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Psychopathic Records
more @ FaygoLuvers ABK -Anybody Killa- Real Name: James Lowery Birthday: June 26th, 1973 Height: 6'2" Weight: 205+ Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Race: Lumbee Indian Nick Names: Jaymo, Native Funk, Lil' Godzilla, Sawed Off ***Anybody Killa has been in the music business for awhile. Starting out in Krazy Klan in 1995, and also made a solo album called "Native Funk: Rain From The Sun". Now he's apart of the best record label in the world, Psychopathic Records. In 2002, ABK joined up with Twiztid to go out on the Mirror/Mirror tour to entertain juggalos accross America. After the Gathering of the Juggalos 2002, ABK put most of his efforts into finishing his debut cd. After spending a few months in the studio putting the finishing touches on his album, ABK hit the road with 2 Live Crew and labelmates ICP. Juggalos reactions to the songs off of his debut cd was incredible, kicking with bass and getting the crowd ready for the show, ABK seemed to get love from the Juggalos. Finally in
The Psychology Of Stupidity
Heres a question to ponder should you find yourself with absolutely nothing better to do. What is it exactly that makes someone stupid? What is it that makes people like Brooke Shields say "Smoking is bad cause you can die from it. If you die you lose a very important part of your life." Really? I wasn't aware of that. Take our slightly askew president George W Bush. There is no way in Hell that this guy passes an intelligence test were he to take one today. This guy needs an anatomy picture book just to figure out where his ass is. Jessica Simpson is another one. Im surprised she hasnt yet mistaken a tampon for a Q-Tip. ALthough when it comes to stupidity there isnt a human alive that can match the stupidity of aliens. They come down here "probing" for intelligence yet its always the toothless hicks they abduct. Moonshine, banjoes and anal probes....sounds like the makings of intelligence to me. Now for a little self realization...I just spent 30 minutes of my time pondering stupidity
Psychology Test..........
Psychology Test Your Type is: ENFJ Strength of the preferences: Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging 1 88 50 56 The Teachers are found in no more than 2 or 3 percent of the population. They like to have things settled and arranged. They prefer to plan both work and social engagements ahead of time and tend to be absolutely reliable in honoring these commitments. At the same time, Teachers are very much at home in complex situations which require the juggling of much data with little pre-planning. An experienced Teacher group leader can dream up, effortlessly, and almost endlessly, activities for groups to engage in, and stimulating roles for members of the group to play. In some Teachers, inspired by the responsiveness of their students or followers, this can amount to genius which other types find hard to emulate. Such ability to preside without planning reminds us somewhat of an Provider, but the latter acts mo
Psycho Circus !
Psycho Circus Video - Kiss lyricsKiss Music Video CodesMusic Video Codes by VideoCureFree Layouts
Psycho(a Poem About Myself For Once :p)
A killer roams in this place of Hell. Corrupting those that are doing well. He bends their souls to his evil ways. His sinister evil fuels flames of hate. The lives of many are in his hands. He is truly PSYCHO, this unknown man. He has wandered through Texas and he's in your home. A psycho killer, his purpose unknown. Feared by many and welcomed by others. He collects souls to become his evil brothers. This evil mystery of unknown origin chills my soul with his every sin. Every word you speak lets this psycho killer in. Now the time has come for all lives to END! Copyright ©2006 Crazee Motherfucker
A guy goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman. After an hour of gathering up his courage he finally goes over to her and asks, tentatively, "Um, would you mind if I chatted with you for a while?" She yells, "No, I won't sleep with you tonight!" Everyone in the bar is now staring at them. Naturally, the guy is hopelessly and completely embarrassed and he slinks back to his table. After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes. She smiles at him and says, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I'm a graduate student in psychology and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing situations." To which he responds, at the top of his lungs, "What do you mean $200?"
Psychic Fair
I saw this and i just had to post I know it was from earlier this year but I just ran across it Books A Million To: Books-a-Million President/CEO and Executive Chairman of the Board October 13, 2006, the new Port Richey store manager of Books-a-Million pulled the plug on our planned Psychic Fair which has been meeting there for the last five years! What’s more, she did it late Friday evening, October 13, 2006, hours before it was to happen the next morning. (Apparently in an obvious attempt to ensure that we couldn’t find another place to hold the fair on just hours’ notice!) Please read this petition and, if you agree, sign it so I can forward it to the Executive Chairman of the Board and the CEO/President of Books a Million. Let’s flood this company with many more protests than the measley 150 they received to stop the Psychic Fair! Also, if you’d like to write your own letter (be firm, but polite – we want to present ourselves as intelligent but angry about the situation!)
The Psychology Of Creating Attraction
Hey Crystal, Before I ever learned how to attract women, I used to watch how those guys we call "Players"... would walk into a room, leave with the woman of their choice... and make it look so damn EASY. I used to think to myself that it would be SO fantastic if I could do that. I figured that these guys must be "good looking" or charming... or have SOMETHING... ...something I didn't have. Later, after I learned the SKILL of meeting women, I realized that the most important thing I had been missing was knowing HOW to ATTRACT women. Here's the BOTTOM LINE: ANYONE can learn to meet women. But if you don't UNDERSTAND how to create ATTRACTION, then you will beat your head against the wall YOUR ENTIRE LIFE and still not have any success. The BEST way for YOU to learn how to create MASSIVE attraction is to read my downloadable eBook called "Attraction Isn't A Choice".
Psycho Bitch
Psycho Bitch
Psychic Sight Spell
A spell to open the third eye (psychic sight) goes as follows. Fill a small purple bag (or a piece of cloth that you can wrap herbs in and tie up) with as many of the following herbs as you can: * mugwort * acacia * honeysuckle * peppermint * rosemary * thyme * yarrow * cloves * dandelion * lilac * lavender * calendula Gather the edges of the cloth and tie a string around it if you are using a cloth, or if you used a small purple bag, tie it shut. (Drawstring bags work best.) Using a dark violet marker, draw an eye on the front of the bag. Rub the bag on the third eye chakra (forehead) whenever performing divination or needing psychic sight, and sleep with it under your pillow every night.
Psychic Protection Spell
You Will Need: # Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also) # Black 8" Taper Candle It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell is used to protect yourself from mental attacks. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle. Love or protection incense is recommended (herbs or oils can also be used). While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work. Bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light some incense. Envision a large, white ball of light surrounding you, your work area, and your home. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into
Psycho Tweakwhore
Cause it takes alot to really get me pissed off at a person, my tolerance is usually set pretty high. So calling you out you drama loving bitch. You are too old to keep this up, you have nothing and fucking face it no one has your back they don't want to touch u because u cause too much shit. So let it be out there...too many people like me and hate u. The both of u. Fucking stay the hell away from me go the fuck back to california cause no one is going to miss your skanky ass anyway. No one fucking touches u cause they don't want to be dirty by u. Ur as bad as the dogs u lay with. Yah and talk about fat fucks..yah hun ur days are gone..u never been hot u never will be hot. The mirror doesn't lie and the wrinkles u got are only getting worse. FUCK U. FUCK OFF. and threaten me hun...go ahead, one of my best friends right now is a cop...u want to cost her everything keep provoking me....she has more to lose then u, selfish whore.
Psyche, Greek Goddess of the Soul The Greek goddess Psyche, strictly speaking, wasn't a natural-born goddess . . . she got there by "marrying up". But talk about mother-in-law problems, not to mention having a "mama's boy" for a husband! You'd be hard pressed to come up with a story that tops that of the Greek goddess Psyche's. The goddess Psyche started out as a mortal, but one of exquisite grace and beauty. Fervently courted by numerous mortal men and gods, Psyche truly wasn't interested in romance and she wasn't just playing hard to get! This offended Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who decided to bring Psyche down a notch by sending her son Eros, the god of love, to shoot her with one of his magical arrows tipped in an aphrodisiac that would make her fall hopelessly in love with the first man she saw, no matter how wretched, unsuitable, or unappealing he might be. But as the Fates (the Greek goddesses responsible for luck and destiny) would have it, just as Eros had Psyche
Psychopathic Women And The Men They Leave Behind
Psychopathic Women and the Men They Leave Behind Oh yes, ladies, it's your turn tonight. Men are an easy target because they bring so much shit upon themselves. However, there are many of us that do some pretty stupid things and I think it's about time, we get a woman's perspective on the shit we do. Since people are such poor adaptations of living creatures, it's easy to categorize us. Therefore, I am going to break us up into groups. Where you fall is your thing. Do not assume and do not for a moment think that you do not fall within one of the mainframes of what I'm about construct. 1) Poor Pitiful Pearl: These are the women who have the victim routine down. These women will constantly whine about every fucking little let down in their lives and will continue to blame everything in their lives on every fucking little mishap. These women are never the culprits and they're never at fault for anything. Whatever their problem is, it's your fucking fault and if you don't
Psychic Powers #1
Sing it with me: "If you're telekinetic and you know it, clap my hands!"
Psychic Powers #2
I almost had a psychic girlfriend once, but she broke up with me before I met her.
Today I'm going to tackle a topic I thought wouldn't need to be tackled, but it's come back into the mainstream in America. Psychics. Slyvia Brown, John Edwards, Peter Popoff....what do these people have in common? Well, first of all they all claim to be psychic. Also, they are all full of shit. In the 1930's a Duke University experiment gave the theory of ESP, or extrasensory perception, popularity and credibility by testing subjects with guessing the shapes on special playing cards. This led to the government allowing a study to be taken using tax payers money. For 27-29 years the CIA financially supported research of this psychic ability and cost us around 20 million dollars. The results: There was no psychic ability presented by ANYONE IN THE ALMOST 30 YEARS OF RESEARCH!!! Fine, we lost 20 million dollars as a society. Not that bad, except for the fact that it was complete bullshit. It didn't hurt anyone at all, just took money out of our pockets. So lets turn to psychics.
You Are 20% Psychic You are barely psychic. Sure, you sometimes predict things... But is it a matter of luck? Or something more? Pay closer attention to your first intuitions You may be more psychic than you know! Are You Psychic?
Psychoanalyze Yourself
Psychoanalyze Yourself. Answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read which each answer means. (No cheating!) 1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. With who? 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal is it? 3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal? 4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house. Describe it. 5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence? 6. You enter the house. You walk in to the dining room and see a table. What's on AND around it? 7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it? 8. What do you do with the cup? 9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water. What kind of body of water is it? . 10. How will you cross the water? ANSWERS: 1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most im
Psycho Pick-up Lines
* "Wanna swap meds?" * "Can I buy you a spatula?" * "Bet you're wondering why I have no nostrils?" * "Your crawlspace or mine?" * "You look like the kind of person who appreciates catheters." * "May I lick your forehead?" * "Do you always wear your shoes over your socks? " * "Smeep. Smeep. Smeep." * "What's your favorite flavor of wood?" * "You've stolen my heart, but thats okay because I have three more back home in the freezer!"
You Are 100% Psychic You are so very psychic. But you already predicted that, didn't you? You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others. You're very tapped into the world around you... Just make sure to use your powers for good! Are You Psychic?
Psycho Tst!
Psycho Test Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has gotten it right-including me. A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be just that! She fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? (Give this some thought before you answer). SCROLL DOWN. Answer: She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers
Psycho Bitch
I want you to quit Calling me Calling me Following me Following me Why do you trip with me After you get through Swallowing me Never knew this Bianca Would explode Like this Now that I know this I must reload Gat clips How many ever met a Psycho bitch Down for the minute But a major twist Came With a bit of game Met that bitch Sickness Everybody peep The evil symptoms So you'll know When sexual activity happens And tears start to flow Time to go They come with a Big package in back Chest is twice that But the fatal attraction Will only get you Ice packs Better watch what you do When you sleep with a woman That's on the edge In your bed Cause you'll be resting In red Killa killa They'll find the number To your residence Non-hesitant Unprecedented Ain't no mystery To her steez She's demented I ain't never gonna get myself In another mix up With a psycho bitch Millimeter With a master plan So you won't be off in a ditch Like this Wild
Psychiatric Eval
Shanna Not Fit for Society Passable Not Fit for Society Passable Click Here to Find Out YOUR Psychiatric
Psychological Test
This is a genuine psychological test: It is a story about a girl. While at the funeral of her own mother, she met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be just that, she fell in love with him there but never asked for his number and then... A few days later the girl killed her own sister. Question: What is her motive in killing her sister? Give this some thought for a while before you scroll down. Answer: She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in this test and answered it correctly. If you didn't answer correctly - good for you. If your friends hit the jackpot, may I suggest that you keep your distance.
I saw my psychiatrist the other day...she told me to broaden im doin that...and she said "at this state I don't want to prescribe you anti-depressants"...she says she wants me to try cardio 1st...4 times a week for 30 minutes at a time or more because it helps balance serotonin levels in my fucked up head or somethin like that...well its an excuse to do cardio so...ok i will do it...she said i should stop seeing Jess...i told her she is my best friend and that is the only thing i want to save now...i know i have lost her...but i don't want to lose the friendship we had...i went on for awhile...she agreed that i should keep talking with her after my speech...she just said trying to be friends(with her and her boyfriend) at this stage of how i feel, could end very badly for me, she agrees with me tryin to be friends with just that is good for me...but i am still giving her space until she wants to see me again...she also said that "We NEED to get you out of that hou
Psycho Exes
So, earlier this week my co-workers car was stolen. Turns out her ex-husband took it. Why? Because she went on a vacation to Miami for her birthday. First. If you EVER take anything that is mine...I will hurt you. Secondly, if so much as come too close to my car without my knowledge, I will hunt you down. If you STEAL MY CAR because you are unhappy and jealous...You will go to jail. I just dont understand how anybody could think that is accomplishing anything. Seriously? You're gonna steal my car, park it on the other side of town, and call me at 2 am 3 days later because your conscious wont let you sleep? You deserve to be put in jail, or an institution. No wonder she divorced him, he's fucking psychotic! And what's killing me is that she's not pressing charges. I want to smack her! She has two children. What if, next time, he takes one of the kids and just "forgets" to tell her? If he's crazy enough to steal her car, he can very well take his own child. Im
Psychic Protection Spell
You Will Need: # Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also) # Black 8" Taper Candle It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell is used to protect yourself from mental attacks. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use in addition to your spell candle. Love or protection incense is recommended (herbs or oils can also be used). While setting up your area, CONCENTRATE on the purpose of your work. Bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind. After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light some incense. Envision a large, white ball of light surrounding you, your work area, and your home. Hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into
Psychic Sight Spell
A spell to open the third eye (psychic sight) goes as follows. Fill a small purple bag (or a piece of cloth that you can wrap herbs in and tie up) with as many of the following herbs as you can: * mugwort * acacia * honeysuckle * peppermint * rosemary * thyme * yarrow * cloves * dandelion * lilac * lavender * calendula Gather the edges of the cloth and tie a string around it if you are using a cloth, or if you used a small purple bag, tie it shut. (Drawstring bags work best.) Using a dark violet marker, draw an eye on the front of the bag. Rub the bag on the third eye chakra (forehead) whenever performing divination or needing psychic sight, and sleep with it under your pillow every night.
Psycho Billy
what could dylans motives be? he helped nico to catch brian jones. he helped america beat the british invasion. but he walked out the door of the chelsea hotel with a large painting of elvis presley.
Psychopath Test
Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right. A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What is her motive for killing her sister? [Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below] Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't answer the ques
Psychopath Test
Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right. A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What is her motive for killing her sister? [Give this some thought before you answer, see answer below] Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly. If you didn't an
Psychology 101
The Human Mind is a Mess of Forced Morals, Self-Taught Morals, and Primative Instincts.
Psycho Killer
Psycho Religiouso's Piss Off
listen i have no problem with anyones faith thats your buisness but dont tell me what to beleave if you start preaching to me about how i need a savior and blah blah blah lord this and that im going to tell you to piss off im an athiest if you cant respect that then please save us the trouble and dont talk to me otherwise ill respect you you respect me and we will be good
I really am. I swear. I'm going through some really stupid shit and I get all crazy emotional and just fucking depressed. I feel like complete shit. I got my shoes today. and this stupid mother fucking flash drive that doesn't work and fucked up my computer. Well I'm so fucking pissed off, it's intense. I haven't been this damn angry in forever. I'm just blasting twiztid and being a pissed off bitch.
A very shy guy goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting at the other end. After an hour of gathering up his courage he finally goes over to her and asks, tentatively, "Um, would you mind if I chatted with you for a while?" To which she responds by yelling, at the top of her lungs, "No, I won't sleep with you tonight!" By now, the entire bar is staring at them. Naturally, the guy is hope-lessly and completely embarrassed and he slinks back to his table. After a few minutes, the woman walks over to him and apologizes. She smiles at him and says, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. You see, I'm a graduate student in psychology and I'm studying how people respond to embarrassing situations." To which he responds, at the top of his lungs, "What do you mean $200 Dollars?"
Psychos On Ebay
You know... I thought there were enough Psycho's on here and myspace and other similar sites to fill a football stadium... but it would seem that the psycho's have nmow bred and hit Ebay!!!! Noooo not my beloved Ebay I am quite used to people asking stupid questions about my items when I am selling on Ebay, and to be honest, I find them extremerly funny.... but this.... well this just takes the biscuit! I am currently starting my own business and bought a lot of material on Ebay. I bought 9 lots from 1 seller, sent a cheque, and a week later got an unpaid item strike. I contacted the seller to ask why she hadn't emailed me, and that I had sent a cheque, but she rudely said she hadn't recieved it, so I sent another. On 17th May, BOTH cheques were cashed, obviously with one failing, and one CLEARED as in the money went into her account on 21st May. Yet, she denies this. I opened up a dispute and she has been rude calling me every name under the sun. But.... last night.... she g
Psycho On The Lose....friends Read!
Psycho Killer - Itmfa
Psycho Killer - ITMFAAdd to My Profile | More Videos
Psychobitch Dizzy
Check her out!! Tell her Gimptastic sent ya!
Psycho Dwarf (an Interesting Song For Anyone To Hear While Drinking)
Artist: Beatnuts, The Album: Intoxicated Demons Title: Psycho Dwarf "get on down" (repeat 4x cut and scratched) I wanna fuck, drink beer, and smoke some shit! Fuck, drink beer, and smoke some shit! I wanna fuck, drink beer, and smoke some shit! Fuck, drink beer, and smoke some shit! Verse one: psycho les, juju Knock knock, who is it? what my moms is the wizard I'm about to land like an avalanche or a blizzard So open up, let me in, then Check out the ill motherfuckin les swing Wickedy wicked, your girl's tit i lick it And shwin-g it, like my man wilson pickett I kick it, the spanish psycho's a lunatic Rip a show, get the dough, and stick the hoe with my super *dick* It's a ahh nut, then i be ghost You got ta be clean everything not gross I bust a ill style that your ears are not used to Beatnuts make tracks for the crowd to get loose to So honies in the house if you're hot rip your blouse off My brothers if you're thirsty, crack the forty ounce Be
The Psychiatrist And The Proctologist
Two doctors opened an office in a small town and put up a sign >>reading: >> >> "Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones, "Hysterias and Posteriors" >> >> The town council was not happy with the sign, so the doctors >>changed it to read, "Schizoids and Hemorrhoids" >> >> This was not acceptable either so, in an effort to satisfy the >>council, they changed the sign to, "Catatonics and High Colonics" >> >> No go. >> >> Next, they tried, "Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives" >> >> Thumbs down again. >> >> Then came, "Minds and Behinds" >> >> Still no good. >> >> Another attempt resulted in, "Lost Souls and Butt Holes" >> >> U naccep table again. >> >> So they tried, "Analysis and Anal Cysts" >> >> No way. >> >> "Nuts and Butts"? >> >> No way. >> >> "Freaks and Cheeks"? >> >> Still no go. >> >> "Loons and Moons"? >> >> Forget it. >> >> Almost at their wit's end, the doctors finally came up with: >> >> "Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones, Odds and Ends" >> >> Everyone l
Psychiatric Evaluation
James Passable Highly Dangerous Extremely Insane Highly Dangerous Click Here to Find Out YOUR Psychiatric
Jesus Christ. This dude in Chicago within like 5 mins of talking to me sends me his number and is telling me all this bullshit like, "you are so beautiful and let me take you out" When I know all he wants to do is get up in my shit. I sign onto yahoo and I got 10 fucking offlines from this ass clown so I delete and block him off yahoo and here. That was before he decided to flood my inbox with all kinds of crap. I didn't know that the email block feature was seperate. See back in the day, When you blocked someone on CT they weren't able to message you, rate you or anything. lol. WTFH~! This is one of the reasons why I left CherryTap in the first place cuz of psycho ass men. lol. I state for the record here. I AM SINGLE OFFICIALLY BUT I AM NOT LOOKING FOR ANY MEN. Thank you for calling. If I wanna fuck, I'll let you know. lol. Weee, I'm back. haha. I present to you Big Fucking Dork aka Big Daddy Cool. Beware of this Ass Clown lol.
Psycopathic Family Has Been Hated...
I Posted A Mumm Today To See How MAny People Are Down With The Klowns On CT,and Some Jerk Thought It Would Be Funny To Report It As Offensive...Well Because Of That My Mumm Was Deleted and I Got Warned That Next Time My CT Account Will Be Deleted...Please Read The Bulletine I Wrote And Comment If You Wish,But Most Of All PLEASE REPOST It!!!MMFWCL To EVERYONE
Psychic Sniper Cops
What is it about cops, are they psychic, or does that little radar gun have a built in sniper scope. You can go down the road as fast as you want for no reason at all and there are no cops around, yet if you are slightly speeding to get to work on time, there they are in your rearview. It is ok if I get pulled over and they hand me that little piece of paper to sign, granted yes I deserve it. I did however learn to never, I repeat never say that I was running behind, because you know that you just more than doubled the time they stay in their car before the business at hand is concluded. So I then learned that honesty is not always the best policy, at least in that situation. Worse yet, you can being running late for an appointment and you are slightly pressing your limits and all of the sudden you come up behind that one cop car on the road driving 5 mph under the limit, and where ever you are going, you better believe he will lead the way. In that case I have seriously contempla
Psychic Plea For Help
This happened during my senior year of high school. I was very close with my small group of friends, and we helped each other through some very rough times. My friend Donna was involved in a very unhealthy relationship at the time. She was never one to be completely mentally stable, so we rallied around her to help her through. I had a rather large fish aquarium in my room, so it put off a lot of light during the night. On this particular night I had fallen asleep fairly early. At around 11:30 p.m. I awoke to the sound of weeping in my room. I opened my eyes and rolled over not sure of what to expect. When I looked, Donna was sitting against my dresser with her knees bent up against her chest. I remember speaking her name in confusion, wondering how she got in there and what exactly she was doing on my bedroom floor. When I spoke her name, she looked directly at me and said, "I love you. Please help me. I need help so bad." At that she was gone. I tried to call her but there was
Psychological Seizures?
So We went to the doctor/neurologist yesterday afternoon. Got some beasic neurological testing done to check my reflexes and make sure i could feel things in different parts of my body. Poked me with pointy sticks to feel sharpness, made sure I could feel cold and vibrations up and down my legs and hands. They looked inside my eyes and mouth and checked how much force or resistance i coudl give if they tried to move me or move a limb. They beleive its a psyhcologlical seizure vs a epileptic seizure, but they arent sure yet. I guess if my anxiety attacks have elevated into Panic attacks, a psychological seizure can be a result of my stress/anxiety or something like that. Ive got an appointment to get a MRI friday morning. Ive also been told that by law they had to tell me im not allowed to drive anymore. Which in turn gave me a full blown anxiety attack at the doctors office(considering im already stuck out of state at my mothers house). The anxiety attack confirmed to the doc
Psycho Stalker
I made the mistake of trying to make friends on here and I did or so I thought I searched for profiles of married parents in my city to hang out with you like with like and the sort we hung out for a while than she started telling me her husband was abusing her and her 19 month old daughter I found out later he wasn't but at the time I told her she could stay here went and bought her and her daughter everything she needed and than some but found out she was only using me for the money I spent, my car and my house to meet men she than turned on my husband even made the remark about how I should know better than to introduce my husband to my friends cause they will steal him ...... my husband found this hillarious he told me what was going on and started talking to her only on three-way so we oculd tape the conversations and when he instant messanged her he would copy and send them to me to print out. One of the guys she slept with was about to be married when he told her he was going ba
Psychic Or Psycho?
