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Rewarded For A Heroic Act
I was in the middle of an awesome sex dream when all of a sudden it's interrupted. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP "Engine 61, Truck 61, Battalion 8. Structure Fire, 21853 La Palma, reports of smoke showing." I jump out of bed, my hard on still semi hard from my dream. I throw on my turnouts and climb into my seat on the truck. I start to wake up and recognize the address. It's an apartment complex that we usually get called out for a medical aid on OD's. We arrive on scene to see 2 upstairs end units full engulfed. We meet with the families who are in the courtyard who tell us that no one's in the burning units, but that they don't see their next door neighbor. Me and another firefighter mask up, and make our way up to the second floor. We force open the door to the unit next to the involved 2 end units, and thick smoke rolls out, but no flame and not that much heat. Upon searching the unit, I find you passed out, but still breathing, in your room like you were moving towards the door. M
The Reward
From afar...I was beckoned By something still unknown A voice that whispered in dreamland Calling me back home To where my reality awaited Still nameless unto me Carved in a stone of granite Was my truth, my destiny It told me to be patient Endure what has to come To pass the tests I'm given And learn from every one And when I least expect it I will recieve my great reward And with it will come peace of mind I've never had before And then I did awaken Gasping in the air Trying to remember But forgetting in despair The years began to pass away My struggles seemed to gain But something pushed me deep inside To get through all the pain I didn't hear the whispered words But that voice was calling It picked me up from all my grief Caught me when I was falling It lead me to a time and place I had never been before And unbeknownst to me I stood at destiny's front door A message that seemed nothing Would bring with it great surprise But it bared no real import
Rewards For A Good Slave
Recently Master has been very pleased with his pet's efforts to please him. As i recently underwent 2 major surgeries that have placed most of our sex life and any heavy M/s sceneing on hold, I have had to place more emphisis on my attitude. I really have been trying hard to please my Master to the very best of my current abilities. He has seen my efforts and wishes to reward them so he has instructed me to produce a list of things I wish for as rewards, both kinky and mundane. Here are a couple I have listed so far: Cake Decorating classes Photography Classes Gym Membership Penis gag Lingerie (preferably leather :) )
Rewards Given To Helpers
Hello all you cherry Family members. For those that are helping members in contests and are posting several comments. Send me a message with the link and i will buy you a VIC Gift for the help. Thank you Family and have a great day
A reward of - candle lit dinner - full body massage - feeding of some fruits in a bubblebath if.... - your normal - your honest, caring, loving Im sick of being hurt and lied to. Im losing sleep at night.And I cant take it anymore
Reward!!! If Returned.. Omfg She Has Lost Her Lipgloss
Reward-true Story
Reward-true story ( From my Captain on USS Nicholas DD-449...True Sea Story!!!) This Texas type decided to try reward in the toilet training routine. Do well all day and you get a trip to IHOP. One day, it seemed to him that his daughter was behind the curve, so he said "if you go in now I will give you a piece of candy." His daughter looked at him and said, "I only work for IHOP." R/ DEC405
Reward Of Sting
i round my fingertips on a wet grinder which is basically a 5 foot verticle belt sander that sprays cold water to keep the temperature standard and below hazard the abrasion on the belt is a diamond grit this is built for grinding glass, not to act as a manicurist i start with a 60 grit to get the tips evenly ripped then strap on a 120 to polish them with you gotta move fast because if you dwell on it you may shed 18 layers of skin and if you don't have 18 layers then you're in some shit because a brand-new belt will work you down to the wrist years of this has made my skin fairly thick i got another half dozen superficial wounds today, i'm pretty used to it so i guess i wouldn't recomend or suggest you do this if you might be a little squeamish i haven't met a cut that wasn't a stimulus i'll stick my hand in anything that might reward my interest
Reward For My Helpers
im way behind can everyone help i will reward all my help
The Reward
The Reward I was sitting at home watching some television, it was almost nine am. My wife was at work. I was watching the movie, Showgirls on the VH1 channel. My neighbor from two houses down across the street knocked on the front door. She asked if I could help her with something. The ceiling light in her living room had blown out. She was afraid to climb up a ladder to change the bulb and did not know how to get the cover off of the light fixture. I said sure Id help and followed her out the door. She walked in front of me and of course I fixed my eyes on her ample behind. Im a big fan of the booty. She is a very short woman barely five feet tall and she has some meat on her bones, but not too much. She probably weighs one hundred and thirty-five pounds. She has a coca cola shape. Shes a very attractive woman. We get to her house and I tell her that I can reach it without the ladder. She closes her front door and I get a chair from the Dining room and use it to reach the l
Re: Watch 911 Events At Webster Hall, Nyc Now!!!
RE: WATCH 911 EVENTS AT WEBSTER HALL, NYC NOW!!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Revolution Radio Date: 09 Sep 2007, 14:22 PLEASE REPOST!!!!!!!! PLEASE REPOST!!!!!!!!RICHARD GAGE ON STAGE NOW!!! CHECK IT OUT:click here to view NOW!http://www.realinsidenews.comPLEASE REPOST!!!!!!!!
Re: "war Criminal" Ex-mi6 Head Dearlove Confronted At Event
RE: "War Criminal" Ex-MI6 Head Dearlove Confronted At Event ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 01 Nov 2007, 06:48 "War Criminal" Ex-MI6 Head Dearlove Confronted At Event Author of the infamous Downing Street Memo and ex-MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove was confronted and branded a "war criminal" by audience members who attended his talk at the London School of Economics last night, before being hounded out of the building - but subsequent media coverage of the event completely failed to mention the controversy.
Re: Warning : Vaccines + Medications = Control+ Death
RE: WARNING : Vaccines + Medications = CONTROL+ DEATH ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Mary Date: 11 Dec 2007, 20:28 DO WE REALLY KNOW WHATS IN HERE?New Jersey Moves Toward Becoming the First State to Require Flu Shots for Preschoolers(source)Go To OriginalREMEMBER THIS GUY?Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America WHAT ELSE IS REALLY GOING ON? They want to kill us - our chiildren and anyone else whom opposes or stands up to themARE YOU READY TO MAKE A STAND?
Re: Watch For It
HACKER ALERT (11/17/2007 8:34:09 AM): (11/17/2007 5:09:37 AM): (11/17/2007 4:16:44 AM): enuff2002 (11/16/2007 9:05:24 PM): cogic_elder (11/16/2007 2:03:07 PM): If some person called KURT CHAPMAN adds u, don't accept it, because its a hacker!! Tell everyone on your list because if somebody on your list adds them u get them on your list he'll figure out Your ID computer address, so copy and paste this message cause if he hacks their email he hacks your mail too!!!
Re: Was The Bush Administration Behind Bhutto Assassination?
RE: Was the Bush Administration Behind Bhutto Assassination? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Jennifer Date: 28 Dec 2007, 08:23 Was the Bush Administration Behind Bhutto Assassination?----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: *RC_REVOLUTION [resistance] -RONPAUL2008-Date: Dec 28, 2007 12:11 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Charlie Brown (Truth Seeker)Date: Dec 28, 2007 2:05 AMRE: Was the Bush Administration Behind Bhutto Assassination?----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: NibiruDate: Dec 27, 2007 11:13 PMWas the Bush Administration Behind Benazir Bhutto Assassination?by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media It is being mentioned in high circles that US President George Bush was receiving heat for spending billions of dollars on propping the puppets of the Musharraf regime. It is believed that somewhere along the way Musharraf didn't want to continue this game of charades and was leaning mor
10,000 Reward
Reward - Get 10,000 Fu-bucks!!!
Re: Watch My New Making Of .. Video Shot In L.a Love J.c
RE: WATCH MY NEW MAKING OF .. VIDEO SHOT IN L.A LOVE J.C ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Julie Collins Date: 05 Mar 2008, 10:24 For every soul has meaning for every soul has a timebut you have to experience painin this life to expand your minds eyebe open to what you are earning and doubtful of what you getin this life we humans have to work so hardand life can be full of regretso open up your eyes and smile at your brothers and sisters next to youwe are the world they saywell so ARE YOU !!!For every soul has meaning for every soul has a timebut you have to experience painin this life to expand your minds eyebe open to what you are earning and doubtful of what you getin this life we humans have to work so hardand life can be full of regretso open up your eyes and smile at your brothers and sisters next to youwe are the world they saywell so ARE YOU !!! COMMENTS WELCOME X X
One of My admirer's who has been very faithful from the start has been offering some services that have helped a great deal (not sexual mind you). However, when he requested a reward, he got more than what he was bargaining for. A release was ordered from him twice, and each one of them was to be accompanied with a written statement of no less than 500 words... he did perfectly and his efforts were definitely showing. he has pleased Me and thought My readers might enjoy reading his little fantasy as well. he has just found out now, that asking for rewards might not be the best way to get them.... ************************************ I am sitting here at work looking forward to Your assignment. As You wish i have masterbated twice for You today. i masturbated thinking how an encounter with You Mistress would be educational and very sexual and turns me on. The following is what i was thinking as i stroked my cock for You. I picture meeting You in a hotel room that is designe
Re: Wannabe "virus" Prince Philip Attacks Big Families
RE: Wannabe "Virus" Prince Philip Attacks Big Families ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 12 May 2008, 12:30 Wannabe "Virus" Prince Philip Attacks Big Families Nazi collaborator and racist advocate of mass genocide Prince Philip, a man who has often expressed his desire to return to the earth as a "deadly virus" to thin the human population, says that there are too many people in the world as he attacked large families in a television interview set to air this week. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/may2008/051208_prince_philip. htm
Reward For Helping
Reward For My Missing Loved Ones
Amber Alert! Endangered Missing: MUSIC VIDEO STASHES (VA) MUSIC VIDEO STASHES, Age Now: 3months, Missing: 06/26/2008. Missing From FUBAR, CA. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: ANY Police Department. issued: Tuesday, July 11 @ 05:58am for more info, click here!
Reward For My Missing Loved Ones
Amber Alert! Endangered Missing: MUSIC VIDEO STASHES (VA) MUSIC VIDEO STASHES, Age Now: 3 months, Missing: 06/26/2008. Missing From FUBAR, CA. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: ANY Police Department. issued: Tuesday, July 11 @ 05:58am for more info, click here!
Reward Of $200,000
There’s a small but elegant country town in Iowa that has 900 people capacity and a facile manner of life. Yet, on a plateau that’s over seeing the town square has an average, built-mass and 3 stories high mansion with 150 arcs on all 4 directions of the mansion. The mansion once had kinship with the Bosons family but unfortunately the last heir of the Bosons family died 50 years ago and the mansion has been vacuous for the last 40 years. The mien of the mansion and its grounds of the present date aren’t as enticing as it was 100 years ago. Yet, there’s a fable regarding this mansion and its formal admiration of its golden age that has gone by! There’s been a reward of $200,000 that has been established upon this mansion and its surroundings for the past 40 years. The reward declares that anyone or any persons that are brave and cunning enough to stay in that mansion for 3 nights would receive $200,000 with an allege to the mansion and its whole surroundings but the stipulation
Reward The Ones Who Reward You
As you go about your day. The peeps that sometimes help you with making you a cup o java.The dry cleaners 2 get out the just got laid, can't tell her/him...., or the crew who waits on you at your fav resteraunt/lounge.To the guy who deliver you pizza at all hours.The fix it crew who fixes ur plumbing or whatnots.Even to the guys who bring you that perfect mattress to your inner most sanctuary...(your bed room).. and see your porn/toys hideing under your old one were takeing away. We may b in your life 4 just one day in 30 years. Or more often. If we do you a good service, please tip. It means a lot 2 us. I've had some nice ones .... $100.00 here, a 20 there. take a beer 4, when u get home. Or even buying luch. And a few job offers along the way. It's nice even 4 a cup o ice water on a hot day.Or a cup o joe, if there gonna take a lil longer. It's the little things that mean a lot. ~*~*~ (not 2 toot my own horn) Just like 2 share some "tips". When the guy cam
The Reward Is Closer
What can you do when there seems to be no hope? You can keep going. What's the best option when you feel like giving up? The best option is to keep going. How can you respond when circumstances are acting against you? The most effective response is to continue working your way forward no matter what other factors may be present. All that you know is based on past experience, and yet the future does not equal the past. For right now you can take action to determine that future and to change the way things will be. Though it can be easy to give up, remember this. When you're at the point of giving up, you're also at the point where maximum value can be created. If you feel like giving up, then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by continuing to push forward. Keep going, for the reward is closer with every step you take. -- Ralph Marston
The Rewards Of Suffering
Rewards of Suffering I walk alone This road of Broken glass and Shattered dreams Barefoot and naked Soul exposed To sadistic forces Salty tears of sorrow Mingle with tears Of pleasure My road of salvation Ends at freedom fields Brings a new journey Where dreams are real True friends exist Love can be found The rewards of suffering Mean everything to me
Rewarding Our Faith.
I've been in this bathroom looking myself over for the last five minutes.Lost contemplating the amassing lines and crevaces on my smile, at the edge of my eyes... on my constantly befuddled brow. When did the handsome boy die? Replaced by this empty ambitionless man. I used to chase stars, I used to smell heaven. I used to live for the impossibility of true love.That I could fix anything. I could help anyone.That I could some day be perfect. A few handfuls of water, a fresh spray of spit on the mirror and he's still there, looking back at me with uneven features, and a sloped hairline... just like my cowlick twenty years ago. Twenty years... and I'm still somehow here. I thought little boys disapeared after 16.That there was no life after that. Just a snap of the fingers, a click of the zinc pin and the wonderful alchemy of black grit to fire, propelling a metal orb that vanished us away. Death is magic. So is sex.And these days things have been a bit mundane.
I am lookinhg for a picture I saw on one of the girls on heres pictures. I don't remember who's pictures it was on but if any of you out there know and can get me this picture I will buy you a 25 credit bling pack. The picture has the Angels on one side and the Demons on the other they are fliing at each other about to go into battle but not yet engaged in battle. I believe it is in black and whit,also the ones closes to you are big and as they get further away they get smaller and smaller until they fade away and there is alot on both sides .  If you can find me this picture I will reward you with a 25 credit bling pack . Thank you for all your help it is very much appreciated. :)
Reward Christian Louboutin Replica You Not Do It A
Lucille Wu, a gas face, said: "No! We went to celebrate, reward Christian Louboutin Replica you not do it a few days ago for my help?" Mouth a stick looked at the palace rain. Palace after the rain listening to my heart a while no doubt the excitement and sweet Italian, and his face could not help but smile, said: "Yes, No!" Then, in the United States and the United States looked at Lucille Wu. Lucille Wu, said: "That we go!" Then, the two did not pause, opt to go left. I wanted to catch just out of the palace the rain and his work with Li Lan, but to see in an instant out of the palace rain and Lucille Wu, the two men laughing, Li Lan heart suddenly lost down the pace could not help but stop to watch them face from time to time flashed a smile, every smile, such as the needle is generally stimulate her heart. Li Lancheng situation is being affected like the others laughing, to bring Christian Louboutin black leather ankle boots their own sense of pain. Eyes glazed at Pal
Now I ain't that sure how to do this.... I would like to offer a reward for the winner!! I haven't got fubucks to roll in, okay?? I'm almost sure there is someone to talk to, but I am not too sure who. I'm kinda ready to come up with an award. Just take a pic of yourself with a cell phone or cam of you holding a candle and my screen name, let me know how it feels to be loved by coming to visit, rating, liking, bling ain't necessary, and commenting. I am wanting to offer 5M and a 5credit bling to anyone that can help the most. Now since one person can't do the whole deal, I would also try an keep count of the people that say someone sent them. Meaning the person who sent them. Not everyone can or wants to read this but I know some peeps tell others about something they have read. Since I can't figure how else to do it, I am trying this route. I'd like to ask for your help!! Please, even alittle try I would appreciate. I would like to think someone out there could lend a hand.  I don
Rewarded You And Me
You know me, you may know too much, yet you don't know the real me you haven't felt my healing touch. You may think you have me figured out, that is so far from the truth I'm an origional, there is no room for doubt.   Set yourself at a steady pace, that way you won't stray ahead This game of life isn't a race. We don't need to walk right, to find ourselves linked together in the middle of a hot night.   I wanted to let you know, if any chance is there I won't take it and go. I hold hope and trust, within my heart that love will do as it must.   In dreams it has been, nothing is wrong we both do win. In reality it will be, I am rewarded you and you are rewarded me.
Re: We Are Change Fl In New York 9/11/07
Re: We Are Change - Fl Confronts Giuliani!!!
RE: We Are Change - FL Confronts Giuliani!!! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Revolution Radio Date: 18 Sep 2007, 17:54 PLEASE REPOST!! PLEASE REPOST!!!!!!!Yesterday, We Are Change Florida Confronted Giuliani down here in tampa! CHECK IT OUT!! Spread the word!!!click here to watch!!PLEASE REPOST!!!!!!! Giuliani Lies About WTC 7 More Giuliani LIES WeAreChange Confronts Giuliani on 9/11 Collapse Lies WeAreChange Confronts Rockefeller on New World Order Crimes David Rockefeller met with Saddam
Re: We Are Already Living In A Police State (repost)
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: juan Date: 19 Sep 2007, 20:06 THANKSFrom: DudeDate: Sep 19, 2007 8:03 PMESP. SINCE GEORGE W. BUSH'S 2ND TERM BUT IT REALLY BEGAN IN HIS FIRST ..----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Jerry (Help us Obi - Ron Paul!)Date: Sep 19, 2007 10:47 PMFrom: shawnDate: Sep 19, 2007 10:18 PMFrom: The RUA MilitiaDate: Sep 19, 2007 3:13 PM Prescott Bush & Richard Nixon19 Sep 2007 5:45Subject:People Arrested For Reading Constitution - Police StateBody:----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From:My Hate Speech2Date: 19 Sep 2007, 08:24 PM
Re: We're Not Alone!
RE: We're not ALONE! Body: ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: The Un-Dead Sacredness (Meng long guojiang) Date: Sep 26, 2007 4:38 PM RE: We're not ALONE! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Mista John Date: Sep 26, 2007 12:58 PM I don't mean alien stuff, that's for ANOTHER bulletin. No, I mean about knowing we're are being lied to. This video shows what WE ARE NOT SHOWN here in the USA. Our news here is filtered. It makes me feel better that others are fed up with the crap. Check it out. Brighten your day! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Central Elements Date: Sep 26, 2007 5:29 AM From: Martin From: Vadershine Date: 26 Sep 2007, 04:39 Awesome! Great to see the world coming together and sticking together demanding truth and an end to the NWO disaster upon mankind...... You folks in the states probably did not get news coverage of the thousands who marched
Re: We The People
Re: WE THE PEOPLE ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Tyler Date: November 28, 2007 3:45 PM Body: We The People Radio Network Listen Live
Re: We Can't Repost This Enough: April 15th
RE: We Can't Repost This Enough: April 15th ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Chrissay ♥ Ron Paul Date: 07 Feb 2008, 01:32 Thanks This is OUR countryDate: Feb 7, 2008 1:41 AM On this date, the fifteenth day of April, in the year two thousand and eight. Tax Day.People of liberty, from all over the world. Please rise up. Go on strike this day. Do not go to work, do not go to school, do not stay in your house, do not make any appointments for this day, reserve it for marching and peaceful education of our uninformed fellows, promote Ron Paul, promote freedom, and above all, let people know how the Federal Reserve and the IRS is systematically destroying our nation.Wear a plain white sash or armband to show our state of enslavement by propetual debt.Americans and our global friends are recommended to visit post offices or highly populated areas and hand out Republic Magazine's, Freedom to Fascism DVD's, Ron Paul DVDs, or other Ron
Re: We Are Change Vs. Prothink
RE: WE ARE CHANGE vs. PROTHINK ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: America First Date: Feb 16, 2008 10:22 AM ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Khanverse Date: Feb 16, 2008 8:26 AM one has a national budget in the tens of thousands of $$$, the other operates on peanuts and proof. see for yourself, who's more effective? OR a video doctored with laughs where a real incisive response is conspicuously missing? or immediate, direct, forceful, and CORRECT response right on the spot? hmm.. the writing is on the wall.
Re: Werder Bremen 1(0) Rangers 0(2)
RE: Werder Bremen 1(0) Rangers 0(2) ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Glasgow Rangers Date: 13 Mar 2008, 23:25 Rangers are in the quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup after a phenomenal defensive performance limited Werder Bremen to a 1-0 win over them in Germany.Having beaten them by two goals last week, this result means the Light Blues are in the last eight of a European competition for the first time in 15 years.Diego's second-half strike gave the hosts a lead but an unbelievable goalkeeping performances by Allan McGregor sent Gers through.He single-handedly kept Bremen out with his best showing in a Rangers shirt and will rightly be hailed a hero for his efforts against the Bundesliga outfit.Werder simply battered Rangers for the entire match but McGregor and his defence were outstanding.As a consequence, Walter Smith's men will be in the hat for the next round draw when it is made in Nyon tomorrow.Manager Smith made one alteration to the side which be
Re: Weather Channel Founder Wants To Sue Al Gore For Fraud
RE: Weather Channel Founder Wants To Sue Al Gore For Fraud ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 14 Mar 2008, 15:54 Weather Channel Founder Wants To Sue Al Gore For Global Warming Fraud A landmark court case that would destroy the so-called "consensus" behind man-made global warming could be in the works after Weather Channel founder John Coleman expressed his intention to sue Al Gore for fraud. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/march2008/031408_warming_fraud. htm
Re: We Are Change To Release Assault Videos
RE: We Are Change To Release Assault Videos ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 22 Apr 2008, 13:38 We Are Change To Release Assault Videos After months of tolerating verbal and physical abuse from a fringe group of emotionally unstable "no-planers" at ground zero, Luke Rudkowski and We Are Change have had enough, and are set to release video showing the assaults and attempts to smear We Are Change as being complicit in the Times Square recruitment center bombing. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/april2008/042208_assault_videos. htm
Re: Wearechange Assaulted By Police In Louisville
RE: WeAreChange Assaulted by Police in Louisville ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: We Are Change NYC Date: 20 May 2008, 01:49 Oliver North Confronted; Video Footage ConfiscatedMembers of WeAreChange were physically removed from Louisville Exposition Center on Sunday after confronting Iran Contra figure Oliver North. Members questioned North on his involvement with Continuity of Government, the new 9/11 investigation and concentration camps in America. .... Lt. Colonel Oliver North, a FOX News host, was confronted by a combination of activists from WeAreChange Ohio, and Kentuckiana Change. Cody Deeds stood up during a question and answer session and asked North to explain exactly what the Continuity of Government was, at which point North went into his involvement with REX 84 during the Reagan Administration. North explained that at the time it was a plan to continue government in the event of a Soviet attack. As a follow up question, Deeds asked
Re: Wearechange Defense Fund
RE: WeAreCHANGE Defense Fund ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: We Are Change NYC Date: 20 May 2008, 01:51 Recently WeAreChange members have been viciously attacked by provocateurs, security staffing, and the NYPD for expressing their 1st amendment rights. These actions have led to multiple legal cases and WeAreChange deems these actions a direct assault on our organization and message. We are currently in the process of obtaining representation with a background in aggressive constitutional law, familiar with the corrupt courts system, able and willing to carry on to the end. We are not ignorant of the hurdles before us and the massive resources of our enemies. Physical assaults and battery merit aggressive legal action if only to set a prescient that WeAreChange is serious about protecting the constitutional rights of our members in face of such heinous allegations.Our first priority is the criminal defense of Gary Talis, now facing trumped up and co
Re: Web Group Wants To Shut Down Vaccine "conspiracy Theories"
RE: Web Group Wants To Shut Down Vaccine "Conspiracy Theories" ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 15 Sep 2008, 20:12 Group With Big Pharma Ties Wants to Shut Down Vaccine "Conspiracy Theories" A foundation populated by the giants of business, banking, government and military wants to "vet" websites and limit the spread of information that it says creates "conspiracy theories". http://infowars. net/articles/September2008/150908Pharma. htm
Re: What Is Real And True Happiness
How many people in there life can honestly say that they are really truely happy in there life ii know that i can say that i am
Re: Why The Hell Is The Dog Getting Laid More Than Me? - W4m – 35
Re: Why The Hell Is The Dog Getting Laid More Than Me? - w4m – 35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2006-01-04, 2:42PM EST Simply put it’s because animals don’t complicate sex with feelings. Animals don’t “go out for a drink or dinner or whatever”. Animals don’t have a “litany of reasons why they have not gotten out in a very long time”. Animals don’t say things like “Please be under 40, single, good looking, professional or at least well read, D/D free, and available Saturday night.” And animals don’t say “YOU HAVE TO SEND ME A PIC!” When an animal is hungry they eat. They don’t care much what they eat. Some dogs will eat themselves sick and will eat poisonous things too. When an animal is thirsty they drink. Again, not too much thought goes into satisfying this need. When an animal is in heat they mate. No talking, no dinner and a movie, no nice car, no nice shoes. They give off a pheromone scent and howl to let others
Re: Who's Perfect?
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Rich Date: Jul 31, 2007 9:46 AM We're all only human; Face it, we all make mistakes. The major point being learn from those mistakes. That's called life. Trying to be perfect is only an illusion or a fantasy. If you strive your entire life trying to become perfect, I assure you will become insane before you reach perfection. Perfection does not exist. To understand this is the triumph of human intelligence; to expect to possess it is the most dangerous kind of madness. Perfection can be looked upon as an elusive butterfly. When we cease to demand perfection, the reality of being happy becomes that much easier. So many people throw away what they could have by insisting on perfection, which they cannot have, and looking for it where they will never find it. Why would someone ever fear perfection. No one ever reaches it. Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection demoralizes you. Strive to be as
Re: What The Fuck!
