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You spoke to me of treasures,Buried in a sandy shore.I now have no need of golden trinkets,They have no value to me nomore. No my treasure not buried,Deep within the sand.But it is here before me,On two feet it stands. This new wonder before me,In my eyes she does glow.She is rarer than any treasure,Any treasure I'll ever know
Treatment While Well As Pricing-particularly Smart
 interior technology amongst stature zero also robot-like legend, jane is a notable perform super model tiffany livingston. online resources proper two of increased-it down figure, nancy eloquent, articulate and therefore keenly needed for rainforest animals benevolent organizations. right ab muscles and shoulders our very own lover cherry blossoms? your current Tidal basin wonderful reservoir relating to warm up to guard flowers. So make sure that we have on possess bass speaker-28 education night time considering gusts of wind of all 10 mph and also well, Authentic LV Men deprivation couldn't survive expected. the type of sprouts are bulging speedily right as well as some timber happen to be start to flowers. however, you need to be very careful near the hip spot you buy these supplies produced by manuals might readily suffer from sweaty shopping around fake photos which in turn kill this reasons like buying them from the get go you may will not turn out good putting them on. as well
Tre Dillon
Tre Dillon Born: January 17, 2007 Weight: 6 pounds 1 and a half ounces Height: 19 inches Time: 1:13pm Place: Magic Valley Hospital Mother is doing ok. She is still in recovery from the C-section. She is at home now and is tired most of the time but loves the precious gift God has given her. Tre has already shown signs of being a mom's boy and is loving every minute of it. Even the many times he wakes up during the night. She will have pictures posted as soon as she can. Thanks everyone for your caring words, thoughts and prayers.
Good sir watch were you tread Dare you know good sir, a formal lashing. teathered you have discrased my name and dishonnered my stage. Redeem your self maybe yet high rivered tides will grace your knees. Conviction it will be recat that toung sir open your heart and start being true to your self. then and only then may I might stay in the light and not among shadows. But do know good sir. if it is the heart of a friend you wish to crush do know victory has truned in your favor. My heart is broken that of a stalion not yet a mustang. Ive been beaten, broken and tamed. Fighting for what is right for you has killed the wiorrior and the spirt in me. Before our gathering I have told you dishonner my name and you of a man will be brought to kings knees. judged for the pain of peers. Maybe it true this toung of yours bear truth if you have dishonnered and discarased me the let it be true my love you have not a worth of for we both know the love i freely give to you is always uplifti
I have a question? If there is no one in the forest, and a tree falls does it make a noise? If you answered yes how do you know that it does if no one is there to hear it?
Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch? The birch says he cannot tell. Just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling. The birch says, Woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch? The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree. He replies, It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch. It is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever put my pecker in. Wipe that smile off your face.
The Tree In The Winter
The Tree In The Winter by Wag My father seems so strong. Not big or huge. Just stable and strong. He seems to be anchored His roots run deep. Drawing no attention to himself. He is like a tree in the winter Often overlooked Standing strong Quietly anchored Always silent Yet deeply communicating There is no uncertainty Really no reason to notice. Unless you are observant of reality. If you are looking for color and drama The tree in the winter is not even seen. How unfortunate It contributes so much to go unnoticed. I'm glad I took the time to see the tree, so much like my father.
The Tree For The Cross
THE TREE FOR THE CROSS by Colin Moffett I stood in the forest growing so strong From all of my companions I was numbered among They picked me out as the rough barked tree To crucify the Saviour of men on the hard wood of me I felt each blow as they cut me down Then pared of the branches of my leaf topped crown And used one of them, the limbs of my loss To nail it to my trunk and form me as a cross They brought Jesus out with His thorn crowned head The wounds of His body were dripping blood red And they tossed me over His shoulder to carry me along But they had abused Him so much He was no longer strong He could not carry me but I carried His frame For He was fixed to my trunk and they pinned on me His name As they nailed His hands and feet I felt that I could Feel His pain, for each nail through Him also pierced into my wood Secured to my timber, they lifted us both high And they stood back to mock and watch Jesus die In the long dreadful hours so solemn
A Tree's Past
A Tree's Past Myself naked with turmoil, my feet rooting, finding fertile soil the binding of my soul and body only to stand here for eternity. Branches scaping my flesh, twisting and turning, escaping the bondage of my fears, leaving me, abandoning me and leaving no hope. Rain running through my eyes, the false feeling of tears, my face stained in need, no chance for ignorant relief. The cool breeze bringing shivers that leave my muscles aching for release, the constant reminder of my anxieties, realizations that love left fleetingly. Crashes of lightning above me, a startling ignition of my climatic proportion, this numbing my thoughts of who I am, and why I shouldn't have sprouted. I find myself suddenly engulfed, surrounded by my fears, my lies and deceits, flames of anger flurry 'round me, I brought this upon the forest, This place I now call home. I see desperation in the prisoners along side me, creaking, twisting, swaying in tune wi
i look at the tree the one we sat at intials faded the days when innocence ruled all a knife a symbol of love the tree stands tall it grows with delight the carving higher and higher pulling away our love like the tree is ripping apart cutting the tree down will that bring you back to me i sit by the tree silence everywhere emptiness the tree will grow for a hundred years the love we shared eternity
The Trees
Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods. They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said, "Someday I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold, silver and precious gems. I could be decorated with intricate carving and everyone would see the beauty." Then the second tree said, "Someday I will be a mighty ship. I will take Kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull." Finally the third tree said, "I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill and look up to my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me." After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees. When one came to the first tree he said, "This looks like a
Tree Me!!!
Trees For All The Troops
Trees for all the troops Md. man's medic daughter inspires his holiday mission By Amit R. Paley The Washington Post Updated: 2:50 a.m. ET Dec 24, 2006 WASHINGTON - It's not easy to ship a Christmas tree to Iraq. Jim Ward knows. In an elaborate and admittedly eccentric campaign dubbed Operation Christmas Tree, he managed to get 75 live conifers to homesick troops in Iraq and Afghanistan this winter. Now his effort is snowballing into a massive national drive to ensure that each of the 150,000 U.S. troops in the two war zones receives a tree next holiday season. "These soldiers are risking their lives over there and can't even spend Christmas with their families," said Ward, 33, a truck driver from Westminster, Md., who delivers trees for a nursery. "Don't they at least deserve a Christmas tree to remind them of home while they're stuck there?" Ward's Christmas tree effort started with one soldier: his daughter, Arm
Tree Vs. Man
Tree vs. Man 2004 Darwin Award Nominee Confirmed True by Darwin (21 December 2004, Georgia) It looked at first like a bizarre traffic accident. Smoke rose from the charred remains of a large tree that had toppled onto a smoldering pickup truck. The body of a man, burned beyond recognition, was found inside the truck. Investigators were puzzled. How could the truck have collided with a tree behind a house? And why did the tree fall onto the truck instead of away from it? And what had started the fire? As the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, it became clear that the dead man was the victim of his own good deed. Reggie, 47, had offered to remove a tree behind his girlfriend's house. He borrowed his father's pickup truck, apparently in the belief that he could yank out the bottom of the tree, which would then, cartoon-like, fall away from the truck. He tied the truck to the tree and floored the accelerator. The uprooted tree, pulled in the direction of the force, toppled o
The Tree
----------------Girls---------------------------- ------- -----are like apples------------------- --------on trees. The best ones----------- ------are at the top of the tree.-------- ----The boys dont want to reach------ ---for the good ones because they ------ -are afraid of falling and getting hurt.---- Instead, they just get the rotten apples- ---from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think -something is wrong with them, when in --reality, they're amazing. They just ---have to wait for the right boy to------- ----- come along, the one who's----------- ----------- brave enough to----------------- -----------------climb all---------------------- ----------------- the way--------------------- -----------------to the top-------------------- ---------------- of the tree.------------------ SEND THIS TO ALL THE GIRLS YOU THINK ARE AMAZING
The Tree
- Get Your Own
so im eating this organic granola...and its homemade is so much better...i dont understand...why on earth...they would box something so disgusting and call it food. so i ventured out n about for a bit today...nothing to far or anything...cuz i dig i hadda take some pictures...cuz im me n stuff...n then kids in trees...and toes in leaves..etc etc etc i hadda go to the rental office n yell at them cuz they couldnt be bothered to call maintenance after 2.5 hours of moms toilet bein all jacked up. good thing i live nearby...otherwise im pretty sure she would have peed in a cup and handed it to them...ha going to Mt Lemmon. cuz of the trees. cuz i just...yeah i have a thing for trees. ima make moms come with me...after we take Poe to the vet to have her staples that should be good sauce...cuz the views up there...are to die for. omg...theres dried blueberries in this nonsense they call food...i think ima vomit. i despise bluebe
Got the Plum and the Nectarine in the ground yesterday and tomorrow it will be the pear and the Apricot. Yeah I love fruit trees. The bummer is that the plum is flowering so no plums for me. Although we do have a pecan so it all evens out in the wash.
Trees And Celtic Astrology
What tree did you fall from? Find your birthday and then find your tree... This is in line with Celtic astrology. Dec 23 to Dec 31 - Apple Tree Jan 01 to Jan 11 - Fir Tree Jan 12 to Jan 24 - Elm Tree Jan 25 to Feb 03 - Cypress Tree Feb 04 to Feb 08 - Poplar Tree Feb 09 to Feb 18 - Cedar Tree Feb 19 to Feb 28 - Pine Tree Mar 01 to Mar 10 - Weeping Willow Tree Mar 11 to Mar 20 - Lime Tree Mar 21 - Oak Tree Mar 22 to Mar 31 - Hazelnut Tree Apr 01 to Apr 10 - Rowan Tree Apr 11 to Apr 20 - Maple Tree Apr 21 to Apr 30 - Walnut Tree May 01 to May 14 - Poplar Tree May 15 to May 24 - Chestnut Tree May 25 to Jun 03 - Ash Tree Jun 04 to Jun 13 - Hornbeam Tree Jun 14 to Jun 23 - Fig Tree Jun 24 - Birch Tree Jun 25 to Jul 04 - Apple Tree Jul 05 to Jul 14 - Fir Tree Jul 15 to Jul 25 - Elm Tree Jul 26 to Aug 04 - Cypress Tree Aug 05 to Aug 13 - Poplar Tree Aug 14 to Aug 23 - Cedar Tree Aug 24 to Sep 02 - Pine Tree Sep 03 to Sep 12 - Weeping WillowTree Sep 13 to Sep
lets keep the polution down and keep our forest from being destroyed
Tree Hugger
The Trees
The Trees Welcome to Fort Stewart Georgia, home of the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized). Welcome to Warrior's Walk, a sacred place to anyone here who has lost a loved one in the War on Terror. I have been to the walk numerous times, but never to a tree dedication ceremony. I finally attended my first ceremony last week. I didn't know any of the ten soldiers being honored that day. But I was one of the people who sent them off, so I thought it only fitting that I be there to remember them. When my husband and i arrived at the walk, my first order of business was to visit the tree of my friend Rusty. I had him a new wind chime for his tree. To my surprise he had family members visit and leave momentos. I couldn't help but smile. I was so glad he was being thought of. I put his wind chime in his tree and looked down the walk. Sadly, new sidewalks have been poured to make room for more trees. It was time to go back to the place where the ceremony was going to be held. I saw
Trees Funny
Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, The beech says to the birch, "Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?" The birch says he cannot tell. Just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling. The birch says, “Woodpecker, you’re a tree expert. Can you tell us if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?" The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree and replies, "It’s neither, however, ....... .............. it’s the best piece of ash I ever put my pecker in.
Trees/wood And Their Magick Uses
Oak The oak tree is the tree of Zeus, Jupiter, Hercules, The Dagda (The Chief of the Elder Irish gods), Thor and all other Thunder Gods. The royalty of the Oak needs no enlarging upon. The Oak is the tree of endurance and triumph, and like the Ash, is said to count the lightings' flash. The Oak is a male wood which is ideal for the construction of any tool that needs the male influence such as Athames, certain wands and staffs. The midsummer fire is always Oak and the need fire is always kindled in an Oak log. Occult Aspects: Endurance, triumph, strength, power, dominion, prosperity, sacrifice, guardian, liberator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birch With the exception of the mysterious elder, the Birch is the earliest of the forest trees. The Birch is used extensively in cleansing rituals. Throughout Europe, Birch twigs are used to expel evil spirits. Birch rods are also used in rustic rituals to drive out the spi
Tree Of Pain By Soulfly.....
This man may have been my brother in law but he was the best man to have ever come into our family his name was Carlos Perez a great man amoung bad ones he loved his wife an daughter so much an would do anything for the two of them aswell as for any of us. i know that his death will allow him to pass onto a better place those that committed this crime, have been branded for life no matter where they go what they do.. they're consciences will never let them live this one down an if it takes every ounce of my being or dabbing into some occultish rituals...i would traverse that path if need be for him No ONE HURTS ANYONE IN MY FAMILY.... and this song is dedicated to him its the only song i could think of at the moment that has the same type of loss the man of this band Max Cavalera lost his step son an the government didnt do a damn fucken thing... so the pain is the same look up the song its called Tree of Pain by Soulfly i did modify the lyrics a bit. My pain is as dee
Trees And People...take It At Face Value...
A friend of mine asked me what I thought the meaning of life was? What I responded with was a statement I made to my Grandfather when I was 8 years old, at the time we were discussing life, death and what happens between. A person's life is like a tree. In the summer the sun shines, the rain is warm, and birds sing among the braches. But summer does not last forever, winter will come. When winter comes the tree does not die but it does loose some leaves and the tree will loose a few braches. No, the tree retreats back to its roots, down into the earth where it will wait out the harsh season. Winter can not last forever. Summer will come, the sun will return, along with the birds and they will sing. The tougher the winter, the tighter the grain, the stronger the tree. Like that of a person. Me….
A Tree Grown In A Cave Does Not Bear Fruit.
A tree planted in a cave would soon be stopped short in its growth. There would be no room for it to grow tall or blossom. It would only grow so far and then would grow no bigger. Fear can be like a cave. We sometimes become fearful for the same reason we might enter a cave, looking for protection. But fear protects us from the new ideas and behavior we need in order to grow. Fear can keep us huddling inside it, watching life's opportunities pass by. When fear threatens to enclose us, we can take a deep breath and begin to do what we are afraid of doing. The cave will fade away as we step out into the sun, fresh air, and storms that are a part of growing. What fear can I overcome today?
2 Trees A Birch And A Beech Lol
It is hard to find a joke today without a dirty word or two in it, but here is one: Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them, and the beech says to the birch, "Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?" The birch says he cannot tell. Just then a woodpecker, lands on the sapling. The birch says, "woodpecker, you are a tree expert. Can you tell if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?" The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree. He replies, "It is neither son of a beech nor son of a birch. "It is however, the best piece of ash I have ever put my pecker in" Wipe that smile off of your face...
Apple: Magic, youth, beauty, and happiness ..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> Ash: Sacrifice, sensitivity, and higher wisdom Aspen: Determination. Overcoming fears and doubts Beech: Tolerance, past knowledge, softens over-criticism Birch: New beginnings, cleansing of past, vision quests Cedar: Healing, cleansing, protection Cherry: Understanding of role of sacrifice Elder: Birth and death, renaissance of Faerie Realm Hawthorne: Fertility and creativity, magic Hazel: Hidden wisdom, dowsing and divination Heather: Healing from within, immortality, and initiation Holly: Protection, overcoming of anger, spiritual warrior Honeysuckle: Learning from the past, discrimination, change Lilac: Spiritualization, realization of true beauty Maple: Balance, practical expression of psychic, promise Oak: Strength and endurance, helpfulness, continuity
A Tree Stump Of Anxiety
my moms bf was supposed to show up today between 1 and 2 to remove this stump from her yard, and i was told last night to get the dirt knocked off for when he showed up so it woudl be easier bla bla[she told me a week ago but i didnt have a shovel to do it with] so i brough a shovel home last night from my aunts, figuring ill get up this morning and do it since i had worked all day cleaning out a garage coverd in catshit and it was already dark out. well instead of showing up at 1 or 2, he was here at 10 am and had the nerve to be like "didnt you mom tell you to knock the dirt off this?" im like wtf, i get told last night at 930pm that youll be here at 1. now i feel like an ass[and look like an ass for making a 65 year old guy whos having his knees replaced in a couple weeks do it] and am having anxiety because he showed up early. GAH.
How silently they tumble down And come to rest upon the ground To lay a carpet, rich and rare, Beneath the trees without a care, Content to sleep, their work well done, Colors gleaming in the sun. At other times, they wildly fly Until they nearly reach the sky. Twisting, turning through the air Till all the trees stand stark and bare. Exhausted, drop to earth below To wait, like children, for the snow. Found this on a friends site and liked it so I thought I would share it with everyone. Say thank you to Lady Victoria a friend of my friend Wiz.
Tree Hunggers And Cupcakes
While walking through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, a man came upon another man hugging a tree with his ear firmly against the tree. Seeing this he inquired, 'Just out of curiosity, what the heck are you doing?' 'I'm listening to the music of the tree,' the other man replied. 'You've gotta be kiddin' me.' 'No, would you like to give it a try?' Understandably curious, the man says, 'Well, OK...' So he wrapped his arms around the tree and pressed his ear up against it. With this, the other guy slapped a pair of handcuffs on him, took his wallet, jewelry, car keys, then stripped him naked and left. Two hours later another nature lover strolled by, saw this guy handcuffed to the tree stark naked, and asked, 'What the heck happened to you?' He told the guy the whole terrible story ab out ho w he got there. When he finished telling his story, the other guy shook his head in sympathy, walked around behind
A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there? The father, surprised, answers, "Well, son, there are three kinds of breasts. In her 20s, a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s to 40s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions". "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry." This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mom, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his 20s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s ad 40s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it is like a Christmas tree". "A Christmas tree?" "Yes - dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration."
Tree Hugger
The head Greenie Tree Hugging Lady Activist, who was responsible for getting horses banned from National Parks and State Forests, was climbing a big tree to have a look out over the forestry when a Tawny Frogmouth Owl attacked her for invading its nesting site. In a panic to make her escape, she slid down the tree, getting many splinters in the crotch of her designer shorts. In considerable pain she hurried to the nearest Doctor, told him she was an environmentalist, and how she got all the splinters. The Doctor listened with great patience and then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She waited for three hours before the Doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded: "What took you so long?" He smiled and then told her: "Well, I had to get permits from The Environmental Protection Agency, The Forestry Service, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Rural Fire Service, and from Conservation and Land Managemen
Trees On Fire
If you have never been in the country, or in an area where old, tall Pecan trees are in late October, you truly have missed an amazing phenomenon. In late October, Pecan trees start dropping thier pecans. And if the tree is very old, and tall like the ones around our house, as the pecan hulls crack open and drop the pecans, they hit tiny branches, leaves and other pecans as they come down. The sound can only be described as the sound of trees on fire. If you close your eyes you would swear what you hear is the popping and crackling of a large bonfire of fireplace. Especially when the crows and blackbirds come to roost in the pecan trees they speed the process of the pecans falling. You can look at the tree and swear it is on fire from the noise you hear, but there's no fire. The intense 'trees on fire' noise you hear only lasts for a few days because after a majority of the pecans are dropped, the nise lessens and the few individual pecans that fall throughout November are not eno
The 3 Trees
This is about 3 trees that had loft aspirations; an Olive tree, an Oak tree, and a Pine tree. Each tree had a great dream to become something special i nlife. The Olive tree dreamed of becoming a finely crafted trerasure chest. It would hold gold, silver, and precious jewels. One day a woodsman chose the one Olive tree, our of all the others in the forest, and cut it down. The Olive tree was so thrilled. But as the craftsmen began working on him, the tree realized they weren't making him into a beautiful treasure chest; they were making him into a manger to hold food for dirty, smelly animals. Heartbroken, his dreams were shattered. He felt wortless and demeaned. The Oak tree as well dreamed of becoming a part of ahuge ship that would carry importnat kings across the ocean. When the woodsman cut down the Oak, he was so excited. But as time went on, he realized the craftsmen weren't making him into a huge ship. They were making him into a tiny fishing boat. He was so disco
The Tree
if man were made perfect -- Complete as can be -- Then God Would have never Created The 'She' For man is The Trunk, The Branch And The Root -- While Woman is The Blossom, The Leaf, And The Fruit.
Get Your Own! | More Flash Toys
i have a tree on my page. stop by and leave a present!
Tree Hugger
A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland, near Grants Pass, Oregon. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor. She told him she was an environmentalist and an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, "What took you so long?" He s miled and then told her, "Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Age
Put gifts under my christmas tree!! Make me happy!!
I bought a pink Christmas tree. cuz I wanted one. It's my Divorce tree and it makes me happy. It started because I went to Target with my sister. "Oh my GOD!" "What?" I looked up from the isles and isles of Christmas cards. I have no idea which kind to get this year. "I saw something that is going to make you happy as hell..." She turned and I followed her. Between the 7 foot tall trees and the tree's decked out all in silver and blue there it was. A tall white tree. Inside of it was hot pink glittery letters pronouncing the owner "NAUGHTY". Pink bulbs dipped from the branches as well as lime green and brilliant blue. Colorful circles shot out from various branches. They reminded me of rainbows, which automatically make me happy...every time I see one. I gasped and clapped and I exclaimed "I WANT THAT!" it made me think of the whovilles christmas. Colorful and happy and each ball doesnt drip with christmas memories. Each one is new and happy and all mine. We
Trees, Weed. Gunja
i am one for some good weed, but got damn it is getting to the point i don't know or either overstand what the hell i have smoke. Not only do u not smell, taste or feel like it is the same thing u just had. And what makes it worst is when the more times you hit the same piece of work, u craft to send u on vorage (blunt), now has send u into another adventure. I am just saying, because i was wondering has shit really changed, since the days of weed like sess, gold, and jamician? Now it is either colors or food ex. purple, orange, or green. NYC call it chocolate or blueberry (unless they sayin burberry). Now the effect is unpredictable I don't know if I am going to run around like am in the Preakness or become a zombie in a tomb (staring off into space). I am suspect about what is going on with the effects, side effects, and I am not trying to cross paths with the mental, because then i know i am beyond counseloring, i need a blunt. I know it is quite a many of u know know what I
Treetop Flyer
Tree ....we All Need One Of These
I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation. His face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he replied "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong in the house with my wife and the children.. So I just hang them up
Tree Of Life
Here is an analogy that I like to use when thinking about The Universe (God, Being, All That Is...): I like to think of the elm tree. A fully mature elm tree has millions of leaves (they can be over 100 feet tall!). When you think of it, a tree is like a little universe, with all its component parts... There are many parts to a tree: The roots which go deep into the earth to provide moisture and nutrients for the tree as well as stability and foundation. The trunk which is the conduit for all the moisture and food and which provides support for all the branches. The branches which extend upward and outward and support all the leaves as well as providing a connection to the trunk and therefore the roots. The leaves which, arguably, are the most important part of The Tree, provide a mechanism, through photosyntesis, for food production. They provide respiration by exhanging carbon dioxide and oxygen. They open and close their pores to retain or release moisture
Tree Of Life?
