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Which Vampire Personality Are You
You scored as Dracula, You are the smooth sexy cool Dracula. Patient and lustful. If you were any cooler youd be ice. Great style with a way of seducing those around you. And three brides who wouldn't want to be him. Dracula100% Marius100% Armand92% Angel58% Lestat58% Blade50% Louis42% Spike33% Deacon Frost25% Akasha8% Whose your Vampire personality? (images)created with
Which Character From The Movie "merlin" Are You?
Which character from the movie 'Merlin' are you? You are NIMUE - Merlin's true love, love of his life! You and Merlin meet in the woods as you and your party are lost. Merlin shows you the way and warns you to stay on the path - which of course you don't. You get into quick sand and call out for help. Merlin saves you! The love of you and Merlin stays with you all your life, although you get not much time to enjoy one another.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Which Creapy Killer Are You
Which Horror Movie Killer Are You?Jason VoorheesYou are Jason Voorhees. You seek one thing.... REVENGE! You don't care who gets in your way. When you kill you are always creative. You are strong and merciless. No wonder so many people are scared of you.Myspace Quizzes
Which Sign Are You??? I'm An Aries
AQUARIUS - Jan 21 - Feb 19 Ruling Planet: URANUS. The God of unexpected sexual twists and turns Aquarians make much better friends than lovers, but when a typical Aquarian gets some bang-bang, it's more an intellectual experience than an emotional one. Looks aren't important to Aquarians in a relationship; it's the mind and spirit of a lover that turns Aquarius on. They are very entertaining in bed and are probably the most inventive of all the signs. Mental stimulation is more important to them than physical, which means that pornography gets them hot! Aquarians are impatient and like sex to be fast and satisfying. They are very particular about hygiene and contraception and sleeping around holds little interest for them. FAVE POSITION Mutual masturbation. BEST SEX TOY A Dildo. Whether gay, straight, male or female, Aquarians will have some fun with this. AQUARIUS MALE IN BED He has amazing staying power in the sack. He can keep at it and control himself for as
Which Are You???
You are 77% Witch or Wizard! You are more white than black, seeing knowledge as something that could be dangerous in the wrong hands. You could be the protector we need.What type of Witch or Wizard are you?Create a Quiz
Which House Belongs To An Environmentalist?
LOOK OVER THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING TWO HOUSES AND SEE IF YOU CAN TELL WHICH BELONGS TO AN ENVIRONMENTALIST. HOUSE # 1: A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern "snow belt," either. It's in the South. HOUSE # 2: Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the Americ
Which Tarot Card Am I??
You are The Moon Hope, expectation, Bright promises. The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window. The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition. What Tarot Card are You?Take
Which Were Your Favorites?
Which were your favorites growing up? Just because I loved this.. cracked me up!
Which Is Better?
Please let me know which is better in your opinion and why.
Which Action Hero Are You?
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Captain Jack Sparrow Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three. Captain Jack Sparrow75% Indiana Jones71% Lara Croft71% Maximus71% Batman, the Dark Knight67% William Wallace58% The Terminator54% Neo, the "One"50% The Amazing Spider-Man
Which Door Do I Choose?
MySpace Codes & MySpace Layouts
Which Do You Perfer?
Okay guys, which do you perfer? Blonde Hair, Brown Hair, Red Hair? Black Hair, or even Bald?
Which Horror Killer Are You???
Which Horror Killer are You?created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Pinhead You are Pinhead. You come straight from hell. Your curiosity has caused you to make some mistakes in life. But you are now more powerful than you have ever been. You enjoy pain just as much as you enjoy pleasure. Unlike most killers, you like to make sure your victims suffer for all eternity.Michael Myers90% Pinhead90% Jigsaw80% Hannibal Lecter80% Jason Voorhees70% Freddy Krueger60% Leatherface60% Buffalo Bill60% Captain Spaulding50% Candyman20%
Which Gothic Animal Are You?
what gothic animal are you??created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as panther you scored as panther. your dangerous and wild..your cat83% wolf83% panther83% bat67%
Which Metal/metalcore Band Suits You?
Which Metal/Metalcore Band Suits You?created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Trivium You scored as Trivium. You love old school thrash metal and you are kinda gothic. You also look different from everyone else and you love it, good on ya!!!Trivium80% Killswitch Engage80% Slipknot65% All That Remains50% As I Lay Dying35%
Which One Piece Character Are You?(!112 Questions, 14 Possible Results!)
Which One Piece Character Are You?(!112 Questions, 14 Possible Results!)created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Mihawk Dark, Skilled, and Mysterious. Your Hawk-Eye-Mihawk!Mihawk75% Nico Robin75% Captain Smoker56% Monkey D. Luffy53% Portgas D. Ace50% Nefertari Vivi50% Shanks47% Tony Tony Chopper44% Enel41% Sanji41% Usopp
Which Metal/metalcore Band Suits You?
Which Metal/Metalcore Band Suits You?created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Trivium You scored as Trivium. You love old school thrash metal and you are kinda gothic. You also look different from everyone else and you love it, good on ya!!!Trivium100% Killswitch Engage100% All That Remains80% Slipknot80% As I Lay Dying40%
Which Inuyasha Hero Are Ya?
Which Inuyasha hero are ya?created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as InuYasha Congrats. You are Inuyasha! You are not much of a touchy-feely person but you are great in combat and have a short temper.InuYasha100% Sango40% Shippo20% Kagome20% Kaede0% Miroku0%
Which Lolita Type Are You?
Which Lolita Type Are You?created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Goth You're not much of a Lolita, you're simply a goth. Not that that's a bad thing. You might just want to swing by for all your gothy stuff. Goth83% Gothic Lolita67% Not Lolita50% Sweet Lolita42% Kodona33% Aristocrat25% Punk Lolita17% Classic Lolita8%
Which Friend Are You Like?
Which Friend are you like?created with QuizFarm.comYou scored as Caitlin! You're CAITLIN! You have an AMAZING talent on your hands and love to joke around and have fun with others. You are very caring of your family members and your close friends and always seem to get along with most people. You are a great friend and you will become successful within time :) Saying- "Awh Piss it!" Caitlin!100% Kara83% Amanda83% Josh67% Pat17%
Which Torchwood Character Are You?
Which Torchwood Character Are You?created with You scored as Toshiko Sato You are a quiet person who stays focused on what you are doing. You don't like other people interfering, and you pretend you don't care what they think of you. But if you find out, it really gets to you. You are passionate about your work, you enjoy it and it is major part in your life. Toshiko Sato 80%Gwen Cooper 74%Ianto Jones 74%Weevil 67%Suzie Costello 60%Owen Harper 47%
Which Candy Heart Are You?
your candy heart says Say Yes! Is it that surprising your candy heart implores you to "Say Yes"? Well it shouldn't if it's just mimicking what your true heart wants to say. Whether you're with your soul mate or still trying to find them, you're beyond flitting from date to date. You're ready for it all, the commitment of a lifetime, the white picket fence and the matching "his" and "hers" slippers. Well, maybe not the slippers. But surprise you with a getaway trip to Paris, Ireland, the Southwest, and your partner can lock you in for good. And if you're still looking, remember this: The best ones are always in the least likely places.
Which Vampire Character Are You?
Which vampire character are you?created with You scored as NikolaiYou are Nikolai, the spawn of Crucious. You are angry, brooding and on the violent side, but not without good reason. Underneath all of that stand-offish exterior, there is a sensitive person. Nikolai 75%Kasimir 65%Luciano/Crucious 60%Cameron 60%Dieter 40%
Which Animal Represents Your Sexual Appetite?
A dolphin A dolphin represents your sexual appetite. You enjoy the pleasures of sex, and you don’t care who you get it from. You are ruled by animal instinct, which makes you a great lover, but you should be careful and always use protection. (If a dolphin could… they would) Take this quiz at
Which 80’s Nintendo Character Turned You On The Most?
You are most attracted to Tetris shapes You are not really into thinking Nintendo characters are hot. But you are damn addicted to finding a place for all of those shapes…innuendo anyone? Take this quiz at
Which Anne Rice Vampire Is Most Likely To Turn You?
You are most likely to be turned by DAVID. You are a scholar, just the sort of person David looks for to spend eternity with. You're also extremely act like you are. You pretend to follow the rules, but...a select few know your TRUE nature. As much as you may try to deny it. Take this quiz at
Which One Fits Me
What Crystal Means C is for Charismatic R is for Refreshing Y is for Yummy S is for Striking T is for Tender A is for Alert L is for Luxurious C is for Casual R is for Responsible Y is for Young S is for Sporty T is for Tempting A is for Altruistic L is for Likeable C is for Casual R is for Radiant Y is for Young S is for Special T is for Trendy A is for Articulate L is for Lucky C is for Cynical R is for Radiant Y is for Yummy S is for Striking T is for Trustworthy A is for Amazing L is for Logical Now you tell me which one fits me
Which Pic For My Primary, I Get Bored With The Same One For So Long Lol
#1 #2 #3
Which Beatle Are You?
. Happy that this had to end? sure. Which member of The Beatles are you? JOHN LENNON: [ ] You were raised by someone other than your parents. [ ] You have step siblings. [ ] You get in trouble a lot at school. [ ] Your birthday is in October. [ ] You love Elvis. [ ] You don't like organized religion. [ ] You like cats more than dogs. [ ] You wear glasses. [ ] Your favorite color is green. [ ] You hate the dark. Total: 0 PAUL MCCARTNEY: [ ] One of your parents died when you were young. [ ] You are the oldest child in your family. [/] You do well in school. [ ] Your favorite color is blue. [/] You are fairly quiet. [ ] You are tall. [ ] You are conventional. [ ] You are a vegetarian. [ ] You were born in June. [ ] You had sex at the age of 15 or younger. Total: 2 GEORGE HARRISON: [/] Your parents are still together. [ ] You are the youngest child in your family. [ ] You don't do very well in school. [ ] You were born in February. [ ] You love gummy be
Which Am I
You are Betty Grable The ulitmate girl next door You're the perfect girl for most guys Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real. What Famous Pinup Are You?
Which Way Now?
horoscopes says............Today is perfect for starting in new directions and using your powerful energy to try new things. You may find that people are more willing than usual to help you out or follow your directions. Questions is where the fork do I wanna go????
Which Came First?
Q: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? A: Well, duh, the rooster did!
Which One Are You?
Those who Know, And Know That They don't know, is wise: Follow him Those who know, and don't know that they know; he is sleep; wake him Those who know, and don't know that they don't know, is a fool, shun him Which One Are You?
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman Are You?
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? You are a dark goddess!Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Which Celebrity Do You Look Like?
Which One Are You? Thought This Was Cute
Black Eyes
Which Is The Pitbull They Are Trying To Outlaw???
Which is the Pitbull they are trying to outlaw??? Which is the Pit Bull? 1. Boxer 2. Dogue De Bordeau 3. Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog 4. Great Swiss Mountain Dog 5. Vizsla 6. Rhodesian Ridgeback 7. Dogo Argentino 8. Labrador Retriever 9. BullMastiff 10. Jack Russell Terrier 11. Fila Brasileiro 12. Rottweiler 13. Presa Canario 14. American Bulldog 15. Cane Corso 16. American Pit Bull Terrier ----- JUST THIS 1 - Can we say BSL (Breed Specific Legislation)? We need to stand for what is right and for those pups that are NOT harmful 2 anyone. 17. Patterdale Terrier 18. Olde English Bulldogge 19. Cathoula 20. Bull Terrier Quiz – Whats ur fav weed? You like that really strong weed!!! You like that really strong weed!!! It has a small amount of fruity flavor and it fucks you up!! A personal favorite of mine. Take this quiz at
Which Superhero Am I?
Results: Wonder Woman You are a beautiful princess with great strength of character. Wonder Woman=90% Green Lantern=85% Supergirl=70% The Flash=60% Hulk=60% Spider-Man=50% Iron Man=40% Robin=35% Superman=35% Catwoman=30% Batman=20% Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
Which Horror Movie Killer Am I Most Like Today
Which Horror Movie Killer Are You?ChuckyYou're Chucky, the mischievous one of the bunch. You are very determined and open-minded. What you want your guarantee to get it. You don't kill to kill your more strategic and have a purpose. You use anything you can to get the job done. Good for you!Television-Movies Quizzes
Which Ghost Of The 13 Are You
Which ghost of the 13 are you? The Torn Prince Windsor is your name and being a heartthrob is your game. You were smart, not to mention BEAUTIFUL and were the talk of the town. But you were considered an outcast by the other guys at your school. One night of fun with hook hanging took it's toll..what an accident. You tried to do it yourself but you created your own death. Now you wander about, beating people with random weapons in death. You are The Torn Prince. Which ghost of the 13 are you?The Torn PrinceWindsor is your name and being a heartthrob is your game. You were smart, not to mention BEAUTIFUL and were the talk of the town. But you were considered an outcast by the other guys at your school. One night of fun with hook hanging took it's toll..what an accident. You tried to do it yourself but you created your own death. Now you wander about, beating people with random weapons in death. You are The Torn Prince. Pain-Gore-Death Quizzes
Which Of The 13 Ghosts Are You?
Which ghost of the 13 are you?The Withered LoverYou are a mother who've lived on the same road in the same, pleasant town all of your life. you have a great family, a nice job and a welcoming community with friends just around the corner. Tragedy hardly strikes in your part of town...but when one of your kids got ahold of some matches, ..well...tragedy struck. You were burnt a couple of times while you were trying to run out of the house but you couldn't get out, and you burned to death. Everyone was struck with grief. You are The Withered Lover.Pain-Gore-Death Quizzes
Which Is Best
Ok all you out there in your opinion which is the best Clan, Family or group to join ?
Which Kind Of Friend Are You??
Sincere Friends... Know my feelings. Reveal to me how they feel. Teach me about myself. Are comfortable with silence. Feel free to tell me the truth. Give me the freedom to fail. Love me for who I am. Superficial Friends... Know only the facts about me. Tell me what they've done. Tell me about others. Feel awkward with silence. Would leave me if I let them down. Love me for what I can do. © Copyright by Sheri Rose Shepherd
Which One You Like More?
Which Story Is Yours??
Love is not always always like a fairytale... There are people who give much love to those who doesn't love them back... There are some who feel so loved and find out in the end that they were fooled... There are some whos into mutual love but can't call their partner as their own 'coz someone already holds the title... There are some who give so much love but the other wont believe 'coz they always consider your past... There are some who receive so much love but can't seem to move on from previous relationship... or others just want to play the game and choose their playmates... NOW WHICH STORY IS YOURS? (",)
Which Pie Are You?
Which Drink Are You?
Take the What Drink are You Quiz - What Kind of Drink are You? at!Make Your Own Quiz
Which Do I Choose
I have had a best friend for a while now and I have had a crush on him for a long time. He told me that nothing would ever happen between us. So I was ok just being a really good friends. I was told by him that he has changed his feeling for me and i dont know what to do now. Then there is a a guy that I really like on here and we get along so well but we have a long dist relationship if we get to gether it would be a 13 hr drive to see each other. He makes me smile and very happy every time we talk. You that tingle feeling in the pit of your tummy. hmm plz help me.
Which Clan Do You Like
I dont know if anyone hasd watched the series based on the white wolf rpg called the masquerade. It has many clans...Brujah, Ventru. gangrel, ect. My most fave is the ventru....since its the principality in the series! Julian and Archon Rule! leave comments please oh and uhm do u think they should bring it back with new people like they did with the NG Trek? and who should they have
Which Monster Are You
Which Pie Are You
Which Drink Are You?
Take the Drink Quiz at!Make Your Own Quiz
Which Should It Be Christmas,hoildays,or Seasons Greeting ??
Which Would U Choose
Far Better is it to dare mighty things,to win glorious triumphs ,even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
Which Witch Are You?
There are several different traditions of Wicca. Here are some of the more well-known traditions. You could practice one, none or mix and match as you see fit. If you are not immediately drawn to one, research a couple until you find the one that fits. If you are a practitioner of a tradition not on this list, e-mail Apythia the information, and we will be happy to add it. Alexandrian Tradition: Founded in England during the 1960's, Alex Sanders referred to himself as the "King" of his Witches. It is a formal, structed, neo-Gardnerian tradition. There is a public domain version of the Alexandrian Book of Shadows available online. Amythystian : Founded in 1968 by Lady Amethyst. Tradition is rooted in the Order of the Garter, Order of the Royal Oak. Traditional with lots of Hermetic beliefs. Dedicated to preserving old traditions while growing into a new generation of enlightened ones. Teaches by example in daily life, at home and at work, as well as when among our own. Known throu
~ Which Car Do You Feel Safe In? ~
Why do Americans love the bigger cars? Well watch below and tell me which would you rather get hit at 40 mph in :) This one ;) or this one :( or maybe this one? :( doesn't make a difference if the air bag deploys if the dashboard come back to you head, or this one crunches all the way to the b post (between driver and rear seat :(
Which Are You- Happy Go Lucky
TAURUS - The Enduring One (4/20-5/20) Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous. 12 years of bad luck if you do not forward. VIRGO - The Perfectionist (8/23-9/22) Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Al ways wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic. 7 years of bad luck if you do not forward. SCORPIO - The Intense One (10/23-11/21) Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or posse
Which One Got You Hard?
Gifs at Gifs at Gifs at Gifs at
Which Joker Card Are You?
which Joker's Card are you?The Carnival of CarnageMyspace Quizzes
Which Hole?
A women has been in a comma for many years when the doctor tells the husband that while sponge bathing her the nurse noticed some brain activity when she washed around her privates and that he should try oral sex to see if it helps bring her out of it. Reluctantly the man agrees and the man is given his privacy. Not 5 minutes later the woman flat lines and has to be given CPR. The doctor asks the man "What on earth happened?" The man replies " I don't know Doc. She must have choked"
Which Do You See????
You saw a couple in an intimate pose.........................right? Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario. What they will see, however, is the nine dolphins in the picture! So, I guess we've already proven y ou're not a young innocent child. Now, if it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind SO corrupted that Y O U probably need help! OK, here's help: Look at the space between her right arm and her head, the tail is on her neck, follow it up. Look at her left hip, follow the shaded part down, it's another one, and on his shoulder... OH, SURE, you see them NOW !!!!!!
Which One Do You Prefer Tattoos Or Peircings?
Which One Am I??
Your Personality Is Like Acid A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe... And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime. What people like about being around you: You say and do the craziest things. You're very entertaining. What people dislike about being around you: You're unpredictable. Your mood swings are quite intense. How addicted people get to you: They pretty much don't get addicted to you. What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
Which Are You?
Which are You? THERE are two kinds of people on earth to-day; Just two kinds of people, no more, I say. Not the sinner and saint, for it's well understood, The good are half bad, and the bad are half good. Not the rich and the poor, for to rate a man's wealth, You must first know the state of his conscience and health. Not the humble and proud, for in life's little span, Who puts on vain airs, is not counted a man. Not the happy and sad, for the swift flying years Bring each man his laughter and each man his tears. No; the two kinds of people on earth I mean, Are the people who lift, and the people who lean. Wherever you go, you will find the earth's masses, Are always divided in just these two classes. And oddly enough, you will find too, I ween, There's only one lifter to twenty who lean. In which class are you? Are you easing the load, Of overtaxed lifters, who toil down the road? Or are you a leaner, who lets others share
Which Animal Toem Best Suits You?
Which animal totem best suits you?created with You scored as DogYou are the Dog. You are the most loyal of your friends and you protect them at all costs. Being what you are makes you happy and your friends like that about you. Dog 92%Eagle 83%Deer 83%Stag 83%Crow 75%Bear 67%Salmon 67%Fox 67%Wolf 58%Dragon
Which Shirt Should You Wear?
Which Of These Shirts Should You Wear? You have a creative personality and like bright,unique clothhes. You invent your own trends, and don't follow others.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Which Autism Treatments Are Working?
Your child is getting three types of therapies, a special diet, and a pharmaceutical medication. She's also enrolled in a specialized school program. Even if her abilities are improving, you may not know which intervention is making the difference. As a result, you may be spending time and money on treatments that do absolutely nothing for your child! Why Goals, Benchmarks and Evaluations Matter: What does the behavioral therapist hope to accomplish? Why is the occupational therapist having your child bounce on a trampoline? By understanding your therapists' goals and the benchmarks they use to measure success, you'll be better equipped to make good choices on your child's behalf. Every Child Develops and Matures - With No Intervention at All: It's important to remember that your child is likely to grow and change without any treatment at all. His sudden interest in other children could be caused by his own internal development - and not by any of his expensive, time-consuming therap
Which Party Are You?