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Guinea: The 1930's Smut Peddler Date: 17 Sep 2007, 19:24 THIS IS WHY YOU STAND UP, THIS IS WHY YOU RESIST! WHY THE FUCK WAS EVERYONE LETTING THIS HAPPEN FOR! WHERE IS EVERYONE BACKING UP! FUCK! ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT! IF YOU SEE SOMETHING LIKE THIS EVER HAPPENING AND DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, YOU ARE A SOULLESS ZOMBIE AND A COWARD IN MY EYES AND I'LL END UP KNOCKING YOU THE FUCK OUT TOO. A BADGE DOESNT MEAN THEY ARE NOT CRIMINALS. RISE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE! JUST FUCKIN DO IT!From: AndyChrist1984Date: Sep 17, 2007 10:06 PMFrom: TbirdDate: Sep 17, 2007 6:54 PMThanks Leo fight the NWOFrom: Leo/FightNWO-JUST SAY NO TO FASCISM IN AMERICA!!Date: 17 Sep 2007, 06:46 PMI am so sick of this shit!!!!! Everyone rise up!!!!! Raise your fist!!!!!!From: § Lori §Date: Sep 17, 2007 6:39 PMMore bullshit!!!!!!thanks: the dirty beggarsDate: Sep 17, 2007 8:33 PMplease tell everyone you know
Re: What Made World Trade Center 7 Collapse On 9/11???
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: All my HEROES have FBI Files!!! Date: 28 Sep 2007, 02:53 Jerry (Help us Obi - Ron Paul!)VIDEO -- WTC 7: The Smoking Gun of 9/11Explosive new video contains rare footage and a call to action. Digg it here.
Re: Why 9/11 Was "allowed" To Happen
RE: Why 9/11 Was "Allowed" To Happen ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Blaine Date: 28 Sep 2007, 16:04 "WHY 9/11 WAS 'ALLOWED' TO HAPPEN" is a 14 chaper Police State Planning article.
Re: Why Dogs Bite People
RE: Why Dogs Bite People ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Mary Date: 17 Oct 2007, 01:19
Re: Why Does This Friend Of Mine Have So Many Friends????
RE: why does this friend of mine have so many friends???? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: gpandtedsmom Date: 18 Oct 2007, 23:05 Keep up the great job !!!!Show me the damn LAW !!!!!!!From: ARREST THE PRESIDENT (and his boss, Cheney)Date: Oct 18, 2007 11:01 PM(Please repost and keep reposting. We are getting through. Join the internet revolution!)1.2 MILLION IRAQIS KILLED SINCE THE INVASION FOR OILVOTE TO IMPEACH BUSHVOTE TO IMPEACH BUSHVOTE TO IMPEACH BUSHVOTE TO IMPEACH BUSHVOTE TO IMPEACH BUSHVOTE TO IMPEACH
Re: Who Will You Vote For In 2008 ? (obama Winning Right Now)
RE: Who Will You Vote For in 2008 ? (Obama Winning Right Now) ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Chrissay Date: 14 Nov 2007, 18:39 Thanks Tina's Fighting 4 Ron Paul 2008Date: Nov 14, 2007 7:35 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Revolution Solution Date: Nov 14, 2007 6:31 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Ænima YR ॐDate: Nov 14, 2007 6:23 PMRon Paul 26.3% 6540 Steve Kubby 0.2% 57 George Phillies 0.1% 28 Ralph Nader 2.5% 624 Mitt Romney 2.4% 605 John McCain 3.9% 962 Barack Obama 37.9% 9436 Hilary Clinton 8.4% 2101 Bill Richardson 0.9% 236 Newt Gingrich 1.7% 424 Rudi Giuliani 7.9% 1960 John Edwards 2.7% 665 Joe Biden 0.6% 159 Chris Dodd 2.0% 486 Tommy Tompson 0.3% 70 Tom Tancredo 0.7% 163 George Pataki 0.3% 63 Mike Gravel 0.3% 87 Tom Vilsack 0.3% 75 Duncan Hunter 0.6% 157 REVIVE THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATESSAVE AMERICAELECT RON PAUL
Re: Why Ron Paul Needs Our Donations Now
RE: Why Ron Paul Needs Our Donations NOW ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 23 Nov 2007, 10:57 Why Ron Paul Needs Our Donations NOW: Plea for Immediate Funds Sparks New Donation Drive A new donation drive has been scheduled for Ron Paul's presidential campaign for a week today, Friday 30th of November, in response to a plea from the campaign's Headquarters for funds they can spend before the early primaries.
Re:whistle Blower In Fl Caught Romney Cheating, Threathened
RE:WHISTLE BLOWER IN FL CAUGHT ROMNEY CHEATING, THREATHENED Body: ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: It is what it is, what u mad ? cant handle that ! Date: Dec 2, 2007 12:17 PM ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: David Date: Dec 1, 2007 10:38 PM ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: ♥ Velvet Revolution ♥ Date: Dec 2, 2007 1:08 AM "If you make a big deal out of this you are going to get hurt." Romney Caught Cheating in St. Petersburg, FL Strawpoll Ok, so Romney is a cheater. And Guliani is financially connected with Terrorists. John McCain can't decide whether we are losing in Iraq or winning, but at least he agrees the waterboarding is torture. The Machines are rigged. We may have to vote by absentee ballot. These paperless machines have got to go. We must have paper ballots, period. And public counting of our votes. ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Re: What Really Happened To Chandra Levy
RE: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO CHANDRA LEVY ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Jennifer Date: 07 Dec 2007, 07:23 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO CHANDRA LEVY----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Third Estate, Second Estate. No, United...StatesDate: Dec 6, 2007 11:10 PMTwo women have gone missing doing the same job in WashingtonBryan Thanks to:§ Lori §Date: Dec 6, 2007 5:43 PM nierikaDate: Dec 6, 2007 11:33 PM WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO CHANDRA LEVY During the summer of 2001, the BIG story was the mysterious disappearance of Chandra Levy on May 1, 2001. Levy had been romantically linked to California congressman Gary Condit. Rumors swirled about Condit's perverse sexual appetite, and how Levy had been done away with, directly or indirectly, by Condit, to keep her from ruining his family and career. However, there is an even more sinister side to this story.On September 11, 2001, Gary Condit, Chandra Lev
Re: Why Has Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign?
RE: Why Has Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 09 Feb 2008, 18:54 Why Has Ron Paul All But Suspended His Presidential Campaign? Congressman Ron Paul's decision to essentially suspend his presidential campaign and focus instead on safeguarding his Congressional seat will confuse and disappoint many of his supporters, while delighting establishment media debunkers, but the truth of how far we have progressed and the reality of the battles that lie ahead show that the campaign has made a shrewd decision.
Re: Why Is Hart So Fearful Of Discussing His "new World Order"?
RE: Why Is Hart So Fearful Of Discussing His "New World Order"? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 30 Apr 2008, 06:06 Why Is Gary Hart So Fearful Of Discussing His "New World Order"? Former Senator Gary Hart seems to be having difficulties remembering his last lie because he fouled up again in his latest confrontation with We Are Change by reversing his assertion that he never used the term "new world order," contradicting his previous falsehood, but still seemed fearful of discussing exactly what the term meant. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/april2008/043008_hart_fearful. htm
Re: White House Has No Info On Executed Americans In Mexico
RE: White House Has No Info On Executed Americans In Mexico ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 03 Jun 2008, 19:12 White House Has No Information On Hundreds Of Kidnapped, Executed Americans In Mexico The White House has declared that it has no information on any ongoing judicial processes concerning hundreds of kidnappings and murders of American citizens by Mexican drug cartels and gangs between 2005 and 2007. http://infowars. net/articles/june2008/030608Mexico. htm
Re: When "sorry" Is Not Good Enough
RE: When "Sorry" Is Not Good Enough ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 16 Jun 2008, 13:48 When "Sorry" Is Not Good Enough With Michael Reagan set to offer his "apology" today to Mark Dice, for whom last week he all but put out a contract on his life for sending 9/11 truth material to U.S. troops, some are asking whether Reagan should be made an example of by the FCC and the courts in order to put a halt to a culture of Neo-Con intimidation that is chilling free speech in America. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/june2008/061608_not_enough. htm
Re: When "sorry" Is Not Good Enough
RE: When "Sorry" Is Not Good Enough ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 16 Jun 2008, 13:48 When "Sorry" Is Not Good Enough With Michael Reagan set to offer his "apology" today to Mark Dice, for whom last week he all but put out a contract on his life for sending 9/11 truth material to U.S. troops, some are asking whether Reagan should be made an example of by the FCC and the courts in order to put a halt to a culture of Neo-Con intimidation that is chilling free speech in America. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/june2008/061608_not_enough. htm
Re: Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?
RE: Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 06 Aug 2008, 17:51 Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches? During a visit to a breathtaking, beautiful and ornate Christian cathedral in Lucerne, Switzerland last week, I was taken aback by the sight of something that seemed completely out of context and out of place - a baleful and evil-looking Illuminati eye staring out over a representation of the crucified Jesus. Why do similar depictions infest Christian churches the world over? http://www. prisonplanet. com/why-does-the-illuminati-eye-infest-christian-churches. html
Re: Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?
RE: Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?
Re: What Is The Secret Killing Weapon In Iraq?
RE: What Is The Secret Killing Weapon In Iraq? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 09 Sep 2008, 20:54 What Is The Secret Killing Weapon In Iraq? Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward revealed to Larry King last night that the U.S. has embarked on a “secret killing program” in Iraq which has dramatically reduced attacks on coalition troops by wiping out terrorists, but what could this secret weapon possibly be? http://www. prisonplanet. com/what-is-the-secret-killing-weapon-in-iraq. html
Re: What Price Valor?
Captain's Log;  Stardate 12035. 15:What in the bloody hell do I have to do to get out of this current funk I am in?  I see things all around me, people moving on and making better choices for themselves, and i am happy for them, yet for myself I see no way out.  I do not think all the synapses are firing, but it is a points like this where I am ready to throw in the towel, I have had enough, life has beat me down.  I have been advised not to let life beat me down, but I'd be damned if it is not one tricky mother to knock down.  The way I have been feeling is I keep swinging, and I have not been able to land one single blow yet; in my own humble opinion I have barely made any progress.Do not get me wrong, I have made great strides in the way of beauties and instead of being convinced that I was never good enough to be with any of them, I have upgraded my thinking to I am only good to be around for a couple of months, if I am even that lucky.  There have been a couple of beauties that on
Rewind Internally
I long to feel wanted your thoughts are of me. I'll match and exceed from years of longing. Your eyes and mine meet from time to time. Our hands clasp w/ fingers entertwined. Prints from a foot as it presses with waves. The ocean cleans hurt and replaces with warmth. A setting past and a setting sun,almost to permanent as I chose the wrong one. She doesn't know nor does she care but everyday a smile contines in place. I said yes and I work it internally but my love for my daughter will stay on her face. Damion
Give me this time, briefly, a breath, if only a breath, a moment away from you, not that there isn't love, just exhaustion, tired, remind me of everything, remind me why I love you, because all I have is tired, exhausted. remind me. remind me,
Rewinding And Restarting
Ever feel like you walking through tar. Like up to your knees tar. Struggling, flailing, and really getting nowhere. Nevertheless you try. Who would be that stupid to jump into a pit of tar? *waves hand* Oh yea, just call me TAR-zan, BWAHAHAHA! =P Ok that was lame, funny, but lame. So I fling myself into situations for no particular reason. I put myself in this unprogressive state. I am in disbelief as well. I want to grow out of this, no, not grow up, I vowed that would never happen, and its not gonna =P. I ponder my existence frequently, daily, and I have so much I have to do. Yet my old brave soul is gone, I left it back "there somewhere. I was never the person I wanted to be, but I was quite the fireball. I miss my fire. So I'm going back, building an imaginary time machine I suppose. I'm not sure of the first step, I am still a bit lost and confused, but not enough to stop my ambition. So we will see..... "A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead, really. They'
Have you ever wished life had a rewind button,where u could rewind back through the good parts?Fast forward through the bad ones and even get back to the best part.Or the wonderful pause button to freeze that great moment in time.Just think if life was like that......where would we all be right now?Although,I sometimes wished I could do this..there are very few things I would change.The way my life has gone from the time I was born till now is meant to be.It has made me the person I am today.Just think if I had been born with a silver spoon in mouth..I would probably not be the person I am today.I have been hurt in several ways in my life from physically,mentally and emotionally but these things just made me a stronger person.Sometimes even when it seems that I am strong I still need that reassuring hug or touch.My smile does not mean that everything is just means that I have put everything bad aside for now and went through my day.When I go to work.. Only when I am alone,when t
Dead. Bang. Time paused for a sec Ond? One? What has become "You to shit didn't I!" Im confused now Trunk Fuckin The In Get What?! Get in the fuckin trunk As I start to feel like something is Fuck as funny Which is kind of funny as fuck This wouldnt have happened If i didnt try to sell A loaded gun.
Rewind Life???
If you could rewind your life to a certain point, what part of your life would you go back to? You would be allowed to make any changes to that certain point in life that you wanted to make. Do you think that if you could do this your life would have been completely different? Or would it have been worse because you missed out on one of your life lessons. Do you think some things that happened were meant to be and even though they may have been negative, the end result helped to shape who you are today? Would you go back to make changes or would you go back just to take a look at yourself or just for the memories? Or if given the chance, would you decline the offer to rewind to a certain point in your life?
Rewind Life
If you could rewind your life to a certain point, what part of your life would you go back to? You would be allowed to make any changes to that certain point in life that you wanted to make. Do you think that if you could do this your life would have been completely different? Or would it have been worse because you missed out on one of your life lessons. Do you think some things that happened were meant to be and even though they may have been negative, the end result helped to shape who you are today? Would you go back to make changes or would you go back just to take a look at yourself or just for the memories? Or if given the chance, would you decline the offer to rewind to a certain point in your life?
erase and forget. thats all i want now
Re: Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded On 9/11
RE: Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded On 9/11 ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 04 Feb 2008, 21:25 Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded On 9/11 Straight talking American icon Willie Nelson today told a national radio show that he thought the twin towers were imploded like condemned Las Vegas casino buildings, as the country music superstar controversially voiced his doubts about the official 9/11 story.
Re: Willie Nelson Fears Election Could Be Cancelled
RE: Willie Nelson Fears Election Could Be Cancelled ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 04 Feb 2008, 22:19 Willie Nelson Fears Election Could Be Cancelled Country music legend Willie Nelson fears the 2008 presidential election could be cancelled due to a national state of emergency and that George W. Bush could occupy the White House for another decade.
Re: Willie Nelson: Impeach Bush, "throw The Bastards Out"
RE: Willie Nelson: Impeach Bush, "Throw The Bastards Out" ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 18 Feb 2008, 22:10 Willie Nelson: Impeach Bush, "Throw The Bastards Out" American icon Willie Nelson says he supports efforts to impeach President Bush and "throw the bastards out," adding that the administration will do anything to stay in power, including staging an event to cancel the election.
Re: Willie Nelson Spills Beans On Toll Road Rejection
RE: Willie Nelson Spills Beans On Toll Road Rejection ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 19 Feb 2008, 17:43 Willie Nelson: I'd Rather Have an Electric Chair Named After Me Than a Toll Road Country music icon Willie Nelson said it would have been "one of the dumbest things" he could have ever done to accept an invitation from the state of Texas to have a toll road named after him.
Everyday I watch you pass by, Your life seems to be so grand. Someday your feet will hit, And where are you gonna land. You think it's all sweet, But you don't know the truth. So simple,so young, You don't know the truth. Lifes struggles get harder, More than you can believe. You have to keep going forward, A game you can't leave. You go sideways, more than you know. I'm kinda wondering how far Before you start to know. Since you we're young, Your mind hasn't aged a bit. You still live in yesterday, Has any of this even hit. Watch your little house on the prarie, And keep your 80's do because thats the way, Everyone remembers you. You need a spark, Something I guess I can't give. But you know as I, This is no way to live. You break my heart, with each passing day. I just wish You could look at yourself, And see things a different way. I'm not the only one, Others see it to. My biggest problem my friend, Is I won't quit loving you.
Re: Will Fed Act To Save Dollar With Modest Rate Cut?
RE: Will Fed Act To Save Dollar With Modest Rate Cut? ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 18 Mar 2008, 17:02 Will Fed Act To Save Dollar With Modest Rate Cut? The Federal Reserve will today let its actions speak louder than words and likely deliver a full percentage point interest rate cut, a move that will send the ailing U.S. dollar tumbling further and prove once again that Bernanke and Paulson's "strong dollar" rhetoric is nothing more than hot air. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/march2008/031808_save_dollar. htm
Rewind To The 80's On Thursday Nights With Agem4life As Your Dj
Join us tonite as our very own Gemini aka aGEM4life rewinds time and goes back to the 80s. Nothing but 80s music for 3 hours. Hope to see you there. Lookin for some good music? Then stop in the HockingRadio Lounge. 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week you'll hear the hottest variety on the net.
The Re-wire!
For those of you that don't know what's been going on, I had to have my house re-wired electrically. The house was built in 1940 and I think most of the wiring was original to the house, it was on 100amp service with no ground wires. It's been converted to 200amp service with grounds...It started yesterday morning about 915am and they quit about 7pm last night, but in the process...was unable to rehook my fridge/freezer to electicity (major bummer) Lost a half gallon of Blue Bell chocolate ice cream (the best) and of course the Klondike Bars...and other assorted perishables. That was thanks to Entergy, the power company here, that wouldn't do an emergency for the one outlet, they refused, said they need 3 days notice to grant it. That's BULL!!! They came back this morning at 9am to finish, they finally finished at almost 4pm...I'm so glad it's done and over with. Now if I only had Bob
Re: Will Authorities Stage Riots In Denver?
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 25 Aug 2008, 12:39 Will Authorities Stage Riots In Denver? The major question hanging over the Democratic National Convention, which starts in Denver today, is whether or not authorities will follow the lead of previous mass protest events, and actively stage violence to justify a brutal crackdown on legitimate demonstrators. http://www. prisonplanet. com/will-authorities-stage-riots-in-denver. html
Rewind To The 80's
Join us tonite as our very own Gemini aka aGEM4life rewinds time and goes back to the 80s. Nothing but 80s music for 2 hours. Hope to see you there. > Lookin for some good music? Then stop in the HockingRadio Lounge. 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week you'll hear the hottest variety on the net.
Rewind To The 80's With Gemini!
Join us tonite as our very own Gemini aka aGEM4life rewinds time and goes back to the 80s. Nothing but 80s music for 2 hours. Hope to see you there.
Rewind 2 The 80s With Gemini!!
Join us tonite as our very own Gemini aka aGEM4life rewinds time and goes back to the 80s. Nothing but 80s music for 2 hours. Hope to see you there.
Because our former small-town parish was not a wealthy one, our pastor was dependent on parishioners for upkeep and maintenance of the church. Once he asked my husband, Sam, to rewire the confessionals. The only way to reach the wiring was to enter the attic above the altar and crawl over the ceiling by balancing on the rafters. Concerned for my husband's safety, I waited in a pew. Unbeknownst to me, some parishioners were congregating in the vestibule. They paid little attention to me, probably assuming I was praying. Worried about my husband, I looked up toward the ceiling and yelled, "Sam, Sam, are you up there? Did you make it okay?" There was quite an outburst from the vestibule when Sam's hearty voice echoed down, "Yes, I made it up here just fine!" 
Re: Wnv
DSHS Issues Mosquito Precautions The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is reminding Texans that the arrival of fall does not mean they should relax their guard against mosquito bites. “In most of Texas, we wouldn’t know it was fall without a calendar,” said Tom Sidwa, a veterinarian and manager of DSHS’ zoonosis control program. “Temperatures remain high, and mosquitoes are still very active.” He said 30 percent of the state’s 1,700 West Nile cases from 2002 – 2006 became ill after Aug. 31. Mosquitoes can carry viruses that cause West Nile, dengue fever, western equine encephalitis, eastern equine encephalitis and St. Louis encephalitis. Sidwa offered the following precautions to reduce the risk of mosquito-borne infection. •Use an insect repellent that contains DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus. •Drain standing water from around homes. Empty cans, buckets, tires, rain gutters and flower pot bases regula
Rewording And Adding To The Privacy Issue
Ok maybe i need to reword this a little.. those with kids and major jobs need to be private.. i am not saying those should be open for all to see.. the main thing i am saying is that say you don't have kids or talk about your kids.. and all you do is just vent about the life you have now whether it be with your signifigant other or just everyday things that may or may not make you mad, upset, happy... stuff like that. I just don't see the purpose for hiding behind a profile unless you are under age or the other above mentioned things... Why hide yourself and have the profile and not let people view it to see if they wanted to talk with you or if they may have things in common with you... its not that i am saying for everyone to not talk.. or not hide their profile.. its just when you go surfing profiles and you come across one that is set to private though that person may be in your area doesn't it just make you wonder.. what they might be hiding that they have it set to priv
Re-worded *i Will Survive*
My Fren Mousie Sent This To Me.. Enjoy! ROTFLMAO!! The newly re-worded version of "I Will Survive" for 2007 SING IT GIRLS!!! Ready... set... go... At first I was afraid, I was petrified. When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died! But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long, That I grew strong, And I knew that I could take you on... But there you are, another lie, I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French Fry! I should have known that it was bullshit, just a sad pathetic dream, Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those jeans! Go on now - go, walk out the door, Don't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4! Weren't you a punk to think I wouldn't find you out!? Don't you know we're only joking when we say size don't count??!! [Chorus] I will survive! I will survive! Cuz as long as I have batteries, My sex life's gonna thrive! I will always have good sex, with a handful of latex! I will su
Re: Wont See This On Fox-ahmadinejad Meets With Jewish Rabbis
RE: Wont See This On Fox-Ahmadinejad Meets With Jewish Rabbis ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: BOBBY L.A. HIPHOP Date: 28 Sep 2007, 02:40 REPOST THIS BULLETIN*(to repost hit reply then copy and paste)----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: JudascomplexxDate: Sep 26, 2007 6:56 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Pray4GazaDate: Sep 26, 2007 3:48 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: bobbyDate: Sep 26, 2007 6:36 PMthanks¢(ô_0)× Anti-MatrixRE: Not in the News: Ahmadinejad meets Jewish rabbis in New York BreakTheB0x 4 Ron Paul frEinLy Fier l l 9 (eMenY teRribaLisT)) .Date: Sep 26, 2007 9:59 AMFrom: Hugo ChavezPresident Ahmadinejad meets Jewish rabbis in New York Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Monday afternoon met with a group of Jewish rabbis who gave him a silver grail as a sign of friends
Re: "worst Vaccine Bill Ever": Compulsory Shots For All Children
RE: "Worst Vaccine Bill Ever": Compulsory Shots For All Children ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 30 May 2008, 19:20 "Worst Vaccine Bill Ever" Seeks Compulsory Shots For All Children A pending New York State Assembly Bill dubbed, the "worst vaccine bill ever" by one activist group, would see all vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made mandatory for all children, including infants and toddlers. http://infowars. net/articles/may2008/300508vaccines. htm
Re: Woodward: Bin Laden Capture Could Be October Surprise
RE: Woodward: Bin Laden Capture Could Be October Surprise ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 10 Sep 2008, 12:02 Woodward: Bin Laden Capture Could Be October Surprise Pulitzer prize winning journalist Bob Woodward, who helped uncover the Watergate scandal in 1972, says that the October surprise in the run-up to the presidential election could be the death or capture of Osama bin Laden. http://www. prisonplanet. com/woodward-bin-laden-capture-could-be-october-surprise. html
Reworded Song
Cheater, cheater where'd you meet her on fubar?? Did she smile your way twirl her hair and say how cute your dimples are? Did she use that line your lounge or mine while ya shout boxed with her real slow? Tell me cheater, cheater where'd you meet that no good white trash ho?   Liar, liar, did you buy her bling or VIPs!!!? Did you hide all my pics or make it where she cant see them??? When the deed was done and you had your fun did you think I wouldn't know? Tell me cheater, cheater where'd you meet that no good white trash ho?       Now I'm not one to judge someone that I ain't never met. But to lay your hands on anothers gurl man's bout as low as a gal can get. Well I wish her well as she rots in hell and you can tell her I said so. Cheater, cheater where'd you meet that no good white trash ho.   Loser, loser, hope you love her cause your stuck with her now. Take your sorry butt, and block me cuz im done with ya ass. But I just wish you'd tell me this one thing befo
Rewriting And Improving Stuff. The Other One Seemed Really Kinda Dumb.
If you really think you could be that special....GF APP — Friday, 29 September 2006 Yah, I allready know who I want right now. But I saw it on myspace, and thought that it needed some work. So I changed it, and added to it. So it's up mostly as showing off my ideas and writing. SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE SEND THiS BACK TO YOU! EVEN iF YOU HAVE A BOYFRiEND OR GiRLFRiEND- REPOST THiS! GiRLS TiTLE iT "BOYFRiEND APPLiCATiON" BOYS TiTLE iT "GiRLFRiEND APPLiCATION" 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Fave fashion style ? 5. Are we friends? 6. Do you have a crush on me? 7. Are you looking for a faithful relationship? 8. Would you enjoy it? 9. What do you want out of a relationship? 10. Would you ever get the nerve to ask me out? 11.Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 12. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 13. What's your sense of humor like? 14.Would you walk on the beach with me? 15. _____ Is the key to happiness.
Re-written By Me From The Candyman Song From Willy Wonka
Who can take a pussy, cover it with goo, hump it like a bunny, and im a minute he'll be through The Pussyman, The Pussyman can, The Pussyman can cause he mixes the sex up and makes your ass feel good. Who can take a penis, rub it up your thigh, slide it in your pussy, and make you moan and scream oh my, The Pussyman, The Pussyman can, The Pussyman can cause he mixes the sex up and makes your ass feel good. Joe Dubree makes, the ladies masturbate, fullfilling their sexual needs, and all their passionate wishes, some might even say they taste delicious. Who can take a virgin, make her have a wet dream, use vibrating dildos, just to blow off a little steam, The Pussyman, Joe Dubree can The Pussyman can cause he mixes the sex up and makes your ass feel good, and your ass feels good cause The Pussyman thinks it should.
