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Some Fu Loving
Go check out this cool lady. Show her some great Fu loving and tell her Miss Z. sent you. Druivenmeisje@ fubar
Some One
so i am looking for  a girl who hates drama and dosent like to fight  and loves to play wrestle and an play pool and who loves to swim adn eat  out every once and a while and  so is ther any one who can take my challange on well if so chat with me and we will see so  
Some Prophet You Are
Apparently Abraham Lincoln decided that there is one god for our nation. Or as patcondell from youtube suggests Abraham believed that 'one size fits all' or in this case rather, 'one god fits all'.  Obviously, if that was the case A.L. was mistaken.It is rather interesting that Abraham often made refrences to God and/or quoted the bible during his speeches.  Well, thats not the interesting part.  The part that boggles me is that he never officaly joined a church.  It is also noted that he wrote a manuscript that challenged christianity but a good friend burned the material to protect Lincoln. (Though a piece of information like that would be difficult to verify as you can imagine.)  And to top it off, the existance of this manuscrapt was challenged by Mentor Graham, an alleged eyewitness."...I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation should be on the Lord's side." The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln: Six Months
Someone's Been Using The N Word ....
Greetings Neighbors:   When I used that word, 'neighbors', I sincerely mean it.  We all are living here on the planet so , I always consider myself a neighbor, a fellow human being.  Simply put, I try to treat people with the respect I wish to receive.  I realize I can be an irritating lifeform, but, it is just better to live and let live.  Yet, what am I to think of someone who uses the word, 'nigga'?  As a person of African decent, I can claim that I am being victimize when that term is uttered.  I could get angry and immediately try to correct the person in hopes making that one understand how that word makes me feel.  Yet, wait a minute.  It's just a word.  Words can hit like fist when used in brutality.  Then again, words are only as strong as the value or power one puts behind them. I was sitting in a chat session thinking we were having a good time until one of the  users spewed out that accursed phrase and instantly angered a fellow brother in the room.  The two started
Some Things To Think About...
SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT ~ When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often time we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don't go for looks, they can deceive, Don't go for wealth, even that fades away, Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
Something I Wrote For My Dad On Father's Day
  As i sit here staring up into Your green eyes i remember as a little girl wondering This man who i call my DadHe is TallHe is MightyHe is my HeroHe is my Daddyi am older nowi have a family of my owni look into those green eyesthat have become olderand wiserand thank God everyday that you're my Daddythis is from me to my Dad and to all the other Dad's out there as wellDM Hutton
Sometimes U Smile Unexpectedly
somone sent me this...... IF I WAS YOUR MAN... If I were you man And you were my woman You..d have no other man You..d be weak as a lamb If you had the strength To walk out that door My love would over rule my sense And I..d call you back for more he tears you down Says nothing at all But I..ll pick you up When he lets you fall like a diamond And he treats you like glass AND TRUST ME ITS NOT ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU GOT A ASS Damn i see no flaws lovely skin, pretty eyes,loving the hair style thats tight",lickable lips very very kissable. , eye brows laced, fingers touched up and yes your PERFECT for me!!! "Meeting u was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, falling in love with you would be beyond my control. " "True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words. " Beautiful     this was my reply   IF I WAS YOUR WOMAN if i were your woman and you were my man you'd have no other love that'd make u fly
Something To Ponder?
Is this me, or the person I think I should be ? Are these my real feelings,  or my lifes past reviews ? Intuition and insight,  or my prejudgement and narrowmindedness of  ? My reality,  or my collaboration of the dreams of others ? Self esteem and individuality,  or pride and total independence ? Is this love,  or just the fear of loneliness ? The true meaning,  or just my perception of the concept ? A learning experience,  or just another mistake ? Is there life after death,  or just death after life ? Does all this make sense,  or is it just another part of  the second guess ?    Glenn Tage Peterson III
Sometimes.....   Sometimes I wonder, Sometimes I fear, Sometimes I don't even know why I'm here, Sometimes we're friends, Sometimes we're foes, Sometimes I feel like nobody knows, Sometimes we fight, Sometimes getting along, Sometimes I don't know if I can stay strong, Sometimes I feel weak, Sometimes I'm not sure Sometimes I just want to walk out the door, Sometimes you don't know me, Sometimes you can't tell, Sometimes I wish you would just go to hell, Sometimes you ignore me, Sometimes it hurts, too, Sometimes I wish I knew what to do, Sometimes I feel helpless, Sometimes feeling blue, Sometimes I don't know why I put up with you, Sometimes you are caring, Sometimes you are there, Sometimes you just look at me with a blank stare, Sometimes I can't tell if you are inside, Sometimes I wonder if part of you died, Sometimes you act selfish, heartless, and cold, Sometimes I think that this game has grown old, Sometimes I am tired, Sometimes can't take anymo
Some Helpful Interesting Facts For Ya
helpful interesting facts.. Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the little "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it. Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store. If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster. Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold! Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating. Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooki ng. Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking. To really make scrambled eggs or omelets rich add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream in and then beat them up. For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed. Melt Andes mints in double broiler and pour over warm brownies. Let set for a wonderful minty frosting. Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a ligh
Some Random, And Some May Say Useless Stuff About Me.
Name:Alea(You shall never know my birth name) Age:Old enough to know better, too young to really give a shit(Does that work for you?) I'm 20. Happy? Things I hate: Arguements, Bad Breath, Attitudes, Bad Personalities, People who honestly believe that they know everything, Prank Callers, Fake Friends, Cheaters, Assholes, and Just Stupid People In General. Things that I love: My Friends, Certian parts of my family, Smoking, and Drinking, Hugs, Music, Poetry, My Cell Phone(sometimes), The Summer&Fall&Winter, Being In Love, and other stuff. You may of read my profile, and think I'm interesting, or you think that you know a lot about me. Truth is that you don't, there are a certian few people that really know me and what I'm all about. But I'm gonna clue you in on me. I'm the kind of girl who will dance in the street, or just be plain goofy if I know your having a hard time with something, I will try my best to make you laugh. Guys have a sterotype of girls, to some of them, us girls
Something So Strong
I want to wake up beside you. I want to feel your angel kisses on my neck, As your warm strong hands caress my body. I want to be there in the afternoon. Having you make love to me. I want to be there in the evening. To share soft candle light, And a glass of red wine. I want you all the time. It never leaves my mind. Your essence is something that it so strong, It carries me away. Tell me that you love me. That we will go into to eternity. Tell me that I am your angel, And that you will never leave me. Dee Parenti All Rights Reserve
Somethings That Piss Me Off
  Today, Sad to say Farrah Fawcett passed away after her long struggle with Cancer.  My condolences to her friends and family.  However, that is not what this blog is about.     Its about something that really bothers the hell out of me recently.   June 3rd. KoKo Taylor passed away from complications from a gastrointestinal surgery. June 4th.  David Carradine passed away.   Why is it that David Carradine's passing is so much more important than KoKo Taylor's?  Understandably, he was huge due to his roles in Kung-Fu and Kill Bill..  but really?  Ok so there is mystery surrounding his death.  Truth comes out after his passing that he was into Erotic Asphyxiation.  But Really? Does he deserve a full page in June 19ths version Of Entertainment Weekly?   What did KoKo Taylor get?  Nothing.  She passed away one day before Carradine.  And for those of you who are not as attuned to the Blues as I am, may not know who she is...  so with that being said, let me run down some of the ama
I dunno what to say. Nor do. I have this issue.. Big issue.. I dunno what to do.. so eh. Some people look at me, and say, She's cutie, or hottie, or sexxxy, but really.. I am who I am. I don't care what you say bout me, just don't be rude, and we won't have a problem.
Something To Think About...
My mother told me to be good at current things in life, so I made a list of those thing. 1. By trying to a Good Person. 2. I off the hook when it comes to cooking. 3. Dancing, a lady loves a man that knows how to move. 4. I love being a DJ. 5. Fucking, thanks dad for blessing the family stone. But the point of the matter is that when two friends ( male and female) to know their role and place when it comes to sex.  I told her how things need to be, but she got all Nutty after I gave her 3hrs of Mr. Good-Bar.  Know she thinks that we are on that other level shit.  And the thing is, that I'm moving at the end of the summer.  She is a cool ass chick, but this isn't some K. West Love Lockdown..  So ladies if you got that cool dude in your life and you take it to the next level don't make the shit all weird. Unless he likes that weird stuff.  But with joking aside I am a man the loves being relationships, but right after I got out of one, it is a little too soon for all that noise. And ye
for every day there is no answers but yet if you look deep down there is an answers for everything i know being so left alone bet standing so tall holding your head up up so high putting on that fake mask to show every one that your ok on the out side but your dying on the inside you so despretaly reaching out but no one to reach out to so i die each day slowly each breath each heart beat im not sure what to do in life i know i need to be strong i have some strength left but not sure how much loner its going to last im trying so hard my little ones i never new how hard it would be but each day i will live each dying breath i will struggle on there are 2 things in my life that are keeping me alive an they are my girls i wish i could say more to that but my hopes and dreams were broken maybe someday it can be mended someday
Some More Info On The Hospital I Was Born In
Jefferson Davis HospitalThis unused hospital building was built on top of an old Confederate graveyard. During the excavation for the basement (the morgue), several human bones were unearthed. It is rumored to be haunted by angry Confederate soldiers, doctors, nurses and patients. The building is the property of the Harris County Hospital District and is off-limitsThe hospital has spirits such as nurses, doctors, and patients that still roam its halls. Many have gone into this establishment and have had their own personal experiences such as being watched, seeing shadows, and smelling sterilization solutions in certain spots. The spirits are restless and have been agitated from all of the visitors they've been receiving. It was built upon a site of about 3,000 graves of Civil War and yellow fever victims, from when it was a cemetery in the 1800s. It is now patrolled fairly heavily by the local fire department, which is right next door. Explorers and ghost hunters suggest that it not be
    Sometimes - I just need someone to talk to, to lend an open ear. Sometimes - I just need to share my problems, Sometimes - I just feel sad and lonely, and don’t know what to do. Sometimes - I pray with all my heart for a friend, Sometimes - I want to take a walk, and I want someone by my side. Sometimes - I need a bigger shoulder, on which I can cry. Sometimes - I need to see the sunshine, but the clouds are in my way. Sometimes - I just need a kindly word, and my friend, just to make my day. Sometimes - I just need a simple hug, to bring joy into my life. Sometimes - I just need to know that, there is more happiness than strife. Sometimes - I just need a simple smile, or to give, instead of receive. Sometimes - I just need to remember, that that i have friends, that they will always be there . but sometimes, i'd just want to walk away, to be alone just by myself, not to even even care.
I want to do something, but I don't know what. Good news though, I FINALLY have unlimited talk and text on my phone =]   Meat heads are wonderful..just sayin.
Something Silly
Being that my birthday came around had to renew my dirving license.  I passed the eye test and the written exame okay and paid my $30 bucks to Uncle Same in case they need to bail out another bank someday.   Then got in line to have my photo taken. Now normally we like to look good in our photo ID because everyone wants to copy it.  But this year I was determined to get the worse picture of me tha that the DMV has ever done (and they have done a few dissapponting pics before so why try to look cool or fantastic?).  I did not shave for a few days,  wore some old shirt and tried to make my hair stick out funny like.  Did not smile.   My objective was to look like a worthless bum.   This is the most fun I ever had at the DMV office.  And it did not take long (no long lines) because I live in a hick town. I can hardly wait to see the results when I get my worse looking photo on a driver's license - ever issued to me.   Just wait til the next cop wants to see it,  or one of those banker
Something I Need
(repost of original by '~ Evil Bitch~LOUNGE BITCH@ HIGHTIMES 420~' on '2009-06-30 10:07:06')
Somewhere-within Temptation
Lost in the darkness, hoping for a signInstead there is only silence can't you hear my screams?Never stop hoping, need to know where you areBut one thing is for sure you're always in my heartI'll find you somewhereI'll keep on trying until my dying dayI just need to know whatever has happenedThe truth will free my soulLost in the darkness, try to find your way homeI want to embrace you and never let you goAlmost hope you're in heaven so no one can hurt your soulLiving in agony 'cause I just do not know where you areI'll find you somewhereI'll keep on trying until my dying dayI just need to know whatever has happenedThe truth will free my soulWherever you are, I won't stop searchingWhatever it takes, I need to knowI'll find you somewhereI'll keep on trying until my dying dayI just need to know whatever has happenedThe truth will free my soul
Sometimes A Great Picture Tells The Whole Story
Shut up and lick my ass you worthless faggot! What’s that? You can’t breath? Snorkel my ass and shut up bitch. I’ll tell you when you can gasp for air. A few more lashes with my whip and maybe I’ll lift my ass up long enough for you to inhale few pants of air before I sit back down. Mistress Morgan Le Fay 
Something I Hate
Ok, one thing I must bitch about.I was on my way to letter a vehicle and got behind a car that had horns on the hood and yes a set of balls hanging on the back. I keep seeing these hideous things but usually on a truck.Actually I am sick of seeing them period. Are there really that many men in the world that have no real balls that they have to purchase a set and dangle them off the back of their vehicle??? Is this to prove that they have a set? WTF is the point? I mean personally I'd rather see a dildo hanging from the back of a vehicle instead of a pair of low drooping balls.  A set of drooping balls DOES NOT turn me on, Actually I get the urge to play soccer with them or even kick a field goal.If a man feels the need to purchase a set of balls to display on the ass end of his vehicle then that is his right but to me it screams that he has issues with himself as a man and needs to prove something... Its just my opinion!
Some Of Fu's Best
These are some of Fu's best, show them a little love and expect to get it returned. ChyenneElizabeth@ fubar ☆ ♥ Dawn ♥ ☆ ♫RockCandy's ~Twinkie~Ownedby:GRLSKIKASS2@ fubar รє๔ยςtгєรร รเภ™@ fubar ~Tricia~@ fubar SnowWhite Queen@ fubar Mia Slutgoddess-Playing By The Rules - YEAH RIGHT!!! (fan first please)@ fubar Wonder_Woman™@ fubar Styx@ fubar Artemis - Happily Owned by Patchy@ fubar 68-IOU-1@ fubar yelkafo@ fubar ♥-Pookie-♥ Fu-Owned by Яoyalty™@ fubar
Sometimes Sometimes I feel inferior like if I don't even belong on this planet. Like I don't matter to anyone. Sometimes I wish I had never been born maybe that would cure the pain. Maybe thinking I was still a fetus would help. No...It wouldn't. That would never slow down my birth and the pain of this unbearable life. I often think about death. But more about life. What is the point of living if you're meant to suffer? Suffering amounts to nothing - if it is not death. So when we look at it, what is the point of living? To be stressed, be heartbroken? No one ever said life was fair No one ever said that life was going to be easy. But wouldn't it be better if it WAS in fact, easy? If everything would go smoothly? If we could do things with ease and not be hurt? To live and to love. To live and feel worthy. Until we die? I wish I had a life like that.
Some Quiz Results - Pretty Accurate
In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone a lot, but you don't like being constantly surrounded, either. You can be shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't "TOO" anything: You aren't too shy, you aren't too aggressive, you aren't too extroverted, you aren't too introverted. However at any one time you can be any combination of these things. You tend to adapt yourself to match the situations in which you find yourself. You may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of your personality. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you. They may even tend to idealize you a bit. Then, when you do something that doesn't fit their concept of who you are (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke
Sometimes By: Sapphos Sisters
Sometimeswhat I needis to be taken hardwithout careor warningor even consentand used utterlyknowing that you'll give menot what I cravebut all that I need:that you'll fold me across your lapand beat me,tip me on the floorand bind me,spread my splayed legs wideand fuck mehardfrom behindunceasing - till I'm pleadinglike a bad, little girl,yelping like a bitch in heat,sobbingwith reluctant thanks.This isn't what I want(honestly)but it's what I need ........ sometimes.
Sometimes we see things that aren’t meant to be seen.Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem.Sometimes we need someone to call our own,Especially when we’re alone.Sometimes people just can’t understand,Why things get out of hand.Sometimes life just isn’t fair,Especially when people just don’t care.And sometimes it's hard to say,Why things have to be this way.Sometimes it’s all you can do to get by,Especially when dreams continue to die.Sometimes it’s nice to sit in the rain.Even to just relieve the pain.And when we’ve had a really bad day,Sometimes we just need to get away.We never know what’s wrong with out pain.Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.And sometimes when people get hurt, Even the strongest ones may need comfort
Some Good Lyrics
My Girlfriend's a dick magnet My Girlfriend's gotta have itShe's hot, can't stop, up on stage, doing shots, Tip the man he'llRing the bell, get her drunk she'll scream like hell.Dirty girl, gettin' down, dance with guys from outta town.Grab her ass, actin' tough. Mess with her, she'll fuck you up.No one really knows if she's drunk or if she's stoned, but she'sComin' back to my place tonite! She likes to shake her ass she grinds it to the beatShe likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teethI like to strip her down she's naughty to the endYou know what she is, no doubt about itShe's a bad, bad girlfriend! Red thong, Party's on, Love this song, sing along.Come together, leave alone, see you later back at homeNo one really knows if she's drunk or is she's stonedBut she's coming back to my place tonite. I sayNo one really knows just how far she's gonna go, But I'm gonna find out later toniteShe likes to shake her ass she grinds it to the beatShe likes to pull my hair when I make he
Some Things You Just Can't Explain
A farmer was sitting in the neighborhood bar getting drunk. A man came in and asked the farmer, "Hey, why are you sitting here on this beautiful day, getting drunk?" The farmer shook his head and replied, "Some things you just can't explain." "So what happened that's so horrible?" the man asked as he sat down next to the farmer. "Well," the farmer said, "today I was sitting by my cow, milking her. Just as I got the bucket full, she lifted her left leg and kicked over the bucket." "Okay," said the man, "but that's not so bad." "Some things you just can't explain," the farmer replied. "So what happened then?" the man asked. The farmer said, "I took her left leg and tied it to the post on the left." "And then?" "Well, I sat back down and continued to milk her. Just as I got the bucket full, she took her right leg and kicked over the bucket." The man laughed and said, "Again?" The farmer replied, "Some things you just can't explain." "So, what did you do then?" th
Something Heavensent
It was so in the beginning That man should love woman That he should love her… …with all his heart …with all his mind …with all his being And with every ounce of his soul. That he should have an unquenchable thirst For her and for all that she is. That he should build a life for her …filled with the sweetness of true-love
Somebody Plz Get Me Drunk
i am new here and i need as many friends as possible and maybe a fu engagement i also need to get drunk so plz show ur love and buy me some drinks or some bling
Sometimes The Greatests Growth
where to start??? recently i have had to face my past transgressions... FEAR  held me back in so many ways! PROCRASTINATION made it all the harder even still... but i am still the same inside  and hopefully my friends can still see that beautiful light with in me...and in time i will once again share my light and my own way...   there is much i  will be doing during the next days, weeks months...and i take each day one step at a this i shallover come  the last obsticale that are left in my path, so i may trully  full fill my life as it should and will be...   i wish  to share simply  things in this journey as they come to me ...maybe it will help another person... hope you all enjoy the song below. untill our paths cross  again have a blessed journey my friends.  
Something Funny
Someone close needs to learn a lesson that only you can teach them: How to appreciate the smaller things in life. It's a good time for you to show, rather than tell, them how it's going to be.
Some Shit I Just Wrote
I dont understand the pain i feel, is it fake or is it real, never one to piss and moan, but its cold when your all alone. I miss holding her in my arms, her sweet scent is one that haunts so lord i pray please take away the pain, its been almost a year this aint a damn game my lifes been shot and its slowly bleeding out, and no one hears my anguished shout. i've made it loud as a bell it follows me everywhere i go the devil promised to make it stop so i gave him my soul but instead of that pain he gave me another so how do you win when you dont have a means? Im tryin to get out but i need to stop and take a drink its scary in hell and no one understands that what i carry around hurts more than can take a man i wouldnt pass it on, even if i hate you because it hurts to bad and it would just waste you. I wish you could see just how messed up it is and i've had this in my heart since i was a kid Alfonzo please forgive me for not bein around but we got that mutha fuc
Some Thoughts About Relationships
Something About Me
You may have noticed at times when I type and I respond back to everyone I am a little slow doing so. It is because I am dyslexic. I was blaming it on my glasses to a family member in the shout boxt the outher night because I read everthing backwards and I tend to do that. But I have busted my ass in life, going from special ed when I was a kid to having a 4.0 in college now.... I just wanted my friends to know this.
Something I Wrote
You've put a skip to my step. Kept my mind wrapped up. Given me hope. Irony is just how much Ive missed you though we've never met. To hear your voice sooths me so. To know I've your heart. Allows me to dream again or even just future trip. I can't wait to meet you, let alone see you. To be able to touch just your face. Makes me giddy, the thought of it elates me. As each day progress's. I can't help but wonder just how much of this is infatuation or simply it being what it is? For now I will ignore that, but wont put it out of my mind. I really truly wish,... meeting you. Will be my last time. As I will be yours,.. & you will be mine. All we have between us are miles & time. ...
Someone Actually Bought Me...who'd've Thunk It?
Someone actually bought me and boy how sorry do I feel for that guy.  He has to look at my ugly mug checking him out all the time to rate and stalk and all that good stuff that comes with guys can send him sympathy cards later. lol   Thank you D o u g for buying me.  It will definitely be fun.  You guys go check him out and at least rate him...he really is an undercover sweetheart.   $safe_uid_dname@ fubar
Something That Should Be An Area Of Concern To All…….
July 27 to July 31st of this year FEMA will be hosting NLE 09. FEMA describes the event as:The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks. This scenario enables participating senior officials to focus on issues related to preventing terrorist events domestically and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure.And will take place in federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector facilities in FEMA Region VI, which includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. I’m never one to raise an issue with training. Those “bloodless battles” help greatly when the actual time to perform comes. My problem comes in at the point when foreign services are coming to U.S. Soil to participate in an exercise that involves emergency response to a catastr
$$$some 1 Help Me$$$
I'm having trouble sending messages add me as a friend and help me get it right
It feels sad to miss someone badly.. Especially when both of you shared an unforgettable realationship. its so sad not to feel the presence of that someone. It burns your heart with such sadness and longing.. with all that burden your going thru.. you thought your someone misses you, but only to find out that the someone you know was enjoying someone and not you :(
Some Things That Make Me Tingle....
i love a gentle touch on my neck...that leads to kisses on my neck...which causes those kisses to slowly move down my neck...down my chest ending at my nipples...which causes sexy licks and nibbles...which causes those licks to move down my tummy...which causes hands to take over for the lips on my nipples...which causes licks to pass my belly button down towards my pussy...which causes you to stand up and push me against wall...which causes kisses on my neck...which causes hands to wander ...which leads the hands to wrap around my waist...which causes those kisses on my neck to travel down the spine of my back...which causes those hands to travel down towards my pussy...which causes the kisses down my spine to move to kisses on my butt checks...which causes fingers to explore the folds of my moist pussy...which causes those kisses on my butt to change into soft sexy nibbles...which causes soft sexy moans...which causes you to stand and turn me around...which causes soft passionate kis
Something More About Me Thats Not A Bitch Session Like My Page.....
I do warn you though it may be kind of boring :P   *LOL*   Although I have regularly employed psychic skills in healing sessions, I have been what I refer to as a "closet psychic" for most of my life,sharing my full abilities with only a limited few, primarily with very close friends and a few family members. The demonstrations of my skills have been predominantly spontaneous events – unplanned, unstructured, and occurred when I least expected them to.I began to learn how to hone these skills and the ethics of using them wisely and only when warranted or asked.The next few years proved to be a very educational period for me and so in my late twenties and early thirties I began widening the circle of those with whom I shared my now more refined skills.I have been working with energy-based healing modalities for over 20 years and have earned many certifications.Employing only those techniques which I have learned well and have put into successful practice I have helped many peopl
Some New News!
Yesterday Sam took off work and packed her stuff at her old place and moved it into storage until out place is ready.  She told her parents that she is going to be staying with a friend, so they can go ahead and sell their place.  They were excited by that.  The jerk wasn't there when she moved but a friend of his was there to let her in, she has three brothers who helped her move.  The friend told her that the jerk got the message that he won't ever again contact her.  He said the jerk was scared and he didn't scare easily.  I want to ask my friend what he did but not sure if I should..........Anyway, all is well here, going to go out after I write this and enjoy the weather, we have a forest preserve close by with trails and thinking about walking them.  Same is gone today with her brothers, she is taking them to a show and dinner for helping her and my friend has to go into work today for some extra me is all alone today! Sam did go to bar for me last Thursday night and
Some Random Statuses Fo People That Checked Me Out
(DAMN I wanna eat some pussy!!) (Creepy guy at work grabbed me and wouldn't let go today....) (Biggest Boobs On Fu...Bling Pak To See!!!)   (What's A Girl Gotta Do For A Nifty Auto's Bling? LoL)   (When i go on a rating spree i start with my fans)   (HATERS CAN KISS MY A**!!! THERE'S PLENTY OF IT SO PUCKER UP B*TCHES!)   IF UR GONNA STALK MY PAGE, ATLEASE FUCKIN RATE ME!!! DAMN  
Something For Sister's Friends And Family!!
Something New...
Since the moment i saw him life was worth while..a sence of being and a sence of style..brought into my life like a great surprise..he doesnt know it though he tries..hope and love will guide us through...all you should know is i think i love you
Something That I Wrote About My In Laws That Like To Butt In
This love is empty, this life I live a lie. I am no longer my own, sadly just a part of everyone's daily life, a routine. I awaken each day to the sunlit loneliness, yearning to live again.    Moments of happiness run through  my mind, only to trip over reality and fall so painfully into the place that has been made for me.    My soul hangs on to the last flicker of hope for passion unleashed! My heart slowly bleeds out from the wounds so unsparingly opened, ripped wide from selfish thoughts, self crippling by an upbringing that willingly kills another's exploration of pleasure and life. Dooming them to a worthless, self indulging life and power trips of control that is offered as a filler to their own emptiness and non existing ego, that has been inflated by a misconception of their own reality.
You don’t know me and I don’t know you. In reality who knows what we are. And like a stalker I pursue you for love, even if you don’t know my address, my last name, and the key to my heart…. Someone loves you, someone is waiting for you, someone is dreaming you, and you know is me. Someone thinks about you all the time, someone seeks you, and at last found you. Someone loves you and someone is me.
Something Different
Ive been busy the last week or so and have missed alot of people here. Before I left a friend started a blog having others ask him questions about himself. I liked the idea and being bored at the moment I thought I would do the same. (Thnkz for the idea Emanon)   So here are the rules... you can ask me anything you wish to know and I will answer it as best i can... if it is something I dont not wish to be made public I will either tell you in private or just say it is something I wont answer at the time. Im hoping for some good thought filled questions so take your time and give me something good.