Father/Daughter Talk A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat, and was very much in favor of 'the redistribution of wealth.' She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his. One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher taxes on the rich an d the addition of more government welfare programs. The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school. Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she
Which Playboy Girlfriend Are You?
Which Playboy girlfriend are you?HollyYour a very busy woman and love to have fun.Fashion is your thing.You are the boss no matta what!How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Which To Choose
Two choices- Two hearts;- One gently and kinda,- The other rough and angry;- One sure but unsure;- Two completely different men,- With one common love;- My heart unsure,- Ripped apart from loves torment;- Which way to go,- Which man is right;- A cold love or,- A passionate hate:- Stomach turning,- My heart burning;- Unknown future,- Unknown fate;- Which to choose,- Who to love;- Chose one,- Lose the other;- No telling who is right,- No telling which way to go;- Maybe neither is right,- Three paths not two;- Path one and two leading to wonderful men,- But path three has no destination;- Turmoil unknown,- Love to far to see;- Starting over,- A new way to live and love;- Choice one,- Choice two,- Choice three;- Choice one and two,- More pain;- Choice three could mean happiness,- Choice three sounds best to me. Copyrigth@2003
Which You Rather ?
i love fubar it rocks
Which Vampire Clan From The Masquerade Do You Belong To?
Which Vampire Clan from The Masquerade do you belong to?created with You scored as TremereYou belong to Clan tremere: Power lies in the supernatural which many doesn't understand. You wish to seek knowledge within book and your montor/teacher. Perhaps you seek to much Brujah 100%Toreador 100%Ventrue 100%Tremere 100%Lasombra 86%Malkavian 86%Gangrel 71%Tzimisce 57%Nosferatu 43%
Which One R U
Looks vs Personality vs GAME. which is you..? From a gender standpoint, they say : fellas go for looks, and da ladies go for personality.. A guy with good game, or verbal-rap-ability (as I call it.. haha) has 1 up on any guy with none (looks or otherwise). And chic with good looks has 1 up on any women... But my original thoughts were, that would change as we get older and more mature.... Shhhh*t, who am I kidding.. haha Some things do change, but it always boils to GAME. Reguardless of gender, if you got GAME, you're gonna get served... HOLLA.. hahahaa I know some of you are like, what da hell are you talkin about Rome.. but let me break it down... An ugly woman who talks like she's gonna put out, will get attention and possibly more.... So, there goes the idea that men go for looks first... A chic on a mission, can and will go home with the best looking guy she can find.. So, there goes women wanting brains first. Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus..
Which Set Do U Like?
A Sexy Animations @ Sexy Animations @ B Sexy Animations @ Sexy Animations @
Whickey Dreams Tag 1
Whickey Dreams Tag 2
Whickey Dreamd Tag3
Whickey Dreams Tag 5
Whickey Tag 7
Which Superhero I Am
Take the Superhero Quiz at!Make Your Own Quiz Take the Heaven or Hell Quiz at!Make Your Own Quiz
Which Is Yours?
Below are True descriptions of zodiac signs. Read your sign, and then forward it on, with your zodiac sign and label on the subject line. This is the real Deal, try ignoring or changing it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning - and it only gets Worse from there. Remember, if you are on the cusp of another sign you most likely will have features of both signs...which may lead you into total confusion... CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be Good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be Unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they Want. 20 years of bad luck if you do not forward. AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional.
Which Famous Mythology Creature Matches Your Personality
Which Famous Mythology Creature Matches Your Personality?ChimeraYou have many different personas. No one knows what you will do next, will you kill them, love them, hate them. You are not to be trifled with, you talk a lot of shit but you can also back up your words. Your independant to the point of being a hermet. You think your "ugly" but its you differences that make you beautifull.How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Which Roman God Are You(female)
Which Roman God are you?(Female)JunoYou are Juno. She is the Queen of the gods. You like being the leader. You like having other peoplke solve your problems for you. How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
Which You Prefer??
Hey Guys, What type of panties do you prefer your woman to wear (boy shorts, thongs, or granny panties)?? Do you like your woman shaved, trimmed, or like a forrest?? Hey Gals, What type of undies do you prefer on your man (boxers, whitey tighties, or boxer briefs)?? Do you like your man saved, trimmed, or do you like combing your teeth?? Had a conversation with some friends and you know us women we always talk about things like this. Well, I seem to be da only one dat likes my man trimmed so close dat its almost like it shaven. And I luv my man in boxer briefs. Just wanted to see other views is all.
Which One Are You?
A simple bitch will take you where you need to go. *A real bitch throws you her keys and says it needs gas in it! *A simple bitch will tell you not to fight, it aint worth it. *A real bitch will say beat her ass and look at the crowd and say "better nobody jump in". *A simple bitch will let another bitch know she can back the fuck up or get knocked the fuck out. *A real bitch will just knock her the fuck out!!! *A simple bitch tells you, she's had enough to drink. *A real bitch tells you we need another shot, we bout to get fucked up! *A simple bitch goes to the club with you and sits down. *A real bitch goes to the club with you and says lets show these simple bitches how we do it. *A simple bitch wonders who your new man is. *A real bitch know that mutha fucka's first name, last name , his birthday, where he lives, who he's related to, what kinda car he drive's, where he works, how many babies mama's he has, and how many bitches he is talking to right now! *A
Which One Is Me
Which Is It ?
So which was it ??? Or who was your friends before the happy hours? And who will it be next month ?
Which Is Better?
or ?
Which 1 Am I 2 U?
Which Sex In The City Girl Are You?
Sex and the City Quiz by Funny Quizzes!MySpace Quizzes | Stupid Test | Fun Quizes.
Which Are You?
Carrots, Eggs, & Coffee A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee...You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up, She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ' Tell me what you see.' 'Carrots, eggs, and coffee,'
Which 70's/80's Rocker Am I???
DUH!!! LOL Which 1970`s-1980`s Rockstar are you?Nikki SIxxBass Guitarist of Motley CrueClick Here to Take This QuizQuizzes and Personality Tests
Which One Are U???
Remember, if you are on the cusp of another sign you most likely will have features of both signs...which may lead you into total confusion..... CAPRICORN - The Go -Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be Good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they Want. AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality. PISCES - The Dreamer (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague.. Sensitive. Don't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kin
Which One Of These Things Doesn't Belong?
Cyanide & Happiness @
Which One Are You
CAPRICORN - THE SEXY ONE (12/22-1/19) Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Sweet. Loud. Loyal. Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please.Loves to smile.Beautiful laugh.Patient.Cautious.Bit of naughty.The one and only. AQUARIUS - THE ONE U CAN'T TOUCH (1/20-2/18) Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Attractive. Loud. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. PISCES - THE SEX ADDICT (2/19-3/20) Adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. Always get what they want. Very Attractive. Easy going. RARE Find. GOOD when found. Loves being in long relationship. Talkative. Romantic. Caring. NOT one to mess with. ARIES - THE PLAYER (3/21-4/19) Nice. Love is one of a kind. G
Which Of The Five Senses Am I?
You are the Sense of Sight You are a very observant, detail oriented person. You are able to take in a lot of information at once. You often see things that other people never notice. You have a good eye for design and aesthetics. You love to be surrounded by beauty - natural or not. When you imagine how something should look, you see it clearly in your mind. Which of the Five Senses Are You?
Which X-men Character Are You...
Nightcrawler As Nightcrwaler, you are most likely a person of strong faith... you believe that things happen for a reason and in time, you'll realize that it probably work out for the best!!! You have a heart of gold and your very understanding. You know how it feels to be different from others! You love your friends very much despite the fact that you don't fit in well... People can certainly count on you and you know that you can count on them no matter how sticky the situation is!!!
Which Type Of Dragon Are You?
You are a pixie dragon You are something special, you just don't know it yet. Your friends can see it, so can your family, you just need to break out of your shell and see your inner beauty. Your scales are a bright red, and instead of dragon wings, you carry butterfly wings on your back instead. Your friends care for you deeply, don't ever lose them.
Which Color Represents You?
Which Colour Represents You???created with You scored as PurplePurple is powerful, just like you. You are a very devoted person that likes to get things finished and you do this by balancing out fun and seriousness. This way you get the best of both and no matter what always end up winning. You are very competitive, driven and have an aura of mystery about you which sometimes people find astounding. Purple 94%Yellow 89%Blue 89%Black 83%Orange 83%White 83%Green 78%Pink 72%Red 72%
Which Famous Dragon Are You Most Like?
I am Quetzalcoatl I am the Aztec feathered serpent god of the sun. The Mayans called me Kukulkan. Since my wings are rainbow colored, you can see a rainbow as I fly over head. As a diety, I am important, for I was the god of many things. I can bring rain or fire, am the god of twins and the wind, and much more. Read more . Which famous dragon are you? Take the test and find out now.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? Final Fantasy VII
Which Action Hero Would You Be?
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow, Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three. Captain Jack Sparrow88% Batman, the Dark Knight88% Lara Croft75% William Wallace75% Indiana Jones67% The Terminator58% Neo, the "One"54% El Zorro46% The Amazing Spider-Man46% James Bond, Agent 007
Which Super Villain Are You?
Your results:You are Mystique Mystique 82% Venom 77% Apocalypse 71% Magneto 67% Dr. Doom 64% Two-Face 58% Catwoman 57% Dark Phoenix 57% Juggernaut 50% Mr. Freeze 50% Poison Ivy 48% Kingpin 48% The Joker 46% Lex Luthor 46% Riddler 46% Green Goblin 46% Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen. Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test
Which Classic Screen Goddess Are You?
You scored as Rita Hayworth, You're the one who has the most fun. People are attracted to you because you don't pretend to be anything but what you are. You know you are attractive and like to play on that - which makes you even sexier. However, when it calls for you to be serious, like Rita, you need to know that only hard work will get success. comment and rate this quiz... thankyou!Rita Hayworth90% Vivien Leigh80% Mae West75% Judy Garland60% Audrey Hepburn55% Marilyn Monroe35% Which Classic Screen Goddess are you? (pics)created with
Which Drink Are You And Why?
Which Goddess Do You Connect With?
You scored as Bast. You are connected to Bast, Egyptian cat goddess, and goddess of the moon. Daughter of Ra. You are connected with joy, pleasure, music and dancing, and the moon.Bast94%Aphrodite81%Sekhmet69%Ix Chel69%Green Tara63%Isis56%Which Goddess do you connect with? ---But this one's better.created with
Which Of The Five Senses Am I?
You are the Sense of Sight You are a very observant, detail oriented person. You are able to take in a lot of information at once. You often see things that other people never notice. You have a good eye for design and aesthetics. You love to be surrounded by beauty - natural or not. When you imagine how something should look, you see it clearly in your mind. Which of the Five Senses Are You?
Which One Is "the One"?
I have had a couple relationships in my past that I thought could have been "the one". Of course I am refering to them as past that means something happened to either chanage my mind, or that they didn't feel the same way. Unfortunately sometimes it is just that. Sometimes they don't feel the same way. I have had relationships that have started off really hot and then just fizzled out. The reason being is because at first it was all based on lust. We really didn't know each other and we jumped into something physical and then started talking and thought...Wait a minute? I don't know if I like this person all that much. Relationships like those you jump into cause there is a huge attraction. Maybe both of you are on the rebound so you see someone that excites you and you buy each other drinks and giggle, dance to a couple songs at the local club, then next thing you know your Levi's are laying on their bedroom floor. Those are the types of relationships I use to f
Which Major Arcane Are You
You Scored as The High PriestessDivinatory Meaning: Be guided by your intuition. Reverse Meaning: Superstitious. Deluded. You feel energy around you…everywhere. You are aware of things that others are not. You listen more to your inner voice or feelings than most people. Concentrate your efforts on this gift. It is a talent that will develop as you focus on it.
Which Story Would Be Choose
I will take a break from my Northern escapades weekend with those guys… yes we were referred to as one of those guys by the staff at Camelot Country Club. I was going to tell my Coronita and Absolute story that is why an Amish lady let me into my room, however there are a couple of pore souls that need their stories told before. Have you heard about the pore dude that just couldn’t catch a break? Well apparently what he did catch was the hood of a car and the grill of a train…all in one night! A Boulder, CO man was hospitalized after he was hit by a train while walking his bicycle across a railroad bridge in Boulder, Colo., early Wednesday, about six hours after he was hit by a car, local station KMGH reported. Police said it was the second trip to the emergency room in six hours for the man. He is reported in stable condition. According to police, Robert Evans, 46, was struck by a hit-and-run driver on Tuesday night around 10:00 PM, while riding his bicycle at the intersection o
Which Candy Am I
Which Halloween Candy Are You?You're Candy CornYou're super sweet and very traditional-- thinking outside the proverbial box is not exactly your forte, but when it comes to being a good friend to those around you, there's no one better. Some might say the confections in this treat are a bit too much-- similar to your friendly factor-- but the truth is, you're genuine about who you are and there's nothing wrong with that.Food-Drink Quizzes
Which Tagmaker Do U Like????
The tagmaker position is open and we have three members that have made a sample tag. I thought it should be on the family members to vote which one they like the best!! Here are the sample ID tags...Click on link to see better!! #1 #2 #3 Just leave a comment saying which tag you like and the one with the most votes will be the new tagmaker!!! This vote ends at 6 p.m. EST Saturday!! Thanx your friend Scooter
Which One Shall I Wear?
Which One Shall I Wear? A thousand masks lay upon the shore King,Thief,Beggar Man or Whore Which mask shall I wear today? What person shall I put on display? If I am a King will you see? Will you come and want to serve me? If I am thief should I hide in shadows? Stealing too live and nobody knows? If I am the Beggar Man will you give? Will you ever care if through the day I live? If I decide to play out the Whore? Will it be you walking through my door? So many other masks lay before me as well So hard to choose which will cover my hell I know that if you look very close at my masks You may see the thousands of tiny cracks The years have worn me to a shriveled man Watching as everything crumbled all my plans Can a mask truly cover a man’s pain? Or hide his utter distain? What do these masks really do for my life? I can say for sure they do not end my pain and strife
Which Way Should I Go
This is the deal. After being in a commited relationship for 3 years and having it come crashing down around my head, my world is changing. My plans for marriage and moving to another state for his job but now that is not to be. So here I was getting ready for the move and marriage and my plans have now changed. There are not many jobs in this area to be had. Ive had a wonderful job offer about 3 hours from me. I need to take this job but just dont know really what i should do. My son is 13 and he really doesnt want to leave his school but of course will go with me whatever my decision. I suppose living in one place all my life has me a bit scared to make that huge step of moving and doing it alone. Grrrrrr sometimes I wish i could close my eyes and make a wish for this nightmare to end. Do i stay or go, am i going to mess up our lives but rushing off headlong into another state?? Hmmm stay tuned and lets see how it goes.
Which Colors Appeal To You?
The Ultimate Color Test When you are at peace, you are: Deeply stable When you are moved to act, you are: Giving and warm When you are inspired, you are: Creative and productive When your life is perfectly balanced, you are: Philosophical and expressive Your life's purpose is: To live a passionate life The Ultimate Color Test
Which Ship?
Your result for Which Star Trek Ship Should You Command? Test... Nova Class!10% Flight_Control, 30% Tactical, 60% Science and 30% Command! Congratulations! You have been assigned a Nova Class vessel! Designed to replace the aging Oberth Class, the Nova is a state of the art science ship, equipped with the latest top of the line sensor packages. She is the perfect choice for planetary or spatial survey missions! Take Which Star Trek Ship Should You Command? Test at HelloQuizzy
Which Victoria Secret Angel Are You?
You Are Most Like Gisele Bundchen Slightly exotic and perfectly gorgeous Which Victoria's Secret Angel Are You?
Which Poem Are You?
Which poem are you?The Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia PlathTo you, love is desperate and hateful. You're wildly passionate and wildly inventive. You're also likely to start stalking people. Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by quizzes and personality tests.
Which Of The Greek Gods Are You?
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? MorpheusTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Which Magical Symbol Is Connected To You?
Which Magical Symbol Is Connected To You? Glitter is your magical symbol. It represents life and personality which will always be around. The glitter, in itself, expresses vivid excitement, and so always catches the eye of every passer. It's impossible not to automatically look at glitter, have you noticed? The way it sparkles, and beckons your attention... it's GLITTER!Happy quizilling,GoddessTake this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Which Side Of The Street??
Ole and his wife Lena live in Minnesota . One winter morning while listening to WCCO, they hear the announcer say, "We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even numbered side of the street, so the snowplow can get through." Lena goes out and moves her car. A week later, while they were eating breakfast, the radio announcer says, "We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd numbered side of the street so the snowplow can get through." Lena goes out and moves her car again. The next week they are having breakfast again, when the radio announcer says, "We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You must park......", Then the electric power goes out. Lena is very upset and, with a worried look on her face, she says, "Honey, I don' know what to do. Which side of the street do I need to park on so the plow can get through?" With the love and understanding in Ole's voice, like all
Which One Of Santa's Reindeer Are You
You Are Vixen Sexy and sultry, you're the one all the other reindeer dream about. Why You're Naughty: That fur pulling spat you got into with Dancer over Santa. Why You're Nice: Because even when you're nice, you're still delightfully naughty! Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
Which Fetus Are You?
Which FETUS are you?God FetusI am powerful! I rule you.Myspace Quizzes
Which Starbucks Drink Are You?
Which Starbucks Drink Are You? (Great Pictures)Starbucks FrappucinoStarbucks Frappucino( Quizzes
Which Martini Are You?
Which Martini Are You? (with pictures)Deadly MartiniYou are the deadly, poisenous martini...You face challenges and you are brave enough to tell people how you think, your friends may think you have a soft side (which you do) but only around the people you love and adore.Personality-Emotion Quizzes
Which Candy Bar Are You?
Which Candy Bar Are You? (pics)SnickersYou are crunchy, sweet, and slick. You can be moody sometimes, but usually happy. You are also very nutty. Sillyness!Personality-Emotion Quizzes
Which Care Bear Are You?
Which Care Bear Are You?You're Grumpy BearOkay, Debbie Downer-- time for you to turn that frown upside down. Seriously, dude-- loosen up. Sure, things might not be as hunky-dory as your fellow Care Bears seem to think it is, but there's no need to constantly be burdened by that rain cloud both on your belly and over your head. The shine does shine every now and then if you take the time to look.Myspace Quizzes
Which Is Smarter?
I'm kinda curious which is smarter and the better rider. I'm betting on the twin in the glasses. He has a much more realistic look. The one without glasses looks part weasel! I'm betting the one without glasses prefers to ride and suck banana's!ROTFLMMFAO
Which Twilight Movie Character Are You?~
Twilight Quiz by fun quizzes! » » Internet Sweepstakes - IQ Tests - The Dumb Test « « Quizzes | Hollywood Movie Trivia Quizzes | Dumb MySpace Quizzes
Which Are You? I'm Virgo
CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter (Dec 22 - Jan 19) Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be Good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they t hink and can be Unfriendly at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want. 20 years of good luck if you forward. AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Op timistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality. 11 years of luck if you forward. PISCES - The Dreamer (Feb 19 - Mar 20) Generous, kind, and thoughtful. V ery creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful. 8 years of good luck if you forward. ARIES - The D
Which Way...
Sometimes I wonder where life is headed... which way will it be, which way will I choose... Will it be an uphill ride, slow and steady, just right and smooth... Or will it be a downward spiral, fast and rugged... which way will it be, which way will I choose... Will I find someone who suits me, with the same passions, the same zest... Or will he be so different, so unique, so unknown... which way will it be, which way will I choose. One day I may know, One day I may not... Which way... Which way I'll wonder not...
Which Oscar Would I Win
You Would Win Best Costume Design You are imaginative, artistic, and very unique. You are a natural designer. You can picture entire movies in your head. You are incredibly visual. As long as you can remember, you've always had a flare for fashion. You like to experiment with looks. You like dressing up in costumes and outfits. And not just for Halloween! What Would You Win an Oscar For?
Which Deadly Sin Is Yours? (again Room For Debate!)
Which Deadly Sin Is Yours? Sloth Slow the world down a little and kick back. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Find out your Deadly Sin at
Which Poems Should Be Put To Music ?
Please vote those you prefer, at most 3.
Which Side Wins!!
To Hopeing You Find Your Balance In You and Everything Around You!!
Which Are You?
A carrot, an egg, and a cup of Oolong tea � You will never look at a cup of Oolong the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed Oolong tea. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the Oolong out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see." "Carrots, eggs, and Oolong tea," she replied.