Rewritting History
Cyanide & Happiness @
Re: Writtings From A Soldier Ty Lori Berry
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: SUPPORT TROOPS,The Diesel and Michael & Susan Date: Aug 21, 2007 6:32 PM These are still unpolished and not sure that they ever will be.....Women in the MilitaryI have followed in their footsteps The mothers, sisters, and aunts of our countries pastThey have fought and died on wars bloodied battlefields They have redefined duty,honor, valor, and courage Our daughters, sisters, and neicesknow thier stories and examplesThey understand that a woman dies as a man does With the knowledge that it is for the greater goodFor our future generations for those to have more than we have They give their lives selflesslyas do our fighting men But with more at riskas they are never to be knownor have their name on a wallLori D. BerryUnthanked SentryFor our military personnel. Thank you to My Superman for this.Faceless and namelessSpit upon and MistreatedUnthanked and never appreciated Days never knowing when or if next mealWeeks not kn
Rewriting My Thesis
Just wanted to let you all know that I will probably be off-line for about a week. My professor just called to let me know that the form, style and subject was not what the University was looking for. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hopefully, when I return, it will be with all my capacities. LOL Love you all and miss you more HUGS C~
Re: Wright Says U.s. Government Capable Of Creating Aids Virus
RE: Wright Says U.S. Government Capable Of Creating AIDS Virus ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 29 Apr 2008, 14:34 Wright Says U.S. Government Capable Of Creating AIDS Virus Barack Obama's outspoken pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., defended his statements accusing the U.S. government of deliberately engineering the AIDS virus as a means of genocide during a National Press Club appearance yesterday by citing the documented history of the U.S. government's involvement in biological warfare operations against innocent people. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/april2008/042908_creating_aids. htm
I feel like I need to re-write what I'd just written. Being "played" wasn't exactly the word I should have used. I feel like I'm being used by a friend. I'm always there for her and when I 'need' her...she's never around. I'm feeling like crap and just wanted to talk...and when she sent me an IM she asked me how I was doing. I said I was sick......she all the sudden had to go. I said one thing to her and she was gone. Blah
Rewriting The Dictionary...
When you lose a child it redefines so many words.... the words like agony, bereaved, missing, grief, sadness, void and pain are redefined.... because we have experienced them to a level we never knew was possible before losing our children. It redefines words like important, worthy, love, faith..., respect, cherish and value. Because we know what it is like to lose the best of all of those... it makes it clearer how to focus on the things that should matter ...other children and loved ones. We learn to focus on the good, no matter how small because without that focus the grief and pain we have each endured would over whelm us. We learn to distance ourselves from things and people that cause us pain, because we've had more than our share of of heartache and people and things that add to it are like a poison. We learn that love is the most important of emotions and that anger rots our souls from the inside out. So words like friend, friendship, family, support and relationshi
Rewrite - Fma
Wanting to spit out the jarred thoughts isBecause there's no other proof of my existenceMy future that I should've grabbed hold isConflicting between "dignity" and "freedom"Wanting to erase the distorted afterimage isBecause I'll see my limit over thereIn the window of the excessively self-conscious meThere are no dates in last year's calendarErase and rewriteThe pointless ultra-fantasyReviveThe unforgettable sense of beingRewriteThe meaningless imaginationThe driving force that creates youGive it your whole body and soulAfter cutting my feelings that grew, I regretAfter realizing that after all, I'm just a mediocrity, I cryA depressed heartA dirty lieErase and rewriteThe pointless ultra-fantasyReviveThe unforgettable sense of beingRewriteThe meaningless imaginationThe driving force that creates youGive it your whole body and soul
Re Written
You lean over to me and whisper in my ear I want to fuck your mouth. Then smile and sit back continuing with your dinner. I move in my seat crossing my legs tighter together totally aware of the fact that you have not let me wear my panties, your weekend your rules and rule number one is no panties at all. As the waiter comes over to refresh our drinks you tell him that we are thinking of having desert. I almost moan out load, you only order desert when you are in one of your little €œtorture me€ moods. . While you are enjoying your desert, seated across from me, you take your foot, which you have removed you shoe and sock from, and start rubbing up and down my calf. Working your way up higher little by little, you have me spread my legs wide, as you move your foot in between my legs, rubbing hard against my pussy. You take your toes and start rubbing hard on my clit. As you let out a moan the people around you look over but can't see anything. You rub hard
Another Dig   Tuesday mourninghad a way of quietlypassing theshovelinto my red blushinghands { Dig }These musclesof myCemetery mindunearthing and provokingyour heart to the dirty aching surfaceOh your smile was akiller,honeyThe barrel reloadingterrific wordstoo lovely notto place the silver in my mouth and eatit whole{ Bang }I covet the bullets of lossRemembering nothing importantlasts foreverThe tomb of my heartas emptyas the .45 dangling likean idol in your handsSome things cannot be erasedNot the silkscreen of your childish laughterNot the epitaph on your overgrown grave
Just(U/us)   Plush heart in hand I make waves into letters that curl into Your name My fingers brace it, knowing that to break it would be a thousand deaths for my own I want to absorb it   Cradling the velvet muscle I bring it to life   and   heal every fracture with soft kisses, murmurs My lines are drawn against the beat of chest.. so effortless it is to be   enslaved by this moment   The camera flashes imperials of sun- scorched beauty to capture my intent So unreal Even I know I am asleep
A red dawn is settling against the backdrop of your eyes  I see now the love was trapped inside all this time  I shake with mirrors and miles and fight to hold on these whispers that leave me raw Open  If i am sick than so be itAs i have said before it is my illness, my suffering  Mine Mine Mine I won't hide in the cold shadows  anxiety and dawn Smoke curls around my  hand splashed with poems of my disease Oh LoverThere is nothing but songs and plush hearts beneath your eyes A brilliance that when I press my face to it becomes a flower These woes and words in your absencecatching and releasing my disease into the frigid Sun is   Love   Damn the distance
Re: Wtc Worker Witnessed Lobby Explosions On 9/11
WTC Worker Witnessed Lobby Explosions On 9/11 A man who was working in the World Trade Center on 9/11 has told WeAreChange. org that he personally witnessed explosions in the lobby area after he left the building to buy hot dogs at the same time that the first plane hit the north tower RE: WTC Worker Witnessed Lobby Explosions On 9/11 ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 03 Oct 2007, 22:24 WTC Worker Witnessed Lobby Explosions On 9/11 A man who was working in the World Trade Center on 9/11 has told that he personally witnessed explosions in the lobby area after he left the building to buy hot dogs at the same time that the first plane hit the north tower. WTC Worker Witnessed Lobby Explosions On 9/11 ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Alex Jones Date: 03 Oct 2007, 22:24 WTC
Re: Wtc Collapse Cover-up Justifies Call For New Inquiry
RE: WTC Collapse Cover-Up Justifies Call For New Inquiry ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 26 Mar 2008, 23:33 Report Of WTC Collapse Cover-Up Justifies Call For New Inquiry Richard Gage AIA, the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and hundreds of other industry experts' call for a new investigation into the collapse of the WTC twin towers and Building 7 is gaining strength following revelations of falsification and cover-up in relation to the FEMA-funded inquiry into the destruction of the buildings on 9/11. http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/march2008/032608_justifies_call. htm
Re: Wtc 7 Emergency Head Was Building Collapse Specialist
RE: WTC 7 Emergency Head Was Building Collapse Specialist ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 10 Jul 2008, 23:20 WTC 7 Emergency Head Was Building Collapse Specialist The former New York City chief emergency manager Jerome Hauer, whose office was on the 23d floor of WTC 7, was also a building collapse specialist, according to a recently uncovered New York Times article. Hauer has attracted suspicion from the 9/11 truth movement because of his zeal to push the official story in the hours after the attack when details were still sketchy. http://www. prisonplanet. com/wtc-7-emergency-head-was-building-collapse-specialist. html
Re: Wwf Blames Global Cooling On "carbon Pollution"
RE: WWF Blames Global Cooling On "Carbon Pollution" ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 03 Sep 2008, 22:36 WWF Blames Global Cooling On "Carbon Pollution" Conservation group World Wildlife Fund has blamed human carbon emissions for the fact that the coldest August has been recorded in Australia for more than 60 years. http://www. infowars. net/articles/September2008/030908Cooling. htm
My friend has a dog that is an australian shepard/german shepard and who needs a good home if anyone knows where this beautiful 5 month old puppy that needs some love so if anyone has a good home or knows a friend please contact me or this puppy is in trouble so if you have or know a good home please contact me.
Rex 84 And Fema
REX 84 AND FEMA MINDFULLY, 2004 - There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. . . The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons. Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper
Rex 84: Fema's Blueprint For Martial Law In America
Rex 84: FEMA's Blueprint for Martial Law in America by Allen L Roland Global Research, August 20, 2006 Blogs Email this article to a friend Print this article We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84. The Cheney/Bush administration has a plan which would accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens during times of emergency. The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state. The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly r
Rex Grossfuck
Guess it's not quite whipping season yet for the baseball teams in Chicago, as Mariotti goes back to a favorite topic from the season just past. Rex Grossman. What's up with that? Quote Grossman in Baltimore to receive an award: "What I've noticed in this league is that it's exaggerated in both ways. The media would never tell you if you're just good. You're either great or you're terrible. People have a short memory, especially if you aren't established in this league. In some of those games, I was bad. I had 13 or 14 games I'm extremely proud of and five or six that were really bad. After those really bad games, they wanted to kick me out of the league. And it wasn't that long after I was Offensive Player of the Month. The swings of criticism were much bigger than swings in my play.'' Writes Mariotti in response: "Not to call him delusional or anything, but a Britney Spears mood meter displays more stability than a Rex Grossman performance chart." It would definitely help
Rex Manning At The Mikado
Back Alley Beats Friday, December 1, 2006 - 9:00pm to 2:15am Rex Manning The Truth Sound FX Mikado, The, 117 St. Paul St. Map It St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada No Cover
Re: Xmas....
hey i just wanted to write this lovley note about xmas ...well buhumbug...i ahte xmas it sucks it really all about the kids and the fun stuff they have out there for the holiday...well i am just saying "MY XMAS SUCKS".....the only thing that is good about it is...ITS ALMOST OVER ...FUCK any ways enoff with being the grinch...i want to wish all my cherry freinds a very merry xmas and a kick ass new year because my new year is going to be magical and full of positive things that will happen in the near future.......8 days to go till " 2007 yeah ..... hugs and kisses to all hotmama420
Yo Yo Yo Are_e_Why [REY] is on air come on in and stay a while! We got great people and great music! Click here to enter HipHopZ! And be sure to show Are_e_Why [REY] DJ @ Hip HopZ some fulove! -@ fubar
Rey Del Producto Grueso Fino Envía
Tirano local Kim no aparece, no nota 3, Samsung GALAXY S4 es el estado de ser intocable Huang, ambos amigos íntimos pueden sentirse preocupados por las estadísticas ZDC a la mitad, esta máquina Samsung emperador es cómo popularidad. Aunque la generación de nuevo para máquinas viejas, pero del rey en virtud de acumular gas ultra alto en la primera mitad, máquina, hasta ahora todavía tiene buena recolección. Fuerte dual quad core configuración, imagen de HD pixel posterior 13 millones, juntada con el diseño de pantalla grande para cómodo control con una sola mano, esta máquina emperador, creo que el amor es duro! Así, su precio es bastante caro, se recomienda que un teléfono CUBOT C9 similar. Versión única tarjeta de la Samsung GALAXY S4 16GB apariencia de bien, en la parte delantera con un 5-pulgadas HD Super AMOLED Mostrar, con resoluciones de hasta 1920 X 1080 píxeles FHD nivel; en la parte trasera del fuselaje con un cuidadosamente 13 millones pixeles "no apilada" lente, contiene LE
Rey Mysterio Music
Reyna'sseafood Pasta
Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 20 minutes Serves: 6 Ingredients 1 lb. clams, scrubbed 1 yellow onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped 3 stalks celery, chopped 2 Tbsps. olive oil 1/4 cup butter 1/2 lb. scallops 1/2 lb. fresh salmon fillets 1-1/2 cups dry white wine 2 Tbsps. fresh basil 2 Tbsps. fresh oregano 1 tsp. fresh rosemary 1 lb. linguine salt and pepper to taste 2 Tbsps. fresh parsley, for garnish Instructions In a large pot, steam the clams until just opened, but save the water to cook the linguini. In a large pan, sauté the onion, celery, and bell pepper in olive oil. Add the wine and reduce about 25%, and add salmon cut in bite-sized pieces, scallops, and fresh minced herbs. Start cooking the linguini. Adjust salt, pepper and herbs to taste. Remove the clams form the shell and add. Toss the sauce over the pasta and sprinkle minced parsley on top. Serve with grated Parmesan cheese, garlic bread, and salad. Serves 6.
~reyna~party Salsa Dip
4 large tomatoes 1 large onion 1 large green pepper 1 large red or yellow pepper 4 large diced garlic cloves 1 tbs. diced jalapenos 1 tbs. olive oil 1/2 can corn 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper diced cilantro to taste diced black olives juice from 1 or 2 limes depending on your taste. i like 2. Dice tomatoes, peppers and onions. Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate 1 hour before serving with nacho chips. Also very good over tacos and taco salads. Easy to make.
Re: Youtube Challenge "2007" Child Abuse Not For Kids Viewing!
Re: You Are A Slave And These Are Your Masters
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: bobby Date: 18 Sep 2007, 08:05 thanksFunky Vibes!Thanks!CrowleyThanks Don_Anonimus Truth NetworkSJockDate: Sep 17, 2007 3:44 PM
Re: You Are A Terrorist.
RE: You are a terrorist. ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: *RC_REVOLUTION [resistance] -RONPAUL2008- Date: 30 Nov 2007, 14:29 Attention everyone reading this, you my friend are a terrorist.That's right, a terrorist. Well at least according to The Violent Radicalization Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 It's already been passed by the House, next on to the Senate, and if it's already been passed by the House.. than it's going to have an easy time to push through the Senate.So, what does this all mean to me?" You may ask yourselves. It means that the government will have a panel APPOINTED BY BUSH who oversees. You, and You, and You, and You.. and You over there. They will look at your records of online activity.. they will look at your video rentals, your book rentals. They will talk to your teachers, your neighbors, your fucking priest. They will then hold a session...on whether or not to deem you a terrorist. Not only this, but they will litera
Re: Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A Cia Creation
RE: Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 04 Dec 2007, 19:37 Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation An ABC news piece that ran yesterday morning attracted attention after four Pakistanis who were being interviewed about the attitudes and life of young people in Pakistan declared Osama Bin Laden to be a creation of western intelligence and stressed that Islamic extremist attitudes towards the west were virtually non existent in their country before 9/11.
Re: York The Opera House.
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Mostly Autumn Date: 06 Dec 2008, 21:12 York November 2008... Review: Mostly Autumn, York Opera House8:09am Tuesday 2nd December 2008Ladies and gentlemen, I have seen the future of British progressive rock, and it’s name is Mostly Autumn.With apologies to a similar quote written over 35 years ago about the then-unknown Bruce Springsteen, if Mostly Autumn can achieve just a fraction of the worldwide acclaim and record sales of dear Brucie, then I would die a happy man.Regularly regarded as one of the UK’s greatest undiscovered underground bands over the past ten years, founder members and collaborators Bryan Josh and Heather Findlay returned on a cold, November evening to their home town to play a very special gig.This gig was in support of their new CD Glass Shadows, but the audience was captivated by a strong two-and-a- half hour set. Fading Colours opened the proceedings with the eight- strong band hitting
Re: Yuh-oh, Everything You Type Into Your Computer ...
RE: Yuh-Oh, Everything You Type Into Your Computer ... ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Chrissay Date: 13 Nov 2007, 01:44 If this is true, it means that sitespaces is no "safer" than MySpace for posting political opinions.And I thought it was creepy when I heard a commercial sponsored "by the Dept. of Homeland Security" ...that was nothing compared to this. Thanks VadershineDate: Nov 13, 2007 2:07 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: TracerDate: Nov 12, 2007 8:39 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ByronDate: Nov 12, 2007 8:10 PMGOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! Turner Radio Network | October 4, 2005 Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet! Freedom Of Inform
Rezerection - "the Rushes" - The Awakening Of 96
Rezerection - "The Rushes" - The awakening of 96
Rezerection Best Of 95
Rezerection Best of 95
Rezerection Event 3
Rezerection Event 3
Rezerection Bass Generator 31-12-93 Pt1
Rezerection 2007 The Rushes
Rezerection 2007 The Rushes
Rez Is Back! Ttf Are Back!!!
REZ IS BACK! TTF ARE BACK!!! The Greatest Show On Earth is back @ Room At The Top on December 22nd in Bathgate. Saturday 22nd December 2007 - Menzies Road Bathgate EH48 1TQ Opening Times 7pm-4am - £15 Earlybird tickets (Limited 400 only) & £20 at the door thereafter. *** CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW *** On Monday 10th December for a limited time only we will be releasing the first 400 tickets on for only £15+PP, so you'll need to be quick to grab the bargain of the century! *** CLICK HERE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW *** VISIT THE REZERECTION FORUM FOR FULL INFO ON THE BEST XMAS LINE UP BAR NONE!: TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT Tickets Scotland,, 23rd Precinct, Rippin Records and all usual outlets. "Saturday the 22nd of December 2007 is the day good things started to happen again" Albums On Sale NOW!! Rezerection - Solid Gold Featuring brand new remixes of classic Rezerection anthems. Click Here for More Details & Online Purch
Re: Zinn: 9/11 Truth Is For "fanatics"
RE: Zinn: 9/11 Truth Is For "Fanatics" ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 21 Nov 2008, 20:07 Zinn: 9/11 Truth Is For "Fanatics", Has "No Practical Political Significance" Just days after left-wing anti-war icon Howard Zinn told an audience that he didn’t care if 9/11 was an inside job, he has repeated the sentiment, stating that questions regarding the attacks have "no practical political significance" and that 9/11 truth activists are "fanatics" who are wasting their time. http://www. infowars. net/articles/november2008/211108Zinn. htm
Rez Life
gramz, sitting outside wit her shades on, reminisce lil' sister shooting the basketball, she doesn't miss uncle leaning into the truck, tight bolt goes loose, he's pissed brother and I, making tracks in the ground, around our cars dusty knees, scratches, and deep cuts, that will later turn to scars rez ride show tonight, park at the gas station beneath the stars rez mutt barks, and everyone stops, who's coming to visit cousin, slowly creeping in his honda, his ride is bomping, isnt? grammz, stops remembering, looks at us wondering if we'd gone deaf cousin rolls down his window, asks if we have any S.I.C.C. stickers left we get back to work like we didnt hear, what he just said we need to finish our systems, cousin steps out to help instead we give him the neons, to install in his ride he smiles, now he has to find a place, somewhere to hide so when he rides with us tonight, on gold light he would glide this is my rez life this is what it
“I just want something I can never have."“My doctor says, 'You've got one of the hardest ones to treat because it's not bipolar, it's not up and down, you're always just about a quart low in the mood department,” “I've become impossible, holding on to when everything seemed to matter more.”
Rez Room At The Top 22/12/07
Rez Rats Drama And Trama
Well this weekend I had to go back to the rez that I am from for a wedding. My roommate married the love of her life and all that sick shit :(!! Nah thats love and I support it all ways. They both had shitty people before they found each other...I am just jealous. Neways I put up pictures of what I was wearing and I think that I looked good. I felt good about myself. I didn't have my mistress so I felt lost to say the least. My mistress gives me that support that I need. Before the reception and after the wedding I went to the local casino cause I had itchy palms (that means you are gonna get money). So I went to gamble and took a bathroom break before I planned on heading back to get tore up from the floor up. But when I was in the stall I heard some rez rats talking shit about me. Talking about how hideous I looked and they couldn't believe that I actually came back to the rez and I should have stayed under whatever man I was hiding under. I was really upset cause these little
Re: Zuckerman: Israel A 'client State' Of U.s.
RE: Zuckerman: Israel a 'Client State' of U.S. ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Chrissay (U KNOW Who I'd ♥ 4 Prez !) Date: 02 Mar 2008, 09:59 [I didn't see this when it came out, nearly a month ago ...quite interesting, and part of Joachim Martillo's very informative blogs]]Zuckerman: Israel a 'client state' of U.S.Published: 02/03/2008Mort Zuckerman, the editor of U.S. News & World Report, called Israel a "client state" of the United States."Israel has to understand — like it or not — it is not a great power. It is a client state. And therefore, it must be dependent upon a great power," Zuckerman said during an interview on Shalom TV's "World Jewish News" show last week. "There is no question that the United States has been and is the most reliable long-term friend and ally that Israel has, and it must do what it has to do in order to maintain that relationship. And if [cooperating with Bush's Annapolis peace initiative] is part of that price
Yesh! Rezurex is coming to Santa Cruz Dec. 13 WooHoo! I'm so excited my guy and i are going.
Where to locate RF in 2010 (hopefully not layin broke in the gutter) Scotland - Norway - Finland Russia - Germany Belgium Czech Republic Austria Croatia Greece Israel Egypt Bulgaria Italy Lithuania Turkey - Georgia Hungary Ukraine Moldova Armenia Kazakhstan Morocco Spain
show me some love and i will show it back , rate ,fan, add me plz. HUGS
All Of Sarge's Bad Girls Must R/F/A " Rate Fan Add" Everyone On The Bad Girls List ... If You Are A New Bad Girl... Make Sure When You Rate And Send A Friend Request That You Also Fan ... All Others..When You Accept An Add ..Make Sure You Go Back & Rate And Fan The Person That Added You.
R/f/a All These Wonderful Angels To Become One - Updated 31 Jul 08
R/f/a Giveaway! (mostly For Newbies)
R/F/A GIVEAWAY 100k Fubux GiveAway & 1st=100k, 2nd=50k, 3rd=25k Every New Rate/Fan/Add with a Sucker Gift Sent to Chipper Cutterbum Kara Carefully Corrupt (plus, We'll return the Rate & Fan Luvins, of course) (Yes, I will check their pages, & make sure you sent them their suckers too. Don't have 62 fubucks? Rate a couple of my pics... You'll raise the cash in no time... LOL) Every 50th Entry to R/F/A Adds Another Consolation Prize Ends at Close of Autos Sun/Monday ***DISCLAIMER*** ATTN: Do NOT Message me Repeatedly for the Same Payout! I have a Job as well as a Fu life. If you cannot be patient with payment, then DO NOT ENTER. I run a very fair & well planned out Giveaway. These things take time. I make payments periodically, but most payments are made when HHs are over, so I may Point Whore just like everyone else. I do make the occasional mistake, for no one is perfect, but be patient before questioning me. Thank you so much for your time and dedicat
R/f/a Her
Go to Stephanie Lynn's page Rate/Fan/Add her and tell her in ur friend request that vvjuggalette86 sent you if you haven't done it already she's cool trust me! Please and thanks! Stephanie Lynn@ fubar
R/f/a Me
If you haven't already done so please rate/fan/add me. I do appreciate picture rates. If you haven't rated me in awhile please re-rate me.
Rfa Perkkey!!!
Hey everyone!! Please stop and show this girl some love!!! You should at least rate fan and add her! Trust me she's definitely worth it!!! ~~Perkkey~~@ fubar Tell her Tempted sent you! This pimpout brought to you by: Tempted **Rate Spankers**Owned by ~~ Perkkey~~!!!**@ fubar
R/f/a/pamper Meeee...............
       R/F/A   OWN MEEEE PAMPER       ME!!!!  COMMENT MY PICS AND PROFILES  , I WANT YOU TO TAKE CARE OF ME.............            IF YOU WANT TO?????                 SINCERELY,                                   BLONDIE2222           
R/f/a These Awesome People!
Someone was joking the other day I have quite a Harem :P Here are some of the people I have won at auction... * Morgan Le Fay * Cut Throat Bitch * FuOwned by PHOTOBUG@ fubar ☆™©ღღCantSleepClownsWillEatMeღღ~ ☆☆♪@ fubar bibliophile@ fubar ~Hazyeyz ~ Spanker Family Memeber~@ fubar VAMP MORTICIA~WIFE OF SGT. RAIDER~Fu-Wifey of LaLa~I OWN DEVILSADVOCATE927@ fubar Vamp Morticia Supports the Military~Owned by Photobug@ fubar MishNumber1 ♥ Plz Rate & Fan Then Add Me. I Always Return The Luv ♥@ fubar Mistress Broken*FuOwned by Photobug*Sarges Bad Girls*Cherrybomb Pinup*Sur mes genoux*@ fubar Right~Kind~Of~Wrong~Fu-Owned by Photobug@ fubar King Domino`s ROSIE- Owner Of · ♫ÐĴ FäßŨ£ðŨ§♫@ fubar ☆♥rkkennedy84♥
Rfd: Full Moon Masturbation Club
I'd like to organize a full moon masturbation club where we all get totally naked and cum at either the precise time or around the same time as when the moon is full and while doing so projecting out to each other sexual Love energy along with the power of our orgasm. So around the time of each full moon I'm going to post as a status message, the time when the moon is full, at my location, I'm in the Eastern Time Zone, USA, you can google to see when the time is for wherever you are located and we can coordinate times. Ultimately, I would Love to do this as a big c2c arrangement, so if anyone has any idea how we can do that - maybe just all watch one another's cams - please let me know; but it's not necessary you can cum alone or thinking of us. Also as most of you know by now I absolutely Love masturbation, and if you do too, then let's share; nobody knows the spot and what does it for you better than you - of course it's fun trying with others too - but it's the high I get from the
Rfid Tags Good Or Bad What Do You Think
Rfid Chips
gee, now the government and my employer will know about my porn and bathroom habits...and maybe finding out about me going to church after a booty call..can't they just google it now?
