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Sometimes my mind wanders far from me, I turn into a memory… A stranger to myself, I ramble as my eyelids close. Semi-conscious I spill secrets from my mouth. I fill my lungs, swelling with oxygen, a bitter taste creeps up my throat. I swallow and choke on those words, broken and parted shards of letters. I’ve told you so much already… Am I dreaming of you? Does my voice serve my mind? Can I staple my lips shuts and never speak again? Am I drowning in the time that’s catching up to me? All the questions swimming in my head… But there’s one that will always go unasked and unanswered. I will keep it to myself and my sleep deprived state. When I shut my eyes, I will dream of that unspoken curiosity. When I wake up, I will have forgotten what I wanted to know.  
When does friendship evolve into a relationship ? When does like turn to love ? When does enjoying someone's company become you can't stand for them to be away ? When does missing someone change into longing for them ? What do you do when your feelings get stronger ? How do you tell your best friend that you're in love with them ? Why does happiness have to be so elusive ? Where do these feelings come from ? Who are you once you're more than friends ? What is true love ? How do you know when you've found it ? What do you do when you do find it ? When should you express your real feelings ? Why does love have to be so confusing ?   Does anybody ever really have the answers to these questions ?
32 Questions That All Americans Must Answer (repost)
Ron Paul, in his historic farewell speech to Congress this week, asked 32 thought-provoking questions addressed to his fellow Americans. It's very clear upon examination of these questions that something is very wrong with our government.  Below are his questions: Why are sick people who use medical marijuana put in prison? Why does the federal government restrict the drinking of raw milk? Why can’t Americans manufacturer rope and other products from hemp? Why are Americans not allowed to use gold and silver as legal tender as mandated by the Constitution? Why is Germany concerned enough to consider repatriating their gold held by the FED for her in New York? Is it that the trust in the U.S. and dollar supremacy beginning to wane? Why do our political leaders believe it’s unnecessary to thoroughly audit our own gold? Why can’t Americans decide which type of light bulbs they can buy? Why is the TSA permitted to abuse the rights of any American traveling
The Question
She is beautiful, smart, and spontanious But that combination can be dangerous She is all I ever wanted But I liked her so quick If she likes me things will be all good But if I get hurt again it will make me sick Everytime I meet a girl thats cool Something happens and I play the fool Should I take the chance to see if she feels the same Or should I just sit back and play the game There are some things you just can't let go And the worst thing she could say is No! But I don't want to ruin what we have so far If asking is going to change the way things are. She brought a troubled man releif And thats not an easy task So why can't I get some nerve And bring myself to ask?
Questions And Maybe Answers
Do you find yourself picking up your phone to see if thereis a message from me?? does your mind wonder when hear a certain song or a laugh and it reminds you of how the one you love laughs when they are happy?? does your heart sink when you think that today might be the last time you hear from them?? Does love really exist when you have to struggleto find it?? Do you find that you spend most of your day thinkingabout me as much as i think about you??you open your heart and you let love in...only to find out itwasn't really love...and in that start to wonder why didn't he understand what i was trying to say...or why did she take me for granted...feeling lost and confused because you can'tbelieve how wrong you were about the person you are with...theydon't see the real you...they don't know what i am about...theynever took the time to really get to know me...In a blink of an realize that real love is knowing youhave allowed another person to see the real you...tha
Qu'est-ce Qu'un Téléphone Intelligent Signifie Pour Nous
  Ne mettez pas tous vos oeufs dans le même panier est un refrain très commun, un objectif légitime compte tenu aussi du risque potentiel de quelque chose qui ne va pas avec ce panier. Pourtant, notre vie quotidienne semblent être de plus en plus poussés vers un gadget unique qui détient la clé de tout ce que nous chérissons.L'idée de convergence des appareils électroniques n'est pas une nouvelle à alllong il ya observateurs de l'industrie avaient prédit la convergence de l'informatique, de la communication et du commerce. Cependant, ce qui peut ne pas avoir été envisagée dans toute son ampleur est le degré de convergence que nous connaissons aujourd'hui, avec des temps modernes smartphones et tablettes. Ces dispositifs sont constamment redéfinir la convergence et repoussent les limites de la commodité de complètement nouveaux niveaux, et si j'ose dire, même un peu effrayantes (les même peur d'oeufs dans le même panier).Dans de nombreux endroits à travers le monde, les téléphones inte
70 Questions About Me
What is your middle name? None of your business   What color is your mailbox? Gray.   Are you single? Yes. Not looking.   Have you ever hit a deer? No, but I have slapped an asshole.   Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? No   What color is your room? White   Do you have a small driveway? Driveway?   Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you? No   What do you do first in the morning? Smoke, coffee, piss, plot world domination.   What brand is your printer? Don't have one   Do you enjoy fighting with people? NO!!!!!   Is your hair naturally straight or curly? Straight   Who was your pre-school teacher? I didn't go to preschool.   What is your ringtone? Some catchy dubstep shit that rocks. Text tone is AC/DC's Back In Black.   Are you taller than your mom? No   What curse words do you say the most when your pissed? Variations of FUCK, mostly   Are you God? No, I'm a Goddess.   Do you like someone? YES!!!!!   Do you e
Questions Surrounding The
LONDON - Bolton defender Gary Cahill has won his appeal against the red card he received in Saturdays Premier League loss to Tottenham. Ronnie Brewer jersey . Cahill was sent off by referee Stuart Atwell for bringing down England teammate Scott Parker in the 18th minute. Bolton was already down 1-0 when it was reduced to 10 men and lost 3-0. Cahill appealed to the Football Association against the decision and subsequent suspension on the grounds that the offence did not constitute denial of a scoring opportunity because it was out wide and near halfway. The FA says "the one-match suspension handed to him has been withdrawn." Carmelo Anthony Authentic Jersey . The embattled quarterback pointed a finger at the press for its critical approach toward a team on a three-game losing streak entering Mondays game at New Orleans (2-5). J.R. Smith jersey . As the Eskimos continued their preparation Tuesday the two big questions surrounding the team were who will start at quarterback and whats the
19 Questions...
1. What's the closet thing to you that's red?There is a red jar lid in this drawer in front of me. 2. What does you last text message say?something about dinner plans with my bestfriend. 3. What's a song you currently hate?Anything Katy Perry. Most things on the radio. 4. What was the toughest subject for you in school?Does PE count as a subject? I fucking hated it I mean HATED it. I don't like sports, I don't even like board games. 5. Who is your favorite actor?Fairuza Balk because I've had a crush on her since middle school. 6. Is your bed made?No, not at all. Also not often. 7. What color are your underwear?Chillin in Pajama bottoms and a tank top.... why would I need underwear? 8. Do you own a pet?"Own" a pet. For one thing Ro Ro The pittie bull owns me. I'm the one walking her feeding her buying her treats. But yes. 2 dogs 5 gecko's a turtle and a cat and a chicken. I prefer animals to people in most cases and feel uncomfertable in homes without animals. 9. Do you suffer f
Question Of The Week...
Why do people do the things they do? Why do people kill people for pointles things? If you're mad at somebody there's no need to kill them. Just put on your big boy boxers[or breifs] and tell them and then.. here's an idea distance yourself from them!! Simple as that. That is all.   -- Whitter
17 Questions
17 Unanswered Questions About The Boston Marathon Bombing The Media Is Afraid To Ask     Michael SnyderAmerican DreamApril 22, 2013 Will we ever learn the full truth about the Boston Marathon bombing?  Personally, I have been looking into this attack for days, and I just keep coming up with more questions than answers.  At this point, I honestly have no idea what really happened.  Why was a bomb drill being held on the day of the attack?  Why have authorities denied that a bomb drill was taking place?  Were Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev acting alone?  What was the nature of their previous contacts with the FBI and other
Pink just has one question for you.
Question Yourself.......
"Everyone has their own battles and their own fights. Its just about figuring out what you can take on and what will come out of it that makes you happy dealing with the consequences and theories in the world. You have to develop your own path and your own state of mind." This quote is from someones video, who I fallow closely for some personal reasons and out of admiration.  He also says that you "cant form your life on others because they have already based what they feel about you based on things they cant even be sure about but they're saying they are. " This has really came to express my life and how it has been for a short while now. There are some people who are going to meet me, and they are going to base their feelings on such things as my tattoos, how I dress, even my attitude. This brings in his point, they don't know my battles or fights or the reasons for why I do or don't do things. I can try my best at what I do, that is where it goes.  He also mentions that the more y
A Quetion For One And All
What has power over you? The answer, Nothing really. I mean Realy think about it. For some thing to have power over you, you must first give it power. Example. Take any religion. For the God or Gods you must beleve in them and then submit your self to the rules of that religion. another example, fear. Thay say theres nothing to fear but fear it self. that is true. To fear something you have to give it power over you. Any comments please sare!
Quetzalocoatl Det er på tide å se litt nærmere på Quetz (forkortet), den aztekiske fjærkledte slangeguden. Det vil si; han var opprinnelig en lokal gudom. Og han gjennomgikk noen sentrale forandringer innenfor aztekernes mytologi. Hvis vi ser på symbolet slange med fjær kan vi anta at det henspilles på noe kvinnelig. Men hvorfor det bildet? Vi kan se det som et forsøk på å forstå noe fra en "uvitendes" synspunkt. Og vi kan forestille oss fastboende indianere i de sørlige strøkene som møter indianske nomader fra nord. "Snakker med ulver" med Costner er de hvites møte med den samme underlige religionen. De samme indianerne brukte fjær og de har også idag ritualer hvor de ber bønner til ulver. Åndelig sett rir de med dem og lever blandt dem. Det er ganske sikkert uttrykk for friheten på de nordamerikanske steppene og identifisering med ulvens frihet som rovdyr og kriger. Det spesielle er at religionen er rettet for en stor del mot kvinnene. Det er det problematiske. An
Quetzalocoatl Det er på tide å se litt nærmere på Quetz (forkortet), den aztekiske fjærkledte slangeguden. Det vil si; han var opprinnelig en lokal gudom. Og han gjennomgikk noen sentrale forandringer innenfor aztekernes mytologi. Hvis vi ser på symbolet slange med fjær kan vi anta at det henspilles på noe kvinnelig. Men hvorfor det bildet? Vi kan se det som et forsøk på å forstå noe fra en "uvitendes" synspunkt. Og vi kan forestille oss fastboende indianere i de sørlige strøkene som møter indianske nomader fra nord. "Snakker med ulver" med Costner er de hvites møte med den samme underlige religionen. De samme indianerne brukte fjær og de har også idag ritualer hvor de ber bønner til ulver. Åndelig sett rir de med dem og lever blandt dem. Det er ganske sikkert uttrykk for friheten på de nordamerikanske steppene og identifisering med ulvens frihet som rovdyr og kriger. Det spesielle er at religionen er rettet for en stor del mot kvinnene. Det er det problematiske. An
Que Vivas Los Padres Boricuas!
My parents taught me about RELIGION - "Ay, pídele a Dios que yo no te coja." My parents taught me about ANTICIPATION - ¡Deja que lleguemos a la casa coño!" My parents taught me about my ROOTS - "Mal-agradecido, cuando yo era chiquita no tenía nada!" My parents taught me about LOGIC - ¿Cómo que por qué? ¡Porque Si!" My parents taught me about INSPIRATION- "Si llegas con malas notas te voy a hacer comer la chancleta" My parents taught me about WISDOM- Tú crees que te lo sabes todo y no sabes ni limpiarte el fondillo!" My Mother taught me about CONFUSION - "Me cago en la Madre que te parió!" (Wait…isn't that her?) My Mother tuaght me about MAGIC- " somehow when running away from a chancleta i hid in back of a wall and the chancleta made a 45 degree turn and still hit me upside my head! ¡Que vivan los Padres Boriqua!!!!
Quà Giáng Sinh 2013 Cho Tình Nhân áo đôi Giáng Sinh
Áo khoác tình nhân giáng sinh 2013 hàn quốc Kích thước : Đo trên mặt phẳng L: Chiều dài: 67cm (không bao gồm mũ) Ngực: 106cm Vòng eo: 96cm tay áo: 58cm vai: 55cm (Nữ) XL: Chiều dài: 69cm (không bao gồm mũ) Ngực:  10cm: eo 100cm tay áo: 60cm Vai: 57cm (Nam) XXL: Chiều dài: 71cm (không bao gồm mũ) Ngực:  14cm: eo 104cm tay áo: 62cm vai: 59cm (Nam)
Qui A Raté
Washington, DC (Sports Network) - Stephen Curry scored 29 points, grabbed nine rebounds and dished out five assists, and the Golden State Warriors stopped a four-game slide by topping the Washington Wizards, 106-102. Darren Sproles Womens Jersey . Monta Ellis added 21 points, Dorell Wright netted 14 and David Lee pulled down a game-high 16 rebounds to go with nine points for the Warriors, who won despite making only three field goals in the fourth quarter. We needed a win no matter how we got it, Warriors head coach Keith Smart said. We were able to pull it together [at the end]. Nick Young posted 31 points for Washington, but missed a potential tying three-pointer in the final seconds. Andray Blatche had 20 points, nine boards and six assists in the Wizards seventh straight loss. With Washington head coach Flip Saunders tending to a personal matter, assistant coach Randy Wittman saw his club fight back from a 20-point deficit. The Wizards got within 100-95 when Trevor Bookers hook sho
Quick Change Hottie
Quick Change Hottie - video powered by Metacafe
Quick Fix And Heart Beats
classes are so boring sometimes. this is a week of tests in my t-day classes. so i have a test in french. je ne mange pas et j'ai faim. ce n'est pas important. j'ai deux mains, je t'aime. i also have a mass media exam...apparently if i walk over to some bookstore i can get the right big test sheets for free but seriously it's so far. it's right by the fraternity house i ended up at one day at 1 am so it's not like i know how to get there in daylight. i have geology lab tomorrow. thrilling.
Quick And Easy Chocolate Dessert
1 box chocolate cake mix 2 4oz boxes chocolate instant pudding 1 can cherry pie filling 2 sm. tubs coolwhip Prepare cake mix according to directions on box in a 13x9 pan. Let cake completely cool. (Best if made night before.) Prepare pudding and chill until set. Cut cake into 2x2 squares. In large dessert bowl, starting with cake squares, layer cake...pudding...cherry pie filling...whipped cream and repeat.
A Quick Glance
A quick glance, a tender smile, I am caught in a spell. A gentle touch, a warm embrace, I know that all too well. A soft voice, an unspoken love, Across the way i see. A kind soul, an inner beauty, That's what you are to me.
Quick Chocolate Cake
Prep: 15 min, Cook: 30 min, plus cooling time. * 1 package swiss chocolate cake mix * 1-1/3 cups water * 1/2 cup oil * 3 eggs * 1 cup raspberries and cream frosting Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter and flour 2 8 or 9 inch round or 1 9x13 inch cake pan. Set aside. Combine first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat on low speed 30 seconds. Increase speed to medium and beat 2 minutes. Pour batter into prepared pans and bake 30-35 minutes, or until a tester comes out clean when inserted in center. Cool in pan on a rack 15 minutes before turning out onto a serving dish. Cool completely. Spread frosting over top of cake. Place remaining cake layer (if using) over top and spread frosting over top and sides to cover. This recipe serves 12 people. Due to the nature of this recipe, it adjusts the number of servings in multiples of 12 only. Per serving: calories 206, fat 14.8g, 64% calories from fat, cholesterol 51mg, protein 1.7g, carbohydrates
A Quick Freestyle...
Only time can tell when never will come In the end what's over is not really done The beggining exists in the eyes of none And forever quickly dies in the heat of the sun. It's insane the things that run through my mind A sense of normality you will never find A rage exists that's the only one of it's kind Forever I'll remember I'm always behind. Given to me was a nothingness so bleek One I gave away that I could never keep Enjoyment is something I tend to seek An end to devestation is what I need. It's done, I'm through, you can have the rest I'm sick of it all, sick of this mess I require the desire to pass this test But I'll never pretend I can't be the best. Now it's never and time is up The end is over the world is stuck In a beggining that shows no love Forever dies again the crowd is stunned.
Quick Spaghettini Bolognese
Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Serves: 8 Ingredients 1 lb. spaghettini 1 lb. mixed lean ground meat, beef, pork and veal 1 onioncooked, chopped 2 cloves garlic 1-3/4 lbs. canned crushed tomatoes 1 lb. tomato sauce 1 Tbsp. Italian herb seasoning 1/4 cup parsley, chopped Instructions Cook pasta in a large pan of boiling water 7-9 minutes, or until al dente. Drain. Combine meat, onion and garlic in a heavy nonstick pan over medium high heat. Cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until meat browns. Discard excess fat. Add crushed tomatoes, next 2 ingredients and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium and cook 5 minutes, uncovered, until thickened. Stir in parsley. Serve sauce over pasta.
Quick Thinking
A man and a woman meet at bar one day and are getting along really well. They decide to go back to the woman's house where they engage in passionate love making. The woman suddenly cocks her ear and says, "Quick my husband just got home, go hide in the bathroom!" So the man runs into the bathroom. Her husband comes up into the bedroom and looks at her. "Why are you naked?" he asks. "Well, I heard you pull up outside, so I thought I would come up here and get ready to recieve you." "Okay." the man replies "I'll go get ready." He goes into the bathroom before his wife can stop him and sees a naked man standing there clapping his hands. "Who the hell are you?!" the man asks. "I'm from the exterminator company, your wife called me in to get rid of the moths you are having problems with." The husband exclaims, "But you are naked!" The man then looks down and jumps back in surprise, and says... "Those little bastards!"
Quick Beer Party Rolls
3 c. biscuit mix 3 tbsp. sugar 1 (10 oz.) can cold beer Mix all ingredients. Fill small party muffin tins. Do not double recipe
Quick Update
1) wedding was fast, like 30 min fast and the reception SUCKED! never have a live band, EVER 2) jess and i talked about he aint leavin from my mind...yes i do still miss him. we never had any closure so i guess i still have hope that someday i'll see him again...which is total BS 3) it was COLD, like winter cold. and MUDDY. no wood floor and everything was outside in a tent and it was raining. IT SUCKED 4) fuckin tired of people sayin they'll be there for me and they'r not. not when i need them. it's always after something happens that they appear and i'm like "o u missed this" and they'r like "i wish i had been there!" well u werent cuz ur there for me when YOU want to be, not when i NEED you to be. of course i never know when they'll appear or when i'll need them, but it's so damn annoyin to be in a fight and have one of the most sensible friends NOT be around. specially since most of my friends are online (cuz i guess i tend to hate most people here...
A Quick Note
Just a quick note before I start posting my poetry in these blogs. All poetry that is placed here is written by me. If you use any of my poetry please give me proper credit or I will report you. It’s a small thing that I ask. I have worked very hard on my poetry and I don’t appreciate it being ripped off just like an artist doesn’t appreciate his/her art work being used with out proper credit. I hope you enjoy the poetry, and if you do use it please send me a courtesy message so I know where my work is floating at. Thank you very much, © Velvet Moon
A Quick Note !
There is no word to discribe or show you.. How much i care and love You... There will never be enough time in the world to show You...Ill never stop caring, and i'll never stop loving you.. For your the only one..that my heart beats along with . I love you hun.. kisses
Quick & Dirty Iq Test
Your IQ Is 120 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Above Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
Quick To Bak Down
Music Video:QUICK TO BACK DOWN (by Braveheats)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone hannah laughed at him when he told her wat she did was wrong. she gets one mroe chance or i'm walkin out on her and he's talkin to her and our friendship will die where it stands. the bitch should know better. tu is gonna take me to a club soon. guess we'll stick to our idea of puttin some reggaeton music on a stereo in the empty lot near wilson and just dancin. mayb we'll get our own lil party going. i'm not going to aimee's party to stay. me and rachel are droppin in, givin the bday girl gifts and leavin. i'm not about to get caught wit aimee for underage drinkin and possession. i aint if i get going on drugs i know i'll keep going. i get hooked easily. kenny and patrick came over. kenny was there to apologize for wat happened last night wit hannah. pat was there cuz he was kenny and it was nice to see him again. that's why i was MIA for like 5 hours. my
A Quick Update
So it has been 5 weeks and I still do not have my car back. My insurance only covered 30 days of rental and I still had to pay 100 dollars extra for that. So, am I pissed? Uhh Hell yeah! I WANT MY CAR BACK!!! Ugh....
Quick Thinking
A husband walks into the bedroom holding two aspirin and a glass of water. His wife asks, "What's that for?" "It's for your headache." "I don't have a headache." He replies, "Gotcha!"
Quick Chili
A high fiber recipe Ingredients: 1/2 pound ground beef 1 can (15 1/2 ounces) kidney beans with liquid 1 cup tomato sauce, no salt added 1 Tablespoon onion, instant minced 1 1/2 Tablespoons chili powder Instructions: 1. Thoroughly cook ground beef in skillet until browned (160 degrees). Be sure all pink color is gone from meat and juices. Do not undercook ground beef. Carefully wash your hands and any surfaces that have come in contact with raw meat. 2. Drain off fat into container. 3. Stir in kidney beans with liquid, tomato sauce, onion, and chili powder. 4. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 10 minutes. 5. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers within 2 hours of cooking. Use refrigerated leftovers within 4 days. Nutritional Information: Per Serving: 230 calories; 7g total fat; 40mg cholesterol; 460mg sodium; 25g total carbohydrate;19g protein; 9g fiber.
Here is one of the many stories I love writing! I hope you all enjoy it and leave me lots of comments! Hugs and Sloppy kisses, Shelley My pussy was wet. My head was already swimming in ecstasy and we had barely begun. His skilled hands were gently pumping in and out of me and his talented tongue was finding spots I never knew existed. I questioned where he'd been all my life. I looked down at him, his blonde hair tight in my grip while he buried his face in my hot snatch. I threw my head back not being able to move any other part of my rigid body. Waves washed over me one after the other and I was near passing out I felt so good. He looked up at me and had a sneaky smirk on that boyish face. Blue eyes twinkling with mischief. He came up to kiss me. I tasted all my own juices on his lips and tongue. He thrust it deep within my mouth and as we lip locked we playfully bit one anothers lips. I reached down to feel the massive hard on that he had for me. It was swollen lar
40 Quick Yes Or No Questions
1.) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? yes 2.) Been arrested? no 3.) Kissed someone you didn't like? no 4.) Kissed a picture? yes 5.) Slept in until 5 PM? yes 6.) Had sex at work? no 7.) Fallen asleep at work/school? yes 8.) Held a snake? no 9.) Ran a red light? no 10.) Been suspended from school? yes 11.) Totaled your car/motorbike in an accident? no 12.) Been fired from a job? yes 13.) Sang karaoke? yes 14.) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yes 15.) Laughed until something you were drinking came out your mouth? yes 16.) Caught a snowflake on your tongue? yes 17.) Kissed in the rain? yes 18.) Sang in the shower? yes 19.) Gave your private parts a nickname? yes 20.) Sat on a roof top? yes 21.) Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? no 22.) Broken a bone? no 23.) Shaved your head? yes 24.) Slept naked? yes 25.) Blacked out from drugs? no 26.) Played a prank on someone? yes 27.) Had a
Quick & Easy Sloppy Joes
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 25 min Makes: 4 servings 1 lb. lean ground beef 1 medium onion, chopped 1/3 cup A.1. Original Steak Sauce 1/4 cup water 1 tsp. chili powder 4 hamburger buns, partially split COOK and stir meat and onion in large skillet on medium heat until meat is browned and onion is tender; drain. STIR in steak sauce, water and chili powder; bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. SERVE in buns. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Great Substitute Prepare as directed, using A.1. Roasted Garlic Steak Sauce. NUTRITION INFORMATION Nutrition (per serving) Calories 330 Total fat 11g Saturated fat 4g Cholesterol 70mg Sodium 650mg Carbohydrate 28g Dietary fiber 2g Sugars 7g Protein 26g Vitamin A 4%DV Vitamin C 4%DV Calcium 8%DV Iron 25%DV
Quickie #1 One day, John came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. "Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want." So he tied her up and went fishing. Quickie #2 A woman came home screeching her car into the driveway and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Honey,pack your bags. I just won the lottery!" The husband said, "Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?" "Doesn't matter," she said. "Just get the hell out." Quickie # 3 Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right,and the other is a husband. Quickie #4 A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eyesight test. The tester showed him a card with the letters: 'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' "Can you read this?" the tester asked. "Read it?" the Polish guy replied, "I know the guy." Quickie #5 Mother Superior called a
Quick Project Update
Well I spoke to Stu today and he told me convergent flux should be ready by tomorrow or the day after, as he likes to faff about and normally when he gives me a time for stuff to be finished he finds more he can add to it and wont give it up till its done, but I love him anyway. Spoke to the Head of Animation of the Edinburgh College of Art today, was gonna wait till he got in touch then thought fuck it, i will pester him, so will be seeing him for a chat and to see whats what on Wednesday next week. About the posters a friend of mine from the states has offered me 500 dollars towards the printing costs so will be working with him to see if we can get some help with that. If thats the case then I would only need 75 people to buy one and thats the printing covered. Still waiting on Marc in oxford to come back to me on the site fixes and to fix up the e-shop. Going to see if i can get some sponsors to print out the other posters so that may take me a while anyway the feele
Quick Advice
1. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. 2. You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. 3. God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him. 4. Everyone needs to be loved...especially when they do not deserve it. 5. The real measure of a man's (woman's) wealth is what he (she) has invested in eternity. 6. Laughter is God's sunshine. 7. Thank God for what you have, Trust God for what you need. 8. If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for. 9. Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks within. 10. If anyone speaks badly of you, live so that none will believe it. 11. Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears. 12. Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts. 13. Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminis
Quick Taco Salad
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 30 min Total Time: 30 min Makes: 4 servings 1 lb. lean ground beef 1 cup chopped onions (about 1 medium) 1 pkt. (1-1/4 oz.) TACO BELL HOME ORIGINALS Taco Seasoning Mix 1/4 cup water 10 cups torn romaine lettuce (about 1 large head) 1-1/2 cups chopped tomatoes (about 2 medium) 1 cup KRAFT Shredded Cheddar Cheese 2 cups tortilla chips, coarsely crushed 1/4 cup KRAFT Ranch Dressing BROWN meat in large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat; drain. Return meat to skillet. Add onions; cook 5 min., stirring occasionally. ADD taco seasoning mix and water; mix well. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 3 min. DIVIDE lettuce among four plates. Top evenly with meat mixture, tomatoes, cheese and tortilla chips. Drizzle with dressing. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Size-Wise Enjoy your favorite foods while keeping portion size in mind. NUTRITION INFORMATION Nutrition (per serving) Calories 490 To
Quickie #1 One day, Bob Johnson came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. "Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want. So he tied her up and went golfing. Quickie #2 A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, “Honey, pack your bags. I won the damn lottery!" The husband said, "Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or Mountain stuff?" "Doesn't matter," she said. "Just get the hell out." Quickie #3 Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is a husband. Quickie #4 A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters: 'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' "Can you read this?" the optician asked.
