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Shaved Or Bush
Shaving Time Indeed
Good Morning everyone... I had this vision or I will call it that for now,some could look at it as looking through memories of others.Hard to explain that sentence. Anyway it brough a question to mind and some may not even answer & yes it is a off the wall question. I know alot of woman shave,it is by choice.I know I do. But men I know some of you probably do as well.Now the question is how the hell do you get the equipment out of the way long enough to make sure you don't miss anything. Anyway it was a good funny memory of someone,even though I must admit very sexy when I think about it.The shaving part,Wonders if I can shave a man like you like.Will have to try this indeed. Or do you let your women shave you? Damn brought up another question-sorry How crazy minds can work in the mnorning I must go back to bed.. ~Niki~
Shave or Trim very nicely... No one likes hair in the food
ahhh! just got out of the shower,and clean,and shaved.what can I say! it sucks to have to shave all the time, but I LOVE the results!!! its SO worth it! I love the feel of my skin after and the smell the the shaving lotion!I just can't stop touching the so smooth skin!ummmmmmmmmmm! of course you have to go through the pricklys in a few days but even if I got my hair perminitly removed I dont know if I would because I love that"just shaved feeling!"i wonder who first thought of shaving? what woman i wonder is the first person to shave? I can understand where shaving "down south"would come in,but I wonder who thought of shaving legs and if legs why not arms? THANK HEAVENS I have never had to shave my arms!!!:)hehe!anyway,I will stop this wierd blog! after all it's only skin deep!p.s will get back to touching my silky smoothness.:)
I don't want to beat around the bush-there's nothing wrong with trimming your pubic hair or doing some grooming. But when it comes down to it, shaving your pubic hair has some consequences you may not have considered. Shaving your pubic hair causes damage to hair follicles. When you shave your pubic hair, you risk ingrown hairs and nasty red bumps. That's a short-term risk many women are willing to take. But shaving your pubic hair can do lasting damage to that sensitive region. Think of the skin in your pubic region as containing hundreds of pores and openings for secretions. And then take a moment to think about how much you sweat over the course of an average day. Damaging the hair follicles in your pubic area means you may experience bouts of bumps, as glands and pores get blocked from the damaged openings. Seriously, do you want bumps down there? Shaving your pubic hair regularly can lead to permanent damage, which means you'll be susceptible to blockage for years e
Shaving My Head!!
in solidarity of children with cancer, while requesting donations of support from friends and family. If you could help me out with this or at least visit the website it would be greatly appreciated. The first link is my personal Shavee website and the second is my team Shavee website. Thanks guys!! Love yall!! Jamie|30949 Please do what you can to help my raise money for this amazing cause!!!
Shaved Or Hairy
Shaving Heads
Hey everyone, It's that time of year again, time to get Bald!! For those of you who have known me a couple of years, this is old hat, but for my new "friends," or for others who may be hearing of this for the first time, here goes. Every year, around St. Patrick's Day, I participate in an event called St. Baldrick's Day, wherein otherwise normal people shave their heads in an act of Solidarity with children who have cancer. The unique thing about this event is that ALL money raised goes to research of various kinds of CHILDHOOD cancer, and ONLY childhood cancer. This will be my seventh year participating in this event, making me (I believe) the only Shavee to lose his locks every year we have had an event in Pittsburgh, PA. So far, through the first 6 year, I have raised around $7000, and would like to better me yearly average this year. You may ask why I do this, and so I will tell. Back in 1999, my little brother, Erich Andrew "Andy" Beck, was diagnosed with cancer, h
Shaved Or Bush
was just curious, takin a poll if u are shaved or have a bush??
Shav's Level Bullly
=== '~Shav~ Owner of **Club Exotica**rl wifey 2 Chunky' spewed forth the following at '2008-04-10 07:39:39'.. > > > > > PLEASE HELP HER LEVEL !!! you know you want to...all favors returned... > > click the link below > > > > > This Bully brought to you by Gangsta_Princess : > > > > > > > > show love to me too > >
A Shaven Pussy
A Shaven Pussy by LateNiteFantasy© Oh, my loved pussy! Yes, you are beautiful Wearing your fur coat; I am dazzled by your Warm, sweet taste, But it is when you Pull off your fur coat And become deliciously naked That my mind spins in awe: Your perfectly carved Lips so swollen and ripe; A mound of erotic art Teases my senses to kiss, Your silky skin is heavenly As my fingers and tongue Dance softly over it. You are mature but virgin In your naked; You are not effected by age Or years of are beautiful; The real you... shaven pussy.
Just a reminder to all people out there that you need to shave your private regions in the next month or so cause BUSH is out!!
Shave Your Ass
Ladies if your poopchute looks like its nestled in a tea cozy  you might want to enlist the help of Mr BIC....before you take dirty pictures to post on the internet..........Im sorry no matter who you are  if you anus looks like mogwai im going to laugh at it
do women like men to shave their chest,backs and around their dick.should i shave or should i not.
Shaved Teen With A Nice Ass Gets Drilled
Shaved Chubbies Ph Pussy
Hollywod's hottest Sweet teens digging deep in the ass Celebrity Toons from Movies and TV Full access to all XXX Over 1 million fake images of celeb Black lesbians eating chocolate snatches MILFS getting fucked by MassiveBlack Cocks White pussies RIPPED by the Black cocks Asshole and buttfucking session by pregnant Exclusive video and pictures
Shaved Blonde Restraint
Real Live Farm Sex! Jurassic Cock, Real Ex Girlfriends, Pimp... Hollywood VIPs Bare All! Hot 18 ears old girls Real Live Farm Sex! 100% Real Milf Submissions Real Live Farm Sex! Cheating gfs - everything 100% real! Hollywoo
Shaved Or Unshaved
Shaved or unshaved, female genitalia that is.  A. Shaved B. Unshaved C.  Kitty is kitty
Shaved Or Hairy
Ladies which do you prefer, your man shaved clean or hairy down there?
Shave And A Haircut....2 Bits!
So I shaved today....   It's been about a week since I last shaved, and I was starting to look like a caveman. Besides, beards are itchy, food gets caught in them, and the possibility of small winged animals nesting on my face doesn't appeal to me. I just can't dig it. It's just annoying in the fact that mine grows so fast, along with my pits. I gotta keep that shit trim, otherwise it looks like I got two Don Kings in some kind of freakish, quasi-symmetrical headlock. Thank God the rest of my body isn't like this. But I digress. Don't get me wrong. For those of you who are beard lovers, I respect your decision to allow copious amounts, of what appears to be pubis, to grow on your face. But that's your choice, so roll with it. Embrace your beard, braid that shit for all I care. That shit just ain't for me.   Duck duck goose, pancakes on tha roof!
Last night i had a dream of you telling me some of the dreams you had . You told:- Your hands loosen their grip on my body and I feel them traveling up and down my back, your fingertips playing across the back of my shirt. I do the same for you, rubbing your muscles through the cotton. Muscles sore from travel and heavy baggage begin to loosen as we rub each other, pressing our bodies together, kissing, then hugging, then rubbing some more. I run a fingertip along the collar of your shirt, lightly touching your skin. Your breath catches in your throat. I lightly kiss your cheeks, your forehead, your lips, then pull back to look at your face. Your eyes sparkle as you smile at me. I feel warmed inside, and smile back. Your hands slide under my shirt and across my back. I feel your fingers dancing lightly on my skin, and I shiver through the heat that builds within me. My hands find their way under your shirt and around your waist as you link your fingers and drop your
SHAWNA She is my guiding light Has a great personality Allways makes me smile With me everywhere I go Never needs to change And most of all I love her Howard Conklin Jr Copyright ©2006 Howard Conklin Jr
I broke up with a great guy.. maybe the greatest guy I had ever been with. The only guy that never beated me nor put me in the hospital. The man that treated me like a Queen, for what? Because I though the relationship was moving to fast and I got scared. I pushed him away and hurt him more then I can imagine. However I remained in his house. I met someone else, and being me with a kind heart fell for the whole "I dont have nowhere to live" line. I talked my ex into letting the new guy move in. Was with the new guy for some time. I ended up having some deep feelings for him. Promised me a ring and all that. then one day..... BAM! I find out hes sleeping with a neighbor across the street. He was back together with his suppose ex. Not only that, I found out about even more girls. Then the one thing that hurt the most of all. I found out he played me like a piano and never loved me, everything he has ever told me was a lie. I had no choice but to break up with him. However... I was not
Shawn Update
Well Here I am, Jay is kicked out, has been for some time now, and now Im living next door to Shawn instead of living with him. Me and Shawn had this long discussion before hand.. Shawn wanted to get back together but then hes still with Monica.. The problem.. well... lets see here.. Shawn is still with her and its been weeks on top of weeks, and now I find out he can't make up his mind. So this last week here I am, sitting around thinking abut life in general. Now if you look at my poems you can tell I have not been to happy lately.. basicly more sunkin into the depression then normal.. Frankly I think I just had a adult conversation with myself, you can say anyways. i'm looking at myself, thinking how stupid I really am.. why you ask.. because I have spent all of my time trying to help others out when I cant even help myself out.. now honestly.. how can that work.... well let me tell you something.. it doesnt work.. you end up screwing yourself even deeper and deeper in the long
Shawnie Story
i try my best to write right but its hard for me cuz i cant hear right and i write like when i talk to u but im sorry abt that but i will still try my best to write right way so if people dont like it so they can fuck off !!!!!!!!!1
Get Your Sexy Name You Are Sunrise You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary. You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts. All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.What Time Of Day Are You?
Shawn Needs Help , Big Time
i need yor help friends , need votes , and bombs . please help clk pic in red box and go . thank so much FOR HELPING
Shawn Hornbeck, Kidnap Victim
Shawn Hornbeck, the kidnapped 15-year-old, appeared with Ms. Winfrey just six days after police freed him from that despicable predator Michael Devlin, who entered a "not guilty" plea today to kidnapping charges. Shawn went missing four years ago. Ms. Winfrey was gentle with him: (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) OPRAH WINFREY: What would you do all day? Could you tell us that? Do you feel comfortable? SHAWN HORNBECK, KIDNAP VICTIM: I would mostly sleep. It is the only way I could ever pass the time. WINFREY: Sleeping. HORNBECK: It was just basically what I did. Sleeped (sic) or watched TV or played video games. WINFREY: Can you tell me how you got through these past four years? HORNBECK: Hope and praying. WINFREY: Hope and praying. You said you would pray and cross yourself every night. (END VIDEOTAPE) Oprah told her audience there were ground rules for the interview and she could not ask Shawn on camera why he didn't try to escape from Devlin. Off camera, apparently
Shawn Michaels Hbk
OMFG Shawny is on air in ToRtUrE ChAmBeR Come Join Shaw and listen to the hottest rock on cherrytap. show her ur love, but remember no touchy (CLICK THE BANNER TO CHECK IT OUT!!)
Shawn And I
Well I had met a WONDERFUL guy who is a real sweetheart this past Monday night on a local dating line I use. We talked a LONG time Monday night then told me he'd call me after work Tuesday. Which I was shocked he did.. LOL anyways Tuesday asked if I'd like to meet and have a couple drinks in which I agreed to. I was soooo nervous about meeting him and was worried he wouldnt be interested in me. Well to my surprise he was REALLY into me. We went back to his house and had amazing sex that night!!! LOL neither of us was prepared for that but thats what happens when ya get a little alcahol in ya system. Anyways thinking all he wanted was a piece of ass he brought me home the next morning and said he'd call me later after work. Again I was thinking naw he wont call me and again to my surprise he DID!!! I texted him yesterday telling him I'd hope to see him before he leaves on Monday for Vegas and called me last night wanting to get together before he left. So again we had a bit to drink and
Shawn And I Part 2
Well looks like Iam not what Shawn wants in life...Which in reality makes me sad cause I was starting to really like him and all but oh well guess Ill just be single the rest of my pathetic life from now on...:( anyways enough of my whining about this but I will say he and I have chose to stay good friends at least so I now have gained another friend out of all this
Shawty By Piles By T-pain
Shawn Harvey On Musica Radio July 9th
IT'S POSSIBLE WE WILL HAVE THE SHOW UP AFTERALL SO PLEASE TUNE IN AND LISTEN TO IT MONDAY AT 9 Hi Everyone!!!Shawn have been asked to join Annie and her fabulous Radio station: Musica radio. He has accepted and will be on her show in july the 9th US time, not European time.European time is Tuesday morning, so he has to get up 3:30 in the morning. He is then in Norway during the radio show and it would be so great if many of he's fans could join him too.It will be a privilege for me to do this show.Shawn told me in a e-mail. So he is exited and wait to the show starts so he hope that all of his fans will be with him during the show on Tuesday morning Shawn's video posted by; TexasOutlawBabyshe is a big fan... thanks to you for a lovely video. HERE IS SOME PICTURE FROM SHAWN HARVEYS TIME AS; RICKY FENTONE TOO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shawty Da Shit
Shawn Michaels Vs. Mr. Mcmahon
On 7 December, Shaw was still drydocked. During the Japanese attack, she took three hits: two bombs through the forward machine gun platform, and one through the port wing of the bridge. Fires spread through the ship. By 0925, all fire fighting facilities were exhausted, and the order to abandon ship was given. Efforts to flood the dock were only partially successful; and, shortly after 0930, Shaw's forward magazine blew up. Temporary repairs were made at Pearl Harbor during December 1941 and January 1942. On 9 February, Shaw sailed for San Francisco where she completed repairs, including the installation of a new bow, at the end of June. Following training in the San Diego area, Shaw returned to Pearl Harbor on 31 August. For the next two months, she escorted convoys between the west coast and Hawaii. In mid-October, as a unit of a carrier force centered on Enterprise, she departed Pearl Harbor and headed west. Rendezvousing with a carrier force centered on Hornet, the two carrier
Hope is the sweet, sweet scent of flowers in the morning Hope is the cool gentle breeze on a warm summer's day Hope is the knowledge of stability Hope is the bright shining light keeping darkness at bay Hope is the calming warmth during a cold winter Hope is the determination of an athelete on the track Hope is the potential of a newborn baby Hope is the love between you and yours Celine DionPrayer (Live)Music Video Codes By Music Hope is a nice word, people use it a lot. Hope has a deep meaning which should not be forgot. Hope to some means, life or death. Hope to others, is to win a bet. To all those people, that do not need Hope. I hope this sinks in, my message about Hope. Shawn is a young father of 3 fighting for his life as he needs a kiney. Let's show him and his family the support i know fu can . the tag i made for shown can be riped on my page for those wishing to pray for him. I made the tag and this blog
Shawn Casey
Shawn Casey Shawn Casey Donates $22,000 To Unitus To Help 4,000 Budding Entrepreneurs! Have you ever wondered if one person could make a difference? Well, one person can indeed make a difference. And today, that one person is YOU. Imagine an individual able to live their dreams, able to become self sufficient, and finally achieving their seemingly impossible dream…all thanks to you. Over 100 marketers are working together with IM Against Poverty, and we're hoping to transform the lives of thousands of people all over the world by raising at least $110,000 and giving it to the Unitus organization. And right now, we're asking you to join us in this crusade to end poverty. By raising $110,000, we will be helping 20,000 micro-entrepreneurs around the world take a step towards a better life for them, their families, their villages, and society in general. For the first $22,000 in donations that will help 4,000 entrepreneurs, Shawn Casey personally match those dona
Shawn Casey
Shawn Casey That’s right - Shawn Casey's system shows you how to get paid every single month for a one time sale. That’s way better than just getting paid once and having to go find a new customer after that. Online Membership Sites are screaming hot as people discover the incredible value they deliver to members and the huge profits they rake in for the owners. The best way to get every single detail is to watch videos by Shawn Casey right now. They cover everything you need to know to get the monthly dough rolling in ASAP! To celebrate the new release of Membership Superstars, we have set up a huge discount offer that will give you big savings. I highly recommend you jump all over this ASAP. Shawn Casey, Shawn, Casey, internet marketing, internet, marketing
Shawn Casey
Shawn Casey Marc Goldman and Shawn Casey take in millions from our online membership sites. We make one sale and keep getting paid month after month! Because we have thousands of people in our sites. For the first time ever, we’ll show what we do and how we do it… With 5 1/2 hours of video training that gives you the exact details. Yes - you read that correctly - 330 minutes of step-by-step videos that anyone can follow to get a membership site online and get people paying month after month! And you’ll love this: We’ve made it dirt cheap for you to get started! Shawn Casey, Shawn, Casey, internet marketing, internet, marketing
♥ TO MY FELLOW FUBARIANS ♥ Please stop by my friends (RL friend also) page and show some love. She is new to the site and need help understanding the site... Thanks in advance, muahhhzzzz.... SKYLAR "Sky's The Limit SHAWTIE "GOT CLASS OH BEHAVE"Get More at shawtie@ fubar SHAWTIE "GOT CLASS OH BEHAVE"Get More at
Music Video: Shawty by (Plies) Music Video Code by Video Code Zone
Shawn Mullins-lullaby
She grew up with The children of the stars in the Hollywood hills and the boulevard Her parents threw big parties Everyone was there They hung out with folks like dennis Hopper, bob seeger, sonny and cher Now, she feels safe In the bar on fairfax And from the stage I can tell that She cant let go and she cant relax And just before She hangs here head to cry I sing to her a lullaby, I sing Everythings gonna be all right Rockabye, rockabye She still lives with her mom Outside the city Down that street about a half a mile And all her friends tell her Shes so pretty But shed be a whole lot prettier If she smiled once in a while cause even her smile Looks like a frown Shes seen her share of devils In this angel town But, everythings gonna be all right Rockabye, rockabye I told her I ain1t so sure About this place Its hard to play a gig in this town And keep a straight face Seems like everyone heres got a plan Its kind of like nashville with a tan But, ever
Shawn Is Coming To Day
So Shawn will be here tonight..Yes, folks, he is moving up here with me to the ville. CONSIDER THIS FUICIDAL TO MY DU STATUS .. WOOTS !!! I am so excited, nervous and alllllllllll that jazz... No need to get gettin emotional on yawl ... Be happy for Casey ... Shawn is a great man and i love him dearly .. I needed this peace of mind and that he gives me . Check out his blogs. oh and Subby is a mimja............. and Jeezy has cooties 8-p
Shawna's New Job
My secretary buzzed the intercom to tell me that my interview had arrived. Sara was efficient and I knew she had her fill out the required paperwork and had already asked her a few questions about her background. Moments later she came into my office to offer her observations. The woman was very nice and pleasant, she had manners, and she was more mature than others her age I had interviewed. Sara was known to be harsh so I had to see who had warranted such a glowing report. Reading her resume, her name was Shawna and she had the right credentials for the position, but many people looked good on paper, the real test was in the hot seat. I had nicknamed my office chairs that some time ago; many had crashed and burned in those chairs. I buzzed for Sara to allow Shawna in. When she walked into the room I noticed her smile and eyes. The eyes looked green, and the smile was warm. She had worn a red wrap blouse, and a black skirt, panty hose and modest high heels, and a leather case ro
Shawn Colvin - When You Know
When You Know by Shawn Colvin When you know that you know who you love, you can't deny it. Or go back, or give up, or pretend that you don't buy it. When it's clear this time you've found the one, you'll never let him go Cos you know and you know that you know. When you feel in your skin in your bones and the hollow Of your heart, there's no way you can wait till tomorrow. When there isn't any doubt about it once you come this close Cos you know and you know that you know. You can feel love's around you like the sky 'round the moon This is how love has found you, now you know what to do. When you know that you know who you need, you can't deny it. Or go back, or give up, or pretend that you don't buy it. When it's clear this time you've found the one, you'll never let him go Cos you know and you know that you know. And it's time you come in from the cold. Haaa... And you know that you know
I have a link if you are interested to pass on to deployed military members. It is for all branches including national guard. I pick my contacts from there and currently have 1 and i support his whole unit of 26 and I have 6 other indiviuals that i support on a regular basis. ( expensive bugars they are lol) It is called , it is free and runs on donations and they allow soldiers to sign up and us supporters pick them and support them. There are thousands of us supporters the owner of the site even made us a forum to discuss our fears, great finds, and joys in. If you would like to pass it on feel free to. Shawna
Shawdow Of The Day
I close both locks below the window. I close both blinds and turn away. Sometimes solutions aren't so simple. Sometimes goodbye's the only way. And the sun will set for you, The sun will set for you. And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. Pink cards and flowers on your window, Your friends all plead for you to stay. Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple. Sometimes goodbye's the only way. And the sun will set for you, The sun will set for you. And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you. [Guitar solo] And the shadow of the day, Will embrace the world in grey, And the sun will set for you.
Shawn Michaels Theme Song
Shawn Steinmetz
a good friend of mine died yesterday. he died doing what he loved. if youre that type, pray for shawn steinmetz and his daughters. i dont even know what the fuck to say. peace,, ///
Shawn Again,,,
this was a friend of mine,, he had kids, he had friends.. he was a good dude. a few of you might remember him from my friends list on here, his user name was just steinmetz,, lol he was always hitting on the girls on my friends list. :) fucker.. he was a good dude. he died doing something he loved. he died doing something the whole wolfpack loved he died on his bike. god bless you brother. Bicycle collision kills Akron man Handlebar from another rider's bike hits Shawn Steinmetz, 33, in the chest. Autopsy today By Carl Chancellor Beacon Journal staff writer Published on Wednesday, Jul 02, 2008 A terrible, tragic accident. These were the words used by an Akron police officer to describe the collision that took the life of a 33-year-old Akron resident Tuesday afternoon at the city's skate and bicycle park. Shawn Steinmetz died after the bike he was riding collided with another bike driven by Ronald Strieby, 36, of Syracuse
Shawn Hlookoff - Wonderful Surprise
Shawn Hlookoff - Wonderful Surprise I wasn't looking for it I wasn't ready for the rain I was stumbling, but you were knocking on my door. I tried but I could not ignore, your soft eyes You had me wrapped around a feeling that just felt so right You're such a wonderful surprise I couldn't plan it if I tried You turn my darkest days to light Like a morning sun, you're such a wonderful surprise. I don't think you can do anymore You're like the hook in my favorite song I wanna sing you You're in my heart, you're on my mind You pick me up at the lowest times in my life Everything happens for a reason and now I see why You're such a wonderful surprise I couldn't plan it if I tried You turn my darkest days to light Like a morning sun, you're such a wonderful surprise You make everything right You took me by surprise at the perfect time You're such a wonderful suprise I couldn't plan it if I tried You turn my darkest days to light Like a morning sun, you'
Shawty Birthday Bully
Shawn Mullins - Lullaby
she grew up with the children of the stars in the hollywood hills and the boulevard her parents threw big parties everyone was there they hung out with folks like dennis hopper, bob seeger, sonny and cher now, she feels safe in this bar on fairfax and from the stage I can tell that she can't let go and she can't relax and just before she hangs her head to cry I sing to her a lullaby, I sing everything's gonna be all right rockabye, rockabye everything's gonna be all right rockabye, rockabye rockabye she still lives with her mom outside the city down that street about a half a mile and all her friends tell her she's so pretty but she'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in a while `cause even her smile looks like a frown she's seen her share of devils in this angel town But, everything's gonna be all right rockabye, rockabye everything's gonna be all right rockabye, rockabye rockabye I told her I ain't so sure about this place it's hard to play a gig in this town and keep a
Shawne Merriman?
