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Was glad to be back in Texas if even for two weeks as always for work, I was in the Midland-Odesa area wish I would have been closer to San Antonio my hometown but maybe next time I will be. As always am glad to be home for another few days I still don't know where I am to go next but I hope it is as pretty as all the other places have been and as fun also. I can honestly say I love my job.
Texas Chili Cook Off (laugh Til You Cry.. Seriously!)
NOTE: Please take time to read this slowly. If you pay attention to the first two judges, the reaction of the third is even better. For those of you who have lived in Texas, you know how true this is. They actually have a Chili cook-off about the time the rodeo comes to town. It takes up a major portion of the parking lot at the Astrodome. The notes are from an inexperienced chili taster named Frank, who was visiting Texas from the East Coast: Frank: "Recently, I was honored to be selected as a judge at a chili cook-off. The original person called in sick at the last moment and I happened to be standing there at the judge's table asking directions to the Budweiser truck, when the call came in. I was assured by the other two judges (Native Texans) that the chili wouldn't be all that spicy and, besides, they told me I could have free beer during the tasting, So I accepted." Here are the scorecards from the event: Chili # 1 Mike's Maniac Mobster Monster Chili J
Okay, well I'm going to be on my way to Texas on Sunday to visit my mom. I'm really happy about that. The only thing that I'm worried about is the fact that I haven't seen her since I was like 13. I don't know how we are going to react to each other. And to be honest, I'm kinda nervous about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the time we are going to have together, but at the same time, I'm worried something is going to go wrong. Am I just being paranoid?
Texas Sheet Cake
TEXAS SHEET CAKE 2 c. flour 2 c. sugar 1/2 c. butter 1/2 c. Wesson oil 1 c. water 4 tbsp. cocoa 2 eggs 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 c. buttermilk Mix flour and sugar in mixing bowl. Bring to a rapid boil butter, Wesson oil, water and cocoa. Pour over flour mixture and blend well. Stir in eggs, cinnamon, vanilla, baking soda and buttermilk and blend well. Pour batter onto cookie sheet ungreased with rim. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until done. Use Texas Sheet Cake Frosting FROSTING FOR TEXAS SHEET CAKE 1 stick butter 4 tbsp. cocoa 6 tbsp. milk 1 lb. powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Combine butter, cocoa and milk in microwave bowl. Cook on High. Bring to a boil. Combine balance of ingredients. Mix well. Frost Texas Sheet Cake while it is still warm.
Texasman Hh (closed)
Look Who Has A Happy Hour! ~ Texasman ~ Wednesday, October 8 7pm Fu-Time *********************** Auto 11s are on now through the end of his Happy Hour. Remember, points are double at Happy Hour! Save those 11s... Wow... the points you get!!! *********************** So, Come on over and Rate his pics. Spank him good and hard! ******************************** Lovingly Pimped Out by: Carrie Please repost Thank you!
Texasman 2nd Hh (closed)
Look Who Has A 2nd Happy Hour! ~ Texasman ~ Friday, November 7 6pm Fu-Time (9pm EST) Only 940K to Godfather! *********************** Auto 11s will be on Friday morning! Remember, points are double at Happy Hour! Save those 11s... Wow... the points you get!!! *********************** So, Come on over and Rate his pics. Spank him good and hard! ******************************** Lovingly Pimped Out by: Carrie Please repost Thank you!
Texas T Saloon Great Times Music And People
Welcome to the ALL NEW Texas T Saloon Pure Country 24/7 Have a craving for some kickin country music? Click the banner below to come hang out in the all new Texas T Saloon.
Texas T Saloon
Join Us In TEXAS T SALOON for a toe tappin heel kickn good time Meet our STAFF: Outsider Carlie Cin Shy Swade Madison Bristol RedMs Red FIREMAN Click the banner below to come hang out in Texas T Saloon.
Texas T Saloon Awesome Lounge
Join Us In TEXAS T SALOON for a toe tappin heel kickn good time Meet our STAFF: Outsider Carlie Cin Shy Swade Madison Bristol RedMs Red FIREMAN Click the banner below to come hang out in Texas T Saloon.
Texas T And The Fire Pit
Texas Twister Has Auto 11s (closed)
Texas Twister is doing it again!!! Come and show her some massive love! And Level Up! She's an angel but deserves to be spanked really HARD!!! Ends at 10:20 am Fu-time (PST) ***************************************** Lovingly pimped out by Carrie
Texas Death Row Inmate Pulls Out Eye, Eats It
HOUSTON – A Texas death row inmate with a history of mental problems pulled out his only good eye and told authorities he ate it. Andre Thomas, 25, was arrested for the fatal stabbings of his estranged wife, their young son and her 13-month-old daughter in March 2004. Their hearts also had been ripped out. He was convicted and condemned for the infant's death. While in the Grayson County Jail in Sherman, Thomas plucked out his right eye before his trial later in 2004. A judge subsequently ruled he was competent to stand trial. A death-row officer at the Polunsky Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice found Thomas in his cell with blood on his face and took him to the infirmary. ""Thomas said he pulled out his eye and subsequently ingested it," agency spokesman Jason Clark said Friday. Thomas was treated at East Texas Medical Center in Tyler after the Dec. 9 incident. Then he was transferred and remains at the Jester Unit, a prison psychiatric facility near Rich
Texas Twister
Texaco's Mess
In 1967, Texaco discovered oil in traditional indigenous territories in what is known as the Oriente region of Ecuador. This area, also known as the Ecuadorian Amazon is located in the Upper Amazon basin which covers portions of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. The Ecuadorian Amazon is a biodiversity hot-spot containing one of the planet’s largest array of species, including many large cats like the puma and jaguar, over 20% of the world’s species of birds, and at least 200 different types of orchids. -I love orchids by the way, have many in my home. Texaco began oil drilling operations that would continue over the next two decades. The main pipeline was built across known fault-lines and spilled 17 million gallons of crude oil — one and a half times the amount of the Exxon Valdez oil spill — into the pristine area. In order to save money, Texaco cut corners instead of following industry-approved standards of safety that are the standard in the U.S.. Normally, the toxins used for
Texas Twister My Fuowner!!!
Do you know Texas Twister If you don't know her you missing out she is a sweet lady she always show love in return she is just a nice person to have as a friend so all you have to do is click on the link and become her friend. Did I mention she also have auto 11's on and she always have it on too :) ~♥~TEXAS TWISTER~♥~ OWNER OF CLUB UNITED~♥~ SHADOW LEVELER~♥~ FU BAD GIRL~@ fubar This Bulliton is brought to you by: Dee75 Member of RR, SBG & llama levelers !! Fu Owned by Texas Twister@ fubar
Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about folks from Texas... If someone in a Lowe's store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Texas ; If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live inTexas ; If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Texas ; If 'Vacation' means going anywhere south of Dallas for the weekend, you may live in Texas; If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Texas; If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live in Texas ; If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both unlocked, you may live in Texas ; If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them,you may live in Texas ; If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph -- you're going 80 and everybody's passing you, you may live in Texas ; If you find 60 degrees 'a little chilly,' you ma
Texas Chainsaw Charlie
Texas Underground Now Hiring
Texas Underground is npw hiring all staff. Need Bartenders, Security, DJ's, Assi Manager, The only pay will be the friends you meet, music you hear,and the fun you have. We're a great group of people. If you are interested please contact me through my private mess. TY ! Stop by and check us out and join the fam , so it will be easy to find us again. TY again. Texy
Texas Woman Told To Remove 'offensive' American Flag From Office
It's time for some serious changes in America I mean radical revolutionary changes when 1 ONE individual (not Native Born to this country I might add) can under Political Correctness crush the god given right of a native born American from displaying the simple thing as a flag and show patriotism. Devlinn,2933,522659,00.html Texas Woman Told to Remove 'Offensive' American Flag From Office Friday , May 29, 2009 FC1 ADVERTISEMENT Debbie McLucas comes from a patriotic family – her husband and both of her sons served in the U.S. military, and her daughter is currently deployed to Iraq on her second tour of duty as a combat medic. So when McLucas arrived at work at a Texas hospital last Friday, she was stunned to be told that the Stars and Stripes she had hung in her office in advance of Memorial Day were offensive, and that the flag had been removed. “I got into work, I was met by my supervisor and told that there had been multi
Texas 2sum
Texas Seo
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Texas Health Insurance
Texas health Insurance
Texas Gentleman
LOL this dude's name makes me lagh so hard. He calls himself a gentleman but he is the most rude, most crass, asinine, woman-hater I have ever met. He has nothing nice to say about women, ever. He is constantly degrading them and demeaning them in his statuses and in conversations with them directly. He's pathetically outspoken with nothing of value to say, making judgments and harsh remarks that are based on no real fact just the negative encounters he has had with women here online. Today his status is about how weak minded women are, that his bluntness is mistaken for rudeness and women block him too easily. This coming from the same man that blocked me first because I didnt want to deal with his sh*t. Attention ANYONE who thinks that being blunt is a license to be a d*ck- bluntness doesnt have to be about being a total jacka$$ when addressing someone. There is this thing called TACT and it should accompany BLUNTNESS on all of its adventures (especially if you are going to profess y
FUCK YALL I'M FROM TEXAS!!(MIDLAND TEXAS...BITCHES)This is too good not to repost!!!Somebody from California apparently wrote the top part, but somebody from Texas came back and put them on their asses at the bottom. And whoever that was, GOD BLESS YOU!CALIFORNIA:- I can wear sandals all year long- I go to the Beach - not "down to the shore"-Our chicks are WAYYYY hotter than yours. Well...Miami can hang.- I say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" and "dude" and "totally" and "peace out" and "chill" and "tight" and "bro" and I say them often- I know what real cheese & avocados taste like-Everyone smokes weed and its no big deal-We'll roll up 40 deep when something goes down.-I live next door to Mexicans, but we call them American's!-All the porn you watch is made here, cause we're better and thats how it is- I don't get snowdays off because theres only snow in Mammoth, Tahoe, Shasta, and Big Bear- I know 65 mph really means 100- When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finge
Texas Electricity
Texans now have the Right to Choose Electricity Companies. Compare Texas electricity and save in less than 5 minutes. Texas Electricity | Texas Electricity Right to Choose
Texas Land For Sale Texas Ranches For Sale
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Texas Cop
Only In Texas ...> > Two men were driving through Texas when they got pulled over by a State> Trooper. The cop walked up and tapped on the window with his nightstick.> The driver rolled down the window and "WHACK," the cop smacked him in> the head with his nightstick.> > "What the hell was that for?" the driver asked.> > "You're in Texas , son." the trooper answered. "When we pull you over in> Texas , you better have your license ready by the time we get to your> car."> > "I'm sorry, officer," the driver said, "I'm from California and didn't> know your laws here."> > The trooper runs a check on the guy's license--he's clean and gives the> guy his license back.> > The trooper then walks around to the passenger side and taps on the> window. The passenger rolls down the window and "WHACK," the trooper> smacks him on the head with the nightstick.> > "What'd you do that for?" the passenger demands.> > "Just making your wish come true," replied the trooper.> > "Making WHAT wish come true?"
Texas And Detroit Seriously Talking Independence
Last time I checked the news, this was not true, but this line from the graphic novel series "Superman: Red Son" that poses the rocket containing the last son of Krypton landed in the Soviet Union instead of the United States has stuck out in my mind since yesterday. Teaching first grade in Sunday school yesterday was a boon, though I will admit the puppet show based on the Holy Spirit coming down at Pentecost per the second chapter of Acts got to have some high comic moments! I’ll admit I wrote the script that way too, so you’re not only learning something (even if you can’t always articulate it) but having fun doing it too. Make no mistake here, even first graders are articulate when you tie in the Bible story to something they care about or can relate to. Everybody loves sports, but not everybody’s good at the same sport, but that’s all right. Today is St. David’s Day in Canada, the country whose team won last night’s nail-biting hockey gam
Texas Chili Cookoff
INEXPERIENCED CHILI JUDGE Notes From An Inexperienced Chili Tester Named FRANK, who was visitingTexas from the East Coast: "Recently, I was honored to be selected as ajudge at a chili cook-off. The original person called in sick at the lastmoment and I happened to be standing there at the judge's table askingdirections to the beer wagon, when the call came.I was assured by the other two judges (Native Texans) that the chiliwouldn't be all that spicy, and besides, they told me I could have freebeer during the tasting. So I accepted."Here are the scorecards from the event:_________________________________________________________CHILI # 1 MIKE'S MANIAC MOBSTER MONSTER CHILIJUDGE ONE: A little too heavy on tomato. Amusing kick.JUDGE TWO: Nice, smooth tomato flavor. Very mild.FRANK: Holy shit, what the hell is this stuff? You could remove driedpaint from your driveway. Took me two beers to put the flames out. I hopethat's the worst one. These Texans are crazy.______________________________
TEXAS        read below Have you ever looked at a map of the world? Look at Texas with me just for a second. That picture, with the Panhandle and the Gulf Coast , and the Red River and the Rio Grande is as much a part of you as anything ever will be. As soon as anyone anywhere in the world looks at it they know what it is. It's Texas.  Pick any kid off the street in Japan and draw him a picture of Texas in the dirt and he'll know what it is. What happens if I show you a picture of any other state? You might get it maybe after a second or two, but who else would? And even if you do, does it ever stir any feelings in you? In every man, woman and child on this planet, there is a person who wishes just once he could be a real live Texan and get up on a horse or ride off in a pickup. There is a little bit of Texas in everyone.. Texas is the Alamo. Texas is 183 men standing in a church, facing thousands of Mexican nationals, fighting for freedom, who had the chance to walk out and save them
Texas Cops Ticket Thousands Of Schoolchildren To Raise Revenue, Some As Young As 6-yrs-old (repost)
Chris | InformationLiberationFlashback: The Government Would Rather You Die If It Nets More RevenueThis is how low your government will go. Cops in Texas have been writing thousands of tickets to schoolchildren for $250-$500 each for the "crime" of "misbehaving in school" so the government can raise revenue. This has been going on now for over five years. The Texax Tribune reports: With the rise of get-tough juvenile crime policies across Texas, the municipal courthouse has become the new principal’s office for thousands of students who get in fights, curse their teachers or are generally “disorderly” on school campuses — even in elementary schools, according to data collected from school systems by Texas Appleseed, a nonprofit research and advocacy group focusing on social and economic justice. Dallas ISD’s police department, for instance, issued criminal citations to 92 10-year-olds in the 2006-07 school year, the latest year for which su
ok, soon i will be heading back to Ft a month or 2 so if anyone from Houston would like to hang out before i go or anyone from DFW wants to hang out when i get there, shoot me a would be pretty cool because i have never met anyone from fubar
Texas Bound...need Advice
I am planning on moving to Texas in the near future,but I need help knowing if there is any place I can go for work assistance or housing assistance. I"M hoping to make it out before winter hits..any advice qould be very helpful. Thank you :D
Texas Redneck
>A Texas redneck was stopped by a game warden in East Texas recently with >two ice chests of fish, leaving a river well known for its fishing. The >game warden asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?">"Naw, my friend, I ain't got no license. These here are my pet fish.">"Pet fish?">"Yep. Every night I take these fish down to the river and let 'em swim >'round for a while. Then I whistle and they jump right back into this ice >chest and I take 'em home.">"That's a bunch of BS! Fish can't do that!">The redneck looked at the game warden for a moment and then said, "It's the >truth. I'll show you. It really works.">"Okay, I've GOT to see this!">The redneck poured the fish into the river and stood and waited. After >several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, "Well?">"Well, what?" said the redneck.>"When are you going to call them back?">"Call who back?">"The FISH!">"What fish?">We in Texas may not be as smart as some, but we ain't as dumb as most.>You smart
Texas Crys
Texas cries insideBut I feel youTexas cries insideI still feel youI don't know why you run away when I need youAnd I don't know why you run awayWhy did you leave meI thought you said you loved meI thought you said you needed meI guess I was wrongWhy did you leave meI thought you said you loved meI thought you said you needed meI guess I was wrongTexas cries insideBut I feel youTexas cries insideI still feel youI don't know why you run away when I need youAnd I don't know why you run awayWhy did you leave meI thought you said you loved meI thought you said you needed meI guess I was wrongWhy did you leave meI thought you said you loved meI thought you said you needed meI guess I was wrongAnd now as I'm running out of roundsAs I'm falling to the groundCan you hear the soundCause I need you nowAs I'm running out of roundsAs I'm falling to the groundCan you hear the soundCause I need you nowCause I need you nowAnd why did you leave meI thought you said you loved meI thought you said you ne
Texas Midget Needs Surgery
There was a midget down in Texas who complained to his buddy that his testicles ached almost all the time. As he was always complaining about his problem, his friend finally suggested that he go to a doctor to see what could be done to relieve the problem. The midget took his advice and went to the doctor and told him what the problem was. The doctor told him to drop his pants and he would have a look. The midget dropped his pants. The doctor put him up onto the examining table, and started to examine him. The doc put one finger under his left testicle and told the midget to turn his head and cough-the usual method to check for a hernia. "Aha!" the doc and putting his finger under the right testicle, he asked the midget to cough again. "Aha!" said the doctor and reached for his surgical scissors. Snip, snip, snip, snip on the right side then snip, snip, snip, snip, snip, snip, snip on the left side. The midget was so scared he was afraid to look, but noted with amazement that the s
Texas Using The System On Their Favor? Three reasons to hate texas. 1-As you read the above link, you find that t\the state of Texas does not pay taxes. I have been there and this people act and think they are rich, while their money is from not paying taxes for anything. While every other state liek for example California has rich people and still have to deal with taxes, Texas are laying back easy blowing thier sack with peoples money. No wonder I found 3 jobs in texas willing to pay me 25 bucks an hour plus an apartment that paid no more than 450 a month ( 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment) I mean come.  2-The smart asses over glorify the Marines (think about it) over 90% of the marines come from Texas, is a dead give away, state provides all 18 year old teens to the marines and the state wins twice now. No taxes because they are giving their future away for a Nation they themselves wanted to abandon and be independant from and two breeding their kids to think life
Texas Girls
Texas girls are the best around. They're country girls living in the city. They have the best of both worlds. They are sweet, funny, and smart. They're typically good girls, with an edge. They can play dirty or they can play innocent. All Texas girls have a bit of an accent, but it's not easily caught unless you're listening. They love country music, but they'll listen to nearly anything. They are beautiful and most mothers love them. They have no objection to muddin' and guns and fire. They love their beer, but they don't go crazy. They know how to hold their own, so watch out. It's their southern-like charm that saves them from their mouths. Treat your girl right or someone else will; guys love the Texas Girls! Those Texas Girls never fail to surprise me.
