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The Las Vegas Sign
Las Vegas
You Are Las Vegas Wild and uninhibited, you enjoy all of life's vices. You're a total hedonist, especially with sex, gambling, and drinking. You shine brightly every night, but you do the ultimate walk of shame each morning. Famous Las Vegas residents: Wayne Newton, Howard Hughes, Penn & Teller, Siegfried & Roy What American City Are You?
Las Vegas
I still can't believe, that all that time I was worrying because I couldn't get ahold of my mom this weekend, and worrying she'd be mad, and worrying that I would not be able to get home because of the snow, SHE WAS IN GODDAMNED LAS VEGAS!!! >.< She promised to bring something back, though, so there's that at least. And I can call her any time. I am so worried about this oral presentation I have to give at school tomorrow . . . I hope I do well. It could be the difference between me having to stay another year in this stupid class and passing with a D. I'm hoping! Wish me luck, everyone!!
The Las Vegas Trip!!!
Well, I’m back! The Vegas trip was pretty awesome. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve posted pics already, so check them out and leave me comments. First, the Convention: The NAB was the most overwhelming experience ever. The technology I saw there is crazy. The Ultra High Definition television with 22.2 channel surround sound so real you would swear you are there. And there was the smallest High Definition camcorder at the show, and there were interactive touch screen televisions that you could store information on and bring it up at the drop of a hat at amazing speeds! There was just so much new technology at the convention. I met some people, got a lot of information, and some nice swag. The BEA was kind of boring though, with mostly just meetings and such happening. We did look at the Documentary film showcase, which was inspirational to me. And then we went and saw the showcase of “Hank’s Hunt” in the student film category. Cody and Kasey and the rest of us were there, and I neve
Las Vegas, Nv (part 1)
Well I'm off another road trip later on this evening. This will be a random visit for a few hours. Hope to share a few stories from this short visit.
Las Vegas, Nv (part 2)
So for the most part, the whole Friday the 13th oddness really does not bother me. But yet another random event has caused yet another random problem in the grand game plan for the weekend. Work is work and that was just another thing to deal with like normal. To the point, a random idea for a road trip was starting about 4 weeks. Destination was Las Vegas and my co-worker had never been. Every one of my close friends knows I'll plan everything. Like clockwork the plans are down on paper, with a few changes to who is going along and the hotel room booked. So it is down to the moment of leaving, about 45 minutes before the mark. Just got out of the shower. 4 missed calls on my cell phone. My co-worker has a family emergency and will not be able to go. Alright, that is understandable with the emergency and all. No I am not acting selfish. Just a bit uncomfortable about randomness. One gets used to the change of plans at last minute. On a positive note, I'm just glad this was not the tri
Las Vegas
Las Vegas Churches
Las Vegas
Just to let you know I will be out of towm in Las Vegas from Aug. 31st until Sept.9th. Funeral on the 1st. then spending some time with my mom and family. Just wanted to let you know, probably no computer I'll live just wanted tanyone to know who might actually wonder where I am! Maybe??lol ok ttyl
Las Vegas O.j Arrest
LAS VEGAS - O.J. Simpson was arrested Sunday and faces multiple felony charges in an alleged armed robbery of collectors involving the former football great's sports memorabilia, authorities said. Prosecutors were planning to charge Simpson with two counts of robbery with use of a deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit robbery, burglary with a deadly weapon, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon and coercion, said Clark County District Attorney David Roger. A conviction on the most serious charge, robbery with use of a deadly weapon, could bring a sentence of three to 35 years for each count, he said. "He is facing a lot of time," Roger said. Simpson was being transferred to a detention center for booking, Capt. James Dillon said. Dillon said he did not know whether Simpson would be able to post bail and be released Sunday. "He was very cooperative, there were no issues," Dillon said. At least one other person has been arrested and police said Sunday that they were searching
Las Vegas Bound
Hey all!!! i will be away on vacation for a week so i won't be able to show anyone any luv for a week but u all know i luvya!!!!!!! i'll try to hit u all up when i return although i may miss some things if it disapears from the alert box. so here is condensed version of comments to tide u over.... showin luv, good morning, good afternoon, good nite and sweet dreams, good friends, happy (insert day of week here) and last but not least HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!! luvya, zoeygrl
Las Vegas Church Scene
Las Vegas Clinic Sparks Hiv, Hepatitis Scare For 40,000 Patients
From correspondents in Los Angeles February 29, 2008 06:15am Article from: Agence France-Presse US officials say 40,000 people may have been infected with HIV and hepatitis in a major health scare after a Las Vegas clinic was found to have re-used syringes and medicine vials. Authorities in southern Nevada today said they were notifying some 40,000 patients who received anesthesia injections at the clinic's endoscopy centre between March 2004 and January 11, 2008 about potential exposure to hepatitis and HIV. They recommended patients "contact their primary care physicians or health care providers to get tested for hepatitis C as well as hepatitis B and HIV". The move comes after several acute cases of hepatitis C showed up in the area. Six people have been diagnosed with the disease since January, which is three times higher than the yearly average for the Las Vegas region. The three first cases came to light in January, and three other patients were subsequently
Las Vegas
So... I'm off to Sin City for a couple of weeks. Not just for fun, but to help my sister relocate. With the exception of loading and unloading the truck, it should be quite the adventure. I know I've neglected terribly my acquaintances here, but I've been busy and discombobulated as of late. I'll get back to y'all... really. Take care and be well. xo ~miss j
Las Vegas, Nv (6/12/08 - 6/15/08)
Las Vegas, NV. Well the last time I was going to visit, the last two blogs will explain what happened. I've visited twice before, not including layovers at McCarren. Visited "The Strip", Hover Dam, Studio 54 and such. Anyone else been or reside in the area? I'll be visiting a friend and meeting up with some other friends. Anything such as tips and advice would be helpful. This is a small vacation for the most part.
Las Vegas
Las Vegas Room Deals
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Las Vegas Real Estate
Michelle Sterling can help you find the perfect place for you to live, she has experience all over the Las Vegas Valley. Las Vegas homes Looking for foreclosures in Las Vegas?  Then look no farther because Michelle Sterling can help with all of your needs. Las Vegas foreclosures
Las Ventas Del árbol De Navidad Aumentando A Pesar De La Débil Economía
Un árbol de Navidad es el centro de todas las celebraciones de Navidad. Y la Navidad es la vuelta de la esquina, así que la mayoría de la gente se ha comprado un árbol de Navidad por ahora, o está pensando en comprar uno. Esta temporada de fiestas hasta el momento, las ventas subieron un puesto tristes del año pasado, impulsadas por cifras de la recesión, la más baja desde 1930. En 2008, el precio de un árbol de Navidad cayó a poco más de $ 36, de $ 41 en 2007. Como en años anteriores, este año también, el aumento de las cifras de ventas en el mercado tradicional, real árboles de Navidad se espera en comparación con los árboles artificiales.-venta de luces de navidad Elige las granjas y corte y vendedores al por mayor, en contra de sus expectativas están viendo las ventas de árboles de Navidad aumentará este año, dicen muchos clientes estaban prefiriendo comprar los árboles más altos. Esta temporada, pre-cortadas de árboles precios comienzan desde $ 25, mientras que el pr
Las Ventas A Través De Dispositivos Móviles Se Duplicó En 2012
Las ventas a través de dispositivos móviles como tablets y smartphones, duplicado, pasando de 5% a 10% en 2012, según la Cámara de Comercio de Brasil - 5 accesorios "Este número se espera que crezca de manera constante debido a la baratura de las nuevas tecnologías, tanto de los teléfonos inteligentes como el acceso a Internet de banda ancha y 3G, así como la entrada de nueva generación en el mercado de consumo", dijo en un comunicado, el coordinador de la Comisión institución Retail, Fábio Pereira. Las ventas a través de iPads cuenta el 51% del iPhone, el 20%, y otros aparatos, el 29%. De acuerdo con la, Navidad de 2012 (es decir, al brasileño e-commerce dos meses y medio de ventas) alcanzó la marca de $ EE.UU. 3,1 mil millones en ventas en línea, en comparación con $ 2, 6 mil millones en 2011. Entre las cinco categorías de productos que se venden a través de Internet en Brasil destaca los accesorios de moda y por lo tanto no se encuent
Las Ventajas Y Desventajas De Los Teléfonos Inteligentes En Comparación Con Otros Teléfonos Móviles
El desarrollo de los teléfonos inteligentes ha traído varios beneficios para la vida humana, y los dispositivos móviles. Si nos fijamos en la idea más brillante de los teléfonos inteligentes, te darás cuenta de que estos teléfonos son mucho más avanzada que la corriente se los teléfonos móviles. Por un lado, se puede utilizar un teléfono inteligente para acceder a una gama más amplia de materiales que lo haría con los teléfonos móviles que no son teléfonos inteligentes. Estos teléfonos tienen características mejoradas, lo que hace la vida mucho más fácil, ya que la mayoría de estos teléfonos hacen aplicaciones de soporte de múltiples hechos para hacer la vida más fácil. El uso de las aplicaciones móviles es una herramienta magnífica para los seres humanos, ya que se puede elegir entre la amplia gama de aplicaciones móviles para satisfacer su estilo de vida. La otra ventaja de la utilización de los teléfonos inteligentes es el hecho de que pueden servir como una forma de seguridad para
Las Ventajas Y Desventajas De Los Smartphones
El desarrollo de los teléfonos inteligentes ha traído varios beneficios para la vida humana, y los dispositivos móviles. Si nos fijamos en la idea más brillante de los teléfonos inteligentes, te darás cuenta de que estos teléfonos son mucho más avanzada que la corriente se los teléfonos móviles. Por un lado, se puede utilizar un teléfono inteligente para acceder a una gama más amplia de materiales que lo haría con los teléfonos móviles que no son teléfonos inteligentes. Estos teléfonos tienen características mejoradas, lo que hace la vida mucho más fácil, ya que la mayoría de estos teléfonos hacen aplicaciones de soporte de múltiples hechos para hacer la vida más fácil. El uso de las aplicaciones móviles es una herramienta magnífica para los seres humanos, (moviles android)ya que se puede elegir entre la amplia gama de aplicaciones móviles para satisfacer su estilo de vida. La otra ventaja de la utilización de los teléfonos inteligentes es el hecho de que pueden servir como una forma
Las Ventajas De Tener Un Tablet Pc
El portátil Android Tablet PC o computadora portátil es esencialmente un móvil o una computadora que viene con una pantalla táctil que usted sólo tiene que utilizar para que usted información de entrada, y también se desarrolla para mejorar las ventas sólo amigos. A diferencia de la computadora portátil normal y el ordenador personal, llamado ordenador personal no vienen con un conjunto de teclado, sino una alternativa en línea en el que se presenta en pantalla. Están disponibles con funciones inalámbricas que se pueden utilizar con respecto a la red de la conectividad de red. Algunos de los programas más generalizadas para el producto incorporan paquetes de trabajo, navegadores, títulos de juegos y otro software. Hay muchas ventajas a conseguir este tipo de dispositivos pequeños para su PC estándar, así como bloc de notas. Estos beneficios son los siguientes: Un único. Estos Laptop día o equipo es muy ligero y que es redonda del tamaño de una cápsula nueva cartulina. Es fá
Lasy Weekend
last weekend i went to death valley
have a fantabulous weekend lovelies. :D
La Tablette A Fait Surface: Ouverture De Windows Pour De Nouveaux Appareils
juin 25 , 2012 offrit des informations de produit chinois La semaine dernière, les principaux logiciels Microsoft a annoncé son intention de lancer une 9.7 pouces , le baptême du dispositif tenu à la main en surface. La société détaillées qu'il y aura deux modèles de la surface - un avec une carte graphique NVIDIA Tegra processeur et l'autre est la version Windows de Windows 8 RT signifie pour les appareils avec des puces ARM. Il y aura aussi une version avec un processeur Intel Core et Windows 8 Pro. Les deux versions de la surface sont dit équipés d'un écran de 10,6 pouces HD, caméras avant et arrière, et connectivité Wi-Fi. Nous avons déjà vu des entreprises comme Acer et Asus annoncent Windows 8 comprimés, et pour ne pas mentionner quelques vendeurs d'autres qui vendent des PC sous Windows 7 en tablette sur le marché aujourd'hui. Mais pourquoi Microsoft démangeaisons d'avoir une part dans le marché des PC tablette plutt que de laisser le matériel à d'autres
La Tablette Surface Se Dévoile Un Peu, Mais Sans Prix De Vente
Microsoft a surpris en juin dernier en annonçant la mise sur le marché de tablettes sous Windows 8 (x86 et ARM). Depuis, l’éditeur est resté vague sur les spécifications de ce produit, y compris sur les prix des modèles lecteur ebook . A désormais quelques semaines du lancement de Windows 8, Microsoft affine ses préparatifs. Il vient ainsi d’intégrer Surface sur la rubrique produits de son site Internet, et ce dans plusieurs pays parmi lesquels les US, la France, l’Allemagne et l’Italie. Naturellement, inutile de chercher de nouvelles informations sur Surface. Microsoft accompagne la tablette de la mention « bientôt disponible ». Sans plus de précision, et donc toujours pas de prix. Sur ce point, Steve Ballmer, s’est d'ailleurs borné à indiquer une fourchette, très ample, allant de 300 à 800 dollars. Quant à la disponibilité des tablettes Surface, elle s’alignera sur celle de Windows 8, mais aussi avec les autres tablettes et hybrides que les cons
La Taille Importe Ici
Ils sont trop gros pour rivaliser avec un 'accessoire mobile ' et très peu à faire avec l'iPad. " Tel était le verdict de Steve Jobs en Septembre 2010 quand il a pris la tablette Samsung prêt à rivaliser avec l'appareil brillante que l'usine de Cupertino avait présenté plus tôt cette année. Le défunt fondateur d'Apple a fait valoir, entre autres choses, que l'engagement de sept pouces de son rival sud-coréen n'était pas optimale pour créer des applications pour exploiter les vertus de cet appareil. Rant génie de Palo Alto a conclu que remplir un formulaire précisant qu'il était "mort-né" et que les fabricants 'apprendre les douloureuses leçons "écrans qui étaient trop petits pour être lancé par plus d'options généreuses, près de 9, 85 pouces iPad. Ses prophéties ont été respectés en dépit souvent osé défier les règles de la dynamique de guilde technologiques. Toutefois, douze mois après sa mort, Apple révise phrase dictée des emplois particuliers. Il ne dévoile cette sema
La Tablet Más Popular De 10 Pulgadas 2012
¿Usted ha oído hablar de la Tablet PC? De todos los avances tecnológicos personales que hemos visto en los últimos cinco años, el Tablet PC tiene que figurar entre los más significativos. Puesto que es realmente uno de los productos más innovadores y útiles que recién ahora está empezando a ganar fuerza mayor. Estas máquinas, que funcionan con una versión especialmente modificada de la sistema operativo Windows XP, permitirá a los usuarios a garabatear notas en una pantalla con un lápiz pluma-como, convirtiendo la impresión o escritura de bloques en lo que se llama tinta digital. Aunque estos equipos han estado en el mercado por un par de años, gran parte del público ha sido expuestos a ellos. Eso está por cambiar. Estos productos están ahora apareciendo en comerciales de televisión, en revistas y periódicos y ser exuberante hablado de la palabra de la boca. Quizás es el momento para que usted considere como una tablets 10 pulgadas baratas. Algunas tabletas son sólo modelo
Latchkey Pain
My mother wakes me early in the morn Before the sun peaks out for the day Readying for work she scurries around Our days always start this very way Soon breakfast she will have ready for me A kiss on the forehead she quickly gives Watching my mother rushing like this I have come to hate the lives that we live Soon it will be off to school I will go A bag lunch, books and a pat on the head Learning what mom says I need later in life As my minds thirst for knowledge will be fed Mom leaves home the same time as me Off to her place of work she must go each day Working long hours in that office building For what always seems too little pay I don’t complain about the second hand clothes I wear Or shoes with soles that are starting to run down Because I know my mother does the best she can As her love for me she has always openly shown The kids pick on me cause my fashions are slow As their time popular has certainly gone by The names they say, fists that land, the fun t
Late Night Thoughts
Its late at night, i had such a long day but its ok. Almost bedtime. Thinking bout the job that i have, the job that I may be getting in a week, my family, my friends.....just a lil of everything. Hope all my friends on here are doing well. Hit me up with some comments and I'll be sure to write back. Here's a lil snipit of poetry/lyrics or whatever u want to call it: "I'm down, you always bring me down. Never around, just another let down. My silent screams unheard, a distant shadow of my old self. Who I am is just another memory of who I wish I could be again. You remember how it used to be....can you take away my anxiety...." ~Ebby Can forget thinking of Big Dick Daddy LMAO muahz
Late Night Thoughts
I woke up from another of my strange dreams sweating and lost in the darkness around me. I have been having a lot of them lately though I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it is all the death surrounding me these last few weeks or someone trying to tell me something. I only wish I knew which and than maybe they would stop.
Late Night
do you think of me when youre alone do you want me close to you do you ever tell me how you feel and let me know the real you are we just friends or is it more lust or love again I can be the man you want if you Just let me in late at night when youre by yourself and thoughts run thru your head sleep the sleep of the just and ill be back again fantasy or reality that is up to you Ill be here all night long waiting for you
The Latest In My Life
Update from myspace! Well, if you have been reading on myspace, you know that Steve left me and I am single again, I have packed his stuff, looked for a job, ect. ect. ect. Well, I have found a job, I am back at Beverly Healthcare working in Dietary. Not a glamorous job but it will pay the bills. I think I am over Steve, I have been dying for sex and haven't called him the first time! Damn I am getting over him finally! I still have feelings for him but we have 2 boys together I guess I always will have feelings for him. We are still talking atleast we can still be friends. However I don't call him anymore than i have to! I have a secret crush! I want him so bad, but gotta wait til his divorce is final as well as mine don't want to cause any trouble for either of us! I am not looking for a new hubby, more or less a fuck buddy!!!! Pam If you read this and want to talk just call me or im me I hope you understand, if not i will fill you in on how he treated me exactly.
Latex Gloves
HOW LATEX GLOVES ARE MADE A dentist noticed that his next patient, an elderly lady, was looking very nervous so he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on his gloves. "Do you know how they make these gloves?" he asked. "No, I don't" she replied. "Well," he spoofed, "there's a building in China with a big tank of latex. Workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in their hands, let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into boxes of the right size." She didn't crack a smile. "Oh well, I tried," he thought. But five minutes later, during a delicate portion of the dental procedure, she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I was just picturing how condoms are made!" she said. Gotta watch those little old ladies! Their minds are always working!
I can't help but think of you.... My mind escapes..... Thinking intimate thoughts. How you would feel.... How you would taste..... Your body... pressed up against mine ... The warmth you would radiate..... The growing pleasure entices me xoxoxox Of wanting you ... Knowing you.... Feeling you :) Needing you ! I long for that day...... That our souls touch unknowingly. It feels so right.... so natural.... My spirit is uplifted when I read your notes. Your sweet, kind words.... Go beyond my heart..... Healing me of past torment, sadness, anguish. I search in you companionship, happiness, and most importantly..... LOVE xoxoxxoxo My lonely soul awaits yours..... With hopes of reaching yours...... Lost in a world of loneliness :( A sense of comfort bestills my human nature ... As I await your presence. The anticipation... submerges eratically. Each day I grow closer...... In hopes of connecting like no other. Being that special someone ..... Th
I caught a cold; well the summer is over so it’s time to get sick again. New day new excuses same old story, next week. But tomorrow never comes, right? But then maybe… I am waiting for her letter and it’s a funny thing to experience how I make others feel most of the time and somehow I know if it was my turn it would take even more time and this “your turn” “my turn” stuff is silly anyway… but then… Then this and then that and I miss the Cafés and the feeling of my pen, so next week maybe…
The Latest Change In "title"
(and there have been a few) was inspired by a few people referred to in an earlier blog ... who haven't done anything since, nor anyone like them really... but it does, to make one's position clear on the front page, not hidden away in the blogging. I use that as my title on MySpace also, or something like it. Good weekend so far. Need to test a disc I made this morning as a backup of one I bought, since the backup seems not to be working. Then, put title in abeyance and replace it with zu schlafen or appropriate (my last German learning was in 1991 or so). (Oy, confusing - edit of 10/1/06 - I briefly changed my title to something overlong to the effect "If you're only going to add me to offer to sell me something and talk with me only through bulletin" etc etc etc "don't bother" - then changed it to something else while thinking about how to rephrase that- no joy there, no idea ... *finish this later...*
Late Night With Jane
jane: Hello baby Chris: hey jane: how are you doing today? Chris: doing well, thank you – and you? jane: That Nice Chris: I forgot - where are you from? jane: am From Texas in dallas ..But now am Lagos Nigeria to see my sick mom And Also Just Finished my Masters Ecomics (must be a new internet thing, e-comics) Chris: really? Where did you attend school? jane: in the State were are u from? (hmmm… she seemed to breeze right through that one.) Chris: California jane: That Nice what is ur name? Chris: Chris jane: hav u heard About Lagos Nigeria Here before online ?? Chris: Nigeria? yes jane: That Nice ..But have u Meet Any Girls here online Before that u are talk with that from Lagos Nigeria? (about this masters degree – did you write your own thesis?) Chris: yes, met one from Nigeria but she was a scam artist jane: Oh ,,,What Do u mean Scam? Chris: Scam artist - a person who lies and tries to take money fro
Late And Just Thinking
I see all these blogs and people can go on and on and write stuff and I seem never to be able to come with something to say. You don't want it to be to long so no one will read it and yet if its to short its like you have nothing to say. I also noticed that is seems like in life most men don't have alot to say out loud but lots of them write blogs that are very long and they say alot. Why is that? Is it because woman use different areas of thier brian. Because i would really like to know. You do realize that when you say to a man you are not listening to me that is because they probably are not. It is a proven fact that the part of the brain in the frontal lobe where that skill resides is not as active as it is in a womans brain.. Strange to think about but the man who wrote "Men are from mars and woman are from venus" might really have something there.. Okay i am a little tired its after 2:30 in the morning and I just did a study guide for my india class. So maybe I am a little slap
The Latest Terrorist Scare...
I haven't studied chemistry since school, so I have no basis to judge this story on mixing chemicals, but I do remember that to make gunpowder you need some basic ingredients which none of the below include. Toothpaste, bottled water, shampoo, baby formula, hair gel. All these things that are now deemed too dangerous to bring with you in your carry-on luggasge on an airplane. Well to be exact, since August 10, when British authorities "foiled" a terror plot by Islamic extremists to blow up ten planes on the way from London to America. The official story goes like this: According to the British and U.S. governments, the suspected hijackers were going to use TATP--triacetone triperoxide--to blow themselves and thousands of airline passengers to kingdom come. TATP is an explosive that can purportedly be made from some rather inconspicuous liquid components, such as drain cleaner, hair dye and paint thinner, which the terrorists wanted to smuggle on board in simple drink bot
Later In The Day
So here I hang, watching the Eagles / Cowboys game and it's Eagles up 31-24 with 9:00 left in the 4th Quarter. Kinda cool game, but been retarded at the same time. I've seen old ladies play better than that on some plays. But then, I know it's a difficult game to play. Especially when you've got guys that LARGE coming at you. You'd have to scrape my ass up off the field and call it a day. And the Eagles won it: 38-24 with an interception by Lito Sheppard for a 102 yard run the other way. I'm not the hottest lip reader, but I got the gist of what both Bledsoe and Owens had to say: "F*ck!" Bledsoe "Why the f*ck am I here?!?" Owens Well, T.O., if it'd been up to me, your ass woulda been out of the league for assaulting your own teammate back in Philly. So sit an spin Princess. You ain't all that.
Latest News On My Uncle
The doctors have decided to do surgery. My uncle is having too many seizures so they are going to just go ahead and remove both tumors. Thank you all again for your prayers. He will be having the operation on Monday.
Latest Family Member
Hey, here is my newest family member. I invited him and he decided to join our great community. He hasn't posted anything just yet but he is learning the ropes. Please show him some love! Dream Weaver@ LostCherry EDIT---He has posted a few things on his profile now. If you visit his page he will return the favor but be patient please. He is still learning the ropes. Thank you all for showing him some love!
Latenight Thoughts
Late night thoughts. — Saturday, October 21, 2006 Yah friday night, once again. I say " fuckit " One day isn't much different than the next. Ordinarilly I'd say I should be doing something fun because it's friday night. But why let the days control our lives? It's just another day, no more depressing than the previous one, or the one before that. ( No more depressing than the previous one especially since how I didn't have to go to school today, so lastnight was kind of like a friday anyway ) Why feel any worse for not having fun one day than another? It seems kinda discriminatory to wednesdays not to be as depressed on them. lol Here's another of my various thoughts for the week. I seem to have some contradicory talents/behaviors or skills that happen or something like that. Laughter and Fear. I make people laugh a lot, but people are often afraid of me. Sometimes I think it's the same people, just not at the same time. It's like people will laugh, and the
Late Night/err...early Morning Piercing Entry Lol
just felt like writing a quick hello. kind of bored and waiting for my iPod to update and watching Christopher Titus stand up comedy- man Titus was so funny, i wish i knew what ever happend to it. sooooo i've been 18 for exactly 10 days... and i am still UN peirced and UN tattood... this is UN acceptable.... i'm going to talk to my doctor about dangers of nipple piercings, but ive decided even tho i want both done- im only going to get one and see how my body handles it, if it rejects at least ill only reject ONE as opposed to two great piercings that i had to pay for (not to say that i wont get the second one done and it decides to reject that), plus if the place messes up or something, i again didnt pay for TWO fuckups, i can see if i like their work and then decide if i wanna get the second one done right away- not to mention its gunna be kind of hard for me to sleep if i have them both done at the same time... so for now ill go with getting my right one done and see how it wor
Latest News
Well, today, Monday, October 23, 2006, my uncle had a seizure. The doctors say it is not unusual for the type of surgery he had and to not worry that he is going to be fine. Thank you all for your continued prayers!
102506 Latest Glitter Graphics
I decided to create danger signs with funny and sexual comments on them. Find them in this category. Enjoy! I used to say "Whatever" a lot when I was a teen. I guess it's just something that never gets old. Get yours here. I know I am, especially my own LOL. For those of you who can't ever get rid of glitter, grab yours here Tell someone what day it is with this hot graphic! = Greet them a happy birthday with this graphic!