Here is an analogy that I like to use when thinking about The Universe (God, Being, All That Is...): I like to think of the elm tree. A fully mature elm tree has millions of leaves (they can be over 100 feet tall!). When you think of it, a tree is like a little universe, with all its component parts... There are many parts to a tree: The roots which go deep into the earth to provide moisture and nutrients for the tree as well as stability and foundation. The trunk which is the conduit for all the moisture and food and which provides support for all the branches. The branches which extend upward and outward and support all the leaves as well as providing a connection to the trunk and therefore the roots. The leaves which, arguably, are the most important part of The Tree, provide a mechanism, through photosyntesis, for food production. They provide respiration by exhanging carbon dioxide and oxygen. They open and close their pores to retain or release moisture
Treemealion From The Huron Bush Boys Aka "j-daddy"
Treemealion from the Huron Bush Boys aka "J-Daddy" VISIT US !
The Tree
The Tree Along a road , on our river trail , sits a solitary tree. Standing through blizzard , and summer heat . Because , Standing , is all he knows . Occasionally , a weary traveler will pause in his shade, admire his twisted , massive arms , lean upon him for support though , somehow , does not take time to notice, he is alone , standing away from the others . He takes his nourishment from nature . In the spring , he drinks heavily from the shower that bathes him . . And melting snow , in the winter supplies a deep , hearty , if not cold meal . Not relying on the hills , nor the comfort of others like him to ease the winds of march . He stands to offer shelter , But knows none of his own .
The Tree And I
Mother planted it in the garden, Right next to my window. Being just a young child myself, I like to say we grew up together. When I was cold, I'd see it shiver; Winter chills disturbing us both. In the summer we'd grow taller And embrace the happiness around us. Mother died and I was left alone. Having never married, it was just us left. We grew tired and we grew weary, Our skin thinned, hair loosened. The summer just took too much energy And that final winter was too much to bear. Our health suffered and our world became fare, Nobody ever knew that we had been there.
The Tree That Went Miss-ing
Last night we went to sleep under a severe storm warning, but it was definitely north of us. No worry foolishly thought I. Today we woke and took Rebecca to the airport. After breakfast and shopping we make it home. Sure it was windy all morning - worse than most winds-days, but I didn't give it any thought.As we are pulling into the drive way I instantly notice something is wrong. I tell Ann "The big tree is down." "what" "Backyard" - I feel my panic rising so I focus on nouns - "Tree" "What?" I stop the car and point having given up on words. I drop into problem-solving mode. I nearly hope out of the running car to inspect the damage, when my brain kicks back on to notice the tree is down and whatever else might be true, gravity always wins. "Okay I am calm now" I say, really to me. I push the garage door button to no avail. No power. I park the car and get out. Our power runs along the other side of the house from the tree, so I walk the house and see the rest of
I think I like it most when I sit amongst the trees I listen to them talk Soft whispers on the breeze They speak of things we can not know From whence the wind comes & where it must go They speak of our Earth Thier living mother They speak of the Moon Her distant Lover They speak of the Sun His warming Smile They warn us of serpents "Beawre their guile" All things can be Learned If you Please If only One Would hear the Trees Mark A mage for the age
The Tree Of Life
The Uniter of Worlds The Tree of Life is an important symbol in nearly every culture. With its branches reaching into the sky, and roots deep in the earth, it dwells in three worlds- a link between heaven, the earth, and the underworld, uniting above and below. It is both a feminine symbol, bearing sustenance, and a masculine, visibly phallic symbol- another union. In Jewish and Christian mythology, a tree sits at the center of both the Heavenly and Earthly Edens. The Norse cosmic World Ash, Ygdrassil, has its roots in the underworld while its branches support the abode of the Gods. The Egyptian's Holy Sycamore stood on the threshold of life and death, connecting the worlds. To the Mayas, it is Yaxche, whose branches support the heavens. The tree has other characteristics which lend easily to symbolism. Many trees take on the appearance of death in the winter- losing their leaves, only to sprout new growth with the return of spring. This aspect makes the tree a symbol of resur
A State Trooper pulls a car over on a lonely back road and approaches the blonde lady driver. "Ma'am, is there a reason that you're weaving all over the road?" The blonde replied, "Oh officer, thank goodness you're here! I almost had an accident! I looked up and there was a tree right in front of me. I swerved to the left and there was another tree in front of me. I swerved to the right and there was another tree in front of me!" Reaching through the window to the rear-view mirror, the officer replied, "Ma'am... that's your air freshener."
Tree, Leaf, Wind & Love . . .
Tree.. People call me "Tree". I had dated 5 girls when I was in Pre-U. There is one girl who I love a lot but never dared to go after. She didn't have a pretty face, good figure or an outstanding charm. She was just a very ordinary girl. I liked her. I really liked her. I liked her innocence, her frankness, her intelligence and her fragility. Reason for not going after her was that I felt somebody so ordinary like her was not a good match for me. I was also afraid that after we were together all the feelings would vanish. I was also afraid other's gossip would hurt her. I felt that if she were my girl, she'd be mine ultimately & I didn't have to give up everything just for her. The last reason, made her accompanying me for 3 years. She watched me chase other girls, and I have made her heart cry for 3 years. She was a good actor, and me a demanding director. When I kissed my second girlfriend, she bumped into us. She was embarrassed but smiled & said, "Go on
Tree Of Love
Love, like a tree, sends its roots down deep so when the storms of life abound and the winds of adversity blow, it shakes and bends and goes with the flow but doesn't break or fall. And during times of drought it drives its roots down deeper so whatever comes and goes— summer, winter, spring, or fall, the good times and the bad— it stands the test of all.
The Tree
Find your birthday and then find your tree. This is really cool and somewhat accurate. Then send it to all your friends, including the one who sent it to you, so they can find out what tree they fell from, but don't forget to change the subject line to your tree... Dec 23 to Jan 01 .........Apple Tree Jan 01 to Jan 11 ..........Fir Tree Jan 12 to Jan 24.......... Elm Tree Jan 25 to Feb 03......... Cypress Tree Feb 04 to Feb 08......... Poplar Tree Feb 09 to Feb 18..........Cedar Tree Feb 19 to Feb 28.........Pine Tree Mar 01 to Mar 10 .........Weeping Willow Tree Mar 11 to Mar 20 .........Lime Tree Mar 21 (only) ..............Oak Tree Mar 22 to Mar 31 .........Hazelnut Tree Apr 01 to Apr 10.......... Rowan Tree Apr 11 to Apr 20 ..........Maple Tree Apr 21 to Apr 30..........Walnut Tree May 01 to May 14........ Poplar Tree May 15 to May 24 ........Chestnut Tree May 25 to Jun 03 .........Ash Tree Jun 04 to Jun 13 ....
Some tree can be very tall some can be small then some can be different colors.Then some may have leaves on them and some long stomp that go into the ground they u can grow some too But if u do that u would have to water them two. and if it say to give it food u would have to it or it will die. The End
Trees Around The World
Canada German settlers migrated to Canada from the United States in the 1700s. They brought with them many of the things associated with Christmas we cherish today—Advent calendars, gingerbread houses, cookies—and Christmas trees. When Queen Victoria's German husband, Prince Albert, put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1848, the Christmas tree became a tradition throughout England, the United States, and Canada. Mexico In most Mexican homes the principal holiday adornment is el Nacimiento (Nativity scene). However, a decorated Christmas tree may be incorporated in the Nacimiento or set up elsewhere in the home. As purchase of a natural pine represents a luxury commodity to most Mexican families, the typical arbolito (little tree) is often an artificial one, a bare branch cut from a copal tree (Bursera microphylla) or some type of shrub collected from the countryside. Britain The Norway spruce is the traditional species used to decorate homes in Britain. The Norwa
The Tree Of Knowledge
The Tree of Knowledge, Whose fruit it was freed our minds, Offers up a gift; Genetically coded, We now have the Tree of Life. 9-13-01
Tree & Presents
Leave christmas gifts
Tree Of Life
Tree of Life It is a tree that represents each and everyone’s life. The roots are the basis of our up bringing. The soil around the tree is our surroundings which make up our being. The trunk is the strength in our foundation of life. The branches are the ever expanding paths to which direction we take our lives. The leaves are the past, present, and future. It is the tree of life that is forever growing and harnesses the very essences of which we live. It is the rings of the tree of life that records and gives one a memory of what is. It is the tree of life that stands so tall and proud alone or with others. We are gifted with what nature has provided us. To remind us that life goes on and what you do does make a difference. The tree of life gives us that meaning that makes the difference. By Michael Dougherty
Tree Topping
I quit life today, for at least 20 minutes. All the strings I dangled so limply from were severed. All the frantic arm flailing could only make me smile. I just sighed. There's nothing more to it. I was completely satisfied watching the sky crumble. Watching the the stars flicker and expire the ground crack and swallow the seas. Another cranberry soda, and some olives and bread. Everything's going to be fine, so long as I don't care. But what manner of hedonistic masochist would I be without fear? Where would my alchoholic tendencies be without wanton panic? No, no I must succumb to my idiotic hubris Lose my head and drown my neuroses in buzzing numb. It's all for the sake of the art I swear.
Tree Faller
While working as a radiology technician in a hospital emergency room, I took X-rays of a trauma patient. I brought the films to our radiologist, who studied the multiple fractures of the femurs and pelvis. "What happened to this patient?" he asked in astonishment. "He fell out of a tree," I reported. The radiologist wanted to know what the patient was doing up a tree. "I'm not sure, but his paperwork states he works for Bob's Expert Tree Service." Gazing intently at the X-rays, the radiologist blinked and said, "Cross out 'expert.'"
The Tree Said 1 Sec Xd
The Tree Project Continued..
Up to over 300 ancestors now.. and that is just stemming back from my maternal grandmothers.. exciting!It's become addicting to work on my family tree.. I didn't want to stop last night, but  finally my headache overcame my ability to stare at the screen. I'm not used to staring at a computer monitor for 7-8 hours a day!
Tree Hugging Lesbians
Tree Of Life And Knowledge
There were two special trees planted by God in the Garden of Eden, Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life, Gen.2:9                                      Since "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" symbolized all moral knowledge, knowledge that only God could have, its fruits was forbidden to Adam and Eve, Gen. 2:17. But the tempter suggested to them that, by adding to their knowledge, the trees fruit would make them like God, Gen. 3:5. So they chose to disobey God. This act of rebellion marked the entrance of sin into the world. The result was quite different than Adam and Eve expected. Instead of gaining superior knowledge that made them equal with God, they gained awareness or knowledge of their guilt, shame, and condemnation.  
The Tree Test
You Are Ethical and Generous You are driven to be the best. You have sky high ambitions and standards. People may think that you are hard on them, but you are the hardest on yourself. You may be hard working, but you're not selfish. You work hard because you want the world to be a better place. You give until it hurts and then still keep giving. Very few people appreciate all that you do. The Tree Test
You Are Confident and Dominant You are a very independent, do it yourself kind of person. You've had to rely on yourself. You know how to be strong for yourself and the people you love. You have a protective streak. You sometimes come off as a little assertive. You know what you want, and you're not afraid to go get it. The only thing you require from people is that they're straight with you. You are ready for the truth. The Tree Test Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hidinghmmmm  
Tree Take 3
You Are Confident and Dominant You are a very independent, do it yourself kind of person. You've had to rely on yourself. You know how to be strong for yourself and the people you love. You have a protective streak. You sometimes come off as a little assertive. You know what you want, and you're not afraid to go get it. The only thing you require from people is that they're straight with you. You are ready for the truth. The Tree Test Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hiding
The Tree Test
You Are Smart and Reflective You are a brilliant and independent thinker. Ideas are important to you. You need a lot of alone time to develop your theories and views. You are an introvert. You get along with anyone who likes to think and learn. You are never superficial. You spend a lot of time thinking about morality. You try to do what's right, even if most of society disagrees. The Tree Test Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!
Tree Day
I worked in 30mph gusts on Tuesday in a 90' cottonwood. I knew at the time it was a good blow but I pushed through cause my daughter was flying in early afternoon. I got home to see trees on power lines everywhere on the local news. Kinda grateful to be safe at home. Bagged work today in the face of 25mph gust this morning. Couldn't pull the trigger. Guess I'll have something to do tomorrow.
The Tree
The Tree Imagine one thing, if you can Just close your eyes and see That in a wasteland meadow There lies a little seed And in this parched grassland Where nothing pleasant can grow This little seed burrows Til it finds fertile soil below Now where did the seed come from? If this land is so forsaken? It is actually a piece From a dying tree shaken Because that tree was stricken Taken for granted and left for dead It made one last effort And so the seed was shed Then days go by and by And slowly turn into weeks The storm rages in the sky And soon a thunder head leaks The blessed rain caresses The tortured and parched land It gently stirs to waken And thus gives the seed a chance More days go by, then weeks And slowly but surely, true That little tiny seed seeks The sunlight poking through When the tree had died A bit of knowledge it did impart That seed knew what lied ahead, For that tree it was a heart And now the drought was over The rains came and fell Sunny skies now prevai
The Tree House
                                                               The Tree House           I saw a tree house in a field one day       as I was driving by,         I knew there was something special about it       but I didn't know why.            It wasn't anything spectacular         just simple 2x4's         but it wasn't finished         so I wanted to know a little more.              So I walked up to the door           and rang the bell,            A young woman with a little girl            answered and I knew they had a story            to tell.               Her husband started it            for their daughter , close to the ground            at the time she was so little            he wanted her to be safe and sound.                She told me how he started it,             her story was really sweet             but as I was looking at it             I could tell it was incomplete.                 I asked her if he was gonna finish it              an
The Tree
Out behind the house stood a tree It was planted there by Ellery   He planted it the year his granddaughter was born On the lawn it would someday adorn   But his little tree never grew With it now what should he do   Remove it I guess But that would be such a mess   Then along came the child Who stared at the tree and smiled   Grampy I can make the tree grow Watch me now here I go   She did make that little tree grow How she did it I’d like to know   With lots of love and tender care To argue with her I did not dare   For 28 years the tree has grown From the love that the child has shown   Dedicated to the memory of Ellery C. Barnes September 16, 1912-May 1, 2001
A Tree Is It The Standing Kind
A tree does it have a mind or is it just the standing kind, as the fall comes the leafs begin to change then to fall leaving bare by winter does it get cold maybe even sad inside feel at all as it stands alone. Then at the first sign of spring they start to grow, the warmth of sunny days help them on their way by summers first day kids or at play laughing,swinging,climbing on their branches dose it know can you see the smile that tree holds new memories even of the older things. Years of happiness sadness, things we can never know even be told as we may remember that old tree swing, that first sweet kiss in the middle of spring it might know those same things. So open your minds to new things realize that old tree is not just the standing kind. It’s not all the same there’s more to it all no that is not insane its energy brilliants to intellect among other things knowing everything is not always as it seems look deeper that old tree might just know a few things so when ask
The Tree
The TreeSitting under my special tree one day. Sun glaring down on me from above. It's warm and sensual on my skin. Filling my entire being with happiness and wholeness.I'm listening to music on my player. No one for miles around.  I'm lost in my own little world, singing gently to myself and breathing in the fresh summer air. Grass beneath my bum and the security of the canopy of the tree. I lay down and look up. I can see the sunlight sparkling through the leaves. It's so beautiful.Laying on my back I can feel the heat through my shirt on my nipples. Ohhhh the bliss. I undo my crisp white shirt and expose my breasts to the Sun and breathe deeply as the warmth kisses them oh so gently.I circle each nipple with my fingertip and it feels so bad being out in a public place in this state. But it just makes Me horny. Caressing each breast in turn I can slowly feel myself getting moist and tender.My pussy is tingling and pulsating.  I open my legs to reveal a pantieless shaven mound of
"trehl Zgheib".... What He's Op To?
LONG AFTER INVITING HIM TO THE UNIVERSITY OUTING... a canoe trip thru five lakes to Hell and back... I was asked to dispatch resumes so that he might get a job in my home state (Illinois) in or around METRO CHICAGO. I did. For me to do that, he relayed his social security number (Canadian or a T.I.N. number issued to him by United States) in trust that I would be TRUE and HONEST. I was. Frighteningly enough, there was someone else listening on the phone line. While he sat in Montreal, Canada at Concordia University waiting for a response from a willing employer/sponsor for his resume applied skills, CONNIE SORRY had somehow tapped into my phone line. Connie was an employee in the city of Harvey, Illinois where I worked as Streets and Sanitation Department Admin Secretary. Connie did not live in my apartment building in glenwood, Illinois and as far as I know, was in harvey seated in her chair in the office of accounts and finance in the City Municipal Building. That was over 10 miles
Trei Minuni Din Viata Mea Pe Care Le Vreau
                                                                                        Da , un soare , un pamant si o femeie fermecatoare , ele sunt cele trei minuni din viata mea pentru care ii multumesc Domnului in fiecare .                              O femeie minunata ce-mi umple inima de fericire , un soare generos ce mi -te dezvaluie in fiecare zi , un pamant ce mi-a ingaduit sa te fur din cer si sa te ascund langa mine .                               Ce frumos e pamantul ... , ce frumos e pamantul cand tu pasesti peste el , ce frumos e soarele ... , ce frumos e soarele cand lumina lui se infasoara in jurul tau . Si ce frumoasa este viata mea , stii tu prea bine de ce .                              Te port in gand cum vantul poarta miresmele florilor de primavara , te adapostesc in inima cum pasarea-si ocroteste puisoru-n cuib , te cuprind in suflet cum cerul cuprinde maretia soarelui si explodeaza-n miliarde de culori datorita lui ... Pentru intreaga lume tu esti cineva , p
Être Juste Avec Toi ! ! !
Je me perds dans vos beaux yeux Je biseaute écarte même si j'ai voulu essayer Votre parfait de chaque manière La pensée de toi fait juste mon jour Vous êtes venus chez moi des cieux ci-dessus Vous avez volé dedans sur des ailes mon ange de l'amour Quand rien ne semble pour aller tout à fait bien et I plus peut voir la lumière Je considère votre visage angélique et je suis emporté à un endroit bien meilleur J'aime chaque mot que vous avez dit Vous me déplacez comme le jeu de la musique I dans ma tête en ce monde des vérités fausses que je sais seulement une chose vraie j'abandonnerait tout être juste avec toi.
The Trek, Highlights
Been meaning to blog my journeys, really dropped the ball on that. Just trying to take in as much as I can, and taken an assload of pix, to try and share what my eyes have seen, when I finally do plop down. Feel free to check em out, or go back to clicking penguins, or insulting strangers, or being an e-celeb or whatever your particular niche is. Its there if ya wanna browse. So far while staying in Ventura, Ive ventured as far as Santa Barbara shoreline and the Mission, then up to Riviera, where all the quiet millionares with the insane lanscaping seem to reside. In between Ive been to Channel Islands, Ventura Harbor & downtown, Strawberry Festival, and numerous spots up the 101. Sooo much to see, and so lil time, working 6 10s. Come Sunday, it takes some gumption to get on the road sometimes. Southbound of course Ive done the PCH 1 coast drive, thru Pt Mugu, Carillo, Malibu, Zuma, Topanga, ending at Santa Monica Pier, ate at Bubba Gumps and took a spin thru LA, Hollywood, Bev
Trekking Info
The best way to experience Nepal’s unbeatable combination of natural beauty and cultural riches is to walk through them. The immense contrasts in altitudes and climates found here support an equally spectacular mix of lifestyles, vegetation types and wildlife. Trekking in the mountains of Nepal is more a cultural experience than a wilderness expedition. You will be passing through picturesque villages inhabited by diverse ethnic groups. You will see Chhetri farmers working in their fields and Tamang herders grazing their animals on the steep slopes. You will meet Gurkha soldiers home on leave and come across Sherpa yak drivers transporting goods over the high mountain passes. And always in the background, the icy pinnacles of the Himalaya loom over the scenery. Trekking in Nepal is an all season activity. It is possible at any time of the year depending on where one wishes to go. However, the most popular season are spring (February - May ) and autumn (September-November). Even d
Trell Is In Bid On Him
DO YOU WANNA OWN ME?I'M IN AN AUCTION AND HERE'S WHAT IM OFFERING.... click on link below to place your bid brought to you by da one & only ♠Ace♠of Spades (Da Quietstorm©) ™CLUB F.A.R.* Mémoire™ Bodyguard
Trembling Thoughts
Standing beside the bed I tremble As you approach quietly. You place your hands on my neck Softly, As I feel the warmth of your chest pressed against my back. I feel your breath in my hair As your hands rove across my shoulders Down my arms Grasping them firmly And turning me to face you. I look up into your eyes The desire burning deep inside the blue fathoms of them. I tremble beneath your hands As I register the passion on your face Just before you press your lips fiercely To mine. As your lips plunder my wet, waiting mouth Your tongue dances with mine Your hands cup my breasts. My aching nipples reach against the binding fabric For the caress of those hands. I moan against your lips As you reach for the opening of my blouse. Grasping the cloth, you pull at it impatiently As I hear buttons snap Thread break As you push the garment from my shoulders. We both hear the whisper of the cotton as it drops
Trembling Thoughts
Standing beside the bed I tremble As you approach quietly. You place your hands on my neck Softly, As I feel the warmth of your chest pressed against my back. I feel your breath in my hair As your hands rove across my shoulders Down my arms Grasping them firmly And turning me to face you. I look up into your eyes The desire burning deep inside the blue fathoms of them. I tremble beneath your hands As I register the passion on your face Just before you press your lips fiercely To mine. As your lips plunder my wet, waiting mouth Your tongue dances with mine Your hands cup my breasts. My aching nipples reach against the binding fabric For the caress of those hands. I moan against your lips As you reach for the opening of my blouse. Grasping the cloth, you pull at it impatiently As I hear buttons snap Thread break As you push the garment from my shoulders. We both hear the whisper of the cotton as it drops
A Trembling Woman
Upon this plateau, our passions hover above, flames rising from entangled bodies below. Beautiful in nakedness, is this woman I love, her spirit unclothed, freely offered to know. A foremost craving to please this woman, to peak the animalistic limits of sexuality. Thirsting upon her zones of intense passion, offering multiplies of breath-surging ecstasy. Fingers gentle to caress every erotic sector, lips moist upon her sweet knolls of pleasure. Divine is this safari of a cloud-nine adventure, hunting to satisfy her, while savoring her flavor. Tender is this trembling woman I hold dearly, rupturing nature’s bliss of internal explosions. Heart lifting fulfillment of an ultimate victory, an unselfish ecstasy of climaxing confirmations.