Shawn On Tv
turn ur volume down i had mine waaay too loud recoring it.   shawn my son is in the black cars jacket. u only see the back of him. this is an easter eggs hunt my GF organised in her backyrad this yr for all the neighbourhood kids!  
Shay Day
Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you think they'll let me play?" Shay's father knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but the father also understood that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps. Shay's father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not expecting much. The boy looked around for guidance and said, "We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning." Shay struggled over to the team's bench put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his Father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in his heart. The boys saw the father's joy at his son being accepted. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs b
Shay Day
Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you think they'll let me play?" Shay's father knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but the father also understood that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps. Shay's father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not expecting much. The boy looked around for guidance and said, "We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning." Shay struggled over to the team's bench put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his Father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in his heart. The boys saw the father's joy at his son being accepted. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs bu
Shay Day!
Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you think they'll let me play?" Shay's father knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but the father also understood that if his son were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence to be accepted by others in spite of his handicaps. Shay's father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not expecting much. The boy looked around for guidance and said, "We're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth inning. I guess he can be on our team and we'll try to put him in to bat in the ninth inning." Shay struggled over to the team's bench put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his Father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in his heart. The boys saw the father's joy at his son being accepted. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay's team scored a few runs b
Shaylahs Art
So, everybody in the everett area needs to check out my sister's artwork that's being featured at NW artsupply, right next to the DMV and Costume Supply on evergreen way.
Shay's Stpry - I Cried When I Read This
Shay's Story - One of those Must Read Stories This is one of those emails that make its way around the net every so often. It is a touching story with a TIMELESS message. PLEASE Read Two Choices What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn' t one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?" The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physi
Shaylon's 5th Surgery
Prayers for my Grandson Shaylon Hi all, I usually don't ask anything of anybody. I'm asking now that you all keep my 3 year old grandson in your prayers as he's having his 8th surgery Tuesday, April 14.2009. I know as he gets older they get rougher for him and me. He was born with a cleft plate and lip and his having surgery to try and close up the rest of the roof of his mouth. Which they have tried to do 4 previous times. He had first surgery at 2 months old to pull lip together some. Made a tremendous difference. At 5 months they closed up alot of the roof of his mouth. Which didn't make much difference in outter appearance, but helped with alot with his eating and not as much coming out nose. At 9 months they did more work on lip and nose. He's looking grand. He will still require alot of orthodontic work, nose work and possibly more lip work. So please keep him in your prayers. Thank you all and love ya. HUGS N KISSES....Brigitte
Shaykee's Screen Shots
Ok, for those of you who don't know, I just got back from a long weekend with my monkeys, Banana Rama in KC. The following statements were all made by monkeys, and not one of them were meant in the sexual way they sound. Don't point that at me, it might go off! Ever see a mussel farm? Every day in the mirror baby *flexing* If mine were any shorter I couldn't get it around my head. Our turn to get the whip in the morning. I don't have anything hard. Can I plead the 5th on that? No, but you can drink the 5th to it. Well if it was up my @** I'd know where it was. The virgin saves the day. You dirty dog! You better quit calling me that, you have to sleep with me tonight. Poker in the front, Poker in the rear. You gotta stick the tail between the bags. It always gets stuck on the bottom. To all you virgins our there......Thanks for nothing! I don't have anything to offer to drink *hiccup* ...but I can attest to how good it was.
Shay's Day
You make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?" The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child" Then he told the following story: Shay and his f
Shay`s Day
You make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning-disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?" The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child" Then he told the following story: Shay and his fathe
i read this in another blog and had to copy it here cause it brought tears to my eyes. feel free to copy it if it makes something stir in your soul. Subject: Two Choices What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice? At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: 'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?' The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mental
Shayla Desirers Raters Please.
SEEKING LEVELING HELP,For My Dear Friend,Before her VIP Exspirers. ~Toxic Angel®~@ fubar
Shay Day
Two ChoicesWhat would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice?At a fund raising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and itsdedicated staff, he offered a question:'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do.Where is the natural order of things in my son?'The audience was stilled by the query. The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.'Then he told the following story:S
A Shay Day
This was sent to me and I wanted to share it....       What would you do? make the choice. Don't look for a punch line, there isn't one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice?At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:'When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection..Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do.Where is the natural order of things in my son?'The audience was stilled by the query.The father continued. 'I believe that when a child like Shay, who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way o
SHAY At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves learning disabled children, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question: "When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does is done with perfection. Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do. Where is the natural order of things in my son?"   The audience was stilled by the query.   The father continued. "I believe that when a child like Shay, physically and mentally handicapped comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes, in the way other people treat that child." Then he related the following story:   Shay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball. Shay asked, "Do you think they
The Shayba Hockey Center
         The Shayba hockey center facilities are very complete, including the Ice Palace Grand Theatre, Mali Ice Palace and training ground. Located in the vicinity of the other venues for the Sochi Winter Olympics athletes and guests to provide maximum comfort.According to the design of the the Shayba hockey center, will accommodate 7,000 spectators, and will hold the Olympic ice hockey tournament and Paralympic ice sledge hockey game.The Shayba Hockey Centre is a movable venues after the Olympic Games may be removed transported to other Russian cities.The Shayba image accurately depicts the purpose of the stadium, which is due to the Russian people in the sports arena chanted "Shayba to support the athletes a way, reflects the passionate character of the Russian winter sports. cheap jerseys ,cheap nhl jerseys
Shazam Shooter
Ingredients: * 1 shot Apple schnapps * 1 shot Chambord raspberry liqueur * Fill with Cranberry juice * Ice Mixing instructions: Add all ingredients to shaker. Shake to chill. Strain out ice and pour into glass.
God with all his wisdom,Knew eventually what would comeHe began this world,The same way she would be done. All the beauty and sparkle,Of the nights lit sky.All was his perfect vision,This he put in her eyes. When he created the sun,A plan he had in his mind.Into this beautys smile,He put this same shine. He made the earth in 7 days,It took so much longer this one.She would be perfect in all ways,His vision since time had begun. Her beauty to me beyond the earth,Glowing brighter than the sun or nights sky'sA perfect Goddess he has sent,Here right before my eyes. My beauty no matter what you ever ask,Within my power I would do.Forever I would be so greatful,To walk with a beauty such as you.
She was the cool air of a summers night, yet inside were strange confusions. She had confident exteriors but could she ever be the person that she really was? Her dreams were folded neatly and placed in open view, a mask to cover up her anxieties, but I knew behind it all she was everything she ever said she was, but some how she'd stopped believing... I knew inside of her were angels, singing a soft chorus of melodic hope, monochrome tears for a world she didn't know, and even as she passed from view, and faded out beyond the street light, I knew one day everything would work out, it has to, doesn't it?
She was the blizzard that lies between the sacred eternal sleep, and the deafening silence of the heartless city streets. Even the brightest, most colorful, neon reflection, on the perma-rain soaked streets fades next to the hypnotic fire of her eyes. She was walking temptation, at the gates to a thousand years of blissful torment, troubled sleeps of imperfection, in the face of ultimate obsession. She was a glimpse in the corner of my eye, that grew to become everything. No one could feed her todays, so how could I ever hope to satisfy her thirst for tomorrow? I touched the razorblade within my mind, and watched my soul turn to blood stained red. Hard and fast images, of nightly news bulletins, and adult movies, with sub-stratospheric stars, that twinkled only in their secret despairs, foot on the gas, no hands on the wheel, eyes closed, as the cliff edge hurtles towards them, at warp speed infinity. Permanent decline of a never ending empire. Sometimes, between
SHE For she has ever been within my heart. For she has never been forgotten. This has driven me mad, for I have always striven after that which I cannot grasp. That which can be felt but not held. I fell in love with a whisper, when I did not even hear what it was saying. And I have seen her in bright sunlight, in darkened shadow, in the glimmerings of dew upon the strands of a spider web. I have seen her within the world and within the hearts of others.... First, as a feeling that I too was loved. A nurturing, all encompassing bosom upon which to lay my weary head. Wave upon wave of sensation, of the uttermost peace, would flood down from the stars and engulf me. Solace, unconditional. And yet still I search for her.
she wanted him she had to have him she shed her tears for him she became his entertainment she loved she missed him she spoke of love to him he said he wanted her he said he wished he had her he laughed at her with his friends he couldnt love he went to the mall with his ex girlfriend the more we hide in our lives the more we push those we love away the more we speak those lies the more we believe they are true the more we are ignored the silenter we become the more tears we shed the more tollerence we gain because i love him
She by Stephen Babcock "Who is she?", they ask, ...she is my soul's perfect mate, my body's passionate lover and my mind's sole companion. "What is she?", they ask, ...she is the rhythm of my soul, the song of my spirit and the love of my life. "Where is she?", they ask, ...she is in my every breath, beating in my heart and in the thread that stitches my soul together. "When is she?", they ask, ...she is today, at dawn; tonight, when the stars come out and tomorrow... forever. "Why is she?", they ask, ...she is my completion, my love's twin and my spirit's sweet compliment. "Who is she?", again they ask, ...she is you, my Beloved ...she is you.
She . . .
She once had purpose Her mind sharp . . . fluid graceful hands applied ink to page. Stark images, naked grew from her mind, her private Hell. Expressing her Darkness, acceptable to all. The Artist, forgiven her trespasses, tis Art they cry. She swallows it all down, the pain, the fear, the little pills. They help she says. The hand now shakes, the hand curls, twists. The eyes no longer see pages, no focus. Dull, blur, numb, confusion. Speaking, a challenge. Thinking, impossible. She needs to swallow. Small white pearls. She smiles upon them. Her treasure. Her purpose. And she . . . their purpose. Means to her end. End to her means. She will end.
He walks by every day and every night. His body speaks, on the inside. Under his breath he feels his emotions, and under his grasps for air come frustration that in his eye'll never change. Hes walked by before, now when he does it he'll ignore where she was, where she is. They danced before and the summer saw them, times not over but one day maybe they'll see. One night he leaves a card, he wants to see her face again. He can't be romantic anymore, that part of him is fading away,again. It'll be lost like everythihg else forever more. Cellar door, in the back of his mind, he asks what he must do to make her mine? He'll go back with those cards of his, and let it all go, but not let his emotions flow in case nothing comes back from this. He remembers her from when they first spoke, and where they did meet. From the season when he gave up, instead they would soon meet, he'll wish she would never give up.
... I was playing with my friends in the backyard. Campfires and harmonica music. Baying of loose faced hounds. Fireflies dance with the crackling conflagration. Offsides Red Card Homerun Love Dinner time, wash up, and don't get ink on your brother's shirt. kayIloveyoubye click. Values, lessons, morals. Guides. Teachers. Idols. Success? Nevermore- than what you make of it. Love. Her eyes, smile that rends sorrow, and soft wet kisses in the air. ... Love. It kinda leaves you with that warm fuzzy urge to scream it from the rooftops. But more. Much much much more. She is Love.
I am very hurt And so is my skin So do not insult Me or call me names You played silly games And as a result You no longer seem clever That is if you ever Were I do not do this for you I am not here to amuse I seek to speak straight and true Only to my muse to Her
She was the cool air of a summers night, yet inside were strange confusions. She had confident exteriors but could she ever be the person that she really was? Her dreams were folded neatly and placed in open view, a mask to cover up her anxieties, but I knew behind it all she was everything she ever said she was, but some how she'd stopped believing... I knew inside of her were angels, singing a soft chorus of melodic hope, monochrome tears for a world she didn't know, and even as she passed from view, and faded out beyond the street light, I knew one day everything would work out, it has to, doesn't it?
She was the blizzard that lies between the sacred eternal sleep, and the deafening silence of the heartless city streets. Even the brightest, most colorful, neon reflection, on the perma-rain soaked streets fades next to the hypnotic fire of her eyes. She was walking temptation, at the gates to a thousand years of blissful torment, troubled sleeps of imperfection, in the face of ultimate obsession. She was a glimpse in the corner of my eye, that grew to become everything. No one could feed her todays, so how could I ever hope to satisfy her thirst for tomorrow? I touched the razorblade within my mind, and watched my soul turn to blood stained red. Hard and fast images, of nightly news bulletins, and adult movies, with sub-stratospheric stars, that twinkled only in their secret despairs, foot on the gas, no hands on the wheel, eyes closed, as the cliff edge hurtles towards them, at warp speed infinity. Permanent decline of a never ending empire. Sometimes, between
She makes my life complete! She makes my life worth living! She makes my world a brighter place! She makes me smile on the darkest of days! She knows who she is!
She challenges his emotions with her unbridled love moving his energies through the stars above He tries to run, but her pull is too strong he's powerless and knows where he belongs She is like a spell that captures his soul yearning and longing, begging for more If she ever released him, he'd be an empty shell how long will she have him? Only time will tell
The Dragon flies into the dusk on silver, painted wings, And though she rides the sky alone, she has learned many things. She knows the sea runs to the sand, and where the moon takes rest. She greets the noble unicorns, and flies where phoenix nest. Her eyes seek treasures of the mind, not any mundane thought. She knows of all the Dwarven smiths and what their skills have wrought. Her silvered scales have seen the rule of mighty kings gone by, And when the cause of good was lost, she would often cry. She felt the pain of mother's loss as her children died to fight, all the foes of dragon kind that killed to show their might. In my heart, this dragon flies, and keeps my heart and mind. She taught me how to love, and learn, and made my path defined. She led me down the darkest trail, so I could face my fear, And though I feel her weakening, I know that she is near. And before she spreads her wings to fly forever to be free, I will fly just one more time, for I know that SH
She… She can kill the lights, but she can’t kill the pain… You can stomp out the fire, but you can’t blow out the flame. Time is running out-How many more excuses can she use? Because the love that she’s lost won’t hurt as bad as the love she’ll lose. She’s self-destructive, in denial, She’ll manipulate and drive you wild. She’ll fill your dreams and kill your sorrow, Make you feel like there’s no tomorrow. She’ll deprivate-and desecrate your sanity; Blind you with darkness, shadow you in totality. She can burn her picture in your mind, Feed your heart with truthful lies. She can pull the shade, but she can’t the plug… You can blow it away, but you can’t sweep it under the rug. Joy is running out-She can’t shake these blues… Because the love that she’s lost can’t compare to the love she’ll lose. Inside she’s forced to fight, But she can’t block the light, It just ain’t right…to watch, It goes on like this. She’s overlooked…misplaced, Wrinkled face, Life’s
She cries, she screams, she shouts, she fights, she hurts.... she is a part of me. she lives inside of me.... she doesn't want to hurt anymore... She feels sick... in her mind she is sick... in my mind... I am sick...
She holds back her tears she never shows her feelings she always bites her tongue and shallows her fears as she feels she has to be strong and brave for everyone else. she barely shows emotion she barely lets anyone get close to her she hides herself from the world she will never tell you her wants or needs she will never let you see the real side of her she will never tell you if she is hurt,sad,or upset she will never have the balls to trust anyone in this world again she already trusted once but ended up alone again she already had a promise mad to her but it was broken will she ever find that special friend again or will she end up alone for the rest of her life as the darkness already fell over her.
She !
every day she is on my mind . yet she is still without me, and worrys . my thoughts and dreams are with her always. i pray for her everyday. she knows i love her, but there is always something between us. her voice calms my nerves and her eyes melt my heart. tears come to my eyes and a smile comes to my face, when she is on my mind! YET! SHE STILL HAS DOUBTS ! why? SHE IS MY EVERYTHING!
She watches me Throughtime and space With careful hand And beautiful face Her heart is mine Her soul is strong And in her eyes I do no wrong I need her more Than than the air i breathe And when i'm gone I shall not grieve For i know now Through grass and tree We'll be together For eternity
SHE The Dragon flies into the dusk on silver, painted wings, And though she rides the sky alone, she has learned many things. She knows the sea runs to the sand, and where the moon takes rest. She greets the noble unicorns, and flies where phoenix nest. Her eyes seek treasures of the mind, not any mundane thought. She knows of all the Dwarven smiths and what their skills have wrought. Her silvered scales have seen the rule of mighty kings gone by, And when the cause of good was lost, she would often cry. She felt the pain of mother's loss as her children died to fight, all the foes of dragon kind that killed to show their might. In my heart, this dragon flies, and keeps my heart and mind. She taught me how to love, and learn, and made my path defined. She led me down the darkest trail, so I could face my fear, And though I feel her weakening, I know that she is near. And before she spreads her wings to fly forever to be free, I will fly just one more time, for I know th
shes lost in a happy nightmare where all dreams come true hes everything she ever wanted and everything that ever haunted her shes confused and restless ecstatic and anxious thinking yes and saying no all she can see is dirty sunshine and shes not sorry but she cant stop apologizing though she made a promise but she lied to herself she sits waiting worried about what will really happen because she look when she wasnt supposed to her feelings bleed out of the songs thats why she doesnt sing anymore the sleepless nights are her best friend her mind races so fast but will never win shes too lazy but shes off the wall shes unchained but caged in shes waited so long for this moment and cant wait for it to be over Her feelings run so deep they soon become shallow shes lost inside but knows her way she will be found but tries to hide she will give in without a fight
I lay in my bed writing this down How much I'm in love with you It kills me inside because I know That the love between us is through I see you looking at me as you walk by I fake a smile for you to see The two of you laughing while holding hands I dream that the flawless girl was me She stood so beautiful nothing like me For she was the girl you always talked about Watching you so happy beside her She has everything I have to live without I wish she would understand how much I care That every time I see you with her Teardrops fall silently down my eyes Ruining the words on my paper Another night I'll lay alone in my bed Wishing you were still beside me Feelings your arms around me tight As I smile and fall asleep She better hold you close Share with you all her love Embrace your every touch Understand she's lucky because Your the reason for these tears Steadily falling from these eyes Every time I think of you Or every time I pass her by
have a friend,her mom passed away, she called me today didn`t know what to say, sometimes i kind of get that way, i wish i were with her to stay, forever and a day, she makes me smile when we talk, i hope she likes to take walks, tell her that i dream of her at night, she asked me is that right, said yeah and they are always good dreams, i even sleep better, so it seems, even though we are not together, when i see her i hope i make her feel better, sometimes she is busy and i cant tell her how i feel, hope she wants to be with me still, if not i don't think i will ever feel, and probably rob,cheat,rape, and steal, you know better, because i am a decent man, show love when ever i possibly can, short, bright ,funny with no good tan, sometimes i sing too, think i am in a band, people look at me like i am crazy, not crazy , but sometimes i am lazy, especially on days when it is rainy and hazy, going to got get some flowers, maybe a daisy, okay back to my friend, the one i like so much, i w
By: April Terry Day by day she fades away, Into another distance memory. All she ever wanted, Was to be love by one, They way she loves them. She won’t ever understand, The way humans work. She’ll never feel true love. By time it comes her way, She’ll be colder then ice. Her heart will be, Tougher then steel. With each moment of pain, She covers it with a smile. The rare moments of joy, She clings to with all her might. Grasping for her sanity, What little bit she may have. The darkness comes, But this time so does light. And in an instant, Her body dies. Her soul is free, And for the first time, She begins to really live.
She is kinky and has a clever smile, She will make you think about her all the while, She moves her body to the beat, It makes your want to skeet skeet skeet, Her eyes glimmer with beauty, But being sexy isnt her only duty, She tilts her head and bites her finger, And in your mind those thoughts still linger, Her skin so soft and body so smooth, She will make you think about making a dirty move, But you can't it's not her style, She will tease you with her sexy smile, I'll bet her lips are sweet as candy, Thinking about it will get you randy, You can look but you can't touch, But the temptation is almost too much, She is so kinky and so clever, Trust me she knows how to raise your lever
She is kinky and has a clever smile, She will make you think about her all the while, She moves her body to the beat, It makes your want to skeet skeet skeet, Her eyes glimmer with beauty, But being sexy isnt her only duty, She tilts her head and bites her finger, And in your mind those thoughts still linger, Her skin so soft and body so smooth, She will make you think about making a dirty move, But you can't it's not her style, She will tease you with her sexy smile, I'll bet her lips are sweet as candy, Thinking about it will get you randy, You can look but you can't touch, But the temptation is almost too much, She is so kinky and so clever, Trust me she knows how to raise your lever
She lifts me drives me holds me binds me accompanies me sees me has me caresses me touches me tastes me breathes me emboldens me welcomes me romances me strengthens me excites me finds me LOVES ME She
She lays in bed each night, dreaming, longing for his touch. To be in his arms, to feel his gentle caresses. Making her heart skip a beat. She bites her lip in anticipation of that day, letting her mind and hands wander. Lightly grazing her skin with her fingertips...longing to be made love to. Seeing his face in her mind, Oh My God! That one look that he does that just brings her to her knees! Aching for his mouth and tongue to kiss and nibble at her soft skin. Becky Leanne...2008 More to come...
she knelt before My feet her head bowed serenely her wrists behind her back her knees spread wantonly her hair obscured her face her skin as pure as snow her breaths slow and shallow her body seemed to glow. As I gazed upon her and drank in her beauty I reveled in her trust and her humility which caused My heart to burst for she had chosen Me to hold her heart and soul and mold her to My needs.
