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What Kinda Kisser Are You?
What type of kisser are you? Romantic kisserThis kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by Romantic kisser: This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.
Whats Your Flirting Style?
What's Your Flirting Style? Too Hot!Whoa, back off girl! There is such a thing as too much attention, and you're about one step shy of actually jumping your Man 'o the Minute in the hall between classes. Ever heard of 'playing hard to get'? Right now, you're more likely to completely terrify your crush than anything else, plus you're on your way to aquiring an...::ahem::....reputation. Try backing off, just a little bit. Kay?Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What Is A Normal Person ?
What is a normal person Is it a perosn that never gets into trouble Never cry about things Person that never yell or fight how do we know if we are A normal person How do we know if we are crazy If there is a normal person Who are they Will we ever know that they are there WIll someone tell me What is a normal person
What Kind Of Mythilogical Animal Are You.
You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.Angel100%Faerie84%Mermaid83%WereWolf75%Dragon58%Demon42%What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with
Anyone know what the My Salutes thing is now under photos? Whats that all about huh?
What Do You Think?
I died tonight I drowned in your love I went away from it all and the waves took me over they took me away away from all my pain and they gave me a strength I would never be able to gain when it was all over I saw no light I was left in the darkness to reflect on my life I never got my kiss just stuck with your knife felt no bliss emotion caress the waves over took me as i died tonight i drowned suicide? are you there? im sorry. i walked away lost in the ocean days go by and tomorrow they find me burried beneath the undertow limp my pain was over as i left your dying world waves of society killed me i drowned i choked and suffocated until i couldnt breath no one understood me (quite like you) no one understood my pain (they called me crazy) they coundnt feel it (so it wasnt real) all i wondered as i drown tonight is if anyone cared so i was fucked up and hopeless i wish someone could be there before it was too l
What A Great Bunch Of Peeps
I left a comment on a MUM today out of the goodness of my heart, because I like helping people out when I can. Turns out the advice wasn't appreciated. So I went to this "Playboy Bunny Rate my profile a 10 before adding"'s profile and tried to leave something like..."ok, that's cool, just trying to help" but it turns out you have to be a friend to leave any comment. She was qick to add a comment to my profile though, and I deleted it of course, then I looked back at the mum and it looks like she didn't want anyone's opinions - just the points! What a fucking loser! I thought rather than put out a bulletin on her sorry ass, a more constructive thing for me to do just send out a BIG THANK YOU to the people on my Friends list. Y'all are just freakin awesome! I've trimmed some bad choices off my list and added a dozen people this week and it's so much nicer. I got a diverse group of genuinely nice, talented, and respectful people that I have the pleasure of interacting with every day
What If I Said.....
We've been friends for a long long time you tell me your secrets, and I tell you mine He's left you all alone and you feel like no one cares but I've never failed you, I've always been there You tell your story, it sounds a bit like mine it's the same old situation, happens every time can't we see that maybe you and me is what's meant to be or do we disagree? what if I told you, what if I said that I love you? How would you feel, what would you think, what would we do? Do we dare to cross that line, between yur heart and mine or would I lose a friend, or find a love that would never end? What if I said? He doesn't love you, oh that's plain to see I can read between the lines of what you're telling me He doesn't hold you the way a woman should be held how long can I go on keeping these feelings to myself? so what if I told you, what if I said that I love you? How would you feel, what would you think, what would we do? Do we dare to cross that line, between yur heart
What Comes To Mind
Here I am twisting in the wind Ruining what I had with those that call themselves my friend It seems always to turn out this way I always fall into this hole and push them all away I am like a tornado tearing through their lives I dont know why I do it, it makes me feel so unalive They put up with me as long as they can bear But they'll soon give up on me is what I fear I hope and pray that they'll help me through this hell Maybe they'll stick with me until I am well Then I can show them all how thankfull I am I'll give back all the kindness and friendship that any person can They will know that they can count on me more than anyone else When they need some help to find themself
What A Lovely Night!
I stayed at work late tonight, just to have few drinks with a few of my co workers. Then I went to my boyfriend's. Made crazy love, it's so nice to laugh and joke around, and the next thing you know, your cuddled in each other's arm's making out. So I had a good day today, it's about time since it's been work/bored/work. I'm just happy to love again.
What Is Love?
What is love? Current mood: depressed Have you ever had a feeling for someone so strong that you thought that maybe you could love again? Even after being hurt so many times? Love is a feeling that I have tried to forget about. A feeling that I really never wanted to have to feel again, for fear of being hurt. For the first time in a long time I thought that I might have met my Mr. Right. Everything about him was so perfect. The time we had spent together was incredible and our talks were awsome. Just the thought of him would give me butterflys. I would rush to get home just to talk to him. Then we would talk for hours. Sometimes about nothing at all and others were plans for the future. Things I thought were going so well. I had planned on moving to be with him. How crazy is that. Where things are going right now I don't know. I hope for only the best but if it was ment to be I guess I will find out. Everyday that goes by is one more day that I fall even harder for thi
Whats Your Sex Style
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Kind Of Kisser Are You?
What kind of kiss are you? PassionateYour kiss is the kiss that makes girls melt and men get in touch with their feminine side. Nothing says I love you like a full, heart-felt kiss. Take this test
What 80's Movie Are You
what 80s movie are you??? breakfast clubyour the kinda person that hates that we cant all belong to th same group instead of diffrent group Take this test Hell Yeah!!! Don;t you......forget about me :P
What Sex Position Are You
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Fighting Style Do U Have
what fighting style do you have? Martial ArtistBruce Lee is your idol and favorite past time. you keep your composure and never panic. your a black belt in whatever style you trian in and a very worthy advisary. Wax on Wax off Take this test
What Can Be
Monday, November 13, 2006 What can be It is vast beyond imagination, too beautiful and magnificent for words, and sometimes quite frightening. It is the universe that you cannot touch, but which you can always begin to grasp. Live your moments with full awareness, acceptance and respect for what is. Yet also stay intimately in touch with what can be. In the realm of what can be, there are solutions to every problem and pathways through every challenge. The sweet fulfillment you've always sought, lives somewhere in what can be. In what can be, there exists a kind of hope that nothing can diminish. In what can be, your options stretch out far beyond anything you might yet have imagined. And the first step into what can be is the next step that you take. Joyfully respect and truly appreciate all that is, for that is what you take with you as you cross the threshold into what can be. Let the limitations fall away from your thinking and allow your imagination to soar wi
What Are You Saying?
Me no espeaky de espanglishy. But franglais, mais yes, j'en parle. Take me to the gare and touch my truc.
What Happens In Heaven
What Happens in Heaven I have seen and is so true: I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels. My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, "This is the Receiving Section. Here, all petitions to God said in prayer are received." I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world. Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section. The angel then said to me, "This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them." I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged
What Kind Of Alchohol Are You
What alcohol are you?? GREY GOOSEFine, fine alcohol! You like to tear up the Goose and be all loose. You know how to get the party started!! Take this test
What Vampire Personality Are U?
You scored as Dracula. You are the smooth sexy cool Dracula. Patient and lustful. If you were any cooler youd be ice. Great style with a way of seducing those around you. And three brides who wouldn't want to be him. Dracula100%Marius92%Blade75%Louis58%Angel58%Lestat50%Spike42%Deacon Frost42%Armand42%Akasha33%Whose your Vampire personality? (images)created with
What Kind Of Kinky Are You?
You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.Biting92%Chains/Handcuffs75%Bondage75%Whips58%Blind Folds42%Blood33%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
What Is Your Wrestler Name?
Your Wrestler Name Is... Baby Doll Chainsaw What's Your Wrestler Name?
What 2007 Car Should You Drive?
You Should Drive a Jaguar XK 4.2 You don't care how you get there as long as you get there with class. And having a little power doesn't hurt either! What 2007 Car Should You Drive?
What Is Your Sexual Style?
You scored as Hot. You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you.Hot100%Violent75%Exciting69%Soft63%Wet56%Sweet44%Awkward6%Shy6%What is your sexual style?created with
What Creature Of The Night Are You?
You scored as You are a Vampiric Elf!. Congratulations my friend! You are a Vampyric Elf. Your kind are few and far between! Your hobbies include drinking the blood of innocent victims or just draining it and mixing it with herbs and spices. You were once one of the noblest of white magic creatures but you turned against those who you loved, most likely because of lost love, and turn yourself into their greatest fear to punish them all!Fallen Angel67%You are a Vampiric Elf!67%Black Witch58%You are a Demon42%Vampire42%What creature of the night are you you most like? (Pics!!)created with
What's Up Everyone..
hope everyone had a great weekend.... take care.... and have a good monday...
What Kind Of Drug Are You?
You scored as Cocaine. You are Cocaine (aka: coke, crack, snow, 151...). You are the second most commonly used drug in the world. You are very witty, talented, perky person if you can just have the right opportunity to show to everybody how unique you are, when you are in a good mood you can reach a very high point of happiness. You are classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs. Cocaine100%Marijuana67%Ecstasy67%What kind of drug are you?created with
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong?
You scored as Gangrel. You belong to the Gangrel bloodline. Gangrel are very in touch with nature and for this reason are often loners and hermits. They have a very keen sense of the beast inside them and can let it out with devastating results. They do, however, have a bit less control over their impulsive, animalistic nature and are easy to drive into an uncontrollable frenzy.
What Type Of Boyfriend Do You Need?
You scored as None. You don't need a boyfriend to complete you. You are fine on your own and you have plenty of friends.Punk83%None83%Loner67%Preppy50%Geek33%Skater17% Emo0%Goth0%What type of boyfriend do you need? (PICS!)created with
What Does You Kiss Taste Like?
You scored as cherry's. Your kisses are sweet and Hot just like cherry's
What Will Happen The Next Time Someone Cheats On Me
What Are You Attracted In A Guy?
You scored as An eyes woman. You can see the magic in a persons eyes, you can see their soul, you know what they're really thinking, and know if they mean no even if they say yes all from their eyes. Yet they still hold some mystique, and for that means you can look into someone's eyes for a long time.An eyes woman100%A mouth gall100%A butt gall95%personality85%Abs woman85%A crotch person75%A chest chick65%What are you attracted to in a guycreated with
What Does It Feel Like To Live One Day In My Life
Well it depends on when you catch me so we'll talk about any type of emotion that a person might go through Happy Living one day happy in my life is good enough for 100 years of anyone's normal life. When I'm happy it's like life is the best. Like sitting on a cloud and watching the world go by. Happiness is being with the one I love, and just holding tight, never letting go. Stairing into his eyes and knowing everything will be ok. Happiness is being loved, happiness is holding tight. Sad/Depressed When I'm sad, life can't seem to get any worse. Life seems to screw me in the ass over and over again. I understand there is a concept of love out there, and I understand my friends and family are telling me that they love me, but it seems to fly past my head. That it can't really be true, that no one can really love me. When I'm sad I don't care about life anymore. I don't care whether or not I get the good grade, whether I get to go shopping. I don't believe people when they s
Why does everything have to be so dayum complicated? Why do I always have to be second in everything, never first? I am going to be making some big decisions in my life soon, so incase anyone cares, if oneday i'm no longer on here, it's because of i'm no longer here. I don't talk to anyone on here anymore, which is mainly the reason why I am posting a blog, I figure, I can type in here, maybe it will make things alittle easier on my head, and maybe make the heartaches and confusion go away. I have so many questions and I get no answers, I am confused 99% of the time, but I tend to just deal, and go with anything. I don't want to be confusedand lost anymore, I want to know all the answers. maybe there isnt any answers, and maybe the person who I think can answer doesn't know how?! I just wish my life were normal, I wish I could predict the future, so i'd know just where I was supposed to be, and where i'm going to end up! If that happened though, what fun would life be, you hav
What It's Like To Be In Love
I know what it's like to be in love. To talk about him, dream about him, think about him. I know what it's like to worry why he doesn't call, where is he, should I call? Does he think about me, talk about me, dream about me? I know what it's like to miss him. To worry about him, and love him. I know what it's like to be in love but is he truely in love with me???
What's In A Name?
I picked out a wall color today. I found this beautiful color that can alternately look blue, purple, or grey. Does it really matter that it is called Hailstorm? Guess it beats the hell out of Burple. LOL! Yes, silly random amusement today.
Whats In A Name?
According to studies, the first letter of your first name reveals your sexual identity... What do you think? * A- You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing. You are an up front person. When it comes to sex, it's action that counts not obscure hints. Your mate's physical attractiveness is important to you. You find the chase and challenge of the "hunt" invigorating. You are passionate and sexual as well as being much more adventurous than you appear; however, you do not go around advertising these qualities. Your physical needs are your primary concern. * B- You give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined. You are very happy to receive gifts as an expression of the affection of your lover. You want to be pampered and know how to
What Is It?
Well i just might delete cherrytap cause no one ever comments or visits my page anymore, i post comments, photo comments and all, but hardly anyone ever does me.
What Kind Of Seducer Are You?
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it. That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power! The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism. You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world. Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in. You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you? You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways. Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you. As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
What Would Your Sex Business Card Say?
MIchelle Sexual tour guide 'What will your sex business card say?' at
what do u do to get over a divorce iv been divorceda little over a year and still havent goten over mine im still in love with her and dont understand why and for the most part im not sure why im still heari have two beautiful kids and i think that may be the reason i am hear if it werent for them i would have ended it all without a question but i think those two are why im hear but the pain gets to be too much to bear at times can anybody help without saying time is the only way
What Is A Friend
A friend is someone who understands and someone you can trust. They will listen to you both night and day without ever making a fuss. A friend will stand by your side when you are right and sometimes when you are wrong. They will hold you up when you are weak and provide support to make you strong. A friend's love is unconditional and unique in every way. And when you have problems a true friend will kneel with you and pray. A friend will stand by your side through thick and thin. And whenever everyone have deserted you they still will be your friend. A friend once said to me that a friend is sent from God above and I believe this to be true. Because God has sent a friend to me and that friend to me is YOU. SO MAKE SURE U ALWAYS CARE ABOUT UR FRIENDS CAUSE IF U DONT ONE DAY U WILL BE ALONE AND LONELY CAUSE THEY WILL BE GONE
What A Great Day
today the sun came out the brids were singing i heard my son say im alright ,no worries no sadness oh what a joy i had the most inner peace i felt sadness for a while but i knew in my heart that the love i had for him will live in me forever,one day i will see him at the gates of haven opening his arms to hug his mother ,i believe when someone passes on they are angels for the lord ,singing praises to the lord ,and the love from god and all the angels may they be withyou in your daily lifes always remember life goes on after death,we just go unto other levels of heaven or get reborn as someone eles but we are only here for one purpose to learn from eachother not to hate or be a and ass hole but to love everybody no matter what they are or how rich they or poor they are or sick or what ever it may be god is love we have to love as well and do good things in life ,so when someone passes celabrate there life not their death love you for who all supported me in my time of need tha
What Every Woman Should Have And Should Know
This was a bulletin I received. What Every Woman Should Have and Should Know A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A set of screwdrivers, A cordless drill, and A black lace bra. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... One friend who Always makes her Laugh... And one Who lets her cry. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A good piece of furniture Not previously owned by Anyone else in her family. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE Eight matching plates, Wine glasses with stems, And a recipe for a meal that will Make her guests feel honored. A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A feeling of control over Her destiny. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... How to fall in love Without losing herself. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... HOW TO QUIT A JOB BREAK UP WITH A LOVER AND CONFRONT A FRIEND WITHOUT RUINING THE FRIENDSHIP. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... When to try harder... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW... That she can't change The length of her calves, T
What Mythical Creature I Am
You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.Dragon100%Faerie92%Angel75%Mermaid67%Demon67%WereWolf33%What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)created with
What Song I Will Strip To!
Your Stripper Song Is Closer by Nine Inch Nails "You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you Help me I broke apart my insides, help me I’ve got no Soul to tell" When you dance, it's a little scary - and a lot sexy. What Song Should You Strip To?
What I Will Go To Jail For.........
Michelle will go to jail for ... Using your dildo as a weapon of mass destruction 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
What A Friggin' Idiot!
What A Kiss Means
what a kiss means +kiss on the stomach = Im ready +Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever" +Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything +Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends" +Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you" +Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together" +Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you" +Kiss on the Lips = I like you" What the gesture means... +Holding Hands = "we definitely like each other" +Slap on the Butt = "That's mine" +Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go" +Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain like you" +Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me" +Arms around the Waist = "I like you too much to let go" +Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you" --Advice-- + Dont ask for a kiss, take one. +If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
What A Kiss Means
what a kiss means +kiss on the stomach = Im ready +Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever" +Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything +Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends" +Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you" +Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together" +Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you" +Kiss on the Lips = I like you" What the gesture means... +Holding Hands = "we definitely like each other" +Slap on the Butt = "That's mine" +Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go" +Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain like you" +Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me" +Arms around the Waist = "I like you too much to let go" +Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you" --Advice-- + Dont ask for a kiss, take one. +If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love. SWEET GA PEACH POSTED THIS
What Hurts The Most
sitting her on the sofa you asleep on my chest watching you dream smiling so brightly trying to put the happiness away trying to understand what we must do holding you tight holding on for now wishing this could change for we both love each other so knowing when morning comes will be last we will see each other again pain comes and pain goes memories stay with us warming us driving us insane for love is so twisted so strange when the future turns black an it all falls away
What's A Geoduck?
