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A Real Pig!!!
shotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:19:08 PM): heyshotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:19:46 PM): heyLisa (9/14/2009 11:20:03 PM): helloshotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:20:21 PM): can u change ur text color can hardly see itLisa (9/14/2009 11:20:33 PM): its my signature color, i use it all the timeLisa (9/14/2009 11:20:42 PM): add a darker background colorshotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:21:03 PM): i cantLisa (9/14/2009 11:21:10 PM): why notshotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:22:02 PM): cause im on the web versionLisa (9/14/2009 11:22:11 PM): web version?Lisa (9/14/2009 11:22:14 PM): web tv?shotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:23:15 PM): no the web version on the internetshotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:23:22 PM): how old are youLisa (9/14/2009 11:23:34 PM): just like it says in my profile im 46Lisa (9/14/2009 11:23:40 PM): and you?shotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:23:46 PM): 37Lisa (9/14/2009 11:23:49 PM): yours is not in your profile that i can remembershotglass0 (9/14/2009 11:24:01 PM): nope, u marriedLisa (9/14/2009 11:24:08 PM): nope, not marriedshotglass0 (
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BAM*******4 mins agofanned you rated you plz add me and allow access to all photos plz Yeah, I know, it's my own damn fault cause, in Katie's words I "have a motherfuckin snake on my motherfuckin tits"    But do I look like I'm that stoopid?  
The Real Me.
            So i wrote this again on another of my social networking sites enjoy the read.   the real me. it may be weird and stuff but i been feeling this way recently. Current mood:  bummed Lately more than anything I don't think anyone knows the real me. Or even wants to try to know the real me. Hell I am lucky to know even if there is a real me, that I am capable of understanding. I have been a bit reflective again as of late. So sorry if it's a repeated thing or something I have done before. I realize I have lost friends old and new because of things I have done. I have burned bridges I never should have burned. Now to get back to that level of friendship I used to have can never happen. I feel like a lost memory in peoples past that they chose to forget me or the real me.                    Or the fact that I was at one time even at my worst had sparks of kindness and gentleness or even a caring attitude. I have met friends who after they found out about me and things I ha
Really, I'm Not Ignoring You On Purpose
Just a quick note to let you all know that I've been dealing with trying to get my parents moved out of their house before it is foreclosed on. It's hard enough to pack up a 4 bedroom house filled with nearly 40 years worth of stuff and move it into a 1 bedroom appartment when the folks you're moving aren't fighting you every step of the way. Needless to say this has been dominating my time. Anyway, if it seems I've been ignoring anyone hopefuly you'll understand I have good reason to not be here. With any luck, the situation will be resolved in a month or two....actualy since the Sherriff's sale is Nov 22nd, I guess it'll have to be! rich
Really Love
+Really Love+   Sometimes I wonderWhat we could of beenIf only we would ofKnown where to begin     Let those who judge usFirst judge their own sinsWish I could go backTo the timeWhen You seemed
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Why is it that real people or people who tell the truth are hated i thank its becouse they intimadate outher people becouse u are real and they are fake and u will comeout on top....
A Real Friend
A Real Friend   If I could take a minute To help you understand I am a better person Because, you are my friend.   And it really doesn't matter If we're together or apart For I swept you up into my hands And placed you in my heart.   And if at any moment You ever start to doubt There's a special bond between us That I couldn’t live without.   You truly are the answers To many of my prayers When I told God I needed
Real Queshun
I am thinkin to get a netbook (12" one) (do NOT insert penis references here, assholes) so I can take it with me to Russia and use it while traveling.   ANd I have NO idea what to get. HALP??!
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I'm laying here watching Dexter, the episode where he proposes to his girlfriend. For some reason I start to think about my Shanny. Then the song Somewhere Out There by Our Lady Peace pops in my mind. This was all in a matter of seconds. First thing I did was put the song on . It was urgent to hear it playing in my ears. This lead from my ears to my heart which sent the signal up to ducts behind my eyes. I tried to hold it back, but couldn't. That's when I decided to write this blog and talk it all. A lot lately she's been  on my mind. I still love her madly even with everything that happened. I still feel like there's hope. It's so hard to let her go. I can honestly say  I've never felt this way about anyone. She has something about her that I can never get enough of. I hope that my hope does pay off in the end. I would very much like to be happy. Being with her would give me that chance. Sometimes I wish she would tell me she loves me too though. I don't have to hear it all the time,
Real Warriors Of Life
well been awhile but needed to unload. you know i salute every soldier who fights for our freedom. I mean risking there lives day in day out to protect us. but i wanna talk about another kind of warrior. another type of soldier. i sit and look at this world and realize the soldier and warrior i have become. ive foughten off my demons and surrendered to some. but in the end i fight harder and harder. i fight the will and urge to live. i fight the will and urge to end everything. when i see a paradise of freedom its not the beautiful blue waterfall pouring down. its a waterfall of blood symbolizing the pain and torture i live through every day. many people feel this same fight.the fight to keep will ond faith in this world where something idont think is real. hope is a let down, a heartbreaker. we all fight our own battles no matter how big or how small. its the drema of sitting on the side of the street...waitin....watching everyone go on with there lives...never worrying abo
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A Real Treasure
She has some beautiful eyesthat sparkle like the stars aboveShe has a big warm heartthat is filled up with goldShe has a beautiful smilethat shines like diamondsShe has a healing touchthat is also soft and warmGetting to know her is greatOne day this beautifulAmazing, Stunning, BreathtakingReal life treasure will be mineTo show off and flaunt
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I am very self-centered about some things. I hate it. I also can't help it when I get jealous about it. Stupid jealousy issue. It comes from low self-esteem I suppose..
Realizations V2
1. Something is wrong with me. No point whore is willing to fuMarry me. =[ 2. The people that are on the top for winning at the slots and poker really don't have good luck. They probably just spent an ungodly amount of money to get creidits. 3. It's nice having a new phone number that only 4 people know the number to. [if you're on my phone and you don't have the new number yet, you'll get it] 4. I didn't realize, until today, how many weirdos I know. It's scary. 5. It's looking like things are looking up for me and I couldn't be happier. Maybe December will be a good month and a great start at something new. 6. As always, I love my friends.
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Reality Intrudes
There is no time for dreams, for believing in fairy tales.  Truth consumes the most beautiful fantasies like flames, devouring hopes and wishes, turning them black with the charred remnants of harsh reality.  I wish dreams lasted longer...  I wish I could find the one dream that doesn't disappear in the light of day...  I long for a fantasy strong enough, real enough, solid enough to touch.
It has come to my attention that the people here on earth do not believe that there is as such a thing well known as extraterrestrial aliens. To these people I say that they are ignorant and that they are arrogant to think that they are the only humans in the entire universe. They want to believe in a god that’s all right with me. But, do they put all of their eggs in one basket? No, and neither did their own god, as they want to believe in him. And you wouldn’t stop there with just only one kind of intelligent life form neither. Just think about parakeets, they can talk to and communicate quite well with each other. Or what about Dolphins, you’ve been trying for years to talk to them as well. So whose to say that their god didn’t create an intelligent life form that looks like a reptile, that walks upright on two leg or even on fore legs for that matter. This brings us to the matter of space travel. Here on earth you’ve dream of going to outer space a
The Real Story Behind The Shade
Dried under all the dust His heart beats only for the feeling of lust no love, honesty, empathy  left inside of him a lonly soul twisted through his lies Smile as dark and hollow as a grave which he always seems to dig with his actions His words are blank but catchy like a song that you can't stop humming Lord please catch me I have fallen for the devil suited up as prince charming but thats his plan he wants to captivate you and take you for a rollercoaster ride Damion the man of sin,lies, and growing rage Hides his flaws and pulls you in then fucks you over and plays with your strings You are his pupet and then once you break free he turns it around and starts all over again while you break, and your heart is left bleeding he is back here looking for another victim to fall in love with him and then murder their soul just to start all over again The lies build up  The pain grows But one day I know he will die alone The world will forget him and my heart w
The Real Reason Behind The Copenhagen Walk-out
The Real Reason Behind The Copenhagen Walk-Out Developing countries have walked out on the Copenhagen climate talks, but one of the primary reasons as to why nations like China and India have boycotted the summit is being hidden by the corporate media - namely the fact that the negotiations were doomed once poorer countries learned of the globalist's neo-colonial agenda as a result of the Danish text leak.
Realization #1
So in any normal circumstance I'd never post anything here, but I figured I might give it a try. Actually, I was a frequent blogger years and years ago back during my undergraduate days (wow, I'm starting to feel old just thinking about it. And I just barely graduated a year ago as of Dec 13th here in 2 days). BUT, looking back on it; I see how immature I was back then. And as I've gotten a bit older, posts are fewer and far between; unless it seems important or something of relevance. Now on with the post... Abandonment? Meaning (as defined by Merriam-Webster) "given up." A lot of things can come to mind when you think "abandoned" (or any form of the word). Myself? It unfortunately brings back a lot of painful memories. Memories I never thought I'd ever remember. Not until 2 nights ago... I was on the phone with one of my best friends in Shreveport and while I was speaking, I happened to mention a few things on my mind. In particular, my string of horrible luck in relationships...
The Real Meaning Of Christmas (or Where Christains Got It Wrong)
Before I begin this, please note, I am a practicing Catholic and was once in the seminary studying to be a priest.  I know some Christains don't consider Catholics real christains, but I'll save that arguement for another day.  For those of you who are non-christains, this blog still has significance, because I won't be approaching this from a purely religous point of view, rather historical and it still provides a good moral tale and a deeper understanding of the Christains you do live amongst. Now, first we do have to suspend reality and accept the Christain faith as real.  The common thread all Christain sects accept is Christ born of a virgin, god becomes man, later is crucified and ressurects.  What they believe as significant, god born as man is unique... wrong Odin and Zeus, while no born Human, often come to earth in fleshy form.  Hercules,  demi-god, born human.  Christ dies ad through it saves the world... again Osirus(spelling) dies and saves his world.  The resurrection is
The Real Night Before Christmas (by Parents)
'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house I searched for the tools to hand to my spouse Instructions were studied and we were inspired, in hopes we could manage "Some Assembly Required." The children were quiet (not asleep) in their beds, while Dad and I faced the evening with dread: a kitchen, two bikes, Barbie's townhouse to boot! And now, thanks to Grandpa, a train with a toot! We opened the boxes, my heart skipped a beat - let no parts be missing or parts incomplete! Too late for last-minute returns or replacement; if we can't get it right, it goes straight to the basement! When what to my worrying eyes should appear but 50 sheets of directions, concise, but not clear, With each part numbered and every slot named, so if we failed, only we could be blamed. More rapid than eagles the parts then fell out, all over the carpet they were scattered about. "Now bolt it! Now twist it! Attach it right there! Slide on the seats, and staple the stair! Hammer the shelves, and
The Reality Of Fibromyalgia, Which Millions Suffer From, Myself Included:
Real Vampires
Real Friends My Ass.
I do not believe their is such things as real net friends. I think people add someone they do not know then call them their friends just because their on a Friends List. Its Pathetic. I can't stand it when someone i don't know adds me then calls me Friend. NO ONE ON THE NET IS FRIENDS. just because you talk to someone on a regular basis you think their you're friends? idiotic.
A Real Family
I've seen many people come and go in Liliths Lair. Some return after being gone a while. Some never leave, even when its dead. And some who claim to be true friends willing to help disappear the moment things slow down. Well fuck them! Liliths Lair has proved time after time that we dont need those types of people. We are a true and real family and I love them all so much! To mention individuals who remained loyal would take all night, and I can't wait to get back to them. You all know who you are and if you don't, come meet them. We are indeed a real family and I love you all!!! KEEP IT METAL! EMBRACE THE EVIL! Love always, Lady of Liliths Lair
Real Fear
it will never be finished the fear that incases the soul the feeling that cant be diminished that can be as black as coal like something creeping up behind you and your scared to turn around trying to subdue the feeling but you cannot make a sound you close your eyes and count to ten and you slowly turn around and what you fear most is standing there and your frozen to the ground. its not a fairy tale creature that you find in a child's book but just a single person that your innocence, he has took
Real Life Still Exists
Sorry havent been on much guys and gals. I have been doing some thinking and taking time away from the computer. Theres so much more to life than fubar/the internet. Some people take this site way too serious. I shouldnt just say this site. I should say the internet PERIOD. It creates keyboard gangsters who are pussies in real life, It creates a place where whores feel loved... Um note to self ladies, The only reason your loved is because they jerk off to your pics. Have you ever researched just how many people are tracked down and murdered from online sites by sick stalkers? Or all the people that claim they have so many friends online. Ummm you have NONE in real life so that makes you an internet LOSER! Then you have all the lazy fucks who sit there and talk about what all they have when they dont really have ANYTHING! They sit on their parents computer and brag like they have something going for them in life. I pitty these people that spend hundreds of dollars just trying to be popu
There's a point in ur life when you get tired of trying to fix everything and make everyone happy. When you finally decide to quit... its NOT giving up. It's realizing that you don't need certain people and there BS in ur life!!
I've had a beard since I was about 12.  So recently I've noticed beards are making a comeback.  That's good I suppose.  Now I don't feel like a complete pariah.  But, at the same time, it's kind of annoying.  It seems people are starting to do this whole "all bearded people look alike thing".  Maybe it's just me that see's this, but I bet it happens to others. The other night I went out with my buddy Rooster.  We started drinking early on after a hard day of tattooing.  We hit up this bar that had good beer at good prices and started to knock back several drinks...I lost track around beer 16 and shot number 5.  Anyways, at some point, everyone in the damn bar decided to come up to me and tell me that I look like "that guy from The Hangover".  I'm assuming they mean Zach Galifianakis. While I don't mind when people tell me I look like someone famous (for the longest time people told me I looked like Bill Murray in the Royal Tennenbaums) what annoys me is when they ask me to quote line
Has anyone else noticed all the god damned drama?? lol this isnt real life ppl get over it!! Im getting annoyed with all the pity parties and noone likes me im so ugly bull crap...anyone else?? lmao its like high school all over again but with more typing lmao
A Real Good Day!
Today is Spectacular.... because: 1. Even if that ultrasound technician was a cunt the results from the ultrasound make me happy. My baby is a very low risk for Down Syndrome or any other birth defects besides having Jeff and I as parents 2. I went to a low risk Maternity clinic where i met a great nurse and doctors that could perform the delivery. I hear my baby's heart rate for the first time..... 150 beats per minute... 3. Jeff somehow convinced me to go threw Prenatal classes again in my happy mood.. Ill kill him later. 3. for the last 4 days i have not been constipated. 4. I dont feel nauseated and i ate glossettes. 5. I got a new book called the lovely bones and yes i know its going to be a movie but i really prefer reading to watching movies 6. the guy that lives with us hasn't been home in 2 days ever since I left that face book comment "If you live with me you might want to run away for a while" 7. This week the government will finally be paying me and I will go out
A Real Life Story Of Sadness And Living With It...
Here’s something else I found on here today worth sharing, it’s a real life story of someone’s real life experience with an unfortunate event in their youth and how it is effecting them still to this day. It’s well written as well..I figured it’s worth sharing…. Click to read… Hope everyone had a great weekend. It totally sucks the Jets lost and Brett Favre totally lost another NFC Championship Game. Everyone ready for the Fubar Super Bowl Pool? It should be around eventually. My Bet : Colts. Have a great week, it’s going to be a long one… Peace..
Really Old Poem I Did.. I Found It In My Email Lol!
My heart belongs to you my love My heart belongs to you my love You say i was sent to you from above I don't know what i would do With out you My heart belongs to you my love You say my lips taste so sweet Every time we kiss when we meet My legs get so weak I can barely speak My heart belongs to you Only to you my love One glance from me makes you say "You take my breath away" My heart belongs to you my love You were sent to me from above Your touch is to much to handle I can't imagine life without you I don't know what i would do If i lost you My heart belongs to you my love
Realize Colbie Caillat
Really Bad Jokes
Doctor walks into the exam room where his patient is waiting. "Well, we got your results. I have some good news and bad news." "Give the me the good news first." the patient says. "The good news you're gonna have a disease named after you."     What brown and rhymes with Snoop? Dr. Dre.
Real Men Dont Cry..
picture me rollin
The Real Tinkerbell
There's a widely believed myth that the model used for the figure of Tinkerbell in "Peter Pan" was the actress Marilyn Monroe. You'll even see it quoted as fact in some sources, just like that damn lemming story (don't get me started again...) but it t'ain't true. Tinkerbell was a lady named Margaret Kerry. In the book, Tinker Bell was by trade a tinker who didn't talk, but made the sound of bells - hence the name. Tinker, bell ..get it? Cute, huh? She was just a temperamental, Drama Queen of a pixie light darting around. It was anyone's guess what a Real Tinkerbell would behave or look like. When Kerry won the audition, she spent 6 months wearing a bathing suit and creating a Real Tinkerbell with her facial expressions, body language and that killer figure. She would pose with props and became a living, walking Rolodex of poses, expressions, feelings and graceful motion. Animators would then sk
Real Life And Internet
I'm sorry for everyone I've hurt even if I didn't know I did. I'm not really an evil person and I try to be nice to everyon. For those of you who don't know, I am married. I will struggle to work things out with my life and my husband until he gives up. If you may have thought I lead you on I am sorry for that too. I didn't realize it. But I'd rather just be friends, nothing else. I love talking to everyone and its fine giving compliments and recieving compliments but it does not mean I will leave him for you. I have a familly with this man, and yes I do love them all. But I'm not gunna be the heartbreaker anyone wants me to be, because its only gunna hurt you. With all this being said, I hope that I will still have many friends and that no one will stop talking to me. I love my friends, they are just like family but over the net lol.
The Real Little Mermaid Story She Dies.....
When the Little Mermaid turns 15 she ventures to the surface. She sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him. There comes a great storm, and the prince almost drowns, but the Little Mermaid saves him and she delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until he is found by a young girl from the temple. The prince never sees the Little Mermaid.The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. She is told that no, humans have an even shorter lifespan than mermaids. Mermaids live for 300 years, but when they die they turn to sea foam and cease to exist. Humans, on the other hand, have a short lifespan on earth, but they have an eternal soul that lives on in heaven even after they die. The Little Mermaid spends her days longing for the prince and for an eternal soul. At last she goes to the Sea Witch who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue; the Little Mermaid has the pretti
The Real Me...
total and complete chaos...starting out with one and working my way up to 4...deep dark secret...i dont want to be here is not what i imagined, peace and trainquility does not exist....does anyone ever really know who they are?? are we a figment of our imagination?? does this world really exist?? do we have a destiny?? fallen from grace...damn i hit hard...hwere did time go?? how did i get here?? am i the only one who askes thee questions?? i look back and think about my life....what i could have done different...i have no regrets, just lessons laned and a shitload of unanswered questions....and i know that no one reads these things, so i am putting my real thoughts in the past matter?? i know it makes u who u r today, but it doesnt make any sense....if u were a born again christian in ur past and a hopeless druggie now, then what does that say to the whole world?? i men im not critisizing God by no means, im just asking....i mean what has happened to
The Real Deal
Reality Of A Nightmare
The day was beautiful and warm... Sun reflecting off the hood of the car, Pearl white on black, A classic that will never have back, Created in 56, the top was never missed...   I promised to take Her for a ride... Together we sat side by side, Riding down the 105...   The music wailed... As we sailed,  WInd was blowing, Both of us completely unknowing....   I promised to take Her for a ride... Together we sat side by side, Riding down the 105...   In the blink of an eye... Seven people die, One ran into another, Child, borther, sister, Mother...   I promised to take Her for a ride... Together we sat side by side, Riding down the 105...   In the front of it all... There I lay, in a heaping sprawl.   Sun reflecting off the hood of the car... Pearl white on black, A classic that will never have back...   Never to drive again... Long ago the vow was took, Now the pain is writen in the book...
Reality For Cyber. Truly Sad.
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- Police have arrested a South Korean couple whose toddler starved to death while they were raising a virtual child online, authorities said. The couple fed their 3-month-old daughter once a day between marathon stretches in a local Internet cafe, where they were raising a virtual child in the fantasy role-playing game Prius Online, police told local reporters Friday. Prius Online is a 3-D game in which players nurture an online companion, Anima, a young girl with mysterious powers who grows and increases her skills as the game progresses. Police have not identified the 41-year-old father and 25-year-old mother, who lived in Suwon, a suburb south of Seoul. But the father apologized, speaking to reporters. "I wish that she hadn't got sick and that she will live well in heaven forever. And as the father, I am sorry," he said. The baby reportedly died five months ago. South Korea has one of the world's fastest broadband networks. Seoul has won international
The Real Me
You've come to me based on an ideal Believing your own fantasy real But I am flawed, merely human I am the common creature known as woman I never lied about my being, my choice And I've spoken with no other than my own voice I wear little makeup as I've no obsession With that unattainable thing called perfection I do not care to chase men as sport And with womanizers I have no rapport You say that I am without a clue But that's not the case - so here's a tip for you If I interest you, then accept me for who I am For your unrealistic vision I don't give a damn I am stubborn, my laughter is rich I am intelligent and a sarcastic bitch I have no patience for pettiness or fools And I refuse to play by your rules I am more gentle and kind than angry, you see And love is a many-splendoured thing for me When I give my heart, it's for eternity I lock inside the one I love and throw away the key But it's not through words that I demonstrate passion I do so only through my actions I feel more de
Sleeping 12 hours has its advantages apparently....     Carry on.....
Real Man
1.) A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his family first.   2.) A REAL MAN RAISES HIS KIDS, not JUST out of pocket either.   3.) A REAL MAN supports his woman to develop herself.   4.) A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN.   5.) A REAL MAN doesn't Break Promises   6.) A REAL MAN calls you beautiful, not hot, sexy, or fine as fuck.   8.) A REAL MAN CALLS YOU on a daily basis - NO MATTER HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS.   9.) A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about you or what his friends think of you.   10.) A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with you & won't get sick of you.   11.) A REAL MAN comes over just to watch movies with you.   12.) A REAL MAN kisses you on the forehead just because.   13.) A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real.   14.) A REAL MAN should be treated like one.   15.) A REAL MAN doe
Is the current Happy Hour picture giving me a headache? Yes. Am I having issues with my nose? Yes. Do I have a cough that won't go away? Yes. Do I sometimes take things for granted? Yes. Do I sometimes not think somthing is a big deal to people, then find out it is but it's too late and I've fucked up? Yes Am I really not all that great of a friend? Yes Am I done with this "blog"? Yes.   Really.....all of those are true. Really
What is Reality? One can dream something so real they think its real. When the only dreams you can remember are the ones that actually happen, what does that make them? Real as they are in the dreams, what makes them happen in reality? The line is too blurry for even me to see through.Yet things that we think are real are often not. Each person percieves things differently, so who is to say what is real or not?
The Real You ??
I hopped upon the internet and not true love to ever seekmore out of curiosity, just wanting to have a quick peekI have met some people there from all over this grand earthand a few have become close friends, for what it's worth I have counseled people from far away and others nearall most need is someone that will not judge to lend an earjust a trusted shoulder to cry on when life gets too tougha sympathetic soul that'll listen when they have had enough I never thought about thing like if their profile was realbecause their pain and emotions were, that I could feelThen one day quite unexpectedly I happened upon youand now I find myself wondering all the time "What is true?" "What do you want in life and what are you trying to do?""Is that exquisite picture that mesmerizes me really you?""Have I been seduced from afar by your grace and charm?""Why am I thinking these things and will you do me harm?" "Is there any chance that you wonder these things too?"rather the answer is yes or
Real Or Fake?
Should I try to grow new teeth to eat cats, or get dentures?
Real Men...
This is from the second movie. It's got Rocco from the first one. Enjoy [video in comments]
Really Quick
What is it with all the stupid HH pics? Can't people just put up a NORMAL picture, one that does NOT move or flash up there?     Yeah I know, it got my attention, but I'm not clicking so it's not really the BEST advertisment. Ugh.     btw, how do you send rounds now? I can't find the link.
When u tell sumone u love them u love them with all ur heart and soul. when u tell sumone u want them u give them all of u, not partz of u. when u make a promies to sumone u keep it, and follow threw with it. dont say thingz becuse u think thatz what they want to hear, that jus meanz itz all a lie, no intent and fake. fakeness is a sickness and i dont need or want that n my life. so keep it real and thingz will b all good. b fake and i dont need u n my life. when i say and do thingz im real about it, im never fake about nothing!
She is real   Yet she is not what you think   Wishing.. waiting   Lost yet found   She is an enigma   to wait.. to wish   Darkened shroud of sun   Moon baying   Wishing..waiting light dancing within shadows.  
The Real Truth
How many Times have you seen on TV 4 or 5 cops on one person? Now if it was just you or Me with our freinds that would be a Mob or a gang. How about if some one walks up to Us and we put our hands on a knife or a gun We are threetning others. But a Cop can do it to Us. When was the last time you got more days off than your Boss and got payed more?
