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Lose Yourself
Lose Yourself VideoLose Yourself lyrics - Eminem lyricsEminem Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
so you call me a loser do you think i care it don't matter to me what you think you're the loser not me i know i don't always win well that don't make me a loser it's just what you think i know i'm not it's just your opinion i don't give a SHIT what you think all that matters is what i think so i might be a loser but you are a FUCKING ASSHOLE so maybe i like being what i am NOT A LOSER By Melissa Dumler
Cant i feel sorry for myself, you and i both know i am a loser. Never really done anything that mattered, need to talk to my friend, maybe get a little closer. Loser ,loser , yeah that`s me, don't know what I really want to be. Sometimes easy things are hard to see, especially when it comes to me. Why do i have to be so slack, lying face down , not on my back. Sitting here in my favorite chair, with nothing to do but stare. Watching the outside, it is starting to rain, going threw to many things in my brain. Like pain, suffering, anguish, loneliness; i hate when i get like this. Every once in a while I get this way, always on a dark and dreary day. Don`t know how to get out of my hole, that really is my greatest goal. Feeling like the loser that I am, don't do the things that I know I can. Motivation is what I really need, get a job, or go do a good deed. Shaking like a leaf,because I am so cold, I never really have been so bold. As to tell people what i am really thinking, well maybe
I lose my loved ones To some fucked up shit I'm always getting hurt Why do i go threw this My life's fucked up And i don't know why I swear to god I'm going to lose my mind. I cant take this pressure Thats here in my heart To many distinctive feeling but where do I start I need to get away From the things inside That in some way Keep eating me alive. I don't want to lose you Believe me its true. I cant let go Of the memorize I hold of you. I want you to know That the feelings in side I'm locking them up To never let them strive I miss the way you look When you look into my eyes The Hazel Tide It makes me want to cry This feeling inside It will never die Just know no matter what You'll always have my heart
Loser Ass Whiney Babies On Cherry And The Rating System
Dj~ Insomnia~Reppin Tha Underground: hahaha ♥jenjenteases♥ dancer @ wp ♥ SAW Crew ♥: i would say somthing but i aint ♥jenjenteases♥ dancer @ wp ♥ SAW Crew ♥: lol Ω_SHADYJ_Ω: lol Dj~ Insomnia~Reppin Tha Underground: id cry if someone down rated me too...cause cherrytap is so important to the evolution of my life...roflmao..j/k Ω_SHADYJ_Ω: enjoy arron lol arron M: right on..back to rating honestly suga²: only ppl tht can suspend your account are admin or ct staff Ω_SHADYJ_Ω: that wont happen arron arron M: ok cool, just wanted to confirm before i continued, or was threatened with having my account suspended likei was told today Ω_SHADYJ_Ω: hello jenjen suga²: jk dont do that haha thats only instigating ♥jenjenteases♥ dancer @ wp ♥ SAW Crew ♥: hi shady suga²: or go back and rate em lower again for bad attitude arron M: right suga²: ignore em or block them arron M
so... apparently it's "BETA BREAKERS TODAY!" as i walked along sutter street, all these fucking people dressed in group costumes were parading around my neighborhood on Nob Hill. i felt as though i was back in high school again..and all i wanted was to buy cigarettes and lasagna.... yeah... the pretty boy guido ass douchebags in the store decided to pretend as if i did not exist and just bustle their way past me all nasty like. little did they know i could EASILY break thier skinny punk fuckin' asses in half over my knee... have i mentioned that these people woke up at, AT LEAST 6-7am to do this gay ass race, and MY ass has STILL not gone to bed yet? YEAH. i'm CHILLAXIN... singin' karaoke with ma'self. SO WHAT?!?!?! I'M A FUCKING ARTIST! GET OFF ME! heh. pee ess: the "lasagna" isn't even LASAGNA! .... bastids.. red sauce is disgusting when it's sweet. *honks*
Loser Idea!
So, I should have known that the flying machine wouldn't have worked...LoL! But, there is still the parachute idea. Just have to figure out how to get air born and in my chair, while controlling the situation. I think i need to come up with a new idea completely...just have to think...That's hard for me sometimes haha...joke! So I need ideas people! Help me out. Oh yeah, a mechanical chair, don't want one, id get in too much trouble!
It just dawned on me... aside from my girlfriend, I have no friends. Online or offline. Wow... even those little geeky kids in high school that everyone picks on have friends online. Damn I suck.
Lose Its Blue
i think its dirty all the things you do I cant believe it but i know its true i feel the pain of the night in bloody rain i gain my sight in turn it speaks through my skin it kills the pain from the hell im in return each night and see my scars to everyone's delight its gone too far i dont think the world will be the same i remember feeling only shame ive watch the sky lose its blue i deal with pain of loving you i know its in me i can feel it there i cant control it and i dont care ill bet ill make it another day but if i dont itll be ok cuz either way im dead and gone i dont care about right or wrong ill see it again as blood spills a red moon can only bring you chills and i know that things wont be the same cuz i still can feel the shame ive watched the sky lose its blue no more pain of loving you
The Losers Reason
The loser goes down by the river with his bottle of wine, He lost all he has,So he goes through life tak'in his time, While the richman is burdoned with troubles of every day life, His back stabbin neighbor is making love to his unhappy wife, The loser has left things like woman and business behind, Finding the peace and contentment,He looked for,In a bottle of wine, They call him a tramp,hobo,wino,or bum, I've seen a lot of richmen,And I'll tell ya no better then some, If you told him the world would soon come to an end, He would get on his knees and pray to his only friend, Dear god forgive them for not taking the time, To see their sins like you can through a bottle of wine, Now i've been a loser for maybe ten years or more, But i've seen my life with more truth then ever befor, So now I tell you,Who are lost in these troubled times, You'll never find peace like you can in a bottle of wine. Jimbo/Copyright/7/75
The Losers Reason
The loser goes down by the river with his bottle of wine, He lost all he has,So he goes through life tak'in his time, While the richman is burdoned with troubles of every day life, His back stabbin neighbor is making love to his unhappy wife, The loser has left things like woman and business behind, Finding the peace and contentment,He looked for,In a bottle of wine, They call him a tramp,hobo,wino,or bum, I've seen a lot of richmen,And I'll tell ya no better then some, If you told him the world would soon come to an end, He would get on his knees and pray to his only friend, Dear god forgive them for not taking the time, To see their sins like you can through a bottle of wine, Now i've been a loser for maybe ten years or more, But i've seen my life with more truth then ever befor, So now I tell you,Who are lost in these troubled times, You'll never find peace like you can in a bottle of wine. Jimbo/Copyright/7/75
A Loser
They say that I’m a loser And perhaps that may be true Since I don’t have a lot of friends And my interests are but few I’m not a worldly person Well versed in social graces So I prefer to stay at home Than go to public places I don’t go out to parties Or places where you dance And I haven’t had a date in years Afraid to take a chance People always make me nervous Because I’m rather shy Lacking in the confidence To be a stand up guy I’m not a very clever man Nor can I tell a joke I’m neither tall or handsome And I always am flat broke I have no sense of humor Or talent to create Is it any wonder then That I don’t have a mate In spite of all that I am not I never get depressed For I’ve accepted who I am Being second best They say that I’m a loser And perhaps that may be true But if I had to change my life I’d wind up being you
Losers Day One
Like anything in life, there's the 2% rule. 2% of people in anything, work, play, EBAY, are a-holes. Even in great places like this. When I joined a few months back, I was amazed how many fun, nice, open minded people there are, of both sexes. Occasionally, some idiot guy will rate my photo a "1", and I will go to his profile and see that he has done the same to other people. Then there are idiots like "JD's Wifey". This mildly attractive person sent me a 10 for my photo, and I said hi and that I thought she was attractive. She told me I needed to read her profile, which basically said don't ever talk to me! Being the rascal I am, I suggested maybe if she didnt want people to say hi to her, then perhaps she should not rate people's photos. Hell, she is so married, where is her husband in all this?! This brought on a spew of hate mail and hate filled shouts from the "person", ending with her downrating my photo then locking herself out. Suggestion? Stay away from this
Lose One, Lose Another...
Jon Bonjovi is in the house, rocking with the kids. Two are gonna bite the dust after tonight, because we just couldn't, apparently, bear to execute an Idol kid while attempting to raise gazillions to feed the starving children all over the universe.So they say they're gonna add last week's votes to this week's votes, allowing for the possibility that one of the kids who didn't place last either week to get kicked to the curb.I hate double boots.But THIS is American Idol.And in a bizarre double elimination night, where the President and First Lady close show and Chris is better than Jordin, anything can happen.But anyway, here they are, my early impressions, subject to review and revision and, as usual, from worst to first.Jordin Sparks (Livin' on a Prayer). Jordin is second up, and apparently had a tragic hair accident on the way down the hall. Gratefully, she is the first person to admit the performance was, well, not good. It was frenetic, bordering on shrieking, according to Si
so this guy came on page and rated me a 1 and then blocks me.....which is fine....i could care less that he rates me a 1....but how could he go and block me....i mean if ur gonna hate don't u think u should have the courage to stick with it and let the person come back at u???....i mean he has no balls at all....what a pussy .....i sent him a personal message telling me that he has no courage and is a pussy but he didn't even respond to if u guys wanna go and hate on his page since i've been blocked and can't then feel free his name is "solar agent"
Lose Control
Losen My Internet
Dear Friends and Fans, I'm going threw a divorce right now,I have no job yet, cause i have 5 kids and its hard to find a sitter to watch them while I work thats not expensive. My ex being a pain and is not wanting to help pay some of the bills here. I might be losing my internet soon within the next two weeks cause I cannot afford it. I'm really going threw a hard time right now. Soon as I get a job and get back on my feet I'll be back. And thanks to all my friends on my page for the comments rates,and the gifts yall the best. I will miss everyone after my internet gets turned off within the next two weeks. And I hope to be back soon. Thanks for reading, dianna (redneckwoman1979)
Lose You Tonight By Him
Im gonna play and try to sing along with the song and sing it to my lady. "Lose You Tonight" Don't run away I can't live without you Please stay And I learn to love you right I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life And I've been crying for you Dying for you all this time I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life And I'm not gonna Lose you tonight No, I ain't gonna lose you tonight Don't run away I never wanted to hurt you Please stay And I learn to treat you right I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life And I've been crying for you Dying for you all this time I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life And I'm not gonna Lose you tonight I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life And I've been crying for you Dying for you all this time I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life And I'm not gonna Lose you tonight I was waiting for you Waiting for all my life Oh, I can't live without you And I've been cryi
2 Lose Someone You Truely Love
subject: 2 Lose Someone You Truely Love date: 2007-08-30 23:02:43 All I can say is I really know what my Granddaddy meant about losing love. No the women I truely lovely didn't pass she left cause I wasn't the man I should have been; I will admit this Grandaddy love does hurt alot when you lose that women that really turns your world so my advice to guys, love that women and don't play her for a fool trust me you'll be losing the best thing that ever happen to you when you find yourself sitting alone in the dark crying. DarkThunder AKA ThunderWarrior P.S. This is about real love it aint about bein pussy whip. The old timers did love the right way I feel growin up
A Lose Of My Personal Friends On 9-11
Dedicated to all those involved in the search and rescue and to all those who lost their lives on 9-11-2001. FLY YOUR FLAG! James leahy found on feb 5 th This man was my best friend ,we run in a burning house to save a family on the way to school ...Never did I think he do it again without me . "Hero's till the end" Good-by my friends till we meet again Stay safe, always be aware of everything and everyone around you. ;)jcv
Losers = No More 'risque Pics' For Friends!
So, someone decided it would be clever to bring to the attention that I had "NSFW" photos in my "friends only" folder. I have no idea who this person is, but rather then ween them out and make them confess their idiocy. I've just decided to lock it all down. Doesn't hurt me any. I wouldn't want anyone in my friends list to feel uncomfortable with some cleavage. If you want access to all of my pictures write me a 1000 word essay telling me why you're not a complete douche and should be allowed to see them, and I'll consider it. You think I'm joking. If only. Boo. Jackass. *EDIT* I'm lax on the 1000 word thing. Just write enough so I know you don't care if you're randomly flashed 'NSFW' pics and aren't going to go tattle on me.
Lose Control By Missy Elliott Feat. Ciara & Fat Man Scoop
Lose A Friend....gain A Better One
why the hell do people change after they've graduated hs....hell im not changing for nothing so why would they? i get it's a new journey and shit but damn why turn on ur friends like that... hmm think sine june i've had to let go of bout 12 peepz in all...stupid reasons but i don't want peepz like that hanging around me....since then i've gained much better'd think that's good right? way wrong was hardl ettin' them go i'll admit but nah can't do it....i want ppl to like me for me not for what i have or w/e....the ones i let go couldn't handle my other friends....oh well was that my should i stop hanging w/ them jsut sum don't accept them....if anything they should've tried or something but damn they didn't...matter of fact they tried to diss them and i wasn't havin' it so i told they sorry asses off...bit mean...yes..did i care..nope!... not having anyone disrespectin' me or my peepz jsut cuz they can't get along w/ them bunch of blah b
Loser #1
so shave your face with some mace in the dark saving all your food stamps and burning down the trailer park yo cut it so head to toe i'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me (x2) he hung himself with a guitar string, snap a turkey neck and its hanging from a pigeon wing my time is a piece of wax falling on a termite who's choking on the splinters so head to toe i'm a loser baby so why dodn't you kill me (x2)
Call me what you will haha, but I'm hanging out alot more on myspace. I haven't talked to a lot of you in a long ass time but I haven't forgotten any of you. Hit me up on yspace if you've got it. Or just call me lame and tell me to fuck off. or something like that. For those of you whom I actually talked to and those who are interested. I'm home from Iraq and I'm in the process of training for Afghanistan. Peace. Lots of love and Merry Christmas. P.S. I'm still the Coolest Guy Ever
A Loser With A Mask
A loser with a mask, you don't see me, For who I really am, what I really am, How I really am: A loser with a mask, I disguise myself, and hide the truth from you, Show you only what you want to see. A loser with a mask, I can't let you see the real me, Because I'm scared of what you'll think, I care so much for you and your opinion is all that matters. A loser with a mask: I disgust myself, I would disgust you if you could see me, If you could see the real me: A loser with a mask, I've fooled you for so long, But I'm tired of lying so off comes the mask... And now I'm just a loser standing in front of you, Deeply in love with you, vulnerable in every way possible, Now I'm just a loser who's ditched the mask...
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey Butane in my veins and I’m out to cut the junkie With the plastic eyeballs, spray-paint the vegetables Dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose Kill the headlights and put it in neutral Stock car flamin’ with a loser and the cruise control Baby’s in reno with the vitamin d Got a couple of couches, sleep on the love-seat Someone came in sayin’ I’m insane to complain About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt Don’t believe everything that you breathe You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve So shave your face with some mace in the dark Savin’ all your food stamps and burnin’ down the trailer park Yo. cut it. Soy un perdedor I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me? (double barrel buckshot) Soy un perdedor I’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me? Forces of evil on a bozo nightmare Ban all the music with a phony gas chamber ’cuz one’s got a weasel and the other’s got a flag One’s on the pol
Loser (Lyrics by Arnold) (Music Roberts, Arnold & Harrell) Breathe in right away, nothing seems to fill this place I need this every time, take your lies get off my case Some day I will find, a love that flows Through me like this This will fall away, this will fall away You're getting closer, to pushing me Off of life's little edge Cause I'm a loser and sooner or later You know I'll be dead You're getting closer, you're holding the Rope and I'm taking the fall Cause I'm a loser, I'm a loser, yeah This is getting old, I can't break these Chains that I hold My body's growing cold, there's nothin Left of this mind or my soul Addiction needs a pacifier, the buzz of This poison is taking me higher This will fall away, this will fall away You're getting closer, to pushing me Off of life's little edge Cause I'm a loser and sooner or later You know I'll be dead You're getting closer, you're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall Cause I'm a loser, I'm
Loser Of The Week
Spanish driver sues dead crash cyclist for damage Fri Jan 25, 10:37 AM ET A Spanish driver who collided with a cyclist is suing the dead youth's family $29,300 for the damage the impact of his body did to his luxury car, a Spanish newspaper reported on Friday. Businessman Tomas Delgado says 17-year-old Enaitz Iriondo caused $20,500 of damage to his Audi A8 in the fatal 2004 crash in La Rioja region, the El Pais newspaper reported. Delgado, who has faced no criminal charges for the incident, wants a further 6,000 euros to cover the cost of hiring another vehicle while his car was being repaired, El Pais said. The youth had been cycling alone at night without reflective clothing or a helmet, according to a police report cited by El Pais. His family won 33,000 euros compensation from Delgado's insurance company after the firm acknowledged he had been driving at excessive speed and this could have contributed to the incident, El Pais reported. "I'm also a victim in a
Loser By 3 Doors Down
Breathe in right away, Nothing seems to fill this place I need this every time, Take your lies get off my case Someday I will find a love That flows through me like this This will fall away, this will fall away You’re getting closer to pushing me Off of life’s little edge Cause I’m a loser And sooner or later You know I’ll be dead You’re getting closer, You’re holding the rope, I'm taking the fall Cause I’m a loser, I’m a loser, yeah This is getting old, I can’t break these chains that I hold My body’s growing cold, There’s nothin left of this mind Or my soul Addiction needs a pacifier, The buzz of this poison is taking me higher This will fall away, This will fall away You’re getting closer, to pushing me Off of life’s little edge Cause I’m a loser and sooner or later You know I’ll be dead You’re getting closer, You’re holding the rope and I’m taking the fall Cause I’m a loser You’re getting closer, to pushing me Off of life’s little edge Cause I’m
Loser Magnet !??
Okay so i want an honest answer , do i have a tattoo on my forehead that says INSECURE LOSERS PLEASE APPLY HERE?!? Theres a guy ..Daniel is his name *hah i know hes gonna read this and frankly i DGAF! Hes 37 , with an adult child and 2 younger teenagers ... We've seen eachother on a few different sites , and he found me on here , we talked .. seemed to hit it off .. after about a week of talking we met in person . I went to his place because he doesn't have a vehicle *RED FLAG* right ? LoL .. NE-Way he was acting like a gerbil on crack , just really anxious and stuff Am i that intimidating? No i don't think so ! ... Ok so we're talking and stuff hes smoking like a chimney *nervous i suppose* , but hes moving around alot and just starts saying really random shit , Bitching about how his kid and his gf are home blah blah how that makes him uncomfortable , i on the other hand was fine with it . His son comes out and goes to the bathroom , then gets a drink , Daniel tells him , yes TELLS h
Loser Of The Week!
Rated me a "1" and downrated many others! JUSTICE@ fubar
Losers On Fubar
Ok i get online to find stupid im's left for me from apperantly imature men. just cause i wont give a guy my number he claims im passing up a chance, what ever!! and than he states im nothin for no one, whatever!!! i'm so sick of being treated like certain guys own me on here cause i talk to them one time, get a grip this is the frikin internet, unless i give you my number and have that kind of relationship with you than get a grip. there are a few who are friends and who get my number. you know who you are, atleast i hope you do. And right now no one is getting a number. Now if you feel that this applies to you dont be imature and bitch me out just simply remove me from your profile and i will remove you and block me from your yahoo, i will be cleaning mine out here soon. Sorry if anyone gets offended by this i'm just tired of the crap Thank you and have a nice day
Lose Weight Fast! Give It A Try
Omg, Let me tell you that this weight lost program works! I didn't try it my mother did and she was thrilled. Give it a try and leave me some feedbacks CUUR is an all-natural, clinically tested weight-loss supplement consisting of four botanical extracts, designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. "By taking CUUR 3 times per day, I stopped craving sugars and carbs that I once snacked on each day at my office. I became motivated to work out regularly again so my confidence is up again, I feel much healthier and Ive already lost 10 pounds. Most importantly, my clothes fit very well and Im actually in better fitness shape now than I was as a collegiate athlete!"-Aubreigh To unsubscribe from this email, please click here.
Lose Yourself, By Eminem
[Intro] Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? [Verse 1] Yo, his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There is vomit on his sweater already Moms forgettin' he's nervous But on the surface he looks calm and ready To drops bombs, but he keeps on forgetting What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth but the words won't come out He's choking, how? Everybody's jokin' now The clock's run out, time's up, over BLOW! Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked, he's so mad But he won't give up that easy, no he won't have it He knows his whole back's to these ropes It don't matter, he's dope, he knows that But he's broke, he's so sad that he knows When he goes back to this mobile home That's when it's back to the lab again, yo This whole rhapsody, better go capture this moment And hope it don't collapse on him
Lose/lose Scenarios
There are some situations in life in which you absolutely can’t win. Once you are in the situation whatever route you take, you are coming out badly. Now we have all been in these situations before, and we all second guess the choices we have made. But when option A and option B suck, it becomes determining the lesser of 2 evils. So today I am putting you in a few unique situations and I am going to give you two options to choose from. Yeah, its like a quiz/game. There are no right answers only the lesser of 2 evils. Make your answers. At the bottom of this blog I am going to put what my answers are, but I want you to come up with yours first. Don’t be a cheater. Here we go. Karaoke: Ok. The thing about singing karaoke is that no matter what you do with it. You are a dork. If you go up there and sing like shit, you are retarded. If you go up there and sing the song perfectly, you are a fucking cheese ball. Its a lose/lose. What do you do? (A) Sing badly and look like a s
Loser Me
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 Don’t hate me!!! To those that want to hate me because I made something of myself.Fuck Off!!! I’ve been on my own since I was 16 years old,I’ve held a job longer than just a year or two.I’ve had 2 jobs that paid me in excess of $50,000.00 a yr.Noone in my family has ever ever ever made that,not legally anyways.I am going to college in the fall for a graphic design degree.I dont live with my mother,havent in a very very long time.People look up to me because of who I am and what Ive done with my life.I am 36 fuckin yrs old,I grew up long ago,maybe you should!!!I am respected and very well loved wherever I fuckin go,can you say the same???You doubters that still live at home with Mommy/Daddy,in your 20,s 30’s or 40’s,no job,no nothing,stfu!!!! I have everything I need and earned it by busting my ass. what my brother posted on his myspace....what a fuckin ASSHOLE!
I have said this before in my blog that 99% of the people on this site are fake but I want to add that 99% are also LOSERS lol. I love how people attack others at a moments notice to try and make themselves look "cool". Have you ever stopped to even think what you're doing? You aren't making yourself look cool, you are making yourself look like a damn idiot haha. The only reason you don't understand that is because all of the other idiots on this site are just like you and they think it's cool too. So basically you are only cool when you are with the other idiots from this site lol. Did that make sense? Sure it did, think about it. Anyway, I love how this site has managed to gather so many freaks in one place. It's like the worlds biggest idiot festival and I love watching you losers! Thank you for showing me that I just happen to be pretty great. I'm so glad I don't have the mental problems that many of you have. Happy day! :P
Lose Yourself In Lust, My Love
Lose yourself in lust, my love; Enjoy me as a thing. Make my flesh your fantasy; My soul, your sycophant. I would you would with me, my love, Let all your voices sing, Losing not one ecstasy That some sweet sin might grant. For love loves not that secret space Where dreams turn into wounds, Festering for lack of care, Untended but by stealth. Love enjoys a secret grace, Calliope of tunes Inexhaustible, for there, In trust, lies love's true wealth.
Loseing A Loved One
i just recentaly lost someone very close to me , he was my uncle king , lost him due to brain cancer at the age of 56. he is survived by 2 daughters and a loving wife , and 5 grand children , 2 in wich he was never able to kids and my self looked up to him and my girls adored him. we all loved him very much and he will truly be missed , it is hard for my girls , one took it very hard , she is 9 years old and understands about death and it has never really botherd her untill it hit home. i know with faith and prayers our family will get through this . i thank god for ending his suffering and takeing him home , may he be at peace ....... IN LOVING MEMORY : CHARLES KING
Loser Alert It For Real
Loser Alert! Ok Fubarians, I am here to let you know I did a giveaway with AKAMRS.T for 5 bling packs. I worked very hard to finish the giveaway and let the hostess know I was done and she sent me 3 of the 5 bling packs she owes me. I then sent a message asking for the other 2 and she will not answer me. She says her daughter is in the hospital but yet she has been on fubar posting and reposting bulletins and voting on mumms. I just wanted to give you all a heads up that she does not pay out fully on her giveaways; and it is up to you if you ever do a giveaway with her. I am a very understanding person and if she didn't have the money for them it would have been nice for her to say so instead of ignoring me! Here is her link: AKAMRS.TLOSER
Being the biggest dork ever and blogging my midgett.. lmao hey it gets me the points:D
Lose Myself
What am i supposed to to? after all that i have been through when everything else had been banished like a fog, it slowly creeped inside me once again! can’t find the reason to keep holding on don’t know how long i can keep going on like this, hiding everything neatly tucked inside smiling falsely and proving nothing. change is inevitable, thoughts of you now crawling inside me like never before. right when i thought there’s nothing else left seeds of love were sown deep inside me! once a barren land your presence, your thoughts transformed it into a garden now teeming with life now teeming with thoughts of you, i try to find a reason to hold on, to delay the inevitable! when love has won the war, i have lost the battle to you! i am lost under your spell and i am losing myself everyday!