Someone I Used To Know
I see her walking with him She used to be mine She's still beautiful After all this time In a way I want to say hi But instead I walk on by I don't say anything It's best just to go After all She's just someone I used to know   I see you out On the sidewalk downtown Your blackened teeth Hidden by a frown The drugs have wasted Away your flesh Your sunken eyes look Like they're staring at death You took to the needle When you couldn't get enough from the blow I just turn my eyes away From someone I used to know   The memories and faces Plague my dreams Like the beating of a thousand Apocalyptic locusts' wings The voices and laughter The "I love you"s They threaten what sanity I have left to lose I run to the sink and Over my face, let the cold water flow And look up at the mirror At someone I used to know    
Something Inside Died..
Normally I am used to acknowledging the pain and loses that come with life.. never before have I noticed that something special inside myself had died with it. Usually it is the pain and the loss of the person is the love and good times you had together and knowing you will never have more then what you already enjoyed with them. I went to see Tool for the first time on July 21st 2009. This is a band I have tried to see every chance they were on tour for the past ten years. I have failed for 10 years straight for various reasons. Never the less I had finally done it I accomplished something I thought I would never have. I had a great time and was joined by friends and my wonderful girl friend however as much of a good time as I had.. something was missing.. and I really had to search my soul to figure it out.. I usually have a blast at concerts.. Love it and go crazy for them. So I started thinking perhaps I am just getting older.. perhaps I am just worn out. Why don't I feel the way I
"Sometimes" Many years down this blistered road, alwyas the ground less tread New faces, new emotions all this love hate and stress humanity bred At one time, you thought nothing could hurt, but you were so wrong with new paths come new emotions, and way to much to hold on You now find these walls your prizon, just settle in and shut up! Sometimes you need to take the time (Settle with your soul) Sometimes you need to know how it feels (Deep within) Sometimes you wish you knew the truth (Or just what feel right) Sometimes you wish it would all just end (End it all, fade away) The path you've led has been of darkness, Could and always alone Broken hearted, everyone you feel hate, their words now a drone From onle fake smile to another, you find your screams unleashed the constand whoring of the body, only for some emotional release You need to find the one true light, where is it? I'm so sick of this! Sometimes you need to take the time (Settle with your soul) Sometimes you need to
Some Of My Quotes From Over Time...
Media is one of the greatest and most talented artist in the world. It can paint a picture with out using a paint brush. It could convince you of something that isn’t real. Media can make one believe there points to be true. Media is the greatest con-artist in the world. It has convinced white society that all African American society consist of is gang-bangers, drug addicts, jail-birds, poverty , school drop outs, single parent homes, no good fathers and death. Which causes a Caucasian woman to clinch tight her purse when ever approached by a black man. Media-The greatest illusionist ever known.-Ivory Smith     Rage against injustice, Rage against abortion, Rage over child porn producers. Rage about a rapist, Rage against Racism, Rage against bias media who performs public contortion. To rage against someone’s driving, over someone who cuts in front of you, who gives you the magic finger, and throws his fist at you. To give rage for rage is strange and deranged that caus
Some People
Ugh some people just get on my nerves. when they need help and call you, you bend over backwards to help them but when you need it they shit all over you. The sad part is you help them for free but when you need them you offer money and they still wanna shit on you.......then when you don't offer them money they wanna get mad as hell. Or you help them and they say that when it's your turn they will be there 100% but when the time comes they say "I aint spending my only day off doing that!" then turn around and ask you to watch their kids......the nerve of some people.......right now everybody can kiss my yellow ass well with the exception of like 3 people.......I feel so used and violated.......People are assholes and they wonder why i'm a royal bitch to them...ugh...i fell like slapping somebody today!........i feel like i've been bushed all over again......uuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh
Some Things To Ponder....
  If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.  (Hardly seems worth it.) If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.  (Now that's more like it!) The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet. (O.M.G.!)  A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.  (In my next life, I want to be a pig.)
"" Somebody To Divide It With ""
Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with
Some Pics Of My Trip!
Mt. Shasta More of Mt. Shasta Entering 6 Flags Cool shirt I bought at 6 Flags Hoover Dam The MGM Grand
Sometimes You Just Need To Be With The Person Who Makes You Smile Even If It Means Waiting
  Over a year ago Lee and I met each other here,he fell head over heels for me (smiles) but I,at the time,thought he was rushing things a little fast...he backed off after awhile thinking all I wanted was friendship,and later on got himself involved with someone else.  We still talked up to the point where they started their life together,I realized too late that I had forgotten to tell him I loved him and he just turned and walked away...We quit talking to each other over the phone because he really wanted to give this new relationship a fair shot,after a couple of months with this other person he realized things would never work out...5 months later it had evaporated....One day he made a new account and came to my page to find me,I just happened to be running late for work and saw him here and thought I was dreaming (I had left all my reminders of him and us here during this time because I KNEW in my heart he was and is my SoulMate)He had left a PM wanting to know if I would be st
Sometimes...(this Is My Last Lash Out At Jenna)
I just want to fucking rip everything up I just want to find you, hunt you down and kill you You left a stain on my heart, you fucking cunt, that just wont wash away and now I'm left with your face in my mind everyday you annoy the hell out of what sensibilities I have I like to think I'm everything you lack I never turn around when youre near me, because I know you'ld fucking stab me in the back
Sometimes Facebook Scares Me....
This morning I was reading my horoscope on there. I clicked the "love" section and I got this.   A certain situation has cropped up, Gemini, that is going to leave some uncertainty on the day. The last few days have been fairly confident in terms of a specific issue that has been on your mind, but today you will see grounds shifting that are confusing you. This confusion is stemming from an issue where you have made incorrect assumptions, so do not meet this issue head on. Confrontation will only backfire on you here, but you will get the answers you need if you great the confusion with graciousness. This is not as bad as it appears, in fact it isn't bad at all. Don't let your own internal fears lead you to a mistake that could ensure the loss of everlasting love.
Some Tips For New People On Fubar
Hello again.  I thought I would do a blog for new people that just got started.  I wanted to do something like this because for the past year that I have been on this site, I have seen too many good people leave due to idiots, stupid drama, and just having rude people chase them away.  So I decided to do here is to give them tips and advice for new people signing up to Fubar, so they don’t end of like the other casualties from this place.  I’ll try to be as thorough and practical as possible on some of the subjects at hand: 1.  Don’t get too carried away on VIP’s, Blasts, Tickers, or anything else on here that costs money.  To be honest, having a VIP is not going to gain you anymore friends, or make you an better on here at Fubar if you don’t have a VIP.  There are really no special privileges you gain with a VIP, except for more space for photos, and your picture may be displayed more often on top of the screen.  Although getting a VIP, a Blast or a Ticke
sometimes.. losing someone that you love hurts so bad that you just want to be numb... all i want is to be numb... my best friend hates me because of a lie...   it hurts so bad... i just want the pain to stop...   i have to see her at work tonight... but i am going to be on vicoden.. so i probably won't remember much... hopefully anyway
Some Things Are So Random.
I just got a call from a woman I work with telling me that a guy we use to work with died this morning. His father called where we work to tell us. He was only 35. From what I was told he died of natural causes...can that really happen? When I think of someone dying from natural causes I think of someone being really old and them dying in their sleep. Maybe that's just some stupid thing I've been thinking. At any's just sad and it makes me feel like shit. The last thing he said "to" me was a voicemail. He was complaining that I never call him and how he thought we were friends. Then he called me "baby". I really should have called him back.....he was a really nice guy.   and no, I wouldn't have dated him, but I could have been a better friend.
You walk thru my soul, your beauty makes me fall to my knees, and i cant believe u dont see all that you are to me how you can make me so blind to all others that presue me the love i have for you will never fade even as we age but knowin i will never be in your arms is slowly killin me inside i know i cant be alone i need someone to hold me to make me feel needed to take the edge off my desire but always know my my love no matter who im with in the end its your name that willl be the last on my lips the last thought in this life  
Something Of Interest
I'm a sucker for gambling.  LOL Online Casino Casino Games
Some Things You Just Can't Explain
A farmer is sitting in the neighborhood bar getting saused. A man comes in and asks the farmer, "Hey, why are you sitting here on this beautiful day getting drunk?" Farmer: Some things you just can't explain. Man: So what happened that's so horrible? Farmer: Well, today I was sitting by my cow milking her. Just as I got the bucket about full, she took her left leg and kicked over the bucket. Man: Ok, but that's not so bad. Farmer: Some things you just can't explain. Man: So what happened then? Farmer: I took her left leg and tied it to the post on the left. Man: and then? Farmer: Well, I sat back down and continued to milk her. Just as I got the bucket about full, she took her right leg and kicked over the bucket. Man: Again? Farmer: Some things you just can't explain. Man: So, what did you do then? Farmer: I took her right leg this time and tied it to the post on the right. Man: and then? Farmer: Well, I sat back down and began milking her again. Just as got
Some Of My Favorites
Baby Video Monitors How To Choose Your Baby's Gender Small Pet Cages
Some Random Rants.....
What the hell is with teenage girls! It's like if a guy holds a door for you A FRICKEN DOOR! They immadiately think "OMG he likes me!" They then repeat a mantra of this while  smiling to themselves throught the day. The next day is where the real fun starts. The next day the girl begins to stalk her victem pin-pointing his wherabouts throught the day and studying their habits. Soon the dude begins to feel uncomfortable. The Female is soon with the cold hard fact that this guy doesn't like her and falls into a pit of despair vowing a life of lonliness and contemplating becoming a nun. After a day of brooding, the female returns to her habitat waiting for her next unsuspecting victem. My theory on Sesame Street: Sesame street is really a gang (the street looks like a ghetto and you never see anyone else but the characters), Elmo is a Blood. Cookie Monster is a Crypt(his cookies are filled with Marijuanna). Oscar is really a homless person that deals drugs. Big Bird is a Mob Boss.Snufflu
There are times when some of the fellas on here ask me..." smooth mother fucker the hell do you get da bishes?"  Well I wrote some things down to help some of you poor fellas out and this is what I got...   For guys that need help with girls, Do this:1. When she asks how she looks, shrug and say "could be better." This will keep her on her toes, and girls love that.2. Never hold her hand. This can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. If she grabs your hand, squeeze hers really, really hard until she cries. This will impress her by showing her what a strong man you are.3. Once a month sneak up on her from behind and knock her over. Girls are like dogs. They love to be roughed up.4. Call her in the middle of the night to ask if she's sleeping. If she is, say "you better be." Repeat this 4 or 5 times until morning. This will show her you care.5. When she is upset about something, suggest to her that it might be her fault. This will pave the way for her own person
Something To Think About
live your life the way you want  not what others want you only get one chance so take that chance
Sometimes My Thinking Gets The Best Of Me.
Sometimes life is hard, sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes we spread our wings and take flight, sometimes we hang onto those we care for and just need to be loved. I have been stepping over some big hurdles here lately and I am keeping my head up and staying strong the best way I know how. I am trying to make positive changes to things I can alter and maintaining strength about the things I can’t do anything about. Now as I move forward I have to smile and know that it’s all a rollercoaster and I can see the upwards hill coming !
Something I Wrote A Long Time Ago.
Okay, so people always say that everything happens for a reason, and there are lessons to be learned from every situation. Thing is, what are we supposed to do when we don't know what lessons we are supposed to learn? What if we get in a situation that messes us up so much that we don't know what we are supposed to take from it? but in the end, end up taking the wrong things? I am a person who wears my heart on my sleeve, and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But by doing that, I've been screwed over so many times that I don't know what to do about that anymore. Should I tuck my heart away neatly in a box for no one to touch?? I've always said I will always wear my heart on my sleeve, because I have the amazing friends I have now because of the way I am. I've always said that my really good friends cancel out all of those people that have not been so great. Who knows how much the human body and mind can put up with? How much does it really take to break us down? to mak
Can somebody please buy out Nick Nack ? My ownership of her is up in the next hour . Shes a cool person and needs someone to own her . please ? Do it for Nick nack not for me
Some People
Ya know, some people just underestimate the power a woman holds!  Ya try to tell em, and they apparently are just plain stupid. 
Some Things...
I thought I'd mention a couple of things... First, if you have a Snapvine on your page and I have snapped your vine lately, lemme know and I'll be glad to! Also, I gots a cherry bomb from a friend (Thanks, sweetiekeetie! :D ) and I plan on using it tonight. If you have Autos11s running at 6:00 PM fu-time, PM me - I plan on returning some bombs I got, and after that I would gladly bomb others! Hell, If I haven't bombed yo lately, PM me. I'll try to work in all my friends! :D I also think I finally figured out how to get my friggin' photos off my camera, so I'll post those a bit later. Love on me and my fam and friends!Rock on!Shawn P.S. - It seems to be "Let's Play in Status Messages" Day, more than usual! Whose can you pee on? Lemme know your favorite you've left or gotten!
Tears course down my face Wanting to run away from this place Somewhere no one can find me Somewhere I can find who I'm meant to be Somewhere without the pain and sorrow Somewhere to look forward to tomorrow Somewhere away from the chaos and strife Somewhere to find a better life Somewhere beyond the deciet and lies Somewhere to erase the sadness from my eyes Somewhere I'm free to make my own choice Somewhere that they actually hear my voice Somewhere to live the rest of my years Somewhere I won't cry any more tears Somewhere....
Some Info On Me
Not sure if this is where I put this but here goes. My name is Dan and I am the lead guitarist for Algorithm, an extreme-tech-metal band from Florida. My g/f told me about this site so I thought I would check it out. Drop me a line and I will do my best to reply in a timely manner though my band keeps me very busy. Especially right now as we are writing like mad-men finishing up some more songs for our full length debut CD "Calculating Mankinds Extinction" Recording starts in 2 weeks!!! I can't wait! You can check out the band at or find out more about me and drop me a line here.
Some Things Go On Forever
I look to the sky at night and admire the beauty of the stars.I stand in awe of their brilliance,They are as shining and constantas they have been since the beginning of time.They light the heavens and fill our hearts with wonder.When one burns out, another takes its place,for they are eternal.Wherever you are, they guide you from their home high above the earth.At times, they seem close enough to touch, as they transport your dreams far away.Their magic compels us to offer up wishes for their consideration.They make us realize that even when the sky is the darkest,a tiny beacon of light still shines through.They are a reminder to us that some things really do go on forever. Poem By Tammy C.
Some Men Are Just Idiots
I have just got back from my vacation to pittsburgh.  It hasnt been more then a week since I have returned. And the BS starts again!  There was hardly any food in the fridge or cupbords,  the dishes that were done had to be done over due to greese and shit still on them. And omg the dust on every thing.  And everything again dumpped on my shoulders to do because the lazy fuckers couldnt get off their ass to do it. But the most that upsets and hurts me the most is feeling like I have no right to be in the same room as them. Example:  Hubby and older son were doing the supper dishes and I not sure what I was up to.  Any how apparently I was in my older sons way.  And he kept giving me that look and giving that sighhhhhhhh,  yanno that one you give when someone is pissin you off. Then I get the cold treatment,  with baically yes or no answers and if I ask anything.  I get my ass handed to me. Hubby works at a place just full of woman,  I have no problem with that ever!!! Here
Somebody's Raising Thire Kids Right
SOMEBODY'S RAISING THEIR KID RIGHT! One Nation, 'Under God'.One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children. The teacher asked       a little boy: Tommy do you see the tree outside?     TOMMY:  Yes.   TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?     TOMMY: Yes.
Some Of My Fav. Links.
Dish Networks Creme Brulee Torch Voice over IP telephony Lil Wayne mp3
   Your morning thought for the day:  Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap.           ~ Doug Larson
Sometimes It Just Happens
I I can't explain it with words right now....... so instead I'm using lovely pictures. I'm posting a video or two below. I hope you enjoy.
Some World Of Warcraft Users Unable To Log In
For over 24 hours, some World of Warcraft users have been unable to log in.The forums are blowing up with complaints, with hundreds of people reporting that they can’t get past the authentication screen. Some people have puzzle with the World of Warcraft CD Key.Blizzard had an update on their forums saying: “We’re still working on alleviating the Account Management issues, folks. You have my apologies for any delays in getting this issue resolved. But it has no relation with the WoW CD Key ”It would seem the fix is still in progress as some of these affected users are now able to log in, but their characters have disappeared. I’ve actually run into both of these problems and just figured it was my connection. Glad to hear help is on the way.
I cant force somebody to like me and love me.. I cant convince somebody to believe me and appreciate me.. I cant please somebody to make friends with me.. I cant be perfect as what they want me to be..  I cant say " stop to those people who keeps on judging me negatively and say 'no..!" for those poeple who keeps on hurting me.. I cant control those rumors and negative feedbacks rushing on me.. but one thing for sure " I love those true friends who can accept and love me for who I am.." not for what i have..
Something Special
             A SPECIAL FATHER                      When a child is born they don't have the choice      Of who is their father, They don't have a voice      We can only hope he is loving, honest and true        And that he will always be there for you     A Fathers pressence is whats needed in his children's lives   Well father you have been all this and so much more      Supportive, loving, right down to the core    it's important to know that you are the very best     And we wouldn't choose another from all the rest     So thank you dad from the bottom of our Hearts      For being in our lives from the very start                   We love you Daddy                                  david judge jr 3/4/07
Somethings To Ponder....
While I sat in the reception area of my doctor's office, a woman rolled an elderly man in a wheelchair into the room.  As she went to the receptionist's desk, the man sat there, alone and silent.  Just as I was thinking I should make small talk with him, a little boy slipped off his mother's lap and walked over to the wheelchair.  Placing his hand on the man's, he said, 'I know how you feel  My mom makes me ride in the stroller too!   * * * As I was nursing my baby, my cousin's six-year-old daughter, Krissy, came into the room.  Never having seen anyone breast feed before, she was intrigued and full of all kinds of questions about what I was doing. After mulling over my answers, she remarked, 'My mom has some of those, but I don't think she knows how to use them.'   * * * Out bicycling one day with my eight-year-old granddaughter, Carolyn, I got a little wistful.  'In ten years,' I said, 'you'll want to be with your friends and you won't go walking, biking, and swimming with me like yo
Have some of you missed me? I just don't feel the same here anymore at all. I am not leaving,will be dropping in and out.Plan on helping a friend get the spotlight next week. I go to court about getting new doctors etc on 9/29.I fell again today,so lots of pain and frustration.Kittens make me happy though!!! Momma cat and kittens are wonderful.I am still kunty kit.   I love pet society and mafia wars!!!!!   ok that is all......
Something I Wish To Accomplish
I wonder how I am going to be a husband, a soldier, a father and love my wife all while working a full time job and still make her happy. To me this has never really crossed my mind much. Looking around at some of the people I know I have no clue how they do it. Cause I know an Army Girlfriend is hard to find but an Army Wife is a very rare breed of woman. To me she has to be as strong as the soldier, independent and love her man just as much as he loves her cause he can be called away at any time to defend the country and beliefs of those that they disagree with. So far I have come close to accomplishing this but failed. Guess with some of this being took from me it was to much and then I couldn't handle the little things I messed up to much and cheated on the girl of my dreams and now have lost her. Nothing I touch or seem to come in contact with ever comes out good it always goes bad. How is it that when someone you love wants and meets the real you instead of the pretend you for
Some Thoughts
I can't explain or understand and things are so unclear,The seasons changing while I slept, left me unprepared.My sympathies and empathies are locked behind this door,Hiding there until I'm sure it is as safe as before.I must have closed my eyes too long, turned my head too far,Cause something strange is happening, I feel it more and more.This painful numbing of my mind, I can't even feel my skin,And here I am alone again, on the outside looking in...
Someone Help Me!
Something has happened. I really like this Miley Cyrus song. :/    
Some Of You Are Lucky.
And Fubar saved you from me posting this on your page.">   Fucking anti-spam.If I have to hear it for days so should you.
..A phone converstation can be wonderful. Even when nothing is really said. Just hearing the other person. Yanno?
Something I Was Thinkin About
So soft. So warm. So wet. Warmth floods me in places I dare not say! The images in my head run rampant. I focus on one. In this instant it's all I need. All i need for my release. Explosion happening uncontrollable. Now if just only for the real thing!
Something New
to the one i loved! Current mood:  listless Category: Romance and Relationships                                 Something new!you rip me open and i bleed into you smiling decay,somehow youve peeled the pain awaybeautiful tortureintense sensationshe has arrived coverd in self-mutilation dying torment withthe beginning of this creation experimenting every moment of its own desecration drawn out from the cave i hidefeeling you now i thought ive diedthaw out my iced heart start fixing what fell apartwith one look into your eyesi felt this beautiful demisethe end of all my cries broken heart........full of lies just suddenly dies never had faith in anything but younow im feeling something newi love you!
Somehow, Ya Just Gotta Luv A Kid's Take On Life (and Marriage) !!!
1. HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY?     -You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.  -- Alan, age 10  (good plan, Alan)   -No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.  -- Kristen, age 10    2.  WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? 
Someone Goin Overseas...
Ok, well im not a big fan of your troops being over sea's.....I think they should all be brought home....But I do support them for defending in what they feel is right, they're helpin to keep me and my baby girl safe here at home, so i love our troops for it. Well, I have a friend on here that has kept me laughin since the first day i've known him, so imma send him and the others goodies lol Now everyone, please take a sec and give him some blog lovin and page love...
Sometimes Life Is Just Life
Tried to sleep, but this thought keeps running through my mind....gotta purge!!! March 28th 1966, that was the day I was born. Just a day like any other day u might think, but it wasnt. It seems that on this day, something strange and unusual was coming into this world and not in the normal way. I dont believe my mother ever went to a doctor at the young age of 16 when she finally realized she was carring me. If she did I doubt I would be here now. It seems that there were 4 children, including myself, that were situated in thier mothers in such a curious way, and I was the only one to live. We were not in our mothers womb....but on the outside of it. I myself was in here adomen, in my own sack, attached to the placenta on the normal child birth was not possible. To this day, I still find it curious. I find it curous that life had choose this path for me and for all my life I believed that I was meant to do something on this earth, but what is it? Last year, it seems, th
This blog was to be silent but by the fact of a critic it is still alive. Someone knocked on my door last night as I told someone "all you got to do is let go." This someone I knew for awhile has passed away this morning. My attempt to tell this someone some thing very important either got through or it was stopped. I never did answer the door, however, I did call another to make sure it was not them. I knew when I saw this someone this past Tuesday it was the last I'll see them here. What do you think this, the cup and red and white is? I mention friends, are they wanted or not? I also said clear passage, for who? A friend called me and we talked. Friend needs another surgery but the agreement was the following. Each one of us has to leave this world sometime but the way each leaves is all the same and it is death. However long or short or painful, it is all the same way each of us leave. Lot of non sense information to which I had no intention to reveal was done so to answer a cri
Some Things I Have Learned
Some things I have learned in Life. Live each day to the fullest. I had a friend named Devin who was am incredible human being. He had been hit by a car when he was 5 or 6. Doctors didn't give him until his 7th birthday, but he surpassed that and died when he was 22. Every day that man had a smile on his face. He worked hard through disabilities and his body attacking him because he wanted to graduate high school. He and I both worked 50 hours a week my senior year and would walk the two miles home and talk outside in rom of our apartments until 1am. When he moved back to Anderson, we lost touch somewhat. We still talked on eth phone, but not liek what we use to. One christmas, my moteh cam e into town and we planned dinner, devin came in town and I begged him to come with us. For a christmas presant I was taking mom to get portraits done and after taking 16 pictures I convinced Devin to sit in with me the last four. teh first three he didn't smile, but a little joking and little of t
Some Things I Have Learned In Life (part 2)
Just some things that I have learned in life. Be generous with yourself. Being generous with yourself is not just a financial endevour. If walking up teh street, you give a 1, 5 or even 10 dollar bill to the homeless man sitting on the corner, that is generous. But to give of yoru self, that takes true generosity. And you don't have to stretch yourself to do it either. If you love to sew, save what you sew and donate it at the end of teh year to a local home, childerns hospital, church. If you love sports, become a little league coach and instill your passion for the game. If you love art, take time to spend it with children who want to paint sketch and create. There was man who was wealthy. He worked long tireless hours wanting the best for his family and teh best oppertunities for his children. To replace his often having to work during holidays and special events, he lavished his family with all teh latest fasion, electronics, and luxuries. One year durring his daughters 8th birthd
Some Things I Have Learned (part 3)
Some things I have learned in life: Take yourself out of your comfort zone. On occation, you need to step out of your normal security and expose yourself to things that you would never consider. For example, I am not a great fan of hieghts. I am not scared, I just haver respect for how quickly that ground approaches when you fall. But with that uneasiness, I have been skydiving. It i sthat mastery of a fear that helps you grow. I don't know much about Islam, Philosophy, Politics, but that doesn't mean that I have not read, played in or visited places that help me understand them. By getting yourself involved you can not only open yourself up to the wholness of the subject, but dammit when you want to argue it, you already have ammo to defend and offend with. Knowledge of what is outside your comfort zone helps exl=pand yoru zone and broadens you as a person. Shed your skin and embark!. I have this morbid olan. People hate when I say it, it makes most uncomfortable. But I plan on bein
Some Things I Have Learned (part 4)
Just some lessons I have learned in life: Learn to Forgive. in 2000, my mother was going through a rough patch in her relationship with her boyfriend Ed. One ninght, Ed called me and asked if I could come over and talk with my mother. I went over andf foundteh kitchen in shambles and my mother raging at Ed who was incompasitated because of his health. Ed sat there as Mom raged on and on. I could tell that she had been drinking, so I asked her to just talk with me in teh other room as to try and difuse the situation. In teh bedroom, she told me about how Ed had done this and one that and never followed through on this, all the time I was watching her drink long deep drinks from her cup. as she lit a cigarette I took teh cup, sniffed, smelled the vodka and poured it out in front of her to her disbelief. Then I goaded her anger towards me. After tyaking her rage I finally just asked,"you talked about leaving before, you obviously arenot happy, so why don't you just leave for both your sa
Sometimes...i Love Old People
It's a short lil clip. The woman "cheering" in the background kind of reminds me of a little kid. Enjoy! [video in comments]
Some Girls Need To Be Real, Real Honest That Is
Something For A Freind That Died
if i was to die today what would you say? would you throw flowers on the casket in which i lay? would you play a song that would make people cry for me? or would you say a fucking awesome eulogy? would you visit my grave if i was to lay somewhere? or would you share my ashes to spread everywhere? who is going to remember my name? when you die, will it be the same? can you embrace the life that we now have today? or will you say its a bad memory yesterday? please forgive me for all that I have done wrong now. tomorrow, I may not forgive and you,and you might wonder how. so, embrace the life of the friends we make. you may never know when the Lord may take.