Which Why Nothing Is Impossible
When the cold nights been sleepless and faith turned to be weakly hopeless in the sharp darkness that never shines when I had truly nothing to call mine I founded you.. when the roads been long and I was lost & the sun's light seemed never to last days passed by , crossing back to the past.. when I never truly felt these days un-noticed I felt you.. when I walked the unknown with tears ahead. Fear pumped my heart for the unknowns threat Blood boiled through my frozen dead soul..and just when I needed to live again & feel whole I found you.. How I found you? when the merciless light blinded my eyes & I was lost while walking the road of lies when the near tomorrow I was unable to see when I feared searching for you, even for me! My love actually ;by then You found me.
Which Are You??
A carrot, an egg, and a cup of Oolong tea � You will never look at a cup of Oolong the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed Oolong tea. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the Oolong out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see." "Carrots, eggs, and Oolong tea," she replied.
Which Kiss I Am:
French kiss A deep touch of Love. Sign of Strong imotions.All the love that is inside represent it all.
Which Transformer Are You?
I am Jazz You are Jazz. You're used to being the coolest one in the group. However, you're genuinely cool, not just in terms of your sophisticated style, but also because you always keep a cool head. You're comfortable and able to have a good time almost anywhere. Because you're good under pressure and multi-talented, you're very well liked...and you don't let it go to your headlights. Transformers Character Quiz »'s fun quizzes! ~ Barack Obama's IQ ~ Honeymoon Sweepstakes ~ The Dumb Test ~ Quizzes | Movie Trivia & Movie Quizzes | Dumb MySpace Quotes
Which Moment ???
Any moment I could start being a better person, but which moment will I choose ????
Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Compatible With? Scorpio From Facebook
You are most compatible with SCORPIO! I'm sure most of your friends are Scorpions! Together you're going to rock! Scorpio’s are strong, deep, mysterious, complex, and also secretive. One trait of the Scorpio personality is that of an achiever, striving to succeed, and do well in life. They are often an influence of leadership and play important roles in the lives of people surrounding them. They may appear to calm and self controlling, but in reality they are actually very emotional individuals.Scorpio’s are considered to be gifted. Their high striving minds are often incapable of accepting failure.Thus, Scorpio’s are often more likely to succeed in their goals and dreams. Scorpio’s prove to be excellent friends. They are loyal and committed to their companions and are often vital roles in the lives of the one’s who love them.   My Mom got the same thing which is my dad lmao
Which Is You?
these days people use two different reasoning types, logic and feelings.  personally i se the logic sense, whats going to happen? whats the right choice? will it work? why wont it work and why will it work.  a lot of people will go by their "gut feeling" and a lot of times it is a good decision, but its not always the correct one.  when feelings are used such as i feel like chicken tonight or i feel hes cheating on me we dont use the logic part of the brain that tells us that if we push things too far we will only be hurting ourselves or we end up hurting someone else.  personally i used  to base everything off feeling and realizzed one day that this isnt the way to go.  thats just for me not everyone.  most of the time when we use the feelings side of things we unconsciencely make the decision based on our personal gain.  some do it rationally and some do it without even knowing it.  when logic is used we base things off of how this will effect you and how it will others, we base the
Which Looks Better Help Me Choose
Get glitter and more at!Get glitter and more at!
Which One Are You?
You are The Hierophant (Heavenly Master) Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching. All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel. The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.
Which Cartoon Character I Am.
I'm Bart Simpson Eat My Shorts! You were the cheeky little neighbourhood kid that was always up to your ears in mischief. You are unafraid of the consequences of your thrillseeking actions and are always on the lookout for an easy mark to carry out your shenanigans and hi-jinx!
Which Is Worse A Broken Heart Or Death
Which is worse?Death or a broken heart?Death is only once ,But a broken heart shall be forever a burden on my back for me to carry.
Which Is Better?
shout me and let me know if you prefere my current pic or my previous "evil flock of seaguls/billy idol/misfits" pic...
Which Mummer Would You Want To Meet The Most?
So after hanging out with Broken Angel and Witty last weekend and then again with witty tonight, I was wondering who is the one person in  the mumm world you would want to meet....but here's the can only pick one person.  So be very careful who you pick. lol
Which Tarot Card Are You
You are The Wheel of Fortune Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of intoxication with success The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.
Which Reminds Me...
So I was thinking about my traffic ticket and thinking about karma and how maybe I deserved it for wrong doings not caught or perhaps it was going to prevent an accident because I would now be hyper aware of my driving. But then I remembered one night about 3 or 4 years ago.  I was driving home from the strip club, working not patronizing, and about a mile down the road I got pulled over. This young officer came up to the door, I rolled down my window. It was raining and winter so it was even more bothersome.  He told me he pulled me over because my license plate light was out.  I had recently had the car worked on so I figured that was a result of it. However, something about his demeanor seemed a little too casual.  So I asked him his name not seeing a name tag on his uniform.  He said his name was Steve. "Officer Steve?" I asked him suspiciously. "Yeah." He said kind of cocky. Then his partner waved him over to leave.  Then he told me he'd let me go with a warning and to have a
Which Tv Series Did This Lyric Come From?
Thank goodness found the full version....... ok which tv show is this from?     When you walk down the road Heavy burden, heavy load I will rise and I will walk with you When you walk through the night And you feel like you wanna just give up, give up, give up on the fight I will come and I will walk with you Walk with you Until the sun don't even shine Walk with you I'll be there all the time I tell you I'll walk with you See you through When you walk from this place And you gotta go to meet Him face to face Take my hand and I will walk with you Oh, oh walk with you Till the clouds fade away I tell you I 'll walk with you Each and every day Oh yes I'll walk with you Oh, oh oh when nobody cares I'll be right there by your side If all your hope is lost I'm the one that's gonna help you see the light Just look into my eyes Please know you're not alone I'm here, I'm here by your side Walk with you Walk with you Walk with you I'll be there all the time, I'm gonna walk with you Walk with
Which Demon Lies Within You?
Vampire You prefer night to day and have lust for eveything abnormal. You stay true to who you really are and ignore the people who try to change you. You also like blood and the idea of being an actual vampire.... and sucking your enemies dry ^_^
Which Element Are You
  Fire You are ''hot-headed'' and most of the time you get your way. You like to control people but hate to be controlled. Although you also have a tame side.    
Which Of The Seven Dwarfs Are You?
You Are Sleepy You are an easy-going, relaxed person. You don't have a care in the world, and you find it easy to nod off anytime. People enjoy being around you. You are a complete natural, and you always act however you feel. Despite what people may think, you don't have a lazy bone in your body. You are a very hard worker. When work needs to be done, you'll work your hardest. That's why you're so sleepy at the end of the day! Which of the Seven Dwarfs Are You? Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!
Which Heavenly Virtue Are You?
You Are Temperance You believe in all things in moderation - including virtue. You try to be virtuous, but not too virtuous. You try to practice self discipline, but you don't deny yourself pleasure. You try to walk the middle path. You are very mindful and observant. You are aware of your surroundings and your own impact on the world. You try to tread lightly and inflict as little damage as possible. You want the world to benefit from your existence. Which Heavenly Virtue Are You? Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet
Which Browser
The Which Karamazov Brother Are You Test ...
Your result for The Which Karamazov Brother Are You Test... Alexey Fyodorovich Karamazov Alyosha, Alyoshka, Alexeichik, etc. "No, I'm not angry. I know your thoughts. Your heart is better than your head." Alexey (Alyosha, Alyoshka, etc.) is the youngest of the Karamazovs, and the character that Dostoevsky states in his intro to be the intended hero. He is the spiritual character, religious but not condemnatory. He is trusting, but knows the dangers he faces. He is loving, patient, kind, and the most innocent of his father's murder. You are likely to be: -Religious and with strong morals, but able to understand others -Intelligent but more interested in spiritual than academic things -Emotional, but able to act rationally as well -Loyal and kind to all Take The Which Karamazov Brother Are You Test at HelloQuizzy
Which Is The?
Which is the most annoying, comment approval, getting blocked without an explanation or the Pimphand given to you?
Which Smumms
Which smumms bother you more, sports smumms that do not ask who to bet or root for, or hypotheticals?
Which Should I Get Upset Over More?
Which should I get upset over more?  That my wife left me for another woman?  Or that my band sucks?
Which Part Of Your Body Hasnt Been Kissed?
which part of your body hasnt been kissed? Has the back of ur knees been kissed yet? coz if they havent???? .....oh u didnt feel my tongue and lips on them as i slowly kissed ur inner thighs, going up, lips still on ur skin and wet, while my tongue is moving. slightly moving up and down, tips of my hair gently brushing on ur skin.Then as u feel the tingling, u get hard. the base of my tongue just touching just touching ur right groin, slightly touching ur balls, and i linger on the inner thighs, just as i give u the feeling of tingly sensation up ur spine..... u let out a small moan,u get harder, feeling a throb like sensation on ur cock, i stroke it, but i ask u how u want it, and u say lick it,, and i do it now ur cock is on my mouth, my tongue circles the edges and the tips, i give a little suck, but i see ur eyes closed as u let out a stronger moan. You have ur hands in my head, tugging my hair a bit, pushing ur cock deep in my mouth and u linger, i give it a suck, while my hands j
Which Do You Prefer, No Music!
Which do you prefer, skinny women or big women?
Which Die Faster
Which die faster?  Uninteresting mumms, or any blogs?
Which Is A Better Brad Pitt Movie
Interview with a Vampire, or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Which You Will Need To Know The Bridesmaids Plays On Your Party
Virtually every single wedding party has bridesmaids, and the majority of them have at the very least one flower lady as well . Christian Louboutin Sale A lesser acknowledged member in the bridal celebration could be the junior bridesmaid. Prior to you accomplish picking your wedding party , Right here is that which of Dresses you will need to know concerning the part that she plays. Do you possess a niece who is obtaining being a tad as well older being a flower girl , Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses, and however is surely as well youthful to advance up the ranks being a bridesmaid? on this case, several brides will believe that their only choice would be to leave the tiny lady away from her wedding party , Cheap Quinceanera Dresses, but that is not so. This can be specifically the scenario that calls for any junior bridesmaid. The junior bridesmaid is really a bridge among a extremely little flower lady and an grownup bridesmaid . Cheap Homecoming Dresses The perfect age variety is
Which You Will Need To Know The Bridesmaids Plays On Your Party
Virtually every single wedding party has bridesmaids, and the majority of them have at the very least one flower lady as well . Christian Louboutin Sale A lesser acknowledged member in the bridal celebration could be the junior bridesmaid. Prior to you accomplish picking your wedding party , Right here is that which of Dresses you will need to know concerning the part that she plays. Do you possess a niece who is obtaining being a tad as well older being a flower girl , Inexpensive bridesmaid dresses, and however is surely as well youthful to advance up the ranks being a bridesmaid? on this case, several brides will believe that their only choice would be to leave the tiny lady away from her wedding party , Cheap Quinceanera Dresses, but that is not so. This can be specifically the scenario that calls for any junior bridesmaid. The junior bridesmaid is really a bridge among a extremely little flower lady and an grownup bridesmaid . Cheap Homecoming Dresses The perfect age variety is
Which Beatle Are You?
You Are John Lennon You are smart, experimental, and questioning. Most people consider you a genius. You can be extremely avant-garde or extremely mainstream. You taste tends to vary quite a bit. You are very intellectual, and as a result, somewhat political. You can't ignore what's going on in the world. At times, you are a bit of a tortured genius. This is the price you pay for being brilliant and introspective. Which Beatle Are You? Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones
Which Of The Four Divine States Are You?
You Are Equanimity You seek and maintain balance in your life. You believe too much of anything is not a good thing. You try not to be too attached to particular outcomes, events, things, or people. A little indifference goes a long way for you. You don't let your passions consume you. You know how to connect to the world without being too wrapped up in it. You get it just right. Which of the Four Divine States Are You? Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes Note: hit back before posting your outcome, blogthings has a glitch and it screws with your answers.
Which Side Of The Fence?
If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test! If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn’t buy one. If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.   If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat. If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.   If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life. If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.   If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.   If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Democrats demand that those they don't like be shut down.   If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Democrat dem
Which Watch Should I Wear To Tonight’s Ball?
  For a men, only if you are a not an Otaku, you would meet different kinds of balls in your social community. Then how to keep you showy or impressive in female attendee’s eyes must be a very haunting question in every man’s mind. No one would like to be a “watcher dispenser administrator” in the show. That is not meaning that we always want to be the center of the party. We just like to full play our role as a good attendee. To men, face and figure are the same important as the women’s. Besides these two, some certain kinds of brand replica watches also will be a good method to improve your personal glamour. Here the reason why we talk about the brand replica watches is that for most ordinary employees like us, an original Swiss made watch may far beyond our financial capacity. And even we can afford one; really just one piece of the watch is not enough to meet the different occasions. So we need replica Rado Watches, Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches, IWC
Which Watch Should I Wear To Tonightfs Ball?
    For a men, only if you are a not an Otaku, you would meet different kinds of balls in your social community. Then how to keep you showy or impressive in female attendee’s eyes must be a very haunting question in every man’s mind. No one would like to be a “watcher dispenser administrator” in the show. That is not meaning that we always want to be the center of the party. We just like to full play our role as a good attendee. To men, face and figure are the same important as the women’s. Besides these two, some certain kinds of brand replica watches also will be a good method to improve your personal glamour. Here the reason why we talk about the brand replica watches is that for most ordinary employees like us, an original Swiss made watch may far beyond our financial capacity. And even we can afford one; really just one piece of the watch is not enough to meet the different occasions. So we need replica Corum Golden Bridge watch, Breguet Classique
Which Is More Alarming?
A - Joseph rating my pics and hitting on me?   or     B - Seeing fubars regular pervert - "Bob the Love Doctor" going across the top of the page under the new name "Sexy Texan"?  
Which One Are We Again?
cap·i·tal·ism noun an economic system in which investment in and ownership of themeans of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth ismade and maintained chiefly by private individuals orcorporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth. com·mu·nism noun 1. a theory or system of social organization based on theholding of all property in common, actual ownership beingascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. 2. ( often initial capital letter ) a system of social organization
Which Would You Prefer??
Ok, while out with my family my son's father turned to me and said "this line in this song (Chris Brown - My last) is dedicated to you".  The line was "she's a 7 in the face and a 10 in the ass". I was like WOW!! He thought there is nothing wrong with that. That most men prefer a girl that is a 7 in the face and a 10 in the ass. So now... I'm asking =) Would you prefer a woman that is a 7 (average) in the face and a 10 (damn) in the ass or a 10 in the face and a 7 in the ass?  PLEASE don't answer "I'd rather have a 10 in the face and a 10 in the ass", because that's not the question...jfs =)! Him, his family and his friends told me what they prefer, so now I'm asking you FU-land. ~~Sassi
Which Celebrity Has The Most Sexy Ass?
Which celebrity has the most sexy ass? 
Which Style Of Wedding Dress That Fit You Body-shape
Your wedding ceremony will be hold several days later.Do you have the best Wedding Dresses which will help you to look your best on this special day?Here is a guide to which styles will help to hide any imperfections in your figure, and what type of bride will benefit from them.Imagine this scenario.You have been busy juggling your job, kids, family and planning for your wedding. Your gym membership has expired and the exercise bike sits, gathering dust, in the corner.No doubt you will be getting some lovely pictures taken at no little expense and all eyes will be on you, so it's very easy to be aware of any imperfections in your figure.You should remember the key of the style.Regardless of your size, body-shape or weight there is a dress out there that will help you to look slender and gorgeous on your big day, which is exactly as it should be! It simply depends on you choosing the correct size for your shape, and so by knowing in advance which will look best on you, you'll have an ea
Which Places To Visit In Kerala
Call it a paradise on earth of a land of scenic wonderments, Kerala is endowed with so many scenic places and exciting features that make it the most sought after and preferred holidaying destination. It is one such state where one can enjoy to the maximum with full of pleasure and delights. Well if you are planning for tours or planning to visit Kerala, just choose from the exciting travel packages to kerala. It is enigmatically beautiful and one can soak in the splendour of the nature with immense pleasure and delights. So come to Kerala and experience the splendour of the nature and take back home incredible memories to relish in forever. Some of the interesting places to visit in Kerala are Wayanad Gifted with the magical greenery, Wayanad is one of the most sought after and pleasant place to visit during Kerala tours. Wayanad has so many interesting places of tourist interest and among all, some of the fascinating are Chembra Peak, Neelimala View Point, Meenmutty Falls, Kanthan
Which Are Stupider?
Which are stupider?  My smumms or my blogs?
Which Cms Is More Suitable For Ecommerce - Joomla Or Mgento?
There are no other choices apart from joomla for E-commerce solution. Joomla is the best amongst the rest content management systems we have. Using Joomla is not only easy but you hardly have to have technical knowledge for applying joomla applications. Are you in search for an experienced joomla designer or a mageneto developer? You are in the right place. We are amongst the leading web development solution providers in India. Our web development solution company works on four main content management systems. These are respectively Joomla, Magento, Drupal and Wordpress. We have experienced and skilled magento web developers who are not only dedicated but focused and itching to provide you with great quality website.   We often get queries regarding some of our clients are developing new ecommerce site in the next few weeks and are giving serious consideration to using Joomla as the CMS. Thus it is very clear that Joomla is soon becoming the hot favorite content management platform
Which Power Fly Monster Works?
Electrical Fly Monster is a device that provides an excellent assist in removing an attack of goes for those who have experienced the hassle of this pest singing around. There are a lot of options to look at while looking for a operated fly killer. Discovering the one that actually does what it says can be a complicated action. Then again, there is a wish for those that look around. In the occasion you look through in the internet, you are going to in choosing the noise fly zapper as probably the most preferred applications. This is low cost application that provides excellent common energy and is battery energy operated. Should you aren't acquainted to it yet; this energy fly killer seems like a tennis noise but small. It’s consistently used to zap the goes. For the main time, you'll have issue managing it. Then again, you'll get used to it soon enough. People really like it as it doesn't offer such a lot of problems of the washing. It won't keep dirty spots to the home countert
), Which Has Him Tied With Drew Doughty For Most Among Defencemen In The Postseason. Dwight King Led Kings With Four Shots On Goal While Travis Zajac
NEWPORT, R. Ronnie Lott Jersey .I. -- John Isner knows one thing: He wont have to see Nicolas Mahut on grass again this year. Top seed and defending champion Isner advanced to the quarterfinals at the Hall of Fame Tennis championships on Wednesday, beating Frances Mahut 6-2, 7-6 (2). The win by Isner featured the two players that played the longest match in tennis history. Two years ago, the pair played 11 hours, 5 minutes at Wimbledon, with Isner finally getting a 70-68 fifth-set victory. This one didnt have nearly the drama with the 6-foot-9 Isner using his overpowering serve to take charge. It ended when Mahut double faulted, ending the match in 1 hour, 18 minutes. Last year, the pair met again at Wimbledon, with Isner winning in three sets in a match that lasted about two hours. On Wednesday, playing under bright and sunny, late-afternoon skies with a slight breeze and a larger than usual crowd for the time of day, Isner ousted Mahut on Newports grass court. "From the moment I warm
Which Wordpress Seo Plugins Do You Really Need?