Kallenavn: Warlocks || Trollmenn?? Even among vampires, the insular Clan Tremere bears a reputation for treachery. This reputation is well earned; the Tremere were formerly a cabal of human wizards who, hungering for immortal life, wrested the secrets of vampirism from unwilling Kindred. Such vile deeds earned the clan a sinister reputation; even today, certain vampire clans would love nothing better than to destroy the entire Tremere line. Nonetheless, Clan Tremere holds a place in the Camarilla, for its members were instrumental in suppressing the Inquisition and supporting the Masquerade. Then, too, the Tremere have proved themselves dangerous enemies - and powerful allies. Tremere still practice a version of the arcane arts they studied in life, and so these "warlocks" use their sorcerous powers in service to the Camarillaalmost as much as they use the Camarilla in service to themselves. Sect: Støtter opp under camarilla og har gjort så siden tremeres opprinnelse. Kla
Wake up Wipe out the sleep spread open the theighs take it in deep penetraion aside its all heaven in where smooth as a dolphin your pussy is bare honey to some the way you make me cum nastier the better pulling it out..come getter im sexier than some more passionate than most i make you scream 3 times more than beetlejuice the host im pretty tired but never time to quit I'd rather sex your body than work, that bullshit ~Timmy~
Tremere From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Tremere are both a fictional clan of vampires, from White Wolf Game Studio's books and role-playing games set in the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade and Vampire: The Dark Ages), and a fictional House within the Order of Hermes in the role-playing game Ars Magica. Vampire & Ars Magicka The continuity of two games was formerly linked, and they were at one stage both owned by White Wolf Game Studio, and in this continuity the House of magicians spawned the clan of vampires as described below, but remained a major House of the Order within the time frame of Ars Magica. Continuity of Ars Magica is now separate, and the vampiric Tremere are no longer part of official continuity. The remainder of this article discusses the World of Darkness continuity, and is likely to be confusing if taken as Ars Magica continuity, though many details (such as clan symbol), are the same in both, and there are some general similarities. Th
Tremendous Gift
Tremendous Gift I am thankful for all the things that I have going on in my life right now. I have met amazing openminded people that have been acting as spirit guides for me, I have two amazing strong smart healthy beautiful children, I have a great great job (not so great co worker but I dont think she will last), I had a really shaky yet earthshattering marriage when it was good it was so good, when we were good it was amazing when we went sour we exploded, he gave me my greatest gifts, (although we are now divorced almost 2 years seperated for 3) and we are now somewhat good friends, we see each other in a light that was somehow dimmed we lost each other, I am so fearful of ever finding a new relationship, but as days go on you tend to get amnesia to that fear & other things you thought were so horrible and yet we make our way thru and look back & say wow that was pretty bad but I made it. I am pretty friggin amazing. You just cant let the bad things over come you. Not eve
A Trembling Sigh
As I sit here, the walls close in I wonder what is yet to come. The shadows grow darker toward me My light starting to fade some. The tears streak down my face My will lost to all. I shudder with resignation I am about to fall. I sigh readying myself for the kill I tremble waiting for the slice. I wonder when it will happen I worry will death be nice. My pain is plainly seen on my face My darkness has grown high. I laugh at Death, he angers I grow quiet with a trembling sigh.
Lost in the nonsense , Caught in the Drama Will it ever stop drifting into no where Bobbing back and forth Take you away from me because I can't let go numbness sets in as from a deeper being thinning , wearing , yet grinning a shallow thought my heart falls crumbles shattering into tiny parts you hurt me like no one else could you damaged my soul you cursed my heavens bringing no gold Yet I love you how can this be ... So I tremble
Tremulous Pleasures
Tremulous pleasures tracing up and down your thighs. Tangible treasures lie naked before my eyes... I rise when I hear your sigh. 11-10-02
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A Trembling Sigh
As I sit here, the walls close in I wonder what is yet to come.The shadows grow darker toward meMy light starting to fade some.The tears streak down my faceMy will lost to all.I shudder with resignationI am about to fall.I sigh readying myself for the killI tremble waiting for the slice.I wonder when it will happenI worry will death be nice.My pain is plainly seen on my faceMy darkness has grown high.I laugh at Death, he angersI grow quiet with a trembling sigh.
I was listening to Two Tongues and this song came on and it made me think of you of how I am to you. So this song would be from your perspective towards me. Let me know if it's pretty close. Tremors - Two Tongues My love, I lack the confidenceto say what is on my mind.I guess I'm prone to shake and sweatconfounded every time.I see you do the things you do.Pale and bright you shine.Because I need you here with me.I need you just to see me.I need you here with me, yeah it is only a dream to me.I knew that you could save my life,without a word exchanged.Your way with words, so insecurecan barely speak my name.My crumbled spine, and faulty lines.I'm sick and small and strange.I need you here with meI need you just to see meI need you here with me, yeah it is only a dream to meI saw you standing there,alone with your guitar.Like I was staring into the mirror.Seeing the same sad scars.I wanna reach into you, I wanna hold you here.But the tremors in your body make it hard to sleep.Yeah, the
Trembling you look into this tormenting tradgedy gazing into the simplistic mirror image of your eveything looks as if its perfect huh? from far away questioning if you'll have the pleasure of another day fantasising lies about your idolistic future chasing every taste of desire and intensity all for what so life can kick you in your ass just to get a laugh but what would you expect and love is so damn hard to have in your life so why fuck with it "why" i'll tell you why because life is lonely with out your lover by your side you walk this world with no heart beat and no soul your like a dieing breathless corpse without your lover by your side so you miss that love you keep wishing to have that love once again please please come back thats all you hear in you head.                                                           NUTTER-Z
I just wanted to get this off my mind, I really like him and have sum strong feelings for him, we have 2 kids together and boy and a girl.. No matter what this man has stood beside me through thick and thin. He has made sum scrafices for me that could have at sum point ruined his relationship.. He has always been there for me.. Now we are toghter as a couple again and yes it makes me very happy but at the same time he has sum serious doubts because we have tried this so many times. Finally tho I can say for the first real time I am falling back in love with him and I want to tell him but now is just not the right time.. He is my soul mate I do believe and I couldn't be prouder thats my baby.. If you want you should stop and check out his profile as well as mine and do your thing.. Thanks for lending me the time to get this out!! And baby if you read this I want you to know this is how I feel.. Your awesome and I couldn't ask nor at this point wouldn't ask for anything better I love you
Trends In Relationships.
I've noticed something crutial to my development as a human being: I keep falling in love only to be let down. Adam was the catalyst to this thought, but I started thinking back, and realized the same thing happened with James and with Chuck. Adam was going to marry me... he and I arrived at the courthouse 2 hours too early, then, suddenly, he stopped loving me. James gave me a ring as well, then told me I was being too clingy. Granted, the break up with James was completely my stupid misunderstanding, but the bottom line is: it happened there too. Chuck actually did marry me, then I was too much for him to handle. Maybe, it's me? Maybe, I need to be single for a little bit... or to think things through. I hate that I can't open up and let someone love me. I hate that I can't let myself be vulnerable again. Maybe, I'm just scared... Maybe, I'm just scarred? Who knows? I'm wondering who I am, ~Carissa
Trenton State Corrections what he said his occupation was. This gorgeous man with his blonde curley locks, well tanned rippled skin and beaming eyes said as I met him for the first time at the \"Half Way\" mark. He turned me around as I stood there in my black dress and heels. His lips on my neck and his hands wandering my body, I could do nothing but think of how wet I was becoming. He kissed me an held me tight..sliding his hands under my dress..he slid his findger into my wet clit..rubbing me til i came in his hand. At that point, he unzipped me and tore my clothing off of me. He proceeded to take out a long black scarf and tied it around my eyes. I then felt him slide a collar around my neck. He proceeded to lay me on the bed and place a \"spreader\" between my ankles. He then tied my hands back to the bed post and my legs to the others. He took out a few toys but first started to lick my hot sweet wet pussey. I He then jammed a toy in my pussey and i felt another slide into my ass...he procee
The Trend We'd Like To Start ?????
Hot Sex Trends Worth Trying The Trend We'd Like to Start # The Moan-athon To offset the fast-paced world, make time for long, slow sex. Behold, the secret to all-night passion. # Strike a few poses. Rein in the excitement by varying positions. For example: Once you hit a stride in missionary, sit up and bump and grind facing each other. Then take a break while you transition to a side-entry pose like (ahem) the 77. # Halt jackhammering. Rapid-fire thrusting ensures a lightning-quick finish. To tame the tempo, grab his hips while he's on top and direct him to decelerate. Or get on top so you're in control of the speed of penetration. # Try many touches. Every time a new sensation is introduced, your body has a "Wow! What was that?" reaction, which forces you to take a climax-delaying pause. So lick, suck, scratch, squeeze and rub him all over. Source: Patricia Taylor, Ph.D., founder of
Trent Carlini - The Dream King (elvis Ttribute Performer)
Trent Carlini -- The Dream King. Contestant on "The Next Best Thing" Not my YouTube bit - I just found it there. Just saw Trent again tonight. His show was even better depite his being tired from taping for "THe NExt Best Thing" on ABC His performance last week on that show was the best Elvis tribute/impersonator performace I've ever seen. It was better than his show tonight bu this show tonight was great. He didn't - I'm sure legally couldn't - say who did or didn't win. If you get to Vegas and want to see a real Vegas Elvis impersonator, I strongly recommend TRent. Best thing at the Sahara. His band is hot. Okay I have a slight crush on one of his back up singers - Nicole. His guitarist and the female trumpet player in particular caught my attention though as musicians.
I can't climb out of this trench of pain that floods my heart in boiling roiling streaks of night; The darkness at four a.m. is like a cold hand of sympathy drawing away from some man so cold it burns; And when I crawl through the mud under shells of faceless traitors I realize just how low I've been digging and I want out!
Trendy Shit Thats Stupid!
I'm a bitch Girls. Girls who are proud to call themselves 'Bitches' are not bitches. They are stupid twats that try hard to be bitches. Real bitches are the girls who have attitude because they are hot and get away with it. Girls that try to classify themselves as 'bitches' are under the impression that if they label themselves this way, it will mean they will instantly become popular and hot. The same way men wear basketball jerseys around the house in the hope that they will instantly become the next Michael Jordan while watching Miami Vice. 69 Yes, 69 was funny when I was 16 years old but has since become FAR too overused. Sex sells, and idiots are buying It's on clothing, wallets, fucking anything you can imagine. When I saw a bratty 12 year old girls sporting a coat that says 69 thats where I draw the line. I was playing with transformers up until can she possibly know what 69 means? She cant.fuck marketing. Plus 69ing sucks........w
Trent Reznor On Fur
Trendy Shit That’s Stupid: Goths
Goths: Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails is the only man who can pull this look off without looking like a gerbil shaver. Anyone who is not Trent Reznor and is ‘Goth’ is fucking beyond retarded. Goths hurt my eyes like the band “The Darkness” does my ears. Why are Goths inherently albinos? Is it because they think they are vampires? and they can’t go out in the sun? Then they dress head to toe in black - the one color that makes them look even whiter – if that’s possible. Goths wear black cause they’re so evil and/or depressed. If I’m depressed, I’m not going to dress in all black and hang around boring people who are void of personalities. That’s adding insult to injury, or more appropriately, adding even more stink to shit. And if I hear one more Goth justify the way they dress & act because they are “different” and don’t feel the need to adhere to the norms of society, I’m going to harpoon them in the neck with a jumbo Crayola Crayon. When you buy mass produced clothing at Hot
Trent Tomlinson-“one Wing In The Fire”
Daddy's been a back-row Baptist, With his share of front-row sin. His Saturday night still on his breathe, Every Sunday when he'd walk in. He's never led the Benediction, He's never sang in the choir. But he's an angel with no halo, An' one wing in the fire. Mamma lives by the Bible, The Bible lives by the bed. An' she's lied alone so many nights, With scriptures in her head. Prayin': "Good Lord, just be with him, "I know his Faith is tired, "But he's an angel with no halo, "An' one wing in the fire." "An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right, "An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times. "But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would come true: "Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you." Daddy's always been there for me, From T-Ball to touchdowns. Fixed my car an' fixed my heart, When they've been broken down. I know he calls for more forgiveness, Than most folks do require, But he's an angel with no halo, An' one
Trenton Is Walking!!!
CHECK IT OUT!!! Trenton Walking!!!
The Trenches
THE TRENCHES --------------------------- Life has changes along it's way, Similar to the weather it's day by day. Be prepared come whatever may, The skies turn quickly from blue to gray. Sometime we are caught unaware Easily dishearten when life's unfair. No matter your burden, concern, or care, You're never alone for someone's there. Whether your problems are many or but a few, There is Someone there who'll pull you through. His promises made, are promises true. God is in the trenches along with you.
Trends Why Do They End Or Begin
Tight rolled jeans, bell bottoms, parachute pants are just a few. I have noticed that hair also falls into the trend category lately as I see so many short haired or nearly bald men. Dammit I like hair! I am not saying that some aren't hot as hell with very short hair. Some can look great in long or short hair. Sorry, I got distracted. And just so you know the pic below is definately not hot to me!! Click Here to get more at Have a great night and I would love your views on this!
Trendy Dresses In This Season
Do you have the experience of buying dresses through the Internet? If the answer is NOT, then you are out of date. When you are browsing the vast number of dresses on your computer, you will enjoy a lot. They are not only cheap, but also very convenient. Therefore, nowadays many brides have become considerate about Custom wedding gowns and Custom bridesmaid dresses and are going the unconventional way by picking trendy, fashionable and stylish dresses. If you plan to buy a short custom prom dress, one of the most important factors you need to consider is your shoes. So don’t overlook other things or these details will break your whole appearance. In terms of the Custom flower girl dresses, the fashion usually follows the same trends you see in wedding dress fashion. What you need to pay attention to is, the age and value of the girls flowers, the colors of the wedding, the length dress and so on. No matter you buy custom wedding gowns, custom bridesmaid dresses or Custom
The Trends And History Of Cell Phone Content Advertising
What is cell phone content advertising? You can say that cell phone content advertising is the promotion of games, ring tones and other Blackberry Phone services. One method is such services use the short message service system to join up to them and are usually subscription-based. Another method is broadcasting messages to the cell phone's idle-screen, advertisers to reach millions in real-time or enabling the mobile operators. But Wifi Cell Phone content advertising is banned in some shops, especially in NASCAR. NASCAR banned advertising by any new cell phone companies who were not in the sport at the time; On 19 June 2003, cell phone companies especially Chinese Wholesaler who were involved could stay with their current teams, but once they break from their current teams, they could not advertise in NASCAR's premier series. This ban was a byproduct of the new ten-year contract with Nextel Communications. The Trends of Cell Phone Content Advertising A new trend is the "ad
Trent Reznor's Latest
If you know me, you know I believe in this: There are musicians, and there is Trent Reznor...the GOD of music. I have been to every local NIN show since PRETTY HATE MACHINE, have all the CDs, and even an un-opened SIGNED vinyl copy of THE FRAGILE (BEST.ALBUM.EVER) So, you can imagine my heart dropped when he said NINE INCH NAILS was dis-banding. Of course, he's been known to take time off before but once he got married I pretty much figured he was retired. Boy was I wrong... Him and his wife has a new band called HOW TO DESTROY ANGELS and once again, I am blown away!!!!   Of course is still being updated, but check out HOW TO DESTROY ANGELS' home site.
Trendy Quality Swiss Design Discount Ulysse Nardin Just For Men Watches
In case you have up to spare $129,000 to enjoy on a luxury wireless, then the ulysse nardin big date watches Chairman Smartphone may just be the 1 for you personally. There's additionally those that accommodate with their pocket that would be a good variety. Once you give this present is demonstrates you just care about the face and what they're making time for.The small business was conceptualized in Switzerland found in 1846, and was traditionally a producer involved with marine chronometers. The ulysse nardin blue seal watches business changed hands in 1983, upon an acquisition by simply businessmen in 1983, together with became a griddle of premium watches. And also now, the latest maker of a premiums cell phone. You¡¯re able to have watched engraved using a favorable message from you far too. This sort of personalization may also be helpful them to feel fairly enlightened soon after they put it on. This could not the sort of present which usually theyll just leave chi
The Trend Of Wedding Dresses Fall 2011
Are you getting married this fall? perhaps you still need to find the perfect wedding dresses or want some suggestions on how to design your gown to being in keeping with the latest bridal trends. Do you want to get some beautiful but Cheap wedding dresses?Get inspired with these Fall 2011 wedding dress trends and ideas. Romance is huge for Fall 2011 wedding gowns. so\ft layers of tulle are very popular trend across all pirce points and bridal gown designers. but it is not the straight across neckline which has dominated for the last several years. Gently shaped sweetheart strapless necklines are softer and more feminine than the straight ones, and they also tie in beautifully with the 1950's flavor that many of the tulle gowns have. The tulle skirts are often artfully layered for a modern update to a classic style. Natural waistlines will be another key trend for Fall 2011 weddings.To bring emphasis to have waist , designers often accent the area with a special belt or sash. Beaded
Trendy Guide Just For Cheap North Face Fleece Jacket
Using layers connected with sweat t shirts and jackets will probably correctly the simple for frigid weather, but this also could very well be the easiest way to examine like a running snowman. Dressing up for that chilly natural world is not easy, nonetheless, you certainly will be able to invest regarding many superior quality pieces that will appears Buy North Face Outlet suitable for you which permits it to help you preserve you will cozy within chilly winter weather times during identical time period. A jacket can be considered a fantastic piece of attire for winter, wonderful with the perception that it will help you in wearing, be stylish even in harsh weathered days. just one almost jacket that becomes an increasing number of standard any chilly year or so will be the fleece protector jacket. If you are after for this form of jacket, analyze this write-up so you can get some guidelines on what to check out for. Design. certainly this goes with one another together
Trendy The North Face Fleece Jackets With The Help Of Wholesale Price
For more than 40 years The particular North Face Fleece Jackets has been quite possibly the most trusted brand name in open-air clothing along with equipment. The particular North Face Fleece Jackets produces many of the finest men's, women's in addition to kids jackets and clothes for every outside activity, because of trail sprinting to backcountry skiing. Their particular tents and also equipment are recommended by the earth's top mountaineers in which Buy North Face Fleece Jacketsperformance and also reliability are most important. All of the North Face Fleece Jackets backpacks have the model for every single day use out and about and the ability to make your way across and also the most exotic mountain stages. If you are fresh to The North Face Fleece Jackets, an excellent place to start is a Denali fleece jacket, for men, women and kids. The North Face Fleece Jackets continues to guide its section with athletically prompted fits, up to date technical tendencies and the preferred,
Trendy North Face Winter Jackets With The Help Of Wholesale Price
Each year, the individuals within the fashion home business are competing when it comes to doing the very best winter time jackets. In the past, winter time jackets are being marketed by commercial travellers and advertised with the people as shielding outfits during wintertime season. At present, it can be various. Ladies, the majority of Buy North Face Fleece Jackets specially, don't only explore for one of the most comfortable women's environments jackets. Additionally, they try to find the One particular which will make these stand out amongst the rest.You'll find so many things that can be involved in during winter year. It really is the moment in the year the moment snow drop like eternally. Obviously, it is usually the perfect time frame when we have fun Christmas. The right way, it is a various issue. Winter season time is really a time for joy for so many North Face Backpacks individuals. Pupils do not head off to school and makes one quite of it by just performing
Trend Brand Franklin And Marshall
Fashion by definition, changes every now and then. What is thought as the latest today will become old within a few months. How many times you can run about the malls to buy all the latest fashion clothing. It’s not possible to run about here and there to buy the things that are in trend every now and then. It’s easier to know about what are in latest fashion than able to buy it. But technology is Franklin and Marshall changing our lives pretty fast. Now it is becoming easier to shop for all clothes based on latest trends with the help of internet.Earlier, only the big high street brands had their ecommerce sites where one can not only check out but buy the clothes and accessories of their choice. But how many of us have the kind of Franklin & Marshall financial position where we can buy clothes from high street fashion brands. As earlier said, technology is making our lives a lot easier.For buying designer dresses, based on the entire new Franklin and Marshall hoodie fash
2012 Trend Ladies Shoes
Shoes are a very important piece in every woman’s wardrobe. Our love for shoes is immense, wouldn’t it be great to have a pair for every day of the week?Franklin Marshall Or the amazing dressing room of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City? The thing with shoes is that they go out of fashion so quickly – but the good news is that they are very likely to return after a few seasons! Franklin Marshall outletSo don’t throw your shoes away, keep them for a comeback! I mean, who would’ve though the crazy high Spice Girl “flatforms” will ever return – and here they are, on the Prada catwalk. Franklin Marshall Since we’re on the topic of catwalk, let’s continue this post by having a look at some of the most impressive shoes we’ve seen on the runway this season. Fendi went for edgy, yet wearable shoes: block heels, cut outs, lots of straps and buckles. The result is gorgeous, the only thing is that these shoes are not really s
Trendy Asian Fashion Ladies Clothing For Women
    Latest 2012 summer fashion dresses are hot sale at wholesale clothing china online B2C shop, available in various Asian fashion styles, including evening dresses, bridesmaid dresses, party dresses, cocktail dresses, casual, club dresses, prom dress.   Pink is the favorite color of girls that not only highlights great temperament, but also expresses delicate and cute feeling of little girls. The delicate lace has a unique charm. It looks lovely, and the version is used with this year's most popular Puff sleeve that charming and stylish. Next Asian fashion clothing online shop will brings you several new styles of ladies clothing for spring and summer.   Beautiful and comfortable chiffon dress design style is the most popular in spring. Warm and comfortable color tone, coupled with flowers adornment in full bloom around collar, even has some unique flavor. The elasticity of the fabric, it is self-cultivation, perfectly show physique. It is a good match.
