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So Much
So much pain I set aside, So many rules I must abide, So how do i distinguish the line of a girlfriend, As apposed to that of a bride, I wouldn't want to stray to far, because i've never been touched before, but we both know I can't stay still, so I run around some more, Could I loose her, have I already, My god am I too late, was I a fool or just being played, sometimes I believe its fate, peeking over my shoulder slapping my hand, whenever I try to reach, Destined to be "in the land of laughter", stuck on my own one man beach, Other couples walking slow, pointing as they whisper by, Saying he'll never be able to love just one, but I know that's a lie, I strive to be the best, that is the best I can, Play my cards listen to my heart, but i'm the first high maintenance man, I need someone to tell my problems, we laugh and they go away, I need you near at 5 am, when I have something sweet to say, Am I asking too much of you?, My dream girl my everything, one whose presence melts this st
[so Much For That Idea]
I had every intention to go outside and smoke, perhaps have that last bit of cognac swirling in the bottle. But alas, it is raining, and we're holding fast on that "no smoking inside" rule. La Chica gave me her number and personal email. I guess she's scoping a bigger and better job.I sent her my resume and told her to look it over as a reference point and send me hers if she wanted it editted. It hasn't really hit me yet. But man I'm gonna miss her. I had drinks with the christian and her roommate for cinco. I think I wouldn't be conceded in thinking that roommate's digging on me. We have a good biplay. Not that I'm taking any of that seriously any more. Not that I'm taking anything seriously anymore. Clover's okay. I need to flush her ears.Religiously. Then we talked spaying and treating her hematoma. I got out of there with minor damage to my wallet. I'm 90% sure the Royals lost tonight, last I checked it was ... 2 to 8. Yeah. Punched out early there. Punched out an ho
So Much Fun I'll Probably Get In Trouble For It..
So Misfit threatens me with a BBW salute... Ninji makes me one with the fattest slob she can find.. Jen pimps me out and I am left with this little gem.. This is a message and my replies from the whale that his my default pic.. Enjoy..   R U FUKING SERIOUSLY THAT FUKING RETARDED ? ITS MY FUKING PIC..GET THE FUK RID OF IT U MORON..HOW WOOD U LIKE ME STEELING PIX OF UR FUKIN MOM OR SUM SHIT...uve been reported..lighten up on that 1=== 'Dr Black' wrote the following at '2010-10-22 23:03:48'..>> LOL.. really? the person who made it for me gave it to me a couple of weeks ago.. seriously.. lighten up.. > > > === 'FluFFie N Daveys Still On Probation lol' wrote the following at '2010-10-22 23:02:48'..> >> > NO IT WASNT..THATS A BRAND NEW PIC OF ME JUS PUT UP....REPORTED> > === 'Dr Black' wrote the following at '2010-10-22 23:01:46'..> > >> > > I didn't steal it.. it was given to me..> > > > > > > > > === 'FluFFie N Daveys Still On Probation lol' wrote the following at '2010-10-22 23:01:14'..
So Much Interest
I can't get my mind off her nor do I want to at all. She's super sweet thoughtful smart and gorgeous. If I had a job and didn't owe so much money on school I would just go to her right now, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon unless someone helps me out. With that said I can't wait for summer and classes to be done with, but still I have a long way to go before college is done because after undergrad it's straight to grad school. Anyone want to help me pay off my school debt? I would be amazing if someone were to come along and just give me money just because they can. The things I could take care of with at least ten to twenty grand. But I'm all set today with my ranting and raving.
So Much Heaven Yet So Much Hell -- 172
This place that I dwell, it feels so much like hell. You even play with my head, and I hear voices of the dead. I can't hide my fear, will you want me near. Your love is so mild, bottled up inside wild. I'm inside fate, the emotion is hate. You have a chance, for the last dance. So much heaven yet so much hell, one day soon time will tell.
So Much Better
Having your cake, and eating it to. Well I wouldn't get the cake, if I didn't wanna eat it. Would you? My cake has one flavor, one layer, just one that's it. None of this several, or another, Won't have that shit. My focus is one one, not two or three. And that's how it has to be in return, for me. I'm worth it, I deserve it, won't settle for less. I am so much better, than second best.
So Much Pain
Trapped in the maddening grips of this pain is driving me insane. Knowing I caused you to hurt burns more than tears on open wounds. I turned into your December and forgot that you were my sunshine in June; I pray to see you soon your absence is killing me this emptiness is hollowing my heart and making me feel like a beautiful monster. In time I hope that you will believe that you have all of me and the coldness that I once showed you was not the real me that captured your precious love, it was merely a cult of the darker side of my personality, that I have rejected and released as I am surely becoming renewed through the blood of the lamb. Now all I have is dreams of what may come and dreading that maybe it’s all a dream or maybe it’s just a beautiful nightmare that I can’t be awakened from and if it is I pray I die dreaming of the joy that I once had in you. 
So Much Happens
Trains are my friend, unless fate decides to halt the trains, through landslides, fire and flood and then in that case, I get worried sick. I had to get a train to London last week; firstly I was heading to Tom Parker Bowles book launch for his stunning “recipes from my kitchen notebook” ‘Let’s Eat’. The good news is the train did get there and on the way I managed to tune into a relationship between a guy called Tim and woman called Freya and I basically tweeted the whole conversation, I imagine I broke the laws of privacy but it was fun and you can check it out on twitter under JaneyGodley #traintales.   I finally made it to the book launch, it was on the roof of Selfridges which was an absolute puzzle to find from inside the store, I kept walking in circles through the perfume counter and banging into women trowelling on makeup and irate customers pushing each other about . None of the sharply dressed staff seemed to know which lift took you up to the
So Much For Good News...
Well, after my last blog was posted shit went bad fast...his kids refused to get into the car with him when he met his ex. Their mother has basically painted a picture for them that if they stay with her it's going to be Disneyworld. We have decided to let them stay with her. He doesn't want to force them to come home and they resent him for it, nor do we have thousands of dollars to hire an attorney right now. They are both so brainwashed that they'd pretty much tell a judge anything at this point. We're both heartbroken, but we'll let them realize a few months from now to come home when their lives there aren't the pretty picture their mother has painted.
So Much Better In Dreams
It's so much better in dreamsThis escape from this nightmare realityIf only you could understandIt's not a displacement of my beingHow can people be so cruelAt such a young ageTheir maturity in their rage is beyond their years.To ponder it, the end result is tearsThere's no day I don't attempt to liveToday is perhaps the anomalyI know the pain the survivors will sufferBut it's time to end my suffering.They will weep and wonderWhere did I go wrong?It's that I chose to give upSalvation through dreaming was no longer enoughIf you ever feel the same,Come join me for a walk in heaven. 
So Much History
    Starry eyed and hopeful, innocent and sweet. She worshiped him with heart and soul. He made her feel complete. Yet lurking deep within him, Was evil, he could not control. It clutched at his inner core overtook his soul. His smiles turned to sneers, his love turned to contempt, then hate. Sadly, she wore rose-colored glasses, that sealed her fate. His eyes no longer mirrored, the love within hers, as once did be. There was murderous intent there, a need to set it free. One night as they walked beneath a haloed moon, along a sandy shore. The need for bloodshed rose within, he could not suppress it anymore. As her lips met his so eagerly, the blade within his hand moved fast. Life flashed before her eyes, the present and the past The tide rolled in and then it rolled out, Tumbling the glasses to and fro. Until they were found by a woman who yearned to be loved, more than anyone would ever know. And so they had a life again, camouflaging what did really
So Much To Do Today
Do not know what today holds, but horefully it will go okay. Need to go to my mom's with my daughter. Actually I don't understand why she can't go alone. I love my mom and I always will, but I was gonna take some laxative softeners and clear out my inners. I also have been drinking coffee and I have a small badder. It takes two bus rides over to her apartment and two back. Now it might be cheap taking the bus, but they don't have potties on them. I can hack it with no food or open container of drink allowed on the bus, but I need a pottie once in awhile. That damn humpty bumpty I feel while riding the buses just puts me on a rollercoaster!! Just as I thought before too, even if I am unable to do the dishes or don't really want to, no one else will do them. I experience the most wicked of pains doing the dishes with a sprained arm. Never knew what exactly a sprain was, but now I do and I don't like it one f-ing bit!! The good times and the bad times go hand in hand. I have tried to pre
So Much Has Changed!!
So for those who dont know, I got married in Nov 2012 and am now living in pretty Fort Smith, AR! So far loving my life:)
So Much Bumf To Read But What Exactly Is Being A Dominant All About?
I am sure many of you have trawled fubar and other parts of the net and come across terms like "Real Dominant", "True Dominant" and titles such as Master/Mistress X, Y and Z. But what do these terms and titles mean, and are they even valid? a word, no. These are [generally] made up terms and self appointed titles, usually used by people trying to prove something to others by using words rather than actions. Unfortunately it is commonplace on the internet, and in particular on Facebook Personally I do not make such claims. I call myself and my page 'Your Loving Dom' because I am quite simply a loving Dominant. I also describe myself as "an experienced Dominant". Why? Well quite simply because I have been engaged in bdsm and D/s activities for quite some time, and I have gained a reasonable amount of knowledge and experience in both. I say I am experienced because I am. I do not however profess to be an expert because I am not. I am still learning. And any D
Somewhere Somewhere there is someone for you and someone me. Somewhere there is someone alone like you and me. Somewhere there is a person getting the answer they have always needed. Somewhere there is a new life beginning . Somewhere there is a life being taken from someone , who is still looking for that answer. Somewhere someone is asking why?
So My Day
was starting out okay.... I got a call from my Mom telling me that my oldest Brother is in Cali. That is just Awesome. He is Home Safe from the War! Thank you God!! I can't stop crying. I'm so happy he is safe. I feel like I can breath now. He's been missed soooo much. So now all we gotta do is wait a week or so till he gets Home Home. In PA. They better not take to long cause I can't wait to see him and give him a big HUG. So after hearing that news I then hear a crash in the house. I turn and look and my oldest is climbing up my corner shelf (were she shouldn'e be) were I keep the few treasured nick-nacks and sentamental things I own. One being my porcelain Fiary Doll that holds much meaning to me. She looks at me and says, "Your Doll." "OMG" I'm thinking, "Please don't be broken!!" No such luck. BOTH legs broke off!!! Missing tiny pieces so even if I get her glued back together she will never be prefect again. I know it's just a material thing but she can't
So... My First Blog On Here
i got another tattoo today! and a reminder to myself... wrist tattoo's hurt worse than neck tattoo's .... ouch... but hey it looks awesome.... i tried a different artist this time... i think my normal artist would have done it better, but he was sick and told us jojo would do as good as he would... but i still prefer lenny over any other artist but oh well... jo jo did ok but for the tiara tat next month, i will make sure lenny is there to do it
So My Interesting Evening.
Lets just start off with it SUCKED. Anthony had to deal with bullshit, and im fed up with it all. I don't see why people are all out to attack us. Dumb motherfuckers. We'll let me just tell you, you fucked up, you messed with the wrong little bitch. I hope you value your job, and the few days you have left :) ♥ Just give me my stuff back. And everything will be alright ♥ And dont threaten you'll get me deleted from here, cause sunshine let me tell you, ive done nothing wrong, and they arent gonna delete me for logging in to my account and being attacked by a middleaged, motherfucker, who prays on young girls, because "no one" else understands them. ♥ ♥ Please rate this blog, my nights been bad enough. Dumbfucks.
So My Birthdays Coming....
Not just any Birthday but my 40th. Another Milestone. Until about 2 days ago I was not really looking forward to it. I mean, Damn where the Hell did 10 years go?!?!?!? I'm not Rich and Famous like I had Hoped; then again I sure no one is. I'm not gonna Retire early and move to some Tropical Island. Then it finally dawned on me, considering the Life Expectancey for Black Males in my Generation, which was 18-25 yrs. during the mid 80's early 90's, I'm Kicking Ass! I have the Great Wife in the World, I have a Daughter I only feel like killing sometimes, I'm in Good Health and I've got some truly Awesome Friends. So what the Hell, why be Depressed about it. I earn these years, so I'm gonna PARTY!!!! And everyone is Invited to join in. By now I sure you've seen the flood of announcements about my Stash being Updated, sorry about that but I found a couple of videos I had been looking for and then just went kinda Nuts!! So feel free to enjoy the videos and rate them; Hell even leave a
So My Friend Talked Me In To .......
So my friend talked me in to getting back on here and haveing fun, well g I dont know where to begin .I add my music ,a few pics and then I add one that will probly not stay because i am so shy,But any way if you all have any advice plez feel free to share.
So My Happiness Has Left Me
so i guess things really do end for the good ppl, idk if i'll ever get it back, i cared about him so much, i dont even know if he realized that and i dont even know if he even really cared about me, im so confused and hurting right now that im lost and think i'll always will be, i guess i was never meant to be happy im gonna miss him so much and dont know wat im gonna do w.out him
So My Car Completly Shit The Bed
it died more or won't go faster than 5 mph and it's only running on two what did i do about it? well i went and i bought a new car this is the car i just bought today now all i need is another
S/o My Ass
Hmmm.....I just love having my friends coming to me complaining about their bf/gf. Just the highlight of my day,NOT. They always tell me oh he/she not talking to me much anymore and i don't know what to do or i don't know what i done wrong. Well the 1st thing you done wrong was get a bf/gf that don't acknowledge that you even fucking exist. If your so called S/O makes you sit and wonder if your with them or not. Time to find you a new S/O. You shouldn't have to sit there and wonder if your taken or not. You should know.If your the only one in the relationship that seems to be doing all the work....fuck that shit....find a new S/O. Any type of relationship is 50/50. Even a friendship.If your the only one thats saying lovey dovey things and or post their pics on your page or leaving comments. HA............Stop doing that. Take their shit off your page and get a new bf/gf. One thats actually with you and wants to prove and show it.If he/she seems to just talk to you when you say somethi
So My Black Suv Fits Me Then?
You Should Drive a Black Car You're the type of driver who's totally dominant and even a bit aggressive. You see the road as a "dog eat dog" world... and you're not about to get eaten! You like to drive a vehicle that conveys power. Big engine. Big price tag. You rule the road - and you like everyone to know it. What Color Car Should You Drive?
So My Day Sucks
so this morning i was supposed to start my new job in an electronics store..... only i get there and the boss has totally fucked up inputting my info into the computer and i can't clock in...... so i had to fix that stuff but i couldn't work..... so NOW i gotta go in tomorrow and try all over again.... blah. i hate plans getting screwed on me. fucks with my harmony.... argh.
So, My Soon To Be Ex Wrote This To Me.
So my soon to be ex wrote this to me after I hung up on him for saying my mom should screw herself after me telling him that she wrote up a contract for the payment arragement they have..... *********************************************************** what ever if you don't want to talk to me because of a comment then oh-well. but i am not going to sign any f-ing contract because of how much she has fliped floped with her attuted, when she wants it and how she want's it. we enterd a verbal aggrement if she dose not like it then she should of never gave us any money and made us move out. if your offened because I said that your mom can go screw her self then thats your problem! She in nice to my face and visous behind my back. she has poisoned our relationship. and ruined our marrige. if you don't see that then you don't ever need to be with me. I am starting to think that misery loves company. so you go be hatefull and resentfull. and i'll no longer have apart in it!
So My Dad...
is in the hospital again. Tony found him Sunday unconscious on the floor and took him to the hospital. He fell and was lying on the floor at his house for no one even knows how long and he's got a huge bruise on the left side of his face from where he hit [we think] the table and he's got bed sores from where he landed on his arm and was lying on it for so long and he moved around some while he was still conscious. He has an infection all over his body, he has kidney failure, and the cancer he had when I was around 8 or 9 has come back. I saw him twice yesterday but he's heavily sedated because he's on a ventilater, so I'm not sure if he even knew I was there. When I saw him the 2nd time the ventilater was set to 16 and he was breathing to 26, which means he's breathing on his own 10 above the ventilater, so they'll be trying to get him off of it soon. If he manages to get off the ventilater, he won't be sedated anymore and hopefully he'll be alert and be able to talk to us. The only t
So My Great Great Aunt...
so my aunt is making a Oklahoma Quickie Pie as I laugh and say I ain't eating your Pie in a smart ass tone.... My great great aunt who is 98 years old pops off with that wouldn't be a pie honey that would be Putang..
So My Brother Posted This...thought It Was Hilarious, So Yeah I'm Sharing.
HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY1. Feed him2. Sleep with him3. Leave him with peace4. Don't check his phone (Msgs)5. Don't bother him with hismovementsSo whats so hard about that?HOW TO MAKE A WOMAN HAPPYIt's really not too difficult but.... To make awoman happy, a man only needsto be:1. a friend2. a companion3. a lover4. a brother5. a father6. a master7. a chef8. an electrician9. a plumber10. a mechanic11. a carpenter12. a decorator13. a stylist14. a sexologist15. a gynecologist16. a psychologist17. a pest exterminator18. a psychiatrist19. a healer20. a good listener21. an organizer22. a good father23. very clean24. sympathetic25. athletic26. warm27. attentive28. gallant29. intelligent30. funny31. creative32. tender33. strong34. understanding35. tolerant36. prudent
A Son
A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. > > "Your son is here," she said to the old man. > > She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes > opened. > > Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw > the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He > reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around > the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and > encouragement. > > The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the > bed. All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly > lighted ward,holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love > and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move > away and rest awhile. > > He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was > oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital - the > clanking of the oxygen tank, the la
The Son
My Son This is great, take a moment to read it, it will make your day! The ending will surprise you. Take My Son A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had everything in their collection, from Picasso to Raphael. They would often sit together and admire the great works of art. When the Vietnam conflict broke out, the son went to war. He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was notified and grieved deeply for his only son. About a month later, just before Christmas, there was a knock at the door. A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands. He said, "Sir, you don't know me, but I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life. He saved many lives that day, and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and he died instantly. He often talked about you, and your love for art." The young man held out this package. "I know this isn't much. I'm not really a
The Son
A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside. "Your son is here," she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened. Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement. The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed.All through the night, the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile. He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital - the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the crie
Tiny Angel rest your wings sit with me for awhile. How I long to hold your hand, And see your tender smile. Tiny Angel, look at me, I want this image clear.... That I will forget your precious face Is my biggest fear. Tiny Angel can you tell me, Why you have gone away? You weren't here for very long.... Why is it, you couldn't stay? Tiny Angel shook his head, "These things I do not know.... But I do know that you love me, And that I love you so". Author Unknown
The Son
Brilliant as the sun, my Lord doth shine. Warming my skin, tingling so fine. I feel his arms, holding me tight. Even throughout, the darkest of night. While my soul endures, thy torrent storm. In the end, it takes new form. Reborn again, to feel renewed. Never to understand, without going through. Completely made whole, with fired up spirit. Never again evil, am I to fear it.
Please say a prayer for my son Bobby, He is at Camp liberty, and they were hit yesterday>
my son was born between 9 and 930 pm on nov. 27th. he was 53cm long and 9lbs 5oz. ill update this entry when i learn the exact time of his birth. and probably add pics once i have them. his name is Hayden Mikhail. more details later. UPDATE: Exact time 9:39pm. His head 35cm, body is 52 cm around.
Son Melissa Kenyon 2007 The death that I feel Inside Will never break my pride The voices that surround me Will soon haunt me The more pain I feel The deeper my dispare The more I feel, I care Looking back at yesterday Seeing my son walk away Not knowing if he'll ever return Trying not to cry when I look at his picture Wondering if he will still remember me When he's gone Out of my life But not forever To remember the past Trying to forget the future Time will only tell Son I still love you
my son is sick and all he wants to drink is milk. the milk wont stay down. what can i do to get him to drink something other than milk and keep it down?? i am worried about my son.
please pray for my son he has the swine flu
Son Arrested Forplaying With Chistmas Gift
COLUMBIA,S.C.-----A fed-up mother had her 12-year-old son arrested for allegedly rummaging through his great-grandmother's things and playing with his Christmas present early. The mother called police Sunday after learning her son had disobeyed orders and repeatedly taken a Game Boy from its hiding place at his grandmother's house next door and played with it. He was arrested on petty larceny charges, taken to the local police station in handcuffs and held until his mother picked him up after church. "My grandmother went out of her way to layaway a toy and paid on this thing for months," said the boys mother, Brandi Ervin. "It was only to teach my son a lesson. He's been going through life doing this...and getting away with it."
[sonaf] Video Out Now!!!!!
As ya all know I'm playing America's Army online I love the game and now my clan made a video!! It's a awesome one, you must watch it guys this means a lot to me!!! If you like it or have anything to say tell me!!! Click on the poster, be patient a lot of MB's to buffer!!! SONAF Soldiers of Near and Far Thanks for watching!!! Hooah
Son Always Spittin!
Oh Boy! Its ur # 1 Original comin to get yall in tha booth,cause i'm tha Chossen Child and u ain't me dawg and u could never be like Son tha Plantation Village Boy comin to get me like a an Irisn man in tha Locness wit tha monster and dats how i rhyme chump robbbery of ur motherfuckin mind so come get done if u want some boy i'll flip u like a surfboard den travle back to my spot in tha sunshine state woodie what u think if i fucked ur chick and give her back wit dick breath boy u better back back tha fuck off of me when u standin next to Tha A Dot C ready to blast ur ass back to tha past it ain't no secret when i boucne back and keep it wit dis flowmaitic 101 in tha booth shit raw and teachin shit don't hate on me,cause i'm bein me and doin my thang wit dis rap shit i'm frum Tha Parish Down Tha Road in tha Plantation Village V-Town is also my roots now i'm holdin my ground in Port St.Joe,Florida 30 mintues away frum Panama City now ain't nobody buckin on me dey know what i am and wher
Sonata Arctica
Blinded No More by Sonata Arctica Your pretty face seduced me, Blinded me from how you used me I walked the long way home, only to get hurt by you again The longest glance, oh, What illusions did I have of you? A lone reflection splitting in two You found all seven ways to keep me near, Near within your reach You sure knew how to harness love, But never made me more than want you I'm not sorry, you will never get more out of me 'Cause I am blinded no more You sucked out my will to live You gave me the crown, and killed... High road would have none to regret Never left, I took the low road instead Love is a little death between two little lives, Nothing more Now I have myself to live for... You sucked out my will to live You gave me the crown, and killed... High road would have none to regret Never left, I took the low road instead Oh, my life out of my hands I always gave eternal love another chance... Say the words, I wanna hear... all over again
So Naughty
The house falls quiet as you lay down to rest on our bed. Your eyes close your eyes as I lean to kiss you softly, ushering you on to sleep. I quietly make my way to the computer only a few feet away to spend a little time looking at artwork and editing my photography from the day. Time passes quickly as I loose my sense of time to my work, I occasionally look over my shoulder at your slumbering form and flashes of our passionate night fill my mind. I smile, just looking at you, remembering how intoxicating it felt to be close to you, the feeling of your soft skin against mine and the sweet taste of your kisses. Unable to help myself, I begin to rub my hardening dick through my boxers, longing for your touch. I quietly turn return to my computer, loading a movie we had watched but a night before together, remembering vividly our intimate moment. I begin to tease the length of my shaft, unbuttoning and exposing my member as I begin to tease myself. You wake up to the sounds of the movie
Goddammit... All to hell, i swear... Took this truck I've been working on, putting money into and my own blood, sweat and tears, to the shop to have the tires replaced, rubber bushings redone and inspected... Calls my message phone today... Truck won't pass inspection... Said truck is stuck in 4 wheel drive... apparently doesn't know about the hub locks for it.. Was only using the electronic button inside the cab... BUT... the front drive axle is cracked... How the hell?? Wasn't cracked when I bought it, and I've been under that truck a whole hell of a lot not to notice it... Apparently it's a hairline crack, very small, but dangerous.. Tells me it'll cost some serious dough to fix it... More then twice what i paid for the damn thing to begin with... Now I have to give the old junkyard another one of my vehicles for almost nothing...and I'm without transportation once again.. I wouldn't even be in this bind I'm in if I could have used a phone to mak
Sonava..part 2...
Somebody... won't say any names, misquoted to me on how much it would cost to fix the truck as well as the wrong parts.. Never trust a woman to relay a message about automotives to you... My front drive shaft is broken, yes, but it's not that big of a deal... IF I agree to do other work to the truck the mechanic will get me the new shaft and install it... The other problems with the truck, which I had a sneaky feeling about anyway... Ball Joints... Tie rod ends... Emergency brake cable... big whoop.... One I didn't expect at all was the brakes... Apparently NY has been cutting down on people for using brake line compression fitting... I used 4 or 5 of then why are brake line comrpession fittings even sold in NY? Bullshit if you ask me... Since I have my kids full time, and it's summer, I don't have alot of time to mess with the truck right now, so I am allowing the shop to do that work... ALL but the replacement of the fittings.. I wi
Sonata Arctica- Shamandalie
In good old times, remember my friendMoon was so bright and so close to us, sometimesWe were still blind and deaf, what a bliss?Painting the world of our own, for our own eyes, now?Can we ever have what we had then?Friendship unbreakableLove means nothing to meWithout blinking an eyeI'd fade, if so needed,All those moments with youIf I had you beside meOne cloudy day we both lost the game?We drifted so far and awayNothing is quite as cruel as a childSometimes we break the unbreakable, sometimes?And we'll never have what we had thenFriendship unbrokenLove means nothing to meWithout blinking an eyeI'd fade, if so needed,All those moments with youIf I had you beside me nowI was unable to cope with what you saidSometimes we need to be cruel to be kindChild that I was, could not see the reasonFeelings I had were but sham and a lie?I have never forgotten your smileYour eyes, oh, ShamandalieTime went by, many memories diedI'm writing this down to ease my painYou saw us always clearer than meH
No sun in the sky,Just the night full of stars.But even then i saw this beauty,From a land distant and far. Through the darkness she came,And shone her beauty For me to see.And a true beauty she is,This woman named Sonali. I hope tonight is the first of many,That you shine your beauty my way.And each night I will smile thinking of you,Till the end of each of my days
Son And Issies
I am battling the government to get help for me and my son. He is adhd and is hypermetabolic as well, no other diagnosis as to why he is the way he is. We had a meeting with CS and FSCD and my diatition and socialworker from the stollery. I was blindsided by them.... I went in asking for him to be placed out of the home because he is too much for me to handle as well as dealing with the other stre sses going on ( and ther is lots) I was told that kids with low IQ are not smart and not going to go anywhere in life, (CS) said that my son should be admitted into hospital, tied down and forcefed to help him gain weight, that I should not have either of my kids, that the dog was the only thing in the house that was not ill to some degree.... that I was nto doing all I could have been. FSCD said thta I should have called him after the behavioral support person said that the helpp we needed was not a priority, as my grandmother was being transported to hospital in an ambulance. CS saw my daug
Son Beats Father In Spitting Contest
'Young Gun' whips dad to take cherry pit-spitting title Brian Krause's winning pit spit was 56 feet, 7½ inches Brian Krause's father, the defending champ, lobbed his pit 56 feet, 1 inch The world record for pit spitting, set in 2003, is more than 93 feet Woman makes history by placing in contest's top three EAU CLAIRE, Michigan (AP) -- Brian "Young Gun" Krause has out-spit his father to claim his seventh championship at the International Cherry Pit Spitting Championship. Brian Krause from Jackson, Michigan, spit a cherry pit more than 56 feet to win Saturday's title. Krause's winning spit on Saturday was 56 feet, 7½ inches. That's 6½ inches better than his father, second-place finisher and defending champion Rick "Pellet Gun" Krause of Tuba City, Arizona, who spit 56 feet, 1 inch. Fifty-nine-year-old Rick Krause of Dimondale, currently holds the Guinness World Record after spitting a pit 93 feet, 6½ inches in 2003. Amanda Jennings of Sault Ste. Marie, O
S On 24 Carries For The Rams (2-1). In
Marc Mueller was 26-for-38 passing for 316 yards, three touchdowns and ran in another score Friday as the No. 10 Regina Rams defeated the Alberta Golden Bears 31-17 in Canadian university football play. Jay Smith had six catches for 98 yards and TD, while Catlin Schneider and Connor Haas also had touchdowns through the air for Regina. Michael Kiapway rushed for 124 yards on 24 carries for the Rams (2-1). In the only other game in the CIS, McGill pounded Mount Allison 36-9. At Edmonton, Curtis Dell was 17-for-32 passing for 206 yards and a touchdown for Alberta (0-3). He ran in another score, but also threw two interceptions. The teams were tied 10-10 when Mueller hooked up with Smith on a 36-yard TD pass early in the fourth quarter. Mueller ran in another score to make it 24-10 before tossing 20-yard touchdown strike to Schneider. Dell scored on a one-yard run with 33 seconds left on the clock to round out the scoring. Redmen 36, Mounties 9 At Montreal, Ryne Bondy threw three TDs as Mc
As I've said and probably often said, before I was a classical music fan(atic), I was a musical show fanatic. I did come to one from the other, since Wright and Forrest's Kismet used tunes by the Russian nationalist composer Alexander Borodin (1833-1887). (For instance, Baubles, Bangles and Beads is from the second of his string quartets, and Stranger in Paradise is to the main theme of his tonepoem From the Steppes of Central Asia. Themes from the two symphonies he finished, and an opera - Kniaz Igor - that he didn't, for example, also found their way into their devising :) - which I only actually saw on stage after I knew Borodin's music pretty well, but which I knew from an original cast recording for a long while before that!)Stephen Sondheim seems to have been in some way behind most, though not all, of the musicals I like now. (He was a Hindemith pupil, Cole Porter was a Nadia Boulanger pupil along with many other composers in France... make no simple and easy distinctions...
