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Southern Nights Come Join Me......
South And The God Damn Bible
What is it with the South and the fucking Bible??? you believe in a book and live your life after it, you don't curse, you don't drink. But.... you being an Asshole, at work, in life, then you going to church and pray, and all will b forgiven you fuckers are out of your minds,    ahhhh im saved....fuck you are   just be a good person in general that's what he want's you to be!!! so fuck of you fucking no good Babtist Mofos
Southern Nights
1. welcome to fubar! Looking to meet great people and listen to great country tunes? stop by and visit us in Southern Nights Welcome to fubar! Come visit us in Southern Nights and get your Country Music fix with a great group of people Ready to dance your backside off? We are waiting for you where the drinks are flowing and the country tunes are non-stop Drinks, Great group of people, and even hotter country music all at Southern Nights. We're waiting to meet you. Are you ready for non-stop fun?
Southern Nights
1. welcome to fubar! Looking to meet great people and listen to great country tunes? stop by and visit us in Southern Nights Welcome to fubar! Come visit us in Southern Nights and get your Country Music fix with a great group of people Ready to dance your backside off? We are waiting for you where the drinks are flowing and the country tunes are non-stop Drinks, Great group of people, and even hotter country music all at Southern Nights. We're waiting to meet you. Are you ready for non-stop fun?
South Korea Version Fashion Dress Brings The Fresh Breath Of Spring
    In the past 10 years Korean fashion wave has swept all of the East Asia, such as china, hong kong, Tai wang, singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, you can see many modern young women are crazy for korean fashion. This situation attributes to several reasons, but the main reason is still that with the hotness of korean drama more and more stylish ladies begin to learn dressing from the korean ladies in dramas. Of course, there is also a another reason that Korean women are similar to those women from other east asian countries in fashion taste, delicate and showing show fair lady temperament. Then it is a natural that korean fashion clothing becomes popular in east Asian countries.   The features of Korean fashion dress: 1, the individuality which makes widely known the most attractive point of Korean clothing lies in its use of hyperbole. It satisfies the mood of eagering to vent of urban busy people. The hyperbole personality is the source of happiness: either extremely wide leg
South Carolina Woman Faces Trial For "truck Nutz" (repost)
The police chief of a small South Carolina town will ask a jury to decide if a woman broke the state's obscenity laws by driving a pickup truck with plastic testicles hanging from the back. Bonneau Police Chief Franco Fuda ticketed Virginia Tice, 65, in early July at a local convenience store after spying the adornment dangling from her truck. South Carolina law considers a bumper sticker, decal or device indecent when it describes, in an offensive way as determined by contemporary community standards, "sexual acts, excretory functions, or parts of the human body." The offense carries a maximum fine of $445 but no jail time, Fuda said.
Southern Fried Summer
Well I just got back from North Carolina and I had a real good time. My family invited me to stay with them just like they've been trying to do since I was 8 and I think I'm finally ready for it. I feel selfish but I'm making a decision for myself and I think it would be best. I love the south. Everyone is so much friend, they have shrimp sauce, and so many other things. My family there is still crazy but I've got 3 houses to run to, school to take care of, a job to find, a really great southern gentleman who I think I'm really starting to like. I have honestly never been treated so well in all my life by a man.
South East Asia - No Two Destinations Are Alike
It is said that no two destinations of South East Asia offers the same experience. It is a region blessed with so much diverse attractions that people die for a tour to these areas. Thailand tour packages are popular for its scope for shopping, wildlife destinations and beach destinations. It is a favorite of beach lovers and is known for its beautiful islands. Some of the gorgeous islands of Thailand are Pattaya, Koh Samet, Phuket etc. These islands home terrific beaches. There is also scope for various water sports. The night life of Thailand is also famous if not infamous. Thailand is also famous for its shopping avenues. Apart from this entertaining side, there is an angle of cultural richness to Thailand story. There are over three hundred Buddhist temples in Thailand which speaks for a rich heritage. There are other historical monuments aplenty in Thailand. Thailand also homes over hundred national parks including twenty marine parks. Thailand includes diverse geographical ter
Southern Women
 Southern Women: Southern women appreciate their natural assets: Clean skin. A winning smile. That unforgettable Southern drawl. Southern women know their manners: "Yes, ma'am." "Yes, sir." "Why, no, Billy!" Southern women have a distinct way with fond expressions : "Y'all come back!" "Well, bless your heart." "Drop by when you can." "How's your Momma?" Southern women know their summer weather report: Humidity Humidity Humidity Southern women know their vacation spots: The beach The rivuh The crick Southern women know the joys of June, July, and August: Colorful hi-heel sandals or flip flops. Strapless sun dresses Iced sweet tea with mint Southern women know everybody's first name: Honey Darlin' Shugah Southern women know the movies that speak to their hearts: Fried Green Tomatoes Driving Miss Daisy Steel Magnolias Gone With The Wind Southern women know their religions: Baptist Methodist Football Southern women know their country breakfasts: Red-eye gravy Grits Eggs Country ham Mouth-w
South Bend, Ind. Rey Maualuga Jersey . -- Everett Golson And Andrew Hendrix Have Emerged As The Front Runners To Be Notre Dames Starting Quarterback.
SOUTH BEND, Ind. Rey Maualuga Jersey . -- Everett Golson and Andrew Hendrix have emerged as the front runners to be Notre Dames starting quarterback. Coach Brian Kelly said theyre getting pretty much even work during drills, even though Golson got most of the reps with the first team during Wednesdays practice that was open to the media. Golson is a sophomore who did not play a year ago and Hendrix is a junior who appeared in five games last season. Freshman Gunner Kiel is No. 3 right now, while last years starter Tommy Rees is mostly a spectator in practice. Rees was suspended for the Sept. 1 opener against Navy in Dublin, Ireland, after he was involved in a scuffle with police. Andy Dalton Jersey . Related readings: Shortage of diesel leads to longer lines at gas stations in NW China Diesel fuel scarcity creates public panic Sinopec to hike oil processing, add import to ease diesel shortages Longxing funeral parlor in Chongqings Yubei district has suspended cremation services for two
The Southern Rules
The Southern Rules   If you are going to the South, you need to know the rules. In an effort to help outsiders understand the rural Southerner's mind, the following list will be handed to each person as they enter a Southern State   1: That slope-shouldered farm boy did more work before breakfast then you do all week at the gym.   2: It's called a "gravel road." No matter how slow you drive, you're going to get dust on your Navigator. Drive it or get it out of the way   3: The red dirt-its called clay. Red Clay. If you like the color, don't wash your car for a couple of weeks-it'll be permanent. The big lumps of it-they're called "clods."   4: We all started hunting and fishing when we were seven years old. Yeah, we saw Bambi. We got over it.   5: Any reference to "corn fed" when talking about our women will get you whipped-by our women.   6: Go ahead and bring your $600 Orvis Fly Rod. Don't cry to us if a flathead breaks it off at the handle. We have a name for those lit
Ok Hun, I'm fixin' to tell you something about being southern. Being southern doesn't mean that I am not educated . I may say Ain't or y'all or even call ya sweetie' or honey' and I might bless alot of hearts and I might even piddle around. I'll greet you with a big hey' and hug. all soda pop is "coke" and I might refer to the grocery cart as "buggy" and by golly' that's ok. I am polite and call you Sir' and ma'am and if you hear a southerner say oh hell no"" you better run"" you might find me here or over yonder and if you don't know what yonder is then you ain't from the south.   Love y'all Debbie Lynn.
Southern Badass Lol
MRS BABYCA...: no u are a crazy guy 4:45pm more To MRS BABYCA...: hehehehe go change your depends, douchebag 4:45pm reply NC REDNECK...: ok pope you pissed me off you talk to my mother like she is tainted with some type of illness you think she bad at the mouth you have no clue who i and im tell you this one mother fucking time and fucking right im the spawn of the devil waving the rebel flag either man up and shut up or i swear by the grace of the south you will find out what 1 a southern asswhooping about and for 2 you will know what it feels liked to be fuck devil style leave my mother alone KNOW AND I FUCKING MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4:46pm more To NC REDNECK...: come and get it you fucking pussy 4:46pm reply MRS BABYCA...: u wear depends 4:47pm more To NC REDNECK...: internet badguy LMFAOOOOOOOO!!!! 4:47pm more To NC REDNECK...: OMG I am cracking up so bad lol 4:47pm more To NC REDNECK...: hey NC g
South America Has Been In Concept Chaduoliya
With two wins and a final decision to leave Berlusconi Galliani , AC Milan this season turmoil can say is already almost over , but almost certainly , this season is AC Milan coach Allegri last season , and his successor will be Seedorf . "Football Market News" said : "AC Milan have almost certainly coach next season will be Clarence Seedorf ,Barcelona jersey who will officially take office in the next year in June Berlusconi Seedorf is very favorite player, very familiar with the AC. everything Milan, he played for the team for 10 years on the court when the court can be seen as a coach . " It is reported that not only his return to Seedorf , AC Milan will bring a few strokes of good signings . According IlSussidiario website, due to Seedorf , AC Milan, Galatasaray relations are likely to get the Dutch international Wesley Sneijder ,Arsenal jersey Clarence Seedorf and Wesley Sneijder in the next year is very good, but also from Sneijder in the Ajax youth team when it is taken care o
[ Uuuh...]
WARHAMMER ANNOUNCED LAST NIGHT! 9/18/08 See you fuckbags... NEVER! I'm out if that game's any fucking good. Hahaha. What? It's just like here, only the environment is polygons, and I get to cut things and SMASH HEADS! instead of "comment bomb". Instead of buying blasts or "bling" I'm paying a monthly subscription and working my way toward RULING THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Besides, I was never any good at this game. Not enough strategy and character customization. But in all seriousness... This game has some promise. See you on the blood soaked battlgerounds of your homeland. And if its not any good, it'll at least carry me until Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5, and Borderlands. Dude, I'm set. Just need a job.
SOUVENIR I saw a feather Floating through the air . . . It came from the plumage Of your soul. It fluttered toward me With graceful ease . . . Borne on a wisp of desire. That feather held Your winsome aura; It glistened: A siren's enchantment. This downy sample Of your spirit Will be part of mine Forever.
So U Wanna Know A Few Things About Me?
1.Whats in your wallet? alot of credit cards and bizness cards 2.Whats under your bed? ummm nuthin 3.Whats on the top shelf way in the back of your closet? shoes, shoes, and more shoes 4.Whats in your underwear drawer? panties, bras, and socks 5.Whats in the trunk of your car? nuthin, i drive a truck 6.whats in your desk? junk, lol 7.Do you have a super secret hiding spot? If so whats in it? not really... i have no1 to hide anything from 8.Do you feel guily about something right now? If so what is it? nopes 9.Whats the most embarassing thing in your bedroom right now? pornos, probly... and durty laundry (going to do it as soon as i get off of here) 10.Have you done something recently you hope noone finds out about? nopes 11.Whats your last thought before you fall asleep? my boyfriend 12.How long have those leftovers been in the fridge? sinz 2 days ago... 13.If I kidnapped your computer and looked around on it what would I find? nakey pics of me! lol 14.Do y
So U Wanna Be My Lover?? Fill Out The Application First.
Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Are you a virgin? 5. How tall are ya ? 6. Do you like to dance ?? HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush on me? 3. Would you kiss me? 4. ...with tongue? 5. Would you enjoy it? 6. Would you ever ask me out? 7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? 11.Would you walk on the beach with me? 12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me? 13. Do you/have you talk junk about me? 14. Do you think I'm a good person? 15. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed)[no sex]? 16.Would you let anything happen in that bed? 17.Do you think I'm handsome/cute ? 18. If you could change anything about me -would you? 19.Would you die for me? 20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? 21. Will you post this so I can
So U Wanna Be A Rock ( Superstar ).....
Hi there to all who are my "fam/friends/fans" Now that I have made leval "10" I would like 2 be a Dj here, somewhere in here. How dose one be one here? I'd like 2 share some of my mixes, songs, n such but not realy sure how 2 go about this. Is it part of my Stash or tracks?? Or different? Do I copy n past a link here or in a lounge?? How dose one apply?? hmm wellp thanks all who read this and hope 2 be a big time Dj somewhere in here or in my own lounge. -Peace
So U Wanna Own Me??
I am in another auction please check it out and see what I am offering!!!! Lots of &hearts ~Miranda AKA HotMammaJJ CLICK THE LINK BELOW!! Don't forget you have to friend and fan the host!! Nyha **owned by Jayne@ fubar
So Vain
****I CANT RETURN EVERY SINGLE RATE/BLING/GIFT/HELLO/FUCK YOU OR WHATEVER**** Why? 1. I have a FULL TIME JOB and work CRAZY ridiculous hours. 2. I am a SINGLE MOMMY who does it ALL on her own with VERY little help. 3. I have a REAL LIFE outside of FUBAR filled with family and friends. Seriously, I am SO sick and tired of the whiney ass babies on this site. I thought this was a place for adults to mingle and have a kick ass time with each other? If anyone seriously thinks I am going to crawl up their ass the SECOND they check me out, someone needs a fu reality check. I adore ALL my family, friends and fans here BUT COME ON! I just had a Happy Hour and had 100 friend requests to filter through. For some reason the next day they were all gone. VANISHED! Why? Fubar possibly made an UH OH and deleted them. Can I help it NO?! Reason for my rant, some lady who shall remain unknown.. PM tonight to "kindly" let me know I'm deleted...blah blah blah...dont really care but
So Vday Is Near
Yep good old vday is near!!! woo hoo, well for you lucky few. See i realized everyone of you are just like me, noone wants to be alone. Specially on this day! So i purpose that all of us single people hook the hell up! lol i mena hell invite ur friends over, go out, party, do whatever, just dont do it alone...why should us lonely heart broken people be alone? so i say we reclaim vday and celebrate our love 4 our friends, family and whatever else!!!! what im saying is simple, lets not be depressed this year!
So Very True!!!!! I Don't Care Either this laying it on the line or what? The lady who wrote this letter is Pam Foster of Pamela Foster and Associates in Atlanta. She's been in business since 1980 doing interior design and Home planning. She recently wrote a letter to a family member serving in Iraq....... Read it! "Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001? Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan, across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania? Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they? And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was "desecrated" when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet? Well, I don't. I don't care at all. I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incine
So Very True... Mostly (keys To My Heart Quiz)
The Keys to Your Heart You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
So Very Confused
So, I'm new to this site, and I am so absolutely confused as to what's going on here. Anyone able to help?
~so Very Much~
If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week. ) Charles Darwin ( So very much You have so very much. There are people who love you. There is a world of beauty and opportunity all around you. You can think. You can act. You can make choices. You can learn. You can grow. You have hopes and dreams, and the ability to follow them. You can make a true and lasting difference in the world around you. You have a day full of life that's waiting to be lived, right here and now. You have challenges which can build your strength, and energy with which to meet them. Life is far from perfect and yet completely abundant. The fact that some of the details could be improved only serves to show what a true blessing it is to be alive and able to make things happen. Ninety-five percent of what the wealthiest, most successful people alive have, you have too. And that other five percent is yours to create as
So Very Sorry!!!
I am very sorry for the fact that I have not returned any emails or accepted friend requests..I have been pretty sick and not up to really getting on the computer...(if you can believe So I will be catching up on everyone soon if you added any new pics let me know..since my alert box has been emptied I can't find out. Well, I guess I will do a quick update...a few interesting things had happened recently. I got a small taste of mother nature at her best..we had had freezing weather, snow, and ice...then it stopped just in time to get a large rain storm. I live near a creek that had been frozen over by 6-10 inch ice, well once that rain started the creek began to rise. Walk part way down my drive way and you could fish in the creek. It was interesting cause all you seen was huge blocks of ice floating down the road and in my yard. By the time it was over and the creek went back down, the ballfield next to my house looked like a ice skating rink. The road was blocked t
So Very True
Goddess by Stage Diva she is abstract beauty, not perfection she is round and full, blossoming womanhood she is forsaken belittled by a hypocrite society that preaches to love, worship, and nourish the body, yet forces masochism to maintain its jaded ideal. but she is a goddess unconcerned with the masses who cannot see who tell her she is Fat. Ugly. Worthless. she does not hear them for she says beauty is unique so she does not listen so they scream they rage they force her to hide for she is dangerous she is not like them she is a goddess
So Very Thankful!
so I lost my right front tooth last wednesday and spent the majority of that night in the hospital because they thought I had multiple head injuries...but no, just my tooth shot straight out of my mouth..didn't hurt... so anyways I went to the denist for an emergency appt the next day (last thurs) and when they told me they coulnd't put my tooth back in I cried for about 10 and then they told me to give them a mold of my mouth and to come back in 4 hrs so I could get something put in that space so I wouldn't look like a redneck.. I didn't know what to instead of going home I went to my friend Dawn's house and hung out with her..tryin to get my mind off the fact my fucking smile was busted.. so 4 hrs later I went back to the dentist and in 30 seconds they were like "just pop this thing in" it looks like a retainer with a little white thing on the end...well when it's out of the mouth it just doesn't look like they popped it in my mouth and holy s
So Very True!
Using your mind Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mind. Sex is mostly in your mind and to your partners delight you have mastered the arts of seduction and atmosphere. Take this quiz at
So Very True
You prefer Passionate sex! You enjoy passionate sex. You're the kind of person that has tons of fun in the sack, and you can really get into it. Not necessarily rough and lusty, passionate sex is the kind that satisfies both your lovin' and horny needs. 'What is the best type of sex for you?' at
So Very Cool...
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] You are a Samurai.You are full of honour and value respect. You are not really the stereotypical hero, but you do fight for good. Just in your own way. For you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil person, if it is for justice and peace. You also don't belive in mourning all the time and think that once you've hit a bad stage in life you just have to get up again. It's pointless to concentrate on emotional pain and better to just get on with everything. You also are a down to earth type of person and think before you act. Impulsive people may annoy you somewhat.Main weapon: Sword Quote:"Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" -Mark TwainFacial expression: Small smileTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
So Very Beautiful
She showed him her mind Intelligent, quick witted The naughty scenes she created For the theatre of her fantasies The way she knew how to Make people smile And laugh Or how she could flirt just so And he looked at her and said "You are so very beautiful" She showed him her body Part by part, little by little Tight jeans and a thin tank top Just her bra and panties Naked and unashamed Proud of her breasts and legs Nervous as to what he saw And he looked at her and said "You are so very beautiful" She showed him her heart How she cried at sappy movies Her fears and her loneliness When she laughed til she cried and cried til she wept and sobbed All her emotions laid bare And he looked at her and said "You are so very beautiful" She showed him all that she is And was and will be in time Nothing withheld from him at all So that she could be His Only His If it meant that she could be with Him And with each kiss she knew She was so very beautiful
So Very Tempting!!!
Have you noticed that even as adults when someone tells us not to do something, there is that little twisted piece in our minds that wants to do it even more!!!! LMAO We wonder where our kids get that attitude!! Well gee, guess they learned it well from us. I am being a good girl though, not doing anything I am not suppose to! But geez, it might just kill me the temptation is so great!!! ROFLMAO
So Very True
You stay up for 16 hoursHe stays up for days on end.You take a warm shower to help you wake up.He goes days or weeks without running water.You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.He gets shot at as others are hit, and keeps moving forward.You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt.You make sure you're cell phone is in your pocket.He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.You talk trash about your "buddies" that aren't with you.He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.You complain about how hot it is.He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.He doesn't get to eat today.Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.He wears
So Very True!
A store that sells new husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates: You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs. She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids. "That's nice", she thinks, "but I want more." So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking. "Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
So Very True
As we walk our path of life, We meet people everyday. Most are simply met by chance. But, some are sent our way. These become special friends Whose bond we can't explain; The ones who understand us And share our joy and pain. Their love contains no boundaries. So, even we are apart. Their presence enhances us With a warmth felt in the heart This love becomes a passageway, When even the miles disappear. And so, these friends, God sends our way, Remain forever near.
So Very Upset..
I may end up having to give up custody of my kids to my ex..... Im getting no support here at home. My mom who was watching them for me, has informed me that she can no longer watch them for me.. all she was watching them for me was 30 min a day and the youngest till he went to school at noon...she had most saturdays off because of my schedule with my ex on visitation and every sunday and monday off. But yet she can spend hours on end next door at her neighbor where there is 8 kids running in and out all the time screaming and shouting.. WTF is up with that.. Either her or my stepmom made the comment I never start anything I finish but yet I have never started anything to finish it. Both are saying the other said it. So I may end up having to give john the kids just because i have no child care. i cant get the government funded daycare program to even call me back that would be my only hope right now. Hell I couldnt even go out and get a job because I have no daycare and no money to pa
So Very Good
He lays me down & spreads me out on his bed. He tells me he wants to relieve my stress & help me rest my head. He runs his fingers through my hair & he kisses my lips, He takes away the tension by playing with me below my hips. As my legs are up high in the air, I feel like I have no worries or cares. He plays me so hard I let out a moan and a yell, & I wonder if something this good will put me in hell.
So Very Very Very True
this is so very true Awesome Graphics at comments welcome plz ty
So Very Very Very True
this is so very very true..... this is so very true Awesome Graphics at comments welcome plz ty
So Very True!!
"Love doesn't make the world go round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.......and distance should never keep the right two people apart, for life is to short to be with out the "one" who completes you". ~Elizabeth Browning~"
So Very Far Away.
You're so very far away And I need you Every Day... Even tho we're far apart... I'll keep your memory in my heart I work and work in every way... Filling the void in every day Fleeting Thoughts of YOU Make me wonder "What to Do" The thoughts of you, make me smile... And help me go the extra mile... I have a choice to stick or go And yet in my heart I already know... I'll sit and wait and hope and pray... And never give up on that day... When "You and I" will be together... Every Day and Forever.
So Very Sweet
*you can fall from the sky* *you can fall from a tree* *but the best way to fall* *is in love with me*
So Very True
Beautifully stated.... As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, la ugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you 'll never get back! "Don't be afraid that your life will end, be a fraid that it will never begin."
So Very True
So Very Stressed
every time i think of you it makes me sick no sleep will come cause nightmares fill my every dream i still cry out for you but your not here how do i tell you i love you when you wont listen i want you to love me but you don't not the way you use too i feel my heart sinking into that black hole yet there is nothing there to catch me i am so stressed that i find it hard to breath you told me you once loved me what made that all change i lost my soul mate my other half i am dying inside i know this now you not loving me has torn my world apart i wish you could see how your words affected me i wish that you knew how i was feeling i feel like my heart and my insides are all being ripped out i feel like i am losing it all its not a good feeling to love some one that don't love you at all
So Very True
You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel
So Very Pissed!
ok my friends . . . little background . . . my son's father never took it upon himself to help raise our son, especially in the last 8 years. i moved out of state, but always made him aware of school vacations and functions. he didn't even come to his high school graduation OR bother to help with his college expenses. Jon was a wonderful kid and becoming a great young man - without the help of his father! so now that i've lost him, his dad offered "help" with anything i needed - yeah, right! i knew better than to expect anything, but whatever ya know. i don't fight with the guy and i gave up on asking him to help do anything for Jon many, many years back (when i couldn't get him to pay $30 for half of a sports physical 16 years ago!). so anyway . . . tonight i find out that this jerk was given approx $1500 to send to me to help with any expenses - back in April! he claims he hasn't been given anything yet and he knows that the money is supposed to go towards a memorial that i
So Very Sad....