Trend Has Continued Through 2012 It May
Canadian boxer Mary Spencer will learn this week whether she will compete at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Kendall Wright Womens Jersey . The three-time world champion from Windsor, Ont., is in contention for the lone wild card berth in her weight class, issued by the International Olympic Committees Tripartite Commission. Early reports suggested Spencer would learn her fate on Monday, but an official from boxings governing body (AIBA) has confirmed to that the decision will be made later in in the week. Spencer, a 511" fighter, was considered the favourite for Olympic gold before she missed out on one of two Olympic spots up for grabs at the womens world championships in May. Despite receiving a bye through the first round, she received a shock loss in her first bout and was subsequently knocked out of the competition. Warren Moon Jersey . A.J. Burnett (12-3) shut out the Astros for seven innings before Chris Johnson and Carlos Corporan connected for solo homers in the
Trends To Watch Out For Im Jahr 2013 Mobile-app Industry
Die mobile Anwendung Industrie Erfahrungen ?ndert sich so schnell, dass  jeden Tag mit neuen Entwicklungen, die als Trend eingestuft kommt. Allerdings gibt es einige Trends, die mehr im Vordergrund als andere sind und die hier sind, um zu bleiben. Zum Beispiel stellte das Jahr 2012 wird die verst?rkte Nutzung und die Popularit?t des Android OS-Plattform und den Einsatz von Android Apps wurde der Trend. Hier nehmen wir einen Blick auf einige Trends, die erwartet, dass die mobile App-Entwicklung der Industrie in das Jahr 2013 dominieren werden: -android 4.2 Ein. Entwicklung von Apps mit HTML5 Berichten zufolge durch mobile Marktforscher ergab, 2013 wird das Entstehen von mobilen Anwendungen mit HTML5 der Skriptsprache. Da die Gesamtkosten der Entwicklung HTML5 Apps ist vergleichsweise weniger, wenn mit den Kosten für den Bau nativen Apps, kleine und mittelst?ndische Unternehmen dürften diesen Trend auf einer h?heren Ebene erlassen werden verglichen. Wenn Berichte geglaubt werden kann, w
Trendy Color Palette For Ugg Styles
UGG footwear is known as the best sheepskin boots for both fashionable look and ultimate comfort. As sheepskin can be dyed to match any color, the color palette for UGG styles is so rich and here we will talk about the trendy color palette for UGG styles. ugg boots on black friday hades are different to set different mood for any fashionable look and the fashionable color is changing with the season. The popular color of each season is characterized by its comparability and succession. That is to say, the trend of colors in vogue is actually the extension of the fashionable color last season and the succession of that in this season, plus innovation. That is applied to UGG styles.ugg boots for black friday Trace back the fashionable colors for popular UGG styles in the past few years. Black, white, and grey caught on in 2007 and dark grey seems leading the trends. In 2008 and 2009, black, white and grey continued their popularity and grey really became a trend. black friday ugg boots
Treo 755p For Sale
I don't want to do it but I need to sale my phone. My treo had gotten thrown into a lake because of this rogue gust of wind. My chair and wallet and everything flew across the camp and hit the water before any of us could catch it. Anyway, i'm in college, and shortly after that incident I had a heated conversation with one of the bosses at work because he's a weasle that needs to be punched in the throat. Bah, i'm getting sidetracked. What I intend to do is pay the insurance deductible and sale the brand new phone that gets shipped in. I need the money so I can pay my phone bill. I'll sale it cheaper than what they sell it for in the store and it will be brand new. 300-400 or so is the price in the stores. This is a Sprint phone also
Treptaimine Based Drugs ( The Spirit Molecule )
If you are fascinated by prehistoric cave art, research into treptamine based drugs and the therianthropic entities people claim to encounter while under their influence then "Graham Hancock's" book "Supernatural" should be on your to read list. About 50,000 years ago our species seemed to emerge from a cultural coma and exploded onto the scene in art and religion. It is one of the greatest mysteries of archeology. A lot of the cave art in places like "Pech Merle and Altamira" was painted in places that most people would not be able to see so art appreciation for the general public was not likely their motivation. In Supernatural the theory is advanced that psychotropic drugs are the reason that prehistoric man evolved art and religion as it opened their minds to deeper realities. The theory makers go out on a limb by suggesting that our DNA is an ancient storage system that far exceeds our evolution. The DNA molecule stretched out is 120 billion miles in length which i
Treptamine Based Drugs ( The Spirit Molecule )
If you are fascinated by prehistoric cave art, research into treptamine based drugs and the therianthropic entities people claim to encounter while under their influence then "Graham Hancock's" book "Supernatural" should be on your to read list. About 50,000 years ago our species seemed to emerge from a cultural coma and exploded onto the scene in art and religion. It is one of the greatest mysteries of archeology. A lot of the cave art in places like "Pech Merle and Altamira" was painted in places that most people would not be able to see so art appreciation for the general public was not likely their motivation. In Supernatural the theory is advanced that psychotropic drugs are the reason that prehistoric man evolved art and religion as it opened their minds to deeper realities. The theory makers go out on a limb by suggesting that our DNA is an ancient storage system that far exceeds our evolution. The DNA molecule stretched out is 120 billion miles in length which i
Tressy Von Trouble - 101889
a beautiful lady mysterious and sweet a wonderful friend someone any would love to meet
Tresspassing Part 1
It was a smoldering summer morning, normal for Miami, when I chose to climb the wooden, six-foot-tall fence separating our backyard from our neighbor's, to retrieve the basketball that had inadvertently bounced into their yard the previous day. I absolutely hated going over to a neighbor's house, knocking on the door, and requesting something I'd lost in their yard. Looking back, I have no idea why I felt that way. When I was eighteen it just seemed infinitely easier to climb the fence, toss the ball back over, and return the same way. Even though we'd lived next to these particular neighbors for over five years, all I knew about them was that they were a family of four. Two absolutely stunning young daughters lived next door to us with their mother and father. I had never seen either of the girls at my school, but that was no surprise, since I went to a high school about 20 miles away, and most of the teenagers in the area went to the high school two miles south of the neighborhoo
Tres Joli....
de jolis acteurs x gayHochgeladen von cjibe
Tres-4 Shouldnt Exist
By Ker Than, The largest planet ever discovered is also one of the strangest and theoretically should not even exist, scientists say. Dubbed TrES-4, the planet is about 1.7 times the size of Jupiter and belongs to a small subclass of "puffy" planets that have extremely low densities. The finding will be detailed in an upcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal. "Its mean density is only about 0.2 grams per cubic centimeter, or about the density of balsa wood," said study leader Georgi Mandushev of the Lowell Observatory in Arizona. "And because of the planet's relatively weak pull on its upper atmosphere, some of the atmosphere probably escapes in a comet-like tail." The planet's large mass-to-density ratio makes it an anomaly among known exoplanets, and its existence cannot be explained by current models. A planet anomoly "TrES-4 is way bigger than it's supposed to be," Mandushev told "For its mass, it should be much smaller. It basically should be ab
I met 29 year old woman who wanted a friend with benefits. Being invited onto the property she showed me around the place to let me know the limits of she felt comfortable with. She stopped and made particular mention of a bright orange fence. She warned me, "Everything on this side of the fence you can use, we can share and have fun with. But for now, don't ask me about the other side of that fence; I don't want to talk about, at least not for now." We had our visits a few times when curiosity got the best of me; I jumped the orange fence and had a look around. Of course she caught me and very politely escorted me back to the other side of the fence. She was gracious about it, "Maybe I wasn't clear about this, see that fence, the orange one? Please don't cross it for now. OK?" I told her I understood. We had some fun and I really enjoyed myself a couple of times at her place. It seemed that a great many of the things I valued and found very sexy in women were all resid
Tre Shaw R.i.p
Well dude I've made it past 25 can you believe it? Watching all of you put beneath the ground has haunted me. Why didn't we all beat the shit out of each other till we stopped killing ourselves? Why is just a little buzz never enough? I guess we are just different like that! If you was here today I'd know I'd be breaking up some fight you got your crazy ass into! Be at peace Bro where ever you ended up!
Tre's Thoughts Of Inspiration!
Well, I have been doing some thorough thinking on the next subject I would like to write about and this revelation popped into my head so here it is...."Inspiration!" What is the definition of "Inspiration," and what does it mean to me as an Individual? The meaning of "Inspiration," is this...a stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity. I ponder this very subject daily in my life, as I go about my business as a father, as a friend, and as a potential companion to a woman whom I may have fallen in love with or will fall in love with. I am pretty sure a man like myself can not go through life with out any "Inspiration," when my spirit and my mind is filled with many emotions and deep reservations on where my romantic life will take me next! There is a little quote I refer to on a daily basis and actually have it printed on paper and taped to my vanity mirror to remind me of what I am all about...... "A witty inspiration is a dissolution of spiritu
Tresure Amongst The Dead
tresure amongst the dead   tresure amongst the dead bitch u give me fine head moveing your tongue back n forth up n down round n round the way u bounce up and down round n round from the top to the ground i like how u were found a tresure amongst the dead always fuckin fed always have a stack of bread always puttin it down alway around your the only one that really makes a sound your name always profound from bostin harber to new york underground i love always n forever how u were found a tresure amongst the dead these word swimming around ur head but u cant comunicate them cus u are dead i love u always will till we meet again i will continue spreading ur name liveing in sin who knows where ill end up in the end maby ill be like u a tresure amongst the dead 
Tresses Coloration Skilled Caron Educate You Adjustment Connected With Facial Hair Colour
  Commonly tresses stylist on pattern time period,ghd sale australia will probably in line with your mind is usually to produce a made for your hair, but in line with experience to pick out a new tresses coloration, or maybe tresses coloration may make people glimpse far more soul, far more wonderful, and so, can by means of tresses in addition to tresses coloration secondary, possibly be your individual quality amplification connected with. To be a tresses coloration skilled, Caron (New York Draw Garrison hair and facial salon tresses coloration skilled Joseph Caron) is usually invested in encouraging shoppers to help engender benefits in addition to prevent weak spots: "I including stylists in addition to makeup foundation painters, that can help this family and friends to manufacture a completely new photograph. "Caron claimed, oblong experience is usually just the right experience, although regardless of people experience, by means of adjusting tresses coloration may
Tres Secretos Detrás De Smartphones
Bolsillo pequeño, de un tamaño y un peso inferior a 200 gramos el Smartphone tiene todo el poder de una computadora de escritorio y viaja desde y hacia su negocio sobre una base diaria. Para muchos usuarios, son su conexión con el mundo exterior, sino que son capaces de captar esta tecnología o estás seguro de cómo hacerlo? Un número secreto Todos los smartphones puede conectar o tener la capacidad de conectarse a Internet. Esto es a través de los servicios de Telco, como la 2G, EDGE, 3G o 4Gnetwork próxima o de una red wi-fi. Sabiendo esto significa que usted puede dirigirse a estos clientes a utilizar la red inalámbrica a través de la publicidad específica dirigida a los clientes que utilicen la tecnología.La mayoría de los usuarios de teléfonos inteligentes son conscientes de cómo pueden conectar entre un celular (2G y 3G) y un punto de acceso de red inalámbrica. Una vez que son conscientes de que pueden conectarse, la mayoría de los usuarios a tratar de navegar por Internet para
Tre Segreti Dietro Smartphone
Piccolo, tascabile e pesa meno di 200g lo smartphone dispone di tutta la potenza di un computer desktop e viaggia da e per la tua impresa su una base quotidiana. Per un sacco di utenti, sono loro ancora di salvezza al mondo esterno, ma siete in grado di cogliere questa tecnologia o siete sicuri di come? Number One Segreto Tutti gli smartphone in grado di connettersi o avere la possibilità di connettersi a Internet. Questo è attraverso i servizi di Telco, come il 2G, EDGE, 3G o in cui è decisivo 4Gnetwork O una rete hotspot wireless. Sapendo questo significa che è possibile indirizzare questi clienti di utilizzare la rete wireless attraverso la pubblicità specifica di mira i clienti che utilizzano la tecnologia.Maggior parte degli utenti di smartphone sono consapevoli di come possono collegare tra una (2G e 3G) rete cellulare e un hotspot rete wireless. Una volta che sono consapevoli di poter collegare, maggior parte degli utenti cercherà di navigare in internet per confermare la conn
Tretch. Mantas Kalnietis Helped Put
LONDON - SEIBUTIS Renaldas sparked a fourth-quarter comeback by Lithuania, hitting two consecutive 3-pointers in a 76-63 win over Tunisia on Monday that put Lithuania in the quarterfinals of the mens Olympic basketball tournament. Seibutis 3s gave Lithuania a 63-56 lead with 4:45 remaining in the game. Lithuania, which trailed 54-50 at end of the third quarter, outscored Tunisia 26-9 in the fourth. A gritty Tunisia squad had a chance to advance with a win but ran out of gas down the stretch. Mantas Kalnietis helped put the game away with a 3-pointer and a pair of free throws. Darius Songaila and Sarunas Jasikevicius each finished with 13 points for Lithuania. Amine Rzig led Tunisia (0-5) with 17 points. Cheap Jerseys Paypal . Texas outfielder Josh Hamilton didnt play in the three-game series because of a stiff back, while third baseman Adrian Beltre missed the final two contests of the series, except for one pinch-hit appearance Tuesday, because of soreness in his legs blam
Treuly Madly Deeply By Savage Garden
i'll be your dream i'll be your wish i'll be your fantasy i'll be your hope i'll be your love be everything that you need. i'll love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do i will be strong i will be faithful 'cause i'm counting on a new beginning a reason for living a deeper meaning i wanna stand with you on a mountain i wanna bathe with you in the sea i wanna lay like this forever until the sky falls down on me and when the stars is shining brightly in the velvet sky, i'll make a wish and lead to heaven and make you want to cry the tears of joy for all the pleasure in the certainty that we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of the highest powers in lonely hours and the tears devour you i want to stand with you on a mountain i want to bathe with you in the sea i want to lay like it is forever until the sky falls down on me oh can't you see it baby? you don't have to close your eyes 'cause it's standing right before you all that you need
i love you trev your the best friend a girl can have been there for me when i am down sorry i am not there a lot ! but just wanted to say thank you!
Trevon Williams
Trevon Williams 1998 - 2007 Trevon Williams, 9, exited into eternal existence Monday, Dec. 17, 2007, surrounded by his family. Celebration of life: 11 a.m. Friday in the hallowed halls of New Breed Christian Center, 4500 S. Riverside Drive, the Rev. Darrell Blair most gracious host. Interment: Cedar Hill Memorial Park. Visitation: Trevon will receive visitors noon to 4 p.m. Thursday while he serenely slumbers beneath his favorite Spider-Man linens as he lies in repose upon his polished walnut twin bed in the Sam-Johnson Hall of the D&D Johnson Funeral Home and 7 to 8 p.m. at the church. Survivors: Those left awaiting the sound of the trumpet are his loving parents, Tonnette and Otto Hargis; his sister, Tyrionna Williams; brother, TaVazia Williams; the faculty, students and staff of E. Ray Elementary School; and a host of many other relatives and friends. Published in the Star-Telegram on 12/20/2007. TREVON OR TREY AS I CALLED HIM HAD FOUGHT WITH CANCER FOR A YEAR.... THOUGH TH
Trevs List
Law of Attraction Best meditation method
577 T-rex
T Rex: Get It On
t rex (Get It On) - t rex
Trey's Interview By Tyra Banks
Trey's Interview by Tyra BanksTYRA: Good afternoon Trey, Can I start my asking what brings you here to Cherry Tap?TREY:Sure Tyra...A friend of mine, (Jules ) invited me here, we met on another space place ;-) So I took her up on it and thought it would be cool to make some new friends.... TYRA: I see ..... so what is your status... you know as far as having a wife and kids? TREY: I was married for ten years. As far as a family goes, my ex and I never had children, and is one of the reasons for my divorce. I always wanted children perhaps it's not too late, either way I think kids are great. In place of kids I did settle for an English Springer Spaniel and a Labrador Retriever (mixed with sneaky neighbors dog) I'm a real sucker for a fuzzy face. TYRA:
Trey Songz - Can't Help But Wait
I Cant Help But Wait. Ohhhh I I Cant Help But Wait (Check It Out) [Verse 1: Trey Songz] I See U, U Wit Him, He Aint Right But U Dont Trip U Stand By, While He Lies, Then Turn Right Round And Forgive I Cant Take, To See Your Face Wit Those Tears Runin Down Yo Cheeks But What Can I Do, I Gotta Stay True, Cuz Deep Down Im Still A G [Pre-Chorus:] And I Dont Wanna Come Between U And Your Man, Even Tho I Know I'll Treat U Betta Than He Can Girl I Cant Help But Wait [Chorus:Trey Songz] Till U Get Back Wit Him, It Dont Change (Cant Help But Wait) Till U See That Wit Me, It Aint The Same (Cant Help But Wait) Till U, See U, For What U Really Are, (Baby Girl U Are A Star) And I Cant Help But Wait [Verse 2: Trey Songz] It Aint Fresh, To Jus Let Him Call The Shots Your A Queen, U Should Be, Gettin All That Someones Got You Should Be Rockin The Latest, And Purses, Bracelets And Watches Your Worth Much More Than An Occasional "I Love U", "Im Thinkin Of U" [Pre-Chor
Trey Sonz Missing You
Treyvon Martin Issue
Greetings, This will be my first "blog" that does not involve the scumbag of my previous detailings. Those that know me well, usually consult with me on matters of criminal defense and other legal issues.  This comes from my over 20 year career in Law Enforcement, and now nearly 18 years as a criminal defense investigator. I am a paralegal, investigator, consultant, and expert witness in criminal investigation in both Florida and North Carolina. So here goes. Understand at this juncture, I am remaining neutral on this issue, other than being an advocate in support of Florida's "Stand your Ground" law, and one's right to defend themself. FS 776.013 (3) was included in the Chapter to repeal the "retreat first" defense, when a citizen is faced with danger or threat of severe bodily harm or death of one's self or another.  Typically, the law as it was required an attempt of retreat or flight in order to preserve one's safety. Florida modified the statute as detailed herein, in that
Trägst Du Eine Uhr?
Schauen Sie sehen, in der Regel am Handgelenk getragen, eines der vielen Dinge, in den letzten paar Jahren habe ich ignoriert worden; nicht mehr traurig als ich sehen übersehen. Das Ausmaß, dass es war so traurig, wenn Leute mich fragen, wenn mehr als oft nicht ich auf meinem Handy sein wird, und wenn dies ist eine Art von geschwollenen Taschenuhren, und die Antwort erhält eine Nummer. Ich habe immer sorgfältig auswählen meiner dishdashas, ​​finden immer das Objekt ihrer Inspiration. In einem feinen Anzug, schwarze Lederjacke, Schuhe und all den anderen Sachen, weil ich den gleichen Wunsch haben. Eine Uhr hat noch nie der Fall gewesen, In den alten Tagen, die Menschen mit Ketten große günstige armbanduhren Westentasche verbunden. Dies sind komplexe Funktionen der Persönlichkeit einer Person zu beweisen, als eine Maschine für seine Arbeit zu wählen. Die Uhr ist eine Erklärung der Investition, nicht nur in deinem Volk, aber Sie sein wollen. Die Uhr bietet ein Gefühl Er / si
Trhat Gierl
Pharrell feat Bigg Snoop Dogg - That girlAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Trẻ Hơn 10 Tuổi Nhờ Công Nghệ Thermage
Nếu như trước kia, giải pháp duy nhất làm bạn trông trẻ hơn so với độ tuổi là sử dụng phương pháp phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ căng da mặt. Giải pháp này tuy mang lại hiệu quả sau một vài tuần nghỉ dưỡng nhưng có nhược điểm là khá đau đớn. Hơn nữa, với bất kỳ tiến trình phẫu thuật nào cũng luôn tiềm ẩn nhiều nguy cơ và việc tiến hành phẫu thuật thường không đảm bảo một kết quả điều trị kéo dài trên 5 năm.  Ngày nay, Thermage là một sự lựa chọn tối ưu cho nhiều chị em, đây là một tiến trình làm săn chắc da không phẫu thuật
Trials Of Luck
Trials For The Remaining Suspects In The Case Are Pending.
Trials for the remaining suspects in the case are pending. Murder trial begins this week By BRAD KELLAR Herald-Banner Staff Trial is scheduled to begin this week for one of three suspects charged in connection with a Quinlan-area murder in June of last year. Cory Joe Locke is also facing charges of aggravated robbery, aggravated kidnapping and burglary. Jury selection is set for 9 a.m. Monday in the 354th District Court. Locke is the first of three suspects indicted for murder involving the death of Michael Patrick Bates to face trial. Locke has also been indicted by the Hunt County grand jury on the aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robbery charges, involving incidents which authorities claim occurred the same day as the murder. A conviction on any of the indictments and Locke could be facing a maximum punishment of up to life in prison. Locke has also been indicted in connection with the alleged burglary of Bates’ residence. He has pleaded not guilty to all
Trials And Tribulations...
Life is full of trials and tribulations...How you handle them, I guess is what makes you, you.. a strong person, a TRULY strong person has overcome many obstacles in life and recently I've had some very deep insight on that particular thought. When somebody says that, hey that white boy is rich, he doesn't know what it's like to deal with poverty, social abandonment, or abuse of some sort..., This is what I say....If somebody is given a great life and then something very dear is taken away from them...compared to somebody who has lived in misery all their life and has never known ;happiness as a part of their life, are the SAME PEOPLE it is probably easier for the person with the misery and grief in their life to overcome it once again... HOWEVER, on the opposite end fo the table... The person with misery DESERVES the right to be happy, IF they try their best to accomplish just that.. they DESERVE to be a happy, lil ray o sunshine for all to see. they deserve a break.. The reason
The Trial Of Faith
October 31, 2006 The Trial of Faith LISTEN: READ: If you have faith as a mustard seed . . . nothing will be impossible for you —Matthew 17:20 About this cover We have the idea that God rewards us for our faith, and it may be so in the initial stages. But we do not earn anything through faith— faith brings us into the right relationship with God and gives Him His opportunity to work. Yet God frequently has to knock the bottom out of your experience as His saint to get you in direct contact with Himself. God wants you to understand that it is a life of faith, not a life of emotional enjoyment of His blessings. The beginning of your life of faith was very narrow and intense, centered around a small amount of experience that had as much emotion as faith in it, and it was full of light and sweetness. Then God withdrew His conscious blessings to teach you to "walk by faith" ( 2 Corinthians 5:7 ). And you are worth much more to Him now than you were in your days of conscious
Trials And Tribulations Of Kindergarten Life...
"How was school today?" (Shaking his head in dismay): "I didn't even have anything good for lunch. Grilled cheese is okay but I didn't like the apple cause it was really juicy and it made my hands all sticky. The chocolate milk was all gone so I had to have strawberry and I don't like strawberry milk but I didn't want the white kind. Jaida splashed in a puddle at recess and water got all over my pants and shoes and got them all wet. No one is even supposed to be playing in the puddles and we got in trouble. Reese is Stewart's best friend but he doesn't want to be friends with him anymore because Reese tells him what to do and he's real bossy. So now Stewart wants a new best friend but it can't be me cause he doesn't like Alexis and she's my friend. All we did in art class today was color and that's boring cause I color at home all the time. It was a bad day, mom..." I sure am glad I've got problems like money and work to deal with... Sheesh.
Trial Of Blood...
i sneaked out of the bed while you're sleeping... put on my cloths quietly... i turned and looked at you one more time... then walked out the door...trying hard to stop my tears from falling... the thousand miles journey home is gonna be a long...painful ride... as i locked your gate...i wanted so much to hear you calling out for me to stay... but you're so full of valium to help you sleep because of the pain... i almost wished my bike won't start and needed an excuse to stay... but i kept telling myself to leave...just leave before it's too late... wanted to turn around and run back into your arms...where it feels so right... but i don't wanna complicate your life...nor mine... i cried silent tears...and my heart bleeds...the blood drops turning into dust stirred up by my wheels... and if you ever change your mind... you'll be able to find... and follow my trial of blood... my trial of blood that'll lead you right to my open arms...