Name: Spark Sexy (Online) Level: Henchman (22) Gender: Male New Lenox, IL Buzz: 0% -- dry, get them a drink! Spark Sexy re-rated you a '1' from a '10'! Spark Sexy: YEP ->Spark Sexy: are you asking me to block you? Spark Sexy: can i be bblock ->Spark Sexy: i don't talk about stuff like that with strangers Spark Sexy: bdsm Spark Sexy: u in to bdm ->Spark Sexy: no Spark Sexy: so so are you single ->Spark Sexy: is it a good day? Spark Sexy: i have cyablepalsy ->Spark Sexy: okay how are you? Spark Sexy: how are you ->Spark Sexy: hi Spark Sexy: hi
Loser - Rh
If I had a gun for every ace I have drawn, I could arm a town the size of Abilene. Don't you push me baby, because I'm holdin' low. And you know I'm only in it for the gold. All that I am asking for is ten gold dollars. And I could pay you back with one good hand. You can look around about the wide world over. And you'll never find another honest man. Last fair deal in the country, Sweet Suzie. Last fair deal in the town. Put your gold money where your love is baby, Before you let my deal go down Don't you push me baby, cause I'm holdin' low. And I know a little something you won't ever know. Don't you touch hard liquor, just a cup of cold coffee. Gotta get up in the morning and go. Everybody's prayin' and drinkin' that wine. I can tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on the inside straight. Well I got no chance of losin' this time.
Lose Weight Eating Chocolate
15 years in the home-based business industry. Do you like chocolate? How about chocolate that helps you LOSE WEIGHT, is the most powerful anti-oxidant on the planet, is suitable for diabetics, vegans and vegetarians AND tastes like the finest quality Belgian chocolate........ If you are in the UK, right now you can pre-register and get yourself in place for the launch of Xocai, the ONLY company that produces this chocolate. Already a massive hit in the US, Canada, Aus, NZ , Japan and Peurto Rico and turning over millions of dollars every month. The UK is NEXT, with other countries in Europe following close behind! This is a UNIQUE chance and for less than £20 you will have your own website and be able to pre-build a business ready for early 2009. Already in just two months, there are people here in the UK with a pre-built team of over 400 members. Get in place now and get ready for an instant, repeat and growing income from UK launch day. Skype me on handyandy18.. for more information.
seriously, how fucking lame can you be when you get that obsessed with a website where you pay real money for fake gifts and spend all day trying to recruit ppl into rating your pictures so you can level up. Grow the fuck up people. Its really not that awesome that your a level 25, and have 8 billion fu points. How about taking the money you spend on auto 11's and go help someone who cant get a meal or a roof over their heads? Oh and fucking fu weddings are even more lame..whats next? fu-alimony?
Loser Boy Strikes Again... (beware - Graphic Content)
some people cut themselves on things like knives or broken glass. i tend to cut myself on things like apple skins, doors, or in this case - a plastic zip tie. *sigh*
Hey was up,how are you?My name is Jason.I'm 25 puertorican currently living in Huron,SD.I'm originally from NJ.I'm open-minded outgoing fun honest down to earth faithful mature affecionate and easy to talk to.I'm not about games nor do I have time for them.I like to keep it real always. If interested feel free to hit me up with a note. Take Care,by the way your very beautiful
Dearest Angel, If i could ever come across an angel, i bet it's you..well, i was surfing through on here and found your profile nice and interesting..well, You got a lovely and prettiest face i ever seen on here, I would really love to be in a serious relationship with you as i do believe in Love at first sight...Are you truly the one for me?, Get back and mail me on more about you on or add me up for chat as am online now, Take care and stay blessed.. SEGUN
You suck. You’re such a fucking loser. You don’t have shit in life, But yet, you’re still here. Why? A grown-ass woman, Single, living at home with her mom, Sharing a room with her sister, And working part-time. Fucking loser. You suck. You stupid bitch. Why don’t you just give up? Call it quits and end your life. You worthless piece of shit. All you are is a fucking liability. Make this world a better place. Life easier for all who have to see your fucking face. Kill yourself. You stupid fucking loser bitch. Why are you still here? Go on, do it! Crissy ~November 29, 2008~
piece of shit
Losers On Drugs
I was ask the other day  about my views on drugs.  I told my friend you really honestly dont want my opinion do you He said yes.  I said well if I tell you,  it may end our friendship.  He looked at me strange but said no come on I ask the question say your piece. I said and I tried hard not to bore him or now bore you with the details but here goes Since the age of 5 years old,  my mother (not bio mom) got hooked on meds to help her slim down.  It went from them to harder shit.  Most were uppers and downers. It was a horrible life,  she was always out of her mind on drugs.  She would slide across the floor pissin and shittin,  yelling to the top of her lungs. I never understood why my father not real father bu adopted,  stayed with her. She made my life a living hell and I feared for my life all those years till I moved out at the age of 19. The only good thing she ever taught me was what drugs will do to you.  They fuck you up!!!! I said so in my opinion drugs are for losers.
Last night, an annoying sweettalking idiot strolls up to the Front Desk. He says hola and smiles with his gator smile.  I'm like "hi..."   "thats a cute accent" "thanks" "I love this place, you been in Chicago long?" "yup" "you know, I used to date a girl from Mexico, I think Spanish women are the most beautiful in the world." "I'm sorry, is there a reason why you are telling me that?" "uhm...well, I'm just hinting that you are really gorgeous" "you just said Spanish, which I'm not" " aren't?...I mean..." "nope, not at all" "....
These are the type of guys I seem to attract!!!Let me give you the warning signs Losers...the ones who have NO job, NO hope of finding one, won't look but swear they can't find one, oh and big flashing sign...has a kid and they don't pay support (or 2)Liars... constantly changing their story, swearing up and down you didn't get it right the first time they told you!!Lost Puppy Dogs...mooching off you, using you for a place to lay their head(s) you BIG ONE HERE.. THEY CHEAT ON YOU OR THEY USE YOU TO CHEAT ON SOMEONE ELSE, and they swear its ok there is nothing going on anywhere else!!  Then after they have used you for everything they can get out of you, they run of with some nasty skank who thinks they are so lucky, even though the guy is going already cheating on them!!! ROFLMAO!!! WATCH OUT GIRLS, AND GUYS, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!! EVEN HERE!!!
ugh  i feel like such a loser for getting so much into Fubar again. i seriously need to find a new hobby....
The Losers
Have you ever wantedTo be someone you're notBut you look into the worldAnd you see what you've gotThere's nothing thereBut brains and gutsFinally open the doorAnd then it shutsLook to the centerAnd I think you'll findThe people that are gettin'They are blindYou changed the channelAnd there's nothing thereYou weren't born prettyAnd it isn't fair...Here's to the losersThe substance abusersTo the rejectsAll the imperfects'Cause I think we're beautiful'Cause I think we're beautiful'Cause I think we're beautifulNo matter what anyone saysI think we're beautifulThem most beautifulIn the worldYou try for jobsBut they say you're strangeYou're sportin' a styleThat they call painSo you get in troubleAnd your brain is goneYou're cryin' out manBut the words are wrongHere's to the losersThe substance abusersTo the rejectsAll the imperfects'Cause I think we're beautiful'Cause I think we're beautiful'Cause I think we're beautifulNo matter what anyone saysI think we're beautifulThem most beautifulIn th
Lose The Game
Lose Weight The Healthy Way With Acai Berry Supreme
The Acai berry, similar in taste to a raspberry with a hint of chocolate, helps to suppress the appetite, alleviating any excess eating.  With the nutritional value attached by means of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, acai berry is a natural way to lose weight by also boosting energy and metabolism.  The body rids itself of toxins that inhibit proper digestion, and thus eliminating foods that would otherwise be trapped in the digestive system.  Acai Berries Acai Berry UK Buy Acai  
Lose 10 Pounds In Front Of The Camera.
Photo tip of the day. Make you look thinner.Wow, take a picture and look 10 pounds thinner. Here are the secrets. Many of you have allready noticed that shooting from above with your chest out covers up the not so thin parts. It also makes you look up so your eyes look bigger. There are more ways to slim down in front of the camera. Women never face your body direct to the camera. Turn your body about 45deg angle away form the camera head tilted (either way for women (better to the camera for women) away from the camera for men) and chin down facing the camera. Turning your body away form the camera a little helps hide tummy bulge. Too much and it will be worse though. Head tilt and chin down help hide whats under the chin. Sit or stand up straight, chest out, bend at the belt line do not bow your back. Bad posture pushes out the jelly rolls and makes you look more rounded. Hope this helps some. More comming on this subject soon.
Lose 50 Lbs In Two Days!!!
Thats what people expect. There are all these magical potions out there. There's pill popping for everything! Guranteed or your money back. Can't beat that. For you women out there, burn 30lbs of fat per day with this super duper magical pill! Or for the dudes, gain 20+lbs of muscle a day from taking a simple pill with some water! Don't even need food! Oh increase your benchpress by 30 pounds by wearing this bracelet around your wrist(fizogen). YES! Or you can take this other magical pill to gain 5 inches on your dick! Wooo! This world will sell you anything... The sad part? People believe anything and everything they see, read, hear, etc. Shoot, you can convince people that they have problems that they never knew they had before!... until now! And look! There's a pill to fix it too!Doesn't matter what it is, there's pills for everything... Love, boob size, nausea, stomach ache, appetite, strength, nerves, bla bla bla... I don't feel like typing it all. You can find a pill for everythi
I've steadily turned up the volume I've carefully put it on surround Every so often I'd scream Just to see if you'd notice the sound I tried to make you listen I tried to make you see That inside me is a person Who just wants to make you believe I pushed you further and further I pushed as far as I could But I never do anything right Not even my opinion is good I am giving up I am giving in For alone I can never lose but I never wanted to win
Lose 10 Pounds In One Month
My friends and family thought I was smoking crack when I told them I was going to try and lose 10 pounds in one month. I went from a healthy 5'9 165 in September of last year to tipping 190 in November of this year. I said on my birthday enough was enough. December I was down to 178, and today I weighed myself and I'm down to 173 :-D. I figure my ideal range would be about 155-165, so I'll keep at it. After the month of hell my loss slowed down because I allowed myself to start eating fried foods every now and then, candy, beer, etc. I'm still losing it though, so I guess it IS ok in moderation :). Cheers!
The Losers Are Out
Thanks for the Thumbs Down. Hope you appreciate the #1s I gave ya and the buzz kill.  
You're all losers for being on here. Oh wait.... /wrists
Losers Suck!
Subject: A near flawless 2007 Chevy Duramax 2500 (ours) that was properly parked, I might add. The Offender: My husband saw a Hunk O' Shit pick up truck, with it's driver that looked like he was awaiting the second coming of the Mullet, parked unskillfully beside ours. Perhaps his truck horn mimicked that of the "General Lee". Husband goes in to the store, the Hunk O' Shit is there. Husband comes out of the store a few minutes later.....Hunk O' Shit is gone. But what is NOW there is a 2+ foot long gouge in the side of our truck. The insurance adjuster came out to the house a couple of days later. In a matter of less than a couple of minutes away from our truck, a $250 deductible and $2500 in damage occurs. The estimated time to repair it? 9 days. What is wrong with people these days? Since when is it okay to hit and run? I imagine Mullet Magoo going home bragging to his cousin-slash-wife, about how he "fought the man" today. Then he probably goes to the cooler in the bac
Loseing My Best Friend
what is it about you that makes my heart skip a beat when i hear your voice it makes me feel whole again you pull me back to reality and then i realize it's all just a made up fantasy in my head i know you'll never be mine and we'll never betogether your  all i ever think about when i wake up and go to sleep but my dreams seem so real but then i remember your just my imagination playing tricks on me i snapp back to the world of you just being my best friend you act as if you don't care about me but i know you do deep down inside your a normal guy with a loveing heart but your so numb to the  world i just can't can't keep trying to convince you how much i love u don't you see how your tareing m e apart i cry so much but you don't see the tears i hide from you it's the stabbing pain that messes with my nemotions and heart your a total diffrent person  than i knew before and it kills me to watch you walk away but your so into everything else that i just get pushed aside like an
Cant i feel sorry for myself, you and i both know i am a loser. Never really done anything that mattered, need to talk to my friend, maybe get a little closer. Loser ,loser , yeah that`s me, don't know what I really want to be. Sometimes easy things are hard to see, especially when it comes to me. Why do i have to be so slack, lying face down , not on my back. Sitting here in my favorite chair, with nothing to do but stare. Watching the outside, it is starting to rain, going threw to many things in my brain. Like pain, suffering, anguish, loneliness; i hate when i get like this. Every once in a while I get this way, always on a dark and dreary day. Don`t know how to get out of my hole, that really is my greatest goal. Feeling like the loser that I am, don't do the things that I know I can. Motivation is what I really need, get a job, or go do a good deed. Shaking like a leaf,because I am so cold, I never really have been so bold. As to tell people what i am really thinking, well
There is  a way to find out who these rat WPP people are. You will need to download the OPERA browser for this. This is the only browser you can do this with. GOOGLE free OPERA download for whatever operating system you are using. Operating system is for example: VISTA ,XP PROFESSIONAL, WINDOWS 7 etc. So if you are operating windows 7 type this in google: FREE OPERA DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS 7. Load browser and sign into fubar as usual. Click on any WPP player. Click on ADD TO HITLIST, then put cursor on the name and RIGHT CLICK it. You will see a drop down menu choose INSPECT ELEMENT. A white box will appear and on the left of this box you'll see a BLUE SHADED area,look for a 7 digit number preceding the mafia mobster name this is their FUBAR PROFILE ID NUMBER. add in front of any number into your address bar and hit enter and this will bring you to their profile.
That feeling of bad roomsbad black stainsand bad things is back.The clink and roll of errant glass.The unwaivering need for some hardhotwetanonymous liquor down my throat.That all important third drink.One for the pain.Two for invulnerability.Amber bites.Bad room spins.Stained floor says hi.I don't know where I went wrong.Don't know that I did.Don't know how I got here.I must have put that cigarette out on my armIt wasn't dark then.It wasn't for me.This was more about celebrating.At least I thought.But it turned.More and more.Toward that feelingthat problem.That solution.There was a confession in there somewhere...about hands on stomachsand deep, exhausted kisses.Where did it go?
Lose 14 Pounds In 2 Weeks - Guaranteed
Here’s the raw truth … Losing 14 pounds in 2 weeks - guaranteed may not be possible for everyone. But if you follow my FREE information I’m about to reveal to you, then you’ll be on your way to getting “High-School Skinny” in no time flat! Access 7 Secret Weight Loss Strategies For FREE! To Your Success And May God Bless You In Losing Weight, George St.Germain
Loser - 3 Doors Down
Breathe in right away.Nothing seems to fill this place.I need this everytimeSo take your lies, get off my case.Someday I will findA love that flows through me like thisThis will fall away, this will fall away.[Chorus]You're getting closer To pushing me off of life's little edge'Cause I'm a loserAnd sooner or later you know I'll be deadYou're getting closerYou're holding the rope and I'm taking the fall'Cause I'm a loser, I'm a loser, yeah.This is getting old.I can't break these chains that I holdMy body's growing coldThere's nothing left of this mind or my soul.Addiction needs a pacifier, the buzz of this poison is taking me higher.This will fall away, this will fall away.[Chorus: x3]
Lose Your Money Money Worries
Worried about money! Lose those money worries by adding a second paycheck with Strong Future International.Get started free. Start seeing money within a few weeks. Learn more at:
Losers - The Belle Brigade
There will always be someone better than youEven if you're the bestSo let's stop the competition nowOr we will both be losersAnd I'm ashamed I ever tried to be higher than the restBut brother I am not aloneWe've all tried to be on top of the world somehow'Cause we have all been losersI don't wanna be laid downNo I don't wanna die knowingThat I spent so much time when I was youngJust trying to be the winnerSo I wanna make it clear nowI wanna make it knownThat I don't care about any of that shit no moreDon't care about being a winnerOr being smooth with womenOr going out on FridaysBeing the life of partiesNo, no more, noThere will always be someone worse than youSister don't let it get to your head'Cause you won't be on top of the world so longIn constant competitionThis ain't about no one in particularBut I could list a fewI'm removing myself from the queueDon't care about being a winnerOr being smooth with womenOr going out on FridaysBeing the life of partiesDon't care about being hard
Los Envíos De «comprimés» Android Superarán Este Año Un Ipad Los
Los Envíos de «comprimés» con sistema operativo Android de Google superarán al este año iPad, por primera vez, según los análisis publicados este martes por la firma de investigación IDC, ya étal c Pomme céder más cuota de mercado a los rivales de todo el mundo prix tablette tactile. Pequeños 'comprimés' Una variedad Cada Vez maire de baratos y de Android a este año más contarán con Consumidores y el dominio socavarán de Apple desde el that iPad apareciera por primera vez en 2010, según International Data Corp (IDC). Se espera that los Envíos de iPad iPhone y Sigan Creciendo un envidiables tasas, pero sus archi-rivales Côme Samsung Electronics y otros han perjudicado un Apple con una combinación commercialisation de inteligente, una maire variedad y la tecnología Adopción de rápida.Este jueves, Samsung presentará su cuarta generación de su buque insignes Galaxy, 'smartphone' el gigante that ayudó al surcoreano un golpear el iPhone tablette android 4.1 . Existe una percepc
Lose The Found
Lost causes Lost causes I love them one and all. The Found I hate until the moment they fall. It's only when the found are lost that I can relent. It's not until they're all like me that I am content. It's not that I am better to this point I beg listen. I just need them to see the bottom and everything they're missin'. Because it's not what you have it's what you can do. It's about standing up and attempting to always be true.   Someone took the reigns for you and guided horse to road. Someone took a handful and helped bear the load. You don't look at them like another kindred soul. You just saw a footstep on the way along your goal. It's not like you see them as if they're a person too.   Society wouldn't blame, "It's just something that they do."
Los Fastidios: Animal Liberation
Los Fantasmas Del Caribe - Muchacha Triste
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
Losin My Sister
well its a month till her birthday its time to finish plans my birthday comes and goes so hers is coming soon its jus awhile before her day when the worst can happen the day is the 23rd and part of my world falls my dad calls and i kno whats gona be said my best friend is gone he took her away we go to the station and my mom is gone and dazed her life was gone the boy of 5 yrs. took her life by gun she never did no wrong she always did the right the gun that night was shot to the head of sumone loved our lives are no more the same for they will never be as will try to heal we try to look on not knowing 8 months later she will also be gone... GOD I CANT TAKE THIS WHY NOW
Losing My Religion...
You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)created with
Losing A Loved One On Valentines Day
Losing a loved one on Valentines day Current mood: depressed Well it has been 2 years ago on valentines day that I lost my mom to along battle of emphsema and copd.It has been really hard for me because I did not get to see her the last 3 months she was alive do to a family argument that lead to my dad telling me to stay away, so I did.and on Friday Febuary13, they came and told me my mom was dying and asked to see me, so I rushed over there and we talked it all out and i told her I loved her, Then she slipped into a coma, Then on Febuary 14, she passed away,And I called home to tell my family and my daughter who was 6 at the time, asked me mommy why are you crying you should be happy nanny is in abetter place with anew body and not suffering any more, And I felt a great peace come over me.well thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
Losing My Grip
How does it feel when someone you truly love says that you cannot stay with you? Trust me, I've had that feeling in the past. But you know, it felt like I was losing my grip with my dreams as well as my future back then. But then all of a sudden, you get this harsh cold slap of reality trying to tell you to get over it and you will bounce back up. But no matter, it is better to have love and lost then to be ever loved at all. My advice is to be careful in who you choose to date with, because sooner or later that person will turn around and leave you all alone.
Losing The Cherry
SuperMex@ LostCherry
Losing A Piece Of My Soul
U came to mee the hour you were in pain Looking for answers, U cried to me in vain. U shared the many skeletons hiding in your heart, U knew then I'd be your friend, U knew it from the start. Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through your life, I picked the pieces up and help you through your strife. When home wasn't home to you no more, I opened up my heart, and opened up the door. We cried into night until the early morn. We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns. As time flew, the air grew thick, I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick. The day had arrived, When it was time to say goodbye. Now I sit alone, reminiscing the past u had blown.
Losing My Cherry,twice!
My first blog,I am weak in the knees!rate me,rape me,rip on me,desecrate me,spank me,love me,hate me,bite me,beat me,hurt me,make me write bad checks,and most of all,bring Layne Staley back!
Losing Sight Of My Soul
Hopelessly sinking down in to a hole, wondering what has happened to my soul. So scared and alone, lost and shaken, chilled to the bone. Living nightmares that never seem to fade away, fears and scars concealed from those I cherish most, terrified to share what bothers me the most. Endlessly searching for what I never seem to find, constantly wondering what is always hidden in the back of my mind. Never truly knowing what I feel in my soul, tired of the lies that help me stay in control. Afraid to loose it all and fade away, trying so hard to live for another day. Memories that haunt a troubled mind, shoved away to deal with at another time. Flooding over in to what was once a happy soul. Now I am left drowning striving to regain control. Lost and broken from within, torn and scattered fighting not to give in. Praying I find a way to escape my pain and fears. Hoping to find peace and a place where I don’t have to hide my tears. Where my soul is free to soar, and my feelings ar
Losing A Loved One
Just wanyted to share with you guys how i lost my brother unfortunately he was killed in 1987 hit by a car by chasing a girl which seems crazy but was 16 hormones going i suppose, i had just come to stay the weekend with my family from the coast then that night my heart just stopped we all went to the hospital but unfortunately he died my first reaction was NO screaming then the shock set in was one of the worst days of my life as earlier we were talking about how he would come up & visit we were very close. For years i have tried to get on with life & have but to this day still think of how he would be today in his middle 30,s children maybe married but that is all gone. Just to think of what he would look like etc only till a few years ago could go to his grave for years could see him lying there freaked me out the whole thing seemed like a nightmare but now can go without bursting into tears. I love you so much Jimmy Forever in my thoughts.
Losing Track Of Friends
Well I've been on LC for a couple of weeks now and I'm already feeling like I'm losing track of friends. I think tomorrow is going to be a get in touch with friends day. A day to drop in on them and say hi.
Losing Sight (my Poem)
Losing Sight The night is covered in blackness with a cold wind blowing, I can’t see anything there is no light to guide me, There’s no sound coming from anywhere to give me something to walk to, All I hear is the sound of my breathing which also leaves me and drifts into the darkness , The sound of my heart beating joins my breath as I begin to panic more, Afraid that I may never move for the fear of not knowing what lies ahead takes control, I fall to my knees my hands on my head gripping my hair in frustration not knowing what I should do, I let go of my hair and I cross my arms across my stomach feeling sick with the feeling of uselessness, The darkness fades away as I see myself and see how much stronger I look, I’m helping others I’m happy I look fearless and full of life, How can this be me while I stand alone in the darkness as I am now, Though I no longer hear the wind for the people talking to me over power it I feel it’s coldness, Everything goes
Losing Our Rights.
Dr. Dobson & CBS Response Apparently we are to be allowed to watch TV programs that use every foul word in the English language, but not the word "God." It will only take a minute to read this and see if you think you should send it out DR. DOBSON'S PLEA FOR ACTION CBS discontinued "Touched by an Angel" for using the word God in every program. Madeline Murray O'Hare, an atheist, successfully managed to eliminate the use of Bible reading from public schools a few years ago. Now her organization has been granted a federal hearing on the same subject by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington , DC . Their petition, Number 2493, would ultimately pave the way to stop the reading of the gospel our Lord and Savior, on the airwaves of America . They got 287,000 signatures to back their stand! If this attempt is successful, all Sunday worship services being broadcast on the radio or by television will be stopped. This group is also
Losing My Way
Blinking, I stumbled out of the darkness, my hand in yours, being lead to all that was good and warm and bright. A friendship like no other, a closeness beyond definition, my heart's desire to make you happy, to help you see your worth, your value. Your smile warming, your touch exciting, your whispered confidences trusting. I soared to new heights with you, forgetting the darkness existed, turning my back to the cold. Sunlight on my face, your radiance melted me, reformed me, molten metal poured into a mold to the shaped and worked into something new. It took me awhile, but I learned to trust my feelings. I knew, with every part of me I believed, that you wanted my touch, you enjoyed my kiss, you needed me close to you. At night, when we were together, I knew those things about us. I owed you so much.... The memory of your breath on my cheek, your body against mine, hushed voices and a lovers laughter in the dark. Only a memory, a dream. Arms that drew me clo
Losing High Spped
Well y'all...somehow the cable bill hadn't gotten paid in full for 2 months so it looks like I will be losing our highspeed internet connction and going back to using GAYol (AOL). This means I might not be on as much and when I am, I may have a few problems here and there with staying on. But please know that everything is okay. I know some of you will worry about me and Emma and my health if you don't see me or hear from me for a few days at a time but I am fine. Much love to everyone and don't forget this lil angel ;P XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO :) Erin
Losing It
I feel I'm going crazy, People just don't understand, My mind is getting twisted, Just like a rubber band. Every which way I turn, I get hit with more crap, Can't take too much more, Before I fucking snap.
