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Refered By
thanks for the referal
Referral Travel Agent
I have recently become a referral travel agent,about 6 weeks ago.I would like everyone to check out my website: This site can save you money. With just a click it checks over 200 travel sites to get you the best deal. Everything from rental cars ,hotels,airfare and cruises. Need to earn extra cash? Become a referral travel agent. It's good for part time or full time. If you love cruises you can become a Dream Trip Member and get great discounts on cruises and many other vacation spots. To learn more about the business go to: If you have questions you can can e mail me at:
Referral Information
**Word for word from SCRAPPER's blog** _____________________________________________________ _ We do not credit for missed referrals. If you signed someone up and did not get credit, it could be one of the following: 1. You cheated. 2. The person signing up's browser did not track your referral ID. We will not investigate, credit or debate referrals. Here are a few tips to making sure you do get credit. There are NO guarantees that this will work. 99.99% of the time missed referrals are due to user error or the person's computer. 1. Use the "Link to this profile" code on your homepage. 2. Use the INVITE link on the upper left navigation panel. 3 If you are linking banners on another site, please use this referral code. Make SURE you replace with your member ID. __________________________________________________ Just be careful when copying your referral link and all should work for you. PS, Look at the
hey guys:) I would like to personally invite you to check out fubars hottest new lounge. Its called fubars afterhours. I am the manager:) We are currently having a referrals contest so if you could please stop by.. id really appreciate it. just click the banner below AND PLEASE DONT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE WHEN YOU GET THERE, AFTER YOU SUBSCRIBE PLEASE SAY NEABEAR SENT ME, OTHERWISE I DONT GET CREDIT THANKS!!! ~*~Neabear~*~
Refelcted Glory
She sits before the mirror Head inclined Fine brown hair falls off her shoulders Cascading down one side The evening sun shimmering on the fine strands The lustrous skin of her shoulders and back, Naked but for the slender straps of her dress Silently invites my caress Her heady perfume filled the room Invading my senses like a fragrant garden after summer rain The fabric of her dress hugs the wondrous contours I know so well In the mirror her hazel eyes look back at me As she sees me watching her And knowing my thoughts her reflection smiles And at its radiance my heart soars Making me want her I don’t ask why she loves me I just thank god for her For her elegant beauty And for the greater beauty inside This evening I must share her But later she will be mine alone So for now I bath in the reflected glory of her
Refer A Friend And Get Free Stuff!
refer a friend and get FREE stuff! I am still also running the 50% off referral program! Say you live with your parents or something and would like to have a party but can't. If you refer one of your friends to book a party instead, you will be entitled to any item of your choice at 50% off! And there's no limit to how many friends you can refer! It's like getting all the benefits as the Hostess, but none of the work! You will get your 50% off item at or after the show has been held, so start sending those ladies my way! Just think, if you can refer that many friends you should probably join me and be a Partygal! Think how many parties you'll have to start your fabulous new career!!
Reference Books
"The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch" by Silver RavenWolf * While this book was written for the 16-24 year old crowd, it can be an invaluable assets for all witches. If you ignore the spells in the back that deal with school and teen angst (unless of course, you are in this age ranged, then by all means, put them to use), you will find it a very handy reference book that covers everything from basic Wicca, astrology, tarot, herbs, divination, spirit guides etc. etc. in its 600+ pages. It's a great book for whenever you have a quick question. I refer to it much more than I had anticipated I would. - Apythia "Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magick " by Scott Cunningham. *This is a very comprehensive collection of all you ever wanted to know about your stones. The only flaw is the lack of photos. There are a few, but it would be nice to have a photo for each stone in the book. - Apythia "The Complete Encyclopedia of Incense, Oils
Re: Federal Police Flock For Operation In Tijuana
RE: Federal police flock for operation in Tijuana ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: nierika Date: 10 Jan 2008, 06:03 Federal police flock for operationThey'll be joined by state, local agentsBy Sandra DibbleUNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITERJanuary 9, 2008TIJUANA – Hundreds of federal police arrived in Baja California yesterday to join forces with state and municipal agencies launching a new front against organized crime.Members of the Federal Preventive Police swarmed Tijuana's bustling Rio Zone yesterday afternoon, but the agency remained tight-lipped about plans, leaving state officials to explain the purpose of this latest operation.Baja California's attorney general, Rommel Moreno, said about 1,000 officers would be arriving in the state, “and if it's necessary, we could be speaking of up to 2,000.” He did not give a timetable.Salvador Juan Ortíz, a deputy state attorney general in Tijuana, said, “I consider it the response . . . to the requests from the
Referral Contest!
You want FuBucks?!Well here is an easy way to do that!We are giving 10,000 FuBucks to the Member who refersthe most people to be leveled in 2 weeks time.Remember the Fubarian has to meet our Criteria withPlenty of Pics and Stash to RateAll Referrals will be checked out by one of our ManagementTeam before being added to the Leveling Blog.Also your referral has to be leveled to count towards your total.Below is a chart we will be keeping track of everyone who refers people to us.At the end of every 2 months there will be a special gift for the person with the Most Referred People... who KNOWS what it could be ;) Member Number of Referrals For Week 02/24/08 Month to Date ~Ðå£øþø~da VEEP of the "Fire and Ice Lvling Crew"~@ fubar 1 1
Referendum To Independence
Referendum to Independence I want my Government back! Our Government is no longer of the people, by the people and for the people of America. In the course of our short 230 year history we the people have stood up for great change in our Government. First, being our Independence for the English Crown which we celebrate today. Then came our Civil War which tested our belief in our Constitution and that all Men are created equal. This came to head again during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950-1970's. In many ways it is still being fought today. In these times of great change we had leaders willing to put the cause before oneself. In our quest of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness I expect and do not request any hand outs. I do expect our Government to protect the rights given to all American citizens by our Constitution. I ask for leadership and responsibility at all levels of Government. Both of which are hard pressed to find in any branch of Governmen
Re: Fed Affords Dollar Brief Respite With Lower Rate Cut
RE: Fed Affords Dollar Brief Respite With Lower Rate Cut ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 18 Mar 2008, 21:07 Fed Affords Dollar Brief Respite With Lower Rate Cut The dollar enjoyed its biggest gains against the Yen in two years and pared losses against the Euro after the Federal Reserve delivered a lower than expected 75 basis points interest rate cut after traders had priced in a full 100 points cut. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/march2008/031808_brief_respite. htm
Re: Fema Occupies Real Town For Advanced "terror Training"
RE: FEMA Occupies Real Town For Advanced "Terror Training" ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 26 Mar 2008, 20:19 America's Future: FEMA Permanently Occupies Real Town For Advanced "Terror Training" The Federal Emergency Management Agency is spending $22 million dollars per year on a terror training program within a real town in New Mexico where helicopters buzz overhead in the middle of the night, mock nuclear explosions are drilled and "suicide bombers" are taken down by SWAT teams who pull citizens out of their homes. http://infowars. net/articles/march2008/260308Playas. htm
Referral Contest! Win A 1 Month Vip Or 7 Day Blast
HERE BE THE RULES!!! (they're aren't many of them!) 1) (and this is super important) NO DRAMA!! (anyone causing drama during the duration of this contest will be eliminated.) Absolutely NO exceptions. There is no reason for it, this is supposed to be FUN! 2) All referrals that come into the lounge MUST SAY WHO sent them to the lounge, and JOIN! They cannot just stop in and say you sent them, and leave right away. 3) In the event of a tie...There will be SUDDEN DEATH! Most members in 15 minutes wins the prize. Prize will be paid IMMEDIATELY upon determining the winner! Remember, If you're not a member of CLUB WICKED PARANOIA, you have until 6 pm EST on Friday the 11th of April to join the lounge and get in on the action! Still have questions? I'd love to answer them for you!! Click ME! Angi~The Fu-King Skank of Fubar~Head Promoter, Official Complaint Dept. & Filthy Tramp #1 of CWP@ fubar
A Reference Guide For Weekend Fun
1. ECSTASY How you think you behave: Like the beautiful, caring, wonderful person you really are. How you actually behave: Like the creepy kid at school who always sucked up to the teacher. Those revolting sweaty hugs you inflict upon anyone you meet are disgusting. Likelihood of getting laid: 30%. Sex is not important. It's all about the "vibe." How you feel in the morning: Like you should have gone for the sex. Embarrassment rating: 6/10 Ecstasy makes you say nice things to people that you don't like. This can be very embarrassing, particularly if people believe what you say. Be careful who you give your phone number to. They just might call. 2. MARIJUANA How you think you behave: You're not sure, but you think people could be laughing at you. How you actually behave: Like someone just hit you over the head with an 800KG fridge freezer combination. Likelihood of getting laid: 60%. If you spend enough time on the couch, anything can happen. How you feel
Re: Feds Accuse Student Of Terror For Talking About Constitution
RE: Feds Accuse Student Of Terror For Talking About Constitution ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 12 May 2008, 20:34 Feds Accuse Student Of "Terror and Espionage" For Talking About Constitution A student of a large bible college in east Texas was accused by federal agents of committing an "act of terror and espionage" after he gave a talk to a group of Boy Scouts in which he encouraged them to educate themselves about the U.S. constitution. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/may2008/051208_feds_accuse. htm
Referring Friends
We think it's great you want to bring your friends and family to fubar! But if you want to receive the credit for it...all 14K fubucks...make sure your referrals are joining correctly: First, here is how the points are awarded: · You will get 1,000 fuBucks and points when your friend joins · You will get 1,000 fuBucks and points every day your invite uses fubar (up to 5 days; non-consecutive) · You will get 8,000 fuBucks and points when he or she posts an approved salute! In order to make sure you get credit, your invitee needs to make sure that when they register, they see your profile icon on the registration page as who referred them. If your profile icon is not there, or if someone else's is, they will not credit you. So make sure to let them know to look out for this (hint: if they follow your link or email invite link, it should show you automatically). If you can see your referral on your referral page, then they joined successfully, and you will receive the points a
Reference Links
Below is a list of blog links. They will aid you in learning more about the site and its guidelines. As well, there are blogs that will help you code skins, bulletins, download fonts etc. Please repost this so that members have a chance to read it as well. REFERRING FRIENDS...correctly How To Properly Verify Your Email NSFW: repost of Scrappers Blogs NSFW Flagging Abuse and Guidelines Important FuBar Links :=) Salute Submission and Verification..Step by Step Site Navigation and Mumming for the New Members Clickable Pics How To Make Basic Skins SKINS-Ripping/Pasting Code/Generating
Ok maybe I am missing something but 2 of my friends that accepted my invitation have joined over a week ago and did eveything they are suppose to do. Now under my referrals these 2 people don't show up, all my other ones do. So what's up with that, any ideas. For the record i sent email to fubar support with no response back
Referral Update!!
Instead of "up to" 14,000 points over time & w/salute, we went back to one lump sum of 5,000 points. Wording changes in the bible and invite forms are included in this change.
ok here is my offer and yeah i know im still a few levels away but still i rather get things done now than having to wait... I am needing referrals as most know by now you have to have 25 to get to level 30... I am willing to pay 10.000 per referral that is verified and logs in 5 days straight also i am 1.2m from leveling and who ever gets me leveled will recieve a Auto 11 or a cherry bomb bling..(your choice)   so if this sounds good to you please let me know ...when you refer someone to me tell them to let me know that you sent them so i know who to give the 10.000 is my link to use..... ....i will return all luv shown ty... 
Referral List
Okay since I'm getting alot of requests i am going to update a list of who i am working on and make comments as well.  When you're name is next onthe list, and I start to help.. I will let you know.  be patient as I am still a little new at this (altho i do a damn good job!!) I am only ONE person and still figuring out a way to make all the people in the list below happy at once!  if you aren't patient, by all means go find your own! lol Feel free to ask any of these people about my 'work', i'm sure they wont mind =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   THE LIST:  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Angelic Devil #2028291 (Done, HH, Bomb, Paid) Seabreeze #2404245 (Done, B//11, Pending) Rayne #******** (Done, Paid) Daddy Rocks Hard #3050829 (Done, FB, Paid) Lipstick#786993 (Done, FB(drh), Paid) Stormy#1385922 (Done) Dj Immortal #984788 (Done, Paid) DJ Fab (Done, paid) Soukie La La #152100 Jagermeister #2383517 (Done, Bomb, Paid) Cindy#225795 (Done, PR, paid/paying) Silly Califas # 2952087 (HH, BP) JMAAngel
Sorry to all of my friends for not being around so much lately.  I know most of you are use to me being here 'round the clock.  Those of you that I am closest with know the situations in my life right now and have kept in contact with me via Yahoo, text messaging, or phone calls.  For that I'm truely grateful!     Now with that being helping one of my family members get her referrals (and in turn level) we came up with this great plan for me to start charging for helping others that may not have the time or means to work on their own. Boy has business started flying!! lol  If you are one of those who needs help this blog is for YOU!!  So let me explain how this will work ;)   First of all, you must PM me.  It is very helpful to have your direct referral id handy.  I'm finding several people have no idea what I mean by this so here is how you get it:  Up top of any fubar page You will see HOME, MY, etc and on the right side of this is the F Word and in bright yellow let
Today I am going to share with you dear readers a little something I learned when I entered this community over a decade ago as an unattached bottom/subbiegirl. That's right peeps! I wasn't identifying as a Top/Dom/MagnamousGoddess at the time. Anyhow ~ One of the BEST things my elders taught me was that if you were looking at someone as a possible partner, it never hurt to ask around about them and observe them to be sure they were what I thought. Easy enough in some ways, but challenging in others - as I was new and without all the resources I have on hand today... I learned to not only asking the person in question's friends but also the people who were not fond of them. Friends tend to be biased and enemies tend to tell their truths. It was through practing this techinique as a bottom that I learned the value it would bring me as a top. I still do this before truly befriending people because of how attached I get to those I choose to call friends. [It's a million times worse for
Referals Pls Help
Starting 3/15/10, Bad Habitz Radio will pay staffers 50k for every member they invite in that joins (to be paid out weekly on Mondays).  There will be a link under get corrupted in the lounge for new members to visit and submit the person who invited them. We will also do a monthly (on the 15th) drawing out of the members who told us who corrupted them, we will draw one to win 250k fubucks.
Refer Madness
Referral Update
*****From Scrapper's Blog*****     ***I originally wrote this blog in 2007 about missed referrals. It is still relevant today. This also applies to mercenaries.  We do not credit for missed referrals. If you signed someone up and did not get credit, it could be one of the following: 1. You cheated. 2. The person signing up's browser did not track your referral ID. (This could be associated to anti spyware, virus ware or security settings) We will not investigate, credit or debate missed referrals.  Here are a few tips to making sure you do get credit. There are NO guarantees that this will work. 99.99% of the time missed referrals are due to user error or the person's computer OR something shady is going on. 1. Use the "Link to this profile" code on your homepage or in fuMafia2. Use the INVITE link on the upper left navigation panel.3 If you are linking banners on another site, please use this referral code.  TIP: If your brothers uncle was signing on from
The Reference Design For Cypress Cy4623 Ps2
Cypress, the world leader in USB controllers has reinvented its leadership position in the low speed USB market with a new family of innovative microcontrollers. With the microcontrollers, the peripheral developers are able to design new products with a minimum number of components. The enCoRe II USB technology builds on the enCoRe family which has an integrated oscillator that eliminates the external crystal or resonator, reducing overall cost. Also integrated into this chip are other external components commonly found in low speed USB applications, such as pull-up resistors, wakeup circuitry, and a 3.3V regulator. The overall system cost is going to be reduced by Integrating these components. The enCoRe II is an 8-bit flash programmable  microcontroller  with an integrated low speed USB interface. Despite the microcontrollers may be used for a variety of other embedded applications, the instruction set is ideal specifically for USB and PS/2 operations. Cypress off
Refection Of Generations
August 2013 I really didn't think I would make it this long , Seemed as if health & emptiness would do it's number . Almost forgot how to laugh for real , had perfected my Bright  fake smile which served it's purpose for the time.                                           Have finally realized that with all the illusions we can dream up , We can pick which one will serve us best. And just keep doing our  Dailey chores and raise your children up to work , not to steal , Not to lie and not to kill unless defending your home  .  Be kind to others , most of all know where you come from . Don't ever forget nor stop believing in Magic , It's magic that keeps the flowers blooming an' the fairy dust , That spinkles the star light with love Always believe ....Always share ....                                                       And most of all , Always give Love a chance ....
Refferals- Admins Read, (everyone Vote On This So They See It)
Refferals , Something has to be done. I think for refferals should give partial credit untill after the refferals that join achive level 5 then reward full credit for them. also it would be nice if it is a requirement to upload photo before being able to join the website. I ask this because im geting tired of geting refferals and no photos being uploaded. I understand that alot of people hateing on me because of that issue right there, I some how am supposed to magicly control people who join site from my url and make sure that there going to use the website alot and upload a photo. Alot of people hate on me because of my high refferal count. I am sorry that I like shareing something so wonderfull, don't know how to get refferals? read my blog its very decriptive and is how I do it. I work my but off to get the refferals and I don't think it is right that I am being asked to make sure they upload photos and use the site if there going to join the site. That really seems unf
Refined Love .. Pt. 1
For as long as I can remember, my life and my cravings have always favored women. From my first serious relationship when I was in college, to even when I was a young girl, my mind was captivated by the appeal a woman had. I can even recall spending several nights in my room when I was younger, staring at women's fashion magazines and the enchanting allure of the models that graced each and every page. Throughout my teens and high school years, I made as many friends with the more popular circles of girls. Not that I was a self-absorbed girl, but typically, the more pretty girls ran in the same circles, so I did all I could to be a part of that. I became a cheerleader, ran for student council, and was generally liked by my peers. I loved fashion and dressing up as any typical teenage girl would. But being a mixture of Latino and French caused me many self-identity crises, and the more I spent time with other girls, the more I became relaxed and comfortable in whom I was. Little did
Refined Love .. Pt.2
"You were fantastic on stage, Alexis." I managed to reply in my intoxicated frame of mind. My eyebrow highlighted the word "fantastic" as I used every muscle on my face to cast an eternal spell of lesbian finesse. She held onto my hand... and I didn't let go. "I always like hearing that kind of feedback." She replied, still gazing directly into my soul. All the surrounding commotion and madness of the show seemed to vanish. All the loud voices and chatter were non-existent. This feminine seductress in all her grandeur spellbound me. Reluctantly, we parted our hands and quickly set out to begin a "get to know you" conversation. My hapless friend Darryl quickly realized his place was somewhere else as he politely exited, but not before giving me a quick wink and thumbs up before leaving. I had to chuckle, but I think Alexis noticed. We both shared a laugh... and I comprehended just how lovely of a woman she truly was. A few minutes later... "So what brings you here?" Alex
Refined Love.. Pt 3
"Oh sweetie, let me look at how beautiful you are." She said, holding my hands as I stepped back. Alexis was dressed in a stunning knee length, strapless blue dress. She looked incredible... those staunch arms and incredible shoulders shined in the Nevada sun. Her lengthy blonde hair fell free about her luscious, thick beige neck. I could tell she too loved being a woman, but in a slightly more unique method, which was why I was falling in love with her. "I wasn't sure what you liked." I said, somewhat timid of my outfit. "Oh, honey... you could be dressed in a towel, and I'd fall for you." She replied with a shrewd smile. She then leaned forward as I knew by the thoughtful look on her face, she wanted to kiss me. And we did... my apparent longing flourished as I felt those beloved lips taste mine once more. We shared a needy moan as our kiss ripened and her assertive arms swallowed me whole. I twirled my head about for a deeper tonguing of her mouth as I tasted her hot,
Refined Love .. Pt. 4
Alexis' low moans began reverberating throughout my abdomen and thighs. God, even her moans sent convulsions all through my vanquished essence. My misty eyes opened to see the bright moonlight from outside illuminate our perspiring bodies in a pale blue tint. Our bodies glimmered in the moonlight, a sight that seemed to be Heavenly. Just looking at my stomach still swell and shrink, along with those beautifully carved arms and shoulders of my lover made my heart skip. Her hands now took hold of my legs, spreading me apart even more so that she could discover even more of my feminine treasures. She curled me like scissors, then placed my legs together as my lower back came off the bed. Now my backside was free for her picking... and her intensity flourished as her mouth left my pussy, only to tongue bathe my thighs and ass. I could only cry her name out repeatedly... I could sense our lovemaking was shifting to a more assertive phase, which was fine by me. I was held upon the brink o
Re: 9/11 First Responder Heard Wtc 7 Demolition Countdown
9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown A 9/11 first responder has gone on the record to describe how he heard a demolition-style countdown precede the collapse of WTC 7, eyewitness testimony that dovetails with other EMT's and rescue personnel who were also told that Building 7 was going to be "brought down". While we were on the right side, there was firefighters getting ready, they were bussing them back and forth, and a couple of vets that were there - they got the vibe that something was coming down," said McPadden. "We started asking questions, everybody started asking questions, and the next thing you know there was a Red Cross representative pacing back and forth in front of the crowd holding his hand over the radio - I couldn't hear what it was saying but it was like pulsed - whatever the speech was on there it was pulsed - and that means to me most likely it was
Refinance My Car
2001 Ford Focus good running condition, automatic transmission. Needs some minor work. I can't afford the payments anymore and bad credit is keeping me from getting a decent financing deal. I'm looking for someone to refinance it in their name ($7300). You or someone you know needs a car and I need to get myself out of debt, let's help each other.
Refinery Strike Talks Break Down
Refinery strike talks break down The planned strike is closing down the Grangemouth refinery A strike which could close down Scotland's only oil refinery will go ahead after talks between the Unite union and plant bosses broke down. Operators Ineos and the union held two days of talks at conciliation service Acas in a bid to halt the strike by workers at the Grangemouth facility. Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney told BBC Scotland there should be enough fuel to avoid shortages. Staff are due to walk out of the refinery on Sunday. Mr Swinney said: "What we are confident about is that we have taken preparations to make sure that there are ample supplies of petrol and diesel available well into the month of May. "That's obviously predicated on consumer purchasing patterns remaining as we would normally expect them to be." He added: "We also have the ability to import fuel into the bargain if we need to support the stocks that we have already within
Re: Fiorentina 0 Rangers 0 (rangers Win 4-3 On Pens)
RE: Fiorentina 0 Rangers 0 (Rangers win 4-3 on pens) ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Glasgow Rangers Date: 01 May 2008, 23:27 Rangers are through to the UEFA Cup final after an astonishing penalties win over Fiorentina in Italy.The 10-man Light Blues were battered for 120 minutes at the Stadio Artemio Franchi and mustered barely a handful of chances to score themselves.Even after sub Daniel Cousin was sent off, they hung on to draw 0-0 and take the match to spot-kicks against all the odds.They fell behind when Barry Ferguson's effort was saved but Neil Alexander stopped Fabio Liverani's shot to make it 2-2 with two kicks left.And after Christian Vieri then fired over the upright, Nacho Novo rolled in the winner to seal a place at the City of Manchester Stadium on May 14.It was one of the most incredible nights in Rangers' history and right up with the very best of them.Zenit St Petersburg lie in wait now for the Ibrox club in their first European fi
Refined Shopping
A very refined young man comes to a small food shop and sees fruit. "Give me two kilograms of oranges and wrap every orange up in a separate piece of paper, please," he says to the saleswoman. She does it. "And three kilograms of cherries, please, and wrap up every berry in a separate piece of paper, too." She does. "And what is it there," he asks pointing at something dark in the corner. "Raisins," says the saleswoman, "but they're not for sale."
Refill Only With Kikkoman...or?
So I am sitting down enjoying my local Chinese Restaurant when an irritating couple behind me is complaining about this or that…not that I was eavesdropping but as their voices carried their complaints waffled over my table. Apparently they were not happy with the food…however this was not about them as well as this message was not about them it just inquired me to roll my eyes and try to forget about their complaints as I did I noticed the bottle of Kikkoman Soy Sauce. Their new brand slogan is “Kikkoman, seasoning your life” However…their bottles specially made dispensers to decant their sauce have another label or slogan on its back. REFILL ONLY WITH KIKKOMAN…hmmm does that mean there is a law about refilling with La-Choy? I mean can I take Meijer’s branded Cheapo Soy sauce and dump it in? Or if I do does the Soy Sauce patrol come and drag me away? What If I snuck some Marukin Soy Sauce in its place with the lights off while no one seen me pore it in…would I get caught? Yeah, Yeah I
I wake up today to find out that there was a fire at the refinery. Apparently a nice blue-black cloud of burned oil filled smoke rolled across town. Both my cars, and all 4 of my roommates cars are now covered in little black spots of burned oil. Fucking Ohio.
Refinery Fire
There was an explosion at the Tesoro refinery in Anacortes, Wa. last night. 3 workers were killed, 4 severely burned and 3 are still missing. I grew up in this town and know a lot of people that work there. I'm asking you, my friends, to pray for the injured and missing workers. As of yet, I don't know who were hurt or killed. The same thing happened 11 years ago. 6 people were killed. I knew 3 of them. So please pray for them. If you don't pray..cross your fingers??
Refitting The Pieces...the Author Against The World.
