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How Come???
why is that if i shoot my neighbor in the head i am a sinner and i go to jail whether i had what i thought was a good reason or not, but if this fucked up thing kalled our government gets in an argument with another one they will hand me a gun and make me kill randomly???
How Could You Do This To Me.
You are a liar, you are a liar and a cheater, you are a liar and a cheater and you do not deserve the love i had for you, I treated you like gold i treated you like you were the only woman on earth. And you do this to me, You lied to me, You Lied to my FAMILY you swore you would never ever fucking hurt me. YOU LIED Now you are with a pathetic loser with no future and a criminal record, Funny how i have the power to see those kinds of files. He has a KID from another woman and he smokes and drinks and you said you could never be with a guy like that. You just want a piece of DICK thats all you want, you cry how you have been hurt but you have hurt me worse then anything anyone has done to you. Congradualations you are now just like you step sisters, all you need to do is get knocked up. Sure that wont take too long you seem to have no problem spreading your legs fast enough.
How Could I Forget To Put Some Rage Song Lyrics Up Here? Lol
"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine Come on! Uggh! Come on, although ya try to discredit Ya still never edit The needle, I'll thread it Radically poetic Standin' with the fury that they had in '66 And like E-Double I'm mad Still knee-deep in the system's shit Hoover, he was a body remover I'll give ya a dose But it'll never come close To the rage built up inside of me Fist in the air, in the land of hypocrisy Movements come and movements go Leaders speak, movements cease When their heads are flown 'Cause all these punks Got bullets in their heads Departments of police, the judges, the feds Networks at work, keepin' people calm You know they went after King When he spoke out on Vietnam He turned the power to the have-nots And then came the shot Yeah! Yeah, back in this... Wit' poetry, my mind I flex Flip like Wilson, vocals never lackin' dat finesse Whadda I got to, whadda I got to do to wake ya up To shake ya up, to break the structure up 'Caus
How Can You Just Walk Away
i don' understand how you can just walk away from someone you said you loved it's just not right if you love them talk it out don't shut down and not say a damn thing it's like the saying goes in order to work things out you need to get to the root of the problem....i could never walk away from someone i love dearly and he knows who he is he's my heart my soul and my best friend i just hope he doesn't just stay away for good.....i'd die for this man i really would i can't stand the thought of losing him it makes my tummy hurt
How Can This Be?
Deep with in my heart I've cried so many tears Through my hardships through the years I finally thought I found someone to love But the feelings I guess weren't the same almost was like some cruel game To toy with one's emotions so and make them grow and grow Sometimes you just wonder why there's that sun shining in the sky Pain and deception that I feel inside Something I can no longer hide She was my heart and soul I again was just a fool And I loved her so Love was one-sided I know THough I thought (she told me so) she felt the same what a masterful game To her I was just a senseless game Now I wonder yet again Being the person I once was should I again be the cloud of dust Hidden form the world though that feeling is so cold Knowing I can no longer hold
How Can You Be So Blind?
why is it that when i try to tell you i dont want to deal with you calling me down anymore, it just gets worse... you bitch! you slut! nobody! i hate it! no wonder i dont love you anymore, and ive found someone else, someone who treats me like a princess... someone who loves me for me... someone who doesnt badmouth me and make me feel like shit every day... you know, i dont love you anymore, youre right... and its nobodys fault but your own... im done listening to your sorry excuses, and taking you back..!
How Can You
How can you love somebody so much? How can you always want to get away? And yet never want to leave. How can you look at someone you love? And yet know it's not you they are thinking of. How can you look at the future with hope? And yet not be able to see hope for the present. How can you dream your dreams? And yet never get to live them. How can you cry so hard inside? And yet wear a smile on the outside. How can you live? And yet know there is nothing to live for.
How Corrupt Are You? I Scored A 169
Ever laughed at someone else's misfortune? 1 point Ever tried alcohol? 1 point Ever been drunk? 2 points Ever play drinking games? 2 points Ever fall down because you drank too much? 3 points Ever drink enough to throw up? 4 points bonus: throwing up on yourself or another person 1 point Ever wake up and not remember what you did the night before? 5 points Ever been forcibly removed from a bar? 8 points Ever participated in/finished a pub crawl? 5 points Do you drink regularly, at least 3 times a week? 3 points bonus: 1 point for each additional day (max. 7 points) Ever fall asleep/pass out in a bar? 4 points Ever try pot, hash, magic mushrooms? 4 points for each one tried Do you do drugs regularly? 4 points bonus: at least 4 times a week? 4 points Ever bought soft drugs? 4 points Ever sell drugs? 8 points Ever sell drugs to support a drug habit? 12 points Ever used barbiturates? 8 points Ever used hallucinogens? 8 points Ever used narcotics? 10 points Ever been s
How Can People Do That?
How Could You
How Can "in God We Trust" Be Removed???
You guessed it 'IN GOD WE TRUST' IS GONE!!! Who originally put 'In God We Trust' onto our currency? My bet it was one of the Presidents on these coins. All our U.S. Government has done is Dishonor them, and disgust me!!! If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEW DOLLAR COINS AS CHANGE Together we can force them out of circulation. Please send this to all on your mail list !!!
How Could You Be So Nonchalant
i dont understand it. something so big but it doesnt even phase you ..abort .. i remeber walking down the street back when our only transportation was the bus and our feet ..taking pictures... laughing too.. memories mostly good of me and you .. crying ..and going to the park ... a long lonley frolick late at night and in the dark.i remember halloween with ryan..and you and jon and watching his death meatal band play in the garage .. and that day you me and ashly all went to the beach the day claude died remember when we came back and ate majic cock and hashi came we all hung out...we were so young and full of life and it wasnt all that long ago but it seems so far now ... fucking in cars and falling mud.. and painting our faces just because ..weve all lost sight of the things that were .. hopefully one day well all breath through each other again
How Can I Become A Better Person
i dont know what to do. i am so shy and bashful im afraid to start a conversation with a lady i also feel down all to time and the bad memories from my past just wont go away ive talk to councelors and shrinks but i cant get the memories of being molested when i was 5 out of my mind i say stupid shit i just got so much on my mind its driving me crazy i tried everything i cant sleep that much at night i have nightmares i feel so alone alot
How Could He
How could he I lay in despair Tears running down my cheeks I stare at the ceiling Close my eyes for a while Anger boiling inside of me How could he? Take advantage of someone so sweet how dare he? Lay his hands on her and forcefully hurt her I want to rip his eyes out and make him hurt Cry - feel the pain she felt as he lay helpless as his body took advantage of hers She can't sleep Thinking about that night All she see's is his face The flashbacks hurting her every time She opened up to me I lay there as she spoke Tears in her eyes as well as in mine Anger building inside of me with every word she spoke I hurt for her I felt for her Silently, I wished I could take the pain away. Hold her in my arms Tell how much I care But she knows She knows I would kill for her That I love her She means a lot to me And just like she's been there for me I'll be there for her She's like a goddess, Strong-spirited, Funny, Beautiful... But behind the smil
How Californian Are You?
You Are 60% California You're fairly Californian. Unless you're really from California, you should be stoked! How California Are You?
How Can I Hate You?
HOW CAN I HATE YOU? by Sri Chinmoy I shall leave you If I have to. I shall forget you If I have to. I shall forgive you If I have to. But I shall not hate you Even if I have to. How can I hate you, Whom I have loved so devotedly And so unreservedly?
How Country Are You?
I am 75% Country!!More Fun Quizzes at
How Can You Love Someone Like Me
How can you love someone like me, Can you see the real me through the duplicity? do you see the hurt and pain inside or is it that you see the mask i use to hide? How can you Love someone like me, Were you really looking when you found me? Whats there to love when all the world is sad, with wars going on and every one mad? How can you love someone like me, Someone that doesnt know what loves about anymore and has trouble even letting it show. Someones that been hurt time and again, And doesnt know if she can feel that feeling again. How can you Love someone like me, Has your heart been broken? Do you feel as I do? Where no one understands the things you've been through. How can you love someone like me, Some one that doesnt know what tears feel like any more unless shes walking in the rain. Then the tears flow and I dont know why, or when they started or when they will dry. How Can you love someone like me. March 2007
How Can You Love Someone Like Me
How can you love someone like me, Can you see the real me through the duplicity? do you see the hurt and pain inside or is it that you see the mask i use to hide? How can you Love someone like me, Were you really looking when you found me? Whats there to love when all the world is sad, with wars going on and every one mad? How can you love someone like me, Someone that doesnt know what loves about anymore and has trouble even letting it show. Someones that been hurt time and again, And doesnt know if she can feel that feeling again. How can you Love someone like me, Has your heart been broken? Do you feel as I do? Where no one understands the things you've been through. How can you love someone like me, Some one that doesnt know what tears feel like any more unless shes walking in the rain. Then the tears flow and I dont know why, or when they started or when they will dry. How Can you love someone like me. March 2007
How Can This Be Fair?
I'm just writing today to vent a little. Most of my friends know I am a paramedic. Last night I was working in the ER and a 4 yr old boy was brought in by his parents completely unresponsive. He had no heartbeat, was not breathing, and was basically foaming at the mouth. It was so sad. We worked on him for more than an hour and there was just nothing we could do. Turns out his parents had left insecticide unprotected under the sink...he thought it looked yummy and decided to drink it. I have lost patients before..but the sight of this tiny blonde child on the table with nothing I can do to save him just overwealmed me. It just doesn't seem fair for a child to be taken when there are so many horrible people in this world leading great lives.
How Cynical Are You?
You Are 56% Cynical Yes, you are cynical, but more than anything, you're a realist. You see what's screwed up in the world, but you also take time to remember what's right. How Cynical Are You?
How Come?
the people I really want to talk to on messenger want to talk to me? When they do want to talk to me then I'm never here. I figure what is the point of having messenger at all. No one really talks on them Also the only time most of them IM me is if they are horny and think they can get some from me. Even though they know for a fact that I WONT give it to them. FUCK MESSENGERS!!!! /end rant
How Cynical Are You?
You Are 68% Cynical You're a full blown cynic... and probably even skeptical of these results. You have your optimistic moments, but most likely you keep them to yourself. How Cynical Are You?
How Can I...
How can I love somebody so much How can I describe the power in your touch How can you always make the pain go away How can your smile brighten up every day How can I ever show you how much you have done How come when I’m with you, I always have fun How can I imagine my life without you How can I wait any longer to say "I do" How did I ever doubt the Lord’s power, he created I the water, and you his flower How did two people like us ever meet How are you so perfect, from your lips to your feet How did my heart melt for you at Ocean City How did our souls unite in the Bahamas, on an island so pretty How can our love feel so powerful inside How could I live without you as my soul-mate and the lord as my guide How can our love survive in a world growing so cold How can I silence the evil, so that we can grow old How do I show my thanks for every little thing that you do How can I walk the earth picking every rose just for you How can I make February 14th the best day e
How "cocky & Funny" Creates Attraction
Have you ever noticed that "funny guys" tend to fall into two categories: 1) Dorky Funny - The type of guy that a woman laughs AT (not WITH) 2) Confident Funny - The type of guy that not only makes women laugh, but makes women laugh in a way that ATTRACTS them ...? So what's the DIFFERENCE between these two types of guys? Why is it that women find some guys "dorky" even though they're LAUGHING? What causes that "key difference"... where a woman is laughing WITH you and not AT you? More importantly, how can you actually USE humor to create ATTRACTION? As you already know from reading these newsletters, I've developed a technique that I call "Cocky & Funny"... and it is like MAGIC when it comes to creating a powerful attraction with women. I have gotten so many questions about how to use this technique, that I actually took the time to create an entire VIDEO DVD program on the topic. I call the program "Cocky Comedy
How Can You Forget An Angel?
Most of you on here do not know me, nor will you ever really get to know me. Most of you will not even read this, you will just click on the link, rate it to get your stupid points, and go back to what you were doing. That's ok tho, this is not for you, it is for me. For those of you that read on, this is a little slice of my fucked up life. Today was one of the worst days I have ever had, and it makes me very sad. Today I realized... was actually reminded... that for the last 6 days, I have been so selfish, that I forgot my Angel. A couple of months ago, I made one of, if not the biggest mistakes of my life, by not telling a good friend how I truly felt about her. I feel that I let her down, and she ended up getting hurt very badly by another guy. She has told me many times that I am not to blame for her getting hurt, but I just don't see it that way. I am slowly pulling myself out of the fog of guilt that I feel for letting her get hurt, but for the last month or so, I have
How Can I Be In Cherrytap
ive tried to become a cherrytap person but i only get responces from my uncle and my fried,guess i cannt say their names huh?but they know who they are.plz come znd fan,rate,comment anything.
How Can U Love Me
How can u love me we never even met, the feelings deep insude us have made us all forget. I never made a promice i did not intend to keep. my heart cries for somthing, my soul my insides weep. u love me I know, and I thought that i loved u, it was not love i felt inside, i was being so untrue. I am not a god, please dont say, or make me feel so high, Now i feel like death and pain, caus our love has run so dry.
How Can I Ever Change Things That I Feel?
Current mood: rejected Why couldn't you just love me?
How Can You Name Him?
How can you name a Kentucky boy to later on become a rising rockstar? Well, I guess you can say that the possibilities are endless. They couldn't name him Adam, since they decided to put that as the first part of his middle name. They couldn't name him Turner, because they put that as his second middle name. They couldn't name him Victor, since he is already victorious. They couldn't name him Donald, since he will one day be rich enough. So they came up with this name: Christopher. Ahh, Christopher. What a perfect name to give to a future rockstar. Christopher Adam Turner McConathy: Born a Kentucky boy, soon to be living the fullest as a rockstar. I love you baby: From your biggest fan and girl.
How Could??
The 2 people who loved and wanted us as their own.....deserve only the best ,when they have given us the BEST of everything in Life.They taught us to love and be loved..taught us RESPECT & to treat others how we'd like to be treated. don't have a clue what the word respect IS. You're ignorant to little old ladies..abusive to people who love you. WHY????? You make it SO hard to love you...when you treat us ALL like shit.We have done so much for you,wanting only respect in return.You do things for others only when it will benefit you.Why does it only matter how you feel?? The world has treated you badly??? No..You are responsible for YOU.Your life IS what YOU have made it. Out of greed. You Always said "The person who dies w/ the most toys wins"...The toys you have don't even belong to you.They may be in your possesion.Have they made you 'happy" ? Now our parents' will die with nothing..because they are losing everything they have worked hard for. I wish I could undo you
How Can I?
How can a minute without you, Feel like forever apart, How can a minute with you, Stop my heart, How can craving your touch, Drive me to my knees in pain, Then the moment my arms are around you, I know it will all be okay, How can I feel so lost when you’re away, Then look in your eyes and know where I belong, I was so lost and weak in this world without you, But you’ve given me reason and made me strong, How can I long for you, When you are here by my side, How can I never be close enough to you, When I am with you all my life, How can I ever say to you, All that I have inside, I’ll never be able to show you how much I love you, But Everyday I will try,
How Close Can We Get To God
Subject: How close can we get to God! Message: Usually I had to be at school by 7:30 A.M. Northridge High School was doing some testing in the lower grades that day, so seniors like me got to go in late. Mom offered me a ride when it was time to go. I sat beside her in our van, kicked off my sandals, and daydreamed about my future. I’d be graduating from high school in a few months. This summer was going to be the best one yet. I’d leave high school behind and do whatever I wanted. What would I do? Go to college? Turn my job coaching gymnastics into a full-time gig? Or get a job in an office where I could work my way up? And what about marriage, kids? I had plenty of time to figure all that out later. There were millions of things I could do with my life, and whatever I chose I was sure would turn out fine. Maybe I just had spring fever. Or senioritis. Or a little of both. Mom interrupted my thoughts. “Kassandra, do you see that?” she asked just as we were crossing the rail
How Could You?
This still has me in tears......I just can't see how anyone could be so heartless to animals- Hell Received this in an email today, it touched me so much I had to put it here. If you have a heart get out your hankie, tears are still rolling down my cheeks as I post this. Ember A man in Grand Rapids , Michigan incredibly took out a $7000 full Page ad in the paper to present the following essay to the people of His community. HOW COULD YOU? - By Jim Willis, 2001 When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you Laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes And a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend.Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How Could you?" -- but then you'd relent and roll me over for a belly Rub. My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were Terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those Nights of nuzzling you in bed and listeni
How Could You
You know I waited a few days to post this, giving me time to cool down. Still I have to ask, how could you? It's bad enough you stabbed a knife through my heart. But now you see fit to twist it and dig deep. What have I not bled enough for you? Have I not given enough for you. Everything I did, hell everything I STILL do for you just isn't enough is it. What is it gonna take huh, HUH. Answer me damn it. Oh now, now you shut up, yeah I see how it is you chicken shit. Why can't you step up huh? During my darkest hr you couldn't carry me for once, for once damn it why could you do it, after all I did, all that you know I would do after I was able to get back up. But no, no this 1 time, the 1 time I slip and fall, the 1 time I got nothing to grab on to, to pull myself up before anyon notices. The one time it takes me longer than a standing 8 count to come out swinging. Could you be there just once just 1 time damn it, 1 time. To top it all off I STILL fought myy out of it, and damn skipp
How Can I Make My Own Photo A Playboy Cover
i was wondering if anyone know a place so i can take my photo and make it a playboy mag cover if any one knows please send the link ty hugs and kisses kelly
How Could You
here is a poem for every body who has had somebody come into their life and then mess it up in the end. It started out as friendship but you decided you wanted us to go farther. At first you saw me slip away but you wrapped me in your arms telling me dont be scared. You promised me dreams beyound my wildest dreams but then you burnt my dreams. the day finally came when you were ready to call it quits. Now that you won me over you broke my heart. so how could you?
How Can You Buy And Sell The Earth?
A couple of years ago when I worked in the corporate world I had a poster in my office of the Duwamish Chief Sealth (Seattle) and text from a letter he wrote to President Peirce on the subject of the US buying Native American land. Sealth's reply is one of the most prophetic and inspiring speeches ever on the environment. A lot of people copied it off me and put it in their offices also. There are several versions of this letter and subsequent speech out there, and so a lot of controversy about which is the original, but this is the one I like best... The Great Chief in Washington sends words that he wishes to buy our land. The Great Chief also sends us words of friendship and good will. This is kind of him, since we know he has little need of our friendship in return. But we will consider your offer. How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?
How Could I Have Fallen For The Wrong Guy?
You know they say you never know what you have till it's gone. But what if it wasn't gone someone else just has it because you were to blind to see from the beginning that he was interested in you so you just brushed it off thinking he was talking about someone else. Sometimes I have to blame the tomboy in my for that ,I'm kind of clueless when it comes to flirting and seeing when someone is actually interested in me or not. Instead I end up with the wrong guy,a guy that couldn't care less about me and drags me down in the gutter with his crappy life. Making me feel guilty and like shit. I have made a terrible mistake how does one redeem themselves from that.
How Cities Ranked In Road Rage
Residents in the following 25 cities were surveyed and are listed in order from those reporting the most incidents of road rage to the fewest: 1. Miami 2. New York 3. Boston 4. Los Angeles 5. Washington, D.C. 6. Phoenix 7. Chicago 8. Sacramento, Calif. 9. Philadelphia 10. San Francisco 11. Houston 12. Atlanta 13. Detroit 14. Minneapolis-St. Paul 15. Baltimore 16. Tampa, Fla. 17. San Diego 18. Cincinnati 19. Cleveland 20. Denver 21. Dallas-Ft. Worth 22. St. Louis 23. Seattle-Tacoma 24. Pittsburgh 25. Portland, Ore.
How Come?....think About It
Can you cry under water? ________________________________ How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? ________________________________ Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. but it's only a "penny for your thoughts?" Where's that extra penny going to? ________________________________ Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? ________________________________ Why does a round pizza come in a square box? ________________________________ What disease did cured ham actually have? ________________________________ How is it that we put man on the moon b efore we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? ________________________________ Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? ______________________________
How Come It Hurts When You Love Someone As Much As I Love You?
How comes it hurts when you love someone as much as I love you? I ask myself this question, and come to find out I don't have an answer. I go to others to seek out advice, and they tell me "Only you can find that out". I look to the heavens above at night, I see you in the stars that shine so bright. I look to the sun and feel the warmth of it's glow, Knowing that my love for you will continue to grow. I look around this beautiful place we call earth, I look for an answer in renewed birth. I feel you in the wind, the brush of the breeze in my hair and face, Knowing you and I are in a special place. Feeling the strongest love I know.... I trust one day my question will be answered... but only God knows, and he has given me you and all that you show. written 5/17/07
"how Could?
How Could The One I Gave My Heart To, Break My Heart So Bad? How Could The One Who Made Me Happy, Make Me Feel So Sad? Wont Somebody Tell Me? So I Can Understand. If You Love Me, How Could You Hurt Me Like That? How Could The One I Gave My World To, Throw My World Away? How Could The One Who Said I Love You, Say The Things You Say? How Could The One I Was So True Too, Just Tell Me Lies? How Could The One I Gave My Heart To, Break This Heart Of Mine? Tell Me........ How Could You Be So Cold To Me? When I Gave You Everything. All My Love, All I Had Inside. How Could you Just Walk Out The Door? How Could You Not Love Me Anymore? I Thought We Had Forever. I Cant Understand. How Could The One I Shared My Dreams With, Take My Dreams From me? How Could The Love That Brought Such Pleasure, Bring Such Misery? Wont Somebody Tell Me? Somebody Tell Me Please. If You Love Me, How Could You Do That To Me? Tell Me........ How Could you Just Walk Out The Door? How Could You Not Lo
How Can I ??
how can it be that one says they love you yet they in one day say and do things that hurt you all over again. they say they have changed and are better in ways, yet continue to go off and get mad when they dont get thier way. for the longest time he ignored me, took advantage of me and my love, ran my heart into the ground and allowed his children to do the same. when I had enough and was at the end of my line in life and love, I left, and now he says he realizes what I ment to him, he now wants to show the love and care that I begged for over a year. But am I still the same? Do I want to take my gaurd down and take a chance on him? I did this over and over again and again, he would change for a short time to appease me then right back at his old ways. Can I go through that again? Now that I am gone he wants to do all this that I begged of him in the past. Now that I am gone his kids are treating him the way they treated me, he sees that I was telling him the truth and that th
How Could You
You told me you loved me you told me you'd never let me go but its been a month since we've spoken and how i miss you so i realise now that you were a fake making me believe we had something but now when i sit here thinking i want to tell you just 1 thing i thought you were my everything holding me close. whispers in my ear i tell my self, the whispers werent true but my heart doesnt want to hear the fact that you used me and the fact you were a con now look what has happened. my hearts broken and all i thought i had, is gone i feel empty and lost and i dont want to believe it but deep inside, my heart tells me to listen to you. it was " just a bit of fun" wasnt it? you tore my heart completely you've left bruises deep inside i dont like to think of you anymore i feel like crying or findin some where to hide. to hide away from the memories that you threw at me. that you left for me to remember how could you do this? one day you will see
How Close Are We..survey
I hope everyone does this survey.. even if its bare essentials.. 1. Are we friends.. 2. Are we close.. 3. Fill in the blank: If I had it my way, Timmy and I would be _____________. 4. Do I have your phone number? 5. Do you have mine? 6. How long have we known each other? 7. Am I "boyfriend material"? 8. Are you attracted to me? 9. Of all the men in your life, how many more are closer to you? 10. Name me one thing you know about me that is unique. have a great sunday
How Come
the govement still has voting when everyone knows its all fixed if you vote really counted then they would ban voteing
How Can A Mother Do This?