Sone Good Cop Humor
>Subject: THINGS POLICE WANT YOU TO KNOW > > >A Few Things The Police Would Like You to Know >Dear Civilian, > >Your 5 year old kid getting pushed down by another 5 year old kid is NOT a >police matter; talk to the other kid's parents, not the police. > >If your kid won't do his homework or do his chores, 911 is not the answer. > >If a cop causes a car accident we usually get a ticket, and sometimes we >get suspended. When is the last time you got 3 days off (without pay) for >rear-ending a guy at Wal-Mart? > >We know you've had more than two beers. When I've had two beers, I didn't >hit six parked cars, drive my car through the front doors of a Toys-R-Us, >pee my pants or pass out at a traffic light. > >When you see an emergency vehicle behind you with its lights and sirens on, >pull to the RIGHT, and stop. We are usually required to pass cars on the >left. > >When you're driving in the fast lane and you see a cop behind you, don't go >5 MPH under the s
So Near And So Far
Chasing your shadow. wrapped in the velvet lust that makes up us. Who did we think we were fooling, our desire makes us weak to temptation, to touch, to taste, to fade. Wrapped within each other I cannot help myself did you care, did you know that I surrendered I lay at your feet, and asked for more, that lusty please on bleeding lips I would not run. But I would not wait. Inchs from desire, from the devil in your eyes, from the perfection of my wings. and then miles apart. I cannot chase you down. You are shadow, and I am desire.
So Near But Yet So Far
Alick me team leader came in with a face like thunder yesterday he told us that the lottery syndicate we are all in was just short of a few numbers for winning a cool 103 million in the Euro Lottery, he was sick as a parrot but we did win around £2.50 each hahahaha such is life eh
So Nervous
Hubby has been on 45 days of leave after coming home from a year in korea.. Well tomorrow he goes back to work for the first time in 45 days.. sooo sad..cus he goes straight to 12 hour shifts..:( now i got to get a new routine.. its weird once u adapt you got to adapt again.. hmmm.. its gunna be sad alone again... Military life for ya.. but got to luv it
So New.
Sapphire's on strike. I'll be doing TWO shows when we get back up, Tribute to the Goddesses and Crumpet's Asylum. The Sylum will be utter pandemonium music wise. But i updated Tribute's band list: +A Kiss could be deadly +Aaliyah +Aimee Allen +Alanis Morissette +Alicia Keys +Amanda Marshall +Amy Stephens Group +Ani DiFranco +Ayumi Hamasaki +Bif Naked +Bjork +BoA +Christina Aguilera +Ciara +Corinne Bailey Rae +Cyndi Lauper +Danity Kane +Dar Williams +Deb Talan +Dido +Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians +Emilie Autumn +Enya +Eurythmics +Enya +Evanescence +Fiona Apple +Heart +Hungry Lucy +Ingrin Michaelson +Jack Off Jill +Jewel +Joan Jettt and the Blackhearts +Joan Osborne +Joydrop +Katrina and the Waves +Kelly Osbourne +Lacuna Coil +Lesbian Bed Death +Lisa Loeb +Lita Ford +Liz Phair +Macy Gray +Mariah Carey +Martina McBride +Me'Shell Ndegeocello +Melissa Etheridge +Meredith Brooks +Metric +My Ruin +Mya +Nelly F
So Nev And So Hendo Is Not The New So Stop It!
I live in las vegas but I am originally from southern cali, you know...home of the famous SO*CAL stickers???? Jesus if I see another so nev or so hendo (southern henderson) decal on the back of someones crappy car out here im gonna scream... Its so lame...doesnt even remotely compare to having a S0*CAL decal on the back of a nice bro'd out truck... Its not cool and it just goes to show that people have no orginality. I know this is a really stupid blog but I had to complain about it. I fucking hate vegas.....
80's One Hit Wonders! Updated!
Get Your Own Player! The decade of excess…the 80’s!! So many One Hit Wonders So little time! Come take a trip down memory lane with these one hit wonders of the 1980’s. This train is a little different than any before, I’m giving you options! First, F/A/R anyone before you or comment them if you already have them; something like “one hit wonder” or “I wonder”. Second, choose ONE of the following options: Either take my 20 question 80’s quiz, identifying the group and one hit wonder song (in a private message)…I give you hints! Don’t forget to rate the pics, too. ~OR~ Rate the folder of 80’s One Hit Wonders. It’s up to you!!! Click here for the 20 questions quiz. Click here to rate pics only.
So Near Yet So Far
You are my hope you are my inspiration you make me hold on when i feel like letting go you came into my life when i no longer cared but then you made me see the person i could be you have saved my life you have made me strong you are the person i have waited for this long you are so brave you make me proud I'm so happy now you have gave me a life i wish i could be there to know you really care i know you'd keep me safe i know you'd be my cure i would feel so free i could be the real me we are so far apart the distance is killing me i cant feel you close i fear you will go so I'm writing this cuz i need you to know my dream is to be with you to see your smile for real to know that all this pain i no longer need to feel dreams don't come true they stay in my head but without my angel i know I'd be dead
So Next Time When U Go For An Inteview Be Prepared For This Question...
Story IE: Do u have a boyfriend? C: I have. E: Is he working Locally? C: No. He is working Overseas. E: Sorry, my company cannot employ u! C: Why? E: U will not be able to settle down here permanently. And my Company don't want to pay extra expenses on the Overseas calls just because of u. Story II E: Any girl friends? C: No. E: So far chased any before? C: Have, but not successful. E: Ever think of getting a job first then start looking for a girlfriend? C: Career is first priority. Currently didn't want to consider This personal issue. E: Sorry, my company cannot employ u. C: Why? E: You are lacking of P.R skills and confidence!! Story III E: Any girlfriends? C: Yes. E: Is she pretty? C: Not quite. E: Sorry, my company cannot employ you. C: Why? Will this affect your company's reputation? E: No, it does not affect the company's reputation but because My company is dealing with arts, our company requested an artist. Story IVE: Any girlfriends? C: Yes. E: Is she pretty? C: Yes.
So News...
Okay long time no net...   What's been going on in my life:   1. I haven't seen my asswhole doctor in a few months thanks to good health. 2.  I quit my job at Torrid because I wasn't getting the hours to even make it up to the mall I worked at. 3.  I am still looking for a job; but am babysitting on the weekends. 4.  I'm going to see my big brothers (Saving Abel) next month and I can't wait.  I have friends coming out of state to come to this show. I'm excited for it :D   Other than that I've been fine :D
Son From School;-)
The son of a basketball player is coming home with his report card on the last day of school. "Are you pleased with your grades?" the father asks. Son: "Yes, I am! My contract for the same class of my school has been elongated for one year!"
Song Of The Goddess
When midnight comes and silvered moon rides high Now take your besom and with me come fly Home comes the roamer, your journey's over We'll dance the night away in magic dreams We'll dance the night awwy in magick dreams. Across darkning hills the sun kneels to pray Tomorrow's cares are many dreams away. The stars are flying, the forest's sighing. We'll sing the night away in loving dreams. We'll sing the night away in loving dreams. Both man and woman in the night are one. All things are equal when the day is done, Both prince and plowman, the slave and freeman, All find their comfort in my golden dreams All find their comfort in my golden dreams. Hold hands and circle in the Summer's night. No cares for the 'morrow shall find us here. Safe in sacred space, let all time erase. We will circle in my magick dreams. We will circle in my magick dreams. Come now in naked beauty to my side Call down the moon and with me abide Our hearts are yearning, hol
Song Of The Day....
I usually do this on my MySpace profile, but seeing as I'm still at work, and they have MS blocked *ahem* I thought I'd do it here.....C ---------------------------------------------- Piss It All Away - Puddle of Mud What I feel It is real What I do It's the truth When I drink I can't think When I use I need more When you're weak I can't speak Close your eyes and Taste this wine The cork removed Less purified I throw away Everything that you say Erase everything That you fake What I feel It's a sin Tell the truth Do not lie Make a wish Will it come true One way streets One track mind Open up and See the light One million ways To hypnotize I throw away Everything that you say Erase everything That you fake Erase everything That you fake Piss it Piss it all away Piss it, piss it
Candy Store Rock (Page/Plant) Well... Oh baby baby. Don't you want a man like me? Oh baby baby, I'm just as sweet as anybody could be Oh baby baby, I want to look to your eyes, of blue Oh baby baby, It's more than anybody else could do Well... Oh baby baby. You know when I see you walkin down the street Oh baby baby, Well you lookin good enough to eat Oh baby baby, I dont believe I've tasted this before Oh baby baby, I want it now And every mouthfull more of you. Talk about you, Yeah. Oh baby baby, You know that I wanted it more Oh baby baby, I'm about to kiss goodbye to this store Oh baby baby, It ain't the wrapping that sells the goods Oh baby baby, I got a sweet tooth when my mouth is full of you. Ooh baby oh baby its alright, its alright Ohh baby its alright...its alright Well, oh baby, baby, oh you sting like a bee Oh baby, baby, I like your honey and it sure likes me Oh baby, baby, I got my spoon inside your jar Oh baby, baby, do
A Song
Sweet Smelling Swamp I don’t wanna live forever I don’t even need to live very long All I need is you beside me And your sweet love will keep me strong We’ll have a house down by the water Where our kids can run and play Watching the sun go down on another sweet smelling day Cause the sweet smelling swamp is near to us Yeah the sweet smelling swamp is dear to us It brings pleasure and joy and happiness Through it’s scent which is nothing but bliss Cause the sweet smelling swamp is near to us Yeah the sweet smelling swamp is dear to us And I’ll live on its shores till the end of my days Or go out in a fiery blaze Yeah, I’ll go out in a fiery blaze The aromas rise from the swamp with a swirl As a young boy kisses a beautiful girl The lilies float while the fat frogs croak Upon the water so flat and smooth Some say heaven is a place in the sky But I know the truth and this aint no lie It’s as clear as a jay bird’s song Though its surface stretches green
A Song 4 The Ladies By Adam Ferris Aka Fez
i no i dont know you that wel, but darlin theres sumthing i must tell, wyl youve bin gon ive bin thinking of you, n wots a guy like me to do to get wiv a girl like you, now i cud sing you a love song, get down on my knees, i can giv u evrything that you cud eva need. c* i need you more evryday i wish there woz sumthing i cud say, to hold you in my loving arms and soround you in all of my charmes. your such a good looker youve stolen my soul, your such a good looker im jus trying to let you know, i got you in my site n im not letting go, all i need is 1 more line to make you lose control. c* i need you more evryday i wish there woz sumthing i cud say, to hold you n my loving arms n soround you in all of my charmes. by adam ferris aka fez. sounds betta wen i sing it, not like you can hear it. this is copyrighted, do not rip or copy, any way what so ever!
Song's Written
up in smoke, that where my money goes, in my lungs, & somtimes up my nose, i can take this, silmolty butar, on the paine, say orsoojenwhore, & then say soosajenwhor, but i say, allybetware, all the good stuff u can find, 4 k our, our good times get high times, come on let's go & get high.
The Song Crazy
Ok, let's see if I can really define this. My Fav Verses are first and last. For someone else I love the second verse. and for all my daughters and myself the third verse. Crazy Gnarls Barkley I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that place. Even your emotions had an echo In so much space And when you're out there Without care, Yeah, I was out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Probably And I hope that you are having the time of your life But think twice, that's my only advice Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are, Ha ha ha bless your soul You really think you're in control Well, I think you're crazy I think you're crazy I think you're crazy Just like me My heroes had the heart to Lose their lives out on a limb And all I remember is thi
Songs That Describe You
There are many songs out there today that describe who you are or how you feel..pick just one and explain why you feel it describes you the best way you can... Mine is: In His Touch Why: Everyday we go through life wondering if and when taking chances with our i take those chances not knowing whats in store for me in the end...but whatever the heart needs to find out if there is a chance for "US"
A Song I Wrote, When My Life Wasnt So Good.
I would die for you Dark Clouds & Misfortunes All things I have loved, Turn to ash in my hands, Dark clouds guide me to misfortune, darkness consumes my soul, My eyes bleed bitter sweet memories, the cruel angels torment me, Shadows cast upon me, Shrouded in mist my path becomes clear, You reached into my chest, you left a giant hole, You fucked with my emotion, you stole my soul. I lost a part of me, I can never get back, I watched my beating heart go cold and turn black All I’ve got is my pride and the feeling of being dead inside, I have truly paid the ultimate price, Replaced blood with flowing ice, Inside my chest beats a heart of stone, A desolate world in which I must roam, These feelings stir inside the pain reminds me that I’m still alive, If I’m going to survive I need some time off from these emotions STOP WITH THESE FUCKING EMOTIONS So many feelings running through my head, Perhaps Id be better o
Song [secret Love]
I hid my love when young while I Couldn't bear the buzzing of a fly I hid my love to my despite Till I could not bear to look at light I dare not gaze upon her face But left her memory in each place Where ere I saw a wild flower lie I kissed and bade my love goodbye I met her in the greenest dells Where dew drops pearl the wood bluebells The lost breeze kissed her bright blue eye The bee kissed and went singing by A sunbeam found a passage there A gold chain round her neck so fair As secret as the wild bee's song She lay there all the summer long I hid my love in field and town Till e'en the breeze would knock me down The bees seemed singing ballads l'er The fly's buss turned a Lion's roar And even silence found a tongue To haunt me all the summer long The riddle nature could not prove Was nothing else but secret love
A Song Fave
Just one of my fave 80's songs. If I find a vid or soundbyte I'll add it later "High School Confidential" is a song by Canadian new wave band Rough Trade, from their 1981 album 'Avoid Freud'. The band's breakthrough Top 40 hit in Canada. She's a cool blonde scheming bitch, She makes my body twitch. Walking down the corridor, You can hear her stilettos click. I want her so much I feel sick. The girl can't help it She really can't help it now Teenage brandos stalk her in the halls They tease her with cat calls She's a combination Anita Eckberg, Mamie van Doren Dagmar high school confidential High School High School Confidential High School High School Confidential What's the principal doin' with her who's that girl Is she screwing with her What's her perfume: Tigress by Faberge She makes me cream my jeans When she's coming my way High School High School Confidential High School High School Confidential She drives a candy pink cadilla
Song Of The Day
Song of the day CHRIS CAGLE-ARE YOU EVER GONNA LOVE ME Tell me what else can I do Tell me what else can I say The closer that I get to you The further you push me away Til I don't know where to go And I don't know why I stay Do you even care Or am I some little game you play Are you ever gonna need me baby Like I need you Are you ever gonna want me baby The way I want you too I know that you love me Oh baby down deep inside I know that you do But are you ever gonna love me The way that I love you I never know how you feel Cause baby I can't read your mind Do i just keep waiting, or am i just wasting time Are you ever gonna need me baby Like I need you Are you ever gonna want me baby The way I want you to I know that you love me Oh baby down deep i know that you do But are you ever gonna love me baby Are you ever gonna love me baby The way I love you
The Song
Finally found our song.........Was a long time ago, Damn!!!!!!!!!!!Music Video Codes - MySpace Layouts
well i have created a new song to another songs beat and its pretty good but i think that i can do better the beat is from nobodies home, and i won my swim meet last night so yeah i cannot wait til i finish editing the song and see how it turns out
Songs I've Written...
Locked Up(Part I) Locked in a cell I can't get out What the hell is this all about I want to get out of here now I'm stuck in a field like a plow This place is hell I get nothing done But if I quit Then they will have won They fill my head with many lies A girl peeks sadly as she cries Now my brain's in a giant twist Can't see my soul through this mist Given a book that keeps me sane Anger's as wild as a lion's mane They visit me as often as they can I don't wanna see them, 'sept one man This place is hell I get nothing done But if I quit Then they will have won See familiar faces I haven't seen before Most can't take it, don't want to anymore Stuck watching people fight like mice Try to get out, but have to act nice This place is hell I get nothing done But if I quit Then they will have won I'm having dreams of the damndest things God, why can't I just sprout some wings Everyone calls to see how I am The food here tastes like rotten spam
Music Video:LAST KISS (LIVE) (by Pearl Jam)Music Video Code provided by VideoCodeZone.Com
Songs Written By Me
verse: I got this one love and she's standin by my side and she's the type of girl thats alwayz down to ride, you only get one of these and she's the one, im sure about this cuz she alwayz there and not just for fun, you know what i mean she's sellin my weed makin this bread adn runnin from the fed'syou don't want to interfere with this one love cuz she's got the nine i got the gack you mess with us well blow out your back cuz she'll have my last breath and I'm her world, I'm tellin you she's no ordinary girl better than gold, silver, and a pearl Chorus: It ain't really known sI be tryin to tell you who I love You my only girl cuz you my whole damn world, I knew we aint tryin
Songs Written By Me
Standin in the back of the club smokin blunts and drinkin on grey goose and gettin the club crunk, this is youngbonez ansd we dont give a fuck so talk shit we'll throw you in the trunk and shake it up a bit while your bitch on my dick and your guys standin back scared to knuckle up cuz in the end of the nite we gonna have to fuck'em up nigga thats whats up so im sayin whats up
Songs For/about Me...
Please reply and tell me what song you would dedicate to me, or what song u think describes me.. i am tryin to get a list for my site.. :) thank you just put the name of song - and artist.. muahz p.s. you can name more than one..
Song Bird
SONGBIRD the songbird’s soothed my ears and touched my heart. it brought us together when we were apart. it sent chills through my body that made me shake. it healed all the pains, that made me ache. she took me to a place that i had never been. when i will return i know not when. i will just stay in this place to hear the song. a joyful melody that I shall enjoy all day long. maybe she is an angel, a muse, or a fairy. i know she is not close but the song does carry. i can hear the songbird in the day and into the night. when the song comes to me, everything goes right. maybe i can catch the songbird with a magical ring, so i can love her and everyday i can hear the songbird sing.
Song Of The Moment
And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life 'Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies And you bleed just to know you're alive And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don
Songs I Made Up
The Sphinx's Shpincter (verse) When your stars are bent and your rivers dry. You will see me cry under the moonlight's scars. Die bloody death in a candlelit vase. As i watch the blood run down the case of darkness. You spin me rite into the vortex of spiderwebs In which have ruined the beauty of thy divinity. (chorus) Die bloody death in a candlelit vase. As i watch the blood run down the case of darkness. (verse) Snap my crutch of bruised dreaming, crushing hope and false reality. A rubber band snapped from the fingers of the evil eye of sauron. In the one-o-ring sphincter gate of reality. We bind more in this dry melody. (chrous) Die bloody death in a candlelit vase. As i watch the blood run down the case of darkness. (verse) Burnt offerings in the sacrifice of this love. I will fade into nothing and disappear into fractions of thy soul of hatred. I drink whiskey from the vine of evil thoughts as the sandman enters the dreams becoming more gullable. As i become the d
Song Lyrics From Profile
Be Yourself AudioSlave Someone falls to pieces Sleepin all alone Someone kills the pain Spinning in the silence To finally drift away Someone gets excited In a chapel yard Catches a bouquet Another lays a dozen White roses on a grave To be yourself is all that you can do To be yourself is all that you can do Someone finds salvation in everyone And another only fame Someone tries to hide himself Down inside their selfish brain Someone swears his true love Untill the end of time Another runs away Separate or united? Healthy or insane? To be yourself is all that you can do To be yourself is all that you can do To be yourself is all that you can do To be yourself is all that you can do And even when you've paid enough, been pulled apart or been held up With every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck don't lose any sleep tonight I'm sure everything will end up alright You may win or lose But to be yourself is all that you can do To be
A Song About Me
Listen, sister You should wear a smile Jump for joy just like a child 'Cause big fat mamas are back in style Listen, brother It's all over that dial Hear that crowd, they're going wild 'Cause big fat mamas are back in style You need a big fat mama And boys you can't go wrong A big fat mama To rule your home sweet home Listen, mama You gotta keep that double chin 'Cause the big fat mamas and the little fat mamas Are back in style again
Songs You Thought Or Hoped You'd Never Hear Again
I'll try to update weekly On Bended KneeBy Boyz II You've Got It (The Right Stuff)By New Kids on the Mmm Mmm Mmm MmmBy Crash Test
Song Of The All Mother
I am the Mother Earth, and you're a Child to me, Discover who you are and seek divinity. Rocks and stones and clay and peat - all strata are part of me, Jewels and crystals, gems and gold are hidden in the heart of me. Herbs and flowers, tree and shrubs, these are growing green on me. Mosses, fungi, lichens, vines, all of these are seen on me. Horses, cattle, pigs and deer, bears and lions roam on me, Snakes and spiders, rats and slugs, all creatures have their home on me. Bubbling brooks and silent springs, living rivers flow on me, Pools and puddles, lakes and seas, salty oceans grow on me. Tiny tiddlers, mighty whales, sacred salmon leap for me, Sharks and squid and crabs and krill fill the waters deep for me. Wrens and larks and crows and terns fill my skies with darting flight, Hawks and eagles, bats and owls catch their prey by day and night. Creeping worm and flying fox, teeming ants fulfill their lives, In tune with me, in Nature's way, as honey be
A Song
"The words have been drained from this pencil Sweet words that I want to give you And I can't sleep I need to tell you Goodnight When we're together, I feel perfect When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart All you say is sacred to me Your eyes are so blue I can't look away As we lay in the stillness You whisper to me marry me Promise you'll stay with me Oh you don't have to ask me You know you're all that I live for You know I'd die just to hold you Stay with you Somehow I'll show you That you are my night sky I've always been right behind you Now I'll always be right beside you So many nights I cried myself to sleep Now that you love me, I love myself I never thought I would say this I never thought there'd be You" For some reason i saw these lyrics and heard the song and it like i dont know touched my heart and the song is beautiful. i dont know wanted to post this because ia mbored and nothing else to do lol.
2 Songs I Like Alot....
hi everybody! thank you very much for caring about what i think...^_^ Well there's this spanish song that I really love and I wanted to share that with people, :D It's called Suena by Intocable which means "dream" "Dream, close your eyes, take my hands and hug me tightly. Don't leave me alone... Embrace the silence while looking into my eyes, I want you to know tonight how much I love you, and how happy I am... I want this night to taste of your lips, a taste of life for my heart... bacause to love you I would go as far as the stars, and I would give entirely of myself because I love you. I wouldn't care if I died in your arms, bcause I love you...and to love you I would walk blindly, and faithfully I would follow you even if you let me go, I wouldn't care if I died in your arms because I love you" That's most of it. It seems really intense but it's good I'll get back to the next one later, ^_^
Ok, we all have them. They always come back. They NEVER go AWAY! I caught myself singing it and when I did it out load,, haha.. half the crew on the job site was singing it.. passers by and people not invloved must have thought we were all crazy.. The song: There's a Hole in the Bucket now, this is a good one as its easy to change the words around and of course that was the case (about 20 mins into it). I guess my question is what song(s) get stuck in your heads.. This blog could be evil, as people might start singing multiple songs and have a few at once stuck there, or just go totally insane due to bad music they can never rid themselves of. I guess it'll be like a remix. haha anyway feel free to share your "stuck in the head" songs!
Song Of The Day My Life In A Nutshell
When I see her eyes Look into my eyes Then I realize that She could see inside my head So I close my eyes Thinking that I could hide Disassociate so I don't have to lose my head This situation leads to agitation Will she cut me off? Will this be an amputation? I don't know, If I care I'm the jerk, Life's not fair Fighting all the time This is out of line She loves me not, loves me not Do you realize, I won't compromise She loves me not, loves me not Over the past five years I have shed my tears I have drank my beers and watched my fears fly away And until this day She still swings my way But it's sad to say sometimes She says she loves me not But I hesitate To tell her I hate This relationship I want out today This is over I don't know If I care I'm the jerk Life's not fair Fighting all the time This is out of line She loves me not, loves me not Do you realize I won't compromise She loves me not Life's not fair I'm the jerk Line for lin
Song Of The Day My Chemical Romance - You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
In the middle of a gun fight. In the center of a restaurant. They say, "come with your arms raised high." Well they're never gonna get me, I'm like a bullet through a flock of doves To wage this war against your faith in me. Your life, will never be the same. On your mother's eyes, say a prayer, Say your prayer! Now! But I can't, and I don't know How we're just two men as God had made us. Well who cares? Well I care! Too much, too late or just not enough of this pain in my heart for your dying wish I'll kiss your lips again! They all cheat at cards. And the checkers are lost. My cellmate's a killer, They make me do push-ups in drag But nobody cares if you're losing yourself. I am losing myself as well? And I miss my mom! Will they give me the chair? Or lethal injection, Or swing from a rope, if you dare! Oh, nobody knows all the trouble I've seen! Now! But I can't, and I don't know How we're just two men as God had made us. Well who cares? Well I care!
Song For My Blue Eyes !!
you know this is fore you!!!!! you know who im talkin bout !!!!! Music Video:BEHIND BLUE EYES (by Limp Bizkit)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Song Of The Day Breaking Benjamin Diary Of Jane
If I had to I would put myself right beside you So let me ask Would you like that? Would you like that? And I don't mind If you say this love is the last time So now I'll ask Do you like that? Do you like that? No Something's getting in the way Something's just about to break I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane So tell me how it should be Try to find out what makes you tick As I lie down Sore and sick Do you like that? Do you like that? There's a fine line between love and hate And I don't mind Just let me say that I like that I like that Something's getting in the way Something's just about to break I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane As I burn another page As I look the other way I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane So tell me how it should be Desperate, I will crawl Waiting for so long No love, there is no love Die for anyone What have I become Something's getting in the way Something's just
Song Or Story?