Rfid Chip Implant Today
On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday. Like I said before, there are a legion of horrible and just plain evil aspects to this bill and I’m sure you’ve heard a lot them by now. I don’t want to discount them but what cannot be missed here is this new law now opens a prophetic door on a magnitude not seen since the reformation of Israel. This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”.It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and trac
Rfid Chip 2
Another hidden secret in Obamacare "RFID Chip Implants" Posted by KimmyKaye on January 22, 2011 at 10:37pm in Obama Care View Discussions And now we come to it. On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday. Like I said before, there are a legion of horrible and just plain evil aspects to this bill and I’m sure you’ve heard a lot them by now. I don’t want to discount them but what cannot be missed here is this new law now opens a prophetic door on a magnitude not seen since the reformation of Israel. This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment". It is now the law of the land that by March 23r
Rfid Chip
RFID Implants Are Real.Post by ~SureshotJoin us! thenwowillfailListen to our Radio show 5pm PST thenwowillfailA human microchip implant is an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "PositiveID Corporation" since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the name VeriChip or VeriMed. In 2007, it was revealed that nearly identical implants had caused cancer in hundreds of laboratory animals.[4]
Rfid Chip
RFID Implants Are Real.Post by ~SureshotJoin us! thenwowillfailListen to our Radio show 5pm PST thenwowillfailA human microchip implant is an identifying integrated circuit device or RFID transponder encased in silicate glass and implanted in the body of a human being. A subdermal implant typically contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information.In 2002, the VeriChip Corporation (known as the "PositiveID Corporation" since November 2009) received preliminary approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market its device in the U.S. within specific guidelines. The device received FDA approval in 2004, and was marketed under the name VeriChip or VeriMed. In 2007, it was revealed that nearly identical implants had caused cancer in hundreds of laboratory animals.[4]
Rfid Chip
Obama wants to microchip everyone like a dog! Obama wants to microchip everyone like a dog!Al RitterHere we are as Nancy Pelosi said, let’s just vote on the Healthcare bill and THEN we can see what’s in it! Well Nancy, you got your bill passed, and now we are getting to see what the democrats jammed into it, and I for one am NOT happy.H.R. 3200 was the bill the senate passed, then the House had to do their amendments to get a final vote, that bill is H.R. 3962, now mind you that H.R. 3962 is ONLY additional amendments to H.R. 3200 not a total replacement . With that being said, unless a specific area was amended, the wording of H.R 3200 stands.Now for the wording:Required RFID implanted chipSec. 2521, Pg. 1000 – The government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean?National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1001-1008:(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical devi
R Finding North Face Women's Bionic Jacket Jackson Unresponsive.
Discount North Face By giving Jackson doses of the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid in the singer's bedroom. Earlier, during his closing argument, Walgren projected images of Jackson's grief-stricken children on a giant screen and told jurors that Murray took away their father. With Jackson's mother and siblings watching from the courtroom gallery, Walgren showed a photo of Jackson at his last rehearsal before the picture of the three Jackson children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - at their father's memorial. He also North Face Men's Down Jackets reminded jurors of the scene in Jackson's bedroom when Paris came upon Murray frantically trying to revive her lifeless father and screamed, "Daddy!" Walgren portrayed Murray as a greedy opportunist who was more concerned with earning $150,000 a month as Jackson's personal physician and traveling to London for his "This Is It" concert than with the welfare of his patient. He cited evidence showing Murray did not call 911 after fin
R First Win In Forever, Potentially M
Playoff races are heating up, starting with the Bengals bid on Thursday night. Check out this weeks Power Rankings for more of my takes on all 32 teams. A look at the Week 15 matchups in the NFL: CINCINNATI (-5.5) at PHILADELPHIA Until late in the fourth quarter against Tampa Bay last week, Philadelphia looked to be much the same team that has been swirling the proverbial bowl for the last couple months, but rookie QB Nick Foles engineered two touchdown drives to give the Eagles their first win in forever, potentially making the Eagles a livelier underdog for this matchup against the Bengals, who suffered a crushing last-second loss to Dallas. Cincinnatis BenJarvus Green-Ellis and Philadelphias Bryce Brown both provide strong running games, but the Bengals have been more accomplished passers this season, with A.J.Green one of the games elite wide receivers. At one time, it would have been fascinating to see Green matched up with Nnamdi Asomugha, who was a lockdown cover corner not so
Rf's Funnies (bah, I'm Bored)
I am writing down all the funnies I make, for my future great grandchildren   Q:  Whats the diff between a zombie and a man? A:  A man will never hear "you just love me for my brains"   some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, you were born with a hanger in yours    
Rfs Review
RFS REVIEW Do you want to QUIT your job and make real money? RFS Review - The Reverse funnel system is a system that was built by Ty Coughlin and the Inner Circle to AUTOMATE the building of Global Resorts Network. It’s a completely designed soup to nuts internet marketing system. It comes complete with lead capture pages, websites, several different autoresponder campaigns, back end presentations and an enormous amount of resources on top of all that. The real purpose of the reverse funnel system is to evolve past the old home based business models. Before the RFS you would have to be cold calling prospects, following up with leads, getting people on conference calls, and trying to close them into your business.
Rfs Review - A Funded Proposal System
RFS Review - A funded proposal system: The Reverse Funnel System RFS Review is a Funded Proposal System. Prospects are asked to pay a $50 fee to apply to become part of the team. The $50 does not get them into the business, rather it is used to "weed out the tire kickers." This accomplishes a couple things. You know if your prospect refused to pay the $50, He/she probably wasn't that interested in the first place. The people paying the application fee are showing a high level of commitment to their success. It also creates an additional stream of income for the people marketing the system. After the application is received, the sponsor has a chance to decide if the applicant is a good fit for them to work with. If it is a fit, the prospect is invited to join the business. If it is not a fit, for whatever reason, the applicant's $50 is refunded and they are free to apply with another sponsor. The final step of the system is when the prospect accesses the product page. The
Rfs Really Works
RFS Really works: RFS RFS Scam is a Network Marketing program created by entrepreneur Ty Coughlin and members of his inner circle. These guys have combined their years of experience in this industry and came up with a completely automated online marketing technique that has new Home-base business owners and veterans alike producing results very quickly. This Network Marketing System is still a ground floor opportunity as it was kicked off in mid '07.In my six years in Network Marketing the results I'm witnessing from those members using The Reverse Funnel System have been nothing short of amazing! The fact that this system has a 100% automated sales process is shortening the learning curve usually experienced by newcomers, enabling them to start building their businesses almost immediately. The automated process that The RFS has set up is allowing newcomers to experience duplication faster than I have ever seen. Tags: reverse funnel system, reverse funnel system revi
Rfs Review
RFS reviewLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowWith the advancement of technology, the internet has gained the utmost importance. The entire business system revolves under the influence of internet marketing. Online marketing is the booming business of today and the Reverse Funnel System is the pioneer in making this system function effectively. With a team of members, Ty Coughlin has created a magnificent system called the Reverse Funnel System and it is changing lives, fast!The Reverse Funnel System is absolutely different from other systems that we have heard of till date. This system helps in bringing the typical type of people of your choice. The people of your choice mean the number of people having similar opinion. There are best and distinct benefits in the older network marketing forms. Speaking of difference, this system depends entirely on marketing and not on probabilities. People who opt for Reverse Funnel System should study and get trained in it to work for marketing.
Rfs Review
RFS reviewLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowDoes this Reverse Funnel System really work? Thousands of people are asking themselves that question right now. Is it Legitimate? Can I really make money? How does it work?These questions and the hundreds of others on people's minds right now will have different answers for each individual. However, 1 thing that Everyone researching the Reverse Funnel System needs to now is that there IS something Ty Coughlin isn't telling you.Coughlin and his "Inner Circle" put the Reverse Funnel System together to Grab your Attention and Play to your Emotions, and it does a very good job. The thing Coughlin isn't telling you is that it will take a lot of Work and a Commitment to Learn to be Successful with the system.If you are going to be successful with the Reverse Funnel System, you need to be open to Receiving an Education. To make the Reverse Funnel System, or any other Online Business Opportunity work, you will have to Learn Marketing. I can't st
Rfs Review
RFS reviewLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowWith the advancement of technology, the internet has gained the utmost importance. The entire business system revolves under the influence of internet marketing. Online marketing is the booming business of today and the Reverse Funnel System is the pioneer in making this system function effectively. With a team of members, Ty Coughlin has created a magnificent system called the Reverse Funnel System and it is changing lives, fast!The Reverse Funnel System is absolutely different from other systems that we have heard of till date. This system helps in bringing the typical type of people of your choice. The people of your choice mean the number of people having similar opinion. There are best and distinct benefits in the older network marketing forms. Speaking of difference, this system depends entirely on marketing and not on probabilities. People who opt for Reverse Funnel System should study and get trained in it to work for marketing.
Rfs Review
RFS reviewLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowThe Reverse Funnel System simply stated is a hands-off, automatic marketing system.Once you become a member of the RFS, it is your job to attract people to the same system through advertising. The Reverse Funnel System will cost you $50 to sign up to complete a survey. Your survey will be reviewed by one of the Inner Circle Members, individuals who have already joined the RFS, and you will be sent a series of messages explaining GRN, what it is and how the RFS can help you in your efforts to build a Global Resorts Network Business.If you choose to build a Global Resorts business, then you may also choose to use the Reverse Funnel System as a tool. If you do choose to use the RFS as a tool, you will be asked to pay $299 per month to be able to feed people into your system. The cost for the system can be covered if you have 6 paid survey takers per month who come through your system. This does not include the costs you will incur by advert
Rfs Review
RFS reviewLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowThe Reverse Funnel System is the system that I am talking about. If you really are the net savvy person that I assume you to be then you are probably going to be familiar with the term and the person behind it, yes that's right, the Steve jobs of the stay at home business model and entrepreneur himself- Ty Coughlin.Ty Coughlin and his famous band of brothers who rose from their humble origins to give you the mother of all systems that would enable you to make enough money that would give you the necessary impetus to take your life places.The Reverse Funnel System is one of the most successful systems that you would ever find on the internet and Ty Coughlin in my book is the guy second only to god.The Reverse Funnel System works so well. It builds anticipation and value by making potential sales go through a paid survey while at the same time it weeds out those who would be uncommitted and a waste of your time and energy.Tags: reverse fun
Rfs Scam
RFS scam Are you FAILING online? Train yourself to succeed today RFS Scam - If you’ve been researching a home based business opportunity then you’ve probably run across Ty Coughlin’s Reverse Funnel System. You know the site, the beach bum in a lounge chair with his laptop. If you’ve review the site you’ve more than likely seen that you have to pay $50.00 to get any more information about how the system works. Well hold on tight – I’m going to give you the inside information about how the system works without you spending $50.00. First the system that Ty Coughlin is promoting in his Reverse Funnel System is called GRN or Global Resorts Network. This is a travel membership club that allows people to stay at resorts for a reduced price. Kinda similar to a time share network system. reverse funnel system, reverse funnel system review, reverse funnel system scam, rfs, rfs review, rfs scam, rfs mlm, network marketing, online marketing, Ty Coughlin, Ty Coughlin RFS,
Rfs Scam
RFS scamLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowIf you're checking out different home based business opportunities, there's a good chance that you've probably heard something about The Reverse Funnel System lately. The Reverse Funnel System is an online home based business opportunity that is fairly new, but has been stirring up quite a bit of excitement in the work at home industry. In this short article, I'm going to give you my Reverse Funnel System review. Hopefully by the time you're done reading, you'll have a better idea of exactly what the RFS is all about and whether or not it's for you.The Reverse Funnel System is an automated marketing system for building a network marketing business. It was developed by entrepreneur Ty Coughlin and uses the funded proposals approach.In a nutshell, The Reverse Funnel System takes a high converting sales process and adds automation. It eliminates the need for traditional network marketing sales techniques such as hotel meetings, phone calls, a
Rfs Scam
RFS scamLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowIn case you’re not familiar with The Reverse Funnel System, it is a hands-free, fully automated home based business opportunity created by entrepreneur Ty Coughlin. The Reverse Funnel System essentially combines elements of the “funded proposals” method, online marketing techniques, and complete automation to create a network marketing program that is producing results for newcomers and veterans alike.The Reverse Funnel System is in it’s infancy, and it’s still a ground floor opportunity having only been around for a few short months now.So what has my experience with The Reverse Funnel System been like? In a nutshell, it’s been a wild ride...In the short time that I’ve been involved, I’m seeing things that I’ve never seen before in any MLM or network marketing opportunity. Due to the fact that the sales process is 100% automated, the Reverse Funnel System has eliminated much of the learning curve and provided a way for brand new reps to b
Rfs Scam
RFS scamLearn the secrets of the Internet WealthyThere is a vast range of people who the reverse funnel system is for but the reverse funnel system is not made for everybody.It is made for people who want to make a lot of money.It is made for people who are willing to work hard and work long hour days.It is for people who want to retire after 3-5 years in the business instead of 30-50.Its simple, you need to be a great marketer to work the reverse funnel system and you need to be consistently driving traffic to your link to the system but eventually you will have produced so many avenues for traffic to come from that you will begin to not even know where you are getting this traffic from.You will have people searching YOU out and you might have to ask them how they found you.The reverse funnel system is for hard workers, but smart workers. The reverse funnel system is for people who don’t want to spend the entire medium, the prime of their life, in a cubicle or in some other person wor
Rfs Scam
Learn the secrets of the Internet Wealthy The reverse funnel system has been designed for the brand new marketer who has not established themselves on line. It is a very powerful system that has caused a very big stir in the internet world. It basically levels the playing field for the brand new marketer by letting everyone use the successful image of Ty Coughlin who is known as a very successful on line entrepreneur. The system can be an asset for the new marketer to be able to make sales in a relatively short time by taking out the main component for failure in this industry: the sales or telephone part of this business. Let me give you a list of the most amazing benefits to the Reverse Funnel System. 1. Very easy to get started It's very simple to be a member of the RFS. The system takes you through simple way and lets you to become a member very quickly. After your application is accepted, everything that follows is completel
Rfs Scam
RFS ScamLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowAll the reverse funnel system is…is an automated sales process that closes people into your business for you automatically. Ty Coughlin and the inner circle hired VERY expensive copy writers, and web conversion experts to design the system.But how does it work for you? You need to work the system and you need to get hard workers to work underneath you. When working for GRN (Global Resorts Network) you and your uplink get a $1,000 commission. So when you become the up line your worker’s and you get $1,000 commission. That’s a thousand dollars free for you as long as you teach the people under you valuable marketing skills.So the Reverse Funnel System is a system that has enormously high conversion rates on the back end, 30-40%. On the front end you run traffic to a provided front end sales page and will hopefully get most people to fill out the $50 paid survey.You're a net savvy techno freak and you've probably come across a hundred home ba
Rf's Vageena
I have found RF's vageena.    
unheld unfucked uncut but i'll take care of that unintelligent ungodly unleashed and i'm sorry undone unchanged the same just like always and i'm sorry so fuckiing sorry just get out and i'll take care of everything
R General Of The World Anti-d
AUSTIN, Texas -- Lance Armstrong may be considering a change in course, dropping his years of denials and admitting that he used performance-enhancing drugs -- though whether such a move would help him is uncertain. The New York Times, citing anonymous sources, reported late Friday that Armstrong has told associates he is thinking about the move. However, Armstrong attorney Tim Herman says that the cyclist hasnt reached out to USADA chief executive Travis Tygart and David Howman, director general of the World Anti-Doping Agency. A USADA spokeswoman declined comment on Saturday, while Howman was quoted by the Sunday Star-Times in New Zealand, where he is vacationing, saying Armstrong has not approached his group. USADA stripped Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles last year and issued a report portraying the cyclist as the leader of a sophisticated doping operation on his winning teams. Public confessions and apologies have been the route of redemption for several at
Rgery Next Week To Repair The Torn Anterior Cruciate
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- There will be no dramatic Super Bowl return for Darrelle Revis. The New York Jets placed the star cornerback on season-ending injured reserve on Friday, a few weeks after coach Rex Ryan said the team would wait until after knee surgery in case there was a "0.0002 chance" Revis could recover in time to play in the NFLs big game. "Were going to need that roster spot," Ryan said. "I said it was a 0.0002 per cent chance. Well, its not that high." Ryan said Revis will have surgery next week to repair the torn anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee suffered almost three weeks ago at Miami. With safety Eric Smith being sidelined by a knee injury this week, Revis roster spot was filled by rookie safety Antonio Allen, the teams seventh-round draft pick who was signed from the practice squad. Revis was injured in the third quarter of the Jets 23-20 overtime victory Sept. 23, falling awkwardly and grabbing his knee without making any contact with another pla
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "sorrow" | The Exodus Of Renown Good Fortune I Empire/chrisley Music/deff-ini-shon 2000
Robert Chrisley aka The ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "Sorrow"The Exodus of Renown Good Fortune IStarving Artisan 2000The poetry is erasedWith marks left in the lettered skyWith noone to fill the voidWatching tears from Souls in harmony as they cryNight stars lead to nowhereStanding far and awayHome is still a distant place while the sorrow still remainsHopes set High with wings never reaching flightEmpty tongues fill the airReason conveys at being blinded by sightAnd the tears fill the river overflown by this restless siegeAnother world has departed that was the dwelling of me(Solo)One LifeOne SoulTime pastRiver flowsHunger erupts from the depths with the Passion of searching EmiLooking for ghosts of a past that no longer exists yet too afraid to realizeLost Love and dedication can never be found againThe title waves of pain that are crashing are now the ocean withinWayward Hearts sway like weat; so easy to change beatsThe One they claim to Love falls to the rhythm of their deceitAnothe
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "see You On The Other Side" | Nosferatu | Empire/chrisley Music 1998
Robert Chrisley aka The ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "See You On The Other Side"NosferatuStarving Artisan 1998Staring Life face to faceSeems the Wine has lost its tasteEmbracing my final breathSing me OuijaFor soon I fear there will be my deathCold, dark towers one calls homeCalling for seven more every time it roams (it roams)Silence whispers in my earToo late to stop the dawning of my fearSee you on the other sideOne man, one vision, one havenSee you on the other sideHearing the last calling of the ravenHunger for Spirit; closer is never enoughSurrounding uncertainess getting too muchAlone down dark corridors; makings of a DreamBut buying the lie is not always what it seemsSee you on the other sideOne man, one vision, one havenSee you on the other sideHearing the final calling of the ravenSee you on the other sideOne heir short of the Spiritual landSee you on the other sideClose your eyes, girl, take my hand(Solo)Sands of time spilling from my broken hour glassLiving on the edge took
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "aristotle's Lantern" | Umlaut Alchemy | Starving Artisan/chrisley Music/estarr 2012
Robert Chrisley | ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ Aristotle's Lantern Umlaut Alchemy Starving Artisan   Days of dreams Days of old Do you contemporary me? Like a flash to the Earth Your darkness rapes music birth Yet you defile not me   See the Light; or was it the light? Of the night No Watcher is over me Plain as day Your needle in the hay Oh, blinded by what you cannot see   Old Man, hold up your lantern And I'll light you a candle Just before we tear your temple down Unveiled is the convict conflict of interest Down to his sandals Just before he sinks beneath the ground   Were you all Siris about The son of the morning ? Now the phoenix has become a bird of Pray Praying against the sands of time Slipping through his scales Sitting on Job waiting for May Day   Dawn of failer Failer of dawn; demon spawned And still they pay homage to HIM Pop culture potrayed When all reason went away But the Wine of Wrath still chokes all of them   Azazael I Hope
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "tnt" | Umlaut Alchemy | Estarr/starving Artisan 2012
Robert Chrisley aka The ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "TNT" Umlaut Alchemy Estarr 2011 Dust in the wind as it blows Didn't mean to reminisce the foretold Standing on a dune made from cities of olde Burned by luciferians in search of gold That kind that could never be found So, the walls of time they believed they built, they believe they are the ones to tear down Masquerading in madness adorned with paper crowns Never to understand, gravity points down Feet of clay and iron with too much just for show Collapsing I see of their mighty ten toes The Earth as we knew it has disappeared Nothing of it except everything we feared Passed the torch to the light barer in hand Who wouldn't know skill of such, for that alone takes a real Man As in the Son of Man Casting stones against the Temple's pillars I see Never mind the impending doom Who does beseech thee Arrogance is the dance of a blind man Who builds his house upon sand Like sands of time, it all falls away And the sand castles of the eart
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "virgo Iscariot" | Umlaut Alchemy | Estarr/starving Artisan 2012
  Robert Chrisley | ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "Virgo Iscariot" Umlaut Alchemy Empire/Starving Artisan 2012   I know what you're doin I know where you've been Nothing sacred left behind To appease your greatest sin You had so much Promise Hot and cold to the core 3 1/2 years of Peace Now brings 3 1/2 of war   Casting pearls before swine You're the empty shell that did Denial is the art of lies While lying in a dragon's den Make your bed in a burning house Your hypocrisy condemns Since I'm so wrong about what's going on Why don't you clue me in?   Such a shame she has none Hollow it be her name Shark swimming away from the sun Hollow it be her name Wounding her inner piece Hollow it be her name Slight of hand to stink-fist Hollow it be her name Hollow it be her name   I can feel it calling In the air tonight Bit the bullet that went off And penetrated your mind Damsel in distress Now the Mistress of pain Only taking notions That lock your self-i
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "exile From Eden" | Umlaut Alchemy | Estarr/starving Artisan 2012
Robert Chrisley | ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ   "Exiled From Eden"   Umlaut Alchemy   Empire/Starving Artisan 2012     Hang up the plans   Never mind contraband   Help me to see   How the Light of Love becomes the chains of captivity     Wait as I bleed   Drive me away to the Holy sea   Packed up dominance   Esoteric reference invading indifference   Turn the other way and the cheek   While you go ahead and smack me with   Exile; exile; exile     Flavor of the Month now spent   For favor of cultural dissonance   Passion and flame   Give away to the arson of sickness and pain   Don't forget the sounds   And the images kept from the loss of higher ground     Wait as I need   Starve away my precious seed   Stench of incense   From pleasures of the flesh for your innocence   Turn away the leper born   Once was Loved now twice is scorned to   Exile; exile; exile     No one knows and   No one cares and   No one understands what
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ: Patmos Falling Series | Empire/chrisley Music/starving Artisan 2013
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ: Umlaut Alchemy | Starving Artisan 2012
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ: "a.s.i.a.n.s." | Raven's Lament | Starving Artisan 2010 | Estarr Thirty Three | Ring Eight
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ: Random Graphics, Art, T Shirt Decals, Hidden Messages/symbols/agenda
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "angel Strike" | Umlaut Alchemy | Starving Artisan 2012
  ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "ANGEL STRIKE"UMLAUT ALCHEMYEMPIRE/CHRISLEY MUSIC/STARVING ARTISAN 2012Drowning in your liesFate is ever moving forwardUnknowingly your pursuitOf carnal hell coming to a headWatchers silently pass you byTake note of your allowancesAs you indoctrinate your own demiseThis is the beginning of the endHe's watching youAnd all of you falls in shadowsHe's watching youHell's pass to the Lake of FireHe's watching youWaiting for release to vanquishHe's watching youAnd no one can hear the cry of the allowedPower-tripping while the calendar runs outParty for before everything comes to aheadWhat of your tribe? And the coat of arms you're shedding off?As the rats align the Piper at the Gates of DawnHe's watching youBut still you try to fill the hollowHe's watching youTouching the ground you think ascends you HigherHe's watching youBurning under umlaut alchemyHe's watching youAnd the Watcher will take away your paper crown(Solo/Chant)He's watching youChains of tomorrow
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ: "macabre" | The Exodus Of Renown Good Fortune I | Deff-ini-shon 2000
ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ | ROBERT CHRISLEY"MACABRE"THE EXODUS OF RENOWN GOOD FORTUNE IEMPIRE/CHRISLEY MUSIC/DEFF-INISHON 2000My sense have sharpened though my wiles were manyTo jeapardise this sacred HeartAnd the vanities unearthing leave no reason for certainI must escape this poor artThe depth of my speech is the weight it holds downAs I away lost forever beyond all boundsOf meWith all to gainAs I say away, awayDamn this frayFemale Vocal:Carry the burdenMale Vocal:I don't want this Cross that I have to bareFemale Vocal:Carry the burdenMale Vocal:As I take to my Journey like the prince to the airFemale Vocal:Carry the burdenCarry the pain and the scarsCarry the burdenAlways.......Male Vocal:I don't want this heavinessI am too much to loseBut they must know as my story unfoldsTo gain is whatever you choose(Choose now)-Hard Rock Solo with trance fusion of cellos and industrial beats-Female Vocal:.....carry it with youCarry it with youCarry it with youCarry it with youCarry it with yo
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "dreamcatcher" | Hypacrypha | Empire/chrisley Music/starving Artisan 2005
ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "Dreamcatcher"HypacryphaEmpire/Chrisley Music/Starving Artisan 2005Too fooled to engageBy invoking thoughts to written wordBeen a while since they carried your faceThe numbness threatens the flow of verseSpit in my face when I give you the worldAbondonment eventual when my (wales) run dryExistance run by establishments unheardNo room for feeling; no ability to cryNo direction, but my pen still bleedsHard to capture distorted perceptionTo find where lyrics of my youth still breedAnd the Voice to echo its haunted conceptionTry to breathe air fate has takenThrough its limits I siftNo excuse nor apology for the ones who have takenMy reason to forgive(solo).......clear.....real..want you in my dreamcatcherSo visions of rapture (solitude; solitude)So visions of glory (never come; will they come?)Through my dreamcatcher............words and music by chrisley ©MMV 2005 Chrisley Music® | Unauthorized Use Prohibited Under Federal and Inter
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | "polarize" | Prime Meridian | Empire/chrisley Music/starving Artisan 2007
ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ "Polarize"Prime MeridianEmpire/Chrisley Music/Starving Artisan 2007Dusk settles below evening over EdenAs the flock of sheep gather for supper timePan still plays his pipes of silver-tongue brassAs they all fall into lineOh, why? Mezmorized. Polarized.There's a serpent in the GardenThey drink and feast like kingsWith no care for tomorrowChoking on the words of the BeastAs the shepherd they will followOh, my. Glassy-eyed. Polarized.There's a serpent in the GardenThey seek to find a culprit prophetThat foretells the apocalypse to comeBut, as two brothers fell to the earth in SeptemberThey all began building their own demigodsFor why? Eastern sky. Polarized.There's a serpent in the Gardenohhhh, ohhhhh, get down(solo)The Lady that bares the light over the Apple in the WestFor the dark prince who will ruleHolds up the rebel angel who shines it all downBasking in the evil inside youCan't hide. Dragonfly. Polarized.There's a serpent in the GardenBar codes collapse
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | Angel Strike
ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣ"Angel Strike"Umlaut AlchemyEmpire/Starving Artisan 2012Drowning in your liesFate is ever moving forwardUnknowingly your pursuitOf carnal hell coming to a headWatchers silently pass you byTake note of your allowancesAs you indoctrinate your own demiseThis is the beginning of the endHe's watching youAnd all of you falls in shadowsHe's watching youHell's pass to the Lake of FireHe's watching youWaiting for release to vanquishHe's watching youAnd no one can hear the cry of the allowedPower tripping while the calendar runs outParty for before everything comes to aheadWhat of your tribe? And the coat of arms you're shedding off?As the rats align the Piper at the gates of DawnHe's watching youBut still you try to fill the hollowHe's watching youTouching the ground you think ascends you higherHe's watching youBurning under umlaut alchemyHe's watching youAnd The Watcher will take away your crown(Solo / chant)He's watching youChains of tomorrow coilingHe's watching yo
ÄrÇ ÄÑgΣl ÇrØwΣ | Aristotle's Lantern
Robert Chrisley | ÄRÇ ÄÑGΣL ÇRØWΣAristotle's LanternUmlaut AlchemyStarving Artisan Days of dreamsDays of oldDo you contemporary me?Like a flash to the EarthYour darkness rapes music birthYet you defile not me See the Light; or was it the light?Of the nightNo Watcher is over mePlain as dayYour needle in the hayOh, blinded by what you claim to see Old Man, hold up your lanternAnd I'll light you a candleJust before we tear your temple downUnveiled is the convict conflict of interestDown to his sandalsJust before he sinks beneath the ground Were you all Siris aboutThe son of the morning ?Now the phoenix has become a bird of PrayPraying against the sands of timeSlipping through his scalesSitting on Job waiting for May Day Dawn of failureFailure of dawn; demon spawnedAnd still they pay homage to HIMPop culture portrayedWhen all reason went awayBut the Wine of Wrath still chokes all of them AzazaelI Hope you burn in hellFor the rape of Our mothers of oldAnd I watch in timeAs your
Arousal from being flogged, beaten or caned.