HUDSON OAKS, Texas - A young mother who may have been depressed apparently hanged three of her small daughters and herself in a closet using pieces of clothing and sashes, authorities said Tuesday. A fourth child, an 8-month-old daughter, was also found dangling in the closet but was rescued from the family's mobile home. "It's horrendous. That's all I can say," Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said. The woman was identified as Gilberta Estrada, 25. The infant, Evelyn Frayre, was in good condition at a hospital, Fowler said. Authorities did not immediately identify the other children, ages 5, 3 and 2. After Estrada failed to show up for work, her sister, who lived nearby, forced her way into the locked residence in the Oak Hills mobile home park, about 25 miles west of Fort Worth in this rural community of 1,600 people. The sheriff said the sister rescued the infant when she realized the baby girl was still alive. The sheriff said the hangings appeared to be murd
How Could I Live Without?
"You don't 'do' surprises. You plan surprises -- for other people -- but in your own life, everything's planned and accounted for. Aw, come on! What fun is that? Let yourself be surprised and you'll like what you see." So ok own up, who is planning surprises?? Me planned and accounted for? If i am i do it in a weird fucking way! = D Morning peeps.!
How Can You Hurt Me?
How can you hurt me? you tell me that you love me Im very special to you too you chose to hurt me even though you dont realize you are doing it we are together then you fall for someone other than me and expect me to let it happen and never mind how much you hurt me doing this As I love you thinking that it will fade and we be back as before and pray you will realize that you made a mistake But then life happens and now you are no longer in my life in person as you told me that I will be joining you in a few weeks but am I? I wonder as I know you attacked me and and throw my love in my face how and why do you want to hurt me?
How Children Who Witness Abuse Are Effected
Obviously it is very upsetting for children to see one of their parents (or partners) abusing or attacking the other. They often show signs of great distress. Younger children may become anxious, complain of tummy-aches or start to wet their bed. They may find it difficult to sleep, have temper tantrums and start to behave as if they are much younger than they are. Older children react differently. Boys seem to express their distress much more outwardly. They may become aggressive and disobedient. Sometimes, they start to use violence to try and solve problems, as if they have learnt to do this from the way that adults behave in their family. Older boys may play truant and may start to use alcohol or drugs. Girls are more likely to keep their distress inside. They may withdraw from other people and become anxious or depressed. They may think badly of themselves and complain of vague physical symptoms. They are more likely to have an eating disorder, or to harm themselves by ta
How Can Peope Feel Good About Themselves Not Being Like Me? Lol
" I am wonderfull. And those who aren't like me, must feel worthless because they aren't like me. Then they do things becausethey are forced to, due to their worthlessness. They do it to escape from their feelings of worthlessness that they get from not being just like me. I feel so sorry for these people. " I think that is the monolauge that goes on inside some people's heads sometimes. How could anyone possibly want to be anything different than the awesome thing that you are? LOL So then we started blaming people's problems on self-esteme. " Because of course they have low selfestem if they aren't like me, how could they have anything else. " It's the narcissists way of lashing out at those who threaten their own selfestemes. The skewed view of this. The people who wear suits, and work in offices are only doing it because they don't have the balls to do anything different. They are scared of what other people might think of them if thei
How Country Am I
I am 65% Country!!More Fun Quizzes at
How Crazy
I am 95% Crazy!More Fun Quizzes at
How Can I Serve U?
LOL, Should I say what can I get for you! Thats what I do all the time, being a waitress. What would you prefer I say. Doesnt matter what they cook I serve LOL. Never a dull moment, just another day in the food business.
How Come?
How come everything you come to learn and feel always tells you that you're wrong? How come the things you thought to be true and wonderful almost always betray you? How come the things you come to care about the most and will do anything for it turns out to be something you thought it wasn't? I would do anything for the people in my life that I care about and love... how come other's wouldn't do the same? I want to know someone inside and out and have someone know me that way as well and want me to know them and feel them in that mannor... Just to know someone and feel their presence becuase it is so strong to them... How come no one wants that anymore? How come people who's arrogance is the strongest are also the ones who attract those who can't say no? How come all of these things come to pass? how is it that everytime something goes right two things go wrong? How come all of a sudden the world looks so lonely, cold and bitter? maybe it's just the way I prec
How Close Is Too Close?
This past Saturday I was on my way to my cousin's graduation party. Going through an intersection in which I had a green light I noticed at the last minute that an SUV coming at me from my left was not going to stop. I was going about 40 mph, they were doing at least 55. I slammed on my brakes squealing to a stop and we barely missed colliding. A little bit ago I was reading a bulletin about praying for someone that had been in an accident and I saw pictures there that were very similar to what almost happened to me. Then reading what happened to him made me realize how lucky I was to have seen this person when I did, another second would have meant an extended stay at the hospital for me. In conclusion, I want everyone with whom I chat to know how special they are to be talking to me right now. I want you all to linger on every word I type, cherish them, treasure them, send me lots of money, and while you're at it… kiss my butt too. :P
How Could A Big Wave Create So Much ... (humor)
My friend: *waves big* Me: *tsunamis* My friend: LOL Me: I like to think the tidal for this wave, when it came to me, was... Me: "and how'd your day go?" "head-over-heels swimmingly." Me: how goes? My friend: Mostly...I think My friend: was a little in over my head Me: Got me. Me: *chuckles* My friend: So perhaps I tread more lightly tomorrow... Me: fish where the events are less current My friend: or just go with the flow My friend: and keep my head above water Me: ... and time to breathe, nor any drop to drink... My friend: thank you, now I'm in my element Me: well, if I remembered the bit about moaning at the barline, it would complete the paragiraffe nicely...
How Can I Know You
As i look on this site and I see people that might intrest me when I scroll down to their profile and behold nada nothing zip the big zero. Now how can I or anyone else for that matter rate you freind you or fan you if all they have to go on are the pics you have.and the men are just as guilty on here if I want shallow people to look at or talk to all I have to do is go to work. I'm looking for people to converse with share some intelligent words and thoughts and have some fucking fun with the real. thanks for reading any rebuttals Im redy to listen. don't be scared just be real.
How Can Anyone Do This To Their Baby :(
MOMMY I am only 4 inches long but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby. Month Two Mommy today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here. Month Three You know what Mommy I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though you can't hear me. Month Four Mommy my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too. Month Five You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mo
How Cool Is This?!?!?!?!
I do have the best stuff in the world... :)
How Can A Woman Not Love The Lord?
How can a woman not love the Lord? * He is a gentleman, * He is confident * He is a provider and protector * He is rich and powerful * He owns everything, there is nothing He wouldn't do for me * He perfects all things concerning me * He anticipates my wants and needs * Every day He tells me and shows me how much He loves me * I don't have to perform in order to earn His love * He keeps all of his promises * No one can influence His opinion of me * He is the ultimate intimate partner * He can't "disown" me because I am a part of Him * He prepares a table before ME (Selah) * He covers me and doesn't expose me * He wrote his loving words down so that I'll never forget how He feels about me! NOW THAT'S LOVE!!! Any man, who wants pointers on how to love a woman, should study GOD! Wake up every day and thank God for being the best "man" in your life!
How City And Country Are You?
How CITY and how COUNTRY are you? How CITY are you... [x] I've been to Starbucks more than once in my life [] I link arms when I walk with someone [x] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO [x] I own 2 or more polo shirts [] I will never be caught without my cell phone [x] I straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis Total: 4 [] I wear flipflops no matter what the weather [] I own an oversized pair of sunglasses [] I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans [] I layer my shirts [] I will do anything to get the best pic [] have/had a "myspace/bebo mirror pic" Total: 0 [x] When I'm not drinking soda I prefer water [] I get annoyed with tom-boys [x] I own an oversized bag or purse [] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach [x] My new fav. is the Hills [] I say "lol" in every sentence of every online conversation [x] I own tight jeans Total: 4 [] I wear large necklaces [] I own an iPod/mp3 player [x] The internet = survival [] One of the sports i play is foot
~ How Can Something So Bad Come From Something So Cute ~
Makes Grown Men Cry lol
How Can You Tell If Your Girlfriend's Frigid?
When you open her legs, the lights go on.
How Can That Be?
People say that you only fall in love once. How can that be? Some people only fall in love once. Everybody says that people are all the same. How can that be? Some people are all the same. You tell me that i am afraid to love and be loved like everybody else. How can that be? I say how can that be when i fall in love with you everytime. I agree with you I am like everybody else I am not afraid to love or be loved. I am afraid to get hurt by the one i fell in love with. Which is you
How Can She Say We Were Never Together?
The taste of her soft white skin touching my lips Her hair, long, black-red engulfing my face my eyes my lungs Breating it in O bless'd drowning! Seaweed, salt-water sweat The warmth of her depths her carresses Her yearning pleading to go deeper forever endlessly Exhausting ourselves I can still feel her surrounding me taking me in Then, gone like a dream Then, "come over" like a dream I'm afraid of my passion of hers What do I do? How can I forget? I can't. t redfearn c. 2/27/01
How Could You
You took me for a year long ride You said everything that I wanted to hear Yet at the end it was nothing but lies I showed you my love I gave you a ring Yet at the end it did not mean a damn thing For two weeks you had someone else on your mind You smiled in my face but at the same time you left me behind "An emotional affair" how could you come with that shit! You told another lie and you still could not be legit Every piece of money I made came directly to you The bills where paid and the money you made The choice was yours to do what you wanted to do I never asked you for a thing Not one penny, not one dime Yet I made sure you had everything you needed on time Now you are putting me out Not having a place to lay my head But if I remember correctly I was the one that brought you a bed Everytime I look in your face It will always bring a sour taste You will never know what you did to me The fire will always burn in my
How Cute...
Aww... you have little hearts in your screen name. Makes me want to poke you in the eye.
How Come
how come some people want you as a friend to get to you nsfw folder and rate and comment on them and some of them wont rate or comment on my other pictures
How Can I Understand?
When I speak with my friends @ work who are supposed to be very very very close friends, and they are in a bad mood, they want me to cheer them up, but how can I Cheer them up and make them happy when they wont tell meats wrong? Try to make ya think a little bit.
How California Are You?
You Are 16% California You are a bogus Californian. Go back to the East Coast. How California Are You?
How Can I
Hmmm......I was wondering how i could get more people to add me on places like Myspace, Tagged, Cherry Tap, and all the other sites im on. I've noticed that im like always gettin looked over and stuff, and no one ever checks out my page, unless im like naked. Same as when im on my webcam on stickam. No one ever joins in to talk 2 me unless im Like, Ass naked and shit. and when they do join, they ask me to do the most outragous crap...Do I do them???...........yes i do, lol, cuz im a freak like that HAhahaha, lol. but yeah, i was wondering if anyone who reads this Has any ideas or anything that i can do to help my profiles get out there cuz my pages are lonely lol.
How Can You Tell This Table Is Being Sold By A Man????
This table was for sale on eBay. How can you tell it is being sold by a man? ? ! Can you solve this little riddle? ?First look and guess. You will find the answer below, but don't cheat! ? Know the answer? ?If not, scroll down now..... ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! OK, look at the picture in the mirror . ?And remember, if you are posting a picture on the world-wide web, WEAR CLOTHES when taking the picture.
How Can I Stop Loving U
How can I turn back time? How can I just forget? You ask me to quit loving you. Am I something you regret? You tell me you don't want to hurt me, That its better if I stopped caring. How can you tell me this, When you know with you there is no forgetting? I cant just tell my bruised heart, Quit loving him that much. I cant just act like I don't care, If I ever again feel your touch. How can I stop loving you? How do I erase what we had? How do I tell my heart not to break, When things start going bad? How do I stop dreaming, About you making love to me? How do I forget your smile? I just cant, don't you see? Explain to me what I must do, To forget this love I feel. For how can I lie to my heart By saying my love isn't real? The way my heart loves you, It has never loved before. The way my body craves you, Right down to my very core. If I ever asked my heart to quit Loving your eyes, lips, and hands, It will break into a million pieces. Why c
How Come
goodbye is so hard to say? you hate the person.. they do nothing but stir anger and disgust deep inside you... and yet... they still bring tears to your eyes as you walk away... guess I needed the ten minute flushing of my eyeballs... its been awhile... so... 2 down... 2 to go... so far.. I'm winning... or at least I'll realize this in a few weeks.. lol
How Cold Is The Water Beneath The Bridges Edge?
Many things this week has made me reflect on my past. All of the joyous moments, as well as the not so joyous that I have endured and or created. I do not know how or why the times that stick out are the not so good moments. How is it that I cannot remember my thoughts and feelings when I first found out about my first daughter and all I remember is how I felt when she never took her first breath? Why is it that I cannot remember why I loved my wife, but I only think of my ex-wife's faults? How is it when a friend passes before you, and that is all that you see? Why is it when someone else loves you, then you push it away? Why is it that you cannot remember the good times shared compared to those that you wish not to remember?
How Could You?
...and there you were, crouching in the shadows like a skillfull hunter, waiting for me to step out into the clearing and wenst upon doing so you tackle me to the ground with a maddening growl and a swift bite to the neck for the kill...helplessly I flail and when the writhing is done, you hover over my lifeless body, with a look of sadness in your eyes and scream "NOOOOOOOOO.." as you look to the sky. and in the depths of my soul I know you are sad but I can't help but think you could have just let me slip by.
How Childish Is That?
I just joined this site last night and find it appauling the rudeness of the people here. I have been blocked by 2 people that I know of, just because I didn't rate one of their pictures a 10. One even had the nerve to send me a note: ***** "lil_darlin...: well just to let you know people will not like you very much for rating below a 10 and now I am going to go ahead and block you so try to enjoy your time on this page . . . Unlike others I do not post who rated me low but others will post it in bulletins and you will be blocked" ***** Now, I can understand being blocked by someone if another person is harassing, or just plain being a total jerk. But to block someone just because their picture didn't send skyrockets off in the persons mind that this photo is so amazing it deserves a 10, is simply childish. I am not impressed by the site at all. There is nothing wrong with the actual quality or concept of the site, it has potential to be g
How Cute Please Rate If Nothing Else
How Could He?
He made me laugh, he made me smile I would be happy for a short while He promised me the world and much more Was he really serious? I wasn't too sure Then off he went back into the night Would I see him again? well maybe I might He said that he would soon be in touch Didn't realise I could miss him so much Then the message came that changed my life He couldn't see me no more he's got a wife If I had known about this much before He would never have entered my front door The truth in the end will always come out He's the loser this time, without a doubt He lied and cheated his way in This is one heart he didn't win. Yes this happened to me too...............
How Can I Tell U What I Feel For You
How can I tell you what I feel for you? When I think of you my feelings twist inside As if someone's fist reached in and grabbed a few, And turned and turned them tight and tangled. I've tried Somehow to say: You're the sun in my sky, The wind that takes me where I want to go, The sweet incense that makes me feel so high That loving you seems all I need to know. But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds too cute, Empty as a wrinkled paper bag. You won't believe it! Better I stay mute Than offer you cliches that make you gag. And yet I wish to tell you of my love, If only love its own locks would remove!
How Cancer Destroys Lives.
This October will be three years to the day cancer took my heart. I have not been the same since that time. I havent been able to love life like I should or even live it like I should. I did not get cancer but cancer took my mother away. Viciuosly and violently. The cancer came without warning and executed the heart of my family. She was diagnosed with gall blader carcinoma that spread to the liver and kidneys. She had no chance at survival in fact she died from the cancer in two weeks. In three days she went from being able to talk and comprehend to going into a coma never to wake up. On Friday we were woken up at 6 in the morning telling us to get down to the hospital when we were told she had six months to live. So after a day of getting her prept for chemo we left her at midnight. Feeling devistated we were getting ready to fight this with her. Saturday morning we were woken up to the doctors urging us to get down there. We spent all day at the hospital with her
How Could I Ever Leave You
Sitting alone in this midnight train Traveling in my daily nightmares Looking out the bleeding window Haunting memories pasted in layers All these years spent loving only you Can't believe you walked out the door Visions of you with her, burnt in my mind Turning away, me crumpled on the floor Being pushed from this cloud of love When I close my eyes,hit the ground Though I keep falling faster than time Still crash to memories without sound Would have given up my life for you You vowed that you would never leave Yet here I am so cold and alone Your words of love I always believed No faith in God no trust in Love Still breathing as life has just begun Unleash sadness from my black heart Or am I past the point of no return Please come back to me my love Can't live on memories of yesterdays Needing your love back in my heart Praying you'll come back to stay Tired of drowning in my own tears Pictures of your face fading away Hope to come out of t
How Can A Mother Kill Her Kids?? This Makes Me Sick!!
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Magikal Moments 4 U Date: Aug 9, 2007 2:28 PM ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ~Kathy~Date: Aug 9, 2007 2:29 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: dawnDate: Aug 9, 2007 9:32 AM "Who killed your children?" the officer asked."I killed my children." Her eyes were blank."Why did you kill your children?""Because I'm a bad mother."For about seventeen minutes, they pressed her for details of exactly how she had proceeded that morning. She had gotten out of bed around 8:10 and had waited for her husband, Rusty, to leave for work at nine. The children were all awake and eating cereal. Andrea had some, too. Once Rusty was gone, Andrea went into the bathroom to turn on the water and fill the tub. The water came within three inches from the top. Then one by one, she drowned three of her sons, Luke, age 2; Paul, age 3; and John, age 5. She put them in facedown and held them a
How Can A Mother Let This Happen To Her Daughter
Please watch her story and share it with others. It is a TRAGIC story but one that must be shared. Hopefully her story will touch your heart and you will be willing to step up to the plate and help children who can't help themselves. If you want to help out, please repost. she was such a beautiful little girl.I cannot believe someone so heartless could allow something like this to happen. please please please repost this!
How Can Someone Be This Crule
Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why would she be In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly cries she loves her parents But they want her to die she sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, "Please God, why is my life always sinking? " Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high And the poor child was beaten As hours went by Then her mom suddenly Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in her chest, "Youeserve to die You
How Can I Help Us Make Better Music Together Today?
A family is like a wind chime; each member hangs in delicate balance with the others. When a problem develops for one family member, the rest of us often take on roles to try and deal with the situation. But what happens to our wind chime when we're all pulling and pushing in different directions? Our balance is lost and we either all clash together or none of our chimes connect at all and there is only painful silence. If we let go and trust in that spiritual force beyond ourselves, we discover that it is like the wind. It moves our wind chime gently with a soothing breeze that allows us to relax in our places or move together as the force directs us. It brings out the beautiful harmonious notes we weren't able to produce ourselves. How can I help us make better music together today?
How Can It Be??
How do you fall in love with some one that you never seen face to face? I mean It amazes me on how much I care about someone but never seen him. I do love him & I do care about him. I plan on going to visit him,but how does it happen? I am very happy it did. BUT HOW????
How Can One Explain
How can one explain A feeling in the air? How can one explain A feeling very rare? How can one define A person always there… One who says No matter what I care. A lot of times I think of this When I am feeling down And by the time that I am through High spirits come around. Even words from an angel's tongue Are limited, this is true. No words can explain The kind of friend like you! Author Unknown
How Can Life Go On
how can a person go on with their life when the EX is still causing havick when all you want is for that person to just go away and go on with their life, i havent heard from her in like 3 months and now all of a suden she poops up 2 times in 3 days, first of all she has been off of my auto insurance for a year now and 4 days ago she tried to put herself back on my policy and just last nite she contacted me through e-mail wanting to be friends and talk. i do not wish to talk to her nor have any contact with her whatsoever, she lives 2 hours from me and just a matter of time when she will find me. i would hate the day when that gets here.
9/ Can We Forget?
I realize that everybody deals with life in their own way. I am having a hard time understanding why so many have forgotten the toll that 9/11 took on the country as a whole. People lost loved ones, friends, co-workers. We lost great men and women and let's not forget the children. For one day, every year, would it be so terrible to forget about the "contests" and "lounges"? Why can we give a little of ourselves and think about the ones who have lost and gave their lives in this horrible tragedy? I am taken aback by the concern for "rates", "leveling" and "contests". I am actually disappointed and fairly disgusted by the lack of respect that this day is being given. I am greatful and thankful that I did not lose anyone that day. I think the people who did lose their lives and the the loved ones they left behind deserve our utmost respect. That's just my opinion. Jen
How Can This Be Attractive?
Just want to know.. how can this be attractive? Why do men just want THIS type of woman?
How Come?
How come when a woman says she's horny it's hot to guys...........But when a guy says he's horny he's a nasty pig? BTW the Bouncer is a homo........I saw him in a Minn. bathroom giving handjobs for Fubarbucks
How Can I Dare To Love Again?
How Can I Dare to Love Again? What in the world is this feeling within me again? Should I run away or face it coming upon me? For once in my lifetime, can love really be real or will it just erase itself like always leaving my heart lost and soul my weeping with sorrow? The way I am is not the way I want to be, but things are never what soul is willing to be for the love within it that needs to be free, Yet the soul is sending the desire and need to the heart to dare the hidden passion with the feelings stirring about my body. Could it be? You are the only one for meant for me. Yet my mind trembles with the hidden reality that each time I have walk upon the clouds the love, I was hurt over and over again like a gentle wind weeping the sorrow with my ears of deafness I refused to hear from your lying words. Here without love or you, I find my heart lost to sadness that lurks within my weeping soul. You were the delightful taste of sweetness from a candy shop I use to go to a
How Can You Love....
how can you love someone you've never met? ever touched? never smelt? never tasted? How can you trust just words? The words that tell you everything you want, everything you feel, everything you desire? They say your heart knows who to trust, but how can a heart that has been broken so many times still trust? How can it fall for just words and yet still beat so strong ever time you hear the phone ring and its him on the other end.......