Trial By Fire
Job 23:10 “But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” In order to refine gold, a goldsmith places gold over a fire until it bubbles and glows. He skims off the impurity from the top and knows that when he can see his reflection, the gold is pure. That is what the Lord is doing when you go through trials. When He can see His likeness reproduced in your life, He’ll know that you have become gold fit for His use and for His glory. But, the fire is hot! Yes, but God controls it. No jeweler is more careful with his gold than a father with his children. He knows what He is doing. But, what about those things He is burning out of my life? You don’t need them. If you needed them, your loving Father would make sure you kept them. Has God taken anything out of your life recently that you thought you couldn’t live without? Thank Him.
The Triad Traditions
Most every religion has different "sects" within it. This branching off allows each group to specialize in a particular area, as well as creating a healthy diversity within the tradition. Stregheria or Strega also has branches or sects. Making up the Old Religion are three groups, known as the Triad Traditions. They are known separately as the Janarra, the Tanarra, and the Fanara. When Aradia first brought the Old Religion to the people of Italy, she taught her followers the secrets of the Earth, the Moon, and the Stars. With the beginning of the persecution of witches in Italy, the Religion split. Each group was entrusted with one section of the mysteries. They separated. The Fanara, who are the Keepers of the Earth Mysteries, centered in northern Italy. They kept the secrets of ley lines, and other forces of the Earth. The Janarra and Tanarra both occupy central Italy. The Janarra are the Keepers of the Lunar Mysteries. They are entrusted with the mysteries of the lunar energy, an
Life is one of those things that we dont choose it just kinda happens. So when it does we just do what we can. Well do we realy need to stop at what we can or is there alittle more in us? I say there is, by one example i know this to be true, when i watch CNN I see our Freinds and fellow countrywomen and men on the frontline giving everything they have and will ever have just so we can have what we have. This includes our problems. So i say to hell with the petty bellyachin and move on be strong for them couse they sure as hell are being strong for us!! I love all of you Thank you for your time..
A Triad
A Triad Christina Rossetti Three sang of love together: one with lips Crimson, with cheeks and bosom in a glow, Flushed to the yellow hair and finger-tips; And one there sang who soft and smooth as snow Bloomed like a tinted hyacinth at a show; And one was blue with famine after love, Who like a harpstring snapped rang harsh and low The burden of what those were singing of. One shamed herself in love; one temperately Grew gross in soulless love, a sluggish wife; One famished died for love. Thus two of three Took death for love and won him after strife; One droned in sweetness like a fattened bee: All on the threshold, yet all short of life.
Trials And Tribulations
Trials and tribulations Well we all have these though out our life’s lately I am starting to believe some of us more then others, but that’s not rally right is it? We all have the trials and tribulations of life we just have different ones. Well mine as of late seem to take me to the limit of what I can tolerate in one day. Although in the length of my 22 years I have over come and moved forward in my life as no one thought I would. It just goes to show you that we can all make it in the end on matter what we had to face in the beginning. You all are probably asking what you have had to over come to have such a view. Well for me I believe my trials and tribulations started the day I was born believe it or not. I was born 2 months early. Ya I know wow most times you wouldn’t make it depending on was the mother healthy or do anything bad during the pregnancy to harm the baby in the long run. In this is where I got lucky I believe I was meant to be here. Why do I think this? Well my mot
A Trial In Jasper
by Dr. William Pierce Last week they had a trial in Jasper, Texas, of 24-year-old John King, one of three White men accused of killing a Black by dragging him behind their pickup truck. The media made a real circus of the trial. Every night on the television news programs Tom Brokaw and the other network news announcers reminded us with a grim face and a sober tone about the gruesome nature of the killing. Over and over again they showed us the chain which had been used to drag the Black. They showed us the asphalt road along which he was dragged, with painted circles on the road wherever the police had found blood. And they told us what an awful White racist John King was. They showed us his tattoos. They told us that he was a petty criminal who had been in prison. They read us some of the letters he had written expressing his dislike for Blacks. And the media people really rubbed all of this in hard -- "White racist, gruesome killing, Black victim, hate crime, evil Whites, good Bl
Trial! (they Come And Then They Stop! The Jokes)
Defense Attorney: Will you please state your age? Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old. Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st? Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me. Defense Attorney: Did you know him? Little Old Lady: No, but he sure was friendly. Defense Attorney: What happened after he sat down? Little Old Lady: He started to rub my thigh. Defense Attorney: Did you stop him? Little Old Lady: No, I didn't stop him. Defense Attorney: Why not? Little Old Lady: It felt good. Nobody had done that since my Albert died some 30 years ago. Defense Attorney: What happe ned next? Little Old Lady: He began to rub my breasts. Defense Attorney: Did you stop him then? Little Old Lady: No, I did not stop him. Defens
Trial Of Tears
11. Trial Of Tears Under the sun, there is nothing to hide Under the moon, the stranger waits inside People disappear The music fades away Splashing through the rain I'll dream with them one day It's raining, raining, On the streets of New York city It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven I may have wasted all those years They're not worth their time in tears I may have spent too long in darkness In the warmth of my fears Take a look at yourself Not at anyone else And tell me what you see I know the air is cold I know the streets are cruel But I'll enjoy the ride today It's raining, raining, On the streets of New York city It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven I may have wasted all those years They're not worth their time in tears I may have spent too long in darkness In the warmth of my fears As I walk through all my myths Rising and sinking like the waves With my thoughts wrapped around me Through a trial of tears Hidden by d
The Trial Of Alice In Wonderland
"No, no!" said the Queen. "Sentence first -- verdict afterwards." "Stuff and nonsense!" said Alice loudly. "The idea of having the sentence first!" "Hold your tongue!" said the Queen, turning purple. "I won't!" said Alice. "Off with her head!" the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved. If there isn't something in the recent imbroglio that's prevailed on one of my pages which reminded me of the trial scene from Alice in Wonderland, then I have lost it. At this point, I don't really care who cloned who, who's lied about who, and who's doing what to who. Some people tell me I'm wrong to say that. But let me just say that the Friends I choose to invite on any of my pages (on other websites; no, I'm definitely not cloning myself) or who ask me to invite them are just that. My Friends. My choice. They don't have to be yours too, but please don't take me off your page if you disagree with me without telling me what's ticking you off! Just because we're not litera
Trial Is Over!
Today we went and heard closing arguements and then we were sent into deliberation. After being in the jury room for almost 4 and a half hours we came back with GUILTY~~Malice Murder, GUILTY~Aggravated Assult, and GUILTY~having a gun or knife at a crime scene. I think when we all went back there we knew that he was guilty, there was just SO much evidence to prove it. But it is still hard or it was for me to know that someones life rests in your hands. We went back in and then virdict was read. It took all I could do not to cry in there. I know that this man took another persons life....but there is his family and you think about what they all must be going through. Thats true on both sides. Anyway been a long trying day but it is over! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Trials And Tribulations
Some years ago, on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore. His father working in the yard saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In utter fear, he ran toward the water, yelling to his son as loudly as he could. Hearing his voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his father. It was too late. Just as he reached his father, the alligator reached him. From the dock, the father grabbed his little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the father, but the father was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, h
The Trial
Klingon: "After the first shot we lost our gravitational field. I found myself weightless and unable to function. Then two Starfleet crewmen came walking towards me." Worf: "But perhaps they merely wore Starfleet uniforms." Chang: "That remark is purely speculative, I move that it be stricken." Judge: "Colonel Worf, we are interested in facts, not theories!" Worf: "If the gravitational field was not functioning, how could these men be walking?" Klingon: "They appeared to be wearing magnetic boots." Chang: "Doctor McCoy, would you be so good as to tell me... what is your current medical status?" McCoy: "Aside from a touch of arthritis, I'd say pretty good." Chang: "And you have a singular wit, Doctor." McCoy: "For twenty-seven years, I've been the ship's surgeon aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. In three months I stand down." Chang: "Ahh. You know, I believe that you consumed rather a generous amount of... Romulan ale in the Officer's Mess on the night in
Trial And Error!
Man let me tell you have I been thur this Trial and Error thing and it isn't a fun thing to do! Last year in April I kicked out a person out of my life and my house because he kept secerts from me dealing with my kid! In the past month or so we have been talking some and seeing each other and visiting with her and her boyfriend but now I think that with me doing this was a mistake because I am setting myself up for heartache. Is there anyone here that can help me out with this so that I don't hurt myself again and start trusting her again. I will sled a little light on this matter: Ok in April of last year I let my cousin that calls me mom move in because at that time her and her husband was fighting really bad and she needed a place to stay so I wasn't not going to turn her away and in that same week I let my so-called bestfriend move in with us also and it was a tight living area. But anyways, my kid starting seeing this young man in Lawton, Ok and it had came out at the la
Trials Laid Us By Satan ??>
may be so may be not mabe faith being tested I question not ; my lord know and watches out for me . He didnt bring me this far to see me fall. he loves me most of all. This I know I heard his call. Set backs we all have BUt GOD sees to them one by one he heals, or changes ones life , he reached us thru our soul he speeks upon our hearts you know if you hear a tiny voice there within listen to it and it is him our Lord whispering to you to and have faith act on what he says, do his calling , begin and you,ll know a GOD above all men he will guide you and love you he wiil start you on your walk in faith ; if you will just have to want to summit have faith and trust in him. MY Lord be That if Jesus Christ ;he is the King over all our lives well all answer to him one day. no time like now why waist. God is waiting to let you in and give you his gifts . will you accept. cause there isnt much time left. The gifts are as stated here love and Salva
Trial (courtroom)
Being on trial is a common dream event, although it sometimes gets acted out in uncommon ways. Our society is oriented towards problem-solving through litigation. The result is that lawsuits have become the new lottery of our era. Being tried for your actions in dreams can be a non-sense sort of dream insofar as you may be tried for something against which there are no laws. In addition, the roles of the court characters may be filled by friends, co-workers, a spouse, siblings or other family members. In dreams of this case, you may fear that your life is being over-scrutinized in waking. There may be secrets that you are keeping deep within the subconscious that need to be processed. If you are in one of the legal roles in your dream it is likely that you feel a need to protect yourself. This may be protection from the influences or dishonest conduct of others, or a general feeling that people are not leveling with you. If you are defending another, it may be that you feel life
Until you fall down you never learn to stand up! LK
Trial 1
Trial And Tribulations
i have gone through quite alot of things in my life, the most serious was gettin the stents place in my heart due to having angina attacks (is on my profile). i have loved and been loved, tossed aside like a rag doll, taken thru financial hell by others i have thought who loved me, lost family members dad passed away in 85, mom passed away last year. lost a cousin in Viet Nam, and friends i knew in High school. Yeah my life hasd been a cycle of hell these past life times. Yet i try and prevail over it and sometimes iwin and some times i lose, when i lose i lose hard...i get angry and upset, not like alil kid but in my won way..i sit and contemplate it try to figure it out. and lo and behold i do. am just happy i am alive right now.
The Trials And Errors
The trials and errors Far too often, most all of my days My life it seems has been a constant maze. I’m not always certain where, I’m to go. I don’t want to turn back, this I know. Life isn’t about the final destination but the journey. The trials and errors are what make me. Given a choice in life, we’d make one without pain. Still, it’s hard to accept mistakes as personal gain. The book of life should have a manual for us to read. To tell us of curves ahead and to take heed. But, it’s up to us to make decisions of wrong and right. We have to learn when, to let go and when, to hold tight. Just as a mother bird pushes her young from the nest. We learn quickly that, life is a test. Each day, we’re given a chance to start again. It only matters what, you do that day, and not where you’ve been. But, if you’re wise, you’ll pass each test you take. Unless, you’ve learned you’ll repeat the sam
The Trials And Tribulations Of Love
i can tell you the trials and tribulations of love can be nerveracking and stressful. but if you stick through it and see it to the end you will have one hell of a reward
Trials And Tribulations.....
So yeah, I am faced with issues just like anyone else is in life right. I am sure that whomever is reading this gets thier fair share of B.S. on a daily basis. However, I was informed if ur B.S. level exceeds more that good times by more than 60% than u need to change your situation. What is ur opinion???????? Doesn't matter if it is in Relationships, work, friends, family, or u I just want to know someone else's opinion on this aspect of looking at things. Well, thanx for taking the time to check this out.... laters
She is running A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction She is trying But the canyon's ever widening In the depths of her cold heart So she sets out on another misadventure just to find She's another two years older And she's three more steps behind Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see? Or does anybody even know she's going down today Under the shadow of our steeple With all the lost and lonely people Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
If I can endure for this minute whatever is happening to me,no matter how heavy my heart is or how dark the moment may be-if I can remain calm and quiet with all my world crashing about me,secure in the knowledge God loves you when everyone else seems to doubt me-If I can but keep on believing what I know in my heart to be true, that darkness will fade with the morning and that life this will pass away too--Then nothing in life can defeat me. For as long as this knowledge remains I can suffer whatever is happening, for I know God will break all the chains that are binding me tight in the darkness and trying to fill me with fear- for there is no night without dawning and I know that my morning is near.
Trial Blog
Is it nornal to be soooo madly in love with someone that you feel like your going mad.
Trials Of Becoming
Trials of Becoming Plummet hard, downward fast; Descriptive life, of my past, Reckless endangerment, no morale Ignorant choices, that I allowed. Struggles and strains, shackled and chained; Mentally challenged, endless pain. Emotions held back, restrain my sin; Cry inside, there is no end! Through blurred eyes, I could not show; Knowledge and wisdom, I would not know. All my faith, has come and gone; Negative surronds, what I have sown. Mental enlightenment, gave me pause; Even though, i'm behind these walls. Argue, resist, to read and write; You never let go, you made me fight.
One possession, my dreams of life and context of thought In a downpour of disappointment, I endure the rain. These goals of mine, should they be sought a wreckless obsession accompanied with a symphony of tenuous pain. Through growth and encouragement we seek our bitter ends with ignorance in hand but if nothing else, life reminds us we are but one Cycles of effort and absence not seen through the shell of man for they lie within chained to the heart and sinking...
Trial (courtroom)
Being on trial is a common dream event, although it sometimes gets acted out in uncommon ways. Our society is oriented towards problem-solving through litigation. The result is that lawsuits have become the new lottery of our era. Being tried for your actions in dreams can be a non-sense sort of dream insofar as you may be tried for something against which there are no laws. In addition, the roles of the court characters may be filled by friends, co-workers, a spouse, siblings or other family members. In dreams of this case, you may fear that your life is being over-scrutinized in waking. There may be secrets that you are keeping deep within the subconscious that need to be processed. If you are in one of the legal roles in your dream it is likely that you feel a need to protect yourself. This may be protection from the influences or dishonest conduct of others, or a general feeling that people are not leveling with you. If you are defending another, it may be that you feel life is
Trial Comment Tags
Trial 2
The Trial By Paul Of Tarsus
“Now when Festus was come into the province, after three days he ascended from Caesarea to Jerusalem.” How high up handling the legality of Paul’s house arrest was on the list of matters left by the previous procurator Felix’s administration when Festus was appointed to that office in A.D. 59 we may never know, but after two years one can imagine there was pressure for him to do something. So Festus traveled to Jerusalem, doubtless with other official business since the text of the twenty-fifth chapter of Acts says he was there for ten days, and the high priest along with the chief of the Jews, we’re told in verse two, wanted to have Paul extradited to Jerusalem, the place where the riot he’s accused of instigating three years before took place. Verse three says the Jewish leadership was urging Festus to return Paul to Jerusalem, a destination they never planned for him to reach, having colluded with certain others according to chapter twenty-three to kill him for his preaching
Triathlon Pt 1
why oh why did i sign up for a triathlon? tomorrow, i'm out to prove that you can succeed without spending tons of money. i despise those god damn gear queers. they are convinced that blowing hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on the most advanced gear will make them better athletes. because everyone knows you need maximum moisture-wicking technology to curl 25 pounds at the YMCA or waste an hour on the treadmill. nevermind that the gear is actually designed for world-class athletes for whom an advantage of even a few seconds means the difference between gold and obscurity. which is part and parcel of the mindless consumerism problem in america: thinking that throwing money at pointless things will make your life better, instantly. you've seen a gear queer before: overweight dudes at the gym dressed head to toe in nike and underarmor, screaming and grunting while they heft miniscule weights, convinced that their vocal efforts will make them Spartans in a week. house m
Triathlon Results
2 hours, 30 minutes, 12 seconds. like sixth from last place. but whatever, i suck at swimming. the half mile swim took 30 minutes. think about that. every time your car's odometer 1/10 mile thing clicks, it took me 5 minutes to go that far with my dying frog half-assed backward breast stroke. but the best part: i smoked 2 carbon fiber-ed gear queers on the cycling section, plus 4 regular joes. suckers. nobody can stand up to the 25 pounds of steel, rubber, cock, and anger that is the 1980's lemond champion bike coupled with 70's shop class welding glasses. i'm in it to win it, chumps.
I will be competing in my first triathlon tomorrow. I only care if I finish... I learned to swim for this thing and as long as I don't drown I will be okay... I'm soooooo nervous.... *nirvana*
Trials & Tribulations
Something I came across Sunday, October 07, 2007 A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see." "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. Sh
The Trial Of The Fool (prologue)
(Before I begin my prologue, so yes, this would infact be a preprologue [or in the truest sence a preamble] please allow a brief explanation of self. Hitherto my musings here have been poetry and a few short works. The Faceless is indeed one of these short works but was written very stream of consciousness, hence its original presentation in pieces. This process is neither easier nor harder, bertter or worse, its just the "process" by which I most frequent write these days. There is rarely if ever any editing, except maybe to correct typos, later. This is going to be a play. I may do some early prewrites or write it here and then correct later, editing. So if you are following this you may want to check back here and there and PLEASE point out any mistakes or incongruities you find.) The Trial of the Fool: Prologue (Wearing a long cloak and face covering hood)Narrator: "My darling ladies and esteemed gentlemen, before the lights are raised completely allow me to set th
Triada- Nezhniy Omut
Trial's Of Good And Evil
People say that three forth of the world is good (hopeful), and that the other one forth is evil full of (doubt). It stands to reason that had it been the other way around the world would fall into darkness, but reason isn't always clear. "what do you mean" you ask. picture a room (call it room 1) with 100 people only 1 person is good (hopeful).The rest evil (doubtful). Now picture another room (call it room 2) this room also has 100 people 1 person is evil (doubtful) the rest good (hopeful). the two rooms are given a choice the good (hopeful) person in room one must stand up and give his life to save the others in the room. the evil (doubtful) person in room two must also do the same. the one person of light, good, hope will come foreword and be happy to give his life for the others to live even if they are lost soul's. many may even change their life because of it. The dark, evil, doubtful person in room two would stay quiet hoping his life would be spared. Dooming the rest for his o
Trial Of The Century
Judge: You have been cited for driving without a seat belt. Defendant: Yes, but... Judge: Plea? Defendant: Your Honor... Judge: Plea? Defendant: Not guilty. Judge: Are you ready for trial? Defendant: What? Are you serious? Judge: (reviews book) Trial set for Friday,3 p.m. -- Overheard in: Traffic Ct, Somerville Cty NJ --
Trial (courtroom)
Trial (Courtroom)   Being on trial is a common dream event, although it sometimes gets acted out in uncommon ways. Our society is oriented towards problem-solving through litigation. The result is that lawsuits have become the new lottery of our era. Being tried for your actions in dreams can be a non-sense sort of dream insofar as you may be tried for something against which there are no laws. In addition, the roles of the court characters may be filled by friends, co-workers, a spouse, siblings or other family members. In dreams of this case, you may fear that your life is being over-scrutinized in waking. There may be secrets that you are keeping deep within the subconscious that need to be processed. If you are in one of the legal roles in your dream it is likely that you feel a need to protect yourself. This may be protection from the influences or dishonest conduct of others, or a general feeling that people are not leveling with you. If you are defending another, it may be t
Trial Of Relations
Going thru Trials and Tribulations to learn     is what it tookTo honestly step beside myself and Take    a good lookAt decisions I chose to make and the life-    style I wanted to leadI dreamed I'd fall in love, have a family    and sucessfully suceedSeeking to find God as i'd taken     a wrong path in LifeNo longer did I feel appreciated being    that faithful housewifeThe Love me and George (X husband) and I once shared together    felt to good to be trueI still can't belive all the hell this man    took me thruAll those times I layed in the mist of the     endless hailing rainPraying out to God to silence this    Screaming painHow could LOVE a word so small yet so
Trial Period
So back stories are nice... I have had enough cock and pussy to qualify as possibly the dirtiest whore on earth... Never caught anything do to three simple rules... 1)get to know them, 2)use condoms 3)if you wouldn't talk to them agan... don't fuck them. it seems simple but its not... I am a grade a hundred percent friend fucker. I love friends with benifits and if I cant have benifits... It seems kind of hard to be friends with some people for me if I can't fuck them or havent fucked them or havent fantasized about fucking them. Its just a matter of sex. I have had the discussion with a psychiatrist about this... We wont get into what he said because they don't say anything that you'd want to here anyway. So to the history. I started fucking young, real young. My cherry was popped barely out of grade school. Honestly any of the people who have ever met me can tell you every word group of words or item ever can be related to sex or be found sexually expicit. I make sure you know it.
During trials of the heart,My mind keeps me in line.Hearts always heal,It just takes a little time. So when your heart is hurting,And a friend can pull you through,Look for me in those hard times,Because I'll always be there for you.
The Trials Of Love Yours Truely
love is something people often say and written down its like pictures of grey the concept is meaningful and often true but with the turn of a page love begins anew. longing for the feeling though youve been torn apart the wounds hard to heal those scars on your heart. Temptation knocks on your door the lustful souls that beg for more a temporary fix to ease the pain only worsens the very strain of the ties that bind set them free and find true love eternally
Trials & Tribulations Of A Gardener
Written spring 2009 after fighting to create a net cage over our potted cherry tree, that wouldn't touch the ground for the ants to climb up!   I took up gardening to relax But we're beseiged by snail attacks Yes we lost a juicy hosta Through gastropods having a snack (If I ate French, I'd eat them back!) I'm fooled no more by spring birdsong I know what they're plotting all along They watch as I secure the netting Laughing, planning how to get in And clear our tree of its ripened cherries In practice for those swelling blueberries They tell me that we need a cat To tell the truth I'd thought of that But next door's mog's our garden sitter She comes each dawn, pees on the lawn Mistakes it for a tray of litter Dandelions are killing our grass So I adjusted the mower Made it cut lower
Triangle Man, Triangle Man
Dear Ninja, What do you do when your in love with an ex who is back with there ex and you cant let go of them? Not Over It   Dear Not Over it, You have to get over it. Exes are exes FOR A REASON. If it didn't work the first time, there's a higher probability that you will fail the second. And there's nothing worse than looking back on the last few years and seen you've been nothing but a failure. Spend your energy instead on making YOURSELF happy, like with a hobby, or a stripper. Once your mind is clear of the infatuation, you will realize that the relationship wasn't really that great (because if it was, you'd still be with her), and more easily move on. Now don't go doing something stupid like woodworking and make a shrine of them. That's just stalker creepy. If your lust is based on sex, trust me, she's not the only one with a vagina. Also, if this relationship never went to physical and was just an online fling, then unplug and go to a real bar, meet a real girl, and y
Trials In My Mind
I fear darkness lays before me, To many uncertains Bar my path. Obstacles so far and wide, If only my faith will last. This road is distant so long, With many unknown hidden fears. But to never try this journey, My life would be filled with tears. A crossroad in my life now before me, My mind knows which way my feet should lead. For taking the other road, Eternally my heart would endlessly bleed. I will walk on forward proud, Taking all this world has to dare. For at the other side is my Anna, A love forever beautiful, so rare.