TEXAS   The devil wanted a place on Earth Sort of a summer home A place to spend his vacation Whenever he wanted to roam   So he picked out TEXAS A place both wretched and rough Where the climate was to his liking And the cowboys hardened and tough   He dried up the streams in the canyons And ordered no rain to fall He dried up the lakes in the valleys Then baked and scorched it all   Then over his barren country He transplanted shrubs from hell The cactus thistle and prickly pear The climate suited them well   Now the home was much to his liking But animal life he had none So he created crawling creatures That all mankind would shun   First he made the rattlesnake With its forked poisonous tongue Taught it to strike and rattle And how to s
Texas Hippie Coalition
THC is up for Album of the Week at REVOLVER Magazine! VOTE PEACEMAKER and let's take this thing!!!    (feel free to vote as many times as you want)
Texas With A Chance To Hand The Spur
SAN ANTONIO -- In the span of three days, the Oklahoma City Thunder beat the San Antonio Spurs as many times as they had in the last three years. John Skelton Jersey . And now the Western Conference finals are suddenly up for grabs. What once seemed like the continuation of one of the most dominant runs in NBA history has turned into a genuine toss-up of a series after the Thunder stopped San Antonios perfect stretch with two convincing victories in half a week. Game 5 is Monday night in San Antonio. Oklahoma City needs at least one road win to advance, and Thunder coach Scott Brooks said Sunday theres no time like the present. "We have a great opportunity in Game 5," Brooks said. Seldom have the Thunder been able to say that when they faced the Spurs. Since James Harden joined Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook in 2009, the Thunder had been 2-8 against San Antonio heading into this series. Now they return to Texas with a chance to hand the Spurs three straight losses for t
Texas Schools Teaching Kids That Blacks, Jews Are Inferior (repost
Texas Schools Teaching Kids That Blacks, Jews Are Inferior 2013/01/21 By Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario In Texas, EVERY school day is Sunday School! The religious right is constantly trying to sneak the Bible into secular schools under the guise of “diversity” or “academic freedom.” They are opposed by civil rights organizations at every step because it is a small step from “teaching” to “preaching.” Yet, in 2007, Texas passed a law that “encouraged” (read as: give license to go nuts) public schools to educate students about the role the Bible has played in society and literature. Shockingly, the guidelines set down by the law to prevent proselytization were completely ignored. The result? This kind of child abuse (yeah, I went there) : Instructional material in two school districts teach that racial diversity today can be traced back to Noah’s sons, a long-discredited claim that has been a foundat
We all know that Union prevailing passing attack, the quarterback who's the best of times, but the declining state of the running back position, even worse reduced to the lowest level. Difficult for them to get the dignity they deserve, they can not get paid, even in this year's draft in the first round does not have any running back is selected, the running back who today is the worst of times. cheap nfl jerseys This week ATL Mailbag program in the audience asked, "If Texans running back Arian - Foster (Arian Foster) is an elite running back (Elite Running back) ? ? ? ? ? ? NFL official website expert Dan - John Zus (Dan Hanzus), after hearing the surprise, "Foster, of course!" John Zus which listed a top 30 list of running back, and put them into 10 files:Leader to lead in order to allow the running back to return to honor, super Minnesota Vikings running back Peterson just had an incredible season, called Wei's best season in NFL history to run is not excessive. Peters
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Texans Linebacker Tim Dobbins Was Fi
HOUSTON -- Houston Texans linebacker Tim Dobbins was fined $30,000 on Wednesday for a helmet-to-helmet hit that gave Chicago quarterback Jay Cutler a concussion. Dobbins said he plans to appeal. "It was a lot of zeroes in that picture," he said. "My assessment is (its) is way too high and I feel like I didnt do anything wrong. Im not a dirty player. I really cant do nothing but appeal it at this point." The hit came in the second quarter of Houstons 13-6 win on Sunday night when Dobbins hit a scrambling Cutler after he threw a pass. Cutler was past the line of scrimmage and called for an illegal forward pass on the play, and Dobbins was flagged for unnecessary roughness. "Im definitely disappointed," Dobbins said. "I didnt know if he was going to run the ball or if he was going to pass the ball. I felt like he was past the line. I just went and tried to get a clean hit on him and it just didnt work out, I guess. I looked at the film and it looked like I got a little helmet-
Texas Legislator Touts New Law Protecting Christmas In Schools
Merry Christmas, bah humbug? Not in Texas. Just in time for the holidays, Texas is making sure everyone remembers that wishing someone "Merry Christmas" is now protected by law in its public schools — and conservatives are hoping similar measures will gain momentum across America. Garnering national attention when it was approved by the state Legislature this summer, the bipartisan law removes legal risks from exchanging holiday greetings in classrooms. It also protects symbols such as Christmas trees, menorahs or nativity scenes, as long as more than one religion is represented and a secular symbol such as a snowman is displayed.UGG Christmas Sale "I'm proud to stand in defense of Christmas and I urge other states to stop a needless, stilted overreaction to Christmas and Hanukkah," the law's sponsor, Houston Republican Dwayne Bohac, said at a news conference Monday. Bohac, who has a sign at home that proclaims: "Be Merry and Stay That Way," said the law was meant to codify the
Tex-mex Pork
Original recipe yield: 8 servings PREP TIME 20 Min COOK TIME 10 Hrs READY IN 10 Hrs 20 Min INGREDIENTS * 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce * 1 cup barbeque sauce * 1 onion, chopped * 2 (4 ounce) cans diced green chile peppers * 1/4 cup chili powder * 1 teaspoon ground cumin * 1 teaspoon dried oregano * 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon * 2 1/2 pounds boneless pork loin roast, trimmed * 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro DIRECTIONS 1. In a 3 quart or larger slow cooker, mix tomato sauce, barbeque sauce, onion, green chile peppers, chili powder, cumin, oregano, and cinnamon. Place pork in slow cooker, and spoon sauce over to coat. the meat. 2. Cover, and cook on Low 8 to 10 hours, or until pork is tender. 3. Remove pork to a cutting board. Using 2 forks, pull meat into shreds. Pour sauce into a serving dish; stir in cilantro and shredded pork.
Tex-mex Chicken Bake
1/2 c. cream style cottage cheese or ricotta cheese 3 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 c. sour cream 10 3/4 oz. can condensed cream of chicken soup 1/8 tsp. garlic powder 4 oz. can diced green chili peppers 3 c. cooked rice 1 1/2 c. shredded Monterey Jack cheese 2 tomatoes, coarsely chopped 1/2 c. sliced pitted ripe olives 1 c. coarsely crushed corn chips In a large bowl, combine cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, soup, and garlic powder. Stir until smooth. Add chili peppers, chicken, rice, cheese, tomatoes, and olives. Stir until combined., Pour into 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking dish. Sprinkle with crushed chips. Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Makes 8 to 10 servings.
Tex Mex Shells And Cheese
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 5 min Total Time: 25 min Makes: 4 servings 1 lb. lean ground beef 1 pkg. (12 oz.) VELVEETA Shells & Cheese Dinner 1 can (14-1/2 oz.) Mexican-style diced tomatoes, undrained 1-1/4 cups water 1 cup KRAFT Shredded Cheddar Cheese BROWN meat in nonstick skillet on medium-high heat; drain. STIR in Shells, tomatoes with their liquid and water. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer 15 min. ADD Cheese Sauce; stir until blended. Sprinkle with shredded cheese. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Size-Wise Enjoy your favorite foods while keeping portion size in mind. Jazz It Up Top with shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes and avocado, sliced olives, TACO BELL HOME ORIGINALS Salsa or BREAKSTONE'S or KNUDSEN Sour Cream. NUTRITION INFORMATION Nutrition (per serving) Calories 580 Total fat 28g Saturated fat 13g Cholesterol 115mg Sodium 1400mg Carbohydrate 41g Dietary fiber 2g Sugars 7g
"Jalapeno, Jalapeno, Jalapeno, Jalapeno." I've discovered a wonderful new philosophy that has raised my consciousness as well as my cholesterol. It's called Tex-Mexistentialism. It all started with the philosopher Juan-Paul Salsa, who wrote, "To Bean, or Nacho to Bean, that is the Queso." He was followed by his great disciple, Descarta Blanca, who said, "I Pinto, therefore, Cayenne." Some trace it to ancient Grease, where the great thinker Aristortilla wrote the book Plata's RePulpo. Meanwhile, over in ancient India, they believed in Chili con Karma - that what Casa round, Carne's around. And back in the Holy Land, The prophet Masa brought The Ten Comidas: "Thou Salt not Tequila." "Honor Tamale and thy Papaya." "Blessed are the Migas, for they shall Ranchero the Burps." "Give a man an Enchilada, he'll Taco Mole." "Arroz is Arroz by Flameada name." "In the Picante, Guisada Cerveza'd the Hongas and the Verde." And he saw that it was Food." I'd
Tex-mex Tortilla Soup
This staple of Tex-Mex restaurants is so hearty and filling that you may want to serve it as a main dish. Traditionally, the tortilla strips are fried, but my version is quicker, easier, and lowers the fat content of the recipe. Tex-Mex Tortilla Soup 2 chicken breast halves 4 - 6 cups (1 - 1.5 L) chicken stock 1 Tbs (15 ml) olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 1 green or red bell pepper (capsicum), seeded and chopped 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped 2 - 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 cups (500 ml) fresh or frozen corn kernels 1 can (15 oz, 425 g) chopped tomatoes with their liquid 1 tsp (5 ml) ground cumin 1 tsp (5 ml) chili powder 1 tsp (5 ml) dried oregano Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste For garnish: 6 - 8 corn tortillas, cut into thin strips and toasted in the oven until crisp Chopped scallions (spring onions) Shredded Monterey jack or Cheddar cheese (optional) Sour cream (optional) Combine the chicken breasts and chicken stock in a p
Tex Mex Taco Salad
Makes 2 servings ACTIVE TIME: 30 minutes TOTAL TIME: 30 minutes 1/2 cup prepared salsa 2 tablespoons reduced-fat sour cream 1/2 teaspoon canola oil 1 small onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 8 ounces lean ground beef or turkey 1 large plum tomato, diced 1/2 cup canned kidney beans, rinsed ( 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/8 teaspoon salt, or to taste 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 4 cups shredded romaine lettuce 1/4 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese 1. Combine salsa and sour cream in a large bowl. 2. Heat oil in a medium nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook, stirring often, until softened, 1 to 2 minutes. Add beef (or turkey) and cook, stirring often, until cooked through, 3 to 5 minutes. Add tomato, beans, cumin, chili powder and salt; cook, stirring, until the tomato begins to break down, about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat, stir in cilantro and 2 tablespoons of the salsa mixture. 3. Add lettuce t
Tex Mex Sundae
Tex Mex Sundae Ingredients Vegetable oil, for frying 12 fajita-size flour tortillas 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon Directions Homemade Cinnamon Ice Cream, recipe follows 1 (20-ounce) jar chocolate flavored syrup 1 (10-ounce) jar maraschino cherries with stems In a medium skillet, pour oil to a depth of 1/2-inch; heat oil over medium heat. Add tortillas, 1 at a time, and fry, about 1 minute per side until golden. (Press tortilla down with a fork if it starts to puff up while frying.) Drain on paper towels. In a small bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle evenly over hot tortillas. Set aside to cool. (Can be done 1 day ahead.) Top cinnamon-sugar tortilla with 1 generous scoop of Homemade Cinnamon Ice Cream. Drizzle with chocolate syrup, and top with a cherry. Repeat procedure with remaining tortillas, ice cream, chocolate, and cherries. Homemade Cinnamon Ice Cream: 1 quart half-and-half 2 cinnamon sticks 1 pint heavy whipping cream
Get your own glitter and more at
Texting Under The Influence...
In this day and age, most of us have them. Cell phones with text messaging and cameras. I love mine. The camera is great at concerts. Although those on the receiving end of my hundreds of blurry, over exposed stage photos probably disagree. The text feature is nice when I am away from the computer. A totally cool invention right? Not all the time. At least not for me. A few months ago, I was having this terrible run of insomnia. A lot of stress and an over active brain was making it tough to sleep. So I went to the doctor and she gave me a prescription for Ambien. I bet a lot of you are now thinking, "Uh oh". Most of you have probably seen all the news stories about the side effects of Ambien. The most common side effect is middle of the night, binge eating. To those who have read my blogs, and to those who know me, if that is the most common reaction, it won't happen to me. Nope, if you go to the bottom of the warning label, where the print is the smallest, you will see a section t
Text Convo 5:40 November 11th
me: do you like me Jorge: yes me: cool Jorge: love me: love? Jorge:yes Me: wat do you mean i'm confused me: wat do you mean by love? And then he fell asleep cause i woke him up by calling him and he explained he loves me lol I like acting stupid sometimes to make him explain his self but i love him he is everything and he is my Anti-Drug even though he is like one (so addicting)
Text Messaging
Who likes to text message? Why, it's a phone, not a miniature laptop. Call the person, it only takes 10 digits, 10 presses of the keypad. And even if you're just saying hi, after all you got to go through to send it it’s still easier to call. If chats what you want, log on and use the internet, bigger keys, bigger screen, webcams for some. But a phones a phone, reach out and call someone.
Text Adventures
Always pushed the tree over, then Sam off the cliff, then get lost in the dark!!
The Texture Of Applesauce
I find a certain solace In silence Which is why I live near the Noise It comes in thru The windows But never gets inside My doors The times I am Most scared Is every time I let You read something If your dreams never Come true Try dreaming about Something else If you love something Set it free You can always Tie it up later We are all different No lesser None greater We all end up On the same page That tells others Where to meet later The voices are Quiet now No mental unrest I only hear truths That emerges from My chest
Text Message Break Up
Just watch it!
Text Message Brakeup ~kelly
Text Message
I got dumped today thru a text message. I'm not mad he broke up with me, I'm mad cuz he didn't have the balls to do it over the phone or in person. I still would have been upset, but not mad. I understand why he did, his ex wanted to work things out with him. I guess I need to just let it go. But it still hurts.
Text Me, Baby!
I love text messages and I have unlimited so if you ever are bored and want to say hi, you can send an email to and I'll get it as a text. Of course, there's a limit to how long it can be so keep it to just a couple lines. ;c) Just keep in mind that I might not always be able to reply so if I don't, don't get your panties bunched.
Text Message Breakup
...The cell phone goes off AGAIN with a text from him...."I am sorry we need to talk.." is what I read walking thru the Market on that beautiful day... I picked up the phone and chatted afew minutes hearing "...I am so sorry please forgive me..." Smirk on my face I knew it was no longer what I wanted in my heart...and knew what I wanted out of it....never would he be the man who would take my breath away.. Driving north on the GSP I thought about what it would be like seeing him that night... We met and drove to a nice place by the ocean. I jumped in the shower and he rested. I walked towards him in just my black blouse and a he laid on the bed. His well chiseled with dark beautiful italian eyes and a smile that would lighten up any room... I staddled myself over him..kissing him deeply. He had his hands caressing my fresh skin...sliding my top open a bit more so he could kiss and suck on my ample nipples... "Baby.." he moaned and I felt him get harder unde
The Text
She sends him a txt, that says "when you come home just go lay down".......he wonders whats in store, but the thrill of not knowing is more than he can stand. He'll do what she asks, because she rarely takes control. When he walks in, he sees theres no lights, only candles, the sweet smell of "rain forest" in the air. But no her, the one he craves, his angel, his anchor. He does as he was asked and goes too lay down in they're bed. He's so tired, he almost slips off too sleep, but he hears the door open, and there she is! His lover, his desire. As he starts too rise from the bed, she whispers, "no, dont touch, lay still" as she lays her finger too her lips. He watches her, dark tanned skin barely covered in beautiful white lace, hiding his desires. She knows what he wants, she wants it too. But not yet. She dances for him, turning, and bending, showing him everything he cant have yet. She drops too her knees, and peels his pants from his hips, as she pulls them down, she runs her tongu
Text Messaging
Send a Text MessagePhone #Your txt messageGet this at
The Text Of The Declaration Of Independence
Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is made up of five distinct parts: the introduction; the preamble; the body, which can be divided into two sections; and a conclusion. The introduction states that this document will "declare" the "causes" that have made it necessary for the American colonies to leave the British Empire. Having stated in the introduction that independence is unavoidable, even necessary, the preamble sets out principles that were already recognized to be "self-evident" by most 18th- century Englishmen, closing with the statement that "a long train of abuses and usurpations . . . evinces a design to reduce [a people] under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The first section of the body of the Declaration gives evidence of the "long train of abuses and usurpations" heaped upon the colonists by King George III. The second section of the
Textbook Definitions Of The Word F*ck
The Texts has released the text messages sent by Chris Benoit to WWE employees (no names were given) on early Sunday morning between the hours of 3:51 and 3:58 am. Here is what the text messages said: Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone “My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215” Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone “The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open” Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone “My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215” Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone “My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215" Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone “My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville G
Text Messages
Be careful how you list names on your cell phone! This lady has changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag which contained her mobile, Credit card, purse...etc.... was stolen. 20 minutes later when she called her Husband, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says "I've Just received your text asking about our Pin number and I've replied a little while ago." When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The pickpocket had actually used the stolen and phone to text "hubby" in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from the bank account. Moral of the lesson: Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list. Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, s weetheart, Dad, Mom etc....... And very importantly, when sensitive info is being as
Text Messagner!!!!
If ya wanna my text messagner! AOL = mtbikers72 Yahoo = chameleonx13xz72 Text messagner = 1-518-334-0684 But I am sorry.... I cant speaking on the phone!! Thank you Mike
Text Message And Internet Short Type
Hello every one. Like me I have had some trouble with internet texting and phone texting. Well to tell a short story the newppaper did an article on this form of talking. so here are some short talking. Info to help us people get by. IF there are more of these please add them in the comments of this blog. ? Do U TXT? TMB, THNX. = I have a question, do you text? text me back, thanks. A3 = anytime, anywhere, anyplace AYt? = Are you there? bf - boyfriend b4 = before b4n = bye for now Bbl = be back later bfd = big freaking deal BFF = best friends forever Bg = big grin Btw = by the way bwl = bursting with laughter c&G = chuckle & grin CD9 = code 9, meaning" parents are around" cmon = come on Cul8r = see you later cya = see ya DD = dear daughter or ( darling) DH = Dear ( or darling) husband Diku = Do you know you? DS = dear ( or darling) son DTS don't think so DW = dear ( or darling) wife Ema = e-mail adress emfbi = excuse me for butting in enuf = enough e
Text To Pic
anyone out there know how i can add some text to some of my pics that dont have a blank spot where a text box is? paint sucks.need something else. Thanks
Sometimes I keep my phone in my hand, holding the possibility you'll text. Last night waiting on a bench for the train the phone hitting the ground woke me up.
Text Any Cell Phone Fore Free!!!!!!!! This is cool for pranks!!!! Spread it around
Text Message
Hello! Hello! HELLO!!! its me...your phone. I just wanted to get out of your pocket for a minute, the smell from your ass was killing me.
Text Message Me
FOR ALL MY FRIENDS YOU CAN TEXT ME AT if you have aim..i cant figure out how to do msn
Texting And Walking: Dangerous Mix
Texting and Walking: Dangerous Mix By Hilary Hylton You might call it an avocational hazard. A recent ITN News video in the UK shows that some London pedestrians have become so preoccupied with emailing and text messaging on their BlackBerrys and cell phones, that they can't make it down a city block without crashing into lampposts or trash bins. One of the most hazardous streets for "walking while texting," according to the Monty Python–esque video clip, is East London's busy Brick Lane, lined with trendy boutiques and curry shops, where people have been filmed walking head down, ricocheting off various stationary sidewalk objects. The solution? Wrap Brick Lane's lampposts with fluffy, white rugby goalpost cushions. The video hit the Internet in early March and was met with widespread media attention ("Britain's first safe text street has been created complete with padded lampposts to protect millions of mobile phone users from getting hurt in street accidents while walking and
Text Code To Send Over Fumail
put in your code
Text Messaging...
I'm riding the fence on this little conundrum...I love to text now that I can and have had practice thanks to my loving friends...ha, but I still find it rather impersonal and sometimes feel that I might get the wrong impression on the "intension" of the text and or text(s) being sent my direction. Did you get that? It's a bit like here, writing a blog, you as the writer know what you are feeling but the job at hand is trying to convey that to your potential reader...and, sometimes...the reader just doesn't "get" it! Maybe it's just that I'm a bit sarcastic and sarcasm is lost on many a fool! Although, you can't deny the "convenience" of a text. It can allow you to send a message without interupting the receiver...or allow you to flirt...or vent...or just plain say hello.. Of course, my main objective is to flirt because I (heart) my text friend...he knows I do :)
Text Or Chat Shortforms
If you see your teenager typing "MOS" in a Windows Live chat when you're in the room and have no idea what it means -- "mom over shoulder," by the way -- then read on and/or print out this list to keep up with your kid's lingo... But a word of warning: you might not want to know your kids are talking about this stuff (mine are still too young, so I have some time before I pull my hair out). Some of these I've heard while others seem, odd, but kudos to NetLingo for compiling and publishing this. Also, if you use IM programs or send text messages (SMS) on your phone, what's your favourite shorthand phrases? OK, here we go: 8 - it refers to oral sex 143 - it means I love you 182 - it means I hate you 459 - it also means I love you 1174 - it means nude club 420 - it refers to marijuana ADR or addy - Address ASL - Age/Sex/Location banana - it means penis CD9 - it means Code 9 = parents are around DUM - Do You Masturbate? DUSL - Do You Scream Lo
Text Me!
OK, I'm going to be all stupid here and post my cell number, cuz I broke my old phone and lost ALL of my contacts... ALL OF THEM!!! Sooo... if I used to have your number, or if I didn't, and you want me to, text me so I can get it again and have you in my contacts. Number is.... 574-952-0355 in case you don't know it :P *waits for random naughty texts*
"> austin@ fubar PLEASE HELP ! i need to leval up to a 10 to open my own lil country bar ! COUNTRY TUNES AND OLD FASHONED ROCK !