How Can Someone Do This?! September 27, 2007 In a 9/11 Survival Tale, the Pieces Just Don’t Fit By DAVID W. DUNLAP and SERGE F. KOVALESKI Tania Head’s story, as shared over the years with reporters, students, friends and hundreds of visitors to ground zero, was a remarkable account of both life and death. She had, she said, survived the terror attack on the World Trade Center despite having been badly burned when the plane crashed into the upper floors of the south tower. Crawling through the chaos and carnage on the 78th floor that morning, she said, she encountered a dying man who handed her his inscribed wedding ring, which she later returned to his widow. Her own life was saved, she said, by a selfless volunteer who stanched the flames on her burning clothes before she was helped down the stairs. It was a journey she said she had the strength to make because she kept thi
How Commom Is Autism?
How common is Autism? Autism is the most common of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders, affecting an estimated 1 in 166 births (Centers for Disease Control Prevention, 2004). Roughly translated, this means as many as 1.5 million Americans today are believed to have some form of autism. And this number is on the rise. Based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and other governmental agencies, autism is growing at a startling rate of 10-17 percent per year. At this rate, the ASA estimates that the prevalence of autism could reach 4 million Americans in the next decade. Autism knows no racial, ethnic, social boundaries, family income, lifestyle, or educational levels and can affect any family, and any child. And although the overall incidence of autism is consistent around the globe, it is four times more prevalent in boys than in girls.
How Can You Trust Someone Online?
How can you trust someone online? I can kinda give you a breakdown of some of the things to look out for. Number one thing is check them out!!!!! 1.)If your dealing with a company. search it out on the internet. do a google search ,yahoo search any other search engines you use. When you do the search put in the name of the company. find out anything you can that way. Then add a little to the search .Put in the name and the word complaint,. and search that. Try it another way. Put in the name of the company and the word feedback. ( try different words after the company's name) There is always something 2.) If your dealing with say an Artist Do the same thing as above. Try words like scam, or fraud or con after the name With artists/ you can also hit searches like CMT or MTV or any type of music sites where they have a forum for people to say stuff about the artist. ALSO with an artist when you put their name in the search and it brings it up see if the majority of the sea
How Come
How Can It Happen??
You know how people say if you get off the horse to always get back on the horse? Well I got knocked off the horse big time and the horse ran off. I know must people have their own sappy story about their life and such and heres mine. When I was 19 I was diganosed with a heart diease. Something that could and still can kill me. I have had my head above water snice then. All of a sudden I get worse news a few weeks ago. The doctor had told me your liver isn't in good shape and I am afrid to tell you this but it might shut down bc of all the meds that you have been takeing. I was shocked when I heard this news. I mean I am 21 yrs old and I have two major organs in my body shutting down on me. My grandmother would say that I am just feeling sorry for myself and that I need to cheer up. Well With a life like I have lived for the past two years how can I have a positive out look on life. Then to top everything else off, two months after i got told about my heart condition, I was told
How Can?*just A Thought,i Thinked
How can you have so many friends,yet still feel so alone?How can you have so many ears to hear your words,and still feel like nobody is listening?How can you have 100 arms to hold you,yet no one offer a hug?How can you have all the problems,but never get the sollutions?How can you have 2 working legs,still feel like you can not move?How can you give someone your all,and they still insist on more?How can someone write theyre feelings,and never admitt to them?How can someone end the pain they feel,when they dont know why they feel it?How can someone say they are sorry,then forget what it means?
How Can You Make A Guy Your With Fall In Love With You? Well Here Is How!
Be fun to be with! When two people know each other well, what keeps the passion alive is challenges, change, renewal in the relationship. You have to take risks and move beyond the limits of your comfort zone. Deep care is great but when harmony is granted and you want to turn on your man, you must be excited about your life and your future. Falling in love is about excitement! Find the roots, the sources of your life's pleasure, the nectar of your senses, wake them up in you and show him that! wake up your sensuality, connect with your desires! they are your emotional fuel! Flirt outrageously. Be fun to be with!!! Don't mean frivolous all the time but simply enjoy life. Inner freedom is extremely attractive for a guy. Show him you enjoy life deep inside and that your pleasure can't be challenged or destroyed. Be sexy and take care deep care of yourself. Don't worship him like a god, tease him instead. Be confident and take risks (I don't mean putting your life, health o
How Could You
HOW COULD YOU? By Jim Willis 2001 When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How could you?" -- but then you'd relent, and roll me over for a bellyrub. My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed and listening to your confidences and secret dreams, and I believed that life could not be any more perfect. We went for long walks and runs in the park, car rides, stops for ice cream (I only got the cone because "ice cream is bad for dogs," you said), and I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day. Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for a human mate. I w
How Creative Are You?
How Can Any Of Us Thank You Enough?!?!
Sending out a thanks to ALL the men and women that defend our country & our freedom. This video is for the National Guard ... HOOAH!
How Can I Tell You What I Feel For You
How can I tell you what I feel for you? When I think of you my feelings twist inside As if someone's fist reached in and grabbed a few, And turned and turned them tight and tangled. I've tried Somehow to say: You're the sun in my sky, The wind that takes me where I want to go, The sweet incense that makes me feel so high That loving you seems all I need to know. But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds too cute, Empty as a wrinkled paper bag. You won't believe it! Better I stay mute Than offer you cliches that make you gag. And yet I wish to tell you of my love, If only love its own locks would remove!
How Cold Is It Over There?
how cold is it over there?
How Can I...
How can I... ~Tony Martinez All day and night I think about it Rack my brain How can I Show you Tell you Make you understand All day I hammer against that wall Trying to break through So hard but I will never give up How can I What can I say What can I do To help you Right there on the edge About to turn that corner But just can't take that last step Can't make that leap of faith How can I Help you reach for me Fall into my arms Trust me I ache for you I need you Please Tell me How can I
How Can I Fall In Love W/ Only Words - Nicholas Gordon
How can I fall in love with only words? Words and pictures, grainy and compressed? A jaypeg love is truly for the birds. You'd have to wonder whether I'm repressed. But love it is, through all the bits and bytes, For someone who's like no one else I've met: Tender, charming, bright, queen of my nights, All I've ever dreamed of, on the Net. And though she's living in a distant place, I love her as I've loved no one before. Will I ever get to touch her face, Hold her in my arms and, perhaps, more? Ay, me! No matter what, I'm still in love. Through modems must our e-mailed passions move!
How Can I?
how can I. how can I compare these mud eyes to passion past with beauty that would make even you believe in the existence of God. how can I. how can I hold this paltry flame to one who surely moved your world with his body sinuous curves sublime pleasures given and received in a way I had only hoped but will never achieve. how can I. how can I think to dare claim any part of you as mine when in the pre-dawn light I am cast aside unwanted despite my small mewings and clearly invisible attempts to garner your attention. how can I. how can I believe the simple words you utter knowing you scarcely believe them yourself. how can I think to entice you from your world with my woeful gifts of body my face that lacks beauty beyond denial with my poetry unanswered with my words of love stuck to the roof of my mouth with my touch that turns your skin cold how can I even wish how can I even hope how can I? (c)2007
How Come It Won't Work
I am so upset because I bought a program to do these Morphed pics, and making the picture is so easy. But when I try to upload it to Fubar, it doesn't Morph at all. What am I doing wrong?
How Could I Let This Happen To You
ive stressed you out beyond belief and now your in the hospital lookin for answers and trying to get some relief i am sorry for what ive done i never meant to hurt my number one so as i type this on my page i do it while not feeling so well im the one who should be put through hell :( i hope you can forgive me but i wouldnt blame if you dont i wish youd call me but you probably wont but then i truly dont deserve it not the least little bit
How Can Life Get Any Better
You sit and think to yourself. How can life get any better? Then your walking hand in hand with the one you love. You stand in amazement and say to yourself, How can life get any better? Then your there in his arms. Then you sigh and ask yourself, How can life get any better? Then he slowly lifts your chin and softly kisses your lips. In a breathless voice you ask him, How can life get any better? With a slow smile, he goes down to one knee, How can life get better? Marry me! and Ill show you how. With a tear in your eye, you say yes! Life can only get better now.
How Can I Love You More?
How could I love you more? I would give up Even that beauty I have loved too well That I might love you better. Alas, how poor the gifts that lovers give� I can but give you of my flesh and strength, I can but give you these few passing days And passionate words that, since our speech began, All lovers whisper in all ladies' ears. I try to think of some one lovely gift No lover yet in all the world has found; I think: If the cold sombre gods Were hot with love as I am Could they not endow you with a star And fix bright youth for ever in your limbs? Could they not give you all things that I lack? You should have loved a god; I am but dust. Yet no god loves as loves this poor frail dust.
How Can People Be So Cruel
I have the landlady from hell. She started eviction procedings on me on Nov 30th. She has issues and taking it out on me and my son. I have always paid my bills and always tried to be the perfect tenant. I am looking at surgary on the 13th and Xmas with my son. She knows I have no money and no place to go. I have never felt this down and out. I know I have rights but I know she will make my life a living hell till I leave. What am I to do? How can someone be so heartless. Life just sucks right now.
How Catfish Got A Flathead/ Sioux Legend
Long ago, when the fish and the animals could talk, the chief of the catfish called council. He said to all, "Hau, brothers. I am very tired of eating things from the mud at the bottom of the lake. I think we should have meat as do the wolves. Let us watch for the moose when he wades into the lake to eat the lily pads and let us spear him and kill him for meat. He comes when the sun is at the edge of the sky, so we will hide among the lilies and grasses and spear him when he comes." The other old catfish agreed and the whole tribe hid along the lake where the lilies and pads grew the thickest. When the sun was at the edge of the sky the moose came. He did not go into the lake right away but ate at the edge where the sweet grasses were. At last he entered the lake and the chief catfish said, "Now, he is in! I will spear him as soon as he gets further from the shore where the water is deeper." They all waited until the moose was in deep water and then the Catfish chief speared h
How Come Nobody Seems To Wana Help Out That Much
what is this with helping others but yet nobody seems to helping me . I no i have rated alot of your profile and i get nutting back no rate no add no nuttun . I help everbody out on this site i always seem to get very little help or no help at all all you peeps got to is add rate my pics. MY friend jenn is having the same problum . All i asking 4 is a little help from everbody and jenn is tired of adding peoplle who do even rate her pics i wana level before the 19 of this mouth so everbody please help.
How Can Anyone Do This-rip London
imikimi - Customize Your World imikimi - Customize Your World
How Could You Do This At Christmas
where do i begin... suicide rate is at its highest around the holidays. i allways wondered why but now i know. just less than a week ago i found out that my suspicions were correct my wife of 13 years is having an affair when confronted over it she denied it saying i was being an ass and overbearing for no reason so while i was at work she led her mother to think i had be come this big asswhole and wanted to leave she took everything but the computer.. she tore down my christmas decorations took my 3 children and all my furniture and left saying it was because of all my accusations .. well hell what do you know but i cought her.. today.. now she still says its my fault what do i do .. im so depressed i cant hardly function at work i cant eat i cant sleep and when i do i sleep for 10 - 12 hrs straight waking up feeling more tired than when i went to bed .. im putting this out here to c if any one can relate and how u dealt with this cuz im going insane..
How Cheap Is She ?
she's cheaper than a dollar whore on nickel night
How Come?
i was just wondering why nobody has signed my guess book. i am sry, but i don't understand. is it because my friends really don't like me? now, i do try and take the time to do my best to rate and leave comments on all of my friends pages and pics. so, i guess what i am saying is. please go and sign my guess book. thanks in advance.
How Can I Feel You:
I Can Feel You... You're far away, but, I can feel you. You exist in my every breath, in every beat of my heart, adding a spectacular sizzle in all the right places. Even when I close my eyes, I see your face and feel the fire of your caress. Your presence is a tangible thing... yet as hard to grasp as the air. I reach for you, but you elude me. Still, I can feel you; the softness of a petal, a warm wind on my cheek, a ray in my vision, a distant light that ever draws me near.
How Can People Be So Low
how can people be so low some1 hacked this fubar account and changed my stuff it was very cruel stuff i would never say to teh peron im in love with when i find out who did it i swaer to yall i will kill yall i swaer to god i would never in mylife say those things i love this peron with all my hear she is a dream come true she is the best thing to ever happen to me so why in the fuck would u say this this that i said it. her family seen it also now they hate me because of yall i love her and her family so who ever said this bet ur ass i will get you even if it takes me till the day i die. this was the wrong time to fuck with melike this she is in the hospital barley hanging in there and yall had to do this yall are so dead i swaer ill get yall so step up and say who did this yall chicken shits so help me god yall better step up. if this is sweets doing i will be in kanas to get you if not you sob u better say who u are im calling you out now get the fucking guts and step up
How Can Some Douche That Has Me Blocked Do This??
Ninja Downrater... rated your photo a '1'! · Ninja Downrater... rated your photo a '1'! · Ninja Downrater... just checked you out! · friend ~kit~ updated status: bye hagd!
How California Are You?
You Are 24% California You're not from California - don't try to game this quiz!How California Are You?
How Can I
Get a morph of my pics or a blinky?
How Can I?
How can i not forget you when your always on my mind?How can i not want you when you're all i want inside?How can i forget you when your name is etched so deep within me?How can i not love you when you control my heart?
How Can
how can we just sit around and not do anything when we see a woman being beaten? how can you watch a child being born and not believe in "god"? how can you really look into my eyes and tell me you don`t love me ? how can I sit back and watch people around me be miserable but still be happy? how can i not miss my sisters when they are so far away? how can I take everything I have for granted? how can we all just be so selfish, self centered and greedy? how can I believe but have little faith ? how can we get forgiveness from someone who is already dead? how can I stop thinking all the time ? how can I forgive myself ?
How Can I Tell You What I Feel For You
How can I tell you what I feel for you? I've tried Somehow to say: You're the sun in my sky, The wind that takes me where I want to go, The sweet incense that makes me feel so high That loving you seems all I need to know. But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds all too cute. You won't believe it! And yet I wish to tell you of my love, If only love its own locks would remove!
Well, the Monique Dupree germ is spreading!! LOLGood news..My favourite store How cool, the store that Christie Hemme models for has brought me on board to model for their website!!!i will keep you updated. How cool is a kick ass store HALF of my clothing, jewelry & footwear comes from there. I'm so excited to be able to announce that I will be modeling for them.This will be the first clothing site that I will be on..(notice I said the first) I'm very excited about this..
How Come............
How come it is so easy to love someone with all your heart and and could just choke them the next? Is this weird? If it is then I must be going crazy and this person is driving me insane. I use to love this person with all my heart...but damn....dont act like you care one minute and be a jerk the next....I want so bad for things to go back the way that they were..but I dont think that is possible because it seems like everytime I do the least little thing this person gets pissed off...I am not perfect and I never claim to be...but always being mean to me and saying hurtful and demeaning things are uncalled for. Right now I have a lot going on...and dont need the bullshit for those of you who know you know what I am talking about...and for the person that this is towards when you read this..think back on some of the things that you have said to me....and then think about how you really feel about me...and then stay or go...but if you stay at least RESPECT ME!
How Cool...
once upon a time... there was a beautiful queen named AngL she went walking in the enchated forest and found a magical lumberjack named skip he then took his magical axe and whisked you away to maine where you met up with a guy named tim. tim then proceeded to show her the sights and brought her out to eat at a romantic restarant where after dinner they got to ride a mechanical bull and when the eveing was through tim took her to the nicest little bed and breakfast where he bathed her in candle light and soft romantic music and soon after they popped in dirty dancing and cuddled on the king size bed all night oh yeah they lived happily ever after!
How Can I?
Twisted truth threw my heart away today, And it stomped on my soul Once again. How can I be so in love with you, And despise what you do At the same time? All I wanted was honest love, One on one, and nothing between us, But alas, I am staring into the abyss Of another tortured moment Where reality set in. I am not the "one" as they say, I am just one. How can I come back to a place That never really existed? My heart has gotten smarter, And it braces for the agony That is to come. How can I return as if it Meant nothing at all, When you knew it meant Everything to me? I didn't mix the words, I didn't flourish them. The were straight as an arrow And pointed. How can I see past the pain? Time lies to me, Telling me it will fix it all, But it's not true, As I sit here in anguish And each ticking second crawls by Just laughing. There's no healing-- So, how can I? Robert J Nye (2008)
How Can Something Like This Happen So Quickly! God I'm Not Ready For This! This Is Enough! Please Stop!
Well pretty much our worst fear has come to life... This morning Annie started to go down hill really quickly. She lost use of her limbs and then her voice and then she couldn't move her mouth at all and that ended up in intabation (tube breathing).... not only were those things happening but her heart rate went way down to the 20's and thye had to give her a shot of atropine to get her heart rate up a little bit. They gave me some horrible news... Pretty much every doctor said the same thing. We've got to take this day by day... The tumor is a High Grade tumor that means a really bad very rare tumor in a bad place and they guestimated hours to days before it finally took her life... They said they were going to do everything in there power to help fight this and they scedualed an emergancy radiation therapy session... I am still very upset and just cant fathum WHY on earth god would do this to my family. Did I do anything wrong? Is this a sign of something? Is she su
How Can The Battle Be Won, When You’re Too Worn To Receive The Victory? . .
a house built of bricks should seem so secure. . . i sit alone zoning out as i listen to the storm. . . through a shattered window the rain forcefully intrudes. . . where is that secure feeling as the bitter wind whips around me? . . the darkness is what i'm accustomed to as my reality. . . yet tonight, there is a difference in the air about me. . . instead of a calm familiarity, i find myself anxiously uncomfortable. . . unnerving, the chaos surrounding conflicts with the void inside me. . . battered on the outside, hollowness within. . . how much can i take before i implode? . . where is that warm protective sun with it's healing rays? . . when not a single star shines, it's hard to believe in a brighter day. . . i hopefully search my mind to find an escape from this hopelessness. . . it's almost unimaginable, the thought of finding the balance i need. . . despair's destructiveness is becoming, quite too evident. . . i attempt to displace my energy to even out this equ
How Can You Always Grow If You're Kept In Line? You Can't.
The notes on the piano go silent. The keys have stopped allowing themselves to be played. Time has froze. I can't hear myself think. I grasp the camera in my hand, trying to make sense of this reality. Maybe it will be more real to me once I breathe. I look up and I see a tree growing in the wrong direction held hostage by the power lines. Here I am sitting in the passenger seat, not existing as the person I am deep within. Instead, I am the person wishing who blows on her eyelashes when they fall out. I wish to be set free from the power lines. I know I have to tiptoe ever so softly toward the stars and find out what they have written for me in their opaque pages of fate. Yet a fortune cookie thought lights up inside my head like a light bulb with Chinese symbols painted on it: "Pick up the pieces. Get on with your life." I go into deep thought. The symbol of a white rose etches itself into my minds eye. "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." I blink. T
How Can You Change
How can you go from saying I love you to hurtng that one you love??? HOW?? Im getting ready to give up on love & getting fu-married. Nothing but heartache. Sick of crying..see what you caused?
How Can People Do This?
Earlier this week, I was out running some errands when I started feeling lightheaded. I became very incoherent and I collapsed. It felt like another seizure. After several minutes, someone finally came over to help. Here's my problem! I was in a populated area in plain sight, and it took several minutes before anyone actually came to help or even call 911. Are people that cold, that scared or that blind? I don't know why people do what they do, but I find it scary how people can do nothing when another human being needs help! I guess I'll never know!
How Could I Ask For More?
There's nothing like the warmth of a summer afternoon Waking to the sunlight, and being cradled by the moon Catching fireflies at night Building castles in the sand Kissing Mama's face goodnight Holding Daddy's hand Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more Running barefoot through the grass A little hide and go seek Being so in love, that you can hardly eat Dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around Being bundled 'neath the covers, watching snow Fall to the ground Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more So many things I thought would bring me happiness Some dreams that are realities today Such an irony the things that mean the most to me Are the memories that I've made along the way So if there's anything I've learned From this journey I am on Simple truths will keep you going Simple love will keep you strong Cause there are questions without answers Flames that never die Heartaches we go through are often blessings in di
How Can You Just Walk Away
How do you walk away from someone you love And take the road of friend; Can you reroute the course you have taken And start over once again? I don't really want to let you go But inside me I know I must; The times we've loved . . . the times you've left My heart says stay . . . but it's my mind I must trust. We have shared so much together Laughter . . . fun times . . . tears; Yet sometimes we can't turn back time We must walk away, and allow ourselves to heal. I know one day you will be happy And your soulmate you will find; I know we each have one out there Even if for now . . . only in our minds. May life be gentle with you May God's best come your way; And on some quiet tomorrow You will realize things were better this way.
How Can It Be !
How Can I Be In 2 Places At 1 Time?
I had two meetings this morning, one at 9:15 and one at 9:30 and 15 miles away from each other so really impossible for me to make both of them. I opted to send the stuff needed for the work meeting to work with Peter and have him give it to my Dad so they could have it if they needed it. I then went to my meeting at the high school for Anthony. It was a meeting about his tardiness and absenteeism problem! It was kind of a pointless meeting but they called anthony in there and we talked to the vise principal and he told him to stop going to his locker between classes and just carry his books so he won't be late for class anymore! Anthony is doing a lot better so I am happy as can be about that. The vise principal told Anthony that he has had good behavior lately and he thanked him for that. Anthony said "your welcome". kind of funny. I just hope this good attitude is here to stay and not temporary. We still have 5 classes left of our Parent classes for teenagers! One is
How Could You
How could you ~Tony Martinez How could you After all the time All the words Damn it I let you in I should have known better Now I sit here Again Nothing to show for it A broken heart, picking up the pieces yet again You would think after all this time I would grow cold My heart would be hard But I just can't do it I can't be mad I can't turn away I will heal Still be here with open arms Still I have to ask How could you
How Can I Say
How Can You Avoid The Guilt Experiences By John Bunyan?