Late Night With Donna
LATE NIGHT WITH DONNA Category: Writing and Poetry LATE NIGHT WITH DONNA Donna: Helloooooooooo Chris: Hi, Donna Donna: How are u? Chris: Things have been a little rough, but I'm working through the problems. Donna: Praise God. (oh yeah, I remember you now) Chris: You dont have your picture on your profile. Donna: I delete. Chris: Why? Donna: I get too many mails. Chris: You dont like too many mails? Donna: No thats kind of person what is important. (whatever the hell that means) Chris: Yes, I understand. (not really, but let's move this conversation along.) Donna: Men cannot be trusted here. Chris: None of them? Donna: They pretend, then they leave. (welcome to hyperspace) Chris: Thats often the natu
Late Night
HOw is everyone at this crazy hour?
Latest News...
Worked Friday night in the club, Halloween theme, so I wore a black mesh dress, big boots and my pinstripe corset. The curves and cleavage were flowing bountifully that night ;) as were the drinks :D didn't get home until 2.30am, only to wake up at 8 the next morning. I had my theory test booked for 11.30 saturday morning, so I had to sober up and clean up before I went out to that. Managed to get through the exam ok (its the "written" part of the driving test here in the UK) despite nerves and feeling a little under the weather. Turns out I had the start of a cold, not a hangover. Now its monday morning and I'm feeling decidedly worse for wear. I have a meeting with my boss, my director and a couple of other people from the team tomorrow, so I need to get rid of this thing fast. Having said that, If it doesn't clear up, I'll just have to go home early :D
Late One Foggy Night..............
A man was walking home alone late one foggy night, when he hears: BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... behind him. Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him faster... faster... BUMP... BUMP... BUMP... He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in, slams and locks the door behind him! However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... on his heels the terrified man runs. Rus hing upstairs to the bathroom, the man locks himself in. His heart is pounding; his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps. With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door. Bumping and clapping toward him. The man screams and re
Latee Night :[
So last nite was fun :D got to hang out with my boyz & Lorin, got two 24 packs of budweiser, chyeah! and a fifth of captian morgan, i was feeelinn fine. didnt go to bed till 5 this morning and had to be to school at 730, yeah so basically i was like dead at school. i hope everyone had a good halloweeen :D like me
Latest Ink Work...
many of u have reminded me that i've yet to post pic's of my ARMY tatt since color's were added. I WILL POST SOME TOMORROW, LOL!! K?
Late Entrance
She entered late!
The Latest News...sorry But Its Not Real Good
WELL AS OF MONDAY 12:20 P.M ARIZONA TIME THE NEWS IS AS FOLLOWS:Social services held court on Friday w/o the parents knowledge and has decided that it may be as long as another 2 months before my daughter will get her baby back...visitation has not been set...however the Navy base courts n attorneys have stepped in FINALLY and decided to intrvene on my daughters n son-in-laws behalf.The social worker is yet to be dealt with until this case has been closed...there will be further investigation as to the doctors actions as he was the primary care physician to give unsafe care instructions to the parents and further causing damage to childs health and safety...thank you all again for your previous support...and much luv to you all...i'm sorry if i have been negligent in rating you all n keeping up with your updates...i will get to all of you as soon as possible.thank you all for your patience n concern
Lateral Thinking... Author Unknown
Think This One Over Many years ago in a small village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the village moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer's beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgo the farmer's debt if he could marry his daughter. Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. So the cunning moneylender suggested that they let providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty moneybag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag. 1. If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father's debt would be forgiven. 2. If she picked the white pebble, she need not marry him and her father's debt would still be forgiven. 3. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail. Standing on a pebble-strewn path in the farmer's field, the
Late Bloomer
Late Bloomer Hormones Rage and desire of Unknown boundary Desires invade and ooze through every pore No one wants to Play with me Dispair, Lonlienss, Unfulfilled Self exploration Through the darkness Rays of Hope break the wall of Miserliness Big Beautiful Bombshell captures my Mind, body and Soul Divine Feminen archetype Bus rides, Work, Irish pub on the corner Commanding attention of all she surveyed Interest in me? Then the Voice Her siren voice, Her Goddess frame Going to O'Reilly's Tongiht? A Soft Subtle Yes escapes my trembling lips Wit a Sexy WInk, I'll See oyu there Going in the door, knees trembling Curtain of Uncertainty covers my mind There she sat in the corner Come here and Joiin me Baby Is this a Dream The Object of so many others' desire Me and onyl me with this BBW Goddess Talking, spending time, growing closer Leaving together, holding hands Diana's Moon caresses us, Guides our step Come on over to My Place We finall
Well, I managed to check in again. I have went through some emotional and physical trauma lately and have taken a break from the Internet for a while. I will continue to check in every now and then and say hello to all of you. I hope that everything is well with everyone else. Thank you all who continue to be my TRUE FRIENDS! I am thankful for each and every one of you. I will try and be back on a regular basis as soon as possible! Take care, love you all! Rayne
I've been talking to Carla the last couple days. We still love each other. But can't be together. This really sucks. I'd like to take a Louisville slugger to her ex's head.
Late Entry!
Just entered the Handsome Man Contest!!
Lately, I've Missed You...................but I Think I Still Loathe You
Lately youve been in my thoughts. Youve rented that space in my head Its like the lease was never up. My muscle memory came right back My arm went to hold you last night My nose tells my brain ur there I can still smell you I can still taste you I still feel your presence I miss the way ur face scrunches when the sun hits it I miss they way you say my name I miss the way you call me by my first and middle name when I've been doin something evil I miss they way you know how to make me feel when I look like I'm goin to lose it. I miss they way you know how to make me feel when I'm vulnerable I love that you know when to leave me be I miss the way you know me better than I know myself. You say I make you feel safe Youre the one that made me feel safe You leave me, standing in the doorway Change the glow in my eye to darkness I'm strong, I get by Now, I'm safe without you And who do you think you are to stir up those ghost You lived inside my skin I shed my skin W
A Late Night Fantasy
Laying here alone in bed I admit I am thinking of you again. It’s not that I want to. It’s more that I want you. Love is in the air and I can’t stop breathing it in. Your scent intoxicating me from afar. All I want right now is to be loved by you. I want you here now with me. Not just with me. Naked with me. This thought makes me breathe faster. You and me together naked. This thought makes me close my eyes. Seeing your face showing your want and seeing it returned in mine. This thought makes me see your face just inches from mine. You soft lips coming closer…closer. Again I close my eyes. Almost, almost touching my lips. So close. The anticipation of it as I feel your naked hot skin melt into mine. My body is responsive to you. I feel you gently lay on top of me as our lips meet. I feel my nipples against your chest. I feel this. I feel your thighs meeting mine for the first time. I feel myself becoming so wet with pure desire for you. And this happens. I feel your tongue lost in expl
Late Night Memories...
I just woke from a dream so vivid that I rolled over expecting you to be there. And it brought to mind without warning a frequent occurance I'd had many nights before and years ago... Laying next to you and running my hands over your sweat soaked chest, trailing my fingers across the surface of your skin while you sleep on, oblivious. Then my breath would follow my fingertips, cooling you enough that little shivers ripple beneath. Inevitably, from force of habit, my hand trails lower, wraps around you, strokes and cups, get you hard. Still you sleep. So to amuse myself and because I can't resist, I slide down in our bed, until I can catch your scent, kiss your flesh, and fill my mouth with you. I hear you moan and smile around you. I feel your hand in my hair, trailing down my back and I know you're still in that in between place of dreams and awareness. Content where I am with my head on your thigh, I run my tongue across the place that you like best and feel your hand tighten on my
Later On In Life
Later on in life I'll get married Walk side by side through my life with one man Later on in life Later on in life I'll have babies Leave someting of me behind Something right and undamaged Later on in life Later on in life I want to do the things i was too afraid to do Because i didn't know where to start Later on in life Now it's Later on in life As i lay here with bedsores Reminding me of the things i wanted to do Later on in life Day after day i watch the young visit with the old Their trophies, their legacies Later on in life As i walked this road of life i found that i was alone no one to help me up when i fall no one to grow old with Later on in life As i lay here with bedsores Alone, damaged, and ignorant. I get my first visitor...death and i realize Later on in life passed me by. * the inspiration for this came when i overhe
Latest Hot Slow Song
Check out my latest song on my space account called "Fallin Down" by Frost feat Killa
just wanted to let yall know i havent forgotten bout ne of you. the internet has been shut off for the past month and a half. but we should be getting it back next month!!! miss yall ! ~tammra
A Late Night Surprise
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere hidden by the dark of night, a beautiful young woman is on the prowl. She is armed with only her long blonde hair, big brown eyes and glimmering smile to entice the male she hunts. Her body and mind make her feel almost animalistic in her yearning for a man that can please her. She spots the unsuspecting male under the street light at the only intersection for miles. He's standing tall and confident and has no idea that she is watching him from a distance. She watches for a minute before she decides to make her move. She walks slowly out of the darkness, allowing the light to dance across her every move. She is wearing only a long, sleek, black over coat, with the right side drooping off her shoulder to expose just enough skin to make him aroused. She bats her eyelashes at him as she moves closer. A slight breeze catches her hair and lets it flow in the night air. He leans up against the light pole and lights a cigarette as he watches her move clo
The Late Shift!!!
Subject: The Late Shift > > >A police officer, though scheduled for all night duty at the station, was >relieved of duty early and arrived home four hours ahead of schedule, at >2:00 in the morning. > >Not wanting to wake his wife, he undressed in the dark, crept into the >bedroom and started to climb into bed. > >Just then, h is wife sleepily sat up and said, "Sweetie, would you go down >to the all night drug store on the next block and get me some aspirin? I've >got a splitting headache." > >Certainly, honey," he said, and feeling his way across the dark room, he >got dressed and walked over to the drug store. > >As he arrived, the pharmacist looked up in surprise, "Say," said the >druggist, "I know you -- aren't you a policeman? Officer Fenwick, right?" > >Yeah, so?" said the officer. > >Well what the heck are you doing all dressed up like the Fire Chief?"
The Latest Gaming Console On The Market!
And it is not the PS3!
Late-night Diner .....
Sitting in a late-night diner ordering the stiffest drink they sell twisting cigarettes into the tabletops and drifting with my mind Another night alone given to misspent folly trading one emptiness for another and opening up the wounds all over again. With my back against the wall I watch the seconds tick away twirling my finger in cold coffee passing the time until the tears fade away trying to decide just who I am searching for answers in the hazy air around me Lost and hopeless trying to find my way through a smoky diner and hoping to find truth in the arms of another But all I see is a revolving door just a million pieces of flesh each like the last parading before my eyes The air is thick and cold my body turning numb listening for my beating heart in the stiffening silence around me Stuck teary-eyed and alone stirring coffee in a late-night diner trying to find something higher in the haze as I wonder among broken dreams and the shattered heart
Late One Night
this is a true story: getting a message from someone who has wanted me for years. yes he may be a few years younger than me..ok 16 years younger, but the thought of a stiff long lasting 23 year old cock was my forethought in my decision of letting this young gentelman come visit me. it had already been late at night, but i had not been feeling well earlier so i had slept most of the day. i informed him that i was going to be sleeping in my room with the tv on and to let himself in the front door was unlocked. i was dressed in my sheer pink lacey/silky top with the pink thong and light robe that matched. i just took a shower and completly shaved so when he came to find me i would be extremely fresh. in a complete somber, i felt a large figure over me. he kissed me passionately waking me with his large hands rubbing up and down my body. beins so sensative because i was just waking up, he started sucking down to my nice erect pink nipples. my body was feeling so warm and i was soaking
ok goin home everyone have a good nite and play safe!
Lateral Thinking.....
>These puzzles are called Lateral Thinking... A little different and can >be quite hard to figure out. > >Scroll down slowly and think like a wizard........... > > > > > > > > man >1. ------------ > board > > > > > >Ans. = man overboard > > Okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it. > > > > stand >2. ------------ > i > > > > > >Ans. = I understand > > >OK.... Got the drift? Let's try a few now and see how you fare? > > >3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/ > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Ans. = reading between the lines > > > >4. r > road > a > d > > > > > > > > > > > >Ans. = cross road > > > Not having a good day now, are you? > Redeem yourself. > >5. cycle > cycle > cycle > > > > > > > > > > > > >Ans. = tricycle > > >Not easy to figure out ha! > > 0 >6. ------------ > M.D. > Ph.D. > >
Late Night In The Park
Late Night in the Park It was a typical evening late fall and I needed to clear my head, so I put on my sweats and headed down to the park for a walk. The mothers were wrapping the children up for the trip home the air was brisk and it was beginning to get dark. I had always been aware of my surroundings but something took my attention and held it away from anything I ever knew before. There on the bench was a rose, solitary and beautiful. Even the chill had no effect on it. I cautiously approached and picked it up being careful of the thorns. “I knew you would be here, came a voice form behind me,” startled I turned there he was beautiful eyes, tall and just someone to get lost in. I smiled was that yours I ask? No, I left it for you, was your reply. In the stillness of the surroundings I could hear the sound of hooves closing in on us. The carriage driver smiled you kids need a ride around the park, it has been pretty quiet tonight and I wouldn’t charge you for the ride.
will be leaving in case anyone wants to know!! Need to get back to reality in my own world! If you care or care to write you can reach me at To those who have reached out, thanks so much, come say hi as often as you can out at Yahoo or messenger. Muuaahhh!!! to all you lovely hearted people. BE sweet, cause i know you are sexy!! ;) James
I'm going to lay back down for awhile. My heart is hurting like it's never hurt before. And I'm not doing anyone any good by being here. I have to find a way to get myself together somehow. I just took a couple of Vicodin. Maybe they will at least make my headache go away. Catch you all later!!
Latest Phrase Arround Work..
"I can't wait to get out of this shit hole!"
Ok peole I have to go make dinner I will get back on later tonight though. BYEEEEEEEEEEEE Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Latest Blind Date
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Latest With The Band
Hey there ppl, Its Sebastian! Thought I'd let everyone know about the latest with the band right now. Overall, we are pretty much getting plans together for some upcoming shows that may take place as early as this April...possibly sooner. We're currently working on some newer songs right now that we will unveil at the live shows only. Tracii has been quite busy these past few weeks and my boy Izzy is excited to get back to stage and melt faces. Keep up with the comments on our photos and your support. We all appreciate your feedback to us. I am counting the days to get back on stage and rock the place apart! Keep in touch everyone... Cheers, SL
Late Night Tv
It's kinda annoying that our sleep schedules are so off that I'm up and awake at 1:22 in the morning...I sleep too much... I'm sitting here listening to the end credits of "Inuyasha" and find myself thinking, 'hmm, doesn't really matter what show it is, I usually like the music in anime. Of course, one of my favorite shows is "Cowboy Bebop" so... yeah. I also like mythbusters... well some of them... the other ones are just dumb :P .... I'm going to curl up in a ball on the chair now ::^-^:: hopefully I'll get sleepy...
Late Phonecall
Late Phone Call A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2AM. The blonde wife picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up. The husband asked, "Who was that?" The wife said, "I don't know, some woman wanting to know 'if the coast is clear'."
Late Nights Seem To Make My Libido Go Crazy
And I basically hate it a lot I'm sitting here at 4:40 in the fucking morning This is one of those times where I'm really wishing I lived somewhere other than here Or at least didn't have my computer's hard drive go "FHOASIFHEOFUEYF(WE*death*" P.S. The blog name is a song quote, and I bet NO ONE can tell me what song it is XD P.P.S. It's interesting how even when I'm in this mood I want you to run a zoo with me
The spiritually enlighten mind Passes through a world so blind Unwilling to see things as they are Refusing bridge the distance so far Blaming the poor for their fate Holding closed freedoms gate Allowing none to pass and live in peace Seeking rewards while others they fleece Misdirecting the public with a show Yet those now awake already know That this sham that passes for virtue Is only a secret to the sleeping few Awakenings come to all in their time Then the spirit evolves to the sublime Overcoming these earthly bounds Till one at a time the tone resounds Finally in time we stand as one all Joined as one at conclusions call Free of the madness consuming for naught Free of control and all that it brought Running free in every way that may be At peace with the universe through eternity By R. Thomas Dinsmore
Late Night Snack..
It was a cold rainy night,and I decided to go get a late night snack.. First I went on the CherryTap site,and looked if anyone from my area was online. One really hot girl was! So I messaged her that I was going to the local diner,to grab a snack,and told her to meet me there..Little did I know her roommate got the message for her,and never told her,and decided to meet me there..A long hot night was coming for me..with two Cherrytappers..i drove to the diner,ordered,and some girl was eyeing me all night..I walked over to her,and talked to her,she asked some interesting questions..And said she had seen my profile on LC,(before name changed to CT)..I said wow,and we talked for awhile..before I knew it I was back at her place..She was very kinky..and I notice a picture of the other girl there,and asked,if she knew so and so,and told me all about it..She was honest..and then the other girl got home..And was very surprised,that I was there with her,and we all decided to make the best of th
A Late Breakfast For All My Friend :) Happy Sunday
Be back later MAYBE. Not really sure if I'm in the mood or not.
Late Night, Rock On
I still have to read about the swinging sixties! sighhh. books go back in 8 hours and i have 20 pages of economics to read. funny how none of this relates what so ever to my dissertation. isnt my life just so funny. anyways i hope no one reads this, its just me starting out here. if anyone is reading this i hope you go to bed earlier than me! sleep well Gits
Late Night Poetry (last Night)
I'm sorry I made you cry, I'm sorry I made you feel stressed. I'm sorry that I couldn't get the whole truth out my mouth, and off my chest. I'm sorry that I made you feel this way, sometimes I wish I'd never crossed your way. It feels like its my fault, my doing,maybe it is maybe not I can't honestly say. You've pushed me away, with every reason to, and if I never hear from you again, or never speak to you I'd understand. I hurt you deep inside, indeed maybe for now we just need some time to think and breathe. So for now I wish I could take all your hurt back, in the end I'm sorry if I take the words back. Call it my insecurities, not a lie. I'm confused at this point, and your not alone, your not the only one who doesn't really know. They say love will tear us apart again, maybe its true in the end. I can't keep typing this shit anymore, so for now I feel ready to collapse on the floor.
Late Night Confusion...
I'm confused... Life was never really meant to make sense I suppose. You are suppose to keep guessing, wondering what lies around the corner. My eye is focused on that horizon, I won't let it out of my sight. My hand is reached outright, holding tightly to the possibility for true happiness. Its in my grasp, its mine...
Latest Works.
"Lover's Quarrel" (Finished?) "California Dream(in)"
Late Nights
I have to stop these late nights. They are killing me!!!!
Latest Gold Price
For those of us watching the Gold Price Index (GPI) - the "spot" price for 1 Troy oz. of gold! Sat, FEB 28 $671.70 per oz. spot gold price go to for a current spot price ticker For those who want to weigh in and speculate on another historic high - some claim gold will go to 1000 PLUS per Troy Oz! Historically the fed interest rate changes and volatility in currency markets reflect a spike in prices higher than 1980-weigh in here-its free!
well, it seems to me lately that every1 has someone. im so happy that they r happy but im still wondering when itll be my turn. i mean there is someone who i am really interested in right now but the distance is a killer. alot of things have gone on lately and i think ive personally done alot of changing and there might be an even bigger change coming to my life... we shall see i guess. much love Krys *hugs and kisses*
Late Lunch!!
Squeaky clean, freshly shaved, smelling great and nicely dressed in casual clothes!! Anyone in "cyber space" want to join me for a late lunch??
The Latest Scoop
So in case you missed the show last night, well, I was let's call it compromised on the mic! About two minutes before we were to go on air, I took some cough syrup. I have had a cold and needed to not cough while airing. I didn't know the cough syrup was LOADED with CODEINE!! I was intending to do a show of substance, talking about the Libertarian Party and had two guests to represent both the conservative and liberal sides of the party. I had Todd Anthony Barnett from Liberty Cap Talk Live along with Eric Dondero from Liberty Talk Live. Somehow, we started out in the direction of politics and ended up with talking about sex with tomato's and serial killers. Now mind you, not mentioned yet were two other hapless guys who just called in and got sucked into the maylee! Alex and Ryan from The Dead Air Show just called in to say hello and somehow got caught up and stayed, well Alex did for the whole show! Lol. I don't know how it went awry...but shit was it funny to hear today!!! L
Later In The Afternoon...
Leaving the area we fixed the figurines, we move to the bedding models... we lay in many of the beds and I found myself starting to fall asleep in 2 different ones, mainly because I was comforted with my darling love being with me. None of you have any idea the kind of peace her presence alone brought me. Moving along toward the end of the bedding models, we go into one that is slightly more secluded than the rest. In the same model was a bathroom model connected to it... That's where our real fun begins. As I lay in the bed, Erika decides to check out the bathroom. After a minute or two, I go in there after her... not seeing her, I notice a shower curtain... of course, there she was in the fake shower as I pulled open the curtain and got pulled in. I close the curtain and begin kissing this beautiful specimen of a woman that I cherrished. When our lips met and seemed not to want to be parted, our moment was abruptly put to a halt as the curtain was pulled back by a person passing t
Latest News
well its been awhile...but i figured id leave a blog for all u lovely ppl...well my daughter is due in exactly 3 weeks (march 28th)...i can barely control myself from the excitement...and my man finally purposed...and yes we set a date...we r getting married july 26,2008...and ive never been happier...i hope all of u out in ct r doing well...and as for my friends ur all in my thoughts...sadly i have to go, but i'll b back around soon...i promise not to make u guys wait to hear from me....
Late For An Important Date? Blame Your Pc
Boy, am I ever about to give you a great excuse to miss a few appointments! This year daylight saving time has been re-jiggered on the calendar in order to help save energy, but PC and consumer devices don't all know about the change. That means you could potentially be an hour off for every appointment you have scheduled from March 11 (the new daylight saving time, 2007) through the first Sunday in April (the traditional, often programmed-into-software calendar date). While the experts are saying we're not gearing up for anything as major as the old Y2K scare, there are concerns. Microsoft is reminding users not to take calendar appointments as the gospel truth during this new/old daylight saving time period. Since blaming your PC for being late is going to get old real fast, you're probably going to want to get the jump on remedying the situation. Here are some pointers: 1. Remember that it's not just your PC that can be affected. It could be your cell phone, PDA, DVD
Late Birthday Dance
Late Night Mumblings
I'm tired and out of it.. so we mustn't expect too much of these words... I'm listening to this bit of madness that I've sorta produced... Which ends up sounding a little like "Satanic Hippy Music." It's basically a possible intro plus a track.. that we may put up on the pod safe music network.. for other podcasters to play... Where it could also function as a promo for the podcast.. which is sorta interesting.. It's a fairly amazing piece of of audio madness.. which ends up breaking down a little bit towards it's ends.. so I'll have to mess with it a lil bit before I put it up... but it'll still function perfectly well as an intro to an episode... But maybe its not as good as my imagination pretends.. In other news.. its a late night.. feeling a lil lonely.. and a lil libidinaly...... well wishing I was a lil less alone, you know? I'm so over tired and out of it. My car is now stuck in a neighbors driveway.. where it was forced to rest while the plows
with all the drama going on ive been thinking to myself is it worth it to even be on this site anymore, and ive really thought this one out and decided for the great friends ive made on here it is worth it, the rest of you can go suck suzys fucking dick for all i care
Lat Emodel Driver Dies In 4 Wheeler Accident
Hello everyone!! I just wanted to share with all of you a tragedy that happened Sunday.Scott Hall,a local late model race car driver,was killed on Sunday as the result of a tragic 4 wheeler accident.He was 31 years old.Scott has 2 small children & a loving wife who are all just in shock right now.I haven't been on cherrytap long,but everyone I have met has been so nice & understanding!! I thought I would ask you all a favor & say a little prayer for this family.One thing I have learned while being a member of the racing community is that we all might act like a bunch of crazy ass rednecks,BUT when something as horrible as this happens...everyone sticks together!!! Thank You all who come by & take time to read this.I will have some pics posted of Scott's car as soon as I possibly can!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! HUGGZ ReD
Late Night Random Thoughts
so yeah its like 1:30am on a thursday night i am bored out my mind so what do i do? sit on my computer and bitch about being bored lol I think i really need a hobby or better yet a g.f. any live in the chicago land area? haha more then likely not i always fall the girls that live like 10 million miles away or the ones that are unobtainable go me and my shitty luck. So all that is besides the point, and honestly i may not even have a point i am just rambling to pass the time and more then likely no one will read this if they do cool if not oh well i wasted like 5 mins of my life doing aboslutly nothing lol
Late Night Boredom
So this is what happens when you party too hard on Friday night, no one wants to go out on saturday because they are too tired. Well unfortunately my insomnia is getting the better of me so all my guys are sleeping and I am stuck watching tv at 3am, talk about a fun time. So I watched this movie today that really kinda blew my mind. Have yall seen that movie Super Size Me? Well I watched it for the first time tonight and WOW I thought I was going to puke. My friends all kinda laughed because no matter what they see on tv they say they are too busy to cook. Well anyway so I was watching this movie and was discusted at what I had found out about the food that we are so quick to consume. Well I dont want to go on about it all night but its made me think about what I put into my body, I recommend yall to rent it if you havent seen it yet, just a warning though make sure you if you have a weak stomach to cover your eyes at certain parts. I hope you all have a great weekend.
lately1. Are you sarcastic: yeah2. Is there anything you can't wait for this summer: June...we can start trying to get prego again3. Socks and sandals: it's one or the other...not both at the same time4. Who was the last person to go to the movies with: Billy5. What one thing you really hope to do this spring: spring cleaning...woo hoo6. Do you like to go Mini-Golfing: no7. Are you moving this spring: I wish8. Are you going to be starting a job this spring: maybe9. Have you ever slapped someone: no10. Did you get poison ivy: a long time's been years11. Do you plan on going camping next summer: possibly12. Favorite pizza toppng: pepperoni13. Pants or shorts: shorts...if it's warm enough14. Do you use Chapsticks: yes15. Are you currently fighting with anyone: maybeMySpace Quizzes from Get this and more quizzes at!!
lately1. Are you sarcastic: yes2. Is there anything you can't wait for this summer: no3. Socks and sandals: socks4. Who was the last person to go to the movies with: brian5. What one thing you really hope to do this spring: fix our camero6. Do you like to go Mini-Golfing: yes7. Are you moving this spring: no8. Are you going to be starting a job this spring: no9. Have you ever slapped someone: yes10. Did you get poison ivy: no11. Do you plan on going camping next summer: yes12. Favorite pizza toppng: pepperoni13. Pants or shorts: pants14. Do you use Chapsticks: yes15. Are you currently fighting with anyone: no MySpace Quizzes from Get this and more quizzes at!!