What's A Geoduck? by sintax © Geoduck is pronounced gooey-duck The water in the tank swirled slowly in little vortices. The geoducks were heaped together in large piles in the back corners. Mindy's fingers tightened on the strap of her purse as she looked them over. The salesclerk stood by, waiting for her choice. A geoduck is a large clam-like thing. Incapable of retracting into it's shell due it's size, it's digging foot sticks straight out, for all the world resembling a large penis. They live in beaches deep in the sand. Digging one out it is a process that can take hours, struggling to keep it from escaping. Which is why Mindy was here at the asian foods store, buying one. She was more than willing to donate money to this little experiment, but traveling out to one of the islands and digging for several hours, that was more than she could manage. She stood over the tank and looked in. These were living geoducks, sashimi grade. They could be eaten raw. But Mindy had
What A Kiss Means
what a kiss means +kiss on the stomach = Im ready +Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever" +Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything +Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends" +Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you" +Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together" +Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you" +Kiss on the Lips = I like you" What the gesture means... +Holding Hands = "we definitely like each other" +Slap on the Butt = "That's mine" +Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go" +Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain like you" +Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me" +Arms around the Waist = "I like you too much to let go" +Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you" --Advice-- + Dont ask for a kiss, take one. +If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
What Kitten Would You Be?
What cute Kitty would you be? If you were a kitten you would be this one. your personality suits it. it is so cute and cuddly as you make your self seem.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Do You Have
All I want to see is tits and ass.
What Your Underwear Says About You
What Your Underwear Says About You You enjoy wearing nice underwear, even if it comes at a hefty price tag. You're a closet exhibitionist who gets a thrill from being secretly naughty. The Underwear Oracle
Whats Your Pizza Personality
Cheese Pizza Traditional and comforting. You focus on living a quality life. You're not easily impressed with novelty. Yet, you easily impress others. What's Your Pizza Personality?
What A Way To Go
Chris will go to jail for ... Snorting Viagra 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
What Is Your Sexual Zodiac?
Aquarius You are very random, changing moods everyday. You are very genuine, and you like to do a lot sexually. When you find something that you like, you like it a lot and want your lover to like it too. Ideally you like to find a partner who is as into sex as you are. You want a lover who is just as independent as you are and you like an equal amount of give and take in the sack. Sex matches: Aries, Gemini, Libra Take this quiz at
What's Your Sexual Zodiac Sign?
Virgo You are shy at first, and because of that, it is hard for you to find lots of random sex partners. You are very intelligent and very into sex. You will only have sex with clean people, because you are afraid of getting an STD. You are also very kinky and imaginative in the sack. Your partners always have a hard time keeping up with you. Sex matches: Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio Take this quiz at
What Is Your Elf Name?
Your Elf Name Is... Floppy Mince Meat What's Your Elf Name?
What Is Your Predominant Emotion?
Your dominant emotion is FEAR You are easy to scare and tend to assume that others are out to get you. And they are... well, me at least. Take this quiz at
What Alcohol Are You?
What alcohol are you?? GREY GOOSEFine, fine alcohol! You like to tear up the Goose and be all loose. You know how to get the party started!! Take this test
What Would You Do?
This guy has been caught with pre teen girls tied up in his basement by his ex girlfriend...she didnt go to the police cuz he threatened to kill her. She finally left and called the FBI...There are 2 pics at the start of my default album of 2 FBI agent business cards she sent me. I dont have any of those do you? He has multiple screennames and makes more each day.....block him and show him how you feel!193818@ CherryTAP193818@ CherryTAPTHIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!! (repost of original by 'Boycott Wal-Mart...Rate my profile please!' on '2006-11-14 22:17:10') (repost of original by 'heartme **play nice and vote in my art contest**' on '2006-11-14 22:21:14') (repost of original by '~*SoooooooSexxiSweet*~' on '2006-11-14 22:58:00')
Whats Your Sex Style ??
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Alcohol Are You???
What alcohol are you?? BEERYeah it isn't a alcohol but you know what I think you need to stick with beer! No offense but there are fine beers out there! Take this test
What Kind Of Alcohol Are You?
What alcohol are you?? PATRONEYou are a laid back and relaxed drinker! Patrone is one of the most finest tequillas known! It also shows you have a very expensive taste on your tongue!! Take this test PATRONE IS THE SHIT! WOOT lol
What Is Your Sex Style
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Drink I Am
What alcohol are you?? GREY GOOSEFine, fine alcohol! You like to tear up the Goose and be all loose. You know how to get the party started!! Take this test
Whats Your Sex Style?
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Am I Doing?
Life is weird at the moment. Every road I go down seems to have a dead end. I have a lot of fun, but I feel like I don't make any progress. I have been dating all of the wrong women. One girl who I would drop everything for, forgets that I exist, and has this other guy she is dating. Bad times. The girl who does my hair, who I dated a few times, is crazy and shouldn't date anyone. She wanted to date me, likes me, but won't date me. grrr. too bad, she is way cool Another girl who I am quite fond of, happens to be married! I hang out with her every weekend, and god we get along great. Something about her I can't resist. But shit, she is married. I can't tell if she is happily married or not. I don't know. Then again, I dont know if I want to be just part of an affair. Sure I might get laid, and have fun. Eventually, its a dead end. It may even lead to more problems than I actually care to deal with. The last one, was a bitch to me over the summer. Then we saw each
What Am I Called?
What am I called? I speak my mind. I don't comprimise my beliefs. I will not give up a fight when I KNOW I am right. I dont look for a fight, but I am always ready if a fight looks for me. I am a survivor. I know how to make do with whatever I have. I am opinionated & voice my opinions openly. I am independent & free. I love having a companion but I will NOT be told what to do or how to live. I am faithful & compassionate, but I will not be made a fool of. I am soft hearted & HARD headed. I can fit in with any crowd. jeans & a tee & I'm a REDNECK 100%. Take me to a formal party & I'll put on my best fur & jewels & impress the HELL out of everyone! If you piss me off once, I may forgive you,'ll take a while.. 3 TIMES & you go one MY LIST! I am happy to be me & refuse to alter my beliefs for ANYONE! What am I called? I am a BITCH!
Whats Ur Sex Position?
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Kind Of Monster Are You?
You are a zombie! Your hobbies include eating brains and groaning. You are mindless, with the inescapable desire to eat. You have no morals and humans fear you - but only if you are accompanied by a posse. Take this quiz at
What Elemental Dragon I Am
What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics) Fire DragonRage, passion, you burn with the essence of a powerful flame. You are powerful and majestic and dont let anyone stand in your way without a fight.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What Kind Of Partier I Am!
What kinda partier are you? (funny ass pics) Hard-core partierYou are one crazy mother fucker when it comes to partying. I salute you my friend. You love to get crazy and let everyone know about it. You've probally had a few run in's with the police, but fuck it, you were having fun.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
Whats A Pagan
Pagans come in all shapes sizes colors They belive many things Some have speical gifts that the rest of us do not some call this magic some do not But we all have these traits we belive in the Gods we belive in Magic for we know its real now do some just belive in the old religion yes they do Do they do magic ritual or true no they dont but Pagan they are For you see Pagans come in all the shades of the Rainbow but we tend to get along oh we may fuss about this and that But then we are PAGAN Caty
What I Think About Life
Self expression is about who you are, and how you express yourself. It doesn’t matter what fricken clothing you wear, how you look, or who you talk to. It's your words or works, and choice of actions that shows who you are as a person. Some people express themselves by music, poetry, and other verbal/written ways. Its the words; not the sounds of the music, or the shape of the art work. But, the words they use to express expirences, emotion, or just something on their mind. But things cost money; money makes the world go Life consists of being the best looking, acting, and brains. Untill they break down and realise that life can not be perfect. But, untill that moment nothing is normal. It’s all thoughts and dreams, then once it is realised it goes away. Then they can be a true being, which becomes themselves, or "normal" putting it into terms. If we didn’t charaterise, sterotype, or put people into groups, life might be easier. Or would it? Bei
What Kind Of Sex Do You Like?
You scored as Orgy. You must be very popular. Orgy100%Oral Sex94%Cyber Sex72%Phone Sex67%Anal Sex61%Normal Sex56%Gay Sex50%What kind of SEX do you love? (pics)created with
What Disney Character Are You?
You scored as Donald Duck. Your alter ego is Donald Duck! Try as you might, you have a nasty temper that is hard to control. But you try hard to please, and you arn't one to go down without a fight. Donald Duck100%Ariel94%Goofy81%Cinderella75%Peter Pan63%Cruella De Ville50%Sleeping Beauty38%The Beast38%Snow White31%Pinocchio13%Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?created with
What Do I Do ?
What do I do, now I've reached the edge? The cliff is steep to the plain below. Miles upon miles of emptry air And no hand will I hold, but your hand and you are not there! What do I do when smothering black Of night engulfs me ... coldly dark So dark I tingle with sudden fear No arms do I need but your arms And you are not there! What do I do with a life that tells the end of the world in a darkened mist But still must keep senselessly on No love keeps my heart, but your love And you ... you are gone...
What Sport Are You Meant For?
You scored as Soccer. You should play soccer- you'll have to run some, but its worth it if you get to shoot a goal. Soccer requires teamwork and endurance.Soccer100%Ice Hockey83%Football83%Tennis33%Softball33%Swimming33%Baseball33%Lacrosse25%Basketball17%Field hockey17%Track17%Golf
:: What Xena Warrior Princess Character Are You?
You scored as Draco. You Scored as Draco. A nasty warlord or a love sick puppy? It all depends on which episode you're watching. He's a man borne out of Xena's past who is constantly trying to drag her back into it.Draco100%Callisto100%Aphordite58%Joxer50%Xena42%Gabrielle42%Ares33%What Xena Warrior Princess Character are You?created with
What Men Are Bringin To The Round Table.
1. Men are NOT mind readers.1. Learn to work the toilet seat.You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down.We need it up, you need it down.You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moonor the changing of the tides.Let it be.1. Shopping is NOT a sport.And no, we are never going to think of it that way.1. Crying is blackmail.1. Ask for what you want.Let us be clear on this one:Subtle hints do not work!Strong hints do not work!Obvious hints do not work!Just say it!1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost everyquestion.1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do.Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a Problem.See a doctor.1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.1. If you won't dress like the Victoria 's Secret girls, don't Expectus to act like soap opera guys.1. If y
What's Your Sex Style
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Do You Think
OK, this face recognition program picked these celebrities that I supposedly look like... what do you think. (I always thougt I had Tim Curry's smile).
What Kind Of Sex Are You???
Whats your sex style? Romantic Sex StyleYou like to take it slow, lots of kissing and touching. Just like in a Chick flick... takes the girls away! At best when you are in love with your sex partner, and if not...they will be! Take this test
What Is Your Favorite Sex Position
What is your favorite sex position? Great loverYou switch up positions to please your partner. You are only concerned bout them getting theres. Take this test
What Candy Are You
what candy are you chocolate kissesu have a warm personality!! u r very comforting when ur friends need you. but you are romantic and sexy when it comes to love:) Take this test
Whats Your Sex Style ?
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Fight Style Are You
what fighting style do you have? Martial ArtistBruce Lee is your idol and favorite past time. you keep your composure and never panic. your a black belt in whatever style you trian in and a very worthy advisary. Wax on Wax off Take this test
What Do My Eyes Say
You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?Passion58%Diamond Eyes42%Eyes full of Pain25%Mysterious8%What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)created with
What Kind Of Kiss Am I
What kind of kiss are you? PassionateYour kiss is the kiss that makes girls melt and men get in touch with their feminine side. Nothing says I love you like a full, heart-felt kiss. Take this test
What Kind Of Person Am I
What kind of person are you? Kind heartedYour a all around awsome Girl to be around. You can get along with about anyone and you know how to bring a smile to some one who needs it. Take this test
What Kind Of Person Are You?
What kind of person are you? Kind heartedYour a all around awsome Girl to be around. You can get along with about anyone and you know how to bring a smile to some one who needs it. Take this test
What Hot Super Star I Will Marry Lol
what hot superstar will you marry?? Johnny Depp..yeah he may be older but he'll probably still be sexy until he is 65. its true. lucky you lucky you. Take this test
What Kind Of Friend I Am
What kind of Friend are You? LIFETIME FriendYou are to find...possibly one in a lifetime... You're there for the good the bad and the ugly, no matter what happens...You are there ready to help. Take this test
What Kind Of Person Am I....
What kind of person are you? Class CownPeople love you! You are always good for laughs but you are also a person people can trust to cheer them up! You are Awesome! Take this test
What Is Victoria's Secret Anyway?
What Would You Do?
"what Is That To You?"
November 15, 2006 "What Is That to You?" Peter . . . said to Jesus, ’But Lord, what about this man?’ Jesus said to him, ’. . . what is that to you? You follow Me’ —John 21:21-22 About this cover One of the hardest lessons to learn comes from our stubborn refusal to refrain from interfering in other people’s lives. It takes a long time to realize the danger of being an amateur providence, that is, interfering with God’s plan for others. You see someone suffering and say, "He will not suffer, and I will make sure that he doesn’t." You put your hand right in front of God’s permissive will to stop it, and then God says, "What is that to you?" Is there stagnation in your spiritual life? Don’t allow it to continue, but get into God’s presence and find out the reason for it. You will possibly find it is because you have been interfering in the life of another— proposing things you had no right to propose, or advising when you had no right to advise. When you do have to give advi
What Am I To Do???????
'what Will Your Sex Business Card
RANDY Erotic Model 'What will your sex business card say?' at
What In The Royal Blue Hell?
someone rated your photo a '4'! And right after - someone FROM MY FRIENDS LIST left a comment. This is so not cool..I will start removing people from my friends list if this continues.
What To Say, What To Say, What To Say
there somthing that I want to say somthing new, and riske I want to tell you it in person, but that won't work, might as well be persian so very close but so far away I know what I want, but not what to say I'd like it more than anything to throw it all in on a wing you'll soon find out what's on my mind and hopfully that button soon I'll find I've run out of works and now I'm broke like a wheel with no spokes I see your picture in my room hoping my dreams will soon come true... Just thinking of someone special
What Kind Of Sex Are You
You scored as Phone Sex. "Talk dirty to me" describes your idea of a good time. A sexy voice really sets the tone of a good evening for you. Phone Sex83%Oral Sex78%Orgy78%Anal Sex72%Cyber Sex72%Normal Sex67%Gay Sex56%What kind of SEX do you love? (pics)created with
What I'm Thinking About Today
I’m not the smartest person in the world, but I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking lately. I realize I have the answers to very little or nothing at all. I’m really not sure what’s wrong or right when it comes to love any more. All I know is what I feel. I wonder how many of us, when we are all alone, actually like ourselves? When no ones coming by to sit with you. When no ones there to hear you think, are we happy with ourselves? Are we content with who we are? I feel that it is vitally important to be able to fully accept ourselves, who we truly are, and be content with it. Happy with who we are no matter what the flaws are. Other wise how can others see the real you, know the real you. Which brings up another thought, can people change. Do we really change? Maybe we just grow, but never change completely. Maybe we are who we are. I’ve tried to change, but still the same in so many ways. I know I’ve grown a lot, different than I was many years past. Yet still my
What I've Been Up To Part 3
well i have been to the airport to see my sister come home so i am happy now she's home and i got to see The Santa Clause 3 The Escape Clause it was fantastic worth seeing it made me smile and happy since i had a up and down year so far so it's a good thing me been in a happy mood after so far 10 months without a best friend in my life anymore it was the worst day in my life not having no best friend forever which sucks until the next blog take care from Bruce
What I Find Very Pathetic About Some People...
What I find funny and a little disturbing at the same time is, there is alot of contests on this site, mainly about T&A. So when a friend of mine decided to do a different kind of contest. One that doesn't have to do with T&A or even people at all she doesn't get any response at all to the contest. And here I thought some of my friends in my list would of jumped at the chance to of gotten into the contest since I posted it over and over. But I guess I was wrong. So with that said, I don't want anyone getting their undies in a wad when I won't stop everything that I am doing and go vote for them in the best ass or whatever kind of contest it may be. But on the same token, most who really talk to me know I will bend over backwards for my true friends.
What Is That Smell
What Do Guys Like About You?
Guys Like That You're Sensitive And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships! What Do Guys Like About You?
What Turns Women On..