Quick Rosemary Lamb Chops
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 5 min Total Time: 20 min Makes: 4 servings, two chops and 3/4 cup rice each 2 tsp. oil 8 lamb loin chops (1 lb.) 1 small onion, chopped 3/4 cup roasted red peppers, drained, chopped 1/4 cup beef broth 1/4 cup KRAFT Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary 3 cups hot cooked MINUTE White Rice HEAT oil in large nonstick skillet on medium-high heat. Add chops; cook 6 min., turning after 3 min. Remove from skillet; cover to keep warm. ADD onions to same skillet. Cook 5 min. or until onions are tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in peppers, broth, dressing and rosemary. Add chops. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 4 min. or until sauce is thickened and chops are cooked through (160°F). SERVE with the rice. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Serving Suggestion Serve with hot steamed broccoli. Substitute Prepare as directed, substituting 4 bone-in pork chops (1-1/2 lb.) for the lamb chops and increasing the rosemary to 1 tsp.
Quick Rosemary Lamb Chops
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 5 min Total Time: 20 min Makes: 4 servings, two chops and 3/4 cup rice each 2 tsp. oil 8 lamb loin chops (1 lb.) 1 small onion, chopped 3/4 cup roasted red peppers, drained, chopped 1/4 cup beef broth 1/4 cup KRAFT Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing 1/2 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary 3 cups hot cooked MINUTE White Rice HEAT oil in large nonstick skillet on medium-high heat. Add chops; cook 6 min., turning after 3 min. Remove from skillet; cover to keep warm. ADD onions to same skillet. Cook 5 min. or until onions are tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in peppers, broth, dressing and rosemary. Add chops. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 4 min. or until sauce is thickened and chops are cooked through (160°F). SERVE with the rice. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Serving Suggestion Serve with hot steamed broccoli. Substitute Prepare as directed, substituting 4 bone-in pork chops (1-1/2 lb.) for the lamb chops and increasing the rosemary to 1 tsp.
Quick Fix Barbecued Fajitas
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 15 min Total Time: 40 min Makes: 4 servings, 2 fajitas each 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips 1 medium each: green and red pepper, cut into strips 1 medium onion, cut into thin wedges 1/2 cup KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce 8 TACO BELL HOME ORIGINALS Flour Tortillas, warmed 1 cup KRAFT Mexican Style Shredded Four Cheese 1/2 cup TACO BELL HOME ORIGINALS Salsa 1/4 cup BREAKSTONE'S or KNUDSEN Sour Cream PREHEAT grill to medium-high heat. Toss chicken and vegetables with barbecue sauce. Let stand 5 min. to marinate. Poke holes evenly in bottom of 13x9-inch disposable foil roasting pan with a fork or skewer. Place chicken and vegetables in pan. Place pan on grill; cover grill with lid. GRILL chicken and vegetables in pan 20 min. or until chicken is cooked through and vegetables are crisp-tender, stirring occasionally. SPOON mixture evenly onto tortillas; top with cheese, salsa and sour cream. Roll up. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS
Quickest Way To Not Have Sex
Well I was looking at some other peoples blogs and this one was whining that his wife was moody and yada yada yada....and I was think that guy aint getting any for quite guys dont understand that women dont like the caveman act all the time...we want to be held and talked to like a human being...we want to cry...and just get everything out....we dont want some guy that means the world to us saying whats the hells wrong with you? We dont want you to fix our problems we just want you to listen....and after an extremely bad fight dont automatically think its going to sex....thats my husbands think we hold out because we can...some of us women do...but, for the most part women just dont want to have sex with you because your being a jerk....dont grab and snatch at us thinking thats going to take our mind off of whatever is bothering wont it will only make things husband has a bad habit of when I just want to be alone making a complete idiot o
A Quickie Story...
You received the message as drinks with your friends for your birthday were winding down. It gave you an address and room number, and told you to be there at 12:30 am. You felt your pussy start to get wet the instant you read that - you would finally be used the way you so desperately wanted to... The address led you to a hotel downtown, and as you entered the lobby your heart began to race. No one would know why you were there, but for some reason you felt their eyes on your body, as if they knew that you were here for the sole purpose of pleasing your Master. As you walked quickly to the elevator bank, you could feel the wetness start to run down your legs and your nipples begin to press against the fabric of your bra and showing against your shirt. You entered the elevator, and as soon as the doors closed you couldn't help but slide your hand under your skirt and against your cunt. Right before the doors opened, you brought your fingers to your lips to taste your wetness.
Quick Message
i just thought that i would let you all know that a really close friend of mine that i have knowen for a long time and went to school with is not doin well at all.. shes having a massive surgery done on her kidneys and shes also having a transplant done.. and i was wondering if you could all keep her in your thoughts that would mean alot to hoping her surgery goes well and if not then i could be losing a best friend just thought i would let you all know..
Quick Thinker!
A man in the Florida supermarket tries to buy half a head of lettuce. The very young produce assistant tells him that they sell only whole heads of lettuce. The man persists and asks to see the manager. The boy says he'll ask his manager about it. Walking into the back room, the boy said to his manager, "Some asshole wants to buy half a head of lettuce." As he finished his sentence, he turned to find the man standingright behind him, so he added, "And this gentleman has kindly offered to buy the other half." The manager approved the deal, and the man went on his way. Later the manager said to the boy, "I was impressed with the way you got yourself out of that situation earlier. We like people who think on their feet here. Where are you from, son?" "Canada, sir," the boy replied. "Well, why did you leave Canada?" the manager asked. The boy said, "Sir, there's nothing but whores and hockey players up there." "Really?" said the manager. "My wife is from Canada."
A Quickie
There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life. The angel tells them, "As a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you have been given life for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most." He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running behind the shrubbery. The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing. The angel tells them, "Um, you have fifteen minutes left, "Would you care to do it again?" He ask her. "Shall we?" She eagerly replies, "Oh, yes, let 's! But let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down, and you shit on its head." .... AND WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????
Quick Update On Todays Meeting
Met with Mel today and asked him to get me the money for the posters, he reckons i am on to something and is going to get back to me at the end of the week as he needs to go talk to a few people. He also said he would do a bit of delving into the printing situation to see if he could get me a better deal. anyway so I now need to concentrate on the pages of the website and get that fixed up.
“quick Pour Me Twelve Drinks”
“Quick Pour Me Twelve Drinks” A guy walks into a bar, sits down and says to the bartender, "Quick pour me twelve drinks." So the bartender pours him twelve shots and the guy starts shooting them back really fast, one after another. The bartender says to the guy, "Boy you are drinking those drinks really fast." The guys says, "Well, you would be drinking really fast too if you had what I've got." The bartender says, "What've you got?" The guy says, "75 cents."
ok today was great, yay! i called kevin and got to chat for awhile, so no more phone tag. the LAX team (me included) just found out today that the coach who's been coachin girls' LAX for years is stepping's so sad!! rachel cried when i told her (she had to miss the meeting) and now we have susanne, eliza, and sasha coaching us. should be interesting... BUT! i got to talk to kevin so everything was ok. and i felt so bad last nite cuz billy was crying :( love ya billy!! here's a funny video of monty python. the army part is the part i was after but there's a funny cartoon afterwards: AND...i'm in another contest for sexiest smile so PLEASE vote for me and comment it (cuz i love you all)!! ...yes i'm begging...
Quick Hello!
Quick morning greetings to everyone! It's turning into one of those days, again. Need to treat clients this morning. Then, "Mono Man" needs to go back to the Doctor. Mono is taking off and running again. Boy, is he pissed! He's got a head to toe bright red rash. Not overly attractive, lol! Hot lips will just need to take a breather, I guess! Everyone have a fantastic day! I will attempt to blog more later. Blessings to all!
Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker? >A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again. > >Q. What's a mixed feeling? >A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. > >Q. What's the height of conceit? >A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name. > >Q. What's the definition of macho? >A. Jogging home from your vasectomy. > >Q. What's the difference between a G! -Spot and a golf ball? >A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball > >Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex? >A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick! > >Q.Why is divorce so expensive? >A. Because it's worth it! > >Q. What is a Yankee? >A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. > >Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? >A. They both like a tight seal. > > >Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common? > >A. Their balls are just for decoration. > > >Q.What is the difference
A Quick Tale That Happened This Season
Early Lore A Confessions Supplement The Tale of Mrs. Toe’mas I’ve written this tale once before, but with a late season hurricane coursing the oceans; I’ve decided to reweave the story of Mariya Thomas, or Mrs. Toe’mas as I affectionately call her. Let us turn back the years to a time when I had begun documenting the journals on a semi annual basis. It was well within 1988. Deetra was detestful and her occasional phone calls were the closest I had to a relationship at that point in life. I had just received news that I was one of the finalists of the All State Chorus that year. Life was looking up. I was gaining respect among my peers… Ok, that may have been a stretch but one way or another I met a young voluptuous woman with long hair walking towards the music building. She wore these cute glasses but her best feature was her long luxurious hair. I was enthralled, I was consumed with passion, I told a joke and that pretty much was it for a while.
Quick Chicken Marengo
A quick chicken Marengo recipe, made with prepared spaghetti sauce, chicken pieces, small white onions, and mushrooms. Serve chicken Marengo with spaghetti or your favorite cooked pasta. INGREDIENTS: * 2 1/2 to 3 pounds chicken pieces * 3 tablespoons olive oil * 24 ounces spaghetti sauce * 1 can (4 ounces) mushrooms, drained * 1 cup frozen small white onions, cooked, or use 1 can (8 ounces) boiled small white onions, drained PREPARATION: Wash chicken pieces and pat dry. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium high heat, or to about 350° in an electric frying pan. Add chicken pieces; brown well on both sides.Place chicken pieces in a 9x13x2-inch baking dish. Pour spaghetti sauce over the chicken. Cover dish with foil; bake at 375° for 45 minutes. Add mushrooms and onions to the casserole; continue baking, uncovered, for 20 minutes longer. Serve with cooked spaghetti or other pasta. Serves 4.
Quick And Easy Chicken Olé
An easy Mexican-style chicken bake with salsa and corn chips. INGREDIENTS: * 4 to 5 boneless chicken breast halves * 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup * 3/4 cup chunky salsa or diced tomatoes with green chile peppers * 4 cups corn chips * 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese or Mexican mixture of cheeses PREPARATION: Arrange chicken breasts in an 11x7-inch baking dish. Combine the soup with the salsa; pour over chicken breasts. Top with corn chops and shredded cheese. Cover and bake in a preheated 350° oven for 45 minutes, or until bubbly and chicken is cooked through. Serves 4.
Quickly "qualify" & Attract Men On Dates
Quickly "Qualify" & Attract Men On Dates >Note: If you feel afraid or uncomfortable asking a man the important questions that will tell you about who he is and how he thinks and feels, and you want to learn what it takes to get a man to communicate openly and honestly with you... then you need to read THIS: I wouldn't bother reading this email unless you're: A) Single B) Tired or fed up with dating and men who don't know what they want C) Even the smallest bit uncertain about when, where, and how you'll meet the "right guy" in your life If any of this at all describes you, then I'd like to talk to you for a minute and share a few things that could be more valuable to you than anything you've learned about men and dating in the last several years. First, let me ask you... Do you ever feel frustrated that there just aren't many good men out there? At l
Quick Update
I will be more active here in the future! I was out of town for a while (had a blast, look for some details in future blogs). And I've been very busy since I have been back in town. Sorry if anyone feels I have neglected them. It was not on purpose. I hope that 2007 is going great for everyone :) -Ari
Quick Work Story
I guess most of you know that I work in a pet store. It was a good day for funny there today. lol I have a few parrots at the store that are tame with me and will sit on my shoulder all day long while I work. This woman comes in and see's one with me and loses her head over it. Totally falls in love with it and has to have it. So we go through the whole thing of me telling her about the bird and how to take care of it and train it, etc. She's all ready to go but asks me if it's a male or female. We dont ever know the sex of the birds when they come in. They can be tested to determine it, but that's up to the buyer. So this woman says she wont buy it unless we find out the sex. She actually didnt even care if it was male or female, she just wanted to know for when she talked to it. (freaky bird lady!!!) Well I solved the problem. I told her that she should take it home and teach it how to talk. Once it learned to talk, she could ask it if it was a male or female. Incredibly, she
Quick Fact Of The Week: National Debt
QUICK FACT OF THE WEEK: NATIONAL DEBT The national debt on January 11, 2007: $8,674,243,208,578.15 Your current share of the national debt: $28,823.36 Source:
Quick I.q. Test
The questions are not that difficult but you must move quickly to an answer. Also, they don't tell you which ones you had wrong. GOOD LUCK! CLICK ON "SMARTORSTOOPID" BELOW smartorstoopid
The Quick & Painless Enneagram Test
the Perfectionist Thanks for taking the test ! you chose CZ - your Enneagram type is ONE (aka "The Reformer"). "I do everything the right way" Perfectionists are realistic, conscientious, and principled. They strive to live up to their high ideals. How to Get Along with Me Take your share of the responsibility so I don't end up with all the work. Acknowledge my achievements. I'm hard on myself. Reassure me that I'm fine the way I am. Tell me that you value my advice. Be fair and considerate, as I am. Apologize if you have been unthoughtful. It will help me to forgive. Gently encourage me to lighten up and to laugh at myself when I get uptight, but hear my worries first. What I Like About Being a One being self-disciplined and able to accomplish a great deal working hard to make the world a better place having high standards and ethics; not compromising myself being reasonable, re
Quick Chicken Curry
serves 1 1/4 lb (100 g) cooked chicken, chopped 1 small onion chopped 2 cups (500 g) cauliflower, broken into florets 6 mushrooms sliced 3 Tbsp (50 ml) soya sauce 5 Tbsp (75 ml) cooking oil 1 cup (250 ml) chicken stock curry powder 1 Heat the oil in a small frying pan. 2 Place the chopped onion in the frying pan and cook until the onion becomes soft and brown. 3 Place the chicken, mushrooms, cauliflower and soya sauce into the frying pan and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4 Add curry powder, whilst stirring, until the oil is soaked up by the powder. 5 Place the cup of chicken stock into the pan and simmer till the liquid is reduced, stirring continuously. 6 Best served with brown rice or fried sliced potatoes.
Quick Sports Gossip..
Any college football fans out there that follow or heard anything about ASU knows the Devils recently hired Dennis Erickson as their new head coach. Erickson had a little Oregon State I believe, with drinking and driving. He was supposed to be in rehab. However, a coworker of mine, who (and this coming from me) should also be in rehab, hangs out at a local place here called Maloneys. At Maloneys recently, he sees none other than Dennis Erickson with some assistants at the bar. Erickson, is drinking like a fish apparently. At the end of the night, Erickson, leaves the bar, stumbles over the rug on the way out, gets in his car, and drives off. Ahhh, ASU Football!! We won't have any class, but we'll win a lot of games at least. (which is really the only thing Arizonans care about, lol)
Quick Eye Exam
Check This Out Its So Cool! Just do it & don't cheat!!!!!!!!!!!! Count the number of F's in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS Managed it? Scroll down only after you have counted them! OK? How many? Three? Wrong, there are six - no joke! Read again! FINISHED FILES ARE THE RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS The reasoning is further down... The brain cannot process the word "OF". Incredible or what? Anyone who counts all six F's on the first go is a genius Three is normal.
Quick Involvement
A Quick And Dirty Iq Test
Your IQ Is 115 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius Your General Knowledge is Above Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
~~~ Quickie ~~~
Quickie #1 One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. "Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want." So he tied her up and went fishing. ************ ********* ********* ********* Quickie #2 A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!" The husband said, "Oh my! What should I pack? Beach stuff or mountain stuff?" "It doesn't matter," she said. "Just get the hell out." ************ ********* ********* ********* Quickie # 3 Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is a husband. ************ ********* ********* ********* Quickie #4 A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters: 'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.' "Can yo
The Quick And Dirty Career Test
Your Career Personality: Independent, Insightful, and Ingenious Your Ideal Careers: Architect Artist Business strategist College professor Computer programmer Mathematician Neurologist Philosopher Photographer Video game developer The Quick and Dirty Career Test
Quick Hand
I was on a break from blackjack class and walked over to the poker table where Melissa was dealing hold ‘em. “May I play a hand?” I asked. Of course the answer was yes. Additional players at a practice table are always welcome at the dealer school. I took a seat behind a stack of chips. John, another student, and Dave, the instructor were at the table. I decided to initiate a little conversation. “I’m sort of new to this game. I may need a little help here.” “Okay,” Dave replied, apparently not pleased that he was going to have to educate me. I pulled a deuce – five in the pocket and called a three-dollar blind. “Does two pair beat three of a kind?” I asked. Dave’s response was a rather curt, “No!” John’s reply was pretty much the same, but in a helpful tone of voice. “I always get mixed up about that one,” I said. The flop was ace, three and four. I was sitting on a straight. I threw a single into the pot and was informed that the minimum bet was three
A Quicky For The Road
We come together for a time that is short... We go away with more than when we came... Mystery still surrounds us... I like that-
A Quicky
The yellow dawg, the yellow dawg, the lazy, lazy yellow dawg never catches the brown fox never sees the quick brown fox never catches the quick and jumping brown fox never trots the brown fox Ah, the lazy, lazy yellow dawg...
Quick Updatie
Well no sleep...errr a lil sleep ummm, moms got more blood getting in her lungs now. The right one is still full of fluid...Moms back, worse like i already said...Very busy taking care of her. Monday i coulda gone in for a job at a pharmacy store...but mom came home that day and i missed my chance to meet who i needed but thats a good thing, i dont have time for lunch now adays ....specialy not a job. soo yeah, dads still kinda weak, a lil sick gota take care of him, hes getting better and i think thats all
Quick Note About My Stash
Hey guys, On the recommendation of a few friends I have started to upload my poems to my stash. Please come by read and enjoy, leave comments whatever. PLEASE DO NOT rip the poem and claim it as your own work. I'm no big shot writter but all my poems have a piece of me in them. To all who helped me level up the past few days please send me a message and let me know so that I can return all the love asap. Thanks again!
The Quick Way To The Bedroom With Her
The Quick Way To The Bedroom With Her >If you'd like to hear the story of how I went from not even being able to start a conversation with women... to the point where I can meet any woman in any situation... then take a minute and check this out: ***DATING QUESTION FROM READER*** Dave, WOW!!!! Thats all I can say. I've been getting your emails for several months and have since downloaded your book. I've committed myself to improving my "skills" with women and the results have been amazing. The "Crash and Burn" that most guys are sooo fearful of NEVER happens and very rarely does a girl give you anything but a smile even if she isn't interested. My latest success was so easy it was almost scary. I met a woman (an 8.5 at least) in a local bar and used the c/f to get her number and set up a date. Went out on the date and it was almost like it was scripted. Pushed the c/f to the extreme all night
A Quick Post
Because more Commo soldiers are desired in the Army worldwide, I'm on the list to get promoted, if the needed points go down by 9. Without even trying, I'm currently at 350 (for you Army folks). Although I keep getting asked by my peers when I'll become a Sergeant, it would be rather ironic to have seen folks working so hard to get their E-5, and I'm just given it. Am I being an @$$ for saying that? At the very least, I feel a little evil.
Quick Changing Magic
Quick change artists on America's Got talent.
Quick Change Artists
Quick Update
well just thought I would do a quick update of everything thats going on. Work is going pretty good, have to work all weekend but I dont really mind cuz thats over time and I really need the money right now. Went and looked at an apartment the other day and loved it. The only thing that sux about it is that its a lil more pricy then what I was hoping for but I can still handle it so I really hope i get it. As far as I know things with me and my boyfriend are still going really well. Havent heard from him in over a week though :(. But then again I know he is probably busy and tied. Um my duaghter is doing really good. Shes pretty much totally over the broncitis thank god. I talked to my recruiter yesterday letting him know that I changed my mind bout joining and he wants me to call him again so we can talk. He is a really good guy and I think he just wants to make sure everything is okay with me and my daughter so I will probably call him tomorrow. Ummm besides that there isn
Quick's Dick
Quick Survey 4 Ladies....
hello women, how many of u think if i should apologize 2 every women on hear i by 1? please let me know. if i get enough responses i will apologize 2 every women individually 1 by 1. thank u
Quick Vidio Of My Cat :caddy (gangsta Citty)'s Got Wet Towel Syndrom!!!
Quickly Copying Down - Lalo
Wrote something about Tchaikovsky in my music profile I want to keep while I put something else in ;) I may use this one post, rather than a series of posts from here on, for this porpoise. Too much stuff requiring I come up for air this morning. Edouard Lalo, symphony in G minor, written around 1885-6 (not his violin and orchestra Symphonie Espagnole written for Sarasate). (Apparently he wrote two other orchestra-only symphonies which have not been published; this is news to me. ... though it's (Joseph) Guy-Ropartz, fellows, not Guy Roparts- Guy was not the first name of that fellow, whose own music is very interesting and often surprising stuff!) There have been a few recordings of this symphony- many fewer than of the somewhat better known Symphonie Espagnole, maybe a pity since the G minor symphony's scherzo, say, is a delight. (The link goes to a catalog listing but for a different recording than the one I'm listening to o
Quick Like Turtle!!!
Quick Like A Bunny!
This is what happens when E gives me inspiration. MUAH babygirl! You don’t know me You don’t know me If you did you’d know My heart is on my sleeve Just where it can be hurt You don’t know me Your words are what slice My emotions run high You know how to make me cry You don’t know me That my game is brought tight You can’t fight Who I am inside You don’t know me In a blink of the eye I will say goodbye You will be left, alone You don’t know me My smile is not fake You gave it to me on our first date You lied I walked You don’t know me My heart was yours You still have it with you I want that bitch back So hand it over You don’t know me Your love was a joke It made me want to choke When I saw who you are It made me want to wish on a shooting star “Make him Kick rocks, quick like a bunny”
Quick Bonita Facts
Quick Bonita Facts: Eyes: Raven Black Hair: Jet Black Height: 5'10" Birthday: February 25 Nationality: Latina(Puerto Rican),Caucasian,Irish,Scotish,French,Cherokkee Indian,Chaktaw Indian,German Pets: 2 dogs & 2 cats Sexual Preference:Bisexual (and I prefer blondes...when it comes to women) Personal Goals:Stressing less Religion:Wiccan Education:College Grad Food Preference:Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Career Goals:Starting my own local clothing line,summer of 2008
A Quick Thought
So, I understand that there are some Christians who are refusing the HPV vaccine to their children because it promotes premarital sex. I tend to not think that it promotes premarital sex, so much as prevents Cervical Cancer. Christian Doctors are refusing to check out Non-Christian patients, and Christian Pharmacists are refusing certain things and in some cases refusing to give non-christians their perscriptions. Why is this? In the case of the HPV vaccine, is it because Christians think that it's Gods will for people to die a slow, horribly painful death as their own body feasts upon itself until theres nothing left to give? And in the other two cases, do Christian Doctors and Pharmacists think that only Christians deserve medical treatment? That only Christians deserve the pills that keep them functioning? Back when I was a Catholic, and went to Catholic school, we sang a song at mass called "You'll know we are Christians (by our love)." Doesn't that seem a bit contradictor
Quick Question?
