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Love Can
Love can move a mountain, As well as wake the sea. No matter the feelings strength, It's just not ment to be. Though the truth is painful, And unkind, Each other's happiness stands on the line. You may think it's wrong, Or even a painted lie. Though love can move a mountain, As well as wake the sea, We all know these feelings, Are just not ment to be.
Love... I Just Can't Explain
Love... I Just Can't Explain Love is deeper than those three little words Words so simple, but seem to melt your heart The ones that can keep you flying high When the two of you must be apart But its also those three little words That keep between two, a bond so strong When days apart seem like eternity To keep alive a love for the one we long When we were together your eyes did the talking I always felt the passion and love you had for me The depth of this fantasy when you gave me a hug While your heart was racing as you held me tightly Love is a sweet gesture much beyond words Like having dinner together or sharing a cup of coffee Cuddling close together while you nibble on my ear When you stop in your tracks to give a smile so sexy But when everything has vanished and simply no more What still lingers to remind me that you're still there It's not an act of greed but a desire of my heart To continuously remind me that you still care You're the one I
Love And Friends How U Know Who They Really Are
is you. . . . is love. . . . is shared. . . . is forgiving. . . . is understanding. . . . is shared secrets. . . . heals many hurts. . . . is not judgmental. . . . is shared laughter. . . . is slow and steady. . . . can be angry at times. . . . is dependable and true. . . . is more precious than silver or gold. . . . is meant to be savored like fine wine. . . . is not perfect, much like we are not perfect. . . . does not hold grudges or demand perfection. . . . makes all the wrong things in life, right somehow. . . . is meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day. . . . is always there, through times of trial, happy times and hard times. . . . just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tended like a beautiful garden. . . . is a road to be traveled slowly, remembering the sights and sounds. . . . is strength when you are too weak to notice its there. . . . is a cherished moment of mutual understanding. . . . reaches into your heart and grabs a firm ho
Love Sux
my b/f cheated on me once w/my best friend but he told me the truth and she lied. so i forgave him and were still together...over a year now. but as for her i cant stand her.
Love Bikes
Sexy Myspace Comments
Love Is On The Way
Lonely sidewalks Silent night Bring the evenin' Deep inside Hold me darling Touch me now Let the feelings Free tonight Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight Time of season Wipes the tears No rhyme or reason No more fears All the dreamin' Is far behind You are here now Everythin's alright Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight And in the morning I'll be gone away All the things are left behind If you need me I'll come night and day Let's stop the hands of time Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Love is on the way I can see it in your eyes Let's give it one more try tonight baby Music Video Codes
Lovely Lady Contest
Please click on the pic above ...Only if you wish to, or have the time to. Please feel free to vote and comment, for the lovely ladies contest that I entered. Thank you for your help, I don't care either way if I win or not, just thought it would help get the contest going cause he was short contestants. Thank you for your help. ~Melody
Love Is Lost
Love is Lost Emotional scars never heal, They always find a way to control how you feel. Love is supposed to be unconditional and free, I guess that isn’t something that is for me. It’s my entire fault I did it to myself, Now he has put his love for me up on the shelf. I guess in his mind it is over, There is no love in the clover. Help me to see this is right, Let me know that I have lost the fight. I love him still, And I always will. He has chosen a side that I am not on, He wants me out so I am gone.
The Love We Feel
I found this on the web, so it's somewhat dated, but I think it's every bit as true today: The Love we feel. There are times when we are timid and shy about expressing the love we feel. For fear of embarrassing the other person, or ourselves, we hesitate to say the actual words "I love you." So we try to communicate the idea in other words. We say 'take care' or 'don't drive too fast' or 'be good.' But really, these are just other ways of saying 'I love you,' 'you are important to me,' 'I care what happens to you,' 'I don't want you to get hurt.' We are sometimes very strange people. The only thing we want to say, and the one thing that we should say, is the one thing we don't say. And yet, because the feeling is so real, and the need to say it is so strong, we are driven to use other words and signs to say what we really mean. And many times the meaning never gets communicated at all and the other person is left feeling unloved and unwanted. Therefore, we have
Love Vs. Hate
Love must be learned again and again... Hate needs no instruction, but waits only to be provoked. - Katherine Anne Porter
Love, Lust, Marriage Thx Kitten
Love- When your eyes meet across a crowded room Lust- When your tongues meet across a crowded room Marriage- When you try to lose your spouse in a crowded room Love- When intercourse is called making love Lust- When intercourse in called screwing Marriage- When intercourse is a little town in Pennsylvania Love- When you argue over how many kids to have Lust- When you argue over who gets the wet spot Marriage- When you argue over whose idea it was to have kids Love- When you share everything you own Lust- When you steal everything they own Marriage- When the bank owns everything Love- When it doesn't matter if you don't climax Lust- When the relationship is over if you don't climax Marriage- When.... uh.... what's a climax Love- When your heart flutters every time you see them Lust- When your groin twitches every time you see them Marriage- When your wallet empties every time you see them Love- When all the songs on the radio describe exactly how you feel
Liefde..(L) voortdurend onrustig steeds maar weer dromen heen en weer lopen niet in te tomen denken aan hem alleen maar aan hem ik zie steeds zijn lach ik hoor steeds zijn stem nog maar heel eventjes nog een paar dagen dan zie ik hem weer ik ga 't erop wagen !
Love Hurts
"Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)" Whoa oh oh Ooh hooh No No No [Verse 1:] See, I dont know why I liked you so much I gave you all, of my trust I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel [Chorus:] Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now Fuck the presents might as well throw em out Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now Fuck the presents might as well throw em out Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back [Verse 2:] You thought, you could Keep this shit from me, yeah Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story Ya played me, ya even gave him head Now ya askin for me back Ya just another act, look elsewhere Cuz ya done with me Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now Fuck the presents might as well throw em out Fuck all those kisses they didn't mean jack Fuck you, you hoe,
Love Quotes 1
Don`t ever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you like will leave you for the one they love
Love Quote 2
It hard to say goodbye to the one u love, To let them go, even though u love them BuT the hardest thing is to admit that you still love them even though thay do not feel the same like the way you do... =(
Love Quote 3
Love: It Takes The Strong And Makes Them Weak, It Takes The Fearless And Gives Them Worries, It Takes The Dry Eyed And Fills Them With Tears, It Makes The Sain Crazy........Why Is Tthat
Love Quote 4
there are things in life dat u cant hold on to 4ever no matter how much u fight for it. sometimes DESTINY isnt alwayz good, it becomes playful.. When u meet someone you learn to love, u think that it's DESTINY had made ur paths cross. but what if making ur paths cross is just a part of da game DESTINY plays? making u realize in da end that the person you thought that was destined 4u wasn't really meant to stay.. but only destined 2 make u feel loved and then leave you when you've already fallen..why is that
Love Quote 5
Why do we fall for someone, who really isn't for us?......should we blame ourself for falling the wrong one,..or.....should we blame the one we fell for, because...they made us believe that they are the right one for us? ANOTHER 5 TOMMORROW I TO THINK OF MORE
Love, When You Know If Said To You
I LOVE YOU The words "I love you" do tell you how I feel, but they don't convey the sincerity or the depth of that love. If I could find the words to truly express my feelings for you, then that would surely make the greatest poem, or greatest prose ever written. If my love for you could be painted into a picture, people from all over the world would come to marvel at it's beauty. When I look at your perfection, I do so with much more than just my eyes. When I hold you tightly at night, it is not with just my arms that I caress you. As I utter the words "I would spend the rest of my life with you" , you should also hear, "I would give my life my for you." What little I have in this life I offer you...but more importantly I surrender my heart and my soul to you. Maybe now when you hear me utter the words "I love you", you'll know that they come from so much more than just my mouth... And even though it takes me but a moment to say them, I would have those wor
i was just thinkn, how could you love someone you havnt even meet or i mean say you love someone you havnt even meet. i think you should know that person first, meet them in person, hang out with them and then you could see if what your feeling is real if not then i guess it was never love. i also think, you and that person should have a friendship relationship from the start and then from that it could grow to be love. but i dont think you should rush it, if its ment to happen it will. i remember someone told me, its called falling in love, b'cuz ur falling into it and it just happens. for thoses who are reading this: i just want to say sometimes when your in love you dont notice certain things but just keep in mind what your friends mite be telling you 'cuz there prolly doing you a favor. and i also remember someone telling me, you dont really know someone until you live with them and then there true colors starts showing. good luck everyone in finding that special someone
Love Valor And Compassion
Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. Have you thought of it...... Love is not automatic. It takes conscious practice and awareness, just like playing the piano or golf. However, you have ample opportunities to practice. Everyone you meet can be your practice session.hate no one...cheers Be kind to who you meet daily....
Love Spell
Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat I wonder if you know, my love, that my heart is at your feet I leave it there for you to do whatever that you wish You could take my heart, and love me, Or just leave me in this bliss.
Love's Lost
In the darkness I see her in the distances, Yet no matter how fast I run she never gets closer, I cry tears of blood for my lost love! My heart it burns with all the shadows of her life, Yet in this darkness she has gifted me I weep, Weep for her pain witch keeps me so far from her warmth, From her tenderness and love. I fear I am reaching the end of my time And yet I am no closer to her, She looks so radiant in the moon light! Yet as I look upon her beauty I weep tears of blood. I do not cry because she is so beautiful although I should! I do not cry because I can not love her because I can! I cry tears of blood because I can never have her for my own, Never shear the love she has or the pain she bears, Never hold her soft body or smell her sweet hair, Never taste her sweetness or bed with her! I stop running now and turn! I do not give up! But I do know when I can not win! Alone I start to walk, And I shall never stop walking until my love returns to me! I am T
Love War
Loves War All across this land, People don’t understand, The violent war around, And the home it’s found, Right next to you and me, Making us unhappy. Violence took someone’s son, With a knife or gun. It’s really not fair, It shouldn’t be here. Time may ease the pain, And take away the rain, But some family’s never, Forget violence is forever. Angry words build, Until someone is killed. Then time is too late, Someone stands at heaven’s gate. So I pray for peace and love, To descend from up above. Take away the hatred, Replace it with the sacred. Take the time and pray with me, That someday we might see, The war was won by love, God sent down from up above.
Lovely Dark Contest
Hey Friends and Fans, I wanna throw my first conest called Lovely Darkness Contest. Any one can enter as long as the picture is dark (as in goth-ish or something a long those lines)and is a picture of yourself. Winner recieves a big gift ( I know it's not as good as a blast, but hey at least you won and had fun right and I can't even afford to buy myself a blast right now). Anything goes, I ask that if you join, don't vote or comment bomb yourself, unless needed. Get with me so I can get the picture you want in contest. Space is limited and contest will start when I have enough people. Come join and have fun! Thanks, -ReD P.S. I want to do this for you. I want to be able to give back what I can.
Love Of A Life Time
can u have more than one true love what u had him and didnt relize he was ur true love till it was to late is it possible to win there heart back again what if uve changed everything he said went wrong in the realtionship but for some reason u cant bring ur self to tell him ur still in love with hes one of my best friends and every time i see him i just want to lay in his arms but im afraid if i tell him it will ruin are friendship what do i do please help do i tell him or pray to my magical gods hell read this blog
Love You To Death
Love Medley
Love Is Blind
Your cruel humor, and the stick way I love every word of it, and every bit of you. Your habit of pushing me too far, too many times. My inconsistent moods, only brought on by yours. Your torturing words. The way i let them inside me. The way i'd love you inside me. Your way of redefining everything, you've got such improper motives, boy. How you hollowed me out, yet left more than i had. My half-assed way I go about everything but when it comes to you, i'm so desperate. Your hypothetical reasoning, my guilty conscience, you know i'd never, no one but you. And I think you had me believing your lies, I think I still do. You said you're running empty, but if you're damaged, I must be blind
Love Defined
What is love, but an emotion, So strong and so pure, That nurtured and shared with another All tests it will endure? What is love, but a force To bring the mighty low, With the strength to shame the mountains And halt time’s ceaseless flow? What is love, but a triumph, A glorious goal attained, The union of two souls, two hearts A bond the angels have ordained? What is love, but a champion, To cast the tyrant from his throne, And raise the flag of truth and peace, And fear of death o’erthrow? What is love, but a beacon, To guide the wayward heart, A blazing light upon the shoals That dash cherished dreams apart? And what is love, but forever, Eternal and sincere, A flame that through wax and wane Will outlive life’s brief years? So I’ll tell it on the mountaintops, In all places high and low, That love for you is my reason to be, And will never break or bow.
Love Rollercoaster
Love Hard When It's To Be Had
You aren't going to be her first, Her last, Or her only. She has loved before, She will love again, But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect. You aren't either. And the two of you will never be perfect. But if she can make you laugh at least once, Causes you to think twice, And admits to being human and making mistakes, Hold on to her and give her the most you can. She isn't going to quote poetry, She's not thinking about you every moment, But she will give you a part of her that she knows you could break. Don't hurt her, Don't change her, Don't expect more than she can give. Don't analyze. Smile when she makes you happy, Yell when she makes you mad, And miss her when she's not there. Love hard when there is love to be had.
Love Can Be
Sometimes love can be quiet And sometimes love can be still But always love is patient And is a choice of our will Sometimes love can be vibrant Sometimes it's not easily felt But always love is eternal And is never boastful or proud Sometimes love can be tender Then sometimes hard to express But always love is truthful And believes in the very best Sometimes love can be exciting And love can sometimes be sweet For love is always trusting And chooses never to envy Sometimes love can be painful Then sometimes love's like a song But always love is forgiving And keeps no record of wrongs Sometimes love can be gentle Then sometimes it’s just a word But always love protects and hopes And love is always preserved Love is never self-seeking And is never angered or rude Love can never fail us For God’s love is faithful and true.
Post this and see how many messages u get....don't be scared!! (1) just friends (2) gorgeous (3) cute as heck (4) hot (5) fine (6) sexy (7) amazingly sexy (8) we can be friends with benefits (9) id take u to my crib (10) i want 2 make u my gf/bf (11) i love u baby (12) i need u in my life so be with me plz repost this or see 9 years of bad relationship
Love And Respect.... Steinie
MOTORCYCLE WISDOM Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul. Most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handlebars to the saddle. Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 60 mph! You start the game of life with a full pot O luck and an empty pot O experience...the object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older. Midnight bugs taste just as bad as noontime bugs. Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need. It takes more love to share the saddle than it does to share the bed. The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rearview mirror. Never be afraid to slow down. Don't ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise. Sometimes it takes a whole tankful of fuel before you can think straight. Riding faster than everyone else only guarantees you'll ride al
From the time I wake 'Till the time I sleep And even in my dreams I think of you. I like to talk, And fool around Or, just sit and stare But only when I'm with you I never thought that this could happen, These feelings that I have. I feel lust, I feel passion, I feel need for you Is it love or obsession? Friendship or desire? I don't know. But I want it forever. I never want it to go away.
Lover's Dance
Glistening bodies entwined in an ageless erotic dance, seeking pleasures from each other, seeking wonder and romance. She touches his face with tenderness. He draws her body near. Aching, needing hunger will make their destiny clear. Their lips meet in soft kisses, their tongues begin passion's war. Forgotten now, the outside world. All is here, behind this door. He strokes her body tenderly, she arches up for his caress. He finds her silken portal and her womanly wetness. She moans in fiery desire and pulls his hand away, wishing to end this exquisite torture and get on with passion's play. She straddles his waiting body, eases him into her feminine hollow. She leads him on a rhythmic dance, his thrusting hips must follow. She rides him faster, even then, to hear his wondrous sighs. She shows him all the delights she has between her womanly thighs. They stare into each other's eyes and gasp as ecstasy unreels, and tangles them in a lover's k
Loves Rules
1 . Tell her she is beautiful (not fine, or sexy) 2 . Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second. 3 . Kiss her on the forehead. 4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to. 5 . When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you. 6 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most. 7 . PICK HER OVER ALL YOUR OTHER FRIENDS!! 8 . Write her notes. (she loves them) 9 . Introduce her to family and friends 10 . Play with her hair. 11 .Tickle her, and play-wrestle with her. 12 . Sit in the park and just talk to her. 13 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, or just tell her jokes. 14 . Let her fall asleep in your arms. 15 . If she's mad at you, kiss her. 16 . Make her laugh. 17 . Bring her flowers 18 . Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone. 19 . Look her in the eyes and smile. 20 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants. 21 . Kiss her
Lover Lay Down
Lover lay down, Let me kiss you softly. Let me touch your soul. Let me taste your health.. Lover lay down, Give so sweetly to me your heart. Let me caress your inner light with these ever so childish intentions of playing in your garden.. Let me watch your flower bloom....see those beconning vibrant colors of a fleshy pink to a blushing red... This color red so inviting...inticeing my fingertips to induldge in the simple pleasures of your majestic beauty... So Lover come and lay down with me in this eden of life, lets swim in this ocean that we have made, you and me baby all the way.... Lay Down Lover Lover Lay Down ~Goddess Of Green
Love(for My Man)
L. is for the LONG lasting life I pray to god I will be able to share with u O. is for the OVERWELLMING emotions I have for you and they grow with each passing day V. is for the amount of VALUE in the relationship we have the words spoken and the times we have together E. is for never being able to get ENOUGH of everything about who u r to me
Love Language
I feel loved when...The Five Love Languages My Primary Love Language is Physical TouchMy Detailed Results:Physical Touch: 11Quality Time: 9Acts of Service: 4Receiving Gifts: 4Words of Affirmation: 2About this quiz Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.Take the Quiz!Check out the Book
Love Dsl,i Get Harder,
love seeing all of your sexy pixs sooner than later,thanks to my dsl.. good times.. also I am workin on a new erotik tale.. about my neighbors girlfriend down the hall...
Love (undefined)
The word "love" may be the most battered, abused, and misused word in the English language. To define love is impossible due to the over-whelming abundance of emotion; Yet, lack of time and vocabulary. We have little trouble saying it, but more difficulty sharing it because so few of us truly feel it. To "feel love" is the ONLY way to "know love".
A Lovers' Pact
The snow, so peaceful and serene, caressed by the soft moonlight, gave magical feelings to the night. The soft blue glow, the lovers' words that then did flow, their lips closer and closer until, locked in the throes of a passionate embrace, he decided to express his feelings, to keep her safe. He whispered softly, his words like music to her ears, "I Love You," and her response the same, heard like the gentle breeze, "And I, love you, forever." That was the night they promised to be together through everything, each to care for the other when old and gray A lovers' pact the most likely to last.
