay at first I was devastated. BUT I had to make a c
Today Is My Anniversary!!
Today is my anniversary and I shoule be happy, but due to events that have happened in my life in the past few months I'm so depressed that the only thing I want to do is go back to bed and wish that this day was over all ready. For those of you who don't know I lost my husband in March, he was only 28. I made it through his birthday on June 4th but for some reason I can't do today. Well I guess that I'm gonna end this for now but first I will say..... I love you baby even tho you are no longer on earth with me, I miss you more and more each day and wish you were still by my side. Happy Anniversary honey hope to be with you again someday!!!!!!! Love you always, xoxoxoxoxo Berta
Todays Screwed Up Fashions
HOw come no one this day n age wants clothes that fit em right? i see alot of women n some men who want the sleaves on thier arms too long, fer some reason so they can put the cuff in the palm of thier hand. i just dont get the reasoning fer that. or guys wearing these teenager shorts with em dragging to the ground almost, wanting everyone to see thier drawers. or wearing thier hat crooked or so far down over thier eyes they cant see. worse yet lots of folks have taken to wearing sandals or flip flops no matter how jacked up thier feet look. feets is nasty no matter what anyone says. just seems like the hip way to dress is make it look like u just got out of bed and r dragging ass. in ten years from now lots r folks r gonna look back n shake thier heads n say what the fuck was i thinking...
today i had to se my counselor. These are the days that really suck. I go in there wiht my mom to discuss anything and everything about the case and life in general. It really hard to sit in there and hear and feel the pain that i have caused. My mom in tears because of everything goin on. My mom is so sad because of the situation and doesnt want my to do anything drastic. I just need to froget, but we never forget. Its not in us as humans to forget things that have drastic effects on our lifes. i just want to crawl into a hole and be left alone. But thats silly.. I guess i just wish i knew wat was goin to happen to me. So myself and my family can have some peace.
To Daddy & All My Fubar Daddy's Happy Fathers Day. Xoxo
Today And "special" Days
Today I got to thinking, and for me that could be a dangerous thing. I woke up as usual with the sun... let the dogs out, put the coffee on and turned on the television to watch my Sunday morning political shows. All this after my vain attempt to add a new position to my yoga routine as I listened to the sounds of my hubby's sleep-apnea chortles. Yes, it's Fathers Day, and I guess I would feel differently if I were a father, or my husband was a father... but all we have are our "fur-babies" and they did not seem to notice the difference or importance of such a momentous occasion. This is where my dangerous thinking comes in to play... How many people went out of their way to do something for a father figure in their life today? Did you visit your dad? buy him a present? Mourn his passing? Why today and not yesterday or tomorrow? Why? Because you fell into the trap of guilt set by successful marketers and advertising campaigns for your almighty dollar. Why any "special occasion
So it is just one of those days today. I have had nothing but bad luck lately. Nothing seems to be going right. I am trying to get stuff straight with my daughter and it keeps getting continued with no end in sight. Work is up and down and is just blah. And lets not even start in on the love life. What more can a person do? I try and do the right things, but hell it seems to me that it is harder now then when I didn't give a crap. Oh well life goes on I guess.
Today 61508
well hubby is recalled again and i miss him more each day. If i am lucky i will hear from him this week. I shouldn't complain though back when he was active duty we didn't have computers and snail mail was all we had. It took two weeks to send and 2 more weeks to receive mail from each other. lol gotta love computers lol
This morning, I rose up again at dawn to start my day with different things planned from the norm. I made it a point to go to the local court and provide support on behalf of Ella, a dog found dead and abandoned in a local residence and struck a chord in my heart. In the news at the following: The defense attorney for a local Cocoa woman accused of moving out of her home and leaving her dog behind to starve to death wants nearly all the evidence in the case to be thrown out, arguing that police illegally searched the house. According to a motion filed by West Palm Beach attorney Andrew Stine, police shouldn't have entered Christine Abrams' home without a warrant unless there was reason to believe they or someone inside was in immediate danger, or that evidence was about to be destroyed. It was during that search that police found the decayed body of Abrams' German shepherd, Ella, locked in a c
Today Is....
» Today is one of the days I could easily cross off the calendar. I didn't sleep much, had weird dreams and I have a terrible stomach ache. This morning I burnt my tongue and it hurts, and my mother keeps on bringing me down with her words. My thoughts are focusing on what I haven't got anymore and what I feel like right now. See the lyrics. That's what I think right now about the relationship. I know that it wasn't like that. Well, actually I don't know. But if all those feelings were just a game, he was damn good in playing his role. I dunno whom I can trust - head or heart? I really don't know. » About the weird dream tonight. I dreamt of a huge spider trying to kill Moos and me. We were running away but the disgusting thing was much faster than us. We tried to outwit it but it didn't work... and in the end... well I dunno. I dunno if we survived. I just know that that dream ruined my day. Actually I was fine with the situation. I thought so. But now I see that I miss Moos more t
Who are you dating? marrried Is your dad over the age of 40? no longer living Do you have siblings over the age of 21? Yes What is your favorite kind of weather? fall weather What was your last profile song? John Mayer ...Say What is your favorite color shirt to wear? Black What are you looking forward to in the next 5 days? hopefully my baby coming home i miss him Are you happy with your life? Most of the time Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle? lol yes What shoes did you wear today? none yet Do you like hugs? very much Are you a loud person? hehe some situations yes Would you rather trade lives with a famous person? Nope Are you ready to get out of this town? I woudl leave if i could When was the last time you went shopping? a few days ago Were did you go shopping? target Are you wearing any jewelry? Yes collar necklace n rings Did you brush your teeth this morning? yes Have you ever
Todays Trouble!
How is one supposed to react, feel or deal with yourself when a person you try so hard for, mistreats you, fails to oblige you in any way and does things seemingly almost just to hurt you?
Today Is The Last Day Please Help Me Out Thank You
come one come all bring your friends with you
Today's Entry ...
Well, I HAD typed a whole entry for Today, but this site, being the P.O.S. that it is, erased it when I tried to post soooo... If I can remember what I typed I will repost, otherwise.... I dunno. anyway, This site sux! for now ....