In the course of examining worldviews of various belief systems, and the author’s personal experience with each one, the author does not discover any startling revelations, nor does the author attempt to immerse himself into the worldviews that differ from his own. The author’s own worldview is that of Christian; however, not of any particular denomination. The author, being raised Southern Baptist by an Independent Baptist Minister- his father- and taught tolerance, not intolerance, of other religions or those religions’ viewpoints. The author was also made to understand that despite being tolerable of another’s worldview, the author must make stringent efforts to not be swayed, guided, or indoctrinated in these views. Each worldview presents an ananthem to Christian upbringing, growth, and moral/ethical decency that the author was initially raised with, became, and lives by.             Upon review of the worldviews studied: Naturalism, Human Secularism, East
Reflections Rewind it back countless times in my mind, Take a look and then you’ll see. The treasure was lost, nothing left to be found, No one even remembers me. The light you saw, was nothing more than a blanket, To shelter me from the truth. A tool to build, this false life of regret, I feel like I’m breaking loose. Cant you see that my life was a lie? Couldn’t you see all the pain in my eye’s? Did you hear when my heart screamed so loud? I beg for guidance as I look to the clouds. Look in the mirror and see what I see, What is it that I’ve become? Lost in the dark never a chance to be, Sight unseen of eternal love. Do I deserve the gift that stands before me? Or did I throw it all away? I didn’t really realize my ego told me what to see I fell even closer to it every day. Cant you see that my life was a lie? Couldn’t you see all the pain in my eye’s? Did you hear when my heart screamed so loud? I beg for guidance as I look to the clouds. Pain is w
When I reflect upon my life, and all the lives and hearts I've touched, I cannot help but to wonder why, why I haven't wondered much. And all the while I'm wondering my own life is shaped and changed, all of those about me are faces, just faces, reflections without names.
Reflections Of A Faithful Life
A Reflection...and A Meaning!
Ever sit and reflect on where you've been, what you've been through, and where you are now? I do it more often than I should probably but sometimes life forces you to take a look at the big picture, the little things...all of it! Things happen, people change, grow, we all evolve and strive to be something we think is better in life, some strive for money, fame, fortune and others...well they strive for the small things, the things that to them mean the most....Happiness, love, family! Regardless of what it is we have our minds set long as we dream, want more out of life and never give up on the idea, the hope that no matter what we go through we will be ok. There's a saying"If god brings you to it, he'll bring you through it" If I've learned anything in's that shyt happens! Pardon my french..but it does. Things happen that we have no control over, that we don't think could ever happen to us, or that we didn't want to happen. Sometimes these events change your live...s
Reflections by Elena Klein I will be beautiful for him, Reflecting that bright image in his eyes And if that fine reflection bears small likeness To what the mirror frames, I'll choose The loving one. Love's image far outshines quicksilvered glass, Crackled with age and dulled with smoke and dust. His love persuades me. His vision is my trust. I will be beautiful... for him.
. So many times we do not see, that all of life is a memory: Of days gone past both bad and good, and so we dream, as dream we should: But one should always keep in mind, that a memory is a day behind: Live for today with its joy and sorrow, for today is the memory we dream of tomorrow.
Reflections, Just a lie painted with the resemblence of the person I long to be. She is not my mirror image. Not but a shell, a fragment of who I really am. Just a false apparition who appears when reality is to sour. When I see her in the shattered image of myself. I long for green eyes to see me. for olive skin to embrace me. How could I bring her here? How could she teach me to smile? Could she ever understand who she really is, deep in this abyss? Two sides of the same mirror. Silvers and blacks, melding into one image that never made any sense to those who surround her. There was once one, who knew her who bore her spirit, who shared my indifference. Who created her and I as a whole Identity. Who understood. He left with the whispers of the fall. taking the binds that held her and I as one. shattering the looking glass and leaving us to seperate the realities. I am left to wander the darkenss which engulfs the rooms which he once filled.
Reflections Through A Mirror
Reflections Through A Mirror Like a shattered mirror, Were the pieces of my life. A dark and broken mess, A heart full of strife. The rebuilding of the mirror, Is slowly taking place, Building something which is whole, Within the empty space. Put together by a master, Whos working sight unseen. To slowly fit together, Each and every seam. A kind and gentle angel, Someone of loving heart. To give the broken mirror, A new life and fresh start. For that i thank you, The keeper of my heart and soul. For entering my life, And once again making me whole.... Copyright ©2004
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking. As infants & children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, booster seats, seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank koolade made with sugar, but we weren't overweight
Reflecting On A Dream
The sweetness of reflecting on a dream Setting goals is easy. The tough part is putting time and hard work into realizing those dreams. The energy you are willing to put forth to reach your dreams is directly related to the probability of achieving them. Above all, be patient with the situation and with yourself. Don't lose your way by being blinded by disappointment, frustrations, and failures. Ponder the goals in your life and the obstacles you might face. Make appropriate plans to overcome those roadblocks even before they occur. Think of the reward of reflecting on a goal you have reached, rather than one you failed to see through. Most big dreams involve big effort!
Reflect And Relive
People say: Time flies or time just slipped away, I don't think time goes anywhere, we carry all time with never leaves. A fragrance wifts past your nose and your mind goes back to that time in your life as if you were reliving that moment. A song plays and you feel the experiances you had listening or dancing to it. A name is mentioned or a photo looked at and we all travel back to a time in our lives that we will never escape. Our minds are the camera toour past and the senses of smell, sight and touch are our vessel of travel. Don't feel bad about aging because we can always travel back.(IN TIME) I will relive my days of friends and laughs this site has givin me for the rest of my days!!!!!
fear on a face distorted... the trace of a smile aborted... recognition dawned... for a terror unknown... now i know the ultimate horror... when i looked into the mirror... for as i stared into my own eyes... i see eternal damnation undisguised...
A reflection of you and me, It’s timeless as you can see. The moon and stars shining oh so high Reminding me of our friendship ties. You see the moon and stars never part, They’re a never-ending work of art. With a stroke of luck and a brush with fate A canvas was started for something great. For a friendship was born beneath this sky, Painted with laughter and lots of why’s. And in the twinkle of that clear blue night, I met you and the stars took flight. Colors swirling round and round, Creating something so profound. A friendship is in the midst, Can you see it in its mist? Go ahead take a look, It’s over there in the brook. A reflection of you and me It’s timeless can’t you see? I created this for a wonderful friend of mine and thought I would share it with everyone *Smiles* ~Peek~
12-20-05 Reflection By: Travis Smith Betrayed once again By a cousin and a friend Views are skewed What's wrong? What's right? I don't understand Why must I be the target Target of confusion and blame She was different on that day Now she's turned cold Bitter and away No one knows why Honestly I don't care I'll never see her again And no that's not a threat I was a decent guy and I sure was kind That's all that matters right?
reflections mirrored in the shadow of your guilt , painfully staring thru my own eyes pain dripping slowly thru my veins consuming me . what did i do to deserve this were did i go wrong , was i blind to seeyou for what you really are . darkness without no sign of light falling falling falling slipping away numb to sadness yet propelled by grief anger adding to my slow torture , tears un able to fall why did i have to live like this , where did i go wrong . lonelyness consumes me , burying itself into my skin . the pain pulls at my heart twisting it beyond what is right the thoughts of you kill me , i wish youd go away why why did u do me this way
Reflective Thoughts
Reflective Thoughts How did I get back here? Damn I must be trippin Helllllllloooooooooooo? I knew damn well my radar said stop not go Why did I proceed? Her game was tight? The rap was strong? I knew damn well I’d heard that shyt before The fuck was wrong with me? Oh well You strong Pick up Walk the fuck away The hell are you looking back for? Aint no mo shyt to see What? I’m thinking I read sumthing wrong? Hell no I didn’t Her bullshyt was plan as day I’m just one of many Hold up Hold up the fuck up One of many? The fuck is really the deal? I must like playing second and third stream? She know damn well I should have been number one I’m sexy ,sweet and kind to a fault Hell I’m damn sho a keeper She walked away had games to play I guess Trust me I will land on my feet Sad thing is Her trifflin ass went to find lust when a real man had offered her love © BlkLuvPotion 2006
Reflections Of A Beautiful Morning
The sun rises above the hillcrest, As does the joy of my heart; Rays of warmth and love, From her I will never depart. Fresh dew upon the grass, Young birds chirp in their nests; I watch her gently sleep, My love to her I silently profess. I enjoy the stillness and calm, Watching as she smiles and dreams; She brings me to stillness and peace, Like that of a slow flowing stream. My heart and soul flow with love, And I smile as I quietly reflect; I’ve been handed a sweet princess, A sweet princess to love and to protect. A vow to myself I make, As she quietly sleeps away; To love and always cherish her, Until my last breath... until my last day.
As I sit here today, I start to reflect over the past few years of my life. None of which have gone how I had previously had forseen them going. I always had seen myself going somewhere in life, going off to college and then landing a great job. I think in our teenage life we all live the dream that we are bound to do something big. I invisioned being something great. I didn't know what just something. When I was twenty those dreams that I once had slowly started to fade as I had learned I had become pregnant. My 21st birthday certainly didn't go as planned being as I turned out to be the designated driver due to my pregnancy. After my first son was born to a father who really didn't want him I felt my life was over. It was time to give up my life and become what the woman of generations before had become just a mother and the house wife. Something I never truley respected. The years went by and the more I felt sorry for myself reflecting on what could have been and the what if fact
Reflections.......... Can you see your reflection in my eyes? Bathe yourself in the warmth of their azure pools Let the world slip away Fall deep inside them Where the love from my heart overflows And reflects back to the world the image of you.
Reflections I looked into your eyes and saw no future there for me. Just empty reflections of love gone bad, tis time you set me free. We've tried and failed to make things right and given all we had. The time has come to give it rest, the peace could not be bad. The time shall come when we reflect, think back on memories worth keeping. It's then that I shall hold you dear and in your arms start weeping. But still, I search your eyes and see no future there for me. Kevin Dustin
Reflecting On The Past Month Here......
So I joined Lost Cherry just over a month ago..... Now I belong to Cherry Tap. And boy how things have changed since then... I came to get away from myspace.. did that. Now myspace is trying to follow me here. I was looking to talk to people that were over 18..did that. Now I see 18 yr. olds admit in there "about me" sections that they are 15 yrs. old or are a freshman in high school. I was trying to meet new and interesting people... did that. people are always new and interesting anyways so that stayed the same. Sometimes their attitudes change though, but then again so do their moods. I was trying to find pics of hot chicks to view(that were over 18)... did that. Now I find out that 15yr olds were posting webcam links. So now I have to really look to make sure that the hot chics are of age. I was trying to get away from the teen drama that plagues myspace... did that. Now I found adult drama....Oh Well can't win em all. I was trying to find a place to le
Chasing the past, I stumbled into the future. ~T. Sachs, Omnis Sapientia Salvo Emiolios A restless wind rustles through the leaves at my feet and caresses my hair softly. I am still, silent, lost. Just ahead is a fork in the road. I knew it was coming. But for all my foresight I am not prepared. The wind makes its exit, and forgets to leave me my answer. I contemplate the two choices that lie before me. One is long and winding, twisting and bending in endless circles. It seems to go nowhere and everywhere all at once. Rising and falling in a wild rhythm…the highs touch the sky… Yet the lows seem bottomless. The other path is straight, narrow, and overgrown. It feels familiar, quite like paths I have chosen before. There are no peaks…and there are no valleys. But the ground is uneven. There is no sure footing. Step…stumble…hesitate. I wait for the wind to bring me back my answer. The air is motionless, and
Reflected Soul(w/the_tara)
I wanted you to know that everything in me said I love you. You were my soul, my entire being. The glowing star on my shoe that promised a better tomorrow. I breathe on the pane of glass waiting for you to appear on the other side. I know your there for your my other half. I wanted to see the sparkle in your eyes as we we're deja vu'd into each other. When I wake up in the morning I stare into the mirror. Endless gazing, I know that I am everything with you by my side. I couldnt stand with out you holding me up. All the nights I just wanted to give in, Fall to the floor I heard a soft whisper and felt a faint kiss and for that moment my life was complete bliss. Life would never be small with you around, the darkest days became lighter because you shared each moment with me. Someone to hold my hand and reassure me that today will be okay. Mindless daze as you're reflection comes into focus. I sigh for not another day will pass where I'm not
Reflected Life As Such:
three fucking days without a solitary bright thought. i feel betrayed by my own senses. i feel like discussing life with the toilet. i call him Mr whitefolks. people keep clomping down the stairs and i wish i could accompany them. i need to go get my grades so some faceless human can tell me how smart i am based on a random boring question based essay. but my brainage is so low i bet they laugh at me. my bones creak with every moment waiting. I think i miss someone. if they miss back.
As the elder statesman looks back on his life, He smiles and decides that what he did was right. Even though he knew it was all a disguise He wasn’t just playing tricks, they were necessary lies. Watch as they follow him one by one. Each an individual in their own ear drums They listen to the beat that they hope is right Wishing to be seen but staying out of sight. This group can function as an on-going whole. but every individual’s still searching for their soul. They only search as far as their limits let them go. After that it’s up to him, he tells them what they want to know. He hides, ducks and slides all distractions Fighting when he needs too for group satisfaction Independent and solace is how this man appears but internally in chaos confronting every bodies fears It’s this simple fact, that the people they flock, Willing to see death, but not deal with the shock Behind a curtain of love they steadily walk Able to judge, but not deal with the result
The Reflection
I sit here by the edge of the water. I look down and what is this I see? I see a reflection that causes me to gasp. I do not like what I see. I have always seen myself as light-hearted One who is there for others. Now, with the reflection that I see, I question all that is me. I now see twisted, torn patterns flowing from my very essence The eyes I do not know. The mouth no longer holds a smile This blank, black appearance This person cannot be me. I see coldness. I see deep, personal pain. I see scars. I see a blank stare. I see hidden tears I see anger. Who can this be? I reach out with a trembling hand and touch the water, I grab my mouth as horror tries to escape, I see my reflection change. I want this image to go away! I want to change what i see! I want to run from it but I can't. What once was kindness turns to be twisted. What once was a sparkle is now coldness. What once was happiness is now deep sadness. What once was laughter is n
Reflections On Life
We are all here on this earth for a purpose…most of us are unaware of what it is. I have been very reflective lately…thinking about life in general. Not a bad thing to do…opens your eyes a bit about yourself…and sometimes about others. We are all basically the same, we all bleed red blood…but some of us feel the pain too. If you go through life just bleeding, you lose out on so much of what life has to offer. The pain lets you open your heart, offer compassion, love, hope, provide strength, help. At times it sets the tone of things. Dwelling on pain or hurt can be destructive, so don’t linger there…just learn. Open up your heart and let it be a source of good things too. I have met so many different people in my life…and each one has affected my life in a different way. The combination of my environment, my values, morals, contacts, jobs, relatives, friends, genetics, and attitude have all contributed to who I am today…and I like who I am. I am not perfect, but I am who I am. I like
Reflections On Lovers
Reflections on Lovers ________________________________________ Here's to lovers from way back then, And to the ones who might have been, Had I only known of the joys, Of sleeping with those pretty boys. For those whose names I can't recall, From nights too blurred with alcohol. Aand those who are in my heart, Whose love will never, ever part. The good times, bad times, and in-between, For those who left their mark at the scene. The days are gone when I'd wonder why, Or who or when I'd meet the next guy. I'm married now and settled down, Moved away to a brand new town. Yet the past is gone but not forgot, About all the things that I was taught. How to love and please a man, And do all the things that I can. So I'll say once again, I hope you can hear it, my friend. Here's to lovers from way back then, And to all of those who might have been. ________________________________________ Written in the wee hours of July 13, 1998
"Art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take risks."~Mark Rothko
He that can't endure the bad will not live to see the good. ~Yiddish Proverb My father said there are two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better
You may be whatever you resolve to be. Determine to be something in the world, and you will be something. "I cannot," never accomplished anything; "I will try," has wrought wonders. -J. Hawes There is no impossibility to him who stands prepared to conquer every hazard. The fearful are the failing. -Sarah J. Hale Either I will find a way, or I will make one. -Sir P. Sidney
"The hardest work is to go idle"~Jewish Proverb "Always do what you wish you could" "You laugh because I'm different - I laugh because you're all the same!"
When people say: she's got everything, I've only one answer: I haven't had tommorrow. ~Elizabeth Taylor Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him no good.~Ann Landers
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do. ~Edward Everett Hale Life is too short to be little. ~Disraeli
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.~Robert Frost There is one social skill that can serve as your strongest asset in a job interview. In private life, it makes people fall in love with you and seek you for purposes ranging from honored dinner guest to spouse; and in business, it helps more than any other single qualification, with the possible exception of being the owner's eldest child. That is enthusiasm. A look of vitality and happiness, an interest in the world and an eagerness to participate in life, is what is called charm in the social milieu; but in the working world is called competence.~Judith Martin
In case you ever run out of gift ideas, here's a little tip: give me your laugh. Whether it's mischievous, tender, loud, or quiet, simply give me a laugh from your heart. Your laughter brings me never-ending joy. ~Helmut Walch There is an innocence in admiration; it is found in those to whom it has never yet occurred that they, too, might be admired some day. ~Nietzsche Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.~unknown
Who is that girl I see, her ice cold stare penetrating me. I swear she’s dead, her color’s drained, her cuts were always unconstrained. Her bloody eyes are deep dark red, a place that most always fear to tread. Her face has lost all expression; I swear the Devil has her under his possession. Her skin is pale, a creamy white, her soul is scarred with contrite. Her heart is gone, she always seems so withdrawn. Haunting thoughts race through her head, Ghosts revealing what she’s left unsaid. For now she’s gone, but she’ll be back, looking for a tiny crack. Within your soul, inside your heart, a place that she will never part. She’s there with you in your blood, you always considered her such a dud. But you see, that girl looking back at me .... My own reflection is what I see
Reflections On Winter Solstice
I was running late, and getting irritated with circumstances that were beyond my control. I knew that I was expected much earlier, I had a very important date with a man and a fire. It was worth the wait by the time I got there as the fire was going strong with the coals singing and crackling. On this night I didn't come there to be social with a big group of people, it wasn't my purpose. Sitting semi silently with Owl and Ferret under the stars was the best pre Christmas gift ever. I knew that was what I was supposed to be doing. When we all got back to the Wolfden.. I was saying goodbye to Owl, and I thanked him for keeping his promise and building that fire for me. This morning I breathe deeply and notice my hair still smells of the fire's smoke. I again think of my wonderful friend and the fire he tended for me until I could see him......I'm still smiling.
Reflections On....................
well that's it - another year gone i must be getting old i used to just go 'yep, bye old year - bring on the new !' and wake up in some state or other now i find myself reflecting on this past year and its a strange feeling i'm not used to it 2006 was certainly jam packed some things were not so good i caused some people some pain i took some hits myself (hey - we've all been there i'm sure) some things were real good simplest but possibly biggest highlight seeing TOOL play live for the first time ever i hadn't been to a gig in years a couple of mates dragged me out and i was absolutely blown away !! the best gig i have been to in years and definitely ranks in my top 5 ever (which takes some doing) how something so simple can have such a positive impact is scary the gig totally re-affirmed my love with live concerts and i am definitely getting off my butt to get out there more what else have i learnt ??? my capacity for recovery no longe
Reflections In The Mirror
She sits me in front of the mirror, and does my hair; we do this every day. She runs a comb through my hair, she talks to me; this is what she has to say: You're cold, like stone. Not warm and loving. You're not strong, you're weak. You bring nothing but shame to this family. You're not pretty, you're ugly; You're never happy, you're always sad, Why would God give a child like you to me? Sit still! Don't wiggle in your seat! Sit up straight, look at me when I speak; Do you understand me? As the tears fall down my cheek, I lift my head to look at my Mother when she speaks, I'm only what you've made me, Mother. Look into the mirror and see. My eyes meet the mirror and find no difference between the two reflections I see. Then I look more closely, the reflection whose eyes are alive is me.
Reflections And Revelations~ A Dedication
Reflections and Revelations One day, the memory fades…something is wrong… You look up and see people, but not sure of who they are. A reflection in the mirror looks like a picture that came to life. How can that be? Who is that woman? When did her hair turn white? Who are you? My mind doesn't remember, but my eyes see something familiar. I want to go home! But where is it? I linger in the past, it is my comfort zone. Maybe later I will remember now. Tomorrow is meaningless, for in a short time, I won't remember it. All I have is now, here, but just for the moment. Don't ask me questions, I don't have the answers you want. I'm sorry I don't remember that I just told you that, Or that I need to be somewhere else. Forgive me if I embarrass you, but I want to communicate in the way I know how. Don't laugh at me. Don't make me cry. I don't know what to think, or even how. One day, you will look into my eyes, and not find me.
Reflections When you start to question who you are and what you believe some things that used to seem important fall by the wayside as you find them not as important as you once did. I have been finding myself more and more drawn to be open to new experiences.....but I think I am recognizing that some of the limits I've put upon myself are limits that I want or need. I used to wonder if I did or didn't do some things just because that was what was expected of me. Was I a good mom because of what other people thought? I sometimes saw my mother choose to react a certain way towards me when people were watching, but react totally differently when no one was around. This happened as an adult. I don't remember if she did this when I was a child. In fact, I sincerely doubt that she's even aware that she has done it. But I questioned whether I have done this. Thinking back, I am sure that I have. For instance, I used to spank my kids....but I hardly ever did this in public. If they a
Reflecting On Past
That first time was lost a little in a daze. The first day in a mist of post-alcoholic and lust-filled bliss. I can't recall it. Did I dream when we woke in the night and made love again? Almost without speaking, we just fell into one another's arms and took ourselves somewhere else, knowing through instinct that this is what the other needed? The morning of our last day, those last few hours. That is what brings me so much pleasure now. the first touches, the first time I slipped my hand into your clothes, the first time I put my lips to your niple and tasted the firmness building. When we kissed and the shiver of your body beneath me. That was amazing but - a haze. It was more the dream coming true. So fast, so desperate, and so beautiful - but yet, because it was such things, it did not seem quite real. The reality came when we woke together, and it occured to me that I was finally with you in the bed, finally able to hold you, to lie thigh to thigh, breast to breast, lip to lip.
Reflection Or Rejection
Romans 4:5 However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. Justification is God’s act whereby He declares those who have trusted in Christ to be as righteous as His Son is righteous. Salvation is not based on our works. Do you know what God sees when He looks at me today? He sees Jesus Christ. Perry that’s arrogant. No, it’s not. It’s the Bible. I am in Christ and therefore God doesn't look at my sins. Friends, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Chr
There she is smiling She looked exactly like me My carbon copy Natural dark hair Slender skinned with sharp features Everyday she walks around with a fake smile She lived like this for quite a while She carefully created a clever mask of illusion She wears to hide her pain and confusion You can't see behind her eyes What really lies beneath it all You don't know when she crys Or when she is afraid You can't see the real her Because she trys to hide her face She hides in her corner and in the rain And cries her eyes out so no one sees her pain But I can see the fears that she trys to hide I can see the scars inside of her She was alone she was afraid She can’t try anymore to bandage her wounds There are too many As I stand here and watch her I feel this emptiness inside her soul Standing in her own pair of shoes Being wary of things she choose It’s like an endless fight She has more losses than wins The road she has travelled Bridges she has crossed She
Reflexology, is a term for working on the feet.. or working the "energy" lines in the foot.. with I have to admit I do have a fedish for I well say one thing my wife well have sexy feet... Besides i enjoy work'n the feet the most when giving a massage.. And yes I'm a cerified Reflexology
Reflections On The Battle
When all has fallen away. The illumation on the water starts to gather. For the clouds are coming in. Another storm has come. But this time there is something in it. An entity a being that you must face. No more time for training. The battle beings here and now. With only yourself and your wit. Must you face this opponent. Inside you shake as you feel your walls falling. Your legs start to shake as you see the incoming ordeal. The power truly resides inside you. Believe and see ahead what is coming. Look beyond what is happening and see the defeat your the enemy. And what is that enemy in the cloud. It is your inner self. That place you for today and just today. May it be that customer you can't deal with. Or a family member that won't listen. And friends that just need a hand. Remember every day is a battle. A real battle inside on what and who are to become. Some may say nothing is black or white. But deep inside you make the choices in
A Reflection......
You walk in the room, suddenly i feel my heart beat harder than a drum roll, i look at you and see my future in your eyes, a reflection of you me and them, 1 day away from you is like a year after the creator called you home, time seems to come to a halt when i am around you, my heart aches when i know that i have hurt you, my soul soars when i make you smile, suddenly my life have so much more meaning, i feel you in everything i do, the whisper of my name across your lips, the taste of your love still on my tongue, i wake with thoughts of you next to me, only to to slapped into reality that your not there, just the view of your skin sends thrills thru out my body, i fear you and want you all in the same breath, you make me strong when i dont want, you weaken me when i want to be strong, you show me that a 4 letter word is still worth sayin, doin and trustin, you freed my wintery heart, and yet caged my soul in your hands, i wish only to share one starry night al
I sat down the other day and started reflecting back upon my life and for the first time I wondered what if What if things had only turned out different and all my dreams come true. Where would I be now? would I have the mansion I always dreamed about Be retiring from the Major Leagues Would my father still be here with me Guiding me on my path Everything would be different But would I be happy The more I thought the more it hit me Everything that I have been through has made me the man I am today Losing my father made me grow up and become a man and I learned to cherish everyday as if it were my last. If things had worked out I would have never met my first wife who gave me the biggest blessings of my life and though one was taken away so young she sits on my shoulder as my Guardian Angel to help me everyday. I would have never met my soulmate who loves me for who I am and her children that I love as my own more blessing I would have lost ou
Humans stare into mirrors adjusting themselves until they are just right. How bizarre is this custom. A hair out of place a shirt wrinkled. They dress as if they could hide who they are. The mirror tells them how they are seen but not how they are viewed. What defines that is how they reflect off of others. An example.....Mother Teresa never thought of herself as a “good person” When she became sick a few years before her death and got better her quote was “God doesn’t want me yet I have more feet to taste.” She never viewed her self as a good person but she knew she was a good person through the reflection off of those who she helped. Humans come up with labels to describe themselves. Fast prepackaged phrases when it is only others who can accurately describe them. It’s a fascinating custom, looking into the mirror.