Love is hard at first but it can end up soo good I used to know you My heart had feelings for you Then you just disappeared Leaving me broken down and wondering If Ill ever see you or even talk to you again I never had the chance to let you know that I loved you Now as the years pass I slowly forgotten you Had some troubles, my heart got wounded Now I really need you but I am to blame for keeping My feelings inside Though I saw you yesterday wasnt to sure till I got your call next morning, I was scared knowing That she might not be the same, we talked all night she has two daughters and a boy, now she works three jobs Cause the asshole wasnt man enough to be dad We met at dinner that she worked nights at We caught up on the old times and I told her About everything even my love for her back then It touch her now were going out, learning about Each other 3 months later we moved in together After she found out how much I love her and the children I l
Song That Fits My Life
Pain By Three Days Grace Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling down You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Paint, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pa
Song For The Love
Makin' Good Love Video - Avant lyricsAvant Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureMyspace Layouts
A Song I Wrote
another falling tear There a moon that shines over you my dear I look up and wish to god that you were here So I could take you in my arms And partake of your charms Oops there goes another falling tear Oceans aren’t deep enough to hold my love And mountains aren’t high enough to touch the dove That carries on it wings sweet peace For only you give me release Oops there goes another falling tear Time will tell if one day I will hold you near And only then will I know peace forever here To taste your honey sweet lips And see that loving halo slip Oops there goes another falling tear Asking god above please let you feel my pain For how I feel inside is driving me insane For if you feel the same way I will be happy on that day Oops there goes another falling tear Maybe dreams come true and I will be with you And I can build the perfect life just for two Holding you in my arms so near And hearing what I longed to hear Oops there goes another falling
A Song For An Ex...i Can't Believe I'm Even Posting This One
Irishimy This love this hand I hold Tight to my heart is all I need To press forward move on Hide from them and run to you And watch them from above (chorus) Light to life Light to dark Light to hope Light to my heart That is you this is me I now finally see You're the cd player in my car that makes me joyful And each wire makes you hum (chorus) Dancing to the oldies Holding you in my arms Kissing your schmexy lips Doing stupid crazy things These I wish these I hope Embedded images in my mind (chorus)
Song About Coping While Missing A Girl
Shattered "Mind Of My Own" The pain distraught The mind has had a meld Broken to the floor Crushed In time (chorus) Its the shattered mind The broken home The life of one Who's looking for the one You had her in your arms Your breath was choked away Blatz and Filth to fill my end Jawbreaker to strain the pain *chorus* The childhood gone The misery remains He fucked a choice y? Cause he's a fucking dumbass (chorus) An L for the pain An H for the heartache A tab for the mind And an M for the death of it all
Song Of The Brokenhearted
Smashed Heart Busted broken gagging on the mire Running but not moving The slow motion of my legs Ripping through the air (chorus) Smashed heart Broken bones Here I am All alone I coulda been the “suffice to say” But I became the “wish I was” And now I'm sick of it all and never turning back (chorus) Its a collapse A defeat Minced meat made of me Such a treat To kill To stab The pain away And not return (chorus) I died...that night And your heart...lived again
Song Of The Day Dispatch - Mayday
I saw you yesterday Your eyes were the color of some kind of grey, I hear what you're saying Please, don't let me go I've got all these people down below. They rush to talk; They rush to say Man overboard... May Day...May Day...May Day... Troubles are brought back by you Funny how we, we go down We go anywhere, but to the ground. (woman:) So I hear that you're doing fine You've flown all those planes that have been on your mind. I can't understand. I don't need to know I'll speak to you through this radio. They rush to talk; They rush to say Man overboard... May Day...May Day...May Day... Troubles are brought back by you Funny how we, we go down We go anywhere, but to the ground. Troubles are brought back by you Funny how we, we go down We go anywhere, but to the ground. They rush to talk; They rush to say There's a man and he's overboard.
"Want U To Be" (Oh Yeah) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (You know what baby? Ive been meanin to tell you a lot of things ya know what I mean?) Gotta have you gotta have you gotta have you gotta have you baby Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh (So much, so me) Gotta have you gotta have you gotta have you gotta have you baby Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Gotta have you gotta have you gotta have you gotta have you baby (There's just some things you need to know, ya know what I mean? Listen closely) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh [Verse 1:] Girl your beauty it could fill a book Once glance girl is all it took It ain't too hard to spot ya I saw you from a mile a-way Tell me fellas why she gotta be The coldest thing that a playa see I gotta do whatever Try anything it don't matter I gotta let her see If there's a sign she's diggin' me enough to make love on the first night Then that's a good look Can I be honest with you I, I, I, girl I want you to be [Chorus:] Better than you knew me girl I need your lovin' f
The Song That Best Explains My Life.....
I Don't Believe In Love (Chris De Garmo/Geoff Tate) I awoke on impact Under surveillence of the camera eye Searching high and low The criminal mind found at the scene of the crime Handcuffed and blind, I didn't do it she said she loved me I guess I never knew But do we ever, ever really know? She said she'd meet me on the other side But I knew right then, I'd never find her CHORUS I don't believe in love I never have, I never will I don't believe in love It's never worth the pain that you feel No more nightmares, I've seen them all Frome daay I was born, they've haunted my every move Every open hand's there to push and shove No tie for love, it doesn't matter She made a difference I guess she had a way Of making every night seem bright as day Now I walk in sahdows, never see th light She must have lied 'cause she never said goodbye CHORUS I don't believe in love I'll just pretend she never was real I don't believe in love I need to forget her f
Song Of The Day My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city To see a marching band. He said, "Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned?" He said "Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?" Because one day I leave you, A phantom to lead you in the summer, To join the black parade." When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city To see a marching band. He said, "Son when you grow up, will you be the saviour of the broken, The beaten and the damned?" Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me. And other times I feel like I should go. Through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets. When you're gone we want you all to know We'll Carry on, We'll Carry on Though your dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on Carry on We'll carry on And in my heart I cant contain it The anthem wont explain it. And we will
Song I Wrote
MY SOUL IS FREE Right from the start you played with my heart with those first words you said you messed with my head your promises were untrue you made my heart so blue you left me in pain standing in the rain Now I, I want you to know that despite you hurting me my heart still glows and you, you need to see that without you in my life my soul is free You said you had a plan why couldnt you act like a man your tales got bolder the more we got older you failed the test you're just like the rest to find out your love was a lie made me just want to die Now I, I want you to know that despite you hurting me my heart still glows and you, you need to see that without you in my life my soul is free Your heart so cold your love so fake my world so torn my life so broken Now I, I want you to know that despite you hurting me my heart still glows and you, you need to see that wit
Song Of The Day Insane Clown Posse - The Wraith
(Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope) Always Uninvited, (fuck off) unrespected Sometimes he creeps, other times he expected He hangs out in bad neighborhoods up at the park He will strike in broad daylight but prefers the dark 3 little kids caught inside a broken home He'll just sit there and wait for 'em (Leave 'Em Alone!) As sure as we're today and death is inevitable He's waitin there watchin through the eyes of a crow (Chorus) 2x Death is always at a shitty time Don't bother trying to run and hide Take his hand cross to the other side (Step to the other side) (J & Shaggy) Freeway intersections when the bars close, he loves 'em Blew out traffic lights, he hovers above 'em And he loves the motherfuck outta crackheads and heroin Rehab centers and caring mothers always scaring him Sharing them needles? He encourages and raw sex? They got him workin and steady collectin soul checks Then again, 9 times outta 10 I wish he take me instead of some of these poor children we se
Song Of The Day #1 Counting Crows - Mr. Jones
Sha la la la la la la la. Oh. Uh huh. I was down at the New Amsterdam starin' at this yellow-haired girl, Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with a black-haired flamenco dancer. You know, she dances while his father plays guitar. She's suddenly beautiful. And we all want something beautiful. Man, I wish I was beautiful... So come dance the silence down through the mornin'. Sha la la la la la la la. Yeah. Uh huh. Yeah. Cut up, Maria! Show me some of that Spanish dancin'. Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones. Believe in me, help me believe in anything. 'Cause I wanna be someone who believes. Yeah. Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales, and we stare at the beautiful women: "She's looking at you. Ah, no, no, she is looking at me." Smilin' in the bright lights. Comin' through his stereo. When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely. Well, I'm-a paint my picture. Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray. All of the beautiful colors are very, ver
Song Ruft Draft
you leave me/no questions/you leave me here with out answers/ your afraide of/what your feeling/so you take out your frastration on me/ chorus not your punching bag, not something that you can just have/ i believe in fate and maturity, dont think fast . cuzz its already over.. i saw you/you lied to me/you cried with me/you said you loved me/i noticed /you dident/that i saw the lust in your eyes/ try to hypnotize/the things that i saw/in you/for me/ gotta let it go /gotta let it be/ chorus not your punching bag, not something that you can just have/ i believe in fate and maturity, dont think fast . cuzz its already over.. i am free/ you arent/ you will where your chains alot/ you hurt me/ i flipped you off/now im running fast away/ your girl friend is not me/i gave up on the 13th/i know that you pittyy you/no room here left for me/ extended chorus.. i took off left you be, now you sit in your misserey i m not your punching bag, not something that
A Song I Wrote
She walked in the door so sad and alone Pain threatened to make her heart a stone I saw her and listened to her words of pain She vowed to never love any again So much for vows and hurts of the soul God plan is always two half’s make a whole We talked for hours and touched each deep I gave her my heart hers alone to keep She broke my love in two and walked away Part of me still searches the stars till this day She was for a time the one I sought She was all my love wanted and bought And all that love was to me I thought Is there a life lesson to be taught Why does love hurt so much ? She walked through the store Seeking food and so much more We grabbed the same can at the same time And then our eyes locked in euphoria divine Tongue tied and lost in her gaze Why does love leave me always in a daze We got coffee and talked for hours in the day Funny how love will always have it’s way Found myself giving my heart away She held me spell bound in the day She
A Song I Wrote
She walked in the door so sad and alone Pain threatened to make her heart a stone I saw her and listened to her words of pain She vowed to never love any again So much for vows and hurts of the soul God plan is always two half’s make a whole We talked for hours and touched each deep I gave her my heart hers alone to keep She broke my love in two and walked away Part of me still searches the stars till this day She was for a time the one I sought She was all my love wanted and bought And all that love was to me I thought Is there a life lesson here to be taught Why does love hurt so much ? She walked through the store Seeking food and so much more We grabbed the same can at the same time And then our eyes locked in euphoria divine Tongue tied and lost in her gaze Why does love leave me always in a daze We got coffee and talked for hours in the day Funny how love will always have it’s way Found myself giving my heart away She held me spell bound in the day
Song Last Night
Justin Timberlake Timbaland Three 6 Mafia - Chop Me Up Chop Me Up It's going down Tennessee Justin Timberlake Timbaland Three 6 Ma-ma-mafia Tennesse VA Dirty south Dirty south It's how we do what we do, man, when we do what we do [Justin:] I know you see me looking, girl go on and act right A little closer, let me see you in the spotlight Now turn around and let me see just what ya curved like Go grab your friends and y'all can come to the back, oh-oh Why don't you take a sip upon this champagne Relax, take your coat off, and let me get your name I love that hour-glass shape you got upon that frame I like the way you talk your game we might be one and the same Now I know you got a buzz off that alcohol I got a house that can entertain all of y'all Maybe later on I'll give you a phone call I'm 'bout to slide out, but I'll get back at ya, oh-oh And when I call don't give me the run-around I ain't gonna have you tryin' to play me like a silly clow
ooooook.. I'm going to have to buy the jt album.. I like timberland .. and he can prouduce an album.. :P Justin Timberlake - My Love ft. Ti Lyrics - - - - - ChartZZSearch Database Questions?Your voice is most important to us. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for us, . Artist Name: Song Title: ft. Ti My Love Ain't no other woman that could take your spotlight... If I wrote you a symphony Just to say how much you mean to me (what would you do) If I told you you were beautiful Would you date me on the regular (tell me would you?) BAby, I've been around the world But I ain't seen myself another girl (like you) This ring represents my heart There's just one thing I need from you (say I do) [Bridge:] I could see us holding hands Walkin on the beach, our toes in the sand I can see us on the countryside Sittin on the grass leanin side by side You could be my baby Let me make you my lady Girl, you amaze me Ain't gotta do nothin c
A Song
When you tell me everything’s alright I find the strength to carry on through the night Cause I love you girl And you’re my whole world You light my day with just a smile And it carries me on thought miles Cause I love you girl And you’re my whole world Time passes way to fast For something that is meant to last And makes life new that’s what I found in you When you hold me fears melt away I feel love to last out my days Cause I love you girl And you’re my whole world You kiss me and I want you all through this night I want to show you every things alright Cause I love you girl And you’re my whole world Time passes way to fast For something that is meant to last And makes life new that’s what I found in you Your that one special thing in life You cut though my fears just like a knife Cause I love you girl And you’re my whole world An angel sent from heaven above And it no wonder that that I can’t help but love Cause you love me girl And I’m
Song Of The Day The Lostprophets - Rooftops
When our time is up When our lives our done Will we say we've had our fun Will we make a mark this time Will we always say we tried Standing on the rooftops Everybody scream your heart out Standing on the rooftops Everybody scream your heart out Standing on the rooftops Everybody scream your heart out This is all we got now Everybody Scream your All the love i've made I have no regrets If at all it's now i'm sad Will we make a mark this time will we always say we tried Standing on the rooftops Everybody scream your heart out Standing on the rooftops Everybody scream your heart out Standing on the rooftops Everybody scream your heart out This is all we got now Everybody Scream your Standing on the rooftops (Wait until the bombs drop) This is all we got now (Scream until your heart stops) Never gonna regret (Watching every sunset) We'll Listen to your heartbeat (All the love that we found) Scream your heart out [x4] Standing on the rooftop
Song Of The Goddess By Scott Cunningham
I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior to their consciousness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal. I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic. The winds and moving leaves sing my name. I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the starry heavens. I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon. I am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in me and know the fullness of youth. I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest. I am clothed with the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain. By me the tides of the Earth are ruled ; things come to fruition according to my season. I am refuge and healing. I am the life-giving Mother, wondrously fertile. Worship me as the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth. I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon. I rule the tides of women and men and give release and renewal to weary souls. Though the
Song Of The Day Everclear - Wonderful
I close my eyes when I get too sad I think thoughts that I know are bad Close my eyes and I count to ten Hope it's over when I open them I want the things that I had before Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door I wish I could count to ten Make everything be wonderful again Hope my mom and I hope my dad Will figure out why they get so mad Hear them scream, I hear them fight They say bad words that make me wanna cry Close my eyes when I go to bed And I dream of angels who make me smile I feel better when I hear them say Everything will be wonderful someday Promises mean everything when you're little And the world's so big I just don't understand how You can smile with all those tears in your eyes Tell me everything is wonderful now Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now I go to school and I run and play I tell the kids that it's all okay I laugh aloud so my friends won't know When the bell rings I just don't wanna go home Go to my ro
Songs Of Life
Songs of life they ring from quiet steeples to distance valleys along the hill sides of lovers hearts of lovers hearts Come sing your songs of life and they will keep you from ever wanting from ever needing forever more forever more oh and when the moment true they sing so softly to me and you you know they do you know they do so I sing my songs of life that I will hold you inside forever and you will know me that I'll be yours and you'll be mine oh and when the moments true they sing so softly to me and you you know they do you know they do and I'll sing my songs of life that I may hold you inside forever and you will know me and I'll be yours and you'll be mine
Song Of The Moment
I've never written a love song That didn't end in tears Maybe ill rewrite my love song if You can replace my fears I need your patience and guidance, And all your loving and more When thunder rolls through my life, will you be able to weather the storm Theres so much I will give baby, if i'd only let myself There's this swell of emotions I feel I must protest Whats the point of this armor, if it keeps the love away too I'd rather bleed with cuz of love then live without any scars Baby can I trust this or do all things end I need to hear that u'd die for me again and again and again So tell me when you look in my eyes can you share all the pain and the happy times Cuz I will love you for the rest of my life This is my very first love song, it didnt end in tears I think I rewrote my love song for the rest of my years I will love you for the rest of my life
Song Of The Day Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark
Love of mine some day you will die But I'll be close behind I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight Waiting for the hint of a spark If Heaven and Hell decide That they both are satisfied Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you When your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black And I held my tongue as she told me "Son fear is the heart of love" So I never went back If Heaven and Hell decide That they both are satisfied Illuminate the NOs on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you When your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark You and me have seen everything to see From Bangkok to Calgary And the soles of your shoes are all worn down The time for sleep is now It's nothing to cry about Cause we'll hold each other soon The blackest of ro
Song Of The Day Utada Hikaru - Sanctuary
In you and I there's a new land Angel's in flight My sanctuary my sanctuary yeah Where fears and lies melt away Music will tie What's left of me what's left of me now I watch you fast asleep All I fear means nothing In you and I there's a new land Angels in flight My sanctuary my sanctuary yeah Where fears and lies melt away Music will tie What's left of me what's left of me My heart's a battleground You show me how to see That nothing is whole and nothing is broken In you and I there's a new land Angel's in flight My sanctuary my sanctuary yeah Where fears and lies melt away Music will tie What's left of me what's left of me now My fears and lies Melt away
Songs And Pomes Im Working On I Now They Sux Lolz :p
songs; *your time ~the lights dimming ~the darkness growing ~no way to stop your death from coming ~you cant run....... ~you cant hide....... ~it's always looking for a new soul ~GET READY ~your time is here *srry ~i'm srry for everthing ~i'm srry for what i put u thought ~i'm srry im not who u want me too be ~but you cant control me forever ~i will me free (..^ not finished with them yet^.. ) POEM (HELLA EMO LOLZ) Missery what would you do if you died today? would anyone care ? or even notice? would you care? or would it be a dream come true? Or would you wish you coould go back in time and change everything ? Make everything better For not only you but also your freinds your family ? If i colud go back i would change some things but not all o
A Song.....
Big and Rich - Holy Water: Yahoo! Music Exclu...Music Video Codes
2004 Song
Milkshake by Kelis "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, it's better than yours Damn right it's better than yours I could teach you But I have to charge" You can work it! And you started a new trend or two in 2004! What 2004 Hit Song Are You?
Song Of The Day Dave Matthews Band - I Did It
Dave Matthews Band I Did It Lyrics Dave Matthews Band I Did It Lyrics I’m mixing up a bunch of magic stuff A magic mushroom cloud of care A potion that'll rock, the boat will rock And make a bomb of love and blow it up I did it Do you think I’ve gone too far? I did it Guilty as charged I did it It was me right or wrong I did it Yeah I never did a single thing that did a single thing To change the ugly ways of the world I didn’t know it felt so right inside I didn’t know it all I opened up the curtains I heard sirens there, the lights flash and crawl But I did it justice I just did it for the buzz, oh It’s a nickel or a dime for what I’ve done The truth is that I don’t really care For such a lovely crime I’ll do the time You better lock me up I’ll do it again I did it Do you think I’ve gone too far? I did it Guilty as charged I did it It was me right or wrong I did it Yeah I never did a single thing that did a single thing To change the ugly
Song Of The Day Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre(featuring Eminem)
[Dr. Dre] Y'all know me, still the same O.G., but I been low key Hated on by most these niggaz wit no cheese, no deals and no G's No wheels and no keys, no boats no snowmobiles, and no ski's Mad at me cause I can finally afford to provide my family wit groceries Got a crib wit a studio and it's all full of tracks to add to the wall full of plaques Hangin up in the office in back of my house like trophies Did y'all think I'ma let my dough freeze? Hoe please You better bow down on both knees Who you think taught you to smoke trees? Who you think brought you the oldies? Eazy-E's, Ice Cube's, and D.O.C's The Snoop D-O-double-G's and the group that said mother-"Fuck Tha Police" Gave you a tape full of dope beats to bump when you stroll through in your hood And when your album sales wasn't doin too good who's the Doctor they told you to go see? Y'all better listen up closely All you niggaz that said that I turned pop, or The Firm flopped Y'all are the reason that Dre ain
Song Of The Day Garbage - Push It
I was angry when I met you I think I'm angry still We can try to talk it over If you say you'll help me out Don't worry baby (don't worry baby) No need to fight Don't worry baby (don't worry baby) We'll be alright Chorus: This is the noise that keeps me awake My head explodes and my body aches Push it, make the beats go harder Push it, make the beats go harder I'm sorry that I hurt you Please don't ask me why I want to see you happy I want to see you shine Don't worry baby (don't worry baby) Don't be uptight Don't worry baby (don't worry baby) We'll stay up all night Chorus C'mon push it, you can do it C'mon prove it, nothing to it C'mon use it, let's get through it C'mon push it, you can do it Don't worry baby (don't worry baby) Don't be uptight Don't worry baby (don't worry baby) We'll stay up all night Chorus (3x) Don't worry baby We'll be alright Don't worry baby We'll be alright Push it Push it Push it Push it Push it
Song Of The Day Part 2... Decided To Do 2 Today... Garbage - The World Is Not Enough
I know how to hurt I know how to HEAL I know what to show And what to conceal I know when to talk And I know when to touch No one ever died from wanting too much The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love People like us Know how to survive There's no point in living If you can't feel the life We know when to kiss And we know when to kill If we can't have it all Then nobody will The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love I feel safe I feel secure I feel ready And yet I regret The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love The world is not enough The world is not enough NO NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH
Song Of The Day Seether - Fine Again
It seems like every day’s the same and I’m left to discover on my own It seems like everything is gray and there’s no color to behold They say it’s over and I’m fine again, yeah Try to stay sober feels like I’m dying here And I am aware now of how everything’s gonna be fine one day Too late, I’m in hell I am prepared now, seems everyone’s gonna be fine One day too late, just as well I feel the dream in me expire and there’s no one left to blame it on I hear you label me a liar ‘cause I can’t seem to get this through You say it’s over, I can sigh again, yeah Why try to stay sober when I’m dying here And I am aware now of how everything’s gonna be fine one day Too late, I’m in hell I am prepared now, seems everyone’s gonna be fine One day too late; just as well And I’m not scared now. I must assure you, you’re never gonna get away And I’m not scared now. And I’m not scared now. No… I am aware now of how everything’s gonna be fine one day Too late,
Song/poem Deppends On How You Read It Lol
baby when i look in your eyes i look deep into your sole where i find the true meaning of love and passion i take you by the hand and bring you into my arms so i could hold you tight and baby all i can think is told hold you in my heart for the rest of my life
Song Of The Day Sr-71 - Tomorrow
Is it any wonder why I'm scared? If I was a little younger would I care? Feeling like the walls are growing stronger I don't know if this cage can hold me any longer You never dreamed you'd have to live your life so guarded Cause they'll find a way to make you feel discarded I'm not afraid of tomorrow I'm only scared of myself Feels like my insides are all on fire And I'm looking through the eyes of someone else I never thought they'd want me to go even faster INever thought I took my foot off the gas Everybody loves to be in on the pressure But I know they're all waiting for the crash You never dreamed you had to live your life so guarded Cause they'll find a way to make you feel discarded Things have changed you've become of complication You can't make it through another day's humiliation I'm not afraid of tomorrow I'm only scared of myself Feels like my insides are all on fire And I'm looking through the eyes of someone else Someone someone someone
Honey why you calling me so late It's kinda hard to talk right now Honey why you crying is everything okay I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud Well, my girl's in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel It's funny that you're calling me tonight And yes I've dreamt of you too And does he know you're talking to me Will it start a fight No I don't think she has a clue Well my girl's in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be fa
I first heard this song while i was on my way home from the hospital i had spent to long fightting weeks in ICU fightting for my life. I am a survivor of a Basilar Tip Aneurysm My Late Grandfather who pasted away some years ago was my Angel that saturday evening. And my Parents Who came to my call with no questions asked that day. To the Ems crew and the staff the flew me to another hospital thanks. and to all the surgerns and nurses and family who was by my side thanks. This man tells it all from beginning to the end. Everyword is true. and the places he talks about I have been there and the decisons were hard to make. Thanks Family for makeing the right ones and for the Treatments that were given me in those 24 hours Thanks each and every one Live Like You Were Dying Video - Tim McGraw lyricsTim McGraw Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureMyspace Layouts
A Song That Means Something To Me
I've been watching your world from afar, I've been trying to be where you are, And I've been secretly falling apart, Unseen. To me, you're strange and you're beautiful, You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see, You turn every head but you don't see me. I'll put a spell on you, You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you. And when I wake you, I'll be the first thing you see, And you'll realise that you love me. Sometimes, the last thing you want comes in first, Sometimes, the frist thing you want never comes, And I know, the waiting is all you can do, Sometimes... I'll put a spell on you, You'll fall asleep, I'll put a spell on you, And when I wake you, I'll be the first thing you see, And you'll realise that you love me.
The Song Remembers When~trisha Yearwood
I was standing at the counter I was waiting for the change When I heard that old familiar music start It was like a lighted match Had been tossed into my soul It was like a dam had broken in my heart After taking every detour Getting lost and losing track So that even if I wanted I could not find my way back After driving out the memory Of the way things might have been After I'd forgotten all about us The song remembers when We were rolling through the Rockies We were up above the clouds When a station out of Jackson played that song And it seemed to fit the moment And the moment seemed to freeze When we turned the music up and sang along And there was a God in Heaven And the world made perfect sense We were young and were in love And we were easy to convince We were headed straight for Eden It was just around the bend And though I have forgotten all about it The song remembers when I guess something must have happened And we must have said goodbye
Song Of The Day Dishwalla - Counting Blue Cars
Must have been mid-afternoon I could tell by how far the child's shadow is stretched out and He walks with a purpose In his sneakers Down the street he had Many questions like children often do... He said "Tell me all your thoughts on God? And tell me am I very far?" Must have been late afternoon On our way the sun broke free of the clouds We count only blue cars Skip the cracks in the street And ask many questions like children often do... We said "Tell me all your thoughts on God? Cause I'd really like to meet her And ask her why we're who we are? Tell me all your thoughts on God? Cause I'm on my way to see her So tell me am I very far Am I very far now?" It's getting cold Picked up the pace How our shoes make hard noises in this place Our clothes are stained We pass many cross-eyed people And ask many questions like children often do... "Tell me all your thoughts on God? Cause I'd really like to meet her And ask her why we're who we are? Tell
Rescue me from boring times, it's a story i know line by line, different deep on the inside, isn't different if you have to try, i'm borderline day after day, waiting to get knocked off my feet again time passes by like a slow parade waiting to get knocked off my feet again knocked to my knees again. The measurements of my success, are always measured in not making sense my motivation's taking bets it's apologies or arguments with a head filled full of cans and can'ts. i try and try and try to remember why i think it's now or it's never. i'm borderline day after day waiting to get knocked off my feet again time passes by like a slow parade waiting to get knocked off my feet again knocked on my knees again.