Textarea Code
Textarea codes can be used for several thing i mostly use to show html codes so that people may copy and paste as i have my other html blogs, another purpose for it is scroll menu which you can check out my other blog by clicking the link belowScroll Menu CodeThis is the basic code right hereWhich would give Sometimes you may want the box Longer so that more of the code shows on each line that's where the Col number, the Col number tells the box how long to be the higher the number the longer the box will be Using this codeWhich will give youOr rather sometimes you may want more rows in the code, in the just plain code i believe only 3 rows show and very small width and height, yet when increasing the rows within the code will make the height of the box taller (each number in the rows tell how many lines you want to show)so using this codewill give you Take Notice:Textarea codes should never be placed in bulletins, that you intend to be reposted simply because when you go to the repost
Text Whore
So I'm becoming quite the text whore... and I'm enjoying it.... but I need new people to text. I already have quite a few numbers, but I need MORE... (it's all about the numbers). GIMME!
Text Comments
/" border="0" alt="Photobucket"/>
you are passions texture your desire a delicate mix blood sweat tears pain welting your surface pleasure bruising your depth you are submissions palette adoration fills your slate crimson alabaster flesh devotion defining your hues Gamache`
Texting And Driving
Ok I was riding with a friend of mine a few days ango and it was pouring rain and her wipers didn't work and she was freakin out because of it and to make matters worse she was texting on her cell phone WHILE DRIVING!!! Now tell me people is that a time when I'd have been safer to have a good life insurance policy?
Texting Fun
I got this as a text and I thought it would be fun to see what all of you came up with for me. So let's hear 'emGive me a nickname only YOU can call me! If you're brave you'll forward this and see what all the crazy names you get.I'm guessing I could have changed the wording to make it fit a "blog" better..but yeah. Give me some nicknames!!
Text Forwarding
Okay so there's this site you can FW texts you recieve to and they'll post them... Here But here are a couple of my favs lol (914): Eric just called. Says he's trapped in a cul de sac because the road disappeared. Wants me to tell him what street has the bushes that whisper sweet nothings into you ear and the wobbling purple pokemon. Oh, and a "bigger and better" penis is growing out of his belly button. He took shrooms by the way.   (281) wow. When I'm done with him he's going to have to pop his collar in necessity and not just douchery   (803): We're hooking up, I have a toothbrush at her place, and yet on leaving her apartment a minute ago we said goodbye with a hi five. WTF?(843): You're upset about this?   (847): is it wrong that I prefer my women with low self esteem and a smidgen of an eating disorder?   (512): Don't come here someone got drunk and rolled the keg to buger king. no more beeer   (818): On a scale of affliction to ed hardy, how douchy is
Texting A Stranger And Freezing Again.
Normally I don't text strangers. But I do get the random texts from people I don't know. I usually just ask them who they are, then tell them they have the wrong number. Now, I'm just sitting here minding my own business...freezing  half to death, when I get a text. The only thing it says is "congrats on ur pens". So I ask who it is. I get back.."Ouch cuz. It's oubie". I still have no clue who it is and up until that point I thought it could be a cousin of mine playing some joke on me. Come find out that their cousins name is Michael Ryan. That's when I tell them they  have the wrong number. What they said back to me had me laughing.   "Oh shit. I'm sorry. My bad"   Anyway, I ended up texting this person for a few minutes. Longer than I text pretty much anyone..even if I do know them.
Text Message
 if you want to talk to me , text me on my cell ---> 1-506-227-4451
if any female wants to   text me at 864-552-0318
ME: with one hand on your arm and one on the back of your neck i would kiss your lips softly, suck on your lower lip as i pull away and continue to kiss your neck. pull your shirt off over your head and kiss your shoulders and continuing to your chest followed bu my hands. undoing your jeans and dropping it to the floor I would continue my way down your chest to be faced with your cock. I would circle the tip with my tong and then run it down the underside of your cock to meet your balls and back again. then open my hot mouth and slowly suck you in, taking all i could over and over again. the more I touch you the hotter i become. I stop sucking and kiss my way back to your mouth and continue kissing you some more as I put your hot hard cock inside me. make love to me please. ME: you lay there on your back and you inside me. I still kissing your lips with hands on your chest. so hot, so firm. ripples in just the right spots. mmm. you glide your hands up my
Text Me
Texts From Last Night...
One of my favorite pasttimes is reading are a few of my recent faves...   Drinking with birthday clown in the backyard shed at a 5 year olds birthday party at 12 in the afternoon. My life doesn't need any adjustments    She even gives head with a lisp.   She called me her ex's name in a supermarket. How boring am I that she livens up shopping by thinking of another guy?   four guys that i have slept with have come into my job today. FOUR. i feel like it's like bring your sex partners to work day.   if you want blown tonight you're gonna have to take me up on that offer now. in less then 45 minutes you're gonna be blacked out and i'm not doing something i'm not getting credit for in the morning.   These people keep looking at me like I'm the first person to ever eat ribs in a Home Depot.   He's so gross, but the preschooler inside me is screaming that this is her life dream and I have to be with him or she'll never forgive me. I just had a B
Texting For Seniors
This is no way applies to anyone specific...age or otherwise...LMAO Got suggestions to add below? leave a comment!!!   Since more and more Seniors are texting and tweeting there appears to be a need for a STC (Senior Texting Code). If you qualify for Senior Discounts this is the code for you.     ATD: At The Doctor's BFF: Best Friend Farted BTW: Bring The Wheelchair BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth CBM: Covered By Medicare CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center DWI: Driving While Incontinent FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers FWIW: Forgot Where I Was FYI: Found Your Insulin GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low! GHA: Got Heartburn Again HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On? LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out LOL: Living On Lipitor LWO: Lawrence Welk's On OMMR: On My Massage Recliner OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas. ROFL... CGU: Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up SGGP: Sorry, Gotta Go Poop TTYL: Talk To You Louder WAITT: Who Am I Talking To? WTF
Text Speak
I may be naive or old, but what the fuck is it with the text speak, ur instead of your. how R U instead of how are you? And a myriad of other examples. It looks illiterate as can be!
Text Message
Bling Hey how ya doing ? Havent heard from you in a while response: Doing ok.Hows life treating you? bling good.Havent seen you on FB in a while response: havent been on but once in a while, a lot on my mind lately. *  response: nice chatting. Have a good night. stay safe. bling u 2 good night   me thinking: who the hell was that?????!!!!
The Texture Of Jealousy
Like being trapped in brambles Thorns ripping at your hide Thrashing about Feeling there is no way out The burning sensation Of your skin pealing off Or feeling as though You wish you could The utter primal rage To reach out And pull her throat Free of her body And bath joyfully in her blood As if your stranded In the center of a gravel road Barefoot mid-summer Each grain piercing your tender feet While you sweat And carefully find the next step The dire need of breath As you fight the weights Pressing down upon your breasts  ~ 12 APR 2008   © Rhiannon Raventhorn, All rights reserved.
My phone starts beeping and I open the message. "What're you doing?" Such a difficult question.. I'm sitting in the car cause I wanna be alone, staring at the water run down the window, listening to the rain splash against the ground, and wondering if anyone wants me around. Smoking my cancer and thinking of the past, realizing my life's flying by too fast. I'm hoping for a time I can smile all day and dreaming of a night I can look back and say, "I'm happy with my life, I can put the knife away. I'm proud of what I've done, how far I've come, and who I am today. I smile cause I want to, cause it's real. It's the only way to express how I feel." When I can close my eyes and sleep through the night and not have all this shit on my mind. "Relaxing.. You?"
Send me a message if you'd like to :o
Text Me 914 819-5875 For My Hot Pix
Text Me 914 819-5875 For My Hot Pix
Texts For Cash!l@@k!
Have A Cell Phone? Make Money! Access To Internet? Make Money! Read SMS Text Ads? Make Money! Refer Many Others? Make Money! Skys The LIMIT & It's 100% Free! Take advantage of Technology! JOIN TODAY! EVERYTHING TO GAIN!  
Tfcd In Va And Eastern Nc
Looking for amature models or anyone that would like to do a TFCD from Richmond to Norfolk and into Eastern NC. I am trying to build my portfolio and willing to do TFCD and editing on the photos. I will travel and do whatever type of photos that you are looking for. There will be a form that will be filled out giving both model and photographer permission to use the photos for portfolio use. I have been doing lanscape, nature and other types for a couple years now and I'm in the process of getting into model photography. If you are interested you can e-mail me at and view my site at
i find myself laughin like hell at the way people portray themselves, acting as though they are soooo big and all that on the net, but in reality they are just as normal as the rest of us...always tryin to impress someone with senseless words and placing themselves on this imaginary untouchable cloud...again, TFF!! in all actuality i guess they are pretty good actors on the net...but yet they cant stop with the lies and absolutely funny remarks about themselves...i am ME and thats all i can be...i do not put on this fake image of myself, nor do i say things i dont really, c'mon and be who u r...stop with the nonsense lies and trying to make urself look good when ppl like myself can see rite thru you, and yes even on the net...LMAO!!!!
hmmmmm i get warned by a female bouncer for posting comment picture's lol......well if the O SO MIGHT BOUNCER'S dont want them DONT allow them to be posted on FUBAR PEROID!!! and ive seen main account picture's that show worse than a stoopid comment ive sent out .........look's like the o SO MIGHTY BOUNCER'S are'nt doing such a good job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tfp Updates 2/24
tfproject.orgEarlier this week, we performed some maintenance on our servers. The semi-technical explanation is that we swapped the roles of our two servers and upgraded the webserver software. The overall result is that our website runs a whole lot faster than it did before. This means we can handle more traffic and browsing is so quick, your patience will never be tried.We have a shoutbox! This new gadget on the TFP lets you post small messages for everyone to read. You can chat with others who are posting, or just leave whatever note you'd like. Shout to your heart's content.Tilted Collaborations is a small project I've set up that is ready for use. I'd like to encourage people to work on projects of their own, so I've made it at least a tad bit easier for them to do so by providing them with their very own forum. If you'd like to have your own forum for a project you're working on, please send a private message to me (Halx). We'll also have a couple public projects that people can
T'freres House & Garconniere
T'Freres House and Garconniere LOCATION: T'Freres House and Garconniere can be found on Verot School Road ( Route 339) between Rue Louis X1V and Highway 3073. Nearest cross streets are Artisan Road and Yvette Marie Drive. (337) 984-9347 * (800) 984-9347 Address: 1905 Verot School Road, Lafayette, LA 70508. DESCRIPTION: T'Freres House and Garconniere Bed and Breakfast was voted the "Best of the Best by the Times of Acadiana Readers poll. It is 'The Place' to stay in South Louisiana." Innkeepers Pat and Maugie Pastor, former premier restauranteurs of Chez Pastor Restaurant in Lafayette, offer wonderful food selections for their guests, who also enjoy the Cajun aura of the Bed and Breakfast itself. This 1880 Acadian colonial architecture style 2 floor wooden home is made of Loui
Tft Technology Stationed Tablet 300ppi Era
Tablet PC below this level panel is 200-251 ppi, 7.0 英寸 Amazon Kindle Fire HD and 10.0 inches Google Nexus 10 belong to this category. Such panel shipments this year is expected to be 22.8 million, compared with last year's 12.1 million increase 88%. At the recent meeting held in Vancouver, the SID can be seen on the new 300PPI Tablet PC panel display industry, which is an important meeting, panel makers are usually discussed on this occasion new technologies and industry developments. Held in May this meeting, LG Display unveiled a 300ppi pixel density than 7-inch high-definition flat-panel computer panel, Samsung Electronics unveiled a 10.1-inch 300ppi tablet PC panels. Taiwan Innolux also launched its own products, a 6-inch low-temperature polysilicon HD panel, pixel density up to 368ppi. Part of plans to launch high-definition panel, will use oxide thin film transistor (TFT) technology android 4.2 tablet pc similar to the SID conference to see. This tech
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1)I was born in Summersville WV and uprooted to the big city (Indianapolis) when I was 1 month old. 2) I am the oldest of 2 children. My sister is 3yrs 9 months younger than me. 3) I love annoying my friends! (especially Hrt of gold lol) 4) I'm a processor for the Indianapolis Metro Police Dept. 5) I don't like complete darkness....but at the same time I also don't like brightness. 6) I love peanut butter. 7) I LOVE all kinds of music. 8) I try to be tough and deep inside I'm a softy and if I tell you NO.... ask me again in a day and I will probably say yes lol 9) I love drinking Diet Pepsi :) 10) I a
Tg Admirers?
Starr@ fubar It's amazing that all of the guys perusing the supposed female sites on this network don't pay close enough attention to detail or they don't care ... or they know I'm en femme and they really want to care. Can't quite figure them out, but for whatever reasons ... they're TG admirers! TG means transgender, for those of you who aren't into acronyms. That means I'm a chick with a [rhymes with chick] Oh! No! Well ... can't accept that? Don't ask to add then. You won't hurt my feelings. And no, I don't give lip service so don't ask. Hugs, Cherie
Tge V2.0 Total Request!!!
Here's Ya Button For Winamp...Tune In, Rock Out!! Here's Ya Button To The NEW Microsite...Tune In, Rock Out!!
Tgfitw Show Their True Colours
TGFITW show their true colours
The weather is very gorgeous,the sun is shinging and its 75 degrees.Need to get out and do something.Before u know it will be Fall/cold/rain. Hope everyone has a great weekend.Do something I would means most anything gos.xxxSugar
Tgif!! Hope this is how all of us spend the weekend!
YAY it's the weekend :))) ok everybody let's tear this place apart!!! lol Have a good weekend everybody :)
hey yalll... not much goin on n this world... ( mine anyways ) ssdd ( same shit different day ) boring life blah blah blah... yups im posting on here instead of myspace... anyways its nice and cool here low 70's my feet is freezing .. but aleast its not hotter then hell( if i dont change my ways ) im going there for sure lol... but I wont go into details why haha anyways... not much going on here just chilling and enjoying the peace and quiet before the youngins get home n about a hr make taht 55 mins but whos counting haha then its HELL house around here lol i think im gonna chill and either have a nice stiff margarita its been a long week OR A FEW or more BEERS lol haha...welp the booze is calling my name so later yall.. bE GOOD OR BE GOOD AT IT Bec
And it's another week in the bag so to speak! It's been a busy with trying like mad to get some projects completed and keep up with the ticket queue. I haven't been around as much as I have had my nose to the grind stone trying to get the work done *lol* Hopefully, next week will be a lot quieter.. JJ the Axe
YAYAYAYA... its here its here.... Whats here? you may ask...... FRIDAY IS HERE!!!! Time to celebrate... It has been a long week... Im ready to relax on the beach.... which I will be doing tomorrow. YA ME!!!! Feels weird going to the beach in October. I am so use to not being able to. How funny is that... Anyways... Everyone HAVE A Wonderful Weekend! BE Safe!!! MySpace Comments Graphics I know Mine will!!!! Later, RB
T. G. I. F.
Tgif November 3, 2006
/"> I hope everyone is ready for the weekend!!! I sure in WA we are having lots of rain and lots of least the chill has passed on through. I hope to meet a lot of new and interesting far I have..hehehe Come on over and Show Me Some Luvin' if you get the chance!!! And to all my old friends, and new ones...God's Special Blessings to you all!!! LOVE LIFE, LOVE YOURSELF!!!
T.g.i.f. Vs S.h.i.t
A business man got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, "T-G-I-F." He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more slowly. He again answered, "S-H-I-T." The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile, and said as sweetly as possibly, "T-G-I-F." The man smiled back to her and once again, "S-H- I-T." The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain. "'T-G-I-F' means Thank Goodness It's Friday. Get it, duuhhh?" The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey, Its' Thursday'
hell yea its friday.. party this weekend.. im going to a couple of parties with my friends.. hopin to get really fucked up.. i need after the week i had.. o man.. will i hope the rest of you sexy friends of mine have a good weekend.. and please be safe the cops are out strong.. lol
Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts
T.g.i.f. Friday The 15th
Tgif! What A Week!
Good morning/good afternoon, one and all! Yesterday was a long one for me. The evening talk I gave went well. I think I may even acquire a few new clients from it, which is always a good thing! Love to talk on anything related to Traditional Chinese Medicine!! My sister Carol should be landing in Madison shortly. I'll be interested to get the scoop on her great adventure, even if it was cut short. Dad is doing well. Doesn't go back to see his doctor for a month. We continue to hide the snow shovel and keys to the tractor!! Energyworkers, remember to keep your shields up! This is no joke, by the way. I keep learning the hard way not to lose contact with my shields, to reinforce them regularly throughout my day! I continue to learn valuable lessons daily regarding how to protect myself and my loved ones - you know who you are, lol! Awaiting the hard copy and audiotape of my astrology reading. Although I took 6 pages of notes during the reading, I'm sure I missed quite a bit!
hey this is my first blog here so just adding a note to say Hello .. AND THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY! WOOHOO
Graphics & Layouts
Friday greetings to everyone! No school today, so I get to listen to Professional Wrestling on the TV while I do my computer thing! Yeah, Dakota (the 12 year old grandson) is a BIG Pro Wrestling fan. If you ask him, he'll tell you he wants to be a professional wrestler when he grows up! I keep reminding him, you need to have a fall-back profession for after you get so beat up you can't wrestle anymore, lol! He doesn't appreciate that comment, lmao! If I recall correctly, you can't get health insurance either!! With any luck, he will grow out of this stage - the others did!! Long day today, as I open the store this morning for my friend. And I'll work until 2 p.m. tomorrow, again! Don't like to do Saturdays, but you do what you gotta do! Was going to take pictures this weekend, but the bruising from my face-first fainting spell of last week are not quite gone yet! Yeah, they are green and yellow. And, yes, the forehead bruising slowly slid down to around my eyes - definitely lo
Thank God it's Friday! Weekend's here, I think most know what that means! I'm sure folks will be having fun this weekend. My brother's having his birthday gathering Saturday night. I may or may not be around the computer during it. Sunday looks to be a BLAH kind of day for me right now. So for now, I am going to take off...go enjoy my Friday night, talk to yas later!
Because at work today I was ready to go postal on the chick in the cubicle next to me. Seriously repeatedly stabbing her was looking like a nice option...or maybe I could just borrow Dwayne's paintball gun. Ok back to your regularly scheduled programs :)
I am sooooo glad it is finally Friday. It's always good when the weekend gets here. It is suppose to be close to 60 today, but you'd sure not know it by the way it feels right now. It's about 48, but it has been raining since I've been up, the sky all cloudy and grey. Not the idea 60 dgree day we're suppose to have. A little sunshine would be preferred, over the rain. I'm not sure if it's suppose to do this all day or not. It would be nice if the sun would decide to peek out, at least sometime before the day is over. That would be the 60 seem much better, rather than all this cold, damp and gloomy stuff I'm having to look at now. Landon will be stopping by after he gets off work to get Moriah. She works this weekend, so it's back out to Landon's for the next couple of days. It's been almost a yr. now, that she's been working at Mc Donald's, and she has really enjoyed it. We're really proud of her that she's stuck with this, considering it was her first ever job. Y
YUK!! Rain and more rain!! Almost 50 degrees so not too warm and not too cold. Just damp and chilly!! I think I'll head south in a few weeks!! You all have great weekends and stay safe!! Watch out for lightning and tornados!!
T.g.i.f. Vs S. H. I. T.
Subject: T.G.I.F. vs S. H. I. T. A businessman got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, "T-G-I-F." He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more slowly. He again answered, "S-H-I-T." The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said as sweetly as possibly, "T-G-I-F." The man smiled back to her and once again said, "S-H-I-T." The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain. " 'T-G-I-F' means 'Thank Goodness It's Friday.' Get it, duuhhh?" The man answered, " 'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday!' "
Tgif !! It Is Already One Of Those Days, Lol!