How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Keep me from deliberate sins! Don't let them control me. Psalm 19:12-13 NLT Now, all glory to God, who is able to keep you from stumbling, and who will bring you into his glorious presence innocent of sin and with great joy. Jude 1:24 NLT A Pilgrim making progress John Bunyan, who wrote the class The Pilgrim's Progress, had been a godless youth with a "great desire to take fill of sin, still studying what sin was yet to be committed, that might taste the sweetness of it." However, while still in his twenties, Bunyan was convicted by the Holy Spirit of his sinfulness and his need for a Redeemer. After this Bunyan's conscience became so tender that he feared he was committing sins that would not be forgiven. Bunyan spent time studying Scripture, at times finding comfort and at other times being weighed down by guilt. Looking back on those turbulent days in his life, Bunyan recognized he
How Could I Forget You
Your smile; the scent of your skin; your kiss; the way you looked when you first awoke. In truth I cannot forget for the flowers wear your smile; the stars are your eyes; and the wind your spirit. JSDEUEL Copyight 2008
How Can This Be!
I'm blessed to be the father of three angels who I love very much! So this recent notification that ANOTHER LEVEL THREE SEX OFFENDER has taken residence in my neighborhood has me VERY concerned. Now I BELIEVE WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT to live where we like or can afford but this will make the "SIXTH" time that a KNOWN sex offender, regardless of their level, has moved into this neighborhood which is heavily populated with minors ranging from newborns up into high schoolers. My question is...Should law officials (from local to federal) pass laws that ensure the safety of our kids to not be the subject to a sex predator's urges or AM I IGNORING A SEX OFFENDER RIGHTS.....
How Could You
you were the one i gave my heart to, yet you have been so cold to me, you were the one i gave my life to and you ignored me and played me like a clown, when i waited for the rain to clear so that i may beable to love again it was you i saw in the sun light and now so quickly my sun faded into moonlight, you have taken a very big part of me and left me out in the cold, i never thought youd do it, but, baby, you became a remake of past history, why did you just leave me and never even say goodbye? we were friends, lovers and had a special bond, you ripped the very heart of me and threw it on the floor... together we faded and yet i never knew it... you desided someware along this road that you just really didnt love me after all
How Can She Unite Anything When She Is A House Divided
How Can I
How can I fall in love with only words? Words and pictures, grainy and compressed? A jaypeg love is truly for the birds. You'd have to wonder whether I'm repressed. But love it is, through all the bits and bytes, For someone who's like no one else I've met: Tender, charming, bright, queen of my nights, All I've ever dreamed of, on the Net. And though she's living in a distant place, I love her as I've loved no one before. Will I ever get to touch her face, Hold her in my arms and, perhaps, more? Ay, me! No matter what, I'm still in love. Through modems must our e-mailed passions move!
How Can This 1 Word
how can this 1 word bring so much pain but yet bring so much good the 1 word is love, love when you feel it you will know it will hit you when at least expect it you dont even have a clue, where it will hit or who it will be that you fall, in love with. they could be your best friend, its someone you feel so comfortable you can tell them anything in the, world with them by your side you, you have no fears and no regrets never take them for granted,dont ever forget to tell them you , love them with all your heart, and soul, tell them each morning, as you give them a kiss tell her, how beauitful she is ever chance you get,for 1 day they wi
How Could You?
You said "How could you?" You thought I was trying to hurt you But you misunderstood. How could I... love you for a million years call you after an eternity forgive you 70 x7 try and try pour out my love open my soul want you still? And how could you... slam the door ignore my cries listen to me pounding on the door, and not open it? How could YOU?
How Can I Know
Hark to bright stars of eve That capture your sight when you recline No sound would you perceive From sleeping creatures, except for mine, My call for you, And for love, too! While we are set apart Whenever you hear my name spoken, Put your hand on your heart. If you feel that your pulse hurries then I do the same Hearing your name! From your smile at my face That you love me I could not extract. But when tears leave their place They would reveal me the happy fact. Then I could see That you love me! Always I used to keep Thinking of you dreaming my time out. So you within your sleep Make me the one whom you dream about. And if not so, How can I know?
How Can You Do This
how can you call the one you love a slut ? when she knows she not. how can you blam her for things she never did? when its all lies.... how can you call her a bitch? when she knows she not. how can you tear out the heart of the one you love? she knows she been there for you.. how can the one you love be so mean to you? for all you done for them. its so hard to love sameone this days when they listin to nothing but lies about you? how can that happen????
How Can U Get Me Open
I just sitting here by myself thinkin how can he get me open.Will he be the man that opens up the door, if there water coming up put his coat on the floor.If my day is sad will he come in with flowers and make me glad.Will he be the man that ask me how my day and when i answer it could've of been better he says thats ok.Long as ur happy he says my day is complete and he bends down to kiss me on my cheek.He has a smile thats so warm and thats so right just the touch of him makes everything alright.As I get undress to get in the bed he says how much he loves me and i am the best.Im Just laying down wondering how can u get me open....Kisses Leave Comment
How Can I Not Love You
Cannot touch, Cannot hold, Cannot be together Cannot love, Cannot kiss, Cannot love eachother Must be strong and we must let go Cannot say what our hearts must know Chorus: How can I not love you What do I tell my heart When do I not want you here in my arms How does one walks away From all of the memories How do I not miss you when you are gone Cannot trip, Cannot share sweet and tender moments Cannot feel how we feel, Must pretend it's over Must be brave and we must go on, Must not say Wat we no longer long Chorus: How can I not love you What do I tell my heart When do I not want you here in my arms How does one walks away From all of the memories How do I not miss you when you are gone How can I not love you Bridge: Must be brave and we must be strong Cannot say what we no longer long Chorus: How can I not love you What do I tell my heart When do I not want you here in my arms How does one walks away From all of the memories How do I no
How Can I Make A Million Dollars, Legally?
This is serious all jokes aside no bull, let me know if you have any good ideas, silly responses get no replies.
How Can I Change My Email Address And/or Password
Email address: Your email can be changed by going to your Home Page and clicking on the “My” drop down menu and selecting “Profile” on the top left hand side of your page. From that page, enter your new email in the field for “signup email”. MAKE SURE you do NOT typo your new address. When you are done, scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will be asked to enter a code (Bouncer ID check) and click “submit” in order for your new settings to take place. Make sure you write down your new log in email. Password: Your password can be changed by going to your Home Page and clicking on the “My” drop down menu and selecting “Profile” on the top left hand side of your page. At the bottom of the left column, you will see a link that says “click here to change your password”. Click that and follow the prompts for the change to take place. Please write it down in a safe place. NEVER give out your password to anyone.
How Cold ????
You walked into my life when all I saw was Darkness & Pain all around me and an Undieing need to be loved and yet no words were ever spoken from your lips that lead me to think anything other than just another passerby in my life and you to would soon be gone as the rest had. Yet withing your walls I found a place that was safe and free from harm so I could grow and learn how to feel again after being trapped in my Cold Heartless Shell for so long and yet you never spoke any words and yet I knew ever word that was on the tip of your lips without you ever speaking them to me. I never asked for what you have given me and Nor did I ever expect to find it in someone like you who is so much like me that we know each other inside and out for the better part of our souls are inter mixed with each other and will always be because there is a bond there that will Not be broken no matter how hard life trys to push us apart from each other. When I was found I didn't know how to act wit
How Can You Live With Out Knowing These Facts
How can you live without knowing these facts 1. Many years ago, in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled "Gentlemen Only... Ladies Forbidden" ... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. 2. The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone. 3. Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury. 4. Men can read smaller print better than women can; women can hear better. 5. Coca-Cola was originally green. 6. It is impossible to lick your elbow. 7. The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska 8. The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% ( now get this...) The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38% 9. The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $6,400 10. The average number of people airborne over the US any given hour: 61,000 11. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their
How Can U Tell?
It can be so hard to tell the what people are really like sometimes! I am a firm believer in online romance and the idea that you can meet somebody on here and develope real feeling and love them. I am just don't think you can believe everything you hear!Just like real life some people are just out to get laid. Hell, there's nothing wrong with that! We all just need a good romp from time to strings attached.But guys...grow a set and be upfront with it. Truthfully you would have better results that way anyways..and you won't be wasting anybody's time. Times have changed and women are just as capable as men when it comes to a bootycall/friends with benefits/one night stand.If your interested...Now its not always about the sex either. i think some just need companionship. Don't have much time in real life to go out and meet people but can manage to get online while working or when they get home. So they confide in you and you confide in them and you create a long distance relati
How Can Hepatitis C Affect My Liver?
How Can Hepatitis C Affect My Liver? Tell Me More About Treatment The liver is the largest organ in the body. Located in the upper right side of the abdomen, it acts as a filter to remove toxins (harmful substances) and waste products from the blood. A healthy liver filters blood at a rate of about 1.5 quarts per minute. That's 540 gallons of blood a day! The liver also stores nutrients, such as certain vitamins, minerals, and iron, and plays a role in making and controlling the amounts of certain chemicals and proteins in the body, such as cholesterol, hormones, and sugars. It helps the body digest food by producing a substance called bile, which is stored in the gallbladder. The hepatitis C virus attacks liver cells and uses them as a host to reproduce itself. When the body attempts to fight the virus, it sends lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) to the liver, which results in inflammation (swelling). This inflammation is a normal response to infection, but over
How Can I Be Sure...
There'll come a day When you'll walk out of my dreams Face to face Like I'm imagining How can I be sure That you're the one I'm waiting for Will you be....... Unmistakable?
How Can Fak Acounts Get A Lounge No Sultes
clear 'for me' tab · CHIPSATHIEF.R/L... rated you a '1'! 2 mins ago · CHIPSATHIEF.R/L... just checked you out! 2 mins ago there all in here 'CARE BEAR R/L WIFE TO CHIP, OWNER OF CLUB SIX 1 SIX' this how gilty she is she changes her name from babyboo to 'CARE BEAR ttp://
How Can I?
How can I pretend its all ok, when its not? How can I pretend you care when I don't even hear from you? How come you talked about bettering our lives, when you are leaving me out in the dark? How come I have to pretend my life is ok, when every second of the day I am yearning and missing you? How come when it takes two minutes to text me, you can't even do that? How could you talk about forever and throw me away? How could you say you love me, to just hurt me? How could you write so many lies to me if you didn't mean them? How can I pretend its all ok, when its not? Below are some things copied from your blogs that you wrote to me, what happened? What changed? I understand your father passing away has been a big life factor on you, but it was even before that, that you started pushing me away. ======================================== subject: I am lonley think about Tawnya post date: 2006-11-22 17:25:59 views: 55 comments: 0 ratings: 0 Tawnya, I want to make you
How Can I Be A Better Friend Today.
Real friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel that you've done a permanent job. --Erwin T. Randall What kind of friends do we have? Are they people who complain a lot? Are they people who laugh at us or put others down? The kind of people we want to be will decide what kind of friends we have. If we want to feel sorry for ourselves, we will choose friends who will tell us how rotten their lives are. If we want to think we're better than others, we will hang around people who laugh at others' mistakes. But if we want to be the best we can be, we will pick friends who see the good in life, people who will encourage us to be ourselves and who will help us try harder at things that are difficult for us. How can I be a better friend today?
How Can We Be Complete
Laying here,pillow across my body.Thinking about you till it hurts.Why,when I pick up the phone,hear your voice,everything I want to say,gets buried in my soul.Don't you hear my cry.Crying for us to be complete.And how can one feel so completely,when one is so far away.Can you hear,in my voice,the longing,I have ,in the whisper of a darken room.Have you,yourself,laid upon the sheets,and listen to the sound of my voice,and know of my desires,knowing they are real,not fantasy.Why is it,when I hear your voice,that comfort sound,everything I want to say,gets buried,deep within my soul.Can you hear,my chant that speaks of you,me,us.Do you hear,my desperate call,within the wires,of a distant mirage.Are we real,or just a pigment of imagianation.How can I say what I really want to say,within the cords,when it gets buried in my soul.Do you feel the need.The need to be us,and not them.Are we so covered,in a world of cams and keyboards,we have forgotten how t
How Can You Hurt Me, Let Me Count What You Have Done
Its 4:26am and I'm laying here alone, kandi flippin my ass off. Fucking Fubar just time out on the 30 minute blog post I wrote so here goes the rewrite. My friend Jamie got hit by her bf. He didn't hit her that hard, but her personality changed right in then. It damaged her deep inside. He disappeared before I could rip his head off. I wanted to kill him. 2 hours later I'm chained spread eagle to a bed - kandy flippin my ass off because someone spike a drink Jamie gave me. I'm be chocked, strangled, slapped at least 20 times each slap being much much much much harder then the one time she was hit. Just say I was violently used and abused, and I kandi flipped. With each slap, or chock, or strangle, or belt lash to my tits, my arms and legs jerk violently at the cuffs that held me captive, a grawl radiates from deep in my body like an animal in heat, and my pussy grips his dick harder, holding him deep in me. He is my captive, and my pussy milks his dick. I LOVE PA
How Can I Know, So Surely That I Love You?
How Can I Know, So surely That I Love You? How can I know so surely that I'll love you? No matter what the future has in store? Time is like a cave in which our torches Show only the circumference of our minds. But love is far more than our passion, Though passion may at first sustain the will. One chooses love the way one chooses faith Because that is the way that heaven lies. My love for you is vaster than the ocean, More rich in loveliness than coral seas. I could no more relinquish it than let go Willingly the precious gift of life.
How Can I Describe
How can I describe in words that make any sense what i feel inside when I am thinking of you and the things you do to me? 3-1-03
How Could He Do It
he said "i love you" then took it back what kind of man could ever do that? i thought what he felt was real but lies were the only thing i would ever hear my love is real that i have for him yet pain is the only thing he is giving me to tell a person that loves you that they no longer feel the same is heartbreak beyond belief but i try to move on i have to be strong for no matter if he don't feel the same i know now that all along he was just playing a game
How Can People Be So Blind
How can people be so blind All you have to do is open your eyes & heart The one you're truely looking for is right there The one place you don't expect, People search far and wide But not close and narrow If they do they refuse to believe it And believing is just that, Usually the ones that stay by your side no matter what They trely believe in you And that is where love starts Reguardless if the love is just friendly or intimate.
How Close Was I To The Earthquake? Haha!
I live west of Long Beach... LOL!
How Can You
It seams you want to control me, That every time I let go, You say something to give me hope, Just to be turned down again. You told me you love me, But how can you love him to, You dont want to lose me, But you dont want to be with me, You took the best of me, Now your killing the rest of me. You wont promise me anything, But you wont deny anything either, You keep me hoping and waiting, For that chance at happiness again. I am torn between two feelings, I love you with all my heart, But you make me want to hate you. You said you love him, Right in front of me, No one knows how it hurt, To hear the women of my dreams, Say those words to someone else. I cant keep living like this, How can you live with yourself, Knowing your doing this to me, How can you live knowing that your killing me?
How Can I Tell You
How can I tell you what I feel for you? When I think of you my feelings twist inside As if someone's fist reached in and grabbed a few, And turned and turned them tight and tangled. I've tried Somehow to say: You're the sun in my sky, The wind that takes me where I want to go, The sweet incense that makes me feel so high That loving you seems all I need to know. But it all sticks in my throat! It sounds too cute, Empty as a wrinkled paper bag. You won't believe it! Better I stay mute Than offer you cliches that make you gag. And yet I wish to tell you of my love, If only love its own locks would remove!
How Could I Lose You Ask?
Most of my close peeps know about the drama of my divorce. This is to anyone who wishes to read it but mostly for the few i do call friend.I went to court this past Friday (16th) for a contempt of court hearing. My ex hasn't made any good faith efforts to pay his child support or the bills and rent he was ordered to... for the last three months.I went in to court confident that the judge...the same one who wrote these orders...would give me some justice and find him in contempt for some thing! I was wrong! I'm not sure how I lost but I did lose. He got away with it scott-free. not even a warning to do what he was legally and morally responsible to do. Needless to say I am and was dumbfounded by this.Shocked really. The judge told me it wasnt right for him to be homeless anymore than it was right for me to be. During all this time he and his new woman have been going out to eat and take~n family mini golf and enjoy~N life. Meanwhile my three children and i have ma
How Can I Save The World When I Can't Save Myself?????
Ugh, another commercial to donate to a charity in need. I can't take much more of those. This was for the World Wildlife Fund, on how the polar bears are losing their habitat due to global warming, and they show this Mama Bear with her cute little cubs. I am COMPELLED to send them money. Fuck my car payment--I can't let Mama and her babies die!!!!! That's just as bad as the ASPCA commercials with Sarah McLachlan. If they got a dollar for every time I cried watching those poor mistreated kitties and puppies, they would be LOADED!!!! Well gee whiz...I guess I can pay my car insurance on my next payday. That kitten needs me!! Seriously, I don't send money to these places all willy-nilly, but why do I want to save the world when I can't even figure out what's going on in my own life right now??? Somebody PLEASE shoot me....
How Could You?
When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad", you´d shake your finger at me and asked "How could you?" - but then you´d relent and roll me over for a bellyrub. My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed and listening to your confidences and secret dreams, and I believed that life could not be any more perfect. We went for long walks and runs in the park, car rides, stops for ice-cream (I only got the cone because "ice-cream is bad for dogs", you said) and took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day. Gradually you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time seaching for a human mate. I waited for you patiently, comforted you t
How Can I Be Offensive I Aint Tryin?
insane jester@ fubar
How Creative Are You?
You Are 72% Creative You are beyond creative. You are a true artist - even if it's not in the conventional sense of the word. You love creating for its own sake, and you find yourself quite inspired at times. How Creative Are You?
How Can We Win
How can we win? The first thing we need to do is start using a little different language when it comes to our fight with the current governmental status of "drugs." The use of the word "drugs" is pretty loaded. Let's face it, the public has been effectively (although patchy and somewhat faltering) brainwashed that drugs are "evil, wicked, mean and nasty." We need to use different terms. Like when I am discussing the entheogens that we use for spiritual reasons I call them "sacraments." In a population where 90% believe in a Deity and 80% that considers themselves to be religious and 70% that pray at least occasionally, who would be opposed to someone taking the sacraments? Tell the Catholics they can't have their wine and wafers and see what war that would begin. This is a little harder to do with things like cocaine, speeds, heroin, and the other various chemicals that definitely not only have stigmas surrounding them but definite medical and social problems surrounding them
How Can You Love Some One And The Next Minute Hurt?
I dnt understand how anyone can say they Love someone one minute then the very next Minute make them cry in pain. I Love My Wife with all I have and to see her in pain Kills me! I watched her go thru one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride due to some shit here on Fubar. I dont't understand how the person who told my wife they Love her could hurt hr and then basically blame my wife for what the person had done to hurt her. My wife did nothing wrong to this person but was put thru hell by this person but this person says she Loves my wife!! If you Love her dnt hurt her. And then don't blame her for your actions or the actions of other people!! Take Responsibilty for your own actions and stop hurting my wife!!!!
How Can Any Student Pass?
It's not the fault of the student if he fails, because the year ONLY has 365 days. Typical academic year for a student: 1. Sundays - 52, Sundays in a year, you know Sundays are for rest. Days left 313. 2. Summer holidays - 50 where weather is very hot and difficult to study. Days left 263. 3. 8 hours daily sleep - 130 days GONE. Days left 141. 4. 1 hour for daily playing - (good for health) means 15 days. Days left 126. 5. 2 hours daily for food & other delicacies (chewing properly & swallowing) means 30days. Days left 96. 6. 1 hour for talking (man is a social being) - means 15 days. Days left 81. 7. Exam days - per year at least 35 days. Days left 46. 8. Quarterly, Half yearly and festival (holidays) - 40 days. Balance 6 days. 9. For sickness- at least 3 days. Remaining days=3. 10. Movies and functions - at least 2 days. 1 day left. 11. That 1 day is your birthday. How can you study on that day??????!!!!!!!!!! Days left = 0 How can any student pass
How Could You?
I was at work today and found this poem on my bosses table. After reading this I cried. Have you ever wondered about the lives that shelter dogs had before they where placed there? You can look in there eyes and tell if they had a good or bad life before the shelter came into play. Well this poem by Jim Willis.This poem is called "How could you?" When I was a puppy I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How could you?" - but then you'd relent and roll me over for a bellyrub. My housetraining took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed, listening to your confidences and secret dreams, and I believed that life could not be any more perfect. We went for long walks and runs in the
How Can Someone Have Sex With A Bunch Of People?
I know that this is a subject that I seem to never leave from, but I don’t know, it seems to anger me quite a bit. I mean, I never could understand how some people be, like just sleep around and not worry about the consequences of their actions, or even care when problems do come up. I’m now starting to see less and less of people now that have less than sexual partners, and it’s getting worse. It’s now not a surprise to see a kids that graduate from Junior High already having multiple sex partners. I mean, I didn’t even like girls in that way when I was Junior High. What kind of crap is that, and who is this to blame? Perhaps pop culture has a tremendous amount of influence on the younger population, basically almost saying it’s alright to have casual sex all the time. Even parents being too lenient on what their children should wear or what kind of music they should listen to, or even paying attention to their actions. Now, as I hang out with some of my friends, it’s hard to
How Could She Do This????
NOT JUST ANOTHER PIMP OUT!!! IT'S A MIZZ SHADY THING... CHECK IT OUT.. This is a very kind woman.. I must say.. I don't recall ever meeting her before though its possible.. But when you have 20k friends you end up holding a lot of conversations and its very hard to keep track of who’s who.. Id love to get to know everyone but there’s like no way.. With that said this beautiful lady gave me a very nice gift just for the sake of giving asking nothing in return.. You all know how sappy of a person I am.. It blows me away when people do nice things for other people wanting nothing in return... Its cause it just doesn't happen that much any more.. So like you all know when I run into someone who does something kind and they stand out from the rest I just have to share them with you all... Go love her hard you guys.. She’s a good person.. Not only that she’s got AUTO 11'S ACTIVE!!and running on her page right now as we speak.. So go add her fan her and level yourself as you
How Cold
You walked into my life when all I saw was Darkness & Pain all around me and an Undieing need to be loved and yet no words were ever spoken from your lips that lead me to think anything other than just another passerby in my life and you to would soon be gone as the rest had. Yet withing your walls I found a place that was safe and free from harm so I could grow and learn how to feel again after being trapped in my Cold Heartless Shell for so long and yet you never spoke any words and yet I knew ever word that was on the tip of your lips without you ever speaking them to me. I never asked for what you have given me and Nor did I ever expect to find it in someone like you who is so much like me that we know each other inside and out for the better part of our souls are inter mixed with each other and will always be because there is a bond there that will Not be broken no matter how hard life trys to push us apart from each other. When I was found I didn't know how to act with y
How Could I?