Sometimes Im Not Alright... And Thats Alright
Some of you may already know this, but alot of you dont... When i was 13, I was diagnosed with type 1 Bipolar disorder(or manic depression). Its something that i have struggled with for a great deal of my life. I have been on all the medications for it throughout my adolecent life, and for a breif period as an adult. I have since decided that I am no longer going to be taking medication for it. It was not a decision made lightly, but, when im on that medication, i dont feel like "me". I believe that I'm stronger than my demons, however, they do still haunt me.I know that there are a lot of steriotypes about people with this disorder, so thats why im writing about it right now. Im not "crazy". I have a chemical imbalance that makes me act differently than most people.there are pretty much 3 phases to the disorder, which if any of you that have known or will know me long enough, you will see them all.the manic phase... On the outside, ill seem very outgoing, excited, and all around a ver
Some Interesting Thoughts On Porn And Addictions
Here are some thoughts and links on pron and addictions.
[something I Lost, Or Just Stopped Carrying?]
Can't believe I have to go to work tomorrowwhere does the time goIf I wasn't so busy wasting time I'd learn how to waste my time better.I think this is why people like me have existential meltstoo much focus on paying the bills, progressively losing sight of the dreamforgetting what the dream was to begin with.but I'm too stuffed up and dry to wax poetic tonight.I just want to state the facts, and maybe sidestep another catastrophy. No, I didn't make it to the party, no I'm not sorryfinished ForAnswer, (apparently to get every mission done you have to play through 5 damn times) haven't worked on the Altruz drawing but I have noticed that my mechanical drawing is getting better- so is my perspective, and I'm definitely developing a perceptable mecha style.I've been too busy to feel empty or even numb these days,can't be love lorne when you no longer possess an external sex drivego ahead- try your damndest to turn me on, I'll probably just think its a trick.I dunno maybe I gave up- I say
Something That Just Irritates Me
Ok this just really gets me going. You know the people that treat their dogs like people, putting them in crazy outfits and saying that the dog is their child~ then why do they let their "child shit in my yard? No seriously they just let him loose and let the dog do its business in my yard then call the dog home and dont clean it up. I have a dog and I clean up after it and DO NOT take him out and just let him go where ever he wants and he is ON a leash. So why do these people who claim to be so proud of their animal do this ~ because they are lazy and disrespectful dog owners. My dog never goes in someone else's yard and the poop is cleaned up in mine. I have a child who plays out there in the yard ~ I dont want him stepping in doggie doo ~ especially someone else's doggie doo. If you really treated your dog like family then let me ask you this would you let your child shit in my yard? If you say no then you are a hypocrite. I would NOT let my child or dog shit in your yard but guess
Sometimes I Don't Know What To Do
i really think i need to post something about this to see what i should do if anyone would be to read this and give me advice. well i've been with this guy for a little more than a year and a half and he never lets me go out and do my own thing, yet when i do he gets really pissed and worrys about me when he knows he doesn't have to. well the other day he said to me that he doesn't like me talking to all these guys. well most of them i have known for way longer than i have known my b/f. so i turned the tables on him 'cause he did me wrong and i stayed with him for it. he went and flirted and talked dirty to all these chicks in the past, yet it's alright for him to talk to chicks and me not be able to talk to friends i have known for years. it's fukked up shit. well my big issue right now is that i want to leave him, but i have nowhere to go. i asked my parents but my dad told me to resolve the issues we have. so it's like wtf. is there no one out there that really wants to help me when
Some Favorite Poems Of Mine
 "The Apparition"By: John DonneWhen by thy scorn, O murderess, I am dead,And that thou thinkst thee freeFrom all solicitation from me,Then shall my ghost come to thy bed,And thee, fain'd vestal, in worse arms shall see;Then thy sick taper will begin to wink,And he, whose thou art then, being tired before,Will, if thou stir, or pinch to wake him, thinkThou call'st for more,And in false sleep will from thee shrink,And then poor Aspen wretch, neglected thou,Bath'd in a cold quicksilver sweat wilt lieA veryer ghost than I;What I will say, I shall not tell thee now,Lest that preserve thee; and since my love is spent,I'had rather thou shouldst painfully repent,Then by my threatnings rest still innocent."Astrophel And Stella, 31"By: Philip SidneyWith how sad steps, Oh moon, thou climb'st the skies,How silently, and with how wan a face!What, may it be that even in heav'nly placeThat busy archer his sharp arrows tries?Sure, if that long-with-love-acquainted eyesCan judge of love, thou feel'st a
Some Really Stpid Hoes On Here!!
Y'know what I can't stand on here?Why is it sooo many women on here post pictures of themselves wearing hardly anything,showing LOTS of cleavage,bent over and showing their asses...but when a guy leaves them a sexual comment on their sexy pic,then they wanna cop an attitude...andall the guy a pervert,or whatever.But THEY'RE the pervs...showing everything you got in your pics,but NOBODY can say anything w/o these dumb bitches getting offended!!Do women on here actually think that guys are gonna respect 'em cuz they hang all their shit out??Fuck NO!!They'll treat 'em like a skank and a hoe,whose only purpose is to get laid,or to show their pussy and ass!But it just makes me sooo mad when these stupid women hang it all out,then get mad when they're treated like a sexual oject!!I mean,what do they expect??
Some Of My Pics Have Come Down.
Yes I know some of you remember me having some NSFW pics posted up. When I had them my boyfriend at the time didn't mind them being posted. That bf and I have since broken up and I'm dating someone else. Granted he is not on Fubar and wouldn't see if I still had the pics up on here or not, out of respect for him I have taken them down. If he ever changes his mind or we breakup the pics may return. For those of you who did not see them, you are not missing much. And to the curious, no they were not nudes.
[some Free Advice About Approaching A Neurotic 170-200 Lb Animal]
Free advice is worth exactly nothing, but kidsdon't RUN toward a dog.Don't run toward ANY dog.Don't run toward any dog you don't feel comfortable with pinning, tackling, flipping, or outright judoing for your own bodily safety. That being said kids don't run toward strange dogs even if they're on a leash- and certainlyneverEVER approach a stranger. What the FUCK are people teaching their kids these days? That Amber Alert is a magical get out of a creep's basement free card?I remember stranger danger. I remember abducted kids in my hometown turning to cold cases, or winding up in texas with a whacked out blood relative years later. Do NOTtalk to strangers. Do NOTrun toward my dog, flail your fuckin chubby arms and squeal with glee. You are MEAT to my dog. It upsets her, and it annoys the everliving fuck out of me. Now, I assumed, because I knew better, that this was a rule when you were 10.I assumed incorrectly. Two young men about the age of ten ran across a street without loo
Some Of Daddies Definition
  Definitions Hello all O.K. I will be posting a few things that I think are important in understanding me.  This leads most definitely to definitions.  Like most Dominants I have the bad habit of thinking that the world revolves around me - though I really know it doesn't!  I do have the bad habit of redefining words for my own use, so let’s give you some of my definitions.   First is Sadist - I warp this word in not just pain, but in trying to get all of a subs Nerve endings to fire off at the same time to overload their brain.  This can include pain, most it includes a lot different sensations   boi - A boi is defined as a masculine identified submissive.  This is independent of their birth gender   gurl - A gurl is defined as a feminine identified submissive. Again this is independent of birth gender.
Sometimes I Just Hate My Life
ok let me start this by saying i know there is always someone worse off than me and thats one reason i rarely complain.  but i got to tell u its getting me down.   the hours at work are slowly making me zombie.  i never know if i should be awake or asleep.  not going to get better for while either.  yeah i know im lucky to have job. i live in rv.  not exotic not yeahh camping it freaking sux  cramped no room to move or turn around.  sharing it with 17 year old girl is hell  its slowly ruining my relationship with my daughter and thats next paragraph.  i cant have a friend over even if i had time and potential.  no only man in my life lives way too long away for me to have anything remotly equaling sex.  i know im lucky to have roof over my head. My daughter and i are barely tolerating each other she is just being a kid i know that but its at point i need her to be the adult she says she is.  she now has no car i cant let her drive it cause cant get inspection sticker cause some dum
Sometimes It's Just Best To Lie From 8-17-06
Ah, the joys of relationships. You're with a person that you love and you don't want to leave. But all of a sudden you find out some things about your partner that you are not comfortable with. Yes, one of those times that you wish you haven't said or asked anything about it. And when that seems to happen, you wish there was a way to turn it around. I'm talking about your partner's past. I know, I know, you say you must be honest with your partner at all times, which I could not agree with you anymore. But there are some things that I would, at least, be said as a lie. I'm sorry, but according to my past experiences with other people, it seems that telling the truth about it seems to cause a lot of problems. I actually witnessed a couple, and I mean a very good couple, go down the tubes because one of the people found out that the other was once a slut. And when I say slut, I mean it could be a male or a female, believe me, there are male sluts out there. Anyway, that is why I say it's
Sometimes People
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be possibly your roommate, neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger), but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.   Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight,
Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know, Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.
Some Interesting Facts About Ourselves …………………
In my blogs, you'll only find jokes ;)It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 3 kg (6.6 lb). The average man's penis is three times the length of his thumb. Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.Women blink twice as often as men. The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain.Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. Women will be finished reading this by now. Men are still busy checking their thumbs.      Have a fantastic day and SMILE :-) Anthea.                  
Some Stuff We're Working On...
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give you an update on some of the larger things we're working on for fubar. It's been awhile since my last blog post, since we've added other features on the site that let me keep you up to date on what's going on. :-)   Bling ordering -- This is a lot of work since we have to completely redo the 'my bling' page. But, in the very near future you'll be able to organize your top 100 bling and the 'my bling' page will be categorized based on bling-type (ie: favorites, limited edition, special ability (autos, bombs, etc)). We'll also be increasing the amount of bling that's displayed on the home page and public profile page.   fubar Lite -- A super simple home page without the normal 'header' (ie: no scrolling stuff, shoutbox, bartab, etc). new members will get this by default (while we experiement and see if people like it). existing members will be able to change their home page type to 'Lite' from the profile settings page if they'd like to try it out.
Something From My Head
I missed you.While we were apart,all I could think about was you.You were on my mind every second of the day. I missed you so much that when I saw your face on my phone,my eyes teared up with stinging drops of love.I want to see you,I need to see you!Even if it's just for a minuet.I wnat to hear your heart close to mine.I missed you alot.
Some Beer And These Chicks Become Crazy
Hot 18 ears old girls Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Young teens hook up with dirty old men Girls give deepthroat blowjob Incredible horny slut taking the cock deeper Face fucked with a hard cock and penetrated Giant cock start the war Stripper pole mommy honey west Real ex-girlfriends A lot more sexual than the college coeds
…somethings That Annoy Me...(and Perhaps Bullywrag And Irk Me As Well) :
    What the hell is with those ugly as T-shirts that everybody is wearing now? You know the type, the one’s with ugly Rorschach looking patterns and sayings that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.   A fashionable person I’m not but good g0d, those schmata’s are everywhere (and I do mean everywhere). And since we’re on the topic of clothing, what’s with the rivet belts, and the pseudo 80’s revival look? Once was enough people….   I had the misfortune of going to the mall a few day’s ago. Unfortunately that’s where the Apple store is (I needed my technology fix ….man) and I Utterly despise malls. When I think of malls , I think back to the George Romero movie ( Dawn of the Dead) and this particular piece of dialogue :     Francine Parker: What are they doing? Why do they come here? Stephen: Some kind of instinct. Memory, of what they used to do. This was an important place in their lives.    
Something Borrowed
I want your love but i dont like to borrow. i cant hold you tonight only to give you back tomorrow.   (work in progress)
Some Beer And These Chicks Become Crazy
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Some Beer And These Chicks Become Crazy
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Some How
Life is crazy and sometimes meanWords of love is hard to findWhen I'm with you I lose controlBut somehow you don't seem to mindI look into my heart and try to seeWhere life will lead me with youI don't know what the future holdsBut somehow it seems that you doI look into your eyes and see your soulWondering what you see in mineAre we dedicated or will this endBut somehow you know everything is fineI can't seem to find the wordsIf only my heart could tell the taleMaybe my mind would step asideBut somehow you can always tellI say to you my love is for youYou repeat the words I love you tooI wish my actions could tell you moreBut somehow you already knew.
Some- timeSome- whereI will find you thereI'll love youI'll hold youI'll understand you're wareWhen tmes have come down on you andIt's to much for you to bearI'll lend you a shoulder, and prove toYou that I still careI'll always be the man in your lifethat you can count onForever in your mind, I'm unyeildingto pressure, like a stoneRegardless of the task at hand andthe triubles to comeI will not fail you and my loveshall never become numbI'll find yousome- timesome- whereI will always be thereI'll love youI'll hold youI will always be fairWhen the time has come for you todecide where life should goNo matter what, you should be awareI'll always be here fo you to know...I'll always be the man in yur lifethat you can count onForever your love always unyeildingto pressure just as a stoneRegardless of the task at hand andthe troubles in lifeI will never falter, I'll help youthrough your strifeI'll be therefor all- timeevery-whereI'll never leave you thereI'll love youI'll hold youYou will a
Some Men Are Just Fake
A short time ago,  I added a man to my profile and we started talking. After a few convoes, I got the jest of what he was all about. I am sure he is a okay person, but  he was looking for more then just someone to chat to even thou he denied it. He also had another lady that he liked and didnt live far from him.  He said she was cute etc but didnt like her personality. Well as the convoes between us got on he would leave me hanging for over 10 mins.  I knew right away he was yappin to her. So trying to be polite I said well I will let you go ,  he didnt care for that ..ohhhhhhhhhhh well! I then noticed on his profile she owned him,  I thought to myself for a man who dont care for someone she sure is there.  Every time I looked she bought him a bling...hey terrific. But plz spare me the BS!!!.  I decided just to let him be and didnt attempt to carry any  more convoes,  one thing I hate is FAKE PEOPLE!!! So I took him off my profile, facebook and msn.  Just proves to me most men
Sometimes people don't realize the true meaning of things until they are lost to them.  A relationship that went south and never given a second chance could be the relationship that would have lasted.  Friends that take each other for granted and never really listen to one another losing touch and not speaking.  You never know what will happen tomorrow or what might walk into your life tomorrow so never take for granted the things that you have right in front of you.
Something I've Learned From Behind The Drum Set
Something I’ve learned from behind the drum set By Daniel Waid [I found this article today on Rapture Ready's website; I'm not sure who the author is, but what he's got to say really teaches me a thing or two too.  Enjoy and be blessed! -- David] Worship.  I don’t know when it happened; I don’t know when it started but some how my life has been transformed by worship.  What I have learned from behind the drums in our church has changed my life. I struggled a little at first to find my place in the worship team. The worship team has been profoundly gracious to me in allowing me to voice my opinions and I am very grateful to them for allowing me the space to learn and grow, and screw up at times. Please note there will always be volume issues, tempo issues, and ¾ time, but please be patient, God isn’t through with me yet.   The most important thing I have learned about worship from behind the drum set is…It’s not about me.  Worship is about the Lord
Somethin I Had To Write Thought It An It Came Out Like This
I do believe in all the things that you see…. What comes is better, better than what came before! But believing in all the things behind it? Life has its own way of throwing you off course, turning you in different directions. Pulling at the invisible threads that make up all the choices that you have yet to make! Not quit knowing what they are but knowing that it’s something that needs to be made into a plan, so that tomorrows ground isn’t uncertain. So that when you feel like nothing you do is worth a damn, you can look back and know that what you are doing is meant to help who you are, as a person, you got issues that have yet to be an issues that are. To deal with these you have to make a choice to cut a thread or let it stay where it is. Emotions run high, you feel like nothing is being done when you make a choice. Your breathing become erratic, your heart is racing like a stallion pounding hard enough that you can hear it. You body becomes numb with every br
Some Thoughts...
I often wish I could go back to a time when my biggest fear and worry was making sure I passed that math test.  Life was so much simpler then.  But when I was a child this was enough to make me want to pull my hair out!  Now that I am an adult, I have learned that life itself is a series of tests.  Some you will pass and others you will fail, for there is no text book from which you can study.  No matter how well you  prepare you will never get a perfect score, because mistakes will always be made.  However, it is our duty to remember these errors in judgement and learn from them, lest we repeat them.
Some One Copy Writing My Video's
Someone advertising my video I found it on Youtube lol !! Really wanting to find the real Desperate house wife lol you can find me here wink!! DesirEye's       DesirEye's
Some Men Make Me Sick
  im not your normal male......i wont perve ya..ya if i think you are cute etc ill tell ya...i dont want your messager number or too see your nsfw...i might view them at my own time but thats not what i choose too see im not here for points anymore im here for friends ive known alot of people on this site since lost cherry days even tho i took a leave when this became cherrytap(right before fubar for those that dont know)dont get me wrong i love points being rated and blinged etc but thats not my reason for staying...if you have a man (or women) i respect that im not trying too get your your pants im with someone and happy unless you are bi looking for a threesome lol ...ive seen and heard of alot of the men on this site talking dirty too complete strangers etc and it sickens me ...ladies not all men are like that its called manners...and trust me some of the women are just as think because you are online and not in front of the person it gives you the right too talk how ya w
Some Peoples Children,
So I have had a great day thus far,got to spend time with my sister(she was wondering where abouts on her lower back she should get her tramp stamp done....sigh) found out my orientation for school is next Tuesday..which im excited about and yet nervous at the same time. Took Harley Quinn for a much needed walk thru our neighbourhood dog park and watched her run around like shes never seen or felt grass before. found a toonie WOOT! chased down my dog that yet again got into my purse and decided too help herself too my yogurt covered pretzels...bitch.   Finally came home,jumped on into fubar and found a marvelous little picture comment for my default.   truly I believe it to be one of the best picture comments I have got too date, im sure it took this fine young fellow forever too think of something so pleasant too type out,the kinda guy that would make his mother proud :D     "WASSUP!!???4 hrs ago-- 5 of 5Yo baby I was asleep dreaming of me and my friend double teaming you !
Some Day… Someday I will be happy with myself. Someday I will have pride in myself. Someday I will find that special someone to make me smile. Someday I will have the family I’ve always dreamt of. Someday… The things I desire I shall receive; May not come all at once, But gradually is fine for me. Many sacrifices I made to get what I want Many more I will go through. The broken hearts, The wounded minds; The games played destroyed me. The “I love you” that makes a person get butterflies inside Or the “I miss you” that gave you gentle chills down your spine. Even the kisses that sent shivers racing through your body. Someday I will have it again. Someday it will be a happy place for me. Someday when all the problems are gone, I will find that someone to make all this happen again. Until that day I will dream, And hope for a better day. Someday.. I will be in heaven again, Hoping for your arms around me; Wrapped so tight I can hardly breathe. My happiness will
Something I Do In My Spare Time... A Little Poetry.
--My Fate--Looking through the hour glass,Counting each second.Not really knowing where I'll be&& where I'll go from here.Looking through my eyes,I'm amazed by all the beauty that surrounds me.It's a wonder I have found it when I did.I'm amazed,What such fate surrounds me,On my journey through life?Will I stray from the right path?Will that fate lead me to an ending path?I can't walk it alone.I need someones hand to hold,To help me make it safely home.-Shyra
Someone I recently  met tells me I'm making a mistake by not having this surgery. I may truly be. I cannot forget what took place about this surgery and they are rather outrageous. Anyone can spit, cough, or vomit up the truth regarding the whole issue. I am all ears. I am open and receptive. What I receive from this is nothing much, however, I see what is behind it. I see my Cardiologist right before Thanksgiving. I may be inclined to have it done. What I had to do is almost finished. Who knows I may soon be done? Norio  
Something For My Own Amusement
I know I seem to come off as a quiet and rather innocent girl to most people (except those who really know who I am). I've been struggling with bring up S&M to my bf. He's extremely new to dating and being in a relationship and I really care about. Needless to say, I don't want to scare him off. I had bought a book for my own informational purposes of what it is I'm into awhile ago: SM 101 by Jay Wiseman. I'm debating lending it to my bf so he can better understand me. But that's not the reason I'm writing this, to ask advice blah blah. Nope. I was looking back through the pages of this book and remembered why it was that I laughed a lot. On almost every page of this book there are quotes the author has heard people as SM clubs say in passing conversations. They are hilarious as well as sweet and just plain true! Here are several examples: Learning how to do SM is like learning how to have sex all over again. SM relationships are essentially relationships between equals. Are all sa
Some Fools Never Learn.
So, anyone that knows me knows that I'm a pretty positive outgoing person. I'm there for my friends. I'm faithful. I'm dedicated to my education and work. But lately. Hurt is starting to overcome me. It's getting close to the anniversary of my mother's death. So, in essence I'm reliving everyday this month as I did last year. It's hard to get through the days smiling, but I do it. I manage to get up everyday thinking in my mind that I have my family and my man. Yet lately, He says I'm "clingy". It's obvious why, yet I can't seem to make him understand. Will I ever learn how to let go? Am I really clingy? Do I give him enough space? Am I a good girlfriend to him? All these questions burn through my mind and I just think to myself am I just being a fool and am I never going to learn to just let go a little? Am I always going to be afraid that something I love so much is going to dissappear in an instant? Is he always going to think to himself that it's cause I don't trust him, yet it's
Some Tips For Alterating Your Dresses
Many brides may lose weight for the busy preparations for their wedding. Usually there are lots of things to do before the wedding, including many important things and countless trivia. All of these need brides and grooms to consider and realize. At most time, the result is that they usually found the custom wedding dress loose just before the day of wedding. I have a friend who lost about 10 pounds since she got her Custom wedding gown so she had to have it taken in a little. Many brides are in the same boat, I think! What’s a worse, alteration is usually more expensive at the store from which you bought your Custom wedding gowns. You could ask other recent brides and if you don't know any, I'm sure one of your friends, family members, or coworkers would know a recent bride who could tell you where she went. So do remember try some days earlier before your wedding so that you have ample time to change the measurements. Besides that, you should pay attention to your weight pro
Some Things That Needed To Be Mfkn Said, Courtesy Of The Mfkn Slut
Ok so to begin with I would like to say how proud I am to say that I am part of THE best family on fubar, MFKN.  For the most part this is a family that shows love, day in day out. That is why i am SO proud to be a Founder in this family. Now to my FIRST issue. I myself am jnot a true founder. A Founder, to me, is someone who orignated with the group. However, Bubzy, Cruser, And AsH.WeeE decided that because of the things I had done once joining this family I should be made a founder. I disagreed, but was out voted. My stance is this. Let's take a Precident of America. no matter HOW good of a president was, he could never be called a Founding Father of America. Because, yea, he wasn't around when America was created. So, we decided awhile back, when there were still 5 founders that from then on, there would be no more Founders added. Kind of like a compromise on their part to me. Go me right? So that should answer everyone's question about "Who is going to take Cruser's spot as a fou
Some Thought's Of Life
If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep. Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important.  The best vitamin for making friends..... B1. The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts.  The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge.One thing I can give and still my word. I lie the loudest when I lie to myself. If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished. One thing I can't recycle is wasted time.Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do.My mind is like a functions only when open. The 10 commandments are not a
Some More Jokes!
A blonde couldn't get on the internet, so she phoned the Helpdesk Helpdesk: Are you sure you used the right password? blonde: Yes I'm sure. I saw the guy, who set it up do it. Helpdesk: Can you tell me what the password was? blonde:yes, six stars. *********************** An Indian man dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates."Yes, how can I help?" asks St Peter."I'm here to meet Jesus," says the Indian man.St Peter looks over his shoulder and shouts, "Jesus, your cab is here!" ************************ Guy walks into a bar and sits down for a drink and sees Hitler sitting at a table in the corner.So the guy asks the bartender if thats Hitler and the bartender says yep. Bartender also says that he'll tell you anything you want if you buy him a drink. So the guy gets another drink and sits down with Hitler and hands him the drink. The guy: "So exactly how many people did you kill?" Hitler: "About 600,000 jews and 7 circus clowns" The guy, suprised replied "7 circus clowns!?" H
Some Help And B-day Love On The 19th
Hey to all, pls go check out my friend. Its his b-day on the 19th. Go check him out and help him level and show him some b-day love. Thank you Defender">@ fubar  
Sometimes we have to fight ourselves, just to get through the day. Sometimes we have to accept whats in front of us. Sometimes we just get lost in nothing. Sometimes we just go crazy being in one place. Sometimes we forget who we are. Sometimes we just want to walk away and never look back. Sometimes we want to go home. Sometimes we fall in love but realize that its not love. Sometimes we realize that its not worth the trip. Sometimes we just raise our hands to the world and say... I give up.
Sometimes I Hate My Life
Ok check this out im going to be alone this thanksgiving and x-mas again i mean 4 real i had a girl that i though loved me as much as i still love her and i cant beleve that im such a fukin goob i just dont know what to do im so lonly and iv been so lonly 4 so long i ust cant seem to let her go i know that she has let me go and she tells me that she still wants us to talk but yet she makes no efort some 1 tell me what i should do and where im living is complet hell and my hole life is fuked up and i was so looking forward to starting a life with her she knows how much i care about her i was gonna give up every thing 4 her EVERY THING im just about to loose my mind so hoo ever reads this plzz help me with a comment 
Something I Have Written....
The sky is dark, yet so bright. The trees and earthly bodies are taken over by the darkness that the stars command. You stand there looking into the dark velvet sky. You’re empty as you stare. You’re so fucking empty tonight.Lights streak across that sky. Shooting stars. Make a wish as those glorious meteors collide into your world.  They crash with no sound. Yet everything around you is so loud. Nothing is quiet. The creatures of the night stalk you loudly in hopes of terrorizing you. They smell you. They smell you bleed as the blood slowly rolls down your arms and drips onto the ground beneath. As the cold liquid pours you stand there in the middle of the empty field. You’ve lost all amounts of care as your soul flees your body to lay amongst the stars. Even for only a moment. Or until the sun rises again, whichever is first. But once again you pull away from the peace the blackness has given you. You are once again lost in the dark beauty that so few indulge in; th
Something Wrong With Me?
My life is such a waste begging on something to work this time But why can't I relate? Feeling all I do is get what's mine Holding on to faith, never gave me nothing but despair So why do I create just to be swallowed? I cannot take this place burning up inside, this space of mine so why can't I replace, feelings I find hard to really find? I try but I can't taste Memories they always come haunt me. All my feelings have been eating onto me Feed inside, is there something wrong with me?
Some More New Photos Up-these Are Somewhat Sticky! :)
New Photos! Somewhat Sticky! Enjoy!