Reflection By Jah Cure
"We should consider every day lost in which we have not danced at least once."~ Nietzsche
TV is chewing gum for the eyes.~Frank Lloyd Wright For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.~T.S. Eliot, "Little Gidding" What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our eyes! ~Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package.~John Ruskin An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information you get.~Wm Feather
As one knows the poet by his fine music, so one can recognise the liar by his rich rhythmic utterance, and in neither case will the casual inspiration of the moment suffice. Here, as elsewhere, practice must precede perfection. ~Oscar Wilde
"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time"~T.S. Elliot
"...Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give...or more often than not,the part we have to not wanted. And so it is those we live with and should know who elude us...but we can still love them. We can love completely...without complete understanding." ~ Norman, A River Runs Through It
On the other side Of the mirror The girl is me How come sorrow Is all I see? I see these eyes Of mine I’m falling deeper Into myself I see all the mistakes Written in my face All the hurt Chiseled in my soul I see the pain Reflected in my eyes In the mirror I see me I see who I Really am My truest self The girl who never Talks The one who keeps All my secrets So haunting her stare All I see is a reflection Of my past Warnings for tomorrow I stare into the mirror And on the other side All I see is me
You were the light whisping my ear. The rays that overpowered me and held me breathless waiting, anticipating the next flighty move. I was the one who the held answers. Or so I thought. I was blind, really just a fool believing my own fears. I wanted too much, held too much too tightly. I know you thought I was silly for spreading my arms against the wind, thinking I was completely invincible. Which I was…I flew with the birds you heard every morning, and raced against the sound of time. I broke through hell and touched heaven’s golden gates. But when I turned over to touch your face I felt nothing. I grasped desperately at the covers that weren’t covering me. Instead a cool breeze left tingles across my body. It was so beautiful, if not heartfelt. Had I dreamt your breathe against my cheek whispering be strong…. Or were those words my own…something within preparing for the break. Living within my own twisted fate, its irony of life leaves me full of unwanted questions to ask someone
When you look into a mirror, You do not see your reflection; Your reflection sees you.
Reflections... Words once written On paper browned with time, A mirror to the soul ... A tireless spirit ... Echoing a past forgotten, Hidden deep within ... A door closed, now opened An overflowing dam of thoughts, of feelings ... Words, phrases A living entity ... Proof of one's existence, In a world of unexplained mysteries ...
As I received the word today, I felt as if standing there alone, My heart began to hurt, And the tears began to flow, I felt as if surrounded by a wall, In which I wouldn’t be able to tear down, Then I felt his hands of guidance, Telling me to look amongst the crowd, As I asked for his guidance and mercy, My eyes then, scanned the crowd, The overwhelming sense of love, Is what I have yet, to be found, In listening to his divine word, And receiving his message at hand, As if directed right at me, I was afraid again to stand, I thought about some trials, That I have yet to bring to a close, Through prayer, faith and guidance, Its as if my heart, God has chose, To see where I am going wrong, And to not allow all the evil deceptions, To bring my life to him, And begin my positive reflections, Digest that!!! Written by : Azalia
Mirrored images... reflections on the wall. Time with all it's wisdom... changes not our lives. Silhouettes of pain... flash before our eyes. Days of time gone by... things that went awry. Reflections... on the wall... mirrored images... Reflections of life.
Awaking today my mind felt buzzed. A voice in the back of my head. I heard the words I will be okay. No longer inside do I feel dead. Things have changed in a matter of time. My life begins to make sense. No longer are days wasted away. Instead Im thoughtful in every sense. I take the past and make it clear. I reflect on whats been done. So much is different like yesterday. I dont feel the need to run. I stand my ground and hold on tight. A chance I give on life. In the end I know whats best. Because of the past I now live right.
Brilliant sunshine streamed into the master bedroom, between the cream coloured curtains, that were swaying gently in the morning breeze. Following the warmth of the sun was a slight trickle of cold air, which seemed to dance across the exposed areas of the two companions sleeping soundly. Slowly their bodies reacted to the change in temperature, from the musky heat of the night, to the fresh morning breeze, and their bodies became entwined, sharing their natural warmth. Nestling her head into the curved shoulder of her lover, Sarah slowly reached up and rubbed her eyes, before resting her gaze on James. "Good Morning sexy" she whispered, not wanting to wake him yet. James had recently begun work as a solicitor in a law firm in the city, and at present was working almost 16 hour days, and she had been busy organising a wedding for the last year, so they hadn't spent much time together. "You look so beautiful" she murmured, as her slender hand stroked the dark brown locks of his hair
Reflections 1- Please Show Some Support To My Friend. It's His 1st Single. Thanks
Reflections On The Road
Reflections on The Road Reflections on the road ahead, just dangerous distractions. Reminders of where I fear to tread and opposite reactions. Consequences yet to arise from actions not yet taken, come to pass before my eyes. Nightmares from which I can't awaken.
Often consumed by wonder of what's right and what's wrong. What's black or grey or maybe even white. Who are you?and why are you here? Where did you come from? Oh yeah. I know you. Your my old familiar friend. How have you been? Fuck that! Didn't you fuck me over? Really? That wasn't because of you? Don't lie fucker! Ok let's go! Hey wait a minute this isn't the way!fuck yes it is. I know exactly where we are headed. Damn! How did I get here again? Why do I always end up here? Shut who am I kiddin I know why! Fucking mirrors!!!
Reflections in a Mirror, Like Whispers in the Wind, Surround Us, See Yourself, Hear Yourself, Trapped in time Reflections, Mirrors of Your Soul, Be Strong, Stand your Ground, Soon The Battle You Will Win.
Reflections Of A Soldiers Hell !
as these walls are caving in i find it hard to breathe again vivid pictures in my mind another place, another time the visions that keep haunting me of the lives they took from me look for a reason to this rhyme to find the man i was inside send me out so young and bold although i feel scared and cold i sleep with my eyes open wide thinking i am next to die wake in the morning , lack of sleep to the slaughter, lambs we will be from behind , they ambush us my friends commended to the dust the war is over , going home things have changed since i've been gone for the life i've offered up in return i get no love the people shut their doors on me a wounded soldier , not a disease the dues i paid nearly killed me think of that as i sleep in this street! this is dedicated to the Veitnam War Veterans! ask one of these guys what this poem means, they will tell you! and our own country did this to them! shame on us! Jack Pardue 4/5/2007 copyright 20
A Reflection On Staying Single.
Sometimes I wonder how it has come to be that with all of my friends dating each other and breaking up and dating other friends, how is it that I'm the only one who remains constantly single? I honestly can't figure it out. I don't know, maybe I'll go into seclusion and live off the land. That way, it seems like I chose to stay single, not the other way around. Until next time, remember kids: When you download mp3s, you're downloading download some more!
Breathtaking Emo Pictures ReflectionTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Reflections Of A Pointless Life
Today I shall ramble on about the reflections of my pointless life. Let's take a moment to fully understand the word "reflections". The word reflections, as described by the Wiccan Encyclopedia of Encantations, is "the mere thought or memory of ones self". No other explanation is needed. When I look back on my life up to this point, I am amazed that I am even here to say these things. While like most, I have skeletons in my own closet amidst things that I wish were done differently, I can't help but think my life would have turned out the same exact way. This is a sad note contrary to the belief that every action we make will ultimately decide our future. I found myself today wondering about my own future. And as I have thought about it from time to time, it was all put into perspective this morning whilst talking to my friend. He made a few comments about his own life and the possible directions it was headed, and I recalled past conversations where I had advised "what I would
"reflections Of A Parent"
I gave you life, but cannot live it for you. I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you. I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe. I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot always decide for you. I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I cannot make you beautiful inside. I can offer you advice, but I cannot accept it for you. I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you. I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish. I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor. I can advise you about friends, but cannot choose them for you. I can advise you about sex, but I cannot keep you pure. I can tell you about alcohol & drugs, but I can't say "No" for you. I can tell you about lofty goals, but I can't achieve them for you. I can teach you about kindness, but I can't force you to be gracious. I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God. I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you ete
Reflecting On Ct....after Being Here A Bit...
being invited to join CT by a dear friend from elsewhere, i had a natural curiosity for what it entailed....there are so many different 'social' communities out there, that each one needs to compete with the others in order to lure/attract members. obviously there are people who are members of a number of communities, myself included; yet there exists a need to stand apart from the others sufficiently so that memberships grow and thrive. to be honest-my initial week or two made me rather dubious, as to whether i do belong to a community that prefaces interests that don't coincide with mine....and that doesn't imply anything other than people have different tastes and pleasures, etc... one person's poison, another person's pudding, et al. slowly though, there has been a perception on my part, of people who both share, and embrace much of what i value and hold true on this earth. it began with the meeting of a most incredible of individuals in my life-words do not say enough. from th
I don't like who i am I don't like what i've grown up to be. When i look in the mirror I hate everything i see. I hate the bruise thats surrounds my eye. I hate what it represents I hate the scars that scar me and why? Because i hate myself Its clear to see. I hate what i've grown up to be. I can see the emptyness that fullfills me inside. I can see the lonelyness I can see it in my eyes. When i look in the mirror I hate everything i see. When i look in the mirror. I wish the reflection wasn't me.
I was a shadow on the wall You used to trace me I was a chalk outline to be painted by number solid grey with an aftertaste of black I was the reflection but only after the mirror had shattered I was the blade to cut You said my name backwards because it seemed to fit what was I after all but the one behind I followed in your footsteps until we sank in the sand and when you could not breath I gave you my life
Reflections On Relationships
Instead of writing about my day as I usually do when I am not writing Poems. I thought I'd just write straight about how I feel about things in general. I'll try not to get too emo on everything. I've had my fair share of downsliding on friendship, actually just relationships in general. Be it platonic or not. I've attempted to have friends on a platonic level. They have resulted in too much as usual. They usual get so intense they turn into something i don't want. Or they start off good and work backwards. I'm still hoping for the best no matter what. I take advice from a good friend of mine. She tells me that I am cool. The reasoning is that no matter how fucked up people treat me, ignore me, act like they are busy when they are on here 24/7... I still matter to stay the type of person I am. Which makes me happy... i don't see myself as the type of person who changes much. The only extreme change that happened in me was from my first real sexual relationship.
Been doing some thinking....Trying to figure this world out. As a mom I have to step back and wonder what kind of world my children will be living in. Lord knows I try not to think about the world my grandchildren will live in. There was a time not so long ago that it was safe to say hello to the guy you passed on the street. We used to live in a world where neighbors knew each other. Where people actually cared about the important stuff. I am afraid for our future, the future of my children..... I fear the society that we face ahead. What kind of society are we living in? What does it say about us when we allow so much hatred to breed and grow around us never stepping up to make a difference? There will be more added to this over time just having my coffee and doing some reflecting....
Each time I see the upside down man Standing in the water, I look at him and start to laugh, Although I should't oughtter, For maybe in another world, Another time, Another town, Maybe HE is right side up And I am upside down..... Shel.S
I Studied Psychology and Law and Language in School..I Love Change..Change has a Considerable Psychological Impact on the Human Mind. To the fearful it is Threatening because it Means that Things May Get Worse. To the Hopeful it is Encouraging because Things May get Better. To the Confident it is Inspiring because the Challenge Exists to Make Things Better. Real, constructive mental power lies in the creative thought that shapes your destiny, and your hour-by-hour mental conduct produces power for change in your life. Develop a train of thought on which to ride. The nobility of your life as well as your happiness depends upon the direction in which that train of thought is going. Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they chang
She looks up.. Staring back at her... is her reflection. What she sees.. She doesn't like.. She cannot change it.. But that doesnt stop her. The glint off the metal.. Is bright.. Like a star.. She picks it up.. It's cool.. to hold.. it's sharp.. to the touch. Her skin in soft.. The purest.. Of whites.. Its delicate.. like silk.. She puts two.. and two together. The white of her skin.. is suddenly disturbed.. A single red line.. Like the single star.. In the new night sky.. One drop falls. Piercing pain.. It sears.. and it burns.. Her hand drops.. And so does she.. The line.. meets a friend.. The only one she'll ever know. A gush falls.. from the line.. Down her arm.. The pain subsides.. As she presses down.. With her other hand.. It stops.. and so does she. Her anger gone.. FLoating away. Amongst the stars.. As she clears up the room.. And hides.. The evidence. written for a friend
A Reflection In Time
A reflection in time Day After dayEndless,is the search learning a little more about who we are.That,which dwells within.Pondering,at what we try to keep cypress.Look!!!hard in the mirror.At that,which you cast out.This dismayed by lore.knowing,that what's enbedded in ones heart.Who is it,you see?Or,what may it be?Look deep within,your secret place.Tell me ,what you hold in sight?To that what makes you shine?Or,did you lose it?In a thought,or on your path?The one,you took this time.Don't forget,who you are.And where it is your roots lie.Cause the ones who truly love youWill be at your side.Wrong or right!its all grey to you ,now theystand before you,in waiting for youto see the light.Love is true.allways giving.And will allways stand by you.To,let you choose.But in the view,that’s been casted.We see there is a part of you,that’s Lost.In those moments,of so called Lovewhat is it's cost?Cause there is one!To lose a little part of who you are or could be.Look at the canvass!Painting you
Sitting here with my window wide open, the warm breeze on my face i watch the world go by...just like i used to when i was a kid. There were times in my life where i loved it as a Kid, letting my imagination run wild..doing the things like a child should do...but there were times when i was a child... there are memories that i do not want to relive...its all in the past now i know...but there are days where you sit, think and relfect on your is my day of doing that. It occured to me how far ive come in life and the things ive been through. In life there are many things ive lost, many times that i have been hurt one way or another, many things ive gained, there are many things i have learnt too. In my life so far, i have been beatened, kicked, bruised, thrown, bashed, torn into a thousand pieces..sewn back again and ripped apart. You think physically? Mentally. It hurts very much when being thought about. So far in my life, the two most hurtful thing i have been thr
ReflectionHochgeladen von capnia
Reflecting On 15 Years Of Military Service
On 5 May 2007, I will have been in the US Army for 15 years. Even though that doesn't sound like a long time, a lot has happened in that time-frame! To begin with, George Bush was president of the US when I started...and now...George W. Bush! (OK, bad example...who knew???) Still, I had two terms of Bill Clinton in between, so things can be different. On the day I boarded the plane for Basic Training, the No. 1 song was "Jump" by Kris it's "Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon5. Glam metal was still pretty strong, but Nirvana was taking over with Nevermind...hello, Grunge! People outside of Seattle didn't even know who Eddie Vedder was! Back then, VHS was established as THE video medium...has ANYONE bought a VHS tape in the last 6 years??? In case you're trying to remember, the most popular flick in 1992 was "Aladdin" followed by "The Bodyguard" (crap, I actually saw that in the theater that year!). In the world of television, Johnny Carson retired; he was replaced by Jay Le
The Reflex
In the midnight moon the shadows reveal your face Amongst the darkness and turmoil I see only your grace When the light of day comes I know It will end Once again I’ll say goodbye to my greatest friend She glows with the wisdom of all the earth Oceans and mountains couldn’t compare worth. If she only knew how she shines to me To see what only I can see Across the depths of hell I’d go Just for one minute within your soul To be there in that moment Every breath is another towards the end Another moment without my friend Once again the moon comes out My chance to see what I’m about To get to sleep to see your face A face that noone can replace But soon the light of day will come I’ll step out once again alone But on my mind my friend will be On my mind for eternity
Dawn had lived in fear now for a year. No one believed her. Know one seemed to care. She told people...friends, family, even the shrink that they made her see. It was always the same. They looked at her with those eyes that said..."Sure dear" "What ever you say" So the terror went on. Maybe, she thought, terror was not the right word. At times, she actually enjoyed it. She had orgasms during the experiences. Mild sometimes, other times, she had cum so hard she was left shaking for hours. But to know what was really happening, you have to hear her story..... It started one hot summer day. Dawn was alone in the house, having just come inside form being out for a couple of hours yard work. She was hot, tired, and badly needed to cool off. A shower would do the trick. As she undressed in her bed room, she looked at herself in the full length mirror. She had a very nice body, supple, firm breasts, and a very nice curve to her hips. Her ass was one to catch the attention of men. She had
Recently I went through a dark period in my life. It felt like I was in a black hole that i couldn't get out of. Hardly anyone if anyone knew what I was going through. I felt like I was screaming at the top of my lungs but no one could hear me. Part of that was my fault, I have always been taught that everyone has problems so just deal with it. I have always struggled with leaning on the people that loved and cared for me. I mean there are tons of people that lean on me and I love being there for everyone. I'll give a perfect stranger the shirt off my back if he needed it. Since coming out of the darkness I have learned that I need to share myself more with the people who wanna know how I'm doing. In the past I only told people how I was if they asked and even then I ddin't tell them much. Doing things that way cause me to lose an angel that now I have to spend a lifetime trying to get back. So if you are close ot me (you know who you are if you are close to me) and you have expressed
"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." ~Salvador Dali
"Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it." ~Robert A. Heinlein "Men spend their lives in anticipations, in determining to be vastly happy at some period or other when they have time. But the present time has one advantage over every other: it is our own. Past opportunities are gone, future have not come. We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer the tasting of them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age!" ~Charles Caleb Colton
Let's go and get drunk on light again–it has the power to console. ~ Seurat What is the most precious, the most exciting smell awaiting you in the house when you return to it after a dozen years or so? The smell of roses, you think? No, mouldering books. ~ Andre Sinyavsky Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.~ Dr. Seuss
"A foolish act done over again will not improve things."~ West African proverb "Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness but signs of strength." ~ Kahlil Gibran "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice." ~ William Jennings Bryan
'Cause when push comes to shove you taste what you're made of You might bend, till you break cause its all you can take On your knees you look up decide you've had enough You get mad you get strong wipe your hands shake it off Then you Stand'
"We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over." ~Ambrose Bierce "It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish." ~Aeschylus "Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve." ~Coco Chanel "Ugliness is in a way superior to beauty because it lasts." ~Serge Gainsbourg
Give me a place to stand and I shall move the world ~ Archimedes
Well, another Mother's Day has come and gone. I am reminded I have been a mom for 8-1/2 years now and it's so wild. I am 35 years old and have 2 boys both under the age of 9. Talk about a trip. I look at them and wonder how did I get so lucky to have 2 boys love me the way they do. I hope it's because I want to instill the right values in them. I get so mad when their sperm donor doesn't make them respect people the way they should when he has them. I believe in YES MA'AM/SIR NO MA'AM/SIR...AUNT/UNCLE so and so. He don't make them do that when he has them. I just hope while he has them this summer he won't destroy all that I have been working hard to teach them. As you can tell I have always been the one to instill the values, love, and care onto them. He wants to BUY them not love them. Good thing the boys have a wonderful step-father that love them and believes the same things I do and wants to help raise the loves of my life will love honor and respect.
It's not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me.
Reflection Of Love
I looked in the mirror But I failed to see A reflection of myself For you have all of me And all of me Needs all of you To make my dreams come true And if I don't get to see you soon I don't know what I'll do For love struck like lightning But it only took one flash To let me know I love you And forever it will last So while the stars I have wished upon Witness from above You'll see a face Beside your own Reflecting all my love.
Reflections Of My Life!!
My life in whole hasn't been the greatest. With that said I have no regrets really. I have a great life know, When I was younger all I dreamed of was having the perfect life and being happy. In the begining it was I married a guy had kids and everything was great until my husband cheated on me and in many ways become very abusive towards me. I have since divorced him and i am in the procces of moving on.I owe my family a great big thank you!! If it wasn't for them standing by me I don't know where I would be at this point in my life. My mother and Father have always told me there is nothing I can't accomplish and because of them I am the person I am today, and I thank them. But in reflecting on my life there has always been that one constant person in my life who has been my rock and that person is my little sister Jennifer who is 5 yrs younger than me. She has been there for me through all my up's and down's and always helped me pick up the pieces.The greatest gift to happen to me out
Reflections Of An Intoxicated Sunday Night
It's sad how carefully I have to word my blogs, now, but... here we go. June 3 didn't go well, to say the least. In fact, the entire weekend left a lot to be desired, but June 3 was the biggie. It opened with my getting up sometime in the afternoon, after having slept from the moment I got home from work Saturday afternoon until then. Somehow, my body took back nearly 17 hours of sleep and chose then to do it, dashing my hopes for Saturday night activity. I finally got a full view of how irritable I get when I mix insomnia, loneliness, and alcohol. After taking myself to D&B Sunday evening, I came back two Walk The Planks later, already tipsy. This is when I got online and ran into the girl I'd been pursuing for some time. After having not spoken to me in three weeks, she finally officially put me in the "friend" zone. In order to not take it out on her, I did what it looks like is habit: I took the anger and let it amplify how aggravated I was to CT's petty annoyances. A
As I sit here by the river, I wonder of what is in store for me. I am a shadow for a reason, I see things I sometimes wish I hadn't know and then I see things that does me harm. Sometimes, I wonder of the gift that was placed before me, for I wonder..."Do they have the right person?" Not saying I don't accept the gift, I wonder if it was given to the right person. I often gaze into this river to see memories I placed away for a reason. Not saying all are bad or good. Just placed away for I'm trying to put back some shattered pieces of my mirror of who I am as a person A person that stays hidden away for a reason.I'm not sure of who I am as a person. Not sure of what is in stored at times for when I do try my best, it causes some chaos that takes me a bit longer to deal with. Makes me not want to gather those pieces of the mirror for I think no one would understand the whole view of me. No one would be there to help me pick up some pieces as I go. As I look up from the river
What do you see when you look at me? Do you see my smiles? Do you see the laughter? Do you see all the happiness? Or do you see past the front to what really lies beneath? Do you see the walls I put up to keep them out? Do you see all the tears that stained my face? Do you see the fears that I try to hide? Do you see the scars inside of me? Those scars that wont let me free Those scars that run deep inside Those scars that mar my very soul Those scars I try so hard to hide So do you see the truth in me or just the truth I want you to see?
Reflections On The Pursuit Of Happiness
Reflections on the pursuit of happiness With everything that has happened to me as of late, not to mention the passing of my Daddy, recently I've really been taking some time to reflect on some of the things that he shared with me about life. I used to sit on Daddy's lap and he would tell me that I was so smart that I could be anything in this world that I wanted to be. I just had to decide what I truly loved and was passionate about. He told me for years to do what I wanted to do and not let anyone tell you any different because that is what happened with him and Grandpa at the bakery. He wanted so much more for his life and the bakery was not what he wanted. He used to tell me, "Kristina you are something special. I've never had control over your life. Your life is in God's hands and he's looking over you. He has a specific purpose for you and you have to seek it. You are one of God's chosen." I used to sit and think, Gee thanks Dad...No pressure! Bu
Reflecting/poem/ In A Bad Mood
LOST Sometimes I cannot help but to remember what I ‘ve lost. There is no music playing as I examine the cost. So many things await me. Sins I will one day answer for. My soul is mostly black & yet I sold it like a whore. I did not do it because I was in a dire need. I walk my own path . In the End it’s me who will bleed. I have so many choices; Y et my hands seem bound. Somewhere on this road I’ve become lost. I need to be found. My choices seem reckless. Bordering [to you ] almost insane. I died a long time ago, darlin’ . You see the shell that remains. Like a lost treasure I am hard to find…So true. I walk through Hell in my travels. All ask is……Will you?
The surest way to gain the confidence of others is by the consistent display of good character.
Reflections In the sparkle of the waves I can see In the depths of darkened caves reflections of me In the breeze on a warm summers day I can see Under the clouds of blocked sun rays reflections of me In the care of a mothers charms I can see In the cruelty of streets of arms reflections of me In the laughter of children at play I can see In the cries of lonely dismay reflections of me In the depth of a lovers art I can see In the revenge of an enemy's heart reflections of me Yes I can see reflections of me Nikki Lozier 2-17-05
Reflections Of You…
Reflections of You… As I close my eyes, emotion sighs, and breathes upon my soul. And thoughts of you come flooding in and my mind begins to roll. It takes me back five years or so, to the day when we first met. I had no idea that you’d be my bride, and you’d love me with no regret. I see it all, this love we’ve shared, through the good times and the bad, And I realize as I’m pondering there, you’re much more pure love than ere I’ve had. As our love unfolds before my minds eye I can see how much it’s grown, And I realize that I love you now so much more than I had ever known. Your smile, your eyes, your gentle touch; still play upon my senses. The lovely fragrance lingering on your hair, your sultry soft voice renders me defenseless. I am overwhelmed by this love I see from so marvelous a wife. And I count myself blessed beyond belief that you’ve chosen, with me to share your life. Still the scene unfolds and I’m held in sway as emotions flow just beneath the surface.