Really??? Does Anyone Deserve Respect Here?????
Usually i try to be positive and cheerful to you here in fuville cuz EVERYONE deserves a chance but this is ridiculous. I'm NOT worried about losing friends because it. seems I HAVE NONE.You know people talk about love and wanting and needing it.but if you DON'T KNOW LOVE,this is what happens.Too MANY folks here want to abuse and misuse people and their feelings.WHY??? IT DOESN'T MATTER TO YOU IF SOMEONE COUD USE YOUR SUPPORT FOR A CHANGE??? NAH,CUZ YOU'RE A-L-L ABOUT YOU!!! why even bother fooling with decent people??? cuz you can? FOR YOU WHO LAUGH AND SCOFF AT THIS,remember you have a life too.You have a life that can be turned up-side down at ANY GIVEN'll be the one in the end on your ass with no one to be there for your evil ass.what's so great about being evil???If you like to hurt others,you'll be hurting FOR ETERNITY.why ask other's to rate you,fan you and do this and that for you when you know you won't be decent to them in kind.CUZ YOU'RE A SOULLESS BASTARD WITH
Real Live Woman
by Trisha Yearwood I don't buy the lines in magazinesThat tell me what I've gotta beDon't base my life on a movie screenDon't fit the mold society has plannedI don't need to be 19-years-oldOr starve myself for some weight I'm toldWill turn men's heads - been down that roadAnd I thank God I finally know just who I amI ain't a movie starMay never see the view from where they areAnd this old town may be as far as I'm goin'What he'll hold tonight in his handsHe swears is so much better thanAnything this old world can show himI'm a real live womanIn love with this man I see lyin' here next to meLost in the way that he's holdin'This real live womanIn the arms of a man where I'll fall asleep knowin' there'sNothin' on earth he loves more thanThis real live womanI work 9-5 and I can't relateTo millionaires who somehow fateHas smiled upon and fortune made theirCommon lives a better place to beAnd I no longer justifyReasons for the way that I behaveI offer no apologiesFor the things that I belie
A Real Man Never Hits A Woman
Twelve years ago …   Jeremiah 45                                                                                                      May 15 Video on the Bible and “Jesus”                                                             9805.15   And seekest thou great things for thyself?  Seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the LORD: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest. 6   But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.  Psalm 4:3
you live can be boring but here is some advice........ masterbation is alot like procratination cause in the beginning it sounds like a good idea but in the end you realise you are just f**king yourself
Real Love
Real Love isn't just peace and harmonybutterflies and  day dreamingIt's fire and iceIt's pushing each other to the limityet being able to let it goIt's realizing you are doing thingsyou never wanted to before with outeven thinking about it just because.It's not giving a care anymore to thingsthat used to bother you before.It isn't that you have changedIt's because you have connected withsomeone that wasn't a check list.
The Real Me
I watch the sunrise each morningCome up so grand and brightTo witness Gods wonderAnd think, what a beautiful sight. But inside I feel a raging stormI'm lost within a shadowSometimes forgetting who I amLike looking through a window. My thoughts are forever hiddenAnd words few and far in betweenThis terrible pain I feel insideI make sure is never seen.
I just don't understand how you guys think I'm attractive. All throughout my elementary through high school years, I got called ugly. People never wanted to hang out with me or be my friend because of how I look. I guess you to have to look good to be a friend...Oh well.
Really Sad Little Mermaid Movie (she Dies) Amazing Movies Tho Look...
The Little Mermaid lives in a utopian underwater kingdom with her father the sea king; her grandmother; and her six elder sisters, each born one year apart. When a mermaid turns 15, she is allowed to swim to the surface to watch the world above, and as the sisters become old enough, one of them visits the surface every year. As each of them returns, the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their various descriptions of the surface and of human beings. When the Little Mermaid's turn comes, she ventures to the surface, sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him from a distance. A great storm hits, and the Little Mermaid saves the prince from a near-drowning. She delivers him unconscious to the shore near a temple. Here she waits until a young girl from the temple finds him. The prince never sees the Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid asks her grandmother whether humans can live forever if they do not drown. The grandmother explains that humans have a much shorter lifes
I think it kind of sucks that in order for me to level up, I have to get NEW people to join this site. Everyone I know has already been invited and no one else wants to join. WTF am I suppose to do? I already have the 4 I need to level..they just aren't new, lol.   So how is everyone doing?
Reality Bites
I know of this beautiful lil 11 year old girl named Orchid. She has fought the fight against cystic fibrosis bravely. This precious angel lost her battle finally. She had a gorgeous smile and her father said her giggles were heart warming. This brings it home for me. 11 years old. How much time do we have with our precious angel? How long can Blake fight this horrid disease? The first thought I have every morning is "is he doing ok today?" Any infection can damage his lil lungs even more and there is no making them better. Not to mention his lil digestive system and needing to gain weight. I try to stay as positive as I possibly can, but I also know the facts about cystic fibrosis. I look into his big brown eyes and think of what could have been. He is so sweet n good. He nor any other child deserves this. Lil Orchid isn't suffering anymore. She can finally breathe easy, but I know I am being selfish when I say I don't want to lose my grandbaby
Real Men
Real men, and other great lovers of The Lazy J, should figure how to drive better. Jesus would have wanted it that way. Oh noes! Instant karma. Just dropped my bagel, cream cheese side down, onto the keyboard.
Real Life Is Too Depressing....
....So I guess I will be here more often....     Scary, isn't it?
Real Life Versus A Game
I finally figured out when a person makes a game a real life priority...rather than real life...they are a lost cause....There is no hope to make sense of why they do it.  And by the time you notice it, it appears that they are too far gone, like an addiction ridden person looking for their fix...So give it up, do not blame yourself...realize it is them, not you, with the issues at hand.   Be strong...for it won't be long before you will find yourself willing to be second to a fantasy  in their life and heart.  Don't you deserve better?
Real loves is not something that you can take for granted real love is a feeling that comes between two people and can not be broken by man or woman or anyone for that matter.Real love is the feeling that you are wanted you are loved and respected and cherished through thick and thin and it never changes day to day minute to minute.The best part about being loveds is knowing that the person that u love is always right there by your side till the end of time. So is what you have True and Real love?
life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel
The Real Facts Of Life
There are a couple basic truths in the universe, for example, jumping out of an airplane without a parachute is hazardous to your health except if you do it while the plane is on the ground.  The sun seems to rise every morning and set every evening.  Most importantly, men are born with a constant run of testosterone and women are born to have total control of the testosterone spigot!  This is a fact of life like gravity.  There is nothing any of us can do about it and it means that the ladies are in charge of the universe.  At least our corner of it here on this planet.  Guys, I am sorry.  We have spent most of the course of human history trying to show how dominant we are.  Yet that soft and beautiful lady over there need only expose a little cleavage and we are reduced to complete blithering idiots within seconds.  Many people do not know that men are given an orientation on these universal truths just before birth.  I am not sure what celestial university does this presentation b
Really?i Play Basketball And Jumped Up And Was Hit Very Hard In The Dick. So Hard That It Closed Up Quite A Bit And Im Unable To Get Anything Out. But
i play basketball and jumped up and was hit very hard in the dick. so hard that it closed up quite a bit and im unable to get anything out. but anyways the doctor say the only way to six this is to somehow ejaculate and you are really sexy and i think u could help me with that
Real Love Is Forever
real love never dies!!!!
The Real Deal
there is this woman i once knew who had four kids...three beautiful daughters and one handsome sonshe had a boyfriend who she loved more then her kids...sad to day but trueone day something had happened and her kids where taken away from her and went to the foster care systemthe question is...did she care...i think noteverytime she went to go see her kids she would tell them that she was trying...and one day she would bring them back homedays turned into weeks..weeks turned into months...and months turned into yearseventually all her kids became adults and left the systemall her kids did go back to her just to realize that she had not chamged...she was still with the man that hurt them and was still making poor choicesthey all eventualy got kicked out or moved out because they couldn't put up with her bullshitone always kept on going back...but nothing ever changed...she just kept on getting hurt and and leaving orgetting kicked outnow two of her kids are is about to be a
Real Chicken Head Found In Mcdonalds Happy Meal
An American mother went to a MacDonald's with her two children age 6 and 8. She ordered two Happy Meals with chicken for the children and a hamburger with fries for herself. While they were eating the 6-year old was more interested in the slide across the street then in the chicken nuggets which he didn't even touch. So the mother decided she would eat them. She was in for quite a surprise... Without actually watching what she was doing she was bringing a chicken biggest to her mouth, just when her 8-year old son yelled not to eat it. So she looked at the biggest to find that -- despite the crust, it looked just like a chicken's head. Nobody knew how it got there. The manager offered them their meal for free and two more weeks of free meals. But it was no use. The mother pressed charges and demanded 100,000 dollars compensation.
Maybeyou don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep, well nobodylikes their job, nobody got enough sleep. Maybe you just had the worstday of your life, but you know, there's no escape, there's no excuse,so just suck up and be nice. ~Ani Difranco this kinda sums it up, really, if you care about someone, put aside your damn attitiute, and tell them, or at least be curtious to them. You make excuses for why, you dont have time for people, and then wonder why they walk away from you in the end. People in general are nicer to strangers, than they are to people they supposedly care about. This makes no sense to me, even if i am busy and i have a ton of shit going on, i make time in my day to check on the few people i actually give a fuck about.  When i dont, i say, im sorry im an asshole. end of story.   another annoy quaility in people, they say they are busy, to busy, to check in, see how you are doing, tell you to fuck off, i mean SOMETHING, but they have time to
Reality Brown Ugg Cardy Boots Uk
It as a popular quarterly or as an indispensable footwear items should be cold winter, at least one pair of boots real leather. UGG Boots Sale, slippers, and also make the ideal of carpet of sheep are real gifts to those shoes and skins. If you want someone always want a stylish shoes, a pair of comfortable pair of slippers or soft, comfortable and durable sheepskin soft carpet, you can put your product online ordering, give you.At potential customers in Canada can obtain the things they want in the quality probably more terrible, terrible and he looked completely price. Ugg adirondack retailer listing it as a snow and ugg boots gray. UGG Cardy Boots Sale. As sheep, sheep, snow boots and less expensive uggs sheepskin boots chestnut significantly the composition of the main substance to stop the cold snow shoes sheepskin is fully a foot high, walked As well as providing additional heat to the mid-calf shorts leg and is usable and dresses. Several feet. They style colors provide sufficie
A Real Man
A Real ManA real man is a woman's best friend. He willnever stand her up and never let her down.He will reassure her when she feels insecureand comfort her after a bad day.He will inspire her to do things she neverthought she could do; to live without fearand forget regret. He will enable her toexpress her deepest emotions and give in toher most intimate desires. He will make sureshe always feels as though she's the mostbeautiful woman in the room and will enableher to be the most confident, sexy,seductive, and invincible.No wait... sorry... I'm thinking of wine.SHIT!
A Real Life Experience Of Mine
The story takes place during the summer of 1995.  At the time I was a firefighter/medic and crew officer for a local volunteer fire and rescue department.  One weekend, which I had off from fire duty, I was notified of a large structure fire within my area of operations.  Not having anything else to do, I went to the station to help with staffing.  When I got to the station, there was an immediate need for an ambulance.  A grabbed two other personnel to staff the unit.  While responding to the fire, dispatch redirected us to the interstate for a significant multi-car accident.  The dispatcher indicated there were 5 at least 5 cars involved with possible trapped victims.  There were other units dispatched but would be delayed because of the fire.   When we arrived on the scene, I knew this was going to be bad.  Half of four-door sedan had slid under a tractor-trailer.  An old station wagon was upside down and was partially in a ditch approximately 50 feet from the sedan.  There were f
Let me just say that I'm very aggravated right now. It's a huge pile of real life and fubar shit. In real life my family is so distant with me. I'm not lying. My brother's girlfriend had a baby and I was pretty much the last to know. I was invited to a family reunion....after everyone else had booked their hotel rooms. And I'm always the last to know things. Just gets to me.   On here...well I have all of these friends that tell me they will do things for me and they don't follow through. One said that he would get me leveled by giving me his points the next double points day...that's today and NOPE. I'm offering 40 million to someone who buys me a bomb...NOTHING. I've had one person say they didn't have enough credits. Not the reply I wanted...but at least I got something from them. Yanno? I do have 2 people running famps and they put me in their families, which is totally awesome. And I had someone else pimp me out. If it weren't for that, I'd still be at 2 million.   Yes I'm
Real Talk
First off, the term Juggalo is uni-sexual. A juggalo is someone who has been saved by the dark carnival. Many people don't recognize the intelligence behind the music. It is satire. Their intention is to influence people to free their minds (the most beautiful thing in the world to experience, recipe for wisdom = weed and music). We are anti-predjudice(sexism, racism,etc.) We know that karma is real and don't see life in black and white, but with more colors than a gay pride parade. A Juggalo is someone who lives for themself, meaning they realize that if you care what other people think about you and try hard to be accepted, then you will always be a slave to your own mind. A Juggalo is someone who enjoys life to the fullest they possibly can and stops "to smell the roses"(meaning living your life in the moment). It's not about having all the gear, posters, albums and trivia knowledge. You don't have to know what faygo or a neden is or even have ever heard of psychopati
Is it Me, or is it Fubar? So many people going so many different directions. Coming and going, Has life realy gone this virtual that nothing seems real when people have their obsession for socialization online rather than real Life.  I miss Real life, Fubar I dont. I have met alot of great friends in here, but for the past few months I have been coming to terms with my own inner realization that what i really want in my life is not on any internet social networking site. The idea of having thousands of people i dont know on my friends list is just  overkill, why would you want a online connection with thousands of people that you will probably never know, and probably never meet. I Understand if you are a celebrity of other Public figure, but i find it to be so irrevelant for anyone else.  Timing is everything and everything happens in its own time. I appreciate the people that appreciate me for it is them that gives me the true meaning of friendship. I love you all my friends... Have
Real Entertainment
I think we should take all the warning labels off everything and watch all the idiots in the world go extinct. I think that would be real entertainment. I could definitely sit back with my feet up and a bag popcorn and enjoy!!! lmao 4D96B7CA-4563-95EF-1FEF-5D070BB993C4 1.03.01
Real People, Real Funs!!
The Real Me, Like Me For Who I Am, Or Leave Me The Fuck Alone!!
I don't know how many will actually read this, but here goes.....I was talking to my big brother tonight and we have both gotten to the point of 'YOU EITHER LIKE/LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM, OR JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE'. I am a 35 y/o civilian diagnosed with PTSD, and my teeth are rotting out of my mouth, there isn't a damn thing I can do right now to get them removed. But unlike a lot of these whiney ass little bitches, I REFUSE to sit around and bitch about how sad and miserable my life is, I am going to enjoy every single moment of my life-good or bad!! But to a few guy's that I have met on this site and one on another site, I guess my FLAW'S and IMPERFECTION'S are just too much for them, well they can kiss my dying, ptsd affected greek ass.....EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM! I do NOT want any pitty, or any sympathy, and I sure as hell don't want you to tell me that you're sorry. I am not claiming to be perfect, I had made a lot of mistake's in the past 2-3 year's, but then again, according to
The "real" Me
Most who know me know that due to some torn tendons in my foot that I'll be out of commission for a few weeks. However, I did do a show this last Friday, opening for Great White and Kittie. It was a rather fun show, I thought - a bit last minute, as we were asked at the very last second, but nonetheless good. I'd decided just for shits and giggles to do a cover set for our 2nd set (as another band cancelled so we played a double set to keep the crowd entertained). I picked the set as it was rather last second and easier for me to kick it out that way. I chose a bunch of songs that we jam out in rehearsals - mostly high energy, and above all just fun for us. The set went great, the crowd was into it, singing along, screaming, high-fiving us. Today, however, I got handed something that rather floored me - a review of the show, including our cover set. In this review was a very scathing synapsis of that set. Here's part of what was said: "Trent is a very talented musician, of which ther
Really???? Sad
NJ student secretly taped having sex kills himself // // Buzz up! 16 votes Share retweet EmailPrint By ERIN VANDERBERG and GEOFF MULVIHILL, Associated Press Writers Erin Vanderberg And Geoff Mulvihill, Associated Press Writers – 46 mins ago PISCATAWAY, N.J. – A college student jumped to his death off a bridge a day after authorities say two classmates surreptitiously recorded him having sex with a man in his dorm room and broadcast it over the Internet. Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi jumped from the George Washington Bridge last week, said his family's attorney, Paul Mainardi. Police recovered a man's body Wednesday afternoon in the Hudson River just north of the bridge, and authorities were trying to determine if it was Clementi's. ABC News and The Star-Ledger of Newark reported that Clementi left on his Facebook page on Sept. 22 a note that read: "Jumping off the gw bridge sorry." On Wednesday, his Facebook page was accessible only to friends. Two Rutg
The Real Non-partisan Truth...part 1
Ok, I have stayed out of the political fray here long enough and those of you who know my background can understand my frustration.  For those of you who might actually read this and are not aware of my past history, primarily because you have an aversion to reading profiles, I served in political office here for many years in various capacities.  I was non partisan and usually had the support of both political parties in some form. I got alot done and was finally voted out of office due to ...well apathy. Eight thousand registered voters in my district and 500 showed up...lost by 26 votes.  Then heard about it for months from people who wondered why I got beat.  When I asked them if they had voted they had some excuse about seeing the flowers growing across the street.  To be fair most people do not think about voting in a primary in September in a city election. The bad news is that because of that defeat people are now stuck in traffic jams on a few of the main thoroughfares in Miss
Real Simple..want To Be Pimped Out? Answer The 2 Questions Correctly
what is so unusual about this sentence? (aside from the fact that that it doesnt make sense) can jackdaws love my big sphynx of quartz.   What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end. and the end of every place? the first person to give the answers to the questions will receive a pimp out if ya want it. leave answers/guess in blog   as you were
Real Life...fu Life
Well it seems someone has to show people the difference between real life and fu life because it seems people  have forgotten.  Here on fu we lie, we cheat, we steal, we beg, and nothing else seems to matter cause its just a website anyways. In real life we work, we pay bills, we live our lives to what we can and do the best at it. Now it's when you bring em both together seem to get things twisted and butthurt over. If you have a relationship in real life then it shouldnt matter what people think on here, if someone writes about you on here does it really matter in real life? Not really cause its the net and people don't give a damn. Seriously people get a damn life and know the difference this place is for fun for us to get away from real life. If you got drama leave it before you come on here or thats all you will get. Now go back to your fu lives and have fun :p 
A Real Man
1.) A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his family first. 2.) A REAL MAN raises his kids, not JUST out of pocket either. 3.) A REAL MAN supports his woman to develop herself. 4.) A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN. 5.) A REAL MAN doesn't Break Promises 6.) A REAL MAN calls you beautiful, not hot, sexy, or fine as fuck. 8.) A REAL MAN CALLS YOU on a daily basis - NO MATTER HOW BUSY OR TIRED HE IS. 9.) A REAL MAN looks past what he's heard about you or what his friends think of you and doesn't try to change who you are but loves you for everything you are. 10.) A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with you & won't get sick of you. 11.) A REAL MAN comes over just to watch movies with you. 12.) A REAL MAN kisses you on the forehead just because. 13.) A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real. 14.) A REAL MAN should be
OK, So Im sure I will get some hating for this. But it has been coming for awhile....   I will use myself as an example, but this happens to everyone...   Im a decent looking woman - who takes decent care of herself. Some of you may not agree - and that's fine. But for this blog - I am. LOL   Why do men who are over weight - no teeth - their pix show they live in a dump - why do they actually come and hit on me? They are usually the boldest ones too. I mean - yeah yeah, I know... its whats on the inside that counts. True - as a friend. But call me shallow or stuck up or whatever you want... I take decent care of myself and I want my partner to do the same.  To me, it is called self respect. How or why would I be with someone that clearly doesnt have any for themselves? What type of response are they actually looking for? And would I be completely out of line to point this obvious mismatch to them?         As with all other questions.. please stay on subject and IF YOU CANT B
Really?? Lol
Well it has come to my attention, that since I only have 18 crushes, Im not pretty enough.....really?? lmaooo. I dont need tons of people to know Im pretty, Im confident with my looks. You will never see me beg for crushes, complain cause I lost one, give me a break, just not me!!! Id tell ya, some folks really need to get a life, brain, something  lol     As for the Holiday, I hope everyone has a good one and get lots of stuff they dont need lol!! My love to all and all a good night........
Real Life Of An Addict. Please Comment With Honest Opinions Before I Submit To Admissions.
Slaying the Monster                               By Sally M Smith      This isn’t going to be a typical essay; you may not consider it an essay at all, but a story. This is a true story, this is my story. Let me share with you how I got here, how I came to know exactly what I am meant to do with my life.    I plan to spend my life helping kids slay the Monster named addiction. I say Monster because it takes over, eats at you bit by bit and is out to destroy not only you, but those who love you as well. We often find ourselves asking why we are here. What is the meaning of life? Why was I created? I feel that I have found the answer to those questions, and while I know I may be wrong I honestly hope that I am not. I believe we are here to struggle and suffer and use what we have learned from our own experiences to help others overcome similar struggles in their own lives.    As a child I was introduced to drugs very early on by my mother. She would give me prescription pai
Really More Of A Wtf???
WARNING: THIS BLOG MAY CONTAIN OFFENSIVE MATERIAL, DON'T BITCH THAT YOU WEREN'T WARNED!!!   Ok, let's start with the 1st thing on my mind right now. We have been told for GENERATIONS to keep our fingers out of our mouths. There IS a reason for that, the human hand is the NASTIEST part of the body, so all the pictures of the girls with the fingers in your mouth trying to be sexy, you may as well be sucking sewage through a hose. On to hello Mr. Obvious #2 LESS IS MORE... men (REAL MEN) like their ladies with some class and a bit of mystery, so cover up unless you want to be treated like a whore cuz seriously, thats all they think you are, and this anorexic cat crawl across the bed, MIGHT be sexy if it wasn't so damn obvious that you just snorted a huge line. YES we know cuz your nose is still re as hell an you could lead Santa's sleigh. And last but CERTAINLY not least, WTF is up with this duck face everyone is doing.. I mean is wasn't cute when it started and it's DAMN SURE not cut
Things started great. But things turned rather sour when after swearing that no one can get between us, you let them. After I've proven my truth, over their lies, you still didn't believe me, and shut me totally out. You had things come up, and I wanted to show you support, and have your back, but you told me I wasn't allowed. You ignored me, and when you did talk to me, it was almost nothing. You then wanted to work things out, but yet, were still ashamed to acknowledge the fact that we were even in a relationship or even me for that matter. After the constant neglect, and also making me out to be something I'm not, and tossing things in my face, I decided that I couldn't take it anymore. Upon making that decision, you realized, that my support, and presence was wanted, and so much, that you even begged me to stay. Then you tossed in my face that I made the decision, and even now, you choose to continue to throw things in my face, use me as a scapegoat, and push me away, yet not only
This heart has turned into a mere accessory Life seems to have made quite a mess of me Faster and faster I’m running in place Only to escape looking myself in the face I know me so well; I know I don’t know me In a room full of people I’ll still feel lonely Wondering whose watching, waiting, judging Wondering whose lying, sneaking, fucking   I don’t Do you love me?                 Do you love me? -->I don’t
Real Friendship
once i thought that geeks and normies were all the same people....Boy was I wrong. geeks think they know it all and they think they are better than someone else just because they have more knowledgwe than the other person. then they take advantage of that person's weaknesses,thinking they are having fun and not doing any harm at all to that person!! well I have news for the geeks'vs' the normies on fubar...This crap is a boldfaced lie!! You are a fool and an outkast if you take advantage of someones weaknesses,make fun of them and the like. it shows that a geek will be a geek forever and that they have no self worth because they care less for others and their feelings!! they are selfish in many ways that hurt others but might be generous in other ways. I think that is an abuser's and a geeks way of keeping a leash on their victums!!! So for all you geeks out there who think they got it good...and know it all??? You really do not mean anything to me,and I could care less what the ge
Real Life
Ya know....we all have real lives...sometimes a site like this is a temporary escape from the real lives that are not always so perfect but not horrible enough to leave.  Tired of the whole "get a life" HORSE SHIT!!!!! Do NOT judge anyone if you do not know the situation!   JUST FUCKING SAYING...........................................
The Real Reason I'm Leaving...
I have made so many wonderful friends here and I'm so very sad to say goodbye to all of you!  I've been in tears the last half hour at the thought that I won't get to say hello to all of you anymore.  For the most part, you all have been very kind and generous to me and I can't thank you enough for being my friend! To clarify, I am not leaving because of any fu-drama.  It's just my own personal decision that I've made to better my life.  I've become addicted to this site and addiction is a very ugly thing.  I spend my whole days here. I get up and log in on my phone first thing in the morning.  I've fallen behind in other aspects of my life because I'm constantly on here checking my messages and returning rates. I just can't do it anymore. I have 2 wonderful kids who need me to be the best mom that I can be.  This site gets in the way of that.  I am sticking around long enough for my fu-fiance, Razor, to get his money back since he has invested quite a bit into "owning" me, but once
Real Id Act (repost)
The REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109-13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, was an Act of Congress that modified U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism. The law set forth certain requirements for state driver's licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has defined "official purposes" as presenting state driver's licenses and identification cards for boarding commercially operated airline flights and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants. The REAL ID Act implements the following: Changing visa limits for temporary workers, nurses, and Australian citizens. Establishing new national standards for state-issued driver licenses and non-driver identification cards.