Todays Blog
 Today and every day is a new beginning, a new day a clean slate, yours for the choice of making it what you desire. No regrets, no boundaries to hold you down. Open your heart up, love, laugh, dance, sing, and live life to the fullest, because each and every moment is yours for the taking. Use each of life's lessons and grow in them. Life holds many precious offerings, grab onto as much in life that you can and take with you the knowledge and understanding of a better world with you right in the middle of it . by Becca
Todays Poem
Another day has passed us by I have more to say Because I never lie 4 u I write a poem almost every day I have no idea what it will say But it will be different I have more than one way I write poems, because someone special thinks they’re okay It is in her interest I will stay She bid the highest, and I made a promise I will obey It may seem stupid and it may seem dumb To sit and write for my number one I have to admit, I have a little fun I hope she has many favorites, when we are done. Well that concludes today’s words of rhyme They will be posted much of the time I hope that is something you don’t mind But, I didn’t think so, u r so kind Have another great day It is a choice we make It is reality, just our take Bad thngs happen But only we decide If they stop our world Or we can let it slide So when bad things srike all of the time Look for the good, You’ll be surprised at what u find Cya Jimmy
Today I Han Epiphany
I can't believe how good I feel right now. I am starting over this moment.I am going to blog about the changes that I am making in my life and am going to share them with you. I came to the realization that in order to change my life for the better I needed do only one thing.It sounds simple because it is simple. The only thing that I need to change in my life is that I need to believe that right now is what matters. Everything I have done in the past every trial I have been through has lead me to this very moment and all I have to do to make things better is to act like they already are. Because I have within me the ability to create my own future by acting and believing that I am already that person that I need to be. It doesn't have to be a chore to change it just needs to be. So, if at anyone moment I am being in that moment enjoying life and the person I am then how can anything be difficult. I only have to be right now. Not what if,not worrying about what might or might not happe
To Dallas
Some pathetic piece of shit made a fakie with my friend's Fitfreak's pics Feel free to stop by and give him some "love". What a fuckin asshat.
Todays Drama....
so, yesterday for the most part was a great day. my ex had my son, i went shopping and then met my boyfriend and his buddy for lunch. ended up hangin out w/ them for the rest of the day while they worked.i was havin fun and gettin to know a real cool guy....then my ex calls me. he decided he was going to keep my son over night. fine, no problem. well he needs clothes and his medicine. so i left to get what my son needed. while over there i tell him im seeing someone so i didnt want to do anything w/ him. he got pissed. said if i was movin on then he is done. no more bein raymons dad, and i had to give my car back... well i left to "think" about what i was going to do. my boyfriend kept me company thru the night since i was upset. when i wake up this morning, my ex is textin me and callin me... well it came down to, he threatened not to give my son to me until he got the car back. went over there and he had called the cops already. he made me out to be the bad guy, sayin i used him and
Today Was Hard/but Good/just Love
I dealt with a lot of shit today. i talked to my mom about all the things ive gone through this year. it hurt her and i didn't want too but she needed to know.i even showed her my arm.i explained that its a way of protecting myself. if people see this stupid chick with hate carved into her arm they wouldn't be likely to talk to her or want to get close ... unless they are crazy.thats my main goal.. to not be hurt i know its a goal that will never actually become a reality but it makes me feel a little bit better to see that ive gone through so much and that im still here.its rough and i would really like to shoot myself at times , but life will get better.its got too... cant get any lower than this year anyway... i fucking hope!i lied about something really really horrible but for some reason i felt it was my only option... very fucking stupid and fucked up.i moved a shit load of boxes.. actually my moms entire storage unit for my mom, because my brother like most other people foun
Honestly...I was a complete and total bitch today! Fuck everyone that got in my way or looked at me crosseyed...I had something to say about it or a face to make or a hand gesture to accompany it...! Look what happens when I have to function on 3 hours of sleep chock full of responsible parenting, husband happy keeping, friendship relying duties, that lead me into nothing, but a dreadfull, hatefull individual at the end of the day! If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all...was NOT my mantra, to say the least! I realized today that I'm the "go to" friend when they need something, anything! Like today, my friend got fired from her job..."oh sucks, yeah, but let me buy you breakfast and lend you a shoulder...did I mention I havn't slept all night? Yeah, don't mind me...I'll just have another cup of coffee." meanwhile...I'm barely awake. Another friend...Need a ride to work? Sure, no car only has 140,000 miles on it and have you notice
Today My Head Aches
Today my head aches, clouding my perspectives with a dull, throbbing pain. The only true cure I know involves succumbing to sleep. 3-30-03
Today Is The Last Day For My Auction Come Bid One Me Ends At 4:00 Fubar Time
Guess Who's Up For Auction??? ~*SexyBitch*~ That's Who!! Place Your Bid On Her Now Auction Starts On Monday, July 14th @ 2:00PM PT Auction Ends On Monday, July 21st @ 4:00PM PT Click The Following Pic To Place Your Bid And VIP bids are welcome as well! .: Brought To You By :. Big Daddy Rate/Fan/Add Him
Today Is The Last Day For My Auction Come Bid One Me Ends At 4:00 Fubar Time
Guess Who's Up For Auction??? ~*SexyBitch*~ That's Who!! Place Your Bid On Her Now Auction Starts On Monday, July 14th @ 2:00PM PT Auction Ends On Monday, July 21st @ 4:00PM PT Click The Following Pic To Place Your Bid And VIP bids are welcome as well! .: Brought To You By :. Big Daddy Rate/Fan/Add Him
Today July 22nd
Today I won't be online because we have to flea bomb the basement of my house..had some stray cats come in through there and leave their fleas behind lol..I have an appointment for 11am to speak with the vet regarding the results of my cat Harvey's EKG and xrays..I am so worried because they want to talk to me in person, I fear it's something very bad..I know he has a heart irregularity but I fear it's something much worse...He hasn't had a seizure in a few days but his back legs are a bit wobbly..I hope the medication he gave us will be enough to keep him going because Harvey is my best friend..Please keep us in thoughts and prayers..thankyou my friends..