Reflections On Ny
I'm sitting here not knowing what I want to say, yet the need to say anything at all is so overwhelming that I feel I may read this at the end and I'll have just rambled on having not really said anything at all. Some might argue that that is indeed the whole purpose of a blog...which I guess is fair enough. So I'm not long home from New York where I spent two whole weeks with some of the most amazing people. I actually met a friend who I met on CT over a year ago. It was an instant connection y'know and has been ever since really. Meeting one another only confirmed what she and I both knew; and that's that we're the best of friends and are likely to be till the end of time. Through her I met some wonderful people, who all made me feel so at home and welcome. Her family actually made me feel like one of the clan and the kids needless to say were fantastic. Having forged relationships with her kids on the phone it was nice to be able to become closer to them, seeing them smile at my
Reflect The Storm
REFLECT THE STORM Shot for shot Let the bullet penetrate me It breaks life Tell me stories of gold and gods The precision in your voice Breaks the walls that I built Your eyes reach deep in life Take a chance Better cut much bigger than this A dark star Spend another day with me Get something that doesn't reflect It's dark, what I need I'll take the chance Bring me the calm When there's nothing Expose the dark side Awakened and emotional Expose the dark side Impossible to tame Away from the eye of the storm Away I find what is real in me Throw yourself into the eye of Chaos Infiltrate me Sneak out before I awake Take out the trash and burn it Try to find a beautiful place to lay These fragile bones of mine Away from the eye of the storm Away I find what is real Away from the eye of the storm Away I find what is real in me When there's nothing Expose the dark side Awakened and emotional Expose the d
And it's winter before we know it.... REFLECTIONS You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. And yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all... And I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams... But, here it is..the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise... How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my babies go? And where did my youth go? I remember well... seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that winter was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like... But, here it is...wife retired and she's really getting gray...she moves slower and I see an older woman now. She's in better shape
Reflection Of The Past [a Poem]
As i look at you throw the reflection of our past its still hard to grasp the fact that your not coming back My soul is left with unspoken words the very beat of my heart with unspeakable verbs you left me without even a word I know i did no wrong i tried to make you stay my worst fear as come alive your not by my side I don't cry for the fear of looking weak remember im the strong one i always land on my feet you say your still my friend like you've always been but what make me believe you wont abandon me again how dare you say you still care when your the one that was never there! Don't say you love me becouse its not true, your the one that left me like a bad memory remember our past?
Reflections Of Life
Reflections Of Life Tender is the night we spend in passionate delight, Craving the sensuality of another's warmth. Touching like breathing - sustaining life and desire, Forever embraced, we are consumed by the fire. Our bonding in love is unlike the vice of lust. Why do some want without knowing or feeling? For them the joys of love come suddenly, or not at all. Spontaneous obsession becomes an eternal void. Love is neither volatile or immediate. It is earned and cherished like the gift of life. We are challenged to exist in spiritual peace, In a world that frowns its cold face at romanticism. Love, in years to come, will be obsolete. To be replaced by that which is more efficient. Love as a commodity of the future: Mass-marketed, and conveniently packaged. Only $19.99 after manufacturer's mail-in rebate. Do the means justify our end? Is it better to own without feeling Than to love without needing? I want to grow through experience, not material wealth.
The meeting of two people is like the meeting of two chemical substances. If anything happens both are changed.~Jung
Art is an extension of language -- an expression of sensations too subtle for words. ~Robert Henri If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world. ~Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full. I say, are you going to drink that?" ~Lisa Claymen
"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life."~Beethoven
"Reflection" Look at me You may think you see Who I really am But you'll never know me Every day It's as if I play a part Now I see If I wear a mask I can fool the world But I cannot fool my heart Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me? When will my reflection show Who I am inside? I am now In a world where I Have to hide my heart And what I believe in But somehow I will show the world What's inside my heart And be loved for who I am Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection Someone I don't know? Must I pretend that I'm Someone else for all time? When will my reflection show Who I am inside? There's a heart that must be Free to fly That burns with a need to know The reason why Why must we all conceal What we think, how we feel? Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? I won't pretend that I'm Someone else for all time When will my reflection show Who I am inside? When will my reflecti
I think it’s been about four months now. I still feel woozy when I think about how things have turned out for me. I know I should be over it by now, and I am really really trying. I’ve gone on dates with 4 to 5 , been taking every opportunity for social events or new activities, enjoying my friends and my hobbies… I hate that someone else’s decision that I’m not good enough could affect my happiness, my confidence, where I live, the direction of my life… I’ve never before been the kind of person who tied her future to someone else. I know now it’s just not worth the effort to believe what other people promise you. You won’t be disappointed by someone if you don’t trust them.
A Reflection
What is life to be alone, never sharing your expereicnes as it happens with anyone else. No one to truly know how you felt from one day to the next. The pain of losing everytrhing you've ever held close to your heart. Gone in an instant. Silently killing yourself with guilt over any one thing you fault yourself over. To bring up memories of the few times you experienced happiness only to be scarred with bittersweet feelings that ring empty with echoes. Trying hard to move forward, only to be chained by your past. A terrible lonlieness that only you can understand but never explain. Is life really worth this?
Reflections And Premonitions
Don't expect anything from the people, you wanna call your friends Take a look in the mirror and tell me who you really see You're alone in this world darlin' Yeah, your lonely just like me Now you can say I must be crazy in the head But I know I'm not I believe every word I might have said And I miss my friends If thats what you want me to call them... So I guess the sun won't be shinin' down on me today It only rains the tears of lonliness and pain So you know what I do.... I break down... I don't mind If you say I'm just a lover And I don't mind if you say I'm just a friend I don't mind if you say I'm just another I don't mind Cause I know you'll be back again And I don't care what you think And I don't care what you drink I don't care how you get high I don't care and I don't wonder why So Don't shed a tear For youthful bliss And don't be afraid Of your first kiss Do what you want And not what your told Do what you want bab
There are three things that a child can teach an adult: To be happy for no reason; to be always busy doing something; And to know how to demand - with all one’s might - what one wants. ~Paulo Coelho
Reflections On A Dream That Is Over
She sat at her desk, quill in hand... paused over the inkwell for what seemed an eternity as she reached across the abyss of emotions, tried to grasp what she wanted to say in this final epistle. The months of their romance stretched back across time until she could not imagine her life without him. She faced what she could not imagine all the same... She knew he would never understand... but she had to try. One last time. Once more to put paid to all the unending days she faced without him. She would lay all her cards on the table, leave nothing unsaid. This she swore to herself as she girded her soul against the long winter ahead. She wiped away the first unbidden tear as she put pen to paper at last. "My love, The time has come at last for me to accept the truth. You do not love me; you have been fooling yourself all this time, caught up in a lovely fantasy, a dream. Perhaps you wanted it to be true for you as much as it was for me, but it is clear that this s
A different image i see i see somethings out of place. A broken heart has slipped on the other side of the mirror today. Betrayal , Rejection Deceptive affections Failed perceptions of unwise suggestions. The reflection is alone now, with no-one to hold it Bottled up all the pain and kept it sealed up and bolted. Emotion dejection. Distorted projection The only connection is the broken reflection In a crimson flash the image slipped away. And next to an empty screen
Reflecting My Heart
Do you know how badly I want to look into your eyes and see my heart reflected there? Days, weeks, months, and now even years I've waited to heal to be happy to be free from the bleeding of a love that died. For so long I have questioned this thing called love this world we call home this race we call our own. Why can't I see when I look? You want my heart surrendered, Yet you hide the contents of yours behind chained doors There are no windows. You want me to be happy yet you see my pain as your silence leaves her wounds. I want so badly to look into your eyes, to see that when I wake up in the morning, Them eyes will still be there, reflecting my heart.
Looking, then, across the room - her profile (she could not look at me) and the light reflected in a tear-streak down her cheek and following the outline of that godkissed chin - I could not find her, not with all the words I could invent. She was forever gone - only returned in pieces to me - come this night to try to reclaim a time when every touch and every movement between us defied all reason. A hundred years ago, new in my arms, she grew to me, pressed hard to my chest and kissed so real. The time, the time, oh, the time has slipped beyond us - I will never be the man I was all those days and nights (never poet, prince, priest - perhaps I never was). She stands. She walks across the room and to the door - wordlessly, she slips away, again. © All rights reserved
Reflection, Respect And Rememberance
My husband wrote this blog and i am circulating it here. Leave the hating comments at the door cause i don't need em and won't tolerate them. So, Today I write with all seriousness. The following letter will contain no sharp wit, none of my sad attempts at bad humor, or any of the other qualities that make my usual blogs the laughing stock of the literary world. We mark today as the 6th anniversary of the tragedies that befell our country on September 11, 2001. A day which propelled our military forces into a war spanning multiple fronts across the globe. Most of the attention currently is focused on our larger theaters of operation in Iraq and Afghanistan. As time separates us from the emotional impact we felt on that fateful day six years ago, most people have turned from "mourning" to "moving on". Like it or not, September 11th, 2001, has become yet another turning point in the history of our American Experiment. While many Americans alive today never experienced
"reflection Of Realism"
Dedicated to my mother, Mary, for all of her support. Realize your dreams, Recognize your goals And climb straight to the top Because you only have one life to live. Live everyday as if it were your last And make the best of your life .... The best way that you know how. Always respect the love and help of family, Friends and others. For they, in return, will respect you And give you a shoulder to lean on In your times of need, Both good and bad, Through out the rest of your life. For we all need a little help sometimes.
Boys with skinned knees trading baseball cards Girls with ponytails playing jacks in the front yard.Hopscotch squares on the sidewalk beside schoolLearning the locomotion so we could look coolBack when the biggest decision was what to wearAnd the only teasing you did was to your hairWishing on stars throwing caution to the windJumping rope and playing red rover with friendsPlaying kick the can till the street lights came onOr your momma yelled for you to get back home.When roller skates had pom pom’s and four wheelsDouble dares and a pinkie swear sealed the deal.Back when a dollar got you in and some popcornThe holes in your jeans came from being wornSimpler times when we were all young and freeFunny how being grown is what we all wanted to beLooking back I think how lucky we had it thenSometimes it would be nice to be a child again.
Reflection Of Purple Haze
Can someone in all honesty fall in love with someone and know in there heart and in there mind that it will never happen. Can two souls be so alike.. being in total sincronicity with one another ..knowing that just a single kiss could ruin this. Why do complications of the heart always fog the better of ones judgment .. is it the lack or reason or thought .. can love have purpose other then just the common thread that we all see it as .. Why can loving someone have such larger meaning and devotion yet cant. What is truly love.. a thought or a concept of what happiness is. When does happiness become love, just the simple questions one never thinks yet alone asks ..
i look into the mirror and all i see is a relection of you,brings back the memories of what use to be,i can picture your smile in my mind and it reminds me of what you shared with me,now i lay here all alone missin your touch,as i touch my lips i close my eyes and i imagine our first kiss,my heart starts beatin faster just thinkin about it,i remember our walk in the park as you held my hand you looked at me and smiled i felt so happy on that day,i prayed it would never end, as the days turn to nights you had to go,you said you be back but you never did,now i sit here all alone wishin and cryin you come back home,i get on my knees and pray but my prays stay un answered,now im left her all alone with a reflection of what use to be, i wish you never had to go
Reflections Of A Fallen Angel
Reflections of a Fallen Angel . . .   Placed high upon a pedestal And worshiped at the alter of your love Made sacred vows of forever before God and man As you promised me the stars in the heavens above. . .  
A Reflection Upon Three Crosses
A Reflection upon Three “Crosses” September 18, 2007 by Wayne Jackson In the spring of A.D. 30, three men were crucified just outside the city of Jerusalem. A consideration of the historical facts associated with each is rewarding indeed. Crucifixion was probably the most horrible form of capital punishment ever devised by man. The ancient Persians practiced it (ca. 522 B.C.); for example, when Darius, a Persian ruler, conquered Babylon (the second conquest), he had three thousand leading citizens crucified (Herodotus, The Histories 3.159). Later crucifixion became a mode of Greek execution. Following the destruction of Tyre, Alexander the Great crucified two thousand men of military age (Rollin 1857, 526). On occasion, the Jews resorted to crucifixion. In the inter-biblical period, Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 B.C.) crucified eight hundred Pharisees who had been involved in a revolt. The Romans, however, were most noted for the practice. In 71 B.C., following a slave revolt in
The Reflection
so close to me your voice rings true in my eyes i see the reflection of your beautiful face as you close your eyes deeply breathe in the air and smile sweetly at me i know you are my one my forever love my only ever love i know you feel the same as you tousle my hair and hold me in your warm deep embrace as you laugh at my idiosyncrasies and you never make fun when i pretend all day when i never pray you judge me not but praise me well you love me so as i do you so close to me your voice rings true
Hello! I didn't think I'd see you this soon. Although sometimes I've felt as if you'd never get here. But I've always felt sure that we would meet. All the times that I've seen you, On the old slides of my father's. That strapping young man with his face in the wind. Never tired. Never weary. Any scars he carries are still fairly fresh. The weathered look will not be upon him for thirty years. I used to look in my mirror for hours, Searching for that twenty-something man. Hidden somewhere in my face. I never caught more than a glimpse of you, Hiding behind my eyes. . . Until now. In the reflection of my television set, I caught you watching me. You're different than I'd pictured. Your hair is longer and you have a beard. But the gaze is the same. The fascinated way you watch me, When you think I'm not looking. I can tell that you see me in you. Tell me. . . Do you look back at me in the mirror, Spending hours searching for the face you had years ago. . . As I
Reflection Point
(My Weekend As Frosty The Snowman) Looking back on it all, I have to say, That I probably should have tried drugs Now I'm not saying, That drugs are a great lifestyle choice Or anything like that But it would be nice To have people look at me and say "It was the drugs that got him there." Scapegoats are hard to come by Especially when your head isn't lost, In an artificial haze No, there's nothing artificial, about this haze 97% curiosity, 2% stupidity, and 1% luck Should have tried drugs. August
Hello! I didn't think I'd see you this soon. Although sometimes I've felt as if you'd never get here. But I've always felt sure that we would meet. All the times that I've seen you, On the old slides of my father's. That strapping young man with his face in the wind. Never tired. Never weary. Any scars he carries are still fairly fresh. The weathered look will not be upon him for thirty years. I used to look in my mirror for hours, Searching for that twenty-something man. Hidden somewhere in my face. I never caught more than a glimpse of you, Hiding behind my eyes. . . Until now. In the reflection of my television set, I caught you watching me. You're different than I'd pictured. Your hair is longer and you have a beard. But the gaze is the same. The fascinated way you watch me, When you think I'm not looking. I can tell that you see me in you. Tell me. . . Do you look back at me in the mirror, Spending hours searching for the face you had years ago. . . As I
at the edge of the water i stare at my reflection is this who i am supposed to be i cant recognise myself anymore i know who i was and wanted to be but am now just a shell of that person i throw a stone into the water the water ripples and churns as my life has rippled and churned i long for the day when the ripples of my life dissapear and the calmness returns longing for my soul to heal so i can once again be the person i wanted to be and not the person i am...
Reflection On A Different Level *poem*(personal)
Have you ever heard the sound of a heart breaking?Or looked into the face of a soul that was aching?I have in the mirror just the other day.It truly isnt a pleasant sight I must doesn't seem fair,when no one seems to care.Starring into the reflective glass,with tears rolling down my face.I wish silently to grow some wings,to leave this bottomless place..hover and watch myself silently cry in pain...I hear a noise it sounds like glass being shattered,then realize its just my heart,being torn and tattered..I wonder how someone can say they feel the same way,without ever truly seeing..The face a broken person with tears,no longer believes in fate,to see there heart breaking at a record breaking rate..How can you find that soul,and heart healing?..Is there anyone out there that has ever felt that feeling?
Hello! I didn't think I'd see you this soon. Although sometimes I've felt as if you'd never get here. But I've always felt sure that we would meet. All the times that I've seen you, On the old slides of my father's. That strapping young man with his face in the wind. Never tired. Never weary. Any scars he carries are still fairly fresh. The weathered look will not be upon him for thirty years. I used to look in my mirror for hours, Searching for that twenty-something man. Hidden somewhere in my face. I never caught more than a glimpse of you, Hiding behind my eyes. . . Until now. In the reflection of my television set, I caught you watching me. You're different than I'd pictured. Your hair is longer and you have a beard. But the gaze is the same. The fascinated way you watch me, When you think I'm not looking. I can tell that you see me in you. Tell me. . . Do you look back at me in the mirror, Spending hours searching for the face you had years ago. . . As I
Reflection Point
(My Weekend As Frosty The Snowman) Looking back on it all, I have to say, That I probably should have tried drugs Now I'm not saying, That drugs are a great lifestyle choice Or anything like that But it would be nice To have people look at me and say "It was the drugs that got him there." Scapegoats are hard to come by Especially when your head isn't lost, In an artificial haze No, there's nothing artificial, about this haze 97% curiosity, 2% stupidity, and 1% luck Should have tried drugs. August
Hello! I didn't think I'd see you this soon. Although sometimes I've felt as if you'd never get here. But I've always felt sure that we would meet. All the times that I've seen you, On the old slides of my father's. That strapping young man with his face in the wind. Never tired. Never weary. Any scars he carries are still fairly fresh. The weathered look will not be upon him for thirty years. I used to look in my mirror for hours, Searching for that twenty-something man. Hidden somewhere in my face. I never caught more than a glimpse of you, Hiding behind my eyes. . . Until now. In the reflection of my television set, I caught you watching me. You're different than I'd pictured. Your hair is longer and you have a beard. But the gaze is the same. The fascinated way you watch me, When you think I'm not looking. I can tell that you see me in you. Tell me. . . Do you look back at me in the mirror, Spending hours searching for the face you had years ago. . . As I
As the day drifts by My thoughts seem distant I amble along As the sun drifts over Reflections Mysteries Ponderings Is what puzzles My mind People passing by As I walk along Keeping my thoughts close Their stares are blank Distant, if not there As our eyes lock But only for a brief moment Who are you? What does u do? Where have you been? No smiles, no laughter Just silence as we pass by Not knowing Not caring All our lives drift by Never wondering Never questioning Are you a friend? Or a stranger
Reflections Of Myself
They say mirrors don't lie And what you see Is what you are But it's only a reflection Of what's on the outside. But what about the inside Where no one can see? No, a mirror can't reflect That part of me. It can't see my pain It can't see my fears It can't see my hopes It can't see my dreams. No, a mirror can't see That part of me It only sees the outside It only reflects the outside The grown up part of me.Only the part I allow you to see~~~
Reflections Of A Hawk
I’ve always been the girl that people confided in. A blessing yet a curse; I am considered an understanding person, a wonderful shoulder to lean and cry on and a strong support when the world feels as it is about to crumble beneath your feet. Like a hawk, I always observed, kept my eyes focused, soaked in my surroundings. I quickly learned how the world worked. At a young age I had matured and had a good understanding about things people even in their forties still tried to get a grasp on. At the tender age of seven I was giving relationship advice to adults! A seven year old who never even experienced a relationship; who should have been to young to even have a idea what love really is. Yet, my advice was always taken and it worked. At a young age I knew that communication, understanding and compromise makes a relationship work. Things these adults had no idea about, that a mere child had to come along and tell them. Its strange how life goes at times isn’t it?
Reflections On Life
My parents have decided that they can't be together anymore. After all this time, they can't live with each other. It has made me completly rethink my entire life. If 2 people who have held onto the love they had for each other for as long as they have and then just all of a sudden they can't stand each other, then what does my future hold? I'm already doing the divorce thing, but that only lasted 8 years. What could create such a disturbance in a relationship that the participants would call it quits after almost 30 years? What must be going thru their minds? How do they feel towards each other now? In the course of this my dad has stayed here at my house, but he doesnt really talk much about feelings etc. Now tonight my mom is staying here with me. (long story involves violence on my dads part) But she's so exhausted from the above referenced long story that she laid down and fell straight to sleep. I don't know what either of them feels or thinks. I guess it ha
Reflects Who I Am
Why? Why can't people see the real me? I try so hard to be the perfect person I can be. Sure I'm young, quiet and shy. But I'm such an amazing person, which many pass by. Why? Why can't people just take the time? Just tell me your favorite thing to do and I'll tell you mine. The people that do, I hold dear to my heart. They see me as mysterious, sweet, funny and smart. You can't expect me to open up the very first day. It takes time, but trust me, I'll soon have a lot to say. Why? Why can't people wait and get to know the real me? I bet you I'd be a much different person than you first did see. Why?
Reflections Of A Beautiful Morning
The sun rises above the hillcrest, As does the joy of my heart; Rays of warmth and love, From him I will never depart. Fresh dew upon the grass, Young birds chirp in their nests; I watch him gently sleep, My love to him I silently profess. I enjoy the stillness and calm, Watching as he smiles and dreams; He brings me to stillness and peace, Like that of a slow flowing stream. My heart and soul flow with love, And I smile as I quietly reflect; I've been handed a sweet prince, A sweet prince who will love and protect. A vow to myself I make, As he quietly sleeps away; To love and always cherish him, Until my last breath until my last day. So easy whisper to me The infinite language of our heart. Uplift me with your joyful smile. Its the little things you do That make loving you so easy.
Look deep into my eyes... No, no...deeper. Can you see it? That tiny spark There, there In the corner! Yeah, that's it. What is it, you ask? You really don't know? But, how can you not? You put it there, it's hope. Yeah it's only a glimmer for now... but every time I talk to you every time I see your smile it grows. And soon... very soon it will be hard to contain. Already I can feel it... lingering, building into something wonderful. How did you do it?
I said earlier today its been a full year since I first came here. Some of you have been friends since the beginning, some are new. I'm just glad you have become a part of my world. I've learned a lot about myself, and others in that year. I've made steps forward. I made mistakes, and again I learned. Yeah some days I was pretty down. Depression can be a tough thing. Just be glad Carrie went away finally. THAT is one lesson I will not have to learn again. But even from that I learned a lot. For the first time in a long time, I really felt like I was worth something, that I deserved something much better. And I guess thats the best thing I learned in the last year, that I do deseve happiness. And it doesn't come from others, it comes from me. I'm glad ya all stuck with me while I was a pain in the butt and figuring all that out. :)
So I'm sitting here one night removed from going out and partying getting ready to go Christmas shopping. I'm wondering where my life is taking me. It feels like I'm just along for the ride. Maybe it's the after effect of drinking last night that is making me all opened or maybe it's something else that I had opened up inside me last night from someone I met. Is this Christmas going to be the same as last year? Well I guess it won't exactly be like last year's Christmas. Last year I was living in a house with my soon to be ex-wife, her boyfriend and my kids. Now I've been officially divorced for a while now, my ex is getting married sometime in early 2009 or maybe late 2008 and I get to have my wonderful kids on Christmas Eve. I guess what I'm really wondering is if I'm going to find that certain someone to spend the holidays with or ring in the new year. Not meaning this year obviously but what about 2008? If 2007 was an indicator of things to come then 2008 has got to g
The Reflection Of The Mirror
I wish I had the picture of the woman I wrote this poem about. but I do not know how to add it into the blogs. So I hope every one understands. Also it is still a rough draft of a poem. From the mirrors image a woman's sorrow is reflected, in the gray of day. An Alice in wonderland she is not. But a princess of dreams. Scared of the anguishes of life. By holding The only thing she sees as her life a mirror. A mirror that reflects the sorrow of life. Help she calls, for the ardent of life. In a black and white photo of herself, holding her mirror. the only true reality she has, for life so far. Oh sweet lady of a princess step out of the field. Set down the mirror and throw your arms wide. For ardent life is there right in front of you. All you have to do is see The ardent life with out the mirror's images reflecting it for you princess.The mirror of reflections is just that a reflection of images. They are not reality. So sing out with joy in your heart oh princess.