A Song Some Will Like It Most Won't Its Called Georgia.... Bush
Song Fo The Day 1 Candlebox - Far Behind
Now maybe I didn't mean to treat you bad But I did it anyway And then maybe Some would say your life was sad But you lived it anyway And so maybe Your friends they stand around they watch you crumble As you falter to the ground And then someday Your friends they stand beside as you were flying Oh you were flying oh so high But them someday people look at you for what they call their own They watch you suffer Yeah they hear you calling home But then some day we could take our time To brush the leaves aside so you can reach us But you left me far behind Now maybe I didn't mean to treat you oh so bad But I did it anyway Now maybe some would say you're left with what you had But you couldn't share the pain No, no, no Couldn't share the pain, they watch you suffer Now maybe I could have made my own mistakes But I live with what I've known And then maybe we might share in something great But won't you look at where we've grown Won't you look at where we've go
Song Of The Day Alien Ant Farm - Movies
At slow speed we all seem focused In motion we seem wrong In summer we can taste the rain Chorus: I want you to be free Don’t worry about me And just like the movies We play out our last scene Two can play this game We both want power In winter we can taste the pain In our short years, we come long way To treat it bad and throw away IN OUR SHORT YEARS WE COME LONG WAY TO TREAT IT BAD AND THROW AWAY Chorus You wont cry, I wont scream In our short years we come long way To treat it bad and throw away And if we make a little space A science fiction showcase In our short film, a love disgrace Dream a scene to brighten face In our short years we come long way To treat it bad, just to throw it away Chorus You wont cry, I wont scream
Song Of The Day Insane Clown Posse - Nothing's Left
Ain't nothin left here for me So I'm out this bitch Fuck stayin here I'm buzzin the fuck all the bout We out this motha fucka right now Theres no story that ain't been told There ain't no gimic that ain't been sold Theres no ocean that never been swam Theres no jaba that ain't been slamed There ain't no road that ain't been traveled There ain't no doctor that ain't been baffled Ain't no thug that never cried Ain't no preacher that never lied Theres no rumor that ain't been passed Ain't no question that no one asked Theres no tree that won't get chopped Theres no bomb that won't get dropped Ain't no path that no ones laid AIn't no beast that ain't been afraid Theres no feat that no one can Theres no saga that never began Ain't no snow that didn't melt Theres no punch that ain't been felt Theres no skill that no ones learned Theres no planet that he ain't turned Theres no feud that never disolved There ain't no problem that ain't been solved Theres no tale
Song Of The Day - Papa Roach - Last Resort
Cut my life into pieces This is my last resort Suffocation, no breathing Don't give a fuck If I cut my arm bleeding This is my last resort Cut my life into pieces I've reached my last resort Suffocation, no breathing Don't give a fuck If I cut my arm bleeding Do you even care If I die bleeding? Would it be wrong or Would it be right If I took my life tonight Chances are that I might Mutilation out of sight And I'm contemplating suicide Cause I'm losing my sight, Losing my mind, Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine Losing my sight , Losing my mind, Wish somebody would tell me I'm fine I never realized I was spread too thin Till it was too late And I was empty within Hungry feeding on chaos and living in sin Downward spiral, where do I begin It all started when I lost my mother No love for myself And no love for another Searching to find a love upon a higher level Finding nothing but questions and devils Cause I'm losing my sight Losing my
Songs, Lyrics And People
Have you ever really listened to the lyrics of a song and associated them with people? Being a musician this happens all the time to me. Some songs hold partial meanings to me while others hit home with every word in the song. Below are some of the more powerful ones for me right now in my life. Some I associate to myself, but most are a translation of how I think about "others". Take a listen if you can to get a glimps of whats going on in my head.. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol That Girl by Frankie J Lips of an Angel by Hinder Gallery by Mario Vasquez Whats this life for by Creed Prayer by Disturbed Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit Someday by Nickelback Alive by P.O.D Drift Away by Uncle Cracker Outside by Staind Wake me Up When September Ends by Greenday Here Without You by 3 Doors Down It's Your Love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill What's going on inside your head?
Song With My Name...
this is a song i found on someones blog..and its odd cause my name is julie and im none of those things... Love Sex n Death "Seasons of Love" (SUMMER) ON a tropical day I sat on the bay with my “Boots”--I saw a girl in blue and before I knew, she came my way--she said ,”how would you like to hop on my bike and take a ride?”--well before I knew, that girl in blue became my bride--we would sit in the sun, a summer of fun, everyday--taking off our clothes, wiggle our toes in the sand--we had nothing to lose, breaking all the rules feeling free--it was a wonderful life, just me and my wife eternally (FALL) As time went on our loving bond became loose--I spent many a day feeling somber and gray by myself--an empty home writing a poem was all I had--since saturday night when we got in a fight, I was sad (WINTER) A dizzy head drunk in my bed, alone and cold--lost in a stare wondering where she could be--I couldn’t understand, sleeping in my van teary eyed--and on top of that
Song Of The Day 2 Third Eye Blind - Jumper
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, You could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in, And if you do not want to see me again, I would understand. I would understand. The angry boy, a bit too insane, Icing over a secret pain, You know you don't belong, You're the first to fight, You're way too loud, You're The flash of light, on a burial shroud, I know something's wrong, Well everyone I know has got a reason, to say, put the past away, I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, You could cut ties with all the lies, That you've been living in, And if you do not want to see me again, I would understand, I would understand. And well he's on the table, and he's gone to code, And I do not think anyone knows, What they are doing here, And your friends have left you, You've been dismissed. I never thought it would come to this, and I, I want you to know, Everyone's got to face down the demons, Maybe today, We can pu
A Song I Wrote With My Band Its About Myspace Lol
Drove way around the world to see my myspace gf just to find out she had a real life boyfriend. booo whoooo. Slit my wrists and black my eyes lalalalallala so I am here with this pain in my heart gonna block ur ass and hope u choke on the next big thing I am gonna erased my “who I like to meet”. Chours: why did it have to be you to tear me down i thought are love was so strong I would have given my life for you, now I am here looking at ur myspace knowing its over becuz myspace ruins livessssssss and I hope u take my pics off your page as I always dreamed of a storybook romance but my little paper heart ripped so easy I have a hole in my chest becuz of you I was killed by all that you have said it was like a knife to the throat My life was gone I lost every thing becuz I fell in love with the girl from myspace Chours: why did it have to be you to tear me down i thought are love was so strong I would have given my life for you, now I am here looking at
Songs Of Farewell And Departure
before we scream and descend, steady to the sun a simple tale of woe, your hearts won't be undone a love song to everyone i know arms wide open, here we go she weaves a trail of petals through the embryonic ice her hair was warm to the touch and flowers twice as nice and if he stands on the moon he can barely catch her eyes always open to the sky and so we land only to find we never left the ground please leave the walls and the floors exactly as you found a love song to everyone i know arms wide open, here we go HUM
Song Of The Day - Papa Roach - Between Angels And Insects
There's no money, there's no possessions, only obsession I don't need that shit, take my money, take my obsession I just wanna be heard, loud and clear are my words, comin’ from within man Tell ‘em what you heard, it's about a revolution In your heart and in your mind, you can find the conclusion Lifestyle and obsession, diamond rings get you nothin’ but a lifelong lesson And your pocketbook stressin’, you're a slave to the system Workin jobs that you hate, for that shit you don't need It's too bad the world is based on greed, step back and see Stop thinkin’ bout yourself, start thinkin’ bout There's no money, there's no possession, only obsession, I don't need that shit Take my money, take my possession, take my obsession, I don't need that shit Cuz everything is nothing, and emptiness is in everything This reality is really just a fucked up dream With the flesh and the blood that you call your soul, flip it inside out It's a big black hole, take your money burn i
Song Of The Goddess
Song of the Goddess -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am the Great Mother, worshipped by all creation and existent prior to their consciousness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal. I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic. The winds and moving leaves sing my name. I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the starry heavens. I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon. I am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in me and know the fullness of youth. I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest. I am clothed in the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain. By me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition according to my season. I am refuge and healing. I am the life giving Mother, wondrously fertile. I am the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth. I am the wheel,
Music Video:THE THANKSGIVING SONG (by Adam Sandler)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Songs (lyrics ) I Can Relate To
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know
Song Of The Sun ~~~ Mike Oldfield
This is the only video I could find for the song....
Song Of The Day... :) 11262k6
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face You told me how proud you were but I walked away If only I knew what I know today I would hold you in my arms I would take away the pain Thank you for all you've done Forgive all your mistakes There's nothing I wanna do To hear your voice again Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I hurt myself by hating you Somedays I feel broke inside but I won't admit Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand? Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am? There's nothing I want to do To have just one more chance To look into your eyes and see you looking back I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do And I've had myself If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I sit alone here tonight, Just tryin' to pass the time, Now here you come, And I'm undone...... You take a hold of me, And I can hardly breathe, But you've been gone so long, And we both moved on, So tell me why..... Are you with me tonight? Just when I think you're gone, I realize I'm wrong, You're only a memory, Still stronger than I'll ever be, But I know the truth, I never meant a thing to you, It's like you threw me away, But a part of you had to stay, You're still inside me, And you won't let me be..... You take a hold of me, And I can hardly breathe, But you've been gone so long, And we've both moved on, So tell me why.... Are you with me tonight? I gotta drive out the memory, Hafta to rid myself of the you in me, Cuz if I never forget, I'll always regret, Letting you go, Letting our love go cold, There's nothing I can do anymore, I've tried it all before, And I don't wanna live this way, Baby, you're killing me, You take a hold of m
Song Of The Daypearl Jam - Glorified G
Got a gun, fact I got two That's O.K. man, cuz I love god Glorified version of a pellet gun Feels so manly, when armed Glorified version of a pellet gun (4x) Double think, dumb is strength Never shot at a living thing Glorified version of a pellet gun Feels so manly, when armed Glorified version of a pellet gun (3x) Glorified version of a... Always keep it loaded (3x) Kindred to be an American... Life comes...I can feel your heart... comes...I can feel your heart through your neck... Life comes...I can feel your heart through your neck... Like some...I can steal your heart form your neck... Glorified...glorified...
A Song 4 Some One
Song Of The Moment........
TIM McGRAW LYRICS Angry All The Time Here we are What is left of a husband and a wife four good kids Who have a way of gettin on with their lives I'm not old but I'm getting a whole lot older every day It's too late to keep from goin' crazy I got to get away The reasons that I can't stay don't have a thing to do with being in love And I understand that lovin a man shouldn't have to be this rough You ain't the only one Who feels like this world left you far behind I don't know why you gotta be Angry All The Time Our boys are strong the spittin image of you when you were young I hope someday they can see past what you have become I remember every time I said I'd never leave What I can't live with is memories of the way you used to be The reasons that I can't stay don't have a thing to do with being in love And I understand that lovin a man shouldn't have to be this rough You ain't the only one Who feels like this world left you far behind I
Song Of The Decade
KENNY ROGERS The last ten years {superman} Oh, the last ten years, it's been quite trip Over thirty-six-hundred spins around without a cosmic slip But within the realm of our atmosphere We're 'bout as out of whack as we've ever been in a million years We watched the Y2K scare in a panic An' we watched as time proved Nostrodamus wrong An' we watched as Mother Nature shook the planet An' cellular replaced the telephone We lost Charlie Brown, Ray Charles an' Johnny Cash We even lost Superman, mhm. Well, the last ten years, look at the hills we've climbed The best golfer's black, the best rapper's white an' it's about damn time But we best beware, there's a brand new fight, you see An' I hate to say we might be our own worst enemy We watched Oklahoma sifting through the damage An' we watched a US President get caught We watched shareholders watch their savings vanish We all cried when we watched those towers fall We lost Minnie Pearl, Ro
Song Of The Day - The Eagles - Take It To The Limit
All alone at the end of the evening And the bright lights have faded to blue I was thinking 'bout a woman who might have Loved me and I never knew You know I've always been a dreamer (spent my life running 'round) And it's so hard to change (Can't seem to settle down) But the dreams I've seen lately Keep on turning out and burning out And turning out the same So put me on a highway And show me a sign And take it to the limit one more time You can spend all your time making money You can spend all your love making time If it all fell to pieces tomorrow Would you still be mine? And when you're looking for your freedom (Nobody seems to care) And you can't find the door (Can't find it anywhere) When there's nothing to believe in Still you're coming back, you're running back for more So put me on a highway And show me a sign And take it to the limit one more time Take it to the limit Take it to the limit Take it to the limit one more time
Song Of The Day - Skillet - Rebirthing
I lie here paralytic Inside this soul Screaming for you till my throat is numb I wanna break out I need a way out I don't believe that it's gotta be this way The worst is the waiting In this womb I'm suffocating Feel your presence filling up my lungs with oxygen I take you in I've died Rebirthing now I wanna live for love wanna live for you and me Breathe for the first time now I come alive somehow Rebirthing now I Wanna live my life wanna give you everything Breathe for the first time now I come alive somehow I lie here lifeless In this cocoon Shedding my skin cause I'm ready to I wanna break out I found a way out I don't believe that it's gotta be this way The worst is the waiting In this womb I'm suffocating [Bridge:] Tell me when I'm gonna live again Tell me when I'm gonna breathe you in Tell me when I'm gonna feel inside Tell me when I'm gonna feel alive Tell me when I'm gonna live again Tell me when this fear will end Tell me when I'm g
A Song I Wrote
Enter My World Inside, I don't remember While I was going under Bring back the feeling in the air With me and still I'm trying Gone Through and still I'm lying I'm here and still I do not care Come to me, whispered voices in my ear Come to me, Break through this nightmare Alone, this world surrounds me I scream, the pain shouts at me The way is clear but still I stare Broke down, my legs wont' hold me I'm lost, will never be free Enter my world now if you dare... Come to me, whispered voices in my ear Come to me, Break through this nightmare There's a road that forks at the end (Delusion seeping in) There is no stopping me now (go back, stay back) Choices that have to be made (We won't release you now) I'd go, but now I'm afraid... The Pain won't go away... Come to Me whispered voices in my ear Stay with me, you've entered this nightmare...
Song Lyrics
This is one of my fave songs rite now!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry Da Da Da Da The smell of your skin lingers on me now Your probably on your flight back to your home town I need some shelter of my own protection baby To be with myself and center of clarity Peace, Serenity [CHORUS] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personal, Myself and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket But Ive got to get a move on with my life Its time to be a big girl now And big girls don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry The path that I'm walking I must go alone I must take the baby steps until I'm full grown Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay [CHORUS] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to with you It's personal, Myself an
Song Title......... Help Me Please
I heard this awesome song on the way home from work.. and of course they did not meantion the artist or the title of the song.. The song has an awesome drum beat, tribal sounding.. Some of the lyrics are "take care of our planet, like god intended it to be, Wake up! for our children". The lyrics are not in that exact order if anyone knows the name could you please message me.. help me please :)..
Song That Touches Me....
DAVE MATTHEWS BAND - Grey Street Lyrics Oh look at how she listens She says nothing of what she thinks She just goes stumbling through her memories Staring out on to Grey Street. She thinks, "Hey, how did I come to this?" I dream myself a thousand times around the world But I can't get out of this place. There's an emptiness inside her And she'll do anything to fill it in But all the colors mix together - to grey And it breaks her heart How she wishes it was different She prays to God most every night And though she swears it doesn't listen There's still a hope in her it might She says "I pray oh But they fall on deaf ears, am I supposed to take it on myself? To get out of this place? " Oh There's a lonliness inside her And she'll do anything to fill it in And though it's red blood bleeding from her now It feels like cold blue ice in her heart When all the colors mix together - to grey And it breaks her heart There's a stranger speaks outside her door Says
A Song.
(I'm in a werid mood today!) I left Keith a comment, but at the same time I created the BEST SONG ON EARTH! and I had to share it with the world! :breaks into song: "Me meee cheese cheese it make me happy le cheese cheese cheese makey me no poo poo but I love me le cheese cheese" The end. Awesome right? I know. -Fallon PS. Oh and if you can get past the amazing-ness of my song and care: I've been good. Working and being good, yeah. Woot. Oh and I finally send out xmas cards, Phew and I'm spent. Goodnight. PPS. I hate the way the "x" looks when it's capitalized, like so "X" Ugh! Just hate it!
12 Songs Til Xmas
Tonight's song is You & Me by Lifehouse Hope ya like it! Lifehouse Music Video Codes Now Playing: Lifehouse - You And Me Brought you by: Music Codes
A Song
11 Songs Til Xmas
Here's the song for today.. Posting this early because I have a final tomorrow morning and I should make myself busy the rest of the say (which  I wont but I have to say it) I posted the lyrics to this song some posts ago and here's the music that goes with it Song is Scratch by Kendall Payne and it's used in a Grey's Anatomy's video (yes i AM trying to get everyone to watch this show)
Songs That Mean Something?
So there's this song that is played quite a bit this time of year. It's called "Christmas Shoes" by New Song. I don't know about you, but this song just really pulls at my heart strings. Every time I hear it my eyes start to tear up a little. Does this make me a wussy? Does this happen to anyone else out there or is it just me. On that note is there a song that does this to you? If so, what song is it?
Songs For My Generation
Songs Of Yuletide Joy
HARK THE NEW AGE PAGANS SING! "Coeis and Morrigant " (Tune: "Hark the Herald Angels Sing") Hark the New Age Pagans Sing, Glory to the Holly King, Peace on Earth and mercy mild, God and Goddess reconciled, Hear us now as we proclaim, We have risen from the flames, Our ancient Craft now we reclaim, In the God and Goddess' names Hark the New Age Pagans Sing, Glory to the Holly King! Herne by highest love adored, Herne the ever-reborn Lord, At all times behold Him come, Offspring of the Holy One, Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail Incarnate Deity! Our ancient Craft now we reclaim, in the God and Goddess' names Hark the New Age Pagans Sing, Glory to the Holly King! YE CHILDREN ALL OF MOTHER EARTH Ellen Reed (Tune: "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear") Ye children all of Mother Earth join hands and circle around To celebrate the Solstice night When our lost Lord is found. Rejoice, the year has begun again The Sun blesses skies up above So share the season toge
What songs do you know that have to do with California?
9 Songs
This was an odd movie. Not sure how I ended up picking this up but it's about a couple who go to concerts and have sex. My ex was upset by the movie and we stopped it 1/2 way through. Rotten tomatoes doesn't even have it in their system.
A Song
. I wish that I could've stayed but you argued. More than this I wish you could've seen my face In the backseat staring out the window. I'll do anything for you, Kill anyone for you. So leave yourself intact 'Cause I will be coming back. In a phrase to cut these lips, I love you. The morning will come In the press of every kiss With your head upon my chest Where I will annoy you With every waking breath Until you decide to wake up. I earned through hope and faith The curves around your face That I'm the one you'll hold forever. If morning never comes for either one of us, Then this I pray to you wherever. I'll do anything for you. This story is for you. ('Cause I'd do anything you want me to... for you.) I'll do anything for you, Kill anyone for you. So leave yourself intact 'Cause I won't be coming back. In a phrase to cut these lips, I loved you. The morning will come In the press of every kiss With your head upon my chest Where I will a
A Song Of Respect By Pantera
Pantera-walk Walk (Intro) Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistance One step from lashing out at you... You want in to get under my skin And call yourself a friend I've got more friends like you What do I do? (Pre) Is there no standard anymore? What it takes, who I am, where I've been Belong You can't be something you're not Be yourself, by yourself Stay away from me A lesson learned in life Known from the dawn of time (Chorus) Re, Spect, walk, what did you say?? Re, Spect, walk, are you talking to me??? (Post)Are you talking to me?? Run your mouth when I'm not around It's easy to achieve You cry to weak friends that sympathize Can you hear the violins playing your song? Those same friends tell me your every word (Pre) Is there no standard anymore? What it takes, who I am, where I've been Belong You can't be something you're not Be yourself, by yourself Stay away from me A lesson learned in life
Song I Wrote
Ex Pass on V-1 All Me Hélène yeah I love ya baby its Ur old partner/ U take the breath from me, make my life heavenly/ I can’t believe the way the good lord is blessing me/ One in a million, mother of my children/ Me without u, like car without engine/ U listen to mah dreams that I vision, respect that I smoke Mary Jane/ It’s like mah religion, the pigeons, sometimes make u worry/ But I can see u knoe my vision aint blurry/ The innocence, still strong like a feminist/ I Reminisce on the first time we ever kissed/ In the devilish world, u mah only angel/ I cancelled concerts to stay with u and watch cable/ Kiss Ur label, candle lights on the table/ U never cared if I was financially stable/ 12 years, to me it feels like 12 minutes/ My love for u sees no limits/ Chorus All ME What would I be without u, I knoe I wouldn’t be rappin in this soundproof/ I knoe I wouldn’t be pushin a Benz, Id probably be getting transferred... to different pens/ Or chillin with my de
A Song.. Its How I Feel
He looks at me. I fake a smile so he won't see. What I want and need And everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful. That girl he talks about, and she's got everything that I have to live without He talks to me I laugh 'cuz its so damn funny But I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right. I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night. He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar. The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star. He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do. He walks by me. Can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly. The kind of flawless I wish I could be. She better hold him tight, give him all her love, look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky 'cuz.. He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the
Song Of The Day 08/01/2007
Song Of The Day 09/01/2007
Song For Nathan
Smile in your sleep! when i'm lying in your bed play the emotions in my head you know that im thinking i have reasons to believe that i'm not the only one you spends this times with but i'll stay you say, your weak you won't let me down you lie through your teeth you smile in your sleep when we meet you said we were the same you know that we're different all the times you promised me that everything would work out in the end you were greatly mistaken you lie through your teeth you won't let me down i deserve better then this i dream of steel maroon and warm, you end you gasp for air, i'll see this through i'll see through your pale blue eyes when you're lying on your bed your eulogies been read you know that its fading because you lie
Song Of The Day 10/01/2007
Song I Wrote When I Was Stoned Off My Ass
My stoner song man, ~Uh hey Nukko Look at that boieee right thurr He make me say Woot Woot!! My nukko, I like the way you do it right thurr ( right thurr nukko) Shake your hips nukko when your pumpin into hurr ( into hurr) I like the way you do it right thurr ( right thurr) Lick your lips, while your sticking, its big pimping give your tongue a sturr ( give it a sturr) I like the way you look in your eyeliner son ( you be fine) LiL nukko smoke you like a quarter pound of weed ( far from a dime) The kind of nukko got me big pimpin in my mind ( mind) I be rolling like that grab your bootlicious nukko ass and make you mine (mine) Look at your eyes, (What!) Look at those lips ( nukko gyrate yo hips!) I sure wouldn't mind kicking it back, hell yeah nukko cut me some slack I like it when you touch it cause I growl a lil bit Lips parted and shiny grill makes me tingle a lil bit I know you legal nukko, so pick up the phone, and dial my numba Dont tip off these rhyme
Song To My Self
The lyrics to this song kill me every time i hear it.. its personal but i dont really care who knows the sadness of one man, a stranger. Sitting in jail, losing all hope, losing my mind,. locked inside solitary confinment for something i didnt do.. i never expected a letter, or hell a visitor for that matter.. and on one sad visitation day i was retreived by the CO (correction officer) for a visit.. what me? and so i went for my 15 min in my orange jumpsuit to the tiny booth of a room to see my ex behind the glass.. there visiting me. and it tore my heart out. hearing the song still does the same effect its Through the Glass by Stonesour. i cant even begin to reiterate how the song makes me feel.. specally being where i was for the time i was and for something i didnt do.. being with someone i thought i could trust only to be put where i was.. again. not that any one cares.. but i do. I'm looking at you through the glass Don't know how much time has passed Oh God it fee
A Song
this song hits home for me...... Godsmack - Hollow One more step and I could fall away If it happened would it matter And I can't tell if I should go or stay. Same old picture feels so hollow. How can anybody know what's best for me Another page I turn in shame. And my decisions brought me to my knees, I needed someone to blame. I feel so hollow, I feel so hollow I feel so hollow, I feel so hollow Time to do what's best for me I believe I can change. Once upon a time in broken dreams. Reflections that I can't face. So hold your breath and make a wish for me. Take me to a better place. Time always seems to be passing by It never waits for me If I could do it all one more time, I wouldn't change a thing. I feel so hollow, I feel so hollow I feel so hollow, I feel so hollow Time to do what's best for me I believe I can change.
A Song For The Soul....
A Song For The Soul....but A Little More X-rated...
A Song... Funny
Gwen Stefani Wind It Up
A Song I Wrote
another falling tear There a moon that shines over you my dear I look up and wish to god that you were here So I could take you in my arms And partake of your charms Oops there goes another falling tear Oceans aren’t deep enough to hold my love And mountains aren’t high enough to touch the dove That carries on it wings sweet peace For only you give me release Oops there goes another falling tear Time will tell if one day I will hold you near And only then will I know peace forever here To taste your honey sweet lips And see that loving halo slip Oops there goes another falling tear I need to tell you all about this little fear And how these moments drag on just like a year To look deep inside those eyes And feel just like I won first prize Oops there goes another falling tear Maybe dreams come true and I will be with you And I can build the perfect life just for two Holding you in my arms so near And hearing what I longed to hear Oops there goes
A Song That Meant Somthing...
Im not sure how many others have had an eperiance like I did. But around the end of 2005, I first discovered the band social distortion. I enjoyed their music, but never really listened to it. In June of 2006, my life went into the gutter, my fiancee left me, I was kicked out of my home... And found myself Living out of my car, barely making 6 an hour at a resteraunt. Listening to Social Distortion one day, I fell across the song by Social D titled "Ball and Chain" And it Opened my eyes. Ive been trying to change myself so much to appease everyone else, that I wound up homeless and broken hearted. "Ball and Chain" Well it's been ten years and a thousand tears And look at the mess I'm in- A broken nose and a broken heart, An empty bottle of gin Well I sit and I pray In my broken down Chevrolet- While I'm singin' to myself There's got to be another way CHORUS Take away, take away Take away this ball and chain I'm lonely and I'm tired And I can't take any more pain T
"Wicked Game" Chris Isaak, We were on fire No one could save me but you. Strange {world} desire make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you No, I don't want to fall in love [This girl is only gonna break your heart] No, I don't want to fall in love [This girl is only gonna break your heart] With you With you What a wicked game to play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do To let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say You never felt this way What a wicked thing to do To make me dream of you And I wanna fall in love [This girl is only gonna break your heart] And I don't want to fall in love [This girl is only gonna break your heart] {World} was on fire No one could save me but you Strange {world} desire make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you A
Song Of The Day!
Well I made a decision that i will designate to my page the song of the day and let everyone know why it was designated so by the end of the day! in my next blog and allothers in this category following will be the song name and the explanation for it! By the way it is my personal song of the day! Not any kind of contest! lol !
Song Of The Day!
Well I made a decision that i will designate to my page the song of the day and let everyone know why it was designated so by the end of the day! in my next blog and allothers in this category following will be the song name and the explanation for it! By the way it is my personal song of the day! Not any kind of contest! lol ! sorry for the double post put itin the wrong folder! lol
Song For 01-22-07
WAKE UPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! It's Monday!!!!! System of a Down's Chop Suey off of their Toxicity Album made it for todays Song of the day! Quite simply a song that will WAKE YOU UP! lol ( oh yeah and back to some metal!! lol)
Song I Like
It's your life, you say you need a change Don't all the dreams we've seen come true mean anything You say it's different now and you keep staring at the door How can you walk away, don't I matter anymore. If being free is worth what you leave behind And if it's too late for love to change your mind Then it's goodbye time. If we had known our love would come to this We could have saved our hearts the hurt of wasted years Well it's been fun what else can I say If the feelings gone words won't stop you anyway. If being free is worth what you leave behind And if it's too late for love to change your mind Then it's goodbye time Goodbye Baby....