I'm hurting immensely at the moment, one of the best friends I've had since I moved to this area is pissed at me, and I may have lost her friendship. Is it sad that losing her friendship hurts more than losing my wife? To make matters worse it wasn't over anything all that big, it was a misunderstanding about how I phrased a sentence. She took it the wrong way, knowing what I think of her, and now I may have lost the best friend I've had since I moved here. If she reads this I'm sorry I never meant what I said how you took it, hopefully we can be friends again, So very sad and hurting, Sinnet
So Very Hard To Go
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So Very True...
NINE WORDS WOMEN USE (1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. (2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. (3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
Sovery Sorry
[so... Very...agitated]
Today was the thing. I expressed interest, too much interest for this job.   My physical safety is at risk at this position, the person I'd be watching has struck a careworker in the last six months, and has had a regular rotation of careworkers and frustrated family members giving up on him for his behaviour and aggression. My dad insists that I not take this job. My first impulse was "help this person" my second was "I have to take this job, don't I?"   ... well me and dad went back and forth on it, and I'm honestly convinced that in order to get ANY job these days, you have to deal with subhuman conditions. He's convinced otherwise, and of course, hasn't looked for work in the last 5 years.   So, I'm in a cycle of shame, disappointment of myself and others, desperation, and ... I'm scrambling for a good explanation of why I won't take this job. It's probably going to disappoint the person I talked to today, and its probably going to piss some people off. This job... ma
So Very Plain To See!!!
 As I look outside watching these darkend storm clouds roll in, I sit asking myself how it is I became such a joke to everyone. Once thinking I had a number of friends, yet learning most just tolerate me only to appease my feelings. Never would I have ever imagined just how low my life has actually became. Many times all I want to do is just simply run away and hide from a society which only looks upon me as a plaque or disease. I hear people all the time saying how much a lot of my poetry helps them, but honestly I don't see how, when I can not even help myself to rid these demons of depression from taking over. There has to be a spot in this world where I can go and simply be alone at times to just think and ponder the decisions I have made. At least that way, I wouldn't be a burden or problem unto any one else again!!!                                       P.J. ..... 4/30/2013 ..... 9:03pm
Soviet Union ????
Soviet Union ? So here it is, the 'evil' Soviet Union is back !!! I am not even joking !! I heard it on the radio !!!! So, it looks like it is about time to have a REAL news agency in here people, Soviet Union ceased to exist 18 years ago !! And they were going on and on and on to the point that anyone would think that gwb (sorry, does not deserve capitals letters) nickname is Snow White !! Now I got really scared when I read comments of many americans on BBC and NY Times Forums : I want to give a lesson to Russia !!! Come on people, since 5 years you still did not manage to catch a half blind and an old bearbed guy in a land where they fight with weapons 40 years old and you want to fight Russia ?? I think that it is more than time that education is restaured in this country or maybe should I write a book : 'How to use a brain for dummy' !!! Because come on, nobody can see the reality of this crisis ? Georgia agresses Ossetia, Russia comes in to defend its citizens,
Soviet Course Pt 1
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Class 1 Week 1 1) Best way to contact: is by email. Leave message on phone, but not in every day. Specialty is late imperial Russia. Ufa, Orenburg. 2) Syllabus: required readings a) Dune, Eduard: notes of a red guard, #3 give sense of the period. b) Evtuhov, Catherine and Richard Stites: A history of Russia, people events… forces since 1800. c) Ginzberg, Eugenia: into the whirlwind, story o a women who disappears into the gulag then reemerges after the death of Stalin. d) Grant, Bruce: in the soviet house of culture e) Scott, John: behind the Urals, an American worker in the soviet steels. Captures the enthusiasm of the first 5 year plan. f) Turgenev, Ivan: fathers and sons, oxford world classics. Short essay due 1/24/2006- at beginning of class. 3) Usually there is a document reader. This year everything is on blackboard. 4) Book review: select a book- 6-8 pages. Not terribly long. a) Identify book: 2/9 b) Title and article used: 3/30 c) Revi
Soviet Course Pt 2
accused was not allowed to have a lawyer, and carry out execution within 48 hours. This is a shock to much of educated society. ¡§Stolypin necktie¡¨: at least a 1000 people were killed through such action. Hangmans noose becomes affiliated with him. Consequences of 1905: completely changed Russia politics, duma wasn¡¦t the lively response that many wanted, but gave a forum to those that opposed autocracy. The manifesto by granting rights, really changed the Russian self perception, citizen with some rights. The political system start to adapt a bit to tremendous social and economic changes. The revolutions also change the relationship with intelligentsia and the peasants. For the first time the males can reasonably take a stand on issues of the day. Important transformation to an education in politics. The result was that it showed the difference in opinion that Russians held. Prejudices and dreams. As differences of estate were less important, classes become very important. Brea
So Wassup With All The Pictures Of All The Guys With No Shirts On!!!
Uhm, a girl could so get in trouble on Cherry Tap! I mean I'm happily married, but let me tell ya some of ya guys with your shirts off....well you could be cause of some marital discord! And then there are some of ya who NEED to keep your shirt on. You know who you are, your the ones who so obviously are sucking your stomachs in while you're taking the picture. Hunny, if your stomach looks like the roadmap for the jersey turnpike, don't post the picture on the internet. I'm not hating or anything, cause I'm a big girl myself (inside joke, sorry), but you don't see me walking around with big ole belly hanging out. But I will give ya props for posting them, you got balls to do it.
So Wahts New??????
well my life is going nuts but at least i found a light.......the question is should i move towards it or stay in the shadows? I have came out of the shadows before and i was totally destroyed. So should i keep my distance where i feel safe or should I chance it???? God this is confusing!!!
So,.....wanna Get In Trouble Here?
I LIKE THIS GUY!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update on Joe Arpaio TO THOSE OF YOU NOT FAMILIAR WITH JOE ARPAIO HE IS THE MARICOPA ARIZONA COUNTY SHERIFF AND HE KEEPS GETTING ELECTED OVER AND OVER THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY: Sheriff Joe Arpaio (In Arizona) who created the "Tent City Jail": He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them. He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights Cut off all but "G" movies. He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects. Then He Started Chain Gangs For Women So He Wouldn't Get Sued For Discrimination. He took away cable TV Until he found out there was A Federal Court Order that Required Cable TV For Jails. So He Hooked Up The Cable TV Again Only Let In The Disney Channel And The Weather Channel. When asked why th
So Wanna Fuck?
So wanna fuck? The moment I see you that is all I can think of, when are we going to be able to lick, nip, suck, and fuck. When am going to feel your tongue in my mouth on my body in my pussy. When am I going to feel your hands pulling my hair rubbing my breast fingering my pussy. Pushing in and out of me flicking at my clit running by my asshole. Feel you pulling at me making me feel all these delicious erotic feelings. You work my body asking me what I want you to do to me, well the answer is this I want to feel you nipping at my breast, my neck, the inside of my thigh. I like when you are about to come your ruff. I am glad my hands can’t reach you cause it is then that I truly lose all control because you lose control and don’t care if you are hurting me. That your need for my body is so great that you take what you need and forget the rest. Don’t get me wrong, I love the way you take your time with me but sometimes a little pain with me goes along way. I would lo
So We'll Go No More A-roving
So We'll Go No More A-roving by George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron (1788–1824) So, we'll go no more a-roving So late into the night, Though the heart be still as loving And the moon be still as bright. For the sword outwears its sheath And the soul wears out the breast And a heart must pause to breathe And love itself have rest. Though the night was made for loving And the day returns too soon, Yet, we'll go no more a-roving By the light of the moon.
So We Had This Party
On the 28th we had this GREAT halloween / Birthday Party ... I posted pic so you can all go take a look and as soon as I get them all down to up load size I'll post more ... Hope you enjoy the pix ... Until later ... LUV to All My Cherries, Madi XOXOX
So We Broke Up...
Pepsi and I no longer have a relationship and i'm going through withdrawls...just thought I would share that haha.
So Well Said
What do women want? Try picking up a romance novel! Not one of the Harlequin Romance as those are just sleaze on paper, and stay away from Nora Roberts and Danielle Steele cuz they're not much better. But pick up a Christine Feehan, Iris Johanssen, or Jane Feather. That's what we want. Women want a partner who is going to stand by them no matter what scars they possess, emotional or physical. We want someone who is going to view us as so precious a treasure he would do anything to protect us. We want someone who is going to go to impossible lengths to do something so embarrassing silly and romantic. We want chivalry and respect. We want to be courted and adored. We want to be loved so much that he wonders how he lived without us and wants to spend forever with us. We want someone who wants to grow old with us, and who can share our dreams (whatever they may be). We want someone secure enough in themselves and the relationship that he doesn't have to go look at porn
So We Become
The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character; So watch the thought and its ways with care, And let it spring from love Born out of concern for all beings.... As the shadow follows the body, As we think, so we become.
So Weird.
when you have SO much in common with someone, down to some shit you never thought anyone else would be into but yet you say nothing to that person. NOTHING. I'm such a loser sometimes. =(
So We Took The Subway After All
So We Are Sitting In Japan After Our Show Waiting For A Typhoon To Hit.
Show day, and a chance to lie in……NOT!! (Yes I said not) The jet lag has really got me by the balls, and I wake up at two hour intervals throughout the night, until at 4:30am, I finally give it up & watch some tv show that I couldn't understand but somehow got sucked into. We are Japan virgins no more. Cherry popped. Ice broken. We played our first punk rock set today in Iwaktai and not only did we kill it, the audience received us well, welcoming us in true fashion. We walked onstage to cheers and watched a mosh pit start in front of me!! We played a crazy set that seemed to fly by so quickly, and ended with the Rebel Yell, which went down great. Everyone was shouting the chorus back to us and jumping up and down. We all feel really good to have done the first show and as I type this, I just want to saythank you to everyone that came to the show!!!!! Not only a great crowd but great people as well. So we are now sitting in our hotel rooms in japan after our show waiting for a
So Weak To
A sinful thought A forced out entity I did not mean to be So weak to... All these lies with no fucking alibi's I do not mean to be So weak to... To reach the shores and bathe in pools of your blood A lustful fist Finding means to live out deathly dreams I'm but a slave to Fighting finds The end of the beginning From the start I was So weak to... A failure to comply Finds flowing anger in me And empty darkness I am So weak to...
So We Might Be Able To Sell Ice To An Eskimo
Good Morning. In the news…some people just can’t stay out of trouble. Or does the word trouble just follow them? It’s almost inevitable but I tried to have a good start to this week and only report good news…I guess in a way its good news. OJ is behind bars. This time not for murder charges but, stealing sports memorabilia at gun point. Hmmm… no comment! Oh here is good news. An Australian company is selling Sand to the Saudis…oh my word…So now selling Ice to the Eskimos is possible? Selling ice to Eskimos may seem a long shot but that’s a small challenge when you consider the ingenious Aussies selling sand to the desert nation of Saudi Arabia - with their next shipment due out later this month. Austrade’s Senior Trade Commissioner for Saudi, Garry Kennedy, said that the GMA Garnet Group was a good example of an Australian company using its point of difference effectively in an area that is embracing Australian products. Wow, congratulations to the Aussies. I am thought they only mad
So Weird
I started this lil blog to just post lyrics to a song that i connect witha nd heard again tonight....It is by Megadeth for those that don't recognize it. Then I just decided to start writing a lil something at the end and what came out was soo odd. Not sure where it came from. Don't remember where I was I realized life was a game The more seriously I took things The harder the rules became I had no idea what it'd cost My life passed before my eyes I found out how little I accomplished All my plans denied So as you read this know my friends I'd love to stay with you all please smile when you think of me My body's gone that's all A tout le monde (To everybody) A tout mes amis (To all my friends) Je vous aime (I love you) Je dois partir (I must leave) These are the last words I'll ever speak And they'll set me free If my heart was still alive I know it would surely break And my memories left with you There's nothing more to say Moving on is a simple t
So We Have Friends
we all have some true friends on here.But there are a lot of so called friends or user on here to like the ones ask you for something and you help them and they can't even give a comment back or rating from them that's really very nice i like doing things for friends but not into been on a oneway street have a gr8 one
So We Were In Pa...
Yeah so as many of you know Jon and I were back in PA for a few weeks. Most of you also know it wasn’t for happy reasons. I can’t really say much right now I’m not really sure what to say. I wish we had been back for happier reasons. I wish all the new family members that I meant from Jon’s family had been for better times. I dunno it’s been an interesting past few weeks and its just slowly getting kinda back to what normal could be. You do what you can to help, back off when you really can’t and grieve when your ready. That’s sorta how it works.
So Weird....
Today is One Of The Weirdest Days...I Seriousely Feel Empty Inside. Not Like Void Of Emotions...But Like Empty As In Something REALLY Big And Important Is Missing. I Can't Put My Finger On it...And It Saddens me. It's Like...I'm Not Terribly UnHappy. I Love My Friends I Love My Fam I Like My Job. I'm Not Particularly Happy With My Financial State But Life Is Still Good. I'm Alive...I Just Feel So...last Place In Life I Tell You it's Not A Good Feeling. When Someone Doesn't Think of You Like You Think of Them...It Like Crushes You inside. REALLY. So Everything is Fine...I Just Feel A Little Empty And Lost Lately. xoxo ♥Nichole
So We Found Out Today
The Little Squishy is a Girl.Vivian Diane KayLynn.DEF.Already has Daddy wrapped around her little finger and she isn't even here yet.No medical problems that were found.So far so good with our little miracle.Future ARMY Brat thats going to break hearts.LOL.HOOAH!
So, We Are Still On The Dark & Sorowed Road.
Hey there fellow Fu-barians. The Metalhead here with some more downing news. I was for a while feeling pretty good about myself. I mean, my job is going fantastic, my place is still pretty clean, I am in better shape then I used to be, and so far my car seems to be holding up well. However, my main thing right now is that recently, the whole lady situation is really weird and confusing. I mean, They make you feel great one moment, and then something comes up and they kinda bring your spirits down just as quickly. I mean, I am a realistic guy, I don't throw all my hopes and dreams into one hat every time. I try and take things as they come. I will meet someone who is really nice, then they think I am really nice. Then something happens. A realy good connection is made, but then we have some kinda conlfict or restriction that gets in the way of progress. Usually it's either a current or former lover, some kind of authority figure in their life, or they don't wanna leave their family, the
So Weird...
Don't get me wrong, I love my REAL friends on fubar and I have luv for my fufriends and fans, but I've noticed that some people that I thought were potential REAL friends are suddenly dropping me as a friend. I can't be nothing but curious... Am I doing something to offend them and I'm not aware of it? Am I too open with my opinions and they can't take it? Am I not kissing their ass and that's what they are used to? I hate loosing someone as a friend, but for no apparent reason DAMN lol. Well, to those that are still with me and not just befriending me because you assume I have naughty pics (hahaha) thank you and I greatly appreciate you!   Luffs 'n stuffs ~ Sassi 
Sow Good Services
Sow good services: sweet remembrances will grow from them. --Madame de Stael
So What To Say
I guess this is where i get to rant and rave about what ever is on my mind. Unfortunatly i have a cold so nothing is coming to mind right now. You all know how that is, everything is foggy. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask me i might have an anser(it may not be the one you want but it never hurts to ask). I think i'll take my sick ass to bed now, have a great evening everyone! Rob
So What's Up With Folks Anyway?
I have over 700 virtual friends on LC and only 172 have dropped by to rate my page. I've visited each and every one of yours and rated them all! C'mon by sit a spell and rate away!! Pete
So...why Is It....
...that the weather has such an effect on people? I mean today it is all rainy and icky outside and sure enough my mood matches it! Thank God for my LC friends...a few comments here...a shout there and presto chango...I am all happy again! Damn, am I really that emotionally "easy"? I can go with that! Well...I will stay in a good mood til lunch and then out into the "shit" I to those who love me...better be ready to bring me back out of the Pit Of Despair (please notice the raspy Albino voice from one of the best movies of all time). Note...bonus points to anyone who can name the movie! love ya all!
So What!
Ok so the last couple of days my place of hell I mean employment has tried to call me into work....uggghhhh do I bother them on their days off nope I come in like a good little girl and work my ass off...but, I get a couple of days off and bam they call none stop because someone decides not to come in and do their damn job! ok so yeah Im a tender hearted person and I do feel smpathy when someone is sick or someone has a emergency but, come on people!! Most of the time its a case of yeah so what im on the scheduale Im not going in fuck them! Did I complain when I got knocked out of going to the KISS expo nope I went ahead and went in did I complain when I was told that I couldnt have halloween off because someone else had done ask off nope I didnt if Im schedualed which Im sure I will be I will put on my KISS makeup and work....Ok so yeah Im complaining now but, still I deserve to take my vaction days just like everyone else that works there......anyways enough venting for today!
So What Is It?
I am confused. I have "crushes" all over the internet. Shel, Kaylee, Mandy Lynn, Layla Beth, and Skeeter, to name a few from MySpace. And Fonda Cash..And Double Bubble, Mandy, Erika, PixieDustPrincess, Frankie and PixieKisses from Lost Cherry, again naming just a few. I think they're gorgeous, and sweet, and for most, unreachable. Which is fine. I can admire from afar and never worry about being hurt. Most of them are fantasies, anyway. I consider myself a bright, intelligent, if smart-aleky nice guy. I know that there are issues with internet romances, and large age differences and all that. I know that relationships involving either are not necessarily stable, or likely to last, and I will probably get hurt. Or hurt someone else. I try to stay objective OL, And removed. I got very involved with a woman from Mexico who went by Harley Blonde. She was a young, up-and-coming nude model, who had some prospects for her career. One day, after some of her more outwardly zealous fans
So What Is It With Friends Now Aday's?
so i am at home last night...knowing not to smoke in the computer room or in the basement!! due to the fact that it bother's my mom's heart still!! fine and dandy....but my buddy, who was living with us....seemed to not my mom snapped and told him to pack his shit who gets the blame?? you guessed it ME!! so now i dont know what is going on with this or that.....and if i will hear from him again, he was a really good friend from back in BC!! it starts off with a shitty day at work, getting sick...then to find out your "so called" best friend blames you for shit like that............. make sence to you?? didnt think so
So When Does It Get Fun ?
This looks like a major snore !
So What Do You Think
here is more about me that you might like to know: well for starters my name is Cory I live in Humboldt I am 6 foot tall and 155 pounds I have both my ears pierced and my eyebrow I am 24. I have two tatoos. I like to meet new people and I am one people can trust because I am honest and I don't make myself out to be someone I am not. Um I am single and lookin but if a relationship doesn't come out of it then hey at least I mad a new friend right. anyway if you can think of anything let me know I don't care how personal you get I have nothin to hide so ask away
So What Should I Do?
Sign up for one of those speed dating meetings or take dancing lessons? Seems like every profile I read for a girl always mentions something about loving to dance. It's honestly never interested me at all. However, the fact of the matter is that I couldn't get a date if I were a calendar!
So Who Wants To See Me .....
come find me? Come Join The Hottest Party on the Net!!! Come hang out with Dj Divine!!!!!!! click the pic to go listen to one of the hottest DJ's we have to offer!!! We are the Forbidden Fruit....................Are you Tempted?
So What Do I Do Now?
there is man thousands of miles away who holds the key to my heart we havent yet met though when we do i will hold him and never let go an army man with a softer side has won me over all he said was hi all i can do is hope that he feels the same everyday i go with out seeing him is another day too long all i want is to be held to be kissed to be loved by this man
So What Is Love?
So what is love? If thou wouldst know The human heart alone can tell: Two minds with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one. And whence comes Love? Like morning bright Love comes without thy call. And how dies Love? A spirit bright, Love never dies at all. ~Maria Lovell
So What...we Changed Names, Get Over It
I addressed this briefly last night in the bulletins but the more I think about it, the more attention I think this deserves. Yes, the name change from Lost Cherry to CherryTap was sudden and unannounced. I go on record saying that I like the old name better however, don't run off and say "Jaded Stang" doesn't like the new name's why. Look at the facts, for those who run this site, this is business. For this site to stay free someone has to sponsor this. If you think that site owners burden themselves financially with something of this're sadly mistaken, that includes myspace, CherryTap, Black Planet, Tagworld and all of the other community sites. To keep this free the shit needed to happen, so they did it. Bottom line. In all of the pissing and moaning about the name, let me pose to you this hypothetical question...if it was proposed that the name would be changed back but there would now be a membership fee...would you stay? Hell no, a
So What Is Everyone Going To Be For Halloween!!!
I went to the Dallas Halloween Gay Parade on Saturday and had a blast. It's a huge event here in Dallas and most of the costumes are absolutely amazing! Me and my sister in law went as Romy and Michelle. Totally 80's. I will be uploading pictures later. Believe it or not I didn't have to buy a "costume". LOL Sad isn't it? I had all of the stuff I needed already in my wardrobe. So, is anyone else dressing up?
So, When Is It Gonna Happen.
I've been all over the internet looking for a little lust. I sure hope it happens soon. Me and my digits are getting board..
So Whats In Your Water?
as found on: Fluoridation "Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation? -- fluoridation of water? . . . Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face? . . . Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water -- why, there are studies under way to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake! -- children's ice cream! "Do you know when fluoridation first began? . . . Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual -- certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works." -- Gen. Jack D. Ripper, Dr. Strangelove Is your drinking water trying to kill you? Som
So Who Like Sex ?
tell what was the best time you had sex .. mine was have sex with my wife in the car at lunch time at work ..
So What Else Is New.
In your estimation of your fellow man, be sure to allow for the foibles of basic human nature. No matter the circumstances, the effects of passin, greed, and gluttony cannot and will not be denied. Along our chosen pathe we all meet up with demons, we must meet them, amd battle them, even when they are nothing but mist in the night. Honor and loyalty are magnigicent concepts, but what good do they do if one is alone? Now that I know that you fear me I no longer need concern myself withyou. I regreat little would chance still even less.
So Who Reads These Anyway???
I accidently rated someone's photo a 1 recently. I was drunk. ( anyone who knows me realizes this is highly likly ) They made a big deal out of it. They said it was only because they had their daughter in the picture. So ok. I rated all the pictures with their daughter a 10 ( fixing the rating I messed up on too. ) and all the pictures with just them a 1. Yah, I'm an ass, but my point being, they were still upsett. " now you're just immature " was said. I'm immature because they value vanity and their appearnce and their numbers they are upsett because of the numbers I gave them??? Whatever. Numbers and pictures. I'm gunna be happy after saturday, fuck what other people think.
So Whats Up With People....
Ok so I hate it when you see this really hot pic as someones profile default pic and then you get to the rest of their pics and that pic is not of them! I mean its one thing to have a picture of a car or something but of another person! thats false advertisement! Do you really need the attention that badly?? Whatever works I guess! Ok I feel better! Sorry guys!
So - Who Cares, Really?
A few minutes ago, I see THIS in the bulletins - ---------------------- I just checked the new LEGENDS top list and BabyJesus only has 2,000 something FANS. This is just wrong!! Everyone that reads this bullentine go FAN him NOW!! Rock Star King @ CherryTAP PLEASE REPOST!! (repost of original by 'Rock Star King' on '2006-11-26 14:20:00') (repost of original by '¢¾Syn¢¾' on '2006-11-26 18:18:27') (repost of original by '~ MISS SHERRIE ™ ~' on '2006-11-26 18:22:20') ----------------------------- Now, I am sitting here thinking to myself.. "Why the hell SHOULD I?". I mean come on - Even if he is what people say, and is the "Overworked owner" of this site - That is his choice. I'll thank him for creating it - But personally, I don't like his attitude at ALL. So, can anyone tell me why so many people want to kiss his rear?