Rhapsody Embraces Mp3
US digital music service Rhapsody is the latest company to embrace MP3 downloads without copy restrictions. Songs from all the four leading record labels - Universal, EMI, Sony and Warner - will be available in the digital format. Rhapsody joins Napster and Amazon, who have all started offering MP3 files in recent months. "We're no longer competing with the iPod. We're embracing it," said Neil Smith, vice president at the firm. Until recently, Rhapsody, which is owned by Real and MTV, had focused on a subscription service, which allowed users to stream an unlimited number of songs for between $13 (£6.50) and $15 (£7.50) a month. Streamed songs Rhapsody's streamed songs do not play on Apple's iPod, the world's most popular MP3 player. The subscription service will continue to run alongside the MP3 download store. The majority of MP3 tracks will cost 99 cents (50p), while albums will sell for $9.99 (£5). The shift comes as the British record industry announced
Rhapsody - Silent Dream
The silent storm in my heartbeat Is raging at the questions of soul No way back, rising darkness Blind angel in a night without stars Lost in the silent dream Of a lonely broken love The fall of hopem of illusion Is hidden there behind the wild rocks To reach the sun, warm my feelings I'll rise where only eagles can fly Lost in the silent dream Of a lonely broken love FLY, FLY HIGH ENLIGHT MY HEART AND MY EYES BRING HOPE WITH YOUR HOLY SUNLIGHT THE ANGELS' FIRE The silent storm in my heartbeat Is raging at the questions of soul No way back, rising darkness Blind angel in a night without stars Lost in a silent dream Of a lonely broken love FLY, FLY HIGH ENLIGHT MY HEART AND MY EYES BRING HOPE WITH YOUR HOLY SUNLIGHT THE ANGELS' FIRE I'LL BELIEVE IN WHAT THE WIND BRINGS TO ME IN PURE LOVE AND IN GREAT EMOTION I WILL BELIEVE
rhapsodize\ RAP-suh-dahyz \verb;  1. To talk with extravagant enthusiasm.  2. To speak or write rhapsodies.
Rhapsody Of Melody
Rhapsody of Melody by Kenneth Matlock on Saturday, September 1, 2012 at 4:13pm Something came sifting, drifting through my dreams. It's trickled like raindrops down my tiny leaves Merry and melodic it raptured me within Shaking all around me like a sickness wrought in sin Rabble in the windows and rhthym in the doors Silent silky musicals sparking on the floors Clamming up all at once then once again I'm free I do not need to hear you I only need to see The sounds fill themselves out from the beating of the storm Somewhere far out among us away from all the norm Traveling in pairs at first and then in groups alone We drift away from what we've been taught Those things we've always known It doesn't take a genius to keep drifting here It just takes no sadness and eliminating fear It's alright to be lost and swim the endless tide We're all just humans here, all along for the ride.
The Rh Booty Contest Cancelled
TheRH ( BBW Lover )@ CherryTAP Due to some events out of my control, I need to shut down the contest. As cancellation a 1,000 cherry buck prize will be give to all who participated. Sorry for the confusion.
The Rh Booty Contest Cancelled
TheRH ( BBW Lover )@ CherryTAP Due to some events out of my control, I need to shut down the contest. As cancellation a 1,000 cherry buck prize will be give to all who participated. Sorry for the confusion.
I just saw on the scrolly thing up there that  John Frusciante from the Red Hot Chili Peppers (better, guys?) has left the group. :( I are sad. I guess he left a year ago. I'm booing this. He's amazing.   I don't care if you hate them, their music, the members..blah,blah,blah. They're one of my favorite bands and they weren't the same the last time he left. :( Sucks.   You may continue with your regularly scheduled lives.
Red Hot Chili Peppers-Breaking the Girl I am a manCut from the knowRarely do friendsCome and then goShe was a girlSoft but estrangedWe were the twoOur lives rearrangedFeeling so good that dayA feeling of love that day[Chorus]Twisting and turningYour feelings are burningYou're breaking the girlShe meant you no harmThink you're so cleverBut now you must severYou're breaking the girlHe loves no one elseRaised by my dadGirl of the dayThat was the wayShe was the girlLeft aloneFeeling the needTo make me her homeI don't know what when or whyThe twilight of love had arrived[Chorus]
" Rhea Danielle Lansdown "
" Rhea Danielle Lansdown " I'm writting you this poem casue I wanted you to let you know just how much I love you, as a sister and a bestfreind. And that truly means everything to me, and there is no way that's gonna change. I know that you are in heaven now, and that you are a angel watching over all your friends and family. In my heart you will never be forgoten, cause you will always be in my heart forever and always. When you left you took apart of me with you,and i know I should let you go,and go on with my life. But it's just not easy to let you go. I wish that I could of been there to say my goodbye's, and got to do things together. I know we had are good times and bad times, but yet though the years are friendship between each other grows more and more stronger than ever. And of corse that means alot to me deeply. You are my sister and bestfriend forever, and that really means the world to me. And in time we will see each other again. in heav
Rhema Marx
Hey Everyone, I finally finished the website for Rhema Marx. Check it out and let me know what you think. They are recycled leather clutches and awesome cuffs. Awesome benefit coming up March 12 in Lake Villa, IL ... to support Home of the Sparrow and Zacharia's Sexual Abuse Center. Thank you everyone for the support so far. ciao Swe T
Rhema Marx Fashion Benefit
Come to the Rhema Marx Fashion Benefit... on March 12 in Lake Villa, Lakehouse Restaurant at 7pm. Raffle Proceeds donated to the Home of Sparrow Women's Shelter and Zacharia's Sexual Abuse Center. Hot runway fashions, trendy leather purses, clutches and custom wristbands. Women self defense demonstrations and ... book your appointment at the event for a free haircut and style! R U a business owner in Lake or Mchenry County??? Then donate a raffle item and promote your business as a sponsor. Email me if you have any questions, Community Support... they need our help!! Thank you... let's have fun on March 12. $3 cozmos all night long.
Rhetorical Rhetoric: I Think...therefore I Am Confused
These rantings are from this year, however, this one in particular is a month or two old already: Rhetorical Rhetoric: I think...Therefore I am Confused By: Jungle Bunny January 2007 My head feels like it's busting at the seams. Too many thoughts, scrambled in my head, perhaps this is what is meant by stewing in one's own juices. My thoughts are nicely marinating the brain tissue in my head, I just hope that one day, it doesn't boil over, spewing the contents of my thoughts in an explosion of shattered ideas. Confusion should be so normal to me by now. I mean, haven't I relived the same scenario over and over again? Things seemed to have fallen back into a familiar pattern, of the old me, the inexperienced youth, who once had ignorance on her side, excusing the past. Now, I am older, wiser, more confident. Yet what have I really learned in all these years? I thought I had learned. I thought being older and wiser made me invincible. Wanting to become a self-sufficient, s
Rhetorical... I Think.... I Hope... Yes I Am Sure, It's Rhetorical
Right now, at this very moment in time, how content are you with your life? Is it everything you wanted it to be? Is it somewhat like what you imagined it would be? Are you enjoying your studies, your work or whatever it is that you do? Do you wish you had done everything differently or somethings differently? Do you think at least some of your dreams and ambitions would come true before you die? Are you brave enough to let go of everything you have built up so far and make a life altering decision? Are you prepared for change? Is love and commitment overrated? How important is higher education? Is it impossible to live your life without a single degree? If you consider the feelings of everyone around you, would you ever be content? But if you don't consider them, who will catch you incase you fall? Is it wrong to run away from things once in a while and let a few shots of tequila take charge? Why is it so difficult to want to do well in life and al
Rheumatoid Arthritis
I found out last Friday that I have arthritis at 25 and from looks of it Ive had it since i was 20 just no one told me.Yippy.I went to the doc becuz the last few months my hand esp my right one has hurt like hell and i cant open jars or anything any more with my right hand.even writeing this hurts like hell and i have to stop alot and take a break.And after thinking about it,alot of things now make more since.ive been in pain for a long fuckin time and every told me iw as fine.if the docs had just looked closer at my xrays they would have seen it.the doc i have right now thinks they did see just didnt say anything.Great.My hands are slowly become worthless.Theres already things i cant do anymore and its sad.I dont know if ill be ablie to use the computer after some point.I love makeing layouts and designing pages but i dont know if my hands can do it anymore.And me and Dave had been in talks about haveing a baby....cant have a baby if your hands dont work very well now can you? thats t
Rheumatoid Arthritis
I never really do this... blogging... but recently I've learned that my four year old son has been diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis... how is someone supposed to react to that? I'm torn from being thrilled because it's not Luppus or Leukemia which is what the docs were originally thinking but I'm also heartbroken that my 4 year old will have to endure this pain for the rest of his life... well maybe I started in the wrong place, a few weeks ago Brad became very ill... 104 temp vomitting muscle and joint pain... then he collapsed at daycare... naturally he was taken to the ER where after some blood tests they noticed that his C Reactive Protein level, it measures protein to show if there's an inflammation or infection somewhere, was 50 times the normal level... after countless blood tests and x rays and CT's and an overnight stay for observation... the doctor's are fairly confident that it's RA... after almost a decade of schooling and a century of experience between four d
Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Importance Of Exercise
Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Importance of Exercise Learn about the importance of exercise for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis exercises can safely provide pain relief and build muscle strength. When joints are stiff and painful, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Yet when you have rheumatoid arthritis, exercising regularly is one of the best things you can do to take care of yourself and your joints. Here is why exercise is so important: * People who exercise live longer, with or without rheumatoid arthritis. * Regular exercise can actually reduce overall pain from rheumatoid arthritis. * Exercise can keep your bones strong. Thinning of the bones can be a problem with rheumatoid arthritis, especially if you need to take steroids. Exercise helps bones keep their strength. * Exercise maintains muscle strength. * Regular exercise improves functional ability and lets you do more for yourself. * People with rheumatoid arthritis who exercise fe
Rhey's Mantra
THERE IS A RUMOR THAT THE BELOW POETIC 'CRY IN THE NIGHT' IS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ... I refuse to respond to such a representation on the grounds that it is written that a man, regardless of his height, or lack thereof, cannot be compelled to testify about his personal Mantra! Love 'n (on my knees again) Stuff, RHEY ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RHEY’S MANTRA On hands and knees, Mumbling pleas, I search for sanctuary. After a while, With a smile, I try hot matrimony For my teasing, and squeezing, I now pay alimony Back on my knees, Mumbling please, I search for Sanctuary! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rhey W. Hedges, July 19, 2007
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her She takes to the sky like a bird in flight And who will be her lover All your life you've never seen A woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven Will you ever win... She is like a cat in the dark And then she is the darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark And when the sky is starless All your life you've never seen A woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven Would you ever win? Will you ever win.. Rhiannon... Rhiannon... Rhiannon... Rhiannon... She rings like a bell through night And wouldn't you love to love her She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover All your life you've never seen A woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven Will you ever win... Will you ever win... Rhiannon... Rhiannon... Rhiannon... Taken by, taken b
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind. Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you even win? She is like a cat in the dark, And then she is the darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark And when the sky is starless All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind. Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you even win? Will you even win? Rhiannon, Rhiannon, Rhiannon, Rhiannon. She rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight and who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you even win? Will you even win? Rhiannon, Rhiannon, Rhiannon, Rhiannon. Taken by, taken by the sky. Taken by, taken by the sky. Tak
Rhiannon, Celtic Goddess of Inspiration and the Moon Rhiannon, the Celtic goddess of the moon was a Welch goddess. The goddess Rhiannon's name meant “Divine Queen” of the fairies. In her myths, Rhiannon was promised in marriage to an older man she found repugnant. Defying her family’s wishes that Rhiannon, like other Celtic goddesses, declined to marry one of her "own kind". Instead, the goddess Rhiannon chose the mortal Prince Pwyll (pronounced Poo-ul or translated as Paul) as her future husband. Rhiannon appeared to Pwyll one afternoon while he stood with his companions on a great grass-covered mound in the deep forest surrounding his castle. These mounds, called Tors, were thought to be magical places, perhaps covering the entrance to the otherworld beneath the earth. It was thought that those who stood upon them would become enchanted, so most people avoided them. So it is no surprise that the young prince was enchanted by the vision of the beautiful young goddess Rhianno
Rhiannon Starlyte Maclaine
A dear friend of mine became a father to a precious baby girl 6 weeks ago. Rhiannon Starlyte MacLaine has what doctors are calling a viral illness,where her bone marrow is not producing a specific white blood cell that fights bacterial infections.Currently the white cells she has is 250 (some unit), and it should be 10,000. Please join me in lighting a candle for Rhiannon and her family.
Rhianna Stole Mary's Umbrella Ella Ella
Mary J. Blige wanted to record Umbrella, but Rihanna fucked the songwriters persuaded the songwriters to give it to her instead. Rihanna told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: "Any songwriter would die for Mary to sing one of their songs. So I just prayed that I got it. It was perfect for me - it had a West Indian groove. "When I saw one of the songwriters at the Grammy Awards, I went up to him and said, 'Listen, 'Umbrella' is my song.' "He must have thought I was really pushy and laughed it off. But I held his face and I turned it back to my own, 'No, I'm serious, I need 'Umbrella'. "Two days later we found out the song was mine."
Rhianna -- Umbrella
Umbrella Rhianna [Intro: Jay-Z] Uh huh, uh huh. Chyeah. Rihanna. Good girl gone bad. Take three. Action. Hov. [Rap Verse: Jay-Z] No clouds in my storms. Let it rain, I had this glame in a fame, coming down to the Dow Jones. When the clouds come we gone We roc-a-fella, we fly higher than weather and G 5's are better. You know me, an anticipation, for precipitation, back chicks in the rainy day. Jayy. Rain man is back, with little miss sunshine, Rihanna where you at? [Verse 1: Rihanna] You had my heart. And we'll never be world apart. They be in magazines. But you'll still be my star. Baby, cause in the dark. You can't see shiny cars. And that's when you need me there. With you I'll always share. Because… [Chorus: Rihanna] When the sun shines, we'll shine together. Told you I'll be here forever. Said I'll always be a friend. Took an oath, Ima stick it out till the end. Now it's raining more than ever. Know that we'll still have each other. You c
Rhiannon Stevie Nicks
Rhiannon The Welsh Goddess
The story of Rhiannon is one of many myths contained in the Mabinogion, a Welsh collection of mythology. Rhiannon was the daughter of a god, Heyvedd the Old, and she was set to marry Gwawl, another god. But Rhiannon was in love with Pwyll of Dyfed, a mortal man whose adventures are described in the first part of the Mabinogion. Rhiannon and Pwyll marry, and seem happy at first, until Gwawl comes down from the Bright World and tries to kill their newborn son, Pryderi. Rhiannon's maids, unable to find the boy they were supposed to be guarding, cover Rhiannon's dress with a puppy's blood and accuse her of murdering her son. Pwyll, listening to his subjects rather than his wife, forces Rhiannon into a terrible punishment -- she must stand on a block at the entrance to Dyfed and tell everyone that she is standing there because she killed her child. She must then offer all who enter the kingdom a ride on her back, as though she were a horse. Seven years pass by. Eventually, Rhiannon's fri
Rhiannon--for My Sweet Louisiana Lover
Rhiannon Of Ancient Mythology
A man lost at sea was washed up upon an island. The island seems to be deserted and uninhabited until he finds a fountain mounted on a pedestal. This relic is very old, but the water is clear and the man thirsty. He bends to drink, but stops short when he sees the reflection of a beautiful woman in the still water. He looks up and she stands before him. She is tall and thin and frail looking, yet she radiates strength. She is dressed in a silver white gown and her silver gold hair hangs past her waist. Her age is undeterminable, but her eyes speak of ageless wisdom. Three birds attend her, fluttering about her shoulders, but never landing. The strange and enchanting woman welcomes him, leads him to a cottage and tells him he is welcome to stay as long as he wishes. She leaves him at the cottage to consume the dinner that is awaiting him on the table. Being hungry, the man set himself to eat without questioning his hostess. The food is simple faire, but he notices there is no meat. N
Rhiana Distubia
Rhiannon's Bar Is Now Recruiting For All Positions
CLICK ON BOTTOM PIC TO ENTER If you cant hear music please click here to load a external player of your choice. In need of staff who can spend a few hours a day in lounge contact me @ or the owner @
Rhianna @ Palms Pool, July 4, 2009
Well, I was chillin at the Palms Pool today, down at the end where the chill cabanas are and who comes and sits right beside me??? Rhianna. Man!! It was hella cool. We talked about her tatt (the stars on her neck). Her friend has a piercing like mine on her cheek bone and we talked about how ppl trip out all the time about the piercing and "how does it stay in?" giggles. I tried taking her picture when she wasnt looking but the Security arses were all over my camera like white on rice. I did get some of the entourage leaving cause the Security dude was in front and not looking, but we will see. the Camera ended up submerged in water. We will see if Best Buy takes it back (14 day return period). Man what an awesome day. Im burnt to da crisp!! Happy 4th of July 2009!! *kttn*    
Rhino Records' Heavy Metal Box ........ {want To Buy Me A Xmas Gift???? Hehehehe}
Rhinos's Heavy Metal Box is due out on October 2nd. The four-disc set is arranged chronologically from 1968 to 1991 - the compilation also boasts hits from bands like Deep Purple, Metallica, Black Sabbath, Iron Butterfly, Pantera, Alice Cooper, Venom, Testament, Rush and Megadeth. The project will be packaged in a metal box resembling a Marshall guitar amp. The liner notes will include extensive photos, track commentary, interviews with Ronnie James Dio and Lita Ford and an essay by Metallica's Lars Ulrich. The tracklist is as follows: Disc 1: * 'In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida'' - IRON BUTTERFLY * Summertime Blues' - BLUE CHEER * 'Easy Livin'' - URIAH HEEP * 'Highway Star' - DEP PURPLE * 'Billion Dollar Babies' - ALICE COOPER * 'Lost Johnny' - HAWKWIND * 'Bad Motor Scooter' - MONTROSE * 'Working Man' - RUSH * 'Man on the Silver Mountain- RITCHIE BLACKMORE'S RAINBOW * 'Detroit Rock City - KISS * 'The Ripper - JUDAS PRIEST * 'Cat
Ok yall this is a verysweet man that helps those that need itcan you plz be a doll and help him levelbefore his vip runs out :DI'd appreciate it, as he would too **Rhino** -Owner of suductions playground with LIVE CAMS "®@ fubar
This doll that is in out of the mumms has his autos on... Hit him up.... AUTO 11S ON **Rhino**@ fubar
can anyone explain to me what "rhinoceri" (as in "no rhinoceri" in an ad offering a room to rent) means, I had answered an ad saying that and they all turned out to be gay so Im thinking its a gay thing, but Id like to have at least an idea whats going on cause they were really snobby to me and I need to know if I should just plain be avoiding rhinoceri stuff or what. its proving hard enough to find a place to rent here without facing gay dudes being prejudiced against me as there do seem to be a lot of them renting out rooms and such...
Rhineland Rotkohl ~ Sweet And Sour Red Cabbage
You just know with a name like Eisenhart, there's going to be an old-world German recipe thrown in here somewhere, modernized a bit ~ maybe even simplified for the Crock Pot? Well.. Here's one:   Rhineland Sweet and Sour Cabbage 4 slices bacon, diced (Speckstreifen) 1/4 cup brown sugar (braune Zucker) 2 Tbsp flour (Allzweckmehl) 1 tsp salt (salz or Tafelsalz) 1/8 tsp pepper (Pfeffer) 1/2 cup water (Wasser) 1/4 cup vinegar (Weinessig) 1 medium head red cabbage (Rotkohl) shredded ~ about 6-8 cups 1 small onion, finely chopped (Zwiebel) Cook bacon in skillet and set aside. Combine 1 Tbsp of bacon drippings in Crock Pot with sugar, flour, salt and pepper. Stir in water and vinegar. Add cabbage and onion. Cover and cook on Low 3-4 hours. Spoon into serving bowl and sprinkle cooked bacon on top. Makes 6-8 servings.
Rhinestone Cowboy
Rhinestine Cowboy
Rhinestone Cowboy
Rhod Gilbert
Rhod Gilbert - Live at The Comedy StoreAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Rhode Island
This weekend I traveled to Rhode Island for the first time to meet up with one of my greatest friends Iris. It was so amazing to see her, she moved from Maine last September and this was our first time seeing each other since then. I didn't realize how much I missed her until seeing her and hanging out. We didn't do a whole lot but we didn't have to, just talking is good enough! We did explore Providence Place which is one of the biggest malls I have ever been before - we were there for 5 hours! I got some cute new clothes along with an amazing summer dress (yes I bought a dress ladies and gentlemen). I will post pics after I look all cute in it - its the most expensive piece of clothing I own now but it was worth the price! That night we stayed up till 4 am talking, drinking white russians and watching tv - it was good times ;) Next morning i was dragging my ass hardcore because we only got 3 hours of sleep, I felt so bad that I just wasn't up to doing much. Though we did
Rhode Island Show Cancelled
I'm sad and sorry to inform you all that my show in Rhode Island has been cancelled.I do not know at this time if it will be rescheduled for sometime in the future or not.However....due to extenuating circumstances the Rhode Island show will not happen on September 19th,2007.
Rhody Weekend Is Here
Rhode Island
• Any marriage where either of the parties is an idiot or lunatic is null and void. • Exercising any labor, business, or work, or using any game, sport, play, or recreation, or causing any of the above to be done to or by your children, servants, or apprentices on the first day of the week (Sunday) results in a penalty of $5 for the first offense and $10 for the second. • In Providence, Rhode Island it is illegal to sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday. • In Newport, Rhode Island it is illegal to smoke from a pipe after sunset. • In Scituate, Rhode Island it is illegal to keep a flock of chickens in your motorhome if you live in a trailer park. • Impersonating a town sealer, auctioneer, corder of wood, or a fence-viewer is against the law. Penalty: $20 to $100 fine. • It is considered an offense to throw pickle juice on a trolley. • It is illegal to challenge someone to a duel, or accept a duel, even it it is never actually fought. Penalty: Imprisonm
Rhonda Comes To Boston Pt.1
Anticipation can be a killer. That moment that you are waiting so ardently for, that seems like it will never arrive. I was having just that kind of experience as I stared up at the monitor displaying the arriving flights at T.F. Greene Airport. The minutes seemed like hours until finally I was reward by the change of her flight status from “on time” to “arrived”. I could feel the adrenaline switch on and the arousal start to grow. I found a place to stand at the base of escalator and begin to stare up impatiently, waiting to get the first glance at the woman that had up until now had only been pictures on the screen of my computer. The anticipation was finally rewarded when Rhonda stepped to the head of the escalator. I smiled, taking in the long dark hair, nice full thick set hips, and the swell of her large breasts that I knew were capped with dark beautiful nipples. Her outfit was designed to tease me dark stocking and short skirt topped by a tight red sweater that plunged in a
~ Rhone American Cemetery And Memorial In France ~
The site of the Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial in France was selected because of its historic location along the route of the U.S. Seventh Army's drive up the Rhone Valley. It was established on August 19, 1944 after the Seventh Army's surprise landing in southern France. On 12.5 acres at the foot of a hill clad with the characteristic cypresses, olive trees, and oleanders of southern France rest 861 of our military dead, most of whom lost their lives in the liberation of southern France in August 1944. Their headstones are arranged in straight lines, divided into four plots, and grouped about an oval pool. At each end of the cemetery is a small garden. On the hillside overlooking the cemetery is the chapel with its wealth of decorative mosaic and large sculptured figures. Between the chapel and the burial area, a bronze relief map recalls military operations in the region. On the retaining wall of the terrace, 294 names of the missing are inscribed. Rosettes mark the names of
Rhonda Aka Jadeand Jaksonsmom Needs To Godmother! Woot!
jade&jaksonsmom~25 To Life~Club Mystic~Owned by GaigeandMorgynsMom~Owner of aGem4Life & i am back@ fubar Only 641,512 to Godmother! If everyone with rate her pics and stash, we can get her a LOT closer! PLZ HELP! WOOT!
Rhonda Is Closing In On Godmother! Woot!
jade&jaksonsmom~25 To Life~Club Mystic~Owned by GaigeandMorgynsMom~Owner of aGem4Life & i am back@ fubar Only 641,512 to Godmother! If everyone with rate her pics and stash, we can get her a LOT closer! PLZ HELP! WOOT!