Need to make a fast dash back to the Middle School! Major disaster ensuing - I FORGOT TO GIVE DAKOTA HIS ADHD MEDICINE ! Oh, shit!! What was I thinking? More like, I wasn't thinking this morning. Geez!! Damian and Tim have officially moved out, to an apartment about a mile or so from here. I wish them well! Damian could use all the prayers and positive energy he can get! I'm not sure he's ready for Tim, lmao! Dakota's dreads are so cute!!! Yes, I will take pics of him this weekend, lol! Finally got over to see Aidan, my niece Maria's new little boy! What a cutie! So I got my new baby fix, 2 hours worth! Ah, Heaven!! Yes, I love newborns and small infants; it's my favorite age for a child, I think! Maria is also doing well; tired, but doing well, lol! I'm off to work! Yes, it's another busy one. If this keeps up, I definitely will be self-supporting by the end of the year! Thank the God and Goddess, yes indeed! Have a wonderful day everyone! Much love and warm hugs to all
It been a good week it went by fast...Start a new job...Good money the hours kind of suck but thats OK...Plus it what I'm use to doing..Working at Pilot Travel Center...Love to work with the public make the time go by fast...Claire doing good growing everyday...Puppies are growing too..Sarah find out she having another baby in Nov...we are hoping for a boy baby this time..Then their done having babies...Im going to have 2 grandbaby that enough for a while...Claire's already a hand full dont know what she going to do with 2 babies running around...Call Nana to come get one LOL...Well have to go have to run after ClaireBear..Bye bye for now..Have a Great Weekend..
Well its Friday. I haven't been out very much and tonight is the night. I've decided to get out of the house and do a surprise set tonight. DJ Zan will be out tonight. So It should be a good night. Not to mention Trevor is in town tonight. Doing an act for the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. I'm not going to that but he'll come out to meet me later on tonight. Will I be a good boy? I doubt it.
Tgif,well Almost.
Just got off work and wanted to say goodnight to all you cherries,have a blessed friday, I know I will.
So begins the great "Wedding Weekend" for my nephew Jason and his intended, Carrie! No clients for me today! I will be heading out later this morning to pick up my oldest son William from Madison - about a 2 hour drive from here! I always enjoy my visits with him and look forward to chatting with him all weekend, lol! Jennifer, eldest daughter, arrived in Sparta last night from LaCrosse. It was a pleasant surprise that she spent the night with HER oldest son, Damian, in his new apartment. Tim continues to reside with me, for at least another week or two - maybe longer, lmao!! Jenn will be showing up here shortly, I'm sure! Dinner at my parent's house last night went well. Nice to visit with Mike and Suzanne - it's been awhile since I've seen them. Carol, Sarah, and the Divas were present, too. Those little Divas, Chesney and Keyanna, are such little sweethearts; and so very busy, lol!!! I hope someone has a video camera for when they march down the aisle! I'm sure something inter
Nothing like a short workday! Home already, lol! Feels nice, but kind of odd. Received a message from daughter Jenn, the one now residing in LaCrosse County Jail. She is getting settled in for the long haul, I guess. Her friend wasn't sure what they were going to charge her with, but there is no hurry to take her to court, lol! At least we all know where she is and that she is safe - I hope she is safe!!!!!! Requests that we write her some letters. That I can do! Can't say that I want to see her in jail, though. I'm sure her oldest will go visit her! Dakota is going to have some busy weekends this month! Soccer on Saturdays and Baseball on Sundays, lol! How he loves his sports! Have a wonderful Friday, everyone! Much love and warm hugs for everyone! Blessings all over the place, lol! Later! Muah!
Boy, am I glad it is Friday! Although, even for Friday, today's gonna be a crazy one, I'm afraid. I just finished getting ready for work, but don't have to leave for another 40 mins. or so...then off to work for a few hours. We're headin' for Indiana sometime today...whenever lee gets off. He normally doesn't get off till 7, but when I asked him if he was going to be stuck there all day...he just said, "we'll see". HOPEFULLY, there might be some possibility that he can get out of there before 7, and we can get on the road. When he doesn't get off till that late, then still has to come home, lots of times it's going on 8, before we can even hit the road. When you're looking at a 7-8 hr. trip, by the time we stop to eat, take pee breaks, get gas, puts us into Indy around 3am. A very very long and tiring trip. So...maybe he can get out of work a little sooner...that would be nice. After I get home from work, I've got to get all our clothes packed, and ready to go
Tgif - I Think, Lol!?
Good morning/good afternoon, everyone! What a crazy week this has been, lol. Update on Jennifer aka daughter #1: She WILL be doing prison time, but she doesn't seem too upset. The judge will decide how long her sentence is on July 26, I believe! She will be able to do her drug rehab while incarcerated, thank the Goddess! The time she has been sitting in jail will count off of her total jail time. My one big point of contention is that they have totally changed her meds around - so they fit with the jail's regular med distributing times! What crap! Her memory has always been bad, at least since her IV meth use - now she can't remember anything very long. I wish these people would stop screwing with her meds!!! Ah, well. Not my problem, I guess! Her guys aren't handling this as well as they might! They understand, but then they don't, really! Dakota is having the hardest time, but then he's never lived with his Mom. Jessica aka daughter #2 has arrived with her crew. It's really
"Thank Goddess Its Friday" 5 more hours and I get to see my man. I cant ever see him enough. John cant get here soon enough to get the kids and I will be out the door onmy way to Evansville and into my mans arms. WOOOHOOO!!! I have to give props to the cherrytap site for this is where I met my sweetie. Ok gotta go get prettified for my man. luv ya all
David has been here all week so not too much got done. But having my son with me is the world to me. Actually had a good meeting with a client this morning. Work has been a bit stressful. I have plenty to do, but we just don't make as much on the work as we used to. Really have to find a nitch market and concentrate on it. David decided he wanted to give up soda, so while he has been here I have not had any soda either. Been a week without my Dew.. so I am having caffeine withdrawls lol. Side effects from the prednisone are almost gone. Stomach is not as bad, But I am still drinking lots of water.. which means I don't get to sleep through the night lol. Unfortunately, the pain is still there. Going to the drivein for a few movies later tonight. Wonder if either of us will make it through without sleeping lol.
Tgif Cherrytap Friends And Family Much Love 2 U All!!!!!!!!!!!!
A business man got on an elevator. When he entered, > there was a > > blonde already inside who greeted him with a bright, > "T-G-I-F." > > > > He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." > > > > She looked puzzled, and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more > slowly. > > > > He again answered, "S-H-I-T." > > > > The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so, she > smiled her > > biggest smile and said as sweetly as possibly, > "T-G-I-F." > > > > The man smiled back to her and once again, > "S-H-I-T." > > > > The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain, > "'T-G-I-F' means > > 'Thank Goodness It's Friday.' Get it duuhhh?" > > > > The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means "Sorry, Honey, > It's Thursday."
Tgif...have A Great One!
TGIF!!!! I sure glad it is Friday! And to all my Fu friends.....much love!
Tgif Fubar Friends And Family Much Love 2 U All!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make Tags On Images
Tgif!!! ... Have A Great One! I EVER glad that it is Friday!!! I am soooooooo ready for the weekend. I believe it will be a fairly lazy one around this house! lol We are going Sunday to see my Mom, and an old friend Rae, that will be in town/Lebanon, from her home in Hawaii...(Rae, middle). Needless to say at that distance, she doesn't get back to the mainland very often. She was able to make it back though, to see her beloved team, St. Louis Cardinals, win the world about someone bein' on cloud 9! lol Got to work today for a few hours...I never really know, depending on how busy we are, and today's payday, so that is ALWAYS good! I was wanting to get some new stuff added to my stash last night, but didn't get very far, since Moriah took over the puter, and was downloading some music for her mp3 player. Maybe I'll be able to get around to getting that added this afternoon when I get home from work. Welp....guess I'll head out and start getting ready f
Tgif!!! Enjoy Fu Friends! is Friday, and I am SOOOOOOOOO glad!!!! Boy, do I love my weekends! Hope you all have a wonderful Friday...try to stay cool.....hahahaha...that's been a little impossible, but if nothing else, find a pool, or a lake! HUGGGGZ, AND LOVE TO ALL MY FU FRIENDS!
Tgif!!! Enjoy Fu Friends!
Well, I have a little bit of time to drop in and say "HI", not much, since I have to leave a little early and drop off some lunch money for Moriah at school, before heading for work. Hopefully, I'm going to have a little bit of time to spend here with ya this afternoon, when I get home from work, but I also will have to spend some time packing since we're headed to Indiana for the weekend to visit Lee's Mom. With the holiday, Lee has the entire weekend well as Monday, and I was able to arrange Monday off, so it will be nice to have the 3 day weekend. I'm not really relishing being on the highways during a holiday weekend, traffic is always so nuts, but maybe it won't be too bad for us, since we do all our driving late night. Keep us in your prayers that we have a safe trip up, and back home again, and trouble free! As usual, we won't be leaving till Lee get's off work, and by the time he's home, and we get headed out on the road, I'm sure it will be going on 8:00. We'l
So Thank God it is Friday. I Have Had a very stressful day. I Have had problems with my Husbands Old Job. I have to take a whole lot of tests to prove that I know what the classes that I took say I know. Crazy how you can take a class, Pass it, and even show what the material in the class was that you learned but they still dont believe that you actually know that. You have to take a test to prove it. It is just frustrating. I am admitted in to Eastern Michigan University. I start Wensday. I did however, in the process of trying to impress the people at eastern, manage to make a fool of myself. I Sprained my Ankel pretty badly, infact I thought I had broke it. It is very swollen and I have been trying to stay off of it as much as possible. I am also excited to say that I am Happy, really Happy. I have met someone that I really could see being in my life long term. I mean at this point in my life, I am not considering remarrying and I am not sure I would ever consider it.
TGIF! Wishing you a great Friday and a Fantastic Weekend! Hubby will be home this afternoon so I will be incommunicado till next week but I just wanted to let you know - Thank You for being my Friend! {{{HUGS}}}
Just droppin' in on this Friday morning to say "HI". And am I EVER glad that today is Friday. I am SO ready, as usual, for the weekend. It been a REALLY long week, and the time is chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllll! Hopefully, my work day today, will go by smoothly and quickly. Our bed came apart the other biggie deal to fix, you say...that is, unless you have a waterbed like we do, and then it's a pain in the butt. I think when we were messin' with that the other day, I maybe have hurt I say that because a little over a yr. ago, I cracked a rib....and I'll be, if I didn't mess around with that bed, and now, a few days later, that spot I hit is really sore...and is beginning to feel just like the cracked rib I had before...except that one was low...and this one is up high...closer to my boob and armpit! lol If I haven't cracked it, I've at least bruised it pretty is really beginning to hurt, depending on the movements I make. Ho
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
Tgif Indeed
I just got back from having my staples removed (ouchie) and also found out the tumor was benign. Yes folks... I am cancer free. Yay *does a happy dance* Hugs to those that sent all their positive energies. It will indeed be a Merry Christmas.
T.g.i.f Vs S.h.i.t
T-G-I-F vs. S-H-I-T A business man got on an elevator. When he entered, there was a blonde already inside who greeted him with a Bright, "T-G-I-F." He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T." She looked puzzled and repeated, "T-G-I-F," more slowly. He again answered, "S-H-I-T." The blonde was trying to keep it friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile, and Said as sweetly as possibly, "T-G-I-F." The man smile d back to her and once again, "S-H-I-T." The exasperated blonde finally decided to explain. 'T-G-I-F' means 'Thank Goodness It's Friday.' Get it, duuhhh?" The man answered, "'S-H-I-T' means 'Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday'
Myspace Codes Free MySpace LayoutsI got this Sexy Comment from!
TGIF everyone, its Friday which means after work I will be having a few drinks, and I might get a lil drunk so what its slow at work and we havent worked a weekend since december at the print shop where I work mostly when I aint here. Everyone else have a great wekend. Everyone have a wonderful weekend at home or whatever your doing, and for those on my list who keep quiet when I talk to them have a really nice I dont give a shit weekend LOL, haha im being a smartass on a friday mind you LOL hey its me and who I am in life if yea dont like just move on and go to the next fubar member page LOL, I love You all on my fubar list hugs and kisses and high fives for the guys sorry no hugs LOL, have a great friday and ttyl.
imikimi - Customize Your World
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I am so glad it is Friday and this week is over with. I had a lot to do this week with work and got it all accomplished and then on top of it had the court date with anthony yesterday. It turned out to be that it wasn't court Thank God! It was the probation department and we went and discussed his punishment for his "big" crime he did with the officer. She actually kind of laughed that he got arrested for stealing a soda. I am sure the kids that she is assigned to have done a lot worse! She called him a "big time criminal". I laughed. It was evident that we did not belong there. You should have seen the people that were in there for probation! Scary!!!! They were looking at us and probably wondering why we were there! We didn't look like meth heads or criminals. LOL She said that actually what they assigned him before was worse than what she was going to make him do. She said that was a bit extreme. He has to do 30 hours of community service. Attend a clas
Tgif Party Come Rock Out
Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all are having a good day. Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Do tell!
Tgif Rock Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been so lazy this week. I did get some planting done earlier in the week. My honey-do list...well, we talked about most of it. Jeff has gotten some much needed rest this week since he is on vacation. We took the kids out last night for pizza and games. We all enjoyed ourselves!! Our weekend plans are....NOTHING~! We really are a boring family!! For now we have to make plans around my treatments and how I feel and it sucks. The weather is supposed to be pretty this weekend so I know we'll end up at the park sometime. There is a local egg hunt but I doubt we'll go. Some kids are just ruthless and my son is not. I'll get some candy and fill some eggs and we'll do our own egg hunt. See...BORING!! I hope each of you have a great weekend and a blessed Easter Sunday. ~~smooches~~
MySpace Comments
I am so glad it is Friday. I have been working very hard all week and my fingers are hurting from the typing on the computer! I am trying to get my house clean, with the help of my robots ;) so I can enjoy the weekend. It has been very hot the last few days. My pool is at like 88 degrees, does that tell you how hot it has been? I would like to spend my weekend in my pool or near my pool. Naked? Probably! I have a wedding of a coworker I am supposed to go to tomorrow evening but am trying to find an excuse to not go! Maybe I will have a migraine headache tomorrow afternoon around 3:00 and just send Peter with a gift. hee hee hee. I am so bad. I would love to just not have to deal with anything this weekend. That would just be lovely. I need to go shave.....down there. I am trying to stay on top of that. I don't like too much hair! No thank you. I have so much to do today and little time to do it. I was just trying to get some comments out there to my "fubar
T.G.I.F to all of you who are lucky to get the weekend off. As for me.. I will be working , like I usually do when a holiday weekend comes around. Guess its just my luck that it falls on my weekend all the time. Ughh. I get monday off though, which I could care least I would be bringing in the money on that day. Anyways.. wishing you all a great weekend.
Welcome to Quicksand Island, the home of Lower Fort Knox Here, you are fed for helping to move ginormous gold-bricks Here, you are clothed for flattering every briefcase, each tie Shelter you get for punctual shift-attendance each day Now the complacent-people, without even a clue to stand on People who wave a magic-wand back at each solution People who read a high-verb low-pronoun diet Welcome you here, to live a life lost in the public-armpit Now, and not one single nanosecond later than now Screams of “SHUT UP ! ! !” burst from mouths, and cars collide on the go Heart-attacks meet deadlines; every task is scheduled and due Now, and not one single nanosecond later than now Cradle to grave, alarm-clock to coffin, the process never does stop Cradle to grave, alarm-clock to coffin, and every person dies cheap You are a kludge, replaced by machines when every bone breaks Welcome to Quicksand Island, the home of Lower Fort Knox
Well Friday is finally here!! Just got back from getting my nails done....always makes me feel much better and sexier!! Gotta pour me a glass of wine and relax cuz I need to unwind after this busy week. However, my MS is not acting up so much lately thank goodness. Have met more new people here and it's a great way to relieve those pent up tensions! I did actually try and "step outside the box" so to speak and meet someone face to face, only to get stood up!! That was an experience that I haven't felt in a very long time........needless to say I haven't spoken to them since!! But for the most part, everyone here is great. I have alot of friends on my list and special ones that I give more of my attention to....but I do love you all and thank god I've got you! Hope everyone has a terrific weekend.........enjoy!!
YAY it's friday one more day and my boyfriend comes all get out cause he is the first one since 07 and i have not been with a man since then...cross ur finger that it goes well
T.g.i.f. Vs. S.h.i.t.
A blonde lady and a man are in an elevator. The blonde obviously just ending a hard day of work and says, "T.G.I.F." The man sort of laughing and says, "S.H.I.T." The lady frusrated says again, "T.G.I.F." Again the man says, "S.H.I.T." The lady turns to the man and says, "How dare you swear in the presence of a lady! T.G.I.F.; thank god it's friday." The man turns to her and says, "I wasn't swearing! S.H.I.T.; sorry honey it's thursday."
This has been the longest week ever, I think. Somebody musta thrown in an extra day by sprinkling in a few hours here and there. Sadly, it's not over though, I've got a Christmas party/baby shower tonight, then I've got to go to a wedding tomorrow. Ugh! Weddings. I have a bad history with weddings, I've been to a lot of them, and with my background I could actually perform them. The problem with this wedding in particular is it's for someone I knew a while ago, and I've changed some things about myself since then, and I don't really fit in with that group. Well, I never really did to begin with, but really not now. But, in the interest of social harmony, I have to play that role for a little while tomorrow. Bleh. Were it any other person I would just not go, but she knows where I live, and promised physical violence if I wasn't there. The things you do for friends! :P
I am so happy for weekends!  Plans anyone?
Tgif Again !!!
  After 20 years of marriage, a couple was lying in bed one evening, when the wife felt her husband begin to fondle her in ways he hadn't in quite sometime. It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back.He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down over her breasts, stopping just over her lower stomach. He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, caressed past the side of her breast again, working down her side, passed gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proceeded up her inner thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side, then suddenly stopped, rolled over and started to watch the TV. As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice, 'That was wonderful. Why did you stop?' He said , 'I found the remote'
Tgif Radio
We are a small group of great djs....We are slowly growing...Looking for new members to come and join our station....We have free chat rooms and Great music...Also Free web cams......We welcome everyone to come kick their shoes off and wiggle their toes...And Jam with the best djs out there on the net.......If your not here your missing the best party out there:)...   @
Yes, I said TGIFF. Thank God It's Fucking Friday! This week went by quickly but had some snags. My fucking health insc is trying to say they're not going to cover my surgery (from back in Oct.) without a referral from my primary doctor. But I have yet to even SEE my primary because I was put on an 8 week waiting list. Besides, it was emergency surgery. It had to be done to save my fucking life. Why the hell do you need a referral for something that's already been done and was a matter of life and death? Isn't that what the damn insc is for to begin with?? Ugh, some people. That's the fucking government for you. I still need a damn job. Every good prospect is 30 mins away meaning I'd have to take the commuter which = 15 bucks round trip. I'm starting to run out of things of value to sell. I wouldn't even BE in this situation if I wasn't so damn nice and actually made the ex pay what he should instead of the pathetic amount he does. WHEN he does. Bastard is over 200 bucks behind as
Tgif Birthday To................
Hey kids! Thanks to Juicy again for the God Mode and all the love of course, and before I forget, which I won't...let's wish a very happy birthday tooooooooooooo... Carol LeighxSweetGaPeachx FE To Hawstf@ fubar Short weeks rock haha js.....peace
Tgif Update...10/14/2011
Hey kids, TGIF!...just a quick note on a few things... Don't forget to vote in the swimsuit contest to get your free points as well as the Battle of the Bands (you get alot there too.) .. ..also don't forget that we are trying to bring back the old school bulletin train. If you don't know what that is, check out the bulletin board or use this as a reference, it's actually fun and cool and you could make some new friends... ...and yes, I know about yet another video blog that has me in it. Honestly, it's so pathetic and pointless I think I'm just going to let it speak for iteself...maybe I should do a video blog one day....js.... ..also it baffles me how people can continue to add this "Dud" (see previous blogs for who it is) to their families while he has threatened children making him a top member weekly...he's either a good con or people are that ignorant.. ..also thanks for getting yesterday's fake spotlight wiped out. Tha
Hope your having a great start to the weekend.  Hopefully you didn't get affected by that big storm that hit the midwest.  I did but it wasn't that bad.  We had the sleet and ice but it melted by the next day.  I kept crossing my fingers that we wouldn't lose power and luckily we didn't.  It seems like every time we have a strong wind or a storm it goes out.  I don't have any plans this weekend.  I had company today and got to play with my strapon so that was alot of fun.  Unfortunately, they had to leave tonight.  So what are your plans?  Hope you have a great weekend and would love to play soon. Hugs and Kisses Chilly
When you get a chance please read the family blog on Removed Members, and unless you were friends with them before you came to the family, I would prefer you remove them so they don't get reposted blogs and bulletins pertaining to the family. We need everybody to bomb Fubar Fred in his contest that started yesterday. The link to it is in the family call out folder. There will be a few more members removed before the weekend is over. But he members being removed have not particiapted anyway so we really have not lost anything. This family will be strong and stay strong by having dedicated, willing, members who WANT to be in the family. If you see it as a pain in the ass or a chore then you should not belong to a bomber family. That is what we do. And even with the slackers who joined then disappeared, we still have proven to be a strong bomber family. We have some really great members. Please go to the page of the guy hosting the contest Fred is in, add that man as a friend t
Tgit....thank Goodness It's Thursday....???