The first time she was loved When it ended it was good The second time she was loved When it ended it was better The third time she was loved She had loved back When it was ended She understood hell She had been taught well Truth and light removed Never look back When it is ended slgm06/13/06
She by LateNiteFantasy© Wanting that sweet glistening mound spread before me Languid teasing whispers upon pale breast make her love throb, convulse Pudding in my hands golden haired worship naughty wet language she needs Slide inside tongue probes plungetwistswirl magic softness she begs She feeds me luscious lips writhing hips falling over that peak she screams
This is dedicated to all the beautiful women both on here and whom I know....Love you all Below are just a few, go say Hi and show them fu-LOVE!!! She (Tous Les Visages de L'Amour) Elvis Costello Written by Charles Aznavour and Herbert Kretzmer She may be the face I can't forget The trace of pleasure or regret Maybe my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song that summer sings May be the chill that autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of a day She may be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a Heaven or a Hell She may be the mirror of my dreams A smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem Inside her shell.... She, who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud No one's allowed to see them when they cry She maybe the love that cannot hope to last May come to me from shadows in the past
Sometimes when she falls.... Sadness radiates from her every pore, except for the area where the dimples of her smile lay. There lays a pain masked by years of repression and forced doubt. A pain that begs to be stopped, but is kept on, due to not knowing any alternative action. Her eyes are heavy with every smiled turned to lie, and her face contorts between motions to reveal a hell known by no man, but by this one woman. The tears she cries in silence are dry and unnoticeable. The sighs she lets out are as loud as screams and as absent as oxygen in a vacuum. She lives to decide the next moment, hoping that in some way, the next moment will somehow decide her. She never really embraces anyone, and or really lets them go. If you're in her life you're probably there for the rest of it, whether you intend to be, or not. Or even if you're aware of it. But all she knows is horror. All she feels is pain. All she'll ever ask for is an hello. And all she'll ever expect is goo
Find my soul I'll fill the hole I will not drop one more tear for you My unspoken love My heart will bleed without you but I cant see your face Can not touch your flesh Who are you Why do you decieve me Why do I walk this Earth soo long without you Where do I stand Bled from the vain as I go insane She can't be right You must be out there She must not be right Where are you my love Why do you hide from me The pen lets blood Through the ink Why am I foresaken What is my path Your name unknown But destiny is ours Cut me The blade is deep I hold myself in distrust With no honer The End Jason M. Christilaw 2008-10-09
a whisper soft scent lures his gaze to those lips........ warm & sweet with a rosy smirk...... the one that goes with the sparkle in her sultry hazel eyes......... the smirk that says........ you know whats behind that slow deep sigh.... the promise of a long.... heated.... kiss, the firm grasp of fingertips on his shoulders.... the smooth purr of her breath as she moves closer to engage his senses further...... her creamy skin brushes his flesh as she ignites a burst of heat that overcomes his body catching his breath as his mouth slowly opens to taste the sweet air she has filled with her sultry aroma his thoughts sliding from her soft lips to her frim grasp again...... he shivers knowing the hungry and passionate animal that lies within her......... then as she pulls his body against hers... her tongue eagerly tasting his lips.... he releases a soft moan......
Her first memory was a dream. In this dream she was sitting in a theater, the lights were dark and the large white screen illuminated the room. There was no smell, no noise, it was empty- like her. As she sat in the very back row her thoughts wondered until a tiny black dot came across the screen appearing larger with her every breath in perfect cadence. What is this? As the dot got larger it took the shape of a dinosaur and one that was definitely carnivorous at that. From the left of the screen a figure- small but defined walked out. As she inhaled the figure became clearer. It’s me but why? Tapping her leg nervously she watched herself walk up to the dinosaur. The dinosaur looked at her in the row sitting quietly and back to her on the screen. What is this? In a single swoop and gulp she was gone. No remnants almost as if she never existed. But I do. These dreams have diminished over time to the point where when she sleeps she craves for the oddity. Each day
She brushes powderon her face.Pauses, takes a breath. Blots lipstick off her lips. Gently brushesher hair.late for her date. She rushes down stairs. He's standing at the door.They greet He takes her to dinner,then to his house for a movie. He says "would you like some wine"? She excepts she takes two drinks ,she falls into his arms... Another down ten to go...
She came at night, explored my body, got on top of me, touched me, she bit, sucked, swalowd, when she was satisfied,she left, i was hurt..     funck bloody mosquito   haha
She invited me, with the simple grace of her delicate fingers willing me toward her, the slow bat of her eyes as if not to let me from her sight for to long, the sweet curves of the corners of her mouth tracing my name, drawing me in. She lay down for me, her taunt tan body splayed out in front of me like amber fields rippling from the wind with her every breath, her body shifting slowly with every caress from my exploring fingertips, her hair radiating around her alluring face housing eyes as deep and green as emeralds glimmering in the sun. She opened herself to me, like a flower eagerly capturing the penetrating rays of the sun, hungry for its warmth and security, and I danced inside her as a bee, playful with each petal, enveloping myself in sweet nectar covering myself in her essence. She whispered to me, secrets of life, of love, of the universe opening my soul to see creation explode from the tiniest spark into an inferno so hot I could feel myself melt. I could hear my past
She is on my mind constantly. I look at her pic on my puter everyday. Love those eyes and her smile warms my heart. When is anything perfect? guess she wanted it to be. Relationships are hard and take both parties wanting to fix the problems that arise. Can't be done when only one side wants to.
Seasons change, yet I still see her. She of the antithesis Love and hate and lust and loathing betwixt I see her lies and her eyes beckoning My mind still mired in illusions My one true confidant Refuses to free me Revels in the taunting I deign to pray If I had a god If faith would have me I seek no comfort I need no help Hearted and heartless I damned myself And yet I linger on the stink of failure  Is still yet foreign to my nostrils Set me free from feeling  And the rest is history Another page is written But the ink has not yet dried 
She   She never knew I liked her She never knew I cared Her heart belonged to someone else I don’t know why I dared? I saw the way she loved him The way she gave her heart… I didn’t even notice Strong feelings from the start Once it took it came on fast I knew not what to do I never meant to love her I did what I had to I walked away so quickly It’s what my head told me The feeling were so strong…so deep I knew I had to flee I tried to stay away Never told her how I felt We’d touch base from time to time And every time I’d melt The thought of her The one for me I had to let my heart go free I tried to find another I opened up and tried I almost thought it working And then I heard her cry The lucky bastard left her From her I couldn’t stay I knew I had to tell her Of why I ran away Her heart still belonged to him I wanted it for me Instead I just consoled her It’s how it had to be We picked up w
She Asked For My V
I was at her house with a buxom blond that I knew she was her friend and we had a three person party I was young and unaware of the adult womanly ways. my blond friend had a little to much to drink and fell asleep in the next room while her 29 year old married friend and I talked into the early morning hours. her kids were asleep and husband was trucking somewhere. We talked and talked then she asked me if I was a V-gin and I said yes. well thats all it took she was wearing a short night shirt. and she asked if I would like to have sex to which I replyed. whatever I never had before. but I was concerned about someone walking in to the front room which was well lit with light. so she unziped my pants and had them down to my ankles. before I knew it she grabed my cock and worked it up till I felt it slide into her wet-n-warm pussy we ground for what seemed an eternity till I came inside of her she was a very good teacher. I did'nt see her much after that till the county fair. I saw
80's Heart Throb
Your 80s Heartthrob Is Bill Gates Who's Your 80's Heartthrob? OMG PLZ
She Always Said She Would Be Someone
She Always Said She would Be Someone She always said she would be someone Said she would travel round the world But something has blocked her way Her diabolic drugs will turn a minor detour into a direction… Except that’s something she would rather not mention right now She keeps going down the road she always sees inside her dreams… But the apparition fails to match her beautiful veracity And when she woke up, the clock said 7:00… so she turned over and fell right into her verve Slipping ever so slightly on a disaster in the street, she turns to run away But she found what it was; she had always sought to keep, in her deepest memories Right now she’s at the station, waiting for the train that will take her so far away But she feels a hesitation as she looks up in the sky; and sees her lovers face… She left him in that apartment, her tears dropping to the floor; while she told him everything’s ok… The sound of the train shakes the scene from her mind, as it sway’s her
She Always On His Mind
She Always On His Mind He awakes from a very deep sleep rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes.He Pulls his feet out from under the covers to set them down on the floor;he looks at the picture that sets along bedside on the nightstand a picture of her,as thought of her go through his mind he thinks to himself how much he really does love her. Poem By: Charles LaMark Nelson Copyright: Charles LaMark Nelson 2006
She And He
She is the wingless one, with words so sweet He is the voiceless one, with well traveled feet She waits for him, her heart implores he hears her, but sadly ignores She hangs her head and weeps he dreams of her when he sleeps She calls to him and waits for an answer he turns elegantly, a fancy dancer She holds his sorrow and bears it well he carries her secrets and will not tell She reaches for him through out the night He closes his eyes to the mournful sight She gazes in the mirror, and casts no reflection He looks within and sees only imperfection She sighs with a longing ache he shrugs and nods, just another mistake They are two halves of a whole Two who share the same soul Separate and yet the same both at once wild and tame She is his beacon of gentle mirth He is her knight of comfort and worth She sings the words, He hums the tune they are as apart as the sun is from the moon Locked eternally in an orbital chase coming only close enough for sh
She A G
She Asked Me!
so my "step" Uncle Steve and his grilfriend are getting married in june of 08. well his grilfriend Aunt Sue asked me to be in the wedding!! i`m soo happy! she said that she wanted it to be a family thing and i`m not even really family. you see my dad is dateing steves sister. so im just the sister boyfriends kid but yet she loves me as if i`m truly family! i`ve never felt so spechel!!but yeah i`ll keep you up dated on the whole thing!
She Accepted The Challenge
Ok everyone here it kerry has accepted the challenge that if we get 40 ppl in the lounge she will do some moanin on air so get ya asses in here and help us embarress this girl. ON AIR NOW DJ TEASE !!! (repost of original by 'Dj Tease*aka*Kerry*K.O.P.E.*owner of Club Fantasia*' on '2007-09-01 22:14:57') (repost of original by '¤ DJ Desire *Fantasia* ¤ §iñfúll¥ Iññóçeñt ¤ ÞaÞa'§ βóó ¤ Tiña'§ ÞrIñçe§§ ¤' on '2007-09-01 22:16:21') (repost of original by 'Vixen*~ Fiesty K.O.P.E~ *Owner Of Fantasia' on '2007-09-01 22:49:42') (repost of original by '¤ DJ Desire *Fantasia* ¤ §iñfúll¥ Iññóçeñt ¤ ÞaÞa'§ βóó ¤ Tiña'§ ÞrIñçe§§ ¤' on '2007-09-01 22:51:22')cc
She Askes For Pleasure And I Will Do
Take my hand, lead me to our secret place Kiss me, touch me, and as my body cries for more Pleasure me, I touch your face, with whispering fingertips, Tracing the contours of your being, with delight and ecstasy As you pleasure me Hold me, as I hold you, our bodies intertwined As one. Taste my skin as I taste you, with gentle lips You pleasure me. Kiss my breasts, my belly - make me sigh, Let your tongue slide between my thighs As you pleasure me. Let me take you between my lips Caress you with my tongue and more To pleasure me To pleasure you is my desire; to have your body aching for mine I need you to want me - I hold you close, And pleasure you, To pleasure me.
She Admits To Marking Pics!
She has marked some of my pics nsfw and admits to it, so make sure if you must add her to be careful. This blog got messed up so I son't want to mess with it anymore...Just make sure you get a good look at her!..:) Delialicious@ fubar/" target=_blank> Copy of the emails exchanged: Did you forget your not on myspace? Geez...jealous Do Not Write Me Again! On 10/20/2007, wrote: I would not consider your photo, safe for work or tasteful and that is the criteria On 10/20/2007, wrote: I didn't mark yours and I never would have! Take it out on the person that marked it..cleavage is gonna mark everyones? On 10/20/2007, wrote: mine was a small amout of cleavage with a necklace, your whole chest is hanging out! On 10/20/2007, wrote: The bouncer told me the last person to view any pics that have been fl
She Ain't Easy But.....
She Ain't Easy - But ... She's been on her knees more times than Billy Graham. She's been laid on more kitchen floors than linoleum. She's done more screwing than Black and Decker. She's responsible for more merry men than Robin Hood. She's turned more tricks than Houdini has. She's been in more motel rooms than the Bible. She's been boarded more times than Amtrak. She's been mounted more often than Trigger. She's been involved with more animals than Marlin Perkins has. She's entertained more troops than Bob Hope. She's been at more bedsides than Dr. Kildare has. She's been turned more ways than Rubik's Cube. She's spent more time under men than barstools. She's seen more traffic than the George Washington Bridge. She's had more turnovers than the International House of Pancakes. She's been under more sheets than the Ku Klux Klan. She's had more marines land on her bed than on Iwo Jima. Hoover classifies her tongue as a vacuum clean
She Asked Me For Marry!!!!!
whatsupbabygirl~BARTENDER SECOND 4 ~ABYSS~DEATHSTAR IS MY FU BODYGUARD~@ fubar She asking me to marry but I told her wait to see in more few months!!! She told me wants to moving with me after Christmas Times!! I told her BEST things when Snowing is gone or melt down!!! Then we can hunting for a house for living! So I will looking for Full-Time work! Then we going having a Marrying!! That What did she offered to me!! I say Yes! We will do it!! I love her so much and talking thur by our Text MSG and Yahoo!!! WhhoooAAaa !! I got Surprised! Thank You MIKE !! P.S. I love her lot more!!! Thank to for helping me finding a someone!! I am happy i keeping aviod from my depressed!!! Thank God!!!
..she Asked For Poetry....
At a time when I and serching for life People seem to appear so nice Right from the start...the is something different Is it me or is it the way I percieve Love will one day come to me All I wanted was to fee the love Powerfull within me, with no end Ripped out is my heaart.. in two Is she the one to mend it through? Lonely has been this time and space Time will tell what lies ahead Days of wonder..or only dread All I can do is keep going Have a posetive outlook and just try And pry to god she doesn't make me cry
She Always Comes Back
She always comes back, Here i am sitting thinking what a fool i am. To fall for you. You told me you loved me,that you were not like the rest. But here i am with tears running down my chest . She came back. She came back. What could i have done to not have this be just the same. So here i am alone again because she came back. She always comes back. I always end upbeing second best.You said you were not like the rest. Here i am alone again. Woundering when my chance will come what has my life become. Shattered dreams broken wings. Because she always comes back.. mp 2-29-08
She As Gone And Done It This Time
Sheamus Vs Vegans
I was waiting for the bus back to my apartment today and there is a protest group by the gates as usual. I always ignore them but one guy walked over and started handing things out to people waiting for the bus. He handed me this thing that looked like a slim jim and said "Here, try a hickory smoked soy stick". Apparently its national "meat-out" day or something hippie. From the name alone, you'd know it tasted bad but I tried it none the less. After chewing the first bite about 3 times I spit it out and said "That tastes like a hickory smoked asshole". It was terrible... like smoked sawdust. I then remembered that I needed to buy milk for the week and since my bus still didn't come for 20 more minutes a ramble across the street to the store ensued. The whole time my mouth has this horrible taste in it and it was on my mind as the I walked passed the meat section. So... I bought a steak for dinner instead of going home to my chicken/tuna. On my way back to the bus stop I showe
She Aint Right!
so my tatoe thinks.. The bad thing is I agree :D She got her daddy's tongue and temper Sometimes her mouth could use a filter God shook his head the day he built her Oh, but I bet he smiled. She loves and lives her life unruly Tears up that dirt road up in a dualy Dangerous, absolutely. And in a little while... She'll be roundin' that corner on three wheels Ain't slowin down, yellin "Come on, jump in" Always up to somethin, crazy got nothin' on her Chorus: She ain't right, she ain't right She ain't right, but she's just right for me She says she wants to meet my momma I said, I don't think you oughta Be like mixin' oil and water But by midnight she had momma on the coffee table dancin' Comin' unwound Good God I swear, can't take her anywhere What's the girl gonna do next Chorus: She ain't right, she ain't right She ain't right, but she's just right for me Every once in a while she'll give me that smile and say, I just don't see somebody
She Attach The Wii Remote As If She Hade Her Own Wiener
She Asked For A Poem
we whet our wonderment in the momentstir realization in ether fantasieswhere skin is satiny smoothtouching you is always electricregret is neither limp nor hardeyes know only what we think we seeour nerves explode at a glancefor the chance to but hold you closewe pause - tiptoe 'cross the heavenssupplanting starlight 'neath our feetrolling past the infinite expansepossibilities abound lay unchartedtil we part before we meet
She And I.....
She's going away Drifting out of reach Floating on the breeze How can I cope with this? Thought my world was so perfect Now I see how simply wrong I was Swallowed by my own pain Suffering to prevent the inevitable I take it all into myself Try to keep it from everyone else I'm failing again Cracking at the seams Staring down the barrel of my last days Condemned by the world in which I live So be it....
She Ant Worth Buying Lost 701k
DJ-Cowgirl*PromoforValsHideout^FuOwnedByLostAngel^*^DJ&HeadEnforcer@KokonutIsland^~RL/GF/FuWifetoJon@ fubar
She Asked (poem) By Irresistible
She asked "Why do you hold me so tight?" She never answered but simply sighed. She asked again. "Baby, why do you hold me so tight?" While in her embrace she softly spoke into her ear the following words. I hold you tight for all the times you needed to be held and was not. I hold you tight for all, past, present and future hurt that you had, do and will feel. I hold you tight for all the tears that have fell down your face and there was no one to kiss them away. I hold you this tight for all the worries you have had and were unable to express. I hold you tight for all the lonely nights that I wish you never had. I hold you tight for all the stress you have felt in the past wanting you never to experience again. I hold you so tight so that you will always feel my essence with you and you will always feel as if you are in my loving embrace. My embrace was made espe
She Asks Why
As the infant turned to a child the Angel wondered more than once why Feeling helpless the Angel watched from above as her destiny began to unfold A woman selling herself to feed the demon within and for the needle that demon would make her scream Not out of love or even lust one night the seed was planted The Devil laughed as the Lord sighed, and the Angel simply hung his head and cried For the next several years he watched amazed as the child survived As the beatings grew worse and the world turned a blind eye He knew that it wouldn't forever be this way yet the waiting for her time to come was taking a toll The little one never did know what she did that was so wrong she would often try to make herself disappear not make a sound yet it never seemed to work for sure as the sun would rise and fall she would be beaten and passed around to those who wanted to touch by the age of eight she still didn't know why love had to hurt so much He stayed by her s
She Amazes Me ...........................
Classc1 amazes me more and more as the days go by..... 1. Her inner and outer beauty is unmatched, as I look through her pictures and re rate them, I see the most beautiful woman I have known 2. Her caring and sweetness never drops off, she is always saying nice things to me 3. She is the best mom and always puts our daughter first, the rest of you Fu Hoes need to take note on this statement 4. She is sexy and knows just how to keep me happy, guys .............. she is the one that will never tell me no and enjoys it more and more each time 5. I am always excited to see her, it is like meeting her for the first time over and over. I love walking through the door and seeing that wonderful, shy, sexy smile that she wears 6. She always looks nice for me, she cares about her looks and what she looks like, all you obese and way overweight chicks that think you are something ............... take note again ........ she has lost over 40 pounds since baby and only has 12 to go to reach
She Apologized...
She apologized for hours in my mind Still I felt left behind Holding the t-shirt she gave me for consolation I guess It’s wet from my tears and held by death grip Droplets of tears hit the ground on the sunny fall day Those words lingering in my ears She kept saying “I’m sorry” She kept saying “It’s not your fault” But, it was my fault I am the manic minded reason for her departure I am the reason she hated me while loving me I am the reason she kept coming back around to make sure I was alive And still I can hear the apologies for hours in my mind How she didn’t want to hurt me How she loved me so much How she wished things were different How she wished I was different The reasons that drew her to me The same ones that drove her away So, she apologizes for hours in my mind.
She- A Work In Progress
photos captured in her mindreflect a world fragmented filtered through her soul, reconstructed,surgically incised, revealing her heartbeating, raw and bruisedawaiting the critique of her peersnot knowing of her chaotic journeydamning her for the stark lighting,crying commercial and bland the antics of her mistaken visual artilleryand yet..watercolors trickle off her sketchbooktainting her fingertips in epicspainting the sand stories she's yet to tell the oxford dictionary can't even contain her definitionmarathoning talents; eagerly assaulting conventions she dances only for her phantoms.her fear, her sourceembracing it, esoteric borrowing doubts in lieu of dreams interest rates at an all time lowfavoring a high yield for the risk taker,she, unrelenting…backs downand yet...watercolors trickle off her cheekbonestainting her lips in imperfectionskissing the zealots stories she's yet to livebeauty is capricious -and her's, rooted in bewilderment searching out contrasts, she crafts vibrati
Shea Shea
in search of a real man
She Asked How Her Grandfather Had Died
Upon hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95 year-old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning." Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. "Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong." She paused to wipe away a tear, and continued, "He'd still be alive if the ice cream truck hadn't come along."
She Breaks My Heart Every Time…
♥♥ Just give me one day.
She Blocked Me
She Blocked
She Bop...lyrics
She Bop Lyrics by Cindy Lauper [ Download Free Lyrics Software featuring Cindy Lauper ] [ Send to a friend ] We-hell-I see them every night in tight blue jeans-- In the pages of a blue boy magazine Hey I've been thinking of a new sensation I'm picking up--good vibration-- Oop--she bop-- Do I wanna go out with a lion's roar Huh, yea, I wanna go south n get me some more Hey, they say that a stitch in time saves nine They say I better stop--or I'll go blind Oop--she bop--she bop She bop--he bop--a--we bop I bop--you bop--a--they bop Be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop, I hope He will understand She bop--he bop--a--we bop I bop--you bop--a--they bop Be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop, Oo--oo--she--do--she bop--she bop (whistle along here)... Hey, hey--they say I better get a chaperone Because I can't stop messin' with the danger zone No, I won't worry, and I won't fret-- Ain't no law against it yet-- Oop--she bop--she bop-- She bop--he bop--we bop...
She Blocked Me!!! Grrrrrr!
Sheboygan, Wi
Sheboygan, WI -- Police arrested a woman who left her children in a caar for 20 minutes in 12 degree weather so she could get a tan at the salon.