Really Pisses Me Off
I have used fu blog area to post my poems for years. I wanted people to be able to read them and comment. Well recently. I had posted a poem i wrote. An ex friend copyed and pasted the poem in her blog. Now she is claiming that someone different wrote the poem. Its my work. So sadly i won't be writing any more poems to be posted here. I am sorry to those that enjoyed reading my poems. But that mad me vey mad. So i have removed all my poems from here. Thank you to those that read them. 
You need something on Fubar?  Like... your life hangs in the balance?!  Maybe you want something, but I seriously doubt that you need anything on Fubar.  Your life will go on if Fubar ends tomorrow.  If you really believe you need something on Fubar, maybe you should reexamine your life and priorities.  Too many people confuse needs with wants.  I need to eat.  Later.
Real Photos Of Our Replica Longines Master Collections
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Real Woman
A real woman is a man's best friend. She will never stand him up and never let him down. She will reassure him when he feels insecure and comfort him after a bad day. She will inspire him to do things he never thought he could do; to live without fear and forget regret. She will enable him to express his deepest emotions and give in to his most intimate desires. She will make sure he always feels as though he's the most handsome man in the room and will enable him to be the most confident, sexy, seductive and invincible... No wait...Sorry. I'm thinking of whiskey. It's whiskey that does all that shit. Never mind.
Real Pain (moving On)
                                                       How Can You Have Moved On Already??         I have tried to move on but I can't I am not ready to right now But I see you are HOW?? That is all I want to know It hasn't been that long  But yet I see things that prove me wrong We talk and you say that you haven't I of course believe you why I dont know But I see proof that I am wrong  So no matter what you say I know that you have  So stop lying and just be honest. So I tell myself go ahead move on  And no matter how hard I try I can't You may think I have and that I dont love you But you couldnt be anymore wrong My love for you will never end. You tell me you wish you had kissed me more But yet your already giving more than that away  I can't even look at another like that yet  So when you think about me picture me crying myself to sleep Crying when i hear OUR songs My heart in a milion pieces WHY???  Well because you promised me forever and its not eve
Real Life Vs. Online Life
At what point did this become a society distinction? I never thought on it much because is life. I even catch myself saying "In my real life...." But what does that mean? I mean when I talk to people here on fubar I talk to them about real life things. I speak to real life people. And some of them I even care about outside of fubar in my real everyday life.   People talk about online life like it's not a real world. It's just fantasy. But let's be honest, how much more real could it get? On Eharmony commercials it says one in five relationships start online. (I realize it's a commercial but I bet there's statistical facts out there to back it up) I've gotten my feelings hurt on this site. Isn't that real life? And for some who are workaholics, lazy, busy, whatever the situation may be, this is their life. Real or otherwise.   Now I do get that some people can't distinguish fact from reality. If you're a 30 or 40 something year old guy, with no life, living in mom's ba
Real Beauty
What is Real Beauty, and why can't we see, that we live in a World full of Beauty???? These days we are so busy, that we can't really see it. There're so many beautiful things that have been given to us by our Goddess and God, from our Mother Earth and all its creatures. Sometimes it's not just that we can't see it, but that we have forgotten what Real Beauty is.  Sometimes it's staring us right in the face, but at times it is hidden and is not that easy to be seen. The matter of fact is that we all -and I'm including myself- have diferent points of view (which is good). As you can see beauty means something different to all of us. Beauty is NOT just looks and believe it or not there are a lot of people that really think "Beauty is JUST looks".  More people than I will like to admit, and sadly enough there are beautiful girls and women dying because they believe the nonsense they see in magazines and TV, and dying without having known real beauty is sad. But real beauty is much more
Really People?!
I am so tired of walking down the street and seeing nothing but faceless people. It’s like walking through a synthetic masquerade, in a illusory world, where everyone has a imitated benign look them. Is there really anyone out there who isn’t part of the plastic pandemic? Since when did everything have to be textbook, picture-perfect, seamless, unspoiled, unadulterated, impeccable, and unflawed. Yes, I’m using multiple words to describe perfection for those of you that just don’t get it. Let me just break this down for you a little bit more. Ladies and gentlemen life isn’t perfect and neither are you so stop trying to make it such, the phony charade isn’t necessary or warranted. Your imperfections, limitations and your flaws make you unique individuals and worth knowing.
The Real Hero's
     After posting my last journal entry I have been doing some thinking. I am having a really hard time when people say that I am a hero. I really don’t consider myself as a hero! I have done a lot of TV, Radio, and newspaper interviews because of Homes for our Troops who built our house. In every interview I have done at some point they call me a hero and I always get uneasy when that word comes. I always ask myself “Why are they calling me this?” All I was doing was my job and unfortunately I was injured. It wasn’t a brave thing that I did! I was just doing a night patrol and just happen to be sitting down at that time. I wasn’t brave….I was unlucky! And defiantly not a hero. Maybe it is just the way the American people view U.S. Soldiers now. Because of my injury I have meet a lot of Viet Nam Vets and I feel for them. They got treated like dog shit for doing the same things that we are doing now……but now we are heroes. If I was bor
Real Life And Fu Life
Ok all the bs on fu has been going on long enough, someone really needs to set shit straight once and for all. There are ppl that have real life meaning a family, kids, a job etc. and then theres Fu life where you have friends n stuff like that. Why ppl always getting the shit mixed up and taken things so damn seriously is beyond me. But I've had it with the childish bs! I have ppl on here that I have known for years friends n ppl that have very much become a part of my RL. BUT I have ppl that are just strickly here on fu. This is how I see it, if you meet someone on fu and a relationship comes out of it, great I'm happy for you just be careful cuz there are ppl on here that will start a lot of drama and bs. If you want to keep it strickly friendship then keep it that way don't lead someone on cuz there are a lot of ppl on here that take it to heart and take fu very seriously which again is completely childish. I also feel if you want to build on the friendship you've created here on f
Real Love
Kisses whisper in the dark Roaming hands read my mind Bodies, wanting, shivering, combining as one Sweat stinging the eyes Passion heats up the night Morning has come Dont want to say goodbye A lonely heart trying to find that beautiful soul to share my life   By me
Life begins at consecption and its been a wild ride....I'm talking about being on line....Been there since '89 or about since Windows came out with WIN 3.1....Today we have Windows 7....and what a ride.DOS 8089 dont count..Why? No online....rofl. People think going to the moon was great. Well back in '69 it was...Today, its,to me, it just isn't online, it's inner space. From Pac-Man to creating an Avatar, for self, and diving into what's called,"SecondLife." Secondlife allows one to be anything they desire and to live out in innerspace and enjoy.....I've tired RedLight...for about 5 minutes.....I poofed fast....IMVU.......there you bounce your avatar from one spot to another....I actually became a millionaire..I know others who became billionaires.....Nice.....then I heard secondlife.... Secondlife you create a nifty avatar.....and believe you and me, you're out there. One of the first thing you learn is, YOU FLY.Fantasy right?You can ride motorcycles, drive, sail, even fly planes.
Under normal circumstances i dont let shyt bother me this much, but i have been under a lot of stress and this shyt is really bothering me, so now im in angry emo mode. i dont like the fact that if what my homie was accused of doing is true, im ahave to really deal with her. that shyt was not kosher or cool by any means. it was down right fucking wrong. that was a snitch move, and we both know, if this was the streets, she'd have a mark on her head! STUPID STUPID FUCKING STUPID!!! why would you even do soemthing like that? i really really really hope, she didnt do that. problem is i think she did, and if that the case , i have to turn my back on her. i dont want to but i have to, i cant fuck with a snitch or those with snitch tendoncies, adn that was snitch-o-matic, was fucking stupid. why didnt you just let that bitch ride on her own..GAWD!!!! now, your fucking bestie has come between us...every body already knows what you did. Michelle all but outted you when she po
Reality Verses Fantasy.
Reality I have found is so much harder to deal with...the pain of a loved one leaving cut's so deep you think you may never be able to recover. It doesn't seem no matter how much you give of yourself it is either to much or not enough. I ask why can't you just be accepted for who you are? and be grateful and happy for the love your willing to offer? Fantasy on the other hand? does not can dream of that perfect man and imagine what the two of you can be enjoying together. Whether it be just lying in the sun holding hands and letting the worries of this life just pass you by. Or putting on your favorite song, and the two of you just swaying to the music and holding each other tight. In fantasies you won't get hurt...but even with all the pain of real relationship's? I would still rather have that person to hold on to....
Real World Help Vs Fu-mafia - Auction - Contest - Lounge Request
I have been doing the fu thing since well before they were called fubar, I know my way around the site and I know the proper way to come at people if and or when I have a request. If I (or someone else) linked you to this blog it may be because I (or they) think you could use this to help you be a better person, to assist you in putting a stop to the disrespectful ways of others or because you yourself have come off in a disrespectful manor. Most of you will be here because of number's 3 and 4.    Some will question what message is here for you, please read the entries below, find the one('s) that fits you best in and then you will have your answer.   1. There are a lot of your neighbors doing without who need help. Please take a bag or box of food to a food pantry in your area or give them a call and I am sure they will be happy to send someone to pick up your offering/donation, just by giving an extra blanket or two for the cold times or a fan for those who need to keep cool duri
Real Life Verses Fu
okay i'm some sort of asshole on here... i guess  but i just want to say i'm worse to people i know in real life... honest i'll give examples... i lost 3 'friends' in the last 3 months  okay kate well i've known kate for 4 years i guess... hung out with her regularly at the bar and sometimes at metal shows when she dated her ex who was in a band well kate got a little lippy taking up for one of her whore friends... so... it gave me an excuse to push her...  mothers day... she posted a pic of her dear old mommy and said ain't she a beaut'(kate is a little country) so i politely inquired if she was into anal... i got no response from kate... but her sisters called me a douche... so i had a little fun with them... kate found out and deleted me.... then called me an asshole next time she saw me... i said meh don't care and just walked past her without so much as a glance :) 2nd example daphne- known 5-6 years now... met at a metal show... rarely hang out with her or anything but stil
The Real Reason Wolf Is An Insomniac.
Typical criticism from others: "You know, if you stay up late tonight, it will just be harder on you in the morning. You should go to bed at a reasonable hour. Why can't you keep a normal schedule?" The response never said: "Maybe, but I like it that way. I like the numbness that comes with being exhausted, the oblivion, and the quiet chaos that exists only in my own mind. Everyone else's problems are suddenly the farthest from my own, because I have things in my own life to deal with as well. If I am tired, I have a qualified excuse to keep to myself at home, to turn off the ringer and not answer my cell phone, to evade the constant problems, drama and bullshit associated with other human beings that, most of the time, do not concern me anyway. Sometimes, I do not even need to try to block things out, the exhaustion does it for me. ...And I like that."
A Real Free Make Money Online Site In My Own Words
Recently I joined a real free make money online site that the maintenance guy working and living at this hotel has been using for 2 1/2 years. He claimed to have been wealthy and making his money from real estate thru a free make money online site. Before the recession happened Donald Trump was telling everybody to sell everything and the hotel maintenance guy didn't think real estate was going down the tank so he didn't sell the homes he had contracts for and the people that had a contract with him walked away from their home because they couldn't afford to pay the bills when the bills came so the hotel maintenance guy wasn't making any money himself so he became poor but he stayed a member of the free make money online site and still recieves an income but not enough to just live on the income from the free make money online site so he is currently working as the maintenance guy at this hotel until real estate picks up again and he can live on the income again provided by the free ma
Really Hate This...
I really, really hate begging for this crap....but yet, I am...I have no shame.     I need 16 more Angels to add me to their families and then I can level. Anyone out there that can help? It's much appreciated....and I'm sorry. I can't give you anything but my undying gradtitude and maybe a fu-drink or 5....Halp?
Real Straight Single Guy In Los Angeles
My Name is Bob and I am seeking a single female that Lives in Los Angeles to have a relationship with or some thing else, email me. I can say for a fact that all dating sites and craigslist are flooded, with marketers that try to fool you into believing they are real people and try to get you to buy something. I went to Schurr High School 2000-2004 and East Los Angeles College for a While. I am a Freelance Multimedia Designer(Video, Audio, Graphics) as well as Website Designer and a Notary Public. I am 5'8 and 175 Lbs I am mixed race mainly Scottish and Spanish but Im part Native American so I have a stigmatism and alot of people think I am Asian. I dont drink or smoke but, I dont have a problem around it, having been around those things most of my life. Alot of people say I am very Funny at times. I Like to give as well as get!!!!! I would like you to email me at
Really? Do Females Get This A Lot?
2:52pm reply jas: hi 2:53pm reply jas: u thee now 2:54pm more To jas: yup 2:55pm reply jas: nice to meet u 2:55pm reply jas: can we chat on mesenger 2:57pm more To jas: nah 2:57pm reply jas: bye 2:58pm more To jas: Ok then....    So, this guy wanted me to get on messenger to talk. I didn't want to, so he didn't want to talk. I guess he wanted to do things he couldn't do here? Whatever.
Realize N
I was once with a person I gave everything too! He was always first when I was last, he had my whole heart when I only had half of his, and when it all fell apart he took my heart wit him.The pieces are slowly starting to be put back together and I wouldn't change the way I treated him because I loved him. One day someone will put me first, give me his whole heart and I will fall in love all over again.
The Real Trick
"The real trick is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery." ~Dr. Fred Alan Wolf
[real Quick]
I'd rant at great length but I feel like hell   Dead Island looks like derivative shit, I watched some videos and... pretty much confirmed my opinion. L4D with talents. or Dead Rising with coop.   (and dead island manages to implement a very clunky, very unimmersive healthbar/stats/etc tooltip over friend and foe)   Your choice. :/   Secondly Borderlands 2- I wonder if they're going to write another GIANT check that they won't be able to cash y'know like failing to implement: dynamic loot and world spawn multiple endings gajillions of unicorns intuitive vehicle combat   I bought that game and received a briefcase of false promises.   Why yes, I'd love to preorder this sequ- waaaaait a minuuuuute!!!   650,000 guns my ass New play environment every time I loaded- my ass Thousands of unique and terrifying bosses and monsters- my ass Multiple vehicles with passenger space, and the ability to hijack enemies, or jump from one to the other- my ass Epic story tel
Really? Fustalker?
So, I've never blogged before, but this is hilarious. I know fubar has it's share of complete fucking idiots, but this one might take the cake.  DJscdaddyo...: you need to back off lacy. period. she's my girl. nuff said8:58pmTo DJscdaddyo...: um.....what did i say to her?8:58pmTo DJscdaddyo...: i wasn't hitting on her at all8:59pmDJscdaddyo...: all i'm gonna say is keep making bogus profs to harass her and you'll be looking at criminal charges asshole8:59pmDJscdaddyo...: period8:59pmTo DJscdaddyo...: DUDE, I'M NOT GONNA BOTHER HER, BECAUSE I NEVER DID BEFORE9:00pmDJscdaddyo...: ya well she's already reported your ass to fubar, and if you continue then you will face legal concequences..........and remember fubar logs ips for everyone that signs in9:00pmDJscdaddyo...: so back off9:00pmreplyDJscdaddyo...: period9:00pmTo DJscdaddyo...: dude....i swear to god man, i didn't do shit to her. wtf are you talking about? what is she telling you?9:01pmTo DJscdaddyo...: chill the fuck out. i'm not
Really? Really.
I'm still new to using Fubar, learning the ropes and features as it were.  Since I don't feel any need to openly chastise people who want to comment on mumms in a manner consistent with the behavior exhibited by A-holes, I find I have two choices.  I can ignore them, sometimes hard to do.  Or I can block them, Fubar gives us that option.  Now, on the web forums I frequent, blocking means you never again see a post from that person.  Perfect, I don't want to see the crap, the A-h gets to keep crapping, and all will be good in the universe.  I blocked my first crapping A-h here a week or so ago, and yesterday I notice that I can still see their crap.  So, hell bent on discovering what is going wrong in my world, I click my way to that profile and make use of that block button again.  Fubar tells me I have already blocked that particular A-h. OK, so the A-h is blocked, I guess Fubar works the block in reverse somehow.  Whatever, there are better things to do... Hey I have new profile com
ReAlItYBlack and white specks all overvoices telling you what to dowhat way do you gounknown origins appeartemptations arisesorrows subsidehappiness conjourned with fearReAliTya dream come trueBy:Diedre
This is a bit of a re-write from a blog I posted last night, so apologies Bwhere...I deleted it because I didn't want to perpetuate negativity.   But apparently others let's try and be a lil constructive here.   First off - by running someone off a website, what are you accomplishing? Punishing him? That's what a legal system is for. Making him feel bad? He'd have to have a conscience. A moral stance? Well, I'll come back to that one.   Basically, to me, it's the 'out of sight out of mind' mentality at work - he's not a risk to any children on an adult it doesn't actually matter if it makes you have to be a grown up and just suck some things up. I don't like a lot of things (sexual offenders included) but guess what? THEY'RE AMONGST US.   So, you're giving him more attention than he has probably EVER HAD - and as we all know, it doesn't matter if it's bad attention, ANY attention is good for the fucked up. And you're wanting to add
Really Sick Of It
Ya know... both here and in reality I do whatever I can to help people Be it small or large I think I am a good person, I do my best to make others happy When the hell does all this selflessness get paid back?? I very rarely ask for anything, but I will say that I have some people that do for me without my asking, but the majority nada   I am just really really friggin annoyed.
Real Life
Sorry I've been such a shitty friend lately. Just dealing with some real life issues. I'll be here less and less. Between work and doctors and family bullshit, I'm rarely here anyway. I am not going to get all emo and pour it all out here, because, for the most part, it's no one else's business. If you're close to me, and you want to know, you can feel free to ask. Otherwise, I'll see you when I pop in from time to time.   Be good kids.  
Realize V1: Take time to realize, That your warmth is. Crashing down on in. Take time to realize, That I am on your side Didn't I, Didn't I tell you. But I can't spell it out for you, No it's never gonna be that simple No I cant spell it out for you C: If you just realize what I just realized, Then we'd be perfect for each other and will never find another Just realized what I just realized we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now. V2: Take time to realize Oh-oh I'm on your side didn't I, didn't I tell you. Take time to realize This all can pass you by.. Didn't I tell you But I can't spell it out for you, no its never gonna be that simple no I can't spell it out for you. C: If you just realized what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other then we'd never find another Just realized what I just realized we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now. V3: It's not always the same no it's never the same if you don't feel it to. I
the realm of dreams  a place of held back emotions the only place you cant escape thoughts and emotions  all clashing together  bringing together  images of death and shadows loved ones lying on the ground in pain or dying  they dont stop  glimpses of self destruction the minds version of trying to right the wrongs to fix the emotional turmoil that lies inside of you disoriented running  through shadows  ancient battlefields  filled wit screams  those are your screams  your pain brings the shadows the terrifying end  and the beginning of understanding  only in the realm of dreams  
Really Silly,s..status And Updates
really silly@ fubar
I hear from guys frequently that I should talk to them and take time to get to know them because they are better and different than all the rest....I am reluctant to talk to someone that I feel may lead to trouble, or even worse, heartache.. Last week this guy had asked repeatedly to talk with me and even though I initially said no, I reconsidered and began to talk with him on the phone. We had several things in common, were not too far apart in distance which was good. We talked sunday through wednesday several times, all good and made plans to go out over the weekend. I had been to the dr on monday and was given meds that had made me sick and I needed to take them til this week. I wanted to have a good time on this date without being sick so on wed. I asked if we could postpone our date a week so that I might be feeling better and be able to truly enjoy our time together. he said thats fine...Apparently it wasnt, he has been ignoring me ever since. So I think the next time a guy sai
The Real Teddyboys Halloween Party Oct 29 9pm Til 3am
SHELBYVILLE, Tennessee — A man in the state of Tennessee has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for killing his infant son because he bothered him during his video game.  Nineteen-year-old Andrew Keith Johnston pleaded guilty Monday to second-degree murder in the October 2010 death of his 1-month-old son William.Assistant District Attorney Mike Randles said Johnston gave a written statement saying he became irritated when the infant was crying in his bassinet, interfering with Johnston's playing of video games, The Shelbyville Times-Gazette reports. The boy suffered a brain hemorrhage and died of his injuries at a hospital a week later. An autopsy report said he died of "non-accidental trauma."The prosecutor says Johnston said he squeezed the boy hard and shook him.           Evidently video games are now more important than our offspring.
Reality Of Being A Single Mother
Found out that if you need help in Pinellas county, you are sh*t out of luck. Government agencies dont help you unless you make less than a certain amount ( which is an amount NO ONE could survive on$450 per month). Charities cannot keep up with the amount of people who need help and people who shouldn't be homeless are becoming homeless. Children are going without food, clothes and won't know the holidays this year. Funny thing is most people don't think it will happen to them. I didn't think it would happen to me but being screwed by my roommate ( his failure to pay $800 in rent  ) and my family screwing me as well. I just hope we have a place to live after Thanksgiving. Not looking hopeful and I may have to put school on hold one more time, this being the case I may never be able to go back. 
The Real Cause Of Infertility
Infertility can be defined in two ways: as inability to conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, or as repeated ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or perinatal loss. Male and female specific factors account for about 30% of the infertility causes (individually);the combination of male and female causation leads to an additional 20% and the remaining 20% are caused by uncertain origins. When one is dealing with infertility, as much as it is important to strictly follow the rules of the treatment, it is equally important to make sure that you have the correct diagnosis of the root cause of your condition. In this article you will find a broad outline, enumerating the various probable causes of infertility. Why it is important to determine the causes.Infertility may be caused due to a multitude of factors at a time, or it may be the result of perhaps the deviation of a certain single factor from its premeditated path. Since misdiagnosis can often lead to f
You would think that I would be over her by now. Yeah Right!
Reality Is A Womb
Reality is a womb.     Where are the people who are not boring and predictable, and so terribly terribly conventional ?  Where are the risk takers, the grand schemers, the producers of elegant variety ?  Who are they, those who can still do something that might shock the lesser mortals ?   Who can still commit the sensational without being ashamed in the morning after ?    I never want to see another trite landscape, wonderfully rendered and so clean !   I'm tired of the same old studio nudes, faithful, realistic and classical posed.   When has there ever been a still life, still alive ?     Find for me the artists, who are not merely qualified technicians.   Let me see alive again, to thrive on the uncommon, the irregular, the impossible made probable.    That's what art and poetry are meant to do.  They are not to celebrate the ordinary.     Whatever your calendar age, if you can't dream beyond the scope of your own limited securities,  you are already old.     Real
Ok for some of you immaturity never stops. I know there are millions of people on this site. Just because you get a few people to like you here does not mean they like YOU. When you talk trash cause of rejection or whatever it's pointless. Some of you spend more time on here than with your real life family and friends. Neglecting your children and real life. This is a place to escape from the stress of rl. Some of you look to hook up. Just grow up and put your priorities in line. It's the internet don't take every thing everyone says and does to heart.
Ok seriously how many of you people on here have to sit here and tell people to commit fuicide and suicide huh? Well on that not idk who they hell yall think you are that tell people this you should really stop. When u tell someone to do something like that u r liable for whatever happens if someone were to actually follow through with it due to the fact there are some people out there that have actually tried and have overcome this. Those that have overcome the thought of suicide cuz of dumb ass people on this site saying shit like that they might take it wrong and actually do it, then how would u feel if it came across here that someone actually followed through with it due to some asshole telling them to? Well now that my rant is done im getting outta here so take into consideration the feelings of some people...        sorry for the large run on sentences i dont do much typing like this!!!!!!
Hey kids, wow I didn't realize it had been such a long time since I actually wrote one of these on here. But I figure with the holidays and all here, it would be a good time. .. ..first off I hope everyone had a very happy holiday season and a Happy New Year. Some of you have been very generous this past year, while some of you are really starting to show your true colors out and about this vast expanse of webspace called ..sometimes time heals wounds but at the same time can shed a new light on the -total- picture of what someone is about. You know this past year, in addition to everyone's favorite fakes that we nuke, stupid that we expose and all of that "headline" kind of stuff, there's been just alot of well, interpersonal drama around here. At least from what I've seen in the time that I am here anyways.. Married dudes chasing young out of their league ass. Check. Girls that "don't do nude pics" having their pictures that were -never- taken in the first pla
Reality Check
Ok, this is a weird day. Someone who was a mutual family member for almost 2 years unfriended me suddenly. I politely asked if something was wrong to which was repled "STOP!!!" followed by a block. Now suddenly I am being blovked left and right by people. Does anyone have any clue wtf is going on?