Have you guys all had your coffee this mornin' to help wake up? I have, and have started on the Pepsi already, for a bit more added I'm soooo glad that it's getting closer to Friday, and then the weekend will be here. I'm not really lookin' forward to work today...a long one for me 10-4, then a bit of running around to do before I get to come home. It probably wouldn't be so bad, except we all have to work today with one of our new "shift managers", which none of us enjoy doing, she just seems to be naggin' ALL the time about something, and half the time we all look at each other and just shake our heads.... She has this "thing" about everyone doing THEIR her, this means if your work is done, you don't pitch in and help someone else...or work other things that might need done.....that's not YOUR job. She has literally asked me at times to just stand by the register...don't leave, don't do anything, and this is when there's NO ONE wanting to order. But,
Tgit???? ....thank Goodness It's Thursday! Lol
Have you guys all had your coffee this mornin' to help wake up? I have, and have started on the Pepsi already, for a bit more added I'm soooo glad that it's getting closer to Friday, and then the weekend will be here. I'm not really lookin' forward to work today...a long one for me 10-4, then a bit of running around to do before I get to come home. It probably wouldn't be so bad, except we all have to work today with one of our new "shift managers", which none of us enjoy doing, she just seems to be naggin' ALL the time about something, and half the time we all look at each other and just shake our heads.... She has this "thing" about everyone doing THEIR her, this means if your work is done, you don't pitch in and help someone else...or work other things that might need done.....that's not YOUR job. She has literally asked me at times to just stand by the register...don't leave, don't do anything, and this is when there's NO ONE wanting to order. But,
Together i wish we were to share the love we have for each other I love you with all my heart and always will Getting the key to my heart was easy for you Everything about you seems to be so right Right now it feels like your the one,hopefully soon in time i will know I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!!
T.g. Sheppard - War Is Hell (on The Homefront, Too
T.G. Sheppard - War Is Hell (on The Homefront, Too) It was July hot in Georgia in 1942 all the men were off to war and the woman had nothing to do. I was sixteen and hungry looking for my first taste of love, When I brought the groceries to the door I didn't know how close I was. Her long blond hair was flowing and she smelled like sweet perfume. When I laid her groceries down she said you don't have to leave so soon. A woman sure gets lonely when a men gone off to fight. She reached up for my trembling hand as tear drops filled her eyes then she said. Chores: War is hell on the home front too. God only knows what a woman goes though. She still needs what a man that's gone can't do. I can't fight this fire along stay with me until it's gone. Ooh war is Hell on the Home front Too. It was July hot in side me as she lead me to the bed room door with satin sheets and pleasure (I never knew I could feel before). My first taste of lovin' was everything it should have been, w
Finally the city of Vancouver has decided to review Translink and the Ferries.  From everything to fares, saleries and service.  The article was in the paper the day I decided to complain about the bus driver incident I had.  Not that it was the first time but it was the worst so far.  As far as i am concerned they should never had privatized public transit.  Since they had prices have gotten out of control  as the service sucks.  I was telling a couple people at work what happened and they shared thier stories about the system as well.  It seems like anone who uses the service has a bad story to tell.  I think the worst one I heard was the one driver who kicked off every high school student due to 2 kids playing with sparklers at halloween.  It was very snowy outside and the kids had to wait forever.  Lots of complaints and the driver was moved to another route on a short bus that no one ever uses.   I still can't believe how the bus driver reacted the other day to me when I asked
Thank God Tomorrow is Friday! It has been a very busy week for me. I am ready to relax. So if you all get a chance or you haven't yet browse through my photo albums and rate and comment on the pics. OR just Bomb me with lots of comments.LOL!!!! LC ROCKS!!! ~RB
Tgv Full Tilt
T@g You're It!
got tagged by my friend DeeLove32 Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1)I was born in Brookly-NY and uprooted to the boonedocks (Long Island) when I was 10. 2) I am the oldest of 2 children. My brother is 248 months younger than me. 3) I love annoying my friends! (especially Dee lol) I tagged Dragon8877, Keith, SuperStarrPrincess 4) I'm a Co Admin on a chat network. 5) I don't like complete darkness....but at the same time I also don't like brightness. 6) I love peanut butter and chocolate...especially together! 7) I LOVE music from the 80s. 8) I try to be tough and deep inside I'm a softy and if I tell you know.... ask me again in a day a
The 5th ~ ???
Okay so pretty much i\'ve had a lazy weekend i\'m having writers bvlock really bad too and i have to write a 4000 word essay good fun really...not. so the most exiting thing i did all weekend was went dancing, and let me tell you that i normally have amazing weekends \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ so with all this fuss over contests, i was thinking about hosting one when i level. I\'m not sure though. I may be too lazy to deal with that. ////////////////////////////////////////// also, i hope everyone had a great weekend I dont have class tomorrow so I am happy about that =]
The 6th...
been wrkin my ASS off here lately!! tryin to save up money for bills christmas a car a place for my trip annnd my credit card!! UGH!! my oldest brother and my sister n law are commin to visit soon too! then i got thanksgivin and christmas...fuuun!! been steadily on my feet doin all kindsa shit lately...were redoin this house all theres all kindsa ppl in and outa my house...then my cat just had kittens!! WOO WEE..and the list goes on!! whoever's actually puttin effort and wasting their time to actually read this sorry and thank you!! lol MUAH
My Name Means Nothing
everybody have a great n safe 4th!!!!!!!!!!
HOT MySpace Comments & HOT MySpace Layouts
Well it was a hit with everyone who made it over here the party lasted from noon to 1040pm and the children and adulits loved it. I got a lot of complements on my cooking of the chicken brest and the falovings I used. A good time was hadf by all and the weater cleared for swiming and fishing and the firworks. hope every one else had a great fourth also.
The 4th
man what a beatiful day it was it was in the 7o's in Seattle WA yesterday, had the place all to myself from about 12 noon yesterday , so I took full avance of my day off n being alone, on my way to get a expresso, while driving there, the sun felt so good I strip off all clothes -n- drove nude , wow felt so free -n- fun , the lady at expresso stand enjoy the view too, of course she was only wearing panties n bra if u call it that , she said bing nude was fun after left their drove around for about a hour or so , came home relax in hot tub n then play on ct for awhile -n- watch the fireworks on tv , getting ready for bed now still nude n-n- enjoying it very much
I don't know what to title these. They are like my vent and dump spots. I place I can have some control over who gets to read things. Today has flown by so fast. I did my Tarot reading this morning and had one bitch that just felt the need to keep calling until I finally answered the phone. I finally got it done and it told me the same things that all my other sets of cards had said. I guess it's time to listen to the powers that be and try looking in different directions for work and centeredness in my life. My husband is once again doing the "you have to not run around and save money since you are not working" shit. I know all this but for some reason he feels the need to remind me on a more than regular basis when he gets worried about finances, which is daily for him. This could have a lot to do with why I don't mind when he is out on the truck I can relax a little. Kind of hard to find work if I son't get out there and look. It's good now I am on my way to bed a
Ok just thought i had to throw this out there..every where i go there is danger its like i'm a magnet to by shootings..people jumping on my beating each other with baseball bats....then i looked around where i live hmmm i guess u would call it the hood ...for canadian standards. They want to close the school down my kids go to. I don't want them to end up going to some crack infested piece of crap school..were no one gives a shit. Now I am gonna be the biggest pain in the ass they have ever seen at the school board cause well i can be lol. I'm also thinking of joining the 118th avenue directors to help change the surroundings. I think i should cause i understand what these people need and I have an understanding of there problems. Instead of a group of elderly people that dont like to talk about whats really going on.....anyways i just had to ramble have a great night...:)
The 5th
You can tell that some part of yourself that you had thought was broken (or at least damaged) is nearly as good as new. Your powerful energy is part of the reason, but the rest remains a mystery.
Commented out again...getting closer...3/5 the way there on a good day of bombing...thanks again for everyones help!!!!!
To All My Friends And Family, Have A Blessed Day!! Remember what this day stands for YOU! We all have our Reasons To either love this country or hate it but its our home, so learn to appreciate what you have and not what you don't. I thank This country for letting me live my life with my kids! I am happy today for that!!!
What would you get if you crossed the first signer of the Declaration of Independence with a rooster? John Hancock-a-doodle-doo! What quacks, has webbed feet, and betrays his country? Beneduck Arnold! What did Paul Revere say at the end of his ride? "I gotta get a softer saddle!" What protest by a group of dogs occurred in 1773? The Boston Flea Party! What happened as a result of the Stamp Act? The Americans licked the British! Why did Paul Revere ride his horse from Boston to Lexington? Because the horse was too heavy to carry! Why did the British cross the Atlantic? To get to the other tide! What do you call a parade of German mercenaries? A Hessian procession! What would you get if you crossed a patriot with a small curly-haired dog? Yankee Poodle! Did you hear the one about the Liberty Bell? Yeah, it cracked me up!
Mr. H came by the pharmacy today...he's always pretty jovial and likeable. I enjoy talking to him a good bit. So, I asked the usual small talk are you and such.. He says, "I'd be much better if I weren't poured into this suit, honey." (he's a flamboyant married middle aged guy with 2 kids who teaches middle school social studies). To this I replied "But, you're lookin' so good today!" His reply: "Yeah, sug...there's a multitude of sins hiding behind this jacket, though..." Ha.
The 4th
Talking to a friend who wanted a sxy story about being on a crowded beath on the 4th of july: Meeting up with her as she Sits there on the bench at the boardwalk. I walk up behind her placing a hand on her shoulder. She turns to see me and give a big smile. I lean down to kiss her softly on the lips, as she bites my lip I push closer and pull her up in my arms. Forgetting that we are surrounded we hear a few whistles. Blushing she says we should walk for a bit. Grabbing a snow cone to share as we walk down the beach we see a carnival and lean over a railing to watch everyone enjoy themselves. As I stand behind her I hold her waist. Lowering my hand down her body I slide it between her thighs and grab her thigh in my hand. Her turnign to kiss me as she gives an exhale from the pleasurable surprise of my hand there with everyone around us she kisses me and whispers to me that she wants more. I ask her to hold the snow cone and enjoy it as I hold her and tease her. Sliding my other han
Seventh Level of Hell Guarded by the Minotaur, who snarls in fury, and encircled within the river Phlegethon, filled with boiling blood, is the Seventh Level of Hell. The violent, the assasins, the tyrants, and the war-mongers lament their pitiless mischiefs in the river, while centaurs armed with bows and arrows shoot those who try to escape their punishment. The stench here is overpowering. This level is also home to the wood of the suicides- stunted and gnarled trees with twisting branches and poisoned fruit. At the time of final judgement, their bodies will hang from their branches. In those branches the Harpies, foul birdlike creatures with human faces, make their nests. Beyond the wood is scorching sand where those who committed violence against God and nature are showered with flakes of fire that rain down against their naked bodies. Blasphemers and sodomites writhe in pain, their tongues more loosed to lamentation, and out of their eyes gushes forth their woe. Usurers, who f
Tha Are Yuh Bored Survey
The Are ya bored? Survey Q1) What is the name of your boyfriend/girlfriend? Single Q2) What color underwear are you wearing now? um kind of a purple and blue swirl pattern thong Q3) What are you listening to right now? live riddims Q4) What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 5579 Q5) What was the last thing you ate? rice Q6) If you were a crayon what color would you be? beautiful blue Q7) How is the weather right now? chilly Q8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? don't remember Q9) The first thing you notice about the opposite (or same) sex? hands and shoes Q10) Favorite type of Food? west indian Q11) Do you drink? yes Q12) Do you smoke? yes Q13) Ever get so drunk that you don't remember what you did? no, just a lil hard to remember exactly ;) Q14) Hair color? dark brown copper highlights Q15) What is your eye color? dark brown Q16) Do you wear contacts? spose to but no Q17) Favo
Thabks Giving
To all have a very good turkey enjoyable contact with friends and family and just remember to take some time for yourself.. Happy ThanksGiving!
Tha Beach
im goin to tha beach in 7 days caint wait to party =D
Tha Booth Just Keeps Comin!
aight murda man i got em fa ya and big pearl i gotta make em mad fa u but looka chere i'm tha a dot cizzile fa u pussy ass cowards u silly fagget dicks are fa chicks so while yall gay ass lil boys be suckin on eachoter dicks me and my team is gonna be fuckin boss bitches and bad bitches and yall lil boys just wishin fa a boss bitch to come in ur life so u can try to have her be ur wife,but boy dat was a fansaty and dere dey go tha chossen child,brian,and greg rite on aside me watchin my back and greg stays wit his mack and brian wit tha weldin gagets and we on tha new orleans hornets not tha mamai magcis and why u playin wit tha magnaets and tha matches yall chesse eatin bitches yall always be caught loose lippin to dem feds and yall wonder why i'm tha chossen child its cause i'm smart not wild and i be on my grown man stauts ready to bust some sticky on glue on ur gurls lips and cunt after dat i'll light my blunt dats wraped wit dat sunk so woodity ur snuk and fuckin stucked like a pu
Thabnk You All Ty For Sharing This
This is a day late, but then this should be everyday. thats right people today is national Armed Forces Day so in honor of this speical day i decied to post a bulletin in honor of some my friends in the Armed Forces, go show these soldiers some love and thank them for what they do! this has both current and pasted military in it. idrmofs7 Fu Owned By LIL DEVIL!!AND FU OWNER oF Gingerella!@ fubar U.S Army 2-22@ fubar ©hΆÖwÑ Bõ®Ñ ÅnÐ ®@Ì$ΣЙ ☺☺'@ fubar --Dj--ShaDoW-- -The Ace of $p@des- _-H3@D Dj @T ~^~Devils Playmate~^~@ fubar *~*DJ FIRE*~* ERICA'S R/L BF & FU HUSBAND~*~ Member of Club Far@ fubar MUSTANG@ fubar ĐĴ ŜpǐҜe -- DJ @ ~RÈLÈñtLȧ§ RÄÐÌÖ~@ fubar Demon Doc@ fubar GI JOE
Tha Bitch
Ok before you guys read this. The first few stanzas are going to sound really bad. But the person its too knows it isn't. I haven't let her read it yet so u guys get to see it first. Enjoy With a room full of people A bitch feels all alone A slice of lime & a shot of patrone With the anger in her heart But a smirk on her face She lights up the blunt But feels so outta place As the bitch looks around She takes a whores pills Another level high But she can't freight the bill As the bitch sits alone She hears her own cries Because she's doesn't know love She doesn't know the price As she looses something special That makes her innocent and whole The bitch begins to see She's filling a whores mold. But what the bitch doesnt know Is that this heffa doesnt quit I believe she has potential Her future is legit What a bitch doesnt see Is what a heffa tries to show She means so much to me But how much neither know I wanna see her succeed I wanna see the bitch grow Get the encouragement she needs
The 16th A Day To Forget
Well it's my birthday and ive had the worst Birthday of my life. Previous birthdays for me have always been a big thing and i would spend time with the family, i would spend time with my friends going out. This year everyone is just to that a blight on what the world is coming too.... and i came to my saving grace on CT and got mad at the one person i care the most about and now have lost her. I give up Ali
Tha Dark Angel's Lounge
Come Check Out Tha Dark Angel's Lounge Click Here To Enter
Tha Dark Angel's Bulletin
Come Check Out Tha Dark Angel's Lounge Click Here To Enter
Tha Ex Factor...
Love me, I couldn't make you…. 3 years, it took to shake you… all the while my heart secretly wishing for a "take two…" Our paths cross, now I'm half lost and questioning my break through… Hate to love you, love to hate you, determined to redeem myself found, I turn around, hoping escape you… Open my eyes, choking off cries, as I realize I now face you… got to laugh as I pace thro the fucked up shit fate do… Since our demise tried my best to erase you, but we share ties… Questioning your well being under a 'fuck that sucka' disguise… My sanity? I compromised, understanding? I felt deprived… Tormenting myself with the possibility of what we had being a lie… Heavy sighs, to get past this once and for all, I'm ready to try… Deadly this cry, for as much pain he inflicted, I'd take him back in an instant…. Even though his shoulder now frost over, I still love from a distance… I got to let go, but my essence's insistence is met with resistanc
The 4th Affair
The 4th Affair A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door. "Hurry," she said, "stand in the corner." She rubbed baby oil all over him, then dusted him with talcum powder. "Don't move until I tell you," she said, "pretend you're a statue." "What's this?" the husband inquired as he entered the room. "Oh it's a statue," she replied, "the Smiths bought one and I liked it so I got one for us, too." No more was said, not even when they went to bed. Around 2 AM the husband got up, went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich and a beer. "Here," he said to the statue, have this. I stood like that for two days at the Smiths and nobody offered me a damned thing."
The 5th Affair
The 5th Affair A man walked into a cafe, went to the bar and ordered a beer. "Certainly, Sir, that'll be one cent." "One Cent?" the man exclaimed. He glanced at the menu and asked: "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?" "A nickel," the barman replied. "A nickel?" exclaimed the man. "Where's the guy who owns this place?" The bartender replied: "Upstairs, with my wife." The man asked: "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?" The bartender replied: "The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."
The 6th Affair
The 6th Affair Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and said weakly: "I have something I must confess." "There's no need to, " his wife replied. "No," he insisted, "I want to die in peace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!" "I know," she replied, "now just rest and let the poison work."
4th Affair
Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside. He looked up and said weakly: 'I have something I must confess.''There's no need to, 'his wife replied. 'No,' he insisted, 'I want to die in peace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!' 'I know,' she replied, 'now just rest and let the poison work.'
Tha Frog N Tha Scorpion
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river. The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back. Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream. "Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?" "Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly. "Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"
Tha Frog N Tha Scorpion
One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river. The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back. Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream. "Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?" "Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly. "Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!"
Tha Game
Tha Game has tha dynamics of a jungle there are those who live by hunting and killing and there are those (hyenas,vultures) who relize early on that they are not capable of hunting and killin on their own they understand that if they wait long enough they will find what they need to survive at this very moment there are vultures circing around us tryin to thrive off of our creativity don't fight them its useless learn from them and Play the Game
Thai Steak Salad
THAI STEAK SALAD makes 6 sevings 1 1/2 lbs. skirt steak 2 Tbs. Thai seasoning, like The Spice Hunter 3 Tbs. peanut butter 1 cup seasoning-ginger vinaigrette 1 small head napa cabbage, cored 1 cup snow peas (about 4 oz.) 1 small cucumber, sliced 1 bunch radishes, sliced 1 Tbs. chopped peanuts Heat broiler. season steak with Thai seasoning and salt and pepper, if desired. Broil 10 min., or until thermometer inserted in steak reads 160F. Cook, cut into 1/2" slices. In microwave-safe bowl, microwave peanutbutter 30 sec., or until soft; stir in vinaigrette. Arrange cabbage on platter. Top with snow peas, cucumbers, radishes and peanuts. Drizzlwe with dressing mixture. Per serving Cal. 387 Pro. 30g carb. 14g Fiber 5g chol. 66mg Sad. 636 mg Fat Sat 4g Trans, 3g Mono 15g Poly 2g HEALTH BENEFIT Stay heart healthy with peanuts. These buttery nuts provide high amounts of resveratrol, a phenoic antioxidant that has been shown to help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol.