Is it actually necessary for a typical customer to set up any WordPress SEO Plugins? Yes, all websites will advantage from some of the many WordPress SEO plug-ins available. How well your set up is already online look for motor optimized relies on your concept. Some styles are just developed for overall look whereas others are developed with SEO in thoughts. Whatever your concept I would suggest setting up two WordPress SEO Plugins as a minimum: Site Map Install a plug-in to make and sustain a website map targeted at the search engines. "Google XML Sitemaps" is a good option which, regardless of its name, will also assistance Google and Google. This plug-in will allow the robots to find all your webpages and content and will get them listed as easily as possible. General SEO Plugin Perhaps the most well-known of these typical WordPress SEO plug-ins is "All In One SEO Pack". You can simply set up it with the standard configurations and all you have to do is get into the meta information
Which Stars Could Be Off To New Homes
GAZING AHEADWhich stars could be off to new homes? Find out with the latest Rumor soccer jerseys The game turned around when Mexico left Derik unmarked in the 74th when he received a corner kick at the far post, leaving the defender an easy chance to level . Nicolas Lopez scored twice in the second half to give Uruguay a 2-1 win over Nigeria, which was reduced to 10 players just before halftime. Defender Abdullahi Shehu committed two fouls within two minutes, receiving a straight red card for the second in the 41st minute.Lopez scored from close range in the 65th minute after the Nigeria defense failed to clear the ball from the area, only for a 20-meter strike from Olarenwaju Kayode to make it 1-1 four minutes later. Lopez converted a penalty in the 84th after substitute Diego Rolan dribbled past goalkeeper Chukwunenye Okani and was fouled. Meanwhile, France dominated the first half of its match in the last 16 against Turkey. Captain Paul Pogba returned from suspensio
Which Have Greatly Contributed
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Which Conceded Four Goals After The Break. Bayern Stayed On Course For A Domestic Double After Securing The Bundesliga
MUNICH, Germany -- Mario Gomez needed nine minutes to score a hat trick after coming on as a late substitute Tuesday in a 6-1 win over Wolfsburg that put Bayern Munich into the German Cup final for the 19th time. Xherdan Shaqiri had a role in three goals and scored one himself, with other goals coming from Arjen Robben and Mario Mandzukic. Diego scored shortly before halftime for Wolfsburg, which conceded four goals after the break. Bayern stayed on course for a domestic double after securing the Bundesliga championship 10 days ago. Next week, Bayern hosts Barcelona in the Champions League semifinals. "It was a good win against a strong opponent, for a long time they made it difficult for us," Bayern coach Jupp Heynckes said. "I really want to win this title." Heynckes lost the final twice as coach, once with Borussia Moenchengladbach and last year with Bayern against Borussia Dortmund. Gomez came on for Mandzukic in the 77th minute and had scored his three goals by the 86t
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Which Is The Best Aoni Car Dvr, Dv257
Since, reselling car DVR is my new business, many regular clients came to my store when they know about it. The most often question they asked which is the best one. I have my own define of best one. In my opinion, it should be the Aoni DV257. Why? Frirst, this unit adopts the Siri A9 solution, and can record in a 1920*1080 pixels. I recorded some videos and play back on my computer, the definition is very good, even at nigh, it is also good enough. Second, compared with the DV237 whch adotps the Ambarella A7 solution, the price is much cheaper, most people can afford it easily. The quality is also high enough. That's why I say it is the best one. Now, let's see more information about it.  2.7 inch TFT LCD car DVR. Seamless video recording. Support HDMI output. Quick button to lock file. Instant snapshot button. Smooth operation under low illumination in nigh mode. Automatically switch on and starts recording. Motion detection    . Image file format:JPEG. Video file format: H.264
Whiiineeeeeeeeee (not The Good Kind)
I have to be away from my man for almost two months?? Im gonna die up in here!! I miss im so much and it's only been like 4 days... :( me sad. me real sad. Me want steven
While You Were Sleeping
While You Were Sleeping While you were sleeping I felt your heart beating. While you were sleeping in my head love was repeating. While you were sleeping all I could do was smile. While you were sleeping I watched you for a while. While you were sleeping I always held your hand. While you were sleeping I knew where my heart would land. While you were sleeping you would hold me near. While you were sleeping I would cry all my tears. While you were sleeping from you I knew I wouldn't part. While you were sleeping I gave to you my heart.
While You Sit There Filled With Fear
Late at night when you are sleeping, that's when creatures coma a creeping. To your house these creatures slither making sounds that make you shiver. Scratching on your window pane Whispering your own first name. Tapping on the nearest door, creaking stairs and floors and more. Making you sit up in bed or pull the covers over your head. And while you sit there filled with fear, you wish that Nanna Mary was here!
While You Were Sleeping
While You Were Sleeping by Tara Simms While you were sleeping, I sat by your bed. I watched you as you smiled through your dreams. I traced your perfect shell ear, Touched every curl On your little head. I tried to sleep But the sound of your breathing Drew me back to your room. I couldn't resist The magic which tugged At my heartstrings And brought me to your side. I settled on the floor Once again. Back against the wall, Holding your tiny hand in mine. While you were sleeping I fell in love with you all over again.
While You Weren't Looking...
As my delighted fingertips played the part of tragic martyr dancing across your delicate brow, you spoke of daring dreams and fiendish fears, immersed in sinful pride. As my flying thoughts saw through your careless words and looked past their excruciating emptiness, I allowed my trembling hands to slip gracefully to the core of your forgetful frame. As I lightly fingered the heat of your neck, I artfully avoided your dark eyes while feigning interest in your trivial triumphs with expert intensity. As I smiled simply in that quickly quirky way that always washed you in your intellectual superiority, I attempted to erase the instilled indifference that consumed me. As you paused for breath I worried you had caught a trace of doubt written across my neatly neglected face. As I squinted sweetly to esure my secret's safety, I realized, as deeply I knew, I needn't worry about your cunning confidence where my happiness was concerned. And then it happened; as my tremendously troubling apathy
While I Was Sleeping
I was sleeping, my hand was searching for you, but you were not there. I turned my head, I opened my eyes slightly and saw you fixing your new toy, the computer. I just smiled. It would be so typical of me to do. I didn't know that you saw me blinking, getting glimpses of you. I turned my head to the other side and slightly fell right back to sleep. Within minutes, I felt you beside me wearing your robe. I cuddled right into you, like two spoons against eachother. This may just be memories, but I still wake up at times thinking of that morning smile when you read my mind. Love Always,
While The City Sleeps
while the city sleeps the night draws on by the heavens are turning the stars are burning across the universe life is in silence for another day to night is slowly passing by quiet is nothing and nothing is useless inbetween the lines a shadow is creeping quiet patiently the night closes by the sun has awaken the city has to arise
While I Am Ranting..
One more of you asks me to see MY PRIVATE SHOTS imma kick yer asses...I have no naked pics kthx. What ever is private is cuz i DONT want every idiot on the internet wanking to my pics. I am a nice girl and im not hookin it here so neener neener...I am sure u can find plenty of other boobies on this site to ogle... Can't you all say someone is pretty w/o needing to see thier cooch? geez...
While I Don't Have Many Nsfw Photos Outside The One Folder
at this time anyway... they have yet to fix a few bugs, people may have noticed- Thumbnails of NSFW and private photos show up and are visible to those who don't have access to them. (I.e. - not e.g., please... - if you aren't on the friendslist, or have "can see NSFW" turned off, then you can still see the photo if you are viewing the photo just before or after it in the sequence. (People who aren't logged in aren't, I think, able to view inside galleries, so I didn't include that as an option.) Navigation goes through rather than over and around private photos- again, it should avoid photos you can't access (coding that I'm so used to LJ, say, having perfected for sequences of journal entries with much more complex levels of filters than we have here, that I'm surprised to bump into the problem here- but it may not be so easy to program after all...) Nothing anyone here doesn't know about, but I thought I would put some of it down in one place before I went back to, e.g., m
While Daddys Away
While Daddy's Away I'm just a child, I don't understand Why my Daddy Is in a far away land. Mommy says he's in the Army, Soldiering is his life. He's fighting for our freedom She's a proud Army Wife. To say that we miss him Would not be enough. Sometimes while he's gone Life seems really rough. My Daddy is a hero, He wears camouflage and boots. When I am older, I'll be proud to share my roots. If I look up on the mantle I'll see a picture of his face I'm so young, it's hard trying to remember Every little trace. I write my Daddy letters, I know he'll be home someday. I want him to know I love him And I can't wait to laugh and play. I think that you'll agree, My Daddy is a special man. He's the reason that I can say: "I'm proud to be an American."
While We Are Recounting Stories From The Past
I had gone down to Florida for a few days to visit my best friend J back in June. While down there I made some observations and by the end of the trip realized that there was a whole world of difference between Florida and Detroit. One of the things I noticed was that florida has alot of wildlife...and most of it wants to eat you. Alligators, Crocodiles, spiders, sharks, mosquitoes and man eating Lizards all waiting for you to make a false move so they can have thanksgiving dinner a little early. I for one didn't put much stock in the dangers of the monitor lizard as its name really doesnt strike fear. HOWEVER when I saw what I thought was a small dinosaur at the edge of the trees and J told me it was a monitor lizard I nearly wet my pants. Apparently they have no problem taking a limb or two off an unsuspecting human. The other thing I noticed was that compared to Detroit the homeless people in Cape Coral look independently wealthy. One night J and I were driving throu
While You Were Here
Today I bought you roses Something I never would have done while you were here. Today I cried again A fresh new set of tears. Today I longed to hold you Something I should have done while you were here. Today I died a little death When I woke up to find you still weren’t near. Today I poured my heart out to you Something I never could have done while you were here Today I held nothing back And I wished you could hear. Today I seen your name in stone Something I would never have believed while you were here. Today I reached out to you Only to find nothing to hold onto but my fear. Today I sat with you for hours. Something I never had the time to do while you were here. Today I realize all the things I should have done While you were here. Today I learned just how deep I love you Something I never knew while you were here. Today I am glad I was your mate. I only wish you were still here. Today I bought you roses Something I never would have do
While I Was Gone... 1/17/07
It's 5am, and Aunt Dorothy is having a hard night tonight. She has an upset stomach and it makes her have to get up every few minutes. As soon as she dozes off, she has to get back up. So I am still awake as well. I’ve read and heard depression described as many things, one of those things being a blanket. I do not agree with that particular metaphor. I am wrapped in a blanket now. It is soft and warmed by both the heat emanating from my body and my laptop. Depression is cold. I was thinking of ways to aptly describe it to you, depression I mean. I have finally figured it out. It is something undead residing in you, beckoning you to it always. If you are laughing and kissing your child, it puts one slimy index finger on the other. Shame, shame, shame, it says. It will not allow you too much happiness. My life’s joy resides in my son. He is my sun. I love him as I have loved no other creature on earth. And I have and do love. I love people until my heart breaks with it. I a
While I Was Gone... 1/18/07
you can’t count on people for love. I know that. I loved my husband at the time of baby Anthony’s death, and he threw it in my face when he was mad. He told me I didn’t love baby Anthony, that I caused his death. He called me a slut the same day in reference to his friend’s raping me. We were walking in the rain, through the cemetery where we were visiting his grave. The secret here is that I do feel like I caused it in many ways. Don’t say the obvious please. I know. I know. Okay? So skip it. I know that rational doesn’t allow that I killed him, but rationality will not prevail where proof has been found in the pudding, folks. I imagined it and it happened. That makes me feel responsible somehow because of the details of those imaginings. I didn’t imagine the way it would happen, only that it would. I lived it in my mind over and over before I experienced the real thing. Also I rode around a lot in a car that gave out a lot of exhaust fumes that came into the car. I asked the doct
While I Was Gone... 1/19/07
My mom and my sister want me to live with or by them, but they both spit “When are you leaving again? I can’t wait until you go.” when I am with them. There’s a part of me that I hate, and I don’t know what part it is, only that it is ugly. It isn’t evil or even bad. I just don’t like that part of me. I wonder if my abuse left living residue in me. A scared little girl. Not mean or bad, but dipped in milky guilt that melts in your mouth not in your hand. I am still partially innocent. I don’t know how that is because there is a part of me that has no innocence left and they both reside in me. I will not rid myself of the innocent part. If I do, I will die. I am so blessed to have sky. He gives me a good reson to get up on my depressed days. I walk through water for him. I don’t do as well as when I am not depressed, but I do well. Better than many parents, but surely not good enough. I wonder of medicine will really help me. I am almost sure I am going to try it now that I
While In A Bloodlust . . .
I wrote this a while ago, I like it. It's called "Strong Enough?" Is your love strong enough? You are of the darksome night. Is my caress too rough? Like the beating of my heart, Is your love strong enough? Whips sing and blades cut as through butter, Heart's beat screams and echos in my head. Passion rises and passion falls, Pain, sex and blood are eternal. Is your love strong enough? Sweet coppery candy rolls on my tongue, Pretty red candy coats my body and yours. Rivulets flow from red mouths, how beautiful. Wanna lick? Wanna taste? Stay with me throught the night? Is your love strong enough? (c) Surreal Butterfly
While Raining
Sigh... my great romantic fantasy is to make love in the rain. This is a repost from 2000. The fantasy goes back a lot longer. (smile) Dampened lips are lovely. Ours are wet. The shape of you still hides beneath your clothes. For sending us this rain Im in God's debt. I offer only me and this red rose. Unbuttoning is slow, but feet are bare. How sweet that we can smile, while mouths are swelling. We undress each other, you untie my hair And as it falls we hear a steeple bell ring. You lay upon the grass, I lay beside you. Clothes have been discarded, we don't need them; Our hungers grow, our passions, natures, collide too. We are most indulgent of our needs and we will feed them. As water hits your face I come upon you All at once. My eyes grow large, then close in wonder As I bring you in and nestle.. we have gone to Making cries of joy.. our sounds compete with cracks of thunder. Am I you or are you me.. it hardly matters. There's a blushing
While You Are All Rating My Pics ;-)
While You Were Sleeping: Rating Maintenance
By the time most of you come back online, you may not notice a thing; especially, if BJ gets the maintenance done as quickly as he hopes. See message below.... 2007-02-24 00:38:14 in about 10 minutes (12:50AM PST) i'm going to disable all ratings on the site. i'm doing maintenance and they'll be back in about an hour or so... werd. -mike
While Ratings Are Down
While the ratings are off and everyone can only comment.. Will you please help me. This contest ends on the 28th. It will also be my last. The prize is a 30 day blast, so I would love to have it. I will as always return the favor for everyone who helps! I try to get to everyone and rate and fan all pages. I also will comment bomb contests.. Just let me know. Thank you so much to everyone who has been helping me! ♥ Please click on the picture to vote ♥ ♥ HUGS AND KISSES ♥
While Driving
While I was driving home today I was in a great mood, the sun was bright and cheery,birds were singing, I was singing then I turned on a street on my final hop skip and jump this is a narrow street with no markings BUT one would think that wouldnt matter.Going the opposite way was a little man in a little white pickup truck going down the middle of the road. One would think "Huh he sees me in my red car, he will move to his own side of the road." HA HA HA HA HA OHHHHH SILLY ME. Nope I had to go off the road for Mr. Little White Pick up Truck. grrrrrrrrr
While We Were Apart (poem #296)
While we were apart I felt your soul, Tugging at my heart. While we were apart even for the night. The feeling of loneylness didn't seem right. While we were apart I dreamed of us together Baby if were strong we could last forever.
While Its Been A Week...
Well its been just about a week of living in this new place, an I still hate moving. But time to time u have to move to start over again. What sucks about it u find, look threw boxes ur things, and find that u too much shit, or shit that I havnt seen in a long time or just forgot about. I didn’t think I had a lot of thing, but in the past week I have found that I have to much. Its going to take a while for me to get ues to here, and how I want things to be. But I think w/time I will find it. I got to find it, its been long enough that I have not figured out what I want, an how to live as person I should be. I mean after living at home for so long then living n a apartment an now living in a home (moblehome, that will be paid off in about 2yrs.) A home is something that I have wanted, something to call my own. And now I have it.
While You Are Sleeping (extreme Adult Content)
While You Are Sleeping I walk into your room, but you are asleep so I decide to go and have a nice warm bath. I run the water and put some bubbles in, then I light some candles. I hop in the bath relaxing feeling the warmth of the water, letting the water run on my pussy, the sensation making my clit become so hard. I am lying back in the bath slowly washing my body, feeling my skin tingle all over. I think of you lying there in bed, my body begins to ache all over. I run my hands over my breasts feeling my nipples harden at my touch; I begin to moan, my hands slowly caressing my wet pussy. My mind is thinking of you and what I can do to you. So I hop out of the bath wrapping myself up in a towel, feeling the softness caressing my body, my nipples so hard aching, my hand slides down to my wet pussy, rubbing my clit all over. Then I slide a finger in myself fucking myself wanting to
While Im Away
Hey all my friends family and fans.. Im going to be away a while.. got intoruble serving an lil time in the joint.. If anyone want to write me please do so here the address Michael Ver Heule 728 2nd ave Eau Claire WI 54701
While I'm Thinking About It...
This place (CT) is a lot of fun, but not so much that I can't do without it. a couple of things around here, call them CT cultural dynamics, are really starting to bother me and I'm wondering if the fellowship with some I have come to enjoy is worth the hassle of the rest. maybe it is, maybe not, I dunno... but i'm thinking about it... I'm never one to take the easy way out just because it's 'easy'... but again, I'm thinking about it...
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
While You Were Out
Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz †
While Perhaps Not "erotic" Maybe Just Wierd
Be prepared for the Merkin Parade By the by, if you don't know what a merkin is, you may be put off by this, so don't blame me, I didn't make you push play: You know you love the Merkin!
While We Sleep
They say that dreams are the wishes That our hearts make while we sleep, That all the things we desire and want, Are there within our reach. That our unconscious mind Can take us to where we long to be, Where there is no meaning of time Only moments spent vividly. They also say that dreams Are messages from the gods, The foretelling of our futures Like printed tarot cards. They say that guardian angels Come to us while we sleep, To comfort and protect us Whenever our souls weep. That our loved ones passed over Occasionally come through, To be with us in dreams Because they miss us too
While U Sleep
Tracy LawrenceWhile You SleepMusic Video Codes By Music I don't say I love you quite enough I know Sometimes I go for days I'm ashamed to say The world moves so fast The words come so slow And I let those excuses get in my way (Chorus) But while you sleep Sometimes I lie awake and watch you breathe And in the silence that surrounds the dead of night I bare my soul and all the words sound right I pray the lord our hearts to keep While you sleep The days march through our lives like a soft parade Laughter and the tears Our hopes and fears And I keep remembering things I forget to say Perhaps some day I'll let you know my dear
While The Earth Sleeps
While The Earth Sleeps
Sorry it has been ages since ive really been around. I'll try to be on more now. Update on my life.... Been to the drs severalt times... My stomach acid has been eating ym esophagus, they say itll heal over time, if it doesnd evelops into something else in the meantime.. Other then that still int he air force workin away... Finding time to go out and stuff too... yea yea havent been around here, but thatll change ill pop in time to time.. not as much as i used to though
While You Were Sleeping
While You Were Sleeping While you were sleeping I felt your heart beating. While you were sleeping in my head love was repeating. While you were sleeping all I could do was smile. While you were sleeping I watched you for a while. While you were sleeping I always held your hand. While you were sleeping I knew where my heart would land. While you were sleeping you would hold me near. While you were sleeping I would cry all my tears. While you were sleeping from you I knew I wouldn't part. While you were sleeping I gave to you my heart.
While Mobile On Fubar...
Fubar changed their settings again and it's harder to access fubar from my phone. :( While mobile, I CAN: view profile comments comment on profiles view photos comment on photos read my shoutbox view blogs While mobile, I CANNOT: rate anything view profiles reply to my shoutbox view photo comments write in my blog read mail reply to mail Thank you to everyone for all the love. I enjoy hearing what people think. Hope you all have a great week! Please rate all my blogs if you read them. Thanks, Orgasmic Aimee
While The Cat's Away...
A woman is in bed with her lover, who also happens to be her husband's best friend. They make love for hours and, afterwards, while they're just lying there, the phone rings. Since it's the woman's house, she picks up the receiver. The best friend listens, only hearing her side of the conversation: "Hello? Oh, hi... I'm so glad that you called... Really? That's wonderful.... Well, I'm happy to hear you're having such a great time... Oh, that sounds terrific... Thanks. Okay. Bye bye." She hangs up the telephone and her lover asks, "Who was that?" "Oh" she replies, "That was my husband telling me all about the wonderful time he's having on his fishing trip with you."
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
While Daddy Was In Iraq....
My hubby and I were on the web cam while he was on his Iraq tour and I just started busting out laughing. He wanted to know what was making me laugh so much and I told him to imagine Tom Cruise in that movie where he was wearing sunglasses, business shirt, socks and undies and was lip singing to "Old time rock-n-roll". He said "Ok....". I told him that our daughter was at one end of the hall running toward our room off the end of it she would slid like that in front of our door and would say "Mommy, look what I can do!! It's fun! WEEEEEE" It reminding me of that one part of the movie the way she did it. Guess you would have to be there for it to be funny or a great imagination lol sorry :-D
While Blood And Dust Settle (1)
[Part 1 of a series. Constructive criticism is VERY welcome, as this is very much a work-in-progress. Note that this is my intellectual property, regardless of it's publication in the public domain, and any theft thereof will not be taken lightly. If you are -very- weak of stomach, you may not wish to read; this is military science fiction and as such involves death, blood, sweat, and tears, to use that lovely cliche. I refuse to pull punches. :) This, and all of my fiction dealing with any military, fictional or not, is dedicated to the men and women who serve with honour, dignity, and courage.] While Blood And Dust Settle Lord Admiral of the White Sir Richard Mayweather stood in the officers' mess. His gorge rose steadily, one pale hand clasped tight around the shattered steel, wide eyes trying to avoid the gore at his feet. To say that his flag bridge had taken a heavy beating was an understatement of proportions frankly astronomical. The giblets of his
While You Were Sleeping
while you were sleeping and before i got out of bed, i was watching you dream with the angels. the look on your face was so peaceful. i could have laid there staring at you all day. i hope you were dreaming those soothing dreams. you are a fabulous husband (again its not all the shopping you have let me do in the last couple of the renewal to this depth of our love is mind blowing. love you rob
While On Vacation!