Quicktime, Redux
If clicking "override quicktime safety" keeps bringing me back to the quicktime security warning page, then since I don't yet have a new computer with a more recent operating system on which I can install a newer version of Quicktime, and my attempts to disable Quicktime have failed, and I can't upgrade this computer without installing Firewire too (estimated cost - erm... ow. - well, it may come to temporary departure time until I do have a new machine. (Not suggesting that this is some sort of bad thing to angst over, just a statement of fact. And in any case, temporary. Once I know for sure, though, I'll change my profile settings so that any alerts are sent me once a day - at most, etc.; my e-mail and messenger info are available to friends and more personal info is there for those who I think must have it and should, though some I may have missed for any of that information can ask me. (In happier news, I'm almost done with page 2 of my "LilyPond"ing of a 1969 score by Benja
Quick Update!!
Thanks for all the luv you guys have sent me since I've been gone. Just online for a hot minute to check on things and what not. In Illinois right now, and headed to Wisconsin (woo hoo :|). Anyways, hope you all have a great day, week, month, and all the good stuff, and I'll try to get back home around mid April (I know....LOL)
Quick Revision
ok people here we are if ive missed something let me know please tell me ends today not sure wen ends but soon im sure just in an a giveawy i think im blocked so need u there wen possible an a good friend of the family well mine an aly an anyone who knows her really good luck all take care im here if u need me hugs an kisses all round an yes i love u all good work j
Quicktime Again
Ok, worked out how to get the MIME types (audio/x-pn-mp3 and audio/x-pn-realaudio) to save to disk instead of automatically invoking Quicktime every time I ran into them (I think the one that poses a security risk for Quicktime 6.5.2 - I cannot upgrade just right now without a new computer or new hardware - is movie-related) - let's see if I keep getting the Quicktime Security Alert every few times I attempt to go to (and then repeatedly before I get there. Understandably, it is a real security risk and not just for one's CT account I think.) Edit of 12:30pm blog at 12:50: Quicktime warning. Guess not. Taking nap to appease and kill headache simultaneously while taping a cello sonata, why not multitask...
A Quick Note On Downraters
A Quick One...posted Days Ago On My Space
Thought I would write a quick blog. In less than a month I turn 29 years old. The year went by so quickly. To be honest thinking about it has me a bit depressed. This will be the second year in a row that I havent gotten to spend my birthday with my best friend Linda. Also I look at it and wish it is on a day other than bloody Sunday so I can actually go to the bar and have fun. I may celeberate it all weekend though. SO when it comes about...whoever is around me if they wish to join..just ask where and when. Also...for those who might ask me what I want for my be honest...I really dont know. I have a few things in mind, but knowing my Bday falls so into the month...I dont expect much. But if you ask...I am sure I will come up with something..or just suprise me..I dont care. LOL. 29!!! Damn I am getting old!! LMAO!! I know Slapnuts....I am old!! Anyways..enough with the wasteless bullshit...I am off to bed. I have alot of My Space stuff to do tomorrow. Thats if they can get t
Quick Vent
you think I'm untrusting? can't imagine why. perhaps the countless times I gave all and was just stabbed in return? "you'll get over it. there's plenty of fish in the sea." yeah well fuck you! show me one that's worth being loved by me.
Q.What do you call a virgin on a waterbed? A cherry float. Q: What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth? A: 1 US leader Q: What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say? A: Beat it - we're closed. Q: Why do walruses go to Tupperware parties? A: To find a tight seal. Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? A: It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Q: What's the speed limit of sex? A: 68; at 69 you have to turn around. Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the toy box? A: She kept sitting on Pinocchio's face, and moaning, "Lie to me!" Q: Why is air a lot like sex? A: Because it's no big deal unless you're not getting any. Q: What's another name for pickled bread? A: Dill-dough. Q: Why are Monica Lewinsky's cheeks so puffy? A: She's withholding evidence. Q: What's the difference between light and hard? A: You can sleep with a light on. Q: Why is sex lik
A Quick Book Review
(Originally Posted on April 24, 2006)Anyway, one book I like is Eve Forward's Villains By Necessity.  In it, the world has had the evilness removed from it, and so a group of evil characters must complete a quest to bring evil back before the world is destroyed by the Light.  It's pretty interesting in that the characters, although evil, work together to save themselves and, in doing so, save their world.One good quote (which I shall now paraphrase) is that evil people will do good things as well as evil, while good people will do evil things as well as good.  What separates the two philosophies is the reasoning behind their actions.tag:  book review,  book,  reading,  villain,  evil,  good,  philosophy,  fantasy
Quick Question - Anger Towards Xtian Institutions
(Originally Posted on June 5, 2006)Just a quick question:  Why does it seem that Satanists have a great anger towards the xtian church?  I mean, they do suck, but why the fury?  I've even noticed it in myself a bit...tag:  satan,  satanism,  satanist,  satanic,  religion,  anger,  jesus,  christian,  christianity
Quick Thing I Forgot To Mention On The Initiation
(Originally Posted on June 5, 2006)The medallion I hung above the altar is now hanging around my neck.And I got it from an E-Bay auction from  satan,  satanism,  satanist,  satanic,  religion,  initiation,  ceremony,  ritual
Quick Update - Church & First Church Of Satan Debate
(Originally Posted on June 6, 2006)On the First Church of Satan website, John Allee posted the message he posted in the Yahoo! group.tag:  satan,  satanism,  satanist,  satanic,  religion,  church of satan,  first church of satan
Quick Answer To Question - Anger Towards Xtian Institutions
(Originally Posted on June 12, 2006)I posed the question:  Why do Satanists hate the xtian church?I've given it some thought and came up with the following:Religion is an extremely successful meme.  It uses several different hooks to get into people, including fear, death, power, sex, etc.  it spreads itself by making evangelism part of its matrix as well as stating that sex is inherently sinful and so should be used only for procreation.Why is that important to realize?Part of the reason Satanists hate xtians so much is that the precepts of xtianity preclude being a Satanist or any other type of individual.  Individuality is anathema to the xtian mindset.  You MUST follow the herd or else suffer eternal punishment.Some people enjoy following rules others set out for them.  For example, there's one guy who, for six months, will become our prisoner and do whatever the people on the Internet vote for him.However, the xtian (and several others) churches state that those who do not follow
The Quick And Dirty Career Test
Your Career Personality: Independent, Flexible, and Ingenious Your Ideal Careers: Astronaut Entrepreneur Lawyer Nightclub owner Photographer Private investigator Real estate developer Stand up comic Venture capitalist Video game developer The Quick and Dirty Career Test
A Quickie For Gw!
Dick Cheney and George W Bush were having breakfast at the White House. The attractive waitress asks Cheney what he would like, and he replies, "I'd like a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit". "And what can I get for you, Mr President?" George W, looking up from his menu, replies with his trademark wink and slight grin, "How about a quickie this morning?" "Why, Mr President!" the waitress exclaims, "How rude! You're starting to act like Mr Clinton, and you've only been in your second term of office for a year!" As the waitress storms away, Cheney leans over to Bush and whispers... "It's pronounced 'quiche'
Quick Marriage Bulletin Done For Erebus
Join These Two in a CherryTAP Marriage Erebus The Darkling,DEFENDER OF THE DARK REALM,Master of Heaven or Hell Lounge@ CherryTAPImzadi@ CherryTAPCome Join these two in a CT wedding,go chat with cool people, Wish themluck when its done, not a member,if you like the lounge them becomea member while your there..The Wedding will be held in the BEAR FAMILY WEDDING CHAPELtime:Tonight At8pm mountain9pm central10 pm eastern copy and paste for ur bulletin man Join These Two in a CherryTAP Marriage Erebus The Darkling,DEFENDER OF THE DARK REALM,Master of Heaven or Hell Lounge@ CherryTAPImzadi@ CherryTAPCome Join these two in a CT wedding,go chat with cool people, Wish themluck when its done, not a member,if you like the lounge them becomea member while your there..The Wedding will be held in the BEAR FAMILY WEDDING CHAPELtime:Tonight At8pm mountain9pm central10 pm eastern
1) i'm hella tired 2) went to rehab this morning again and i will have to continue with that for the ankle 4 sessions mroe 3) went to doctor and he said i need rehab for the upper part of leg (i have coagulated blood encapsulated and with massage and rehab will get reabsorbed), and pills for the pain and something else 4) tomorrow i go to the other doctor to give him the result of the urea breath test and see what meds i need for this treatment this time to kill that stupid bacteria 5) my feet hurts.... stupid new shoes 6) it's early and i'm going to sleep early 7) it's colder now... but still the incredible mosquitos are alive! (wish i could kill all them) 8) too much work and no vacations: i wont survive, i need to move to switzerland ASAP! well this is a short thing of what was happening, more questions? send a pm lol nah leave a comment! hugs
Quick Update
just a quick update. all is going well with the new job will post more when i've time. got some lovely pics of the view too.
stupidity annoys me. sure cherry might be a pro-active sexual site...but that doesnt entail forgetting how to read. or how to speak to people like they're human beings instead of pieces of meat. apparently conversation is to much to ask for eh? lemme tell ya...'hey baby you've got some nice boobs' is really not the way to intrigue...well anyone i know. sure maybe if you're a brainless twit that comment might elicit a giggle. if you're a brainless twit i apoligize...well at the very least im sorry you're a brainless twit. *sigh* oh the humanity. wherefore art thou? *shakes head* *wanders away*
A Quick Note
Just a quick note as I pass through my day, I want to give you more than any other man has. When you open your eyes, I want you to always have a sense of peace surrounding you. As you go through your day, I want you to look forward to our time together in the evening. The laughter, cooking together, walks in the moonlight, A feeling of love you may never have had. We have many up hill battles to hurdle, But together we can make things happen. You have slowly come to me in a subtle way, To my amazement you really do want the best for me. I love you my darling more with each passing day, I know I shouldn’t tell you this as we are so far away. by INXS421 04/02/07
Quick Shout To My Friends
Hello again, I just wanted to give a quick shout out to all of my newly made friends. Welcome to my humble establishments. Hope you enjoy your stay. No news really, I did manage to get 12 hours of sleep. I went to bed about 8:30 am and didnt wake until 9 pm last night so here I am on here. I feel like a new person, Wow LOL, amazing what a difference sleep makes . I may actually be able to function now that I have got a bit of sleep. I go and go and go and my body just shuts itself down and then I fall out and it's as if I die. ANY WAYS I will type more later on , trying to get a zillion things taken care of around here, so again love to my friends, hope you all are having a splendid weekend . Remember PLEASE IF YOU DRINK DO IT RESPONSIBLY.
Quickie Blog!
Happy Saturday ya'll! It's about 75 with a breeze out. My kind of weather! I'll be around sometime tonight. I'm at the library at the moment because my internet connection at home is busted. Hope you're alright if you're reading this. My time's about to run out, but do enjoy your day!
A Quickie
I was trying to teach my dog "SAFE SEX" damn dog kept licking the condom off!!! Go figure...lmao
Quick Update...
TO all my dear friends: I'm sorry I have been absent the last couple days, and will be for at least a couple more. Okay I'm not really sorry, you see for the first time in 15 monthes my baby brother is coming for a visit!!!! (alright I cant really call him a baby...hes 6'6" and 25 yrs old, but anyone with a 'baby' brother knows what I mean) He gets in tomorrow afternoon and I have a million things I want to get done before he gets here. He's coming out to give me guardianship (sp?) of his daughter so that he can go into the army. I obviously have mixed feelings about this...on one hand I am so proud of him for serving our country and doing something with his life but on the other hand, Iraq, hello.... It almost seems like a cruel joke that I am seeing him after 15 long monthes only for him to be leaving again, and this time most likely leaving to end up in harms way... ANYHOW, if it takes me a day or two to get back to you please dont think I am ignoring you, I'
Quickie In The Park
From the moment they saw each other that day they couldn't keep their hands off one another. It was as if they were two wild animals acting purely on instinct. He didn't even kiss her right away. He reached immediately for her skirt and hiked it up to her waist. In the same instant she unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out, leaving his trousers around his waist. He wrapped her panties in his fist and ripped them from her body. She moaned out her arousal leaning forward and half biting, half nibbling on his neck. From my hidden vantage point I watched as his fingers disappeared inside her deliciously pink pussy. She pumped her fist up and down his cock as his fingers thrust in and out of her pussy. They were both breathing heavily, trying to stay as quiet as possible, thinking they were hidden by the bushes, not knowing that this old bum was watching them the entire time. Without warning she lifted herself up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Without a word he moved his hand out
A Quick Thinker
This was in the Washington Post... the title of the article was "Best Comeback Line Ever." In summary, the police arrested Patrick Lawrence, a 22-year-old white male, resident of Dacula, GA, in a pumpkin patch at 11:38 p.m. on Friday. Lawrence will be charged with lewd and lascivious behavior, public indecency, and public intoxication at the Gwinnett County courthouse on Monday. The suspect explained that as he was passing a pumpkin patch he decided to stop. "You know, a pumpkin is soft and squishy inside, and there was no one around here for miles. At least I thought there wasn't," he stated in a phone interview. Lawrence went on to say that he pulled over to the side of the road, picked out a pumpkin that he felt was appropriate to his purposes, cut a hole in it, and proceeded to satisfy his alleged "need." "I guess I was just really into it, you know?" he commented with evident embarrassment. In the process, Lawrence apparently failed to notice a Gwinnett Cou
A Quickie
There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life. The angel tells them, "As a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you have been given life for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most." He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running behind the shrubbery. The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing. The angel tells them, "Um, you have fifteen minutes left, "Would you care to do it again?" He asks her "Shall we?" She eagerly replies, "Oh, yes, let's! But let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down and you shit on its head." .......... AND WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????
Quick 4-step System For Getting Her Number
Quick 4-Step System For Getting Her Number >REMEMBER: If you want to learn about all of the different programs I've created to help you learn how to meet women... just go here: >>>DATING QUESTION FROM A READER: Hi Dave, I'm glad you put together this newsletter because it's so helpful and awesome! But anyways, I have a couple questions if you could please help me. Number 1, I have your book and follow your stuff and I LOVE say the least. I've noticed though, that a lot of your stuff dealing with first encounters and pickups seems to be best fit for the club/bar scene which is great and everything, but I'm wondering how you go about doing pickups in regular places, like a supermarket, store, or coffee shop for instance? What suggestions do you have for meeting women here and how would you personally approach a women in these circumstances? I mean, after a conversa
Quick Blog Before Bed
Ok, so now Steve (Hubby) is sick with a fever (I knew we should have stayed at home Friday night instead of going to our nieces' graduation but would he listen to me????) anyway, that was a great ceremony, but I could have donw without my mother in law's complaining about how the girls ( my two nieces and her granddaughters) ignored her and didn't say anything which she didn't bother to go and say hi to them herself instead of waiting on them and their parents to come over and say hi. It was one of those times when she sat down she said something that I was ready to tell her she needed to just be quiet and not say anything else for the rest of the night. At least some of us had some manners and kept our mouths shut while she was complaining. I am still not surprised she did it though. She thinks their supposed to make the first "conversation" since she hasn't seen them as much since her husband died in 2002 (things between her and my brother in law have been strained since he is her st
A Quick Min To Catch Up
Hello everyone .. have missed you all tons and hope youre all doing Great !!!.. Well time is flying and im busier than ever .. helping my sister move into her new place , mikes senior renaissance fair is this thursday .. and of course i had to pull a klutz move and may have broken my foot.. im giving in and going to have it Xray'd tomorrow am .. just what i needed now UGH .. with 18 days till graduation .. Well thats my quick catch up .. nothing all that special just a day in the life of me ... Again ive missed you all and hoping everyone is doing well .. i will be back on here once the family leaves .. (june 20th) so ill see you all then .. Ginormous hugs to all .. Xoxoxoxoxox Wen :)
Quick Note
As some of you will notice I have created a new "My angel series" blog and moved all of the poems for that series there. I did this for a few reasons, I'm going to be writing and posting alot of poetry from now on and I didn't want to get poems that are part of that series mixed up with poems that are not part of that series. I never thought this series would get as big as it has. I'm loving it watching it grow. I honestly don't know when the series will end. Thank you to all who have given me love about the series. If you commented on the poems I'm sorry I couldn't keep them when I moved the poems over. Feel free to comment or re comment whatever the case may be. I'll be adding to the series soon as well as adding other pomes to the "poems" blog. Keep showing the love and keep talking to me, more writing to come!
A quick trip to the club and I was home by 6:30... I had a few rum and cokes and got my wings to go... I really should go out to the store for something to eat. I'm starving! Tonight there are a few of us headed to the club. Should be fun. I guess that is about it, there really isn't much going on today So... Ciao,
A Quick Lesson
Fast Eddie... Eddie wanted desperately to have sex with this really cute, really hot girl in his office.... but she was dating someone else. One day Eddie got so frustrated that he went to her and said, "I'll give you a $100 if you let me have sex with you..." The girl looked at him, then said, "NO." Eddie said, "I'll be real fast. I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, and I'll finish by the time you've picked it up." She thought for a moment and said that she would consult with her boyfriend.. so she called him and explained the situation. Her boyfriend says, "Ask him for $200, pick up the money really fast. He won't even be able to get his pants down." She agreed and accepts the proposal. Over half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is still waiting for his girlfriend's call. Finally, after 45 minutes the boyfriend calls and asks what happened....? Still breathing hard, she managed to reply, "The son of a bitch had all quarters!"
Quick Fun
Q: Why are hunters so great lovers in bed? A: Because they go deep into the bush, shoot twice and eat everything they shoot! Q: Whats the speed limit of sex? A: 68 because at 69 you have to turn around!! A senior guy invited his girlfriend over because his parents were gone for the weekend, so his girlfreind arrived at his house they went to the bedroom and he forgot his younger brother was sleeping on the botttom bed so him and his girlfriend went on the top bed and they started talking and then things get heated up so he said scream TOMATOES if you want it harder and scream LETTUCE if you want a different position so she was screaming LETTUCE, TOMATO, LETTUCE, TOMATO, then she said stop pull it out becuase I cant get pregnant then the little brother woke up and said "will you guys please stop making sandwiches"....
Quick Cash, Potatoes To Mash
Looking for a quick cash and potatoes to mash, entered a contest and wrote this poem in a few minutes, it's based on that scene from caddyshack, I'm sure you'll get it The willow trees staring down at me As I wave my club, about to tee The sky, brusque and harsh Delivering its sinister demeanor upon the marsh Killing my hopes of a beautiful day Encouraging me to hit the hay As I finish this last game Ending it so soon with the sky to blame Why does it always end up the same That these blithering skies boggle my mind Leaving today's aspirations behind Raining and hailing til I'm lost in a cold hell Where's the way home, there's no way to tell For these blithering skies do nothing but make me yell
Quick Update
hey will be back on internet mid july !!!!!!!!!!!! I miss all of you!
Quick Thought...
You know what... QUITTERS NEVER PROSPER. I've just had it right now. Seriously. I've had it with people who just give up. Only you can choose what happens. Only you know how you feel. Only you can make this better. Only you can make this real. Only you can fix what's broken. Only you this wound can heal. Something to think about.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok. now that i got that out of my system *whew* busy busy busy busy busy. *nod* moving company came out yesterday give us an estimate...can we say...sticker shock? but the guy was cool...and instead of having to rent a penske to move boxes ourselves we're gonna have the moving guys do it cuz in reality? why not when we're basically renting the entire truck for two work days might as well utilise it. *nod* tomorrow im takin the kids to some water park thingie place cuz i promised...meh. so today is pretty much the last day i have to do the major packing...n thursday is the last minute stuff which isnt that big a deal cuz there really isnt that much last minute stuff...cuz im good like that. textboy wants me to do him a favor. *raises eyebrow* of course if i do this favor...i own him. we both know this. he even asked if i had a purse to carry around his balls in. ha. im not that wicked tho. i could b
Quick Comebacks To Annoying Pick-up Lines.
Quick Comebacks to Annoying Pick-Up Lines. Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore. Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine. Man: So, what do you do for a living? Woman: I'm a female impersonator. Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Woman: Do not enter. Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning? Woman: Unfertilized. Man: Your body is like a temple. Woman: Sorry, there are no services today. Man: I would go to the end of the world for you. Woman: But would you stay there? Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy. Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
Quiche Please
Quiche Please Gore and Bush were in a restaurant ordering brunch. The waitress asks Gore what he would like to order. After looking at the menu, Al says, "I would like Eggs Benedict." The waitress says, "Fine, and what will you have Governor Bush?" Perusing the menu, George says, "Well, I think I'd like to have a quickie." Taken aback, the waitress responds, "Why Sir, that's awful, you're no better than that asshole Clinton." Then Gore leans over and whispers into Bush's ear, "George, that's pronounced 'quiche.'"
k. im alive. kinda. n stuff. *nod* i think im sleep typing...but can you say...exhausted? cuz i sure can. ya ever just...bust so much're not completely sure you've made any progress whatsoever cuz the mess looks about the same if not worse? ya...thats pretty much where i am right now. we got internet yesterday... i was too tired to utilise it im also too tired tonite...but i figured i'd take a few moments before i pass out into oblivion and see how well the wireless worked down in my bedroom... i must say its superfantastic. tomorrow the direct-tv peoples are sposed to come...sometime between the hours of 7 - 12...or 12 - 5...which pretty much sounds like oh gee...between the hours of 7 - 5. fuckers. dun try to break it up and make it sound all special... i must say... i havent missed my horrorscopes in the least...get a load of this shit eh? There's a time to move instinctively and then there's a time to weigh each decision as if it were a
Quick Haydn Note
A piece at least somewhat related to the adagio movement of the Haydn sonata a performance of which I "stashed" today (erm, a link to which I "stashed" today, and will link to a PDF score later I think!)- is his piano variations (Andante con variazioni, written 1793) in F minor, a performance of which has been uploaded to YouTube also, by Alexander Bildau here - (and probably others).
Quick Wit...
A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat she said, "Sir, I asked to see your ticket, not your stub."
Quick Check For Alzheimer's
The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at HarvardUniversity. Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a mistake. The average person over 40 years of age cannot do it! 1. This is this cat. 2. This is is cat. 3. This is how cat. 4. This is to cat. 5. This is keep cat. 6. This is an cat. 7. This is old cat. 8. This is fart cat. 9. This is busy cat. 10. This is for cat. 11. This is forty cat. 12. This is seconds cat. Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down and I betcha' you cannot resist passing it on.
A Quick Way To Earn A Few Bucks (no B.s.)
Quick Marrages
my thoughts on quick marrages,they never work,you can never know each other like we want we all have secrets that we dont share with each other,why get marred it is just a peice of paper,you think that papper is ownership it is not.i met my second husband on the hiway and yes that is silly but you meet people in weired places we was married for 4 years and ended up in divorce he was verry abusive,you should always think things through and not rush things
A Quick So Long
OK maybe not so quick, but a so long all the same. Things have happened that have made me no longer want to have a cherry tap account, nothing anyone has done directly, but this site has caused misunderstandings and I have hurt a very close online friend. I apologize for that, it was not as it seemed. But I realized that this type of misunderstanding can arrise all too frequently, and cause people pain and decided it best that I withdraw from our little community. My sincerest thanks to all those I have met and the friends I have made, good luck to you all. To the one I hurt, I have sent you a personal message as an apology, I am sorry for what you feel. Everyone enjoy yourselves here, be careful how you say things. Things only meant to make someone else feel better about themselves may make other feel bad about themselves. Thanks for everything everyone, Good bye, to all Kevin P.S. This is a repost, as I originally posted it as a bulletin, wasnt thinking clearly at the time, w
Quick Thinking
A man and a woman meet at a bar one day and are getting along really well. They decide to go back to the woman's house where they engage in passionate love making. Suddenly, they hear a noise at the door and the woman says, "Quick, my husband is home. Go hide in the bathroom!" The husband comes up into the bedroom and looks at her. "Why are you naked?" he asks. The woman smiles and says coyly, "Well, I heard you pull up outside, so I thought I would come up here and get ready!" "Okay," the husband replies, "I'll be back in a minute." Before his wife can stop him, he goes into the bathroom and sees the naked man standing there clapping his hands. "Who the hell are you!" the husband asks. "I'm from the extermination company. Your wife called me in to get rid of the moths you are having trouble with." The husband, getting angrier by the moment, exclaims, "Then why you are naked!" The man then looks down at himself and exclaims, "Those little bastards
Quicksand Or Glue...
I finally did well in a class. But I only had to concentrate on it for 6 weeks. That's helpful for some with the short attention span I have. I hope that the next summer class goes as well. I know it's unlikely, but here's hoping... My progress toward my degree feels like too little, too late, but I suppose I'll know soon enough whether I'm on Academic probation or some such thing. I just feel like the path I walk is through a swamp or quicksand. Or maybe a little like glue. Some of the obstacle always stays behind to remind you of the past. and in my case, it'll suck when I finally do finish, because knowing myself, I'll have to examine everything that kept me going. I'll have to swallow what little pride I have left in order to thank the people who I had no choice but to rely on to complete my goal... assuming that I do get my degree... big assumption. One I'm not completely comfortable with. Being a history major, I understand that nothing is written in stone. We're luck
Q. Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? A. He's all right now. Q. Did you hear about the man who was tap dancing? A. He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink. Q. What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A. A nervous wreck. Q. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? A. Anyone can roast beef. Q. Where do you find a no legged dog? A. Right where you left him. Q. Where do you get virgin wool from? A. Ugly sheep. Q. Why do bagpipers walk when they play? A. They're trying to get away from the noise. Q. What does Star Trek and toilet paper have in common? A. They both circle Uranus looking for Black Holes. Q. How do you double the value of a Geo Metro? A. Fill it with gas. Q. What's the definition of mixed emotions? A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car. Q. Why do chicken coops have two doors? A. Because if it had four doors it's be a
There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of A nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway For a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from The sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life. The angel tells them, "As a reward for being so patient Through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you Have been Given life for thirty minutes to do what you've Wished to do the most." He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running behind The shrubbery. The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle And Giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing. The angel tells them, "Um, you have fifteen minutes left, "Would You care to do it again?" He asks her "Shall we?" She eagerly replies, "Oh, yes, let's! But let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down and you s*** on its head.." AND WHAT WERE YOU....THINKING????