Something I Like
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they go right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself and sometimes good things fall apart so that the better things can fall together." — Marilyn Monroe
Sometimes You Find A Song That Just Fits
i betchya lie awake at nighttryin to make up your sweet mindwonderin if you'll ever findjust what you wanta home-town number oneor a california loaded gunbut you know you only get oneor that's what you thoughtbut here's what you've gotchorus:i could be your baby blue jeanswith the holes in the knees in the bottom of the top draweri could be your little beauty queen just a little outta reachor the girl livin next doori'll be your angel givin up her wingsif that's whatchya need i'd give everything to be your anythingif you want hard to getif you want...all you have to do is let me knowif you want a bumpy rideor someone with a softer sideeither one'll be alrightjust let me knowcause this is where it goeschorus:i could be your baby blue jeanswith the holes in the knees in the bottom of the top draweri could be your little beauty queen just a little outta reachor the girl livin next doori'll be your angel givin up her wingsif that's whatchya needi'd give everything to be your anythingit's n
Someone Please Give Advice
I love someone so dearly and i want to be back with them and it just seems to me they dont want a thing to do with me and that they are hiding everything from me and when i get this feeling im usually right about my predictions and all i really want to know is why they are acting like a complete ass to me now and shit like that and when i have the time they make it a point not to have the time and im just so pissed and flustered anyone got any advice on this issue cuz im at a lost i have told everyhthing out and im just standing here ready to run out and play with cars on the road to get rid of this pain i feel i wish they would actually tell me what the hell is going on cuz im about to give everything up for them and all i want is to be happy with them but it just doesnt seem like they want the same
Some Thoughts On My Life
Shit gets personal, are you ready?okCoke, crack, heroin, oxy, acid, x, k, peyote, mushrooms, opium... HOW MANY HAVE YOU DONE? none of the above :D BE HONEST HOW HAS YOUR HEART BEEN LATELY?covered with mud beaten and torn trying to rise aboveDOES ANYONE LIKE YOU AT THE MOMENT?i dont know by which you mean like as in relationship wise or like as in just like i'm liked all aroundbut i sure hope someone out there would understand where i'm coming from for onceinstead of trying to mess me over..WOULD YOU EVER CONSIDER LIVING WITH ANYONE ON YOUR TOP FRIENDS?i already have hell my top friends are my friends i have known the longest and bands that i do like to listen too alot... people i support people that have met me and bands that have made songs that really have touched my soul... WHEN YOU SAY YOU DON'T CARE DO YOU MEAN IT?not always i do let you know when i do mean it. but usually i'm the person the only person that truly actully honestly gives a damn... only time i would say i don't care
SOMEDAY Nina Someday you’re gonna realize One day you’ll see this through my eyes By then I won’t even be there I’ll be happy somewhere Even if I cared I know you don’t really see my worth You think you’re the last guy on earth Well I’ve got news for you I know I’m not that strong But it won’t take long Won’t take long 'Coz Someday someone’s gonna love me The way I wanted you to need me Someday someone’s gonna take your place One day I’ll forget about you You'll see, I won't even miss you Someday someday Right now I know you can tell I’m down and I’m not doing well But one day these tears they will all run dry I won’t have to cry, sweet goodbye Coz' someday someone’s gonna love me The way I wanted you to need me Someday someone’s gonna take your place oohh.. One day I’ll forget about you You'll see, I won't even miss you someday, i know someone's gonna be there Someday
Some People....
...are just stupid. Daddy McLo...: Fuck baby you are so fucking yummy and sexy as fuck daddy likes!To Daddy McLo...: my profile real quick like...then remand your statement No reply...hmm...MAYBE he got a clue?
Some Of My Thoughts...
I wrote this and figured I'd share it.. Tonight after getting new couches, the kids were hungry so we stopped at Wendy's. As we were eating, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. There, outside, was a homeless man. He placed his blanket and things neatly by the door and came inside. After buying a small coffee he quietly went over to a table and sat down. I watched as other people just went about their meal, hoping to see someone offer him something. No one did. I knew that if I didn't get him something to eat I wouldn't be able to eat. I can't even eat in front of a hungry cat let alone a hungry person. I walked up and told him that I would like to buy him dinner. We went to the counter and I told him to pick out whatever he wanted. He spent a whopping $5, and that was with my urging. I gave him the change to get food tomorrow. There were tears in his eyes when he said thank you. The kids and I finished our meal and he thanked us again on our way out. Walking to t
Something To Think About
Those of You Born 1930 - 1979 TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!! First, we survived being born to mothers Who smoked and/or drank while they were Pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, Tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-base paints.
Somewhere In The Night
Somewhere In The Night by Marilyn       Somewhere in the night a child cries, A woman weeps and someone dies. Somewhere in the night, humanity hides. Somewhere in the night , a soul screams, As people fade and vanish, lost in dreams. Somewhere in the night, reality lives. Somewhere in the night loneliness dwells, As people alone, no sounding bells. Somewhere in the night, she crys alone. Somewhere in the night ... Where is the light?  
Sometimes Even A Clown Cries
life is full of mysteries and wonder,but most of all its full of living,ive had a pretty good life i thought,until i met someone who made me realize that it wasnt over,but rather just beginning again,This woman filled my life with such joy,but also some sadness,but i never doubted that we would be together the rest of our lives,so my tears went from sadness,to happiness when we moved in together,thers nothing like hearing a little angel call you dad for the first time,or waking up to the love of your life telling you that she is the happiest woman in the world,for you being there.this week we put up our first tree together as a family,and i got to put on my wedding band,this week was the best week i have ever had,ive laughed and ive cried,but most of all i have lived,and i plan on laughing and crying with her for the rest of our lives his lips quiver at the thought of kissing hers,her legs weaken at the thought of his kiss,his arms stay strong at the thought of holding her,her heart r
Something From The Mind
i was all alone you left me all alonei was a broken soula wolf without feelingyou left me alonei cried alonei loved youbut now i want to kill youforget youbecauseyou left me alonei was all alonei thought you loved mebut what the hell do i know?i loved youim not as strong without youbut i will be strongi'll hold back it alland face it without youand when i fallbecause i know i willyou wont be there to catch meand thats what kills mebecause you left me all aloneand in the morningi'll know your gonean im left in this world without youcuz when it all comes down to ityou where everything to meand you let me fallyou left me all alonelike a rose in the raina wolf that can feelno more painand as i cryand think of youand watch you look at themthe way you once looked at me tooi'll smile saddlyturn awayand never let you knowbecause you left all me alone
Something Men Will Not Want To Read But Do It Anyway!
Something few men want to discuss but every man should know. When we "girls" go through PMS and beyond....we can not help what we say and do. We become bitches...or more than normal for some. Most of us want to cry all of the time (give us chocolate and tissue)...the smallest thing you say ("hey baby") can be blown out of proportion and often we can and will break down or just break shit (my personal fave). Again, we can not help it. It is chemical (proven)....not to be confused with comical!!! It is certainly not comical! Until after the fact perhaps.   If any other woman goes through the pain I do and she happens to be yours...good lord, by all means, baby her!  I personally have never been through child birth but I do know what I feel every month and sometimes I would rather die. And trust me...I am not afraid of pain!   So please be patient with the one you adore when she becomes totally irrational and tells you to move out, right after you tell her you love her! It's just ho
Something I Wrote For The Demons
It was a ravishing Sarcophagus Anointed with alluring gems of Hyacinth and Onyx Fitted for a Queen, A women with beauty of the fabulous Houri of the Turk For her to lay in the abyss of eternity with her only beloved in Luxor It is an astonishing Sarcophagus The envy of all the Mediterranean She who lay inside will be glorified in history It is the perfect Sarcophagus To deliver thy Queen upon Anubis He will take her prematurely It is a curious Sarcophagus In that the Queen still walks Why the luxury for this fallen women It is a mysterious Sarcophagus To be banished from the world herein And her dishonor with it It is a disgraceful Sarcophagus Which inside lies no Queen, in fact, But the Harlot who thought she was It is an avenged Sarcophagus For tramp who murdered the Queens heart Now lays with scarabs It was a mercifuless Sarcophagus Not only buried was the cold body of a young girl slain But the unforgiving heart of a humiliated Queen It i
Something Random Tht Came To Me
you are you and i am i,oh why, why, why, must i lie, i feel this way because i do, i feel this way, what about you? what do you feel when i pass by, do you question me is that why, we only talk and nothing more,i do not set foot outside my door, to see this girl that i kno, to pick her up and go go go.
Something I Wrote.
When i give my heart i give it allbut i never prepare for the big fallI care too much or not enough?I do all the running and yet never chasedno wonder im so easily replacedYou say you care i believe you dobut i know how to show it why dont you?I feel so dumb for letting you inwhich just opened a gateway for the pain to begin.
Some People Are Kind Of Retarded....
I have seen several people waste their money and time here on fubar, and here are just two examples:   Number one:  I saw a person with a blast, but no default picture.  How stupid is that?  Number two:  This happened to be tonight. Why the fuck would anybody be on HH if their profile is set to private?? No point in it, IMHO, because the only people who can go rate them is their friends who probably already rate them anyway. Wasted money and time.
Some May Say I Play Games....
but at least i am good at them.... hah beat that!
Something For Mom
The Santa Claus at the mall was very surprised when a young lady about twenty years old walked up and sat on his lap. Santa doesn't usually take requests from adults, but she smiled very nicely at him, so he said, "OK, you can ask for something but it has to be for someone other than yourself. What do you want forChristmas?" "Something for my mother," said the young lady. "Something for your mother? Well, that's very thoughtful of you," smiled Santa. "What do you want me to bring her? " Without blinking she replied, "A son-in-law!" 
Something I Had To Keep For Later.........
A woman once said that a man is like a deck of playing cards...You need: ♥ A HEART to love him! ♦ A DIAMOND to marry him! ♣ A CLUB to bash his fucking head in! and ♠ A SPADE to bury the mfkr!
Something Funny I Heard Today
A wealthy hospital benefactor was being shown around the hospital. During her tour she passed a room where a male patient was masturbating furiously. 'Oh my GOD!' exclaimed the woman. 'That's disgraceful! Why is he doing that?' The doctor who was leading the tour calmly explained, 'I'm very sorry that you were exposed to that, but this man has a serious condition where his testicles rapidly fill with semen, and if he doesn't do that at least five times a day, he'll be in extreme pain and his testicles could easily rupture.' 'Oh, well, in that case, I guess it's okay,' said the woman. As they passed by the very next room, they saw a male patient lying in bed while a nurse performed oral sex on him. Again, the woman screamed, 'Oh my GOD! How can THAT be justified?' Again the doctor spoke very calmly: 'Same illness, better insurance.'
Some Favorite Quotes
You are my love... and my life always.   I want to be what you are..see what you see... love what you love.
Something Else To Add To Your Name
♣▀▀▀▀▀▀▀  ̿ ̿ ̿ '̿'\̵͇̿̿\ ۩۞۩ /̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿̿  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀♣ ♣/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿̿                       ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\♣
Something I Wrote Awhile Back When I Felt Blue And Unappreciated
This was written awhile back when I was hurting and feeling unappreciated. (9/9/09)   I want so much to tell you how much I truely love you. It seems hard at times just to find the words that will reach you. Wondering at times if I am still getting through to you. I want so much to hold you and touch you. It burns me deep within and grieves me when I can not make you see how much I need you. Is this a wall between us that has risen and become an eyesore. I long ago took a vow and made a pledge to always love you. I shall forever remain at your side watching and waiting for you to return to me. We have made it through much harder times than this and I do not plan on giving up on you.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Tell It Like It Is!!!
1/5/2010     To Whom It May Concern:               My name is [my name]. I am a patient of Sharp Healthcare. I have been a patient for about three years now. My regular physician is Dr. Karen Hutchinson. I have nothing but great things to say about her. She’s caring, confident, discreet, and an all around amazing physician. The only problem I have is that she is off work frequently. In her absence, I am left under the care of Drs: Perry Montoya, Roderick Mountain, Michael Chambers, Timothy Strouse, and Adela Greeley. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that these doctors do not like Dr. Hutchinson, for whatever reason.               I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but having also been an employee of Sharp Healthcare from 7/5/06-approximately 10/13/09, I know that I am not receiving “very good care” from these doctors. I have been very patient up until now, but am growing physically wary and impatient.               I suffer from many heal
Someone's "about Me" Section
I saw this when I was perusing some profiles.   "3. YES I HAVE NSFW AND NO YOU CANNOT SEE THEM! UNLESS YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN DO TO GET IN THAT FOLDER DONT THINK THEY COME FOR NOTHING! IM NOT LIKE THAT SO DONT EVEN ASK UNLESS UR READY TO BUY BLING PACKS/VIPs/HAPPYHOURS OR SOMETHING OF THAT NATURE! GET IT GOT IT GOOD!"   Now, this makes it sound worse than just showing it to someone.  I mean it makes this woman sound like a WHORE.  I have nudes but you have to pay type of thing.   Yes, these our are people.  And, people wonder what is wrong with the gene pool.   That is all Dit Peace baby   I will need to come up with my own finishing number   how about   Thats what she said
Sometimes we make way to many mistakes,And always seem to say the wrong things.When Anger consumes large amounts of you,and the constant feeling of being used. Feeling lost and always confused.Over time this changes, who you are and what you do.Walking thru the days with stress on your soul,Ruins the way your eyes may see things.Yelling at walls, or nothing at all.Picking up pieces, making up excuses.Your head is out of control.Little reminders of the past can bring boil to a still pot.And I don't care what anybody says..That changes you ALOT!Trust is more important than you may really know,it makes people react different and your love may be hard to show
Some Of My Work
In your eyes is were I feel safe, everything about you is wonderful The touch of your lips against mine, the scent of your skin, my every desire With you is where I want to be, stay always I love you more as each day passes You know me better then anyone else, without saying a word you kiss my lips Stay with me always, my love, my passion, my everything
Sometimes Pt.2
Here is part 2 of my last blog.     Like i said in my last blogi thought that i would never kno what tru love is. And you kno i was right. I tryed things out wit my kids mom again. And you kno what i got hurt again. So now when i look at my son he knows that i am hurting and the only thing he could say to me was daddy everything is ok and give me a hug and kiss. And my lil girl just gives me hugs and kisses. If there is one thing that i kno that they are not goin to break my heart. I love you renzo and nikita. You two are my life and soul.  I just hope that the one that i am wit knows that i really do care for her and love her. I just dont want to get hurt again. I thank god everyday for my two kids. I am truly one lucky guy to have to wonderful kids that bring joy to my life everyday that i am wit them. I want to shout out to all the single mothers out there i kno that you have a hard job to do and i got noffin but love for ya. But you kno what all the single fathers out there that
Sometimes Pt.2
Here is part 2 of my last blog. Like i said in my last blogi thought that i would never kno what tru love is. And you kno i was right. I tryed things out wit my kids mom again. And you kno what i got hurt again. So now when i look at my son he knows that i am hurting and the only thing he could say to me was daddy everything is ok and give me a hug and kiss. And my lil girl just gives me hugs and kisses. If there is one thing that i kno that they are not goin to break my heart. I love you renzo and nikita. You two are my life and soul.  I just hope that the one that i am wit knows that i really do care for her and love her. I just dont want to get hurt again. I thank god everyday for my two kids. I am truly one lucky guy to have to wonderful kids that bring joy to my life everyday that i am wit them. I want to shout out to all the single mothers out there i kno that you have a hard job to do and i got noffin but love for ya. But you kno what all the single fathers out there that s
Someone Save Me From Myself
 feel the darkness around me,lord plz help me see what i have done, im trying so hard to be a better person,im lost in this life,someone save me from myself,my heart bleeds for you,i would do anything to see you smile,why do i hurt myself, my walls are tall and thick, a twisted globe i live in,how do i break this shell, im scared whats next, lord plz show me the way
Sometimes life never goes our waySometimes I just have to figure it's not my daySometimes I wish I could make everything rightSometimes I cry myself to sleep at nightSometimes I hope it'll all be okSometimes they just try to take my perfect day awaySometimes people can be so cruelSometimes friends break all the rulesSometimes people aren't what you thinkSometimes I feel like I'm on the brinkSometimes I wish I could've said something differentSometimes I feel like I'm being bentSometimes people just won't go awaySometimes I can't get people to staySometimes people make mistakesSometimes people can't just be happy for my sakeSometimes I wish everyone would just dieSometimes I want to feel more aliveSometimes I hate to see your faceSometimes I feel like the biggest disgraceSometimes I wish happiness could be freeSometimes I wish I just wasn't always me
Something For The Witches
This high-handed execution of priests shows plainly enough that M. de Lancre was a man of an enterprising and independent spirit. The same is true of him in politics. In his book Du Prince ("Of the Prince") 1617, he makes no bones about declaring that "the Law is above the King." Never have the Basques been better characterised than in his work L’Inconstance des Démons, above mentioned. In France no less than in Spain, the privileges they enjoyed really constituted them a virtual republic. The French Basques owed nothing whatever to the King beyond the obligation of serving him under arms; at the first tuck of drum they were bound to put two thousand men in the field, under their own Basque captains. The clergy were of small weight or account, and did little in the way of punishing Sorcerers, being in the trade themselves. The priests used to dance, wear swords, and take their mistresses with them to the "Sabbath." These mistresses were the priests' sacristanesses or bénédictes,
Somethings I Can't
I wish in my life I had found some experience that would've made me understand . But unfortunately I'm intelligent enough to see things through a larger glass . So many say don't analyze , never question , but life's lessons have taught me , never turn harms notice to nothing and never refuse to see what you reallly see .  Close down now , the lights go out , and I guess we all lose .
Something About Peacey
1. I hate answering random surveys but yet I find myself filling them out. 2. I smoke tobacco, started when I was 16 years old. But I can do days/weeks without and it won't bother me. 3. When I drink, I drink beer and I need to smoke. Those two bad habits go hand-in-hand. 4. I love to dance and it takes couple of songs & drinks to loosen up or else I look like Fresh Prince's nerdy cousin (Been told that before) 5. I love music and always looking to build my musical library. 6. I love my photo editor as you can tell by the many gifts I made for my friends. 7. I'm a Home Grown Alaskan. More specifically, I was born in Southeast Alaska, think Seattle weather and that will describe Ketchikan. We have all kinds of rain. Big ole stingin rain, big old fat rain, sometimes the rain comes in sideways and sometimes, it even comes up from underneath. 180 inches of rain, yearly. 8. I love to eat my french fries with mayonaise. 9. I do not have a specific ideal girlfriend. My gfs ranged from
Some Old Writings
As I walk in the valley of darkness. I carry the memories of your in my heart. I now stay int he darkness to keep from getting burnt by the light again. I look back to only watch you walk away. When i look forward now all i see is darkness. I hear your voice in teh darkness but i know it could'nt be you. Since i watched you trun and walk away from me into the arms of another man. Therefore I now walk threw the valley of darkness to hid my pain and tears of watching you ,my light and true love, walk away from me. I will always love you my love even while i walk in the valley of darkness I lay here with your picture next to my heart praying that one day that i can hold you close to me. Like i had done so many nights before. I cry myself to sleep relizing i ruined the best thing in my life and pushed the one person that means the world to me away. When i get asked how i'm doing i tell the ones that know me best that i miss the one i love more then anything. That one is
Some More Of My Writings
as i walk threw the shadows. i look back on life in the light. I remember all the pain that was caused by others and inflicted upon others. i stay in the shadows to stay away from the pain. as i try to erease the memories of that one true love for one certain woman. but they just wont go away. the person that said it is better to have loved and lost then to have not loved at all. must of not ever been in love. the pain that comes from loosing that one true love can be dealy. it can kill someone to love and lost then never loved at all as i look at your picture. i imagine that your laying next to me sleeping. i remember sitting there and watching you slep the nights that i couldnt sleep. i remember looking at you and telling myself that i was laying next to an angel and that i was the most lucky guy in the world. and told myself that i never want to loose you. one day i ended up loosing the best thing in my life Ive been so lost with out you i
Some Crazy Bitch Squirting
Some More Writings Again
i look at your picture with tears in my eyes. i remember all of promises that was made by both. i remember all the good times as well. then i remember all the pain that i caused you. i think to myself that i lost the most inportant and best thing that ever happened to me. i will love you always even as.  draw my last breath. i will die alone if i cant have the life we had when we was together. your all i think about your all i dream about         i love you with all my heart and soul. there is no end to my love for you. when we are togeht my life is full of happyness. now that you have shut me out of your life. i feel so clod and empty on the inside like it did before you came into my life . you were my only reason for living. i now have no reason for staying in this world. the pain that i caused you and the pain of looseing you is to much for me to bear       the love of my life you have always been on my mind. i cant express how sorry i am for all the pain that i have caused
Somebody's Watching Me By Rockwell
I'm just an average guy with an average life I work from nive to five, hey hell I pay the price But I want is to be left alone in my average home But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone CHORUS: I always feel that somebody's watchin' me And I have no privacy I always feel that somebody's watchin' me Is it just a dream? When I come home at night I bolt the door real tight People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid Well, can the people on TV see me or am I just paranoid CHORUS When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair I might open my eyes and find someone standing there People say I'm crazy, just a little touched But maybe showers remind me of Psycho too much That's why... I always feel like somebody's watching me Who's playing tricks on me I always feel like somebody's watching me Tell me it can't be I don't know anymore Are the neighbors watching me Well is the mailman watching me And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess I wonder who's watching me
Some Old Writings Of Mine From 2006 To 2007
we said we would make it this time   when things got rough   i lost my mind for a bit and hurt you   more then i relized   now i have lost the love you said you had for me   so now im so empty inside   i just miss the love we shared with each other   everyone keep telling me   that we wouldnt make it but you said   yes we would   i belived it and i always thought you would be there   as my love but your not   so i walk around as a zombie heartles and souless   i lost my reason for living and that was your love           i sit here looking back towards where you lay at night with tears in my eyes i relize that i have destoried what we had. you tell me not to give up and be pateint. but there are times i wish i would just be able to tel you what is in my heart soul and on my mind but i try to and all i do is mess that up to where you get upset with me and say im pushing and all. cause i keep putting it in the wrong tone or wording is all wrong.. out of eve
Some More Of My Wrtiings From 2006 To 2008
As I sit here thinking. imaiges of your face and smile flashes threw my mind. I somtimes wonder what life would be like if things have went differently. Then I look at what I have now and relize. That I would never change or give up what I have now.         Promises promises are just words to make someone feel better. some promises are keep some sometimes and some are broken. to  me promises are just words put together. promises that are broken can hurt some people very much. to some people promises are words of honor. But to me promises have no meaning anymore.       Looking back I look back on my life and see what I have done wrong and what I done right. Then the toughts of people that I have loved and the people that have loved me. Then I relize that I have let so many people down also hurt so many people as well. I find myself asking what is my purpose here in this world.           Wondering wolf The wolf wonders the land looking for that special one.
Some Short Stories Of A Black Wolf
a new start of the black wolf white wolf The black wolf was at a lost in his life felt like something was missing. he then came accross his white wolf again and felt the life coming back to him felt alive and like everything was right again even with the white wolf as a traveling partner. then one day the black wolf relizes that the one he has been with for awhle now was not the right one after forgivin her for all the wrong in the past she had done. one day the black wolf woke up seen his white wolf laying there and relized his heart and soul was still hers. then he finaly had his fill of his partner for a year and her messing around. the black wolf then goes to his white wolf and relizes that yes that is where he belongs always has. his white wolf lets him know that he was still in her heart and soul as well just as much as she was in his. they were inseperatable and then one day the black wolfs last partner did something that she shouldnt have. his white wolf had seen and truned h
Some Things I've Learned
I've learned that you cannot makesomeone love you. All you can do isstalk them and hope they panic and give in.I've learned that no matter how much I care,some people are just assholes.I've learned that it takes yearsto build up trust, and it only takessuspicion, not proof, to destroy it.I've learned that you can get byon charm for about fifteen minutes.After that, you'd better have a big dickor huge boobs.I've learned that you shouldn'tcompare yourself to others - they aremore screwed up than you think.I've learned that you can keep vomitinglong after you think you're finished.I've learned that we are responsiblefor what we do, unless we are celebrities.I've learned that regardless ofhow hot and steamy a relationship is atfirst, the passion fades, and there had betterbe a lot of money to take its place.I've learned that 99% of the time when somethingisn't working in your house, one of your dogs did it.Or one of your cats.I've learned that the people you care mostabout in life are take
[something I Stole From Someone I'm Barely Acquainted With]
If you've been tagged or you are reading this, you have the honor of copying all these goofy questions, writing your own response, and tagging 25 other victims. You have to tag me so really you just need 24 more people. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you - but not in a creepy stalker kind of way. ---Ick Disregards these disclaimers... and "rules". 1. What time did you get up this morning?-- 9:50 after a totally sweet dream where I was fighting with Blade and banging succubi.No really. 2. How do you like your steak?-- High heat in bacon fat seared on both sides barely medium. Finished with hand cranked butter or coarse sea salt and cracked pepper. 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?--Jesus christ, it has been a while... uhfuck... fuck fuck fuck it was fairly recent, and it wasn't terrible. And it wasn't ninja assassin. That was the one just before (look... sometimes you have to watch a tardsy macho slasher movie). Totally forgot... 4. What is y
Some People Crack Me Up
is it just me or it freakin stupid when people are on here~ married (in real life) has their spouse as their number one , and there fu engaged to someone else? i guess its not that big of a deal i just think its stupid and i am bored and the mumms are gettin stupider by the minuter so i thought i would write a blog hahaha xoxoxo
Sometimes Love
Sometimes love meansKnowing when something isn't working. Painful as it isIt is far better to let goLet looseBefore the love turns to something else. Vile, evil thoughtsBlames, you did this or thatRecrimination, jealousyAngry words and actionsHate and rage and bitterness. Sometimes love meansLetting go. Loving someone enoughTo look inside, to see pastThe fear of being aloneThe painful loneliness of coming home to no one but yourself. To say that it has to end. Not for your selfishnessBut to save you both From worse things in time. Sometimes love meansTo not only love the otherBut to love yourself enoughTo realize thatYou have to have the strengthThe will, and the powerTo persevere,To not give up and give inTo not say "come back, all is forgiven". Sometimes love meansTo be alone,To have nobodyTo live inside yourselfTo continue with lifeWhen all you feel is hurt. And to be all right with that.
Some Dark Writings
as i walk threw the valley of death. start looking back on life. i challenge every beast and demon i come accross. they laugh and turn away. i find death himself and challenge him he turns and walks away from me. i ask why will he not take my soul. all he says is cant due to my soul has already been stolen by someone. i ask the gods why is it that i am being punished. the images of you come to my dreams and the memories of all teh pain i had caused. i tell the gods to take the ari from my lungs for all of time. instead they make me suffer by fibing me hope and then shut the door on the path just as i get close to my dreams
Some Of My Writing. Yes, It Is Nsfw & I Marked It As Such.
Could you handle being tied up to a four post bed with in inch separating you from the bed, and then wonderfully tormented by the caressing of flowers. The tickle of the feather, the soft body kisses, the tongue circling closer than just before the explosion stopping and waiting for the urge to die down then starting over again. Building even more fury then the first. Your body striving against its bonds, your muscles contorting in pleasure the wanting need to grab your partner and pull his body to you and his man hood gently opening you and caressing you. Could you hold back the moans or would they escape. Would it awaken a hunger and a desire that you never knew. To be beautifully tortured and brought release by the most intimate explosion you ever knew. Really how much teasing can you take before screaming for a release of pleasure? Can you handle the soft kisses and the caress of hands gently running over your body, but never getting to that which desires to be kissed with the to
Something New...