A Song I Really Like
Erotica Lyrics Erotica Lyrics Artist(Band):Razed in Black I'd like to put you in a trance If I take you from behind Push myself into your mind When you least expect it Will you try and reject it If I'm in charge and I treat you like a child Will you let yourself go wild Let my mouth go where it wants to Give it up, do as I say Give it up and let me have my way I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck I'll give you love, I'll teach you how to ... I'd like to put you in a trance, all over Erotic, erotic, put your hands all over my body (repeat twice) Erotic, erotic Once you put your hand in the flame You can never be the same There's a certain satisfaction In a little bit of pain I can see you understand I can tell that you're the same If you're afraid, well rise above I only hurt the ones I love Give it up, do as I say Give it up and let me have my way I'll give you love, I'll hit you like a truck I'll give you love, I'll teach you how
The Song Remembers When ~ Trisha Yearwood
I was standin' at the counter I was waitin' for the change When I heard that old familiar music start It was like a lighted match Had been tossed into my soul It was like a dam had broken in my heart After taking ev'ry detour Gettin' lost and losin' track So that even if I wanted I could not find my way back After drivin' out the mem'ry Of the way things might have been After I'd forgotten all about us The song remembers when We were rolling through the Rockies We were up above the clouds When a station out of Jackson played that song And it seemed to fit the moment And the moment seemed to freeze When we turned the music up and sang along And there was a God in Heaven And the world made perfect sense We were young and were in love And we were easy to convince We were headed straight for Eden It was just around the bend And though I have forgotten all about it The song remembers when (Bridge:) I guess somethin' must have happened And we must have s
I was just thinking of this quirky song to put on my little online iPod thingie when I was distracted by something. Now, I have forgotten what song it was that I was going to add to the playlist. Can someone please tell me what it was?
Songs From My You Remember??
Does anyone else remember this shit? Dinosaur Jr. - Feel the Pain Drivin' N' Cryin' - Fly Me Courageous Eels - Novacaine for the soul Gravity Kills - Guilty Kula Shaker - Tattva Lush - Ladykillers Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Song Lyrics- If You're Going Through Hell
This song holds alt of meaning for me with all my family and I have gone through the last few years, we have not given up hope that tomorrow will be better and the Devil can not keep us down. Artist Name- Rodney Atkins Song lyrics- If You're Going Through Hell (Before The Devil Even Knows) Well you know those times When you feel like there's a sign there on your back Say's I don't mind if ya kick me Seems like everybody has Things go from bad to worse You'd think they can't get worse than that And then they do You still walk the straight and narrow And you don't know where you are Use the needle of your compass To sew up your broken heart Ask directions from a genie In a bottle of Jim Beam And she lies to You That's when you learn the truth If you're going through hell Keep on going, Don't slow down If you're scared, don't show it You might get out Before the devil even knows you're there Well I been deep down in that darkness I been down to my las
My Immortal Evanescence (Fallen) I'm so tired of being here supressed by all my childish fears and if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave cuz your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone these wounds won't seem to heal this pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase when you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears and I've held your hand for all of these years but you still have all of me you used to captivate me by your resonating light now I'm bound by the life you left behind your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams your voice it chased away all of the sanity in me these wounds won't seem to heal this pain is just to real there's just to much that time cannot erase when you'd cry I'd wipe away all of your tears when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears and I've held your hand for all of these years but you still have all of me I've trie
Song For Jades User 230431
Song for jade fucken hoe fucken slut give this bitch 5 dollars shes give you a fuck 2 more dollars and shell give u a blow omg this bitch is a hoe jade yea thats the trick stains on her face left bye the dick any hole shell let u stick more dicks then a baseball team then shes does in a day wut a dick pheen grass stains left on her back getting low while licken my ball sack skank hoe dirty skank keep ur legs closed cuz u stank cuz this bitches been around the block and this bitch knows everyone buy their cock vd std shes got it all in her affected pussy dick falls off if u even think nose hairs burnt off when u smell the stink between her legs where its pink .............LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLLOL catch my breath lolololol
The Song
I WENT out to the hazel wood, Because a fire was in my head, And cut and peeled a hazel wand, And hooked a berry to a thread: And when white moths were on the wing, And moth-like stars were flickering out, I dropped the berry in a stream And caught a little silver trout. When I had laid it on the floor I went to blow the fire aflame, But something rustled on the floor, And some one called me by my name: It had become a glimmering girl With apple blossom in her hair Who called me by my name and ran And faded through the brightening air. Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done The silver apples of the moon, The golden apples of the sun.
A Song I Wrote About My Daughter
My daddy’s girl Some things aren’t meant to last Some dreams they go too fast Then I think of you And that just won’t do I love the sweetness of your smile Watching you play all the while I already knew I was loosing you The child you are is slipping away And this is just natures way Of setting you free So you can be who you’ll be This old man can help but feel Time is cruel but wounds heal And in time pain goes That’s what this heart knows A daddy’s girl you’ll always be At least it’s what I’ll always see When I look at you My baby girl forever new The child you are is slipping away And this is just natures way Of setting you free So you can be who you’ll be Daddy loves you oh so much And he loves to feel the touch Of your little hand Nothings better to this man I won’t worry about what comes It would be oh so dumb And waste the time And that truly is a crime The child you are is slipping away But we won’t worry about that tod
The Song Of Cherokee Rose
The natives of the Florida swamps, the Seminoles, were on the warpath and many lives were lost, and they retreated from their enemy, the Cherokee. One young, handsome Seminole brave was captured and taken prisoner by the Cherokees. He was a strong lad with jet black hair and black eyes, but he had been seriously wounded and was an easy target. He was condemned to die at the stake by burning until his body was consumed by fire. This was the custom of treating enemy captives in the Cherokee culture. The young man fell ill on top of being wounded. He was too sick to stand on his feet, so the execution was postponed until the young man became well. The Cherokees wanted to see a strong, healthy warrior die, not a sick one, weak as a woman. "Let him be fed until he is strong again and then we will punish him," the Chief said. And so it was decided. The young Seminole warrior was brought to a Cherokee lodge to be nursed back to health. In that home lived a Cherokee warrior and his wife
Songs Of Life
"Welcome to the Black Parade" seems so fitting to my life right now. Isn't it lovely how songs always seem to fit any problem or situation you're in. Wonder if my life would make a good song? Actually, everyone's life is probably complex, we should all have our own album. It would be very interesting. Especially if you could check people out by looking at their song list. You could learn a lot that way, figure out people's bad habits, intrests, goals. Take one look at a person, see that all their songs are country and walk away. I'd prefer someone with a variety of genres. Some cool mellow ones, a few hard rock, one or two showtunes, some techno (for craziness :), and at least one classical peice because then I at least know their intelligent and able to enjoy good music. Oh, must have some punk to, can't forget that, and an international song wouldn't hurt, then I'd know they liked culture. But, of course, couldn't be with someone who had all the same songs as me, one or tw
A Song Of Love
let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for they love is better than wine. A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste! His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me. The voice of my beloved! Behold, he cometh leaping upon the moutains skipping upon the hills. My beloved spoke and said unto me, "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. My beloved is mine and I am his.
Song Lyrics
One thing I'm wonderin' When you run out of friends Will you be coming back home? Let's think this through again Let's take a different spin Why can't I leave you alone? Somewhere tonight, you may be found With some other girl you've been draggin' around You lie to yourself, and you lie to me It sems like the truth is your worst enemy Chorus: Cause Baby I'm tired, tired of the fight I'm tired of the lonely days and the dark endless nights It's taken some time, cause I didn't know If I could ever let you go You helped me figure it out...I'm better off alone I may be found, somewhere tonight Cursing the day you walked into my life What's done is done, I can't change time But I'll be damned if I'm not gonna try CHORUS X 1 Bridge: But every now and then, my heart gives in To the hope that someday you'll change Then alone I'll wake, to my own mistake That it's just a foolish game Chrous X 1.5 One thing before I go Something I've got to know Boy
Songs I Love
AFTER ALL (PETER CETERA & CHER) Well, here we are again I guess it must be fate We've tried it on our own But deep inside, we've known We'd be back to set things straight I still remember when Your kiss was so brand new Every memory repeats Every step, I take retreats Every journey always Brings me back to you [CHORUS] After all the stops and starts We keep coming back To these two hearts Two angels who've been Rescued from the fall And after all that We've been through It all comes down to me and you I guess it's meant to be Forever, you and me, after all When love is truly right This time it's truly right It lives from year to year It changes as it grows And, oh, the way it grows But it never disappears [repeat CHORUS] Always just beyond my tough Though I needed you so much After all, what else is living for Whoa, oh After all the stops and starts We keep coming back To these two hearts Two angels who've been Rescued from the fal
Song Christina Rossetti She sat and sang alway By the green margin of a stream, Watching the fishes leap and play Beneath the glad sunbeam. I sat and wept alway Beneath the moon's most shadowy beam, Watching the blossoms of the May Weep leaves into the stream. I wept for memory; She sang for hope that is so fair: My tears were swallowed by the sea; Her songs died on the air.
Song Written And Sung By A Soldier.
If I die before you wake... Back home now I know you're probably sleepin' Over here it's the middle of the day I finally found the time to write a letter Sittin' here a half a world away I heard about all them folks protestin' As if I really want this war But that don't stop me from believin' There's just some things worth fightin' for CHORUS And if I die before you wake, I pray the world will take A good look at what God's given us That we could only understand, everything is in his hands All we need is a little faith and trust I want you to know it ain't too high a price to pay If I die before you wake Tell everybody that I miss them And I can't wait to get back home But until then I'll serve my country And be proud to wear this uniform CHORUS No it ain't too high a price to pay If I die before you wake
Ask me no more where Jove bestows When June is past, the fading rose; For in you beauties' orient deep These flowers as in their causes sleep. Ask me no more whither do stray The golden atoms of the day; For in pure love Heaven did prepare These powders to enrich your hair. Ask me no more whither doth haste The nightingale when May is past; For in your sweet dividing throat She winters and keeps warm her note. Ask me no more where those stars light That downwards fall in dead of night; For in your eyes they sit and there Fixed become, as in their sphere. Ask me no more if east or west The phoenix builds her spicy nest; For unto you at last she flies And in your fragrant bosom dies. THOMAS CAREW
Song Of The Bonnie Blue
The Bonnie Blue Flag We are a band of brothers and native to the soil Fighting for the property we gained by honest toil And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star! Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern rights, hurrah! Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. As long as the Union was faithful to her trust Like friends and brethren, kind were we, and just But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern rights, hurrah! Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand Then came Alabama and took her by the hand Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star. Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern rights, hurrah! Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a
Song Says It All
From time to time there are songs that come along that just say it all. For those out there that are fans of not only country music but the US Armed Forces... you know that there are several of them. The one that touches me the most is sung by Trace Adkins. No matter what I am doing or where I am... I always stop and listen to that song. It brings a tear to my eye thinking about those who fought or are fighting for the freedom that we live and most take advantage of everyday. As a Veteran and current USAF Reserve I am proud to call myself an American and member of the best military in the world. The song is Arlington. Here are the lyrics for it. I challenge anyone who reads this to listen to the words when they hear this song again and not feel something for those fighting for the freedoms we have: "I never thought that this is where I’d settle down I thought I’d die an old man back in my hometown They gave me this plot of land Me and some other men For a job well done There
Song Lyrics- Lips Of An Angel
Lips Of An Angel lyrics Honey why are you calling me so late It's kinda hard to talk right now Honey why are you crying is everything okay I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud Well, my girls in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye But girl you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel It's funny that you're calling me tonight And yes I've dreamt of you too And does he know you're talking to me Will it start a fight No I don't think she has a clue Well my girls in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those wordsa it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye
Song To Her
song to her Current mood: cold she looked at me as i smiled at her and after that every things a blur i dont quite remember all that occured but the fact that we're not together now thats obsured cause she will always tell me she loves me right befor she hangs up the phone and i will always think of her when ever i feel alone cause every body knows we belong togther except for us and we look each other up and down just to see what we have found looked at her face, she frownd cause shes upset cause im not around shes been crying so long shes startign to drowned and nobodycan save her but me no nobody can save her but me cause she will always tell me she loves me right befor she hangs up the phone and i will always think of her when ever i feel alone cause every body knows we belong togther except for us 9:00 PM - 0 Com
The Songs/poems From Hi5... About His Dumb Ass
I can remember years ago, When I was young and free, I met this beautiful lady, And she fell in love with me. Then one day she said to me, "Please accept this gift I've chose" And when I opened up the box, There lied a beautiful porcelain rose. The porcelain rose was long and black, Like one I have never seen before, And on the vase these words were written, "Our love forever more" She said "I have one just like it, That I keep close to my heart, Now we can share them together, For our love will never part." We both loved each other, We were happy as could be, Then one day she accepted, My proposal to marry me. It wasn't long thereafter, I called her on the phone, The phone just rang and rang, There was no one home. Then I found out later, Down east she had to go. Her mother was very sick and dying, She didn't have time to let me know. Weeks went by then months, Waiting for her to call. Forever reading those word
Songs Of Seduction
Ok, last week I posted some anti-love songs on the 13th. I got a little flack for this, being that it was the day before Valentine's Day. So I thought it would be appropriate for me to post a counter point of view. These are not your typical sweet love songs, but rather hot songs that make you (me at least) jump into bed, or at least do some dirty dancing and some serious making out. Since a lot of what makes these songs hot is the beat, intonation and style of the singing, I'm leaving it up to you to find them and listen to them and play them for the appropriate person. {It will be worth your while ;)} Feel Like Making Love -- Bad Company -- A classic, you can't go wrong with this one for a slow dance and more. Desire -- Ryan Adams -- all i can say is HOT! Turn Me On -- Norah Jones -- This sultry siren heats it up on this one. Wicked Game -- Chris Isaak -- some people could sing the alphabet and make it sexy. Hero -- Enrique Iglesias -- see above... the Spanish v
Song Title
CAn Anybody remember who sang jasmine back in the 60? that should get yor matter going LOL
3 Songs. Two Acoustic W/ Singin. One Death Metal No Singin (yet)
Behind Blue eyesAdd to My Profile | More Videos Good Riddance (Time of your life)Add to My Profile | More Videos Burning AngelAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Songs That Explain My Life 1
Tourniquet I tried to kill my pain, But only brought more. (So much more) I lay dying, And I'm pouring, crimson regret, and betrayal. I'm dying, Praying, Bleeding And screaming. Am I too lost to be saved ? Am I too lost ? My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. Do you remember me ? Lost for so long. Will you be on the other side ? Or will you forget me ? I'm dying, Praying, Bleeding And screaming. Am I too lost to be saved ? Am I too lost ? My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. (Return to me salvation) (I want to DIE!) My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My wounds cry for the grave. My soul cries, for deliverance. Will I be denied ? Christ! Tourniquet! My suicide.
Songs That Explain My Life 1
Tourniquet I tried to kill my pain, But only brought more. (So much more) I lay dying, And I'm pouring, crimson regret, and betrayal. I'm dying, Praying, Bleeding And screaming. Am I too lost to be saved ? Am I too lost ? My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. Do you remember me ? Lost for so long. Will you be on the other side ? Or will you forget me ? I'm dying, Praying, Bleeding And screaming. Am I too lost to be saved ? Am I too lost ? My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. (Return to me salvation) (I want to DIE!) My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My God! My Tourniquet, Return to me salvation. My wounds cry for the grave. My soul cries, for deliverance. Will I be denied ? Christ! Tourniquet! My suicide.
Songs That Explain My Life 2
"My Immortal" I'm so tired of being here Suppressed by all my childish fears And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave 'Cause your presence still lingers here And it won't leave me alone These wounds won't seem to heal This pain is just too real There's just too much that time cannot erase [Chorus:] When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have All of me You used to captivate me By your resonating light Now I'm bound by the life you left behind Your face it haunts My once pleasant dreams Your voice it chased away All the sanity in me These wounds won't seem to heal This pain is just too real There's just too much that time cannot erase [Chorus] I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone But though you're still with me I've been alone all along [Chorus]
Songs I Like
Well, I have compiled a list of songs that make me sing, dance, think, cry, shout, etc. I have only listed one song per artist (which was difficult) to try and give the list a lot of diversity. These are not necessarily the best songs of all time or even the best songs by each artist, just ones that I like and that I think are worth listening to. So... in no particular order... Paint it Black - The Rolling Stones Taylor - Jack Johnson Whispering Wind - Richard Thompson Careful - Guster Clap Hands - Tom Waits Memphis in the Meantime - John Hiatt The Wind Cries Mary - Jimi Hendrix Lemon Tree - Peter, Paul and Mary Ripple - The Greatful Dead Layla - Eric Clapton Building a House - Lincoln Feel Like Making Love - Bad Company Hunger - Voices on the Verge Too Tough to Die - The Ramones Fed Up - Yellowman Deeper Well - Emmy Lou Harris Mocking Bird - Low Millions Idaho - The BoDeans The Message - Grandmaster Flash and the Ferious Five
The Song On My Page
please listen to the song on my page is a very popular singer from belguim that we cannot yet buy in the usa and if you like it please comment and rate it
The Song On My Page 2
he song on my page comes from katerine she is on cherry tap please stop by and rate her and show her some love here is the link to her page
Song I Wrote
Memories get clouded by perceptions of a false reality every second seeming longer than the last your life moves on encircling my pathetic phalicy i long to walk beside you together hand in hand i dream of you next to me on beaches of black sand i look into the mirror shattered like my dreams but the person staring back just isn't me is love so blinding that we can't tell that every waking tragedy breeds hell? the divinity of your voice fuels my every nightmare and just looking at your picture puts me there i look into the mirror shattered like my dreams but the person staring back just isn't me is love so blinding that we can't tell that our every waking tragedy breeds hell? but what is real? dreams or perceptions? this lusty epitaph further signaling the ending of my questions the cross-breed from dark hearted souls attempted healing by apothecaric fools they don't even know me how can they say? why i picture your emblazoned face each day? i
Song Lyrics Part 2
It sucks when you can't have what you want...even if you know it's the absolute right thing in life. There's always some kinda factors that are thrown into your path that cause problems. But no matter the distance, I can't help but to love you and miss you every hour of every day. I'm sorry that I fell so hard so fast for you but I can't help it. You filled that little void in my life and made ma happier than I've been in a very long time. "Far Away" This time, This place Misused, Mistakes Too long, Too late Who was I to make you wait Just one chance Just one breath Just in case there's just one left 'Cause you know, you know, you know [CHORUS] That I love you I have loved you all along And I miss you Been far away for far too long I keep dreaming you'll be with me and you'll never go Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore On my knees, I'll ask Last chance for one last dance 'Cause with you, I'd withstand All of hell to hold your hand I'd give it
Song I Started But Never Finished
Oh yea I just can't stand The reducule no more I try to be brave I try to believe there is hope Left in me My life is but a pain My world is cavin in They say there will be hope They say there will be no more sorrow When I am gone
The Song That Sums Me Up At The Moment...
If you take a life do you know what you'll give? Odds are, you won't like what it is When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me? By the merciless eyes I've deceived I've seen angels fall from blinding heights But you yourself are nothing so divine You're just next in line Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you Their odds will betray you They'll never replace you You can't deny the prize it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die? The coldest blood runs through my veins You know my name If you come inside things will not be the same When you return to the night If you think you won You never saw me change The game that we have been playing I've seen this diamond cut through harder men Than you yourself But if you must pretend You may meet your end Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize it
Song About My Stupid Life
The Song No Promises
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition
ok guys thank arkham if ya get a chance she rules and has made me think about leaving and i've decided not to let the cherrytap fuckers to win by me leaving. This group is called RED and they are pretty new i dunno they remind me of Breaking benjamin and I love them so maybe these guys will satisfy your pallettes today... This is BREATHE INTO ME And this is how it feels when I ignore the words you spoke to me And this is where I lose myself when I keep running away from you And this is who I am when, when I don't know myself anymore And this is what I choose when it's all left up to me Breathe your life into me I can feel you I'm falling, falling faster Breathe your life into me I still need you I'm falling, falling Breathe into me Breathe into me And this is how it looks when I am standing on the edge And this is how I break apart when I finally hit the ground And this is how it hurts when I pretend I don't feel any pain And this is how I disappear when I thro
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
lol i don't need any explanation for this one i love RHCP and this video is so cryptic! enjoy my fellow tappers :D How long how long Will I slide Seperate my side I don't I don't believe its bad Slit my throat it's all I ever I heard your voice through a photograph I thought it up it brought up the past Once you know you can never go back I've got to take it on the otherside Centuries are what it meant to me A cemetery where I marry the sea Stranger things have never changed my mind I gotta take it on the otherside Take it on the otherside Take it on Take it on How long, how long Will I slide Seperate my side I don't I don't believe its bad Slit my throat it's all I ever Pour my life into a paper cup The ashtray's full and I'm spilling my guts She want's to know am I still a slut I've got to take it on the otherside Scarlet starlet and she's in my bed A candidate for a soul mate bled Push the trigger and pull the thread I've got to take it on th
A Song
White man came across the sea Brought us pain and misery Killed our tribes killed our creed Took our game for his own need We fought him hard we fought him well Out on the plains we gave him hell But many came too much for Cree Oh will we ever be set free? Riding through dustclouds and barren wastes Galloping hard on the plains Chasing the redskins back to their holes Fighting them at their own game Murder for freedom a stab in the back Women and children and cowards attack Run to the hills run for your lives Run to the hills run for your lives Soldier blue on the barren wastes Hunting and killing their game Raping the women and wasting the men The only good Indians are tame Selling them whisky and taking their gold Enslaving the young and destroying the old Run to the hills run for your lives
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok guys goin to put in some wonderful songs next week all ready got a lineup ready but until then enjoy Rage Against the Machine with Renegades of Funk :D No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now We're the renegades in this atomic age This atomic age of renegades Renegades in this atomic age This atomic age of renegades Since the Prehistoric ages and the days of ancient Greece Right down through the Middle Ages Planet earth kept going through changes And then the renaissance came, the times continued to change Nothing stayed the same, but there were always renegades Like Chief Sitting Bull, Tom Payne Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X They were renegades of their time and age The mighty Renegades We're the renegades of funk We're the renegades of funk We're the renegades of funk We're the renegades of funk From a different solar system many many galaxies away We are the force of another creation A
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
so i'm a big supporter of almost any group that has a chick as the main singer I LOVE Kittie and evanescense(sp?) and otep and all kinds of bands lol so enter Flyleaf who are a really cool band and you should check them out this is I'm So sick; I will break into your thoughts With what's written on my heart I will break, break I'm so sick, infected with Where I live Let me live without this Empty bliss, selfishness I'm so sick I'm so sick If you want more of this We can push out, sell out, die out So you'll shut up And stay sleeping With my screaming in your itching ears I'm so sick, infected with Where I live Let me live without this Empty bliss, selfishness I'm so sick I'm so sick Hear it, I'm screaming it You're heeding to it now Hear it, I'm screaming it You tremble at this sound You sink into my clothes This invasion makes me feel Worthless, hopeless, sick I'm so sick, infected with Where I live Let me live without this Empty bliss, se
Song - Purgatory
Purgatory The suffering pray To gods who no longer care 'Cause of demons hiding from day From which they fear Soulless beings feel no pain With the purgatory they must share The demonic beat them with an unholy chain And their afterlife begins to tear The lifeless have nothing left Except eternal damnation They lose their breathe And their words are lost in translation Soulless beings feel no pain With the purgatory they must share The demonic beat them with an unholy chain And their afterlife begins to tear Soulless beings feel no pain With the purgatory they must share The demonic beat them with an unholy chain And their afterlife begins to tear The unholy begin their destruction And the world will never be at ease The damned begin construction Of their ultimate disease Soulless beings feel no pain With the purgatory they must share The demonic beat them with an unholy chain And their afterlife begins to tear Soulless beings feel no pain
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok guys here we go its friday time for the weekend between watching 300 and playin xbox its gonna be a quiet weekend so here's some bush with glycerine to wake you fuckers up keep rockin guys :D Must be your skin I'm sinking in Must be for real 'cause now I can feel And I didn't mind it's not my kind Not my time to wonder why Everything's gone white And everything's grey Now you're here now you're away I don't want this remember that I'll never forget where you're at Don't let the days go by Glycerine I'm never alone I'm alone all the time Are you at one Or do you lie We live in a wheel Where everyone steals But when we rise it's like strawberry fields If I treated you bad You bruise my face Couldn't love you more You got a beautiful taste Don't let the days go by Could have been easier on you I couldn't change though I wanted to Should have been easier by three Our old friend fear and you and me Glycerine (repeat) Don't let the days go by Glyceri
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
ok they are total ASS HOLES in real life but say what ya want about Oasis the Gallagher bros are great musicians and singers and this song was like the staple of my music collection throughout high school Enjoy Oasis - Wonderwall Today is gonna be the day That they're gonna throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realized what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do about you now Backbeat, the word is on the street That the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before But you never really had a doubt I don't believe that anybody feels The way I do about you now And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you But I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the day But they'll never throw it back to you By now you should've some
A Song I Like
I heard this today on the movie "Broken Bridges" I feel this is how I will get through this... this is how I feel right now pretty much.... every tear I shed will help my heart heal... each time I face what hurts me head on... the stronger I will stand... my favorite quote plays here too... "It can't rain all the time" my life will go on with or without marcus... I don't need him but I still want to share my life with him... there's a difference between a need and a want. anyways... Broken - lindsey haun Wake up to a sunny day, not a cloud up in the sky Then it starts to rain, my defenses hit the ground And they shatter all around, so open and exposed I found strength in the struggle Face to face with my trouble When you're broken in a million little pieces And you're trying but you can't hold on anymore Every tear falls down for a reason Don't you stop believing in yourself When you're broken Little girl don't be so blue I know what you're going throug
Song 2
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition! World Premiere!
ok guys i'm not exactly sure if this is the video for the song or not but its a BRAND NEW NIN song off there new cd Planet Zero! Check it out this is Survivalism by Nine Inch Nails :D I should have listened to her So hard to keep control We kept on eating but Our bloated belly's still not full She gave us all she had but We went and took some more Can't seem to shut her legs Our mother nature is a whore I got my propaganda I got revisionism I got my violence In hi-def ultra-realism All a part of this great nation I got my fist I got my plan I got survivalism Hypnotic sound of sirens Echoing through the street The cocking of the rifles The marching of the feet You see your world on fire Don't try to act surprised We did just what you told us Lost our faith along the way And found ourselves believing your lies I got my propaganda I got revisionism I got my violence In hi-def ultra-realism All a part of this great nation I got my fist I got my pla
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
GONNA CONTINUE IN THE NINE INCH NAILS MODE THIS ONE IS FOR MY GOOD FRIEND BETTY WHO POSTED THIS IN HER STASH A LITTLE WHILE AGO AND WELL I'VE DECIDED THAT I'M GONNA PLAY IT FOR EVERY ONE :D ITS CLOSER FROM NINE INCH NAILS You let me violate you You let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you You let me complicate you Help me...I broke apart my insides Help me...I got no soul to sell Help me..the only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God You can have my isolation... You can have the hate that it brings You can have my absence of faith... You can have my everything Help me...tear down my reason Help's your sex I can smell Help make me perfect Help me think I'm somebody else I wanna fuck you like an animal I wanna feel you from the inside I wanna fuck you like an animal M
Song Stuck In My Head.