I don't know. Seems like John Edwards is the lastest "big thing". I still haven't made up my mind about him. I'd Mumm about this, but the Numm Nazis still have me blocked. I know a lot of people believe that he can speak to the dead. But I don't know. Something about him just doesn't sit right with me. So what do you all think? Is he real or a Hoax? Do you think he can actually contact the dead?
Psycho ~ Analysis
Psychoanalyze Yourself; Don't read ahead, just answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read which each answer means at the end. (No cheating! ) 1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you? My kids 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal? rabbit 3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal? He hops up to me and I pet him and he licks me. 4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your DREAM house. How big is it? Big, but not huge, about 2600 square foot log cabin. 5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence? yes, a small one 6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room table. What do you see on AND around it? chairs around the table filled with family, a hutch in the corner, a really pretty table cloth, and a bouquet of fresh cut carnations on the table. 7. You exit the house and a cup is
Psychic Protection
Meditation is one of the greatest keys to psychic defense. Regular meditation practice leaves you clear, centered, and in a mental place where you can respond to potential threats, rather than unconsciously react to them. It doesn’t matter the style or tradition of meditation. Regular practice is the key. You will not get the long term psychic protection benefits of meditation by doing it only once every few weeks. It must be like exercise, done regularly. I suggest at least three times a week. If you can do it daily, so much the better. Better mental focus can be gained by meditation.The type of meditation that I am refering to is an emptying of the mind to think of nothing. You should sit in a comfortable chair or on the sofa in a quiet relaxed environment, no music. Music is not necesary and can interfere sometimes, especially when you are first learning to do this. Sit with feet flat on the floor hands and arms not crossing not indian style, nothing crossed, doing that "crosse
The Psychology Of Political Correctness
by Dr. William Pierce Today I'll discuss something I've discussed earlier, but it's very important and is worth talking about over and over: having the courage to speak up for what we believe. Courage of this sort -- moral courage -- has always been important, but now, with the enemies of our people pushing hard to silence opposition to them and their destructive policies by enacting new legislation against what they call "hate crime" and "hate speech," moral courage is essential for our survival. We have a President who is running around the country trying to drum up support for a repressive program of legislation he says is necessary to "pull America together" and achieve racial harmony. He is telling the groups to which he speaks that they don't have much longer to wait before there will be a non-White majority in America, and then the White racists -- the "haters" -- won't be able to cause any more trouble. Mr. Clinton is gloating that soon there will be a truly multiracial A
Psychotic People
OMG ,- * ^_^ whyt o i attract psychotic people????? its fuckin' scary as damn Especially the girls who get jealous of me being friends with guys that they like My GOD! i dont want your guy i have my own and im very satisfied with him But the guys? MY GOD They are not as bad as psychotic females Especially since this girl is freaking out because she thinks i still like this guy who i dont anymore and i guess she has a hardon for him.. wtf? if youre curious ill totally tell you who this bitch is insanneeee So if youre psychotic please unadd me
Psychic Vampire
For those of you who are unaware of what this is... Psychic vampires are living people who have the ability, consciously or unconsciously drain life-energy, rather than consume the blood from others. Whether this ability was developed through meditation, mentally altering drug usage, or inherited, it can be used by the Psychic Vampire to drain energy for its own use. In the words of Anton LaVey, the famous Satanist, "psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of vital energy". As consumers of energy rather than blood, psychic vampires, like their folklore counterparts, can be men or women, young or old. Since Friday night I've been under a fierce attack! I have no energy, my body aches and I've a constant migraine. I thought this was my lupus or fibromyalgia flaring up but after spending about an hour at a friends house discussing the metaphysical aspects of things, I felt a cold chill and suddenly just like that I had no energy. My friend being well versed in dea
Holy Mother of God.
I think that I want to stay at psycho. LOL. Isn't that what I alreay am?
Psychotic Stream Of Consciousness
i can't seem to work out what i want, what i need, what would be best, what the point is. craving what i can't have, never knowing what it is i crave most. i try to reach out of my cage but it never seems to work. i just get kicked back into the corner, over and over. try to sleep through the pain of another day,but it all keeps taunting me, coming back again to work my last nerve and make me hate. sometimes i want nothing more than to just crawl back into a bottle and go numb again, but i know that isn't the answer. sometimes i think i need the sweet release of the razor-sharp blade, but i know that won't truly help matters either. all i can do is go on, continue, if only to see what new horrors will occur tomorrow.
Psycho I have beaten the hell out of your bloody head and it has give me an absolute perfect satisfaction. Forgive me it was the voices which forced me to. (c) Natasha Wismer 09/16/96
Psycho Slots (game)
Psychic Vampires
PSYCHIC VAMPIRES You feel drained when you are around them, they seem to suck the life energy right out of you. They may be friends , coworkers or even family members. The person standing next to you in the grocery line today may be a psychic vampire feeding from the energy of your life force. Learn how to protect yourself from these energy stealing menaces. Like the vampires of legend, spiritual or psychic vampires can take many forms. The often appear in your life during times of crisis or vulnerability. They take advantage of your weaknesses and prey upon your trusting nature. Psychic vampires feed off of the energy of your aura. All of us have bad days. We all have times in our lives when we feel melancholy or down. For the most part these are temporary occurrences and we get on with our lives. It sometimes happens that during these "down" periods we may inadvertently drain some life energy from those around us. This does not mean that we are all life energy vamp
Psychic Vampires Part 2
Let's face it--we've probably all fallen prey to a psychic vampire, possibly without even knowing it. It may have been a chance encounter with an energy predator that left us temporarily exhausted, or possibly along-term vampire interaction with serious wear-and-tear effects on the mind and body. Psychic vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today. As consumers of energy rather than blood, vampires of the psychic kind exist in many guises but with one common trait--their own inadequate energy system compels them to tap into and feed upon the energies of unsuspecting host victims. The immediate results of such a one-on-one vampire encounter are anew but temporary surge of energy for the psychic vampire and a serious loss of mental and physical energy for the unsuspecting prey. If you suddenly feel emotionally or mentally depleted, you may be under attack by a psychic vampire. The unfortunate effects of prolonged energy loss are damage to the energy system itself and in som
Psychic Vampire Personalities
Psychic Vampire Personalities Written by Larae Tuesday, 12 June 2007 Administrator Note: I thought this article to be very interesting and possibly something to reflect upon regarding vampiristic individuals and possible connections with past lives. The Psychological dynamics represented by people who inadvertently portray a psychic attacker (energy vampire) fall into five major categories.This personality type is an accumulation of that individual's experience in their current life, as well as in prior lifetimes. Fear is the common denominator in these individuals, and you must learn to protect yourself from their negative influences. The five personality types are called ethereal, insecure, paranoid, passive-aggressive, and robotic. The Paranoid Type Betrayal is the main issue with a paranoid type. Their Karmic theme in past lives has possibly been that of warrior-like behavior, self-sacrifice, and victory in their battles. As a results of their experiences, th
Psychedelic Strawberry
Psycho Ass People
Ok, so there are people on here that need some serious psychological help! True Story.... So, this random guy rates me and leaves me some photo comments. Cool. Right? WRONG! Then like a week later, he sends me this message telling me how I'm too good to rate back and I must be conceited and whoop-tee-woo. I wrote him back telling him that I was at work when he rated me and I didn't even realize, rated him, La-ta-da and smoothed his feathers. (1st incidence of Capt Psycho) So Then.... He messaged me one day telling me that I should advise my best friend that just joined her to return luv.... My response... "Why do you care? It's a website! Seriously! Don't take it so personal." So, I didn't hear from him for a few days. (2nd instance of Capt Psycho) Then he messages me and tells me that I was right and he was a jerk. (DUH?!?!) Moving on.... Then I wasn't online for like a week because I've been studying for finals.... And the first night I am on (tonight) and he shouted
Psycho Ninja Bitch
Psycho Ninja Bitch Psy·cho (s--'k--) adj. Crazy; insane. Ninja (n--n'j?)) an assassin or spy in Japanese culture, usually trained for stealth. Bitch (b--ch) term typically used to describe a young female regardless of personality or looks. What's the first word here folks? We know this one... All together now. There are those that do, there are those that don't. What? Doesn't matter. Anything. It's almost a certainly that those who need this reminder will never see it and that those who don't need the reminder, will wonder what's up. Nothings up, I just felt the need to share. la la la dah dah
Psychic Shielding
The very first magick that you need to learn in the city is protective magick. You will need to protect yourself from both physical attack and psychic grind (Kaldera, Schwartzstein). There are two kinds of shielding to do: One is your home and two, your person. In a city, a shield of protection for your home serves two very important purposes: On an astral level, it keeps the bad energy out. On a physical level, it - hopefully - keeps the bad people out. It will also create positive energy within your home, making it feel safe and inviting. Shielding your psyche is so important in a city. Not only can a city be a great source of energy to you, it can also be a great energy drain. You need to learn how to protect yourself from the great swirls of energy, only tapping into it as needed. It is also a good idea to purify yourself and space regularly to wash away "the daily grind" that builds up in urban life.
I feel myself changing as a person... not better or worse off... just different. I catch myself day dreaming randomly about some particulary grusome, yet amusing prospects. I've been seeing red again also... maybe I should tell someone, but i wont. I feel the time bomb ticking in the pit of my stomach as if implanted by some foreign scientist as a sick joke. So much has gone wrong, and so much more is failing by the minute, that I can only amuse myself by wondering when it'll go off. What really IS my limit. Im starting to feel like a caged animal... one thats being antagonized and pushed... everyone has a breaking point and im starting to crack. Tomorrow is NEVER promised today, and 'later' may just be too late. I find myself itching for life... craving it like an addiction. I feel as though im missing out on something AMAZING by doing 'nothing'. I have bigger dreams and aspirations than most; their just in a different catagory. I want a one-way bus ticket to vegas and 50 bucks to
Psychic Attack
Societies from ancient times to the present have worked with psychic attacks and dark negative energies. The African and Haitian people practice voodoo and black magic. North American and European cultures practice black magic and witchcraft. Indian, Chinese and South American tribes have similar practices. Australian Aboriginals practice something called "pointing the bone". Similar practices are recorded from ancient times and continue to be practiced today in all societies. In medieval times they burned people for practicing witchcraft. Psychic attacks involve the manipulation and movement of different types of dark energies, entities and spirits. They involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someone's physical and/or energetic bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies, and homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to create harm and dama
Psychic Vampire Awareness
More...because the more you know... Energy Vampire Traits * Feeling alone or abandoned * Needs constant reassurance * Never feels satisfaction * Poor listener, talks non-stop * Low energy or easily fatigued * Basks in being the center of attention * Cannot make a decision without seeking advice from someone else * Clingy, projects himself into situations where he is not welcome
Psychic Protection
Originally posted at Greetings! This is a massive topic and I apologize for the length of this rambling. It isn't something that can be covered briefly however and I'm sure this discussion will still leave many questions. Occasionally, either through a journey in the astral or contact with people in the physical realm, it is necessary to protect or cleanse yourself Psychically. We've all known people who always seem to have a major crisis brewing in their lives right? What happens, is that some never have learned how to maintain their own energy or draw upon natural energies to keep themselves whole and in good condition spiritually as they should. These people continually seek out others that will allow themselves to be attached to. They use a ploy of feel sorry for me, or come to me and I will give you access to the powers of the universe or any number of other pick-up lines that can be very convincing or tug at your heart strings. Essentially, th
Psychism Is Not A Power.
Psychism is not a power. It is the ability to sense and interpret energy. Just because you can 'see' the train coming does not mean you can stop the train. Hopefully, however, you can get off the tracks. Psychism is natural. That does not mean that it is easily understood. Many begin their psychic exploration through games but it is not a toy. The warnings which come to us through the ages should be well heeded. If you just want to become more accepting of the intuitions you receive from time to time, that would be like a walk in the park. This excursion into nature is usually without the need for extreme caution. Digging deeper into the psychic energies through your own will is like going hiking in the mountains. This is also natural, but there are things which you will need for your journey and to ignore them is to travel at much greater risk. It is wise to be cautious. One reason for this is because 'if you don't know what it is, then it could be anything.' This can lead
The Psyche And Preemptive Measures (not For The Weak Minded)
PUA's exploit certain weaknesses in human nature. How do you feel about that? These weaknesses rely upon stress when there are contrasting extremes present and accounted for. For example: DOMINANCE and submissiveness, CONTROL and dependence and MAXIMIZATION and minimizing of "consequences" *eyeroll* we will get to the supposed consequences at some point soon. This is where a preemptive war is waged. There are 4 elements for justification of preemption according to Scholar Abraham D. Sofaer. 1. The nature of the threat involved. 2. The likelihood that the threat will be realized without preemptive action. 3. The availability and exhaustion of alternatives to force. 4. Whether preemptive force is consistent with the situation. THE PURPOSE OF ALL OF THIS IS: TO GAIN ADVANTAGE!! Now, I may or may not have lost you. I admit that I am on an entirely different playing field and the level of my play is extreme at best. I am a military theorist in that meaning: I FIRM
Psycho Or Psychic?
You Are 100% Psychic You are so very psychic. But you already predicted that, didn't you? You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others. You're very tapped into the world around you... Just make sure to use your powers for good! Are You Psychic?
Psychic Me At 14: The Rape Of My "friend"
I am a psychic. I have had far too many experiences to name that aren't at all "logical" so yeah... I believe in psychic powers. The gift (the curse?) has run in my family for many generations. It will continue to be passed on from generation to generation like an heirloom. I don't regret having my gifts, but it does hurt me how some people have treated me because of it. I once had a friend who, upon my warning her of being raped by a guy she took interest in at an arcade, told the police and our classmates that I set her up. I was at the mall with her when we saw him and every time I got near him I had to run to the bathroom and puke. Just looking at him made me sick to my stomach. I told her he was going to rape her and to stay away from him. As I said, she told everybody I set her up. Unfortunately some people, because of not knowing ME (I'd NEVER do such a thing not even to my worst enemy), believed her. I was also harshly questioned by the police and had to lie about what I saw in
Psychic Sound Off. Rawr!
My response to yet another MUMM giving kudos to Sylvia Browne and wondering if I believe in psychics: I strongly believe in psychics, seeing as I am "gifted" myself. If you believe everything Sylvia Browne says, you're mislead. Do take into mind that she said JLo wouldn't get pregnant. Amazingly, she is now the BIOLOGICAL mother of twins. I know not every psychic is accurate, but I believe that psychics can only know so much. God didn't bless any of us with ALL the knowledge in the world. Back to Sylvia: also take into mind that she charges $750 bucks for a freaking phone reading. When God blesses you with a gift... you don't charge people who are desperate for direction, closure or communication from their loved ones who have passed... such a ridiculously large sum of money!!!!! I myself have never taken a dime for the good deeds I've done with my own gifts. I'm very disappointed in people who charge a great deal of money to help people in need. Also take into mind that the "gifte
Maybe I’m the one Maybe I’m the one Who is… The schizophrenic psycho… She lays down on the fresh lawn She can make everything magical But she tied one on big time And it makes me want to rewind To back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun Ready to go off in any minute And you know we’re gonna win again Yeah you know we’re gonna win again Yeah you know we’re gonna win again Maybe I’m the one Maybe I’m the one Who is… The schizophrenic psycho… yeah Maybe I’m the one Maybe I’m the one Who is… The paranoid flake-oh… yeah She lays down on the sidewalk Never very analytical She is something simply beautiful Reappear with youth and magical Back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun Ready to go off in any minute Yeah you know we’re gonna win again Maybe I’m the one Maybe I’m the one Who is… The schizophrenic Psycho… yeah Maybe I’m the one Maybe I’m the one Who is… The paranoid
I heard this song on the radio this morning! It so describes how I feel somedays! Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah) Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah) She lays down on the fresh lawn She can make everything magical But she tied one on big time And it makes me wanna rewind To back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun Ready to go off at any minute And you know we're gonna win again (yeah) [x3] Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah) Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the paranoid Flake-oh She lays down on the sidewalk Never very analytical She is something simply beautiful Re-appear when you feel magical To back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun Ready to go off at any minute Yeah you know we're gonna win again You're the one, you're the one who is the schizophrenic
And I am officially psycho. I need a high dosage of Haldol and a padded room. That is all.
Psychotic Radio
PSYCHOTIC RADIO IS BACK WITH A VENGENCE... COME JOIN IN THE FUN. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN! WITH THESE LOUNGES: AND THESE SEXY, CRAZY, UNPREDICTABLE, DJ'S: DJ PSYCHO~trinas dong~SULTAN of the harem~fuhubby 2 DJS dark angel,kasey and nicci@ fubar DJ Dark Angel/fu-wifey to DJ psycho, DJ nicci and DJ kasey co-owner of the harem@ fubar DJ NICCI ~*~DIRTY BITCH CREW~*~SNAKESKINTA2 & SWEET REVENGE OWNER@ fubar ~DJ KASEY~DIRTY BITCH CREW~R/L G/F TO NICCI~CO-OWNER OF SWEET REVENGE~@ fubar DJ Brian ~BarStud for Jens BBW Fortress~Sonya's Fuhusband &R/L BF
Psycho Pit At The Rave
Psycho Puddle Of Mudd
"Psycho" [Said twice] Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah) [Verse 1] She lays down on the fresh lawn She can make everything magical But she tied one on big time And it makes me wanna rewind To back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun Ready to go off at any minute And you know we're gonna win again (yeah) [x3] [Chorus:] Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah) Maybe I'm the one Maybe I'm the one who is the paranoid Flake-oh [Verse 2] She lays down on the sidewalk Never very analytical She is something simply beautiful Re-appear when you feel magical To back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun Ready to go off at any minute Yeah you know we're gonna win again [Chorus] You're the one, you're the one who is the schizophrenic psycho [3x] Back in the days when we were young When everything was like a loaded gun
Psycotic Asshole's
Psycho Crushes A Car By Jumping Off A Roof
How did that car ever pass a safety test? It must be made out of styrofoam.
Psychological Pain
Psychological Pain``by SirBlackWhip I strongly feel it is very possible to have a sadomasochistic experience completely without physical pain, one in which D/s (Domination and Submission) is acknowledged in other ways; this is can be referred to as psychological pain. This can consist of such feelings as uncertainty, apprehension, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, powerlessness, and above all, fear. The most common component of SM mental pain is, of course, humiliation, where the dominant embarrasses the submissive by pointing out his or her helplessness. I submit this example. Submissive s may be humiliated by being made to lick their dominants boots or kiss the dominants buttocks. I know that female dominants sometimes demean their male subs by forcing them to wear female clothing, or by giving them tasks or chores to do which, of course, raises the specter of misbehaving or necessitating punishment. I submit here, that it is very important that none of the concepts being u
Psychological Pain
Psychological Pain``by SirBlackWhip I strongly feel it is very possible to have a sadomasochistic experience completely without physical pain, one in which D/s (Domination and Submission) is acknowledged in other ways; this is can be referred to as psychological pain. This can consist of such feelings as uncertainty, apprehension, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, powerlessness, and above all, fear. The most common component of SM mental pain is, of course, humiliation, where the dominant embarrasses the submissive by pointing out his or her helplessness. I submit this example. Submissive s may be humiliated by being made to lick their dominants boots or kiss the dominants buttocks. I know that female dominants sometimes demean their male subs by forcing them to wear female clothing, or by giving them tasks or chores to do which, of course, raises the specter of misbehaving or necessitating punishment. I submit here, that it is very important that none of the concepts being utilize
Psycho Mom Bites Her Baby
maybe the baby was hungery and bit the mom saying feed me bitch XD......but real baby does,t no right or worng and doesn,t think mom was not in the right to bite her baby back..
Psychopathic Records Mega.mix!
Psycopathic Records Mega.Mix
Slipknot - "Psychosocial" from the 4th album "All Hope Is Gone" - 2008 Band: Slipknot Song: Psychosocial Album: All Hope Is Gone Label: Roadrunner Records Year: 2008 Lyrics I did my time, and I want out I saw my future, afraid It doesn’t cut, The soul is not so vibrant The reckoning, the sickening Back and chase a virgin Pseudo-psychic sacred version Go tell your classes, Go dig your grave Then fill your mouth With all the money you will save Sinking in, getting smaller again I’m done, it has begun I’m not the only one And the rain will kill us all, Throw ourselves against the wall But no one else can see, The preservation of the martyr in me Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial Psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial There are cracks in the road we lay But when the death will fail, The secrets have gone mad! This is nothing new, But would we kill it all? Fate was all we had The reason of the mess, We could start over Just look me in
Psychology And Neuroscience: Implicit Change Detection
Psychopath Test
Psychopath Test Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the Bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right but me :D A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did Not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream Guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his Number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What is her motive for killing her sister? [Give this some thought before you answer] Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by A famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answere
For those that know me, know my love of words and particularly lyrics...You also know I love SlipKnot not only for the music, but also the meaning of the music...Here is the latest from SlipKnot and of course the lyrics to go along with it...I love this song and I can certainly wrap myself in the meaning... - Slipknot Lyrics
'psych Ward' Reviewed In Indie Music Stop
Steve Lieberman- Psych Ward Artist: Steve Lieberman Title: Psych Ward Website: Style: Alternative/Rock Rating: 8.5 out of 10 By C.W. Ross Psych Ward is the 14th release from Steve Lieberman, aka ‘The Gangsta Rabbi.’ This release is best described as his journey through the mental health system set to music. Lieberman has had an on-going struggle with a bi-polar depression disorder. The 23 tracks of music found on Psych Ward are built around a 6-day stay that Lieberman had in the psych ward at a hospital in Oceanside, NY. Before you jump on me for reporting this Lieberman talks about his stay on the CD cover’s backside. He also goes on to say that he tells his story on this album as a way to bring hope and awareness so that the kind of bad treatment he received will be stopped. I first heard Steve’s music when he contacted me about reviewing his, Shake The Missile Base release. His music is an acquired taste with its lo-fi, unpolished, raw
Psychopath Test
Read this question, come up with an answer and then scroll down to the bottom for the result. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one I know has got it right. A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she did Not know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him. A few days later she killed her sister. Question: What is her motive for killing her sister? [Give this some thought before you answer] Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again. If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part
Psychoanalyze Yourself ......
Answer the following questions with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read which each answer means. (No cheating!) 1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. With who? 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal is it? 3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal? 4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house. Describe it. 5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence? 6. You enter the house. You walk in to the dining room and see the dining room table. Whats on it? 7. You exit the house and a cup is on the ground, what kind is it? 8. What do u do with the cup? 9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself standing at? 10. How will you cross the water? NOW WHAT IT ALL MEANS DON'T READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED YET!!! | | | V V ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Psycho'z Funniez Vol. #1
Hello All, Hope Ya get a Laugh or two out of these....... After a long night of making love, The guy notices a photo of another man, On the woman's nightstand by the bed. He begins to worry. 'Is this your husband?' He nervously asks. 'No, silly,' She replies, snuggling up to him. 'Your boyfriend, then?' He continues. 'No, not at all,' She says, nibbling away at his ear. 'Is it your dad or your brother?' He inquires, hoping to be reassured. 'No, no, no! You are so hot when you're jealous!' She answers. 'Well, who in the heck is he, then?' He demands. She whispers in his ear 'That's me before the surgery. ' The love story of Ralph and Edna --- Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool. Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He s
You are 91% Psychic!!  I am impressed!! You are in the big leagues!! You are completely in touch with your senses as well as the world around you!! Ghosts and other-worldly events are common-place for you. Your intuition is at its peak awareness!! Use your powers for good and it will be returned seven-fold!!How PSYCHIC are you really??Take More Quizzes
Psychic Vampires = Crap
Nine Things a Psychic Vampire Would Say By Jeffry Palmer Platinum Quality Author A psychic vampire is anyone that drains the life energy or spiritual vitality from another human being. Psychic vampires take on all manner of shapes and descriptions; they are co-workers, lovers, strangers, emotional abusers, anyone who saps your vitality can be a psychic vampire. It is important to be aware of the psychic vampire mind set as this can provide clues as to whether you are a victim of their influence and lowering of spiritual energy. In many ways psychic vampirism is a personality type and the following list details nine attitudes or thought processes which a psychic vampire might feel toward another human being. My happiness is more important than your happiness. You are responsible for my happiness. My needs are the most important needs; your emotions exist to serve mine. I will take from you until there is nothing left to take, and then I will grow angry when I cannot recei
in honor of the halloween spirit of the month here's a little writing i did awhile back. enjoy. your pain is my pleasure your torture is my joy in my sick little mind you're my favorite toy locked up in your cage i take joy hearing you beg that's right you're in hell and i am the fucking devil flay the skin off your back the screams bring me to climax laughing in pure ecstasy you're my new trophey go ahead and pray to god he won't hear your pathetic sobs when you're in hell with me there's no sound but your screams my pet, trapped in it's cage i keep you alive for my own sake it brings me such joy to hear you whine bitch your soul is mine i slit your throat like a pig i lost interest in your screams don't worry i'll find another a new pet to slowly torture i've been doing this all my life taking what's rightfully mine you fucking whores are all the same that's why i have to each you all a lesson they'll never find your grave buried deep
Bored again, so sue me Your Psyche is Blue You are deeply emotional and very connected to everything (and everyone) around you. By simply understanding other people, you are able to help them heal and let go. While you are a very deep and thoughtful person, you do have a very silly, superficial side. When you are too blue: the weight of the world's problems hangs over you When you don't have enough blue: you lack perspective and understanding What Color Is Your Psyche?