Losing Weight
Losing Weight ... A fellow was reading the paper one day lamenting the fact that his doctor has ordered him to lose 75 pounds. Next thing he sees is an advertisement for a guaranteed weight loss program. Guaranteed like heck, he thinks to himself. But lets see what they think they can do. He calls them on the phone and subscribes to the 3 day, 10 LB weight loss program. The next day there comes a knock at his door, and when he answers, there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nikes and a sign hanging around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, If you can catch me, you can have me. Well, without a second thought he takes off after her (like who wouldn't). A few miles later, huffing and puffing, he finally catches her and has his way with her. After they are through he kisses the girl one last time and thinks to himself with a nod, I like the way this company
Losing On The Swings, Losing On The Roundabouts
At 3am this morning I decided to have a bash at trying to put some web pages together, I really should start earlier, anyway I found a web page that I liked the layout and copied the code and am trying me damndest to adjust it to what i want which has half worked but because i am not a web designer I have been here for hours deleting stuff. Anyway I am trying to make the page so with the following images and that when you click on them it would go to a full picture in a window, but am not having much luck. I created slices from the posters and here they are, going to have to do some more graphics methinks for buttons. Yes I am losing the will to will to live. So if anyone knows of anyone who could help me with some html code that would be fabulous.
Losing Love
Love is something so powerful then all of sudden its torn from your arms for no reason your love never stops its always there reminding you everyday of that person There is never no closure its always flowing through your brain and heart never dying
Losing Lost
Lost in a haze of your own creation Unable to see your soul thru the fog Everything seems Lost Never to be found You cannot see the light Yet You are able to see the shadows Clarity is but a rumor Happiness a myth Injecting implied life Which leads to Death Becomes a logical solution Pain now is lost In a muddled mental haze Reality is set aside for a while Longer When nothing is clear When Lost is all you have Extend your arm forward And you will find My Hand It is always there Forgiving Helping to balance you To take that First step Trust Hope Love I am strong enough to watch you Stumble Brave enough to see You fall The hand remains reaching Out to you Unconditionally For I have discovered that while you are Lost I have found A type of love That did not exist Until I tried to ease your Pain A love that shall endure Until losing Lost Redeems your Soul dedicated to Pete, AJ, Suze, Mikkel,
Losing Myself
Don’t look at me Please don’t call my name I can’t hear you now It’s all the same A million things Floating through my head It’s all a blur I’m becoming dead Can’t feel the pain Bodies numb No more emotions I’m all dried up Losing myself Back in my hole No coming out I’ve lost control Don’t bother with me Nothing you can do Just battling myself Who’s gonna lose?
Losing Friends...
it makes me sad to lose a friend....especially when you really enjoyed their company....i makes my heart drop.....i wish it didn't have to happen over a little misunderstanding....but i guess thats what happens when people don't understand each other...i'm really sorry and i just wish it didn't happen
Losing It
omg i'm about to lose my mind if they don't pick this baby up i'm gonna go fucking crazy omg i'm gonna scream i think i'm getting drunk tonight then i won't be soo stressed out blake needs to hurry up and call me so i can get out of here
Losing It All.
I'm getting lonelier and lonelier. Today is probably one of the saddest days in my life. I had to give my dog away. I can't give her the time or love that she needs right now, with my school and work. This really fucking sucks. Getting divorced is hard enough, but that was a mutual decision. Losing the one thing that appreciates you no matter what you do or say, and that is so happy to see when you get home, and that snuggles next to you whenever she can. I may seem like a pussy right now, and as a matter of fact, i'm crying like a baby over it. But when it seems like you are losing it all, losing mans best friend makes it worse. I don't think I have ever felt lonelier. I gave her to my neighbor across the street, so she is not far. But because she is not with me in my home, it makes it seem like she is a million miles away. I know i'll get over it, but it will take time.
Losing Family
My cousin committed suicide yesterday, he was only 37 years old. He never had a happy life and I can only hope that he has found a better place. It hasn't been much of a holiday for me or my mom but I tried to keep things up for my kids. Today has been a very sad day for me.
LOSING MYSELF Trying to find the right moment to open my eyes There is a book that I hold all my secrets and lies I look into the mirror and ask myself who do I see The tears of a broken girl, is staring back at me Theres a wall that blocks you from the world outside Colorful flowers and green grass is over the hillside But you're trapped in a space that you can't escape Its a room with no doors no matter what the shape Skipping meals becomes a trend that won't leave So many things are different in the way I perceive And suddenly it feels you're all alone in your room Everything disappears to the last drop of perfume People read between the lines yet I always miss I try to watch what I say as I carefully write this The movies show happiness but where is it in me When I open or close my eyes why is it black I see Who am I sitting here writing these words tonight Why at the end of every tunnel I don't see the light Where will I go tomorrow that'll lead me to
Losing Your Birthday
Losing Your Birthday (a funny, true story) Because of a minor infraction, an officer aboard the USS Reeves, bound for Japan, was busted one rank, fined and given extra duty for three weeks. Looking forward to celebrating his 21st birthday on July 22, he consoled himself every night during his extra duty by reciting, "They can bust me, they can fine me -- but they can't take away my birthday." As July 22 approached, his excitement increased. When he went to bed on July 21, he happily repeated, "They can bust me, they can fine me -- but they can't take away my birthday." The next morning, he found out that the ship had crossed the international date line -- and it was July 23.
Losin People Sux!
Losing Control
Losing Control Fuck me hard. Fuck me now. Fill me up. Holy Cow. You make me sweat. You make me scream. Are you real? Or just a dream? If just a dream, Then let me sleep. Cause loving you, Is much too sweet. My body trembles. My body aches. Your hands on me, Is all it takes. I feel the peak, It's just ahead. A golden rush, My soul is fed. Now lay with me, You've touched my soul. I let you in, And lost control.
Losing Internet
Just a quick note to say my internet will be getting turned off for a while. Don't know when I'll be back. Will miss you all til then. Kisses
Losing A Whole Year
Hola! I hope everybody had great Holidays, and brought in the new year with a bang! So by now you must have at least some idea of how slow the music industry moves. Yes, it was in fact August when we headed to the big apple to record...and Yes, we finished recording in October. Now I know what you are thinking..."What in the world could possibly be taking so long?" The answer is in the Mix my friends... Mixing is a very important part of record making, and can make or break an album. This is why we have spent so long on this part of the process. We are being very picky, and for good reason. Luckily...the end is in sight!!! The guys and I spent the holiday break listening on our own to all the mix's. We finally got together for the first time last night to discuss. I'm actually pretty surprised at the results. For the most part we all shared the same opinions. Quite a feat. for 4 totally different people and personalities...the true test is getting everybody at the label and m
Losing A Friend...i'm Sorry...
I have done something stupid and I feel so bad...I did not think it was that bad of a thing... Now I am sitting here, eyes wet with tears, because instead of losing one friend I have lost two... In the last three days now i have lost three friends who were so dear to me... I think I may leave Cherry Tap for awhile...So I have time to reevaluate...Not sure yet... Well I am sorry to you...most of all eli...
Losing A Loved One!
Well today was a very hard day for me and my family. I have my granduncle that I took care of and he was in I.C.U. and we decided to take the life support off of him. So as i'm typing this i'm fighting back the tears because this isn't the way I wanted to start my new year. There is always the feeling of weight being put on my shoulder because of the amount of stress i've been put upon because I am the only child. So I don't have anyone to turn to in situation like these. :(
Losing My Friend Jake Cox!
JAKE COX MISS YOU!!! Losing someone that you have known for years is a very hard thing to do. Jake was a very nice man, a good friend to me, we wasn't besest friends however he was a great guy that always made you want to smile. Jake was always bubbley and kind everytime that I seen him! I really don't know what to do! This makes you wake up to things...I am serious! I don't know how...but I am going to work it out with my brother even if we just talk every now and then. I can't take this losing people that I care about! You see someone one day and then the next day they are gone! You can't make someone come back if God chooses to take them. But you can try to love the ones that are here while they are here! So know this I am going to do my best as a person to live my life loving everyone while I am here. Time gets away from us all the time! Then they are gone... I want my life to reflect back on other peoples. If I smile I want the reflection and them to smile back. I want
I am losing all my friends.. I ahve 3000 friends here.. that never even talk to me.. :(.. I just had to say good bye to ones at a gaming site I go to.. they dont want me around anymore.. I feel so alone with not.. I close my eyes.. and all i can see are the lists of names I had to get ride of. What the hell is wrong with me.. why doesn't anyone want to talk? Am I a monster? Am I that ugly? I am alone in the darkness.. No matter how loud I scream.. there is no one there to hear me... Losing!
Losing A Love One
losing a love one hurts so bad u feel like someone kicked u in the stomach i lost my father to cancer a year ago and my pain is the same i feel like a big peice of my heart left me i havnt been the same since if theie is anyone that can give me advice comment on this or just give me a shout i just wanted to say we all haft to go on with our lives life is not peachey all the time cherish it
Losing Yet Again
Love in my life is like sand, I give it care and attention, Then a strong gust of wind sifts it through my hand, I lose yet again
Losing My Touch.....
YESTERDAY morning i posted 3 new pics and only 1 person rate/commented.....only goes with my early blog....i have a few great friends and of now i won't be rating your pics unless u rate mine....i DO get bitchy when i don't feel good!! xoxo, becky
Losing Hope.....
When did people become disposable? A long time friend and I went to dinner last night to do some catching up. He's had a helluva time with his x wife. I've always supported him, even though I was never fond of her (or her me for that matter). Now he's paying dearly and hurting like hell. I can relate. I just cant seem to get it right. When you meet me, you know who I am-the good, the bad, everything. I'm honest, I have a huge heart, I can be a bitch, I get angry-I'm HUMAN. Apparently not all of us are though. It seems to me when you make a commitment to someone you should follow through. I've known this man since I was 14 years old. I have never let him down-always been there when he needed me, and stayed away when he needed space. He's such a good friend....such a good person. But that isn't what I'm trying to get across....What we don't understand is when it became okay to run like hell instead of stick around and try to work things out. Why communication breaks dow
Losing A Piece Of My Soul
Losing My Mind
Well, between all the drama thats gone on today... and all the drama thats been going on recently in my life... i feel, lost.... I mean, depsite the fact that most of the crazniness has gotten itself worked out, and i got to chit chat w/ jane about it all, which really helped... now, back to dealing with the other bullshit in my life... i think i've gotten most of it sorted out... i think... i hope... just taking everything one day at a time right now... today, i was thinking, a lot... i have what i want from 'life' planned... i want a house, and a backyard, and my kids, and to be happy... have a normal life... with or without a man, anymore, that is just no big deal... i can't expect a whole lot from the opposite gender... but i hope stuff works out there.. anyways.... goodnight
Losing Firends
Have you ever met someone and you instantly hit it off spend more time together and they just feel likle a part of you family. I had a friend of mine who i loved like a sister. I thought that we would always be there for one another. I helped her out by giving her a place to stay. Icame home one day and she had took all my clothes and all my kids stuff. She robbed us 2 days after my sons 7 b-day. I am so tired of poeple who take advantange of others. I always admired her and wished sometimes that i was a little more like her. Now i am glad that i am not.
Losing Control
The pitch black sky it's dark and cold I ask myself why my life is on hold I never reached my goal gave up too soon I sold my soul to stay in my safe cocoon I have fallen so fast into my deep dark place reliving my past in this endless race The battles I tried to win the war that can't be won my hopes and dream in a spin my stupid life is done Nothing to look forward to yesterdays are now the past I ask myself what I should do but nothing in my life will last So I sit and watch my life go by I try to think and let out a moan I am so very lost I just want to cry this is the way it will be, always alone
Losing Faith
I'm Layin It All Out Current mood: disappointed I'm not one to usually do this goes. My bad side....I'm brutal, cutting, sarcastic to a fault. I'm cruel, self-depricating, obsessive. I'm self-conscious, self-aware, self-loathing. I'm cold, hateful, brooding. I'm depressive, weak, ocassionally spineless. I have little tolerance, little pity, little compassion. I'm not a sheep, a doormat, a lemming. I refuse to be your bitch, whipping boy, scapegoat. My good side...I'm patient, loyal, trustworthy. I'm witty, charming, silly. I'm laughing, smiling, joking. I'm tolerant, compassionate, considerate. I always have an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and a backbone for venting. I will always be your friend, be there, love you. This is me will never change
Losing A Friend....
I hate losing a friend. Especially when there is no reason to lose one. But last night I did. This was someone I have talked many hours with, someone who was there for me when I needed advice, needed a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to talk to. So why did I lose the friend? I lost the friend because I refused to stop being friends with someone else. I try to be friends with everyone. I don't care how different you are I will be your friend if you want it. This wasn't about being different though. This was about a guy. And then it became about who I was better friends with. I got the messages complaining that I left a comment for one and not the other, or even about what the comment said. And then asking what comments meant. And expecting to know what was talked about. So in the end, we deleted each other from our lists. It makes me sad to lose that friend. But why would a friend put me in that position? Asking me to choose.. asking me about what things meant
Losing A Lover
Losing a Lover What made this lover walk away, not from the friendship but from the friend? Was it something that was said or done? Is it the way the friend looks or lives there life? Could this friend have done something to change the way things happened? The friend should feel grateful that the friendship is still there but in some way the friend can not help but think they have failed yet again.
Losing My Religion
Losing My Cherry I'm totally new to this cherry tap thing, what a huge difference from myspace..hahahaha...Guess I had to lose my cherry sometime..although I thought that time 16 years ago was enough!
Losing Your Best Friend To War
This is my last attempt at sanity, I guess. I lost my best friend Joey Cantrell to a roadside bomb 4 days ago. Joey was known to everybody as "Metro" because he primped himself and plucked his eyebrows. This didnt take away from what sort of soldier he was, and what kind of friend and brother he was. You see, I grew up without a brother. Joey took me under his wing and made me his brother. I was so happy when Joey would call and say," Hey Dickhead, get dressed, we are going to the bar." I loved hanging out with him. His personality almost commanded respect to a degree that is unimaginable by most. Now Im stuck here in Iraq. Completely alone with my thoughts. No hope for tommorrow, and only memories of what I had yesterday. I was engaged to be married as of last night. I drove her away. I was grieving so bad that she couldnt help me. Every offer of condolence she had just seemed to piss me off even more. Nobody knows how it is over here, unless you have been here. Nobody knows th
Losing all I can see. nothing remains. Dripping slowly away the tides recede and I stand alone. I look down from the precipice that is my life and wonder where the tides go. Will they return to fill my gaping soul? Or will the waters dry to flow no more and leave me standing and breathless? All I can do is wait. Watching from my precipice, all I can do is wonder.
Losing My Pa Again!
"To lose one PA is unfortunate, to lose two is irresponsible!" Yes, I have a Personal Assistant (PA), who's job it is to try and organise my working life and provide administrative support to my team. It is an essential and important job, but sadly my permanent PA has been off on long term illness for several months. ...and now the temporary replacement that has been working with us, who has just started to get to grips with everything, isleaving! It could take weeks to get a replacement. As I attend lots of meetings and have to travel a bit for work, as a result I can look forward to several more months of not knowing 'my arse from my elbow' when it comes to work. I hate working for a living.
Losing Some One Not To Child Abuse But Feeling The Pain
When you are a mother and fell the start of a new life inside you. The first time you hear a heart beat or the first time you feel your baby move you wonder what your child will become or even be when they grow up. Then comes the time to give birth yet so painful but in the end so rewarding. I lost my son it will be three years this December he will or should say be turning three this September and I think to myself how can all these mothers and fathers abuse their children. Since it is Child Abuse Awarness month I dont know how many times a day I find myself looking at my lil boys pics or even looking at his clothes or the pics from his grave where he lay sleeping for all eternity. There are mothers that let thier boyfreinds beat and abuse their kids to no means and social services never steps in and takes action and the child dies in result to the mother/father/step parent or what ever the case may be beats them to death. Being a parent in such a cruel world what is it
Losing The Epic Battles Of Me Vs. Myself...
Everyday I fight these battles with myself... The mirror Probably my worst enemy is my own reflection... Looking in the mirror fills me with contempt and hatred for the image I see looking back at me... All I can see is the flaws... The damage... The scars... The things I so desperately want to fix... I see a huge, fat person... Ugly... The scars... The stretch marks... I can't seem to see the progress I have made... I should see the weight I have lost... Instead I see the skin and stretch marks left behind... I have lost close to 100 lbs... And I know it shows... But all I see is what is left to lose... I hate that I used to have perky large breasts, but now they are deflated looking due to all the weight loss... They are no longer nice looking to me... All I think when I see them is how badly I want my breasts back... How I wish I could afford plastic surgery to return them to their former "glory".... I know deep down that I'm not completely hideous lookin
Losing A Valuable Object Or Person
The things we value most often serve as an extension of our self-awareness. A favorite hat, car, or relationship reflects a part of how we feel about ourselves. Therefore, the loss of such an object in a dream is significant. It is equally significant whether you actually own the object in waking or not. If the thing lost is an inanimate object, what does it symbolize for you? Examples would be jewelry, favored clothes, or pictures and family heirlooms. In losses of this kind, the indication may be that you are nervous about losing an expensive or important new object in your life. If a person is lost, the first question to ask is, Who? It may be that you have questions about your commitment to another or their commitment to you. However, it is not to unusual to be looking for a stranger. Why are you searching for this person? Do you find this person? Where?
Losing The Battle!
Life ALWAYS throws hard curves at a person.One can try and try again, but continues to lose at everything they do! Picking up the peices and moving on seems like the thing to do, but how much MORE of the same old thing, can ONE person take before completely losing their minds!?! It's a battle that some just DON'T WIN!
A Losing Fight
Living life with no point of destination, It's a losing fight. Loving with all your heart and soul, It's a losing fight. Being true to who you are, It's a losing fight. Trying to leave a mark in this world, It's a losing fight. Dreaming of a possible future, It's a losing fight. Opportunities to make things better, It's a losing fight. Everything given or earned is a waste, It's all a losing fight. Vampiress--May 3, 2007
Losing It All
Facing myself in sobriety finding that quiet place within the place where there's only the naked me no protection and no artistry the insanity is complete the emptiness of this routine in this cold territory There's a need to make it through there is strength to see the truth If only these moments were brief if only someone special were here Thy Will be done... Maybe I just had it wrong - all the things I used to want I must let go, I must be strong this is real life, this is my life That special love can never be nobody loves that way it's only in a movie scene that love's forever more It's trust, compatibility that couples should respect maybe it's mere consideration that relationships reflect
(losing My Way). Im Debatin Gon Not To Turn This Completely Into A Song. What Yall Thing
One girl I know that is so bad and when she's around my way she get my mind, give illusions that I don't know what to say and everytime I need to say she makes me feel like I came to play Oh I wanna make her my baby but I can't I'm acting crazy so Can't you help me find my way Can't you help me find my way 'cause everytime I see her don't know what to say She give me extra credits everytime that I go that I don't know what to do Lately I've been acting so strange she got me singing and writing blues and everytime I wanna keep it cool she makes me feel like a completely fool Oh I wanna make her my baby but I can't I'm acting fool and crazy Can't you help me find my way Can't you help me find my way 'cause everytime I see her don't know what to say
Losing Friends
I lost a friend today, and i should not have. I hope her all the best, and i wish above all it did not have to end like it did. I am sorry.
Losing Contact With Loved Ones For The Soldier Over There In Iraq
Well I bet ya'll have all heard the news today....As of today our brave soldiers that are risking their lives in Iraq are now not allowed to use most social website like Myspace, cherrytap etc. This friggin sucks ass. How can we expect them to get thru the hell they are in over there if we cut them off from there loved ones. Some of them probley dont have AOL OR YAHOO. so how are we suppose to keep in touch and know they are alright. Well they sure are getting treated worse and worse the more we are there. Hell now they have taking the websites away and have extended their tours, what else is next...we take awy there ability to write there loved ones letters home???? Sorry just had to vent since my fiance is serving over there right now as this is being written.
Losing My Religion
Losing My ReligionAdd a video to your site Music Video CodesUpdate your profile Now, this video seems to be patterned after this wonderful and touching short story. It will touch your heart. A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale For Children Gabriel Garcia Marquez On the third day of rain they had killed so many crabs inside the house that Pelayo had to cross his drenched courtyard and throw them into the sea, because the newborn child had a temperature all night and they thought it was due to the stench. The world had been sad since Tuesday. Sea and sky were a single ash-gray thing and the sands of the beach, which on March nights glimmered like powdered light, had become a stew of mud and rotten shellfish. The light was so weak at noon that when Pelayo was coming back to the house after throwing away the crabs, it was hard for him to see what it was that was moving and groaning in the rear of the courtyard. He had to go ve
Losing Time
I would like to be torn apart from the inside out Not figuratively, reach inside my ass and pull my stomach out Spread my bowels in your fucking face Lean in to the maze for your taste of grace Get a good laugh beneath your cardiac catharsis While I keep whispering in your ear that the explosion is harmless I’m an army of hedonists, we run loose shifts There’s no telling who is going to come to my lips or fingertips Flip through mental clips of barbarism Hoping to be able to keep a lid on my shit But I’m a shit slinger, and I shoot from the hip Rectangular dent mark in the skull where the sledge-hammer hit Eyes roll back, awash with blood as the jaw slacks I have a back And lower down It cracks This is the region I direct you to as I say “kiss my ass” My syllable is its own class Carry only the prettiest shards of glass Movements of a war dance super-sonic death chants I bled today and did my best to make it last But I heal too fast, my wounds are black Can’t get
Losing All - Down
Losing Myself
Come take a look through the walls of mind, Don't be afraid of the thoughts you will find. Childhood fears and grown up tears have made me what I am Browse the unknown and take a deep look Inside of myself, I am surely an open book Subtle and charming, no need for alarming, this is what I am Losing myself in distant breaths of love Chasing the sun and stars above Fantasy and dreaming, my soul lies screaming, this is who I have become.
Losing Alot Of Good Friends
I was in a contest, that was a dam good one at that, congrats caveman!!!!! With that being said, I have lost alot of good friends because of all the crazy crap going on. I certainly will not enter another for a longgggggggggggg time, I enjoy the contest from time to time, but my friends mean far more. If I have offended anyone in any way, it was not my intention. I have enough real drama here at home with my daughter who just got out the hospital for cutting herslf and my son trying to get his life back into order and working my ass off to put my other son to college soon and going to college myself, part time I love all my friends on here and I just wanna laugh and have a good time and I am thinking maybe I should just be on my own, not because of the families but because I don't want to lose anymore friends. I hope everyone will understand my decision. I love all the bomber families they are really awesome and I will still be here to help ya out when you need it, but I just wanna lau
Losing Control
Man, I spent most my children's lifes raising them to go out in the world and handle things on their own and the rights and wrongs of things and I thought it might be a relieve off my shoulders when they did start making those decisions and me not stressing about how to make the right decisions for them...but hell it just goes to another level of worry as a parent. Recently, my oldest son graduated high school and now is 18 so that makes him a grown man in his eyes and I have another that is about to be 18 soon that already thinks he is grown but I still have some control over. Back to my oldest, anyhow he has been making his own decisions as "a man" for about 6 months now and for the most part I can say they haven't been bad ones. But, it is so hard for me to stand back and watch and not put my two cents in or come to rescue him when he makes a wrong fact a couple times, he had to tell me "Mom, I'm grown now" and I reluctantly back out of his decisions. I am hoping s
Losing A Daughter
Do you feel this pain? Eating me away This pain… Breaking me apart This pain… Making me crawl This pain… Making me still Do you feel this pain? All the pain The pain in my life you can't see it but i can Its horrible and discusing I wish the pain wasn't in my life But it is and its killing me The pain is causing me to lose my friends, family and people who i care about The pain is always there, in the car and at school and at home pain follows me everywere I can also see if another persons in pain or upset Pain is everywere in this world its even following you and me right now But the best thing to do is fight the pain I am and its helping a little bit It will either end you up dead or in the hospital Pain is everywere pain surrounds you day to day nothing helps it go away pain in muscles pain in joints pain so bad in trigger points. pain that comes and pain that goes pain that keeps you on your toes. pain that people think is in your head.
Losing A Great Friend
I have really fucked things up between a great person and myself. I really want to say i am very sorry. I hope someday this guy can forgive me.
Losing My Internet
Very shortly, although Im not sure when, I will be losing my internet. Id kinda like to level up before that happens so go rate all my pics and stash. :P Anyway, Im not sure when I will get internet back, and while Im offline I will be missing all my CT friends so much!! I really hope none of you forget about me. :P So I just wanted to let everyone know so you didnt think I disappeared or something. LOL!! Much love, friends fans and random people. :D
a href="" target="_blank">
Losing My Heart
Losing Someone Very Special
I have a very special person upset with me. I am not sure what i did or didn't do. I am really sorry. You mean the world to me. So i am hoping you can forgive me. I love this person with all my heart.