Ok so today I was given a 100$ to spend, there were two rules to spending this money... 1. I had to spend all 100$ on me and 2. I was not allowed to pay bills with it either. So needless to say I was at a total loss as to what to do with the money. Anyone who knows me knows i have a much easier time spending money on other people. I sat for HOURS trying to think of what to spend it on, I asked a few friends and even my mom. After a while i just gave up and found other things to do. Later tonight my mom and i went to the grocery store, and i totally made the mistake of going BUT i ended up spending almost 100$ on groceries... and not just junk and horribly fatty stuff like i would normally do in such circumstances. I actually bought HEALTHY food. I was so proud of myself, and it got me to thinking. That if i can take the extra effort and try to do this EVERY month or EVERY time i go to the store I can actually make myself feel better and look better. So i am goin
Sometimes I Am A Bitch
I don't mind IMs, but seriously, don't be stupid. This guy just annoyed me and I sent his IM onto his woman. LOL partner.needs: hellome: hipartner.needs: how are upartner.needs: asl plzme: Fine and in the profile you failed to bother withpartner.needs: i use my gf idpartner.needs: asl plzme: Again, it's in the profilepartner.needs: yeahpartner.needs: have campartner.needs: then we can have some funme: Fuck offme: I'm gonna send this PM to your girlfriend and then you can really have some fun. BYE And yes, I did send it to the girlfriend! LOL  
Some People Just Astonish Me
Just saw this in someone's status: "Well Heart Catheter Is In My Daughters Heart.. now just waiting for monday to finish surgery :( Still a nervous wreck!! Wants the New Bikini Top Bling!!" Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?
Sometimes It A Bitch
Well I've run through rainbows and castles of candy I cried a river of tears from the pain I try to dance with what life has to hand me My partner's been pleasure... my partner's been pain     There are days when I swear I could fly like an eagle And dark desperate hours that nobody sees My arms stretched triumphant on top of the mountain My head in my hands... down on my knees     Sometimes it's a bitch... sometimes it's a breeze Sometimes love's blind... and sometimes it sees Sometimes it's roses... and, sometimes it's weeds Sometimes it's a bitch... sometimes it's a breeze     I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure I've laid down with love and I woke up with lies What's it all worth only the heart can measure It's not what's in the mirror... but what's left inside     Sometimes it's a bitch... sometimes it's a breeze Sometimes love's blind... and sometimes it sees Sometimes it's roses... and, sometimes it's weeds Sometimes it's a bitch... sometimes
Something I Started While In Jail And Have Yet To Finish.
  It was a very cold night, I remember it well. Almost as if it were yesterday. I remember the moon was out in her platninum splendor. I forget the exact year, you tend to do that when ur immortal. Days, months, years...they all seem to just blend together after a while. I can tell you the year now, that is easy, but this story is not about is about then. It is about who and what I am, and how I came to be.    Now I know many of you may not believe me, for some of the things which I will tell you may destroy your little safe havens that you have illusioned yourselves with. You may not believe how the world will turn out to be. If this is the case, if you are afraid or to close-minded to accept what I am about to tell you, then do us both a favor and close this book. Sell it, return it, burn it, for I care not.   For the rest of you who wish to know the fate of the world as you know it now, then by all means continue reading. Know that all I tell you is true and will come to pa
Some Thing I'll Never Forget
Me an my bottle of eight star were just thinking of this place we know, its the most magical place I've ever bean and so beautiful, its like our own little slice of heaven. you have to walk like a mile strait up this huge hill an at the top it kind of Plato's off there's just enough of these really big tall trees to give you privacy from the mansion across the holler to the right of the path. there's also a huge holler at the left end of the Plato { like an island without the sea} in the middle there's an old fallen tree where two lovers set in the early dawn watching the sun rise with the most gorgeous Hughes of amber an gold light shimmering off the tree's an fallen leaves an there soul's connect making them forever soul mates . now close you're eyes and picture what you just read. and message me back the first thought or feeling that comes to you.
Some People
We had a record blizzard. 3 feet of snow. I love hiking 1/4 mile through hip deep snow with 50 pounds of gear because some dumbass decided to a) boil beer in the middle of a blizzard, and b) dump the water outside, thus resulting in him slipping and spilling it on him. Then his wife decided to a) try and drive the SUV through 3 feet of snow, and b) got it stuck. So I got to treat a patient in an SUV while waiting for a plow truck so we could get him to a burn center. *Sigh* some people... 72 hours, 74 unit responses, one tired fireman.
Something To Think About
People believe in love, but there is no such thing as love only attraction, because when when someone better comes along then that attraction moves on to something better.  If there was such thing as love then what is felt would keep that love together forever no matter what obstacles there are love always prevails and keeps two people together no matter the cost.
[something Good Happened]
I found something interesting on a couple tabs on my box of tea the other day... Yunam black tea mushrooms...I said "alright, you know I can make this, and you know I can make it better- I accept your challenge!" So the recipe basically calls for tea braised mushrooms in a classic combination of chinese flavors and thickeners. It didn't particularly specify which mushrooms, but it did call for a double strength brew of black tea. I have loose tea on hand at all times, but its a hassle to make at work without some extra equipment so I used my loose tea, about... 1 1/2 tbs of black ceylon, that grade above powder, that step below leaf. I knew I'd be at my deli today and I knew there were dried porcinis, and the recipe called fora "1 mug" to 5 cups of mushroom ratio. .... I'm not going to eat five cups of mushrooms. So probably closer to 1 cup of mushrooms for me. Also, the recipe didn't say "oh yeah, and make rice", called for green onions, which I had none on hand so I used a clo
Someone On My Other Site Has Had 2 Losses In A Short Amount Of Time, And I Sent This To Them My Husband Played This A Lot Before He Passed, Think He W
- he was telling me not to cry to much, but it made me think of him and my mom, and then had me crying to.
because it rains when we wish it wouldn't because men people often do what they shouldn't because crops fail, and plans go wrong- some of us grumble the whole day long. but somehow,in spite of the care and doubt, it seems at last things work out. because we lose where we hope to gain, because we suffer a little pain, because we must work when we'd like to play. some of us whimper along life's way. but somehow, as day will follow night, most of our troubles work out all right. because we cannot forever smile, because we must trudge in the dust awhile, because we think that the way is long,some complain that life's all wrong. but somehow we live, and our skies grow bright, everything seems to work out all right.  so bend to your trouble, and meet your care, for the clouds must brake, and the sky grow fair, let the rain come down as it must and will, but keep on working, and hoping still, for in spite of the grumblers who stand about, Somehow, it seems all things wor
Something A Bit Deeper
Been thinking a lot lately about what it is I want out of my life. I realize my dreams are minimal compared to most. It's a self-centered portrait that's not really self-centered or realistic. I don't know if I'll ever get what I want. I don't think I can quite describe it now, but I don't want the normal life: going to school, getting a job, living on my own..  I mean, I'm a free spirit, but all those things are restraints. Does that make sense? I just want to live my life now the way I want it. It's not that exciting, what I want to do with my life and at the same time, if I did have it, it would be the most exciting thing to ever happen. I'm a simple girl. Though to be simple seems to be so complicated.
Something For All My Fu Buddies Here :)
This explains why I forward jokes :) A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble... At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side.When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?''This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.. 'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked. Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up. 'T
Some Prose (minnesota 2010)
I was cut loose from purpose.Riding the train to downtown Minneapolis, heading for...somewhere.  Snow was everywhere.I got off and walked aimlessly until I found a little cafe in the mill district that doubled as an art gallery, or maybe it was the other way round. I sat at the counter and ordered a Reuben sandwich, my first one ever.  It was particularly good, as was the coffee.The waitress was to my eyes a personification of this city.  She was unpretentious, and her smile and humour was natural and geniune.Some guy working out back shouted random delirious comments and the regulars laughed good clean and hearty laughs.I watched the snow falling silenty outside, and wanted to stay there forever.  A peculiar sensation washed over me as I looked at the apartments for sale across the street, that everything was beautiful here.  That if I stayed long enough, my purpose would return and I could breath again.I was awoken from my woolgathering by the waitress asking "You want some more coff
Some Where I Belong
Where do I belong?Where have I been?I look back at the things that I have done.But what have I really done?Have I been a good friend?Am I proud of myself?Is there other things I want to do?When I leave this world we people even notice that I am gone?Have people recognized the things that I have done?Everyday is a struggle to find where I truly belong but is that even enough?Nothing seems as important as it use to.Will the tears fall or will smiles appear when I am done with the work that has been set before me?Will others think of me as an important part of their lives?Will I be easily disgarded or even missed?Sometimes I think to myself that if I left today it would be as if I was never here.So where do I belong?
Some People Need To Be Shot
A COUPLE addicted to computer games let their real life baby starve to death while raising a virtual daughter online, cops said today. The couple spent up to12 hours a day at internet cafes leaving their three-month-old daughter home alone at their apartment in Suwon, South Korea. Cops say the couple had become obsessed with living online and neglected their real lives. They raised an avatar baby through their profiles on a Second Life-style game called PRIUS, while their real daughter was given just one bottle of milk a day. Dad Kim Yoo-chul, 41, and mum Choi Mi-sun, 25, called the emergency services when they returned from one online session and found their daughter dead. They told police: "We found she had passed away when we woke up in the morning." But cops became suspicious about how severely dehydrated the tot was. A spokesman for the National Scientific Criminal and Investigation Laboratory, which carried out an autopsy on the girl, said: "She ap
Sometimes to find yourself, you have to get lost; Sometimes to figure out who really cares you have to care about who doesn't; Sometimes to learn how to succeed you have to fail; Sometimes you need someone else to believe in you before you can; Sometimes you learn what's right by doing what's wrong... Sometimes you learn someone isn't who you thought they were; Sometimes the person you gave up on can surprise you; Sometimes an answer only leads to more questions; Sometimes putting yourself out there turns you into a target; Sometimes the things you love most aren't necessarily good for you... Sometimes by running away you can find home; Sometimes by crying you find your strength; Sometimes by falling you find out how far you've come; Sometimes by loving you find true agony; Sometimes by suffering you find compassion and love... Sometimes people change; Sometimes you get hurt; Sometimes your lost and confused; Sometimes you forget whats important to you; Sometimes you survive but questi
Some Poetry
Wherever I go, whatever I see. Over ocean's unknown,you are always with me. Pure as the water, we float on this wave. On the breath of an angel, we'll fly away. Cold as the winter wind in the early morning. No one by my side to lift my heart from the depths of despair. Blind to the world around and fooled into thinking that surrounded by those that I know and love could keep me afloat. The absence that tears my heart is too great to suffer. Without my chosen by my side, I am alone and I'll never be home.   Not feeling. Not nothing. Good intentions but jealousy takes over all. Excuses. Abuses.This time I know it's not over so. I'll take all my pride and shove it back down inside. But flowers wither and lies grow old. You cease to care and I'm alone.People climbing up the walls, breaking allmy wretched dolls. Fingersnails they scratched outside in the attic is where I'll hide.   A bodiless soul could pass another soul In the clean air and never notice it. One soul passes through t
You know you'd think a guy of any type would get the hint you hate liars, you like honesty and truthfulness no matter what. But I swear some guys hear it and try to put it to a test. I mean how fucking small does your brain have to be to understand that? It's like telling a kid no several times before they get the hint. No lies. But apparently that is too hard for a guy to do. To be honest. God damn, you are a dumb mother fucker to not believe when a girl knows when a guy is lying when they have been lied to so many times. I mean shit, if a guy is dating a girl, they should stick with that girl instead of trying to cheat right? All cheating does is create problems. And then when you lie to another saying "Oh she's just my ex, I'm trying to get her off my back..." BULLSHIT!!!! Granted as friends and trying to go slow and shit you don't lie, lying in the beginning is a bad beginning. Always gotta get away from that right away. One lie just leads to many more. Fuck that shit you know.
Some Of My Favrite "letter To The Editor" I Have Found Online.
LETTERS TO THE ED Hats off to the witty burglars who stole my entire CD collection with the exception of "There is Nothing Left to Lose" by the Foo Fighters. I hope that when sentencing, the judge takes into account their splendid sense of humour. The record companies would have us believe that the money made by CD pirates goes to fund the drug industry. But the money rock stars make from legal record sales ends up in exactly the same place. When they stop breaking the law, so will I. What's all this nonsense about that 66-year-old Romanian woman being the world's oldest mum? My mum's 77. Beat that. How come rap artist Dr. Dre can use the 'n' word on his multi-million selling albums and win a MOBO award, yet when I used it at my son's football match I was asked to leave the park? Once again, it's one law for the rich and another for the poor. Peter Andre might look smug in all his wedding pictures, but I'd just like to remind him that, as a Playboy reade
Somethin I Wrote For Her
"You Are"You are the breathI take when I first awake each dayYou are the thoughtI have each night when I fall asleepYou are the loveThat keeps me going when I'm downYou are the oneWho holds my heart in her handsYou are my allMy everythingYou are my love
Someday your dreams will be about me,And your morning smile will call my name.My heart longs to make your days brighter,And darkness for you will never be the same. My heart longs to make yours whole,And to fill its empty space.To fill your life with laughter,And always see a smile on yor face. So if I offered you these things,And you give me yur heart so true.I would give you these things,And forever my heart would belong to you.
Something Interesting....
Okay, some of you may have seen this sort of thing go around the internet. May have been in your e-mail by way of forwarding or a post on someone's page. Me, personally, I have seen it many times but I've never posted it myself.  Whenever I have read it, one thought always goes through my head, "How exactly was this  put together?". Either way, its definitely chuckle  worthy.  Read it below and enjoy!   Having sex is yet another great past time for burning up those unwanted fat producing calories... REMOVING CLOTHES With partner's consent... 12 calories Without partner's consent... 187 calories UNHOOKING BRA Using two calm hands... 7 calories Using one trembling hand... 36 calories GETTING INTO BED Lifting partner... 1.5 calories Dragging partner along floor... 16 calories Using skateboard... 3 calories ACHIEVING ERECTIONS For normal healthy man... 2.5 calories Losing erection... 14 calories Searching for it... 115 calories PUTTING ON CONDOM With erection... 1.5 calo
Some Hot Stories From One Of The Sexy Kittens
check out these blogs they are hott!!
Something I Wrotei Read And Understand It As If It Were Truly You. I Wonder If You Read It, Do You Feel... I Read Between The Lines And Come Off Harsh
I read and understand it as if it were truly you. I wonder if you read it, do you feel... I read between the lines and come off harsh, though it’s the only way I know for my pain to flow. For inside love, the pain does grow. My heart can never truly settle. My heart does still hear you, see you. It’s the pain as in the book. It takes your life away. Should the truth be held inside for all your life? Do we all not have our faults? Would you not agree that there is more strength and pride in love compared to anything? When love fails in your heart, you find a point to concentrate, and that is all you have. Always a haunted open space filled with the longing of being filled once more. We call this lonely. This space can never be entirely filled. If truly someone is dead in your mind, does that mean they die also in your heart? I suppose they do not, but that means you cannot move. You settle instead. Settling comes with honest loneliness. Never to fulfill. We ha
Some Insight Since I Get Asked So Often As To Why Im Not On In The Evenings'wknds
Ok im gonna make this quick as to why   1. 3yrs ago this fathers had his bike wreck that left him with a Traumatic Brain he is pretty much like having a group of 6yr olds...thus, why i moved essentially into the house next door to them to help mom out as i am the only sibling in the area.... 2. had to put Grandma into a home last year due to her severe stroke..i had bought her a home 3 doors down from i have 2 mortgages to pay and all the fixings that come with home ownership..and also go to see her everyday 3. im having kid number 4...soooooooooooooooo my plate is full with being a daddy and the woman always works afternoons..sooooooooooooo well thats pretty much why
Something I Could Never Have..until Now...but I Keep Screwing Up
this song is how I feel right now..There's someone I love very much and I hurt her today and I know things havent been going well in my life, I'm trying to  recover from depression, but she fulfills me and I dont want to be something she feels she could be without...   Chris, this is for you... I love you   I still recall the taste of your tears Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore Scraping through my head 'till I don't want to sleep Anymore You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And i'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go way I just want something You give me something I can never have You always were the one to show me how Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now This thing is slowly taking me apart Gray would be the colour if I had a heart Come on, tell me You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to ju
Somethings Are Very Costly
In life somethings are very costly like a failure or a mistake by someone not knowing the protocol of game. This mistake this afternoon cost you an appointment with my Cardiologist. Next move is yours. Mistake ends game for that one. Norio  
Somethings Are Best Left Unsaid And Some Are Just Too Juicy To Not Be.
Nothing salacious and slanderous, just a little fun. Give an example of something you have said to someone and you've felt yourself cringe as soon as you had said it. Mine is telling my sister she got a big arse
Someone Is Not Too Happy
Someone is not too happy that the mumms bcome chat rooms, I used to feel that way!  But now, a mumm, a blug, a status, a bulletin and a primary comment are springboards for chatrooms, good!
Some Of My Writings
SWORD and SHIELD alas im found longing for the days of old fantastic wonder the stories are told days of dragons of knight and of mage ancient sages and the elves that never age duels by sword,by tooth and claw , by wizards spell honor and courage your deeds shall tell alas i was born much too late a world filled with technology is my fate oh to swing my sword at a monstrous foe cut by tooth and claw blood shall flow my shield arm weary but still guarding my side the ebb and flow of battle, luck has turned the tide subtle attacks stopped by a skillfull parry to win the day we must not tarry acrid smoke and horses breath hearing the shouts of pain and of death lances raise the charge begins tourney of the lords the best knight wins but dreams are false promises, my soul strings sever oh to escape this world and flee through the never for the days of yore my soul screams where dragons roar and gold and silver streams my
Sometimes I wonder if people actually read. I accused someone of being antisemantic, which means one not knowing or caring to use proper grammar, sentence structure or meanings of words!  not Antisemitic, which means antiJewish, No one gets a pun anymore?
I'll be good enough.
Something From The Past Written In July 06 A Lot Has Changed
A little ranting and raving and such..... Current mood: bitchy OK. Before anyone that is close to me hears the rumors about me...I am going to set a few things straight. I know that the people downtown hear something then twist it around to be something completely different. I know that one from personal experience. (ie: the many many many many times that I was accused of cheating on jon...and it was just a mixup of words)Recently Jon and I have been drifting farther and farther apart. And it wasn't until about 2 weeks ago that I questioned my love towards him. To me it seems that he doesn't care about me anymore....he just wants me around for a quick screw.....I have been trying and trying to explain to him that the things that he does and the things he says shouln't ever be said to someone that he claims to love. I am constantly called fat, a bitch, a whore, and other choice words. There is too much mental abuse to even start explaining about...Another thing...and I wa
Sometimes So Called Friends Can Turn Out To Really Be Outsiders
have you ever thought that my negativeness is caused by an outsider tryin to come inside where they dont belong and have you ever thought that the outsider just might be you . . .          so maybe before commenting on what you think you know about me to someone else you should just keep your b.s to yourself . . .     and p.s stay out of my happiness . . .
Someone   Lost inside my head Dreaming of your embrace Where everything bad gets erased You take me to our secret place. I cant help but feel ashamed I'm not innocent, how do i aim the blame Sometimes I hate what I've become You just can't see it, I lose control I'm just so glad to see Someone else just as fucked up as me.   Maybe you cant understand just how you saved me You were a hero… Just in time.. you saved my life To find this love of mine I had to die inside My heart is still cut open wide Alone with my own fears You're the only one here You won't let me hide   I can't escape your love You remind me every time i see you When I fell in love for the first time And every time I hear you cry It tears me up inside I find it so hard to believe You're just as messed up as me You take everything away I could never be better off without you I never say what I don't mean And I don't care if this is just a dream
Someone "likes" Me?
Okay, is this something new or am I just not the sharpest tool in the shed today? I was on earlier and I saw the following in the My Live Feed box: Now that's really nice. However, I went to their page and it's for friends only. Kinda stupid, but whatever. Anyone have any insight on this "Likes You" thing?
Something That Just Came Out :d
   "An Angels Dilemma" I'm an angel you know, but I'm one of greyneither light nor dark, and I found one daya problem I had, that would not go awayI fell for an angel, an angel of lightthe shock that I felt gave me such a large frightto find myself helpless, and in this strange plightMuch to my chagrin I looked back to seeI had only one wing, what has happened to meand then the thought came, it was because of SheMy angel of light, had smitten me with loveShe blasted my heart, She sent me a doveAnd that was the reason my wing went awaynot to return til some far off dayI know you may think this a terrible thingbut I really dont mind, for She causes me to singWith a look, or a smile, a wink or a kissShe opens up vistas, all flowing with blissMy angel my heart my wonder my loveA gift sent by Godfrom high up aboveAnd my wing, you may askhow do I get alongwith only one wingand only a songWell the truth of the matteris simple you seebetween us theres twowhen Shes standing by me   K
Some Hearts - Carrie Underwood
I've never been the kind that you call lucky.Always stumbling around in circles.But I must've stumbled into something.Look at me, am I really alone with you?I wake up feeling like my life's worth living.I can't recall when I last felt that way.I guess it must be all this love you're giving.Never knew, never knew it could be like this.But I guess some hearts they just get all the right breaks.Some hearts have the stars on their side.Some hearts they just have it so easy.Some hearts just get lucky sometimes.Some hearts just get lucky sometimes.Now whod've thought that someone like you could love me?You're the last thing my heart expected.Who'd've thought I'd ever find somebody.Someone who's someone who makes me feel like this.But I guess some hearts they just get all the right breaks.Some hearts have the stars on their side.Some hearts they just have it so easy.Some hearts just get lucky sometimes.Some hearts just get lucky sometimes.Even hearts like mine get lucky, lucky sometimes.Even
Sometimes I Get Frustrated...
I’m making rice noodles for dinner and talking this dude I totally wanted to bang when I was in jr. high (during which time I think he might have been a senior in high school) on AIM.  Lately I have been feeling totally swamped with work to do but still not getting jack done.  So I’m just stressed out and why...(Read the rest of this blog entry and comment to share your opinions and ideas at:http://www.artschoolslut.comThat's my REAL blog.  Go there now!)xoxoxoJessa Lux
Sometimes I think that IDon't like to compromiseSometimes I feel that youCan be that way tooBut I don't wanna give upThe situation is clearNo I don't wanna give upThere's just too much love in hereSometimes I walk awayNot knowing what to sayYou get an attitudeTwo different points of viewJust tell me how youJust tell me how you love meJust tell that youTell me that you adore meJust tell me how youJust tell me how you love meJust tell that youTell me that you adore me'Cause I don't want you to give upThe situation is clearNo I don't want you givin' upA resolution is nearOh oh...Sometimes I question youIf what you say is trueYou know it's just becauseOf things I've been throughBut I don't want us to give upthe situation is clearNo I don't want us giving upThere's just too much love in hereOh oh...Just tell me how youJust tell me how you love meJust tell me that youTell me that you adore meJust tell me how youJust tell me how you love meJust tell me that youTell me that you adore meLike I
Some Days I Feel So Fu Used...
So many people don't pay back any rates past the front page and it is very frustrating at times...They are leveling like crazy and I only level most of the time when I rate someone with Auto's on....
Something A Little Different
Seduction This is seduction of the highest orderlay down,relax,and let carnal emotions take overinhale deeply and put you mind at easeallow me to lead you into never ending ecstasyplacing my lips to youri dare you to explore what's behindyour minds locked doorsmesmerizing you with my soft kissesbewitching you with my sweet smelli have you right where i want youafter this is over memories of this night will still haunt youbiting softly on your neck i release your inhibitionsyour dying to be with me pleading to be temptedhow can i be resistedafter all this is seduction of the highest order
Some Say My Language Is
Some say my language is less than refined, and too mixed up with Yiddish and Yiddish syntax, guess what?  They are right, and I see very little reason to change. Everyone has their certain style that fits them and I have mine. If that bothers anyone, they can jump in a lake, and kish mir in toches!
Some People Take This Way To Serious.....
hello again folks....i just had my first bad experience.....i sent a friend request.......then ripped a pic from their profile. now this was justa cute cartoon......what rthe hell is wrong with that? if there is some protocal i missed will someone explain it to me.  It seems whenever i try to meet "women of color' there is always some kind of dramma....for christ would think i tried to kill the president. i would never rip a pic of a person without permission i would think that rude...but a cartoon? plz.........i would love some input... if i did do somthing wrong i appologise....but where r all these rules and regs not vulgar..disrespectfull dont use profanity..and still there are always those that just love to be upset by any means neccisarry.  i rally cant go thru life walking on egg shells because some broad shits a purple twinkie whenever an ant farts in egypt......dramma and issues?? on my page and in my life these r no fly zones! talk to me people.....what d
Sometimes I Cry
So I just got this from my ex... an ex from 13 years ago... I've known him since I was 5 years old. Do you ever look back at your past and miss the possible future.. if so click 'yes'... and we'll be married and your son and mine will be our kids. Wish things where that easy... but once you fuck something up or they fuck up something... you can't get it back, their is no recovery without a lot of effort...sometimes herculean in it's scope It always makes me wonder, what the hell some ladies are thinking when they take a cheater back into their arms? Love, yup, that must be it... now go pick out that wedding dress... remember me saying that to you? How did it work out for you? Ever wonder why it is easier to write about pain, then joy? We all write or express our pain to anyone who listens... But how many people do we express our joy to... I miss you. There comes a point where you just love someone. Not because they are good, or bad, or anything really. You just lo
Some People.
I don't know, but I come on here occassionally, I rate a few pages sometimes, and I keep my photos friends only. I feel that I do not really bother anyone and that I do not really ask anyone for anything. And what do I get? Cursed out by someone that is the mate of my supposed friend. Very cute. Two blocks and a removal in one day, a near fucking record for me this year. Congratulations Rhino!
Some Words
i hear bloodscreams in my nightmare dreams i see people laying dead blood flowing down the streeswashing pver my every part pf the street the bad thing is my blood screams i hear in my nightmare dreams
Something Amazing Happened
There's this site that sells christian clothing, and there was a shirt that says sinner on it in big letters with a bible verse under it, i kept looking at shirt saying how awesome it is, how much i love it, i was going to order it yesterday and for some reason i kept going back and looking at the shirt, just kept looking at it and staring at it. So as i sat there staring at it, i finally realized why! the reason was because I'm not a sinner! I'm saved! I sin, but I'm not a sinner! Jesus died on the cross for me so i could still sin, and go to heaven. Many people take this as well because you sin, your a sinner. So i explain it to them this way, because you and i play baseball in the back yard, it doesn't make you a baseball player! Once i realized God spoke to me it feel amazing inside, like a feeling i couldn't explain. I always knew that there was a God, that he existed at some point, but that was about it. I go to church, worship and bible study, but never really got anythi
Something My Mom Taught Me
I've always been an admirer of beauty and sometimes I WILL STAND and say how I feel, about especially, something so close to my heart.. THIS IS SOMETHING MY MOTHER ALWAYS TOLD ME "Baby, stop letting people run all over top of you, YOU NEED TO STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN  DON'T START TOMORROW, START NOW!!"
Someone is there, I realized.Someone is watching life as it unfolds on this great earth.More, Someone is there who loves me.It was a startling feeling of wild hope,a feeling so new and overwhelming that it seemed fully worth risking my life on.