If you'd like to master the art of triggering ATTRACTION in women, then it's important for you to learn how to use "Sexual Communication". Here are a bunch of great tips... AN INTERESTING STORY (OR SO)... There are two basic stories for how men and women "start off" together, and two basic stories for how men and women "end up". Through all of time, I'm sure that men and women have been playing out these stories... and I'm sure that they'll continue to play them out long into the future (that is, unless I have something to say about it... and I do). THE MEETING STORIES Here's "Meeting Story #1": Boy is attracted to girl. Unfortunately, boy doesn't have a clue about how to make girl feel ATTRACTION for him... so, instead he tries to "pursue" girl by offering her dinners, gifts, and flowers. Girl finds boy "nice", but there are no "sparks", so she "just likes him as a friend". Here's "Meeting Story #2": Boy is attracted to
What Is Your Sexual Style?
You scored as Hot. You are Hot, you scream and are wild, people love doing anything sexual with you.Soft100%Hot100%Violent88%Wet75%Sweet75%Exciting75%Awkward63%Shy25%What is your sexual style?created with
What Happened To The Old Dayzzzz?
What Tarot Card Are You?
You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You?Take the
What Egyptian Sign Are You?
This is what my Egyptian Zodiac sign is: Bastet You look for balance and harmony, anxious, devoted. Often rash and impatient. Colors: male: yellow ochre, female: greyCompatible Signs: Sekhmet, Horus Dates: Jul 14 - Jul 28, Sep 23 - Sep 27, Oct 3 - Oct 17 Role: Goddess of cats, women, and secretsAppearance: Cat or cat-headed womanSacred animals: cat What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries Rock on! Durham
What Tarot Card Are You
You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You?Take the
What Reindeer Are You?
You Are Blitzen Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa. Why You're Naughty: You're always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying! Why You're Nice: You mix up a mean eggnog martini. Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
What Song Are You From 2005?
Your 2005 Song Is Don't Cha by the Pussycat Dolls "Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me" What happens in 2005, stays in 2005! What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
What Reindeer Are You
You Are Vixen Sexy and sultry, you're the one all the other reindeer dream about. Why You're Naughty: That fur pulling spat you got into with Dancer over Santa. Why You're Nice: Because even when you're nice, you're still delightfully naughty! Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
What Do Your Eyes Reveal About You
You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?Passion100%Diamond Eyes75%Eyes full of Pain67%Mysterious50%What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)created with
What Vampire Personality Are You ?
You scored as Dracula. You are the smooth sexy cool Dracula. Patient and lustful. If you were any cooler youd be ice. Great style with a way of seducing those around you. And three brides who wouldn't want to be him. Marius100%Dracula100%Blade75%Akasha75%Armand75%Deacon Frost67%Spike58%Angel50%Louis50%Lestat17%Whose your Vampire personality? (images)created with
What Drug Are You!!!
Your Personality Is Like Cocaine You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you. Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party. Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
What's Your Mix?
If martin clark were a drink they would be: 3 parts attractiveness1 parts athletic2 parts foolishness Get Your RECIPE Here!
What Kind Of Food Are You???
You Are Italian Food Comforting yet overwhelming. People love you, but sometimes you're just too much. What Kind of Food Are You?
What Ancient Breed Are You?
You scored as Shadow Spirit. You are a very strange being. Like nothing anyone has ever seen. You are a Shadow Spirit. You weren't born this way. This happened because you were betrayed so many times in life you just gave up. Don't forget; there are people out there who are just like just have to find them first.Shadow Spirit100%Drow100%Sorceress67%Elf67%Vampyre58%Zombie58%Dragon58%Goddess50%Wolf50%Faerie42%What ancient breed are you?created with
What Dragon Resides In Your Soul?
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) You are a silver dragon. The rarest kind of dragon. YOu are noble yet avoid humans as much as possible. You are the guardian of the defensless and you rule the skies.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Type Of Dragon Are You?
Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would help humans if they desprately need you. You are kind and wise with a heart of gold.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Men Want ... What Men Get
What Kind Of Angel Are You?
What kind of angel are you?(girls only) You are a Depressed Angel! You have a good heart but you have experienced bad things that cover it up. Don't worry good things will come to you soon!Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Card I Am
You are The Moon Hope, expectation, Bright promises. The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window. The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition. What Tarot Card are You?Take
What's Your Angel Seeking For?
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. IndependenceYour angel seeks for freedom. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values your indepence than most things in this world. Don't get angry if I'm wrong, but you may be a pained person. Problems in your life have caused you to be depressed, or, shall we say, greatly saddened. You may have lost hope many times, but you still manage to keep your independence. You don't listen to anyone but yourself. People may look at you in a "different" way, but inside, you want all the pain to stop, but you have a hard time expressing it. I wish you well!Please Rate and Message!Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Tarot Card Are You??
You are The Wheel of Fortune Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
What Tarot Card Are You
You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You?Take the
What I Have Learned...
I HAVE LEARNED... I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I've learned that it's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better know something. I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do but to the best you can do. I've learned that it's not what happens to people that's important. It's what they do about it. I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I've learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides. I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
What's Your Name
Rilyn's sexual nickname: "Bushbeater" Take this quiz at
What American Accent Do You Have?
What American accent do you have? Your Result: Philadelphia Your accent is as Philadelphian as a cheesesteak! If you're not from Philadelphia, then you're from someplace near there like south Jersey, Baltimore, or Wilmington. if you've ever journeyed to some far off place where people don't know that Philly has an accent, someone may have thought you talked a little weird even though they didn't have a clue what accent it was they heard.The Northeast The Midland The Inland North The South Boston The West North Central
What Is Humpday
1. hump day The middle of a work week (Wednesday); used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week. After hump day, the weekend gets closer. 2. hump day Wednesday, the middle of the week, implying that you have to get "over the hump" before you can anticipate the weekend. The term was not originally intended to carry a second, more risqué meaning. Damn, I wish every day could be hump day! 3. hump day Wednesday cause it's downhill after Wednesday; it's the hump you have to get over. 4. hump day The middle of the work week, Wednesday, or the beginning of the weekend, depending on your level of addiction to alcohol. The day of the almighty hump day soiree Man, Delta Chi had a kick ass hump day soiree last week! 5. hump day Wednesday, or the hump of the week The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of
What Kind Of Angel Are You?
What kind of Angel are you? Angel of Sin.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Tarot Card Am I??
You are The Star Hope, expectation, Bright promises. The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
Whats Your 1950's Name
OH MY LOL!!! Your 1950s Name is: Silvia Peggy What's your 1950s Name?
What Season Are You?
You Belong in Fall Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times... You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall brings Whether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you What Season Are You?
What Kind Of Pie Are You?
You Are Lemon Meringue Pie You're the perfect combo of sassy and sweet Those who like you have well refined tastes What Kind of Pie Are You?
What Creature Am I
You Are a Dragon You are very charismatic and incredibly popular. People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know. You are very active - you are usually hard at work or play. You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric. What Mythological Creature Are You?
What Are You?
You Are a Pegasus You are a perfectionist, with an eye for beauty. You know how to live a good life - and you rarely deviate from your good taste. While you aren't outgoing, you have excellent social skills. People both admire you - and feel very comfortable around you. What Mythological Creature Are You?
What Kind Of Animal Were You In A Past Life?
You Were a Dog You are an excellent companion and a loyal friend. A good protector, you smell trouble before it arrives. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
What Is It?
Okay I have the best boyfriend in this world, right? Well he gives me all his passwords. I love the fact he trusts me, he has all my passwords as well. But, I get snoopy and go to his LC page. I find him telling someone else he loves her more than she knows, of which he tells me that all day every day. Then I look into his sent gifts, and he is sending his ex girlfriend lots of sexual and love gifts just like the ones he has sent me. What is up with that? We were totally together on October 29th, and welp yeah that is when he was sending all that shit to her! She might be an ex, but on that day it looked like he obviously cared more than just a friend! I asked him to get rid of her on everything, has he? Nope sure hasnt, she is still on most of his YIM names, prolly on his MSN name, and is def. not on his LC page anymore, cuz welp I removed her. But didnt completely get rid of her. He is still a fan of her! Why in this world does this shit hurt? Can someone answer that for me?
What Do You Do?
When the wind is battering And you can't make it stop Again and again hitting your shores. What do you do? It is coming again Tearing down all you own Colliding with all you have How can you make it halt. Loosing very valuable possessions, Feeling so useless against the tide. Crashing and turning the water comes close. Who is coming to your rescue. Jesus says it is I I will come to you if you just ask. I will help you when you are in such distress. I am He that will take all the storms out of your life. Come to My open arms. With my love open wide. Knock on my door, so I can make a way. I am the One who calmed the seas. And fed the five thousand. I am He that died so you can live. And raised the dead to life. I will fill your heart with Joy And take the storm away. I will be with you forever and a day. Won't you come to me today.
Some people are just such something! You're there for them thru thick and thin,try to get them away for a weekend,be there so they don't get beat by their "ex",lier,THEN put a pfa on you,get you fired from your job of 3 years,yhen have the balls to put in a blog that they won't have you arrested if you talk to them,and tell their "ex" how you made them do things!!! Wow! I guess they forgot to mention how they ripped my pants open the first time we did it,got the pants with the missing clasp,but make up lies to tell their "ex",wich I knew he wasn't since she did him alot. Balls on some peolpe,big BALLS!!!!!!!!!
Some people are just such something! You're there for them thru thick and thin,try to get them away for a weekend,be there so they don't get beat by their "ex",lier,THEN put a pfa on you,get you fired from your job of 3 years,yhen have the balls to put in a blog that they won't have you arrested if you talk to them,and tell their "ex" how you made them do things!!! Wow! I guess they forgot to mention how they ripped my pants open the first time we did it,got the pants with the missing clasp,but make up lies to tell their "ex",wich I knew he wasn't since she did him alot. Balls on some peolpe,big BALLS!!!!!!!!!
What Year Do You Belong In?
You Belong in 1974 If you scored... 1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in! 1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too. 1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all! 1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. 1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! What Year Do You Belong In?
What Tarot Card...
You are The Devil Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition. Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because
What Are You?
You prefer Romantic sex! You like romantic sex. For you, it's not all too much about being horny - it's more an expression of how you feel about your partner(s). It's an experience that you can share -- that you can experience and enjoy together. 'What is the best type of sex for you?' at
What Is My Sexual Style
You scored as Soft. You are nice and soft, you love everyone and everyone loves you, while you are fiery or too exciting, you are always pleasant.Soft100%Sweet75%Hot50%Shy31%Wet25%Exciting25%Awkward13%Violent13%What is your sexual style?created with
What's Your Sex Business Card?
DeOsher Little Pleasure Producer 'What will your sex business card say?' at
'what Is Your Seduction Style?
You are suave. You are attractive both psyically and mentally. You use your abilities to attract anyone you desire. 'What is your seduction style?' at
'what Will The Porno Of Your Life Be Called?
The porno of DeOsher's life will be called ... "Barely passable mutants gone wild!" 'What will the porno of your life be called?' at
What Is Your Sexual Nickmane?
DeOsher's sexual nickname: "Sugar buns" Take this quiz at
'what Sexual Activity Will You Go To Jail For?
DeOsher Little will go to jail for ... Resisting arrest while having sex 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
What's Your Datin Age?
You date like you are 22 years old. You are a good dater. You still haven't narrowed down exactly what type of person you want to date, but you have a lot of experience with dating and like to have fun with it. Take this quiz at
What Is Your Secret Fear?
What's your secret fear? The Little Rascals Take this quiz at
What Will Your Next Lover's Career Be?
What will your next lover's career be? Actress Take this quiz at
What Is Your Food Nickname?
What is your food nickname? French Fries Take this quiz at
What Band Are You?
What band are you? you are a hard band! Take this quiz at
What Kind Of Monster Are You?
You are Frankenstein! You are a sensitive and misunderstood creature. You are incredibly kind and more human than people who were created through natural means. But unfortunatly, you have a nasty revenge streak and therefore everyone is afraid of you. Take this quiz at
What's Your Secert Talent?
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What's Your Secret Talent? MY RESULT:Reading People's Minds Bet you already knew that, right? There’s not really any point in explaining any more of this to you, since you probably already know what we’d say. But if you’re one of those non-believers, who’s still not even sure you have ESP, we recommend you open your mind and start exploring your new-found talent. Great places to start: phone conversations with your crush, final exam week, and, of course, “Jeopardy.” Take This Quiz!
What Kind Of Girlfriend Are You?
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? MY RESULT:Boss Lady You like your relationships on your terms, at your pace. Who could blame you? You love romance, and you love having a boyfriend. Still, relationships can be pretty unpredictable and scary. That’s why you like to be in charge – that way, you can keep all the bad surprises to a minimum. The problem, of course, is that you’ll never be able to control everything. So try to relax a little and have some fun. The more vulnerable you are, the more you’ll be leaving yourself open to experience real love. Take This Quiz!
What If
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord your soul to keep. If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out of the door, I would hug you and kiss you and call you back for one more. If I knew it would be the last time I heard your name lifted up in praise, I would video tape each action and word, so I could play it back for days. If I knew it would be the last time to spare an extra minute or two, I'd stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming that you know I do. If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day. Well, I'm sure you'll have many more, So, I'll let this one slip away. For surely there is tomorrow to make up for an oversight, and we'll always get a second chance to make everything all right. There will be another chance to say our "I love you," and certainly there's another chance to say our "Anything I can do'
What Happened
I remember when I was your everything. Your world, the person you said I love you to everyday, the person you complained to when you thought you weren't getting enough time. Then that all changed. Why? Why did it have to change? I was prepared to give you my all, everything i had. I was ready to leave it all then you did something unforgivable. You cheated on me. You took what I was willing to offer you and threw it all away. I don't blame the girl in fact me and her have grown close. I blame you. You wanted a second chance and I cant believe I actually thought about giving it to you in a moment of weakness. You knew I was willing to make this work. I would never have done that to you, but you did it to me. I guess I see how important I was to you. I am not sure why I am doing this blog I guess its to get this out there and give myself some closure. However, I have moved on and I will keep moving on without you. I don't want anything bad to happen to you I guess thats just the good sid
What Will It Be?
What will It Be? She sat in the warm bed ,They had shard the last couple of days together for just a instant she caught her heart as she watched him get up to dress. He with the lines and warmth that she craved and could not get enough of and never would. She watched as he zipped his Jeans and slipped his shirt over his head, hair still mused from the fingers that ran threw it, and his face had the sign of a day or was it two stubble on it, she wasn't quite sure any more. She didn't want to think of that now , her only thought was she lost him today and she didn't know what to do or say. He was so angry at her and she tried to understand his pain yet deal with her own, She choose to be with him although all logic and reason was thrown out the window when she made it She tried to explain it to him How she would swallow her doubt and shame and just be with him , but he took it as her just passing it off and not letting him care for what she was dealing with and the words tha
Whats On My Mind
I have been sitting in my room and thinking bout the shit that keeps eating at my mind and I wonder what the hell I have made of myself. Its like I dont know the person I have turned into so full of hate and just looking for reasons to walk out that door. I sit and think about how much I hate my life and how the people around me deserve to know the truth about the person they think I am cause I'm not this happy person that they all once knew I have built up this wall to keep them all out and I dont want to let it fall cause I know what lies on the other side. I wonder why I fell so weird like some one else is walking in my shoes this person I am is not me I'm mean and not afraid to speak my mind. I dont hide from what stands in my way I go for it even if it is dangerouse but lately I feel like I have been punking out cause I know I will lose it all if I slip up and my kids mean so much more to me then that. And they deserve more then what they get now where there home is a war zo
Whats On My Mind
I have been sitting in my room and thinking bout the shit that keeps eating at my mind and I wonder what the hell I have made of myself. Its like I dont know the person I have turned into so full of hate and just looking for reasons to walk out that door. I sit and think about how much I hate my life and how the people around me deserve to know the truth about the person they think I am cause I'm not this happy person that they all once knew I have built up this wall to keep them all out and I dont want to let it fall cause I know what lies on the other side. I wonder why I fell so weird like some one else is walking in my shoes this person I am is not me I'm mean and not afraid to speak my mind. I dont hide from what stands in my way I go for it even if it is dangerouse but lately I feel like I have been punking out cause I know I will lose it all if I slip up and my kids mean so much more to me then that. And they deserve more then what they get now where there home is a war zo
What Good Is Love
Like all the rest if it belongs to anyone on here i will remove it but it fit my love life so well that i had to put it up although i know the one that should read it wont i figured maybe someone else may be in the same situation as and the bf are living together but still i feel alone. Is that normal???? let me know what you think on the topic please What Good Is Love by Sass I waited for your love in hope, That ours would come again, And make me feel the things I felt, When we were one, back then. But time and distance have erased, The things I wished anew, And now I find myself alone, Though I am here with you. What good is love, that does not touch, What good is love, that gives you pain. What good is love, that makes you run, And makes you lost out in the rain. I traveled to another world, Out far beyond the one we knew, I thought that I could live again, And now I find I'm back with you. But what of hearts that beat as one, And what of pas
What Are You??