today my step dad told me i was uesles and no body. my mom agree and so did my sis. just woundering if i have meaning or anyone cear about me
Today was a good day................... My wife woke up next to me like she has since the day we married. I gave her a hug and told her "I love you more now then the seconds that just past" Just another day in my blessed world........... Kids were sound asleep, cuddled under the covers not moving long enough for me to paint a picture in my head. Lucky to have what I have.................. A soft beautiful touch from my wife, hugs and kisses from the kids and a few wags of the tail and one leap into my lap form our dog. Does it get any better................... How does one ask for more, when he is already blessed with too much ????? What the future holds................... Hard to tell but I just try to hold onto what I have now
Todays Example Of Stupidity On Fubar
Read from the bottom up! ->WhiteWolf ...: have a good one ->WhiteWolf ...: have fun on fubar..forgive me if I choose to associate with people who actually understand what conversation and common courtesy are ->WhiteWolf ...: that makes no sense to all ->WhiteWolf ...: I just told you how I feel about stupid comments I get on here...started to think you may actually be decent...but then still have not said hello and/or introduced yourself..and you have to go and leave a comment about my tits in the message included with the gift you sent (this is the pause where I received the following: new gift: Glass of Champagne from 'WhiteWolf "...' received: i like ur boobs!! sorry...but they look so yummy!) WhiteWolf ...: i like ur are extreemely beautiful ->WhiteWolf ...: thank you WhiteWolf ...: i am sorry again...u r smart and looks so mature ->WhiteWolf ...: I see...I apologize for coming off bitchy...I'm sure you can imagine all the crap that ends
I am bored. I haveto sit on my room cuz my dog is retarded. barking at everything.
today i sit here and realize my life is where it needs to be. i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. if u would have asked me a few days ago if life was ok i probably would have spit in your face and told you to go to hell. but today i look at my life and see that this is where i am suppose to be. not in washington not in colorado, but here with my mother and my son. I don't need certin things in my life to make me happy. Just me and my son will do. and for now that is ok. some day more will come and it will be at the right time for it. and that is ok with me. for now. for now i am happy and content. I am where I am for a reason.
Today I did something I never want to do again.I had to drive my mom to Indy so we could tell my dad that his nephew had been killed. Rick was a great man and I will miss him every day.My dad was so happy that me and my mom came to see him.It made telling him that much harder and worse. its hard not to cry in front of my son but i am trying.
Today is a new day. Last night I was hurt by someone that I felt that I was developing a friendship with. But as I am waiting for him to test the waters all around, he throws me a gut hitting ball. You know it hurts a person to listen to lies and begin to feel that this person is really liking you. Then to find out that there is no attraction there. You know beauty goes beyond skin deep. This gentleman made me feel like I was worth something and that I was wrong to hide the way I have. lol..that was a joke. I am well worth loving or having a friendship with. I have picked myself up off the ground after being hit in the gut and moving on. A real friend would not say anything like that and a real friend would want to be a friend no matter what. But thanks to Frankie D today I have a smile on my face and I dont feel like I have to crawl in that hole again and hide from the world. I am no supermodel or barely legal chic. I am just me on the road to improvements. I do not change
Today Is D Day
Today is the day of my surgery. 12:40CST i will be under the scalpel. i would greatly appreciate any and all good thoughts sent this way! *huge hugs*
To Dads
Today I Am ....
"Today I am made up of Yesterdays and Tommorrows Tommorrow, Today will be just another yesterday Today I will create a Yesterday that's positive And slowly undo the Yesterdays that are negative" Just a lil thought that came to me. Am I too full of hope and crap ??? Sometimes I think I am. But I do know that the person we are today is a blueprint of all that we have lived and been. And I do believe that if we try to improve our own life day by day we can release the negative. And rather than dwell on it we can learn from it. So many people dwell on what they have been through instead of using it to create the person they are today. More positive for themselves.
Today's News: Our Take - Top Model To Include Its First Transgender Contestant
The new season of America's Next Top Model will include Isis, the show's first transgender contestant. "My cards were dealt differently," Isis, 22, told US. The aspiring model is from Prince George's County, Maryland, and describes herself as "a woman born physically male." Her historic turn as the show's first transgender contestant, though, isn't why she's getting on the Top Model runway. "I like to help people, but I'm here to follow my dreams," she said. Yet, GLAAD leadership is still applauding her addition to this year's group of models wannabes. "We applaud Tyra Banks and The CW for making this historic visibility of transgender people possible," president Neil Giuliano said. Will the addition of Isis change the game for transgender models on “and off the show?” Anna Dimond TVGuide Links: America's Next Top Model Tyra Banks Copyright ? 2008 TV Guide All rights reserved. Reference://
Today's Trio
I’ve had to deal with many types of people, I’d like to describe some of the ones I have worked with today: The Toddler – Have you ever tried to get a toddler to do something? It’s always a negotiation of some sorts: “Clean your plate” he then wipes everything off the plate and on to the floor, “Take the garbage out” becomes the garbage outside, by the front door. They obey the letter of the law, and see if they can get away with ignoring the spirit. The Chicken Little – Everything is a devastating failure, or it’s on its way to become one. If this doesn’t happen, everything is going to fail!! (I had four of these e-mails before noon.) It’s a wonder that they can even exist with all the danger that lurks outside. Mentioning the phrase “Self-fulfilling Prophecy” only gets you a stern glance. The Push Back to the Future - To this guy, time has no meaning. If he says it will be done on Friday, you cannot be sure which Friday he means, this one, next one, or the third one
Today unraveled and came undone to quickly. uggh oh well guess there is tomorrow right...
Todays Feelings Are
Lifeless love That no longer feels right A dark heart That lost its light In the dark It is his face I see Clinging on You won’t set me free It’s not fair So for you I remain Forgetting him To shield you from pain A slow end Inside cracking, drying Yet wet tears Mind and heart vying It’s too late My fate has now been set And my needs Denied, laid to rest
Today's Word...
"Confused" Today I started to try to further use I am a bit confused. If you feel like helping me get this profile up and running better, befriend me and send me an email. Thanks!
Today ..