Alone Tonight... Thats Nothing New... This Missing You Thing... I Just Dont Do... My Heart Is Locked... Well Thats What I Thought... But Tonight I Realized... This Is All Just My Fault... My Heart Is Wide Open... For You To Take... My Love For You... Just Makes Me Ache... Ive Kept This Hidden... From Me And From You... For To Long Now... There Is Nothing That I Can Do... So Alone Ill Walk... N Thats Ok... Just Knowing That There Might Be A Day... Where I Can Tell You... I Love You And Care... I Want You For Mine Not For Anyone To Share...
Really Stupid Things That People Do Whne It Comes To Animal Habitat
Dont get me wrong, I do think that an animal that has attacked a human is a danger and needs to be put down.  I am talking about mountain lions, bears, wolves etc.  Once an animal has killed a human, it will again. Usually predators attack people when they are too old, sick or injured to hunt their normal prey.  There is another reason that they hunt people, their normal prey are no longer there. Now, if a county or state sets up trails in areas KNOWN to be the habitat or hunting grounds for a predator, then they should be liable for any attacks on people. If a real estate developer builds a housing development in an area that is the habitat for a predator, they should make an attempt before building to relocate the predator, OR should be liable if one of the people that buy a house in the development is attacked. There are subdivisions that have been built that have directly impacted the habitat of bears, mountain lions, and other predators.  Then people get upset when these anima
A Real Friend
What is a real friend Someone who’s with you to the end   Through thick and thin Whether you lose or win   Through your ups and downs Smiles and frowns   A real friend will stick by your side Is always along for the ride   Will completely defend you Even if they don’t agree with you   That’s what it is like to be a real friend Someone to stand by you until the bitter end
READ THIS CAREFULLY...Life has given us `REAL EYES` `REALISE`the "REAL LIES".....!.... fell the difference and read it .....follow it.
Relationship is like a GardenIt's beautiful when watered with Love,Hugs,Tears&Cheers But It dries up if left untouched Stay in touch with your love ones
Real Soon - 199
The time will arrive, when I am no longer alive. I will go into the light, there has always been fear insight. I'm mostly in a daze, don't mean dreamin' pays. If I dream its a waste to me, its what I thought it would be. Being close to you takes it away, but I want it to stay. The feeling only lasts one day, is that what you were going to say?? I need you but I know I shouldn't, I want to hide but I couldn't. There is so much hell, the future is dark I can't tell. I torture myself and get high, that is how I will say goodbye. Why don't you want to see, real soon you can't hurt me.
Really Cool Beautifully
A Real Broken Heart...
It was but a day ago, or maybe two. And yet the image is so vague I hesitate to label it a memory. Searing pain and a sense of unease racing through me whose sensation I had never before encountered. A gnosis screamed from deep in my mind - something was wrong. I was going to die. My breath stolen from my lungs with no replenishment as I fell to the ground. As my conscious mind began fading I felt my heart suddenly stop. And what dreams oh what dreams did I behold. Panic, fear, nausea, pain all the things I felt before I fell to the ground went away. Suspended in time. As if they were not replaced simply frozen. Time became an abstraction. And what to others might have been mistaken for deep understanding of all things I recognized as comfort. My brain is dying. And so I guess... ... I am dying. Such a revelation well defies words. It is not an exclamation in words just an unmistakable axiomatic knowledge. A pure moment self-awareness. In that momen
A Real Broken Heart...
It was but a day ago, or maybe two. And yet the image is so vague I hesitate to label it a memory. Searing pain and a sense of unease racing through me whose sensation I had never before encountered. A gnosis screamed from deep in my mind - something was wrong. I was going to die. My breath stolen from my lungs with no replenishment as I fell to the ground. As my conscious mind began fading I felt my heart suddenly stop. And what dreams oh what dreams did I behold. Panic, fear, nausea, pain all the things I felt before I fell to the ground went away. Suspended in time. As if they were not replaced simply frozen. Time became an abstraction. And what to others might have been mistaken for deep understanding of all things I recognized as comfort. My brain is dying. And so I guess... ... I am dying. Such a revelation - well, defies words. It is not an exclamation in words just an unmistakable axiomatic knowledge. A pure moment of self-awareness. In that
So here is a subject I’ve touched on before. I know many of you don’t know me or never talked to me. And you know what...that’s ok. It’s ok because in my world with my people I rock. And I’m sure you do in your world too. However, that is the point of today’s blog. Your world vs. mine. In today’s society I keep in touch with 95 percent of my friends by an online means. Fubar, Facebook, IMs, or some such.  Now I’m talking about people I have met, talked to, interact with in what we will now refer to as “real life”. But wait I also correspond, message, poke, smile, bling what have you to my “online friends” What is the difference? What is the difference indeed? I have a few “online” friends I actually physically care about. We’ve never met in person, we don’t pick up the phone and call every single day, and I don’t send them birthday gifts or Christmas presents. And vice versa. But I d
So here is a subject I’ve touched on before. I know many of you don’t know me or never talked to me. And you know what...that’s ok. It’s ok because in my world with my people I rock. And I’m sure you do in your world too. However, that is the point of today’s blog. Your world vs. mine. In today’s society I keep in touch with 95 percent of my friends by an online means. Fubar, Facebook, IMs, or some such.  Now I’m talking about people I have met, talked to, interact with in what we will now refer to as “real life”. But wait I also correspond, message, poke, smile, bling what have you to my “online friends” What is the difference? What is the difference indeed? I have a few “online” friends I actually physically care about. We’ve never met in person, we don’t pick up the phone and call every single day, and I don’t send them birthday gifts or Christmas presents. And vice versa. But I d
Thank god, I do NOT hide my lunacy nor my flaws from anyone. I pity those that feel the need to do so. I am ME...mental, emotional and physical flaws's extremely hard to watch my cherished friends being sucked in by something that is FAKE (once again)! Makes me want to pull away from you. So be it.....
Really Short Skirts Or Dresses?
Guys let's get real for a minute.  We all know if there is agreat pair of legs in a tiny skirt or shirt dress it is gonna get out attentiion coming and going.  I wonder though, if you're out on a date with a lady t hat you actually care about, do you want her wearing somethng so short that you wonder if she crosses her legs fast enough as she sits down.  Do you get concerned if she bends over to pick up something and doesn't put enough bend in her knee as she reaches for anything she may have dropped? Do you really get more excited knowing guys around you are trying to see up your girls skirt?  Does it piss you off if she shows something only you should be seeing?  Keep it real guys.  I bet the ladies want to know as well.
         Why do we keep creating the same reality?   Why do we keep having the same relationships?  Why do we keep getting the same type jobs over and over again?   In this infinite sea of possibilities that exist around us, how come we keep creating the same realities? Isn't it amazing that we have options and potentials that exist but we are unaware of them. Is it possible that were so conditioned to our daily lives, so conditioned to the way we create our lives, that we buy into the idea that we have no control at all.          We have been conditioned to believe the external world is more real the the internal world.   This new model of science is just the opposite.   Quantum mechanics points to the possibility that what happens within us will create what happens outside of us.          Scientific experiments have shown when you observe human brain function with a pet scan or other computer technology and ask the person to look at certain objects. the observer will see certain ar
Realms Of Love
REALMS OF LOVE Separated but not far apart,you may have left this world,but in my heart you'll remain, forever more.Hands intertwined in the circle of eternity,our love never broken,never shattered.We fought side by side to the very end,Tree of All Souls try as they might,couldn't take me, you died so I could live on.I dream of the day we shall meet again,for you to hold me gently, forever, in the realms of love
Really Keep It To Yourself
I am me and i like it alot, if you dont or have any thing negative to say keep it to urself cause i dont care, dont like dont look simple as that.
Real by Kenneth Matlock on Friday, March 23, 2012 at 12:21pm ·   What is to be considered real Is it what you see? Is it what you feel? To be real in this place must you have a face? Or can you be real by some other saving grace? Perhaps just a little something that you might think. Something far beyond this place something beyond the brink. Maybe what is real is not what we may all envision Maybe it is not so black and white but some other subtle division. If we look passed ourselves and everything around. We'll hear something mystical... Some far off sound.
The Real Issue
everyone has been either screaming about or laughing about the blog posting NSFW pics normally sold for bling including myself.  Today I decided to poke around and wondered why they were not using the sites rules of TOS to get the posts deleted as that particular forum had obviously broken the rules of TOS by giving links to profiles. I even went so far as to get it posted in JDs blog (I feel dirty) so they could try that route. Then I suddenly realized I was an idiot and the REAL problem was right before my eyes and I missed it.    this is the TOS from that site      3) No posting of personal information: This includes last names (initial only), phone numbers, addresses, etc. This also includes social networking links. First name/last initial is fine. Also, do not post or ask for age, school, or grade.8) No trading: This includes exchange of IM/email information to do so. You either share on the board or you don't. Additionally, no selective sharing: either post on the board o
Real Or Fantasy?
Real?  Am I? Fantasy? I could be... But does the Real really satisfy me? Some only stare Others may even drool. While others may envision another and begin to stroke thier tool. I see, your cock is hardening, your balls feel tight If things go your way, youre gonna get laid tonight. Excitement building the bulge in yor pants grows thinking about all the profiles you have seen and now the one you chose. Fantasies to fullfill needs to satisfy Partake in lusty activities mean to gratify. Imagine my body eager for your touch use a bit of creativity, doesnt take all that much. Its your fantasy go ahead and dream That Im hot and horny and how you are gonna make me scream... You imagine giving it to me,
Real Wood
Friend: gotta go grab the baseball bat so i can give pnut some REAL wood lmao
So I figured I'd examine a few of the things on here that really puzzle me. To all the guys that post pictures of sex acts declaring a particular day of the week on women's pages, do you honestly expect that to get them to like you? Is anyone else annoyed by people that post videos or music on someone's profile? Expecially if it's their music. Professional pictures of models' asses that clearly look nothing like the woman whose profile you're viewing in a bomb folder are probably not of the woman whose profile you are viewing. If you can't figure that out, then I feel for you and your future offspring. This site is quite possibly the world's greatest appearance elixir. I swear there are more people on here that believe they are smoking hot than any place on the planet.  People, learn how to read the ladies' profiles and quit trolling. It's just annoying. You give the decent ones a bad name.  Fubar, fix your fucking code. So many damn glitches and inconsistencies between browsers
Really Down
Well Boys and Girls, I ain't in the best of moods. For the last month or so, I've experienced another bout of gastric trouble.  Similar to what happened two years ago, which I sort of detailed back in April. I've scheduled another colonoscopy soon, ain't looking forward to it, but I better find out sooner than later.  I also have a recently discovered skin cancer that is different than the ones I already knew about.  This one is new, dark, and ugly.  Worrysome. But that's not the real reason for this blog.  It's about my good friend Lisa. I've known Lisa for about twenty years.  Her now ex-husband worked under me at the Police Department.  He and I became good friends back then, and we introduced our respective wives together, and they became the best of friends. He worked for me at the PD, and I started helping him at his flooring business, running an out of town installation crew a couple of weekends a month. While out of town, my wife would take the kids, and spend the weekend
A Real Family
So I have spent a least an hour trying to get a friend some help. It is sad this site has come down to "whats in it for me". I have went through and completely cleared out my family (to those that sent credits to see pics you will still be able to see them) The bad news is that is all changing. I am sick and tired of the idiots on here and I am ready to look for genuine people that want to help one another. That would gladly do what they could to help a person out. For instance I have spent the last hour status updating for a friend to help get them a pimp out and the only thing I have seen back is "if I do it, can I see your NSFW albums" Seriously fuck off, you pathetic peice of trash.  If you are here to meet up with girls and get your rocks off with that 5% chance that one of these girls is going to fly to you and fuck your brains out then you are seriosuly dillusional, unless you live in the same city and you are not a complete moron. Now to the genuine people... My family, if yo
A Real Family
My girl friend brought up an amazing blog today so I am going to copy some of it from her and add my own thing. Seems Fubar has turned into a social nightmare where people only care about credits and NSFW pictures. Dont get me wrong they are some awesome people on here, the ones in my family and a few of my friends are really cool people. Im sure they are others too. The thing is I would like to start looking for genuine people. People that would love to help you as well as others. I am not talking about credits. Credits would never be a problem if you got in the right families. I am trying to make this one of those families.  Here is my example I seen today, My g/f Stormy (Amber) was trying to help out a family member by status updating this said person needs 2 pimp outs to level. So instead of people being nice and just helping, they reply to my g/f whats in it for them. Well this really didnt set well with her and it really got me to thinking about this site and where it is headed.
HARD TIMES Buzz:   tipsy Level: Grasshopper (3) Gender: ?, ? Location: 98701 Status: NOT DECENT.   10:37pm HARD TIMES: I bet your cunt stinks like old tuna fish thats been sitting out in the sun for too long 10:38pm FvckingCan...: is pretty clean, i keep tidy down there. 10:38pm HARD TIMES: yeah right 10:39pm HARD TIMES: i bet you don't shower or have AIDS 10:39pm FvckingCan...: disease free too  imagine that.. 10:39pm HARD TIMES: so you're insecure about yours and
Real Shit
I have love and have lost, Fallen and paid the cost.  Been betrayed a time or two, The price to pay for being true. Loyalty is my middle name, yet there's few loyal that remain. Been the main attraction in the game, Tried being the player all the same. Been broke down just to build myself back up, Haters constantly trying to keep me in the dump. Have lived hard and fought harder, Just to prove to people I will go further. Been broken hearted more than a few times, Have lived through the devil taking what is mine. Have lost many loved ones and made some mistakes,  Tested daily to see how much I can take. Through it all I remained myself which is true, Never about me, always about you. What kind of life revolves around yourself solely, Selfish, greedy and all around controling? I rather get hurt a few times trying to reach out to others, the pay out is greater than all of my struggles.
Real Or Not??
Seems some I have considered friends..might not be friends like I thought they were.  I know Its fubar..all a game ..etc. Someone who says they will always be my friend, but I do not hear shit from them though? Is that really a friend? Is your idea of being a friend..coming to my page daily and rating,,and polishing my high dollar blings? To me..I think its more like using me to get points. Then moving me down in your numbers..on your friend list? Seriously if anyone doesnt consider me a real not put me in your damn number system. I would rather not be in it then to see myself lowered in your list of what you do consider a friend. I know this is all a bunch of rambling..but Its cuz I am slightly ticked. This is why I do not number my family.  All I have added to family I consider a good friend.  There might be a handful I consider really really good friends..but still..I will not number any of them..becuz I like you all for you. This is directed mainly towards one
Reality Of It All
A close friend of the family passed away this past tuesday; her name was Ilene Wariner, mother of country music singer Steve Wariner.  Momma had asked me to attend the service with her cause she hsnt had a good week at all. Hard time again speaking and walking, not able how to do things around the house. Had a leak Wed but couldnt decide whether or not to call a plumber. Anywhoo, Ilene had cancer and seeing her at 70 lbs looking nothing like herself made me realize that with all that is going on with momma, the time will come soon when it is her. The service was beautiful and a true testament to the wonderful person that Ilene was, Steve and his family did the music, and it was a mostly musical service. Different, but just what she would have liked. I cried a lot, not just for Ilene, but for what is coming...
Now I realize too late Maybe it was just fate Why couldn't I see What you really need I am the one that could have been Why was I so blind to see? We were there, just you and me Now alone I sit Missing the fire that we lit That flame is now blown out Never to burn again without a doubt So I sit here thinking of you and I I just ask the stars, why? oh why? There is nothing to do Its time to get over you. So I say good bye to all we had This is just too sad I wish I didn't have to go through that door I realize that you want me no more.      
Really Men Or Maybe Women.
These last couple of days I have observed this on men, I am not saying women don't do this by no fucking means, cause I know they do.   It is these men that I am speaking about right at this moment. The juggling of women. This is what I have to say about that. Play on !!!!! With the exception of this. Don't even step here on this page to try that fucking bullshit with me. I have enough drama in my life away from here, that I do not need your so called girlfriends coming to me over what the fuck you do. Apparently you are not playing them very well for them to notice what the fuck you are doing.  Now go back to the drawing board and re-learn everythng you thought you knew. Understand or do I need to spell it out for you? You want to get to know me you better not have any ties to anyone else on here for the simple fact of this. Yes I know it is only internet, but these bitches on here think it is for real and I do not need there fucked up crap. I am going back to my other ways of
Well, my laptop is fucked. Everything, program wise, works. My screen is just fucked up. I'm either going to have to get a new screen, check my video card or just break down and get a new laptop. If I'm not around, you all know why.   Love you all!!!
Really Dudes
ok  like idon't  know if it's a guy thing   but  heads up  guys  asking a girl to show her  boobs  makes you  look like a  disgusting  pig
Really Down
I can't believe what she said I can't believe what he did Don't they know it's wrong Well maybe there's something I missed But how could they treat me like this It's wearing out my heart The way they disregard This is love or this is hate. We all have a choice to make Father won't You forgive themThey don't know what they've been doing Oh Father, give me grace to forgive them Cause I feel like the one losing
“It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.”
Really Stressed Out
between my grandparents' issues, and my own, I'm really stressed out and having bad anxiety attacks.  It would help if I had some support and help.  Grandpa needs a lot of help and grandma thinks I don't care and that I don't understand what's going on so I get the brunt of her frustration.  How am I supposed to deal with this?  Please, someone help.
Reality Check
Its time for a reality check .are past is who we are today .and tomorrow is the person that to day molds !
Really Fubar?
(disclaimer: No coffee was had prior to writing this)   So I recently posted a picture of James Holmes; using it more as a tool to express my general dissatisfaction with people and as a statement of the general lack of intelligence of most members on here.  Here it is:   I thought that it was funny, and while I can see how some might be offended, being offended is a choice, and if you choose to be offended, that's up to you.  Plus it is topical and he is all over the news. So after it was posted, and set as my default, I had some fun on Fubar, and went to bed. The next day I wake up, and sure enough it's been marked NSFW. Ok, this sort of thing happens. I thought, I'll just clear it up with a bouncer.  This was a mistake.  Apparently this particular bouncer wrote to me,"becuz (sic) of the circumstances, shuldnt (sic) even be allowed on site if u (sic) ask my opinion..." Thus letting his agenda show. Wow. Sorry, but am I missing something? Is the NSFW tag no longer just for adult c
So my ex is suing me for "personal injury". I looked it up, to be exactly sure what it would include. Defamation of Character is one of those things. He said he was going to sue the day he got the modification paper of me filing for full custody. In those papers I stated nothing but the truth and I had to list some of his new wife's issues.   Is this really defamation of character? It's not like I've broadcast them in public, it's in court papers. I don't really get it.   He's meeting with his lawyer today. Ugh.
Realize Lyrics
REALIZE-COLBIE CALLAIT Take time to realize,That your warmth is. Crashing down on in.Take time to realize,That I am on your sideDidn't I, Didn't I tell you.But I can't spell it out for you,No it's never gonna be that simpleNo I cant spell it out for you[Chorus:]If you just realize what I just realized,Then we'd be perfect for each otherAnd will never find anotherJust realize what I just realizedWe'd never have to wonder ifWe missed out on each other now.[V2:]Take time to realizeOh-oh I'm on your sideDidn't I, didn't I tell you.Take time to realizeThis all can pass you byBut I can't spell it out for you,No its never gonna be that simpleNo I can't spell it out for you.[Chorus:]If you just realize what I just realizedThen we'd be perfect for each otherAnd we'll never find anotherJust realize what I just realizedWe'd never have to wonder ifWe missed out on each other but.[V3:]It's not the sameNo it's never the sameIf you don't feel it to.If you meet me half wayIf you would meet me half wa
Really? Still?
from: austenbill spid... good moring happy teas me tast me thursdayand go cowboys... United States subject: hi received: 09/5/2012 01:37 pm replied: no   block this member cancer dont care if your strate or gayand ther is nothing wrong with being strate or gaybut ther is someing wrong with haveng what you was born with removedyou was born with a dick ther 4 it was ment 2 beyou was born with a pussy ther 4 it was ment 2 bethats just an opoion i bleav if you had it removed it ment your not happy being a man and if a woman has hers removed and a dick put on she was on happy being a womanmen put ther dicks in a pussy be cues thats how a true peplo have kids         ok i would love to respond, but i have no idea what the fuck he is saying to me
A Real Fubar Singles Dance Party
To all the Single Ladies!!! How would you like to go to a REAL Fubar Dance Party at the club I work in New Jersey? Good idea? This would be for Fubar members that live in New York City, Westchester, Rockland, & Putnam Counties, Lond Island, and New Jersey...If anyone wanted to travel, that's cool too...If there's interest, I would like to plan something in advance for either around the holidays or right after the new year...What do you think? If I see there's enough interest and positive feedback, I will start planning the event and promote it! You tell me!...It would be really cool to meet the people behind the pictures...I'll be waiting for your feedback...Sincerely, DJ Frank! 
Real Life.
I have come to the conclusion that the time that I have spent away from Fubar (and the rest of the internet) has become more important to me. As time progresses, I have spent less and less time on here and focusing on the real things in my life. School, family and my health have all been pushed to the top of my priorities. I guess what I'm trying to say is that a lot of the things that have happened and are happening around here have made Fubar a less exciting, less important part of what I want to do and who I want to be personally. 5 years ago, I joined Fubar. I was a newly single guy looking for an escape, and this place was it. I have met some really great people here, and others that were not so great. I have made some real friends and had some real relationships here, but the majority of those have come and gone as time goes on. That's life and I get that, and I'm moving on. With that said, I am not deleting but I will not be here as much as I have been in the past. I hope that t
Real Beauty
Real Beauty Is... Beauty Is Not Just Skin Deep,,,And Thats Where The Problem Lies,,,It's Not Just What's On The Outside,,,It's What Comes From Deep Inside,,,Beauty Is The Smile On Your Face,,,When You Feel like Crying,,,Beauty Is Being Able To Say ,,,Please And Thank You,,,When You Feel Like,,,Screaming Outloud,,,Beauty Is Always A Kind Word,,,In The Face Of Adversity,,,Beauty Is Being Able To Say,,,I Love You,,,Even When You Don't Think You Can,,,When You Don't Think You Should,,,And Even When They Don't Deserve It,,,Beauty Is Always Giving,,,And Seldom Take,,,Real Beauty Is,,,To Know Where You Are Wanted,,,To Know Where You Are Needed,,,And To Know When They Are Just Using You,,,And Real Beauty ,,,Is Being Able To Know The Difference,,,And When To Walk Away,,,
Real 1:1 Traffic Exchange Ratio. No Limits To Surf And Earn!
Real Deal
We are always searching in life For that special thingThat thing that makes us fly without wingsWhen I close my eyes, every single nightAll I see is that beautiful sightThat thing I want to touch and holdThat thing better than silver and goldThis thing shares my hopes and dreamsAnd helps me understand how love should beIt will stand by my sideAnd will dry my tears when I cryIt will be my best friendWho will be there till the endThere's nothing in this world I'd rather feel Than to be in love with the real deal
Real Life Vs Fu Life
Ok so correct me if I am wrong but Fubar is a game correct? So tell me this....why do so many people take it so damn personal? It's funny how people believe every damn thing that they read or see on a persons profile or in their shoutbox. I've seen girls get mad because a guy flirts with them and they find out in real life he is married. Really? Or people fall in life to find out the other person isn't the sex they claimed to be or the pictures were totally fake. I do not get it. People it is a game. I for one and 100% honest in what I say and do but that doesn't mean that I do not fuck around from time to time and if your idiot treat you as one. Maybe I should jump on the everything on FU is totally real band wagon. In that case I am a super model that is 6 ft tall and weighs 110 lbs with millions of dollars and eight houses :P Play the game people damn!
Reality (quote I Found)
Escaping existence is impossible, yet you can always imagine a different kind of prison. Everything changes, and imagination is but another tool of the world around us.Chaos resides wherever you turn, Your body only can want a different location for it's perception... colors, shapes, forms... Fabricate any, see how temporary they are.We live in a world of Ever Change. Being in touch with your imagination, is never being disconnected from reality, it is Only being even further connected to it.