Quick Lasagna
Ingredients: * 1 pound ground beef * 1/2 cup salad dressing or light salad dressing * 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese * 6 lasagna noodles, cooked and drained * 1 jar (14 oz.) spaghetti sauce 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese Method Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Brown meat; drain. Stir in salad dressing and Parmesan cheese. Layer 1/2 of the noodles, meat mixture, spaghetti sauce, and mozzarella cheese in 12x8-inch baking dish. Repeat layers. Bake 30 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Notes: Number of servings: 6-8
1. What do Jell-O and a woman have in common? They both wiggle when you eat them. 2. What is a Yankee? The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. 3. What do women and condoms have in common? They both spend more time in your wallet than on your penis. 4. What do you call two skunks that are 69ing? Odor eaters. 5. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? A Lickalotopuss. 6. Why do men name their penis? They like to be on a first name basis With the one making most of their decisions. 7. What is the difference between snowmen and snowwomen? Snowballs. 8. What does a rooster have that a man wants? A hard pecker. 9. What kind of bees give milk? Boo bees. 10. What do gay men refer to hemorrhoids as? Speed bumps. 11. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common? They both like a tight seal. 12. Why do only 30% of women get into Heaven? If it were more, it would be Hell.
one night i was just laying in bed wit nothing to do n very horny my phone rang and it was you. i told u i am in need. u ask to come over. bout a hour later u showed up. wasting no time we both naked. damn ya body is so damn sexy. pussy getting even wetter. u lay on the bed n wit those sexy eyes u do not have to say it. so i crawl between your legs. as i do licking up your thigh. getting closer to your balls starting to licking n suck on them. then licking up your dick, taking the head in my mouth. given it lil kisses n some tongue play. now taking the lenght of u down my throat. mmmmmmm baby i miss doing this. got ya dick nice n wet now its time for me to really get down on u. u hold my head n thrust up in my mouth making me take all of u in mouth. u steady fuck my mouth coming out half way then back down my throat. feeling the head get bigger i know u about to cum u start to fuck my mouth faster n i am in beat with u. as u are cumming on my face i start to play in my
Quick Questions To Get To Know Your Friends
Here Are My Answers.. But Just Copy & Put In Your Own And Blog It :D Three jobs I have had in my life: 1. Administrative Manager 2. Director Of A Daycare Centre 3. Co-Coordinator Of A Family Resource Centre Three Places that I have lived: 1 Started off in Manitoba, Canada 2 Moved all over Canada.. including the Yukon 3 Now back in Manitoba, Canada Three TV shows I like to watch: 1. Crime Drama CSI (all of them) 2. Life Stories Example: Extreme Makeover Home Edition, American Idol, TLC 3. I am on FUBAR and doing other things too much to watch TV.. so IF I watch TV.. I just watch that lol Three places I have taken holidays: 1. London, England - Would go back in a millisecond 2 Paris, France - Wouldn't go back 3 USA - To A Bunch Of States - Definately Want To Go Back :D Three of my favorite foods: 1. Chinese 2 Mexican 3 Ital
25 Quick Things To Know About Who Is Pixi (moved Blog)
Diva and Daddy inspired me to do this because its a quick little thumnail into seeing who is who- and I loved theirs so though I would make my own 1. My Favorite food in the world is Grilled Cheese sandwiches and Tomato Soup. (made with milk of course)- though I hate hate tomatoes! 2. I have Green eyes that turn almost transparent tropic ocean blue when I cry. 3. I'm a book worm. I read everything I can even if I have to use a dictionary to learn the meaning of some words in it. 4. I want to sky dive before I die. 5. I have a fear of flying in large planes, but I love flying in small ones. 6. I'd rather take road trips. 7. I've been to 48 of 50 states and loved them all. (the 2 I'm missing is Florida and Hawaii.. and I don't have a specific need to go to either.) 8. I'm Haida, Tsimsian and adopted Tlingit, as well as Italian and Norwegian. (with Irish somewhere in my family line generations upon generations back.) and I grew up half of my young life in Kassaan a
Quick Fuck
Use me. Please don’t cover my body With tender kisses. Use me. No foreplay or sweet words Whispered in my ear. Use me. Lift my skirt right here. Pull my panties to my ankles. Push me down roughly On top of your desk. USE ME! Bend me over so that My breasts are crushed, My hair falling in my face, To the unyielding hardness. The cold top is in complete Contrast to your hard, hot cock As you enter me boldly, deeply, Completely. My needs are unimportant right now, Only that you use me as you wish. Fuck me…here…now. Spill your cum then turn And walk away Leaving me wanting more.
Quick Rofl
could be nsfw....decide to find out what the poke was all about and was presented with this message Error: you can't poke yourself you fuckin sicko! i found this highly entertaining thats for sure remind me not to do such odd things again in the future HA
Quick And Easy Chicken Olé
An easy Mexican-style chicken bake with salsa and corn chips. INGREDIENTS: * 4 to 5 boneless chicken breast halves * 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup * 3/4 cup chunky salsa or diced tomatoes with green chile peppers * 4 cups corn chips * 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese or Mexican mixture of cheeses PREPARATION: Arrange chicken breasts in an 11x7-inch baking dish. Combine the soup with the salsa; pour over chicken breasts. Top with corn chops and shredded cheese. Cover and bake in a preheated 350° oven for 45 minutes, or until bubbly and chicken is cooked through. Serves 4.
A Quick Note...
Positive Thinking Will Take You Wherever You Want To Go In Life There is nothing more powerful in this world than a positive attitide. It will see you through the best and the worst of times, and reassure you when nothing else seems to. A positive outlook arms you with the confidence you need to reach for your dreams, no matter how high they are. If you take chances in life, what you're really telling yourself is that you believe in who you are. Remember to tell yourself that you can do whatever you set your mind to - and you'll see just how far that kind of thinking will get you. - T.L. Nash (I seen this today in a book I was looking at and kinda jumped out at me lol Thought it might jump out at a few of you too :P XXXX)
A Quick "hi" Before Work
This is gonna have to be a REALLY quick "HI"! I have to leave for work in no more than 15 mins., and I'm not quite ready yet. I pushin' it. But...I try my best to get in and say "HI" to everyone, since I am not the best at getting in to individual profiles. That didn't use to be that big a problem...untill my friends list got longer and longer...I'd be ALL day postin' comments, and nothing else...hehehehe So...a big COLLECTIVE HI, seems to be the best way! Hope you all have a great day, and I'll be back around Fu later this afternoon when I get home! HAVE A GOOD ONE FU'S...TAKE CARE
A Quickie In The Shower
One time I was taking a shower. I felt a chill breeze against my wet skin. I looked out and saw a silhouette against the shower curtain. I gasped as the curtain was yanked open. My boyfriend was standing there nude, his mouth open, his eyes bulging out as he stared at me huddled in the corner. His cock was hard and red, and pointed at me threateningly, like a gun. He got in the tub with me, the water flattening his hair and dropping down off his face. The drops bounced off his chest and shoulders as he moved against me in the corner. He grabbed my wrists, pulling my hands away from my chest, holding them high above my head with one hand so he could stare at my naked body. His other hand pressed against my boob, pushing it flat against my chest with his palm. He rotated his hand, then closed the fingers around my tit, squeezing the meaty flesh. He stared down at my tit in fascination, as his fingers squeezed and squeezed it repeatedly. His hands came around me, hugging me tightly as h
Quick Apple Strudel
2 cups flour 3 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. sugar 4 tbsp. butter-flavor Crisco 2/3 to 3/4 cup regular milk 3 cups chopped apples 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon and or apple pie spice Chopped nuts 1 can of white frosting Maraschino cherries Sift flour, baking powder, salt and 2 tablespoons sugar together. Cut in shortening and add milk to make a soft dough. Knead gently on floured board. Roll out 1/4 inch thick. Brush with melted butter; cover with chopped apples. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon over apples. Roll jelly-roll fashion and form in semi-circle on greased baking sheet. Bake in 425º F degree oven for 20-25 minutes. While warm frost with white frosting. Sprinkle with chopped nuts over frosting. Decorate with cherries.
A Quick And Heartfelt Good Morning/good Afternoon!
I need to leave for work soon and I have so many comments to respond to! This will have to suffice until I have the time, lol. Much is going on energywise - if you've read my other blogs, you know whereof I speak. At the moment, I'm feeling a bit scattered. I need to get to my office where the energy is more appropriate for energy sending. Please be aware that the energy is particularly restless and unsettled today! Short update: my oldest daughter Jenn, who got out of jail last week - sprung without her psych drugs by the way - is passed out drunk on her 20 year old son's couch!! I could kill someone at the moment, lol, and that's not like me. I'm a frustrated camper at the moment. But, as I always say, I will survive! No disco lights, please!? I'm off. Have a wonderful day, everyone! Hang in there! Much love and warm hugs, everyone. Blessings, lots of them, for all my friends, all over the world! You are loved so very much. Later! Muah!
Quick question for everyone. Can someone tell me how to remove my VIP so I can delete my account? I've got it paid through October but want to get off the site ASAP.
Quick Chow Mein
Serving: 4 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 pounds ground beef or chow mein meat (available at some supermarkets) Salt, to taste 1 teaspoon bottled fresh minced garlic or equivalent fresh garlic, minced 3 cups celery, sliced 1/3" thick 1/2 medium onion, sliced lengthwise (about 3 ounces) 1 cup beef broth or beef bouillon 7-ounce can mushrooms, sliced or stems and pieces, drained 8-ounce can bamboo shoots, drained, rinsed with water & drained 6-ounce can Dawn Fresh mushroom steak sauce (in a small yellow can, usually found near the bottled steak sauces 3 tablespoons Kikkoman soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum DIRECTIONS: 1. Brown ground beef or chow mein meat in a non-stick, heavy 4-quart saucepan over medium-high heat, breaking up meat with a spoon and stirring frequently. 2. When browned and no pink remains, drain fat and add celery, onions and beef broth and reduce heat to low, cov
Quick "hi" Before Work!
Don't have too much longer before I have to leave for work, but I'm ready, and just decided to use my last few mins. saying "HI", and wishing you all a great day! The weekend is almost here, and I'm SO glad. We'll be spending alot of ours driving, we're gonna go to Indiana, and will leave tomorrow night when Lee gets off work, so it will be one of those late nighters, by the time we get there. Lee very seldom gets a Saturday off, so this weekend, we'll be able to have a 3 day weekend...I did get off for Monday, and my new mgr. said it was no problem. It will be a late nighter, on Monday coming home as well. I'm sure I'll be on later when i get home from work before I have to take off again to get paycheck from Lee, and get some bills paid before we leave. I'll probably be on tonight too, although I may be running back and forth, since I'll need to get some stuff packed as well for the weekend. At least most of the clothes are clean, and I've only got one load of laundry to d
Quick "hi" Before Work!
Don't have too much longer before I have to leave for work, but I'm ready, and just decided to use my last few mins. saying "HI", and wishing you all a great day! The weekend is almost here, and I'm SO glad. We'll be spending alot of ours driving, we're gonna go to Indiana, and will leave tomorrow night when Lee gets off work, so it will be one of those late nighters, by the time we get there. Lee very seldom gets a Saturday off, so this weekend, we'll be able to have a 3 day weekend...I did get off for Monday, and my new mgr. said it was no problem. It will be a late nighter, on Monday coming home as well. I'm sure I'll be on later when i get home from work before I have to take off again to get paycheck from Lee, and get some bills paid before we leave. I'll probably be on tonight too, although I may be running back and forth, since I'll need to get some stuff packed as well for the weekend. At least most of the clothes are clean, and I've only got one load of laundry to d
Quick Ground Beef Enchiladas
Quick Ground Beef Enchiladas When your gang catches the tantalizing aroma of these enchiladas wafting from the oven, they'll run straight to the dinner table. Luckily, this quick-cook dish won't keep them waiting long. Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 1 package McCormick Enchilada Sauce Mix * 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce * 1 1/2 cups water * 1 pound ground beef * 8 corn tortillas * 1/4 cup chopped onion * Shredded cheddar cheese Directions: Prepare the enchilada sauce according to the package directions, using the tomato sauce and water. Brown the ground beef and drain. Add 1/2 cup of the enchilada sauce to the beef. Dip each tortilla into the remaining sauce and then spoon about 3 tablespoons of the meat onto each tortilla with about 1 teaspoon of chopped onion (or to taste). Fold over both sides of each tortilla and place seam sides down in a 12-by-7-inch baking dish. Spoon the remaining sauce over the enchiladas and cover with ched
A Quickie!
Well, so much for being able to spend the after noon with you guys a bit. Long enough to read a cmail, check out a bulletin, and before long I'm going to have to leave and go pick up Lee from work. That's a long story. part of that long story is why I didn't get here sooner, since I got caught doing other things, instead of coming home and packing. But, that is a story for when I get back home Monday evening. So, as soon as I get Lee, we'll come back here, load the car, and be on the road for Indy. It is a long drive, but the more it is driven, becomes more and more familiar, so we never really feel like we're in a strange place. We have our favorite stops along the way...depending on what you want, from just coffee, to desert, to breakfast! lol So, they come pretty routine to us, and most often, our trip is based around those certain areas, as when or when not to stop. It will be very late by the time we get to Indy. At least 3am, and probably closer to 4. Then we always
Quick And Easy Chicken Olé
An easy Mexican-style chicken bake with salsa and corn chips. INGREDIENTS: * 4 to 5 boneless chicken breast halves * 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup * 3/4 cup chunky salsa or diced tomatoes with green chile peppers * 4 cups corn chips * 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese or Mexican mixture of cheeses PREPARATION: Arrange chicken breasts in an 11x7-inch baking dish. Combine the soup with the salsa; pour over chicken breasts. Top with corn chops and shredded cheese. Cover and bake in a preheated 350° oven for 45 minutes, or until bubbly and chicken is cooked through. Serves 4.
Quick Note!
Just a quick heads up! I'm off to visit with my oldest daughter on the Psych Unit in LaCrosse. I will be back in a couple hours, I'm sure. I promise a REAL blog soon, lol! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Much love, warm hugs, and blessings for one and all! Later! Muahz!
I dialed a number and got the following recording: I am not available right now, but Thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the Beep. If I do not return your call, You are one of the changes." Aspire to inspire before you expire. My wife and I had words, But I didn't get to use mine. Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses. Blessed are those who can give without remembering And take without forgetting. The irony of life is that, by the time You're old enough to know your way Around, you're not going anywhere. God made man before woman so as to give him time to think Of an answer for her first question. I was always taught to respect my elders, But it keeps getting harder to find one. Every morning is the dawn of a new error. The quote of the month is by Jay Leno: "With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud slides,flooding, severe thunderstorms teari
Quick And Easy French Onion Meatloaf
This meatloaf is so easy and delicious. Ingredients include condensed French onion soup, quick rolled oats, bread crumbs, and basic seasonings. INGREDIENTS: * 2 pounds lean ground beef * 1/2 cup rolled oats * 1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs * 1 egg, lightly beaten * 1 can condensed French onion soup, undiluted * 1/4 teaspoon salt * 1/4 teaspoon pepper * 1 tablespoon dried parsley flakes * ketchup or barbecue sauce, optional PREPARATION: Combine all ingredients in a bowl; pack into a meatloaf pan or large (9x5x3-inch) loaf pan. Bake at 350° for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Spread top with a little barbecue sauce or ketchup about 5 or 10 minutes before done.Let rest a few minutes before slicing. Serves 6 to 8.
Quick Chicken Marengo
A quick chicken Marengo recipe, made with prepared spaghetti sauce, chicken pieces, small white onions, and mushrooms. Serve chicken Marengo with spaghetti or your favorite cooked pasta. INGREDIENTS: * 2 1/2 to 3 pounds chicken pieces * 3 tablespoons olive oil * 24 ounces spaghetti sauce * 1 can (4 ounces) mushrooms, drained * 1 cup frozen small white onions, cooked, or use 1 can (8 ounces) boiled small white onions, drained PREPARATION: Wash chicken pieces and pat dry. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium high heat, or to about 350° in an electric frying pan. Add chicken pieces; brown well on both sides.Place chicken pieces in a 9x13x2-inch baking dish. Pour spaghetti sauce over the chicken. Cover dish with foil; bake at 375° for 45 minutes. Add mushrooms and onions to the casserole; continue baking, uncovered, for 20 minutes longer. Serve with cooked spaghetti or other pasta. Serves 4.
Quick Reminder To All Friends And Fans...and Friends To Be!
Quick Chicken Cacciatore
Quick Chicken Cacciatore We're not kidding when we say "quick" -- and we could have added "easy." After strips of chicken are sauteed briefly, in go the rest of the ingredients, and 10 minutes later a wonderful stew is on the table. Servings: 4 Ingredients: * Nonstick cooking spray * 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch strips * 1 (16-ounce) can peeled tomatoes * 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce * 1 large green pepper, chopped * 1/2 chopped cup celery * 1 medium onion, chopped * 1 cup sliced mushrooms * 2 teaspoons dried oregano * 1 teaspoon dried basil * 1 teaspoon dried parsley or 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley * 1 bay leaf * 1/4 teaspoon salt * 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Directions: Spray a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Preheat the pan over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook, stirring, for 3 to 5 minutes, or until no longer pink. Reduce the heat to mediu
Quick Question.
Who here hasn't went on a PCP binged and shot at a couple cop...Come ON!!!
Quick Funny Story About Pee, Lol
I may regret telling the world this but....I just went pee and as I was peeing, I remembered that I had used the last of the toilet paper earlier! I look around and the box of Kleenex is missing. I open up the vanity drawers and nothing. Nothing that remotely looks like a piece of cloth to use. I am all alone. What do I do? I sit there for a minute and laugh and then I had to take my hand and use it for toilet paper!!! What else was I going to use? Yes, I thoroughly washed my hands after. I then went and got the box of Kleenex by my bedside and proceeded to wipe properly! I just thought it was too funny not to share! Now, there are 3 roles of toilet paper in my bathroom! Thought you could use a good laugh grossed out! haha Ciao~
Quick Note
Ok I lied I posted one last time in the angel series, I felt that I needed to show that it wasn't ending and I wasn't giving up. I marked it NSFW myself because of the "french" in it. If you want to get points for my angel series blog just rate one of the other poems in the series. The journey series will start tomorrow. ~Tony
Quick Chinese Pepper Steak
Incredibly easy and tasty - perfect for when you're in a hurry. Ingredients 1 lb. 1/2-inch thick round steak 2 Tbs. vegetable oil 1 medium onion, sliced 1 medium green bell pepper, sliced 1 envelope au jus gravy mix 3/4 C. water 4 Tbs. soy sauce 3 C. cooked rice Directions Cut the meat in half lengthwise with a sharp knife (meat will slice better if slightly frozen), then crosswise into thin slices. Sauté the meat, onions and pepper in hot oil in a skillet until the meat is brown. Stir in the remaining ingredients, except the rice. Cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. Serve over rice.
Quick Meatballs
A versatile starter for Game Day, when friends drop by or, when time is short, this can be a great dinner for the family. Add a tossed salad and some garlic toast and you have a meal. Ingredients 3 lb. lean ground beef 1 C. Italian seasoned bread crumbs 2 qts. broth or boullion (canned, fresh or cubes) Directions Place broth in sauce pan and bring to boil over high heat. Meanwhile, mix beef and crumbs together thoroughly and shape into walnut size balls. After you have all the beef shaped begin putting them into the boiling broth a few at a time. Simmer the balls for 3-4 minutes, then remove from the broth with a sieved spoon. Place cooked balls in collander to drain thoroughly. Repeat until all of the meatballs are cooked. Dispose of the broth or you can use it to make soup at another time. At this point you decide how many meatballs you need for a meal. Divide into meal size portions and freeze in sealable bags. Preparation Time 20 minutes Cooking Time 30 minutes
Quick Note About Logging Out
I've found that if I don't click logout twice in succession (the second time from the page the first sends me to, I think), I'm very often still logged in. (I'm not sure whether this is also true with-respect-to going to directly, but I suspect it is...)
Quick & To The Point
->Suga Lips: hi, thank you, no, bye zukyzuky: hey sexy was up? u r looking hottie. could i get ur msn or yahoo id? see ya My shoutbox convos have been slacking lately :(. If you know a weirdo, send them my way :P.
Quickies "Now really, young man, you're a bore," Said a Lady Priscilla van Blore. "I'm covered with sweat And you haven't come yet And my God - it is quarter past four!" ------------------------------------------------ There was a young lady of Totten Whose tastes grew perverted and rotten. She cared not for steaks, Or for pastry or cakes, But lived upon penis *au gratin*. ------------------------------------------------ There was a young man from Racine Who invented a fucking machine: Both concave and convex, It would fit either sex - And could play with itself in between. ------------------------------------------------ There was a young lady named Mabel Who said, "I don't think I'm able; But I'm willing to try. So where shall I lie - On the bed, on the floor or the table ?" ------------------------------------------------ There was a young fellow named Bliss Whose sex live was strangely amiss. For even with Venus His recalcitrant penis Would seldom do
Quick Update:
My buddy is back on nthe ventilator; having some breathing issues... more from not wanting to take a deep breath after having his chest cracked open than from anything else, but they're labeling it pulmonary edema anyway... looks like he'll be staying in Florida for a couple of extra weeks, although he's definitely not seeing the best parts of the state... thanks for all the prayers etc... more later - S
Quick Update
Well, here I am in the desert. Yes, it is the middle of the desert. Yes, there are camels. You can look off into the distance and see them on occasion on the other side of the fence line. I have been off base, but it consisted solely of going to another base to get some stuff and come back. It is Ramadan, and we can't go out in town because we would want to eat or get a drink of water or something while there. Can't eat or drink from sunrise to sunset (off base.) There is actually a lot to do on base. I have been to the PX several times, well it's more like a corner store, small with a small selection. My unaccompanied baggage will be here next week. That means my bicycle, my desktop computer, some more clothes, and stuff to make my room more mine will be here. My laptop has been a pain in the butt of late. Apparently it has a short in the power cord, and if it isn't in just the right position it kicks to battery power. Well the battery sucks! So it doesn't la
A Quick Escape
I could feel him breathing closely on the nape of my neck as he stood behind me and reached around my stomach and gave me a quick hug. The scent of his recently applied cologne was fresh and arousing to the senses as he gave me a nice squeeze from behind while he kissed the right side of my throat. I tilted my head back onto his left shoulder and closed my eyes after his lips parted from my neck. His hands around my stomach began to drift northward and he clasped his large hands around the orbs of my breasts and softly massaged them. I began to feel weak in the knees as he began to lightly pinch my left nipple to arouse the juices that I could feel begin to flow deep inside of me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry... I just wanted to get a bit creative before going out and tackling the world of business. I hope you liked that quicky.
A Quick Welcome
Hippo Radio Welcome to Hippo Radio where we enjoy playing music for our Listeners. Please join us at . Visit our Forums Page and our Chat Room as well, we would love to chat with you.
Quick Update
The house is finally clean...all this time it took me and if I had just gotten to it I could have been done hours ago...I'm such a procrastinator. But while I was at it I managed to get curtains up in my living room, new curtains in my bedroom and rearranged my bedroom. Not an easy task with six cats always under foot. But YAY me cause its finally done.
Quick Newsbrief To Wsc
All Inactive Members have been contacted.If you have been contacted we are giving you until Sunday To show participation or you will be removed.To Those Who Have not Been contacted you have nothing to worry about you are considered ACTIVE.PLease Make sure you have WSC somehow in your ID.This is MANDONTORY.We Need All Bombers on Beautiful Nightmare we really got to get this one out of the way.We are also about to start the king or queen of the week again.There may even be more than one.If you have been caught bombing alot or jumping on rating people leveling etc.We want you recognized for doing a good job.If you see someone you think should hold this honor please let us know.Most of you know I have been really sick, so if I have been rude to anyone lately I'd like to apologize now, I haven't been myself at all. Thank You Psychorainstorm
A Quickey Lol
ok if you have your mind outta the gutter now lol heres an update on how im doing well one week to go and im done with my first phase of school if i didnt tell you im in an advanced and exckerated course how else would i get my degree by august 22nd 08 when i started in oct o7 its a bitch but i enjoy the challange i dont think im gonna get the 4.0 gpa i wanted but im damm close. it looks as if ill have a job by next week so im really gonna be pushing it school+job+new baby= no sleep lol but the means justifie the end or some thing like that ever day i keep telling myself "seize the day" only i say it in latian i just cant spell it lmfao on to other news heather hasnt had the baby yet but we went to the doc wensday and he said any time now lets hope its on a weekend oh and after august next year i have to go to az for 4 months to take more classes that they dont have here these classes how ever are for speacilized training for cummings diesl which will mean more $ and better jobs so it
Quick Question
anything good doing on in san diego tonight or this weekend...hit me up if so
Quick Update
So things are going pretty good for me lately. Granted I work at wal mart...not the greatest job in the world but life is good. I finally go full time in two weeks. Isaac is spending the day with me. And driving me up the wall. And of course the child won't tell me what he wants to eat...grrrr...So my ex husband shows up at my job the other day and acts like a total jerk. Nothing new there. But did he have to do it at my place of employment?? Oh wait...og course he did!! Anything to piss me off!!! OK I think I'm done ranting now...but life is good other than the drama with the ex...