A family was on holiday in Australia for a week and a half when a husband, wife and their 15 year-old son decided to go scuba diving. The husband had been in the Navy and had some scuba experience. The son wanted a picture of his mum and dad in all their gear so he got the underwater camera on the go. When it came to taking the picture the dad realized that the son looked like he was panicking as he took it and gave the 'OK' hand sign to see if he was alright. The son took the picture and swam to the surface and back to the boat as quick as he could so the mum and dad followed to see if he was OK. When they got back to him he was scrambling onto the boat and absolutely scared to death. When the parents asked why, he said 'there was a shark behind you' and the dad thought he was joking but the skipper of the boat said it was true and that they wouldn't believe him if he told them what it was. As soon as they got back to the hotel they put the pic onto the
While Killin' Time, I Took A Survey.....
You help bring order to the world with your practical skills, high standards, and common sense. No one could ask for a more loyal and trustworthy friend. You are a source of strength and stability to everyone in your life. Not only will you drop everything to help your friends and family, but they also know they can count on you for no-nonsense advice. You have a clear moral center. You know who you are and what you believe. You would rather live life than endlessly debate its meaning. You are a very hard worker. No matter how difficult or tedious a job is, you will plod through it till it's done. Of course, you would not know all this from talking to you. You are extremely modest and cannot stand show-offs. If anything, you are too self-critical and do not appreciate all the good you do. In fact, you are probably overdue for some well-derserved fun, rest and relaxation. You are an ambitious person who enjoys competition and the thrill of victory. You like to wi
While I'm Sleeping
While I'm Sleeping by BlueWolf © I wake up each morning ready to start the day my first thoughts are of you and how you are away. I pull the covers back over me and drift back off to sleep because there in my dreams, you're there for me to keep I don't have to say goodbye I don't have to be blue I don't have to walk away I can stay right there with you We are happy and holding hands smiling, looking at each other knowing that this feels so right and there will never be another Yes, in my dreams you're always there and you always make me smile so I'll just sleep a little bit longer so you can stay with me for a little while...... ~~PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT THIS POEM~~
While I'm At It...
I think one of the best things in life is having someone to love on and having someone to love on me. I've just recently been aware that not everyone knows what I'm talking about when I reference "loving on" someone. I mean like real deal, it's all good, bodies fitting right together, no crazy arm twisted back around my neck that's going to hurt like hell if the blood ever starts flowing back through it again, front to front fully clothed, comforting, "it's going to be ok/i love u/i'm sorry/wtf is going on" silently saying, not foreplay or even sexual, but not the best ever without a certain passion present, but if needed bad enough can be just as good without any, kinda just the most absofuckinglutely perfect place on earth, up close and personal contact. Like an extended bear hug while laying down... Yep, that's how the the 2nd husband got me to marry him. Truth be known, it's probably the only reason we both made it out of that marriage alive. I'm telling u, this is serious
While I Breathe
While I breathe, I hope There are 20 Billion People, 20 billion Realities, how many Do you know? One? Your own? How well Can you know? The complexities of Another, when we are so Confused to our own. How do you know Another exists? when you Do not have the reality Of them in your face, Memories assure us I am real, so you Must be real, since I remember the Experience of you. Does our existence Depend upon the Memories we leave Behind? I am glad And elated that your Memories fills me With wonder Of your beauty, Spirit and intelligence. You could be anyone Yet you deign to be My friend. I rejoice in Your reality, my Reality, your Existence guaranteed At least While I breathe Poet
While I'm Not Home...
To be clear- I’m am dealing with FAR to much right now to be sitting around worrying about petty bullshit. Yet here I am, writing this blog, IN pure unadulterated frustration. To review, anyone- A N Y O N E- whose big problem is that some loves them— seriously, I’m not throwing you a pity party. Whatever. If you happen to feel that you, as an individual, fall into that category, then that is your own personal point of view. Quit dragging me into it like I affect your life. “Oh my goodness! Someone I see/ talk to once or twice a year is totally altering my entire way of being! Please help me Blue Fairy!” Second notice. What the hell is the damn point of telling someone else that you’re mad at a person? I mean really. Why not shove it in a note in my desk or locker. OH SNAP… forgot I already graduated ten years ago. Darn. Might have to deal with things directly like a grown-up. But, since that isn’t going to happen, guess I’ll just mindlessly complain here! On a computer that isn
While Everyone Is Wrapped Up In These Fake Elections....
The truth about 9/11 isn't getting out there.... Ask yourself this: If your candidate doesn't make it(i don't care which one you support) what good is it going to do a year from now when Americans are just as ignorant to crimes like 9/11? People are really putting their eggs in their candidates baskets and I hoping we aren't sitting a year from now with me having to say "I told you so" that we wasted to much time pushing candidates and not truth... Please consider this people because we are fucking our country by doing this. Remember the 9/11 truth movement before Ron Paul, Dennis and the rest? It was booming and growing big and fast! Now? Its almost null in void and hardly anyone new is learning about this event. Its almost working for the criminals that people are doing this because they know they still control voting machines and still control the sniper bullets that they will use if any opposition gets in thier way. The only way we are going to win back this country is to get educa
While You Are Sleeping!
I look in the room and see you, face down and naked on the bed….I am sure you are asleep, I can hear the deep rhythmic sounds of your breathing….mmmmm…..your arse looks so inviting in the dim light in the room….my cock stirs inside my shorts…… I enter the room noiselessly moving over to the side of the bed…I step out of my shorts, my t shirt is by the pool, with all the other party goers……I gaze at your beautiful bottom….pulling gently at my cock….thinking of what I can do to you…..mmmmmm……..I want to touch you and lick you until you scream with pleasure……I slowly and gentle kneel in between your legs and start to edge my face towards your arse… one hand supporting my weight the other slowly snaking out in front of me….searching out your cunt lips….they are closed and I start to stroke them gently trying to coax them open…..I dip my face down, there is just enough room to settle my head between your thighs….you naughty girl….sleeping with your legs open….mmmmmm…..I smell your sc
While You Loved Me
If I ever write the story of my life Don't be suprised if you're where it begins Girl, I'd have to dedicate every line on every page To the memories we made, while you loved me I was born the day you kissed me And I died inside the night you left me But I lived, oh how I lived (I lived) While you loved me I'd start with chapter one, love innocent and young As the morning sun on a new day Even though I know the end, Well I'd do it all again 'Cause I got a lifetime in, while you loved me I was born the day you kissed me And I died inside the night you left me But I lived, oh how I lived (I lived) While you loved me I was born the day you kissed me And I died inside the night you left me But I lived, oh how I lived (I lived) While you loved me I was born the day you kissed me And I died inside the night you left me But I lived, oh how I lived (I lived) While you loved me
While ( ! ( Succeed = Try() ) );
#include #include using namespace g33k; #define h9 = h8 + 1; int main() { long everything[500]; long life_shit; bool school; bool stress_overload; bool breakdown; string outcome; bool content; string statement = 'Life sucks'; while(statement == 'Life sucks') everything[h9]; for(int age = 0; age < 30 age++) school = true; if(life_shit = 15) stress_overload = true; if(stress_overload == true) { breakdown = true; return(-1); } return 0; } I will give the first person to interpret that to English correctly 5,000 fubucks!
While Time Moves By>poem
A little sigh , she lets out , wondering a to what about? When stones are thrown at her in wrath , she stumbles thru to create a path. Find a away to to cope with it.. Just sighs as she lets go > But no fight will she make> For she is week and is forshook..> God hath a plan Im sure and she will know its right all a along. With what she is wanting, is to be loved . For scorn many yrs , its her time now to prevail > She isnt gona loose cause , this man she is attached to, said he never go , he said she wont loose him and she know >its to be so. love diana
While In The Hospital...
While I was in the hospital looking for my girlfriend's room, I encountered a group of people I knew clustered around a room on the CCU floor...people who'd known me all my life, from the days when I used to go to church with my family... Unfortunately, my old best girl friend's grandma, 83 years old, was in a room 3 doors down from my girl friend's, and was dying. It was nice to see my old friend's family, but a sad occasion to be seeing them on. I'm so exhausted... *sigh*
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
While We're On The Topic ....
So anyway, Persia and I were talking about the other M. Night Shyamalan movies we've seen. I was telling her about 'Signs' (she hadn't seen it). She found a point I made rather amusing: So there are aliens invading Earth. And the people are packing up their stuff to run away. -- My point: The aliens are coming from outerspace ... where are you going to run to?
While You Were Sleeping
This is a poem I wrote for my two beautiful childern. Samantha, Joseph I love you. While you were sleeping, I sat by your bed. I watched you as you smiled through your dreams. I traced your perfect shell ear, Touched every curl On your little head. I tried to sleep But the sound of your breathing Drew me back to your room. I couldn't resist The magic which tugged At my heartstrings And brought me to your side. I settled on the floor Once again. Back against the wall, Holding your tiny hand in mine. While you were sleeping I fell in love with you all over again.
While You Loved Me
While You Were Sleeping
While you were sleeping I felt your heart beating. While you were sleeping in my head love was repeating. While you were sleeping all I could do was smile. While you were sleeping I watched you for a while. While you were sleeping I always held your hand. While you were sleeping I knew where my heart would land. While you were sleeping you would hold me near. While you were sleeping I would cry all my tears. While you were sleeping from you I knew I wouldn't part. While you were sleeping I gave to you my heart.
While You Were Sleeping
While you were sleeping I felt your heart beating. While you were sleeping in my head love was repeating. While you were sleeping all I could do was smile. While you were sleeping I watched you for a while. While you were sleeping I always held your hand. While you were sleeping I knew where my heart would land. While you were sleeping you would hold me near. While you were sleeping I would cry all my tears. While you were sleeping from you I knew I wouldn't part. While you were sleeping I gave to you my heart.
While I Am Here
While I Am Here Before I have to let you go Before I say goodbye forever Before I hide from Life Before I loose all I am Before I loose all you are I will hold you tight My Love I will stare deep in your eyes I will kiss your soft lips I will caress your weary soul After I am finally gone After you forget all about me After my heart dies After my soul bleeds into the ground You will move on to another You will let someone else have your wares You will give your kiss away You will be in another mans heart While I am here dying While I am here screaming While I am here in misery While I am here alone
While You Slept
While you slept A child cried While you slept A mother died While you slept A father bled While you slept The sirens wailed While you slept Bright lights did flash While you slept I did speed past While you slept Life did go on While you slept So peaceful & sound While you slept We made our rounds
While Your Gone
While Heaven Wept - Thus With A Kiss I Die
Tears fall from my somber stare Abandoned and nobody cares I watched you walk away As if I were never there You said you're not the only one in this world Yet you're the only one I've ever loved From my sole sanctuary exiled And likewise from heaven above You have forsaken me Sleepwalk to the gallows To expel my hollow soul Unto fire, unto cold Into hell I must go A broken heart, a broken wing, I'm falling Into this pain deep within Infinitely spiraling To my sorrow-filled end You have foredoomed me When again these eyes you gaze into You'll see I'm still reaching for you How could you leave me here? You have forsaken me
While You Sleep…(dedicated To Baby)
Dust has gathered on the mantle…where our wedding picture sat… Damn I can’t believe you’re gone… I still can smell you…that sweet scent that always made me stop what I was doing…and I’d recall why I loved you so much It seems as though it were just yesterday…when we walked hand in hand on that desolate shore… …seemingly the only two people in the world…insane enough to give true love a chance I can still hear you laughing…and see you smiling as I waited for you to get off that subway train… Sometimes I still wait there…hoping that you will pop up with no worries…no pain…and jump into my arms…and kiss me… The first time I saw you…standing in line at what had become our favorite coffee spot… You were telling me not to look at your toes…because they weren’t done yet… I didn’t care…I loved you anyway… And it hurts so bad that I can’t look you in the eyes…and tell you this… But I know you hear me… And I’ll be back here on Thursday…on my lunch break…to lea
While Your Lips Are Still Red
sweet little words made for silence not talk young heart for love not heartache dark hair for catching the wind not to veil the sight of a cold world kiss while your lips are still red while he's still silent rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled hold another hand while the hand's still without a tool drown into eyes while they're still blind love while the night still hides the withering dawn first day of love never comes back a passionate hour's never a wasted one the violin, the poet's hand, every thawing heart plays your theme with care kiss while your lips are still red while he's still silent rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled hold another hand while the hand's still without a tool drown into eyes while they're still blind love while the night still hides the withering dawn
While You Were Sleeping
While you were sleeping,I sat by your bed.I watched youas you smiled through your dreams. I traced your perfect shell ear,Touched every curlOn your little head. I tried to sleepBut the sound of your breathingDrew me back to your room. I couldn't resistThe magic which tuggedAt my heartstringsAnd brought me to your side. I settled on the floorOnce again.Back against the wall,Holding your tiny hand in mine. While you were sleepingI fell in love with you all over again.
While I Waited
While I Waited   Where My Fire was I could not be Though she was close enough to touch To bask in her sweet scent May have been for me too much Could my eyes have encompassed her beauty? Could I have breathed in her passion? Would my weak limbs shake too much? Would she be more than what I imagined? My thoughts would drift to My Fire As she sat by the setting sun While waves silently were jealous Of this most beautiful one
While You Slept
I touched your face...while you slept...I thought I'd break, or weep.It felt like gossamer satin under the thick pads of my felt like silk, and heat. I don't remember if it always felt like this...or maybe I didn't always feel like this...I only know...I touched your face...While you slept I breathed your breath....I inhaled your skin...soaked in memories and lotion...I heard you breathe...I breathed your breath.You smelled of daisies, and a waning that day...October sky...Harvest barefoot, and I.... ...kissed your face...while you slept...and Iremember every freckle..every scar...every crease...of your skin..I touched your face..while you slept...I had to...because when I won't be sleeping....and I won't be in your dreams...where I kiss your mouth...while you sleep.I think I miss the moments when I'd I miss the moments when you'd sleep.
While Bound
I am in love with being in love in lust with that which remains untouched. Its an empty today. News was disturbing. Deny tears for your sake Deny pain to help you remain whole. I will sew my mouth shut so as not to speak ill.   I will hold my own heart at bay refusing the maddness. My emotions are paperdoll frenzies always warring making my page a battlefield.   Tattered, torn wholly incomplete. overlooking the lies while pretending I can trust. I am an owned pet with license to enjoy myself.   Echo kneeling before Narcissus cursed time restraining her tongue blinding her eye as if a sacrfice to the bondage alter.
While Logic Sleeps
While logic sleeps I reach out with my heart's hand to feel her mind as we share some of the same dreams. While logic sleeps her mind's eye sees me reaching out to her and sees my heart beating faster. While logic sleeps she allows us to be, to share, to love and to laugh, all in beautiful living color. She lets me hold her, protect her from the cold and to dance with her as one. While logic sleeps I know peace. But when logic awakes I feel the rush of embarrassment and foolishness and inner turmoil for ever having thought I could have such a beautiful soul in my overly-complicated life. When logic wakes she remembers why she withdraws and mistrusts and she focuses on the real people and the real circumstances in her well-established life. Unfortunately, logic always awakens. For me, when logic sleeps an unlikely, unreasonable and impossible love awakens and lives. It becomes real enough to taste. It is powerful and palpable. But when logic awakes it remembers. It remembers the love th
While Im At It
now dont get me wrong , i am not one thats against personal expression , in fact im all for it . what i wanna talk about now is tats . i love tats . i dont have any because well , there permininet and i can honestly say that aside from air i have not found anythign that im sure i will always like . but i gotta say this : if you decide to get a tattoo dont expect me to get excited or impressed if it isnt in any way origianl . for example ....   "Hey Turtle , check out my new tatt !" "Hey thats awsome " "yea it really expresses my true inner self and everythign i believe in" " wow , thats incredible , cause to me it looks like the last 500 star tattoos i have seen on other peoples wrists or on their inner hips or that black panther scratching your upper arm and wow , is that a butterfly on your lower back ?!?!?!? WOW how did you ever coem up with that idea ?" if its stock flash doont try to act like its anythign but , sure it may look good , and sure you may like it , thats awsome
While You....
While you SCREAM at your woman, there's a man wishing he could talk softly to her ear. While you HUMILIATE, OFFEND and INSULT her, there's a man flirting with her reminding her how wonderful she is. While you HURT your woman, there's a man wishing he could make love to her. While you make you women cry there's a man stealing smiles frm her.....♥     Just so everyone knows i did not write this, i got it from a family member of mine and i related to it so i wanted to make sure i wouldnt forget it plus i wanted to share it wit everyone. thanks.
While You Were Away.
Whoa.  Whappen'd? view all LikesUser RatingsPhoto RatingsProfile Views:Tooltip Views:Photo Views: 1 1 1 9 14 10
[while Contemplating Lunch]
I had a few things to share.Last night I had the most awful dream, I had my 1/144 Black Tri-stars Gouf finished, and there was something about drug dealersanyway as I was positioning the model the paint started to run off on my fingers like water colors.I couldn't stop it! So I gave in, threw it in a vat of warm alchohol and let it dissolveand it started melting the kit, so I pulled it out and started looking for purple power, and for some reason, the Gouf told me he felt heavy...his eye had been revealed during the melt, and it looked at me imploringly,almost disdainfully! So I started hacking off parts... I rounded off the spikes and I pulled the tubes out, and before long the kit was back to blue... and very strange looking, he commented on his new appearancecritically, stating that he looked like a retarded Zaku I... and he went silent after I cut his lil mouth piece off. What does it mean?Oh then I cleaned up the house some so I could actually get back to my unfini
whilom\ HWAHY-luhm \adjective; 1. Former; erstwhile.adverb: 1. At one time.
While You Are Gone
Lying alone in this bed With thoughts of you inside my head   I miss you so much Your devilish smile and your gentle touch   You should be home tomorrow To lift from my heart all of this sorrow   But you’ll be gone again in a few days And my life will go back into a haze   You’ll be down south in Forest City I’ll be stuck here in Caribou, how shitty   For six months this is how it’ll be Thank God it’s not an eternity   While you are gone just remember that I’ll be Right here waiting for you to return to me
While We Were Dreaming
While you lie on your backAnd move through the scarsSo careful you areTo surrender everythingBut Jesus ain't comin'So don't waste your timeNot yours and not mineYou're only dreamingAnd while you were schemingof silver machinesFar above the leavesI snuck into your sceneDon't lie there, lurkingBehind your troubled wallsWicked as they areYou're not deceivingAnd if I could find your heartI would pull it from your chestAnd smash you with my fistTil it was beatingAnd if there's a hole insideHeaven in your head Coz the angel that you kissedJust left you bleedingI know it ain't easyTo keep roundin' onWhen the voices in your skullAre always screamingBroke into your prisonAnd dropped the sleeping guardsPainted flowers on the barsAnd snuck you out the yardParalysed and gleamingWith visions of new statesWe're wrapped in our embraceWhile we were dreaming
[while I Pass Time Hydrating]
1. What time did you get up this morning?10:00.  2. How do you like your steak?Medium, with some rice, couscous, good bread, or potatoes to soak up the juice.  3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?Avengers. Fuck yeah. 4. What are your favorite TV shows?M*A*S*H, Good Eats, Iron Chef... the one from Japan. 5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?Somewhere in the country, preferably with a mild climate.  6. What did you have for breakfast?Liverwurst and roast beef sandwich with horseradish/mustard. And granola. 7. What is your favorite cuisine?Yes. ... oh. Fuck. That's a very complicated question for me. I'll defer to "Spanish" for the moment. 8. What foods do you dislike?Peas. Genitals/reproductive/excretory organs. 9. Favorite Place to Eat?My kitchen. ... or The Plantation Steakhouse in Topeka. Five hundred yards from the ranch/slaughterhouse. Best prime rib I've ever had. Or Haywards in KC That place is magical. Or Jasper's in KC, that place is noice. Or
While No One Volunteers For...
...the big "C", the form I have is 'bout as mild as it gets.  Nevertheless, I'll soon be receiving chemo  --  & not at all sure how THAT will alter my work, exercise, & fu "routines". 