This day is both wonderful and full of sorrow .. Lets start off with the wonderful .. Today is my sons 19th Birthday .and each and every day Im more amazed at how wonderful a man he's grown into .. Yep I'm a very Proud mom .. Secondly we all know one of the sadder things from this day .. and May God Bless all those who perished that day .. and Those who are fighting for Our Country .. They all need our support ... and third .. Today was Joe's funeral .. This was one of the hardest funerals ive ever had to attend . not that any arent .. He passed away this past saturday @1am .. Last nite was the wake and this morning the final service .. He was given full service honors .. 21 gun salute was heart wrenching to hear that trumpet play Taps .. I almost couldnt make it through .. i'm Proud to have known such a kind and loving Young man . he will always be thought of as one of my kids .. But to have seen his father lay across his coffin sobbing just broke my heart k
Todays Message
The obession of all this gear When a gym that is located all so near A place to unwind when stress and hell appear Just water no need for beer Their is time and a place for past health issues to improve and erase Go at your own pace Zone out in outerspace Taking care of the body takes time, their is no race To pump the iron in the morning or after work in the night Something in my soul feels so right Muscles getting tired and tight For Endurance and strength only, im not training for a fight The sweat and the body heat Working out effects everything including the feet For a better tommorow, sickness shall not be my defeat Doing many repatitions in a sequence to repeat They have no idea, people too buisy watching a tv show Heart rate high, feeling the burn something most people do not know When will the interest in fitness grow? As me and others are working out in solid pace and flow Some are ripped and some are not Does not matter how much muscles you got
Well Im not realy a bloger but maybee I shoudl start doing them.. to help me out with my own mind..... Today I got to sleep in wich was F`in a AWESOME!!!! Now I have to go get a shower and then off to yep thats my blog...
Today Could Be A Little Better.....
Ok, so I haven't talked to anyone today about my Dad... Glad that I haven't because if I talk to my mom one more time and she starts that whole shit with me again about money I am going to seriously go off on her ass. I am so tired of this shit! It has gotten to the point that I barely want to even answer the phone. The phone ring's and I dread answering it! I am just upset at the fact that I am so imperfect and she can do no wrong! She's the one who's the "recovering crack addict" not me! I love my Dad, and I wish that I could tell him how I feel, but right now with all this stuff going on with his heart, I just can't tell him what's going on and how I feel. Not to mention, I am missing my baby something awful..... Can't wait to see him again!!! :-) *kisses*
Today I Will Accept The Differences Between Us As Part Of Our Beauty Together.
I will, I will accept myself With hope and fear and wonder And what I have joined together Let no man put asunder. --Dory Preven There is a wonderful freedom in acceptance. When we accept ourselves, with all our imperfections, we can then begin to accept others just as they are. This is especially exciting when we apply this discovery to our own families. A family is like a bouquet of flowers arranged in a common vase. Each flower is different. One might be blue, one white, one a rose, one a chrysanthemum. But each adds to the beauty of the whole bouquet and enhances the vase that holds it. It isn't important that we know why one flower is blue and one white. We don't have to understand how a rose becomes a rose to appreciate the arrangement. We just accept it for what it is. Acceptance of others does not mean agreement or approval. How boring if we only accepted those who reflected our own ideas and opinions! How dull to look upon a bouquet of exactly the same flowers. To
Today is NOT a good day...I shall not go into details but I found out today that a work mate and dear friend passed away yesterday and it looks as if he took his own life....... Why is it that some people seem to be less able to cope with the bad that life throws at us yet some cannot only cope but overcome it and get stronger with each passing day!!!. God bless you Paul and may the angels keep you safe from the pain that drove you from this earth.......I will miss you.
Todays Story
Carl turned over to his girlfriend Lucy, cupping her small firm breasts, pulling her hardening nipples between his fingers, he pushed his stiffening cock between her cheeks trying to gain access to he tight little twat. Lucy was in no mood for sex after their argument last night, pushing his hands away and getting up without a word. She returned from the bathroom and dressed for work. “We’ll talk tonight” she said coldly, “I hope your not going to waste your day off by lying around in bed all day. Remember Mum wanted you to look at the draw in the kitchen” “Ok “he said, but before he could say anything else she had left the room. Carl could hear her banging around in the kitchen, the front door slammed shut and her car pulled away. He relaxed not paying much attention to her mood. Lucy was highly strung, which made for a rocky relationship but good sex, catch her in the right mood and wow. The birds nesting in the ivy next to the open bedroom window kept Carl from falling into a de
i really messed things up , broke the promises of the day before and she took offence at something innocuous in a mumm but taken together with the broken promise sealed the deal as far as she was concerned. i am utterly heartbroken as well as being severely angry at myself for letting me down. i made a mumm about the situation which was extremely hurtful. then later on , blasted out my brains and in some warped way of getting back at her i pissed off a very good friend too. all in all a not very good night at all. i don't know if i can show my face here ever again after this
today has been hectic well i can't really get to discuss uit but well i am sad and missing my son i might lose him and well this is heart breaking my fiancee desides to put a restraining order on me and thats all i know so now my mom wants me to file one on him and i don't want to so now i am sad and lonley for missing him i will update later dark warrior
Today a coworker/friend of mine told me that her dad hung himself yesterday back in New Mexico. He was found without a heartbeat and was taken to the hospital. He is on life support and today he still has no brain activity. So if I'm grumpy today it is because it is affecting me a lot because my dad just passed away last year after being taken off life support. He had a fall and fractured his skull and went into a coma. His brain never recovered from the injury and he could not get off life support so my siblings and I (me and my older brother mostly) made the decision to pull the plug since he had less than a 1% chance of not being a vegetable.
Today In the corner of the room, I was thinking What are you doing? Its been days, weeks, months There's still no news of you Is it time To give up now To face the truth That you had went away Is it time To start a new day Without thoughts of you Is it time To let go For there is nothing more To hold on to Is it today To know Your existence Is no longer in here That we're never meant to be
Today - Oct 11th 2008
Today Of all the days that have ever been and of all the days to come, today is the one you now have. Though it may not be perfect, it is here, it is now, and it is the one day that is available to you. On this day you live in a world filled with beauty. Take the opportunity to see and appreciate some of that beauty. On this day there are precious moments ready to be filled with joy and meaning. Live today's moments so as to add real and lasting value to your life and your world. Spend some time focusing your thoughts on what's right with this day. Allow yourself to genuinely feel the goodness that is present right now. Remind yourself of all that you have to be thankful for on this day. In the heart of your gratitude, you will touch today's limitless source of abundance. Possibility, opportunity, value, goodness, love and fulfillment are all here and now on this day. Bring them to life today in your own special way. -- Ralph Marston
Today Is The Day You Left My Life..