Trial By Fire
I'm not a hero; in fact, I'm no one special. I don't require your acceptance; although, if I do have yours, I won't take it for granted. I have no need to "believe" in anything unsubstantiated, or otherwise, for that matter; and if that makes me a "horrible human being," then it's truly not by my own admission, but your flawed perception of what a decent person truly is. I like certain people; I dislike certain people; that's just the way it is. I can be selfish; I can be arrogant (Am I the only one? Seriously?); I'm not afraid to admit this, because, it's the truth; but I can also be loving, selfless, caring, and compassionate. I don't have a girlfriend or a wife; no children; and yet, I won't totally rule out the possibility of eventually having a family of my own... one day; after all, I'm just an anti-social caterpillar, not a social butterfly. But, if you know me, you know me, and hopefully that's good enough.
Tribute To 7 Children
I can feel your pain But I will never understand Your 7 children dying in a fiery crash Feel there is still hope Yet I still cannot comprehend They died and went to heaven You knew that day Your children loved you all the way Your children know that mama is not alone Mother I tell you now It is your time to shine Look in the clouds you will see your children smiling Your world was crumbled before your very eyes Know their pain was not all loss They looked to god in what you considered an unbearable loss Nicole Mann at fifteen was a dream now in heaven an angel singing Elizabeth at fifteen knew it was her time. She knows for sure momma was proud all the time Ashley and Johnny both 13 they understand that they are now angels and loving you more Miranda just 9 she was just a child but learned how heaven is a blast Heaven 3 what can I say her name is heaven and she now lives it everyday Anthony 20 months he found himself in a world that jesus once walked this is him tim
Tribute To The Friends That For Some Reason No Longer Talk Or Sign On.......
Not having a good day, had to tell those friends that still talk to me the reason. So here it is There is some friends of mine that I dearly miss talking to. You will forever be in my heart and can't stand that we no longer talk. You were such wonderful friends to me while I have been a member to LC. I loved you guys and still do. I feel lost without you. LC just isn't the same without you. You were the glue that kept me on LC. Court@ LostCherry You where the my among my first friends on LC. Those were the good days when I would laugh and smile whenever I saw you message me, knowing you had something wonderful to tell me. When you quit LC the first time I was behond devastated. All I could think of was how to get you back. I thought of a way to get you back but when I actually got helped I was kicked out of the project as the others took full credit. But it worked when I finally sent it to you. You came back if for only a little bit. I don't know where you went but I miss you
Tribute To The Nice Guys
This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style. This is for the guys who escort their drunk, bewildered female friends back from parties and never take advantage once they’
Tribute To Nice Guys
This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl's every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style. This is for the guys who escort their drunk, bewildered female friends back from parties and never take advantage once they'
A Tribute To Jayden
Jayden was conceived on May 5th of 2005 to the parents of Dallin and Stephanie Kemp. Through out the whole pregnacy Stephanie had complications but she thought that he would still be ok. But on Dec 31st just 6 days after Christmas things turned for the worse. Stephanie had to get rushed to the hospital because Jayden stopped moving. With tears in her eyes and her hands on her stomach she knew it was too late and that the Lord had tooken her child. After 12 hours of labor all she wanted to do is hope and pray that he would come back and hold him in her arms but she didnt get to get her wish. But i now know that he was perfect and that is why he had to go back to his home in heaven. I hope he is ok and that his family is looking out for him. For Jayden Lynn Thomas Kemp (My little angel) December 31st 2005 Love is eternal...until we meet again...
A Tribute To The Memory Of..
A Tribute To the Memory of Virginia Joan Brown In Memory of Virginia, a daughter, a wife, a mother and grandmother, a sister,aunt, a relative and co-worker, an in-law, a friend. To all who knew her, Virginia was many things to all, each in their own special way. The memory of Virginia is fresh in each of our minds. Let no one think that the memories will die. Reminders of her are everywhere because she touched our lives so deeply. Some have been just recently, yet others have been life long. let us take comfort in knowing these memories will help us to get through this sad time. Sincerely, A Beloved Friend
Tribute To Damon
Bullet to the brain We froze when we heard those words of pain What was to be said? Our friend, Damon was dead Suicide is what was done Why, he seemed the cheerful one. If only I heard his desperate cry, Then maybe my friend wouldn't have to die. They say the words to him were mean, Yet somehow they went unseen. This wasnt supposed to be this way! I still have nightmares about that day. In the casket, you lie. And all in all we really try, To hold back our grieving tears, I grab your frozen hanf to calm my fears. The red roses and cards all around, We place them in your casket with no sound. The memories of you begin to stack. Please, Damon, will you come back? I wush we could have been better friend, But now your gone and we must mend. I want to let you know that you were awesome from the start. And my friend, you had a good heart! *I miss you*
Tribute To My Father
~~~~~ TRIBUTE TO MY FATHER ~~~~~ HE WAS MY HERO YOU ARE THE WIND BENEATH MY WINGS We have given them wings to soarbut their spirit remains... Like the Eternal Flame their memory lights our life forever THE DANCE BY GARTH BROOKS Looking back on the memory of The dance we shared 'neath the stars alone For a moment all the world was right How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye And now I'm glad I didn't know The way it all would end the way it all would go Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I'd of had to miss the dance Holding you I held everything For a moment wasn't I a king But if I'd only known how the king would fall Hey who's to say you know I might have chanced it all And now I'm glad I didn't know The way it all would end the way it all would go Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I'd of had to miss the dance Yes my life is b
Tribute Online
The result is online: Don't forget to comment ;) Kisses
Tribal Cross On My Sternum
Recently I got a Tribal/Celtic cross on my sternum. You can read about it here:
Tribute To Eddie Guerrero
3 Doors Down Here Without You Tribute To Eddie Guerrero
This is long overdue (at least from me that is) a tribute that will have more than one part. It needs more than one part. My tribute is to women. In my mind, the creator, the Alpha, the strength when you have none, the backup plan when yours fail or worse when you cant think of one. To me women are the reason the world is in the state we are in, or least their response to the worlds, mistakes that is. I remember one of the Men In Black movies where Rosario Dawson’s character had the power to change the very state of the weather with her emotions. This was not because she was an alien to me. It was a metaphor as to how the ol sayin is “if mama aint happy no one is happy”. That is the power god has entrusted women with. You are the barometer of the world. You are the true catalyst of change. I cannot ever encapsulate in words your strength…hell to be honest I do not believe a women can be pushed to her limits…she has none. How can a creator of life have limits? You defy the percept
Tribute 2
TRIBUTE...PART 2(you know love her)TO THE MEN...NOT THE MALES...I have FINALLY come with this one...a very long overdue addition to my first tribute. So many times I have heard my male co-horts say that "I wish I could understand a woman". Well let's destroy that MYTH...stop saying something because you think that’s what women want to hear. They want us as men to say “because I love you I do understand you". We have been playing roles that have women saying “we are running out of good men". Ladies allow me to speak for myself (for that is the only one I can speak for) and say I have failed you. Yes that’s it...failed you. I know I failed when i hear that you are in pain and I didn’t come to your rescue...not as your dick...not come to you as a booty call...but step to you as a MAN. Not as a male but as a man. I know there are many men who are guilty of that same childish act, but it is not my place to condemn anyone other than myself. When I remember when I was stupid eno
Tribute To Muffin.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this precious little thing you see here was Muffin, one of two kittens born to my cat, Nermal. Yesterday morning as I came out of my room from packing wet laundry up to be taken to the laundromat, I found her mauled in my hallway. Sadly, she passed on before I could do anything about it. Misty made a memorial blog for her and I thought it was far better than anything I could do so if you click the pic, it will take you right to it. Dosvidanija Muffin. We miss you already...
Tribute Poem To Owen Hart
IN MEMORY OF OWEN HART From our sight he is gone But in our hearts forever he lives on. From this world he was suddenly taken Leaving millions of hearts achin'. Oh Lord, this can't be true, Please bring him back, we ask of you. Guess you have more important plans, But why you took him, we don't understand. You took him to your home up in the sky, Now, all that's left to say is We miss you Owen, rest in peace For now we must say goodbye. Written by Vicki Joiner Sun. Oct. 22, 2006 In Memory of Owen Hart JUST SOME FACTS ABOUT OWEN COURTESY OF THE ROCK Wrestler: Owen Hart (1965-1999) Real Name: Owen James Hart Birthday: May 7, 1965 Died: May 23, 1999 Hometown: Calgary, Alberta Marital Status: Married, Martha; Two kids. Height & Weight: 5'10" - 227 lbs Trained by: Stu Hart Debut: May 30, 1986 Previous Gimmicks: Owen James (WWF) The Blue Blazer (WWF) "The Rocket" "Slammy Award Winning" "The King of Harts" "The Black Hart" Finishing Move:
Here’s to the men of the red, white and blue; Whose patriot’s hearts burned high ... To the women who served us on land and on sea, Some even in the sky. I’d like to say, "Thank you, that we’ll never know The outcome if you had not gone," And to tell you, "I’ll never forget your deed, As long as my life lingers on." For, I was a child, when the great war came, And you just a dozen years more. Some of you fought on a distant beach. Some died on a foreign shore. I’d hate to forget those heroes of old, From the 'War to end all wars'. Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm Proved that men fight evermore. God, help us all when brave men say, "Not today. Let’s just wait and see." For, tyrants come in so many ways And I’ve heard of complacency. When integrity falls in the dust by the way, When conviction fails to command, When there’s no one to bugle or carry the flag, What will become of our land? So, here’s to the heroes and heroines true! Here’s to the brave
A Tribute To Thompson
Author/journalist, Hunter S. Thompson, who was brilliantly portrayed by Johnny Depp in the film Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, died in his Colorado home on February 20, 2005 from a self-inflicted gunshot. Despite his appetite for hallucinogenic drugs and radical behavior, Thompson was a thinker and a damn good writer, and his passing is a loss to the world. Thompson, in his last will and testament, requested that upon his death, his body be shot from a cannon. This presents two fundamental problems; 1) finding a cannon large enough to hold his remains, and 2) dealing with the resulting biohazard and environmental issues. After some thought into the matter, I have developed the following solution: Battle ship cannons would be of sufficient size to stuff a human body down the tube. It may be possible to mount one of these guns on the Chevron oil tanker, the Condoleezza Rice. Thompson, a staunch democrat, would no doubt be amused with the irony of being shot out of artillery f
Tribes...c.c. Thomas
Posted By:C.C. Thomas Jr.Get this video and more at
A Tribute
Something every American should see. What is it? Read below the photo......... This statue currently stands outside the Iraqi palace, now home to the 4th Infantry division. It will eventually be shipped home and put in the memorial museum in Fort Hood, Texas. The statue was created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad. Kalat was so grateful for the Americans liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the American soldiers and their fallen warriors. Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months. To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms. Do you know why we don't hear about this in the news? Because it is heart warming and praise worthy. The media avoids it
Tribute To Marines!!!....ty Sgt.fabe
To the Mothers and the Fathers Of United States Marines Who have fought and bled and died So that freedom's bell still rings From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli From the alleys of Fallujah To the frozen Yudam-ni From the sands of Iwo Jima To the hills around Khe Sanh From the smoky hell of Belleau Woods Your Son fought and won Your Son battled dictatorships Communism and tyranny God's Son died to make men holy Your Son died to make men free There is a debt we owe Your Son That we can never repay We owe Your Son more than platitudes Heard on Veterans or Memorial Day Your Son is a son of America One of the Proud and the Few Your Son volunteered to do the things Other men would not or could not do Your Son was Semper Fidelis Always Faithful to the end was he Your Son was a shining example Of what a man is supposed to be Now Your Son has been reassigned To stand guard on Heaven's streets And when my tour of duty is over I know t
Tribute To A Wonderful Lady!
this was just posted by this woman!!! we can all learn from this!!! go by her page & show sum luv!!! mcl Dear friends, The message I bring today is one of love and positivity and I would like to share some of my favourite quotes and philosophies that I endeavour to live by. :) "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix "People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do
Tribute To Our Brave Soldiers
Tribute To A Bbw
Tribute to a BBW by BulgyLover © A Big Beautiful Woman who said Yes. The best sex I have ever had was with a woman you would probably describe as overweight, or to put it more bluntly, fat. She was five years younger than me and at 22 years old she weighed 5 stone more than I did. She was comfortable with her weight though; she wasn't one of those pathetic women who whinge and whine about their being overweight but fail to do anything about it. No, she was fat, and happy with it. She had a relaxed manner that transferred over into her sex life. Nothing shocked her or caused her to shrink back. I suppose the one thing that stood out above all else was the fact that she always said yes. Looking back, I didn't take advantage of that fact as much as I could have. Oh, to have that time over again! I would do more, and get her to do more of the dirty sex things that she loved so much. She would have said yes to anything. She loved all kinds of sex. She gave great head and loved an
Tribute To America
Music Video Codes By Music
Tribe- Award Tour
Tribe- Can I Kick It?
Tribute To The Man In Black
A Tribute
A Tribute To Veterans In Vietnam, Korea and World Wars Past Our Men Fought Bravely so Freedom Would Last Conditions Where Not Always The Best They Could Be Fighting a Foe You Could Not Always See: From Mountain Highs to Valley Lows From Jungle Drops to Desert Patrols Our Sinewy Sons Were Sent Over Seas Far From Their Families And Far From Their Dreams They Never Wrote Letters Of Hardships Despair Only Of Love, Yearning That One Day Soon: They Would Come Home, They Would Resume And Carry On With The Rest of Their Lives The P.O.W.'s Stood Steadfast Against the Indignities And Cruelties Of War They Could Not Have Lasted as Long as They Did If They Had Relinquished Their Hope That Some Day: They Would Come Home, They Would Resume And Carry On the Rest Of Their Lives Medics, Nurses, and Chaplains Alike Did What They Needed To Bring Back Life They Served Our Forces From Day Into Night Not Questioning If They Would Survive: They
Tribute To Bobby Vinton-also Maybe Meant For A Certain Someone
Moja droga jacie kocham Moja droga jacie kocham Kocham ciebie calem serce
Tribute To My Grandad
I love you so much, you were the one man in my life who made me smile, who loved me with out no barriers, i miss you so much grandad, but i know youre happy, i know youre still puffing away on youre pipe you loved so much, nana was always telling you off lol,i remember how you`d love walking around youre garden, do you remember the little tame robin, it use to fly down near you, and you`d give it some bread, and you`d whistle to it,,and it would reply haha!!. when i was a lil girl, i remember sat on youre knee, and you`d love wearing your trilbee hat,and youre pip always smoking it, do you remember taht time, i said,"grandad, can i have a go, and i did, and nearly was sick, but you did it to teach me a I so miss you,so so much, i still have the news paper from 1979 when somew one burnt youre shop down, of you standing out side youre shop, pipe in youre mouth,you`d had that shop as a young man,it was youre life..but uncle david let you work in his, you were a very good sal
Tribute To Bettis
Tribute To Bettis 2
Tribute To Soldiers
American SoldierAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Tribute For Our Soldiers - Never Forget What They Gave For Us...
Thank you for all that you do for us. Always in our hearts and prayers. Come Home Soon.
A Tribute
This is a tribute to the most wonderful woman on Gods green earth. Her name is Hannah and she is the most precious angel God has ever created. Hannah is not only wonderful in every sense of the word but she is the most beautiful woman that my eyes have ever seen. God definately spent a little more time oh Hannah because she turned out perfect. This angel from Ohio is loyal to her friends and shes also a loyal buckeye football supporter too. Me being from NC finds a bit of fault there but I can live with it lol. Hannah is the very best there is out there. She is like no other and no other even comes close to her. I just wanted to pay tribute to the most wonderful human bein on the face of the earth. I love you Hannah! Youre The BEST!
Tribute To The Girls
This is my tribute to the girls who are overlooked. This is for the girls who don't play mind games. Who provide a comforting hug and supportive audience for a story they have heard a thousand times. This is for the girls who understand they aren't perfect, and the guys they are interested in aren't either. This is a homage to the girls who laugh and do it often. Who are comfortable in skirts or in sweats, Who care more than they should for guys who don't deserve their attention. This is for the girls who have been in the trenches. Who have watched other girls time and time again fake up and make up. This is for the girls who have been there from the beginning. That have heard advice like "there are plenty of fish in the sea," and "time heals all wounds"{because it doesn't} This is for the girls who have sought a night out with friends, and been greeted by a night of cat calls, explicit invitations, and drunken insanity they'd rather have not expierenced
A Tribute To My Fallen Friends
I have not lived a charmed life,nothing was ever given to me.It was earned by hard work.Through my life so far I have lost many friends.I would say a lot more than most people.I just want all you guy's to know I miss you and the times we had,the things we did.And the things we never got to do because you were stolen from this plain of existance.I feel I should be with you guys,and I'm living on borrowed time.I'm constantly taking chances,and doing things that are self destructive.I feel maybe that I'm being punished. Out of our circle,I'm the only one left.I love you guys and miss you all very much.I'll see you on the other side.WARRIOR Richard Bass- Run down and killed by a drunk driver,... Daniel McNeil- Died Brain Cancer,... Freddie Heim- Drowned,... Terry Bagley- Killed Motorcycle accident,... Timmy Bagley- Killed Car accident....Joseph Rebello-Heroin Overdo
A Tribute To Idiots
Everything that leaves my lips, whether it's inteded to be or not, has a tendancy to sound rude, or so it seems. Having said that, should you find the thoughts herein to be harsh, keep in mind it's purely unintentional. I'm just being my straightforward self. I drive approximately 40 minutes to work every day, roughly 1/3 of the drive being 4 lane highway and 1/3 in heavy traffic. Which, in minutes, equals 13.3333333... Not an abundant amount of time but sufficient for the purpose I choose to use it today. If you find yourself thinking, "I did that the other day, or an hour ago" you might want to pay close attention to what I have to say, I'm writing this for you. And for me so I don't have to spend more time writing similar material. I'm driving on the highway, cruise is set to 75, listening to my music. A van passes me, which is fine. They must be in a bigger hurry than I am. I continue driving and a couple minutes later I start to catch up to the van again. Ok,
A Tribute To Winter
Hi Everyone. With the holidays upon us, and the days getting short. I thought you all would appreciate this superb, evocative, masterfully penned ode to the coming winter season. So, grab a coffee, a comfortable chair, relax and scroll down to enjoy the warm feelings and pleasure that this wonderful poem will bring... "ODE TO WINTER " A poem by Abigail Elizabeth McIntyre * * * * * * * * * "SHIT, It's Cold!" The End
A Tribute To Sexy Asses And Sexy Cleavages! Very Very Hot!