Real Men Don't
Real men don't wear pink, they eat it
Reality Of Relationships
Relationships are defined as what? How does an individual figure out the qualities in a person whom is to be a mate?  Does society try to "model our mate" or make a comparison to one of the individual’s parents? So many questions rise about something that is complex but simple at the same time. Why the contradiction in the previous statement? Simple a relationship of any sort starts out by taking a chance or risk meeting someone then what has been done, maybe just passed up on the opportunity to meet a truly amazing person whom may actually share the same views and interests that one does in life. Sometimes the simplest ice breaker is just a smile or a nod or just a compliment about what is being worn or about the weather. What is the worst that can happen? That person says "piss off" or who cares; that's bound to happen. The best advice given is to have a back like a duck (in other words let the crud roll off). Along with the old adage of "kill them with kindness". The reality
Really Well," Said Williams. "i Felt Relaxed Out There, And When I Play Relaxed I Play Better." Williams, Who Improved To 11-0 On Clay Thi
WINNIPEG -- The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are giving their current general manager and head coach the chance to turn the CFL teams fortunes around. Aaron Hernandez Womens Jersey . The Bombers announced Thursday that they are sticking with general manager Joe Mack and are removing the interim tag from head coach Tim Burkes title. Team president Garth Buchko says Winnipegs 5-12 record going into Saturdays season finale against Montreal isnt acceptable. But he says it looks like they have the building blocks in place for success. "What ultimately sealed my decision was that I am just not ready to dismantle this organization and start over from scratch," he said. "In business as in sports, success comes when you have stability in the leadership position. "Joe Mack, Tim Burke have the respect and confidence of their players and staff." Burke is the fifth head coach since 2005 to lead the Bombers. Paul LaPolice, who started this season after leading them to the Grey Cup last year, lost his job w
A Real Man
Today one of my friend's status messages read, "A real man doesn't love a million women, he loves one woman a million ways."  I totally understand the sentiment of her message, but I'd like to offer my own thoughts on the issue.  For me what makes a man a real man isn't whether he has one woman or a million but rather how each woman feels when she is with him.  Does she feel like she is the most important, beautiful, and amazing woman in the world?  Does she feel like when he is with him that she has his full attention and she is the only thing that matters to him?  Does she know that she can trust him with her inner most thoughts, fears, and emotions and be completely vulnerable with him emotionally, physically, and sexually?  If this is true, then does it matter whether she's the only woman in his life or not?  A real man loves the women in his life - whether one or a hundred - and treats them each as unique and special and important and valuable.
The Real Meaning Of Christmas...
It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas?For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buy presents for their children, family, and friends. Many are saddened at Christmastime when they think of their loved ones who will not be able to come home for various reasons. Turkey dinners may be only a wish and not a reality for some.Yet, Christmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time of God showing His great love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. You see, Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to be born. His b
Really Bothered By This...
Being a former volunteer firefighter, I feel the urge to speak out because this hit home! I was also in the military so our 2nd amendment has a certain meaning to me as well. I believe in the 2nd Amendment as it was written - The Right To Bare Arms HOWEVER, I believe this argument about our 2nd Amendment has faults - it is our Military who fights for our Freedom...the independent person (although well intended) usually escallates a situation, or creates new conflicts. This argument is mainly in regards to the GP owning or having access to weapons/ammunition of mass destruction. I said it before - do we really need that? Look, anybody with a gun can crack at any time even a good guy with a gun, thus becoming a bad guy with a gun - still want that guy protecting our children? Really? Tell this to the families of the fallen firefighters in upstate NY...there has to be some sort of newer laws implimented somehow to better govern/control to prevent this sort of tragedy...we may be well
The Real Truth About Gurus!
The REAL TRUTH About GurusMost marketers are lost in the fog of information overload. Because of this, they eventually are lured by a guru claiming to have all the answers to their marketing woes.The guru also promises you can make a fortune by just following their advice. Of course that advice comes with a hefty price tag. So what is the truth? It is a land of smoke and mirrors, a carnival of lies that is directed at you for the sole purpose of taking your MONEY Don't kid yourself here. Most gurus want to turn YOU into their affiliate machine, recurring ATM and USE YOU for their traffic regardless of what most promise to teach you.Some gurus are actually SETTING YOU UP TO FAIL! They know that the MORE you fail, the more you will SPEND out of sheer frustration. You will be given just enough information to get your interest up and then you will be asked to spend more money on the latest shiny fad the guru has.Yet the REAL TRUTH is that many of these gurus laugh at you as being too stupi
The Real Life Version Of Fu!
An older, white-haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young woman at his side. He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend. The jeweler looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring. The old man said, “No, I’d like to see something more special.”At that statement, the jeweler went to his special stock and brought out another ring.“Here’s a stunning ring at only $40,000″ the jeweler said.The young lady’s eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement.The old man, seeing this, said, “We’ll take it.”The jeweler asked how payment would be made and the old man said, “By check, but I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I’ll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds. I’ll pick the ring up Monday afternoon.” he said.Monday morning, the jeweler phoned the old man. “There’s no mon
Now Obama and the Dems are using the coming Fiscal cliff to blackmail Republicans into passing their agenda but will blame republicans if /when it fails. And the cliff has some draconian military cuts to it and they "say" they are against them but they take no action. Make sense!? This what many deluded people in the country voted for so let's see what it has wrought but so far it looks very ominous. For a party that can't pass one national budget in over 3 years when they are constitutionally mandated has delusions of severe grandeur and a President who thinks far more of himself than the results so far demonstrate both both doom us to some pain while WE correct it. Remember the Dems AND Obama have spent more than All Administrations combined from Washington to GWB and that can't be blamed on GWB. Why? Simple the have done a continuing measure vote based on the 1 hrs bloated budget the "rescue" the US from the financial debacle which happened under GWB but Frank Reid and Dodd play
The Real Fu...
An awesome friend of mine posted this. I could not agree more and there is no way I could have said it better myself. Nothing on this site is tangible, yet some users cling to it as if it is. Disgusting. "So after six long years I have made a conscious decision to close up shop. I'm gone, I'm outta here! Next stop, real life. Because what most of you fail to realize is that there is a real world out there. The sun rises, the sun sets, people live their lives. You? You sit behind your little computer all day whoring yourself for virtual goodies. Things that have no monetary value in reality. You can't pay your bills with that. “Please don't shut off my water! I'll buy you a God Mode?”What do you have to show for yourself? That you're essentially a virtual con artist or prostitute, degrading yourself in front of thousands of people for what... self esteem... ego boost... pat on the back? You're pathetic. Maybe if you got off your ass and did something with your life you shows you how easy it actually is to become a successful real estate investor and buy property with no down payment.
Real Profacy Of Todays Truth
Many dont realize that the Word Arabbi Means Locust In Biblical Hebrew..& they are the locust of the human race today,,Look at the facts,,In our Country,,Why is it that they seem to be able to come here & get Government money to buy up property & businesses & we as citizens here cant seem to touch funds of that nature?? We are being consumed by the Locusts people..They own our Gov. leaders & our Media now,,& I bet you dont realize that our President did not really win this last Democratic Vote of our citizens,,But hes still in our Highest seat of office,,WHY ?? Ill tell you,,Because the Muslam Locusts wanted him there..& we couldnt vote him out even though we tried..We are in big trouble here & dont even know it because They own the main stream Media that we all see & listen to also,,& our gulability is about to be our down fall..They are & controle our Dr.s too,,Why do you think that 90% of Americans are on some kind of meds. & think theres something wrong with them??,,Its all being f
Real Stats
PRO: Boring being dead.....  -  del PRO: HAHAHAHAHAHA  -  del ✠ϾӍѦ✠ TWAT WAF...:   -  del snoman: u hear me miki?  -  del snoman: ur mother is a whore  -  d
I feel I should give a little background info, because I'm not sure if this is some people's first read of my blogs. So here it is:   My Mom has been in and out of the hospital since December 23. We were told many different things, but now we know the main reason that she is acting the way she is. About a week ago we found out she has a 4 pound tumor above her kidney on her adrenal gland. The doctors say that that will cause confusion and depression. For a few months she's slowly been getting worse. Tonight topped it all. I h ave my kids tonight, like I do every Thursday night. She was fine all day. However when it was time for them to go to bed she starts yelling and screaming. They can NOT sleep like that. I go in and ASK her to not talk to loud because the boys can't sleep. She then yells at ME because this is HER house and she will yell if she wants and I can't tell her to shut up. I didn't ask/tell her to shut up, I just asked her to not talk to loud. Then she tells me that I
Really Need A Lot Of Votes, Please Help A Girl Out!
Please go to this link and vote for us, it means so much! We need all the help we can get, you can vote today and tomorrow. Please spread the message to everyone you know and use any resource you can think of. My boyfriend and I have had a lot of bad luck with illness and death in our family and winning this would help so much to lighen the mood a little. We are competitive, are you? Show it by helping us be #1, thank you soooooooo much! Again please spread the word, happy hour it, whatever works! Love you all!
Real Life Vs. Fu-life
Some people seem to be having trouble remembering that online life isnt the real life. Its one that we create to look and feel however we wish. Not everything or everyone is exactly as they seem. Even me! And that is fine because I'm not here to share my whole life with virtual strangers who are also not sharing their souls. But I am here to have fun chatting, flirting and who knows? Some day maybe meeting up with someone here who is not bitter and is sane enough to make a real life friend out of. The problem is some get jealous and mad when they discover that I actually socialize with other people on a social website! No fair. I dont demand exclusive devotion from anyone anywhere unless we are more than just 'FuMarried'. But comitted in real life. By then, I will have excused my self from a site like this. Thats just how I roll. You can roll your own way. So I'm just sayin, dont waste your time and heart getting twisted because the person you dig is also dug by others. If your skills
The Real Me
THE REAL ME ****When I was 5 years old. I was raped, molested, beaten, starved, and Tortured by my mother. YES MY OWN MOTHER... In 1992 She plead guilty to 4 accounts of gross sexual imposition, and child neglect, She was given 4 years in prison. That's All. You wanna talk about a unfair justice system.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****From 1996 to 2000. I was beaten by mo own father. I was tortured, and beaten within inches of my own life only to have it happen all over again. DSS did nothing for me. Found no evidence of it. How fucked up really?? I was abused all the time.. I could do nothing right in my parents eyes. When I fought back I was the one arrested.. My father called me a failure, a mistake, you name it I was called it.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** I do not trust anyone. The whole world is out to fucking get me. If you want my
Real Beauty
Beauty has been defined in many different forms such as outer beauty and inner beauty. Solomon put it best of as to what beauty is about. If a person is beautiful on the outside, but hideous on the inside, he refers to it as a pig with a jewel in it's snout. Real beauty is defined as someone with a heart of gold, not by one's look. People have a hard time seeing past a person's features to see who they really are. If you have seen the movie "Shallow Hal" where Hal is hypnotized to see only a person's true beauty, you will know what I'm talking about. If you haven't seen it go watch it. The world would be a better place is we didn't have a tendency to judge a book by it's cover. Open that book and read what's inside. You might be surprised at what you'll find.
A Real Man
A Real Man holds the door open for his lady. A Real Man gives his lady the clothes off of his back to keep her warm. A Real Man lays his thousand dollar coat over a puddle of water so his lady doesn't get wet. A Real Man watches a chick flick with his lady instead of going out with the guys. A Real Man drops everything he is doing to help his lady out. A Real Man tells his lady that he loves her in public. A Real Man holds his lady while she cries over the sadness in the world. A Real Man will always be there for his lady. A Real man knows how to treat his lady right. A Real Man is always faithful to his lady. A Real Man will cry in front of others when he is worried about his lady. A Real Man will sacrifice his life to keep his lady alive. ================================================================================== Ladies: If your man does these things then be thankful, and show him appreciation everyday. Men: If you are like this then keep up the great work, and
Apparently today is "Go for broke day". How would one celebrate that?
Hair color Eye color Skin color Hair texture Body shape/size Face shape Eye shape/size Nose shape/size Ear shape/size Leg length Toe shape/size/length Finger shape/size/length Butt shape/size Breast shape/size Curviness Shoulder width Hip width Hand size Foot size Lip shape/size Genitals shape/size All these (and more) different things that are related to genetics alone that determine how one individual person looks, and people still believe that the human race was created in the image of ONE god????
Really Maybe I Am ...
Today some ask me out I told her no ( more like fuck no) she said stuck up prick.I been thinking about it .I am my expiation of woman are super high . What 5 foot 5in and about 120 pounds with a C cup or better . Yea I am not that nice then .. a sweetheart not on your best day .guess all Years of modeling made me this way .if going be public set standards high . Is what I was always told . I did . So I go from straight out bitch to a whore . God  love my relationships they suck guess I never find right one for me or always be single... 
Real Love
one day i want to feel loved  i want to be the only one he looks at  the only one he talkd to  the only one in his heart  and one his mind  one day i hope to be that to someone  one day i hope to have all the pieces  of my heart put back together  and never broken again  i want the hurt to go away i want to let  him who ever he is love me  and let him in to my heart  wish i could love them who ever they are back  and to feel specail  i ahve great friends and thats good for now  i want real love just once 
Real Life Stupid People :)
These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?WITNESS: My name is Susan!_______________________________ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.____________________________________________ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?WITNESS: No, I just lie there.____________________________________________ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth? WITNESS: July 18th. ATTORNEY: What year? WITNESS: Every year. _____________________________________ ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you? WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which. ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you? WITNESS: F
Really Great Song!!
I've dealt with my ghosts and faced all my demonsFinally content with a past I regretI've found you find strength in your moments of weaknessFor once I'm at peace with myselfI've been burdened with blame, trapped in the past for too longI'm movin' onI've lived in this place and I know all the facesEach one is different but they're always the sameThey mean no harm but it's time that I face itThey'll never allow me to changeBut I never dreamed home would end up where I don't belongI'm movin' on   I'm movin' onAt last I can see life has been patiently waiting for meAnd I know there's no guarentee's, but I'm not aloneThere comes a time in everyone's lifeWhen all you can see are the years passing byAnd I have made up my mind that those days are goneI sold what I could and packed what I couldn'tStopped to fill up on my way out of townI've loved like I should but lived likeI shouldn'tI had to lose everything to find outMaybe forgiveness will find me somewhere down this roadI'm movin' on I'
The Real Deal
When I hold you close, It's an overdose, Your smile alone, It can felt for a mile with tone, I look into your eyes, They make me go to the skies, The love you give, Makes me want to live, What a heart, It's a work of art, Maybe someday, I will no longer pray, I will always hold you everyday, You wouldnt have to say, I love you so, Had to let you know....
Pink is contemplating reality.
Real Madrid Players Higuain Still
Coentrao nearly went to Chelsea starting Lopez Casey if seeking transfer In the case of owner Marcelo, Mourinho for his claim Florentino buy Coentrao. Florentino now considered the world's best left-back Marcelo, Mourinho did this patron, Coentrao Real Madrid have to leave it. "Marca" said Mourinho will Coentrao brought Chelsea, after all, Ashley - Cole's contract expires next summer, and England advanced age, he needs a qualified successor. "Marca" even pointed out that the official announcement in Abu Mourinho took over Chelsea, Real Madrid will likely also officially announced Coentrao joining the Blues.Herve Leger In the winter transfer window, Real Madrid bought back Diego - Lopez, and let him act as absolute. But Mourinho's departure means that Casey will not continue next season was blocked. On the qualifications of ability, Diego - Lopez is not Casey opponent. According to the "World Sports Daily," said coach next season once let Casey when the main, Diego - Lopez will submit
Real Bikers
To the non-bikers: To the people that think my life needs to be saved, well it is- but let me tell you something, if my life needs to be saved, your not the one that can save me only the Lord can do that and the last time I looked your not him. As for my life being corrupted, if it is corrupted then it was my own doing. Let me tell you something no one can corrupt my life but me and I think my life is just fine. Oh yes and about being a proper lady, who are you to say I'm not a proper lady you don't know me, you don't live with me 24/7 so how do you know what I am. I have and still do a lot for my friends, family and my community. I also have done a lot for the people on this site. I worked as a nurse for over 15 years and I council incest children, I still volunteer at the nursing homes. So can say the same? As for anyone dragging me into a life of sin- that's just funny, no one can drag you somewhere you don't want to go. The way I see it, I'm fine with the Lord can you say the same?
"real Women Have Curves"
While browsing the web, oftentimes I come across websites that will post pictures comparing women of different sizes, exclaiming "REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES!" This particularly bothers me being a female with little to no curve to my body. I can weigh 80lbs or 200lbs and my body still won't be all that curvy. It's how I'm built; it's my genetics and I can't really help it. My body just isn't that desirable hour glass figure. I have small breasts and a small butt and this was determined for me in my mother's womb. Body shaming is a huge issue and putting out messages that make one body type ideal over another causes so much damage to the self esteem of both men and women. It's okay to be proud of your body and how you look, but it will never be okay to make others feel inadequate because they don't look that certain way. Worry about you, make your body to your liking, and stop worrying about the weight, height, shape, etc of others.
Reality Of Fu Love
I wanted address this subject, cause the months that I have been on FU it's seems to me you take this to seriously. What I want talk about is FU marriage and I hate tell you ladies and gentlemen its not a real marriage. Chances of you meeting this so called soulmate is slim and none. I'm not against love or feeling attractive to someone. Just because I send a woman profile comment does not mean I'm trying to hit on your woman. It's called being friendly and respectful and getting points and that it's nothing more. It's just seems that I have watched people on this site play with people hearts and emotions and really no call for that. We are all grown ups here I hope, that we can figure out what's reality and what's fucking fake. I'm totally glad for person who found someone on here, if its real then God Bless em, but please think and get know person first, it's not about banging someone or that person looks good as hell, everybody that's looks good, sometimes is not good for you. So if
Real Design Is All About Taking A Traditional Element
A Guide To Carrying Your Louis Vuitton Artsy MmIt might be fairly safe to say that a Louis Vuitton bag is a must-have for trendy girls all over the entire world. Movie stars, heiresses, and doing work girls alike enjoy the appear and feel of a well-made LV handbag. LV continues to be creating Louis Vuitton Handbags for a lot of many years and it's managed to produce a number of timeless favourites just like the Neverfull tote along with the Speedy satchel, which grew to become well-known because the handbag that Audrey Hepburn carried. It continues to live up to its popularity by unveiling several a lot more modern classics like the Louis Vuitton Artsy MM.The Louis Vuitton Artsy MM is a medium-sized bag that's slouchy in shape and includes a single leather take care of with braid detail. You can carry it inside your hand or in your shoulder, and it truly is got several great characteristics like six patch pockets, an extended zipped pocket for the wallet, protective studs o
You see, reality is nothing like the books you read, movies you watch, or the songs you listen to. Guys won't chase you after a break up, they'll just watch you walk away. They won't be standing outside your window at one o'clock in the morning with flowers and a radio playing your favorite song. They won't drive seventy miles per hour down the interstate, flying between traffic, ignorning cops, trying to get to the airport to tell you how much they love you before your plane leaves. They won't. This is reality, not a fairytale.
Reallty Chcek
There  have been times on this site when i see status from people on here i have to wonder if they forget this is a only a web site not real life bu now after seeing people in my city including my offsite friends have to run because of flooding due both rivers here overflowing and distruction that has happened here make your pitty things like rates leveling etc espcally those who make these things  its a emergancy you should be ashemed of yourself his a escape but not real life so remember that when you post stuff on here
Really You Saw My Picture And Just Assumed I'd Do What?
Can someone please explain to me why it seems to be ok to some men on here to look at my picture and all of a sudden assume that I am easy? I mean the first words outta someone's mouth should never be "you gotta pretty mouth, wanna suck my dick?" really first off lets begin with the fact that noone should ever start a conversation with you got a pretty mouth unless we're out in hillbilly hollar somewhere. Secondly really do you think I am not gonna block your ass for that? Let me also say I will block anyone who feels the need to ask me if I will bear their children because of my hips or if I would like cum on my face..... If I wanted it I would make it known. I know there are a lot of pervs out there everywhere this just really got my blood boiling today because it's been like every other person in my SB over and over again.    Thanks for listening to my random rant 
The sky is blue water is wet ice is cold and your mom is a whore  
The Reality Of The Alternate Reality Of "if"
*Note* My previous blog dedicated one day each week to “the world of IF.”   These three short entries are compiled from that blog. Take a trip to Geometry class where you were taught that, “Given x and Given y, then Theorum z. Then the trip drags you down one more “theorem” and then another. Each time, you have to take the previous theorem as fact to proceed. Hello! Enter the Wingnutted World of Geometry Logic as it pertains to just about any subject you can think of. It could be something as strange as “If shoestrings could talk” or “if walls really did have ears.” Ew that’s gross, but handy if you need a place to stash your earring.  Today’s three “IFS” are about:   Money winged pigs the truth about potatoes   . . . In the logic of alternate realities if it were actually true.       If Money Grew On Trees I hear my wallet crying. But there is an alternate universe somewhere that grows money
Real Madrid Officially Announced The 23-year-old Star Joined Ho Throw 32.1 Million Euro Contract 6 Years
Autoplay Highlights Real Madrid Di Yuan Yi sliding doorReal Madrid officially announced to join Iraq MendyBeijing on the evening of July 12, La Liga [microblogging] Real Madrid [microblogging] official announcement from the Royal Society introduced a 23-year-old Spanish midfielder Ely Yarra Mendy, which is the fourth Real Madrid signings this summer .  Erie Yarra Mendy was born in 1990, had a total of Real Sociedad played for four seasons, cheap jerseys played 56 times, including 53 starts, 23 January 2011 The first expedition La Liga (2009/10 season the Royal Social campaign segunda, he played a second), but the 2010/11 season and played three times in the next two seasons Erie Yarra Mendy began to grow for the Royal Society of the main players, the 2011/12 season, played 18 times, in 2012/13 season, played 34 times, and all starters, his outstanding performance,AC Milan jersey but also to help Real Sociedad won the Champions League qualification for next season. Erie Ya
Real Madrid Has Not Yet Begun The New Season The Team Lost The First Generals Soul Surgery Injury Three Months
Ancelotti for a long time in the future can not use the team's heart and soul Harvey - Alonso. According to Spanish media reports said Alonso being sidelined at least until the end of October or early November in order to come back, Alonso Real Madrid team doctor to recuperate three months time to enable the latter to restore optimum level,cheap jerseys re-enter the team's starting lineup. Doctors hope Alonso recuperate, do not worry comeback. Prior to that, according to "Marca" said Alonso's decision to undergo surgery to Real Madrid club surprised, but he secretly decided to undergo a major revamp, because from January this year, had hurt his groin, which even so that he can not participate in normal training. Because he underwent surgery, Alonso had to give up in the Confederations Cup. Although initially suggested Alonso Real Madrid recovered with conservative treatment methods groin, but the players decided to step forward and accept radical surgery. AC Milan jersey E
Really!!! Venting
If this mouth went bad to right out fucked ! I don't know how much more I take before I kill someone. Me and April are good just everything else is more fucked up . I understand some people believe in god but he or she turned there back me to much . I think is why chose the dark side . I understand April believes in it but me, I don't! Maybe the inverted cross fit me better. Look it at this why .I broke every rule of the 10 .there no help for me I am dammed ! 
Real Madrid Sign Traced Chain Transactions 15,000,000 18,000,000 Selling German Spanish Midfielder Magician
Have introduced Carvajal, Isco, jam Miro and Erie Yarra Mendy after Real Madrid [microblogging] transfer window has not yet closed. Real Madrid are still the midfield signings, they next midfield target Hole Shakespeare. Erie Yarra Mendy joining Real Madrid after joining Real Madrid Hole Shakespeare thing was jerseys Although this name Sevilla midfielder's agent and from London with his father several times to discuss the possible transfer hole of more than Shakespeare, but they are always worried about Real Madrid, after all, they talked to Real Madrid was reached.  Real Madrid have not given up the introduction of the name La Liga [microblogging] sorcerer, according to "Marca" message,AC Milan jersey Real Madrid hope to be able to finalize the deal next few days. Real Madrid are willing to pay for the Hole Shakespeare 15 million euros. However, this does not fully vested 15000000 Sevilla, Hole Shakespeare's ownership is divided into two parts, half belong
Real Friends Are
Real friends are always there for you, you can trust them to keep your secrets, share you laughter and your tears, fake friends are never around when you really need them, they want to know about you so they can tell others and most of the time they laugh at you instead of with you..
Real Madrid Shaking Ho Purchased Bell Offers Exposure 98,700,000! This Man Is Going To Take
Bell is currently training with the Welsh team, but will not play in the national team friendlies this weekReal Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur main President Levy Although not meet in Miami, but both times by telephone talks. However, the talks made little progress, from the current situation, the issue of the transfer in Bell, Tottenham Real Madrid will suffer until the last moment. Tottenham chairman's attitude is still very tough,Christian Louboutin he always said that unless Real Madrid brought astronomical offer, otherwise they would not sell Bell. As for the "astronomical" is defined, Levi has his own explanation: at least 120 million euros, 100 million can not be counted as astronomical. Spanish economy TV "penalty points" show host Pedro Rael said, for the introduction of Bell, Real Madrid has recently sent a quote,cheap Sunglasses Florentino gave Tottenham two options: one is quoted 8700 million euros, a one-time payment; Another is offer 98.7 million euros, but the
Real Madrid Generals Formally Submitted A Transfer Request! 14 Days Left In The Transfer Window He Will Go
Coentrao Real Madrid officially submitted a transfer requestSaturday's Real Madrid [microblogging] press conference, Ancelotti announced an explosive news, the team left back Fabio Coentrao Real Madrid officially submitted a transfer request, Ancelotti said: "As Cohen Bertrand, He proposed a transfer request, so he will not play tomorrow's race. "Previously, cheap soccer jerseys Ancelotti has repeatedly stressed at the press conference," Cohen Bertrand is the name of a good player, he was very happy to stay in the team I . "offensive language Ancelotti did not work, Cohen Bertrand bent on leaving. End of last season, Coentrao Real Madrid had been shelled, "Since the first day I came to Real Madrid, I think I'm here is unnecessary. To today, everyone seems to want me to leave Real Madrid, I really I do not know in the end is something wrong. "He also left the band issued a statement:" Let me leave Real Madrid on the line,Barcelona jersey and I do not close the door on any te
Real Love
You don't need to compete with anybody.  You don't need to compare yourself with anybody.  You just need to be what you are, to be love, but real love, not the kind of love that posesses you and makes you believe in love.  not the love that amkes you sacrifice int he name of love, or the love that makes you hurt yourself or others in the name of love.  The Symbol of love has become so distorted.  Real love is what your were born with.  Real love is what your are!