So Whats Happened Lately.
let's see today i found out my best friends dad died last night. i was like about to cry. cuz i love my friend alot and her dad was like a family member to me.. im about to be 19.. im trying to find a new job. im about to go to college ...thats about it
So What The Hell No One Talks On Here
why is that?
So What Was The Deal With Her? Why Their Previous Relationships Ended. . .
It seems that all too often when we're out in this cruel world we call dating, we assume we're out there playing the game with all these other poor souls who've been unlucky in love like us. However, one shouldn't forget, that we're all single for a reason and it can't always be the other person's fault. True, some of us have just been unlucky but others of us have been repeated victims of the sharks that swim in this same pool. I think its a healthy thing to discuss previous relationships with potential partners. Find out your partner's viewpoint on why the relationship ended. What does he say in regards to why his ex thinks it ended? Does he sound bitter, angry or resentful still? Or has he accepted it? These are all good things to ask yourself of the person you're dating and may give you a good idea of relationship mistakes they've made in the past and could make in the future. Claiming they're faultless? Well that could be their biggest mistake of all because no one is ever f
So Why Are You Calling Me?
Okay, so a thought came to mind today as I was pondering relationships. As I'm talking to this guy on the phone this morning that I was really into but "he's just not that into me", I'm recalling some of the lame excuses he has given me for why he doesn't want to date me anymore. Which brings me to a whole list of other lame excuses that men have given me throughout my lifetime that I thought I'd share. 1) "I have a girlfriend now." Okay so we dated at one time, we slept together. You tell me you can't get into a relationship because you just "aren't over your ex" and now you have a girlfriend. But you're sneaking out of bed with her to call ME at 2 o'clock in the morning. Okay. . . 2) "I'm not over my ex." Well, then why aren't you trying to work things out with her? Do you really think I want to hear you talking about her after you just slept with me? Fantastic. Maybe you think I'm just a good friend for listening and that's why you're still calling me. . . 3) "I'm just not
So Who Is Going Ta...
"Ask Me Out Already i like you" Even if you are single or not. Whoever wants to go out with you will message you saying "I would go out with you" (DON'T BE EMBARASED)
So Why Haven't You Fanned Me Yet ?
Huh? Huh? Huh?
So Who Does Really Finish Last?
I am the perfect mix of "good" and "bad" boy!!! Why do I have some women ready to give up their first born(metephorically speaking), and some that will tell me they will, then treat me like the trash they threw out last year? I treat women like they should be treated, opening doors, helping them down off high barstools, paying for drinks, giving them any and everything they want. But at the same time giving them the feeling of safety of knowing NO ONE will fuck with them when they are with me, cause I am who I am!!!
So Where The Hell Have I Been???
Geesh, life seems to be beating the hell out of me these days. I don't think I actually know whether I am coming or going. Most of the time I don't think I even care. I did go back home to West Virginia. I was there for a whole three weeks and now I am back in NC.......... happy, happy fucking joy! I really felt I had to come back for the time being though. I had a good time being back home. It was nice waking up to the train going thru town every morning. Some would probably find it annoying, but I had really missed it. Momma Beth and I got out and went shopping quite a bit though she just wasn't much up to dealing with alot with Jayson gone this year. She has actually been quite sick this holiday season and I worry about her. Millisa did bring in the kids Thanksgiving week though and it was so nice to see the joy in momma's face the first time she got to hold Breanna. She is such a beautiful baby girl. There is so much of Jayson in her smile and her twinkling little eyes.
So Who Is Done?
With Christmas/Holiday shopping? I need to know that I'm not the only procrastinator out here and that there are a lot of CT peeps that will be hitting up the long lines, packed parking lots and grumpy cashiers this week. :o) ***kisses*** BeerQueen
So Whats Normal
So here after the power was out for 6 days where I live it was nice to get our house back up to atleast 68degrees,especially when it was only 43degrees in the house and only 38degrees outside. Good gawd it was flippen cold!!! I realize that things we consider simple i.e. lights, cable, phone ect, are not simple but really luxury. I cant even begin to imagine what life was before we had all these grande things. Haven to go to a pump or creek to get water, then warm it up if we wanted a warm bath. Read by candlelight, cook on an open flame (I mean like campfire open not grill). Im so glad I was born in the middle of the last century instead of the middle of the one before.
So Where Did It Go???
Okay Christmas Eve I was on here and there was a thing on my homepage that said I had a gift from CT...I logged in this morning, first time since then, and the link is where did the gift go?? I not get it just cuz I wasn't on here on Christmas day?? Anyone know, let me know ok??? Just curious so don't take it as whining or crying...
So What
So What?
Graphics & Layouts
So What Would You Report Card
post this as "Sexy Report Card" and see what people say! Its actually pretty fun!! F- = YOUR SO ####### UGLY THAT ITS NOT FUNNY F = I HEARD UGLY IS CONTAGIOUS DON'T TALK TO ME! D = YOUR PARENTS MUST BE HATED C- = You're just someone I don't want to talk to, okay? C = You're okay looking, but u need work... C+ = You're just average B- = Your kinda cute and ur cool i guess B = You're cute. And you're a pretty interesting person. B+ = Pretty damn attractive. A- = You're extremely attractive, and you're awesome. I would love to have you in my room with no one home :-). A = DAMN YOUR SEXXXEY!! A+ = Gorgeous ... I want you to be mine : ) A++ = I 'D hit it A+++=ID DROP MY CLOTHES IN 3 SECONDS 4 U
So What’s The Big Deal About Masturbation?
According to So what is it about this topic that freaks people out? Why is it the topic of so many jokes, locker room and otherwise, and why is it guaranteed to get a giggle out of the audience in cinemas and theatres? Masturbation has received rather bad press over the centuries. It’s still one of the conversational taboos in our society, and has been viewed as sinful and bad in many religions. Many teenagers, who masturbate frequently to get rid of pent up sexual frustrations have been wracked with guilt - and all for nothing. But religion isn’t the only thing to give masturbation a bad rap. All the scare stories dished out, often by older family members, warning about horrors such as getting hairy hands, going blind, getting permanent erections (in the case of boys), going insane and so forth, only underline their discomfort with sexuality in general and the emerging sexuality of a child or sibling. None of these stories have a smattering of truth in them.
So What Do You Guys Think...
Last night come home from work, and make it a point to stay up with him till 4 am. Tell him I'm going to bed, he says he'll be in after a smoke. I wait in bed till 4:30 then fall asleep. 9 am comes aorund and I wake and go in the living room and he is awake in there. I say what happened he says he got caught up in a movie and thought he'd just stay up. I get up and then he says he's gonna blow off helping his frined with his car and goto bed. I go on here while he sleeps this morning. HIs friend comes over about noon, and we go into the living room to chat. My beau comes out of the bedroom and stays there and chats with him also. I goto work and come home to friends here and them playing video games. I ask if there's another controller for me, he says no sorry. Now that the friends are gone he asks me to play. So, wtf do you all think? Is it just me???
So What Is In A Name?
3 people I care very much about here on CT all have men in their lives named David. I will not say who they are, but I am sure few will be able to figure it out. So, in many ways do I wish my name is David? Or do I just wish I was David. Or who am I really? This I really do not know. I thought I did, and you'd think after 31 years i'd have a clue. Nope. I am mostly alone in this world and push anyone who does get close away. Not even really sure why I am writng..... I guess a few nights ago I was lucky to have someone to hold as we slept. It had beed awhile, a long while. And now I wonder if I should hit the road to see a friend for her birthday today (thurs). She will be about 4 south of me, and well, I do not really have to money to make the trip, but this has never really stopped me before. I really like her very, very much. And have no real idea what to expect if I do go see her. Probly a long drive back home later that night. Who knows? I am a hopeless romantic,
So Whats Up
so whats been goin on in teh CT life? i aint been on here in a few days been gettin some things done around my house..gettin my car fixed over and over again and gettin stuff ready to go on my trip at the end of this month. i thought about ya all wonderin how everyone is doin hope everyone is safe happy and healthy and if ya live where it is colder then a well diggers ass like it is here in ohio...stay warm it fuckin cold out there. but anyway wanted to let ya all knw that i am back now and will be leaving comments soon
So What Do You Think???
So What Do You Think?? Part 2
So What Do You Think??? Part 3
So What Is This Lilypond Stuff Anyway...
I've posted a lot of graphic files (PNGs) created using the program LilyPond. Good practice and somewhat easier to do with time, except as I pose greater challenges for myself, but it does, it is a good idea, to explain briefly just what I'm doing. It's not point and click graphics to place the notes and write in words, as with programs like Encore, Finale, and I think Sibelius too. It's a lot more like computer programming- read the score, figure out what you want LilyPond to do (a quarter-note C in the violin followed by an eighth-note D, then hold a whole-note E-flat while the viola enters under it with a scale going up...) and figure out how to write that in LilyPond's own language. If your solution doesn't work, refer to the manual and try, try again until you find some clever solution that does. (The program and the manual are free from their website It's been fun, educational and might lead to some work for me; I'm glad I was introduced to it.
So Who Else?
Is just staying home on a friday night?
So Why Is It Always The Poodle?
I watched a part of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show on USA Network tonight. I do it every year, even though it usually infuriates me. Because it's always the poodle! I watch the toy dog group, because I love the little armfuls best of all. I'm particularly taken with the Pekingese dog, I admit that. But the Westminster Show is taken with poodles and they ought to admit it. They should print their tickets with the words "Poodles Preferred" just like we have to label NSFW posts and pictures here. Tonight, of course, despite a very good looking Papillon and a Yorkie that had a lot of glamor, and a lovely Peke, the judge chose... you got it ... the damn toy poodle as the group winner. The whole thing is a damn fix. Even more so than the MLB east is fixed so the Yankees win 90 percent of the time. Bah, it's always the poodle, and it just isn't fair!
So Whats Goin On People?
Anything? come on you know you wanna talk to me....or at least thats what i'm gonna tell myself.
So What Does Nsfw Really Mean ;)
NSFW - means not safe for work but what other sayings can we make out of it here are a couple to give you an idea of what i thinking of lol *Not Safe For Wanking *No Sex For Wankers *Not Sexy For Wanking ---------------------- i have a few more but i wanna hear what u guys have to say lol it all just for a little fun - not havin a go at anyone ;) {{ S M I L E S }} --------------------------------------------------- updated ::.... {{THANKS U GUYS FRIGGIN ROCK TOO FUNNY}} grungle dreams of good stuff -- Naughty Sexy Freaky Women lil freak--CTAF #23 -- Nypho Sexual Fucking Women Not Safe For Weak-minded Throatfawk-- New Spies For Watching -- Naked Sluts For Webcam -- Never Stop Flagging Whores FATHEAD -- No Shit Fuck Wad!! -- Noobs Suck Fat Wankers -- Non Saluted Faggot Wannabees --
So What's New??
Does the song and dance ever change? I mean, seriously. Relationships suck. And Im not just talking about the romantic ones either. Im talking about ALL of them. I love my peeps, I really do, but sometimes, its exhausting to love people. And then you have all the garbage of trying to figure out the best way to love someone in individual circumstances...blah, blah, blah...Should I be harsh and tell the truth, do I give the pre-requisite pats on the back? Do I sugar coat reality or bring it crashing down around them? Do I really tell them "today, Im really not in the mood for your BS?" Cause then they get all booty hurt. Or then something happens and you are left wondering WTF? Did I miss something here? UGH!! The whole thing makes me nuts. And then there are the circumstances of your own creation...the ones where you do stuff and you can take it back, and you don't know what to do with it, and you wish that things were different!! Those are the worst! Oh well, enough bit
So, What's The Moral Of The Story...
Billy's homework assignment is to think of a true story with a moral so he goes home and thinks about it all night and finally has one. The following day, Suzy raises her hand and says, "My dad owns a farm and every Sunday we load the chicken eggs on the truck and drive into town to sell them at the market. Well, one Sunday we hit a big bump and all the eggs flew out of the basket and onto the road." The teacher asks for the moral to the story. Suzy replies, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Next is Lucy. "Well, my dad owns a farm, too, and every weekend we take the chicken eggs and put them in the incubator. Last weekend only 8 of the 12 eggs hatched. The moral is, don't count your chicks before they are hatched." Billy is last to speak. He says, "My uncle Ted fought in the Vietnam War. His plane was shot down over enemy territory. He jumped out before it crashed, with only a parachute, a bottle of bourbon, a machine gun, and a machete. As he floated d
So Whats The Deal?
So, I join this contest .. and all the peeps out there that said mmm baby so hot dont even go and vote for me .. all you have to do is Comment bomb me .. hell it is happy hour you even get more points for it .. Yet nooo noone else chips in .. I am literally having to vote for myself in a sexy contest.. where is all the love that you have been talking about???? All the comments on how sexy and cute I am and now you cant even shout out to me in a contest to say I am sexy? Maybe it was a lie and I am not sexy .. in your eyes.. Well if you think that then dont go vote.. I get it .. that is your opinion :) But if you are reading this and you are like hmmmm I could go for voting for her .. then get your ass over there and show me the love!! Hugs and Kisses Mellie
So What's Your Score When U Take This
If you go over 45, you're a bad influence. If you go under 10, chances are you live under a rock and have no life... even more harsh. Total the number of things in each list you've done. No need to say which ones. If people really want to know they will message you. 1. smoked. 2. consumed alcohol. 3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex. 4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex. 5. kissed someone of the same sex. 6. had sex. 7. had someone in your room other than family. 8. watched porn. 9. bought porn. 10. done drugs. TOTAL: 10 1. taken painkillers. 2. taken someone else's prescription medicine. 3. lied to your parents. 4. lied to a friend. 5. snuck out of the house. 6. done something illegal. 7. cut yourself. 8. hurt someone. 9. wished someone to die. 10. seen someone die. TOTAL: 9 1. missed curfew. 2. stayed out all night. 3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself. 4. been to a therapist. 5. been to rehab. 6. dyed y
So What's A Switch?
So what's a switch? What's with this whole switching thing? I am a switch. What that means, in the simplest terms, is that I am neither 100% dominant nor 100% submissive. Rather, I have a dominant side, and a submissive side, and at different times I explore different aspects of dominance and submission. In some parts of the BDSM community, this is greeted with the same derision that might greet someone who says he or she is bisexual in certain corners of the gay and lesbian community--and, I think, for similar erroneous reasons. The term "switch," like the term "bisexual," has a simple, functional definition: You are a switch if you engage at different times in BDSM practices from both a "top" or "dominant" role and from a "bottom" or "submissive" role, just as you are bisexual if you have lovers of both sexes. Of course, a functional definition can't tell the whole truth, and a question of sexual identity may not be as straightforward as all that. Be that as it may,
So What Would Induce A Person To Inflict Pain On Someone They Love, Anyway?
So what would induce a person to inflict pain on someone they love, anyway? It's all about context. In the right context, with the right person, inflicting pain is deliciously erotic. I generally start by laying the crop gently across her ass, just below the curve where her ass meets her legs, so that she knows where the first blow will land. I leave the crop there for a moment, pressing it against her skin, letting her imagine what it's going to feel like. Sometimes, I'll start tap-tap-tapping her ass with it, in a gentle stacatto, to let the anticipation build and to start the blood rushing to her skin, sensitizing it. Other times, I'll just wait, without moving, until she relaxes. Eventually, without warning, I'll lift the crop and bring it down very quickly, so fast that it whistles as it moves through the air. She will usually scream when the crop lands, arching her back and thrusting her hips upward against the crop as it lands. Her body tenses and quivers, and the fir
So Who Likes Me
A New Crush..I wonder who?
So, What's Cherrytap Like?
I thought about leaving MySpace, since there are problems posting with Linux, but I decided to stay there. There's a few other blogs, though, that I might get rid of since nobody seems to read them or anything. Somebody sent me a link to this place and, seeing how it's more "adult" than many of the other sites, it is interesting to me. I'm still trying to figure it out though. :-)
So, Who Here Likes "v For Vendetta"?
The movie V For Vendetta shows a dystopia where the government is taking too much power from the people it supposedly works for.A group feels the same way about the United States government.  They made their own march on Washington: You can read about it here.tag: V For Vendetta, government, politics, activism -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Ave Satanas!Join me at
So, Who Reads These?
A few people do. The really awesome ones. So to all you who do actually read this, Happy easter. I've been busy working on school stuff the last few days. Homework is basically goint to be my weekend, and other days until the end of the month. The last month of school sux. It's alot of work, studying, reading, writing, all that stuff that makes my head hurt. It also distracts me and I forgett to eat cuz I'm so busy, so my stomach hurts too. I've been eating lots of cheese to go with my wine when I do eat though. Tomarrow is a math day I guess. Hopefully I atleast get enough done to be cought up with stuff. I have to do well on the next test. If I don't, it's the second time I fail this class, and bad things happen. NOt really failing, so to speak, but I got a D+ lastime, and I need a C to get credit in it. If I don't get atleast a c, I'm not sure exactly what happens. But I'll probably end up taking the philisiphy class that can be used as the quanitative literacy credit. I mig
So What Now????
So its been confirmed.... My 17 year old brother is going to be a father. Or at least we think he is , thats depending on if his 15 year old ex is even physically capable of saftly having this baby. She was suppost to abort it knowing she cannot saftly having the baby with her medication but now apparently its possible. I think this is all a load of bullshit , But it takes two to tango he is as much to blame as she is but he swears to me they used condoms , she says they didn't. Whome i believe i am honestly unsure of but i know this will ruin his young life.... He is not even finished school yet and as for her she isnt anywhere near finishing and now apparently 3 months pregnant. This family dinner is going to be one stinking fat ass mess, Oh man.... What are we going to do? I honestly am lost in this situation , He is my brother and so i will support him regraurdless. I dont want to blame him for this situation but if he had kept his penis to himself he wouldnt be in this me
So, What About The X ?
I saw all the X's in people's profile pics the other day, now they're gone. (The X's, not the people.) (I think.) I know it was because of the new CT rules about rating & commenting, but have they been rolled back? Or did people just give up. I'm just curious...
So Whats With This
ratings blocked for 10 minutes. stop flooding our servers! --babyjesus
So, Who Would You Believe?
(Originally posted on January 5, 2007)So, who has more clout: A group of scientists who make it their life's work to ferret out mysteries and increasing our knowledge, or some washed-up child star who makes a board game?Well, Kirk Cameron hopes it's the washed-up child star, since he has come out with a game supposedly "proving" that evolution didn't happen.You can't just make stuff like this up. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad...tag: game, creationism, evolution, Kirk Cameron, idiot-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Ave Satanas!
So Whats Been Up With Me
alot of things..well i've been talking to this guy and he makes me really yeah go him..but ya and me and my bf are not doing good and somebody told me something today that totally just made me like go "fuck it" ya..its not working out anymore..but ya..well thats whats up with me.
So...what Is "normal" Exactly?
Your Social Dysfunction:Normal Being average in terms of how social you are, as well as the amount of self-esteem you have, you're pretty much normal. Good on you. Take this quiz at Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.
So What?
so my tastes are not like yours I am not tame i don't like the ordinary, could care less for the mundane I like to be bitten, I like to draw blood chained and beaten too U do me, and I'll do u paddled and whipped, teased and tormented u will bow to me by the time we're through and if u don't like me, think me a freak or a fiend and I'm not ur style just a little to wild well So what? u act like i care...
So What Am I Doing Up At This Hour
Have to be up for a conference call sometime around 8a - just filed a report in support, so I'll have to be there to justify my stand. Otherwise, jeeze, 7a.m. shouldn't be allowed. Just looked out the window, a RV has pulled in sometime in the night. Obviously, tourists have rented the place next door, probably means kids...noise...happy people. I don't need that today. The Frig is on the fritz so I called the owner and told him. He told me to use a cooler, he'd get someone out next week. That's bullshit. However, now I have to wait until Health Food Bitch gets here to ride over to the convenience store to get a dozen bags of ice. Gonna chill down everything in five coolers. Gotta keep the beer cold and have ice for Jack. So, the day starts, what else can I say. dusty
So? What's The Problem??
Can you imagine in China or Russia, prisoners trying to report abuse and sue the prisons? Ha ha! Our country is SO F*ing screwed up from the P.C. crowd. . . . what a joke! Official: Guards made inmates lick toilets clean POSTED: 10:21 a.m. EDT, May 9, 2007 Story Highlights• Arrest warrants issued for 8 former prison employees in Florida • Some accused of abusing inmates, others of failing to report abuse • Inmates forced to eat off floor, clean toilets with tongues, official says • 13 employees have been fired from prison in Everglades TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) -- Prosecutors issued arrest warrants Tuesday for eight former prison employees accused of abusing inmates, including forcing some to clean toilets with their tongues. The eight were among 13 prison employees who had already been fired from the 605-inmate medium and minimum security at the Hendry Correctional Institution in the Everglades. The previous warden and an assistant warden resigned, a
So What Will It Take?
OMG.. I am so fukin bored at work right now.... I am all alone.... literally..... and I sware.... when your all alone... you hear things that you never heard before... and FREAK OUT!!!... I want to go..... Isn't there anyone who can come get me?.... Take me away?... no?.... no takers... What if I give you... um...hmmm... Well I work for a Surgeon.... and you know that the Doctors offices have the best pens.... I got some... you want one?... I will give some to you if you come get me.... OH... I GOT ME A MESS LOAD OF PAPER~CLIPS..... ... um... some stampers that have Confidential... Just think of what you can do with a stamper like that!!!... Awww.. Come On!!... Your not going to be happy until I am like... sobbing arn't you?.... Please... I got Post~it note pads.... hmmmmm?
So Who Cares?
NO ONE!! NO ONE FUCKING CAAAAAAAAAAAAAARES!! ohwell..I'm done. Over-cooked. Monday, I get to see David and we might hang out with Angel. and more then likely if everything gets situation financially..Angel will be our room-mate. Angel....GAY PROM PRINCE AND OWENS!! muwhahaha...long story. I hold no resentment for anyone.....I wish them the best of lives...even though I know one person who wish I enjoy living getting fucked over...I wish you the best of a life hun...I really do. I wish you can marry the person you love and have a great life. I hope everything turns out right for you and that you never have to endure what some people do. You're fortunate in your life, don't take it for-granted. Best of luck to you. as for Becky....YOUS A KICK-ASS CHICK!! I wish you only the best hun. From what I know of you, you deserve it. I hope you get everything situated and that you'll know what will happen to you. Just remember, theres always a reason to keep trying...and yo
So What Now
Well Im kinda lost at the moment, Im trying to find my place. I know where I want to be, I know what I want to be, and I know who I want there with me (Crystal).....I just can't figure out my place between now and then. I know that I need to better prepare myself for this future that I want more than anything, cause I know that future will have a happy ending (call it a fairy tale ending if you want). So I guess now is my true test of patience. How long will I be able to hold out when the girl I love is in NY and Im here in NC....and when I say hold out I mean emotionally. How long can I stick in with these shit jobs when I know I will make it and be alot happier in a career in motorcycles? I guess that is a time will only tell scenerio. I hope this all comes together soon cause I really want a life of my own....and I want that special someone to share it with me
So ... What Is Missing?
Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Please Mr. Dickinson, but must you start banging? How is a man to sleep? [laughter from Congress] John Dickinson: Forgive me, Dr. Franklin, but must YOU start speaking? How is a man to stay awake? [More laughter] John Dickinson: We'll promise to be quiet - I'm sure everyone prefers that you remained asleep. Dr. Benjamin Franklin: If I'm to hear myself called an Englishman, sir, I assure you I prefer I'd remained asleep. John Dickinson: What's so terrible about being called an Englishman? The English don't seem to mind. Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Nor would I, were I given the full rights of an Englishman. But to call me one without those rights is like calling an ox a bull. He's thankful for the honor, but he'd much rather have restored what's rightfully his. [laughter] John Dickinson: When did you first notice they were missing, sir? [laughter] 1776 (Movie 1972)
So What
So What'll You Have?
A crusty old biker on a summer ride in the country walks into a tavern and sees a sign hanging over the bar which reads: CHEESEBURGER: $1.50 CHICKEN SANDWICH : $2.50 HAND JOB: $10.00 Checking his wallet for the necessary payment, he walks up to the bar and beckons to one of the three exceptionally attractive women serving drinks to a meager looking group of farmers. "Yes?" she inquires with a knowing smile, "Can I help you?" I was wondering," whispers the biker, "are you the young lady who gives the hand-jobs?" Yes," she purrs, "I am." The old biker replies, "Well wash your hands, I want a cheeseburger." ==================================
So Why Is It?
Ok so rant of my day.. ok maybe more then one.. So why is it that a guy can say this and that to you, then go online and say the same damn thing to another girl? No I dont think this is ok. I dont see it as really cheating... but when he says no one talks to him and then find out that is kinda bs... um whatever. Like I said no I dont think this is ok. I dont just females. Nor do I trust a guy to "just talk" to any local chick. They always end up hanging out and when what was said is said there goes the fucking neighborhood. Anyway this is my rant for the day. Fuck online flirting!
So, What Does This Mean...?
Here's a great picture I found at this website:It shows the GOP debate at the NAACP.  Only ONE of the nine candidates invited even bothered to show up.According to the website, all of the Democratic invitees showed.Thoughts?tag: politics, democrat, gop, republican, debate, naacp -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Ave Satanas!Join me at Fubar.comGet paid to surf the web with        
So What Do You Do For Fun?
So last night I had a couple of Mike's Lemonades and went outside to do battle with the Hornets that are trying to nest in the wall of my house. Don't worry, I didn't get stung, but I did seriously piss them off!
So Who Is Doing The Work?
SO WHO IS DOING THE WORK? The population of the USA is 300 million. 160 million are retired. That leaves 140 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work. Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government. Leaving 15 million to do the work. 2.8 million are in the armed forces on the hunt for Osama Bin-Laden. Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work. Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188, 000 people in hospitals. Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are, sitting on your butt, at your computer, reading jokes. Nice. Real nice !!
So What If I Do ??
What if I cared? What would you say? Would you accept my heart? Or just toss it away? Though we just met, Your eyes make me melt. The way you make me feel, it's been so long. You make my day with a smile, your eyes are so blue. They carry me away. Is this puppy love? Is it more? To early to say. You probably dont even know who you are. You probably couldnt care less. To you I am probably, just another chick on your "list" But to be yours, would be so surreal. To hold you just once, how would that feel? My body aches for you, My heart burns when you are around. And my thoughts are in the clouds, threatening to never come down. So what if I care? What should I do?
So, Who Are You, And How Are You?
There's a whole bunch of people on my friend's list. I figured I'd ask some questions. Not many people actually read these compared to how many are on my list. I do highly appreciate the people who take the time to check my blogs out. And even more highly appreciate those people who leave comments on them. Ya'll have a nice week. What kind of food do you like? What's your philosify on life? How do you feel about spelling? How do you feel about hitting? What's your take on cps? What is your goal in life? Where do you work? What are your views on capitolism, vs communism? what are your views on teaching hate towards words? Why didn't we round up all the white people after the oklahoma city bombing? Views on openly gay people in the military? views on openly straight people in the military? Sex discrimination in everyday society? Why do people put up with it, and let it go on? Any other random things you feel like sharing?
So What's Been Up...
Okay ok I haven't been on in for fucking ever so I'ma give you all a quick low down. Lets see...erm first of all I'm single again. Yeah shit didn't turn out not suprising though I am pretty sure it was more me than anything this time we still talk so meh I guess that's a good sign or something. I now live in San Diego which is way different and yeah I have a social life apprently now. So yeah if you wanna hang out and talk now your best chance is by phone just send me a message and I'll give you meh number.
So What If I Just Want To Fuck??????
ok, so since i'm not at a level that i can make a mum (and why do i feel like i'm playing WoW again??) i'm just gonna do a blog about this.... feel free to comment whatever. so i have this (now) ex that started as an online long distance thing. things didn't go so well, and i ended it. mainly, she says she was scared or whatever, but now, after i've moved on mentally, she wants to make a real attempt. i personally am over it, but she's bound and determined to "prove to you that i'm willing to make you my priority." well, this goes up to and including sex. i've told her more than once that if we hook up, it won't mean to me what it means to her. to me, it'll be sex. she seems convinced that it will bring me back to her. she has even hinted at bringing a friend along to join us. sounds good to me, but then i'm an OTR (over the road) driver and haven't had my ashes properly hauled in a couple months. but i KNOW that if she pushes the issue i'll cave and fuck her. now, the question
So, Why The Ink?
Sad stories and healing. May of this year my nieces stepdaughter (my great niece), great nieces mother and her mothers fiance and younger half brother died in a car wreck. Four friends, people I loved, gone in an eyeblink, my family was shaken to the core. That's the basic background. Now my great niece, Champagne, was probably one of the coolest people I ever met, at 15 years old she was more together than most adults I know, her theme song was Move Along by the All-American rejects. After a couple of months of moping I realized that this was a good idea and since she and I were both fans of ink, though I'd never been inked until this tat, I decided that those two words would be the beginning of a memorial tat for all of them. The rest of the memorial will follow the concept of favorite songs but will have to wait until I save up some more money. Now you know a small part of a big story. One thing I want to close with on this, all of these people died knowing they were loved, I
So What Happened
i really would like to know what happened? why you give me words that mean so much to a girl.then you disappear out of her life. i actually thought that we were a we from the way you talked..but i guess i guess its best that im here looking not letting anyone get me down. i think i would have been the greatest thing to think i didnt care but i damaged my pride a little bit but nothing that i cant fix. ive been hurt before but this time im not gonna let it devestate me like it had just a stronger person for just letting you go..i only want a why though thats it...but i guess im not even good enough for ill leave things unsaid just that way...and i will wait for my one and only to find me... loving myself jb
So Who Likes Me?
Who Likes U?? lets find out who has the BALLS to say they like you, repost this Under " Who Likes You??? " to find out! or youll have bad luck for 7 days. Reply!!!!!!! with a number to the following options (yes you can pick more than one): 1-I want you now 2-eww never 3-I dont like you 4-I have a HUGE crush on you 5-I'm in love with you 6-I think im still in love with you and i shouldn't be... 7-I really want to talk to you and get to know you and hopefully something will happen... 8-I'm with someone else but for some reason i still have feelings for you 9- I want to marry you 10- I miss you 11- I want to makeout with you again 12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time 13- I want a relationship with you 14- I want to hold your hand 15- i love you and would enjoy makin sweet love 2 u right now 16- I'm scared of liking you 17- I have a gf/bf but i like you... 18- I love you okay lets find out who likes you, repos
So What
Ministry So What lyrics die! die! die! die! scum sucking depravity debauched! anal fuck-fest, thrill olympics savage scourge supply and sanctify so what? so what? die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! you said it! sedatives supplied become laxatives my eyes shit out lies i only kill to know i'm alive so what? so what? die! die! die! die! die! die! die! die! so what, it's your problem to learn to live with destroy us, or make us saints we don't care, it's not our fault that we were born too late a screaming headache on the brow of the state killing time is appropriate to make a mess and fuck all the rest, we say, we say so what? so what? die! die! die! die! die! now i know what is right i'll kill them all if i like i'm a time bomb inside no one listens to reason, it's too late and i'm ready to fight! so what? now i'm ready to fight! Ministry So What lyrics
So Whats New!!!
Murphy....why does he have to make all the laws??? I feel that once you make your mind up that everything is going to be should, but NOOOOO, along comes Murphy and BAM, knocks ya down a couple notches...!!! But I have something on my side that Murphy doesnt...Friends, Family, and my Higher Power...he can keep kicking and I will get up, smile and drive on with more persistance then ever!!!! SO, bottom line...dont get discuraged, things will get better,,(And I know cause I am STILL waiting)!!!!.....Keep on smiling....:)
So What Are You Gonna Do Now???
70 MILLION ARE HAVING SEX RIGHT NOW... 39 MILLION ARE PLANNING TO HAVE SEX... 28 MILLION ARE DONE WITH IT... ~ can you imagine about that statistics??? ...and about what they are doing, and were just sitting up our ass here in front of our PC monitors doing fubar??? :-P
So What Am I Gonna Do Next Summer?
Pretty far away I know, but its not bad to think ahead or is it? Anywho, I was thinking of going to a surfer camp to learn how to surf. That would be fantastic! That's probably one sport I would mind trying out. Sure its hard, but if I learn to get through the obstacles, I know I can do it. Speaking of which I'm coming up with a new shell necklace which inspired me from the movie "Surf's Up". Sure that's a kids movie, but the effects are almost mind-blowing. What else? Well, a good paying job would be very nice. But all of these jobs I keep applying for are just becoming more and more stereotypical and contradictory. They want workers, but the applicant needs previous job experience. Dude, that's flippin ridiculous. What if I was this homeless guy that wanted to apply? Bush says there is improved job ethics in today's market. That's bullshit, because I still have yet to get one. I sure hope I can get one soon. Its really hard to do anything when you don't have anything. Almost like a
So What Does That Make You?
Some people...never cease to amaze me. I put my heart out on the line and I get bullshit back. Well fuck you too. I don't do mind games and I don't guess at your feelings. If you never wanted me to begin with, all you had to do was say so. Don't lead me on. String me up. Set me up to fall. I never did that to you when all I did was like you. You never called me. You never texted me back on anything. You never answered me back on myspace. So what else am I supposed to think? I know you're busy and you've got shit going on in your life but so does everyone else. But you weren't too fucking busy to go to a party and get shitfaced. Too busy to call me through, right? Too busy to come and see the person you called your girlfriend. Even when she relapsed. Even when she needed someone there and when YOU said that YOU would be there. That you would never leave. So what does that make you? Busy or a liar? "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on
So What's The Problem?
A husband and wife go visit a marriage counselor. First, the wife speaks to the counselor alone. The counselor asks, "You say you've been married 20 years, so what seems to be the problem?" The wife replies, "It's my husband -- he's driving me crazy! I'm going to leave him if he continues!" "How does he drive you crazy?" "For 20 years," she says, "he's been doing these stupid things. First, whenever we go out, he's always looking at the floor and refuses to go near anyone. It's very embarrassing." The marriage counselor is amused, "Anything else?" "He keeps picking his nose all the time! Even in public!" "Hmm, anything else?" probes the counselor further. The wife hesitates, "whenever we're making love, he NEVER lets me be on top! Once in a while, I'd like to be in control!" "Ah," says the counselor, "I think I'll talk to your husband now." So the wife goes out of the room and the husband enters. The counselor tells him, "Your wife says that you've been driving her crazy. She mig
So Where Do We Go?
So where do we go? Lost in time without you.. Split between you and my feelings... All my life lost in a dream... But there is no place for me.. Even in my dreams.. I feel lost and confused... She is my life my demise... She is in my vains... She is my blood.. She is my heart.. She is my demise.. My heart is broken.. And she aint gone yet... So i try and continue on.. Trying has hard as i can.. Demise Demise Demise.... She will be gone... It is in her nature to leave.. I see it but i dont want to... Its the way she treats me.... The way she does me.. The actions speak louder than her words.. So do i fight her and hope she see's the love? Or do i give up.... I am already tired.. My heart and soul cant take the hurt... I cant take the hurt..... I guess it is good.... Because i am the man that i am.. But i always pick the wrong ones... Hopeing she would be diffent... Or is it a dream... That i am trying to bring to real life.. I know what i want... But
So Who Is It Really
So at what point are you forced to realize that hey its not them its you? To me that point was last night when I saw one my ex's at work who told me its a good thing we broke up when we did cause she was in love with someone else and had, big surprise, cheated on me near the end of our relationship. Well now that puts me at every relationship i've been in except for one where I was either cheated on or pushed my partner so far away they fell for someone else at some point of our relationship. And even in the one where I'm not sure either of that happened I still have my suspicions cause of how close her and her roomate were at the time. Plus add that to the fact that she told me her and her roommate "experimented" before and well the suspicions are very strong. I get compliments on how nice a guy I am, and I admit it I can be. I have the potential to be sweet, caring and quasi chivalrous. But is that enough anymore? I mean I know the sins I committed in my marriage that lead
So When Is "american Anything" Going To Be Banned In The Us?
Read this blog (content attached after the dashed line) and give me some positive feedback... Negative views are welcome also. Ask questions too :D Thanks
So What About It?
WOOOTT!! GUESS WHAT?? I have once again made a new video. and yes this video is also for sale. The highest bidder will receive this video for his/her own private collection! (to think in bids of blasts,vips,Happy Hours or fu-bucks) i have a few hints posted on my "new nsfw pics 2" album . in this video i go further and it's very upclose. tho due to the containce i can't upload a short preview so you'll have to see the pics to get an idea. please don't place bids in this blog for others will be able to see what you're offering. send me a private message with your offer please. i'll try to respond back about your offer. NOT ON THE SHOUTBOX PLEASE! F******HOT Marina *¢¾Fu-Wifey to Nancy¢¾* Club F.A.R member@ fubar also dont get me the offer right away but wait till i have contacted you!!! NOTE!!!! THERE CAN BE MORE THEN JUST 1 BIDDER!!! Also if i agree with your bid i'll send the video after i received it(am sorry but have been led on many times before)
So What Is Love?
So What is love? Is love when you hold hands with out a thought. Is love the comfort and feel of someone beside you as you sleep, and miss if not there? Is love when you without a reason think of the other person and don't know why? Is it a kiss in the rain? Does it comfort you when you need it, and love you when you want it? When your old and gray if the man with an arthritic hand in pain still wants to hold his dear brides hand to show he cares, even after so many year being together? When you look into the others eyes and you see nothing but love back, Is that love? When after years of being together a gentle kiss on the neck and a whisper in your ear still gets your heart beating harder, is that love? When after work you race home to share with your baby, cause you missed them, is that love? If you rather give up your time, because you want to be with them, is that love? If you can be shown another person who is attractive, and yet all you say is that is nice hun, but
So What!!!
Why is it that as humans we feel (for the most part) that we need to have other people make our minds up for us? I read these MUMM's and some of them are funny, some ickky and others are real. Now don't get me wrong I do like to go and check them out at times of GREAT bordom but not all the time. Is it that we feel we need a scape goat if we do something wrong or we really need help. I have posted a few and most of the time it's cause I really needed help with my choice. I think there are a lot of us out there who have nothing better to do but piss others off or at least give a good laugh at. Ok so most of the above doesn't make much sense to me but that's how my mind works. I have found that there are few people that have a head on there shoulders here. That's ok though cause I'm one of them that doesn't but I can identify those that do at least. I try to not get on peoples nerves here cause there are some really mean ppl here. Then again there are some really nice ones here to. An
So, What Did You Do Today?
I spent my time on this site i was supposed to be shopping looking at their funny car jokes and adding them to my stash. Didn't really get much work done. Damn you Fubar!!!
So Why Wont Yall Give Me Feedback
so why dont yall give me some feed back you never know what we could ucover we need work together or its gonna end very badly
"so What Have I Learned From Having My Heart Broken?"
I learned that I'm stronger than I thought I was and way more fragile than I ever imagined I might be. I learned that surviving is easier if you promise yourself that you won't hold back next time just because you got burned this time. I learned that my heart wasn't dead after the long goodbye that was my relationship. I learned that my kid is highly intuitive and knows when Mom just needs a hug. I learned that there are many kinds of love, not all of them healthy. So, what have I learned from a broken heart? I learned that real love, the kind that holds you up instead of dragging you down, is worth whatever it takes...........
So What Have I Been Doing?
What I have been doing is creating websites. There nothing much but hey they are mine and it is fun woohoo.
So What
sometimes i cut myself just to watch it bleed i dont know i just feel the need everything inside ties me in a knot it seems like its the only release i got they tried to say it was all for attention motherfucker wheres all my tension i hurt inside til i dont know me when i feel pain it sets me free its not the same as what you did you broke my heart and then you hid so, i cut myself just to watch it bleed i dont care i just feel the need
So What Have You Heard?
Two hours after it happened, I was reading on the net news that Heath Ledger died of a drug-overdose in Mary-Kate Olson’s apartment on the bathroom floor, and was found by the maid, who went to look for him after the massage person showed up and asked where he was. But someone else said that they heard on the news on TV that Heath was at his own apartment. The massage girl showed up, found him in the bathroom with the pills almost dead, and grabbed a cell. Called Mary-Kate Olson, who was on speed dial, and asked what she should do. Mary-Kate, who was in CA at the time, called one of her NY body-guards and told them to go over there. So the bodyguard shows up, sees he is dead, and then calls 9-1-1. But someone else told me that he died in the bedroom, of his own apartment. Oh, and his family said that he didn’t die from drugs, but admits he had a backache. Thus the massage person. (Who doesn’t exist in some of these versions.) Soooo… what have you heard?
So Why Me?
So I am finally sitting here with nothing to do and no one to talk to. Wow that's a first. First off I am starting this blog just because I need to so get some things off my chest and because I feel some things need to be said. First off why is it that I always seem like the target? Why am I always the one getting my heart broke? I keep asking myself what did I do to deserve to be treated like this? I give almost my all to someone just to hear later that they cant even give me any. What's with that? Why do I feel like I sit here and waisted the last week with this person? I had it in my head that me and him shared so much in common how could I go wrong with him? What's the deal with me? What is so messed up about me that no one wants to be with me? I get told everyday by guys on here and yahoo and other places as well that I am gorgeous, sexy, blah blah blah and all that good stuff. But see it doesn't mean a thing to me if I don't have feelings for that person back.
So What To Do Here
im confused as fuck, i want to be freinds, and respect people, yet sometimes i get ignored or kicked to the curb, being ignored is hard to deal with , except for a select few, i get ignored by a hell of alot of people, yea i can understand their reasonings for doing it, and all, but am i the only one that has this happen to them? all i want to do in life is see people smile. so what to do, mrs right will hopefully comealong soon, but my main feeling is how i dont have enough freinds, im just feeling low on the freinds edge,lol , dont get me wrong, angel twiz and numerous others that i cant remember off the top of my head cause its so late your in my thoughts daily and i thank you for the respect you guys and gals give me. next i know the punctuation in here is horrible, im just ranting, so please dont bad mouth me on my punctuation. thirdly , anybody willing to talk to me bout this is welcome to shout box me or something, thanks for reading , imput and comments are welcome~! red
So Why Do...
the bitches, sluts and hos on here fill their albums with slutty, hoed out pics, then bitch about "sexy comments" in their shout box and mailbox? You dumb hos, thats what you get. You dont want to be viewed as a piece of meat, a slut or a ho? DONT ACT LIKE ONE! DONT POST PICS like one. Its comes with the territory you dumb sluts. You get what you get, deal with it or dont post the pics.
So What????
Get More at Get More at Get More at Get More at Get More at
So What Ya Doing?
plz repost thanx
So What...
Okay so I am not trying to sound conceded or anything but it is really f’ed up that I have on my page marked as "in a relationship" but all this guys seem really cool and we talk and the second they actually pay attention or find out that I am taken they f'in don’t talk to me anymore. The internet is not always meant to "hook up" I want to talk to you whether or not I am taken and our conversations don’t have to be about sex and everything else! I am happily taken and I just want to talk to some other rad people whether they are a guy or girl. So if you are looking for a "hook up" you are not going to find it here so don’t waste my time but if you are willing to just have a conversation and a friend then that is cool I will talk to you!
So, What Now?
its now been 8 days since I crushed my marriage and things are slowly becoming bearable once again. Family and friends are on hand with sympathy and try to take my mind off things, and God bless em for trying. Not much to report as yet, but my solicitor is advising me what to do next. Ill no doubt keep you informed...
So What Can We Do About This Yall!
So What
So What?
To make it stand, you wet it ! To make it wet, you suck it ! To make it stiff, you lick it ! To get it in, You push it! Damn !!!!!!! Threading a needle when you're older is a BITCH!
So Whatcha Want?
i see a lot of profiles (or PERV them, as Alex likes to poke at me about), and one thing that seems to come up a lot is girls claiming that there are no good guys left out there, and wondering where they are... And at first, i wanted to say "they are out there", but then i realized im not even sure what they mean by good ones I will give it a shot here... A good guy is nice, generous, humurous, romantic, respectful, sensitive, strong, confident, open minded, helpful, communicative, intelligent, understanding, energetic, loving, healthy, sweet, honest, trustworthy, trusting, and disease free... A good guy cooks for you, cleans, does the laundry, takes out the garbage, goes shopping with you, brings you gifts, talks with you, listens to you, watches your favorite movies with you, rubs your feet, lights candles for you, paints the house as you like it, mows the lawn, puts the seat down, tells you YOU are the most beautiful woman in the room, loves you for who you ar
So What Is Truth?
So what is Truth?Truth is the absolute reality, under which all subjective realism is false, that follows a consistence of objective observations on all aspects of that which is being observed, thus giving an order by which things should be governed. Our society today, even ones around the world, follow a subjective realism. Society should be governed by Truth. So, understanding the definition, how can we incorporate an authority of Truth into the social, political, and economical aspects of society? Should we be governed by Truth? Or should we continue the way we are? What needs to be fixed, looking at our society today? Undefined I didn't, and can't, define "Truth". Described what it would look like--the absolute reality that follows a consistence of objective observations on all aspects of that which is being observed. But what is that, specifically? Who says what "Truth", the end-all law, is? ONE person's subjective realism? "Truth" as such, cannot be known, only pursued i
So What
SO what...I miss him. I can't help it. What am I supposed to do, NOT miss him? He has been a big part of my life for so long. I miss him. :(
So What
So Where Are You At?
The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.
So What?
yes i look different yes i'm not like you yes i look different what ya gonna do? yes my hairs different and so is my face i'm not like the others although the same race so what? i'm different so what? i'm not like you so what? i look different so what?!
So What Is Love?
So what is love? Love is what you feel when you with someone you care for Love is what you feel when you do things for someone you care for Love is how you care for someone you like So what is love? Love is the way you care for your family Love is the way you care for your friends Love is the way you care for that certain person you call your girl friend So what is love? Love is when you miss someone, even for a minute Love is how you like everything about that person Love is every little thing you would do for each other So what is love? Love is when you talk on the internet for hours a day Love is when you would talk on the phone for hours till the phone dies Love is when you use all of your texts or minutes on each other So what is love? Love is the way I feel about my girl friend Love is the way I feel about a girl named Erica Love is the way I think we both feel about each other So what is love? Love is the feelings I have towards my new
So, Who's Going??