Psycho Society
9. Psycho Society Killing You only live for death Reason You have no reason to live Worthless Your life as it is Justice Is too fucked up to see That you're hunting, Around this town, ridding life No one can stop you Enjoy these times A psycho society, is what we live in There's too many chances, that have been given There's no one around, to let you in Just like the rest You're a victim Raping Society is weak Seeking For easy prey to take Laughing While you inflict all this pain Living Are these lives that are deranged And these lives that you take, are not just one You don't understand You were never even loved
Psychosocial I did my time and I want out - so effusive Fade / it doesn’t cut / the soul is not so vibrant The Reckoning / The Sickening Packaging Subversion / Pseudo-Sacrosanct Perversion Go drill your deserts / Go dig your graves Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save Sinking in / Getting smaller again / I’M DONE It has begun. I’m not the only one… AND THE RAIN WILL KILL US ALL… WE THROW OURSELVES AGAINST THE WALL BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARTYR IN ME There are cracks in the road we laid, but where the temple fell, The secrets have gone mad This is nothing new, but when we killed it all, the hate was all we had Who needs another mess? We could start over Just look me in the eyes and say I’m wrong Now there’s only emptiness… venomous, insipid I think we’re done. I’m not the only one… AND THE RAIN WILL KILL US ALL… WE THROW OURSELVES AGAINST THE WALL BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN SEE THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARTYR IN ME
The Psychology Of Pain
The Psychology of Pain I strongly feel it is very possible to have a sadomasochistic experience completely without physical pain, one in which domination-submission is acknowledged in other ways; this is can be referred to as psychological pain. This can consist of such feelings as uncertainty, apprehension, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, powerlessness, and above all, fear. The most common component of SM mental pain is, of course, humiliation, where the dominant embarrasses the submissive by pointing out his or her helplessness. Example: Subs may be humiliated by being made to lick their dominant's boots or kiss the dominant's buttocks. I know that female dominants sometimes demean their male subs by forcing them to wear female clothing, or by giving them tasks or chores to do which. Of course, raises the specter of misbehaving or necessitating punishment that it is very important that none of the concepts being utilized here are of a malicious nature, but they are strictly con
PSYCHO Out of the black night, he creeps Lurking in the shadows, he waits He is psycho, he is freak Driven by an evil that the darkness awakes Unholy night, bloody night Take the kight, take a life Walking by the playground in the middle of the day Watching all the children laugh and play You know he wants to lock them up And take their innocence away There’s a sickness in his brain Taking life in his game He is addicted to the thrill That he gets when he kills He is a psycho…. DIE!!!
Want To Be A Psycho need more points plz help
The Psychology Of Sex
There's this feature on OKCupid, I don't know if anyone else has seen it, but it's where it shows pictures of two different people, and then a confession of some sort. You have to guess which one of them said it. There are a lot of sexual-oriented questions, some of which include "I've had a penis in my ear," "I'm a good fuck," "I lost my virginity before fourteen," &c., &c. I've developed a fool-proof way of guessing the correct answer every time. On every one of the questions that have anything to do with sex, always pick the fat chick. Works. Every. Time. I mean, hey. Those fatties have to make up for it somewhere, amirite? A thousand internets to the person who gets more flames than me after this.
Hvordan kan kvinnen oppnå sin rettmessige plass ved siden av Jesus? Hvordan kun hun oppnå Kleopatras rolle? Vi kan gå utfra at Dvd Brwn tok feil med den utrolig lange og ukjente arverekken til Magda og Johannes. Deres familiesymbol er 5-stjernen forresten. Som betyr at Jesus og alle vi andre (direkte etterkommere eller ikke) er Mennesker. Et slags verdensomspennende kommunistisk Egypt. Hvis vi derimot vender oss mot Gudinnen blir spørsmålet litt mer interessant enn faren for inngifte i Jesusfamilien. Hvordan kan kvinnen oppnå Gudommelighet? Hun kan stjele et kors. Og hun kan rane en bank. Ved å stjele et kors risikerer hun å måtte bære byrden selv. Nøyaktig som Jesus. Ved å rane en bank risikerer hun å ende på overnattingsplassen Bates Motel. Hos meg er det oppe dag og natt forresten. Men korset er desverre stjålet. Og banken er ranet.
Psyche Update
I'm texting Psyche on yahoo as she lays in hospital bed and she has requested that you peeps that have her yahoo to send her love and let her know if you want a salute.. She's doing sexy hopsital gown salutes.. muah
Psychic Vampires
I know you're supposed to help thy neighbors and all that. But where do you stand on help thy neighbors even tho they're psychic vampires that suck your will to live. I say screw em.
Psycho Or Intuitive?
My cat has found a Q-tip that one of the kids has dropped on the floor. Apparently it's a dangerous Q-tip because she is employing a variety of ninja tactics to defeat it. Is she crazy or does she know something about the ebil Q-tips that I don't know about? I love you fuckers Nom
The Psychology Of Conditional Love
The Psychology of Conditional Love The whole world seems to be doing this wrong. As children grow up, we ask them to do certain things. If they do, we shower love on them. If they don't, we scold them. We deny them our love. The teacher does it. The boss is no different. And the partner is the same too.Rejection. Scorn. Could shoulders. That's what people get when they don't follow the carrot and stick policy. Do what I say. Do what I like. Any you'll be my best friend. You'll get my Love.But, conditional love works in the short term. Guess we can easily find the answer from our own experiences. Unconditional love to children, friends, partners and parents. That's the winning strategy. Try it and you won't regret. Smile - A sign of true love A smile is a sign of recognition and love. A smile is a curved line that sets things straight. The mother's love throbs when she sees the first smile on her new born. Smiles take away a lot of pressure and ill feeling. Smiles can co
Psychiatric Hotline
The largest managed-care business in the Denver area just installed voice mail on their psychiatric hotline. Callers are prompted as follows: Welcome to the psychiatric hotline. If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly. If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2. If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6. If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. If you are depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer. If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship. If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the pound key until a representative comes on the line. If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, social security number, and
Aleister Crowley@ fubar You know what? Feel sorry for yourself all you want. How dare you accuse me of being shallow and then saying I believe in a fake God and he hates ugly people. You are freakin pathetic. Think what you want, accuse me of what you want but you are you worst enemy. I will not stand here and feel sorry for you because no one likes you. Maybe there is a reason why. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. If you don't like who you are then change it. Leave me the hell alone
Psychological Projection & Narcissitic Personality Disorder (that's A Mouth Full)
Dedicated to "No More Drama Queens" who is the Drama queen himself..... Psychological Projection, as defined by Wikipedia, is commonly known as a defense mechanism in which one attributes to others one’s own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts, behaviors and/or emotions. Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted subconscious impulses/desires without letting the ego recognize them. The theory was developed by Sigmund Freud and further refined by his daughter Anna Freud. Additional Common Definitions for Psychological Projection are as follows: · "Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have." · "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
if they are psychic, why are they asking you for your name?
The Psychology Of Creationism
There is a feeling among rationalists that the world is slowly going mad. The reason? The continuing growth of fundamentalist beliefs concerning Creationism. But what is at the root of this growing phenomenon? Well, first of all, science cannot – ever – prove it wrong. They can rant and rave; they can show how science shows it is not the case – but at best, this can only show the working mechanisms of a process, and not the ‘whys’. Thus, God is immune to the scientific process. sage And the sooner science accepts this and stops decrying the Creationist, the sooner there may be the return of a little commonsense in the debate – on both sides. This is not simply an opinion of mine. I think it can be backed up by sound reasoning. And not reasoning to do with science or Creationism, but the process of the very conflict involved. I think there is a valid law for such conflicts. I call it the ‘law of opposite effect’. It can be explained quite simply. The more one stance become
Yeah, I don't really feel like blogging. I don't really have anything creative to say. Typically this is because something bleh is going on and steals all my creativity. However, I'm going to sit here and type this out in an effort to make people think I'm actually doing something. In reality, I just like to see the look on your faces when you click into this and realize there is nothing of value here. That's me, a time wasting waste of time! Muhaha.
My psycho upstairs neighbor is throwing a psychotic fit, running around slamming doors, and screaming at his aging parents on top of his lungs. I really wanna yell him "Stfu"
So now that I finally got my wknds back, I am going to be active in my urban exploration group again.   On Saturday I am going to an abandoned hosp in Chicago, probably at around 7 or 8ish. I am meeting with this guy from the group (the only person who is not flaking out on me), and while I know that he wants to get into my pants, he is the only person who is willing to go there with me (since its a lil dangerous).   I am not worried about him, but hope there are no homeless ppl or cops there...
ARE YOU HUNGRY FOR SOME SUPER DELICIOUS TASTY METAL!!!!!! Body: COMING!!!!!! to not one but TWO COUNT THEM!!!! TWO!!!!! places in IN! DOUBLE DOSAGE OF TASTY METAL!!!!!!!! The first delicious dose is at Date: July 7th, 2009Venue: Miss Q’sLocation: Ft. Wayne, INLineup: Psychostick, A Failed Escape, others TBAOther info: Show is ALL-AGES!ZOMG!!!! how much would you be willing to pay for all this metal 1,000$, 2,000$, 5,000$! ZOMG! actually i dont know how much tickets are, ive not gotten the info yet, but i can assure you their CHHHHEEEEAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!!but i know what all you older dudes are saying, "blah blah blah kids mess up society and since im 21 and i wanna drink!!!" well dont worry, the second sandwich is headed to a more adult locationDate: July 8th, 2009Venue: Krazy St. GrilleLocation: Indianapolis, INLineup: TBAOther info: 21+all this tasty metal in IN, you know you wanna seeeee it. and i mean if you dont like metal, go anyway, not like theres anyth
Psychology Self Test a cool site my psychology teacher sent us....
Psycho B
It's the explosive new interview you have to watch. Speaking with brutal candor, Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman reveals a bombshell to her best friend, and only can show you their intimate conversation. In this brand new story, Nadya reveals --for the first time -- how she coerced the father of her 14 children to be the sperm donor, and that he was extremely upset when he learned she had frozen his sperm to keep having kids. "I screwed myself. I screwed up my life and I screwed up my kid's lives. What the heck am I going to do?", Nadya says as she dines Wednesday night with her best friend at The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant in Brea, California near her home in La Habra, Calif. In another candid statement, Nadya says "I have to pretend I don't regret it." Nadya also reveals that every day, her older children ask about their father, whose identity remains a mystery. "He's just afraid. He's hiding," says Suleman. "He'll lose everything". In past interviews, Nadya has d
Psychoanalysis Of A Penguin
Body: Psychoanalyze Yourself; Don't read ahead, just copy and paste the following into a NEW bulletin BEFORE you read my answers. Then answer the following questions one at a time WITHOUT LOOKING AHEAD with the first thought that comes to mind. Then read what each answer means at the end.1. You are walking in the woods. You are not alone. Who's with you?the love of my life ... Harley 2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?Why the hell am I in the woods? I'd see a deer3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?the deer would stand there as long as i didnt move and wed watch each other 4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is your dream house describe it.its a victorian house  ...old but  modern and with huge windows -- beautiful and open 5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?Nope6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining table is covered with?flowers and homework stuff
Psycho Annoying Horny Birthday Bar Bish
The problem with being a single male, is occasionally a whacked out single female focus's on you.  I just finished my extra long day.  A 10 hour shift, followed by a 4 hour board meeting. Every 1st & 3rd monday of each month is like this.   I hadnt had dinner and decided to treat myself to an order of chicken wings and mini-tacos at the local watering hole.  I just wanted to relax, unwind, have peace. As soon as my food is brought out -this woman comes over, sits next to me, her thigh touching mine, and starts raping my ear.  Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.  My food was there - I would have asked for takeout, had I known what was in store for me.  I tried: Involving other people in conversation Watching the tv which required me to turn away from her Ignoring her When all of these failed -I started to eat so fast, and point to my mouth as to say - I cannot talk -my mouth is full of food.  None of these tactics worked.  Blah Blah Blah Blah BlahBlahBLAHBLAHBLAH I gave short
So did anyone see 'Psychoville' last night?  The new comedy from half of the League of Gentlemen.  Way way way fuckered up.  Like, as dark and twisted as the League was, this is ten times less pleasant.  And, needless to say, absolutely brilliant.  Hysterically funny, if you like that kind of thing, and brilliantly pitched.  If you missed it, get yourself to to check it out.
Arousal from cold water.
Arousal from cold, or arousal from seeking another that is cold.
A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology and mixed emotions when he turned to his wife and said,   "Honey, that's a bunch of crap; I bet you can't 
Psychiatrist San Francisco
psychiatrist san francisco psychiatry san francisco
Psychic Reading
tarot reading psychic reading psychic readings
Psychology   A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program about psychology and mixed emotions when the husband turned to his wife and said, "Honey, that's a bunch of crap.  I bet you can't tell me anything that will make me happy and sad at the same time."She said, "You have the biggest penis of all your friends."
The Psycho Club
Psychic Reader
psychic reader keen psychics
Psychology Course
During a phone conversation, my nephew mentioned that he was taking a psychology course at the university. "Oh, great," I said. "Now you'll be analyzing everyone in the family." "No, no," he replied. "I don't take abnormal psychology until next semester." 
Psychoanalisis Of The Fubar Mind Game
Well call me old fashioned...but its sad 2 see a place like fubar fall in2 this pit of ignorance and chaos. First U have to understand, I come from the dayz of the net when U used it 2 reach out 2 people and not purposefully try 2 hurt them. Secondly, U also have to understand how Fubar got its start. Fubar started as Lost Cherry, then changed to CherryTap. When I joined waz during the CherryTap era. During this period it waz A LOT of fun. The whole point back then waz 2 come online and send gifts and see who uploaded new photoz, blogz, mummz, bulletinz and basically just keep intouch and stay updated with what waz going on with your "budz in the bar". Yes ofcourse U still had your rednecks and Sluts, but it waznt az prominent as now. The overall class of people on here waz a lot different and the site waz generally just a lot friendlier. And yeah the lounges use to always be FULL!!!!  (It should be noted that a lot of my good friendz who were on here during thoze dayz have since lef
Psycho Wack
Why did I say all that I did here and else where? Simple, were it not for psycho wack behaving like a lunatic right here revealing the hands I never would of mentioned anything. All you that have some thing to gain from my silence go get this psycho wack. The Military site I tried to access holds all the regular and SO, Vodoo Doctors operating in the European Theatre. The blame is the back door created by Lisa that I kept because I did not want to go to all the trouble of removing. Psycho Wack used it to do everything here. Norio  
Psych Ward
Subject: The Bathtub Test ...    During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director how do you determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalized.    "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."    "Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."    "No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug.  Do you want a bed near the window?"      
The Psycho Is Loose
Out and loose, finally freed,Now to finish what I started.Pain and anguish fills these streets.Go ahead, cry for help, no one hears you.Your sniveling attitude makes me wanna puke,Your happy little life makes me want to die.You are someone I just can't respect,So take it hard, your someone I reject.Look over there at the baby in the ditch,screaming for mercy, lying in a pool of blood.Come close to me, I'll tear you to shreds,I'll rampage upon your helpless little soul.Ripping your guts out is what I long for,hearing your cries of pain is priceless.I'll line you all up in a row, don't think I won't,BAM! They go flying out to sea. Reload.DAMN! You got blood on my new shoes,You bastards, Where you at?Don't hide, I can hear your whining,Better pray, your better off dead.You made the mistake, no second chances,Pay your dues for getting in my way.Go to sleep bitch, you won't wake up,You don't want to stay.Quit looking over your shoulder you  paranoid little bitch,I'm coming at ya right betwe
Psychic Memories
yes its kinda long, dont start reading til you have some time to kill. I started writing this on the boat and I think I will continue writing this story and finish it, before I continue on the Vampire story... enjoy   There is a rustling at the window that wakes Sarah from a sound sleep, as if a tree branch was scratching it in a cold winter wind. But, there is no tree out in the yard and the night is warm and still this July evening in Aspen. Her mind begins rationalizing the possibilities of the noise she hears, or does she really hear a noise outside. Is her mind playing tricks on her? Could this scratching sound be something else, something rational, and something explainable? She thinks to herself, she is 35 years old, and that is too damned old to be scared of the boogeyman! Lying on her side under the covers, she stares at the blackened window for a moment, if there is a burglar outside her window with criminal intent, she needs to know what time it is. So she looks at the cl
Psycic Memories Ch3
The air was thick, hard to breathe and heavy in his lungs like drowning in a sea of anticipation. His eyes focused steadfast on his subject from across the street. He was feeling like a Bengal tiger stalking its prey in the wild, waiting for the moment of glorious pursuit. But also feeling playful, like a young cub, with the inner most desire to slap its siblings in spar. Watching intently, intensely and preparing for contact, not a mortal chase to the death, just a scare.  Michelle sits at the second brown checkered table from the left ,in front the wide windows of the modest coffee shop. Her companion is an unknown female with short blond hair, with pink high lights.  The predator watches completely unnoticed as if he were invisible. The dark figure stands at a transit stop under the veil of the weather barrier littered with posters and advertisement, with the stagnant odor of urine prevalent. Wicked fantasies run thru his mind of slicing her and strangling the breathe out of her, wh
Psychiatrist Vs Bartender
 Psychiatrists vs. BartendersEver since I was a child, I've always had a fear of someone under my bed at night.  So I went to a shrink and told him . . . 'I've got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there's somebody under it. I'm scared. I think I'm going crazy.' 'Just put yourself in my hands for one year,' said the shrink. 'Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears..''How much do you charge?''Eighty dollars per visit,' replied the Doctor.'I'll sleep on it,' I said. Six months later the doctor met me on the street. 'Why didn't you ever come to see me about those fears you were having?' he asked. 'Well, eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought me a new pickup!' 'Is that so!' With a bit of an attitude he said, 'and how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?''He told me to cut the legs off the bed! Ain't nobody
Psychopath Achievement
Here's the latest from don't know preposting this if the videos will transfer correctly. if not, you can see everything here I read an article not too long ago about the ways in which the video game Red Dead Redemption shows how the Wild West and the game’s creators are women haters. Red Dead Redemption, if you’re clueless, is an open world game set in 1911 near the America/Mexico border in some fictional area. By open world, I mean you cover a vast expanse of game area which you can explore at will and your activities really aren’t limited at all. For instance, if you want to lasso a dog or hogtie a person you randomly come across, you can do so. If you want to tie someone to train tracks and watch the train turn them into pink mist, you can do that, too. The basic premise of the game is that you, as the main character John Marston, used to be an outlaw. You married a former whore familiar to your outlaw gang and had
Psychosomatic Insanity
It seems everywhere I go these days some wild ass little fucktard is running around a public place (stores…theaters…public parks) bothering otherwise decent folks with their monkey-like annoyance while their parents look on. Red Foreman would not put up with such behavior. We need more guys like Red Foreman in this world, By the Way, Have you Ever noticed that kid's these days are seriously getting uglier and uglier? Must be Meth or inbreeding causing it, but please keep these unfortunate souls out of the public eye. People with 700 similar pictures on they're profile, It is actually a smart tactic to try to look a certain way for the masses, but to the trained eye, you're just trying to hide an extra chin, or a massive gut, or a third eye. Accept yourself for who you are and how you look, because when you go get a real life boyfriend or girlfriend, they cant spend all the time looking at you from above your head to the left or below your ear on the right. Even
Psych Me Out
I can't be online as much as I like but it's just as well because I need to read up in my Psych Book. It's a refresher course but I still need to study. SO far it's mostly statistics and biology.  Every Wednsday night I work in a shelter. If it stays quiet here I might read a chapter after I post this. The first time here I expected to get some reading done but a few of the folks (drunks) entertained themselves all night. I watched a man chatting go from drunk speaking nonsense to sober and boring.   Right now it's 2am and I'm sitting quietly in the shelter. The quiet here is spooky but nice compared to last week when a guy doped up on something stole a lady's brand new cell phone then spent two hours helping her look for it. She called it to see if it would ring but it went right to voice mail. He tried to accuse ME of taking it. They finally wound down enough to sleep (or pass out?) about 3:30 or 4am. At 7am my partner at the shelter called to me "Hey Erin, Nox, Suggarfoot or whatev
Psych Me Out Continued
Last week I approached the shelter about a half hour before we let the homeless in. Most of the crowd was waiting. One had "the look". I knew it as his sign of invading my space. He's good at invading your space without actually invading it. You know, when you're limits are being assessed by a player. He was a lot bigger than I. And very drunk. "Are ya gonna let me in early?" He danced around me testing my personal space. I had a bunch of stuff under my arm like the dweeb in high school. I thought about dropping it to free my hands for a fight but put on my best poker face and stood there. I lit a cigarette.He said "Give me that smoke!" I said "No" im moi best stoic tone. After a few more seconds of toe to toe sizin' up I flicked it in a puddle of water."I'm gonna give you a hard time tonight" he said."I'm not letting you in at all"."You're not but the director will""If he does I'll leave."After I got in to set up the shelter for the night he stood outside and told me I could take my
Psychopaths In High Places
Infowars.comNovember 19, 2012 Similar/Related Articles On Eve of Eleventh Debate Ron Paul Places High In Polls TSA launches groping at high school proms, other public places Weeding out corporate psychopaths Twilight of the Psychopaths Surrounded By Psychopaths And Sociopaths As We Approach Societal Collapse Pathocracy: Tyranny at the Hand of Psychopaths Ron Paul Places 2nd In New Hampshire DEMOCRATIC Primary Beware corporate psychopaths – they are still occupying positions of power Ron Paul places second in Minnesota caucus
~psychiatric Evaluation~
Hate, LoveAnger, SadnessObsessive, PossessiveFear of lonesomeFearof companionshipDepression, RegressionSuicidal thoughtsSelf-mulitatorNilistic, PessimisticMultiple PersonalitiesPsychotic EpisodesInsecurity, Unknown Authority© 1998 THIS ONE, not soo much anymore, but yea it was THAT bad.