Real Madrid 159 Million To Buy Bell Clinches Tuesday Announced The World's First Signing
Bell is currently awaiting final confirmation Marbella Spain to join Real MadridBell still waiting for him to join Real Madrid dream come true. Welsh past few days and became a hermit, he stayed all day in their own broker Barnett's home in Marbella, Spain. Although the environment is very quiet, but Bell heart is full of hope, cheap soccer jerseys as he eagerly awaited Real Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur reached an agreement to allow his transfer to obtain official recognition on the official level. Sunday's "Aspen" said the Real Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur now have € 10 million gap. Real Madrid offer 90 million euros, while Tottenham then ask for 100 million euros. The two sides in payment no agreement on the issue. If it is 90 million euros, Real Madrid are willing to pay one or two installments, Barcelona jersey but if Real Madrid had to pay 100 million euros, and that Real Madrid want to pay the transfer fee in four installments. On the same day of the "Marca" sai
A Real Man Is True To His Word
A real man is true to his word. If he says he’ll do something, he does it. He doesn’t make promises he has no intention of keeping. So in the beginning, be mindful of the seemingly inconsequential. Does he “forget” to call when he says he will? Does he flake on dates at the last minute? Does he lack follow through? If so, you’re dealing with a “Mr. False Hope.”
Ya know, it"s been a long hard road these past few years. But if there's one thing I've really, and truly, come to the realization of, it's those here  I've to accepted as real friends. Not long ago, I came forth and admitted to some things in my personal life. Within those couple of weeks to coming forth with certain things, that were completely random I may add, people started to drop off the radar. A very few select of you know how rotten, and evil, a person I've been in my life. As well as the things that usually go along with such allegations. But a very select few of you have been able to look past it all. Even in my recent self-doubt episodes that were suicidal at moments, some of you never doubted your belief in me to become a better person. It is those of you that I must thank. It is partially because of you, that I am still here.   thank you ~Aaron~
A Real Touchy Subject. I Had These Thoughts Many Times, But Not Anymore
Suicide's no laughing matter and a very scary situation to go through.  Many, many times, I had thoughts of committing suicide because of the mistakes I've made, feeling like I didn't amount to anything, and feel like a major screwup in life or couldn't do anything right.  I never made any attempts but at times, I just wannted get a gun and end it all, but last night, something made me stop and think to end any of those thoughts.  I've watched a documentary of suicides on YouTube and it was really deep and hard to watch.  From what I was watching, it won't only make things worse for myself, it'll make things worse for the people you love and make them wonder why would I do a selfish act, or what did they could've done better to save me.  From the pictures I've looked at, and the phone calls I've heard of people wanting to commit suicide, or families called 911 reporting a suicide of a love one, it was really heartbreaking and hurtful.  I put myself in their shoes and thought about what
Today is kind of a "sad" day.. Not in the all I want to do is cry and lay in bed sad, but the pathetic sad. People are just really getting on my nerves and I don't know if I'm going to be in a good mood later. I mean I'm not really in a bad mood, just kind of blah. Annoyed would be better....I think. Perhaps it can change.   That's all :)
The Real Beauty
I got out of bed and thought maybe today, my happiness will come back I really hope you are okay. My life was normal until we met, now it is ever so great cause we can't just forget. How the sunrise just seems to fit, its most perfect casting upon eachday luckly it won't quit. Like our love can say, it is helping us grow as does our luck everyday.   If you will look for me, you can always read of how I am, you can see. Upon your hopeful returning, I have kept busy trying to describe my yearning. It keeps me company, while your not here and I need you with me.   I can rythme with your skin, everytime I am ready for us to dicover again. Every reason we can find delight, in our feelings together no matter day or night. You are feeling the breeze as I go out into the city remember my heart is yours, please....   Twilight can't even beat, the real beauty of the feeling when we meet. Every sunset tries to match, the real beauty of our destiny, the love w
Real Madrid 8 Battle Five Times Behind The Line So Alone Which C Lo Battleship Want To Win An Idiot
Away With Morata and C · Luo 's two goals in stoppage time , Real Madrid 3 to 2 breathtaking reversal of Levante . Carlo Ancelotti's team "play heartbeat" addiction , the new La Liga season 8 just war , they would have been five games is to get the opponent advanced the ball ,cheap jerseys and the Levante game is to let the opponent lead twice , laughing to the end of it is Real Madrid . 5 games behind six times , four times overtake three times a successful reversal , and once tied overtake rivals after only failed to regain the Madrid derby 1-0 start to ...... Not lag behind will not play Only eight league , Real Madrid lost the ball in which the first five games , Baltimore Ravens Jersey two goals ahead of time is only 76 minutes. If football game at least two goals ahead or behind the words was almost no suspense , Real Madrid in La Liga this season, "no suspense Time " only 76 minutes , had two goals for Bilbao halftime lead, this " lunchtime games experience "or Re
Really, Really Satisfying. "going Into This Season We Werent Picked To Win This ... We Thought Maybe We Were Being Overlooked And We Wa
WHITBY, Ont. -- Orangeville Northmen coach Matt Sawyer said his team came to the Minto Cup with a chip on its shoulder. No one managed to dislodge it. The Northmen beat the Coquitlam Adanacs 9-4 Saturday to secure a two-game sweep and clinch their sixth national title in franchise history and their first since 2009. "The newest, or the freshest, is always the sweetest," Sawyer said. "This is really, really satisfying. "Going into this season we werent picked to win this ... we thought maybe we were being overlooked and we wanted to make a point." The Ontario side was barely challenged throughout the tournament, winning five straight games by a combined score of 60-24. They crushed the Adanacs 19-7 in Fridays series opener and also beat Coquitlam, the Whitby Warriors and the Calgary Mountaineers in the group stage. On Saturday, Orangevilles Brandon Benn and Rob Hellyer led the charge with a pair of goals each, while Mitchell Jones, Jeremy Noble, Jordan Critch, Cody McMahon,
The Real Thing
The Real Thing -Faith No More I know the feelingIt is the real thingThe essence of the truthThe perfect momentThat golden momentI know you feel it tooI know the feelingIt is the real thingYou can't refuse the embrace...It's like the pattern below the skinYou gotta reach out and pull it all inAnd you feel like you're too closeSo you swallow another doseThe pinnacle of happinessFilling up your soulYou don't think you can take any more
Real Love
Real love is knowing who you want to be with forever, and loving them so much that you would rather be gone from this Earth than to still live and see them go.
Real Life
Well, since so many of my family/friends have been wondering why I'm not on fu as much as before...Well this is what happened: Sept 11th my washer quit on me..(have to go next door to do laundry); then on 18th my car, hubby was driving to get to work,  water pump went out so had to park it, can't afford the $500 to get it fixed yet...then on following monday 23rd hubby got an email from his brother that his other brother in Okla had passed away on 16th...they couldn't find our email address or phone number to call us about it till after the services...we couldn't of went  cause car was down.....My husband had been driving 70 miles round trip to work...when my car quit he got his friend to take him back and forth to work for 3 weeks, then the friend told him he couldn't do it my husband put in a transfer back to our Wal-Mart here in town, (Oct 1st) which is 2 miles from it in 2 days so now he's driving his pickup which is only good for short distance.. Our cell phon
Real Madrid Lone Hero ! C Luo A Person Golf Gonna Cry Where Are You Good Helper
Bell, now is not a good helper for C LoC-Lo -form this season , he has for Real Madrid [ microblogging ] contributed 15 goals,cheap jerseys including eight ball from the league , seven goals from the Champions League , is currently the top scorer in the Champions League leader . Since the completion of contract with Real Madrid , C Luo 's productivity has improved significantly . Last season he shot once every 12 minutes , every 82 minutes to score a goal , but now he had a shot 10 minutes , 76 minutes will be able to play ball. However , the state has such a good C Lo stumbled at the Nou Camp . C Luo originally Nou Camp nightmare, his classic celebration "quiet" has set off waves in the Nou Camp . C- 19 since joining Real Madrid with Barcelona [ microblogging ] fight, scored 12 goals, while Barcelona has become the best at C Lo opponent broke one of 12 national derby goals, eight are in the Camp Nou , one at Mestalla , three at the Bernabeu . This time the face of Barcelon
Real Fighter And Shes Very Talented." Rousey (6-0) Has Won All Of Her Mma Fights In The First Round Via Armbar. She Is Comi
MONTREAL -- Strikeforce bantamweight champion (Rowdy) Ronda Rousey has become the first female fighter to join the UFC. UFC president Dana White called the former Olympic judo bronze medallist "the whole package." "This girl is nasty," White told "The Jim Rome Show." "She might be beautiful on the outside but shes a Diaz brother on the inside." he added, referring to the prickly Nick and Nate Diaz. "Shes a real fighter and shes very talented." Rousey (6-0) has won all of her MMA fights in the first round via armbar. She is coming off an August win over Victorias Sarah Kaufman and previously beat Julia (The Jewel) Budd of Port Moody, B.C. "Okay I admit it...Im officially a (at)ufc fighter :) SO excited! Cant wait to debut! Let (at)danawhite know who you want my 1st opponent to be!," tweeted Rousey. The 25-year-old California fighter has become something of a media darling of late, profiled in Sports Illustrated and featured on the cover of ESPN The Magazines body issue. Since dethroning
The Real Ones
The sad truth is that there are some people who will only be there for you as long as you have something they need. When you no longer serve a purpose to them, they will leave. The Good news is, if you tough it out, you'll eventually weed these people out of your life and be left with some great people you can count on. We rarely lose friends and lovers, we just gradually figure out who our real ones are.
Real Shit People!
  WARNING!: This status isn't fit for...oh fuck it. Read and beware if you know me. Huge emphasis being placed on setting yourself up for retirement. My employer, came up with a new plan and had us choose between the one we on and the new one. I'm 28 (almost) with 3 years of employment at this job, retirement for me is near 40 years away in a realistic view. At best less than 30. Still no doubt all this will change every 10 years.... the end all i'm trying to do, is have enough money in my savings where anyone around that care about my ass can use to bury me or cremate me with. Hit 65 and die. Take that money and put my flesh in the fire then dump my ashes in the fucking trash can. Fuck retirement! Keep me with good health until then. Allow me to still wipe my own ass until then. I play the lotto but know I have a better chance losing weight and playing safety for the Eagles before winning the lotto. So I wont be rich. I don't ask for much, just keep me healthy and just a bl
Real Talk For Ya!!!!!!!!
OK to set a few things straight here on fubar..I am on here to make friends and to help when I can.. I am not a begger or a person who will do anything for bling or points..I can do that myself..If you was in my family and you was removed which I feel i owe no one no reason why I remove them.But to be honest about it is Because either you removed me..Yes i might not run all the time but I do picture rate to show my thanks for anyone who^s famliy I am in that famps me..I have seen ppl remove me frm their family and never said a negative towards them.Because its a game and sure we will all like to level..So lets keep it real..Everyone wants something from some one on here.So negative comments or talk do not bother me.Because I am one of the few who keeps it real and really Dont care how or what might be said,,and thats real talk for anyone.
Real Men Don’t Fall In Love
Real men don’t fall in love with a woman’s body but they find beauty in a woman’s heart and soul. They want women who can love them, care for them and be with them in their good and bad times. So you don’t need to have those amazing curves or a flawless complexion to be defined as attractive. You don’t need to fit into any superficial mould set by others to be labeled as beautiful. Your beauty is not a criteria for a man to fall in love with you. When a man loves you for your compassionate heart and your beautiful soul then you will be the most beautiful woman on this planet just for him.
Who was it that said, choose the road not taken? I find it a bear to take either at times. When im happy you're sad When im sad you laugh.. I bet perhaps my happiness is within me and no one else I do love you...both Each in your own ways  I think its time for me to set you  Aside for a bit.. forever..  and get back to loving me
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Delhi’s structure gets MN’s in addition to current administration in addition to organization figures through internationally. Sighting the exact pulling around Earth Video game video games 2010, Delhi can be equipment up relating to fine-tuning by you in the top quality community. Current innovations such as Delhi Town your home is, Flyovers, Tracks, Much better Prospective Renting in addition to townships representation the exact advancement relating to Delhi. Delhi Transfer Business or maybe the exact DC is the major journey channel all over Delhi. A lot of packers and movers delhi Corporations incorporate their own community procedures in addition to associates in various major towns relating to Of India such as Noida, Gurgaon, Mumbai, as an example. Our personal professional staff should be able to tell you inside of beyond the greatest functionality relating to travelling but additionally, the most beneficial protect created for using solutions for your consignments
Reality And Fantasy
  After some recent events, I think its time to talk about the difference between reality and fantasy.    Honestly, we all in some way have a fantasy world to escape the cruelity of the real world. In some cases people take the fanstasy world way to far and thus causes issues. Now dreaming about something that can be atainable is not fantasy, but when someone claims they are something they arent, thats fantasy.I am going to give examples pf both fantasy and reality.     Reality  1. Dreaming to become a doctor, singer, teacher or something that can be accomplished.  2. Finding someone that is not of worldly possesions, and that is of true nature      Fantasy  1. Claiming to be something your not,  2. Claiming to know/dated or married someone that never had  3. Wanting someone that is fictional, someone that looks like a fictional character or wanting someone you know you cant have.(Dreaming to date or be in bed is different)    There's so much more examples I can use but I gotm
I must go away, in this noxious world of yours I cannot smile.With my smothered lips and the poisoned kisses, my poignant heart that bleeds on your floor.                                                        When the weeping ghosts underneath our bed grab my crucified feet. From such fabled bliss, I was coldly awakened. And when in silence, my powder blue sky is abruptly overshadowed, by the black clouds of my burning soul.                                    Who will paint a road in Calvary for me to follow?                                                                                                                                                          It is not that I do not love you, but loving you more than I love myself, has proven to be the end of my book. So many torn pages, unfinished lines.Unredeemed.                                                                                                                                                                            
Re: America's Fascist Coup Has Origins In Bush's Grandfather
RE: America's Fascist Coup Has Origins In Bush's Grandfather ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 29 Nov 2007, 14:33 America's Fascist Coup Has Origins In Bush's Nazi Grandfather Author Naomi Wolf, who made headlines earlier this year after she identified the ten steps to fascism that were being followed to a tee by the Bush administration, spoke publicly for the first time yesterday about the origins of what we see unfolding today, Prescott Bush's attempt to launch a Nazi coup in 1930's America.
Re: A Message From Scrapper
SCRAPPER wrote: BAR TAB ALERTS We changed some stuff up this weekend. when you post a profile/mumm/blog comment, it generates an alert to your friends saying you posted a comment to whatever page it was. when you vote on a mumm, it generates an alert to your friends saying you voted on mum xyz. There is another option to the profile settings page that will let you disable these notifications from being generated (ie: your friends wont get the new alerts) when you do stuff. however, the option is only available for vip's. All users have the ability to decide what you want to see in your bar tab. The options are in your profile settings. Some of you will love it and some of you will hate it. Either way, please do not shoot the messenger. ****HINT....if you are not VIP and don't want someone to know what you are up to...remove them from your friend's list. FIRST I would like to direct you to my blog. Now I would like to s
Re: A Message From Aaron Russo And Restore The Republic
RE: A Message From Aaron Russo And Restore The Republic ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Mary Date: 25 Dec 2007, 00:40 Let's NOT forget the man whom helped open our eyes to the truth about the elites' goals & agenda ; whom revealed the truth about the IRS ; whom supported Ron Paul ; and whom was a true patriotic american all the way upto his untimely death. Lets keep his dream alive and help RESTORE THE REPUBLIC !! The RTR Money Bomb is almost over and we have raised $3,864 but thatsnot nearly enough to fulfill our mission... we need you to help us now toreach our goal of $1 Million dollars... please give anything you can spare to help us in our efforts to defeat the REAL ID and organize nationally to accomplish our objectives: * Stop the polarization of America * Stop the domination of the Democratic and Republican parties over our political system * Shut down the Federal Reserve system * Return America's gold to Fort Knox and hav
Re: American Mercenary Captured By Russians
RE: American Mercenary Captured By Russians ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 11 Aug 2008, 17:30 American Mercenary Captured By Russians An American mercenary has been captured by Russian forces along with a number of Georgian soldiers according to a report from the Russian news website Izvestia, providing more evidence that the U.S. and NATO are covertly supporting the Georgian army in a proxy war with Russia. http://www. prisonplanet. com/american-mercenary-captured-by-russians. html
Re: Antonio Is Going To Be On The Radio Tonight 10:30pm Est
RE: Antonio is going to be on the radio tonight 10:30pm EST ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: a total betty Date: 28 Sep 2007, 14:24 please repostI'm going to be on Ettaro Live tonight at 10:30 pm est. At the bottomw of this bulletin/message is a live webcam that allows you to see the multi-talented Mr. Ettaro take his calls.YOU CAN LISTEN LIVE BY GOING TO Ettaro Live! Host: Sam Ettaro Website: Program Archives Call-in Number: (888) 202-1984 Time: Wednesdays, 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm CSTFridays, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm CST Samuel Anthony Ettaro is a multimedia pioneer, filmmaker, TV producer, entrepreneur, educator and political activist! So why does he make time for talk radio? Because he can.Ettaro is National Media Director for Restore the Republic and AFTF (America: Freedom to Fascism) where he brings his real-world expe
Re: Another Meaningless Taser Death
RE: Another Meaningless Taser Death ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 15 Nov 2007, 14:16 Another Meaningless Taser Death: Police Use Of Stun Guns Out Of Control The latest taser incident to be captured on film again highlights how fast our society is sleepwalking into a brutal police state where it is the norm for cops to react with extreme physical force and even torture towards anyone who acts out of the ordinary in any way whatsoever.
Re: Another Driver Tased For Failing To Obey Orders
RE: Another Driver Tased For Failing To Obey Orders ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 05 Dec 2007, 19:33 Another Driver Tased For Failing To Obey Orders Video of another incident in which a driver was stopped and unnecessarily tased for failing to obey police orders has again attracted attention and controversy as the stun guns, which have now officially been dubbed a form of torture, continue to be used routinely by police.
Re: Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use
RE: Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Alex Jones Date: 06 Dec 2007, 20:01 Another Shooter With A History Of Anti-depressant Use Robert Hawkins, the 19 year old who killed himself and eight other people with an assault rifle last night in Omaha, Nebraska had a history of treatment with psychiatric drugs for depression and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and was on prozac according to press reports. past link in brower if want find more out
Re: Another Foot And Mouth Whitewash Report
RE: Another Foot And Mouth Whitewash Report ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 11 Mar 2008, 19:30 Another Foot And Mouth Whitewash Report: Government "Catalogue Of Errors" Led To Outbreak In a report that smacks of damage limitation, a Cabinet Office commissioned inquiry into the outbreak of foot and mouth disease from a government laboratory in the UK last Summer has concluded that incompetence and poor facilities were to blame for a leak of the virus.
Re: Anti-war Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs
RE: Anti-War Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 07 Aug 2008, 12:28 Anti-War Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs The operator of a leading alternative news and strongly anti-war website has become the target of nefarious thugs apparently in the employ of the U.S. government who have continually harassed him and ordered him to shut down his website. http://www. prisonplanet. com/anti-war-website-operator-threatened-by-armed-thugs. html
Re: A Open Letter To Jon Carry From A Soldier From Iraq
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: NEVER FORGET Date: Nov 3 2006 5:09 PM Soldeirs are murdering rapists according to John Kerry This is something that should be all over the media!!!!! Abby {This was written by my husband, Aaron, who is currently deployed to Iraq, in defense of a recent comment made by Senator John Kerry. Pass it along, it might inspire someone else to speak up! ~ Michelle} Yesterday John Kerry said, "You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq” So I wrote him a letter: I am a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I am currently on my second tour in Iraq, a tour in which I volunteered for. I speak Arabic and Spanish and I plan to tackle Persian Farsi soon. I have a Bachelors and an Associates Degree and between deployments I am pursuing an M.B.A. In college I was a member of sev
Re: Aol News Networking Website Bans Prison Planet
RE: AOL News Networking Website Bans Prison Planet ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 01 Apr 2008, 22:57 AOL News Networking Website Bans Prison Planet AOL-Time Warner's popular social networking website Propeller. com has banned submission of all Prison Planet. com material - citing Prison Planet's "inflammatory" articles about 9/11 as its justification. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/april2008/040108_aol_bans. htm
this was writen for a friend of mine that was stabed beaten and shot many times for a car some ppl wanted to take and they didnt know if he was going to make it i did it right after the he woke up when they where fixing the knife cut and bullet in his heart he is fine now and home but they didnt think hed live its always the nice ppl that get shit like this happens too P.S. reaper if ur out there and read this ur the sweetest and i love you *kisses* from ur friend(pheonix666) sad to say the guy i wote this has passed on a few month back but he took this poem with him and is now part of his ashes Fate had a different plan for you And our love brought you though All of us where here waiting for you And hoping you will be here too We all knew you where to stubborn to give up And we where to stubborn to give up on you For you are a special and we all love you Reaper you a what this world needs And I’m glad I got the privilege to know you Because now you are my best f
The Reaper
the reapers come, hes raised his schythe hes here for me to end my life i beg and plead, im far to young in the reapers eye, im the perfect one he moves in closer and lifts his blade he casts a dark and ghastly shade the blade swings down, and takes my soul my future now the reaper holds i see my body painfully twisted to the reapers hand ive been enlisted i watch as my flesh rots away nothing but bones were left to stay a cloud of smoke surrounds the many pieces and just then the reaper releases my soul is moving toward the cloud but i cant stop it i cant move now into the darkness is where i go i dont know where i am all i feel is cold the cloud is gone and i look down im wearing the reapers pure black gown in my hand i hold the schythe and with it the power to end all life i look ahead and the reapers gone my mortal life had not been long but as death i will continue to live on
You scored as The reaper. You are the reaper the most feared creature of death. You are feared by many and love itVampire100%The reaper100%Ware wolf100%Which creature of death are you?created with
The Reaper
Sometimes life ends quickly Sometimes trajic and grim All life ends with death I know for I am him
I open the glass just enough to peek Just enough to find out who is playing this soundtrack my mind goes blank and face goes pale pure fear entangles my entire body squeezing the breath out of me a darkness, indescribable, sweeps past freezing my soul; stealing my speech and just as quick as it emerged it is gone and i slip to the ground because no-one cared to catch me I have a cane and trembling arms weak from the fight and blind from tears I have no chance of living. He is way too big and I've got nothing left I look to you for help pleading with everything I can while still fighting you don't even look over you're too busy and the world goes black but I still can't wake up The water is rising and i know i should be running but i think I'd like to drown Everything spins and it's peaceful until i feel a cackle and it's not me I don't want to die but it's too late and I can feel the cold. You're scared before you speak i feel it on we walk, still
The Reaper And The Flowers ~ Hw Longfellow
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Voices of the Night THE REAPER AND THE FLOWERS There is a Reaper, whose name is Death, And, with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. "Shall I have naught that is fair?" saith he; "Have naught but the bearded grain? Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me, I will give them all back again." He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes, He kissed their drooping leaves; It was for the Lord of Paradise He bound them in his sheaves. "My Lord has need of these flowerets gay," The Reaper said, and smiled; "Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where he was once a child. "They shall all bloom in fields of light, Transplanted by my care, And saints, upon their garments white, These sacred blossoms wear." And the mother gave, in tears and pain, The flowers she most did love; She knew she should find them all again In the fields of l
leathery wings stretched out across the darkness of night long sleek body glides beneath razor sharp claws readiness as glowing eyes seek out its prey hungry is this one... hungry for the heart of a torn soul for she is the reaper of heartache that of which death itself with not touch- with the blackness of night she finds her prey for the low moan screams out to her calls to the heat within her blood like that of wanton pleasure it excites her.. hypnotizes her giving her an insatiable craving one that only the feel of the heart upon her lips will cool- she hears it yes... it is there the torn soul she sweeps down... claws out before it's aware she has it trapped beneath her savoring its essence with the flick of her tongue. mmmm... delicious - such sorrow.. such pain her mouth waters as her claws reach in closing about the heart.. still beating wildly savoring the coldness of it she tastes it with her tongue and shivers in anticipation for thi
The Reaping Stone
You take an you take when theres nothing left what else is there for you to take? you think im some kind of great person im not demons plague me my hearts torn an i can barely hold myself together two halfs dont make a whole atleast not this time whatever it is that i am thats what i am i've been tormented by all my inner demons some have won others ive beaten but i can only take so much when the demons dont want to leave empty handed they take what they can grab usually tugging on some heartstrings along the way i have so much on my mind now i cant be what im not ready to be as i write with half a mind i feel myself dozing off to sleep what nitemares await me tonight will i die? will i be torn to shreds for betraying thier code their law im tired of living by restraints i want to be free to do as i please as i want to whomever i want.....least leave my mark on the souls that have come an gone from my life oh how i wish things were different daming the sky cursing the he
I am the reaper, I go and steal peoples hopes and dreams by bringing them death. I care for no one, nothing. I am death. I hurt people around me. I smile from their pain. I collect peoples souls. I tell them when their time’s up. People plead with me to stay. Tick-tock goes the clock on my wrist. “Oh my, sorry,” I reply as the clock stops…time’s up.