She Belongs
Jade was wearing a black blouse and a long loose black skirt made of wrinkled cotton as she came off the plane. Darius was there to greet her, and immediately held her close in his arms. His voice was almost plaintive against her ear as he hugged her. "I love you..." he sighed. She sighed contentedly in return, closing her eyes and letting herself be lost in the moment of their first face-to-face meeting. Then, he whispered to her again. "Are you wearing panties?" "No," she said softly, smiling and blushing. He slowly pulled away from her, then dropped kisses all over her face. Finally, his lips met hers and the moment became electric, all time standing still as they kissed, deeply, intimately. She came to know his tongue, and he shared with her the exploration of her mouth. Then he looked at her, into her blue eyes. He took her smaller hand in his and began to lead her away. They stopped at the luggage pickup, and she pointed to her suitcase. He took it by
She Belongs
Jade was wearing a black blouse and a long loose black skirt made of wrinkled cotton as she came off the plane. Darius was there to greet her, and immediately held her close in his arms. His voice was almost plaintive against her ear as he hugged her. "I love you..." he sighed. She sighed contentedly in return, closing her eyes and letting herself be lost in the moment of their first face-to-face meeting. Then, he whispered to her again. "Are you wearing panties?" "No," she said softly, smiling and blushing. He slowly pulled away from her, then dropped kisses all over her face. Finally, his lips met hers and the moment became electric, all time standing still as they kissed, deeply, intimately. She came to know his tongue, and he shared with her the exploration of her mouth. Then he looked at her, into her blue eyes. He took her smaller hand in his and began to lead her away. They stopped at the luggage pickup, and she pointed to her suitcase. He took it by
She Bop
She Bop.. Cyndi Lauper
She Bop Lyrics
She Believes In Me
this why i love sue she belives in me and has "FAITH" in me
She Beg's............again
I'm dreaming. It's not entirely clear what the dream is, even while I'm in it; it's one of those hazy ones at the surface of sleep, but it's pleasurable, for certain. My nipples feel tight. Mmm, very tight. "Pet." Your voice is warm, and your hands are on my breasts, pinching. "Nrrf?" I mumble. My mouth feels sticky. "You're dreaming, pet." You start rolling my nipples around in your fingers. "Mrbgle... That feels nice." "You woke me up moaning." Your hands begin to trail from my breasts, up and down my sides. "m'sorry, Master." I wriggle a bit, hoping you'll go back to my nipples, but you shift on top of me, gently kneeing my legs apart. You're hard, and seem to have dispensed with clothing at some point in the interim. "Oooo, is this for me?" I rub up against your cock teasingly, feeling my wetness from the dream coat your length. In response, you press inside me, sighing contentedly at my warmth. My hips arch up towards you, and a satisfied grunt escapes my t
~ She Belongs To Another ~
~ Just Once ~ One night is all I would like to ask, For you to hold me close at last. To be the one you come to love, The man you're always thinking of. To hold my hand along the street, Together our hearts create a beat. To pick you a rose from the ground, Say I love you without a sound. Move the hair that was in my eye, Make me laugh without a try. Kiss my cheek when its time to go, Leaving me with the romantic glow. Calls me the same minute you leave, Just to make sure you're home safely. To say you love me right before bed, And left a note in my room unread. "You are everything I want and need, You take my breath as you breathe . I love you, always and forever my girl, To be with you I'd give up the world". One night is all I would like to ask, For you to be with me at last. But as the nights slowly pass by, I realize you will never give me a try. Peace.
She Brings Peace To Me
I'm in the wars Can't speak for crying Close all the doors Since I am dying Pick up the phone Attempt to call her I'm all alone Until she answers Momentarily She brings peace to me She barely speaks But I hear her breathing That's all I need Someone who's listening Still she stays Her time is precious Until I am safe She gives her presence Momentarily She brings peace to me...
She Broke Me
Today is my birthday and for the first time in my life I'm sad. I have a cloud over me, I try to get away but it follows me. Its raining down on me,Keeping the sunhine from my face, I feel soaked, weighted down,heavy if you will. Happiness is around me I can see it but the cloud won't let me near it. I'm tired of feeling anger, sadness and loss. PLEASE COVER ME!!!! Hand me an umbrella, aNYTHING I'll try ANYTHING to rid myself of this cloud...... PLEASE COVER ME....
She Being Brand...
Noone got that you didn't, stop being self-important. So the subtext is this: The Double entendre, a la cummings (so appropriate that I'm smirking). The main text, however is just a question about how you flirt. Yes you do. YES YOU DO! Now do you flirt? And with that, how do you want to be flirted with? Someone, somewhere turned your crankshaft hard and tight one time and it's never subsided from your deeper, darker, dirtier, daintier thoughts.   So spill. I'll make popcorn.
&& She Breaks Down
Goin' through the motions And holdin' on to nothin' She's running out of reasons To fight away the breakdown And she breaks down Crying over somethings  And nothing's helping stop the pain She breaks down All alone, the silence kills It echoes.. And she breaks down "You've got yourself," she tells herself "It's not enough," she whispers back And breaks down She smiles into their faces And plays along throughout each day But nights come, bringing breakdowns The tears are stronger than she is And no one's there to fight them back She breaks down She's goin' through the motions And holding on to nothing.. She breaks down  
She Cries
She cries Like a blood drop rain She cries Like a sick twisted being She cries For you and what you say She cries Like you cried Atop a mountian with snow coverd peak Her hair hanging around in her face A tear slides down her cheek she looks up and you see she is failing to be Atop a snow coverd peak Wind blowing in her face A tear in the snow you see that it mealts away She cries Like a acid drop rain She cries Like a hurt torn being She cries For you and what you do She cries Like you cried when she said she was going to die Atop a peak Wind no longer blowing in this place A tear shape marks her final resting place She cries No longer for you
She Cries
~SHE CRIES~ The cries of happiness the tears shed of sorrow. She can't seem to find the reason for why she wallows. The lack of love in her life the dreaming she does, of one day being someone's wife. Dreams come to her, but reality seems to make them fade away. She tries so hard to make her life right, But her heart is still alone each night. One day she hopes to find someone to make all her dreams come true. Until that day may appear.... she cries. xxAriel
She Could Play Pretend, She Could Join The Game, Boy. She Could Be, Another Clone.....why Go Home
She Cried...
He used to watch her as she left class. She was so mysterious...yet so plain. He had always wondered why she never stood out before. It was his senior year. Girls were starved for his attention, and yet, he longed for her touch. It never occured to him why...he just wanted to hold her. He wanted to know why she was so distant. His friend would watch the look in his ever-distant eyes. Why was he so into that girl? He could have any girl he wanted at the school--hell he would give an arm and a leg to be as lucky as he is. "Dude, why are you so into that weird bitch?" he would ask his friend. "I-I don't know..." "That doesn't help any...lemme go see if-" "I DON'T NEED ANYONE FUCKING TELLING ME WHO I CAN SEE OR NOT!" "Dude, chill." "No, fuck off." And with that he ended his friendship. He became consumed by his curiousity. He approached her one day. "Hey, my name is-" "I know your name," she cut him off saying, "and I know your type." "My ty
"she Changes"
"She Changes" She changes everything She touches And Everything She touches changes. "Spirit of the Wind" Spirit of the Wind carry me Spirit of the Wind carry me home Spirit of the Wind carry me home to myself Spirit of the Ocean, depth of emotion Spirit of the Sea, set myself free Spirit of the Rain, wash away the pain Spirit of the Storm, help me be reborn Spirit of the Sun, warm light healing one Spirit of the Sky, spread my winds and fly Spirit of the Earth, help me with my birth Spirit of the Land, hold me in your hand Spirit of the River, blessed forgiver Spirit of the Shore, shows me more and more.
She Could Win America Idol
She Cries
She Cries Another night, spent alone. No on there to hug or kiss. She cries. Another night, spent alone. No one there to say good night to. She cries. Another night, spent alone. No one there to lay beside. She cries. Another night, spent alone. Nothing there but a pillow to hold. She cries. So many nights alone, so many kisses longed for, Someone to hold close and lay beside. So many tears...she cries.
She Cries
she cries she sits alone inside herself and stares at who she was staring at whats left of all the walls she built to protect her from the world she hears them crumbling and cant believe shes becoming someone else as the tears swell, another pill for the pain she knows too well and she cries ill always know who i was ill always know who i was but ill never know just who i could have been cuz ill always know who i was ill always know who i was she cant believe the way this kind of pain has turned her inside out she cannot hide her sins, they're on her skin, still lies escape her mouth trembling she cant conceive how fast and hard she fell apart she sits alone again , drawing in, cradling herself within her arms she feels the coldness of her tragedy her cure runs thru her veins, as the chemical takes control she slowly fades away, further from the girl she was to the slave she is today and she cries ill always know who i was ill always know who i was but ill
She Cries
She Cries(January 13,2004) She cries alone in the cover of night when the moon enters the sky she takes cover in the shadows hiding her trembling limbs and shielding her breaking heart She tries to find the strength to patch it up one more time
She Can Go To Pakistan, And She's Right Here On The Ct
FTW Lost Goth@ CherryTAP OK here's the deal... I've known Lost Goth for a while now. She claims to be Wiccan, has lots of friends here on the CT and I'm gonna get blasted for this I know... But I feel it bears being posted. I just had a shoutbox conversation with her which is posted below. This bitch is going to PAKISTAN folks as soon as she can clear it. One of the terrorist capitals of the world. She claims to not hate America... My response? Well... you'll see it in the conversation and I say this to EVERYONE who wants to leave and go to a terrorist training/harboring country... I AM FORMER MILITARY and I ~*LOVE*~ this country... So my words are as follows: You don't like it here in the United States of America and you want to go to the middle east? GOOD! Get the FUCK out and STAY OUT! Read from the bottom up like you would on the shoutbox itself... DemonStorm FTW Lost G...: i dont hate America and i aint Muslim ->FTW Lost G...: You know wha
She Came To Me In My Dream
i been wanting a sighn that my mom forgave me well like 10 minutes ago i got one... i was sound asleep holding harry in bed and my mom came to me in my my dream i was lookin at myself in a full body wall mirror and my legs started shrinkin and my face started changing. i then lookied in the mirror again and i seen my mom. i had gotten a huge chill on my body and felt her holding me. she looked at me and was saying stuff to me but couldnt make out everything she said cuz there was no sound , altho even when she was alive u had trouble hearing her cuz she had paralized vocal cords. i held her and told her repeatidly i was sorry for doing what i did that caused us not to talk since valentines day and i miss her incredibly and couldnt go on without her. and that i loved her more than anything, she told me i would be fine and she missed me too but will always be around watching over me and my kids n family after just holding her and telling her this and crying my eyes out i woke up
She Controls Me
i was finally allowed to cum last night and it was wonderful. It had been 7 days since i was last allowed to cum. There may be Mistress or slaves out there who read this and think 7 days if not very long, but i am new, and i used to cum almost everyday. On top of this, i have to wear stockings to bed every night, and i have a huge stocking fetish. i have to play with myself in the bed every night and not cum. At work, i have to go to bathroom twice a day and play with myself and not cum. i am also very turned on by the humiliation of playing with myself at work. i have to come to my Mistress on webcam, naked and bowing, another huge turn on. i am surrounded by stimuli, placed there by Mistress M, and i am only allowed to cum on her command. Last night was one of those nights. i put my stockings on as usual, but i also put 5 clotespins on each nipple. i tried to make it last, but i only held out less than 10 minutes. When i was done, i had a huge puddle. As per orders, i
She Calls...
She Calls She calls to me across the miles Night winds carry her whispers They float on the breeze and through my windows Falling gently upon my ears - Hush - I hear her now. She calls to me from the heavens Glittering stars cannot compare to the sparkle of her eyes When she looks at me, I am consumed by the fire I see her now. She calls to me through my dreams Dancing together in the shadows of my sleep Where we laugh and love once again I am in her arms I feel her now. She calls to me Every moment of every day Distance couldn't keep us apart When destiny drew us together I'll hold her for eternity For as long as she calls.
She Came To Me
she came to me, with a smile. looking at her, i became that child. she came to me, and i saw saw my crush. i would love to, feel her touch. she came to me, and caught my eye. if i could only kiss her, as i sigh. she came to me, but shes not here. oh how i wish, i had her near. she came to me, and my eyes gleam, but i could only have her, in my dreams..... for you my crush....
She Can Watch!
SHE CAN WATCH she can watch, just not touch, she might get so horny that she might not be able to contain herself, then she can play with herself, well what if I just pulled her over there and made her just start licking and sucking your wet dripping cunt while you sucked my hard cock? You sitting on the soffa with your legs spread wide and her kneeling down and just going crazy licking that wet juicy pussy as I stand beside the soffa and you take my hard cock in your hand and pull it in your mouth slow and easy at first, as you pull me deeper and deeper inside those wet moist lips I feel your tongue just roaming around the head of my throbbing reach down with your other hand ang grab a handful of her hair and pull her warm tongue deeper inside you waiting pussy, your knees start to raise and your back starts to arch and you are squirming with desire, moving your hips in unasin with her you take more and more of my hard cock deeper in your warm wet
She Cries
She sits and stares ahead of her, trying not to think of the words being said to her. The voice continues to break into her dreams, pushing deeper and deeper until she can no longer hide, Why her? What could she have done to deserve this? She gives and gives, always checking, always planning, why does it continue? She belives it can change, things must get better. She thinks back and remembers at time when everything was new and the words caused no pain. The touch was light and gentle the kisses sweet and plenty, when did it change? She dreams of being better, making him happy, doing all she can to please him. A door closing brings her back to now, her heart races, her face flushes, not for reasons of passion, but of fear. As the sounds of steps move toward her, she begins to cry, knowing the pain is but steps away. She feels a hand touch her, she flinch's away. Her mind screaming please no more. She opens her eyes to him, dark streaks forming on white cheeks, he reaches for her again,
She Can Do Anything He Can Do
She Can Do Anything He Can Do 2007 Personal Account (May 2007, Berkeley, California) I was taught by my fraternity to believe in human service, and always lend a hand. Particularly to attractive young women! One Saturday afternoon, I was drinking beer on the front deck of the frat house, and enjoying the California sun, when I heard the unmistakable "thump thump, thump thump" of a flat tire. A Ford SUV pulled up to the curb, and two pretty young women hopped out to inspect the damage. I quickly jumped down from the deck and offered to lend a hand. Perhaps they needed a jack, or a spare set of hands? I was rebuffed. "Just because we're women, doesn't mean we can't change a tire." So I sat back on the deck to watch the show. The women retrieved tools and the spare from their vehicle without trouble, and began to jack up the car. They didn't notice that the car was right against the curb. There was no room to remove the wheel or install the new one. I attempted to step in, but w
She Call's Out My Name...
She Completes Me
We met and it was true love Not from the sexual side of things But from the instant magnet of two hearts That feeling that rushes over you From looking into someones eyes and seeing them smile To that first touch, where passion runs through your body I will alaways remember that first kiss Where tongues searched and found hidden bliss The feel of your lovers skin That runs so deep like a forrest Wanting to explore and never let go The simple things of giggling and laughing The not wanting to say goodbye Not knowing if this would ever happen again Being able to talk for hours on the phone The hidden place that takes you away from everyday grind Knowing your loved, knowing someone has given you their heart Passion is wonderful thing It can also be the kiss of death Will I ever have that feeling again? Will I ever be as happy as that one fine day that we met Will I ever hold something so close to my heart And will my heart ever let me love like I loved her? I want h
She Could Be
She Could Be By Anthony Hunt She could be looking up at those same stars, But I know she no longer thinks of my eyes. She could be miserable like I am right now, But I know it isn't over me she cries. She could be waking up right now, But it isn't of me she's thinking. She could be tired right now, But I know I'm not on her mind when to sleep she's sinking. She could be listeing to this song I hear, But I know only I think of the loss. She could be dreaming as I dream But I know it isn't me making her toss. She could be dining while I sit to eat, But I know she's staring into the eyes of another. She could be unaware of how much I need her, But I know my vow, declaring her my final lover. She could be content, happily ever after, she'll move on, But I know that it's a struggle to make it to each dawn. She could be the one to tell me to get over it, But I know my oath. It's over for me, I quit.
She Calls To Me
She calls to me across the miles Night winds carry her whispers They float on the breeze and through my windows Falling gently upon my ears - Hush - I hear her now. She calls to me from the heavens Glittering stars cannot compare to the sparkle of her eyes When she looks at me, I am consumed by the fire I see her now. She calls to me through my dreams Dancing together in the shadows of my sleep Where we laugh and love once again I am in her arms I feel her now. She calls to me Every moment of every day Distance couldn't keep us apart When destiny drew us together I'll hold her for eternity As long as she keeps calling to me.
She Comes Home
It's funny...When your kids are growing can't wait for them to get out on their own..and give you some peace... I can't wait for mine to come home...And my oldest daughter is coming home...Before I moved her out..things were pretty rough...My house was nothing but drama...We all suffered... Having gone through my own addictions and putting my kids through hell...Watching my daughter go through the same..was even more hell...It killed me to know...that I was one of the reasons she became addicted...I blamed myself...It hurt even more after trying to fight it with everything I had to just let her go...Hearing those words..."I hate you"...cut like a knife... 3 yrs later and clean for the better part of that...Which I'm so proud of her for...She and I have that mother/daughter relationship that we should have had all along...And now she is coming home...To stay... Life is good... :)
She Can Kick Your A$$!
Chloe Sparring
She Came To Me In My Dream
At the end of my bed, she stands, Darker then the shadows Moonlight pulling her innocent face From the darkness behind What secrets hide behind her face? Carved perfection like a mask For all eternity in a minute passing Our eyes locked in a stare Deep within my chest My heart beats in rhythm Like a thousand drums While all the while Her eyes stare cold Sparkling like set diamonds She has me totally under her control A hunger for lust burns within Meanwhile her white silken gown Flutters in the cool night breeze From whence my entranced eyes Break from hers; to admire her body Her breasts, partially visible Behind the translucent silk of her gown Her smooth, soft skin the look of satin White as fresh fallen snow My mind, a torrent, a sea of emotions Shallow fear yet I'm strangely calm She walks toward me Her beauty becoming More apparent upon each step But who is this mysterious stranger Who graces my presence thus? Her hand runs down my face I try to sp
She Came Back
debbie brown has rejoined our family wooo hooo i love this lady she is a wonderful lady so if you dont have her a friend please go by her page add, fann and rate her and debbie welcome back sweetie we missed you and to all misfits who havent added ,fanned and rated mr.ben he said his page isnt private right now so you all can get on his page wooo hooo xoxoxo mr.ben sweetheart kiss that beautiful boy of urs for me hes a hes a keeper for sure....have a good evening and thank you to all who helped level me today if i didnt rate you back please remind me it was going so fast and remember i have 2 pages to return rates on so please dont get angry with me i also have alot of medical problems that sometimes slows me way down on top of taking care of a very abused 4 yr old grandson scottie...heres debbies link ♦DBrown1004♦@ fubar
She Came
She came, Back, right back. Better than before. Love no less, only more. Like she never left, she came, As close as I came to love. Back, right back. Better than before. Love to see her here or there, With me, with her, with him I don’ care. Back, right back, She came. Better than before. Love no less, only more.
She Came Into My Bedroom
She came into my bedroom her nakedness aglow she posed before my window Gave me a private show Her breasts were lit by moonbeams hair bathed in silver light I rose to the occasion And we made love all night. She came into my bedroom Just on a month ago I haven’t seen her since then But I keep hoping so Tonight the moon is riding Bright silver in the sky As sleep tugs at me gently A shadow takes my eye She came into my bedroom I’m certain it is she A vixen bathed in moonlight Is she in love with me? Silver swirls in midnight curls Her hair hangs wild and free Her wraith-like grace in night’s embrace Wraps me in ecstasy She came into my bedroom (The sun is shining bright) I know I was not dreaming She stayed all through the night The scent of her still lingers I’m going to miss her so How I’ll yearn for her return Though there’s a month to go WITCHY'S WIKKED GRAPHIX
She Calls...
She calls to me in my sleep. She tells me she loves me. She will never leave my side. She comferts me. She loves me like no other. She will never leave me. I can not live without her love. Her beauty flows like melting ice... The light dances around her like feathers from heaven. She loves me like no other could. She Speaks to me: Let me Drink of your life... Let me take the pain away from you... I will save you from this misery... I must Silence her sometimes. I must tell her its not time yet. Please don't take me yet. All she does is just smile at me. We will be together soon my love. Then i just walk away...
She Comes Blindly............
A knock came at my front door, and I smiled softly. I answered it and took a bouquet of red roses from the delivery man. He smiled at me, eyes traveling up and down my body. I felt a blush flood my face as I stammered out my thanks. I didn't make a habit of dressing this way usually. I prefer length and cover. What I wore went completely against what I felt most comfortable in. It seemed to me to breath sex. My skirt was short and leather, flared a little with buckles on the side. I wore my favorite black garter belt underneath. Its clips held a pair of fish net stockings up at mid thigh, a tiny band of flesh visible between the stockings and the hem of my skirt. I lifted a brow slowly as I caught the delivery guy's eyes locked to my cleavage. My hand fell, tracing down the strap of my black corset to the low neckline, drawing his gaze. I shifted a little in place, and his eyes turned back to my face. It was his turn to blush. I smiled to him, handed him a tip and closed the door with
She Could Use A Hand
Shes so close to hitting the next level. Help her out. Almost Innocent ♦Shadow Leveler♦ Slave to Sean@ fubar
She Cries Along With Justin Over Lost Fu Up Next At 11..reports .. (thats Funny Huh) :)
She Can Use All The Help Can Get
SWEET, SEXY & SASSY AKA ~COTTON KANDY KISSES~ ( SINFUL PLAYMATE) OWNED BY URBAN SAMAURI!@ fubar if you can i woulkd appreciate it ,she has auto 11's on so help her out. Much love to my friends and family
She Cries Out In Silence (acrostic)
She Cries Out in Silence Sorrows hidden in the trees Here her solitude remains Eluded by happiness Clinging to life’s pains Relegated to shadows Instincts keep her trapped Encased in her tears Senses have been sapped Outstretched broken arms Underneath no soul Tattered and worn Intentionally un-whole Never seeing true light Sold to deaths hands Incapable of freedom Lost in barren lands Envious of others joy Never feeling the sun Callous frozen heart Eroding pieces one by one
She Calls Me Daddy!
So...there's this girl that stole my heart. She calls me Daddy!
She Cuts 11-04-09
She cuts her wrists to make sure she's still alive. She cuts her wrists to feel. She cuts her wrists to bleed. She cuts her wrists to die. She cuts her wrists because she loves you.