Psychological Conditions Signs - Physical And Psychological Changes
Psychological conditions attack many individuals of any age, income, education level, or social background. Psychological illness signs are described as any problem or situation impacting thoughts and impacting how a individual considers, seems, functions and/or provides with others. Although the signs and reactions can range from light to serious and are different based on the kind and harshness of psychological problem, a individual with an without treatment psychological problem often is not able to deal with way of life daily exercises and requirements, so the appropriate support of a psychological physician is necessary to manage as well as successfully. Physical changes need to be noticed first when a thought about possible illness comes to thoughts. Real warning signs of psychological illness include pain that are not increased by healthcare assessments, lack of focus and failure to follow the way of life, ornamented exhaustion, sleep and food conditions, lack of sex drive and
Psycho Magnet
 I sit here in the ashes of yet another failed relationship and I am left wondering why does it seem that the only women that want me are ones with a grudge against men.I give me whole heart to these women,thinking that I have found the one....according to their words....only to find out that they have lied to me and cheated on me and then they bail....usually with no explanation as to why they did what they did to me.Don't get me wrong....I am FAR from perfect but,why do they always rip out my heart and feed it to the cat when all I did was give them my heart and try to show them what a GOOD man really is?Do these females seek out guys like me just to destroy us?  When I get into a relationship with a woman,I treat her like she is the only one...meaning that I don't play single online or anywhere else for that matter.I do this because I want the woman I am with to feel secure in knowing that there is ONE guy that won't cheat on them,or beat on them,or use them.Am I the one in the wro
Psychologists état Que Presque Tous Notre Compréhension Norme Est Acquise à Partir De L'âge De 16 Ans
Après beaucoup d'avant en arrière, j'ai acquiescé et a reconnu qu'il avait été sans aucun doute un accomplissement remarquable. J'étais maintenant 1 des Scouts jeunes aigle dans notre troupe?Soldes Maillot de foot, S fond étages. Mes nombreuses années dans le scoutisme offerts loin ainsi beaucoup de souvenirs et d'histoires à partager avec vous ce soir, même si, à l'expertise de leadership que j'ai cultivé tout au long de ces premières années se montrer pivot. Ils ont joué un élément clé dans chaque accomplissement significatif et un jalon après. Je pense que le Boy Scouts pour devenir une organisation très bien pour nos jeunes lorsqu'ils sont accompagnés par des parents énergique. Ses impacts sont incalculable.Psychologists état que presque tous notre compréhension norme est acquise à partir de l'âge de 16 ans, si cela en sans doute raison, l'importance de nos premiers choix est primordiale.Les entreprises beaucoup plus routines saines et utiles que nous prenons élément
Psychology Of Bdsm
When we're looking at the psychology of BDSM, we're looking at the mental functions and at the behaviours of those who practise BDSM. We're trying to see a bigger picture and understand the principles, motivations, wants, and needs which are involved. And to get a complete picture, we're trying to do this from three different perspectives: From the perspective of an individual involved in BDSM, From the perspective of a couple who make BDSM part of their shared relationship, and From the perspective of a group whose members all come together to share an interest in BDSM. By understanding all of these things we place ourselves in a position where we can analyse when BDSM is providing what its participants need; and we can then see when it isn't, work out why, and possibly devise ways to fix it. Ultimately we do this because we are aiming to ensure the happiness of the people who engage in BDSM. We want their particular style or styles of BDSM to provide the maximu
The Psychology Of Submission
Is Sadomasochism a mental pathology? From Kraft-Ebing to Carl Jung, through years of research on the ground, Dorothy Hayden express her conclusion about masochism. The proposal for a new Psychological approach to BDSM. PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF MASOCHISTIC SURRENDER By Dorothy C. Hayden, CSW A number of years ago, in connection with my work with sexual addiction, a number of lifestyle submissives started coming to me for treatment. Some of these people were extremely hesitant to discuss their reasons for seeking therapy; they were so ashamed of their fantasies and behaviors that it took years of working with them until I knew their real names or their telephone numbers. Patients who able to be forthcoming about their masochistic behaviors and fantasies were as confused as I was. One of my patients, giving me a written masochistic fantasy after months of resistance, said, "Here it is. This is what I came to therapy for. It's terrible. It's sick. It's wonderful. I hate
The Psychology Of Submission
Is Sadomasochism a mental pathology? From Kraft-Ebing to Carl Jung, through years of research on the ground, Dorothy Hayden express her conclusion about masochism. The proposal for a new Psychological approach to BDSM. PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF MASOCHISTIC SURRENDER By Dorothy C. Hayden, CSW A number of years ago, in connection with my work with sexual addiction, a number of lifestyle submissives started coming to me for treatment. Some of these people were extremely hesitant to discuss their reasons for seeking therapy; they were so ashamed of their fantasies and behaviors that it took years of working with them until I knew their real names or their telephone numbers. Patients who able to be forthcoming about their masochistic behaviors and fantasies were as confused as I was. One of my patients, giving me a written masochistic fantasy after months of resistance, said, "Here it is. This is what I came to therapy for. It's terrible. It's sick. It's wonderful. I hate
Psychiatrists Vs. Bartenders
EVER SINCE I WAS A KID, I'VE ALWAYS HAD A FEAR OF SOME BASTARD UNDER MY BED AT NIGHT. SO I WENT TO A SHRINK AND TOLD HIM: 'I've got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there's some prick under it. I'm scared. I think I'm going crazy.' 'Just put yourself in my hands for one year,' said the shrink. 'Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears...' 'owmuch do you charge?' 'Eighty dollars per visit,' replied the doctor. 'I'll sleep on it,' I said. Six months later the doctor fluked me on the street. 'Why didn't you come to see me about those fears you were having?' he asked. 'Well, Eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! The bloke at the pub cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought a new ute!' 'Is that so!' With a bit of an attitude he said, 'and how, may I ask, did a barman cure you?' 'He told me to cut the legs off the bed! - no bastard under there now!!!  LMAO  
Hey got this new thingy to take the place of myspace and offered it to tara. My life is like this, two days ago the niegbor came over to tell me some story how some rug addicts stole his rent $$$$( he spent it). an hour later he came back for smokes "I'LL pay you this afternoon" It rained all day and I took a nap sleep therapry works so good for me. The neighbor had told me how little sleep he got and how he took a taste for ambien. So later after I heard some noise in the kitchen he was looking for weapons to kill the aliens in his apartment with, I let him out barefoot and smelly. An hour after I opened my blinds again and saw some police outside my window with their guns drawn. I unlocked my door and showed them my hands at their request how can you refuse an offer like that. I told them I was not him he was smelly with bare feet. It has been two days now and I have not seen him his lights are on but no ones home I think he is finally in a safe place from those aliens
Psyopus Interview
HMTV Canada Interviews Psyopus Published at our Underground HMTV Canada eZine at: HMTV Canada Interviews Psyopus Chris of Psyopus called in this week from the Wrecking Room in Toronto to talk about their upcomming Album Odd Senses. This band is packed with energy and one can appreciate seeing Psyopus live they put on a killer show by shaking the foundations with their powerful loud metal in your face sound. Sure to please all Metal Masses! Their Album Odd Senses will be comming out on February 17th 2009. We got really indepth about Psyopus lyrics sound up to date information on tours and much more tune in and listen! HMTV Canada Interviews Psyopus Right click mouse and choose save as for download
Psy Paper
There comes a time in all our life’s when we need to think outside the box. This is an understatement. We all should view the world as a corporate body. Life comes at from so many different angles and we all gain abstractions or judgments. I understand your method of teaching although I don’t agree with all you believe, I do respect what you’re trying to do. As a result of your class I have learned to think more outside of my own box and get past my abstractions. You have discussed so many different topics and they all have a correlation, which is the crazy world we live in. I am not going to comment on every discussion, if that is okay. There were always a few of these topics on my mind, even before I had the privilege of attending your class. In this paper I will explain what I agree with as well as what I disagree with. You were always open to our views and this is a good thing. We always agreed to disagree in your class and this is a good thing. The decline of family morals in
Pt 2
Forgive me . I did have a few drinks last night so.. I forgot somethings.. The girls loved my shirt. My buddy fred. He's in "lust" with some blonde girl that he was supposed to goto the party with and then she stood him up. "sigh" welcome to my world fred! lol Anywho.. It was a weird place to go party at.. the place was in a remodeled bike shop. hehe It was nice inside.. but the one entry and exit.. was "scary" I noticed that when I came inside.. You see... " I always look for the exits when I come in a building I don't know" That includes.. People's houses.. ahahhahhaha I look for smoke detectors and fire extishiners.. etc.. Anywho.. I'm glad fred didn't drink this time. hahaha Fritz didn't drink either.. and he's not.. I had a few.. to loosen up and not to be so shy.. lol that never works by the way.. Rick told me.. Dude.. you are "GQ" act like it.. Then it started.. lol I was a mess.. hahaha I did take lots
Pt 2
Well it's time I posted part 2 of about me.. I was born in 1961....I was for the most part a happy and healthy baby...with one small glitch. I didn't have a socket for the ball of my hip to fit into. The doctors had to break my hip and force the ball of my hip to form it's own socket. The doctors told my mom and dad that I would probably never walk. Well when I was old enough I went to Shriner's Cripple Childrens and had to wear my shoes on the wrong feet and they were UGLY shoes I remember the day I finally got to wear "girl" shoes for the first time. I was in 2nd grade and my mom got me a pair of black and white saddle shoes...boy was I proud..... I remember we went to where my 2nd dad was working for the gas company at that time and told him that I was finally ok.... He said my face was a beam of light that day. My brother had the same thing but his wasn't as severe as mine. He really enjoyed the time I was in my "frog" cast.. My mom said he used to sit on
As far back as I can remember hearing music has got to be listening to some of my fathers favorites like Johnny Cash,Waylon Jennings,Charlie Pride and others. For my mothers music also included these singers too but she would delve into some christmas music when the time was near like Ray stevens and some Burl Ives. but the most memorable moment I have involving music was when I found this record of my oldest sister By Iron Butterfly. I was amazed about how it sounded and needed more of the same. thats when I discovered My oldest brothers records that included Led Zeppelin,CCR,Rick Wakeman,Triumph and Black Sabath. A true Heavy metal fan I became from that day on. There is a meaning and understanding about it..they way it makes me feel wether it be happy,sad or even angry I know I can call it my very own. Then in the early 80's something else hit me like metal did.... it was old school rap like run dmc, grand master flash and other in that era. I fell in love with it and people
One morning, seventy-five year old Marvin is reminded by his secretary that it his wife's birthday. At lunch, Marvin goes to the local mall and tries to find a gift for her.Upon passing a lingerie store, Marvin realizes that his wife has never bought any lingerie in her life. He gets the idea to buy his wife something sexy to make her feel good and young.Marvin goes into the store and tells the clerk to wrap up the most expensive, sheerest negligee she has. Marvin takes the gift and excitedly runs home to his wife.Upon finding her in the kitchen he tells her to take the gift upstairs and unwrap it. He'll wait in the kitchen. His wife thanks him and goes up to the bedroom.Once the package is opened she realizes that this is something she's never had before. She also sees that it is so sheer it leaves nothing to the imagination. She thinks for a moment and then decides that she'll really surprise Marvin and go downstairs without any clothes on at all. So she leaves the negligee on t
Pt. 6
Save some face, you know you've only got one Change your ways while you're young Boy, one day you'll be a man Oh girl, he'll help you understand Smile like you mean it Smile like you mean it Looking back at sunsets on the Eastside We lost track of the time Dreams aren't what they used to be Some things slide by so carelessly Smile like you mean it Smile like you mean it And someone is calling my name From the back of the restaurant And someone is playing a game In the house that I grew up in And someone will drive her around Down the same streets that I did On the same streets that I did Smile like you mean it Smile like you mean it Smile like you mean it Smile like you mean it Oh no, oh no no no Oh no, oh no no no
Extroversion: You have high extroversion. You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends. You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation. Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!" Conscientiousness: You have low conscientiousness. Impulsive and off the wall, you don't take life too seriously. Unfortunately, you sometimes end up regretting your snap decisions. Overall, you tend to lack focus, and it's difficult for you to get important things done. Agreeableness: You have medium agreeableness. You're generally a friendly and trusting person. But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism. You get along well with others, as long as they play fair. Neuroticism: You have medium neuroticism. You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic. Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy. Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.
Pt. 1
Need New Flavors For Your Musical Palate? Page 1 Had a few requests for some new music that I'd recommend -Alkaholiks -Supastition -Illmind -Murs -Bash Brothers -Visionaries -Ishues -Paze Infinite (Got them hot beats!) -D. Blest a.k.a. The True School Travel Agent -Style Mi Sia (Got them hot beats!) Happy Treasure Hunting...this is page one...I'm a try to post up a page a day...I got 25 pages to go thru so be patient...I'm sure that there's something that will spark your mind and that you'll feel...each ones got thier own flavor...add em if you like em...let em know they got your support, they is all hard working men living they dreams....Inspiration! Peace and Blessings.
Pt. 2
by request here are some artists that I personally am feelin and recommend if you need some new music in your life! Peace and Blessings...happy treasure hunting! -Writer's Block -Kenn Starr -Rhymesayers -Furyus -Freestyle of the Arsonists -The Arsonists -Immortal Technique -Jin -TRuTH UNIVeRSAL -Diablo Archer -Edgar Allen Floe -Jair Dynast -Cesar Comanche
02/14/07 Pt 2
I was poking around a website about Latin phrases and I came up with a phrase which I decided to add to my other phrase for this new period of my life. Ad Absurdum Audeamus - To the absurd,let us dare. There were things or situations that I avoided because I thought they did not belong in my life at the time.Since the only constant in life is change,for the most part,I now feel the need to embrace or take on things and/or situations because they may help me accelerate in life. Overall,I think it helps us to embrace,eventually,what we do not like or even fear.
Pt 1
This is old...but I wanted to post it somewhere! :) Enjoy... I watch you pull up the driveway, my stomach filled with butterflies. You make your way to the front door and ring the bell. I open the door to an obviously nervous man whose attention quickly turns to my lack of clothing. I watch as your eyes make their way up my sheer black hose to my black lace garter and matching panties then continuing to the black bra. The sheer black robe I’m wearing over it all leaves nothing to the imagination. Finally you’ve reached my eyes. We both smile as I welcome you in. Before I can even get the door closed behind you, your hands are firmly grasping my face as you pull in to kiss me. Some how I manage to get the door shut before you start walking me down the hall. We come up for air just long enough for me to tell you it’s the last room on your left. We reach the bed and I take a seat. I unbutton your shirt as you begin softly kissing my neck. Your hands reaching around my back you slow
Pt 2
So you find me in the pool when you arrive. I tell you to go get changed and join me. When you come back I have the TV turned on to one of those music channels. I’m just standing on the side of the pool resting my head on the edge. You enter the pool and make your way to where I am. We are making small talk and I’m not really paying much attention to where you are standing. Suddenly I feel your hands on my body. First they are on my back, then I feel you move down to my hips. You press your body against me. I feel your breath on my neck as you move in and begin kissing my shoulders. Your hands explore my body as your lips continue to my neck. I push my way away from the wall enough to turn around. You continue kissing my neck then down my chest as my hands hold your head. You reach around and grab hold of my ass. We begin to kiss softly. Your grip on my ass tightens and you lift me slightly. I wrap my legs around your body. You move us closer to the wall pressing me tightly between you
Pt 3
I want you to sit down in a chair facing the bed… No touching me or yourself. I want you to watch. Don’t speak…I want you to listen. I want your eyes on me as I stand in front of you, I slowing begin taking my clothes off. Piece by piece…uncovering my entire body. I want you to watch as I bend over and touch the floor my legs spread slightly exposing my pussy. No touching…I want your eyes on my pussy as I spread my lips open and run my fingers across my wet cunt. I position myself on the middle of the bed. Sitting with my legs spread, I lean back slightly, moisten my finger with my tongue and run it the entire length of my torso crossing my chest, stopping to touch my nipples, down my stomach, skipping to my knee where I work my way back up to my pussy. I want your eyes on my breasts as I take my nipples in each hand and gently tug on them…making them hard…I want you to watch as I run my hands down my body slowly touching every inch. I begin gently rubbing my pussy. My hands massaging
Pt 2
I was upset…pussy all wet w/ no satisfaction… I did a couple of dances… Had some drinks… But nothing can take my mind of not being fed… The club is about to close… There is another Phantom stare… But this time it is a woman! I stare back… Last call for alcohol… We danced a bit to the slow jam… We leave together! As we walked out… We said faint goodbyes… More focused on one another… Then we went into the alley… And said erotic helloes! You were against the wall… I licked on your lips… Lowered to the neck… Followed to your breast… Your breathing picked up… I continued to the one nipple of equal time… Trying not to make the perks covetous! I wanted it…slipping my hand up your dress… Your panties were in my way, so I ripped! Going south to enjoy the warm climate was my next destination… Extending my tongue to expose the metal steel in my tongue… I penetrated and teased to climax natural juices on my face… Your screams arouse me… I continued! …but was stopped…
Pt 109
USS PT-109, an 80-foot ELCO type motor torpedo boat, was placed in service in July 1942 as a unit of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron FIVE. She was shipped to the Pacific shortly thereafter and in September 1942 was transferred to Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron TWO for service in the Solomon Islands during the ongoing Guadalcanal Campaign. During the last months of 1942 and the first part of 1943, PT-109 was employed on patrols in the waters adjacent to Guadalcanal, as part of an effort to prevent the Japanese from reinforcing their troops on the island. After the Japanese evacuated Guadalcanal in February 1943, PT-109 remained in the Solomons. Following the seizure of Rendova Island, near New Georgia, she was based there with other PT boats, charged with interdicting enemy shipping during the fight to capture New Georgia. While patrolling in Blackett Strait, on the southern side of Kolombangara Island, during the early hours of 2 August 1943, PT-109 was rammed by the Japanese destroyer
112407 Pt.2
Prison can be fun and interesting if you don't have to live there. Behind The Wire is the shit I see and hear. Last weekend I was at a convience store located about a hour and a half from the facility were I work when I noticed this guy eyeballing the entire time I was in there. As I approached the cashier he asked if I was still coaching softball. When I told that I've never coached softball he asked where he knew me from. I asked if he ever did time he exclaimed "Officer Porter!" (Think Spacoli saying "Ahh Mr. Hand").
Pt 1
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. - Ingrid Bergman
Pt 2
Pt 1
Theme song part one Behind blue eyes - The who No one knows what its like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes No one knows what its like To be hated To be fated To telling only lies But my dreams They arent as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance Thats never free No one knows what its like To feel these feelings Like I do And I blame you No one bites back as hard On their anger None of my pain and woe Can show through But my dreams They arent as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance Thats never free When my fist clenches, crack it open Before I use it and lose my cool When I smile, tell me some bad news Before I laugh and act like a fool If I swallow anything evil Put your finger down my throat If I shiver, please give me a blanket Keep me warm, let me wear your coat No one knows what its like To be the bad man To be t
Pt 2
Fueled - Anthrax Im out to mix it up and change my complexion To coat the feelings and cure my depression A shot of petrol is my bonafide method To lose control and get thoroughly distracted Im on the money, here I come Fuel for my engine, and Im gone I like to forget why I feel this compulsive As I toss tomarrows dreams in the garbage Whats important is a mind thats sicker Turning jekyll into hyde much quicker Im on the money, here I come Fuel for my engine, and Im gone 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 Kickstart and turn me over Punchdrunk, but Im still sober Fourteen years and a whole lot bolder And I dont flinch Hungry and Ill take the best cause I never wanted anything less What doesnt kill me makes me stronger Its like a war inside me, Im good, Im evil Two sides of the coin and Ive been blessed with both On one hand I am you, but I dont like you I guess thats the nature of the way things work Im on the money, here I come Fuel for my engine, and Im gone 1,
Pt 3
Point/Counterpoint - Streetlight Manifesto I've got a gun in my hand but that gun won't cock My finger's on the trigger but that trigger seems locked I can't stop staring at the tick-tock clock And even if I could I would never give up With a vest on my chest, a bullet in my lung I can't believe I'm dying with my song unsung And if and when I die won't you bury me alone? Because I'll never get to heaven if I'm singing this song: If there was something wrong would you be oh so strong? Would you do what it takes to move this hollow life along? I'd like to think I would, you know I'd like to think I would But I guarantee that what you see is not reality And every time she makes a point I make a counterpoint She said, "It's easy but in the end you'll have no choice, And you know that's only just the way it goes." (You said it right man, that is just the way it goes) And the days, and the days they seem like forever And the days, and the days they seem like forever Bu
Pt. 1
  What I’ve Learned The dumber the man, the louder he talks.If you drink good teguila and only good teguila, and are disciplined enough not to think, 'Why, a glass of red wine would taste nice right now', you will not be hungover in the morning.And water. Lots of waterLesbians make the best breakfasts.When you talk about golf, you run the danger of everyone in the room, and especially all the women, thinking - no, being fairly certain - that you are an asshole.Nothing good has ever been done ironically.One morning at breakfast in Austin, Lyle Lovett's girlfriend, got up from the table, and as she did, Lyle rose from his chair. Lance Armstrong was also at the table, and he asked Lyle about his gesture. Lyle said this: "When you look like I do, you need every advantage you can get." I think that applies to us all.Bill Murray is one of the very few things we can all agree on.The most intellectually satisfying pop song ever written is "Everyday I Write the Book."It's hard to look
Pt. 2
What would you do? 1.Let us assume you met a rudimentary magician. Let us assume he can dofive simple tricks—he can pull a rabbit out of his hat, he can make acoin disappear, he can turn the ace of spades into the Joker card, andtwo others in a similar vein. These are his only tricks and he can'tlearn any more; he can only do these five. HOWEVER, it turns out he'sdoing these five tricks with real magic. it's not anillusion; he can actually conjure the bunny out of the ether and he canmove the coin through space. He's legitimately magical, but extremelylimited in scope and influence.Would this person be more impressive than Albert Einstein?2.Let us assume a fully grown, completely healthy Clydesdale horse hashis hooves shackled to the ground while his head is held in place withthick rope. he is conscious and standing upright, but completelyimmobile. And let us assume that—for some reason—every politicalprisoner on earth (as cited by Amnesty International) will be re
10/7/09 Pt 2
So... I put on my normal pair of jeans I wear right after they got out of the dryer.. they seemed ok.. so i wore them to the bar... an hour after i get there.. i realize i keep having to pull them up..   damn jeans are too big on me!! Gonna keep wearing them until they are falling off my ass though....       maybe i should get a belt....