Are You Male or Female?????? ?? To find the Answer, look down. Not here, Silly!!!
What Do You Think?
Your Makeup Look Is Dramatic Eyes with Naked Lips You rock an edgy, modern look with feminine grace What's Your Signature Makeup Look?
What Could Possibly Go Wrong Here?
Thu Nov 16, 9:55 AM ET It took 25 firefighters, his wife and a son to roll Lulu the cow off Austrian farmer Leopold Zeilinger after she fell on him. When Zeilinger discovered the 1,764-pound cow was too sick to stand up for milking, he used a winch to suspend her in the air. Part of the gear broke and Lulu toppled onto him, the daily Krone reported Wednesday. Zeilinger suffered several broken bones and was airlifted to a hospital. There was no word on Lulu's fate.
What's Up With The Cherry-ettes....
Just wondering about the mindset that dominates this site. Don't get me wrong, but why do some of the Cherry girls feel the need to display their wares so blatantly? Don't get the wrong impression, I love the female form and all it's delights, but whatever happened to allure? Whatever happened to seduction and tease? Far be it for me to be the prude, I'm a Scorpio and I'm every bit the perv that my sign requires. I just wish that some of the "Angels" opt to be more subtle with the gifts that God gave them. After-all, game players are despised in this group. They are seen as a menace to society, however I can't blame them when some chick named "Big Girl Angel" has her twat on display like cakes in a bakery window. If you hate the game so much, then why give the impression that you're so easy.... Let see a little more tease, and less sleaze. Otherwise don't complain when some guy drools over your picture. Just a little food for thought.. PS.. Big chicks rule....
What Is This Stuff
Ok, i haven't written since high school, but the other day i sat down a wrote my vows for a handfasting that may happen in the future. *crosses fingers* and that got the juices flowing again. I miss writing, but i can tell i'm rusty at it. if you like what you read let me know, if you don't like it go to another page. This is my place to be me and vent and love and what ever i feel like doing. so enjoy it, because i do.
Whats Up
whats up how is evry one today i am trying to find out who might be real friends if you are then send me a email just to say whats up
What Year Do You Belong In?
You Belong in 1968 If you scored... 1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in! 1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too. 1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all! 1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day. 1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! What Year Do You Belong In?
What Kind Of Flirt Are You?
You Are a Coy Flirt You may not seem like you're flirting, but you know exactly what you're doing. You draw people in, very calculatingly, without them even knowing. Subtle and understated, you know how to best leverage your sex appeal. A sexy enigma, you easily become an object of obsession. What Kind of Flirt Are You?
What Another Day?
What is this just another day of the wine and dine grind? Wish I was somewhere else in someone's dream. Or at least someone elses mind besides my own. I have a lonly ness that just won't leave me alone. Wish I could turn out the lights and have another happy dream. In all the aftermath of the ones we have lost and nothing to gain. what is after life? I'm deep very deep.
What Do Woman Want?
Out of curiosity I was wondering what attracts a woman most to a man. Is it the obvious things like money or good looks? Or is it somthing that stands out to you that other people might not see like eye contact from across a crowded room.Is it a combination of things?I have no idea so I thought I would ask.PLEASE BE HONEST!!!
What I Want
I only want to be worshiped, that's not asking much.
What Is A Friend?
WHAT IS A FRIEND? What is a friend? I will tell you. It is a person with whom you dare to be yourself. Your soul can be naked with her; she seems to ask of you to put on nothing, only to be what you are. She does not want you to be better or worse. When you are with her, you feel as a prisoner feels who has been declared innocent. You do not have to be on your guard. You can say what you think, so long as it is genuinely you. She understands those contradictions in your nature that lead others to misjudge you. With her you breathe freely. You can avow your little vanities and envies and hates and vicious sparks, your meanness' and absurdities and, in opening them up to her, they are lost, dissolved on the white ocean of her loyalty. She understands, you do not have to be careful. You can abuse her, neglect her, and tolerate her. Best of all, you can keep still with her. It doesn't matter. She likes you. She is like fire that purges to the bone. She understand
What My Birthdate Says About Me...
Your Birthdate: January 24 You understand people well and are a natural born therapist. A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around. You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you. You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people. Your strength: Your devotion Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness Your power color: Lilac Your power symbol: Heart Your power month: June What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
What Is Love
what is love? you spend your whole life looking for it. you think you find it again and again. people tell you they love you and then they rip your heart out and stomp on it and spit on it and tear it to pieces. afterwards, you are a shell. you cry, you bawl your eyes out. your eyes burn from so much crying. then you spend many lonely nights depressed and confused while your heart heals. but it is never the same. each time this happens, it grows back more callused and harder than before. then you find someone and you put it all out there again and you go through the same process again. heart ripping, crying out for anyone to hold you even though the one you want to hold you isnt there anymore. once again, your heart repairs itself and you go on. your heart is harder and more callused. what is love? i dont know anymore. but i think it is when you are lucky enough to find the one person that wont rip your heart out, stomp on it, etc....and you are able to find this pers
What Religion Is Your Bra?
A man walked into the ladies department of a Macy's and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife. What type of bra?" asked the clerk. Type?" inquires the man, "There's more than one type? Look around," said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, color and material imaginable. “Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.” Relieved, the man asked about the types. The saleslady replied: There are the Catholic, the Salvation Army, the Presbyterian, and the Baptist types. Which one would you prefer? Now totally befuddled, the man asked about the differences between them. The Saleslady responded, "It is all really quite simple... The Catholic type supports the masses. The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen, The Presbyterian type keeps them staunch and upright, and The Baptist makes mountains out of mole hills.
What Kinda Girl Are You?? :p
HARD DISK GIRLS: She remembers everything, FOREVER! RAM GIRLS: She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off. WINDOW GIRLS: Everyone know that she CAN'T do a thing right, but no one can live without her. SCREENSAVER GIRLS: She is good for nothing, but at least she is fun! INTERNET GIRLS: Difficult to access! SERVER GIRLS: ALWAYS busy when you need her. MULTIMEDIA GIRLS: She makes ugly things look beautiful! CD-ROM GIRLS: She is always going faster and faster. EMAIL GIRLS: Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense . VIRUS GIRLS: (Also known as "WIFE'.) When you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses up all your resources. If you try to uninstall her, you will lose something! If you don't try to uninstall her, you will lose everything!
What I Once Was
Epiphany struck as dawn broke Ascenine desires propelling every thought Seeing an opening for clarity, I denied it Pretentious as I may be I refuse the world and only accept myself Withered and broken of my own neglect Stained and tainted by my own being Taken from the path I once walked... I have finally realized, The taken path has led right back to clarity... What I Once Was, Am Now Again
What Does "love" Mean
Touching words from the mouth of babes. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think: "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8 "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4 "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other." Karl - age 5 "Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs." Chrissy - age 6 "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Terri - age 4 "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy an
What Thanksgiving Should Be
What Thanksgiving should be "How wonderful it is, how pleasant when brothers live together in harmony! Psalm 133:1 NLT " Fighting historical vandalism " In an article in Focus on the Family's Citizen magazine, Douglas Phillips describes how he took his family to Plymouth, Massachusetts, a few years ago and was shocked at what he found. Atop Cole's Hill, the burial ground for Pilgrims who died that first hard winter, Phillips was startled to see a city truck pull up and men pile out carrying shovels. They told Phillips the city was placing a new monument. "Most revolutions are staged at night," Phillips wrote, so he wasn't surprised the next day to find stone markers all over Plymouth designating Thanksgiving as a day of mourning—a day to recall how the Pilgrims murdered and stole from their Indian neighbors. That afternoon, demonstrators—mostly white college kids—celebrated their victory by defacing the traditional monuments. Plymouth had transformed a tale of rel
What A Night...
I forgot to post this, when I wrote it. I wrote this the 14th of November, ok I know I am almost a week behind, but thats okay. November 14th, There is something really funny that happened tonight. I guess I shouldn't say funny, but it was really odd. There has been some difficult times in my relationship, one of the most difficult things is the fact that he never wanted to discuss with me what the future, or the next level as he calls it, entitles completely. So tonight out of the blue, we weren't talking. I have to say the honest to goodness truth about something, and this may make me sound really weird, but whatever. I have a really hard time sleeping. Josh tells me goodnight everynight, and gives me a goodnight kiss *via text message of course* and when he doesn't give me a proper goodnight as we have coined it, I don't sleep to well. So I sent him a message asking for my proper goodnight, and he didn't say anything in response. So I said whatever, and just tur
What Do Men Want?
It depends on the man. No guy is the same. It's that simple. Most women have NO IDEA what men want. Beauty? Brains? Common interests? Sex? Do men really want what they can't have? Very few of us are born "naturals" when it comes to men, and need to be taught what men want and how to be successful in relationships with them. We don’t just want advice. We want practical tips on dating and flirting that really work. If you are serious about turning your dating life around and capturing a guy's interest and KEEPING it, then this might be the most important article that you'll ever read. What men really want out of a potential girlfriend or wife is a bit of a challenge. If you're too aggressive those signs say you're giving it away too easy to be virtuous. Light flirting with a little withdrawal let's men know that you're interested but discerning. Men, “wanting what they can’t have”, is a popular misconception. YOU Keep them wanting. Take care of yourself. Maintain some drive. S
What Sexual Position Are You?
Which Sexual Position Are You? 69You are a combination of fluids and flesh. You enjoy taking while giving! You are a wild person! Take this test
What I Want.....
What I want is real simple actually, but it seems real hard to have. I want someone in my life that actually makes me and my kids feel loved. I want to feel special, and I want my kids to feel special too. I want my kids to know what it feels like to actually have a father figure that wants to spend time with them and do things with them. I want a complete family! I want to be held when lay down, I want a shoulder to cry on, someone to lean on, and someone to share all of my experiences with. I miss the tender, loving moments of a relationship. I miss having someone to take care of me when i'm sick instead of always being the one take care of the person who is sick. I miss having someone who will stand up for me or protect me even if they don't agree with me. Someone that I can depend on to always be on my side. If you feel the same, understand what I'm saying then give shout or leave a note and let me know.... It's always nice to know that you aren't the only person feeling a cer
What Do I Do
in the past 2 hours ive had 5 power cuts, ok i know i live in the middle of nowhere but hello come on!! its nearly killed my comp, the lights r flicking again so im rushing to do this b4 they go out again, but im bored sitting here in the dark whats a girl to do all alone in a dark house miles away from anywhere could this b the making of a horror movie eeekkkk!!!
What Girls And Guys Think About Bj's
What Girls and Guys think about BJ's Body: WHAT A GIRL HAS TO SAY ON THE SUBJECT 1. First and foremost, we are not obligated to do it. 2. Extension to rule ..1 - So if you get one, be grateful. 3. I don't care WHAT they did in the porn video you saw, it is not standard practice to cum on someone's face. 4. Extension to rule ..3 - No, I DON'T have to swallow. 5. My ears are NOT handles. 6. Extension to rule ..5 - do not push on the top of my head. Last I heard, deep throat had been done. And additionally, do you really WANT puke on your dick? 7. I don't care HOW relaxed you get, it is NEVER OK to fart. 8. Having my period does not mean that it's "hummer week" - get it through your head - I'm bloated and I feel like shit so no, I don't feel particularly obligated to blow you just because YOU can't have sex right now. 9. Extension to ..8 - "Blue Balls" might have worked on high school girls - if you're that desperate, go jerk off and leave me alone
Whattarot Card Are You?
You are Justice Equity, rightness, probity, executive; triumph of the observing side in law. Justice is about cold, objective balance through reason or natural force. You can't keep smoking and drinking without consequences to your health. It is the card that advises cutting out waste and insists that you make adjustments, do whatever is necessary to bring things back into balance, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually. It is a card of balance and harmony; if there is imbalance, the correction may require recourse to the law. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Personality
You scored as Diamonds. You are full of confidence, just don't let it go to your head. Its great to know your worth it! Isn't it:D Just remember those of us down here. You are probably quite popular. Diamonds83%Passion and envy75%Mystery58%Pain50%What do your eyes say about your personality(pics)created with
What Rock Legend Are You?
You scored as Slash. You are SLASH! What more is there to say.......Keep on Rockin!Slash100%Jimi Hendrix100%James Hetfield80%Ozzy Osbourne!80%Tommy Lee80%Kurt Cobain60%Billie Joe Armstrong50%What Bad Ass Rock Legend Are you? *with pictures*created with
What I Feel
The hurt that I feel To know that you are alone When you are in need Of attention and Comfort To be in the arms Of one who understands And feels The pain that you feel When you hurt I hurt I want to be there for you I want to be there by your side To give you The Love The Attention The Support That you need Whatever you want Its yours Nothing is too hard To get for one As precious as you
What A Perfect Little Girl
I had a dream about my daughter... she would be absolutely beautiful... Daddy's green eyes, his dark hair, his big lips, his energy, Mommy's cork-screw curls, my nose, my ears, my eagerness to understand and get everything right, my tiny body frame, and my large eye size... a perfect little dark-skinned baby girl, so sweet and innocent... what more could I ask for??? maybe to have her here with me so I could hear her little heart beating, and listen to the sound her lungs make as she takes air in while she sleeps... she did nothing wrong... and I truely wish I could take back what I have done... I love her forever... I'll never forget her... I'll never forgive myself for what I have done... but I got to see her... she is perfect... and nobody will ever take her place in my heart... ever!!!!
What If?
Why is it some people are so fucking stupid??(Listen to hey stoopid by Alice Cooper) The one who put the pfa on me has had her nose broken,ribs broken,and he put his knee to her throat and tried to kill her and she is still with him!!! Is she stupid?? PFAed the wrong one!! Tigers don't change their stripes and IF they do it is for a short time. He will kill this woman or seriously hurt her to a very bad degree! Spyware is a good thing but some people are to stupid,it's all for the money!! She knows what he's done and he is still there. She knows I would NEVER have left any thing happen to her or her kids but!! Good luck and God have mercy on you!!! Mucho Grande misses and says adios muchacho! I truly hope thay she wakes up before it's to late!
you said when you left that you'd come back. i waited and waited and you never came back. you said that if things every changed you'd let me know. things changed and you didn't tell me,i had to read it on a group message. you said we'd always be friends,well that didn't happen. months after months not a word from you. yet people wonder why i'm not very open well do you blame me. i wear my heart on the outside and all that happens is it gets riped. it's like you don't give a shit about other people but yet other people should with out a doubt care about you. i'm sick of it. find another heart to play with and ripe apart because i'm already the liveing dead. even the liveing dead have hearts to ,so go play with someone eles and leave mine alone.
What I Will Go To Jail For
Courtney will go to jail for ... Sunbathing naked without sunscreen 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
What Does A Kiss Imply..?
A KISS IS NOT MERELY A KISS...THAN WHAT..? *kiss on the stomach-----"lets have sex" *kiss on the boobs"-----"frantic love from the partner" "kiss on pubes" -------"inseperable sexy bond" "kiss on the Forehead ----"Forever you will be mine" *Kiss on the Ear ---"I'm horny" *Kiss on the Nose --- "Your so speical to me" *Kiss on the Cheek ---"We're friends" *Kiss on the Hand ---"I adore you" *Kiss on the Neck ---"We belong together" *Kiss on the Shoulder ---"I want you" *Kiss on the Lips ---"I love you" OR "I want you" *Holding Hands ---"We can learn to love each other" *Slap on the Butt ---"That's mine" *Playing with the Ear ---"I can't live without you" *Holding on tight ---"Don't let go" *Looking into each other's Eyes ---"Don't let go" *Playing with Hair on Head ---"Tell me you love me" *Arms around the Waist ---"I love you too much to let go" *Laughing while Kissing ---"I am completley Comfortable with you" Just for fun: one small ' A ' joke about the kiss, ur
What's Your Kissing Style?
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What's Your Kissing Style? MY RESULT:Naughty Kisser Not the sorts of kisses you want to greet your grandma with on Thanksgiving. Kisses for you are merely a road stop on the way to grander places (and we don’t mean Shreveport, Louisiana). You kiss with enthusiasm (and tongue), and you’re not too concerned if anyone else catches you in the act. Hey, everyone loves an audience, right? While you’ve definitely got your own style going on, don’t be afraid to slow down a little. It’ll earn you respect, and believe it or not, it makes things a whole lot more fun. Take This Quiz!
What Is Your Addicition?
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What's Your Addiction? MY RESULT:Party Animal No doubt about it. You’re a total booze-hound.Party Tip! Want to try mixing things up at your next party? Don’t show up! It’ll give you an air of mystery that you just can’t achieve by being there. Not into the idea? Then just wear a disguise. Take This Quiz!
What'a Your Mental Age?
Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle... What’s Your Mental Age? MY RESULT:Infant You love to get pampered, take lots of naps, and eat mashed bananas. Okay, we’re only speculating on the mashed bananas. And really, there's nothing wrong with that stuff. You love to be comfortable and close to the people you love. That stuff's all great! Just be sure to change your diaper every once in a while. Take This Quiz!