She Could Have Saved Our Friend And Didnt
THIS PERSON COULD HAVE SAVED OUR FRIEND AND BROTHER AND DIDNT. ALL THAT WAS NEEDED WOULD HAVE BEEN A CALL THAT OUR FRIEND WAS THINKING OF TAKEN HIS LIFE. BUT YOU MAKE THE DECISION WHEN YOU READ THIS MESSAGE... lucky: we need to talk dj city girl: What's up? lucky: what in the hell did you do to jesse dj city girl: Nothing........he attempted suicide and his brother told me over yim. The day he did that I told him until I got back from here which we are going back the 6th I wouldn't talk to him. He understood doing that is selfish and nothing I mean nothing should make you do that.....of course we've all thought about it no doubt and I understand that but NOTHING should make you do that. He understood we stayed as friends nothing more I heard until that............ dj city girl: Don't you dare be trying to blame this on me, because I did not do a damn thing. Suicide is a person's choice no one makes you do that shit. You choose to do it your damn self. lucky: do you realize tha
She Caught My Heart
This girl that I met has truly caught my heart. I would hate for her to try and give it back. Today is our One Month Anniversary and it does not seem like it has been that long it really feels longer. I really am hoping that i will be with her for the rest of my life. I love her more then anyone before. I know that after the end to the last one i really never thought that i was going to find anyone. But when I did it came out of no where. I am so glad that she is mine.
She Could Have A Real Man
Everyday she woke up to the same old stuff Her heart breaking down whenever he came home drunk She put up with him for thirty three years But she's tired of crying tears because Daddy used to drink whiskey He used to drink hard liquor He's drank about everything that you can get a buzz from Mama prays each and every night after he gets high off of moonshine That if she could have a sober man Then she could have a real man Mama lived a hard life got married as a child Five months after being wed she was rushed away Because there was a baby coming into this life Daddy was there tipping beers in the air Daddy didn't treat Mama right he was gone all the time And each night he was away was the most she ever prayed Chorus One night she woke up something wasn't right She walked through the house cutting off the lights There sitting on the couch was Daddy with his head in his hands He looked up and said I'm ready t
She Could.
Maybe I should call in tomorrow, listen to my goofy music and dab with my charcoals.I need to see how much I miss my muse instead of reading it so often.She's becoming the better part of meshe's perfect right here and now. And that's kinda safer than talking to her, and molding illusion back into reality.Can't I just have her like thisa beautiful phantom of poetry and light daydreams?...I suppose not.But she is beautiful hereif not a little trapped.Like a prisoner looking in on a musicbox.Perhaps I'm just lonely, but prefer this safe, quiet place.Where no one rejects me, no one scolds me.No one tells me to clean my house.ColdrainybeautifulA lot like this song, a lot like I'm sure she kisses.Those are the best days.Sleep in, stare out into the captive silencedown blankets and fragrant tea warming your hands and nose.She's that safe place at the edge of the bedwhere life stories are shared,sometimes sweat and seed is spilledsometimes you watch your lover put on her socks and run late the
She Could Never...
She never could see the forest for the trees. She never could admit it wasn't reality. She never could get her feet moving. She could not see things clear. She could never focus. She could never believe that this was her life. She could never leave. She could never dream. She could not aspire to something higher. She never could move on. She could never be comfortable in her own skin. She never felt warm. She could not give love anymore. She never thought empty could feel so empty.
She Can't See It
Why can't she see it,When I know its there.When I tell her about it,It seems as if she doesn't care. She goes on with her life,Doesn't give it the time of day.Its not something that matters,Its just her,its her way. I plead my case to her,She tells me I'm to kind.She tells me to let it go,Like her,I can't get it out of my mind. If she could only see herself,Through my eyes someday.Maybe then I could convince her,At least in some small way. Her smile to me,Like the rising of the sun.May it be in my life,Till my time is done.
She Can Take Care Of......
she can take care of her self... she walked long way to get to the moon one night. Seen the sky black... just some thoughts one time she spend the night under the stars with a lover wounder what this all about. Had no clue what to say about all the love stuff. Had to much to drink that night sleep in his arms he was so wrong to her. Had to go away...  time for her to be free... the night was over it's been over for years long, long, years to be free... to write and see the world. Dear friend help her see the light... see the light.. set her free set her free.. she can take care of her self..she walk long way to get to the moon one night...   bY cHristine  the MooN oN the LeFt MOoN On tHe RIgHt  doNt cRy..BabY
She Changed My World ,
she has got me to the point where i will marry her in a 1/4 heart beat , i am not hiding anything from her i love to talk to her , joke with her  make her laugh her ass off and and very willing to say ( kl,p m ) i love you very much heart and soul , however  i also like to talk about more serious stuff too,so we know where each other is (head wise) . you could say i am a bit of an romantic kind of guy and willing to say men make stupid mistakes , the one thing she has shown me is that she deeply cares and loves me as i do for her too ! she has changed my world in more ways than i can list , however here are a few , she has grabbed my heart alot sooner than anyone else , she broke my barriers much sooner than onyone else , she has given me a new passion for life and helping others when ever possible and not to mention  she will be here in 7 days and by this time this coming sunday i will be at the airport waiting for her plane which is due at one hr from now ! unless theres som
She Came From Heaven
I wrote this for my Director where I work for her birthday and presented to her. It's called 'She came from heaven' On this day of 17th November, the season of fall. From heaven the angels call. Brought into this world, a beautiful child! It is then, our Lord smiled.   Joyous times from all your years. Each and every one you hold so dear. It is not of this day you are growing old. The reflection of your life is what makes you glow.   This is your day and a life to live. There is much in your heart that truly gives. You are of perfection in every way. I wish you a wonderful Happy Birthday!   Written by:  Michael Dougherty Titled:  She Came From Heaven
She Did It Thats Why I Cant Move On But I Think Im Doing It Now Thank U Baby
Papa Roach- Lips of an AngelAdd to My Profile | More Videos
She Devil
Currently our top selling design! "She Devil" wasn't really created to be Halloween wear but it seems that the month of October made it so. I guess it could be the perfect costume when you don't really want to dress up! The design is simple but effective, featuring a semi-metallic effect the design shins off every product it's on. The cutest little touch is the devil horns encapsulating the words; it's that feature that makes the design stand out from the crowd and more than just a font. Feature here on the black cap sleeve tee it's available on lots of other products as both back and front prints. Head on over to the store and check it out;
Shedding Tears
I woke this morning feel like million bucks but time it was 10 am all those feelings began to drain.. I starting to feel tears in my eyes and pain in my soul once again back to feeling all alone.. I look around and see things around me that make me smile and make me gleam.. but when I look in side I see a pain a feeling of emptiness that just will not pass me by.. I have fallen into an abyss of trusting no one.. To living my life alone with out that special someone.. I almost did something I thought I would never do but then again what else was there to do.. No one wants a relationship they want a fuck a lay or something to pass the time away.. I my self at times don't want the headache and aggravation of having someone.. but what do you do when you feel such a void do you sit there and cry or do you keep on walking with your head high.. Love is such a remarkable thing but it more then once almost killed me emotionally.. To give your all and be left with an empty heart or to be cas
She Didn't Belong To Me...
She Don't Use Jelly...
The Flaming Lips!
After seeing a bulletin yesterday about myspace accounts and profiles that had been deleted, I went to check mine and my god there were thousands of them, so I have just spent hours deleting them, I must have deleted over 4000 accounts, I also didnt realise how many contest sites or layout sites, anyway got the lot for now, but will be more wary of who I add, if it wasnt for the project I think I probably would have deleted the lot.
She'd Give Anything
She's waiting for someone who could turn her life around, Someone who could make her feel, The way she used to feel, but he never comes. She dating, but no one that she cares to talk about. And all the flowers in the world Don't amount to much: what she wants is love. And she'd give anything and everything to fall in love. Just this one time, she'd like to find, What she's been dreaming of. She can find someone to hold her, But that wouldn't be enough. She'd give anything to fall in love. Now she's looking just like she'd rather be someplace else. Staring across the bar, lost in herself, Will he ever come? 'Cos she'd give anything and everything to fall in love. Just this one time, she'd like to find, What she's been dreaming of. She can find someone to hold her, But that wouldn't be enough. She'd give anything to fall in love. She's gonna keep on making wishes; She's gonna keep on being strong; She won't settle less than true love; She's gonna keep on h
Shedding Tears
Because It hurt so much ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Because I felt the stabbing Because I love you I cry when you say goodbye I cry when you say leave me I cry when you say forget it Pain of the soul Pain of the mind Pain of the heart Shedding tears Shedding dreams Shedding the pain Lost virginity Lost family Lost love
She Dont Use Jelly
Myspace Layouts :: Funny Videos :: Music Video Codes
She Dreams Of Forever
she dreams of forever she dreams of it now her dreams will be broken someway somehow forever is never for real you see forever's a prison a captivity never forever never will i together forever for sure i will try i don't understand it i cannot conceive how long is forever and how will it be i come to release you i come destroy the walls the confine you away from it all i'll give you forever forever to choose i'll wait here forever and hope that you do forever the victim forever the pain forever the sorrow forever the game indentured forever a heart on a chain forever in slavery forever again
She Doesn't Know What A Gift She Is
She doesn't know, what a gift she is. All her younger years, she was teased and ridiculed. Never picked for a team, she was just what was left over. Never pretty like the prettiest girls. Never as graceful as the dancers. She calls herself an Ugly Duckling. But we all know that the Ugly Duckling, grew up to be a swan. She does not see that in herself. She has scars from her past. But, even with those scars. She has a loving and forgiving heart. She doesn't know what a gift she is. ~© Heart-N-Quill 2004 ~
She Died Today...
My friend Sandy P. died this morning of complications from liver disease... Sandy, may you finally be at peace now. No more struggles, no more pain. No more sadness, no more bullshit... Never alone, never again my friend... Everyone that you came in contact with that I know, will never forget you. You were an amazing woman Sandy and you will be missed... Today, you have made me realize just how short life can really be. I already knew that, but your death just reinforced it for me... Today in death, you have given me gratitude Sandy. You have also given me love. You have made me see that no matter how crazy and fucked up we are, we are still loved by many, many people that have surrounded us on this journey of life... You were/are a very lucky lady Sandy, and I for one will miss seeing you around... Be well my friend... See you when I get there!!! Love, Wendi
She Disobeyed Him,....again
"Slut! I'm home!" He called to her as she hurried from upstairs to meet him at the front door. She had heard him opening it and cursed herself for not being in time. She ran down the stairs and around the corner to stand in front of him. She spread her legs and clasped her hands behind her neck, elbows out, for his inspection. She was wearing 6 inch black stiletto heels, thigh high black fishnet stockings, crotchless leather panties and an open-cup black bra. Around her neck, she wore a padlocked leather collar, to which he held the only key. He also held the only key to her closet, where he locked up her clothing when he left in the morning, to ensure she wouldn't leave the apartment without permission. "Where the hell were you, slut? Sitting upstairs, doing nothing but playing on my computer?" He scolded her, even as he looked approvingly at her body, not moving from inside the door. Even in her heels, he towered over her. He motioned ever-so-slightly with a nod of
She Died
beautiful and white only a couple days oldd and she was murdered by fucking lulu ... im sorry kitty ... i just found out a minute ago i went to my moms to get some stuff to take to my housse and my sister told me that lulu killed her im sooo sad
She Doesn't Know
It’s killing me to know she’s in pain I want to know what’s going on in her brain All I want is for her to know she’s loved And that in life, she won’t always be shoved It tears me up to see her cry If I could read her mind, then I’d know why she wants to die What has happened to hurt her so much? I’d let her lean on me, if she’d let me be her crutch She feels that she has no one But she has everyone Everyone she needs Family and friends see her dying eyes plead For something she wants but doesn’t know she already has It might not be the kind she wants but its love all in the same To have her think she’ll always be alone is a shame Cause it’s not true There will be someone to help her through If only she’d believe me when I said she was pretty But she doesn’t see it and it’s a pity That she doesn’t know her beauty
She Didn't Know
She didn't know, That he'd be falling into her life. She didn't know. She hadnt planed it. She didn't know, She'd fall in love. She didn't know! All she knew, Was she was afraid, Of getting hurt again. Yet she sits back, And slowly falls in love. Even with the fear, She has hope for him. And she wont let the past screw this one up.
Shedding Some Light
So, I have a friend who is a very talented lighting designer. He works in the film industry, and you have seen his work in many movies and television shows. He and I spent some time catching up recently, and it reminded me of a wonderful story he told about when he first went to California. Like many people trying to break into the industry, he had a very difficult time of it at first. And, like many people with technical skills, he eventually found himself forced to work in the adult film industry until he could break into the mainstream entertainment business. On his first day, he arrived on the set. He was ashamed and embarrassed. He was told he would be working on key lighting. In most productions, the key light is the main source of light for a scene. He expected to find some decent equipment, but he knew he was in trouble when he was instead handed a flashlight. The performers got down to business and my friend dutifully pointed the light at the scene, keeping his
She Did It Again
She is ignoring me again. I thought that things were different now after she answered my last 2 emails on myspace. I tried to contact her today and all I got was a reply that said - Steph you are such a nice girl at times why don't you stop obsessing and go find a man? You can't hold onto the idea of what you lost or what you never had forever. What did I tell Mike all the time? Embrace and admit to your past but learn to let it go, embrace and live your present because it can end at any moment, and be optimistic about your future because you never know who or what it holds or you. Steph that is something that you need to think about right now. Yes, I know Mike is gone and honey he is not coming back, ever so forget about him and move on. I know you think you love me but honey it is all just some weird form of compensation in your mind, maybe you think if you love me then I'll bring Mike back to you, but it is never going to happen. As it is right now Steph I can't deal wi
She Did What With Who?? Omg
lol nah i dont know the latest trash about someone but while your here come rate and bomb me in a contest i know i dont have a really cool car or anything but its decent and its my first contest and id really like to win Please Click the photo below to vote for me Thanks ill owe you in the future
She Drives Me Crazy
She Did It Again!!!
She Did It
Well friends she did it. Bethany took her permit test today and passed. I took her out driving for about an hour today. She isnt to bad, BUT her turning leaves alot to be desired,,lol. YIKES
She Dances
When she danced it all fell away and she was taken from the sticky stage, the catcalls, wolf whistles, and leering eyes - it all fell away and it was just her and Van and she was a brown-eyed girl. But the music always ended. Cigarette smoke carved her up and two clammy hands would cling to her discarded camisole. © All rights reserved
She Dont Wana Lol
She Doesn't Know I Exist
She Dose Awesome Bullitens
ALL THE OWNERS ARE HERE COME VISIT US!!!!!CLICK PIC BELOW TO ENTER HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!!! (repost of original by '*DJ_LIL_WOLF*co-owner *HF&BS* {Dj Shad0w Wolf} (rl wifey)' on '2007-10-22 13:58:15') (repost of original by '{Dj Shad0wWolf }' on '2007-10-22 13:59:29')
Zingerbug on imikimi - Customize Your World
She Did It!!
LisaSweet is now a GodMother of Fubar!!! Please stop by & congratulate her if you can. lisasweet ~ member of sunshine angels friends club@ fubar To all those on my friends list that helped... You are just the best! ~*~XOXO~*Lizzy
Shed Some Light
I'm falling apart again And I can't find a way to make amends And I'm looking in both directions But it's make believe, it's all pretend So... Shed some light on me And hold me up in disbelief And shed some light on me And tell me something that I'll believe in It's innocence within the maze But I have chosen the wrong way I'm still getting over who I was There's no sense of trust, there's no definition of love So... Shed some light on me And hold me up in disbelief And shed some light on me And tell me something that I'll believe in I know now, it's not who you are It's who you know And I see clearly now, which way to go I remember the way I fell from above And I recall the way I was So... Shed some light on me And hold me up in disbelief And shed some light on me And tell me something that I'll believe in Shed some ling on me And hold me up in disbelief And shed some light on me And tell me something that I'll believe Tell me something that I
She Drives Me Crazy
Band : Fine young cannibals Song & lyrics : Fine young cannibals I cant stop The way I feel Things you do Dont seem real Tell you what I got in mind cause were runnin out of time Wont you ever set me free? This waitin rounds killin me She drives me crazy Like no one else She drives me crazy And I cant help myself I cant get Any rest People say Im obsessed Everything thats serious lasts But to me theres no surprise What I have, I knew was true Things go wrong, they always do She drives me crazy Like no one else She drives me crazy And I cant help myself I wont make it, On my own No on likes, To be alone She drives me crazy Like no one else She drives me crazy And I cant help myself Uh huh huh She drives me crazy Like no one else She drives me crazy And I cant help myself Uh huh huh She drives me crazy Like no one else She drives me crazy And I cant help myself
She Dumped Me.....
Folks are strange. more often than not, i think we put ourselves into situations, we can change and chose not to. Or set ourselves up subconsciously more than our worst enemy ever could. Fear whats good, and crave whats bad. Boy people are strange. Finding things to hate, looking over your shoulder, trusting no one, seems kinda lonely to me, who wants to be chained by angst? or driven by worry? seems repetitive and common to me... i'll dance and hug, and love, and all that lonelyness....can be yours.
Shedding Dead Weight
First of all thanks for reading this little diatribe lol...we have way too many friends on our list that we dont hear from any at all (even when we leave comments,rates,or love). If you would like to stay please let us know so we dont delete a true friend by accident.
She Died Alone
She Died Alone Alone, inside this world; she ran A little girl: afraid Scared to live [to breathe this air!] Stumbling to where her demons laid. Captive in her dreams She cried and hid away Waking in her screams She searched for.. Another way A mist her fearful nights An angel called her name Promised her the world [promised to ease her pain] Awaken in her dream [she runs] To find a world Full of demons and guns She beckoned her demons leave Pleading death; she cried In love with her angel; she sighed Afraid to live; She died.
She Did A Number On Me
Wow she really did a number on me. I find myself drinking more just to fight the urge to call her txt her bug her. I was so in love with this girl willing to make my life revolve around her All I wanted was to show her that people would love her no matter what her issues were I never wanted to change her I just wanted lover her and treat her the way I felt she should be treated but I guess my love, my unconditional love was just not enough I can believe I lost her I still believe she is so perfect to me and I fear I will never get her back and that is what hurts the most she know more of me than anyone including the mother of my son and I lost her to what to whom I'm lost I guess I just love to much and will always be my undoing because I know I will never change. I just want to die sometimes the only thing keeping me here is my son Thank GOD for him I can no wait to blow this town because I can not go anywhere without being reminded of her Cheryl,
Shed So Many Tears
She Dreams My Mind
I lay here and watch you sleep, and smile drift across your face. my heart longs to be in your dreams, To join you in that wonderful place. To be in your mind,your thoughts, While your eyes are at rest. To fill your world,day and night, Is something I have always wished. You whisper "darlin day or night" As your eyes open towards me. "Your heart awake or in my dreams" "Is all I want to see."
Shed My Skin
I am not alone I live with the memories regret is my home This is my true freedom Express all the feelings of what I've become I watch the rising sun I hope I find some peace today It seems I've gone away It seems I've lost myself It seems really lost my way It seems I've lost myself It seems I've Shed my skin Are you ready for me Or purge my love Are you ready for me A bitter sinking feeling Awake to the fact there's no going back To the world in which I was living I'm searching for something but found less than nothing I watch the rising sun I hope I find some peace today It seems I've gone away It seems I've lost myself It seems really lost my way It seems I've lost myself It seems I've Shed my skin Are you ready for me Or purge my love Are you ready for me Oh 'cause I'm dying to feel What I have lost Oh and what I was All my life I've waited Endless days have taken Taken what made me free Years have gone I'm broken Left the pa
She Didn't Know When To Shut Up... Do You?
She Drove A Failmobile...
This 32yo female was so kind as to demonstrate the kind of message that will get you ignored. She walked in and pooped fail all over the place: > === 'Fail' wrote the following at '2008-05-01 06:37:48'.. > > > > WOW what a mesg i can very much agree wit u about ur about me ...I am also not bout NSFW PICS either lol they r a turn off 2 &..the points also here 2 met new ppl n love 2 chat ... LOVE UR PAGE ... YOU GO BROTHER LOL I think she is referring to my rules under about me... The one's that demand legible writing and a minimum of acronyms... === 'Sand Eater' wrote the following at '2008-05-01 06:42:18'.. > > omg is this message coded?... lmao! Glad you liked it, sister. Chat me up any time but I'll need more letters included to understand you. > 'Fail' okie dokie bro lol ... whenevr ur ready 2 chat send a shout lol Oh,sure, can't wait to talk to you over the fucking shoutbox... I have nothing better to do than decode your BS.
She Didn't!
I have reopened my lounge! I haven't really paid much attention to it with everything going on lately! But, I am back! and will definitely pay more attention now! I want to thank my friends that have already joined it! As well as, ask all my other friends to come join me! I will b in there daily from now on! Come hang out, have fun. Share a few drinks! Hope to see you there! I am asking my two fave fu~friends to help me by being co~owners! Check them out! Click each name!
Shedding Skin By Pantera
I don't want you to look at me while I'm shedding skin. I can't afford for you to see what's in. I'd rather shoot myself than have you watch me. I feel you'd steal my skin to try and wear me. I was betrayed, one more day of my short life. You were carried away. You had no shame. To suffocate my being. I was me, but you weren't you. You were sticking to me like a scab... so I peeled you away, and bled for days. Then stepped out of myself. I'm shedding skin, changing within, I'm falling in. Through swollen eyes, I dreamed you died, caught inside. I'm shedding skin, spreading thin, severed stem. I created the end, I'm killing a friend. I'm shedding my skin. I don't think you belong in here, I feel I'm sick. Don't ask because you know damn well where I've been. I've kept a simple woman through the thick and thin. But I've found the guts to sever from my Siamese twin. I throw you away. Everyday. A dead part of life. Strangling back. Seething black. In between
Sheding Skin
shedding skin and when the day's done, hope, you expect a better end, unfulfilled oaths andheartaches, yet, just cause you're wandering in the desert, that doesn't necessarily mean there's a promised land... so desecrate, destroy, root them out... anyways they never deserved their place there...
She Didnt Even Have The Decency To Call.