The Lovers Dance
Like night and day Their bodies swayed The dance of lovers Wrapped in such an embrace Not even fate could brake As time ticked on feelings grew But their words caused pain Things became complicated As time meandered on Fear of loosing a waging war set in For then truth was spoken Once again they danced the lovers dance For they soared high on music of passion And for just a moment Closer then ever before Entwined in each other like serpents They became one……. Fate tried to stop it Unable to break the bonds As the inner light shined from their embraced bodies All was calm Though the war raged on inside them She was drawn to him Like a moth to the flame Dieing to dance yet again…….. © Biker REDS 2007
Loves a gift,not an obligation. Loves not a negotiation. Loves about comprimising. Loves going to leave you with a brokenheart sometimes. Loves a barrel of Laughs & Cries. Loves really cruel sometimes. Loves leaving memories. Loves left me in second place,right behind, Loves not forgiving you. Loves already left me. Loves blinded,and i'm still laying here. Loves not now, Loves really not knowing,what happens next, Loves already lost in time. Loves already split right down the line. Loves not always right, Loves leaving you like before. Loves taken me Loves given you Loves Forgave, Loves nearly impossible to replace, Loves like ours, destiny & fate erased...
The Love
Each time W/we meet the love grows leaps and bounds To fill You in my arms warms me inside When You take my face between Your hands i feel like never before Your lips only touch mine in body and soul When O/our bodies become one everything else in the world melts away You cleanse my body and soul With You i reach new heights i have never known before When it ends after each encounter i feel a sorrow that i have never felt in my life i long and hurt deep down inside myself Until the time W/we can be together again.
Love Grief
Don't equate Friends with love never imagine something when it drifts with the wind never hold on tight to something not there don't believe in something to someone who doesn't share don't relax when you think its forever don't give in full fledged in an empty bed you feel it in your soul that girl says she loves you just to lay in bed restless with nobody to hold feels like love you think she may say it to you but what tomorrow brings shatters your heart in two ~Timmy~
Lover (lords Of Acid)
Fill me up, don't stop Just a little deeper, baby Give it your best shot although it seems a little too fast for you Do you think I'm too rough for you Lover I will come for you Lover, anytime you ant me to Lover, I'll be there for you Lover Lover Lover Give me some let's get it on Just a little harder baby Gotta come on strong If you want I'll set you free Gotta give you big time sexuality Lover, I will come for you Lover anytime you want me to Lover I'll be there for you Lover Lover Lover
Love & Trust
It seems no matter where you are in a relationship it's always lacking trust, and like a key opens a door, trust is what opens a heart. Without trust you begin to worry day and night somehow gaining insecurities within yourself that makes you question the love you two share. You start to feel unworthy, you have so much to say, will there ever be trust or just that constant pain, because of those feelings there's an emptiness in your heart. you feel it's easiest to just move on, but you wonder if you'll ever find a love so strong, so just take his hand, put your trust in him, because love without trust isn't love at all.....
Love Poem
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
Love Is ...
Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
The Love That Never Was
as i rode my bike through the sun splashed ,curving roads of the lake i saw a large rock sitting among the trees.i pulled up by the rock and shut my bike down and just listened.i heard the leaves restle in the wind as the soft spring air gently carressed the limbs overhead,and the birds singing while geese squalled overhead.i got off my bike and sat with my back against the mighty fallen stone still damp from the mornings dew.the coolness of the grass relaxed me as did the sounds surrounding me. i lay my head upon my helmet,listening to the quiet sounds of nature and let my thoughts run random through my mind.i thought of a friend of mine,and how we had become such close friends.i thought of her inner beauty that attracted me to be her friend.she was always there when i needed a shoulder or comforting word.she was always there to tell me when i was wrong,and she was always there to make me laugh. i truely loved my friend and i wandered what if.what if we carried this to
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For Love is sufficient unto Love. When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather,"I am in the heart of God." And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your couse. Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; and to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home at eventide with gratitude; And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips. Kahlil Gibran
Love Sucks Royally
I don’t know why I picked this day of all days to vent this out of my system once and for all. I am a mother of 3 beautiful girls, when I met their father all was wonderful, until he started his drinking and staying out all night with his friends. Then it became his co-workers after work. From there it became some chick he met at work. When he stopped coming home and stopped caring I figured that was probably a good way to say its over. I was with him for 9 years. He is the father of all three of my children and now believe it or not we are pretty good friends..... Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t be able to live in the same house with him again or even the same state w/o killing him but since e are now 3000 miles apart I figure all is good and move on with my life. Next up would be an older man I met online and had a halfway serious relationship with until he decides to tell me he’s going to stay with his wife and make things better.... well now wasn’t that fun. For a while I k
What is love? How do you know your in love? Love has so many different meanings. You can tell your in love when you cant seem to get that special someone off your mind. You think about them all the time, whether your in a bad mood or a good one. Anybody can say those three words, but do they mean it? If I were to say it, then yes I'd mean it. Because there is only one person that goes threw my mind all the time. And yes "love at first" can happen. It's happened to me as well as others.
What is love? You know what I believed love was... i believed love was unconditional. When you truly loved someone, nothing would stop it. There was no, I love you, BUT.... it was always just, I love you. Problems happen. People fight. Things go wrong. Love, is forever. You don't just start loving someone and stop loving someone. It's not something you turn off like a lightbulb. One day you love them, the next you don't. If you truly love someone, you love them even when you hate them. You love them when they hurt you, you love them when they're wrong. You never leave them when things just get tough.... you endure a lot.... sure, there is a line to draw... but it's not just when things get too hard.... thats what "working things out" is about....You love them no matter what. Love, is supposed to be unconditional, enduring, eternal.... undying... Love is enough to conquer all.Love is all you need. Love is enough. But, is that real?? Is that true?? Is that the way love really goes?? Is l
Love Confession #2
i found u or did u find me? like in a grooved vinyl knoll of tears for fears and prince burst on the scene of love strutted like red carpet stars stars stars stars over life's parade flashing brighter than paparazzi cameras we burn sex more torrid than the sun abiding til that star burns out in a cpl billion yrs cuz we will b there loving each other headed 4 planets farther than pluto and we r past Venus now whumanbard, ncpv, 2006
Love Will Keep Us Together
Love Song
Love Song By:third Day
These lyrics touch my heart deeply. The message is simple guys, Jesus is the only way, the only truth, the only life. Yeah, you might say I've heard this stuff a thousand times.. but have you really? I mean have you honestly and completely heard it, not with ears that are fleshly? Yet with the heart that is true? Read these lyrics, I encourage you to download the song. When you listen to it or just read it, think of the day Jesus spent on Calvary. Everything he went through for you. Listen with your heart guys, read with not your eyes but with your heart, that's when the message becomes more truthful then you could ever imagine. By: Third Day Title: Love Song I've heard it said that a man would climb a mountain Just to be with the one he loves How many times has he broken that promise It has never been done. I've never climbed the highest mountain But I walked the hill of calvary Chorus: Just to be with you, I'd do anything There's no price I would not pay Jus
The Love Of Your Mother
The Love of Your Mother Your Mother is always with you. She's the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street, she's the smell of certain foods you remember, flowers you pick And perfume that she wore, she's the cool hand on your brow when You're not feeling well, she's your breath in the air on a cold winter's day. She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep, The colors of a rainbow, she is Christmas morning. Your Mother lives inside your laughter. And she's crystallized in every tear drop. A mother shows every emotion......... Happiness, sadness, fear, jealousy, love, hate, anger, Helplessness, excitement, joy, sorrow.....and all the while, Hoping and praying you will only know the good feelings in life. She's the place you came from, your first home, and she's the Map you follow with every step you take. She's your first love, Your first friend, even your first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you.Not time, not space.....
"love Is The Greatest Instinct- Follow Your Heart!"
"Love is the greatest instinct- Follow your heart!" For all those men who say, Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free. Here's an update for you: Now days, 80% of women are against marriage, WHY? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage. Men are like.... 1. Men are like .Laxatives ....... They irritate the crap out of you. 2. Men are like.Bananas The older they get, the less firm they are. 3. Men are like ......Weather Nothing can be done to change them. 4. Men are like .......Blenders You need One, but you're not quite sure why. 5. Men are like .....Chocolate Bars ... Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips. 6. Men are like ...Commercials ....... You can't believe a word they say. 7. Men are like Department Stores ....... Their clothes are always 1/2 off. 8. Men are like ...Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature. 9. Men are like ....Mascara They usually run at the first sign
Loves You Very Much!
THIS P3RSON LOV3S YOU V3RY MUCH ____________00________________ ___________000________________ _________00000000000000000000_ _______0000000000000000000000_ _________00000000000000000000_ ___________000________________ ____________00________________ SEND THIS 2 AS MANY PPL YOU LOVE AND SEND IT BACK 2 ME IF U HAVE LOVE FOR ME.. LETS SEE HOW MANY PPL LOVE YOU..
Love Quote
Your Love Quote Death can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while. What Love Quote Suits You?
Love Is..........
ok so i came across a ton of love is comics from the 80's comic srtip. well i made this cuz .. well.. i did and i hope you enjoy it...... especialy you :) enjoy!
The Love You Take Is = To The Love You Make
This is actually about GRUDGES. It's understandable to get angry at a friend if they make a stupid comment. I just don't understand holding a grudge about it, even after they sincerly apologize. I don't get why you'd let a minor thing mess up something and just refuse to forgive someone. It is so hard to find people in this world that genuinely want to get to know you, and make you happy- why would you throw that away without even caring? I used to hold grudges to a stupid degree when I was younger, but then I realized how lonely it made me and how many fantastic people it pushed away. Being upset is natural, but holding something against someone apologetic is cruel. Anyone who has no forgiveness or empathy doesn't deserve to have serious relationships, since that's a huge part of it. Not taking into account the fact that HUMAN BEINGS MAKE MISTAKES and AREN'T PERFECT (guess what- you aren't perfect either!) cements a person into keeping superficial relationships and never feeling th
Love And Lust
two bodies come close spirits and minds ablaze with passion join as one kiss seems to melt on forever as hands explore their lovers body hours melt away in this time of sensual bliss as climaxes of raging passion wash over them like waves apon the storm called love and lust we share
Love Me Not...........
Love Is Happiness
Love is Happiness Love is forgiving, but never forgets someday someone says something the other regrets. True as Fiction love holds no bounds but, no matter what is said things come crashing from above right to the ground. Everything seems fine to the outside world, but looks can be deceiving, and what is said both partners are grieving. Wanting to say sorry and forget the hurt full words but sorry doesn't mend the hole in your heart, so you keep your mouth shut to heal the broken part. Never the right words do I find, so I hope these words help the broken parts to bind. I love you very much, I shudder at your touch. I don't know what I'd do if you were not there..., so when you be my trial judge and jury please be fair. Jason I love you!
Love Letter
Love Letter If you're reading this then that must mean, I've worked up the courage that was unseen. Upon pondering love I came to find, that you were what came to my mind. So, I'm here to ask if you love me so; there's only two answers: yes or no. If it's no, then don`t mind me, dreaming of how I wish it could be. If it's no, turn me away, knowing I'll find true love someday. If it's no, I'll realize, there was never anything within your eyes. But, if it's yes, tears I will shed- tears of joy and not of dread.
Love Hurts
You told me that you loved me, you told me that you always will. Then one night as I sit home waiting for you to Come home. I heard that you didn't want me and that you went out with your New friend. As I heard this the tears just wouldn't stop falling. Then you called me and I asked you about it and you started to yell at me. As you yelled I could feel my heart break in two. To me it was so perfect, to me it was going fine, i never thought i'd lose you i thought you'd always be mine.How come i never noticed, how come i couldn't see, that you were changing your mind, the way you felt about me.We could of worked it out, wecould of talked it through, but you left it so long, there was only one thing you could do. You tried to tell me nicely, you asked me if i'd cry, but my heart just tore apart, as i let out a sigh. We hugged for the last time, and i didn't wanna let go, but i finally pulled away as i told myself no! i held in my tears i began to walk away, when people asked what happ
Can Some one Find True Love On the Net? I have found this one lady that i Want in my life and she is so sweet and kind. She Loves me Back And we have never Meet. She Lives so Fare away and I would love for her to Come to Me. I Raise Horses and for me to Pack up and Move is Out of this world. I am Broke and the Horses Take most of my money. So Moving is Out of the Question for me. I hear People Falling in Love all the Time on Here. But is it a Good Thing Or bad. Have any one of you out their Fell in Love on the Net and Did It work Out?
Sweet Sapphire Sunshine Graced the horizon Light filled my eyes Morning song fluttered through my window Breeze, Light as a whisper, touch my face I woke and greeted the day Memories of love filled my heart I turned and smiled as my prince slept A child like innocence crossed his face God how I loved him He was my life and I worshiped him
A Love Story
A boy and A girl meet A boy and a girl fall inlove A boy and a girl have problems, and that isn't any fun A boy and a girl marry A boy and a girl have a son A boy and a girl get frustated,and now the fight's begun A boy and a girl keep living A boy and a girl keep going A boy and a girl keeps fighting,and now it affects the son A boy and a girl struggleing A boy and a girl keep sharing A boy and a girl keep fighting, what else can be done A boy and a girl make up A boy and a girl have fun A boy and a girl keep going at it, on no hide the gun!
Love And Cherish Each Other
Love Hurts
I guess I thought you'd be here forever Another illusion I chose to create Don't know what you've got until its gone And I found out a little too late. The tears they fall The sleep wont come My eyes are red My heart is sore and My strengths undone I tried so hard to keep control and make you proud......
Love Song--the Cure
Love Test
How You Are In Love You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time. You tend to take more than give in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love?
Love In A Mental Hospital
Love in a Mental Hospital Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable. When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged; since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving th
Love The Lord
The only value of feeling emptiness is the pain of the experience as a contrast to send forth the desire to fill "the void within" in a healthy and sane manner. The only Love that is Real is the Love of our Creator, Who Loves everyone equally and unconditionally, and creates all in the Image and Substance of Love. "Love created me like Itself," and "There is no Love but God's",A COURSE IN MIRACLES, Workbook. To fill the emptiness within us is to learn the Value of Loving our Source and all others with the Quality of Love that Source extends to each of us. To believe there is value in emptiness is to choose to create emptiness. l prefer to experience myself as Whole and Complete, and over-flowing with Joy: A Spiritual Being creating wonderful fullness on a material
you are the strength that keeps me walking you are the hope that keeps me trusting you are the life to my soul you are my purpose you're everything and how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you would you tell me how could it be any better than this yeah you calm the storms and you give me rest you hold me in your hands you won't let me fall you still my heart and you take my breath away would you take me in take me deeper now and how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you would you tell me how could it be any better than this and how can I stand here with you and not be moved
Love And Lust - Yes I Wrote It Lol
She was looking into her own eyes. Those big brown eyes. Looking into her own soul, possibly, and of all the things she could be thinking about, her school, her job, her fiancée, the only thing on her mind at this time was the warm hand beginning to wrap around her waist. Normally she would have pushed it aside, but the person who was trying to hold her closer was someone she had dealt with in the past. Their past was clouded with confusion, hurt feelings, beautiful moments, and the unfinished business that would never be quite resolved, and the “what ifs” that fate would hopefully let them try. She wondered what her fiancée would say about the situation she was letting herself into? Her fiancée would probably want to know why she would risk their union over this man. Knowing her fiancée’s obvious reaction she could only feel a slight guilt by this. She knew why though, this man had made her life more interesting at times, and was same man that had guided her through
I want to be the first thing you think of in the morning and the last thing you think of at night. I want to be the piece that completes your puzzle. I want to be the one you think about when you hear a song on the radio. I want to be the one you crave to touch when your not near me. I want you to long to hear my voice, touch my face, smell my skin. I want to be the one that completes you!©
Love To All My Dear Friends
Love Sucks Or Does It ? love sucks ... First of all, yes, love does suck, at times ... but what makes it wonderful, fulfilling, forever? I do not know the answer to this haunting question. Since my divorce, I have met both men and women who are cold and hard-hearted. They use ppl for sex, companionship ... then just say goodbye as though nothing ever happened. I too almost became one of these ppl ... at times, I can see why they do this ... as I too have been hurt deeply. But I have a problem, I was not raised that way ... I was raised by awesome, real southern women who cherished family, God and country. They taught me to respect others, to love without fear, to have a heart that never closed to anyone. After my first dating experienced as a divorced woman, in which he said he loved me and wanted to grow old with me, when it ended, I too felt cold and hard of heart ... I believed all men were going to be this way ... that they would use me, and then toss me to the curb ... It bu
A Lovely Email
i wanted to share this email i got with my dear friends, so you can see what kind of men i attract lmfao Baby i'm crazy for you!!!!!!! you are wonderful, wonderful face ! BIG tits , mm your thigh and ass WOWOW pleae videochat with me!!! with MSN!! please i want see you online only for me KISSSS
Love Love is between a mother and a child… Love is between a father and a child…. Love is between two lovers… Love is between family members…. Love is between friends….. Some may ask is love is real or not… Some may already know…. There are some who are about to find out what love is … So you ask is love real… It is very real just you might have not… Have found it yet …. Love is all around you … Even though you can’t see it…. You can feel love… Love is what you have for your family and friends… Love is what you and your lover feel between each other…. Love is between two lovers…. Love is what you feel in your heart for the other half of you… Love is where you can’t stand to be away from your lover.. Love is where you can’t stop think about the other …. Love is where you want to be with each other for the rest of your life no matter what….. Love is no matter what each other is there for you…. Love is where you would do anything for the other no matt
I live day by day, I cry minute per minute, I like so many but love only one. He floats my my boat in the river yet sinks it in the sea. He is like the sun: it burns to see, it burns even more when he is with another girl, Neal, I need; makes me bleed but never touches me. The sky is blue, though I have no clue when and where we'll meet. He is five foot eight and mediem weight and a little darker than me, too. He is three years older yet not me, too. So here I go, no one knows, so still I have some time. I will go ad tell you to be with me and no one else.