The Reaping
"The Reaping" I thought this movie was a great pictation of a modern version of the pleags! It was thrilling, full of twists and had a great unexpected ending! If you haven't seen it! You should! SuperCher
The Reaping I have always liked Hilary Swank,So this movie had good points on its side before I even started to watch it.I really did like this movie though.Very entertaining,Keeps you guessing,and had some pretty cool special effects in it as well.If you like these types of movies with strange phenomenon and religious/scientific angles on these occurences then you wil like this.Check it out!!
Reaper's Lair
Reappearing Hornet
The upstairs bathroom has 2 windows and faces the front of the house. It gets sun from the mid afternoon until sunset. All this winter, when ever the temps have gotten over 35-40 for a decent amount of time... I will find one hornet buzzing around one of the windows. I of course kill it. I hate the little bastards. One of those bugs that serves no purpose, other than to sting me. The bitch of it, it comes back. I dispose of it and sure enough every time it gets a little warm... there's one buzzing in the window. To date there's been at least 40 I've sent to the great hornet graveyard this winter. So one would think that due to the roof design coming just short of the windows, and having a crawlspace there... a large nest, or many small ones should likely be inside under the windows. But no. Nothing. Not even dead frozen ones. I can't understand 2 things... 1 where they are hiding out and coming from, and 2 why only one at a time? Occasionally I'll see 2.
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Voices of the Night THE REAPER AND THE FLOWERS There is a Reaper, whose name is Death, And, with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. "Shall I have naught that is fair?" saith he; "Have naught but the bearded grain? Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me, I will give them all back again." He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes, He kissed their drooping leaves; It was for the Lord of Paradise He bound them in his sheaves. "My Lord has need of these flowerets gay," The Reaper said, and smiled; "Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where he was once a child. "They shall all bloom in fields of light, Transplanted by my care, And saints, upon their garments white, These sacred blossoms wear." And the mother gave, in tears and pain, The flowers she most did love; She knew she should find them all again In the fields of light above. O, not i
Ah such is the piteous righteous crowd dusting off their souls, gathering around To save their damned immortal soul From fire, brimstone, ash, and coal Assured they shall find thier way with tales that the preachers books all say yet in the end my time will tell and collect them all in my tomb of hell Be they saved or be they damned I will place them upon my unholy hand Take them beyond this mortal plain then will I scorch them all by name This unholy task I undertake easy to some for my decisions they make Appointed role and deadly chore A million souls beg no more! Thousands of names I shall collect Their time on earth I will never regret Off I go to collect them all Death begotten love, Thy Reaper does call So please do run, and please do hide hide your eyes from all that die Keep your hands together in Pray and pray you dont see me today!   John K
The Reaping
Plot Summary: The atheistic Katherine Winter is a former Catholic missionary that lost her faith on God after losing her daughter and her husband in Sudan, sacrificed by the locals that blamed them for the long drought. Presently she investigates religious phenomena with the intent of debunking them, finding a scientific cause for the event. She is invited to go to the small town of Haven, in Louisiana, where the river turned into blood after the death of a boy. After her arrival, each of one of the ten biblical plagues happens in the location dazing Katherine, who discloses the evil secret of the dwellers. My comments: This movie was a bit slow in some places. The ending almost seemed over the top for the rest of the movie, but there is a lovely twist in the final moments. Rating: 6/10
Reaper By ~stg1985
Walk through the gates, See him awaiting. Death has its stakes, Nothing here I'm gaining. When I meet the reaper, I see a world that's still unknown. This life is a keeper, It's better than losing you, And being alone. Kneel on my knees, See that I'm praying. Screaming my hang, While my past-self is swaying. When I meet the reaper, I see a world that's still unknown. This life is a keeper, It's better than losing you, And being alone. Hung myself for this. My life will be missed. I enter in bliss. And pass through the mist. May have killed myself, With a rope and a will. Now I no longer hurt, This Heaven is a thrill. When I meet the reaper, I see a world that's still unknown. This life is a keeper, It's better than losing you, And being alone. You, I will miss. You can take this..................................... Reaper by ~stg1985 on deviantART
Reaper: The Diary Of Death By ~arcane-theblackflame
Day 1I held the scythe in bony hands.Today's the day I don the gown.I swing it once, a ghoulish sound.I swing it twice they all fall down.For my first soul, a ghoulish trap,To chop off his head with a falling axeThat slips from the hand of a sleeping guard,Dropped off the castle wall but missed by yards!His heart stopped from the shock - he died from fear......Though his death wasn't scheduled for 20 more years.He asked 'Hath thou no brain?!?''Err...Sorry Sir, it's my first day'.Day 12Lucifer came by today,With a devil skin rug to decor the place.He offered me a vile of 'plague',And a butler he'd stole from an open grave.We went with demons to the 'Valley of Dead',And played football with a shrunken head.We danced on skulls, drank to the end.I have a feeling we'll be good friends.Day 173In hell we played a game of chess,Beat Lucifer at every guess.He burst into flames with a fit of rage,And threatened to flood the world in rain.'Sorry Lu, God beat there.'Noah's Ark drifts by - we stare
Reaping Sorrow
Knocking inside my shuddering breast to the rhyme of its own breaking wounded heart beats counterpoint My soul itself is aching. Singing a soft crooning ballad to the midnight lost inside The deepest love is burning bright though the hope itself has died. Sodden ashes a bleak memory of fiery inferno blazing there. drowned it was, in bitter salt And left forlorn and scared. The world itself could not have conquered when you built me up so far but with one word, you so sundered; and all that's left are scars. I crashed down when reality spoke the stars they came with me My heart in pieces, dust and fragments when I gave my soul to thee. Death in all his fearsome forms looks down on me with scorn He relieves me not of this pain merely leaves me be to mourn. Courting his presence with every sigh my only desire to cease He refuses my every flowery rhyme and only continues to tease. I will move on, with my next breath or perhaps the next one yet but till
The Reaper By ~ifallgoeswrong
Ron Walker stared down the same empty street he looked down everyday, except today was different. Today he was going to kiss this dull and dreary world goodbye. His life had been nothing but boredome. Same thing every single day. There was simply no point to it. Or at least that was what he thought. Ron pulled out his knife, and placed it on the floor so that it was standing straight up. He didn't want to hang himself, that would cause some pain, and he didn't want to shoot himself in the head, too messy for the people he left behind to clean up. A quick fall on a knife would be quick, painless, and some might think of it as an accident. They would all learn soon enough. He took a deep breath and took one last glance around his house. This would be the last time he'd ever see it. His body moved forward and the knife potruded into his heart. There was a slight piercing pain, but then it was all over. There was only darkness. Then a light. A small, glorious beam of light. May
The Reaper By ~tigerwithwings
The Reaper ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Forget what you think you might have known. Because those thoughts I cannot condone. What I am and what I'm not. Life and Death my every thought. For those who live. This is the gift I give. Cut your strings and make you lifeless. The look on your face will be quite timeless. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. For the world has yet to know that you've died. Because, you see, the clocks of death have no numbers. Where time goes one often wonders. And now it seems I must be on my way. For yet again it is time to slay. But young child do not fret and fight. For death has come upon you quickly this night.
Reaping Fubar
How is one supposed to help reap fubar souls if one cant get enough ppl to visit? i don't know! but im trying and its a slow go lol
The Reapers Touch
This is REAPER or as I call him Jim!! He has been my friend for the last few months..and has a very special place in my world. Not only does he devote endless hours clicking my goodies...but has spent more hours talking to me than most have ever!!! We wont discuss the cost of those minutes :P I think he deserves some kisses for keeping me on this site LOL! REAPER@ fubar ♥
Reapers_resurrection Train
Don't Fear The Rules: 1. Stop by Reapers_Resurrection's page, rate the Reaper folder of pics... Starting with this one... He is trying to level... So stop by and rate some of his other folders too... He has some FUNNY stuff... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "Don't Fear the Reaper" or something like that... 3. Private message Carrie when you have completed rating each party guest. She will make you a thank you tag... And add you to the guest list... 4. When new people join the party... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... DO NOT just ACCEPT the friend request!
Reaper Man
The Reaper called on me today he said my time has come that I must put my fears away and go to my next home. He said death is not the end of things but a beginning fresh & bright that change is all he really brings So you have no need for fright. Where you go your heart will heal and your troubles fall away no more pain will you ever feel With the setting of this day. Yet still I begged him for my life for a chance to carry on let me struggle through this strife until my pain is gone. Death thought long and hard on this as slow minutes they ticked by so upon his cheek I laid a kiss and then I began to cry. I ask not for life everlasting only for a few more years I'll try to stem my suffering and wipe away my tears. I'll somehow fix my broken heart and mend my wicked ways just say I won't have to depart from this mortal coil today. He looked at me with sockets bare such a cold impassive face not on
Reapers All Jacked Up Train
Reaper's All Jacked Up Happy Hour Train The Rules: 1. Stop by Reapers's page, rate the Button folder of pics... He will have an Auto 11s running as well... Start with this one... While you are there... Rate all the tags in the Happy Hour Train Tag Folder. Please leave him a comment that you have gotten your tag... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "Swampfoxsport's Happy Hour Train" or something like that... If your profile is marked private, then you need to visit each person's profile on this train and add each rider yourself, whether or not they are above or below you on the train... 3. Private message Carrie when you have completed rating each party guest. She will get a thank you tag made for you if one is not already made for you... And add you to the guest list... 4. When new people join the party... You
Reaper Part 1...2/3
Antarctica (rebel hideout)   Where am I? I am dead? “Hey are you awake?” “Huh?” Tsunami struggled to open hers eyes. “Sir, she’s awaking up!” “Well hurry up, get that equipment off her!!” She could at last open her eyes. She was starring at the ceiling of an infirmary, she tried to sit up but only found pain. “Easy ma’am, if you push to far you’ll die.” Tsunami looked to where the voice was coming from, she saw the rebel leader. Tsunami’s voice turned to anger, “So what do you want with me?” “Now, now ma’am that not our intention at all, we don’t want anything from you, its just we couldn’t leave you to die.” “I know you wanted more than just to help me, so tell me what do want.” “We wish to employ your services.” Tsunami’s face
Reaper Part 1......3/3
????????? Hey Reaper are you awake, my spell should be wearing off by now. “Hey are you sure you didn’t kill him Tsunami. Especially considering what we had to do to get the convulsions of lighting to stop. How fast do you say it hit him?” “Ten minutes.” “You should die for doing this; you’ve condemned another soul to the executioner’s block.” Reaper a wakened and pinned the guy against the wall, “Do and I’ll kill you okay.” “Reaper that’s enough. I’m just glad you’re alright.” Reaper looked back at Tsunami she was all smiles, “Please just let him down.” Very well. Reaper let go of the man, “Just fair to warn you say that again, you’ll die faster then you can blink got it?” “Yes sir.” They walked out of the little room they were in. Reaper felt around his body, “Why was my body in so much pain. And I feel like I have yet anoth
Reaper Part 2....1/3
?????????????   It had been three months since Reaper had come to Earth. And during that time he and the Lady Tsunami had become very close. They were always seen together and always holding each other in their arms. During that time they each had trained each other in their own ways. Tsunami had showed Reaper how to cook, clean and the modern way of doing things. In exchange Reaper trained Tsunami in the martial arts. She picked it up very well, so well to where Reaper had to take off his Rosario if she took off hers. Her skill made her the defending champion of the A-rank class, Reaper had decreed that the S-rank matches to continue and if the victor wishes it, they could challenge him. Also connections had been established between the monster realm and the Resistance. The arena had just finished this months matches, Reaper and Tsunami were leaving together as always. Tsunami looked up at him, “I feel like I keep getting stronger.” Reaper smiled and looked down at
Reaper Part 2.....2/3
??????????????   Reaper and Tsunami appeared in front of the mansion. They both felt winded, “Well I feel like going to bed for the day how about you?” “Yes, some rest sounds good, but before that we need to do something. I hope you saved enough energy like I asked you to.” When they entered the mansion Reaper headed for the kitchen before he went up stairs, “Where are you going?” “I want to get something before we go to bed. I’ll be up in a minute.” Tsunami didn’t give it much thought and headed up to the room. After five minutes had passed, Tsunami was looking out the large glass window of the bedroom, she was using the blanket to cover herself, “It’s been three months now, sooner or later he’ll have to go back and I’ll be all alone again. So do I really want to get any closer to him?” “Anyone I know?” Surprised Tsunami dropped the bed sheet, Reaper had sprang up before her h
Reaper Part 2.....3/3
Interrogation Room, London England (Land of Chaos)   “Lady Tsunami, are you awake?” “Huh?” “Hey Tsunami are you awake?” Tsunami opened her eyes she was in a room all by herself, well except for a man across the room from her. They were both strapped to chairs. “So you’re awake that’s a relief.” The man lifted his head, Tsunami recognized who it was instantly, “Jim, why are you here?” “I failed an order; or rather I chose not to do it. You see I was ordered to find you, and then betray you and Reaper. But my morale values wouldn’t let me do something like that so they threw me in here and tortured me everyday.” His body was riddled with bruises and lacerations, “and now they’re going to use me to break you.” Tsunami looked back at him “If you know Reaper than do you know where there holding him?” Jim turned his head, “He’s in there.” Tsunam
Reap What You Sow
You Reap What You Sow       The man slowly looked up.  This was a woman clearly accustomed to the finer things of life.  Her coat was new. She looked like she had never missed a meal in her life.  His first thought was that she wanted to make fun of him, like so many others had done before.  "Leave me alone," he growled...  To his amazement, the woman continued standing.  She was smiling -- her even white teeth displayed in dazzling rows. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "No," he answered sarcastically. "I've just come from dining with the president... Now go away." The woman's smile became even broader.   Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm..  "What are you doing, lady?" the man asked angrily. "I said to leave me alone. Just then a policeman came up.  "Is there any problem, ma'am?" he asked.. "No problem here, officer," the woman answered.  "I'm just trying to get this man to his feet. Will you help me?" The officer scratched his head.
Reapers_resurrections Memorial Services
Reapers_Resurrection passed away on Saturday, July 3rd, at approximately 5pm. He had a heart attack at home and was pronounced by EMS. Please remember Reapers! He was such a good man... And he liked Fubar!!! Leave any statements, condolences, and best wishes for his wife...  I will give it to her...   Reapers_Resurrections - A chance for you to talk about him 
The Reaper Is Now Taking Fu Souls In Halloween Massacre 14th
Reaper's Halloween Massacre 14th Final Comments And Winners
Congratulations to Addictive for winning the auction rate contest ! 2nd place : Year Of Dragon 3rd Place : ColdHardBitch 4th Place : LuckyFKNBitch 5th Place : Jennicense Also congratulations to NJExoticDiva for winning the bulletins contest for the 2nd time ! click the pic to view the winning bullettin 2nd Place : Tee 3rd Place : Bratty 4th Place : Breezey 5th place : Year Of Dragon For the auction results , go check out the fu-14 folder. For more information on the next auction , please click the follow button :) Thanks for all of the auction contestants for joining. And for everyone who rated and re posted . Have a great November ! TwauneValentino
Re-arranged - Limp Bizkit
Lately I've been skeptical Silent when I would used to speak Distant from all around me Who witness me fail and become weak Life is overwhelming Heavy is the head that wears the crown I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down But you don't understand when I'm attempting to explain Because you know it all and I guess things will never change But you might need my hand when falling in your hole Your disposition I'll remember when I'm letting go of You and me we're through And rearranged It seems that you're not satisfied There's too much on your mind So you leave and I can't believe all the bullshit that I find Life is overwhelming Heavy is the head that wears the crown I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down But you don't understand when I'm attempting to explain Because you know it all and I guess things will never change But you might need my hand when falling in your hole Your disposition I'll remember when I'm
Re-arrange You ! Queensryche Operation Mindcrime 2 !
09 Re-Arrange You....
Re: Army Redeploys Brigade To Afghanistan
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: SUPPORT TROOPS,The Diesel Date: Feb 15, 2007 8:45 PM Army Redeploys Brigade to Afghanistan Associated Press | February 14, 2007 WASHINGTON - An Army unit that had been scheduled to go to Iraq is being sent instead to Afghanistan, where fighting has increased and the U.S. troop level is at its highest of the war. The 173rd Airborne Brigade, based in Vicenza, Italy, was among several units the Pentagon said in November would go to Iraq as part of the normal rotation of forces. The department said in a statement Wednesday that the brigade of some 3,200 will deploy this spring to Afghanistan instead to relieve a unit overdue to go home. Another unit will be found to replace the 173rd in Iraq. Fighting in Afghanistan the past year was the bloodiest since the U.S.-led war started in 2001 and toppled the Taliban regime. Commanders anticipate a renewed offensive this spring by Taliban fighters. Deployment of
Rearangged Part 2
Re-Arranged" Just think about it Lately I've been skeptical Silent when I would used to speak Distant from all around me who witness me fail and become weak Life is overwhelming Heavy is the head that wears the crown id love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down [Pre chorus] but you don't understand when I'm attempting to explain because you know it all and I guess things will never change but you might need my hand when falling in your whole Your disposition ill remember when im letting go of... [chorus] you and me we're through and rearranged It seems that your not satisfied there's too much on your mind So you leave and I cant believe all the bullshit that I find Life is overwhelming Heavy is the head that wears the crown I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down [pre chorus] [chorus] .. you're no good for me Thank God its over You make believe that nothing is wrong until you're cryin' You make believe li
Re Arrange
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Re: Arrested For Reading The Constitution
RE: Arrested For Reading The Constitution ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Alex Jones Date: 02 Oct 2007, 15:34 Arrested For Reading The Constitution Peaceful onlookers were arrested by police for reading the Constitution while a pro-war group was allowed full freedom of speech in Washington DC recently in another flagrant example of how American cops are now the enforcers of a tyrannical police state. Arrested For Reading The ConstitutionRE: Arrested For Reading The ConstitutionRE: Arrested For Reading The Constitution
Re: Armed Feds Question Bloggers In Brown Case
RE: Armed Feds Question Bloggers In Brown Case ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Alex Jones Date: 09 Oct 2007, 05:57 Armed Feds Question Bloggers In Brown Case Armed federal agents paid a visit to blogger Michael Hampton's home on Friday, detaining everyone inside the house for 90 minutes, to ask questions about an alleged hit list of federal judges in relation to supposed revenge attacks in the aftermath of the Ed and Elaine Brown arrests.
Rearrange Words....some Kool Thing'll Come Out
This has got to be one of the cleverest E-mails I've received in awhile. Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble. (Wait till you see the last one)! DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange th
Re: Arson Suspect Killed, Another Arrested
RE: Arson suspect killed, another arrested ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Blaine Date: 25 Oct 2007, 11:30 Arson suspect killed, another arrested,0,1196901.story?coll=la-home-centerPolice in San Bernardino shoot an Arizona man who fled after being spotted near the Cal State campus. In a separate incident, a Hesperia man is in custody.By Hector Becerra and Maeve Reston, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers October 25, 2007 Amid worries of new blazes adding to the firestorm already afflicting the region, a man in Hesperia has been arrested on suspicion of arson, and police reported shooting and killing another arson suspect after chasing him out of scrub behind Cal State San Bernardino.Law enforcement officials said today that they didn't know whether either of the men had started any of the more than a dozen large fires that have devastated Southern California in recent days, including the nearby Lake Ar
Rear End Collision
Rear End Collision A man was helping one of his cows give birth, when he noticed his 4-year-old son standing wide-eyed at the fence, soaking in the whole event. The man thought, "Great...he's 4 and I'm gonna have to start explaining the birds and bees. No need to jump the gun - I'll just let him ask, and I'll answer." After everything was over, the man walked over to his son and said, "Well son, do you have any questions?" "Just one," gasped the still wide-eyed lad. "How fast was that calf going when he hit that cow?"
Im in the middle of Re-arranging my albums at the moment, with a lot of them been deleted, if anybody wants to snag any of the graphics I have done, please do so within the next couple of days Thanks
Re: Are The Flashplayers Not Working ?
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: jerm: rant in j-minor Date: 05 Feb 2008, 02:45 I always give a little time to the band requests I get - but I can't hear anything on anyone's page. :pIs it just on my end?Thanx-j Here's my latest just in case:
Rearrange The Letters
This is one of the most clever e-mails I've received in awhile. Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble. (Wait till you see the last one)! DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES: When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearra
Re: Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11
RE: Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11 ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 29 Apr 2008, 21:53 Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11 An Arizona state Senator who went public with questions over the official government version of events on 9/11 has provided further details of her position and why she chose to make her views known. http://www. infowars. net/articles/april2008/290408Johnson. htm
Re: Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11
RE: Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11 ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 29 Apr 2008, 13:53 Arizona Senator: I Want To Find Out The Truth About 9/11 An Arizona state Senator who went public with questions over the official government version of events on 9/11 has provided further details of her position and why she chose to make her views known. http://www. infowars. net/articles/april2008/290408Johnson. htm
Rear View Of Trike Car
Re: Arab Plot Against Bush - More Israeli Intelligence Activity?
RE: Arab Plot Against Bush - More Israeli Intelligence Activity? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 18 Jul 2008, 20:42 Arab Plot Against Bush - More Israeli Intelligence Activity? Six arabs have been arrested and accused of trying to set up an al Qaeda cell in Israel, but given previous accounts of such plots turning out to be the direct work of Israeli intelligence, why should we believe any different this time? http://www. infowars. net/articles/july2008/180708Plot. htm
Re: Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In A Year
RE: Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 19 Aug 2008, 12:08 Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In a Year Alarmist scientists who predicted that the North Pole could be “ice free” this summer as a result of global warming have been embarrassed after it was revealed that Arctic ice has actually grown by around 30 per cent in the year since August 2007. http://www. prisonplanet. com/arctic-ice-grows-30-per-cent-in-a-year. html
Rear Ended!
Me Mark and the baby I sit for Javion dropped the boys off at school today. Was needing some gas so we drove to get my check cashed and decided on some mcdonalds sausage biscuits.. which are the BEST lol Sittin on Hudson Street at a stop light and all of a sudden... we were THROUGH the light!! We hear a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP and me and Mark look around, we had been rear ended. The car that didnt feel the need to stop at the stop light was a Escort wagon and boyyy was it fucked up!!! and her horn was stuck and blaring!! I drive the rest of the way out of the way and park. Me and Mark turn around and look at each other and to the car behind us.. and hop out. I check the baby who was totally fine not even crying and Mark is yelling at the lady MY NEW VAN! WE JUST FUKKIN BOUGHT IT!!! she is crying wahh im soooo sorry. The guy that I parked in front of his house came off his porch.. he was waiting on a cab and told me it was her fault I seen her run the light! I asked him to
Rearranging The Top Friends And Family....
Re-arranged {limp Bizkit}
Lately I've been skeptical Silent when I would used to speak Distant from all around me Who witness me fail and become weak Life is overwhelming Heavy is the head that wears the crown I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down But you don't understand when I'm attempting to explain Because you know it all and I guess things will never change But you might need my hand when falling in your hole Your disposition I'll remember when I'm letting go of You and me we're through And rearranged It seems that you're not satisfied There's too much on your mind So you leave and I can't believe all the bullshit that I find Life is overwhelming Heavy is the head that wears the crown I'd love to be the one to disappoint you when I don't fall down But you don't understand when I'm attempting to explain Because you know it all and I guess things will never change But you might need my hand when falling in your hole Your disposition I'll remember when I'm
Reason, Season Or A Lifetime....