Pr3tty Toy (1:40:18 AM): hey caruso663 (1:40:28 AM): hey! Pr3tty Toy (1:40:39 AM): what's up? caruso663 (1:40:50 AM): you dont answer your phone Pr3tty Toy (1:40:57 AM): sorry. caruso663 (1:41:06 AM): s'ok caruso663 (1:41:13 AM): thought you were mad at me Pr3tty Toy (1:41:37 AM): ;x caruso663 (1:41:56 AM): arent right? Pr3tty Toy (1:43:28 AM): eh, no caruso663 (1:43:36 AM): eh? caruso663 (1:43:41 AM): whats eh? Pr3tty Toy (1:43:46 AM): a word caruso663 (1:43:54 AM): meaning? Pr3tty Toy (1:44:01 AM): look it up caruso663 (1:44:08 AM): ok caruso663 (1:44:10 AM): lol caruso663 (1:45:04 AM): (an interrogative utterance, usually expressing surprise or doubt or seeking confirmation). Pr3tty Toy (1:45:19 AM): wow caruso663 (1:45:47 AM): you told me to caruso663 (1:45:48 AM): lol caruso663 (1:46:08 AM): so can i call joo Pr3tty Toy (1:46:45 AM): um, hold on caruso663 (1:52:32 AM): well? Pr3tty Toy (1:52:40 AM): um. caruso663 (1:53:01 AM): too late? Pr3tty To
She- Devil
A she-devils hands at play Kiss the lips Of a demon! Where bad things stir, like bodily fluids... Worshipping a woman, A mystery... Sins lie, on a bed of roses Where our sweat drips like blood from a teary eye Bathed in envy's glow Entombed by desires of the flesh Our voices vibrate the walls Clawing my nails Blood flowing down your back Breaking skin with my teeth Looking up from where you belong, underneath me! Longing to find life in my eyes Your body cries to be free Disguised by beauty "She is the devil herself!" I could be... And still... They choose not to refuse me Temptations ascend... Pathetic fools Do you think this is only a big boys game? I could crush you all, the hunted animals you are That by night unveils, a drunken lust Whose passion prevails Allured by the sky, lit with her devil eyes Enticing by purest disguise
She Dances
In my dreams she dances, Her body sways in rhythm, She twirls with passion and grace. Strands of her hair brush against my face, Her eyes a glow from the fire within. Into my soul she glances. For a moment we are one. For a single heartbeat I am whole. Her blood burns within my veins A breath and no more before it wanes. She leaves me with an aching soul. For a moment come and gone. A lifetime of missed chances, Cannot destroy the beauty within. I brush a tear from her face. I hold her hand as we both fall from grace. Her tears fall in rhythm, But in my dreams she still dances.
She Dating My Ex Who Doesnt Give A Fuck About His Kids
Philly i really don't give a fuck if your going to date my exes but i just want you to know that when shit goes wrong don't you dare come to me with your problems. Not only are you bringing someone who stocked me for two years into a place that i frequent but you also made me feel unwelcome in my surrounding. keep your psycho boyfriend away from me.If you get impregnated by this Nazi not only will i fear for you but the life of your child as well.This man already has two children, hes 26 years old now and he still doesn't have a job.He doesn't make any real effort to support his children and in fact would rather spend his time going to the bar and spend what little money he has on beer and cigarettes.He will make you feel important but at the cost of his sorry but when someone becomes a parent the first priority should be there kids... not spending every waking minute with there Girlfriend.i know its kinda crappy for you to have to share but you really shouldn't be coming
Shedding Some Light
A friend of mine with a pagan background told me I have this ability to draw men in then have them feel emotionally and sexually attracted to me when we meet. It is an empowering feeling but somewhere after it fizzles, don't get me wrong the connection and friendship remains... Instead of the natural order being friends an attraction and growing frome there... I'm not sure what it is I'm a go with the flow type of person and I try not to stress anything...If anything I try to learn from the experience...and I am and I'm not...I think the ones that don't work just weren't meant to be but on the oter hand there are so many I'm begining to wonder if the error is on my part...? If this ability is true than how can I maintane it so it would work to benifit everyone?
She Don't Want The World....
The open wound she hides She just keeps it bundled up And never lets it show She can't take much more of this But she can't let it go And that's ok, she don't want the world All the things she says While he's just lying there Without someone to hear her cry She slips off into a dream About a place to hide And that's ok, she don't want the world This love she feels Everything she's ever known Or ever thought was real Seems like it's been thrown away Now how's she gonna live It's ok, she don't want the world Those words he never spoke Haunt her life, the memories Of all the times before She tried to show him love While he would only ask for more But it's ok, she don't want the world Softly in her sleep Pictures of the life she's longing For slowly appear She's seen them all before But somehow never quite this clear She just smiles, she don't want the world This love she feels Everything she's ever known Or ever thought was real Seems like it's b
Shedding The Hatred...
...I'm not good at this whole "blog" thing, so please bare with me... =P I'm a news-hound, I admit it. I especially like to watch the BBC news. Nice to see some "real news" that doesn't concern the latest winner on "American Idol" or who the fuck shot 50-Cent THIS week... As I watched the global news, I DID feel even PROUDER of being an American!!! It seems the world has seen America as a country built on the backs of slaves... ...though I could easily point the finger back at MANY of "civil" countries, it's not my point... The world was proud that one of it's youngest countries (yet oldest democracy) has risen up beyond the darkest time in it's short history. "America has a BLACK president"..... Now, I hope we can shed the hatred... Now, I hope we can get back to the issues... ....oh wait, it never WAS about the issues, just history right?!? See me in four?!? JAI 2012!
Sheds 140 Pounds To Join Marines
Maine man sheds 140 pounds to join the Marines LEWISTON, Maine – Army and Navy recruiters took one look at 330-pound Ulysses Milana and told him to forget about joining. "'You've got to lose weight,'" Milana remembers them saying. But Marine recruiters were willing to work with him as he began his weight-loss journey in December 2007. Now, 11 months later, Milana is 140 pounds lighter as he leaves Monday for Parris Island, S.C., to begin boot camp. It wasn't easy, Milana said, but he managed to slim down through exercise, healthier eating habits and forgoing an occasional beer after work. The 23-year-old said he even refused a beer at his going-away party Saturday night. Milana said he always wanted to follow in his family's footsteps by serving his country. His wife, Latoya, also comes from a military family. Much of his weight-loss motivation came from Latoya, a nurse, who helped him reduce his calorie intake when he began his effort in earnest last December.
She Did What?
She Didnt Have Time
The "she Dates Black Men" Dopler Radar. I Haz It?
i recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine a few days ago concerning weather or not black men could tell if black men in fact have a radar when it comes to knowing weather or not women of a different race date black men. i proceeded to tell her that i for one do not. i mean outside of the obvious clues such as over the top ghetto dress,speach and slang, it's really hard for me to tell. now i can really only speak for myself on this matter so take it as you will. i never have been one to approach a woman who was excruciatingly ghetto in mannerizms or appearance. that's just me. none of the females in my family were like that so i tend to gravitate twards women who act themselves at all times, regardless of who they so choose to date or what form of music they wish to listen to. which brings me to another point. i listen to a plethora of different music which usually leaves me open to be comfortable around all walks of people. from metal heads to classic rockers to t
She'd Love To Have The Last Word After My Last Words
you wrote a death wish and i'm on it will santa reap the gift for you soon? gave me a death sentence with many reasons will you finish or is it a paragraph? signed my death warrant time running out is it pills or pull the trigger for you? issued a death certificate i graduated and you're elated why didnt it happen so fast?
She Didn't Have Time
Terri Clark   More CMT Music   More CMT Music Videos He said goodbye from the edge of the porch Like she'd been some casual friend He said "You're better off without me, I'm not what you need" like her momma had said about him He started the car pulled out of the drive didn't waste anytime lookin back She watched him go thinkin even a stranger would show more compassion than that [Chorus:] She could've cried but she didn't have time She had a baby to feed, a pink blanket to find, to rock their little one to sleep She could've laid in bed for hours giving misery the power But she didn't have time She got a sitter and she got a job 'cause she had a promise to keep Her day was a factory and evenin survival and night was exhaustion and sleep Sometimes she felt life was passing her by and watching was all she could do Her friends said "You gotta get outta the house and maybe you'll meet someone new" [Chorus:] She could've tried but she didn't have time She had a
She Did It For The Lulz!
so i hear my ex's girlfriend moved out on him. she moved in monday. yesterday he went home for lunch and she kissed him and told him she loved him, then moved out before he got back home. i'm pissed because i didn't do it first.
She Devils Paradoxx
♪ She Don't Want The World ~ 3 Doors Down ♪
The open wound she hides... She just keeps it bundled up, and never lets it show. She can't take much more of this, but, she can't let it go. And that's ok...She don't want the world.   And all the things she says... Well, he's just laying there, without someone to hear her cry. She slips off into a dream about a place to hide.   And that's ok...She don't want the world.   This love she feels.. Everything she's ever known or ever thought was real. Seems like it's been thrown away. Now, how's she gonna live?   It's ok...She don't want the world. ~   Those words he never spoke... hold her like the memories of all the times before.
She Don't Want The World
"She Don't Want The World" The open wound she hides She just keeps it bundled up And never lets it show She can't take much more of this But she can't let it go And that's ok, she don't want the world All the things she says While he's just lying there Without someone to hear her cry She slips off into a dream About a place to hide And that's ok, she don't want the world This love she feels Everything she's ever known Or ever thought was real Seems like it's been thrown away Now how's she gonna live It's ok, she don't want the world Those words he never spoke Haunt her life, the memories Of all the times before She tried to show him love While he would only ask for more But it's ok, she don't want the world Softly in her sleep Pictures of the life she's longing For slowly appear She's seen them all before But somehow never quite this clear She just smiles, she don't want the world This love she feels Everything she's ever known Or ever thought was real Seems like it's been thrown
She Died Of A Broken Heart
Smeared make-up,and sorrowful tears.Stain the beautiful face,that he had promised to love for all his years.Her eyes are bloodshot,from hours of crying.He said he was in love,but the whole time he was lying.He used her and abused her,then just walked away.Shattering her broken heart,without remorse or dismay.She no longer had any will to live,and blood quickly covered the knife.Thanks to his selfish ways,at age 16 this beautiful girl took her life.
She Dont Want The World
The open wound she hides,she just keeps it boundled upand never lets it show.She can't take much more of thisbut she can't let it go.That's ok, she don't want the worldAnd all the things she says,he's just lying therewithout someone to hear her cry.She slipps off into a dreamabout a place to hide.That's ok, she don't want the worldThis love she feels,and everything she's ever knownor ever thought was real.Seems like it's got thrown awaynow how's she gonna liveIt's ok, she don't want the worldThose words he never spokehonor like the memories
Shedden, 51, Served As
SAN DIEGO -- Chicago Cubs right-hander Matt Garza has been placed on the 15-day disabled list and will be shut down "indefinitely," general manager Jed Hoyer said Monday. Aaron Hernandez Pink Jersey . Garza hasnt pitched since he felt stiffness in his right elbow in a July 21 start at St. Louis. An MRI of his elbow showed some irritation at the tip of a bone in what is being characterized a "stress reaction." Hoyer said Garza wont throw for at least two weeks, but he didnt rule out the possibility of his return this season. Garza was 5-7 with a 3.91 ERA in 18 starts. Raley was 4-8 with a 3.62 ERA in 14 starts with Triple-A Iowa. The Cubs are expected to recall left-hander Brooks Raley to make his major league debut Tuesday in San Diego. Tavon Wilson Jersey . Cunningham was selected by the Portland Trail Blazers in the second round of the 2009 NBA draft. In three seasons, the 6-foot-8 forward has averaged 5.2 points, on 48. Wes Welker Youth Jersey . Shedden, 51, served as an assistant c
She Don't Write Songs - Macy Gray
She may be pretty got more money than me but she don't writeSongs about you. She's always cooking and studying books andBut she don't write songs about you.There's a place that's good for me got money skies and fruityTrees and trust me love is on the way. Baby baby satisfactionFills the air and holds me close like teddy bears and it's a Sunshiny day even when it's cold and dark outside, inside theSexy people screaming that they love me cause I'm macy gray.Crazy crazy, when the party ends and all the angels areMy friends they see me they say: hey heyShe may be pretty got more money than me but she don't writeSongs about you. She's always cooking and studying books andBut she don't write songs about you.In this place the things I cherish last forever and whoeverEnters has a song to sing. They go: "lalalalalalalalalala, Dooobeedooo." Even when it's cold and dark outside, insideThe sexy people screaming that they love me cause I'm macyGray. Crazy crazy, when the party never ends and all th
She Doesn't Know
She doesn't know her love for youshe just knows she feels so different when she is with you She doesn't know her desire for youShe just knows she wants your touch She doesn't know why when you touch herShe feels safe She doesn't know she needs youShe just knows that the thought of you makes her feel secure She doesn't know that when you look her in the eyesYou can see it all She doesn't know you already knowShe is ready to fall at your feet and serve your every need She doesn't know why when your goneShe feels so alone She doesn't know why she feels the way she doesShe just knows that in that moment she just doesn't want it any other way She doesnt realize her heart has already taken steps her mind doesn't want toShe pushes those thoughts away as if they never existed To her you are all she needs and she is not willing to face that To her she sees no other the same way, but she isn't willing to jump right in. She doesn't know where life will take her and as long as you are t
Sheer Numbers
The number of people that respond on this thing is absolutly amazing! My friend has been telling me about it for weeks so I said to myself,"self, let's take a look" and wow wow wow. At this rate you will have myspace's ass kicked in no time!! The number rating thing is kinda dorky though. Who wants to insult anyone by giving less than 10s? No one as far as I can tell. Not all of us are 10s. The whole world can't be! Nonetheless I give this site a 9.75 . Cheers!
Bang bang I am dead I put that bottle to my head, I told them I wanted it this way, to hold my head in shame, rather than live in pain, now that I am gone every one will just move on, nothing big nothing bold I like this place even if it’s cold, when I felt myself falling away, knowing I was dieing this day, I said I love you mama even if she didn’t hear, no one cares no one dreams, no one sees these disturbing things, my scars upon my arms the ones that cause such alarm, no one notices when I am low, or cares where I go, and now that I am gone I was right, every one did move on, Long story short people are selfish, stubborn, and mean, I could only hope for something, that was my death, the death I could not bring, I hate this life I hate my ex wife, my heart is broken my life a wasted token all that I am is broken, a hero, another yet unspoken, a dreamer full of dreams, a life of memories, haunted by my seasons, my pain, my fear, the voice of a little girl, screaming please not here,
Sheer Frustration...
I figured being a mom would be hard...but not THIS hard. He's been fed, burped, changed, is currently being held and stroked..nothing works. I'm tearing my hair out in frustration.
Sheeeesh How Does It Know Me Soo Well?
- Verna's Sexy Acronym - Vis for...VoluptuousEis for...EnticingRis for...RousingNis for...NakedAis for...Appetizing The Sexy Acronym Generator at
Sheer Black Pantyhose
What is it about sheer black pantyhose? My friend Olivia just loves to tease me when we meet or lunch or dinner now and then her his prada spiked heels and her sheer black silky nylons. He has the most amazing legs I've ever seen. One day, I promise you, that girl will be mine and I will be forever bound to her. Ok, random, I know, but that is me! Olivia, I want you so badly!!!
The Sheets
The sheets were red, silk and soft. She lay on them, her left leg up, her foot flat on the bed. Her arms were stretched above her head fanned beneath by her hair, black as a night without moon or stars. She stared at me with large browns eyes, twin pools sparkling with desire. I was eager to drown in them as eager as I was to drown in her sex. My gaze moved from her eyes, to her lips, ripe with rouge, glistening like an apple plucked at its prime on a dewy morning. Her breasts rose slowly round alabaster mounds eager for my hands to grasp and massage. They were tipped with rosy nipples, hard and yearning. I touched them, my gaze returning to her face. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes as I massaged first her left nipple and then her right and then both enjoying the sweet soft touch of her breasts so warm and soft and welcoming. She moaned and her leg fell flat on the bed. Her back arched and her sex, the sweet smooth mound of milky flesh brushed against my balls as
Sheep Vs. Wife ;-))
One night a man barges into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and stands in front of his wife. "This is the pig I screw when you claim you have a headache," he says. The wife looks at him, half shocked and half confused, and replies, "That's a sheep under your arm." "I wasn't talking to you."
Busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest, I'm trying to get everything together at work before I haul ass to Vegas on Friday! Building rockets is not a boring job, but sometimes I need a break. Anybody want to meet a bunch of crazies in Vegas? It's my birthday! WooHoo! I wanted to say thank you to all the great folks who stop by to say hi and leave me kind words, I swear I'll have more time soon to return the favor! :)
Sheeple Vs People
Sheeple need others (shepherds) to tell them how and what they should think... Think for yourself! Thinking people don't need Shepherds, but Sheeple do! Sheeple need authorities because they don't trust their own still small voices that say "how can that be" or "that seems evil/wrong to me", or "I simply don't see it that way", even if the authority happened to live thousands of years ago in times when what was said, or alleged to have happened, is highly debatable... Sheeple take the easy route of following anothers lead... both in religion and politics! Sheeple are afraid to think for themselves outside the box or stray from the status quo! Sheeple rely on others to think for them on all topics because they don't wish to do or be the wrong thing... You can't be anything but yourself, unless of course you want to be someone else's mind clone - but that is just the fear, guilt and shame based you who has accepted someone else's version of reality instead of your own! If you want to
Sheep, Wolves, And Sheepdogs
ON SHEEP, WOLVES, AND SHEEPDOGS By LTC(RET) Dave Grossman, RANGER, Ph.D.,author of "On Killing." Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age. It does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself. The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for? - William J. Bennett - in a lecture to the United States Naval Academy November 24, 1997 One Vietnam veteran, an old retired colonel, once said this to me: "Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident." This is true. Remember, the murder rate is six per 100,000 per year, and the aggravated assault rate is four per 1,000 per year. What this means is that the vast majority of Americans are no
Sheep, Wolves, And Sheepdogs
On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age. It does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself. The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for? - William J. Bennett - in a lecture to the ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />United States Naval Academy November 24, 1997 One Vietnam veteran, an old retired colonel, once said this to me: "Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident." This is true. Remember, the murder rate is six per 100,000 per year, and the aggravated assault rate is four per 1,000 per year. What this means is that the va
You are all sheep.
Remembering Sheena By Scott for Bonnie I burst with this joyous moment with you, Sheena - your bare flesh against mine, warm and moist; our lips speaking silently across each other's shoulders - the cold morning lost in this unending embrace.
Sheer Stupidity
ever have one of those days when you know how things are going to go just by one thing? this is one of those things. and it could have been avoided if the jerk had just bothered to read my profile. this is what happens in shoutboxes when people don't bother to find out who they're "talking" to: ->julius: grow up and go away! i'm NOT interested! julius: send it pls ->julius: yes and i'm not giving it to you!!! julius: baby do you have msn or yahoo? ->julius: good for you. now learn some manners! julius: i want to see your sexy body i am an admirer of confidence but stupidity is not something to be admired. and it's guys like this that give other men bad reps.
Sheeps, Wolves, And Sheepdogs
William J. Bennett, in a lecture to the United States Naval Academy November 24, 1997 said: "Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident. We may well be in the most violent times in history, but violence is still remarkably rare. They are sheep. Then there are the wolves and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial. Then there are sheepdogs. I'm a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf. If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath, a wolf
Sheez Needs Help!!!!! You Bombers Go Help Her
She is in a give away for a 3 month vip, she has 11,200 comments and needs to get to 25,000 if you guys can help please do so. Have a great week. Here is the photo link,
Sheet Music Even I Can Understand‏
For the musically challenged! I never could read sheet music; now I can!
Sheep Are Not Very Graceful
Another short story...I call it, "sheep are not very graceful" I awake to a soft, monotonous buzz that was as a string of beads being pulled through a handkerchief between my index finger and thumb.. The powerfully bright glow of my digital alarm clock with it's oversized stupid numbers actually brought a twinge of pain to a place behind my eyes. I laid awake remembering or realizing the sound I heard was not really part of a dream I was just having. I noticed a faint light on the wall in the next room. Not a bright light but what may be described as another shade of the darkness. A glow with a slight flicker like toy army soldiers passing between a lit match and my eyes. I quietly arose to follow that sound and the light into the next room which I know as my living room. I slowly stepped to the archway separating the kitchen and the room I presently occupy peeking around the corner. With my heart thumping and half awake self, I came upon all of my cats... all fo
oh wow your reading this but soon its your country that youll miss your time is to precious to care about the vote fuck it right you gotta bran new coat you have time to get get drunk with your friends dont matter much the soliders life that just came to an end but your cell phone got three bars and thats ok pull up to burger king have it your way.... do you even know that soon we will be u.s. canada. mexico! shit why do you care your on a computer chasing cyber underwear. its true i sit and see the same screen i lift my glass full of calveret and toast then scream sheeple sheeple sheeple sheeple ??????? 3.00 dollar gas its hear, listen cause daddys credit card will run dry! Save my AMERICA before she runs dry! sheeple sheeple You got what it takes to vote?
baa, baa, big cock, have you any sperm, yes maam yes maam, 2 balls firm, none 4 the girlfriend, none for the ex, it is all 4 the dirty bitch reading this
Sheer Negligee
A husband walks into Victoria's Secret to purchase a sheer negligee for his wife. He is shown several possibilities that range from $250 to $500 -- the more sheer, the higher the price. Naturally, he opts for the sheerest item, pays the $500, and takes it home. He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it on, and model it for him. Once upstairs, the wife thinks, "I have an idea. It's so sheer that it might as well not be there. I won't put it on, but I'll do the modeling naked. I'll return it tomorrow, and keep the $500 refund for myself." So she appears naked on the balcony and strikes a pose. The husband says, "Good Grief! You'd think for $500, they'd at least iron it!"
Sheesh Am I Having Withdrawals From
Is there anything better than the feel of riding down the road on a harley? (Ok, other than sex...wink) But other than that, really... is there anything better than the wind blowing in your hair? Awesome man who you are totally in love with leaning back into you? Rumbling sound of the awesome bike you are straddling? The feel of the vibrations as you speed up? The freedom of flying down the road? Riding with a group of friends? Riding with just your sweetie? Feeling the sun shining down on you? Seeing the moon shining over head? Personally, I don't think there is a better feeling than that... it is almost like sex on wheels. LOL I am so thankful for getting the opportunity to experience this. So happy to now be a part of all this. I am definitely hooked on it... I can't imagine not being able to ride! THANKS RON FOR THIS JOURNEY YOU HAVE ME ON. I don't understand when someone says it is too cold to ride and the concept of "trailering" your crazy to me
Sheep, Wolves And Sheepdogs
This letter was written by Charles Grennel and his comrades, veterans of the Global War on Terror. Excerpts taken from Lt. Col. David Grossman's book, On Combat. Grennel is an Army Reservist who spent two years in Iraq and was a principal in putting together the first Iraq elections in January 2005. It was written to Jill Edwards, student at the University of Washington, who did not want to honor, Medal of Honor winner, USMC Colonel Greg Boyington. Ms. Edwards and other students and faculty do not think those who serve in the U.S. Armed Services are good role models. ---------------------------------------------------------- To: Jill Edwards, Student, University of Washington Subject: Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs Miss Edwards, I read of your student activity regarding the proposed memorial to Colonel Greg Boyington, USMC and a Medal of Honor winner. I suspect you will receive many angry emails from conservative people like me. You may be too young to appreciate fully the sacrifices of
Sheepishly Stealing Blogs From People Who Steal Them From Others
MOUTHOLOGY: What is your salad dressing of choice? Balsamic Vinaigrette What is your favorite fast food restaurant of choice? McDonald's What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Toss up between Stillwater Grille in town, and Yen King Chinese that's 45 minutes away, where I only get to go about twice a year. On average how much of a tip do you leave at a restaurant? 20%+ What food could u eat everyday for two weeks and not get sick of? Pizza What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pepperoni and extra sauce What do you like on your toast? butter, cinnamon and sugar or raspberry jam TECHNOLOGY: What is your wallpaper on your computer? *hides fubar for a sec* right now it's a pic of my kids but it rotates every 30 minutes How many televisions are in your house? 2 that are used 2 that haven't been turned on in over a year What color cell phone do you have? black BIOLOGY: Are you right-handed or left- handed? I'm a righty :D Have u ever
Shee Needs Your Help!!!