Reflections >>> Poem
we see the reflections thru a rippled pong , thru a mirrow or in a glas. what we see is the images of us looking at , ripples and smile sort of just our self ; in the water laying there . Dark yet wet or cold, we see a place we long to go. reaching out to others we know, who long to join us all alone. there of us we see in each, dreams and need and want to be . all but nothing thru the lust there is no way to make it back from a lost of equations thet equal there of us. yes its us ;Chris fe and me. here in fubar traveling along to a world of unknown. seeking yet dont know what we will find thru our reflections in fubar time. friends that make the best of a world , laugh and smile and really care . no hurt to spread in fubar land we all know where weve been and were we go into a world of the unknown. Diana
Reflecting Back On The Year -a Survival Story
I don't usually do this often, but this year was such a year of many trials and triumphs that I thought perhaps someone may find some inspiration from the tale.  So I dedicate this entry to those who feel lost, that life will never get better; to those who think there is no light at the end of the tunnel.  Keep in mind this is being written now, not during the actual events. JANUARY 2007 The beginning of the year started off where December left off.  I am still fighting chronic bronchitis and severe asthma attacks.  The doctors still didn't know why all of the sudden my asthma has taken the turn for the worst and why I can't shake the bronchitis that I had been plagued with since September of the prior year.  I am still spending most of my time at doctors, afterhour clinics, emergency rooms.  I'm getting shot up with steroids galore to try to keep my breathing way open along with tons and tons of medications and more steroids.  The constant journey from one specialist to another conti
Reflections Upon 2007
What a year it has been. What a horrible, wonderful, rotten, beautiful year. I suppose that can be said of any year that we look at. This one in particular has been, for me at least, most remarkable. 2007 has been a year marked by unspeakable pain and amazing joys; searing loss and incredible gain; heart-wrenching letting go and rewarding reaching out; tremendous sorrows and sparkling moments of happiness; unexpected changes and less-expected healing. I rang in the New Year crying myself to sleep. My date for the evening was a "no-call, no show". He's probably the only man who presents diamonds as an "I won't be back, but I'm not going to tell you that, I'm just going to vanish" gift. The incredible foolishness of it all (on my part) is that he had done the same thing to me the year before. I mean nearly the EXACT SAME THING! Even the jewelry. At least the year before he HAD called to cancel—at the last minute; because he had decided-at the last minute-to buy his son a plane
Sitting here reflecting.. so much has happened in the past.. whether it was good or bad. we all learn from the experience.. we take what we learned and use it in the future.. i heard once.. "never regret what once made you smile".. the future will be bright just never give up.
Today is the anniversary of my wife's death...hopefully she found the peace and comfort in death that she couldn't have in life. I pray she's happy with the children and the direction they are going. Take the time to cherish those you care about while they still can return the love....once it's's gone. Take the time to tell someone that you do care and if at all possible try and perform a random act of'd be surprised at the positive ripple effect it can cause.... Those are the thoughts and ramblings of this grumpy old man for the day.... Stay well, One love and God bless to all!
Reflections Of A New World
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." - Anais Nin I am alone. If I needed any more evidence of that I would need only look at the plumes of smoke billowing from the lit cigar hanging from my lips. I am sitting at my computer. Smoking the first cigar I have smoked in a long time. Inside my house. This would normally be accorded as the most heinous of acts were I in a house occupied by other than myself. But such is not the case tonight, nor will it be the case for the next week. My intent today had been to journey early this morning to Missouri with my wife and son for a Christmas get-together with my wife’s family. My wife is one of thirteen siblings and it is their custom to unite each year in the small farming community where they grew up in central Missouri for a Christmas dinner attended by all brothers, sisters, cousins, children and grand-children. As you can imagin
Reflection Period
You know as it comes down to almost being Christmas and soon New Years and another year rolls on by, for some reason lately ive thought about where i have been and how far i have come. Maybe the fact that i finally realize that i am lucky to be at the moment i am now, but more so because the road that i have come down has been very unstable and not always straight. Since i moved out on my own back in North Carolina in 2001 and now being here in Vegas as of the end of 2007 soon to be 2008, i realize that i have lived a life that has been good and bad. Practically because of my own doing and the things that i did wrong, or should i say, people that i have wronged many times. There are so many things that i wish i could go back and change, there are so many people i wish i would have treated differently, but i really do hope, the people that were once in my life are now happy and healthy. I know there are people that could never be forgiven and people that wont forget, but as long as t
Reflections 12/24/07
We, the Willing, led by the Unknowing, are doing the Impossible for the Ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. ~unknown~
Reflecting On Christmas Past!
My Active Duty Christmas Locations 1971 – Basic Training – Lackland AFB, TX 1972 – 379th Avionics Maintenance Squadron – Wurtsmith AFB, MI 1973 432nd Avionics Maintenance Squadron – Udorn RTAFB, Thailand 1974 – 1981 4th Avionics Maintenance Squadron – Seymour Johnson AFB, NC 1982 – 1984 50th Component Repair Squadron – Hahn AB, W. Germany 1985-1987 5th Avionics Maintenance Squadron – Minot AFB, ND 1988-1991 7th Avionics Maintenance Squadron – Carswell AFB, TX The Seymour Johnson AFB assignment did allow me to visit my parents during most of the holidays I was stationed there. All the rest were spend at my assigned duty station. I was fortunate to never see combat duty in my 20 years with the Air Force. However, given the chance in today’s world, I’d do it all over again. God bless all U.S. Military personnel, past, present and future! Alan R. Thomas TSgt., USAF, Retired
I stare in the mirror I hate what I see I despise the reflection Staring back at me The eyes there are cold Not a spark of life within Too many moments lived Consumed inside with sin No escaping memories They stab at my soul A constant torment Of once being whole I lash out in hatred It shatters so good My fist now in tatters Release in the blood I look at the reflection A tear is released I'm still the same person No less of a beast
Reflections Of 2007
Every year you learn something new.. or relearn things you'd forgotten in the past.. exciting things happen, sad things happen, happy things happen, etc. When you look back on 2007, what do you see? 2007 will forever be known to me as the year of knowledge.. simply for the fact that this year has taught and retaught many lessons of life to me. The biggest thing I have learned this year is that tomorrow is never promised and that you have to make the most of today. Take the time to stop and smell the roses.. learn to enjoy life no matter how much it may seem against you. This year I relearned forgiveness and being forgiven. Sometimes the hardest thing you can do, but one that gives you some peace is letting go of a fourteen year grudge.. especially when it's over something petty. This year I've relearned that if you show you care, people will lean on you more and more without a thought to your emotional wellbeing. This year I've learned that sometimes it's easier to let g
Reflections Of 2007
Every year you learn something new.. or relearn things you'd forgotten in the past.. exciting things happen, sad things happen, happy things happen, etc. When you look back on 2007, what do you see? 2007 will forever be known to me as the year of knowledge.. simply for the fact that this year has taught and retaught many lessons of life to me. The biggest thing I have learned this year is that tomorrow is never promised and that you have to make the most of today. Take the time to stop and smell the roses.. learn to enjoy life no matter how much it may seem against you. This year I relearned forgiveness and being forgiven. Sometimes the hardest thing you can do, but one that gives you some peace is letting go of a fourteen year grudge.. especially when it's over something petty. This year I've relearned that if you show you care, people will lean on you more and more without a thought to your emotional wellbeing. This year I've learned that sometimes it's easier to let g
2007 Reflections
Ok, i promised I wouldnt do this! So I wont... ....happy new year!
I realize everyone is in reflection right about now. I usually don't reflect on the past year but as I get older, (hopefully wiser) I thought I'd take a few moments to review....2007... Wow what a year! I finally was able to break the grip around my heart that Rob had held so tightly for the past few years. Realizing what a troll he really is helped me heal. Emotionally anyway. He drained a healthy chunk financially as well...will take a little longer to heal from that. Stupid me! He has moved on to someone a little more dumb than me. Dumb I say because I tried to warn her about him...she didn't want to listen! So she deserves everything he sucks out of her. HA Moving what a thought! Internet dating is the rage now and I got sucked right on in. With all those "sites" out there. After much money poured into them...meeting TOO many men (some good, some not so good), I use one site, it's a non-paying site and I'm there just for the forums. HA I think
I believe that love knows no boundaries. When this is said, some don't fully know the meaning. If you leave yourself open to anything, and everything, you will have your pick of opportunity.You will falter, conquer hurdles, but in the end the payoff of finding that one true love IS the meaning of life. To experience true love, the greatest feeling of infatuation, THAT is what life is for. We tend to be scared of or question why some things happen the way that they do. The main beauty in life is unpredictability.It's the craziest things that put the finishing touch to the story. I think I just found my final chapter for completion. The sequel, is beginning my life as a satisfied soul.
Reflections Current mood: rejuvenated Category: Life Well this has been one long and crazy year. So much has happened. I left my boyfriend, moved into a new house and met the man of my dreams. If you had asked me this time last year where do I think I would be in a year, this is not where I thought I would be. I am glad I have made those choices to better my life. If I had not I would have never met either Brian or Beth. They are two of the greatest people to come into my life. And its been great being able to reconnect with my old friends and actually be able to hang out with them again. I couldn't do that before. No one wanted to be around me earlier this year, for certin reasons. I want to say thank you all my friend and family who supported me when I was going through that rough time. I am happy with the decision that I made. I have now moved on to much better things. Brian treats me VERY well, as well as the kids. They are getting closer to him. I just feel so
Reflections & Resolutions
As the New Year has arrived, I have taken time in this last week to reflect on my life... as it was in the past, as it now in the present, and where I want it to go in the future. I have made some wonderful friends in the past year, most of which were met in the online world of FuBar. I am most grateful that I have been blessed with so many true friends. I have loved in the past year, and lost in the past year. I have dealt with many types of broken hearts... most of important was the broken heart I am trying to heal of my daughter. She is but only 10 and is so full of life and love to offer someone, not as a girlfriend or like that, but as a friend. Time will heal her wounds... :) This I am sure of. My heart, is on the healing path, but with that comes many emotions. I will heal in time, although will never be the same. I could never look at someone the same. Talk to them the same. Never look to the future of what "WE" could become. If it happens, then it is meant to b
Reflection Of 2007
Reflections Of A Beautiful Morning
Reflections of a Beautiful Morning The sun rises above the hillcrest, As does the joy of my heart; Rays of warmth and love, From her I will never depart. Fresh dew upon the grass, Young birds chirp in their nests; I watch her gently sleep, My love to her I silently profess. I enjoy the stillness and calm, Watching as she smiles and dreams; She brings me to stillness and peace, Like that of a slow flowing stream. My heart and soul flow with love, And I smile as I quietly reflect; I’ve been handed a sweet princess, A sweet princess to love and to protect. A vow to myself I make, As she quietly sleeps away; To love and always cherish her, Until my last breath... until my last day.
Reflecting Inward
All anyone can do in life is react. And through growth and developement our reactions change as do our surroundings. What once was, will never be again. But somehow always seems to be the same situations are arising every day. But not the same...different somehow. So we adapt our reactions to compromise and understand. Today is not "just" another day. It is key in the development of your understanding of all people and things surrounding you. So, that being said. What makes you think that you've been wasting your time today, or any other day for that matter. Maybe today was a chance for you to unpack all your recent experiences and reactions of late. You may not believe you were up to anything productive, but you were. Growth isn't always right there in front of you. It's an ever growing creature inside of you that you only realise once in awhile when thngs are going your way. Moments of clarity are so precious and rare. A fortunate soul can utilise these moments and use them to furthe
The Reflection Of Beauty: Genesis
In the reflection of beauty lies a woman, not like any I have ever known. In this reflection, reality and fantasy merge into one creating lust, passion, and envy. Her attributes, in a reality so dark and gloom, set in desperation and spawned by lack of faith (in love and for love) she becomes our paradise lost, in this desert we call life. In the reflection of beauty lies a woman in which a touch, as soft and gentle as the Down we lay our heads on, that would comfort mind, heart, and body; warming the coldest, darkest recesses of the soul. It would make any man, or beast, humble in the sight of what God had made. In the reflection of beauty lies a woman in which her celestial gaze would exhibit an eminent appearance of endless knowledge and wisdom. One in which we all long to acquire from her, yet knowing we could never bare the burden of truth. It is a history of all that is pure and innocent. In the reflection of beauty lies a woman who bares a love like none other. A love n
John Lennon - Jealous GuyThe Beatles - Don't Let Me Down
Intrigued by you.... teasing, tantalizing, tormenting me, with your thoughts, your words, your mannerisms. Why must it be? Feelings.... contained, held hostage within these walls. A peek inside.... no lights within, no logic stored, no wisdom found. A sound forms.... reverberating time and again. Echoed or mirrored within my soul. Reflections..... water rippling, provoking inner peace.
Reflections 07
This is much later than I wanted to post this but as I keep thinking about it, I just wasn't sure how it was going to come out. 2007 I can break up into 3 pieces. The 1st 3 months were great for me personally, on a 10 point scale I'd rate my life personally an 8, which was way better than it had been in a long time. Professionally while it didn't suck it wasn't good either. I'd give that about a 4 for the 1st 3 months of 07. The next 6 months was hell for me personally, I lost so much that if i would have died during those 6 months I would have took it as God showing mercy. I don’t know if I will ever fully recover from that time in my life, I will fight til the day I die to be whole again, there's not a day that goes by that I don’t think about all that I lost during that time in my life and all that I'm fighting to get back. During these 6 months I wrote the angel series, both as a way to express the pain and the emotion I felt and still feel inside, and as a way to show th
Reflection" Of What Could Be
Reflections I felt you slip away Far away from me Caught myself, wishing you back, As I try to catch you Anger swells inside me I see frowning in your eyes I can't take it anymore when I'm with you I feel like I'm nothing, that's why I don't like it when you touch me, that's why I never touch you, that's why I never even think about you, when I start, it reminds me that I'm just not good enough You're nothing to me now.
Reflecting On My Life!!!
I have been going through alot relationship wise I have been serious with Kevin off and on for now over 6 in a half years I have loved him continously and have never giving up on him though he has left me quite a few times and right now our relationship is on the off stage yet again.I do love him and care for him and i usually dont give up on him but as of right now I think I may have to and try and move on with my life I have fought for this relationship so hard and dont seem to get the same effort from him.I want someone to love me and not give up when times are tough and he gives up and I dont get much reasoning behind it.I left things in Gods hands yet again and I feel I have to give up even for right now.I feel that if he wants to come back into my life it will be his turn to fight for me and I have to make him wait for me and not give in and let him in right away he will need to work for it really hard and get serious about it.All I want is for him to be a man and be there for hi
Life If I could have one wish, it would be to be a Big firm executive type deal, something corporate so everyone could kiss my ass... Life can make you wish for death rather than remain here... Life can drag you down worse than your enemies ever could... Life can take your soul and use it as a stress-reliever... Life can take your heart and grind it to pieces... Life can make you think of death... Can death make you think of life?
Reflections Of A Beautiful Morning
The sun rises above the hillcrest, As does the joy of my heart; Rays of warmth and love, From her I will never depart. Fresh dew upon the grass, Young birds chirp in their nests; I watch her gently sleep, My love to her I silently profess. I enjoy the stillness and calm, Watching as she smiles and dreams; She brings me to stillness and peace, Like that of a slow flowing stream. My heart and soul flow with love, And I smile as I quietly reflect; I’ve been handed a sweet princess, A sweet princess to love and to protect. A vow to myself I make, As she quietly sleeps away; To love and always cherish her, Until my last breath... until my last day.
Reflections By: Deborah Boyd I sit here and think Of that day With special fond memories No one can take away I awoke that day To find my life changed No longer alone No longer afraid You were just a baby So innocent and pure I knew in my heart That this was the cure As days turned to months And months turned to years Before long I knew it I had nothing to fear I brought you up strong With morals and such Respect for others With Intelligence as much And now the time comes To let yourself go To venture the world For all its glories to show But as you do Just remember one thing You’re here in my heart Amongst other things I’m there if you need me I’m there if you don’t You always have a home to come to No matter how much So go my little one Venture the world as you dare For I know in my heart There is nothing to fear.
Within the mirror lies a reflection, Deep within that, Reflects a unknown face. No matter how many times you run from the mirror, You always want to look back... Moreover, that reflection still lingers, wanting, waiting, For you to join it. As the mirror turns black, Your reflections grows stronger with it, Turning away the fright, You might try to escape. An unknow voice might call your name. You might resist, even turn away. Neverless, in the end your reflection will coax you to look back, Moreover, you will gaze at the mirror, Seeing the reflection staring back, The unknown face, Moreover, Together your reflection and you will become one..
Well, the past two weeks have just flown by. I tried to do 6 months worth of living in 2 weeks, but I realized that it just don't work. I spent 2 weeks trying to get all I could of my kids and everything I can here. I drank beer, ate food, went shopping at non PX type of stores, and of course, just hanging out. During the process, I hurt some people. I have also learned that some people are closer than I think. I learned that some people on here that apparently think quite a bit of me. A very close friend made sure that my birthday was special. Another made sure that I levelled up, and well, a lot of people I didn't know knew I existed made sure to send me good birthday wishes. Thank you to everyone of you. There are too many to list, but I'm going to list a few who really made me feel that good. Pebbles, you rock. Jolene, you are an awesome friend. Steffi, wow. Fair, as always, thank you. My Sweetness is Contagious, yes, yes it is. Your name is so true. Lacey, as
Reflections by Me Reflect on life from time to time, check your senses. Reflect on family day to day, check your love. Reflect on your friends every so often, check your status. Reflect on yourself every minute to minute, check your sanity. Reflect on everything and check your life.
Mirror images Staring far inside Eyes piercing Deep to the soul Fire burns Close to the heart Turning to ash Forever lost Waking from a sleep To an endless nightmare Tears flooding in Everything washed away Emotions broken Manual lost Love the killer Kill the cross Hands shaking Trembling out of control Pills not working All just a big joke Notes of suicide Letters of love Its all the same Inner child sleeping Forever eyes closed Demons inside Waking one last time
I've been home alone all week, which just totally blows. I need people, especially those I love and respect around. Sometimes I get stupid when I'm by myself. Just like now. I didn't run off and bang some chica, nor did I go out and get trashed. I started reflecting on past lovers! Ugh! That sounds so freakin' pathetic!!! Anyway, a lot of it has to do with some of the tunes I'm chilling out with tonight. I should call it a 'Soundtrack for Love Lost'! Well, I shouldn't really say that, I guess, since many I never really 'loved' in the forever sense. That doesn't mean I didn't love them...we just knew that there would be an end to it. Some of the names bring sweet memories of holding each other in our arms...some bring memories of bitter break ups. A few I could talk to, but most have moved on. I've moved on. I am not the same person that they were with back when we were together, and I'm certain they aren't the same women. A few I'd like to know
As someone who calls themself an artist... inspiration is hard to come by sometimes. Which leaves me comtemplating... should I... can I... even call myself an artist... Am I worthy of such a title? Is what I do, what I create... what I live for... art? Then everything with me revolves around this... Everytime I struggle, it comsumes me. And I know everything will be ok. Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue and gray. Look out on a summer day. With eyes that know the darkness in my soul. Shadows on the hill. Sketch the trees and daffodils. Catch the breeze and winter chills. In colors on the snowy linen land. Now I understand what you tried to say to me. And how you suffered for your sanity. How you tried to set them free. They would not listen. They did not know how. Perhaps they'll listen now. Starry, starry night. Portraits hung in empty halls. Frame less heads on nameless walls. With eyes that watch the world. And can't forget like stranger
Reflections Of Last Night
Reflections Of Last Night by LateNiteFantasy© Will you kiss me tenderly tonight? hold me lovingly like you did last night? one look in your eyes and i knew i was through the heat from your stare layed me bare Last night was like a dream could barely see thru the steam you held me close within your arms couldn't resist your devilish charms your erotic words of love captured my heart could this be a start the beginning of something grand or perhaps it's just something written in the sand I shiver and close my eyes imagine your touch my body responds it's almost too much electrifying kiss sends me into undeniable bliss How my body hungered for your caress and you demanded, giving nothing less making me feel as if i was the only one no greater lover comparable to none
mirror mirror in our minds shattering breaking keeping time I'm not beautiful been called ugly all my life mirror mirror blending life i was used badly and you as well mirror mirror showing hell i abused myself and you did too mirror mirror 1 or 2?we ran from reflection we couldn't see mirror mirror is him/me so many things we did lack mirror mirror is reflecting back you held me as i held you mirror mirror is it 2? pain hope dreams and nightmares mirror mirror reflecting stares it is over healing has begun mirror mirror now shows 1
I'm turning 41 tomorrow. Remember when we used to think that was old? I don't feel old. Actually, I think the past year has been one of my bests. I'm coming into my own. I'm no longer Mark's wife or just Justin's mother. I'm me. :) The past year has been full of changes. Some good, some bad. Most have been good, I must say. I have met wonderful new people and experienced wonderful new things. I'm growing, changing... It seems the last few days has been rough for several of us. I know I have been moody. I want to blame it on being ill the last few days. I actually thought I was going to have to go to the emergency room the other day. There's really no excuse for being bitchy, though. It's not normally how I am. I do love how we have come together for each other, here to listen and give advice. I have made an awesome group of friends on Fubar. I love you guys! ♥ Anyway.... As Jade says... Show your boobs! lol........
Reflection Of Events
Sometimes people deserve second chances and sometimes they dont, The ones that see they made a mistake and apologise for it should be given a second chance if they are sincere. A situation that blew up last night in my eyes has been resolved, Authough I dont tell people what they need to do, I have myself accepted the appology for what I think it is worth and that is a strong Family Like SBRadio Family is that we work out our problems where thier is compromise. We all have faults and YES sometimes meds and alcohol can influence personalities and go one way or another, When I am Screwed up due to meds I myself take time off, When I drink i get goofy as sh*t, everything affects people in diffrent ways, My Family is my Family and I will work hard to resolve diffrences when people who are at fault admit it and try to fix it. Without mentioning names Yea I love you like a brother and I just hope if it was ever me in that sittuation that people would have the power within themselves
Reflections By: Tabitha Lynn Cowan I look in the mirror and what do I see, Some strange woman I don't know looking back at me. My life would seem almost perfect to some, But I'm not sure I like what I've become. I'm a woman and a mother, I'm a wife and a lover. But is that all that there is to me? Is this all I was meant to be? Is there something more I am supposed to do? Is there a reason for all I've been through? I have so much passion and love inside, And yet some of my feelings I force myself to hide. I want and I need, I hurt and I bleed, Someone please tell me what this is all about, Because sometimes all I want is out. I hate feeling selfish and self-centered, For this is the life I chose to enter. This path I'm on I elected to follow, But sometimes I feel so empty and hollow. Something is missing from the core of my heart, And to find it I have no clue where to start. I love my family and I love my life, I am proud to be called someone's wife. But I
Reflections Walking thru the alleys of my past I see all the wreckage of my life before me. I wander wondering how I will ever fix the damage I have caused in my life. I see ever heart ache that has occurred and my part in it as well as what the "Xs" part as well. To reach out and to ask for forgiveness is not enuff to mend the damage done. To reach out and try to fix it sometimes causes old woulds to become raw and full of pain again. I walk in the hell of my own making thru the shadows of my failures and faults. I know I am not perfect and that not everything I have wrought was not done with evil intent. Yes good deeds can sometimes turn out bad! This I have learned too many times to count. so what can I do? but to continue to try and love my brothers and sisters in this world we share. and to hope one day Love will find me and wraps its arms around me to never let me go. will this happen some say yes it is only a matter of time while I sometimes believe I am destined to walk this
I look at my reflection in the car window, As I ride. How can I be so old, When I feel so young? How can I be so beautiful, When I feel so coarse and indelicate? Who is it who looks in from the darkness?
Hey everyone how are we all doing? Good I hope! well this is called reflections for a reason only because sometimes I sit and reflect on my past years and how things have changed themn I sit and think if it is a good change or bad change and whether or not I need to change things.Things are so different from three years ago just before my life and the rest of it got rip out and turned upside down! The boys have definatly changed I mean look at them they have grown like a bunch of weeds. Remick is now sixteen and soon to be a dad oh yeah me a grandma! He has ggotton tall but not by much poor kid is gonna take the short side of the family. He has made a positive step in tryin to right his life which makes me very proud of him we even get along better now more so then we ever did I. I think that is all comming from the impending father hood I think now he is finally realizing why mom is so tough on all the kids not cause I am mean but because I want nothing but good things coming out of
This weekend’s last minute road trip was well worth the 1,600 miles of driving over 3 days, the ungodly gas bills, the crowds of tourists and their insane moments driven by euphoria possibly, and Disneyland prices to eat. Many would scoff, but I’m sure their disenchantment would turn to a deep joy when they watched Old Faithful spew 180 feet into the air, giving one the same feeling as watching fabulous fireworks on the 4th of July. What did I receive in return? Incredible value to my soul and spirit at being awestruck once again by the magnificence of creation. I rushed to capture pictures, had a few choice words to utter to some tourists as they braked to a halt because they thought the person 10 cars ahead may have seen some new wild animal, yet overall had my eyes opened again to a National Treasure, no, make that a World Treasure. I finally witnessed the little tiny outlines of a pack of wolves, a bison and bear with some unwritten form of detante`, waterfalls, geysers, mud
Reflections Of Love
Reflections Of Love by LateNiteFantasy© Will you kiss me tenderly tonight? hold me lovingly like you did last night? one look in your eyes and i knew i was through the heat from your stare layed me bare Last night was like a dream could barely see thru the steam you held me close within your arms couldn't resist your devilish charms your erotic words of love captured my heart could this be a start the beginning of something grand or perhaps it's just something written in the sand I shiver and close my eyes imagine your touch my body responds it's almost too much electrifying kiss sends me into undeniable bliss How my body hungered for your caress and you demanded, giving nothing less making me feel as if i was the only one no greater lover comparable to none
Reflections From A Translucent Universe
Sometimes I think that the world is going to Hell. Everyone is in a panic to get as many things as they can to fill the voids in their individual lives, speeding around like monkeys in a race to possess the almighty dollar. I call this the 'IKEA' syndrome. Everyone fills their homes and lives with cheap mass produced items, thoughts, and memories in an attempt at happiness. Even I have one foot in this plastic hole... Being a model, I am like the posterchild for consumerism. I lend my face and body to products and services daily that I would NEVER endorse in real life, let alone purchase and/or use for myself. I have things in my home that can be found in any other normal american home, purchased on the fly, dull, with no meaning or memory attached to it at all. Instant Gratification. The motto of the time. Why spend time, money, and effort aquiring craftsmanship and promoting pride when you can go out and get what you want cheap? ...