What Do You Think
this man has made me the happiest that i have ever been...and you can tell that just by looking at our pics..... please comment and rate our pics please..
What Kind Of Angel Are You?
What Kind of Angel are you? ANGEL OF WINSDOMYou rule yourself, sometimes hepl, sometimes destroy... but you still have a soulTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Kind Of Person Are You?
What kind of person are you really? NormalYou fit into the mold of what people think a person should be. You have your quirks, but you can blend in easily and can get lost in the crowd if you choose to. You are normal, but that does not mean that you are mundane. What is normal anyway? Take this test
What Is A Worrior Insight You Ask?
My Uncle Phil Messina is a decorated retired NYPD. He is the first and only man to have won the Susan B. Anthony award for community service. I AM VERY PROUD OF HIM! PRESS RELEASES New York, November 1, 2005: Federal Law Enforcement Foundation Recognizes 20 Years of Service Ø Phil Messina and Elizabeth Kennedy both honored as First Civilian Awardees by the Prestigious Foundation Philip Messina, President of Modern Warrior® Inc, and Elizabeth Kennedy, Vice President, were both honored to be awarded the Civilian Service Award at a ceremony on October 27, where former President Clinton followed as the keynote speaker. Dignitaries and luminaries in both government and business were present at the luncheon where the awardees presented in front of the dais, and where their “commitment to excellence and dedication” to the Law Enforcement Community was noted. Vice Admiral John Cotton, presenter of the Annual Awards, noted about the Awardees, "These people are the
What Did U Think?
FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS..... This is kind of weird... Follow the exact instructions! NO PEEKING ahead!! Free will or synaptic wiring? You be the judge. Check out the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow. There's no trick or surprise. Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can! Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you have done each of them... really. Now, arrow down (but not too fast, you might miss something)......... What is: 1+5 2+4 3+3 4+2 5+1 Now repeat saying the number 6 to yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds. Then scroll down. QUICK!!! THINK OF A VEGETABLE! Then arrow down. Keep going. You are thinking of a carrot, right? If not, you are among the 2% of the
What Group Are You? Quiz Results
You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!Goth90%Rocker, Mosher55%Skater40%Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev30%Emo20%Trendy0%Prepy0%What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ectcreated with
What Kind Of Angel Are You?
What Kind of Angel are you? ANGEL OF WINSDOMYou rule yourself, sometimes hepl, sometimes destroy... but you still have a soulTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Taror Card R You
You Are The High Priestess You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets. Your fortune: Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end. You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! What Tarot Card Are You?
What Are Witches?
Witches can be many things...they can be loving, they can be terrifying, they can be lovers, healers, daughters, sons, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. Witches are not just women...they are men also. Witches are people who believe in the magic of birth and of death and of life inbetween. Witches believe that they are always learning and that they have the power to bend things to their other words...they have the power to understand and make things happen. In a sense we are all witches...only some of us would rather keep it hidden or ignore it and others like myself are not afraid to try it on for size, let it shine, praise it and have pride in it. Most Witches believe in a Mother Goddess and a Father God rather than just one male deity or perhaps they only believe in a Mother Goddess or perhaps they simply believe in an entity that has no gender at all. Witches are as old as time ancient, but as new as tomorrow reborn. I think the most important thing about
What Do You Know About Tantric Sex?
What Do You Know About Tantric Sex? Question 1 of 6 Which of the following best describes the lovemaking of a couple who practice Tantric yoga? 1. erotic and passionate 2. conscious and premeditated 3. spontaneous and beautiful 4. all of the above Answer: conscious and premeditated. The sexual sacraments of Tantra are highly ritualized. Not only do Tantric couples plan and prepare for their encounters; but in lovemaking, the movements themselves may be prescribed and premeditated. The result may be beautiful, passionate, and erotic, but Tantric sex is never spontaneous in the way we Westerners are led to believe. Spontaneous is overrated in our culture. Question 2 of 6 In the Tantric practice of a "nurturing meditation," a couple would engage in which of the following activities? 1. lying together like spoons 2. breathing in unison 3. breathing alternately 4. having no expectations of sex 5. all of the above Answer: all of the above. The nurturing meditation is the
Whats A Juggalo You Ask?
What is a Juggalo you ask? It's not an easy thing to describe, at all.. In fact, it's almost impossible to put in words, but I'm gonna do my best. The reason it's so hard is being a Juggalo means something different to everyone.. So this is my opinion on the word, if yours differs, more power to you. Many people believe that being a Juggalo is simply listening to Psychopathic Records music (For those who don't know, Psychopathic is the record label that puts out the music of Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, etc.). This is not true. To be a Juggalo is to be part of a family.. I'm not talking about your Moms and Dads, I'm talking about a huge, worldwide family. With millions of members. The basic creed of the Juggalo is to look out for other family.. Juggalos, as a general rule, are not accepted by the greater part of society, as it is.. We're different, for lack of a better word to describe it. But as long as Juggalos stick together, we're unstoppable. The fam
What I Want....
I would like a man whose age in maturity is greater than the length of his penis....
What Does Your Birth Month Reveal About You?
What does your birth month reveal about you? FebruaryAbstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent andclever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What Goddess Are You?
You Are Aphrodite! A total shining star with a ton of admirers And no wonder: you live life to the fullest! When things get bad, you can easily take off to a happier place But occasionally, you need to deal with problems head on What Goddess Are You?
What's Your Kissing Style?
You Are a Soft Kisser Your kissing style is understated, but effective You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses to your special guy And that's the key: he's got to be special to get your kiss Because you don't just go around kissing anyone What's Your Kissing Style?
What A Man Should Know......ladies Dont You Agree?
Do you know what makes a woman special? Well I'm not an expert but let's see if I have the right idea..... > It's not always what you see on the outside... > It's not in the clothes she wears.. > It's not the size of her backside... > Or the what she does'nt wear.... > A woman can be alot of things... > A daughter,a mother,a wife,a friend, or a fling.... But to me what makes a woman special is the beauty that God gave her on the inside and outside....Men spend a lot of time judging a woman by the way she looks....Thank God he made them ALL beautiful....But we should be looking in their eyes to see what they are really made of..They may come off as a b.t.h but deep inside there is the heart and soul of a very special person....I believe that all woman should be adored and loved because they are created with a piece of a man..therefore if a Man treat them wrong they are lacking respect for themselves... Always show every woman the respect they deserve.....because without them you
What Keeps You Alive...
Lay on the grass that once was so green climb a tall mountian jump off a cliff just to see if you can fly go with your guts wish upon the brightest star day dream all day long paint a picture stare into a mirror for hours on end talk to yourself look into her eyes and tell her you love her tell him youll love him for the rest of your life finish what you started start something new become amazed in something blue! kiss someone like you mean it look behind their eyes marry that special somebody hold someones hand wipe that tear away help someone in a time of fright save a life be a hero become someone brave take a break BREATH!! take a walk sit under an apple tree never be alone always stay alone dont be afraid become a bigger person go through hell let others kick you help yourself up dont let things get worse step off the path start your own life sow up your heart find all the missing pieces dont slow down stand on your head look thoug
What Kind Of Car Are You?
I'm a Dodge Viper! You're all about raw power. You're tough, you're loud, and you don't take crap from anyone. Leave finesse to the other cars, the ones eating your dust. Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
What I Wish I Could Do O The Frustration
This is what I would do if I were President of the United States, 1. I would stop the Pay checks, I dont need it, I have a House, and a Limo when I am President, nix the Limo give me a Gas Electric hybrid, I dont need some expensive chef, I would eat only what my wife could make, and I would trust no one else to make it. 2. I would cut the Pay of Congress, they would be forced to make less money then the Men who are the Front lines fighting for not only this great Country, but for the Freedom of others, for being in Congress is a Service to the Country not a Place to become wealthy. 3. I would Increase the pay of all Soliders who both have very Hard Jobs, and Dangerious ones 4. I would stop forgiving Debts that other Countries owe us, I would start Forcing them to pay us back every Penny they owe, if they refused to pay us the Money that we let them borrow, I would take it by Force, it was our's and they were Ungreatful, no new Countries would ever be allowed to enter into
What A Kiss Means
What a kiss means.... then we have a lot to talk about it... methods of love.... *kiss on the forehead ------------ "forever you will be mine" *kiss on the ear--------------------"i'm horny" *kiss on the cheek-----------------"we're friends" *kiss on the hand------------------"i adore you" *kiss on the neck-------------------"we belong together" *kiss on the shoulder--------------"i want you" *kiss on the lips---------------------"i love you" or "i want you" *holding hands--------------------"we can learn to love each other" *a wink---------------------------------"Let's get it on" *slap on the ass---------------------"thats mine" *playing with the ear----------------"i can't live without you" *holding on tight---------------------"don't let go" *looking into each other's eyes---"let's get romantic" *playing with hair on head---------------"tell me you love me" *arms around the waist -----------"i love you too much to let go" *laughing while kissin
What Stereotype Do You Belong To?
What stereotype do you belong to? Your Result: No stereotype not preppy yet not a complete loser. has good friends and doesn't revolve life around their looks or social status. All around good person. usually liked by everyonePreppy geek/nerd Jock Gamer Punk Loner Emo
What Sex Style Are You?
Whats your sex style? Erotic Sex StyleKissing, touching...pulling hair...handcuffs...whatever goes in your bedroom or backyard...truck...neighbors bedroom even! Its lights, camera ...ACTION BABY! Take this test
What Type Of Kiss Are You?
What kind of kiss are you? PassionateYour kiss is the kiss that makes girls melt and men get in touch with their feminine side. Nothing says I love you like a full, heart-felt kiss. Take this test
What Sexual Position Are You?
Which Sexual Position Are You? MissionaryYou are a down to earth person. You aren't too wild, yet you enjoy the act all in all. Take this test
What Tarot Card Are You?
You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You?Take the
What Kind Of Sex Do You Love?
You scored as Phone Sex. "Talk dirty to me" describes your idea of a good time. A sexy voice really sets the tone of a good evening for you. Oral Sex100%Phone Sex100%Cyber Sex94%Orgy94%Normal Sex72%Anal Sex50%Gay Sex45%What kind of SEX do you love? (pics)created with
What "heroes" Character Am I?
I love this show. I was actually able to read the pilot script, in a bit of a different form, well over a year ago. I knew it would be a success. But, I really don't think I am most like Nathan. You scored as Nathan Petrelli. Peter�s over-achieving older brother, Nathan is the golden boy of the family. Nathan is running for US Congress. He fears his eccentric brother and mother might bring him down and believes that Peter�s fantasies of flying are the delusions of a near-madman.Peter Petrelli67%Nathan Petrelli67%Hiro Nakamura58%Officer Matt Parkman50%Isaac Mendez50%Claire Bennet33%Niki Sanders8%Which of NBC's "Heroes" are you?created with
What Age Do I Act?
You Are 29 Years Old Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
What I'm Thankful For
Even though I'm still going through such crap with my court case against the BMV... and even though I don't have the job I so desperately want and need, I'm still thankful for so many things. I'm thankful for... My beautiful boys. Though at times they piss me off to no end, I love them both immeasurably. Without them my life would be meaningless and empty. Bryant. He is a wonderful guy and a terrific father to our youngest son. He has helped me out so much in these trying times and his support and love mean the world to me. My brother Billy. He's a pain in the azz, but I would be lost without him. He's still one of my best friends. I still wish he could learn how to pimp out his page OWN cherry page, but hey... I can't have everything, lol. My awesome friends, both online and off. Friends just always have a way of making me feel better when I'm down. They make me smile, they listen to my crap, they send me messages or e-mails that make me laugh, cry, groan and e
Whats Your Gift
You scored as You have the Gift of Wisdom. You have had the gift of Wisdom bestoyed upon you. You know how things work, and usually don't know where your knowledge comes from. The same applies to other things that you "just know". People come to you for advice because you are almost always right. Have patience with yourself and don't over do everything.You have the Gift of Wisdom81%You have the Gift of Empathy75%You have the Gift of Discernment69%You sadly do not recognize your gift yet50%You have the Gift of a Seer38%You have the Gift of Perception/Aura Vision38%What is your gift?(PICS)created with
What Tarot Card Are You, This Is Mine
You are The Hierophant Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching. All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel. The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
What Tara Card Are You
You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You?Take the
What Zodiac Sign Are You
Anubis Clever, fatalist, deep. Sympathetic, generous, loving and perseverant in proving their view point Colors: male: sienna, female: crimsonCompatible Signs: Bastet, Isis Dates: May 8 - May 27, Jun 29 - Jul 13 Role: God of death and mummificationAppearance: Jackal or a jackal-headed manSacred animals: jackal What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries
What Is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Horus Sparkling personality, intense will, intelligent, understanding, impatient to exert influence. Colors: male: red carmine, female: goldCompatible Signs: Bastet, Geb Dates: Apr 20 - May 7, Aug 12 - Aug 19 Role: God of the pharaohAppearance: Form of a falcon-headed man, wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower EgyptSacred Animal: falcon What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries
What Does Your Birth Month Reveal About You
What does your birth month reveal about you? MayStubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift. Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What A Kiss Means
+kiss on the stomach = Im ready +Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever" +Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything +Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends" +Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you" +Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together" +Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you" +Kiss on the Lips = I like you" What the gesture means... +Holding Hands = "we definitely like each other" +Slap on the Butt = "That's mine" +Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go" +Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain like you" +Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me" +Arms around the Waist = "I like you too much to let go" +Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you" --Advice-- + Dont ask for a kiss, take one. +If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
What’s In Between The Asking &
============ ========= ====== What’s In Between The Asking & Receiving Sandwich? The “How”! ============ ========= ====== There are many people sharing the keys to manifesting, conscious creation, expansion, or the science of happiness. It goes by many names. I call it Manifesting Dynamic Health because health happens on more levels than the physical. The Divine wants us to be healthy and have our hearts desires. In response to so many sweet beings Asking how to manifest them, teachers, helpers, avatars have answered the call to assist. I am one of them. The basis of ‘it all’ is changing the vibration in and around us. As we purposefully change this energy field our cells, self and life rearranges to be more of what we want. One way to begin to bring about this change, and begin manifesting deliberately, is by moving ourselves into a better feeling place. Now this may prove somewhat frustrating for some especially if you don’t feel well or are in the midst of some exper
Whats On My Mind...
...why did I have that third slice of pizza. ...That chick with her friend that was eyein' me down at Bellacino's was cute. ...I REALLY need to shave better, I looked like I had patches of shit on my face. ...I'm really feelin' The Killers When We were Young, and Amel Laurriux's For Real. ...Not diggin' MCR that much. New albums sorta lame. ...Memo to self. Make signs for ppl. ...What the hells for lunch tomorrow?! ... mMMm Coco is great! Coco is great! ...I should really be in bed.
What My Birthday Means.
Your Birthdate: January 19 You are resilient, and no doubt your resilience has already been tested. You've had some difficult experiences in your life, but you are wise from them. Having had to grow up quickly, you tend to discount the advice of others. You tend to be a loner, having learned that the only person you can depend on is yourself. Your strength: Well developed stability and confidence Your weakness: Suspicion of others Your power color: Eggplant Your power symbol: Spade Your power month: October What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
omg... something else for people to bitch about. The new NSFW stuff... who the fuck cares .. most of us don't want to see your pervie junk scrolling across the pages anyways! Hey... you're not the owner of the site, so shut the hell up already! I don't see you working on it day in and day out... what the hell do you have to complain about. It's a free site! What, oh you aren't getting as many points, well boofuckinghoo to you too! Get over it.. move on. Get a life offline!
What Have I Done?
This was written by one of my best online friends. Haven't heard from in a while and he sent this to my email this morning. It's one to add to my collection I guess. I just happen to like his cranky ass and he sends me his new stuff.... *************************************************** WHAT HAVE I DONE? I look back at my past and wonder What have I done? I do not know. But other's do and they smile. I look at my present and wonder What am I doing? I do not know. But other's do and they smile. I look at my future and wonder. What will I be doing? I do not know. But other's will and they will smile. On my death bed, I look at my past And I no longer wonder. I know. And I smile.
What Card Are You?
You are The Sun Happiness, Content, Joy. The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent. Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way. The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
What Should I Do?
For you, I would gladly walk a mile, if that would give me a chance to see you smile. I'd call you my friend, but that's a lie. You mean more to me, but I can't explain why. For you are more precious to me than all of the world's gold, but I can't tell you that, how can I be that bold? If I spoke what's on my mind, would you accept me? Because without you, I don't know where I'd be. You seem to be calm, while I feel absolutely lost. I would like to be so bold, but what would its failure cost? Am I the only one faced with this choice? Be daring and risk losing you as a friend too? I can't risk that; I'd rather have that then lose everything. What should I do?