Today is the day u left my life for other girl. And yet we all are in the same collage.Everyday I have to hold on to the pain watching u being with ur new girl,u knew my heart will be tore but yet u still act like u never know who I am.I have been in ur life for 3 years and she only beginning to step into ur life.What have I done to get this punishment from u?All this while u were the one lying to me and not me lying to u.I cant believe I have to face this suffer and pain for nothing.Day by day I feel pain silently.I never tell them how much the pain is eating me off but they know the way I feel. I still hold onto our memories but in every memories we had together its all a lie.3 years..3 years u lied to me.3 years I have been fool by u..Am I just a toy in ur eye?Where is the real u that i met the 1st time?Today its the 1st month u dump me for her.Today she came stop by my class and talk abt how happy u r with her.What is wrong with u both?Leave me alone..U have drowned me in the
Today On The Planet: Back On Fu, Ac/dc Black Ice, Eminem Relapse, Gnr Chinese Democracy, Obama, More.....
Video Confirms Green Day Working With Butch Vig On New Album Smashing Pumpkins Prep New Album, 20th Anniversary Tour Reunited band breaks out classic tunes for tour; concept disc to follow Kanye West’s Listening Party: Lights, Heartbreak, Nudity Eminem Announces New Album “Relapse,” Plays New Song On Sirius ALBUM REVIEW: AC/DC "BLACK ICE" With Best Buy Deal in Place, Guns N’ Roses Album Finally Arrives Obama's Moment The Democratic nominee for president talks about how George W. Bush screwed up, why John McCain turned ugly and what he's learned from Bill Clinton. Login to The PlanetChrisley. com to read forum news, upload music, vids, and pics, chat online with other members in our chat video music lounges, and more! The Planet Network® is a registered trademark of Estarr Chrisley® and Arc Phoenix Corporation® All Rights Reserved. WWW. ARCPHOENIXDESIGN. COM. ....The Future Is Now....... SIGN UP FOR THE PLANET NOW and get access to all features includin
Today On The Planet: Revolution Number 9.............
WWW.ARCPHOENIX.COM.....The Future Is Now....... This month marks the nine year anniversary of and it's first as a social site. For years, The Planet was an online music, video, article, radio, and site network (The Planet Network) that catered to music, movies, entertainment, and politics. Now in its ninth year The Planet will become ROCK AFTER DARK starting with a new online campaign in the midst of a whole wave of new sites that sister it in addition to the parent companies Imperial Alliance Corporation, Estarr Chrisley becoming ARC PHOENIX CORPORATION, the company behind the flash designer Chrisley is also conceding to fully staff this 13th version of The Planet dubbed "Lucky 13" rockabilly and a Beatles Revolution Number 9 theme having a stream of teches working the new version of the social site and its networks. Most on here know this as a new MySpace account but the original Planet promo MySpace started in 2004 along with official mu
Today's Specialty
Today was supposed to be really special. I was going to really surprise my husband. Instead he got me. I planned to fix his favorite meal and get all dolled up. You know have a romantic night. Yeah right! Well, this is what happened. Today is our anniversary, so I woke up with allot of ideas floating around. I started my day with a leisurely bath. I soaked for about thirty minutes letting the fragrances sink into my skin. I decided I would be dressed very sexy. I put on a short skirt, no underwear, a tanktop that tied at the bottom, and no bra. I wanted to feel sexy all day, and not just we he came home. Next I planned our evening. I took out the food and drink, and all the trappings for a romantic dinner. I was about to get started on dinner when Allen called. He told me not to get anything out for dinner because he had a surprise for me. To late I thought. I told him ok, whatever. I didn’t want any other surprises so I asked what I should wear. Sexy but Dressy, he said. Great,
Today's My Birthday
Oh my God I just turned 29 today I am only one year off from 30......Look I am getting old now. Happy Birthday to me..
Most if any of you will know, that on December 1st I will have been on Fubar/Cheerytap for 2 years, and in that time I have seen a lot of changes and even been through a lot of changes too, both on here and in my private life too, but then anniversary blog will be coming out on that day. The reason for this blog is to let you all know that as time goes by in the very near future, there will be a few what I can only call, sweep changes, I shall say no more right now but if things carry on as they are now then it will happen and they will all be for the good of me as I feel now is the time for them to happen, and don't worry they will be for good and not bad, but I will ask just one thing of you all, please respect me for my decission and be happy for me, I will still be there for you all, but as I say, this is for me......... Peace and love to you all
Today's Groaner
Today's Groaner An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other. He says to the waiter: "Want coffee." The waiter says, "Sure, Chief. Coming right up." He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere and then just walks out. The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling another male buffalo with the other. He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter "Want coffee." The waiter says "Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?" The Indian smiles and proudly says ... "Training for position in United States Congress: Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day.
Today On The Rock: Hip Hopz Lounge Is Added As Official Hip Hop Lounge Of Rock After Dark
Chrisley friend Dj Smooth's fubar music chat lounge HIP HOPZ is now on Rock After Dark. JOIN NOW and chat with peepz all over the Bay area with live djs, private chat corner, live web cams and more!!! check it out here!! http://planetchrisley. ning. com/page/hiphopz-live-1 and dont forget the official lounge of the rock network FREAKS, GEEKS AND WEIRDOS HERE:® and® are regististered trademarks of Arc Phoenix Corporation®. All Rights Reserved.