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do. When someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They are there for the reason, you need them to be. Then without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. When people come into your life for a season, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. T
Reasons For Life's Problems
Lies, Cheating, Betrayl All the things that consume us Hate. Fighting, Destruction All the motives that drive us Why? Why must we take these paths Where does it get us What good comes from it Who does it help Death, Love, Trust All the things that gather us Tragedy, Secrets, Denial All the things that push us away Why? Why must we go through this Where does it all come from What did anyone ever do for this Who are we to turn to For we are alone in life No one close to comfort us And in our dier time of need God and the devil had made a wager Neither of them are here to help us We are alone to help only ourselves (S.S.J) 2005
The Reason I Don't Do Younger Guys
I always knew there was a reason i didn't get with younger guys and now i've had one to confirm for me that younger is NOT the way to go. We weren't even together for a week before he starts spouting that he "loves" me. ACK!!! So i break it off, to spare him his feelings bc i REALLY don't want a relationship right now. That was two days ago. I'm STILL getting fucking emails from him "poor me" and "i really cared about you" or my favorite "how could you do this to me?" CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER!! Okay before you get the wrong idea about me, i am not heartless. I really liked this guy, and i thought that i could give him the relationship he wanted so i tried. But telling me you love me after a week is a little weird. And the sex wasn't that great either. Shallow, probably, but sex is important to me. All well, at least finding a new fuck buddy didn't take long... but that's a story for another blog.
13 Reason To Smile
13 Reasons to Smile Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants. Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative. I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me. How come we choose from just two people to run for president and over fifty for Miss America ? A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Wow...that was fun!" I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place! When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunky dunk." Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over? AMEN, AMEN
The Reasons I Cry...
Some things are better left unsaid, even if they mean ur gona feel alone the rest of your life, although u may have someone in it. Things are said, people are upset, and no longer wish to be with that person because of some unresoleved issues within themselves. they no longer want to hurt inside, and no longer want to hurt others, so they keep whatevers holding them back, inside, thinking it wil be ok, thinking that if nothing is said about a problem your facing, that it wil al go away, and things will get beter.---truth is-they wont. Unfortuntly, to many people suffer from this..its called life.. and if the only one true person in your life cant stay true and help trhoughout your problems, then it was never really love. and that in turn only brings more hurt. This is what i go through everyday of my after day i wake up wishin i was someone else, wishing i was beautiful, although others tell me i am... i will never belive it unitl i see it. Everyday i wake up hoping that th
10 Reasons Trick Or Treat Is Better Than Sex Lol!
10) You are guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack. 9) If you get tired, you can wait 10 minutes and go at it again. 8) The uglier you look, the easier it is to get some. 7) You don't have to compliment the person who gives you some. 6) It's O.K. when the person you're with fantasizes you're someone else, because you are. 5) Forty years from now you'll still enjoy candy. 4) If you don't like what you get, you can always go next door. 3) It doesn't matter if the kids hear you moaning and groaning. 2) Less guilt the morning after. 1) You can do the whole neighborhood!
Reasons I Can't Get A Gf
tonyslimbony cannot get a girlfriend!!!!! 10. I'm 5'11'' and only 150lbs of which my nose weighs 10lbs 9. Look at 10 the big nose thing 8. You can't see a big penis from across the room 7. You can't see a kick ass personality from across a room 6. I'm always right, so don't argue with me on the top 10!!!! 5. I'm too shy to talk to women 4. all the girls who do want me are under age 3. Girls who claim to be bi but only meet girls!!!!! what's with that these days? 2. I'm not black 1. I'm not a girl!!! practically ever girl now is bi? that's too much damn competition thank you check back next week for top 10 ways to masturbate, where will "the stranger" rank?
Reason Men Like Being A Guy
REASONS I LOVE BEING A GUY: Phone Conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. Dry cleaners and hair cutters don't rob you blind. You can go to the bathroom without a support group. You can leave the motel bed unmade. You can kill your own food. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. Wedding plans take care of themselves. If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $10 for a three-pack. If you are 40 and single, nobody notices. Everything on your face stays its original color. You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger's seat. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You don't have to clean if the meter reader is coming. Car mechanics tell you the truth. You can quietly watch a game with your buddy for hours without ever thinking: "He must be mad at me." Gray hair and wrin
The Reason For Acting Odd
my father was murdered 11 yrs ago.... and he and i were very close and it happened just a couple months after having my daughter.... this next month is the most difficult for me sorry if I offend anyone or seem defensive... but i'm still suffering from post traumatic shock syndrome and well... i'm not handling this particular time very well.. just.. understand. thnx
Reasons To Smile ^.^
What part of QUIET didn't you understand? Everyone needs to feel secure...... Couldn't help it Ma, that first step is a killer.. Now what do I do??? It's in there somewhere, I just know it!! I really need to get going, but I just can't seem to get motivated..... Man...I'm getting so fat I can hardly scratch my own butt!!! These morning walks are killing me.. HEY! Gimme my ball back!!! I said go to sleep.... Nice doggie...Good boy! A little power nap.... Sleeping in again...
The Reason As To Why I'm Obsessed Now
Music Video:WHITE AND NERDY (by Weird Al Yankovic)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone i LOVE wierd al ^_^
16 Reason Alcohol Should Be Served At Work....
16 REASONS WHY ALCOHOL SHOULD BE SERVED AT WORK... 1. It's an incentive to show up. 2. It leads to more honest communications. 3. It reduces complaints about low pay. 4. Employees tell management what they think, not what they want to hear. 5. It encourages car pooling. 6. Increase job satisfaction because if you have a bad job, you don't care. 7. It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work. 8. It makes fellow employees look better. 9. It makes the cafeteria food taste better. 10. Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are wasted. 11. Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable. 12. Employees work later since there's no longer a need to relax at the bar. 13. It makes everyone more open with their ideas. 14. Eliminates the need for employees to get drunk on their lunch break. 15. Employees no longer need coffee to sober up. 16. Sitting "Bare ass" on the copy machine will no longer be seen as gross. Now somebody crack open
101 Reason Why Fingers Are Better
You don't have to smile at them afterwards You don't have to get out of bed to fetch them They don't get tired before you do... You always know where your fingers have been For variety, you have ten to choose from They are also useful *out* of bed You can stop if you want to Your fingers don't want to meet your family Your fingers don't get jealous Your fingers don't smell Your fingers won't just fall asleep afterwards Your fingers don't want you to meet *their* family You don't get jealous of your fingers Your fingers don't mind if you fall asleep afterwards Your fingers won't let you down (Snowwhite) Your fingers don't want to watch a football match instead Your mother won't critisize your fingers You can't get pregnant from your fingers Your fingers don't need batteries People aren't surprised to find you have them Fingers don't need adaptors to covert American plugs to English ones (I've heard this can be a problem.) They don't shrink afterwards (Snowwhite) Yo
Reasons To Smile
~Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants. ~Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative. ~I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me. ~How come we choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America? ~A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Darn...that was fun!" ~I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place! ~When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunky dunk." ~Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. ~Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over? AMEN, AMEN !! ~Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school
10 Reasons You're My Friend
10. You'd be a really boring enemy 9. Unlike "man's best friend" you've never crapped on my carpet. 8. We "get" each other. 7. It's too expensive to have myself cloned 6. You've never hypnotized me into becoming a mindless zombie to do your evil bidding, and then made me forget.....or have you??? 5. You have clothes I'd like to borrow 4. We both like to make fun of other people. 3. You'd tell me if I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe...wouldn't you??? 2. I have a reason to use these "buy one, get one free" coupons. And the number ONE reason you're my friend...... You deserve the best!!!!!!!!
13 Reasons To Smile!!
13 Reasons to Smile... Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants. Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative. I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me. How come we choose from just two people to run for president and over fifty for Miss America ? A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Wow...that was fun!" I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place! When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunky dunk." Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl - Alt - Delete' and start all over? AMEN, AMEN !! Why is
A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime
Entry for October 03, 2006 magnify A Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON . . . It is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realise is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. And now it is time to move on. When people com
Reasons It Is Good To Be A Woman..
It is good to be a woman: 1. We got off the Titanic first. 2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses. 3 Taxis stop for us. 4. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing. 5. No fashion faux pas we make, could ever rival the Speedo. 6. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves. 7. If we forget to shave, no one has to know. 8. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end. 9. We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there. 10. We have the ability to dress ourselves. 11. We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked 12. If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot. 13. We will never regret piercing our ears 14. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems. 15. We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway.
Reasons For Not Posting Comments And Things On A Regular Basis
Hi, Im sorry I havent posted in a while I have really been up and about to the doctor and such decided to take a trip to the ER the other night and they wanted to do an spinal tap on me and then guess what It knocked my ass out cause of the pain meds they gave me and I ended up saying I wanted to be hospitilized well to say the least glad I did cause they called my doctor and he definately wanted me to be, Anyways I was running a low grade fever and was almost having kidney failure once again..They run all sorts of test on me my body was poked and prodded on from one end to another and lord let me tell ya it was really horrible. I hated the MRI..I was really scared shitless to say the least the last time I said I was going to tell them to put me to sleep and guess what I forgot to do ..uhoh and I was sooo worried it would take forever and got claustophobic on them. I was sitting there scared as can be and came out and I was like you didnt hear me??? I was saying I cant handle but wha
10 Reasons People Make Stupid Decisions
Have you ever wondered why most of the people you know (and probably your elected representatives) insist on making dumb decisions when they are so clearly wrong? Below are ten reasons that they act like idiots without even knowing it. And as they say in poker, if you can't spot the sucker at the table, then it's probably you... 10. We’ve come this far… (sunk cost bias) - We all know that the past is past and we can’t get back money or time that we already spent. But many people irrationally take sunk costs, time, money, or other resources which have already been spent and can't be recovered, into their decision making. Barry Schwartz from Swarthmore College, author of The Paradox of Choice, in an LA Times op-ed piece highlights examples of sunk costs used in decision making, such as how much you spent to get your car fixed last time, how long you have been dating someone, how much you invested in a stock, or how many troops have been lost in Iraq so far. 9. Me me me! (egocentric
The Reason That I Am Here..
is only one: To promote my bizzes. I know that most of you come here for other "purposes",but mine is solely to give you an Opportunity to see what is on the other side of the world. Now, some of you may be so young that the only thing you have on your mind is a good time. Well, let me tell you and some of you know this intuitively, it don't feed your face. No matter how "hot,sauve,sexy,fine,cute,sassy" or whatever else you want to call yourself, it does not negate the fact that you need a little more than that to make it in this world. That is why I am here. To give you an Opportunity to look at something else besides a Bod part or suggestive "whatever". If you don't like what I have to offer, my sincerest and deepest apology,but I am still here to Sell,sell, SELL! Want to take a look? http://www.CoffeeT
Reason Schmeason
so, everything happens for a reason. that old saying can sometimes drive you crazy when you really stop and think about it all while attempting to make an effort to solve the mysteries found within its words. like the sweaty faced man with few teeth that somehow magically guesses your weight and age while miraculously breathing through a guinness world record style alcohol and chewing tobacco blotted state, you know its all a farce. but still you look for a thread of truth in its feeble skeleton. what is the reason? what is the big picture? what is the price of bananas in uraguay during the second week of february and do they sell them on sundays? so i try to swim against the current like a champion catfish who fights with every ounce of energy he has in his scaly whisker having fish carcass. fighting the mighty flow until the death of his ambition overtakes everything before him. im on my way and dont worry... ill get there, but i might be a couple minutes late. first ive got to stop
A Reason To Smile :-)
It takes all I have to get out of bed Knowing everyday is full of dread I can only hope for the best For everything puts me to the test I had closed myself off Given up on being soft A glimmer of hope though, is in my sight I think about it every night It's been so long-I couldn't say When last it was I felt this way A simple voice that puts a smile on my face Leaving me longing to be in his embrace I wonder if it's right That I want to be with him each night I will take each step in stride No longer my feelings will I hide Only time will tell If this will turn out well I'll cherish every smile Hold each soft word for just awhile This may sound cliché or sappy But all I want is to be happy
6 Reasons Not To Mess With Children!
1. A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a large mammal, it's throat is very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reinterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah". The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl replied, "Then you ask him". 2. A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each childs work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied "I am drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But know one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute." 3. A Sund
13 Reasons To Laugh
13 Reasons to Laugh Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants. Marriage changes passion. Suddenly you're in bed with a relative. I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it. So I said "Implants?" She hit me. How come we choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America? A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Darn...that was fun!" I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place! When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunky dunk." Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over? AMEN, AMEN !! Why is it that our children can't read a
Reasons To Become A Nun
October 19th 2006 What the hell this has been a week for man issues. I think that I sould just become a nun and not have to worry about it anymore. I just don't think I can handle another shocker from a guy this week. Rudy, Iggy and Marty have my head so screwed up I don't know where to go. I'll start off with Rudy, great guy really, one of my best friends in life and he deides to tell me that he is madly in love with me. Not in the just friends sort of way but the whole thing. That he has been in love with me since we met 3 years ago. So now I'm like great there goes another friend cause really I don't think I could look him in the eye right now without thinking the thoughts that he told me he had about me. He got really vivid with that, way to much information. Now to the lord of the jack asses Iggy who today drives all the way out here unanounced to visit me. Now I haven't seen nor heard from him in about 6 months and now all of a sudden he wants me to move back t
Reasons Why
Reasons Why Where am I today? I wish that I knew 'Cause looking around there's no sign of you I don't remember one jump or one leap Just quiet steps away from your lead I'm holding my heart out but clutching it too Feeling this short of a love that we once knew I'm calling this home when it's not even close Playing the role with nerves left exposed Standing on a darkened stage, stumbling through the lines Others have excuses, but I have my reasons why We get distracted by dreams of our own But nobody's happy while feeling alone And knowing how hard it hurts when we fall We lean another ladder against the wrong wall And climb high to the highest rung, to shake fists at the sky While others have excuses, I have my reasons why With so much deception it's hard not to wander away It's hard not to wander away It's hard not to wander away --Nickel Creek
Reasons Why I Can't Sleep
Reasons To Own A Dat Over A Dog
Reasons to Own a Cat Over a Dog Cats rule. Dogs drool. Cats rub your leg when they want affection, not when they're horny. Cats use a litter box. Dogs use your leg. In 1996, over 10,000 US deaths were attributed to a dog owner's choking on saliva during morning wake-up licks. Cats always land on their feet. Dogs won't even let you throw them. Cats let you kick them when you're stressed out. Cats will wait until you've read your morning paper before tearing it to shreds. Cats look cute sleeping on the TV. Dogs crash right in front of the screen. No one has ever had to "Beware of the Cat." Cats bury their crap. Dogs dig up others'. Cats have better things to do than stick their nose in your crotch. Cats lay on the car in the heat. Dogs in heat lay the car. Why do you think they call it "Dog Breath?" Garfield. Odie. Enough said.
5 Reasons Why I Kick Ass
1-Im freakin hilarious 2-im damn adorable 3-Im a really nice girl(unless you piss me off) 4-Im the coolest person I know 5-I am absolutely FLABulous
Reason, Season Or Lifetime?
People come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you
A Reason, A Season Or A Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has! been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring yo
Reason Season And A Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you will know exactly what to do. 0ooo Some people ( ) come into our lives ) / and quickly go.. ( _ / ooo0 ( ) Some people ( become friends _) and stay awhile... leaving beautiful 0ooo footprints on our ( ) hearts... ) / ( _/ ooo0 ( ) and we are ( never quite the same _ ) because we have made a good friend!!! When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
100 Reasons To Vote Democratic On Tuesday
100 Reasons To Vote Democratic on Tuesday CHATSWORTH, Calif. - Karl "Bush's Brain" Rove Vice-President Dick "Halliburton" Cheney Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Associate Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Attorney General John Ashcroft Attorney General Alberto Gonzales White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales' torture memo Cheney's position that torture by waterboarding is a "no-brainer" U.N. Ambassador (by recess appointment) John Bolton NSA Chief Gen. Michael "Reasonable suspicion" Hayden CIA Chief Gen. Michael Hayden Press Secretary Tony Snow White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten Bruce A. Taylor, former senior counsel to the Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice; now an immigration judge in Phoenix, AZ Rep. Tom "The Hammer" DeLay (formerly R-TX) Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (formerly R-CA) Rep. Bob Ney (formerly R-OH) Sen. Joe "Democrat In Name Only" Liebe
I sit in my room, rapped up in a ball, going through old letters, containing so many secrets, reading old notes, looking through pictures, that were left to be forgotten, trying to forget the memories, that still haunt me when I sleep, a familiar face reminds me so much, I had her buried in my mind, before the dirt even covered her casket, I should have gone too, I came across this note, her name signed at the bottom, oh, the memories we had, still overcome by the last one, she shouldn't have been lying on the bed, covered with all that blood, the doctors should have saved her, instead I killed her, in my mind, a cold chill ran down my spine, I had the feeling of being watched, and when I turned, the image of that familiar face.
Reasons For Being Fired From Toys 'r' Us
15. A little too much joie de vivre while demonstrating the erector set, if you know what I mean. 14. Every time you're passed over for a promotion, you stick your head in an Easy Bake Oven and threaten to "end it all." 13. You got caught adding a garage to your house using embezzled Lego bricks. 12. Numerous parental complaints about your "Tickle Me Carl The Stockboy" display. 11. You went overboard with your GI Joe Militia display by adding the Tonka truck full of fertilizer. 10. Cross-dressing the Ken and Barbie dolls and telling kids they're the new "Jerry Springer" edition. 9. The "My Little Taxidermy Kit" (with starter squirrel) is not selling. 8. Impromptu demonstrations of why Malibu Ken is not anatomically correct. 7. Got caught doing your Dolly Parton impression with basketballs again. 6. Source of reefer smoke finally traced to "nostrils" of Geoffrey the Giraffe. 5. Jaws of life needed to pull your knees out of your chest after you jackknifed a
A Reason To Live
Reason To Live Video - Kiss lyricsKiss Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureMyspace Layouts
Reasons Why Chocolate Is Better Than Sex
You can GET chocolate. "If you love me you'll swallow that" has real meaning with chocolate. Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft. You can safely have chocolate while you are driving. You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to. You can have chocolate even in front of your mother. If you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate won't mind. Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called nasty names. The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate. You can have chocolate on top of your workbench/desk during working hours without upsetting your co-workers. You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped. You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate. With chocolate there's no need to fake it. Chocolate doesn't make you pregnant. You can have chocolate at any time of the month. Good chocolate is easy to find. You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can hand
Reasons To Waste
Suicide Nation Day after day we put our wills to the test Will we be strong or die like the rest One after one our problems compound Forcing us six feet down Darkness lingers a step behind Misery takes ahold of the mind Death becomes your recreation When you live in a suicide nation A once happy man pushed out to the street No more job, no food, no heat Now he's left without a home Takes his life but he's not alone Blood on the hands of society Refusal to help refusal to see The problems that cause devistation Result in a suicide nation Struggling teen with too much stress Bullet in the head, now he can rest Pushed to the point that we all know but he has gone where we dare not go Slit wrists and leaps of death Take too many a last breathe Murder of own creation Victims in a suicide nation
Reason Not To Flirt.
Subject: Reason not to flirt. >> >> >> >> >> >>The wife got a terrible >>headache and told her husband to go >>to the party alone. >>He, being a devoted husband, >>protested, but she argued and >>said she >>was >> >>going to take some aspirin and >>go to bed and there was no >>need for >>his >>good time to be spoiled by not >>going. >>So he took his costume and away >>he went. The wife, after >>sleeping >>soundly for about an hour, woke >>without pain and as it was >>still >>early, >> >>decided go to the party. >>As her husband didn't know what >>her costume was, she thought >>she >>would >>have some fun by watching her >>husband to see how he acted >>when she >>was >>not with >>him. >>So she joined the party and >>soon spotted her husband in his >>costume, >>cavorting around on the dance >>floor, dancing with every nice >>"chick" >>he >> >>could and copping a little feel >>here and a little kiss >>there. >>His wife went up to him and
Reasons To Love A Military Man
Reasons To Love a Military Man 10. Camo goes with everything................ 9. Gifts from exotic places .................... 8. They never get lost. ......................... 7. A man who knows how to iron. .......... 6. Loves your cooking. ......................... 5. Big boys with big guns never miss. .... 4. Love letters in the mail. .................... 3. Hard bodies, soft kisses. ................... 2. Uniform.. Uniform.. Uniform. ............. 1. Proud and strong, all night long..........
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Not Wrong
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Not Wrong 01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of J-Lo's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the worl
see the reasons see them change see why i love you so see them glow see what means the world to me can you see why can you see my heart open for you time an time again holding you is heaven a kiss such bliss see the reasons before you please do not miss
Reason Season Lifetime
I am sending this to you to see how many actually read. Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you. Here goes: People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled
Reason, Season And Lifetime
People always come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do. ... When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, or to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or even spiritually. They may seem like a godsend to you, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they just walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on. ... When people come
6 Reasons Not To Mess With Children...
A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah". The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl replied, "Then you ask him ". ================================================= A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up
10 Reasons Not To Jog
1. My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now & we don't know where the heck she is. 2. The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again. 3. I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up. 4. I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing. 5. I don't exercise at all. If God meant us to touch our toes, he would have put them further up our body. 6. I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. 7. I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them. 8. The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier. 9. If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country. 10. I don't jog. It makes the ice jump right out of my glass.
5 Reasons Why Sex Is Good
5 Reasons Why Sex is Good --------------------------------------------- 1) It is a good workout. Sex burns about 150 calories every half an hour of it. It will lower your cholesterol and improve breathing circulation. 2) You won't get sick. According to research if you have sex 1-2 times a week you are less likely to get sick. 3) You'll feel happier. You will feel a greater sense of well-being. Women who have more sex were clinically proven to be less depressed than women who dont have sex. 4) Makes you look better. Sex releases hormones in you which make your skin and hair softer and shinier and tone your physique. 5) (The best reason) You will live longer. Studies prove that sex makes you live longer. Men who had sex 1-2 times a week had half the death rate as those who did not indulge themselves at least once a month. It also makes you look younger. If you have sex 3 times a week you may look up to 10 years younger than you really are. For the sexiest v
The Reason To Live!!!
Another Song with a New Twist. Enjoy....and take to heart.
Reason To Drunk Like Me
Im drunk can ya tell? Who cares lol.Why Am I drunk well lets see hmmmmmmm first my mom is being a real bitch lately and she got on my last nerve today with her ungrateful ness. i bought groceries for house and instead of saying thank you she bitches about it not being enough that I could have gotten more at wal fart.WTF? Hello say thank you you poisiones cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!Ok vent about that finished for now.Second reason and sorry to guy reading this but damn if I dont feel like your room mate instead of your girlfriend.I need attention to sometimes.
7 Reasons Not To Mess With Kids!!!
7 reasons not to mess with children. A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah". The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl replied, "Then you ask him". A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking u
Reason, Season, Or A Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something! to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you a
A Reason To Stop Drinkin?
I found blood in my vomit last night.
Reasonably Priced Byproducts
….and now for a word from our sponsors Please excuse this execution, we did not mean to mess your shoes We will soon return you to your doom already in full bloom The extinction of distinction between intolerance and rule Governance of a coven of smiling ghouls Beautify and purify until the reek of bleach and ammonia burns your eyes Capitalize upon the recently unguarded prize Standardize the test that turns maggots into flies Contestants on a quest to see who’s the biggest parasite A choice beyond reproach, dropping A-bombs on a roach Follow the orders of a ghost still complaining about burnt toast Keep the host on their toes, stealing protein, and stunting growth Age of hope has given way to the age of the gross (domestic product) Such a wonderful consumer who has consumed the most Claim your reward, this year’s catalogue of brand mew products tailored for the average dope All new packaging and three new speeds In this cycle’s edition of the retardation mach
Reasons For Allowing Drinking At Work
It's an incentive to show up. It reduces stress. It leads to more honest communications. It reduces complaints about low pay. It cuts down on time off because you can work with a hangover. Employees tell management what they think, not what management wants to hear. It helps save on heating costs in the winter. It encourages carpooling. Increases job satisfaction because if you have a bad job you don't care. It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work. It makes fellow employees look better. It makes the cafeteria food taste better. Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are wasted. Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable. Suddenly, farting during a meeting isn't so embarrassing. No one will remember your strip act at the Christmas Party.
The Reason Or Reasons For The Need To Cheat..
As most of you know I was trying to be in a contest for the first time... Things were going fairly well and then all of a sudden some scab jumps out ahead of me in the comments portion of the contest by a wide margin in a matter of 5 hrs.... Based on what I had been told by others the mere fact of that happening was impossible save for one action that could account for it...CHEATING.... From what I had been told it takes 3 days to get over 7000 comments but this individual got over 7000 comments in 5 hrs....You do the math and make up your own mind... So I brought this to the attention of the person running the contest and he was a little wishy-washy on things....To some degree I understand that but if you are going to run a contest you need to be decisive and sure of yourself....He wanted to keep the peace and make everyone happy.... In the end that was a futile attempt....I eneded up leaving for the reasons above...I flat out told him it didnt matter to me if I won or
Reasons Why.
1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. If not for you, someone may not be living. 8. You are special and unique. 9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. 10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world. 12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it. 13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. 14

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