What A Crap Day
The day is horried ,it's not stopped raining all fooking day ...Ive had a row with my ex, and im feeling pretty shit.. And to top it all my insurance claim has come in a lot less under price . Fooking ******** OMFG ive just had a belly full . I wanna go curl up in bed and die .
What The Crap?
Hey, this morning, I saw a kid riding around in one of those Powerwheels cars kids used to have when I was little. (Other kids — not me. My parents obviously didn’t love me.) Remember Powerwheels? The jingle was “Pow-pow-Powerwheels!” and they were thirty pounds of plastic powered by a car battery. I thought they were awesome. My backdoor neighbor had a Barbie Jeep ™ that featured working windsheild wipers — and this was very cool at the time — a car phone. Why you would need wipers for a windsheild that came up to your nipples is beyond me now, but back then it was, to borrow a phrase from the Engrish, quite top of cool. But what I’m getting at is that instead of white and pink plastic, this kid was driving around an Escalade. Seriously. Rims and everything. Sitting in my Ford, I felt a little bit of an inferiority complex coming on. Sure, my car’s highway legal, but this kid was not only bouncin’ with mad style, but had managed to escape the Escalade’s 14 mpg highway fuel economy.
What Friends Are.
well lets see what is a friend.A friend is someone that is there when you need him or her for whatever you need. Not just someone that is there when they need something.So what i'm sayin is that if a friend drops you a hey how are you doing u at lest drop a line back when you can.So all of my so called friends that got my help when they need it and couldn't help me when i ask them to rate my pics.I say to you all FU-K YOU all and the next time i need help and ask you for it plz help or your gone. your friend chrisby
What To Do With A Minute Man:
It is most men's fantasy-wish that they would be able to penetrate a woman who bucks like a wild unbroken bronco, maintain perfect control during an hour of hard steady thrusting, and then time their ejaculation to coincide, contraction for contraction, with the orgasm of their partner. I suppose there are a few men who could actually do that, assuming the woman they were with could remain an active partner in this marathon without becoming sore! In reality, however, the majority of women will not orgasm with intercourse, regardless of how long the man lasts, and the majority of young healthy males will, with steady thrusting, ejaculated within three or, at best, four minutes. Many men believe that they should have perfect control during intercourse and that the ability to ejaculate at will is an inborn talent they should automatically possess. Many also assume that if they could just last long enough, their partners would orgasm as well. Most of these men are greatly disappointed!
What Type Of Luck Do I Have
Well I dont know wether im coming or going. I seem to have the worst luck ever. I never can be in the right place at the right time its always wrong place bad time. what can I do to change my luck and how can I meet the girl of my dreams if i dont know what im dreaming for?
Whats Ur Expeer Number
Your Expression Number is 11 You tend to be associated with idealistic concepts and spiritual issues. You have high potentials that are somewhat difficult to live up to. You have very strong intuition and you can be a bit psychic at times. Highly inspirational, you can lead merely by your own example. You have an inborn inner strength and awareness that helps you advise others. Although you have what it takes for a successful career, you belong outside the business world. Overly sensitive and temperamental, you tend to have a lot of nervous tension. You dream a lot, so much so that you may be more of a dreamer than a doer. Fantasy and reality tend to get intermingled for you, and that leads to impracticality. What's Your Expression Number?
What Kinda Panties Are U Lol
You Are Basic Panties You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty. You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy. Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it. And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you. What Kind of Panties Are You?
What Is Ur Inner Eye Color
Your Inner Eye Color Is Brown You're smart, thoughtful, and the ideal woman for most men You are kind and easy to trust. Men open up to you like no one else. It's this inner warmness that attracts guys - and makes you an instant soulmate. What's Your Inner Eye Color?
What I Am Thankful For
Since it is Thanksgiving tomorrow I would like to say that I am thankful for the chance to have atleast one more year with my kids and that they have this one last chance to be with their dad. I woud also like to give thanks for the fact that I am in my own home finaly after months of looking and the one that I finally landed is perfect. I could not ask for anything more.
What Does Your Birth Month Reveal About You?
What does your birth month reveal about you? AprilActive and dynamic. Decisive and haste but tends to regret.Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their luver can see.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What If
what if everything in this world were free? what if everytime you said hey can i have a dollar somebody gave you one? but if every thing were free why would you need a dollar? if man was not meant to be subjecated why do we endenture ourselves to the government, media, credit companys, ect. ? if there is a thin line between insanity and genius, where is it drawn? choices are made everyday, not always are they the correct ones, sometimes what seems as if it could be the most righteous decision, turns out to be your demise set in motion by your own hand. what many people blame on god is only put upon them by them. you see god gave you the gift of choice, the only thing free in this world is your choice. everyday you choose to get up you choose to breath you choose what to eat and when to blink. if you dont agree with something you have the choice to not do it, even if this means death you still have that choice aswell. in the end the way you live who you live with what you do
What A Happy Happy Thanksgiving
i want to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving!!!! im tired its 2:00am. Im confused and sad at the same time. I have lost so many friends in the past month because there bf or gf doesnt trust me around them. First its my friend david, i have been friends with him 7 yrs he`s my brother and now his gf carrie wont let him see me. He is too much of a pussy to stand up for himself. Now its my ex bf James I was becoming friends with friends with his gf things were going good. he told me how much he regreted breaking up with me and telling me that he still loves me. We both establish the fact that we would only be friends. Now amy is un comfortable with us being friends. So now he is saying that he no longer has feelings for me, and that amy is his other half that he loves he so much even though before he had called her a bitch. I hate losing him as a friend. He has been my best friend for 2 years. I have said no to so many dates because I told them i would not stop being friend wi
What Sexual Activity Will You Got To Jail For?
Arkham will go to jail for ... Making lewd ginger bread men and giving them to carolers at Christmas 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at hehehehehe!!!!!
What Is Your Kinky Turn On?
You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.Biting83%Blind Folds67%Whips67%Blood58%Chains/Handcuffs42%Bondage25%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with :D
What You Give To Me.....butterflies
When I look Into your eyes I feel so isolated I feel lost in the skies Our ongoing stare Your soul I can see right through Nothing else matters to me But me and you These feelings that I feel I cannot yet explain As if our interlocking eyes Are like our bodies' veins Transferring our feelings To each other’s hearts Love tainted toxins All doing their part Just in case I begin to forget ... You help me realize I have nothing over which to fret Every moment That we share I hope it’ll never end ... This ongoing stare I’ve never felt This way before You truly are special You’ve opened up the door You have no idea How much you mean to me I’m finally on the right path You’ve set my soul free All I wish for Is that you’re feeling the same way I can barely breathe when I’m with you You take my breath away I now begin to realize Staring into your powerful eyes That the incredible feelings I’m getting inside Are real meaningful “Butterflie
What I Did For Thanksgiving...
What a great day Thanksgiving can be. Spending the day just relaxing and eating all kinds of great food. Seeing family members that I havent seen in almost 13 years. I must say that being here in Downey, Idaho is turning out to be one hell of a great time. My mother cooked an entire Thanksgiving meal with ALL the kinds of food you could ever want. We had a Turkey and a Ham, Apple and Pumpkin Pies, Plus so much more. I ate so much that I think I can go the whole day tomorrow without eating anything at all. Although I will most likely dive into those left-overs and make a ridiculous sandwich at some point during the day. My uncle Paul and a couple of my cousins stopped by for dinner. It was great seeing them again. And after we ate, we went out to the mountains to fire off a few hundred rounds while our food settled in our bellies. First we started off with the .38 Special and the .357 Magnum. Then uncle Paul busted out the Black Powder Rifle and old fashioned Black Powder Six Shoote
What I Admire In A Significant Other
I want someone who: has tattoos has piercings appreciates my wackiness will do something completely random with me, just because writes poetry will tell me to shut the fuck up when I take my obnoxiousness too far will hold my hand will take me to the park will call me out on being a bitch will do whatever it takes to make me smile when I'm sad or pissed at them will randomly drop by and surprise me at work corrects my spelling and grammar will take me to shows even if they can't stand the band isn't afraid to tell me when I look like shit will let me dye their hair, but I wouldn't trust me to cut it will cuddle me when I'm sick will watch cheesy movies with me and then quote them later coughdirtydancingcough will rock out to Hanson with me, even if they won't admit it to anyone else is as easily amused as I am appreciates the brilliance of the lovely Eddie Izzard will watch Boondock Saints with me eight million times w
What Gender Is Your Brain Quiz
Your Brain is 60% Female, 40% Male Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve What Gender Is Your Brain?
What 57 Cents Can Buy
A sobbing little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it was "too crowded." "I can't go to Sunday School," she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by. Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and, taking her by the hand, took her inside and found a place for her in the Sunday school class. The child was so happy that they found room for her, and she went to bed that night thinking of the children who have no place to worship Jesus. Some two years later, this child lay dead in one of the poor tenement buildings. Her parents called for the kindhearted pastor who had befriended their daughter to handle the final arrangements. As her poor little body was being moved, a worn and crumpled red purse was found which looked as if it had been rummaged from some trash dump. Inside was found 57 cents and a note, scribbled in childish handwriting, which read: "This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go
What Level Of Hell Will U Be In?
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels:LevelScorePurgatory (Repenting Believers)Very LowLevel 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very LowLevel 2 (Lustful)Very HighLevel 3 (Gluttonous)LowLevel 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)LowLevel 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)HighLevel 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
What To Do When Your Single
I try to be good at the art of relationships. I try my best to understand the whole internal workings of one. When your in your own, it's more complexed but I know certain things I would be doing if I was single. And I will list important key factors: 1...Do things that make YOU happy. You have no one to please but yourself. 2...Some new clothes, a new look, you got to own it and know it! Your a sexy bitch, tell yourself that right now. 3...Time to go hang out with your friends. They are there with or without your relationships. 4...Exercise is a good way to get out energy,aggression and depression. You don't have to do it to "loose weight" or "look better." Do it for happiness. 5... BEWARE OF THE REBOUND. Your heart could get broken and so could the person your getting involved with. Give yourself time and stick with flirting if your not ready for the real thing. 6...Be brave and try to be social. Always keep up a smile and good posture. Remember you are what sexy means. 7...Do
What Path Of Life Am I On?
I vaguely remember a quote over the chalkboard in my senior english class. It was in realtion to the path less taken. Well..I have sat here many a night or day and thought.."what if I would have taken this path in life". But the ultimate question is. Where would you be then? Do you actually know were that path would lead you. I always thought..what if I won't have broke up with that girl..Would we have gotten married and had a family by now? But instead I choose this path. I know some say you shouldn't regret anything in life. Well how do you go about doing that? I recently took a path that put me into this dark tunnel that I feel that I am struggling to find the light at the end of it. The light at the end would be the security of a full time job. The path I took was quitting my job of 9yrs cause I saw others doing it. Well I regret quitting cause of missing the pay and benefits..but I also miss all the friends that I had there. They were so-so friends..but friends just the same. An
Whats Up
whats up people, someone talked me into this so here i am. im pretty bored. someone call me or some shit
What Do You Think
Breaking Benjamin The Diary Of Jane
What Is Your Gift?
You scored as You have the Gift of Empathy. You have been blessed with the gift of Empathy. Even though it is a heavy burden to carry the pain of others, know this that you can help them. Though I must advise you to learn how to not take their pain upon yourself and drag you downYou have the Gift of Empathy100%You have the Gift of Wisdom88%You have the Gift of Discernment81%You have the Gift of Perception/Aura Vision31%You have the Gift of a Seer31%You sadly do not recognize your gift yet25%What is your gift?(PICS)created with
What Is Your Gift?(
You scored as You have the Gift of Discernment. You have the Gift of Discernment. It is a well sought after gift my friend. It is a true blessing and curse to know when others lie to you, and to read their eyes. It can cause much pain and hurt if abused. Be very cautious.You have the Gift of Discernment75%You have the Gift of Empathy69%You sadly do not recognize your gift yet69%You have the Gift of Wisdom56%You have the Gift of Perception/Aura Vision38%You have the Gift of a Seer31%What is your gift?(PICS)created with
What Ever Happened To Courtesy And Etiquette??
Now I may be a xenophobe and not part of this modern go-go world, full of instant gratification even at another's expense, but truly now: What ever happened to being polite, courteous, and having good manners?? What has spurned this blog are two fold: Had a recent holiday shopping jaunt to the grocery store and other outlets to try to prep for the past thanksgiving ritual. While in the grocery store, had everyone from an elderly couple smash my cart and actually glower at me for what I have no idea, to others who huffed and puffed while I went about purchasing my goods, but obviously not fast enough for their liking to which I say bugger off, just because you are all rush rush rush, gotta get out, doesn't mean I am going to be all riled up on my day off. To come to the dramatic ending of getting to the cashier, who would rather have spit upon me I believe. So after being rung out I turned to her and wished her a happy holiday and a short day and was looked at like I was some reta
What Is Your Favorite Drug?
You scored as Mushrooms. Shrooms! You're still goin for one of the most natural drugs. You'd like to visit a whole other world, and see things you've never seen before. Fucking trippy.Mushrooms94%Ecstacy81%Marijuana63%Cocaine50%Alcohol50%Inhalents38%None!19%What's your ideal drug?created with
What Your Made Of
What is you purpose I asked the blind grey hair woman. To be your eyesight in the darkness, to guide you where you are supposed to be. Gently, comforting she grabbed my hand and we walked. I stumbled over debre in the road, while she confidentially strutted pass all I thought she couldn't see.We walked in the still-ness of the dark until an active young woman leaped out in front of us. She was beautiful to say the least, she was strong, loud and alive. Confused I looked to the side of me to ask the old woman for help, but she was gone. Slowly, my head turned back to the lady and I asked her what is your quietly move you to your next place without notice. Without notice! I thought. She was so loud and even her clothing was bright, but just as she promised she did as she said. We walked through the noise filled streets. Sreaming, and yelling and even some fights. She danced and laughed as loud as she could and slowly we walked until.....A sweet precious little girl stood bef
What Flavor Of Ice Cream Are You
You Are Rocky Road Ice Cream Unpredictable and wild, you know how to have fun. You're also a trendsetter who takes risks with new things. You know about the latest and greatest - and may have invented it! You are most compatible with vanilla ice cream. What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?
What Greek God Am I...
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? MorpheusTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What The Fuck Is Going On
what the fucks going on Current mood: pissed everything right now seems to be fucking bull shit. everything is going wrong and i dont know why or what to do about it. i get bailed on by everyone it seems. everyone seems to be blowing me off like im nothing. people are expecting me to drop whatever i have to do to accomodate them no matter if it doesnt work for me. im fucking tired of people saying one thing and than doing something else. for whatever reason, im being treated like shit and it pisses me off. i try hard to help others, be a friend to everyone, and have a good time but it doenst seem to matter. i get treated like shit and thats ok to everyone cuz i refuse to take it out on anyone but myself. i just wish that people would be true to what they say and not lie or just not do it at all.
What Kind Of Sex Do You Prefer?
You prefer Romantic sex! You like romantic sex. For you, it's not all too much about being horny - it's more an expression of how you feel about your partner(s). It's an experience that you can share -- that you can experience and enjoy together. 'What is the best type of sex for you?' at
What Does Your Name Mean?
fearless -- [adjective]:100% kinky 'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
What Rock Band Are You?
What Princess Are You?
What Disney Princess are you? BelleYou see past the bad things in people. You also don't settle for someone who is below your standards. You care about your education and you love your family. It takes a lot to win your heart, but once someone does they can count on you to be loyal. Take this test
What Classic Bombshell Are You?
What Classic Bombshell Are You? Audrey HepburnYou are Audrey Hepburn! You are the epitome of class. You are elegant and regal. You love to express yourself in many ways, including dance. You also love helping people. Take this test
What Planet Should You Rule
You Should Rule Venus Venus is a mysterious, stormy planet - shrouded in a thick layer of clouds. You are perfect to rule Venus, because you are quite emotional and volatile yourself. Your emotions change as rapidly as the weather on Venus, and both you and the planet are incomprehensible to others. While you are not a logical thinker, you are quite empathetic. You can care for and understand others, but your emotions swirl too quickly to truly understand yourself. What Planet Should You Rule?
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
You are What Rejected Crayon Are You?
What The Deal (repost)
What is the deal with people on LC they want you to comments on there profiles n there pics n you rate them or comments them n they can rate u or comment u back that is bull shit especailly the people who want u to vote for them i thought this site is about being friends and getting comments alot of people are just oneway i guess but they should repay you and rate ur pics n return comments to you
What Else Could Happen?
I'm sitting here tonight, with all sorts of thoughts running through my head. Some surrounding my impending surgery, some of love, some of loss. It's been a rough couple of days. I just need to vent. Tuesday- Mother in Law has a T.I.A. Friend loses daughter in car accident. Wednesday- M-I-L still in hospital, spent all day there. Discover by reading paper, friends daughter was actually dead.. very sad Thursday- M-I-L comes home from hospital, spent turkey day with my mom Today- Spent way to much time with M-I-L. She can't be left alone.. thus I got elected to spend all day with her. Told some one I love him, in secret Talked to Chris, he's such a good listener. Finally after years of being divorced, we can talk,not just about the regular stuff.. but almost everything. I value his opinion on most things. We've had a few upsets along the way and a couple of "i'm never speakig to you again" but when it comes down to it.. he's a good perso
Whats Your Sexual Position?