Rhonda Is Turning On Auto-11's
GUESS WHO HAS AUTO-11'S? jade&jaksonsmom!!! jade&jaksonsmom,25 To Life,Club Mystic,Owned by DeeDeeMB,Owner of aGem4life, Silverpixi, BBW Goddess@ fubar SHE WILL BE RUNNING AUTO-11'S FROM 7pm FU-TIME, NEW YEAR'S DAY!!! SHE ONLY NEEDS A LIL OVER 1 MILLION TO DISCIPLE; LOTS OF TIME TO GET SOME BIG POINTS AND FUBUCKS!!! PLEASE HELP TO GET HER THERE??? THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANY AND ALL HELP!!! FONDLY PIMPED OUT BY THE MEMBERS OF: Club Mystic!@ fubar AND CinDragon-Founder of ClubMystic-PegasusProject-FuAngel-I.B.I.C@ fubar This html code blatantly stolen from (and slightly altered): Ms. Sassy{Shadow Leveler}@ fubar show her some love as well, she RAWKS!!!
Rho Ophiuchi
Rhought 4 Day
Let me Share This with you: Happiness is very important in our lives, a smile shared is a smile invested. Remember one thing that happiness is not a destination but a method of life and the best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Always be cheerful no matter what happens for The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how be behave when we dont know what to do. Always say nice things to people for u never know, u might just have saved a life. Always wear that smile, Cos it looks good U.
Rh's Houston Singles Train
Calling all single peeps of Houston. Add yourself and you might finda a connection Post your link below the next one -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TheRH@ CherryTAP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rh's Ladies Best Back Tattoo Contest
TheRH ( BBW Lover )@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Back Tattoo Contest Rules: Pictures of tattoos of any tattoos on the back. Must be SFW Taking Contestants, I can take up to 20 Current Contestants. *~*Mandy*~*L.O.D. member@ CherryTAP Mandy Stephanie ~***Poetic_Eyes4***~@ CherryTAP *THE ONE & ONLY*@ CherryTAP The One & Only lucy K.O.T (AMC)@ CherryTAP lucy K.O.T (AMC) Fallen Angel 2 Rising Devil@ CherryTAP Fallen Angel 2 Rising Devil Browneyes@ CherryTAP Browneyes Amber@ CherryTAP Amber *Coming Undone*@ CherryTAP *Coming Undone* Winner will be determined by both comments and ratings. Contestants can vote. mrsusdrill
Rh's Ladies Best Back Tattoo Contest Now Open
TheRH ( Ladies Back Tattoo Contest- Now Open/ Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest- Taking Entri@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Back Tattoo Contest Votes are added nightly at 10 PM CST Mandy-33 Stephanie-98 Poetic Eyes-36 The One & Only-22 lucy K.O.T (AMC)-1990 Fallen Angel 2 Rising Devil-357 Browneyes-475 Amber-31 *Coming Undone*-124 mrsusdrill-2550 Winner will be determined by both comments and ratings. Contestants can vote. Starts Friday the 26th at 10:00 PM CST Ends Friday the 2nd 10:00 PM CST There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. All gifts will be a total of cherry bucks. 1st place- 10,000 2nd place- 5,000 3rd place- 1,000 RH
Rh's Ladies Best Back Tattoo Winners
TheRH ( Ladies Back Tattoo Contest- Now Open/ Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest- Need Entries@ CherryTAP Thank You to all who participated. RH's Ladies Best Back Tattoo 1st place- 10,000 mrsusdrill@ CherryTAP mrsusdrill 2nd place- 5,000 lucy K.O.T (AMC)@" target="_blank">@ CherryTAP lucy K.O.T (AMC) 3rd place- 1,000 Browneyes@ CherryTAP ♥ ♥ Browneyes ® K.O.T ♥ RH
Rh's Ladies Best Intimate Tattoo
TheRH@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Intimate Tattoo Hey ladies show off your Tattoos what ever you like. Rules: Pictures of tattoos of your choosing. Content can be Not Safe For Work Taking Contestants, I can take up to 20 Current Contestants. Sad Girl@ CherryTAP Sad Girl myeviltwin@ CherryTAP myeviltwin ~DJ Dreams~[TCS Co Owner]@ CherryTAP ~DJ Dreams~[TCS Co Owner keep my name out your mouth@ CherryTAP keep my name out your mouth Fat Girls Need Love Also....(So Dont Be Scared And Come And Love On Me!!!)@ CherryTAP Fat Girls Need Love Also....(So Dont Be Scared And Come And Love On Me!! Ms.Just Peachy@ CherryTAP Ms.Just Peachy 626617@ CherryTAP 626617 xxxcrunkahoxxx@ CherryTAP xxxcrunkahoxxx scareybubbles@ CherryTAP scareybubbles
Rh's Ladies Best Intimate Tattoo
TheRH@ CherryTAP Current Results Are Updated At 10PM CST Nightly Contestants Sad Girl@ CherryTAP Vote For Sad Girl [ photo: 797550038 ] Votes-771 myeviltwin@ CherryTAP Vote For Myeviltwin [ photo: 3672496751 ] Votes-4607 ~DJ Dreams~[TCS Co Owner]@ CherryTAP Vote For ~DJ Dreams~[TCS Co Owner] [ photo: 2756614893 ] Votes-7662 keep my name out your mouth@ CherryTAP Vote For keep my name out your mouth [ photo: 2210757530 ] Votes-15 Fat Girls Need Love Also....(So Dont Be Scared And Come And Love On Me!!!)@ CherryTAP Vote For Fat Girls Need Love Also....(So Dont Be Scared And Come And Love On Me!! [ photo: 856757243 ] Votes-56 Ms.Just Peachy@ CherryTAP Vote For Ms.Just Peachy [ photo: 3703777962 ] Votes-162 Daddys lil angel
Rh's Ladies Best Intimate Piercing
TheRH@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Intimate Piercing Hey ladies show off your Piercing what ever you like. Rules: Pictures of Piercing of your choosing. Content can be Not Safe For Work Taking Contestants, I can take up to 20 Current Contestants. yall look at me and say girl you been blessed, but yall cant see the inside of my unhappiness@ CherryTAP ♥~♥Mandy♥~♥L.O.D. member@ CherryTAP MORBID PRINCESS@ CherryTAP An Angel With No Halo And 1 Wing In The Fire@ CherryTAP Crazy69Bitch@ CherryTAP Sad Girl@ CherryTAP TxStarr (Fan and Add me to see my private NSFW pics)@ CherryTAP The Original Licious@ CherryTAP PuNk_RoCk_AnJuLyA@ CherryTAP Winner will be determined by comments only. Voters and Contestants can vote. Starts Friday t
Rh's Ladies Best Intimate Tattoo Winners
TheRH@ CherryTAP 1st place- 10,000 ~DJ Dreams~[TCS Co Owner]@ CherryTAP Votes-7662 2nd place- 5,000 myeviltwin@ CherryTAP Votes-4607 3rd place- 1,000 Sad Girl@ CherryTAP Votes-771 RH
Rh's Ladies Best Intimate Piercing Contest
TheRH@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Intimate Piercing -Please Add Yourself as a Friend In Order To View Pics- Current Standing Updated Nightly After 10PM CST Current Contestants. ~♥Ashley♥~@ CherryTAP ~♥Ashley♥~ [ photo: 2224422932 ] Current Votes-2854 ♥~♥Mandy♥~♥L.O.D. member@ CherryTAP Vote For Mandy [ photo: 1601065420 ] Current Votes-9 MORBID PRINCESS@ CherryTAP Vote For MORBID PRINCESS [ photo: 3341366265 ] Current Votes-24 An Angel With No Halo And 1 Wing In The Fire@ CherryTAP Vote For An Angel With No Halo [ photo: 10448759 ] Current Votes-2652 Crazy69Bitch@ CherryTAP Vote For Crazy69Bitch [ photo: 462861521 ] Current Votes-236 one stressed mamma♥Angel Family♥@ CherryTAP Vote For one stressed mamma [ photo: 217648125 ]
Rh's Pajama Party Contest
TheRH ( BBW Lover )@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Back Tattoo Contest Rules: Pictures of in your night gown, pj's, ect. Must be SFW Taking Contestants, I can take up to 20 Contestants DALLAS ANGEL@ CherryTAP Dallas Angel ;) Kinkerbell ;) WHO LOVES ME? WHO DO I LOVE?@ CherryTAP Kinkerbell jujuangel@ CherryTAP JujuAngel MUMITA@ CherryTAP Mumita antonia@ CherryTAP Antonia ~***Poetic_Eyes4***~@ CherryTAP Poetic Eyes4 At least say HI, when you drop by@ CherryTAP At least say HI, when you drop by Carrie@ CherryTAP Carrie Winner will be determined by both comments and ratings. Contestants can not vote. Starts Friday the 26th at 10:00 PM CST Ends Friday the 1st 10:00 PM CST There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. All gifts will be a total of cherry bucks. 1st place- 10,000 2nd place- 5,000 3rd place- 1,000 RH
Rh's Pajama Party Contest Final Results
TheRH ( BBW Lover )@ CherryTAP RH's Pajama Party Contest Carrie-3741 points At least say HI, when you drop by-77 points ~***Poetic_Eyes4***~-575 points antonia-61 points MUMITA-23 points jujuangel-37 points Kinkerbell-1466 points DALLAS ANGEL-2740 points Winner will be determined by both comments and ratings. Contestants can not vote. Starts Friday the 19th at 10:00 PM CST Ends Friday the 26th 10:00 PM CST There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. All gifts will be a total of cherry bucks. 1st place- 10,000 2nd place- 5,000 3rd place- 1,000 RH
Rh's Pajama Party Contest Winners
TheRH ( BBW Lover )@ CherryTAP RH's Pajama Party Contest Winners 1st place- 10,000 Carrie@ CherryTAP Carrie 2nd place- 5,000 DALLAS ANGEL@ CherryTAP Dallas Angel 3rd place- 1,000 ;) Kinkerbell ;) WHO LOVES ME? WHO DO I LOVE?@ CherryTAP Kinkerbell RH
Rh's Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest
TheRH ( Ladies Back Tattoo Contest- Now Open/ Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest- Taking Entri@ CherryTAP RH's Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest Results Updated Nightly At 10PM CST Contestants elexa-2035 kitten-4282 DJ Dreams~[TCS]-799 Mandy-3378 o2snuz ~SNUZZYS GETAWAY-43 skittles-24 evolone2-475 bambamgirl-26 Khali13 * CTK * Hung From The Rafters In The Dungeon-33 ~I dont skinny dip, I chunky dunk~-48 Sad Girl-7277 Bre'Bre-15 Winner will be determined by both comments and average of ratings. Both Voters and Contestants can vote and Comment Bomb. Starts Monday the 5th at 10:00 PM CST Ends Monday the 12st 10:00 PM CST There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winne
Rh's Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest-results
TheRH ( Ladies Back Tattoo Contest- Now Open/ Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest- Taking Entri@ CherryTAP RH's Sexy Pierced Ladies Contest-Winners 1st place- 10,000 Sad Girl@ CherryTAP Sad Girl-7277 2nd place- 5,000 Kitten@ CherryTAP kitten-4282 3rd place- 1,000 *~*Mandy*~*L.O.D. member@ CherryTAP Mandy-3378 RH
Rh's Sexy Ladies Costume Contest Results
TheRH@ CherryTAP RH's Ladies Best Intimate Piercing Winners 1st Place-10,000 cherry bucks ~¢¾Ashley¢¾~@ CherryTAP ~¢¾Ashley¢¾~ [ photo: 2224422932 ] Votes-2854 2nd Place 5,000 cherry bucks An Angel With No Halo And 1 Wing In The Fire@ CherryTAP Vote For An Angel With No Halo [ photo: 10448759 ] Votes-2652 3rd Place 1,000 cherry bucks one stressed mamma¢¾Angel Family¢¾@ CherryTAP Vote For one stressed mamma [ photo: 217648125 ] Votes-1323
Rhubarb Chutney
Rhubarb Chutney Prep time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes 1 Golden Delicious apple, peeled, cored, and diced 1 medium shallot, chopped 1/2 cup tart dried cherries 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup cider vinegar 1 serrano chile, seeded, minced 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 pound fresh rhubarb, tops trimmed, cut into 3/4-inch pieces 1. In a large saucepan, combine all ingredients except rhubarb. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. Stir in rhubarb. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer 6 to 8 minutes, or until rhubarb softens and chutney thickens. Pour into a bowl; refrigerate until cold. Serve with grilled chicken or pork. Makes 3 cups. Each 3/4-cup serving: 84 calories, 0 grams fat, 0 grams protein, 21 grams carbohydrates
so last thursday i adopted a basset hound, she's a year old; i called her Rhylee. She has YET to go to the bathroom outside for me, instead she enjoys going in my house. The other day she dragged out my bathroom rugs and took a crap on my floor! (at least she didnt want to get my rugs dirty) Then just last night i put her in the bathroom (took all the rugs and litter box out) and shut the door while i ran to the store. Came back and she crapped on my floor and smeared it all over the floor! pulled my towels on the floor and got them covered in it as well... Anyone reading this, did you ever have a basset hound and have this much trouble training one?
A Rhyme Of 69.
A rhyme of 69. by Redrosesx © 69 is the start of my rhyme, if you take it slow and do it right, you can make last all through the night, lick it up and lick it down, Is the best way to start I have found. Wriggling bodies, arching backs, are you getting the picture with these facts, bring up the pace, watch the smile appear on their face, as you hold on tight and hit just the right place. They are cumming hard but so are you, Are you both really through? No your not, for it's just the beginning, so cuff them up and tell them hold on tight, And ride them hard all through the night .....
trust in me like you do ya damn dolla See me on the street give ya boi a holla I got that kush thats bushy I got ya head somethin like a slushie Jus without the ice, cant afford that yet but you can bet that one day you will see me in my very own jet I ride the streets of flo town during the night But by daylight C-town im outta sight stay on the low, cant keep pushin this dank I wish I was on the flo with Gmoney and big bank but for now i sit in the back row gaurdin the back door Using Sony's Acid music studio droppin new tracks to the floor they ask for more, but nightshift is a bore I gotta make it last, Im takin curves too fast keepin too much on my shoulders, too quick to burn up my stash It weighs down like a boulder my heart is gettin colder hey me and decado was playin grand theft auto think it was tues night, nobody showed though kinda thought somebody should Decado passed out quick, new he would but it wil
Rhyme Of Truth
Rhyme of Truth will anger get me through the void and take away the pain cursing you on written page when the love is still the same lie to the world and your pretty eyes of how i hate your soul when all it takes is one phone call to pull me from this hole
Rhymes For Reasons
Ive got five things in a girl on my mind And if i get them ill return in kind One thing i want to her not to want what i have The second is i need a girl that can laugh The third is i dont want to be hurt Think twice for you rub my heart through the dirt Stay true and get a dose of my worth I want a girl i can make rise from the earth Fourth thing is she has to have fun I know its selfish but it has to be done Fifth is that she has to appreciate me If she does then for real i love ya baby.....
You remember these? The Freddy Kreuger rhyme (Nightmare on Elm Street) One, two, Freddy's coming for you three, four, you better lock your door five, six, get your crusifix seven, eight, you better stay up late nine, ten, never sleep again! Row Row Row your boat gently down the stream Throw your teacher overboard and listen to her scream Five days later floatin' down the Delaware chewing on her underwear couldn't afford another pair! Ten days later bitten by a polar bear that's how the polar bear died!! Great green gobs of greasy grimey gopher guts Mutilated monkey meat Chopped-up baby parakeet French fried eyeballs floating in a bowl of blood All on a platter for a dollar ninety-eight Plus three cents taaaaaaax! Ce Ce my playmate. Come out and play with me, and bring dollies three. Climb up my apple tree. Slide down my rainbow, into my cellar door, and we'll be jolly friends, forever more, more, 1,2,3,4. Miss Susie had a baby she named him Tiny T
Rhymin' And Stealin" Nyc
The Rhyme Sayer
He steps up to the mic, he starts to sweat but takes a deep breath. Hes been ready for days, hours writing, some call them a waste. Hes been prepping but he knows its his time, opens up his mouth before he goes blind.The words come out bringing beats to life, like power. He spews words, verse for verse, some hate em, some love em, he rides his lyrical power for the few short hours. Love em or hate him, respect him or don't, it doesn't matter what you think about the verse, hes not the last, not the first. He stands in a room, soundproof, with a mic in his hand, wrinkled & torn lyrics on paper in the music stand. Earphones replay the beat, replay the tunes,replay the voice over as it booms. Resonates in this lyrical mystery, spitting out lyrical tombs, boom, boom.
Rhyming Couplets
just because i want to be like you i will write a poem too it shall be a masterpiece and scholars will recite it in Nice people will question what it means it will have a cult following, be very scene but how? why? and of what or who? i will write a poem too!
I don't know what evoked me to write this..but hell I'm always one with messages.. The denial of grief is an easy game To strike a smile so that no one sees your pain Avoid the mirror coz everyday it’s the same Your reflection that speaks of your sins about to drive you insane No more shame is what you keep telling yourself But the moment that he walks in Then you deal with your buttons the stakes just keep getting higher And you’re rolling in the money living a life of a liar It’s not easy, but since when life is? A dreamy walk in the mountains but all there are dogs of corruption Mind, body and soul, time and space But you gotta be strong Don’t give these animals face Girl when you gonna quit? And have respect for yourself Get back your dignity tell the devil to be gone And show the world that you have finally won and get back your life and tricking was never in style That’s when true happiness comes no more living in denial Ari Yahya April 29t
Rhyme: The Sadness Of Sex
Kissing's a pleasure Fucking's a game Guys get all the pleasure Girls get all the pain He says he loves you, and you believe it's true Until your belly starts to swell and he says hell with you. 10 minutes of pleasure, 9 months and pain 3 days in hospital, a child without a name The baby's a bastard The mother's a whore This never would have happened if the rubber hadn't tore
Spider Spider on the wall Dont you have no sence at all Dont you know the walls just been plastard Now ya stuck you stupid bastard :d
Spider spider on the wall, What a stupid place to crawl, Didn’t you see it had just been plastered? Now your stuck you silly bastard. Little miss druggie, Sat in her buggy, Smoking an ounce of weed, Along came a spider and sat down beside her, And sold her a kilo of speed. Humpty dumpty fucked a fat whore, Humpty dumpty spunked on the floor, All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, Bent the bitch over and fucked her again. I am a farmer who lives in a bog, I’m widely known for the size of my knob, It’s too big for women so none I can keep, But it’s just the right size for shagging my sheep. Little Jack Horner, Sat in a corner, Licking his girlfriend dry, He stuck in his tongue, And sucked out some cum, And said, “Fuck me that was better than pie.” Zippy and Bungle went to the jungle, To have a bit of fun, But Zippy got silly, Pulled out his Willy, And shoved it up Bungle’s bum. Sex is a temptation, Caused by a sensation, When a man puts his dictation, In a womanâ
You forgot about the house, you forgot about the ring.. I remember everything, I just wanna hear you sing.. I remember the love right after the fight.. You can’t tell me you don’t remember those nights.. And if I would cry, you would cry twice.. To me you were the brightest star under sunlight.. Take away my title, take away my strength.. And give me back my girl and you give me back my life.. -Give me back my girl and you give me back my life- .. See this is just a nightmare so I blink twice.. Open up my eyes hoping she’d be in my sight.. I remember the time I wish I can bring it back.. What she means to me is what I mean to rap....
got the RECIPE/open SESAME/your SISTERS SEXING ME d*** her down to she has to get a HISTORECTOMY EQUIPPED WITH WEAPONTRY/keep colored condomems like a CRAYON BOX/pull it off and start to SPRAY ON TOP with the option of her face or ASS CHEEKS/this chick blowing up my phone since LAST WEEK/smokin my d@@@like she STAY ON ROCKS asking if im coming out this WAY OR NOT/i'm wearing the VICTORIA SECRET/hurry up Deville/so i can show you some MORE OF MY FREAKNESS that p**** is the CORE OF MY WEAKNESS/if this was a show/then the fellaz would have TOOK ALL SEATS/suck dem nipples get em hard like the bottom of FOOTBALL KLEATS
Rhyming Poem
I use a mask to beautify myself I drink from a silver flask to disguise myself I watch the telly to satisfy myself I rub my belly to educate myself I play with government money to empower myself I killed to be funny to do it myself All by myself one trillion bodies under the largest shelf flushed down the potty swimming with a shark boars and hogs got slaughtered the facts left in the dark of all things alloted All by myself said the government
Rhyming Slang Dictionary
A Aris (Aristotle = Bottle) ............... Arse Arthur Bliss ............................ Piss Aylesbury Duck .......................... Fuck B Back And Front .......................... Cunt Barclays Bank ........................... Wank Barry White ............................. Shite Ben Cartwright .......................... Shite Berkshire Hunt (Berk) ................... Cunt Bottle And Glass ........................ Arse Brace And Bits .......................... Tits Brad Pitt ............................... Shit Brahms And Lizst ........................ Pissed Brighton Rock ........................... Cock (Penis) Bristol City ............................ Titty C Cattle Truck ............................ Fuck Charlie Nash ............................ Slash (Piss) Cobblers Awls ........................... Balls (Testicles) Council Gritter ......................... Shitter Cousin Sis .............................. Piss (On The) Cuddle And Kiss .........
A Rhymes
Let me Wake then to Murder me in my sleep, A Cause from your drunkenness that you are blind, Better to let my Heart pour out on the ground, Then to push my faith over like a Spoil Princess, It's a Matter of placement that you discourage me, That I should never love again in your eyes, Better to Watch me sleep then to Huber over me drunk, Drunk from your Horror lost that I might wonder from you, No Big words just Sadness that I sit upon this thrown, A Thrown that you have created in your Kingdom of sadness, Now that I am your Jester that you Huber over me, My dark sleep that your Drunkenness will come to a end, Better to Murder me with my Eyes open, So I can see my Love struck drunk Killer,
Rhyme And Reason
I have no distiny when I set here with pen in hand.No rhyme nor reason.I just close my eyes and I see a vision,within my heart,This tiny little voice,reaches inside my soul,and relates all that I had came to know.There is no ryhme nor reason,to the words I write,I just take what I feel,and let the emotions flows, and take hold,I have no reason,and could'nt even care if it was in rythem,I just write,what I see in the heart.A child,holding on to his best friend,a tathered brown bear.A daughter,brushing her hair searching for her true self.A son,reaching out for the father's attention.A mother,crying in the silence of a nite,despaired,broken from her daily life.A father wishing wanting more,and dare not let go of the life he has came to know.There is no rhyme nor reason for my tales.They are just something I felt,no time,all the time.any moment,no moment.Just a thought,no rythme nor reason intended.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall The structure of the wall was incorrect So he won a grand with Claims Direct. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Oh sh!t, it's Global Warming. Jack and Jill went into town To fetch some chips and sweeties. He can't keep his heart rate down And she's got diabetes. Mary had a little skirt with splits right up the sides and everywhere that Mary went the boys could see her thighs. Mary had another skirt 'twas split right up the front ...But she didn't wear that one often. Mary had a little lamb her father shot it dead. Now it goes to school with her between two chunks of bread. Simple Simon met a pie man going to the fair. Said Simple Simon to the pie man 'What have u got there?' Said the pie man unto Simon Pies you dickhead. Mary had a little lamb it ran into a pylon. 10,000 volts went up its arse and turned its wool to nylon.