So, I'm thinking I'll ride the Road King up to DC for Rolling Thunder this Memorial Day weekend! Anyone else going to be there?? Drop me a line if you are!
So What Can Go Wrong Next
Some people say its better to love and lost then to have never loved. I say get real! Id rather not no what I missed out on. Sometime things work out sometimes they don't I guess there is really very little you can do to influence the outcome. Time always seem to be the big problem something is either to soon or to late. Or it is either to much or not enough. Im not really sure right now what I will do next. I cant say that it is anyones fault but mine. I guess Im back where I started not much has really changed so Its just back to the same old life I had. Bottom line is I always was kind of a loner, just have to get used to it again
So Where Are My True By My Side Friends?
i am begining to think true friendship means jack fucking shit most people will not talk to you unless you have money and can get shit for them they are the people i am getting fucking sick of i have had offers to help me out with my tower so i can get it up and in running order but yet no one has pulled thru on the offer yet so i am sitting here waiting for help i am promissed of course i am just a fucking pile of crap to mostly everyone one i know so i guess i will never get my tower up to 100% working order. the pic above this is what happens to me all the time well i guess i should stop typing since i know no one will read this or care if they do read it so ttyl bye for now ~Lost In The Dark ~
So Who Wants To Own Me???
Thats right...I broke down and I'm auctioning myself off.LMAO I was just alittle curious how this stuff works,but I plan to have alot of fun with it. So good luck to whoever gets ALL OF ME for a whole month!!! Just click this pic to bid~KISSES~ P.S. If you bid really good I will throw in some xtra perks8-p
So While I've Been Away.....
So, apparently, word has spread of my "expertise with weird carcass disposal methods. Thursday, I received a phone call from a friend in the university's Department of Occupational and Environmental Services. He knew of my work with my radioactive rats, and wanted my opinion on how to dispose of something. I went over to his office to see what was up. Apparently, another lab had some animals they needed to dispose of, but they were of a "special" nature. They were woodchucks, but not just your normal, garden-variety woodchucks. Oh no, that would have been too easy. This lab had been experimenting with woodchuck hepatitis, which apparently (my new favorite word) acts very similar to human hepatitis. This made the carcasses biohazardous waste, which, in and of itself, isn't an issue. They were also contaminated with Carbon-14, a slightly radioactive isotope with a half-life of around 5000 years. No kidding. This presented a special problem, since you can't have biohazardous waste alon
So. What Just Happened?
why is everyone so quiet? i'm bored. lol
So What A Joke....
So I supposedly I had a friend on here.....he talked of wanting to spend time with me.....telling me I am special because he has told me things he has told no one else....that he trusts me...etc etc....he knows I have feelings for him and he strings me along saying hes not ready....he's not ready but yet can sit and make fake ass committments to people ONLINE....he can spend HOURS upon HOURS talking to me on the phone and is more than fine with me giving him shit to make his life easier....being there for him to talk to when he is scared about moving away from his family....thats all fine but being there for anyone else? NO thats to much to ask consider the idea of not having 50 female friends on here that he calls by pet names like m'lady sweet and possibly being original....yeah that cant heres to you Michael you lying ASS!
So What Is The Problem
Problems come and go some subside and some grow Still if everything in life is a problem then what is life? Changes, different opnions are not problems how we handle them can be the problem I have death standing outside my door Still I welcome him, or is that just the cowards way out? "To die to sleep no more" Means no more pain no physical nor emotional it is the easy way out! To live with my sins and move forward is the hardest thing but must be done to be a man to walk away from someone who has made my life to the point that I made her my wife is so hard but even I knew she could do better then me So again must bow my head and let her go free
So What Do I Say Now?
I said good morning sweetheart and then a little later hun then you shut the door and began to run. All I have known you by are these names even still I do not wish to bring you any pain. So I shall look for new names to call you but they were so perfect just like you I am going to slip and I am going to slide and Im gonna blirt them out because it comes so easy, so natural to say, If I could stop loveing you then this would all work out but even after whats happen I cant but that is what Love is really about being able to take the good, the bad and the ugly and still wanting to work it out A problem is not the cause of a bad relationship it is how we handle the problem that makes it that Just remeber through it all I tried my best and gave all that I have but sometimes good isnt good enough.
So What, Im Still A Rockstar
Im about done with putting up with any and all bullshit from everyone. my fuse is getting even shorter. anyone who knows my track record knows thats a bad thing haha right now i want: -crisp fall weather -a beer -the day off work -philip to b home from school -to go see julie in lansing -to go to a football game -to get in a fight -a bonfire I just wanna be reckless, nothing more, nothing less
So What - Pink
So What?!
I'm gonna start a fight, and you're welcome to fight with me! Even thought that piss ant left me, I'm still a rock star! I'm still loved by everyone! And guess what, you pansy: no one likes you because you're a tool! I'll still dance my ass off, sing my lungs out and party hard! I'm a damned good woman and frankly, you're a drama-prone little pansyass! I don't need you! I'm so glad we're done! I'm gonna show you that I don't need to associate myself with little pissants like you! I AM A ROCK STAR!
So What!
Pink So What Na na na na na na Na na na na na Na na na na na na Na na na na na I guess I just lost my husband I don't know where he went So I'm gonna drink my money I'm not gonna pay his rent (nope) I've got a brand new attitude, And I'm gonna wear it tonight I'm gonna get in trouble I wanna start a fight Na na na na na I wanna start a fight Na na na na na I wanna start a fight [Chorus] So, So what I'm still a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't need you And guess what I'm havin more fun And now that were done I'm gona show you tonight I'm alright I'm just fine And you're a tool so So what I am a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't want you tonight Unh Check my flow Uohhh The waiter just took my table And gave it to Jessica Simps (Shit! ) I guess I'll go sit with drum boy At least hell know how to hit (Oops) What if this flops on the radio, Then somebodys gonna die! haha I'm going to get in trouble, My ex will start a
So What Did Those Silly Sounding Christmas Gifts Symbolize
The "twelve drummers drumming" symbolize the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed. The "eleven pipers piping" symbolize the eleven faithful apostles. The "ten lords a-leaping" symbolize the Ten Commandments. The "nine ladies dancing" symbolize the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit (sometimes also listed as the nine classifications of angels). The "eight maids a-milking" symbolize the eight Beatitudes. The "seven swans a-swimming" symbolize the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven Sacraments. The "six geese a-laying" symbolize the six days of creation. The "five golden rings" symbolize the first five books of the Old Testament, better known in the Catholic Faith as the Pentateuch. The "four calling birds" symbolize the four Gospels...Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The "three French hens" symbolize Faith, Hope and Charity, the three greatest theological virtues. The "two turtle doves" symbolize the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible And "a partri
So When...
When will there be a man, a REAL man, out there for me? Not to take care of me persay, but to be there for me? To be there when he says he will be? To call when he says he will? To keep promises and never break them? No matter whether it's sooner or later, but just to keep the promise? When will I stop being hurt and find someone that has his shit together and has time for me and willing to be there not only for me, but my children? When will my life be right? When will all the pieces fit?
So What Should We Do?
Ok as everyone knows Poetic is away for awhile...She has her reasons and their hers of course to discuss if she chooses to when she comes back...Its been asked of me by several members whats going to happen to the crew...Well I am more then willing to continue to post blogs for ppl needing leveling...But I think that decision should be agreed by all...Sooooooo whatcha think Fubar's Finest Levelers!!!
So Why Do It?
Alright, I am over these little highschool games. I have know clue why people play games. Trying to get what they want, A PIECE OF ASS! If you have a relationship with someone, and you are out playing the field. Do them a favor and leave them, you are going to break that person's heart no matter what route you choose. If you choose the cheating route then you have the guilt trip of that one time or those many times you have cheat on the person you can call yours. So why do it then? Then what if the other person wants you & you want them? You are going to ingore you feelings and try to stay or even hide what you are feeling because of the guilt for your other mate. So again why do it? After all what if your mate finds out what you have done, what will that lead to? Please think before you do stupid shit! Again Why Do It?
So Why Elephants?
i have two tattoos of elephants. jerome as most everyone has met in my pics is one of those. my first tattoo was also an elephant--the little guy on my right forearm. everyone who is at all interested in knowing me usually gets around to this question at some point or other--"so, why elephants?" some hint at is as they gaze lasciviously at jerome. others just ask out of curiousity. elephants are representative of both wisdom and strength. these are qualities i strive hard to achieve for myself and also qualities i greatly admire in others. they're pretty beautiful creatures to me and pique my curiosity, for sure. they're supposed to be good luck, i know, but luck doesn't really have anything to do with it.
So What----pink
So What - P!nk
So When Will It Happen?
its what we all want to know.... when will it happen?... well 1 knows. and waiting 4 it is kinda i hope it happens soon. this waitn crap i will continue on with it and see where it goes. with that said....its gonna be a good day hopefully....and werk is gonna be weird today....werkn a triple header and its gonna be a bizzy bizzy day. RP
So When Was Your First?
At what age did you lose your virginity ? How did you feel after trying it for the first time? Tell me what it felt like the first time being inside a woman or vice versa.Give me details. Was it good? Was it bad experience ? Did you go back for more.Did it make you a addict?
So What Do U Say
Mark all that apply​ (​copy entir​e messa​ge,​ click​ "​reply​ to poste​r"​,​ paste​ messa​ge and fill in your answe​rs as they best apply​​ Would​ you kiss me? [ ] Hell Yea [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe​ [ ] alrea​dy did Would​ you do me? [ ] In an insta​nt!​ [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe​ [ ] you look to sweet​ to fuck [ ] alrea​dy did Am I attra​ctive​?​ [ ] Heck no [ ] hot as Hell [ ] Fine [ ] Cute [ ] Okay I think​ ur prett​y [ ] Sexy [ ] Ugly!​ Do you think​ im a virgi​n?​ [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don'​t know Name one thing​ you would​ like to do to me.​.​. ​ 3 thing​s you would​ like to know about​ me? 1. ) 2. ) 3. ) If you saw me for the first​ time would&#
So What Are You Worth?
a smart man once said, as he was preaching to a group of people, aka believers with hope,aka lovers who've been hurt..... that life is like chapters in a book, some characters from a chapter disappear, and others last through out the whole book.......... some bridges were meant to be burned, nothing last forever, and by saying forever, its a promise, and you know you can't keep it. for you can't say never, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. the world is magical and it bound to create some crazy things. you can try to hold onto what’s broken for fear of losing something, or you can be brave and learn that it isn't everything. People aren't possessions or material things. They are born with a heart and feelings. And for you to treat a person worse than you would treat your sneakers is inhumane and how low will you stoop to have what you want? some people will do anything to have control.. and you have to look at people and the situations like you would gas in a car.. you st
So What? Oh, Wait.
Sooooooo, several months ago, I hung out with a guy I met online. We'd met before just once. I went to his house to watch Ghostbusters 2 and ended up sleeping over...which means, yes, I had some cock. We stayed in contact through email and texting...mainly dirty emails and such. There wasn't much of a connection there though a certain online site suggested we were 80 something % matches. Whatever that means. Anyway, back to the second. We watched a movie, had some laughs, and some more sex. He's an attractive guy and has the deepest voice which i enjoy...or would, if he was much of a talker since dirty talk is the cat's meow. But, I mean, let's just face it...we only hang out to have sex and to be even more honest, it's not all that great. I thought the first time may have just been some nervousness, but nope, the second time was not any better. I haven't made much of an effort to stay in touch. I mean, I'm just too busy to care. Tonight, I get a text message out of the blue fro
So What Makes Someone A Hopeless Romantic?
The Basic's A female friend once told me that there are three kinds of men in this world. The 95%, the 1%, and the 4%. She said that all guys fit into one of these categories, some fit into one or more, but fill the shoes of all three. Since the time she told me this I've incorporated so that everyone; male or female is either a Hopeless Romantic or not. Now the 1% and 4% persons will be Hopeless Romantics, while the 95% fills the rest of the gap! The Break Down You're probably thinking I'm nuts by now but, hear me out. Then you can make your own assumptions. The break down goes like so, starting from worse to best: The 95% Person: This person is usually the one that is most "liked". This person's characteristics are that of the typical "jerk". They believe that a date should involve a bedroom, back seat or back row of a movie, at some point. They also believe that they "deserve" things. They usually abuse someone's love, caring and compassion. In fact they view the relationshi
So What Is Your Favorite?
Caption: Hi, My name is Mimi... and I'm a Cremeaholic...a CADBURY Creme Egg a-holic!! Yeaaap...I do dig the deviled eggs, the chocolate bunnies (especially the ones they've got out now with WHITE CHOCOLATE! Surprisingly delicious! But I gotta say, that in part the Easter season is just not QUITE complete for yours truly without them Cadbury chocolate little bwack-bwack-bwacking bunny candy treats........maybe if I ate them all the time I'd realize just how ooey-gooey and slightly nasty in creamy white texture they actually are...and be, I dunno, WEIRED OUT by the fact I have to bite into candy structures that are slightly more ROUND then they are egg-shaped, to get at and DRAIN them of ALL their THICK creamy PURE white sticky filling deep inside....(am I apparently only a got sex on the brain at Easter-time or something? LOL )So then to sum up for this quick'n'dirty post.... OTHER than a chocolate Bunny...what is the ONE Easter/Passover/Spring time candy treat/guilty pleasure that
So What Is Next For Me?
Let's see, my hopes for romance and love are down the toliet, my old injuries will never let me get into the Corps, I hurt my friggin hand today at work, both of my cell phones won't charge anymore, all my close friends are trying to lie to me and tell me thigns are gonna get better soon, and I am friggin starving right now. Life is pretty friggin miserable. It's my fault, I know it is. I let myself believe that there is still hope in the universe, still a chacne for love, still peopel who care about me and would actually be honest to & loyaol to me instead of playing me and using me for their own damn fucking entertainment. Life is purely friggin shitty right now. Personally, I have decied to begin fasting. I really don't have a lot of other options. I am gonna give up the booze entirely, consume only water for the next few days, and give my food to a local poor people shelter. I personally don't think I will need it anymore. I guess you could say that I pretty much am giving up on li
So, Whats The Difference...
Im just curious as to why it was/is considered insensitive or disrespectful to the victims to play the twin towers fall over and over on tv, you know, where you just see the building fall, and no one actually died. But perfectly ok to watch this Iranian women die over and over again on tv. Seeing her gasp for air and the life leave her eyes. Why isnt that considered disrespectful or inconsiderate to that woman? Just curious
So What Is It?
What do you do when your world seems tilted?   Wake up every morning and things seem to be off.  Not in an overt way but just slightly off.   Go about your day in the normal way, but always in the back of your mind you know something is ….off, wrong.   You really don’t have the time to stop and think about it, but it’s there lurking.   The days go on, the feeling grows, the world tilts more but you push it back because you don’t have time to deal with it and everything else.   You don’t realize it will threaten to overwhelm you because you just push it behind you.   But one night, when you are vulnerable, It hits hard, like a smack by a two by four.  It seemed like it came out of no where, but it was always there, lurking.   You can almost hear snickers as it retreats back to sit and wait for another perfect time.  
So What Im A Short Writer Today
So What Gains A Patriot
So What Gains A Patriot? Hello my friends would you like some more? What's real and raw As disgusting as reality? Like bleach blonde hair fair skin, and perfect lips? Beautiful bodies made of plastic to match swinging hips.   Mean mean America defend her all you can so she can leave you in the dust her cares are not with you. they are with fame they are with FAME!   Fame is a mistress so beautiful to most but to you she turns her back  
So What Do You Want To See?
here is your chance to have your opinion count! give me your ideas on what you want to see in my pics!! and no i dont mean gross shit.... so the faster you leave me your ideas on what you want me to take pics of the faster you'll see what you want!! just leave me some comments is all you have to do!
So Where Are All The "save The Gulf" Concerts?
So where are all the "Save the Gulf" concerts? Where are the T.V. Benefits with celebrities and musicians giving heart felt speeches on the poor fisherman, wildlife, beaches, loss of income and sabotaged gulf economy? I find it rather strange how these people (including our own government) are so quick to help Haiti and other countries...but sit on their asses for this one. Just the facts. *Post this if you agree!!!*      I couldn't have said this better,,, where are all the heart felt feelings?? Pass this on to your friends if you agree.Save
So What
So first of all, to make sure i cover everything, im gonna make a list of talking points.1 . obsession over fakers. 2. stupidity and how it affects us all3. Ass kissing 4. Beggers, and those who hate them5. and maybe some nice things about the people I love.   Okay, so the fist subject. I can see why people would get upset over fakes. I do from time to time. Point them out when I see them etc. but i am not going to make a whole ordeal over it. So this brings us to the next subject. Stupidity. If you're stupid enough to get blown over by the fakes, then you fucking deserve it. Its the god damn internet people, take it easy, its not real life. Take a fucking step back from the screen, and look around. Theres fakers everywhere.  Fuck. This place makes me sick sometimes. Almost violently. Till I'm rubbing my temples wondering what the fuck these dumbasses are thinking (if they even have a mind to think).  Okay adding a new subject. Drama and emo. We all can be emo at times. Even I am.
So Whattt /=
All that's left is my heavy breathing, a place where my head spins, Everything in between has come out, it's calling me up, it's calling me, Do you think I ever cared? Let me prove you all wrong. Before you open your mouth, let me make it clear, I can't be brought down, oh, I stand so high, That I have never listened, that I have never listened to so much, Where's the lesson in this? Where's the meaning in this now? Self-taught, a trick I played for far too long, Soft speech with heavy words that come from no book, Where are the followings, how do we reach the truth? Before you open your mouth, let me make it clear, I can't be brought down, Oh, I stand so high, that I have never listened, That I have never listened to so much, where's the lesson in this? -Jonny Craig
So What
Pay attention to those who don't care, why..I don't know, they don't either..people matter as much as you let them. The greedy come in different forms, pay attention to whose been there, who was there and why the lost came back. The show offs normally have small egos. Anything to make them look better than you, but who cares..Some people but that makes them just as shallow. Breast mean nothing to those who have seen too many but man boobs will never be the same.. Everyone wants to get laid, but why....hell I don't even know the answer to that but the most I can come up with, still cant think of an answer. Your uncle is only your father and your mother is only your sister if your family is small... Stop reading this already, I'm bored and cant think of anything witty to say. lol
So,why Christmas Trees?
The custom originated in Germany during the seventh century when the triangular outline of a fir tree was used to illustrate the Holy Trinity. Five centuries later the fir had replaced the oak as "God's tree" and was hung upside down in  houses during the festive season.   source: Jacquie Lawson dot com  
So Why The False Advertising On Fubar?
Let me ask this question to the universe and to Fubar users: Why do people put a hot photograph of themselves from 16 years ago as their profile pic and then post  updated and not so flattering pics of themselves on their site? Why bother at all? I mean, it's a damn disppointment to see your hot ass profile pic and then when I search your page, you were dumb enough to post crap pictures of yourself. Just leave the crap pics out of it and let me drool over your hot profile pic. I dont want my bubble burst knowing that you look terrible now. I want to leave your page thinking you look hot! I will never meet you anyway so keep the illusion alive or at least post an updated picture of yourself on your profile so I know what I am getting into. I dont need a CAVEAT EMPTOR scenario.
So Who Do You Think The Top Dj's On Fubar Are? Needing Candidates A.s.a.p.
I know there are many dj's here on fubar that people find to be the best, but most of them share 1 thing in common. they just spin music. The idea of a dj is someone who not only spins music but talks on air, whether just anouncing songs, or getting involved with the listeners and talking about things.    To me a DJ is someone who has and uses a mic frequently, someone who talks about music, or does show on air that ='s entertainment. to combine music with talk creates an entertainment atmosphere. people who involve listeners, who care enough to make their listeners feel as part of the show is entertainment thus making them a DJ.    So what I am looking for is candidates who qualify in these area's. who not only play music, but talk more then just a couple of words on their mic, who show dedication and passion for their hobby of dj'ing on the net. its time to have a fun little competition. So please if you know someone who meets these requirements post their name and fubar profile
So What's Really Important..??
Words to learn to live by...or just made for great decide....:)    
So With The Cash We Got On Our Journey
We had him invited us to a giant trip all around the world, it started out real cool, at the airport, i order to join the Queen mary II the big big little boat,y'know.
So Witness Me Jobless
I have recently joined the ranks of the unemployed. . .its pretty lame and I'm bored most of the time but I've made a promise to myself. . . .NO MORE CALL CENTERS! So yeah. . .very bored me. . .
So Will Ya Please...
if you please sign my new guestbook so i know where all my hotties are from :) Iwould much appreciate it .. much love to ya! ~Liss
So Will I Be Naughty Or Nice
Well if want to find out just click on the pic take you to an auction a great friend is having DJ NIKKI So what do say have you been naughty or nice so far me i like naughty hehe!!!
Sowing The Seeds Of Prejudice
OK yes, its another “daughter blog”.  I promise to stop with the cutsie kid stuff and get back to my normal material when one of you starts showing me some boobies or something.  There has been a dearth of real boobies in my life lately so I’m in need of an alternate fix.   POST ORIGINAL BLOG EDIT:  THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BOOBIES THAT WERE SHOWN TO ME PRIOR TO THIS BLOG.  AS A MAN, AND THEREFORE A PIG, THERE CAN NEVER BE ENOUGH.  PLEASE EXCUSE MY INGRATITUDE FOR IT IS WOVEN INTO THE FIBER OF MY DNA.  NOW PLEASE CONTINUE READING THE BLOG.   My daughter’s kindergarten class created a garden this year.  The garden included peas, corn, strawberries, and a few other things that don’t grow very well in Arizona.  But since they were planted by 5 year old kiddies … mmmm … best ever!    ** smiles effusively as he chokes down something that looks faintly like a radish **   Some of the plants were potted and kept in the classroom so they weren&r
So Wicked
Fuck you bitches I will spit thisI will make this shit so wickedI'm addicted to the sicknessWorship evil I'm all in itFuck you bitches I will spit thisI will make this shit so wickedI'm addicted to the sicknessWorship evil I'm all in itBask in the light of the darkest sunGlorified those who have died I'm the chosen oneI'm fighting in the center with a knife and a loaded gunAnd this wouldn't be my job if I weren't having funSince the shits begun and the weak have runIt's time for a tour guide, there's no leaving till it's doneTake out a blade, serrate, my arm bleedsDrops on the ground now a cycle of diseaseI'm on my knees chanting for the evil to be freeBe released from the ground they'll come to see meIt's the Horror S.G. and I keep that shit wickedAll you naysaying motherfuckers rightfully stick itAnd pick your words off the ground cause I couldn't care lessI'm gonna do what I want cause in my mind I'm the bestAnd Imma through your test like I'm walking real drunkCause I don't give a
S.o.w. + K.o.w~ For Bulletin
The Kingdom of the Wolves is growing,and in doing so has elected to start a new bombing platoon known as Spirit of the Wolf.... If you're interested in learning to bomb,have time to spend on contests helping our fammily members to win,have the pack mentality of INTEGRITY,LOYALTY,HONOR,then come join us.... Don't know how to bomb,not sure if you would like it???Come give it a try,we'll teach you how it's done...there's nothing like helping family to win....remember Spirit of the Wolf is a part of Kingdom of the's family... you can contac any of the 3 of us to inquire,just click one of the links below.... *FTW Shredded Heart *Fubar Wife To *Lord Wolf * First Lady To K.O.W.*R.B.W.*Master Morpher Royal Eliet Bomber@ fubar chrisgrl41~kow~~LONE WOLF~G-SPOTTER@ fubar Honey~Angel*proud subject of the Kingdom of the Wolves*advisor/mediator~ Spirit of the Wolf Pla@ fubar *LORD WOLF*Founder Kingdom of Wolves.@ fubar Ice man K.O.W.~Liaisons Officer@ fu
Sownds Like They's An Openin Fer A Truck-drivin Job!