I'm approaching you with a passion on a long day and Ive been driven by attraction in a strong way everything you do makes it all worth while and no matter what you do you always make me smile your the only person that keeps me away from violence without you in my life i would suffer eternal silence i hope you know I'm here to stay and i hope you know i love you more every day
Love 2
Love is like a flower, Blossoming every hour. Everyone has a wish To catch the best fish. I've caught the best catch, Found the perfect match. Nobody do sure, If their love is so pure, So gentle and kind, A nice piece of mind. I have a love to stay behind. We'll get through all the obstacles we may find. I have a love, and he is so pure, I am almost completely sure. My love is like a flower that will not die. The passion is found way up high. My love will stay with me until we age. My love is my secret, so turn the page.
i love this woman with all of my heart and she knows who she is... i want to spend every waking moment with her and just hold her and kiss her all the time..... I LOVE YOU ROXY
Love And Relationships
To love is to share life together to build special plans just for two to work side by side and then smile with pride as one by one, dreams all come true. To love is to help and encourage with smiles and sincere words of praise to take time to share to listen and care in tender, affectionate ways. To love is to have someone special one who you can always depend to be there through the years sharing laughter and tears as a partner, a lover, a friend. To love is to make special memories of moments you love to recall of all the good things that sharing life brings love is the greatest of all. I've learned the full meaning of sharing and caring and having my dreams all come true; I've learned the full meaning of being in love by being and loving with you.
What we thought was love and happiness? Is now gone all that's left is to move on. Say goodbye and walk away. Take your wounded pride put it aside. The game of love you have lost. Your broken heart is the cost. Count your blessings and pray. maybe You will win at the game of love one day. Just learn when to walk away. Your strong enough to say good bye. Don't hold back it's okay to cry love hurts sometimes
Love / Hate Relationships
I really like what I do at my day gig... Needed to say that before I got into this... I must be a masochist - the guys that work for me would probably call me a sadist - because while i'm doing my job, I go after each problem with singular energy and passion. the upside of that is that I get the downside is that I take it 'personally' when people get in my way or if they slow my guys down. and that just makes me drive issues to conclusion with more force - nice, polite, you can't be mad at the funny, smiling guy, force. I don't usually get into any kind of trouble; in fact i seem to be something of a star there, but that's not the problem here. let's get to the hate... Ignorance is a curable condition. I am really developing an abject hatred for the ignorant among us... not the stupid, they have little choice, if any, in being stupid, but the ignorant could always decide to give up being ignorant. when the ignorant choose to stay ignorant,
Love, What Is Love?: Caroline Morrison
Love, what is love? Is it a car, a house, a bike, a rose? What is it? If it was ment to be material then I would have no choice but to except it. I am not to familiar with what love is, because I only know one kind of love and that is the kind of love called unconditional love. As far as the love that means touching, feeling, trusting, giving, sharing, forgiving, and understanding. I could go on forever with what I believe it to be, yet there is no sense because it only exists in my dreams. If it were real, then why don't I feel it? All everyone cares about is material things. Come on, This whole world can't possily believe that love is baseed like that? What happen to having a heart towards happy unconditional feelings? Let's all love each other for who we are and not what mateial thing we have.
Love Hurts
Ever felt that once u fall in love u cant get out of it... i know that feeling my heart was broken twice... i still love them both but its never gonna work... i wish one of them would work out but its not going to i know it... so in other words what im trying to say is that LOVE FUCKIN HURTS LIKE HELL... well hit me back if ya'll want...
Love Comes In Many Forms
Love is something that we cannot describe A form of matter or something casted aside Many seek it for lust or power Few shall encounter the passion of love's truth Love can be many things within our daily lives. Love can represent the feelings to your family Raised you and kept you safe at times Knew what you needed and did what was best Sometimes they gave you problems But always gave you some form of love. Love can be the power of achievement Reaching a point of one's life That was thought to take a lifetime But the goal has been met and the challenge completed The love one gives themself is something spectacular. Love can be something one can hold The hand of someone who they find an equal Warmth traded to signal the spark of passion Being with the person who means so much Love can come in a physical form. Love is to be the everlasting quest For knowledge that many still do not know Love can be in anything possible And the one thing I want love to be
Just wanted to give a shout out to the love of my life, Matthew and my wonderful daughter, Breanna....I LOVE YOU BOTH DEARLY!!!!!!!....and yes sissy boo i love you too
I asked god for a flower ...he gave me a garden I asked god for a tree...he gave me a forest I asked God for a crumb…he gave me a feast I asked God for something…he gave me everything I asked god for an angel...he gave me you
Loves Song
like a siren i can sing a song to turn to love form a fling my sould you taste from the love we make my words pierce you heart as my soul arouses other parts when you know it was me you wanted all along i know it was just loves song Music Video Codes By Music
THE BIG SECRET.... aftermath of my hearts desire everything in my path was set on fire he comes around more than ever we tell him it was the drinking but only once the big secret it was more than once the pure enjoyment of this kiss lingers in my thoughts as i sober up my fantasies runth my over my cup when i see his face it transform me back to that dark place where it was okay to keep those feelings astray his touch overwhelmes my body like no other could at this point in time the big secret, well the big secret is? i enjoyed it, and want more... even though its forbidden....
ITS NOT OKAY TO STARE.. ITS NOT OKAY TO STARE.... its not okay to stare at my breasts those you cant touch its not okay to stare at my ass wishing to grab them firmly its not okay to make rude sexual comments because you dont wanna know the real me i am not a notch in your bed post i am a warm caring person who would rock your world its not okay to stare and drool because i am not your pin up on your sleazy wall posing sexy for you, thats degrading its not okay to stare.....
HER LIFE...... left laying upon the tracks feeling all alone off in the distance is a train wondering where you been wondering if you will be back memories play upon my mind like a juke box still hear your voice, always turning around to see if youre there is it really over? my thoughts take a vacation from this new lover my body begins to quiver as if your hands are roaming all over the way you look at me makes my heart jump i would have dropped everything when i hear the knock upon my window, this train is approaching the whistle is blowing my life is all tied up upon these old tracks my love within has been rough up, torn apart from my very being because of you...
YOU...... how my heart races when i see you, how my lips want to kiss yours, how i can only imagine your touch upon my face, how a simple cuddle who last a lifetime in memories.... thats you...
Love Me Or Hate Me
Look to everybody bitchin because i rated u or ur photo low don't get mad im just honest see this is how it goes every1 has it in them to be rated a 10 truthfully but if i didn't rate u a 10 it's because you didn't use ur full potential and look flat out UGGGG don't hate on me tho see cuz u aren't hurting my feeling at all cuz i know better than that and tha 100+ other people that rated me a 10 know better 2 you r just doing it cuz ur mad and want to b haters
Love Ur Self
If u love ur self u can love some less and then u know what loveis like and then u can say u been in lovewith someonr and know what it lik to love and be love so don't go out there playing with poeple harts and not loveing them for how they and just to get them in bed with u just to say i got her to bed and i made her call me daddy it not a good thing to do to someone if someone did that to u u just go crazy and just don't want to love no more.
L O V E~ V/s ~ R O M A N C E
Let's separate the principle of love from the idea of romance. Dependency attachment is a source of confusion. Many people who would like to be in love place their hopes in romantic attachments. Regardless of the suitability of the match, they cling to "love" as an answer to the loneliness they feel. A difficult concept is the need to love as an individual. Each person needs to accept love as a personal lifestyle. Some defines love as the desire to aid another in his or her spiritual growth. This meaning frees love from the prevalent idea of romantic attachment. A loving person can love others without the expectation that the relationship turn into romance. An understanding God's love allows us to accept ourselves. We need to become free from critical self-judgment and find room for healing and growth. Only then can we accept, appreciate and love others with the same benevolence. Wit
Love Poem
Your lips speak soft sweetness Your touch a cool caress I am lost in your magic My heart beats within your chest I think of you each morning And dream of you each night I think of your arms being around me And cannot express my delight Never have I fallen But I am quickly on my way You hold a heart in your hands That has never before been given away
Love Ii
...The very essence of my happiness. ...Joy exploding from her smile. ...Addictive. ...100% unique. ...Hypnotyizing gaze. ...Entrancing beauty. ...Angelic laugh. ...Makes me weak in the knees. ...Gives me goose bumps. ...Intreges me. ...Captivates me. ...Vuluptious.
Love Me For Me
Love Me For Me
Stand by me Don't let me be Love me every day even if you don't want to say Please walk next to me as I lead just be there for me, that is all I need I'll be careless if I must, trip stumble and fall But all I ask is that you help me get to my feet as I crawl Just love me for me, and how I am today not the way that you think I should be and don't hate me for the things I say.
Love Only The Moon Can Give.
I am in love. So much I could shout it from the rooftops. Yet my love is so far away that I doubt he would hear me. Aap ka chand hay andar muhabbat saath oss kaa Shehzada! Perhaps that is not right but it makes total sense to me. Khaab ka aklotaa aap ka dil saath mayra. I wonder if my love understands these words, Or if he merely knows what my heart says through my eyes. Mayn hun aap ka chand hamayshaa. Khuda hay shaad muhjay saath aap. Hamaysha kay-liay aap ka!
Love: It Does A Body Good
Why Love Does a Body Good Love, sex, and marriage may well be the greatest pleasures of life, but healthy doses of all three may also help us to live longer and healthier lives. Numerous studies have shown the connection between a loving marriage and a long life--to the point that the National Center for Health Statistics has said that married adults (as well as those in committed relationships without all the legal fanfare) fare better on a number of health measures when compared to those who are divorced, widowed, or never married, reports The Indianapolis Star. "There's plenty of evidence that both human sexuality and intimacy and love and marriage are very, very good for our health," Dr. Stephen Bogdewic, vice chair of family medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine told Indianapolis Star reporter Shari Rudavsky. "If a new drug had that same impact, virtually every doctor in the country would be recommending it." People who are married are less likely to smok
Love Is Dead
Sick of falling for people who all they do is lie Is anything real anymore? It happens over and over again Friends say I'm too trusting, and they're right MY worst enemy is my heart And its my heart that I can not trust. Careful must I be for they pray upon the weak So weak I will not be But stronger than ever With more walls for protection, than they've ever seen. No one gets through ever again, unless they can prove they are worthy I will not accept any more lies, No more forgiveness. no one else gets in Sick to the point of hate That's where they've led me But they didn't do it alone I let them All cause I wanted that elusive love There is no love anymore It died March 5, 2003 With Amanda Best person anyone has or will ever know My life dedicated to her shall be From now on everything for her The one person who never hurt me The only one who ever showed me unconditional love and there it lies the only truth my one true love is dead
Love Is
Love is Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play. Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day. Love is a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion That keeps us going strong. I love you with all of my heart, my body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control. So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all of my heart.
Love's Benefit
love's benefit my favorite pain was dominant before i extended my thoughts toward you .....then it disappeared for a moment i gripped you tightly and then loosened my hold .....until i felt the perfect rhythm of your soul my favorite pain returned as we moved firmly toward a place that ....required you to carry me as we reached that new place together i lost touch with the pain and ....... surrendered myself into your beauty John Hancock
Love Goddess
I took the "I'm Your Venus?" quiz on I am...OshunDo you experience love as a sensual journey? If so, that might be because seductive Oshun has seeped into your heart and soul. Oshun is a West-African orisha--a Santerian goddess who rules over fresh water and sweet honey...Read more...Which love goddess are you?
" LOVE " When U Were Only 5 Yrs Old, I Said ILove U. .. U Asked Me: "What Is It?" When U Were 15 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. ... U Blushed.. U Look Down And Smile.. When U Were 20 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. . U Put Ur Head On My Shoulder And Hold My Hand.. Afraid That I Might Dissapear.. When U Were 25 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. . U Prepare Breakfast And Serve It In Front Of Me, And Kiss My Forhead N Said : "U Better Be Quick, Is's Gonna Be Late.." When U Were 30 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. . U Said: "If U Really Love Me, Please Come Back Early After Work.." When U Were 40 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. . U Were Cleaning The Dining Table And Said: "Ok Dear, But It's Time For U To Help Our Child With His/Her Revision.." When U Were 50 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. . U Were Knitting And U Laugh At Me.. When U Were 60 Yrs Old, I Said I Love U. . U Smile At Me.. When U Were 70 Yrs Old. I Said I Love U. . We Sitting On The Rocking Chair W
Love And Loss.
This is about true love and of course loss, as we all know true love and trust is hard to find . alot of men treat women bad and its realy hard if there are kids envoled too. To many men judge a woman hy her looks or kids and even worse these days her body and thats not fare at all because its ok for him to get big and drink and party. no woman should be treated bad by a man no matter what she has done or her children have done a man should not control and threaten and scare a woman. everyone yes has there momments and things happen and are said too but still it dont mean that the man needs to beat or even kill a woman to get his point across. there is alot of drama these days in relastionships and no one should ever go threw that at all. we all need true love and trust in our lives .
Love Survives
Time to share is always there I peered thru life Ever avoiding strife But now am undone My barriers broken For one has found me Reached in and unbound me His love has burst my bonds And set music to my songs His need for me And mine for him Has made my Winter Spring A new start With hammering heart We color the world with our dream Nothing is as it did seem He - my rising sun.
Love & Understanding About It By Diff Famous Ppl
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? [by Albert Einstein] We only regard those unions as real examples of love and real marriages in which a fixed and unalterable decision has been taken. If men or women contemplate an escape, they do not collect all their powers for the task. In none of the serious and important tasks of life do we arrange such a "getaway." We cannot love and be limited.[ by Albert Adler] I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all.[Alfred Tennyson] The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.[Allan K Chalmer] Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage.[Ambrose Beirce] Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been lookin
Love My Soldier
If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't know adventure. You don't know smelly gray PT uniforms that require a daily washing. You can't understand green and brown camouflaged bags flooding your bedroom floor. They may seem like they are just thrown around, but move one thing the night before an important layout and expect to hear about it. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't understand the meaning of the phrase "going to the field" and the weeks you spend away from each other. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't understand what it's like to have company every weekend who you will soon refer to as your "children" and they will need to be fed, so figure them into your grocery bill. You will need to teach them that you can't fit 3 hampers of clothes into the washing machine at the same time, and that whites and darks are not washed together. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never imagine the hole in your heart when that phone call co
A Love Scene
An ardent amorous grapple in a satin dome, like spiders, legs are strewn; jutting out, entangled in a spindle of foam. Two heartbeats so close, they cancel each other out. Stillness par heat and sensuous moans, friction & jarring, sliding flesh and bones. Kisses so passionate, they revive my necrotic flesh and revitalise my cheek. Words so insular and heart-felt, they huddle our souls - together, a singularity they seek. Rose petals litter the length of your neck; like nettles they barb. Your reactor is churning, your main gates release their bars. An explosion of sensuality, careening in shards. The calling of the coyote forces the dropping of guards; release your animosity and devour my heart. Brave at last; vanguards are destroyed. Ignition at once; Cupid's arrows are deployed. Disenfranchised gods sat aloof on rocks, strumming their tedious harpsichord tunes, send angels to grace us; refreshing solo polos that revel in our sanctity, as our fruition of love is actu
Love In A Mental Hospital
love in a mental hospital > > :; > > Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day mwhile they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped >into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. > When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act, she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is > you're being discharged; since you were able to rationally >respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of another patient, I have concluded that your act displays that you have a sound mind. The bad news is, Jim, the patient you saved, hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead." >Edna replied, "He didn't
Love Survey
If you opened it, you have to do it. Two Names You Go By: 1. El Nigero 2. The Cute One Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now: 1. T-Shirt 2. Jeans You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY! [01] Do you still have feelings for your ex? No [02] Have you ever been given roses? No [03]What is your all time favortie romantic movie? The Tin Drum [04] How many times have you honestly been in love? Twice [05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? Yes [07] Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes [8] Your thoughts on online or long distance relationships? Online dating can work if you are both willing to give it a try, Long Distance only works if you can see eachother often. [9] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend? Yes [10] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater?" only if they did it more then once. [11] How many kids do you want to have? None [12] What is your favorite color(s) Black, Green
Love’s Garden
Love planted a rose, And the world turned sweet, Where the Wheatfield blows Love planted a rose. Up the mill-wheel’s prose Ran a music beat. Love planted a rose, And the world turned sweet.
Love You All!
I love when guys give me a song, because i remind them of it. Or because they love me so much, that they wanna dedicate a song to me. It makes me all warm inside! I just absolutely love my friends. I want to thank everyone that has been there for me. The main people I wanna thank are...Lenny, Scott, Tina and Steph! I love you all!! You guys were there for me last night, when i was soo hurt and upset. You guys just made my night. I dont wanna make anyone mad, but the one that cheered me up soo fast was Lenny, him with his awesome jokes and makin me laugh my ass off. thank you soo much! I love you all deeply! Also I wanna think my Awesome Families! They are 1. BombShells and Grenade Launchers!!!!!! 2. Angel Family!! 3. The New Breeds!!! 4. S.U.P.'s!!!! You guys have been here for me! And we all stick together thru thick and thin! thank you all!! Love always, Jessi :D
The statement in this email is so true. I look at the elderly and it is incredible the different state that two people of the same age can be in. One can be youthful and lively and the other worn out. I hope that this hits home to all of you and that you can make many memories that will carry you through. Don't let others rob you of the essence of life. Keep pushing forth with all your might, mind and strength. It is life, love and our experiences along with spiritual guidance that helps us make it through. Make that choice to be happy and your bank account full! God bless and know you are loved by me! Cheltsy Families are forever so hold them dear to your heart and let those wonderful memories be your source of strength and want to continue creating more. Subject: OUR BANK ACCOUNT This might be a good way to open 2007 and live by it. This is AWESOME....something we should all remember. A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully d
Love Is...
Love is when ..... when you miss him before your apart when you could listen to him talk all night and you would never get tired of hearing his vioce when the sound of his name will send chills down your spine and you see his smile the second you close your eyes © cherrie
Love The Ladies
Hi all the ladies wanna party add me 2 ya friends and get gifts and cherry points and a good laff! bye love u all xxxxx
Loves To All Family And Friends
Love Hurts
why is it love hurts it is like no matter what u do u get hurt nothing is good enough for u partner or is it just a feeling of depression cause it has happen to u before an u just thinkit will happen again of being hurt
Love Poems
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you. - Courtney Kuchta -
Love Is ...