Which Sexual Position Are You? MissionaryYou are a down to earth person. You aren't too wild, yet you enjoy the act all in all. Take this test
What Type Of Love Are You?
What type of love are you? Playful LoveYou are a Playful Love you like to play around with your partner and are an equal when it comes to your decisions. Take this test
What The Hell?
What the fuck is up with people faking to be other people on the net? Is their life that shitty? It is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of! Be yourself fuck! Lol. (just venting) Have a nice day!
What Type Of Makeup Are You?
What type of Make-Up are you? Maybelline"Maybe She's Born with it - Maybe its Maybelline" You like looking natural and expressing your inner beauty. Why not? It's you! You want people to remember you for the whole you, not just your eyes, or your lips, or even your high cheek bones, you want people to remember you for that warm glow that resonates in the room after you talk and smile. Keep it up! People love you! Take this test
What Candy Are You?
What type of CANDY r u? Gummy bearu r a gummy bear! u r colorful and mysterious but sweet on the inside! u have a talent for listening to others that need help! Take this test
Whats Your Sexual Iq?
What\'s your sexual IQ? True MasterYou more knowledgeable than the Goddess of Sex. Go out and spread your wealth of knowledge. Take this test
What Type Of Freak Are You?
What Is Your Type Of Love?
What is your type of Love? True LoverYou stay true to the one you love. You would do anything for them. You don't just say you love them but you mean it with all your heart! You love them for who they are and not what they have! Take this test
What Kinda Kiss Are You???
What kinda kiss are you??? tamed kissYou like to kiss, but you dont know when to start.... your afraid to let it out and u like to take it slow... Take this test
What Flavor Are You?
What flavor are you? SugarI am all sweetness and light; fluffy bunnies and dancing fairies; happiness and joy. Too much of me will make you sick. Take this test
What Kind Of Rose Are You?
What kind of rose are you? Yellow RoseYou have a very bright personalty! You love the summer time and hanging out with your friends! Holding your head high and walking with a group behind you, you are a reall leader! Take this test
What's Your Southern Sign????????
WHAT'S YOUR SOUTHERN SIGN? Some of us Southerners are pretty skeptical of horoscopes and the people that read them. If we are to ever fully understand all the star signs and the people they represent, we need symbols that all true Southerners understand: See the list below... OKRA (Dec 22 - Jan 20) Are tough on the outside but tender on the inside. Okras have tremendous influence. An older Okra can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere. You can do something good each day if you try. CHITLIN (Jan 21 - Feb 19) Chitlins come from humble backgrounds. A Chitlin, however, will make something of himself if he is motivated and has lots of seasoning. In dealing with Chitlins, be careful they may surprise you. They can erupt like Vesuvius. Chitlins are best with Catfish and Okra. BOLL WEEVIL (Feb 20 - March 20) You have an overwhelming curiosity. You're unsatisfied with the surface of things, and you feel the need to bore deep into the interior of every
What Is Your Dating Style
You Date Like a Man According to studies on dating, you date like a man. You date casually and frequently, getting serious with select people over time. Physical attraction and chemistry is very important to you. And if there's nothing more than a physical connection, that's okay with you (at least for a while). You are definitely looking for love, but you are in no rush to find it. You figure love will eventually come your way, and you're not going to live like a monk while you're waiting! Do You Date Like a Man or a Woman?
What Colour Werewolf Are You?
You scored as Black. You are a Black Were. Some think of you as mysterious, though you are often straightforward. Though pure of heart, you can't help but be mischeivious sometimes, even with serious consequences. You are sneaky and have a sense of stealth, but can be outright when you want. Black Weres love company, though they need serious alone time.Silver79%Black79%Brown67%Gold64%Grey55%White52%Red50%What Color Werewolf Are You??created with another one with an amazing pic
What's Your Southern Sign???
I got this from a friend's blog. Hope you like it! WHAT'S YOUR SOUTHERN SIGN? Some of us Southerners are pretty skeptical of horoscopes and the people that read them. If we are to ever fully understand all the star signs and the people they represent, we need symbols that all true Southerners understand: See the list below... OKRA (Dec 22 - Jan 20) Are tough on the outside but tender on the inside. Okras have tremendous influence. An older Okra can look back over his life and see the seeds of his influence everywhere. You can do something good each day if you try. CHITLIN (Jan 21 - Feb 19) Chitlins come from humble backgrounds. A Chitlin, however, will make something of himself if he is motivated and has lots of seasoning. In dealing with Chitlins, be careful they may surprise you. They can erupt like Vesuvius. Chitlins are best with Catfish and Okra. BOLL WEEVIL (Feb 20 - March 20) You have an overwhelming curiosity. You're unsatisfied with the surface of things, and y
What Did You Do?
I jumped Jamie Lynn Spears cuz that bitch deserved it. MONTH YOU WERE BORN IN January------I slapped Feburary----I stabbed March-----I screwed a April-------I shot May------I stabbed June-----I hugged July----I kissed August------- I killed September-------I humped October-----I hijacked November------I jumped December-----I bitched slapped DAY YOU WERE BORN 1-----a penguin 2-----a jar of peanut butter 3-----a lawn mower 4-----emma roberts 5----jamie lynn spears 6----sean flynn 7----a saw 8---a peanut butter cookie 9----your sister's pants 10---your mom 11---the wiggles 12---barney 13---ur brother 14---a dog 15---pablo 16---a mexican 17----the backyardigans 18---lindsey lohan 19----a brownie 20---paris hilton 21---ellen degerernes 22---a yeti 23---a moose 24---a kangaroo 25---martin van buren 26---a bouncy ball 27--a virgin 28---a cowboy 29---myself 30---a butterfly 31---a hippo COLOR OF YOUR SHIRT Black--------cuz that bitch
What's Your Inner Blood Type??
I kinda like this one... Your Inner Blood Type is Type A You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy. You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself. Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in. People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal. You are most compatible with: A and AB Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter What's Your Inner Blood Type?
What Is The Color Of Your Lucky Underwear?
OK.. I don't own but one pair of blue panties... Maybe I need to buy some new ones... Your Lucky Underwear is Blue You are caring and extroverted. You've made relationships your number one focus, and your lucky blue underwear can bring some balance to them. You thrive in one-on-one situations. You are a good listener and a natural born therapist. Sometimes you let the concerns of others become too important in your life, leading to stress and worry. If you want more balance, put on your blue underpants. They'll help you take care of yourself first. What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear?
What Kind Of Seducer Am I?
Your Seduction Style: Au Natural You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it. That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power! The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism. You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world. Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in. You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you? You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways. Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you. As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
What Kind Of Writer Are You?
This came as a little bit of a surprise... But after reading it... I kind of agree... I do love to write stories of all kinds, though lately they have all been about one thing... hehehe... You Should Be a Film Writer You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! What Type of Writer Should You Be?
What U Think
i try to stab my heart but it dosent seem to be there with every plug into my heart i hear a light dull thud in the empty space where my heart use to lay where it wnet or who took it is oblivious to me and why or where they took it is even more lost to me why would they do such a thing i have no clue as i sit there and ponder these things i can feel my blood slowly flow away until im here and now in front of every one as the bloodlessvampire you all know love and hate i am the one who goes bump in the night the one all little kids are born to fear the one who is no one anymore the one who will always live to die alone
What Tarot Are You?
You are The High Priestess Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education. The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
What To Do When You're Not "her Type"
>Men tend to base attraction on LOOKS, and women tend to base attraction on "chemistry" and "sexual tension"... and other things that involve your PERSONALITY. If you'd like to learn the secret to creating attraction with women that are "out of your league", then go and read THIS: ***THIS WEEK'S QUESTION*** Dear Dave, I was very skeptical of your approach, but I have been trying C & F routine recently and it has been working like a charm. Your CD is incredible with information that builds on your book. An example of C & F happened recently. Women always make comments of my age and how I appear much younger than my age (i'm in my mid-thirties but appear to be 24-25). Before reading your book and listening to your CD, I would simply laugh or say thank you if a woman said I looked a lot younger than my age. Recently I was out with my friends and this good-looking woman said the same comment. My
What Is Love...
What Color Is My Lighter? (shades Of Grey As They Pertain To Life)
Life is often found in a shade of indescribable grey left only to be deciphered by the one living it. This causes a lot of debate and argument over something that neither party really has control over. I can't tell you why it is this way, but I can relate it to truth and life in general. We'll pretend I'm a color blind person for a second here and ponder this: I hold a lighter to a man on my right and ask "What color is my lighter?" The man on the right says "Red, your lighter is definitely red" "Ok" I reply and turn to my left and ask the man on the left "What color is my lighter?" The man on the left says "Blue, your lighter is not red, it is blue!". Confused, I then ask a man standing directly in front of me, "What color is my lighter?" "Yellow, it is neither blue, nor red, but bright yellow!", exclaims the man to my front. Some people would think that two of these three men is lying. In fact, it could be neither man is lying. Being hypothetically color blind, this ligh
What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy
You scored as Rocker, Mosher. Your A Rocker!Rocker, Mosher95%Goth60%Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev20%Prepy15%Emo10%Skater5%Trendy0%What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ectcreated with
What Is Your 19th Century Horror Character?
You scored as Frankenstein's Monster. You are Victor Frankenstein's hideous creation in Mary Shelley's classic novel. A grotesque conglomeration of disembodied organs, you ravage the countryside in search of your maker. Although you have a gentle and curious soul, civilization refuses to accept you as one of their own, driving you to acts of bestial wrath. Yours is a life of loneliness and devastated optimism.Frankenstein's Monster83%Dorian Gray58%The Headless Horseman54%Count Dracula50%The Invisible Man46%Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde21%What's Your 19th Century Horror Character?created with
What Is Love (poem)
Everyone wonders what love is how being in love feels or if its even real If love is just a feeling then why so much hurt if love is lost what is love what happens when someone loves you but you are affraid to love back for the fear of getting hurt again If love is what everyone wants how can it be a feeling cause theres so much happiness if its there, is that love what is love How do you know you have love cause someone tells you or you say it to someone when do to you know if its love not lust why every where you look you see love or what you think is love but youve never had love then again what is love People say they found true love how do that know its true cuz there happy at that moment then all the sudden there hurting so is it really true love... Is love in the bible im not sure maybe but ive never heard of it in there what is love so leads people to think everyone says you feel love but no one knows where it comes fro
What's Wrong?
everyone always asks me what's wrong? NOTHING NOTHINGS WRONG I TELL YOU! GR haha but the only thing that bothers me a little is 1. my really bad headache I've had since Tuesday 2. people asking me what's wrong! NOTHING DAMN IT. but it's supersaturday at karenie and my thrift store ahahaha, so we're going.
What Color Of Death Are You?
What color of Death are you??? Green...Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
What Is Your Sexual Iq
You have a sexual IQ of 120 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
What Is Your Lucky Love Color
Your Lucky Love Color is Purple When someone gets to know you, the first thing they notice is how romantic you are. The most romantic of all the colors, in fact. You are a big flirt and a total tease. Your antics get you in trouble, but they also get you what you want. And unlike what your color might suggest, you are not a princess of any sort. If anything, you make your man feel like a prince. Your heart is dreamy and open. You don't put restrictions on love - because you never know what can happen. All About Your Lucky Love Color
What Does Your Birth Date Mean
Your Birthdate: February 4 You have an extraordinary character - moral, responsible, and disciplined. Your sincerely and honesty shine through in almost every situation. Driven and focused, you rarely let your emotions get the better of you. You're level headed and rational. People count on your to look at things objectively. Your strength: Your unwavering loyalty and ethics Your weakness: Your rock solid stubbornness Your power color: Navy blue Your power symbol: Shield Your power month: April What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
What Color Is Your Passion
Your Passion is Yellow You're a total sexual shape shifter. You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable. Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual. While you the most passionate, you are very open minded. What Color Is Your Passion?
What Color Is Your Mood Ring
Your Mood Ring is Blue-Green Inner emotions charged Yet, somewhat relaxed Mood Ring Generator
What The Hell Did I Do?....
to elaborate on my blood alchohol level it was 2.5 which is bad i almost died i didnt black out i whited out.....i am lucky to be here today...please show me some support
What The F**k Do I Do Here?
ok im not even sure what this site is or what i can do on it. but it im having fun just clicking random shit and sending messages, send me a msg if someone out there is actually reading this. or add me to msn:
What It Was About..
Listen to this boo only a few knew. You was intertwined in my spine. I was gonna make you mine cause you was a dime but didnt have time. Only you knew my love was true but you wouldnt make me your boo. I had your back and that was a fact but you hack at it and spat back it. Only to realize you tired to kiss me then diss me now you miss me. What i felt was real but i had time to heal while you was feeling blue and had no clue. A joke a hoast when i needed you the most. You lost me now you cant boss me. Now lets make this fast the past is in the past its not gonna last. And all you did was make me flee to my knee till i couldnt see. Tried to take my seed only to make me bleed . And all you could do was flee and all i could say was please. Only hated cause we dated only cause you lade it then played it.
What Animal Describes Your Inner Self?
The Dog100%The Tiger90%The Arctic Wolf80%The Eagle65%The Dolphin65%The Cat60%What Animal Describes Your Inner Selfcreated with QuizFarmcom.
What Flower Is Your Personality
What Flower Is Your Personality (pix)? RoseYou are a Rose! You are very high maintnence and expect a lot out of people. You are a hopeless romantic and enjoys company of the opposite sex!Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What Animal Are You
You scored as The Dog. You are very loyal, friendly, and slightly dependent. You are extremely devoted to your family and friends, and they know that you are always there for them. You are not very rough with people, and are usually gentle and caring to those who are sensitive. You probably have a lot of friends, because anyone can spend time with you! The Dog85%The Eagle70%The Dolphin65%The Arctic Wolf60%The Tiger50%The Cat30%What Animal Describes Your Inner Selfcreated with
What Flower Is Ur Personality
table width="480" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">What Flower Is Your Personality (pix)? RoseYou are a Rose! You are very high maintnence and expect a lot out of people. You are a hopeless romantic and enjoys company of the opposite sex!Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What Happened To Roebuck?!
I was watching Mr. Rogers with Isaac and wondered, What ever happened to Roebuck of Sears-Roebuck? Did Sears eat him?
What Am I Doin?
ooooh shit its damn near 7am my time in the world, and im up. anybody got somethin funny or cool to say? hope to. i dont wanna be up all mornin for nothin
What Do U Think Of This
Add this music player and/or G.No aka Latin Bird as a friend.
What Is A True Friend
When you sit down and think about alot of things and have alot of problems, the one thing that stays the same is your friends. No matter what is wrong in your life or what is going on your friends are their to talk to. A true friend is someone that for no reason at all is their to hang out with you whether you are at home being bored out when you are out at the bar and theyt have your back for anything. A friends is someone who when you get into trouble is their to help you out, but a true friend is their right next to you in the cell saying that was fun we should do it again. No matter what people say and do your friends are their to support you no matter what happens. Anyone who feels different about this I would love to hear about it but if you agree witth me that is great.
What's Up
What's up
What Erotic Fantasy Is Matched To Your Personality?
You're an ideal match for al fresco loving! Al fresco A free spirit like you should not be surprised to be matched to an outdoor venue for the call of the wild. We get the feeling that you're more tuned into green issues than you may realise, so why not take the hippy hobby of tree hugging a step further by hugging under a tree? Or even in the middle of a field? Ah, we can just imagine the sensations, a sun kissed breeze caressing the areas that are normally confined and covered up. The melodious warbles of the birds in the trees enhancing the bass line beat of your heavy breathing. Not to mention the thorns that stick into your bum, the ants that run up your leg, or the passing pigeon that drops a message of good luck on you. Doing the wild thing outdoors is a bed of roses, beautiful, but with the potential for personal injury and embarrassment. However, we know that you're not one to be put off by a challenge, so we're sure that between the two of you, you'll manage to rise to th
What Demention?
In what alternate dimension would LeighAnn be most comfortable? In a dimension where...There is a monster that lives in your closet 'In what alternate dimension would you be most comfortable?' I guess that would be correct since there really is a monster in my closet!!!!
Whats Your Emoticon?
Your Emoticon Is Laughing You've got a wicked sense of humor. You're everyone's favorite IM buddy... at least today! What Emoticon Best Represents You Right Now?
Whats On My Mind!