Lately, my life has been in kind of a bad place. This past monday, I was woken up at 11:30am by a phone call from my dad's cell phone. It was my mother calling me, and informing me that I didn't have to go into work that day. I asked why. She said that we are at Rochester General, your grandmother has a severe stroke this morning. At that very moment, I could feel my heart being torn apart. Tears started to stream down my face as my mom said that she would call me later in the day and let me know whats going on. Later on that day, I recieved another call from my mom. She said that, your grandmother is in a coma, and the Doctors don't think that she will come out of it. I dropped the phone and started to cry. Thinking to myself what am I going to do with out her. She is someone I could always talk to. She would never get mad at me, and give me the best advice. What am I going to do. After I hung up the phone with my mom that time, I got up, got dressed and went over to my be
The Latest Update On Me
Well it’s been a while since my last entry and so much has come into play. My children and I have been doing more things together. They started going to church and enjoy it very much. They go with my niece Chantal. It is a good church and I really like the woman who picks the kids up. I have heard nothing but good things about her. I have been teaching them a bedtime prayer and trying to get them to say it every night. Lexis loves saying her night time prayer with me and her brother, Caleb only likes saying his when it is just me and him. I’m thinking of maybe going to church every Sunday. Maybe it will help me get through some of things I’ve been going through and thinking about. I am almost done with my job. I have until the second week of April to find another which is going to be hard considering jobs are few and far between in this area. Everyone whom matters knows that I have been thinking of moving to Henderson to be closer to my boyfriend whom is the GREATEST EVER!!! I L
Late Night Soul Searching...
Have you ever had one of those nights where you were so tired yet your soul wouldn't be still?? If you have than you'll understand this blog. What started out as simple questions of "what if". What if I had never been shown the wrath of an angry partner? What if I had never met "him"? What if I wouldn't have left him? Etc....turned into a night of soul searching. I used to look at my past through negative eyes. Who could actually find something positive in having the shit beat out of you? Who could think of a reason to feel happy about losing a partner? Tonight it donned on me that I CAN! Every negative thing that happened actually shaped me as the person I am today. Perhaps I would have never met you, him, her...had I not been through the things I have. To the people in my past...THANK YOU for influencing my life with the fucked up shit you did! LOL To the people in my present...The ones that actually ARE here and not just for points (Yall know who you are)...You and I
Late Entry Today!
Good afternoon/good evening, one and all! There is a new photo in my Inspirational Photos album aka Past Life Companions. Alyssa and I discovered each other yesterday evening! Please make her feel welcome, my friends. I made such an impression on my fellow party goers last Friday that we are doing it again tonight! Seems "Auntie M" can party with the best - STILL, lmao!! I do work tomorrow, so I shall try to behave myself, lol!! Tim has settled down. All is well, for the moment at any rate! The snow has totally melted and the temp has been in the high 50s! Sounds like Wisconsin in the Springtime to me, lol! Have a wonderful Friday night and a fantastic weekend, everyone! Much love and warm hugs for everyone! Blessings, all over the place! You are all loved so very much! Later!
Mkay so lately, i have been stressed over everything. Ive been thinking the worst is about to happen. It did about a week ago, but thats a different story and its over now. But the thing is, it still feels like its happening, and its killing me. So the outcome from it, is i feel so alone. Im not alone, but ive never felt so alone. Its strange...but if yall knew i think you would understand what im saying. But basically i was thinking about graduation. My friends will be having theirs also. It cant be helped that some people will have theirs on the same days. I have a feeling no one is going to show up. And as far as my family comming, its going to be a bunch of old people who i dont even know, that are in it for the free food. I dunno i just have a different vision of the party that i want, some of you know what im saying, but i know there is such a small chance, that its not even there. So im not really looking forward to that at all. Lately ive also felt like im starting to connect w
Late Night Fun{as Seen In My Recent Stash]
Yeh this is wut Gran & I do when we are bored......Fun Fun
The Latest Dispatch From My Hick Hometown...this Crap Really Makes The Main Newspaper
Car-chasing wolf isn't a pack of lies Duluth News Tribune - 04/18/2007 Minnesota Conservation Officer Steve Peterson thought it was a prank call or that someone was mistaking a German shepherd as a wolf. Until he saw it for himself. Last Friday, Peterson responded to a call of a timber wolf that was hiding in country road ditch near Brimson, then chasing vehicles that drove past. “Apparently it had been happening for several days before I got the call,” said Peterson, who patrols from Two Harbors. On arriving where the caller had reported the wolf, Peterson found the animal standing in the road. As Peterson watched with binoculars, another vehicle drove past Peterson’s truck. The wolf first hid in the ditch, then ran out when the vehicle drove by. “I couldn’t believe it. It was like a dog chasing cars,” Peterson said. “It looked like a big, healthy male wolf. No mange.” When Peterson pulled ahead on the road, the wolf retreated to the ditch, then lunged back on the r
I heard from Carla. She told me she wasn't playing games but I'm so emotional. Don't know whether to believe her. Didn't really mean what I said - I'd hate to see anything bad happen to her. I still love her. Don't know about going back to her - she has hurt me terribly and I think she's bad for me.
The Latest On Security Abroad:
> The latest on security abroad: > > The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist > activities and have raised their security level from "Miffed" to > "Peeved." > > Some, though, say that security levels may be raised yet again to > "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." Londoners have not been at "A Bit > Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out. > Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to a "Bloody > Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning > level was during the great fire of 1666. > > Also, the French government announced yesterday that it has raised its > terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in > France are "Surrender" and "Collaborate." The rise was precipitated by a > recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively > paralyzing the country's military capability. > > It's not only the English and French that ar
Latex Gloves
Latex Gloves A dentist noticed that his next patient, an elderly lady, was looking very nervous so he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on his gloves. "Do you know how they make these gloves?" he asked. "No, I don't" she replied. "There's a building in China with a big tank of latex, and workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in their hands,let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into boxes of the right size." She didn't even crack a smile. "Oh, well. I tried," he thought. But five minutes later during a delicate portion of the dental procedure, she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I was just picturing how condoms are made!" she said. Gotta watch those little old ladies! Their minds may be slow, but they're always working.
Latex Biikiinii Contest....
Just another reminder I'm leaving cherry tap really soon and if ur really my friend then hit me back for my email address so we can stay in touch if not peace love and sssssoooooouuuuullllll!!!!!!!
Latest News
Well my daughter was born at 1:45p...on march 29...she was 20" long 8 lbs 14 ounces....sadly to say her daddy and i split yeah the wedding is off...sorry for any disappointments...and she's living with her daddy...long story....but please dont feel and pity or sorrow for me...i believe that things have a way of working themselves out....especially with a little help from the man seems as though i have put alot of my friends on the back burner and for that i am truly sorry....if i have lost touch with u please send me a message or something so we can pick up keeping in friends mean alot to me....and im always looking to make new if u know anyone looking for a new all means send em my way...thanks...and ill b back around soon...i promise in the mean time take care...and remember to slow down once in awhile to smell the flowers...u guys will all b in my thoughts
Late At Night
It's late at night and I can't sleep, its too hard so I stay awake and try to think. but when you hold me the way you do, I have no choice but to fall in love with you.. It's late at night. Sometimes it hurts so bad, when I think about all the times we've had.. All the memories, that I've had of us together of falling away.. I'm falling too, I'm falling too. it's late at night. Do you think do you see do you even believe in me.. do you feel the same for leaving me to blame for all you're pain. do you think do you see do you even feel the same for leaving me to blame for all your pain. too late to call you have fallen asleep, and falling out of me do you think, do you see do you even believe in me do you feel the same for leaving me to blame for all your pain...
Late Lunch (may 05, 2007)
Todays menu is Swiss Steak with fresh mushroom gravy, mashed potatos, rolls and Amish butter, spinach with bacon, hard boiled egg pieces and vinegar and a hardy red wine. Any takers? We can discuss dessert after our meal.
Latest News
Well It seems that the x b/f most of you love so much(sarcasm) has found a whole new way to screw me in a very uncomfortable place, no not in the back of a Volvo.... He's stolen money from me again and now i have like 30 cents, I know your all envious of my richness... Anyways, if there was any doubt in any of your minds thats its over I guess you know now that it defiantly is, not only is he not in my phone anymore but I have no more of him on either messenger or anywhere on my computer.. yay for Katelyn and her independence...
Latex Gloves
A dentist noticed that his next patient, an elderly lady, was looking very nervous so he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on his gloves. "Do you know how they make these gloves?" he asked. "No, I don't" she replied. "There's a building in China with a big tank of latex, and workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in their hands, let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into boxes of the right size." She didn't even crack a smile. "Oh, well. I tried," he thought. But five minutes later, during a delicate portion of the dental procedure, she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I was just picturing how condoms are made!" she said. Gotta watch those little old ladies! Their minds may be slow, but they're always working.........
Late Night Play
Well.....not really...more like morning play :D So how's Everybody's Mom's Day eh? Hope it was good. Mine was.......decent. It could have been better. I just wish my Mom wasn't so demanding sometimes.... :p My Job hunt has gone stagnant....I'm not doing the whole Online crap anymore....that hsit will get you no where.......I'm going to have to pound the pavment if I want to get what I want. :p So yeah....... Much Luv
Late, But Not......well Forgotten??
So it was mothers day, And all I did was sleep all damn day!!! My mum was in Idaho, until that eve. so we didn't do anything for her...... Fast forward to today...... I was chatting it up with a friend, who was talking about all the work he did for his mum yesterday (on her day) And how he bought her some flowers..... Then it dawned on me, I NEVER got my own mum anything!!!! Well, needless to say, thank Loki Pier One is open till 9pm, and $82.68 later........ I'm not always that forgetful, just spacey sometimes.....My mum didn't seem to mind about the late presents........ On another note, Some of my friends wonder why I don't go shopping with them.....The reason is, because when I DO go shopping, I go SHOPPING. I usually spend way too much money......So in short, don't ask me to go shopping with you!!
~~late Breaking News...........
Subject: Fw: Church Squirrels There were Five country churches in a small TEXAS town: The Presbyterian Church, the Baptist Church,o?= o?=the Methodist Churcho?=, the Catholic Church,o?= and the Jewish Synagogueo?=.o?= Each church was overrun with pesky squirrels. One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will ... In the Baptist Church the squirrels had taken up habitation in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery and d rown the squirrels in it. The squirrels escaped somehow and there were twice as many there the next week. The Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creation. So, the y humanely trapped the Squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town
Late Aura
Over the lonely meadows, falling snow Whitens the shadows, spreading wings of light, Feathering each hallow, casting up a glow Ancient and mellow on the dark of night. Softer than moonbeams shines this tender mood After the weight of winter freeze has lifted; A gentle cover for the solitude, A mantle over scarred earth sweetly drifted. Late in the darkest hour of night it falls, Light into the darkness, memoried clover; Blithesome when unblithe winter lays its palls; Blossom when summer blossomtime is over. A field holds bleakness with the summer past Till through the darkness comes the snow at last.
Late Mothers Day Poem.
Momma There are so many of these women that we adore, yet some how; some are forgotten, like so many crumbs on a floor. They show us love, compassion and so much more; for some people that is lost, as if burned out from the core. There are those who sacrifice their own hopes and dream; for their children’s love and lives, all alone, it would seem. Some must work to support their kids; through every lesson and team, yet there are no cards or calls; which is this rhyme theme! They come in every color, shape, and size; They come in every variation that anyone could possibly devise. They love unconditionally, without pay, for them there is no prize; Yet a mother’s love always stays true, her love never dies! My momma is different, because she has always been “The Queen,” her heart is so large it never runs short of love, it would seem. She was there to support us in all of our troubled times, yet she insured that when pay, for all our crimes. Compassion
Latest Michael Prick Update
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: "Three envelopes addressed to 'M. Vick' were among evidence seized by police under the authority of a search warrant executed on the Virginia property owned by Falcons quarterback Michael Vick, according to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Also seized in the search, authorized in late April in relation to organized dogfighting, was a black 3-ring binder containing "contracts" or "copies of contracts." You know, it was all fun and games when Roger Goodell was swinging his big stick at guys who (with apologies to how good Pacman Jones is) are not true NFL stars. I am wondering if the applause from the panties-in-a-bunch-over-NFL-off-field-shenanigans crowd will be as loud when Goodell is forced to suspend Michael Vick. Because, at some point I am guessing, enough evidence will be collected that ignoring the bad smell wafting over Vick's off-season will be impossible for the NFL commish if he wishes to not be the world's
Late Night Thoughts.. All Coming 100mph.
I just don't know what to do with myself. I try to shake these feelings but sometimes, mostly at night, it's too much. I feel so empty. I feel like I have nothing going for me right now.. with the only exception being my wonderful family. I never know who my true friends are. I couldn't name a best friend for you right now. No man will give me the time of day unless he wants a quick lay. No one wants to actually give a shit about me. I worked my ass off in school, and yet am still disappointed in my grades. It's like nothing I do is good enough.. And I feel so ugly. So disgusting. I've been dieting for weeks.. and I've noticed progress.. but I want more.. I never know if what I am doing is right.. if it's working...I just want to feel attractive again.. I want to be comfortable in my own skin.. I'm sick of feeling like this. I feel like I've ultimately lost whatever it is that made people like me.. made them want to get to know me.. to love me.. I feel invisible. I feel li
Late Night Tv.
Have you ever noticed that tv gets stupider as the night passes. I guess the networks figure only drop outs and retards are up this late. I believe that your brain begins to permanatly shut down after 6 straight hours of infomercials for stuff no one needs anyway. Sometimes I think it's not worth going on. I know that there has to be a way to make the pain end but it is addictive. Although I have never bought anything, I have picked up te phone in a hypnotic trance. Please remember, these are the rants of a bored neurotic pyschotic.
Latest Medical Info
Latest in my medical saga We will be scheduling surgery sometime in the next couple weeks.I will be undergoing a laproscopic surgery to remove my left ovary and fallopian tube completely.The gynocologist says that the tumor is not malignant and is also not the culprit of my pain and massive swelling.The surgical procedure that I will be having will also enable the doctor to be able to see exactly what the main event issue is. If there is another main issue then the doctor will open me up fully to be able to remedy the issue right then and there since I will already be under anyway.Right now the prognosis is good and we'll just have to wait til I get date for the surgery and go from there. In the mean time I would like to thank all those that have given me sooo much support and the caring thoughts.I really do appreciate them immensely.
Lately You are growing more impatient with me. Lately I have not heard you say, "I love you." Lately I'm wondering if it's gone. Lately I feel as if I'm bothering you. Lately My heart has been aching. Lately I been wishing for your touch. Lately I wonder if you wish the same thing. Lately I just need to hear your voice. Lately It seems I have to wait in line. Lately All I've done is love you. But lately You haven't. So what do I do? What can I say, or not say? What am I to think? I'm scared out of my mind about losing you Lately.
Latest Movie Reviews!
LATEST FULL LENGTH DVD REVIEWS LATEST CAPSULE REVIEWS Also stop by the site to see all of this week's DVD genre releases! That's it for now, Mark Cultcuts Magazine DIGITAL CONQUEST BUY 3 GET THE 4th DVD FREE SALE!
Late Night
I love...Carson Daly and his Current Events Karaoke! Has anyone else seen this? It's a riot! For more on Last Call, click HERE
Late Night Addendum!
Well, here I am on CherryTAP at 3 a.m.! Yep, can't sleep. What fun! Very quiet here tonight, isn't it! Ah, well! Guess I should try getting a little more sleep, lol! Good morning to the UK and European contingent of friends/family! Hope your day is spectacular, one and all! Love, hugs, and blessings! Muah!
The Latest Happenings At
Things have really been busy here at Cyanide Central, so busy I have not had the chance to tell you all about it. I had to take some time off just so I could bring you these updates. Last weekend was our first doll only pool party, Cyanide, Rosebud, Saphire, Poison Ivy and a guest appearance by former Doll Opium frolicked naked in the pool while their fans watched via webcam. Let me tell you when you get five naked women in the pool, throw in a little booze, things are bound to get HOT! These ladies could not keep their hands and mouths off each other. Someone had to operate the equipment and be there to capture it all in film of course, be sure and take a peek in my photos section That pool party was such a success they decided to do it AGAIN, this weekend. Poison Ivy even offered a live strip show later. WOW! We also got some new photo sets of Saphire and Ivy that are bound to Rock your world, yes there will be previews in my photo section so be sure and check them o
Latest Medical Info
Have you ever noticed that to get the right tests done... or to get your health back in order you have to fight the medical establishment all the damn way.??? After finally making a big enough fuss over the pain and problems I've been having that are getting worse mind you.... they finally had me come in to be re-evaluated.I know that I'm a medical weirdo already..been trying to tell all these damn dr's that too and they don't want to listen...but now they have to.After an hour and a half at the dr's office going over and over the problems and the tests that have already been done and when...they finally decided to give m e a surgery date for July...but I was not about to wait that damn long since been dealing with this issue for months in order to try to speed things up a bit.. I will be under going a CT scan in the very near future.Once the Ct scan is done and we find out what it has to say then we WILL be moving the surgery ahead to within a week or two of that.
Lately, I've been thinking about how my life is. Nothing is going right. It's been this way for far too long. I sit here and wonder what went wrong. My eyes are filling up with tears. I get bored easily anymore. It's hard for me to even do a 500 piece puzzle. Why, you ask. Because I lack the concentration. I've gained weight over the years. I feel disgusting most of the time. I sit here and I'm sweating bullets. I was never like this before. I want to lose weight but I lack the confidence and strength. I don't feel like doing anything. Just laying around and do absolutely nothing. And with summer coming, it really doesn't help. Right now my pc isn't working right so I can't play my one game that helps pass time. I don't really talk to anyone anymore. I don't have my car right now, because it's supposed to be getting fixed by my step-father who is more occupied in fixing my sister's house. So I don't have a job. So I have no money to get away from this for a while. I have basically
I'm leaving today for Maine, to be a camp counsler. Won't be on Cherry until maybe september.
Latest Maddie Mccann News
Police probe Madeleine 'dead' claim. Portuguese police have started investigating an area just nine miles from where Madeleine McCann was abducted after a tip off from a Dutch source. An anonymous letter claiming the four-year-old lies buried under rocks in deserted scrubland was sent to newspaper De Telegraaf and passed on to the Portuguese Policia Judiciaria. It was thought to pinpoint an area north of Odiaxere, north east of Praia da Luz from where the girl was snatched 41 days ago. Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa said the information was being taken seriously and "everything necessary" was being done to validate the allegation. "There have been exchanges between Dutch police and us," he said. "The information indicated an area 15km from the place of the disappearance of the little child. "It is not far from Praia da Luz. We are checking the information like we check everything in this case for importance." Asked if the search involved digging, he said: "If the i
The Latest On My Mom
Just to let everyone know, My Mom is home from the hospital now, The doctors found 6 tumors in her brain last wednesday and put her in the hospital for what they referred to as imperative radiation, the tumors are not localized and are cancer, they are all over her brain and already having an effect on her motor skills, she is having trouble speaking and walking and her thought process is not the same. She told me that this is the first time since this all started over a year ago that she is actually scared now. I have been scared but would never let her know that, Thanks to everyone who read my original bulletin and thanks for all of the prayers, it is comforting to have friends right now, you dont know how much it means to me. But I will keep you updated on everything, she is a very stuborn lady and determined so we will see whats next. Again thank you all for everything. Love Jacque
“I am invariably late for appointments - sometimes as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing.”
Late Night Reading!!!!
For years now, a group of my friends and I have been getting together once a month to play "Bunco", a friendly dice game. We are all close to the same age and it is really just an excuse to get together, socialize and have some fun with "the girls." One particular evening proved to be a very pleasurable time for myself and my friend Kelly. We are both married and have been good friends for a long time. Several years ago when our children were much younger, the "Bunco Club" was an excuse to get away from our families for an evening. Each of the Bunco Club members would take turns hosting the monthly gathering and come up with different prizes and other fun activities. Husbands and children of the hostess would disappear for the evening so we could talk about anything and everything. Somewhere along the line, we began watching x-rated videos at our Bunco parties. I'm not even sure how that practice got started, but we would watch them, laugh at the poor acting an
Late Night Reading!!!!
For years now, a group of my friends and I have been getting together once a month to play "Bunco", a friendly dice game. We are all close to the same age and it is really just an excuse to get together, socialize and have some fun with "the girls." One particular evening proved to be a very pleasurable time for myself and my friend Kelly. We are both married and have been good friends for a long time. Several years ago when our children were much younger, the "Bunco Club" was an excuse to get away from our families for an evening. Each of the Bunco Club members would take turns hosting the monthly gathering and come up with different prizes and other fun activities. Husbands and children of the hostess would disappear for the evening so we could talk about anything and everything. Somewhere along the line, we began watching x-rated videos at our Bunco parties. I'm not even sure how that practice got started, but we would watch them, laugh at the poor acting an
I gotta go.. it's late, I'm confused and I need to go to bed before things get really really bad. Is there really only one real person on this site?
Lately I've been thinking a lot about a lot of things. One thing that's been getting to me is that a lot of my friends have kids. Granted I'm almost 26 and I still have some time, but I've been so down lately about it. I mean I love hearing stories of what their kids do or have done. I love hearing funny and cute stories. But it just sux that I don't have any stories to offer. Lately, I've noticed that there is something wrong with me. I mean I'll be watching either one of my tv series or a movie. And if something tragic happens and someone gets tears in their eyes, I seem to get tears in my eyes.
Latest Reports
FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. - Pro wrestler Chris Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a weight-machine pulley, authorities said Tuesday. Investigators found anabolic steroids in the house and want to know whether the muscle man nicknamed “The Canadian Crippler” was unhinged by the bodybuilding drugs, which can cause paranoia, depression and explosive outbursts known as “roid rage.” Authorities offered no motive for the killings, which were spread out over a weekend, and would not discuss Benoit’s state of mind. No suicide note was found I’m baffled about why anybody would kill a 7-year-old,” District Attorney Scott Ballard said. “I don’t think we’ll ever be able wrap our head around that.” The Montreal-born Benoit was one of the stars of the WWE wrestling circuit and was known for his wholesome family-man image. His wife, Nancy, was a wrestling stage manager who worked under the name “Woman.” They
The Latest
FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- Two days before he and his family were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide, pro wrestler Chris Benoit told co-workers his wife and son had food poisoning and were throwing up, according to World Wrestling Entertainment. Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a weight-machine pulley, authorities said Tuesday. Authorities offered no motive for the killings, which were spread out over the weekend and discovered Monday. No suicide note was found. On Saturday, Benoit called a co-worker to say he had missed a flight and would be late for a wrestling event in Texas, WWE said in a timeline posted Tuesday on its Web site. The co-worker said Benoit sounded tired and groggy and said "I love you," which the co-worker found "out of context," WWE said. After Benoit talked to a WWE Talent Relations representative, the representative suggested Benoit try to make it to a pay-
laters peeps wont be back for awhile ...........KISSES TO ALL MY LOVELY BITCHES...
Late Night Randomness
bored with american music... just am truly bored with todays pop culture in general I guess organic oreos are ickier than regular ones. I am in desperate need of something to bring forth my spark of passion in life.(no, that does not mean, I want cyber or something..wrong passion..think deeper) the moon is really pretty tonight, and calls to me, but moon magick and drinky do not mix and I will refrain I have writers block i got a divine new body wash today with lotus flower in it, smells fabulous. I need a mani/pedi I really should clean my house. why do online pervys think that "go away" means "hey baby I want you to talk to me like an amateur porn star" a horrible babblefish program. why are the people you want to talk to never on line when you need/want them to be!!!?? oh I should not "online window shop" when drinking I get to go to SF soon...yay for me, just a day trip but a really badly needed one. we all have vices and issues and
The Latest News About Chris Benoit
In this undated photo released by World Wrestling Entertainment, pro wrestler Chris Benoit is seen.Ads by Google Sunday River Rental HomeBeautiful Luxury Maine HomeWinter and Summer Vacationlandwww.sundayriverrental.comSugarloaf Ca HomesSearch Sugarloaf Home ListingsView by Photos, Price, Size & River RentalsLuxury Vacation HomesIncredible views, HotTubs, Swimmingwww.HideawayRentals.netUnclaimed Money in MEMaine owes millions of dollarsHow much do they owe you?'s Dad: Tox Tests May Give Answers Friday, June 29, 2007 8:17 PM EDT The Associated Press By HARRY R. WEBER Associated Press Writer ATLANTA (AP) — The father of pro wrestler Chris Benoit said Friday that he was eager to see whether chemical tests can help explain why Benoit killed his wife and son and committed suicide, acts the wrestler's father said he had no clue were coming. Michael Benoit said by phone from his home in Canada that his family is s
Latest Adventures!
Well I have placed an ad on Craigs List in the Allentown section under the Erotic Service for adults only section and it has had a fairly good response. I have gotten pretty many inquiries and quite a few have turned into set appointments. I am allowing guys to basically come to the third floor where I live (and we are not disturbed) and letting them take all the nude photos or lingirie photos, in whatever pose or position they want for $100! I am also allowing them to masturbate and shoot anywhere on me! ;) If they want me to "touch" them it costs a little extra $$$ but will gladly be done. The other night i even had a 53 yr old respond to the ad and ask for a "Roman Helmet" for those of you who do not know what that is..He basically put his "package" on top of my head and it draped in my face, for one of the photos!!! Alot of stickiness has been occuring but totally happy customers. Hugs and Kisses Kelly
Latest Work
I really love editing photos making morphs and ID cards. My Primary pic now is my latest piece, im pretty proud of it. What do ya'll think of it ??
I have now gotten a job. I work quite a bit and I don't have a lot of time to be online all that much anymore. But I will be online on my days off. So don't forget about me...Ask me for my yahoo, msn, or aim name so we can talk... One thing I will tell you with the way this job is looking I doubt I will like it because I have a bad back and I'll be standing 8 hours straight. I've worked 2 days straight and I'm in so much pain I just want to cry. XOXO CIAO!
Lateral Thinking For Fun
This puzzle is called Lateral Thinking . . . Scroll down slowly and be honest to yourself. Think like a wizard . . .