5-28-10 Pt 1
Debby Me (5/28/2010 4:50:05 PM): u therekerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:25 PM): you her?kerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:27 PM): jinx lolkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:30 PM): hereDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:50:31 PM): lolkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:31 PM): ffsDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:50:31 PM): hahakerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:32 PM): gahhkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:34 PM): bad daDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:50:35 PM): hello hunkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:35 PM): OKkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:50:48 PM): Jo had told me and linked me to that page..sayin I was stalking john on itDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:50:55 PM): yeskerry lively (5/28/2010 4:51:07 PM): #1..WHY would I stalk using MY face AND my NAMEkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:51:11 PM): SERIOUSLY?kerry lively (5/28/2010 4:51:16 PM): I mean I am a cuntDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:51:17 PM): i told her to tell you even though you and i were not talking because, JOhn was the one that pointed it out to mekerry lively (5/28/2010 4:51:22 PM): if I come at someone I do it as meD
5-28-10 Pt 2
kerry lively (5/28/2010 4:51:33 PM): no one else asdDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:51:37 PM): wow noone knows her real name like i doDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:51:40 PM): that is def herDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:51:45 PM): and i said how do you know?Debby Me (5/28/2010 4:51:48 PM): and he said wynnkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:51:54 PM): everyone on fuckin facebook knows that name lololDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:51:58 PM): lolDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:52:02 PM): well that is what he said to mekerry lively (5/28/2010 4:52:04 PM): it is my name on fb ffskerry lively (5/28/2010 4:52:08 PM): but anywasyDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:52:09 PM): and why did he not want us to be friendsDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:52:13 PM): i mean think about itkerry lively (5/28/2010 4:52:19 PM): did you notice you and he were the ONLY viewers?Debby Me (5/28/2010 4:52:21 PM): what harm is there in us been friends?kerry lively (5/28/2010 4:52:22 PM): isnt that odd deb?Debby Me (5/28/2010 4:52:26 PM): yessssssssssDebby Me (5/28/2010 4:52:27 PM): omgDebby
5-28-10 Pt 3
Debby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:02 PM): now come on kerryDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:14 PM): who tells a friend, i love you and they have only know one another for a little whileDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:18 PM): on the netkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:04:22 PM): exactlykerry lively (5/28/2010 5:04:32 PM): and he says when he was sayin he loved me;;it was as friendsDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:33 PM): i think he deleted her off his friends list when he realised that i had seen that note that she sent to youkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:04:38 PM): hahah lolDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:38 PM): and that she had no reason to have sent itkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:04:40 PM): too funnyDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:44 PM): wowDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:49 PM): you knowDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:04:57 PM): i wonder what he says about me in his sb at timesDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:05:00 PM): because i remember him sayingDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:05:04 PM): omg kerry is in my sbkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:05:05 PM): but what woman deb..would ass
5-28-10 Pt 4
Debby Me (5/28/2010 5:16:33 PM): and that set him offkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:16:34 PM): lolkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:16:37 PM): ya knowkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:16:43 PM): if ya have no feelings for someone.Debby Me (5/28/2010 5:16:44 PM): kerry brb i need some vicks cough syrup lol 1 minkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:16:48 PM): you dont react to themkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:16:50 PM): kkDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:07 PM): backDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:10 PM): no not the vicks oneDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:13 PM): its very mildDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:14 PM): go onDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:32 PM): ive just scrolledDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:35 PM): you are rightkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:18:38 PM): but he still watches everything i do else would he know everythingDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:40 PM): that is what i said to him i saidDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:45 PM): why are you getting into such a knotDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:50 PM): i knowDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:18:56 PM): i have always knownDeb
5-28-10 Pt 4
Debby Me (5/28/2010 5:32:31 PM): but i had to make him feel like that non stopDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:32:37 PM): do you know how exhausted i waskerry lively (5/28/2010 5:32:43 PM): her beautiful words made you feel more wanted than BJs trips fucking you and spening all day online pr phoenwit you?kerry lively (5/28/2010 5:32:49 PM): and he saidkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:32:50 PM): yeskerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:01 PM): I said so i lost you because I dont dtroke your egoDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:33:02 PM): wowkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:08 PM): he said i guess you could say thatDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:33:12 PM): omgDebby Me (5/28/2010 5:33:17 PM): over wordskerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:24 PM): In my mind.if I am fucking youand caring for you and givingyu my lovekerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:35 PM): what fucking morwe could i dokerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:40 PM): look at my about mekerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:41 PM): lolkerry lively (5/28/2010 5:33:45 PM): I AM not thta girlkerry lively (5/28/2
Pt.3 At This Rate Renewing Vip Tomorrow Will Not Occur
SpiritWolf will Officiate this Glorious Affair
Pt.2. Beginnings
Today I smiled at a stranger and he walked in front of an on coming car. I felt no guilt nor remorse about his demise. The only feelings I seem to be capable of feeling as of late; have been those of anger and the cold sting of hunger. At first I fought the desire to sink my gleaming razor sharp teeth; into the soft yielding tissue of a human. That has since changed and I do what must be done to ease the gnawing hunger that seems to lead me from day to day. I stayed awake much longer than I should have this morning and was slightly burned by the beautiful rays of dawn. I must feed a little more to make sure my careless indiscretion does not leave any lasting marks. On my way to my favorite hunting area I met someone who intrigued me. He was ever so handsome with jet black hair and seductive eyes. My senses warned me right away that he too was a walker of the night. Smiling, he reached out to caress the cool soft skin of my bare arm. Wishing for nothing more than a moment alone with
Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield
Pte. Blake Neil Williamson
Pte. David Byers
Pte. David Robert Greenslade
Pte. Josh Klukie
Pte. Joel Wiebe
Pte. Kevin Dallaire
Pte. Kevin Vincent Kennedy
:ptell Me
What alcohol are you? Jack DaneilsYou like it strong and want to get drunk you might mix it but not to often Take this test
Pte. Lane William Thomas Watkins
Pte. Mark Anthony Graham
Pte. Nathan Lloyd Smith
Pte. Richard Green
Pte. Robert Costall
Pte. Simon Longtin
Pte. William Jonathan James Cushley
Pt 2 For Babyblue
He laid beside her in the field just watching the sunlight glisten off of her hair that lay around her like a golden cloud. His fingers gently running through its silky softness, the smell of her cologne mingling with the aroma of a million wildflowers that surrounded them. their fragrances mixed together to make an almost intoxicating scent that made one light headed and dizzy. His eyes met hers, each looking almost throught the other ones as if if they could read not just the others mind but the very soul. He tasted her lips gently at first his tongue lightly dancing across her full pink lips, she never wore lipstick and he loved the fact that she oozed sex appeal and the sensuality of a black panther on the prowl. Her body was curved in all the right places, long soft kissable neck, made for a man to just start on a longggg journey to forbidden places and exoctic locales of orgasmic bliss without the first entrance of his body into hers. slowly he kissed his way down to her chest
Pt 3 For Sexybabyblue
She wiggled over him still trying her best into teasing him into somehting more but he fought the temptaion with all he had. Slowly he rolled her back into the bed of flowers they wre lying in, her arms still above her head contained by the shirt he had removed moments before. Her breathing was heavy as she felt his breath across her neck, she arched her head back to allow him access to the soft warm flesh there, his teeth slowly grazing across her , tongue dancing swiftly in and out tasting of her skin, and the slight taste of arousal, it was sweet and slightly salty all at the same time. she moaned with pleasure at the feel of his hot breath that close to her, his lips moving down her body, once again teasing the skin of her ample breasts, her DD mounds throbbing to escape the captivity of the lace that held them bound. His teeth tugged at the shoulder strap of the bra slowly moving it lower down her arm, her back arching up to allow him swifter ability to take it off of her.He gent
Pt. I Insomnia; Pt. Ii Vertigo
Insomnia She rolled over to see the clock strike 4:31 a.m. once again. A heavy sigh forced itself from her chest as she decided to get up. Though ... nothing presented an idea as what to do when she did. The girl couldn't stand one more second of TV, the mechanical buzz of her computer just made her want to scream (And besides, it would wake the others) and eating anything at this hour - where sleep supposedly has you locked under some sort of drowse intangible by men - stood far away from question. Nonetheless, she ripped the blankets off her body, releasing the seductive warm pocket to be ravished by the cold grip of the winter night. Perhaps, she thought, trying to use some old and polite dialogue with herself - if only to preserve chivalry or just out of plain dispositional ways, a short but very early call to my dear love would not bother any of those whom lie dormant. A dark shock of hair fell over her blank stare as if to laugh in her face at the innocent thought. She soon g
Pt.2 I'm Black Listed Can't Get The Damn Thing Posted
Kingdom Of Wolves Deanna ,FTW Lost Goth Lakota Princess + I, Jeff ,Lord Wolf,Will do a Fubar Marriage. There is still much Preperation but we would like for this to take place on Monday.SpiritWolf will Officiate.,This Glorious Affair.
Pti (pardon The Interruption) Saturday
Hello my friend of the fu How do you do? Just wanted to wish everyone A very Happy Saturday! < interruption for shameless self promotion > Not asking anyone to do anything ANYTHING Different ... Just asking you to: Do what you ALWAYS do ... Just do it a little bit more -or- Just save a little bit for (around) 6pst/9 eastern! *wink* < /interruption > Okay - that's over with! Anyone DONE with there holiday shopping? Me? I'm a last minute kidda guy ... Even married - the wife would worry ... -wondering- But I always got jewererly so I'd stroll into the shop about 10 minutes before they're closing for Christmas - Look in a few cases -and- Be walking out before they would of closed the door ... I dont repeat D O N T miss the bill- but it always WAS neat to see there reaction! eh - baaah humbuggggggggg So here's today's comment - I hope it finds you carefree & without any interuptions that disturb y
Pt. Jobs Columbus Ohio
Anyone in the columbus area own a bar or in a hiring position for a disabled woman, barely making it on SSDI. Just looking to make enough to make sure i can afford food and medicine.
Pt.1 Lady Witoka Shrine
MORPHS of The GREATEST MORPHER EVER,LADY WITOKA. These are Just a Few of her Fine Masterpiece Morphs.I'm Proud of Every Damn 1 of These.
Pt 3 Monica Wants More Piedaddy
This chick can't get enough of me!! Maybe its love, maybe its not the same girl! Lmao. This chick is relentless and a glutton for punishment. She also gives up easily when the going gets tough. monica@ fubar monica: care to chat??? ->PieDaDDY: hello. what would u like to chat about? monica: anything monica: flirty ->PieDaDDY: where ya from Monica? monica: wanna see me naked monica: from california ->PieDaDDY: oh and how would I go about seeing you naked? monica: vote me on my site??? monica: can you sweetie?? ->PieDaDDY: vote for you? Oh you mean rate your pic on Fubar and I get to see you naked? Thats easy monica: no..not in fubar..on my site ->PieDaDDY: if its your site how come you need me to vote for you? lol Isnt it your site? monica: i mean on our site monica: lol ->PieDaDDY: well what kind of site is it and what am I voting on? monica: can you vote?? monica: all you need to do is to get a member ID as a proof that you voted will get t
Pt 2 Of My Mind
Chained to the cross in your livingroom... You do love to tease me. I have already been put into submission and now you are driving me absolutely crazy. The look you give to me, you make my mind race wandering what you have in store for my body and my mind. You taunght me. You told me to not look at you and yet I catch myself seeing glimpses of your silhouette. You tell me to hold my head down and yet I catch myself moving and fighting trying to not fall in total submission. You ignore me for sometime. Then you have company show up at the door and you invite them in to view your new toy. I am horrified. You see the look in my face. You know what you are doing and you I can tell are in love with the idea of putting me into humiliation. You walk over and tell me to lift my head straight up and hold my mouth open then you squirt water down my throat giving me a taste. You reach your hand around my neck and place your mouth close to my ear... whispering, "good lil girl, since you did exact
Pt 3 Of My Mind
It is getting dark nice and late. Too tired from standing there all day the highs and lows of my feelings. Somehow I didn't realize the candles were lit. You walk over to me and slowly unchain my hands from the cross then my ankles. I fall to my knees and you guide me using a handful of my hair to the restroom telling me to use it if I need to and to wash my hands. Yes sir is all I can speak. You step away from the room and when I am done I wait for you to lead me where you want me. You come grab up some more of my hair and lead my body to the kitchen where you have a plate of food waiting on the floor beside your chair. You sit and guide me to my plate and tell me without using your hands eat your food. Yes sir, I am trying to please you ahhh so much do I want you to be pleased with me. I eat all of my food not too slow but not too fast letting you know that I have enjoyed it. You raise my head back and push your cup up to my lips watching me drink. A small bit of juice is dripping do
Pt 4 Of My Mind
I am awakened with you making my quiver. You look deeply into my eyes and gently kiss me. You kiss me so long and deep that you automatically put me into eaze. My breaths are slowing down and more relaxed. I am learning your smell. You are taking my breast and squeezing them so easily with your huge muscline hands. Cuppling them. You reach down and start suckling my nipples like a baby. You are driving me crazy because I do not know what to do. My mind is telling me to touch you because I so desire you. My soul tells me if I move you will be displeased. So I wait for a sign from you. You grab my hair leading me to all fours... ass up in the air.. you grab my hands and pull them behind me tying them to rest on my ass... you then reach your hand between my legs and start telling me how much you like the fact that I am moist... you slowly side one finger inside me and tell me that my pussy is so hot. I am starting to moan. You take your finger out and tell me if I do not control my moanin
Pt 2 Of Kilroy Was Here Live Concert Mr Roboto
Pt 3 Of Work @ Home
ChaCha is a search engine that redefines how people search on the Internet by integrating human brainpower into every search. Designed for the savvy searcher, ChaCha is a rich search environment that provides instant access to trained Search Experts, a smart engine that weeds through sites from around the world to provide the best result, and an army of experts that are busy reviewing and categorizing results to ensure they are delivered in the most relevant way. ) Must love researching online Must be fluent in English Excellent writing skills Broadband Internet Connection 18 years of age or older You must have a US mailing address and be able to legally work in the US While ChaCha guides are not required to have a minimum number of hours, the ChaCha system rewards those Guides that are committed to the position and understand what it takes to advance through our system. This exact amount of time can vary, so it is up to the Guide to decide how much they want to cont
Pt 2 Of The Soul Train Added Connection! Please Add All From The Train # 1 , To Be Added To # 2 Soul Train. Total Passengers 97
Pt 2 Of The Soul Train Added Connection! Please Add All From The Train # 1 , To Be Added To # 2 Soul Train. Total Passengers 99
Pt.2 Of That Smile
Make an on-line slide show at only one word can express you (Namaste)
Pt 2 Of Ppl Who....
Pt. 2 On Don't Piss Off A Vampire
Joe was now softly caressing my body and kissing my neck as I was exploring that huge hard cock he had waving at me . He let me continue for a few then he did something I was totally surprised by , He snapped leather wrist restraints on one and then the other with speed I didn't know he possessed . He didn't know that if I didn't wish that it would be easy to disappear . But I liked this , let him play the Dominant for the night. He hooked the chain he attached to the rings in wrist bands up onto a sterdy beam and pulled me up to almost on my toes,  oh my sweet baby , what-ever do you plan ? As he slipped a blindfold over my eyes and the world went black .I heard him open a drawer and then reclose it , a few minutes , or maybe a half an hour , who knows , time stopped with me expecting what he was going to do next. Then ever so softly I felt a feather tracing around my neck and then to my nipples , as he just kept tickling both breasts and my neck and my face. He leaned into me and kis
Pâté (pate) Maison
1 lb chicken livers 1 lb lean pork 1 lb mild Italian sausage meat 1 Tbsp chopped chives or scallions 1 Tbsp chopped parsley 1 Tbsp fresh coarsely ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 2 Tbsp brandy 2 Tbsp dry sherry 10 slices bacon (uncooked) Grind all the meat (except the bacon) through a meat grinder twice. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Line an 8x6x3 inch loaf pan with bacon strips and pack in the mixture. Cover with bacon strips. Place pan in a water bath, a larger pan that is filled halfway up the sides of the inner pan with water. Bake at 350°F for 2 1/2 hours. Remove from heat. Cover with aluminum foil. Place a weight such as a heavy brick on top while cooling. Best to cool overnight in the refrigerator. Slice and serve with bread or toast, lettuce and or tomatoes. Yield: one large loaf.
Pâté (pate) Maison
1 lb chicken livers 1 lb lean pork 1 lb mild Italian sausage meat 1 Tbsp chopped chives or scallions 1 Tbsp chopped parsley 1 Tbsp fresh coarsely ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 2 Tbsp brandy 2 Tbsp dry sherry 10 slices bacon (uncooked) Grind all the meat (except the bacon) through a meat grinder twice. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Line an 8x6x3 inch loaf pan with bacon strips and pack in the mixture. Cover with bacon strips. Place pan in a water bath, a larger pan that is filled halfway up the sides of the inner pan with water. Bake at 350°F for 2 1/2 hours. Remove from heat. Cover with aluminum foil. Place a weight such as a heavy brick on top while cooling. Best to cool overnight in the refrigerator. Slice and serve with bread or toast, lettuce and or tomatoes. Yield: one large loaf.
Ptpp P1
This is a series of bedtime stories I made up. I've finally decided to put them down into words. I hope you enjoy the series. The moon was huge like a child's eye open in wonder. Scattered around it were thousands of stars twinkling like gems. The night was clear and brisk hinting that something magical may occur. The moon's light drifted downwards covering an endless expanse of white. The snow covered ground felt empty and lonely. A black speck disturbs the tranquil scene. Moving closer the dot enlarges revealing a penguin sitting on a nest. The penguin has a black and white hankerchief covering her head and a pair of glasses over her eyes. Momma penguin's eyes open as a brief quiver moves through her body. Yet another shiver echoes up her body and a smile breaks out on her face. Standing up momma penguin looks down upon the nest and the five eggs contained within. One of the eggs towers above the rest. Two eggs almost identical lay side by side. The fourth egg has a s
Ptrp In The Army
I found this article on myspace and I thought that everyone should read it. This article is really important to me because I was once in this situation. I went to BCT at Ft Jackson for the ARMY in 2005. I broke my shoulder in the 7th week of basic. I was in what you call PTRP for injured solders for 7 months. This article is really long but you need to take the time to read it all. Thank You April 5, 2006 Malevolent Power at Fort Sill The Army Slays Its Own By JoAnn WYPIJEWSKI No IED, no insurgent force, no lurking Talib killed 21-year-old PFC Matthew Scarano sometime between 9 PM Saturday and 4:45 AM Sunday, March 19. He wasn't in Iraq or Afghanistan or even, despite his rank and year-plus of service, in the United States Army, at least as full membership in that force is officially construed. Matthew Scarano died in his bunk, in the barracks of Bravo Battery 95th, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, but he was as surely a casualty of the War on Iraq as any of the 2,318 U
ok ppl i only need 449pts to level up help me out plz.
need pts plz help
Ptsd "wonder Drug" Claims By Dod & Va
Army to fund research on memory pill that may help PTSD victims By Jeff Schogol, Stars and Stripes ARLINGTON, Va. — The Army has agreed to fund research to see if a drug used to treat high blood pressure might be able to lessen the emotional impact of memories associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. CBS’ “60 Minutes” first reported Nov. 26 that the Army was looking at whether the drug Propranolol could be used to treat PTSD. Researchers hope to recruit several dozen veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan from the greater Boston area for the study, said psychologist Dr. Scott P. Orr, who will help conduct the research. The study will look at whether Propranolol can reduce veterans’ emotional responses to certain memories by cutting down on the accompanying surge of adrenaline, said Orr, who works at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Manchester, N.H. In initial tests, people given the drug were observed to have reduced physiological r
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has taken its hold on a good number of the guys in the platoon that Im the medic for. I know this isnt a physical ailment, but its definately an ailment. I myself have been diagnosed with this disorder and can see myself changing day to day. Im very edgy. I snap at people for minute reasons. I am very jumpy, even when I know there is no clear and present danger. Its rough for me, being the "doc" to help my guys with this when I myself am suffering. I can suggest that they see combat stress, which doesnt help at all.... or I can suggest they talk to a chaplain, which also doesnt work, at least in my experience. I see the guys changing daily, very much like myself. Its a catch 22 situation that is very real. We are in no way going to come back the same people that we once were. We were soldiers once, and proud.
Ptsd (demons From Within)
PTSD (Demons From Within) by George J. Carroll Thursday, March 02, 2006 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has only in recent years been recognized for veterans of war who experienced this problem. In earlier wars they had no effective way of treating this disorder and many veterans were affraid to admit to this problem because someone might think they were crazy. I dedicate this poem, written on 11/11/ 86, to the Veterans who were afflicted by this disorder, caused by the rigors of war. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I cannot forgive war For the scars left within. For wasted years, wilted in fear, That made my head spin. O beautiful years these could have been If fate had been allowed to smile, And this nightmare of human slaughter Had not lingered for more than awhile. Were the men that stopped a shell And had their innards rent, The victors of this madness: Their souls to heaven sent? No pity
My husband is back in the states. I am back here in Illinois, patiently waiting his return to me. He is back at Ft. Lewis waiting to be released. He has PTSD. Its so hard on me, because I'm not a patient person, but I am forcing myself to be not only patient but caring. I've opened the door for him to come talk to me about things bothering him, when he's ready. But, he has become so distant and detached that it hurts me more than anything in the world. For months while he was deployed to Iraq, I became superwoman. Now that he is back and he's facing this obstacle, it has become my obstacle too. I have now realized that I'm not superwoman. And although, I didn't go off to war and didn't see the things he did or develop PTSD, it still effects me. I am trying so hard to be strong, but I find myself worrying about him constantly, and in the back of my mind there is always the questions, is he being faithful? And does he still love me? I don't hear from him much, and I know its because he i
PTSD is a bitch. I had the first opportunity to get out of the house in months and it did'nt turn out well. Steve took his eyes off the road for a second and started veering toward a guard rail and that was all it took to send me into flashbacks and panic attacks. When I fell asleep after I got home I kept jolting awake with the flashbacks and my heart racing. Feels like electric worms are crawling through my veins. I went into a crying fit when we got home. Then of course the guilt for ruining steve's day hit. The fear that he won't want to deal with this anymore. I definately can't live in the mountains and have any kind of life. I have to make one more doctor appointment for the Fibro/MS meds and then I won't be leaving the house again until we move I think in the spring. I'm still shaking and it's been hours. What bugs me the most is the total lack of control. I'm kind of a control freak..not to others but I like to have control over my own mind and situations and I don't ha
Ptsd - What Is It?
WHAT IS PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a distinct set of psychological symptoms that a person may develop after an especially horrifying or traumatic experience. This experience usually includes a threat to physical safety, or the safety of a companion or loved one, and results in feelings of helplessness, fear, and horror at the time of the event. When the psychological impact of such an event does not diminish, but instead continues to affect a person's quality of life for months and years afterward, a diagnosis of PTSD may be appropriate. PTSD YESTERDAY AND TODAY Historically, PTSD was most commonly recognized in combat veterans who repeatedly witnessed and experienced violent and life-threatening events. It was known among military personnel as "shell shock" or "battle fatigue." In the early 1980's, these symptoms became recognized as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Currently, PTSD is understood to affect hundreds of thousands of men and women, both mil
WHAT IS POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AND THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE TO IT? An overview of the work of Dr. Judith Herman Lewis By Jim Spencley. Introduction: PTSD is not malingering, dependency, avoidance of responsibility, attention seeking or any of a number of ways of discounting and not believing the sufferer - it is a normal response to abnormal situations. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a relatively new diagnosis of a condition which has always been part of the human experience. This diagnosis first appeared in the fourth edition of the official bible of the American Psychiatric Association - The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV). Because of the identicy of symptoms of various previous diagnosis applied to different histories, but all sharing some form of traumatic experience, the American Psychiatric Association brought together service providers who had worked with traumatized people from many different social settings, including, political violence,
here a link for people who dont no what is ptsd
Ptsd Poemi Love You Through My Anger, In Between My Fits Of Rage. I Want Us To Be Happy, But I Just Can't Turn The Page. I See In You The Answer
I love you through my anger, In between my fits of rage. I want us to be happy, But I just can't turn the page. I see in you the answer To every time I've prayed. Then I get mad; you leave the room; I wish that you had stayed. My love just wants to hold your hand, But my anger doesn't care. I feel the weight you carry. It really isn't fair. I gave our country everything The day I went to war. I thought the cost would be my life, But it turned out to be much more. I look into my child's eyes, And I see a child burned By Napalm lying on the ground, Without a lesson learned. So now they send the young folks To act like war is fun, Without a thought of how they'll feel When their killing job is done. When folks go fill their gas tanks I think they all should know, A veteran's future happiness Is drowning in the flow.         I struggle wiuth this everyday. Wish I had more ppl to lean on.
And to think, I hesitated.  Life's last chances became lost opportunities for me.  PTSD has caused me a great deal of headaches and sleepless nights.  In the military I was somebody; I was a hospital corpsman that served Navy and Marine Corps units.  Now, six years after being discharged because of PTSD I feel lost.  Nothing I do seems to fill the void of who I once was. I am back in school getting a degree but I know deep down that the action is merely superficial and hollow at best.  
You've come on home To U.S. shores From lands of foreign sun   The cheers, the claps The gay parades You'll think your war is done   You've got your precious Two-fourteen Your official war is o'er   But in the night You'll soon find out What ol' Haji has in store   You'll see the faces All the time Of dead folks that you know   For Haji is A wily soul He'll never let you go   Or on the beach The sand will crunch And back in 'raq you'll be   Smell the garbage A-burning Lying up on an O.P.   The desert spreads Across your mind Eating all that's in its wake   And even though You're in the States Your tainted brain will bake   You flinch with any sudden sound You'll hang your head and cry   Cause no one, really Leaves Iraq It's with you 'til you die
1,570 Pts To Go!
Please help me level! Love you all!
854 Pts To Go!
515 Pts To Go
well im getting to the next cherry level, all i need is a feww hundred points to get ther, come peeps, pls help me out, add fan and rate, anything u can, I promise i'll do the samEEE huggs Bonnie!!!
482 Pts To Go!!
after this blog is posted i'll have 482 points to go!!!!nananananaaaa!!!!!!
109 Pts. To Level
My son is only 109 pts. away from leveling up. Do ya think, maybe, you could drop in and give him some help? I'd sure appreciate it, if my friends, family, and everyone, could give him a boost! THANKS landonrmorgan@ CherryTAP
1000 Pts To Go...
until my next level.... would appreciate anyone who's willing to help. i'll return the favor!
49 Pts To Go
hit me with love
4000 Pts To Go
Okay I have about 4000 pts to go till I level up. It would be really awesome if ya'll could help a girl out and help me. I will return the fav. Thanks bunches
Pts. To Ponder
749 Pts To Level - Can You Help?
cellpholist@ fubar
Pttbull Tag
P & Ty
l Every passing day the rude and ignorant are increasing in numbers. No one seems to know how to use the words please and thank you.  People speak but do not want to listen.  People want you to wait, but unwilling to wait themselves.  It does not matter if your busy chatting with someone else or not, they rudly interupt as if they are more important.  I do believe we now need a manual for dummies living in society.  I have a crappy job and see all sorts of people on a daily business, and I must say ~ I love the people I work with, but the customers are idiots and that alone is enough to hate the job ~  I always use my manners and is polite to each and everyone that comes in.  I only wish I could recieve the same type of servise.  I wonder if the schools are the ones teaching society to ask for things with "Give/Get me"  I realize most are in this life for themselves and hardly care about others and what harm they do to others.  But I for one will not follow into this crap.  I wil
I am all sweaty and stinky... I could take another shower but its so damn hot in 30 min i'd be sweaty and stinky again
Pua Training
This is a short and inspirational video that will show you what PUA Training is all about and what you should expect to get out of one of their products and/or boot camps. Gambler, the PUA Training CEO, isn't afraid to admit and even show you that he was an AFC that turned into a pick up artist almost overnight, and with PUA Training he says that he can do the same for you!