AIGHT SO THE SONG SKULLS BY THE MISFITS HAS BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR YEARS. ALWAYS THE SONG THAT COMES IN WHEN I'M PISSED OFF, ANGRY, AMPED UP, JUST WANTING TO FUCKING KICK SOME ASS. SO HERE'S A SHIT VIDEO WITH THE SONG PLAYING OVER IT. VIDEO SUCKS, BUT THE SONG FUCKING RULES!!! LYRICS BELOW.PEACE OUT AND SHIT.-BILL. P.S. NAKED AND AMPED!!! The corpes all hanging headless and limp, Bodies with no surprises, The blood drains down like the devil's rain, We'll bathe tonight. I want your skulls, I need your skulls, I want your skulls, I need your skulls. Demon I am and face I peel, See your skin turned inside out, 'Cause I've gotta have you on my wall, Gotta have you on my wall, 'cause, I want your skulls, I need your skulls, I want your skulls, I need your skulls. Collect the heads of little girls and, Put 'em on my wall. Hack the heads off little girls and, Put 'em on my wall. Whoa Whoa I want your skulls, I need your skulls, I want your skulls, I
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
eh i think he should have kept the mask on if ya ask me but here's sillyworld from Stone Sour I don't know whats up with this band cause the songs that they don't play on the radio suck but the ones that they have played on the radio(bother, through glass, Get inside) were always good songs including this one 2 so i hope ya like it as much as I do Freedom's just a word today Freedom's just a word When someone takes your word away It's seldom ever heard So take your sentence full of things you're not supposed to say and carry on but don't write it down or you'll be gone Love is just a song today Love is just a song When someone takes the song away You'll seldom sing along So take those lyrics serious and sing your life away and carry on but don't write 'em down or they'll be gone All we ever do is talk We like to ride but never walk We make it so damn easy We get bored Why can't anybody see What's good for you is good for me I can't take your sillyworld I can't
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok i love Papa Roach i have been hoping that they would make the video for there new single Forever but its not out yet cause they are doing this crazy contest where you submit the video on YouTube and they choose the best one... so we might have to wait on that one for a little bit but until then this is Scars off Getting Away With murder :D enjoy I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut My weakness is that I care too much My scars remind me that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel I'm Drunk and I'm feeling down And I just wanna be alone I'm pissed 'cuz you came around Why don't you just go home? 'Cuz you channeled all your pain And I can't help you fix yourself You're making me insane All I can say is... I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut My weakness is that I care too much The scars remind us that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel I tried to help you once Against my own advice I saw you going down But you never realized
Songs And Memories
Ever find that certain songs not only remind you of someone but often times they simply remind you of a certain moment in your past? Every day I hear songs that bring back particular memories. I think I’ll start recording all the ones I hear today. Crash Test Dummies – Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm I’m reminded of my first year of college. Specifically watching Monty Python: And Now For Something Completely Different and hanging out with Patrick (from Tech). Santana and Rob Thomas – Smooth This one reminds me of sitting at the Southwest gate at the airport in CA with my headphones on and just a groovin’ away early one morning. Prince – Seven I recall very clearly driving down Contra Costa with my camera bag next to me singing this song with the windows rolled down. Marc Cohen – Walkin’ in Memphis This song reminds me of rainy days back when I was driving or riding with my mom in high school in TN. It never seemed to fail that if it was raining and I was in
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition
this band is fun :D flyleaf - Fully alive! i know i did a song by them a few days ago but this one has a video to so i figured i'd get this one in to! this is a great song so enjoy it :D Telling Layla's story spoken 'Bout how all her bones are broken Hammers fall on all the pieces Two months in the cover creases Fully alive More than most Ready to smile and love life Fully alive Now she knows how to believe in futures All my complaints shrink to nothing I'm ashamed of all my somethings She's glad for one day of comfort Only because she has suffered Fully alive More than most Ready to smile and love life Fully alive Now she knows how to believe in futures Fully alive More than most Ready to smile and love life Fully alive Now she knows how to believe in futures Fully alive More than most Ready to smile and love life Fully alive Now she knows how to believe in futures
Song Of A True Zionist
Near the rivers of Bavel— there we sat down, we shed tears, when we remembered . Upon the willows in the midst, we hanged up our harps. For there they that led us captive, enquired of us words of song, and they vexed us with mirth: “Sing us one of the songs of .” How shall we sing a song of YHWH upon foreign soil? If I forget you Yerushalam, let my right hand forget its skill, and my tongue cleave to its palate, if I remember you not, if I will not bring to mind Yerushalam during my greatest joy. Remember YHWH, against the children of Edom the day of Yerushalam; who said, “Strip it bare; strip it bare! To its foundation!” Daughter of Bavel, who is destroyed: Happy shall He be that will repay you in retribution,for what you have inflicted upon us. Happy shall He be that takes and dashes your little ones against the rock.
Song Requests For My
Neon Text Generator at! Here we are again, back at the worlds largest dildo, where we are still trying to find a chick that can ake all that. Anyway, turned my profile into a club! Why? Well frankly I was fuckin bored, either way, I am taking a break to see if anyone would be interested in requesting something you would hear in a club. Hell, I will even send ya a little VIP pass. What does that do for ya, absolutely nothing I would say, but chances are, if you are reading this you're bored, so humor me! Please, no country, I dont have the room for line dancing here, sorry. Oh, and thank you Dreamer for being the first, I put you link in the DJ
Song For Me To Remember
Jason AldeanWhyMusic Videos And Lyrics On Demand
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok i found this video for this rage against the machine song that i love called Bullet in the head. Rage has always been a great band and they are supposedly getting back together so we'll see how that goes! and to all my North Eastern US homies be careful today guys its gonna snow like a mother fucker This time the bullet cold rocked ya A yellow ribbon instead of a swastika Nothin' proper about ya propaganda Fools follow rules when the set commands ya Said it was blue When ya blood was read That's how ya got a bullet blasted through ya head Blasted through ya head Blasted through ya head I give a shout out to the living dead Who stood and watched as the feds cold centralized So serene on the screen You were mesmerised Cellular phones soundin' a death tone Corporations cold Turn ya to stone before ya realise They load the clip in omnicolour Said they pack the 9, they fire it at prime time Sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And mutha fuckas lost their
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition
i don't care what you say this is a kick ass song.. i needed some happy music for this afternoon and this song popped in my head so enjoy :D eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonite go on and close the curtains 'cause all we need is candlelight you and me ... and the bottle of wine and hold you tonight [ ohh ] well we know i'm going away and how i wish - i wish it weren't so so take this wine and drink with me let's delay our misery save tonight and fight the break of dawn come tomorrow - tomorrow i'll be gone save tonight and fight the break of dawn come tomorrow - tomorrow i'll be gone there's a log on the fire and it burns like me for you tomorrow comes with one desire to take me away [ ohh it's true ] it ain't easy to say good bye darling please - don't start to cry 'cause girl you know i've got to go [ohh ] and Lord i wish it wasn't so save tonight and fight the break of dawn come tomorrow - tomorrow i'll be gone save tonight and fight the break of dawn c
Song Of My Heart
my heart contracts, my mind focuses my spirit connects, a gathering of expression swallow my spit, clear my throat eternal light burns, speaks words life grows, a fire flower in my heart the sound of water, as it crashes againts earth the sound of wind, as it blows through the canyons the sound of clouds, forming in the sky the sound of fire, raging on logs then a whistle screams in the atmosphere I wonder, if I am the only one who hears as I let free my voice, my thoughts the release of my song waking the tired, with a gentle voice the fire livens, the charcoal sparkle the holy people speak to the interpretter my songs begins to move, begins to dance and sway life happens, goodness released, happiness awakened a singer follows, he expresses with my voice then another, and another, and another soon, many are singing together the tune moving hearts and minds tears falling, memories of one time memories of not so long a
Song Of The Day! Memorial Edition!
ok so today 25 years ago Andrew Aycock, whose pilot license had expired took Rhoads and hairdresser Rachel Youngblood on a plane he had taken without permission and took off early that morning. Apparently, during the flight, an attempt was made to "buzz" the tour bus where the other band members were sleeping. They succeeded three times but the fourth time it went horribly wrong. The right wing clipped the right side of the tour bus by accident and crashed into a nearby mansion completely destroying the front. Nobody in the mansion was hurt. Rhoads, age 25, was killed instantly, as were Aycock, 36, and Youngblood, 58. It was found later that Aycock had an expired flying license and had some amount of cocaine in his system; Rhoads's toxicology test revealed no illicit drugs. So Today in History here's a Live version of Mr. Crowley enjoy the video and remember Rhandy Rhoads Mr. Crowley, what went on in your head Mr. Crowley, did you talk to the dead Your lifestyle to me seemed so tr
Song "" Corners Corner ""
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok i love STP as ya all know so I figured i'd go back and play a song by them that was released on there tiny music songs from the vatican gift shop album in 1996 and was probably the best song on that cd lol but it was still a great song. enjoy Trippin on a hole in a paper heart :D Don't cut out my paper heart, I ain't dyin' anyway Take a look at eye full towers Never trust them dirty liars Sippin' lemon yellow booze 'ole' leadbelly sings the blues All dressed up on wedding day keep on trippin' anyway I am I am I said I'm not myself, but I'm not dead and I'm not for sale So keep your bankroll lottery eat your salad day deathbed motorcade Fake the heat and scratch the itch Skinned up knees and salty lips I'll breathe your life vicks vapor life And when you binge I purge alike Let go it's harder holding on One more trip and I'll be gone So keep your head up Keep it on, just a whisper I'll be gone Take a breath and make it big It's the last you'll ever get B
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
ok so i've been slackin on the afternoon edition of my song of the day thingy so i figured i'd get back on track today with a U2 song so here's Staring at the Sun off there Pop Album :D Summer stretching on the grass Summer dresses pass In the shade of a willow tree Creeps a crawling over me Over me and over you Stuck together with God's glue It's going to get stickier too It's been a long hot summer Let's get under cover Don't try too hard to think Don't think at all I'm not the only one Staring at the sun Afraid of what you'll find If you took a look inside I'm not just deaf and dumb Staring at the sun Not the only one Who's happy to go blind There's an insect in your ear If you scratch it won't disappear It's gonna itch and burn and sting You want to see what the scratching brings Waves that leave me out of reach Breaking on your back like a beach Will we ever live in peace? 'Cause those that can't do Often have to And those that can't do Oft
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
I've always enjoyed Chevelle even though they are assholes in person and the lead singer doesn't sound anything like he does on CD the songs they make are usually very deep and I enjoy that kinda music.. Take This song for example what is Vitamin R? Rittalin! yes these guys are trying to show what ritalin does in a video.. it fails... miserably.. but its still a nice song check it out Here's Vitamin R By Chevelle Some will learn, many do Cover up or spread it out Turn around had enough Pick and choose or pass it on Buying in heading for Suffer now or suffer then It't bad enough, I want the fear Need the fear 'Cause he's alone And he has become Well if they're making it, making it Then they're pushing it, pushing it And they're leading us along The hassle of, hassle of All the screaming fans, screaming fans That panic makes remorse After all, whats the point? 'Course levitation is possible If you're a fly, achieved and gone There's time for this and so much mo
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
ok so my friend betty requested this song so here's Black Lab - This Night There are things, I have done There's a place, I have gone There's a beast, and I let run Now it's running my way There are things, I regret But you can't forgive, you can't forget There's a gift, that you send You sent it my way So take this night Wrap it around me like a sheet I know I'm not forgiven But I need a place to sleep So take this night And lay me down on the street I know I'm not forgiven But I hope that I'll be given some peace There's a game, that I play There's are rules, I had to break There's mistakes, that I made But I made 'em my way So take this night Wrap it around me like a sheet I know I'm not forgiven But I need a place to sleep So take this night And lay me down on the street I know I'm not forgiven But I hope that I'll be given some peace Some peace.... Some peace.... Some peace
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
if ya don't like 311... well uh i don't know what to tell ya you don't like anything then lol cause 311 have always been so much fun to rock out to and this is like my favorite song by them this is Down by 311 Enjoy :D Chill. light on my sight as my ego becomes A funky child with some words on my tongue Be like intake of breath and my mouth gets loose While i scatter my spit i dream of juice Have you ever made out in dark hallways Displayed a kiss that made your day or say Play a track from your record collection It's your mix, congratulations We've changed a lot and then some some Know that we have always been down down And if i ever didn't thank you you Then just let me do it now I bet you light up when we start the show follow me now Very closely because i told you so you know We glow because we throw sun rays We be freaky and we wanna stay CHORUS Lightning strikes yo we be in that violent force of light Guaranteed to turn it out as bad as dolemite 'Cuz
Song For The Ladies!! Lol
SING THIS LADIES.... LOUD & PROUD At first I was afraid, I was petrified. When you said you had 10 inches, Lord I almost died! But I'd spent so many years just waiting for a man that long, that I grew strong, and I knew that I could take you on... But there you are, another lie, I was ready for a Big Mac and you've brought me a French fry! I should have known that it was bullshit, just a sad pathetic dream Should have known there was no Anaconda lurking in those Jeans! Go on now - go! , Walk out the door, Don't you promise me 10 inches, then turn up with only 4! Weren't you a brat to think I wouldn't find you out!? Don't you know we're only joking when we say size don't count??!! [Chorus] I will survive! I will survive! Cuz as long as I have batteries, My sex life's gonna thrive! I will always have good sex, With a handful of latex! I will survive! I will survive! Hey! Hey! It took all my self control not to laugh out loud, When I sa
A Song For Mama By Boyz Ii Men
DEDICATED TO ALL MOMS You taught me everything And everything you've given me I always keep it inside You're the driving force in my life, yeah There isn't anything Or anyone I can be And it just wouldn't feel right If I didn't have you by my side You were there for me to love and care for me When skies were grey Whenever I was down You were always there to comfort me And no one else can be what you have been to me You'll always be you always will be the girl In my life for all times Chorus: Mama, mama you know I love you Oh you know I love you Mama, mama you're the queen of my heart Your love is like Tears from the stars Mama, I just want you to know Lovin' you is like food to my soul You're always down for me Have always been around for me even when I was bad You showed me right from my wrong Yes you did And you took up for me When everyone was downin' me You always did understand You gave me strength to go on There
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition!
ok this should make ya laugh here's the Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn :D enjoy The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn Burn motherfucker burn Hello my name is Jimmy Pop and I'm a dumb white guy I'm not old or new but middle school fifth grade like junior high I don't know mofo if y'all peeps be buggin' give props to my ho cause she fly But I can take the heat cause I'm the other white meat known as 'Kid Funky Fry' Yeah I'm hung like planet Pluto hard to see with the naked eye But if I crashed into Uranus I would stick it where the sun don't shine Cause I'm kind of like Han Solo always stroking my own wookie I'm the root of all that's evil yeah but you can call me cookie The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire We don't need no water let the motherfucker bur
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok guys my favorite movie of all time is the Proffesional with Jean Reno and Natalie Portman this movie makes me feel so weird whenever I watch it but the song that they used for the movie was by Sting its called Shape of My Heart. Now I know Sting isn't really heavy or anything and a lot of people might not like it but this song never fails to give me goosebumps so here is my song of the day hope you all like it :D He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for the respect He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance The hidden law of probable outcome The numbers lead a dance I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition
OK THIS IS BY FAR ONE OF THE MOST CRYPTIC VIDEOS BY MM AND THE BEST PART IS HE BRINGS IN THOSE SEXY GIRLS FROM THE SNEAKER PIMPS(WHERE'D THEY GO) HMM I LOVE THIS SONG FROM THE SPAWN SOUNDTRACK HERE IS LONG HARD ROAD OUT OF HELL BY MARILYN MANSON ENJOY :D I want to fly into your sun Need fear to make me numb Live like a teenage christ Im a saint, got a date with suicide Oh Mary, Mary To be this young is oh so scary Mary, Mary To be this young I'm oh so scared I wanna live, I wanna love But it's a long hard road, out of hell I wanna live, I wanna love But it's a long hard road, out of hell You never said forever, could ever hurt like this You never said forever, could ever hurt like this Do do do do do do dodo do me Do do do do do do dodo do me Do me Spin my way out of hell, there's nothing left this soul to sell Live fast and die fast too How many times to do this for you? How many times to do this for you? Mary, Mary To be this young I'm oh so scared I w
Song Of Love
Now dance this dance you know so well as stars gaze from above and dance this dance of fairies and sing this song of love Now see the scars of love torn dreams falling from my eyes take my hand and lead me through this pain i feel inside Flap your wings, my fairy girl and wait not for the morn for the night’s a cold and barren place and seldom comes the dawn Hold me close and set me free and warm this winter’s day for heaven’s shining from your eyes and heaven’s here to stay Now dance this dance you know so well as we roam the earth above and dance this dance of fairies and sing our song of love.
Music Video Codes By Music
Music Video Codes By Music
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition! Big Warning :(
ok.. normally i don't do videos like this i don't like naruto.. But due to things beyond my control i have a real feeling that this song is going to be perfect for today so your gonna have to deal with it.. yes its gonna be a long day and I have a feeling at the end of it I'm gonna be singin this to someone... oh boy.. not good for me :( here's hinder with How Long. Why'd you go and break what's already broken I try to take a breath but I'm already choking How long till this goes away I try to remember to forget you But I break down every time I do It's left me less than zero Beat down and bruised I can't see him with you Why'd you go and break what's already broken I try to take a breath but I'm already choking Cause everywhere I look I can see how you hold him How long till this goes away I can't seem to get my heart over you Cause you creep into everything I do And now I'm dying to know How he touches you I can't see him with you Why'd you go and break what'
Songs Updated For Old Folks
Songs updated for our later years: * Herman's Hermits - Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Walker. * Ringo Starr - I Get By With a Little Help From Depends. * The Bee Gees - How Can You Mend a Broken Hip? * Bobby Darin - Splish, Splash, I Was Havin' a Flash. * Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face. * Johnny Nash - I Can't See Clearly Now. * Paul Simon - Fifty Ways to Lose Your Liver * The Commodores - Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom. * Marvin Gaye - Heard It Through the Grape Nuts. * Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade of Hair. * Leo Sayer - You Make Me Feel Like Napping. * The Temptations - Papa's Got a Kidney Stone. * Abba - Denture Queen. * Tony Orlando - Knock Three Times On The Ceiling If You Hear Me Fall. * Helen Reddy - I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore. * Leslie Gore - It's My Procedure, and I'll Cry If I Want To. * Willie Nelson - On the Commode Again
Songs I Wrote
another falling tear There a moon that shines over you my dear I look up and wish to god that you were here So I could take you in my arms And partake of your charms Oops there goes another falling tear Oceans aren’t deep enough to hold my love And mountains aren’t high enough to touch the dove That carries on it wings sweet peace For only you give me release Oops there goes another falling tear Time will tell if one day I will hold you near And only then will I know peace forever here To taste your honey sweet lips And see that loving halo slip Oops there goes another falling tear I need to tell you all about this little fear And how these moments drag on just like a year To look deep inside those eyes And feel just like I won first prize Oops there goes another falling tear Maybe dreams come true and I will be with you And we can build the perfect life just for two Holding you in my arms so near And hearing what I longed to hear Oops there goes a
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition
as you all know mostly i pick songs that have videos to them that i can find on youtube. Unfortunetly some of the best songs don't have videos and this band Dispatch is one of them. Dispatch happens to be one of my all time favorite bands (i know metallica, marilyn manson, and now this) unfortunetly they aren't around anymore and don't make anymore sweet music :( so i found this great Gears of war video that has Dispatch music to it so this is Dispatch - Mayday enjoy :D I saw you yesterday Your eyes were the color of some kind of grey, I hear what you're saying Please, don't let me go I've got all these people down below. They rush to talk; They rush to say Man overboard... May Day...May Day...May Day... Troubles are brought back by you Funny how we, we go down We go anywhere, but to the ground. (woman:) So I hear that you're doing fine You've flown all those planes that have been on your mind. I can't understand. I don't need to know I'll speak to you through
Songs For Hazel To Strip/f**k To
Songs for Hazel to Strip/F**k To:
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
voila! we're back! yes linkin park! breaking the habit is a great video! they wanted to do this video in real life style but they couldn't afford it or somethin like that... but i think its probably one of the coolest animated videos out there so enjoy and if your goin to bamboozle to see em let me know so we can meet up or somethin cause i'm gonna be there on sunday Memories consume Like opening the wound I'm picking me apart again You all assume I'm safe here in my room Unless I try to start again I don't want to be the one The battles always choose 'Cause inside I realize That I'm the one confused I don't know what's worth fighting for Or why I have to scream I don't know why I instigate And say what I don't mean I don't know how I got this way I know it's not all right So I'm breaking the habit I'm breaking the habit tonight Clutching my cure I tightly lock the door I try to catch my breath again I hurt much more Than any time before I had no option
Songs That I Have Stashed Already . . .
Amanda Marshall -- Dark Horse Bryan White -- I'm not supposed to love you anymore Bryan White -- Blindhearted Bryan White -- Rebecca Lynn Brandy -- Have you Ever ? Boys 2 Men -- I can love you like that Blaque -- As If Blackstreet -- No Digity Black Eyed Peas -- My Humps Billy Currington -- Walk alittle bit straighter Billy Currington -- Must be doing Something Right Stephanie Bentley -- Permanent Hurt Stephanie Bentley -- If Promises were Gold Amy Grant -- Lucky One Alan Jackson ft. Cletus T. Judd -- Redneck Games Alan Jackson -- She don't know she's beautiful Alabama -- Song of the South Akon -- I wanna fuck You Aerosmith -- Pink 50 Cent -- I'm supposed to Die tonight ABBA -- Super Trouper Martina McBride -- This One's for the Girls Martina McBride -- Concrete Angel Martina McBride -- Wild Angels Martina McBride -- God's Will Martina McBride -- My Valentine TLC -- Kick Your Game TLC -- Let's Do It Again TLC -- If I was your Girlfriend TLC -- W
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok fuckers lets see if you can handle this video! gotta be one of the most brutal ones i have seen this is American head Charge... and while they aren't the greatest band in the world that i've seen live and the guitarist kept taking his clothes off and playing with his dick but hey its hard and its loud so here's All Wrapped Up... And now with the following collection of... Im above everything else Saved the ones who shouldn't be Hold on to them all so youll Find yourself away from me Our lost faith strung out on a line My most empathetic dreams of you The sorry excuses on which we dine When all my fears tell me it's true Borrowed dreams of some imagined future All wrapped up inside this borrowed hope Don't manipulate the most Beautiful thing youll ever know To the extent of saving your Ragged torn out sickly show Holding my head above the fold Can't decide which side I want I buried everything so deep in the cold Now I stop inside of the lies I flaunt
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok old video as you can see... i'm not even sure i like the video lol but the song fucking rocks! and its ozzy so you have to like this one! here's No More Tears by Ozzy Osbourne The light in the window is a crack in the sky A stairway to darkness in the blink of an eye A levee of tears to learn she'll never be coming back The man in the dark will bring another attack Your momma told you that you're not supposed to talk to strangers Look in the mirror tell me do you think your life's in danger here, ya No more tears Another day passes as the night closes in The red light goes on to say it's time to begin I see the man around the corner waiting, can he see me? I close my eyes and wait to hear the sound of someone screaming here No more tears (Spoken:) It's just a sign of the times Going forward in reverse. Still, he who laughs last Is just a hand in the bush. So now that it's over can't we just say goodbye? I'd like to move on and make the most of the
The Song I`m Working On
Never, have I ever Felt this way before. My heart doesn`t beat, Til I walk through your door. I want to kiss you, hug you, hold You, wanna feel your touch. Because, when I`m not around you, Love, I miss you oh so much. I know it seems we love to argue, Love to fuss and fight, But without you, girl, Nothing for me would be right. You say I`d move on, Never thinking that maybe I don`t Want to. Because, baby, I can`t see life, If I`m not spending it with you. Noone else in the world matters Much to me. You`re more precious to me than Than the air I breathe.
Song That Has Some Sig
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
woo hoo! heard this song this mornnig on the radio and figured what the fuck its monday lets rock fuckers got a short week ahead of us so lets enjoy it here is AC/DC - For Those About to rock! ENJOY Oh yeah and one more thing :D LETS GO METS!!!!!! We roll tonight [We're on tonight] To the guitar bite Yeah, yeah, oh Stand up and be counted For what you are about to receive We are the dealers We'll give you everything you need Hail hail to the good times 'Cause rock has got the right of way We ain't no legend, ain't no cause We're just livin' for today For those about to rock, we salute you For those about to rock, we salute you We rock at dawn on the front line Like a bolt right out of the blue The sky's alight with the guitar bite Heads will roll and rock tonight For those about to rock, we salute you For those about to rock, we salute you For those about to rock, we salute you Yes we do For those about to rock, we salute you Oooh, salute!
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
ok they didn't have a real video for this but i listened to this song for the first time yesterday as a request from metal_baby(YOU ROCK GIRL) and i found this cool video for the Matrix Revolutions movie and with this song its really cool.. check it out here's CHIMAIRA - DEAD INSIDE :D I felt so alone. I felt so alone. I felt so alone. I felt. You left feeling so empty and needing. Can't see the glitter in you Go away. Go away. You called me all the time,/Go away. Go away. hiding behind your lies./Go away. Go away. Materialistic/Go away. (Scream) Go away! You don't know what it's like to be dead inside! You don't know what it's like to be dead inside! You called him a friend to help you get through it. I see your true face now. Your face (now) Go away. Well my tears are gone./Go away. Go away. I am happy now./Go away. Go away. Thanks for making it clear./Go away. Go away. Go away! You don't know what it's like to be dead inside You don't know wha
Song Of The Day! Cherry Tap Premiere!!!
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition And Mets Recap
ok today we go to Breaking Benjamin to get todays song :D its a good one this is Breath with 300 stuff as the video. pretty good combination if ya ask me enjoy the song :D I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like. Is it over yet, in my head? I know nothing of your kind, and I won't reveal your evil mind. Is it over yet? I can't win. So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left. I know that I can find the fire in your eyes. I'll throw it all away, get away, please. [Chorus] You take the breath right out of me. You left a hole where my heart should be. You got to fight just to make it through, 'cause I will be the death of you. This will be all over soon. Pour salt into the open wound. Is it over yet? Let me in. So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left. I know that I can find the fire in your eyes. I'll throw it all away, get away, please. [Chorus] You take the breath right out of me. You left a hole wh
Song Lyrics I Like...
We use to love ourselves...we use to love one another... ~Marilyn Manson Its eaiser to die than to get by.... ~ICP Just Remeber...when you think your free.. the crack inside your Fucking Heart is me... ~Marilyn Manson ...And I think its kinda of funny...I think its kind of sad... the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I ever had... ~Mad World (Donnie Darko Soundtrack) There ain't nobody, asking me, I've been There ain't nobody, that would name me, as a friend There ain't nobody, that's dropping by, to say hi There ain't nobody, that's caring whether I Live or die I have nobody, to tell about, my growing angers I have nobody, to tell about me, Following strangers There ain't nobody, making sure I'm takin all of my pills There ain't nobody, Slowing me down and keeping me still, I'm truly alone... ~ICP High on sedatives again put me in a tiny place, chin strap muzzle over my face I threw a guy off the roof first day they admitted me, I was sedated and that when i
Song Of The Day! Special Memorial Edition!
so it was 13 years ago today that Kurt Cobain filled with pain shot and killed himself. I miss Kurt Immensely.. he was one of my favorite singers and one of the best guitarists ever in my opinion. It hurts to much to know that there will never be a new song by Kurt and his gang of grunge filled people and i wish there was a but to this statement but i can't think of anything positive to say other then I miss you Kurt. why did you have to go out this way :( Load up on guns, bring your friends It's fun to lose and to pretend She's over bored and self assured Oh no, I know a dirty word Hello, hello, hello, how low? I'm worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end Hello, hello, hello, how low? And I forget just why I taste Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard, it was hard to find Oh well, whatever, nevermind hello, hello, hello, how low? With the lights out it's less d
Song , That Was Sent To Me
MURDER OF THE HEART this pain is like a fire forever burning this pain is from the liars that keep me learning my thoughts are twisted the feeling that i know, never exsisted and the lips that i almost but never tasted and every single word that i wasted i cant be sure and i never will how that feeling will ever feel treated like i was there but never real my soul is like a puzzle without the peices locked in emotion that never releases that feeling so appealing cought me off guard felt lifted so easy but fell to hard it was something good but it fell apart no words to describe it but murder of the heart
Song For Today,,,, One Of Rebirth And Sentiment
Music Video Codes By Music
Song Of The Day! Morning Edition!
heee heee remember this band :D the Presidents of the United States of america with Peaches! this was the most ridiculous song ever in my opinion but i love it so enjoy :D movin' to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches i'm movin' to the country i'm gonna eat me a lot of peaches i'm movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches peaches come from a can they were put there by a man in a factory downtown if i had my little way i'd eat peaches everyday sun soakin bulges in the shade movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches i'm movin to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches movin' to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches i took a little nap where the roots all twist squished a rotten peach in my fist and dreamed about you woman i poked my finger down inside makin' a little room for a ant to hide nature's candy in my hand or can or a pie
Song Of Last Week.