Some Of My Personal Rules......
im writing this after seeing some more of what "us men" have been saying to the ladies here on fu. first of i will call all women a lady. one cause they have to put up with our asses and the things we say and/or do to them and second they deserve to be treated like they're worth something. us guys get pissed if another person says things we dont like but we treat the ladies like they are here to do nothing more than serve us and bare our children. come on are we really stuck in the dark ages??? im not going to lie i have my pet pevs. one of those is treating a lady like sh*t. i know there are some out there who like to be treated like that but thats their business not mine. respect shown is respect earned or at least thats how i was raised. if you really want to get techical about things we would not be here today if it wasnt for women. plainly put its the truth. if women told us men to take a flying leap the human race would come to an end. so come on guys lets start acting like the a
Something You Could Learn From This/ Cmt . Rate Plz
i'm slowly but frequently having Nate out of my mind. it's okay to be upset. maybe i need a week, month, year to not talk to him. i need serenity and tranquility. the way i can get simplicity me trying to better myself.i should live my young life without being serious. I'm only 21. what's to say that god may have a rewarding future for me. patience isn't my strong point. neither is being open. i have talked to other guys on the net. they all seem like horny dogs.. what part of i want charming guys do you not understand? i know men was born to mate, but it does hurt to show intelligence every now and then? it seems like women have to teach guys what's wrong and right. i wish it was instant to know a woman's motives. but i do understand guys isn't always to blame.women hurt the good guys , which causes misjudgment of when a good girl tries to woo/love's human nature to develop special feelings for another. it's a problem if you cant stop committing infidelity but 'im not going to
An Someone Plz Buzz Kill This Person For Me So They Can Level
Sometimes We Forget
You know, so often we complain and moan and groan about this screwed up country in which we live (believe me, I am to blame also).  We don't take time to think of the positive things we do have (believe me, I am to blame also).     A couple of days ago, I read an article in the Times that upset me pretty badly and made me think about the positive things we have, though not complete nor perfect, just better than some have it. Today (Friday) in the Times, I read the follow up to the article and just completely was astonished, bewildered and frankly angry.     In the country, Malawi (don't ask, don't know where it is and never heard of it either), two men (a loving couple) were taken to court and sentenced to 14 years (the maximum) in prison with hard labor. Their crime, homosexuality.     "The harsh sentence for unnatural acts and gross indecency had been expected after the same judge convicted the two men earlier this week under laws dating from the colonial era. The case has drawn inte
Someone Else's Star
Alone again tonight without someone to love The stars are shining bright So one more wish goes up Oh I wish I may And I wish with all my might For the love I'm dreamin of And missin in my life You'd think that I could find A true love of my own It happens all the time To people that I know Their wishes all come true So I've got to believe There's still someone out there Who was meant for only me I guess I must be wishin on someone else's star It seems like someone else keeps gettin what I'm wishin for Why can't I be as lucky as those other people are I guess I must be wishin on someone else's star I sit here in the dark And stare up at the sky I can't my heart One good reason why Everywhere I look It's lovers that I see Seems like everyone's in love Everyone but me I guess I must be wishin on someone else's star It seems like someone else keeps gettin what I'm wishin for Why can't I be as lucky as those other people are I guess I must be wishin on someone else's star Why can't
Some Immigration Lolz!!!
Not even getting political here. Just thought this was too funny to hide in my STASH. Enjoy...
Some People
Why is it that some people tend to be lacking or have morose senses of humor?
Some Kind Of Stupid
So, I'm in a chat room tonight and an individual who I particularly don't like is whining about a sunburn. If that's not bad enough, the dumbass put Icy Hot on it. Okay, seriously, how stupid are you to put Icy Hot on a burn?
Some Of The Greatest
The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways. The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. The greatest generosity is non-attachment. The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. The greatest patience is humility. The greatest effort is not concerned with results. The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go. The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances. ~Atisha
Something You Need To Watch...... See What Your Body Goes Through Inside.
*some Boys...*
Okay, maybe it's just me... But has anyone else been noticing that lately men think it's okay to tell their woman how much they love 'em and want to marry 'em... But treat them like complete shit when they drink a little... or even to the point where they get drunk? Well, I don't know what the Army teaches you... But I'm here to tell you that this shit won't be happening... If I wanted to be done like that I would have stayed with my ex-fiance.  *Whew!*  I just had to get that out because it's something that has been bothering me all morning.
Some Parents Don't Want "winnie Cooper" To Grow Up
In “The Wonder Years” Winnie Cooper was the girl next door. Since leaving the show Danica McKellar, who played Winnie, has shown some skin in a couple of picture spreads she did for a men’s magazine. Apparently, parents of kids who watch the reruns don’t approve. Parents want her to say the teenage girl next door even though Danica is in her 30’s. Some parents just don’t like change. For more BlastFM changes with the new music that is worth listening to. BlastFM plays the old and new. Listen for yourself
Some People's Children....
I honestly cannot believe the way kids act these days. The children in my neighborhood {which is a fairly nice neighborhood} are SOOO disrespectful. I come home to find them jumping off my sidewalk with their bikes, skateboards, and scooters. Mind you, my sidewalk leads from MY front door to MY driveway. The boy next door actually even told MY son to move his vehicle one day because "he was in his way". Flowers have been knocked over, candy wrappers and such left in the yard. This morning I look out to find 2 girls "hiding" around MY vehicle and running all over my yard. I have never seen anything like this. To actually go into people's yards and up to their front doors? Ummm even my son said he couldn't imagine going on to others' property when he was growing up in such a disrespectful manner. This lady is about fed up. That is all.
Sometimes It Is Just Too Easy
1:31amKloverlynn: Master Of Desir...2 mins -- 19 of 21I fail to understand every ones comments that bash a persons mumm I find it very disrespectful an short sighted leaves me to believe those that make such comments dont have much of a life of there own and there for true to subject people to fall to their level 1:31amKloverlynn: their* and* and the rest is so twisted with dumbfuckery I cant make it out 1:32amMaster Of ...: get ur head outa ur ass ya might!! Have a nice day 1:34amKloverlynn: haha says the baby dicked guy in a speedo who pays a skank for snatch pics 1:36amMaster Of ...: commom belieif to disfunctiomal funarians kindly take ur griefs elsewhere thank you 1:36amKloverlynn: in english please fucko 1:37amMaster Of ...: oh come one you can come up with something more original 1:39amKloverlynn: on* Seriously dude are you retarded? Or have you experienced a recent head injury? You fu-skank offers a sexy salute for a am sure she has sold more than one sn
Some Animal Fun
  When I got home I noticed there was something on my bed waiting for me. When I opened it it was a cat outfit. Smiling I ran and took a shower before changing into the outfit. I then got on all 4's and waited for him to come home. He came home not 2 minutes after I was done, it took him a second to see me waiting. He smiled and walked up to me, I purred and wiggled my hips a little. But all he did was pat my head and then walk over to the computer and sit down. Frowning I watch him for a minute, when he did not say anything or do anything I slowly crawled up to him. I stopped at his legs and then put my head on his lap and looked up at him. When he shifted in his set and kept typing I decided to get bold. I moved my head to his inner thigh and lightly touched his crotch with my right hand and softly whined. All I got this time when I looked up was him sitting still not moving. So I decided to go all the way and got closer so I could put my face in his crotch, I then took a deep brea
Sometimes Life Happens
  Me and my daughter Ashley have decided to podcast, we have all the info and equipment and will soon be off to a flying start. We will do it...soon.   Meanwhile things are getting ready for Edinburgh Fringe, I will be organising stuff all this week, don't ask me which stuff, but husband made me write a to-do list and I am trying to stick to it.   I love organising the fringe, most people get other people called promoters to do it and that's cool, just not for me. I am a control freak and like doing it myself. Then I know it's done the way I want it done. It's not a nice side to my personality and I am sure it irritates the hell out of my family, but that's who I am.   There are many 'not nice' sides to my personality - many of them I keep deeply hidden, like my need to pick stray hairs off the carpet in an almost obsession like fashion, the other is my need to chew my hair spit wee bits out. I am basically mental.   I am sure my husband wishes he went for the tall skinny gir
Sometimes Life Just Sucks!
Thank god today is over with. I ended up attending a funeral to bury my uncle Dale and it wasn't something I was looking forward to at all. I ended upbeing one of the six who had to walk the casket to the hearse and follow it to the burial site. The only cool thing about that was he got a 21 gun salute and the playing of Taps from the Marines who were waiting for th casket to show up. R.I.P. Uncle Dale, you will be missed a bunch. 
Someone Please
Someone please make a mumm from one of my blogs, my ideas are not ALL stupid!
Something I Wrote A While Back...
It's a cloudy and foggy night tonight, most people would hate it, but I don't. I know it's not picture perfect like Van Gogh's "Starry Night", but it makes me think deeply about human nature. The most believed story about "Starry Night", is that Van Gogh had recently found God, and the painting was a metaphor for a God always watching over us and protecting us. I think on some sub level of human nature, the above metaphor is the main reason people will choose a bright night over clouds, whether they believe in God(s), Goddess(es), or nothing at all. I prefer the cloudy night, because I like to test my faith and see if I'm strong enough to walk a dark path and come out stronger and better.
Some Mornings
Every morning Some more than others I just want to see you Walking into the room Every morning Some more than others I want your smile To start my day Every morning Some more than others I want your voice To be the first thing I hear Every morning Some more than others I want every morning To be our morning
Sometimes ...i Am Sure It Has Been Heard A Thousand Times, But Who Is Really Listening??
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there,to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson,or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be possibly your roommate, neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger, but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road
Sometimes....When you're going through things, you weed out who you can talk to from who you can't. Who will take it seriously and who doesn't seem to want to be bothered with your "real life" problems. Ah hell. Where is Witchie and Mel?
Someone True
Its come to my attention of how to find this true happiness I search for To understand why I lay awake at night and wake to nothing but darkness I must fill this void of companionship tha has been missing for some time But this woman must be true, true to herself as well true to me To see me as the person I am and the things I stand for To look pass my many flaws, pass the drama of the fools who question me To truely love me as I would only love her I say this to attempt to find this one, this angel sent for me and only me To right all my wrongs and heal all wounds current and future There may be many I test this theory with befor I find her But to those that I experience this with must know its not all for nothing To share even a moment of bliss with you is still worth not finding the true answer Im not sayn Im in a rush or dire need of this moment I just understand now of what it will take for me to live with true happiness To finaly rest peacefully in my slumber and dream no longer
Something That Came Out A Few Days Ago
Untitled My heart races at just a mere touch. A glint in your eyes tells a tale of desire. The feel of your breath sends shock waves that are too much. If you were to kiss me it would only add fuel to the fire. It rages through every fiber of my being. and in turn consumes me whole. Is this a fire burning with in you? Does it com within your soul? I see it does, by the things you do. And the desire to keep us whole.
Some Of You People
Some of you people on fubar just crack me up, I am already a little nuts, and some of the fu-drama pushes me a little closer to the edge!
Some Of The Chat From The Piece Of Shit
Deb (6/14/2010 12:07:25 AM): even if tonight ...we where done i still worry about you ..i am making a statement is all !!!!Mike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:07:49 AM): iknow baby hugs Mike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:07:56 AM): i feel the same wayDeb (6/14/2010 12:09:25 AM): I wish you really understood how i felt......i have been trying to pull my feelings away some Mike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:10:56 AM): i do babyDeb (6/14/2010 12:13:04 AM): you here or busy ?Mike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:13:28 AM): im hereMike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:13:37 AM): i said i do know how you feel babyDeb (6/14/2010 12:14:21 AM): your do Mike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:14:56 AM): love you babyDeb (6/14/2010 12:15:07 AM): MikeDeb (6/14/2010 12:15:50 AM): so you have any questions for me, since i do most the talking lolMike Hubbard (6/14/2010 12:16:49 AM): is there any jobs for me there?Deb (6/14/2010 12:17:47 AM): in the city also in the area lol babe very small town Deb (6/14/2010 12:17:58 AM): everyone works in t
Some Wit A Broken Heart Has More Heart
 comeon brother n sister lets come together in love not in hate n despair all dis has torn our hearts yo all dont seem to care what is your heart for some of us had a heart repaired thats goin on nothing fine i am torn i am cold n i am shamed lying naked on the floor i am wide awake n i can see a perfect sky is torn i dont care i am all out of faith this is how i feel you're a little late I'm already torn bastat kasama kita with lyrics
Somebody To Love (girl's Version) (for You Sexy Xd)
For you I'd write a symphonyI'd tell the violinIt's time to sink or swimWatch them play for yaFor you I'd be (Whoa)Runnin a thousand milesJust get you where you areStep to the beat of my heart.I don't need a whole lotBut for you I need IRather give you the worldOr we can share mineI know that I won't be the first oneGiven you all this attentionBut baby listenI just need somebody to loveI-I don't need too muchJust need somebody to love.(Somebody to love)I don't need nothing elseI promise boy, I swear.I just need somebody to love.I need somebody I-I need somebodyI need somebody I-I need somebody.Everyday I bring the sun aroundI sweep away the clouds.Smile for me (Smile for me)I would takeEvery second, every single timeSpend it like my last dime.Step to the beat of my heart.I don't need a whole lotBut for you I need IRather give you the worldOr we can share mineI know I won't be the first oneGiven you all this attentionBut baby listenI just need somebody to love (Ohh, no n
Something I Can Never Have
this song is how I feel right now..There's someone I love very much...and this is for her...   I still recall the taste of your tears Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears My favorite dreams of you still wash ashore Scraping through my head 'till I don't want to sleep Anymore You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And i'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go way I just want something You give me something I can never have You always were the one to show me how Back then I couldn't do the things that I can do now This thing is slowly taking me apart Gray would be the colour if I had a heart Come on, tell me You make this all go away You make this all go away I'm down to just one thing And I'm starting to scare myself You make this all go away You make this all go away I just want something I just want something I can never have In this place it seems like such a shame
Some Random Stuff At 2am Lol
when all you have is the computer screen in front of your face, and the eyes that read and look at it. you see things that you would never normally see. you can find love, you can find hate.....but deep down when you find something you want to be real, something that you have never felt, never understood. something so serial   maybe just another player maybe just another thing you know will never go anywhere but the words you read on that damn computer screen you look at. BUT DON'T EVER STOP, BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW, YOU CAN PASS UP THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!! ♥   thats why I'M REAL!! because you just never know what might land in your lap one day or who you might meet ♥
Some People Take Furelationships Too Seriously
So I helped someone out on my friend's list today who needed to have 1,000,000 fuworth to level up. I had the fubucks so I figured why not? Well, someone bought him back about an hour or so later. No biggie. Just trying to help with leveling. Well, the person who bought them sends me a message saying that he's their fufiancee and she wants to own him. Alrighty! WTF ever! It ain't that serious!
Something To Think About .
today was an extra special day , i caught up with my cousin . it was so nice just to hear some family news. My little Nephew turns 2 on tuesady , im so happy and sad all at the same time. you see i haven't met him in person yet , i've only heard his sweet little voice , but hes nervous to talk to me much since we don't talk all that often. Im an anuty three times over , and i haven't meet any of them in person.When i get a chance to visit ill definately want to spoil them all. Kids so cute ,and so full of curiousity so open and honest. I want to focus less on my discomforts and challenges and remember my family more they connect me to who i am more then anyone, they are my heart and soul. though i'm not with them right now , i carry them in my heart , my thoughts and my soul.  
Today is an Almond Joy day, I think... Rock on!Shawn
Something To Say To A Woman That Is Opinionated!
If I wanted your opinion, I would have taken my tool out of your mouth and beaten you with it!
Something & Someone Positive...for A Change..
Well, this is something different and positive for a change. I mean, we can't -always- focus on the negative around here. There are positive people that do good with that being said I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, and far and away the best skin maker I know on here. He's made mine, the fu wifey's and a slew of the other ones as well. You know em when ya see 'em that's for sure..want somethin different? Hit em up with youre ideas and requests and no, he won't steal your with that I bring you.... eightiez junkie x NL@ fubar Go show some love on one of the good people an tell em JD sent you are all are having a good week, and as always, keep one eye open cuz ya just never know... Peace.
Something I Wrote July10-17th
Sandcastle I stand upon a moonlit beachWith the Atlantic ending at my feetNorth east wind whips at my backFor penance and grace I sorely lackI stand with sadness across my facePlaced on Earth this lonely placeThe tide calls deep as it pulls the sandFrom under my feet where I standI'm in its trance but I won't goBut stand my ground with all I knowWhat life throws me I won't denyMakes me flicker wane laugh and cryBut one day soon my sands of timeWill drag me out with evening tideTill all I am is a memoryAn epitath that stands for all to readBut my heart has caught every grain that fallsThru my hourglass yes, I will catch them allAnd transform this life to infinity  With a place, a castle for you and me
Some Ettiquete
i only bomb on double points days, and my list is generally about 30 minutes long, so you have a good 25+ minutes at the end of my bombing to get some love from me if you just follow these few simple guidelines!   1. HAVE A FOLDER WITH 250 PICS IN IT. it cant be NSFW, since we're not allowed to bomb those. a bomb is basically instant 11s on up to 250 pics, BUT if you have less than 250 you get less points (and so do it). so all you need to do is throw some random junk together and load it in a folder.   1a. oh yeah, when mass uploading, only do about 20 pics at a time, or it fails.   2. MARK YOUR BOMB FOLDER. links in the SB are nice, but sometimes they're broken or i get a message that the pics are currently unavailable for some damn reason. SO, mark a folder with lots of text stuff to be eye catching, such as BOMBBOMBBOMB or >>>>>>BOMB
Something To Think About ...
The next time you hear a politician use the Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about Whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,But one advertising agency did a good job of Putting that figure into some perspective inOne of it's releases. A.A billion seconds ago it was 1959. B.A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. C.A billion hours ago our ancestors were Living in the Stone Age. D.A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet. E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, At the rate our governmentIs spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain...let's take a look at New Orleans  ...It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.Louisiana Senator,Mary Landrieu (D) Is presently asking Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARSTo rebuild New Orleans .  Interesting number... What does it mean? A.Well .. If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans    (every
Someone Special
sometimes you just seem to know that someones is special It hard to believe in soulmates ..  theres no words to explain it , you just feel it theres a depth to that person, a heart  so big and full of caring, a heart of gold when you lok into their  eyes and see them smile at you .. when you see those eyes you want to see no other .. you just know .. but i after meeting this person i believe its possible again.. the soul knows what it wants and sometimes the heart and mind have to catch up .. its hard to be vulerable .. but vulerability is all part of it but sometimes you have to trust .. and hope . and just enjoy life and living it to the fullest and maybe .. the two souls will find each other and become one .. theres always a journey to find ones soulmate.. but if you find you will truly be happy , you will compliment each other and be partners and not  just lovers.. not just ships passing in the night, but a combining of souls ive heard the stories from the
So Meak And Yet So Sultry...
Some Things That I Regret
  There's some things that I regret, Some words I wish had gone unsaid Some starts, that had some bitter endings Been some bad times I've been through Damage I cannot undo. Some things that I wish I could do all all over again But it doesn't really matter, Life gets that much harder, It makes you that much stronger. And every tear that had to fall from my eyes, Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night. Every change life has thrown me, I'm thankful for every break in my heart. I'm grateful, for every scar. Some pages turned, Some bridges burned, But there were lessons learned. There's mistakes that I have made Some chances I just threw away, Some roads I nev
Some People Really Dont Like To Get Logged Out..
liverjuice said: livers were designed for abusereply
Something To Keep Alive - Please Pass On
Something I Can Never Have
i still recall the taste of my tears. echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears. my favorite dreams of you still wash ashore. scraping through my head 'till i don't want to sleep anymore come on tell me. make this all go away. you make this all go away. i'm down to just one thing and i'm starting to scare myself. make this all go away. you make this all go away. i just want something. i just want something i can never have you always were the one to show me how. back then i couldn't do the things that i can do now this thing is slowly taking me apart. grey would be the color if i had a heart i just want something i can never have in this place it seems like such a shame. though it all looks different now, i know it's still the same everywhere i look you're all i see. just the fading fucking reminder of who i used to be come on tell me. make this all go away. you make this all go away. i'm down to just one thing and i'm starting to scare myself. make this all go away. you make
Sometimes I Just Cant Believe How Dedicated Our Users Are.
I appreciate it when people go above and beyond. What else do you have to share? Send it my way please.       To order a Shirt please follow these directions exactly how they are written. US Orders = $24.00 1. Go to PayPal 2. Send $24.00 3. Make sure to include the following information -Specify if it is Mens or Womens -Specify the Size S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL -Specify the shipping address -Specify your fubar user ID or URL     Outside US Orders = $30.00 1. Go to PayPal 2. Send $30.00 3. Make sure to include the following information -Specify if it is Mens or Womens -Specify the Size S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL -Specify the shipping address -Specify your fubar user ID or URL
Some One Tell Me Why?
Can anyone tell me why guys with great bodies. OR even guys that have average or bigger bodies but are still so hot, want girls that can afford and have skinnier physical appearences. Girls who can dress them selves up good in the hights of fashion and also dress them selves down in the hights of fashion. Not us girls who dont wear what everyone else is, who cant afford newer clothing, or fancy, expensive lingerie. What do girls like them, have over girls like me. Us down to earth, not that eye catching type  girl who walks around the store and see's girls that have the blonde and pink or blonde and black hair, and nice bodies, and size 5 jeans, and hip adidias tennies. Girls who's parents can afford high fashion clothes. and think, is that all guys want? What do girls like them have over me? a natural beauty in normal, everyday work environment clothing? Some one please tell me. Why?
Some Insights
I have wanted to Blog about me for a while now. But I don't know what to say. I see emo blogs, angry blogs, "Eff You" blogs (and status messages and mumms too) on here, and I feel saddened. All I want is to take their pain and turn it into an object lesson in life and help get over it. I usually can't.  I see people on the Gulf Coast suffering. And Somalia. And Haiti. And dozens of other places in dire need. And i want to gather up all the food and money and people and trucks and building supplies I can and go help. I can't do it.  I see people attacking ideas and actions that i perceive as positive (political and not) and all I have is the desire to show them how they are wrong, and how wrong they are. I can't. These things coupled with the fact that, in the last year, my household's income went to less than half because i lost my job and my mom has been working for free some months, and my sister hasn't sold enough product to get her commission check, and I get so depressed that I
Something To Think On Seriously...
I long to give you rest for your soul and peace in your heart. i know sometimes it looks like life has no peace to offer~~just one big problem after another. its true that the world is filled with hatred,envy,and every sort of evil,so please dont be looking for peace in people or attempting to position yourself where there are no problems.The kind of peace the world tries to offer is built on false hope and man-made idols that will eventually crumble. The peace i give you will transend any trial or tribulation that comes against you because its supernatural. So position yourself completely in my care,and let go of all those things you cannot control. Then you will find true peace. In the middle of chaos and confusion,I will always be your safe place~~a place of peace. Im asking you my child, to share with others the peace i give freely to you. Love, Your King and Your Perfect Peace...
Some Of My Thoughts...bout...words...and Things...
Always dream..."Promises" or no...Always dream...promises or one will one moment or sometime during our journey here...learn...that a "promise" made just of words...and words...are just sounds...and sounds dissipate...and any simple fool or intensely evil mind...can and will...utter "sounds"...Animals make sounds...animals kill to survive...but...animals have no options... Never trust sounds...nor your ears...not even your eyes...for to blink might be a folly... Only...the "gut" can feel the truth or the deception...leaving one's own "self" to be "the" one and only  "promise"... The final and pure "truth" there..."Be True To Yourself"..."To Thine Own Self Be True"...such old long ago who...I do not know...but...still they ring...and louder each moment in time flicks past us... Belle...a.k.a....HellzBelle...Friday, 08/062010
Something That Needs To Be Said.... (please Read)
i have been on and off this site for almost 4 years, and when i first got on fubar i said and did lots of fucked up things to many ppl, now i admit while nobody is perfect, i was way out of line and a real asshole... i'm not here to try to make excuses for my past mistakes however... i am simply tryin to say that i have done lots of growing up and changed myself and the way i treat others for the better.   Yeah, i know i still have a long way to go and im not tryin to play a guilt trip on ppl i just want to ask anyone that i have wronged in the past to take the time for me to show that i have changed... and i am aware that i still make mistakes but over all i want to be a friend and someone that you all can be proud of and respect not think poorly because of my past mistakes or rumors.     in short, please give me a chance to show that i am someone with a good heart that is worth knowing...                                                                      thanks,             
Some Insight Into The Economics Of Cheating
Interesting, albeit questionable study on how financial status affects cheating.  Men more likely to cheat on women with bigger paychecks CNN LINK HERE
Someone Loves You
Somewhere there is someone who loves you.You may not always realize it, but there is.You may not always believe it, but there is.Someone out there loves you.You may think it is a passing interest.You may think it is a passing think it is lust,or fantasy.You may think anything and everything but the truth:Someone out there loves you.Your heart cannot know the joy that you bring to this love.Your heart cannot know how happy you make another soul.You cannot possibly fathom how deep the love is for you...But it is there.Across miles, across the depths of time, another soul aches for you.You are always on their mind,You are always in their heart,You are always the first thought of the day and the last of the night.When you are gone, you are missed,not missed like one misses a sunny day,or the sound of a favorite tune,but missed with a longing so deep that your absence,however short,that it causes your love to pine for you,consuming them,preventing them from thinking anything else
Someday... Someday You'll Say This.
"What do i do now that you're gone? No back up plan No second chance and no one else to blame All i can hear in the silence that remains... Are the words i couldn't say." ~Rascal Flatts
Some Q And A
1. What is your best friends name? dont have a best friend anymore passed away 2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? dark blue 3. What are you listening to right now? eminem mosh 4. Whats your favorite number? 31 5. What was the last thing you ate? chocolate honey bun 6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? blue 7. How is the weather right now? chilly 8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone? a telemarketer 9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes 10. Do you have a significant other? yes 11. Favorite TV show? royal pains/gene simmons family jewels 12. Siblings? 2 brothers 13. Height? 6'7'' 14. Hair color? black 15. Eye Color? hazel green 16. Do you wear contacts? no 17. Favorite Holiday? Halloween 18. Month? october 19. Have you ever cried for no reason? no 20. What was the last movie you watched? paul blart mall cop 21.
Something Is Coming....