“losing My Heart “ By Jöseph Lee Foster-shumpert-lear, 1997
“Losing My Heart “ by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear, 1997 Published 26 November 2005 :: Poetry Read more by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear Love . . . What is it What is this mystical emotion That seems to escape me at every turn My feelings are gone Because I have never known love Only the pain of watching it die Why could not I not give her the world Instead of giving her all my love I sat back and watched as she cried I felt her emotions As she walked by So now I’m left To wonder why Why am I drowning in a sea of sorrow Why won’t I see another tomorrow After hurting her so I say good-bye For now, I am losing my heart My world is falling apart
Losing Everything
Things have been so fucked up lately. I thought that I was depressed a few weeks ago, but now nothing can compare to how I feel now. We are being evicted from our home because my dad stopped paying the mortgage after my parents divorced. We have to be 0uot ASAP, and we have nowhere to live yet. I have to get rid of my animals....and I' mreally sad because I love them, and they are all I have left these days. There is no such thing as friends, or love. I've been completely alone lately. I thought I had friends, but they choose to ignore me in my time of need, so fuck em. Because shit has been so fucked up lately, All I've been doing is partying. I've been drinking to the point where I'd pass out... I'd smoke myself stupid.... fuck, I've even had alot of sex lately... nothing like fucking the pain away right? I Broke down and cried yesterday. I finally do know what its like to lose everything and be alone. Thoughs of hurting myself have crossed my mind, but who fuckin knows
Losing Me
Losing me, What’s left of my soul, Feeling like I’m slipping away, Losing what makes me feel whole. Losing me, Drifting away from what I believe is right, To a place I’ve never known, Nothing but darkness deep into the night. Losing me, Nothings the same, All I can see and feel, Is undeniable pain. Losing me, What I feel inside of my heart, Nothing seems right anymore, Feel like I’m just falling apart. Written by me...Little Lee
Losing Someone You Love
When we lose a loved one A part of us dies also. For as much as the one you loved did not belong to you... your heart belonged to them. You were entwined with one another. You wonder... how shall I walk in this world.. a world that... no longer holds those footprints of my loved one. You will wonder how can this world can go on.. when your world has stopped. In the language of tears... You wiil speak to your loved one... as your heart tries to comprehend... what it cannot. But wait... the power of love will give you comfort. In the hearts of those who love you... and surround you with their caring hearts... love can be found. Friends who have been in your place of sadness... will be there for you now. Your grief will become your traveling companion... the part of you... that is strong... deep, and compassionate. Peace will come to you again as you accept the mysteries that are a part of life. In time this veil of sorrow will
Losin My Mind
as sum of u no tomm is the big tryin not 2 worry or even think bout it but i cant help it.i wont go into it & give details but i been through alot n the past 2 months & tomm will determine my fate.its gonna b a big,long & busy day 4 hopefully all goes well.if not i probably wont b on 4 while.just depends on what takes place but u can alwayz leave comments & msges.i just hope i dont have panic attack cuz this is really stressful 4 me.4 the lucky few who have my # ur more than welcum 2 call me.wish me luck.eek!
Losing A Friend
I was thinking about something that I did, or should I more correctly say forgot to do, for a friend: I forgot to be there for her. She had lost a friend in Iraq, but I was too pigheaded to understand how close a friend that person was to her. I got so wrapped up in the whole military coldness that I hurt a person that I cared deeply about. I blame that event on losing her as a dear friend. I go into surgery on Tuesday and I had to register with the hospital today. The administrator asked me who would be the next to kin to which I replied "In order to call for care or to pick up the corpse?" To my surprise, she laughed at that. I thought that she would be mortified at that statement, but I am glad that there are others with a morbid sense of humor.It made me think today that I have not cultivated a friend in my life that would mourn for me so were I to pass. I wonder where and when I became so self-destructive.
Losing Faith At A Quicker Speed
Friday, April 13, 2007 Losing faith at a quicker speed Current mood: contemplative Alright, I am finally free of the jackass that was consuming the better part of almost a year of my life. His mental clutches seemed to attach to my skin and sink in farther and farther as time went by. I can only hope that the damage he did can be smoothed over, like a wrinkle erased by a hot iron. I always said that I wouldn't ever put my kids in a situation like my mother put my brother and I for most of our lives. I failed at that self promise, if even only for a short amount of time. I can only hope that time heals all wounds, like the adage says. I have decided that it's time for me to get back to basics and focus on the true loves of my life, my wonderful children. I need to hear their unspoken needs with the ears only a mother has. My life right now is in total shambles, but I wouldn't have it any other way if that meant I had to stay where I just left. I am making a few change
Losing Myself
im losing myself im extremely depressed i really need some help pulling my soul back together because right now its dead what is my purpose?? do i have one? all i ever do is disappoint people someone please help me
Losing Weight
Hey, when I had my 4th and 5th child, I weighed more than 200 lbs with each one. I'm only 5'6" and normally weigh about 135, 140. Still losing but all I do is walk...(i.e. to the kitchen to make food for them, to the bathroom to get them out of the toilet, to the store with them, etc, get the picture?), What is a really good exercise routine or activity besides swimming, that I can do to firm and tone up abs, legs, butt, etc? I hate the thought of going to a gym cause I have 5 kids. Well, and who has $100/child per week to do anything? Out here, daycare is expensive.
Losing Someone Close To Your Heart
Randy and Sara Category: Life I would just like to share a little something with all of you....As you may have seen my profile page I had mentioned that I had lost two close family members due to a car accident.For those of you that are new friends of mine or even old friends that did not know them, I thought I would share a bit of some things with you about them..... First of all...for those of you that do not know....Randy and Sara were killed in an automobile accident on September 22, 2006....My cousin Kim, her husband Randy and their three children, Sara 16 yrs, Emily 14 yrs, and Adam 9 yrs, were on their way to our family reunion campout.....A pick-up truck that was driving in front of them swerved into the other lane, hit a semi, and caused the semi to jacknife and hit their van....Randy and Sara did not survive the accident...leaving Kim, Emily, and Adam as the only survivors of the family. Now...about Randy....He was a volunteer fireman for 13 years and a second a
Losing Friends And Family
I just wanna say that I am sorry to hear that my friend Beth's brother passed away. I send my smpathy to her and her family. Take this chance to reach out to your loved one and hug them. you never know when they are going to picked to leave us.
Lo Siento - Dedicated To Somone That May Never Read This
Losing Its Charm..
Since the name change, I've grown SO bored of this site.. No one really talks to me anymore. Why do I stay? LOL. It's grown so boring.
Losing Fans??
wow.. ive lost 3 fans since i signed on this afternoon im good like that lol
Losing Eric
Now I'm out walking the world desert, and my shoe and my stocking do me no hurt. I leave behind Good friends in town. Let them get well-winded and go lie down. Don't think I leave the outer dark like Adam and Eve put out the park. Forget the myth. There is no one I am put out with or put out by. Unless I'm wrong I but obey the urge of a song "I'm-Bound-Away!" And I may return if dissatisfied with what i learn from having died. Eric was my best friend some one I could always share my feelings, my pain and heartaches along with lots of laughs and crazyness with but now he is gone to be in a better place for I miss him very much but always and forever will he have a place in my heart I love you and miss you very much Eric..
Losing My Mind
I so need a vacation just a couple days away from the kids , the dogs, everything . I need a cabin up in the mountains no tv and no people.
Losing Yet Again
Love in my life is like sand, I give it care and attention, Then a strong gust of wind sifts it through my hand, I lose yet again
Losing Faith
Losing faith in humanity, One person at a time.
Losing Our Baby
we are not very happy these days , since we lost our baby not that long ago. we are still in love ,but we are missing our little bundle of joy.
Losing Love.
I'm not sure I'll find the right words to say, I never imagined writing these words today, I have tried so hard theres nothing else I can do, no words only tears came with the throught of losing you, my love for you is breaking my own heart, my feelings have been true since the very start, will I end up as that girl you used to know?, my memories of you fading away oh so slow?, do you care atleast one bit about how I feel?, do you remember you still owe me that meal?, will it be me who will one day call you old number, and not be able to do anything but sit and wonder?, have you really made this sudden choice?, for me to never again get to hear your voice?, will i never again have you by my side?, have I lost my pride?, will this poem be the words of my last toast?, to you...the one I love the most?, are you really letting me and you end?, though you promised to always be my friend
Losin $$$$$
It is done so after you have paid for it.And guess what?........Thats right, you dont get your money back!!!!!SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!Thats like goin to the grocery store, spendin $50 on food and on your way out the door, the Mgr comes up and says sorry, your purchases have been REJECTED!!!!!And you go home empty handed and $50.00 poorer!So, before you buy your next blast, or HH, or anything here on Fu...You might wanna ask yourself this...Is This A Chance....You Want To Risk?This is for informational purposes only!
Losing Control
ever feel like you are on the edge of something great. so close but you have no control over it so all you can do is sit and wait and see what happens... helpless, waiting to see which path your future is destined to follow.. you look back and try to figure out exactly when you lost control. was it taken away or did you give it up, in hopes of what you dreamed would come true.. so sitting here waiting to see if i fly or fall..
Losing What Is Mine To Them!!!!
It hurts to know that in 1 second they can take you away from me without a doubt in their minds. That they dont know what it's like to have someone there and then gone! The pain, the hurt, and the many lonely days we will have to see in the next coming months, is going to be all that we have. But I want you to know that your my everything, my lifeline, my whole complete world! And no one or anything is going to come between that! I promise you this forever!!! Love your Wife . . . . Crystal
Losing My Mind
What do you do when soemoen tells you you hurt them and pissed them off. But wont tell you what or how you did? They just keep telling you , you should know and the fact you dont maks it worse. I am losing my fucking mind here. I have racked my brain, I hav tried to rectify what I thought it was, and yet still not right, nothing I say, nothing I do will make them tll me what I did. Now there is no tryst and I dotn aFUCKING know why. The last thing I would ever want to do is hurt this person, I would sooner hurt myself. I dotn play games, I dotn lie to them, and now to know our friendship or relationship rests on my shoulders because of soemthing I did. BUT I DOTN KNOW WHAT I FUCKING DID. then they say , they know I didnt do it intntionally, and they just think they are stupid and cant figure it all out.....FIGURE WHAT ALL OUT. I know I am just rambling her but I am losing my mind. I am not playing any games, not sneaking around spying, not lying, not cheating,
Losing Battle
So for the last few days I've been at my parents house with all my aunts from out of town. We have all come together to await the news of my uncle's condition at the hospital. Apparently he has cancer through out his entire body, and the surgery he is going to get will more then likely kill him. I don't know what I am feeling, a hodgepodge of emotions, He gave me a place to live when I needed it and my first job, he has always been there for me and my family and hope for the best.
Losing A Piece Of My Soul
I came to you the hour I was in pain Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain. I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart, I knew then you'd be my friend, I knew it from the start. Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life, You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife. When home wasn't home to me no more, You opened up your heart, and opened up the door. We cried into night until the early morn. We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns. As time flew, the air grew thick, I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick. The day had arrived, When it was time to say goodbye. Now I sit alone, reminiscing the past I'd blown. 3/3/04
Losing Faith
Humanity is spiralling out of control. We allow the weak and poison minded to rule us. The ideals of political correctness is such a one way street. Those we seek not to offend, offend us at the drop of a hat....and they get away with it. So many people cower in fear of the repercussions of dealing with infidels the way they should be dealt many feel they are entitled to so much they have not earned. The only thing anyone is entitled to is the right to live like everyone else. Work,uphold the law,treat folks decently and be treated accordingly. I am also angered at the people of this country. I understand that we all have a right to our opinion and what have you,however I feel if you have such a strong opinion,stop talking and act. You talk the big talk but when the time to be froggy comes you simply cower in your cave. Either back that shit up or shut your can. If you hate this country so much get the fuck out. We won't stop you. But if you choose to remain ,then I sugges
Losing Someone Special
Back in Feb. I had lost my mother now 6 months later I get a call that my mothers significant other is in the hospital.....not doing so well. I called her and she didnt even know who I was. This person has been in my life for 32 years and I feel I am not ready to do this again. Any thoughts or advice?
Losing Myself
Losing myself Have you ever felt that you are losing yourself? I've been here seven years now, and I feel there's a part of me that I'm losing. It's weird, I get up in the morning look at myself in the mirror, and I see someone that I don't know anymore. I knew who I was, and where I came from. I mean when I was the young airman, it was speak your mind and you'll get things changed or at least find out why we are doing the things we are. Now it's come to the point where I just play the game of shut up and color. Something I never thought I would ever do. It seems to be getting worse, the longer I stay here, the more time they have to make me into one of them. "A yes person" okay come on, you know what a "yes person" is everyone has them. It's the people who suck up to the big shots in the work place. That's something I don't want, but I'm finding myself doing. Before I would just say "fuck that!" and now it's more of "yes sir I'll get right on that" I could put all the blame to
Losing Yourself
Here I stand all alone Starring at the mirror Looking into a face that will never show it's true features Scared of everything that lingers in the wounds Standing there looking back was a girl who was fool of acts Knowone knew how she really felt At times she almost fooled her self She lost her self in a life full of lies Hoping someday she could live her life
Losing Friends
ok so i have just lost yet another friend to the drug ICE... so much for ill only do it when friend was diagnosed with throat cancer and has three boys and is so addicted to ice she is now unrecognisable... i have had to break off all contact with her as i have the kids and they dont need an environment like that around them.. when she was diagnosed with cancer i was constantly at her house with the kids helping her with her kids and cleaning her house on a daily basis just to help her out.. she smoked pot since she was young..and really not many people havent tried pot.. then she decided to try speed. i told her to be careful coz u dont know what is exactly in it unless you know whos cooking it.. sure enough the speed became more frequent and her house looked like shit.. her kids all boys disrespected her daily.. which i cant blame them for as they were watching their mum go through horrible mood swings and constantly telling them she hated them and stuff like that.. as
Losing It.
Okay, i've just about had it with this life, you know. I'm too old to be Emo about it, and to young to throw away the rest of my years. I've made a lot of mistakes. Most of them due to me formally having a trusting nature. But that's all been shot to hell in a short few years. Just this year i've started to pull myself together and began to concentrate on what I need to do in order to make it in this world on my own. Not that I could not have done it before, but because I was so concerned with taking care if those around me. Ensuring their happiness, hoping that they would keep good thoughts of me. (yeah right). As of this moment in time, I am at the crossroads once again. The path leading to the left will take me to a city of selfishness and greed. Where the only pleasures that I will experience will be carnal. The other path is one that will eventually lead me to a wife and family and comfort. I find fault in both of these choices. Maybe that's my problem, right? Am I being to pic
Losing Yet Again
Love in my life is like sand, I give it care and attention, Then a strong gust of wind sifts it through my hand, I lose yet again
Losing Face
The loss of credibility Through actions of our own Can bring a shame apon us, Behavior we claim or disown. The thunderous crash of ego, Flashing with false integrity, Tidal waves of sel-importance Are flooded with human debris. This loss of face can haunt us, Limiting our ability to transform, Unless we work to lose the masks That causes the egos shamefull storm. Desire will hold the door open, Humility welcomes us inside, Change is always an option, When we drop the masks of pride. Losing the face of pretense And owning a state of grace Allows us to become our visions, being our truths, without disgrace.
Losing All Hope
Things are crashing in around me as I write this...I'm on disability from work, at reduced pay...I just lost two gigs in the last few days worth $400 that I desperately I need to decide who/what's not going to paid: the mortgage, car, TV/internet, electric, cellphone....the biggest bummer? - the person whom I met on here several months ago, and talk with every day, and whom I fell in love with, still doesn't trust me enough to call me (just hearing her voice would really help right now). I'm beginning to lose hope in almost all aspects of my life, which seems to be going down the tubes at this point. That's all for today, I can't bear to write about it anymore...
Losing Your Heart
While sitting here listening to music I heard a Lionel Richie Song. It reminded me of Buster Hester. A guy I fell in love with when I was 15. I gave my heart away and I am not sure I ever got it back. I still wonder where he is. Thats normal. I never held his hand, kissed his lips. For years later this man sent me a letter and said he loved me. I was so happy. When I finally got to talk to him he told me he was getting married. I thought he was being funny and asked who. He named my cousin, but he didn't know we were cousins. I played along and after I got off the phone with him I thought about ending it all. I hurt so bad. I cried for days. In the dark of night I cried myself to sleep. No one knew the pain I was in. Then in my despear, I calledon God to take the pain away. That is the only way I am still here today. To this day I wonder where i would be if I had of told Buster that night on the church bus that I loved him? Would I be with him? I wonder if I had of fough
Losing Family
Its almost been a year since i lost my dad and my Grandmother Irene.......I can still see myself standing by their bedsides as they pass away.....i know i havent healed from it cuz i still cry about it here and there.....damn....1 year.......God i miss my dad so much.....50 years old was way too young for him to go........Will i ever heal from this? not for along time, do i continue to move forward? yeah its what they would have wanted....not for me to just roll over and die. Do i know their watching over me? Yeah i feel their presence all the time. Please Pray for the Souls of My father and My Grandmother..... Thank you!!
Losing Friends... A Good Friend Is In Bad Shape
We lost a my hubbys assocate from work 1 1/2 week ago ......He was 30 Yesterday we had a good friend who was found not breathing when they got up he is still on breathing machine ,...but they r waiting to have his body shut down he was pronuced brain dead this morning ..... This brings back bad memories for me my brother died november 14,2002 and my mother passed Dec, 27, getting bad news this morning has dampened my spirits ... Thx to all who read this ..Have a wonderful Thanksgiving ....if i dont speak much for a little while i am here and there and plz dont get mad ...just keep trying :) tyvm ..Penny
Losing Another Friend
Speaking with my Love (Glenn) this evening, I found out a man I had befriended that was away on a ship was mugged when he went to port in California. His name was Christopher and he was a real good friend. I am in complete shock. He was mugged and shot last week. He was 35 Years old and a Ship Designer. During my year on Fubar I have lost people I really have loved in one way or another. This makes me understand that life is so precious. One day at a time I realize I am truley blessed to have the people in my life that I do. Never take anyone for granted. Never wish that the last discussion you had with someone might be the last one you ever had. My heart feels loss for this wonderful friend. Keep his family in your prayers. Rest in Peace my Dear Friend Christopher. You will be missed. Forever in my Heart...with my Love. ~D~
Losing Weight
ok here is the deal the reason i havent posted anymore pics is because i have gain 20 pounds in the last 3 months i got out of the Air Force i am going on my low carb diet to try and help me get back to 170 i am at 194 now. The diet is for about 3 days try to keep your carb intake to 25 grams and under and on your carb day eat a moderate amount of carbs but eat good carbs and absolultly no sodas of any kind drink water only you will lose so much more weight if you stay away from sugars. This diet keeps your metabolism burning and eat alot of protien it keeps you feeling full and you wont be hungry and no night snacking. I will give updates on my progress and i will post new pics when i loss the weight. If you wanna Know more about the diet just shout at me.
Losing My Phone *bye Bye Time*
Ok folks, if I am not online on Monday its because I lost my phone service. Just cant keep up on the bills on Workmans Comp, it sux! And its been hard lately. Those of you who really know me, know I have had alot of setbacks. Anyhoo, I need to come up with about 120.00 So I will try to get it together and be back online ASAP...I DO have a paypal account...if anyone wants to donate to my cause I could use it LOL If you wanna help shoot me an email on here (I dont ask for help unless I really need it), Ill be online till Monday unless I get it paid :) ~~~BW
Losing Yet Again
When I say I love you I do But this with you will not do I need someone I can lean on Someone I can count on too Yes you are there sometimes For that I am grateful to you But I need someone there full time And that you can not do You told me once you loved me That I could believe in you I was there when you needed someone Where were you when I needed someone, too? The time has come for me to let go Never to expect you to care again People may come and people may go But my love will never end Love in my life is like sand, I give it care and attention, Then a strong gust of wind sifts it through my hand, And I lose yet again
Losing My Dad
How can I put this? Earlier this year my dad had a heart attack. It triggered something that I thought I wouldn't have to face for years to come. His time here on earth is now limited. Yes I know that we all lose a loved one at some point in our lives, but to lose a dad is almost to much. Today he has to go in and get an operation to get rid of a blood clot from his leg. But there is bad news with that. The doctors told my mom that with my dad's current condition, he only has a few months to live. No he don't have cancer(thank goodness for that), but his body is slowly shutting down and before long it will shut down completely. And that is something I know in my heart, that I won't be able to handle. As I write this, I am crying. I know that my dad wont live forever, but damn it, Why couldn't his death be easier? I know the death of my son was hard, But I don't want to lose my dad too. So if anyone who reads this has lost a parent, your input will be greatly appreciated. I know I wil
Losing Battle
You point you finger, And accuse me lying. I stand my ground, Telling you I don't. In the back of my mind, A question is formed. Is my accuser, The one with the guilt. Only seeing my side, I can't understand. If only I could, Step into your mind. Knowing only what i'm told, My heart shatters. As I soon realise, My fear has come true. No longer an us, I try not to cry. Who would of thought, It could of ended like this. Something so pure, And perfect to touch. How does good become bad, And evil take over. Still standing tall, I have a new hope. For I know the blame, Doesn't fall upon me.
Losing My Soul
Originally posted in Myspace on Thursday, May 03, 2007: When I Began to Lose My Soul... Be forewarned: Parts of the following narrative are extremely explicit. This is the part in the forest where a sign warns Red Riding Hood, "Last Chance to Turn Back!" IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT SEX, STOP! First of all, I did not set out to write a porn novel here but parts of this might be misconstrued as such or as being extremely sensationalistic on my part. All I can say is that I am not going to gloss over the details. My aim was not to appeal to the prurient natures of my audience but rather to attempt to capture the sensation of Christy's and my first time making love. Not because I want to entice. Not because I want to titillate (although by its very nature a description such as this invites this type of reaction). But because I want to remember and never forget. I am not trying to set forth any judgment that what I did was wrong or right. History has judged that. It just was
Losing My Soul, Pt. Ii
Originally posted in Myspace on Wednesday, May 30, 2007: Stand Still the Spheres of Heaven "Ah, Faustus, Now hast thou but one bare hour to live, And then thou must be damned perpetually! Stand still, you ever-moving spheres of heaven, That time may cease and midnight never come! Fair Nature's eye, rise, rise again and make Perpetual day; or let this hour be but A year, a month, a week, a natural day, That Faustus may repent and save his soul!.. - 'Doctor Faustus', Christopher Marlowe April to October 2006 Apologies in advance for the length of this narrative. Perhaps I put too much description into this, but my story with Christy is not a simple one to tell and would not bear a short description thin on details. Besides that, I tend to be a verbose and bellicose bastard at times, so suffer along and read this if you will. Suck it up, pop some popcorn, get a drink, hit the restroom, powder your nose and settle in for the duration. This will be a long read.
Losing Myself
The smile disappears as I'm losing myself Hiding my emotions, put on the back shelf People stare quickly, with their eyes that pierce As it burns my insides, so strong and so fierce Their glances are the arrow, and their tongue is the bow They shoot quickly at me, its speed does not slow My heart is the target, and their hits land each time They kill me slowly, but are charged with no crime I walk each day, with the holes of this war Spreading my wings, not able to soar Stomping on my heart, creating the crack Trapped in this world, that does not love me back I'm losing myself, as the world spins along Realizing now, that I just dont belong
Losing You
Losing You By Rachael Brooks Ó December 2007 It hurts to breathe, it hurts to think, I miss you so, I can’t speak. I close my eyes and see your face, going back to that time and place. Hearing the stories you always shared, how could I have been so unprepared? Such an influence on my life and heart, it hurts so much that we have to part. Now you’re in heaven’s streets of gold, I sit remembering times of old. Things we did, the fun we had, even the times you got mad. I hear you sing when I close my eyes, I am weak, I sit and cry. Wishing to hear your voice once again, you were more than family you were a friend. I know I’ll hug you, and see your face, when we meet again in that heavenly place. Beyond the clouds, beyond the stars, I hope you know how loved you are. Dedicated to Jack Middleton Reeves -- 1923-2007
Your love is fading, I can feel your love fading, O' honey away from me Because your touch, your touch has grown cold As if someone else controls your very soul I fooled myself as long as I can, now I feel the presence of another man It's there when you speak my name, It's just not the same O' honey I 'm losin' you I can feel it the air, It's there everywhere, O' I'm losin' you I can feel it in my bones, any day you'll be up and gone, O' I'm losin' you It's all over your face, someone's taken my place, could it be girl that I'm losin' you When I look into your eyes, a reflection of a face I see, O' I'm losin' you Your love is faded, I can feel it fadin', O' away from me I can feel it in the air, It's there everywhere, O' I'm losin' you I'm hurt down hearted and worried girl, 'cause that face belong to me I don't want to lose you 'cause I know I've got to groove ya, hey I'm losin' you
Losing People
Anyone ever lose a friend thats been your friend for what seems like forever? Then you know how I feel. I jut lost my best friend in teh world who has been just that since I was 13 years old. We have been through thick and thin and everywhere in between. But she stood by and watched someone she lives with put their hands on me and did nothing. She told someone else she didn't want to speak to me. And I ask myself what kind of friend this is supposed to be if thats how she acts when shit goes down. But I guess now I know. I don't feel any better for having the privilege of having the last word and telling her not to speak to me again. But I also don't feel any better after reading a poem written for me saying that it was all my fault it ended when it wasn't. So if you read this by chance remember that a true friend wouldn't have just stood there for fear the person would have done the same thing to you. If it had been me you know I would have done something whether we were arguing or no
Losing A Valuable Object Or Person
The things we value most often serve as an extension of our self-awareness. A favorite hat, car, or relationship reflects a part of how we feel about ourselves. Therefore, the loss of such an object in a dream is significant. It is equally significant whether you actually own the object in waking or not. If the thing lost is an inanimate object, what does it symbolize for you? Examples would be jewelry, favored clothes, or pictures and family heirlooms. In losses of this kind, the indication may be that you are nervous about losing an expensive or important new object in your life. If a person is lost, the first question to ask is, Who? It may be that you have questions about your commitment to another or their commitment to you. However, it is not to unusual to be looking for a stranger. Why are you searching for this person? Do you find this person? Where?
Losing Something Close
being upset about something you say stupid things about the person or thing that up sets you... just had a friend that had her baby three months ealry and she lost it ... the story is that her p.o. officer stressed her out to the point that she had it ealry the other story is that she was just on anti depressaints and that is the reason why she had the baby ealry... so to me yeah both sides have very good points behide them.. i am just sad that she had to lose her baby so early... R.I.P dakota Zachary Daniels.