The Pub
The Pub Late Friday night and the place is crowded and buzzing for all the people who seem to think it is a great place to tie one on. Sitting quietly in the corner is this very sexy young man who has captured my attention for a few weeks now. The view of him sitting alone is just to much for this gal to take so I send a waitress over to see what he is drinking. She returns with word of a bottled beer, so I send a cold one over to the table. Well a smile and a nod and there is a invitation to join you at the table. I walk up with a firm hand shake I introduce myself as the owner of this fine establishment, and inform you that anything you want is yours. Oh really what is it is not something but someone I have interest in, I will do my best to accommodate your wishes, and I feel your hand go up my skirt. Well I guess I see what you are interested in? Am I right? You smile, yeah that is what I am looking for. I sit next to you and immediately let you know of my interest as well
The Pub
I have to say that the pubs of London were more than I expected.  The beer tasted sweeter and the ambiance felt of home.  How we live such provincial lives here and they live so much more there.  The Stella was by far the best of their brews, London Pride was a close second, with Guinness third.  I can't wait until next month when I return to the land of beautiful women and fine cars.  God put Britain on the map so that others could be taste their drinks.  Cheers to all my pub mistresses... 
The Pub
The Pub. Cheers! The clock tolls five... Winters slumber within the den, arise fair folk for the day is end. Put down your paper and pen, to Audley pub we shall head. Cheers? To friends, foes, and jesters alike... Mistress of drink a Stella please, Merriment and laughter put all at ease. A Pint, a Pound, and a Crested Crown, as I order from the mistress another round.  
Pub Crawl - Nov 15 - Salem, Ma
Hi Everyone... sorry it took so long.. but here it is.. the FALL PUB CRAWL!!! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 starting at 7 pm in SALEM, MA The Pub Crawl Schedule: Finz - 7 - 7:45 CAPTS (Pickering Wharf) - 8 - 8:45 Dodge Street Bar & Grill - 9 - 9:45 Lobster Shanty 9:45 - 10 (guzzle and go) O'Neill's - 10 - 11 Rockafella's - 11 - Close We hope to see you all there. Get the word out. Repost this to your friends that you would like to join the crawl! If you have questions, send me a PM. Maybe I'll see you out! Door
Pub Crawl
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 starting at 7 pm in SALEM, MA The Pub Crawl Schedule: Finz - 7 - 7:45 CAPTS (Pickering Wharf) - 8 - 8:45 Dodge Street Bar & Grill - 9 - 9:45 Lobster Shanty 9:45 - 10 (guzzle and go) O'Neill's - 10 - 11 Rockafella's - 11 - Close We hope to see you all there. Get the word out. Repost this to your friends that you would like to join the crawl! If you have questions, send me a PM. Maybe I'll see you out!
Pub Crawl Nov 15!
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 starting at 7 pm in SALEM, MA The Pub Crawl Schedule: Finz - 7 - 7:45 CAPTS (Pickering Wharf) - 8 - 8:45 Dodge Street Bar & Grill - 9 - 9:45 Lobster Shanty 9:45 - 10 (guzzle and go) O'Neill's - 10 - 11 Rockafella's - 11 - Close We hope to see you all there. Get the word out. Repost this to your friends that you would like to join the crawl! If you have questions, send me a PM. Maybe I'll see you out! Jeff
The Puberty Pals *adults*
Pube Art
recent shoutbox bottom to top. the start was botie78's status "trimming my pubes. and ideas?" Botie78: trim the top half and shave everthing else ->Botie78: your cock or the pubes? Botie78: got to keep it trimmed!!!! ->Botie78: don't cut your cock off. that's my input on the pubes from this convo, he must be a couple inches shorter by now. and bloody.
Pub Grub
A guy walks into a pub and sees a sign hanging over the bar which reads: | Cheese Sandwich $1.50 | | Chicken Sandwich $2.50 | | Hand Job $10.00 | Checking his wallet for the necessary payment, he walks up to the bar and beckons to one of the three exceptionally attractive blondes serving drinks to an eager-looking group of men. "Yes?" she inquires with a knowing smile, "Can I help you?" "I was wondering", whispers the man, "Are you the one who gives the hand-jobs?" "Yes," she purrs, "Indeed I am." The man replies "Well wash your damn hands, I want a cheese sandwich."
Pubic Hair
How do you get rid of unwanted pubic hair? Spit.
This site is an interesting example of a pub... it is run by a man (typical pub), filled with attractive, self-confident women (atypical), and no matter how hard a male trys he can't get the attention of the bar (in-between). The Lounges function similar to actual pubs, some even "charging" for drinks. There is also usually some type of random music or a dj in these lounges (like a real pub). Also, when the music stops, skips, or justs gets too weird; people leave the lounge (also like a real pub). The fact that women can ascend the levels much faster than men is also true in a pub situation. In a male filled tavern, when a girl walks in the guys are going to pay attention. Also, public nudity has been outlawed (NSFW) which is ussually a rule in most pubs. Legends are also a common thing in pub culture, when someone becomes popular enough, they are talked about even when they aren't in the club and sometimes have their picture on the wall (the legend list). Pub facts... Peopl
Pubic Grass?!
A nurse was on duty in the Emergency Room, when a young woman with purple hair styled into a punk rocker Mohawk, sporting a variety of tattoos, and wearing strange clothing, entered. It was quickly determined that the patient had acute appendicitis, so she was scheduled for immediate surgery. When she was completely disrobed on the operating table, the staff noticed that her pubic hair had been dyed green, and above it there was a tattoo that read, "Keep off the grass." Once the surgery was completed, the surgeon wrote a short note on the patient's dressing, which said, "Sorry, had to mow the lawn."
Pubic Hair
I wasn't meant to write a blog today. It just wasn't in the cards. I wrote, not one, but two very thoughtful blogs this morning. MySpace ate them both. So here is my third attempt. Since my first try was about the economy and my second try was about sacrificing for love, I think my third attempt should be nonsense. Maybe that will stick. Did I ever tell you how much I hate pubic hair? I really, really hate it. Not just dislike; not avoid. Even saying I avoid it at all costs isn't strong enough. I loathe it. Hate, hate, hate, double hate, LOATHE it! And it's not just me. Every lesbian and bi-sexual I know, along with every girl who cares about what they or other women look like down there, even if there is only a chance someone else will see it, shaves before they even step out the door. So, if you don't trust me (or males in general), take the ladies' word for it. It's not cool. I know it serves a purpose. I've heard all the arguments (mostly from women who refuse to groom
Pubic Hair
Pnut: and to think i use to type one finger and now im hopelessat it Pickle: it shows Pnut: thanks Pickle: i know stfu Pnut: your so kind Pnut: lol Pickle: well i do have to be kind to women baby Pickle: its the way i was raised Pickle: there we go Pnut: thank fuck im a pnut Pnut: lol Pickle: lmfao Pickle: thank god im a pubic hair? Pickle: lmfao Pnut: are you? Pickle: no i shaved cant you tell?
Pub Joke
Public Pleasure
Public Pleasure BBW Bashes always my oasis from the daily seas of work and other laborious duties So many beautiful ladies as far as the eye can see But She caught my eye Her Body plump juicy and divine Her personality regal and mysterious Sexually fliurtatious Ocassionally glancing my way Familiar tremors in my manhood her deep eyes of Goddess reflections piercing my couls Captivating me totally The welcome dance had finished The pool my refuge to rest and relax Midngiht the pool would be empty or SO i thought As I entered the cool massaging water Slowly floating through the water A pressence pierced the night as I turned there she stood Her eyes and great mystery locked onto mine As she seductively walked down into the pool My body trembled, yet stood still Unable to move Walking over to me Not saying a word Instant Kiss of the deepest passion Her arms pulling me closer to her divine core Totally under her regal and magick spell
The Published One
"Witness the Flame" Witness the Flame It burns holes in lives Crumbling buildings to the ground Witness the Flame Ripping my life apart Burning holes in my heart Witness the Flame Hot and Inticing Burning Lustful Heat Witness the Flame Up in Smoke Like being Light Hearted Witness the Flame Rejuvinating Feeling of Love
Public Toilets Funny But True
My mother was a fanatic about public restrooms. When I was a little girl, shed take me into the stall, show me how to wad up toilet paper and wipe the seat. Then she'd carefully lay strips of toilet paper to cover the seat. Finally, she'd instruct, "Never, NEVER sit on a public toilet seat. Then she'd demonstrate "The Stance," which consisted of balancing over the toilet in a sitting position without actually letting any of your flesh make contact with the toilet seat. That was a long time ago. Now, in my "mature" years, "The Stance" is excruciatingly difficult to maintain. When you have to visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place. Once it's your turn, you check for feet under the stall doors. Every stall is occupied. Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall. You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter. The dispenser for the modern "seat covers"
A strange feeling when public suddenly gets more public then expected and I can’t even find it yet I’m sure it’s somewhere if not where is it from? I still need a vacation but instead I think I will have to look for a job since my plans vanished. One day and it can really make me sick, that’s the main problem isn’t it? Saying one thing yet doing another. What a wonderful place it could be if people would just stick to their word, but then do I? I try but it’s not enough and I lie you know… no you don’t and if I told you, you wouldn’t belief it, would you?
Published Poetry On Lost Cherry
Hello, I have decided to place my published and non published works here on LostCherry. Please look to upcoming poetry to be displayed, not necessarily in order of creation. I look forward to everyone's feedback and will determine whether or not this is a viable source to display my work. Looking forward to meeting each and every one of you! Soon. VJ Ancona
A Public Safety Announcement
Public Acts Of Sex?
Ok all my naughty friends, time to spill your best stories of public sexual acts you have done, whether you were caught or not, or didnt care! here's mine: 2 years ago, on a date with my exboyfriend for the movies.. Admittedly it was a tuesday night and there were only maybe 5 other people in there all men by themselves there clearly to drool over Sandra Bullock as I would too cause she's gorgeous. We werent in there 2 minutes, and we were making out like 2 teenagers in heat. We went to see Miss Congeniality 2 (no idea about the movie at all to this day) and we are really getting each other all in a quiver. We should have left but couldnt wait anymore. He grabbed me stood me up infront of him, turned me around, bent me over the seat and proceeded to perform oral on me from behind (which was extremely hot to me) and just sent me over the edge several times... lol all of a sudden he yanked me onto his lap and well I'll let your imaginations go from there, but that was prett
A Public Service Announcement ;p
Men, Beware Police are warning all men who frequently attend clubs, parties and local pubs to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. Many females use a drug on the market called "Beer." The drug is Found in liquid form and available anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, from taps and in large kegs. "Beer" is used by females at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. A woman needs only to get a guy to consume a few units of "Beer" and then simply ask him home for no-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "Beer," men will often succumb to the desires to perform sexual acts on women whom they would never normally be attracted. After drinking "Beer," men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that "something bad" occurred. At other times, these unfortunate men are swindled out of
Public Warning
"public Service Announcement."
(Hey fellas, listen up) *********************** Y'all keep asking why so many women run to me. Well, it's time to let you know how to keep them happy. You see, first of all you've got to make it right. Treat her as if she is the only one in sight. Make sure you listen know everything she mentions. The only way to do that is to give undivided attention. Too many of them quickies. You sleep, smiling like you pleased. She, wallowing in frustration from not more than a tease. Then you wonder why she eventually locates me. Word spreads fast about where women can get a good spree. Go ahead, laugh, chuckle; where's "your" woman tonight? Ah huh, got you wondering now. Is everything at home alright? To hell with that toilet seat use it and put it back down. If that's part of the problem I'd say somebody's acting like a clown. What? Call me that! Ok, go ahead call me Master. I ain't no Don Juan and for sure not Quixoti. What I am is a gentleman
Publilius Syrus
Whatever you can lose, you should reckon of no account.Syrus (Publilius Syrus)Maxims
The Public Eye That's In Denial
In the words of Elizabeth Wurtzel, "Back, back, back. How fucking far back do you go?" Now that is the question. How far back do you go until you uncover the truth of your very being? How many layers of sugar-coated lies must you scrape off the surface until you discover, not only when, but how and what drove you to such a dark, angry, and maybe even insane standpoint in your life? Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions pay shrinks to do it for them everyday. And when it's all done and over with, they stuff a piece of white paper with illegible hand-writing on it to deliver to the pharmacy. That prescription might as well be your own death certificate. Doctors call it medicine; medicine to turn that frown upside-down. I call them placebos. Yes, these drugs do work, in a sense. They make you calm, I guess. You can think straight and not want to go throw yourself in front of traffic, but, and yes, to every salvation, there is a catch, the dru
A Public Apology
Public Announcement..
PUBLIC ANNOUCEMENT..National American Indian Heritage Month, November 2006.. A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America.. During National American Indian Heritage Month, we honor the generations of American Indians and Alaska Natives who have added to the character of our Nation. This month is an opportunity to celebrate their many accomplishments and their rich ancestry and traditions. America is blessed by the character and strength of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and our citizens are grateful for the countless ways Native Americans have enriched our country and lifted the spirit of our Nation. We are especially grateful for the Native Americans who have served and continue to serve in our Nation's military. These brave individuals have risked their lives to protect our citizens, defend our democracy, and spread the blessings of liberty to people around the world. My Administration is working to ensure that American Indians and Alaska Nativ
Public Masturbation
for the second time in a month, a man was arrested for publicly masturbating. Not surprisingly, the man doesn't want a lawyer because he claims he can get himself off. Things that make you go Hmmm.... Did you ever notice: If you put the 2 words "THE" and "IRS" together it spells "THEIRS"? Advice for Office Managers: If you keep the sexual harassment complaint forms in the bottom drawer, then when a woman goes to get one out you'll get a great view of her ass." Life is what happens while you are making other plans." - John Lennon
Public Opinin ???????
U.S. Bombs Somalia
Public School Funding???
Public school funding??? Let me say, I don’t have a problem with spending for education, so don’t make a judgment until you finish reading this. Just a few weeks ago, I got a notice that the school district in my home town was going to hold a referendum vote for some extra funding for the local schools. This vote was asking for just shy of $500,000. I know for some of you that this will not seem like a lot of money, but in a town of just a few thousand people it is a huge extra tax. They were asking for the money for busses, curricular learning materials, technology improvements, and costs related to the before mentioned. Ok, what exactly are they asking for a half million dollars for, I think for that kind of money they should be showing exactly what they are spending it on. I have discussed this with several of my friends, and they think the list is through. I don’t think it is at all, how many busses? Are they new or used? Are busses actually needed at this time for the
Public Displays Of Affection
Public Displays of Affection Holding hands KIsses passionate and wet Normal everyday Things But Lover took me to a new Level Glass Elevator at the Chrysler Building A fantasy yes, but would she ever So naughty and taboo Lover Gets what lover Wants We arrived in sweet anticipation Waves of sexual anticipation cursed through our hardened bodies As we rode the glass elevator higher and higher Facing the street the 4th floor our destination Lover pushed the stop button Locked into place Stripping with intense sexual hunger Our bodies trembling violently Hands everywhere Our Tongue tying Kiss more passionate than ever Point of No Return Breached Total nudity to all below Goddess sank to her knees Set to feast on her sexual lollipop Mix of fear and excitement my eyes darting hear and there Is anyone watching? Oh hell who cares? SUddenly she wraps my manhood tightly inside her billowign breasts Pumping Mama's breasts szo hard Her sucks
Public Humilation
This should get more intresting as time goes on.. Unfortunately I'm no longer the type of person to really fuck over some ones life anymore... Just cause I don't have the same venefull malicious drive anymore... but.. I still will post conversations I have with stupid cunts. _________________________________________ ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Emo Kid Massacre Date: Jan 18, 2007 6:34 PM I'm done with this girl bullshit, hoping you were diffrent then blow me off. Next time you call me drunk all pissy cause what ever guy you tried to hook up with denyied you I'm just going to tell you to fuck yourself. Thanks for leading me on an dletting me know you really were no better than the rest. I'm fucking done. ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: Nicole Date: Jan 19, 2007 3:01 AM I am no better than the rest. I admit....I led you on. I'm sorry it had nothing to do with you. I'm just fucked up. You have no idea wha
A Public Service Announcment For Guys About Marriage
A public service announcment for guys about marriage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2005-12-30, 10:04AM EST OK guys, I was talking last night and we got a consensus of at least ten guys that the following is what lies ahead for you in marriage. So think carefully before you pop the question. Year one: Sex, sex, sex. All you could want. On the floor, in the woods, the car, the beach. Every time you’re alone, you’re banging like rabbits. Nothing is off limits. Nowhere either one of you won’t lick, tickle or tease. Each time you look at her naked body, you are filled with gratitude that God has given you this woman. Year two: It slows down, but you try to keep it hot just out of fear. You don’t want to become one of those couples. But now there’s no more spontaneous blowjobs. Things are more routine, but that’s OK because you’re still getting it regular and you’re happy. Years 3-5: Along comes the house and kids.
Public Service Announcment
THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT If your sunkist is frozen And your to impatiant to wait for it to thaw Get another one I repeat Get another one Do NOT open the frozen one It will explode and dye your face orange And your hands And if you have already opened it Do not think that if you poke a tiny hole in the side with a scissors, that you can suck it through the hole You'd be wrong So as you try to plug that hole up and make a mad dash to the sink Please do not try to open the bottle again This will only further your problem If you've already fucked up Hahaha You probably look like me right now Boo... This Public Service Announcment Was Brought To You By: The girl who's gonna serve her boyfriend a bottle of frozen sunkist
Public Restoom Etiquette
If you're like me, you probably spend a lot of time in the restroom at work, sitting in the toilet stall, quietly sobbing to yourself and writing blood-soaked messages on the tiled wall pleading for Satan to deliver you from the inanity of your moronic coworkers. But this brings to mind a few questions: Is it really proper to write in blood on a bathroom wall, or would the standard sharpie pen or clumsy knife etching be more appropriate? Is it considered impolite to take three-hour naps in the one-and-only toilet stall in the building, forcing your coworkers to empty their bowels in a sink or trashcan, or worse yet, run across the street to use Taco Bell's facilities? The sad fact is, a lot of people don't know how to properly behave in a public restroom. Sure, it's one thing when you're in the privacy of your home and you can urinate in the shower or take a shit in your roommate's clothing hamper all you like, but when you're in public, there are certain expectations on how you should
Public Slander..... Etc
So I open a bulletin Don't remember what it was titled, don't really Care to be honest, It was nothing but slander towards someone else. I will not name names because THAT IS HOW DRAMA STARTS. (Thats for all you ppl who like to spread rumours) Anyways, Its goin on about how this person slandered some one else, funny thing is I never saw a bulletin slandering that individual, yet I see one slandering this person. I hope who ever posted the original feels better about them selves that they called out an attention whore. SOOOO, I guess imma see more and more bulletins with slander in them. With that In mind, I wonder, "How can I get slandered in a bulletin so that ALL of CT sees it?" that's when I decided to rant. now I know only a fraction of my friends will read this, and of that fraction of them, only a few will repost. So i ask this, IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE REPOST IT. OK, NEXT SUBJECT. CT MARRIAGE, OH MAN THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT. Who's brilliant IDEA was this? who's ever
Publishing Info For You.....
Public Parts Of My Schedule In Sketch
tomorrow-- appointments - nutrition, apartment. Friday - travel downstate to the NY City/Long Island area until Tuesday afternoon to visit family, for a doctor appt, and for an Asperger (etc.) support meeting. (may begin PenguinBlog2 soon: I'm greedy and like having your much-appreciated votes count ;^) *g*, and a too-long blog can get unwieldy and difficult of search - admittedly the longest ones here only have 40-45 posts.)
Public Encounters
written for me by bigboy Public encounters can be very erotic. Especially with someone you just meet. The shopping mall I go to has a parking garage where you get a ticket and then pay when you leave. All summer I would happen to come up to the ticket booth where this really hot woman was working. She would flirt with me from time to time and I always made sure I paid my ticket at her booth. Well one day I was at home watching a few erotic videos and having some steamy hot chat conversations online. I was really horny and needed to get laid. That's when I thought about my friend, Sherry, at the mall. I went down there and parked on the top level away from other cars. I then went to the booth where she was working. She said she couldn't really talk to me since cars would pull up every couple of minutes. So I got into the booth and crouched on the floor so the cars could not see me. She thought I was crazy but since it was so boring to sit in the booth all day, she was glad to
Publishing Opportunity
I received an email from a eroitca publisher asking me to get back to them about a possible publishing opportunity over my stories and their magazines. I replied to them to ask for details and to tell me what the opportunity is. The web site they sent to me was real. So I am waiting now to see what they tell me. This could be interesting.
Public Sexual Intoxication
Public Sexual Intoxication We meet at the crowded bar for a after work drink to unwind. We couldn't stop looking at each other and touching the other. We felt that we had known each other for ever, yet it was just a single second of eternity. Saying goodbyes to our friends we quickly leave. You said to me "I thought we would never be alone" and I agreed with you. I wanted to know you, all of you. We staggered to the truck drunk with the need for each other. You opened the door for me and as I was climbing up into the truck my skirt rose up high on my leg and you bent down and started leaving a fiery trail of hot kisses up my thigh. You pushed my skirt up around my waist and pulled my panties off. You just couldn't wait you needed to taste me right there in the parking lot. You licked my clit gently and rolled it across your tongue as I moaned out your name and twined my fingers in your hair to pull you even closer. You slowly licked the outer lips of my pussy and nearly dro
Public Bitchin Blog
Hi folks, Donnie here from Fubar. Welcome to my, "Public Bitchin Blog." Maybe you'd like to bitch about gas prices, or complain about how hot or cold it is outside. Maybe you'd like to just call me an asshole, because when you got out of bed today you stepped in dog shit or because someone screwed up your whole day. Maybe when you got online today someone rated you all 1's, and then blocked you...and now you're pissed at the entire world because of it. Whatever it may be, and no matter how pissed off it made you, well then you can drop your comment right here. My, "Public Bitchin Blog" is open 24 hours a day...7 days a week. (no reservations required) So,thanks for coming by my "Public Bitchin Blog", and remember folks, I don't wanna make any ratings or fubucks, I just love to hear you BITCH!
Public Assitance/welfare
something just hit a nerve the fact that if your on welfare your lazy it was so true many years ago but i was on it i would take a million random urine tests than relive my experience with the department of social services in New york where the average wage is $8.50 an hour to start you wonder why there are so many forclosures and 2 family households, rents in 2006 are the same as what my morgage was 10 yrs ago between 1200.-1600. a month you wonder why people have to work 2 jobs and most still live with their parents who can afford a house here average 390k so when i divorced lost my home and soon my once secure job i held for 24 years i became homeless,and unemployed oh yeah i can get a job at walmart well guess what not that easy and twice as hard when you limit your hours to days because you can't afford your car and that gets repo'd and can only work when the buses run and honey on long Island they don't run all night and every 15 min like the city they run 7 am to 7 pm 6 days a
A Public Service Announcement
You wanna know something that cracks my ass up? The way people type online. Like, it's seriously funny to me...I've been watching blast after blast go by with shit like "leave me sum luv" if it takes that much more effort to type and spell the words correctly..."some love"...TWO EXTRA letters...what a freaking concept. Now, I'm not immune to the occasional typo or anything, and I do screw up from time to time as well, but if I ever start typing shit that thousands of people will view as "U R 2 good 2 B tru, show me sum luv and i'll rate U 2", please shoot me where I stand. Technology makes people progressively dumber when it should be doing the exact opposite. Honestly, it makes people look a hundred times less educated when they can't put together a coherent typed sentence. I wonder what they're like at their jobs and whether the boss is gonna fire them for being unprofessional in reports. PLEASE, please, for the love of God, knock it the fuck off. *whew* Man, I fee
Public Service
It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria found in feces. Body waste. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, beer or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling or filtering and/or fermenting. WATER = poop WINE = HEALTH Ergo: It's better to drink wine and talk stupid than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I am doing it as a public service...