Quick Update
I'll be offline til the 9th of November when my internet gets turned back on at my mom's. I no longer live with him. I completely left and the papers for divorce will be filed on wednesday. I hate that it came down to this. I do care about him, always will. Come on I spent 6 years with him and we have a child together. But I dont' love him anymore and its not fair to either of us or our daughter for either one of us to be miserable. Or as my brother put it, he's miserable without me, I'm miserable with him. lol. thats just not gonna work. Things will be better this way. Just gonna take time and patience with my daughter. She's going to be so confused and I hope she doesnt grow to hate or resent me for this decision because its going to be so hard on her. See y'all on the 9th
Quick Step John @ The Tla
Quick Thinking
A recently-divorced man went to a party and found himself smack in front of his ex-wife's new husband. Having had more than a few drinks,he said in a condescending tone,"So? How do you like 'second hand merchandise?'" The other man smiled. "Not bad at all. Everything after the first few inches is brand new!"
Quick Breakfast Quesadilla
Ingredients * 1 egg * 1 ounce grated low-fat cheese or Parmesan cheese * 1 tablespoon salsa * 1 small flour tortilla (preferably whole wheat) Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. Scramble the egg quickly in a small skillet. 3. Fold in the salsa and cheese. 4. Put the tortilla on a lightly oiled cookie sheet. 5. Put the egg mixture on one half and fold over the other half to cover. 6. Bake for 5 minutes or until the tortilla is crisp. 7. Sit down with your morning pick me up and enjoy!
Quick And Easy Meatloaf
Ingredients * 1 lb ground beef * 1 lb ground pork (or bulk sausage) * 1/4 C green onion, chopped * 1/4 C soy sauce * 1/2 C chicken broth * 1 egg, slightly beaten * 1 C bread crumbs * 1 clove garlic, finely chopped Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350F 2. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl 3. Shape 6 meatballs and place into a 9"x13" baking pan 4. Bake for about 45 minutes, make sure that the meat is no longer pink 5. Serve with teriyaki veggies or mashed potatoes.... or both :)
Quick And Easy Lasagna Recipe
Ingredients * 1 pound lean ground beef * 1 pound wide lasagna noodles * 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper * 2-1/2 teaspoons tomato paste * 1 can whole tomatoes Italian seasoned * 1 cup white onion * 1 cup monterrey jack cheese * 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese Directions 1. Boil noodles according to package instructions. 2. Brown meat in skillet with onion then drain well and return to pan. 3. Add garlic, salt and pepper. 4. Add tomato paste and whole tomatoes to skillet when meat is just about ready to remove from stove top. 5. Layer noodles, meat mixture and cheese in layers until all are used ending with noodles. 6. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes.
Quick And Easy Chili Recipe
Ingredients * 1 LB. ground beef * 2/3 cup chopped onion * 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper * 1/2 cup water * 2 (15 or 15.5 oz.) cans dark red kidney beans, drained rinsed * 1 can condensed beef broth * 1 ( 8 oz.) can tomato sauce * 1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste * 3 teaspoons chili powder Directions 1. 1. In large sauce pan, combine ground beef, onions and bell pepper. Cook over medium heat for 8 to 10 mins. or until beef is thoroughly cooked, stirring frequently. drain. 2. 2. Stir in all remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer 15 mins. stirring occasionally.
Quickies From Vicky
Quick blog cause i cant wrap my mind on how i feel Basi-Cali.. I said in my last blog: "Please god let caleb get kicked outta daycare ... He did.. kinda i got the call in stats class. I had my test scheduled at 11. at 11 i was calmin down a 3 year old. I wasnt going to take him home. I decided i am NOT going to take him home. when this happens Ne way. Test rescheduled for tomorrow am. Which is ok cause i get more time to learn the material Bad cause i am gonna waste another 20 bucks (dont ask) to do an all nighter) Just here for a blog or 2... dont get mad if i dont im anyone right back.. goto get my head in the game
Quickie :p
You lay there on the soft sweet bed your legs parted gently as I kiss my way up your left thigh from your knee moving down slowly over your soft freshly shaven mound your slit glistening with wetness as my hot breathe found it teased it and passed over it. I kissed down your right thigh to your knee, and then with out warning I moved back up to your hot spot. Your legs parted more as my head moved closer and my breath hot on you made you shudder, as I tongue neared your slit, I was in awe at the beauty I bestowed to watch as my finger caressed your thighs and my tongue found your clit, wet, aching, ready for me to kiss and tease with my tongue as only I knew how. My tongue sank deep within your core and you moaned and writhed as my tongue took command of the situation and you gave up and let me have my way. My tongue moving hard over your sweet clit circling it licking every drop of your juices as you continued to grow wetter and wetter, as my tongue increased pressure and speed,
Quick Update
well i just wanted to let everyone know that i am once again totally single...that old friend decided he was gonna try to control me and shit so i said the hell with that. now hes simply harassin me but i think i got that to stop too cuz i told him if he tries to contact me again im gonna call the cops and get him for harassment. so thats pretty much whats goin on there
Quick Pasta With Vegetables And Garlic Sauce
Quick Pasta with Vegetables and Garlic Sauce For a vegetarian entree, this one is unusually satisfying. Using cream -- heavy and light cream work equally well -- boosts the richness, while half-and-half makes the dish a bit lighter. Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 1 pound pasta shells * 4 tablespoons olive oil * 1/2 cup finely chopped onion * 4 garlic cloves, minced * 1 small eggplant, chopped, or 1 1/2 cups fresh broccoli * florets (or a combination totaling about 1 1/2 cups) 1 carrot, grated * 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper * Salt and pepper * 1/2 cup half-and-half or cream * 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg * 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley * Grated Parmesan cheese (optional) Directions: Cook the pasta shells according to the package directions. Drain well and set aside. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic to the skillet and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes. Add the eggplant
A Quickie
Just a quick line to say sorry to everyone on my page. I haven't been online in awhile and haven't kept up with my page. We've been traveling alot with my guy's employer. I was in NY for 3 monthes, and now it's onto NJ for another 4. After NJ it's onto MD, and hopefully we will be there for a while. So please expect my apology and sorry for the neglect.
A Quick Note
hey all!!!! i have missed all of my fubar family!!!! *wipes a tear* Things have not gotten any better as you can see, but life will knock you around from time to time!!!! to those of you that know me well, i send all my love to you and your families. Hopefully things will work themselves out at some point! And GREAT BIG SHOUT OUTS TO MY GIRL WITCHY, MISS MAGGIE, AND CATY!!!!!! MUCH HEALING ENERGY IS NEEDED, SO SEND IT THIS WAY! MUAH!! big hugs and kisses to all
A Quickie!!
Dick Cheney and George W. Bush were having breakfast at the White House. The attractive waitress asks Cheney what he would like, and he replies, "I'd like a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit... "And what can I get for you, Mr. President?" George W. looking up from his menu, replies with his trademark wink and slight grin,.... "How about a quickie this morning?" "Why, Mr. President!" the waitress exclaims "How rude! You're starting to act like Mr. Clinton!" As the waitress storms away, Cheney leans over to Bush and whispers................ "It's pronounced, 'Quiche."
A Quickie
We had our share of busy times, weve had our share of quiet. Weve had our share of working hard, and times that were a riot. Weve had our share of differences, and sure, weve had a spat. Weve had our share of making up...And man..We're good at that. Weve shared the good, Weve shared the great. Weve shared a tear or two..And I woukdnt trade a moment of the times Ive shared with you. You are my light for my dark days, You are my guide thru an unknown way. Youre the drink of happiness that quenches my thirst for joy. You are the first and last thought of everyday. The love and care you show me is unlike any feeling on this earth, There is nothing I can do or say to show you exactly what you are worth. Tho the sun may go down, and the world gets dark...You light up my life. The first time I saw you..I knew for sure that there was a God and he was smiling down on me..To have such a perfect person to come into my life..There are not enough words to express exactly what I feel...Though I will
Bill and Marla decided that the only way to pull off a Sunday afternoon quickie with their ten-year-old son in the apartment was to send him out on the balcony and tell him to report on all the neighborhood activities. The boy began his commentary as his parents put their plan into operation. "There's a car being towed from the parking lot," he said. "An ambulance just drove by." A few moments passed. "Looks like the Andersons have company," he called out. "Matt's riding a new bike, and the Coopers are having sex." Mom and Dad shot up in bed. "How do you know that?" the startled father asked. "Their kid is standing out on the balcony too," his son replied.
It was another busy day at work. We were short staffed like we have been for the past month. I was helping out,, by doing my job as a secretary plus helping the nurses with the patients. You called out of your room..and I can't make out what your saying. So, I go in, to find that you knocked your ice water all over the floor. You appoligize for the mess..and I said, its ok..let me get it cleaned up. I find a towel...and bend over in my skirt to clean it up. Not realizing what kind of view I am giving. I went to work without underwear. You can see through my skirt. Next thing I know, I hear you breathe in deeply..and feel your hands on my hips. You slide one hand under..and run the tip of your finger up and down my clit. I moan and say, we really shouldn't be doing this.. its really busy and they will be wondering where I am at. You whisper in my ear.. its ok,, I will make it quick. Next thing I put your hard shaft inside me. I let out a moan. You grab my chest
Quick And Easy Chicken Parmesan
INGREDIENTS: * 4 boneless chicken breast halves without skin * 1 egg, slightly beaten * 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs * 2 tablespoons butter * 1 jar (16 ounces) spaghetti sauce, or 1 1/2 to 2 cups homemade * 1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese * 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese * 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley PREPARATION: Wash chicken and pat dry. Put chicken between pieces of wax paper, or in a food storage bag; pound gently to flatten for even cooking. Dip chicken into egg then into crumbs to coat. In skillet over medium heat, in hot butter, brown chicken on both sides.Add sauce then reduce heat to low. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Sprinkle with Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses and parsley. Cover and simmer 5 minutes, until cheese melts. Serves 4.
Quick & Easy Layered Dessert
Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 10 min Makes: 15 servings, 2/3 cup each 2 cups cold milk 1 pkg. (4-serving size) JELL-O Chocolate Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling 1 pkg. (10.5 oz.) pound cake, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1/2 cup chocolate syrup 1 tub (8 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed, divided POUR milk into bowl. Add dry pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk 2 minutes or until well blended. ARRANGE half of the cake cubes in 3-quart serving bowl. Drizzle with 1/4 cup of the chocolate syrup. Layer with 1 cup of the pudding and 1-1/2 cups of the whipped topping. Repeat layers ending with whipped topping. REFRIGERATE until ready to serve. Store leftover dessert in refrigerator.
01-18-08 -quick
F R I D A Y Just wishing you a great weekend! Sorry, just have had so much to do today ... You all get a break :) Mucho -luv- to all! The Question So Any plans for the weekend I think I'll take Lexy to the movies myself. About the comment Just an oldie, I picked it for the bright colors ... Slightly retooled Here it is: I T ' S Just wanted to drop by Give ya something to 'Smile' about! Enjoy
Quick Sex
Eddie wanted desperately to have sex with this really cute, really hot girl in his office.... But she was dating someone else. One day Eddie got so frustrated that he went to her and said, 'I'll give you $100 if you let me have sex with you.' The girl looked at him and then said, 'NO.' Eddie said, 'I'll be real fast. I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, and I'll finish by the time you've picked it up.' She thought for a moment and said that she would consult with her boyfriend, She called him and explained the situation. Her boyfriend says, 'Ask him for $200, and pick up the money really fast. He wont even be able to get his pants down.' She agreed and accepts the proposal. Over half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is waiting for his girlfriend's call. Finally, after 45 minutes the boyfriend calls and asks, 'What happened?' Still breathing hard, she managed to reply, 'The bastard had all quarters!' Management lesson: Always consider a business proposition in its entirety
Quickly Get A Man's Attention & Interest
Quickly Get A Man's Attention & Interest >Note: Lots of women who want to find lasting love with a great man don't have it because they simply don't know HOW TO MEET A MAN and get things started... or they don't know how to get the attention and interest of a man they've already met. If you don't know what to do in the first few minutes of meeting a man to get him to ask you out and be interested in you for THE RIGHT REASONS...then you need to read this right now: Dear Sonja, How many times have you met a great guy and wanted to get to know him better... but he just didn't seem to notice you or feel the same way about you? You talked and interacted with him... but you didn't quite know how to make that more personal "connection" with him. And he didn't seem to "make the first move" the way you might have wanted him to. Which was frustrating, because you wanted to spend time with him... but you didn't k
Quick Pasta With Vegetables And Garlic Sauce
Quick Pasta with Vegetables and Garlic Sauce Perfect for entertaining! Use half and half instead of cream to reduce the calories, or indulge in this rich dish. Serving: 4 Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 110 minutes Total Time: 125 minutes INGREDIENTS: 1 lb pasta shells 4 tbsps olive oil 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 4 minced cloves garlic 1 chopped small eggplant or 1 1/2 cups fresh broccoli florets (or a combination totaling about 1 1/2 cups) 1 grated carrot 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper Salt and pepper 1/2 cup half-and-half or cream 1/4 tsp nutmeg 4 tbsps chopped fresh parsley Grated Parmesan cheese (optional) DIRECTIONS: 1. Cook pasta shells according to package directions. Drain well and set aside. 2. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. 3. Add onion and garlic to skillet and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes. Add eggplant or broccoli (or both), then carrot, red pepper and salt and pepper to taste. Stir and cook over low heat until
The cold metal of the outside door presses against her back Her hands slide through his hair as he growls against her lips She tries to catch her breath but can’t Her mind is racing as the cold wind snakes up her legs She wishes she wore pants but knows he would not have approved He thrusts harder and harder and finally reaches his peak She can’t help but moan as his fertile sperm floods her opening He steps back and fixes her skirt, not caring if his cum runs down her leg They walk hand in hand down the street.
A Quick Way To Earn Points.
i just realized there's a really quick way to 'beat the system' and earn points. for each person who becomes a 'friend' and a 'fan' you get points, right? well, if they remove themself from your list and re-add you, you get twice as many points. i just helped a friend level by doing that numerous times. so anyways, that's the secret. i'm not charging you fu-bucks or nothing to hear it...but it's definitely worth using if you have reached your "11's for the day" or your "pic rates for the day".
Quick Southwestern Bean Soup
Quick Southwestern Bean Soup A quick and flavorful soup for cold winter days. Serving: 4 Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes INGREDIENTS: 2 tbsp olive oil 1 chopped onion 1 tsp bottled or fresh minced garlic 2 large whole tomatoes or 1 (28-oz) can diced tomatoes 2 cans kidney beans 1 can green chilies Dash chili powder Dash ground coriander 2 cups water Cheddar or Colby Jack cheese, shredded Low-fat sour cream (optional) DIRECTIONS: 1. Heat oil in a 4 quart (or larger) soup pot over medium-high heat. Sauté onion and garlic for about 2 minutes, until onion is tender. 2. Add tomatoes to the pot with seasonings. Break up any remaining large tomatoes. Cook for about 10 minutes, or until soup begins to bubble, then reduce heat to medium. 3. Add beans, chilies, chili powder, coriander, water and salt and pepper to taste and cook for an additional 20 minutes or so, until soup is hot. If soup is too thick, add more water, abou
Quick Witted Cop Comments... Lol
These 16 were taken off actual police car videos around the country: [these are some mighty 'quick witted' cops!] 16. 'You know, stop lights don't come any redder than the one you just went through.' 15. 'Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch after you wear them a while.' 14. 'If you take your hands off the car, I'll make your birth certificate a worthless document·' (I LOVE This One) haha 13. 'If you run, you'll only go to jail tired.' 12. 'Can you run faster than 1200 ft/second? Because that's the speed of the bullet that'll be chasing you.' 11. 'You don't know how fast you were going? I guess that means I can write anything I want on the ticket, huh?' 10. 'Yes sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it will help. Oh, did I mention that I'm the shift supervisor?' 9. 'Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that again or I'll give you another ticket.' 8. 'The answer to
Quick! Someone Sing The Pepto Song!
"Pushing The Boundaries of Taste" ???? They weren't kidding. Nasty shit *GAG* Please, someone explain how I got halfway through? -REL
Reality's gateway slammed shut behind me. I'm alone again... and my dog is an IDIOT. Seriously, she drank bleach today. *tissle giggle chuckle snort*- NO! REALLY! The fucking retard drank bleach today! And she's surely got something in her mouth again that she shouldn't. Where was I? Oh. Right. Alone. SOOOOO Alone. And now she's... growling at me and shoving an obliterated ratty ... soaked with mystery skunk sock at me. Do I want out of this? You bet your ass. I seriously may beat the EVER-LiVing-FUCK out of this dog. When I'm normally a very patient and sensible nonviolent person. But it gets kinda frustrating when a dog that has already been trained suddenly realizes it's almost your weight and thinks it can do whatever the fuck to you and your stuff, whenever the fuck. we take a five minute break to ... seriously... fuck off. as we take a five minute break for the dog to burrow into me, climb on me and bark, and bite... and gnaw... and bark... and bark...
Quick Update. My Son *is* Stewie
It's a fact. My son Dain really is Stewie. Waking up from sugery he was so mad it took 5 doctors to hold him down (he's just four - 35lbs). He threw the finger heart monitor across the room, held up his hand that had the IV in it, and with perfect pronunciation said: "Get this Fucking thing out of me!" Needless to say, we weren't there very long after that. *laughs* He's doing well now that we're home :)
The Quickest Way To The Bedroom With Her
The Quickest Way To The Bedroom With Her >If you'd like to hear the story of how I went from not even being able to start a conversation with women... to the point where I can meet any woman in any situation... then take a minute and check this out: ***DATING QUESTION FROM READER*** Dave, WOW!!!! Thats all I can say. I've been getting your emails for several months and have since downloaded your book. I've committed myself to improving my "skills" with women and the results have been amazing. The "Crash and Burn" that most guys are sooo fearful of NEVER happens and very rarely does a girl give you anything but a smile even if she isn't interested. My latest success was so easy it was almost scary. I met a woman (an 8.5 at least) in a local bar and used the c/f to get her number and set up a date. Went out on the date and it was almost like it was scripted. Pushed the c/f to the extreme all night, teased her, d
OMG St. Patty's Day!!! I'd like to take this opportunity to mention the fact that when I was a kid, the Irish blew up a prominent Manchester shopping mall (the city I'm from), killing a hundred or so people. The IRA received larged donations/funding by the wealthy US elite, who sided with these "freedom-fighters" in their quest to overthrow oppressive British rule. Whatever, the point is it's all bullshit. Irish vs. the UK, Israel vs. Islam, America vs. Al Qaeda, it's BULLSHIT. The IRA has for the most part quit their killing civillians policy, but here in the 21st century we see people blindly supporting the Bush administration and everything it does because Al Qaeda is the bad guys and "we're the good guys". Well generally the American public sided with the IRA a decade ago saying they were the good guys and we (the British) were the bad. What's the difference between the IRA and Al Qaeda? Very little, except of course the greater destruction in terms of scale inflicted by the lat
Quick Little Story
You’re Such A Nose Picker My nephew, Mister as I like to call him, is a serial nose picker. The little bugger is only 3, but still it’s pretty icky. When I used to baby sit his punk ass I would tell him, each time I caught his little pudgy finger stuck up his tiny nose “Now eat it!” and he would remove said pudgy finger and swipe the fucking thing across his tongue and smile at me. So, I guess I’m to blame for the booger-eater in our family, but I don’t regret it. “Why” I hear you ask yourself. “Because,” I begin to answer, “When he does lick his booger and/or snot ridden finger, he smiles after. And since his smile is my oxygen, I’m perfectly okay with him eating his boogers.” See, simple enough, right? Also, there is an added bonus. You see, my dear old Daddy has the WEAKEST stomach known to man (or woman, haha). When he sees his grandson eating boogers, it makes him queasy and he makes the funniest face EVER.
Quick ?
K, quick question, is there something about the photo of me with the long hair or something? Everyone seems to use that when they make me stuff, lol
Quick Update From The Father
Its Time for an update on Chit Chat Zone and whats going on. Once again Saturday is here and as usual every Saturday morning over Coffee I kind of sit back and review and evaluate all that has gone on for the last week. We feel good to know that Chit Chat Zone continues to grow at a steady rate each week. That shows us we are on the right track and the word is getting out just how good of a web site CCZ is. Of course this is because of all of you. We appreciate the support all of you have shown us over the last couple months. We appreciate you telling others about CCZ. If you have a moment please send an invite to others to come check out CCZ. It is real easy to do. Just simply click the Invite Link located on the upper right hand corner of any page. In the last week there has not been a whole lot of changes to report on a far as CCZ goes. However in Regards to The Radio Station Sweet Azz Radio. That is a different story indeed. As of Last Monday we aquired a new DJ.
Quick Thinking
Subject: Quick thinking A man with a gun goes into a bank and demands money. Once he is given the money, he turns to a customer and asks, 'Did you see me rob this bank?' The man replied 'Yes sir, I did.' At this, the robber shot him, killing him instantly. He then turned to a couple standing nearby and asked the man, 'Did you see me rob this bank?' The man calmly replied, 'No sir, I didn't,...but I think my wife did.'
It is not unusual to feel as though the circumstances of life are pulling on us. Quicksand is unique in that it looks like regular terra firma until it is too late. Moreover, in waking life, the more one struggles against quicksand, the more entrapping in becomes. In dreaming of quicksand it is important to ask yourself who or what led you into the trap. In addition, as you were sinking in the quicksand, try to recall what you were most worried about. Many times in dreams, what you are most concerned about is not the actual consequences of the quicksand crisis, but other circumstances similar to those you are currently experiencing.
make me happy make me cry save the world then say goodbye
A Quick Study In Pessimism A La Schopenhauer/nietzsche
Nothing could be further from the truth, ah, the event, for one which I can be, and where I come, is not the general intent of mankind here oh no. WHen we talk about purpose we usually mean something arbitrary, and non-Aristotelian, at least as far as Marxists are concerned, but how unwise, to suggest to be unlike Aristotle anyway. If you came here looking for some common tripe of a post, I'm sorry to dissappoint you with what appears to be extraordinarly vulgar to your senses, but even blunt though it is, can it be with great precision that it eludes you as a fine and distinct argument? After all what else do men seek but their own pleasure, and if they meet with resistance, soon declare that which they were caused pain, that which ought to be destroyed. However the abscense of pleasure is not merely the introduction of pain. For is not pain it's own positive in accordance with being? If it is necessarily contrary to pleasure than they cannot both be positively temp
Quick And Cheap Summer Decorating
Quick and Cheap Summer Decorating By Kathy Wilson Summer is a time when we want our homes to be welcoming, to be functional for hosting get togethers with family and friends, and be a relaxing place to make some memories. Here are some quick, easy and cheap ways to make you summer decorating…a breeze! Start in the room with the most chaos…this is always the most used room in the house, usually the kitchen/family room. Don’t feel like you have to make a whole seasonal transformation of the home, remember, you are trying to simplify. Time to put away all clutter, take down and store any unnecessary window coverings, rugs, and throws. Pack away busy collections until next fall, and replace with simple, larger and lighter colored objects. Consider inexpensive wall hangings to offer color and texture to replace your groupings of framed artwork such as quilts or rugs. Add dash of brighter color through the room with a few simple throw pillows in a shade th
Quick Composite
...of what I'm like... My review of Cloverfield (2007) Holy fucking Christ on a rocket powered pickle, this film fucking ROCKED! I don’t think I have ever said that about any film made since 2000. Certainly none I’ve seen in the theater. Everything that Emerich and Devlin got wrong with their version of Godzilla in ’98, J.J. and company got RIGHT with this film. First off, they didn’t try to remake a legendary film. What made the two King Kong remakes and the Mighty Joe Young rehash so awful was that the film makers cannot help but concentrate on making the effects "Better." They lose sight of the human drama that made King Kong ’33, Mighty Joe Young ’49, and Gojira ’54 so memorable. Think for a minute... in the years since the first King Kong remake in 1976, how many times have you caught a glimpse of it while channel surfing. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve spotted it since the 80’s. The 1933 version, however, I can say with relative surety that I’ve seen
Quick! Omg Quickisgod!
Ok there comes a time and a day when we all manage to have a brain fart. A few months ago Quick, the one who first originally brought me to this site, deleted his account. Now this is one straight hottie, I have known him for several years!! Go back and re-add him, fan him do all that you can do to him! HIDING IN THE DARKNESS OF MY DREAMS THOUGHTS AND DESIRES@ fubar Now this is one man that can make my mouth water, its true QUICKISGOD!