I’m sorry that I can’t do things right I’m sorry for being the reason why Sometimes you cry at night. I'm sorry for not being perfect I'm sorry I disappoint. I'm sorry that I'm a pain And sometimes I miss the point. I'm sorry I'm not good enough I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry for my insecurities I'm sorry for my moodiness I'm sorry for my tears. I'm sorry for my feelings And I'm sorry for my fears I'm sorry for taking you for granted I'm sorry for not loving you enough I'm sorry for not being there for you SORRY (2) I'm sorry for the pain i caused I'm sorry for the tears i made you cry I'm sorry for the lies i told I'm sorry that I'm not perfect I'm sorry that I'm not pretty I'm sorry for not being there when I said I would I'm sorry for causing so much trouble I'm sorry for always doing the wrong thing I'm sorry I'm a failure to you I'M SORRY!
Losing Yet Again
Love in my life is like sand, I give it care and attention, Then a strong gust of wind sifts it through my hand, I lose yet again ....
Losing My Love
I fell in love on a sunny day... And now my skys have seemed to gray... The weather matches how I feel... I wish my love for him wasn't real... I said I'd wake and it would be gone... I'm so sad that I lost my one in a million...
Losing Friends
Well, I dont know how to really start this other then to just go at it. I am not a perfect person. Never claimed to be. I pride myself on honesty, faithfulness & loving the ones that are in my life. I have a job that I have had for 2 yrs now & although the money or the hours isnt all that great, I love my job. I was in a really bad Marriage for 10 yrs of my life, that resulted in 2 wonderful, beautiful children..they are 8 & 10. I stayed single for almost 3 yrs after my divorce, mostly dated, but no relationships until almost 3 yrs ago. I met a younger man who did me dirty, but taught me alot. During this relationship, I made some friends that made an impact on my life & changed me for the better. The past few months have really been an eye opening experience for me. I have met the most wonderful man. Guy & I have had our ups & downs, but we are constantly working on things to make us better. Guy is everything I have been looking for in a man. Although, the distance is a HUG
Losing Someone You Love
One day someone special will be gone. And on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of your room, you might be struck with the pain of learning that sometimes in life the most important things get lost along the way. No more hugs, no more lucky moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, No more "just one minute." No more smiles, laughs or silly jokes Sometimes, what we care about the most goes away. never to return before we can say good-bye, Say "I Love You" to that special friend or partner. We all need to feel love, 'be' loved by friends or someone close. So while we have it . . it's best we love it And care for it and fix it when it's broken and take good care of it when it's sick. This is true for marriage .... and friendships ... And children being children; And dogs with bad hips; And aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, Because we cherish them! Some things we keep -- like a best friend wh
Losing Your Love
DEDICATION Sometimes I sit and wonder as the years go by, how it would have been if you hadn't died. Remembering the times, the laughter we shared, how I wish you were here instead of up there. I remember the color of your eyes and that time we got caught in a lie :) You were taken much to young, our lives together had just begun. The touch of your hand, our first kiss, you just don't know how badly your missed. you were my life, my lover, my friend my love for you will never end. DMP 8/06
Losing Myself
if i write i write because i feel with no reason. i write because my fingers are eager and my mind is uneasy... with the music loud but not loud enough.. to drown out this person i am... i'm not really sure who i am .. i've become this person i didnt want to be these lonely lips grasping at the sweetness of wanting.. quenching the thirst of passions long gone. lonely as i have been these past years.. i am amazed at how it can go deeper yet it's just another night too much like all those before. it's just another song that isn't quite right. so close, but no, no one knows. how or what or why if i don't remember you now its because someone else has invaded my heart what can it mean.. it makes me sad though knowing it will never be. if love never ends but it changes how do i adjust myself to suit them.. i feel different but the same still.. i stare at the calendar wondering how another day has past. i was so unaware of how or why it must. like those long weekends when everything
Losing My Mind
I am sat here trying the remember where I put the landline, Bearing in mind I used it this morning to ring the school I have searched my house high and low but no landline.Pls help iam i losing my mind or have I lost the plot. WooHoo i found it 4 days later under my laptop it wasnt there when i was looking for it i would of seen it. Think i must have a sprit in my house moving things in my house hmmmmmm
Losing Myself
sinking into madness feeling my soul fly apart where are my dreams? why am i so empty? the world continues to spin on it's forever axis and people go on smiling their plastic grins hugging their friends while stabbing their knives of manipulation into trusted backs the world continues to spin on its forever axis and my life continues to whirl uncontrolled and meaningless lost and hopeless thoughts raging one into another colliding with hope shattering that small shard bleeding indifference people gather to watch me untwist my mind racing, bending alone and the world continues to spin on its forever axis as i lose myself in chaos. D. R. Hyden feeling lost, i guess.
Losing Weight!
Losing Yet Again
Love in my life is like sand, I give it care and attention, Then a strong gust of wind sifts it through my hand, I lose yet again
Losing Battles
You pushed me to the bottom So much for the broken promise Of breaking my fall Stare down at me With hate filled eyes Blame me, I’ll take the fault Of our latest demise Your words spoken with passion Now replaced with cold venom Though I try, I can’t fight you My voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper You read my lips, but won’t take in the words Shut me out, you know you love to Take the last of my dignity Just let me up so I can walk away
Losing You - Senyru
Losing Him
My heart is breaking Nights drag on forever Barely sleeping now Not knowing whats going on So many thoughts going through my head He tells me he loves me I believe he does But then I dont understand Why it seems things have changed Its still early in the relationship It shouldnt be like this already I love him more than ever Yet I fear theres something I dont know My heart is breaking And tears are starting to fall No longer can I hold it all in The fears I have Of losing him.
Losing My Love
Lost in my mind. Lost in the dark. Where did my light go? Tormented by demons. Chased by death. Will it ever be right? Finding the Man of my dreams. No more looking for love. Is it right? my death looms ever closer. Watching over my shoulder. Will W/we ever be together? Found my soul. Found my heart. Are W/we destined to always be apart?
Losing It All...
Losing it all, I lost it all in one day, losing your best friend, is losing the only one you can trust the only one who understands you, and the only one who knows your secrets. He is alive but...but I'am dead to him, and it hurts, just stupid bullshit comes between us that is not true and stuff I never said, was never even a argument, was just a good bye in so many words. This person I never had a single argument with... but all in about 5 mins, it was over. I have decisions to make, like can I fix this wrong, and should I? It hurts that he would believe someone over me, and worse not to even tell me what was said or from whom he heard it. Now I have no true friend, not in the sense that I see friends to be anyways...
Losing A Friend has really been a hard day for me...sunday my dad called to tell me some bad of my coworkers had gone in to have his appendix removed and while in the hospital had two major heart attacks...and fell into a coma...well i got a phone call later that night from one of my coworkers saying that they had done some tests to check brain activity...and NONE...well today i recieved a really bad phone friend and pal Federico Acosta had died... Im not sure how i feel right many things...sadness...first off...and then the rest is all just sure eventually things will all sort out...
Losing A Piece Of My Soul
I came to you the hour I was in pain Looking for answers, I cried to you in vain. I shared the many skeletons hiding in my heart, I knew then you'd be my friend, I knew it from the start. Troubles ran like rivers, flowing through my life, You picked the pieces up and help me through my strife. When home wasn't home to me no more, You opened up your heart, and opened up the door. We cried into night until the early morn. We solaced each other's pain and shared our many thorns. As time flew, the air grew thick, I saw our friendship fading, and my heart grew sick. The day had arrived, When it was time to say goodbye. Now I sit alone, reminiscing the past I'd blown.
Losing My Daddy
Losing My Sons Dad
If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, I'd walk right up to Heaven And bring you home again. ~Author Unknown The hurt seems too hard to bear, but Im staying strong for my son.. RIP MATTHEW....FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS
Losing Track Of Time
Your hand moving slowly down my spine. A shiver. Losing track of time. A kiss. Lingering upon my lips. Leaves me frozen in momentary of bliss. Your eyes taking over my body. Vulnerable but no longer lonely. Arms. Taking me into a long embrace. My only wish now to memorize the lines of your face. Your smile is causing me to melt. Into your eyes. Never have I felt. So out of control yet perfectly sane No line between the pleasure and the pain. Your teeth sinking into my skin A dream like quality. Not wishing to end. Falling into a state. Losing control of my breathing. What is this? Am I dreaming? Your love flowing into me like never before. An eager whisper. Begging for more. Take me. Take me away into your sinful night. Beautiful stranger of the moonlight. You’re mine. I am yours. Now forever Through life. Through immortality. Together. Lost. Sinking. Your beautiful face looming as I am lost. In this moment of ecstasy. Our love the cause. Forever. Immortal being
Losing Loved Ones
I recently loss my dad to cancer and i am very sad about that and it hurts very bad.
Losing A Friend
I suppose it's something to be expected...friends come and friends go...I am rather fond of everyone I befriend...but sometimes how I feel about them doesn't outweigh the inevitable. Sometimes...shit happens and ties are broken. I'm big on communication...and value others opinions and such...but when there is no communication on one end...there is nothing to be done but wave the little white flag! (cryptic status messages don't count as communicating) I will miss the laughter...I will miss the mischief...I will miss the person I adore. Whatever the reason I am sure it must be valid. Just a little one is obligated to remain a friend to me...just be decent and say goodbye so I can do the same. ;)
Losing A Dear Friend
My Dear Friend Phyllis passed away last night July 28,2008 at 11pm pst. She was a part of my life for 10 yrs. She was there to se me thru a devasting fire and loss my dogs in that fire. She saw me go thru tough times with my ex and was very glad when my fiance came into my life. I was there for her the night her dog BOBO gave birth to her puppies at 2am. nothing like trying to run up the road putting slippers and a robe on just to get there in time to catch a puppy lol. Yes i am grieving today but i know she is in a better place. The only thing she asked of me was to Keep an eye on Randy as i will do. She is at peace and no longer with us but her memory will always be with us LOVE YOU PHYLLIS
Losing A Friend
Losing a Friend The worst thing in life is to lose a friend, A friend that means the world to you, A friend that you put all your trust and faith in. A friend you believe in from the start. A friends that took the center of your heart. A friend you'd die for, A friend you wanted to cherish for a lifetime, A friend, A good friend, A best friend.
Losing My Friend
I told you too much, I said what I said, It was something you were never meant to know. Now since that day, seems we hardly speak, And losing our friendship is what I fear. For every time I try to message you, There's no longer a response. And when we chat, it seems one way, You seem to act so cold. I never meant to ever let you down, But I feel that's what I have done. For if I could go back, to that day, I wouldn't have told you, what I told. You see your friendship really matters to me, And I'm missing, all the good laughs we had. And the idea of losing you, as a friend, leaves me heavy hearted, feeling sad. Now I just don't know, what to say to you, To try and make everything alright. And I wish I knew what I could do, For I really hate it when we fight. I just want to get back, what we once had, Our crazy world that we created. I hope you also do, and that you miss me too, And that our friendship's, forever fated. So if you wish for me, to stay
A Losing Battle
How can you give your heart to somebody and then turn around and have it smashed to bits and yet still fall for every line that they tell you ? How can the one person that swore to never break your heart is the one that breaks it and yet you still fall for everything they tell you ? How can somebody tell you everything that they fear will go wrong and you the same to them and yet they hide things from you and you fall for every line they tell you ? How can your heart pick it's self back up and get back together again when you fall for the same line again ? MY TEARS......YOUR FAULT !!!!!!!
Losing Friends
APRIL 25,2005 LOSING FRIENDS I remember when my life fell apart the night of July 6,1999. My very dear and loyal friend was murdered. I didn't know what to expect that night but the days after were pure hell!!! The monster who took her life got away with it and watched others go down for what he had done to her... I had to look over my shoulder for 7yrs b/c at one time my life was almost destroyed by this monster... The day I found out he struck again my whole world fell apart again right before my eyes... The pain and sorrow i suffered for so long came back harder then ever! I struggle everyday to be able to have the strength to move on and face the obstacles in my life but with them gone makes it that much harder to endure... I will not rest until the monster who took these innocent lives dies for what he had done to the victims families and friends... I Hope SomeDay Justice Will Be Served Once And For All!!!!!
Losin It
Losin The Pounds
Trying to lose weight. Again. So far only 3 lbs. I think, if the scale isn't lying to me. I'm frustrated with myself again. I hate how I look. Just so nasty. People can't tell how big I am over the net. Yeah I hide a lot in my pics......too ashamed to really show a pic of me I guess. I wanna perdy..... Not this fat whale that I am....yuck....gonna keep working hard om myself...hopefully I can succeed this time.
losing all I can see. nothing remains. dripping slowly away the tides recede and I stand alone. I look down from the precipice that is my life and wonder where the tides go. will they return to fill my gaping soul? or will the waters dry to flow no more and leave me standing and breathless? all I can do is wait. watching from my precipice, all I can do is wonder.
Losing You
That night the outside came in I can still hear your silent screams it was like the me with out the e Part of me missing part of me gone your poison deep within my soul your words ripped my heart tortured my mind tainted my flesh You promised me heaven brought me hell your blue eyes dazzled your words entranced stumbling in to the darkness to your trap I fell back in to the worming holes here alone and afraid you have left me as free as a caged bird Gagging on the ashes of technology
Losing Internet Tomorrow
im losing my internet tomorrow and will only have access to myspace, yim, aim....if you would like my info to still get ahold of me then leave me a message please and ill give the shit to you...dont wanna lose all my friends on here...ill be back on fubar when i can...but for now the only way is to get me on one of the messengers or just to email me.... dont forget me Kristina
Losing My Virginity....
...of the auction type that is, obviously I lost my real virginity ages ago (well last week anyway...) Just some elaboration on what I'll offer... 5 profile comments a week (I tend not to log on at weekends LOL!) Add to top friends & family for duration Add owned by blah blah in profile name Rate all stashes (or maybe a certain number depending on how many - I have to find time in my busy day to do some work as well...LOL!) Rate a certain number of pics (again depends on how many) Personalised salute perhaps... A ringtone of the winning bidder's choice Not included: blings/VIPs/blasts or anything else costing real dosh is NOT an option LOL!
Losing ....
So can somebody tell me why I keep losing .. i lost the only family I had in ct when my ex started dateing my daughter's aunt . I lost a friend when some fuck nugget opened their big mouth . I lost my job .. because somebody borrowed my van....I lost time with my daughter when my ex decided to take everyones fucking word over the truth . Now I get a ob within 3 days of losing my last one .. and now yet again I am losing what little time I have with my baby . I took the job rather than lose my apartment ...I fucking bend over backwards for everyone and yet I fucking lose something every fucking time ..I may not always make the best decisions but I am confident that leaving my husband was the right thing to do .. My son is in fl beacuse it was too much for him to handle .My daughter is living with her father because some fuck face thought I was wrong .. I am doing my best to do what is right for my kids and I keep losing . why is it this way ..... He has no job .. I get a job ..yes it i
Losing Teeth
Well I went in to have a tooth checked out. There was no saving it. I was really sick a few years back and it really messed up my gums and the bones. I might lose the whole bottom row of teeth. This is really depressing to me. I know when I look at people I look at their teeth and now I will be on the other side of it. They had to remove one front bottom tooth. I now have a space there. It looks and feels weird. There is nothing I can do to save a few of them. My last dentist didn't make it any better because he wouldn't do a cleaning the whole 3 years I was going to him. He just keep pulling teeth and was thinking he was going to fix them before he would clean them. Now I know he was making it worst. I think it was the big bucks he was getting for doing the work. Well I hope the new dentist will make it better with out pulling the whole bottom row.
Losing It
I can’t do this shit anymore. I am so fucked up. I try to hide it every day when I am around others but when I am alone I am suffocated by it. These feelings are drowning me. I can’t breathe. I just want it all to stop. I want it all to go away. Make it stop please. All these feelings I feel, the past and the present coming at me at once. Pressures of everyday living, I can’t go on. I have no strength left in me. I have suffered for so long, I don’t want to suffer anymore. All these friends I have that love me so much, why do they? I am not who they think I am. Do they pretend? Are they scared to tell me the truth? What is the truth? I know they get tired of me, and that only makes me feel worse. Do they talk about me behind my back? What if they can’t really stand me? Lies, is it all lies? Does anyone really care about me? I hate myself, my life, myself, my life. No one seems to understand how serious this illness is. It’s like if they don’t acknowledge it than it doesn’t exist
Losing Someone Special
This sucks so bad it really does, you see there was someone really special I met online and it was great i thought we chatted a lot and everything well i ended up getting hurt i guess thats all i should say to respect their privacy...
Losing You
That night the outside came in I can still hear your silent screams it was like the me with out the e Part of me missing part of me gone your poison deep within my soul your words ripped my heart tortured my mind tainted my flesh You promised me heaven brought me hell your blue eyes dazzled your words entranced stumbling in to the darkness to your trap I fell back in to the worming holes here alone and afraid you have left me as free as a caged bird Gagging on the ashes of technology
If a broken heart could cry a river To float my boat upon I would cry all night my love and in the morning be gone to travel far away from here where no one knows I cried because you told me you don't love me and a part of me has died If I could sail my boat upon that salty sea and leave behind this hurt I feel I'd take the chance and flee but no...I'd love you still If a broken heart could cry a river to float my boat upon I would cry all night my love and in the morning be gone If I could sail my boat upon that salty sea would you change your mind and go with me come sail on my salty sea... come sail away with me...
Losing All
Have you ever lost someone who meant the world to you, by your own fault, but not realized that it was your own fault until it was too late to fix what was broken? I have just gone through an extremely difficult breakup. I was with the love of my life for four years, she and hear two children, and our daughter together lived with me for the past three years. It hasnt been an easy road, but we've always had each other - and I thought that was enough to keep us strong, and keep us together forever. Looking back at our relationship,I could have had it all if I had taken care of what was in front of me. She was the perfect partner, she gave me the world, she did things for me out of the kindness of her heart, just because she loved me. I took advantage of that. I got comfortable with her doing everything, and all I did was went to work, sat on my ass, and slept. I didnt help her enough with the kids, I didnt do shit as far as housework went, and dishes? No fucking way. I
I can't do this anymore.. I am losing my mind :( I bought a car on Thanksgiving, the fucking thing broke down the next day. The bastard I bought it from (some one I worked with for a few years) will not answer his phone and keeps coming up with excuses. I have the money for the alternator, the fucking car is broke down in town, and I can't even get to it. Have had peope say they would do it for me, then there is alwya another excuse, for example the one today is they are hung over. I am tired of being in tears. To get the car, the money was lent to me. You know how hard it was to tell the person that lent it to me that the car is broke down. This was suppose to be the way I could get me back, looking for work and stuff. I am so tired of wishing I were _____ every second, I am so sorry my thoughts are going so bad... I cant do this. My mind is gone how can this person do this to me at the holidays, how can my life be this.. sorry gone
Losing A Friend?
Losing Weight
I decided it was time to lose some wieght when my 7 year old son saw a commercial on tv for a weight loss pill and told me I needed it. I knew I was fluffier than I should be. I say fluffy because it feels better than to say heavier. Seems if he felt the need to tell me that then I should do something about it. I want to be thinner but mostly I want to be healthier. I want to run and play football with my 3 boys. I want to have enough energy to keep up with them. Well, at least to have a fighting chance of keeping up with them.. haha. Mostly I want them to proud of me. So, I am on a wieght loss adventure... I say adventure to try and make it sound more fun because we all know dieting sucks. But if I keep my eyes on the end result I know it will be worth the effort. So please show some love and support. I'll keep You all updated as I go!!! Wish me luck!! OK Honey!! LOL.. I've stopped drinking pepsi. I'm drinking coffee or water most of the time. Cut out most junk food and a lot of brea
Losing A Family Member.
Just this past month,I lost my 1st born nephew.He died two days before he was to turn 16 yrs old.I buried my nephew on dec. 13th, 2008.His birthday was dec. 12th.He died on dec. 9th.He was loved very dearly by his family and friends.We will miss him so.It was the hardest thing I had to do.He was so young and had his whole life ahead of him.He died from a blood vessel that exploded in his brain.He will be forever remembered as a bright young man.R.I.P. Michael.We love you!!
Losing Time
Losing Time 10/18/07 Cage my heart and my evil thoughts, prove that all I've done is for naught, reject my ideals; ignore my beliefs, continue living within a world so bleak, differences; they become so few, when one is afraid to begin anew, passion begins to ebb away, minutes fade to hours of long, endless days, the world moves on but you stay in place, life and vibrancy slowly fade from your face, time soars by; but you're stuck in the past, praying for death to take you fast, unbearable pain consumes your soul, you want to be alone; you'll never be whole, looking in the mirror; you hate what you see, you lock yourself in the past, never wanting to be free, your fear of change doomed you from the start, so now you're free to rest your tired heart.
Losing Faith In The Free Market
After the thousandth email about the economy I finally think I will write down my take. I have a friend who has cancer. He had to leave graduate school and throw away the life that he had been building for years. He had to do this in order to work at a menial job to pay for his health insurance. If his insurance lapses he will be denied treatment for his pre-existing condition. I ask in all seriousness, where is his government bailout? This is on a small scale the model of what our economy has become. One cannot leave ones class without risking it all. You cannot get ahead because they do not want you to get ahead. Regardless of what the stock market does the poor remain poor and the rich remain rich. The "Free market," isn't free it comes at the greatest cost. The life of the working man. I leave you with a quote: "You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must
Losing Friends Way Too Soon!!
"I love you guys, see you later" These where the last words that my friend Ricky ever said to me one year ago. noone knew that he was so sad and noone knew that it would be the last time we would see his smiling face. he didn't ever act like anything was bothering him. and then i got the call. " Kimi he's gone, he took his life" he was not even in this world good and he made his exit. "meet me halfway, i'll start walkin'now" these are the last words that my dear friend Jeanette said to her daughter. and she started walking to meet her daughter who had been playing with a friend up the street. she walked all the way and ask could she sit down she fell down and never got up again. she passed away friday. she was only 45 years old. I have so many questions. and i can't understand why they had to leave. I know they had no control over this. either health or emotional pressures caused them to exit this world. and i am so damn angry and i want to know why!!!!!! it seems like i am losi
Losing The Liars And Idiots
Libra - February 12, 2009 Without a doubt, your day will have important consequences on the future of your love life. The doubts you may have today, especially where your feelings are concerned, are likely to push you to really think about things before you make any kind of decision. Should you go back on what you have done or march on with conviction? This is what is at stake in your life right now. Don't be too hasty about things!
Losing My Whole World
I met this amazing man and started to fall in love with him. Well once again ive been proven im unloveable. It looks like im losing him already. I dont want to he is my whole world. I just dont know what to do to keep him. Everytime I fall in love it ends badly. But this time I thought it was different. I felt something different with this man then I ever have with any other man before. We have so many things in common. Ive even stayed up late to talk to him. My body cant handle it like it use to be able to. But he is totally worth it I dont regret any lost sleep because it was spent getting to know him better. I would do anything to protect him and to show him how much he means to me. He is the sweetest most romantic man I've ever met. He makes me feel more special then any man ever has. I dont know what I will do if I lose this man. I really wish I knew what to do to keep him. I've been saying hes my whole world my heart. I meant it every single time. Ive never meant it more then I
Losing Fait
Losing Faith Sitting watching the clock tick by Faith Barring down on me I feel my heart going down Everything is being ripped away Its all slipping away What am I gonna do with out you Youre my faith Hook Losing my faith over you Aint nobody like you I dont want to But Im losing my faith Youre my strength My hope My everything Losing my faith With out you who id gonna pick me up Lift me higher From the first day were in sync Suffering from alienation Through your love was the answer to pain Holding me through the night You are the one I need most Sent straight down from heaven No matted where I go I wont ever forget you Just hang on For one more day Ill will be there Always waiting to catch you
Losing My Edge
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Losing Faith
It's been 3yrs since I've become a in its self not really a big deal, is it? I'm not the only one this has happen to, not going to the last. LIFE GOES ON..THE BIRDS NEVER STOPPED SINGING..MY WORLD DIDN'T STOP. After awhile, I thought about trying to "date"..I tried MySpace, just for one, to see what some of my own children were doing, and it was a way to keep in people there, who of course, weren't who they said they's all good. It was a rude awakening, and I learn a major lesson in life..DON'T TRUST ANYONE.. My second "dating site" was luck was but problems..then a friend, had me try This I could handle..I've learn my lesson..thinking, I could trust people once I thought. or at least some. I've meet online some really sweet people...and become friends with. or at least I thought. I base friendship on being honest, open and up front with me..I'm not one to judge anyo
Losing Song.
Our time is short, it's flying quickly by Carpe Diem, the rest of our lives. We can't ever sit down, we just might die. Push on forward, learn to fly. Entirely different shadows cover our souls. We know we can only do what we know. We speed down the road, missing the signs. Too much space keeps us from looking behind. Empty cavities will soon be filled, Bulldozers will have flattened all of the hills. Get anywhere in a second, without knowing where you've gone. Driving harder. We're losing song.