I don't understand why she means so little to you Why does she mean life to me? Is it worth the pain, I am the only one to blame? With all my downfalls, insecurities, and malfunctions in life, I have let you go I never questioned good intention Just the jealousy of my own bad intention With scissors to paper it is bound to cut. I have always walked a lonely space and it has been so hard Filling this void for my heart. I know I am the only one to blame, hence not asking you is my shame. Accept this confession, it is my decision. To ask for forgiveness, to bring you back for my life to witness. Without you life is vicious, so please take this.
How Come I'm Only Thins Number In Your.....
I am hating the number thing in my family and friends. People seem to take it personal so I am removing the numbers except for one and that would be Jacqui. She and I have mushed boobs just so ya know. If this is an issue for you...I don't know what to tell ya. I have too much happening at home to worry about numbers on my friends here. If your really a friend you won't care where you are. :)
How Can I Practice Generosity Today?
Give to the world all that you have, and the best will come back to you. --Mary Ainge De Vere When we share something of our own with a friend, it gives both of us a special feeling. Generosity blesses the giver as much as the receiver. Sometimes we feel selfish, wanting to hoard all our treats or treasures. But when we secretly hide them away, we cheat even ourselves from enjoying them. Giving love and friendship to others works in just the same way. When we express love and kindness to others, we feel more love toward ourselves. Though we may not understand just how it works, we can be certain it does. The more of anything we give away to others, the greater our own rewards will be.
How Creative Can I Be In My Life Today?
To affect the quality of the day - that is the highest of the arts. --Henry David Thoreau We are the sculptors of our day. We can mold it creatively into a wonderful masterpiece. We control the amount of moisture we mix into our clay. We pound it, shape it, stroke it, and love it. Others can offer suggestions, and we gain new perspectives from their advice, but it is finally our own creation. Our knife may occasionally slip, or our mixture of earth may be too dry. Any great artist suffers temporary setbacks. Besides, imperfections in art often make it all the more interesting. How creative can I be in my life today?
How Could This Be?
How Could This Be? Wide in the distance, Of the love that you do not know, It reaches out to you, And won't let you go, You pull back thinking it's not right, It then get's it's revenge at night, You sit there thinking, How could this be? You know love happens, But you are thinking why me? You keep thinking about it, Until it hurts you inside, And now you realize, It's something you cannot hide, Quite a bit along the line, You think that it will be fine, But you know it's still there, And won't let it free, You know what it is, But how could this be?
How Can I Help Someone Grow Today?
It's not enough to talk to plants, you also have to listen. --David Bergman Plants grow best when we pay attention to them. That means watering, touching them, putting them in places where they will receive good light. They need people around them to notice if they are drooping at the edges or looking particularly happy in the sunlight. The more attention a plant receives, the better it will grow. We need to be noticed in the same way. If we notice a family member or friend is drooping, perhaps we can pay some special attention to him or her. All of us need someone to care about how we are and to truly listen to us. We can share and double someone's happiness by noticing and talking about it also. We help the people around us to grow by listening to their droopy edges as well as their bright days. People need this as much as plants need light and water. How can I help someone grow today?
How Cold Is It?
It's so cold this morning I: A) Stuck my hands up a woman's skirt, you know, for the warmth B) Punched a cop, just so he would throw me in the back of the warm squad car C) Bought a newspaper, lit it on fire and carried it like a torch D) Did none of the above, and just whined till I could write a blog about it.
How Could He....
Sulphur convenient store clerk killed at work By Amanda Ward LAKE CHARLES, LA (KPLC) - Murder shocks the Sulphur community after a man allegedly kills a convenient store clerk for his car. James Richard, 21, is being held without bond and the Calcasieu Correctional Center. Sulphur Police Asst. Chief Glenn Berry said Richard entered the EZ Mart on Highway 90 and Cities Service Hwy and killed Benjamin Mevis, 26. "It's a totally senseless killing that happened here (Citgo), last night. Mr. Richard came in and the only thing we can notice that's missing is Mr. Mevis's car," said Asst. Chief Berry. Amanda: Is there any reason to believe that the suspect knew the victim? Asst. Chief Berry: No, I don't believe there's any reason to believe that. Amanda: So, basically all this for his car? Asst. Chief Berry: That's the way it appears. Just totally senseless. After realizing the only thing missing was Mevis's car, Sulphur Police put out a BOLO (be on the look ou
How Could You?
By Jim Willis 2001 When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was “bad” you’d shake your finger at me and ask, “How could you?” but then you’d relent and roll me over for a belly rub. My housebreaking took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed and listening to your confidences and secret dreams and I believed that life could not be any more perfect. We went for long walks and runs in the park, car rides, stops for ice cream (I only got the cone because “ice cream” is bad for dogs”, you said) and I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day. Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career and more time searching for a human mate.I waited for you patiently, comfo
How Could A Mouther Do This To Her Child
This is a story in Florida My home town that i have followed closely and allso cry every time i listen to it. I am a mom of 3 boy's lost 1 and know how this feel's to loose a child butt to cause it Omg .
How Come No One Cares Any More I Need You Guys
I have been at this for over 2 hours now tossing the link out to everyone on my friend list and so far its got her 15 rates or so.. This is very tiring and hard work but I made her a promise that I would help. But omg you guys I'm for real getting so tired... Plz thank you for coming this far and if you rate them thank you again but also plz send your friends if you can. We are down about 100 rates and unless we kick some butt she they will both loose.. also people seem to repeat them selves on my friend list. I got as far as page 311 and I saw many people pop up twice by then so if I send you the link twice I'm very sorry.. I dont mean to but by page 311 and at this hour everything looks the same.. If I dont say thank you in the shout box its because I missed your shout is all.. I'm thanking all of you guys right here. So thank you so much lets get them to win this thing plz ty ty PLZ HELP THEY ARE BOTH FALLING BEHIND. ALL THEY NEED ARE RATES.. IF YOU ALL
How Cold Is It? It's So Cold That...
How cold is it? It's so cold that... Travel agencies are advertising tropical vacations in Antarctica. The local Starbucks is serving coffee on a stick. When we milked the cows, we got ice cream (the brown cows were giving chocolate ice cream). ...Roosters are rushing into Kentucky Fried Chicken and begging to use the pressure cooker. ...Politicians have their hands in their OWN pockets. ...I spilled scalding-hot drive-thru coffee on my lap... and THANKED the McDonald's staff! ...Grandpa's teeth were chattering.. . while they were still in the glass! ...Angelina Jolie has been downgraded from "hot" to "tepid". ...We've set up an ice fishing shack... in the bathtub. ...To assuage my head cold, I ate a bowl of chicken soup... with a knife and fork. ...At the city morgue, you can't tell the stiffs from the staff that works there. ...For their daily good deed, boy scouts are helping to de-ice little old ladies. ...The flashers are wal
How Can I Get Over A Breakup?
The good news is, you can reach the acceptance stage.Just read on.
How Can They Fool Us Today?
How Can they Fool Us Today? Am I the only person who wonders about all this AIG crap and how the BO govt is trying to fool us again? They say “Hey! A little bit of this money went to corporate bonus’s – get mad!!!!” They do not tell you how much money they got in campaign donations… How come no one is demanding all the campaign contributions get sent back??? How come no is wondering why this same government that gave out all the money did not do the Constitution requirement of oversight?? ( Dems – that means they were suppose to manage how it was spent… ) How come no one mentions that Tim Geitner was the person who set up the payout while working in New York??? Yet no that the tax cheat is running the IRS we have to pretend Obama and staff new nothing about it… How about Chris Dodd 1 year ago agreeing the future bonus’s had to be paid out legally and all of sudden he forgets??? Also, Sen. Dodd was AIG’s largest single recipient o
How Can This Be Lord
how can you take everybody away from me means so much to me its like my whole world has fallen apart i know that people say you don't take them away unless it is there time but sometimes i find that hard to believe and i honestly don't understand where you are coming from wen you take a father of two lil ones then a lil over a year later you took a 16 year boy and i know that he had no right to be out that late driving, now they have to live on in the hearts of there loved one they will always and for ever live on in my heart i know that much for sure but i still don't understand why there time on earth they were both so young when they had to come home forever i know you more then likely had or have something very special for them to do i know that they are the angels i feel around me all the time i see them in my kids all the time and they never got to meet either of them it just really hard to deal with sometimes cuz they act so much like them its not even and i thank god everyday
How Could You?
How could you turn your back on me when I screamed your name so loud?How could you let me fall away from you, did you get too proud?How could you watch as I died a gruesome death and broke apart?How could you walk away from me, or were you never really there to start?How could you be so cruel to me when all I ever tried to do was fit in?How could you be so hypocritical when I spoke my secrets from deep within?How could you have said those things and pretended that they were true?How could you have meant them all-I don't understand what you're trying to do.How could you pull the floor from beneath me when I just learned to stand?Please, could you just explain this to me, Because I don't understand..How could you play this game of pretend and play the part of a friend?How could you be so thoughtless, how could you want this all to end?How could you look me in the eye and say the cruelest of words?How could you say you listened to me when you never really heard?How could you stick this kn
How Come?
How come you don’t talk to me anymore?We are blood relatedWe use to be close, now we are nothingWhat happened between us?We were like best friends, like sisters till now Home come we aren’t as close as we use to be?We would spend so much time togetherIt hurts to know that we were best friends until high schoolNow I am just some one that you walk by and say nothing in the halls Home come you don’t come to family gatherings any more?You never come when are family gets togetherNobody like ever sees you anymoreIt’s like you disappeared How come we aren’t as important?You care about your friends more than your familyYou don’t even spend time with us; you’re always with your friendsWhat do they have that makes them more important then your own blood? How come you do this?I don’t get what happenedWe were like best friends then you changedNow you act! like you don’t care about your familyHow come?  
How Can I Be Like You?
The moon isn’t half full or half emptyThe sun isn’t clear as day or as bright as lightningThe lemons aren’t as sour as the oranges are sweetBut the yellows taste as good as the greensSo juicy and full of goodnessHumans we may be, but why lie in clouded dreamsThe world is full of creativity and nativitySo why try to harness it in the ball of your handWhy just sit there like a zombie as they feed you a story not so trueWhy schedule your free time around a box with pictures in a tubeWhy wear only colors that match, when the rest look so goodWhy try to make me like you, your desires are different then mineWhy can’t you love me as I love you, your pages are as beautiful as mineThat is why I love you because I don’t seek myselfOur common interests keep us whole but our looks keep us apartYour tones are not mine; you ideas are not your ownShare them but don’t force them upon my browFor then I shall leave you bitter sweet in miseryIf we all where models then
How Could I?
Where do you go when the day is long? And where does your heart beat, and who is wrong? Why do I feel this way? Why do I kneel? How could I let him go? Why do I feel? Why? Huh? Follow me home, thru the maze and on I'll show you the road, that I lead you the wrong way on Why did I go that way? Why do I steal? How could I let him go? Why do I feel? Oh, why did I go that way, and why do I steal? How could I let you go? Why do I feel? Why? How could I.......
How Can You Tell It Is Being Sold By A Man?
And don't  cheat either!!It's not hard to tell!! This table was for sale on  eBay. How can you tell it is  being sold by a man? First look and  guess. You will find the answer  below, but don't cheat! Know the answer? If not,  scroll down now.....         OK,  Look in the mirror. Remember,  if you are posting a picture on the world-wide web, WEAR CLOTHES when taking  the picture. I  NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD...AND IT WAS POSTED ON eBay!!!  
How Could I Resist
  so I got this shoutbox message this morning, and i know your thinking how did i resist the urge to earn those macy gift cards, I thought about it for about .1 nanoseconds then I came to My senses and realized I should wait for at least a offer for a gas card or a walmart card     WOW what an attractive and sexy woman you are...can you please look at my profile and tell me if I am too old to be your real life Sugar Daddy for maybe once a month?....I would love to just taste your pussy for maybe 20 minutes then in return I will give you a Macy's gift certificate so you can buy some new shoes...let me know what you think...PS: I am from   so if your interested in earning a few macys gifts cards contact tongue4sweetclit, hes such a charmer, he almost made me hurl My breakfast damn i need more coffee, laughs
How Can I,,
How can I live with myself After all I have done How can I get your forgiveness Because you're my one true love How can I make things right After all I have said How can I make you happy Despite the pain I inflicted How can I go one each day Hurting you more and more With every word i say But I love you
How Could He
How Could He I lay in despair Tears running down my cheeks I stare at the ceiling Close my eyes for a while Anger boiling inside of me How could he? Take advantage of someone so sweet how dare he? Lay his hands on her and forcefully hurt her I want to rip his eyes out and make him hurt Cry - feel the pain she felt as he lay helpless as his body took advantage of hers She can't sleep Thinking about that night All she see's is his face The flashbacks hurting her every time She opened up to me I lay there as she spoke Tears in her eyes as well as in mine Anger building inside of me with every word she spoke I hurt for her I felt for her Silently, I wished I could take the pain away. Hold her in my arms Tell how much I care But she knows She knows I would kill for her That I love her She means a lot to me And just like she's been there for me I'll be there for her She's like a goddess, Strong-spirited, Funny, Beautiful... But behind the smile, she hides the secret The secret of wh
How Could You????
Tell me something people. What adn how would you react to finding out that your best girlfriend has been dateing your x husband who had not even giveing you your divorce papers yet after 2 years ???  In had been the best of friends with her for 10 to 13 years. And you tell me if you think I did the righr thing ,by ending the friendship between her and my x husband??  Ye4a It will take me a very  long time to get over the fact , that thay are together. I dont even want to talk to them right now.  I just cant belive that notonly would thay do it to me,but my son who use to date the girl who my x husband is seeing. ????? Now you tell me. I would love to read your comments on this one.  Thank you.
How Can You Love Someone And Not Yourself?
Leaves are on the groundFall has comeBlue skies turning greyLike my loveI tried to carry youAnd make you wholeBut it was never enoughI must goWho is gonna save youWhen I'm gone?And who'll watch over youWhen I'm gone?You say you care for meBut hide it wellHow can you love someoneAnd not yourself?And when I'm goneWho will break your fall?Who will you blame?I can't go onAnd let you lose it allIt's more than I can takeWho'll ease your pain?Ease your pain Who is gonna save you when I'm gone?Who'll watch over you?Who will give you strength when you're not strong.Who'll watch over you when I've gone away?Snow is on the groundWinters comeYou long to hear my voiceBut I'm long gone
How Can I Tell Her?
How can I tell her what she means to me?  Should I tell her? I don't want to frighten her away.  It's happened before, it'll happen again, I know. Should I tell her?  Can I tell her how much I crave her?  My eyes crave to see her, if only in pictures.  My ears crave to  hear her.  Hear her laugh.   Just to hear her breathe, is estasy  to my ears. My fingers are jealous, because they cannot touch what my eyes can see.  They cannot hold her hand or caress her face. How can I tell her.  Can I tell her what she fears?  She does not fear me, but what I represent.  Should I tell her what she fears is hope, not love.  Can she tell it is the hope of love that frightens, not love. But, can I tell her the things that I feel?  It is too soon to share, to hope, to believe.  I should just be happy that she does breath, and laugh.  And, Oh, that smile.  That smile that shames the sun and mocks the moon and make the stars weep and want to fall from the sky.  How Can I Tell He
How Can I Answer These In The State Of Mind I Am In?!
What are u doing?thinking.Whats your current problem?is the world going to end that way? Were we just placed on the earth to die and accomplish nothing? Is there really anything out there for us to live for?What are u listing to?spell it right and I might answer it.Who's ur last txt from?no one.Last person u tlkd on the phone to?my mom.Anyone in the room with you right now?you'll have to elaborate on that.Last thing u ate?cheesecake.Missing anyone right now.I miss a lot of people.Do u have family in another state?I probably have family in all 50 states.Any plans for today?if I don't go to jacksonville hopefully hang out with Darrell and maybe talk to Brendan on the phone.Whats ur favorite color?blueWht were u doin at 12 last night?dancingWho's the biggest whore u kno?this question only brings out my insanity of how stupid this fucking world is.Favorite kinda music?manly metalWhat color are your socks?i hate socksLast person that slept in the same bed as you?no one.Are you in a relation
How Cant This Be
how can you take everybody away from me means so much to me its like my whole world has fallen apart i know that people say you don't take them away unless it is there time but sometimes i find that hard to believe and i honestly don't understand where you are coming from wen you take a father of two lil ones then a lil over a year later you took a 16 year boy and i know that he had no right to be out that late driving, now they have to live on in the hearts of there loved one they will always and for ever live on in my heart i know that much for sure but i still don't understand why there time on earth they were both so young when they had to come home forever i know you more then likely had or have something very special for them to do i know that they are the angels i feel around me all the time i see them in my kids all the time and they never got to meet either of them it just really hard to deal with sometimes cuz they act so much like them its not even and i thank god everyday t
How Could I Not?
Freedom's Conservative said: no catching up to high taxes and inflation is not catching up. spiker425 said: If it means a more equitible system and a healthier nation, it would be catching up (with fair taxation). With regards to inflation, stats will show that you're wrong. Freedom's Conservative said: How can you even say a more equitable anything. These Democrats want to create a huge government all for their own gain. That means they tax more which cause prices to rise. How is that equitable? spiker425 said: You're hysterical, lol. Freedom's Conservative said: You know absolutely nothing of my state of mind. You are looking for something that's not there. spiker425 said: spiker425 said: I thought as much. Was it a failed lobotomy?
How Can I Be
How can I be so stupid To fall in love with youI feel like I'm being used upGosh, I feel so stupid nowAnd if this is what it feels like to be fall in loveThen I rather let it goI can't see myself looking like thisEverytime tears falls outCause it makes me feel stupidI know I can do better than thisAnd I don't need you in my lifeThere is still someone out there for me Waiting to be lovedSo yeah if I'm still being with youThen I must be stupid to still be in loveWith you.....
How Can I Get Her To See...
I had no clue we had a blog here..Well its like this up until 2007 I was rollling along lifes highway feeling so good..Then the dragon raised his bufugly head..When I got sick well I got sick..Started tx in the fall of that year...It was real bad..First off loosing the money I use to make was bad then this tx crap well hell man whats next? Well suicide attempt was next..The tx had me crazy..I mean truly nuts..I couldnt sleep eat think nothing was the same and since then nothing has returned to true sanity...My daughter was so use to being spoiled the littel brat and having to loose my business due to the dragon well money left us..I live on disability now and well who the hell can live on that tiny bit of cash..So this last couple of years I have lost...So much but  mostly I have lost Savannah..her innocence was taken away due to my sickness..She is so out there it scares me daily..I love this child more than my own breath..She was my late in life child..So needless to say she was unex
How Can Someone Tell A Lie, When The Mirrors They Pass Hold The Truth
It seems everywhere i go there r mirrors. Of coarse they r there to show how we look in our performance but then i thought something. Wht if the mirrors one n only job is to show us wht we really r? If tht is the case then they can see past the lies people put around themselves for their own purposes. When rushing thru the hallways, the mirrors will always catch tht glimps of us as we past by, revealing evry detail n evry truth in our soul. But how do u prove to someone tht u r real when there r no mirrors around to show the truth neverything seems against u? This question has been thru all of us at least once, but has anyone truly found the solution. N how can u trust those around u when the mirrors r not present. Some accuse, some belive, n some would completly surpass it all together. With the power of the mirror, is it possible to use as a weapon? The only thing tht is certain is tht anyones tru self appears on the reflection of the glass. The Mirrors see evrythin.
How Could I Possibly Get Mad Or Ground Him
So my youngest son Nick gets thrown out of 2 classes at school yesterday. He has always been a straight A student with a 4.0 here is what occured yesterday.   So Nick is in a class called West Virginia studies (being from WV i think this is such a much needed class...joking) anyways...he has to read allowed a chapter from the text book. keep in mind my sons grew up in NYC...So Nick begins to read "Most people whom are not from nor near WV think West Virginians are a bunch of Redneck Hillbillies..." Nick bursts out in laughter...the class grows silent and he looks up and all are glaring at him, which made him laugh even harder. His teacher asks "And what is so funny Mr.Gallo"....Nick replies "Really you dont get it"...the teacher throws him out of class.... Nicks next class is English...they have to spell out words and write them on the chalk board for some god knows reason...Nicks teacher asks him to spell "Weather"...Nick proceeds to spell it out "W (pronounced double U)
How Can It Be?
How can it be that you can love so much but also be hurt so bad? How can one person completely disregard another person as if they were nothing? How can a totally different person care for those they dont even know  and put those people above themselves? For these answers you look inside yourself. Ive looked inside me and i have found that i love wholeheartedly, i hold hope for myself and others. Yet i also found i tend to get hurt easier and worse then those around me. I am willing to go out of my  way to help those in need and forget myself completely. I rather see those other people get the help they need then myself. Sometimes i feel people take that love, nurture, care, and hope for granted. They never stop and look at what they are doing, or who they are hurting. They never realize the love they were given til they lose it for good. I have also seen inside myself that i tend to forgive for things people should not be forgiven for. I leave myself to wonder what if i would have sai
How Can You Not Fall For Her...shes Amazing :)
I fell for who you are. I fell for what you are. I fell for you. I want to be with who you are. I want to be with who you are becoming. I want to be with you. Consumed by you I am. Consumed by you are my thoughts. Consumed by you, completely. Wishing for you. Wishing for the day. Wishing on that star in the sky. We found each other by chance. We found each other by fate. We just found each other. Roller coaster of emotions. Roller coaster of words. Roller coaster that i never want to get off of. I want. I need. I desire. With you I am complete. With you I am free. With you is where I wanna be. You hold the key. The key to make this more. The key to me. The key to us. The key that no one has been giving, With in you I entrusted my key. My key to all of me. Hold it near and never loose it. With in you is me.
How Can We Live?
As I sit here a terrible injustice is bestowed upon me by will. Just recently I embarked on a Abstinence program for myself, Which included going 40 days without anything sexual in nature to happen during those 40 days. That rules out anything self gratifying, Pornos etc... Ive been on this task for about 7 days now, talk about having a rough 7 days... Where most men communicate with the wrong end of there brains in conversating with females.. Has anyone reading this ever had to go through such a ordeal.. I am very strong willed and im very dedicated to conquering this 40 days plastered in front of me. It helps me better understand that everything doesnt have to revolve around sex or does it have to involve sexual undertones.. Im sure ladies understand a guys approach from the very start and know how the conversation is going etc.. Im just wondering if this ordeal is gonna help me overcome such a long stretch without it.. when it was 2-3 times a day to 0.. I hope I have the patience an
How Can You Turn To Pair Cookery
Most people perception upon cooking as a windy chore, especially when they are unscheduled to cook because they bang to Revere Ware Cookware diet substance that can only be parched at plate or because they human short acquired a kin or relation who likes national done content. Others only emotion cookery because they gestate it instant consuming and inadequate when compared to tasty packaged meals that are intelligent to fix. Still, national parched food is not only tastier than pre-packaged, pre-prepared content, it is often statesman nutritious than sleety pre-prepared dishes that are carbuncular fat and accumulative table and bad thought methods. Thence, home cooking should be taken as a necessary kinda than an option if you want to bracing fit and growing throughout story. Our tips on how you can turn Revere Ware Cookware bonk cookery at habitation leave assist alter the severest cookery hater to enjoy his or her reading in the kitchen.Try Out Spatulate Dishes Prototypical: As a in
How Can You Signal To Couple Cooking?