After a little idle chitchat, he kisses me deeply. He grabs my legs, lifting me up, rubbing my pussy against his bulge. I say, "Mmm baby," holding onto him tight. He kisses me more as he holds me tight, pressing his chest against my hard nipples. I moan softly as we kiss, enjoying the sensations. He moves my pussy up and down fast against his hard bulge as we approach the couch. I say, "Ohh baby?" He pulls my thong to the side, right away slipping 2 fingers in my pussy. He works them hard inside me, leaning down to kiss my hard tits. "Ohhhh godddd," I moan, breathing hard, hips pumping against his fingers. "Baby, you don't have to... If you don't have time..." He takes out his hard cock, rubs the head on my wet pussy, and says, "Mmmm I want it bad." "Oh god yessss," I moan, "Take me now!" He walks backwards, sits on the couch, and impales me on his cock deep and fast, moving me up and down his cock hard and fast. I moan and pant, trembling, holding tightly to him, moving with
A Quick Stress Test To Make You Feel Better!!!
There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals: 1) King Kong 2) An ape 3) An Orangutan 4) a Monkey The 4 have a competition to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree. Who do you think will win? Your answer will reflect your personality. Try to answer within 30 seconds Got your answer? Scroll down to see the analysis. If your answer is Orangutan = dumb Ape = moron Monkey = idiot King Kong = stupid Why????? A Coconut tree does NOT have bananas! Youre not stressed, just stupid. Now Don't you feel better???
as i was in the waiting room this morning waiting to get my new soft splint thing put on i had the following convo: Random Lady: So. You glad your cast is off? Me: Yeah. Random Lady: You gonna go out and punch somebody now? Me: Hell yeah! i gotta celebrate! i thought it was funny. :)
Quick Fix Not The Answer
This one got pulled from the paper at the last minute, but I still liked it. So at least here, someone will read it. lol No simple solutions to complex problems When you have a one sentence answer to a complex problem-you are most likely wrong. If you can mention the problem and solution in one breath-you are most assuredly wrong. If you can give a one sentence answer to world hunger-you have missed the mark. I have heard several oversimplified solutions to world problem. World hunger is a perfect example. When I first attended Edmonds Community College one of my instructors stated, ‘If we all consumed 40 percent less meat, ranchers would grow 40 percent less cattle, and we could use that 40 percent of the land to grow wheat and solve the world’s food issue.’ There are a number of reasons why this wouldn’t work. First of all, if we consumed less meat, it would more likely affect the price of meat rather than inspire ranchers to grow wheat. Second, ranch land is often inade
Quick Note
Hi everyone - I have missed you all !!! Been busy as hell since I got home and having trouble getting internet set up in the new apartment!! But things are good nice being able to do things with the girls. The place i'm contracted to work at now is nice - and the people are very sweet. Things are starting to settle down to where I will have time to get on;ine morre once the get the internet bullshit straightened out - I want to thank those of you who have continued to send me comments and messages - It's nice to know I wasn't forgotten yet!! and for the ones asking when I'm going to post some new blogs - I will as soon as I can get a min to think - lol well I miss all of you and will be back in full force soon take care your friend Dan
4 Quick Ways To Download Youtube Videos
Jun. 27th, 2008 | by Abhijeet Mukherjee | YouTube, the most popular video sharing site on the internet, allows its users to upload and share videos easily but doesn’t provide any way to download them. So if you are a YouTube fan and would love to download some of the videos to your computer so that you may watch them again, without the need to visit the site again, then here are 4 quick ways to do that. 1. Add a ‘ Kiss ‘ Yes, you heard me right :) You just need to add the word ‘kiss’ to the YouTube video URL and then it directs you to a website where you can download it as a .flv video or convert it other formats as well. Let’s take the most viewed video of all time - ‘ Evolution Of Dance ‘. Its URL is Now in order to download it, just replace it with this - . Then when you press enter, you’re directed to the website where you can download it. (see the screenshot) kiss-yout
Quick Question
Why bave a blast if your profile is private?
Quick Pop Quiz
Ok....very quick question for you all........ What are curtains for?
Quickie Auction Right Now
Quickie Before Bed
And you thought it was something sexual.. Shame on you!! LMAO -Mander Doo What is your -MIDDLE- Name? - Elizabeth How old do you feel? - Most days, about 30. Where would you like to live? - On a farm. Cats or Dogs? - I prefer cats, but I'll die a little inside the day something happens to my Booger Butt. Vacation Atmosphere? - Sunny, about 68-70 degrees, plenty of water, and an endless supply of alcohol. Baths or Showers? - Depends on my mood and how much time I have. What is the sickest thing youve ever found in your food? - A band-aid with a bloody fingernail stuck to it. Ew. What movie moment really makes you squirm? - Well, there are several types of squirming. Queasy squirming is when I watch Devil's Rejects. Sweet and "awww" squirming is A Cinderella Story (God help me) and The Notebook. On the edge of my seat, rooting for the good guy squirming would have to be all 4 of the Die Hard movies (I LOVE Bruce Willis) Describe your mother. -
Quick Fix For Global Warming
But it's the kind of Dr Strangelove you could see governments really using." That's how one expert describes geo-engineering - the idea that we can use a kind of technical quick fix to cool the planet if global warming accelerates. Plans for geo-engineering can sound bizarre. They range from placing millions of tiny mirrors in space to reflect back some of the sun's rays, to using rockets to launch tons of sulphur into the stratosphere to create a kind of planetary sun shade. That plan was inspired by watching what happened after the eruption of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines in 1991. Sulphur ejected into the atmosphere spread around in subsequent months to create a layer believed to have had a temporary cooling effect as it blocked some of the sun's warmth. Other suggestions include spraying sea water into the atmosphere to make it cloudier, or pumping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere or out of the oceans. Until recently, policymakers have dismissed this as science
Quick Update
Well, I’m down to 30 days. 30 days and I leave this place. 31 days I get boots on ground on American soil. I’m keeping busy, a whole lot busier than I wanted to be, but what can you expect? My replacement is working hard to keep up, and he has taken up some slack, but when he has questions, I can’t turn my back. I have to be there with him and I have to pretty much hold his hand. I did sign up for the Swim the English Channel Fitness Challenge. I didn’t swim for the first 2 days because I was still peeling from my sunburn a couple weeks ago. I finally got that taken care of, and well, started out. On Friday during PT, I swam 20 laps. Not much, but it was over half a mile. That left me with 20.5 miles or so to go. 736 laps to be exact. Well….I went yesterday since I got off of work early, and stayed at the pool for almost 4 hours. I realized, because a lifeguard pointed it out, that my kick is broken. So she tried to help me, and well…’s still broken. So she had
Quick Mum Update ......
Hi Hope your weekend was a good one, and i hope your coming week will be a speedy one!!! Mum still hasn't got any use of her hand but she does have some feeling back - she can open and close her hand. She will be having a full body scan on Tuesday to see if the cancer has spread to any other tissues/organs. Mum won't have any chemo for a couple of weeks until the results of the scan are through. The doctors will also be looking to see if there is any cause for the paralysis in her arm - like any leisons in the brain etc. Once again, thank you so much for your continuing support. ((hugs)) Linda xx
To know you're killing me inside, brings you such sweet glory. To know I'm dying, creates a smile on your face. There's no way to make you see, there's no way to make you understand. I'm cutting myself deeper and deeper, and it's all my fault. I'm the one to blame. I'm the one to put this on. Wait, am I? No. I will not be the one who carries this through. This isn't fair, to be the only one hurting. It's not my fault, it's yours. It's not my liability, it's yours. I'm not the one to blame, it's YOU. You deserve this pain, You deserve this guilt, You deserve this suffering. For you I wish the torture you've put me through. Blood, sweat and gore in your most beautiful dreams. Scars and bruises, painful memories and badges. For you to wear your heart on your sleeve, show me your best, I'll show you mine. I promise I won't play nicely.
The Quickening
The Quickening By:Katherine Davis It is the the meaning of life,a simple pleasure,a breathe,an emotion,a grant in time,and a morn of death.It is what is inside you,and living in me.It is life's ups,downs.Its' smiles and its' tears.It is everything you are,and nothingness.It is the deep down emotion that eats away at your strength,and brings you to your knees.It is that fork in the road.The stone admidst the path,and the ruts in the barren field.It is that step through the door,and yet,one step backward.It is the cherish moment in time,and a moment that time forgot.It is a empty whiskey bottle on the shelf that saids"When!"and the shoebox wrapped in a tiny string,in the bottom drawer,only a reminder of time as it use to be. It is the time when the biggest fear is losing the one you love the most,and letting go to go onward.It is that first of everything.Words,,and child.It i
Quick Thought...
Apparently jazz music makes me frustrated, angry and possibly prone to violence. I was holding for someone on the phone at Wal-Mart, my mom had ordered a bunkbed for my daughter. Anyways, I am usually a pretty patient person but dear lord! It didn't even sound like music to me, it sounded like an adolescent with no horn skills blaring really loudly at me on purpose! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest...ya know so it's easier for the dr to do the op...yeah, pretty much my attempts at humor are sucking today. *sigh*
Just a prelude to the massive pimpout that's coming from me.... Please luv up Ms Ruby Cairo. She deserves it and in a couple of days I will tell you all why. Ruby Cairo >Please Read Profile< ETid, LP, FuGF of Persia@ fubar Ruby Cairo >Please Read Profile< ETid, LP, FuGF of Persia@ fubar
Please don’t cover my body With tender kisses Use me. Can you? No foreplay or sweet words Whispered in my ear Lift my skirt right here Use me. Will you? Pull my panties to my ankles. Push me down roughly On top of your desk. Use me. Please. Bend me over Crush my breasts Into the unyielding hardness Smooth cold wood in complete Contrast to your hard, hot c o c k Use me. Now! Boldly Deeply Completely Use me. Hard! My needs are unimportant right now Only what you want matters Use me! As you wish. F u c k Me... Here... Now Spill your cum and walk away Leave me wanting more... ~M~
Quickdraw Gods Forsaken Radio Elite Squadron!!
Quick Pizza Breadsticks
Quick Pizza Bread sticks 1 10-ounce package refrigerated pizza dough 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 1/2 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese 2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning, crushed 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper 1 8-ounce can pizza sauce, warmed Lightly grease a large baking sheet. Unroll pizza dough and transfer to prepared baking sheet. Using your hands, press dough into a 12x9 inch rectangle.Brush the dough with the melted butter. In a small bowl combine Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, and red pepper; sprinkle over dough.Using a sharp knife, cut dough crosswise into 12 1-inch strips; cut in half lengthwise to make 24 strips. Bake in a 425 degree oven for 10 to 13 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with pizza sauce.
Quick French Onion Biscuits
QUICK FRENCH ONION BISCUITS 2 cups Bisquick original baking mix 1/4 cup milk 1 (8 oz) container french onion dip 1 stick butter, melted Heat oven to 450 degrees. Mix together baking mix and french onion dip. Drop dough into 6 mounds on ungreased cookie sheet. Drizzle melted butter over each biscuit. Bake about 12 minutes or until light brown. Makes 6 servings
Quick Hamburger Stroganoff
QUICK HAMBURGER STROGANOFF 1 lb lean hamburger 1 small onion, chopped 1 package beef stroganoff sauce mix 1 (10 3/4 oz) can golden mushroom soup 2 2/3 cups milk 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Cook and stir meat and onion, drain fat. Add sauce mix, milk (measure milk in soup can), pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Stir. Simmer together for 20 minutes. Serve over buttered egg noodles or rice. Makes 4-6 servings.
A Quick Quiz, And Scooby Doo To The Rescue?
Good Morning, The world has gone to the dogs. Well not literally however¡KIn France perhaps they are relying to much on the dogs¡KAccording to the Palais de Justice in Paris, a recent preliminary hearing marked the first time in France, and perhaps in the world, in which a dog had been called as a formal witness in a murder case. "Scooby Doo" was brought into the courtroom so that a judge could watch how he reacted when he approached the defendant, who was accused of killing Scooby's master, and according to a dispatch in London's Daily Telegraph, the dog "barked furiously," helping convince the judge to set the case for trial. I could be wrong but don¡¦t all dogs carry on and bark at strangers? I wonder how many people they paraded in front of Scooby-Doo to get the response the court was looking for? Oh well¡KI did this test on line¡Kit is under a google search of this content: ¡§ select a candidate ¡§ it is interesting what your choice will net you by answering 12 somewhat easy qu
Quick Butterscotch Sauce
QUICK BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE 1 1/2 cup light brown sugar 2/3 cup corn syrup 2/3 cup evaporated milk put brown sugar and corn syrup into heavy1-quart saucepan. Cook and stir until mixture comes to a full rolling boil, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Stir in milk. Serve warm or cold over ice cream. Makes about 1 2/3 cups
Quick Fruit Cobbler
QUICK FRUIT COBBLER Add 2/3 cup sugar to 2 cups fresh or canned fruit or berries of your choice. Set oven to 350 degrees and put 3/4 stick of butter or margarine in deep baking dish. Put in oven to melt. Make Batter as Follows: 3/4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 cup milk 3/4 cup flour pinch salt Pour over melted butter or margarine. DO NOT STIR. Pour fruit over batter. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees.
Quickie Cherry Dessert
QUICKIE CHERRY DESSERT 1 (21-oz.) can cherry pie filling 3/4 cup sugar 2/3-cup quick-cooking oatmeal 1/3- cup flour 1/4 cup butter, melted Spray pie plate with non-stick cooking spray. Pour pie filling into pie plate. Stir the sugar, oatmeal, and flour together. Add butter to dry mixture and stir till crumbly. Sprinkle over the top of the pie filling and microwave on high for 14 minutes.
Quick Minestrone Soup
1/2 c onion, chopped 1/2 c celery, chopped 1/c c carrots, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 t thyme 3/4 t basil 1/4 t oregano 1 c cabbage, chopped 11/2 c garbanzo beans (canned, organic) 2 c red kidney beans (canned, organic) 1 can organic Italian tomatoes, chopped 6-8 c of Homemade Vegetable Broth Sauté in 1/4 c of the broth: onion, celery, carrots, and garlic until onion is tender. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for about 20 minutes. Start with 6 cups of broth, and add more if needed.
A Quick And Dirty Iq Test
Was far too late for this amount of thought, oh well. Your IQ Is 95 Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Above Average A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
Time is of the essence, but you and your guy or girl want to find a spot where you can get a couple of quick pumps in before you have to get back to whatever it is you were going to do. Why ruin everything by heading to a safe place when you can do it right where you are? If you use a drop of discretion, quickies can be more fun and exciting than you ever thought possible. Here, now, are eight locations for a quickie. Next time your blood runs heavy below the waist, grind your girl in one of these quickie spots. 1- Elevator An elevator is high on our list of eight locations for a quickie, although going up or down several floors isn't usually sufficient time to get off. We recommend you stall the elevator (given that you don't trigger any alarms by doing so, unless you enjoy getting caught), penetrate, and when you're done and let the elevator run again, don't exit from the main floor. Ideal position: Upright wheelbarrow (with her facing the wall, hold her up by her thi
Quick Surgery Update..
Well im about to head out but before i do ive decided NOT to take my laptop. I know they are goin to have me pretty doped up at least today and to be honest i think its best to focus on getting the hell out of there than worrying about fubar. I will however miss all of you and ty all for your thoughts and prayers. I will probably break down and do yahoo on my phone so to those dont have me here ya go if ya like..about_it_4u. Ive made this friends only so its safe for me to put this out here LOL. To my close friends you have my cell so call or text if ya like.. warning: if you do call i can not be held responsible for my dopey jiberish Thanks All :) Time to blow this popsicle stand
quick little note...been very busy with christmas stuff..hubbys all. I have also gotten in the mood to really not been on here that much. Miss ya all though..and will be on soon to chat!
The Quick & Painless Enneagram Test ...
Your result for The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test... 5 - the ObserverThanks for taking the test ! you chose BZ - your Enneagram type is FIVE (aka "The Thinker"). "I need to understand the world" Observers have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful. How to Get Along with Me Be independent, not clingy. Speak in a straightforward and brief manner. I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts. Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am feeling uncomfortable. Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity. If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place. don't come on like a bulldozer. Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music, overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy. What I Like Abou
Quickie ;)
Before i head to bed i wanted to share a snippit of a convo i was having with my best friend. no one get offended, i've had many family mbrs pass away from cancer, mmkay? we're a little warped but this is how we are and we love it. :) p.s. this was via mssnger. HER: eeewww fn lung cancer nasty commercials !!! ME: the one where they go into the fucking lung? yeah i saw that today and went um... lung cancer looks like a wad of gum HER: yeah its fn gross dude ME: i stared at it going, 'and they can't hook that out? they can do abortions but they can't hook out a wad of gum?" HER: thats fn gross dude ME: i know i was like damn dude, get me a hanger, i'll get it HER: eeewww
Quick And Easy Way To Play Poker...
First for fun! Even if the game is about money, never consider it more than just an addition. If youre scared of losing money you shouldnt be playing. NOW NEXT - KEEP that feeling of losing and understand that you are not out of your mind for being right. Eventhough the game is about betting like the song says "You gotta know when to hold'em and know when to fold'em." If you dont have the cards ITS WORTHLESS! Facial expressions and hand gestures dont do anything but tell you the player is excited. It could be for a number of reasons. Look for only how he or she reacts when you are deciding your move. NEXT - IF YOU ARE RIGHT YOU ARE RIGHT. In many decent non overpowering hands like 2 pair or a high pair like 2 Aces, there is a possibility of a better hand and you dont feel that throughout your play up until this point that it is worth it......ITS NOT. Thats it.....GO HAVE FUN!...and win.
Quick And Simply Fyi On My Skins - No Muss, No Fuss
I have coded several new skins, a couple were for specific close friends, and I've used some fonts that are not resident with any version of Windows. If any of you want to get the complete affect of the skins you will need to google the font names below and install them, otherwise they will simply show up with default fonts. I don't take requests, I create when I'm in a mood to. The graphics are not mine and not copyrighted by me so I can't really say don't rip them, but I would appreciate you ask first so that I'm not surprised. Chances are I'll never say know unless it's one that I made special. Angel BlackChancery Blasphemy Bleeding Freaks Blood Of Dracula Bloodgutter 99 BOOTLE Captive Angel 2 Faerie Moot Ornate Faerie Moot Simple Floydian Nissan Nissan Decal Hope you all like the skins.
(quick N Easy) 'what Is Your Sexual Zodiac?'
Taurus You are very stubborn, and your withdrawn nature makes you irresistible to hotties.You like sex to be romantic and passionate, and you know just how to make it that way. Your partners cannot resist your spontaneous and gentle nature.Sex matches: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn 'What is your Sexual Zodiac?' at
Quick Facts About Chemotherapy
quick facts about Chemotherapy * Chemotherapy, in its most general sense, refers to treatment of disease by chemicals[1] that kill cells, specifically those of micro-organisms or cancer. * Chemotherapy has played a role in cancer treatment for more than 50 years. Here is a quick snapshot of additional information about chemotherapy. * Chemotherapy drugs are often given into a vein. Once the drugs enter the bloodstream, they spread throughout the body. Clolar is given by intravenous (IV) infusion, meaning the medication is injected directly into a vein over a period of two hours. * In some cases, chemotherapy may be just one drug given to fight the cancer. But in many cases, chemotherapy is given in combination with other drugs. Most newly diagnosed people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) receive a combination of chemotherapy drugs. * Because chemotherapy drugs target rapidly dividing cells, they can also damage normal cells. This is the cause of many c
Quick Sketches..
I was looking thru my old Photobucket accounts, and I stumbled across these pics... I had scanned these some time ago... before my scanner blew up and caught fire... These were two quick sketches I had done for paintings I had done, which now, are destroyed, of course... This is the kind of work I did all the time..that I had to give up.. Shit, don't know if I should be even showing you this horrible crap... But It's been a hole in my soul and heart for 11 years, that I haven't done anything worthwhile with anything artistic, outside of bodywork on vehicles.. I did these in late 2004 or early 2005.. It took a few months to do these with the paintings added, so somewhere in that time area.. I got inspired one day...took a lot of pain to inspire me, but it did... Anyway.... Honestly.. what say you??
Quick Post
I just want to a) wish everybody else a happy V-Day and b) let everyone know, I am going to be somewhat distant through Monday. Valentine's Day weekend for me is a double whammy because I lost my aunt 18 months ago, and then last year on the 15th of January, I lost the relationship with the only woman I'd ever stayed with for more than 3 months, because she cheated on me... So Valentine's Day is a very bitter time for me. Thanks for understanding... Courage + Belief = Life Jeremy
The Quickie
by the time you swear your his shivering and sighing and he vows his passion is inifinite and undying lady make a note of this one of you is lying
Quick Question...
Does anybody actually read the blogs here, or is it like a tree falling in the woods? I tend to blog a LOT on another site I'm on, but was curious if it's worth the effort here. Thanks.
Quick Update
I finally heard back from my surgical oncologist, who apologized and hadn't realized nobody had called me yet about my pathology results. Soooooo.... good news and bad news. The good news - my lymph node came back negative, meaning the cancer did not spread. The bad news - there was apparently a bit of tumor very close to where they were removing tissue during the mastectomy. The radiation oncologist will determine whether they feel I need radiation or not. He says it's VERY small and sometimes they radiate, sometimes they don't. I'm to go in for a followup at the Breast Care Clinic on Monday 3/23. -------------------------------- Update: Just heard back from my primary care doc, who I called this afternoon after not hearing back from my oncologist. She says the margin of resection was positive in the lower outer portion of my breast - this is what may cause them to do radiation to prevent recurrence. She also said all the tumors were confirmed DCIS and NOT i
A Quick And Dirty Iq Test
Your IQ Is 100 Your Logical Intelligence is Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Above Average Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Exceptional A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
A Quickie..but Damn Its A Good
Im sitting in my office horny as fuck and cant stop thinking about how badly Im in need of some nice hardcore fucking right now.. Id love to feel your cock pounding in my tight wet cunt right now.. I just want to wrap my lips so damn tight around your cock until I feel you throb in my mouth.. I want to spit all over your cock and feel it running across my lips.. just tease my mouth with it... I want every fucking inch down my throat until I choke on it and feel you pull it out of my mouth and smack my face with it.. I want to feel your fingers inside of my pussy just fucking my tight hole while you violently fuck my mouth like it was my bald pussy.. GODDAMN... Id love to feel you stand me up and tie my tits up and feel you tease my nipples with your mouth.. I want to feel your teeth sinking into my pale skin..marking my body.. i want to feel your fingers pulling on my nipple rings..smacking my tits..watching them turn red instantly.. I want to watch you stand in front of me and stroke
Just a quick blog before I crash... I am in Canada met my fu-wifey she is awesome! Its been a long day over 12 hours of airports and flying, and they lost my luggage so I feel so grimy!!
Quick Update.
I'm still managing to pop off and on. Jeff's been busy the last couple of days, so I've actually had free time. He had a job interview today. He made it to stage 3. We bought his ticket for the 30th. We move on the 31st. We're renting an SUV with fold down seats instead of a van or towing anything. Decided to own the system. Cost less to rent SUV than the tailor alone. We're geniuses sometimes. Autumn still has pneumonia. Week 5 now. I'm scared, but oh so excited.
Quick Advice
So yesterday this clown had a really bad day and cried all friggin day (or so it seemed). My eyes are major swollen, and I need to go to the store, what will help with this???? I been holding an ice pack between them, but I don't want to go in public like this....
Quick $50!
Interested in a quick $50? Be at 700 S. Main St. in Fall River, WI at 1:00 p.m. today! I will be demonstrating for all interested to see the art of pleasing a man. Hey, he's cute even if you aren't interested in me! For those interested in personal visits, I perform for lasagna. It takes hard work to keep up my figure! Happy April Fool's!
Just a quickie..... Just got back from the dr... I have a feeling the medical will be approved, not for sure but a feeling. He thinks I need to see the neurologist and if the nerve test shows abnormalities which I am sure it will, then probably do surgery. He had said the prognosis time would be 4-6 months. Fun Fun! I know many people think that I shouldn't be typing, but it is not the typing that sets it off, it is the mouse and a bunch of normal every day things that I do.