A Tribute To All Bikers
A TRIBUTE TO ALL BIKERS: I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But you didn't see me driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate our
Tribute Here’s to the men of the red, white and blue; Whose patriot’s hearts burned high ... To the women who served us on land and on sea, Some even in the sky. I’d like to say, "Thank you, that we’ll never know The outcome if you had not gone," And to tell you, "I’ll never forget your deed, As long as my life lingers on." For, I was a child, when the great war came, And you just a dozen years more. Some of you fought on a distant beach. Some died on a foreign shore. I’d hate to forget those heroes of old, From the 'War to end all wars'. Korea, Vietnam, and Desert Storm Proved that men fight evermore. God, help us all when brave men say, "Not today. Let’s just wait and see." For, tyrants come in so many ways And I’ve heard of complacency. When integrity falls in the dust by the way, When conviction fails to command, When there’s no one to bugle or carry the flag, What will become of our land? So, here’s to the heroes and heroines true! Here’s to
The Tribal Bee… Bees are very tribal creatures. They live in hives just as the native people live in bands and tribes. The queen is at the center of the hive, just as the grandmother is the wisdom and center of tribal communities. Bees are dancers like tribal people of the world. A single bee can travel many miles away from the hive and find a field of flowers. It collects samples of the nectar and brings it back to the hive. All the other bees gather around the one and sample the nectar. If the nectar is acceptable to the hive, the one bee does a dance that tells all the other harvester bees exactly where the field of flowers is. In the same way, the hunter-gatherers of tribal people do this when they make a find for the band. There are warrior bees that protect the hive from any threat at all costs. If a bear comes to steal the honey, the warrior bees dance themselves into frenzy. The warriors will sting the bear with wave after wave of stings until they drive him off. If a heav
A Tribute
Gone now, but never forgotten Forever in our dreams Every day the sun shines for you Every day the roads are dry. The straights go on forever, The bends are as you dream. There are no more pains There are no more worries. You will be there at every party, You will take part in every race, You will stand ther on the podium. You will race with the stars, You will ride upon Gods pillion, And if Angels ride on Harleys, Then You will surely travel far. On Earth you were my friend, And now you are a star. So glide on Heavens Highway And lead the train up front. One day you will be waiting And together we will ride Once more again as friends The whiteline side by side. Randall Phillip Voils Cousin Rest In Peace
Tribute--i Thank You - R.i.p.our Fallen Soldiers
'Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.' Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, 'Me and Bobby McGee' We tribute the people whose lives were lost on a cold, unforgiving September day, These souls rose up from the rubble to live on in our minds, thirsty things that can't Leave the past behind and so we tribute the lost, and those who jumped, those precious Loved ones who were never found, and our tears fall for the heroes who rose up in the Dark rubble of falling towers, squaring their shoulders and searching for hours, To rush in as others rushed out amidst the broken, scattered wings of America's freedom. We tribute the men who died in the line of a duty that very well could have been left behind. Those men who appeared with blood and dirt, the souls who never had the chance to hurt For it all fell too quickly, a devastating cry from freedom's precious color-blind eye. We send a prayer to the skies for the devastating thing that made the world cry, and Ove
~ Tribute Ink Contest ~
~~ Okay Everyone I'm Doing A Tribute Ink Contest On CT ~~ Anyone with Tribute Ink can join just send me a link to your pic or tell me with pic and i'll get it to my inbox and i'll enter you. Scores are going to be...... comments + rates = final score Contest will open 1/19 thur 1/26 ( or change of dates until i get enough people for it) click the pic to send request! ~~Going To Be A Grandma On 7/21/07..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP thanks again maria
~ Tribute Ink Contest ~
~~ Okay Everyone I'm Doing A Tribute Ink Contest On CT ~~ Anyone with Tribute Ink can join just send me a link to your pic or tell me with pic and i'll get it to my inbox and i'll enter you. Scores are going to be...... comments + rates = final score Contest will open 1/19 thur 1/26 ( or change of dates until i get enough people for it) click the pic to send request! ~~Going To Be A Grandma On 7/21/07..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP thanks again maria
A Tribute Ink Contest
~~ Okay Everyone A Tribute Ink Contest On CT ~~ Anyone with Tribute Ink can join just send me a link to your pic or tell me with pic and i'll get it to my inbox and i'll enter you. 1st Person is...... Scores are going to be...... comments + rates = final score Contest will open 1/19 thur 1/26 ( or change of dates until i get enough people for it) click the pic to send request! ~~Going To Be A Grandma On 7/21/07..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP thanks again maria
Tribute Contest
ok everybody Im in the tribute contest I'll need those votes starting now. HELP ME WIN THIS!!! === '~~Going To Be A Grandma On 08/22/07..Angel Family Founder~~' spewed forth the following at '2007-01-18 07:26:17'.. > > ~~ Okay Everyone I'm Doing A Tribute Ink Contest On CT ~~ > > > Anyone with Tribute Ink can join just send me a link to your pic or tell > > me with pic and i'll get it to my inbox and i'll enter you. > > > And people you can comment bomb yourselfs and rate yourselfs. > > > 1st Person is...... > > > > > > > > 2nd person is...... > > > > > > > > 3rd person is...... > > > > > > > > > > 4th person is...... > > > > > > > > Scores are going to be...... comments + rates = final score > > > Contest will open 1/18 thur 1/25 > > > click the pic to send request! > > > ~~Going To Be A Grandma On 7/21/07..Angel Family Founder~~@ CherryTAP > > > thanks again > > > m
~ Tribute Ink Contest Updates As Follows ~
~ Tribute Ink Contest Updates as follows ~ 1st Place is...... With 820 comments 2nd Place is...... With 375 comments 3rd Place is...... With 210 comments 4th Place is...... With 67 comments Remember you can comment bomb yourself in my contests maria
Tribute To My Grandmother
My grandmother passed away earlier tonight (Thursday, January 18, 2007). She was a Godly lady who was the rock of my family. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ was her Lord and Savior. She's gone now. But to be honest, its not too sad of an occasion. I guess what I'm trying to say is, she is a saint- in every sense. I have never known a more patient, caring, compassionate person in my life. But she had a great sense of humor- and could be mischievous when you least expected it. lol. If I were half the person she was, I would be doing good. This song are for her. I only wish this video was better quality. "Angels In The Room" by The Ruppes
Tribute Ink Contest Updates
~ Tribute Ink Contest Updates as follows ~ 1st Place is...... With 910 comments 2nd Place is...... With 375 comments 3rd Place is...... With 301 comments 4th Place is...... With 67 comments 5th Place is...... Remember you can comment bomb yourself in my contests maria
Tribute Ink Contest Updates
~ Tribute Ink Contest Updates as follows ~ 1st Place is...... With 1022 comments 2nd Place is...... With 468 comments 3rd Place is...... With 301 comments 4th Place is...... With 67 comments 5th Place is...... with 139 comments Remember you can comment bomb yourself in my contests maria
Tribute For Our Troops
What is it? See the description below the photo.... This statue currently stands outside the Iraqi palace, now home to the 4th Infantry division. It will eventually be shipped home and put in the memorial museum in Fort Hood , TX. The statue was created by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad. Kalat was so grateful for the Americans liberation of his country; he melted 3 of the heads of the fallen Saddam and made the statue as a memorial to the American soldiers and their fallen warriors. Kalat worked on this memorial night and day for several months. To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he mourns the loss of his comrade in arms. Do you know why we don't hear about this in the news? Because it is heart warming and praise worthy. The media avoids it because it does not have the shoc
Tribute To Our American Heroes
~ Tribute Ink Contest Updates ~ Ends Tommorrow At 9am
~ Tribute Ink Contest updates ~ 1st place is...... with 1444 comments 2nd Place is...... with 1260 comments 3rd Place is...... with 468 comments 4th Place is...... with 172 comments 5th Place is...... with 68 comments Remember you can comment bomb your own pic! maria
~ Tribute Ink Contest Winners Are...... ~
~ Tribute Ink Contest Winners are...... ~ 1st Place...... Wins Diamond Ring And Dozen Roses with 2200 comments 2nd Place...... Wins Diamond Earrings And A Dozen Roses with 1800 comments 3rd Place...... Wins Root Bear And Dozen Roses with 472 comments I want to thank everyone who was in the contest was a good one and close with amounts of comments! Thanks Maria
A Tribute
Gone now, but never forgotten Forever in our dreams Every day the sun shines for you Every day the roads are dry. The straights go on forever, The bends are as you dream. There are no more pains There are no more worries. You will be there at every party, You will take part in every race, You will stand ther on the podium. You will race with the stars, You will ride upon Gods pillion, And if Angels ride on Harleys, Then You will surely travel far. On Earth you were my friend, And now you are a star. So glide on Heavens Highway And lead the train up front. One day you will be waiting And together we will ride Once more again as friends The whiteline side by side. Randall Phillip Voils Cousin Rest In Peace
Tribute To Our Heros!
Tribute....dedicated To 9/11
" Tribute " As the eagle soars We hear the roars Of violence so senseless To take the lives of innocents Hatred and evil in it's purest form A never-ending horrific storm Once evil has begun that is so pure To stop this evil there's only one cure Only love this curse can break Unconditional love for our nation's sake Love one another in spite of it all And bind together I make this call United in love we shall not fall Our nation will rise above it all Join with me and take a stand To once and for all protect this land From evil and hatred in it's purest form With purest love to stop the storm We unite together And stand forever. Dedicated To 9/11 Victims -------------------------- Copyright 2007 TLC
A Tribute To Young Frankenstein
A Tribute To My Best Friend....
Today is gonna be the hardest day I've had in a very long time. Because today I have to say goodbye to my best friend. The one who has been there as my constant and most devoted companion for the past 3 years, who licks away my tears, talks to me incessantly (about what im not sure), who makes me laugh, greets me when i leave even for 15 mins like I have been gone for 10 years, cuddles with me in bed, doesnt care if im fat, or have makeup on, or generally look like shit. The one who somehow knows when i dont feel well or when im sad and stays close to my side like a shadow of myself. The one and only being in the world that I know truly loves me for who I am and doesnt ask for anything more than to be fed, and play fetch with a stick and have his ass scratched on a regular basis. As I sit here in tears, pondering my life over the past year and how difficult some of the things were, the surgeries, the problem solving, the one constant that has been with me through all my troubles
Tribute To Trunks
Tribal Council Delegate
While walking down the dirt road one day a tribal council delegate is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by Spiritual guide at the entrance. "Yaahteeh and hey bro!! welcome to heaven," says Spiritual guide. "Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high tribal official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you." "No problem, just let me check it out," says the council man. "Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from the guy who is higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in CHIDI TAH ------ and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity." "Oh geez this is great, really? I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the tribal council official. "I'm sorry, but we have our rules, regulation and procedures." And with that, the Spiritual guide escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to Chidi tah . The doors open and he finds himself
A Tribute To Military Wives
Over the years I have talked a lot about military spouses, how special they are and the price they pay for freedom too. The funny thing about it, is most military spouses don't consider themselves different from other spouses. They do what they have to do, bound together not by blood or merely friendship, but with a shared spirit whose origin is in the very essence of what love truly is. Is there truly a difference? You have to decide for yourself. Other spouses get married and look forward to building equity in a home and putting down family roots. Military spouses get married and know they'll live in base housing or rent, and their roots must be short so they can be transplanted frequently.Other spouses decorate a home with flair and personality that will last a lifetime. Military spouses decorate a home with flare tempered with the knowledge that no two base houses have the same size windows or same size rooms. Curtains have to be flexible and multiple sets are a
if u wuz a fan of herz plz come join my new group on yahoo the link iz below thank you,sabbycat
A Tribute To The King!! Elvis Presley!!!
marquee text((*C*))
Tribute To My Hero
A Tribute To Our Troops At War
Tribute To Our Troops~~nickel Back Double Feature
Tribute the the troops Nickleback double featureAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Tribute To Darien And Serena
A Tribute To All The Troops
A Tribute To Our American Heros
Tribute To A Friend
Tribute to Al Wahl I once met a man who was big and strong, but was also kind, gentle and tall Although some called him muffy I knew him simply as Awahl As days became months and months became years we shared many things including our blood, sweat, and tears Some things we did together I can never tell For him, I and maybe a couple of others will have to answer that bell But know this my good friends a better man you will never call For I knew the man and myth, the one known as Awahl I called him buddy and I called him friend but the name of brother was most fitting in the end No matter what happens in this life of mine. The roads I must travel or hills I must climb. The trials I must pass or times I will fall. I will never know a man that can compare to Awahl. R.I.P. Al
Tribute To Andrew Lloyd Weber
Phantom’s tribute to Andrew Lloyd Weber Andrew Lloyd Webber is the composer of The Likes of Us, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar, By Jeeves, Evita, Variations and Tell Me On A Sunday later combined as Song & Dance, Cats, Starlight Express, The Phantom of the Opera, Aspects of Love, Sunset Boulevard, Whistle Down the Wind, The Beautiful Game and The Woman in White. He composed the film scores of Gumshoe and The Odessa File, and a setting of the Latin Requiem Mass Requiem. He has also produced in the West End and on Broadway not only his own work but the Olivier award-winning plays La Bête and Daisy Pulls It Off. In summer 2002 in London he presented the groundbreaking A R Rahman musical Bombay Dreams. In 2004 he produced a film version of The Phantom of the Opera directed by Joel Schumacher. Earlier this year he oversaw a new production of Evita in London, a unique version of The Phantom of the Opera in Las Vegas and his new production o
Tribute ~ Jammin To Pennywise ~ Bro Hymn
This is a classic song, by a great punk band. It's also the Silent Knight 'Theme' song. To our best friends, Present past & beyond Even though they weren't with us too long Your life is the most precious thing that we could lose While you were here the fun was neverending Laugh a minute, only the beginning Jason (my brother)... Matthew... Thirsk, This one's for you! Ever get the feeling you can't go on? Just remember whose side it is that you're on You've got friends with you till the end! If you're ever in a tough situation We'll be there with no hesitation Brotherhood's one rule that cannot bend When you're feeling too close to the bottom You know who it is you can count on Someone will pick you up again We can conquer anything together All of us are bonded forever If you die I die that's the way it is!
Tribute To My Dad
my dad was not only my dad but my best friend..i know his death was planned by him. since he decided to commit a selflish act.hetook himself away from his fsmily before he should have. my dad was a marine for 21 years. he retired as a gunny sgt..was a 1st lt.. but he didnt like being behind a desk. he was a helicopter flyer and mechanic..he was in the vietnam war.. he had 5 kids and a loving wife. he never brought his work home with him so today i am paying a tribute to him. even though he took his own life. he will always be my dad...and i will miss him more and more thank u for reading this. at the moment i am falling apart
A Tribute To My Dad....
"The innocence slips away." This, for all intents and purposes, is a tribute to the remnants of my Dad and his waning health... He is suffering from Alzheimers and is progressively getting worse as the days go by...Its a rough way to go, especially watching him struggle and strain to make complete sentences and remember all the things he cant...His brain is systematically shutting down and dying and he is losing himself in the process... I have come to terms with the eventuality he will no longer remember who I am and who his granddaughter is...The few times I have gone to see him, he has struggled to recall who I am and has needed help in jogging his memory... I do this simple act, not to release myself from the burdens and suffering I have had to endure over the years at his hands, but to remind myself and never lose the memory of the fact that he was my dad...In simplest terms, he wasnt the best dad in the world but he was all I had... Thru him I have fought the GOOD
A Tribute To Bobby
Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago in 1943 and brought up in Brooklyn where his mother moved after she was divorced in 1945. He learned to play chess at the age of 6. At the age of 13 he became the youngest national junior chess champion in the USA and at the age of 14 he became the youngest senior US Champion. In 1958, at the age of 15, he became the youngest Grandmaster in the history of chess. There were two major problems with Bobby, getting him to the chessboard and keeping him there. Fischer's career-long stubbornness about match and tournament conditions was again seen in the run-up to his world championship match with Boris Spassky. The match took place in Iceland, from July through September 1972. Fischer lost the first two games in strange fashion: the first when he played a risky pawn-grab in a dead-drawn endgame, the second by forfeit when he refused to play the game in a dispute over playing conditions. Fischer would likely have forfeited the entire matc
Tribute To Tina
Tina Davis harshly died of cancer. She was a wonderful person and loved everyone. She first discovered she had cancer on her monthly doctor visit. She was sent to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The doctors told her they could most likely help her. After a couple months of chemo, the cancer was gone. She was sent home. Friends and family were so happy. But then about three months later, the cancer was back. This news was more devastating than the first. She was put through chemo again. And remained in the hospital for about six months. All of her hair had fallen out, she continued to cry and cry, but worst of all, she didn't believe she would get any better. Doctors told her she would and not to worry. They again sent her home hoping for the best. Within two months, the cancer was back for a third time. There was nothing the doctors could do. She couldn't take chemo again. Her body was not strong enough. She really did go through a lot. She was so strong. She truly was a fighter.
A Tribute To Dispatchers
A Tribute To Dispatchers By Chief Thomas Wagoner Loveland (Colo.) Police Department Someone once asked me if I thought that answering telephones for a living was a profession. I said, "I thought it was a calling." And so is dispatching. I have found in my law enforcement career that dispatchers are the unsung heroes of public safety. They miss the excitement of riding in a speeding car with lights flashing and sirens wailing. They can only hear of the bright orange flames leaping from a burning building. They do not get to see the joy on the face of worried parents as they see their child begin breathing on its own, after it has been given CPR. Dispatchers sit in darkened rooms looking at computer screens and talking to voices from faces they never see. It's like reading a lot of books, but only half of each one. Dispatchers connect the anxious conversations of terrified victims, angry informants, suicidal citizens and grouchy officers. They are the calming influence of all of th
Tribute To The Military
I wish yall would look at my Myspace. Its a tribute to the military
A Tribute To The Memory Of Duane Brush
A Tribute To Smitty
I met Sergeant Edward Smith (Smitty) when I was assigned to the Old Guard at Fort Myer, Virginia. The Old Guard serves a two-fold mission, protecting the President and paying tribute to America's heroes. The equivalent of England's Cold Stream Guard, it's a unit of the army's elite infantrymen with specialty platoons including the U.S. Army Drill Team, Continental Color Guard, Tomb of the Unknowns Guard, Caisson Platoon and the Presidential Saluting Battery. Assignment to the Old Guard is one of the highest honors the military can give a soldier. Requirements for assignment to the Old Guard are strict. Every member must be eligible for White House Security Clearance (clearance to stand before the President of the United States while under arms). A GT (intelligence) score above 100, a clean civilian and military record and a perfect physical profile are all mandatory. You can become a member by proving yourself in Basic and Advanced Individual Training or by proving yourself
Tribal Thinking
by Dr. William Pierce Quite often I make fun of liberals on this program: you know, feminists, egalitarians, New World Order enthusiasts, the kind of people who identify with Bill Clinton as a fellow child of the '60s and who admire Hillary as the very model of the modern American woman; people who have filters on their minds to keep out Politically Incorrect facts and ideas; people who refuse even to look at the world except through Politically Correct goggles. I mean, it's pretty hard to take such people seriously. Hypocrisy makes such a wonderful target, and practically everything a liberal says or does is glaringly hypocritical. Liberals think it is terrible that Serbs were rough on Albanians when the Serbs had the upper hand in Serbia's Kosovo province, but they don't want to hear about what the Albanians do to the Serbs when the tables are turned. They claim to be for peace and love and brotherhood, but they are the first to call for cruise missiles and smart bombs when som
Tribute To A Police Officer
TRIBUTE TO A POLICE OFFICER " A policeofficer is many things. He's a son, a brother, a father, an uncle, and sometimes even a grandfather. He is protector in time of need and a comforter in time of sorrow. His job calls for him to be a diplomat, a psychologist, a lawyer, a friend, and an inspiration. He suffers from an overdose of publicity about brutality and dishonesty. He suffers far more from the notoriety produced by unfounded charges. Too often acts of heroism go unnoticed and the truth is buried under all the criticism. The fact is that less than one-half of one per cent of our police officer ever discredit their uniform. That's a better average than you'll find among clergymen." "A police officer is an ordinary guy who is called upon for extraordinary bravery--for us! His job may sometimes seem routine, but the interruptions can be moments of stark terror. He's the man who faces a half-crazed gunman, who rescues a lo
A Tribute To Fat Tony - Are You In?
Attention All Photoshoppers. There is a desire for more Memorial photoshops of Fat Tony. You can find photos on either Fat Tonys page, or Fat Sonnys. A Note from The Father Please help me help them... Then listen for this live broadcast on wednesday. You can watch and be a part of this as well!Please repost and keep this going! Why do we want so many Tribute photos for Fat Tony? Well I will tell you. We would like to do a dvd of a live broadcast. We want as many as we can get so we are calling all of you photoshoppers out there to come up with your best designs for these! When you complete the images, you can send them to Fat Sonny or to Trixy, The deadline is Monday @ 5pm EST, we will take late submissions but the sooner the better. The live Broadcast will take place on Wednesday 9pm to 11pm est. Keep in touch for more details! Here are all the links you need! ~FAT SONNY~RIP FAT TONY@ CherryTAP FatTony@ CherryTAP ¢¾Trixy¢¾ ¢¾S
A Tribute To Fat Tony - Come Join Us
Attention All Photoshoppers. There is a desire for more Memorial photoshops of Fat Tony. You can find photos on either Fat Tonys page, or Fat Sonnys. A Note from The Father Please help me help them... Then listen for this live broadcast on wednesday. You can watch and be a part of this as well!Please repost and keep this going! Why do we want so many Tribute photos for Fat Tony? Well I will tell you. We would like to do a dvd of a live broadcast. We want as many as we can get so we are calling all of you photoshoppers out there to come up with your best designs for these! When you complete the images, you can send them to Fat Sonny or to Trixy, The deadline is Monday @ 5pm EST, we will take late submissions but the sooner the better. The live Broadcast will take place on Wednesday 9pm to 11pm est. Keep in touch for more details! Here are all the links you need! ~FAT SONNY~RIP FAT TONY@ CherryTAP FatTony@ CherryTAP ¢¾Trixy¢¾ ¢¾S
Tribute To David Mann !
A Tribute To The Victims Of The Va Tech Massacre
Tribute To The Goddesses.
On tuesdays (and whenever they tell me to go ahead and stream), at 5-7 EST, I do an internet radio show called Tribute to the Goddesses. It's based around strong, intelligent, talented, powerhouse females of the musical world, of ALL genres. If anyone's interested in DJing, we're looking for staff. We've got all the Goth/EBM/Industrial DJs we need, but if you want to do pop, or rap, or punk, or 80's pop, or blues, or jazz... let me know, I'll give you V(our boss)'s details. -Band List thus far:- +A Kiss could be deadly +Aaliyah +Aimee Allen +Alanis Morissette +Alicia Keys +Amanda Marshall +Amy Stephens Group +Ani DiFranco +Ayumi Hamasaki +Bjork +BoA +Christina Aguilara +Ciara +Corinne Baily Rae +Count Zero +Dar Williams +Deb Talan +Dido +Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians +Emilie Autumn +Enya +Evanescence +Fallz +Fiona Apple +HalfCocked +Hungry Lucy +Ingrid Michaelson +Jack Off Jill +Jewel +Joan Osborne +Joydrop +Kelly Osbourne +Lacuna Coil
Tribute To A Best Friend
Tribute To A Best Friend Sunlight streams through window pane unto a spot on the floor.... then I remember, it's where you used to lie, but now you are no more. Our feet walk down a hall of carpet, and muted echoes sound.... then I remember, It's where your paws would joyously abound. A voice is heard along the road, and up beyond the hill, then I remember it can't be yours.... your golden voice is still. But I'll take that vacant spot of floor and empty muted hall and lay them with the absent voice and unused dish along the wall. I'll wrap these treasured memorials in a blanket of my love and keep them for my best friend until we meet above.
These boys RAWK! JJ
Tribute Song For Those Of Va Tech ..
I found this Vid on Youtube . liked it and wanted to share .. hope you all like too ..
Tribute To Christopher Reeve
I don't know why I was looking at these today, but I'm posting them just because I loved Christopher Reeve so much, and have so much respect for his and Dana's grace under so much adversity.
Tribute To Paul Mccartney
Very well put together!
Tribute To Johnny Cash - Hurt (from The Bbc Interview)
Tribute To Dale Earnhardt
Tribute To Bobby Hamilton
A Tribute To Virginia Tech
Created by There was ample knowledge aforehand that Cho was imbalanced. He was stalking his ex-girlfriend. There were signs and no one took those signs seriously. Various issues gave birth to my column Cra-Z D8s. Although I strive to inject humor into each article for the benefit of the victim of this bad date, I also strive to inject meaning and lessons into each article. Some issues are minor in comparison to the severity of say date rape, such as a person's fear of rejection when wanting to enter a music club and her struggle with that fear over the known horror of no human contact. However, what the devastation of stalking can produce in the end is a prime example of why I started my column. I try to keep it light with humor but I also hope the lessons I have embedded inside them are apparent to all who read them. Thank You for reading more and supporting my efforts to make single life easier, safer and more enjoyable. Bree Cra-Z
A A Teacher...thank You For Thinking Of Me Mr. C!(rip)
Happy weekend my readers.I have a quick story to post,involving myself going to the Peach Bowl for a band trip and my band teacher. Atlanta,Georgia,firstoff,a beautiful state.We got to see Stone Mountain,the bayoos,Martin Luther King Jr.'s tomb,and other sights of the city. This trip,was my first time away from home.Was homesick the whole time.My parents gave me $75.00 to spend on food and necessities.I spent over $50.00 on stupid shirts,not thinking that I should have saved my money for food to get me through the week.Needless to say,by the third and fourth day,I was spending what money I had left on cola and vending machine junk food;only food that I could afford by then.Our chaperones took mental notice of me not eating and told our band teacher.By the sixth day of not eating tangible food,I was weak with hunger,homesick and basically wanted to go home.We stopped at a motel that had a Denny's restaurant.The restaurant gave us free Xmas dinners: turkey with gravy,mashed potatoe
Tribute To Mother
This is something I read this morning. I thought it was worth reposting. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are moms or moms-to-be. Mother She dreamed of you from the time she was a little girl cradling a baby doll in her arms. She always saw you playing around the little cottage in her childhood dreams. She carried you in her body and you made her sick every morning for weeks and weeks. She bore you into the world through intense pain, but when she heard you cry and saw your wrinkled face, she forgot all about it and wept tears of joy. She fed you at her breast and her whole world revolved around you. She stole into your room at night just to watch you sleep and she was sure you were the most beautiful child on earth. She sat up through the night to bathe away the fever and at breakfast, your dad said, "Sleep well, honey"? oblivious to the all night vigil. She somehow always knew when you needed her, even in the middle of the night, and she came to your room and change
Tribrute For My Mom-happy Mothers Day
Get More at>center>----enter>Get More at
A Tribute To Mothers I Saw Somewhere
A mother is special, she's more than a friend. Whenever you need her, she'll give you a hand. She'll lead you and guide you in all that you do. Try all that she can just to see you get through. Good times and bad times, she's there for it all. Say head up, be proud, and always stand tall. She'll love you through quarrels and even big fights, or heart to heart chats on cold lonely nights. My mother’s the greatest that I've ever known, I think God made my mother like He'd make his own. A praiser, a helper, an encourager too, nothing in this world that she wouldn't do. To help us succeed she does all that she can, raised a young girl/boy now into a woman/man. I want to say thank you for all that you do, please always know mom, that I love you.