Truck Spills 2,500 Gallons of Hog Waste Email this Story Nov 8, 5:19 PM (ET) REDKEY, Ind. (AP) - A semitractor tanker hauling about 6,000 gallons of liquefied hog manure tipped over, spilling half of the waste along an eastern Indiana highway, police said. An estimated 2,500 gallons of the hog waste spilled from the truck in Wednesday's accident but the environmental impact appears to have been minimal, said Steve Polston, a spokesman for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. "Mostly, the environmental impact is to the soil at the site of the incident. About 100 gallons might have spilled into a ditch," Polston said. Driver Robert Thompson of Morgantown was turning onto Indiana 67 from a county road when the tanker's tires left the road, causing it to unhook from the rig and flip onto its side about 20 miles northeast of Muncie, Jay County sheriff's Deputy Mitch Sutton said. The truck, owned by Wagler Transportation Inc. of Nashville, was remov
So, Would You Come And Go For A Virtual Trip With My Friends And I?
Well, that's how everything has started... see that.. one friend of mine has won the three tvs in his ticket.. so, he was invited to turned that damn roll, and. guess what??
So Work Was Work
hate the bees more than ever!! cant wait to find a new slave labor job!!!!
So Wow...
I was just watching the tickers tick by and i saw one that was asking for a blast...and i toyed with the notion i should be an asshole and post that me a blast...what would i offer in return??? hmmm should i become a blast hooker?? oh im not serious so please dont think i am becoming desperate for attention...but that was worth a few giggles.
So Wonderful
So Wow
I feel amazingly awesome today!!! very blessed indeed! I have great friends (both r/l and fu) a wonderful family (both r/l and fu) and the sun is finally shining!!!!   I guess I'm always in a good mood when I know I'm going to the nurseries and greenhouses!!! I WISH I COULD TAKE ALL OF YOU WITH ME!!!   I finally got the correct logo on my shirts and now have quite the selection of "monkey suits" The girl totally came through and credited me my full amount, even stiched some shirts I found at a local store (none of the online wholesalers had my colour)  I pick up a couple of jackets today, I CAN'T WAIT! I have a part time worker already and hope to keep her employed through the growing season.  (I don't know though, I kinna wanna start saving some money) I have 4 new clients and the list seems to be growing :) so....we'll see.   I connected with an old friend on facebook and my aunt....I love words.....and much easier to "hash out" old issues....   Anywa
So Would Archaeologists Call It ‘timberhenge’?
So would archaeologists call it ‘Timberhenge’? Archaeologists Discover Stonehenge’s Timber Twin Stonehenge, that ancient and mysterious circle of giant obelisks on England’s Salisbury Plain, may once have had a nearby wooden “twin,” according to a pioneering new archaeological survey. “The idea of finding something as significant and dramatic as this monument, so close to Stonehenge, is just brilliant,” Henry Chapman, an archaeologist at the University of Birmingham and a member of the team that made the discovery, told AOL News. “It will completely change the way we think about Stonehenge and the surrounding landscape.” The discovery of the timber henge (a term used to describe any British circular ritual site dating from 3,000 to 2,000 B.C.) was made by a multinational team of archaeologists, who started surveying the land around Stonehenge two weeks ago with sensors that provide a high-definition 3-D view of w
So Wrong
So Wrong In So Many Ways
25Looking for x-ray technician training? Ever wonder how many you could take?? Try it yourself :D
So Wrong
I thought I finally found you, the one I could give my whole heart to, how could i have been so wrong, you never loved me at all. You told me exaclty what i wanted to hear i'm stupid and fell for it. i dont know why you chose now to break my heart i would have done anything for you but now its time we part but unfortunatlly i'll always hold you close to my heart
So Wrong Its Not Even Funny...
Guilty Plea in Bird-for-Children Swap VILLE PLATTE, La. (Oct. 14) - A Louisiana couple admitted giving an exotic bird to a woman in exchange for two children, a district attorney said Wednesday.Paul and Brandy Romero, of Eunice, pleaded guilty to two felony counts of sale of a minor child, Evangeline Parish District Attorney Trent Brignac's office said in a statement. Their five-year prison sentences were suspended in exchange for their testimony against the woman accused of handing over the children, Donna Greenwell of Glenmora, the statement said.The Romeros traded their cockatoo and $175 for the children in February. Greenwell is not their mother, but the children were living with her. Prosecutors say she "instigated" the transfer when she responded to the Romeros' advertisement for sale of the bird.Greenwell, who is free on bond, has pleaded not guilty to two felony counts of sale of minor children. Her trial is set for November.Greenwell's lawyer, Steve Sikich, has said previously
So Wtf, ...i Havent Heard The Answer Yet Why Dont They Fly The Flag At Half-mast For Soldiers Too?
Today on CNN i saw a story linbe about a soldier who accidently sent out a l2 page letter about it waws kool for the students of VT{virgina tech} to get honors of having the flag flown at half mast, but everyday soldiers sailors, marines and airmen risk their lifes and lose them and not a stitch of fabric drops for i know as a whole we get veterens day, but now that too has come to be a commerialized like easter,christmas, and halloween.But where is the sincerity gone to actually honor people who deserve it. just makes you think though hmmmm? anyway tell me what you think?! and bless you all!!!!
Sow The Seed - See The Harvest
The story is told of two boys who were walking through a field and found some corn seeds scattered across the ground. They each took one of the seeds home and planted it. When the first boy didn't see a tiny sprout after the second day, he dug up the seed to see if it had sprouted. Each day he dug up the seed and replanted it, but the corn would not grow. The seed had germinated; yet the boy had not allowed it to maintain contact with the soil, take root, and obtain nutrients. So, it died. The second boy planted his seed and left it alone. He imagined a tall stalk of corn where he had planted the seed. He waited patiently as rains came and sunshine bathed the ground with warmth. In ten days, a small sprout had broken through the ground, its curled leaves reaching toward the sky. Achieving any desire, whether large or small, begins with a seed sown in the mind. That seed is the vision of its fulfillment. It also requires the commitment to allow the vision to
So Wtf. was a bit gnarly.... had to put dad in the hospital...and dont know if hes gonna be ok???... thats pretty much it 4 now. rp
so...i'm single now, after 18 years.... wtf I love someone who lives so far away... wtf my house is a mess because i let someone house sit... wtf I think Jared Leto is hot in eyeliner... wtf wtf?
/" target="_blank">Hot Myspace Comments / /" target="_blank">Myspace Graphics
not dead yet!!!!!!!!!!
Red Sox 4 straight!!!!!
Sox Force Game 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Game 6, ALCS, THE SOX facing elimination in a must-win situation, and all hope falls on the shoulders of BOSTON's veteran pitcher, Kurt Schilling. THE SOX trail in the series 3-2, needing a winning performance from Schilling and run support from the rest of the team. But the question on everyone's mind is, "Can Schilling come through while recovering from a recent surgery to repair a tendon in his foot?" Bloddy sock and all, Kurt takes the field and, quite possibly, pitches what can only be described as the best game of his carreer. That was the scene at Yankee Stadium 3 years ago as THE SOX were tryin to come back from a 3-0 deficit in the ALCS against the YANKEES and advance to the world series. And now 3 years later, THE SOX find themselves in the same situation, trailing Cleveland 3-2 in the series. The only differences, no bloddy sock this year, and we're at FENWAY insteadda NY. But the same question still lingers, "Can Schilling repeat his marvelous performance?" And ALL of RE
The Sox Game Smoltz Ample Amount Of Time But No Other Pitcher To Take His Place!!!!
 OKay here we go again Tim wakefield is on the Dl and where is the 5 starter , why didnt the red sox make a trade for a pitcher, makes u kinda think doesnt it, last nites game againt the yankees hurt not only did the sox get killed they socred 6 runs against the yanks for not, i think theo is losing it, where is the ptching with lester beckett and the i mean ineffective brad penny u got the un proven clah buckholz oh okay okay he threw a no hitter but man he has struggled against poor teams. i dont get it they need a pitcher they let him go and got 4 first basemen Red SOx nation says its in theo we trust well for me its not this year they made a mistake giving up on Cliff lee felix hernadez or washburn what a fucking mess in red sox nation
Sox Rant
One of the most perplexing things about the universe in which we live is the vanishing of odd socks. This is not a new thing for me to rant about, I have struggled with this for years and I certainly am not on my own. Everyone I have talked about this to has been confounded by the constant stream of individual socks vanishing from the laundry basket. However, when I used my day off from work in a constructive way by tidying my room and doing all my laundry, I was yet again shocked when it came to pairing up socks; I had a big pile of odd socks that didn't match up and only a handful of matching pairs. I live by myself and I know my socks. I have my seasonal socks....Christmas socks, Halloween socks. I have socks for every occasion. And I have socks to match my slacks. And white socks with pink toes for house walking and sliding through the hallway. I don't share the washing machine loads and there is only enough room for one persons washing at a time. I have noticed that socks can
Sox Sweep Angels....move On To Alcs!!!!!
After a day off to travel, THE SOX entered the LA Angels' ballpark today with heads held high, and keeping a rather laid back mood as they led the ALDS 2 games to 0. 41 year old veteran, Kurt Schiling, took the mound in hopes of keeping the Angels at bay, by shutting down their offense, and allowing the RED SOX sluggers to hammer the runs home. After a scoreless 1st three innings, THE SOX led off with back to back home runs by "Big Papi" and Manny to give our boys from BOSTON a comfortable 2 run lead in the 4th. no score change for next few innings with schiling pitching his way out of a few nail biting situations. In the top of the 7th inning, "Big Papi" and manny once again led off with a hit and a walk respectively, and that set up a rally that drove in 7 more SOX runs, making the score 9-0. 1 run drove in for LA in the 8th inning would prove to fall short of the amount they needed to have any hope of continuing the series. So THE SOX pull away, sweeping the ANGELS and are
Sox Stay Alive!!!!!....bring Series Back To Boston!!
(after leaving boston in a 1-1 tie, and losing the next 2 in cleveland, the sox did what they do best. i apologize in advance for the lack of some stats...i missed a few innings cuz i had to run an errand)..... A warm mid-October night, and there's barely any traffic on the road. With THE SOX in Cleveland hoping to stay alive, it seems all of New England are sitting somewhere, huddled in front of any television they can find as they anxiously await the outcome of Game 5 with THE SOX in a "Do or Die" situation, losing in the series 3-1. A win would bring the series back to BOSTON for Game 6, a loss would mean THE SOX would just come home. But no one is thinking that way!!!! The one thing on everyone's mind is how THE SOX were in this very same situation just 3 years ago when they faced elimination against the YANKEES, being down in that series 3-0, and how they won 4 straight games to eliminate NY and go on to beat St Louis in the WORLD SERIES. Of course they can do it again!!!!
Sox Take Game 1
so october is in full "swing" with the start of the MLB playoffs....The SOX took game 1 in a 4-0 shutout against the LA Angels of Anaheim...beckett pitched a nearly perfect game giving up only a couple hits in the first inning and shutting down the rest of the angels lineup in the remaining innings....if last nite is any indication then the SOX will soon be bringing another WORLD SERIES trophy home soon!!!!...and with Dice-K and Schilling pitching games 2 and 3 we're definitlely in good contention to sweep this first series!!! GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Cuz i love that dirty water.....oooohhhhh BOSTON ur my home!!!!!!!!!!"
Sox Win Game 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well it was a, "nail biting", "on the edge of your seat" nite for baseball in october With the NL teams having a travel day and not playing, both ALDS games were aired last nite. The Yankees once again fell short and failed to win a game. Thanks mostly to an extra innings base hit to drive in the winning run for Cleveland. And in much the same fashion, THE SOX battled the ANGELS in a game where they had the lead early but gave it up, and manged to tie the game. It stayed tied until the bottom of the 9th inning when, much in the same fasion as the yankees loss, MANNY RAMIREZ hit a 3 run home run to win the game for THE SOX!!!!!!! And so if things continue this way it looks like THE SOX will be meeting the TRIBE in the ALCS...the two best records in MLB this season...should make for an interesting series :D
Sox Win 10-3!!!!!!!!!!
Let's set the scene..... Boston, mid October, a brisk 48 degrees, winds gusting upto 20mph. Once again the crowds mass, huddled close in the stands to help keep warm. As the seats in historic Fenway Park are full at the start of the 1st game in the American League Championship Series against the Cleveland Indians, fans look on at what has become quite a common thing in the last few years. The Red Sox are in the playoffs again and "The Hub" is alive, bustling with cheers as THE BEST FANS IN BASEBALL prepare for another amazing spectacle. Tensions were high as the question on everyone's mind was, "Can the Sox bats produce against one of Cleveland's top 2 pitchers with 19 wins this season"? And, "Could sensation Josh Beckett stay consistent and come up with another great game"? Both were answered quite early in tonight's 10-3 victory. Beckett gave up a solo home run in the 1st inning and Cleveland had an early lead. But he would then strike out the rest of the side to hold Clevel
So Yahoo Is Gay....
yeah, its really gay, look at this chat message, if you dont know what a "crew" is you'll soon find out, and no, I dont have a son, nor am I gay, nor do I have a "crew" lol hsiena1: asl? hsiena1: you got a crew/possee? butteredballss: yeah hsiena1: how many boyz? butteredballss: 4 butteredballss: 1 black, 1 hispanic, 2 white hsiena1: ages? butteredballss: uh, 42 black, 18 hispanic, 40 white, and 12 white hsiena1: you guyz all in shape? butteredballss: yep hsiena1: gangstas thugz? butteredballss: no hsiena1: what kinda guyz? butteredballss: just normal, big guys, cept my son hsiena1: would you guyz gangrape me? butteredballss: pic? hsiena1: you know i'm a guy/right? butteredballss: yes hsiena1: sent You have received 1 photo from hsiena1. 23_20A.JPG Open (Alt+Shift+O) hsiena1: you there? hsiena1: i'll pay you guyz butteredballss: sorry, your too fat hsiena1: 500 each? butteredballss: nah, we dont take payment, thats prostittion, we may be gang
So Ya Alllllllll Know
Well my cherry tap lovers.....told some of ya i wld b on today and i am for a lil bit then i am off but will b back a lil laterzzz....has me an appointment will catch all ya sweeties a lil later....muahzzzz till then keep sweet cherries *wink*
So Yall...
Look at my blogs...which I understand is utter nonsense most of the time. But thats it you just LOOK. You dont comment me and that makes bunny cry. Are they that BAD? :( If i have your attention...Are you my fan..cuz if your not should be..heres why! TOP 10 REASONS YOU SHOULD BE MY FAN 1. I am kinda Cute 2. I am smart 3. I make cool things and you may get one... 4. My blog kicks ass..well maybe not but hey... 5. Did i mention Im kinda cute? 6. I dont show naked pics...REPSECT it 7. Ill hax0r j00 8. I will fan you back 9. I have cool friends 10. I am kinda cute I post cute pics of bunnehs And I have flying monkeys... That is all!
So Ya Wanna Know How To Snag A Track From Stashes (or Video) And Can't Figure Out How To Embed? (feel Free To Snag This Guide!)
How do I add video from someones stash to my page? original html embed codes contributed by: Saint Jimmy (myspace) Reverbed and retweaked for CherryTap By Pixikiss umm all the ** should be brackets on the original embed codes btw :P lol The first thing you must do is determine what kind of player you need.If the file ends in .wmv, .mpg, .asx, or .avi then you should use the Windows Media Player code.If your file ends in .qt or .mov you should use Quick Time to play the file. If your file ends in .rpm, .ram, or .rp you will need to use Real Play to play your video.Please note that these files MUST already be on the internet. You CANNOT host these files from your own computer. Windows Media Player *embed src="URL Goes Here" type="application/x-mplayer2" width="320" height="302" showstatusbar="1" autosize="true" displaysize="0" pluginspage=" Products/MediaPlayer/">*/embed* Change the area marked "url" to
So Ya Think That Its Over, That Ur Love Has Finally Reached The End....
So Ya
well my birthday is in 2 days yippie i will be 19. so ya i dunno what im gonna do that day. i wanna go clubbing, get a tattoo maybe a piercing... ahhhhhhhh i dunno..well ttyl bye
So Ya.....
well things have been going great i guess... it kind of intriges me that i have a crush and it doesnt say.. grrrrrrr that will bug the fuck out of me.. being 19 i guess feels good but then its just a year older sooo ya... but ya.. thats all for now.
So Ya Know It All ..
So you think you know everything .... The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for Blood plasma. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven (7) times. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty (50) years of age or older. The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum. The King of Hearts is the only king WITHOUT A MOUSTACHE American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one (1) olive from each salad served in first-class. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. (Since Venus is normally associated with women, what does this tell you!) Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. Most dust particles in your house are made from DEAD SKIN! The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer. So did the first "Marlboro Ma
Soy And Flaxseed Chips...
are actually really really tasty. i love them. you can get them at trader joe's. trader joe's rocks. :D carry on.
So Ya Know
If I rated your picture, That doesnt mean I want to be your friend. Sorry. I click the I'm Bored link up at the top of the screen. Rate peoples pictures for points and to pass time. I rate everyone a ten.... Men Im not interested.... and I dont even want you to think about it! If your over 5 yrs older then me your TOOOO OLD for me! EWWW Im married and I don't want you! I am bisexual... but that doesnt mean that Im hitting on all the ladies either. Im picky and sometimes shallow. Hey atleast I can admit it. So.... Just keep that in mind if you see me rating your photo.... It's probably nothing. But if you really wanna know just ask.
So Y'all Know...
I live by my own rules----so you know what I am talking about...when I say I mean CT---Lostcherry----Fubar---- :)
So Ya'll Can See, (happy Day)!
So Ya Think Your Smart? I Go 18 - Woohoo
The average person only gets 7 correct. This is based on U.S. info, so use all lobes of your brain. This can be more difficult than it looks - it just shows how little most of us really see! There are 25 questions about things we see every day or have known about all our lives. How many can you get right? These little simple questions are harder than you think-- it just shows you how little we pay attention to the commonplace things of life. Put your thinking caps on. No cheating! No looking around! No getting out of your chair! No using anything on or in your desk or computer! Can you beat 23?? (The average is 7) Write down your answers as you go. Check answers (on the bottom), AFTER completing all the questions. REMEMBER - NO CHEATING!!! BE HONEST!!! That means no looking at your phone or anything on your desk... Then, before you pass this on to your friends, change the number on the subject line to show how many you got correct. Forward to your friends an
So Ya`ll Know
I will be startin`with all my family memebers on here...I`ll be ratin all their pictures then I will do their Stashes. Please return the favour, Thanx!
So Ya Think Everyones Fake Here?
Last night I was sitting here hadn't felt well all day. A friend pops up ins my shout box "Hi How Are You"? Not feeling well I said.He asked what was wrong so I told him I'm dizzy,sweating feeling basically drunk and I don't drink! So I check my blood sugar it's at 35 my Dad couldn't here me calling for him, he asked to know where I lived and the address. To make a long story short he's an EMT and he called the 911 service here shortly there after the ambulance shows up knocking and woke Dad,my blood sugar hadn't come up but to 55 they said I'd have gone into a low blood sugar Coma had he not called!!!!!!!!!!! I owe my life to DOC the best EMT that lives one that TRULY cares for his friends and last night me as a patient!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU DOC!!!!!!!!! Thanks will never be enough but I'll never forget that YOU HONESTLY CARED!!!! It may be your job, But your an amazing friend!!!!!!!!
So Ya...happy New Year!
you know what? I've been a whiney ass bitch this last couple of months.... damn holidays!!! anyway, fuck it. life is life. I've made so many wonderful changes this past last year and have been truly blessed over and over. *smile* and you have been part of it all... thank you to those that have cared or not ♥ Postal
So Ya Wanna Know "me"?
I am a very laid back person. I need my alone time. I do not like crowds or walking in to room of strangers. I do however, enjoy concerts, the vibe is different and the common ground that pulls strangers together. I like classic hard rock and metal. I don't like any sports. I rear Monarch butterflies for release. (See photo albums) Did you know over 95% die in nature? I like to create things, any thing.... I have worked with polymer clay for over 12 years. I have a vintage halloween obsession and love to create folk art to display or sell on eBay. I also make jewlery that includes turning roses into beads for memorial bracelets for keepsakes.. I like to bake. I also can or preserve things from the garden, yanno, like gramma did? I like to grow my own fresh tomatoes and vegetables. I am a pack rat. I collect vintage colored glass. (imperial, depression, fostoria) I like the 50's eames era and the pin up look. My bathroom is retro pink and black, with black and white small ti
So Ya...haven't Blogged In A Grip
How's it shakin' everyone?   Thought I'd say "hello" and blog a bit... Most my good friends have joined and stayed on facebook, I'm tempted to join...but, my father is on there and well, I like my privacy. So, I probably won't...those of you are that over there more and more add me to yahoo or something, I miss you guys. Thanksgiving went well...I cooked my first turkey EVER and it turned out yummy.  Our new paint job looks great and my house is still very very clean *grinz* My brother and niece showed up, that was cool...and my in laws..good to see them and their kids... I can't help missing my mom though, I really wish she was here..sober. At least she's no longer in pain and I'm sure she has a smile on her pretty little face. I hope everyone had a happy holiday.   ♥ Postal
So Ya...
I really wasn't here last night as I just signed up for this crazy site. Hey everyone how are ya?   How many metalheads are thrashin over here?
While going through his wife's dresser drawers, a farmer discovered three soybeans and an envelope containing $30 in cash. The farmer confronted his wife, and when asked about the curious items, she confessed: "Over the years, I haven't been completely faithful to you." "When I did fool around, I put a soybean in the drawer to remind myself of my indiscretion," she explained. The farmer admitted that he had not always been faithful either, and therefore, was inclined to forgive and forget a few moments of weakness in his wife. "I'm curious though," he said, "Where did the thirty dollars come from?" "Oh that, " his wife replied, "Well, when soybeans hit ten dollars a bushel, I sold out!"
Soybean Are Going To Steer Obvious Undesired Hair Bifurcate Stress Fracture
  Soybean are going to steer obvious undesired hair bifurcate stress fracture,ghd australia just isn't going discover this tool, over here on the internet an in depth launchingMost of the middle-aged man is specially overtimorous with regards to being layed off from undesired hair. "Bald" uncomfortable, a lot has been this particular "local back middle self". In fact , your life realignment, enables avoid nicely put off this is what headache. In addition , when it comes to their life, inside take consume less food spicy household goods, burning ukase, to capability of consideration furthermore communicate business furthermore vast majority, many of these performs are going to defer some time with regards to about hair loss. Fantastic climb undesired hair nutrients household goodsYour hair deparately needed for considerable nutritious workings, is very much originated from saving money ingredients, potatoes, legumes furthermore seaweed along with others. Vegetables: gree
Soy Candle Business.....