The Quick 10: How 10 Classic Toys Were Invented
The Quick 10: How 10 Classic Toys Were Invented   1. Lincoln Logs were invented by John Lloyd Wright, Frank Lloyd Wright’s son. The original instructions included a how to construct a replica of Abraham Lincoln’s cabin, but also how to construct Uncle Tom’s cabin.2. Tinkertoys were invented after a stonemason saw kids being totally entertained by building things with pencils and spools of thread.3. Hula Hoops have been around forever in various formats, but the “official” Wham-O toy was invented in 1958. The inventors promoted it by going around to various playgrounds and parks giving children samples and showing them how to use it. Something tells me two random men showing up in a park handing out toys wouldn’t go over that well today… 4. Sea Monkeys are real (and that’s what they look like). I always thought they were a scam because I never once saw living Sea Monkeys swimming around in their little plastic home. Not once. They wer
A Quick Teaser Of Something I Started Working On In The Last Few Days
This is a teaser for the newest project i'm working on. Lu Bu: Rebirth of a Legend     Xiapi 198 A.D.   "Too tightly tied!" Too tightly tied!" a man in armor said in frustration at the two men who escorted him across the battlements of a battle ravaged city wall, the tied man was large and powerfully built, but the ropes binding him were the source of his misery as they were tightly bound across his chest and arms, rendering him unable to move his arms to try and save himself as they brought him before a group of men wearing robes as he said "Too tightly tied!!" one last time. "A tiger should be really tightly tied" one of the men said to him as the man in armor looked at the group of men surrounding him, he recognized the one who had spoken to him as Cao Cao, then he saw Liu Bei and Guan Yu, Guan Yu's beard was unmistakable as it reached his waist and was beautifully taken care of. Looking at the two men who had tied him up to begin with he said with considerable heat in his voi
Quick Blog To Ponder
I find that some find it easier to hate than to today, put forth the extra effort and love everyone you come in contact with today. It'll be worth both of you.
Quick Note Re Blogs, Safari Browser, Me, ...
I've come to the conclusion I just can't seem to rate blogs I haven't rated before on this using this browser (the "basic" Mac one. Will rate them from time to time but only after switching to other browsers, Firefox etc., which I do more rarely lately.) Update: things work rather poorly with fubar and Safari , not great with fubar and Firefox, but rather well with fubar and Google Chrome, on my computer, so I've been using Chrome as my primary browser for some time now... (Nov 2010)
Quick Thought
Quick Spontaneous Research Question..
Guys, what makes women sexy, attractive and attention grabbing to you?Ladies, what is it about the male gender that you find irresistible?
Quick Fix
All of us desire for a quick fix. I, too, had wanted the pill, the program, or the person to rescure me. But getting healthy emotionally is the hardest work I've ever done... But also the most worth while.
i need an answer   Successful managers should pay the least attention to: Selecting the right staff. Thoroughly training all staff. Setting clear goals and work standards. Rewarding effective performance. Weeding out poor performers.
Quick Story...........
ah the things you see when you go out for lunch......   I went to subway today and was waiting in line and curiously saw this young woman ahead of me........... wearing some designer jeans, a wife beater with a pink bra, and a WINTER SKI HAT............ WITH the goggles. Now most would find this get up a little odd for the middle of summer, I did too.......... of course after i finished purchasing my meal (footlong turkey ham YUMMY) ....... she was outside ...... waiting for me. Mind you, I am wearing the video game shirt currently on my default pic. She compliments me on the shirt and proceed to ask me where i can find some blow. magicly everything fell into more explanations needed. now that ive had my gigle u can have my giggle too :P
Quick & Easy Penne Pasta
1 package Italian sausage (1-1/4lbs - Remove the casings) 1 can or jar (approx 26oz) spaghetti sauce with meat. 1 can (6oz) tomato paste 1/2 cup hot water 8oz dry penne pasta, cooked Shredded Parmesan cheese   Cook sausage in large skillet over medium heat until browned and crumbled. Drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce, tomato paste and water. Add penne pasta and stir until well-coated. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.  
A Quick Read Anywhere....
The World's Shortest Books   ________________________________________  THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MY COUNTRY  by Jane Fonda & Cindy Sheehan. Illustrated  by Michael Moore ________________________________________
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Quick Check In
well, here it is October again....and you know what that means....BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!!  I know it will be said many times over this month but plz PLZ ladies have yourself checked.  And MEN can get breast cancer also.  I would like to encourage all my friends to get checked this month!! I am so emotional these days so I tend to keep my mouth shut so I don't end of babbling on and on.....I have seen way too many ppl die from cancer in the last few months.  One of the girls from my BC support group just died 2 weeks ago.....another dear friend is fighting for the 2nd time.  One of my dearest friends found a lump last is awful! Not only breast cancer but all cancer!!!!!!!  ok, that is enough for now...I am getting ready to go on a retreat with 7 ladies from church this weekend.  still got lots to get done before 3:30 today. ~~smooches~~
Quicksand   It is not unusual to feel as though the circumstances of life are pulling on us. Quicksand is unique in that it looks like regular terra firma until it is too late. Moreover, in waking life, the more one struggles against quicksand, the more entrapping in becomes. In dreaming of quicksand it is important to ask yourself who or what led you into the trap. In addition, as you were sinking in the quicksand, try to recall what you were most worried about. Many times in dreams, what you are most concerned about is not the actual consequences of the quicksand crisis, but other circumstances similar to those you are currently experiencing.
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Quick Update...
My school schedule plus kids has me busy from 6:30am to 7 or 8pm.  I'll be on more now that I'm getting accustomed to being in school plus changes in medication. I was feeling light headed and tired, my blood pressure was up so I saw my doctor and he gave me samples of Benicar HCT.  He informed me it was the same thing I had been taking but it had an added diuretic.  I was feeling the same days later, checked my bp, it was fine.  I told my dr I started taking my bp med at night because I was feeling so tired during the day and thought it might be responsible, he said no and told me to take it in the morning.  He decided on blood tests to check for diabetes. All last week, which incidentally was my first week of school, I had symptoms of being diabetic, I even got sick after eating simple carbs or sugar.  While visiting my mom she checked my blood sugar after eating and it was in the high 200's..normal is 125 or less.  So I not only braced myself for a future as a diabetic but started
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Quick Facts About Zombie Monkeys
Zombie Monkey Quick Facts  Short Compilation of Things You Should Know - Zombie Monkeys caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. - Zombie Monkeys are the only reason France is still a country - Zombie Monkeys created all of the world religions to encourage wars between humans - Zombie Monkeys can change their appearance to look like any living thing. - Every boy band in the history of the world has been made up entirely of Zombie Monkeys. - Advanced as they are, Zombie Monkeys still like to throw feces. - The Easter Island statues are left over pawns from an ancient game of Monkey Zombie chess. - Zombie Monkeys control all of the governments of the world. - There is no known way to kill a Zombie Monkey. - Zombie Monkeys created reality television. - Most natural disasters are just covers for massive Zombie Monkey covert actions. - Surprisingly, Paris Hilton is not a Zombie Monkey. - Zombie Monkeys faked the moon landing - Zombie Monkeys killed Steve Irwin because he was
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That tall glass of milk isn't for me.Perched backwards on a chair.Curved to play all the highlights.Stray tendrils of hot-pink in her eyes.Something that barely concealed a come-fuck-me stare.This can't be real.I didn't just stroke that fishnetted hide like a stray cat.Watched that rear bump up to meet my hand.I didn't put my teeth on her hips.I'm not being sized, subdued and mounted by some science fiction neon princess.But for the recordshe bites pretty hard.And has the most adorably tipped tongue.Like a wet surgical swab down my abdomen.We'll call this "deconstructionalism" "minimalist sado-massochism"Pet, and Pet.Belts on my wristlips in the strangest places.A rainbow of flavorssomething sugary but tart.Thick but rich.Mercury mouth. Smooth and poison.The kind that takes all night.The kind you smell on your face after.That familiar ache in your body.That empty in your chest you can't relate.
Quickening Moon
This is the time of the Quickening Moon. It still feels a lot like winter. Many parts of the world are still covered in ice and snow. Even here in Central Florida we are having stormy winter weather. But winter will soon be over, and the promise of spring is starting to stir. Animals that will be born in the spring are growing inside their mothers right now. Underground, the seeds and bulbs lying dormant are starting to come to life. This "quickening" is like the first small stirrings of an unborn baby in its mother's womb. Not yet visible to the outside world, but there just the same. This moon is also called the Storm Moon, as this is typically the stormiest time of the year. But even though winter rages around us, spring is just around the corner. The winter months are a time of looking inward, of rest and rejuvenation. As spring gets closer, we get tired of being cooped up inside and long to be outside in the warmth and the sun. This is a good time for "internal spring cleaning". L
Quick Murder
Oh no, Look what you did to my knife! You got blood all over it, my wife. Please feel free to understand your death, While I clean you up from your breath. All those crying pictures hanging from the wall, Anguish that reminds me how you fall. Sweet little child, for your the next in line, Come here I won't hurt you, this gun isn't mine. Oops, I accidently pulled the trigger, boy. I'm so sorry, I hurt you with my toy. Here let me help you and mommy in this ditch, Bye-bye to both of you, life is such a bitch..
Just a quick little quickie update! Next week I have an interview for my own place...FINALLY! This past year has been hard with lots of ups and downs but I succeeded! I should be in my own place by mid June which is awesome!!!   Now on the other note, next week is 4 years on the site for me. Send me gifts nao! Just kidding, I dont even know how to be a pointwhore anymore.....
Quick Beef Steaks With Mushrooms And Wine
Quick Beef Steaks with Mushrooms and Wine Using cube steaks instead of the usual cuts can shorten cooking time and calories.PREPARATION TIME: 10 minutesSERVES: 44 large (4- to 6-ounce) beef cube steaks½ cup red wine8 oz fresh mushrooms, quartered2 medium garlic cloves, minced2 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped2 tbsp butterPlace cube steaks in a quart-sized plastic bag, then set in a bowl to help bag stand up.Add wine, mushrooms, garlic, and parsley. Marinate mixture, refrigerated, for at least30 minutes (to add flavor) and up to 24 hours (to tenderize the meat).Melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Braise steaks, two at a time(reserving marinade for sauce), 2 minutes on each side. Remove steaks to servingplatter and keep warm.Pour reserved marinade into pan, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook fora couple of minutes, then pour over steaks. Serve immediately. Variation: If you are short on time, simply heat marinade ingredients together in asmall pan for 2
Quick Png Mumm/blog
We have a new person starting on Monday (Could be PNG Dos, don't know havent seen her yet, but that'll be another blog)  So I have a new setup for the new person.  Including two brand new monitors.  PNG is out today, so should I: A)  Give PNG the brand new monitors as a surprise B)  Give them to the new and unseen new girl? C)  Give them to BFG (I haven't blogged about her, at least not yet) then take one of hers and give them to MTG (again, you havent met her yet) and give UNG the cast offs.  Giving me the opportunity to "upgrade" her later. Mind you I have already done one monitor upgrade for PNG so she doesnt have bad ones, but these are even better.  Nice guy me would have given them to her in a heartbeat, but I gotta tap my inner douche...
Quick Style Guide To Narrow Your Choices About Prom Dresses
It's prom time, and also you eventually possess the possibility to dazzle your day and buddies with an incredible prom dress. But there are so quite a few types of prom gowns that it could possibly not be so effortless to locate that great dress. wedding dresses Don't despair. Use this fast design manual to narrow your choices. Popular Prom gown types and Cuts Some prom gown types are new whilst other people have been completely close to for many, quite a few years. A-Line Wedding Dresses right here are some timeless types which have been preferred year right after year. Empire prom gowns are reduce using a substantial waistline, normally beginning just under the bust, using a long, directly skirt that hangs in the waistline. cheap wedding dresses This design performs fantastic using a pear-like figure, or for all those using a thick waist. It also adds the look of far more height for petite girls. The sheath style slims the figure in the shoulders towards hemline. Cheap Beach Weddi
Quick Style Guide To Narrow Your Choices About Prom Dresses
It's prom time, and also you eventually possess the possibility to dazzle your day and buddies with an incredible prom dress. But there are so quite a few types of prom gowns that it could possibly not be so effortless to locate that great dress. wedding dresses Don't despair. Use this fast design manual to narrow your choices. Popular Prom gown types and Cuts Some prom gown types are new whilst other people have been completely close to for many, quite a few years. A-Line Wedding Dresses right here are some timeless types which have been preferred year right after year. Empire prom gowns are reduce using a substantial waistline, normally beginning just under the bust, using a long, directly skirt that hangs in the waistline. cheap wedding dresses This design performs fantastic using a pear-like figure, or for all those using a thick waist. It also adds the look of far more height for petite girls. The sheath style slims the figure in the shoulders towards hemline. Cheap Beach Weddi
When you want to have a quickie at home, is it better on the kitchen table, or the living room couch?
Quick Feel!
Quick Review Of "transformers 3" Or How To Feign Dread Looking At Cgi-inspired Awesomeness
“We’ll kill all of them.” It’s a line, asserted so assuredly by a pissed-off Optimus Prime, in “Transformers: Dark of the Moon, that makes geek fans go giddy. Considering everything that typically goes into a Michael Bay movie, maybe perhaps for once, we have not a perfect “Transformers” film, but a good one. Way, way - there’s no other way but up – better than “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” and possibly on the verge of topping the original. Of course, this has never been about character development, scripting or story line. (However, model Rosie Huntington-Whitely is considerably a marginal improvement over Megan Fox as the hottie by Shia LaBeauf’s side. (Hell, drywall would be an improvement over Megan Fox in the “acting” department.) This is about special effects. This is about blowing up stuff real good. This is about all sorts of Autobots and Decepticons in an Earth-based battle of apocaly
Quick How To
Some people seem to have a lot of trouble getting the 1000 likes at level 50.  Since I had a fairly easy time of it, I will tell you the simple formula I followed. 1.  Buy 1 day blast with 10 million fubucks 2. Make 5 global mumms spaced out about 2 to 3 hours each (do not make it NSFW and you're much better off if you leave out anything that actually has to do with fubar because they may judge it to be self-promoting and ban you from mumms) 3. Find everyone you can who is online, rate and like them and comment their profile (NOT STATUS) and ask them to click your like. 4. Update your status frequently.  Each time you update, it's like a miniature pimp out because it pops up in the bar tab. :)    If you can get your friends to help you by pimping you out or asking their friends to like you, that is also a HUGE help.
A Quick Word Throw Up From Me
What did I do wrong this time? You were here.........  Now you're gone..... I did everything right I supported you Mentally Physically Emotionally Financially That's my down fall...... The love from my heart just wasn't enough for you You blaimed everyone else except for yourself I hate you......... Because my kids loved you.
Quick And Easy Way To Find A Place For Rent!
Whether you’re looking to find properties to rent—or you want to fill your vacancy quickly and easily — rental homes is the place for renters, property owners and managers to connect online.With so many apartments for rent, there is so much to choose from. With all the great features it will take only few days to sign a lease using our website.
I could salt Popcorn With these Dried-up tears. Could live A lifetime With these Wasted years. Could kill An army With this pain. Could save Millions of lives With my bloodstains. Could fuel A million nightmares With the horrors In my life. Yet I can't Get through This pain. Keep trying to sort Through these things In vain. Memories appear, That were long forgotten, They bring chaos with them, As you witness your own destruction. Unleash those feelings, For this mome
Quick Update
This will just be a quick update about the things that have happened to me since the last time I updated...which seems to be about 3 years ago.  To start, I'm 23 now and I hate it.  So, I was at Gettysburg College and beginning my sophmore year when I gave one of my exs from high school a second chance and we have been together (not necessarily always happy) since then.  We are going on 4 years of being together.  Our 4 year anniversary is this month and we're both excited to celebrate it, like we are excited to celebrate every year we're together.  :) Gettysburg College was jerking me around.  I couldn't decide what my maor was going to be and when i finally decided, the department chair was NEVER keeping the appointments, so I had to do more tracking down than I needed.  When I finally got into the department, it hit me that all the degree was going to get me was a starving artist position.  If I was lucky, I MAYBE could get a job in a gallery, but I wanted to create art more than r
Quick Item From Mission Reference
Items & the missions you can retrieve item from     Armed SCB-304 Submarine Dia/Plat COUNT MISSION Diamond 1 Break Into A House Diamond 2 Shoplift Diamond 2 Mug Somebody Diamond 2 Steal Car Diamond 2 Break into A Business Diamond 2 Extort from A Business Diamond 2 Art Museum Buglary Diamond 2 Smuggle Contraband Diamond 2 Rob a Check Cashing Store Diamond 3 Steal Someone's Identity Diamond 3 Credit Card Fraud Diamond 3 Armored Truck Robbery Platinum 1 Armored Truck Robbery Diamond 4 Mafia War Platinum 5 Mafia War Diamond 4 The Italian Job Diamond 5 High-Stakes Gambling Diamond 5 Extort From a Govt.   Offical Napalm Launchers Dia/Plat COUNT MISSION Diamond 5 Break Into A House Diamond 10 Shoplift Diamond 10 Mug Somebody Diamond 10 Steal Car Diamond 10 Break into A Business Diamond 10 Extort from A Business Diamond 10 Art Museum Buglary Diamond 10 Smuggle Contraband Diamond 10 Rob a Check Cashing Sto
Quickly Losing Motivation
I just e-mailed my advisor for the 4th time. She's responded to me once, and that was only to say that she was sick when I wanted to meet her... I'm getting frustrated and it's moving to the point of not giving a damn anymore. Last time that happened I really fucked myself over in school but in all honesty it's hard to be interested in classes that are meant for freshmen and that I have taken all before, with a passing grade. My old school was on quarters and because the terms are shorter than the semesters here I only have 2 credits for a lot of my classes when I need 3 instead. This is leaving me to take every single class I've ever taken AGAIN in order to get one credit from the entirety of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be back in school and excited to be able to do something I'll love one day, but the one course I have related to my major is still only a 100 level and it's freaking online! I have 3 classes every Tuesday and Thursday and the majority of my 10 hour day is s
Quick Fantasy
After pulling into a parking space, he turns and kisses her full on the mouth, causing her pussy to throb. Looking her in the eye, he said, "Let's go upstairs!" She nods and the two walked arm in arm up the stairs. Once inside the apartment, tries to pull off his jeans. "Let me see your cock, please," she implores, as he playfully keeps her from getting to it. Pulling her close, he asks, "Would you do anything to have my cock?" "Yes, yes, anything," she begs, "just let me have it, please!!!" Letting her go, she is right at his groin, pulling it out to her eager mouth. But only this time, he doesnt want to cum in her mouth, he wants her pussy! He leads her into the bedroom, where he orders her to strip as he lays back on the bed watching as she strips off her clothes. Seeing the big erect cock on his stomach, she leans down and tries to put itin her mouth, but he pushes her away and laughs, "So you want some of it," as he takes it in his hand and gives it a few quick jerks She reaches f
Quick Separating In Pune Simply By Greatest 5
Shifting along with a new location appears to be very fascinating nonetheless while persons realize your trouble about move forward after that your whole exhilaration moving around passes away. Given that this kind of whole pull is normally way too sluggish no person loves to involve these all on your own. To help windup this kind of persons will need your assistance given it reduces this stress of shift. Acquiring guidebook by way of novice plus the great is often a unsafe solution to end the work given it requires significantly skills. To produce this kind of straightforward a particular ought to talk to to help a variety of respected intending organizations. Such intending firms consider all of your stress on the move forward these types of. Pune primarily based companies are often holds simply by their shoppers with regard to risk-free move. Which they guarantee with regard to comfortable move forward given that they take on nearly all uncomfortable situation very easily. This kin
Time stands still. The world is quiet. I hear my heart beating. When I think of you my heart beats faster and faster. Quiet is no longer. The pain is too loud. I miss you. My heart aches for you. My body yearns for your touch. My mind is a mess. I love you. Quiet is no longer. Michelle *sept 18th 2006*
A Quiet Night
A Quiet Night by LilTrbleMakr © The air conditioner is running. It's too warm for the sheet. I kick it off and cold air rushes my warm, moist skin. It comes to life and my sensitive peaks tighten. I catch my lower lip with my teeth. I gently bite and release. A sweet bead of sweat glides down my neck. My fingers stop it's journey, redirecting it. Lightly grazing across my chest and down between my ample breasts. The soft skin of my wrist brushes the puckered flesh, teasing it. My back arches and a gasp escapes my lips. I close my eyes and my head rolls back. My palm moves, cupping the tight skin. It's twin is found and my fingers lightly pull at it's tip. I shift my hips as my mind tells me I'm no longer alone. He is above me. It's his hands caressing. His mouth softly sucking. His teeth nipping and biting. Fingers slide down my body and find my core. They press against it's heat as if holding it in. My hips rise, aching to be closer. My
Quiet Times
Silence fills my ears And emptiness fills my heart Darkness fills my mind Whenever we’re apart I long to see your face To hold it in my hands To hear you say you love me And begin to make our plans My life was once planned out And now it’s left a mess But looking at it now How can I feel regret? For deep inside me grows A love I never knew And as I lay in bed each night I simply dream of you
Quiet Emotions
I always wanted more from you than you were willing to give; So now we've gone our separate ways each with different lives to live. The bond will always be there the friendship always intact; But the time for us has come and gone and the pages of time, you can't turn back. I will always be a friend to you and wonder how you are; The smiles and laughter I will remember and our fights have become painless scars. Sometimes on those busy days when you've a thousand things to do; Please let me glide slowly through your mind and spend some time with you. In that quiet moment when you're surprised to find me there; Just remember even with the distance between us I am still someone who cares.
Quiet Riot
Quiet Night
ok i was all set to be at home alone tonight. watching my girlfriend's daughter while she went out. well i did my duty and texted her to make sure she was alive and not the victim of some crazy psyhopath and she responds with an invitation to have sex! whoo hoo! im always up for a good threesome, the more the merrier. so not that im complaining but it will no longer be such a quiet night. have a great night everyone!
Quietly Sad And Happy
A year has passed since I was traped in a hospital room. Remembering back, it was probely the worst thing about being pregnant, the high blood pressure and giving birth. I was confined to bed and was depressed. I was also about an hour and a half away from home. My older two children could not come and see me every day and I hate being away from them. I don't even remember everything, because of the magnisum they had me on (to control the blood pressure and contactions). All I really remeber was the "vampires" that came in my room every hour to draw blood to check the mag levels. When I left the hospital it looked like I had shot up heroin in the past. I still can see some of the scars. I remember my husband being there, my MIL, and some other family seemed to be wondering in and out. After awhile the contractions stopped and I was taken off the mag and had that awful cathiter taken out. That is another thing I can do without, I drove those nurses crazy, I was still hooked u
She say’s she’s gone She’s leaving in the morning She says she’s too tired to leave tonight As we lay here in silence And you know I can’t sleep I listen to you breath With the minutes ticking by so slow While my mind races on so fast I can’t help but pray for the light With you leaving Driving off Free for a new start It’s hard believing your over It’s not the first time you’ve said goodbye but With any luck it will be the last I’m tired I say I have to sleep too you know Because you see I’m wearing pretty thin Feeling as old as these jeans on my body All wore and tore to shreds Well she’s gone and I could blame it all on her But I wont Because I know it was my indifference That made all these things go wrong It’s so quiet here Without the expectation of your return It’s empty somehow The cars still go by Just like they always did before Over the tree line and just out of sight Out in the middle of this nowhere I wander thru the stars that f
Quiet Gentle Soul
Can't let you see me cry the tears fall as I think of you can't let you know i'm thinking of you You are on my mind My emotions dance within me in rythmic confusion They laugh as they bounce off my inner walls causing me to feel faint i am tired my mind laughs at me it said I told you so. But i didnt listen it was subtle very quiet very still the feelings that grew i was confused scared that my fears had come true only to find that it was now as hard as i try to escape i end up getting more tangled in my emotions they scream with laughter as they tug me in multiple directions causing me to loose control i wonder if Im going insane if I am being parinod if im just overreating if im just giving a blame This cant be real I ask myself i want to believe this is all a lie please do not let me look like a fool and then over and over again i hear the laughter but if i listen closly put my ear to my soul i hear a faint sound peaceful an
Quiet Desperation. Don't Bother Reading It. Just Loser Talk.
I am now at the point in my life where I would rather be at work then be at home with my wife. The best days are when she is busy and it is just me and the kids. All those years. Years of focusing my attention on her. I have no friends because I make time for my family. No play stations, no basketball leagues, no pool table, no season tickets. Everything I have ever done is to be a great husband and father. And now? My wife regulates sex. Once a week maybe. We have a fifteen minute window on Saturday. I window that is often shut. At night, she falls asleep to my touch. She never touches me until it is a crisis. Until she knows I am pissed off, rejected, neglected. But what can I ever say? She has a lifetime trump card. She was the victim of terrible abuse in her childhood and teens. What can I ever say that won’t make me seem uncaring, unsympathetic…horrible? I knew what I was getting into. I mean, as much as a 21 year old knows a goddamn thing. 15 years. The first five
Yet another boring Saturday night. I don't have much money to waste anyway.
Quiet Observation
Background flute, looks Noses pressed to books Pages of notes written Conversations glisten A glimpse of the inner child Hair-dos, most wild A child pouts and they attend She skillfully leads them to their end Snatching pieces from their plates While all around life copulates The world outside screened by silk Inside coffee filled with milk Several languages spoken all at once Confused and feeling ever the dunce Sunday feeling less than proud Watching the Barnes & Noble crowd ©Dark
The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows.