Latest On Gypsy (july 10th)
For all those who have been following Gypsy's progress here is her latest email passed on to me by Renate. The resiliance & positivity of this lady amazes me ... Gidday All..... I fluffed up last night and sent the e-mail I was writing instead of saving it in Drafts DUH!!!!...a major 'Blond Moment'.... and I'm still a red head.... Wellllll ..... Red & Grey.... ... This e-mail was supposed to be an update.... so I had better concentrate on the task at hand... At present....I am on huge doses of Methadone.... and this tends to leave me more than just a wee bit groggie I have been known to doze off on the dunny.... at the kitchen table.... and in front of the TV.... and even dozing while on the woke up at around 3 am a few nights ago and my neck & face were reallllly sore ... The entire left side has a deep imprint of the keyboard on whenever I started to type.... my teeth would reallllly.....lmaooooo B
Late Night Ramblings
here it is 5:30 am and i still cant sleep... thought i would write a little bit til i get sleepy. first of all a great big thank you to all my new friends and fans. this last one was a very successful blast for me. i'm a bit on the lazy side so i don't talk to everyone. but if you buy my next blast, i promise i'll talk to you. ;-) and honestly i'm getting quite tired of the "nice tits" and "hey how r u" kind of messages. thing about that is i like compliments, but how about saying something of quality to me? maybe show me that you read my profile and not just drooled over my NSFW pics? say something INTERESTING? is that so much to ask for? and while i'm on it... type out your damn words. grrr. so i went to see the transformers movie tonight. it was actually very well done. good character development. so good that i cried when bumblebee got tied up by the military. yes i cried over a robot. and i'm not a big movie crier. sappy ending but what do you expect, it
The Latest
It's Like It'sl like something childish Something I should have grown out of Like dandelion smudges and monkey bars IT's like i am stuck her Unable to find any other answers Like the only option is the most final When all there is, is No Will you ever hear Yes -Anna Cook
Later Lozers!!!........
.......Im Outta Here!!!
Late Lament
Breathe deep the gathering gloom, Watch lights fade from every room. Bedsitter people look back and lament, Another day's useless energy spent. Impassioned lovers wrestle as one, Lonely man cries for love and has none. New mother picks up and suckles her son, Senior citizens wish they were young. Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Removes the colours from our sight. Red is grey and yellow white, But we decide which is right. And which is an illusion??? By Graeme Edge of the Moody Blues From Nights in White Satin
Late Night Reading
I'm in the kitchen reading a steamy novel. It is late and everyone else is asleep. I am about half way through the book and I can't put it down. The romance and steamy sex are enough to light anyone's inner fire. I can feel mine beginning to burn. I have a cold drink with me and I am sipping on it while I read. I have have a bowl of fruit to snack on. As I read, I snack, then drink. I am so into the book and can feel the things these characters are doing. I can feel her hands touch him as if they were my hands. I can feel his breath as if it were on my neck, not hers. Soon I am warm all over. I reach into my glass and get out an ice cube. I begin to rub it on my neck and across my chest. The ice melts and I get another piece from my glass. I run it down my chest, down my belly, and part my legs. I get yet another piece of ice out of the glass and rub it on my hot lips. My legs quiver in response. I keep reading as I play with the ice. I just can't put the book down. Not paying
Late Night Reading
I'm in the kitchen reading a steamy novel. It is late and everyone else is asleep. I am about half way through the book and I can't put it down. The romance and steamy sex are enough to light anyone's inner fire. I can feel mine beginning to burn. I have a cold drink with me and I am sipping on it while I read. I have have a bowl of fruit to snack on. As I read, I snack, then drink. I am so into the book and can feel the things these characters are doing. I can feel her hands touch him as if they were my hands. I can feel his breath as if it were on my neck, not hers. Soon I am warm all over. I reach into my glass and get out an ice cube. I begin to rub it on my neck and across my chest. The ice melts and I get another piece from my glass. I run it down my chest, down my belly, and part my legs. I get yet another piece of ice out of the glass and rub it on my hot lips. My legs quiver in response. I keep reading as I play with the ice. I just can't put the book down. Not paying
Latest New Thing!
So I go to court for a friend. Leaving the house when I am not supposed to...however, i prayed about it and was told that court is where I was going to do the best for others. As I was testifying the attorney kept looking at my arms. I assumed since I was testifying on how well NA has done for me the last eleven years and since she just asked me if I had used IV drugs and I told her NO, that she was looking for track marks. She had a quick sidebare with the other attorney and the judge and the judge asked me to step down and come into her chambers. My arms where bleeding from the pores and where very swollen. I lifted my sleeves that came down to my elbows and they where fine...with a clear differential mark where my sleeve ended. I said: "Oh, this is new." as they looked at me with awwwww. I know my immune system is very weak but I would like everyone to know that this is was a reaction AIR POLLUTION and nothing else. Your immune system fights this off everyday. Sev
Latest On My Aunt
Well her heart rate is still in the 60-65 range, Praise God for He is good. She rallied good last night and was up talking and laughing with people. Her fluid levels have gone down greatly, but she still has some onher, I believe that will also be totally gone. They want to start radiation on her to attack the cancer pockets in her lungs and around her esophagus which will help with her nausea. Our county is having a benefit dinner adn auction for her tonight, which has already had a HUGE amount of donations and support, she has no clue the lives she has touched or made a difference in in her 39 years of driving for the school system. The local Budweiser plant is also going to do a benefit golf whatever that thing is called lol, ( i loathe golf rofl). Her biggest fear currently is that if she is unable to drive the bus this last year the school system will cancel her insurance, and she will have no way to pay her medical bills and her household bills with no income but Uncle bill
Late Night.
I love a late night. I hardly sleep. I love to party. Well i loved to party. And sadly i cant. But I still love late nights. Watching south park or some kind of like fucked up talk show. I love hearign about some chick and her fucked up life. Or geting in a fight at 3 in the morning. Late nights are wut i live for. I never sleep couse i dont want to miss enything. Something could happen and I could miss it. So I stay awake. Waiting for some thing so great to happen. Then I can say I was up to see it. If its the guy next door geting arrested or some top news about aliens takeign over the world. Ok the last part was bullshit but still. I dont want to miss makeing a new friend.Or talking to and old friend. U never now wut can happen on a late night.
Late Nights
Late Nights Tasha looked at the tiny clock on her flat screen monitor and groaned. It was nearing eight at night and she was no where near where she needed to be. It was typical, however. Every time she thought she was through with a reconciliation, she always found something else to fix. She debated giving up and going home, but that would only cause her work to pile up further. She aimlessly shuffled through a hand of spider solitaire before returning to her frustrations. She just needed the break. The office hall was dark, meaning she was the only one there. It was late, to damn late and she had a test in the morning she needed to study for. Her frustrations mounted as she tried to discern the thirty thousand dollar discrepancy. She was concentrating so hard she nearly came out of her skin when she was interrupted by a familiar voice. 'Still here?' It was Evan with his usual cocky expression, the little shit. She tried to cover up her 'what the fuck' glare with a hal
Late Night Nonsense
what would you do, if you found your ass in cali, call your momma in maui, but she's out back mixin a brew. so ya sittin on the road side, pouting about having no map, some punk just calls you a sap, walks past tellin ya to let it slide. soon night shall fall and you suck, two dollars you want from a hooker, she laughs and throws a pressure cooker, this outcome is seen for you didn't duck. if you read this short bit start to end, you might be wondering bout your mind, are you sane or is your brain in a bind, you don't have far, loony farm around the bend. your momma might not call you, your daddy is lost in vietnam, your brother,oh, died from spam. they'll feed you jello and its fresh too. now that your locked up, this adventure is gonna end, a farewell to you i do now lend, now take your meds from that small cup.
The other day when I met, for the first time IRL, one of my friends at a park all I could think about, at the time, was sex. Thoughts about going down on them and of how they might taste; thoughts of how special and wonderful it would be to know the person in a biblical sense; thinking of what would happen if i didn't please the person sexually; etc... Well anyways, when providing feedback about our meeting they mentioned that talking about sex with a person who you've just met is a really big turn off and I made the comment like, "Well, I guess you knew where my mind was..." or something to that effect. They might already know this, but just in case, I want the person to know that I'm not some sex-crazed lunatic and sex is not all that I think about...most of the time...It just seems like ever since I got my first taste of it about 3 weeks ago, that's all that I've thought about and I really wish I would stop, and Hopefully I will stop, but for the time being, to just bare with me.
Lately, I've been sick, I had a gastro-intestinal bug, I guess you could call it. After two weeks I am starting to feel better! Whoopie!!!!!! Then I had to go to a new neurologist this past Monday for my RSD...he is going to refer me to a pain mangement clinic...oh joy! *SIGH* I also re-connected with a friend from downstate.....which has greatly helped my mood! And that is what has been going on with about you?
Late Night Strategies
Two married buddies are out drinking one night. One turns to the other and says, "You know, I don't know what else to do. Whenever I go home after we've been out drinking, I turn the headlights off before I get to the driveway. I shut off the engine before going into the garage. Take my shoes off before I go into the house, I sneak up the stairs, get undressed in the bathroom, stick my foot in the toilet and pee down my leg to prevent splashing sounds. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late!" His buddy looks at him and says "Well, you're obviously taking the wrong approach. I screech into the driveway, slam the door, storm up the steps, pee hard into the toilet water, then use the full flush, throw my shoes in the closet, undress in the bedroom, then jump into bed, slap her on the ass and say, "WHO'S HORNY????!!! And she acts like she's sound asleep. It works every time!!"
Thinking About You by Michael Louie Thinking about you, what else can I do? Dreaming a sweet dream that's only with you. My minds all over you, night and day, I hope this feeling will forever stay. Thinking about you 24/7, What can I say, I'm practally in heaven. Our love is perfect, forever, and long, And in my heart it's still growing strong. Thinking about you, because you shine, To me your love is a great bright sign. Following the path, in which you light, You guide me safely, all through the night. Thinking about you until I'm graved, I hope by that time our love will be saved. If I had one day, special and true, There'd only be one person to spend it with and that person is you...
The Latest Salute...
So far so good, ya'll! ;-) Many thanks to Miss Juicy for approving!!
Okay, so I have a job now and I work back in the place I use to, and I love it, and now I have been there a month and they are already giving me a cooking position, it is awesome, and I now have another tattoo and I also got my eyebrow pierced. I am just chilling, still single, and it is awesome, I can't complain......I am alright right now I started smoking on the best and it is helping with my back pain.....So well that is all I got for now....Pceace David
Late Afternoon Toast
Bearded chin grazes A creamy smooth inner thigh Diamond sparkles Tiny reflections Champagne bubbles in sunshine Love under the sky Soft kisses exchanged Warm breezes caressing skin Lust sounds on the wind Hungry lips taste lips Golden sunshine through closed lids Molten passion builds Two melt into one Beneath God's blue canopy Finally bursting Fervor subsiding A rising champagne bubble Kissing thirsty lips Bearded chin grazes Shared vessel of bubbly wine Her soft lips brush his Slowly sinking sun Arm in arm they end their day One last kiss good- bye
This about sumes Me up lately....
it is always later! see i switch between 2 pc's here and there throughout the day and night. one pc has all my photos one pc has some. so of course im currently on the pc with the some which isnt anything for here. HOWEVER later ill be on the other where i can upload more pics to fill the senses. fun huh ~T
Late Night Round -up At 9 Est Dixie Radio Indy
Lately And Soon To Come
I am sorry I havent been around lately and I am sorry to say that it will continue. I may be moving out very soon and I just started a job. where i am moving too I am not sure if i will have a phone line or internet access.
Laters Til Monday.
ok yall im headed to the coast to do a lil fishin and try to unwind a bit. i will be unable to get online til i get back monday night. so heres HAPPY WEEKEND wishes to all yall. when i get back i will be sure to take care of everyone as soon as i possibly can mon night or tues afternoon. HUGZ fer all i will talk to yall later.
Latest News...
So Lets See...Erm Well All I Gotta Say To One Person And He Knows Who He Is After He Reads This...I'ma Miss Ya, Will Always Love Ya, But I Gotta Say Goodbye...In Some Ways.. I Have Finally Gotta My Life Slowly Goin In The Direction I Want. Well Mostly Because I Have The Love Of My Life Now. I Wanna Be With Him Forever And We Plan To Be. Hopefully After I Graduate And Get Things Settled We Can Move In Together :D hehe. Erm. I LOVE YOU!! Haha. Umm I Found My Long Lost Older Sister That Was Taken From My Dad When She Was A Baby And Given Another Guys Name. She Has A 8month Old Son, Named Duante, And Is 5months Preggy With A Baby Gurl. Named Kaiya Arihona Nichole. And Well THAT MAKES ME A AUNT! I'm So Happy. We're Goin To Maine To See Them This Weekend. Erm I Started Classes Again Last Night And Im Workin My Butt Off And Spendin As Much Time As I Can With My Baby. haha I LOVE YOU so Much!
Latest News On Me
I now have a phone line but now i have to wait for broadband to be put in so i'll be back to normal within 2-3 weeks
Late Night Shopping - A True Confession
Late Night Shopping - A True Confession Wendy took full advantage of the supermarket boy's package. I'd been using the same supermarket for months, always shopping at night when it was quiet. Grocery shopping was a chore, but a big compensation was the fit young men hired to help shoppers pack their groceries and carry them o their cars. Students mostly, making a bit of money on the side. One in particular had taken a fancy to me - a tall, really built guy, with a cheeky smile and a twinkle in his eye. One night I had an extra heavy shop. I’d just split up with my boyfriend, and I was comfort buying. Wine, chocolate, cakes…All substitutes for sex. My special bag boy was on duty, and the way he looked at me told me he’d sussed out my frustration…and was happy to help me with more than just my shopping. As we approached my car, I couldn’t really see his big sexy body very well in the darkness, but I was aware of him, and my own body was responding to his presence. When the
Late Night Shopping - A True Confession
Late Night Shopping - A True Confession Wendy took full advantage of the supermarket boy's package. I'd been using the same supermarket for months, always shopping at night when it was quiet. Grocery shopping was a chore, but a big compensation was the fit young men hired to help shoppers pack their groceries and carry them o their cars. Students mostly, making a bit of money on the side. One in particular had taken a fancy to me - a tall, really built guy, with a cheeky smile and a twinkle in his eye. One night I had an extra heavy shop. I’d just split up with my boyfriend, and I was comfort buying. Wine, chocolate, cakes…All substitutes for sex. My special bag boy was on duty, and the way he looked at me told me he’d sussed out my frustration…and was happy to help me with more than just my shopping. As we approached my car, I couldn’t really see his big sexy body very well in the darkness, but I was aware of him, and my own body was responding to his presence. When the s
Latest #s
well im only down by 18!!! you guys have gotten me almost to the lead...thank you :) rates=548*5=2740 comments 32571 total points=35311 J-roxx rates=238*5=1190 comments 34103 total points=35293 down by only 18 thanks for doing the math james :D amongst all the other great things you do :D:D **muah** CLICK TO VOTE (rate and comment) a million thank yous yall!
Late Night Depressed Blogging
All of a sudden, now, I get empty nest sydrome in the worst fucking way... My son is leaving for Virgina to be with his girlfriend, and in the same week my daughter tells me that she is going to move in with her boyfriend.. I just can't stop crying ... and I hate that.. They have both moved out before but this time feels much more permanent and ominous.. I know that I won't see my son for at least a year.. and I will miss so much in a year. And I don't like the boy my daughter is moving in with, he is jealous, possessive and above all, stupid. The type of guy I can't stand.. My youngest son is still at home, I am happy about that, butstill I need my kids.. they are the best part of me. They are what makes my life worth anything at all. And I am so upset now...
Ok. I am headed out for the weekend, hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! talk soon!!
Lately There's Been Nothing Going On In Fubar...
can someone talk to me, make me laugh, or make my day? Fubar isn't as fun as it was before... =P
Late Night Shout!
kinkygirl: wanna see me mlive on cam doing watever u want me to do just for $4?? hirs my msn>> lifesez: you can see me for 6.99..i do a great shower cam show was ez to flip it...she didnt want to pay the diff! :(
Just want to let everyone know I have not forgotten any of you. I have a new girlfriend and well need I say more??? I will be stoping in for time to time. Everyone take care and much love to all. Later
Late To Work...
So I had my friend stay with me last night, and I had asked her to set her alarm so I could wake up to come here to work. Alarm was supposed to go off right at 6 AM. But it never did. Woke up around 7:30, so I just go here. Not that it matters, but can I depend on other people on things that I AM SUPPOSED TO DO?????
Late Night Attack
Well last night at 3:30 in the morning I was awoken to pounding on my door. I get up to answer it and there are these two drunk guys asking for my roommate. He wanted his food from my roommate who is nicknamed "Easy". Easy said he didn't have it and the drunk guy got pissy with me and so I told him to quit pounding on my door. Well I shut and locked it and he got really upset at this point and when my roommate got up and answered the door. He repeatedly tried to attack me as I lay in my bed. I was hungover and half-awake....hell I didn't know what was going on hardly. Eventually he got through to me and hit me in my jaw.....lucky bastard got pulled away as I missed his throat with my knife. I guess the moral of the story is...don't deprive drunk people of food. I hate angry drunks......
The Latest
Well I went to see my family doctor yesterday and I tell you she is a real bitch. First of all she is a second year student. Second of all she really needs to get some bedside manner. She is careless, rude and just plain doesn't give a shit. I just don't know what to do about anything anymore, I am in so much pain and I started a new job where I am standing all day and it is just killing me. I am not giving up on this job because I love it but it is causing me so much pain. I feel bad because I think I am starting to take it out on my friends (which I never mean to do and I know they understand. I am so sick of being in pain, my knees hurt so bad that sometimes they feel like they are on fire, I have a hard time bending them and each and every step makes me want to cry out in pain. I just want the strength to get me through another day and to keep me going. Okay I got that off of my chest. LOL
Late Night Blogging
I guess I am just use to being single that it doesn’t really faze me anymore. Sure, there are the moments that I wish I had someone special to cling to, late nights when I wish I had the warmth of my loves arms to keep me safe through the darkest hours and their soft soothing voice telling me “everything is going to be alright”; on days when I feel that the world could just collapse below my feet. I have had my share of assholes. One that even left me both physically and emotionally scared. I can just never find the middle with any guy; an even balance. Of course you are want to spend time with the person you care about. Yet, you can’t spend 24/7 with them. There has to be room for your own interest and friends. It’s how you keep the spice in a relationship. I always end up with people that spend too much time with me or the ones that completely blow me off. Let’s not even get started on cheaters and liars…. People tell me that I am to picky; I don’t believe I am picky. I just h
Latest Website News
Ok darklings here we go with the latest info on my website. SO... all I need to do is finish 2 more vids and get them all sent out to my production company by end of this week.Then they need to edit and all that fun computer stuff(which am really thankful I don't have to do). I am personally hoping to launch by end of Domcon or end of October whichever they can manage first.In the mean time... be sure to hit the site and enter you email addy so that you can be sent all the latest info and updates that will be occuring on the site.Get those email addy's now and be the first to get the info before anyone else. For those of you not sure what the website link is: I'm looking forward to hearing all the feedback and ideas any and all of you may have. If you already have some ideas of what kind of vids or pics you'd like to see on my site then please by all means hit me up and let me know. There will be a blog section and there will be a request
Late Night Thought.
Wild, passionate, intense, sex is fine. You will never hear me complain. But tender love and dear friendship, is what I need to heal my pain.
Late Night Knocking
So this kid knocks on the door at 11 pm tonight, started off like so.. "Hi my name is Josh, I just moved over there (points to the house acrossed the street) and was wondering if... say are you a nice guy or bad guy?" At this point I am holding my breath to see what dad will say when he harshly tells the kid that he is a bad guy. The kid is stunned and asks "Really?" Dad comfirms and the boy asks "Are you going to shoot me?" At this point I could the boy was scared so I am yelling at dad to be nice when dad laughs and says "I just might!" I blink cause I knew he meant, and then the boy asks "For real?" Dads says for really the boy darts off into the night scarming he's sory.
The Latest Maddox Issue
The Latest In San Francisco Love Rituuals
Subject: Tree Hugging... While walking through Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, a man came upon another man hugging a tree with his ear firmly against the tree. Seeing this he inquired, "Just out of curiosity, what the heck are you doing?" "I'm listening to the music of the tree," the other man replied. "You've gotta be kiddin' me." "No, would you like to give it a try?" Understandably curious, the man says, "Well, OK..." So he wrapped his arms around the tree & pressed his ear up against it. With this, the other guy slapped a pair of handcuffs on him, took his wallet, jewelry, car keys, then stripped him naked and left. Two hours later another nature lover strolled by, saw this guy handcuffed to the tree stark naked, and asked, "What the heck happened to you?" He told the guy the whole terrible story about how he got there. When he finished telling his story, the other guy shook his head in sympathy, walked around behind him, kissed him gently behind
I keep thinking later, I will sit down and chat with each of my friends. I just can't seem to find the time I need. I know that things are later than I realize. Should of realized that a couple of heartattacks ago. I do not want anyone to think I am avoiding you for I am not. I am working hard and trying my best to stay well. My new fibulator is keeping my heart going I know it is only been a coupe of weeks but there is a real difference in me. I am getting ready to head to work now, but just need say I will find time later to answer some of the shouts I haven't. I could spend hours here and would love it, but I need to spend times in my realm of the non-cyber world too. I have not shown enough love to my sweety there either. Or maybe I have been too much too close, but need to fix things here too.I just want to wish all you the best of love and all that matters in your lives too! Enjoy to day like it is the last chance, you don't want to waste just incase it is!
Later On
I said before I am hung over.LOL I will get to the rest of the salutes later ok? I need to find another tube of lipstick too..LMAO Hugs and kisses
ok so i never write in these things because i dont think i have anything important to say, But im sure some of you wonder what is actually happening on my part, and i dont think i filled out my "about me" section very well. Im working two jobs right now. During the day, i work in a grocery store, in the deli department. its an easy slack job, apart from construction and all. I enjoy the ppl and its alot better than my second job, which is a security guard, I make home made meals and have a good time, right now theres alot going on at work, besides the ppl that work there who have no idea how to run the store, id like to quit but i only have afew months left. I patrol a building that used to be an old residential school turned into a first nation college. goto n look up RCCC n youll get an image of the place i work in. kind of spooky yes, although i spend most of my time in the basement with my 360 or else im in the computer lap conversing or playing texas hold'em online. Peach (poetry)
I saw her on a page A vision of beauty, I was struck by her instantly, By her written thoughts and also by her loveliness. The way she presented herself, I was spellbound by a mere photo, And some text on my screen, Was this love at first sight? Or mere infatuation? Or a fleeting hope? I began to question myself. What I saw was a rare beauty, A precious thing, Like a work of art, Treasured on a gallery wall. A painting seen from a distance. But I knew what I felt wasn't love, I knew. Not from the first sight of her. Desire yes, feelings of passion yes A want, most certainly But the real depths of love, no. That may come later after closer study, After examining the canvas, Looking at every nuance, each brush stroke, At form, colors, composition, perspectives. But even then I do not want to know everything. For if I knew it all, Does that not equate bordem? I want to be surprised at things later. I do however want to see beneath her beautiful fa
The Latest News
Alrighty then, after being offline for the better part of the last day or so, I'm back up and running. Bit of a scare there as I thought I had fried the whole PC but it turned out to be just th pwer supply which I just installed a new one. News: I'm putting the art on hold indefinitely for now. In fact I just uploaded the last design You might have noticed my name change, no more Graphics by Rick or Paradise Artist. Just plain old Rick, take him or leave him for who he is without the art. He's a pretty nice guy actually once you take the time to know him. So why the stop in art? Well it gets tedious with all requests I get,I can't keep up, plus I do art for 3 model sites and plus this, soit gets to be a bit much. Besides there's lots of talents here on the site who can do better work then me. Will the art return here? Maybe...if I have the support of friends and fans here it might make a come back, you just never know, depends on the response I get and who here is willing to
Later I Had To Much To Drink N Now Im Ganna Realy Passe Ouit
wowww im like fuckn spen in O and O ser o n wo
Late Late
ok... it's kinda late haha almost 11am :) but i went to sleep almost at 7am ohhh but i don't complain ;) wink and the only thing i'll tell you is: swiss guys rock :P ... now i remember why i wanted to come back here hahahahahahah 8-P (B) (Y)
Lately ive been crying More then I usually seem to do But I didnt care if I please anyone Except when it came to you The past 3 days have been hell Nothing I do seems right I get up in the morning And all day long we fight I get depressed so I cry Realising that your mad But you hide it so well But I can see feel it and it makes me sad Your words seem to cut deeper Then any knife can seem to do I just seem to help myself From falling inlove with you
Latest Wildfire Update
Ash and smoke still in the least as of yesterday the santa ana condition is gone and some humidity is back in the air. The off shore breeze we all love so much is now bringing the smoke and ash back to shore, which is a bit ironic. My friend, Ellen and the rest of the street were able to go back to their homes as of Friday... after being evacuated since Monday! At least my good friends have a home to go back to! Fires all around are barely 50% contained and they've been burning since Sunday/Monday... having delays in air rescue as well as hurricane force winds have caused complete devastation... you'd swear a bomb went off. Houses and cars didn't just burn they incinerated/melted. On the other hand, know about more friends that their families have lost their homes and some acquaintances of mine did lose theirs. Just 5 miles from Ellen's home is where I grew up and the fire was confirmed just yards away from my home I grew up in - over 30 years in that home - and an
Latest Innovations In Town....
"Learn how YOU as an individual can have your very own online hypermarket personalized URL and make profit offering products and services of other wholesalers, manufacturers & sellers created instantly for YOU. Also learn how you can easily leverage a multiplier effect on your productivity & income by using technology to do the bulk of the work. Our program is free to use. It's easy to sign-up with a one time set-up fee of pennies a piece and requires no technical knowledge. The entire online hypermarket would be personalized to your chosen name and you can instantly be a proud franchisee of an online hypermarket system fully furnished with the ever growing line of products & services manufactured by others. You make your wealth by what others can do for you. Click to read more.