Love Is ... Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start. - Meghan -
Lover's Dance
Glistening bodies entwined in an ageless erotic dance, seeking pleasures from each other, seeking wonder and romance. She touches his face with tenderness. He draws her body near. Aching, needing hunger will make their destiny clear. Their lips meet in soft kisses, their tongues begin passion's war. Forgotten now, the outside world. All is here, behind this door. He strokes her body tenderly, she arches up for his caress. He finds her silken portal and her womanly wetness. She moans in fiery desire and pulls his hand away, wishing to end this exquisite torture and get on with passion's play. She straddles his waiting body, eases him into her feminine hollow. She leads him on a rhythmic dance, his thrusting hips must follow. She rides him faster, even then, to hear his wondrous sighs. She shows him all the delights she has between her womanly thighs. They stare into each other's eyes and gasp as ecstasy unreels, and tangles them i
Love Is
Love is... being happy for the other person when they are happy being sad for the other person when they are sad being together in good times and being together in bad times Love is the source of strength. Love is... being honest with yourself at all times being honest with the other person at all times telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending Love is the source of reality. Love is... an understanding that is so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them to be something else Love is the source of unity. Love is... the excitement of planning things together the excitement of doing things together Love is the source of the future. Love is... the fury of the storm the calm of the rainbow Love is the source of passion. Love is... giving and taking in a daily situation being patient with each other's needs and
Love Overboard-my New Name!
Love Letters
Love letters on wet paper, forgivers and no takers An angel who never got wings You find Jesus and it's too late, he's already closed the front gate And the sign's flashin no vacancy You've broken my heart for the last time you promised the truth and you told lies You really made me believe That love was supposed to be free Love letters on wet paper, forgivers and no takers An angel who never got wings You find Jesus and it's too late, he's already closed the front gate And the sign's flashin no vacancy I'll never forget how we used to be But I'm better off livin' with memories I know that it's gonna hurt But i don't think it gets any worse Love letters on wet paper, forgivers and no takers An angel who never got wings You find Jesus and it's too late, he's already closed the front gate And the sign's flashin no vacancy Yeah my heart's flashing no vacancy
to some one special We are in a battle of what is wrong and right Neither understanding the other or trying to seek compromise we are two parts of one side our hearts so different from each other We are both losing a neverending battle We fight and fight forever I wait until the day comes when the fight does stop and no one wins but we live in a world of peace I'd really like to see you then and until that very day our hearts shall be kept lock away we shall only see each other in battles as we take the lives of the others team memebers and watch our family and friends fall even if we don't mean too I want that day to come to come and stay forever but I guess till then.. We Are secert lovers
"I know I love you, because I hate you. Now I'd rather haunt you." (Madonna) ------------------------------------------------- I ache to touch you. Just once more. Make this last encounter count. Make me hurt. Make me scream. Make cry out in pleasure. Make me cry out in pain. Make me yell your name. Make me do anything you ask. Just please make me stop loving you. I want to have the same power over you. I want you to jump when I talk. I want your body to burn with the same urgency as mine. I want you to love me back. Dawn F 1994
Love Wheel
you lied, i haven't you cheated, i didn't i begged, you declined, we loved... but that's not enough. you admitted, i listened you walked away, i yearned i moved on, you came back i accepted, you lied... again... we tried... but that's not enough you struggled, i hurt i struggled, you left why is our love not enough? i love you, you love me, but maybe we're just not meant to be... >>an excerpt
what is love but another way to get hurt its annoying somtimes that the ones you open up to are the ones that hurt you the most......what do you do sit there and take it or do somthing?
Get More at
Watching Looking Waiting Searching When will it happen? I miss it I want it I need it I long for it When will it happen? Is it even out there for me anymore? I haven't seen it in so long. I haven't felt it in so long. Wil it ever happen again?
Love & Relationships
Yeah it's ALL good now that i left my lousy good for nothing jerk off husband. Im happy & NOT as stressed out & uptight about things, anything, now i can relax get my health back & be much happier & God up above knows i need it cause i have been married & unhappy for too long. It's ALL good now!!! YIPPEE!!!
Why do we fall in love? All were going to do is get hert Why do we say "i love you"? We dont mean it even though we may think it Why are we so danm gullibly?
Love It
Angel Eyes rated your photo a '9'!
Love: by David Fisher Powerful. You are the foundation of society. You are unforgiving. Emotion.
Love, Lust And Marriage
Love, Lust and Marriage How do you know if you're in love, lust, or marriage? Love: when your eyes meet across a crowded room. Lust: when your tongues meet across a crowded room. Marriage: when your belt won't meet around your waist, and you don't care. Love: when intercourse is called making love. Lust: all other times. Marriage: what's intercourse? Love: when you argue over how many children to have. Lust: when you argue over who gets the wet spot. Marriage: when you argue over money. Love: when you share everything you own. Lust: when you think twice about giving your partner bus money. Marriage: when the bank owns everything. Love: when it doesn't matter if you don't climax. Lust: when the relationship is over if you don't climax. Marriage: what's a climax? Love: when you phone each other just to say "Gidday". Lust: when you phone each other just to organize sex. Marriage: when you phone each other to find out what time your son's game starts. Lov
The Love Of A Slave Girl
The love of a slave girl is the deepest and most profound love that any woman can give a man. Love makes a woman a man's slave, and the wholeness of that love requires that she be, in truth, his slave.
*love For My Computer*
Love for my computer... For this i have many reasons... On this device Im a virtual surfer... I seek friendship, and jut people to talk to, season after season... Really I just do this just because Im bored... I set Higher standards for people I meet... You can just call it something of some sort... ***SIGHS*** Is there something i seek...that i really care for...? Yes...yes there is... there is still another reason or two why....there has to be.. *THINKING*** Hmm...Why i have love for my computer... Is it because i have no Am i bored...? Yes! Am i just insecure...? Heavens No!! Is it becuase the people i meet on this device, i really care for....? Maybe... OH!! Its because i do care for them...and i love my computer because all my friends are in them!!! **Its just somwthing silly (9_9)
Love Him!
Yes it's true... I love my boyfriend very much! I really hope he knows that. I miss him when he is not here. I love to be held by him when he is here. I look forward to seeing him every chance I get.
Love Is
Love is like a large cat Sitting on its paws. You may pet it all you like; It lives by its own laws. It comes and goes as it decides No matter what you say. It seems the more you want it near, The more it goes away. And then when you are quite content To sit out in the sun Alone with just your thoughts and dreams, Not needing anyone, Out it comes, as if in fear That somehow you'll forget, And jumps up purring in your lap, Demanding to be pet.
Love (as Expressed Through Words)
Through all the words I’ve spoken, in a life thats been so true How can I pick the perfect ones to say how I feel for you? I have to think on everyday, Right back to the high school play. Right back to the car rides home. Every moment spent with you alone. The nightly calls and weekend stays, Ceramic pigs and painted trays. The crying beds I held you tight, And told you we would never fight. From senior year with way too many lates. To Glyn going shopping for pots and plates. Through floods and proms and double dates From the Spring of 03 to the heavenly gates I called you my angel, and I’ll never take it back. You save my life daily, and make sure I’m on track. Without you there’s no vision, just colors and a blur. If stricken by this blindness, your love will be my cure. I’ve given you my heart and soul; I didn’t have to wrap them though. You had them stolen from the time I finished writing the first rhyme. And by the time I write the last I hope our so
Love Me Now
love me now If you are ever going to love me, Love me now, While I can know The sweet and tender feelings Which from true affections flow. Love me now While I am living, Do not wait until I'm gone And then have it chiseled in marble, Sweet words on ice cold stone. If you have tender thoughts of me Please tell me now. If you wait until I am sleeping Never to awaken, There will be death between us And I won't hear you then. So, if you love me, even a little bit, Let me know it while I am living So I can treasure it.
Lovers And Friends
You sign on to yet another one of these sites and expect the same old stuff but, then you find someone that you never would have expected!!! I found the man I should be with!!! He loves me and adores me and I love that! How often do you think that this happens? I know that this doesn't happen a lot! I'm so happy with him, he makes me laugh, smile, and feel so good that I never thought would happen!!! I hope everyone finds the person that they should be with like i have! To the man I love, you know who you are, you mean everything to me and I love you so much, you make me melt and feel like I've never felt before, I'm so happy to be with you and that you found me!
Love Realized
His eyes glisten with moisture, as tears fill his longing eyes Her tears flowing, as wet trails of love's passion leave their mark He's waited patiently to hear, those precious words, no more lies Her lips whispering I love you, upon a new journey they embark Together as one, forever in time, a love yearned for by both realized Lips, hands touching, arms & legs entwined, passion's light, has overwhelmed the dark Love Conquers All! written by Chelle 2007
Love Shack For Mr Sexi Boi
Hey come check the two of us out at The Love Shack. We play every type of music. Come make new friends. Click the bottom pick to be whisked away.
Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy being sad for the person when they are sad being together in good times and being together in bad times Love is the source of strength Love is being honest with yourself at all times being honest with the other person at all times and never pretending Love is the source of reality Love is an understanding that is so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person accepting the other person just the way they are and not trying to change them to be something else Love is the source of unity Love is the freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person the growth of the one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual Love is the source of success Love is the excitement of planning things together the excitement of doing things together Love is the source of the future Love is the fu
Love You So
Love Vs Marriage
Love is holding hands in the street. Marriage is holding arguments in the street. ; Love is dinner for 2 in your favorite restaurant. Marriage is a take home packet. ; Love is cuddling on a sofa. Marriage is one of them sleeping on a sofa. ; Love is talking about having children. Marriage is talking about getting away from children. ; Love is going to bed early. Marriage is going to sleep early. ; Love is a romantic drive. Marriage is arrive on tops curvy tarmac . ; Love is losing your appetite. Marriage is losing your figure. ; Love is sweet nothing in the ear. Marriage is sweet nothing in the bank. ; Tv has no place in love. Marriage is a fight for remote control. >Love is 1 drink and 2 straws. Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!". Conclusion: "Love is blind , Marriage is an eye opener!"
Love Me For What I Am
Stand by me, don’t let me be. Love me every day, even if you don’t want to say. Please walk next to me as I lead just be there for me, that is all I need. I’ll be careless if I must, trip stumble and fall, But all I ask is that you help me get to my feet as I crawl. Just love me for me, and how I am today, not the way that you think I should be. and don’t hate me for the things I say.
Love And Relationships
Love is like a all day sucker... the more you lick it the sweeter it gets! And your face gets all sticky too....(lol!!!)
A Love Far Away......
Can we love one another from far away or can we love face to face .... Can one hide their love from you after opening up to you and saying that they love you and care about you and then turn their backs on you and go far away from you ...... a love far away can't hide forever you have to show your true feelings sooner or later or your love for that person will disapear and eat at your heart tell it makes you hurt in side..... a love far away can only keep their feelings for so long tell there is no hope left to see if that one love will come back .... a love far away is like a burning candle it only last tell someone who's holding you back blows it out .....
Love ??
"A great person once told me that the word "Love" gets thrown around too much. You know when you're in love with a person when they fill your thoughts through the day and they are in your dreams through the night. You know you're in love with someone when they become a part of you, a part which you can't imagine your life without. This is the way I feel, this is Love."
Love Me Now
If you are ever going to love me, Love me now, While I can know The sweet and tender feelings Which from true affections flow. Love me now While I am living, Do not wait until I'm gone And then have it chiseled in marble, Sweet words on ice cold stone. If you have tender thoughts of me Please tell me now. If you wait until I am sleeping Never to awaken, There will be death between us And I won't hear you then. So, if you love me, even a little bit, Let me know it while I am living So I can treasure it
Love; Illusion
Love doesn't exist It's just an illusion we create People use the word in vain and in truth And other's believe in fate But really it's a feeling That everyone will at least once feel Sometimes you'll know it's true And even question, is the feeling real? People lie about it, don't believe in it They tell false truth using the words "I love you." To those who do, they don't value it As much as others do. Players say it and don't mean it They may seem to, but they don't And maybe someday, they'll mean it Or maybe they just simply won't Others believe them Causing them to get hurt Girls mostly get kicked around Being treated like dirt. Then there are the guys Who girls think are all the same Assuming they're like all the other boys Who say they love you without even knowing your name. Love Who can ever tell if it's real? Who knows? Maybe people are lying about how they feel. You never know When someone's telling a lie or not But you don't have
Love... Honestly!!
Ok so Ive been thinking lately about a situation thats close to my heart. If you love someone, I mean really love someone and claim to be in love with them and cant live without them, then how in the hell can you have booty calls or even entertain the idea of a booty call? Maybe Im wrong here but whats love? An emotion you can turn on and off when you want? Its love as long as youre getting ( or think youre getting) what you want? Or do you see it as WEll Im lookin out for #1 and you have to have a backup? I really dont get it!!!!!!!!!!!! And when you FINALLY DO, let me know!
Loved By Many, Crushed By Few
I use to have what 17 crushes and now its down to 8. SO to my 8 crushes THANK YOU for keeping your crush on me....I am flattered! And to yall who dumped me...well you suck! So what if your jeans are torn They've been torn since Bros were cool I wanted you for a little while You got it wrong by a million miles Big deal, what a thrill, what a let down Kissing in your car When I should have been out I want the Prodigy really loud I want it all right now [Chorus:] Over and over I feel it Boyfriend you're alone You must be out of your mind Jellyhead, you've really blown it Over and over I feel it Boyfriend you're alone You must be out of your mind Jellyhead, you've really blown it In the slow lane Never change the way that I feel Go home, never know, never be real 'Cause not one thing you said was true I'm gonna find somebody new Make up, break up, always the same Get out, what about you and me say I've been hanging around you too long When summer comes I
it's funny, they say guys love s hard as women(not as fast but just as hard). I think it's bull shit cuz if they do then why r we usually tha ones getting hurt? I think love is sooo overrated cuz its just way to painful go thru more than once and if you ever find ur true love don't let them know how much you love them cuz they will take total and complete advantage of that, and you ll be the one paying for it for tha rest of ur life.
Love Vs Like
DONT EVER leave the one you LOVE for the one you LIKE because the one you LIKE will leave you for the one they LOVE True Love Doesn't Have A Happy Ending BECAUSE True Love Never Ends...tonight your true love will realize how much they love you. Between 1 & 4 in the morning, tomorrow the shock of your life will occur. if you break the chain then you will have bad luck.... ..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*.. If you REALLY LIKE (or LOVE) SOMEONE right now AND MISS THEM and can't get them out of your head then re-post this within 1 minute withthe title "Love VS. LIKE" and whoever you are missing will surprise you.
THIS BLOG IS DEDICATED TO SCMALE101! Everyone knows there is no fairy tale romance's, for woman it is just a lot of pretty words so men can get satisfaction, and u know who you are! I like the open approach, honest come rite out and ask stop saying you are beautiful, sexy, hot, pretty,gorgous or even cute (btw,cute is borderline ugly)We are all lonely for some reason or another and we all have issues but that does not give people the rite to take advantage of those issues, and it is wrong for them to exploit someones loneliness...... Please be honest at least!because on the internet LOVE is just a four letter word.!!!! Best Graphics Poems Comments Images Top new Graphics Codes Click to Get Some Better Sexi Graphics Myspace Layouts Graphics Tweaks
Love @ First Sight
When we met, I never meant to fall in love.... But you took me by storm and its true... There is such a thing as I Loved you from the first moment we met. Im in love with you as you are with me,,,how lucky can 2 people be. I feel blessed to have you in my life , even though we cant be together the way we want now. The future holds alot for us, I hold onto that. I know you dont want me to wait for you the rest of my life... But out of all the things you asked me not to do, thats one thing I have to do We have a special kinda love, a once in a lifetime love...the truest love ever I think about you every moment when we are apart and even when we are together.. I know in my heart, you love me the same. And it's because of that, I will not let go..I know in my heart you wont let go. There are things in life that cant be changed at the moment... I want you to know I love you with every breath I take , I know you love me the same. In time things will change for both of us ,
Love Survey
Love Survey¢¾ You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY! [01] Do you still have feelings for your ex? Hell No [02] Have you ever been given roses?Nope [03] What is your all-time favorite romance movie? Umm i guess the lake house not big into those movies [04] How many times have you honestly been in love? 3 times [05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?Yes [07] Have you ever had your heart broken?Yeah Who Hasnt [8] Your thoughts on online or long distance relationships? B***S*** [9] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend? Yes [10] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater"Yes [11] How many kids do you want to have? 3 or 4 [12] What is your favorite color(s)? Blue [13] What are your views on gay marriage? To Each Their Own [14] Do you believe you truly only love once? No It Can Happen More Than Once [15] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?No [16]
Love And Light
Loves Breeze
The warm breeze of love blows as you walk by Stirring the embers in my heart I feel the rush of warmth Flowing through my veins You feel it too Looking longingly at me When our brown eyes meet The embers of our hearts grow and flame We begin to feel the burn from our heads to our feet We walk into each others loving arms Our eyes fixed on the other Passion holding our gaze As our finger tips meet Electric and new Our lips find their home Followed by a passionate embrace I brush my finger tips across your face As we hold and kiss in a never ending embrace
May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand. May the pain you have known and the conflict you have experienced give you the strength to walk through life facing each new situation with optimism and courage. Always know that there are those whose love and understanding will always be there, even when you feel most alone. May you discover enough goodness in others to believe in a world of peace May a kind word, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours every day of your life, and may you give these gifts as well as receive them. Remember the sunshine when the storm seems unending. Teach love to those who know hate, and let that love embrace you as you go into the world. May the teaching of those you admire become part of you, so that you may call upon them. Remember, those whose lives you have touched and who have touched yours are always a part of you, even if the encounters were less than you would have wished.
The Lovers
You scored as The Lovers. The Lovers card is about harmony and most in important love and forgiveness. The Lovers is also about not giving into tempteation and waiting for true love to come your way. It can mean that you had been hurt but have healed yourself and can finally realize love is out there somewhere. You value a good relationship and base it on love not sex. Don't give up on love.The Empress and The Emperor100%The Lovers100%Justice95%The Fool75%The World75%The Magician65%Judgement50%The Devil40%The Hanged Man30%The High Priestess30%The Hier
A Love Letter...jeezus I'm A Freakin Sap.