Today Or When
Today I woke up with a hurting heart, but it wasn't from medical problems. It was from a forgotten love of my past that painfully reentered my dreams. During these dreams, I felt as if I were reborn. I felt the feeling of love again without a worry in the world. It was she who made me happy, it was she who opened my heart and committed murder to all my pain. However, this murder wasn't total death. The pain came back and it came back to stay. Now it's infected and peroxide doesn't even maybe I'm not normal? I'll probably never see her again in this life unless she continues to peacefully visit my dreams. If she does, maybe one day I can stay, stay with her in another world, stay with her in another time, stay with her by not waking least my heart will never hurt again
Today On The Planet: Rock Adds New Music Lounges, Ac/dc And New Gnr, Ozzy On Guitar Heros, Reaction To Obama Victory
Linkin Park Hit the Studio in L.A.: “We Have a Ton of Material” Mike Shinoda will always make time for important business. Linkin Park’s rapper-songwriter-producer has already been sketching out new Tom Morello Celebrates Change, Rouses Rabble in Vancouver In light of Tuesday night’s election results, Tom Morello will not be moving to Canada. This news prompted a sold-out audience at Vanco... The Ozzman Playeth Osbourne discovers Guitar Hero: World Tour Sitting underneath a chandelier with its light bulbs screwed into metal bats, Ozzy Osbourne — the self-proclaimed "Prince of Fuckin' Da... AC/DC Score Hit With Wal-Mart G n' R to sell through Best Buy; are big-box stores the future? At 12:01 A.M. on October 20th, Wal-Mart opened a temporary 3,000-square-foot store on Hollywood Boulevard devoted entirely to AC/DC's n... Kanye West, Wilco, Beyonce, Mellencamp Shout Out Historic Obama Victory In the wake of Barack Obama’s historic victory Tuesday night, a steady
Today I have had the pleasure of being taken to a feeling of elation that has absolutely no parallel at all. It has come to me as a feeling of what it truly means to be human and to feel a connection that is unrivaled, unparalleled and untouchable. This person although never met in the flesh has been able to portray and produce feelings of security, love and friendship that can fully alter my own very existence for the better. Without the presence of these feelings, life would truly be a somewhat empty void that is unacceptable not only to me but should be to all. Thank you my dearest friend.
Todays Shout Box Hero
->WhiteWolf ...: i dont have time for idots WhiteWolf ...: why ->WhiteWolf ...: jesus christ ... go away WhiteWolf ...: married? are u into anal? YAY I blocked
Getting excited for the holidays. Christmas is going to be soooo fun with a toddler!!! He is talking more and more everyday and he gets so excited over some of the funniest stuff. He is his own little person and I love it sooo much!!!
Today Is A Day To Remember.
Today is a day to remember. Today is Veterans day and we are to honor both the living and dead who have served and sacrificed. Thank you all for doing your duty. Thanks to our friends and family. Thanks and hail to our honored Einherjar. Salute
Today i had the most amazing day with my boyfriend we didnt Do much but i just loved spending time with him.. im soo happy right now lol *dances* :) and whats even better ill be seeing him tommmorow lol shame he couldnt stay
Today Is A Good Day
its nice to wake up today and be able to say that all my driving suspensions are over today!!!! would be nicer to be able to go the DMV and get it back but thats not gonna happen.. i'll give it a week or two for the computers to get updated.. then try and get it back. we shall see.
Todays Message
Online shopping seems so easy Why do results appear so cheesy? Trying to buy movie tickets on a site Making sure its the right theater with all my might The town is correct, the directions are not so One wrong click, and a little futher 2 people will have to go Becuase of locations that are not known so well That is why an error was made, Very easily I can tell For this movie named twilight to be seen later in day Misread the information on the page that is all that one can say The tickets are processed, the purchase is done Now here enters the anxiety that has begun One theater did not have the schedule in advance Leaving only one option at this moment that left the mind in a trance Should have waited perhaps, should have put it off another day Then this would not have happened today The credit card mut be carried to this location Yet the buyer will not be at this theater station The two that wiill see this movie are ladies of the sort Girlfriend and her fri
Today was a good day, Went to a housewarming party. The saying "its a small world" came to light today at said housewarming. I don't know how many of you had things happen in your life that you pushed out of your mind. (Im sure most of you would say yes) anyway I met a man today who right off the back knew my hubby and started talking to him. He asked if he knew another guy who happend to be one of MY old school friend when he asked me my name he gave me this look like I hit him in the face. My hubby went to grab a drink and the man asked me about another guy from high school who happened to be my high school boyfriend. He asked me if I remembered him and I couldn't, when he told me he was on one of the Sports team it clicked. My boyfriend at the time did something so bad that it came back all at once and I didnt know what to say. I guess I feel bad, why? because it was my fault.
Today .. Tomorrow . And All Those To Come
Hello to all my friends . I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you all for being there when i had my ups and downs .. Thank you for sharing such laughter and parts of yourselves and your lives that will forever enrich me .. Ive gotten to a place in my life where im spending less and less time on the computer anymore .. Several reasons for that .. 1 .. as some of you know im going to be a grandmother very soon .. she's due Feb 1st .. theyve yet to pick out a name .. although as of right now they are going between .. Ava .. and Alexis .. Im still holding out that Gwendolyn will be a passing thought lol Weve many things to do to get ready for her arrival .. and not much time to do it in .. 2..Ive met someone very special .. and he's become a very big part of my life .. he's got so many of the qualities ive always looked for in someone i can share my life with we've made an amazing connection with one another and for the first time .. im willing to fight for a rel
Today Is A Sad Day For The Dumples
Sometimes in life there comes along a person whose laughter is infectious, whose smile lights up a room, whose words are wise, whose words are at times stupid and infuriating, whose jokes are always funny and whose presence is always known and appreciated. SOmeone who, when they hug you, you fucking know you have been hugged! One of those people was my friend Sean. I remember the very first night I met Sean, years ago, just like it was yesterday and I will never forget it. I had just gotten out of jail and he gave me 15 hits of acid lol I remember our Earth, WInd aned FIre concert experience lol Our yearly Feburary camping excursions...So many fun memories with him - as I'm sure I'm not the only one. Sean and I had our ups and downs, but I always loved him more than anyone will ever know. I always considered him a good friend, a confidante and just an all around supreme duder. It is a solid shock that he is gone. WHen I got the call last night, I didn't really know what to do exc
Today I'm A Whore
so i've got auto 11s for about 8 more hours & i really really want the spotlight for tomorrow. i just uploaded a bunch of ez rates & crap, soo, go rate, enjoy. and i'm trying to return all the love, so if i don't get to you right away, i'll get there eventually. again, fubucks are the main goal, so i you don't wanna rate then gimme money I ♥ you all
i was thinkin about the baby cakes cartoon thing floating around on the internet when i started writing this...its hilarious...but anyways... i went to new jersey today to help a friend was fun till an 18 wheeler hit the side of the uhaul i was driving! he just bent the mirror buddy was sittin shotty and didnt even notice the BIG FRIGGIN TRUCK hit us... that was my excitement for the day...time for bed
Just to let you all know…everything is ok….but for the next day or so I will not be on here as much as normal….just in now and again, so if you want to reach me and have my yahoo I will be there…if not then leave a message and will return as soon as I can. Hugs to you all
Today I
I will look for nothing else, Because the day has come; I will not seek to satisfy Because it's all been done. Every crystal mirror will just call you. And Every crystal mirror will just call you. There will never be a way to say goodbye, Because every blue morning I will cry and die; You spent so much time finding me Where I sat forever on the edge of eternity. And every crystal mirror will just call to you, Every crystal mirror will know you too. And the envelope of forever will open up, Where on his lips every flower will see time forgot; And some will see and say it was you and me, But it doesn't matter 'cause it's not a lot. And every crystal mirror will call to you, And every shard of slicing I will feel too. They always make a large black blot, To fade out the forget-me-not; Fools seek a seat in destiny. I only hoped for a moment of you and me.