Most Revere Ware Cookware Warranty looking upon preparation as a prolix chore, especially when they are unscheduled to make because they hit to eat fast matter that can only be sauteed at habitation or because they bang dead acquired a ancestry or relative who likes home roasted content. Others just hate cookery because they deed it moment intense and unacceptable when compared to tasty packaged meals that are ready to fix. Withal, domicile parched substance is not only tastier than pre-packaged, pre-prepared substance, it is more statesman nutritious than unmoving pre-prepared dishes that are seedy fat and summative list and mean mentation methods. Thus, habitation preparation should Revere Ware Cookware Warranty confiscated as a essential kinda than an alternative if you require to meet fit and bouncing throughout being. Our tips on how you can signaling to jazz cooking at plate testament provide yet the severest cookery hater to revel his or her dimension in the kitchen.Try Out Pand
How Can You Play To Mate Preparation?
Most Revere Ware Cookware looking upon cookery as a wordy chore, especially when they are affected to fix because they change to eat fast content that can exclusive be fried at national or because they make suddenly acquired a descent or relation who likes plate stewed substance. Others simply hate cooking because they learn it moment intense and unsatisfying when compared to tasty prepackaged meals that are ready to navigator. Nevertheless, lodging grilled food is not exclusive tastier than pre-packaged, pre-prepared nutrient, it is untold statesman nutritious than preserved pre-prepared dishes that are enlarged fat and additive contents and pinched Revere Ware Cookware methods. Thus, home preparation should be purloined as a thing rather than an option if you poorness to meet fit and fit throughout being. Our tips on how you can vantage to copulate preparation at lodging present meliorate straight the severest cookery hater to bask his or her quantify in the kitchen.Try Out Unsubdivi
How Can This Plan Go Wrong?..
One day when I have kids of my own I plan to raise them the same way fubar runs it's site..   1.) Do as I say and not as I do..   2.) Punishment without reason..  'You're grounded' "But Daddy, what did I do?" 'You're grounded another week'..   3.) If you bad mouth me, your mother or any of the family in any way I will lock you in a closet..  Forever..   4.) Just when everything is great I will find a way to fuck it up and piss off the whole family.. "You love the old dog?.. Too bad, I'm going to run him over and get a more annoying dog."   5.) I need to have more than 1 kid so I can play favorites to the ones who kiss my ass the most and ignore the one I don't like..   6.) All babysitters will wear Orange. They will ignore any real problems and only harass the kids when they are having fun..     7.) If one of the kids is having a Birthday they must pay homage to me and their Mother.. Jewlery for Mom and Beer and smokes for Dad..   8.) Any time the kids have a life s
How Can I Know So Surely That I'll Love You
How can I know so surely that I'll love you No matter what the future has in store? Time is like a cave in which our torches Show only the circumference of our minds. But love is will far more than it is passion, Though passion may at first sustain the will. One chooses love the way one chooses faith Because that is the way that heaven lies. My love for you is vaster than the ocean, More rich in loveliness than coral seas. I could no more relinquish it than let go Willingly the precious gift of life.
How Can I Tell Or Schools Are In Trouble?
Easy. Here is a statment from a 20 year old.... "f@#k them trees sucking up all the oyxgen"   Need I say more?
How Can This Be??
Is it possible to fall for someone that fast It must be because it happened to me When you came into my life I was not looking for this But you know what they say It comes when you stop lookin.   Well I look back on that day As a very special day Because of all people you chose me How did I get that lucky How did I get lucky enough to find someone That I can think of all day long And know that they are thinking about me too??   All I know is when I think of you I am thankful that I have someone That thinks I am special And that I can bring them the same happiness That I am fortunate to have as well So that person you know who you are I Love you and can't wait to see you again.
How Connected Are You?
1. Was talkin with someone about how interface between two people brings other peripheral ppl to your page sometimes. It brought to mind this lil personal game I made up and I play sometimes just for the hell of it when Im bored. I got this person to try it, so I thought I'd blog it so maybe others can give it whirl also. 1. Start off at a friends page, rate them.... 2. Then using any available link on their page to another user (can be from family, friends or fan lists, or from visible bling or drink section, or profile/status comments) but ONLY from whats visible on their page, no expanding sections to see more ppl, etc.....just whats there. 3. From the links described above, find a person that you have had at least one exchange of dialogue with, meaning you at least spoke and aknowledged each others existence and the context of what they were saying. No "hey they bought me a drink but I never responded" or "hey they bought me a cherry bomb and I said thank you",....NO.... doesn
How Can I Make People Stop Liking Me ? -
If you've learned anything about me from my profile - *Hunh; easier reading Sanskrit in a mirror - I LOVE new friends, old friends and I don't particularly care whether I'm Rated, Drunk, or Blinged ever - Recently I've come in contact with a lot of swell people who seem to want to Like me, Booze me and Bomb me into oblivion . . .   Here's the catch: I'm not ungenerous or mean with my time, But - * BIG BUTT * - my computer has a tiny brain and a slow dial-up *Yes, I have a land-line - I can barely keep up with routine chores like drinks and rates - (I actually ran into a 'Bouncer' 9 times in the Gift Shop, if you can believe it) -   So I don't want people to think I'm neglecting them or ignoring them - I appreciate all the kind things my Friends, Fans and even total strangers have done for me recently - Really, really love you all - guys, gals and anything in between . . .   I'm just feeling a little sick, lazy and overwhelmed right now - *Last time this happened I we
How Can You Choose The Best Wedding Dresses
Are you about to obtain married? For most women, this will be the evening that they've been preparing for considering that they have been youthful girls. should you really feel the same, then it's understandable why you're out looking for advice, aid and help to produce your desire wedding party a reality. Let's confront it. with regards to Cheap Wedding Party Dresses, most guys just can't appear to fully grasp the significance of picking the best wedding party dress. True, you're only heading to become putting on that gown as quickly as within your life, as well as your groom may perhaps nonetheless really feel the inclination to tie the knot even should you showed up dressed inside of a potato sack, but you really nicely realize that among the most vital times of your lifestyle merits an exceptionally unique dress. Top suggestions to select the best wedding dresses. There are so countless wedding party particulars which you have to consider treatment of, but it's equally vital whi
How Can I Help Reduce The National Debt??
You know, I had a conversation with a fellow sailor yesterday and we were discussion the fact that the military will only see a 1.3% payraise next year.  My fellow sailor was very upset, stating that he felt he deserved more.  Actually, as I walked away....I felt a bit disturbed....on may fronts.   First, maybe I see military service as my patriotic duty....while others see it as a means to an end, just as any other job ends up being.  Ok...I can live with that.  The other thing that I found disturbing is that my sailor is right!  He deserves more.  E4 with a family.....and living in San Diego is NOT cheap!  I DO feel for him.....and all of my junior sailors how have to scratch just to get by.   Now, let me be frank for a moment.  I'm a Chief in the Navy.  I personally feel that I get paid a fair amount of money to do what I do.  But, I am content in what I do, and quite honestly, i would do this for free if I could.  i love my job and I still have problems sometimes believing that
How Could An Angel Break My Heart?
"How could an Angel break my heart? Why didn't he catch my falling star? I wish I didn't wish so hard. Maybe I wished our love apart."
How Can I Still Love You
Thoughts of you hang heavy, a weight upon my heart, too many bitter memories, too many brand new starts, how can i still love you, when i see you day by day, going down the same old road, that led you away. 
How Could Anyone
How can you love this Lost Girl?The one who wanders off the beaten path,With the false comfort of forever being lost.How can you love this girl with the dirt on her knees?Falling upon the ground, curled up in the fetal position,Tears mark their tracks down her face like acid,Every pain the same as the last,Using the fear of the past as trepidation of the new. 
How Could I Help But Love You - Aaron Neville
When you hold me close, Honey, you're the most, Baby, you set my soul on fire Ever since I met you, Honey, I had to get you, You have been my one desire How could I help but love you With a love so true, You send cold chills down my spine If we would ever part, It wouldn't be your fault, Yeah, it would be all mine If you would ever leave me, Honey, it sure would grieve me, Baby, it would break my heart But I won't let that worry me, This love will always be, It was meant right from the start How could I help but love you, With a love so true, You send cold chills down my spine If we would ever part, It wouldn't be your fault, Yeah, it would be all mine When you hold me close, Honey, you're the most, Baby, you set my soul on fire Ever since I met you, Honey, I had to get you, You have been my one desire How could I help but love you, With a love so so true, You send cold chills down my spine If we would ever part ...
How Can Baileys Corner Apts Workers And Owners, Lay There Heads On There Pillows Nights And Go To Sleep Knowing,
I try`d all the Animal help places near me to take my cats none could, now out of my small income per month I have to pay Bailey`s Corner apts $100.00 on pet deposit every month for a long time, that takes a big bite out of my food moneys Like · Dislike · · Promote Becky Leuallen it`s sad, i love animals, but when god takes my cats home, i don`t want any more animals. about an hour ago · Like
How Can You Tell When You Are In A Room, Restroom, Motel Etc. With A Mirror Or A 2-way Glass?
How can you tell when you are in a room, restroom, motel etc. with a mirror or a 2-way glass? Here's how: I thought it was quite interesting! And I know in about 30 seconds you're going to do what I did and find the nearest mirror. Do you know how to determine if a mirror is 2-way or not? A policewoman who travels all over the US and gives seminars and techniques for businesswomen passed this on. When we visit toilets, bathrooms, hotel rooms, changing rooms, etc., how many of you know for sure that the seemingly ordinary mirror hanging on the wall is a real mirror, or actually a 2-way mirror (i.e., they can see you, but you can't see them)? There have been many cases of people installing 2-way mirrors in female changing rooms . It is very difficult to positively identify the surface by looking at it. So, how do we determine with any amount of certainty what type of mirror we are looking at? TWO WAY GLASS IMAGE MIRROR IMAGE Just conduct this simple test: Place the tip
How Could This Be
I'm tired of trying to be what you want me to be I'm tired of rewinding what could be it plays in my head all the time but then i find out it was all a lie   you drug me around like a sack of old rags and just threw me away like it was never going to be do you really choose her over me?   how could this really be when you just said you loved me i really tried my best and you put me to the test so whats it going to be?     I'm tired of trying to be what you want me to be I'm tired of rewinding what could be it plays in my head all the time but then i find out it was all a lie
How Can I Survive
How Can I Hate Someone So Much
i loved him with my heart and soul,i would have laid down my life for him. that was a year ago. then life changed.he changed he became abusive . after 7 years he changed so much it wasnt funny all at once.i dont know what happend. what snapped in his mind i  just dont know. he just changed. then he cheated and i dont mean online cheating he actually lied to me and spent a night with another woman. i tossed him out.  but i was stupid and missed him  so i let him come back. i should have know better he made my life hell, he contined to cheat let the other woman harrass me daily, she got me fired from my job for harrasing me, making false claims against me ect. she would post things on fb on my page as different people . would make fake accounts in my name his name and any crazy name she could come up with. and would harrass me from them. but turned it around so it was me doing these things in his eyes. she called the state several times and reported me for neglect and abuse of my  child
How Can Any Individual Miss Out On The England Globe Cup Shirts
Football Shirt Displaying Loyalty in typeSporting Football shirts bearing the legend of a single favourite football club is not just a signifies of revealing 1 allegiance. It is also a subtle statement of amazing and chic. And marketplace savvy football clubs happen to be, predictably, quick to cash in about the recent maillot de foot 2012 2013 , much more especially club names, are becoming ace branding agents. Little wonder that almost all retro shirts price practically nothing less than USD 51 or 35. And there's a mad rush for them. Things were not constantly so. Within the great outdated day of contemporary football in England football gear was quite traditional. Think it or not, but gamers would be seen in shirt, suit, and tie! And a few would seem in home-knitted caps. Some footballers, by using a wry sense of humor clearly, would concede to wearuing a rosette on their chests. Even since the game continued to gain acceptance there was small followers maillots footb
How Can You Look Stylish Without Breaking Your Bank
We all want to look stylish and sophisticated. We ought to look impressive and appealing in order to survive in this highly exhibitive world. When there is so much emphasis laid on the looks and style then it is important to keep ourselves equipped with the most outstanding and stylish fashion accessories. Designer michael kors outlet handbags are one of the most impressive and sophisticated accessories that are considered as true hallmark of style and elegance. Designer purses as michael kors Canada outlet or Chanel bags, are one of the major accessories of today's fashion world. A 2009 collection Gucci handbag is undoubtedly a highly coveted accessory these days. Fashion hand bags work brilliantly with both the formal and casual dresses and for every occasiion. Ladies fashion bags are available in innumerable styles and design that is bound to suit the distinct taste of the buyers. Recent studies have revealed a rather quirky fact about online designer handbags sales. Replicas may so
How Can You Say The Things That You Say...
how can you say the things you do to mewhen you don't even drop by to seethe thoughts that i tangle withor stop by to leave a kissor to say i was missedyou never skip a beatyou just trample me beneath your feetyour words cut me like a knifeand rob me of my lifebut you never miss a beatyou just trample me beneath your feetwhen i am so careful for you, each and every dayyou dont stop and think about the words that you sayor stop to think how for me, words are all i gotand they cut me to the quick and they don't ever stopso how can you say the things that you doknowin' i hold every word to be true?
How Can People Be That Way
How Ctk-810in Digital Keyboard Never Fails To Delight
A delightful new experience is how I’d describe the CTK810IN professional keyboard. Being a professional musician, I was looking for a casio that would deliver high quality sounds and a brilliant performance. The CTK810IN has only exceeded my expectations! It is a digital keyboard that incorporates new age technology with musical brilliance for modern musicians who wish to leave a mark with their performances. This digital professional keyboard has proven to be a great friend and an even greater teacher! While ordinary keyboards promise more than they deliver, the CTK810IN professional keyboard lives up to its promise of excellence and differentiated features. Its 120 fresh new rhythms and 515 tones not only blow your mind but are a treat to your senses. The Indian rhythms are exciting and never-heard-before. I couldn’t ask for more as music professional. The digital keyboard adds a new dimension to Indian rhythms and professional music compositions, proving to be reliab
How Can I Forgot
How can I forget the days of my troubled youth When there was no one to show me the ways of life. When I was lost and lonely you cared for me...You were my father You were my brother... You were there for me.You fought for me when I struggled for my identity... When  no one could tell me who I was You were shaping me molding me forming me...You handled me with care and with the skill of a master craftsman...You would let no one attempt the task only you could perform...You were jealous over me and shielded me from the wolves who devour mens souls...When I thought I would not see past 25 years of lifeYou already had a plan for many years more...Today I remember you...Your name is burned on my heart and carved in my mind...When all seems lost and without hope....When troubles come and they will...When the  face of despair  taunts me and the darkness laughs me to scorn...I will remember you...I will watch for you..I will wait...For the brightness of Your coming...I will remember You!!!   
How Can I Find A Reliable Supplier Of Industrial Material Handling Equipment?
Finding the right manufacturer of industrial material handling equipment may mean acting like a crime investigator and looking for the “paper trail” – you have to look for companies that may have acquired those equipment recently and ask for referrals. Whether you are seeking out a conveyor manufacturer in Delhi or a cement bag packing machine manufacturer in the US, it pays to make contact with their clients first.   The reason you should contact the clients of equipment manufacturers first is because they may be able to answer some questions you have regarding the industrial material handling equipment they acquired. Was the supplier able to customize well the manufacture of the client’s equipment? This means the supplier should have the capacity to adjust the metrics of the client’s equipment to meet specifications. How long did it take the supplier to make this customized equipment? If quality is your main concern then the supplier should be able to
How Cosmetic Surgery Is Changing The Shape Of Venezuela's Mannequins
How cosmetic surgery is changing the shape of Venezuela's mannequins Shop-window dummies with enlarged breasts, tiny waists and unnaturally sculpted rears are catering for the national obsession with implants and plastic surgery Mannequins with extreme proportions on display in Caracas, Venezuela. Photograph: Meridith Kohut/New York Times/Redux / eyevine They do things differently in South America. While women's clothes stores in Scandinavia are earning widespread praise for using "normal-shaped " size 12 mannequins to model lingerie, and our very own Debenhams recently put a dozen size 16 dummies on display in its flagship Oxford Street store, the new shop-window favourite in Venezuela is apparently a fibreglass model sporting a dramatically enlarged bust, an unnaturally sculpted rear, a tiny wasp waist and never-ending, super-skinny legs. According to the New York Times, mannequin manufacturer Eliezer Álvarez has transformed his business by introducing a line of shop-wind
Howdy Friends
I just wanted to step in and say hello to all the fine friends I have made here on Lost Cherry.
How Do Other People See You??
How Do I Tell You How I Feel About You
How do I tell you how I feel about you When everytime i think of you my body shakes everytime i see you my knees grow weak and everytime i'm with you i dont want the time to end. When everytime i look into your eyes, i wish i was there everytime i see you smile my heart melts and every night before i go to sleep i pray we dont end. I've tried somehow to say: you're the sun that lights up my sky the wind that keeps me cool on a hot summer day and sweet incense that keeps me on a natural high I want so much to tell you: that without you with me each day my day isn't complete that since day one I've always wanted to be with you that no matter what's going on in my life you're the reason there's a smile on my face and that loving you seems to be all I need to know. But everytime I want to the words just wont come out to you it may sound mushy or too cute you may not believe it so it's better I keep my mouth closed Then to try to tell you exactly whats on
How Drinking 40's Got Me Where I Am Today
RANDOM THOUGHTS THANKS ANDREW ok this is my second one of these ill use punctuation and paragraphs and all that. basically with a half ass 12 th grade education ive conquered most of central texas, well at least a 10 by 10 bedroom. they say that your past affects your future yeah thas true it do, but does everty thing you do affect it i mean i pick my nose alot WAYYY more then i should yeah its gross i know and hey dont worry ladies if i ever go out with ya i am a polite gentleman. but does that have any profound affect on my future? the answer is yes it all happened about spring 1994 yeah you all know what we were doin then 8 th grade promotion. so anyways i had no courage with women or at that time girls. well there was this one i liked alot and honestly i think she liked me but yeah ok so like i was talking to her alot and telling some stoopid ass jokes like normal and i totally picked my nose just outta habbit yeah i was a weird ass kid she became totally disgusted and ive nev
How Do I Tell You How I Feel About You?!?!?!
How do I tell you how I feel about you When everytime i think of you my body shakes everytime i see you my knees grow weak and everytime i'm with you i dont want the time to end. When everytime i look into your eyes, i wish i was there everytime i see you smile my heart melts and every night before i go to sleep i pray we dont end. I've tried somehow to say: you're the sun that lights up my sky the wind that keeps me cool on a hot summer day and sweet incense that keeps me on a natural high I want so much to tell you: that without you with me each day my day isn't complete that since day one I've always wanted to be with you that no matter what's going on in my life you're the reason there's a smile on my face and that loving you seems to be all I need to know. But everytime I want to the words just wont come out to you it may sound mushy or too cute you may not believe it so it's better I keep my mouth closed Then to try to tell you exactly whats on
Well, let's see... i just woke up... kinda growly about it, as usual. starting week two of no day off at work. wondering if anyone will ever read this thing.... if not, oh well... i'll rant to myself... i guess that could be theraputic in it's own way. anyhow, what should i do with this blog? should i make it a journal of my extraordinarily boring life? should use it to post samples of my lame attempts at being a writer? should i develop a sense of righteous indignation and blast about things that just piss me off? perhaps be a bit random and do all of those things? yeah... i think that's the way to go. no structure. no set format. just put down whatever pops into my head from time to time. and if anyone actually does read this thing, please please please comment, have something to say. i'm here for some sort of interaction and conversation, although most times, the best i can hope for from the LC is to kill my boredom by checkin out profiles lookin for boobie pics
How Daring Are You ?
You Are a Dare Devil For you, life is one big dare. And you're all in for any adventure. Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating. You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself! How Daring Are You?
How Daring Are You?
You Are Bold And Brave But daring? Not usually? You tend to like to make calculated risks. So while you may not be base jumping any time soon... You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting! How Daring Are You?
How Do I Right My Wrongs?
a broken heart and a bleeding soul all this from a quick good-bye how do I right my wrongs? your death is on my hands your pain was all my fault how can I right my wrongs? it is too late to tell you I love you too late to wipe away your tears too late to love you like I never did before how can I right my wrongs?
How Did I Know Which Greek Goddess I Would Be Before I Took It...hmmm?
Take the quiz: Which Greek god/goddess are you?AphroditeYou are Aphrodite! Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty. She flirted with everyone, even though she was the wife of Hephaestus, son of Hera, and Hephaestus did not do much to stop her from cheating.Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! I am also the Gemini Goddess, and dont you forget it! lol
Howdy Again!
Hell, I just wanted to try this out...seems like others are doing it...I wanted to jump on the ban wagon myself...LOL!!! Later, Bubba
How Do I Know
HOW DO I KNOW how do i know i love you, is the question you asked? i will explain it all to you since this is my task. the moment i saw you i can not lie, you outer beauty is what caught my eye. your beautiful smile and you glamorous hair, is unsurpassed by others, i can not compare. your body so perfect, flawless in every way. i could not stop staring. could not look away. when i had a chance to hear you speak. my heart skipped a beat, and my knees got weak. when i saw into your mind, so that i could get to know you. i found that a beauty was not skin, deep but all the way through. since that moment we spent hours together. through sunshine and fun times, even stormy weather. you have been there for me, and you have always been around. always there to pick me up if and when I fall down. i give me all, and all i give is to you. that is how i know, that i love you.
How Do I Like It?
You scored as Hot/hard. You love hard sex. You like it hot and fast. You love to scream and to listen to your partner scream. You'll go at it as fast as you can. Just make sure you don't go too hard for your partner, just because you can take it doesn't mean they can. Please rate and comment and tell me what quiz this is when you do!Hot/hard100%Exciting/Exotic85%Passionate/wet80%Shy/Sweet45%Soft/slow20%Awkward/New0%How are you about sex? (with pics)created with
How Do I Look
please take a look at my real pic please tell me if you would date some one that looked like me since that pic i lost 30lbs
How Do They Do It?