Once again the day draws to a close, and a new one begins. And like every day for the past several months, my mind thinks of nothing else besides you. I can't help the longing that aches deep within my chest. The steady rhythm of my heart pounds out your name. It's all I can hear, nothing else matters as of late. A whirlwind of aphrodisia swirls inside me every time I think about what we have shared. My obession with you drives me to write these letters. They call to me like a ghost in the darkest night. I am powerless to the sound of your voice, the thought of your touch, the feel of your breath, and the burning of your skin against mine. I know that you probably don't feel as strongly as I do, but I must let you know what is happening to me. The mere mention of your name sends me into a feverish crave to at least see you. To at least let my tired eyes witness the glory of your company. I must sound like a madman, doting over you with such a feroc
Love Is....
Love Is ... Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
Love According To 6-8 Yr Olds
Love Is 6-8yr olds: Karen - age 7 "You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget." Cindy - age 8 "My mommy loves me more than anybody . You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night." Nikka - age 6 (We need a few million more Nikka's on this planet) "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday." Bobby - age 7 (Wow!) "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate," Emily - age 8 "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen." Chrissy - age 6 "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired." Billy - age 4 "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
To the one i love, I love you with all my heart forever and always till death do us part, You are the one i see in my life my entire future with you as your wife, To have and to hold is an understatement we'll be together all our lives we'll even have matching grave sites.
Love Heals
He was hesistant at first But fate had its way His heart needed to be nursed To be with mine I would pray He slowly opened up Like a flower to the sun His heart had had it rough But was no longer on the run My heart sent a message At first he tried to deny But my heart was agressive He had to comply His walls began to descend as I loved him even more Pain within his heart to mend My heart being the core As our hearts connected He had to admit The love he detected his hurt he would submit My love for him is endless it's not going to disappear Now my biggest hope and wish is for him to be near He is no longer scared To express his love for me I just showed him I cared My dreams now turning into reality.
Love In An Elevator,lovin It Up As Im Going Down
So today I have: cleaned the bathroom done laundry and now im baking cookies =D who wants some? anyhoo friends i have my old yahoo account goin so if u wanna add me plz do so candy_caner2000 much love and greasy sex! ~taisha~ xx
Love starts out as an instant attraction. A small inking of knowing that person before. Love is the merging of bodies and hearts and souls. When you feel that inexplicable desire. To touch his face to caress her shoulder. To give life where there was none before. Love is unexplainable and unshakable. To ask a person to stop loving is like asking them to stop breathing in order to live or to stop shivering when they are cold. Love cannot be planned. Love can not be set up. Love is not always desirable. And it often hits us like a tornado. It whips and screeches and smacks us upside our heads and our hearts. Love is perfect and beautiful and you should be able to surround yourself with it at all times. You should be able to cover yourself in it. Fall asleep next to it and feel it's warmth upon your very cheek. If you try to sever that love. I have found, it stretches and stretches and never breaks. It becomes stubborn and more tormentative the further away you pu
Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the girls I've ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew i would love you best.
well they say that ther is some one for every one out ther , and i think i finally found her she is the sexiest hottest most beautiful women ive ever met . and i met her on CT i feel sick when im not with her, her voice is like the sound of angels to me . i know im in love with her and best of all i know she loves me. well i just wanted to tell some one enyone and this is as good a way as eny i guess . she has become my world and i love it .lol . thanks for reading.
The Love Or Lust Test
Free Fun Quizzes at
Love It!
Love Survives: A Poem By Sugarbreeches
Time to share is always there by Sugarbreeches I peered thru life Ever avoiding strife But now am undone My barriers broken For one has found me Reached in and unbound me His love has burst my bonds And set music to my songs His need for me And mine for him Has made my Winter Spring A new start With hammering heart We color the world with our dream Nothing is as it did seem He - my rising sun.
The Love
Love On The Internet
Though I wasn't looking for anyone new, One day I got e- mail and in it was you. Charming, sensitive and so debonair, I strongly resisted it go anywhere. But letters and stories captured my heart, Filled me with passion almost from the start. Love on the Internet, how could it be? These things just don't happen to people like me. But doves and butterflies flew into our lives, Carrying messages we could not deny. Each person has meaning and love to express, And we could deny our hearts nothing less. It's a beautiful love that has grown between us, Something beyond any words we discuss. Much deeper than LOL, cyber kisses and such, Far down to our souls, beyond human touch. My love's not confined by what it can see, I feel you, I taste you, I experience your dream. Close my eyes, and I envision what in my heart I can hear, "Love knows no boundaries, no distance, no fear." It's the soul that captures God's love in a way That eternally melts hearts together to
Love Big Breasts?
dont know why but there something about big or huge boobs that atracs me think its beutifull not looking for any haters as i write this blog i want o come in contact with girls and women that loves their big ones or would love having bigger ones all you beutifull sexy women and girls are more then welcome to send me thoughts and comments but please no haters love the female formes and have a huge respect for people as they are big curvy and beutifull=)
Love Is Love
Brokeback Mountain If Loving You Is Wrong...Add to My Profile | More Videos
Love? What?
interesting thing, the human heart. this thing that gives hope, and happiness, can build a person up, and then totally destroy the very fabric that holds a person together. i do mean this figuratively, of course. bear with me just a second, and i'll explain my point. there is no such thing as unconditional love. it doesn't exist. sorry folks. the problem with unconditional love? let me offer my opinion. and it is exactly that, my opinion. for i am not the educated scholar on the affairs of the heart. anyway, the problem is this: one gives, the other takes. there is always, in my pathetic experience, one who would give all to see the other happy. the other? just takes advantage. my point (and you should never write a blog while drinking vodka) is this: if you are the giver, and get noting in return, then you start to figure that the other doesnt care. then you start to have doubts about yourself, and your ability to please another. especially when all you get is negative feedback. s
" Love Is The Answer "
Whatever the question is, Love is the answer. Whatever the problem is, Love is the answer. Whatever the fear is, Love is the answer. Whatever the illness is, Love is the answer. Whatever the pain is, Love is the answer. Love is the answer no matter what Because love is all there is.
Love Love Love!
Love & Understanding
It’s not what you say that makes the difference in my life, But your caring thoughts in everything that you do, and the quality person that you are. You have been so kind to be there for my troubles, and to share in my life’s happiness. My respect and admiration for our friendship is magnified by your generosity and wonderful abundance of laughter, support, patience, and love. These are the things you do and how you feel when you sincerely want the best for someone dear to your heart. We have become good forgivers and loving friends and I’m thankful for that every day. The friendship we share is a cornerstone of my life, and if our past experiences have any bearing on the future, then we are truly fortunate because we have a loving friendship that is Timeless.
TROJANHORSE13INCH@ CherryTAP you hurt me you make my tears come down and surround me in a river i will never be the same with out you
A Lovely Apple For You, My Dear.
China is exporting food to the United States and Canada. After the pet food scandal, also involving Chinese imports, this has turned up: Some 257 refusals of Chinese products were recorded in April. By comparison, only 140 were from Mexico and only 23 from Canada. Refused by the FDA in April because they were "filthy": * salted bean curd cubes in brine with chili and sesame oil * dried apple * dried peach * dried pear * dried round bean curd * dried mushroom * olives * frozen bay scallops * frozen Pacific cod * sardines * frozen seafood mix * fermented bean curd Are the Chinese trying to poison us, or are they so concerned about profit nothing else matters? Also, if as many Chinese are starving as they'd have us believe, where are they getting food for export?
Love Never Dies (from Bram Stoker's Dracula)
Love Is Patient With A Life
Love is patient with a life That brings its share of pain. We know sometime there is an end To the most stubborn rain. We know the sun comes out again On a world that's fresh and new, And all the gifts we freely give Somewhere, sometime accrue. We know sometimes we have to wait For life to come around, And sometimes that it won't, but still There's some good to be found. And even when things happen that Your soul can hardly bear, Know that I'll be next to you; My love is always there. @};---;-- SweetDesire
Love Has A Chance
A rose needs sun to blossom and grow, Just how much no one will ever know. My heart is the rose, your love is the sun, It's a cloudy day and sunshine has not begun. My pedals are wilting, slowly to the ground, Now more than ever because you're not around. I started with ten pedals, now down to five, Without sun this poor rose will not survive. Four pedals left and still no sun, Now I wonder if you're really the one. Three pedals left and I don't know what to do Clouds just won't let the sun shine through. Two pedals to go before my little rose dies, So far the weather report has been a lie. One pedal left before this rose is gone, Then without warning out pops the sun. Love has a chance. done by christine
Love Is Hard
Love is hard, but it is great, I am in love, maybe you are to, I wish this guy knew, I want to be his forever, If he was mine I would never love anyone more than him, I just want to be in his arms, I want to kiss him so bad, but I think he thinks that I sleep around, I don't though, I just want to be his, but Love is hard. do by Christine .
I Thank Of You're the first thing I think of Each morning when I rise You're the last thing I think of When I close my eyes You're in each thought I have And every breath I take My feelings are growing stronger With every move you make You're an angel from above who takes away my pain My love for you is so strong It's always just the same You're the miracle in my life Who can always make me smile Just knowing that you care Makes my life worth-while You've touched my heart and soul Which you have from the start Your warm soft words Will never leave my heart You are everything I want You're so pure and true I love you with everything I have And I love everything that you do
What You Mean To Me I never came here looking for a single soul. But now that I found you I want you to know I had forgotten how to smile, how to laugh, how to be me I had forgotten the sweet pleasure of a heart filled with glee. I was intoxicated with life... work and family Never stopping for fun... it just wasn't there you see. Since I have found you... it's been a complete turn around I smile and laugh again... not much gets me down. I get excited when I see you on YIM Wondering what it is today we will do... Chatting, laughing and the games we play You make my every day. It seems so silly on just a machine How someone can reach you... become your everything.
Love Is
Love Is Every "I love you" is a promise. A promise to stand by you, Whatever the odds, Whatever the outcome, Whatever the cost. Every "I love you" is a pact. A sworn oath to stick by each other, To be there for each other, no matter what Personal sacrifice is necessary, and no matter what Consequences may befall. Every "I love you" has nothing to do With touches, Or kisses, Or sweet nothings whispered in an attentive ear. "I love you" is more than all these things. It means loyalty And honor And trust Without the expectation of the same in return. So, my friend, knowing this, Know also that I love you.
Never ignore the person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. One day you may wake up from your sleep and realize that... you've lost the moon, while counting the stars..
Lover's Games...
To Attract a Lover Timing: On the New Moon Day: Thursday or Friday night Hour: 6pm, 9pm or Midnight YOU WILL NEED: * red candle (taper is fine - not in glass) - and candle holder * parchment paper and pen * sharp instrument to inscribe on the candle (such as toothpick) * rose oil, jasmine oil, or some other pleasant floral scent that you like * ashtray, or some other flameproof container Begin by taking the bath as described above. After you come out of the tub, dry off, but don't dress (unless you will be cold and that will distract you - in that case wear something loose). Prepare the red candle by inscribing on it your name, your birth date, your sun sign, and/or any symbols or vigils that you associate with yourself. If you have a secret name that you use, inscribe that as well. Next, take the parchment paper and the pen. On this parchment you will write all the qualities you want in a potential lover or mate. For example: good listener,
Love Poem
WOMAN'S LOVE POEM Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's gainfully employed, When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door, Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?" I pray that this man will love me to no end, And always be my very best friend. MAN'S LOVE POEM I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a bar on a golf course, and loves to send me fishing and hunting. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.
Love Poem
When I'm with you, eternity is a step away, my love continues to grow, with each passing day. This treasure of love, I cherish within my soul, how much I love you... you'll never really know. You bring a joy to my heart, I've never felt before, with each touch of your hand, I love you more and more. Whenever we say goodbye, whenever we part, know I hold you dearly, deep inside my heart. So these seven words, I pray you hold true, "Forever And Always, I Will Love You."
Lover Or Friend
A Love That Once Was
I can't get you outta my mind.. I am sitting here thinking of you & that special love we once shared.I am trying so,so very hard to adjust to not having you in my life other than as a friend,But Not a second goes by that I don't think of you.I miss your smile,the way you look at me,your laugh & most of all your arms & your kisses..Knowing this may never be again..You are always in my thoughts & dreams.The love we had was a special love & how can I just pretend it never existed?I cry myself to sleep many nights thinking of you & I have many sleepless nights wondering if I have lost you forever.How can I stop loving you just like that?The answer to that question is I can't because when I love,I love hard..You will be in my heart & on my mind forever.I may only have you just as a friend for the rest of my life but I will always love you forever.I can't stop loving you no matter how I try.What we had lasted for almost a year & a half & that time together can not & will not ever be forgot
Love Revisited
Love… love …somehow that subject seems to pop up a lot these past few days. It is the singular force that's supposed to bind people together. Its power ripples throughout our culture and society like the shockwaves of a thermonuclear explosion... It is the object of devotion and scorn for many people alike depending on the sides they lived through. But the thing is… who the hell knows what love is about? Because I sure as hell don't know why that four letter word hurts and heals at times... We fall in love all the time; it's kinda sickening how many people "fall in love" …how many of us actually understand what that means? Is it a feeling of extreme like towards another? Is it a feeling of devotion and willingness to sacrifice for the subject of love? Is it a chemical reaction in our body driven by primal forces to mate and produce offspring? Thing is… I think its all of that… and a whole lot more that we don't quite understand. Love alone, in the end, is every human emotion comb
Love Me Today!
I am happy to say, I have made a connection with someone that has been my friend for along time. I hope it will work out, for the long haul. But I know, as a person, I deserve this wonderful man and for me that was half the battle.
THE POSTAL SERVICE NO ONE HEARS ABOUT Our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. She dictated and I wrote: Dear God, Will you please take special care of our dog, Abbey? She died yesterday and is in heaven. We miss her very much. We are happy that you let us have her as our dog even though she got sick. I hope that you will play with her. She liked to play with balls and swim before she got sick. I am sending some pictures of her so that when you see her in heaven you will know she is our special dog. But I really do miss her. Love, Meredith Claire P.S. Mommy wrote the words after I told them to her. We put that in an envelope with two pictures of Abbey, and addressed it to God in Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith stuck some st
Love Of My Life
As i set here on this early morning. Watching the sun rise and beating like a heartbeat. To bring life into the new day. Just like ur love did on MARCH 26, 2006. Just when i had gave up on love and happiness u showed me on this day it still was there. So thats why if loving u is a crime i will be guilty till end of time.
Love Of My Life
cajun-twostepper@ CherryTAP
Love Is.....
Love Is ... Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
Love Me
Love Me Love me in the Springtime, when all is green and new, Love me in the Summer, when the sky is oh so blue, Love me in the Autumn, when the leaves are turning brown, Love me in the Winter, when the snow is falling down. Love me when I'm happy, and even when I'm sad, Love me when I'm good, or when I'm oh so bad, Love me when I'm pretty, or if my face is plain, Love me when I'm feeling good, or when I'm feeling pain. Love me always darlin', in the rain or shining sun, Love me always darlin', after all is said and done, Love me always darlin', until all our life is through, Love me always darlin', for I'll be lovin' you!
Love is the bond that joins all life together. Without it we are lost. THE DESIDERATA Go placidly among the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affe
Love Is A Sin
Love is lost I'm lost in love Though love is a sin Then sin I must Upon your lips so wet and true your eyes so shinning and so new you hold me tight through day and night protecting me from things out of sight so if love is a sin then sin i will for I am in Love with you
in the turns of the earth, searching for the one, will she be true to me and love me as all. Will she be all the things, I hope for and be. I can love her true as the knight I am, defend her always. Love, the most elusive thing there is, as a traveler of the waves of Time and Space, I am in motion. Love,so special, and so peaciful. Love is the things of the fabric of the universe, binding and vast. and can she indure in my realm, and can I indure in hers. Time will always tell.
Love Gone Bad
I hurt you and for that i must pay...But what will it take to see you that way...the way you were so many years ago when we we used to laugh and never would slow....never slow not for a pause this is the way we were when you were my cause cause to live and always to fight for everything in my heart i knew was right ....what is right now i must ask ? this what you meant when you said ill said it was not mant to be ...but how is that true when you also said im always for tired of this being the way we live our lives all i want is for you to be my wife
Love Ya!
One day a man's wife died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the husband was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't anymore. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away,never to return before we can say a good-bye "I love you." So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage ... and old cars .. and children with bad report cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no atter what. Life is important, like people we know who are special, and so, We ke
Loves Escape
She raises her head, And looked around. Her feet silently, Touched the ground. Moving along slowly, She made no sound. Looking far ahead, Her freedom unbound. Out into the night, Through meadow and field. The very ones, Her lover had tilled. He stood awaiting, Other side of the stream. His heart full, Of a lovers dream. His eyes shinning, With a lovers gleam. His mind full, Of a lovers scheme. She continues to run, Getting closer now. Wondering if they, Can make it somehow. She sees his, Burning light. Clear and soft, In the dead of night. He looks into her, Eyes so bright. She rushes into, His capable arms. Knowing that to her, Will come no harm. They fall together, Have a passionate night. If they hurry, They can get away. To far away lands, And adventures unknown.
A Love Lost ( Song I Wrote )
I took this picture just for you hoping you would like it too It's just me standing in the rain trying not to show the pain Pain i feel inside my heart because we were so far apart look at this and think of me And know I always think of you your in my heart, in my dreams I won't go I won't ever leave Remember back when we had fun? remember when I was the only one Remember when, you would say, I love you more, each and everyday I remember, you looking in my eyes And I remember you telling lies So look at this and think of me And know I always think of you your in my heart, in my dreams I won't go I won't ever leave I didn't see it coming, but I should have I wasn't good, and I wasn't bad Nothing on earth that I could do, I was starting, you were through And when you left, I had to cry Cause not one tear left your eye So Look at this and think of me I don't think of you anymore Not my heart, not my dream It ended when you closed the door
Love Learned
Love must be learned again and again... Hate needs no instruction, but waits only to be provoked. - Katherine Anne Porter
Love You!(this For My Real Freinds In Ct)
Hugssssssssssssss Love ya.. One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't anymore. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you." So while we have it . It's best we love it and care for it and fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage ... and old cars .. and children with bad report cards and dogs with bad hips and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no
A Loverly Interlude.