The Latest
So.. I guess the doctor told my mom last night that it was up to her if she stayed there or went home. Well of course she decided that she wanted to go home. Well, she would go home on the condition that she went to group therapy Mon-Fri from 9-2. Well come to find out she had another rough night last night dad said. They got up this morning and got to the hospital for the session and she just could not handle it. She wasn't ready for the group session. So, the nurse called doctor (a psych dr not the ass that has been screwing around for months) and he admitted her again. So... we shall see what happens. Again thanks to those of you who care! Brandy... I love you like a sister... same to you Yoli... Christina... Steve... Bob... Shane... you guys are the best I love all of you to death! And you all know that I am here anytime you need me:)
The Latest Hhappenings With Rebbi, Wbrk, The Noize Network, & The Rambunctious Noize Radio Show
Ok it's been a few weeks since I posted anything ..s and stuff regarding the show in general. Yes I have left and I am back to my duties on my own internet station WBRK I recently upgraded the streaming server and got a new host through Spacial Audio. I am still updating website coding as well as doing a few other things with regards to the radio show. I am finally finished with updating The Rambunctious Noize MYSPACE Page and I hope that you'll like the new look I've been slowly working on. It's been so crazy in my life lately with leaving WorldRockRadio and The Krush Radio Network. I am finally able to get some of this stuff done now that Samhain is now finally over. I am also proud to finally & officially announce that I have signed on at and am now going to be syndicated on their station as well as,, and See below if you are interested in becoming a Noize Network Affiliate below **I
Late At Night
When I lay and think, in my bed at night, the day you'll arrive, seems nowhere in sight. I toss and I turn, dreaming of you, opening my eyes... checking if my dream came true. It didn't, again, and a tear starts to roll, weeping quietly... it's my pillow I hold. Many sleepless nights I prayed for you, my love. God touched my soul from heaven above when He answered my prayers. For, you see I've never felt this lucky, God did this for me. He must think you're special, and I know he's right. No other has made me feel so complete, my whole life was lived, just so we could meet. All these thoughts, and more going through my head. I fall asleep not worrying, but dreaming of you instead. Good night my love, Yours forever, Michael
The Latest On The Nye Party
Location: Ft Myers Beach FL at the Lani Kai Tickets: $30 singles, $45 couples Sponsored by: Mad Mixture Show, Alliance Media Network and NowLive Join us for games, dancing, live music by Random Dream, a NowLive wedding (yes its the real thing!) and a 72 hour live remote broadcast from the Lani Kai Island Resort! Food, drinks and lots of fun to be had by all. Hope to see you there! Stay tuned for all the latest news right here!
A Late Night Fantasy
Laying here alone in bed I admit I am thinking of you again. It's not that I want to. It's more that I want you. Love is in the air and I can't stop breathing it in. Your scent intoxicating me from afar. All I want right now is to be loved by you. I want you here now with me. Not just with me. Naked with me. This thought makes me breathe faster. You and me together naked. This thought makes me close my eyes. Seeing your face showing your want and seeing it returned in mine. This thought makes me see your face just inches from mine. You soft lips coming closer closer. Again I close my eyes. Almost, almost touching my lips. So close. The anticipation of it as I feel your naked hot skin melt into mine. My body is responsive to you. I feel you gently lay on top of me as our lips meet. I feel my nipples against your chest. I feel this. I feel your thighs meeting mine for the first time. I feel myself becoming so wet with pure desire for you. And this happens. I feel your tongue lost in expl
Late Nite
up late again all alone sittin here in a white tank top tight lil booty shorts red lace thong and im teasin myself gettin nice and wet
Thinking about you, what else can I do? Dreaming a sweet dream that's only with you. My minds all over you, night and day, I hope this feeling will forever stay. Thinking about you 24/7, What can I say, I'm practally in heaven. Our love is perfect, forever, and long, And in my heart it's still growing strong. Thinking about you, because you shine, To me your love is a great bright sign. Following the path, in which you light, You guide me safely, all through the night. Thinking about you until I'm graved, I hope by that time our love will be saved. If I had one day, special and true, There'd only be one person to spend it with and that person is you...
The Latest...
well i should be getting the staples out of my foot next week sometime.....its getting colder here so i might not be here as much..but a friend is fixing my pc so i should be back on at home is the next chapter in my poetic fairytale.... The fair maiden is a true damsel in distress But in this knight she seems to have found rest Some how he has gotten past her defences He appears to be genuine with out false pretenses Still she has her reservations She isnt sure they have the same destination Her head and heart are a jumbled mess She truly is a damsel in distress
Latest News
Hello to all my friends and family! I have missed you all dearly! I'm sorry I have not been around at all for the past few months but my world has been sideways and I've been trying to get things turned back around. Thongs are still going to be uphill for a bit but I will have a little more time to spend talking to my friends here and hopefully getting to hang out in person with some of you as well. I hope all is well with everyone and hope to get a chance to chat with each and everyone of you soon!! MMMAUH!!! TJ
Latest Update
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know I am still here. I dont get on as often as i used to due to some complications. I am currently going through a nasty divorce and the hearing is on Dec 17th. I am not going to go into detail as the internet is not the place. Some of you are aware of what is happening and i Thank you all for your support. You know who you are. Right now I am focusing on getting my daughter her to Alabama to be with me for Christmas. We have never had a Christmas apart from each other. So that is what i am focused on right now. If i do not reply to messages and mail etc it is not because i am being ignorant or anything like that but my daughter comes first in this world. I hope that each and everyone of you are well and not getting too stressed with the holiday season. I will be here from time to time but probably just checking mail etc. You all take care and stay safe. If i do not get to speak with you before Christmas i wish each and every one of you
$500 Later
wemt out today and blew a fwe dolars on a 'few beers' lots of fun was had by all especzailly me and the girl i took home and then a fun taxci back lol still a good night night in an oujt hoipe you all had lots of fun tooo :D
Late Night Philosophising
Late Night Philosophising My mind keeps me awake at night. Too often. It gets out of control,Because when I'm up at night, pondering things such as human nature and the role it plays in every aspect of our lives, I learn things. I learn things about myself, about the people around me, about people of the past, and people of the future. The only thing that I don't like is when I end up going in circles like a dog chasing it's tail. I get nowhere sometimes. Sometimes it seems like there are no answers. But I know there are. I'm just missing something... but gosh why does it have to keep me awake?! This! This is what I love about life. I love these nights, weeks of nights, when my mind keeps me awake. I love it because it's so easy to think during this time. It's dark, so there is nothing to see that will distract my attention. It's silent, so there is nothing to hear to distract my attention. It's just me and my thoughts, in the dark silence. I can sort through them, pick them
Late Night Fantasy
Laying here alone in bed I admit I am thinking of you again. It’s not that I want to. It’s more that I want you. Love is in the air and I can’t stop breathing it in. Your scent intoxicating me from afar. All I want right now is to be loved by you. I want you here now with me. Not just with me. Naked with me. This thought makes me breathe faster. You and me together naked. This thought makes me close my eyes. Seeing your face showing your want and seeing it returned in mine. This thought makes me see your face just inches from mine. You soft lips coming closer…closer. Again I close my eyes. Almost, almost touching my lips. So close. The anticipation of it as I feel your naked hot skin melt into mine. My body is responsive to you. I feel you gently lay on top of me as our lips meet. I feel my nipples against your chest. I feel this. I feel your thighs meeting mine for the first time. I feel myself becoming so wet with pure desire for you. And this happens. I feel your tongue lost in expl
The Latest And Final Edition!
OK PPL...This is from just now. Finally I have been released from his evil clutches!!! this one you'll have to read from bottom to top...sorry, but it's too time consuming... ->*Firechief...: mk.... *Firechief...: drop it ok ->*Firechief...: lol...what exactly was supposed to be fun about it? By being demeaning? Sorry, but that's not exactly my idea of fun *Firechief...: goodbye ok I tried to show u fun and play with you but No good ->*Firechief...: i don't know what "games" you're talking about. I sent an email saying i wanted decided to go all hitler and DEMAND...not cool chief..not cool at all.... ->*Firechief...: wow ok..way to be adult about it.... *Firechief...: I dont play those games *Firechief...: well ur off my List and its personal ->*Firechief...: you were off my family when i sent you that email saying i wanted's nothing personal. none of this ever was... *Firechief...: u took me off your family so I did the same ->*Firechief...: oh he
The Late, Great, Usa
Read this book >>>>>
The Latest Casualty
Injury Updates: Terrell Owens Is The Latest Casualty Last night's 20-13 victory over the Carolina Panthers was bittersweet for the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys went into the game with numerous injuries already, including those to Pro Bowl center Andre Gurode, free safety Pat Watkins, and running back Tyson Thompson. Additionally the team had Tony Romo, Chris Canty and Sal Fasano who were each recovering from injuries sustained in the loss against the Eagles the week prior. In yesterday's contest, All Pro wide receiver Terrell Owens suffered a high ankle sprain that could force him to miss considerable time. The recovery time for these types of injuries is usually 3-4 weeks which could put T.O. at risk for missing the first playoff game. The team isn't saying much right now, but they are clearly concerned and have Owens scheduled for an MRI later today. X-rays that were taken last night were negative which means that there is no breaks or fractures. Keep checking back as L
The Latest Cycle my friends, who have been there and have gone thru the shit wit me and held my hand and gave me a shoulder to cry on. they are the best. i couldnt make it thru anything witout them. i still miss josh more than anything the newest cycle is that anyone i let in, hurts me. how do you learn from your mistakes if everyone expects you to be ok? i have trust issues cuz long distance and one bf here cheated on me and when i asked them if they were, they denied it, and i found out by snooping. or in the bf here's case (he was a bf a couple of yrs ago), 3 other people told me. i cant do this anymore. how can i be ok and why cant people understand? i forgive and forgive and get walked all over but when i have a problem, no one can seem to understand. i'm tired of gettin hurt. i'm tired of crying and tired of wanting to rip my heart out when i shouldnt feel that way. "i'm too psycho to be loved...and too troubled to be ok"
Late Entry!
Hey guys! I KNOW I said I wasn't going to do another contest, but hell, I couldn't help it. I entered a sexiest mummers contest. Yeah, I know, far cry from sexy, but anyway. It's rates only, so if you could go and just give it a rate or something... you KNOW I would appreciate it :D It's hard to pick just one too, so rate as many as you like. There are LOTS of sexy mummers in that folder!
well i'm off and don't know when i will be back tc all
...I have been so horny. I don't get it. It's like constantly. My poor hand is soo tired. :)
The Latest Of My Favorite Quotes
into the darkness goes my sight and of the shadow comes the hell that i have loved and wanted for all time i am about to face the challenge of a lifetime and i hope that the support and the friends that love me are there for me i am joining and leaveing with the army and i will be gone for awhile but i will be brought back and my sight on things will be majorly changed. what will bring me back is the knowledge that i dont face this alone that i have support that is always there for me even if its online and not in person. so i hope that in some way i have helped you al and i hope that you all have been happy while you knew me cause i am going to make myself a better person and to better my life so pls tell me what you think.
Late Night, Random Thoughts
It’s been a little while since I last entered anything in here, so here goes. You ever just sit down one day and think "My life isn't going anything like I had planned"? I have been doing a lot of that here lately. I mean, perhaps it's just stress coming down on me but my life just doesn't seem to want to get back on track for anything. After I went home for my Grandfather's funeral and came back I started trying to rectify my finances and all. You know, try to get things back where they belong. Well, I started by filing my taxes for the current and past two tax years and then trying to work a deal with child support for the amount that I owe in back support. Funny thing about doing the right thing, it always seems to come back and bite you right in the ass. The same night that I talked to the local child support office, I got served with court papers telling me that I am being found in contempt of court for failure to pay child support. Isn't this grand!? Now I have to have a court a
Later My Friends
I am deleating my acount if anyone wants me let me know I will give u away to get intouch later
Late Sleeper
Why do people think I'm up before noon? I have an evening job, therefore I'm noctoural. I rarely ever get up before noon and if I do, I'm not on the net but really have to go do something. And don't say its because I dont put that I'm offline. There are idiots out there that still try to talk to me even when thats up. They just think I'm lurking, not so. Grow up, not every one is online 24/7, we have lives to get to. Just ranting, Lady Vampire
Late Night Rambling
Hello everyone. Just here. Late night thinking. Sometimes cannot seem to stop that. Wish sometimes my mind had a shut off switch. I have had a pretty interesting night. My desktop pc come to find out locked up and burnt out. Not really sure what happened. My SAMS was acting up. Thought it was it. Went to reboot. So now I have to go buy another desktop pc. Didn't really make my night so sweet. But it's all good I am not gonna let it get me down. So keeping a smile around. Past few months of 2007 were probably the most trying I had since the loss of my dad. Especially when my cousin Gabe drowned. I guess in all this I found I have the capability to be stronger than I thought. But also found out the capacity of being weaker than I thought too. Used to say I was Superman and nothing could keep me down. But found out as someone put it even Superman got knocked down by kryptonite. No one is really promised a day or second past what they have gotten already. Life should be cherished a
Lateral Thinking
This puzzle is called Lateral Thinking. Scroll down slowly and be honest to yourself. Think like a wizard . . . man 1. ------------ board Ans. = man overboard Okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it stand 2. ------------ i Ans. = I understand OK . . . Got the drift ? Let's try a few now and see how you fare ? 3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/ Ans. = reading between the lines 4. r road a d Ans. = cross road Not having a good day now, are you?? Redeem yourself. 5. cycle cycle cycle Ans. = tricycle Not easy to figure out ha!! 0 6. ------------ M.D. Ph.D.
Latest On Me
ok here it is ewveryone i made it to Ga but so far its good except 4 a couple things yes male assholes and my baby pc was stolen so its going to take some time b4 i get back on a friend let me use theres to lerave this message fu bombers dont drop me ill be back as soon as i can love yall c yall soon
Latest Video
Latest Contest Update!
> Okay here's the update! Your running out of time! Most Comments Wins! = you get your choice of a VIP or a 7day Blast! Photo that has the most rates gets 10,000 FuBucks! As a bonus anybody who makes something with one of my photos will get 2,000 FuBucks! Contest is for the best morph/tag/animated pic... (anything altered by you, photoshop and so on) Rulez... ~pic has to be made by you! ~if pic was made by you but is of somebody else pls make sure its ok with them.. ~i am not responsible for a reward for anybody who is in the photo... (only the person who made and submits it gets prizes!) So do you want in? If so pls comment and send me a link to your entry! Contest will start Thursday Feb. 21st @ 6pm eastern and will end Thursday Feb 28th @ 12pm Eastern!! I will accept photos up until 4:30pm eastern on Feb. 21st...So hurry! AND YES SELF BOMBING IS ENCOURAGED!! IF YOU WANNA WIN THEN BOMBS AWAY! MySpace CodesCool Flash Generators
So lately I have been going through some stuff that has had me pretty down. But it is all getting better. My life is finally going in the right direction. I've got an awesome man, great kids and wonderful friends. To the 4 of you that I hang with and talk to on a daily basis...thank you all for being here for me and showing me the finer sides about living life here in Hawaii. You 4 rock. I love you all. Derrick, Tee, Moose and Malia! Anyways....just had to update my blog and this is what I wanted to say. So until the next time...have a great day and stuff!
Late Night Fubar
It is almost 10pm. I worked really long hours today. Spent a little time talking to Boober and Ms. Australia and other then that, work work work! My daughter made dinner for us tonight. It was so unhealthy but damn good! She is a good little cook but doesn't do well with making more than one thing at a time. So we had rolled taco's with salsa she made and some bean dip she made. I guess that is 3 things but WHERE'S THE VEGETABLES? She told me the salsa was a vegi. LOL It was good and neither Peter or I had to make it so it was good to me. Then we came in our room and watched television because our kids were in the other room watching tv so damn loud. I really think they are going def from wearing earphones and having it be loud. It was kind of nice to be watching tv in bed and being lazy and then fooling around ;). That is always fun. I think tomorrow I will tackle my taxes and get them done. I am just not looking forward to it because I know that we are going
Latest Jersey Finds 'significant'
Latest Jersey finds 'significant' Key areas under spotlight Police searching a former children's home following child abuse allegations say they have discovered "a couple of finds of some significance". The finds were made in a cellar under Haut de la Garenne in Jersey, where 160 people have said they were abused. Lenny Harper, Jersey's deputy police chief, said: "They are items which witnesses have said were in there when offences were committed against them." On Saturday a child's skull was discovered on the premises. Underground room Search teams have been digging turf around the home's grounds which they believe may have been disturbed. Mr Harper said the finds were made in a bricked-up cellar - one of three underground rooms being investigated by officers at the home. He told reporters that the two items discovered would "tend to provide corroboration for some of the allegations which we have received about offences that were committed".
Latest Current Events
Well this is my first fu-blog and I cant think of anything better to be the first than what follows this. Recently there have been some very pronounced changes in my relationship status. And it goes back to a few years back while i was in the Marines. During that time I made friends with another Marine in my squadron, and things progressed into one of the best friendships I have, to the point that we grew to know just about everything about each other. Now given the way the Marine Corps is, after awhile there was alot of distance between Vanessa and I due to choice of duty stations, needs of the Corps and her marital status. But all the while, we remained best of friends. We spoke constantly of current events, be it good or bad. And we were always there for each other, no matter what. And we are still this way to this day. Now for along time I saw what she had with her relationship and her 2 sons, and I wished that I had that level of happiness. Even though f
Late And Alone
its the middle of the night and i am alone. the rain has stopped and i took a walk down by the lake. no stars or light from the city, no one to keep me company,no music, just my own thoughts for comfort. i keep coming back to conversations and shared passion remembered through still fading bruises and bright flashes of comprehension. i dont know what to think about this new turn in my life, better to not think at all and go with it i believe. for 31 years i had no idea. i have known love and passion and pain and trials and even perseverance, but to even try to understand what is happening to me now fails me. do you remember what i kept saying? "where the hell did you come from...?" and once you said "u keep saying that" and i still mean it. no one has ever taken me by such complete surprise. no one ever made me love. there was always the choice; with you i have none. i miss you My Heart. dream of me... i love you remember i live for your smile and die for your kiss
Late Night Red Light
Late Night Red Light by Bob Gallagher There's no one around, no one to care. Yet still, I sit and stare, in apprehension, fear, and excitement at the luminous red orb above. Ahead lies darkness. The left and right are less ominous but quite possibly as dangerous. The well lit, cliffside roads of yesterday and yesteryear are all that occupy my rearview mirror. There's no one around, no one to care. Yet still, movement is something I dare not dare.
Late Night Thinking
late night thinking, has brought me to the conclusion that there are four people i miss more than words can describe. so much, to the point where i lie in bed and cry. which isn't me. thought it might prove helpful for myself if i verbalize it. not so much for other people to see it, but for my own sense of sanity. meh. i'm not sure anymore. Joseph; this is any easy one. my brother and one of my best friends. leaving him behind when i moved is the only thing i regret about moving. i can't stand being away from him. we don't talk as much as i would like us to, but at least i have some sort of contact with him. the last time we spoke, i asked him about moving here. he still wants to, so i'm just holding onto that until i can see him again. Adam; without a doubt my favorite person in the entire world, and obviously my bestest friend ever. i love him more than words can describe. i'd literally take a bullet for him. the first boy i ever fell in love with. and e
Wow so much has happened since the last time i checked in....had a friend kill himself, shot himself in the head, so sad things got to the point he couldnt handle it anymore. On a good note has lost about 7 pounds on the new healthy eating lifestyle(not much yet but better then gaining), and got rid of the other laptop and got a new Sony Vaio and so far loves it , much bettre then the other one i had been fighting with for months now got that all sraightend out maybe once i have some extra money i can get vip again and catch up alot more with friends on here, but until then alot of you know where to find me on yahoo . XOXOXOXO
Latest On Sporks(3-10-08)
Mother extradited from New York By Nathaniel Lukefahr The Facts Published March 9, 2008 It took 24 days to bring Caren Kohberger back to Brazoria County to be charged with child endangerment. It took 17 minutes for her to post bond and leave the Brazoria County jail. Kohberger, 27, the mother of a 3-month-old boy whose body was found Jan. 29 in Galveston County, flew Friday morning to Houston accompanied by two Brazoria County Sheriff’s deputies, Sheriff Charles Wagner said. She was booked into the Brazoria County Detention Center at 9:20 p.m. Friday and released 17 minutes later after posting $20,000 bond, according to the sheriff’s office Web site. “She appeared in front of a New York court yesterday and chose to waive extradition,” Brazoria County District Attorney Jeri Yenne said. “The state did not oppose a bond reduction, and she was booked into the Brazoria County Detention Center.” Angleton lawyer Jimmy Phillips Jr., who is representing Kohberger, could not
Late Nights And Early Mornings
Well here it is and I can not get to sleep. I have taken all my medicine's amd still no help. So I set up amd watch whatever I can find on Demand, which usually ain't shit! Then I meet beautiful women on here, add them, fan them and rate them, and then I ask if they can email me more pictures of them, or allow me to see the private pictures! Why do woman tease us men sooo much? Then when you try to be honest because that is what they want, it still comes back to kick you in the ass. I just want the impossible I guess, A woman that will respect me and my dreams, and when asked to do somethimg not ask why, or debate the issue....there is always a true reasoning behimd what I ask of from a woman! Okay I think that is enough Bitching for today!
Latest Thoughts From A Mind Constantly Roaming
Hey everyone, What's up? Just another random writing session from yours truly. Sometimes I cannot shut my brain off. Wish I could. This is my blessing and my curse to have such an active mind. First off, would like to start this blog off by thanking all of you. All of you who read this, all of you whom are my friends and just all of you in general. You are a kick ass bunch of people and greatly appreciated. Work and life don't permit me to talk as much to some of you as I would like. For this I am deeply sorry. But know none of you are forgotten. I like to pride myself in not looking like a friend hoarder like a lot on this. Though I am sure at moments I do because of my lack of time for communication. I guess now for the all inclusive basic update of the all non-incredible and simple, Me. First off a lot know about my cousin Gabe. I had custodial rights of my cousins Gabe and Courtney after their mom died. My other Aunt took over custody of them after a while due to them want
Latest On Jeff Hardy
The Jeff Hardy Saga continues… Filed under: Personal — on March 15, 2008 JR"S BLOG FROM WWE The fall out of the 60 day suspension of Jeff Hardy for a second violation of the WWE Wellness Policy is still making news. Sadly, Friday night, Jeff’s home in North Carolina burned to the ground and he lost essentially every thing he had and most sadly his dog. Losing an animal one is close to is just like losing a family member to many people and we just experienced that with the death of our 18 year old cat Molly who had to be put down after suffering a serious of strokes. Apparently Matt Hardy saw smoke coming from Jeff’s home on Friday night, discovered that no one was home, but arrived at the house too late to do any thing but watch it burn to the ground. These are challenging times for Jeff to say the least. Not only has he incurred his second strike with only one remaining before he would be terminated from the WWE, his situation has been underscored by the fact that his sus
Late Night Texting
ok for all those that i have there cell numbers and winder why you get all these wierd texts at odd times at nights its simple i work nights so i be up. if you would like to joing the texting club leave me a message preferably not on my blog with a nickname and a number. if i dont already know who you are.
Latest News.
The relationship 740 miles away didn't work out because he was a lying asshole. I have been single for awhile and have made a few friends out of the numerous preverts and freaks i had to go through to get them!!!! However now there is one friend in paticular that I will be giving my time and attention to! He knows who he is. He's all I think about and all I want. So to the losers and perverts that do read this. Hopefully ya know now that ya ain't got a chance.
Late Night Wanderings
I've often wondered about the human condition and its continued rantings on the acceptance on the views of the sanity of others. When you stop to consider the changes it has made over time, you see a trend not unlike the rise of the influenza virus; which is to say, something that is redefined on a regular basis, with the essential things kept, but the parameters altered to fit the times. It started as a simple concept: Him bring food. He good. Simple, direct, and unassuming, right? Caveman logic at its finest, one might say. This , though, is the idea of sanity that persisted for a great many years. As the world evolved, so too did the view of sanity. Most of the jigs and jogs are alike in their simplicity, but it is the definitions of the last 50 years or so that provoke the most interest. The main thought behind it, the essential thread is mostly: so long as the reality you hold to mirrors mine in 98% of all things, with no major differences, you are sane. The changing parameters,
Later Start Means New Faces At Arts And Crafts Show
One side effect of a later start for this year's Cherry Blossom Festival is that several merchants and artists who traditionally attend the Mulberry Street Festival won't be on hand this year. But Lisa Howard, president of the Middle Georgia Arts Association, said it may actually have a long-term benefit for visitors to the arts and crafts show because new artists and merchants have signed on to replace them. "(Some vendors) have a festival in South Carolina that came at the same dates," she said. "So we have quite a few different vendors. I think that's a good thing. There's lots more variety. A lot of the vendors have been here before, and there are a few favorites, but we're going to have lots more new people." For example, of the 21 jewelry vendors, 10 are new this year, Howard said. Wright Tilley, president and CEO of the Cherry Blossom Festival, said the festival will have about as many vendors as previous years. "We lost some vendors, but we were able to replace them with ot
Late At Night
Late At Night I Search My Soul Which can be one black hole For the meaning I seek Will take more than just this week Its Time I do not have Its so sad to be like this More brighter days I do miss All but gone by now As I watch the sunrise Its without surprise That one more night Will be in sight As I continue my quest In all this mess That I call my life
well i know pl been wanderin y i havent been around lately. well im in the myth of gettin a iyte tiogether with a homie and been doin alot of research. havent had time to be on here that much. yea i vbeen online on here but thst dont mean nothin.... on top of that my uncle is goin down hill with cancer so its takin even more of a toll on me... and im not goin into the rest ill let that out when its time sry but i jus cant say yet...... well if yall want come t and ill be there and for my tru fam out there lov yall guys mmfwcl
Late St. Patty's Post
I know this is a little late but here is my St. Patrick’s Day Post, unbeknownst to many people is the symbolism of the holiday. We all know the story of how St. Patrick drove all the snake out of Ireland but what most do not know is the snake were not snakes at all but people of the pagan religion. So I ask this of you next St. Patty’s to wear a snake as remembrance of those who are forgotten on the holiday which plays on their lose !
late by like 2 months... been since BEFORE valentines day... 6 negative tests.. going nuts... TIRED.. FINALLY found out where can get a blood test... gonna go do that by next wed. Just want to know for sure... BLAH (not talkative today if you can't tell)
Latest Ability To Piss Off Everyone
Dumb dee dumb dumb.....What the hell is wrong with this world today?? Why the hell would you go to someone's job and act like a total ass and then make a complaint about the person that has to put up with your sorry ass?? If i take something and i break it or if i solely buy an item to copy it i don't expect to return it! I was taught a long time ago that i had to have respect, that i had to take a breath before i act like a fool, and that i had to act like an adult......did some of you out there forget that?? OMG! I am just pissed off right now i guess...i will calm down in a bit..but damn, why go out of your way and act a fool? I am so....tired of selfish, disrespectful, rude ass people! I now have to go back to cashiering...because someone else wants my position as customer service. Dirty mother......ers.....if you wanted someone else in my position you should have told me...and i probably would have been happier than pigs in shit to give the position to you. People underestimate me
A Late Start To The Day...
What is the saying that I am looking for…? Better Late then never… Good Morning! Various issues and Items took center stage for me this am and that’s partially to blame. I heard of a Michigan man this morning who apparently is an arsonist and was doing his rounds, or should I say burning’s but ran out of gas. Soooo he went on the prowl for gas to rob out of an unsuspecting individual…Well he found a car, and tooled right up to it, like any cat burglar would bucket in hand siphoning hose dangling and started to unscrew the cap from the car he chose and much to his surprise out pops two plain clothes cops who had been in that car which also was a unmarked police vehicle on the look out for him. Their stake-out was exactly where it should be to catch him…way to go boys in blue. In other news, a woman will not get the Mother of the year award this year in Sheboygan Wisconsin. Angelique Vandeburg was charged with shooting her 8 year old Daughter in the thigh with a BB gun on a $1 bet fro
Latest Update On My Daughter Anna Rose
Latest Contest: Please Drop A Rate On The Pic If You Can't Bomb Please...thanks Sooo Much!!