SOMETHING IS COMING……     In all of my years I don’t remember a time when I was ever scared. I was always a bold child even against those much bigger than me. Why would I not be?  I knew I would be King some day.     But today as I stand at the top of my castle I am feeling fear for the first time.  No, not some silly, unfounded fear. But a fear that chills me to my very marrow.  A fear which ties my insides in knots and raises the hair on the back of my neck.  I had never expected to ever feel this way.  I thought as I grew, that even in death…I would face it like a man.     For the last 6 months, I have been hearing the screams.  Screams of my subjects dying and screams of the beast that is killing them.  Such horrific screams of pain and agony.  Screams so terrible they freeze the blood in my veins…I have sent my best solders to investigate and every time, no matter how hard they search, they find nothing.     I have my men on patrol 24 hours a
Just because im becuase people say im sexy doesnt mean im conceited .. just because im vain doesn't mean im a bitch .. just because im not from here doesnt mean i cant know anything about this place just because im a foreigner doesnt mean i want to be quizzed on my homeland i wish  some pll would think before they ask me such stupid questions , after living here so long , i wish i could just be one of them ..  i dont want to be anyones celebrity friend but sometimes thats all they want .. just becuase im foreigner doesnt mean im a foreign whore .. one drink wont buy you a night with me .   i guess this is for guysand girls in general i wish girls wouldn't act so paranoid bout me taking thier men.. if i want my own i get him .. so much hate .. its amazing the walls havent turned red with blood , and hate i see in thier eyes .. if looks could kill . id be killed for wearing sexy clothes .. esp those sexy red shorts i have lol . girls have a sense of humor ya all..
Something I Dont Get!
Why it it on here I seem to get more guys hitting on me then I do girls trying to talk to me?  I just not seeing what you guys see in me that girls are not I guess espeically since I am straight. Just curious what everyone has to say.
Someone Special
I’m sat here thinking about what u said Reading the words while laying in bed Reading the words which u typed to me Letting me know what u feel for me   But there are many things which have come to light Like the words u typed on my screen last night My mind is spinning shocked and amazed That not knowing u long, I can make u feel that way   So im sat here now with words in my hands Trying to say them so Ur understand That no matter how far u seem to be The words u type will stay will me I carry them tight and hold them close Thinking about what I want most   The person I want is the person I see The person who fulfills my every need Who makes me smile with the words that u say Who is locked in my mind everyday   A man I fell for with just one look Who stole my heart and now im hooked Who fits my hand like a perfect glove The man I met is the man I now LOVE  
She can never understand, How deep in my heart she has gone.Or when I say I want you,She says my words are wrong.To tell her and show her,Is really all I can do.Maybe someday,sometime,She'll know my heart is true.Even though she is far from me,My heart forever holds her dear.And it waits for the day,Her heart no longer holds its fear.
Some News....
Ok so I bought the brand new 11lbs weights... I gave them a try just to see how my body would react... they're fine I think :-) it's gonna be a hard workout from Monday on, but hopefully it'll be worth it :-)
Sometimes You Just Have To Realize...
Sometimes you just have to realize...That no matter how much you love someone, they are never going to love you back.That when the writing is on the wall that is the truth, no matter what someone says.That if someone doesn't give you their are not on their mind.That if a person doesn't make an are not worth their time.That actions speak louder than words.That if someone can't make up their mind to be with you, they aren't worth your time.That sometimes love is like a mirror and it is better to leave the pieces broken on the floor than to continue to hurt yourself trying to clean it up.That change happens when the PAIN of holding on becomes greater than the FEAR of letting go.   Something older I saw or wrote, I can't remember but I still like it.
Something Else To Remember
I woke this morning and read my e-mail, checked out all my messages. Something in one of them reminded of this song, and I wanted to hear it again. I can't listen to it without getting teary-eyed. It is impossible for me. In the wake of the 9th anniversary of 9-11, I felt compelled to remind others that we still have other things to be sad about, to remember,  to fix in our damaged and troubled world. Luka Written and performed by Suzanne Vegafrom the album Solitude Standing by Suzanne Vega My name is LukaI live on the second floorI live upstairs from youYes, I think you've seen me beforeIf you hear something late at nightSome kind of trouble, some kind of fightJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it wasJust don't ask me what it was I think it's 'cause I'm clumsyI try not to talk too loudMaybe it's because I'm crazyI try not to act too proudThey only hit until you cryAnd after that you don't ask whyYou just don't argue anymoreYou just don't argue anymoreYou just don'
Some Dush Trying To Say Things That Aint True
i find this funny some guy think he knows all about me when he Knows nothing what he is saying is un tue what im sayin is   (SOME GUY)Ohhh when I added you as a friend last year so you wouldnt kill yourself! Find out who this is (ME)i would never try to kill my self ever and tats no reason to add anyone as a friend even if they are but i have more to live for now that anyting i love life so y the hell would i do tat (SOME GUY)because of who you are going to marry hahahaah Find out who this is (ME)wat thehelltat suppost to mean if u havesomething to sayabout him eather say it or mind ur own bussness who i marry is mine not urs got a problem with it the keepur nose out of it because this my life and wat i do or marry isnt anyone elses consern and if think i was ever going killmy self then u really dont now me at alL keepout my bussness you will kill yourself after being married to him. (SOME GUY)are you seriously this fucking stupud/ look at your grammer.i knew you were
Somethings Wrong With Me.
Any of you ever seen these wonderful sites ..MARRIED WOMEN LOOKING FOR ENCOUNTERS??... Well I did thanx to my .Wow it only takes 2 & 2 to put shit together..    Anselmo  TRAUMA 666    Thoughts 0f the criminal Wow, ya! i think i will use my  best friend's phone to go fuck someone in her hometown. while i leave her sick,because im a self centered asshole that dont pay attention to the fact she overworks herself to support me while i jerk off to preteen porn at her computer. I tell her i'm always her friend.But while she is overdosing  I wont answer her calls she makes to me on the phone..And i will tell her shes a psycho when I finally get back to her house  panting ,and out of breath  way later in the night. .I like playing with her Heart and Head  So what the fuck, I'll do it again.                            The girl full of a lifetime of pain ,,Weak to the mind.Lets it happen again.     and again.                                     Kind heart , Dumb head..It happens again. On
Some Advice, For The Guys Anyways...
Some Days It Hurts.
A day without rain.The wet clouds hover like humpbacks.Their songs muted.Their enormous grins subdued.The alchohol haze fadingas the radio loopsgraveyard to morning chatresurrection story.How long has this tea been steeping?Like cool motor oil and bitters.The world revivesLeaves stretch to dawn's light.Through my prison bars, dry paint on the sillthe kind that saps the moisture out of your fingertipsscreaches against your nails.chips in all the wrong places into the soft spots.A profound hopelessness peeks over the rooftops.Held down by the nefarious blue and grey.I found myself rooting for tyranny behind a sip of shimmering slick oolong.The sun will only bring dry, day, and light.
Some Times U Just Have To Throw Your Hands In The Air Say Fuck It
have u even been like me getting sick n tired of ppls bullshit and throw your hands up in the air and say fuck it people amuse me they really do they act so fuckin stupid some times its laughable do they do that shit on purpose or do they even know they r doing it idk could b both they act like idoits or have a moron attack type of ppl who should wear a helmet 24-7
[somewhere Along The Lines, I Forgot How To Scramble Eggs]
Discount coffee. So one night I was watching Julia Child's omelette episode.And about died.No eggs in the house.Zero.But I got down the tech technique and hardware after I got my carI can't quite do a snappy ass flip yet with my busted ass shoulder and my 8lb skilletbut ... I did make one hell of a two-egg omeletteI once watched a guy make this ... perfect orb of omelettehe was a french trained japanese chef that worked in a world class chinese banquet... yeah that's confusing.It was a combination of techniques, and I do in fact idolize that omelette.He tapped, tilted and fried with perfect execution.But I'll walk first.With a trifold french omelette.One of the simplest things to cook... one of the easiest to fuck up.And I did it in my cast iron skillet on a larkI heard such things were impossible.butmy skillet heats evenlythoroughlyand you can't do high heat on a non-stick.They're serious about a few things folks.ButterEven coat, not brownedshould be hot enough to bubblethe eggs shoul
Some Animal Play
When I got home I noticed there was something on my bed waiting for me. When I opened it it was a cat outfit. Smiling I ran and took a shower before changing into the outfit. I then got on all 4's and waited for him to come home. He came home not 2 minutes after I was done, it took him a second to see me waiting. He smiled and walked up to me, I purred and wiggled my hips a little. But all he did was pat my head and then walk over to the computer and sit down. Frowning I watch him for a minute, when he did not say anything or do anything I slowly crawled up to him. I stopped at his legs and then put my head on his lap and looked up at him. When he shifted in his set and kept typing I decided to get bold. I moved my head to his inner thigh and lightly touched his crotch with my right hand and softly whined. All I got this time when I looked up was him sitting still not moving. So I decided to go all the way and got closer so I could put my face in his crotch, I then took a deep breath
Sometimes I get so tired of being me...   The End.
...You just have to shake your head and walk away. There's really no other options...I thought about another things I learned this week blog, But frankly, I haven't learned anything really, nothing that stuck at least... I guess learning that the possibility that someone can truly give a damn is something big, yet at the same time, I know how to love and how to care, I know how to stop being a hard ass long enough to actually put forth effort into something. The one person who'z sworn to love and cherish and uphold you will more often be the one person that will let you down, time and time and time again, sometimes it's just an inevitable part of the day to day, the let down and constant down side to actually giving all of you. So when that's all over, A person has to rebuild, from the ground up. This process takes time, it takes effort. It takes wanting to prove to the world but most importantly yourself that you can not be beat, that you can NOT be held down. Nothing in this world t
Some Things You Got To Let Go
ok i came to understand that i need to let things go . my friend is being used by this asshole guy and he is useing her like a goldigger and she have gave him stuff and he did not give her nothing in return but a fuckin headache and i tried talking to her and nothing have worked and he have even cheated on her and i told her because a friend caught him and she did not believe me and the other night as i was going to work i could not drive i had to pull over and chill and i called her and told her i could not be friends for a while and she hung up with me all mad and i really at this point dont care because when you do all you cant to help someone and you get nothing but stress and pain its time to let it go . it sucked doing it i was crying but i feel my life would be a whole lot better with out that drama :( and i so i found a quote that goes with how i feel   "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you
Something Catchy.
It’s hard to explain The feeling I got as his voice began to waver. Like the first cigarette in the morning. Like the anticipation before a car crash. Something like the build up to sexual climax. Blood flowing from my veins, And the first rush of a high. A needle piercing my skin, Like watching something beautiful go up in flames. All these things that…things that I love. And as he begins to sob…I cum.
Someone Special
                       My Pink Ribbon                                                 ( in memory of Sandra Conrad )       I never thought,   it would happen to me   after-all I was always   so Healthy.    No family history  just out of the blue,  neither me nor my family  had a clue.    They seemed so normal  and always there,  it couldn't happen to me,  so I never cared.    Then one day,  I would be stumped,  while taking a shower  I felt a lump.    " Dear God" why   did this happen to me?,   I sit her and wait   for a mastectomy.     Will I still be a woman?,   Will I still be the same?,   or will I be some kind of freak,   living in shame?    Would it have been differant,  if I had checked before?,  instead I just stood there  it was something I would ignore.    I feel differant,  but I'm still the same,  and it's somethingof which,  I no-longer have to live in shame.    So please check yourself,  it's embarrasing that is true,  but it
Someone's Always Saying Goodbye
well, what can i say? maybe the chemistry is right... that there is noconstant in this world. everything is moving and changing..... just behappy for that someone saying goodbye because they find their happinessbut sad to say it is not you who makes him/her happy. ouch! LOL!
Some Philosophy Behind Aikido
The verses and quotes that are to follow in this first post have been taken from the publication-   The Philosophy of Aikido by Professor John Stevens.  Published by Kodansha International Ltd. and Kodansha America.  The writing of Professor John Stevens is based on his own study of Aikido and Buddhism, the teachings of the founder of Aikido and also from Professor Stevens instruction from his teacher, Rinjiro Shirata, who was one of the founder’s finest students.  Morihei Ueshiba was the founder of the Japanese martial art known as Aikido (formally known as Aiki Budo) and was affectionately known to his students as O Sensei, which translates as great teacher. Aikido, or The Way of Universal Harmony, is based in spiritualism and is possibly thought by some as being one of the most philosophical martial arts. O Sensei who was considered to be profoundly enlightened, often told his students, “No philosophy, no Aikido.”  Based on sword, spear, staff and Ju-Jitsu tec
Some Things
Three things about me that you might not know.   1.People with crusty feet gross me out,but blood and guts don't phase me. 2.I hate to see anyone I care about in pain or upset.It truly breaks my heart. 3.I am really meaner than some of you think :)   You can share 3 things if you like.Just a silly game.   hugs! (h)
Somethings Are Just So Sad About Fu
Issue 1- How can you complain when people use you for rates? Isn't that the point of Fubar? You pay $100 for god mode or something DO NOT COMPLAIN because all of us use your wasted money to level.  Fubar is here to make friends, hang out and kill time, and to LEVEL! Accept it you whiney baby.  Just cuz you can afford to waste the money does not mean you control what all of us out there do.   Issue 2- Folks if you won babyj's HH contest do you really feel it important to keep your need for attention on here out there for everyone?  If you won a free HH congrats to you really but dont keep entering the same salute into the contest.  Want to win twice fine be more creative than that.  You wonder why many of you are disliked?  Try being less of a point/attention whore and more of a friend to the people around you it works out better at the end of the day.   Issue 3- STOP CRYING ABOUT THE DISLIKE BUTTON THERE ARE NO POINTS INVOLVED!  Many who use the new dislike button do it for fun bec
Something Different
Today was a good day!   I know there were a few ick moments today,but it seemed like old times. People seemed to actually be having fun and enjoying themselves on here today. It reminded me of the old days on the site and it took my mind off the hellish stress and pain I am dealing with. I want to thank everyone for that! (h) I needed a good day. Positivity is something I need to be surrounded with at the moment and negativity is eating me alive and has to be gone gone gone!   love ya..well most of ya!   hugs and stuffs!
Some Of The Things I've Noticed Lately.
Some of the things I've noticed lately are somewhat alarming to me. Appernatly, people are no longer judged by who they are on the inside, but rather by what they chose as a career, how popular they are, where they live, or what their backround is. I realize that while one must be mildly attracted to a person physically, one's physical apperance should not be the end all and be all. In today's world of social sites, instant messaging, and other high tech advancements, people are putting too much stock into a person's popularity, career, or other marteriallistic status, ie how much money they may or may not have, or what kind of car they drive. I for one, who expierenced first hand this type of behavior. Before I enlisted in the military, people never gave me a second look, or a second thought. I was simply another person who blended into the backround or was overlooked. But once I returned home from Missouri  a soldier, it all changed. People started wanting to shake my hand, ask for m
Some Specific Fabrics Of Flower Lady Attire
Flower lady attire are normally produced making use of some specific fabrics which have been shimmery, Cheap Simple Wedding Dresses , sparkling and lustrous. Among the the famous fabrics of Dressok applied in producing flower lady attire is Organza. Cheap Modest Wedding Dresses This kind of cloth is translucent, smooth and shiny. Normally light in color, this material is typically positioned about the topmost layer of the apparel styled in organza. Organza is acknowledged for being fairly an high-priced material but there are on line flower girls apparel shops in which a single can locate and buy a slightly less expensive apparel in comparison with people which could be brought from merchandising shops. Satin is an additional material applied in producing flower lady and bridesmaids dresses. Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses Fascinating although considering that satin, in actuality, is not specifically a material type. It is acknowledged as a woven product described obtaining a single sm
Some Specific Fabrics Of Flower Lady Attire
Flower lady attire are normally produced making use of some specific fabrics which have been shimmery, Cheap Simple Wedding Dresses , sparkling and lustrous. Among the the famous fabrics of Dressok applied in producing flower lady attire is Organza. Cheap Modest Wedding Dresses This kind of cloth is translucent, smooth and shiny. Normally light in color, this material is typically positioned about the topmost layer of the apparel styled in organza. Organza is acknowledged for being fairly an high-priced material but there are on line flower girls apparel shops in which a single can locate and buy a slightly less expensive apparel in comparison with people which could be brought from merchandising shops. Satin is an additional material applied in producing flower lady and bridesmaids dresses. Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses Fascinating although considering that satin, in actuality, is not specifically a material type. It is acknowledged as a woven product described obtaining a single sm
Something About Tag Heuer Replica Watches
Tag Heuer Replica Watches_ replica TAG Heuer watches_ TAG Heuer watches are proud to announce the international superstar Leonardo DiCaprio as TAG Heuer brand ambassadors, and with accession to the World Organization of the male benefits of environmental conservation activities in the watch industry in a brother's wife. Limelight long-Tag Heuer Replica Watches_ replica TAG Heuer watches_ TAG Heuer watches Leonardo limited form in December 2009 the official debut, this Aquaracer 500M by himself on the design for the Leonardo section of the watch, its purpose is to sponsor two of the world's most famous conservation organizations: Association of Natural Resources guard (NRDC) and the Green Cross Society (Green Cross International), in addition to the sale of sponsorship of the replica watch, Leonardo also donated millions of other amounts as the conservation of global environment and ecology are used to feedback action replica watches in real terms, inviting the public together with the
Some Of My Favorite Songs From Steve Perry & Old Journey..i Love All My Fubar Friends,family Please Comments Guys..have A Great Weekend..
Some Fun Bump And Grinding Adult Trick-r-treat Visuals
Darkling of vampiric hungersYour throat I’ll gingerly seekTo crawl all over your bodyLicking your thong and cheek Don’t call it disgustingI know what you adoreMan handled by a womanBegging with whips for more Stand before these three mirrorsWatch the reflections of lustTasting the pearls of passionDepths throat it is an absolute must Oh sorry for the intrusive invasionThese thoughts get carried awayWhile I take you with these wristletsCommanding you come what may…
Something About Jewelry Watches
In that case, a man should own at least a kind of Jewelry watches which can be worn at the special moment to prove the success. Then,what kind of jewelry watch is the favor of men? Below, I will recommend you four kinds of diamond watches. They are not only magnificent but also elegant, suitable for any occasion. Top watch and top Jewelry watches combined to make the exquisite masterpiece. We can say that this kind of super-thin diamond watch with hand-winding movement injects a new blood to the Patrimony Traditionnelle series. It opened a new sight for the luxurious watches by top craftsmanship of jewelry and the elegant outlines. The 18K platinum watch case of 38mm is enchased of 167 pieces of diamonds. On the dial enchased 473 pieces of diamonds. It’s really a luxury for you. Welcome to our website Here is the paradise of replica fashion Jewelry watches Corum Golden Bridge, Rolex watch, official website, Jewelry watches, cartier watches, omega watches
Some People Shouldn't Be Allowed To Im
I truly love some of the instant messages I get. Here is the winner for the night. Enjoy. mr.random66: You stole a bottle of liquor from your Daddys cabinet and decided to sneak out of the house. Naughty Girl. You live a few blocks from a park and decide to go there. You walk past the playground drinking the booze and head towards the public bathrooms. When you get there you smell the familiar odor of pot smoke coming from the mens room. You decide to head in and see what's going on. You find me in there smoking a joint. Bold little thing you are. You walk up and introduce yourself. (you pick age and outfit.) My reply: Hmm. Okay, 70 wearing nothing but grannie panties and a smile. Let's go big boy! Oddly enough, no reply. Damn. I thought it was hot! LMAOOOOO
Some Amazing Ideas And Recommendations To Produce Your Bridal Celebration Best
One of your responsibilities like a bride would be to gown your bridal party. Dressok This may be a tad challenging in the occasion you are preparing a fall wedding party with its extra robust hues. First, not all of your good friends will glance superior in specific fall colors. 2nd you will need to use numerous flowers and extra flattering models if colour does not flatter the figure or silhouette. wedding dresses You also desire to ensure that the flower woman and ring bearer glance as adorable as possible. nicely don't fret there is space for resourcefulness and to produce your bridal celebration appears its best. right here are some amazing ideas and recommendations to support you obtain started. Fall suggests numerous issues to numerous folks based on exactly where they reside inside the United States and elsewhere. Junior Bridesmaid Dresses This is really a amazing boon due to the fact it offers you extra choices to function with. on this write-up we will function with two typi
Some Amazing Ideas And Recommendations To Produce Your Bridal Celebration Best
One of your responsibilities like a bride would be to gown your bridal party. Dressok This may be a tad challenging in the occasion you are preparing a fall wedding party with its extra robust hues. First, not all of your good friends will glance superior in specific fall colors. 2nd you will need to use numerous flowers and extra flattering models if colour does not flatter the figure or silhouette. wedding dresses You also desire to ensure that the flower woman and ring bearer glance as adorable as possible. nicely don't fret there is space for resourcefulness and to produce your bridal celebration appears its best. right here are some amazing ideas and recommendations to support you obtain started. Fall suggests numerous issues to numerous folks based on exactly where they reside inside the United States and elsewhere. Junior Bridesmaid Dresses This is really a amazing boon due to the fact it offers you extra choices to function with. on this write-up we will function with two typi
Something I Wrote
There are many soldiers, stationed all around the world, putting their lifes in danger, to keep everyone they care about safe. Out of all the soldiers, there is 1 that holds my heart, for the dawn of time. Its his as long as he wants it. All he has 2 do is take it. This soldier is a special man, who i care about alot, he holds my heart but doesnt know, i wish i wasnt scared to say so. This soldier has a name, that when is said i melt away, he may be hundreds 2 thousands of miles away. But if i have 2 wait to have him, then ill wait as long as i have to. This special soldier holds my heart, for the dawn of time
Some Recommendations For Deciding On Stylish Prom Gowns
It seriously is every and each girl's fantasy for being inside a amazing prom wedding dresses on the organization of her spouse about the prom evening party. It might be of awesome satisfaction for being endorsed since the prom queen. to produce your prom occasion great, there are a quantity of factors that hassle your interest. The primary and in addition probably the most crucial place to obtain prepared for the prom would be the prom gowns shopping. Dressok awesome price since it will consider detailed concern ought for being compensated on it. right here are some recommendations for deciding on stylish prom gowns. 1. awesome colours are hot. Black gowns have previously been driven out from the stage. Cheap Plus Size Wedding Dresses The bold colored prom attire will certainly enable that you leap out inside a sea of black. Cheap Wedding Party Dresses From exceptional blue to powerful red, a brightly colored prom outfit will aid to produce your evening shine. There is surely a colou
Some Recommendations For Deciding On Stylish Prom Gowns
It seriously is every and each girl's fantasy for being inside a amazing prom wedding dresses on the organization of her spouse about the prom evening party. It might be of awesome satisfaction for being endorsed since the prom queen. to produce your prom occasion great, there are a quantity of factors that hassle your interest. The primary and in addition probably the most crucial place to obtain prepared for the prom would be the prom gowns shopping. Dressok awesome price since it will consider detailed concern ought for being compensated on it. right here are some recommendations for deciding on stylish prom gowns. 1. awesome colours are hot. Black gowns have previously been driven out from the stage. Cheap Plus Size Wedding Dresses The bold colored prom attire will certainly enable that you leap out inside a sea of black. Cheap Wedding Party Dresses From exceptional blue to powerful red, a brightly colored prom outfit will aid to produce your evening shine. There is surely a colou
Some People Have Alot Of Nerve Ok Yall Want The Asshole Back Heres The Ashole
Im not old Im not new I am Me The Gambler No one aka Its not Importaint: I am just me No more No Less Ask me what you Will and I will answer With the best Of My Knowledge.But Know this that I am owner of No One And no one owns me either on the net or in real life...  This is not  aimed  at my friends  or fubar  in genereal its a wrning to those whom are fake,dramakings or queens that are looking for points blings and other fu glory no matter what it it takes to get it, and all those haters and  down raters that attack me in general and dont have the balls or ass to confront me personly so in general This Is for all the Weak Ass Posers out there that think they Know me and Want all that Weak ass Mushy shit. Take your Fake Ass some Place else... I am not a point hoe im here for friends so i add who i want and rate who i will so please dont ask or beg, I am not here to give blings randomly or to rate you to the next level so you can have fu glory,hell ive worked for everything i got i
Some Things....
Ya know, sometimes I just wish I had all of the answers.  Seems here as of late, I can't seem to find a decent female that wants a dececent guy.  Most would say that I'm looking in the wrong places, while some of that might be true, I don't get why we still have to have the high school mentality.  By that I mean why does a female's friends, and everyone around her have to approve of how a guy looks before she will accept him?  I mean comeon, I thought we'd grown up, and gotten over the pitty high school bullshit.  Look I know I'm not a decent looking, or good looking guy, but I have a lot to offer a female.  I have tried and tried, and tired, and all I find is people slamming doors in my face.  I have a lot of redeeming qualities, and there are physical things that I am working on, but ya know it'd be nice to have someone want me for me, and want to keep me around, and want to go do things with me, but no, I can't even find that.  Hell all I seem to find are the females with 3+ kids, s
"some Experts Fear A Substance Oozing Out Of Siberia's Frozen Surfaces Will Soon Redefine The Climate Fight"
Something New To Tell
I know I haven't blogged for a long time..but I thought it would time to share. For the longest time I've wanted to go and see other things..other places within the US and other countries. This might come to a shock to some..a surprise to others..but Things do change in our lives. You see, in May 2011, Eric and I will be moving to Ossineke, Michigan on Lake Huron. Yes I'll be further away from family and friends, but this is something that both Eric and I agree on doing. He has family back there and we'll be taking over his grandparents house which sits right on Lake Huron. Also employment there is alot better then here in Washington and it's alot cheaper.   I will miss everyone that I have come to befriend and get to know, but sometimes you have to make changes and this one will be my last move!!  I have spoken already to my parents, my son and sister about me moving and the all understand why even though we'll all be further away from each other. I've decided to let Ethan stay
· Someone Thinks You Are Fake
I just came back to the site to check on things and that title of this blog is what i seen. Amazing..everything else that is done on this site is connected to a name but that option allows the person to hide in fear..Well whomever that person was that thinks I am a fake must be looking in the mirror because i have gone thru way too much in my lifetime to not be real.   SO AN OPEN CHALLENGE TO THE ONE WHOM THINKS I AM FAKE: GO TO: NEWBIENUDES.COM AND LOOK UP PHOTOS BY KISSINGCUTIE1180 HOW ABOUT CHECKING THE PROFILE FOR SIMPLYSEXY1180@YAHOO.COM   GRAB YOURSELF A SET OF KAHOONAS & COME OUT OF HIDING BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE! I AM REAL & THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING ARTIFICIAL ABOUT ME..PERHAPS YOU WANT TO COME MEET ME AT ST LUKES HOSPITAL IN BETHLEHEM , PA NEXT TUESDAY IN THE LOBBY AT 10 AM AND TELL ME THAT I AM A FAKE! MAYBE YOU WANT TO PUT YOUR FINGER INTO MY INCISIONS AND TELL ME THAT I AM FAKE! AND GUESS WHAT "SOMEONE WHO THINKS I AM FAKE" AFTER I ALLOW YOU TO DO THAT THEN
Sometimes These Are So True They're Scary
You are The Lovers Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse. The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made. Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it
Some Things Should Never Happen....