While It Will Be Hard To Throw For More Yards
Reasons To Believe 1. Tyron Smith Jersey . Face of the Franchise - Amidst all the bounty gate issues, the most shocking aspect of the Saints off-season was their refusal to reward Drew Brees with a new contract. No one deserved a contract more than the man who has been the leader of the team, was integral to keeping them in New Orleans and was MVP in their Super Bowl victory. After a brief holdout the two sides resolved the issue and Brees is back where he should be - in the pocket. While it will be hard to throw for more yards than he did in 2011, Brees will remain among the elite at his position.  2. New Look Defence - Gregg Williams was long gone when news broke of his bounty program. The Saints had already found a new defensive coordinator in former Rams head coach Steve Spagnulo. The former architect of the New York Giants defence, Spagnulo will try to improve a unit that crumbled in their last two trips to the post-season. Unlike Williams, Spagnulo likes to bring pres
While At The Gym - Dog Watch
Sometimes ya just see something that makes ya smile and I've been doing a lot of smiling....   Anyway, I couldn't help but chuckle when I came outta the gym today to find this little head following me as I walked a crossed the parking lot. This little dog was sitting up SO straight and waiting SO patiently. I couldn't resist taking a picture. Now! Had I seen this truck with "doggie" sitting at a red light or at the drive through at McDonald's or Dunkin' Donuts, I mighta thought twice about who was really driving that truck.
While In The Akron-area Are Louis Vuitton Handbags
you will definitely appearance and feel amazingly louis vuitton affordable handbags Akron Budget TrendThere exists a large difference between knock-off style and budget trend. Or is there? Despite the fact that distinguishing a knock-off from your genuine deal can be difficult, fakes are low-cost attempts to steal a designers property. It is not illegal to purchase knock-off fashions, but it is illegal to promote them. Unlawful knock-offs are ones that blatantly have the names and logos of designers on them. These knock-offs, even though low-cost excuses from the actual mccoys, at least give some credit score to their designers. There is a sort of knock-off that most budget shoppers usually are not even aware of.Connected topicsbudgetTargetDesigner bagsProenza SchoulerPursesMid-level department retailers including Target and Kohl's have their very own designer labels that make fashions that follow higher trend trends. This can be excellent for shoppers on a spending budget
While Daniela Hantuchova Of S
LUXEMBOURG -- Top-seeded Roberta Vinci of Italy reached the Luxembourg Open quarterfinals by beating Anne Keothavong of Britain 6-4, 6-1. Venus Williams, playing her first tournament since the U.S. Open, also advanced with a tough 7-6 (4), 6-4 victory over German Mona Barthel. Williams prevailed despite six double faults and losing her serve four times. Also, Andrea Petkovic of Germany, ranked 182nd, defeated third-seeded and former No. 1 Jelena Jankovic of Serbia 7-5, 6-0, while Daniela Hantuchova of Slovakia defeated Kirsten Flipkens 6-4, 4-6, 6-2. Flipkens had won 24 of her previous 26 matches to give her a career-high No. 58 ranking. In another second-round match, Ksenia Pervak of Kazakhstan beat sixth-seeded Sorana Cirstea of Romania 7-6 (4), 6-1. Wholesale NFL Jerseys From China . Andre Hainault, Will Bruin and Kofi Sarkodie each scored second-half goals to give the Houston Dynamo a 3-1 win over D. Wholesale NFL Jerseys . Matching up against the Boston Celtics, on the
i sit here a whimper escapes my mouth slowly a tear falls down i feel myself shudder crying out loud for i know i lost you cause i refuse to move how could i be so stupid how did i not know what i had i shall always remember this for i lost my angel
I'm sitting here on the top of the downtown parking garage; the one I always go to when I need to think privately. Sitting on the ledge as I always do, my feet dangling against the concrete walls. One of the tallest buildings downtown, and the tallest parking garage, it has a beautiful view of the market area, orange with the lights at night. My only companions are the strange little birds that haunt the taller buildings, screetching and shreiking eerily. They serve as a reminder of why I am here. My mind is blank, my mouth is dumb, and my heart is the only thing that feels. Aching, as it always has in times past when need drove me to the edge. Edge of insanity? I wonder. Perhaps the edge of death? Sounds more like it, though in all times past I never jumped. Still alive, I think to myself, laughing almost grimly. Alive for what I've always wondered. For the same purpose, the same reason, has ever driven me here. I wonder what it would be like to jump. Leap off the ed
Whimsical Bravey
Tucked into my little bed, all safe and sound. I awoke and out the door, the hallway I looked down. Coming down the hallway a monster I did see, big and tall, with lots and lots of sharp and shining teeth. He looked round, high and low, and he seemed to be searching round, near and far for some child he could eat. Terrified, I made no sound, to keep him far from me. But I knew, I would be found - Protection I would need. I got up from my cozy bed and to my toys I went. My frying pan, I thought, I knew, would give his head a dent. Green Plastic smiled up at me, when I found that pan. I returned to bed with my toy and kept it close at hand. The monster still was in the hall, but I was no longer scared. Molded plastic helped me, Smiles made me brave. 7 April 2001 This poem is based upon something that happened when I was a child.
I can see the orange sky in front of me I can see things you'll never see People say its all a f--ing dream But I can say words you couldn't speak Is it me? Can you believe You'll never live the world I live Is it me? It is only me I can only live a world Break away from you shattered beliefs Detaching from my body desperate in grief I have changed the world in front of me One against all; I'm starving this world [bridge] Is it me? Do you want me? You think you can have me Say you love me You want me! I'm saving my money 'cause I don't pay to... [chorus] I'm not afraid to live I'm not afraid to die I can only give What I see inside You can only take What I give of me You can only win When I'm not afraid to lose... Subjected to your mother of nature Limited to the color of your eyes Drained by the one you call your lover She don't care if you live or die [repeat bridge and chorus] Oh yeah, oh yeah Oh yeah, oh yeah You can only
Thanks god I have a doctor's appointment today. I couldn't sleep for shit last night upstairs so I came down and crashed on the recliner. Which wasn't so great itself. I feel miserable and all I want to do is SLEEP! And I can't :( I'm torn between wanting this to be a sinus infection because that means antibiotics but honestly I'd rather it just be a cold because I don't want to take medicine. Chances are though- with the fact that something else is going on, it's neither. I haven't had my glucose test yet. Which I think normally happens oh about a month ago? I'm thinking I'm probably not at high risk for GD or else they would have made me have it last appointment. Granted I couldn't have drank another drop of anything then since I had to have a full bladder for my ultrasound. I'm torn on having that test done. It's "painless" but I've heard some horror stories about the orange drink. But it could be useful. I just don't like needles or having blood drawn. Meh. We'll see I guess.
(noun) The trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment
Whimsical Creature
walking in the freshly falling snow, enjoying the look and feel of it as it dances whimsically to a music not heard by humans...the light of the moon and the lamps lit in the night glint off each flake enchanting, enticing, inviting me to linger in the brisk cold...entranced i stop and stare in wonderment at the simple beauty before me...the nighttime winter ground dazzling with the spark and twinkle of each newly fallen flake
Whiney Bitches
I had a bad headache at work for half the shift. I ended up talking with that "Chris" dude that I talked about in my last entry. He asked me if I had a problem with him and I told him that I didn't and never had a problem with him. I like everyone at work except for this one chick that I won't even get into. She knows that I don't like her and for some reason she always had a problem with me. Even though I dislike her, I still talk to her cause I have to work with her sometimes. Then he started complaining to me that he wasn't able to do something all at once. I told him that everyone is able to do that part of the job and he just has to practice. There's this other guy that's not able to do part of one machine because he only has one arm, and you need two arms to work it completely. Chris just needed to calm down and not worry so much. If you keep things at a steady pace, then you'll be able to get it done just fine. Then, the dude the dude with one arm, I will name him Phang
Now can we all quit whining and BE Thankful we have this place at all. Try and have a GOOD thankskgiving and ENJOY your families!!! xoxo ¢¾Princess¢¾Immortal¢¾Love¢¾
Whiners And Beggars
Ok im sick and tired of people shouting me to seE the private folder. Some wont Even rate a single pic or leave a comment.They have to send a message or send a shout. Then get all pissed off when i have to paste the message thats all over my page of whats required to see the family folder.YES I KNOW I HAVE A LOT OF PICS! Thats the point! See i dont get points for NSFW pics so im thinking of not having any AT ALL! I mean why would anyone post them if the rater and the person being rated is geing nothing for it?I mean if it sems like too much to you THEN JUST DONT DO IT! I mean how simple is that?Im not here to get you off people. And yes if that makes me a points whore then so BE IT! Dont like it move on to the next profile. Maybe some other bitch will show you everything you want for NOTHING! So over the drama! Also Im probably going to set my shoutbox to family only because of all the pervs and assholes. Ive blocked like 9 people in 2 days! OFF to work! tO ALL MY REAL FRIENDS, H
A Whine That Could Happen On Any Given Day.
I just want to know the truth. I am tired of getting little bits here and half-truths there and "I'm not too concerned"s and "it's not all that much"s. I don't feel like a best friend. I feel like a sucker. I need a validation of my own: that I'm worth more than food and rides and moral support whenever he wants it. He'll say I am, but then I turn around and find out there was more to yet another story I've been told. It is getting tiresome.
I just feel like whining and complaining. I'm sick as a dog. I've got mono and strep with an ear infection blooming. Not to mention the body aches and it feels like I've been stabbed in the throat. Kids can smell weakness and whenever I'm sick they act even nuttier than usual. They are driving me to an early grave, I swear! I sure hope I start feeling better tomorrow. This is sure getting old. It's hard enough being sick when it's just you but when you have others to take care of you feel like you'll never get well.
look people adult is not nsfw but it means the same thing i labeled the album adult instead of nsfw beleaving that you would know it meant the same , i have seen pics that are so unsuitable but nothing has been said. some one had a problem with one of my pics i dont know who it is but GROW UP it is a CARTOON get the rod out of your keister if it says adult it prob will offend you so dont look at it its real simple but maybe not for you after all a CARTOON offends you if you are going to bitch about anyones pics at least be grown up enough to tell the person involved instead of going to the teacher like a little kid we are supposed to be adults here right are you afraid to let people know who you are am i that intimadating to you then stay off my page dont want you there ok you are a up tight prude who cant take a joke i say again its a CARTOON dumb ass
the time has come for grown ups to do just that grow up, the senseless boo hooing over pics, blogs, comments and the like, as being unsuitable is rediculous we know they are unsuitable when they are labled as such or as adult it is the same cartoons are just that cartoons plants are plants get over it this is not school lets act accordingly we are old enough to monitor ourselves if there is a prob tell the person be a grown up i promise they will not beat you up on the play ground at recess so lets just get along
Whiny Bitches (long Blog)
OK, so this chick named Shed A Tear posted a mumm earlier today. Her question was this: "Do you think men who dont get laid live with there mom for the rest of there life.?? And do what do you think there problem is as far as not getting laid. ?" Most mummers started calling her out on her bullshit, including Punkin, who said "because of women like you which there are plenty of em'" Shed A Tear got all pissy and bitchy, and she attacked Punkin. I defended Punkin and said "punkin's cuter furthermore, when she said women like you, she was referring to personality, not looks you made an assumption that men who live at home dont get laid, which is a bullshit assumption, and you see it as a problem that men dont get laid that in itself is a stupid thing to think. like wiz said-maybe guys dont have sex because they're tired of how women tend to play men maybe they're not looking for one night stands, but an actual meaningful committed relationship maybe th
Whiners Suck
Why do people complain and make nasty comments when someone rates their pic less than a ten? Isnt the rating system designed to rate someones picture on what you think about it? I personally don't care what people think of my pic, how I look or what I say. Rate me the way you feel. I don't care. If you don't like me, I don't care. Lighten up losers. If you don't want a less than ten rating, take your picture down. But quit your damn bitching and moaning. geez
Whine Up....
It's summertime Ladies looking hot Shaking up what they've got Elephant Man and Kat, c'mon [Verse 1] Senses telling me you're looking I can feel it on my skin (Whoa) Boy I wonder what would happen If I trip and let you in Don't get shook my my aggression I just might be the one Let's skip this conversation Just whine your body up (Ha Ha Ha) Don't wanna wait no more (Ha Ha Ha) You got what I'm searching for [Pre Hook] Cause I'm feeling your vibing I'm riding high is exotic And I want you, I want you here Pull me closer and closer and Hold me tight to your body I wanna feel you, I wanna feel you near [Chorus:] Whine up, whine up, whine up, oye! Whine up, whine up, whine up, oye! Whine up, whine up, whine up, oye! Whine up, whine up, whine up, oye! A ese nene lo tengo trikiao (oye) Cuando lo bailo lo bailo de lao Y lo empujo lo tengo tumbao Con mis caderas lo tengo amansao wind! [Verse 2] Boy keep doing what you're doing get me hot Winding up
Good Morning. Oh heavens I am so excited to start this morning’s missive with what lies in wait on MSN’S website home page I can’t stand it! First off…what catches my eye is this little gem: “WHAT CAUSES RED WINE HEADACHES?” oh pick me, pick me, I know…as I stand with my hand and arm stretching up skyward. The Chair notices the sweet guy from Michigan. “Sir your answer please” …ah… “Drinking 3 Bottles at one sitting…” NO!... The real story is apparently there are Sulfites that are possibly to blame. They are compounds that contain sulfur and a less-than-optimal number of oxygen atoms. Consequently, they “grab” oxygen before it can react with food and spoil it. In wine, sulfites also control bacteria that might otherwise digest the alcohol content, turning a $50 bottle into some very expensive vinegar. Some sulfites are created naturally during fermentation, as the yeast breaks down sugars in the grape juice into alcohol and carbon dioxide. But wine makers often add more as a preserva
Whiners And Crybabies
I wonder allot why people bother to come online in the first place. It seems like to me and maybe it's just the cynical part of me, but there's a metric ton of unhappy people that come online, here, other forums to try to get happy, or to let everyone else know how unhappy they are. Who cares, really? I mean, if I was best friends or close friends with someone I'd certainly try to help. Should the masses really care what these individuals think, when all they do is rant, rave and cry about how life isn't fair to them? I personally get tired of hearing it. I don't make a habit of bitching and moaning about all my stupid stuff that goes on. I don't see why everyone else needs to take that point of view either. It does get frustrating for me, I'm sure other folks have varying opinions, but I for one am to the point I really just ignore all that now.
Whiney Moment
Can't sleep. Gotta be up in 4 hours. This sucks. :(
Whining, Insomnia And The Green Green Grass Of Home
Most sensible people are still in their beds at this time of the morning, but yet im here, writing a blog at half 8, wishing I had ignored the whinging of the dog and carried on my quiet slumber. But if i'd done that, the carpet would be thick with shit and piss and i'd have to clean it up... So, another day dawns...what could i possibly do today that I havent done on an other day? Not much probably, its Saturday and feck all happens on a Saturday in this part of the world unless you like Soccer. Wish I could be one of those people that could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. But it takes me ages to get to sleep, no matter how tired i am. my damn body clock is all to heck. Still, at least im not the only one
Whiny Crybabies Just Leave? - Tab Issue Fixed
I know that many of us are turned upside down by the new feature of being notified about what all of our friends are doing. Some like it, some don't. I happen to be with those who don't. Baby J says I like BabyJ and have the utmost respect for him but in this case we must agree to disagree. Absolutely, I can..........and have turned my settings to see what's going on only on my page. Why? Quite franky, I adore my friends but I do NOT feel the need to be all up your business like that. However, just because I've disable mine doesn't mean that someone else can't watch every move I make. That is what I dislike about the new feature. I should be able to decide if I want to be watched like that or not. A simple button or dropbox that says "Allow others to see what I'm doing - yes or no" would solve this whole issue. So those who want to hand out tissues or call the whaaambulance are welcome to keep doing that. I usually support and back up site changes as they are nece
Whiny Drunk Girl Part I - Whiny Drunk Girl
(All characters in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental and unintentional on the author's part. - JJ) Once upon a time, there was a girl who was very lonely and confused. She had been through alot in her young life. She was not happy with anyone, including herself. She tried several ways to alleviate the pain she felt inside. Nothing could bring relief. So she turned to alcohol. At least that was a temporary fix, she thought to herself. Sometimes when she drank, she felt numb. She felt nothing. Other times, although subdued, the pain brought tears and all her emotions came to the surface. She didn't like thinking about her problems, she didn't like herself. For her, it was like all her insecurities were poking her on her shoulder and mocking her without mercy. So she drank more. The more she drank, the more angry and cynical she became. First, just to herself and then, lashing out at others. The reali
Whiny Drunk Girl Part Ii - Stop The Pain
He didn't hear her. He just walked away. She felt so alone now. She just wanted him to pay. To suffer like she did. To feel the pain inside her now. He'd never get it. She had to make him feel it somehow. The pain in her heart. The void in her soul. No attention from him was getting old. He didn't notice. He just pretended to care. She didn't feel like he was ever there. He had to move on. He couldn't take anymore. She was always crying. She didn't know happiness like she did before. He tried to be there. He tried to understand. He smiled through bitter tears. He stayed when he could have ran. She pushed him away. Pulled him back again. Pushed him some more. Emotionally beat the hell out of him. She called him a liar. Accused him of infidelities. They were never together. She couldn't face reality. He said he was sorry. So many times. He was unsure. Of the nature of his crimes. She couldn't forgive him. She would never forget. The lie
Whiny Drunk Girl Part Iii - You're Killing Me
The new one bounced in. He'd had a few. He was pretty popular. She waited and she watched to see what he would do. He greeted everyone. Especially the girls. They all seemed really into him. She gave her drink a swirl. It seemed he had forgotten her. As he soaked up all the love. She threw back her drink. Swallowed hard. She had had enough. She would pm his ass. Ask him what the hell!?! She poured herself another drink. She sent his ass some mail. Meanwhile he was having fun. He flirted a little with everyone. Next thing he knew he had mail. Oh shit now what had he done? He read her letter with a furrowed brow. He didn't understand. He had just been having fun. Now she was dissing on him for being a man. She drummed her fingers on her desk. Toyed with the ice in her glass. If he was going to ignore her. He could kiss her ass. He closed the mail. Thinking what the hell. That bitch is crazy. She actually thought I fell. In love with
Whiny Drunk Girl Part Iv - Just Then All Her Sweetness Was...
...swallowed up into a great big ball of ugliness. I really hope she can escape one day and learn to love herself. Because if she can't find her beauty inside, neither can anyone else. Love yourself Caryn my dear. Learn to see your worth. See that its not all wrapped up in some guy. You need to love you first. Then and only then. You will learn the truth. You needn't force someone to care. They might just come to you. And when they do. You need to remember this: Cherish each special moment, each electrifying kiss. Don't take for granted on this day. That he'll be there tomorrow. Because dear sweet Caryn, this will only bring you sorrow. Live for today. Live like there's no tomorrow. Cause life's to short to live in the past. If you can love yourself, then others will follow. Caryn dear, there's one for you. If you'll give you a chance. Don't be in a great big hurry. Don't do that demanding dance. Let it flow, one day at a time. Let you
who are all the fucking whiners that bitch about everyone elses mumms? i am tired of extremely personal mumms and the people that bitch about the content. the whiners that never post mumms, they are the ones that believe they are better than everyone and can degrade nonstop on others polls. i have been known to post a negative comment or 2, but its getting out of control. stop bitching on anothers point of view!
Whiney M F-ers I Tell You What...
Okay. So its down to Obama and Mccain. Personally, I think its going to be Obama simply because hes the democratic candidate. Thats how it goes, we have a republican pres, everybody gets tired of him, then comes in a democrat and vice versa. And lately Ive seen a lot of hostility towards Obama on here. And it makes me laugh because it just goes to show you that people are never satisfied. Everybody has gone from talking about how much they hate George Bush to how much they hate Obama and Mccain. I mean really you can't hate every president that comes along...well I guess you could but what kind of country does that make us? Some people are so worried about what other countries are saying about us or what they think about our country and I think we need to stop worrying about everyone else so much and focus on the people IN our country that slander the government and what they are doing. Now don't get me wrong I dont think by any means that the government or GWB have made all the right
Whinning Wendy
In a small town there lived a little girl, to look at her you would think she was cute and very cuddly but she wasn’t. When Wendy was born her parents were so pleased she was the apple of their eye. Wendy could do nothing wrong she was a quiet baby and worked hard at nursery, but things were soon to go wrong. Wendy started to whine about anything and everything, she would whine about her or breakfast, she would whine about her clothes or going to gran’s for tea. Wendy’s parents were forever holding their fingers in their ears, just to stop the constant whining that lingered in their ears. Today everyone was going to gran’s and Wendy was already kicking up a fuss, “I don’t want to go, I hate going to gran’s she’s got gummy teeth and her breathe really smells” “Wendy” said her mum and frowned at her, but Wendy just laughed. So Wendy talked a little more “Gran’s got really hairy armpits, and she smells really bad” “Wendy” said mum and waved her finger at her, but Wendy just la
I just feel like whining. My ex put me in a shitty mood. When I'm not with my kids I appreciate the time alone, but also miss them like crazy. He treats them as an inconveinence. He's always so worried about "me" time. Shit. He has 11 days of "me" time before he gets burdened with my beautiful children. I don't understand it. Maybe he's just had such a taste of freedom over the last 16 months that he just can't handle responsibility anymore? Or maybe he's just more worried about getting a bj from his flavor of the week? It makes my heart hurt knowing my kids go over there every other weekend and he's just annoyed by them.