Rhyme Session With Each1
Crazed2APoint... I'M AN ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS said: I live outside my mind, My thought process resides in a gutter... A limbless mute dominatrix is my idea of a dream lover -Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said: but sometimes shes too smothered to cover, so i dip her in dream rubber in a last attempt to love her...somehow i never could phase her, barefoot rollerskating on a razor in a blazer till i can taste her.... Crazed2APoint... I'M AN ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS said: self sabotaging maybe, destroyin things before they start, it became rare to get through my defenses cus my heart was torn apart... silly little love games drove my heart and mind insane, closest i get to love is pretending you love me when you're screaming my name.   -Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said: and how is it you scream so crisp? its gotta be hi-fi,place the barrel to my lips, release the needle from my eye, i see it in split vision, yer standing on either
Rhyme Session With Bkps
-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:Oh the immediate irony of being the last of a dying breed thats willing to die violently..Crazed2APoint... I'M AN ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS said:the irony of that is just as bad as this catch 22, wanting to live but having no good reasons as to why you want too... come equipped with enough pain bottled up inside, you can see it in my eyes, i can share a lil bit that could make the devil cry.-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:so as he's weepin askin oh mama why, we supply the dopeness that make it all alriiiiiiigh...pressure from the inside let loose unto the night, breathing as an exercise to make us all feel fiiiine, listen as the devils cries turn to tears of pride, damn my people did it, layed it all on the liiiiine.....gyesh yesh!Crazed2APoint... I'M AN ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS said:that we did, dark clouds erased ain't nothin but sunshine, but it started raining guess the devil got mad and whipped his wife's
Rhyme Session With The Shining
The Shining™ - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:Brass Knuckles shine like platinum: the epi-tome, handsome with a microphone. You cowards are cro-magnon, counterfits, like lead dipped in chrome, mellowdramatic, fairy tail gnomes. The Three Kings lift heavy weight and smash on the drones. The Shining™ - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:BRASS KNUCKLES TO THE DOME, you can phone a friend or phone home, but that won't save you from a silver bullet in the zone. Me and my folks smoke killa' zones, and set fire to these sterile-ass clones. Cat's throw books, but I slap 'em wit' a tome. Kung-fu-spiritual, like Bruce Leroy, when I rome. Heavy liftin', heavy spittin' from heavy chromosomes. I'd hate to meet me in a dark alley, under full moon, alone. To rally me, myself and I'm known, to thump a scally-wag, with heavy hands like "tally ho!"   Crazed2APoint... I'M AN ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS said:my wit is sharp enough to cut down the middle of a strand of hair, hella accurate
Rhyme Session With Ant
You might say that I'm apathetic. I don't care enough to dispute that ANT the RANT Brass Knuckle Poets Society said: Apathetic to protect what beats so fragilely, Pathetic to think I could defeat feelings that I truly believe,Sympathetic to such a degree, that other people couldn't care to see,When a heart bleeds, what pours out is what we unwillingly concede,We hold fast to our dreams, and don't speak of these things that make us weak,We wear our masks, and conceal our true selfs, for fear of being a human being,Emotionally upside down, so much that we can't tell the floor from the ceiling,So we sit spinning on ceiling fans, grinning ignorant and feeling grand,Watching the coffee table circle around our dangling hanging hands,reaching for the remote for a semblance of control, over our daily demands,In this digital world, of holograms, and personality scams it's hard to be a man,My keyboard holds the key to my plans, I hit.. Option, then Escape, with Command.Abort ta
Rhyme Sesh (me, Tyler Durden, Killcraft, Each1) ''it's Not Love''
Tyler DurdenI'm trapped by her pearl - and her legs are wrapped around me, music caressing our ears and it sounds like a stream. But, that's okay, 'cause that's his girl, and she don't give a crap about me. But, I'll make her toes curl, and that's actually. She liked my smile, so she gave me a whirl and that's factually. Not exactly what she found me to be - I beat her mound like a beast. And, that's life when you're a mammal. My friends call me 'Danny'... but you can call me 'Daniel.' Hungry like presa canario - I treat her like a cocker-spaniel, rippin' shit up on the animal channel, after I poured us glasses of pinot grigio and lit the candles. We danced naked, fingertips caressin' love handles - no need for lingerie or sandals. I'm takin' her birthday suit like a vandal. Thank you for your tithe. I'm glad that God gave you life, but you could never be my wife. You can play the butter. And, and I'll be the hot butter knife. It's gonna be a long night. I'll make you speak in tongues
Rhyme Intervention
You failed the MC test and now you're in hot water Can't you see what your weak ass rhymes are doin' to your father? Everyones laughin' at you and this affects your mother and your daughter And I need some of that laughter cause I plan on spellin' slaughter When I murder all you whores and paint red rum on your front doors I ain't Wyclef Jean but I'm about to drop the scores Your shit's WAL*MART, mines not available in stores I'm spillin' blood everywhere and I ain't moppin' up the floors I'm goin' nuts bacause these MC's won't get off my balls You're a fire hydrant, I'm a dog and nature calls Rippin' kids out of your bitch and writin' death to pigs on the walls Peter Gabriel, verbal sledgehammer, bust open your skulls I'll bitchslap you and piss on you, won't even hesitate You're fuckin' with the Manson family and startin' to look like Sharon Tate I got skills and cause of that all you got is hate Dissin' you via fubar, like me and give my profile a rate
Rhymin'. Timin' That's what I do. I'm out to make The Loot, from every-one-of You. I kick-back, thinkin' 'bout, what I'm gonna say, then, I-do-it-up. Not just any Old Way: Ahm-into-The-Funkin'- The-Bumpin'. The Non-Stop Thumpin'. Try to dethrone Me, I-gotta-leave-ya-Punkin'- 'cause-I write, eat, sleep Rhymes every day. Here, for awhile..won't go away. Now Little Miss Muffet, sat on The Tuffet. Said I couldn't Polish A Rhyme, so I Buffed It. I hit The Eeeny Meenies, the Minees and Moes. And Yeah, I did it. I Freaked The Toes. Old Mother Hubbard livin' off in The Shoe. She had her own Plan. She knew what to do. I just couldn't help it when The Freak-In-Her-Said: "I-got-a-Secret-Room. Freak-Me, in My Bed!" The Rhymeschemin'! Here's Jack and Jill. They're goin' up The Hill. I-met-'em-at-the-top,
Rhymeschemin' : The Next Chapter.
Vs. 1. Rhymin'. Time-In. Back once again. It's-The-Next-Edition-Of-The-Proto-Rhyme Trend. Kickin'-back-thinkin'-just-what, to say. Still-doin'-it-Right. Not any old way- and-into-The-Bumpin'. The-Trumpin'. Got-Ya-all-Stumpin'-still-Others-in-the-Rhyme Game- ruin-The Funk-tion.They-think, to-Dethrone-me. Not-Today-Homee.The-Second-Chapter-Schemin'- now-begins, with a 'Roni'-like-Red, Yeah, Riding Hood. I-see-her-on-The-Trail-off-into-The-Woods. And-That Big-Ass-Wolf, not far-behind. I-had-to-do-somethin',to-keep-her-alive. I-got-ahead-of-him. Then-got-in-his-way, with-a-big-slab-of-beef, from the USDA! He-got-ta-Grubbin'-On. Nothing went wrong. And-Lil-Ol-Red, still-singin'-her-Song. Rhyme-Schemin'! Vs. 2. You know Rapunzel. The One with The Hair? I'll-give-ya-The-Real. And-ya-just might care. I-saw-her-at-Wal-Mart. Doin'-her-shop-pin'. Locks everywhere-she-was-Hip-ta-Hop-pin'.
The first time I met my fiance in person..It was far better than I would have ever thought it to be.. I stood near the escalaters, waiting for him to step of the plane into America..When I saw him, I was nervous, but couldn't stop smiling..I am a shorty so he had a hard time spotting me, but the second he did..His smile just grew from ear to ear, and he walked so tall... The look in his eyes were like I was the only one in his view... There was no one around but us..or so it felt that way... I just knew from the second I saw him, that he would b the guy that I would marry and spend the rest of my life with... Love at first site I guess you can sorta say... me and rhys had talked online for about 5 to 6 months before we desided to meet each other..I knew that I loved him before he got here, but I didn't realize how much... He is the sweetest most careing man I have ever met... but anywho back to the the minute he saw me and smiled, he made his way over to me.. walkin tall
A Rhythm In The Night
Evoke the evening's tempo candlelight for the soul shadows us not the storm now whispers willingly and brings song in approaching dreams Emerge from hazy doubt as is a day's instinctive nature revealing rewards unknown at an instance watching as uncertainty transforms Embrace all honesty lifting yourself into the moment when desire clatters to be noticed a timely portrayal indeed Enlivening quiet mysteries around an intoxicating dance of dreams ultimately bestowing rest for the spirit and creating a rhythm in the night
Rhythmic Embrace
Rhythmic Embrace Aug 20 2006 By Raven NightSpell When my heart beats a bounding And me legs are a flound'ing 'Tis the radiance astounding And my hearts deep seeded needing For another’s heart to be beating Quickly now and still much faster Only this be not knowing And for this I wish were showing Wile fluttering hearts silently moaning Only this I wish were true Oh to be something new This one thing I wish to do One thing I do hope to be This thing that I may never see For my souls wanting surrender As the music holds my wanting And the rhythm so unstopping For this my will becomes undaunting The music moves divine and grace Unyielding hold from this place Beaming flush upon my face Entrancing dance is my hold Heat arising from where, untold Truly wanting to give in My strength within quickly fleeting From the music sensual beating Ending in simple wanting, needing. ( phew needed to get that out for a wile )
The Rhythm And Rhyme Of Philosophy ... Why Love?
WHY LOVE? What man has found sweet Peace in Gold; that Happiness he bought or sold? Where is the man can stand and claim, His Greed brought more than Grief or Shame? In what is found that can compare, to Joys that those who Love may share? True Love is all this Life may give, as reason for a man to live. To even the unwise it’s clear, more Joy is found in Love than Fear; More Peace is found in Love than Gold, more Happiness than can be told. Should more be penned, or does this show, The "Why of Love”, that all should know? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rhey W. Hedges, December 30, 1961
Rhythm Divine *enrique Iglesias*
Music Video:RHYTHM DIVINE (by Enrique Iglesias)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
The Rhythm
Now, the loose light, like tears, drips down the shutters to the sheets and to your hair like a skein of silken yarn fallen there (where I have left it, and the memory of glory hallelujahs, to sit and watch your breast rise and fall to the rhythm of ghosts). Awaken, lover, look into my eyes welled-over with good-bye - I am not going, ever - I am ever-gone. Now, the brittle day has broken into this room, dispelling spirits once held among our enfolded limbs - we may never find last night again, gone away with this dawn. I will kiss your fingertips as I pull away, away. Farewell. © All rights reserved
Rhythm And Blues
Smoky Robinson sings the softest melody - we are dancing slowly and I can feel the Miracles deep inside me as I awaken to a feeling - feeling bittersweet. Sad to know the evening cannot last forever. The warmth that comes to rest in the air between us makes me shiver - so I close the gap. I hold you tightly - "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day..." © All rights reserved
Rhythum Of Enchantment
The Rhythm
slowly, everything returns to normal: i could hear your heart beating steadily back to its usual pace, that same rhythm that my heart treads. i could hear your breathing, no longer in short gasps, drawing the same sweet air as i do i could hear your sigh, escaping your lips, as sleep claims you as it starts to lure me too (i could hear the rain outside slowing to a drizzle, no longer raging has the world also stilled to a rest?) and i sigh back, you lovingly rest your head on my shoulder, nestled in the warmth of my embrace.
The Rhythm
Pull down silk panties Enter past my Forbidden walls You're the key To the lock That unlocks My walls I'm here waiting Wanting you, needing you I am speechless When you cast Your eyes upon me Laying on the bed With a see through nightie The blackness caressing My curvy body Enter my walls Bury yourself inside Don't stop... Go in and out Move with the rhythm, The beat of the music
Rhythm Of My Heart By Runrig
Rhythm Of My Heart Lyrics
Rhythm Is A Dancer
Ok, so I had the weekend to myself, decided to break out my guitar hero drum kit (I know, no life blah blah)   I Suck, really and truely I do. No sense of rhythm or timing I swear, was getting in all sorts of trouble randomly swinging at whatever colour was closest.   Not sure if they'll be getting used again anytime soon...
Rhythmic Hearts
Two heartsBeatingInches apart,A cadenceWith hypnoticRhythm. I can't tellWhich beatIs mineOr whichIs yours.The tempo changes,From allegro to vivace,As our bodies entwine.We're lost in the moment,We've conquered time. Poem By Tammy C.
Rhythm Of A Beating Heart
Oh hopeless romanticisn’t it enchanting to know that I could possess your heart? To know that I could Love you,and never enough to,speak the words to let something magical start. Such a sensational explanation to a fine situation this heart of mine could ever define.. So just a whisper in the eyes of the stars of the skies.. To know you will never be alone in the night. And a dream of a place, as safe as a face to calm you in truth to confide.. A heart with a soul forever to hold is enough just to keep you alive. So follow the feeling it’s never short of reeling the promises from deep beneath the oceans of blue. 
Riaa Subpoenas Neighbor's Son, Calls His Employer (From NewYorkCountyLawyer) "To those who might think that I might be exaggerating when I describe the RIAA's litigation campaign as a 'reign of terror', how's this one: in UMG v. Lindor, the RIAA not only subpoenaed the computer of Ms. Lindor's son, who lives 4 miles away, but had their lawyer telephone the son's employer. See page 2, footnote 1." Courtesy of
Rialto Metrolink Versus Freight Train Collision Injures Five
Five people were injured in a Metrolink versus freight train collision in Rialto on November 20, 2008 – the second such accident in less then three months. The 11/20/08 crash was far less serious than the catastrophic head-on collision in Chatsworth in September that killed 25 and injured hundreds. According to this Los Angeles Times news report, Thursday’s accident occurred at about 11:30 a.m. when an eastbound Metrolink train hit the end of a westbound Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway train. The freight train was pulling onto a siding from a main track just west of the Rialto train station when the accident occurred. Five passengers were sent to local hospitals with complaints of pain. Officials are still trying to figure out how this collision could have happened. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad officials say their engineer had been given the go-ahead either by a signal or a Metrolink dispatcher. The freight train was traveling from Barstow to Rialto. The Metrolink loco
Rian Dance And Native Land
Rianon 'dallasbabe'
Rianon 'Dallasbabe' Apparently didn't like my tag with the ugly chick that says, Ever wonder if the chick your chatting with is hot? Think again.... View Downrater Block Downrater Leave Comment For Downrater
ribald RIB-uhld; RY-bawld, adjective: 1. Characterized by or given to vulgar humor; coarse.
A couple has a dog that snores. Annoyed because she can't sleep, the wife goes to the vet to see if he can help. The vet tells the woman to tie a ribbon around the dog's testicles and he will stop snoring. "Yeah right!" she thinks. A few minutes after going to bed, the dog begins snoring as usual. The wife tosses and turns, unable to sleep. Finally, muttering to herself, she goes to the closet and grabs a piece of ribbon and ties it carefully around the dog's testicles. Sure enough, the dog stops snoring. The woman is amazed! Later that night, her husband returns home drunk from being out with his buddies. He climbs into bed, falls asleep, and immediately begins snoring loudly. The woman thinks that maybe the ribbon will work on him too. So she goes to the closet again, grabs a piece of ribbon, and ties it around her husband's testicles. Amazingly, it also works on him! She then sleeps soundly. He wakes in a drunken stupor and stumbles into the bathroom. As he s
Ribbon Eagle
Sisters of Mercy - Ribbons (Vision Thing) I'm lying on my back now The stars look all too near Flowers on the razor wire I know you're here We are few and far between I was thinking about her skin Love is a many splintered thing Don't be afraid now, just walk on in Her eyes were cobalt red Her voice was cobalt blue I see no purple light Crashing out of you So just walk on in Her lovers queued up in the hallway I heard them scratching at the door I tried to tell her about Marx and Engels, God and angels I don't really know what for But she looked good in ribbons So just walk on in Tie a red, red, red, red, red, red ribbon Love is a many splintered thing Tie a red, red, red, red ribbon Don't be afraid Just walk on in
Ribbon In The Sky
Seeing how hot and muggy it was today the children all got asked to go and have a drink from the bubbler's to ensure that they don't over heat or dehydrate and as they swarm around waiting to get a chance at having a drink a little boy says to me "shell theres a frog"... "where?!?" i ask he leans over looking down the drain in the sink i lean over the top of him and look down theres no frog there but this little boy is concentrating really hard on looking to see this so called frog, me being me ceases the opportunity i give a quick light poke to the sides of his belly and say in a deepish voice "RIBBET"  it scared him and he jumped out of his skin Fortunately for me a little girl who had heard him say there was a frog there but didn't see me scare him came up to have a look for this frog she bent over looking down the drain and as she did i once more gave a quick light poke to her sides and in my deep voice said "RIBBET" she to jumped out of her skin
Rib Eye Steak Recipe From The Barbecue
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
Rib Fest 2007
20% Riboflavin 0 Cholestorol
Rib Poking Good
If you were riding on a bus and felt a sudden, sharp poke in the ribs, how would you feel? Most people say they would probably feel irritated or angry and some say they would feel scared. That's normal. Let's say, just for this example, that you would feel angry. You might be thinking something like, "That stupid jerk. He ought to be careful. You shouldn't just poke people in the ribs." Those thoughts would clearly lead you to be angry. Now suppose you look over to see who had poked you and realize it was a blind man. He was taking off his sweater and he accidentally poked you with his elbow. Now how would you feel? Most people say they would feel sad or even embarrassed that they were angry with the man. Here's the important part…YOU STILL GOT POKED IN THE RIBS! The event [getting poked in the ribs] was exactly the same but your feelings changed from anger to sadness or embarrassment. Clearly, if events and people made you angry, then the same exact event couldn't immediately cau
Been cooking Ribs all day in the crockpot. They smell so good lol. :) Even Pluto has been running back and forth trying to get close to them lol. I can almost taste them through the smell. I think I'm getting heartburn before I even get to taste them lol.
is gone =[ /cries
A good mix of fine stiching right along with a 'i really don't give a fuck' t-shirt. Comfort is all that matters on a day like today.
Rice Pudding With Cranberries And Raisins
5 cups milk 1 cup uncooked long-grain rice 1/4 cup dried black currants 1/4 cup raisins 1/2 cup dried cranberries 2 large eggs 1/4 teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract One 12-ounce can evaporated milk 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon In a 4-quart pot, heat the fresh milk over medium heat just until bubbles form around the edge. Once you add the rice, you must watch the pot very carefully to be sure the mixture does not burn or boil over. We cooked ours over medium heat, but if your pot is not as thick-bottomed as ours, or if your stove puts out more BTUs than ours does, you may need to reduce the heat to medium-low or even low. Stir in the rice, cover the pot, and cook, stirring gently every 5 minutes to keep the rice from sticking to the bottom of the pot, until the rice is tender and sticky, about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the currants, raisins, and cranberries. Set aside. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a mediu
Rice Cooker Seafood Risotto
Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Serves: 2 Ingredients 2-1/2 cups chicken stock 1 Tbsp. unsalted butter 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2 cup onioncooked, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1 cup Arborio or short grain rice 1/2 cup dry white wine 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp. tarragon 1 Tbsp. parsley flakes, or 2 Tbs. 1/8 tsp. red chili pepper flakes 1/4 lb. small shrimp, peeled and deveined, patted dry 1/4 lb. scallops, washed and trimmed, patted dry Instructions Bring chicken stock to a boil on top of stove or in microwave, and hold at simmering. Spray rice cooker pan with nonstick cooking spray. Turn cooker on and add butter and oil until melted. Stir in onion and garlic and cook 1-2 minutes. Add rice and stir to coat well with butter mixture. Stir in next 5 ingredients. Slowly add hot stock, about 1/3 cup at a time, stirring constantly. When liquid has been absorbed, slowly add more hot stock in same manner. Continue this process about 15 minute
Rice Fritters
I use a light oil for frying as I find olive oil adds too much of it’s own flavor to these delicate tasting fritters. 4 Cups Milk 6 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar 2 Tablespoons Sweet Butter Grated Zest of 1 Lemon 1 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract 1 1/2 Cups of Arborio Rice 2 Eggs, Separated 5 Cups of Oil For Frying Combine the milk, sugar, butter, vanilla and lemon zest in a medium sized pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to simmer and cook, stirring occasionally until the rice is tender and the milk is absorbed. Let cool to room temperature. Add the egg yolks and mix well. Whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form, and fold into the rice mixture. In a heavy pot, fry in oil that has been heated to 375 degrees F. until golden brown. It takes only a few minutes, so watch carefully. Remove to a plate covered with paper towels to absorb the oil. Sprinkle with a little more granulated sugar, and serve warm.
Rice & Ham-stuffed Chicken Breasts
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 50 min Makes: 2 servings, 1 stuffed chicken breast each 1/4 cup PHILADELPHIA Chive & Onion Cream Cheese Spread 1/2 cup cooked MINUTE White Rice 1/2 cup chopped fresh spinach leaves 2 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1/2 lb.), pounded to 1/4-inch thickness 6 slices OSCAR MAYER Shaved Ham or Turkey 1 egg, lightly beaten 8 RITZ Crackers, crushed PREHEAT oven to 400°F. Mix cream cheese spread, rice and spinach until well blended. PLACE chicken breasts, top-sides down, on large cutting board. Top each with 3 ham slices and half of the rice mixture. Starting at one of the short ends, tightly roll up each chicken breast. Dip in egg, then in cracker crumbs, turning to evenly coat each chicken breast. Place in greased 8-inch square baking dish. BAKE 35 to 40 min. or until chicken is cooked through (170°F).
Rice Wine---sake (saki)
Rice Wine---Sake (Saki) Ingredients: · 2-1/2 pounds, rice (husked or raw) · 1/2 pint, grape concentrate or 1lb of light raisins · 7 pints, hot water · 2-1/2 pounds, corn sugar or honey · 3 teaspoons, acid blend · 3/4 teaspoon, yeast energizer (nutrient) · 1 tablet, Campden · 1 pack, sherry yeast Procedure: . Wash and coarsely crush rice. . Place rice and chopped raisins in nylon straining bag, tie top and in primary fermentation container. . Pour hot water over rice and stir in all ingredients except yeast and energizer (nutrient). .. (don’t forget the grape concentrate if not using raisins). . Wait 48 hours. . Add yeast and energizer and cover primary. . Stir daily, checking gravity and pressing pulp lightly. . When gravity reaches 1.050 (2-3 days), add 1/4 pound dissolved sugar or ..honey per gallon. . When gravity drops
Rice Cookers....
Okay... So one of my good friends came over to my house today and saw my rice cooker sitting out on the counter. She asked me what it was and I told her... She said that she has never ever heard for a rice cooker before!! So, I was just wondering if im the only weird one that grew up with one... and now has one of their own!? anyone else own a rice cooker or grew up with one... just my question for the day.!
Rice Paper
Rice paper is made from the pith of a Taiwanese tree, not from rice.
Rice Crispies
If you eat regular rice crispies with chocolate milk will it taste the same as eating co-co crispies with regular milk?
Rice Pudding
Ingredients 6 cup(s) water 2 cinnamon sticks 1 cup(s) rice 3 cup(s) milk, lowfat 2/3 cup(s) sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt Preparation 1. Put water and cinnamon sticks in medium saucepan. Bring to boil. 2. Stir in rice. Cook on low heat for 30 minutes until rice is soft and water has evaporated. 3. Add skim milk, sugar, and salt. Cook for another 15 minutes until mixture thickens.
Rice-flour Crepes Stuffed With Shrimp (crepas De Harina De Arroz Rellenas De Camarones)
INGREDIENTS: STUFFING: 1 tablespoon annatto oil 1 fresh plum tomato, chopped 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1-1/2 tablespoon basic Recaito 1/2 pound large shrimp, cleaned, deveined, and chopped CREPE BATTER: 1-1/2 cups rice flour 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 cup milk 3 eggs 1/2 pound Puerto Rican white cheese, grated Olive oil for frying 1 Heat the annatto oil in a large skillet. Add the plum tomato, tomato paste, and recaito. Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. Stir in the shrimp and cook until they just turn pink. Set aside. 2 Sift the dry ingredients together. With a wooden spoon, slowly stir in the milk, then eggs. Continue stirring until the mixture is smooth and free of lumps. Add the grated cheese. Let the batter rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator. 3 Heat a 7-inch frying pan and coat it with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Pour in 1/4 cup of the crepe batter and cook briefly, until golden brown on one side. Turn the c
Rice With Squid (arroz Con Calamares)
INGREDIENTS: 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 6-ounce cans calamares en su tinta (cuttlefish in its ink) 1/2 cup alcaparrado 2-1/2 cups short-grain rice 4-1/2 to 5 cups boiling water or chicken stock 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 Heat the oil in a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid and saute the calamares over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring the liquid to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook until the liquid has evaporated. 2 Stir the rice, cover, and cook over very low heat for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
Rice & Almond Pilaf
Prep & Cooking Time: 30 min. Yield: 6 servings Serving Size: 0.500 cup(s) 1 tsp canola oil 1/4 cup minced onion 1/2 green pepper, seeded 1 ounce almond slivers, unsalted, unroasted 1 cup uncooked long-grain rice 2 cups low-sodium, fat-free vegetable broth Directions: In a medium saucepan heat oil and add almonds. Roast the almonds for one to 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add vegetable broth to almonds and bring liquid to a boil. Add all remaining ingredients, stir well and reduce heat to simmer. Cover and cook for 15 to 20 minutes until rice is tender. Nutrition Facts Per 0.500 cup(s) Total Calories: 158 Carbohydrates: 27.65 g Total Fat: 3.31 g Protein: 4.16 g Sat Fat: 0.30 g Fiber: 1.18 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 70 mg Diabetic exchange: Starch: 1.500 Fat: 0.500
Rice Cakes - Why?
Why did I pay good money for a packet of varnished polystyrene? It's not like they are square so I can't even insulate the ceiling with them.
i like football go noter dame! they are the best and michigan cheats
Rice-a-roni Salad
Ingredients 1 box chicken Rice-A-Roni (follow cooking directions) 3 green onions 1/2 bell pepper 10 pimento green olives 2 jars marinated artichoke hearts oil from 1 jar of artichoke hearts 1/2 tsp. curry powder 1/3 C. mayonnaise 2 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped 1 pkg. frozen shrimp Directions Cook rice per instructions the box. Cover and refrigerate. Boil chicken breasts or bake, without skin. Chop chicken breasts into 1/2-inch pieces. Thaw shrimp. Chop green onions and bell peppers. Slice olives and artichoke hearts. Add mayonnaise, curry and oil together, and whisk until blended. Add all ingredients to rice and gently blend. Then add olives (not added before so that pimientos don't separate from olives.) Cover and chill for a couple of hours or overnight. Serving Size 6 Preparation Time 1 hours
do you eat rice ?
Rice Pudding
Ok I know this is way off the wall, but I am looking for a simple rice pudding recipe, I have looked it up on the internet but I haven't seen any recipe that knocked my panties off....
I made some rice with dinner the other night and this is how it turned out...
Rice Casserole
RICE CASSEROLE 1 stick margarine, melted 1 1/4 cup rice Mix above together. 1 can onion soup 1 can beef broth 1 large can sliced mushrooms and juice Mix all ingredients together in casserole and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
Rice Pilaf
Rice Pilaf 1/2 cup chopped onion (1 medium) 1/2 cup sliced fresh button mushrooms 1/4 cup chopped celery or green sweet pepper 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 3/4 cup uncooked long grain rice 1 1/2 teaspoons chicken, beef, or veg- 2 tablespoon bouillon granules 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 slices bacon, crisp cooked,drained and crumbled In a medium saucepan cook onion, mushrooms, celery, and garlic in hot butter until tender. Carefully stir in rice, bouillon granules, pepper, and 1 1/2 cups water. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, covered, about 15 minutes or until the rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. If desired, stir in crumbled bacon.