Ok this iz whats on my mind I know all my firends and fams have alot of other ppl that they talk to its in the 1000's where I only have like what 60 sumthin friends & fam, ok its hard ta talk ta everyone I know that but ya boy take time out ta say gm & gn ta everyone and if u dont respond bac 2 a hi how r u I take that as disrespect & I hate ta get disrespected respect iz everything ta me I respect everybody. So if u think its 2 much ta holla at ya boy then take me off yr list bloc me or what ever I dont give a fuc, Dont get me wrong I care about all my friends & fam's & fan's some more than others and u know who u r ;), but as i waz sayin if u cant holla bac bloc ya boy & thats real talk!
What Is Your Sexual Iq?
You have a sexual IQ of 112 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
What Appears To You & Me....
The portions of a woman that appeals to man's depravity, is constructed with considerable care, And what appears to you and me as a simple cavity, is really an elaborate affair. And doctors that have bothered to examine this phenomena on numerous experimental dames, Have searched the lower regions of the feminine abdomina, and given them delightful Latin names! There's the vulva, the vagina, the jolly perineum, and the Hyman which is sometimes found in brides, And lots of other gadgets you would love if you could see'em, the clitoris and god knows what besides! So isn't it a pity, when common people chatter, on these matters to which I have referred, That they use for such a sweet and delicate a matter, Such a short and unattractive word?
What A Weekend.....
Well, this was a hard working, but fun afterwards. I work for the Brighton Hot Dog Shopee in Vanport(Beaver) location. We had one of our record days on Friday. After working 10 hours throught a lunch and dinner rush, it was time to get out and relax awhile. Met my wife, Dawn at the Eagles in Ambridge and did some Karaoke. It was a great time. We do it every Friday night. If your ever in Ambridge, stop in!!!
What Did You Give Thanks To?
Thanksgiving comes and goes every year and we all can't gain that extra 5lbs. thanks to the glorious food that we eat. I don't care about the food (well, I do a little). What I want to know is if you actually gave thanks for something in your life...or maybe someone else's. I know I did. I gave thanks for my wonderful family and my most excellent friends. I gave thanks for those out there that have compassion and can turn a blind eye to things that they don't understand or agree with 100 percent. I gave thanks for the humanity that is still within us that the world is trying so hard to stomp out. I gave thanks for being alive and well and I gave thanks for the technology and advancements that help those that are not as healthy as they should be. I gave thanks for a lot of things. What about you?...
What's Your Love Style?
Your Love Style is Manic For you, love is the ultimate rollercoaster And you love to hold on tight and enjoy the ride Every time you fall in love, it feels like the first time And while it's exciting and exhilarating... It's also stressful and scary! What's Your Love Style?
What's Your Element ?
Your Element Is Air You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly. Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful. You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! What's Your Element?
What's Your Power Color?
Your Power Color Is Indigo At Your Highest: You are on a fast track to success - and others believe in you. At Your Lowest: You require a lot of attention and praise. In Love: You see people as how you want them to be, not as how they are. How You're Attractive: You're dramatic flair makes others see you as mysterious and romantic. Your Eternal Question: "Does This Work Into My Future Plans?" What's Your Power Color?
What Breed Of Puppy Are You?
You Are a Beagle Puppy Cheerful, energetic, and happy go lucky. And you're sense of smell is absolutely amazing! What Breed of Puppy Are You?
What Tarot Card Are You?
You Are The High Priestess You represent mystery - secrets that are yet to be revealed. You find yourself sitting between two worlds: one dark, one light. You tend to hold these two worlds in balance, reconciling the two. Open and welcoming, you invite others to learn your secrets. Your fortune: Something hidden, or latent, in your life is about to come forward. You need to pay more attention to your dreams, thoughts, intuition, and imagination. And if that involves tapping into your dark side, it will all balance out in the end. You have a lot of potential dying to be unleashed, so let those gates open! What Tarot Card Are You?
What Kind Of Friend Are You?
You Are A Good Friend You're always willing to listen Or lend a shoulder to cry on You're there through thick and thin Many people consider you their "best friend"! What Kind of Friend Are You?
What's Your Hawaiian Name?
Your Hawaiian Name is: Lani Alana What's your Hawaiian Name?
What Is Your Hawaiian Name
Your Hawaiian Name is: Kiele Kalea What's your Hawaiian Name?
What Kind Of Smart Are You?
Socially Smart As a socially smart person, you are best with others in real-life situations. This type of intelligence is closely linked to being 'street smart.' Theories and such are not much concern: the things that matter tend to be those which you can see, feel, touch - what you can really experience. This knowledge comes to you both out of a natural knowledge, as well as learning from the situations you find yourself in. 80% applied intelligence10% learned intelligence Take this quiz at
Whats Your Kinky Turn On Quiz
You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.Biting92%Bondage83%Chains/Handcuffs83%Blind Folds50%Blood33%Whips33%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
What Piercing Are You? Quiz
You scored as Labret Piercing. You probably intimidate a whole lot of people without really meaning too. If people could just get past the many tattoos, piercings, and sideburns I'm sure they'd love you. Or still be scared, who knows.Labret Piercing100%Lip Piercing90%Dirty Piercings90%Tongue Piercing90%Earlobe Piercing90%Nipples80%Cartilage Piercing60%Belly Button Piercing40%Nose Piercing20%What Piercing Are You?created with
“what Does It Taste Like”
“What Does It Taste Like” A teacher was working with a group of children, trying to broaden their horizons through sensory exploration. With their eyes closed, they would feel objects from pumice stones to pine cones and smell aromatic herbs and exotic fruits. One day, the teacher brought in a great variety of lifesavers, more flavors than you could ever imagine. "Children, I'd like you to close your eyes and taste these," announced the teacher. Without difficulty, they managed to identify the taste of cherries, lemons and mint, but when the teacher had them put honey flavored lifesavers in their mouths; every one of the children was stumped. "I'll give you a hint," said the teacher. "It's something your Daddy and Mommy probably call each other all the time." Instantly, one of the children spat the lifesaver out of his mouth and shouted, "Spit 'em out, you guys, they're assholes!"
What's Your Power Color???
Your Power Color Is Gold You're dependable and hard working. You never miss a deadline - and you're never late. You have a clear sense of right and wrong. You're very detail oriented. You get frustrated when your friends are sloppy - or when they don't follow through. You're on top of things, and you wish that everyone else was! What's Your Power Color?
“what Women Look For In A Man”
“WHAT WOMEN LOOK FOR IN A MAN” I thought it would be interesting to give you a different point of view this time. And I thought it might be helpful to take you "behind the scenes", and show you what it's like for a woman when she's "looking" for a man. OK, to start with, I have something important to tell you: WOMEN ARE CRAZY. I know, profound. You can write me later and tell me how this new revelation has changed your life. But please calm down, collect yourself, and let me explain. Why do I say that women are "crazy"? Well, BECAUSE THEY ARE, first of all. Lol... No, it's because women do something that SEEMS crazy (especially if you're a man). Women like to SAY ONE THING, but when the time comes around to actually ACT, they do something TOTALLY DIFFERENT. I could go into an essay on why this is, but for the purposes of this discussion, the most important reason has to do with EMOTIONS. Women tend to SAY what they THINK when they're asked a quest
What A Boyfriend Should Know And A Girlfriend Should Do
What a Boyfriend Should know and a Girlfriend SHOULD do Guys:Put your hands around her waist firmly girls: lay your headback on his shoulder and put your arms on his. Guys:whisper in her ear Girls: giggle Girls:whenever he tries to kiss you, don't just let him, kiss him back.... Girls: When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold Guys: automatically move closer to her. (if your stupid then you'll either say "me too" or you'll give her your jacket... don't) Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder Guys: lift her chin up and kiss her. Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... and mean it. Girls:When you're both laying under the stars, put yourhead on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat Guys: whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers. Now make a wish about something yo
What Is Racism
WHAT IS RACISM You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me "Whiteboy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman" and that's OK. But when I call you, nigger, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink you call me a racist. You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live? You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi You have the NAACP. You have BET. If we had WET(White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists. If we had white history month, we'd be racists. If we had an organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be racists. If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we'd be racists. There are over 60 o
What Would You Do If...
What would you do if... 1) I took a double take at you as we passed? 2) I told you that you were hott? 3) I asked you if you wanted to go out sometime? 4) I asked you to be my g/f? 5) I asked you if I could kiss you? 6) I grabed ur ass? 7) I grabed ur boobs? 8) I asked if you wanted to have sex? Please answer all of them honestly!(please explain your answer!)
“what Is A Juggalo”
“What Is A Juggalo” [Violent J] What is a juggalo? Let me think for a second Oh, he gets butt-naked And then he walks through the streets Winking at the freaks With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks [Shaggy 2 Dope] What is a juggalo? He just don't care He might try to put a weave In his nut hair Cuz he could give a fuck less What a bitch thinks He tell her that her butt stinks And all that [Violent J] What is a juggalo? He drinks like a fish And then he starts huggin people Like a drunk bitch Next thing, he's pickin fights With his best friends Then he starts with the huggin again Fuck! [Shaggy 2 Dope] What is a juggalo? A fucking lunatic Somebody with a rope tied to his dick Then he jumps out a ten-story window Oh! [Chorus (2x)] What is a juggalo? A juggalo That's what it is Well, fuck, if I know What is a juggalo? I don't know But I'm down with the clown And I'm down for life, yo Southwest? (we juggalos) Down river? (we
What's Up
Wanted to say say thanks to all the nice people showing me love!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Is A Bbw/ssbbw?
Meaning of a BBW.... 1. A leading term used by many as Big Beautiful Woman. 2. An empowering alternative and politically correct description for the plus size woman as opposed to the derogatory term of Fat. 3. A woman who is over the so called weight standards. "Big Beautiful Woman." A cute fat chick. And yes, they do exist. And now for the meaning of a SSBBW..... Super-Size Big Beautiful Woman. A BBW who is particularly large, more so than a regular BBW. Depending on who you ask, a SSBBW is one who weighs 250 pounds plus, or is more than an XXL.
What They Say I Am
What do you think? Tell me.
What Girl Group
You Should Be In The Donnas You've got that a bit of an edge to you The bad girl that all the good boys want!What Girl Group Should You Be In?
What Disney Princess Are You?
What Disney Princess are you? BelleYou see past the bad things in people. You also don't settle for someone who is below your standards. You care about your education and you love your family. It takes a lot to win your heart, but once someone does they can count on you to be loyal. Take this test
What Kind Of Kisser Are You
What type of kisser are you? Romantic kisserThis kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by
What Its Like
lyrics - what its like
what should i get? the wii or the ps3? i have the 360, ps2, and psp. so ill sell the ps2 to get what? the wii or the ps3?
What Will It Take?
What Was I Thinking?
I just have to say that I must not have been thinking clearly this time. I entered the D.I.L.F. contest, I thought that I might have a chance but after the first day...not doing so well. I hope that maybe some of you will read this and click the link and drop a vote on it! Thanks a bunch! Bob
What May Be In My Mind
i look over the horizen and wonder who would paint such a perfect sky? in the distance, the wind calls my name, and i want to run to it, but i'm not sure what would be waiting for me. as i look to the west for one last glympse of home, the sky gets dark. the clouds come thundering in and i am left in awe. my heart starts to beat faster with each second that goes by. i feel as if it might explode if i stare any longer, but i can't stop. lightning strikes and it looks as though the mountains might crumble- i shiver with aniticipation. i start to sweat, though the air couldn't be more than fifty degrees. my hair starts to drip rain is falling so hard, my skin is singed with pain. fat balls of hydration overwhelm my unsuspecting senses. i start to run, but there is no place for hiding, anywhere. i'm left in this wilderness, abandoned and lonely. suddenly, a ray of warmth shoots across the sky. i feel alive again! the rain dies down, and the clouds slither away out of sig
What Art Movement Are You?
You Are Romanticism You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is. You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of. For you, there is nothing more inspiring than a great hero. You believe that great art reflects the artist's imagination and true ideals. What Art Movement Are You?
What Am I?
***You Are Impressionism*** You think the world is quite beautiful, especially if you look at it in new and interesting ways. You tend to focus on color and movement in art. For you, seeing the big picture is much more important than recording every little detail. You can find inspiration anywhere... especially from nature. What Art Movement Are You?
You Are Impressionism You think the world is quite beautiful, especially if you look at it in new and interesting ways. You tend to focus on color and movement in art. For you, seeing the big picture is much more important than recording every little detail. You can find inspiration anywhere... especially from nature.What Art Movement Are You?
What Next?
ok now what??????? went into my photos and my whole BBW album has disappeared , close to dayum near 50 pics grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
What Is Ripping?
What is Ripping? I don't understand maybe this place will make more sense later
What? What? What?!!!
my fucking ear is clogged and hurts.... my eye is leaking...i thinks and now im coughing THIS IS DUMB oh wait...yep my sinuses are being homo as well jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez i couldnt freakin sleep for nuttin now i cant sleep either *COUGH* this is crap. period. PISS!
Whats Up
hey guys and gals. i am really new to this so if you visit my page and happen to read this please add me as a friend, rate me a 10 or just check out my pictures.
What Would U Do????
Click Here to get this from!
What A Week!!
Nine whole days of Thanksgiving week. A whole week with the kids home. Lots of Family, food and football. Go Cowboys!! And of course Frantic Friday. The day after Thanksgiving that everyone goes shopping for everyone on there list because everything is for sale, at different stores, of course. But we made it. The kids are back at school. And I am here sitting alone in a quiet house reflecting on the past week. looking forward to 3 weeks from now when we do it again. accept for 2 weeks this time. Just remember What the real reason for this season is and have a very Mery Christmas.
What Kinda Sin Belongs With You?
Which of the SEVEN DEADLY SINS will consume you????(with great pics) Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
"what They Do"
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
What The Hell...
I interupt your regualry scheduled program to apologize for technical seems that the last blog I did....posted 3 freakin times....sorry folks...lolol
What Will Vince Do?
There's rumblings around the Internet and beyond that the careers of most of the WWE's "Big Men" (Big Show, Undertaker and Kane) are contemplating retiring after Wrestlemania next year. This just leads to a LOT of questions, the biggest being - What WILL Vince do? As most of us know, Vince McMahon has always held the opinion that the fans want "Larger than life" characters. To that end, his biggest stars have always fit into that mold. Hogan, Andre the Giant, Big Show, Undertaker, Kane - They all fit his belief, and despite shortcomings, he has always stood behind them - At times even when he should have cut bait and run. However, Vince lately seems to be getting the idea that smaller guys can get the job done for the company. Look at the hooplah of bringing in CM Punk to ECW - And also his re-hiring of Jeff Hardy, the LONG reign of Gregory Helms on Smackdown, you name it. With the "Big" guys all seeming about to leave at the same time, I think it would behoove Vince to act
What The Shit??
Hosted on Flurl Video Search - Watch More Videos
What Kind Of Kiss Are You
What kind of kiss are you? PassionateYour kiss is the kiss that makes girls melt and men get in touch with their feminine side. Nothing says I love you like a full, heart-felt kiss. Take this test
What If
What if its all a lie?
What Hurts The Most...
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house That don’t bother me I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while Even though going on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok But that’s not what gets me What hurts the most Was being so close And having so much to say And watching you walk away And never knowing What could have been And not seeing that loving you Is what I was tryin’ to do It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go But I’m doin’ It It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone Still Harder Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret But I know if I could do it over I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart That I left unspoken What hurts the most Is being so close And having so much to say And watching you walk away And never knowing What could have been And not
What A Week
What a week this is for me, been sick, been sore, been tired, been bored, but this comeing weekend is mine lol, this fri and sat i am going to a pub to listen to regee music, hope i spelled it right, but its a friend of mine tht is am going to go see perform on fri and sat night, then on mon night i go to my 1st concert to see deirks bently, he is coming here to medford oregon and i am thrilled. so what a week i will have.
What Women Want, And How Men Can Become Better Lovers
What Women Want, and How Men Can Become Better Lovers When a couple's sex life has turned sour, physical problems may not be the only factor. There's often an emotional component too, says human sexuality expert Barnaby Barratt, Ph.D., president of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. "From 30 years of clinical experience, I can tell you that all people — even those who think they're very cool about sex — have conflicts that create shame, guilt and anxiety." As a rule, too, both people in a relationship contribute to the sexual problems. "Finger-pointing and blaming are never productive for improving a couple's sexual life, because inevitably in this context it takes two to tango," Barratt says. Putting yourself in each other's position can be a helpful first step in recapturing the sexual spark, and for that, it helps to know about the following Mars-Venus differences between the sexes. Women React Differently Than Men to ... An X-rate
What Happened??
What happened while I was gone?? sheeeet (careful choice of words there), Before I left to go hunting,,I could SEE my friends//family,,,as they chose for me to see them,, Not as some gestapo chose for them???? So whats up??? I obviously missed alot in the couple weeks I was gone,,,Guess I will have to go huntin again,,,for a site that is less Uptight?,, Have to find someplace else to meet,,and BS (hope I can say that?)
What The Hell?!
So.. now my NSFW albums are automatically private? Grrr.... What the hell is up with that?

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