I've come to realize I don't leave a big enough impression on anyone. No one notices if I'm here or not. No one ever thinks to include me in real life. I've recently been told that I'm cold. *sigh* Just having a pity party. I really should figure out why I don't seem to care to allow people to get close to me, and find out why I have such a disinterest in getting to know others.
Whine Without Cheese.
Ya ever notice how some people, no matter how nice you are to them never warm up to you? Some people really need to check themselves and not be so stuck up or rude. We are all human beings and should be treated the way you want to be treated. A polite hello to fellow Fubarians you run across daily wouldn't kill you. Eh, maybe I shouldn't be so damned nice anymore.
Whining Or Dine In?
I really do not get the whiner status thing, going on here on fubar. Is the all mighty Bling, Rate, so important, that people will give up their morals and values for a few dollars? Is that Status, so important, that a person will suck up for it? I just do not understand this at all, here. A person can Portray, any Image they want people to believe, online. I, however do not really give a crap, of what people think of me. Sure, I can be nice, sweet, be a nice girl, suck up for friends, whatever. I have even done this before online, on other services. It really does not pay, I feel. Because in the end, your going to make someone mad. There is a fine line now with me, concerning people online. If you help someone, they expect you to be there, for every occasion, and when your not, they get mad. So, Why bother? I see so many women on Fubar, that portray an image of this nice girl routine. For Status? To be liked? To have alot of friends? I do not understand this, I have so many
First off let me say...this blog doesn't apply to everyone. With that said, let me start off by saying...I DESPISE WHINERS!! As of late I've seen people whine about being set back to a certain level because of a fubar rule that states something about not having more pictures then you are supposed to have. Now if you are only a few pictures over what you are supposed to have, thats no biggie...but if you have 8,000 pictures and you only have room for 2,500...I can see where people would think you are cheating. Personally I think that if you put that much time into this site, you need serious mental help and need to turn off your computer and step away and go cash your reality check thats been sitting in your closet collecting dust for all these years. I don't see why you would want all those pictures clogging up your computer in the first place. All they do is take up space you could be using for something else more productive then seeing how "virtually popular" you can make you
Whiny Bastards... Ffs Act Like You Have A Pair Fellas, Please.
->texascount...: Oh, and, women don't like the smell of desperation nor do they wish to be hit on by random "men" -I use this term loosely since you're clearly not one. Men that go around begging for sympathy are worthless. Desperation smells like dirty monkey taint. ->texascount...: No, not with you, get bent, fuck your mother, die. texascount...: hello are you single? do you like to talk on the phone? do you have yahoo messenger? what's your id? can you please answer all 4 of my questions please?
Whine Fest
So I have had a rough couple weeks so I am going to let a little out. I have been married for almost 9 years and from the moment I met him he has lied to me and cheated on me and even been a bit abusive. So he left Dec 07 for Iraq and shortly after being gone I found out he was cheating on me before he left YET again. So after 5 of my friends were killed in Iraq I found this out, not only did I have to deal with the lose of my friends and my marriage, I was let go of my volunteer position taking care of the soldiers and their wives because he was cheating ON ME....make sense to anyone else cause it don't to me. So we seperated last Feb. when he came home in April for his 18 day leave I tried to give him a shot to fix things and he ended up getting drunk and trying to kill me. SO I called it over. He is suppose to be back in a couple weeks and he wants another chance--NO WAY IN HELL---I already told him no. SO I met someone and he has been the world to me, although we haven't met
Whine Bags
Why are people on these types of sites so fake? If you are honest with people and they don't like your opinion they block you and hide. That's one of the biggest problems in the world today, everyone is scared of differences. people kill other people because that person didn't like their shoes or looked at them funny. Grow up. not everyone will like you. not everyone will like me. that doesn't mean they don't respect you. stop being whinny asses and face the facts that not everyone is going to like everyone. Agree to disagree. Shit happens, move on and get over it.
Whiners, let me say first off, i am sorry you think that a person who is running auto 11's is capable of returning love to every single person who rates them durring their durration. It is not possible to do this, unless the person absolutely has no effin life and lives on here. Durring an auto i run, much less 48 hour marathon, i tend to have anywhere between 40-100 people. Though that is not as many as some people, its alot for me to keep up with. There is absolutely no way i can keep up with them all. I try to return love by atleast rating and fanning. As you can tell by the amount of "fan of" i have compaired to my fans or friends. If it bothers you that i dont always get back to you, well i suggest you find someone else to rate. But try to remember you are also getting points and fubucks off the people you rates auto's, so its not as if you arent getting something out of it. So before you message me with some kind of complaint or PMS, know that im not going to repspond and your
Whiney Whiney Bitch Bitch Bitch
Ok, so V-Day is basically D-Day for me. Thanks for the gifts and comments from the select few that gave them. I am going back to burying my head in the sand.
why would you kick someoone out of a lounge because the bitched about no onw wver in there what kind of loung eis that...oh wait i know a lounge run by a high school drama group. so listen up people be careful of what lounges to enter and the people your talking too, because they'll stab you in the back for keepin it real and takin no B.S when you have a legitimate bitch.
I cannot believe the way some lounges have acted in the past day. I was given the ultimate choice "ONES LOUNGE OR THE OTHERS"> Not both. I feel that this is childish and I do not like drama. the one who wrote the letter was booted from my list of things to do or my lounges.... long live the Southern Way of LIFE REBEL
Whiney B*tch Azz Men
What they hell is the world coming to is there ever going to be a manly man again ???  It does not matter what the age is that I date they can not handle me working and going to school... They whine and b*tch and moan about "when are we gonna spend more time together?" OK I understand that realtionships are hard and take work but when I give all I can and the other person goes into it saying they support you and then when it coems down to it they cant handle it.  THAT IS WHY I STAY SINGLE!!!! SCREW THE WHINEY ONES!!!!!! I mean its not like I would not fully support them in thier endeavors... and yes I have been there and fully supported my ex-husband while he went to school. SO I know what its like on the other side of it... I mean its not like it isnt hard for me too!!!! anyways I am just ranting on and on... cause it a pet peeve.
The Whining In Arizona...
Whining , effective?  A.  Hell No B. Hell effing no!
Whiny Political Bullshit
Whininh Wendy(kids)
In a small town there lived a little girl, to look at her you would think she was cute and very cuddly but she wasn’t. When Wendy was born her parents were so pleased she was the apple of their eye. Wendy could do nothing wrong she was a quiet baby and worked hard at nursery, but things were soon to go wrong. Wendy started to whine about anything and everything, she would whine about her or breakfast, she would whine about her clothes or going to gran’s for tea. Wendy’s parents were forever holding their fingers in their ears, just to stop the constant whining that lingered in their ears. Today everyone was going to gran’s and Wendy was already kicking up a fuss, “I don’t want to go, I hate going to gran’s she’s got gummy teeth and her breathe really smells” “Wendy” said her mum and frowned at her, but Wendy just laughed. So Wendy talked a little more “Gran’s got really hairy armpits, and she smells rea
Whinese, a new language.  A. Yes B. As old as the hills
Whiny Blog
How many assholes have to think I took someone else's photo, started a default with it, and pretended to be a pedophile?
Is it me or is it we have whiners everywhere still lol. It dosnr matter where you are, regular Fu or in mafia this is all just a game and a place to have fun. If you dont get what you want, not enough like's, to many dislike's, not enough page rates comments picture rate's or bling, then get a job and buy it yourself and get yourself out there and get known and be friendly. If you get beat up in mafia, learn the game, play the game, join a turf or stay turfless. You cant beat everyone and no one is unbeatable, yes people bling, it's part of the game, it's where you have the opition to so if you want, if you dont want to do whine, it's still an option for other's not just for yourself other's just choose to take that option. All in all, and at the end of the day wether you spend all day, part of the day, everyday, or every other day here, it's still just a game and it's to have fun. I wish you the best and a greta fu time ;)
Whiny Dumb People....'im Just Trying To Help Friends
 EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: STOP polishing my bling!!!! 10:30am more To  EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: no 10:31am reply  EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: i asked nicely in my status to not have it polished 10:31am more To  EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: no, your status said id be blocked, i wouldnt call that nice 10:32am reply  EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: i said please do not bomb or polish or you will be blocked ty 10:33am more To  EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: yup, i find that to be pretty dumb, blocking people for such a pathetic reason 10:34am reply  EasyOnTheEyz Js W...: yes but i asked nicely i am only running this bling so that i can level 10:36am more To 
Whine Much?
I enjoy how some of the people that don't spend a penny on here whine so much.
Whing Ass Cry Baby
chicks wanna make a nigga look bad ha you got another thing coming if you think you that bad runnin they mouth looking for sympathy from niggas bitch grow the fuck up handle your own business lil cry baby why you ignoring me only reason why is cuz bitch you  annoying me yo one thing you dont know bout me is I DONT GIVE A FUCK what you or anyone else gotta say about me tryin to get me set up by ex supposed girlfriends ha you trippin that shit whack the bitch is inher 20's acting like she back in high school with the childish bull crap so yea yo this is my blog my flow what ever you wanna calll it but check this out bitch your like an illegal imagrant in my book you just been deported so fuck you and your littel childish shit you wanna talk about me this is what you fucking get you run your mouth bout me talkin shit believe this will be only the beginning for what ill have in store for you bitch dj papi chulo the one and only all the real chicks get the fuck at me 
I bought some nice toys in the horse riding section at pets mart, a long ass riding crop and a leather slapper. I love finding toys in the oddest places. I bought a singapore cain at a dollar zone. My favorite is drunk shopping in Mexico they have lots of whips there, I can't wait to go back.
Whips...chains..and Cuffs...oh My!
Imaginative, erotic, passionate You prefer to have one partner and to try everything with them. You have an enormous sexual appetite, and you often create sexy scenarios to play out with your significant other. Take this quiz at
Whips Or Chains?
You scored as Blind Folds. Your turn on is the blindfold. When you can't see, that makes your other senses more aware... including your sense of touch. So who wouldn't enjoy being blindfolded???? Sex isn't sex without enhancing your sense of touch.Blind Folds100%Whips67%Biting50%Bondage17%Blood8%Chains/Handcuffs0%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
1) Do you drive the speed limit? i set my own limits 2) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? hahhahahahah why ask me 3) What's the fastest you've ever driven? 140+ 4) Do you listen to music in your car? most of the time 5) Would you rather be the driver or the passenger? DRIVER 6) Do your passengers like to be backseat drivers? Dont care dont ask lol 7)Whats the longest distance you've ever driven in one day?Michigan to Cali 8) Where was the first place you drove when you got your license? To matts to go hunting 9) Did you have restrictions on where you could drive when you first got your license? NO 8) What kind of car do you drive? 86 mustang T-top and 93 jeep cherokee 9) What was your first car? 89 suzuki 10) How many cars have you owned? 7 11) Did you pass your learner's permit test the first time? yes 12) Are you nervous about driving over bridges/tunnels? NOPE 13) Do you have a lot of junk in your car? nope 14) Is your car clean? c
Whip Me Harder....... I Like It!
Whip Me
Today,I decided that I needed to do something different.To stay away from sex.So,I decided in my mind that whips and handcuffs and the 'fun' a person could have with that wasn't sex.Am I wrong? Nah!!!!!!!!!!!!I don't think so.After all its all about the state of mind(well at least for me).After all I have done both roles.Both the DOMI and the submissive.I personally have enjoyed being the domi.Although,I must say being handcuffed and having feathersran over a persons body is fun tooooooooo. So,the question I have in my mind,is that kind of fun still considered sex too?
Whipping Wensdays?
I'm offering a Whipping Wednesday contest! All you have to do is vote from the list of my friends who you think I should Whip?? I'll even throw in a bonus tag just for you!!! We'll even bombared your page with comments and tens.. Just click on my page. Tell me what friend of mine I should Whip and why!! :) Let's make this fun!! Voting starts now, so don't delay!
Whips Verses Paddles
I don't know if this is true or not but I have been doing alot of research into this. Whips are suppose to be erotic,fun and yes even a little kinky. Paddles are suppose to be sexy,harmless and not even remotely kinky. Last time I checked that paddles were just as kinky as whips. When did this change?Has kink gotten so-hard core that everyone that is with this community forgot to send me the memo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuz if so,dang you all hook a sister up with this info,lol.No serious though,I thought that whips and paddles ain't always for everybody,but since when do u have to choice?As in whips verses paddles!Is it now going to be whips n chains verses paddles n scarves...which is more kinky(ding ding....rd1) I don't know about that one,silly if u just ask me.Although in my opionion,I think one is just as kinky as the other especially in the way that u use them.If u r all playful and silly when using them,then that's how it will be.Then again,that's just how I feel
Whip Em Out.
So much for the theory that if you whip a Hostess cupcake hard enough it will scream horrible obscenities in French.
Whips Chains Society
Whips, Chains And Green Beer Oh My!
That was my st.patty's day. I went out to the place called Atomix here in town and they had the "spank me I'm irish!" party there. Of course i made more connections, and just relaxed. It was nice to see people. Had a DJ there handcuff me and parade me like a prize holding my chin up, and showin off the handcuffs, and a master run these special add ons to your fingers that lightly scratch. Felt good. Now people dont get me wrong im not into the whole beat the person down in pain thing. Its not like that. I like the pleasureable sweet torture. The teasin that makes you ache you know? Fun times. Anyways. Yeah ok now that you know this soldier girl has a freaky side, hope you all are doin well and had your green beer and got trashed good and proper. Anyways gotta run. Bye.
Whips And Chains
whip me beat me make me bleed WHIPS AND CHAINS IS ALL I NEED
Whip My Bunny Tail Into Shape Sunday Night!!!!
This Sunday night, we have Author Dominic DiMilano talking about his "Erotic" (okay folks, its porn!) book called "Holiday Bedtime Stories from Around the World". This guy is the cult of personality, call in and take part in this weeks show!!! Plus, we have a special "Easter" prank call from our pal Hellin!! Tune in and find out why you need Razors...LMAO!! Make your own Myspace Crazy Text at Call into the show at 646-652-4737 and give us your best Easter pranks!!! Just click on the link below and join!!! OH!!! AND..... Make your Comments HEARD using
Whip Or Crop?
Come vote on my Mumms Whip or Crop? before it expires!! Have fun Vote for Whip or Crop - Click Here
Whip For other uses, see Whip (disambiguation). And distinguish from wip and WIP. A type of whip known as a riding cropThe word whip describes two basic types of tools: A long stick-like device, usually slightly flexible, with a small bit of leather or cord, called a "popper", on the end. Depending on length and flexibility, type is often called a riding whip, riding crop or "bat". It is also sometimes called a "horsewhip" or "horse whip". The other type of whip is a long tapered flexible length of single-strand or plaited (braided) material (usually leather) with a stiff handle. Some whips of this type include the bullwhip and the stock whip. Each design has many variations and lengths for different purposes, often with different names. As well as these traditional whip types designed for use on animals, there are whip designs that had historic uses for inflicting pain on humans, such as the "cat o' nine tails" and others. These devices are used as flogging instrumen
Whiped The Fuck Out?
So i been just gettin' fuckin hammered latley... Piss wasted before i hit the road again.. So i got a new deck from germany its brand is choke? Anyway whatever some idiot put black griptape over pink, so i had to sand it, it's fucked up but it made it super light. It has brand new black magic grip tape, duh-oh bushings, hardware, bone abec 9s, blank wheels.. thing rocks. My old deck is still the same, i take it with me almost where ever the fuck i go. IBut every time i drink at the cemetary, I take 7th street home, i skate on the sidewalk. I whipped out twice in two nights. Both infront of a cop. They dont care much at all. Dick heads. Anyways. If umm yeah people comment
Whips?? Me??
You scored as Whips, Your turn on is the "good ol'" whip. You either like to feel in charge during sex, or you like to feel pain. Sex isn't sex unless it's rough.Whips50% Bondage42% Blind Folds42% Chains/Handcuffs42% Biting25% Blood0% What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
You scored as Whips, Your turn on is the "good ol'" whip. You either like to feel in charge during sex, or you like to feel pain. Sex isn't sex unless it's rough.Biting100% Whips100% Bondage92% Chains/Handcuffs83% Blood50% Blind Folds17% What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
I am broken into larger pieces, crashing through paper dollies, razor thin whiplash - careering unspun across this flat earth. On certain mountaintops, the ocean is heard like thundering trees, in whispers of glass statuettes and the building currents of tomorrow's wind sweeping each moment into a dead bird's grave. Where will the anguished laughter land, when next we sit in rows of discontented cunts? Wash your hands. Begin again. © All rights reserved
Whipped Cream
Wednesday=Whippings ^_^ I asked a darling friend of mine for some assistance with this yesterday. Mistress Heather determined that I should issue... 50 with a wooden hairbrush 50 with a cane 25 with a flogger 100 with a braided whip blindfolded gagged bent over a bench for the brush and cane...I used the bean flipped over! tied standing with arms above their head...I used the pulley system and tied it tight then completed the task at hand oh...and for that extra delight! WET...with a handy dandy spray bottle to keep it wet! very nice very nice indeed is Torment Thursday...purrr I have been planning for this one all week! Thanks beauty...I enjoyed it thoroughly!
What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with You scored as WhipsYour turn on is the "good ol'" whip. You either like to feel in charge during sex, or you like to feel pain. Sex isn't sex unless it's rough. Biting 75%Whips 75%Bondage 58%Chains/Handcuffs 42%Blood 42%Blind Folds 0%
Whipped Cream
Whipping Post
Ok so this one will get a variety of opinions. There are tons of new laws about how when and where you can discipline your children. Yes I understand some of these laws and I know they help prevent child abuse. But don't tell me that when I am in Walmart, pizza hut, Kmart, or and other public place and my child acts a fool that I can not swat them on the butt. Time out works for some, the corner works for others, but a ass whoopin works for all (just do not over do it) When I was a kid if I did something stupid (which was alot) I got a good ole ass whoopin. It didn't matter where I was or who was around. I got whippins by my parents, my friends parents, and even people my parents knew but I still have no idea what their names are. I turned out to be a great father, husband, and role model for my kids. On the other hand my little brother didn't get whippins at all growing up for some silly reason, and he got into tons of trouble with the law. Done all kinds of stupid stuff. He st
Whips And Things
Whip It-devo
Devo - Whip It - Devo
Whip Cream
Whip Cream by LateNiteFantasy© How do you taste in whip cream? Sweet, soft and cool? Is the taste of you in whip cream, As enjoyable as a dip in a pool? Will my mouth start to water? Will my heart begin to race? From the anticipation of whip cream on my face. How do you taste in whip cream? Is it all I imagine it to be? Will one sample turn me into a starving fiend, With my tongue begging to be free? Do you taste good enough to pass all tests? Are you addictive with just one lick? Will the flavor linger on for days, As I dream of that next tasty fix? How do you taste in whip cream? An experience in pure ecstasy? Is the taste of you in whip cream, Good enough to put a spell on me? What could I really expect? Will the taste make me shiver and shake? Can the taste of you in whip cream, Rival that of the sweetest cake? How do you taste in whip cream? Should you be served on a golden plate? Will the joy of experiencing you in whip cream, Be worth the nerve wr
I feel like my world is slowly being pulled out from underneath me. Like I can't get any footing period. I think that something wonderful is going to happen and then it slowly starts to crumble around me. Why can't I ever get something and not have to fight so damn hard? I don't want things handed to me..but damn. I can only try so hard. It's really quite pathetic. I just want to be happy, to not have to worry about all the stupid shit going on around me. It's real life, it's not something I can just turn off and ignore. Sometimes I feel like giving up.
Whipping Post
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
Whipping Post
"whipped Across The Bac"
"Oh Mistress!" "I am your slave to command!"   Whipped across the bac... Serve her... Serve her... Serve her... Mistress... Make me pay... The pain you impose upon me... Punishment... A form of reward for my loyalty unto you... Down in the dungeon... Awaiting your wrath... Hot wax running down my spine... Stock of roses in hand... Whipped across the bac... Fear her... Fear her... Fear her... Mistress... Worshipping... On my knees... Bowing unto thee... Liquid sting... The wax dropping on my skin... Rewarded... Permision granted to cum... All tied up... Lurking over me... Flogger in hand... Whipped across the bac...   Whipped across the bac...!