Losing Your Love
Have you ever been in a relationship where you wish you could have gone back and changed the past and corrected through the realization that you could fix it by fixing yourself? yea.. me too. but fate has a strange way of stripping your heart and soul of any form of love just to show you what you need to change and fix within yourself..that i do not understand. Why should it take a moment in time when your spouse tells you she does not want to be with you anymore that you realize things you should have done? in the process ripping your heart to shreds because you loved the person so much that you would have given them anything to stop it? I know we all have been through this situation, i myself multiple times. But yet, This must be done... I just wish i knew why? Now don't get me wrong, I have all kinds of people telling me that there will be light at the end of the darkness and things will turn around and life will be all grand... and yet here i sit alone and afraid at the real
Losin My Brother In Law
My brother in law may not be american he may not speak english all that well, but he is the only brother that i have left.  I've had a couple of brother in laws but he is the only 1 that i hav left.  Well he is dying of cancer and has maybe a day or 2 left.  He has ben hard to get a long with and he hasn't ben the best to my sister but still for somebody who never had a brother growin up it sux royally
Losing A Friend
I never really felt moved to write a blog before, but my experiences of the past week have left me reeling and sad.  It makes me question whether or not it is ever safe to call someone met on Fubar a friend... and, if it is, at what point do you do so? You see, what happened is that I have found someone special and am very vocal about it... not overly so, but as one might expect from someone who is excited that she has met someone as wonderful as I have.  My version of "shouting from the mountain tops" was in "shouting from my status message."  Most of my Fu-friends were simply happy for me... or at least feigned such.  My special man loved the gesture. However, one of my Fu-friends decided to contact me in YIM voicing his disapproval of my revealing my feelings for my special man... saying I was "being high school."  I asked him to elaborate and he would not. The following day, he used YIM to give me a hard time about it.  I was beginning to understand that he thought I should hide
Losing Someone
A friend of mine, chunkymonkeyjunky, has lost a family member. Please stop by her pagfe and show some love and condolences. Thank You.
Losing Someone You Love More Than Once
It's difficult to lose someone you love. There really are no words to describe how it feels. I know many of you have lost someone you loved and I'm sorry that anyone should ever have to go through the pain, but I guess it's just a part of this journey we're on  that we call life. I lost my father more than once, (In different ways than actual death, I lost him twice) The first time I lost him, I was just six years old. He was everything to me, and we were inseperable. One day as he was driving home from work, he got behind a semi truck without flaps, and a 4 1/2 lb rock spun through the tires, and flew through his windshield, and smashed his head. We found him over 8 hours later. Apparantly he had been lying in a wheat field for the 8 hours, but then sat up and drove himself (with a shattered windshiel) back to where he worked. I was sitting in the car with my mom, and when we pulled up alongside the truck, he looked over at us and smiled. He was unrecognizable, and he should have di
Losing You . . .
I'm losing you And its hurting like hell   I'm trying so hard Though it may not seem like it   I'm so scared I've never felt this way before   It's been a while Since I have f*cked things up Just like I always do  
Losing All Faith In Humanity.
My best friend and I were out driving last night, when a woman flagged us down. She looked disorientated, and wanted a ride home. Claimed she had a flat tire. We agreed and off we went. This woman was apparently on some kind of substance, but we weren't sure what. Well we dropped her off and my best friend asked me to grab the bag out of the back, make sure her valuables were still there. Her camera was missing. We searched the car high and low, went back to her house and searched, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. How can someone steal something from a person who's doing them a favor? Granted, she left her purse in the back of the car, but it's still not right.
Losing It Again
I just totally lost it again. My sister called and asked me if I had money for this trip, asking me what I would be eating on.  Now I dont even know if I can go to the funeral because I don't have any funds. This is tearing me up so bad. If I can't go, this is gonna weigh on me forever. I cant think, my brain and heart both hurt so badly.
Losin My Kids
losin my kids is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. i was stayin wit my step mom n when i let my sons dad come visit him. my step mom was cool wit it at first.. til i was gonna let him take Ricky home wit him for 3 days. than my step mom told me that if i was to let him take ricky than i have to get out of her house.. n that's ricky's father i can't jus keep him from seein his dad.. so i pretty much got kicked a few days go by n dhs showed up at my baby daddy's door.. n took my kids cause of my step mom callin them n tellin a bunch of lies.. so now i'm doin everything i can to get my kids back... they are my world... i luv them soo much.. the worst thing that could happen to a real good mom is have her kids taken from her.. so yeah... PS. Please everyone that reads this PRAY for me n my kids. i really need it rite now... Thanks
Losing Out Identity Of Love
We want for people to be happy, at least I do, it all steams from childhood for me (dont get me started on that). We give up a little when we are in love in hopes, that in the changing of ourselves for this person, they will like us more. A little bit here, a little bit there, until one day we find, we dont really know who we are.....and the person we care for the most, really doesnt like us anymore. I have done this time and time again and the person I turn into, well to be frank, I just dont like. It's funny, because it doesnt happen overnight, in fact we fight it in the begining, until we realize that, it doesnt seem to bring the happiness we wish for the other to have. In the end if we can not be accepted for the people we are, than whats the point of the relationship.  Myself, I just want to be accepted and to have approval for just being me. For the good and the bad, because that is who I am. When we give up to much, we become lost, and finding your way back is hard and long. Its
Losing My Soul
Losing My Soul By: EmberSlender beams of illumination enterthis darkened cavern as I kneel,always sorrowful, always despairing.Frozen here, waiting accusing robed forms wrought in blackened stone loom, As dust dances in the air,forming an image in my mind,infiltrating my exposed soul. Embracing the unknown,accepting a lonely fate,as bloody tears begin to fall.Realization dawns on a lover's face.I raise my head, now caressingthis oblivious immortal darkness.
Losing A Valuable Object Or Person
Losing a Valuable Object or Person The things we value most often serve as an extension of our self-awareness. A favorite hat, car, or relationship reflects a part of how we feel about ourselves. Therefore, the loss of such an object in a dream is significant. It is equally significant whether you actually own the object in waking or not. If the thing lost is an inanimate object, what does it symbolize for you? Examples would be jewelry, favored clothes, or pictures and family heirlooms. In losses of this kind, the indication may be that you are nervous about losing an expensive or important new object in your life. If a person is lost, the first question to ask is, Who? It may be that you have questions about your commitment to another or their commitment to you. However, it is not to unusual to be looking for a stranger. Why are you searching for this person? Do you find this person? Where
Losing Globals Part ~2~
Ok beings I have lost my globals and wont be able to visit any of my mummer friends and get their advice on my dramatic life, I was wondering if I should seek a fu-psychiatrist and if so, who is the best? How much is this going to sat me back in fu-cash? aNY comments welcome, I am going to play in the shower, I've got myself a new rubber ducky and he wants to splish splash in some suds. Ps I know I am a nut job why do you think I am here. Mwuahahahahaha
Losing A Friend
"The worst thing in life is to lose a friend, A friend that means the world to you, A friend that you put all your trust and faith in. A friend you believe in from the start. A friends that took the center of your heart. A friend you'd die for, A friend you wanted to cherish for a lifetime, A friend, A good friend, My best friend."
Losing A Child
i met my best friend about 7 yrs ago and she was telling me about losing her 6 yr old daughter i would cry with her and i thought i could understand how she felt and all that til Oct 27 2009 when i lost my 12 yr old daughter and it hit me hard that back then i had no clue what she was feeling til i have to go thru it.ashley was 12 so beautiful full of life blunt easy going til u made her mad and then she was only mad for a few n got over it...she had planned her life gonna go into the army and go to college and be someone and try and help all the fighting in the world cause she didnt like it...i grew up thinkin crying was a weakness and not to do it infront of ppl i am now learning that its ok to hurt to let ppl know u hurt and how u feel...i was and still am every now n then numb..some days i cant think others im mad as HELL and others i think i be ok...i have 4 other kids that help me get thru then i learned a few weeks ago that only i can get thru this only i can help myself...i fee
Losing Socks And How It Relates To Love....he He
Losing socks and how it reltes to love he he Current mood:  giddy Category: Writing and Poetry Is it not funny how doing laundry can relate to love. For some reason there is always a sock that seems to disappear when we do laundry, no matter what we do, one escapes. Like it hangs next to the inside of the drum waiting to make its break until it finds that moment and BAM!!!!! its gone. So for the rest of its existance it has become disguarded, lost like the others tossed inside a cotainer and wishing it had made a better chioce. So now we have the sock who leaped for freedom and the other sock who decided to stay, both lost looking for that perfect sole mate, a mate that if they had the moment again, they would hoped to be bundled away some place in a drawer together. How many of us have leaped for freedom? and than the rest of the coming moments looking for the perfect match. Dont really know if there is such thing as a soul mate, I believe we like to believe that there is, and we m
Losing Friends
Heart breaking, however it happens.. Yesterday I seen a good friend of mine just up an left FU an he has not told me why, now I've lost another one do to him not noticing me as if I did not exist. I' have always rated his photo's an helped him out but never got any love in return, what the hell is wrong with people an this site? I mean com'mon I'm not the worst person in the world as my page states I'll talk to just about anyone willing to befriend me, if you/yourself can not handle that then there's something wrong with ya. I do not play head games if your wanting to become friends thats kewl I can respect that in every way however fuck me over then you can kiss my ass thats all there is to it, I'm sure people el see this an say yeah she's a BITCH but ya know something you maybe right just getting sick of people disrespecting.
Losing My Mind
Running to every corner Trying to find my escape But I end up chasing an empty space My only friend is misery I get psyched back up when I see your face Then I remember it's only temporary Why does happiness have to be a short story? How much longer til I pass this phase? Tying to beat the sorrow everyday When I know, in the the end it's there to win I can no longer see my life's worth Caught in the wrath of others Making this pain feel comfortable, like it's right at home   (Chorus) Losing my mind Letting those words sink in Becoming so gullible and ashamed Taking every word to heart It's hard to not care Trying to convince myself as much as I can But I can't help to think, if they are right   I'm screaming inside, wondering if anyone could see it through my eyes I've been on my own far too long Dying to feel, to be held once again Feeling sorry for myself, cause no one else shows sympathy Just goes to show it's better off to be alone, gotta watch my own bac
Once upon a time, a long time ago, I fell in love. And there was laughing and funny breaths and happiness. There was much rejoicing. And then, SHUT! Over. Gone. Dead. Completely cut off. Disconnected. The taste still fresh in my mouth. The smell still on my skin. The feeling left in my fingertips. But I can't get that feeling back. I may spend my entire life trying to get back into that Polariod. Fighting all the way. The best thing I have ever known. Even now, years later, anytime I come close to it I want to dive in. Sink or swim. I don't care. I would give anything to be even in the room next to it. Across the street. A breath away. Remembering what I never let myself forget. Looking someone in the eye and knowing; another time, another place, it is right there. In front of me. Within reach. Just open my fingers and wrap them around it. Hold it tightly. And never let it go. Never. Never. I fought. I fought hard. But only with myself. Sometimes I wonder if I should have fought harder
Losing It
There's a monster inside of me struggling to break free. Clawing beneath my skin, weakening me. Im about to give in, count 1,2,3. Let it break out, unleash its fury.
Losing Weight
Stepped on my scale Monday morning and I was 108 lbs. Today (Saturday) I am only 101 lbs!! So I lost 7 lbs. in only 5 days,most people can't lose 7 lbs. in a week. Not bad for having had 3 kids huh? Will only be a few days and I will be back to 98 lbs.which is just a few lbs. more than what I weighed in high school. SOO happy to be in size 3 jeans again,(although I was only wearing a size 5 or 6 before I lost weight),yay Hope you're all having a great weekend.
Losing Sight Of All
love is so fake it smiles in your facewith just a peck and no hug you think how could you be so stupidlong journeys through timeless love is not goodlong journeys to areas where you know noone at alllong journeys where you screw yourselfjust walk away after the peck not even looking back to see the painthe pain you cause by just givin a peck on the lips without a hugthe word i love you is all you get before the pecklong journeys losing what you hadlong journeys losing your sanitylong journeys is all that will happen to you foreverwatching as she walks away you think she is gonna turn aroundturn around and walk back to you and give you that passionate hug the hug that you long for long journeys through timeless love is not goodlong journeys losing what you hadlong journeys to areas where you know noone at alllong journeys losing your sanitylong journeys where you are screwedlong journeys is all that will happen to you forever
Losing Our Rights
As Memorial Day nears I wonder what the brave soldiers who died fighting for our liberty might think about the fact that America, as they knew it, is being destroyed by its own government. One by one our liberties are being taken.In April 2011, Michigan Senator Proos of St. Joseph introduced SB 333, a bill requiring an instant background check be run on anyone purchasing over-the-counter cold medications containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. A State Police database will track names and sales. Taxpayers will pay...On May 19 State Representatives Lori and Meadows introduced HB 4662, a bill to make ephedrine and pseudoephedrine available by prescription only. Once again the rights of the majority are being taken because a few people violate.Indiana courts have ruled police may enter and search private homes without warrant or cause. The Patriot Act, currently up for renewal, allows searches of phone, financial records, library cards and homes without warrantsCalifornia has mandated sc
Losing Love!
Sit's here, Lost, Watching the clock, Slipping & Sliding, Slowly through the day.   Why doe's it feel I lost you, Left to bathe in dust & rust, I'd pull apart everrything, Just to re-grain your trust.   So very distant you seem, My mind lost in dreams, Waiting on the day, That gentle whisper to say.   I want you by my side. No matter the strentgh of tide, Sun shining on your soul. Your radiance showing true.   I know your an angel. A lot of things to do, Wings enfolded like an origami swan, Waiting to take flight, over oceans clear & blue.   Know I am here. thinking of you, Cursing the oceans &  blue, I cannot help but feel,  Lost distraught & upset,   For that one I know, I Pray, She enjoy's her day, Warmth be in her soul, Rainbow colours envelop you, Always in my heart, thinking of you!
Losing It
Hold on baby, your losing it   The water's high, you're jumping into it  And letting go and no one knows      That you cry but you don't tell anyone 
Losing Grip
Are you aware of what you make me feel, babyRight now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not realDidn't you feel me lock my arms around youWhy'd you turn away?Here's what I have to say I was left to cry there,waiting outside there grinning with a lost stareThat's when I decidedWhy should I careCuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so aloneYou, you need to listen I'm starting to trip,I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing aloneAm I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's placewhen you turn around can you recognize my face you used to love me,you used to hug meBut that wasn't the caseEverything wasn't ok I was left to cry therewaiting outside there grinning with a lost stareThat's when I decided Crying out loud I'm crying out loudCrying out loud I'm crying out loudOpen your eyesOpen up wideWhy should I careCuz you weren't therewhen I was scared I was so alone Why should I careCuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so aloneWhy should I careIf
Losing The Onlything I Ever Lover!
Losing Seven Games
.C. -- With one signature, Julius Peppers went from a disgruntled star seeking to leave town to a rich man who may stick around in Carolina for awhile.Victor Cruz Jersey April 15 - Montreal 3, Washington 2, OT, Tomas Plekanec, 13:19. Authentic Ndamukong Suh Jersey . April 15 - Vancouver 3, Los Angeles 2, OT, Mikael Samuelsson, 8:52. April 16 - San Jose 6, Colorado 5, OT, Devin Setoguchi, 5:32. April 17 - Washington 6, Montreal 5, OT, Nicklas Backstrom, 0:31. April 17 - Los Angeles 3, Vancouver 2, OT, Anze Kopitar, 7:28. April 18 - Philadelphia 3, New Jersey 2, OT, Dan Carcillo, 3:35. Matthew Stafford Jersey . Bobby Wilson doubled in Jean Segura earlier in the frame for the Halos, while Mark Trumbo had a three-run homer and knocked in four runs. Jered Weaver surrendered four hits and three runs -- two earned -- and fanned six over four frames. 
Losing My Religion
Losing Talent On Fu...and No One Gives A Fuck...
Well i have come to a conclusion that its time for a break from djing on fubar...i sit and dj for 4 hrs or so to hopefully give the lounges an atmosphere of a good time...yet again its not like the old days (a year ago) when we had a 75-80% listening ratio with awsome chat and cammers....where now there is mabey a 50% if your lucky in any lounge...and people dont give a fuck about the dj or the music. they sit and watch the women on cam and whack off or are parked and on skype or yim. whats the point of putting on a decent mix of music if ya don't care? why bother having a server that the owners pay for?...and why would we VOLENTEER our time as djs to even play? its a damn shame when even phatty (orgy) has 60 people in there and only 30 listners...hell i love playing ..but i play for you not for me...but ya know its not worth it anymore...i have been on air in a lounge with over 40 people and have only 23 listners...and watching people on cam in the lounge and see them skyping...its a
Losing In Progess
I have lost 12 lbs total since November 2011. It's a slow process..Exercise and I have this love/hate relationship, one which I WILL win over!!! I am not looking to be a size 3/4, but to be a healthy size 10/12 with curves!!
Losing A Unforgettable Friend.
Joshua Opladen, Even though he's gonehis memory still remains in our hearts.His smile and face will never fade.We think of him as we go on each day.The good times we rememberand the days spent togetherwill be in our memories forever. Rip. You Will Be Missed. Our Hearts Go Out To Your Family..
Losing Streak To Five With A 4-1 Loss Earlier In The Day Against The Los Angeles Angels. Tigers Slugger Miguel
DETROIT -- The Detroit Tigers shrugged off blowing chances to at least tie Chicago atop the AL Central. Jamey Carroll hit an RBI single in the 10th inning and the Minnesota Twins beat Detroit 2-1 Sunday, winning both games of a doubleheader to prevent the Tigers from tying or passing the slumping White Sox. "Its not disappointing," Tigers manager Jim Leyland insisted. "Were one game back with 10 games to play." Chicago still has a one-game lead in the division despite extending its losing streak to five with a 4-1 loss earlier in the day against the Los Angeles Angels. Tigers slugger Miguel Cabrera wouldnt or couldnt say whether that was a disappointing fact after a long day at the ballpark. "Im tired right now," the AL MVP and Triple Crown candidate said. "Sorry." Detroit closer Jose Valverde (3-4) allowed pinch-hitter Denard Span to lead off the extra inning with a single and gave up a one-out, fall-behind single to Carroll. Jared Burton (2-1) entered in the ninth and got Cabrera to
Losing Someone
Late last night I found out a good friend of mine passed away and I still don't want to believe it but I know that he is at peace right now but that doesn't take any of my pain away. I'm still sitting here I haven't slept much and my thoughts are still racing. I think the worst part is that I never got to say goodbye but I will you again someday my friend
Los Jaivas Hijos De La Tierra
Los Jaivas - Mambo De Machaguay (vivo)
Los Jaivas Gira Chile T2 Valparaiso.
Los Kjarkas - Saya Morena
Los' Letter.
Man we miss you out here on the streets/ I been hearin' the beat, but there ain't no one that speaks/ All we ever wanted was a piece of the pie/ Strugglin' hard to survive, but they rather see us die/ Wonderin' why, what did we do to deserve this mess/ Get a little money, then they hit us with a service test/ Now I'm in chains off to see the judge/ Scared as hell for my freedom, but you know I won't budge/ 'Cause God has my back, and He knows the whole truth/ Waitin' on the outcome, talkin' to you through a booth/ Shits serious and often times delirious/ Makes me furious, but now its got me curious/ Keep my head up hopin' yo appeal goes through/ When you get out, I hope to celebrate with yo crew/ 'Til that day comes, I'll continue to write/ Hopin' that S P Mex gets to live his life right
Los Lobos: Don't Worry Baby
Los Lobos - Kiko And The Lavender Moon
Los Lobos: Kiko And The Lavender Moon
Los Lobos (w/ Flaco Jimenez) 'ay Te Dejo En San Antonio'
Los Lonely Boys-heaven
Search Videos At Vamonos! Save me from this prison Lord help me get away Cause only you can save me now from this misery I've been lost in my own place And I'm getting weary How far is heaven And I know that I need to change my ways of living How far is heaven Lord can you tell me I've been locked up way too long in this crazy world How far is heaven And I just keep on praying Lord and just keep on living How far is heaven Yeah, Lord can you tell me How far is heaven (I just gotta know how far, yeah) How far is heaven (Yeah, Lord can you tell me) Tu que estas en alto cielo Echame tu bendicion Cause I know there's a better place than this place I'm living How far is heaven And I just got to show some faith and "just" keep on giving How far is heaven (Yeah, Lord can you tell me) How far is heaven (I just got to know how far, yeah) How far is heaven (Yeah, Lord can you tell me) How far is heaven Cause I just gotta know how far..
Los 6 Mejores Accesorios Para Tablets Android
Si usted está buscando maneras de personalizar su tableta android y luego seguir adelante y leer este artículo. A continuación se enumeran algunos de los mejores accesorios que complementan la tableta y que su experiencia con lo mejor. Así que te has consiguió una tableta de Android y están disfrutando de sus características y tecnología sofisticada que tiene para ofrecer. ¿Qué tal añadir algunos accesorios para el tablet que mejorará en gran medida la experiencia de los pliegues de gadget muchos nuevos! La tableta de Android es sin duda un gadget notable. Puede aumentar el rendimiento de este gadget increíble, añadiendo los accesorios adecuados para ello. Lo bueno es que todos los accesorios que se mencionan a continuación son bastante asequibles. Usted también puede mejorar su experiencia con la tableta Android con estos accesorios. Así que eche un vistazo a lo que se ofrece en el mercado de la tableta. Aquí está una lista de 6 accesorios que usted debe tener para su Table
Los Mensajes De Teléfono A La Computadora Tablet
Mensaje de texto de desbordamientoHay unidad de uno o dos de los problemas de medición una vez que implica guardar mensajes de texto en un phonephone. varios teléfonos tienen alittle cantidad de memoria a bordo. una vez que la memoria es un texto completo no vendrá a través. teléfonos totalmente totalmente diferentes le permiten evitar el desperdicio de cada texto que entra en juego El resultado es la desorganización y el caos. Textos tiene que ser obligado a ser obligado a borrar a cada casa en Guardar y guarde su mente. Sin embargo, no hay unidad de textos de medición que tienen una tendencia a tienden a requerir de sobra de eliminar.La mayoría de las personas poseen un phonephone Más del noventa por PC de los adultos entre las edades de dieciocho y veintinueve tienen un phonephone. como resultados de las personas va más alto, la cantidad de uso phonephone va hacia abajo. Sin embargo, la  mayor parte de los adultos dentro de los EE.UU. posee un phonephone, con pc cardinal de adultos
Los Mejores 15 Telefonos Chinos Quad-core Mt6589 ( Mayo 2013 )
Aunque muchos de nosotros hemos estado esperando pacientemente que se pongan en marcha los teléfono chinos de cuatro núcleos MT6589, son muchos los fabricantes que les han tenido desde el comienzo del año. Así que si no quieres seguir esperando y quieres un quad-core chino ahora, te presentamos la lista de los 15 mejores MT6589. Xiaocai G6 El Xiaocai G6 es uno de esos teléfonos que salieron de la nada sorprendiendo a todo el mundo. Evidentemente, para estar en esta lista, el Xiaocai G6 es un Quad-Core a 1.2 Ghz CPU MT6589 con 1 GB de RAM y 4 GB de ROM. Con una pantalla de 5 pulgadas y resolución 720p, cámara frontal de 5 megapíxeles, y una impresionante cámara trasera de 13 megapíxeles sensor CMOS y flash LED. Otros puntos a destacar son el diseño elegante del teléfono (estilo al Xiaomi Mi2), Android 4.2. Jelly Bean y soporte para tarjetas micro SD de hasta 64 GB. El Xiaocai G6 está a la venta por tan solo 194,99$. Bedove HY5001 El Bedove HY5001 es
Los Miembros Del Consejo De Cobertura De La Red Mejor Teléfono Móvil Efox News
Consejo Horsham, dijo esta semana que hizo un montón de organizaciones, el gobierno local en la Convención Nacional de Canberra, con el fin de promover una mejor cobertura de telefonía móvil. smartphones baratos Junto con otros de la región, también ha estado presionando parlamento previsiones Horsham y actualizar la duplicación Western Highway. Grimble alcalde David dijo, aunque moción australiana de la Asociación de Gobierno Local, en la cubierta del teléfono, se puede plantear esta cuestión con varios políticos federales. Se entiende claramente el problema en las zonas de cobertura telefónica a distancia o la falta intermitente de cobertura de telefonía móvil, por lo que ya conocen el problema, pero subrayó, "dijo." Los servicios de emergencia y el turismo "de cobertura móvil es una parte clave de nuestra propuesta." telemoveis
Lo Spettro
Il silenzio sussurravaNella foresta nera.All'orizzonte cominciavaIl dolce calar' di sera.La gran' stella scintillava,La magia era vera:Il freddo vento s'inalzó,E poi, da un sogno, s'elevó...Da una gran' tristezzaUno spettro si svegliava.Con una candida lentezzaDal suo sonno si stirava.I segreti della brezzaNella notte raccontava.Per I ceppi, in perdizione:Era la maledizione...Lento ed ancor' stancoPosava un triste sguardoIn cima al monte bianco.Il suo spirito in un laudo:Sussurava fioco e franco.(Il risuono di un ricordo)Nel ciel' cadevano cometeE la luna sparse quiete...