For a day I thought was going to be sad and lonesome, it turned out to be ALMOST perfect. I had decided I wasn't going to a restaurant on Thanksgiving day and that I would cook for my mother and me. My sister called last night and said she thought we needed someone to help us eat all the food, so she and her and husband came. I got a call this morning from Justin who had made the decision spend the day with his father and his family then on to Sarah's mother's, which broke my heart. He said Sarah's mother moved her dinner up for later so Justin could come here for a bit! He stayed for about 2 hours. It made my whole day. The only sad thing about today was that we couldn't get Blake for the day. His mother wanted him with her. :( Also, my nephew who lives in West Palm Beach couldn't make it in. Jason is one of my best friends as well as my nephew. All the family is gone and I just finished putting up my Christmas tree. :) I am sitting here enjoying lovely cup
Today Is Native American Heritage Day
National heritage day honors American Indians By MARY HUDETZ, Associated Press Writer – Fri Nov 28, 8:10 am ET PORTLAND, Ore. – For the first time, federal legislation has set aside the day after Thanksgiving — for this year only — to honor the contributions American Indians have made to the United States. Frank Suniga, a descendent of Mescalero Apache Indians who lives in Oregon, said he and others began pushing in 2001 for a national day that recognizes tribal heritage. Suniga, 79, proposed his idea to a cultural committee that is part of the Portland-based Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians. The organization took on the cause of a commemorative day, as did the National Congress of American Indians and other groups. Congress passed legislation this year designating the day as Native American Heritage Day, and President George W. Bush signed it last month. The measure notes that more Americans Indians than any other group, per capita,
Today's Math
Schools are finally starting to teach practical math that these kids can use in real world situations!! It’s about time! Name _________________________________________ Gang/Crew Name______________________ Crib __________________ 1. Ramon has an AK-47 with a 30-round clip. He usually misses 6 out of every 10 shots and he uses 13 rounds per drive-by shootin. How many drive by shootins can Ramon hit before he reloads. 2. Leroy has 2 ounces of cocaine. If he sells an 8 ball to Antonio for $320 and 2 grams to Jaun for $85 per gram, what be the street value of the rest of his shit? 3. Dwayne pimps 3 ho’s. If the price is $85 per trick, how many tricks per day must each ho turn to support Dwayne’s $800 per day Crack habit? 4. Raul wants to cut the pound of cocaine he bought for $40,000 to make 20% profit. How many ounce bags will he need to make to gets the 20% upside? 5. Desmond get $2000 for a stolen BMW, $1500 for stealing a Corvette, and $1000 for a 4
its getting colder here in the sierrasso i am a little more active in mid day than early morning but i got a lot done today ......i fueled for the winter the warmth will be needed .......picked up some fire logs i like to keep them around they are nice for just one watching the snow fall for a few hours over a smoke or two ......stocked in my winters coffee ,spent several hours today with all the doors open even though it was in the 40'sfired up the old beast today just to let him run a while been two weeks .........really had a great day looking to my night being better
Today Let's Ask Ourselves This;what Healing Things Do I Like To Do?
To heal ourselves is a reclamation of the power we all have as living beings to live in harmony with the life energy and to fulfill our potential as creatures among many on this planet. --Chellis Glendinning We live in a world that tells us healing only comes from outside ourselves. To some, it may seem odd to think each of us has the ability to heal ourselves. How is this possible? Easy - we can do it if we believe we can. Whatever we believe we cannot do will remain beyond our ability. But believing we can heal ourselves gives us access to many healing ways. Self-acceptance is healing. Singing, playing, walking by a river are healing. Even helping others with their problems can be healing to us. There are as many ways of self-healing as there are people in the world. Once we experience what is healing for us, we can go on to discover many more healing acts to share with others. To heal ourselves is a reclamation of the power we all have as living beings to live in harmony wit
Today is the time for which you have waited, the time for which your soul has longed. NOW is the moment for which each experience, each relationship within every lifetime has prepared you. Without doubt, without hesitation the events occurring now within history are the very reason that you have journeyed so far from home to this world. Rare by any standard. Your life is the labor that is enabling the birth of a new expression of life, rooted in the wisdom of compassion.
Todays Code
Here's a code that will be active through SUNDAY DEC 21 at NOON PST: SWAGGERNAUT (case sensitive) Go to "Your Swag Bucks" page, enter the code SWAGGERNAUT, and you will instantaneously have a Swag Buck added to your account. SWAG1 (case sensitive) will also give you a swag buck
Todays Blog Please Read!!
Today Thought
So I was siting at home thinking about my life today, and came up with a long list of things i Wished i did. BUt idol wishing is not going to get me anywhere. To succeed in this i must put aside all I know and care about. For this I must become who I know I am in side and face the fear that we all see. I must outshine my myself to become who i want to be. This is only going to happen as long as i want it to. "I AM" my trouble, My fear, My worry. All this is what i let other people see, Time to shine as myself and not "You".