Reflect Upon This
Where are you this morn and how do you live your life? Reflect upon this; Fifty-seven years ago today, Nagasaki burned. 8-09-02
Reflection Of The Water
I look in the water, What do I see? My own reflection, Looking back at me. I ask myself, Are you all you want to be? The answer is no, I need to grow, Figure out what it is that makes people hate me. I look in the water, My reflection tells me. God created me the way he wanted me. I can't change anything but my heart, So I make it hard and put up a brick wall. If I did then what would I be? Would I be able to look in the water, And see the reflection that came back to me? Dee Parenti All rights Reserved
The moon’s reflection left an imprint on your cheek Like a light kiss left behind A tiny memory of the thoughts we had . . . The stars were bright, yet I could barely see your lips As you whispered, I will hold you in my heart
Reflections And Restoration
Reflections And Restoration Have you ever just sat and thought about your life..Where it's been...Where it's going...And where you are now...When you were younger and you dreamed of the things you would do when you grew up... is your life what you dreamed?...For the most of us...Probably not... Awhile back...I was going through a very difficult time in my life...And compared it to a tree...Yes..a tree....I was sitting outside on the breezeway...wallowing in my own self pity....Which by the way...I see nothing wrong with that...As long as you pull yourself out....But...right in front of my breezeway is this enormous pine tree...You can tell it's been there for years....The wear and tear on it is visible to any eye....But it remains standing....and producing little cones every year....In retrospect....Our lives can be compared to a tree.... You don't think so...Think about it for a few minutes....Think about all the times that someone has cut you...You scar...But you heal...
Reflecting Lies
The wind brushed against the daisy's in the window, and filled the bathroom with their dewy scent. The air freshener released its mist of coconut fumed perfume, with a hissing sound coming almost a second after the cloud entered the air. A candle, colored red and scented with raspberries. The flame dancing slowly, as if to a tune only it could hear. But she did not smell the raspberries, or the daisy's, or even the coconut, despite it being only inches from her head. Instead she was face down in the toilet, smelling the bile she had produced just seconds before, to rid her body of the breakfast she had just an hour before that. Wiping her mouth on her a small yellow towel she had purchased at K-mart, she stood up and looked in the mirror. She doesn't see the sunken cheeks, the bulging eyes, or the almost purple bags located just beneath them. Instead she see's what she has always longed for, and is so close to having. Beauty. Beauty that would make the previous boyfriends sor
i cant stand lookin at you yer despicable from yer perfect hair to yer expensive kicks you left me here with nothing you have it all all of it leaving me here alone with my ugly eyes & my battered clothes i hate you more than anything always in the spotlight no where left for ME to shine youve got everything everything i want & you dont even need it i dispise everything about you how can you just give up on everything when i try so hard to do everything as perfectly as possible & you just smile like its okay & turn yer back & walk away PLEASE dont infuriate me & tell me everything is alright nothing will ever be right especially when you make everything so wrong im so tired of having this dispute with you EVERY SiNGLE DAY i just HATE that im nothing like you when we're alike in EVERY single way.
Hmm....'tis interesting the synchronicities in life. One moment you are moving blindly forward, not looking back and the next you are reflecting upon past events in order to evaluate your possible future. It never ceases to amaze me how easily we move from reflecting negatively upon our past to looking back with fondness at the good times. The most insignificant things that you never thought you would miss come to the fore as dramatic realizations of ones times of change and growth. The experiences in a persons life molds them into who they are in the present and yet at the same time do not make up who they are as a person. Too easily to we fall into the trap of psychological patterns and programing shaped by our upbringing and experiences. Most people living those patterns out until the day they die all too unaware that they are locked into this cycle or even that they are more than the sum of their experiences. How desperately we cling to the comfort of familiarity for fe
Re: Fluoride Added To Children's Milk In Schools Throughout Uk
RE: Fluoride Added To Children's Milk In Schools Throughout UK ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 27 Oct 2008, 18:25 Fluoride Added To Children's Milk In Schools Throughout UK City Fluoride is being added to children's milk in 42 schools throughout the city of Sheffield in the UK, despite the chemical's proven link to liver and kidney damage, cancer and the lowering of IQ. http://www. infowars. net/articles/october2008/271008Fluoride. htm
As we reflect on our day before we go to sleep what can we say about that day? Did you do anything to someone or did you look the other way? As you looked the other way you did not see the pain and tears you left in their eyes. Did you accomplish anything or did you go through the day like it was just any other day. As you lay there just remember that tomorrow is a new day. So make use of the new day and make a difference.
So now this is just going to be a reflective of the past month....For the past month, i've been trying to figure everything out and just think about everything that has happened in the last year and a half....yes, you heard me. i been in tennessee for a year and a half now. Everything i own can fit in 6 boxes and 4 big black trash bags. I've gone through a lot here. I've lived life and I've learned a lot of valuble life lessons. Some things that i regret are hard for me, even now. And those things i regret made me learn a very important lessons. I learned that you shouldn't just pack up everything in your life and leave your home, your family and your friends. I've burnt a lot of bridges but at the same time, i've rebuilt them and made them least with some people. My entire life, I have always done something for someone else and I've gotten pretty tired of it. I've started standing up for myself and i'm really proud of myself for doing that. But at the sam
You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing of years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate.And yet, in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all..... And I have glimpses of how it was back then, and of all my hopes and dreams.....But, here it is.....the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise.... How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my babies go? And, where did my youth go? I remember well...... Seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that winter was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like. But, here it is..... Wife retired and she's really getting gray..... She moves slower and I see an older woman now. She's in better shape than me.....
Reflect If You Will
Reflect if you will On the possibilities That remain unplumbed. What depth of action can be If we alter perspective.
Reflected Glory
Reflected glory In the eyes of those I see Serves to remind me That all life’s little struggles Makes heroes out of us all.
Sometimes we must reflect on who we are, who we were and who we want to be! I was a scared and lonely child, I had no hopes and believed that I deserved nothing in this world This world did not want nor need me Happiness and dreams were for the better people I spent so much of my life trying to be someone Someone who could be loved and accepted I tried to dream I tried to believe I found myself to be a strong person I thought I was finally whole I believed I had found happiness I was wanted Accepted Loved Then it all vanished I found myself lost A child again Frightened by the truth of who I am Today I am strong So strong that most never see I am fragile I want to be someone that can be loved I want to feel complete I want to know I am worthy I want to grow as a person I want to give and receive LOVE I know this is what every one wants But I believe I must have it to survive!
Reflection..story Of A Man
He sat there as she walked away still thinkin of what he could say..Never once did he picture a life with out her in he's forced to live with it..wondring now how he's gonna go on...all he can do now is listen to the songs the shared, wondering if she cares, staring at old pictures relving the memories..he sits alone day in and day out doin nothin more than cry his heart out..missing her greatly, asking himself "why does she hate me"..never knowing the answers the questions he has built up inside..realizing that all these emotions are things he must hide..can hardly determine whats wrong and whats right...he can even tell his left from his right...confused and baffeled at they his world is fallin apart from around him..wondering were did eveyrone go that said they'd always stand by him...this story of a man is not much but a short story..seeing how he's lost and cant find any glory...this is a story of a man thats been left broken hearted..a story where all he wants to do is g
Although i grew out of Simple Plan years ago. Every once in a while i song touches me. As i listened to the song, i was wondering their purpose for writing it. Most celebs don't go out of their way unless there is a photo-op or something in it for them. At the end of the video you'll know why they wrote it. "Save You" Take a breath I pull myself together Just another step till I reach the door You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you I wish that I could tell you something To take it all away Sometimes I wish I could save you And there're so many things that I want you to know I won't give up till it's over If it takes you forever I want you to know When I hear your voice Its drowning in a whisper It's just skin and bones There's nothing left to take And no matter what I do I can't make you feel better If only I could find the answer To help me understand Sometimes I wish I could save you And there're so many things that I wan
MAYBE Maybe. we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. Maybe . . when the door of happiness closes, another opens; but, often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don't even see the new one which has been opened for us. Maybe . . it is true that we don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives. Maybe . . the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Maybe . . the brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; after all, you can't go on successfully in life until you let go of your past mistakes, failures and heartaches. Maybe . . you should dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you ha
Reflections Of Self
We Are All Mirrors for Each Other When we look at other people, we see many of their qualities in innumerable and seemingly random combinations. However, the qualities that we see in the people around us are directly related to the traits that exist in us. "Like attracts like" is one of the spiritual laws of the universe. We attract individuals into our lives that mirror who we are. Those you feel drawn to reflect your inner self back at you, and you act as a mirror for them. Simply put, when you look at others, you will likely see what exists in you. When you see beauty, divinity, sweetness, or light in the soul of another, you are seeing the goodness that resides in your soul. When you see traits in others that evoke feelings of anger, annoyance, or hatred, you may be seeing reflected back at you those parts of yourself that you have disowned or do not like. Because we are all mirrors for each other, looking at the people in your life can tell you a lot about yourself. Who you
Reflections In locked gaze They stare Deep within each other A torrent of emotions Emanates through history Reflections of Transgressions Admirations Infatuations This investigation Between linked souls Clashing antagonists From birth Til death Fighting To get ahead To gain control To win a futile war Then A sigh A blink And silent acceptance As the man Turns from the mirror
1017 am After much thought and after a conversation or two I had last night. I know my blog was depressing for those who read it. I was just feeling like that because I put myself in that situation. To be honest, it was refreshing to have someone slap me int he face with their point of views. You know, sometimes a girl needs that. I may not be expressive with words when I am in front of a person but I am expressive with my words when I do write/type them down. I had a decent conversation with a guy I consider my best friend. I knew exactly what he was thinking and what he was going to say but I guess I needed to have him tell me up front. Then about 2hrs later I received a phone call from a wonderful guy. I like him a lot. He told me how he felt when he read my blogs and also how he felt when I posted up some salutes. For that, I am sorry for not taking your thoughts into consideration. You're the one for me right now and I wouldn't want to do anything to ma
I've thought of the many lives I've lived And the countless ones to come. How to end these reflections-this cycle of glass You see... For aren't our lives reflections of past Karma's? How to end this cycle of rebirth-pure in thought I fear that will never be me. Who are these Gods that toy with us, laugh at our Weakness, scorn our strength? No! To believe this would be madness, pure insanity. We are not puppets to be pulled on a string; Perhaps if we look inside, perhaps there A light will spring... Look at the stars, study a tree... Is not the Universe, then, WE?
Reflection Well as this year ends and the birth of the new year begins….it has me reflecting on what I have accomplished…how did I grow….therefore, I started thinking….why do I hold back when I want to do so much in this life? So what exactly do I want to accomplish by this time next year? As I sit and ponder the year to come, I reflect on this past year…. I have some things I am grateful that I did, but still seems so little for such a great space of time… so here I sit and wonder what do I want to do now with the time ahead of me…and I decided I needed to make a list….one that has every dream and desire I have….and then when I sit here this time next year and ponder what have I accomplished… I can look at this list and see …. 1. Learn to bellydance 2. Explore nature more 3. Take a few more classes (work related) 4. Take atleast 3 trips to see friends 5. Learn a method of meditation that works for me 6. Write more 7. Learn to play the piano 8. Get started on the hydroponic
I look back to the first night when we first slept still smiling about all the secrets we kept it was so unexpected you wanted to be protected I respected that I even wanted to give you some slack let you know we didn't have to get down like that that I had your back and that in the end I really wanted a friend You became so much more and there was more in store so much so fast I am not sure it can last and if it ended today I wouldn't have a bad thing to say just happy that you took the time and for that moment you were mine
Reflection Of A Year Gone By
The past 12 months have been very hard indeed for me personally and has taught me a great deal about myself and others, there have been some dark times and even sometimes that have made me wonder how we manage to survive sometimes in this crazy mixed up world of ours. I have lost many things this year, I lost my home and everything I worked so hard for over the years and I also lost a very close and dear friend who felt that they just could not go on any further despite my own efforts to try and convince them that there were many reasons why they should stand up and fight, which in turn made me realise that yes it was worth fighting for no matter how hard it may all seem at the time. Also here in fuland, not all has been plain sailing, I have gained and lost friends, even had my heart tugged a few times and have become very close to a few also, none more so than one who is very dear to my heart and will always remain so…….but … There have been times, and now is one of th
Reflection Of 2008 And My Solutions, Plus My New Years Wish
Having time today to reflect on the past year, I have noticed a few patterns that I thought I'd share. Mumms They have disappeared and in their place...polls, surveys, obvious failures at humor, and most disturbingly an increasing amount of real "legal" or "medical" issues that have no business in this forum and should be brought to professionals. My Solution Have an automatic mumm check script created that reads the mumm prior to publishing. If it's a non-mumm, or doesn't fit the forum, it will not be published, and the author will lose privileges for 6 months. Fake Profiles One of the biggest problems on this site. Every day I see dozens upon dozens of 'newbs' scrolling across the top. No verified email, no pics or pics that are generic web pics, no gender, and yet they are not weeded out after a short time period. Why? Because it pads Fubar's membership numbers for marketing purposes. The more members that can be shown to potential advertisers, the more money that can be cha
Reflections In The Mirror On The Road Of Life
At some point in my life, things changed irrevocably. Life and the way I viewed it altered completely. Some would say that this is a good thing, others are more of the belief that I am being a fool and not being careful. I am still unsure myself as to which of these is true. I wonder some days if it was worth it. The changes I have made, the steps I have taken, and the things I have done. I suppose at the end of the day so to speak, I am the only person who can make that judgement. Still sometimes it is difficult to look in the mirror and see the man reflected back at me. While I know there is no point in mulling over what might have been, I still wonder if I had done things differently, would the person I see be the same, or would there be a different man facing me. Some days my reflection appears as clear as a sunny day and my path is easy to find while others it is like looking into the face of a stranger, not knowing who I am or what I am doing here. Every road in life contains man
Reflection Of The Past
Stop looking at me, Am I that creepy? You tease me, Stop looking at me. You hate me, Why am i really that strange? You don't know m, Don't judge me. I told you stop looking at me! Wait what am I saying Your perfect reflection, Your lovely complection, Staring back at me Your just a mirror image Of what i was once to be.
Reflecting A Bad Choice In 2008
This is something I made...I guess to express myself...but let it be known...Part 2 A New Beginning is to Follow Shortly...with videos of myself. Make photo slide shows at
MAYBE Maybe. we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. Maybe . . when the door of happiness closes, another opens; but, often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don't even see the new one which has been opened for us. Maybe . . it is true that we don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives. Maybe . . the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Maybe . . the brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; after all, you can't go on successfully in life until you let go of your past mistakes, failures and heartaches. Maybe . . you should dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have
As the sun is slowly setting And the evening shadows grow I think back on days gone by To a place I'd like to go. Back to a place in my childhood When days were so carefree Back to the days when my Mama's lap Was my favorite place to be. Those days of slides and swing sets Of playing out in the yard Those days when we were growing up And nothing seemed too hard. All too soon we turn around And find ourselves all grown With adult responsibilities And children of our own. The memories of yesterday Come quickly to mind When as an adult I'm searching For answers I cannot find. We struggle through our losses Gain strength from each hurdle crossed And learn that we are not truly alone Especially when we feel most lost. Now the shadows have faded to darkness The days warmth is now growing cold I look up to the stars in heaven And wonder what tomorrow will hold. The stars are shining down brightly Almost as if to say Sleep well my dear and don't be a
Reflections In The Eye Of Sickness...
I'm so sick of it People always trying to break me I won't let em get to me They can't pull me down I will die before I fall Gonna keep holding on Brain is ticking like a bomb Feeling like I'm unraveling Suffocating as I'm trying to stay up Sorrow tastes copper on my tongue My world is because I've let it be Anticipating the end, yet staying the course Trying so hard to hold it all together The life I live balanced on the tip of a feather Precarious time twisted........... Fuck it Stay alive or die trying Is it worth it? Go away... Stay Get OUT! Don't leave me.....please Drown out my sound... Break me, make me new Let me go...
I see myself reflected in a broken mirror A mere shadow of what I wish to be No sympathy seeker I Quarter is all I ask Peace for myself and those I love It matters not what I see looking inside I am my enemy as none can ever be I will destroy all I am to save those I can My life is forefeit in the persuit of serenity May my last breath be spent on words of love My final sight be that of shining beauty Perhaps peace and rest will come to me at last
As my birthday approaches in a couple of days, I have found myself thinking of what all has happened this year. I've learned a lot this year. A lot has happened to me. I just felt like typing some of it out to help collect my thoughts. I also figured, why not share? Maybe something that goes through my busy mind, could be of some use to someone along the way. I like taking time to sit in contemplation of my life. I love existential ponderings. To question is healthy... to a point. I believe sitting down every once in a while and going over your actions can help a lot. It can help you more realize things, not just about where you've been but where you're going. I find it amazing what looking back at decisions I've made has taught me over the years. Sometimes you find that you did something for a completely different reason than you thought you did at the time. Other times, you find you really didn't know why you did something at all. Finding out those things can help y
Reflective Dreams
Intertwined like two Coi upon a satin pond In invincible safety, infinitely one. A spirit, an angel, a Goddess, a God Enveloped in a thousand year moment. She leans in, brandishing purity upon Her lips, Beaming connection from Her perception. Truth, acceptance, wisdom... I breathe, I smell, I taste. Rose pedal lips embrace my being, igniting soulfire ....and yet, I close my eyes and forget.  And in an instant, we never existed.       I wrote this after having a perplexing dream while dealing with finding my mother.  I was in a bedroom, with a stunnning red headed angel.  Stunning not because of her beauty, but becasue of her aura, her energy.  She exuded absolute positivity, compassion, confidence, was truly mesmerizing, especially becasue I could feel her bringing this out of me as well.  While in a absolute peaceful embrace, she leans in to kiss me.  Brandishing this wonderful energy, I pull her close..... This is where it gets weird.  As we kiss, I sudd
Build a wall of books between us in our bed repeat, repeat the words i know we both said relax into the need we get so confortable remember when i was so strange and likeable i just want back in your head i just want back in your head I'm not unfaithful but I'll stray When I jerk away from holding hands with you I know these habits hurt important parts of you remember when how sweet and unexplainable nothing like this person unloveable *did you write this?*   A brief communication from the nether reaches of ex~dom, one of those small and forgotten holds that is rarely heard from. So... it grabs the attention. Toys with heart strings left dangling, ones that perhaps should have been burned to nubs long ago. All in a passing moment, this shudder goes through ending in the stark realization that a well chosen gathering of syllables can still hold power over you.   Here's the true point of note. I COULD have written that. Every word, and meant it. Eerie how aptly those words put toge
Familiar lines and slopes Eyes that say I know That woman in the water Looking back at me A ghostly recognition Her heart was beating On her sleeve A pretty white blouse Thick With the blood of life Youth written on her face Each smile Every shy glance The light of hope Fire burning in her eyes Her rebellious need to dream Oozing from every pore To escape, run Turning into everything she imagined No fear of failure Remember being her once Just for a moment Before I settled Packing my dreams away in the closet And putting my heart in the fridge Change must come My repentance Fear and indifference cast aside My heart beating once again Dreams flowing through my veins I pray she forgives me Happy to have seen her here today To draw me from my misery So I could recognize myself Embracing lost beauty
  “Reflections”   Darkness resides over a world that use to be me, Trying to resist but unable to ever break free...   Yearning to see a reflection not of myself but of the person I could not be, Cursed by a harsh slit of reality grasping on daily like the roots of a tree.   Thoughts of why can't I just hold on to one dream, Pain pours out I just wanna let go and scream!   This is my life not glamorous as you can see, But one day the darkness will fade this I guarantee!   Homeless for now must stride to succeed, Standing with my cart hopes that someone hears my plead..   I never meant to lose myself but each day I fade, Concealed behind my mask held high like I'm going to a masquerade!   Wait those weren't my words that I just said!!! Must have been my alter ego I named him Ed...   I'm really quite normal please listen to me... I want to once again be part of this so called society
It was the end of everything For both you and I The world that we knew Was now set to die But since that world brought me Nothing but pain I could care less that it Will never be the same But somehow that didn’t stop me From cling to fears Even as the day of ending Is drawing near So what’s a girl like me supposed To do tonight? When everything in the world Just seems to right I can hear the whispers come from The past again Everything we have I just never Want it to end I know that I must be brave For my own fate Because I know that love will never Just sit and wait While I sit here in the dark And begin to pray Wishing to the stars above That my love will stay I know that if I just Keep all my faith That our love will never Start to dissipate But it’s hard to remain So solid and true When the past begins to Sneak up on you But when the stars come out For the night My love for you will burn Just as bright Because there’s not much That I can do When there’
Reflections..orginally Written 7/24/08
When I look into this mirror I don't see the same person I used to be.  If you could see the reflection that I see, yes it is the image of me but far away from just plain ole me.  I can see thru my eyes who I used to be it tells me to get back to me. I look at my reflection tryin to bring back the recollection of what I once knew as this great connection. I look into this mirror and trying to get back to my old self because somehow it mistakenly got put back on the shelf. I look at my reflection racking my brain trying to figure out how to take away the pain. I look in the mirror knowing that, this ain't me! You know who you are and what God came for you to be.  I look at my reflection and I by no means do I want you to keep guessing, because I can't keep you stressin. I look into this mirror I see you there but off in the distance, but when I beckon you, you're not resistant.  I look at my reflection thinking why have you been feeling neglected, you don't have to fear for who
Reflection Of The Past
Stop looking at me,Am i that creepy?You tease me,Stop looking at me,Youhate me,Why am I really that Strange?You dont know me,Dont judge me!I told you stop looking at me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wait what am i saying?Your perfect reflection,Your lovely complection,Stareing back at me,Your just a mirror image,Of what i used to be.
The Reflections Are Like Illusions
The reflections in illusionslike music in waterwhen the colours in whitewrite about the nightwhere the eyes beholdmirrors in goldkisses like crystalsin wrappers soldlike in mayawhen red eyes closeda peacock's dancethe moon's pranceOn such a notethe slow slow kisseslong and longer pausesmercurial feverskyscraper desirehaunting moanssearching fingersbehold such passionlike natures ownthe colours in blackstood nakedwith trembling handsThe intensity of lovewas the painin separation togetherthat leaning mouthon the lips of the belovedthere are songs of passionfor us to beholdof the unseen
A few weeks ago i got hit by a car and fractured several ribs. As a result I developed complications and spent some time in hospital recovering. While away I understood how random occurrences can change the way you see life. For a while I did not think I would get through it. Happily I did. Although Fubar has many faults, one thing makes it special and that is the real friends you make here. Thank you to those people and I'm happy I made it through. You know who you are and thank you x
The Reflecting God
Dear God - tell me Why'd you take my mother from meAnd left me screaming by myself in this miseryDear God - why'd you crawl from the crossAnd shed blood for our sins if you made us just to be your bossDear God - why'd you lie to meYou said you'd walk by my side for eternityDear God - why'd you put me through all of this painAnd let the Devil control me but get pissed when your names in vainDear God - will you kill meIf I blaspheme your name will you make me burn eternallyDear God - will you rape meTake my spirit and molest it like a little kid to clergyDear God - do you hate meI know you do cause when I look in the mirror I know what I seeDear God - just face meLet me have the chance to kill you with this demonology, andDear God - don't take meI don't want your streets of gold or all the treasures that you offer meDear God - just praise meCause I'm the one that made you up inside my own mentalityI went to God just to see (Thou shall now see)And I was looking at me (Thou shall now be)Sa
I stare at long hair brown eyes.The reflection lying to me telling me tales of beautyI said to him “Cruelty tells me otherwise” The reflection only smiled her eyes glittering in the light“You lie to me.. Cruelty points out all the flaws why do you lie!!” I scream hitting her face but she only batted her eyes. “Fat and useless cruelty says he doesn’t lie!”“Invisible !!! He says”Then The reflection ridden with tears looking end endearing beneath the light her beauty never etching then again she lies. “Apparently I am!” I say to her. She smiles and shakes her head “You are me.. This is you… I do not lie… do not listen to cruelty for he lies.. He is made of his own jealously and insecurity.” I smile. “I am beautiful” I say to the reflection.