Hi Everyone!!I have entered Johnny Devil's latest contest and could use your help!!If you wouldn't mind stopping by and leaving a rate and/a few comments, I would greatly appreciate it.All love will be returned.Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you there!!Take care!~Ms Taz~
The Latest To Fall
I pray to God that when I die, someone, somewhere cares enough about me and my life to mourn a little. I know that sounds selfish but if you read the rest of this you will understand what I am saying. This past Wednesday, my sister's brother-in-law passed away at the age of 45 (around that age I think). The coroner said he had a heart attack in his sleep. She called my house that morning very upset; understandably. I wasn't home at the time so she just left a message asking me to call her. Paul, her brother-in-law, rented a room from her and her husband. He had been living with them for the last year and the money he paid helped with the mortgage. When I got home from work, I got the message and called her. She was still upset, but I would say anger was more her mood. She had been arguing with her husband's step-father and sister. Poor Paul has not even been gone 24 hours and all anyone could do was argue over who gets his car, his bank accounts, etc. As I am on the phone
not sure when ill be on again it will be hit and miss for whenever i can get on a computer
Late Night Techno
basshunter; now that youre gone darude: tell me benny benassi: satisfaction what next?
The Late Great And Passionate Steve Irwin
Such a beautiful soul.Gosh I miss him!
Latest Honda.....
COOL The New York Times June 17, 2008 Latest Honda Runs on Hydrogen, Not Petroleum By MARTIN FACKLER TAKANEZAWA, Japan — It looks like an ordinary family sedan, costs more to build than a Ferrari and may have just moved the world one step closer to a future free of petroleum. On Monday, Honda Motor celebrated the start of production of its FCX Clarity, the world’s first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle intended for mass production. In a ceremony at a factory an hour north of Tokyo, the first assembly-line FCX Clarity rolled out to the applause of hundreds of Honda employees wearing white jump suits. Honda will make just 200 of the futuristic vehicles over the next three years, but said it eventually planned to increase production volumes, especially as hydrogen filling stations became more common. On Monday, Honda announced its first five customers, who included the actress Jamie Lee Curtis. Honda said even the small initial production run represented progress tow
just not in a good mood lately,....can't seem to shake it.....W.T.F.!!!!! something's got to give!!! i'm going out of my f*cking mind!!!!!AAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!
Late Night Here In Cali
so, its 12:00 am here and 2:00 am back home which sucks. i hate the time zone change because its hard to get used to your loved ones being asleep when you have nothing to do or no one to talk to. i love the job actually but i hate being away from home...
Late Night Burrito Place
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor
Late Night, Random Thoughts
Its been a little while since I last entered anything in here, so here goes. You ever just sit down one day and think "My life isn't going anything like I had planned"? I have been doing a lot of that here lately. I mean, perhaps it's just stress coming down on me but my life just doesn't seem to want to get back on track for anything. After I went home for my Grandfather's funeral and came back I started trying to rectify my finances and all. You know, try to get things back where they belong. Well, I started by filing my taxes for the current and past two tax years and then trying to work a deal with child support for the amount that I owe in back support. Funny thing about doing the right thing, it always seems to come back and bite you right in the ass. The same night that I talked to the local child support office, I got served with court papers telling me that I am being found in contempt of court for failure to pay child support. Isn't this grand!? Now I have to have a court app
i have turned into a person who's not a happy person, and i don't know what to do about it. i've always been a happy and carefree person, even when down. do you know what i mean by that? it's like i don't have any spirit anymore. suggestions? besides SSRI's? ;p i just started St. John's Wort. ~~~ the past several months have been the most horrendous and trying of my entire life. i'm used to being the strong, rational one, so it feels "weak" to cry in front of my friends, and to show emotion. so one thing i'm learning, that my friends are teaching me -- it takes STRENGTH to lean on people, and to say, "hey... it's ok, it's gonna be ok." that's one reason i posted the pix of me crying. it was a way to lean on my fufrenz.
Late Night Rambling
Can't believe its been 10 days since I blogged. I remember when I did it at least once a day, sometimes 3 or 4. I guess like everything else the newness wears off. David has been here a lot and that took up a lot of time. But that is a good thing. I'm proud of him. he wants to lose weight, and he has been staying away from soda. His Mom would not let him come back this week. That would have been 3 weeks in a row. And he has boyscout camp next week so it will be 2 weeks now. I might see if she will let me come take him out to eat one night. Work has been busy. I'm really just taking a short break before getting back to it. I have a site that the client wants to go live at 8 am.. and they were still sending me things tonight. It is a client one of the Marketing Agencies brought us. I'm going to have to have a talk with them. When they provided the layout it was under 20 pages. At this point its around 100 now and someone will have to pay for the extra pages. Got ano
Latest 'mum' Update.........
Hi there I hope all is well and good in your world, I thought i would post an update on my mum's condition as i have had such tremendous support from my fu-friends. Mum is out of hospital as of this morning (sat July 5th), i actually get a 'day off' as my sister is spending the entire day and most of the evening with mum. The doctors have given mum some tablets to clear the fluid from her lungs and rest of body so it makes the 'work' easier for her heart.She will have to live with the left-sided failure as they said there isn't much they can do for it. Her chest infection has cleared up thanks to the bombardment of oral and IV antibiotics and she has been on (and has one to use at home) a nebuliser 4 times a day to help 'open' her airways. The doctors decided that her only chance to beat this cancer is to continue with the chemo so as her infection had gone and her cough had cleared they gave her the liquid chemo Thursday and she will have the tablet form on Tuesday 9th
The Latest On My Situation
well the manager not only tore our wires but the lady underneath. well any someone called the fire dept. the wires were still live an laying on the ground and reported it and they called encore the electric company and they came out and put a encore lock on it and told us to report of they tried to remove it. but before that happened. my son in laws brother is an electrican and and he fixed ours where they cant turn our air off. billy went down there . and told her when the police get here he wanted her to show them where it say in the lease she could do what she did. she then called the owner and she told him about encore and he told her to leave our air on and not touch it at all
Latenitefantasy Midget
The Latest In My Crazy Head!
hey everyone, im new, names Brandon, so let's see here what do we wanna talk about... sex (duh) lets give it up for the girls tonight, thank you girls for being cute, sexy, and fun, (any one know where these girls are?) lol no seriously though, they arnt in Chicago thats for sure. My sex life as of a week ago involved 3 diffrent girls not knowing about each other and constantly having fun with em, now however i have one (shes the worstof the bunch) moral? enjoy what you have whall you have it, heres to getting some!
The Latest
will be moving and wont be on from tonite til friday nite the earliest
Late Entry For Me...
Sometimes taking leave is best when you can stay on it a while...A couple of weeks ago I took a week off. Sounds great to most, but it wasn't enough for me. I haven't really had more than that since I've been back from Iraq and that was last year. Anyways...I know this may sound bad, but the only friend I got to see was one that was in Mississippi. Just the opposite end from where I'm at in the state. I'm about an hour from the gulf, for you map nuts. lol I didn't get to see anyone back home and didn't get to see all of my immediate family either. Hey when folks get divorced and move away...move into new houses and all, doesn't always make things easy. The grind...the job, the proverbial workplace. It's sad that it's been two weeks since I've been back and I already am starting to feel burned out again. It is from being overworked, dealing with office drama??? Seeing commrades PCS to other stations and others retire? Who knows...Maybe this will be a good weekend. Well
Late Night
I do this crazy thing late at night, when i get bored from bombing. I shout every person in top friends list and family that is online or that has a status bubble, the first one to shout back gets all 100 of 11. Its a way for me to keep my mind busy and to do something fun.
Late Night Idle Talk
LATE NIGHT IDLE TALK As a retainer of the Nabeshima clan, one should have the intention of studying our province's history and traditions, but provincial studies are made light of nowadays. The basic reason for this study is to understand the foundation of our clan, and to know that the clan's forefathers established its perpetuity by means of their suffering and compassion. The fact that our clan has perpetually continued in an unrivaled manner up to this very day is due to the humanity and martial valor of Master Ryuzoji Iekane, the charity and faith of Master Nabeshima Kiyohisa, and the appearance of Lord Ryuzoji Takanobu and Lord Nabeshima Naoshige and their might. I am at a complete loss when it comes to understanding why people of this generation have forgotten these things and respect the Buddhas of other places. Neither the Shakyamuni Buddha, nor Confucius, nor Kusunoki, nor Shingen were ever retainers of the Ryuzojis or the Nabeshimas; hence it cannot be said that they a
Latest Update On Motorcycle Hit & Run
Daily Reporter Staff Assistant Clay County Attorney Chuck Borth said a Class B felony charge of vehicular homicide will be filed against a Spencer man involved in a fatal crash. The Spencer Police Department responded to a hit-and-run crash at 7:16 p.m. Monday involving a sports utility vehicle, which rear-ended a motorcycle as both vehicles were traveling east on U.S. Highway 18 near the area of Del's Garden Center. Both riders were thrown from the motorcycle and were transported to the Spencer Hospital by ambulance. They were later transported by emergency helicopter to a trauma center in Sioux Falls, S.D. The driver, 30-year-old Brian Beck of Spencer, passed away at about 4 p.m. Wednesday from injuries sustained in Monday night's crash. The SUV continued east and left the scene. It was located a short time later at the Country Villa Trailer Court just south of Spencer. Investigation by officers resulted in the arrest of 57-year-old James Prather of Spencer. Prather in
The Late Great Srv
Found @ Makin the blues sound SO good…. August 27, 2008 at 7:47 am | In just the blues baby, music | No Comments I always admired Jimi Hendrix, but never really got into him as much as some did. In fact for my taste there are only a handful of guitar players who can take off on a jam and leave you wanting for more. Stevie Ray Vaughn was one of those axemen. To play with such abandon, but yet have such clean lines just amazed me. Today is the 18th anniversary of SRV’s death in a helicopter crash. I would get chills listening to him and Double Trouble in concert. I still do….
Late Summer Incense Recipe
Late Summer Incense Recipe This blend is useful when practicing any kind of dream magic, whether you seek answers for a question or prophetic dreams or desire to fare forth while sleeping. The formula contains herbs that open the gates of dream as well as those that have sedative properties. In addition many of the ingredients are classically associated with Summer and the Fey. Ingredients: 2 Tbsp Sandalwood 2 tsp Lavender 2 tsp Mugwort 2 tsp Chamomile 1 tsp Thyme 1 tsp Benzoin pinch Oregano 1/8 tsp Guar Gum Finely powder all ingredients, and then add just enough warm water to give the blend a consistency reminiscent of modeling clay. Then form into tall thin cones, the diameter of which should be no bigger than a pencil at the widest point. Also, tightly form the cone to avoid cracks. Cracks will get bigger as the cone dries and prevent the finished cone from burning. Allow them to dry in a cool environment and then enjoy. S
Late Nite Studying
My husband, Cal, grew increasingly displeased as our teenage daughter and her boyfriend studied in her room late one evening. Finally losing patience shortly after midnight, he knocked sharply on her door. Her boyfriend immediately opened it and asked if something was wrong. "I have to ask you to move your car," Cal told him. "Oh, sure. Is it in someone's way?" "No," Cal replied, "it's at the wrong address."
Video has images from the Hubble Space Telescope, pretty amazing. Black then white are all i see in my infancy. Red & yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, Lets me see. As below, so above & beyond, i imagine. Drawn beyond the lines of reason. Push the envelope. watch it bend. Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind. Withering my intuition, missing opportunities & i must Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines. Black then white are all i see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, Lets me see there is so much more & Beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities. As below, so above and beyond, i imagine. Drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. watch it bend. Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind. Withering my intuition leaving opportunities behind. Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line. Reaching ou
Late Again!!!.
I've always been the type that is at least 15 mins early to anywhere I have to be...I've never been one of those that live by..."Better late than never"....Hmmm...That doesn't suit me well... I have had to depend on a friend lately to get me back and to work...It's a long story as to why...Let's just say that my car has been grounded..Well anyway...this friend of mine...I love her dearly...She's one of those friends that will bend over backwards to help anyone...BUT...she is consistently late...Since I've known her...Late!!!...We've worked with each other now for about 5 years...And as long as I can remember...she has never been on time to work...or anything for that matter...LOL I haven't been on time to work in the last month...And yes..I should be grateful...And I am very grateful..I just wish she would get here on time...Grrrr... Just another pet peeve of mine...Maybe instead of getting upset with her...I should just take a deep breath when I'm clocking in 5 mins late... :
Latest On The Mortgage Crisis... (kinda Corny)
News Release from Japan Following the problems in the sub-prime lending market in America and the run on Northern Rock in the UK, uncertainty has now hit Japan. In the last 7 days Origami Bank has folded, Sumo Bank has gone belly up, and Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches. Yesterday, it was announced that Karaoke Bank is up for sale and will likely go for a song, while today shares in Kamikaze Bank were suspended after they sharply fell. While Samurai Bank is fighting bravely following sharp cutbacks, Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but remains in the black. Furthermore, 500 staff at Karate Bank got the chop, and analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank where it is feared that staff may get a raw deal.
Latest Breaking News
In 2009 the government will start discarding (!) all the mentally ill people. I started crying when I thought of you. Run little friend, run! MENTAL HOSPITAL PHONE MENU Hello and thank you for calling The State Mental Hospital. Please select from the following options menu: If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you. If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6. If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want, stay on the line so we can trace your call. If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be forwarded to the Mother Ship. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell You which number to press. If you are manic-depressive, hang up. It doesn't matter which number you press, nothing will make you happy anyway. If you are dyslexic, press 9-6-9-6. If you are bipolar, please leave a message
The Latest
Figured this'd be easier to say than type. Plus attack of the lazies again. Comment | Copy This Seen as how that didn't seem to work for anyone, here's the typed version. Now that the security thing fell through I have to write a letter of complaint to the company that handled my case, and how disgusted I am with them. And, while I'm sorting that out, I'm following up a lead with another company that offered me a place in their training course and then never contacted me with details. So there you have it.
The Latest !!!
well my grandmother passed away ,on roctober 11th.. We had her funeral in was a great service,and a kick ass turn out. She will be missed forever!!! She raised me ,with my mom... BETTY BROWN MAY 1OTH,1928 OCTOBER 11,2008 I CONTINUE TO WRITE SONGS AND PLAY GUITAR/BASS AND ACOUSTIC..AND GOT A KEYBOARD HERE WITH DRUMS AND ALL THAT.. MORE TO COME! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT... DJKRIS2FUR
Late Show - Sen. Barack Obama
Now I wanna know who the hell listens to a sensible man like this and can't support them, yet they listen to McCain and Palin who are clearly uninformed, ridiculous and want the same policy we have had for 4 years that has not worked. Kennedy was younger and has less experience than Obama and he was one of our best Presidents.
Latest Comment
Come and party with us tonight and everynight @ The Playground. Click the pic to enter, and make sure to tell them Chris sent you.
Latest Update On Me
well figure ill post this insted of answering the same question millions of times from everyone i talk you all know or well those who have been paying attention to my blogs latly ive been seeing a Nerosurgion about a my shunt being broken a few months far nothing really has changed so just wanted to update you all that gave a shit and say im ok and still dont need surgery. thats still a last resort there is also medication i can try if the pressure in my head doesnt go away befor surgery. but for now im ok and GWAR show is friday!!!!
A Late Vet Day Blog
Sacrifices are given and made at home and in foreign lands. And though we may have different feelings as to why we are here, we still stand the watch. We perform our duties and roles to the best of our ability. We rely on our training and our experience to erase all doubts. We stand the watch. On the shore, in the sky or on the sea, we miss holidays because we know that they are a privilege not a guarantee. Each day is a blessing, each meal is a feast, and the time that we have with our family is a moment that we strive for. We stand the watch. Even though we miss our families, even though we may be wounded or killed and even though our children may grow up without a mom or dad, we our committed to the performance of our duty. We will continue to stand the watch. When you look into the cold and distant eyes of some veterans know that behind those eyes is a world of pain. Know that he/she has witnessed horrors and atrocities that no one should ever have to witness. When yo
Latest Read
Fact is stranger than Fiction. After having just read the book "Angler" by Barton Gellman I am astonished and grateful that the Bush-Cheney Administration has not taken it upon itself to have further disregard for the U.S. Constitution and have not appointed themselves "Demigods for Life". Thankfully 8 years has been more than enough!!!
Latest News
Well there's bad news and worse news. The bad news is, I have too much fat in my abdominal area, plus too many stretch marks to be a candidate for a natural tissue reconstruction. So I'm going to have to have an implant, which won't happen until after they place a tissue expander to make room for it. They won't be able to make an implant big enough, so I'll then have to have my other breast lifted and reduced to make them match. The worse news is, the soonest opening my plastic surgeon has is end of January. Which basically means after my cruise, so at least I'll probably make that.. but meanwhile I stress about whether the cancer is invading the rest of my body. Oh yeah, and this also means I don't get the free tummy tuck. Which my hubby had the balls to say he was bummed about. Well... I *was* happy, for a day...
This song is amazing... i dont think there has ever been a song thats touched me as much as this one... Album: Lateralus (2001) Black then white are All I see In my infancy Red & yellow then came to be Reaching out to me Lets me see As below, so above & beyond, I imagine Drawn beyond the lines of reason Push the envelope Watch it bend Overthinking Overanalyzing Separates the body from the mind Withering my intuition Missing opportunities & I must Feed my will to feel thy moment Drawing way outside the lines Black then white are All I see In my infancy Red & yellow then came to be Reaching out to me Lets me see There´s So much More and Beckons me To look through to these Infinite possibilities As below, so above & beyond, I imagine Drawn outside the lines of reason Push the envelope Watch it bend Overthinking Overanalyzing Separates the body from the mind Withering my intuition Leaving opportunities behind Feed my will to feel
I know that some of you think that I have forgotten about you. Well, that isn't the least little bit true! However, I have been going thru some things lately that take my attention. It's called Life. Between work and my Mom, I haven't had much time to do anything. My Mom has been in the hospital for 8 days so far this time. They think she may have cancer in her bladder, so that has me Effing freaking out! Since I lost my dad 15 months ago, my Mom has became my world. I am her care taker/nurse. PLUS I have another job to pay the bills. Gee, joy what an exciting world I live in! I guess it is normal to be worried about one's only surviving parent. Momma has been basically bed ridden for two years now. In those two years I have learned more about the world of medicine than I ever thought I wanted to know. However, I have actually grown up in those two years. Before hand I was a spoiled rotten b!tch, and I have no problems admitting it. Not only did I have ever thing in the material world
The Latest Douche...
Alright, by now you know me. I have NO problem going head-to-head with ANYONE on the mumms, but the last few days one kid has stood out from the rest. He's tried to rile me up, question my "manhood", bashing females he knows I'm friends with, whatever... Now, on one of his mumms in which I actually stuck around long enough for, he decides to block me... So, as I'm such a public servant to the Fu-Community, I'd like to bring attention to this creep... He goes by "Bronx Bull" (with "X"s here and there) and his profile is HERE! Stop by, and tell him "Jai says 'smootches'!"...
Latest New What Going On What Happiening On My Lounge Call Ride The Lighting Lounge
Getting people to come in slowly but i'm getting up there then trying still to findstaff slowly and seeing whoever about stuff making tags and stuff and seeing if they want to help out in the lounge.if any one wants to just shout box me or if u want to join please do thats will even work too.
The Latest
ok so we are doing a little better right now.We still have no gas or anything in the house yet.But we are eating 3 times a day thanks to the local food kitchens.The car had bad oil leak but that has been fixed however robby hit a bad bump yeasterday and broke smething on the car now its really loud.My brother called cops on us and said we broke into his house and they have been talking with us about it but looks like they gonna drop the case since we proved we didnt do it.ok well thats it im getting my tax refund somtime next week so until the next time im on l8er peeps mmfwkl fam
Latest X
Ok so I don't blog much but I need to rant. Some of you have seen my "Love of my life and me" pics and know about my trip to NC in October where I met someone. That someone moved down here about 2 months ago to be with me and my family. Well I've come to the conclusion men suck. This last week has been hell with him, not talking to me, no telling me goodnight or anything and it all came to a head lastnight when he didn't come home. Come to find out today he met someone...surprize surprize. He hasn't touched me in weeks and yet he found the time to go out and get F*(%30 up and hook up with one of the lowlifes in town. They all do... He says my mother is holding me back, and he wants me to be happy and until I'm happy we can't be happy...what the F ever. He knew what he was getting into when he moved down here...
Late Night Thoughts
A Late Night "would You Rather"
I'm thinking me and my cousin have been up too long. We decided to take out bring out the "would you rather" book and ask each other questions, lol. I didn't realize that the book was this funny. I thought you should know: I have soft boobs with my new bra on, I would rather have fiber optic pubic hairs, I want my boobs to be an automatic dimmer switch, and I want my guy to have a glow in the dark dick I'm sure it's not funny to those reading this, but I laughed so hard I snorted =/
The Latest
Finally got my new apartment. they have free internet here for an hour a session until 4 pm CT. Life is finally settleing down and going in a positive direction. if you want to call me then shout me or mesg me and the next time im on i will give you my number. finally good to be back fubar!
Late Nite
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death Where for art thou Lord? I can’t catch my breath The valley of ghosts and bones is my home Hidden away, I ravage alone drunk and stoned Hiding from the light, is it a heaveanly delight? Or another reminder of sorrow just for spite The road I’m on feels dark all around While the fog rolls in, I inhale the smoke and lie on the ground Looking by the moonlight at the start filled sky I wait to die live fast stay high and live a lie The road to rightousness to to straight to walk while filled with demons I feel their presence and my soul is their reason for breathin I lay awake dreaming and life and its surrounding seam so unreal While others conform and cower, I stand tall and am ready to deal As me and death play roulett I stay close to the steal Against my own will I’m forced to hold on to the pill And repeal anything that may actually help me break the seal To my right is the ocean, to my left the sand I look back at
Latenight Desires....
She heard the key slide into the lock… He tried quietly to close the door… She glanced over at the clock.. I was expecting him till late morning, as she realized it was four am… She slowly slipped out of bed .. Slowly making her was into the living room she see’s him.. Home so early honey..?!? I see your wearing my shirt… He looks at her with a evil grin… Knowing what is coming next she looks at him… Do you like it..? This is the only thing I have on… He set’s down his suitcase…. Your so in trouble.. She takes off running towards the bedroom, but was grabbed in an instant…. She fight’s to get away, but there is not use, with her heart pounding… He spun her around… Her back arching… He starting nibbling on her neck… Small moans escape her mouth…. He carry’s her into the room… Gently laying her on the bed… He looks at her… There eye’s locked… For eternity so it seemed…. She slowly reached up to unbutton his shirt… His hands finding there was through her long beautiful hair… She runs
Latest On Boogeyman
yes I am still alive. Not sure about well but i am not dead yet. Any who I have been home in TN for about 2 weeks and still no job. I looked EVERYWHERE from hotels, Lowe's, theater companies, power companies. I got an interview at the hospital in town. It is for the house keeping position where mostly i will be cleaning. . .after 5 years of the navy trust me I am a pro at it. Some good news to add. I have been talking to a representative from UTI about the motorcycle mechanics institute in Orlando, FL. right now my GI Bill covers the entire Tuition. They wil help me find part time work while i am down there. So hopefully i can get that hospital gig and save that money for the trip. On April 17th I am going to Black Label Society in Myrtle Beach, SC. I tried to return the tickets because funds are tight at the moment, but they wont do the refund, but i figure fuck it. If I paid for them then I am going. I probably need this. So that weekend Ill be in SC thats it for now y
Latest Journal Entry...
Hey, ppl. Well, I've been doing a lot of journaling lately. Writing down my feelings. Its helping me cope. Most definately its helping. Sometimes, I choose to blog my journal entries. Not for anyone in specific to read, just want to blog them. But, some of my journal entries are specifically geared towards certain individuals. This letter was never meant to go out; I turned it into another entry, bascially. I HOPE YOU FIND YOURSELF WELL. THIS IS CALLED MY "LET GO" LETTER. SO, PLEASE, LET EVERY WORD SOAK IN YOUR HEART. BECAUSE THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WRITE YOU, TALK TO YOU, OR SEE YOU (EXCEPT WHEN WE HAVE TO SWITCH TURNS WITH LYANNA). AND I INTEND ON FOLLOWING THROUGH WITH THIS PLAN. I JUST ASKED GOD TO HELP ME FORM THE WORDS AS I WRITE THIS. THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU AND I CAN TALK, AS YOU'VE TOLD ME BEFORE. IN MY POINT OF VIEW, I ALWAYS ANGER YOU, ABOUT EVERY TWO WEEKS. I AM NOT PERFECT. BUT I AM DONE APOLOGIZING. I FEEL THAT YOU'VE ALLOWED YOUR HURT TO CREATE A MAN WHO DOES
Lately I have had the strangest feeling With no vivid reason here to find. Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging Round my mind. Far more frequently you're wearing perfume With, You say, no special place to go. But when I ask you if you will coming back soon, You don't know, never know. Chorus: Well, I'm a man of many wishes, Hope my premonition misses, But what I really feel, [ Find more Lyrics on ] My eyes won't let me hide, 'Cause they always start to cry; 'Cause this time could mean goodbye, Time could mean goodbye. Goodbye. Lately I've been staring in the mirror, Very slowly picking me apart; Trying to tell myself I have no reason With your heart. Just the other night while you were sleeping, I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name. But when I ask you of the thoughts You're keeping, You just say nothing's changed. Chorus.
Late Night Thoughts
Thoughts run through my head uncontroled,as i sit here alone I fight with myself.Wondering how i will deal with my fears.I have loved, i have been loved, they have all gone.Still i find myself thinking about a special lady, missing her every breath, every touch, the sweet smell of her hair, the beauty of her smile, i get lost in her eyes.People say you can find that person who makes your heart miss a beat, that person that makes you smile no matter how your feeling, that person that you can sit there for hours as they sleep and just hold them.For a long time i have wondered if that person is real,well she is.Life is a journey we all take,full of ups and downs,loses and gains,we learn,we grow, we become who we are becouse of those turns in our life.We control however what those events in life make us become.I have been guarded for a long time.My biggest fear of caring for someone is it wont be real on thier part, i fear i will be hurt again.I have learned in life we must have faith, tak
Late Night Thoughts
So heres a thought....a "Jo no se qua" on something that just hit me as so obvious..Here I thought that there was something wrong with me and that I always screwed things up in a relationship..but what if its not me..what if the guy really isnt into me like I thought and made things out to be. WHAT IF?!?!? AHHH what if all along I was blaming myself and trying to change myself to be someone I am not for someone that doesnt deserve me at all??? ISNT that really bad...changing ME to please someone that maybe shouldnt be in my life at all...and I dont mean with whoever I am talking to now but generally my whole life..I have been trying to please everyone ....everyone but ME?!?! hello!! is there something wrong there?? Why do i seek others approval instead of trying to make myself happy? is it because I am afraid that if I am the real me...they will disapprove and maybe not stand to be a part of my life?? would that make them real or fake?? When I want to do something I really want to do..