Thai Massage 18 +
Thai Massage 2 - video powered by Metacafe
Thai Curry Stir-fry
1/2 cup fat-free, reduced-sodium chicken broth 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1-1/2 teaspoons curry powder 2 teaspoons reduced-sodium soy sauce 1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes nonstick olive oil cooking spray 3 green onions, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 cups broccoli florets 2/3 cup sliced carrot 1-1/2 teaspoons olive oil 6 ounces boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces 2/3 cup hot cooked rice, prepared without salt 1. Stir together broth, cornstarch, curry powder, soy sauce and red pepper. Set aside. 2. Spray nonstick wok or large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat over medium-high heat. Add onions and garlic; stir-fry 1 minute. Remove from wok. 3. Add broccoli and carrot to wok; stir-fry 2 to 3 minutes or until crisp-tender. Remove from wok. 4. Add oil to hot wok. Add chicken and stir-fry 2 to 3 minutes or until no longer pink. Stir broth mixture. Add to wok. Cook and stir until broth mixture comes to a boil and thickens slightly. Return
Thailand And Japan
Back in 2003 I took my son on a trip to Japan and Thailand. If you remember, that was when they were having that big SARS scare. Everybody was telling us not to go or to be careful because of the SARS. Well, we came up with a great practical joke... I bought a few dozen of the painters dust masks, and everytime we'd take a photo, we would wear the mask. Soon I was getting everyone we met to wear a mask for a photo! It was great, looking at the photo's it looked like everyone in Asia was wearing masks. The only problem is that now that now all of our photos have us wearing the mask. We have very few good pics of us from that trip. I guess the joke was on us!
Thailand Ride...
am off in about 10 minutes...will be riding to thailand for the 3 nation charity ride...malaysia...singapore and thailand... back in a few days time... haven't slept for 3 days...hope i won't break my neck falling asleep on the wheels... anyway...will leave my pc tell me how much you miss!!! cya all...have a great weekend!!!
Tha' In$ane Gear...
My Rekording Label has a full-on In$ane $oundz Gear Lyne, and we are working 2 expand tha' lyne as much az possible... Ryght now, U kan C tha' selektion here! Get Code | Create Your Own! We R also now testin' a lyne here... Get Code | Create Your Own! If U have any suggestionz az 2 what more we kan print on, just ask... We appreciate input! :) 1Luv. Copyright 2007 In$ane $oundz/$traitJakket Muzik... All Rights Reserved.
Thai Iced Coffee
Thai Iced Coffee (Oliang Thai) Preparation time: 5 minutes, plus 10 minutes for steeping Yield: 4 servings 4 cups water 1/2 cup Thai coffee powder 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/2 to 3/4 cup sweetened condensed milk 1. Bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Stir in the coffee powder, blending well. Remove from the heat, and allow to steep for 10 minutes. 2. Using the mesh strainer or coffee filter, strain the coffee into a tall pitcher, mix in the sugar, and cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate until chilled. 3. Fill four tall glasses with ice. Pour the coffee over the ice and float 2 to 3 tablespoons condensed milk on top. Serve with long iced-tea spoons to allow your guests to stir their own coffee.
Thai Shrimp Stir-fry With Tomatoes And Basil - Slimmed
Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Yield: 4 servings You won't have to sacrifice taste or satisfaction to save calories with our Thai Shrimp Stir-fry. With 400 fewer calories than a similar sized serving of Shrimp Scampi, this is a dish worth trying. 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon water 2 teaspoons Southeast Asian fish sauce 4 teaspoons light brown sugar 3 tablespoons peanut oil 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon grated, peeled, fresh ginger 1/2 to 1 teaspoon red chile flakes 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/2 medium red onion, cut in 1-inch dice 1 medium yellow pepper, seeded, cut in 1-inch dice 1 jalapeno chile, thinly sliced into rounds 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 3/4 cup torn fresh basil leaves 1/4 cup torn fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice Serving suggestion: Jasmine rice In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, water, fish sauce, and sugar; set aside. Heat the oil in a large non-st
Thai Shrimp Stir-fry With Tomatoes And Basil - Slimmed
Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Yield: 4 servings You won't have to sacrifice taste or satisfaction to save calories with our Thai Shrimp Stir-fry. With 400 fewer calories than a similar sized serving of Shrimp Scampi, this is a dish worth trying. 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon water 2 teaspoons Southeast Asian fish sauce 4 teaspoons light brown sugar 3 tablespoons peanut oil 3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon grated, peeled, fresh ginger 1/2 to 1 teaspoon red chile flakes 1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined 1/2 medium red onion, cut in 1-inch dice 1 medium yellow pepper, seeded, cut in 1-inch dice 1 jalapeno chile, thinly sliced into rounds 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 3/4 cup torn fresh basil leaves 1/4 cup torn fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice Serving suggestion: Jasmine rice In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, water, fish sauce, and sugar; set aside. Heat the oil in a large non-st
Thai Pineapple Chicken Curry
* Prep Time: 15 min. * Cook Time: 35 min. * Serves: 6 Ingredients 1. 2 cups uncooked jasmine rice 2. 1 quart water 3. 1/4 cup red curry paste 4. 2 (13.5 ounce) cans coconut milk 5. 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into thin strips 6. 3 tablespoons fish sauce 7. 1/4 cup white sugar 8. 1 1/2 cups sliced bamboo shoots, drained 9. 1/2 red bell pepper, julienned 10. 1/2 green bell pepper, julienned 11. 1/2 small onion, chopped 12. 1 cup pineapple chunks, drained Nutrition Info Per Serving * Calories: 623 kcal * | * Carbohydrates: 77 g * | * Dietary Fiber: 3 g * | * Fat: 34 g * | * Protein: 20 g * | * Sugars: 17 g About: Nutrition Info [This link will take you outside Yahoo! Food] Powered by: ESHA Nutrient Database [This link will take you outside Yahoo! Food] Cooking Directions 1. Bring rice and water to a boil in a pot. Reduce heat to low,
Thais And Food
On the list of Thai priorities, eating ranks right about at the top. We Thais love to eat. My BF won't even talk to me, hell he won't even look at me if I'm hungry, because I'm a real bitch. I know it's wrong but I can't help myself. And it’s not only me, it’s all Thai women. Thai guys have more control. I don't think you can go a hundred yards in Bangkok without seeing some sort of restaurant or food stall or something to eat. And if you don't want to leave the house, just wait a few minutes and some kind of foodmobile will pass your house. I don't know how we stay so thin because we eat and eat a lot. NOBODY starves in Thailand. And the food is good. We've had about 3000 years and we've mastered the science of cooking. You can have sweet, hot, sour and salty, four tastes in one spoonful, which might sound offensive but is quit the opposite. Even though everyone can cook at least a little, in Bangkok people usually eat out everyday. With so much food around, it's cheaper to eat out t
Thai Fried Bananas
Thai Fried Bananas Recipe courtesy Paula Deen, 2007 Show: Paula's Home Cooking Episode: Thai For My Guy Thai Fried Bananas 2 tablespoons butter 4 fresh, firm bananas, peeled and cut into 1 to 2-inch pieces 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds 1 lime, juiced Heat a wok over high heat and add 2 tablespoons of butter. Once melted, toss in bananas and add the 1/4 cup of brown sugar. Cook down sugar and add the sesame seeds and the lime juice. Stir together and serve.
I'm visiting a friend, Jerry in Thailand right now. It's my first time here, and I'm having a great time!He lives in Chiang Mai, In the north. We've gone to the Buddist temple Doi Suthep (I don't know if I'm spelling this stuff right so bear with me!) We went to a snake show, with cobra's and Pythons mainly. Went to see a couple of waterfalls, To the hotsprings to soak in the mineral water (you can buy eggs there to boil in the water the springs are so hot!)I was sitting in the bar the other night, and and elephant came walking down the street. Their handlers bring them right up to the bar and sell sugarcane for 20 Bot so you can feed them. It's been a great trip so far, and I've only been here a couple of days. We're leaving for Laos today, after 2 days there it's back to Thailand for another 8 days will try to upload pics as soon as I can
Thai Appitizers
Gold Purses: Serves: 6-8 4 oz minced raw prawns Spring onion fine diced ¼ t pepper ½ cup water chestnuts chopped 1 T oyster sauce 30-35 wonton sheets Garlic clove fine diced ¼ t salt Peanut oil for frying 1. Combine the prawns, water chestnuts, garlic and spring onion in bowl. Mix in oyster sauce, salt and pepper. Spoon about ¼t of mixture into middle of wonton sheet 2. Gather up, squeezing the corners together to make a little purse. Place on tray. Continue until you have used up all the sheets and filling 3. Heat 2 inches of oil in wok or deep frying pan over a medium heat. Oil is ready when small piece of wonton sheet sizzles when dropped in. purses will burn if oil is too hot 4. Lower five pieces in the oil. After 2-3 minutes they will start to go hard. Lower another 4-5 purses in oil and fry together. Spoon oil over tops to cook. Deep fry for another 3-4 minutes until golden brown 5. Lift finished batches with slotted spoon and add more in their place. Drain on pap
Thai Coconut Soup With Lemon Grass And Sugarcane Chicken Dumplings
Thai Coconut Soup: 2 cups Soup Base, recipe follows 1 cup coconut milk 6 Kaffir lime leaves Salt and pepper Lime juice, to taste About 1 tablespoon palm sugar, to taste Sugarcane Chicken Dumplings, recipe follows Garnish: 1 ounce glass noodles, soaked in water until softened 1/4 cup carrots, cut into julienne 1/4 cup leeks, cut into julienne 4 Thai chiles, stems removed, split in half lengthwise, seeded 4 Kaffir lime leaves, cut in a thin chiffonade To the soup base, add the coconut milk and lime leaves. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt, pepper, lime juice and sugar. Add the dumplings and simmer until done, about 3 minutes. Divide the softened glass noodles on four soup bowls. Place two dumplings crisscross on top of the noodles, leaning to the side of the bowl. Divide the soup onto the four bowls. Garnish each bowl with julienne of carrots, leeks, Thai chiles and lime leaf. Serve immediately. Soup Base: 2 1/2 cups l
Thai Pineapple Pork Salad
Thai Pineapple Pork Salad Butter Lettuce Leaves 1 medium size Pineapple, cored, peeled and cut into 4 rounds. 1 pound extra lean ground pork 1 small onion finely chopped Lime Dressing (Directions Follow) 6 T. Finely chopped roasted peanuts 4-8 pickled red cherries or sweet cherry peppers sprigs of fresh cilantro or mint Line 4 individual salad plates with lettuce leaves. Lay a pineapple slice on each plate; cover and chill. In a large frying pan, cook pork over medium heat, stirring to break up, until it losens it's pinkness (about 5 minutes). Add onions and cook, stirring until limp. Skim off and discard any fat. Prepare lime dressing, add to meat, and cook, stirring, until boiling and slightly thickened (about 30 seconds). Mound equal portions of hot pork mixture onto each pineapple slice; sprinkle peanuts over pork. Garnish each plate with 1 or 2 peppers and sprigs of cilantro or mint. Serve immediately. Lime Dressing: Stir together 1/2 t. cornstarch, 2 T. sug
Thai Chicken Pizza
Serve this Thai twist on pizza as is or with optional toppings, such as thinly sliced basil, cilantro, chopped peanuts and/or crushed red pepper on the side. Make it a meal: Round out the menu with Tropical Cucumber Salad. Prep Time: 35 minutes Ready in: 35 minutes Yield: 6 servings Ease of Prep: Easy Recipe Ingredients 20 ounces prepared whole-wheat pizza dough (see Shopping Tip) 1/4 cup smooth natural peanut butter 3 tablespoons water 2 teaspoons reduced-sodium soy sauce 2 teaspoons rice vinegar 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger 1 clove garlic , minced 1 teaspoon canola oil 8 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast , trimmed and diced 1 red bell pepper , diced 4 scallions , thinly sliced 2/3 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese Recipe Directions 1. Place oven rack in the lowest position; preheat to 450°F. Coat a large baking sheet with cooking spray. 2. Roll out or stretch dough on a lightly floured surface into a rough 16-in
Thai-spiced Chicken Kabobs
Thai-Spiced Chicken Kabobs Rated by 1 person Rate This Rate and Comment Create a meal idea 100s of main-dish recipes plus suggestions for simple go-with dishes to make a meal complete. Prep: 30 min. Grill: 12 min. View Nutrition Facts Ingredients 1 small fresh pineapple ( 3 to 3-1/2 lb.) Nonstick cooking spray or cooking oil 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 recipe Thai Brushing Sauce (see recipe below) 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar (optional Hot cooked rice (optional) Fresh basil leaves (optional) Whole fresh red chile peppers (optional) Directions 1. Cut off pineapple ends. Halve pineapple lengthwise; cut each half crosswise into 4 slices. Lightly coat pineapple slices with nonstick cooking spray or brush with oil. Set aside. 2. Thread pineapple pieces onto 4 long skewers,* leaving 1/4 inch space between pieces. 3. Place skewers on the grill rack directly ove
Thai Chicken Pizza
INGREDIENTS 1 can (11 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated thin pizza crust 1/2 cup Thai peanut sauce 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 3 cups chopped cooked chicken 1/2 cup julienne (matchstick-cut) carrot 1/4 cup sliced green onions (4 medium) 1/4 cup chopped salted peanuts 1 1/2 cups finely shredded mozzarella cheese (6 oz) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 400°F. Spray or grease 15x10-inch or larger dark or nonstick cookie sheet. Unroll dough on cookie sheet; starting at center, press dough into 15x10-inch rectangle. 2. In small bowl, mix peanut sauce and ground ginger; spread to within 1/2 inch of edges of dough. 3. Top with chicken, carrot, onions and peanuts; sprinkle with cheese. 4. Bake 14 to 17 minutes or until crust is golden brown and cheese is melted. Sprinkle with cilantro. High Altitude (3500-6500 ft): Bake 2 to 4 minutes longer.
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Thailand Lifts Bangkok Emergency
Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva lifts a two-week-old state of emergency imposed amid violent protests in Bangkok.
Thailand Important Tourist Attractions And Places Of Tourist Interest
Surrounded by Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Andaman Sea, Thailand the country in Southeast Asia is one of the most sought after destination that is visited by tourists from all over the world. It is one of the most visited countries with so many alluring attractions that need no definition. So if you want to enjoy vacation in this incredible country Thailand, here are some of the few attractions that are worth to visit and explore. Bangkok Rich cultural phenomenon, tourist treasure and home to alluring attractions, Welcome to Bangkok. It is one of the most contrasting and compelling tourist destinations that are visited by tourists and holiday makers from across the corner of the globe. Here tourists can enjoy ultimate holidays with immense pleasure and take back home incredible memories to relish in forever. There are so many interesting tourist places and among those many some of the finest place that is worth to visit are Grand Palace, Jim Thompson’s House, Temple of the Recli
Thailand - Avenues For Education And Entertainment
Thailand is a culturally and geographically rich country. It is testified from the fact that Thailand homes over three hundred Buddhist temples and over hundred national parks including twenty marine parks. Thailand also has another side to it – a side of entertainment and enjoyment. With its vibrant night life, outlandish spots and beaches like Phuket, Krabi, Ranong, Phang Nga and Trang and shopping avenues - Thailand enthralls you. Thailand homes a diverse geography. It stretches from the coasts of the Malaysian Peninsula to the mountains of mainland Asia. This diversity results in Thailand having variety of climates and this in turn results in enormous diversity of plant and animal species. The geography of Thailand permits tourists to find conducive weather somewhere in the country throughout the year. The Thailand climate is controlled by tropical monsoons and the weather is generally hot and humid across most of the country throughout major part of the year. It is largely
Thailand – Acting As A Magnet For Travelers
Thailand acts like a magnet for travelers the world over with its great food, tropical climate, fascinating culture and great beaches. It also holds fantastic shopping avenues and vibrant night life. Above all, Thailand holds more than three hundred Buddhist temples which speak highly of the cultural heritage of the country. There are over hundred national parks including twenty marine parks which points to the richness of land and marine fauna.   Thailand is the most popular destination in South East Asia which homes rich diversity. You get to see lush green thick jungle and crystal blue waters. There is exotic food that will make you ecstatic. Thailand is equipped with almost all modern amenities yet is cheap. From bungalows which cater to backpackers to best luxury hotels – Thailand Tour Packages take care of every price bracket. Other notable feature that despite heavy tourist flow – Thailand keeps the quintessential “Thainess” alive with a culture and h
Thailand And Its Substantial Vacationer Locations To Explore
Thailand is one of the most unique vacationer getaway in Thailand which quickly attract the tourists from all over the planet for the most beautiful and amazing holiday. This astounding vacationer getaway quickly draws tourists from every location and corner of the globe throughout the year for awesome vacation. This beautiful vacationer getaway is truly the most awesome and most sought after getaway in the globe which quickly draws the tourists from all over the globe. This wonderful getaway quickly draws numerous hikers and its attractiveness natural charm quickly draws the tourists from all over the handwear cover. Some of the major points of interest and locations which truly entice thousands hundred and several tourists in this country are detailed below: Pattaya Pattaya is one of the significant holiday locations in the nation of Thailand and is regarded as a significant quit over for the tourists from every location and part of the globe. This getaway provides the vacationer
Thailand And Its Supreme Tourist Destinations To Explore
Thailand is one of the most exotic tourist destination in Thailand which easily entice the vacationers from all over the globe for the most delightful and wonderful vacation. This astounding tourist destination easily attracts vacationers from every nook and corner of the entire world throughout the year for amazing vacation. This beautiful tourist destination is truly the most amazing and most sought after destination in the entire world which easily allures the vacationers from all over the globe. Thailand is a mystical country which easily attracts all sorts of vacationers from every nook and corner of the world. This wonderful destination easily attracts numerous backpackers and its splendor natural beauty easily attracts the vacationers from all over the glove. Some of the major tourist attractions and destinations which truly attract thousands hundred and several vacationers in this country are listed below: Phuket Phuket is one of the major tourist destinations which easily
Thailand The Desire Dream Destination Of South East Asia
Thailand is one of the major tourist destinations, which is located in the South East Asia. This beautiful tourist destination is such a destination which is filled fun, excitement and romance. This country is truly the most sought after destination in this region of Asia. The bustling nightlife, exotic ancient temples, gorgeous rivers, wonderful locales, amazing sky scrapers, stunning beaches, wonderful islands, exotic jungles, scary wildlife and numerous alike easily makes this place the most sought after tourist destination in the entire world. Truly this beautiful country which is also referred as ‘The Kingdom Thailand’ and truly it rules on the heart of the vacationers from every nook and corner of the entire world for and astounding vacation. This beautiful destination is amazing, the attractions and destination in the country impresses all the heart of the vacationers from all over the globe, for amazing vacation. Thailand is a country where visitors of every type c
Thailand The Desire Fantasy Getaway Of South East Asia
Thailand is one of the considerable vacation places, which is located in the South Eastern Asia. This amazing visitor vacation is such a vacation which is loaded fun, satisfaction and atmosphere. This country is truly the most well-known vacation in this location of Asia. The dynamic atmosphere, exclusive historical wats, amazing ocean, amazing places, amazing sky scrapers, amazing beach places, amazing destinations, exclusive jungles, horrific wildlife and several as well easily makes this place the most well-known visitor vacation in the earth. Truly this amazing country which is also known as ‘The Country Thailand’ and truly it guidelines on the middle of the tourists from every location and area of the earth for and amazing vacation. This amazing vacation is amazing, the neat places to see and vacation in the country impresses all the middle of the tourists from all over the earth, for amazing vacation. Thailand is a country where visitors of every type can find everyt
Thailand And Its Arrogant Tourist Attractions And Destinations
Thailand is one of the most arrogant tourist destinations in South East Asia which is the most sought after travel destination. This amazing tourist destination in Asia easily elate tourist from all over the globe for their astounding vacation. This fascinating destination easily elate vacationer’s heart from all over the globe, and truly this leaves all the travelers spell bound on their visit. Thailand truly is a dream destination for the vacationers from all over the globe for amazing vacation. The rich culture, rich heritage, unique traditions, great history and elegant historical landmarks easily allure entire tourist from every nook and corner of the world. Truly if you want to enjoy the warm and smiling hospitality at its best then there is no better place than Thailand in the entire world. So, contact any leading Thailand tour operator and customize a Thailand Holiday Packages and enjoy wonderful vacation with more fun and excitement. Visit to this country and you will e
Thailand And Its Egotistic Vacationer Points Of Interest
Thailand is one of the most egotistic holiday locations in South Eastern Japan which is the most popular travel getaway. This awesome vacationer getaway in Japan quickly elate vacationer from all over the planet for their amazing holiday. This amazing getaway quickly elate vacationer’s heart from all over the planet, and truly this simply leaves all the tourists magic bound on their visit. Thailand Packages truly is a dream getaway for the tourists from all over the planet for awesome holiday. The wealthy lifestyle, wealthy history, unique cultures, great history and elegant traditional attractions quickly attract entire vacationer from every location and corner of the world. Some of the significant points of interest and locations which easily entice the tourists from all over the planet are such as detailed below: Ayutthaya Historical Park This amazing city of Thailand is also a UNESCO World Historical past site which is speckled with several eye-catching wats and the conven
Thailand Is One Of The Most Alluring Holiday Locations In South Asia
Thailand is one of the most popular locations in Japan. This wonderful nation is backpacker’s heaven where they teem throughout the year. Thailand in Japan one of the most extremely recommended holiday locations and is approximated that more than thousand guests come to this nation for their vacations. Thailand is adoringly known as as area of Look and truly the residents here are very helpful and are always ready to help you with smile on their face. The white exotic seashores, aqua blue water and the average weather circumstances conditions truly attract the guests from all over the planet. Traditional ancient typical monuments, amazing touring trips, outside actions, wealthy social actions, vivid ambiance and the delicious dishes tempts the whole vacationer to visit this wonderland in Japan. There is no lack of points of interest as there are variety of points of interest and locations which are very value to check out and discover and which also features Thailand Packages.