Published...a Peek Into My Soul.
A Memorie Today I thought of you ... I walked through my mind makein memories... Today I cried for... Because you were far away... Today is just one more day... In a life of a mother whoes child was Laid to rest I make the meories in my head I love from my earthly plain... Becasue I recived the gift of an Angel . Your love made me strong ,Your kiss made me feel, Your death it broke me ... Now i wonder were you real? I love you Baby blue the color of eyes shineing true. My Brittany Girl Momma misses you in memories i have in dreams I see... My Baby Blue with love so true. Lisa Osburn Copyright ©2007 Lisa Ann Osburn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click Here to Rate My Poem
Publishing Magnate Robert Petersen Dies
LOS ANGELES - Robert E. Petersen, the publishing magnate whose Hot Rod and Motor Trend magazines helped shape America's car culture and who gave millions to a museum dedicated to his passion, has died. He was 80. Petersen died Friday of complications from neuroendocrine cancer at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, said Dick Messer, director of the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. "Mr. Petersen helped create and feed the American obsession with the automobile, delivering gasoline-powered dreams to the mailboxes of millions," Messer said. Petersen, the son of an auto mechanic, founded Hot Rod magazine in 1948 while trying to promote the custom-designed car show at the Los Angeles Armory. The following year, he launched Motor Trend for automobile enthusiasts. A dozen other specialty consumer magazines followed, including Guns & Ammo, Sport, Motorcyclist, Hunting, Mountain Biker, Photographic, Teen and Sassy. By the time his publishing empire was sold in 199
Public Appolagy
i owe some women on here a big im sorry cause i keep saying all women i dont really mean all women but the ones i do mean it towards seem to think there the cream of the crop and just write that all women are the same shit off truth is i could careless whose different and whose the same. but it is funny to see what ppl say and why they think their different..the woman i wrote about in my mum i told she needed to figure out what she wanted. i really dont want anyone else so if im not for her sweet then i guess all i'll be a player again and just worry about fucking. but im sorry ladies i didnt mean yall i said women.
Public Service Announcement?...
...tabula rasa = ‘the epistemological thesis that individual human beings are born with no innate or built-in mental content, in a word, "blank", and that their entire resource of knowledge is built up gradually from their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world’…nature? nurture? natura naturans (“nature nurturing”)?...
A Public Statement To My Wife
Public Severe Weather Outlook Moderate Risk For Today(tuesday)
Public Service
Water vs Wine It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (e coli) bacteria found in feces. Body waste. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, beer or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling or filtering and/or fermenting. WATER = poop WINE = HEALTH Ergo: It's better to drink wine and talk stupid than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I am doing it as a public service.
Public Pervert
PUBLIC PERVERT If time is a vessel, then learning to love Might be my way back to sea The flying, the medal, the turning above These are just ways to be seen We all get paid Yeah some get faith before they die Then through stars we will navigate Through the holes in your eyes How many days will it take to land How many ways to reach abandon So swoon baby starry nights May our bodies remain You move with me, I'll treat you right, baby May our bodies remain There is love to be made So just stay here for this while Perhaps heartstrings resuscitate The fading sounds of your life How many days will it take to land How many ways to reach abandon So swoon baby starry nights May our bodies remain As deep we move I'll feed you light, baby May our bodies remain Oh yeah in history I'll treat you right, baby I'm honest that way, hey Swoon baby starry nights May our bodies remain lyrics: INTERPOL
Public Service Announcement
This message has been brought to you by the coelition of americans with half-assed common sense (CAHCS) SHUT UP STUPID!
**public/private Humiliation**
This article is about consensual erotic humiliationErotic humiliationis the consensual use of psychological humiliation in a sexual context, whereby one person gains arousal or erotic excitement from the mixed and powerful emotions of being humiliated and demeaned, or of humiliating another. The humiliation need not be sexual in itself, as with many other sexual activities it is the feelings derived from it which are sought, regardless of the nature of the actual activity. It can be verbal or physical, and can be relatively private or public. Often it can become ritualized, and unlike some sexual variations it can also be easily carried out over a long distance or online. The distinction between humiliation and dominance in an activity such as erotic spanking is that the sought after effect is primarily the humiliation, the activity is just a means to that end.Whilst mild or moderate humiliation is not an uncommon part of BDSM or other sexual roleplay, humiliation play can be taken to
Public Information Broadcast
Public Information Broadcast#2
Public Annoyance
You know what I dont understand? How females can walk out into public with half their ass hanging out and think it is hot. I make sure Im covered when I go out in public. Or how come they think its hot to wear shirts with their boobs hanging out. Come on wheres the dignity now a days. And how can a parent let their 5 year old daughter wear make up and slutty cloths. What are they teaching thier children. Also why do parents let guys grab themselves, especially in public? People scare me now a days.
Well I did it. I submitted one of my poems to be judged in a contest and you know what? I am in the semi-finals and a chance at some money. Yeah me! Regardless I will be a published author again - yes I was one once before with a story I wrote way back in the 6th Grade. Anyway the contest is sponsored by the International Library of Poetry and my poem "Two Souls" was the one that was chosen. It will be published in a compilation later on this year. Nice huh? Yes I am bragging but only in this post. Anyway I thought I would share that with everyone.
Public Ct Apology
i am going to apologize to all my CT friends for never going to their (your) page and commenting, rating, or fanning any of my friends on here. i work fulltime(40hrs a week) and volunteer even more time at the ymca playing sports with kids, so almost all my time has been going to that. again, sorry to all my CT friends and i will be on soon as possible to to all those listed above! thanks for understanding and talk to you soon. larry (dragged_through_thumbtacks)
Public Intox
I can't stand pieces of shit that get drunk and then go out in public like stores and such. They stink like B.O., cigs, and alcohol. They are so fuckin stupid when you talk to them you just want to smack the crap out of them. If you need your alcohol that bad, stay the fuck home!
The Public In General......
I work as a "crowd management" guard at an outside mall. Basically a rent a cop to a bunch of fuck offs who have way to much money and time on their hands. I watch them alot and observe the way they interact with each other and those that they feel are below their class. Now before this I was a bouncer in a large local bar. These same "people" would come in and drop alot of cash to act pretty much like complete animals looking to hump what ever had the largest line of point to all this is, when did acting like a human with a little bit of commen sense and compassion towards each other stop being the status behavior to strive for and being a complete dickweed or flaming bitch become the way to strive for???? I blame the damn kids with the hip and the hop...oh well, I guess in a perfect world we would all have to pass I.Q. test to see who should be allowed to be let outside on our own. I guess I should be happy, it just means job security for me...there will always be th
Public Toiletts...
Published Poem Gets Editor's Choice Award But I'm Not So Excited
I received notification in the mail yesterday that my published poem (Tonight I Cry) was awarded the editor's choice award for august. Part of this means that if I grant them permission to, my poem shall be included in a spoken word cd collection of poems. As excited as I am for all the attention it seems this poem has been given I cannot help but feel more and more that this is a "legitimate scam". I mean, I do not get a dime from having it published which I am fine with since they copywrite it in your name and thats 35 bucks I did not have to spend. I do have to pay 70 bucks for the book it will appear in though. Is still exciting just to be actually published. Since then I've been getting things about a poetry convention and they say my work was honored but......I would have to send them 500 bucks for collect my trophy and a few other items. Now with this audio collection would be another 70 bucks. So, IF I had bought everything to this moment i'd be in almost 800 bucks. I'm
Public Bathrooms
20 WAYS TO ANNOY YOUR PUBLIC BATHROOM STALLMATE 1. Stick your open palm under the stall wall and ask your neighbor, "May I borrow a highlighter?" 2. Say, "Uh oh, I knew I shouldn't have put my lips on that." 3. Cheer and clap loudly every time somebody breaks the silence with a bodily function noise. 4. Say, "Damn, this water's cold." 5. Drop a marble and say, "Oh no! My glass eye!" 6. Say, "Hmmm, I've never seen that color before." 7. Grunt and strain real loud for 30 seconds and then drop a cantelope into the toilet bowl from a height of 6 feet. Sigh relaxingly. 8. Say, "Now how did that get there?" 9. Say, "Humus. Reminds me of humus." 10. Fill up a large flask with Mountain Dew. Squirt it erratically under the stall walls of your neighbors while yelling, "Whoa! Easy boy!" 11. Say, "Interesting... more floaters than sinkers." 12. Using a small squeeze tube, spread peanut butter on a wad of toilet paper and drop the wad under the stall wall of your
Public Nudity
I am having a very delightful discussion with a nice gentleman on fubar tonight. The discussion is 'why am I not showing more of my body in my pics'? Here's the thing....I don't want to be like everyone else! Every other lady is doing that very thing, or they have their nipples pierced or tattoos or whatever. That's not my style. I don't want to be just another chick. I don't want to show all of myself to everyone. Leave a little mystery in life. Build anticipation for something....I don't want to be like your neighbor or your ex or your sister. I'm me. I've worked damn hard to get where I am in life and I want to be different! Now I will humbly climb down off my soapbox and be quiet. Thank you for reading.
Public Service Announcment
ATTN EVERYONE: Being alone in your car does not make you invisible!! When you are digging in your nose for that nasty boogie, guess what? EVERYONE CAN SEE YOU!! Today on my ride into work, I saw 3 people, 2 guys and 1 lady, all knuckle deep in their noses. Sooooo gross! Yeah, everyone picks their noses but damn...These people were seriously digging for gold like no one could see them. Bumper to bumper traffic. Nearly standstill and damn...I thought they were gonna get nosebleeds. So please people, keep the booger picking somewhere more private, or at least do it at 60 mph when people don't have to sit next to you and witness it.
Public Restrooms: A Psa On What To Do, Should You End Up In One.
I'm not one to particularly enjoy any type of bathroom that is considered "public", but that doesn't mean I don't know the proper way of entering them. Men's rooms aren't just about relieving yourself, but it is in fact ALL about conquest! Why do I say that? Because that's exactly what it is! If you wimp out and leave before business gets taken care of, due to you being afraid of holding your territory, then you deserve to have your bladder rupture all over your girlfriend's lap, and have her dump you and go after some other guy whom, despite him being only 1/3 as cool as you are, she still gets engaged to him, and then has the nerve to invite you to the wedding. Bitch. Anyway. That's why I'm here to help you out! Take it from me, these places aren't the friendliest, but I've gone ahead and made a few tips on how to survive a trip to the men's public restroom. Pay attention, 'cuz I'm only writing these out once. Otherwise you'll have to read them again, and I
A Public Service Announcement
>> >> Who is Barack Obama? >>> >>> Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in >>> Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from >>> Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, >> Kansas. >>> >>> Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two >>> years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His >>> mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia. When >>> Obama was 6 years old, the family relocated to Indonesia. Obama >> attended >>> a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic >> school. >>> >>> Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is >>> quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also >>> attended Catholic school." >>> >>> Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that >> Obama's >>> Introduction to Islam came via his father, and
Public Shrine
You are in a special restroom stall. A poet sat his ass here.
Well, it seems as though my story, Xaemyl's Tale is going to be published in the net 'zine Renderotica in either February or April edition. They are still moving up in the world, but currently have 300,000 subscribed readers. Yeah, so... how about that? Guess I ought to get writing more, hmmm?
Well, it seems as though my story, Xaemyl's Tale is going to be published in the net 'zine Renderotica in either February or April edition. They are still moving up in the world, but currently have 300,000 subscribed readers. Yeah, so... how about that? Guess I ought to get writing more, hmmm?
Finally!!!! I get to say my book is really really being published!!!! Of course it's my third book , but hey better late than never! So.. be on the look out for Precognitive Casualty in the next couple few months. (I'll keep ya posted on the actual release date) It is being published by Publish America and should be in all major bookstores.. (Barnes & Nobel, Borders, etc..) *does a happy dance* Finally I have good news holy shit. Now I must go faint, or pee myself .. or cry maybe all 3 :P haha
Public Speaking
Public speaking is the number one fear of the majority of adults-it even ranks higher than death! The result is that dreams of this sort are common. Rarely are they nightmares, but rather dreams of scrutiny and overcoming. Often the occasion of the speaking or the audience members will suggest something to you about an area of your life where people are looking too closely for your comfort. Another version of this is the public speaking dream where the topic or attire is totally inappropriate for the dreamer's context. This dream is similar to the nudity dream in that exposure and inadequacy are themes in the dream. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you are covering up. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd, or did it somehow fit logically with your waking life? Did you feel a sense of high anxiety during the situation, or were you calm and forthright?
"public Suicide"
(this one like wrote itself in a half hour!) "PUBLIC SUICIDE" SHOOTING his mouth off in the parking lot 10 gauge, 12 gauge-i heard a shot brains on the windscreen, they look just like snot. public suicide- -now that's hot. I WANNA DIE JUST LIKE HE DIED IN A VERY PUBLIC SUICIDE SELF-INFLICTED WOUND IN THE FRONT SEAT OF MY RIDE I WANNA DIE JUST LIKE HE DIED if he botched this,he'd be a vegetable head but he didn't botch it-now he's dead lightning fast projectile made of lead start the investigation--call the feds aimed it with surgical precision must have had amazing periferal vision blew out his brains in the parking lot why didn't anyone tell him to stop?
Public Service Announcement For The Ladies...
*AHEM* Ladies? If you are easily offended or a man that doesn't want to read about the sensitivity of the vagina...leave now. You were warned. It's no big deal really. Just an FYI from personal experience. Since our areas are more susceptible to disease (due to the constant moisture and other factors), what products you use for pleasure may have a big impact on your skin and PH balance. Bad skin reactions, yeast infections, Bacterial Vaginosis and just overall comfort. Getting right to the point. I HATE baby oil as a lube. I had a bad skin reaction and it trapped the heat and made me feel like I had swollen up to 3x's my size. Now everyone is different. Use products that are designed for pleasure in that area. Don't get creative or cheap. It makes a big difference. So ladies, take care of your cookie! REL
"public Suicide" #1 On Soundclick Rock Chart--up From 149!
1 (149) PUBLIC SUICIDE hot! play lo-fi STEVE LIEBERMAN play hi-fi 2 (1) Worthy (THEY SAID IT WAS "HOT !"---YEAH!!!
Public Service Announcement
A Halloween Safety Public Service Announcement. As we all prepare for this Halloween season, please take a few minutes to read some simple rules to help keep everyone safe. 1. - Don't assume the telephone calls are coming from another house. 2. - When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it's really dead. 3. - Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke. 4. - Don't go into the basement to check the power when the lights go out. 5. - If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they should not know, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. However, it will probably take several rounds to kill them, so be prepared. This also applies to kids who speak with somebody else's voice. 6. - When you have the benefit of numbers, NEVER split up and go it alone. 7. - Don't have sex. Especially if you've noticed a few of your friends are missing! 8. - As a general rule, don't
Public Restrooms & Why Women Go In Pairs
When you have to visit a public bathroom, you usually find a line of women, so you smile politely and take your place. Once it's your turn, you check for feet under the stall doors. Every stall is occupied. Finally, a door opens and you dash in, nearly knocking down the woman leaving the stall.You get in to find the door won't latch. It doesn't matter, the wait has been so long you are about to wet your pants! The dispenser for the modern 'seat covers' (invented by someone's Mom, no doubt) is handy, but empty. You would hang your purse on the door hook, if there was one, but there isn't - so you carefully, but quickly drape it around your neck, (Mom would turn over in her grave if you put it on the FLOOR!), yank down your pants, and assume ' The Stance.' In this position your aging, toneless thigh muscles begin to shake. You'd love to sit down, but you certainly hadn't taken time to wipe the seat or lay toilet paper on it, so you hold 'The Stance.' To take your mind off your
Public Hug
I had to run a few errands today .. get some Christmas presents .. looking for an ID braclet for the meds im on .. trying to find something for the dog to chew on so he doesnt keep after me for more cookies ..I stopped at good ol' walmart . and thought seeing as thou im on the new meds i wanna keep track of my weight so i can tell my Endocrinologist when i see her in March how my progress went ...I go to the scale dept .. which was hiding in the tool dept . why ive no idea . .. grabbed one . put it on the floor made sure it was all set @ 0 .. and WHAM .. i was so freakin happy .. Im down 20 lbs already .. and this is only 7 days .. I feel amazing .. i dont have that horrible metalic taste in my mouth anymore . and im not so freakin tired .. now that my levels are being checked every other day . and with being on the meds.. I called the doc and she said if i really do as im told .. I could be pretty well close to my goal weight in about 10 months .. WOOOHOOOOOO .. I was so happy with th
Public Park
“Can I at least have a hug?" He says. "Sure" I say as I lean over and wrap my arms around his shoulders. So comfortable. I don't want to let go. I realize I'm lingering, then again, so is he. I pull back to allow the embrace to stop if he wants, hesitating close to his face. He picks up on the subtle hint and proceeds to kiss me. I kiss back, surprised, this man I've JUST met face-to-face for the first time. He seems a bit nervous, kisses very possessively and is suddenly confident. I like it and don't want to stop kissing him. We continue kissing, out in the open in a public park. Slightly hidden behind a bush, but oblivious to our surroundings and showing our hunger for the other in our kiss. I press my body against him, knowingly arousing him. I want him to be hard. I want him to feel good. I want him to want me. I succeed. More kissing. His hand moves to my breast. Subtly at first, testing the waters I suppose. I turn outward toward his hand so that he may fully touch me. He begins
Public Service
In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink one liter of water each day, at the end of the year we will have absorbed more than one kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli), the bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming one kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, or other liquor), because wine goes through the purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information -- I'm doing it as a public service.
A Public Aplology Just ~4~ U!!!
Well I admit that I have been a little jealous about some things that have been going on up on Fubar for some stupid reason...I wrote a mumm that a lot of people commented, voted on and did some unnecessary investigation. I never mentioned names and i dont know why some people when they saw who i was talking about said the person's name on the mumm in their comment...there was no need 2 do that..I also thank everybody for their input but there was no need 2 say what u said 2 my man by leaving him a comment on his page or whatever..Some people also were putting into context that he was cheating with this woman but i never even said about how i thought he was cheating with her, all i said was that i didnt like that fact of noting underneath my pic.So i dont know why some people try 2 escalade a situation 2 a whole different situation.So right now I am woman enough 2 apologize 2 my man.I know i apologized about it B4 but there is nothing better than a Public Apology>>> Baby I'm sorry for
Public Service Announcement
To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine and those who don't. As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of Shit . There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing this as a public service
Public Service Announcement
HEY FUBIES!!! I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHOS BEEN HITTING MY PAGE LIKE CRAZY THIS PAST WEEK..IT HAS REALLY MENT A LOT TO ME! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH I LOVE YOU GUYS! XOXO ~MZ. DREAMS~ Special Pimp Out!!!Special Pimp Out!!!Special Pimp Out!!!Special Pimp Out!!! PLEASE RATE~FAN~ADD!!!! PLEASE RATE~FAN~ADD!!! The Infamous DJ MilkDud@ fubar Tsisquo'ga ♥Native American Queen♥ ~ Club F.A.R. ~♥ Fu-Angels ♥@ fubar ~JaMie~CO OWNER OF CLUB FAR~ I.B.I.C.~D.S.C.~@ fubar Special Pimp Out!!!Special Pimp Out!!!Special Pimp Out!!!Special Pimp Out!!! PLEASE RATE~FAN~ADD!!!! PLEASE RATE~FAN~ADD!!! Black by Popular Demand@ fubar ~♫Splash♫~Co-Owner Of Club F.A.R.♫I.B.I.C.♫DSC~
Public Toilet Of The Future
A Public Toilet Here's a picture of a public toilet in Houston. � Now that you have seen the outside view of the toilet, just spend another moment scrolling down to see how it looks from inside! It's made entirely out of one-way glass. No one can see you in there, but when you are inside, it looks like you're sitting in a clear glass box. WOULD YOU? �COULD YOU?
"In Other Words", a book of my writings will go on sale the latter part of may. Some of which may be viewed via my current blogs. Amongst other stores it will be found at & Barnes & Noble. Or of course you can order it directly through me. It will aslo be added to the library of congress for posterity. My thanks and apprecition to those who may have read my excerpts as well as commented on the ones viewed. Wish me luck and hope you all enjoy my works. Horror Romance novel in the works. ;)
Public Play
Techniques Adding realism to scenarios Many scenarios include the submissive being taken by "force". One fun technique that can make this more fun is to buy cheap clothing from a thrift store that can be torn, sliced, or cut off the submissive. Cheap, disposable clothing can lend a fun air of realism to the scenario. Extended Bondage For people who like bondage, one thing that can be fun is to have the submissive sleep bound. This is most easily done if the submissive's hands and feet are bound together; extended bondage in one position (as, for example, if the submissive were tied to the bed) can become quite uncomfortable. Note that if you do this, you should not leave the submissive in a room alone, and you should bind the submissive in a way which can be released quickly in case the house catches fire ! Extended Penetration With practice, it is possible to train a person's body to accept vaginal and/or anal penetration for extended periods
Public Speaking
Public speaking is the number one fear of the majority of adults-it even ranks higher than death! The result is that dreams of this sort are common. Rarely are they nightmares, but rather dreams of scrutiny and overcoming. Often the occasion of the speaking or the audience members will suggest something to you about an area of your life where people are looking too closely for your comfort. Another version of this is the public speaking dream where the topic or attire is totally inappropriate for the dreamer's context. This dream is similar to the nudity dream in that exposure and inadequacy are themes in the dream. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you are covering up. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd, or did it somehow fit logically with your waking life? Did you feel a sense of high anxiety during the situation, or were you calm and forthright?
Published By Me For The Courier Post
May 11, 2008 Clean energy Last summer, the Senate and House of Representatives passed their own versions of a clean energy bill. These victories were an important step in the larger battle for strong energy policy in America. Now Congress must continue to move forward and hammer out a strong and clean final version of this energy bill. The final energy bill must include the Senate's hard-fought compromise provision that would require a 35 miles-per-gallon fuel economy standard for American automobiles by 2020. The auto lobby wants this provision replaced by a "do nothing" alternative, yet according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Senate's position on fuel standards would save consumers $24 billion at the pump each year once the cleaner cars hit the road. Using cost-effective technologies to create these cleaner cars will also create more than 170,000 American jobs, including tens of thousands in the auto industry alone. The final bill must also include the
Public Health Waning.
To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine.. And those who don't. As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria. In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 litre of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. Coli) - bacteria found in feces. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting. Remember: Water = Poop Wine = Health Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of crap . There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing this as a public service.
Public Apology To Magicman
To Magicman and the others in Hell's Revenge Lounge, I want to apologize in a public manner as when I blew up. I did this due to the fact that I had gotten false information from several sources that have always been reliable in the past that he was running me down, and complaining about the music I play on my shows. I apologize very deeply for the way I acted, it was wrong of me. I needed the time to cool off before doing this, because I have since found out that the information was wrong, and now know who is responsible. None of us needs or wants this kind of drama, and again, I am deeply sorry for my part in it.
Publications Please visit Breast Cancer Publications Available Online for a complete list of documents in PDF and HTML formats. Please visit Scientific Articles about Breast Cancer for a complete list of scientific articles by CDC authors. To order printed copies of breast cancer publications free of charge, please visit the Print Publication Ordering System. Breast Health Publications * Understanding Breast Health: This basic two-page fact sheet describes the parts of the breast and answers common questions about breast cancer. * Understanding Mammograms: This basic two-page fact sheet shows what a mammogram looks like and explains when you should get one. * Mammograms and Breast Health (PDF-579KB): This 20-page brochure provides detailed information about breast health, breast cancer, and mammograms, and includes a list of resources for further information. PDF Icon Please note: Some of these publications are available for download only as *.pdf
Public Enemy (rough Draft)
Falling a downward spiral Trying your hardest But you can't give up Public enemy is where you'll end up Constant testing Insistant oppressing Becoming an insomniac Because your head will not let you down Forced out of your shell Comfort becomes foreign And what do you have? Time cannot be wasted You only have one single short life to live And this is it This is your test People will sooner kick you when your down than help you up And people will love to watch you fall
Public School Dress Code!