Los Primeros En La Cola Para Comprar El Iphone 5 Quieren Publicidad
La expectación ante la llegada del nuevo iPhone 5 ya ha hecho que se formen las primeras colas en la puerta de la Apple Store de Nueva York. Sin embargo, más que ser los primeros en tener entre sus manos el nuevo 'smartphone' de Apple, buscan publicidad para su empresa o sus productos.-precio iphone 5 en usa El iPhone 5 llegará a las tiendas de Estados Unidos a partir del próximo 21 de septiembre y las primeras reservas online se agotaron este viernes, horas después de que Apple habilitara la opción a través de su página web. Una semana antes de que el iPhone 5 salga a la venta, los primeros clientes han comenzado a acampar frente a las puertas de la Apple Store de Nueva York con sus abrigos y sacos de dormir. Pocas compañías pueden presumir de generar tanta expectación ante el lanzamiento de sus nuevos productos, aunque parece que los primeros 'acampados' no son grandes seguidores de Apple. Según informa Cnet, los primeros "clientes" en llegar a la cola no buscan ser los
Los Problemas Del Teclado Del Iphone 5 Se Solucionarán Con Una Actualización
Desde que saliera a la venta el pasado 21 de septiembre, los millones de propietarios del iPhone 5 han conseguido sacar los colores a Apple en varias ocasiones. El fallo más estrepitoso fue el encontrado en Apple Maps, reconocido por la propia compañía. Ahora el problema se centra en el teclado, que presenta varias deficiencias que parecen estar motivadas por un error de software. La firma es consciente de éste y ha prometido solucionarlo en la próxima actualización de iOS 6.-iphone 5 precio libre Del mismo modo que cada nueva generación de Apple está rodeada de una gran expectación, también existe una etapa en la que los propios usuarios van desvelando los fallos de software y fabricación del smartphone. Si en otras ocasiones ha sido la antena o la batería, el iPhone 5 ha sido protagonista de varias incómodas historias. Obviando el tema de los mapas, el nuevo iPhone ha sido criticado por la resistencia de su nueva carcasa y ahora por un defecto en el teclado. Tal y com
Loss Of Innocence
On that day we met so long ago We were so young and innocent The feelings we shared fueled our dreams for a future we both yearned for Only to discover it was never meant to be we both made commitments to others that we both must honor Why now our paths have crossed again we will never know What once was pure and free of guilt can not be allowed to evolve into the dream we once shared The innocent yet shameful pleasure that our conversations bring must never be known If the truth ever came out so many lives would be affected Yet we can't seem to stop The stolen moments treasured will last us a lifetime Because we know this truly must end As hard as it may be to say good bye We once again must go our separate ways carrying with us the memory Of an innocence lost February 2006
Rascal Flatts What Hurts The Most
The Loss Of A Truly Great Man
Remembering the Colonel Jeff Cooper, 5/10/20 - 9/25/06 By J. Scott Rupp The Colonel is dead. John Dean "Jeff" Cooper, the last of the old guard gun writers, passed away September 25 at his home in Paulden, Arizona. Col. Cooper was one of the original Guns & Ammo writers--from the very first issue published in the summer of 1958, in fact.. "Cooper's Corner," was one of the magazine's most popular and features. Cooper was born in May 1920 in Los Angeles, California. He received a master's degree in history and that background always showed through in his writing. One of the other great influences on his life and avocation was his service in the Marine Corps from 1941 to 1955. He served on the battleship USS Pennsylvania in World War II and what he referred to as "the clandestine services" during Korea. Later, when he was assigned to the Marine Corps training facility in Quantico, Virginia, he developed a strong interest in the Model 1911 .45 pistol, of which he was one of
Loss Of Good Friends
my mom called me and reminded me of the 15 year anniversy of the death of my 2 best friends they was the best things that ever happened to me when we was growing up and till this day i miss them all the time and so when i got off work i called their moms and talked to them to let them know i was thinkin of them and really missed them so much we got into so much trouble growin up we was like the 3 stooges hanging out lol but that was the good ole days and i have grown up without them in my life there life was taken to short they was killed by a drunk driver and i miss them so rest in peace melissa and charles ur lives was taken to soon from the earth and u are still missed deeply so for all of u make sure u take the time and tell ur friends how much they mean to u
Loss Of Love And The Rebirth Of My Life: Part 1
Ok, I have two pics in my gallery... One of me and my Ex-Fiance, Christina, and another with Christina and her daughter... To begin this, I'll have to start from the end. It took me 3 weeks and on the last day, the Riverside Sheriff's department to get it back. She wouldn't budge on the matter and she knew that it was driving me mad because she could play it as a bargaining chip because she did want to get back together even though I was through with being in a blissful hell. My mother had given me a ring years ago on Valentin's Day, it's my most precious object, and Christina knew it. I met her while I was on the job. I had just gotten promoted as an Assistant Director for a day program in Corona, CA working with developmentally disabled adults. I was in my office going over the piles and piles of training procedures that i needed to memorize for this particular position, and she walks in to my office. She was looking to apply for the position of support staff (individual staf
Well, unfortunately last night I lost a dear friend of mine of more than 14 years. It was all over a stupid woman who wished to control his life and tell him whom he could be friends with and what not. She came onto my page making all kinds of rude remarks about me and my children. I found it very unfair. I replied back to her. Well, a damn war started out and in the end he believed her and left my side. I find it a bit unfair, but I'm not gonna sit back and let her do these things to me and have to turn right around and defend myself to someone whom was supposed to be a friend. I understand that he's had a long history with her, and also two children. Oh well, so goes life. I spent 10 years without him and can do it again. It's an unfortunate thing when you lose a great friend that you've been through a lot with over something very small and petty. I guess that it's more his loss. He was willing to believe crap that was incorrect. I still have a lot of great friends that love me and c
We had a loss in the family my step-great-grandmother past away this morning around 2 a.m. but of course I just found out about it.....she was a wonderful woman that was very full of life and energy and she didnt take any shit off anyone I will miss her very much....
There is something about this time of year - with the trees coming into full bloom, among the renewed life cyle of Mother Nature - that brings forth a certain hollowness that is hidden deep within my core. It's not the reminders of the love I do not have, but the love I've had that has slipped away into another realm. It is the memories of those souls who have touched me the deepest, the ties that bind which should never break, that have seemingly unnaturally been severed. It is the deepest of bonds that have been broken, and in turn have left me slightly broken. May 29, 2003 an angel was born into my life. He was called Brayden, and though he wasn't from my body, his spirit was and is eternally bonded closer with mine than any I've come across. He wasn't supposed to live after his second week on this earth. At first, I couldn't bring myself to see him. I didn't want to love someone else whom I was going to lose. I finally mustered up the courage to see this tiny gift. I'll never fo
Today, this special..... torn between the joy of his life and the grief of your passing. I always think of you, my brother, my lost little one. Who would you have been today at 20 years old? Would you be in college, or folowing in the footsteps of our brother? So many chances you never had, so many memories we never got to make. And though I never knew you, your life cut so terribly short I'll always love you and know you are waiting for me looking down on me from heaven. And on this day....two years ago you sent me a gift, a godson, my Z-man. And everytime I see him I know your in there somewhere smiling a me. I cannot forget, he has a full head of red hair just like you...sometimes I wonder if you did that on purpose. Is that your way of letting me know your are always here, my guardian angel? Love Always, Your Sister Joseph Charles Bateson August 5,1986
Loss Of Love And The Rebirth Of My Life: Part 2
There's a show called Nightmares & Dreamscapes, one of the episodes is "The End of the WHole Mess". In that episode, the main character quotes "The Essential Gone with the Wind", it goes like this... "A war, alas scarlet, oh fiddley dee. boom, Ashley went to war. Atlanta burned. Bret walked in and walked out. Oh fiddley dee said Scarlet all through her tears. I'll think about it tomorrow, for tomorrow's another day... buh dum bah" It's Valentine's Day now. We had been together for 1 month exactly. I wake up, get ready for work, go, and get the program ready for the party we planned. The consumers start coming in, staff are arriving late as usual. 9am rolls around and she strolls in, dressed up better than I had ever seen her. She says good morning as she passes my office, keeping it cool that we are having relations so the staff are unaware. The day goes by very easy, everyone had a great time. 3pm, it's time for everyone to go home. 4pm, her and I close up the office and talk
Loss Of A Legend...
Hungary and Real Madrid legend Ferenc Puskas has died at the age of 79. Puskas, who was in hospital for six years with Alzheimer's disease, died in Budapest at 0600 GMT on Friday after suffering from a fever and pneumonia. Puskas led Hungary's golden team of the early 1950s, before taking Spanish citizenship and becoming part of Real Madrid's all-conquering team. Puskas scored 83 goals in 84 games for Hungary from 1945 to 1956 and later played for Spain in the 1962 World Cup. After leading Hungary to the 1952 Olympic Gold medal, he was part of the Mighty Magyars who became the first overseas team to beat England on home soil in 1953, scoring twice in the 6-3 win at Wembley. FERENC PUSKAS FACTFILE Born: 2 April 1927, Budapest, Hungary Nicknames: The Booming Cannon & The Galloping Major Clubs: Kispest Honved (354 apps, 357 goals) & Real Madrid (528 apps, 512 goals) Honours: Hungarian league (5), Spanish league (5), Spanish Cup, European Cup (3), Intercontinental
A Loss Letter. Or: A Time To Stand.
M. I wrote the letter and stared. I screamed and damned the progressive world. I died I looked at the sky, and realized there was no one looking over me. I looked down and saw my grave, saw my bed, saw too much. Saw the world birth new fascinating carbon, saw new fruit sprout in white dress goodbyes. Wet zits and beerbreath. I remember when I walked with a woman who didn't slow, I fell. I always imagined her returning to extend a hand But to imagine is an image, a line to progress past despair, towards hope and strength to stand in this world! Although I sat. Ridiculous in costume. The world will walk right past you if you dont stand up. Sometimes they'll step on you. and not even know it.
Loss Of A Friend......
today i learned that a very close and special friend of mine passed on...she was 61, but her smile shone through like a beacon on a dark and cold nite, she was greek and firey like one, yet if you were her friend she'd stick by you thick and see my friend had cancer an agressive type, and when i spoke to her about a month ago, she said she felt great and felt that she had it beat...i leanred today she lost that close to christmas..and i thought of my own mortality...i cried like a new born babe, for over 2 hours...and i then thought of what my dad onece said...when christmas got so said know what..people have forgotten what christmas means, its not the gifts that people give, its not about religion, its about family...when everybody gets toghter and shares a meal..and soory if the words blur this is diffcult to write...but as i sit here and know my family is over 800 miles away and i look at the charlie brown christmas tree not
Loss Of An Unborn Child
There are many woman and men facing the loss of their unborn child. And to help them and yourself if you have lost an unborn child I give this to you... This can be a time of great sadness that is often felt very deeply by those who have experienced the pain of abortion or a misscarriage. The caring environment at Care Net is the place where anyone safely work through feelings after experiencing those kind of losses. Trained peer counselors are available by calling 1-800-395-HELP. All Services are offered WITHOUT CHARGE OR CONDITION AND KEPT CONFIDENTAL. The people at these places are there for you...And so am I... CARE NET PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTERS are a service organization that cares for unwed mothers, post abortion, miscarriages, the men in their lives and families who have experienced a crisis pregnancy, or have pregnancy related concerns. We offer a good kind ear as well if you just need someone to talk to...We are a locally runned outreach that has been offering services
Loss Of A Good Friend
Ok today I received news that one of my friends passed away this morning. It hurts when this happens and everyone know's it does. This is to everyone that knew him. We all knew this man and in one way or another he touched each and everyone of us. Malique was the type of person that had your back with anything that went on in your life. He was a great person to talk to just about anything going on, whether just shotting the shit or needing someone to really talk to. He listened to your problems and tried to help you out in anyway that he could. He was a caring soul with the Biggest Heart of Gold. He was the one person that when the entire group was down could cheer you up in a moments notice. He was the sweetest man I could ever think of on a moments notice. We hung out a couple of times but I am not afraid to say he was one of my friends. We all loved him for everything he was. He was my friends on the lines of we had a lot of things in common. He was in to the old sc
Loss Of Innocence At Puberty
So long ago I was a child With mind so pure And manners mild, And dreams of treasures, valor and what not, Of things like sailing 'round the world in my yacht. At night I'd sit and watch Bright planets in the sky When they and then the stars Would roll on by. My mind would travel To a distant cosmic shore, Exploring corners of the Universe I hadn't known before. I could converse with trees And birds and camels And fish and insects, Shrimp and gnawing mammals. It was my Age of Innocence, Profundity and tranquil joy. My soul was crystal clean. My heart was daring yet coy... And then damn puberty arrived Along with pimples, rock-n-roll and teenage jive And, ruthlessly, to my dismay, my hormones then kicked in, And then a loathsome fire started burning from within. Oh, how raging, how wicked was that fire! A sticky, overwhelming s*xual desire! My inner organs started churning sperm- Their tiny bodies would inside my body squirm. I lost my cosmic und
Loss And Tragedies
A close friend of mine suffered tremedous losses the past 2 years. I feel for her I lost my grandparents when I was 17 and my own parents when I was 19. I have no siblings so I felt very much alone. If it wasnt for someone very special in my life I am not sure where I would be right now. I have my church and my boyfriend and many close friends that keep my up when I feel sooo down. Now it is my turn, please pray for my friend, she lost her grandmother, father and grandson this year. She has siblings but still feels very much alone. PLease keep her in your prayers. Thank you
The Loss Of My Friend
I was 26 whem my life with SLE began. My frist encounter with SLE happened when my friend Leslie became Ill. SLE hit Leslie hard and Fast, from the time she was diagnosed to death, was 6 weeks. That was the 1st time I had ever heard of SLE, (LUPUS) I will never foreget it. Leslie suffered horriably, before she died.
The Loss Of A Best Friend
Several of my friends here on CT are friends with Sheersilks (Anita) as well...Anita lost her best friend Norma last night to Cancer. Anita needs us all for support during her time of loss. Anita means the world to me, she's one of the best that I have had the pleasure to meet. I would like you all to take a moment of your time to stop by her page and wish her well and lend her your support through her loss. *~*SHEERSILK*~*Lost My Best Friend To Cancer 2/5/07@ CherryTAP Just A Breath Away Look for me in the springtime As raindrops fill the air In the splendor of the rainbow You'll find my presence there. You will find me in the frangrance Of April's sweet perfume Drifting through the clover On a sultry day in June. An August day will find me Upon the summer breeze On the distant sound of thunder In the gently swaying trees. In the golden fields of harvest is where I can be found. As Autumn time approaches And le
A Loss Of A Person In My Town
A loyal Marine's final sacrifice Killed in chopper crash, former Islander had extended his Iraq tour Friday, February 09, 2007 STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- When Marine Cpl. Thomas Saba, 30, learned last month that his unit had been called for Iraq duty, the former Grymes Hill resident chose to forgo his discharge in April and extend his tour as a helicopter crew member until September. Yesterday, Saba's family mourned the loss of their hero son -- one of seven American troops killed when a U.S. Marine transport helicopter crashed in flames Wednesday in a field northwest of Baghdad. "He was due to come home," said his mother, Barbara, through tears, as she and her husband, Tony Saba, waited yesterday to fly back from vacation in Florida to their Toms River, N.J., home. "He didn't have to go to Iraq. He chose to go. He wanted to be with his brothers." Saba, a 1994 graduate of Susan Wagner High School, moved with his family to Toms River in the late 1990s. He made a five-ye
I was posting comments to my friends when I got a phone call To night.I have a friend that I some times work with,he all ways comes over to my house to have a beer and shoot the shit with me.He drinks way too much!so he went in to REHAP,was going to spend a week there.He came home early,this was last Friday.he asked if I wanted to come over to his place and have a BBQ,I said yes.He was going to pick me up SAT.morrning,I waited until 1:30 then went out.He was found dead in his house,it was his Brother that called.I left tons of massages on his phone. I feel so lost to night,he was some times my boss but he was always my Best friend.I will miss him.May you find Joy were you are STEVE. ~Your Friend~
Loss Of A Unborn Baby
i went to the hospital monday morning and found out that the baby i was carrying wasnt there they said it was a non-viable pregnancy which means that the baby has come out but the sack is still there its also called a silent misscarriage i had some cramps but not bad enough to alert me to having a misscarriag its kind of hard not to think about the baby when i see some stuff then i have to tell myself that im not pregnant any more i am getting my tubes tied finally after my 5th misscarriage but untill i can imma have the shot cause i so dont want my period right now, i am waiting on the sack to come out but i think it did already not sure but its hard to let go after seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat i was 3 months pregnant but the baby didnt grow past 2 months i feel sad but then again i dont im relieved that the baby didnt suffer like if it was born early then died im doing good though i have my baby girl shes 6 months old so she helps alot
Loss Of Unborn Baby Ii
well the sack finally came out yesterday it hurt worse than it did when i had contractions to have my kids im glad that its over i aint gonna have anymore kids no more i cant go through the heartbreak when i lose a baby and my body cant handle it either i really dont know how i even made myself go through 5 misscarriages and 4 live births i tried to tell the dr i had at the end of my last pregnancy that i wanted my tubes tied but he didnt do it so now this has happened hes going to in couple months cause they cant do it right away but imma ask to have the shot so i dont have my period i just dont want it at the moment anyways i hope noone has to go through misscarriages it hurts in more ways than 1 i know theres support groups for this too so if anyone has the misfortune of having a misscarriage then please go to a support group or make one if theres not one cause theres alot of comfort in knowing that your not alone when it comes to this. lots of Love to all you women that have had
Loss Of A Good Friend
I just found out in an email that the girl I dated for 4 years in high school was killed in a car accident last night. She and I haven't been together in almost 20 yrs, but there is still that emotional attraction. I feel bad for her husband, who is the longest friendship that I have in the world. My heart goes out to him and their 4 kids. So I say to you.... Lisa Marie McDonald Berkhart Rest in Peace sweetheart..... you may be gone but never forgotten. I will think of you whenever I see "our star". This song will always remind me of you. Train - When I Look To The Sky Lyrics When it rains it pours and opens doors that flood the floors we thought would always keep us safe and dry And in the midst of sailing ships we sink our lips into the ones we love That have to say goodbye And as I float along this ocean I can feel you like a notion that won’t seem to let me go Cause when I look to the sky something tells me you’re here with me And you make eve
Loss Of Freedom
My heart is incarcerated. Will it ever know freedom once more? For ever I have met you It has been ripped and shred apart, Played with and abused beyond my control. Occasions came when you gave me your nectar, Allowed me like a bee to savor your sweetness, And then discarded me for days on end. Then shall I ponder on the emptiness That lust can give to a loving heart. I wallow wantonly in despondent deception. So I have changed, grew cynical and angry, And I will never regain my sanity Until I find some form of equilibrium, Some form of placid peace of mind. But will I be able to achieve any If I continue to hanker over you? This can only occur when I Shall have the guts to admit my fault, Seek meekness and kneel down To pray for forgiveness. Copyright Victor Buhagiar, ©2007
Loss Of Family
today i found out that my cousin passed away and is now in a better place and i am torn between peace and sadness he was ill for awhile and is no more pain but the loss still hurts and its a pain that is not new to me but still hurts like it was the first time i lost someone and i just need to get it off my chest to get it out and deal with it.
i should be sleeping. finding myself in...a mood. of those...cant quite put your finger on it...completely exhausted but it just takes to much energy to extract yourself from your current position...cuz while its not completely is what it is...and your mind is spinning in circles around a drain in which there is no plug so even if you tried you couldnt stop the flow...yet you're not exactly sure where said flow is coming from or even where its you sit...with those half open eyes staring out into the deep vast nothingness...and you'd throw something...if anything was close enough to be thrown...but the inanimate objects have inexplicably extracted themselves from anywhere near your vicinity...while at the same time wondering how its remotely possible that all these interesting people live inside this box and none of them seem to exist in reality...which also makes you wonder how real any of it is at all. and yes..that was prob
What looks like a loss may be the very event which is subsequently responsible for helping to produce the major achievement of your life.
To all my friends and fans -- I will not be on here this much this week as my grandfather passed away Friday night -- I will try and check my messages and return any love that you leave for me as soon as I can -- Hope that you all have a wonderful week!! Hugss and kisses to you all Jacque~~his#1girl
My step sister passed away unexpectedly today at the age of 29. She leaves behind a 6 year old daughter with Autism. It really makes you realize how another seemingly normal day can take such a wrong turn. She never even got to say goodbye to her daughter, who was the love of her life. I don't think I'll ever understand why things happen the way they do.........
So one of my closest friends on here lost somebody extremely important to her a year ago today. I know words could never bring this person back, but I also know they can help the healing of a broken heart. I just want her to know that I'm here for her and that she doesnt have to be alone.
The Loss
A Loss Of Respect
well i guess since ive never posted a blog on here before i will write one and tell my feelings and frustrations out right now. and maybe it will help to get things out of my head, lol. so its funny how you think you know and can trust and respect someone then you find out one little thing and your perspective on that person totally changes. well that has happened to me last night but not just by one person, but by 2 or 3. namely my roomates. but anyways the story behind this is that last night i found out about my roomates that have been talking shit about me behind my back and i guess its been happeneing all year long. and its all crap too, something about how i never take showers when they all are around becuase i think its easier when i am alone instead. so they think i am a gross person and never take showers, i mean what the hell is that about? and they have been blaming everything on me. i just dont get it. then the other one that i liked the most, or at least thought i did,
The pathetic existence of a life I lead will ultimately lead to my inner destruction. For the outer shell will remain, there will be nothing but the smell of a rotting soul to know there is still something inside of me. For the love I tossed away never to be regained, the one chance that life gives you was tossed away like the mere flicking of an ash from a cigarette.
Wanting to see you. To be near you. To touch you and hold you again. Yet another dream never to be realized. I will go on living with my pain and sorrow till another angel shows me the light I long to walk into and take me out of this hell. That has been created by the loss of a dream.
i never realized how much i could miss something i couldnt see....i told my boys about their brother/sister that never was. hard to explain to them but they came across the baby book last week..i felt i owed them an explanation of why there are three and not just two. my oldest has the biggest heart of any child i have ever seen...when i told him the story he cried...about broke my heart but i knew one day i would eventually tell them. just didnt want to so soon after divorce they have been through enough without me adding more for them to deal with. today he told me that his sister was in heaven pouring the rain out and putting the stars up at night. i have always believed that about its no surprise he probably got that from me saying it to him when they lost their grandmother (nana). i asked him how he knew it was a girl....he replied "mommy i know the baby was a girl cause you wanted one"....all i could do was hug him....
I can't sleep because you're not awake. I can't eat missing you this way. But you are better off where you are. Deep down in the dirt, where no one can see your scars. No one can see the pain on your face. They won't point at the suffering that you toted at your waist. I'm glad you're not here, but so upset that you are gone. You so often spoke of going home...I hope that you make it home. Save a place for me in the peaceful dark. Light a little candle to lead me to where you are. Over my head and under the influence. I miss your lips. I miss your fingertips. I miss the way your hair fell in your face. But you are gone and there is nothing that I can do to change that fact. I'd give anything to have you back. Kill anyone to get you back.But you are better off where you are. Deep down in the dirt, where no one can see your scars.
The bulletin that I posted has taken this small Pennyslvania community by shock and knocked us to our knees. The implications of this crime both baffle and sadden everyone. An attractive 19 year old parties for 24 hours at a local bonfire. She arrives home to babysit. The mother of one of the toddlers; a woman blessed two years ago with a 20 month old daughter she has gone to fertility clinics to conceive, is a friend of the babysitter's 18 month old 1/2 sister who arrives to find the babysitter asleep on the couch with her crying sister in the crib. The mother asks if she is capable of watching the two children and lets her sleep another 1/2 hour and plays with the children. She wakes the young woman and offers to not leave the children with her. The girl reassures her that she can indeed watch the children. The mother cautions her to please lock the garage door when she leaves after closing them. A pond lies 150 feet from the doors. The babysitter lays the toddlers d
A Loss Of Feelings
A loss of feelings Your a nice girl you said as you walk away your sweet and kind and then you mumble did I mention I still don't like you why must you be so isolated? why must your feelings hide? it's like you wanted nothing to do with me after all these years and still you want to be isolated? you're my friend.. or so I thought well there goes our long talks about everything there goes the smiles we shared all for you to say what you had to say What do you mean you don't like me? what is that supposed to mean? I'm always nice to you or anyone for a fact and then you throw this in my face.... who do you think you are? your just a guy I've know for 5 years thats all thats how I want to think of you for now on your name has no meaning to me anymore we're not friends any more I never wanted you to like me like me just like me enough to be your friend my friends said do become close friends with a guy they'll just hurt you and I said
Loss Of A Bestfriend
i found out on friday the 8th that one of my best friends died at 9 pm after a horrendous moterbike accident i miss him alot he always made me laugh he was my lil internet brother he was 27 years old had 1 daughter that he never got to see he loved his cars and motercycles he always had to share what his cars looked like with me cause i love cars and motercycles also, even though he lived in canada an i live in ohio i loved him like my brother i have alot of extended family online and offline i take people into my family i dunno why but i do an i was blessed when i took him into my family he was a great person R.I.P SAL MY LIL BRO (this person is from camfrog if ur from there then u know who he was)
The Loss
The Loss I know of a life changing fact, that's really quite fantastic. We're slowly losing all of our flesh, and turning into plastic. We think we know the things we feel, and go about our day. Never thinking twice about pain caused by the things we do and say. They things lie deep within us all, Things we hide from even ourselves. These feelings change the look of our souls, kept and collected in jars on our shelves Angry, infected with pus, a would inside us there does lay. From the fire that died deep inside of us Because we locked it so safely away. The darkness is here to stay. And the world has gone grey and cold. Still we fail to see the life we've given away And the things that we've really sold.