Tribute Song - 10,000 Miles Away
Tribute To United States Marine Corps
This letter was written, not by a pilot, but by a surgeon who is also a full Colonel Flight Surgeon with the Hawaii Air National Guard, and who is presently on active duty in Iraq. It was sent to his father, who is a retired fighter pilot who served during the Vietnam war. (published with permission) Dear Dad, If I ever hear airmen griping and complaining, I jump into them pretty quickly, now. Most people over here have nothing to gripe about compared to Marines. Marines are different. They have a different outlook on life. One Marine Private was here for several days because he was a lower priority evacuation patient. He insisted on coming to attention and displaying proper military courtesy every morning when I came through on rounds. He was in a great deal of pain, and it was a stressful to watch him work his way off the bed and onto his crutches. I told him he was excused and did not have to come to attention while he was a patient, and he informed me that he was a good Mari
Tribute To Jenny
Tribute to Jenny Richards on the Second Anniversary of her Passing > >Jenny was born on March 30, 1959, the firstborn child to Rusty and Amy Richards. Rusty was tenor and lead singer with The Sons of the Pioneers, for twenty-one years. Jenny was lulled to sleep with albums of the Sons, and she heard her daddy sing and play his guitar and she watched him write beautiful songs, and at the age of ten, she dedicated her life to music! And what a life it was! The music just poured out of her! Jenny started singing professionally when she was seventeen at the Alpine Cafe in Silverado, and several places in Laguna Beach. She had written poetry since she was ten, and she wrote songs that were truly amazing and powerful! We are using one verse of her song, " Live My Life Out Loud," on her head stone. (Which has not been set in place, as yet,) Jenny was never satisfied with her work. Her singing moved people to tears, and her writing sent chill bumps up and down your spine,
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute To A Hero
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest! Now Open!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest! Now Open!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest! Score Updates
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 284 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 147 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 2 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest! Scores Updated
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 319 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 147 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 2 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 319 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 147 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 2 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! 5th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute Tattoo Contest!
Tribute Tattoo Contest! I need Tribute Tattoos for this contest! Contest will start on 6/4 thur 6/11 1st Tattoo is...... with 608 comments! 2nd Tattoo is...... with 583 comments! 3rd Tattoo is...... with 30 comments! 4th Tattoo is...... with 5 comments! 5th Tattoo is...... with 1 comments! Winners will get 2 gifts each! Comment bombing allowed and self bombing also! Want to enter just send me a link to ur pic or tell me and i will Rip your pic for you! Thanks Maria Click on pic to enter contest! ~~AnGeLHeArT~*Majorboredum* LoVeR69*~~ Owner Of *AnGeL FaMiLy *&* A.F.H.* ~ FoUnDeR Of~ * AnGeLs Of MeRcY BoMb SqUaD * ~@ CherryTAP
Tribute To The Cuban Revolution
Tribute To Victor Jara
Tribute To The Cuban Revolution
Tribute To Ruth Graham
Tribute To All The Irish Here On Ct :-)
Tribute To The Irishmen Who Went To Spain To Fight Against Franco !!!
Tribute To Chris Benoit
this is a tribute to wwe star chris benoit who sadly was found dead along with his wife and son in his home on 25/06/2007. He was no doubt one of the best athletes and always gave it 120% every show for the fans please comment to this blog for he will without a doubt be missed.
Tribute To Chris Benoit
Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am in a thousand winds that blow, I am the softly falling snow. I am the gentle showers of rain, I am the fields of ripening grain. I am in the morning hush, I am in the graceful rush Of beautiful birds in circling flight, I am the starshine of the night. I am in the flowers that bloom, I am in a quiet room. I am in the birds that sing, I am in each lovely thing. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there. I do not die.
Tribute To Charlestons Bravest
Tribute to Charlestons bravest
A Tribute For The Memory Of Jack Turner
A Tribute To Tyler
A boy I taught for 2 years died Wednesday night by drowning. It was in the paper today, headline news. Tyler had a hard life. His father used to beat his mother. when he was about 5 they had a fight and it ended with her shooting the dad. Tyler was there when it happened. He (the dad)is paralysed from the waist down as a result, and she is still in jail. Tyler's grandmother got custody of him when he was about 8, his dad is still in and out of jail often for other things, smaller crimes. Dad and grandmother fought about custody when I had Tyler in my class, not because they actually wanted him but because child services paid whoever had him. Dad would have him for weekends now and then and you could tell on Monday if that had been the case. So he lived with his grandmother, who made him stay in his room most of the time if he was home because she had health problems and could not watch or control him. Needless to say, Tyler was not a little angel and he did not go home after school u
Tribute: Charleston Fallen 9
Charleston 9 Our Fallen Brothers Pt 1 Charleston 9 Our Fallen Brothers Pt 2 Tribute to Charlestons bravest Charleston fallen 9
A Tribute To My Nephew
Get More at Get More at My beloved 16 y/o nephew, Stephen, has Asperger's. In that 16 years, I've learned a lot about patience, and love. I was never fortunate enough to have any children of my own, but was able to play a small part in helping to raise my nephew, into the bright and strong young man he is. He'll be entering the 11th grade next school year, and right on time. We never let his illness slow him down, or set him back. He's always been treated special, but he's also been treated as normal as his illness would allow. This Blog is for him.... Get More at Get More at Get More at
A Tribute To Myself...duh.. Baila Morena :-)
Tribute To A Great Man
For those of you who don't know...My Grandpa passed away this morning This is for him. How do relate what you meant to me, when words can’t even come close? You are the one who was like a father to me when I had none You raised me, and taught me how to be a man You taught me to hunt, fish, and raise my own vegetables and how to live off the land, and survive if I had to. You taught me about honor and integrity and that a mans word is all he really has You taught me to take pride in what I do, in an honest days work and that all the riches in the world mean nothing if you aren’t a good person. You taught me that it isn’t about what you have, but what you are on the inside. You taught me about respect and the importance of being true to your word. You taught me that a lady should be treated like a lady until she proves herself otherwise You taught me about discipline and even though those lessons were tough sometimes, you always taught them with love. You taught me t
Tribute For A Friend
Your a wonder to my lifestyle I couldn't imagine my day without you This is a tribute for a friend. You're the one I truely shared good times That special someone that I learned a lot from The spirit you gave me when I worried Protecting me from evil I might succumb Thank you for being my friend I hope we never break apart But if we ever decide to say goodbye I hope that you choose to stay smart. For now I will enjoy your wonderful kind ways Our bond is greater than the universe If your parents decide to kick you out You can live with me and end this curse. Can you believe we been friends for so long I hope we can stay for eternity. This is a tribute for a good friend. Loving you was such a dream That I wished could one day come true And then one day when all is good You'll get something borrowed, new, old, and blue. Kiss me my friend although you may not It's alright if you like me in hugging distance But seeing you gives me a wonderful smile From
Tribute Video To Honor The Canadian Soldiers
Kick Axe - We Still Remember This video was produced by Stoney and re-edited by Willy. It is a tribute Video to honor the Canadian Soldiers that gave their lives fighting for our This video was produced by Stoney and re-edited by Willy. It is a tribute Video to honor the Canadian Soldiers that gave their lives fighting for our Freedoms in Afghanistan. Feel free to post this video Anywhere.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to tell you all that I have posted some tributes in my stash. They are must see's. Please watch them and tell me what you think. Thanks so much.
Tribute To The First Lunar Landing
On July 20, 1969, human beings from the planet Earth first walked on the moon.When you think about it, that is quite an achievement even to this day. The Wonderful World of Longmire would like to pay tribute to the crew of Apollo 11 on the 30th anniversary of this great event.This is the scenario: after a four-day journey from Earth, two American astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, are preparing to land the Lunar Module "Eagle" while the third astronaut, Michael Collins, remains in lunar orbit in "Columbia," the Command Module. Everyone knows the "popular" version of what happened on that historic day... but the following is what really happened. We join the crew of Apollo 11 as they start their descent to the lunar surface... MISSION CONTROL (HOUSTON): Eagle, you are go for lunar landing. EAGLE (ARMSTRONG): Roger,understand.Go for landing. EAGLE (ALDRIN)
A Tribute To The Girls That Get Pushed Aside
This is a tribute to the nice girls. To the nice girls who are overlooked, who become friends and nothing more, who spend hours fixating upon their looks and their personalities and their actions because it must be they that are doing something wrong. This is for the girls who don't give it up on the first date, who don't want to play mind games, who provide a comforting hug and a supportive audience for a story they've heard a thousand times. This is for the girls who understand that they aren't perfect and that the guys they're interested in aren't either, for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper, touch, because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope that maybe... maybe this time he'll have understood. This is homage to the girls who laugh loud and often, who are comfortable in skirts and sweats and combat boots, who care more than they should for guys who don't deserve their attention. This is for those girls who have been in t
9/11 Tribute-one Last Breath/hero
9/11 Tribute - One Last Breath/HeroAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Tribute To American Soldiers ( Video )
This was very touching to me, hence why it is in a blog. If you can not emotionally handle seeing the fallen, PLEASE do NOT watch. For those that can, please remember that these fellow Americans are not only brothers, sisters, cousins, mothers, fathers, etc....They are the brave souls that are fighting for US. So please, take a few minutes out of your day to show some support and remember those that are doing for OUR country!!!!! Thank You!!
~tribute~ Gone-but Never Forgotten.
Drifting through a minefield explosive carnage everywhere.. one touch is all it takes to ignite what's in the air.. shadows drift on by haunting the very road.. the staring of their sightless eyes betraying nothing of the unknown. the charge now held in hand reeks of blood.. sweat and tears.. it holds the essence of those now gone.. those lost throughout the years. hard fought has the battle been as tears now soak the road... for each droplet that now falls.. is for those who have fought for what we know. ~Candyce~
Tribute To Devil's Rejects
Tribefest 101
(R)Evolut!on Radio and Tribefest Radio are one. We are hosting Tribefest 2007 in Central NY this year, August 31 and September 1st. 2 days of camping, Friday(31)and Saturday(1) and free keggers on Saturday. 40 live local bands from the surrounding area, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey will be attending. Tickets are 10$ in advance and 13$ at the door. Contact me for ticket information. You can also purchase tickets via paypal at our main site at Tribefest 2007 for 11$ and that includes a 1$ paypal fee. You can also contact me via YahooMSGR @ blueclipse28. Thank you very much. (R)0bb1E T. and the Tribefest Staff
A Tribute To Our Troops!
Tribute To Elvis Aaron Presley 30 Years Ago Today !
Perhaps without ever knowing it Elvis Presley has been and is for now and forever a constant inspiration to those many men,woman and children all over the world, who are still his devoted fans . folks admired different things about Elvis some enjoyed his good looks,while others his vitality and his exuberance. some were simply hypmotized by his beautiful voice . even children watch and listen for Elvis. i have been in a room full of people and at the mention or sound of the big " E " on tv heads would turn and ears would strain to take in the message or essence of Elvis. Elvis was a magical sort of person, both real and imaginary. we were awed and fascinated at the strength of the man who seemed "" superhuman "" sometimes . A combintion of actor ,crooner, dancer,husband, and father . we some times saw the child in the man who was deeply devoted to his parents ( who were always on his mind ) and the man provided for his parents all his life . Elvis I believe n
A Tribute To Single Moms (from Rjezzy, Bulletin Board)
For all you single mothers out there...I found this and wanted to share it with yall. You ladies keep doing the damn thing, keep your head up and stay strong. We ask what is a single mother? Is she a woman with much strength and love or pain and fear? Maybe she's the devil in disguise or perhaps the angel beneath the pain. Could she be a woman of much style and grace? One thing is for certain; no one can understand what a single mother is unless they experience the feeling themselves. A single mother is a woman who is filled with everlasting, unconditional love, and words of wisdom to guide the way through life. A single mother doesn't recieve much credit today for the way she dedicates her life to working long hard hours and making time in her busy schedule to take care of what is hers. She goes through life trying so hard to do her best for her child, yet sometimes she feels as if the world is caving in, although one thing goes up, another one comes down
Tribal Rank & Job Description
Kindred Spirits Clan Title, Rank And Tribal Job Chief One who is highest in rank or authority; a leader. (Founder) Elder's An older, influential member of a family, tribe, or community. (Advisor/oversee's working ranks) Scribe's A professional copyist of manuscripts and documents. (Makes Graphic's) Medicine Man/Woman A male/female shaman or shamanistic healer, especially among Native American peoples. (One who oversee's and moderates the conduct of the member's) Conscripts One who Carries the messenge of the tribe to other people.) (recruiters) Warriors/Lady Warriors One who engages in a combat or struggle. (Bombers) Braves Male Native American Tribe member.) (Helps level our Member's up).) Squaw Female Native American Tribe member. (Helps level our Member's up)
Tribal Code Of Conduct
Kindred Spirit Clan Code Of Tribal Conduct Tribal laws and the rules that govern it are passed down through generations of people and ensure both the safety of its people and a respect for all other living things. Even in an on line community it is important to have some standard of how we hold ourselves to the other people that live here with us. As in any structured society there must be rules or what will be known here as our "Tribal Code Of Conduct." Respect is something that is of paramount importance to me as well as honor. I believe you cant have one without the other. We will be a family of many talents, our members will consist of bombers(warrior), recruiter/ambassadors(conscripts), graphic artists(scribes), member support(medicine man/woman), general members(brave/squaw), advisor's(tribal elder) just to name a few. And we all have a function here. Since we are gonna be hosting and entering many contests it is important to me to maintain a "good sport" attitude. At no time
A Tribute To The Nice Guys
This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/ smart/funny/ sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl's every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style. This is for the guys who escort their drunk, bewildered female friends back from parties and neve
Tribute To The Sun!
Sun shining caressing my skin making me feel happy within, Rays fallin touching my soul making me feel completly whole, Clouds scattered barely in sight making the world seem just right, Golden color cascading down making a reason not to frown, Temperature rising sweat glazing my flesh making my body seem refreshed, Beautiful day no rain in sight making my day happy and bright!
A Tribute To One Of The
A TRIBUTE TO ONE OF THE GREATEST GUITARIST EVER KNOWN....... ~*~ RANDY RHOADS ~*~ Goodbye To Romance (A Randy Rhoads Tribute) dee- randy rhoads (studio out-takes) Randy Rhoads Tribute Video by Des Sherwood Randy Rhoads - Crazy Train Video (From Tribute Album) "Randy Rhoads Tribute Video" 25 Years Randy Rhoads - Spotlight Solo (Quiet Riot) Quiet Riot - Picking Up The Pieces RANDY RHOADS Inducted GUITAR CENTER ROCKWAY, Hollywood, CA
A Tribute To Mom
One year ago today, my Mother passed away. Below is a poem I wrote and it was published in my first book. I love and miss you Mom. My Mother She comes to me riding the wind. I hear her voice in the trees. I feel her touch on my skin. She blows my hair back out of my face. A lone raindrop hitting my cheek lets me know, she has kissed me. She comes to me during a snow storm. Each snowflake as individual as she was. The beauty of the sun on the snow does not compare with her beauty. The dripping of the melting snow lets me know, she is sad to have left me. She comes to me in the dead of night. A memory, thought long forgotten that brings a small smile to my lips. Looking in the mirror I can see small glimpses of her in me. This lets me know, she has not forgotten. She comes to me when I am sad. She catches my tears in her hands. She smiles that dear smile of my childhood that I so often see on my own face. This lets me know, I was loved. She
A Tribute
After all the poems, I have written, It's about time I write this one; For, the only reason, I can write, Is that soldier with a gun. That man or woman, who trudges along, Among the horror, they must see; So I can sit and write my thoughts, Because, they've paid the fee. I honor you all today, And wish that you are well; As you fight, day after day, In your world of falling hell. You know not of me, but I know you, You're brave, selfless and daring; Sleeping with one eye open, With bombs and fires flaring. I salute you all and praise you, In silent, daily prayer; Hoping you'll know, when all seems lost, That I'm grateful and I care. Thank you.
Tribute 2 Those Who Are Dying In War
All Star Tribute - What's Going OnAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Tribal Tags Made By Firerose
9-11 Tributes!!! Must See!!! Please Watch These!! (from The Bulletin Board) :)
Ok a while back I made these two videos. I thought now is a good time to bring them back out with 9/11 coming up..1 is a tribute to the 9/11 heroes and the other is a tribute to our troops please pass it around. I spent alot of time making these. Thank you Jodi AKA Wishful Thinking
I just want to pay a special tribute to SAS Sgt. Eddie Collins, who sadly died in Iraq on Wednesday the 5th September 07. An awesome man of 32, who left a young family to do what he had to do to try to make this world a better place........Like many before him, he died a Hero!!!! British and American..... i salute you all, and pray that God keeps you safe. Edward, i will never forget you.........your smile lives on........xxxxxx
**tribute To 9/11/01**
A Tribute To My Parents
In this crazy day and age, it is rare to find someone my age who's parents are still married. Mine are and today is their 47th anniversary. I know its hard to believe, but its true. They are my role models. They have been through a lot in that time, but have overcame the obstacles. So this it to you, Mom and Dad. Happy 47th Anniversary. I love you guys.
9/11 Tribute Video I Did
Tribute Video 9-11-01
If tomorrow all the things were gone, I’d worked for all my life, And I had to start again, with just my children and my wife. I’d thank my lucky stars, to be living here today, ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away.And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I’d gladly stand up... next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land. ..
Tribute To My Mom...
"Don't live your life waiting for me to die" "You have the right to live your own life." " I love you and will miss you" these were your words to help me get through. Now. mom here's my words to you. You are my rock, my confidant, my best friend. You were the person I ran to. who always helped my heart to mend. I always knew you'd always be there, no matter what troubled my mind. I'd find you sitting in your favorite chair. I need that now, just one more time. I'm coming to realize that you are still here. I see your face when I see my own, it's made me strong to overcome my fears. I know now I will never be alone. You were the one I've always turned to, in all my times of need, but mom your job here is through. I've become the woman you knew I could be.
9/11 Tribute
In loving memory of our fallen heros and lost loved ones R.I.P
9/11 Tribute I Did A Few Years Back
Tribute To My Ex Husband
Love never dies does it? It just changes. The night I fell in love, I was at his parents house. David came out of the bathroom. He was wearing tight black 80s jeans and no shirt. All my teenage hormones woke up at the sight of his damp hairy chest. It was LOVE ,soon that chest was a favorite spot of mine, somewhere to rest my cheek when we slept, my face squished into it when we made love and my nose was often buried in it when we hugged. The next year after we married I had our first child , from her first day home with us she slept on David's chest. It is one of my most precious memories seeing my children asleep on their dads chest, fingers wrapped around the curls of his chest hair. Watching him and the babies sleep so content. Giggling when they pulled to hard on his hair and he yelped. This spring David had heart surgery. Even though we're divorced now after 18 years of marriage, I was devastated at his illness. When I saw him in the hospital with his chest shaved
Tribute To Those Lost
Tribute To Che , In English This Time :-)
Tribal Drums
This is my nephew, pretty cool!
Tribute To The Marines
A tribute to the United States Marine Corps and the reasons why they are superior to the many organizations of the world . . . * United States Marine Corps Birthday: 10 NOVEMBER 1775 * 1) Best haircut. Hands down. You can't have a bad hair day with a high and tight. And you spend less on shampoo. 2) Dress blues. They're the coolest uniforms in any military worldwide. 3) Bloused trousers. Another distinctive Marine look that sets the proudest service members apart. 4) The rest of the Marine sea bag. From the Alphas to the camouflage utilities, uniforms just look better on a Marine than any other service member. 5) Marines don't wear dungarees. 6) Most respect I. When the Marines pulled out of Haiti and Somalia, the media reported the U.S. military was pulling out -- as if tens of thousands of Army troops weren't still in the country. Now that's respect. 7) Most respect II. When the Corps came back to Haiti after 60 years, an old man on the Cap-Haitien beac
9-11 Tribute "the Beginning"
Please take time to watch this Powerful video and remember: Pray for our troops past and present and thank a vet for the sacrifices they made for you Freedoms...
Tribute To 'wolfman Jack''
Tribute To Troops
Tribute To An Angel
Visit www.hostdrjack.comHost Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE! Spring Lake,NC — Harnett County authorities said they located the remains of a missing 11-month-old girl in the attic of her house Saturday afternoon. Authorities issued a statewide Amber Alert on Friday after Harmony Creech's grandmother reported her missing. Police said Harmony's mother, Johni Michelle Heuser, told investigators she found the girl dead in her crib several weeks ago. Police said Heuser concealed her daughter's death out of fear and did not tell anybody. Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins said investigators were still interviewing Heuser and charges had not yet been determined. It was still considered an active investigation. An autopsy will be performed on the child's body to determined how she died, police said. Harmony's father, Ronald Earl Creech II, returned from a deployment in Iraq Friday hoping to see his daughter. Harmony was born while he was overseas, police said. Creech i
A Tribute To The Real Freedom Fighters!
A Tribute To A Dear Friend
Tribute to the Dragon kind by *Dragarta on deviantART To A Person thats been there for me no matter what. For that simply fact I love you more then you'll ever know. For simply being yourself I love you. For listening to me cry at night and never saying an unkind word to me. I'll love you more then you'll ever know. You see me for who and what I am, you treat me as your equal. For this, and much more you mean the world to me, and forever will. This is just to show a small portion of my thanks to you. For no matter what I do my thanks can never truly be shown to their fullest. One day I pray that you'll see and understand just how much you mean to me, but until then, this friendship will have to do. I just wanted to let you know that I love you very deeply and that I think of you as my friend.

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