Ok all if you might be looking for a way to earn some extra money and go green at the same time I got the home business for you. It's all about candles " soy " candles which burn cleaner, longer,and have a better scent throw then paraffin candles. I also forgot they support the american farmer not the foreign oil industry. WHICH HEY DON'T THEY GET PLENTY OF MONEY FROM THE GAS PRICES.... If you would like some more information on this business check out if after checking it out and you still need more information fill out the contact me section and I will give you a call and answer any questions you might have. You can join for free to see if this might be something you want to do or you can buy a kit but if you do that you need my membership number which is " 60629 ". I hope that if you ever thought about changing your life you give this a look, I did and now my wife and I are making an extra $2,000 a month for the time being just from candles.
Soy Diferente
So Yeah
I just realized you can do a blog on here. HAHAHA Duh me. Well I have been sick as a dog with severe bacterial strep throat.. nasty shit.. couldnt talk my whole boday ached.. BLAH! BUt now i am feeling alittle better still very soar and hurt to talk but i can though..SO THERE! ok thats enough for now.. toodles
So Yeah..
had a friend tell me to come here since I apparently require some ass well, I'm here. bring on the hotties
So Yeah...
today was boring. My co has one customer yay me. I am excited about going to Wa to see KMFDM.That should be excting plus I bought some new pants on ebay and I am happy about getting those. There neon green. YAY for cheap cyber shit.
So Yeas ....
I am officially single. it was a tough weekend...apparently he didn't understand me the first time, so I had to do it all over again the very next night. Needless to say, it was soooo not the highlight of my weekend. However I do have speakers for my lap top now so I can actually hear things. Not that it matters cause my room mate always has her music playing out loud as she hates mine...grr. But yea...I made cookies too...cookies make everything better. Including having to pay hundreds out of pocket to pay for my speeding ticket...*pout* However I did have a new friend take me out for ice cream and then a movie...and then he kissed me...O_o...but it was nice, so I'm not complaining. He apologized later and promised to wait until I was yea ;) Anyway, I love you all *muah* ~Stina
So Yeah...
I'm just going to spill some stuff from my 360 blogs into here right now...if it doesnt make much sense, dont worry about it. You probably dont need to know. This is from various days, but most of it describes life as I know it right now. Frusteration and love. Yep. Fall Leadership Conf was yesterday. It was a lot of fun! We went to teh City and I met some new people and stuffs. The workshop me and Jennifer went to was led by a gay guy though. Not cool! Andrea and I are doing the sticky-sweet kill-her-with-kindness thing...I'm about to snap and go crazy on her. I cant stand her anymore! And mommy dearest...yes. My mother. I went home and I was ticked off because I had to hold in all the nasty things I wanted to say all day. Instead of going to the living room, I went and dumped my stuff in my room and tried to raid the empty fridge. When I went to the living room, they (sis and mom) were playing tetris. I was about to turn around when mom asked how my day was. I told her that she be
So Yea..
i don't know what to do...... im looking to get another piercing, but where?!?! i already have my nose, tongue, industrial, and 3 studs in each ear.. where else should i get one??? help me out... a new friend of mine told me to go for the nipples, and take him with me! ;) lol i just may.. but i want opinions on what to get done!!! thanx much.. lotts of love to my special people
So Yea I Write
I thought for those of u who I just met, or those who r just curious, I would like to share some of my writings with u all. Enjoy! "Sorrow" (Self Titled) Through the darkness lies a tortured soul Beaten, tattered , and nowhere to go Tired, waiting, wanting to die Just try and look through her malevolent eyes To see the manifesting pain that underlies She is tired of faking smiles just to get by And wants to rid the feeling of loneliness deep down inside As she cries She digs her own hole Through the snowy ground Six feet below Pull the trigger And let it all go No more Sorrow left to hold "A Tragedy" Underlying fears Questions with answers gone wrong A life defiled by torment Always longing to belong Hatred in love Disgusted by life Drowning in this tragedy of mine Gasp for air And hope to not be left behind Drunken comas of sadness Razorblades of wishes Lock and hide the key to the door Let no one through Deeply dream of the one I a
So Yea No...
So its 2:54 amwhere im at and im bored and tired so i decided to be a blogger and post cuz i dont do this very much sorry but im not much of a typer just when im talking to friends... So yea have a good day i guess Peace
So Yea No...
So its 2:54 amwhere im at and im bored and tired so i decided to be a blogger and post cuz i dont do this very much sorry but im not much of a typer just when im talking to friends... So yea have a good day i guess Peace
So Yeah...
well i got to hold a bird this weekend. My bro Greg's mom got a couple of cockateeles ( misspelled i know) and anyhow they attacked me and i got to hold never touched a bird b4. it was kinda cool. but if i get bird flu and die im sooo coming back and haunting his ass.
So Yeah
Im thinking about deleting my cherrytap account.maybe look for me on myspace if you have my first profile address.
So...yesterday Sucked..
If you have read my other blogs [bruises of many etc:] then you would know about my relationship with my mother [or lack there of] She's always dont things to tear me down and I have always forgiven her.. in june [haven't talked to her since]..I had my last straw..I am over being there to sacrafice my pain [caused by her]so that she can feel better about herself....or atleast thats what I keep telling myself. Yesterday was her birthday, and maybe some of you would just think "fuck her" ..but she is the one person in my life that I have let screw me over more then I can count and still have a peice of my heart left for her. As I was finishing up the last bit of christmas shopping I found myself looking at things that I would have gotten her for christmas and her birthday.. and it only made me think of the loss I felt. later yesterday I was listening to punch much and heard the Christina song "hurt" ..and being the emotional type person I am I let a few tears fall from my eyes because
So Yea...
I'm bored. the end.
So Yea
i never really know what to write in these things i normally write my songs n shiz but uhyea LoL they kinda suck haha. uhm, i dunno :/ i should sleep soon though i'm burnt out from getting up early today after only 6 hours sleep :/ meh my own damn fault then again i worked til 10, home by 1030-ish, out for a walk with jbutt ((her rapper name)) then uh, read a chapter of fight club then passed the fuck out, was havin a fairly decent rest til i had to get up though :/ i'm not a morning person :/ seriously, anyone who knows me knows that anytime before 1130/12 is a bad time for me to even be remotely conscious LoL. hm i have the next couple days off wtf am i gonna do?!? O_o well tomorrow dianna and alexi are comin out :/ what to do on tuesday!?! all i can think of is gettin high in my backyard LoL i'm off on the 16th which is good that's matthew's birthday and dianna and i both agreed to make him a cake that day, which is do-able i suppose, LoL, i don't mind baking, thinking of birt
So Yeah Umm..
I need some friends on here.Im new at this..I have very little friends..Im a very talkative person..Im outgoing..But i still need some friends..So if you can please send a friend request and ill add you!
So Yeah
i got my tongue pierced, its finally after a week, doesnt hurt lol,now only 2 weeks til i can change it to a smaller size, so i can go back to eating like a normal girl, the joys of life
So Yesterday
Yesterday was my birthday..... Don't go rushing to tell me happy Birthday if you didn't already... because I'll tell you it will be meaningless.... Anyway.. the whole fuggin day was uneventful... Slept like shit the night before.. Was up extreemly early.. on my own accord... And really can't think of why... Spent the morning with 3 certain someone's who mean a lot to me... So I suppose that was the best part... Saying goodbye is always hard... but the 3 1/2 hrs alone afterwards will get you over almost all things... I had had plans of going out.. having fun... blah blah blah.... but the time I got home, I was exhausted and opted to sleep... Wrecked my truck.... Not bad... but fucked it up a bit... Yes... if you are concerned.. I'm alright... just a little pissy... Its a shallow mother fucker that does a hit and run... So... it didn't matter too much that I canceled out on "friends" on friday night, none of them really wanted to go out anyway.... So cool b
So Yeah How About That Sake
so yeah man me aunt bought me sake from japan i drank the bottle as it was juice dont do that its not smart i was fucked drunk you think sake is all week its got floral taste watch ya wake up still reeling fro, the night before well yeah just a warning
So Yeah!!
about 2 days ago i was talking to this gorgeous girl, ( i don't name names ), and i found out that she liked me, i was completely shocked because she knew i liked her and yeah i am gonna move up there to her she is so fine!!!!! i give her a 10, a fucking 10!!!
So, Yeah, Prepare To Change Your Draws
So I was walkin down the street and ran into two beautiful ladies, Camille and Cherry. We sat there and just were stunned at...Aw fuck it. Let's get to the good part! They both worked at a strip club and we fucked on the dance floor. Why did I create this? Because, I'm bored and I don't give a fuck... Thank you for your time Realest
So Yeah
- Get Your Own
So Yeah.
Who wants to send me beer money? 20$ and I'm yours.
So Yeah
Its Sunday. Pretty Boring here. I bought 2 pork tenderloins I am gonna cook later. Exciting life i lead! Anyhow this goes out to all the liars... you know how you are.
So Yeah Okay.
So Yeah.
I'm scared right now and Nati is my security blanket and i WILL not let her get off the phone. =)
So Yeah....
Ok so this week has been pretty sooner do i get a weeks vacation, do i get told my grandfather's brother has passed away. And im not mad at all that i have spent my vacation driving my grandparents back and forth from the hospital. It just kinda bites i was looking forward to relaxing and sleeping in and taking it easy. So tomorrow is the funeral home and friday is the actually i appologize a head of time if im not on much the next couple days. In a way im glad he has passed. No more suffering for him. And i know he is in a better place now. It just sucks that he had to spend he's last few weeks on earth in a hospital, tied to the bed under 24hr watch. No one should have to go through that. He is and will forever be terribely missed. He was like a second Nonno (grandfather). Ti Amo e sarai mancanto tanto Patino R.I.P
So Yeah
I've been waiting to leave my sister's house now for a couple weeks. I don't want to have to take a bus if I don't have to but it looks like I will have to because I don't want to be here any more..... grrrrr And no one wants to come get me :(
So Yeah....uh Huh
this place is awesome... such a small world.... it's funny how things happen... sittin here and you see someone scroll say hi...and it turns out they either know you...or the area you are from...or whatever...its just funny how things happen..:)
So Yesterday...........
I had 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled out of my mouth. And for the record I don't know why people say that it hurts, cause it doesn't. It's just when the novacaine wore off that it started to bother a little but yeah other than that it didn't hurt. And i want to smoke soooooooooooooooooooooo bad. 2:40 pm will be 24 hours, i WILL be lighting up then.
So Yeah.
Being single sucks. I'm gonna try to get out there and see what happens. No real hopes, but I'm gonna try. Wish me luck
So Yea...
ok i really don't know why, but i've been in the writing mood lately so please dont judge to harshly om my works. i write what i feel and thats that.
So Yeah....
I've been struggling with firbromyalgia for well over a year now, actually longer, but with actually knowing what it is has been a little over a year. And its been a royal pain in the behind. First was the mess with even getting the damn doctor to acknowledge that it WAS indeed fibro..... 2nd was going through all the problems of finding meds that helped. During all this I was missing work because of the pain & fatigue it was causing me, and most the time it wasn't through sickleave... which meant that when I did miss I wasn't getting paid for it. So on top of struggling with all the getting treatment for the problem.....I have to deal with struggling with paying bills. I get a call today from one of my bill places.. and he says well looking back you've had a bad year. I said YES I HAVE. I've been dealing with medical problems.. he proceeds to ask me where I work. And when I tell him he is like :O and you can't pay this bill? I said I JUST told you why and that I'm working on it.
So And Shit
i just put up a playlist...totally filled to the brim with ROCK! (haha, no pun intended) and its some good shit. so any of yous wonderin who the piss the queers or screeching weasel are...check it out...also a good tuneage from my lovely ladies of Detroit, the gore gore girls...some old rockabilly...hmmmmmmmm...some rarer sex pistols with sid and steve jones singin....good shit all around so take a gander.
So Yeah....
I had this guy friend...he was really great for whatever reason he just decided that he didn't want to be my friend anymore..... So now I can't even keep a boy friend let alone get a boyfriend.
So Yeah Today Is Nothing
so woke up today and realized that this is a boreing meaningless existance im living right now and something needs to change quick and it needs to be something new and exciting or at least not the same old shit that seems to encompass every other aspect of my life right now so whos down to give me what i need to get this ball rolling or at least a temporary break from the mundane??
So Yeah
I am not used to this damn fubar shit..It will take me awhile, but i think i can do it. It would'nt be so bad if I had a mouse that worked right and wouldnt make me for now you have to deal with my slowness with fubar..more blogs to come...
So Yeah...a Horrible Week
So Yeah this has been such a horrible week for me. Started of with work being crappy because of people calling in sick and being on vacation....and of course I am the only one who picks up the slack....and putting my work on the back burner....Then Today on my way to work....I get pulled over and Get a DAMN TICKET. Damn it all....then I lost my time card, forgot my lunch and didnt bring my purse in from the car....then because it is Auction day I have to park 3 miles away so there is no hope for me today on getting ANYTHING from my car.........DAMN IT ALL...oh and the fact taht I messed up my knee and cant walk is not making things any better. Oh well There is always someone worse off right? UGH
So Yeah...
So as of lately things have kinda been up and down around me. I am getting ready to go back to work full time, yet I am not ready for the summer to be over with. There are so many things I wanted to do that I just wasnt able to. A few different people have come and gone from my life. Of course, I thought they were great. Why else would I even bring them up otherwise. One was someone I had been talking to for about the last 6 months. The plan was that he was coming out to WI for EAA (a big airplane fly in with planes and pilots from around the world). Well the couple weeks leading up to that all of a sudden he completely stopped talking to me. Phone calls went unreturned, yada yada yada. Well right before he was supposed to be here I finally got together with who I thought was this absolutely amazing man. He made me laugh, could make me smile when I was sad, and brought a smile to my face just by talking to me, hugging me or kissing me. Well that was great for a few weeks until we start
So Yeah!
What's everyone doing this weekend? Tomorrow I go party it up with Chris for her bday...and the movies. Sunday I just found out me and my sisters may be getting together with the kids so that'll be fun. And I still can't get over my brother's little boy voice on this moi tai thing. I can't WAIT to tell Ma! LOL! Oh and I won't be on til Tuesday!
So. Yeah.
Sup? what's everyone doing? :)
So. Yeah.
For some reason I noticed that most people don't seem to be getting my alerts. anyway i posted two new pics. one in default. one in just meh. Go see. :D
So Yeah Im Here
Have an online friend that recommended I sign up here and maybe meet some new and cool people. Seemed interesting enough and so far it seems like some really awesome folks!
So Yea...
I'm still trying to figure out this point system. I'm super bored as well. So people should comment and rate me and whatnot. So I have fun stuff to read.
So Yeah.
I'll be leaving soon, won't be back on til Monday. So everyone have a fantabulous weekend!
So Yeah That Weekend Sucked
Went the wake friday night and then to the funeral sat. It was... well it was a funeral. Depressing, and not in the good I'm dark way. Wife was taking it well though, and it looks like everyone is doing well. So yeah. Got this weekend to look forward to though, gonna have a blast hopefully! Gotta move to the other blog for details on that one though.....
So Yeah.
i almost beat the holy hell out of some racist old bitch just now.
So Yeah Its My Birthday
I am 25 today. Yes its the 25th of October. I live with my roommate in a fabulous appartment, but sadly i have to work tonight, and tomarrow and the next night as well. No time to celebrate i suppose. Oh well, there is always next year.
So Yeah Wonderful Dad
told me to fucking kill myself today....
So Yeah...
well this might get a lil long and rambling cause i have alot going i was datin this guy...hes on my family list...back in febuary...then i moved to oklahoma...and he went overseas and we kinda split up..and it was hard for me then...i went out started to drink.....alot go out with someone i had met in shall not be mentioned to fill this void...he was a total doosh.. well the person and i decided to try again...just after halloween....and well its been rough i mean i love the boy todeath and i would be so heart broken if we ever split up agian i couldnt do it to be honest.but its hard he lives in flordia and i live in oklahoma and im struggling day by day to deal with the distance..i mena i know he loves me to...but when i drove to see him in louisanna thats where it got even harder...i dont know what it is yet or why but feel that its going to end up back as us as friends and its harder than ever for me to accpt cause i dont want to give him up..i fought li
So. Yeah.
went to my nephew's first birthday party saturday which was fun having all those kids in the same place. and since i rule as Titi I got him a shirt that says, "im with the band." my one sister laughed while his mother looked at me and said, "Figures." LOL and of course tomorrow is Pa & Jamie's birthdays.
So Yeah.
my library session ends in 6 minutes but i'll be back on later at a different location. lol. anywho, when i come back i'll blog something funny
So Yeah...
I was at work, the place of the automatically flushing toilets. I've battled with those toilets for some time now. I get so used to going at work and having it flush blithely behind me that when I'm at home or anywhere else and I get up from the toilet, I curse all other toilets for not flushing as I glance behind me. So, I continue my story. I was at work taking a leak, as massive quantities of coffee will make you do, and some woman came into the bathroom and shoves at my locked stall door. If you learn to look, you can easily see when a stall is occupied, but evidently not everyone knows this trick. The jarring of the door set off some premature flushing action. The icy water on my nether regions was...refreshing to say the least. Now I know that if I take a dislike to someone at work and she happens to be female, I can use this knowledge to my advantage. Through my misfortune, I have learned something which I can do to someone else. If it happens to be a man, I have
So, Yeah.
I just had a pretty wonderful blog written about me. I guess sometimes people feel the need to only present the facts that benefit themselves.. and then have a good portion of those facts be heavily exaggerated. I've never been one to advertise all the negative things that happen in my life.. and I'm not going to start now. Even when I've mentioned things in the past, I never named names and put the spotlight directly on someone. My problems, even when I occasionally vent them in the form of some vague literary piece of blogwork, are still my problems. If you're here looking for my side of the story, you're probably not going to get it. I don't owe you an explanation, I don't need your approval for the things I do and don't do in my life, and I definitely don't need you to feel sorry for me. I am better than that.. and I am most certainly better than him.
So Yeah...gothic Mood
I feel like i'm going through a phase or a change...not really sure....I don't know if its my bipolar (that is being unmedicated) or What!? Just been wearing the dark clothes and makeup and feeling really HAPPY about it..its not like i'm thrilled that I have been dressing in Goth here lately... I'm happy because i'm expressing myself the way i want to be expressed and I feel like noone can hold me back from that..... I am making plans to get my tongue pierced just as soon as I get my car back and I take a ride to a friend in sumter cuz she is wanting to get her snake bites done..... I wanted my tongue done a long time ago...when i was like 18 but i had braces and well..that is just too much metal at once..ya know? :D
So Yea...
I'm on bed rest for the forseeable future. On one hand laying around with my feet up sounds beautiful (yayyy being waiting on hand and foot!) But on the other hand, laying around all day for what could be up to 5 weeks (doubt it will be longer) being waited on hand and foot really doesn't do it for me. Tonight mom moved some furniture around and brought down my futon mattress. I'm a lazy person- I admit that... but damnit I don't like sitting there just watching her do all this work. And as much as I bitch about work I'm really not happy with the thought that I'm out of work for however long. Sigh. On the upside- being stuck at home I have nothing that I need to spend money on besides car payment, insurances and cell phone. That's an upside. Ah bleh.
So Yeah
Well Friends, I won't be on much anymore, Life changes and things happen. I'll Be checking My stuff when I can so Don't forget about Me. I ♥ all my friends especially the People I talk to all the time Thanks for being such great friends. Really don't forget about me k? lol I'll be In and Out when I can ♥ Luvs you guys :D
So Yeah
no hot water again for while yesterday. i'm getting sick of that. of course it makes me wonder, how many times can you reset the hot water thingie before something bad happens?
So Yeah!
Me and Christina got back a few hours ago from a concert. We FINALLY got to see Atreyu after a year and it was pretty phenomenal. So we're sitting awake right now doing nothing. lol.
So Yeah...deuces..
Ok, so unless I actually talk to're gettin deleted. Not that any of you actually give a rats ass but that's just me.
So Yeah I Haven't Been On Here In Forever!
I'm going to have a baby girl monday at 4 am if not sooner..gonna name her Rayna Lotus..I'm not with her father anymore..left him back in July. umm I'm jobless again..yeah I think that about covers all the shit goin on with me for right now. I'll update later with new baby pics and info. Leave me some love!
So Yeah, I'm Single Again
I couldn't do it anymore. Waiting and waiting and waiting for Jimmie. I hate long distance relationships. It hurts too much. So no more looking for men online, or if they are, they HAVE to be local. they have to be STRONG, patient, LOCAL, oh I said that, non judgemental. I'm trying to get back in the dating scene to see whats out there. So far no luck. All I keep meeting are local creeps.. either married still, or involved in 'it's complicated' relationships. Anyways. This saturday is Ericas bachellorette party! WOOHOO!! I cant wait. And this time next saturday, SHE WILL BE MARRIED! My best friend is going to be married to her soul mate. I can only hope that I will find mine. And I will be enough for him. One day. If you slip away in darkness - do you fall? And if God created love - did he create it for everyone? If there is solitude and hope - can you still dream? If the devil makes you cry - do you change? In my own shame - when heavens not far away
So Yeah
So tomorrow is my birthday. Yaya. It'll be a huge CubbyWhore day, watch out. :P And why yes, thanks for noticing i'm old. I thought i should give you some hints at what i want for my birthday. Just small stuff. Get it for me if you can... 1) World Peace 2) 8 more years of Bush. We all know the President doesn't really do anything anyways, and come on. He was funny to listen too. 3) 17 FuPonies. Not just one. I want the most on Fubar 4) Florida to have a blizzard. I'm sick of Neppi telling me how nice it is down there. If you know Mr Snow Miser please tell him i need snow. 5) A person who can actually cut my hair, where it doesn't look stupid for 3 days after. How hard is it to make me look good? 6) 38 Bling packs. Just cause i'm a whore. 7) To be Red for a day. Hell i'll even show my boobs to be a legend. :P 8) Scrapper and BabyJ to finally fan me. I'm probably the most famous person on this site, how can they not fan me? Go tell them to fan me tomorrow mmm
So... Yeah...
I intend to post very randomly, meaning, it's here and there... meaning.. it won't be all the time, meaning.... I don't know what the fuck I'm meaning! I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now... however; I'm not... so.. here I am... I've been away for... a "spell"... *grins*... look at all I've missed out on.... (psst... if I say "fuck" in this.. does it make it nsfw? cuz...) FUCK! :0p Indi, Brazie.. I miss you girls! *kisses*
I totally have a list of things I want to get done, and total motivation to get them done. But at the same time...I'm dragging. I dunno why. Today was sooo bleh, spent time dealing with lawyers and all that stuff. When a project goes bad, it isn't fun. I also had to move stuff today, somehow no matter what job I end up doing, I have to do manual labor at some point. Don't people realize that I'm not built for muscle?! I may have pulled something, my colleague was trying to lift an extremely heavy filing cabinet onto a trailer by stepping up onto it, he tripped and fell. And dropped the cabinet to catch himself instinctively, the problem is the very heavy cabinet was right over his legs, so I instinctively jumped forward and caught it as it was falling on him. Just to give you reference, my friend is about 6 inches taller than me, about 100 pounds heavier, and much stronger (hence why he was carrying the cabinet) and was struggling with this thing. It really hurt to catch, but my ar
So Yeah This Is Whats Going On
ok i havent been around alot lately.... it's hard for me to get time on the computer with my work schedule... i dont have my own internet so have to use my roomates computer and can only get on it when they are not home.... sooo since i havent been able to hang out with my internet folk i started hanging out with real live people!!!! OMG!!! and i started dating this super great sweet awsome guy and uh yeah....   I'M ENGAGED!!!!!! WO0T!!!! some of you already know from my status a little while back but i figure since ya'll send me messages wanting to know why i havent been around i will write this to tell everyone... :-D don't have a secure date set yet but will be probably spring 2012.  i know i know its like 3 years from now but he wants to do it right and i figure i've never done it right before and they ended in divorce so why not try it right this time so we are both finishing school first and he's buying the house and saving for a real wedding with a real dress and reception and
So Yeah....