For some reason, my lower body is sore today. I'm not sure from what this soreness stems, but with every step I take, I certainly feel it in my lower back, my glutes, my abductors, my hamstrings, my quads, and my calves. Strange, but life goes on. Check it out! This man offered to fulfill my wildest dreams. It went a little something like this: Dream-fulfilling Man: "Well, aren't you just as pretty as a peach?" Transparent Me: "Well, I don't know if I'd put myself in such a high class, but thank you just the same." Dream-fulfilling Man: "Yeah. I bet your life has never been better!" Transparent Me: "You're right." Dream-fulfilling Man: "I know. Now that I'm in your life, it just has to be better." Enter cheesy smirk. Transparent Me: "But of course." Dream-fulfilling Man: "You know, little lady, I can make your wildest dreams come true! Transparent Me: "You would do that for me?" Dream-fulfilling Man: "Baby, I'll do all that and more!"
Love Is
Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way you love me, A love that will always be, Within you I see,a true love purely simple and free, So remember when your eyes meet mine, We will forever stand in time, For our love is truely fine. I am yours and you are mine, For our love has truely stood the test of time
Why must you be so far away? I see you only in my dreams I need you now, here with me I need to feel your arms around me I love you so much yet your so far away Why can't you be here, with me, today? I need you know, I need your shoulder to cry on I need to feel your arms around me I will make you see That I love you, you mean the world to me I need to feel your lips upon mine And I need to feel your fingertips gently caress my cheek I need you so much, even as I speak You mean the world to me, I will make you see That I love you so, and I need you here with me.
A Love Story
A Love Story I will seek and find you . . .. I shall take you to bed and have my way with you . I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days. All my love, The Flu Now, get your mind out of the gutter and go get your flu shot (BETTER LATE THAN NEVER) "YOU CAN CLOSE YOUR EYES TO THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE, BUT YOU CAN'T CLOSE YOUR HEART, TO THE THINGS YOU DON'T WANT TO FEEL"
Love You To Death By Type O Negative
In her place one hundred candles burning as salty sweat drips from her breast her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya,get... Black lipstick stains her glass of red wine I am your servant, may I light your cigarette? Those lips smooth, yeah I can feel what you're saying, praying They say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get... I beg to serve, your wish is my law Now close those eyes and let me love you to death Shall I prove I mean what I'm saying, begging I say the beast inside of me's gonna get ya, get ya, get.. Let me love you too Let me love you to death Hey am I good enough for you? Hey am i good enough for you? Am I? Am I? Am I good enough for you?
Love Thingy...ew..
U Was My Frist Love Now I Want u to be my last love. When I first meet u i feel in loved with u , i hid my feelings from u jst as i do now, not wanting to lose what i have with u. im to scare to tell u how i feel , i jst stand back letting u live ur life. but it hurts hearing u tell sum1 else u love them ,when i wanna be the one u say u love , i wanna be the one u hold at nite . why cant i tell u i love you like i did long ago in the past now im to scared to say it. i love u now and then i wanna love u more and more till i die.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Bible ~I Corinthians 13:4-8~ "Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain." ~Leo Buscaglia~ There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that enough love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open; no gulf that enough love will not bridge; no wall that enough love will not throw down; no sin that enough love will not redee
Love Is Like
Love Dilemma
Her starring eyes to the depth The soft winter breeze through her hair It makes me thinking very deeply so it makes me very care I don’t know if I like loving or if I hate it or not Must the hunting be over Could I’m letting fade it?? Please, help me, God! Many different questions for a young growing man like me but I would really know it to complete my family tree To much money makes poor But a kiss makes health Tickles into the belly . . . It could be Love you felt Many different cultures Only love could make them to one And could even warm it up By the sweet raises of the sun
The Love Is There
Is death an end to lifes problems? Is loneliness a punishment for lifes mistakes? To find a friend is a feat many cannot believe A friend finds you perfect no matter the mistakes How can someone with so many friends be lonely? Why does loneliness only creep into our lives? Life is a gift that so many squander Family is a treasure so many turn away Why is this life so hard? Why are friends so loving when family looks away? This world of so many people Seems to always look the other way Why is this life so hard? Why should this life continue? It's time to get up and move around Don't sit wasting your time feeling down Is there a world out there full of love? Do my friends and famly believe in me? Yes they do Actually, they love you
Love And Life.
'm sorry that i bought you roses to tell you that i like you I'm sorry That I was raised with respect, enough not to sleep with you when you were drunk I'm sorry That my body's not ripped enough to "satisfy" your wants I'm sorry that I open your car door, and pull out your chair like I was raised I'm sorry That I'm not cute enough to be "your guy" I'm sorry That I am actually nice; not an asshole I'm sorry I don't have a huge bank account to buy you expensive things I'm sorry I like to spend quality nights at home cuddling with you, instead of at a club I'm sorry I would rather make love to you then just f**k you like some random guy. I'm sorry That I am always the one you need to talk to, but never good enough to date I'm sorry That I always held your hair back when you threw up,and didn't get mad at you for puking in my car, but when we went out you went home with another guy I'm s
Love Him Or Loathe Him
Love him or loathe him ! Love him or loathe him, he nailed this one right on the >head.......... > > By Rush Limbaugh: > > I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the >September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are >profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just don't >criticize anything having to do with September 11. Well, I can't let the >numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the >entitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the >September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The >range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million. > If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed >in action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half >of which is taxable. > > Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the survivi
Love This Song
love this song.. tried to get it on music jesus but its not there.. what other sites can I get this to auto start on my page? x
Love Meter
Created by
Love Meter
Created by
MySpace Comments
I took me long enough, and almost cost me dearly, but I finaly made my move. Rose and I have been seeing eachother for a while now and I have done way too much to hurt her, but she has stuck by me through it all. Then I finaly realized that if I didn't do something to prove to her that I love her I would lose her. So, I finaly moved out and got away from the situation I was in. I am staying with her for now, but am looking for a place of my own. I just need to stand on my own two feet for a while. Thankfuly, I know that I will have her right by my side through it all and I won't have to worry about losing her any more. Rose, you are the light of my life. You are my heart and soul, my soul mate. Will you marry me Rose? Make me that happiest man in the world!
Love You Bunches
MySpace Comments
A Love That Will Never Be
His smile warms me... His eyes intrigue me... His lips beckon me... His arms call to me... My broken heart beats for him.. I cry for him... Only... He doesnt know... He just doesnt know... If only he did..
Love You So
Love Is Worth Waiting For
For so long I felt that there was no hope for love. Then unexpectedly I was reunited with a man I loved 10 years ago. We both quickly discovered that our love never faded. We are back together now and have rescued eachother from what we thought would be a life of loneliness. He makes me feel as though I can do anything and be anything I set out to be or do. I get butterflies in my stomach every time he looks at me. I melt with every kiss. My heart skips with every touch. I never knew I could experience a love so real and so strong. For those of you who think of giving up on love.....don't. Love is definately worth waiting for. You'll realize that when it happens. And it will happen, when you least expect it.....
A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said 'I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.' 'Is the man of the house home?', they asked. 'No', she replied. 'He's out.' 'Then we cannot come in', they replied. In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. 'Go tell them I am home and invite them in!' The woman went out and invited the men in' 'We do not go into a House together,' they replied. 'Why is that?' she asked. One of the old men explained: 'His name is Wealth,' he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, 'He is Success, and I am Love.' Then he added, 'Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.' The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. 'How nice!!', he said. 'Since that is the case, l
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you. -Dr. Wayne Dyer
I'm sick of hearing how great love is How is love so great When people break your heart into piecesthey go behind your back No one can stay faithful People say give it time It will turn out fine But then in the end You are crushed like everyone else When you cry yourself to sleep Scared for your life How is love so amazing Things so amazing don't hurt you badly I don't want to hear anymore love songs I'm sick of how "great" love is I'm tired of the lies Love is just an excuse for you to get hurt
Love Dress.....
A woman stopped by unannounced at her son's house. She knocked on the door then immediately walked in. She was shocked to see her daughter-in-law laying on the couch, totally naked. Soft music was playing, and the aroma of perfume filled the room. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'I'm waiting for Mike to come home from work,' the daughter-in-law answered. 'But you're naked!' the mother-in-law exclaimed. 'This is my love dress,' the daughter-in-law explained. 'Love dress? But you're naked!' 'Mike loves me to wear this dress,' she explained. 'It excites him to no end. Every time he sees me in this dress, he instantly becomes romantic and ravages me for hours on end. He can't get enough of me.' The mother-in-law left. When she got home, she undressed, showered, put on her best perfume, dimmed the lights, put on a romantic CD, laid on the couch waiting for her husband to arrive. Finally, her husband came h
Love Or Something I Wanted Too Much?
This is what happens when I have friends who break up with their boyfriends because of a "gut feeling". Mine I love this one guy. I love him with all my heart. Yet there is something that bugs me. Like he's not telling me something. Baby, I hope you know I love you. I love everything about you...but why do I hate you so? I know you have things you aren't telling me. Maybe another her? Or...or as I fear for the worst...a him? I have told you everything. I believed you with my heart, I trusted you with my soul, now I burden you with my love. I am at all sorry my love. For maybe this isn't the right thing, us being together. I have loved you for almost 3 years now, and I feel like I hardly know you. But then again, it's like we are best friends for eternity. Please, spare me the hurt and the sorrow, tell me what it is you long for, what you search for, and what you desire. So that I may help in guiding you to that sacred light I call love. Maybe one day, you will love me the same
Love To Meet New People
I've met such great people and became good friends with so many of you. Please feel free to add me/rate me/comment me/message me.... I love to chat and meet even more new people all the time!
I Love you!!!!!!!!!!!! ¢¾ ¢¾¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾¢¾ See How many People on your buddy list Love you back. If i don't get this back Then i guess you don't love me
Love Is A Battlefield
We are young, heartache to heartache we stand No promises, no demands Love is a battlefield We are strong, no one can tell us were wrong Searchin our hearts for so long, both of us knowing Love is a battlefield Youre beggin me to go, youre makin me stay Why do you hurt me so bad? It would help me to know Do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing youve had? Believe me, believe me, I cant tell you why But Im trapped by your love, and Im chained to your side We are young, heartache to heartache we stand No promises, no demands Love is a battlefield We are strong, no one can tell us were wrong Searchin our hearts for so long, both of us knowing Love is a battlefield Were losing control Will you turn me away or touch me deep inside? And before this gets old, will it still feel the same? Theres no way this will die But if we get much closer, I could lose control And if your heart surrenders, youll need me to hold We are young, heartache to heartache we
Custom Comments and More @ † Dark Angel Designz †
Love Is The Drug
LOVE is not easy but try to love with all you can. "If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you."
Love Sweet Embrace
Please order my book, its a book for all, from native american poetry, gospel, humor, , fairy tales for wee ones sweet dream fairy tales for the adults just click on banner below get your order in Thank You Jody Dickey insert from one of my poems in the book A LITTLE HEAT THEN LOL DEDICATED TO MY EROS Love Sweet Embrace It's magic when Our bodies touch Only you can make me Feel such sweet heat You're all man' My Eros God of love Bringing me sweet pleasure I'm afraid to close my eyes If it is a dream you will vanish My heart is beating so fast I know My Darling you will pick me up Carry me in your loving arms Softly laying me upon the bed Slowly removing my clothing Piece by piece, Stopping long enough to kiss My expose flesh Sweet caresses from your lips Slowly inching down my body Awe My Sweet Darling "Do you know ,what you're doing to me ? " I am butter melting beneath you My breaths are mere sighs Th
Love Or....
From the first time i met you I knew you were something special A person i could connect with Relate certain feelings unto one another Connecting far beyond normal friendship Both of us not noticing at all Being Stubborn, naive and young To right the steps we took toward the wrong Pushing eachother til we break Only to cause heartbreak in both I gave my heart to the wrong soul Only to be shoved in my own face But it still leads me right back If my love isnt true, what is?
Love Is ...
Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you, Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion, That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul, I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can't control, So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.
Love Before First Sight
Love Before First Sight Night after night, Dream after dream I see her face as if it were just before me. I reach out and touch her face, her soft, beautiful face. I look into her eyes, her crystal-like eyes. I kiss her lips, her soft lips. Her kisses might as well been lethal, but I could not stop. Every kiss, like being reborn. Every kiss, like being saved from the grips of Death. Night after night, Dream after dream. Her form looked as though it was hand-crafted by the Angels on high. Everything about her.......was perfect. Nothing out of place, nothing to be called a flaw. Perfect. I wanted her. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to be by her side, because I loved her. I couldn't explain why I loved her, I just did. Night after night, Dream after dream. I knew she was real. I believed she was real. I wanted her to come into my life so i could be with her. I told her, "I love you." And she replied, "I love you." The words echoed in my ears like heavenly music.
Love Is Over Rated
Come on people you cant really believe that there is true love. Its the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Love is like Santa Clause. You think its real until you grow up and get a clue. Love is nothing but emotions run rampant. If everyone understood the true meaning it would make life easier for everyone. Love is nothing more than security and habit all rolled into one. You "feel" safe and you feel "secure" but its all a crumbling wall of lies that once shaken will fall to the ground. Get over it a see it for what it is. No one on this earth is that selfless that they will sacrifice everything for another person. Everyone has their price and that doesn't always mean its financial gain. People have their own dreams and ambitions. There will always be someone or something better out there. It's human nature to always strive for something better. I've been considered heartless and cold. All that is very true. I'm ok with that. I like being that way. I like being protected and gua
Love Quote
Love is strong yet delicate. It can be broken. To truly love is to understand this. To be in love is to respect this. - Stephen Packer -
To Love is to share life together, To work side by side and then smile with pride, As one by one, dreams all come true. Part of a Poem and don't have the rest if it sounds familiar please message me !!!
Love's Lucid Memory
The pain comes once so often, never to sustain thru the night... Yet, enough of time it takes up to throw my views askew. Would I- If I could remove the stain of love that marks me from a life once known? No, I would not...The stain is more of an assurance that, that love once existed and is a testimony to the dream that feels hazy at best at times.... Like Photos from events in your life you wish to look at when alone in the moments of space between the dream and wake...I must not only respect and pay honor to choices and times past but also - lay them aside to attend to the life I lead in this realm...
So many questions in life but never answered. but why? why no answer? i'm confused isn't that what lifes about. dont you live to figure out why you were put into this world to do.well thats how i was raised. so why all the unanswered ?'s espesilly the question about love. Whats love? is there love or is it just a theroy that everybody thinks they feel but dont really know. well i have answered it so if you ever ask me i well responed this: love is pure. yes love is real it is not just a theroy its something that comes from the heart and it always unexected and you dont get to choose who. At times you get really confused but believe me its so worth it at the end. love is so simple but we make it so painful. love is paicient. love is kind. love is... love is something that makes you dream and realise that you were put on this earth to has many ways of making you feel full that sounds funny but i meant like when you eat alot and your so full that you cant even move. well tha
Love Me Now Or Love Me Later
Don't judge me by the clothes I wear Or the way I choose to have my hair Don't measure my faith, by your opinion Remember only God has dominion Don't look at our differences,in clothes,or in song Just because I serve differently doesn't mean I am wrong We don't get to choose who is worthy of salvation And God tells us to love no matter what denomination Don't look upon me, and see my past The Lord has taken, all my sins cast Don't pick apart my words to be offended And take things in a way they are not intended For I promise you, that the look of my face Has nothing to do with my running this race And the mercy of God, that covered your sin Is the same mercy of God, that I abide in And whether you think me worthy or not As sisters and brothers, we are all that we've got So you can love me right now, or you can love me later But my picture is next to yours on God's refrigerator He is the pott
Love Won't Let Me Wait By Major Harris
NEVER MY LOVER IN LIFE Wanting compassion, wanting love, wanting to be touched. Longing for the perfect intimacy to find me. Over my life not finding anything but hopeless, heartless physical greed in the touches I had been given. Always yearning for that one touch that would set my body ablaze. I find the compatibility in you I have searched for so long but can never have, as you are my friend. And never to be my lover. Only the lover of my emotional turmoil and pain. this is dedicated to the best man in my life and you know who you are!
LOCKED AWAY FROM ALL A small bonfire is a resemblance of my hearts desire for you. Feed it and it rages. Smother it and it dies. My mind clicks when I hear your favorite song. My blood begins to race through my veins. Any little thing that reminds me of you puts a smile on my face, Even for a second when no one else is watching or notices. I tell myself "God I hope they didn't see that!" For what I feel for you will be locked away inside of me like an impregnable fortress never to be conquered. The one key to the gate is your words telling me you want me as I do you. Until that time I will remain silent in my love
YOU WILL NEVER KNOW Your smile, your laugh, your laugh, your silly damn faces, Your sharp wit, your voice, the loving way you say my name Makes me quiver from head to toe. But you will never know! The hours of idle talk. The boxes of tissues from me crying. The touch of your hand in simple play. The gesture of a stupid call every day. But you will never know! You will never know the joy that all of this brings to my life. You will never know how you fill my life. You will never know you are the love of my life. I will never let you know. I love you!
To my first true love....broke my heart into a million pieces never to be healed again....
Bleak midwinter, And snow lies all around, My heart is cold and empty, And I long to walk on the hot sand, With the sun burning my body, And my love close at hand, Will you ever return?, Or will I always live in bleak midwinter, Send me word of where you are, Have you found a new love, Have you moved on to someone new?, I am still in a frozen state, Stuck rigid where you left me, Unable to move on, One kiss would thaw my bones, One moment of bliss would unfreeze my toes, I would follow you to the ends of the earth, But my feet are frozen to the ground, And all around there is no sound, In this frozen wilderness, I will live forever, Suspended in time, A monument to discarded love Maybe someday, that I can open to you, and say all the feelings, I know to be true. Maybe this day, You'll give me your heart, Instead just seeing you tear mine apart. Maybe tomorrow, I'll find my true self to tell you, you mean more to me than anyone else. Maybe you'll love me for all I am, not what I look
Im just curioous if there is anybody out there that still believes in love. I mean real love like in the old days when people would get together and stay together till one of em passes away kinda love. Not the 2,3 month love spell but the real thing!So do you?