Drama. Too much last week. Glad it's over. LOL. But I heard this song, and it reminded me of it, so I'd figure I'd share it. =] Music Video Codes By Music
have you ever just sat there listening to music and this song relates to this or relates to that?? sitting here i have been listening to my music which varies with a lil bit of everything and i have heard songs that make me think of every person who is special to me, those who i feel hate towards, even differnt events in my life. its weird how something as simple as a song can make you think of the ones you love, dislike, and events from your past. the one song that really makes me think is "i loved her first" by heartland because it reminds me who the first male was to hold my daughter and who the male is that is there most for her...not her father but my wonderful boyfriend. and it makes me hope that he will always be the one there for her and the one who does give her away when that time comes.
Songs Can Fit So Well Into Life...
Schism - Tool I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them fall away Mildewed and smoldering, fundamental differing Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers' souls in motion Disintegrating as it goes, testing our communication The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us so We cannot see to reach an end, crippling our communication I know the pieces fit 'cause I watched them tumble down No fault, none to blame, it doesn't mean I don't desire To point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication The poetry that comes from the squarin' off between And the circling is worth it, finding beauty in the dissonance There was a time that the pieces fit but I watched them fall away Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting I've done the math enough to know the dangers of a second guessing Doomed to crumble unless we grow and strengthen our communication Cold silenc
Song Of The Day! Afternoon Edition
Ok guys i know i've not done it in a while... I've been soooo busy at work so i'm sorry here's a treat for ya its Bullet for my Valentine with All These Things I hate(Revolve Around Me) :D ENJOY Once more I say goodbye, to you Things happen but we don't really know why If it's supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to miss? Oh yeah... Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation Run away try to find a safe place you can hide It's the best place to be when you're feeling like.. Me...(me!) Yeah...(yeah!) All these things I hate revolve around Me...(me!) Yeah...(yeah!) Just back off before I snap Once more you tell those lies, to me Why can't you just be straight up with honesty? When you say these things in my ear, why do you always tell me what you wanna hear? Oh yeah... Wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe, I'm not feeling this situation Run away try to find a safe pla
A Song I Kinda Sucks
(chorus) > > > > > > > everytime i see ur smiling face > > > > > > > i fly up to the sky > > > > > > > but everytime i cry > > > > > > > i die a little > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (verse 1) > > > > > > > i live to see ur smiling face > > > > > > > the soft touch you give > > > > > > > passion in your kiss > > > > > > > the love in ur heart > > > > > > > makes me all go weak in the knees > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (chorus) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (verse 2) > > > > > > > so much time has gone by > > > > > > > i hate myself for letting you go > > > > > > > it was probably the best thing to do > > > > > > > but it still kills me in the end > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (chorus) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (bridge) > > > > > > > i still need you here with me > > > > > > > i still love you with every piece of my heart > > > > > > > i love you til the very end > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (chorus) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > (verse 3) > > > > > > > i have crie
Song Of Joy
There have been days, My heart has sung a song of joy. There have been days filled with sadness, Those that I love have gone away. Happiness at times, Seems like such a passing thing. Finding happiness and love, They always appear when we least expect it. Since that day I met someone special, My heart has been hers just for the asking. At the first meeting, My heart was hers, though I tried not to show it. If there comes a day, My heart is taken to the final level. Forever will she know, My heart beats strong and true for her. What we share now, The friendship, joy and love are more than I had hoped for. by INXS421 04/05/07
A Song About How I Felt When I Was In A Abusive Marriage
She wakes up with the morning shining dead in her eyes. In the mirror, she sees life slowly passing her by. She's screaming inside for all the times that she's tried to be all that they want her to be. But she's made up her mind. She's over and done with their lies and tired of life falling apart at the seams. She's never broken the silence. Life has always been just a dream. But overpowering violence has got her ripping away at the chains that hold her whispering screams. She pulls the shade as darkness slowly takes control of the light. Beat down and broken, still, she tries to keep up her fight. She walks through the door, collapses down to the floor. as tears fill her once passionate eyes, she can't muffle out the pain. Her whole world's about to change. Now everyone can hear her cries... She's never broken the silence. Life has always been just a dream. But overpowered by violence, her chcains are broken away. Now she wants everyone to hear her screams...
Song Of The Day...
we spotted the ocean at the head of the trail where are we going, so far away and somebody told me that this is the place where everything's better, everything's safe walk on the ocean step on the stones flesh becomes water wood becomes bone half and hour later we packed up our things we said we'd send letters and all those little things and they knew we were lying but they smiled just the same it seemed they'd already forgotten we'd came walk on the ocean step on the stones flesh becomes water wood becomes bone now back at the homestead where the air makes you choke and people don't know you and trust is a joke we don't even have pictures just memories to hold that grow sweeter each season as we slowly grow old
Song Frag, And Saves The Day... Hmmmmmm
Baby come clean just say what you really mean. I can take it like a man Cause im not sure what I want, but I know that I can’t give, you everything you deserve, She says I love you, he says don’t lie to me. I can float to the garden state in my dreams. Awake Im a prisoner of this empire.
Song Of The Night
This song came on, it made me remember the prayer service me and my friends had the night before I had surgery for cancer. I know its not about cancer... but they picked out the music and it was touching. Mighty Mighty Bosstones- Impression The I Get Have you ever been close to tragedy or been close to folks who have? Have you ever felt the pain so powerful, so heavy you'd collapse? No? Well, I've never had to knock on wood But I know someone who has which makes me wonder if I could It makes me wonder if I Never had to knock on wood and I'm glad I haven't yet because I'm sure it isn't good. That's the impression that I get. Have you ever had the odds stacked up so high you'd need a strength most don't possess? Or has it ever come down to "do or die" you gotta rise above the rest. No? Well, I've never had to knock on wood But I know someone who has which makes me wonder if I could It makes me wonder if I never had to knock on wood
Song For This Moment Thx To My Other Blog Situation
so here is the song i am listening to now its my song based on the how i feel from what happend in the other blog. Of course i cant bang my head to it that will take place next when i play some bloody sabbath and bls. NEIL YOUNG LYRICS "Heart Of Gold" I want to live, I want to give I've been a miner for a heart of gold. It's these expressions I never give That keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old. Keeps me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old. I've been to Hollywood I've been to Redwood I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold I've been in my mind, it's such a fine line That keeps me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old. Keeps me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old. Keep me searching for a heart of gold You keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old. I've been a miner for a heart of gold.
Songs I Stashed Today
America -- The Last Unicorn The Wiccan Rede
Song Of My Heart
You can't escape the wrath of my heart Beating to your funeral song (You're so alone) All faith is lost for hell regained And love dust in the hands of shame (Just be brave) Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed And lead you along this path in the dark Where I belong 'till I feel your warmth Hold me Like you held on to life When all fears came alive and entombed me Love me Like you love the sun Scorching the blood in my vampire heart I'll be the thorns on every rose You've been sent by hope (You'll grow cold) I am the nightmare waking you up From the dream of a dream of love (Just like before) Let me weep you this poem as Heaven's gates close Paint you my soul, scarred and alone Waiting for your kiss to take me back home Hold me Like you held on to life When all fears came alive and entombed me Love me Like you love the sun Scorching the blood in my vampire heart Hold me Like you held on to life When all fears came alive and entombed me Love me Like you love the sun Scorchin
Falling For You Current mood: confused Category: Music I need to end this pain cause its all in vein all i hear is your name comin from my brain lets just end this game I shouldn't be this way but who's to say how it will end today I can see you when you are free but whose to say you're thinking of me and I know things are kinda crazy for you but I just don't know what else to do I need to end this pain cause it's all in vein all I hear is your name comin from my brain lets just end this game I shouldn't be this way but who's to say how it will end today Cause I'm fallin for you and I wish it wasn't true but what else can I do cause you're so damn cool I see you in my dreams and I know just what it means when I start to fill these things I know I'm fallin for you I'm fallin for you You say you are scared to commit and yet I fill that it's bull-shit cause
You had my heart, and we'll never be world apart Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be my star Baby cause in the Dark, You can see shiny Cars And that's when you need me there With you I'll always share Because When the sun shines We’ll shine together Told you I'll be here forever That I'll always be your friend Took an oath Imma stick it out 'till the end Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we still have each other You can stand under my Umbrella You can stand under my Umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh) These fancy things, will never come in between You're part of my entity, Here for Infinity When the war has took it's part When the world has dealt it's cards If the hand is hard, Together we'll mend your heart Because .. When the sun shines We'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever That I'll always be your f
Song Of The Night 2
A classic by Simon and Garfunkle- The Boxer, the last verse hits home. I am just a poor boy Though my story's seldom told I have squandered my resistance For a pocketful of mumbles Such are promises All lies and jests Still a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest When I left my home and my family I was no more than a boy In the company of strangers In the quiet of the railway station Running scared Laying low, seeking out the poorer quarters Where the ragged people go Looking for the places only they would know Lie la lie... Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job But I get no offers Just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there Lie la lie... Then I'm laying out my winter clothes And wishing I was gone Going home Where the New York City winters aren't bleeding me, Leading me, going home. In the clearin
Song Of The Day! 4/20/07
Guilty Conscience Lyrics [announcer] Meet Eddie, twenty-three years old. Fed up with life and the way things are going, he decides to rob a liquor store. But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart. And suddenly, his conscience comes into play... [Dr. Dre] Alright, stop! (Huh?) Now before you walk in the door of this liquor store and try to get money out the drawer You better think of the consequence (But who are you?) I'm your motherfuckin conscience [Eminem] That's nonsense! Go in and gaffle the money and run to one of your aunt's cribs And borrow a damn dress, and one of her blonde wigs Tell her you need a place to stay You'll be safe for days if you shave your legs with Renee's razor blades [Dr. Dre] Yeah but if it all goes through like it's supposed to The whole neighborhood knows you and they'll expose you Think about it before you walk in the door first Look at the store clerk, she's older than George Burns [Eminem] Fuck that! Do that
Song I Started
Oh i just can't stand The heartache no more I try to be brave while fighting back the tears I try to believe there is some hope Left inside of me My life is but a pain It is written in vain My world in caving in They say there will be hope They say there won't be pain When I am gone.
A Song I Wrote Long Ago
Why do you walk away? I'd rather you to stay, right here with me. Why do you have to go? Time moves much too slow, when you're not here. Now I'm longing for your kiss. I never thought I'd feel like this again. Now your face is always on my mind. I don't think that anyone can find a way, to keep me from falling again. Cause I've been down this road before. There's no turning back; just full speed ahead, until you're in my arms. Till you're here in my arms. Why cant you be mine; to keep me warm at night. Why cant you be my baby, when you know I'd treat you right. But I'll never get the chance, because your heart belongs to him. Love's not fair to me at all. I guess I should know better, than to think you'd fall for me; but if your heart is blind, you'll never see. You don't have to cry, you just have to try, to love again. And if one day you see, that you are wanting me; I will be there. Cause the past is hard to leave behind; but look inside your
A Song For The Ex
GOOD CHARLOTTE LYRICS "My Bloody Valentine" Oh, my love Please don't cry I'll wash my bloody hands and We'll start a new life I ripped out His throat And called you on the telephone To take off My disguise Just in time to hear you cry when you... You mourn the death of your bloody valentine The night he died You mourn the death of your bloody valentine One last time Singin'... Oh, my love Please don't cry I'll wash my bloody hands and We'll start a new life I don't know much at all I don't know wrong from right All I know is that I love you tonight There was Police and Flashing lights The rain came down so hard that night and the Headlines read A lover died No tell-tale heart was left to find when you... You mourn the death of your bloody valentine The night he died You mourn the death of your bloody valentine One last time Singin'... Oh, my love Please don't cry I'll wash my bloody hands and We'll start a new l
A Song For The Optimists
Blow the last candle out. Let the wax harden I wish I could stop crying. And I wish that someone still loved me Just breathe and focus. How can I when the air is so cold and empty, That my lungs froze right in my chest. I'll be honest the silver linings are getting harder and harder to manufacture And the smiles are so difficult to fake. What do I have to do, or who do I have to kill, to get what I want. What I need Happiness is an emotion I was born to this world without, nothing pleases me. And I can never be satiated. Through this toil I will breed my own distress and destroy my best hopes, Fuck up the only things that I love. I watched my aspirations crashing to the ground, on the backs of the angels that I've slain. But I meant so well, I tried so hard, gave everything in my soul, to what end, to what end Desolation, desire, exhale, pass away.
I heard our favorite song today It still bring tears to my eyes And pain to my heart After all this time Knowing what could have been,would have been,but never was It meant so little to you But it torn me apart You didn't seem to care about anything But yourself It's been over for years signed:marion g.
A Song About Forbidden Love
Until the dawn her bedroom window Paints shadows on my lawn She doesn’t see the beauty in her Or battles that she’s won Everyone tells her to stop tryin’ They all want their piece of her In the end She’s not something they deserve Surrounded by my next temptation Pain my only strength Offering the same yet something Different in your eyes I haven’t felt this way in so long I just can’t be more confused I want you more than you could ever know. How close I came 2 Kissing You I always seem 2 be Missing You The more I try resisting you I close my eyes I’m kissing you In the end you’re not something I deserve Every time I walk away You pull me back and then walk away I never know if you’re pissed at me Or worst yet if I’m on your mind at all How close I came 2 falling for you But I knew the game going in I close your eyes I’m kissing you Look back kindly I was good for you too In the end we both got what we deserve How close I came 2 kissing You
Song Of The Bones
Ancestral bones cared for with thought's of love Forgotten and scattered now in time One remembers, Ancient history Ears of by gone times, gone by in dust From humans to animals Beloved to feared The bones tell of the history Forgotten or never spoken of Ancient Rome, Tory, Atlantis The crusades for Isereal The battles of known wars, like WW I & WW II Only the bones of the forgotten remember Should the bones sing they would sing joy's of happiness and laughter to the pain and anger of war and life Never forget the sarrows of plagues and diseases thundering thru the ages Just listen, you will hear the ghost of love ones Speaking from the bones of yester-years The song of the bones quitely echo's out The voices of the dying past Listen, hear, it in the song of the bones
A Song That Made Me Think...
Better Than Me" I think you can do much better than me After all the lies that I made you believe Guilt kicks in and I start to see The edge of the bed Where your nightgown used to be I told myself I won't miss you But I remember What it feels like beside you I really miss your hair in my face And the way your innocence tastes And I think you should know this You deserve much better than me While looking through your old box of notes I found those pictures I took That you were looking for If there's one memory I don't want to lose That time at the mall You and me in the dressing room I told myself I won't miss you But I remember What it feels like beside you I really miss your hair in my face And the way your innocence tastes And I think you should know this You deserve much better than me The bed I'm lying in is getting colder Wish I never would've said it's over And I can't pretend... I won't think about you when I'm older Cause we never really had
Through to You It must be another one of those days We're on again, off again, just another phase This is becoming all to comfortable to you And im getting tired of waiting for your next move When will you now, when will you show me how you feel Chorus: You push me, you pull me, you make everything about you I love you, i hate you, and im just tryin to get through You need me, you cant see, would you choose already Cause im just tryin to get through, through to you All i wanted was attention from you We're fast, we're slow, i havent got a clue What am i supposed to do when i cant figure you out We kiss, we fight, you scream, i shout You've blown my mind and got me confused at the same time Chorus: You push me, you pull me, you make everything about you I love you, i hate you, and im just tryin to get through You need me, you cant see, would you choose already Cause im just tryin to get through, through to you I hate this tu
A Song
Life is a song, Lets sing out loud.... You and me baby we'll make heaven proud.. This place will never be the same now tainted with our love and all the Blessings sent from above... Take me in your arms and you will see the wonderous history that could be.. All I need is a sign from you, so I can make all your dreams finally come true..... To love , to hold is the key to my heart.. Open it baby and you will see....., all the things you have longed for are in me.. Babe, Please belive me , I am Real, I'll Let you in and show you how I feel.. To Love ,To Hold is all we need..... You and me babe, Lets make History. ~~~~Nikki
A Song Me And My Wife Emily Wrote Together
Something About Love Written by: Emily Nichole Gross & Charlotte Alese Renee Tyler *CT* Ordinarily enough, Was the way I fell in love, I was doing simple everyday things, Waiting to see what the day brings, Not long into the day our eyes connected, And my eyes werent the only thing affected, My pulse began to leap, My heart skipped a beat, There's just something about love, *Chorus* The moment I saw you it was an instant attraction, It was an impulse a chain reaction, I knew I had to have you all to myself, Not to share with anyone else, Staring into your icy blue's, All I wanted was to be with you, There's just something about love, That I just can't get enough of, Holding each other deep into the night, Laying in each other's embrace until mornings early light, There's just something about love, *EG* Visiting family, Was the way you found me, In a crowded room all alone, Off in a corner on my own, You walked over, And I knew you'd be
Song Of The Goddess....
I am the Great Mother, worshiped by all creation and existent prior to their consciousness. I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal. I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all Magic. The winds and moving leaves sing my name. I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the starry heavens. I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon. I am a field untouched by the plow. Rejoice in me and know the fullness of youth. I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the Harvest. I am clothed with the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain. By me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition according to my season. I am refuge and healing. I am the life-giving Mother, wondrously fertile. Worship me as the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth. I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon. I rule the tides of women and men and give release and renewal to weary souls. Thoug
Songs Being Redone
was just at a friends profile and finally heard that new version of "She's Like The Wind" that SUCKS. I mean ok Patrick Swayze probably shouldn't have sung it either, I mean it ranks up there with Don Johnson singing Heartbeat and Bruce Willis singing Respect Yourself.. Yes for the record I admit I do have all 3 of these songs downloaded simply because they do suck.. only slightly better than Eddie Murphey belting out how his girl likes to party all the time. But you see its in their inherent shittyness that makes them great. So now some act from today decides they can do it "better" by adding bass and all this hip hop crap to it. Now trust me by iteself hip hop is not crap, its actually my preferred Genre of music to listen to but come on to take a classic piece of 80's music from a somewhat ok actor and make it modern is HORRIBLE. Almost as good an idea of someone giving Mariah Carey the ok to redo Bringing on the Heartbreak and yes her version of Open Arms left a bit to be des
im looking for someone who can download some music for me cuz my computer cant. anyone wanna help?
The Song Of Amergin
The Stag Lord, The Horned God of the Hunt, The Lord of the Forest, the Dark God. If you recall our lessons, then you will remember that on Samhain the Dark God or Dark Lord is represented by the dying sun. He is nearing the end of his life-cycle and is seen as a protector and a warrior. He is also Death. The End of Life. He is the Sun God who kisses his Goddess one last time before he is swept away to a new time and place. His Lady lovingly holds him as he prepares to leave. He disappears and is gone when suddenly she sees a white stag standing on the horizon. The stag looks to the sun, and then back at the Lady. He seems to nod his head at her before heading into the horizon with the setting sun. Called Cernunnos or the Stag King, everything we know about him we only guess from the images of him created by the ancient Celts themselves. They made numerous icons of various gods, and over 60 depict Cernunnos. Yet we only know his name because it is carved on a single icon, made by
A Song I've Always Felt A Strange Sort Of Relation To.
Current mood: disappointed Looking In Mariah carey You look at me and see the girl Who lives inside the golden world But don't believe That's all there is to see You'll never know the real me She smiles through a thousand tears And harbours adolescent fears She dreams of all That she can never be She wades in insecurity And hides herself inside of me Don't say she takes it all for granted I'm well aware of all I have Don't think that I am disenchanted Please understand It seems as though I've always been Somebody outside looking in Well, here I am for all of them to bleed But they can't take my heart from me And they can't bring me to my knees They'll never know the real me. ****** I remember the first time I heard this song, I cried. Saying any more than that on the subject would be digging too deeply inside, even for me.
Song Deadication For My Angel
Nadie Como Ella ~Marc Anthony Ella sabe darse toda en un instante derretir con la mirada un corazon ella es fuego que se siente en mis labios cuando hacemos el amor Es una aventura andar bajo su blusa poco a poco acariciar toda su piel Es un sueno darle un beso ella sabe que me tiene a su merced [Coro] Mi corazon es suyo me siento suyo daria la vida por volverle a ver quien iba imaginarlo yo convertido en un capricho de su desnudez No hay nadie como ella tan dulce tan bella me juego la vida por ella no hay nadie como ella es fuego que quema estoy que me muero por ella Ella no es como las otras que dejaron cicatrizes de amargura y de dolor vino ella y con ternura otra vez me hizo creer en el amor [Repite Coro] No hay nadie como ella tan dulce tan bella No hay nadie como ella tan dulce tan bella Es fuego que quema y se mete en mis venas y me juego hasta la vida por ella No hay nadie como ella tan dulce tan bella me he vuel
A Song A Few Friends Say Reminds Them Of Me
On a lonely walk this morning A light mist in the air Dark clouds laughing at me in silence Casting shadows through my hair In the distance I saw a woman Dressed in black with eyes of grey She wore her pain like a shackled spirit Eternal life was her debt to pay The lady wore black It's the sign of the prisoners lives The lady wore black See the years through the tears in her eyes The lady wore black Her mystic power calls to me The lady wore black Her love can set me free The wind song whispered a warning Telling me to beware Of the quiet shadowed woman And of the sadness I would share We sat together for sometime together in silence Never speaking in words Of all her thoughts she spoke with her eyes And I listened remembering all I heard The lady wore black It's the sign of the prisoners lives The lady wore black See the years through the tears in her eyes The lady wore black Her mystic power calls to me The lady wore black Her love can set
The Song When She Cries Revised A Little
Yes I cry at night and I try not to let you hear me.I try and hide all the pain I feal inside.So I pray this time you are the man I know I deserve.Yet I die a little each time that I cry.
Everytime I close my eyes Babe, Its you I see. Dont you know what you mean to me. Everything i hear and see, Reminds me of you. Even the man in the moon. We could have so much, If only you took the time to see. No i cant see the future but girl if i could, it would filled with you.
Song By Dolly Parton Called Pms Blues
song by Dolly Parton... PMS Blues...Ladies can Eve you wicked woman, you done put your curse on me Why didn't you just leave that apple hangin' in the tree You make us hate our husbands, our lovers and our boss Why I can't even count the good friends I've already lost Cause of... PMS blues, PMS blues!! I don't even like myself, but it's something I can't help I got those God almighty, slap somebody PMS blues Most times I'm easy going, some say I'm good as gold But when I'm PMS I tell ya, I turn mean and cold you Those not afflicted with it are affected just the same Poor old men didn't have to grin and say "I feel your pain" PMS blues... PMS blues... You know you must forgive us for we care not what we do I got those can't stop crying, dishes flying PMS blues But you know we can't help it We don't even know the cause But as soon as this part's over, then comes the menopause Oh, Lord... Oh, Lord... We're
Song Or Poem You Decide
Im so tired of being alone. No one to share my joy. No one to share my sorrows and pain. Im so tired of being alone. Each night I pray to god and the stars above, that someday I find my love. A love that had evaded me so far. Im so tired of being alone. My days are filled with sorrow. my nights with darkness. Im looking for the light. One to share my joy, my sorry and my pain. Im so tired of being alone. 5/31/07
40 Songs That Changed The World (as Featured In Rolling Stone Magazine--may 3-17, 2007)
1. That's All Right - Elvis Presley (July 1954) 2. I Got A Woman - Ray Charles (January 1955) 3. Maybellene - Chuck Berry (July 1955) 4. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Bob Dylan (May 1963) 5. Louie Louie - The Kingsmen (May 1963) 6. Be My Baby - The Ronettes (August 1963) 7. I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles (December 1963) 8. Dancing In The Street - Martha And The Vandellas (July 1964) 9. (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - The Rolling Stones (May 1965) 10. Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan (July 1965) 11. Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles (February 1967) 12. Heroin - The Velvet Underground (March 1967) 13. Respect - Aretha Franklin (April 1967) 14. Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix (August 1967) 15. Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin (October 1969) 16. Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine - James Brown (July 1970) 17. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye (February 1971) 18. Imagine - John Lennon (September 1971) 19. Ziggy Stardust - David
A Song
Those tender kisses that passionate touch the moisture our bodies create,Oh my God this is the ecstacy my body thrives on,this moment is the birth of love,our energy exchanges, together we are a binary convergence,our structure permeates the universal need of closeness,you and I escape with candles and a song, I write a song for you,you write a song for me, we write a song for each other you and I,together we transend the harmony the melody, our tempo flucuates with the movement of our is just you I hold, nothing else exist, we are suspended in time dancing with the stars, can you feel it, my heart now beats only for you,each second we spend is eternal bliss, I am yours, you are mine, together we are a design a beautiful portrait, our love is a fortress,oh please let this last forever, every detail is perfected,oh baby can you hear it, the pleasure in my voice, we've created a symphony
Songs That Mean Alot To Me Because Of Someone Special
These pretty much say how I feel and what she has done for me so go show her how loved she is :) anyway this ofcourse, as most of you will know, is all about Mistress of Wolves who has captured my heart in a way noone else ever has , so thank you my love :) love you baby and hope you understand what I am saying in these choices
Song Lyrics
You may not like the band or the song..but to me these lyrics mean u go.. I want a normal life just like a new born child I am a lover hater I am an instigater You are an oversight Don't try to compromise I'll learn to love to hate it I am not integrated [Pre-Chorus] Just call my name You'll be okay You're scream is crawling through my veins Sooner or later your gonna hate it Go ahead and throw your life away Driving me under, leaving me out there Go ahead and throw your life away You're like an inch in time You are open wide You see them try to play me Just like you see on tv I am an oversight Just like a parasite Why am I so pathetic I know you won't forget it [pre-chorus] Sooner or later your gonna hate it Go ahead and throw my life away Driving me under, leaving me out there Go ahead and throw my life away Just call my name You'll be okay You're scream is crawling through my veins Sooner or later your gonna hate it Go a
Song Lyrics
You may not like the band or the song ..but these lyrics explain alot of me..omg was that toooo fuckin emo lol anyway enjoy.. Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without lov
A Song And Some Poems
forgive me -evanescence Can you forgive me again? I don't know what I said But I didn't mean to hurt you I heard the words come out I felt that I would die It hurt so much to hurt you Then you look at me You're not shouting anymore You're silently broken I'd give anything now to kill those words for you Each time I say something I regret I cry "I don't want to lose you." But somehow I know that you will never leave me, yeah. 'Cause you were made for me Somehow I'll make you see How happy you make me I can't live this life Without you by my side I need you to survive So stay with me You look in my eyes and I'm screaming inside that I'm sorry. And you forgive me again You're my one true friend And I never meant to hurt you Wings To Fly How can I always lend a hand But ignore the cries within myself It brings me joy to make you smile while my emptiness grows all the while Inside my heart will always bleed But I will never let you see it
A Song I Wrote
A Song For The Wedding Of A Friend Linda( Congrats)
Song For The Day
Soldier (Desitny's Child) {My version - many of the words have been changed} [First Rap] Hey, I want a soldier The way I got it, he's the hottest around They'll know it when they see him rolling hummers around I got a soldier With the top down feeling the sounds Quakin' and vibratin' my thighs ridin' harder than guys With the big wheels at the bottom, army green inside When the bullets be spittin' at you tell 'em don't even try it To shot it with Billy and kick it with Willy or holla at Steve You gotta be hard or you're way out of your league Pleas [First Verse] We like them boys be in them cami's leanin' Open their mouth their grill gleamin' Cami painted, keep that wheel clean and They always be talking that country slang we like Lookin' straight ahead when the chief's in I love how he keep my body screamin' A tough boy that's sweet to me with awesome credibility [Hook] If his status ain't good I ain't checkin' for him Better be sweet if he's lookin' at m
Song I Wrote When Bored
Your a ho Your a trick Your a filthy hoodrat bitch Gave me time Let me shine Left me sittin in a ditch Took some time, to rewind No more standing by my side Gettin cold Gettin black Angers showin thats a fact Here it comes There it goes Makin entry to the show Loved me once Never twice As determined by the dice Aftermath Starts a clash What should now be done Took that trip Gave my shot Never truely earned my spot Thinkin hard What to do Never know what I should do End ya life with a knife Thats a pussy thing to do Stoppin life with them drugs Is for them pussy thugs Take my chance on a spree Because mass murder makes me happy! Stick my fingers in ya eyes Diggin deep inside For my candy surprise And I Displace ya knees from ya thys Dismantel ya brain And sever ya spine We tried ya way That's why were tryin mine My ways a little messier Might get the best of ya Heavens descended now Only i'm stoppin ya And I Open the pits of hell And yo
Songs To Strip By...ooooo Yeah!