Rice,eggs And Fried Potatoes
So I have yet again fallen off my high horse and broke yet another new year’s resolution. While counting points daily, giving up sodas, and increasing steps. I’ve become weak. Those who look they have stepped right off the pages of Vogue or any other high fashion magazine, purge, puke, excessively work out to the point they have no life and or have not had children; I don’t want your advice. Not to sound cynical but obviously you’re not anything like me! So obviously temptation gets the best of me. It’s a life lesson that many of us fall victim to. Starting off the year; trying to manage points. along with stress, family crisis and an occasional woha of emotion. What woman wouldn’t say they “cheat?” So it’s apparent to me that I’m perhaps active enough to wear myself out, but not active enough to burn the bulge (loose the ass). It’s quite depressing so the lease. But has me at a rock bottom, searching for, not an easier way. But a more productive way, to begin my reformation
Rice Pudding
rice pudding Cook Time: 25 minutes Ingredients: 2 c. cooked rice 1/2 c. sugar 2 eggs, slightly beaten 2 c. milk 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/4 c. raisins 1/2 tsp. powdered cinnamon Preparation: Place rice in bowl, add all ingredients, stir to mix. Pour into greased baking dish or pan. Bake about 25 minutes in a 350 degree oven
[rice Is Nice]
I've made a hundred fried rices, a thousand times with a thousand restrictions, and for a thousand leftovers. I've even used leftover fried rice to make fried rice.I think I could use some MSG if I'm ever going to compete with the commercial grades. And no- there's not a single fucking thing wrong with MSG- its sea kelp broth dehydrated into solid flakes. Now where was I? Ah yes, I'm always looking for the next big idea when it comes to rice. I mean- let's face it, 70% of the world uses it as their main dinner staple. It's dry, its easy, it keeps forever. Don't be a retard about this.So I was watching iron chef hoping to catch a few new fried rices, I saw crab fried rice, lobster fried rice, beef fat, pork short ribs, liver, fish- the works but it wasn't about the rices, it was about the sauce and the protein. Then I watched a chinese chef make his signature rice, and I ... couldn't stop thinking about it for a week. It's so simple, and yet... so brilliant. Boil some long grain
Rice Burner
piece of shit that costs 8-17 grand and looks like it costs 90, but does 0-60 in about 16 seconds. obviously a dreamers car, for example a dreamer who is 16-21 yrs of age who makes about minimum wage an hour, whose parents probably drive a mini-van. skinny pimpley-faced kid in his lil asian car with his wannabe gangsta bitch barbie girl friend in the passenger seat checking her make-up in the side mirror bobbin her head to the "phat" beats blasting out of the 50,000 watt system, while admiring her scrwany ass boy friends asian charcter symbol tattoos on his scrawny arms while he's on his lil cell phone/2-way talking about his boys and saying that he's "pimpin".
Rice Pudding
1 1/2 Cup cooked rice 2 Cup Milk 1 Egg beaten 1/3 Cup raisins 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla 1 Tablespoon Butter   Mix rice and 1/2 Cup of sugar. Cook about 15-20 minutes until thickened, add egg, 1/2 cup milk add SLOWLY to rice mixture. Cook 2 minutes more. Add raisins before cooking. Then Add vanilla and butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg.
Rice Krispie Treatin Me...
Hello friends im at the toll road and figured it was time to throw out the coins. So many people have asked me why im not on much anymore and there are a couple reasons. #1 im working like crazy and im usually just done when i get home and then the main reason #2 I have a very old laptop that was givin to me and many things on this site lag's me like crazy and im just to impatient to deal with it after work. Since i do have an awesome job and my last couple checks went to my girls on school clothes and supplys and the fact all my bills are caught up, i decided it was time to treat myself and so did my mommy :D. She has a dell account and told me to build the laptop i wanted and she'd pay for half of it and allow me to make the payments on the rest or just pay it off, whatever i decided. I think its the new meds the doc put her on because she ordered herself one too and she has no clue about computers LOL. Anyway im hoping it arrive's tomorrow so ill have the weekend after work to pla
Ric Edelman Says Life Got Harder
Health Care Reform: Life Just Got Harder The health care bill is now law. As a result, taxes are rising. Many middle-class working Americans will soon incur greater expenses for services they have already been receiving. As a humanitarian, I don’t believe anybody can argue with the principle of providing health insurance to 32 million Americans who have not had access to it. But those benefits have a high cost, and middle-class working Americans will be the ones paying for it. Let’s take a look at the new taxes that the 2010 health care law has created. Most will be phased in over the next few years and are as follows: 2010 Starting July 1, indoor tanning salons will charge a 10% sales tax. 2011 Pharmaceutical manufacturers will collectively pay a new excise tax, starting at $2.5 billion and rising over time. The drug makers will no doubt pass this new cost onto consumers. Non-qualified distributions from Health Savings Accounts will be taxed at 20% inste
Ric Flair 4 Month Retirement Ends At Wm 24
ORLANDO, Fla. – Deep down, Ric Flair knew this day would come. Mr. McMahon gave him a “win or retire” ultimatum more than four months ago, but the “Nature Boy” didn’t need a mandate to realize his in-ring career was coming to an end. And though tears streamed down his cheeks as he said farewell to the millions of fans he entertained for more than 35 years, Flair didn’t feel any agony in defeat to Shawn Michaels tonight at WrestleMania XXIV. After all, how fitting it is that the greatest wrestler of all time ends his career on The Grandest Stage of Them All. What a week it had been for the 16-time World Champion! Flair received tributes from well-wishers across the country all week, from receiving the key to the city of Columbia, S.C., last Monday to his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame Saturday night. It was as if “Naitch’s” millions of fans sensed he would not be able to avoid defeat like he had since last November. Everyone wanted to pay tribute to Flair and let him know how mu
Ric Flair
Speaking of RIC FLAIR if people didn’t know Ric does a lot for WWE then just wrestle he writes a lot of roles on there he has been doing that for yrs the man is in a class by his self in the WWE , he is also going on 60 yrs old he has done his time as a wrestler now its time to move on and in join his family . but he is not done with it , he will stay and write for the younger wrestlers and help them out he need to become a manger
Rich/way Upperclass
1-22 =ghetto 23-33 =average 34-44 =spoiled 45+= rich/way upperclass PUT AN x BY THE THINGS YOU HAVE THEN ADD UP YOUR TOTAL [x] Mother [x] Father [x] Sister [x] Brother [x] Nephew [x] Niece [x] Cell phone [x] Own bathroom [x] Own room [x] 3 story house [x] Swimming pool [x] hot tub [x] Guest room [x] Computer, Laptop or desktop in your room [x] TV in your room TOTAL: 15 [x] full or bigger bed [x] More than 5 pairs of shoes [x] Sunglasses [x] Watch [x] mp3 player/iPod [x] Ps2 [x] Xbox [x] Nintendo DS or PSP [x] Gameboy Advance [x] Gamecube TOTAL: 10 [x] Basketball hoop [x] air hockey table [x] Pool table [x] Ping pong table [x] pinball machine [x] Fooseball table [x] trampoline [x] Own a surfboard/wakeboard/snowboard/skateboard etc TOTAL: 8 [x] Nightstand [x] Stereo in bedroom [x] DVD player [x] have something from abercrombie and fitch or hollister [x] get 100$ a month [x] shop at AE [x] Owns a gucci, dooney & bourke, louis vuit
Richard Dawkins -- Virus Of Faith Documentary
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: UberBob Date: Dec 24 2006 4:29 AM Update: Mr Haggard, in the New Life Church, has left that church. He got busted for gay sex and meth. Anyway, God Bless and enjoy the show!
Rich Man And Poor Man
A rich man and a poor man were discussing what they gave their wives for their anniversary. The rich man says, "I bought my wife a diamond necklace and a Mercedes Benz." Poor man asks, "Why did you buy her two gifts?" The rich man replies, "Well, in case she doesn't like the diamond necklace, she can drive her Mercedes Benz to take it back." The poor man acknowledges the rich mans answer then proceeds to tell him what he got his wife. "I got my wife a pair of flip flops and a dildo." With a confused and intrigued look, the rich man asks, "Why did you buy her those gifts?!" The poor man replies, "Well, in case she doesn't like the flip flops, she can go fuck herself."
The riches of this world are vain, They vanish in a day; But sweet the treasures of God’s love— They never pass away! —Bosch
Richness All Around You
Monday, January 22, 2007 Richness all around you Wherever life may find you today is a beautiful place to be. Whatever you currently have to work with is everything you need to make this a memorable and fulfilling moment. There is value you're able to create right now that will always stay with you. There are joys to be experienced today that can change your life forever. No matter where you may choose to go, the first step is ready for you to take. The journey toward any destination you can imagine begins right here and now. There is richness all around you. There are possibilities stretching out in every direction. See the beauty in every detail and the value in every challenge. Listen to the purpose that springs from deep within you, and follow the feelings that you know are true. Let the brand new abundance that is born in every moment fill you fully with its warmth and substance. On this day, in this place, with the world as it is, take it all in and let the b
Richness All Around You
Monday, January 22, 2007 Richness all around you Wherever life may find you today is a beautiful place to be. Whatever you currently have to work with is everything you need to make this a memorable and fulfilling moment. There is value you're able to create right now that will always stay with you. There are joys to be experienced today that can change your life forever. No matter where you may choose to go, the first step is ready for you to take. The journey toward any destination you can imagine begins right here and now. There is richness all around you. There are possibilities stretching out in every direction. See the beauty in every detail and the value in every challenge. Listen to the purpose that springs from deep within you, and follow the feelings that you know are true. Let the brand new abundance that is born in every moment fill you fully with its warmth and substance. On this day, in this place, with the world as it is, take it all in and let the b
Rich Witch Spell
This spell should be cast on the evening of a New Moon. Find a flat surface or use your altar. Light a green candle, and place a bowl and a spoon on the surface before you. Mix a teaspoon of nutmeg and a teaspoon of cinnamon in the bowl. As you mix the ingredients, think of an amount of money you would like to see in your bank account. (Don't go overboard, though, or you will "scatter the spells energy".) Continue to focus on that amount of money as you take three coins of low denomination and toss them repeatedly, until you get one tail and two heads. Place the coins and the powder together in an old wallet or purse and shake it up as you chant: "Attraction powder let it be… send me all the luck I need." Place the purse in the same place as you keep all your financial documents.
Rich Chocolate Mousse Cake
Rich Chocolate Mousse Cake Yield: 8 servings Ingredients 4 egg whites ½ cup (100 g) sugar 5 oz (140 g) hazelnuts, finely ground 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder -------- 9 oz (250 g) dark semi or bittersweet chocolate (60-70%) 4 egg yolks 1/3 cup (60 g) sugar ¼ cup + 1 cup (0.6 + 2.4 dl) whipping cream Cake 1. Preheat oven to 350 deg F (Gas mark 4 or 180 deg C). 2. Line a 9 inch (23 cm) cake tin with greaseproof or other non-stick paper and grease the tin. 3. Whisk the eggs whites until stiff and in peaks by using an electric mixer, gradually add the sugar and whisk well each time sugar has been added. 4. Mix with finely ground hazelnuts and cocoa powder. 5. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. 6. Cool the cake. Filling 1. Melt finely chopped dark chocolate over hot water. 2. Beat the egg yolks with 2 oz sugar until white. 3. Heat ¼ cup whipping cream to the boi
Richard Pryor~pets
Richard Pryor~prison
Richard Pryor~the Mafia
Richard James And The Special Riders!!
fucking rocked!! it was well worth the wicked hangover i've got today!! check them out!! on another note i was inches away from busting some stupid kid's head last night. the little fuck gave me the evil eye all night. why you ask? well we just so happen to be competing for the same lady. it was funny how he tried to rile me up by childishly bumping me as he passed by, and even attempting to stare me down when we shook hands.... it would have been his mistake, since i had over half the bar on my side haha...not that i'd need any help. long story short i kept my cool and enjoyed the night. even if she was hanging with him. i won't be going anywhere anytime soon. arrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Richard Iii
I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton ambling nymph; I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world scarce half made up, And that so lamely and unfashionable That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;-- Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace, Have no delight to pass away the time, Unless to spy my shadow in the sun, And descant on mine own deformity: And therefore,--since I cannot prove a lover, To entertain these fair well-spoken days,-- I am determined to prove a villain, And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
Rich Witch Spell
This spell should be cast on the evening of a New Moon. Find a flat surface or use your altar. Light a green candle, and place a bowl and a spoon on the surface before you. Mix a teaspoon of nutmeg and a teaspoon of cinnamon in the bowl. As you mix the ingredients, think of an amount of money you would like to see in your bank account. (Don't go overboard, though, or you will "scatter the spells energy".) Continue to focus on that amount of money as you take three coins of low denomination and toss them repeatedly, until you get one tail and two heads. Place the coins and the powder together in an old wallet or purse and shake it up as you chant: "Attraction powder let it be… send me all the luck I need." Place the purse in the same place as you keep all your financial documents.
Richard K. Morgan - Takeshi Kovacs Series
Hi. It's me again. Richard K. Morgan has provided his readers with something that has been missing since the original release of Blade Runner and Split Second: A sympathetic Sci-fi private dick. Morgan blends stylish film noir dialogue and attitudes into futuristic scenes that make you ache for humanity to make a technological leap. A real one, not just a faster processor for existing tech. His first book, Altered Carbon, introduces Takeshi Kovacs ( our antihero). Kovacs is an ex-Envoy. These envoy guys make James Bond look like Woody Allen (or Harrelson for that matter). The envoy training enables him to react to situations faster (and usually more violently) than normal humans. Altered Carbon is a fairly straightforward film-noir murder mystery with lots of lovely new technology for the geek that inhabits any sci-fi reader. Broken Angels is his second effort and returns us to the world of Takeshi Kovacs about 30 years later (subjective time). This time involved in a plane
Richard K. Morgan - Takeshi Kovacs Series - Update
Well, I just finished the third book in the Takeshi Kovacs series. It was amazing. And while the ending leaves it open enough for a possible sequel...I actually hope he leaves our beloved hero alone for a while, the guy has been through enough. The next book can only end up with him dead or with a very trite happy ending (which Kovacs definitely deserves at this point, but I'm happier picturing how he gets his happy ending in my own head). This was a wonderful series of books. Great tech, great characterization, and an action film ride. I read somewhere that Altered Carbon is being worked up for a movie. I'm hoping the Wachowski Brothers get it, after what they did with 'V for Vendetta' they've almost made up for that 'Matrix' garbage. If they apply their style to this series, it could be box office gold for them again. (as long as they don't cast Guano Reeves -- well maybe he could be in the last movie, there are surfers in it) same recommendations as before...anybody who li
The Richness Of This Moment
Go ahead and ask the questions that must be asked. Say the things that need to be said. Perform the tasks that are to be done. Follow the dreams that flow from who you most sincerely are. Put thought into what you say and do, yet refrain from being paralyzed by an excess of imagined scenarios. Use reasonable judgment with your own actions, while being careful not to harshly judge those people you do not fully understand. Find wisdom and beauty in the smallest of things. Accept and embrace what comes your way, and through your love direct it all toward positive purpose. Go ahead and live this day that is now, with no regret for the past and no anxiety about the future. Give your best to each moment while letting the meaningless distractions fall away. Be a living expression of the abundance that is. The richness of this moment is ready to be brought to life by you. -- Ralph Marston
Richard Corey
Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869–1935). WHENEVER Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored, and imperially slim And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked; But still he fluttered pulses when he said, “Good-morning,” and he glittered when he walked. And he was rich—yes, richer than a king— And admirably schooled in every grace: In fine, we thought that he was everything To make us wish that we were in his place. So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat, and cursed the bread; And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head.
Rich Hooker
There was a hooker who lived in a condo on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. One time, she had a client in her condo and he asked her if she gave good handjobs. ''You see this condo? I bought it by giving good handjobs.'' Impressed, her trick told her to give him a handjob. Quite satisfied, he asked her if she gave good blowjobs. ''Look out the window. See that red Ferrari on the street? I bought it by giving good blowjobs.'' Really impressed now, her trick asked her to give him a blowjob. When she was done, the man asked her if she was good in bed. ''Look out the window. See that big yacht out there on Lake Michigan? I could own that if only I had a pussy.''
44 Rich Man
If I were a rich man Then baby would you take my hand Take you where there's no rainy days Take you where the sun it always plays If I were a rich man Won't you make me a rich man Come on lady try and understand Won't you make me a rich man Show me that smile and help me to stand When I was a rich man There was a day when I could take your hand Chasing the sun staying one step ahead But these could've beens are only in my head When I was a rich man
Richest Shipwreck Treasure?
Shipwreck yields estimated $500M haul TAMPA, Fla. - Deep-sea explorers said Friday they have mined what could be the richest shipwreck treasure in history, bringing home 17 tons of colonial-era silver and gold coins from an undisclosed site in the Atlantic Ocean. Estimated value: $500 million. A jet chartered by Tampa-based Odyssey Marine Exploration landed in the United States recently with hundreds of plastic containers brimming with coins raised from the ocean floor, Odyssey co-chairman Greg Stemm said. The more than 500,000 pieces are expected to fetch an average of $1,000 each from collectors and investors. "For this colonial era, I think (the find) is unprecedented," said rare coin expert Nick Bruyer, who examined a batch of coins from the wreck. "I don't know of anything equal or comparable to it." Citing security concerns, the company declined to release any details about the ship or the wreck site Friday. Stemm said a formal announcement will come later, b
Richie Havens, Woodstock 1969 - Freedom
rich@ CherryTAP
You opened your wallet, and found no coins. I opened my purse, and found no money. We opened our lives, and found each other. Now we know how rich we really are. ~annonymous
The Rich "veterinarian"
One Sunday, in counting the money in the weekly offering, the pastor of asmall Alabama church found a pink envelope containing $1000. It happened again the next week. The following Sunday, he watched as the offering was collected and saw a little old lady put the distinctive pink envelope in the plate. This went on for weeks until the pastor, overcome by curiosity, approached her. "Ma'am, I couldn't help but notice that you put $1,000 a week in the collection plate," he stated. "Why yes," she replied, "every week my son sends me money and I give some of it to the church." The pastor replied, "That's wonderful, how much does he send you?" "$10,000 a week," she responded. The pastor was amazed. "Your son is a very successful man; what does he do for a living?" "He is a veterinarian," she answered. "That is an honorable profession," the pastor said. "Where does he practice?" The old lady said proudly, "In Nevada. He has two cat houses in La
Life's tragedies no matter how big or small only allow us to grow an become richer of heart an spirit!
Rich Man
Rich man and a poor man have the same wedding anniversary. They're both at Madison Avenue shopping for their wives. Poor man says to the Rich man, "What'd you get your wife this year?" He says, "A Mercedes and a huge diamond ring." The poor man says, "Why'd you get her both?" The Rich man says, "If she doesn't like the ring, she can take it back happy." The Poor man says, "O.K. That works." The Rich man says, "Well what did you get your wife?" The Poor man says, "A pair of slippers and a dildo." The Rich man says, "Why'd you get her a pair of slippers and a dildo?" The Poor man says, "If she doesn't like the slippers, she can go fuck herself!"
Richard Bach
You are never given a wish without being given the power to make it come true. - From the book "Bridge Across Forever" -
Rich Strawberry Tiramisu
Ingredients 3 C. fresh strawberries, washed, diced 1/4 C. granualted sugar or Splenda 2/3 C. whipping cream 8 oz. mascarpone cheese 3/4 C. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/3 C. honey 1 3-oz. pkg. ladyfingers 6 ramekins or custard cups Decorations and garnishes 1/3 C. whipping cream 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 Tbs. granulated sugar or Splenda 1/4 C. strawberry ice cream topping powdered sugar whole strawberries, washed and dried Pirouline French Vanilla Pirouette Cookies or plain vanilla wafers Directions In a large bowl, coat berries in sugar and stir in the hot water. Let sit 10 minutes or until berries soften. In a separate bowl, with an electric mixer, whip cream until stiff peaks form; reserve. In another bowl, with a mixer set on medium speed, combine the mascarpone cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla. Add the cheese mixture to the berries and mix gently with a spoon. Fold in whipped cream Heat honey in a microwave-safe cup for 10-15 seconds until wa
Rich People Blow
You know what hate is rich people who believe that they are better than a normal person, because the size of their wallet. I'm a average joe, the guy next door, I am tired of some rich bimbo running me off the road in her BMW because I follow the speed limit. I am a service member in the armed forces, and these people are not even grateful for I do, they say its bad for the economy, well you know what if you give some of the money back that you keep pocketing to the people the economy would be fine, I wouldn't bitching and maybe the world would be better without a few less Hummer's clogging my air on the highway!
The Richest Man
One day, John was wandering in the forest thinking about and missing his beloved Teresa. Satan was looking down upon the earth looking for a soul to torment. He saw John wandering alone in the forest and he flew down to meet him. Satan said: "Why John, I have been looking for you". A startled John asked: "What do you want?" Satan said: "What do I want? John, please, I have a wonderful offer for YOU". John replied: "Thanks, but I am not interested". Satan said: "Why John, you haven't even heard what I have to offer. I could make you very wealthy!!" John replied: "You don't say". Satan said: "Yes, I will make you quite wealthy! You will be rich beyond your dreams!" John replied: "Excuse me if I sound suspicious, but there wouldn't happen to be a catch?" Satan said: "John, I am offering you so much!! All you have to do is give up Teresa's love for you and I will make you rich beyond your dreams." John smiled. Satan saw the smile and said: "Se
The Richter Scale
Rich Girl
Richard Marx Angels Lullaby
I was never alive 'Til the day I was blessed with you. When I hold you late at night, I know what I was put here to do. I turn off the world and listen to you sigh, And I will sing my Angel's Lullaby. Know I'm forever near, The one you can always call. Right now all you know to fear Are the shadows on your wall. I'm here close enough To kiss the tears you cry, And I will sing my Angel's Lullaby. So tell me how to stop the years from racing. Is there a secret someone knows? I'll never catch all the memories I'm chasing. I'll never be ready to let go. And when the world seems cold, And you feel that all of your strength is gone, There may be one tiny voice, Your reason to carry on, And when I'm not close enough To kiss the tears you cry, You will sing your Angel's Lullaby. Let this be our Angel's Lullaby. Someone comes to mind with this song. My children.:)
A Rich Man
A rich man and a poor man are buying gifts for their wives birthdays..the rich man says "I got my wife a brand new BMW and a diamond ring, that way if she doesnt like the diamond ring she can take it back in her BMW and still be happy" The poor man said " I got my wife a pair of slippers and a dildo..that way if she doesnt like the slippers...she can go fuck herself" !!
Rich Man And The Redneck
A rich man and a redneck were at a bar around christmas time and they were talking about what they go their wives for christmas the rich man said he got his wife a new mercedes and a diamond necklace... the redneck asked why he settled for those two and the rich man said so that if his wife didn't like the necklace she could drive the new car and return the necklace... satisfied with this response the redneck told the rich man he bought his wife sandals and a dildo... curious the rich man asked why? to which the redneck replied so that if my wife doesn't like the sandals she can go fuck herself
Richard Purvis 05-26-88 - 12-26-07
my good friend Richar shot and killed himself the 26th and he took a big part of me with him. every since i heard that he died ive been sad and not myself. i use to be friends with kayla..we stopped talking right after thanksgiving and she was there when richard did it...she knew him for 3 weeks,met him 2 times and took it upon herself to sit with the family at the funeral yesterday. ive known richard for 7 years and she had no right to do that. when i saw her walk in with his family it killed me. on the way to the grave site i called my mom to tell her and i just broke down. richard was the kind of guy that was there for you no matter what..even if he knew you for 10 minutes or 10 years. at the funeral his sister said that richard had 1 sister by blood but hundreds by choice, no brothers by blood but hundreds by choice. i miss him so much. he was one of the best guys you could meet. this whole thing has me so messed up right now. im not myself right now and im so wating
Rich Who???
I'm giving today's "Pat on the Ass" award to WVU's offensive coordinator Calvin Magee. The Mountaineers' offensive coordinator couldn't walk out on his players with a Tostitos Fiesta Bowl game to be played against Oklahoma. "I think it's the right thing to do to put closure on it," Magee said. "We went through a tough season together." Special Honorable Mention goes to interim coach Bill Stewart who did a tremendous job preparing the abandoned players for their bowl game. Hes the only interim coach to win a bowl this season. Magee showed a dedication not shown by 7 head coaches who ABANDONED the teams they coached this year for better jobs at other schools BEFORE their bowl games. The result - those teams were 1-6 in their bowls. And to that, I'm giving a guy I played against in high school, Rich Rodreguez today's "Kick in the Ass" award. He doesn't even get a pic here! Here's how his story unfolds, and you won't hear this on ESPN. Every year in his tenure, Rich
Richard Gage Aia Responds To Terrorist Claims
Richard Gage AIA Responds to terrorist claims Richard Gage AIA Responds on Video to Mark Weitzman and Simon Wiesenthal Center Calling for Apology, Retraction and Meeting In an interview with, Richard Gage AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, responds powerfully to the insinuations and defamations put forth by Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center during his powerpoint presentation in Jane Harman's congressional committee hearing last fall. Among making other powerful points, he calls for an apology, a retraction and a meeting with Mark Weitzman and/or representatives from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Richard Jacobs
The night was cold and silent, except for the hum of weary travelers on the distant highway. The night sky clouded over heavilyand the crisp, cold wind swept across the field in front of an old farm house that had been in Richard Jacob's family for years. This had been his daddy's house- and his daddy's daddy's house. Shadows and darkness withdrew as solitary, naked lightbulb on the front porch snapped on. The house was sat just outside the city limit signs. The paint was screaming to be redone, and the metal roof rippled and buckled with every gust of wind. As far back as Jacob could remember, this house was the landmark where everything- good or bad- took place in his life. Richard's first memory is standing in the kitchen, watching his grandmother, Norma Jean, making Christmas cookies for Santa Claus because he insisted incessantly that he would not go to sleep until he put the plate of cookies on the table next to the fireplace. Richard still leaves the plate of cookies o
Richard Jacobs (con't)
Richard grew up in a small but prospering Ohio town. The Scioto River cut the downtown off from the shopping centers. As a young boy, Richard knew he wanted out of this town, but nobody, not even him, had any idea the path that would take him from here, and eventually lead him back. Richard started college at a local university which sat atop a hill on the west side of town. Although it could have become a "college town", his hometown did not grow in that direction. Richard rememebered watching deer as they pranced proudly across the open field near the college gymnasium. He, also, rememered how much he hated driving to school because he was jealous of the "other" half. His father had become disabled when Richard was only eight years old. He watched helpless as his father's injury would forever change his life.
Rich Dad Poor Dad Book And Coaching
Hello Every one sorry I have not been on this site for a time. I am trying to learn more about the Book and training for Rich Dad Poor Dad. It is a very good Book. I am going to start phone call training with The Rich Dad Poor Dad program next week. I hope that my time and any money is put to good use. My mother thinks things like this is a waste of money. She might say Do not go to things like this also because all they want is your money. But I think the Rich Dad's program is worth the time and effort to learn about how to keep my finances under control. So if there is to be money involved. then yes I will pay it and say it was worth it or not in the end.. Money is money that is all.But time learning something is something to learn. Like the proverb says. Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for a life time. other wise you have to feed him yourself if you do not right.

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