Love Lost
THE WAY IT WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN DATE: 06 Mar 2007 By Andrea L. Bois Love was all we knew, and time stood still. He would bring me red roses just because he saw them and thought of me, not because it was any special day. He'd play with my hair while I slept, and laugh when I'd look in the mirror at the mess he'd made of it. He'd wake-me with breakfast in bed, just because he loved to cook for me and see the look on my face when I opened my eyes to what he'd made. He'd sit and watch me eat, having already eaten while he was fixing mine he'd say. He never made a thing that I didn't love completely. I'd rub his back every night to put him to sleep, marveling at the beautiful tattoo he had there, across his shoulders and all down the center of his spine, with my initials he'd had added at the top, above his own. Resting my head on his shoulder, enhaling his scent, I'd often fall asleep too while rubbing his back, but not until after he did. I was alwa
Love (for All Eternity)
Come and fly into this world that we made our own. Nobody can touch us, we're all alone. Take my hand and lead the way into this light that you bring to me. I give all that I am to you, and the fear from inside rips out into shreds. You keep me alive and breathing, just waiting to grasp your being in my arms. Peeking around the corner with my single rose, you took it away and gave me more. You set my pain entangled heart free. You're now every part of me. Imagine this world that we will create. Taken away by sweet blissful thoughts of you and I. You've taken my heart, and it's yours to keep. Never ending beating will always sound as long as you hold it. Cradle my heart, care for it, let it remain. For as long as you nurture it's living, it can remain yours for all eternity...
Love's Theme Barry White My P. Daddy
Love Hurts
I want to feel your touch on my skin. I want to hear your voice whisper in my ear. I want you to love me like I loved you. I want you to hurt like I have been hurting. I wish fairy tales were true because you would have saved my heart not broken it in two.
Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things! Homer Simpson
Love Turned To Hatred
LOVE TURNED TO HATRED Sir John Suckling I WILL not love one minute more, I swear, No, not a minute ; not a sigh or tear Thou get'st from me, or one kind look again, Though thou shouldst court me to 't and wouldst begin. I will not think of thee but as men do Of debts and sins, and then I'll curse thee too : For thy sake woman shall be now to me Less welcome, than at midnight ghosts shall be : I'll hate so perfectly, that it shall be Treason to love that man that loves a she ; Nay, I will hate the very good, I swear, That's in thy sex, because it doth lie there ; Their very virtue, grace, discourse, and wit, And all for thee ; what, wilt thou love me yet ?
I write this only out of anger at the moment. A man that I am in love with and have been seeing for almost 2 years now, is on here also. I found out about it and decided to set my own up as well. I see the women that are on his page and one in particular disturbs me more than the others. He'll know the one I'm refering to. So my question is, is it okay to be on sites and chatting with people of the opposite sex while you are in a relationship with someone else? Is it okay to give out your email address and phone number as well? I love this man, but am greatly disturbed by this. So what do I do? Turn a blind eye, do nothing, confront him with it, or ??? Is it wrong to want to be with someone, be in love with them and expect them to not interact with people of the opposite sex as well?
Love Sux
My boyfriend went back home from a 16 day vaca. We cried and cried and cried! Now he's home, and doesn't call me or sounds like he misses me, and seems angry when I phone him. WTF? Do you think he's so hurt he doesnt know how to deal with this? OR... Do you think he doesnt want to deal with this? Leave input my friends! Thank you Love you mean it!
Love This One:-)
A city slicker shoots a duck out in the country. As he’s retrieving it, a farmer walks up and stops him, claiming that since the duck is on his farm, it technically belongs to him. After minutes of arguing, the farmer proposes they settle the matter "country style." "What’s country style?" asks the city boy. "Out here in the country," the farmer says, "when two fellers have a dispute, one feller kicks the other one in the balls as hard as he can. Then that feller, why, he kicks the first one as hard as he can. And so forth. Last man standin’ wins the dispute." Warily the city boy agrees and prepares himself. The farmer hauls off and kicks him in the groin with all his might. The city boy falls to the ground in the most intense pain he’s ever felt, crying like a baby and coughing up blood. Finally he staggers to his feet and says, "All right, n-now it’s–it’s m-my turn." The farmer grins. "Aw, hell, you win. Keep the duck."
Love To Hear From You!
Don't worry. It's totally free.
I never really knew you, You were just another friend. But when I got to know you, I slowly let my heart unbend. I couldn't help past the memories that only made me cry. I had to forget my first Love, And give Love another try. So I've fallen in Love with you, And I'll never let you go. I Love you more than anyone. I just wanted to let you know. And if you ever question why, I don't know what I'll say. But I'll never stop loving you. Each and everyday my feelings for you will never change. Just understand and know that my feelings of the heart are true, And remember one thing: I LOVE YOU!
Love,what A Strange And Unusual Word!
[01] Do you still have feelings for your ex? Nope [02] Have you ever been given roses? yes i have actually [03] What is your all-time favourite romance movie? notebook :O kidding it would be dirty dancing [04] How many times have you honestly been in love? meh a few times i guess [05] Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate no but i do believe there is someone out there for everybody [07] Have you ever had your heart broken? reckon i have [8] Your thoughts on online relationships? meh if it makes someone happy then so be it! [9] Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend? yeh i have [10] Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater?" yes,yes i do [11] How many kids do you want to have? 4 [12] What is your favorite color(s)? pink [13] What are your views on gay marriage? i support it fully! [14] Do you believe you truly only love once? i do [15] Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry
Love's Got A Hold On My Heart
Love And Hate
You can not love everyone; it is ridiculous to think you can. If you love everyone and everything you lose your natural power of selection and wind up being a pretty poor judge of character and quality. If anything is used to freely it loses its true meaning.Therefore I believe you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy. Love is one of the most intense emotions felt by man;another is hatred.Forcing your self to feel indiscriminate love is very unnatural.If you try to love everyoneyou only lessen your feelings for those who deserve your love. Repressed hatred can lead to many emotional and physical ailments. By learningto release your hatred towards those that deserve it, you cleanse yourself of these malignant emotions and you need not take your pent-up hatred out on your loved ones. There has never been a great "love" movement in the history of the worldthat hasnt wound up killing coutnless numbers of people, we mu
What is love? Is it just a 4-letter word? or is it used to hide the words of real emotion we'll never know, will we? never satisfied, looking forr deeper reasons When the feeling is deep still can be carved from the surface of your heart and your memory forever forgotten I dont know what I'd do If i really knew what love was searching to never find a reason we all sit in wonder will we ever love or beloved?
A Lovers Dream
Tis is a lovers dream when all one can see is the haze of bliss created by the hart and all the cares of this world and the next fades in to obliveion. Tis is a lovers dream when the one they love is all that is need to sustain life.There is no need for sustanace of food nor drink here. Tis is a lovers dream that is never apperant untill that dream is lost amongst the sea of dicord and hatered. This is a place that no brave soul dares to tread;for it is here that even the most solid of trusting relationships is torn apart.As if it were a ship tossed apon the open waves of a stormy sea. Alas this is the nightmare of a lovers dream. So sleep peacefully my lover,and pray that when you open your eyes you are not caught in this nightmare.
Love....fear..... Go Hand In Hand
So it's the most scariest thing n the world. it involves 2 things that r just 2 scarred 2 even recognize..... my heart and my trust both as fragile and delicate as the wings of a butterfly. i am in love or at least believe i am.... i keep fighting myself.... my mind is telling me "it's all a joke and none of it was real" on the other hand my heart is telling me "u know better and u could see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, and hear it in his heart" but i was selfish back then.... oh lets not forget immature and ignorant. i can stand and breathe on my own. he wouldn't have 2 do it 4 me. i do need him 2 save me from my loneliness though.... it's a challenge, believe me. but i'm thankful that he knows how i feel about him. i did at least put fear aside on that one. but if he gave me one more last chance.... i'd show him a world he's only dreamed about and would do everything my heart and soul could not 2 hurt him n*e more than he already has been hurt.
Love's Secret By William Blake
Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be; For the gentle wind doth move Silently, invisibly. I told my love, I told my love, I told her all my heart, Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears. Ah! she did depart! Soon after she was gone from me, A traveller came by, Silently, invisibly: He took her with a sigh.
Love This Song So Funny
Aqua - Barbie GirlAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Lovers And Friends!
lovers and friends When you meet the right person, nobody can tell you anything. All you can do is think about the joy and happiness they could bring. You think about their hugs and kisses and just being held in their arms. You think about the stormy and scary nights and how they can keep you safe and warm. You think about the late night conversations that the two of you could have. You think about the jokes she would probably tell and how she can always make you laugh. You wonder if she thinks about you the way you think about her all the time. You wonder and think to yourself, "Will she ever be mine?" You hope that she calls you today because you wanna talk to her really bad. You hope that if she doesn't call, you won't be too disappointed and sad. You hope that she can fill that empty space and give you the affection you think you lack. You hope she loves you too because it's a sad feeling when the person you love doe
Love is but a dream, For those whom have no fear. Together fighting battles, In tomorrow's yesteryear. My heart is in such turmoil, My mind is in such pain. Won't you someone come to me, And whisper lies unclear? Do you often wonder, Do you often hear... Words that bring such sorrow, To simply dry your tears???
Love Me Two Times
Love Love Love
6 signs you're falling 4 someone: 1 - as soon as you get online-who's name do you look at first 2 - when you hear your phone ringing-who do u hope is calling 3 - when a love song comes on the radio-whos face comes to your mind 4 - whos name makes your heart skip a beat every time u hear it 5 - who is it that you always find yourself thinking about-wondering if they're thinking about you 6 - the whole time you were reading this bulletin, there was only one person on your mind.....
All my love for you is strong Our Relationship is like a Dream come true how could we go on without eachother my life has never been so colorful As we hold on, what could ever go wrong? my life is like a never ending love song! We have a short period of time before we hear those wedding bells. the day we say our marrige vows then we will begin our life together our marrige will last forever We will have ups and downs but memories will be the best of all We shall live away from town in a spot we will love forever Our Childrem will grow up and move away We will always say how great it is, and here we will stay...
Love Is...
Love is not about money, or the clothes you wear. It's being with that someone special, that with all your heart you care. Love is as natural as can be, as in the ocean and the sky. It's a special bond between two people, that leaves a sparkle in your eye. Love is devotion, trust and friendship, it's making a committment to show you care. Love is being together, even when he's not always there. Love is being honest and faithful, keeping your feeling strong and true. Your love will last for an eternity, if you keep your memories between you. As boundless as the restless sea, as timeless as eternity. As endless as the stars above, to all who find it, this is love.
Love Life
Does anybody know whats happening here. Love just isnt the same. it was great the first little while then it all changed. im sorry to be a bitch but i got to stay sane. I love you but its just not the same.. you were the best thing thats happened to me in a long while. you and me are good together but i cant handle the constant late night drinking and partying itsjust to much to bare. you just do it to often and its killing you which its killing me to see you kill you. Please stay fo a while and dont leave me. i love you to much. but if you keep this up i may have to leave you to keep this part of me sane.
Love My love, my lust, my trust. Is all on you for now. Until you make that one mistake Then you'll loose me for good.
Love Ya's
Hot Myspace Comments Goodnight all see ya tomorrow! Hugs and Kisses and Luvs~Heather
A Love You've Never Felt
I was thinking of you as the rain came down today~ I wondered if you remembered your umbrella or if you liked to feel the icy slivers touch your skin. I imagine your world outside that door you keep locked. Is there love waiting there for you? Is there someone to who your words are precious like they are to me? Do they feel their body warm at the mere thought of you? I was still thinking of you as the rain ended. I imagined us, two adults, jumping into puddles, laughing and then standing ankle high in the middle, Kissing. I wonder at last if your lips have ever been touched by true love and if you would ever let my lips kiss yours where you would finally taste real loves breath.
Love that is true forms a bond that grows stronger, deeper, wider, and dearer, over time. The bond of love that grows actually transforms and permeates people that experience true love. One of the most remarkable qualities of true love is that it is truly free and at the same time it is one of the most valuable things in the world. This is so because love is a gift from one heart to another, and then grows in each heart that love touches. The bond formed by true love is everlasting.
Love Is A Choice!!!
I've been thinking a lot about the concept of love lately...What does it mean? Does it mean different things to different people? Why is it easier for some people to feel and to express it than it is for others? Love, for me, has always been a relatively easy emotion to come by, recognize and express. Granted, at times in relationships I may have confused lust or infatuation for love, or I may have given myself to someone undeserving of such heartfelt affection, but I don't consider my willingness to love a weakness. It just means that I've had my heart broken a couple of times, without regret. I always grew up knowing that I was loved. It was an emotion that was freely expressed in my home. Goodnight hugs were punctuated with an "I love you." Phone conversations ended the same way. I lived every day knowing that my mother loved me, and I her, even if we were apart or if we'd had a fight. I know that many adults did not grow up this way, and that saddens me. I can't imagi
Loved Ones
It's amazing how quickly things can turn in a relationship. One wrong word, or a group of words spoken out of anger and the whole relationship can crumble. It is exactly what happened to me today, with a friendship. And I call it that because, despite what was said, I always thought this person was going to be there for me through thick and thin. I discovered otherwise, and my heart is shattered. Writing as a hobby, I have become proficient with using words to express my feelings. Yet, as I write this, my prose is not coming to me as it usually does with ease. It's a struggle, because I am hurt and shocked by this persons actions. As upsetting as it is, I should have seen it coming. I have yet to find a person that can deal with my fiery, opinionated and outspoken personality. Well, let's just say I do find them, I speak my mind and they leave. So, here's to you and you know who you are. Thank you for the great and close times we had. It is said that a flame tha
Life is to short to be miserable. Be with the person you truly love whether it makes anyone else happy or not.Follow your heart always!!!!
Love Note
Dear Luv, Good morning boo, did u sleep well? I wish I was there when you awoke, But I had to be to work early So I thought I'd leave you a note. I left some breakfast on the table. I know you'll be hungry when you get up, And yes, I kept your o.j. cold, It's in the refrigerator in a cup. I liked when we talked last night, It brought out our best, I could of went on and on, But you fell asleep on my chest, And as you lay in your slumber, While I ran my fingers through your hair, I soon started to realize, How much I really cared, As I watched your sleeping face, I don't know what I would do, If the bad really occured And somthing terrible happened to you, I gotta get to work, Hope this made you feel better, I just wanted to say, 'I love you' All within this letter, So I'll see you tonite, You'll proabably get home before me, Today and Forever, Love always, Courtney
Love Is Blue
Love Is
Love is like a passionate desire that no one can obtain unless they work at it. It’s more than a feeling or concept that everyone seems to use without knowing its true meaning. People in today’s twisted, unrealistic society misunderstand the three little words that make a relationship thrive with life. They take those words and throw them around like a football, throwing it at a different person, not knowing if it’s real or just some simple way of getting the girl. Experiencing love is the greatest aspiration that two people can engage in. Love is not just some made up feeling of hope or lust; yet, it’s a emotion that blossoms when two people realize that they make that other persons’ heart skip a beat. It’s that feeling that they get when the other person walks into the room and their heart drops to the flooring knowing that the other person makes them truly happy. Be devoted to the other person mind, body, and spirit is what makes the relationship stronger everyday and by havi
Love This Music ... And The Boots
Love Overboard
Love Has No Pride
Love 2
HE CHOSE ME! the love of my life chose me to be his wife!
Love does….not plead lost lovers with jaded hearts It is… Not a complex ideology subjected to the meanderings of a poet’s edict Love is not recycled like a common whore available for the next trick Whose seed is spent on the cheap satin sheets of a nearby motel 6 Co-dependency controlling love by random manipulations of paradigm shifts Laws of conditionality imposed by preconceived notions of parental rifts LOVE Cannot be pre-packaged Standardized Enslaved oR Remade To fit the mold of what’s been abused and torn Then redressed in surface distractions Without being reborn Love does….Not Leave you broken and bleeding on the floor, As your self worth stains the linoleum tile And Esteem is escorted out the door Love does not stumble home smelling of sex And alcohol Or blame you for failures that may befall Nor does it scream inaccuracies of your inadequacies for reasons of infidelity Or boast ignorantly “You’ll never get the best of me” Toxic love, A
Love N Peace
Love Tunes
Do you really know what it is to be in Love? What is your feeling about it? Can you give yourself to a person, and love them or half ass like them? Well i've been there before, and it is like heaven on earth. To be with someone that has your back. To share everything with, the good and the bad, not to mention the unspoken. To give without thinking about it. It's funny because you can't get that feeling from everyone, because it's different personalities. The thing about it, you can lose it as fast as you got it. Taking things for granted, and things. You always need to talk things out. And you will forever be temted by things or people. So Becareful!!
What does the word "love" signify? A passing emotion, An impassioned cry? Two people in passing, One along for the ride? Do bitter emotions, yet heartache make, A flicker of hunger, Together a flame? A teardrop has fallen, Yet tides are the same. Has one but to whisper, In yearning,In pain. For another to beckon, To hear one's own name? Love but a hunger, Love but a pain, Love but a torment, Yet screams out her name!!!
Love Internet Style.....
Love This Song When I Feel A Bit Sad ...
Love !
Back when I thought i knew what happiness was The love i share for you cannot be broken, it is deeper than the ocean itself, It means the world to me to see you smile, your love has no style, my love for you grows like a child, my heart and passion for you burn wild
Love Is Blind
Love is blind and stupid too At least that’s what I learned with you Brought me to tears and confirmed my fears The shattering of my sanity is all I can hear Burned by this passion till I am no more then dust My ashes scattered by the winds of lust But there is something about you and I can't get enough Rooted deeply in the recesses of my mind So this is what they mean when they say love is blind
Love is a state of mind and not an emotion. What i mean by this is don't just feel love think it. Emotioms can blind us, so we all need to keep are head clear and think before we act.
The Love Story Of Ralph And Edna:-
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable. When she went to tell Edna the news she said, "Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. The bad news is, Ralph, hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I
The Lovely Smell Of Paint
i spent the most of my day painting my dinning room. it looks amazing even though im not a great painter. my sis helped me pic out the colors. its very dramatic too. BAM! I did some running around and shit with Jessie and played badmitten with the kids and jessie. Jessie poof is gonna go out tonight i was invited to go.. but im worn out. My new sitter is freakin amazing. Shes very willing to watch day or night. she called me asking if i was gonna go out and i told her no.. the great thing is she wont take any money from me. she loves the kids that much. ehh fine by me. these new meds im on make me feel fantastic non emo. HAHAHAA but very sleepy. well i am off i need some sleep. long day for me tomorrow. toodles and thanks for readin about my boring daily life. :P
“I am good, but not an angel.I do sin, but I am not the devil.I am pretty, but not beautiful.I have friends, but I am not the peacemaker.I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”Marilyn Monroe
Love Poem
WOMAN'S POEM Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks. I pray he's gainfully employed, When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair, opens my door, Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man, who'll make love to my mind, Knows how to answer "how big is my behind?" I pray this man's love has no discernable end, And that he will always be my very best friend. MAN'S POEM I pray for a sex starved deaf-mute with huge boobs who's father owns a liquor store and a golf course. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a sh*t.