Todays Food For Thought
I wish I knew how to talk to people on fubar:( I can't chat with my woman:(
Today Is The Day
First day back to work (officially. I went in several times during my 'vacation'). Not everybody was here, was actually just me and my people, with one of them working from home. She made me laugh, said I work too much and I needed to get a life. Perhaps she is right. I've been so bored over the last week with nobody around, and surprisingly little to do at home. I actually went to bed at 11:00 last night. I realized forcing myself to sleep was better than laying in bed looking at a laptop for three more hours, not really doing anything but surfing youtube. Perhaps a life would be a good idea. Any suggestions? I realized today that a fear I had when I moved for the first time may actually be a reality. When I moved to Georgia I was so amazed at how great it was to be some place different, to experience a new place and new people and new things that I was concerned that I would get tired of where I was and want that feeling again. Three years later, I moved to where I am now. I've
Today Is The Big Day!!!
Well my friends – today is the day. Today is the last day of my employment at the office I’ve worked for the last 9 years. I have seen the error of my ways – I have repented. I walk away from this disaster in the making with a full heart and a slackful grin plastered upon my face. And why am I so happy to leaving this job? Because I know exactly what is coming. And I’m going to be as far away from it as I can get. I’ll be standing upon that high hill, watching the citizens burn this bitch to the ground – and I’ll be laughing and dancing. I’ve tried to warn you for years about what’s going down. I’ve put my neck on the line more times than I can count to help those in need, and I get spit on for my efforts. I try to point out the situation as clearly as I can, going from point A to B to C, and the fools sit there slack-jawed and glassy eyed – a string of drool hanging from their lip. I’ve pulled the curtain back and exposed the man pulling the strings – and no one cares. My
Today's Thought
You've got your own way of doing things and sometimes you need to just stick with it, no matter what. If anyone accuses you of being inflexible, just raise an eyebrow and keep moving.
Today's Employees
you know it occurs to me that regardless of what industry you work in, ppl just igve a flying fuck about themselves....They don't care about others, there is NO SENSE OF TEAMWORK!!!! All ppl care about nowadays compared to 2 or 3 decades ago is that you nowadays do ur shift and go home. No communication is spent trying to get a better bridge built. How are pl supposed to survive if they can't scratch one another's backs?? People have to realize that even if you hate ur job there are some ppl worth bending over backwards for. Seeeing as how we are not supposed to stop learning til we're 6' under, we're a long way off of that these days. Its too bad that we have to be in a global economical situation that doesn't benefit any of us but at the same token we should all work together to make ourselves better as a unified team not being out there for one person only. People seem to forget that business is often spread by word of mouth or the horse's mouth so to speak.
Today's List 02/05/2009
lil Miss Fancy Pants, Miss Wild....and ~ItalianTease~ HAVE AUTO 11s!!! These fine ladies could use a really good spanking. Have a great day. lil Miss Fancy Pants....ஐ*ღDangerous Curves Memberღ*ஐ@ fubar Miss Wild....@ fubar ~ItalianTease~@ fubar Brought to you by: RedZ28 - Co-Owner Rate Spankers@ fubar
[today Was Good To Me.]
I didn't get laid today, or start a new relationship I didn't pay my bills, or buy a new game I did however start today with a new project from a dream. I liked it, I'll write more about it when my computer is back up. It was one of the few projects I've started where I said "hey, I'd actually read this". That's always a good place to start from. I even outlined the whole book which is unprecedented for me. My clothes are tumbling in the dryer, my heart's in my throat after once again nudging one of my favorite people and asking her why we're not going out, they're inducing labor for my god daughter in about 3 hours, and I've finally decided what to do with my damn PC. Could it be better? Immensely. I could be making love to my favorite goddess while being hand fed olives and drinking ambrosia from a gold chalice, its still a damn sight better than yesterday's shenanigans. Tomorrow's busy, hideously busy, and I'm quite infatuated in a quite impossible situation. Nothing to do but to c
Today's List 01/20/2009
NEPTUNE'S HUMAN HAS AUTO 11s!!! Until 9pm EST Tues! If you don't know him, go check him out! He's an amazing friend! Neptune's Human@ fubar Brought to you by..... cAUSE iM tHE fCKiNG pRiNCESS..dUHH@ fubar and RedZ28@ fubar
Today's Story Is...snow!!!!
Good Morning, I have a riddle for you: Pick up a white piece of Paper, totally white, no lines as in notebook paper, if you only have note book paper then it will have to do. Ok here is the riddle, stare at the white sheet of paper for 25 seconds. Now answer this question. What is it? No not a sheet of paper…come on…give it a try look real hard… you will see it. Ok I am not going to give you the answer until you take this serious. I will go on will my morning story, if you do not try to give me an educated guess… Ok..that does it… Good Morning…oh shoot I already said that…Well I am one morning greeting ahead is all. So I hear all these morning zoo gooberistic events going on country wide. Gooberistic is not a real word this I know, however, due to the amount of snow we have been receiving there is no time to go to so there…So I go to take Lizard outside this morning, picture this if you will, It’s 10 degrees, it snowed another 10-12 inches on our asses. I try
when you think life is real it's not. i see things as they are. bleak. absent. so i try. and try again. like we all should. to make life real... and in the end fate should reward us all.. to live happy..... to live the way we should... to hold what we have and cherish it... to have family,friends, and lovers, is that possible? .....yes it is.
Today Is A Very Sad Day
I was notified at 10am this morning that a very very good friend of mine of over 10 year died of a brain aneurysm this morning at her home. She was only 35 years old. This was totally unexpected and no one knew that anything was wrong with her. I am in total shock, and very sad about this. I have tried to hang out on here but I can not keep my head on straight. So if you could please keep my family and her family in your prayers. She left behind a husband, a 12 year old son and a 8 year old daughter....
Well, today Justin {my son} and I cleaned out 2 closets, 2 cabinets, and the storage under the guestroom captain's bed. He is taking 3 garbage bags full of clothing to Goodwill for me. Pretty good start to the packing process. :) As for my SI joint... Eh, a pain pill and muscle relaxer later and I am tolerating. :) We didn't even argue over anything. He just did as I told him to do. :O Who kidnapped my son and replaced him with an uncanny lookalike??? That is all.
One today is worth two tomorrows.... What the hell does this quote mean? can anyone tell me?

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