So the world seems to get you down- believe me, it gets me too.. things seem to disappear and the important things you always cherished seem to become more and more distant as the days pass - maybe forever really is unreachable. Accept life for its measure - time.. not the moments you breathe.. but the moments that take your breath away. Live for reality. Not everything comes in shapes and sizes we want and expect. Don’t rely on expectations. Leaving room for disappointment is asking for unnecessary heartbreak. Everything happens for a reason. Take matters into your own hands.. treat fate for what its worth, not a reliance. Sometimes things don't work out, for reasons we can’t always explain. The world doesn't stop turning, clocks don't stop ticking and the rest of population more than likely doesn't care.. so leave the past where it belongs and move forward with what moves along with you. So just screw up once, and realize who you end up with.. fall back on those that are willing to c
A Quiet Skin
Thinking has a quiet skin. But I feel the break and fled of things inside it, Blue hills most gentle in calm light, then stretches of assail And ransack. Such tangles of charred wreckage, shrapnel-bits Singling and singeing where they fall. I feel the stumbling gait of what I am, The quiet uproar of undone, how to be hidden is a tempting, violent thing— Each thought breaking always in another, All the unlawful elsewheres rushing in.
Quien Eres Tu?
I walk into the building with a package in hand Rage Against The Machine keeps playing in my head I tell myself it will be over so quick I can't deal with these government pricks Soon it will be quiet All will be silenced Rage against the machine Rage against the machine As I leave there is a knowing smile I hurry to try and get in that mile Boom All is quiet Rage Against the Machine Rage Against the Machine
Quiet Mornings...
I wait the quiet mornings listening for your voice... It isn't there I listen for your phone call it isn't there I wade back through my memory it drifts to sorrowed pain I look upon your picture never see you again. My life is growing shorter darker every day Eyes once bright and glistening now turned cold and grey last winter is upon me cold and so unfair my thoughts are always with you thoughts no longer shared Vilulf All Rights Reserved
Quiet Love
This is one of my favorite lines from Smallville Season 2 so I just thought I’d share it with you all. I guess it shows you what a huge Smallville fan I am. That or a weirdo, but that’s ok. Those of you who know me already know that of me so I’m not telling you anything you already don’t know. Anyway I think its beautifully written. Its filled with a tremendous amount of love and yet so sad at the same time. Enjoy. From Chloe with love Hi, Clark Well, this is going to make quite a story. “Clark Kent Ends Record-Breaking Perfect Attendance Streak.” Sorry. I’m doing it again. I just…I’ve never seen you sick before, and it just got me thinking. You know. What if something did happen to you….. and I never got to..? So in yet another classic maneuver to avoid emotional intimacy….I wrote my feelings down so that I could read them to you…thereby avoiding embarrassing eye contact. (Whew!) I want to let you in on a little secret. I’m not who you think I am. In fact, my disguise is
Quiet Time :d
Sweet sensations run deeply through my body, as I enter the small room. Sounds of running water and the sight of light steam. Pulling back the curtain that captures a self made heaven, just on the other side. Reaching my hand out to test the temperature of what will send my mind into a dreamland, I so need. Thinking to myself, I succeed in finding just a small amount of time for just me. As I uncover myself with the useless objects that block my bare skin, I think of nothing but relaxing and taking in every warmth and tranquility it has to blanket me with. As if woken by a magnificent fantasy, my every nerve takes over into my imaginations greatest depths. Allowing the water to wash away everything built up from the outside world, I feel as calm as can be. Hinting from my body comes a tingle from beneath my soft glistening skin. Gracing my thoughts with the presence of a perfect vision. A sight I so wish to see and feel in person. Reaching from behind me, you graze just the ti
Quiero Decirte Que Te Amo
Quiet Riot "love's A Bitch"
Oh!...oh! Loves got me by the ass again I've been in love since I don't know when I keep a-runnin' and I don't know why Love's givin' me a pack of lies Out of breath and I'm out of time Misery is what I find Love's a bitch, baby Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy Love's a bitch, baby Love's a bitch, yeah it's crazy Love's a bitch! Like a cat with diamond eyes Love's power it can hypnotize Done me in (ha) More than twice She'll make you think that it's overnight Your all alone in a room that's wrong Your body shakes Your feet are cold Love's a bitch, baby Love's a bitch, yeah it's crazy Love's a bitch, baby Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy Love's a bitch! (whoa, ooh ooh, yes it is) (Oh, oh, oh) Such a bitch (oh) Don't you wait, don't stand still Gotta keep on movin' or you'll pay the bill Go by car, go by train You gotta keep on runnin' or you'll feel the pain Keep on runnin', keep on runnin' Love's a bitch, baby Love's a bitch, yes it's crazy L
Quiet Anxiety
Not too much fun going on tonite. Its May 8th, almost midnight. Its Wednesday so the middle of a yucky week. Not much going on . I was hoping there would be some people who'd want to talk with me but they are busy. I still try to remain optimistic with my failures in love and life. All things in life aren't permanent. Like I was telling someone the other night, all my close friends I have now I didn't know 8 months ago. I don't have any life long friends. Friendship seems to be a joke. Its just all eventful and when those things end there's really not much. The only constant I have is the family. Shannon, mom and dad. Thats why it is almost always impossible for me to go long distances to live with a woman. Its not much convincing when that person doesn't give you that heart and love you need. I mean you want me to give all myself when you are fucking with other people? I don't know.. Its hard dating when you got a lot of unanswered. Everything that gets answe
Quiet Emotions
I always wanted more from you than you were willing to give; So now we've gone our separate ways each with different lives to live. The bond will always be there the friendship always intact; But the time for us has come and gone and the pages of time, you can't turn back. I will always be a friend to you and wonder how you are; The smiles and laughter I will remember and our fights have become painless scars. Sometimes on those busy days when you've a thousand things to do; Please let me glide slowly through your mind and spend some time with you. In that quiet moment when you're surprised to find me there; Just remember even with the distance between us I am still someone who cares.
Quiet Now
Ask your self, on any given day, would I surrender myself for another? Random, anyone, everyone. We know the answer, let's not talk about it let's look elsewhere. And winkingly acknowledge we are good people for doing it. Anyone would feel the same way right?
Quiet Time To Play
The Quiet Sermon
The Quiet Sermon A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastors visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead. Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The Pas
Quiet Clean Girls In Gingham Dresses ...
all I've ever known are whores, ex-prostitutes, madwomen. I see men with quiet, gentle women ­ I see them in the supermarkets, I see them walking down the streets together, I see them in their apartments: people at peace, living together. I know that their peace is only partial, but there is peace, often hours and days of peace. all I've ever known are pill freaks, alcoholics, whores, ex-prostitutes, madwomen. when one leaves another arrives worse than her predecessor. I see so many men with quiet clean girls in gingham dresses girls with faces that are not wolverine or predatory. "don't ever bring a whore around," I tell my few friends, "I'll fall in love with her." "you couldn't stand a good woman, Bukowski." I need a good woman. I need a good woman more than I need this typewriter, more than I need my automobile, more than I need Mozart; I need a good woman so badly that I can taste her in the air, I can feel her at my fingertips, I can see sidew
Quiet Mist
When daybreak shines through a lone dewdrop as the walking sphere beneath turns to light a quiet mist will form,leasing the foliage tips To kiss nature's brethren once, to satiate and soothe a quickening from inert ground, awaken for the gift beyond opulent purple air, to blossom for this morn A frail fairness in this valley of dreams Gardens of graciousness in a wispy haze Screne horizons begins here Visions to please at this gateway of dawn a glistening world within one drop's lens Images that span generations of life The greening world in a morning's quiet mist
~ Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize ~
How many steps will it take to walk a mile? How many seconds will it take to wait a while? How many battles do we need for us to win? How many Gods do we need to forgive our sins? How many times must a man betray his faith? How many times can a man control his hate? When do we say that justice isn't fair?? How can we endure the burden that we bare? Where is the youth who will dare? Where can we find the people who really care? Where can we find the road to success? Is it in the north, south, east, or west? Where can I find true love? That God had gave from above? How many struggles do we need to make it through? When do we say that a statement is false or true? How can I forgive others? When they killed my peers? Can you give help to those people in need? After they have dropped you and you bleed? Who are the people you can trust? In this world, to fight is a must. The world will continue to evolve, Until those questions have been solved.
Quiet Talk
Quiet Talk Excuse me lady. What is it that you spy. With those bewitching eyes. Are diggin' my size. Oh yeah? I am diggin' you too. Maybe you can sit here with me for a few. Small talk and get to know each other. Yeah, me too. I am also looking for another. There are things about you that I can tell. Being with you would just be swell. Can I hold you hand? You know I understand. Sometimes this place can be a little intimidating. So I am contemplating. Shall we go somewhere more private and discrete? Somewhere where we can converse more complete. You see it's your eye contact that has me mystified. And that smile has me utterly surprised. From the moment you gracefully entered the room. You had my attention completely consumed. I had to fight the urge to move too fast. Watching amused as every man's pick up line was deflected from first to last. You took your place with all your friends. Turned down all the free drinks that the prospects would send. I could te
Quiet Evening
Quiero Beber Hasta Perder El Control...
Quiero Beber......
Quiet On The Set, Roll Cameras, 3...2...shhhh *whispers* Action! 12:48pm Sunday, Jul 1
The theme music roars throughout the entire studio, everyone's in their places, and yes, the cameras are rolling. Don't you see the red light on... Don't get too nervous, there's no studio audience... We're not live... you can make mistakes. I've told you a million times your line is: "But I DONT love YOU anymore..." For pete's sake, get it right. ...and cut, that's a wrap. Set it and print it, we've got ourselves a film here. A real classic. Fuck happy endings... There are no shootouts... Daring stunts, yea a few; but forget about riches and beautiful women (our stylest quit on the second day of shoot, so all we have are Plain Janes in this movie) Whad'ya mean you haven't heard of it, we've been advertising for months!! It's called "My Life", and its nothin but drama. Here's pretty much how the story plays out... The story pans out at the end of his high school year in a wannabe city in Kentucky... This kid, the main character, he has like no friends... Let me tell you,
Quiet Room - Nvs
I've been placed inside your seclusion I've been locked into another delusion The walls, they close with every breath Oh, how I wish for a merciful death CHORUS: I reside inside an empty heaven A solitary state of fantasy Awake all day, twenty-four/seven And it's nothing short of insanity There's no way to make the chains release These tracks I follow never seem to cease I'm lost in a memory empty of thought So I figure I'll give this isolation a shot REPEAT CHORUS REPEAT CHORUS 2x Quiet room, silent doom, padded walls Your cries echoing the empty halls You cannot be saved, this is the end The voices you hear your only friends REPEAT
Quiet Emotions
Quiet Emotions I always wanted more from you than you were willing to give; So now we've gone our separate ways each with different lives to live. The bond will always be there the friendship always intact; But the time for us has come and gone and the pages of time, you can't turn back. I will always be a friend to you and wonder how you are; The smiles and laughter I will remember and our fights have become painless scars. Sometimes on those busy days when you've a thousand things to do; Please let me glide slowly through your mind and spend some time with you. In that quiet moment when you're surprised to find me there; Just remember even with the distance between us I am still someone who cares.
Quiet Of The Night
The Quiet of the Night By: Christa ~ For Karl~ It’s been another long day Run here run there Get this done and try to finish that But yet in the quiet of the night I still see loves’ burning light In your eyes my dear When you kiss me and draw me near I look at you in wonder but question not a thing I only pray that you can hear this song I sing It is of warmth and extreme passion For that is what I feel for you I hear the harmony because I know you sing it too. I suddenly await the crimson hue of dawn’s powerful light So once again I can look forward to the quiet of the night
Quiet Emotions
by Judy Burnette I always wanted more from you than you were willing to give; So now we've gone our separate ways each with different lives to live. The bond will always be there the friendship always intact; But the time for us has come and gone and the pages of time, you can't turn back. I will always be a friend to you and wonder how you are; The smiles and laughter I will remember and our fights have become painless scars. Sometimes on those busy days when you've a thousand things to do; Please let me glide slowly through your mind and spend some time with you. In that quiet moment when you're surprised to find me there; Just remember even with the distance between us I am still someone who cares.
Quiet Times
Look, it's not a secret, I try to hide the fact, I want nobody, it doesn't make me strange, just alone. Nothing wrong with that, not empty, just empty of everyone else, not needing to be filled, just empty and and quiet, in these times. Not a word, not a touch needed, still.
Quiet Angels
We are known as a leveling family. Several times I have posted blogs and bulletins about different people needing leveled. I've seen where not even ONE angel went to help level to only 2-3 help. I also know that a lot of the angels are online, but choose to ignore things that are posted. What is the sense in being a leveling family and posting blogs about others needing leveled. Several angels even read the blogs but DID NOT bother to go help at all. If they were out of rates, then it takes a few seconds to place a comment stating that. It's that simple. Others have but on the most part half of this family doesn't even read the blogs I post. I was told by Kelli weeks to a month or so ago to go ahead and post blogs on people who need leveled. It appears to me that some are taking their positions on here too serious n too far n letting it go to their heads. This isn't a job for cripes sake. Yes I agree if you have a position in the family you should do that part, but my god don't act lik
Quiet Tonight...
I guess no one wants to talk to me tonight so I am logging off :( I have alot I need to so around here anyway. Hope everyone has a good night...
A Quiet Forest Night...
I lie perfectly still, among the grass and the flowers, the sweet fragrances wafting in the air, absorbing into my mind, the intoxicating scents making my heart beat faster. I moan in absolute ecstasy. This is where I belong. In the bosom of Mother Earth, from whence I came. I lie there listening to the quiet songs of nature, the owls whistling at me and the song birds, looking down at me. I see the deer walking carefully through the birch trees, watching the fawns look around curiously. I long for the touch, the intimate connection. This is my home. This is where I belong. I belong, in the arms of nature. I am a child of the rain. A druid child. I hope to explore the beauty of the world where I feel so much at peace.
Crystalline drops run down my face I know that I just can't erase Everything that's burning me Alive in me; inside of me This hellish hold that I can't break I don't know how much I can take So every little part of me Ignites the flame inside of me And all the strength I've left to stand Is made to fall inside my hand While every last apology Is unreleased inside of me And all I am, and all in me Has broken down for all to see The wind it whispers silently Your gentle name, so quietly
Quiero Morir - Chico Et Les Gipsies
Quietly To My Darling Love
Quietly to my darling love I send My sorrowful feelings that tear me A lasting bond that wont break or bend For I feel my ending is what I see I close my eyes and in my mind are frames Your smile, your face feeling your warm embrsce Taken away only anger may tame The feeling that were left in your place My heart slowly dies down THe beating cease A beauty trait a smile turned to frown Your love held it together piece by piece Wave my white flag and turn in my crown I have not given up all sincere hope But on my reconing you shal not dote
Why is everyone so quiet today? What are ya'all up to?
Quiet Riot Singer Kevin Dubrow Found Dead In His Las Vegas Home
Quiet Riot singer Kevin DuBrow died Sunday, drummer Frankie Banali confirmed in a post on his Web site. DuBrow was 52 years old and the official cause of his death has yet to be determined. "I can't even find words to say," Banali wrote. "Please respect my privacy as I mourn the passing and honor the memory of my dearest friend Kevin DuBrow." DuBrow's body was discovered on Sunday inside the rocker's Las Vegas home. According to those close to the singer, DuBrow celebrated his birthday last month in New Orleans and seemed to be in good health. Quiet Riot bassist Kelly Garni has asked fans to be patient for details on the singer's death. "I ask this to all of you not only for myself but for other friends and family," Garni wrote, in a message posted to a Web site honoring the memory of Quiet Riot founding member Randy Rhoads. "I ask that no one here offer any speculation or opinions, theories or other things that could be construed as negative or, and I'm sorry for this, eve
Quiet Riot Singer Kevin Dubrow Found Dead In His Las Vegas Home
Please read bulletin
Quiet Riot - Come On Feel The Noise ( Rip Kevin)
Quiet Riot Lead Singer Kevin Dubrow Dead At 52
Quiet Riot Lead Singer Kevin Dubrow Dies 40 minutes ago LAS VEGAS (AP) — Kevin Dubrow, lead singer for the 1980s heavy metal band Quiet Riot that scored a hit with "Cum on Feel the Noize," was found dead in a Las Vegas home. He was 52. The cause was not immediately known. A neighbor summoned police and paramedics Sunday to the house where he was pronounced dead, police and coroner's officials said. There was no forced entry, and no suspicious circumstances were reported, police Officer Jose Montoya said Monday. Quiet Riot was perhaps best known for its 1983 cover of "Cum on Feel the Noize." The song, featuring Dubrow's powerful, gravelly voice, appeared on the band's album "Metal Health" — which was the first by a metal band to reach No. 1 on the Billboard chart. DuBrow recorded his first solo album in 2004, "In for the Kill," and the band's last studio CD, "Rehab," came out in October 2006. "I can't even find words to say," Quiet Riot drummer Frank Banali wrote on
Quiet Riot Lead Singer Kevin Dubrow Dies
LAS VEGAS (AP) - Kevin Dubrow, lead singer for the 1980s heavy metal band Quiet Riot that scored a hit with "Cum on Feel the Noize," was found dead in a Las Vegas home. He was 52. The cause was not immediately known. A neighbor summoned police and paramedics Sunday to the house where he was pronounced dead, police and coroner's officials said. There was no forced entry, and no suspicious circumstances were reported, police Officer Jose Montoya said Monday. Quiet Riot was perhaps best known for its 1983 cover of "Cum on Feel the Noize." The song, featuring Dubrow's powerful, gravelly voice, appeared on the band's album "Metal Health" - which was the first by a metal band to reach No. 1 on the Billboard chart. DuBrow recorded his first solo album in 2004, "In for the Kill," and the band's last studio CD, "Rehab," came out in October 2006. "I can't even find words to say," Quiet Riot drummer Frank Banali wrote on his Web site. "Please respect my privacy as I mourn the passi
Quiet Riot Singer Dead
Kevin Dubrow LAS VEGAS (AP) - Kevin Dubrow, lead singer for the 1980s heavy metal band Quiet Riot that scored a hit with "Cum on Feel the Noize," was found dead in a Las Vegas home. He was 52. The cause was not immediately known. A neighbor summoned police and paramedics Sunday to the house where he was pronounced dead, police and coroner's officials said. There was no forced entry, and no suspicious circumstances were reported, police Officer Jose Montoya said Monday. Quiet Riot was perhaps best known for its 1983 cover of "Cum on Feel the Noize." The song, featuring Dubrow's powerful, gravelly voice, appeared on the band's album "Metal Health" - which was the first by a metal band to reach No. 1 on the Billboard chart. DuBrow recorded his first solo album in 2004, "In for the Kill," and the band's last studio CD, "Rehab," came out in October 2006. "I can't even find words to say," Quiet Riot drummer Frank Banali wrote on his Web site. "Please respect my priva
Quiet Angels And Total Chaos He Needs Help To Level
ace@ fubarcome on guys he needs our help lets help him level thanks
Quiet Moments
In those quiet moments of introspection, When we breathe like running horses, Fast and shallow, our sides running with sweat, Mouths stretched in idiotic grins as the white light of our ecstasy fades, I know you are mine, In those moments of mad endeavour, When the electric thrill of risk burns away caution, And your screams of trancelike desire ring under the open sky, I know you are mine, And when the empty silence swallows me, And your voice is a longed for ghost in my ears, And my nails tap impatiently on my leg as I wait for your presence to find me again, I know that I am yours.
Quiet Riot Singer Died Of Overdose
Dec 10, 11:09 PM (ET) LAS VEGAS (AP) - The death last month of Kevin Dubrow, lead singer for the 1980s heavy metal band Quiet Riot, has been ruled an accidental cocaine overdose. Clark County coroner spokeswoman Samantha Charles confirmed the cause Monday after toxicology results were received Monday. Dubrow was found dead Nov. 25 at his Las Vegas home. He was 52. Quiet Riot was perhaps best known for its 1983 cover of "Cum on Feel the Noize." The song, featuring Dubrow's powerful, gravelly voice, appeared on the band's album "Metal Health" - which was the first by a metal band to reach No. 1 on the Billboard chart. DuBrow recorded a solo album in 2004, "In for the Kill," and the band's last studio CD, "Rehab," came out in October 2006.
Quiet Torment
TV blaring, bird squawking, kids noisily playing, all while my heart is quietly breaking, no one notices the pain in my eyes, no one perhaps except Mom who visited once more than is normal, probably suspecting something is amiss, Moms know these things. One silly unimportant argument not even spoken aloud but instead typed on this damned machine turned my whole world upside down last night, unresolved, left hanging in the air, air so thick it is hard to breathe. I thought for sure he would call me today but my hopes were shattered, future seems dismal at best.
Quiet Of The Night
I shut my eyes the tears roll down, I lay so still and dont make a sound. My children are asleep and they must not see that the person crying so hard is me. For they do not know what my love has done and if he knows how much he has hurt me then he has surely won .
Quiet People Make Good Friends
I used to be very shy and if anyone commented to me about it, I would sink deeper within myself. People often had trouble being around me because I was so quiet; they didn't know how to communicate with me. They didn't know me, and they didn't care to find out who I was on the inside. Even to this day if anyone says anything about me being quiet, I find myself sinking within. It's a battle for me to stop myself from sinking again inside. It's better for me to be with someone on a one on one friendship. I am very creative, I love to blog, I love to send beautiful graphic comments, I see things in detail around me. Most people overlook the little things but I see them. Quiet people make good friends.
The Quiet Storm
Once again And all too often I find myself In my own torture chamber of an outcast's corner Where I oftentimes cower Gut wrenched Teeth clenched 'Til many a wee morning's hour Rocking myself To the repititious rhythm Of my own reclusive soliloquy Trembling uncontrollably Frightened of I But more afraid am I, of me Knees firmly pressed Against my heaving chest I, a cursedly blessed Entity Ill begotten and fallen into disfigured palms, displaced The face, of she, whom is disgraced As sentiments consume a fragile composite Shrieks of sabotage ring loud, no means to stop it Agony tinged tears wreak havoc, I am too weak So, to be palpable to pain, In liquid formation I shall conform No visible exterior damage, as of yet But internally there is brewing The most deadliest of a Quiet Storm
Quietly He Came
Quietly He Came Quietly he came and saw what others overlooked His eyes dancing with laughing merriment Flickering with anguished sadness A spirited fascination drawing her in Like the moth dancing round the flame With loving sternness tearing at the walls Opening the darkness of gaping wounds and childhood lost His own pain and fear buried deep In a myriad of mystery and silence Loving words and caresses soothing the fearful child A budding trust replacing the doubts Opening her eyes and guiding her forward To see a future of joy and happiness and love Sue E Price Copyright ©2005 Sue E Price
Crystalline drops run down my face I know that I just can't erase Everything that's burning me Alive in me; inside of me This hellish hold that I can't break I don't know how much I can take So every little part of me Ignites the flame inside of me And all the strength I've left to stand Is made to fall inside my hand While every last apology Is unreleased inside of me And all I am, and all in me Has broken down for all to see The wind it whispers silently Your gentle name, so quietly
Country: Down a lonesome road where nobody else is near, Beside a sleepy creek as your horse stands grazing, You sit by your campfire pondering days ahead, And think on your life and the children you are raising. (Copyright: Sharon Gay Watson)
A Quiet Storm Brewing
Once again And all too often I find myself In my own torture chamber of an outcast's corner Where I oftentimes cower Gut wrenched Teeth clenched 'Til many a wee morning's hour Rocking myself To the repititious rhythm Of my own reclusive soliloquy Trembling uncontrollably Frightened of I But more afraid am I, of me Knees firmly pressed Against my heaving chest I, a cursedly blessed Entity Ill begotten and fallen into disfigured palms, displaced The face, of she, whom is disgraced As sentiments consume a fragile composite Shrieks of sabotage ring loud, no means to stop it Agony tinged tears wreak havoc, I am too weak So, to be palpable to pain, In liquid formation I shall conform No visible exterior damage, as of yet But internally there is brewing The most deadliest of a Quiet Storm
Quietly Reaching Out...
have you ever had those days and moments at night...where u can close your eyes and u can feel anothers presense??? you can smell them you can feel them you can taste them and when u close your eyes u feel safe and warm but when u wake in the morning u feel that emptiness just on the edge of your conscious??? clawing at u again reminding how alone you really are in the physical world??? i am tired of fighting this demon, and letting him win
Quietly Longing
quietly longing in silence i sit heart pounding in my chest dare i believe that u feel this too my child of the night??? your presence i seek comforts me when here i sit alone i built up these walls so strong and thick and yet i yearn for you my spirit wanders the night with out my permission sometimes eyes that pierce straight thru to my soul, a nuzzle so gentle and warm dont ever stop dont ever let go for here is where i wish to remain safe with in your loving embrace U seen a part of me that many never see... and yet we r to b natural enemies i do not wish this to be my love i quietly sit and still long for you and your presence to be with me.
Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize
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Quiet Whispers
Moonlit walks Fishing in the dark Dancing under the stars By the sound of a radio from some distant car Quiet whispers, soft caresses, gentle kisses Early morning rides Catching the sunrise by surprise Laying in the sun Planning much more fun Quiet whispers, warm touches, soft kisses Walking by the waterside hand in hand, You're by my side Water splashing, So much laughing Quiet giggles, wet caresses, wild kisses Candle lit room, Smells of sweet perfume You laying there by my side Who ever thought these hearts would collide Quiet whispers, warm and gentle touches, soft, wet, warm kisses Laying happily in your arms, remembering all your charms Candles flickers their last lite As we fade off into the nite Silent smiles, quiet sighs dreams of having much more time.

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