Guys, I will not bore you with my life story. Basically, I met an underage person off of myspace, who said he was 24. As a result, his mom pressed charges and I lost my job as a school teacher. It makes it hard to get a job and earn a living, but I have been working in adult enteretainment. I have made enough money to pay my bills and rent, but learned in a meeting yesterday, I am required to bring so many new people to the site each pay period, and I have not done that yet. I really need this job, and I need 2 more people to sign up before before the pay peroid ends tonight at midnight, via credit or debit card and you cancal immediately. If you do this for me, send me the subcription number as verification and I wil owe you big time, and do something special for you. I was asked would I even go on a date or hook up, and the answer is yes right now. I am in a bid. I just can not lose this job. I need it until November when my probation ends. This i
its been ages since i last checked this out. I guess thats part of the issue when real life gets in the way. But i'm back now, and chatting, posting pics, and catching up with all you sexy people out there ;) Drop by and gimme some love, and it shall be returned
Sheer Pink And Perky
Sheer Pink and Perky Sitting on the couch in my sheer pink dress and silky black knee highs. I couldn't help but out one of my favorite vibrating toy. For you lipstick lovers, I kiss my chest with bright pink lipstick. I suck on my toy and get lipstick all over it. Then I stick it deep into my smoothed wet pussy. This set is for Robert who loves to see closeups of my kitty. It is not to late to get in on my contest. You can get a video and photo set just for you. Don't forget to check out my videos. I have 3 more to CUM early next week. A shaving one and one of me playing with one of my favorite toy. then last one is a titty fucking one. XOXO Love XOXO Exotic Flame -- Hugs and Kisses Exotic Flame
She Entered Her First Contest
Sheep Sleep
What do sheep count jumping the gate to help them sleep i wonder.....hhmmmm.
A co worker sent me to this article. Kinda long... Teen commits suicide in front of Webcam By Rasha Madkour updated 50 minutes ago FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida - A South Florida teen died of a lethal drug overdose in front of a live online webcam audience 12 hours after he started blogging about his plan to commit suicide, an investigator said Friday. Abraham Biggs, 19, died Wednesday from a toxic combination of opiates and benzodiazepine, a drug used to treat insomnia and depression, said Wendy Crane, an investigator with the Broward County medical examiner's office. At least one of the drugs was prescribed to him and it's unclear how he got the others, Crane said. Some of those watching encouraged Biggs, others tried to talk him out of it, and a few were debating whether the dose he took was lethal, Crane said. It's unclear how many people were watching. Biggs stated his intentions on a forum at, where some users said they did not take him seriousl
Sheen Apathy...
Titians battle and crusade across the realms Destruction lay behind, worlds that have fell.. Wars for heaven and hell.. Lies lies lies … that's all they sell… Sitting in a darkened room.. Alone.. Silent hell Standing in a crowed street, still feeling incomplete.. Hidden in plain sight.. These feelings just cant be right.. The blade across the skin.. The feeling to strong to defend.. The drop upon the tongue.. Will they ever see the sun.. Nothing as fake as the smile.. That they flash all the while.. No voice to control them all.. No hand to save their resolve… Behind lying eyes.. Souls burn as one of the same kind.. No different from you or I … Tell me child.. Do you see the world? Or hide.. Behind created lies….
Sheer Nightgown
Sheer Nightgown A husband walks into Victoria 's Secret to purchase a sheer negligee for his wife. He is shown several possibilities that range from $250 to $500 in price -- the more sheer, the higher the price. Naturally, he opts for the most sheer item, pays the $500, and takes it home. He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it on, and model it for him. Upstairs the wife thinks (she's no dummy-), 'I have an idea. It's so sheer that it might as well be nothing. I won't put it on, but I'll do the modeling naked, return it tomorrow, and keep the $500 refund for myself.' She appears naked on the balcony and strikes a pose. The husband says, 'Good Grief! You'd think for $500, they'd at least iron it !' He never heard the shot. Funeral on Thursday at Noon . Closed coffin.
Sheet Music
the SCORE the rain pours us a drink as I sit down for the perfect dinner THE DEPTHS OF A sensual evening detour signs warned me lustful intoxication scorned me but I chose my own path driving wreckless talking out my feelings yearning anticipation to get there to expose right there to make it last wax on wax off DAMN your skin is so soft erotic symposium THE ENTITY had focus divulge a discovery that was impecable kissing you on one cheek then the other one harmony rode shotgun as you bend infront of me my instrument plays a rhapsody continuously following your notes I read the melody of the song you provided the sheet music for me to use it as I remove your thong determined to make it last all night long sliding to the side forming meaning like a play rehearsed letting go of fear the lines reveal a sign inside you thighs holds th
Sheep, Love, And Everything
1]How tall are you barefoot? about 6' 2] Have you ever smoked heroin? Nope. 3] Do you own a gun? Nope. 4] Rehab? Its for quitters 5] Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? i always end up humiliating myself 6] What do you think of your friends? Wat? 7] What's your favorite Christmas song? FAIRYTALE OF NEW YORK 8] What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee 9] Do you do push-ups? Oddly, my fat ass can, yes 10] Have you ever done ecstasy? not yet 11] Are you vegetarian? Nein 12] Do you like painkillers? Ya'RLY! 13] What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My Vag 14] Do you own a knife? im not mexican 15] Do you have A.D.D. OCD mehbee 16] Date Of Birth? November 5th 17] Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Life, The Universe, and Everything 18] Name the last 3 things you have bought? AIDS Rockstars/coffee Colostomy bag 19] Name five drinks you regularly drink: Coffee R
Video____1. Click Here Video____2. Click Here Video____3. Click Here Horse Cock In Pussy Black Girls Galleries Nude Liza Weil Den Mohegan Sun Wolf Jessica Rabbit Porn Nude Piano Man Movies Rape Porn Carol Vorderman Nudes Hentai Bukkake Animal Sexphotos Ballbusting Asian Live Tv Sex Old Woman Sex 13 Girl Years Porn Bikini Wicked Child Model Sparkle Iphone Nude Backgrounds Free Clips Of Incest Anime Pornotube Busty Bri Nipple Slip Dirty D Wife Musculartgp Doujin Yoruichi Hentai Kenshin Mom Handjob Men Mastubating Lolikon Jays Xxx Molly Shannon Nude Hairy Pussy Sex Blackcock Pic C Baby Wetlands Fucking Gays Lisa Carrara Celebrity Feet Images Kim Hantai Naked Grnnies Gay Doggy Style Outdoor Mature Amateur Swinger Sex Kellita Smith Topless Hilton Sucking Mcdougal Naked Drunk Wife Colonial Virgina Blue Buffalo Dog Food Hairy Honey Footballers Wives Nude Cote De Pablo Nude Massivecocks Bigdickclip Naked Couples
I loaded a few pics earlier and finally got around to all the added comments I've never seen before.... There were quite a few... Most of you seem to be blind but THIS one took the cake... and the pie... and the peanut butter & walnut cookies... "Holy Crap! wow - you are romance novel cover art material all the way ... I need to do a photoshoot with you ... well seriously, I've done so pics for guys and it's taken them from 2 crushes to 16 ... I think that 'bout says it all (thats a smug smile) hehe" Knock it off!
  It is obvious that some people still act like children when they don't get their way, this is unfortunate because sometimes you cover up all the good qualities you may have by being an asshole. I am the type to give and do all i can for people i care about so when i get spit on of course it's personal. For some of us life has never been easy and you become greatful for what little you have. Yes their may be ways to make money quickly but I choose to use the other skills i have instead, It's a constant struggle to do the right thing and stepping on people is always easier.... In the end you will always know right from wrong and if you keep excusing it you are doomed to the past forever. These days people only think about themselves and a quick buck, how sad to live in a world where you judge people (or yourself )on what they have and not who they are. To judge another you must first judge youself.... and can anyone say they are perfect? If their is any reason we exist it is to lear
Sheer Fustration
warning I am probably gonna be out of sorts for the next few days. The rescue I volunteer for is full we can not possibly take anymore dogs in until some of the ones we have get adopted and the ones we have in boarding can go to foster care. There is a momma rottie with mixed pups in a high kill shelter in NC. There is also a 5 year old male in Va that has been so neglected he can not stand on his own. I have posted and cross posted to every rescue site I am on and who knows how many emails I have sent. Now, I have to hope that one of the rescues will respond asap or I am gonna lose these babies. If that happens... UPDATED 5/11/09 Unfortunately we were not able to save the pups and had serious doubts over whether momma would make it or not. This email just came through and it is about "momma". Hi again, After reading your email we brought her home. Needless to say I was very happy to have you remember my request for a dog that fit us.Yes she is not in the best of health but
Sheer Nightgown
  A husband walks into Victoria 's Secret to purchase a >> sheer negligee for his wife. He is shown several >> possibilities that range from $250 to $500 in price -- the >> more sheer, the higher the price. Naturally, he opts for the >> most sheer item, pays the $500, and takes it home. He >> presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it >> on, and model it for him. >> >> Upstairs the wife thinks (she's no dummy ), 'I have >> an idea. It's so sheer that >> it might as well be nothing. I won't put it on, but >> I'll do the modeling naked, return it tomorrow, and keep >> the $500 refund for myself.' >> >> She appears naked on the balcony and strikes a pose. >> >> The husband says, 'Good Grief! You'd think for >> $500, they'd at least iron it!' >> >> He never heard the shot. >> >> Funeral on Thursday at Noon. Closed coffin.
Now I'm totally feeling like I missed out on something....I totally should have used my stint with cancer to score some serious swag around this place...     What is with ticker after ticker and every other blast begging for shit because someone is sick, or in the hospital? I don't even believe half the stories I hear anymore about someone being sick or even dying...Its ridiculous that people are using unfortunate circumstances as a way to climb levels.
Sheepdogs, Wolves And Sheep
"Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident." We may well be in the most violent times in history, but violence is still remarkably rare. This is because most citizens are kind, decent people who are not capable of hurting each other, except by accident or under extreme provocation. They are sheep. Then there are the wolves and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial. Then there are sheepdogs, and I'm a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf. If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen, a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow c's Number One In The Jerk Blogs!
  I mean, really, this is a web site. Let's get this straight! 1. This is a web site 2. Name calling is so 1st grade 3. A STATUS is where you post your feelings or updates or anything you feel like posting. Now, any of ya's that know me know that I am not on to post B.S. drama stuff. But this guy has been bogging me down with sexual comments and getting RUDE when I don't respond to them. Now, let me make this very clear. I DO NOT mind graphic comments left on my pics, I don't mind when you throw them in my Chat box. But when I don't respond to them, is that really a reason to get mad? Any of ya's that have talked to me know that I DO NOT get rude or mean about it. Sometimes I play back, but most of you guys know when to draw the line. I don't mind it AT ALL!!! Now, of course this is through Fubar chat, so you have to read down to up...I'm not about to take any more time on this guy to write it the other way... Now, honest...If I am in the wrong, let me know. I want t
The first I ever saw of her,  Her eyes drew me so far in . On that day my world changed,  My new life would begin.  Things have taken different turns,  But easch day she grows more in my soul.  Her touch has gone so far,  Beyond any have ever yet to go.  When I see her, her eyes hold me more,  But its become more than I can believe.  Now when I look at those eyes,  Further into her I see. Her eyes go deep,her heart goes deeper,]  Deep in mine,I hope I am there. She has won all of mine,  She rules my thoughts all that I care.
If I shoot them as they jump the fence instead of counting them...could THAT be why I don't sleep? Did someone caffeinate my sleepy time tea? UGH UGH UGH
Sheep (angel's Skin)
  Be not afraid of the beast, nothing more than a pest at the very least. Crawling beneath the wolf skin, sheep Crawling beneath the wolf skin, sheep Crawling beneath the wolf skin, sheep.   I say this to all, be not afraid of me. Theres is nothing worth fearing.  I've long lost the man that I used to be.  What I speak is not worth hearing. False prophecies of hopes and dreams can never be reality. Just wondering and thinking what if. Yeah if I wasn't jumping off of this cliff could I be what she wants to see. But I stand here left limp. My bizkits still dough so mold me through your fingers Van Gogh.  Or paint that perfect picture.  The one where are hands are interlocked every place that we go.  See can I get with you. But baby baby there is something you gotta know.  I'm something kinda worthless.  A little kind of pathetic I admit it i'm a poor excuse of a man, hope you understand.  Me, in the best possibilities where you see where I am and once again.  Theres something benea
Sheep Mentality
Misfit started this - Who are my favourite mummers (aka trolls). Reading their mumm comments: Male: You know, I really only pay attention to Majic Female: Ashley/Bunnylove (who hasn't been here in forever)   Thing I most regret on fubar: Fuicide! I was here since the last days of Lost Cherry and have nothing to show for it but the nightmares.   Thing I most love on fubar: All of you here reading this blog. You're the only reason I came back to this place and endure all the other extraneous bullshit.   What has surprised me the most on fubar: That they're still open for business! Seriously. Between the people who invented the place, and the people who own it, I'm surprised the site hasn't imploded by now. They could be so much more, but no one seems to really "get" the internet here.   What frustrates me the most on fubar: As Misfit said in her questions post, the inconsistency of it all. They really do seem to base their decisions more on favortism and how much money
  Pobierz jako taptę/download as wallpaper Powred by GR
I'm starting to think part, if not all, of Charlie Sheen's "tiger blood" and "winning" was an act. Check out the picture.....   What do you notice??   Well I noticed that his thumb is blocking him from actually drinking. Don't you remember this scene? He was suppose to be high above a crowd. I don't remember if he was cutting a ribbon to something or not..but he was doing something, lol.  At any rate, this was right after the whole "winning" started......   Again, maybe it wasn't real???
Sheep In Wolves Clothing
The words I love you get used way to often today. Beware of all the Sheeps in wolves clothing outthere. You fall for them, Bring them into your home only to find out that they are not who you think they are or who they "claim" to be. They hide you from their families and friends as if you are yesterdays garbage. They fill your head full of empty promises and when you ask for their help around the house or to help pay bills all of a sudden they are homesick and want to leave. That is when you find out about all the others before during and after you. The late night cybering on webcams, text messages and phone calls to God only knows how many people.  Yes, this happened to me but I am not bitter, I am thankful this all happened because it gave me more insight on how not to trust someone. Not heard from them in almost a week now. Although I wonder if they are ok, it is a relief not to have the added stress with them here.  Time to move forward and get on with my life. Just be careful wh
Recently I've been busy working about try'n to get together my manga(s) all done for to be edited on the computer & ready for print. BUT mostly @ the moment I've been working on getting funding for my projects through campain fundings on indiegogo & kickstarter.(to name afew) So far my campain for my manga titled "OtakuManga" isn't going as I've planned it to be. It's a learning exp. for me. I think that my next campain will do alot better than this one is going. OtakuManga OtakuManga vol.1 is about 2 friends (Aerodynamic & Crescen) that go to Tokyo, Japan for a anime convention & they have some misadventures w/ some friends. They find-out what it is to be truely happy in life & figure-out what they want to do & get out of life. As Aero & Cres are walking down the streets of Tokyo they find themselfs chating about this & that. Cres asks of Aero of the how's & why's of their going to stay w/ Shouko & who she is & how does Aero knows of her & such. They walk & talk till they reach Shou
She Frickin' Blocked Me Lol
[flash plug in reQ....crank up sound..cant see or hear?..upgrade your flash player below]
She Friggin Blocked Me!!!!
She Fukin Blocked Me
She Finally Sleeps
As he lies sleeping, she runs her hands across his magnificent form. Her fingertips soft and gentle upon his passion dampened skin. She marvels at every muscle, every curve, every contour. Touching him, feeling him, embracing him as if for the first time. They have become united as one... living, breathing, surviving together. Side by side they will face each battle, each challenge, unafraid. His strength will carry her through, and her love will keep him strong. She stretches her body out next to his, truly content to be in his arms. And, entwining her fingers in his, her head upon his shoulder, she finally sleeps. Michelle Lewis......04/12/2007
She Flys High Only In The Night
She Floats..........f.a.
If you think you'll never be caught, Then why would you want to fall. The hope that someone is there, Or the fear of noone at all. We've all walked that line, Leaned over the cliff. Looking for that someone, Someone who isn't a myth. If you look deep into your heart, I'm sure you will find. All your friends will catch you, And the first hands will be mine.
She Fucced Me On The Dance Floor
She Fucked It All Up!
A lil over a month ago my mans sister came and punched out my front and back windshield! Its $700 to fix the shit! I'm over that, because I'm gonna get it fixed and ive had time to deal with it and accept it! But today I go down to start my car and finally figure out if she fucked up my rear speakers which were fuckin $400 rear speakers! Well, they are fuckin ruined! I'm so fuckin pissed! I feel like she has taken everything from me! I loved my car and my system and just cruisin and racin! And she took it all! She took my two passions in life! Cars and stereo systems! I just dont know what the fuck to do! Im crushed, dissapointed, hurt, angry, and all together confused! I dont know what the fuck to do next! I wanna go fuck her up but I'm tryin to grow and be a better person and not handle things threw violence! but I want to so bad! So I just cry and watch my car sit there after all the work that i have personally done and all the money i have spent on my car! I feel like things happen
*she Feels *
She feels  pain  sorrow,She has a black hole in her heart, soul. She feels hate anger she thrist she needs to feed she waits for him.She feels him she knows he is there but does he still (Love's Her) Its like (Daji Vu) again they came in circles again. She feel him all over again she (Loves Him) with all of her heart and soul, They both know they belong together.She is all he needs he is all she needs but she feels like she lost him again, She gave him back what he lost  a long time ago Darkness Honor Respect Trust Faithful Honest most of all (Love)But now they both bleed again the pain and sorrows tears of blood.   BY DEVILINA DEMONESS
She Gives Light
Don't you dare die yet It's not over I'm still struggling through this hell for you If you leave, you'll forsake me I would have stayed alive for nothing I look at you and see myself And we're both crying Wondering why And you say there has to be a reason There has to be this happy place where everything is white, and good, and right And I can't help but weep for you Because if that's all you're holding on to I think you're going to be disappointed So you can't leave me yet I'll strike down the Morningstar I'll even defy your God If it means I can carve that place into this world You can't leave me I have to make that place for you I'll sin I'll burn in hell And suffer forever If I can just make that place for you I can't help but feel That we're all fooling ourselves We have to think there's a better place after this Because otherwise, living wouldn't be worth it We have to lie to ourselves We run around in circles Repenting so hard And trying to make sur
She Get My Man.
She Get Handcuffs ...........................................
She Got Caught
The other night my girlfriend was invited out for a night with the 'girls.' She told me that she would be home by midnight, 'She promised!' Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, she headed for home. Just as she got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed three times. Quickly,she realizing I would probably wake up, she cuckooed another nine times. She was really proud of herself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with me. (Even when totally smashed... three cuckoos plus nine cuckoos totals 12 cuckoos--MIDNIGHT!) The next morning I asked her what time she got in, She told me 'MIDNIGHT.' I wasnt pissed off in the least. Whew, she thought she got away with that one! Then I said 'We need a new cuckoo clock.' When she asked me why, I said, 'Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said, 'oh, shit.' Cuckooed four more times, cleared its throat, cuckoo
She Got That Ooh Wee!!!!
Most of us know her well and those that dont should...she's Eyez of Jade AKA TyghtWhyt and right now she has auto 11's on for the next 24 hrs so now theres an even better reason to get to know her. So rate her, fan her, add her, crush her, bling her, just give her some good lovin!! ~*~EyezOfJade ~*~Always Known As Tyghtwhyt -Owned by King Haze&DamienDarke Pu$$ycatPlaymate@ fubar
She Got Her Own
She Got Hellcats Panties And Im Live On Cam
She Got 2k To Level
Lonely and Heartbroken@ fubar
She Got 1k To Level
MicheleLM@ fubar
She Got 6k To Level
èlmºlådý@ fubar
She Get 451k To Level With Auto 11s On
*sherry* unique levelin group@ fubar
She Got 35k To Level
ღCorky™ღ Fu&RL Wife 2 Smokie/Co Owner Of Club Velocity/Enforcer@Americas Brave & Proud@ fubar
She Got 20k To Level Plz Help Her To Level To 21
Broken@ fubar
"she Gets Used......"
Her entire body ached with nerves and anticipation. She had never done this before. And as she waited outside the massive french doors, hesitating to knock or ring the bell, she thought again "what am I doing here?" Dainty fingers curled into a fist, lightly wrapping on the door with a certain sense of hesitance. She waited for a moment.. two.. then she saw a shadow in the window framing the wall next to the door. She had been instructed to dress appropriately. "Prepare to be used," he had said. And so she did. Her skirt, while long, was worn without the hindrance of panties and her snug fitting blouse was also worn with no bra underneath. The door opened and it all seemed to be in slow motion, she sucked in a breath and glanced up at the man she had never physically met before but would now be her master. She blinked, looking over him timidly. His hair was as dark as the look on his face, but beautiful. High cheekbones were set in a stern chisel cut face and crystal blue ey
"she Gets What She Wants"......