So I'm the girl that no one thought would ever get married again... Even myself, the idea of it actually makes my skin crawl at times.  It's a piece of paper, nothing esle. If the love, and trust are there why is the whole wedding needed?  I found it pointless for the last few years.  But I can't keep putting Dave and his wishes off.  So in a very short 23 days I'll be taking the plunge again and going forward with him, mainly for him and our children.  don't get me wrong I LOVE living in SIN, it's just sometimes one must make a sacrifice for the ones they love, and for me a wedding and marriage is the biggest one I can personally take.  My thoughts used to be 'been there done that' I don't need it ever again.  But I guess somewhere I evolved and put 4 other people ahead of myself.  So wish me luck in not becoming a bridezilla.
So Yeah...
I'm really starting to hate this place...Some people will use every opportunity to start drama where there is none...Seriously, I don't get it...I'm extremely close to closing up shop and moving on. I can't even have any fun around here anymore..Over it!
So Yeah, This Place Is Great
Last night, two whack-job fundamentalist Islamist militants got whacked by another group of whack-job fundamentalist Islamist militants, because of their slightly different interpretation of whack-job fundamentalism.  In the process, they blew up the hospital down the street from me, and 5 other innocent people who were just going for medical treatment and to visit family. Ladies and gentlemen...The Religion of Peace!!!  Happy fucking Ramadan...pulled pork and beers for everyone! 
So..yeah..kinda Freaked Out
What I thought was a kntted muscle in my riht shoulder grew into an excruciatingly painful lump that is actually visible...went to the doc...they did an xray followed by an MRI and hoped it was a fluid filled yst it isnt...they biopsied it this morning...they say that soft tissue sarcoma is not uncommon with the meds I am on...ironic they give me meds to fight my disease that may conceivably have given me a worse I was not so freaked right now I would LOL     anyways that eplains my mood today and the last few days
So Yeah
Wow so its been some time since I last posted a blog, so here it goes So my birthday just pasted and I turned 25 this year, I didn’t do much in they way of having a party like I did last year, but then I did just started working again and I was beat! But hey I’m working!  I’m engaged to the greatest guy ever! He makes me so happy!! I look forward to starting out life together, we recently set down and pick a date for the wedding it’s going to be March 20, 2010. I am so happy to have him in my life. I do not know were I would be with out him. I love you Michael you are my best friend, my soul mate, you filled in the missing pieces to my heart.I have a new niece she is 5 months old and just the sweetest lil girl ever! Her name is Arianna, and I love her so much, she just starting to eat rice cereal, and she is trying like there is no tomorrow to crawl, omg is it so cutie she kinda rolls instead. But it wont be long till she is crawling then wow its going to walkin
So Yeah, I'm Strange...
I think I might have come across the most wonderful man... Put that together with an emotional wreck, a low sef-esteem, and a red headed temper and you get... ONE STRANGE LOSER OF A WOMAN WHO GETS RID OF HIM F*CK!!!
Just wanted to say Hi....   That is all.
So Yeah Being A Daddy Is
THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!!!   My children made my day today.If only for the short time it was,they were AWESOME!!!They didnt fight.They showed manners.AND they made me feel like I was something.Good things dont ever last,so it ended eventually and they went back to being bratty,but for those couple of hours LIFE WAS GRAND.   Weezy and I found ourselves with a little alone time tonight and let me tell you.I love my family and would not trade them for the world,but time with just her and I is a BLAST. I asked her what she wanted to do while it was us and she picked going for a walk to get coffee.No,I dont let my 6 yr old drink coffee,but she knows if I get one she gets a cookie or something of sorts.What got me was that she wanted to WALK there,And it was EVERYTHING I hoped it would be.Weezy is not normal most people would think,but she is definitely my kinda beautiful.Never in my life did I think something as small as her wanting to hold my hand would make me the happiest m
So Yeah...
I'm attempt at a social life elsewhere has failed miserably....and I know I can always count on my friends here to be HI EVERYONE!!!!!
So Yeah.....
I am still trying to think of other things about me that are pretty cool. I thought of some more.... I have no children. I would like to have some but let's face it. I want it to be with the right person.  If I am going to do something as lifelong as have a baby or two I need to make sure I got the right person at my side. Of all the things in the world why kids? Because I think kids are awesome. Not all of them but most are. More background info; I grew up in not the worst family ever but it was ugly. My parents split up when I was 6 I think and it was for irreconcilable differences. Loosely translated it means things were not on the up and up for my family. Part of it was my mom's issues, the rest was my dad dealing with serving without post deployment readjustment stuff. Anyhow they split and got re-married. The stepparents had their own liked to tell me I was crap, the other smacked it out of me when I mouthed off in frustration. After I ended up a Ward of the Court
So Yeah
long story short...met a girl tonight..decided to start dating so the weiner is going away for now   thats pretty much it :)
[so Yesterday...]
I lost one of the brass I Ching coins on my necklace.The damn clasp has been wonky for ... the last several monthsand it came off in my sleep- and the coins rolled off for the umpteenth time and I woke up- scrambled to find all threeand... one never showed up.Pulled my bed out from the corner, patted around, got my glasses onsifted through old clothes on the I'm not wearing it.And its WEIRDlike phantom limb syndrome or somethingI keep pawing at my neck and its NOT THERE!!!*sigh*I kept saying "damn I need a new chain""damn I need a new chain""Damn! I need a new chain".*more sigh*Anyway, when I couldn't sleep last night, I actually got the nerve up to look for meatof all things online.And I found some fairly cheap wholesale venison.Couldn't find mutton.But yeah... whole duck, whole duck foe groisse... and fuck you I'm not going to check the spelling on that.domestic substitute for Jamon Serrano ham (and Jamon Serrano for double the price)Buffalo.Mate Tea.I was pretty s
So Yeah Apparantly
I have been having major "dizzy spells" on occasion lately to the point that even though I can't see anything and just seem dizzy My family says the other night My eyes rolled up for like 10 seconds or whatever. I have to go have an MRI this week about the pressure on My spine they found in a previous xray anyway so I was hoping they could just add on tests but apparently they can't. What else is new? So I just called and set a message for my primary care doctor to call Me about scheduling a test. I really hope they find a simple solution and don't put Me into the hospital again. I'm really NOT in the mood for that bs. Oh well I guess I'll wait to see how it goes. I'm putting 20 to 1 odds that it has to do with the pressure on the spinal cord they found though which will mean surgery. Yippee fucking skippy. As long as they get this shit done soon I don't care. I have an upcoming charity event for our family operated pet charity to take care of and can't afford to be laid up. Okay ye
So Yeah
We're officially fucked in My family. As anyone that pays any attention to Me here knows, I'm physically disabled and on a very fixed budget. I don't drive so in turn I can't get to work so don't have a job. Well My father is also now disabled and can't work and My mother may be on disability soon but for the time being while they fight it, she's on unemployment and well guess what....that just ran out. In other words, we are not going to have enough income coming in to survive if it lasts too long. Our car is on its last leg so it may not be running very long as well. My sister and brother in law live with us as well and he JUST got a job (starts tomorrow) but that does no good since they have their own things they have to take care of on top of trying to help out some with us. So basically as I said, I guess we're fucked. Maybe its a good thing I DON'T drive seeing as I probably would just jump into the car and run away from this shit. Sorry I'm not looking for sympathy or anything,
So Yeah
I have to wear these when I drive now. Glasses. In my new default pic.   I was in an accident driving home from Chigago two Fridays ago, and coincidentally needed to be tested for vision and depth perception at work because I drive cars, vans and forklifts as a part of my job. Failed the depth perception part of the test. Left eye 20/40... had always been, though. Even when I was younger. My right eye had degraded to 20/70. This threw off my depth perception.   Anyway, I go to get checked. I actually had far worse in both eyes. Now I have corrective lenses (bifocals!) and have to wear them when I drive anything for work. I can't use a computer with them on, though. Too disorienting. I guess it takes time to get used to.   That is all. I'm just saying that's why I have glasses now :)
So I'm still working...and it's been fantastic (well other than being sick the past few days). The big bonus is...I have zero desire in fubar. I need to do a small "widow maker" to level. I don't care to do it. I also received a message that my vip is set to expire tomorrow. Oh well, You've gotten the last bit of $ from me fubar. No mas as they say in the Maldeves Islands. ;)    People will say..."But Annelid...your friends are here". If they are my friends then they have the means to reach me outside of this place. I suppose I finally wised up and realized that no matter what I do or say here, it's utterly pointless.  Add into the mix the lies, the broken hearts, the off the wall loons aka people who shouldn't have access to a computer (much less be able to dress them selves) and it all adds up to a clusterfuck of biblical proportions. No I'm not going to delete or anything. I still need a time waster (or something to give me a incentive to walk away from the pc) so this horrid plac
Soyez élégant Avec La Tendance De Mode Football
Pour beaucoup de gens, maillots de football appartenant dans le domaine, mais fashionistas en désaccord. Ces jours-ci, maillots de football ne sont plus le terrain exclusif parce trend-setters ont été vus portant. Les ventes de ce vêtement coloré ont augmenté au cours des deux dernières années parce que non seulement ces acquis pour soutenir les équipes de football maillots de foot , ils sont également achetés pour regarder design branché. Alors, comment peut-on tirer de la tendance dite de la mode? Eh bien, cela dépend si vous êtes un homme ou une femme. Toutefois, peu importe ce genre vous êtes, il est une manière élégante de porter la mode du football en toute event.gars portant des maillots de football en dehors du jeu ont été stéréotypés comme les gars qui sont extrêmement football obsédés ou des mecs qui n'ont rien d'autre à porter indépendamment de leur connaissance du football. Cependant, entrer dans la tendance de football n'est pas aussi difficile qu'il y paraît
So Yeah, I Know
If I was not so damn old and could still be a gymnist, I wouldn't have as many dreams to dreams. Sometimes I feel so unimportant and lost. I don't like presenting older than old songs, but they are what I like. I don't pick any ole song, ever!!  If I could explain how I am flooded with thoughts and how I just want to sleep. My mind may still be going, but there is the softness of the pillow. My breasts are at rest, as are my eyes. The strength of my pillow or the load it must hold, I am just thankful it hasn't moved on without me. Like I know it might wish it could do, but it doesn't. Does anybody admit they know and can see, there is more than what they can buy and what they have thrown away, there are sounds you wished you could hear and there are words you wish you could say. I may not write here every single day, don't worry cuz I always have someting I need to say. I may be in pain or my arm may hurt, I may be just out of sorts, but I do try to stay aware of you poke alert. Stay
So Yeah
im really startin to hate  havin dreams about saggy tits ,old cunt bags on here, and there the kind of dreams where ya wake up cryin . all i gotta say to the saggy tits old cunt whores bitches is,,,,,,,,,,,,,yall have something to say to me, tell me  to my face, STOP HAUNTING MY FUCKIN DREAMS!!!!!!
Soy Lo Prohibido
Soy ese vicio de tu piel, que ya no puedes desprender, Soy lo prohibido Soy esa fiebre de tu ser, que te domina sin querer, Soy lo prohibido Soy esa noche de placer, la de la entrega sin papel, Soy tu castigo Porque en tu falsa intimidad en cada abrazo que le das, Sueñas conmigo Soy el pecado que te dio, nueva ilusion en el amor, Soy lo prohibido Soy la aventura que llego, para ayudarte a continuar, En tu camino Soy ese beso que se da, sin que se pueda comentar, Soy ese nombre que jamas, fuera de aquí pronunciaras, Soy ese amor que negaras, para salvar tu dignidad, Soy lo prohibido. Soy el pecado que te dio, nueva ilusion en el amor, Soy lo prohibido Soy la aventura que llego, para ayudarte a continuar En tu camino Soy ese beso que se da, sin que se pueda comentar, Soy ese nombre que jamas, fuera de aquí pronunciaras, Soy ese amor que negaras, para salvar tu dignidad, Soy lo prohibido.
Soylent Green Is People! We've Gotta Stop Them Somehow!
DEPOPULATION BY NUTRICIDE & FOOD TOXIFICATION!I HAVE DISCOVERED SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO BE INFORMED ABOUT!!!!IT'S CALLED THE DEPOPULATION TRAINAND BROTHERS ANDSISTERS IT IS PICKING UP SPEED FAST!!!!WATCH THIS AND SEE IF YOU DON'T SAY"WHAT IN THE BLUE BLAZES!!!!"OR SOMETHING MORE EXPLICIT!!!!IT'S CALLED THE DEPOPULATION TRAIN AND WE ARE ALL ON IT!!!! Multinationals make billions in profit out of growing global food crisishttp://www. independent. co. uk/environ... is-820855. htmlU.S. using food crisis to boost bio-engineered cropshttp://www. redicecreations. com/article. php?id=3731Jeffrey Smith - The Health Dangers of Genetically Modified Food (Video)http://www. redicecreations. com/article. php?id=3732It's called the DEPOPULATION TRAIN and ALL of us are riding on it! Oh, you say you don't remember buying a ticket? That's OK! "THEY" bought one for you!What's this about? Well, for starters THEY have declared ALL nutrients to be "toxins",and they hav
So You Think You Know Everything?
A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.       A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.       A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.       A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.       A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
So Young
Lovers at first sight. I never thought it could happen to me, But you proved me wrong, On more than one point, too. I never thought I could ever love that way, Yet you showed me things I only could dream about, before. You gave me love so strong That it could tame the wildest heart. And I tried to return the love, Even though I could never give back All that you’ve given me. I waited for that night for so long. Everything stood still When I kissed your sweet lips. My life was so perfect. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, Yet I was forced away from your arms. I couldn’t help it. It was just my time. I’m sorry I hurt you when I left like that. I wanted to love you for the rest of your life. At least I got to love you For the rest of mine.
So Young
Lovers at first sight. I never thought it could happen to me, But you proved me wrong, On more than one point, too. I never thought I could ever love that way, Yet you showed me things I only could dream about, before. You gave me love so strong That it could tame the wildest heart. And I tried to return the love, Even though I could never give back All that you’ve given me. I waited for that night for so long. Everything stood still When I kissed your sweet lips. My life was so perfect. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, Yet I was forced away from your arms. I couldn’t help it. It was just my time. I’m sorry I hurt you when I left like that. I wanted to love you for the rest of your life. At least I got to love you For the rest of mine.
So You Can You Tell Me Why I Torture Myself??
I have this increably nasty habit, of getting myself hurt, weither it be from being clumsy, or from falling for the wrong guys. See i was raised very old fashion, from a very backwards community, where when you went out on a date with someone they where then forever known as your boyfriend, or if someone asked you out it was no different, you where with that person exclusivly. oh we had friends that we hung out with, but it was an unwriten unstated fact, that the man holding your hand was the one you where with. He didnt use you for sex, he didnt use you as a pawn in his little head game. It just seems like so much has changed. See i never dated around, it was exclusive relationships, my whole life, they may not have last long, but everyone knew we where together, but now that im 26 i have a few kids, and im starting over, trying to find someone to commit to, things have changed to much, to the point that i have an incredable fear of dating and men. Sure i know how to flirt, i know how
So You Thought Formula 1 Was Just Driving Round In Circles?
1. An F1 car is made up of 80,000 components, if it were assembled 99.9% correctly, it would still start the race with 80 things wrong! 02. Formula 1 cars have over a kilometre of cable, linked to about 100 sensors and actuators which monitor and control many parts of the car. 03. An F1 car can go from 0 to 160 kph AND back to 0 in FOUR seconds!!!!!!! 04. F1 car engines last only for about 2 hours of racing mostly before blowing up on the other hand we expect our engines to last us for a decent 20yrs on an average and they quite faithfully DO....thats the extent to which the engines r pushed to perform... 05. When an F1 driver hits the brakes on his car he experiences retardation or deceleration comparable to a regular car driving through a BRICK wall at 300kmph !!! 06. An average F1 driver looses about 4kgs of weight after just one race due to the prolonged exposure to high G forces and temperatures for little over an hour (Yeah thats right!!!) 07. At 550kg a F1 car
So You Think You Know Me?
the name is GINA. and i pretty much LOVE my life! sn=gnahgurl0107, i/m me sometimes. january 7th. I expect presents. i live in corpus christi. i use to live in new Orleans and that’s where my heart is. the whole time I was in Los Angeles I got hit on by every waiter possible. i am very animated, and love cartoons, in fact that’s my career goal is to become a top animator. I did interns with Disney animation and felt like I achieved my life dream. I love KWAZIE hats and I collect them. if you want to see me in them just ask. go saints! i love my family and call my mom at least 3 times a day. oh did i tell you, i have the best family. so be jealous! i admit i've recently become a daddy's girl get over it. but i'm not spoiled. In fact, my dad and I use to fight constantly growing up. i get taken advantage of VERY easily. i try to be MEAN but... it doesn't work i do have a short temper. i take holidays and birthdays very seriously i have eyes that chan
So You Wanna Be A Witch...
I hear alot of people on the NET asking about "credible sources" and "what books should I read" and "how do I become a witch". Pretty much I have been answering everyone the same. Different interpretations will continue to abound both in written materials and in any teachings that you may encounter. There will NEVER be only One Way of practicing Witchcraft. Get used to it. No one has the "one true answer"...and any teacher, High Priest or Priestess worth his or her salt will tell you this up front. If they don't - RUN FAST!!! 1) Learn to ask SPECIFIC questions of other Witches or Pagans when you need help. And ask yourself some questions, too. "What do I think Witchcraft is? What do I find here that has meaning for me?" 2) Tell the truth. Can seasoned Witches tell if someone is "full of it"? Yes, they can and rather quickly, too! Be honest about what you know and what you don't. 3) Learn something every day, no matter how insignificant or profound. Read as many books as you
So Your Gonna Kill Me Huh?
Title says it all..well this person thinks they know more than I do, and that they can...I Know they can't..they have no idea what they are talking about..Also I AM NOT THE ONE WHO IS TALKING TO YOU I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO NOW STOP YOUR SHIT...I don't give a damn what you think about me leave my fucking friends alone..keep it up and something will happen..I have warned heed it!!!!!!!!!!!
So You Tell Me
So you tell me you'd like to run away... Well lets go. Take my hand, and lead me far away from here... For I know, it's never where we go, it's that we're together... So take me to the edge of the earth. It never seemed so far. I'm never lost when I'm with you... So take me to the stars... We can tiptoe through the heaven skies ride upon a cloud gaze down on the earth below, While with you, the spinning's not so loud. So take my hand, and we'll run away, and we'll dance among the stars. As long as were together, It really doesn't matter where we are.
So You Wanna Fuck.....
SO U WANNA FUCK? 1.Where would we be? []My house []Ur House []Pool []Shower []parents room LOL []OTHER.... 2.What position would you want to be in? []Doggy Style []Missionary []69 []OTHER... 3.What would you want me to use on you? []chains and whips []choc. syrup and whip cream []strawberries and whip cream []cherries and chocolate []ropes and hand cuffs []OTHER...() 4.Lights? []ON []OFF 5.Where would you take me 4 a date before all of this? 8.Protection? []Yes []No 9.Day or Night? []DAY []NIGHT 10.What song would we fuck to? or bottom []top []bottom 12.After we fuck wouLd you still talk to me and not be a fucking asshole? []yes []no other() Depends ..... probably not ha ha 13.Will you repost to see what others say? []YES []NO
So You Think You Can Dance
SOOOO I WENT to the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE show in Toronto last night and WHAT A GREAT TIME!!! Loved the atmosphere of the audience SCREAMING out for these suddenly famous DANCERS!! WOO HOO! It was great! And I have to admit I think I have given Teens a bad wrap... THEY DO HAVE TASTE! I was bad thinking that they only liked things with instant gratification via tecno new age blah blah blah.. you get the picture, well I was close to tears listening to the screams coming from these teens as though they were at a rock concert.. and why??? Because of a CONTEMPORAY DANCE ROUTINE!?!?!?!?! Wow, I am STUND... also the same response over a waltz??? All I have to say is I am sorry teens.. I misjudged you, you do have taste. I better stop acting like the parents when I was a teen. Regardless the show was great. I loved it, and the only complaint I have it that I hated my seats... I wanted to be CLOSER, and that Ivan wasn't there... that sucked. I loved Ivan on the show and really was disappoi
So You Wanna Fuck
SO U WANNA FUCK? 1.Where would we be? []My house []Ur House []Pool []Shower []parents room LOL []OTHER....please explain in () 2.What position would you want to be in? []Doggy Style []Missionary []69 []OTHER...() 3.What would you want me to use on you? []chains and whips []choc. syrup and whip cream []strawberries and whip cream []cherries and chocolate []ropes and hand cuffs []OTHER...() 4.Lights? []ON []OFF 5.Where would you take me 4 a date before all of this? 8.Protection? []Yes []No 9.Day or Night? []DAY []NIGHT 10.What song would we fuck to? or bottom []top []bottom 12.After we fuck wouLd you still talk to me and not be a fucking asshole? []yes []no other() 13.Will you repost to see what others say? []YES []NO
So Your Never Alone
So Your Sick
you sick Has a bad bug gotten hold of you, Making you feel queasy? You’re energy’s low, you’re indisposed, Being sick’s not easy! Just take this opportunity To recuperate and rest, And then when you return to us You’ll be your very best! get well soon
So You'll Go On Doing What You Do!!!
I know you're there because I see you I see you looking at me why are you looking at me? Is it because you like me? Or is it because I like you so I think you're looking at me? Then you smile Are you smiling at me? Or are you just smiling? If you like me then just tell me If you tell me then I'll smile forever Then you lick your lips Are you licking your lips because you want to kiss me? Or are you licking your lips because your lips are dry? I'll kiss you if you want me to but if you don't want me to then don't lick your lips I wish I knew what you were thinking and I wish I knew what you wanted but I don't So you'll go on doing what you do and I'll just sit here being totally confused
So You Think You Know Everything
Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. (Bet you tried this out mentally, didn't you?) Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. (I'll bet you're going to check this out.) No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". (Are you doubting this?) Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet. (Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy, right?) The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes). (Yep, I knew you were going to "do" this one.) There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. (You're not doubting this, are you?)
So Your A Badass Huh!!
we'll see about that try digging your car out of 5' of snow while 2 more are coming because your 6 month old kid needs meds! walk sixty miles without stopping just because you felt like it! chop a 30' pine down with a hand axe! row a boat around a lake because all the boats with trolling motors are used for that day! still think your a badass huh? build a house from the ground up and i mean a hole house with everything including a garage in under a month!! im no badass and i dont pretend to be tough at all i may have gotten into 5 fights in my life and im 35 yrs old. the point im trying to make here is that you can talk your talk look your look act you act but in the end I think people are more impressed with the above.
So You Think You Know Everything?
SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING? "Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt". Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet. The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are spelled the same whether they are read left to right or right to left. They are called "Palindromes". There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous. There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." TYPEWRITER is the lon

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