"whip It"-devo
"whip It"-devo
Whips And Chokers
Whip me baby, make me feel pain The way you play with my nipples drives me insain The touch of your skin, rubbing against my body without a doubt your an absolute hottie Put your hands around my neck, and give a good squeeze lightly bit on my nipples and go down on me please bite down on my neck, I want to see blood I want pain from the begining, the whole time we make love Your pussy so sweet, and warm on my tongue and my lips One hand on your hips and the other on your tits I love to feel you shutter, as I eat you like icecream and the way that you moan, is almost to much to believe do you want me inside you? just tell me you want it Right before you cum, you bite down on your lip
Ssssssilence. You are handcuffed and tied in such a way that you cannot move, in such a way that you are completely exposed.  The harshness of the rope is softened by the cold satin sheets causing chill bumps to form on your skin.  Can you feel them?  Can you picture this?  You cannot see it, however, as the blindfold does not permit. Face down, you shiver when I touch the riding crop to your ankle and run it gently up your calf.  You know its not him holding the crop and you know he will be mad at you for being here, like this, with me.  But for now you just don't care.  As I slide the whip up your leg I begin to tap tap tap, slapping slightly harder each time as I approach your inner thigh.You shiver for many reasons, the foremost being you have no idea who I am.  Not even my voice gives me away when I speak."Now say please."Ssssssilence. Then the requested 'please' slips from my lips. barely audible as most of my attention is on the mental preparation of what is yet to come. The c
The Whipping
There was a class of young people that no teacher was able to handle. Two or three teachers had been run off from school this year by these young people.  Finally a young man out of college heard about the class and applied to the school. The principal asked the young man "Do you not know what you are asking for, no one has been able to handle these young people, you are just asking for a terrible beating." After a few moments of silent prayer, the young man looked at the principal and said "Sir, with your consent I accept the challenge, just give me a trial basis."The next morning the young man reported for class. He said to the class "Young people, I came here today to conduct school, but I realize I can't do it by myself, I must have your help. One big boy, they called Big Tom, in the back of the room whispered to his buddies" I'll not need any help, I can lick that little bird all by myself." The young teacher told the class if they are to have school, there will have
Whip It Up For Lupercalia–the Original Pagan Valentine’s Day–this Saturday At The Speakeasy!
Newsletter Of The Dr Susan Block Institute   This Saturday Night, February 11th on The Dr. Susan Block Show VALENTINE LUPERCALIA ! This Saturday night’s live broadcast of The Dr. Susan Block Show will bring back the old Lupercalia, the prehistoric, orgiastic Roman holiday celebrated in mid-February with whips & floggers instead of cards & flowers–before the Church banned it, substituting the much tamer Valentine’s Day.  
Whiplash Girls Contest
thewhiplashgirls.weebly dot com
Whirlpool (a Song)
Spinning, whirling Thoughts are racing I cannot fight What I'm now facing Pulling me down Into the chasm below I stop struggling now For this I know Sink or swim? There's no choice now The whirlpool's spinning And dragging me down Live or die? Laugh or cry? Are you forgetting this story's setting? Down down Pulling me down Down down No turning back now Down down Dragging me down Down down No use fighting now Sink or swim? There's no choice now The whirlpool's spinning And dragging me down Live or die? Laugh or cry? Are you forgetting this story's setting? Sink or swim? Live or die? Laugh or cry? There's no choice now
Whirl Genie (no Answer)
Ring Ring Brring No give up I am not coming to the phone Ring Ring Brring Sorry not today Ring Ring You are wasting your time Brrriiing! The silence preceeding the beginning of my own voice playing is a most welcome repreive from the violent and monotonous pulsations of my God-awful ringing machine Congratulations you have succeded in contacting my answering machine Well salutations but it does not want to hear from you Not any more than I do Nope it is true Not today I ran out of my timeless patience for pointedly to the point questions I will not answer to your silliness You see yesterday I was intercepted by a genie And he contemplated my revulsion at questions no less He and I are on the same plane He too is accosted by complicated inquiries So we toasted to your ignorance alas perhaps one too many times Consequently I am hugged by a cloud Only it wasn't lovely it was suffocating But no more! For the wind blew T
Whirlpool Of Darkness
The weight of my thoughts pulls at me, I think of all the bad and forget the good, The pain, the heartache, They consume the person I once was, Leaving me an empty shell. My heart and mind wondering what will be. Too much pain, All I see is the down side, I try with all my heart and soul, To find the light, And climb from this dark abyss. But as I grasp for the edge, The pain of my loneliness Pulls me back into the darkness, Which has become as a whirlpool, Pulling me deeper with every stroke I take, Losing strength, losing faith As deeper into the darkness I fall. The weight of the pain, Crushing my heart in my chest. Taking the person that I was, Making me something else, Something that doesn’t know, How to feel, How to love, How to care, How to be me. It all seems to fade, Into the darkness, As I fall all alone, With no one to save me.
Whirlwind Of Winding Random Writings...
Okay so this is the first entry. I have so much to write about but no idea where to begin. Okay so New Year's happened not too long ago and i have a few resolutions. For one, i am going to start up on my writings, i have to get some major progress done on the book before my co-author gets back in about a week and a half. Secondly, i have been painting alot here lately and am getting better with each one. Maybe one day, i will be at a point where i can begin to sell some of my art. I am extremely hard on myself. Thirdly, i am really trying to get all of my finances back in order, that way i can start saving again. I have the trip to Pa next month but no other big splurges for a while. And Finally, women...... sigh.... I hate this whole being single thing. Its annoying. Maybe after Feb there will be someone but that is still too far away and the possibilities of that happening are slim. I feel so unhappy here lately. But thankfully my friends have kept me sane and Nathan has me looki
Whirlwind Romance Scenario Essay
Whirlwind romance scenario (C 2004 ) Josie R. Current mood: romantic Category: Romance and Relationships About Me Interests include listening to most kinds of music esp on car radio, attending music practise, recommending things, checking sales ads on Sunday, watching mystery and adventure on TV, ping pong, reading, admiring art/painting, internet, writing, talking on phone with friends, swimming. I am just icycled over, not gone. The story below of romance has had 2 versions in long length put out. Coordinated of trusting and trustworthy -- I don't see much hope for these 2 being willing to fetch water. If they do, I will come running as soon as my broken ankle completely heals. I was incredibly surprised and approve of the rehab hospital for the bone break and the specialty surgery hospital for bones in Austin. I do some journaling and poetry writing and humming and hope to improvise trombone -- to call for help in that situation below. I am the "absent
Whirl Wind..
Have you ever felt that you was in a whirl wind of emotions? Feelings? Thoughts? You're happy. You're sad. You don't know what to do, don't know where to turn. There comes a point to where you just want it all to go away, but you don't want the aftermath of the effect of it going away.  You think to yourself "How much more.... How many more times..." It's just so heart wrenching, watching everything fall apart, right in front of your eyes, and not being able to pick up the pieces, grab some super glue, and place them all together again. Your first "true love" deserts you... Your family is ripping apart at the seams... It's like "WTF did it all go so wrong?"  ... Then to add current individual situations... and it still leaves you wondering... Is this the right thing to do? The right steps to take? You sit with super glue in hand, ready to pick up any pieces.. and just glue them together, even if they don't fit.  Everything has become a whirl wind... And I'm stuck right in the middle of
Whispers In The Dark
I sit alone tonight I hear everything is alright I hear a whisper in the dark Tonight is your night and I must be your mark I look for you So it seems you must be looking for me I can feel your soul Like your next to me I know now I am free I hear your whisper in the dark It is so sweet Your voice is soft and gentle The dark is here I hear a phone ring Tonight I am your thing I pick it up Wow what a voice I can hear in the dark I listen closely It is like a breeze in spring To me its heaven And the angels singing Tonight is your night I am your mark Take me away with your whispers in the dark
Whisper Of A Woman In Love
Whisper of a Woman in Love ~when you feel like youve had a bad day seek me and you will find me ill brighten your way and if im far away just close your eyes and there ill stay for you my love im never far behind my love is true its one of a kind.... ~the world can be cold and life can be bold you may feel like your ready to choke then you beg and you pleed for some sanity when you feel your at the end of your rope just take a breath and feel at ease for i am always here looking at you looking at me.... ~when you feel like youve had a bad day and everyone walks away... ~my door is always open and in my heart youll stay... Rachelle Thompson-Mactavish
The Whisper Of The Dead
by XDarkSuicidex Do you hear it sigh deep within you head? 'Tis the distant, silent whisper of the dead. Casting thoughts of being bitterly alone- Clashing, breaking through paper skin and bone. Telling stories filled with with malice, filled with dread Dragging you to a place you'd rather not tread. Waking you up, they'll take you from home, As you hear the dead's distant, silent moan. Out to the fields of the silent and the dead, You'll find remorse dancing through your head. A scream so loud it seeps within bone, Screeching, telling you it is all alone. Covering your ears you are filled with dread, For they sing a quiet song as you tread. Now, you wish to hear, instead, their silent moan, Begging and pleading them to return you home; For fading light whispers a prayer for the dead, When you hear them sigh deep within your head.
Thank You Whisper I have the strangest feeling, I feel it deep inside, It comes from down inside my heart, And makes me wonder why. I've had it all day long now, I noticed it when working, And now that I am all alone, I feel it's presence lurking. It starts off with a silent sigh My eyes fill up with dreams I see myself inside your arms I wonder what this means Its late at night.... So I close my eyes real tight, My mind drifts away.. As I picture a bright and shinny day.. There you are..Standing not that far.. Your eyes so beautiful.. Just like two shining stars.. As you smile..A very beautiful smile My heart fly's for miles.. As day quickly fades to night.. You grab my hand so very tight.. We walk on a moon lit beach.. With the stars shining so bright. .God this feels so right.. As we walk for miles holding hands.. We walk through the moist sand.. I turn my head..And see an angel..I try to speak but my words are tangled.. As you softly speak into my
Whiskey Lullabye
List All | Previous | Next WHISKEY LULLABY...BRAD PAISLEY [ Edit Blog ] Tuesday, April 25, 2006 09 50 AM She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind Until the night 1st Chorus He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away her memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength he had to get up off his knees We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I'll love her till I die And when we buried him beneath the willow The angels sang a whiskey lullaby (Sing lullaby) The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
The Whistling Tea Kettle
Back in the 1890’s when trains of the Santa Fe Railroad first began to run in the vicinity of Ardmore, Oklahoma, one was held up by bandits seven miles from town where the tracks crossed Caddo Creek. Afterwards the robbers retired to an old house, where they divided and quarrelled over the spoils. One robber was shot and killed. It is a tradition that part or all of the booty was hidden for a time in or about the house. People soon began to say that the ghost of the murdered bandit walked about the place trying to find where the money was hidden and for many years nobody was willing to live there. However, about seven years ago, a family named Lynch moved into the deserted building. One afternoon, in the summer, Mrs. Lynch left her two oldest children at home and crossed the fields to visit some neighbors. An hour later, she heard her children screaming and ran out with her friends to learn the cause. Almost in hysterics, the youngsters came flying along shouting that someone was te
Whisper My Name
an infinite sadness darkens my soul losing her has taken control where is my love scattered like leaves what do i feel nothin but grief here i stand and stand alone a weakened light a distant home hidden amongst us a band of theives their purpose to steal the souls we need when happiness and love dies in the rain my only hope one of pain a look from you one i call friend picks me up again and again balance me now with a will to live do this for me and my life i give and if you need or feel the same look my direction whisper my name
Whispering Wind
The gently blowing breeze recalls vividly to my memory the whispers delicately spoken from your lightly parted lips, the words of love, the sighs of peace, the moans of pleasure and the screams of ecstasy. The increasing force of the breeze into a wind entices my senses with the way you felt in my arms, your nails in my back, your teeth on my neck and your hips pressing into mine. Again the breeze whispers to me with your voice now, pleading, calling me back to those nights, those days, endless they seemed, where time melted into us and we were one unbound by rational life and eternally merged by love. The wind has passed now and I am crashing back into the thoughts of normalcy with such ferocity I shudder with pain. Looking to the sky in a pale, longing glance I wonder why, why does my mind torture my heart so? Harsh reality now consumes and burns me until the wind comes to dry my tears and whisper to me your voice of memory and I will be enraptured and lost by you once again. I pray
Whispering Skies
For Peace that passeth understanding For hope to spring anew, cover me neath' the whipering skies let me find my strenght in you Follow me across the ocean swimming Deep within your eyes hoping to find a love so strong neath' the whipering skies Weave into my heart your song you sing so sweet allow for met ot fall for you completely neath' the whipering skies (want you) Love me for who I am take me for what I'm not, take frome my broken heart, and mend it tenderly as I tell you that I love you neath' the shipering skies Author: Carrie Stewart Pikeville, Tn
Whisper, like you lay dying. But never say my name. Scream of deafend ears I will not share your shame. My eyes no longer see you, They are blind to your spell But touch me with that want and the tears begin to swell. I'm not as broken as I seem My timid heart beats strong but my dreams are still yours as if I was with you all along. You string me like a puppet of forgotten childhood play yet your hollow whispers have still yet to fade away. Dissolve, like your emotions pack me away with your lies. turn me into those enemies. from which you run and despise. Before I leave you here lost in your watery apathetic disaster. whisper to me, tell me what you really want, and I'll forget after. One word, one truth, one time in a place where time suspends. And I swear to you, I promise That this will be forever, the end.
Whisper (poem)
Whisper I am all alone as I reminisce About the one I deeply miss To the wind alone I whisper A wish to once more kiss her I pray just to touch her face Long for her gentle embrace To once more find serenity Within the one dearest to me All just words no one hears The silence validates my fears I’ve lost her she’s gone away She will not return, not today
Whispering Wind
Whispering wind, whispering wind I feel your presence shall I begin? If I tell you my troubles will you heal me? As you blow your currents can you feel me? Whispering wind, whispering wind Ease my troubled mind as you softly sing My load is heavy but my mind is clear The pressures reduced when I feel you are near Whispering wind, whispering wind How will my luck flow? As your random patterns that only you know Settle my worried mind when I know you are there Whispering wind, whispering wind My problems are dissolving as you are revolving My troubles are resolving as my mind is following, Your wisdom as you blow your fresh clean air.
Whispers In My Head
If the world was to have a horrific tragedy where the only person to survive was me I could make it without a problem. You on the other hand would succumb to the voices in your head because of the lack of communication that you so desperately need and base your existence on. I use to have a lot of friends but now have none. I never thought that could happen to me, but it did. See I realized when I was sitting around that unlike you I can be alone. I don’t like to but for the past 5 years it’s been that way and I’ve learned how to deal with it. You need constant attention and things to occupy your mind because you’re just scared of being in solitude. It was hard to deal with at first but what I realized is that when people call me or want to do something is when they are feeling obligated or lonely and need someone to fill the silence in their souls that is making the go mad. Rather then sitting back and reflecting on how they could better themselves or their life they’d rather sit arou
Whiskey Lullaby
Artist : Brad Paisley Title : Whiskey Lullaby Genre : Country She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind Until the night 1st Chorus He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away her memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength he had to get up off his knees We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I'll love her till I die And when we buried him beneath the willow The angels sang a whiskey lullaby (Sing lullaby) The rumors flew but nobody know how much she blamed herself For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath She finally drank her pain away a little at a time But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind Until the night 2nd Chorus She put that b
Listen closely if you care, listen closely if you dare I'm going to whisper a story that envelopes a thousand years A story that sheds a thousand tears Wake up and read my lips Every word spoken is a precious gift I know its silent, I know its faint But like my heart my words will fade Though I am not gagged, I cannot speak My lips are sewn shut, but still I weep I weep a few words, a few faint and unreal A few words that will last a thousand years
Whiskey Lullaby-brad Paisley-alison Krauss
She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind Until the night 1st Chorus He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away her memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength he had to get up off his knees We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I'll love her till I die And when we buried him beneath the willow The angels sang a whiskey lullaby (Sing lullaby) The rumors flew but nobody know how much she blamed herself For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath She finally drank her pain away a little at a time But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind Until the night She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away his memory Lif
Whiskey Girl-toby Keith
"Whiskey Girl" Don't my baby look good in them blue jeans? Tight on the top with a belly button ring A little tatoo somewhere in between She only shows to me Hey we're going out dancin' she's ready tonight So damn good-lookin' boys it ain't even right And when bar tender says for the lady what's it gonna be? I tell him man... She ain't into wine and roses Beer just makes her turn up her nose And, she can't stand the thought of sippin' champagne No Cuervo Gold Margaritas Just ain't enough good burn in taquilla She needs somethin' with a little more edge and a little more pain She's my little whiskey Girl My Ragged-on-the-edges girl Ah, but I like 'em rough Baby got a '69 mustang four on the floor, and you ought to hear the pipes ring I jump behind the wheel and it's away we go Hey, I drive too fast, but she don't care Blue bandana tied all up in her hair Just sittin' there singin' every song on the radio Whoa she's my little whiskey girl my raggi
Whisper My Name
a href="" target="_blank">
Whiskey Tall
***(copyrighted - do NOT try to claim as your own)*** You're right, I'm having a hard day I know you see it my eyes I guess you see this every day or two When a lonely girl sits down to cry But I'm betting you just don't understand What brought me here tonight So, Go ahead and stock the bar and Dim those cold spotlights My mind keeps drifting back to yesterday when he walked beside me And swore he would be mine... Funny how forever fades In darkness love melts to pain His thoughtless words In another girl’s arms Made everything in my world change And now, I have had enough of the heartaches The tears in my eyes have dried He's probably sitting there laughing Thinking I'll be home tonight I Guess I've been a fool before But I finally realized No matter how much I love him I just can't change the hurtin' kind But there's whiskey in a bottle Up there on that wall Tonight I've got no time for heartaches Or another lonely night So I'll ask y
What are these whispers i hear, Cold hard harsh words reach my ear Do i stay and listen to this soul killing sighing? Allow the icy throngs seek out my bleeding heart with their prying? Said with such malice each word a new deadly blow upon my heart Each piercing deep and draining my life from me... My heart grows ever colder, ever darker its very core torn apart Relentless, inquenchable, they will not let me be. Before the whispers my soul had such life, Such light shone from me it was all but blinding Yet the darkening power of such words forever my soul in binding, Waylaid is my soul now, an empty husk spent on this strife. Grey Angel
The Whispers
One of my favorite classic songs..=)from 1980
She’s floating above Watching them try To save her life She thought she was ready to die The images fade She can hear the cries Of all the people she left behind. Her body is numb Her face so white As her life fades away She is going towards the light. She’s back at her house She’s not sure why She can see now why her family cries. There are her pictures all in a row Leading to a place she dare not go She sees a long white box She goes looks in Now looking at the body she once was in She made her choice She chose to die She didn’t think what she would leave behind She only thought of the pain she hides It has been so long and still she walks Warning those with terrible thoughts No matter how bad, no matter the pain She whispers to them remember my name She whispers to all that are hurt That suicide really does hurt For only a minuet will you feel the pain But those left feel it every day. The pain for them never stops So please th
Whispered Words
Whispered Words Whispered words of love persist invasion of my mind desist from words to deeds I must insist envisioned by this woman kissed Enraptured pleasure I have sought wrapped in arms this pleasure brought physical satisfaction thought to quench my thirst with loves sweet drought To share this drink with you I scheme together lost within this dream eyes shining bright with lusts sweet gleam both drafted onto cupid's team Lost within romance filled night sharing thoughts of our delight carried to exquisite heights on cupid's wing take wondrous flight I wonder...what is our destination are these feelings but imagination too stricken to suffer procrastination don't drop me from this elevation Kevin F. Dustin
The Whisper
The loss of a loved one she claimed her own life. She was a friend and the one i dreamed of to be my wife. I spoke with her that night she wept on the phone. She told me how she hated the feeling of being alone. I told her i loved her but in a whisper so only i would know. The loss of a loved one but that did she know? Did she know how i loved her cause oooh i loved her so. Jesse Wayne Strong Copyright ©2006 Jesse Wayne Strong
Whispers From The Dead
Tangled in a web like a fly on the wall. I fear I am walking amonst the dead. Sometimes I hear them, I see things in dreams. Are they signs of things to come, or are the dead trying to communicate? I fear I will never know. I don't feel uneasy or scared when I slumber. Only when i wake I am confused about how to feel. Thats why i write this on paper. Maybe someday I will find out what my dreams mean. I guess maybe there is a lil psycie in all of us.

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