Mirrors, what looks back at you when you look into one. I dont mean what do you see when you look into it. What do you see when they are looking back. They do look back thats what a refelction is. Is it something stong, weak, pathtic, emoral, unseen. Some times you just dont know. You may think you do, but in reality you dont. Who is that person looking back at me? Or, maybe thats not you looking back from that reflextion you see, its someone you wish you could be or your afraid to face. No matter what that mirrior speaks the truth about everything there is to you wether you like it or not. You can try to hide it all you want with hours in front of it, but undernethe its still you. Maybe thats why some of us like to stay behind the camra. No matter what we hide who we truley are from everything and everyone even when were not trying to. You will never completly begin to understand or know me, but i know me or maybe I do, but this isnt about me. A mirror will always tell you the truth t
Reflections Of A Beautiful Morning
                             Reflections of a Beautiful Morning The sun rises above the hillcrest,As does the joy of my heart;Rays of warmth and love,From her I will never depart.Fresh dew upon the grass,Young birds chirp in their nests;I watch her gently sleep,My love to her I silently profess.I enjoy the stillness and calm,Watching as she smiles and dreams;She brings me to stillness and peace,Like that of a slow flowing stream.My heart and soul flow with love,And I smile as I quietly reflect;I’ve been handed a sweet princess,A sweet princess to love and to protect.A vow to myself I make,As she quietly sleeps away;To love and always cherish her,Until my last breath... until my last day.
It really sucks reflecting on your past and where you are today. I keep sitting here thinking that I will be turning 39 next week and where I am in my life. I don't like it. I used to be the one that could go out and generally get anything that I wanted done. Now I have severe anxiety just going to the fucking store. Hell at this age I should be saving for retirement, not trying to get counseling help. I have never been on the edge like this before. I seriously think its the aftermath of my dope days and the reason it is hitting me now is because before when I went clean all I did is work and come home. I didn't associate with anyone in real life. I mean sure I had my online friends and support, but it is just different from having to deal with it in real life.  But hell, I dont know if that is the case or not, hell I certainly aint a doctor.  I guess I am really hating that once again on a birthday I feel like a huge zero.
This couldnt be any more true!   A mirror simply reflects the face,Of what others quickly see.It will never clearly show,What is deep inside of me.Yet, as I walk amongst the world,Where wise eyes seldom snooze.My true reflection is clearly shown,By the friends that I choose.
Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and looked into it at your own reflection and then asked yourself, "Who are you?"? I have. I do it every day. I've asked myself that question even without the mirror. Sometimes when I can't sleep because my brain won't turn itself off, I lie awake and I ask myself that. I've found the answer a time or two, but it wasn't until I was faced with a reality today that I figured it all out. I know who I am, and it isn't who I wanted to be. I'm broken. I've always been broken. I can accept that, and truth be told, I know who holds the blame for that. There have been times when I've thought that I had all the pieces back in place, and that the cracks and fissures had been sealed, and then something happens that allows me to see that that isn't entirely true. But, what can you do? When you've been through all the things I've been through and you've seen all the things I've seen, sometimes, being broken is the best thing there is. It let's you know you're
Reflections Of Self.
Come now, what would you have me believe--That you are open, unique, beyond yourself?I try to make your little evasions make sense,Reach through the mist of your moving away.You can take up whatever defense the moon will allow,Become the left hand of truthfulness at night….The radiance of forgetfulness is not so endearingWhen friends lose faith; I have no measureFor the swerve of emotion left beneath the eaves.We can go straight back to hovering over forgiveness.We’ll return to our present wavering soon enough.Please touch the tip of your thought with graceUntil I find my strength in silence once again.I call you by name, my counterpart, high, brave windBeyond necessity, beyond the windings of compromise. Poem By Tammy C.
Reflection Nebula In Cepheus
Reflections In The Mirror~by Jd
Determined to make a difference, Ready for positive change. I am still learning how to keep steady, Everyday a little something more is just not the same.   For just a few years i began to lose it, Now a flurry of actions have swept across my path. I believe what it comes down to is now or never, No time for hesitation, This is my moment to finally reflect.   Looking back at all the situations, Not to mention all of the strenuous pains. All the times i remember when i was just this close to giving in, More proud of myself just to know that i was able to resist.   With this pen clinched in my fist, I feel as if i can dominate the world. Much like when i was younger, Cocky knowing if i wanted something bad enough i would suck you into my world.   More or less i strive to piss off my doubters, Anyone who looked down upon this man and called me a " crying shame". Soon enough i'll be at the top once more, Yes you'll envy me again, All you non believers should just kee
Reflecting On My Late Daughter's Third Birthday.
Yesterday would have been Ceilidh's third birthday. She died sometime overnight between the 4th and 5th of December, 2006, and we found out about her death during a routine ultrasound on the morning of the 5th. It was marginally sunny when we arrived, but snowing when we left. Some people might think the snowfall after hearing about our daughter's death was a bit like adding insult to injury, but Jen and I know differently. We love snow, and to us, the snowfall on that morning was Ceilidh's way of brightening an otherwise sad day for us...she was "decorating" Mommy and Daddy's life in her own way. We took that night to absorb the news that we'd lost our little girl, and to make the inevitable and heartbreaking phone calls to family. The next evening we were admitted to Women and Infants' Hospital in Providence RI, to induce labor. Jen was then in labor for the better part of four days, and on the 9th, Ceilidh's tiny little body entered this world. Now, yesterday on her third birthday
I sit and take two tokes then pause……… Exhale all the smoke for the cause The cause that I can't stand this land Unless my brain is assimilated with little green men Inebriation is my hobby of choice and I am dedicated to my hobby, So dedicated that I'm dedicating this rant to it because from it this rant was conceived. The chicken before the egg Three hard lines rite before bed A shadily crafted black door that has been panted red twice and finding the one truth without a doubt, I can't even recognized my own voice from my mouth Two more tokes then pause…..
A Reflection
I left work with a mission. Finish Christmas shopping & feast at the Seneca-Allegany casino buffet.   Why feast last night?  I dunno.  Perhaps my desk jockeying was extra strenuous yesterday.  Perhaps this below zero temperature kicked on some biological need to consume vast numbers of calories.  Perhaps I am a bottomless pit.   I got in line & luckily there were only 4 people in front of me.  Old people move really really really slow.  No worries.  This was a marathon, not a sprint.  I had patience and strategy. The waitress showed me to my table, in the smoking section.  I asked for Ice water w/lemon and black coffee. She invited me to go to the buffet.   Plate #1:  A big pile of crab legs.  4 whole sets and a couple of spare claws.  Drawn butter.   No claw cracking tool – those are for pussies.  And –a few mini mushrooms to cleanse the palate and enjoy each set of claws as though they were the first.  A nice appetizer.     Plate #2:  A ¾ inch thick slab of medium
Mirrors, what looks back at you when you look into one. I dont mean what do you see when you look into it. What do you see when they are looking back. They do look back thats what a refelction is. Is it something stong, weak, pathtic, emoral, unseen. Some times you just dont know. You may think you do, but in reality you dont. Who is that person looking back at me? Or, maybe thats not you looking back from that reflextion you see, its someone you wish you could be or your afraid to face. No matter what that mirrior speaks the truth about everything there is to you wether you like it or not. You can try to hide it all you want with hours in front of it, but undernethe its still you. Maybe thats why some of us like to stay behind the camra. No matter what we hide who we truley are from everything and everyone even when were not trying to. You will never completly begin to understand or know me, but i know me or maybe I do, but this isnt about me. A mirror will always tell you the truth t
Reflection Eternal ( 2010) In This World
Most people are selfish these days. Selfish about feelings, love, everything. More concerned about how you made them feel. Rather than how they might of made you feel. More concerned with who they love. Rather than who loves them. More concerned with what makes them happy. Rather than who they make happy. Most people forget who they were 15 years ago. Who they loved, where they were, what they wanted. Most people dont realize if in that span of time, If they have made a difference in someones life. If they made a difference in their own lives. Or if anything has even changed at all. No one ever thinks of what they need. Always concerned with what they want. Want versus need, are two totally different objects. I wonder how many people ever take the time to step back, and look at the big picture. Look at their surroundings, home, life, family, city, state, the world. Does anyone take the time to notice the small things in life anymore? Or even enjoy such things in life anymore
She sat there, looking at herself, but not truely seeing herself. Many thoughts, ran through, her head. She believed all of them, but at the same time, believed none of them. Green eyes stared back at her, telling her all the wrong things. Making her feel worthless, ugly, and thinking that no one could, love someone like her. Tears slipped from her eyes, her hand reaches up and, touches the wetness on her cheek. She is shocked to feel it there, she has told herself that she is stronger than that. Green eyes that seem so strong, and bright, but when she takes the time, the brightness fades a little. This green eyed girl, who knows she is well loved, and has someone who thinks she is beautiful. So she continues to sit there, thinking, of her love, and her green eyes brighten again, and she promises herself, from this day, she will not think of herself as, worthless, ugly, again, and she knows she is loved very much, by a special person.
Reflections In Darkness
turbulent, inky black, rushing past my face, jeering laughter interspersed with derisive whispers and sly contempt...My world has become so cold... once loving and tender arms, friendly faces, laughter and friendship, now anger, grief, agony and uncaring dismissals from trusted souls...dreams, once solid, glittering, clear, a myriad of hues and sparkling images.. a diamond, immense and shining and set in a pedestal of stone,Shattered... now chips and fragments against a perfect black-- a velvet backdrop where each facet winks light lonely, isolated and dimming... by my own folly do I now suffer...all I have left of near perfection are scattered memories... slivers of a daydream rent and stripped and raped by the unknowing and uncaring.wonderful memories... a walk on a star-filled night, racing a thunderstorm home...... a drive on a seeming endless highway, in search of something dropped...a whispered promise in the dim candle light of a night of passion, a small, shining rin
As she sits in the darkness waiting for the light to come Reflection comes so easy creeping in like a thief of the night...   Not wanting to dwell on the past but unable to escape it the walls close in she must get out of site...   Days seem so short the nights never end If only the two were reversed she could find happiness again...
There comes a time in your life when all that is in the past comes back with a vengeance and all of your realities come back to haunt you.   all the things you have done all the things you havent done and all the things you want to do all come to you in a reflection of your life.   You come to realize all those who mattered and those who never did what is important and what never was and you dream of what you want.   Realization comes when you know that everything you did was what you wanted to do to live with no regrets is the goal.   You come to realize you cant go back to fix past mistakes you must move forward learning, growing and living.  
ReflectionsI look in the mirrorI don’t recognize what I seeI used to see a man with a smileBut I don’t know what’s starring back at meI used to see a man with a smileNow all I see is a frownI look into its eyesOnce bright and full of lifeNow there is no lifeThe light gone outAnd all I see is tearsWhere is the happy man I once knew?All I see is sorrow and painHow do I find that man again?I haven’t got a clueWhere has he gone?There’s nothing left Of the man I once knewI look in the mirrorI just want to go back to bedReflections
People presume a lot about me...a whole lot. I'd call it transference, but that would be...nah, it's transference...I say very little about myself, and yet the people that tell me what I'm trying to be...are everywhere. And what they're telling me boggles my tiny mind a tad - it says more about what they are trying to be, than anything about me.   But I won't say that loudly, or longly, enough for that point to get through.   People who talk to you about someone...will also talk about you to someone.   I find gossip is the province of the powerless...I try to avoid it, and I don't trust those that partake in it as their main source of entertainment (yes I am not perfect myself, shaddup).   Some of you...spend way too much time and emotion thinking about me and my motivations/veneers/whatever. Seriously, you're doing me too much credit, no way am I worth that, and you probably won't figure it out anyway.   The dynamics here are fascinating sometimes...the way people cloak them
Reflecting On A Year Gone By
here we are with another year gone by and i find myself reflecting upon it. for me this year has been rough and trying and ive learned alot about myself. finally getting the nerve to end a downhill four year relationship. rebuilding a new life for me and my two boys has been hard and i know i have a road ahead of me but i would not change my decisions at all. putting my heart out there to be broken taught me alot! i am stronger and will not put up with men and people who dont think im the world! i am entering into a new year with hope and strength
when I read back over this (read original blog entry below) I am struck by how my notions of desire and exceitment have altered.  Society tells us what is right and wrong and we continue to let them dominate us.  Why? Each person should seek out their own definition of such and embrace it.
Reflection Of A Soul
How does one sum into words the infinite depth of a cursed soul, and etch into parchment the crimson ink beating inside a tainted heart? I am foremost, a beast, a poet, and a scribe by sheer existence. My words I can twist into lovely shining ribbons to adorn my muse's tresses or shimmering chains forged of my will to bind her delicate limbs, so she may lie in wait for my dark amusement. My dear cherished muse, look beyond the gentleness that can fool so easily and you will find that which only time and understanding can teach. All along you will vow you knew me, and then you turned the page. To know my masquerading soul is to test the deepest cruel waters of fate and provoke the scathing winds of destiny. To trust my hand is to challenge courage and conquer fear. To hear and feel my heartbeat is to rest within the bosom of an immortal born not of earth, but the very cosmos itself. To carelessly wander past the gates of my inspiration is to find yourself ent
Reflections In The Brook
Reflections in the Brook As you gaze into the crystal clear brook,reflections of your life go floating,slowly and painfully by,like a mirror of your past,reflections of your past,good and bad,happy and sad,all of these different parts of your life,some make you feel good, yet some hurt,your life is full of good times and bad,you find their are more good rather than bad,yet the images of pain is more vivid,for it makes a greater impact on your life,and your past floats by...your past floats by.   Copyright ©2006
Reflections Of Loss
  REFLECTIONS OF LOSS   Into darkness, with reflections of loss   Through the paths of pain   Through portals of regret   In, an out of rooms best forgotten   The black journey to discover   The road of light   The road to self   The road that leads to the avenue in the bright   the avenue of hope   JP owell  
1. I am not the same person that I was 1 hour ago let alone 6 years ago 2. I have loved w/ everything that I am and all that I have 3. I have learned many lessons along the way 4. I am stronger then I think that I am 5. I will never let anyone make me feel not important 6. I can achieve anything that I set my mind to   7. I wish I knew where the man I fell in love w/ and married has gone to   8. I have trusted whole heartedly  9. I have had that trust shattered  10. I have questioned myself more in these past 2 yrs then I think I have in my entire life 11. I have surprised myself as well as many others 12. I have begun to dream again 13. I have felt independent and made my own decisions 14. I have gotten closer to a lot of people 15. I have found out who my true friends are 16. I have been loved unconditionally and supported by my friends and family
Reflecting On 2011
As I was heating up my lunch today, I found myself staring out at a cloudy-yet-pleasant Rhode Island day and pondering the strange evolution of my life over the last year.  Certainly, had you asked me last December where I thought I'd be in 12 months and what I'd be doing, I could not have guessed it would be this.  In the last 12 months I've been engaged, applied to grad school, graduated from undergrad with a BS in chemistry (minor in physics, almost-minor in math), taken a month off from life to help my mother learn to live with her newly diagnosed diabetes, driven myself from Tennessee to Rhode Island to move into a new house with my fiance, unpacked and moved things around the house a thousand times, survived my first hurricane on the coast, researched all summer for my graduate project, started graduate classes, ended my engagement, got fed up when he didn't get the picture and ended my relationship, had my car stolen and wrecked, leased a new (metallic lime green) car, AND met a
ReflectionThe dark clouds burst aboveSheets of rain like needlesI sense you here with meAnd it makes me trembleAnd the rain comes pouring down,Its resurrection A reflection of what used to beAnd I’m just a reflectionDamp ground beneath my feetI feel your intense stareI close my eyes, sinking downAnd I am consumed by you thereAnd the rain comes pouring down,Its resurrection A reflection of what used to beAnd I’m just a reflectionAnd the rain comes pouring downIts all deceptionA reflection of what used to beJust a reflection of meThunder crash and lightening flashRain and tears upon my faceWash it all awayWash you awayAnd the rain comes pouring downIts all perceptionA reflection of what used to beJust a reflection of meRising spirit, ascend the stormMy eyes unobstructed nowYou’re not thereJust a reflection of youAnd the rain comes pouring downIt’s my salvationJust a reflection of what used to beThe salvation of me
Who do we talk to when there's no one around to listen? Who do we hug when there's no one around to care? Who do we cry to when there's no one around to console you? Who do we see when we look in the mirror?
  Reflections ....... Standing before the mirror of truth...she cries she knows that time is moving on without her  and she cannot reach back and turn the hands ...that forever tic she washes the cheap mascara from her eyes   and for a moment realizes what a racoon must look like..but her laughter is but only for a second No one has to tell her what she already knows in her heart She has been a fool Many of her years have been spent living a life that wasnt hers Her thoughts and her actions have all been to the benefit of someone else who never thought more of her than a slave A puppet on strings to enhance their own selfish life and needs She always believed if she gave, did her best, was a good girl,that all her needs were going to be met.
Re: For You
This song was a perfect match to my last blog
ya know tha worse thing in the world is to re format and loose 99.9% of your stuff. That more than sux that pisses me off, cause i lost all my friends numbers an addies. Now I can just toss and drag this piece of silicone crap outta the 3rd story window
Reform School Girls 1986
Re: Fox Reported Osama Dead In 2001!
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Seattle 9/11 Truth Date: 16 Sep 2007, 12:01 So, is he Jesus and he arose from the dead?? Or was the story false?? Or do we even f*cking what is true anymore!!Thanks, Shawn.----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: shawnDate: Sep 16, 2007 11:29 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Liebchen Protesting 800 FEMA Camps NationwideDate: Sep 16, 2007 11:08 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------Thanks: ^ rkymtnrdr ^Date: Sep 16, 2007 6:49 AM-------------Click Here------------------------------ Bulletin Message -----------------From: Pamela's ProtestDate: Sep 16, 2007 11:42 AMCheck out this crazy legitimate fox news link----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Minnesota CHANGE-9/11 TruthDate: Sep 16, 2007 10:33 AM,2933,41576,00.htmlU.S. & WorldNEWS ARCHIVE HOT TOPICSVideo: FOX NEWS FLASH FOX News Election Coverage Celebrity Gossip
Re: Forget Impeachment Lets Arrest Bush!!!
RE: Forget Impeachment Lets ARREST BUSH!!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: bobby Date: 05 Oct 2007, 22:43 ..Brought to You by:The King and Queen of BULLETINS, bobby&∴Trinity∴RE: Forget Impeachment Lets ARREST BUSH!!!
Re: Fox News Employees Expose Practices!
RE: FOX news employees expose practices!
Re: Fox News Runs With Al Qaeda Wildfires Conspiracy Theory
RE: Fox News Runs With Al Qaeda Wildfires Conspiracy Theory ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Alex Jones Date: 25 Oct 2007, 12:32 Fox News Runs With Al Qaeda Wildfires Conspiracy Theory Neocon mouthpiece channel Fox News continues to run programming today suggesting that Al Qaeda terrorists may have infiltrated the US and started fires in California that have devastated acres of land and have forced one million people from their homes over the past week.
Re: Former Nfl Star Latest To Question 9/11 Official Story
RE: Former NFL Star Latest To Question 9/11 Official Story ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 05 Nov 2007, 05:29 Former NFL Star Latest To Question 9/11 Official Story Former Dallas Cowboys and Houston Oilers lineman Mark Stepnoski has become the latest notable public figure to question the government's official 9/11 story, speaking to an Indiana newspaper about his fascination with the 9/11 truth movement and his doubts about Building 7, insider trading, and the alleged hijackers.
Re: Fox Host Says Dissenters Should Be Tased
RE: Fox Host Says Dissenters Should Be Tased ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 20 Nov 2007, 06:27 Fox Host Says Dissenters Should Be Tased During a discussion about a Code Pink member heckling Hillary Clinton at a recent event, Fox News host Brian Kilmead said that people who confront politicians are "threatening" and should be Tased or "beaten to a pulp," as the establishment media continues to sell the idea that anyone who disagrees with authority should be brutally punished.
Re: For Those That Asked, Pnac Radio Archive Link
RE: for those that asked, pnac radio archive link ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Erin Date: 21 Nov 2007, 10:59 for those that have emailed me asking about PNAC Radio, here is the link to their archives. sorry i suck at replying to messages, there is more than i can handle these days. Project for a New American Citizen Radio - www.pnacitizen.org
Re: Forget 1987, This Could Be 1929 All Over Again
RE: Forget 1987, This Could Be 1929 All Over Again ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 24 Jan 2008, 13:28 Forget 1987, This Could Be 1929 All Over Again The huge debt bubble, which has artificially propped up the stock market since the turn of the millennium, could cause a new great depression according to one expert, who also predicts that investors will flock to buy gold as the dollar continues to plummet.
Re: Former Minn Governor Jesse Ventura Joins 9/11 Truth Movement
RE: Former Minn Governor Jesse Ventura Joins 9/11 Truth Movement ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: We Are Change NYC Date: 03 Apr 2008, 00:37 ThanksImpeach GeOgre/ 9. 11 TruthLee Leo/FightNWO (RonPaul2008. com)Listen: ..Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled DemolitionNavy veteran and movie star savages official story, says media covering up truth about attacksPaul Joseph WatsonPrison PlanetWednesday, April 2, 2008Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura vehemently savaged the official 9/11 story on a syndicated national radio show today, saying the WTC collapsed like a controlled demolition and was pulverized to dust as he also highlighted the impossible 10 second free fall speed of the towersAppearing on The Alex Jones Show, Ventura said that his initial reaction to 9/11 was much like most people at the time, and he accepted the official story outright, a response he now regrets because he was in a position of power
Re: Fox News Caught Flashing Mccain Tv Subliminal
RE: Fox News Caught Flashing McCain TV Subliminal ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 13 May 2008, 12:04 Fox News Caught Flashing McCain TV Subliminal Fox News has been caught placing a subliminal image of presidential candidate John McCain during its TV intro sequence in what appears to be a deliberate, criminal, and underhanded propaganda ploy. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/may2008/051308_mccain_subliminal. htm
Re: Fox News Guest Openly Calls For Obama Assassination
RE: Fox News Guest Openly Calls For Obama Assassination ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 26 May 2008, 12:51 Fox News Guest Openly Calls For Obama Assassination The Neo-Cons' sick obsession with assassinating Barack Obama took another bizarre turn yesterday when Fox News guest Liz Trotta openly expressed a desire to see someone "knock off" the Democratic candidate. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/may2008/052608_obama_assassination. htm
Reformating Computer/hh Thank You!
Hi everyone, First I want to thank everyone for joining me on my Happy Hour Friday evening! I never seen so many ratings and comments, lol. I thank you so very much! And I got over 300,000 points lol. Only about 800,000 from GodMother now. Whoo Hoooo! But I alwanted to let you know that I may be out a couple days. I had an awful time trying to keep up and return rates for everyone that rated me etc. Mainly due to my computer needing reformatted so badly and running pretty slow. So, I am just getting ready to delete everything and reinstall windows. I may be out a couple days, but hopefully I will be back online this evening sometime. But it takes a long time for me to get everything installed back the way I keep it. Lol I have lots of programs and special things I need to do in order to use and view applets, vbs stationery etc. So it takes me usually a couple days. Hope you all have a great weekend, and thanks so much for hanging out with me during my Happy Hour! It was very,
I got a text from a friend and this topic was on CNN Now as well. It was a forwarded text with a number to call for marijuan reform, if they get enough people to support this(a million needed) there will be a proposed bill to be put in front of the house for a vote and all the way to the president, with the economy the way it is this bill would be huge and hell marijuana will be legal. So here is the number to call and show your support for this effort. 973-409-3274 Press pound for yes.
Reformatting The Much Beloved Theory Of How Our Solar System Came To Be....part # 1science
To begin I would like to explain I am by no mean's a world renowned anything...I am a seeker of many truth's...Some of which are so fabricated that the first impression of new idea's sound so convincing to those seeking such answer's tend to buy into clever answer's that hold no positionin fact.And as I explain my hypothises your eye's will awaken and your spirit will grow within the possibility that Im right......                                                                                              #1 Birth.                                                 All thing's are born of soming else.A tree starts as a sapling or seed..                                               Chicken's are born from an egg.Human's a yoke sack.One thing comes from another                                                So with this being said,how is it we believe that planet's,Which are one big organisom                                                them selves happend to form by colliding pa
Refrigerator Cheese Cake
Ingredients: Graham Cracker Crust 1 ¼ cups crumbs (about 16 crackers) 2 T sugar ¼ cup melted butter 2 eggs, separated 1 cup sugar ½ tsp salt 1 cup milk 1 pkg lemon gelatin 1 ½ cups whipping cream 2 cups ricotta cheese Preparation: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the cracker crumbs, sugar and butter. Reserve 3 T for topping and press the remaining mixture firmly and evenly against the bottom and the sides of an 8x8 pan. Bake for 10 minutes. Cool. Combine the sugar, salt, egg yolks, and the milk in a large saucepan. Cook it over medium heat, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Add the gelatin and stir until it is well dissolved. Cool in the refrigerator. When mixture begins to thicken, add the ricotta cheese. Beat it until the mixture is light. Beat the whipping cream until it is stiff, then fold it into the mixture. Beat the egg whites until they peak, then fold them into the mixture. Pour the finished cheese cake into the cooled crust and chill it until i
The Refrigerator Wars
I happen to have 2 roommates, one of which is my cousin, and recently we have been having fridge wars. Not in a good way either. It started with my cousin buying some beer and putting a note on it saying don't touch, which is his every right. The thing is, if I have beer or anything in there, he always helps himself to it. So I went an bought groceries and put a note on everything I bought that it was mine and to not touch. He didn't really like that one, but he never buys food for here, but will eat stuff I buy if he likes it. Then it spread to my other roommate because he hangs out with this girl who seems to think she is allowed to tell us what to do in our own home. She went and bought some zimas and left them in our fridge for a couple days. Well I was drinking a couple beers one night and when I finished my couple beers I drank her Zimas. When my roomie came home that night he started bitching at me because I drank her zimas. I told him that the 24 hour rule applied. He didn't li
Refreshed And Clean
One thought, one heart, one desire One Thought living in a moment set afire One heart that beats to see one face true One desire belonging always to you True dream, true faith, true feeling True dreams of one who is a healing True faith due to one who does renew True feelings for one and only for you Found hope, found joy, found love Found hope a feeling from heaven above Found joy in the sight of your smile Found love in a moment shared for awhile Dreaming free, dreaming desire, dreaming you Dreaming free of a dream that I pray to come true Dreaming desire for the soul who completes me Dreaming you and needing me in time we may see By R. Thomas Dinsmore
I met a girl from online today. She was the greatest! We met, we went parking, and she sucked my cock and swallowed my whole load. After that, I took care of her needs. She's a busy woman with her own life and just wants to get laid like me. She said that she had met other guys from online, but they all have some other motive. I was honest, and told the truth, I'm horny and want nothing else, and the truth set me free! I guess it goes back to being a biker and living the way I live, god it makes life much less complicated! I'm having a great day, how bout you?!