It's been 16 years last Saturday since my daughter, Daisha, died. And while the hurt is less intense with time... it still hurts none the less. I still miss her dark blue eyes, her laugh and her mischievous smile. I miss how happy she was every morning and how she loved to snuggle. And I miss the things she should have gotten a chance to do and become but never got the chance to.   Children are not suppose to die... It's the natural order of things for children to out live their parents and and violation of everything that is right in this world for a parent to have to bury their child. There is no pain that compares to that loss..   The bond a mother has with her child is a life long one. While I can only speak from a mother's point of view...I'm sure that it is true for the bond that a father feels too. It's a bond that cannot be broken by death...and the despair caused by the loss of a child is overwhelming and consuming. . Linda Riley wrote in her book that grieving parents mu
you are the one fate chose, the one found dead in the snowsometimes i find it so hard to understand why you had to gobut sometimes i feel like it should of been mesometimes my heart screams "how could this be?"sometimes i feel like it was all a part of some jumbled up dreamssometimes i just know i will wake up and it won't be as it seemssometimes i can hear your voice in my headtelling me i'm the one who is really deadsometimes 
sometimes the one with the biggest smile is hurting the mostsometimes, she thinks it'd be better to be a ghostit takes so much of her energy to do this day after daywhen did she become this?  for her there is no other waythe pain, sometimes is so greatsometimes she wishes she'd just meet her fateit is so dark inside her mind... sometimes
Some Tips For Rolex Replicated Watches
  Adjusting screws on a Rolex Replicated watches's movement can be tricky. A Rolex watch runs plus or minus five seconds per day, and some owners like to adjust the rates of their watches for maximum precision. Calibrations to time can be made by owners using the crown, but calibrations to the watch's rate must be made with a microstella wrench. The process can be done by professional watchmakers, but you can take matters into your own hands if you are brave. Another method involves keeping the watch still overnight to alter the "Rolex Oyster Perpetual" movement calibration, although this method is less precise. Remove the bracelet Rolex Replicated watches. Put the watch head in the casevise, with the caseback facing up. Secure the watch head in the casevise by tightening all the casevise screws. Match the notches on the back of your watch head with the notches in the Jaxa wrench. Turn  the Jaxa wrench to the left until the caseback comes loose. Remove the caseback, and locate the
Something Someone Wrote For Me
                                                                      I wanna know I wanna know, The biggest lie you've ever told, Your deepest fear of growin old! I wanna know, The lonelist night you've ever spent, The angriest letter you've ever sent! I wanna know, The one you swore you'd never leave, The last one you kissed on new year's eve! I wanna know, The sweetest dream you had last night, Your darkest hour, your hardest fight! I wanna know, The sadest song you've ever heard, The most you've said with just one word! I wanna know, The loneliest prayer you've ever prayed, the truest vow you've ever made! I wanna know, All these things I wanna know, Just so I know how to let my feeling's show!
Some Kind Of Intro
I have wrote some fiction before, and this is not. No one can fully explain the turn their lives takes, and would never make such a claim. I do not claim to be psychic. Photo-hypersensative is the word for it. What I see both in the real world and in dreams shows a slight hint into the future, both the changable and the unchangable. It doesn't help me or anyone else all that much unless we figure out the difference between the two. It's not easy. At age 5, I had a dream that I was living on a farm. All the farm animals were going crazy. The room started spinning around, and in the center of the room was the smallest of three roosters contolling the speed of the spinning room. I could tell this even at that age because once that rooster left the room, the spinning stopped. Three years later when my mother got remarried, I did move to a farm. Life was crazy there for more reasons than one. The real insanity that the dream was talking about did not stop until the youngest of my stepbrot
Some Days It Just Doesn't Pay To Get Out Of Bed
So as of today ~ he seems to have it all under control ~ I thought this trip home was fantastic..that is until I found the thumb drive ..complete with at least 100 pictures of wonder he spends so much time watching that stupid show ~ she's blonde, six foot five inches tall, boob job, blue eyes and stick you can see I am none of those things ~ along with her pictures..were tons of pictures of naked or as close as you can get to being naked ..sprawled out all over the semi's he seems to be so in love with...for a split second I thought I was in love again...16 years ...and not until 2006 did he make me feel like less then a woman..and even then I knew it wasn't the end of all this ~ he's just managed to hide it better..that is until this weekend..when I found his 'stash' ~ no wonder he never sleeps with me...or cuddles or for that matter kisses me...the hugs are the same you get when you're saying hello to an old friend you've not seen in ages...he tells me I'm beaut
Something To Be Said About Bbws And Thick Women...
(reposting this because it needed to be) if you reject them based solely on that, you are missing so much, not only in terms of your own personal character but also the possibility of meeting someone who can either make you happy or be a great friend. If you like women with big breasts, then this is a natural in most cases. While I love women as a whole in general, I am attracted more to women who have something on them. Weight (as well as race, etc, etc) should never be a factor in how you interact with them or feel about them. Everyone (for the most part with exception) has a heart, a soul, a spirit that needs to be nurtured and appreciated and excluding a whole bunch of people because of weight issues is completely and utterly ludicrous and needs to be ceased. So next time you see anyone, show them some love and not some ridicule. People are love everyone because life is precious. And also as I would say, always think pink. Thank you.
Something A Friend Just Pointed Out To Me .
Can this be why there are no levels above (45) ??
Something That Was Pointed Out To Me Recently!!! Something That Makes You Go Hmmmmmmmmmm!!
Can this be why there are no levels above (45) ?? Check it out and decide for yourself!! Maybe in time, they'll get it right!
Someone Post A Mumm
I am in the mood to mumm and they are kinda deadish so one of you shits post a mumm :) heck, I will give you the 5 grand
Sometimes I Think;)
Sometimes what we care about the most gets used up or goes away, never to return. Sometimes we never get to say goodbye or I love you! Life is short and precious. Suppose 1 day you never woke up... Do your friends and family know you love them? Let everyone know how you feel even if you don't think they love you back. It's amazing what 3 little words can do. Just in case I am called home, I just wanted you to know... I LOVE YOU!!! Live everyday to the fullest and forgive those who are wrong Because tomorrow is never promised. We got 1 shot in life, Don't let pride or anger ruin your chance of happiness!!! ♥Much Love♥ ~Jodi~
Someone Really Cares
Someone really cares for you Someone wishes you were here Instead you're so far away while I'm alone right here You're in my thoughts You’re in my heart You’re even in my dreams The only place I don't find you is in my arms cuddled next to me So if you wake deep in the night to a voice whispering in your ear listen close to the spoken words for the words they come from me If you feel a gentle breeze brush cool across your lips Just know that I am there with you Know that someone really cares.
Some Fun Bling Info..who's Sending What??!
Well friends how are we?...good good. Ok here's something informative that I promised some time ago, it's a fubar link (in site nothing that shows anyone's sent bling, and who and when they sent it to! Why is this useful you say? Well say for example you want to polish bling..or..are interested in someone and you wanna see what they are up to. Say if you have a friend that for some reason you wanna see what's up. Have a friend interested in a friend? Because yanno, apparently who blings who with what says alot in these parts. It's such a crazy issue around here I swear. So, here's the link below: out parenthesis and insert desired user # here)&sent=1 It's quick and easy and leads to some funny stuff and amazing discoveries I tell ya and sure beats chasing crap down all over the site. More to come in the future noooo doubt! Have a great weekend !...peace.
Some Things And Some Other Things
New blog post!
Some Of My Poetry.
   Dreams come true? In my long lonely nights I dream I fill my dreams with fantasies of a love that's true In dreamscape I search for a dream  A love that comes to very few Morning comes and apprehensively I wake Forced to face the day, continuing to live Ironically thinking that to live is to hope Hope for a love with as much as I have to give Then feeling as if all hope is gone When my dreams feel like they are unattainable goals Disillusionment visits me with vengeful brilliacne As each lover leaves and devours pieces of my soul Yet I continue forwardPushing open new doors Searching still Wanting more Til I find my dream my one true love With in whoms eye's shall see A bright new furture Where I was always ment to be
Sometimes You Need To Vent
I want to give someone my money right now and let her know that it means nothing to me. I want to hold someone right now and let her know she has someone that loves her. I want to kiss someone right now and let her know she is the only thing i need in this world to be happy. I want to cry for someone right now and let her know I am a real man and I would do anything for her. I want to stand in front of someone right now and let her know I would die for her. I want to cuddle with someone right now and let her know I am content with just being with her. I want to drop everything I an doing right now and go to someone and let her know she is my first and only priority. I want to donate all my free time to someone and let her know how much she means to me. I want to cross the seven seas to find the perfect diamond for someone and let her know that without her it's just a diamond. I want to waste all my energy pleasing someone and let her know it was my pleasure.
I am never really a good choice. I always find something wrong. Or I make something wrong. I'm so good at this that for a long while I never knew it. I see all the people from my past in all the people that I meet in the present, mostly. A few exceptions. Generalizing is not always a good thing. is one of my finer points. Hah.I recently found out that my ex fiance is engaged to be married. Again. I used to call his penis dinky. I don't know why. Maybe because it was completely inappropriate and I just wanted to push the boundaries of everything. I recently found out that he still complains about me alot. Like "ashely never did this, ashely always used to do this." ish. Recent recent. Initially I felt very bad for this girl. And then I looked her up on fb and I started reading all these things that I used to say and feel. So I guess I felt happy for her. And him. Its like a new version of me. But. Not. I found it weird that my ex used to talk so much shit about large w
Something Ridiculous And Maybe Something A Little Shady ...
Hey kids..let's keep this simple here ready set go now!!!... Default: Real Salute: I don't have to say much here do I?...also in a totally unrelated issue, word of mouth has it then we have a constant green/teal dude out there that runs God Modes & is on Fubar 24/7 but is "homeless" and "can't pay his phone bill" and is always "looking for cash & places to live",is on "Fu from the Car" and preys on the generosity and naiveness of women here. Word has it that the amount has now about hit double digits. If you or anyone you know has been affected by this please send your information to me in a PM PLEASE and it will be added to the pile. Soon enough everyone will find out, just a matter of time and putting it together. Remember, always be leery of someone looking for cash when they seem to sure have enough time and ability bling to run. Or anywhere for that matter. Have a good night, stay warm, and peace....
"somewhere Into The Night "
Somewhere into the night where the cool breeze hits your charming face I can hear you call to give you a warm embrace... Somewhere into the night with the stars up high above I can see us together beginning to fall in love... Then it became day with you still by my side and that's when I asked the question will you please be my guide ? And later on, back together and deeper into the night with all things left unseen could you ever imagine it ever being Just "YOU & I "
" Someone To Be Found "
It seemed like everytime that I turned to find a friend noone was there to be found. I was lost & deserted from all around until one day it suprised me and there I met you... The next thing I realized was my life began to get brigther as I noticed our friendship grew that much tighter, now I'm glad that our friendship is very close as close as possibly can be... I'm glad that I found you and that you accepted me and I pray that we'll stay friends for "ETERNITY"
Some Wrong With Me
I am really starting to think there is something wrong with me. . . It seems like the only guys I can attract attention from anymore are either married or a lot older then me.For once I would like a single guy to come along and maybe even hit it off with him. No, I'm not talking about getting into a relationship, but hitting it off just enough to where we can maybe make getting together for some fun a regular thing. You can't do that with married people, and as for the lot older guys that is just a turn off for me.Grrr, I think I should go back to the whole idea of not needing the touch of a guy.
Time are changeing people change and thing are not so clear. echoed cries distroyed live just wanna disappear i dont know whats worth fighting for or if i have the right Cause its been this way too long...    
Something To Remember!!!
While you SCREAM at your woman, there's a man whispering softly into her ear. While you HUMILIATE, OFFEND and INSULT her, there's a man flirting with her & reminding her how wonderful she is. While you HURT your woman, there's a man that makes her feel better. While you make your women CRY there's a man stealing smiles from her.   While many may not believe that statement.  It is true  .... just remember this when you are screaming and she is leaving ... but here is the most ponient part ... it can be reversed!!!
PeaceHow y'all feel out thereThat's coolAlrightYou know, sometimes I wanna rapSometimes I wanna sing, you know what I meanSometimes all it calls for is a nice mellow grooveHit of rimshot, you knowJust get, you know, get you openBut I wanna do a piece for y'all tonight, it's called sometimesAlright, so check it outSometimes a stranger can be your best friendSometimes being angry is the best moodSometimes seeing you feel good makes me feel even betterSometimes hunger is the best foodSometimes good just ain't good enoughAnd other times evil will get you evenSometimes faith is not knowing any betterSometimes nothing is what you believe inWoahSometimes I don't even want a hitSometimes you fail tryingAnd sometimes happiness hurts worseSometimes people live dyingSometimes it's the last person that makes you firstSometimes you'll keep what you don't wantAnd other times you'll give away what you really needSometimes a rich man won't have a dollarAnd all a poor man has is greedWoahSometimesSomet
The 38 ( Somewhat Personal / Intimate ) Confessions U Guys Asked For =)
1 ) i litterally cant function withour music. i even sleep with my ipod on 2) im addicted to facebook . i cant go a day without it - yep im serious 3) i have borderline personality disorder - its NOT multiple personalitys. 4) i also suffer form severe deperessive and anxiety disorder - the hospital used to be my 2nd home -no joke 5) i am STILL in love with the backstreet boys 6) Drake  ( the rapper and jimmy from degrassi ) got me through  a fucked up break up / miscairage 7) i cant have kids for the next 2 1/2 years - if i dont get another round of implanon - 8) im not even sure if i want kids anymore 9) im spiritual..NOT religious. i believe in god, i pray, but i wont step foot in a church unless im getting amrred or its someones funreal. it amkesme feel fake after me hospitalizations 10 ) i ussed to be highly obsessed with  eric roberts and kenny chesney - i still like both iof em, but is more controlled now haha 11 ) i have successfully written 44 songs and a copious amou
Something I Noticed On Fubar
Ok 1st off I have a few friends are here that are great. However, this is supposed to be an online bar. How is when I go to a real bar I see real people that will talk to others. It seems like that you have to act like whore or be a gangster to make new friends on here. Hell there is lounge on here that I have real life friends that DJ and Greet for them. I go into the lounge and get fucking ignored. I ask for a song that is METAL, and I get shot down. I guess I'm not in the click. Hell they need DJ's, I am an experianced DJ and I was going to try out for the job. After tonight fuck that. This place is like pissing contest most the time. I'm staying cause of my real friends.   Maybe cause I'm not on here to pick up a chick or something is why I don't get talked to. Might just be me.
Sometimes, Defying Archetypal Tradition
  Sometimes, defying archetypal tradition, it is accessible to actualize archetypal things. This is absolutely the case with the Zenith Defy Archetypal watch_Zenith Defy Classic Chrono Aero_replica Zenith watches accumulating – afloat from archetypal standards, the aggregation created archetypal timepieces in a fresh faculty of the word. Though the Zenith Defy  Archetypal timepieces accept a accelerating bezel and appear with a elastic strap, they are still actual affected in a adventurous way. Creating the timepieces, the watchmakers of the aggregation provided for the best acute altitude beneath which the replica watches can be used. Searching for the way to advance the attrition of the Zenith Defy Classic, the top advisers of the aggregation created a different material, called Zenithium. This acutely aggressive and superlight admixture abundantly bigger the backdrop of the watch. Thanks to this actual and the anti-shock device, accepted beneath the name of “Incabloc&r
Some Of My Favorite Pages From Grim Tales
some of my favorite pages from GRIM TALES. Read the rest of the comics at Snafu-Comics
Something I Wrote For My Ex's 4yr Old Grand Daughter
a little girl runs to her gramma and tells her " grampa burned his hand in the kitchen"  so naunie and her grand daughter rush tothe kitchen to see if grampa is ok.  they see grampa cooking  with a cold towel wrapped around his arm like it is the most natual thing to do.   later the lil girl asked her grampa " grampa why didnt you cry or anyting when you burned yourself?" he hugged his grand daughter and softly told her " i am a cook, i am differant than normal people. when i cook i dont think about anyting but making good food for you and your naunie.' some people say that a cook has oil for blood and that they use eggs to comb their hair. we clean our fingers with french fries and we shave with our kitchen knives. we work hard to take care of our family and we love our families forever no matter what. so if you ever marry a cook remember he sometimes burns himself but he will always do his best to ake everyone happy no matter what the cost to himself. 
It feels good to sing to the top of your lungs whether you are good or not!!!! I feel fucking fabulous!!!!!!!!!!
Some Possible Protection From Falout
Some Reasons
Some Reasons   Sunsets, flowers, birds, trees. The warmth of the sun. A cool summers breeze.   Smells of spring and the colours of Fall. The chill of winter. Hearing loons call.   Smiles of children,dogs wigging tails. Walks in the park, On long winding trails.   Tastes of fresh popcorn, french fries and dogs. Heat of a fireplace. The smell of pine logs.   I could go on and make a hugs list. But for so many of us left here. You'd be greatly missed.   These are some reasons that you should stay Keep on with living It gets better someday.
Some Ideas Which Will Assure Your Prom Night Is Memorable
There's no doubt that prom night is one of the most unique nights within your life, and one that you'll remember for many years to come. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses Arguably, prom night is even larger than homecoming or your quinceanera. Cheap Casual Wedding Dresses right here are some ideas which will assure your prom night is memorable - for all of the best suited reasons! Preparation is Key There are so lots of factors to prom night that it's uncomplicated to overlook some thing important. wedding dresses It's most excellent to begin having a record which has every little thing you must do, Cheap Simple Wedding Dresses and point verify things away when you go along. Shopping for Prom Dresses It's vital to begin purchasing for prom garments early. Remember that the formal eveningwear can consider as a good deal as eight several weeks to arrive,Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses so begin searching for prom style nicely prior to then. When thinking about your choices, discover a de
Some Ideas Which Will Assure Your Prom Night Is Memorable
There's no doubt that prom night is one of the most unique nights within your life, and one that you'll remember for many years to come. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses Arguably, prom night is even larger than homecoming or your quinceanera. Cheap Casual Wedding Dresses right here are some ideas which will assure your prom night is memorable - for all of the best suited reasons! Preparation is Key There are so lots of factors to prom night that it's uncomplicated to overlook some thing important. wedding dresses It's most excellent to begin having a record which has every little thing you must do, Cheap Simple Wedding Dresses and point verify things away when you go along. Shopping for Prom Dresses It's vital to begin purchasing for prom garments early. Remember that the formal eveningwear can consider as a good deal as eight several weeks to arrive,Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses so begin searching for prom style nicely prior to then. When thinking about your choices, discover a de
Some Factors Help You Choosing Your Wonderful Wedding Gown
The way you show up to loved ones and buddies on one of the most necessary times of your life is generally a considerable choice to make. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses even though the veil, good pair of shoes, as properly as other sparkling components can magically decorate a wedding ensemble, it may be the bridal gown that truly attracts one of the most consideration on this unique occasion. this can be why fantastic treatment ought to be used to pick this once-in-a-lifetime garment which will be shared using the sleep in the world, Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses and specially an eager husband-to-be. When it comes to choosing a wedding gown, do you realize that this selection ought to be created no much less than four to six weeks prior to the eventful day? Cheap wedding dresses this can be simply because a wedding gown is most generally shipped for the bride after which undergoes a sequence of fittings and refitting, if needed. Ordering a bridal gown can be an necessary component
Some Factors Help You Choosing Your Wonderful Wedding Gown
The way you show up to loved ones and buddies on one of the most necessary times of your life is generally a considerable choice to make. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses even though the veil, good pair of shoes, as properly as other sparkling components can magically decorate a wedding ensemble, it may be the bridal gown that truly attracts one of the most consideration on this unique occasion. this can be why fantastic treatment ought to be used to pick this once-in-a-lifetime garment which will be shared using the sleep in the world, Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses and specially an eager husband-to-be. When it comes to choosing a wedding gown, do you realize that this selection ought to be created no much less than four to six weeks prior to the eventful day? Cheap wedding dresses this can be simply because a wedding gown is most generally shipped for the bride after which undergoes a sequence of fittings and refitting, if needed. Ordering a bridal gown can be an necessary component
Somethings I Have Been Thinking About These Past Few Months,,,   If  you  want to  know... Go there.. If not.. I don't care.
Sometimes sometimes i wish i could just end it all. why bother living anymore when u have no one to love.or to love u back to share what u feel deep in ur love that fades each time ur rejected from which u thought loved u back . a feeling that u think ur heart with always have an empty spot no matter how u try to fill it like something was ripped away from u hurt to feel the person in ur arms in lonely nights such as this . u cry out loud in ur head knowing that u could never feel the warmth the touch u long to have thou u know u will only have that in ur dreams . a fake feeling u wish u could have besides the feeling in ur dreams that u know nothing will ever hurt u . to know that everything will be alright. a death in sleep would be bliss if u didn't awake knowing that no one is lying next to u when u wake . 
Something About The Custom Dresses For Mothers Of The Bride
What is generally a tradition? The dictionary tells us that it is definitely an inherited pattern of believed or action; a custom. Cheap Plus Size Wedding Dresses The term arrives from an older Latin verb that suggests "to hand over, deliver, entrust." Traditions connect individual beings to their ancestors and offer guidance and protection to long term generations. Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses one of the oldest and most sacred traditions in individual background is marriage. Marriage is definitely an institution that dates back a big number of years. Sociologists and anthropologists have countless theories concerning its origins, however the reality is the simple fact that the customized predates recorded history. The result, however, has continually been the same-a bride and groom are joined into a interpersonal union that may perhaps also have legitimate ramifications. The principles and rituals differ significantly from spot to place. The watershed moment in time inside the bac
Something About The Custom Dresses For Mothers Of The Bride
What is generally a tradition? The dictionary tells us that it is definitely an inherited pattern of believed or action; a custom. Cheap Plus Size Wedding Dresses The term arrives from an older Latin verb that suggests "to hand over, deliver, entrust." Traditions connect individual beings to their ancestors and offer guidance and protection to long term generations. Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses one of the oldest and most sacred traditions in individual background is marriage. Marriage is definitely an institution that dates back a big number of years. Sociologists and anthropologists have countless theories concerning its origins, however the reality is the simple fact that the customized predates recorded history. The result, however, has continually been the same-a bride and groom are joined into a interpersonal union that may perhaps also have legitimate ramifications. The principles and rituals differ significantly from spot to place. The watershed moment in time inside the bac
Some Informations On Wedding Flowers And Wedding Decorations To Help You
Bouquets Your bridal bouquet can appear about owning the position of much of the principal detail owning the position of your wedding dress. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses appear about daring! Our florist says, "Most people avail your self of monochromatic shades even though matching flowers to dresses, however the opposite shade around the coloring steering wheel much better complements the dress. Wholesale wedding dress Afterward, avail yourself of flower accents using the purpose of complement the attire coloring to genuinely possess the bouquet burst with color." Our authority as well recommends, "Make particular to inquire about what is revolutionary and trendy." What is trendy on the moment? eco-friendly is nonetheless incredibly trendy, Cheap Casual Wedding Dresses but correct now requires center phase being a substitute of the sustaining part of other colors. Pale sorbet shades are moreover generating a comeback. Pinks rebuff lengthier dominate the landscape, but are relocati
Some Informations On Wedding Flowers And Wedding Decorations To Help You
Bouquets Your bridal bouquet can appear about owning the position of much of the principal detail owning the position of your wedding dress. Cheap Maternity Wedding Dresses appear about daring! Our florist says, "Most people avail your self of monochromatic shades even though matching flowers to dresses, however the opposite shade around the coloring steering wheel much better complements the dress. Wholesale wedding dress Afterward, avail yourself of flower accents using the purpose of complement the attire coloring to genuinely possess the bouquet burst with color." Our authority as well recommends, "Make particular to inquire about what is revolutionary and trendy." What is trendy on the moment? eco-friendly is nonetheless incredibly trendy, Cheap Casual Wedding Dresses but correct now requires center phase being a substitute of the sustaining part of other colors. Pale sorbet shades are moreover generating a comeback. Pinks rebuff lengthier dominate the landscape, but are relocati
Something To Smile About
So my son's best friend for life is finally out of the army.  Less worry on those who love him.  He had a very close call in Iraq and we are all so very thankful he is home for good now!  The best news is he is moving into the townhouse right behind me!  I have my #2 son back and close!  We are very excited about it!   This weekend is Blake and Khloe weekend.  Those two have my heart.  :)  The lil Princess is now established in her walking and jabbers constantly.  She says 1-3 word sentences, but rattles off a bunch of jibberish often and it's hilarious.  Her lil personality is growing daily.  lol   Blakie pooh is playing soccer now!  It's great for his lungs.  When I look at him and see the difference a year has made my heart swells.  This time last year we were seriously scared he wouldn't be with us much longer.  I am so blessed with these two lil miracles who are my grandchildren.  :)
Sometime Between 01/30/06 - 12/13/09
Chris and I have discussed FemDom, cuckolding and various other aspects of the BDSM lifestyle and she has shown a great interest in Dominating and cuckolding me only she has no experience in it and only knows what she has watched in videos online and what I have shared with her about it. I've suggested numerous times that she read up all that she can about it online but she claims that she can't sit at the computer and read for that long and if I were to print anything out for her it would feel too much like she were reading a worksheet so that only leaves me with one option, actual bound books but even then if it doesn't grasp her attention it's not likely that she'll finish it. I wish I could find someone that would be willing to mentor her and help her hone her Cuckoldrix skills. Someone that perhaps would be willing to discuss chapters of the books to help her keep her interest and have a true grasp of what it is that she is reading. I know she is truly interested in this but if
Some Essentials That You'll Desire To Include In Your Quinceanera Party
A youthful girl will remember her Quinceanera celebration forever. buddies and loved ones will all desire to support to create the day unforgettable, Cheap Special Occasion Dresses but exactly where ought to you start? right here are some essentials that you'll desire to consist of in your Quinceanera party. Do as much or as little when you are secure with. Remember, your day is meant for being personal. Select a day earlier When your daughter turns 14, it's time to search into reserving a place for the celebration. Wholesale wedding dress It may possibly appear a little bit early, but don't overlook that brides along with other festivities may possibly currently have booked your desire location. To stay obvious of disappointment,Cheap wedding dresses established the day and venue early. The spending budget Set your spending budget prior to you do something else. should you have limitless funds, of course, you can skip this step. But for your typical family, you'll desire to sit lowe
Some Essentials That You'll Desire To Include In Your Quinceanera Party
A youthful girl will remember her Quinceanera celebration forever. buddies and loved ones will all desire to support to create the day unforgettable, Cheap Special Occasion Dresses but exactly where ought to you start? right here are some essentials that you'll desire to consist of in your Quinceanera party. Do as much or as little when you are secure with. Remember, your day is meant for being personal. Select a day earlier When your daughter turns 14, it's time to search into reserving a place for the celebration. Wholesale wedding dress It may possibly appear a little bit early, but don't overlook that brides along with other festivities may possibly currently have booked your desire location. To stay obvious of disappointment,Cheap wedding dresses established the day and venue early. The spending budget Set your spending budget prior to you do something else. should you have limitless funds, of course, you can skip this step. But for your typical family, you'll desire to sit lowe

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