Tonight's the NIGHT on Krush Radio! The show by request...Songs To Strip By! Check it out if you want to...You know you do...Say you do;). The Girly Show from 7:00-9:00 p.m. CST. Live requests will be taken on YIM: thegirlydj
I wake up every morning The sun rising on my bed First thing that comes to my mind are thoughts about you I don't know what I do Or where I'd even be If I never met you 'Cause your the light in my eyes Your my day and my night Oh baby everything I do I do it for you 'Cause your the light in my eyes There's no where I'd rather be then with you No one I'd rather see then you Nothing I'd rather do Then turn back these hands of time to be with you Always with you 'Cause your the light in my eyes Yes your my day and my night Oh baby everything I do I do it for you 'Cause your the light in my eye 'Cause everywhere I go (I see you) Everywhere I turn (I see you) Everything I see looks like you to me 'Cause your the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen Which makes you the light in my eyes Which makes you my day and my night Which makes everything I do for you 'Cause your the light in my eyes Yes your my
I wake up every morning The sun rising on my bed First thing that comes to my mind are thoughts about you I don't know what I do Or where I'd even be If I never met you 'Cause your the light in my eyes Your my day and my night Oh baby everything I do I do it for you 'Cause your the light in my eyes There's no where I'd rather be then with you No one I'd rather see then you Nothing I'd rather do Then turn back these hands of time to be with you Always with you 'Cause your the light in my eyes Yes your my day and my night Oh baby everything I do I do it for you 'Cause your the light in my eye 'Cause everywhere I go (I see you) Everywhere I turn (I see you) Everything I see looks like you to me 'Cause your the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen Which makes you the light in my eyes Which makes you my day and my night Which makes everything I do for you 'Cause your the light in my eyes Yes your my
As I sit here on this bench Watching a family play around Many questions begin to run through my mind Why we live Why we die and Why we love Is it possible to love someone to much Is it possible that the ones we love we can not have Is it possible to not have enough love Is it possible to live without love Well I believe we all live for love I believe we all would die for love And I believe that we all love so we can feel alive So tell me Is it possible to love someone to much Is it possible that the ones we love we can not have Is it possible to not have enough love Is it possible to live with out love I know it sounds like I have the answers But yet these questions keep running through my mind Like why we live Why we die And why we love Is there anyone out there with the answers So please tell me Is it possible to love someone to much Is it possible the ones we love we can not have Is it possible to not have e
DON'T READ UNLESS YOU WANT TO CRY!!!!!! The sun is no longer shining over this bed of beauty The night sky has no meaning to the non-dreamer Daylight is filled by night And death is the only thing on your mind 'Cause the death of a loved one is the hardest thing to get through You don't know how much you love them until there time is through Just remember that they will always be by your side And don't cry for them they don't want you to This bed of beauty is showing no beauty anymore All it wants to do is decieve itself more It just wants to wake up from this dreaded dream it's having And hates the sick joke that god decided to pull 'Cause the death of a loved one is the hardest thing to get through You don't know how much you love them until there time is through Just remember that they will always be by your side And don't cry for them they don't want you to So let the beauty rise up with the shining sun Let the
A Song On How I Feel
This song gets me pumped and it makes me feel about how my life has been except I did slow down alot once I got married.
1996 Song
Your 1996 Theme Song Is: 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins Shakedown 1979 Cool kids never have the time On a live wire right up off the street You and I should meet What's Your 1996 Theme Song?
A Song
Do you know this song? It is by Bryan Adams, who actually has many songs that I like. Parts of this one seem so true. Unfortunately, parts of many songs really do speak to me or for me. It just seems they say things so much better than just words alone. Anyway, the song I just heard is Heaven, you can look up the lyrics if you like. I am humming it to myself now ..... Oh - once in your life you find someone Who will turn your world around Bring you up when you're feelin' down Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me Oh there's lots that I could say But just hold me now Cause our love will light the way ..... So, any songs that really speak to or for you? Or is it just me who gets touched by music like that? hmmm That could be .... trying a picture but not sure if it will work .... [img][/img]
A Song
Her hair is dark, but her smile is bright. I met her for the first time on a winter’s night. She was sad because her heart got broke from a non committal South African bloke. I say hello and my name is Kim, so she thought she’d reply on a silly whim, and everything’s alright. You can count on me when you need a friend to talk to. You can count on me when you need two arms to run to. She taught me things that I never knew about herself and myself too. She let me in to her heart once or twice and then told me that she thought I was pretty nice. A friendship grew and then respect and trust. I made a commitment sprinkled with Angel dust And everything’s alright. You can count on my when you need a friend to talk to. You can count on me when you need two arms to run to. And that’s our story, well ain’t it cool? I befriended that Angel from Liverpool . We shared our love of music and stuff sharing hypothetical kisses and hugs. Writing our thoughts with h
Song Of The Forgotten
its not true that no one understands or could understand and care its just hard to find someone who understands how complicated you are hurts so bad you don’t know what to do and your night is just starting as others days are through can you be alone with yourself just one more time can you sit with yourself and still be just fine you wade through the hours between night and day cuz the sleep you don’t want won’t come anyway talk to a stranger and call them your friend could they really even care about you in the end you don’t really believe it you don’t dare try you try not to be sad and try not to cry but night after night its coming again what I would give to sit with one real friend
Song In My Head
ok, so this is seepage from someone else's brain. this is a song written by michael knott. his work is so brutally honest, almost agonizing to listen to. anyway, i'm in the mood to write but nothing is coming out. this song is on my mind today, so i thought i'd post the words. it's called "double". you're sittin' there wondering why is it like this and the whole world's crazy and the earth is sick and someone's yelling from the bathroom door the toilet's overflowing on the floor and the one by the phone says i cannot hear while the one by the jukebox spills his beer and the man on the pinball hits sixteen mil someone ducks behind the counter to pop a pill and you reach in your pocket to see if there's more and the biggest bill falls so you're left with four and you're too gone to look but you still try then you see it in the hand of a great big guy who looks just like he'd kill you fast and you think for a minute you let it pass and the stool falls over when yo
Songbird Songbird songbird in the tree; I long to hear you sing for me; Your voice is what I wish to hear; For in my soul I hold you dear; I know the reasons you wont sing; But only sadness does that bring; I ache to keep and hold you tight; For in my hands all will be right; I know that this will never be; Your heart and spirit must stay free; Night is coming so you must go; Your wings the silken air do row; For each flap a tear does fall; I know I'll never hear your call; Little songbird on your way; Try to think of me someday; Songbird songbird.
Songbird Songbird songbird in the tree; I long to hear you sing for me; Your voice is what I wish to hear; For in my soul I hold you dear; I know the reasons you wont sing; But only sadness does that bring; I ache to keep and hold you tight; For in my hands all will be right; I know that this will never be; Your heart and spirit must stay free; Night is coming so you must go; Your wings the silken air do row; For each flap a tear does fall; I know I'll never hear your call; Little songbird on your way; Try to think of me someday; Songbird songbird.
Songbird Songbird songbird in the tree; I long to hear you sing for me; Your voice is what I wish to hear; For in my soul I hold you dear; I know the reasons you wont sing; But only sadness does that bring; I ache to keep and hold you tight; For in my hands all will be right; I know that this will never be; Your heart and spirit must stay free; Night is coming so you must go; Your wings the silken air do row; For each flap a tear does fall; I know I'll never hear your call; Little songbird on your way; Try to think of me someday; Songbird songbird.
Songs About Rain
Ya I'm a Gary Allan Fan :) Songs About Rain By Gary Allan Well this town has closed down, way too early And there's nothing to do So I'm driving around in circles And I'm thinking about you Today I heard you got a new last name I sure didn't know it was gonna hit me this way And the radio just keeps on playing all these Songs About Rain... Now there's all kinds of songs about babies and love that goes right, But for some unknown reason Nobody wants to play them tonight, Hey, I hope it's sunny wherever you are That's sure not the picture, tonight in my car And it sure ain't easin' my pain All these songs like... "Rainy Night In Georgia" and "Kentucky Rain" "Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again", "Blue Eyes Cryin" in the "Early Morning Rain" They go on and on, and there's no two the same Oh it would be easy to blame all these Songs About Rain Well, I thought I was over you But I guess maybe I'm not 'Cause when I let you go Looks like lonely i
Songs Posted!
Finally posted some cover tunes on my page! check em out.
Song Lyrics - Bring Me Back To Life - Evanescence
how can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home (Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can’t wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I’ve become now that I know what I’m without you can't just leave me breathe into me and make me real bring me to life (Wake me up) Wake me up inside (I can’t wake up) Wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can’t wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I’ve become Bring me to life (I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside) Bring me to life frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead
A Song After My Own Heart (tear Away By Drowning Pool)
I'm tearing away Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay You run away Faster and faster you can't seem to get away Break Hope there's a reason For questions unanswered I just don't see everything Yes I'm inside you Tell me how does it feel to feel like this Just like I do I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone Do I really want this Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go Can you believe it Everything happens for reasons I just don't know I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything but me God damn I love me I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone or anything I don't care about anyone else but me I don't care about anyone
Songs I Like
A Song
Bless The Broken Road lyrics I set out on a narrow way many years ago Hoping I would find true love along the broken road But I got lost a time or two Wiped my brow and kept pushing through I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you Every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you I think about the years I spent just passing through I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you But you just smile and take my hand You've been there you understand It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true Every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart they were like northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Now I'm just rolling home Int
The Song I Live By
When silence cries... Is it what I feel? or is it what you really long to be? Depression grows again to you I pledge my guilt Deserted fields I stroll there is no relief The bleeding night surrounds you like a darkened veil The echoes wake my sleeping thoughts The distant voice... it cries again I realise it is not a dream, like a journey in solitude Ignore what I once did say When silence cries... The pleasant feeling of something dying (she said) Upon the innocent it will rise once again A tear I spill in silence Punish the word of wisdom that I once gave When silence cries... A passage of dreams a passage of dreams and memories Tiny little screams feeble yet revealed
The Song That Sums Me Up At The Moment And How I Feel.....
So full of rage and lost ambition She bites her lip just to keep you guessin’ Stars on her arms, holes in her ears The scars on her heart hide all her fears. Lost alone, nowhere to go How I feel, she’ll never know She’s so pretty in punk Pink hair, spiked belt, and a black t-shirt A million and one ways to express the hurt Sleeves of cloth or sleeves of ink She’s lost in nicotine, she’s lost in her drink She’s not alone, a place to go How she feels, We all should know She’s so pretty in punk Music is our only hope, always there always to run to The only friends we have that know just what to do We’re not alone, This now I know Just how I feel, I’ll let her know Cause she’s so pretty in punk
Song Lyrics
Here is the lyrics to a song I wrote, it's better with the music (guitar)but it might stand on it's own without. No Salt, No Lime verse 1 When you left me, I was lost. Hell of a climb. Want you back no matter the cost. But you still wouldn't be mine. refrain: Pour another memory, no salt, no lime. When I said I loved you, I meant for all time. Verse 2 It's goin' to take allot of time to get over you. Question I keep asking myself,"What did I do?" refrain: Pour another memory, no salt, no lime. When I said I loved you, I meant for all time. verse 3 I'll keep looking for you, questions to ask. The only place I'll find you, is in the bottom of this glass. refrain: Pour another memory, no salt, no lime. When I said I loved you I meant for all time.
A Song That Currently Claims My Heart
"Never Too Late" This world will never be What I expected And if I don't belong Who would have guessed it I will not leave alone Everything that I own To make you feel like it's not too late It's never too late Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late No one will ever see This side reflected And if there's something wrong Who would have guessed it And I have left alone Everything that I own To make you feel like It's not too late It's never too late Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late The world we knew Won't come back The time we've lost Can't get back The life we had Won't be ours again This world will never be What I expecte
A Song For You
I've been so many places in my life and time I've sung a lot of songs I've made some bad rhyme I've acted out my love in stages With ten thousand people watching But we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you I know your image of me is what I hope to be I've treated you unkindly but darlin' can't you see There's no one more important to me Darlin' can't you please see through me Cause we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you You taught me precious secrets of the truth withholding nothing You came out in front and I was hiding But now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding I love you in a place where there's no space or time I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine And when my life is over Remember when we were together We were alone and I was singing this song for you You taught me precious secrets of the truth withholding nothing You came out in front and I was h
Superchick - One And Lonely It's not like they meant to hurt me Watchin TV, checkin Britney, televised, my guys Checkin out her thighs and I roll my eyes and sigh It's not like I even need to be competing with unreality TV, fantasy Not for a smart girl like me Some days it's hard to be a one girl revolution CHORUS: Sometimes I have good days and it's good to be me Sometimes I get the best of insecurity And it's quite alright to be the one and only But today I feel like the one and lonely It's not that I don't know beauty is only skin deep Just the skin I'm in, not the girl within But one imperfection takes away my grin Not that I think I'm ugly but Acne throws me for a backslide I won't go outside Makeup can't hide how I feel inside Some days it's hard to be a one girl revolution CHORUS (Oh, the one and lonely) We all have bad hair days Those nothing good about me days Just keep moving on 'cause they'll be gone And we'll still be here going on We hav
Songs Of My Heart
This song reminded me of my life and the relationship I was going through ..... Who would have thought That you could hurt me The way you've done it? So deliberate, so determined And since you have been gone I bite my nails for days and hours And question my own questions on and on So tell me now, tell me now Why you're so far away When I'm still so close You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" You said you would love me until you die And as far as I know you're still alive, baby You don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" I'm starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a woman's heart I tried so hard to be attentive To all you wanted Always supportive, always patient What did I do wrong? I'm wondering for days and hours It's here, it isn't here where you belong Anyhow, anyhow I wish you both all the best I hope you get along But you don't even know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry" You said you would
Song I Wrote.
Cause your one sad trip to get there, and your one sad sap to call yourself a man. And all your truths you've been telling me, were seeping lies I'll never understand. I once though Love was how you felt, but you tore it up without a doubt. The time you spent at her house, was just another indication of what you were all about. It took one hopeless look to get there, it took one long thought to finally let you go. You were one past I wish I could forget but instead I sit and talk about the times we shared and still know. Innocence lost its edge and we folded our cards that left our hands in misery. It took one sad trip to get here. Now I can say I came so far. Leaving pain and hurt beneath my skin way too long, now I wash it all away and search for where I belong.
A Song
I write a song for you,you write a song for me, we write a song for each other you and I,together we transend the harmony the melody, our tempo flucuates with the movement of our is just you I hold, nothing else exist, we are suspended in time dancing with the stars, can you feel it, my heart now beats only for you,each second we spend is eternal bliss, I am yours, you are mine, together we are a design a beautiful portrait, our love is a fortress,oh please let this last forever, every detail is perfected,oh can you hear it, the pleasure in my voice, we've created a symphony !!!!
A Song I Wrote
Song That Resonates With How I Feel About My Fiance
Savage Garden - I knew I loved You Maybe it's intuition but some things you just don't question Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant And there it goes, I think I found my best friend I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe... I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life There's just no rhyme or reason Only the sense of completion And in your eyes, I see the missing pieces I'm searching for I think I've found my way home I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe... I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life A thousand angels dance around you I am complete now that I've found you I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all
Song For You Lyrics
This song is very special to me. Not only the music is beautiful, but the words make it awesome. I've been so many places in my life and time I've sung a lot of songs, I have made some bad rhymes I've acted out my life in stages with ten thousand people watching But we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you I know your image of me is what I hope to be, I've treated you unkindly But darlin can't you see, there's no one more important to me So darling can't you please see through me, 'cause we're alone now And I'm singing my song for you, you taught me precious secrets The truth withholding nothing, you came out in front When I was hiding, but now I'm so much better So if my words don't come together, listen to the melody 'Cause my love is in there hiding I love you in a place where there is no space or time, I love you for my life 'Cause you are a friend of mine, and when my life is over Remember, when we were together We were alone and I was s
Anyone know any good songs (new or old) any genre that I should put on my ipod?
Songs That Sound Like Other Songs..
Good Morning. Music… What we listen too while driving…doing housework… gardening…(headphones naturally…) Music often referred to and used to set the mood. Music, you hear it in elevator, department store and in church. There isn’t a day that goes by that another artist has not written, produced or recorded a new song set to music in their head. With all the billions and gazillion songs played recorded and written…how could there not be a slight chance of more then on song, lyric or melody be mistaken for another? Well that is just it. Many songs, lyrics and melody’s sound similar to others over the years. What brought this up was Sunday morning I was on my way to grocery shop (cart nap) and Casey Casesum or how ever the dude spells his name was on and mentioned Christine Aguilera was under attack for a song she has out. Claiming her song was a knockout of a song recorded in the sixties by another group…which their name escapes me…but Casey C. said their song sounded like an early rolli
Song For Kids
On vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde Et que quelqu'un vous tende la main Que votre chemin évite les bombes Qu'il mène vers de calmes jardins. On vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde Pour aujourd'hui comme pour demain Que votre soleil éclaircisse l'ombre Qu'il brille d'amour au quotidien. Puisque l'avenir vous appartient Puisqu'on n'contrôle pas votre destin Que votre envol est pour demain Comme tout c'qu'on a à vous offrir Ne saurait toujours vous suffire Dans cette liberté à venir Puisqu'on sera pas toujours là Comme on le fut aux premiers pas. On vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde Et que quelqu'un vous tende la main Que votre chemin évite les bombes Qu'il mène vers de calmes jardins. Toute une vie s'offre devant vous Tant de rêves à vivre jusqu'au bout Sûrement plein de joie au rendez-vous Libres de faire vos propres choix De choisir quelle sera votre voie Et où celle-ci vous emmènera J'espère juste que vous prendrez le temps De profiter
A Song For This Blog
The Song Of Crazy Horse
The Song of Crazy Horse Words & Music by: J D Blackfoot © 1973 Published by: Tokala Music You took his land and you ate his corn, and on his grave your land was born. You took his pride and you fed him dirt, you wished him winter without a shirt and you called this red man savage. And after you crushed him you helped him up, to let him drink from an empty cup. You gave him the Navy without the fleet, and made him lick your hands and kiss your feet, and you named this mad dog savage. Well I found a book the other day, so I looked up red and white to see what it'd say. One was a savage the other unlearned, like a look in the mirror the tables were turned, for history has named you - savage. In the year of 65 when I was very young, we watched the dust clouds to the south we knew that you had come. We saw you build your chain of forts along the Bozeman Road, but Red Cl
Song Reminds Me Of My Last Relationship
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down lyrics Hey girl you know you drive me crazy one look puts the rhythm in my head. Still I'll never understand why you hang around I see what's going down. Cover up with make up in the mirror tell yourself it's never gonna happen again you cry alone and then he swears he loves you. Do you feel like a man when you push her around? Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found. A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect every action in this world bear a consequence If you wait around forever you will surely drown I see what's going down. I see the way you go and say you're right again, say you're right again, heed my lecture. Do you feel like a man when you push her around? Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground? Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end as you
Song Lyrics
Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time But I'm too young to worry These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past I found you here, now please just stay for a while I can move on with you around I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever? I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture) Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over Newborn life replacing life, replacing all of us, changing this fable we live in No longer needed here so where should we go? Will you take a journey tonight, follow me past the walls of death? But girl, what if there
A Song With Meaning!
Song Of The Wind
The Angel lay in silence, cold and broken on the ground; When carried on a distant breeze she heard a soft sweet sound. A song danced 'cross the night sky past the moon and past the stars; A song of new beginning touched the Fallen Angel's heart. What was a song of sorrow with no beginning or no end, Was now a joy filled melody as she listened to the Wind. A song of inspiration poured forth into her soul, Her tattered wings were lifted; the Wind 'neath them made her whole. Laughter danced around her head in a sparkling brilliant light, And with the Wind to lift her wings the Angel took to flight. Flying through the twinkling stars she spiraled and she soared; Spinning, swirling gracefully for her heart had been restored. Stardust sprinkled from her wings as she soared into the night; A glittering path her laughter left as she floated 'cross the sky. Then gently from the Angel's heart a song began to sing; The same song of undying love for the Wind beneath her wings. The
A Song That Set Me Free!
The Song Of The Year
Now, in the sky, the bright stars are burning I sing you the song of the long year turning. From the dark gate of Samhain, through Spring into Falling, Hear how the voices of Nature are calling. Gathered the flocks snd the folk for All Hallows, The Summer sun's power has gone with the swallows. Merry the feasting at the Great Assembly, Look in the mirror for hat is to be. On move the stars in the sky's distant wheel, Th folk gather again the season of Yule. Quiet is the hall where the newborn one cries, Lord over men, to be Lord of the Skies. Long nights of winter pass, bitter winds rage, Twelve magic years pass with each day of his age, His Mother is honnored with the harbingers of spring, New armed he goes forth, with the host following. Now, when the first flowers are opening wide, We welcome the Lady, his lover and bride. He hunts in the forest as May buds appear, To seek for the White One who runs with the deer. They leap over bonfires, this May Day so bright,
Song That Connects...
Some one, I do think from this site, asked me what song reminds me of myself or connects with me. I have thought of it for so long that I can not even remember who asked me lol Maybe they will see this and remind me haha...Anyway I finally found it, by not even trying....I woke up to it this morning while it was playing on the radio... The song is Sweet Surrender by Sarah McLaclan I am gonna put the video up and the lyrics under it.. Sweet Surrender it doesn't mean much it doesn't mean anything at all the life I've left behind me is a cold room I've crossed the last line from where I can't return where every step I took in faith betrayed me and led me from my home and sweet sweet surrender is all that I have to give you take me in no questions asked you strip away the ugliness that surrounds me are you an angel am I already that gone I only hope that I won't disappoint you when I'm down here on my knees and sweet sweet sweet surrender is a
A Song That Means Alot To Me
TOBY KEITH LYRICS American Soldier I'm just trying to be a father, Raise a daughter and a son, Be a lover to their mother, Everything to everyone. Up and at 'em bright and early, I'm all in my business suit, Yeah, I'm dressed for success from my head down to my boots, I don't do it for money, there's still bills that I can't pay, I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway, Providing for our future's my responsibility, Yeah I'm real good under pressure, being all that I can be, And I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong, I just work straight through the holidays, And sometimes all night long. You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door, Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady, hey I'm true down to the core, And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price, I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice, Oh, and I don't want to die for you, But if dyin's asked of me, I'll bear that cross with an honor, 'C
The Song "lips Of An Angel"
If I had a dollar for every time i heard that song of someone's profile...Id could afford to bribe Scarlett Johannsson to marry me. PICK ANOTHER SONG ALREADY PEOPLE.
The Song I Love
Songs, Poetry, Any Ole Thing
Hi and welcome I have a lot going on, most of the the time you will find me here Http:// first off there is a few things I would like to share with you: my E-mail address in case you don't know it is: Hi, I just wanted to share My award with you, I was awarded an Award By the Traditional Country Music Foundation "Most Creative Award" and for outstanding songwriting 2006-2007 if you would like to hear my song go to: be sure and rate my song, and leave a comment if you want!! and here is a few poems CHANGING MOMENTS IN TIME A moment in time, when life surrounds us and things get done to change what we percieve today, to become something different tomorrow and forever change life around us! Written By: John Richard Hendley III This next poem is a poem I wrote after the 911 didaster and I reecieved a letter of appreciation from the White
A Song I Wrote
Another like her Who's that girl standing over there do you see her the beautiful one with the silky hair all I do is see her when i close my eyes when I'm alone in bed she runs thru my head she's so fine I wish she was mine and there will never be another like her another like her like her, like her the beautiful one with the silky hair I want to show her I care but i can't cuz he's there another like her another like her like her, like her but when will it happen when can I say she's mine god I pray everything will be fine I'm losing my mind another like her another like her like her, like her
A Song From The Beatles
I will, The Beatles Who knows how long I've loved you You know I love you still Will I wait a lonely lifetime If you want me to--I will. For if I ever saw you I didn't catch your name But it never really mattered I will always feel the same. Love you forever and forever Love you with all my heart Love you whenever we're together Love you when we're apart. And when at last I find you Your song will fill the air Sing it loud so I can hear you Make it easy to be near you For the things you do endear you to me You know I will I will.
Song By Simon & Garfunkel
The Boxer, Simon & Garfunkel I am just a poor boy. Though my story's seldom told, I have squandered my resistance For a pocketful of mumbles, Such are promises All lies and jest Still, a man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest. When I left my home And my family, I was no more than a boy In the company of strangers In the quiet of the railway station, Running scared, Laying low, Seeking out the poorer quarters Where the ragged people go, Looking for the places Only they would know. Asking only workman's wages I come looking for a job, But I get no offers. Just a come-on from the whores On Seventh Avenue I do declare, There were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there. Then I'm laying out my winter clothes And wishing I was gone Going home Where the New York City winters Aren't bleeding me, Leading me, Going home. In the clearing stands a boxer, And a fighter by his trade And he carries the reminders Of ev'ry
Song To Lady Of The Fair Hair
"O Lady of the Fair Hair, Sing to me of the fair ancient land. Yours divine voice Whispers the poetry of magic that flow through the wind, Like sweet-tasting water of the Boyne. "Girls, forever young and beautiful, Dancing around the broken dun, Where long forgotten heroes sang of victory And drank ales to old memories. "Sing to me one last time, Goddess of the Fair Hair, Before my old ear fail me. Let me see you dance, Before your beauty fade away from my failing sight." — Song to the Lady of the Fair Hair,

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