Refrigerated Duck Dodges Death Again
TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Jan. 28) - Perky is one tough duck. The ring-neck duck has been shot by a hunter, rescued from two days in a refrigerator by his wife and - in its latest brush with death - resuscitated on a veterinarian's operating table. The 1-pound female duck stopped breathing Saturday during an operation to repair gunshot damage to her wing, said Noni Beck of Goose Creek Wildlife Sanctuary. Veterinarian David Hale performed CPR and managed to get the fractured fowl breathing again after several tense moments. "I started crying, 'she's alive!"' Beck said. Perky grabbed national attention last week after a hunter's wife opened her refrigerator door and the supposedly dead duck lifted its head and looked at her. The duck had been in the fridge for two days since it was shot and mistaken for dead on Jan. 15. Perky, who now has a pin in its wing, will probably not undergo any more surgery because of a sensitivity to anesthesia, Hale said. The duck is recovering fro
Refreshed And Relaxed
I just got back from a hella awesome trip to San Antonio. I went to go se my bestest buddies, who I haven't seen in quite a while. We had such a blast. We went everywhere in San An, it was a much needed getaway. What made it even more awesome is that my daughter had the time of her life too. She got to go the zoo, ripleys believe it or not, louis tussauds wax museum, the alamo, and Seaworld. It was amazing. It was great to be able to get out of the house for awhile and just have a good time. The only down side is that my boyfriend didn't get to come along with us. He had to be away on business so that kind of sucked. Oh well, there will be other trips for him to go on with us. Well, thought I share my time with all you guys. See ya later! Lotz O' Love!
Jan. 21st, 2005 Refrain I could weep from a broken heart, for I felt a tear I could curl up and die, For life attempted, yet again, to attack my soul. I’ll refrain. For it does not come as a surprise to me I’ve seen this all before One minute he is well contented The next he is out the door. To play his game requires much skill You have to stay alert Mind your P’s and Q’s Or he’ll dig up all your dirt. He cannot handle matters of the heart Without digging in his pockets first So come prepared for survival Cause he’ll leave you dying in a desert with thirst Look upon that heart on his sleeve with caution For it bares more than meets the eye He’ll use it to climb inside yours with passion And then smother you till you die Copyright@2005LaPoetress49
A Refreshing Sunset..
After a long day of work and long hours of stress, it's feels so good to lay down a nice big comfy blanket and lie down with you. A field cleared of weeds and a babbling brooke near by. Hills to the left and to the right of us filled with trees swaying from the wind. Clouds floating over head. In the distance are two rabbits searching for some clover to eat. The sun is slowly going out of sight. With the colors of red, blue, yellow, and orange swirrled into one. Mixing with the clouds so perfectly, an artist would be astonished. The sounds of nature all around. We hear in the forests around us the sounds of deer as they walk among the broken branches and twigs. The sky magnifies the land, glowing in a red and orange tint. The sun is going down, the stars are glistening. We lay back and watch as the stars come into view. Your head on my shoulder, my hand in your hair. Your hand laying over my chest, your leg upon mine. A gentle sigh heard from your lips, as you exhale you
Refresher Course
love my guns and would feel very unsafe without them around--------P "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." ---Thomas Jefferson--- 1 An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. 2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. 3. Colt: The original point and click interface. 4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control. 5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords? 6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words. 7. "Free" men do not ask permission to bear arms. 8. If you don't know your rights you don't have any. 9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither. 10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights reserved. 11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand? 12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
Refresher Of Tonites Meeting And Info!!!
Re: Free The Four! Reno's Day In Federal Court! *re
RE: FREE THE FOUR! Reno's Day in Federal Court! *RE ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: VANMETER DEMANDS the MARSHALLS 2 FREE RENO NOW Date: 17 Sep 2007, 18:41 thank you for reposting and adding all the extras for me! FREE THE FOUR ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ♂ Georgilla Ћe Guerrilla ♀Date: Sep 17, 2007 2:05 PMPASS THIS ON!Passed this on: Suspension of DisBeliefOrig. Author and True American Patriot VANMETER DEMANDS the MARSHALLS 2 FREE RENO NOWEarly this morning at 9 am the identification and detenition hearings for Cirino Gonzalez were held. Being brought to the courtroom they refused him to wear a suit, brush his hair and had him bounded by chains and shackeled, his defense lawyer asked if he could at least requested for the sake of dignity during the proceedure to remove the hand cuffs. Oddly the Marshalls went to start to remove them without direction of the
Re: Free Mychal Bell!!!
RE: Free Mychal Bell!!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: ~Nadjieli, Demands Justice~ Date: 28 Sep 2007, 01:47
Re: Free The Six Rally In New Hampshire! Repost!
RE: FREE the SIX Rally in New Hampshire! Repost! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: KisaMogwai Date: 05 Oct 2007, 21:18 for anyone in the area...add the profile, repost this bulletin and go to the rally! if anyone has an idea of how i can vote on the 5th and might be riding through Indiana and can help me get there... i'll be happy to go..(consider it a birthday present:) otherwise.. i'm screwed... this is a sad day for America and the constitution....thanx FREE ED & ELAINE BROWNDate: Oct 5, 2007 3:12 PMAdd This profile
Re: Freedom Rally!
RE: FREEDOM RALLY! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: VANMETER SAYS FREE RENO NOW Date: 07 Oct 2007, 02:03
Wow what a time I had in Tenn... this past week and week end. The weather was to die for... The views were breath taking... and I had the best time with my friends... How I wish we had some of the views in which I was so blessed to see.. The different colors and the streams were endless... being in nature and taking in a little of God's art work... blessed indeed.... Glad to be back....I am refreshed and feeling positive!!! T
Refrigerator Magnet
comfort beneath challenge fragile chaos balance profound courage between positive surrender nourish through wisdom accept serenity create make faith journey through grace believe deep dream bear eternity free every wish touch peace laugh spirit hope come gentle friend know love. ©MCA
Refresh Mode
i am going thur blogs remembering memories and refreshing some of them love you all
Re: Framing The Truth Movement As Terrorists
RE: Framing The Truth Movement As Terrorists ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 01 Nov 2007, 12:49 Framing The Truth Movement As Terrorists A disturbing trend has emerged amongst establishment "news" hacks who are raising the same talking point ad infinitum, dubbing the global truth movement as "anarchists" and violent individuals who may be aiding terrorists, and praying for another attack in America so they can blame peaceful activists who are consistently putting the Neo-Cons to shame.
Refrigerator Goals
When I returned home from college for a break, I noticed a paper posted on the refrigerator. It listed some goals my dad had set for himself: Help wife more; lose weight; be more productive at work. I promptly added: "Send Michelle money every month." A few days later my brother wrote: "Make payments on car for Jason." Then my boyfriend joined in with: "Buy Tom a Jeep." Finally my father added a new goal to his amended list: "Wean kids."
Re: Free The Four!
RE: Free The Four! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: VANMETER SAYS FREE RENO NOW Date: 17 Feb 2008, 00:51 RE: Free The Four!----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: DebbieDate: Feb 16, 2008 12:47 PMFree The Four!----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: VANMETER SAYS FREE RENO NOWDate: Feb 16, 2008 12:47 PM
This is just a reminder for all the girls that are members of the group. As our mission statement has said since the beginning of forming the group, we are bonded together by many different aspects as women. Some of us are mothers, full-time employees, battling medical issues, with and without child, housewives, single, committed, married, divorced. Regardless of what category you fall into, we all come into busy moments in our lives that fubar is the last thing on our minds. This group was not created to make sure you have help with your contests, to make sure you level when you want, or to keep your page re-rated weekly. We are simply a bunch of girls trying to do our best to help each other out when time permits. No one in this group gets paid to take the time out of their day to do so, and we never had the intent of requiring it. I'm sorry if you mistaken this "family" for a rating or leveling group but we're just girls, trying to form friendships, give a shoulder t
Refresh Your Life With Viagra Pro.
Soft Cialis will save you from sexual problems. BUY NOW AND GET BIGGER DISCOUNT
Refresh Your Life With Viagra Pro.
Soft Viagra will bring you absolute sexual freedom. BUY NOW AND GET BIGGER DISCOUNT
Refresh Your Life With Viagra Pro.
Refresh Your Life With Viagra Pro.
Refresher Course...
Ok...I’m gonna go on a little rant here...just to see if it will make me feel better....but first, I’ve got a question.....Guys...WHAT THE F**K? Fairly recently I was in a relationship that...well...changed a lot. In the end...I gave him a choice...There were a number of "packages" for him to choose from: Girlfriend, Friend with Benefits, Friend, and Ex-Girlfriend.. Now...what he chose is neither here nor there... That being said....Let me explain the packages for you..... Friends: This is a girl that you hang out with. She’s "one of the guys". Really, boys...we kinda like being "one of the guys"....because, honestly...a lot of us...don’t like hanging out with women. They’re mean, they’re catty...and you can’t trust most of them as far as you can throw them. But...there are rules to being "friends"...the first one... If you don’t want to uprgrade out of the Friend package...Don’t try to kiss me. I don’t care how drunk or lonel
A Refresher Course
To All The People Who Have Their Heads Planted Firmly Up Their Own Rectums.The lesson shall begin:Now.. If all those Rectally Absorbed out there could manage to extract their heads momentarily.. Please Read The Text Below.. I Promise your heads will be reinserted in no time at all!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Con·sid·er·ate - [kuhn-sid-er-it]–adjective(hope I'm not going to fast for you)1.showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc.: a very considerate critic.2.carefully considered; deliberate.3.marked by consideration or reflection; deliberate; prudent.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't worry if you haven't quite picked it up.. You can have this lesson Tattooed on your Colon.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Refreshing Malaysia Always For Every Nature Escapers
Malaysia is considered to be one of the most attractive and beautiful place found of Asia. The land perfectly immersed with rich culture and heritage blended on the beautiful sceneries of nature has immense of effect in the popularity of the state. At present it has emerged to be a great holiday destinations for the tourist world. This fascinating city of Malaysia is an ideal site meant for leisure spending during weekends and vacations for a refreshing hang out. The pristine beaches, deep blue sea and water sports are the main attractions of this islands country of Southeast Asia. The combination islands swamped with luxurious hotels and marvelous resorts, elegant shopping complexes, restaurants and dining cuisines and amenities with excellent hospitality gives a sure delightful holidays. Malaysia tourism exposes some of the top amazing tourist world. The places like Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Genting Highland and Langkawi are the paradise tourist estate which will surely give delight an
Refreshing Korean Fashion Summer Collections
  In the beginning of summer, if girls of beauty should for themselves prepare a few pieces of new style clothes. In upcoming season how to wear can be both thinning and stylish? Now wholesale Korean fashion online shop offers several fresh fashion significantly thinner collections.   Sweet little straw hat, white lace stitching T-shirts, and then catch a Japanese fashion candy-colored pantyhose that fresh and good-looking. T-shirts and loose pants models are very thin.   White cotton T-shirt with the illustrator of the Korean fashion element, coupled with the irregular skirt of the printed map, showing a touch of artistic temperament.   Romantic and charming scroll hairstyle, coupled with any Japanese style of dresses, will be a good choice. This sleeveless dress worn by girl looks sweet, cute and very of feeling that girl next door.   In dense jungle, dressed in a mint green summer dress, Japanese fashion Mori girl temperament was revealed beyond doub
[refractory Hate]
I was instructed to wake at the ass crack of dawn and... work Saturday.WOOOOO! Get the champagne and crack out.So I'm trying...ish to sleep, but I thought I'd do a thought-dump/update since I can't sleep.Papaya is gross- just get mango.... end thought dump.Update:I've 90% built one of my xmas robots, birthday was uneventful, which is typically how I like it. Perhaps a bit more nudity and ceremony would have been welcomed. And better food.I had ... no damn plan for said robot I built. I still don't. Me and my brother talked color theory and we're both thinking dark reds and black. I... kinda want to veer away from black because it's just too on the nose, and every dweeb with a spraycan does red/black.Some mods are in the thoughtworks, but I'm going to park the kit until an idea just busts out of my brain. I do know I want to take off these awful double-arc/rainbows on the shoulders. I think I can just file em off.The main reason I'm parking this kit is that I invited myself to a build-o
[refractory Sloth]
Funk.And not the George Clinton kind.Shortly after my last update my Dad's mother passed away.I'll stop you at the "so sorry".We didn't get along.She was 91.In the meantime I've been playing a lot of Magic, some of my ideas are bombastic and hilarious, others get trounced by 15 year olds recreating the same collection of cards they saw on the internet from a tournament winneroverand overand overand overso it get's a little annoying when some pimply moron beats you with someone else's idea.But it does give me something to do with my brother.No real kitchen innovations, I do have a color scheme for my next project, I have started construction, don't have the paint yet. No real progress on any writing.Friend of mine had a crisis, it kinda nudged me further toward getting the hell out of did the huge amount of money I'm getting back from the Tax man.Expungment paid for... surplus of cash.Even with buying $30 worth of cards a month.I can't -really- do worse with any job right now,
Ref: The Tampa Post...
Just realized that I copied this from another site and you guys have NO CLUE who I'm talking about! hehehe Those of you who are on fishing boards know fishing names when you hear them. The rest of you probably think I'm talking martian! hehehe If you ever run across Fishndbridge,Girlsfish2, or caught me! lmao
Ref To:: I Hate Spammers, And You Just Made The List..
Ok sooooo wtf is up with that.. i try to go and leave some christmas sliders in everyone's comments, score ya some points, but no after 4 only 4 comments left to folks i get this fucking message now.. when did taggin all ya buddies in mass on a saturday morning earn a person the title of "Spammer".. well muther fucking ho ho damn ho.. and that is all i am gonna say about that.. know this.. I TRIED.. been forever since i left a comment anywhere, been too busy and now i am perceived as a spammer??? I DON'T THINK SO.. so here is the friggin christmas card i friggin made.. and I am yet again out of here.. don't care if baby jesus himself tells me sorry.. I do not get this.. besides the place has a different feel all together these days, thought maybe it was just me having the christmas and i am broke blues, but nope.. falsely accused is falsely accused.. see ya ta ta and toodle loo.. have a wonderful christmas and happy new year. maybe see ya round.. love 2 all Kimi | View Show | Cre
Refused - New NoiseGET MORE FUNNY VIDEOS ATVideo provided by VidiLife
Refugee !
Refugee Video - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers lyricsTom Petty And The Heartbreakers Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
January’s blister beat its cold icy kiss upon him as he approached the cabin near the lake. Rifle in hand, its cartridges spent, he returned to his mountain refuge without a thing to show for his evening’s efforts. Chilled right through by the winter breeze, his head low, the hunter cursed his lack of fortune while looking out at the vast plain of ice stretched out at the end of the dock. He continued on, the wind pushing against him as he trudged calf-deep through the white ground cover to the door. The dusk upon him, without thinking he turned the knob and pushed. He paused. The door opened easily and that’s when it dawned that he was certain he’d locked it before he’d left. Stepping to one side, he nudged the door the rest of the way and readied his weapon. Aware he had no ammunition he felt that the appearance of his trust Winchester would be enough of a deterrent to whomever had been inside. Gripping the stock tightly he eased his head around the corner and looked
Keep this in mind when you have something to return and the store gives you a hard time - A woman went to a K-Mart service counter and told the clerk she wanted a refund for the toaster she bought because it won't work. The clerk told her that he can't give her a refund because she bought it on special. Suddenly, the woman threw her arms up in the air and started screaming, "RUB MY NIPPLES, RUB MY NIPPLES, RUB MY NIPPLES!" The befuddled clerk ran away to get the store manager in front of a growing crowd of customers. The manager comes to the woman and asks,"Ma'am what's wrong?" She explained the problem with the toaster, and he also told her that he can't give her a refund because she bought it on special. Once again, the woman throws her arms up in the air and screamed, "RUB MY NIPPLES, RUB MY NIPPLES, RUB MY NIPPLES!" and doing so draws an even bigger crowd! In shock, the store manager pleads, "Ma'am, why are you say
Re: 9/11 Full Original Video
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: nierika Date: 10 Sep 2007, 00:09 9/11 FULL ORIGINAL VIDEO Citizen's Advocate Eyes on the Lies, Independent Media Productions Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Take A Stand for 9/11 Truth Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Refuge Palace of dreams Ads and pollution Tar stenches roof tops Society calls its norms. Shelter from the pile of Garbage, My poetic musings Even Walt Disney might find it garish Mimics the population in the forgotten world, A nightmares collection of wild flowers A tale of mystic mystery, Blanketed in white death, Linger in the silence stillness of winter, Green blue of proud evergreens, A riot of colors to make sunset jealous, Makes a heady perfume, Ripe fruit. Those palaces of heaven, Beautiful throne, gilded by vanity, Gluttony rules on. Unfair struggle amount to the buzzing of nectar drunken bees. Heavy, like that feeling of dread. Between here and there.
Refusing To Take A New Friend's Advice
"I wish you and your kind would drop dead you Christian nazi ...blah, blah, blah, yada,yada, yada." It was downhill from there so I hope you do not mind that I chose to delete the rest. There are those messages you just have to comment upon when you get done laughing/crying. To begin, I feel I must decline your advice that I drop dead. We just don't know each other good enough for me to take your advice to heart. Please appreciate that I took it under advizement for about 1/2 second, but I have to say, I do not take candy from strangers, why should I take their advice? It is interesting that you would choose to send me such a message again, but I am glad you did. Let me assure you that I neither view you as a Nazi ...nor do I wish you would drop dead. In fact I want you to live forever, even if we must have these occasional conversations. I find it very sad that you would take the time to drop me such an obviously heart-felt message and then block me from visiting you, only to r
Refuse Youre like a drug, Full of addiction But minus the side effects You cure my affliction I get drunk on your laughter But I'm sad when you aren't around I think of you when the rain starts to patter You pick me up when I've fallen down Even when my brain is blurry From all the drugs I've done before You never let me lose a step You warm me down to my frozen core. I wish I could be the one that you run to The one to keep you from being cold I wish I could be the one that you come to I wish with you I could grow old I have no clue what tomorrow will bring It's nice to know again what it's like to feel Everytime I hear your voice It's like i'm standing on the edge of what's real I'd rather drink away the rest of my life Than to pass you by You come to me, lacking a knife It's like you were sent to me I refuse to let you by.. This is For Ashley!!! :)
“Refuge” There are many dark tales in old western lore Many strange stories seldom spoken before Gunfights and outlaws are all common threads But there are fables far worse, that would fill one with dread The most gruesome I heard was a tale told to me Of a wagon train heading for the rugged Rockies They were still on the plains, the night cold and black When the Pawnee war party made their attack They fought the good fight, the settlers they tried But the Pawnee were plenty and so many did die And the ones who survived, the ones still drawing breath Were captured alive and tortured to death Yet amid all this carnage, one man launched an escape He leapt on a horse and then made his break He rode like a madman and left all the others The massacred Fathers, Mothers, and Daughters But the Pawnee they saw him and soon they gave chase And as night turned to morning he could not keep his pace His horse it was tiring, she was faltering fast He had to find cover i
Why do you want this? What can you gain from seeking? This is my mess to clean I feel so weak when you come around Powerless in your swell I'm seeking solace in this new beginning Carelessly tripping through my mind Take care that you remember the way out Take me with you when you go See, I've lost my way... Can't keep my ends together Please push me till I break Let the inside out Bleed me Take what I hate Throw it all away Help me make a new face Re-mold me in the vision you see I am yours...
Refusing To Rate
Refurbished Digital Camera
Refurbished Digital Camera
Refusing Vaccination May Label You A Criminal
The World Health Organization determined in 2005 it has the authority to dissolve sovereign governments and take control should there be a pandemic. This applies to any country signed onto WHO which of course we are. The WHO just raised this non-existent pandemic to level 4. From the WHO 2005 declaration: (excerpted)  Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America. If the Model Emergency Health Powers Act is implemented on the instructions of WHI, it will be a criminal offence for Americans to refuse the vaccine. Police are allowed to use deadly force against criminal suspects. Here are ten key points associated with MSEHPA: Under the Model State Emergency Health Pow
refulgent\rih-FUL-juhnt\ , adjective:1.Shining brightly; radiant; brilliant; resplendent.
Refusing Water
The rain is floodingFlooding everywhere that I am notAnd I sit drying, cracking, shrivelingBecoming nothing but a huskA husk of a woman, your womanHow foolish was IRefusing water amidst a desertNow I wanderFinding nothing but miragesAs she drinks, long life restoring drinksIn an oasis that was once mineI am losing the strength to continue onI welcome the endMay I turn to the ashesCast me everywhere that I am not
Refuse To Show!
I scream to the world, there is NOT a thing I cannot do! I have battled with the best, through black and blue. Regardless if I won or lost, that is not what matters most. It’s my vision, my perception, my strength I suppose. For size can be misread, taken for granted in-fact. But you’ll never witness me, upon my back. I stand tall and strong, that’s how I survive. Weeding out all the demons, that has sculpted my life. Responsible for the way I live it, the things I see. You created the best possible, me. For there are no blinders, maybe I’m not seeig the truth. But my vision was tainted, by my youth. The things I have witnessed, lived to tell about. Makes me who I am now, I leave no room for doubt. Because the pain was too fierce, hurts me to this day! I have no other choice, but to live this way. For I am a warrior, surviving is all I know. And weakness is one thing, I refuse to show!
Regarding My Album
all done...nothing to see or read...ive got my family members and im content with that....
Regarding A Baby
ok say you knew somebody that had a baby and the house was filthy to the point of having to use trails to wade through the house also that the back of the childs head has become flat from being left on his back and in his carrier seat 24/7 is that a reason to call in the authorities? its a 3 bedroom trailer with 7 people living in it including the baby....
Regarding My Mood Shift When I Walk Through The Door..
Yeah, I'm Queen of the Smart-Ass Writings at work.... "Are you a happy, carefree woman at home or amongst friends? Are you an idealist and optimist, believing the best of people? Do you become a raging bitch the moment you walk through the door at work? Do you hate everyone and everything and believe that all others are stupid and only put in your way to crush? Then you might be an Insta-Bitch™! Join our ranks! Submit a picture of yourself in full Insta-Bitch™ mode and You might be selected for our new calendar!"
if i could turn back time to retrieve what was said and to undo the crime for the tears that were shed i want to erase with a clean slate the hurt and pain i've caused i wish to desecrate i hope it's not too late with all might i try to defy the laws so that you may be set free the punishment is mine to bear for you are the innocent being that became the one to be the heir of a wrongful throne of fury passionate flames flare blinding me with ignorance that i long to bury yet in the heat of the moment it came to be and now i am left to suffer the consequences of my actions for the timeline shall circumfer to reclaim his salvation and my redemption
Regarding Our Laws
Now as stated before in our laws they refer to was as the "Children of Satan". We are not Children of Satan, we do not serve him in anyway shape or form. We only follow what the blood racing through our veins and the never ending thirst that it brings with it. I am aware that most reference material does refer to vampires as the servent of satan or satan is the one that gave us the powers we have. This by no means is any where near the truth. Our powers or gifts, if you prefer, come from an ancient spirit named Amel. Though he may be known by many names this is the one I know him by. He is a mischievous spirit, not really a demon, but a blood drawing spirit. This spirit is over 6,000 years old, to the best of my knowledge. Not all vampires actually listen to the spirit itself, they only listen to or feel its driving nature to drink/feed on the blood of our victims. Once we take a victim and begin draining the life force from them we see all their memories, from childhood to the pre
Regarding Salutes..
ALL 3 of these were approved salutes they have all be rejected. Anyone got any idea why?
Regarding My Online Status
Aparantly CherryTap shows me online all the time. I have no idea why and I apologize if that has mislead you in some way. While I do have an unhealthy addiction to this site; I do not spend 24 hours a day here. I also get very sick at night and have to lie down which inevitably ends up in me falling asleep. So if I don't answer you immediately: a) Check my online status..I update it frequently if I'm logged in and just busy b) Send me a message I answer all messages, not always quickly but I answer them c) Send me a shout just don't get pissed at me if I don't answer Remember I love you all, I also work full time, have two kids by myself, and go to college. So can you cut me just a teensy bit of slack?

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