I currently at the time of this blog have 73 friends. I pick these friends carefully through looking at their pages and seeing if we have any of the same interests. I also try to keep in touch with those friends... and yes I don't do a good job, it is hard to post to each person. I would like to get to know each of my friends better and truely be a friend, not just a name on the screen. I am wondering how all of those who are on LC and have like hundreds of friends do it! Any pointers would be welcome!
Goood Morning Ya'll On this tuesday ..hope this blog thing finds ya all well and dandy...Im doing good so far... coffee is finally kicking n... no plans today .. gonnna fold clothes ( exciting ) haha ( not ) lol other then that chill.. so if ya get bored give me a holla... until then .. hugs and smiles coming ya'lls way Bec
How Do You Communicate?
You Communicate With Your Body This isn't as bad as it sounds, it just means that you're a "touchy-feely" person. You need a lot of affection in your life. And for you, this means both giving and receiving little touches. Warm hearted, you bond with people easily. In fact, you often feel a little sad when you're not in the company of others. A little moody, you tend to be controlled by your emotions. But a bit hug always comforts you! How Do You Communicate?
How Daring Are You
You Are Bold And Brave But daring? Not usually? You tend to like to make calculated risks. So while you may not be base jumping any time soon... You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting!How Daring Are You?
How Do You Communicate?
You Communicate With Your Body This isn't as bad as it sounds, it just means that you're a "touchy-feely" person. You need a lot of affection in your life. And for you, this means both giving and receiving little touches. Warm hearted, you bond with people easily. In fact, you often feel a little sad when you're not in the company of others. A little moody, you tend to be controlled by your emotions. But a bit hug always comforts you! How Do You Communicate?
Interesting site ! Here's hoping some peeps (especially local ladies) will show me around. I got a lot of activity on my first day in, but it got quiet today. I'm usually up for just about anything...
How Do Guys Rate You
Men See You As Desirable Men often find you immediately attractive and sensual You're honesty is refreshingly beautiful ... it draws guys in You are also able to be open with your feelings with no emotional baggage Packing light means you enjoy new relationships easily How Do Men See You?
How Dirty Is Your Mind?
You scored as Not so clean. You're not what I'd call pure, but you're not too dirty. Thats okay... i guess?Not so clean100%Complete Filth60%Pedofile20%Pure and Innocent0%How dirty is your mind?created with
How Did I Do?**RACISM/SEXISM/RELIGION_SURVEY**click_here!.html" style="color:#fff;" title="**RACISM/SEXISM/RELIGION SURVEY**click here!">**RACISM/SEXISM/RELIGION SURVEY**click here! Created by" style="color:#fff;" title="genericbrat's Profile">genericbrat and taken 602 times on" style="color:#fff;" title="Bzoink">Bzoink ANSWER THESE INTELLIGENTLY, DONT BE A FRICKIN SMARTASS! RACISM: Are you racist? no What race are you? white Do you like black people? Why or why not? yes, i like all races, duh, ppl r ppl What do you think of when I say 'black person?' attractive What do you think of when I say 'white person?' attractive What do you think of when I say 'asian person?' attractive What do you think of when I say 'mexican person?' attractive Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone of a different race? WHY? no Don't you think it's ignorant to think that all of one race are the same? yes Why o
Well what a wonderful weekend I had, it just doesn't get much better then this at least not for me anyway. Well except that the Bengals lost, but hey the Cowboy's won, yeah!! I watched a few movies this past week, the first was North Country and then A History of Violence, neither one can I say were all that great. They were ok, but I am looking forward to watching the next movie we have, Munich. I have heard that is a really good movie, so I will let you know what I think. What is your favorite? Anything you care to suggest for me to add to my netflix queue?? Yesterday I did a little bit of shopping and then cleaned and worked on laundry, woohoo! Today I went to the track to see hubby ride his motorcycle, men in leather, how sweet is that, hehe... And then there was FOOTBALL today!! Yes I am a fan if you don't know that already and I did farely well this week in my pool so it has been a good weekend. Tomorrow I go and pick up our shirts for the Race For A Cure which is
Howdy Everone
Just wondering how many of you liked my story let me know and I will post another one soon huggs Chelle
How Dirty Is Your Mind? Part 1 (long Quiz!)
Take the quiz: How dirty is your mind? Part 1 (long quiz!)Skweeky clean!Do you even know why you took this quiz? You're either really clueless or you don't have a dirty mind.Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Just wanted to say hey y'all out there in cyberland....drop in and swap a howdy anytime...i'd love to hear from you....til then..stay kool and i'll catch ya on the flipside!!!
How Do I Communicate?
You Communicate With Your Ears You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker. What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions. You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself. Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.How Do You Communicate?
Howdy Yaw
yeah im fucking boored all the time i need help iv only got a month and a half left and time seems to drag on more and more each day. you can help me by sending me an IM on yahoo sapper101abn someone hit me up please
How Do You Like Me Now?
You told me what I couldn't do You said I'd break It's funny to think you thought what you said was true but all along, everyone knew you were fake. You tried to hold me down because you thought that was best and to think you thought you were doing me a favor by keeping me bound. The funny thing is, I was actually better than the rest. Now I'm here in the place you thought I'd never be I'm happy and smiling going after my goal, I surpassed what you thought of me, can't you see? After everything you said and did, I still refuse to fold!
How Do I Breathe!
how do I breathe. (yea) how do i breathe [Verse:1] Feels so different being here I was so used to being next to you Life for me is not the same But there's no one to turn to I don't know why i let it go to far Starting over it's so hard Seems like everywhere I try to go I keep thinkin of you I just had a wake up call (call) Wishin that i never let you fall (fall) Baby you were not the blame at all (all) When I'm the one who pushed you away Baby if u knew i cared(cared) U'd a never went no where (no where) Boy i shoulda been rite there [Chorus:] How do i breathe Without u here by my side How will i see When your love brought me to the light Where do i go When your hearts where i lay my head When your not with me How do i breathe How do i breathe [Verse:2] Boy i'm losing my mind Yes i made a mistake Thought that u would be mine Guess the joke was on me I miss u so bad i can't sleep I wish i knew where u could be
How Dogs And Men Are The Same
How Dogs and Men Are the Same 1. Both take up too much space on the bed. 2. Both have irrational fears about vacuum cleaning. 3. Both mark their territory. 4. Neither tells you what's bothering them. 5. The smaller ones tend to be more nervous. 6. Both have an inordinate fascination with women's crotches. 7. Neither does any dishes. 8. Both fart shamelessly. 9. Neither of them notice when you get your hair cut. 10. Both like dominance games. 11. Both are suspicious of the postman. 12. Neither understands what you see in cats. How Dogs Are Better Than Men 1. Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public. 2. Dogs miss you when you're gone. 3. Dogs feel guilty when they've done something wrong. 4. Dogs admit when they're jealous. 5. Dogs are very direct about wanting to go out. 6. Dogs do not play games with you, except fetch (and they never laugh at how you throw). 7. You can train a dog. 8. Dogs are easy to buy for. 9. The worst social disease you
Howdy Peeps
How Dirty Is Your Mind?
You scored as Complete Filth. You are flithy! You see sublimal messages everywhere... and you're always willing for some *ahem* fun. You can get "creative" with it too. You need serious counseling. Click Here, cus you need helpComplete Filth90%Not so clean80%Pedofile60%Pure and Innocent40%How dirty is your mind?created with
Howdy Yall
Well I finally decided to post my first blog on LostCherry. I still occasionally blog on Catch27 but not as much like I used to. As yall know, I'm a huge Cubs fan. Today, I read on the Chicago Sun-Times site that Lou Pinella will be the Cubs 49th manager and it should be announced before the beginning of the World Series on Saturday...let's keep our fingers crossed. I also found out this week that my best friend and his wife, who have been married now for 13 years are expecting their first child sometime next summer! That is just to freakn awesome! Went and seen "The Grudge 2" this past Friday night. Go and see it! And most importantly, To all Yankee fans and Corey Lidle's friends and family, you have my sincere condolences for your loss. If anyone has any questions or would like to know more about me, send me a message and I'll be sure to post some more about myself in a future blog. Ciao, Gabe
How Decisions Are Made
How Decisions are Made President George W. and Colin Powell are drinking in a pub close Old Town Square in Prague. A guy walks in and asks the bartender,"Isn't that Bush and Powell sitting over there?" The barman says, "Yep, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, "Wow,this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?" Bush says, "We're planning WW III," and the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?" Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 40 million Iraqis this time and one blonde with big tits." A little perplexed the guy exclaimed, "A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?" Bush turns to Powell, punches him on the shoulder and says, "See, smart ass?! I told you no one would worry about the 40 million Iraqis.
How Do You Know Its Love?
When you love some1 you feel it deep down inside you. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you feel is real. When you love some1 you feel there pain there wants and needs, Cause you feel it to. When you are in love your souls are connected and there is nothing that will ever break that bond but, You! When you are in love you will sacrafice life and limb for that person, so they wont have to feel 1 ounce of sadness or pain. When you love some 1 you wake up early just to see them, or you stay up just to watch them sleep. Cause you know 1 day they might not be there. Love is like the deep ocean, you dont how deep it really is. You dont know what it is but it just wont quit ever. When you are in love you just Know. There are no words and there are no expressions. What you feel inside nothing can explain it, you Just KNOW. No gold rubies or diamond can buy it or bargin for it.. It is totaly free. Most ppl in there life will never see this kind of love, they only see other
How Doi Talk To You If You Have Me Blocked
how do i talk to you if ya have me block angeleyes. why did you block me.
How Daring Are You?
You Are Bold And Brave But daring? Not usually? You tend to like to make calculated risks. So while you may not be base jumping any time soon... You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting! How Daring Are You?
How Do You Decide Who To Marry
(written by kids) (1) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. - Alan, age 10 (2) No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with. - Kristen, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? (1) Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. - Camille, age 10 (2) No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married. - Fre ddie, age 6 (very wise for his age) HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? (1) You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. - Derrick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? (1) Both don't want any more kids. - Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? (1) Dates are for havi
How Do You Find The Words....
How do you find the words to say how much somone means to you. I'm sure he knows but it's hard to say it right. He fills my thoughts and dreams. Just his name sets my heart a flutter.
How Daring...
You Are a Dare Devil For you, life is one big dare. And you're all in for any adventure. Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating. You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself! How Daring Are You?
How Do You Know Your In Love
ok people i am going to write this just becouse so here i go.....i dont know much about love i dont know how you can tell .i do know if you cant wait to talk to someone or hope they call you.there on your mind all the time.i am gussing thats love for the most for me i work so fuck much i cant help you with this i cant fine anyone myself so all i can tell you is i hope someone who reads this may help you here comes my part what the fuck are you thinking asking me of all people to help you with a love ? i work at a bar.guys grab my ass and tell me shit all night long .i dont know about your love prob. and i cant help you but i can give you 1 thing.treat people good you never know who a what the fuck are you thinking usmcbratt
How Do I
how do i say i love you how do i show you i care know the circumstances truely knowing what i can do hands tied before me tongue twisted into knots how do i say i love you when it means alot
How Deep
how deep do i go how far do i reach how long can i last for with otu your love i am not worthy of going on with out you can i live with out your kiss can i take another breath as you are my breathj an heart what is my life without you for i do love you greatly for now an ever more
Howdy All
Just wanted to say I miss you all, it sucks that LC is being blocked at work now. Also, I'm heading off to vacation, I'll be back in 9 days. Ciao.
How Dirty Is Ur Mind
You scored as Not so clean. You're not what I'd call pure, but you're not too dirty. Thats okay... i guess?Not so clean70%Pure and Innocent20%Complete Filth20%Pedofile0%How dirty is your mind?created with
How Do You Know When To Let....
your heart love again???? How do you know when loving someone is right???
Hey all this is all new to me. i haven't used lc before so any help you can give me will ge great.
Howdy Ladies And Gents
Just stopping in to say hi. I finally got Devon to sleep more than 10 min so I have some time to write. Hes been a nutball today. My mom stopped by *unannounced* cause shes been trying to call for 3 days but all the phones are dead and I didnt bother charging them. Sooo atleast I know she cares. She took me and Devon out to lunch and that was nice. It feels like forever since Ive been out of the house. Ebay is going well, I want to move sooo bad so I can get the CSR job that I want but he said I need to make 1500.00 before we can move. He just doesnt want to move and he knows I cant make that much so bleh jerk. Im sure if I whine enough we'll end up moving but I just dont feel like spending another winter in this trailer, worring if the heater is gonna break again or the pipes or something. I cant even put Devon in his room cause its too cold now but if I turn the heater on it gets WAAAY too warm in there and the thermostat doesnt work so its another winter of 200.00 electric
just wanted to say hi! new here obviously,and to introduce myself! my name is brandi nicole utecht!im 26 years of age and live in rockford illinois.i have blue green eyes and am a little more to love.i have long legs and long taking online courses to better my education,i can only take them online because i work all the time,which suck's sometime's, but i guess work is never any fun unless you actually like your job.i love collecting old bok's but im banned from them because i have to many(lol).i love watching old movie's, my favorite movie's are throughly modern millie and seven wive's for seven brother' a huge closet xena warrior princess fan lol.i have all of her season's on dvd, so i guess im not in the closet ok.i have the charmed set's also.i love light jazz and basically any kind of music,except for heavy metal and bad rape music.i was raised on rock music most of my life(led zephlen,motley crue,white snake) my father ans sister drove it into me so i guess you can sa
How Do You Want It
"How Do You Want It"
How Do Men See You?
Men See You As Desirable Men often find you immediately attractive and sensual You're honesty is refreshingly beautiful ... it draws guys in You are also able to be open with your feelings with no emotional baggage Packing light means you enjoy new relationships easily How Do Men See You?
How Does It Feel?
How does it feel to know ur destiny has been altered in a blink. ur actions have lead to dreams tarnished and expectations be put to sleep. Your smile which once weakened me , i now see the smirk. Your touch what i once craved now makes me question my sanity. I wish ur commitment to me was as strong as ur commitment to destroying my faith. In u i found my life preserver, in u i found the strength to not continue but to progress. In u i saw the exception and the rule and they all said my love was meant for you. In you i saw peace. Secure in ur moment helped me overcome fear. Relaxation in ur kisses taught me to crave again. but ultimately In you I found unsupported foundations and unwilling permits....E.D.M.L
How Do You Fall In Love
How do you fall in love How do you say I do When is the perfect time To spend the rest of your life Seasons may come and go And sometimes it rains and snows And there will be highs and lows So only you will know You never know just where it will find you 'Cause it can come on you so fast Seems like it takes forever When you want it so bad But don't ever take it for granted 'Cause it's more than sowing some seeds It takes sun and water So give it what it needs And that's how you fall in love That's when you say I do That's when you know it's time To spend the rest of your life Now seasons may come and go And sometimes it rains and snows There will be highs and lows So only you will know There will be highs and lows So only you will know
How Dare You?
How dare you, Mr. Suave, accuse me of my breasts pressed in your face Why you're the one who stared my way at each alluring sexy place I saw those restless hands at play just begging for a little feel My mind was saying "TAKE ME NOW!" but my voice was shouting "Heel!" Just because it's Spring and well... I think that we both surely know... all the places in the lusty Spring a young man's urges tend to go Don't think you can win me over with dark good looks and bedroom eyes Well....maybe just one little kiss but don't moan with those passion sighs And please don't think that just because I gave in to some light foreplay We'll book ourselves a hotel room and you can have your wicked way... Oh yes, baby, undress me now let's toss our clothes down on the floor If you like something, show me how... But, don't forget to lock that door Come on! Hot hands -- caress me now! Touch secret worlds... just down below I don't think that
How Deep Is Your Love ~~~ The Bee Gees
How Does This Song Go With This Lol (flavor Of The Week)
How Did I End Up Here?
How Do Men See Me
Men See You As Choosy Men notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait How Do Men See You?
How Do Things Look To You Today?
How do things look to you today? The wicked will not rule the godly, for then the godly might be forced to do wrong. Psalm 125:3 NLT Seeking what is really there "Life under Louis XIV was not easy for the French Huguenots. They loved to sing psalms, but the king made an edict that forbade the singing of the Psalms almost everywhere. So the Huguenots went out to the fields and forests and continued their singing. Psalm 125 was a favorite of theirs, maybe because it said that the wicked would not rule the godly. Or maybe it was because the Huguenots could see something that Louis XIV couldn't see. Remember the story of Elisha and his servant (2 Kings 6:8-23)? The servant couldn't understand why Elisha wasn't bothered about the hordes of enemy soldiers surrounding them. It looked like disaster, but Elisha could see horses and chariots of fire surrounding the enemy soldiers. The same has been true for many other saints, including Paul and Silas, who sang at midnight
How Dark Am I?
What Dark Being Are You? You are a Dark Fairy. This is the least of the dark beings. No doubt you have a dark side to you; its just not common that is comes out, at least that anyone knows of. You are beautiful and gentle, a person that most people like to be with. Youre coning at the way you get things in life, and can be a little self absorbed. Dont let your wings carry you of into fantasy; know that your feet are always on the ground.Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
How Do You Effect People?
Tracy Pills:Will cause a decrease in ability to focus 'What effect do you have on people?' at
How Do You Like Them?
How Do You Mend A Broken Heart..?
I can think of younger days when living for my life Was everything a man could want to do. I could never see tomorrow, but I was never told about the sorrow. And how can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop the sun from shining? What makes the world go round? How can you mend a this broken man? How can a loser ever win? Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again. I can still feel the breeze that rustles through the trees And misty memories of days gone by We could never see tomorrow, noone said a word about the sorrow. And how can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop the sun from shining? What makes the world go round? How can you mend this broken man? How can a loser ever win? Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again.
How Does One Know
How Do You Love
• how do you feel when you love someone * * but that someone doesn't love you* * depressed, sad, all alone * * just down and feeling blue * * how do you feel when you love someone * * and they pretend they love you* * they play it off like you mean so much * * but you know that you 2 are through * * how do you feel when someone takes your heart * * and breaks it very bad * * but no one cares except for you * * and you know it cant be repaired * * how do you feel when someone tells you * * " you mean the world to me" * * but deep down inside you know its a lie * * cause right through him is where you can see * * how do you feel when you wait for something * * but it will never be yours * * for it you would do anything * * but that something still can't be bought * *how do you feel when theres love at first sight * * and you think you may have a chance * * but then you wake up so see an honest light * * that all you will get is a glance * * how do y
How Does It Feel To Want?
I want to network with other artists. I want to have artist friends. I want to make a little money from my artwork! I want there to be more than four artists, including myself, on Cherry Tap. I want all other artists to join the art lounge I made (Art is Love) so we can fullfill the afforementioned networking want. I want to NOT be the only person who wants these things! Ok, I'm done rambling now. But seriously, I want to meet other artists on CT! PS: I'm so sick of people who list their interests as partying and drinking and hanging out. Don't you want to actually DO SOMETHING?
How Do You Respond To Deep Distress?
How do you respond to deep distress? "But while in deep distress, Manasseh sought the Lord his God and cried out humbly to the God of his ancestors. 2 Chronicles 33:12 NLT " Into the heart of Africa "Peter Cameron Scott was born in Glasgow in 1867 and became the founder of the Africa Inland Mission. But his beginnings in Africa were anything but auspicious. His first trip to Africa ended in a severe attack of malaria that sent him home. He resolved to return after recuperation. His return was especially gratifying to Scott, because this time his brother John joined him. But before long John was struck down by fever. All alone, Peter buried his brother, and in the agony of those days recommitted himself to preaching the gospel in Africa. Yet again his health gave way and he had to return to England. How would he ever pull out of the desolation and depression of those days? He had pledged himself to God. But where could he find the strength to go back again to Af
How Do You Let Go.
My mom is in the final weeks of her life though to be perfectly honest and even though it brakes my heart to say this I think her last week. She's refusing food, chokes on drops of water and has let her body switch to dead weight when trying to lift her. She's talking to people that are not in the room, have passed on or you just don't even know what she is talking about. I am up right now be she is restless, in no pain but restless. She has thrown me out of the room because I won't get her out of bed to use the restroom. I tried explaining to her that she has a cathiter and it is okay to just go pee. She yells at me to get her out of bed. I tried and her legs gave out on me before she could at least stand and now she starts to slip from your arms. Damn it brakes my heart to see her this way. In her sleep I tell her that even though we will be sad, if she's ready to let go and join my grandfather in a better place to go ahead. She deserves her rest and to have her heart at peace. In t
How Does Eeverything Work Here
how do I download things for my homepage music evwerything
How Do You Think I Like It?
Whats your sex style? Fierce Sex StyleStraight to it! No time for kissing and touching here... Maybe the heat of the moment...But always great! Leaving them wanting MORE EACH TIME!!!!!! Take this test
How Dirty Is Your Mind?
You scored as Complete Filth. You are flithy! You see sublimal messages everywhere... and you're always willing for some *ahem* fun. You can get "creative" with it too. You need serious counseling. Click Here, cus you need helpNot so clean90%Complete Filth90%Pedofile50%Pure and Innocent30%How dirty is your mind?created with
How Do You Morph?
If anyone can help me I would love to learn how to morph a picture for my profile. Any body can help me on this one?
How Do You Use Magic?
Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
How Do You Wanna Be Treated
Just a question how do you wanna be treated on here? have you heard "do unto others as they do unto you." that means one thing the respect you show me you get in return.if you come off as a bitch from the beginning then i show you my bitch side. no i am not a bitch i am "the bitch"when you approaches me its up to you and i hope the ones this is intended for gets to them.if not my views will change "do unto others as you would have them do unto you "but do it first"
How Do You Say Good Bye
I know it is time to let you go but the child in me still needs you here. I am being selfish I know, so I will let you go. With each word I write I set you free so mom please go I will be fine you will see You will forever be in my heart but it's time I made my own start Be happy mom you taught me well even though sometimes you couldn't tell I still hear every word and every laugh and I feel a mothers pain I know you understand what I mean I am sorry for the hard times I put you through But one more thing be for you leave and this is hard to say But the time is over for me to grieve you see there isn't really a need for you to stay because I will remember you each and everyday It's ok mom you are free be happy now it's time to leave
How Do These Braniacs Get Famous??