Standing before your closet trying to decide what to wear, it has been so long since master let you wear what you want for a date. Thinking of all the different things each article brings out in Master makes you’re body feels all tingling. Then you see it and a smile comes across your lips and mischief fills your eyes. Taking the hanger and walking over to your dressing table you begin singing to yourself “I know what want and I want it now”. Walking down the stairs you silently watch Masters face for a response and your confused when all He does is holds your wrap out for you. There is small talk as we drive to the restaurant and have a very nice dinner. You know there are many eye’s on you for that is the effect you wanted. As we leave the restaurant and enter the parking lot of the club. It looks very lively and one of those country western ones knowing that you will be able to test Master as you desire. Master guides you into the lounge and hands your wrap to the coat
She Gets So Pissed At Me For The Littlest Of Things...
110% true...bring bring bring (last night about 9ish pm)..Caller: Hey baby...Me: hey hun...Caller: You coming home soon i feel frisky...Me: Ya in a lil bit, i really wanna butt phuck you tonight...Caller: OMFG get home now that turned me on you never ask for that...Me: Damn I wish you did not call the wrong number...Mrs.Fapp: Slaps me in the head for being a rude idiot on the phone......
She Gotta Bump
She Got The Ring, I Got The Finger
She Has Done So Much For Me Please Show Her Some Love
Syn@ LostCherry rate her profile rate her pictures comment her page become a fan any help i will deeply appricate it. she is the greast and deserves love back. she has done so much for me since the very first day on me on lc. thank you syn i love you women your the best and you rock!!!!
She Hurt Me
my now ex-girlfriend hurt me and i just cant stop writing about it andcks that i hurt this bad i should be pretty used to it but it still hurts. i just wonder why if people can never really love someone truly and genuinly then why get into a relationship. especially if you might have second thoughts. that shit really does hurt people no matter how strong you think that they are. there is no cure for pain but you can cover it up. now in know what a real broken hearts feels like and i will never put someont through that. its horrible i dont even want to take a chance and wouldnt even think about doing that to someone. i feel sorry for all the people with lost love out there. my sympathy goes out to you. and if the person that caused this just know that i will never ever let you forget this. i can forgive but not forget. and im sorry about that. but you deserve it and i truly dont care if you hate me for saying stuff like this and if it makes you feel bad. but you have to know
She Hates Me
all of the flowers all of the flowers i gave her she burned them burned them Hey Bacchus She hates me Hey Bacchus She hates me The street lamps light a wet old red hook road A furry vino tinted slave Molten oil painted Brooklyn bridge (cobblestone grave) A lonely blue girl guards the riverbed She shakes her brown torch at the tide On Pier Six we'd creep and count the cracks (side by side, see, we're counting cracks) Your mom was out wearing herself inside I'll stop the train to say hello A used boyfriend's just bought her this new car (I said I know) She said burn Together Burn We'll burn together Now don't believe she'll never leave again I can't forget the words she said back when She said burn We'll burn together
She Has Noone To Hate.....except For Me
nature of man with open books the missionaries come hands of need mouths to feed with swords unsheathed the missionaries come act on greed watched them bleed when the last man falls spirit of a people dies this land of the brave founded of treachery nurtured by bloodshed the cup overflows still dominate, conquer and kill this nature of man cripples us all. by john m
She Hates Me
Puddle Of Mudd Videos | Music Videos | Columbus Relocation
She Had Blue Eyes
She had blue eyes Blue eyes Into the deep Her soul so sweet Innocence in abundance To grace a life just once She took my breath Oh what I would have given For her She had blue eyes She knew why she was here She knew what she was to do Her blessings were for me She had blue eyes She let me feel She let me see She gave me my hope She had blue eyes She hurt me She left me She took my breath Oh what I would have given For her She had blue eyes
She Hides
She hides her feelings away from her mother, afraid of what she might say. She hides herself away from her father, afraid of what he might do. So she locks herself away from her mind, scared of what she might find. She takes the drugs, falls for the thugs. They say she's to weak but i know their wrong. She's a poet... my best friend and nothing short of being strong. She's beautiful, loving and always kind... a friend like her i was blessed to find.
She Has To Stay!
She Has Done It Now!
domino lost her job at diamonds and her gettin fired might cost me mine so with this shit now and a few other things goin on with it just thought i would let everyone know that i am very pissed to fuck off and will be leavin her soon any ?s talk to me one on one and will anser if i feel you know me well enuff that know all of what happened
55 She Has A Way
she has a way to shoot me down so easily she shines my day tells me to think carefully open doors and open heart in my arms safe as a song can you tell i'm a blindman do you think that i am wrong she has a way a picture perfect smile shakes my endless greys gives me reason for each and every mile close my eyes and close the door one day closer to forever she knows i'm wanting more one step closer to never she has a way shows me pleasure in the pain solitary soul is a small price to pay she is the drug flowing in my veins waiting for her daily tell her how it could be mostly rain storms and cigarettes she has a way that she can never see
She Had Left Me No Choice But For Me To Go Home And Fuck My Wife... (weekend In Review)
so as i havent blogged in a few days... here's my past few drunken blundering days in a recap...friday I was supposed to go meet up with a friend in new philadelphia to catch Hostle 2 and just drink too much jager until i fell down and she made fun of me for being a cheap date... however as that didnt happen I called up Jamie Mayhem (not the same Mayhem from the Chaoschicks site with the mohawk... who's first name is also jamie actually heh) and we ended up meeting at spitfire... I got there early and was instantly harassed by some chick that tattoos from her house and was trying to get me to call her about getting some ink done... not really into her delivery or conversation I kind of just sat there trying to seem disinterested but she wasn't having it and asking me all sorts of questions and being too flirty/pervy for my tastes... i never learn that i shouldn't tell people i shoot porn in thinking its a fuck off response and they'll leave me alone... never works... just either brings
She Haunted My Dreams Again
she came to me last night,again.I closed my eyes for what seemed like a second and I was in her world. I could see her in the distance standing there beconing me to come to her.she is a powerfull creature she is not to be denied nor would i want to she has a supple skin very pale almost glowing,dark eyes that pierce through all my facades right to the core of me she sees me naked ,helpless, defenses down and yet i am not uncomfortable i am secure knowing that even through all my flaws and impurities she still comes to me. She floats on the air lightly dancing and smiling her wings are black as the night singed on the edges from dancing to close to the fire she is neither angel nor demon she is a child of the shadow born of darkness but not ruled by it. I approach her slowly gazing upon story has ever described a creature so lovely she spins in the air teasing me my heart is pounding my throte is dry as i get closer she settles to the ground ,wings out ,showing me how impressive
She Has Landed
For those of you that know, Bethany and her friend left for Florida today(what was I thinking lettin my 16 year old fly alone to Florida) but anyway, they landed at 405 safe and sound!! Have a great weekend everyone
She Hit My Car
OMG shit hit my car my life my car!!!!!!!!!!!! i have had my car for 2 yrs tahts its june 26th 2005 my car is my life my everything i transport my ceints in it its how i work. and OH my GOD i hurt SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad i literitally know the saying i feel like i got hit buy a truck. needless to say despite the bumps and bruises im ok dont know what i am going to do about the car or how to go about doing it. the car is totaled for sure. i did post some pictures of it thats all i will have my poor car my poor body lol im still in a state of shock and aww. well time for a pain pill its to much pain for me to handel
She Has Done It Again Her First Contest
My friend is in a contest and I want to know if you all would help her out.. She needs 15,000 and she has of right now 3,315.. Could you help her out plz and thank you It really helps if you do.. She will return the favor to you.. Plz help out I am begging you all plz.. Here is the link:
She Holds The Key
i wish to be the air you breathe love that floods your every cell revitalising you, cheering you up every second of your life i love like the rush of a storm, listen, listen to this lovelorn heart, holding on, letting go, holding on with such tenacity to the hope of every lovelorn night an eclipse helps distill my love for you, seals your charms, allure from the craving prying eyes of world, precipitates that momentuous silhouette, escapade for me and you sun and moon, yin and yang to be totally absorbed in bliss, in each other love, love, love if only i could be the only star to win your fancy for that sparkling while heaven the world would become Tim McGrawI Need YouMusic Video Codes By Music you captured my heart i gave you the key you are my sunshine you are the air i breath you are my fisrt tought when i awake you are the last one as i fall asleep you are my world my univers my everything i am the luckyest man to
She Helped Me
I want to return the favor..if any of you all can spare some comments for her that would be great...she helped me in my contest even though she was friends with another contestant..that makes her great in my book... Click the Pic and help if you can..:)
She Hulk Goes Out
She Hulk Goes Out by fanficnut © She Hulk was in a bit of trouble. It was not due to super villains. It was not due to aliens attacking earth or an asteroid coming to earth. It was not even due to a demonic force coming down on people. It so more deadly and threaten. It was lawyers. She Hulk was carried away with fighting a the Blob. She lifted the villain up over her shoulder and chucked him into a building destroying several city blocks. Nobody got hurt thanks to Dr Strange protection. That did not protect the property damage. She Hulk got sued big time. She needed some money and good press real quick. So she decided a contest. It was called win a date with She Hulk. She was going to give a lucky fan a good time. Avenger didn't know about this because she posted some risky pictures. It was pictures of her flexing in the nude. Her perfect Amazon breast stood up straight and perky. Her sexy green body dripped in sweat from the a workout. One picture she had two 5000 pound bar be
She Hulk Goes Out
She Hulk Goes Out by fanficnut © She Hulk was in a bit of trouble. It was not due to super villains. It was not due to aliens attacking earth or an asteroid coming to earth. It was not even due to a demonic force coming down on people. It so more deadly and threaten. It was lawyers. She Hulk was carried away with fighting a the Blob. She lifted the villain up over her shoulder and chucked him into a building destroying several city blocks. Nobody got hurt thanks to Dr Strange protection. That did not protect the property damage. She Hulk got sued big time. She needed some money and good press real quick. So she decided a contest. It was called win a date with She Hulk. She was going to give a lucky fan a good time. Avenger didn't know about this because she posted some risky pictures. It was pictures of her flexing in the nude. Her perfect Amazon breast stood up straight and perky. Her sexy green body dripped in sweat from the a workout. One picture she had two 5000 pound bar be
She Has Passed Away
well hey dis is david her best firend she ask me to get online and lets her friends know if any happend to her she here it is grace passed away a week aago the cancer got finely
She Helps Everyone So Lets Help Her
She Has A New Playground!!!!
(repost of original by '♥DAWN♥' on '2007-12-08 08:09:22')
She Haunts Me
Every other thought is engulfed with the memory of "her". Nomore then a few hours i spent with "her". but yet i would die for "her". I let my self become invatuated by "her". Of course i had my reservations about "her". They way she never spoke my name, the way she would forgot about whtever plans we made together/or jus simply ignored them. But "her", i cant resist the wondering. Will i every see "her" again? Will i get the chance to maybe better both are lives. Why am I plagued by "her"? But know this when the time is right i will go back for her, regardless of wht might become love, hate, or friendship. She Haunts Me.
She Has A New Playground!!! (from Dawn)
She Holds Her Head Up High
By: Dark Raevyn She holds her head up high another heartache another tear shed another love lost. She holds her head up high She still looks for the one The one to call her Angel, the one to give her love the one to give her joy She still looks for the one She has lost a lot she knows she will never win she is not sure she cares She holds her head up high
She Hurt Everyone
I'm making this Fubar page and blog because I have been asked by someone else who was burned to let people know what happened to us. My daughter is a con artist and though I love her deeply it's time I faced it. She took a guy for all he had... his college grant money... sent him pictures of herself... yes, that kind... and told him that she'd marry him and he could adopt her son. She gave him all kinds of stories about who the father of her son is. She told her father and I that he was dead, blasted himself in the head with a gun a few weeks ago. His mom was going to call to tell us that it did happen when we didn't believe her. Hmm, wonder why that call never came. She told him that we were dead. In fact, I just died the other day. Apparently got hit by a board in a tornado. Inventive, isn't she? She constantly hinted that her son needed this and that and he faithfully sent clothing and toys and money to her every week. $140 here, $180 there, about twice a week. A
She Hangs Out
She Had The World - Panic At The Disco
From their new album... it has a cool funky sound. I'm addicted :) Plus yanno, it reminds me of my life :/ She held the world upon a string But she didn't ever hold me Spun the stars on her fingernails But it never made her happy Cause she couldn't ever have me She said she won the world at a carnival But she could never win me Cause she couldn't ever catch me I, I know why Because when I look in her eyes I just see the sky When I look in her eyes Well I, just see the sky I don’t love you I'm just passing the time You could love me if I knew how to lie But who could love me? I am out of my mind Throw an old line out to sea To see if I can catch a dream The sun was always in her eyes She didn't even see me But that girl had so much love she'd wanna kiss you all the time Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time She said she won the world at a carnival But I'm sure it didn’t ruin her Just made her more interesting I'm sure it didn’t ruin her Jus
She Helps It's Her Turn
Can you plzzzz take a sec and go give MY DEAR DEAR FRIEND..Just One Rate On Her PIC>>Mauhhzzzzzz
She Had The Foot That Fit The Glass Slipper
She had the foot that fit the Glass slipper! :) My new works! I Love my baby sooo much
She Hit Her
She Hosting Her Own Auction
she is trying to get people to enter her auction she need some girls & men to enter so if you want in message her the link on the bottom is to her profile ~*~LadyVievie ~*~ R/L Wife to Army-Beast ~*~Bi~BBW *~@ fubar brought to you by Dark Defender "Fu Hubby To Italian Princess"&"Sweetheart To Pr Mamii@ fubar
She Had A Birthday!!!
My heart was broken July 2008. I was sitting alone with my Mom in her hospital room. The doctor gave us the bed news. They can not repair her heart valve. They gave her two years to live. A few tears slipped out of my eye and my Mom was stern with me. She told me not to cry that she needed me to be strong. I have my moments where I slip away to shed a few tears. We made a decision to live each day to the fullest. My Mom is my best friend. She's great!!! Yesterday we had a family birthday party for her. I love it when she glows. Her face had color and she was having a great day. Her great grandchildren and grandchildren showed up. It was a wonderful day. You could her laughter fill the house. Just wanted to share a happy thought. Happy Birthday Mom!!! Number 72!!! Wooo hooo!!! Thank God for giving her such a great day. Kiss the ones you love, you never know when might be the last time. Don't be afraid to tell friends and family that you love them!!! :)
She Has Double Points For You
Come Get Double Points.. Auto 11s On.. Rate Her Hard Fast And Often Tempting Enchantress
She Had A Heart Attack Earlier Today
well ,my wife and i were sitting at my sister and brother in law's house earlier ,when my cellphone rang .it was my wife's mother and she tells me that she had a heart attack today and she is calling me from the emergency room .well they care flighted her to another hospital and she has to have open heart surgery (she has blockage on both sides of her heart ) tomorrow at 8 am .she just had a stroke at the tail end of last year :O:O all i ask of you as my friends it to keep her and my wife in your prayers (my wife is absolutely beside herself (her family members have been blaming her for her mother's stroke ):P:P
She Had Triple Bypass Surgery This Morning
Well ,my mother in law had triple bypass surgery this morning around 9:30 and the surgeon said that everything went ok .She's not going to be able to go back to work of course right away though .She is also probably going to be staying with us full time after she gets done staying at her sister's house for 2 weeks .She also has to stop smoking ,which isn't going to be easy for her since she's about a 4 pack a day smoker :O i would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers during this rough time in my life YOU GUYS AND GALS ROCK :D i will try to keep everyone updated as far as if anything else happens :D
She Her Lots Of Fu Lovin Please!!
She Has It All.....
He leads her by the hand,walking with her down a path.she doesnt know where the pathleads. she follows him with her eyesher heart. He leads her into a clearingand asks her a question she hasntexpected, and is suprised when hekneels in front of her. holding her hands in hislooks in her eyes. and asks her to be his for life, for eternity. She nods yes. with tears in her eyes.praying that this isnt just a dream. if it is please dont ever wake me. She can not take it if itsjust another cruel joke. played upon her. he raises up from knealing and holds her in his arms. tightly, proving it isnt a dream and that he does love her. That he wants to spend the rest of his life with his love.. his heart, his other half. he has found the other part of his heart. He looks down in her eyes. and asks her, my love is this where you would like to raise a family with me?  She nods back at him in confusion. He tells her that this land that we stand on Is where im am building our home.  She gasps as her eye
She Has Typed Again
Okay, I'm a moody bitch. My mood is currently volatile and some may feel a bit put out by it. But the fact is I don't need to hold spaces or places for people I don't know or don't wish to speak to. I changed a few things and I am sure no one has noticed. For real when was the last time you read my page beyond the status comment? I'm guilty of not being on much or coming to rate, but you better know if I come I READ! Its nice to be informed. My days of dwelling upon the internet are coming to a close. The rare moments I will be here will be infrequent due to the fact I am moving!!! It's official I should be where I am going by march :) I don't need to say bye to many. I tried but an abundance of lame excuses were what I came across. So adios to almost all of you local people I have shared a moment of time with. ;) I might not have the net for a while or I might decide to avoid it in order to find myself again. I can check my email anytime, most of my friends have it. I recommend you us
She Had It All
she though she had it allthe love of her manthe ring he gave her on her hand.the future looked brightto any one in day that changedshe didnt understandwhat had happenedto her beloved man.she waited for the callthat never came.  she wantedto hear his voice all the same.she misses his wordsacross the phone line.the way he told her he wouldtil the end of time.but time ran out like the sand in a glass.she knew that her time of lovehad finally past.she still longs for what shecant seem to find.. and that isthe sound of her love. telling hereverything will be long must she wait for that day to come. will it beweeksmonthsyears or lifetimes.. until her loverealizes that she still loves himthat shes been waiting for him.that hes hurt her.. but her pain has made her stronger.will she ever have it all?
She Had Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
She Has The Most Amazing Smile Ever
They say there is no love like first love Well she proof it wrong Coz she came in my life and she is the greatest love alive She has the most amazing smile ever She has the sexiest & Sensational voice ever And she is the prettiest lady I ever lay my eyes on She is like a dream to me Heaven on earth that what I see Simply special and unique by all means    
She Has Change Like The Winter Rain....
She has change like the winter rain, she won't be here no no no she walks alone so alone don't worry she is fine so fine she doesn't care to be alone this time doesn't care  she wish you all the best of luck so much the best of luck she doesn't need you  really don't she had time to think so much time so much time.. you only want  her around when you have nothing to do nothing to do ... she see it too. so don't ask her how are you .. she  has change like the winter rain , she won't be here, you talk talk about you she here's you all time all time she see you all the time all time you talk all the time all time .. if you read this you think this about you funny it's not it's not about you funny  it's not about  you so she must say I thank you so much she has change like the winter rain so don't pull her winter train.. don't feel bad just let it be .. it's not about you.. or her it's just a song she has no feelings thanks to you all .. really she loves to thank you all for that this week
She Helped The Top-s
OTTAWA (CIS) - Hannah Haughn, a field hockey player from the University of British Columbia, and Raphaël Bélanger-Vaillancourt, a soccer player from University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, were named the CIS female and male athletes of the week on Wednesday. Haughn, a first-year kinesiology student from North Vancouver, B.C., was named MVP of the CIS championship after she helped the top-seeded Thunderbirds capture their second straight McCrae Cup title - and their record 14th all-time - in Toronto. The 5-foot-3 midfielder was stellar at both ends of the field in guiding UBC to four wins and a draw in five contests, including a convincing 3-0 victory over the host Varsity Blues in the gold-medal final. Prior to the tournament, Haughn received the Joyce Slipp Award as CIS rookie of the year and was announced as a second-team all-Canadian. StFX rugby player Tyson Beukeboom, Sherbrooke soccer player Marie-Ève Jacques and Guelph rugby player Britt Benn were also nominated for t
She Isn't Real
Standing in the shadows, of what I used to be. Everything's been so fucked up since I forgot to feel. She wasn't real. Right there before my eyes. I never gave her time to heal. She wasn't real. She wasn't real. I've been sitting by the window, crying the night away. I guess I must pay for all my sins but this is a cruel way. My body has become numb as the guitar strings cut the bone. People think I'm crazy, singing love songs to the wall. No one can use the phone 'cause I'm waiting for the call- That isn't real. She isn't real. An incarnate of my mind. She isn't real...
She Is A Friend!
She Is Great!
Sheila My Baby
Hey Baby, I told you yesterday that I couldn't explain my live for you in words and you asked me to try, so here goes, I'm going to try. I love you with all my heart you are my first thaught in the morning and the last thought before I go to sleep at night. I sleep better and wake up happier just knowing you love me. hearing your voice makes my heart skip a beat and the breath rush from my lungs. The love I see in your eyes makes me believe in love again, I thought it was lost. You make me feel like I never thought I could and never did in the past the feeling inside me now brings a whole new meaning to the word LOVE.Your love amazes me I never thought someone could love me the way you do. the only people in my life that I've ever felt a similar love from is my family. I can see the love in your eyes and hear it in your words it makes my heart flutter every time I think about you. I feel your love with my whole body. You make me want to be a better man, with you by my side I kno
She Is Drawn
she stands motionless creamy skin soft with a candle lite glow hair like corn silk her nude body stands so very still her nipples erected from the cold her stoumack flat with a lil button that looks drawn on so perfect she looks you take your pencil begin to draw your out line of her is soft her angel like features lips soft plush pink like that of a new blossemed pink rose eyes wide brown and still sorrow filled eyes so young barely an aged line on her face her contours of her hips arms, shoulders you study her she is still not of marble standing so still barely a deep breath i clutch my pencil, drawing her in lust she is perfection her breast are simple not of grand size sleek and small her goddess like features im intrance, in envey i try to find a flaw of her i cant no words pare from her mouth shes as of stone, but life of breath she doth have she with beauty does she have a mind would i find her flaw in ther
She Is The Bomb!!
Vikki@ CherryTAP
She Is Living My Life With My Husband
< Back home | Subscribe | rss | add to blog group | sign out Jenn Last Updated: Nov 21, 2006 Send Message Instant Message Email to a Friend Subscribe Invite to My Blog Gender: Female Status: In a Relationship Age: 25 Sign: Pisces City: Middleburg State: FLORIDA Country: US Signup Date: 03/21/06 Friday, December 01, 2006 Christmas Tree Current mood: bouncy We put our Christmas tree up last night. It was fun watching Steven put all the little things on it and undo the lights. My daughter was so cute. All she wanted to put on the tree was candy canes. She didn't care about anything else. She was so cute. The tree is now up and the lights are on it. I need to add some color to it. I am not sure how I want to do it. I hate garland but its so colorful. I like ribbon but I don't know what kind I would like. I will have to find out but for now we will keep working on it. Steven and I will go somewhere this weekend and

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