Loss Of...
seeing through the eyes of the faithless has broken me....
Loss like Love, deep and profound. Joy found in another's eyes, seen no longer. Tears cleanse but also drip salt into an aching heart. Bittersweet memories, knowing you can't go back wishing for a few more moments but love isn't enough
The Loss Of A Life Time Friend.
On tuesday morning just after 1am my first Kiss, my first best friend died in a one car, car crash. He had finally gotten his life back in order stopped doing drugs, was dating a girl who had a level head on her shoulders. Was finally taking life seriously. I unfortunatly had not spoken to Mike in years, as we entered Highschool, he became popular and I did not. So we drifted apart, when ever we would run into each other we would always talk and laugh, and have a good time. I can't feel this yet, trying hard to allow myself to really swallow it whole, and feel it, but I can't. I hurt for his family, his parents are some of the best people in the world. His brother and sister are up there in awesome status too. So why at such a young age do we allow ourselves to drink and drive, or what ever the circumstances were, why are we so stupid at such a young age? I've seen death, I've looked him in the eye and said not yet. I've lived for others, and now I am living for myself. I wi
There was a 3 word poem titled Loss carved into a rock, the poet had crossed out the words, because you cannot read Loss, only feel it.
Loss Of A Child, Please Keep My Friend In Your Thoughts And Prayers
Loss Of A Child, Please Keep My Friend In Your Thoughts And Prayers.
The Loss Of A Cherrytap Friend
The Loss Of My Children- My Heart Hurts!
Back in 2002 I was married to a man and i had two children previous to my marriage. everything was great at first, felt like i finally had the life i dreamed was a short time after i got married that the worst day of my life came... I went to work and returned home to find my Two year old daughter beaten within inches of her husband at the time severly abuse her, she had bruises on 80% of her body and huge chunks of hair missing from her head. I tried to take her to the hospital and he would not allow me. instead that started the abuse on me because i was trying to help my baby girl. I several days later got a chance to get her out of the house. The first person that saw her with all those bruises called child protection on me. I was trying to go get her help...needless to say child protection came and took her from me...a few months later, the state took my parental rights to both of my kids because i was married to the man that beat my daughter even though i
The Loss Of A Child...please Show Support!
(REPOST) First, this IS NOT a Pimp Out. So i sorta expect alot more out of this one, people. A good friend of mines room mate and best friend lost her 2yr old in a terrible accident tonight. All of us, i am sure no loss. But to lose a child, and one so young, is beyond my understanding. Please, click the link below and show all of the love you can. Just let her know that there are people that understands what she is feeling to some degree, and show her that there is a vast number of people that are here for her. And please, bear in mind, all of the "i'm sorry for your loss" comments, while mean well, are not usually what we wanna hear at these times. Say what u will. Just show support and offer your strength and hope. ~**brown~**eyed~**girl~**@ fubar Again: This Is NOT a Pimp Out. Dont treat it as such. It isnt for a silly website. It is about real life and real loss. Thank you all for your kindness and humanity. Eric ClaptonTears In HeavenMusic Video Codes By Music J
Loss Of A Mom
Wanted to thank all for the kind words and for caring. She will be sorely missed and her memories will live on my kids are doin fine and i will pursue what she left behind ill finish school and hope to work with the Juvinal Dept as a Probation Officer. That was her dream and ill do my best to see that legacy live on. OneHotPebbles
Loss Of A Brother
Loss Of A Wandering Soul..
LOSS OF A WANDERING SOUL By: MHG a.k.a. Proud Mary A wondering soul lost in the woods Forever searching for what is crude A traveler of experience no one understood Always seeking for what he considers "good" But always for him the ending is rough At the end of the day all by himself in his loft Weeping he has done though many think he's tough His color changes, confused, bewildered and scoffed Sadness is evident in his soul No one ever valued his role If only they comprehend his essence in pole Perhaps blissful his journey for he is whole He was malevolent but full of dreams And his faith to the One was always with him But darkness always has an evil scheme Brings him back to this maddening stream No one really knew this wanderer true His life anything but pleasure is always blue Not an offender but a victim of milieu He had a right for joy just like me and you Short were his days, rules he did not a
Loss For Words
I sit hear staring at the picture of you and I can't help but to miss everything about you. I know you and I have had our ups and downs and I would trade it for the world but I also know you are tired and will soon be gone. I have seen it and now I am prepared for it though you told me a short time ago that i would lose you, I see now empty words. I love you and I am trying to hold on but if you want to be free,I will let you go but I will be gone forever. I love you.
The Loss Of A Friend
Last night i found out a friend of mine had past away in the morning, she was like a mother a friend . I hurt so much more than words can express. It's like loosing my mom all over again. I feel so lst all i wanna do is cry. To loose someone you care about , feels like a dager being plunged deep into your heart. To not be able to say good bye omg thats the worst. I didnt even say goodbye to my mom. Our last conversation was a blur we had gotten into an agrument . I never got to say i was sorry or tell her how much i loved her. so , i would just like to say this , please take the chance to tell all your loved ones how much you love them every chance you get, because you just might not have later to do it, you might not have tomorrow.
Yesterday morning, my cousin died in his sleep. His heart gave out from all the drugs he was doing. The same rock that he chose over a family that was willing to help him and love him. The same rock that turned him into an angry man who blamed everyone else for his own problems. Like he was Mr. Perfect and we were all out to get him. For years I sat back and watched him turn his back on EVERYONE who tried to help him. The last time I ever saw him, he was laying in the hospital almost dead from pneumonia. I looked right into his eyes and told him 'now that you're not high, maybe now you will realize how bad you hurt everybody, and just how much this family loved you'. And I walked away. That was the last time I ever saw him. I doubt my words ever sank into his head, but at least I said my piece. Rest In Peace, Brady. Too bad you were blinded by the demon known as Coke. You chose your path, walked it, and found your so-called "rainbow" at the end that you were looking for. I hope it w
The Loss Of My Job
=( as some may know I loss my Job today and I got a bad infection in my gum damn what next am gonna try to be strong and keep my head up and think positive I just can't fall behind and get me into the hole!
One day your sitting there watching as everything falls in place. The very next moment you look around and friends are gone, lovers are gone, and life has taken everything to the center of hell. I watched in just a matter of moments how a frienship of such a long time was lossed over a miscommunication. How can that be? What was the purpose? Why would you drop something that has alot of value to everyone. Someone who listened, talked to, understood, and mostly shared thoughts ideas and plans with. Its hard to walk away from something that helped you grow and would still help you grow if it was there...
Loss Of A Companion
Last night my sister came in the house crying, in her arms she held the lifeless form of one of her true companions. Her cat “Crip” or as she called him “her son” was hit by a car and perished on the spot in front of our house. There was nothing that I could do but to hold her as she wept. And when she finally let him go after an hour or so all I could do for him was to wash Crip's wounds and to wrap him in the cloths that I buried him in this morning. Now if you know my sister and me you know that we are great animal and pet lovers. And if you yourself have a pet you know that having that one true companion is far more then just a pet. our pets are our friends,our family and are there thru thick and thin. Their there when were happy and when were sad. These companions give their love so unconditionally and really ask only one thing in return and that is just to be loved back. It's a shame most people don't love or can't love in that way. So all I ask now from those who are pet lovers
Loss Of A Young One
Today i sit here thinking of one young but very special person who left this world physically but never spiritually....i'm referring to my daughter who was born on May 4th child who was the light of my life the apple of my eye and any other way you may think of or know...she gave me hope a reason to live and a way to show my friends, family, and so many more that i was not some push over or a guy without morals, but yet something else. the world may look at me and think oh hes just some guy with a baby probably never kept it in his pants or its probably not even his kid cuz his girls a whore...yea people can think what they want...but the thing i never tell anyone is that yea she wasn't my child by blood i took her in and rasied her 5 months before she was born and till the day that she died...i was the type of guy willing to make another woman happy and feel that she wasn't alone in a world of such ignorant males...i loved both my daughter and my ex-girlfriend and was willing
Los Super 7: La Morena
Loss ~Tony Martinez The loss you are going through can never be put into words That much is clear That much I know But I can't help but think back Known each other for so long The timing was never right I had chances, experienced the same loss not once but twice Were they signs of what I should have done What we should have done Now I'll never know I was too scared back then 1 day of magic that still stays with me But still so much was left unsaid So a part of me wishes for Day 2. So that I can left go of all the fear Sadly that day will never come I hear your voice hurting but wanting to be strong I just wanted to say I'm here I'm so sorry for your loss
The Loss Of A Child Only Shows The Hate Of The World
Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly cries she loves her parents But they want her to die she sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, "Please God, why is my life always sinking? " Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high And the poor child was beaten As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in her chest, "Youeserve to die You
Well, I just received a phone call that I have been dreading for a couple of weeks. One of my aunts passed. It was just a few weeks ago, we learned that had cancer of the kidneys and a couple of other spots as well. She had been having problems with Alzheimer's and she was older; she was 78 but in my eyes, she was still a young, beautiful woman who was filled with so much love for everyone she met. I spent so much time with her as a child and throughout my teenage years and even throughout my 20's. She was one of my all time favorites! A few years back, there was drama in the family and I stayed away for I knew she had enough on her plate and I knew it was best to just let some things settle. Well, too much time passed, her and my uncle got a little older and ended up with more health problems than they could handle. So, their daughter moved them in with her and her husband, sold their house and started truly taking care of them under her own roof. Unfortunately, in the last few years,
Loss Of A Sweet Friend.
I just found out today that one of my really good friends from Elementary school passed away this past Saturday. when I say from elementary school I mean we have known each other since 1st grade. We have known each other for 23 years. To lose someone like that. She was in a coma from a car wreck and she left behind husband and children. So I won't be online for a couple of days. Love ya'll Gwen
Loss Of Twins
this time around i lost twins 2 weeks ago the dr said nothing was left so everything came out and i seen it 2 of them came out i knew my body wasnt gonna be able to handle the babies i dunno what i was thinking getting pregnant again well that tallies up to 10 pregnancies or is it 11 with twins? i dun think my body can handle any more i lost alot of blood this time around watched it run down my legs an down the drain in the shower im surprised TWINS i knew they ran in the family but i didnt think i was gonna be the one to get pregnant with em if these were twins how more likely is it that if i get pregnant again that they will be twins does the percentage stay the same? or does it change?ive never had twins so i dont know
Loss Of My Stepmom,,r.i.p.
Hall, Helen View/Sign Guest Book Munford - HELEN HALL, 58, retired from Turner Dairy, passed away October 14, 2007 at Methodist Central Memphis. The family will receive friends from 9-11 a.m., Tuesday, October 16 at Munford Funeral Home - Munford Chapel. Service will be at 11 a.m. at Munford Chapel. Burial in Helen Crigger Cemetery. She was preceded in death by a brother, Buddy Glover. She is survived by two daughters, Brooke Marbry of Covington and Tawana Warren of Munford; a son, Elvis Warren II of Brighton; mother, Betty Pennington; two sisters, Brenda Womack of Atoka and Patsy Overbough of Springtown, TX; and seven grandchildren. Munford Funeral Home Munford Chapel
The Loss Of Another
once again i find myself grieving over the loss of a friend i just found out five minutes agothat a girl i went to school with that i have known since 5th grade has died in a car accident she would be the 9th or 10th person that i have lost in the last 2 years if that rite now im not in the best of moods so any cheering up will be appreciated something i wrote for her and her family and friends in this time of loss and mourning i send out my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of this wonderful girl who has touched so many lives in such a short period of time its a tragedy we had to lose her so soon but she shall be in our hearts and prayers forever R.I.P. Jessica Truz we all love you written by Bridgette M Bailey R.I.P. ♥ Jessica ♥
I unlocked the door for the first time today. Walking in to where you had been… My footsteps echo along the floor.. Who knew our years here would come To an end? Pack your things Put all the pictures away This is how I will get through this Silence, I will have to get use to Fills my ears like steady drums Of a distant tribe I could never name Look around has everything been found And tucked away? Sit down there must be something else To be done But I just sat there until night. Walking to the room There’s no one to say goodnight But did someone answer When I called? I know I will be alright Turn on the light Go through the motions Prepare for the night Turn off the ligh….t Touch wall to feel my fingers Burn Why did I measure how you grew? Crawl to the door Now that I am on the floor Perhaps I will be able to breathe After I leave Safe in the car I wonder how you are Promise myself to burn this down I will sleep anywhere but here. R.L.R.
I was in an arguement today about religion. normally, I can kick anyone's ass in a debate over religion.. proving my point and so on. But today, I met this guy who suprisingly beat me! I was crushed. Honest to god, I take my hat off to him. He debated a great debate and I would do it with him over and over again. It was fun. Well done, Crazyeyez.
Loss, The Holidays, And Misc. Nuances
Well Thanksgiving is finally over. It has not been without it's moments, @ 4:30am Thursday morning my Aunt passed away in her sleep. Dealing with the loss of her has been difficult, but she imparted some wisdom to me before she passed. "The dead are dead and can afford to be patient". With that Thanksgiving went forward, but it was weird...different. That and the boys were not there. Yet another holiday passes without the boys and THAT made me especially bitter to the Ex, but that cannot be helped. People say you will one..NO ONE should have to 'adjust' to being adjuducated to the role of poor, part-time parent. NO ONE..not ever...not even a little bit. will write more later
Loss Of A Friend
I am really sorry that I have not been around much this week. I have been having a really rough week. Sunday afternoon they found a friend of mine that lives in my apartment building dead in his apartment. John and I may have had our differences at times but he was always there if I needed someone to talk to. He used to always pick on me and everyone else in the building. When my cat Tigger would get out, he would always say "Tigger jump" just because he knew it irritated me. I was laying in bed last night thinking who is going to say it now? Who is going to say things just to irritate me in the way that only John could? I wish that I had someones shoulder to cry on but sadly I do not. This week is going to be hard as hell for me so if I snap at anyone I am sorry in advance.
The Loss Of A Child...
"TINY HANDS" My Tiny hands folded tightly today, My Tiny Hands folded in prayer for peace for you someday. These Tiny Hands lowered down to you, These Tiny Hands reach out so loving and true. My Tiny Hands wipe those tears, My Tiny Hands cover your heart from all of life's fears. Your Hands held me tight, Your Hands carried me through the night. My Tiny Hands held yours as I crossed the end of life's road. My Tiny Hands feel your pain, They feel your fear of shame. My Tiny Hands hold your Big Loving Heart, they hold it so it will not ever fall apart. When you lay down to sleep, Think of my tiny Hands, as the love from me to you So Deep. I will be here with you every waking day, My Tiny Hands will be there so do not be scared. Scared to reach out for me. My Tiny Hands are so strong because, All of you're loving Care. My tiny Hands hold you, My Tiny Hands will forever be there too. You have helped "My Tiny Hands." They are now placed upon your heart, Now I ask
Loss Of Life.....
How can you grieve for a man that you don't even know? This is the question i have been asking myself for the past 24 hours. My wife's grandfather passed away yesterday. He has been in and out of hospitals for the last year, with this last vist begining on Thanksgiving. My wife is taking it bad, and I can understand considering I lost my grandfather in June of last year. My Father in law is taking it the worst. I saw him break down twice yesterday when he visited our house. My wife said that she could hear in crying down the hallway when she went to the hospital. Her grandfather had slipped into a coma at around 6 am and his head was begining to fill with bllod, his sensory organs were shutting done so he was in no pain atleast and his body temperature was loweing drastically. So around 3:30 yesterday they gave him a morphine drip and turned off his machines. I can't say that im upset that the man has passed away, I have only met him a handfull of times in the 9.5 years my wife and I h
Loss Of Sensory Ability Or Motor Ability
Images also include Blindness, Deafness. Usually, this is a very symbolic event in a dream. A 34-year-old man reports: I dream of being in a situation where I need to act resourcefully to help a stranger avoid danger. Suddenly, I go blind for no apparent reason! It is very frustrating. Becoming suddenly impaired in this way is different than being injured in a physical accident. The lights just seem to go out without explanation. With a dream like this, it is questionable whether or not the dreamer feels competent to fulfill his duties in waking life. However, this can also refer to his reluctance to accept the challenge of the hero self. Seeing oneself as a hero is kind of daunting, and the fact that it is your dream doesn't mean that you will necessarily and easily assume that role. Suddenly, the awareness of caring for those to whom you have no obligation is quickened. It's a hassle. Many of us can barely fulfill responsibilities to the people around us in ordinary situati
Loss Of A Friend!!!
i apologize to everyone on here for not being on much lately. i take the word "friend" very seriously,so i feel badly that i can't be around much right now. the holidays are very stressful for many people, and i've been trying to be a shoulder to lean on for 3 of my friends that are going through emotional issues. unfortunately my being there for them was not enough for 1 of these friends, as the pain they were feeling became too great for them to handle and they ended their life. i know you're thinking there is help, they are getting professional help, but thats not always enough! they also need people who care enough to listen to them. i do feel like the other 2 are getting through it. it's just going to take some time, alot of love, understanding, and patience. maybe this blog sounds like i'm looking for a "pat on the back " or a "your such a wonderful person " , but i wish someone would have been there to help my brother [ he committed suicide when i was a kid],
Loss Of Points/levels/fubux Etc....
*****STRAIGHT FROM SCRAPPERS BLOG***** Contrary to popular belief, you will NOT get reset if you and your spouse share a computer. The rumors are can't believe everything you hear! However, fubar utilizes a fraud detection system that generates a daily report of all accounts that have fraudulently set up accounts under their own to generate points for themselves. This activity has increased since the 10K referral bonus, and fubar will not tolerate this. We call this CHEATING. If you have created fake accounts to generate points at any time under your own account, the system will reset your level, points, and fuBucks. This is not arguable, nor is it reversible. If you choose to cheat...don't be upset when you get caught. Please, we urge you to play fairly and by the rulebook. If you can't remember those rules, please read the terms of service you agreed to when you registered with as well as the fubar Bible. Party on.
Loss And Gain
WHEN I compare What I have lost with what I have gained, What I have missed with what attained, Little room do I find for pride. I am aware How many days have been idly spent; How like an arrow the good intent Has fallen short or been turned aside. But who shall dare To measure loss and gain in this wise? Defeat may be victory in disguise; The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A Loss To Remember.
Hey all, sry I haven't been on here but I havent been to chatty lately. Reason I was gone was because my uncle David Walker Thomas passed away recently and we were real tight. I was just hangin out with him a couple days b4 he died and he seemed great. But i found out later that he died of a heart attack out of nowhere. So I feel like everyone that matters so much to me is leavin me behind... hope everyone understands. You'll be missed folk... :-(
Loss Of A Blood Brother And Freedom Fighter.
I have sat here thinking, wondering, questioning, hurt, and dyeing. It’s tearing me apart. In life you find those friends that total up to be the ones you are proud and honored to call family. I was lucky enough to find seven of them. No to include the Parents of the Tillery family to whom I am warmed by the thought and action of calling Momma and Papa, Well recently lost me most beloved Brother Mark Fulgham. The one I would have to say is the adhesive that holds us and keeps us together. HE went out of his way to plan and try to bring us together from time to time just to relive the greatest moments in our lives, each other, I am saddened to say I was not able most of the time to make them, but My oath for Mark is to attend them whenever I most possibly can. And will sacrifice damn near everything to do so. Being there with them all was warming. It felt like home, but I guess when you have your family with you it is always home. To fill Marks shoes in the quest of bringing us
Ive lost someone. Someone I hoped that it could go farther with. Sure Las Vegas is far away from me but, I was planning to come out there, but now there doesnt seem to be a point to that idea anymore. Sure, Im happy that she has someone now, but why not still talk to me. I thought I had found someone beyond just...well...whatever i guess. Goodbye, Ill cherish the memory of the conversations we had. I really hope your truly happy at least for the moment,but my hearts hurt by this abrupt desertion...
Loss Of Desire
Ok this is to just clear the air and speak my mind cuz biting my tongue really gets to hurt AND I am the one that has too wake up every morning and look myself in the mirror. Lately with the ongoing's of my life others lives and the surroundings of them all and the intertwining has all fell apart n been brought into question MY LOYALTY N TRUST HAS BEEN BROUGHT INTO QUESTION and I personally never ever gave that up or reason for it to ever be in jepordy....If it came down to it maybe the people that question it are the people I should be asking bout theres just recentley it came to my attention to a brand new friend and I quote "If there's one thing this site has taught me, it's keep your friends close and your enemies closer. never in my life have i ever had so many people hate on me for reasons that don't even exist, and the people that i should have a beef with...hell we're cool. just when you think you're on a site for adults some stupid bitches gotta take shit back to highs
Loss,forgiveness And Being Human
Most of us have experienced a lost friendship or a broken relationship at some point in our lives. While there is an undeniable sadness to this type of loss, it also gives us reason to pause and reflect on how we handle ourselves in the midst of breaking up or breaking away. The emotions that run through our minds and our hearts. We run through the whole gamut(complete range or extent)of emotions: Denial, hurt, anger, betrayal, and so on. We might have thoughts of revenge, of in some way getting back at our former friend, partner, or loved one. These emotions just consume us to the point where we can't function as we normally do. We do stupid things. We drag third parties into the fight. We lay blame. We become indignant: it's all his/her fault. Like there's a hero and a villain, a good guy and a bad guy...just like in the movies. Does this way of thinking justify our loss? Does it make us feel better about ourselves? Are these negative emotions in any way healthy? Or i
A Loss Of A Loved One
Today I get a phone call from my niece that lives in Roff Ok. And she tells me that her cousin a Jennifer had died on Monday by a train, this girl had her future ahead of her she was going to be going to OU and playing softball for them. And now she won't, my niece and Uncle are both being very strong right now. The reason for this blog is to let ppl know that sure it is fun to try and beat a train but if you know for a fact that you can't do it plz don't try it. There was 4 ppl in the car and only two died and the other two are ok but with some manor cuts and burises but plz don't act dumb with trains let them pass before you try to go over the tracks. In small towns there are no train grauds and there really should be. But plz don't be like them and losing your life because you think it is fun or funny to try and do....
Loss.... Wanna Join Me ?
Well time to bitch myself out again .. Im still on that damn weight loss stand still but .. i ( with some cheering myself on ) got into a pair of jeans which i havent been able to get on my ass for 3 yrs now ...Granted its not a HUGE step for most but for me it is .... I danced around like a loon when i got them on .. so this kinda put some more fire in myself to keep on keeping on .. and now that we're heading to spring and warmer weather im going to walk the trails and all that fun stuff...Ive started a photo journal of myself ... Id really love it if some of my friends guys or girls would like to hop on the band wagon with me in losing .. we could give each other the support thats so greatly needed in doing this .. but even if nobody does .. just know if you ever need me for a shoulder on anything im there . .just be warned i may need your shoulder at some point ... So .. if anyone does want to hop on with me . Contact me .. maybe on here we can start a lil group of us . and a
A Loss
It's sad when people you know, became people you knew... And when you can walk right past someone that at one point in your life was a big part of your life... And how you used to be able to talk to them for hours about the little nothings in life... and now you can barely look at them.... It's funny how many people have posted this. Guess we're all in the same boat, missing someone.. be honest... if you really {miss someone}, a friend, a lover, or a family member right now... & can't get them off your mind...then repost this titled as R.I.P
Loss Of A Member
Today I learned that we lost a member of our chapter. She was out riding yesterday...such a beautiful day it was...and got into an accident that claimed her life. We just rode with her on a ride this past Saturday! It amazes me how we can be here one minute and gone the next. It keeps me mindful to pray for all my Brothers and Sisters out riding on their bikes for safety out on the road. Not always do people driving cages (cars) look out for us on bikes. Please!! All of my Brothers and Sisters who ride...ride with extra attention and ride safe as you can. You never know whats ahead of you or behind you! Also keep us in mind as we ride often as possible and we will be out riding this weekend!! Take care all of you....thanks for reading this. We went on the Memorial Service Ride for our friend. It was a great turn out for her. She is very loved and appreciated as the person that she was when with us in body here. She will be missed by many and her good deeds will be remembered by al
The Loss Of My Friend
I'll be dreaming I'll be dreaming tonight that things will be ok when I wake up..... I'll be dreaming because I know things wont be ok I lost a friend last night who I didn't get a chance to get to know as well as I had hoped I would've been able to know I've tried to fight the tears, but it doesnt work I've tried to fight the anger towards myself because I'm always thinking that I could have helped him and prevented him from killing himself But deep down inside I know that I couldn't have because I had no way of knowing anything that was going to happen A thousand questions I have running through my mind on how to fight the pain of him being gone But no answers to any of them, nor will there ever be answers to them I would ask him himself how I'm suppose to deal with it, but nor can I do that Because he is gone and he wouldn't be able to give me the answers either anyways.... You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten So rest in peace Da
The Loss
The Loss She took you away from me The memories of your beautiful faces Is now all that I can see I love you all with all my heart I have been so very devistated As the days and the miles drive us apart I have never stopped loving you You are all my angels Without you all my heart is blue Now as I sit here and see in my mind’s eye You all are growing up and getting older As the days just roll on by Now our time will be here And we do all the things we do We will be together with no fear
In the last month a close friend lost her baby to miscarriage, I recently added a very good new friend that lost a baby too, and tonight at the hospital we learned my wife has now lost a child. In the span of about 2 hours we learned she was pregnant and that we lost him/her. Can't say much more right now. The words just won't come out right.

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