The Late Great Marilyn Chambers
I am making this post to honor the memory of Legendary Porn Goddess, Marilyn Chambers. I had the privilege of meeting getting to spend some time chatting with her at the Girls and Corpses party at Meltdown this last October. I was quite flattered that she had sought out to make My acquaintance and conversation in a room of people. And now that she has passed I am even more thankful that she had. If she hadn't been so forward and social I might have just bounced about the party and totally missed the chance to have such a wonderful conversation with a woman who left quite an impression on the adult industry from the very first film. where even as a complete unknown, she was paid more than any other porn performer had ever earned before. Her first porn, Behind the Green Door, not only made her an instant legend; it made history as being the very first hardcore adult film to be released to the mainstream. And it could be considered by some to also be the first kinky hardcore film
Late Night Typing
Will this ever lasting torture ever end!! The heat melts my flesh like I'm cheese sitting on a slice of toast under the grill, the weather man promised me rain and thunder! He lied he must of took me for a fool!! I cast a curse upon him! The day has dragged like the dead cowboys corpse tied to the horse. I cleaned and scrubbed my floors like Cinderella yet more scrubbing is required and there are no ugly sisters to help me. All these light sources are putting a strain on my eyes, The TV gives me bright light, the monitor gives me bright light and the sun burns my retinas. The caffeine flows though my system as if it was my blood, my eyes still close with tiredness, My arms are becoming heavy as my body fails and falls asleep, my fingers are unable to move from key to key of my blood stained keyboard….. Now I sleep
Laterz All
  Many of you on this site has never even hear of me well for those that are in that area let me give you a little rundown about my times here on this site. 1. I have been a member of this site since day one when it first have started and been a member when it was known as Lost Cherry I also was here when it was known as Cherry tap and as its known know as Fubar. 2. I use to have the number one train on here it was called The Devils Train which been around since almost day one. Before it took its last ride it had 450 members on it till I took it out and removed it from my bogs . 3. I use to be a member of IAR I was number 36 on it ( Insane Asylum Rejects) , S*U*P (Shady’s Underground Posse) , Team Shocker, Confederate Bombers, FU-Gees, Happy Hour Slammers, Jades Dirty Diamond Crew, Rating Revolution. So I have been around and I am sure there is more that I am forgotten about I have meet several amazing people on here if your wondering who it is well their all in my Family.
Latest Update From The Deftones On Chi Cheng, And The New Cd "eros"
Jun 23, 2009 2:21 PM Subject: Update Body: What’s up!We want to take a minute and address all of you regarding Chi and our new record: First and foremost, we are all still praying and hoping for our brother’s and bandmate’s recovery. He continues to get hospital care, but often it feels as if we’re no closer to knowing what is ultimately going to happen to him as he continues to fight off infections as part of an ongoing battle with his condition. We trust all of you have been following his progress at One Love For Chi; we have as well. Whenever we have significant information regarding his condition, we will share it with all of you. In the meantime, we’re working on getting a benefit show together for Chi in Los Angeles this fall; details will follow very soon.Let’s all continue to channel positive energy into the universe for Chi’s recovery. There has been a lot of speculation lately about what is going on with the record: Eros
The Late Great Voodoo Queen Of New Orleans
Late Great Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, Herbalist, Nurse and Hairdresser 1794-1881(?) Her origin: A free person of colour, Laveau was born in New Orleans in 1794, the illegitimate daughter of a rich Creole plantation owner Charles Laveaux, and his mistress Marguerite Henry who was half black, half Indian. Marriage, Love and Children: After first hubby Jacques Paris buggered off (presumed dead) shortly after she married at the age of 25 and, instead of crying into her crawfish pie and filet gumbo, Marie got on with life - learning all about the craft of voodoo from Doctor John, or John Bayou as he was sometimes known. Often referred to as The Widow Paris but more often known by her maiden surname of Laveau, Marie took a common law husband - Christophe de Glapion - with whom she had 15 kids. Her offspring double-barrelled their names to Laveau-Glapion. Very modern! Voodoo Priestess: Part sorceress, part saint, Marie balanced the life of voodoo priestess, devout catholic and bu
I just got home from work, log on to here to see if I got any new messages...which I didn't. Anway, I scroll down to see new bulletins. Why the hell is my bar tab down on the bottom? Did they change the "power" setting?   Yes I'm sure this has been blogged/MuMMed about already, but I'm lazy.
Latest Poem
Going through the pain inside; Trying not to run and hide. Going through the pain inside; Trying not to run and hide. Fighting every urge of panic, Yet no one around to save me from my insanity. Trapped no place to go . My world growing colder than the year before. Wanting to be loved even more. Just afraid to open the door. No ones knocking to be let in, No sign of sunshine Not even a twinkle in my eye. Yet day by day I’m still going through the pain inside,
The Latest
The Latest Bad Thing
i lost my job yesterday. i don't know how much more of this i can take went to unemployment, was told to file over the phone or online, then came out and got a parking ticket   still no job, you can't talk to an hr person, they don't return calls. to apply you have upload your resume, then fill out a form with everything that was on the resume. this is insane. if my friends here think ive abandoned them because they don't hear from me, its because i devote each day to the job search I send out 30 reume's a day by email, I'm so tired of getting no answer or being told that they have no use for someone with my talents. I have a very bad feeling that I'm going to lose the place that I've lived 4/5ths of my life in and have devoted the last 24 years to. It's breaking my heart. Got thru the holidays, not without the usual family garbage, month 6 of the job search begins
The Latest On My Eyes
So I went back to the Eye Dr today. It wasn't good news. He thought the drops he gave me last week would help. I think they did help my left eye, since I can still see to type lol. My right though is still all a blur. I sit with my face 6 inches from the screen. So now he says he does not know what is wrong and is sending me to another dr for his opinion.
Late Summer Rantage....
Ahh it’s about time for little rantage. So with that in mind I’m just going to babble. Who knows where that will go… Have you attended a town hall meeting for health care? I did the other day. It didn’t make Fox News or anything, because well, this is republican country and everyone was mellow. My district rep won’t be supporting that and neither should yours. Has anyone watched O’Reily, Hannity or Glen Beck? All they do is show angry town hall meetings. But are they wrong? People don’t want this. Major insurance companies are already laying off workers due to the bad and getting worse economy, and for fear of what the socialist empire in Washington will do. I feel so stumlated by that 800 billion, don’t you? Notice the disparity between the people wanting this program and those that don’t? It’s clear as day. I can fix health care real fast. Ask the people that get earned income credit and generations of welfare to trade in the bonus
Late Summer Morning Twilight
I love this time of morning. Grey and cool.  
The Latest Fashion Of Dresses
If you want to look good on your daughter’s wedding, it is essential to choose a right mother of the bride dress for yourself. Therefore knowing something about the fashion in this year is necessary. This passage may probably offer you some help. Color is an important factor. It used to be that mother of the bride dresses only came in pastels and navy blue. But they are not the major colors nowadays! The industry is starting to show a spectrum of various colors, from dark brown to chocolate, from bright blue to red, from grape to burgundy. No matter what kind of color you prefer, you are able to find one fit you. With the day is getting colder and colder, jackets and shawls are becoming more and more popular among mothers. These also can make you look more serious in a church. In some sales website, the number of orders If you want to make good use of the shipping fee, you can order two or more dress, not only for yourself, but also for your daughter. It would be a good deal i
The Latest News For Age Of Conan
Today, in an interview with foreign media, Funcom's director of public relations media who writing the article for age of conan power leveling. Forest (Erling Elllingsen) that will be published next month, when it comes to the age of conanthe development of the online game "Age of Conan" film-to-date information, but it is difficult to imagine this news for aoc power leveling. Prior to the confidentiality of the work done was airtight.     When a reporter asked about the information on the specific content of films, the Forest remain tight-lipped, he said that this new piece of information will be in mid to late next month in Cologne, Germany, organized by GamesCom Game Show to meet with the players. And also the goods news for AoC power leveling "We give players a lot of changes and new content, I believe that the players will like it." He added.
Late Night Math Contemplations
Conversations of an actually very acute mind making sense of fluff, yes all these years I avoided math and that is why I don’t have my flipping doctorate now and going back for it. (Hubby has very acute mind as well, but very bad English LoL) ME: I seen you first time was in the middle of  -97 - (-27)-40-(-59)   Hubby: silly nerd emoticon   ME:  which is not the simple logical thing you think it would be, oh no because if you are subtracting integers (negative numbers, I don't know why they can't just call them negative numbers...) then you add the opposite rather than subtracting them. and then so you change the -97-(-27) to -97+27 and so on, but you for some reason on the next number the -40 don't instead u throw () around it and call it a permanent integer   ME:  and then so it is a negative number throughout all the other transitions unless you add on another set of integers at the beginning for some daft reason, I have no clue why you would but IF you did then that w
10:31pm PST So lately i've been going out with random people and it's been cool.  I don't mean random, per se.  I mean people I've been friends with and just hanging out. Labor day weekend was cool, even though I lost a bet to a certain someone.  I went to a baseball game that Friday night at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles!  Went to a college football game at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on Saturday afternoon.  Sunday evening was at Hollywood =) I thought I would give it a rest at Sunday, but on Monday my baby brother came over and chilled for a bit.  we went to Ihop, which was good!  We then went to Petco to pick up some food for Thomas.  Then later at night saw District 9, which I'll admit was somewhat creepy (cuz of the aliens) but I liked the story. Boy!!!!!  Did I have a busy weekend.  oh and to top it off I visited an old friend of mine.  He's cool people, except for the fact that he fuckin left a hickey literally obvious!!! Anywho, the rest of the week was ok b/c I was at work.
Late Last Year
My last hospitalization at the VA late last year was very different than ever before. Overdose of 1260 units of Insulins Novalog and Humalog is deadly and yet the lowest my blood sugart went was 69. Experinec other than that can be considered paranormal. Father Oppothelio or something like that, that prayed over me and gave me the annoiting I learned the day I left, from Father Michael that he has been dead for six years since he replaced him. I am volunteered against my will to be a Secretary for the Morning Community Meeting and using the proper method I inquire about the very fundamentals of welfare of my fellow patients. I and others were rushed out of there. While there I refuse my night medication and the very next moring someone coming to me to give me my morning medication for what ever reason does not see me. I was laying on my back minus my PJ's due to my room mates bad aim at the toilet. Satying that position at any length of time I'm like numb from this fall I had in Stonyb
Been busy lately..with things going on in my life.  Sorry not been around. Also fact is.. most of my fufamily are never on here anymore..or the very few who are.. are busy.  Think about only 3 of my family still come on much .. etc.  I come on here... to chat to my family mainly.  Yes I like to level..but now I am at a standing point on that... and I really don't my purpose is to chat when I come on.   Well since most my family has  gotten bored with fu.. or to busy, I have decided not to be on here much either.  Those I talk to,, have my yahoo.  I will soon be deleting my vip to. No use to really be paying money out.. that I could be using.  So, enough said.
Latex Lady In Shackles
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Latest Stuff
The Fly is falling down. Maiden is lying on the ground.We thrust gallantly in the heat of passion.Her moist mound, warm with love, for the action.After it's all done I take my knife and cut.I cut and I cut because she's nothing more than a slut.I tell you this, she really is a dirty miss.While we was thrusting she wanted piss.Golden showers is her treasure.However to give this is not my pleasure.I killed the maiden this dainty little lass.For whom her time has pasted while laying in the grass.The fly is going up, and I walk away.This evil deed has been done late in the day.So I sleep at wait for the evil of tomorrow.Another maiden to die, another family to be filled with sorrow.
Late At Night- A Poem By Margaret Bergeron
LATE AT NIGHT   Quiet as a feather bed... No sounds around at all... Only the easy purring... Your cat's sleeping in a ball... The whole city is fast asleep... Unless they are like you... Not really resting, not awake... But not knowing what to do... Think you'll have a glass of milk... Or a piece of buttered toast... Watch a little late T.V. ... (An hour at the most) Pretty soon the sky gets light... And it is nearly dawn... Now you're sleepy, tired too... And you begin to yawn... Off to bed for just a bit... Must rest to keep your charm... Just as soon as you drift off... You hear your clock alarm... Hit the button labeled, "SNOOZE"... Three or four times more... Can't ignore the time by now... You're tired to the core... Guess this day will have to have... A little nap or rest... Or all the things that must be done... Will not get done the best...   So I say to all my party animals out there in fubarland; Work hard and play harder, but let's not forget
The Latest Information Of The Lotro
Adapted from the novel Tolkien epic fantasy masterpiece by the well-known online game developer in North America turbine (Turbine) Producers and Distributors of the "Lord of the Rings OL" recently announced that it will release the latest information Lord of The Rings Online Powerleveling during the year the film "Siege Kirkwood" (temporary translation, Siege of Kirkwood). Expansion includes upgrading to the 65 level cap, a large number of job tasks and legend-level exclusive props been added. At the same time, the game's main line will continue to start, players who buy Lord of The Rings Online Powerlevel will be able to copy the new team and the adventure started Raid underground city. In the Misty Mountains east of Kirkwood is a huge forest. In JRR Tolkien "Ring in" the main battlefield as they are not described in the coverage was not so much but If you have read associated with the novel "The Hobbit" and everybody should know that Bilbo and the 13 dwarves adventures here. Just
Late Night Sex In The Office
As usual I was working late and you knew that the only way to get me out of the office was to literally come and fetch me. The last of my coworkers were leaving as you got to my building and they let you in. The only other people in the building were the cleaners, but they were nowhere to be seen. You walked quietly into my office, hoping to surprise me, but to your own surprise I wasn’t there. Then you heard the photocopy machine running down the hall and you guessed that I was down there finishing my paperwork. You walked to the photocopy room, and there I was standing with my back to you, but with the copier running, I had no idea you were there. You watched me for a minute, and then quietly you slipped behind me and wrapped your arms around my waist, immediately pressing your body against me so I couldn't see who it was. My body stiffened and I jumped a little, but I knew the feel of your arms too well and you felt me relax into you. "You can't work forever,”
Late Nite **nsfw**maybe?
The night is silent except for the soft chirp of crickets filtering in through the window, moonlight dances with the curtains that float across the bed, and there is a warm breeze drifting up from the mountain valley below. It is as I lay staring out of my open window that I hear the soft pad of your feet against the hardwood floor as you walk down the hall. You hesitate outside my open door before you come in and walk to the bed. Once again you hesitate. Slowly, you lift up the sheet and crawl in next to me, letting the bed settle with the new presence. You lean towards me and I can feel your warm breath on my shoulder a moment before you lay your lips upon it. Your hand moves to lay atop my hip, your thumb softly stroking. I let out a sigh as your lips make their way from my shoulder to the back of my neck, blowing my hair from your path. Your hand slides from my hip to my stomach as you begin to kiss the side of my neck, nuzzling me. I lean into you and I hear you let out a strang
Latest And Greatest
Damn where to start aint been on here in ages currently im working for hunter marine transportation out of nashville and life cant be better i have been steering the boats working making money cant ask for more hope all on here who talked to me before hadnt forgot me lol been too long anyhow if interested call me sometime since i dont get on here very often 270 832 2445 there is a ton of money in this industry
Latest Tiger Woods Family Portrait
The Latest In Personal Ads
The REAL Meaning of Personal Ads FIRST THE ADS FROM WOMEN 40-ish.................. 48 Adventurer.............. Has had more partners than you ever will Athletic................ Flat-chested Average looking......... Ugly Beautiful............... Pathological liar Contagious Smile........ Bring your penicillin Educated................ College dropout Emotionally Secure...... Medicated Feminist................ Fat; ball buster Free spirit............. Substance user Friendship first........ Trying to live down reputation as slut Fun..................... Annoying Gentle.................. Comatose Good Listener........... Borderline Autistic New-Age................. All body hair, all the time Old-fashioned........... Lights out, missionary position only Open-minded............. Desperate Outgoing................ Loud Passionate.............. Loud Poet.................... Depressive Schzophrenic Professional............ Real Witch Redhead................. Shops the Cl
Latestb News
McCanns back in Portugal for trial (UKPA) – 5 hours ago Kate and Gerry McCann are returning to Portugal for the libel trial of the former Portuguese detective who headed the investigation into their daughter Madeleine's disappearance. The couple launched legal action against Goncalo Amaral after he published a book questioning their account about what happened to the little girl. Mr and Mrs McCann, both 41, from Rothley, Leicestershire, will fly to Lisbon ahead of the three-day trial, which is due to start at the main civil court in the Portuguese capital on Tuesday. It is understood that they plan to attend all the hearings, but do not intend to go back to the Algarve resort where Madeleine vanished more than two-and-a-half years ago. Family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "I can confirm that Kate and Gerry McCann will be returning to Portugal on Monday to attend the resumption of the Amaral trial on Tuesday at the main civil court in Lisbon. "The details of their trave
The Late September Dogs By Melissa Etheridge
Just outside my window I hear the late September dogs And I understand their warning I understand their song Since you left I feel the change in the air And night after night I'm searching for mercy everywhere So I wake in the street and I call out your name I shout to the sky please Come on let it rain Let it rain down on me Let the rain touch my hands Let the rain set me free Let it rain down on me Silence is the steel that pierces and cuts me to the bone In dreams the hand that touches you is mine and mine alone Cruel is the light is the morning shining down on me Hours with the Devil to understand just what you need So I wake in the street and I call out your name Shout to the sky come on Come on let it rain Let it rain down on me Let the rain fill my eyes Let the rain set me free Let it rain down on me Just inside the distance I hear the late September dogs And so I beg for sleep the child who walked before she crawled Damn my soul that remembers and clutches to this pain The
Lately I Haven't Been Myself Because..
My status is gonna be a little emo for a while here's why...     Monday a close friend of mine shot himself, yes he died. He had talked about doing it for a long time, each time he did it scared the shit out of me and I felt powerless to help him, I always tried my best to reach out to help him, but he actually did it this time, and he didn't say anything to anyone about it, he just did it. He left alot of hurt behind doing what he did, Im devastated. He was only 28 years old, His name was Terin. Yesterday I found out my close friend died on the operating table. He suffered for many years from a skin disease. He recently went in for surgery on his back from complications of his disease, He got a blood clot in his brain and passed away, The doc's tried but could not save him. He was 36 years old. His name was Kevin. He got treated badly alot for his appearance, but he became my true friend because I was able to see past it. Countless times I jumped peoples asses for looking at him i
Latest Mixx
Late Night Thoughts
Sitting this desk, letting my mind wander to so many wrong roads taken to all the time and love and energy wasted, to what lies ahead, to the night and the cold, remembering the sun on my face, the feeling of being cursed to never see it again, thinking aching wanting, hearing a lone coyote call was it in the night or in my mind as it echoes over the frozen ground wishing this damn chair was my old saddle, remembering a better time in my life a quieter time, when my bear slept, and now he consumes more of me daily till I fear naught will be left of me the next time he slumbers. My spirit has become tormented, and my balance almost completely gone, I wonder sometimes if I am not totally mad, I wonder if this nightmare will ever end, but like any animal I shake off the cold center my mind and continue on my trek of life, needing only food shelter and companionship, like any animal isn’t the last why all of us are ultimately here, for all other venues of connection have failed, and
Latest Writing I've Done
One day I'll be strong and move on, Right now I writhe in pain begging it to be gone. One day I'll realize all you did was lie, For now your words still make me cry. One day I'll know what real love is, Today all I can think is "How can someone do this?" One day I'll find my way back to having confidence, Right now all your negative comments make too much sense. One day I'll bounce back and prove you wrong, For now I'm tired of fighting, my strength is gone. One day I'll be more than you ever dreamed, Today I am broken, in pieces, drowning from my screams. One day you'll realize all that you had, When that day comes I'll laugh and say too damn bad. One day you'll want it all back and plead, On that day I'll remind you how you so easily dismissed our needs. One day you'll see you let your best days pass, It's then you'll realize Karma is kicking your ass.
Late Night Suprise.
She walks into the room and sees him lying there; he doesn't know she was going to show up, He thought she was out of town. He was sleeping, it was about 2 am and she was quiet. She could see that he was naked under the sheets there and knew that she needed what he had. She drops her purse on the chair by the door and kicks off her shoes, she slowly and quietly strips as she heads to the bed on the other side of the room, as she gets to the bed she slides off her panties and pulls off the sheet covering his naked body. She runs a finger down his cheek, he doesn't move, then her palm down his chest and down to his limp cock. Slowly and starts to play with him, rubbing her hand over him, starting to stroke his cock. He starts to harden in her hand. She leans over and licks the tip of his cock and then around the head. He lets out a sigh but doesn't awaken. She positions herself at the side of the bed were she can easily play with him and suck on his cock while at the same time playing
Latest Comptia Questions To Pass 220-701 Certification Exam
Latest CompTIA Questions to Pass 220-701 Certification Exam Test4pass 220-701 Certification Exam There are many online resources for preparing for the 220-701 exam. Read below to discover why is your premier source for practice tests, and true testing environment. You reasons for selecting the leader in online certification preparation - 220-701 Downloadable, Printable Exams (in PDF format):We are all well aware that a major problem in the IT industry is that there is a lack of quality study materials. Our 220-701 Preparation Exam Material provides you everything you will need to take a certification examination. Details are researched and produced by Certification Experts who are constantly using industry experience to produce precise, logical and verified explanations for the answers. You may get questions from different web sites or books, but logic is the key. compTIA 220-701 Exam Preparation from include:  Comprehensive questions wi
Latest Bet
Been meaning to post this for awhile. Me and Papi have yet another bet going, and I hope to break my losing streak. We've got 50 on who will make it the furthest in the NBA Finals. I've got the Cavs, and Papi's got the Lakers (boooo). If they both lose in the same round, we go with whoever has the most wins in that series. If they're tied, then we go with EAST vs WEST (hope it doesn't come down to that). And I have a side bet with ASB, another Lakers fan, that if the Cavs win it all she will post a pic with CAVS on her butt (y) Finally, I have a bet with Dud on the Cleveland/Boston series for 5 million FuBucks (I think).   WITNESS!!!!
Late Night Ramblings (really Random)
So here I sit. Listening to the TV in the background, sitting in my parents living room telling myself I really should be sleeping. But I can't. I don't know why. I always seem to have trouble sleeping. My mind just goes and goes and goes. And normally things I think about are nothing to worry about or anything spectacular. It seems to run the most right before I try to lay down to sleep. I'm sure this happens to a lot of people. But have you ever wondered why? Maybe it's because I'm alone, nothing is really distracting me from the random thoughts I've got going on. My brain is stuck in the future. Granted I live my life day to day, I'm constantly thinking of what my life is going to be like in a year or two or 12. Will I be successful? Will I be as I am now? God, I hope not. That's just sad to think about. I guess I'm just to a point in my life where I'm ready for things to start happening. But that won't happen until I start making some moves. Which I plan on doing. But
Late Night Ramblings
People say that love doesn't hurt... if it hurts, it's not love... then what is this? Why does it hurt? What am I supposed to do with these feelings that I don't understand?Why is it once we are in a situation that hurts us and haunts us for what seems to be forever, do we keep putting ourselves in those same situations? Why are we unable to break the viscous cycle? Girls are taught from a very young age that if a boy hurts you, it's because he likes you. If you've seen "He's Just Not That Into You", you know exactly what I'm talking about. Why do we do this to each other? Why do we allow others who hurt us to have such huge effects on our lives? These are questions that run through my mind ever day, and I have yet to find the answers. Why can't life be as simple as we thought it was when we were little? Why can't I just live out the dreams of a 5 year old? All I wanted to do was marry my best friend, get a good paying job, have a son and daughter, and live the life it seemed my parent
Late Night Ramblings... Politics And Politicians...
Ever notice, in this delightful country of ours, how many politicians tell us what needs doing?  Ever seen them actually doing it?  I've seen one or two try... love him or hate him, George Bush said he'd do something and made every attempt (ill-conceived or not) to back it up.  But I find myself concerned with our current political leadershit.... leadership, totally my bad. Look, I understand about "evil corporations" and "terrible oil companies..."  I mean, we've all been hearing about them ever since the 60's, when people decided that it was "The Man's" fault, and that we were all being oppressed.  Never mind that the ones bitching about it did, and still do, more oppressing than anybody else (don't agree?  I give you exhibit "A" Political Correctness... A.K.A. the most ridiculous, and stupidly hilarious, assault on the First Amendment ever). But I don't get it, An "EVIL" oil company rents out a driller, the platform fucks up and oil spews out.  And what does our beknighted leaders
Latest Housemixx   TRACKLIST ========  Sander Van Doorn vs Swed House Mafia - Reach Out vs. Leave The World Behind (Axwell Bootleg)  Afrojack And Bobby Burns - Ghettoblaster (Original Mix).mp31  Avicii vs Tv Rock, Axwell Ft. Live Element - Bromance in the Air (Tristan Garner Bootleg)  David Vendetta vs. Tara McDonald ft. Alim - I'm Your Goddess (Muzzaik Remix)  Dj Gollum Vs Basslovers United - Narcotic (Dave Ramone Remix)  Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl (Axwell Bootleg)  Ibiza Knights - Good To Be Alive (Filthy Louca Mix)  Young Rebels & Francesco Diaz - Ibiza 2010 (Christian Weber Remix)  Nicky Romero - It's Me Bitches (Original Mix)  Kaskade & Tiesto feat. Haley - Only You (Extended Remix)  Baby D - Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Deadmau5 Remix)  Mark Picchiotti - Let the Music Guide You (Mark Picchiotti Remix)  MC Flipside & Neon Stereo - This Noiz (Kid Massive Remix)  Funkagenda Feat. Mc Flipside - Nobody Listens To Techno (Original Mix)  Polkad
A Late Drunken Wonder
SO i jst got back and i can't stop thinking that i probably should not have drank what i had. Thinking is a constant thing lately and there's nothing i can do about it i hate it but it doesnt stop. I can't wait for the day where i can look into his eyes and tell him i love him hold him close and be there for him when he needs me, he makes me smile each and everyday doesn't even have to try..the way he makes me feel is unbelievable and i really dont care what people say he makes me happy so fuck off and leave it alone he's my dream come true and i'm glad he's who he is there is nothing i would change if i had the choice...   HAHAH Random check list... Does he make you smile [XX] Does he make you blush [XX] Does he treat you right [XX] Is he there for you [XX] Can he make your heart race [XX] Does he make you wish you were in his arms [XX] Does he give you reason to live [XX] Does he protect you when he can [XX] Does he care [XX] Does he love you unconditionally [XX] Would
why do i do this? i stay up drinking all night pass out around 6 or 7am wake up around 4pm and start all over again. i'm a mess but no one can see it due to this is the internet, people dont give a shit, people say they care when they dont, they just pass judgment on you, you ignore people and you get labeled a bitch. what do you do when the stranger in your life is so close to you, yet you have no clue who they are, when actually its yourself?