Thailand The Land With Friendly Ambiance
Thailand the ever known Buddhist country is the mostly famous for its friendly ambiance and easy going people. Thailand lies between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, the states that borders this country is Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. It is an exotic land and it offers something or the other to everyone. Every year many tourists and visitors from near and far away places travel to Thailand to experience the most peaceful and serene atmosphere present in the air of Thailand. It is a country with many new experiences of sights, dress, taste and luxurious way of living. The food is extra tasty and the lives of the people here are well organized. To spend a holiday in Thailand is a very much exciting and thrilling experience because it also takes an extra care of your budget. Thailand tour packages take the tourists and the visitors to the attractive land of Thailand where they can find excellent beaches, exotic wildlife, pristine natural beauty, rich culture and heritage, vibran
Thailand Travel Packages Make Your Vacations Remarkable And Unending Experience
Thailand Affordable Tour Packages Inviting Holiday Seekers From Across The Globe
If you are planning of taking some time off from your daily life shedule and looking for an exotic destination where you can relax, fresh and rejuvenate yourself then look no further than Thailand, popularly called ‘the land of smiles’. whatever are you looking for, be it spectacular sightseeing, eco tours, pristine beaches, cruise travel on sea, invigorating hill stations, Religious, spiritual places, wildlife parks and historical places, it offers every thing to every one. Word famous to its natural attractions and amazing hospitality by the citizenry, it is one such destination which never fail to lure the heart of any individual. Every year tourists from across the world visit this country in a great numbers and come back with several memorable holidaying experiences. A destination of Southeast Asia, Thailand is one such place where there is no dearth of attractions and enjoyment any more. Apart from its various attractions there are many other things that bring t
Thaila Ayala Posa Para Campanha De Roupas Femininas
Thaila Ayala foi convidada para estrelar a campanha de inverno 2013 da grife de roupas femininas City Blue. A atriz posa para o catálogo com roupas com estampas de animal print, além de jeans e vestidinhos rodados e com tules na saia.     Além de atriz, Thaila sempre é convidada para participar de campanhas de moda por já ter trabalhado como modelo antes de seguir a carreira na TV. 
Thailand Architects. Our Homes Are Our Castles !
If you have a requirement for a Thai architect or an architect in Thailand or an architect anywhere in the world, to assist you with the design of your home or development project, I think I have found the perfect answer. I searched on Google and hey presto a new web site popped up. I was drawn to them after speaking on the telephone so went to meet them. Wow ! Did I come away having learnt so much. Not only did I meet a very creative bunch of highly skilled Thai designers but learnt considerably about Thai architects in Thailand. From my simple search on Google, what I found out was, they offer a fabulous service and are not only instrumental in spreading the amazing design talents of Thai architects; but also bringing a fresh, most welcome new design philosophy throughout the globe. It was most enlightening. Our Home is Our Castle ! In England we say our home is an Englishman's castle. And I am sure they have similar expression
Thailand House Designs, James Bond And The Secret Of Amazing Design
"If you are looking for fabulous Thai house design or any form of home design anywhere in the world and looking to create a wow factor then look no further. The secret is the 'Asetti' design team. This Thai house design team are really special and their designs fabulous. They certainly love what they do and recently were described by Calendar Magazine as ‘simply the best at what they do ’. Their web site show cases some of their recent works and is well worth checking out. Asetti was set up with a small group of some of the best Thai architects and interior designers. Each Thai architect has a specialty and as a team they offer superb architectural services both in Thailand and internationally. Their Thai house designs are magnificent and their passion for creating something special each and every time shows through. The attention to detail is amazing and the creative spark bursts out from every direction. It does not matter if it’s traditi
This is beautiful.    And this is amazing. 
Tha Jar!!!
An 85-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, "Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow". The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as on the previous day. The doctor asked what happened and the man explained: "Well, doc, it's like this, first I tried with my right hand but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing. Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing. She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing. We even called up Arleen, the lady next door and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezing it between her knees, but still nothing". The doctor was shocked! "You asked your neighbour?" The old man replied, "Yep. None of us co
Thaks To All....
Just wanted to say thanks to you ALL that have just read my latest blug. It shows to me, that i have REAL friends on here, an im glad. If i havnt added you to my "Family list" once im abble to, i Will. If you allready on it, there is a reason, you are, an it means alot to me.
The 30th ~ A Little Background On Halloween
So first, I would like to inform everyone that Halloween has only been celebrated in Sweden for the past decade, but has established very fast here, mainly as a marketing ploy.. "The occasion is mainly celebrated by children and teenagers. They go to fancy-dress parties and ghost parties, light lanterns and venture forth into the streets to scare the life out of the neighbourhood. Many pubs and restaurants stage Halloween parties and decorate their premises with fearsome attributes. Halloween has come to stay. On the island of Öland in the southern Baltic, the arrival of Halloween has led to an upswing in pumpkin growing, and the giant fruits are now quite readily available." ~Sweden.Se Now a Little on the history of Halloween itself: "The term Halloween, and its older spelling Hallowe'en, is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the evening before "All Hallows' Day" (also known as "All Saints' Day")." ~Wikipedia "Origin: Celtic observation of Samhain According to w
Tha Lounge
Arousal from heat.
$$$tha Mega Pimpout$$$!!!!
Reppin Time (Instrumental) - Jim Jones MUCH LOVE TO ALL MA FU's I REALLY APPRECIATE THE LOVE YOU ALL SHOWN ME SO FUBAR SHOW THESE FU's SOME MAD LOVE YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!... LUV YA ALL ***MUAH*** "The DREAM TEAM'' - Bombing out of control@ fubar BiG PoPpA OfFiCiAl OwNeR oF T hE hOt MoMmAs ClUb i DoNt ChAsE ThEmE IrEpLaCe ThEmE So GeT In WhErE Y@ fubar BlackDragonGod@ fubar ~ ♥ BëÅüTïƒüllŸ BrØkën ~ GrëëTër @ Clüb PÅrÅÐïzë ~ Ð
Tha' Montanaland225 Universal Soldier!!!!!
Tha Mind
Tha mind... Motivat3d with mon3y and thought$ of a C^ool, C^alm, C^oll3C^t3d y3t bk3autiful lov3; Um $p3akin on min3$ not tha 6url bkut tha mind i C^all min3$; i fil u 6url C^uz i think l3$$ on tha mon3y and mor3 of how u plaC^3 m3 in a bkind; C^han63d  lik3 a t3l3vi$ion wit unlimit3d C^hann3l$; Um your robkot in h3art i bk3at for u fir$t n la$t; i bkr3ath your bkr3ath um in your $p3ll; what mor3 C^an i $ay "You C^r3at3d thi$ tal3"; no fairy, ril lif3, um tryin ta maintain my $h3ll; tha sa6a to op3ration non-6am3 iz way pazt d3rail3d; $o now C^an u t3ll? i lon6 4 C^onvo in not juz a $ampl3. U follow my trail? $o tak3 m3 bky tha hand n let thiz adv3rti$3m3nt s3ll.
28th Amendment
Thank You Sis
I would like to say thank you to my Sis, Mel, a.k.a. Princess Poochie, for introducing me to the Lost Cherry site. I have made many new friends and I am grateful for everyone of them. I love my Sis more than she could ever know. You see, we are not related blood wise, but by heart and soul. She is my best friend and my sister. I love you Mel. Thank you for being there for me.
Thank You
i just wanted to say thank you to everybody on lc for all the love i have recieved on here . i have never been on a site thats is as friendly as this . before lc i was a myspace junkie now its rare if i ever go to my myspace lol .i also wanted to say thank you to the family for lettin me be part of it . i understand why its called the family because its just that a family . thank you all and i love you all tazman
I am so very thankful that each and every one of you has became my friend. I have chatted with several of you and had a blast doing so. For the others that I have not talked to yet. I hope to be able to learn something about each of you. Now I am not going to say that I can or will remember something about each of you. But, it would be nice if I could take a little bit with me each time. Thanks again, Jamie
Thanks To All
Thank You All
thank you all on comment and messages im sorry i have not got back to you all see i work 6 days a week and im on call 24/7 so i dont get to get on here for just a few min so thank you all and blessed be
Thank You!!!!
Thank you, Mike!!! I was so happy to see that there was a blog feature on here now. I can finally rant to my hearts content!!!!
Thank You
To all my Lost Cherry fans and friends .......... thank you. I will be deleting my account in the next few days ........ I had so much fun in Lost Cherry. One online experienced I will never forget. THANK YOU again
Thank You So Much!
hey everyone i know i haven't been on much lately something is wrong with my connection so i now am on here less frequently and i know it might sound craz but i can't afford to do a cherry blast yetbut i will definately do one in the near future. anyway thank you for continuing to show love to my page and please know that when i can i will return the favor i love you all so much lc is the best!! love and aloha!always. maile
Thank You
i want to thank everyone for their rates and comments. hell yeah i made it to level 9!!!!!!!!! Damn i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You To All That Has Help Me Through It All!!!!!!!
Thanks To Everyone!
I want to thank everyone for leaving comments and rating pics. feel free to leave more anytime...I am working on trying to get up another level !!!! Thanks guys!!
Thank You
i just wanted to say thank you to all my friends on here for being friends with me
Thanx I Just Got It Back Now
that is weird.
Thank God For Lithium
so i come to the net to escape reality only to find the reality has snuck into my web!!!lord help me what a day.... however its stil good to browse around and see that some people are actually pretty cool on here too bad there are so many idiots and shit in he world... God should give th earth a coffee enema im thinking
Thank You To All My Lc Family, Friends, Fans
sorry i have not been back to the comments today i have been sick with a nasty cold,and sore throat. so i will get back to all of you i soon as i'm feeling better with comments for you as well. thank you all for understanding. i wish everyone the best weekend and do not party too hard but, plz. drink some for me :( laterz
Thank You
I just want you to know How greatful I am That you are here Beside me now Thank you For staying along side me Anyone else would be gone It's difficult to live with me You never give up No matter how hard it gets Forever is what you said And now I believe you You said "I love you" Even before you knew me You vowed to love me Til the day you die Thank you for loving me For not giving up even when it gets hard Forever is what you said And in return I say "Thank You"
Thanks To All Friends
i thank all my friends out there .i don't know if i haven't met you all what would i do hehehe its so damn pleasure known you all now stop by my page show some love and you know i would show the love back the min i see it unless i am snoring well when i wake up sure will show some love ...Holla back People
Thanks A Bunch =)
Hey there all. I just wanted to say thanks for everyone that has voted in the contest..even if it wasn't for me. =P thats cool long as you're showing suppport for it then its awesome. But if you did vote for me...then you just thanks times 1,000. lol. And if you haen't voted, there go here and thats where all the beautiful girls are =) So anyways, its sunday already, i can't believe it. ickkkk. i need to wash and wax my car today...ohh how fun. its going to be like the last warm sunny day around here so i guess i should take advantage of it. bummer. lol. Well i hope that you all have a wonderific sunday and stay safe =)
Thank You
Thank you to all of you who have sent comments...picture comments and friends you all know I am new here so please be patient with me...I have to learn how to navigate this site..... If anyone would like to send me a friends request I would love it.....this site is definitely cooler than myspace.... hugs and kisses... Lisa ps..thanks for making me feel so welcome...
Thanks For Welcoming Me Everyone
Just wanted to say, how great this site is. Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.
Thanks're Going To Scar My Penis
What is priapism? Priapism is a prolonged and painful erection that can last from several hours up to a few days. The priapismic erection is NOT associated with sexual thoughts or sexual activity. What happens is that blood flows into the penis, but is unable to drain as it would in a normally flaccid penis. Considering that the penis provides little room for blood to circulate, the blood becomes stagnant after a while, acidifies, and loses oxygen. Without oxygen, the red blood cells become stiff, and even less able to squeeze their way out of the penis. Very few cases of priapism are without an obvious cause. In most cases, priapism results from one of two things: certain medications or medical conditions. Under the category of medications, there are two primary culprits. For one, penile injections used to treat some forms of impotence can cause priapism; however, this usually only happens when a man decides, on his own, to increase the dosage. Second, psychiatric medicatio
Thanks For The Welcome!
hi--im new to Lost Cherry. i want to thank all of you who gave me such a warm welcome! very friendly people here --just as i was told by the friend who invited me to join. i hope to make lots of new friends here and so far im off to a great start! hugs to you all!
I broke down last night and I want to thank everyone who helped me through it. I'm not naming names cause you know who you are. Thanks for being there for me and sorry you had to witness it. But I think I needed to. I still hadn't grieved for those I've lost and my past was catching up to me. Some of you learned far more than you should have last night and for that I'm sorry. But thank you all the same, it's refreshing to have friends who actually give a damn about you.
Thanks And Goodbye
I've been mulling the situation over for the last few days, but a bulletin I have just seen has finally convinced me that this is not the place for me anymore. Some crazy little bitch drives a friend of mine off this site, and plenty more besides, I talk about it in my blogs, I talk about my feelings, and then someone goes and puts out a bulletin on my bulletin board telling me how wonderful this person is. I'm not going to name names, or point fingers, but it shows that most people here don't read anything, don't take any notice of anything, and would whore out ted bundy, charles manson, and jack the ripper, if it got them a whore out back, and a few cherry points. The place is becoming more and more impersonal, cold, and uncaring, and I'm not here for that sort of thing. I have a neice fighting for her life, who may not make it, this is meant to be my sanctury, the place I come to lose myself, and to have a good time at, not to have people who have upset my friends thrust
Thanks To All
I wanted to give a thanks to all who read my last blog about my mom and left a nice comment. You guys are the best. She is doing so so right now. Tests are still being done. Looks like I will have another night at the hosp. Hugs everyone!
Thank You
I just want to take the time out and tell everyone who look or rated and left comments on my pictures thank you very much,,IF i didnt get yours PLEASE tell me and i will be glad to come and rate and leave comments,, How many of you all LOVE THIS NAME? I do it fits me to the TEE Hugs N Kisses The ugly duckling
Thank You For You. For Who You Are
Thank you for you: for who you are, However far away; And for the words you send to me, Near mad for what you say. Knowing simply that you're there, Yet thinking much of me, Opens up my happiness, Undone for all to see.
Thank You For Your Friendship
Thank you for your friendship and your love. However life may turn, this gift will be A mountain that has made my river bend, Nor will it flow the same way to the sea. Knowing you is something I'm made of. Years will not this part of me remove. One lives for just a brief eternity, Understanding truths that never end.
Thanx For All The Help!
Thank everybody for helping me level up yesterday!I appreciate it and will stop and show you all some love!I'm also asking another favor I need help to the next level again,please consider helping me!Thanx!Keep on showing me that cherry love!
Thanksto All My Lc Friends , And My Truth!
Agape all, I just want to thank you all for adding me to your lists! Its my personal goal to get to know every last one of you as if we knew each other our whole lives. Thanks for the love and support! All you lovely beautfiul ladies, my dear LC girls you rock! if I would pick anyone of you! it would be all of you! for you are all one aspect of my perfect woman! and you are all wonderful women, and thank you all for being yourselves, and doing the very best you can to do what you feel is right. I am a very spiritual guys, so spiritual I worship GOD Almighty, The Heavenly Father and mother, The Ayin (The No-Thing) & The Ain Soph (The All-thing), The infinite living light of GOD's unconditional love, The infinitly unfathomable, The GOD infinitly beyond labelling, descriptions, and imagination! The GOD no matter how powerful you become someday GOD will always be unfathomable, unless you lose your individuality and merge with the source in maybe a billion lifetimes, depending on how lon
just like to say thanks for taking the time and going to vote for me!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!! DONT ASK ME TO HELP IN ANYMORE RATINGS COS 'FUCK OFF' MIGHT CAUSE OFFENCE
Thank You
I wanted to thank all of you who sent me gifts. It really made my day yesterday, and if you haven't, feel free Sorry I haven't been around alot, but life it hectic right now.
Thank You
to all you who helped me ty very much
Thanks. Or Whatever.
Everyone's been so nice to me here. It makes me wonder what the hell is going on around here. I mean... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AROUND HERE? ARE YOU PEOPLE FUCKING INSANE?
Thank You Lostcherry...and Marketman
Just wanted to say thank you for making me the featured cherry on main page, it an honor to have been thought of for this, I've been on lostcherry going on 2 years almost was here in the early begining, i think im user 5338 or something like that, again thank you for thinking of me, Tif *Tif*@ LostCherry
Thanks Miss Cherry For Putting This Together
Thank You
To me your life has been an inspiration. Happiness is mine because of you. As a mountain shows our destination, Never, in its grandeur, lost from view, Know that you have been my moral guide. You have shaped the one I am inside, Opening my heart with your affection, Underlying all I say and do.
Hello, everyone! I just wanted to say thanks to all my friends and family, I have met alot of new and awesome friends here and i love you all. GO Ohio State! Much love, Heather         
Thank You, Please
Out of the goodness of my heart today, I volunteered to bring in carts until the regular cart-pusher arrived, even though I already had a long list of things to do. At the early hour, there was no traffic, so it was easy to get all the carts in. I also restocked the water coolers. Unknownst to me, the garbage bin I was using to truck them to the floor was broken (bent wheel). I rounded a corner, and the whole thing collapsed. The heavy water coolers tumbled out, and one got punctured. Water sprayed and dribbled everywhere, all over the floor, my boots and pants. I was not amused. I found an intact bin, put the coolers in that, and kicked the broken one out of the way. I gingerly carried the dribbling cooler out of harm's way, and wrote a note on it saying "BROKEN", pointing the puncture upwards. I then quickly mopped the floor. Dripping with sweat, I pushed the garbage bin out to the salesfloor, carefully navigating around crowds of mingling customers. With some effort, I slid the c
I just wanted to say "Thanx" to all who have looked at my profile and rated me. I have made some new friends. So far so good. Not quite sure as to what I am in the mood to blog about today. I am in kind of a funk....sorry. Take care all!!
Thanks For
Im sorry I havent sent thanks to all the people who have add me as a friend or fan Thanks so much
Thank You
I would just like to thank everyone who has been patient with me before I get back to you...I have been really busy studying, and trying to keep up, my course load is big, so i manage to get on here once a week now...but I do my best to get back to everyone, so once again thank you for your patience, every one of you is a good friend...ttyl..