STUPID CELEBRITY QUOTES "Where's Austria?" David Hasselhoff, Baywatch star, when told he has five gold albums as a singer in Austria. "Beyond its entertainment value, Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many." David Hasselhoff "Good looking people turn me off. Myself included." Patrick Swayze "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign "There is certainly more in the future now than back in 1964." Roger Daltrey "I feel my best when I'm happy." Winona Ryder "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff." Mariah Carey "I would not live forever, because we s
How Do These Braniacs Get Famous??
STUPID CELEBRITY QUOTES "Where's Austria?" David Hasselhoff, Baywatch star, when told he has five gold albums as a singer in Austria. "Beyond its entertainment value, Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many." David Hasselhoff "Good looking people turn me off. Myself included." Patrick Swayze "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign "There is certainly more in the future now than back in 1964." Roger Daltrey "I feel my best when I'm happy." Winona Ryder "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff." Mariah Carey "I would not live forever, because we s
How Do These Braniacs Get Famous??
STUPID CELEBRITY QUOTES "Where's Austria?" David Hasselhoff, Baywatch star, when told he has five gold albums as a singer in Austria. "Beyond its entertainment value, Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many." David Hasselhoff "Good looking people turn me off. Myself included." Patrick Swayze "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign "There is certainly more in the future now than back in 1964." Roger Daltrey "I feel my best when I'm happy." Winona Ryder "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff." Mariah Carey "I would not live forever, because we s
Howdy folks out there in internet land, I am Bala Bafoofkit and I is a Missionary of the high Moistness. And that includes the 6 Gods.
How Do Men See Me?
Men See You As Choosy Men notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait How Do Men See You?
How Do You Drive?
Your Driving Is is: 59% Male, 41% Female According to studies, you drive both like a guy and a girl. This means you're a pretty average driver, with typical quirks. Occasionally you're frustrated and or a little reckless, but that's the exception - not the norm. Do You Drive Like a Guy or a Girl?
How Do You Decide Who To Marry? (written By Kids)
(1) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. - Alan, age 10 (2) No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck wi th. - Kristen, age 10 WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO GET MARRIED? (1) Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. - Camille, age 10 (2) No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married. - Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age) HOW CAN A STRANGER TELL IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MARRIED? (1) You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. - Derrick, age 8 WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MOM AND DAD HAVE IN COMMON? (1) Both don't want any more kids. - Lori, age 8 WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO ON A DATE? (1) Dates are for having fun, and
How Do People See You?
Slow and Steady Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment. They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. How Do People See You?
How Do You Know Your In Love? My Friend Rich
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Rich Date: Dec 2 2006 7:32 AM If you aren't happy and content with who you are than your not possibly able to make another feel loved, needed or desired. There is nothing more rewarding in life than feeling that true emotion of true love. To come home everyday to a partner wanting you. Truly wanting you with there heart and soul. You can see it in there eyes.Very few really have this in there lives. Couples split up or start the game of looking again after that initial feeling of that infatuation goes away. That wasn't true love. Know and understand the difference. When you meet someone knew and hit it off. You feel good about everything. Life is grand. Couldn't be better. Butterflies, fireworks , the whole thing! Ya Ya Ya. Been there and done that. I know from personal experience those feelings are not real. They will not last. That is what I call and know as infatuation. A temporary feeling of emotions that will
How Do I...?
how do I get music? on MYSpace you just drop and drag! I dont want the stoopids but it says error etc...
How Do You Measure Love
there are many levels of love. we have the love of a child, which is unconditional and very rewarding. we have the love of a pet, also, unconditional and rewarding. as we grow from being a child to an adult, some ppl say our love changes and its due to our lifestyle and how we were treated as a child. Some ppl forget how to love or they are afraid of giving love because of the fear of being rejected and having their heart crushed. its sad when we come across someone that has been hurt, and taken advantage of. its hard to gain the trust of these types of ppl. i will never understand how a person can use another person to gain material things in life Or to take them for granted. there are many things in life i don't understand, and i think this will remain as one of the top 10 things.. "How can a person look another one in the eyes and say "I love You".. and NOT mean it?? How can a person sleep at night knowing that they have used another person?? Here is a few question... "how many
How Does Nearly $50,000 Mysteriously Reappear.
Got a letter from my sister-in-law's idiot, errrrr lawyer. It seems that he considers an accounting discrepancy of $50,000.00 that mysteriously appeared in her personal account a trivial discrepancy. How in the hell is that trivial? That's a pretty big accounting discrepancy. And then she wonders why we are asking her to provide documentation to back up her accounting? I think she just proved our case right there. It is much better to have someone think you are stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
How Does One Say Good Bye
How does one say good bye to the 1st man she ever fell in love with. This I do not know, my heart hurts and my eyes filled with tears of sorrow. I know he left this world proud of his princess. I also know that I will see him again when its my time to go. What I would not do for that one last hug or one last kiss from him. I never got to say good bye or tell him that I love him. But in my heart I know that he left knowing that I do. DADDY I LOVE YOU~ YOUR LIL PRINCESS ALWAYS & FOREVER
How Do You Become Rich These Days????
yeah if you have not noticed people in the world is becoming famous and rich for stupid shit such as making some lame ass video of themselves just sittin there...or making a website or yeah me and some peoples are going to make a web site but first we must know what would you people like on a site...we are asking you becouse instead of just all out making a site and its nothing you people would like about yeah umm let me know what you think would be fun and what can even come up with a name for it { havent done that yet }..but yeah help us out...w.e you come up with let me know...thanks alot....and if we do end up rich...i got you all who helped in creating this...and also...i can make as many sites as i want so keep the ideas coming k... here is my social group...leave w.e it is you cam up with there k.. thanks again M-DOT Y.B.E AND THE FAM.
How Do You Feel?
Thursday, December 7, 2006 How do you feel? It may seem that the way you feel depends on how things are going in your life and in the world in general. Yet the exact opposite is true. The way things are going in your life depends on how you choose to feel. Your feelings are your most sincere expectations. Every part of your life picks up on those expectations. Your thoughts, your actions, your words, and the results that come from them all take their cue from the way you feel. Some people see a challenging situation and feel dismayed. Others will see the same exact situation and know that they can choose to feel energized and inspired. Life does not arbitrarily impose itself on you. Rather, through your feelings, you select which of life's many offerings you wish to accept. How do you choose to feel about things? Whatever it is, that is the way your life will play out. -- Ralph Marston
How Do You Feel?
How do you feel? It may seem that the way you feel depends on how things are going in your life and in the world in general. Yet the exact opposite is true. The way things are going in your life depends on how you choose to feel. Your feelings are your most sincere expectations. Every part of your life picks up on those expectations. Your thoughts, your actions, your words, and the results that come from them all take their cue from the way you feel. Some people see a challenging situation and feel dismayed. Others will see the same exact situation and know that they can choose to feel energized and inspired. Life does not arbitrarily impose itself on you. Rather, through your feelings, you select which of life's many offerings you wish to accept. How do you choose to feel about things? Whatever it is, that is the way your life will play out. -- Ralph Marston
How Do You Live Your Life?
How You Life Your Life You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good. You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think. Your friends tend to be a as quirky as you are - which is saying a lot! Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down.How Do You Live Your Life?
How Deep Is Your Love By Dru Hill
How Do You Rate!!!!!
You have a sexual IQ of 157 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
How Do I Go On
So much like a dream my life has become each day let you get close hoping I dont get burned,can you promise me forever can you promise me i wont get hurt can you say you wont make me cry....No none of these even you can give..but each day I go on
How Do I.]
How do I look at u and not want u. I have wanted everything on u from ur toes to ur after thought. I hear u breath and I want to taste ur exhale. I watch u sleep and I inhale ur unconscious. Kisses have led me to now and I'm confused by ur pecks. 2 lips guided me and 2 others own me. Completely is how my eyes want you, completely is how my hands reach for u, completely is how my heart loves you , and completely is how u consume my everything... E.D.M.L.
How Do U Communicate?
You Communicate With Your Ears You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker. What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions. You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself. Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod. How Do You Communicate?
How Do You Know When To Give Up On Someone?
that is my question. How do you know when to give up and walk away from someone. to know when enough is enough. when to just shake the dust from your feet and say i cant take anymore and walk away before you are destoried in the sand. do you walk away the first sign of trouble or do you stay and watch things get worse and worse before you walk away? when is enough enough. when do you stop fighting for something thats maybe nt worth fighting for?
How Do You
How Do You Know?
how do you know when you are over the love of your life... is it when they rip your heart out and toss it aside like a piece of garbage... is it when they tell you they love you and yet don't wanna be with you anymore... is it when they find someone else to love... or is it when your heart just drops a feeling that has been there for years... i think it is the last one... i am over the love of my life and yet i still feel very strange...
How Dirty Is Ur Mind?
You scored as Not so clean. You're not what I'd call pure, but you're not too dirty. Thats okay... i guess?Not so clean60%Complete Filth40%Pure and Innocent30%Pedofile20%How dirty is your mind?created with
How Do You Measure Life???
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true. 1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. You are special and unique. 8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. 11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. So.........
How Do I Live?
How Do I Live Video - Leann Rimes lyricsLeann Rimes Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
How Do I Feel????
OK so the story goes.... Everything was going fine and well (or so I thought) last night. Then My X-Boyfriend and another guy decided to go out for a walk to the corner store.... Hours later they come back. "What the Fuck took you two so long"? was my inquiry. That's when the X spoke up and told me he didn't want to be with me... the whole "It's not you it's me" thing. He figures he'd be happier with a guy. WTF. Anyways, this something I never seen coming. I dont really know how to feel. Used, ashamed, unworthy ... just a bunch of mixed emtotions going through my head right now. Any Advice on how to deal with such a thing would be appreciated. Thanks
How Doable Am I
You are 91% fuckable! Take this quiz at
How Does A Person Practice All Perfections?
One asks: "How does a person practice all the perfections?" The Buddha replied: "By not perceiving any duality. Through understanding this nonduality he teaches reality to all beings. With physical energy, he travels widely to teach. With mental energy, he guards against the arising of such ideas as "permanence or impermanence," "good or evil," and so on. With the perfection of wisdom, he does not consider anything ultimately real but serves all beings with loving attention so that energy, patience, and meditation will be aroused in them. but even though he attends to the minutest detail of whatever must be done, he never grasps it or tries to make ultimate sense of it, because he knows it has no enduring substance of its own."
How Do I Move On!
How do I move on? I'd really like to know. im reminded of my pain no matter where I go. I try to watch a movie, it shows up in a scene. I try to forget about it, but there is no such thing. so how do I move on? when it causes me such pain. I try to block it out, but my pain just breaks through. so how do I move on?....with friends just like you!
How Do You Feel...
My Heart Will Go On Video - Celine Dion lyricsCeline Dion Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
How Does One React?
For a few months now I have had a room mate named Crystal. Its odd the way she became our room mate as she was the new girlfriend of the ex best friend Ray. She came to meet him before halloween and we all hit it off so she stayed a few days and after a bit of a discussion she convinced me to allow her to move in and find a job near here since she was living in Poinciana with her family and they were in the middle of freakin no where there as well. So a few months have gone by now and her and I developed a closer relationship and began to refer to each other as sisters and not friends. This was very wierd for me since I am notorious for not trusting or being friends with very many females since I have a very bad track record of friendships with girls (usually I was betrayed one way or another) so for me to extend my heart to someone of the female persuasion these days is a major event to those who know me. Throughout this time frame I have given her clothes from my closet (all designer
How Do You Communicate???
You Communicate With Your Body This isn't as bad as it sounds, it just means that you're a "touchy-feely" person. You need a lot of affection in your life. And for you, this means both giving and receiving little touches. Warm hearted, you bond with people easily. In fact, you often feel a little sad when you're not in the company of others. A little moody, you tend to be controlled by your emotions. But a bit hug always comforts you! How Do You Communicate? (*clearing throat*) but... I already knew that!!! LOL... It is part of the reason that long distance relationships are soooo very hard on me.
Hey ya'll. Glad I could make it here! I'm looking forward to chatting with everyone and having a good time! I hope you like the pics. I do have my own web site, I have a lot of fun there, entertaing all my members! I do cam shows and private shows for my "Special Members"!! A little bit about myself. I am married and Bi-Sexual. I do have a live-in Girlfriend and I do play with other women. On my web site, I do take request's and I do answer all my email personally!! I will be doing private videos soon, so don't be shy. Let me know what you want to see! Hope to hear from all of you soon. Licks and Slurps, Celeste
How Do U Like It
Get Adult Graphics Cartoon codes Myspace Code Generators Layouts
How Do Know Love.
how do you know when your in love with a person. its confusing. you can be in love with someone but not be in love with them. i mean you love some one but not be in love with them to spend forever with. So again how do you know when your in love.
How Dumb
How Do I Build My Page
new to cherrytap and don't get how to build my page
How Do I Love Thee?
I call you collect every Thursday night. I gave you a cracker yesterday. I let you have my phone number But I changed it the very next day Sometimes I think about you But usually I don't. You're thinking we have something special But tomorrow I think we won't.
How Do I
How do I make you understand? How do I make you see? That everything he told you were lies that didn't come from me. Words I would never speak. Things I don't believe. They aren't even close to the feelings inside of me. How do I make you understand? How do I make you see? That he just didn't lie to you, He also lied to me. How do I make you understand? How do I make you see? That he told you nothing but lies, When you won't talk to me. Nothing but lies caused you to end the friendship, between you and me.
How Do You Know That A Bush Supporter Is Stupid ?
* Please Rate This Blog Answer: Because They Still Support Bush.
How Do U Define...
How do u define what a "true" online friend is? is it the person who "rates" all ur photos? is it the person who chats with u? is it the person who leaves you the most flashy comments? I have just been thinking about this lately. let me know what u think. I really want to know what my friends and family feel is the test/standard or proof of a "real" online friend.
How Do I ?
Ok i keep trying to update my default photo....why wont it change? i am new to this...any help will be appreciated.
How Do U Want To Me Handle You
Do you think that you can handle me? Make me scream your name and give me pleasure in so many ways? If you think you can, leave me a message saying, "I can please you." Now, here's the fun part; repost this and see who thinks they can, better yet, who wants to please you. If you're a boy; repost saying, "How do you want me to handle you" If your a girl; repost saying, "U think you can handle me?" You will be very suprised at the response that you will get!
How Do I Tell You ?
How Do You Feel About Me ?
Please steal a moment to fill this out with your opinions (and we all know what those smell like) in a comment sluts 1. Who the hell are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me or have i ever bit your nipple? 5. Would you suck my toes? (theyre very clean) 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. What was your first impression? 9. Have I ever licked you? 10. What reminds you of me? 11. If you could give me anything what would it be? 12. Would you give me your last beer? 13. When's the last time you saw me? 14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 15. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
How Daring Are You?
You Are a Dare Devil For you, life is one big dare. And you're all in for any adventure. Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating. You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself! How Daring Are You?
How Do I Tell You How I Feel About You
How do I tell you how I feel about you When everytime i think of you my body shakes everytime i see you my knees grow weak and everytime i'm with you i dont want the time to end. When everytime i look into your eyes, i wish i was there everytime i see you smile my heart melts and every night before i go to sleep i pray we dont end. I've tried somehow to say: you're the sun that lights up my sky the wind that keeps me cool on a hot summer day and sweet incense that keeps me on a natural high I want so much to tell you: that without you with me each day my day isn't complete that since day one I've always wanted to be with you that no matter what's going on in my life you're the reason there's a smile on my face and that loving you seems to be all I need to know. But everytime I want to the words just wont come out to you it may sound mushy or too cute you may not believe it so it's better I keep my mouth closed Then to try to tell you exactly whats on
How Do I Know
how do i know that i love you so that everything about me leads to you how do i know that this feeling will grow it never has stopped getting bigger by the day i know one thing i can say truthfully since the day we met my heart has truly been yours to have an to hold
How Do You Handle This???
how do you handle this??? how do you know who the right person is for you? what would you do when you think you have found the right person? what are ladies looking for in guys and do they know what guys are looking for in the ladies? i am trying to figure this out so i can figure out where i want to go with my life.
How Did I Get Here?
Latley, this seems to be my life's theme song?
How Do These People Survive
ONE Recently, when I went to McDonald's I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. "We don't have half dozen nuggets," said the teenager at the counter. "You don't?" I replied. "We only have six, nine, or twelve," was the reply. "So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?" "That's right." So I shook my head and ordered six McNuggets TWO I was checking out at the local Wal-Mart with just a few items and the lady behind me put her things on the belt close to mine. I picked up one of those "dividers" that they keep by the cash register and placed it between our things so they wouldn't get mixed. After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the "divider", looking it all over for the bar code so she could scan it. Not finding the bar code she said to me, "Do you know how much this is?" I said to her "I've changed my mind, I don't think I'll buy that today." She said "OK," and I paid her
How Do I Tell Them?
So here iam once more at the blogthingy.....yes i said thingy!lol....I made my decision....And for thoes who dont kno what i made my decision on well sit back and let me tell you the story....ohhhh.."This story contains sometin...dont kno what but it has somethin...viewer descression is advised"LMAO....Well my friend and I were talking about Montreal together and were both are from there and we promissed eachother that once were both out of high school that were goin to move back there....soooo about 2 months ago they said"whens the next time your goin back to montreal?"i told them i dont kno...they sid that they got into McGill and was leaving the last week of i had lots and lots of time to think about it and i thought about it clearly...i kno im goin to be leaving my friends and family here.......but im comming back at Christmas.So heres my do i tell the rest of my family and friends that im moveing?....oh and ya....( moveing to Montreal...i alrea
How Dirty Is Your Mind???
Your Mind is NC-17 Rated You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap. If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you! Do You Have a Dirty Mind?
How Do You Use Magic?
Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
How Do You Fix Love?
if it was a car, i would know what to do. or legos cuz im the man when it comes to legos. or if it was a shirt, i could sow it. yes i know how to sow. but how do you fix a broken heart? or love? or broken trust... cuz i need to make things right with her. i don't know what happened exactly but i want it to make it right. i can't fix everything but i'm gonna try the hardest i've tried at anything to fix us.
"how Do U Want To Handle Me"
Do you think that you can handle me? Make me scream your name and give me pleasure in so many ways? If you think you can, leave me a message saying, "I can please you." Now, here's the fun part; repost this and see who thinks they can, better yet, who wants to please you. If you're a boy; repost saying, "How do u want to handle me" If your a girl; repost saying, "U think you can handle me?" You will be very suprised at the response that you will get!
~~how Do You Feel About Back Body Hair~~
How Do The Contests Work?
Hey there I wanna enter a contest, but where do i find them? How do i know which ones are going on? i dunno how anything works lol....smy tips would help! thanks...
How Do You Respond To God's Justice?
How do you respond to God's justice? For the Lord is righteous, and he loves justice. Those who do what is right will see his face. Psalm 11:7 NLT Loving justice In an attempt to comfort Job in his of suffering and pain, his friend, Elihu, proclaimed a truth that we can depend on even today. Job 34:12 declares: There is no truer statement than this: God will not do wrong. The Almighty cannot twist justice. Isaiah received a prophetic message from the Lord to give to the nation of Israel. God's words to the Israelites in Isaiah 1:17 remind us of the importance of seeking justice. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows. God is concerned about justice in our world—this theme runs through the entire Bible. It is clear that he expects his people to encourage, defend, and plead for the needy in society. Thus, obvious personal applications flow from Scripture as we consider the oppressed, fatherless, and wido
How Do People See You?
Slow and Steady Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment. They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. How Do People See You?
How Do You React!?
So, he just told me that he hasn't loved me for an entire year... and thats why he wants the divorce... how the hell do i react to that ???
How Did You Do That?
How did you DO that? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2006-04-15, 5:31PM PDT You’ll never read this, little girl, but… I grew up an only child. I had friends, but sometimes they weren’t around. I had both parents and we went places and played often. But I enjoyed listening to my radio and coloring in my Spiderman coloring book in my room as much as I enjoyed playing with my friends or parents. I learned early on how to enjoy myself when I was alone. Not that way you sick monkey...well, at least, not yet. It also meant that when someone left, it wasn’t a huge loss. A friend would move away, I would miss them, but it wasn’t devastating. An uncle would die, I would be sad, but it didn’t bring the world to a screeching halt. As I grew into adulthood I began to treasure my time alone. Again, I had friends and we would go out and drink, hit on women way out of our league, and laugh about it later, but I enjoyed readin
How Does?
how does our goal become incomplete how does our love turn bitter not sweet we had such great plans and goals to be met i thought lifes destiny with yu it was set something went wrong on the path that we took something not seen or read from a book i thought yu were mine forever to be this horrible ending i did not foresee we wanted the same things in life our big dream to get there and stay there we must be a team for some reason now we are both on wrong sides the dream that we had reality could not hide to sit in the dream and just not look back real life and choices they cut us no slack what you want is not enough for me what i see cannot make us free you want what you want i cant help what you need but my dream doesnt come from self love and from greed my dreams were of you and what you could be but you couldnt see that incredible in me you chose to look elsewhere to find your complete with foul
How Do You Like Me Now
PRICELESS Music Video Codes By Music
How Daring Are You?
How Daring Are You?Congratulations, according to our experts, you scored : 75% which makes you Very DaringYou would make a good contestant on Fear Factor and we bet you are the life of the party. You better make sure you have your heath insurance paid up though.Find out how daring you are at
How'd This Happen
How could this happen? How could i devote myself to someone for him to wake up one day and not want to be with me? or just neds time to figure out if he does or not? how does this happen? i'm so confused baout all this.i don't really know if there is someone else but i do know that this shit isn't kool. am i cursed?hell i dunno. if whoever reads this has any idea on how a person could just stomp on another person's heart and just walk away please by all means let me know.or just let me know what i'm doing wrong here besides picking real winners.
How Do They Do That???
Does anyone know how to morph pictures? It so cool!
"how Does It Treat Me Like You Do" Monday-new Order
Ok this blog actually has to do with the title...seems to me that I'm being taken advantage of...I think I'm a nice guy...yeah yeah I know I DOOMED to finish last...but why does it have to hurt to get there...I don't feel that I'm appreciated...I work hard, and all I get is ingratefulness...if that even is a word...the world seems to be GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!...and like the IDIOT I am, I give, I've tried to say no, but turn around and give in once again..."Taken in...taken in again...there's one born every minute, and your looking at him"...Mike & The Mechanics-Taken In...If I felt as if my action were appreciated, hell I don't need "Thank You" since I would feel that enjoyed what I did for you, instead of taking me for to me, don't shut me out and only open your mouth ask for something, complain, or whatever...

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