Love Is The Answer
Name your price A ticket to paradise I can't stay here any more And I've looked high and low I've been from shore to shore to shore If theres a short cut I'd have found it But theres no easy way around it Light of the world, shine on me Love is the answer Shine on us all, set us free Love is the answer Who knows why Someday we all must die We're all homeless boys and girls And we are never heard It's such a lonely world People turn their heads and walk on by Tell me, is it worth just another try? Tell me, are we alive, or just a dying planet? What are the chances? Ask the man in your heart for the answers And when you feel afraid, love one another When you've lost your way, love one another When you're all alone, love one another When you're far from home, love one another When you're down and out, love one another All your hopes run out, love one another When you need a friend, love one another When you're near the end, love one another We got to l
Love And Hate (strengths And Weaknesses)
I'm going to be as blunt as I can. If you're reading this, I apologize for the length. I am fed up with the "haters". Any anal retentive, brain-dead , freak of nature can hate. It takes no strength what-so-ever. On the other hand, it takes phenomenal strength to love-- especially when you know the person is doesn't like you and never will.
Loves Lying Eyes
Loves lying eyes is what you hold and my heart you bought and sold. Loves lying eyes I looked into and believed every word you said was true. And with loves lying eyes you stole my soul Hurting me was your only goal.
Loves Lying Eyes
Loves lying eyes is what you hold and my heart you bought and sold. Loves lying eyes I looked into and believed every word you said was true. And with loves lying eyes you stole my soul Hurting me was your only goal.
Love This Song
Love This Song
Love And Heart Breack
to a love i gave my heart too. Forever i love you in the heart of darkness and stone. i let stonewall fall to let you into the place of love and peace. Here i hold you like a book in a library with only four books. Of my loves i hold you the closest to my heart. Where hundred of papers containing past girlfriends. Here i keep the happiness for the true one to find it in the the library's maze of shelves. The happiness wonders the maze to find it's partner. But i search for for all time, but never finding it for all time. Here I'm trying to make a new book just for you the new love. But here i see you just teasing me over and over again each day. Here I lay ever night thinking about you and me being together in the end.But never seeing that happening in my lifetime. But hoping to in the next one. This is to my dearest love once forgotten.
Love Is....
Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I long to feel for someone each and everyday. Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is great emotion, that keeps us going strong. I love with all my heart, my body,and my soul. I love the way I keep loving like a love I can't control. So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart, and will pour my entire soul into you right from the very start....
LOVE We can only learn to love by loving. Iris Murdoch (1919–1999) Writer Love is a net that catches hearts like a fish. Muhammad Ali Former professional boxer
Love Quotes
What love is Don't find love, let love find you. That's why its called falling in love Because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall. Once you accept someone for who and what they really are, they will surprise you by being better then what you ever expected. LOVE is loving/accepting the person with all his/her strength & weaknessess. Men vs Women: Men would rather sacrifice love to conquer the world. Women would rather give up the world just to be with someone worth the sacrifice. Lucky is the man who is the first love of a women but luckier is the women who is the last love of a man. Decision should not be the choice of your heart or your mind but a sensible balancing of both. Find time to realise that there is one person who means, so much to you for u might wake up one morning loosing that person who you thought meant nothing to you. Some thougths are better left unsaid, some feelings are better left kept to yourself, but
Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way: it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things And now faith, hope, and love abide, and the greatest of these is love.
Love is raire,Life is strange,Nothing last,And people Change! Why does love hurt so bad? He tells you he loves you then he just up and leaves you?Like nothing. Lies.... Why'd you have to say them? Why'd you have to lie? First you said you loved me, then you said good-bye. How come no matter what someone says,and how bad they hurt you,when you love them you can never leave them for good!?! No matter what they do,it seems like love is so strong you always find away to forgive them.If they lie cheat or anything like that you can never let go of them and give the love up.Even the girls who get beat,they always make excuses for there loved ones and always blame themselves and never leave.Why is that?
Love Is...
Love is never stuffed up Never puffed up, Never gives up When the goings rough... Its the biggest little word you can say By the way...It's sympathy, sincerity, It's charity the main variety... of every little thing happiness is made of.. But I like it best when its shared with ... A FRIEND
Love Geography
"LOVE GEOGRAPHY" We are as vast as Greenland as delusive as our verdant names, as barren as the waste places of our past lives: We seem indifference for our continence. We have left unexplored fringers of frozen points,having always been prey to unmemory.Here, where tundral hopes of birthing are sun-paled to glacial brightness, only we know in our vastness, despite illusive moving drifts of memories flickering with shame, we edge taiga, live as deep, as shallow as oceans, thundering and thundering with rebirth.
Love Is..
"LOVE IS" its having someone to be with Someone you cant be without Its wanting to hold them every second Thats what its all about. Its the happiness you feel When everythings gone wrong its the way you sit there and think of crazy love songs. Its the sadness in your heart When you know thier not there Its the safeness you have When you are feeling scared. It’s the hope you have When everything’s gone It’s the dreams you hold When you’re alone. It’s having someone to talk to When no one else is listening Its being so in love That nothing in your life is missing. It knows I love you And I love you forever It’s thinking of you every second That’s what true LOVE is...
emotions cannot accept unchangable facts.
I just was thinking about love.... You shouldn't have to tell some one how much you love it or have to ask some one how much they love you it should be bounded by love to know and see how much people love you and you know allot of people don't see or care about love and i figured it's the selfish people in the world who take take take and can't even give any one even such as a kiss or a hug or even just to sit and have a nice converstaion with them, what i'm saying is life is to short to be sad and unhappy so take the risks and make it so your happy, because it'll make you smile and if it made you smile you'll never regret it!!! Love Chelle
Love From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Editing of this article by unregistered or newly registered users is currently disabled. If you are prevented from editing this article, and you wish to make a change, please discuss changes on the talk page, request unprotection, log in, or create an account. For other uses, see Love (disambiguation). Part of a series on Love Historically Courtly love Greek love Religious love Types of Emotion Erotic love Platonic love Familial love Puppy love Romantic love See Also Unrequited love Problem of love Sexuality Sexual intercourse Valentine's Day Close Relationships Affinity • Attachment • Bonding • Cohabitation • Compersion • Concubinage • Courtship • Divorce • Dower/-ry • Friendship • Family • Husband • Infatuation • Intimacy • Jealousy • Limerence • Love • Marriage • Monogamy • Nonmonogamy • Office romance • Passion • Partner • Pederasty • Platonic love • Psycholo
Love From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Editing of this article by unregistered or newly registered users is currently disabled. If you are prevented from editing this article, and you wish to make a change, please discuss changes on the talk page, request unprotection, log in, or create an account. For other uses, see Love (disambiguation). Part of a series on Love Historically Courtly love Greek love Religious love Types of Emotion Erotic love Platonic love Familial love Puppy love Romantic love See Also Unrequited love Problem of love Sexuality Sexual intercourse Valentine's Day Close Relationships Affinity • Attachment • Bonding • Cohabitation • Compersion • Concubinage • Courtship • Divorce • Dower/-ry • Friendship • Family • Husband • Infatuation • Intimacy • Jealousy • Limerence • Love • Marriage • Monogamy • Nonmonogamy • Office romance • Passion • Partner • Pederasty • Platonic love • Psycholo
Love An Eternal Gift
Love an Eternal Gift Love is the eternal possession within one's heart. Give it to those to whom you feel most deserving of it! You will receive it from those who truly care. It costs nothing! But is the most valuable thing you will have. Life can be so wonderful when you have it. Where there is love, There is no loneliness, despair, greed, or hate. What is Love? We really can't put it into words. We only feel the beauty of it in our lives. And it enriches our lives. It is a gift from God to benefit all. It is eternal. by Mary
The Love Of My Life
I wanted everyone to know about this girl. Her name is Ashley. She is the absolute love of my life. I dont know what i would do without her. Her smile just warms my heart and makes each day, good or bad, easy to go thru. I am the luckiest guy in the world to have her in my life. Ashley, u have no idea what u do to me. U just make my life better and worth living. U just make me so happy. I love hearing ur voice when we talk on the phone. U have the sweetest most beautiful voice ive ever heard. I love the fact that we can talk for hours all night online. The day i saw ur beautiful and that beautiful smile on cam was the best day of my life. The only way i could top that day is when i finally get to meet u in person. That will definitely be the best day of my life. I cant wait to hold u, kiss u and just love u. I wanna give u all the love i can give u cuz u deserve every bit of it. I love u so much babygirl forever and always. Please dont ever forget that. You are the love of my life.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
Love At Middle Age
once I thought that love making was for teenagers and boy was I wrong!! Now that I have finally grown up and met a real man , wow , love making is a wonderful thing. Patience and honest true feelings are what it takes to make sex a fabulous experience!!! Ain't love great and for those of you that are like I used to be , I only hope and wish for you all the joy and utter delight I HAVE FOUND!! Chrissy is a Happy Camper!!
MY FIRST TRUE LOVE Could you be my first true love ... the one that I have been searching for ... How could I have missed you? All of this time, all of these years?? What a small world we live in now with cyber space as our home doesn't matter where you are ... you are only seconds away from where I roam We found each other here ... .... hypnotized .... sharing common interests .. goals, values, likes and dislikes, and yearning to look into each other's eyes There is so much that we can still learn still share .. still do together to make our lives so rewarding .. so rich, so simple to even enjoy the weather I am so glad I have finally found you To dream of years to come to know that you will be here to support .. to love .. to care . MY FIRST TRUE LOVE!! It feels so right ... You are everything I have been waiting for You are everything I need ... Love , Nena!!
The Love Of My Life Lays Curled With Our Kitten....
Your suprise kisses make me melt. When i met him i thought my world was slowly fading.My heart was unexistant and love was only a mythological emotion. I cared about people of course. Thought i might like some, but i was so wrong. Zac is my light and my world. He knows this and has proclaimed such to me in a shaky voice. He is more than amazing. We spent a few days down at Port Aransas on vacation before I take my final for school. His vacation was his welcome home from Afghanistan. We are both soldiers, me as a former soldier and in heart always and him in reality. He makes me so proud because he's just him. He never took glory or fame. He just took my heart. I adore this man because he makes me laugh when i'm sad. He kisses me just because. In public he holds my hand close to feel it's warmth as i grab his cowboy hat and put it on my head. He's a country gentleman, raised to be a country boy farmer he learned the importance of work early in life and strives to make life as goo
Love Is Patient
Love is patient with a life That brings its share of pain. We know sometime there is an end To the most stubborn rain. We know the sun comes out again On a world that's fresh and new, And all the gifts we freely give Somewhere, sometime accrue. We know sometimes we have to wait For life to come around, And sometimes that it won't, but still There's some good to be found. And even when things happen that Your soul can hardly bear, Know that I'll be next to you; My love is always there.
Love Is A Sickness
LOVE is a sickness full of woes, All remedies refusing; A plant that with most cutting grows, Most barren with best using. Why so? More we enjoy it, more it dies; If not enjoyed, sighing cries Heigh Ho! Love is a torment of the mind, A tempest everlasting; And Jove hath made it of a kind Not well, nor full, nor fasting. Why so? More we enjoy it, more it dies; If not enjoyed, sighing cries Heigh Ho!
Love For Such A Cherry Lip
LOVE for such a cherry lip Would be glad to pawn his arrows; Venus here to take a sip Would sell her doves and teams of sparrows. But they shall not so; Hey nonny, nonny no! None but I this lip must owe, Hey nonny, nonny no! Did Jove see this wanton eye, Ganymede must wait no longer; Phoebe here one night did lie, Would change her face and look much younger. But they shall not so; Hey nonny, nonny no! None but I this lip must owe; Hey nonny, nonny no!
Love Always
to:baby boys don't matter don't matter what happens. don't matter how it happens just as long as you care for them no matter what. as long as you love them though everything and care for them in everything they do. so just be good to them because you will never now what you have till it's gone. don't matter if you live or died as long as you don't forget them. don't matter how much you love them they will always hurt you.... by:ashley baby girl
Love Without Truth
Another blog about truth, kindness and love. Inspired by recent events. My intent when I write, speak, sing or giggle is never to insult. Though I knew that the tone of some of ny blogs, could ruffle some feathers, I couldn't imagine a more concise way to share my thoughts. I don't often worry about ruffling feathers. Provoking thought is a good thing, right? It either confirms one's opinion or it provides perspective that creates or alters one's opinion…maybe a little, maybe a lot. I am not afraid to say something I might regret. I don't know why I'm like this, but I know I am. I don't stuff my feelings and I make a point not to hold onto bitterness. I like dealing in reality. I like cleaning house. I like knowing that people can speak to me in a direct way and visa versa. If I do say something I regret, I know I can offer a sincere apology. If someone says something hurtful to me, I know how to forgive them. If I react in an emotional way, I know that there is something valua
Love Isn't Everything
People say that is everything. But is love really everything. Love isn't school or education. Love isn't the world. Love isn't the community. Love isn't your family or friends. If love was everything then, what is the pint of living if you can't really live. Love isn't everything. Everything is what we want love to be.
Lover Of The Game
love is not a game to me a say i love someone then I do love them with my hart and soul and i will keep loveing them to they make so that I can't love them no more and they make me go away so look I do love someone on here and she my girl and she love me yes we will keep it real we don't say things that we don't mean we say what on are minds and that how lovers sould be and love not a game. plz let me know what u think of this.
Love Is...
1 Corinthians 3:21-33 (the Message Bible) 1 If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. 2If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing. 3-7If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love. Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, Doesn't have a swelled head, Doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always "me first," Doesn't fly off the handle, Doesn't keep score of the sins of others, Doesn't revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up
Love Or Money..which R U
You Would Choose Love Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love. You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet. And while many people may claim they would choose love too... You're one of the few who would really do it. Would You Choose Love or Money?
Love is the wierdest emotion of them all. It evokes the best in people as well as the worst. Love makes you want to do things for people that you wouldn't normally do. Love wants you to wish the best for someone, yet secretly hope that things stay the same, because your afraid of what happens if they grow, because you want to keep them forever. LOve is insane. It says trust this person,but at the same time keep them close because what happens if they find someone better. Love is fun. Love is laying awake at night , talking with your partner, giggliing at silly jokes, wanting to stay in that spot forever because the feeling of closeness makes you feel warm and fuzzy. Love is tender and caring. Love makes you wish that you could take all the pain your partner has to feel, and shoulder it yourself, so that they wouldn't have to. Love makes you jealous. Love makes you want to capitalize all of your partners time. Love is hell but I wouldn't trade my hell for anything in this world
Love Or Lust
fell in love but was it really just lustmy mind was on you wishing this body of mime was too.tine is not right so well just have to say good night did you see the fire and Passion in my eyes did i not make it clear my dear that you i so adore aidi just have to get a little bit more will you come over here set so close put you r arms around me and i will kiss youso passionately
Love Or Lust
fell in love but was it really just lustmy mind was on you wishing this body of mime was too.tine is not right so well just have to say good night did you see the fire and Passion in my eyes did i not make it clear my dear that you i so adore aidi just have to get a little bit more will you come over here set so close put you r arms around me and i will kiss youso passionately
Love Died Behind Thease Eyes
just so you all know well if you wnt to that is ,well the women of my dreams said yes to my question to marry me . so were getting married WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. just wanted to tell all of you , have a great night yalll .
Love Spoken Extemporaneously
The plethora of conniving women and distrustful men Made the proposition of acquiring true love an unfathomable notion At the hands of infidelity we’ve sustained emotional wounds Adulterous companions were afforded every opportunity to Renounce their philandering ways Still we tried forcing square pegs into rounded holes Until we completely exasperated our souls She was a good girl who just grew weary of Constantly being misled by a bad boy’s love And my weakening frame Began to deteriorate under the strain Of manipulative minds games I no longer had the desire to play Candidly we discussed the differences between needs, desires and wants For the first time in our lives we were going to Put ourselves above all others Forgoing the monotony Of feigning monogamy She and I brokered an alliance based upon sexual reciprocity We established a relationship of self indulgence That would be devoid of any emotional attachment Yet it becomes so easy to grow accustom to Merel
What is love Is it that happy feeling Every time I'm with you Or is it when my heart hits the ceiling I've learned now That it is actually neither Love isn't what they say I can see love when he beats her I can see love in the pain That you inflict I see love when you lie to me Everything you do is easy to predict See love isn't a good feeling Its acutally all of the bad ones When some one says they love you... Be prepaired to be hurt! written June 27th.
I told you once I was giving up on love and you told me not too. Tonight I feel like giving up again. I can't find a reason to hold for more. Life just seems empty and I feel so alone. What is wrong with me??
ive come to realize that my view on love, and many of my friends views on love are quite different, so im going to attempt to explain, in the simplest way i can, what my view on love is. i think theres love, romantic love, real love and true love. love is what you feel for friends, family etc. romantic love is affection beyond love, but only temporary. real love is a lifelong intimate bond that cannot be broken. and true love, well, thats something only God can give you
Love And Respect???
One person should not hold information over ones head just to gain for their own personal growth. Especially when its your spouse. I have never been more humiliated in my life then to have him give me flack on something i told him in strict confidence. Now that I feel this way I am not letting it down.
“Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” ~Bruce Lee
Love Thyself
people....PEOPLE! Love thyself, posting pics of who you want to be, and not who you are, will only end badly for your online experience. Can I get an Amen? (Internet responds..."AMEN, Brother!")
The Love Of My Life
This is REALLY true; we will be married soon. I am very in love with her and much more I am not at liberty to say yet. Except that we are taking things slow; as everyone should.
The Love Of My Life
This is REALLY true; we will be married soon. I am very in love with her and much more I am not at liberty to say yet. Except that we are taking things slow; as everyone should.

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