Thank You Guys But Keep It Going
I wanted to thank you all 4 ur support and love ya'll showing with your votes for me in the nipple nibbler contest.Remember you can vote once a day so please if ya go a minute to do so then please do, every vote counts as i'm neck in neck with another georgeous contestant.It dont cost a thing to cast a vote and you can browse the free tour area while your there and see more naughty pics of me and the other beautiful ladies of the site. the link to vote is also below i thank you in advance 4 all your 10's. I am gettin alot of messages asking about my paysite..ya know where all the good sexy stuff is at so this is the url to my part of the site if u like what u see and want to see more including a sexy lil video clip of me in squirt action just click my banner on the top of that page, plus when u join u also get access to see the other models private photos as well as live cam shows. hope u like what you see, kisses,hugs,licks and love mrshard2please
Thank You
I just wanted to thank everyone who rated and visited my page, in return i have probably most likely done the same in return to you...... i have no idea what else to say so peace and love everyone.....
Thanks For All The Welcome
I just want to say thanks for making me feel welcome , i will get back to all of ya'll as soon i get used to Lost Cherry.
Thank You
Hi Cherry's, Thank you to all of you for your help.. My level bumped up early this morning.. Thank You also to my new friends and fans for the adds and requests.. And of course to my loyal fan club, You guys are the greatest.. Everyone have agreat night and week. Trish
Thank You All For Your Help I Am Now Lvl 10
hey can you help me out? i have 813 points to go to lvl up plz help me. I will return the fav thanks HOW CAN YOU DENY THIS FACE LOL Hey thanks i am at 315 now yall rock
Thank You All
I don't know if anyone will read this but I thought I would give it a shot.First I want to say a BIGGGGGGGGG thanks to all of you who have been so wonderful to me. I know Iam not the prettyest or the skinnyest out here in LC but you guys make me feel like Iam. =). I wish all of you the best an agin ~*~Thank You~*~ -BB
Please bear with me til i get this site figured was the first time i'd heard of it.
I just want to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome. I must say that I really didn't expect such a welcom. Sorry that my page is kind of blah right now, but I will make some changes soon, so keep checking it out. Magan
20th Anniversary =[
20th anniversary of Burton's death He was the second bassist in the band Metallica. While on the European leg of the Damage Inc. Tour, Burton and Kirk Hammett drew from a stack of cards to see who would get the top bunk on the bus. Burton picked the Ace of Spades and so he got to sleep on Kirk Hammett's bed, as Hammett recalls on MTV's 1992 bio of the band as well as in the VH1 show Behind the Music. Burton died when the band's tour bus hit black ice (though it is still disputed that they may have crashed because the driver may have been drinking) and flipped over in rural Sweden (Kronobergs län). As the bus was skidding out of control and eventually rolled over on the grass, Burton fell through a window, landed underneath the bus and was crushed. Burton was crushed again when the winch cable lifting the bus off him snapped, dropping the bus on him a second time. Since his death European tour buses have plywood boards fitted to all windows next to the bunk beds. These boa
Thanks Everyone
Thanks so much for all the adds/comments. You guys rock. I'm tryin to get to everyone, so be patient. Thanks again!! *kisses*
Thanks Guys
hey guys I still need your votes of you think I am the best go check me out all you have to do is say she has my vote and rate the pics thanks again. go check me out see if you want to vote for me I am in 3 contests best booty best chest and hand cuff me baby Thank you all for checking me out!!! [ photo: 1424486618 ] [ photo: 361249689 ] [ photo: 266216450 ]
Hey all thanks for all the friends request, comments, and ratings. But I'm still tryint o figure this LC thing out so please be patient and I will return the ratings and the comments!
Thank U
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who comes to my profile and leaves comments. They make me smile. I usually am not able to get on much. I have been logging on from work lately, that can be a bit tricky sometimes. haha My internet at home is busted. =( So I just wanted to say if it takes me awhile to comment you back I am sorry. I really appreciate everyone of you. Sometimes I am having such a bad day, then I get on here and someone makes me laugh or smile! That is the best gift! So thank you!!! =) Have a wonderful day!
Thank You
I want to thank my friends who stopped by to send me well wishes for my test that were done today. You all know who you are. thank you for thinking of me, and after all the test I'm fine there is no cancer there is no lump in my breast. I have never been so scared in my life and if it wasn't for my family and friends I would have never made it threw the past few days. So thank you all very much. Me loves you all.
Thank You
last few days i been little down on myself and out of the 150 or so people that i have as friends on here 1 person has stood out with there smart ass comments and inane blogs to make me crack a smile here or there. i just wanted to say thank you and that you kick ass. and if anyone wants a good friend here is link go show her some love and if your lucky as me you will realize she a cool as hecll person and great person to have as a friend thanks 4ever me@ LostCherry
Thank You All For Saying Hi At The Wizard Cave !!
Hello Out There !! I AM Having Trouble With Photobucket, So I Will Be Online Later And Leave All You Wonderful Visitors A THANK YOU !! Was Sooooooooo Kind Of You All To Stop By !! I Will have To Learn The New Systems Too Here.... If You Want To See A Really Nice Page ( So I Have Been Told) You Can Get More Of And Idea Of What I Am Like Go To>>> I Wil Try To Build My Page Like That One Much Love And Light To You All That Have Welcomed Me !! I Feel Blessed With Your Interest !!
Thanks Guys
Just wanted to say to all my friends fans family that i love you all think of you as my online brothers & sisters who make my day each time i come on with comments ratings friend requests. I love you from the bottom of my heart & i mean that have made some really good friends on here & hoping for long lasting ones. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
Thanks God...
... it's Friday my friends!!!!! lol i still can't believe all that happened to me this week... but lets do some panoramic view: - i'm single again, and now that i'm calm down, and fresh like lettuce, i can say it was for good :) because i lost 145 lbs of useless fat :D lol (i'm being ironic and bitter) - my parents both had a high preassure attack and my mom fainted (i was really scared about it)... thanks to my sister! (someone please tell her to grow up and act like the 32 years old woman she is, and not younger than me!) - work was hard and tiring, and yes, i was stressed and didn't finish everything! but, i'm better everyday, so i can say i'm the queen of IT security! lol so now that i feel good again, and i see all this chaotic week from outside, i can say: hmm that girl is strong, stronger than i thought, other people would just lay on bed and cry day and night for months!! well... it's all for now :) lets see what happens later! :-* mwahz everyone!
Thank You
I am very new to this site and I am not sure what I'm doing here yet. I just wanted to thank everyone for saying "hello" and for the points. I still haven't had time to see what that is all about either! Take it easy everyone and have an awesome weekend!!
Thanks to the few that helped me out If u ever need me to do the same fore u just ask and ill help u out lov u much MMMMUUUUUUAAAAAHHHHHH ~I WONT TO SEE YOU CRY~
Thanks To Our Troops!
I don't know who put this together, but I sure would like to shake his hand, pat him on the back, and wish him, "Good Hunting!" Dear Terrorists, I am a Navy Aviator. I was born and raised in a small town in New England. I come from a family of five. I was raised in a middle class home and taught my values by my mother and father.My dad worked a series of jobs in finance and my mom took care of us kids. We were not an overly religious family but attended church most Sundays. It was a nice small Episcopal Church. I have a brother and sister and I am the youngest in my family. I was the first in many generations to attend college.I have flown Naval aircraft for 16 years. For me the flying was never a lifelong dream or a "calling," it just happened. I needed a job and I liked the challenge. I continue to do it today because I feel it is important to give back to a nation, which has given so much to me. I do it because, although I will never be rich, my family will be comfortable. I do it b
A Thank You To My Husband Scott
Well ever since LC added the blog feature to their site I’ve been racking my brain to think of what my first entry would be about. Today I finally decided that I wanted to write this for my husband Scott. Today is our first wedding anniversary. We don’t have a lot of money so I thought perhaps a gift from my heart would be the best way to go. I find myself thinking throughout my day sometimes that I do not stop to thank him for all the small things he does for me every day. So I thought I’d take this time to tell anyone who’d like to know just how much I love him and why. We met at an event called Pagan Night Out. Ironically enough neither he nor I are pagan. We are just both very open minded and have an appreciation for other’s beliefs- well that and our married friends both dragged us there to meet someone. It took Scott over a month to actually ask me out. He was adorable when he finally got the guts up to ask me out. Apparently, he was not expecting me to say yes s
Thanks all for the comments and voting on my pics I will be in another contests soon I dont care if I win just fun to share for all my friends family fans all that huggs Chelle
Thank You Freinds
Thank You
Thanks For All The Emails!
To Whom It May Concern: I must send my thanks to whoever sent me the one about rat poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towel with every envelope that needs sealing. Also, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason. I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time. I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program. I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish. I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers. I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day. Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get answe
Thank You
kaita....thank you for letting me know that i am not the only Oone having this problem...phew....i hope they get it fixed
Thank You
I am going to see if this works..if it doesn't I will have to do something else. Miltary Families Wives "Lord's Prayer for a Military Wife" Lord grant me the greatness of heart to see, The difference in duty and his love for me; Give me the understanding to know, That when duty calls he must go! Give me task to do each day, To fill the time when he's away. And Lord, when duty is in the field, Please protect him and be his shield. Amen Ally Husband: lordravenous(Army) All my Soldiers love Me ËÿË©ÅÑdÿ ~STAIND~ Husband Deployed Sweet Irish Rose SEX BEAST Hypnotiq Missy Suthernangel Cowgirl! Husband
Thank You All
Thank you everyone who has voted for me in the 2 contests that I am currently in. You guys are really great :). If you haven't voted yet, you still can here are the links.. [ photo: 2522118046 ] If you already voted, but just want to help a girl out, tell your friends.. I don't want to send out a bunch of bulletins cause there are plenty of them already going around and I am really not trying to get on anyone's nerves.. It's just a contest. It won't kill me if I lose yanno... Thanks again everyone and I will try to get some new pics up in the next couple days.. love ya
Thank you to all my peeps that is tring to help me level up I still need a lil help I'm almost there
Thanks :)
... to everyone for rating/commenting my pics :) i promise tomorrow i'll get back with you all and rate your pics... if you don't get any notice about me, just send me a message and i'll go and rate your pics i have 100 pics now, the limit for the level 10 so till i go to the next level i wont have more space... well, lots of love for everyone! hugs & kisses Maria
Thankyou To All My Friends
Just like to say hi and thankyou to all my friends on lostcherry.Thankyou for coming to my page and comments on my pic that is so nice of you.This is just a coool place to be.I have made sum great friends on here and hope to make more.
Thanks To All My New Friends
Well since ive been on lost cherry ive met some fantastic people, whom ive also added to my msn ... I just wanted to say thankyou all for being so wonderful .
Thank You All For The Support
I want to say thank you to all that have supported me so far in my very first contest. It is all so over whelming for me and I am gratful for each and everyone of you. For those that yet have to vote...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! hehehe just kidding, if you want to vote here is the link And if you want go out and pimp me for this contest.....HAHAHAHA Much Lovings!!
Thank You All
I just want to thank all of you who have responded to my blast I posted yesterday. I appreciate you all taking time out to reply and rate me, add me, and comment me and my pics. I try to acknowledge everyone so if I miss you please bring it to my attention.. Thaks again my Cherries and have a great day.. Also don't forget to go to my "New Lounge" blog entry and join us in our new lounge.. Trish
The Thanks People Give You...
I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this; Ever go out of your way to try to help someone or a group of people to get nothing but shit in return? I am about at the end of putting up with it. I used to enjoy IRC, and many other chat networks. Lately its nothing but idiots and kids on the major networks, and people you thought were friends on others. I am a helping person by nature but, I will think twice about it for many now. (you know who you are) I'm sure this will make its way back to where it was meant for. With that said, Game off. Quotes off. Me off. -sorry guys and gal. I just need a break from all the BS. c-ya when I c-ya.
Thank You Everyone
I am now out LC I"M MAGIC
Thank U
Hey all,,just wanted to say thank u for the warm welcome and love I received from u,, Thank u to Master Redemption for the invite,,I luv y dude!!! I return the love to all of u and hope to chat with u sometime,,take care..stop by again soon,,*smiles to everyone* Lady Dragon Hawk
Thank You
thanks to all the people who have made me friends you all are woderfull
Thank You!!!
i wanted to thank you all for your comments and rating. i am new to this and a lil slow. but i will leave on each of you guys page a comment and rating as soon as i can. thank you!!! ;o) kisses to you all!!!
Thank You!!!
Well I just wanted to thank everyone for their interest and their ratings and their love....ya'll have made me feel really welcome...i'm just here to make new friends so dont b afraid to talk to me or to add me..and thanks again....other then that there's really nothing new going on just been busy with work and the typical hum drum thing called life...
A Thanks
Thank you to all who joined. I appreciate your trust. Also, I hope all of you have a good day.
Thanks God It's Friday?
yay it's friday!! i had a lot of things to do this morning, starting with a meeting for another project lol i'll be VERY busy soon many new projects and things to administrate... my ear still hurts sometimes, i'm not sure why my sister looked at it, and she said it was a lil red, and she told me to still take the pills i think i'll take an appointment for the next week with the specialist my dear friends, i feel happy after all, things are working well and yes, i know i had few hard weeks :) but like the Fenix, i'm back, for more ;) lots of love and hugs for everyone Maria
Thank You All!
My cherry level just increased to 12! I want to thank the person who just rated all my pics, you pushed me over the edge, so whoever it was, thank you :) I also want to thank all of you that stop by on a regular basis and show me love, and keep up with rating my new pics and everything, I appreciate every single one of you. I decided to post a blog instead of a bulletin about it because I know those of you who really care will read this, and you are the people I want to thank :) Well I'm off to work pretty soon. 7 and a half hours of it lol have a good weekend all of you!
Thank You To All!!!!
Who voted for me in my very 1st contest on LC! Without all the support and love I would have never won! You peeps kick ASS! So all of you who voted for me, you will get to rub my ass for as long as you want! Hurry up!.....And that includes spanking, biting, and kissin my ass! thx qt!
A Thanks To My Friends
Thank you for being there when I needed you... and even when I didn't, Thank you for being there through the good times... and the bad, Thank you for being there to encourage my dreams.... and my crazy ideas, Thank you for catching me... before I fell down, Thank you for wiping away the tears... when I was crying, Thank you for cheering me up... and making me laugh, Thank you for all the great memories... and the bad, But most of all... thank you... For being you!
Thanks To A Dear Man....
Ya know i go through more shit than the lord should allow on a regular basis...Incessant problem case ya didnt know i had my 2nd surgery of the year yesterday. Another 3-6 weeks of sick eat....What a quandry?... I have called so many agencies and people my head is spinning. Ranting and raving to my bud on here ...a local who will remain nameless. His response...shut up biotch (lol)...and lay down and rest and ill be there later today....A man of his word he showed up...carried me to the store...bought me groceries and slipped me a $20 and kissed me goodbye and said love ya girl and was off. What does this mean to me? Means YOU ARE THE DEAREST MAN IN THE WORLD TO ME TODAY! Friendship, respect, caring, giving without regard to what you gonna get in return. These qualities are rare indeed these days. Unlike some others who even jokingly have said to me "ill buy you some food but what do i get in return" this man cares about me. Even
Thanks Hon
Ok,I'm a day late but i must thank Wendy for levelin me up last night.She spent the better part of 3 hours doin it and it really means a lot to me that you would do that. So I just wanted to publicly say thanks and I love you,hon. *hugswubsanstuf*
Thanksgiving Dinner #1 Cornbread
Cornbread Preparation Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: * 1 tbsp. vegetable shortening * 1 tsp. baking powder * 1 tsp. baking soda * 2 cups buttermilk * 1¾ cups stone-ground cornmeal * 2 large eggs * ¾ tsp. salt * 1 tbsp. sugar Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 450° F. 2. In a large bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, baking soda, baking powder, sugar, and salt. 3. Beat the eggs in a medium bowl, then add buttermilk to it. Combine this mixture with the cornmeal mix. Stir everything until just barely blended to get that mealy cornbread texture. 4. Drop the vegetable shortening into the center of an 8" x 8" glass baking pan. Put the pan in the oven and watch it until smoke starts rising from the shortening. 5. Quickly remove the pan from the oven, pour the batter in, and bake the whole thing for 20-25 minutes. The cornbread is done when the top is brown and the center feels firm when you poke at it.
Thanksgiving #2
Cranberry sauce Preparation Time: 4 hours (including chilling time) Ingredients: * 16 oz. fresh cranberries * 1¼ cup sugar * 1¼ cup water Directions: 1. Boil the water and sugar in a medium saucepan. 2. Add the cranberries. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cook for another 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. 3. When all the cranberries have split open from the heat, pour the contents of the saucepan into a strainer placed over a medium-sized bowl. Push the sauce through the strainer with the back of a spoon until there is no pulp left in the strainer. 4. Stir the cranberry sauce and transfer it to a small bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and stick it in the fridge to cool for at least 3 hours.
Thanksgiving#3 Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes Preparation Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: * 8 medium sized potatoes * 6 tbsp. butter * ¾ cup warm milk * salt and black pepper to taste * ½ cup chopped chives (optional) * ½ cup bacon bits (optional) If you opt to use both optional options, incorporate only ¼ cup of each. Directions: 1. Peel the potatoes, cut them in half width-wise. If you want to make your mashed potatoes more nutritious, leave half the potatoes unpeeled (but washed very thoroughly!). 2. Boil the potatoes in a large pot of slightly salted water for 20 minutes. Longer if they're not tender enough to be pierced easily. Drain them, stick them back in the pot, cover the pot, and shake the potatoes around a bit. 3. Add the milk and butter, and bring out an electric mixer. Mix on medium speed until the potatoes are smooth and creamy. If necessary, add more milk, but go slow with that (add only one tablespoon at a time) or you might end up with re
Thanks For The Artwork =)
I just rec'd something that someone made for me so I thought I'd make a place to showcase your gifts. Feel free to place banners, icons, click pics etc... in this blog for me. I'm really appreciative and if I use your "art" somewhere - I'll send you a free CD =)
Thank You All So Much!!!!!!
OMG, I honestly cannot believe it. I really do not care who wins the "Best Personality On LC" contest, because I feel I have already won. Whenever I get down in the dumps, all I have to do is read all of your comments and I know I will smile. You all rock!!!!! I really cannot begin to tell you all how much this has made my week. Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you want to vote for me, here is the link to my picture. The rules to the contest are: 1.YOU CAN ONLY PIMP YOUR SELF OUT 2.ALL COMMENTS MUST BE WHY THAT PERSON HAS A GOOD PERSONALITY WE WILL NOT COUNT THE YOU GOT MY VOTE COMMENTS ONCE AGAIN IT MUST BE WHY THEY HAVE A AWSOME PERSONALITY... 3. CONTEST WILL RUN TILL SUNDAY NIGHT AROUND 8 SO HURRY UP 4. I AM USING A UNIQUE AND DIFFRENT VOTEING SYSTEM TO DETERMINE THE WINNERS.... Also please show DarkDragon some love while you are there for running this contest.DrkDragon@ LostCherry
Thank You !!
~Happy B-day to me !!~@ LostCherry Want one? Go to YOU PEEPZ MADE MY BIRTHDAY SO SPECIAL !! LUV YA BUNCHES !! MetteKenzo@ LostCherry 6th september Koogerbabe@ LostCherry 21th september Tomcat@ LostCherry 8th september †LÏ(v)ÏІ™@ LostCherry 28th february Helena47*@ LostCherry 25th august RHEY@ LostCherry 2nd november
Just wanted to say that i am having so much fun on here. Thanks for helping me out you guys and gals. I apprectate it....
Thanks To Everyone
Thanks To Michelle, Rich And Willie
Thank you all so very much for pushing me over the edge today .. Ya'll are sweeties and I adore you all xoxoxoxoxoxo
Thank You
The words you said cut right through me. I’m not mad though, I’m actually really happy. This time I didn’t have to trick or force myself into not caring for someone. You did it for me with the hate, bitterness, and harshness in your voice. We don’t communicate well if at all, because it’s all one-sided. I can share my feelings and you just won’t. It’s not that you can’t, it’s because you choose not to. The funny thing is I do whatever you ask me to in order to make things go right, But you and your double standards, or is it a game your trying to play with me? I’m still not sure, because you say one thing and do the opposite. The funny thing is I remember you saying “you’re always right”. I thought you were joking though, but it looks like the joke was on me. This time when the relationship fails I’ll at least have solace knowing it wasn’t me. I can walk away without having to answer any questions to myself as to why I did things. The answer for once will be clear and I

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