Later That Day...
After the delivery man leaves, you stand up and readjust your skirt and straighten your blouse and take a deep breath trying to clear your head.You leave your office and look around thinking that someone must have seen something.You walk through the office down to the ladies room to splash some water on your face to calm yourself down, saying "Hi" to your co-workers as you pass them by.As you push the door open to the ladies room, you are grabbed by the wrist and pulled into the room which confuses you.Your hand is held behind your back as you are pushed with your face against the back of the door and you see a man's hand reach for the lock on the door and he turns the deadbolt.With your right hand still pinned behind your back, you can feel his deep breathing in your ear and the heat of his breath on your neck and face. You start to panic a little because you don't know who this person is, and you're beginning to get nervous because he hasn't said anything and you can't move. You feel
Late Night Suprise
It was 3 O'clock in the morning when i was woken up by my boyfriend Monroe kissing my neck 'whats this for?' i asked slightly breathless, my pussy already hot, i loved it when he kissed my neck. 'I woke up, couldn't sleep and...' he kissed me again and i felt his erection press againt me, unhindered by clothing 'I'm hard' he said.He pulled my nightgown over my head so that i was naked just like him. he began to kiss downmy body, sucking at nipples taking them deep into his mouth, then carrying on down, he reached my pulls and licked my lips he parted them with his fingers and found my wetness. he slid a finger inside me while he licked and sucked on my clit. 'oh god, don't stop' i moaned. it didnt take him long to make me come.He came back up and kissed me forcing his tongue into my mouth so that i could taste myself. 'Can i fuck you now?' he asked. without even answering him i kissed him pasionately and pulled him close to me, i felt his rock hard penis enter me. he let out a shudderi
How could you come with me..when u knew all along that you had to go.... How could u memorise my name...and forget who I am!!!! ouch...!!!! too late to stop pretending... too late to love u again... aww!!! 
Late Night Biscuits
Ok shall I bore you with how good I am for not smoking up my own lungs? I don’t think you want to hear that do you? You want to hear about my plans for the future don’t you?   I am planning on going to live on the island of Mustique which is a small private island in the West Indies. I recall back in the 70s and 80s all the naughty Royals (the ones that fucked men and women and took heroin) used to hang out there with rock stars. I recall seeing these debauched women in leopard print bikini’s with big floppy white hats hanging over skinny young boys with an air of ‘smack’ about them, it was so Jackie Collins! That’s how I want to get old, fucking young guys on an island in the sun. Not sure how husband will take to this situation, but I probably wont do anything like that, I just fancy the image of me on Mustique full of crack and champagne! I will probably get old by ending up on the island of Rothesay with a woollen cardigan, playing bingo in
Latest Franck Muller Infinity Reka Pieces For Wealthy The Ladies
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Lady Automatic Watch 77321OR.ZZ.D010CA.01 Though offering awesome timepieces with confusing complication to blokes, franck muller master calendar watches attracts feminine purchasers with their luxurious devices set with different precious gemstones. For that mop sauce, cups cider white wine vinegar cups apple cider clean leaves cloves garlic, quickly minced.3 tablespoons hot marinade tablespoon salt cup BBQ Rub, recipes follows. To the stroke cup paprika cup dimly lit brown sugar. tbsps black pepper tbsp salt, tablespoon oranges salt, teaspoons garlic powdered teaspoons dry mustard teaspoons cumin, teaspoon cayenne peppe. Compared with mens devices, franck muller transamerica biretro watches are exact same avant garde, less classic and much more classy. Subsequently, they're nicknamed vogue jewelry watches. The particular 1 is sized by 25mm, whilst the largest you were 50mm at diameter. Typically the dials are also offered in various color live
Latest News.
Well on a lighter note I'm moving to Michigan to be with the love of my life and raise our daughter together. Sure he may not be the biological father, but he'll be a better father than the asshole that got me pregnant. I'm just really surprised that his family has accepted me so quickly. His mother loves me, and can't wait to have a grandbaby in the house again, and she's the one buying my plane ticket out there. So I'm really nervous about the trip up there, because i'm meeting him in person for the first time, but there's no doubt in my mind i'll love him as much in person as i do over the net/phone. I will be posting pictures soon enough of my baby belly and of the most recent me :DD so when i do comment on them and lemme know what you think. That's all i can think of to write about for now, so gimme blog ideas. Later guys
Long few days of thinking.   Monday I was told that I have developed cataracts. Now I’m a bit happy that its something that can be corrected, for a while there I was thinking I was loosing my vision.   As it slowly sank in, on Tuesday I did more research abut cataracts and what the surgery intel. Now that was a big mistake. Saw a video on the whole procedure and wow that really freaked me out. It took me a day to take that in and just think that positive of it all. I will see better.   Only down part of the whole thing is I’m going t be dealing with all this alone, would be nice to have someone during the recovery period.
Late Valentines Auction/contest
OK peps..I am gonna host another auction/contest...a late Valentines know I am behind! This one is 4 everyone! So cum all...lmao!    It will start Monday 2/14/11 & end on Sunday 2/20/11! There is no charge 2 enter the auction! I do them 4 fun & 2 help others! Ownership lasts for 1 month! U can accept any bid at any time if u want!    Here is what I need from u if u want in:   1. A link 2 a pic of u (SFW or NSFW)   2. A list of everything u want 2 offer (please no really long lists)   Please send info & pic in a private message not in my shout box! Put subject as Auction so I know what it is! If u need help with ideas I will be glad 2 help out!   Here is how the contest part is gonna work! The winner will be decided on total rates! If there is a tie it will go by rates & comments combined!  Prizes:   1st Place: 1 Boomy 2nd Place: 5 Credit Bling 3rd Place: 3 Credit Bling     So get me ur info asap!   Thanks, Christina =)
Alright so lately things have been really crazy in my life honestly. I am not sure how I have managed to deal with some of the things lately. I am looking for a new place to live, or at least to be away from here a few nites a week. Anyways, I am not getting a long with my best friend's husband at all. He has started to turn into more of an asshole towards me and it's seeming to make things worse and worse. It has managed to put me in bad moods a lot more. They are getting ready to be gone for another month, which means i am here by myself again which is going to be nice. But I can say that I am not sure I will really be able to keep myself from knocking his teeth in until than.  I have never been so disrespected ever in my goddamn life! I have never felt like this even in my marriage. I put up with a lot of hell in the last 6 1/2years of my life, but to be disrespected right to my face, to made to fee; like I am a maid to someone who I am not married to or even involved with is pure
Latest Wedding Dresses
Locating the latest wedding dresses is essential, if you wish to stay with the surface of the latest wedding the latest fashions. Celebrate lots of sense to check out the options.Looking for an excellent wedding dress or Cheap wedding dresses isn't difficult or daunting whenever you can say for certain that which you expect. You won't ever select a style with florid touches as it were hold an eco-friendly wedding. You just will not relaxation on the style with draping look should you expect an easy & fluid line. Also, you won't ever concentrate on a contemporary style when the retro old castle wedding has special allurement for you.Wedding gowns are available in a lot of styles, colors as well as materials so it's not hard to think that selecting the perfect one for the big day is going to be daunting task. If you wish to discover the perfect gown from these stylies, it is important to appear in advance. Just in case you possess an eye for beauty, it's dangerous to begin searching for
Latest Thoughts And Ramblings
I'm a fan of pretzel-dogs, and I don't know anybody in MY hometown who would eat one, so, I guess it's that eye of the beholder thing. Which is actually my favorite song by Metallica. Or at least it used to be. WElllllllll.... I better get goin'. I have to pick up a 12 foot cake and deliver to a Chinaman. That's right. I said Chinaman. Like, I'm an 80 year old WWII survivor with a penchant for being inappropriately rascist at inopportune times. Not that there are many opportune times. Unless theyre pedophiles too. I don't think anyone will yell at you for making a rascist remark to a pedophile. Must suck double for them. Not that I'm feeling bad for them, you see. Ahhh you get the point. Moving along... P.S. You would think it would be easy to get a mob ready with pitchforks and torches fairly quickly. Immediately after a bad guy gets caught in some old-timey town, there's always a mob heading to the jail where he is held. Well, trust me, it's not as easy as it looks.
The Latest About My Sister
Late Night Interlude (#6)
Late Night Interlude   I rolled over in the middle of the night and woke up, realizing in a half awake daze something just wasn't right. It took me a moment of laying in bed to realize that you weren't there. Slowly I tossed the covers off me and shivered as the air conditioner blew its chilly breath onto my bare chest and legs. I reached for the pair of boxers I had discarded earlier and set out of the bedroom, looking for you. The fluorescent glow coming from around the corner told me all I needed to know. You must have been sleepless, and went to play on the computer. I peeked my head around the corner to confirm my suspicions, then simply looked at you, your hair, slightly mussed from the pillow going down to the silk white nightshirt you had worn to sleep.   With the stealth of a practiced cat stalking some prey, I walked up behind you and began to run my fingers through your soft hair. You gave a quick jump as I did, since you weren't expecting it, then gave me a sheepish gri
Late Nights- A Poem
Late nights run into days..blurring I spend my time here..doing what I do, but its okay tho beacuse i like it. The people are great and I love talking to them and getting to kno them intimately. I belong here, this place i shall call my home. I feel the love and the buzz.So many different types of people. wonderful people I shall stay and spend many late nights here.
Late At Night
Soon I hope to be in your arms, safe from danger and safe from all earthly harms. To understand a man, I feel I need to become closer I'm thinking of ways I can. Maybe I have an incorrect ideal, could you aid my knowing by enhancing the written love I feel?? Late at night I find, all I ever dreamed you are the best kind. Late at night we are so far apart, yet so ultimately close as I see you on the screen in my heart. Your a tiger in my jungle, what is better I am in love and I could swim and not get wetter. Seeing how you care too, perhaps reality doesn't bite dreams do come true. Take this heart and soul, it is all yours I have given you control. Be careful and fear not, love is pricless and can't be bought. The wealthy are poor, with tender love  they might have more. I'm not against a wall, with you I feel refreshed I love you because I AM YOUR DOLL!!!!!
Late Nite Party?
My friends want to have a party after the club and my loft downtown? What should I do? I have to work at 8:30 but I dont want to disappiont them. Any thoughts?
Latest Sweet And Lovely Hong Kong Fashion Clothing For Spring
    The weather becomes warmer and warmer after having said goodbye to cold January, in next days newest both gorgeous and dazzing Hong Kong fashion wholesale clothing for spring will play the lead role. A long wool knitted dress collocates with vest coat, characteristic and vogue wear, relaxed and contracted. The warm knitted clothing is the first choice of early spring dressing up, gorgeous color can ornament you both warm and dazzling!   Slim fit sleeveless fur vest Slim fit sleeveless fur vest very suits slightly cold days, fur is high class fashion element, then tie-in big atmosphere keep-warm wool knitted dress, very comfortable dressing up!   Pure white hooked flower fur splicing women knitted sweater Pure white hooked flower fur splicing knitted sweater is also the easy-to-wear fashion item, cute and elegant brief design expresses sweet princess temperament. Inside wear a chiffon one-piece dress for matching to promote more outstanding fashion flavor.   Sweet naked sh
Late Nights
I was the one awake, While everyone else was sleeping, And my eyes were hurting, From all the weeping, You taught me a lesson, A lesson you like to teach , You taught me last night, You even tried to preach, Why did you leave, You said that you won't, Said not in a million years, Shut up, just don't, My arms were wide open, Reaching out to you, But in the end you hurt me, The way you always do, All the time I waisted, I can never take back, All the tears I've tasted, Just for you to get a laugh, I needed you to love me, I wanted nothing more, I wanted you to hug me, Only you I adored, I Try to love another, Now that we're apart, And in the end again, Another broken heart, If I died, would anyone weep for me, Would they even write a melody, If I'd said I loved you, would you have said it back, If I 'd said I hated you, would you have turned around and laughed, All the questions that I have for you, I know the answers will never be the truth, So I remain with tear fil
The Latest Statin Scare: Are You At Risk?
Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced new “black box” warnings for statins, the enormously prevalent drugs used to treat high cholesterol and heart disease. The warnings will appear on packaging for Lipitor (made by Pfizer), Crestor (made by AstraZeneca) and Zocor (made by Merck). Last year, more than 20 million Americans were taking a statin, according to statistics compiled by IMS Health- mulberry bags . As a group, statins have enriched pretty much all of the biggest pharmaceutical companies. However, most of the brand name statins are now available as generica. Lipitor, which became available late last year as generic atorvastatin, is the world’s all-time biggest selling prescription medicine with cumulative sales topping $130 billion- mulberry sale . If you’re experiencing tenderness, pain or weakness in muscles or joints while on a statin, it’s important to report this to your doctor right away, and in an assertive way that ge
Latest Imagination
Sitting at my desk… knowing I made a promise but hell I have no idea if you even read the email like you promised so why should I keep mine lol.   I close my eyes and in front of me in a bedroom not mine not anyone just a cute little room..  over on the night stand is one of my toys on the bed is a few pillows and not much else there is a tv so I plop down on the bed and turn it on..  while watching the show I think about the fact I should be scanning and not sitting here letting these thoughts go thru my head but fuck it why shouldn’t I ? I am human and we all think that way.     Taking the pillows I plop them behind my head and lay there realizes there is no ac in here just a little fan so I jump up and turn on the fan..   then figuring I am by myself I wiggle my jeans and panties off my hips and when they reach the floor I kick them off to the corner of the room laughing as I think good shot cause I got them right in the corner.   Figuring I am all by myself I reach
Latest Discount Michael Kors Watches And Shoes In Our Michael Kors Outlet Stores!
latest discount michael kors watches and shoes in our Michael Kors outlet stores! China, Philippines Fishing Ban Defuses Tensions A territorial squabble between China and the Philippines over a small group of islands in the South China Sea has not evolved into a going green agreement.  But a decision by both countries to implement a ban on fishing in the region has helped to temporarily defuse tensions between them.  cheap michael kors watches   From May 16 – August 1, China said it will stop fishing in an area that encompasses the Scarborough Shoal (Huangyan Island to the Chinese), a small group of islands it claims as part of its territory. The Philippines responded by announcing plans for its own fishing ban in the area. While Philippine Foreign Minister Albert del Rosario said called it an opportunity to replenish the rich fishing grounds, his statement was preface by a comment that was more direct to the issue. “We do not recognize China’s fishing ban inasm
Late Summer Chinese Fashion Online Shopping
    Women who focus on Japanese fashion always are able to see many street snap beauties from magazines. Modeling is very brief but still stylish. Do you want to become a street fashion queen? Follow Chinese fashion online shop to have a view at new season Korean fashion & Hong Kong Fashion collection! Perhaps you are the next focus of camera vision!   Leisure dress The white sweater women gentle and demure temperament sleeve design in the knitting method of the tails, so the sweater even more design. Slight shrug can take advantage of micro-and petite girls, it is more Queen gas field Oh! With a light color jeans, the overall shape is instantly showing a fresh charm.   Lace dress This summer, still continues the girls favorite Hong Kong Fashion lace elements, the use of lace flowers to create the dress, the student-collar embellishment reveals a well-behaved girls, sweet personality. With a chain bag, but also highlights the aristocratic temperament! Fo
Latest News
 > Indossa un Costume Savage Animalier per un Summer look 2012 very glam !    > Rosa shocking o il classico total black?...Crea il tuo Look ! LingeriediModa Milano il tuo Negozio di Intimo, Costumi e novita' esclusive. 63.000
Lately I Apologize!
The past two weeks have been INSANE and those of you who I chat with regularly know what's up. Family first always and formost (althogh some people don't seem to get that).Fubar is a game and a place to chat with some pretty cool and unique people. I have a FAMILY in REAL LIFE. Fubar is my SECOND FAMILY. I appreciate everyones help trying to keep my ratings and likes up while I am absent and I try very hard to return the love. My timing is the worst but I DO TRY. So, for those of you who actually read these blogs. I have children, my little one recently had major surgery and I'm dealing with that and now something is wrong with my dog. I AM VERY BUSY BUT I WILL DO MY BEST WHEN GIVEN TIME TO GET BACK WITH YOU ALL. And for those of you who can't accept that..FUCK OFF!!! To everyone else, again thank you very much for your patience!!!!!!! *Now back to the regularly scheduled programs*
Late Night Rant About What's On My Mind At The Moment.
May they step on a lego in the dark, one of those tiny ones that seem to always land pointy side up in the carpet like a tiny ninja. right now the "they" i'm referring to are people that hear you but don't "hear" you. the ones that just nod their head and wait for their turn to speak. I'm talking about the people that only like to bitch about life and how it's unfair to them but go deaf, blind and dumb whenever anyone tries to suggest to them any sort of alternative. these people are quick to nod their head with you if you are also complaining and will usually spend hours telling you their endless tales of woe for misery truly loves company. everything is a problem and perversely the worse it is, the happier they seem to be.   i learned long time ago that if i tried to base my definition of success, happiness and all that is right and fluffy with the world by the benchmark of others that life would always and forever suck the big one. i also learned that while there are few that can
Late Autumn Cape Coats Showing Modern Accent
                   If upper body is a bit fat, how to dress to match? In fact cape coat will be your good helper for this object. In late autumn season cloak coat is still popular, choosing a cape coat is not only to show fashion accent, but also cover fleshy to make you look slim. Then on cape coat how to choose it will look nice? Next wholesale clothing from China online shop for you brings the late autumn ladies cape coat series.   European retro plaid wool Korean fashion cape-style coat, no sleeves, which is equivalent to a cape-style coat. Because the cloak is with unique sense of style. The blast wave index is soared sharply. Such a slim version cape coat, shoulder lines is migraine tough; inside no matter Leggings can dress in layers.   Lapel double-breasted the decorative elegant ladies fashion cape coat, small lapel, very cool shoulder line, double-breasted, everywhere revealing retro British fashion sense. Lower body with all kinds of solid color casua
Latest Pics Whole Lot Of Pussy
recent fubar photo uploads   « Previous123Next »   Draven Lynn dezzi86 kel bel modgib JoJoSproutyu might think i'm a freak.. but yu just dnt kno me ;) dezzi86 beezee400
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Burberry Team is a good British brand name clothing and fashion accessories throughout the world, unfortunately in 1970, the company has grown to be just like a uniform of a number of hooligans within Britain. The actual well-known Uk fashion brand -- Burberry Trench Coat, managed to create a special devote the particular minds involving supporters style.Burberry wide array of high quality of numerous merchandise for women. Burberry goods include style Burberry applications as well as accessories such as Burberry nova check, along with a massive amount Discounted Burberry bags, scarves, shoes or boots, sunglasses, hand bags. It gives you an array of different items with good prices. For women who live far more alternatives to select from. With the amount of variations to select from, there's no doubt you'll find the best Burberry Sneakers use the special element. Burberry discounted fragrances along with colognes for men and some women decreased in order to resource lower price.Burberr
A Late Summer Night
It was a late summer night. The gentle glow of the fire made Kaylee excited about the beginning of summer. As she sat there embraced in Brad's arms she couldn't help but notice the heat on her face. She knew this heat wasn't only being caused by the fire, but from the tingling running through her body as Brad's fingers traced the top of her jeans. She'd been thinking about this night all week. The 2 of them, alone in front of a fire under the gorgeous stars. As Brad leaned in and started kissing her neck just behind her ear she felt a jolt of excitement shoot through her body. She tilted her head back leaning it against his shoulder as his hand slowly began to venture up her stomache beneath her shirt. His hand moving up her body made Brad very excited. He hope Kaylee had not noticed the sudden growth in his pants as his hand continued up her shirt to her luscious breats. Gently feeling his way into her bra to massage her nipple between his fingers. He hears Kaylee begin to breath
Late At Night
late at night  in front of a keyboard not much else to do but write and think for the night and day too   i am questioning everything  on the sun moon earth and stars and finding out the answers are within me and you   things we know things we feel things we think are the things that are real   questioning on this very night leads me to think that i am very very right    
Late Night Confessions
Late night confessions rarely see the light of day Wanting to hold you cuddling and snuggling you feeling what you feel wanting what you want getting inside your skin passionate heart wanting to be tamed hoping you feel the same The nuzzling of the neck nibbling of the ear saying your name passionately moments filled with intimacy wanting needing fulfilling satisifying comfortably holding you savoring the moment
Lately   Lately I feel so small Or maybe its just that my bed has grown I never noticed it before but you were there So how was I to know   That this single bed Was always meant for two Not just anyone It was meant for me and you   And now your halfway round the world And im just a day behind Nothin seems to fill the hole That I have since you left my side You'll always be my little girl Though I cant hold you tonight And now your halfway round the world
The Latest Range Of The Trendy Wholesale Clothing In Uk Stores
People who are interested to explore the new range of interesting and trendy clothes should go through the online wholesale clothes. Lots of good facts are there to be affiliated with the wholesale clothes and their online dealing. The foremost fact of interest in relevance to these stuffs is that one can set up a well going retail business of garments by being in contact of the wholesale clothing dealers. Here are some common but impressive service features about the excellent clothing suppliers that are offering bulk supply of products, so far.Quick and reliable delivery The most important service feature about the wholesale clothes UK shops is that they can help the clients with quick and trustworthy delivery of bulk garments. Regardless to the pace of the work and quality of the clothes affiliated with the trade, the awesome dealers of wholesale garment industry are ready always to meet the demand of their customers.Custom service dealings Another important thing
Latex Partay!
*dances*ADULTS ONLY!!18+In honor of my FANTASTIC MOMMA ANDThe LUNAR eclipse...I WILL BE PAINTING DA BRESTICLES!!!Women only;VOLUNTEER NOW!I only have time and supplies to paint 3 (THREE) ladies!!VOLUNTEERS...must be womenmust be hair free (from the waist up, "fuzz" doesn't seem to be affected as I use MOON DUST (locally made)CAN NOT be allergic to latex!!!Must be able to sit for a period of up to 3 (THREE) hours BREASTS will be exposed for up to an hourYOU CAN NOT BE SHYI WILL BE PHOTOGRAPHING THIS EVENTI will be painting the 3 chosen volunteers for FREE!!!YOU WILL RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS AND YOUR ARTWORK IS "WEARABLE and/or "FRAME-ABLE"I will be providing the wraps, tutus and accessories for the photo shoot.
Latex Partay!
*dances*ADULTS ONLY!!18+In honor of my FANTASTIC MOMMA ANDThe LUNAR eclipse...I WILL BE PAINTING DA BRESTICLES!!!Women only;VOLUNTEER NOW!I only have time and supplies to paint 3 (THREE) ladies!!VOLUNTEERS...must be womenmust be hair free (from the waist up, "fuzz" doesn't seem to be affected as I use MOON DUST (locally made)CAN NOT be allergic to latex!!!Must be able to sit for a period of up to 3 (THREE) hours BREASTS will be exposed for up to an hourYOU CAN NOT BE SHYI WILL BE PHOTOGRAPHING THIS EVENTI will be painting the 3 chosen volunteers for FREE!!!YOU WILL RECEIVE A COPY OF YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS AND YOUR ARTWORK IS "WEARABLE and/or "FRAME-ABLE"I will be providing the wraps, tutus and accessories for the photo shoot.*please PM me if you are interested in volunteering! old pics are located in my "I paint boobz album here on da fu" BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS!I LOVE TO CREATE TO LIVE TUNES!!FOOD and H20 AND SODAS WILL BE PROVIDEDB-BRINGY-YOURO-OWNB-BOOZE/BUDZBRING YOUR WALLETS!WE WILL BE
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Latest Info Will Update As Things Change Or Info Is Passed Onto Me!
☢☢--MISSIONS--☢☢Missions:Mission Mastery: 10 times = bronze mastery ; 25 more times = silver mastery ; 50 more times than that = gold master ; 100 more times than that = platinum mastery; 250 times more than that = Diamond mastery.New Platinum and Diamond Missions...* Extort From A Govt. Official-Platinum - 5 SCB-304 Subs 5 AH-64 Apache 4 Outlet Strips 5 Plasma Cannons 35 Silver Mines-Diamond level - $64 T, 400 skill pts , 20 BFG ,10 Plasma Cannons , 4 Turrets , 40 Gold Mine* Fix A Horse Race-Platinum - 5 Armored Trucks , 2 Mines , 1 Laser Turret , 80 Scrubs-Diamond - $48T , 400 skill pts 20 BFG , 4 Plasma Cannons , 3 Turrets, 75 Silver Mine* Commit Stock Fraud-Platinum - 250 Merc Repellents.-Diamond - $32T , 400 skill points , 20 BFG , 4 Plasma Cannons , 135 Data Center* Kidnap For Randsom-Platinum - cash regens every 5 minutes for 4 hours-Diamond - $24T , 400 skill pts , 10 BFG , 4 Plasma Cannons , 3 Turrets , 60 Copper Mine* Eavesdrop Cellular Phone Network-P
Lately Again Wowzers!!
Lately kinda been wondering what I did, but then its like this is my life. Sometimes its just screwy and sometimes it feels like its beyond repair. I am a Virgo, an eternal virgin. New to almost everything. I have had a difficult pathway before, so this oughta be a piece of fricking cake, right?? I was thinking of changing my screen name. Howz about Princess Elizabeth?? Woulda , coulda gone with Queen Elizabeth, but there is already one on Fubar. I don't know if she is online like I am and that is why I didn't go that route. Besides I like being one of a kind. It suits me better. Call me whatever you want, but I ain't no copy cat. Anyone that truely knows me can tell ya that. I'll try to keep everyone, that cares to read this, updated with the happenings while I live this life I am stuck with. Sparta went in to the vet and he had a disruption in is ear. It wasn't so much fluid in his ear, it was like a vein was leaking a little. The vet asked if he was like attacked by a larger ani
Latino Mix For All Mi Amigos. Te Amo (update Soon, Problem With The Player)
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