As of Jan. 5th 2009 (yes right after x-mas) my 16 years old son's school decided to put this dress code into effect. I can agree with some dress codes in school but I think this has gone to far! I am pissed as are other parents and we want to know what we can do about it? Dress Code Policy The intent of this policy is to ensure that our students dress appropriately, are not disruptive to the educational process, and do not compromise the safety and security of our school. While requiring a specific type of clothing, it is not our purpose to interfere with student decisions or freedom of expression. However, the safety of all students, the security of the building, and the environment in which our students learn must be the foremost objectives of our school. I. PANTS: Should be casual/dress/corduroy pants of a solid color: • Khaki (Beige) • Navy Blue • Black • Gray • Striped, plaid, or print a. Pants must be sized to fit the student (i.e. one size to the st
Public Service Announcement
Just a friendly reminder to shave your crotch! January 20th is the last day for Bush!
Public Sex
Public Service
On the first day, God created the dog and said: 'Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.' The dog said: 'That's a long time to be barking. How about only ten years and I'll give you back the other ten?' So God agreed. On the second day, God created the monkey and said: 'Entertain people, do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life span.' The monkey said: 'Monkey tricks for twenty years? That's a pretty long time to perform. How about I give you back ten like the Dog did?' And God agreed. On the third day, God created the cow and said: 'You must go into the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer's family. For this, I will give you a life span of sixty years.' The cow said: 'That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty
Public Apology To Fubar
I'm sorry ... I had nothing to do with the making of this video OK ... stop laughing and check out Freak, my fu-owner ... a sweet friend of mine. Make her your sweet friend too. ~Freak~ Please rate or re-rate, fan and add if you have not already. Re-post early, repost often. Thanks, Steve ~*~ pwned by FREAK ~*~
Public Transport
This blog is just going to be for random things I notice in the outside world. First off, public transport. Now, first thing I always notice here is how people arrange themselves, like there is some kind of unwritten rules. 1. Never sit next to someone if there is a double seat available (buses), or if there is a seat in between them and the next person, so as to leave a gap (trains). 2. On buses, if there is more than one double seat available in that row, do not sit directly behind or in front of the person. 3. Buses again, if you really do not want someone sitting next to you, sit on the aisle sit. Most people won't ask you to move. Now secondly, and the one that annoys me most. People will do their utmost to ram themselves onto the bus or train, regardless of the amount of people on there, even if the next bus or train will be there in one minute. That, i'll never understand.
Public House And Deep Thoughts
self selected to be part of the community listening to my own voice for the next clue to the next dimension never realize until committed and brought through somehow. a sense of empowerment, a song, a cure in a world without real medicine. almost an unimaginable commodity to strive towards. life as health. living fully. the story told and listened to, is the story lived in the moment of the utterance of the thought this lil neuron firing telling where in the world it is and why, and reporting back to the others. self description promoting opening and therapeutic truth telling to the self. an antidote to the sociological lies that are fed to us on sub-lingual levels a revolution through thought on personal levels liberating the moment through some process of energy exchange, moving forward... shared experience through knowing the self and relating that truthfully with another realized being what a romantic notion on a lighter note there's a new pub on the block actually cal
Public Display Of Affection
Sitting waiting, anticipating for that moment In time when our eyes lock, caught up in The stare of heated passion…. At that moment I feel the burning sensation, Waiting for your touch, hands burning Up and down my sides touching me right Through to my soul… I am burning for you, every ounce of my Body tingling, waiting for the explosion of Your touch, your taste, your smell… Our eyes meet, I am hypnotized your Glance as you make your way over to me… I am numb, leg buckling, heart beating.. Ears Echoing so loud, I cannot hear a sound… Our lips embrace, so soft so moist, our tongues Do the dance of love, fiery hot sensations run Down my spine, cannot wait another moment, I need to make you mine… In the dark corner of the room we float, our Heavenly gaze never broke…Mind racing., Imagination flowing.. Hands running up my skirt, hands running Down his waist, I can no longer anticipate, Warm loving juices flow, at that moment I Don’t care who know
Published Writer??
Okay so my interviews have been published, Popular Underground Magazine out of Chicago, but it's online and I didn't get paid. I emailed my Disturbed interview from last year and my recently transcribed DJ Skribble, which I formatted in the preferred article style with quotes thrown in to Military Times Magazine. Interesting enough, I received the email address from one of my interview subjects. Anyways, I received an email this morning from their senior staff writer. He is passing on my writing to the editor. So far so good! Hope everyone is having a great Monday.
Public Service Announcement....
Last night I had happen something most guys dream of here on Fubar.  I had one of the hottest looking babes on this site shout me and ask if I would like to webcam with her. She sais she was horny and had to have me now.   Since she clearly did not read my profile, something I find is the usual here rather than the exception, I knew she must be either really horny, doing a random act of kindness, or a scammer. Now if I am really horny I usually do not come on here and ask some random woman to webcam.  I know you ladies have a different experience but that is just me.  Call it a weakness.  Random acts of kindness involve sending encouraging words and thoughts that I actually think about and make unique for the person receiving them.  So I concluded she must be a scammer.  But in the interest of scientific research I decided to play along.  I have a spirit of adventure and always ready to learn new things about people.  I am also a sucker for a gorgeous lady with huge breasts. Or not so
Public Apology
Ive come to realize that I'm a bit of a pervert. I think it might be inbred into me with my Greek heritage. Also the fact I was named after the Greek god of wine and debauchery.... I believe I owe you all an apology ....especially my girl friends.. So to you I say i am truly sorry.... I'm a pervert.. I will try to behave it will be hard, but i will try... *molest a few girls before i go* Also I will apologize to Seamus in advance to anything I might possibly do to hurt his feelings... I apologize for being confusing and sometimes and outright mess (most of you have seen this) Also last but not least I apologize to the male friend I have for being that cute but slightly dorkish girl that loves to stalk....(please refrain from locking windows it makes my job a little more difficult)   Wicked the nun PS.... thank you Jai for the spelling correction if its grammatically wrong blame him.(they never read small print)
Public Health Option.
Here's the main problem with a public option plan: there are no immediately discernible benefits, and if there's something we Americans require, it's immediacy. We're the country that was too lazy to get up off of our asses to change the channel, so we invented the remote control... too lazy to wait for the stove to properly heat up our food, so we invented the microwave... too impatient to know where our loved ones might be, so we invented cellular phones... to ignorant to properly read maps, so we invented GPS... too busy to wait for email, so we invented instant messaging... too aloof to have to wait to know whether or not someone enjoyed the their McCrap with extra cheese, so we invented Twitter. We've so bogged ourselves with the desire for immediate satisfaction that we think quarter to quarter and not long term. See, spending trillions in borrowed money on pointless wars is acceptable, because we can see things getting blown up and assume that there are actual results for money
Public Records
People have gotten to be more conscious of their safety and protection especially during these times of crisis where criminality, fraud, and other mischief have risen. But people cannot avoid having to deal with other people particularly when one talks about livelihood. When you want to make sure that the entity that you would like to start a business relationship with is trustworthy and reliable, you can benefit much from accessing public court records where all the information that you need about a person or entity can be found.   Public Records Search
A Public Apology To Micheal Moore
 So i was FORCED (dared)to watch Micheal Moore's movie Sicko last night. I have hated the man for a long time, but was told this was a must watch due to a conversation we were having.  And although everyone has a right to share their opinions, i believe he is the anti-Christ. But that's another story. I was simply shocked at what i was seeing. And i don't shock easy. By the end of the movie i learned a few things about myself...A) I can be wrong. Although Moore has pissed me off in the past with his hate-mongering, he really knows his shit. And everyone deserves a second chance. B) I can tear up during a movie. Yup, i had a tear or two. Weird. (For the people who have seen the movie it was when the 9/11 workers met the fireman in Cuba)C) I already knew this, but it made me think harder... The Government and media work together to pull the wool over our eyes and flat out lie to us. Trust no one.(Sides note, another great movie to watch regarding this is Wag The Dog)D)  And most importan
Public Schools
Public schools are not qualified to teach evolution nor creation. American youth are barely learning the basics i.e. Math, History, Science, English. They need not be distracted with your THEORY. They can learn the bullshit in college if they make it that far
Public Prayer
This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at  Roane County High School , Kingston , Tennessee , by school Principal, Jody McLeod "It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games, to say a prayer and play the National Anthem, to honor God and Country." "Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a Prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it "an alternate life style," and if someone is offended, that's OK." "I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it, "safe sex.." If someone is offended, that's OK." "I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a "viable! means of birth control." If someone is offended, no problem..." "I can designate a school day as "Earth Day" and involve students in activities to worship religiou
Public Enemy #1 Of Original Gangsters
Ok as u all know, this fu-mafia shit is just a game. Let me repeat that for people who think its real...IT'S JUST A GAME!!! So with that being said let me say this, I do not like idle threats against my husband or my friends. And when you talk down at my friends and family like they are not human I get really mad. So when I found out that this person named HaggarD! on here was getting all mad about this stupid fu-mafia stuff and taking backslapping seriously. So I am putting a special hit out on this guy because i can. So O.G's here u go and have fun. HaggarD!
Public Speaking
Public Speaking   Public speaking is the number one fear of the majority of adults-it even ranks higher than death! The result is that dreams of this sort are common. Rarely are they nightmares, but rather dreams of scrutiny and overcoming. Often the occasion of the speaking or the audience members will suggest something to you about an area of your life where people are looking too closely for your comfort. Another version of this is the public speaking dream where the topic or attire is totally inappropriate for the dreamer's context. This dream is similar to the nudity dream in that exposure and inadequacy are themes in the dream. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you are covering up. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd, or did it somehow fit logically with your waking life? Did you feel a sense of high anxiety during the situation, or were you calm and forthright?
Public Political Imprisionment
You charm us with a smile, you promise all your worth. Your lies begin to pile, from your egos girth. Hid behind denial, you ever shame our earth. With every bloody mile, insuring Satins birth.
Publilius Syrus
There are some remedies worse than the disease.  ~
Public Enemy #1
Artist: Public Enemy Album: Fear of a Black Planet Title: Fear of a Black Planet Man you ain't gottaWorry 'bout a thing'Bout your daughterNah she ain't my type(But supposin' she said she loved me)Are you afraid of the mix of Black and WhiteWe're livin' in a land whereThe law say the mixing of raceMakes the blood impureShe's a woman I'm a manBut by the look on your faceSee ya can't stand itMan calm your ass down, don't get madI don't your sistah(But supposin' she said she loved me)Would you still love herOr would you dismiss herWhat is pure? Who is pure?Is it European state of being, I'm not sureIf the whole world was to comeThru peace and loveThen what would we made of?Excuse us for the newsYou might not be amusedBut did you know white comes from BlackNo need to be confusedExcuse us for the newsI question those accusedWhy is this fear of Black from WhiteInfluence who you choose?Man c'mon now, I don't want your wifeStop screamin' it's not the end of your life(But sup
Public Broadcast Announcement
If you are taking me that freaking personal, it might just be YOU that has the real issues! hahahaha Cuz I ain't doing nothing but laffing my ass off at ya, bish!
Public Relations To Focus
UGG sheepskin double-sided by the band are made of wool. Drying process in the processing of wool sheep have been on top of adhesion, which boots have a breathable performance and exceptional thermal performance boots are cool in the summer, to winter warmth, combined with loose and comfortable, so comfortable and the foot has a special feeling. This caused the value of ugg boots products have jumped to. UGG fashion cool feature that allows people with boots any time to display the different kind of style. As the president said once you wear ugg boots reluctant to take off, its originality, reliability, super-luxurious feel will make you crazy. Dexter took a big UGG is not in the rich and powerful advertising, instead of using public relations to focus on the way Hollywood stars. They starred in beach guards and be crazy chasing paparazzi shot of the actress Pamela Anderson. Sent a pair of uggs, also accompanied her daughter a pair of UGG, comfortable wearing effect immediately to enab
Public Service Announcement
Please be aware of your surroundings while on the road... stay off your cell phones. no playing with cigarettes and lighters, changing the radio or CD, even dealing with kids if you have them in your vehicle... (pets too) pull over and do it safely please.. to many people are causing stupid accidents, injuring and killing others... this includes all drivers of vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians... just keep your eyes on the roads and focus..   Thank You for your support
Public Service Reminder-july 4th
I wanted to remind everyone this fourth of July of the true meaning of the holiday. While you're barbecuing and relaxing with friends, just remember that we, as Americans, have a rich heritage of drinking, blowing stuff up, and shooting guns in the air. It was this day in 1776 that Christopher Columbos drunkenly set foot on new soil, shot in the air, and blew some stuff up, thus giving this great country it's humble beginnings. So wether you're enjoying a paid holiday, arguing with your friends over who threw in more on bottle rockets, or cursing under you're breath all day because you have to work, be sure to pause and show your patriotism by making something explode or have a hole in it.
Public Inquiry 'urgent' For Quebec Building Industry
The head of Quebec's anti-corruption squad is calling for "urgent action" to tackle collusion in the construction sector. Jacques Duchesneau appeared Tuesday at an administrative legislature committee, to flesh out his squad's findings after a year-long investigation. After meeting with more than 500 people through the course of the investigation, it became clear that money laundering, bid-rigging, political kickbacks and organized crime are an inherent part of Quebec's construction sector,burberry outlet said Duchesneau. But the industry can be rehabilitated, he said — ultimately through a full-scale inquiry behind closed doors. Only a full-scale inquiry can restore public faith in the system, Duchesneau said. But it has to be held behind closed doors, Duchesneau insisted, to ensure anonymity for people who risk speaking out. Construction industry 'not normal' on many levels During his appearance, Duchesneau revisited the squad's findings first published in a report
Public Bitching Blog
(I stole this from my friend Donnie)   Hi folks, Donnie (Cross Donnie out and add Vampy)  here from Fubar. Welcome to my, "Public Bitchin Blog." Maybe you'd like to bitch about gas prices, or complain about how hot or cold it is outside. Maybe you'd like to just call me an asshole, because when you got out of bed today you stepped in dog shit or because someone screwed up your whole day. Maybe when you got online today someone rated you all 1's, and then blocked you...and now you're pissed at the entire world because of it. Whatever it may be, and no matter how pissed off it made you, well then you can drop your comment right here. My, "Public Bitchin Blog" is open 24 hours a day...7 days a week. (no reservations required) So,thanks for coming by my "Public Bitchin Blog", and remember folks, I don't wanna make any ratings or fubucks, I just love to hear you BITCH!
Public Cries For Attention.
I don't understand people and their status updates.   "I'm going to take a hiatus from [insert website name here] for a while.  See ya when I see ya"   To me, this just screams:"Beg me not to go !  I need to feel validated and e-loved by complete strangers!"   Now, this does not speak for every one.  There are some that legitimately take their hiatus, coming back feeling internet-refreshed.  What I am talking about are the people that claim they need to take a break, only to come back the following day or even a few days later.    That is not a hiatus, that is a nap...or maybe a small weekend trip.
Pub On Its Way Out...
My parents have lived in an area for almost 10 years, I now live in the area, and have been so for nearly 2 years... throughout the past 10 years I have frequented the local pub... for you Americans... a local british pub/bar is where local people go to socialise theres always a mandatory old man in the corner who is always there but never says anything, a resident alcoholic whos constantly making a fool of himself, and about half a dozen kids playing around... ...anypoo... my local used to be lovely, you could go there to see your mates, have a cheap meal and have fun... but my god has it gone down hill... Since this new manageress has started they've gone to pot... they bought in a no hat rule and told an elderly gentleman who wore a TRILBY that he wasn't allowed to wear it anymore, so this poor old man who had been going there for years, left the pub having felt unwelcomed, and never returned... (big awwww plz) They then changed the menu... not different food..
Pub Rules
for those of you that don't know me very well or feel you have a right to harrass me, here are some basic rules i go by when here.. if you can't respect them then i really don't give a damn. it's my page not yours so gtfo if you don't like it. 1. if you are in my family then you have earnt a place there. adding me to yours or bitching at me about why you are not in my family will not change my mind and put you there. not to say that i don't have friends that are not in my family.. but it is limited in space and for once in this lifetime, i can choose my family! lol jk.. well sorta :P 2. i do not do cam or cyber sex.. no ifs or buts.. if you ask me about it i will delete you 3. i love the mumms and will enjoy the flirting, chatting, laughing, bashing and mocking but that is it. don't come to my shoutbox and try for a bit of one on one action or to continue whatever was said in the mumm. my shoutbox is different territory altogether! 4. i often stay online but do not stay at
Pubs To Try Red Version Of The "black Stuff"
Pubs to try red version of the "black stuff" Thu Oct 26, 12:59 PM ET Guinness, the dark Irish drink known as the "black stuff", could soon be turning red. Manufacturer Diageo plans to produce a version at its Irish brewery using lightly roasted barley, which will have a reddish colour, and give it a trial run across the Irish Sea in Britain. "If you held up a pint of Guinness to the light, the red would come through. It's a very deep red," a Diageo spokeswoman said. Diageo plans to test Guinness Red on drinkers in British pubs in the coming months but has no plans to launch it more widely, either at home in Ireland or in about 150 other countries where Guinness is sold. The beer, which like the traditional, darker Guinness will have a creamy white head and be poured in the two steps needed to let it settle, will have a strength of about 4.1 percent. Diageo already sells several versions of the brew -- including Guinness Original, Guinness Draught and Guinness For
I only have one thing to say. Irish Pubs are the SHIT!!!!
Pucker Up!
You scored as Romantic Kisser. Good for you! You know how to kiss and hopefully you have a certain someone to experience a serge of happiness with. If not, it doesnt hurt to flirt kiss a little hehe. Just dont get carried away. Romantic kissing is always a plus! Kissing is an art keep it up and youll be really good! Here some tips: 1. Be ready 2. no smoking 3. start slow 4. up the intensity 5. develop rhythm 6. change it up 7. pay attention to hands 8. experiment 9. respond 10. repeatRomantic Kisser94%Yippy Ki Yay!69%Your more of a class act than youre giving yourself credit for31%How good do you kiss?created with
Pucker Up
Hello all. Please go to this website and vote for #1. Once you are done, delete your cookies (tools, internet options and delete cookies), wait 15 mintues and you can vote again for me. Thanks for all your help!!!!
Pucker Up & Win A Blast!
I know a lot of you have at least one pic where you are puckering.. So get your pics into her and have some fun with it.... Fireman ENTER MY ¢¾PUCKER¢¾UP¢¾ CONTEST (please repost) Send me your best shot of you puckering up for the camera. No NSFW pics....& it CAN'T be a pic of you kissing someone else. Send me a private message with your choice of photo. PRIZES will be determined by the number of comments. 1st prize BLAST, minimum 10,000 comments, number of days will be determined by the number of comments (less than 10,000 will be a big pimpin gift) 2nd prize BLAST, minimum 10,000 comments, number of days will be determined by the number of comments (less than 10,000 will be a big pimpin gift) 3rd prize Big Pimpin Gift, which one will depend on number of comments All participants will get a gift for entering No downrating or bashing other contestants. Comment bombing & self-bombing is allowed. Contest will last 10 days. Contest date
Pucker Up And Kiss My..............sexiest Lips On Fubar Contest......plz Repost
SEXIEST LIPS OF FUBAR CONTEST *~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~*♥ ♥*~*~*CONTEST FOR SEXIEST LIPS*~*~*♥ ~~STARTS TONIGHT AT 12PM EST~~ *~*GIRLS AND GUYS*~* SEPT.~23RD~12PM EST-SEPT.~3OTH~12PM EST *~*~*~*~*R A T E S O N L Y*~*~*~*~* ♥*~*~*DO YOU HAVE SEXY LIPS*~*~*♥ STOP BY AND CHECK OUT THE SEXY LIPS OF FUBAR *~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~* ~~PRIZES ARE AS FOLLOWS~~ (Y)1ST PLACE~~7 DAY BLAST (Y)2ND PLACE~~3 DAY BLAST (Y)3RD PLACE~~1 DAY BLAST *~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~* PLZ CHECK OUT J.C. AND THE CONTEST CLICK BELOW AND SHOW HER MAD LUV!HER BDAY IS SEPT.3OTH!:P SO FAN.RATE & ADD HER IF YOU WILL(D) *~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~* .JC..DLS Promoter and DJ LADY LUMPS *~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~**~*~*♥*~*~* *~*REMEMBER TO VOTE ON THE SEXIEST LIPS*~* *~*~*~*~*M U A H H H H!*~*~*~*~* ******PUCKER UP****** ~~RATES ONLY~~ *~*~*b
The Puckered Sweet Blow
You kiss me, the design of your lust is printed on my nude body, your hands on me spread on my very flesh like a forest fire. passions burn  wild and uncontrollable.  your hand clutch my breasts and your lips stir to my erected nipples , kissing and sucking on them. my heart beats forcefully my breath weakened and broken up. my pussy wet i feel a craze lust for you. i slide down your chest ,belly and work my tongue to your erection, hard stiff pulsing with blood rushing firmly to make the hard appeal that is like eye candy for me. i  cling  my hand to your cock  teasing the tip with my red plush soft warm mouth. mmmm pre cum excitedly exits the stiff cock . a single thin strand ladders across from my lips to the cock head of your dick. mmmm yes so tasty i can hardly Wait to taste your nectar sweet. i grasp  with my other hand your balls and i take a breath and i take every last inch of your man hood, into my mouth mmmmmm yessss  thick cock  sliding in and out  more rabidly as i  coax i
The Puck
XIAN - Floods and landslides triggered by torrential rains have left at least 15 people dead and 54 missing in Northwest Chinas Shaanxi province, flood control authorities said late Monday. Kenny Phillips Jersey . Related readings: Yangtze River flow set to exceed level of 1998 floods Floods leave at least 34 dead, 87 missing Death toll from SW China floods rises to 23, 30 still missing Residents along Yangtze River brace for floods The lives of more than 1.33 million people were disrupted by the heavy flooding in 23 counties and cities in the southern regions of the province, said officials in the provincial flood control headquarters. Torrential rains have cut off roads, flattened homes, destroyed power facilities and flooded farmland in the worst-hit Ankang city, causing economic losses estimated at 881 million yuan ($129 million), said officials. In the mountainous county of Langao in Ankang, three people were reported dead and 17 still missing after landslides and mud-rock flows s
Puddle Of Mudd
Puddin' Pants,
a poem by nay: donkey balls, poopy draws, sippin on some gin. butt crust, piggy lust, animal sex is a sin. puddin pants, anal ants, run ronnie run. salty clits, taco shits, dried nipples in the sun.
Puddles Of Fun
Three little ducks go into a Bar.............................. "Say, what's your name?" the bartender asked the first duck. "Huey," was the reply. "How's your day been, Huey?" "Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day. What else could a duck want?" said Huey. "Oh. That's nice," said the bartender. He turned to the second duck, "Hi, and whatyour name?" "Dewey," came the answer from duck number two. "So how's your day been, Dewey! ?" he asked. "Great. Lovely day. I've had a ball too. Been in and out of puddles all day myself. What else could a duck want?" The bartender turned to the third duck and said, "So, you must be Louie?" "No," she said, batting her eyelashes. "My name is Puddles."
Puddle Of Mudd - She Hates Me
Puddle Of Mudd
Just rocked my socks!!! Woot! Stars and Stripes fest was amazing!! The BMX guys were pretty cool too :) Woot!
Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry
Is it me or do these lyrics seem to be true most the time. Everything's so blurry and everyone's so fake and everybody's empty and everything is so messed up pre-occupied without you I cannot live at all My whole world surrounds you I stumble then I crawl You could be my someone you could be my scene you know that i'll protect you from all of the obscene I wonder what you're doing imagine where you are there's oceans in between us but that's not very far Can you take it all away can you take it all away well ya shoved it in my face this pain you gave to me Can you take it all away can you take it all away well ya shoved it my face Everyone is changing there's noone left that's real to make up your own ending and let me know just how you feel cause I am lost without you I cannot live at all my whole world surrounds you I stumble then I crawl You could be my someone you could be my scene you know that i will save you from all of the unclean
It's quiet now But I was deep in the midst of a passing storm My only eveidence, the pool of rapture that surrounds me Along with the puddle Eve left in my navel Small the puddle may be, but it still holds nectar from the watery onslaught Eve threw upon me in reckless abandon I call her Eve because she devours me as if I'm the forbidden apple As I lay with my eyes to the ceiling, I feel her crawling towards me, ready to take another bite This time, to the core I taste the remains of the deposit she left in my navel Sweet puddle, indeed I feel no languish as she shares a gaze, then mounts & gives me entry I brace myself for another storm
Puddle Of Mud - She Fucking Hates Me

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